Thesis,Final Review



ADDIS ABABA UNIVERSITYADDIS ABABA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY SCHOOL OF CIVIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF A G+4 HOTEL AT ADDIS ABABA A Thesis in CIVIL ENGINEERING By:- NAME ID NUMBER DANIEL ABERA ENR/6603/04 GOYTOM KEBEDEW ENR/3273/04 MEHARI TSEGAY ENR/3484/04 YOHANNES AREFE ENR/6397/04 A Thesis Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 The undersigned have examined the thesis entitled Structural Design of a G+4 hotel at Addis Ababa presented by DANIEL ABERA, GOYTOM KEBEDEW, MEHARI TSEGAY, YOHANNES AREFE , a candidate for the degree of Bachelor of Science and hereby certify that it is worthy of acceptance. Fresenay Zerabruk Advisor Signature Date Internal Examiner Signature Date External Examiner Signature Date Chair person Signature Date ii STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 UNDERTAKING We certify that research work titled Structural Design of a G+4 Hotel Building at Addis Ababa is my own work. The work has not been presented elsewhere for assessment. Where material has been used from other sources it has been properly acknowledged / referred. iii STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 ABSTRACT This project is mainly concerned with the structural design and analysis of a G+4 building intended for the purpose of Hotel. The Analysis is computed using ETABs V9. iv .6 software and the Design is done based on the Limitations and standards listed on EBCS 1995. Moreover. we are also grateful to all staffs‟ of Addis Ababa University. and for being everlasting enthusiastic from the beginning to the end of the project. for their consistent and continuous advises. constant support. support. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Primarily. patience and support throughout the project study. encouragement and precious guidance. we want to extend our sincere appreciation to our advisor. Addis Ababa Institute Of Technology (AAIT) for their heartily cooperation during our stay of five year in the University. encouragement. for their love. we want to specially thank the Almighty GOD for giving us the inspiration to start and patience to finalize this project work. dedication. creative suggestions and critical comments. but not least. Thirdly. Last. and colleagues. v . we would like to thanks for all our friends. Secondly. and encouragements valuable not only for the academic achievement but also for life lasting successfulness forwarded me during my stay in student life starting from high school to the university level. it will not be out place here to express special thanks to our dearest family. Ato FIRESENAY for his valuable advice. ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7 2................................................................................. 20 3................................1 Depth Determination ................................................................................ 27 5 FRAME ANALYSIS AND MODELING .............................................................................................................. 20 3............................................................................................................................................................................................. 26 4.......2 Loading ..........................................................................................................................................................................................1 1...................................................................................................................................................1 General....................................................2 Base Shear Calculation .... 7 2........................2 Depth Determination ..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................3 Story Shear Calculation...................................................................... 34 6 BEAM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN ........................3 Design Moment Calculation ......................2 Load Combinations ................. 11 2.......................................................3 Overview of The Project ...............................1 Earthquake Analysis .................................................... 4 1......................................................................... 1 1..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 30 5............................. 30 5..................6 Load Transfer to Beams ..... 23 4..........................4 Analysis ..................................................................................................................................................... 14 2............ 17 3 DESIGN OF STAIR CASE .................................................................................................................................................................1 General........................................................................................................................................................... 3 1........................................................................................................4 Reinforcement Calculation .....1 General............................................................................. 21 3....... 33 5...........1 Modeling for 3D Frame Analysis Using ETABS 2013 ....................... 9 2....5 Design .............................................................. 20 3.......................... 2 1........................................................................................... STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 Contents 1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................... 22 4 LATERAL LOAD ANALYSIS ............................................................................................................................................................................... 5 2 SLAB ANALYSIS AND DESIGN ...............5 Material Properties ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................3 Drift Analysis.............................................3 Load Calculations ............................................ 38 6.................................................................................................................................................... 23 4............................. 38 vi ....................7 2..........................2 Limit States.................................................................................................................4 Design Consideration ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................2.................................................................................................................................................................................... 71 Slenderness........................................1 Design for Shear .............................................................................................................................2 Flexure Theory ................................................................................................................................................................ 70 7............................................................................3 Shear ..........................2 Design of Isolated Footing ....................................... 131 9................................................... 71 7.....................................................................................................1 Design philosophy ............................................... 125 9.............................................1 Slab Detailing ................ 68 7 COLUMN DESIGN AND ANALYSIS .................................................................................. 139 10 CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................................. 39 6.................................................................. 61 6................................................................. 54 6.......... 114 8.............................. 50 6........................................................4 Bond and Development Length ......................................................................................................................... 133 9..................................................................................................................................... 143 12........................................................................................................... 143 13 REFFERANCE ...........................1 Check for Crack ...........................................................................6 Column Detailing ....................................................... 115 9 REINFORCEMENT DETAILS .................... 141 11 RECOMMENDATION ................................................................................................................................................................ 38 6..... 48 6... STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 6.1 Design procedure........................................................................... 112 8......................................................................................................................................................1 Design of Beam for Flexure ....................5 Foundation Detailing .......................................................................... 76 8 FOUNDATION ANALYSIS AND DESIGN ........2 Minimum Shear Rebar .............................................................1 Introduction .................................................. 132 9........ 57 6........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................2 Check for Deflection...........................................................................................................................................................2 Typical Beam Detailing ...................................................................................................1 Determination of total building weight and Center mass ...................................................5 Serviceability .......................... 129 9............... 59 6....................................................................................................2 Design of columns ...............................................................5...................................................................................................................... 70 7............................................................................................................................................ 142 12 APPENDICES ............................................. 156 vii ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................4 Roof Beam ..................................................................................................................................3 Ground Beam .......................3........................................................................................................................................................... 125 9...........................................................................................................................................2..3...............................................5.............................................. ....................................................................................................................................... 8 Table 2 Slab self weight and finishing .............................................................................................................. 110 Table 19 Footing 4C........................................................................................ 29 Table 12 Drift analysis result ..................... 12 Table 4 Design of slab support moments in the X direction............................................. 103 Table 17 Column 5E design result ............................................................................ 35 Table 13 Typical floor beams design result .................................................... 44 Table 14 Typical floor beams shear design result ...... 17 Table 7 Load transfer to beams ......................................................................................................... 151 viii ........................................ 147 Table 23 Roof Weight ........................................................................................ 28 Table 11 Center of mass of floors ............................................................................................................. 16 Table 6 Design of slab field moments in the X & Y direction ............................................. 18 Table 8 Stair design result....................... 107 Table 18 Column design result .............................................................................................. 124 Table 21 Typical Floor Weight and Center Mass .......................................................................5D & 5E design result......................... 55 Table 15Column 4C design result................................................................................................................................................................................................. 143 Table 22 Ground Floor Weight and Center Mass ............................ STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 Tables Table 1 Depth determination of slab ........................... 22 Table 9 Total building weight ..................................................................... 28 Table 10 Story shear distribution ...................................................... 123 Table 20 Isolated footing design result ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 16 Table 5 Design of slab support moments in the Y direction.......................... 100 Table 16 Column 5D design result .............................................................................................................................. 9 Table 3 Support and field moments of slab ................................................................................................................. ..................... 39 Figure 6 Moment envelop of beam on axis 4 .................................................................... 31 Figure 3 Stiffness modifier for column ............................................................................................................... STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 Figures Figure 1 Typical floor slabs .................................................................. 31 Figure 4 3-D Model ..... 50 Figure 8 Bending moment diagram of beam for serviceability ...... 7 Figure 2 Stiffness modifier for beam  ............................... 37 Figure 5 Beam on axis 4 ............................................................................................................ 39 Figure 7 Shear force diagram of beam on axis 4 b/n A&B .............................................................................................................................................................................. 62 ix ................................................................................................................ selecting a structural form and design that can survive adequately the accidental removal of an individual element . structures are designed to be under reinforced by certain percent to assure ductility mode of failure if it happens. They have to remain fit for their intended purpose with adequate durability. Yielding of steel bars warns the start of failure of a structure or its part. It must extend the time for evacuation of people inside a building. AAiT:BSc thesis Page 1 . It is practical to choose types of structural members for different criteria especially with regards to economy after assuring safety. It must also optimize the cost expended in building the structure and for maintenance. In case the structure fails.1 General Structures shall be designed appropriately so that they will sustain all actions and influences likely to occur during their intended life. Functional design: the structure to be constructed should primarily serve the basic purpose for which it is to be used and must have a pleasing look. If damages occur.tying the structure together Design of a certain structure involves determination of cross sectional dimensions. eliminating or reducing the hazards which the structure is to sustain . The design of any structure is categorized in to functional design and structural design. Therefore. area of steel and their distribution and the area and spacing of transverse bars satisfying all strength and service equipment. This requirement of structural design is accomplished by a principle called ductility. Ductility allows yielding of steel reinforcement prior to the collapse of the building. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 1 INTRODUCTION 1.avoiding.selecting a structural form which has low sensitivity to the hazards considered . they shall be minimized or avoided by providing appropriate solutions such as: . it must be in such a way it will minimize risks. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 Structural design: it is an art and science of understanding the behavior of structural members subjected to loads and designing them with economy and elegance to give a safe. it is said to have reached a limit state. Because there is less danger of loss of life.C. a) Ultimate limit states: involve a structural collapse of part or all of the structure. but not collapse per se. Persistent and transient situations 2. comfort of people. serviceable and durable structure. The major ultimate limit states are:  loss of equilibrium  rupture  progressive collapse  formation of a plastic mechanism  instability  fatigue b) Serviceability limit states: involve disruption of the functional use of the structure. It is mainly concerned about the function of construction works. Seismic situations 3. and appearance of the building. Such a limit state should have a very low probability of occurrence. which follows the Limit State design approach. Accidental situation This project is executed based on the Ethiopian Building Code Standard (EBCS) prepared in 1995 E. Limit states can be divided into three basic groups. a higher probability of AAiT:BSc thesis Page 2 . because it may lead to loss of life and major financial losses. Its main concern is the safety of structure and people. 1.2 Limit States When a structure or structural element becomes unfit for its intended use. Serviceability Limit states are those associated to conditions beyond for which a structure does not accomplish specified service requirements. Design situations The severe conditions which can be foreseen to occur in the life time of the building include: 1. Stairs and landings were designed as one-way slab. The building has typical floor of 252 squared meter area (18m*14m). Beams and columns were designed according to EBCS-2.  structural effects of fire. 1995. floor finish load along with its self- weight and live loads. explosions. frames analysis and lateral load analysis beams.3 Overview of The Project This project deals about the structural design and analysis of a G+4 building located at Addis Ababa with soil class B. and  long-term physical or chemical instability 1. AAiT:BSc thesis Page 3 . All slabs including the ground floor have a typical Hotel function and identical partitions. without a basement floor. The slabs were designed for partition load. 1995 provisions. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 occurrence can generally be tolerated than in the case of an ultimate limit state. The major serviceability limit states include:  excessive deflections  excessive crack widths  undesirable vibrations c) Special limit states: involves damage or failure due to abnormal conditions or abnormal loadings and includes:  damage or collapse in extreme earthquakes. stairs. The ground and typical floor slabs were designed using coefficient method. As a result of the natural stability of the ground below the foundation it will be designed with simple isolated footings. The structural design of this typical building involves design of solid slab for the floors. In the design process. first the minimum depth of slab for serviceability limit state was determined. columns and foundation. or vehicular collisions. considering live load and dead load analysis and all the external effects according to EBCS. The design of beams and columns is done for the critical moment‟s shears and axial loads obtained from the dead and live load combinations of the selected axis.  structural effects of corrosion or deterioration. 1. but also under abnormal but probable overloads (such as due to earthquake or extreme wind). STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 To simplify the design procedure. All the significant loads are inserted and analyzed for nine load combinations using ETABS Nonlinear V9. buckling. overturning. Loads acting on beams from slab reactions and partition walls directly resting on beams and lateral load acting on the frame were added to self-weight of beams to find total load acting on beams. calculations were done using designed MS-Excel spreadsheets. the thickness of the footing is determined from punching and wide beam shear. without discomfort to the user due to excessive deflection. cracking. Collapse may occur due to various possibilities such as exceeding the load bearing capacity. For the analysis of frames. vibration etc. The ability of a structure to carry loads safely and without material distress is achieved by using safety factors in the design of the AAiT:BSc thesis Page 4 . fatigue etc. the restrained conditions at the foundation level are assumed fixed. it is necessary to establish criteria for determining whether a given structure is acceptable for use in a specified circumstance or for use directly as a design objective that must be met. The structure must be able to carry the design load safely without excessive material distress and with deformations with in an acceptable range. sliding. The size of the footing was determined from the bearing capacity of the soil. Other considerations that come under the preview of serviceability are durability.4 Design Consideration Safety: Safety implies the likelihood of partial or total collapse of the structure is acceptably low not only under normal expected loads (service loads). Serviceability: Serviceability implies satisfactory performance of the structure under service loads.6 Design criteria To analyze or design a structure. acoustics and thermal insulation. = = 11.21(fck) 2/3 =1.21 AAiT:BSc thesis Page 5 . By altering the size. Partial safety factor = 1. Our code EBCS2 -1995 recommends concrete grade based on a test of 150mm cube at the age of 28 days in terms of its characteristic compressive strength (f cu ). It requires less safety factor. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 element.33MPa where the design characteristic compressive strength of cylinder tests. Characteristic tensile strength As it is difficult to obtain accurate data because of hardening problems empirical relations are used to obtain tensile strength. stresses in a structure can be maintained at safe levels and such that material distress. Concrete grade C-25 C denotes the characteristic compressive strength in MPa. In which values are measured by weight and using mixer. shape. and choice of material.21 = 0.8*25 = 20MPa where fck is the characteristic compressive strength of cylinder tests.5 Material Properties Concrete The main measure of structural quality of concrete is its compressive strength.5 MPa = 0. Class I workmanship and ordinary loading condition is used. = 0. 1.5 Compressive strength: fck = 0. Partial safety factor: = 1. a Hotel ground plus four (G+4) building will be designed in the pages that follow with a solid slab and frame combining beams and columns. Reinforcement steel Characteristic properties of reinforcement bar are expressed using its yielding strength and is given as: Steel grade S-300 .characteristic tensile strength of steel fyk 300 = = = 260. Factor of safety for permanent and variable loading condition are 1.characteristic strength of steel in MPa.15 Where fyd is the design tensile strength of steel Es = 200GPa where Es = Modulus of elasticity of steel. AAiT:BSc thesis Page 6 .  s 1.85fck The ultimate strain in concrete for design purpose is taken as 0.03MPa where = tensile strength of concrete fck = characteristic cylindrical compressive strength in MPa The ultimate stress in concrete for design purpose is: = 0.where S . STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 = 1.0035. Generally.3 and 1. Partial safety factor for actions in building structure for persistent and transient design situation is taken for unfavorable condition. and foundation with isolated footing.6 respectively (EBCS 2 table 3.87MPa. The unit weight of concrete is 24 KN/m 3.3).15 = 300Mpa where . 3) fyk Le d ≥ (0.1 General Slabs are horizontal structural elements which transfer service loads to the frame elements. There are two types of slabs based on the load transferring mechanisms. These are one way and two way slabs. These types of slabs are composed of rectangular panels supported at all four edges by walls or beams stiff enough to be treated as unyielding. One-way slabs transmit their load in one direction while two way slabs resist applied two directions. And their design should follow procedures.2 Depth Determination The minimum depth required for the slab can be calculated from the minimum depth required for deflection. The effective depth requirement for deflection can be calculated using the following formula (EBCS – 2 – 1995 Article 5. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 2 SLAB ANALYSIS AND DESIGN 2.6* ) 400  a AAiT:BSc thesis Page 7 .4 + 0.2.  Figure 1 Typical floor slabs 2. 44 108 P3 6500 450 the appropriate constant which depends on the support condition of the slab Note: For the purpose of construction simplicity and monolithic construction the governing overall depth has been taken.44 Edge span 35.44 108 P2 6500 450 1.44 Edge span 35.67 142 C7 4500 1500 3 Cantilever 12 106.67 142 C6 4500 2000 2.44 Edge span 35.6 107. Le – is the effective span.25 107 C4 4500 1500 3 Cantilever 12 106. For two-way solid slabs it is the shorter span βa . STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 Where: fyk – is the characteristic strength of the reinforcing bars.6 96 AAiT:BSc thesis Page 8 .25 107 C5 4500 2000 2.44 108 P4 4500 450 1 Edge span 40 95.6 107.25 107 C2 4500 1500 3 Cantilever 12 106.74 Cantilever 12 141.25 107 C3 4500 1500 3 Cantilever 12 106.6 96 P6 4500 450 1 Interior span 45 85 85 P7 4500 450 1 Edge span 40 95.74 Cantilever 12 141.6 107. Table 1 Depth determination of slab Support Provided "d" Panel Ly(mm) Le(mm) Ly/Lx condition Βa d(mm) (mm) C1 4500 1500 3 Cantilever 12 106.25 107 Support Provided "d" Panel Ly(mm) Le(mm) Ly/Lx condition Βa d(mm) (mm) P1 6500 450 1.6 96 P5 4500 450 1 Interior span 40 95. 02 23 0. Self-weight of the slab is equal to the overall depth times unit weight of concrete.C3 and P1-P7 12 D= 15+ + 108 = 129mm Use D=150mm for ease of electrical installation 2 2. C5.008 23 0. C3 and P1-P7 For C4.125 Cement weight 0. Partition loads are distributed over the slab if they are not large enough to cause localized effects.3 Load Calculations a. For C1.46 0. for line load effect Renold method should be checked.459 AAiT:BSc thesis Page 9 .75 Own weight 0.C5.165 25 4.Total depth (D) is calculated as:  D=Cover + +d 2 12 = 15+ + 142 2 = 163mm Use D=165mm for C4.02 23 0.03 23 0.69 Plastering 0.184 Total 5. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 Using ∅12 rebar and concrete cover of 15mm .008 23 0. C6 & C7 Table 2 Slab self weight and finishing Unit Depth load Unit weight Depth load (m) (KN/m2) weight (KN/m3) (m) (KN/m2) Own (KN/m3) 0.084 tile Total 5.184 Ceramic tile 0.03 23 0.46 screed Ceramic Plastering 0.69 Cement screed 0.C2.15 25 3. weights of the partition walls. C2.C6 & C7 For C1. Dead load (DL) The dead load is composed of the self-weight of the slab itself. weight of the finishing and other considerable permanent loads. However. According to EBCS 1(1995) we have live loads as following: P1-P7 ……………………. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 Self-Weight and finishing Partition Load From HCB wall = height * thickness * unit weight = 3. Live load (LL) Since the building is multifunctional the live loads are different depending on the function of the building. P4. P5.64m 6.8 KN/m2 For the rest use 1.0. 4 KN/m2 c. by taking partition length and panel area from the architectural drawing we get 8.3Gk  1.5 KN/m2 use 1.1 KN/m *partition length/Panel area= 6.6Qk Where.99 KN/m2 For P1 & P3 since 1.8 KN/m2 29.1 KN/m* =1.28m2 Similarly.2m * 10 KN/m3= 6.0.82 KN/m2 C1-C7………………. Pd = design load Gk = total dead load on slab Qk = total live load on slab AAiT:BSc thesis Page 10 .47 KN/m2 .1 KN/m For P1 and P3.5 KN/m2 which is minimum because they are less b. Design load (Pd) The design load is factored according to the following formula Pd  1. For P2 …………………1. P6 & P7 ………………….8KN/m2 > 1. 2 KN/m2 C1-C7 ……………………..05m * 0. P6 & P7 Pd  1.084  1.3 5.084  1.P5.3 5.76 KN / m2 For C1-C3 Pd  1.4 Analysis Analysis of the design moment will be done as per the EBCS-2-1995 Art A.3 5.5  1. Pd = the design load Lx = the shorter span of the panel Ly = is the longer span of the panel s = support f = span x = direction of shorter span y = direction of longer span AAiT:BSc thesis Page 11 .P4.6*4   15.084  1.15 KN / m2 For P2. The analysis of slab moments of two way slabs is accomplished by coefficient method using the formula: Mi  α i Pd Lx 2 Where.45 KN / m2 2.459  1.96 KN / m2 For C4-C7 Pd  1.6*2   11. Mi = the design moment per unit width at the point of reference α i = the coefficient given in Table A-1 in EBCS2-1995.6*2   12.5  1.2 for two-way solid slabs and for one way solid slabs the calculation will be performed as 1m wide beam.3.6*4   14.8  1.3 5. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 For P1 & P3 Pd  1.5  1. 96 KN/m Mxs   6.1KN 14.5m Mxs = 25. support and span moments of P1-P7 are shown below: Table 3 Support and field moments of slab For the cantilevers the moments are calculated using equilibrium equation.1*1.98 KNm AAiT:BSc thesis Page 12 .96 1.5  2 14. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016  Reading αi for each panel from EBCS 2. For C1-C3 6.5  2 Mxs 1. 53 KNm For C5 & C6 6.5  + 2 Mxs 1. use Moment Distribution Method.3.5m Mxs  26.1*2  + 2 Mxs 2m Mxs  43. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 For C4 & C7 15. If ΔM < 20% of the larger moment.45  2  2 15. If ΔM ≥ 20% then the unbalanced moment is distributed based on their stiffness. When using this method:  Unbalanced moment is distributed using the moment distribution method  Relative stiffness of each panel shall be taken proportional to its gross moment of inertia divided by the smaller span AAiT:BSc thesis Page 13 .45 KN/m Mxs   6.45 1. as in the moment distribution method for frames. the design moment is the average of the two B. According to EBCS 2.5  2 15. 1995 A.1*1.1KN 15.45 KN/m Mxs   6. The difference may be distributed between the panels on either side of the support to equalize their moments.1 KNm Moment Adjustment For each support over which the slab is continuous there will thus generally be two different support moments. Two methods of differing accuracy are given here for treating the effects of this redistribution on moments away from the support. there are two cases A. 0675 Kz  0.955 Step 3 determine Z from the following equation Z  Kz * d  0.= 129mm 2 2 Sample is shown For Panel 1 and then summarized in a tabular form for the rest. use C-25 concrete and S-300 steel which means fcu= 25MPa & fyk= 300 MPa 0.955*0.87 MPa c 1.067508669  sds*  0. using sds  0. =150-15.5 Design For design.15  12 d=D-cover.295 Step 2 Read Kz from the design chart of EBCS 1995.732 KNm = 11. For P1 Mxs1 = Mxs2 = Mys2 = 0 Mys1 = 12.732 KNm Step 1 Evaluate μsds M sd μsds  fcd  b  d 2 12.129m AAiT:BSc thesis Page 14 .33MPa *1000 mm 129 mm  *1000 2 = 0. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 2.33 MPa fyd= = = 260.68* f cu 0.5 s 1.68*25 MPa f yk 300 fcd= =  11. 732*1000 Nm As = = Z * f yd 0.15 mm AAiT:BSc thesis Page 15 .87 MPa As  396.169 mm2 Step 5 Calculate spacing of rebars  10  2 b * as  D2 S= as = = = 78.54 mm2 As 4 4 1000mm *78. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 Z  0.54 mm2 S= 396.169mm2 S  198.123m * 260.123m Step 4 Calculate area of steel (As) M sd 12. 12384 316.049242 0.129 0 p2 0.4171 197.9681 247.96 0.963526 p4 0.12126 581.96 0.952 0.129 9.287 0.072879 p6 0.732 0.12384 352.24 0.129 11. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 Design for support moments In the X direction Table 4 Design of slab support moments in the X direction As slab d Mxs1 Μsds Kz Z (mm2) S in mm p1 0.12126 581.658967 p7 0.129 12.060335 0.6386 134.399 0.96 0.097557 0.2246 222.6386 134.122808 397.94 0.097557 0.129 0 0 1 0.379 0.12384 287.129 10.129 18.054295 0.129 18.399 0.963526 p3 0.067509 0.86913 In the Y direction Table 5 Design of slab support moments in the Y direction AAiT:BSc thesis Page 16 .94 0.469 273.525468 p5 0. gd and qd are un factored dead and live loads respectively βvx and βvy are read from table based on their support condition and span ratio AAiT:BSc thesis Page 17 . STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 Design for field moments Both in the X and Y direction Table 6 Design of slab field moments in the X & Y direction 2.6 Load Transfer to Beams To transfer load from slab to the beams un factored slab DL and LL are computed separately and transferred to the beam as shear using the following formula Vx  vx  gd  qd  Lx Vy  vy  gd  qd  Lx Where. from P1-P7 AAiT:BSc thesis Page 18 . from P1-P7 Table 7 Load transfer to beams Live load transfer to beam . STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 Dead load transfer to beam. 224 AAiT:BSc thesis Page 19 . STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 Live and dead load transfer to beam From cantilevers Live and dead load transfer to beam From Stair Slab Lx gd qd Load transferred stair 1 7.364 stair 2 8.384 LB=26.24 LB=22.668 LB=64.074 3 B1=33.074 3 B1=31.623 B1=16.509 B1=20.332 LB=54. 1+21 =206.5m ßa=25 d=0.5m ßa=30 d=0. Dead load on the stair (taking 1m strip) Own weight=25*0.03=0.025=0.1 Depth Determination For Stair 1 Le=6.69 KN/m Plastering=23*0.2 Loading Live load take LL=3KN/m2 according to EBCS2 1995 .21=5.1mm D=184.85Le/ßa =>d=184.85Le/ßa =>d=221mm D=221+21 =242mm use D=250mm 3.1mm use D=210mm ForStair 2 Le=6. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 3 DESIGN OF STAIR CASE Stair 1 is between ground floor and REFPL1(first flight) Stair 2 is between REFPL1 and fourth floor 3.02=0.674 KN/m AAiT:BSc thesis Page 20 .25 KN/m Cement Screed=23*0.46 KN/m Marble=27*0. 93 Design Load On stair 1=1.93*1.074KN/m Total Dead load on the stair 2 =8.074+1.45 16.93KN 14KN/m 16.82)/2+7.05m*10KN/m3=6.5=30.52)/2+7.93*1.2m*3.93KN 1.5m 1.3=7.6*3 = 14KN/M On stair 2=1.3 Design Moment Calculation 7.8m M at landing for stair at section B=16.1KN/m Factoed HCB load=6.76 16.3KN/m 3.6*3= 15.77KN/m 7.93KN 1.77*(1.074+1.3*8.77KN/m 6.44 AAiT:BSc thesis Page 21 .8=41.5m 14KN/m 6.77*(1.77KN/m 7. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 Total Dead load on the stair 1 =7.5m M at landing for stair 1 and 2=16.5m M at Stair 1=78.3*7.5 KN/m2 for shaded area B HCB=0.1KN/m*1.074KN/m Partition Load 1. 866327 85.33KN/m 16.229 250 80.45 0.4 Reinforcement Calculation Table 8 Stair design result Notation d D mxs1 Μsds Kz Z As in mm^2 S in mm Stair 1 0.886 0.971049 104.93KN 6.19378122 0.1359511 0.67452802 Stair 2 0.189 210 78.8827788 AAiT:BSc thesis Page 22 .922 0.8 0.211138 1466.52)/8=80.3KN/m 6.3*6.5m M at stair 2 15.5m M at Stair 2=(15.167454 1795.5m 1.8KNm 3. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 15.77KN/m 7. 1 Earthquake Analysis Plate tectonics theory visualizes the earth as consisting of a viscous. E. Pressures act on areas of the surface providing forces normal to the surface for the structure or for individual cladding components. They may also directly affect the internal surface of open structures. forces of magnitude F=ma would be generated in it. If the structure was completely rigid. Once this movement has started. energy is released rapidly. They act directly on the external surfaces of enclosed structures and. Earthquake ground motions impart vertical and horizontal accelerations. various forces which act on the structures in different modes should be considered. Additionally. Wind load 2. only Earthquake load is considered since it is clearly the dominant one at our site. so we design for earthquake alone. frictional forces acting tangentially to the surface. Plus Earth quake is not likely to occur simultaneously with wind or maximum flood or maximum sea waves. is made more complicated because recorded earthquake ground motions contain a wide range of frequencies and maximum values of base acceleration. The determination of the seismic force. As a result. may be significant. a. Earth pressure Wind load Analysis Wind actions are fluctuating with time. Earthquake 3. to the base of a structure. also act indirectly on the internal surfaces. Earthquakes result from the sudden movement of these tectonic plates in the earth‟s crust. molten magma core with a number of lower-density rock plates floating on it. through porosity of the external surface. Because real structures are not rigid. Lateral loads are one of the modes of forces and they include: 1. when large areas of structures are swept by the wind. where m is the mass of the structure. For this project. causing intense vibrations to propagate out from the fault. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 4 LATERAL LOAD ANALYSIS In designing a building. Lateral seismic forces are closely related AAiT:BSc thesis Page 23 . the effects of these seismic waves and local soil conditions will lead to different ground motions at various sites. Earthquakes may involve regions of slip and/or offsets along surface faults. the actual forces generated will differ from this value depending on the period of the building and the dominant periods of the earthquake ground motions. 4. (3) It is most economical design but it also requires one of the most complicated Reinforcement detailing. inertia tends to keep structures in place. Without careful design. -the closer the frequency of the ground motion is to one of the natural frequencies of a structure. resulting in the imposition of displacements and forces that can have catastrophic results. the more susceptible it is to the effects of higher modes of vibration. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 to the fundamental period of vibration of the building. iii) From the bottom of the foundation if the building foundation have different elevation difference that are cover and exposed to the surface. Ductility Class (KD) have three different values. As the ground moves. Steps to strengthen a member for one type of loading may actually increase the forces in the member and change the mode of failure from ductile to brittle. The purpose of seismic design is to proportion structures so that they can withstand the displacements and the forces induced by the ground motion. the greater the likelihood of the structure experiencing resonance. Earthquake force determination To calculate Base shear force (Fb) we take height of the building:- i) From the bottom of the basement if the building have a basement.5 is medium ductility iii) KD= 2. (2) It require low reinforcement while it is constructed with small cross sectional area of frame structure. Design for earthquakes differs from design for gravity and wind loads in the relatively greater sensitivity of earthquake-induced forces to the geometry of the structure. -the taller a structure. ii) KD= 1.0 is high ductility which implies that (1) The structure is in plastic range.0 is low ductility which implies that (1) The structure is in elastic range. AAiT:BSc thesis Page 24 . resulting in an increase in both displacement and damage. i) KD= 1. forces and displacements can be concentrated in portions of a structure that are not capable of providing adequate strength or ductility. ii) From the bottom of the ground floor if the building does not have a basement. iii) Using High value of importance factor (I) put the structure into elastic range with larger columns. Moment resisting factor (C1) i) Have two values. AAiT:BSc thesis Page 25 . these buildings should remain fully functional for their intended purposes. First by digging out and changing soil below the foundation with different type of soil and second by compacting the soil to the required density. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 (2) It require high reinforcement while it is constructed with large cross sectional area of frame structure. Soil Type (S) i) It is found between the foundation of the building and bed rock. ii) We use high value of importance factor (I) for hospitals and nuclear plant because we do not allow any structural failure to these types of structures. Other second mode forces to different building floors are insignificant to be taken to calculation.085. for Reinforced Concrete C1=0. Wiping Effect (Ft) i) Such force come from second mode (Dynamic Analysis) which descends from top of the building to the foundation. Importance Factor (I) i) The magnitude of importance factor that we will use in earth quake design depends on building purpose or extent of building failure after anticipated earth quake hits. After the earthquake hits. ii) We use lower value for Reinforced concrete because the connection of beams to columns is homogeneously casted. The buildings lateral load distribution is computed as follows. It has to be higher value for steel structure because the connection is relatively weaker as it is bolt or welding connection. ii) It has to be added at the top because it is the only larger value to be considered. iii) The whole structure of the building is resisted from Earth quake by its frame system. Higher value of moment resisting factor gives higher Fundamental Period of Building (T1). (3) It is not economical design and have normal reinforcement detailing. To avoid such type of problem for example in Dubai where an exposed to earth quake foundation engineers set soil acceleration to design standard. ii) If the soil acceleration right below the foundation is too close or equal to bed rock acceleration the magnitude of Earth Quake to the structure will be magnified.075 and for Steel C1=0. 05 and use I = 1.0 α= 0.2 Base Shear Calculation According to EBCS-8. we use the following values αo = 0.5 S= site coefficient for the soil characteristics. the design spectrum Sd*(T1) normalized by the acceleration of gravity g is defined by the following expression:- Sd*(T) = αβγ (EBCS-8.075 AAiT:BSc thesis Page 26 .2. the seismic base shear force Fb for each main direction is determined by the equation: Fb=Sd*(T1)*W Where:- Sd*(T1) = Ordinate of the design spectrum T1= the fundamental period of vibration of the structure (in seconds) for translational motion in the direction of the motion.2 (4)) Where:- α= the ratio of the design bed rock acceleration to the acceleration of gravity g given by α =αo*I αo = bed rock acceleration ratio for the site and depend on the Seismic zone and I = the importance factor (EBCS-8. W= seismic dead load computed.05*1. The influence of local ground conditions.05 β= the design response factor for the site and is given by:- β=1. soil type.2*S/ (T2/3) ≤2.0 =0. Seismic zonal subdivision of the building in accordance to EBCS-8 1995 Article 1.1 and Table 2. In our case our soil was Soil class B S=1. For linear analysis. 1995 Table 1.4.2 For building up to 80m height the value of T1 may be approximated by the formula:- T1 = C1 *H3/4 (sec) Where:- H = Height of the building (m) = 16m C1= 0. 1995 Art 1. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 4.4 respectively) Since our building is located at Addis Ababa which is zone 2. 1995 static method of analysis.4 shall be considered for the design. 60332254 The total building weight is AAiT:BSc thesis Page 27 .7sec Ft = 31.07 T1Fb.4 < 0. for regular structures KR= 1.0 Kw-factor reflecting the prevailing failure mode in structural system with walls Kw= 1.2*2. γo = 0. 1995.2/ (0. dependent on the structural type (table 3.025*0.0*1.25 Fb Ft = 0.0242<2.6< 0.6 β= 1.0 for frame and frame equivalent dual systems γ= 0.4600604KN 4.4 = 0.7 ……….0405*18579.075*(163/4) = 0. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 T1 = 0. since T= 0.62/3)=2.26075= 752.0 = 0. which is given by Ft= 0 0.3 Story Shear Calculation The base shear force shall be distributed over the height of a structure concentrated at each floor level as Fi = (Fb – Ft)*Wi*hi Σ Wi*hi Where:-n= number of stories Fi=is the concentrated lateral force acting at floor i. Ok! Sd(T) = α*β*γ= 0.025 The behavior factor γ to account for energy dissipation capacity is given by:- γ= γo * KD*KR*KW ≤0.05*2.07 T1Fb ≤0. art.2) For frame system.3.2.2*1.5 take β=2.0405 Fb= 0.7 (EBCS-8.0 for KR-factor reflecting the structural regularity in elevation.3. Ft= is the a concentrated extra force (in addition to Fn) at the top of the structure accounting whiplash for slender structure.0*1.1 (1)) Where:- γo -basic value of the behavior factor.2 KD-factor reflecting the ductility class Use KD = 2. 1873 3 3689.60332 18997.4601 31.8 752.05 248.4601 31.5238 18579.72 131.358 16 752.6 752.3745 Roof 1187. Story Shear Distribution Table 10 Story shear distribution Floor W H Fb Ft W*H Fi ground 2634. Fi.301 6. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 W=∑Wi=18579.4601 31.3 AAiT:BSc thesis Page 28 .60332254 The horizontal forces at each level.26075 Fb 752.4601 31.4601 31. determined in the above manner are distributed to lateral load resistive structural elements in proportion to their rigidities assuming rigid floor diaphragms.60332 47223.4600604 Ft 31.60332 11805.29 186.301 12.2 752.301 9.7 0 752.60332 0 0 1 3689.2809 4 3689.76 62.4 752.26 Sum 137055.60332 35417.26075KN Table 9 Total building weight total weight in KN 18579.301 3.53 124.09363 2 3689.4601 31.60332 23611. 064587 floor Ycm 7.234333 AAiT:BSc thesis Page 29 .996949 Ground Floor Ycm 7. Xm = ΣWiXi Ym = ΣWiYi ΣWi ΣWi Xm Ym = the coordinate of the point of application of Fi when the seismic action is parallel to the Y.direction and X – direction respectively. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 Determination of Center of Mass Center of mass is a point on a floor level where the whole mass and its inertial effects can be replaced using lumped equivalent mass.120021 Typical Xcm 8.082283 Ycm 7.982205 Roof Xcm 8. Table 11 Center of mass of floors Xcm 9. 300 Mpa for main re-bar AAiT:BSc thesis Page 30 .4=12.9*10-06/k S-400 : Material type: Rebar : Unit Weight: 78. Fy: 347. C.17*10-5/k : Minimum Yield Stress.49 KN/m3. : Modulus of Elasticity: 200Gpa : Poisson‟s ratio: 0.0Mpa for main rebar Fu. Fu: 400.260. Thermal Expansion: 1.0833Gpa : Coefficient of thermal Expansion: 9.  S-300 Reinforcement bar grade for transverse or stirrup bar. Step 2: Define Material Material used and defined are.2.2 : Shear Modulus (G):E/2*(1+n)=29/2.  Grid dimensions  Story dimensions.5Kg :Weight per unit volume.  C-25 Concrete grade  S-400 Reinforcement bar grade for main and or longitudinal bar.25KN/m : Modulus of Elasticity: 29Gpa : Poisson‟s ratio: 0. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 5 FRAME ANALYSIS AND MODELING 5.83Mpa for main rebar Fy.3 : Shear Modulus (G):76.1 Modeling for 3D Frame Analysis Using ETABS 2013 Step 1: Open new model and build plan girder system and story definition.86Mpa for transverse re-bar : Minimum Tensile Stress.92Gpa : Coefficient.25 :Material type: concrete C-25 : Type of material: Isotropic :Mass per unit volume. Figure 2 Stiffness modifier for beam  Figure 3 Stiffness modifier for column AAiT:BSc thesis Page 31 .  For ultimate limit state. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 Stiffness modifiers for beam and column Stiffness modifiers in ETABS are the factors to increase or decrease some properties of the cross section for example area. Generally they are used to reduce stiffness of concrete sections to model for cracked behavior of concrete. They are only applied to concrete when designing for ultimate limit state members because it cracks under service loading. inertia. torsion constant etc. AAiT:BSc thesis Page 32 . Square Column (45x45 cm) for edge and corner columns Square Column (60x60 cm) for cenrtal columns Floor Beam (35x50 cm). STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016  For serviceability limit state Stiffness modifiers for column Stiffness modifiers for beam Step 3: Define Frame Section the sections used defined. j '' ''  Q. j Gk . wind loading on walls and roofs. self-weight of structures and fixed equipment.1QK . Variable actions Q: e. imposed loads on building floors and beams. including footings. j Partial factor for permanent action j in calculating upper design sup value γQ.g.2 Load Combinations Effects of actions that cannot exist simultaneously due to physical or functional reasons should not be considered together in combinations of actions.i 0. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 Ground beam.1 '' ''   Q . etc. Step 5: Assignment of Loads First. piles. where the strength of construction AAiT:BSc thesis Page 33 . 30X55cm Top tie beam. Introduce Live Load on Definition of load Pattern then use load Combination: 5.. basement walls.g.i Qk . The main actions to be used in load cases used for design are: Permanent actions G: e.25X445cm Step 4: Draw the different Structural Members Using the grid System Draw the structural Members with their Defined Frame Section Properties It includes assignment of Restraints (fixed Joint).i i 1 Where γG Partial safety factor of permanent actions γQ Partial safety factor of variable actions ψ0 Factor for combination value of a variable action „‟+‟‟ Implies „„to be combined with‟‟ „„∑‟‟ Implies „„the combined effect of‟‟ γG.  j 1 G. i Partial factor for variable action i STR Internal failure or excessive deformation of the structure or structural members. 75combo1+EQXB Combo 4=0.75combo1+EQXT Combo 3=0.75combo1+EQYB Combo 8=0.L Combo 1=1.75combo1-EQYT Combo 9=0. In this stage it is preferable to make the frame non sway because of the complexity in designing when the frame contains slender columns and due to uncertainties that could be arises from.75combo1-EQXT Combo 5=0. 5.L+L.75combo1+EQYT Combo 7=0.L Combo 2=0.  Design uncertainties  Modeling uncertainties  Material uncertainties  Construction defects  Un-avoidable and or Natural uncertainties AAiT:BSc thesis Page 34 .L+1.6L. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 materials of the structure governs GEO Failure or excessive deformation of the ground where the strengths of soil or rock are significant in providing resistance Serviceability=D.3D. we imposed the un-factored distributed load transferred from slab and wall to the beam members.3 Drift Analysis After analysis result is obtained drift analysis is carried on to check whether the frame is Sway or non-sway frame.75combo1-EQYB Finally. Step 6: Analysis After checking for errors the frame will be analyzed. Differentiating the frame type helps in choosing the design limits and design procedures.75combo1-EQXB Combo 6=0. where.1 then the frame is non-sway frame. Sway moments are those associated with the horizontal translation of the top of a story relative to the bottom of that story. Ptot d r If    0.98 0 0. for this reasons the frame structure could be sway while it is designed as non-sway frame structure. the sway moments found by a first-order analysis shall be increased by multiplying them by the moment magnification factor: The amplified sway moments method shall not be used when the critical load ratio Nsd/Ncr. the following approximation may be used in beam and-column type. According to EBCS 2-1995 In the amplified sway moments method. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 Therefore.058651387 0 AAiT:BSc thesis Page 35 .002184 0 0. direct. They arise from horizontal loading and may also arise from vertical loading if either the structure or the loading is asymmetrical Alternatively.Ncr is its critical value for failure in a sway mode. Vtot h Otherwise consider the second order effect due to the horizontal displacement of the frame.25. As an alternative to determining Nsd/Ncr.99 0 0.05881328 0 floor comb 3 0 -20705 -770.00219 0 -0. M=  Hence check frame type. is more than 0. Table 12 Drift analysis result combin Locati ϴx=∑p*drift/ ϴy=∑p*drift/ Story ation on ∑P ∑Vx ∑Vy Drift in x Drift in y ∑Vx ∑V y 1st comb 2 0 -20705 770. Nsd is the design value of the total vertical load . this can be considered by P-D analysing the frame model. 032084964 comb 2 0 -857.002132 0 -0.49 0 0.46 0 0.062680515 0 comb 6 0 -20705 0 770.97 0 0.000912 -0.00237 0 0.079895827 comb 9 0 -20705 0 770.052575328 0 comb 3 0 -15694.42 389.3 -707.003184 0 -0.005674222 0 comb 3 0 -857.9 0 580.054128186 0 2nd comb 5 0 -15694.039609677 0 comb 3 0 -10748.054283472 0 floor comb 6 0 -15694.002374 0 0.002772 0 -0.001464 0 -0.053461027 comb 7 0 -10748.038480088 0 floor comb 6 0 -10748.003001 0 -0.3 0 707.052664063 0 comb 4 0 -15694.3 0 707.002989 0 -0.42 389.002334 0 0.97 0 0.46 0 0.024971507 0 comb 4 0 -5803.3 0 707.053479545 comb 8 0 -10748.003199 0 -0.42 389.9 580.051331474 comb 2 0 -5803.070963685 comb 7 0 -15694.005756275 0 Roof comb 4 0 -857.080271807 comb 7 0 -20705 0 770.97 0.9 0 580. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 comb 4 0 -20705 -770.97 0 0.002285 0 -0.002139 0 -0.42 389.47 0 0.000899 -0.95 135.038313427 0 3rd comb 5 0 -10748.002748 0 -0.002199 0 -0.032724878 comb 9 0 -5803.002888 0 -0.9 0 580.49 0 0.93 0.46 0 0.93 0 0.3 -707.3 -707.49 0 0.3 0 707.93 0 0.46 0 0.003217 0 -0.47 0 0.9 580.080594076 comb 2 0 -15694.001301 0 -0.42 389.3 -707.95 135.002447 0 0.47 0 0.001684 0 -0.001475 0 -0.97 0 0.003001 0 -0.46 0 0.002975 0 -0.080594076 comb 8 0 -20705 0 770.95 135.42 389.021950521 0 or comb 6 0 -5803.008211528 AAiT:BSc thesis Page 36 .0009 -0.46 0 0.00244 0 0.97 0 0.005598482 0 comb 5 0 -857.46 0 0.002069 0 -0.49 0 0.003215 0 -0.97 0 0.002887 0 -0.002078 0 -0.050887046 comb 9 0 -10748.071362981 comb 2 0 -10748.034198167 comb 7 0 -5803.002298 0 -0.9 0 580.97 0 0.039480052 0 comb 4 0 -10748.93 0 0.98 0 0.95 135.9 580.071318615 comb 8 0 -15694.070630939 comb 9 0 -15694.000887 -0.002156 0 -0.98 0 0.001678 0 -0.97 0.42 389.46 0 0.97 0.002329 0 0.025060798 0 comb 3 0 -5803.93 0 0.47 0 0.9 580.97 0 0.42 389.034004705 comb 8 0 -5803.062546238 0 comb 5 0 -20705 -770.005680534 0 comb 6 0 -857.021786822 0 4thflo comb 5 0 -5803.97 0.95 135. 98 0 0.93 0.8 0 770.001215 0 -0.8 0 770.98 0 0.98 0 0.95 135.8 770.001295 0 -0.95 135.034730604 0 comb 4 0 -22202.95 135.008205216 comb 9 0 -857.98 0 0.008186281 comb 8 0 -857. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 comb 7 0 -857.93 0.98 0 0.001297 0 -0.044406792 Since all the Θ value is<0.001541 0 -0.001206 0 -0.008173657 comb 2 0 -22202.0013 0 -0.034989787 0 nd comb 6 0 -22202.8 0 770.001207 0 -0.04443559 comb 8 0 -22202.98 0 0.001535 0 -0.034932191 0 Grou comb 5 0 -22202.8 770.   3D model Figure 4 3-D Model AAiT:BSc thesis Page 37 .8 770.98 0 0.034759402 0 comb 3 0 -22202.1 therefore.044377994 comb 7 0 -22202.8 0 770.001213 0 -0.044205205 comb 9 0 -22202.001543 0 -0.93 0.001542 0 -0. the frame type is non-sway.8 770.98 0 0. 2 Flexure Theory The theory of flexure for reinforced concrete is based on three basic assumptions. Ultimate limit states These involve a structural collapse of part or all of the structure.1 General Beam is a structural element that resists external force by developing internal shear and moment. This assumption implies a perfect bond between the concrete and the steel. for concrete at  c  3.  The strain in the reinforcement is equal to the strain in the concrete at the same level. The second assumption is necessary. But in some cases. It is designed considering the ultimate and service limit states. which are used to calculate the moment resistance of a beam.5%0 and for steel at  s  10%0 AAiT:BSc thesis Page 38 . bond and serviceability tensile strength of concrete is considered. The first of these is the traditional “plane sections remain plane” assumption made in the development of flexural theory for beams constructed with any material.  Failure occurs. because the concrete and the reinforcement must act together to carry load. Additional assumptions include :  The tensile strength of concrete is neglected in flexural strength calculations. 6. Basic Assumptions in Flexure Theory Three basic assumptions are made:  Sections perpendicular to the axis of bending that are plane before bending remain plane after bending. such as shear. flexure and shear failures are under this category.  The stresses in the concrete and reinforcement can be computed from the strains by using stress–strain curves for concrete and steel. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 6 BEAM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN 6. concrete crushes before steel yields . design of beam on axis 4 b/n A&B is shown below.Concrete crushes and steel yields simultaneously 6.used for design because it is ductile failure  Compression failure .2.1 Design of Beam for Flexure For sample calculation. The rest is summarized in a table done on excel. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 Types of flexural failure  Tension failure .reinforcement yields before concrete crushes . Beam on axis 4 Figure 5 Beam on axis 4 Figure 6 Moment envelop of beam on axis 4 AAiT:BSc thesis Page 39 .must be avoided because it is brittle failure  Balanced failure . D=450mm d= 500mm – cover – stirrup ∅ .fyd= 347.....826 MPa  Determine effective width (beff) bw= 0.2m  Effective depth(d) Assuming ∅14 rebar and stirrup of ∅8 .5m c/c spacing =  6.all rebars have yielded Below are shown design of one +ve and one –ve moment for sample AAiT:BSc thesis Page 40 . ....main rebar ∅/2 d=500mm.rectangular section and ... STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016  Material property C-25 concrete …………………. fcd= 11.25mm-8mm-7mm d= 460mm  Check section type (rectangular or T-beam) Assume. Le= 4.5  4.33MPa S-400 steel …………....3m ...5  = 5.5m 2 Take beff = 1. all bars have yielded Es 200 Step 3 Calculate area of steel (As) M sd 769. using μsds = 0.2m Kz = 0.69 mm2 As As 356. Use 3 ∅14 rebars as  r 49 As.74 %0 .89 No of bars = = 2 = = 2. M= 55.979 fyd 347..69 As = = Kz * d * f yd 300*460 As = 351. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 For positive moment.81 AAiT:BSc thesis Page 41 .018 < μsds*=0.018 Kx=0.062 X= Kx * d =0. provided = 3*49π = 461.09 KNm Step 1 Evaluate μsds Msd μsds = fcd  beff  d 2 55.295 Step 2 from the design chart of EBCS 1995.09 KNm = 11.062 * 460mm =28.33MPa *1200 mm  460 mm  *1000 2 = 0.52mm <150mm the section is rectangular with b=beff = 1.28 ……….826 εs= 10%0 > εyd= = = 1. 35m  457 mm  2 = 0. all bars have yielded Es 200 Step 3 Calculate area of steel (As) M sd 167.882 fyd 347.35m Use ∅20 for main rebar and ∅8 for stirrups Step 1 Evaluate μsds 20 dneg= 500-(25+ +8)= 457mm 2 Msd μsds = fcd  beff  d 2 167..826 MPa As = 1197.882* 0. using μsds = 0.01 Kz = 0.649 mm2 As As 1197. Use 4 ∅20 rebars as  r 100 AAiT:BSc thesis Page 42 .457*347.91 KNm Section is rectangular with bw= 0. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 For negative moment. M= 167.203 Kx=0.91*1000 Nm As = = Kz * d * f yd 0.81 ……….33MPa *0.91*1000 Nm μsds = 11.295 Step 2 from the design chart of EBCS 1995.74 %0 .826 εs= 10%0 > εyd= = = 1.203 < μsds*=0.649 No of bars = = 2= = 3. 082 ………. As As 628.+ve = 351. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 As.. take 50% of the negative rebar.64 mm2 If 50% of the negative rebar area is greater than the positive rebar area. provided = 4*100π = 1256.75 KNm) .69 mm2 100 Therefore take As = 628. Use 5 ∅14 rebars as  r 49 Similarly for the negative moment on the left (129. we get 3 ∅20 rebars  design for flexure of the rest moments is summarized in the table below. And the reverse is true. i.e.e.3185 mm2 > As . 50 50%(As .3185 mm2 to calculate No of rebar for the positive reinforcement i. which is done on excel using template.64mm2) = 628.3185 No of bars = = 2= = 4. AAiT:BSc thesis Page 43 .-ve)= * (1256. 3185 5 769.65 0. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 For the typical beam Table 13 Typical floor beams design result As Beam Moment(KN) μsd.597 0 1256.164 0 944.637 4 20 0 0 5&6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C b/n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 AAiT:BSc thesis Page 44 .185 0 1075.974 0 1256.6902 5 14 0 0 0 4&5 7 152.0 0.65 0.637 4 20 B 157.637 0 0 0 0 0 1256.7522 0 628.637 0 0 0 0 0 1256.13 0.164 2&3 136.19 0 1113.188 0 1102.017 0 420.7522 0 628.185 0 1075.637 4 20 b/n 156.65 0.637 0 0 0 0 0 1256.4 0.017 0 423.637 4 20 A 152.13 0.637 0 0 0 0 0 1256.031 0 588.637 4 20 b/n 66.637 4 20 b/n 91.637 0 0 0 0 0 1256.597 0 1256.188 0 1102.123 0 615.11 0 1256. As No.026 0 507.637 0 0 0 0 0 1256. Axis +ve +ve -ve -ve +ve -ve +ve -ve positive bar positive bar Ф Negative bar Ф b/n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.637 0 0 0 0 0 1256.637 4 20 0 0 0.11 0 1256.09 0 944.09 0.85 0 1075.3185 5 769.6902 5 14 0 0 0 3&4 3 157.185 0 1075.185 5&6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 b/n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2&3 157.637 0 0 0 0 0 1256.637 0 0 0 0 0 1256.597 0 1256.637 0 0 0 0 0 1256.19 0 1113.637 4 20 b/n 79.697 0 615.19 0 1113.3185 5 769.11 0 1256.637 4 20 136. No.637 0 0 0 0 0 1256.377 0 1256.8141 0 628.85 0.85 0.597 0 1256.6902 5 14 0 0 0 4&5 4 156.8141 0 628.327 0 461.637 4 20 b/n 65.637 4 20 157.072 0 461.8 0.377 0 1256.974 0 1256.65 0.637 4 20 b/n 152.19 0 1113.s As provided As provided for reversal effect on b/n No.85 0.637 0 0 0 0 0 1256.2 0.11 0 1256.6902 5 14 0 0 0 3&4 6 152.3185 5 769. 956 6 20 b/n 116.4778 7 1077.956 0 0 0 0 0 1884.3185 5 769.956 0 0 0 0 0 1884.637 4 20 153.4778 7 1077.6282 0 942.4778 7 1077.956 0 0 0 0 0 1884.139 0 1884.778 0 1256.788 0 923.26 0 1608.03 0 584.566 7 14 0 0 0 3&4 7 214.956 6 20 b/n 217.98 0.195 0 1144.668 0 1884.632 0 615.031 0 785. 0.637 4 20 b/n 74.185 0 1077.4778 0 0 0 0 0 942.637 0 0 0 0 0 1256.16 0.6902 0 942.63 0 1256.35 0.566 7 14 0 0 0 3&4 9 217.26 0 1608.4778 0 0 0 0 0 942.637 0 0 0 0 0 1256.6902 5 14 0 0 0 AAiT:BSc thesis Page 45 .263 0 1632.63 0 1256.956 6 20 b/n 214.4778 7 1077.35 0.371 0 1256.637 4 20 0.7522 0 628.85 0.956 0 0 0 0 0 1884.027 0 513.11 0.74 0.26 0 1608.4778 3 20 b/n 90.98 0.566 7 14 0 0 0 4&5 08 217.16 0.98 0.139 0 1884.956 6 20 217.26 0 1608.637 0 0 0 0 0 1256.956 0 0 0 0 0 1884.9 E 0.668 0 1884.3 145.637 0 0 0 0 0 1256.89 0 461.139 0 1884.163 0 937.85 0.04 0 615.134 0 942.778 0 1256.134 0 942.263 0 1632.185 0 1077.016 4&5 3 0 403.263 0 1632.6902 5 14 0 0 0 3&4 4 145.668 0 1884.956 0 0 0 0 0 1884.176 0 1020.3185 5 769.637 0 0 0 0 0 1256.11 0. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 2&3 153.956 0 0 0 0 0 1884.195 0 1144.029 0 748.98 0.566 7 14 0 0 0 4&5 33 214.74 0.956 0 0 0 0 0 1884.5 0.263 0 1632.7522 0 942.7522 0 942.637 4 20 161.637 4 20 b/n 63.956 6 20 b/n 122.74 0.176 0 1020.163 0 937.025 0 478.8 0.4778 3 20 135.637 4 20 b/n 79.8141 0 628.139 0 1884.637 0 0 0 0 0 1256.668 0 1884.956 6 20 0 0 5&6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 b/n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2&3 161.748 0 615. 0.74 0.007 0 769.371 0 1256.956 6 20 0 0 5&6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 b/n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2&3 135.956 6 20 D 214. 91 0.4778 3 20 b/n 57.99 0 942.63 0 1256.88 0.649 0 1256.108 0 942.4778 3 20 133.018 352.158 0 905.02 0 386.227 0 942.3185 5 769.91 0.97 0.4778 0 0 0 0 0 942.238 4 615.2389 4 615.637 4 20 4 167.68 0.151 0 859.4778 3 20 b/n 60.6902 5 14 0 0 0 B&C 8 167.649 0 1256.3 0.4778 0 0 0 0 0 942.176 0 1020.68 0.203 0 1197.637 4 20 b/n 145.97 0.4778 3 20 133.7522 4 14 0 0 0 C&D 5 133.345 0 942.3185 5 769.2389 4 615.4778 0 0 0 0 0 942.637 0 0 0 0 0 1256.4778 3 20 129.637 4 20 b/n 88.3 133.7522 4 14 0 0 AAiT:BSc thesis Page 46 .8141 0 471.203 0 1197.26 0.632 0 461.637 4 20 b/n 53.2389 4 615.741 0 461.018 0 341.97 0.8141 0 628.7522 4 14 0 0 0 A&B 2 133.162 0 929.97 0.151 0 859.162 0 929.019 0 369.018 0 351.018 0 353.8141 0 471.68 0.6902 5 14 0 0 0 A&B 9 167.4778 0 0 0 0 0 942.67 0.162 0 929.698 0 461.203 0 1197.02 0 385.547 0 461.4778 0 0 0 0 0 942.125 0 942.679 461.91 0.036 0 942.637 0 0 0 0 0 1256.108 0 942.03 0 568.0 0.7522 4 14 0 0 0 D&E 9 130.4778 0 0 0 0 0 942.93 0 615.8 0.3185 5 769. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 145.151 0 859.8141 0 471.72 0 461.176 0 1020.637 4 20 0 0 5&6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 130.4778 0 0 0 0 0 942.158 0 905.162 0 929.227 0 942.7522 4 14 0 0 0 D&E 4 124.75 0.227 0 942.4778 0 0 0 0 0 942.7522 4 14 0 0 0 B&C 1 3 133.5 0.85 0.323 0 461.8141 471.2 0.637 0 0 0 0 0 1256.77 0.8141 0 471.161 0 926.637 0 0 0 0 0 1256.4778 0 0 0 0 0 942.8141 0 628.203 0 1197.171 0 891.4778 0 0 0 0 0 942.7 141.4778 0 0 942.4 0.024 A&B 1 0 459.649 0 1256.4778 3 20 0.108 0 942.875 0 461.4 167.157 0 896.67 0.637 0 0 0 0 0 1256.63 0 1256.637 4 20 0.91 0.8141 0 471.6902 5 14 0 0 0 C&D 124.161 0 926.125 0 942.637 0 0 0 0 0 1256.4778 3 20 b/n 55.2389 4 615.7522 0 628.4778 3 20 b/n 60.797 0 942.238 4 615.85 0.477 3 20 5 0.649 0 1256.4778 0 0 0 0 0 942.4778 3 20 124.227 0 942.4778 3 20 b/n 55.4778 3 20 b/n 55.4778 0 0 0 0 0 942.477 3 20 b/n 71. 018 0 346.073 804.18 0.94 5 24 b/n 133.846 461.171 0 891.2389 4 615.18 0.374 0 942.7522 4 14 0 0 D&E 3 127.91 0 942.42 0.4778 0 0 942.477 3 20 274.271 0 1875.153 0 802.501 0 2261.91 0 942.6 0.26 0.8141 471.477 3 20 138.4778 0 0 0 942.889 461.2477 1130.16 0.8141 471. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 141.4778 3 20 AAiT:BSc thesis Page 47 .4778 0 0 942.271 0 1875.477 3 20 b/n 69.4778 0 0 942.2389 4 615.18 0.3 0.973 6 1206.947 0 0 0 2261.947 0 0 2261.477 3 20 b/n 54.4778 0 0 942.7522 4 14 0 0 C&D 3 138.167 0 871.501 0 2261. 780.947 5 24 138.167 0 871.91 0 942.036 B&C 95 274.372 6 16 0 0 0.42 0.345 0 942.023 0 445.167 0 871. Figure: shear compression failure Shear Tension Failure: Due to inadequate anchorage of the longitudinal bars. it should be provided with enough stirrups. Figure: shear tension failure AAiT:BSc thesis Page 48 . Figure: diagonal tension failure Shear Compression Failure: There is crushing of the concrete near the compression flange above the tip of the inclined crack.3 Shear Failure due to shear is sudden and brittle compared to flexure failure. the diagonal cracks propagate horizontally along the bars. The following five modes of failure due to shear are identified. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 6. Diagonal tension failure: an inclined crack propagates rapidly due to inadequate shear reinforcement. There can be anchorage failure or failure of the bearing. amount and anchorage of reinforcement. cross- section of the beam. That is why flexural failure is preferred over shear failure. It depends on the a/𝑑 ratio. the web may buckle and subsequently crush. Figure: arch rib failure The occurrence of a mode of failure depends on the span-to-depth ratio. loading. Figure: web crushing failure Arch Rib Failure: For deep beams. Shear failure starts at the neutral axis and extends in both directions. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 Web Crushing Failure: The concrete in the web crushes due to inadequate web thickness. Shear failure is very explosive and brittle. In order to guarantee flexural failure over shear • Make the beam slender • Over design the beam for shear by 20-25% AAiT:BSc thesis Page 49 . ...296  0.69x X = 3.44x = 547-121..5-x) 44.44 121.296 AAiT:BSc thesis Page 50 .70 KN 1.296 m 300 For d = 460mm .44x = 121. fcd= 11. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 6..69 (4. Vsd*= = 104.87 MPa Step 2 Determine design shear force (Vsd*) For beam A Vsd=121.33 MPa S-300 steel ………….....69 = 4.5  x x 44.fyd= 260.15 121.69 KN From comb 5 Figure 7 Shear force diagram of beam on axis 4 b/n A&B 44.81 KN 3.1 Design for Shear Below is shown sample calculation for shear design of beam on axis 4 b/n A&B Step 1 Material property C-25 concrete …………………...69  3..457  For d = 457mm Vsd*= =104..3.. 46  Vsd*= = 108.33 *350mm * 457mm mm 2 AAiT:BSc thesis Page 51 .81 KN 3.41  d  = .25* 11.78(4.41  0.33 *350mm * 460mm mm 2 VRD = 456.5  x x 40.03 KN .78 = 4.36 125.41  d 3. Vsd*= x 3.25* fcd*bw*d N VRD = 0.78 3.25* 11.92 KN 3.78 3.41 For d = 457mm 125.41  0.36x = 125. for ∅14 For d = 457mm VRD = 0.457  Vsd*= =108.78 Vsd * 125.25* fcd*bw*d N VRD = 0.41 For d = 460mm 125.41 Step 3 Determine diagonal compression failure For d = 460mm VRD = 0.41 m 125.78 3.5-x) X = 3. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 From comb 4 40. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 VRD = 453.06 KN , for ∅20 Step 4 Calculate shear capacity of concrete (Vc) Vc = 0.25*fctd*k1*k2*bw*d f ctk  0.21 f ck   0.21 *20  = 1.0315 MPa 2/3 2/3 fctd = = = c 1.5 1.5 k1= 1+50ρ ≤ 2 ρ = As/bd For 5∅14 As = 5*49π = 769.69 mm2 769.69 ρ= = 0.0057 300* 460 k1= 1+50*0.0057= 1.28 For 3∅20 As = 3*100π = 942.478 mm2 942.478 ρ= = 0.00687 300* 457 k1= 1+50*0.00687=1.34 k2 = 1.6 – d k2 = 1.6 – 0.46 = 1.14 , for +ve moment (bottom) k2 = 1.6 – 0.457 = 1.143 , for –ve moment (top) taking minimum k1 & k2 N Vc = 0.25*1.0315 *1.28*1.14*300*460 = 51.93 KN mm 2 Vc < Vsd , provide shear reinforcement AAiT:BSc thesis Page 52 STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 Step 5 Determine spacing Vsd = Vc + Vs Vs = Vsd – Vc using Vsd = 121.69 KN Vs =Vsd – Vc =121.69KN – 58.642KN Vs = 63.05 KN Asv * f yd * d S= , Asv=2*16π = 100.531 (two legs of ∅8 stirrups) Vs 100.531*260.87*460 S= = 156.98mm ,use S=150mm 76.849*1000 using Vsd*= 106.55 Vs* = Vsd* – Vc = 106.55KN – 44.841KN Vs* = 61.709 KN Asv * f yd * d 100.531*260.87*460 S= = = 195.49mm ,use S=190mm Vs * 61.709*1000 2 2 (VRD) = (345.848) = 230.565 KN 3 3 2 Vsd < (VRD) 3 AAiT:BSc thesis Page 53 STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 6.3.2 Minimum Shear Rebar For beam on axis 4 b/n A&B Comb 5 Comb 4 Vc= 51.93 KN 125.78 51.93 121.69 51.93   3.296 y 3.41 y 51.93*3.41 y 51.93*3.296  1.41mm y  1.41mm 121.69 125.78 Asv 100.531 100.531 S min     251.33mm bw *  min 300* 0.4 300* 0.4 fyk 300 2 Vsd  (VRD ) 3 AAiT:BSc thesis Page 54 54 4&5 S max S used b/n 100 17.05 110 b/n 100 17.3 230 230 b/n 100 24.69 14 8 . For the typical floor Table 14 Typical floor beams shear design result Beam Spacing for sttirup Axis on b/n Vsd As Ф(longt) Ф(sttirup) Asv VRD Vc S.884 125.342 90 b/n 100 17.69 14 10 .884 113.53 391 51.332 92.302 251.07 3&4 157 942.53 391 56.332 96.409 251.6 14 10 .332 138.8 54.53 391 51.08 389.884 251.34 92.69 14 8 .3 230 230 b/n 96.08 389.53 391 51.6 14 10 .2 114.798 139.6 14 8 .5 220 b/n 129.884 251.36 2&3 1077.45 140 C b/n 203.53 388.3 230 230 b/n 100 17.6 14 10 .97 90 AAiT:BSc thesis Page 55 .24 4&5 157 1077.3 56.47 3&4 157 1077.08 389.5 125. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 Beam Shear design result from excel template.3 51.5 138.5 54.12 3&4 157 769.3 228.48 20 10 .22 144.36 5&6 769.3 230 230 b/n 100 17.9 139.17 2&3 942.3 230 230 b/n 134.3 56.5 144.09 3&4 100 769.1 113.69 14 8 .884 251.53 391 56.48 20 8 .36 5&6 769.36 2&3 769.69 14 8 .3 230 230 b/n D 135.17 110 b/n 100 17.54 130 b/n 157 193.53 391 51.6 14 8 .08 389.53 391 51.884 251.53 391 51.71 4&5 100 769.69 14 8 .884 114.93 130 B b/n 106.55 120 A b/n 105.53 391 51.3 56.36 2&3 769.69 14 8 .08 386.36 5&6 1077.66 4&5 100 769.97 96.69 14 8 .409 251. 36 5&6 769.76 140 b/n 134.53 391 51.3 51.6 14 8 .884 251.3 230 230 b/n 127.531 146.884 126 126.884 251.36 5&6 1077.08 389.409 251.54 B&C 157 769.3 49.69 14 8 .08 389.8 146.72 3&4 100 769.08 389.69 14 8 .531 146.75 14 10 .89 B&C 157 615.798 89.57 89.531 139.75 14 10 .69 14 10 .53 391 51.08 389.77 A&B 157 769.75 14 10 .057 70 AAiT:BSc thesis Page 56 .6 122.53 391 51.08 389.531 139.3 49.531 155.75 14 10 .3 49.08 389.3 230 230 b/n 100 17.798 161 161.3 51.69 14 8 .05 130 b/n 127.3 51.798 149.75 14 10 .2 155.228 70.75 14 10 .1 139.71 A&B 157 615.3 49.73 140 b/n 125.69 14 10 .36 2&3 769.531 136.19 150 b/n 137.3 49.69 14 8 .62 120 b/n 100 17.88 A&B 157 615.1 139.7 146.2 149.3 136.91 D&E 157 615.03 120 E b/n 98.22 140 b/n 209.93 D&E 157 615.06 70.38 4&5 100 769.54 C&D 157 769. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 b/n 100 17.08 389.13 130 3 b/n 134.89 NG 157 BEAM 1206.53 391 56.04 160 b/n 120.3 230 230 b/n 95.4 14 10 .08 389.53 391 51.3 58.28 130 5 b/n B&C/ LANDI 267.08 389.566 80 4 b/n 116.884 122.97 C&D 157 615.69 14 10 .3 49.08 389. 4 Bond and Development Length Bond: is adhesion between reinforcing steel and surrounding concrete. Bond strength can be enhanced by:  Using deformed bars (ribbed) bars instead of plain bars.29 615.8 140. composite action.08 389. Mechanism of bond resistance The mechanism of bond resistance arises from the following factors.3 49.75 14 10 . It is responsible for the transfer of axial force from a reinforcing bar to the surrounding concrete providing strain compatibility.  Using smaller diameter bars  Using higher grade of concrete ( improved tensile strength)  Using Increased cover is provided around each bar  Increased length of embedment  Stirrups with increased areas.83 150 6. Here it is important to note that the fundamental theory of flexure.531 140.531 150. i.8 150.75 14 10 .3 49. plane section remain plane after bending becomes valid only if there is perfect bending.43 D&E 157 615.e. Bond failure mechanism  Break up of adhesion between bar and concrete  Longitudinal splitting of concrete around the bar  Crushing of concrete in front of the bar ribs  Shearing of the concrete found between the ribs along cylindrical surface surrounding the ribs.  Chemical adhesion  Frictional resistance between concrete and steel  Mechanical interlocking Bond stress Is achieved by the development of tangential (shear) stress components along the interface (contact surface) between the reinforcing bar and surrounding concrete. reduced spacing and higher grade AAiT:BSc thesis Page 57 .8 140 b/n 124.08 389. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 b/n 157 C&D 133. hook anchorage Sample calculation  Basic anchorage length fyd 20*347. cal lbnet  a =1 …………. min  10*∅ = 10*20 = 200mm 200mm Take lb.27 mm AAiT:BSc thesis Page 58 .7 ……….24MPa 4 fbd 4*2* fctd 4*2*1. Deformed bars Other bond conditions .478 0. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 Development length  Basic development length (lb)   fyd  lb    4  fbd  For good bond condition. min  253.5mm 942.7 (good bond condition)  Required anchorage length ( lbnet ) a * lb * As .3*844.3(lb)  0. cal lbnet   =1 for deformed bar As . Plain bars fbd  2 fctd ……………. provided 1*844. fbd  fctd …………….. fbd  0.25*896.24  253.straight bar As .99 lbnet   803. provided a = 0.03  Required anchorage length a * lb * As .27mm lb..52 lb     844.826 6956. e. These are also further divided into direct tension induced cracks which extends through the entire the cross section. They can extend high up to the neutral axis and sometimes into the compression zone. corrosion. AAiT:BSc thesis Page 59 . Torsion cracks are also in this group caused when the section is subjected to torsion. shear. reduction in the stiffness of members. Limit state of cracking: Crack widths are concern for aesthetical appearance.6  0. They are characterized by their vertical nature. flexural. These are the major serviceability limits.22 KN Vsd  121.5mm  228. The shear cracks are the other types of load induced cracks caused when the section is subjected to shear.5mm Total length  1540 mm  803. These are also vertical in nature like the direct tension cracks. Load induced cracks (i.03* 1  *(1. Bond cracks are the last types of cracks in this category.  Excessive crack width  Excessive deflection  Undesirable vibrations etc. Load induced cracks: Tensile stresses induced by loads cause distinctive crack patterns.5 Serviceability Is the fitness of the structure to serve the desired function satisfactorily under service loads. axial. There are various types of cracks. which are characterized by splitting around the reinforcement. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 Vc  0. They can extend up to the neutral axis.44 al  0.5mm Total length  2572mm 6. These types of cracks are characterized by their spiral orientation around the beam.5*457  228. These are different from the previous ones with their orientation having an inclined orientation.457)*(300* 457)  300* 457  Vc  54.5d  0. The other common type of load induced cracks are the flexural cracks that are when the section is subjected to moment.25*1. leakage.69KN  2(Vc)  108.25 * fctd * k 1 * k 2 * bwd  50*942.478  Vc  0. torsion) imposed cracks and other various types of cracks are the common ones. It disrupts the use of the structure but do not cause total collapse. 7*fctk.4mm ---------------.severe Factors influencing crack width Load induced cracks are influenced by the following factors.  Limit state of crack formation  Limit state of crack width limit state of crack formation The calculated stress shall not exceed δ =1. it is desirable to aim for a large number of well distributed fine hairy cracks than a few but wide cracks. Ones the final stage is reached. the crack pattern has stabilized and the further loading of the section merely widens the existing cracks. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 Development of cracks due to loads Crack due to loads doesn‟t reach the final stage spontaneously rather it develops from one stage to the other gradually. The distance between the stabilized cracks is the function of the following factors. The acceptable limits of cracks vary with the following factors.moderate 0. for flexure δ=fctk .  The type of the structure  The environment There are two types of limit states.  The overall member thickness  Concrete cover  Efficiency of the bond Limits on crack width Although cracking of concrete is inevitable.mild 0.  Tensile stress in the steel bars  The thickness of concrete cover  Diameter and spacing of bars  Depth of members and location of neutral axis  Bond strength and tensile strength of concrete AAiT:BSc thesis Page 60 .for direct tension limit state of crack width 0.2mm----------------.1mm-----------------. 3*40  6*628*457 Y 350*500  6*769. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 6.21 fck 2/3  1.6303MPa Step 2 Moment of inertia for the uncracked section Section with 2 ∅20 and 5 ∅14 rebars Ec  9.85GPa  29GPa Es  200GPa Es 200 n   6.7 fctk  1.3  6*628 Y  248.5473  2.89  7 Ec 29 (b * D)( D / 2)  (n  1) As1 * Y 1  (n  1) As 2 * Y 2 Y b * D  (n  1) As1  (n  1) As 2 (350*500)250  6*769.7*1.5( fck  8)1/3  28.5.97m AAiT:BSc thesis Page 61 .547MPa Cracking stress  ct  1.1 Check for Crack Step 1 Material properties fck  20MPa fctk  0. 35  Mcr  42.6303MPa * 4. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 n n Iuncr   Igi   Ai di2 i 1 i 1 bD3 Iuncr   bD( D / 2  Y ) 2  (n  1) As1(Y 1  Y ) 2  (n  1) As 2(Y 2  Y ) 2 12 350(500)3 Iuncr   350*500(250  248. section cracked Step 5 Calculate moment of inertia of the cracked section AAiT:BSc thesis Page 62 .01*109 mm4 Mcr   Y 248.36KNm .97)2  6*769.01*109 mm4 Step 3 Calculate cracking moment  cr * Iuncr 2.97)2 12 Iuncr  4.97)2  6*628(457  248.3(40  248.97mm Mcr  42.36 KNm Step 4 Bending moment diagram for service load Figure 8 Bending moment diagram of beam for serviceability For sample below are calculation of one positive and one negative moment For positive moment Mk  65. 4 Es  s  Es  sr (due to cracked section) Triangular stress block Mcr  T * Z .3(460  99.41mm n n Icr   I i   Ai di2 i 1 i 1 3 bY Icr   (n  1) As1(Y 1  Y ) 2  (n  1) As 2(Y 2  Y ) 2 3 350(99.3  6 * 628 Y  99. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 n  AY i i Y  i 1 n A i 1 i bY (Y / 2)  ( n) As1 * Y 1  ( n  1) As 2 * Y 2 Y  bY  (n  1) As1  (n  1) As 2 350Y (Y / 2)  7 * 769.3* 460  6 * 628* 43 Y  350Y  6 * 769.41) 2  6*628(43  99. T  fs * As AAiT:BSc thesis Page 63 .41) 2 Step 6 3 Calculate Icr  7.27*108 mm4 mean strain of reinforcement ( sm ) s   sr 2  s  sm  1   1 2( )   0.41)3 Icr   6*769. 36*106 Nmm  sr   As * Z 769.41)mm 3  sr  128.35*106 Nmm s   As * Z 769. for deformed bar k 2  0.3mm2 *(460  99.8 .3 r    Aeff 2.25* K1* k 2 * r As As 769.5 .99 2  199  sm  1  1*0. service load 199  128.8*0. for bending 14 Sm  50  0.5 .69mm AAiT:BSc thesis Page 64 .41)mm 3  s  199MPa 1  1 .25*0.02198 k1  0.5(500  460)*350  r  0.02198 Sm  113.4 200*103 200*103  sm  0.5* 0.3mm 2 *(460  99.000398 Step 7 Average distance between cracks ( Sm)  Sm  50  0.99MPa  s (stress due to serviceability load moment) Mk 65.5( 199 )   0.5d 1 * b 2. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 T  sr   fs As Mcr 42.000786  0. high bond stress  2  0. 26*109 mm4  cracking moment  cr * Iuncr 2.3  6*1570.796 Y  244. section cracked AAiT:BSc thesis Page 65 .129mm <0.3(460  244. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016  mean crack width ( wm ) wm  Sm *  sm  113.807mm  Moment of inertia for the uncracked section bD3 Iuncr   bD( D / 2  Y )2  (n  1) As1(Y 1  Y ) 2  (n  1) As 2(Y 2  Y ) 2 12 350(500)3 Iuncr   350*500(250  244.69mm *0.6303MPa * 4.77KNm .7*0.807mm Mcr  45.807)2  6*1570(43  248.7wm  1.076mm  0.0006725  0.4mm (mild) ……………….3* 460  6*1570.27KNm  Mcr  45.26*109 mm4 Mcr   Y 244.97)2 12 Iuncr  4.OK! For negative moment Mk  82.076mm  crack width ( wk ) wk  1.27 KNm Section with 5 ∅20 and 5 ∅14 rebars As 2  5*100  1570.3mm2 (b * D)( D / 2)  (n  1) As1 * Y 1  (n  1) As 2 * Y 2 Y b * D  (n  1) As1  (n  1) As 2 (350*500)250  6*769.77 KNm Mk  82.796mm2 As1  5*49  769.796* 43 Y 350*500  6*769.807)2  6*769. 000253  average distance between cracks ( Sm)  Sm  50  0. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016  mean strain of reinforcement ( sm ) s   sr 2  s  sm  1   1 2( )   0.95mm 0.7wm  1.27*106 Nmm s   As * Z 1570.7*0.39 2  126.0576mm  crack width ( wk ) wk  1.4 200*103 200*103  sm  0.95mm *0. 3 350 x 2  6*769.62mm 350 x  6*769.67  sm  1  1*0.3*43  7*1570.67 MPa 126.62 )mm 3  s  126.25* K1* k 2* r As 1570.5(500  457)*350  r  0.796*457 x 2  130.0417  mean crack width ( wm ) wm  Sm *  sm  109.5(126.67  74.796 r   Aeff 2.77 *106 Nmm  sr   As * Z 1570.62 )mm 3  sr  74.8*0.67 )   0.796mm2 *(457  130.0979mm AAiT:BSc thesis Page 66 .000524  0.5*  109.796mm2 *(457  130.25*0.4 Es  s  Es x Z d .796 Mcr 45.3  7*1570.000524  0.0576mm  0.39MPa Mk 82.0417 20 Sm  50  0. consider live load and dead load. out of them these are the following. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 Deflection There are number of reasons for limiting the deflection.  Aesthetics or psychological discomfort  Crack width limitation (limiting the deflection limits the crack width )  Effect on attached structural and non-structural elements Short term (immediate) deflection: occurs on application of load. Factors affecting short term deflection include  magnitude of live load and its mode of distribution  span of the structure  type of end restraint  cross-sectional properties  percentage of tensile reinforcement  grade of concrete  amount and extent of flexural cracking Long term (additional) deflection: occurs due to  differential shrinkage  creep and temperature variation Measures for reducing deflection  increase depth or camber  use richer concrete mix and lower grade steel  increase the width of the section  use T-section AAiT:BSc thesis Page 67 . 36mm  st  2.04mm  mmediate deflection after cracking ( ii ) .35 5  2.3mm2 * 426.36) * 10 Nmm 6   ii  0.518 65.078(4500mm)2    200 * 103 N * 769.75Es * As * Z (d  x)     (65.01*109 mm4   mm2   Mk  Mcr   ii   L2    0.5.27  82.35KNm    6 65. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 6.2 Check for Deflection  Immediate deflection before cracking ( i )  Mcr   i   L2   EcmIi  5  k   1   48  10  82.58   1    0.35  42.41mm)   mm 2   ii  2.for Mk  65.36*10 Nmm   i  0.86mm(460mm  99.27 k  2.75 * 200 * 103 N * 769.86mm(460mm  99.3mm 2 * 426.615mm (total immediate deflection) AAiT:BSc thesis Page 68 .078*(4500mm) 2    0.078(4500mm) 2    0.575mm  29*103 N * 4.41mm)   mm2   max  4.078 48  10     6 42.35 * 10 Nmm   max  0. 569 take. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016  Long term deflection  As 2   lt   2  1.285mm  15mm …………………. Le  t   st   lt  300 4500  t  2.3   lt  2.  lt  2.2   st  0.615  0.615  2..2 2.67  300  t  5.6 st  As1   628   lt   2  1.615  769.67mm  1.67mm Final deflection.6 *2.OK! AAiT:BSc thesis Page 69 . when first- order theory is used. 2. frames may be classified as Sway or Non- sway depending on their sensitivity to second order effect due to lateral displacements. plus the initial sway imperfection satisfy the criterion of the following equation. 𝛿 . with or without moments.1 Where. ≤ 0. the bars are placed in a circle. and a bar bent into a helix or spiral replaces the ties. Columns support vertical loads from the floors and roof and transmit these loads to the foundations. Such a column. for a given load. Beam and column type plane frames in building structures with beams connected each columns at each story level may be classified as non-sway for a given load case. The cross-sectional dimensions of a column are generally considerably less than its height. called a spiral column and used in seismic value of the total vertical load .1 Introduction A column is a special case of a compression member that is vertical structural member supporting axial compressive loads. when high strength and/or high ductility are required. Columns can be tied or spiral depend on the placement of lateral reinforcement Tied columns may be square. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 7 COLUMN DESIGN AND ANALYSIS 7. For the purpose of design calculations. rectangular-shaped. A frame may be classified as non-sway if its response to in-plane horizontal forces is sufficiently stiff for it to be acceptably accurate to neglect any additional internal forces or moments arising from horizontal displacements of its nodes. 1.the horizontal displacement at the top of story relative to the bottom of the story AAiT:BSc thesis Page 70 . if the critical load ratio for that load case satisfies the following criterion: ≤ 0. Occasionally. Any other frame shall be classified as a sway frame and the effects of horizontal displacements of it nodes shall be taken in to account in its design.its critical value for failure in a sway mode 4. A frame may be classified as non-sway. circular.1 Where . 3. or any other required shape and generally used in a non seismic region. the horizontal displacements in each story due to the design loads (both horizontal and vertical). 1 Design procedure 1. hence having balanced moments (close to zero moment).2. They are: • Edge column • Corner column • Central column The selection of these types of columns is to diversify our knowledge of columns. The central column is subjected to four beams. AAiT:BSc thesis Page 71 . the design axial loads and bending moments are obtained from 3-Dimensional frame analysis using ETABS v9. Design axial loads and bending moments for edge column (C5-D) and corner column (C5-E) between ground and first floor.  In this case. Edge columns are subjected to beam from one direction while corner columns are subjected to beam from both directions.The total vertical reaction at the bottom of the story 7.2 Design of columns For academic purposes. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 L -the story height H -the total horizontal reaction at the bottom of the story N . case the beams and columns as one frame. The columns chosen in our case are: • Edge column is C5-D • Corner column is C5-E • Central column is C4-C The combinations used for the analysis and design for columns are the same as the ones used during frame analysis. 7. In this case:  ≤ 0. 2. the frame is non-sway. three different column types are analyzed and designed.6. The value of the axial force and bending moment on each frame column is determined. first the frame is classified whether it is sway or non-sway. To design a column in a particular frame. 3. To determine the nature of the frame.1 for all story checked with all the design combinations.  For this particular.  For COMB1 a. e. i. 34.43 AAiT:BSc thesis Page 72 .13 & axis-D and axis-5 & axis-E between ground floor and first floor. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016  Free body diagram of these columns is taken from the frame on axis 5 and axis D for C5-D and axis E for C5-E.06 23. Frame on axis 5 is: Bending moment diagram for column on axis-5 58.74 30. AAiT:BSc thesis Page 73 .57 5.09 b. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016  Frame on Axis D Frame for Axis E Bending moment diagram for column Bending moment diagram for column on axis-D & axis-5 between ground on axis-E & axis-5 between ground floor and first floor. floor and first floor. Design axial load and bending moment of central column ( C4-C) between Ground floor and 1st floor.86 22.58 29. 4. 15 29. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016  Frame for Axis 4 Bending moment diagram on axis-4 & axis-C between ground floor and first floor.95 AAiT:BSc thesis Page 74 . 48. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016  Frame for Axis c Bending moment diagram for column on axis -C & axis-4 between ground floor and first floor.62 AAiT:BSc thesis Page 75 .11 9. 26. = EBCS 2 1995. For COMB1  Material property  Concrete C-25  Steel S-400 A. The slenderness ratio is given as follows: a) For isolated columns.90 * 109 mm4 = bh3 = 350*5003 = 3.2.The dimension of the substitute column is computed to find the moment of inertia of the section ( ). For this case.2 Slenderness It is a parameter which defines the column response while supporting the design load.42 * 109 mm = bh3 = 300*5503 = 4. = bh3 = 450*4503 = 3. Edge column is C5-D 2 • Beam dimensions 3 450mm All Ground Beam =550x300 mm 450mm All Floor Beam = 500x350 mm All Top tie Beam = 450x250 mm P = 2102.11KN 4. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 7.16 * 109 mm4 = bh3 = 250*4503 = 1. I = is the second moment of area of the section.025 *105 mm2 AAiT:BSc thesis Page 76 . the slenderness ratio is defined by: 𝜆= . A =is cross sectional area. Where = effective buckling length = radius of gyration of the gross concrete section in the plane of buckling.65 *109 mm4 Area of C5-D(Ac) = 450 * 450 = 2. 6 1.15 AAiT:BSc thesis Page 77 . Sway mode = ≥ 0. For sway frames Max where = B. The effective length of buckling (Le ) of a column in a given plane is obtained from the following approximate equations.7 b. a. The second order effects in compressive members need not be taken in to account in the following Cases: A. The slenderness ratio of concrete column shall not exceed 140 2. being always positive and greater in magnitude than .4.stiffness coefficient of beam . The effective length of the frame is computed for each story.Stiffness coefficient of column 5. and being positive if member is bent in single curvature and negative if bent is double curvature. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 Limits of slenderness According to EBCS 2 1995 section 4. For non-sway frames 𝜆 ≤ 50 – 25 where: and are the first order (calculated) moments at the ends. Non-sway mode = ≥ 0. given by: For beam = For column = ∑ Where: . 4. Provided that certain restriction is compiled with. The value of the stiffness coefficients of the frame is. is column height is span of the beam .  = 1. Is stiffness coefficient of the beam.0 if opposite end elastically or rigidly restrained AAiT:BSc thesis Page 78 . are moment of inertia of the column and beam respectively Factor taking in to account the condition of restraint of the beam at the opposite end. is modulus of elasticity of concrete. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 where is a stiffness coefficient which will be discussed using the following theoretical model. = = Where: = ( ) = ❶ ❷ Where and are column stiffness coefficients ( ) is the stiffness coefficient of the column being designed. 81*L = 0.19 • Stiffness coefficient at first floor joint (in x. If a base shear is designed to resist the column moment. • Stiffness coefficient at ground joint (in x. = = = 1.0.32 = = = 1.81 > 0.7 • = 0. may be taken as 1.5 if opposite ends are free to rotate  = 0 for cantilever beam The above approximate equation for effective length calculation is applicable for values of and not exceeding 10.direction. AAiT:BSc thesis Page 79 .direction) = = 1. 𝛃 = 1.7 = = 0.94 • Critical 𝛌 in x. = = =129. = = = 19. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016  = 0.255 • The effective length of buckling ( ) of a column given by: = ≥ 0.direction.direction) = .96mm • Slenderness ratio in the x.81 *3200 = 2592mm • Radius of gyration ( in x.direction). Therefore = 0. . • < . The column is short in x.25( ) = 50. = P*( ) = 2102.79mm = 47.direction.25( ) = 69.17mm  e2= = =2.direction. = ≥ 20mm = =8.91KNm • = = = 0.046 • Stiffness coefficient at ground floor joint ( in y.42 * 109 mm4 = bh3 = 300*5503 = 4. • Design moment in y.65 *109 mm4 AAiT:BSc thesis Page 80 . calculate eccentricity of the load  e1= = =2.79mm. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 = 50 .90 * 109 mm4 = bh3 = 350*5003 = 3.direction 3-3) = bh3 = 450*4503 = 3.16 * 109 mm4 = bh3 = 250*4503 = 1.79mm  emax =max emax=e2=2.57.64 ≤20 mm = 20 mm.11KN *22.direction. Therefore = + = 20+ 2.79= 22.79mm • Additional eccentricity in y. 7 = = 0.25( ) = 50.91*L = 0. The column is short in y.direction).direction.41 • Critical slenderness ratio in y.64. = = = 22. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 = .96mm • Slenderness ratio in (y.25( ) = . = = =129.direction). & =0 = = = 3.81 = = =3. = 50 .direction.direction) = = 3.91 > 0. therefore = 0.50 • < .45 • Stiffness coefficient at 1st floor joint ( in y.direction.63 • The effective length of buckling ( ) of a column given by: = ≥ 0.7 • = 0. = 1.91 *3200 = 2912mm • Radius of gyration ( in y. AAiT:BSc thesis Page 81 . • Equivalent 1st order eccentricity in y. 94mm = 100. • Additional eccentricity in xi direction.775KNm • = = = 0.94= 47. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 = max emax = max emax = max emax = max = 27. = ≥ 20mm = =9. . = P*( ) = 2102.94mm. • Design moment in x.11KN *47.94mm.direction.71 ≤20 mm = 20 mm. Therefore = + + = 20+ 27.0976 • = AAiT:BSc thesis Page 82 . 90 • Determine .0137 k1 = 1+50*0. choose biaxial chart No. For symetry the Numbers have to 8. ᶲ20. • ω = 0.08*450mm*450mm = 16200mm2. • = 0. • Read from chart No. we provide .096 0.8% = 0.465 mm2.ρ = = = 0. = 0. • Let's check minimum and maximum reinforcement requirement.0137= 1.= 43/450 = 0. 35 with. Use 8ᶲ20.≥ =1126.90 . n = 6. =0. • = = 25+8+20/2 = 43mm • = .=0.685 ≤ 2 ok AAiT:BSc thesis Page 83 .3 mm2. n = = 5. = 0. = 8% = 0.1 and = 0.3 mm2. Determine the amount of reinforcement.The amount of reinforcement required by the substitute column is computed and the moment of inertia of the reinforcement with respect to the centroid of the concrete section is determined. • let's check shear capacity of the column.046 and read ω.25 + 0.1 *p = = = = 1. = = =1126.17 5. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 = = 0. Since < .90 . ==8* = 2513. = 2513. 35.0976 and =0.16.008 *450mm*450mm = 1620mm2. .0315 k1 = 1+50ρ ≤ 2 .465 mm2.1 • Using = . 00133 • Lateral Reinforcement = > 6mm = = 5mm< 6mm.1* *2102.Up to five longitudinal bars in each corner may be secured against lateral buckling by means of the main ties. use C/C = 160mm = min 160mm ≤ 240mm .6-d ≥ 1 = 1.11*103 = 132.685*1.c/c given by: C/C = = = 167. = = = 0. • Use ᶲ8 240mm 8ᶲ20 • Detailing  Ties shall be arranged such that every bar or group of bars placed in a corner and alternate longitudinal bar shall have lateral support provided by the corner of a tie with an included angle of not more than 1350 and no bar shall be further than 150 mm clear on each side along the tie. therefore use ᶲ8C/C160mm. Smax = 350 mm AAiT:BSc thesis Page 84 . • So let's take = 8mm >6mm. The center-to--center distance between the outer most of these bars and the corner bar shall not exceed 15 times the diameter of the tie. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 k2 = 1.6mm.6-0.193*450*407+0.193 ≥1 0k = 0. • spacing of the lateral reinforcement .579KN ≥ Vsd = therefore let's provided .0315N/mm2 *1.25* 1.407 = 1. 90 * 109 mm4 AAiT:BSc thesis Page 85 .61KN 450mm = bh3 = 450*4503 = 3. S = = = 162mm>150mm Therefore the number of longitudinal reinforcement bar has to increase until the spacing between two coscative re-bar alonge the tie is less than 150mm. = 3769. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 The spacing between the longitudinal re-bar is.911 mm2. Checke spacing.33+20=131. For C5-E (corner column ) 2 M2-2( Mx-x) = 30. 15*ϕ tie=15*8=120mm<131.09KNm 3 450mm P = 1154.42 * 109 mm4 = bh3 = 300*5503 = 4.57KNm & 22.33mm<150 safe!!! The center-to-center distance of the furthest longitudinal re-bar from the edge is 101.33mm this indicates an additional intermmedate transverse re-bar is needed because the c/c spacing is greater than 15 times the transverse diameter.13KNm &23.33mm. Use 12 ϕ 20.16 * 109 mm4 = bh3 = 250*4503 = 1. S = = S=101.43KNm M3-3 (My-y) = 29. 12ᶲ20mm B. direction) = = 2. = 50 . = = =129. therefore = 0.25( ) = 50. = 1.direction) = .direction.7 • = 0. = = = 2.88 *3200 = 2816mm • Radius of gyration ( in x.7 = = 0. The column is short in x.025 *105 mm2 • Stiffness coefficient at ground joint (in x.64 = = = 2.direction.39 • Stiffness coefficient at first floor joint (in x.96mm • Slenderness ratio in x.direction.88 > 0.direction). AAiT:BSc thesis Page 86 .51 • The effective length of buckling ( ) of a column given by: = ≥ 0.67 • Critical in x.68 • < .65 *109 mm4 A = 450 * 450 = 2. = = = 21.88*L = 0. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 = bh3 = 350*5003 = 3.25( ) = 68. • Design moment in y.direction. = max  = = = max = max = max =25.direction.61mm.direction. AAiT:BSc thesis Page 87 .61 mm • Additional eccentricity in x. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 • Equivalent 1st order eccentricity in x.39 ≤20 mm = 20 mm. . Therefore = + + = 20+ 25.61= 46. = ≥ 20mm = = 9. 61mm =53. & =0 = = = 3.052 • Stiffness coefficient at ground floor joint ( in y.63 • The effective length of buckling ( ) of a column given by: = ≥ 0.7 = = 0.65 *109 mm4 = .direction 3-3) = bh3 = 450*4503 = 3.direction) = = 3.45 • Stiffness coefficient at 1st floor joint ( in y. = 1.42 * 109 mm4 = bh3 = 300*5503 = 4.90 * 109 mm4 = bh3 = 350*5003 = 3.816KNm • = = = .91*L = 0.61KN *46.7 • = 0. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 = P( ) = 1154.16 * 109 mm4 = bh3 = 250*4503 = 1.81 = = =3.91 *3200 = 2912mm AAiT:BSc thesis Page 88 .91 > 0. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 • Radius of gyration ( in y.direction).96mm • Slenderness ratio in (y. • Equivalent 1st order eccentricity in y.direction.25( ) = 69. = 50 . The column is short in y.44 • < . Therefore = 0.41 • Critical slenderness in y.25( ) = 50. = = = 22.direction. = max  = = = max = max = max AAiT:BSc thesis Page 89 . = = =129.direction.direction). STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 e max, y = 26.095mm. • Additional eccentricity in x- direction, . = ≥ 20mm = =9.71 ≤20 mm = 20 mm. Therefore = + + = 20 + 26.095=46.095mm. • Design moment in x- direction, = P( ) = 1154.61KN *46.095mm = 53.222KNm • = = = 0.052 • = = = 0.50 • Determine . • = = 25+8+20/2 = 43mm • = = 43/450 = 0.096 0.1 • Using = =0.1 and = 0.50 , choose biaxial chart No. 34. • Enter to the chart with = 0.50, =0..052 and =.052 and read ω. •ω=0 • Provided the amount of reinforcement, . AAiT:BSc thesis Page 90 STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 • = = 0.008 *450mm*450mm = 1620mm2. ᶲ20, n = = 5.16. n = 8, =8* = 2513.3 mm2. Use 8ᶲ20, = 2513.3 mm2 • Let's check minimum and maximum reinforcement requirement. = 8% = 0.08* 450mm*450mm = 16200mm2. ( = 1620mm2) < ( = 2513.3 mm2.) < ( (16,200mm2)/2) OK ᵎ • let's check shear capacity of the column. • = 0.25 + 0.1 *p = = = = 1.0315 k1 = 1+50ρ ≤ 2 ,ρ = = = 0.0137 k1 = 1+50*0.0137= 1.685 ≤ 2 ok k2 = 1.6-d ≥ 1 = 1.6-0.407 = 1.193 ≥1 0k = 0.25* 1.0315N/mm2 *1.685*1.193*450*407+0.1* *1154.61*103 = 115.614KN ≥ Vsd = therefore lets provide . = = = 0.00133 • Lateral Reinforcement = > 6mm = = 5mm< 6mm. • So let's take = 8mm >6mm. • spacing of the lateral reinforcement ,c/c given by: C/C = = = 167.6mm, use C/C = 160mm AAiT:BSc thesis Page 91 STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 = min 160mm ≤ 240mm , therefore use ᶲ8C/C160mm. 8ᶲ20 The spacing between the longitudinal re-bar is; S = = = 162mm>150mm Therefore the number of longitudinal reinforcement bar has to increase until the spacing between two coscative re-bar alonge the tie is less than 150mm. Use 12 ϕ 20, = 3769.911 mm2. Checke spacing, S = = S=101.33mm<150 safe!!! The center-to-center distance of the furthest longitudinal re-bar from the edge is 101.33+20=131.33mm. 15*ϕ tie=15*8=120mm<131.33mm this indicates an additional intermmedate transverse re-bar is needed because the c/c spacing is greater than 15 times the transverse diameter. 12ᶲ20mm C. For C4-C ( Central column ) 2 M2-2( Mx-x) = 48.15KNm & 29.95KNm M3-3 (My-y) = 26.13KNm & 9.62KNm 3 600mm P = 3010.34KN 600mm AAiT:BSc thesis Page 92 direction.65 *109 mm4 A = 600 * 600 = 3.916*L = 0. �= 1.direction).8 * 109 mm4 = bh3 = 300*5503 = 4.916 *3200 = 2931.92 • Critical in x.21mm • Slenderness ratio in (x.77 • Stiffness coefficient at 1st floor joint ( in x. = = = 173.direction) = .direction).916 > 0.965 • The effective length of buckling ( ) of a column given by: = ≥ 0.16 = = = 3.7 • = 0.7 = = 0.2mm • Radius of gyration ( in x.direction) = = 4. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 = bh3 = 600*6003 = 10.6 *105 mm2 • Stiffness coefficient at at ground joint ( in x.16 * 109 mm4 = bh3 = 250*4503 = 1. = = = 3.90 * 109 mm4 = bh3 = 350*5003 = 3. AAiT:BSc thesis Page 93 . = = = 16. therefore = 0.direction. Therefore = + + = 20 + 8.68mm. • Equivalent 1st order eccentricity in x.77mm ≤20 mm = 20 mm. The column is short in x. • Additional eccentricity in x.25( ) = 59. .direction.25( ) = 50.68mm. = max  = = = max = max = max = 8.20. AAiT:BSc thesis Page 94 .direction.68= 28. = ≥ 20mm = = 9. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 = 50 . • < . 90 * 109 mm4 = bh3 = 350*5003 = 3.035 • Stiffness coefficient at ground floor joint ( in y.336KNm • = = = 0.93 *3200 = 2976mm • Radius of gyration ( in y.direction) = = 4.65 *109 mm4 = .93*L = 0.8 * 109 mm4 = bh3 = 300*5503 = 4.93 > 0.92 = = = 4. & = = = 4.7 = = 0. = P( ) = 3010. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 • Design moment in y.direction 3-3) = bh3 = 600*6003 = 10.7 • = 0.69 • The effective length of buckling ( ) of a column given by: = ≥ 0.direction.46 • Stiffness coefficient at 1st floor joint ( in y.direction). AAiT:BSc thesis Page 95 . = 1.34KN *28.16 * 109 mm4 = bh3 = 250*4503 = 1.68mm = 86. 21mm • Slenderness ratio in (y.25( ) = 50.995mm.25( ) = 65. = max  = = = max = max = max = 15.direction.direction. The column is short in y.direction). = 50 . = ≥ 20mm AAiT:BSc thesis Page 96 . .55 • < . = = = 17. • Additional eccentricity in xi direction. Therefore = 0. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 = = = 173. • Equivalent 1st order eccentricity in y.18 • Critical in y.direction. • Let's check minimum and maximum reinforcement requirement. Therefore = + + = 20+15.17.70 .8% = 0.80 . ᶲ20 .0443 & read ω2 . • Design moment in x.072 0.08*450mm*450mm = 16200mm2.and 35.1 and = 0. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 = = 9. n = = 9. ω2 = .74 • Determine .357KNm • = = = 0.995 =35.0353 and =0. =0. choose biaxial chart No. 34. ω = 0.0443 • = = = 0.80 .0353 and =0. n = 12.91 mm2. 34 and = 0. • = = 25+8+20/2 = 43mm • = . =0. = 12* = 3.008 *600mm*600mm = 2880mm2.70 and = 0.995mm = 108.=0. = 8% = 0. AAiT:BSc thesis Page 97 .92 ≤20 mm = 20 mm. • Enter to the chart with = 0.direction.74 between & . provide .769.= 43/600 = 0. = P( ) = 3010. = 0.0 • Determine the amount of reinforcement.34KN *35.045 by interpolation for = 0.0443 and read ω1 from biaxial chart No. . • ω1 = 0 .1 • Using = .995mm. • = 0.6-d ≥ 1 = 1.564*1.25* 1.043*600*557+0.00133 • Lateral Reinforcement = > 6mm = = 5mm< 6mm.1 *p = = = = 1.043 ≥1 0k = 0. • So let's take = 8mm >6mm.0113= 1.ρ = = = 0.0315N/mm2 *1. therefore use ᶲ8C/C120mm.557 = 1.0315 k1 = 1+50ρ ≤ 2 . • Check the 600mm dimension is enough for 12ᶲ20. = = = 0.42 > 12 OK.6-0. use C/C = 120mm = min 120mm ≤ 240mm . . • let's check shear capacity of the column.564 ≤ 2 ok k2 = 1.98mm.0113 k1 = 1+50*0.c/c given by: C/C = = = 125.25 + 0.495KN ≥ Vsd = therefore let's provided . • spacing of the lateral reinforcement . 600-2*(25)-2*(8) = 534mm 534 = n(20) + (n-1)25 559 = 45n n = 12. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 Use 12ᶲ20.1* *3010. AAiT:BSc thesis Page 98 .34*103 = 188. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 • Detailing 12ᶲ20mm The spacing between the longitudinal re-bar is; S= = =151.33mm>150mm Therefore the number of longitudinal reinforcement bar has to increase until the spacing between two consecutive re-bar along the tie is less than 150mm. Use 16 ϕ 20, = 5026.54mm2. check the spacing; S= = =108.5mm<150mm Therefore the distance of the furthest longitudinal re-bar from the edge is (108.5*2)+20=237mm This indicates an additional transverse re-bar is needed because the c/c spacing is greater than 15*8=120mm. 16ϕ20mm AAiT:BSc thesis Page 99 STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 Table 15Column 4C design result c o colum m column in M3-3 As d in n No. b b/n floor P(KNm) M2-2 vsd μsd,21-2 μsd,3-3 ω As used mm No.of bar use Foundation C 4-C 1 & ground -3177.16 -1.468 0.191 5.969 -3.865 0.778716 0.026557 0.028396 0 0 2880 20 9.1673 12 Foundation C 4-C 2 & ground -2383.18 -1.085 0.133 27.022 250.699 0.584113 0.019914 0.12188 0.049964 586.0729 2880 20 9.1673 12 Foundation C 4-C 3 & ground -2382.57 -1.118 0.153 -18.069 -256.497 0.583963 0.019922 0.124244 0.059797 701.4194 2880 20 9.1673 12 Foundation C 4-C 4 & ground -2382.94 -1.076 0.128 28.182 255.095 0.584054 0.019908 0.123674 0.057467 674.0927 2880 20 9.1673 12 Foundation C 4-C 5 & ground -2382.81 -1.126 0.158 -19.229 -260.894 0.584022 0.019927 0.126042 0.067393 790.5203 2880 20 9.167325 12 Foundation C 4-C 6 & ground -2492.7 52.488 294.04 3.749 -5.66 0.610956 0.14048 0.022677 0.108988 1278.431 2880 20 9.167325 12 Foundation C 4-C 7 & ground -2273.04 -54.69 -293.754 5.205 -0.138 0.557118 0.138568 0.020697 0.039812 466.9979 2880 20 9.167325 12 Foundation C 4-C 8 & ground -2492.41 52.498 294.033 5.189 -0.202 0.610885 0.140474 0.022483 0.109052 1279.178 2880 20 9.167325 12 Foundation C 4-C 9 & ground -2273.34 -54.701 -293.747 3.765 -5.596 0.557191 0.138568 0.020859 0.042809 502.1475 2880 20 9.167325 12 Ground&1s C 4-C 1 t -3010.36 48.155 -29.952 47.532 9.555 0.737833 0.044266 0.044011 0 0 2880 20 9.167325 12 Ground&1s C 4-C 2 t -2258.07 36.156 -22.505 -44.054 153.055 0.553449 0.033218 0.080971 0 0 2880 20 9.167325 12 Ground&1s C 4-C 3 t -2257.47 36.077 -22.423 -38.389 -138.722 0.553301 0.033181 0.075111 0 0 2880 20 9.167325 12 Ground&1s C 4-C 4 t -2257.83 36.1 -22.48 52.038 157.209 0.55339 0.033193 0.082666 0 0 2880 20 9.167325 12 st C 4-C 5 Ground&1 -2257.71 36.133 -22.448 -57.331 -142.877 0.55336 0.033206 0.07681 0 0 2880 20 9.167325 12 C 4-C 6 Ground&1s -2344.73 -16.658 159.951 -24.565 4.558 0.574689 0.084496 0.029191 0 0 2880 20 9.167325 12 AAiT:BSc thesis Page 100 STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 t Ground&1s C 4-C 7 t -2170.81 88.891 -204.879 8.138 9.774 0.532061 0.101428 0.021728 0 0 2880 20 9.167325 12 Ground&1s C 4-C 8 t -2344.43 -16.727 159.982 -73.305 9.716 0.574615 0.084506 0.049099 0 0 2880 20 9.167325 12 Ground&1s C 4-C 9 t -2171.11 88.96 -204.91 0.742 4.617 0.532135 0.101443 0.019624 0 0 2880 20 9.167325 12 C 4-C 1 1st&2nd -2281.2 54.146 -87.243 -29.845 49.079 0.559118 0.054276 0.038686 0 0 2880 20 9.167325 12 - C 4-C 2 1st&2nd -1711.08 40.648 -65.493 106.864 137.564 0.419382 0.040733 0.070174 0 0 2880 20 9.167325 12 C 4-C 3 1st&2nd -1710.72 40.571 -65.371 62.097 -63.946 0.419294 0.04068 0.040098 0 0 2880 20 9.167325 12 - C 4-C 4 1st&2nd -1710.94 40.599 -65.399 108.832 139.648 0.419348 0.040694 0.071024 0 0 2880 20 9.167325 12 C 4-C 5 1st&2nd -1710.86 40.619 -65.466 64.065 -66.03 0.419328 0.04072 0.040951 0 0 2880 20 9.167325 12 C 4-C 6 1st&2nd -1771.26 -54.321 48.98 -21.148 35.503 0.434132 0.036661 0.028974 0 0 2880 20 9.167325 12 C 4-C 7 1st&2nd -1650.54 135.54 -179.844 -23.62 38.115 0.404544 0.08695 0.029055 0 0 2880 20 9.167325 12 C 4-C 8 1st&2nd -1771.08 -54.381 49.097 -23.591 38.088 0.434088 0.036684 0.030028 0 0 2880 20 9.167325 12 C 4-C 9 1st&2nd -1650.72 135.6 -179.961 -21.177 35.53 0.404588 0.087 0.028 0 0 2880 20 9.167325 12 C 4-C 1 2nd&3rd -1554.39 49.6 -72.18 -27.394 39.965 0.380978 0.042185 0.029025 0 0 2880 20 9.167325 12 - C 4-C 2 2nd&3rd -1165.9 37.232 -54.184 108.324 90.376 0.28576 0.031659 0.053775 0 0 2880 20 9.167325 12 C 4-C 3 2nd&3rd -1165.68 37.168 -54.085 67.232 -30.43 0.285706 0.031617 0.036988 0 0 2880 20 9.167325 12 - C 4-C 4 2nd&3rd -1165.82 37.194 -54.128 110.364 91.85 0.28574 0.031636 0.054608 0 0 2880 20 9.167325 12 C 4-C 5 2nd&3rd -1165.76 37.206 -54.141 69.273 -31.904 0.285725 0.031641 0.037822 0 0 2880 20 9.167325 12 C 4-C 6 2nd&3rd -1201.44 -66.83 10.441 -19.265 29.05 0.294471 0.037116 0.021683 0 0 2880 20 9.167325 12 C 4-C 7 2nd&3rd -1130.14 141.23 -118.71 -21.827 30.897 0.276995 0.066925 0.021854 0 0 2880 20 9.167325 12 C 4-C 8 2nd&3rd -1201.34 -66.877 10.511 -21.798 30.88 0.294446 0.037134 0.022429 0 0 2880 20 9.167325 12 C 4-C 9 2nd&3rd -1130.24 141.277 -118.78 -19.294 29.067 0.27702 0.066945 0.021108 0 0 2880 20 9.167325 12 AAiT:BSc thesis Page 101 018044 0.313 44.018538 0.167325 12 C 4-C 5 4th&roof -73.8787 2880 20 9.791 -28.757 -58.167325 12 AAiT:BSc thesis Page 102 .018469 0.156208 0.584 -43.029795 0.657 0.36 -41.029775 0.302 1.21 38.009753 0 0 2880 20 9.05 -30.167325 12 C 4-C 9 3rd&4th -604.932 -52.22 0.814 0.167325 12 - C 4-C 4 3rd&4th -620.59 9.025069 0 0 2880 20 9.068 -35.01913 0.927 0.01325 0 0 2880 20 9.167325 12 C 4-C 8 3rd&4th -637.022288 0.743 -81.49 0.683 23.229 0.018049 0.167325 12 C 4-C 1 4th&roof -98.018047 0.383 33.167325 12 - C 4-C 2 3rd&4th -620.295 0.167325 12 C 4-C 3 4th&roof -73.167325 12 C 4-C 3 3rd&4th -620.166 22.72 0.019132 0.012061 0 0 2880 20 9.012231 0 0 2880 20 9.906 24.061 57.706 31.02461 0.775 -39.85 48.167325 12 C 4-C 9 4th&roof -69.17 -26.294 0.501 0.053 21.028037 328.016113 0.156216 0.14811 0.704 -81.2 38.6791 2880 20 9.061613 0.458 8.010046 0 0 2880 20 9.578 -43.685 30.473 0.149 1.63 3.019065 0 0 2880 20 9.06 -30.209 0.474 0.77 48.17 22.469 -60.018461 0.167325 12 C 4-C 2 4th&roof -73.013227 0 0 2880 20 9.013396 0 0 2880 20 9.522 101.152169 0.029781 0.02802 328.33 -41.5 0.107 -28.152154 0.991 0.010123 0 0 2880 20 9.046355 0 0 2880 20 9.018796 0.167325 12 C 4-C 7 4th&roof -69.438 -60.719 -28.009829 0 0 2880 20 9.02194 0.018808 0 0 2880 20 9.039704 0.322 25.902 30.167325 12 C 4-C 4 4th&roof -73.148103 0.277 1.469 20.406 33.02193 0.619 -80.79 48.064 33.17 4.854 -26.024104 0 0 2880 20 9.46 -60.925 0.167325 12 C 4-C 6 4th&roof -78.167325 12 C 4-C 6 3rd&4th -637.83 48.016963 0.924 -52. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 C 4-C 1 3rd&4th -827.15215 0.64 3.061597 0.491 -60.236 0.557 -43.018455 0.686 23.29 138.06 -35.018447 0.024867 0 0 2880 20 9.75 64.63 3.016961 0.167325 12 C 4-C 8 4th&roof -78.439 46.022272 0.053 0.62 3.152164 0.283 1.20288 0.551 -43.472 102.018047 0.087 33.024061 0.016116 0.123 1.167325 12 C 4-C 7 3rd&4th -604.029761 0.489 48.167325 12 C 4-C 5 3rd&4th -620.74 -28.928 58.26 138.814 -39.641 -36.047118 0 0 2880 20 9. 615 0.05053 333.1325 1620 20mm 5.016 105.248 -2.119 90.87 -1.949 -0.15662 8 Foundation C 5-D 2 & ground -1410.15662 8 AAiT:BSc thesis Page 103 .773 6.033155 0.137269 0.15662 8 Foundation C 5-D 8 & ground -1174.010865 71.512 0.3-3 ω Ac As used D bar use Foundation C 5-D 1 & ground -1880.090938 0 0 1620 20mm 5.6 0.123635 0.262 96.188 0.57 1620 20mm 5.995 0.033275 0.033963 0 0 1620 20mm 5.15662 8 Foundation C 5-D 3 & ground -1410.53 -2.671 1.29 -0.758 -108.888 0.202 -17.15662 8 Foundation C 5-D 9 & ground -1647.059 -4.03234 0.501 -4.69079 1620 20mm 5.243 -2.090867 0 0 1620 20mm 5.100223 0.038253 0.22 -4.261 0.299 9.5997 1620 20mm 5.15662 8 Foundation - C 5-D 5 & ground -1431.031902 0.027907 184.615 0.019 0.718 0.523 0.624 0.606 0.044892 0.82 1.129484 0. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 Table 16 Column 5D design result column column in No. of No.09 1.527 0.78 -5.925 110.82 0.2-2 μsd.667 104.441 0.779 16.15662 8 Foundation C 5-D 7 & ground -1621.145 -8.4062 1620 20mm 5.78 -0.134523 887.056 -8.965 -90.707 0.52 2. Comb b/n floor P(KNm) M2-2 M3-3 vsd μsd.334 0.095 -95.15662 8 Foundation C 5-D 4 & ground -1390.821 105.116835 0.099182 0 0 1620 20mm 5.032929 0.15662 8 Foundation C 5-D 6 & ground -1199.044432 0.731 -15.331 6.209 9.043883 0.154 13.358 0.769 0.02 -2. 056618 0 0 1620 20mm 5.431 0.339 1.11178 0.167 78.3329 1620 20mm 5.118501 0.573 0.633 -5.054024 356.567 0.728 -9.071875 0 0 1620 20mm 5.752 -80.69 15.677 -58.08 19.072 -69.237 80.73 6.044285 0 0 1620 20mm 5.655 0.15662 8 C 5-D 2 1st&2nd -998.091883 0.15662 8 C 5-D 5 1st&2nd -1006.646 -52.15662 8 C 5-D 7 Ground&1st -1482. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 C 5-D 1 Ground&1st -1753.038516 0.03 20.038902 0.976 -21.22 19.439 49.39 11.15662 8 - C 5-D 6 Ground&1st -1147.001 71.15662 8 C 5-D 1 1st&2nd -1330.64 24.765 0.124 0.298 -5.15662 8 - C 5-D 6 1st&2nd -879.03491 0.782 -19.15662 8 C 5-D 2 Ground&1st -1315.050152 0.036712 0.022 104.056056 0.269 -26.15662 8 C 5-D 4 1st&2nd -988.08 0.435 0.764 0.363 10.056396 0 0 1620 20mm 5.32 49.491 0.646 0.883 -86.93 45.96 16.992 -6.044208 0.15662 8 - C 5-D 5 Ground&1st -1329.078863 0 0 1620 20mm 5.73 17.237 35.812 -20.434 0.06977 0.099 0.062135 0 0 1620 20mm 5.082393 0 0 1620 20mm 5.488 0.532 52.58 0.5 0.15662 8 C 5-D 3 1st&2nd -996.761 0.224 0.07 11.045182 0.909 0.847 90.4587 1620 20mm 5.17 12.92 30.100091 0.282 100.301 0.022142 0 0 1620 20mm 5.769 0.385 10.387 -31.29 -4.15662 8 C 5-D 9 Ground&1st -1502.15662 8 C 5-D 4 Ground&1st -1300.455 -6.028 2.06605 0 0 1620 20mm 5.89 13.069161 456.076 0.258 51.048 -1.443 0.59 0.816 71.247 0.408 -66.120738 0.044 -12.15662 8 - C 5-D 8 Ground&1st -1127.969 -2.094 -85.27 10.579 0.329 -94.056331 0 0 1620 20mm 5.039875 0.46 -8.102427 0 0 1620 20mm 5.391 -57.439 0.060812 0 0 1620 20mm 5.051259 0.383 0.527 59.104 -25.15662 8 C 5-D 3 Ground&1st -1314.573 0.040317 0.113 90.15662 8 AAiT:BSc thesis Page 104 .3 16.894 0.034388 0 0 1620 20mm 5.952 -45. 874 0.76 11.019549 0 0 1620 20mm 5.89 31.028635 0 0 1620 20mm 5.612 53.16 0.2 59.186 -20.807 11.15662 8 C 5-D 3 2nd&3rd -679.295 0.044592 0 0 1620 20mm 5.15662 8 C 5-D 6 2nd&3rd -610.32 64.471 -21.275 -9.435 0.027865 0 0 1620 20mm 5.816 1.12 62.631 0.265 0.935 0.15662 8 C 5-D 2 3rd&4th -367.033132 0.266 0.101263 0.073142 0.015416 0 0 1620 20mm 5.78 10.117 0.711 -2.077577 0.042511 0.618 -25.174 11.024603 0 0 1620 20mm 5.81 35.841 -0.026023 0 0 1620 20mm 5.991 -62.902 -21.15662 8 C 5-D 4 2nd&3rd -676.256 0.317 -82.046966 0.049765 0 0 1620 20mm 5.315 21.79 14.026523 0.493 -20.646 -88.015023 0 0 1620 20mm 5.322 62.15662 8 C 5-D 7 2nd&3rd -751.736 -5.15662 8 - C 5-D 8 1st&2nd -866.15662 8 - C 5-D 8 2nd&3rd -603.298 0.054 -5.15662 8 C 5-D 5 2nd&3rd -685.863 -64.159 0.486 0.064 11.247 0.057339 0.555 7.23 17.65 -20.575 0.02666 0.15662 8 C 5-D 4 3rd&4th -364.077 0.032062 0 0 1620 20mm 5.213 0.164 0.15662 8 C 5-D 1 3rd&4th -487.989 -50.159 0.018501 0 0 1620 20mm 5.741 -60.976 -28.099 -48.492 0.15662 8 C 5-D 2 2nd&3rd -682.10785 0.9 0.02826 0.023216 0 0 1620 20mm 5.15662 8 AAiT:BSc thesis Page 105 .296 0.025094 0 0 1620 20mm 5.524 -16.15662 8 C 5-D 3 3rd&4th -364.029559 0.028 46.621 0.15662 8 C 5-D 9 2nd&3rd -759.263 0.175 71.73 -28.331 0.908 11.504 -9.036613 0.45 0.566 41.77 15.433 0.777 -18.241 33.15662 8 C 5-D 1 2nd&3rd -908.43 36.042152 0.299 0.034207 0.332 -8.956 0. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 C 5-D 7 1st&2nd -1115.328 0.042 45.63 15.582 0.031372 0 0 1620 20mm 5.396 0.436 26.030634 0.116 40.561 -54.045637 0 0 1620 20mm 5.591 8.15662 8 C 5-D 9 1st&2nd -1128.91 21.04018 0 0 1620 20mm 5.62 14.876 0.841 -42.65 57.36 17.842 -59.378 0.891 0.881 -8. 52 56.507 -17.021 -1.148 0.08 0.15662 8 C 5-D 2 4th&roof -52.027 0.011228 0.907 -5.65 -0.596 7.021596 0.59 19.768 21.15662 8 C 5-D 1 4th&roof -68.004819 0 0 1620 20mm 5.741 9.188 0.777 -21.144 0.012 -0.642 -34.174 -7.822 0.023 0.013302 0 0 1620 20mm 5.022 0.174 0.15662 8 C 5-D 5 4th&roof -51.014798 0.16 0.84 -5.403 2.093 -7.242 -22.326 1.61 16.15662 8 C 5-D 3 4th&roof -50.002969 0 0 1620 20mm 5.38 -0.03 0.41 17.962 -12.014601 0.075 -2.403 3.424 0.042 7.59 0.2223 1620 20mm 5.03 0.34 23.124 -12.009726 0 0 1620 20mm 5.15662 8 AAiT:BSc thesis Page 106 .15662 8 - C 5-D 8 3rd&4th -329.352 0.038984 257.012012 0 0 1620 20mm 5.037937 250.004248 0 0 1620 20mm 5.893 0.137 -12.025154 0.013204 0.15662 8 C 5-D 7 4th&roof -60.645 2.967 4.15662 8 C 5-D 4 4th&roof -51.15662 8 C 5-D 9 3rd&4th -402.022 0.018617 0.27 52.25 18.013401 0.618 15.785 -5.15662 8 C 5-D 6 4th&roof -42.83 -6.017117 0.005169 0 0 1620 20mm 5.022 0.012259 0 0 1620 20mm 5.525 0.36 -16.174 4.018 0.29 -43.334 0.363 -14.026 0.389 6.579 0.72 0.313 0.15662 8 C 5-D 7 3rd&4th -399.058364 0.027464 0 0 1620 20mm 5.898 -14.525 23.175 0.029039 0.008405 0 0 1620 20mm 5.009476 0 0 1620 20mm 5.634 -21.15662 8 C 5-D 9 4th&roof -61.018 0.256 -0.485 0.15662 8 - C 5-D 6 3rd&4th -332.021353 0.014055 0.808 17.983 9.018669 0.3103 1620 20mm 5. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 C 5-D 5 3rd&4th -367.003506 0 0 1620 20mm 5.983 39.145 0.028398 0.395 -5.069 -20.205 -10.94 -1.062375 0.367 -45.085 0.15662 8 - C 5-D 8 4th&roof -41.56 18.052 -25. 169 34.032453 0.88 -15.095117 0.120307 0.813 -2.027464 0 0 1620 20 5.042 91.15662 8 - C 5-E 5 Ground&1st -748.395 -46.272 10.326 0.66 8.15662 8 Foundation C 5-E 9 & ground -848.69 -3.08406 0 0 1620 20 5.95 -4.15662 8 Foundation C 5-E 4 & ground -1101.632 10.783 12.054213 0.983 2.503 0.109 67.54 -30.35 -2.15662 8 C 5-E 6 Ground&1st -952.027437 0.15662 8 AAiT:BSc thesis Page 107 .573 -2.325 0.718 -8.231 0.842 -7.481 0.926 -81.051533 0.027428 180.04372 0 0 1620 20 5.111 15.15662 8 Foundation - C 5-E 5 & ground -802.047473 0 0 1620 20 5.027644 0.15662 8 C 5-E 8 Ground&1st -948.413 0.03346 0.792 2.092836 0 0 1620 20 5.023594 0.574 -26.15662 8 C 5-E 4 Ground&1st -983.597 28. comb P(KNm) vsd μsd.061 0.056147 0 0 1620 20 5.030739 0 0 1620 20 5.37 0.858 22.857 -7.15662 8 Foundation C 5-E 7 & ground -843.24 9.3 -17.89 -21.15662 8 C 5-E 7 Ground&1st -779.091608 0.535 -1.15662 8 Foundation C 5-E 2 & ground -1104.13 23.43 0.47 12.552 0.12 -41.739 85.281 -2.428 0.08 22.81 -48.354 -1.1284 0.086 -107.037537 0.23 -26.063 0.10399 0 0 1620 20 5.023563 0 0 1620 20 5.34 0.553 0. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 Table 17 Column 5E design result column M2-2 M3-3 As d in No.098966 0 0 1620 20 5.15662 8 C 5-E 1 Ground&1st -1154.898 111.462 0.10338 0.651 27.15662 8 Foundation C 5-E 8 & ground -1055.58 -18.2-2 μsd.045 0.92 -23.86 0.231 0.705 77.of No.869 11.029476 0.417 0.029216 0.368 0.848 19.59 -2.347 15.81 -7.039965 0 0 1620 20 5.404 -8.105628 0.3-3 ω As used mm bar use Foundation C 5-E 1 & ground -1269.059904 0 0 1620 20 5.3442 1620 20 5.314 22.9735 1620 20 5.342 43.432 94.457 0.03 -1.5 -1.159 0.48 0.090189 0 0 1620 20 5.112905 0 0 1620 20 5.067 0.187 0.447 -7.039763 0.572 -40.03374 0 0 1620 20 5.316 -2.207 90.77 80.026427 0.15662 8 C 5-E 2 Ground&1st -985.665 10.02 -4.51 -5.045489 0.415 0.15662 8 Foundation - C 5-E 3 & ground -798.46 0.092 0.148 0.623 75.566 6.348 0.15662 8 Foundation C 5-E 6 & ground -1059.056 0.511 0.15662 8 - C 5-E 3 Ground&1st -745.326 0.57 -2.35 0.218 76.017178 113.544 7. 55 -21.15662 8 C 5-E 6 1st&2nd -724.13 31.14 0.885 -28.764 42.070356 0 0 1620 20 5.041231 0 0 1620 20 5.090863 0 0 1620 20 5.018563 0.924 43.395 77.182 86.523 -21.733 0.062134 0 0 1620 20 5.17 -17.017485 0 0 1620 20 5.596 -56.06948 0 0 1620 20 5.264 0.067084 0.068125 0 0 1620 20 5.15662 8 C 5-E 8 1st&2nd -722.15662 8 C 5-E 1 3rd&4th -341.047893 0 0 1620 20 5.032 38.73 -28.598 0.662 0.95 -30.518 5.15662 8 C 5-E 2 3rd&4th -278.15662 8 C 5-E 4 2nd&3rd -508.15662 8 C 5-E 1 1st&2nd -885.525 -21.268 0.04039 0.597 -21. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 C 5-E 9 Ground&1st -783 3.15662 8 C 5-E 9 1st&2nd -605.354 0.047287 0 0 1620 20 5.321 -32.926 52.263 0.879 37.15662 8 C 5-E 1 2nd&3rd -613.625 35.18 38.515 -1.052237 0.039678 0 0 1620 20 5.023 -62.2035 1620 20 5.634 66.517 -60.57 -33.253 0.835 -28.933 34.504 0.332 11.341 0.036564 0.053716 0.018893 2.217 0.043 44.669 48.97 -55.814 0.054294 0 0 1620 20 5.044 0.056655 0.289 4.62 15.149378 1620 20 5.016577 0 0 1620 20 5.965 11.965 -55.046 0.293 -7.56 -32.316 0.012 -54.15662 8 C 5-E 5 2nd&3rd -412.909 52.88 -29.757 34.715 1.14 -24.313 32.098021 0 0 1620 20 5.71 -64.065679 0.15662 8 C 5-E 3 2nd&3rd -411.325 0.167 -28.79 -20.58 0.26E-05 0.057977 0 0 1620 20 5.022182 0 0 1620 20 5.15662 8 AAiT:BSc thesis Page 108 .95 -26.988 43.23 -55.69 10.18 0.007 0.28 51.054805 0.05678 0 0 1620 20 5.468 0.81 -29.75 -27.02732 0.216 0.045408 0 0 1620 20 5.068362 0.797 0.027122 0.15662 8 C 5-E 4 1st&2nd -745.0408 269.313 0.03974 0.027217 0.6 -19.15662 8 C 5-E 7 2nd&3rd -423.15662 8 C 5-E 2 2nd&3rd -509.941 57 22.08945 0.901 35.326 0.185 0.15662 8 C 5-E 8 2nd&3rd -495.122 0.15662 8 C 5-E 2 1st&2nd -747.758 9.668 29.057087 0.048389 0.074359 0 0 1620 20 5.761 57.996 -11.101 0.040834 0.924 0.648 -21.273 23.59 54.5715 1620 20 5.185 0.179 0.697 8.15662 8 C 5-E 5 1st&2nd -582.657 35.072329 0.846 0.98 19.497 33.045645 0.395 36.315 0.28 0.15662 8 C 5-E 6 2nd&3rd -497.828 0.897 47.0792 522.645 0.043971 0.652 -39.96 0.759 5.463 -58.045735 0 0 1620 20 5.78 -26.95 -64.041818 0.15662 8 C 5-E 7 1st&2nd -603.149 0.222 0.018437 0.15662 8 C 5-E 3 1st&2nd -580.099712 0.17 -37.222 0.36 6.15662 8 C 5-E 3 3rd&4th -232.779 64.132 44.974 -0.165 32.133 0.15662 8 C 5-E 9 2nd&3rd -424.416 88.386 0.357 78.891 0.597 0.103 61.254 0. 341 27.02 0.65 -6.057908 0.532 -11.030473 0.486 26.029385 0.464 -7.394 -32.024 4.15662 8 C 5-E 4 4th&roof -58.029956 0.102 0.15662 8 C 5-E 1 4th&roof -69.334 -9.15662 8 C 5-E 5 4th&roof -45.15662 8 C 5-E 6 3rd&4th -273.15662 8 C 5-E 2 4th&roof -58.585 30.021 0.216 40.948 30.15662 8 C 5-E 7 4th&roof -46.31 34.030387 0.044819 0.02 0.029984 0 0 1620 20 5.025 0.28 -23.03111 0 0 1620 20 5.15662 8 C 5-E 7 3rd&4th -238.15662 8 C 5-E 5 3rd&4th -233.489 30.689 0.025 0.025 0.15662 8 C 5-E 9 3rd&4th -238.569 40.034356 0 0 1620 20 5.996 0.76 7.022 0.0648 427.15662 8 C 5-E 8 4th&roof -56.5676 1620 20 5.0648 427.679 0.012 27.15 9.067349 0.044022 0 0 1620 20 5.104 0.035038 0 0 1620 20 5.183 0.027588 0.095 50.030263 0 0 1620 20 5.629 26.249 -7.584 -27.78 -4.85 -18.03 0.15662 8 C 5-E 9 4th&roof -47.549 -32.026056 0 0 1620 20 5.041608 0.15662 8 C 5-E 8 3rd&4th -273 -64.295 37.5585 1620 20 5.04073 0.121 0.03083 0 0 1620 20 5.028019 0.851 30.429 -27.592 22.025 0.162 37.68 -20.298 25.32 0.026 0.0632 417.030025 0.15662 8 C 5-E 3 4th&roof -45.15662 8 C 5-E 6 4th&roof -56.59 -56.119 0.040811 0 0 1620 20 5.17 0.335 30.19 -4.773 -21.038476 0.79 38.027 30.48 -32.22 -7.0015 1620 20 5.02795 0.738 27.699 37. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 C 5-E 4 3rd&4th -278.042099 0.104 0.815 0.5585 1620 20 5.026458 0.908 -54.235 52.122 35.992 0.02 0.555 47.698 0.239 30.093 2.511 0.038651 0.673 30.119 0.05 -7.071 -5.15662 8 AAiT:BSc thesis Page 109 .026738 0 0 1620 20 5.121 0.06006 0.805 35.165 27.027503 0.704 -19.051 25.98 6.029709 0 0 1620 20 5.701 40.897 0.549 -9.384 0.016 0.007664 50. 911 12 3769. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 Table 18 Column design result used column 2 (mm ) No.911 C3-E 12 C4-A 3769.9112880 12 C4-B 5026. of bar C3-A 3769.548 16 AAiT:BSc thesis Page 110 .911 C3-C 12 C3-D 3769.911 C3-B 12 3769.911 12 3769. 548 16 C5-D 3769.911 12 5026.9112880 12 AAiT:BSc thesis Page 111 .911 12 C5-A 3769.548 C5-B 16 C5-C 5026.548 16 C4-D 5026.548 16 C4-E 3769.9112880 12 C5-E 3769. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 C4-C 5026. The purpose of foundations are:  To distribute the load of the structure over a large bearing area so as to bring intensity of loading within the safe bearing capacity of the soil lying underneath. near to the ground surface.  To secure a level and firm bed for building operations.e. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 8 FOUNDATION ANALYSIS AND DESIGN Foundation substructures are structural members used to support walls and columns to transmit and distribute their loads to the ground. AAiT:BSc thesis Page 112 . Isolated (Spread) footing b. Isolated (spread) footing: These footings are used to carry individual columns.  To prevent the lateral movement of the supporting material. Generally foundations may be broadly classified into two categories: 1. when columns are spaced at a relatively long distance. Combined footing c. Mat (Raft) foundation a.  To load the bearing surface at a uniform rate so as to prevent unequal settlement. or occasionally circular in plan. Cantilever (strap) footing e. rectangular. Shallow foundations 2. wall footing d. These are: a. They are one of most economical types of foundation. it should be designed in such a way that the load bearing capacity of the soil is not exceeded and adequate safety against sliding and overturning is assured. Deep foundations 1. These may be square. the substructure must be designed to prevent excessive settlement or rotation and to minimize differential settlement. i. If these loads are to be properly transmitted. In addition. Shallow foundations Shallow foundations transmits the loads to the strata at a shallow depth. There are different types of shallow foundations.  To increase the stability of the structure as a whole. 2. The combined footing becomes necessary in situations where a wall column has to be placed a property line. Locate the site and the position of load. e. Combined footing: This type is used to support two or more column loads. Selection of foundation type The selection of foundation type is the role of geotechnical engineer. wall footing: They are used to support partitions and structural masonry walls that carry loads from floors and beams. Deep foundations This type of foundation becomes essential when the supporting soil consists of poor layers of material to an extended depth such that an individual or mat foundation is not feasible. Cantilever (strap) footing: They are basically the same as combined footings except that they are isolated footings joined by a strap beam that transfers the effect of the bending moment produced by the eccentric column load at the exterior column (possibly located along the property line) to the adjacent interior column footing that lies at a considerable distance from it. This type of footing preferable for location which is liable to earthquake. Depending on the site AAiT:BSc thesis Page 113 . The criteria that should be considered during the selection are:  Soil type  Bearing capacity of the soil  Susceptibility of the soil and the building to deflections  Variability of the soil type over the area and with increasing depth The following steps are the minimum required for designing a foundation: 1. d. or other considerations limit the footing clearance on the column location. Mat (Raft) foundation: This is a large continuous footing supporting all of the columns and walls of a structure. c. The combined footings are more economical to construct in the case of closely spaced columns. A rough estimate of the foundation load(s) is usually provided by the client or made in-house. column spacing. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 b. A mat or a raft footing is used when the soil conditions are poor so that isolated footing can't be used due to its high susceptible to differential settlement and a pile foundation is not economical. The value of a load factor depends on the accuracy with which a load can be determined and the probability of its simultaneous occurrence with other loads in a combination for a specific limit state. Determine the necessary soil design parameters based on integration of test data. 2.1 Design philosophy 1. Establish the field exploration program and. The foundation should be economical and be able to be built by the available construction personnel. Allowable stresses. Design the foundation using the soil parameters from step 4. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 or load system complexity. 2. This method is adopted for footing proportioning. and design axial loads and bending moments are obtained from 3D frame analysis using ETABS v9. Based on the above conditions stated. The design is based on EBCS-7 1995. AAiT:BSc thesis Page 114 . 8. in order to avoid application of safety factor for third time in analysis and design. 5. on the basis of discovery (or what is found in the initial phase). Supplement this inspection with any previously obtained soil data. load factors are applied to the loads and resistance factors to the internal resistances or capacities of sections. in practice were set at about one-half the concrete compressive strength and one-half the yield stress of the steel. a literature survey may be started to see how others have approached similar problems. the types of foundations chosen for our building are Isolated Footing and Combined Footing. 3.7. 4. Physically inspect the site for any geological or other evidence that may indicate a potential design problem that will have to be taken into account when making the design or giving a design recommendation. and engineering judgment. set up the necessary supplemental field testing and any laboratory test program. scientific principles. were only fractions of the failure stresses of the materials. Load Resistance Factored Design (LRDF) In Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) method. For any structural design including foundation we use LRDF method. Allowable Stress Design (ASD) Members proportioned so that the stresses in the steel and concrete resulting from normal service loads were within allowable stress (specified limits). 4. provided that the considered load lies within the kern of the footing.45 As the dead load of the structure is the dominate one. Footing Area = Unfactored load / Allowable Stress = (Dead Load + Live Load)/ (Allowable Stress) OR Footing Area = Factored Load / (Allowable Stress * Safety factor) = (1.6)/2 = 1.Dead load and live load factored with 1.Concrete and Steel cross sectional capacity factored by 1. Design combination for isolated and combined footing For our project foundation design we use combination one which only take in consideration factored dead load and live load.15 respectively 3rd.3 and 1. 8. earthquake doesn‟t have any effect. AAiT:BSc thesis Page 115 . 2nd .2 Design of Isolated Footing An isolated footing is a footing that carries a single column. As the base shear force located at the bottom of the ground floor. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 1st.Using Ultimate capacity (Allowable Stress * Safety factor) of the soil is the governing capacity to avoid third time safety factor and be economical.5 and 1. The approximate contact pressure under a given symmetrical foundation can be obtained from the flexural formula.3+1.6*Live Load)/ (Allowable Stress*Factor of Safety).3*Dead Load + 1.6 respectively. For all footing proportioning we use ASD method with a factor of safety ranges from 2. Factor of Safety used to determine footing area is the average value Dead Load and Live Load safety factor. for footing design we use a factor of safety (FS) =1. Factor of safety= (Factor of safety of Dead load + Factor of safety of Live load)/2 = (1.5 to 3. The function of an isolated footing is to spread the column load laterally to the soil so that the stress intensity is reduced to a value that the soil can safely carry. Isolated footing Design • Design Load My-y P p = 2132.C25 • S-400 • Column dimension 450mmx450mm AAiT:BSc thesis Page 116 .2. Check for wide beam shear. Step 5.652 y My-y = 2.155 x b MX-X a a • Material and geometry property • Concrete . Step 6. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 ζ= (1± ± ) Where = & = The thickness of a given footing that determined by checking the thickness needed for punching shear criteria and wide beam shear criteria. Determination of eccentricity. Step 3. Area proportioning and Load Calculation. Determination of Reinforcement Requirement. Step 2. Determination of development length. 8. Design procedures Step 1. Step 4.1. The greater of the two governs the depth of the footing. Check depth for punching shear.71 Mx-x = -274.1 Sample calculation 1. ..00101m eb = Mx-x/P = 274..7m Stress distribution δ maxA = P/A (1-(6ea/a)-(6eb/b)) My-y +ve & Mx-x -ve = 2132...675 = a..652/2132..1288/3...71/3.997KN/m2 δ maxB = P/A (1-(6ea/a) +(6eb/b)) = 188..155/2132.71=0.21*fck0.0 . d = 250mm ..... Area proportioning Assume maximum allowable bearing capacity of the soil.575KN/m2 Substituting these values in equation *..7)-(6*0.1288/b) b = 7... to be 200KN/ m2 . and a/b = 1.72 (1-(6*0. ρ = As/bd AAiT:BSc thesis Page 117 .51KN/m2 My-y -ve & Mx-x -ve δ maxD = P/A (1+(6ea/a)+(6eb/b)) = 188.7)) = 122.66/ᴽcm k1= (1+50ρ) ≤2..575KN/m2 My-y -ve & Mx-x +ve 2 δ avg = 155.62 (1± 6...064KN/m2 My-y +ve & Mx-x +ve δ maxC = P/A (1+(6ea/a) -(6eb/b)) = 123..... STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 .* For square footing assuming a = b ea & eb are eccentricity in the x & y direction respectively ea = My-y/P = 2.1288m δ max = 188.71/b (1±6*0.71=0.25fctd*k 1 *K 2 Where fctd = 0. Check for punching shear • Allowable punching Vp is given by VRD =0.. δ all > δ max δ all = 280 KN/m2 δ max = P/A (1±6ea/a ±6eb/b) .06*10-3/b ± 0.786KN/m Depth determination 1..001010/b±6 *0. the dimensions of the footing is calculated as fallows 280 = 2132.00101/3.773/b) So by using excel sheet iteration the value of a will be b = 3. so use b = a = 3. 999KN/m2 OK.2 +1402.00125 K1 = 1.2025 Vs = (2131.. Vs = 248.8 +12d)) = (2100.45m = 4(0.5/fck at initial stage b/c As is to be determined at last...8d) .62d)/ (12d2 + 1.0625 K2=1...6d≥1.786 * (9d2+2.0625*(1.2100..8d) 3..2025)*d)/ (d (1.0315Mpa ρmin = 0.2 +1402..1396.07d2 +420..45+3d)2 = 9d2 + 2. Obtained as: d = 650mm.45 +3d) = 1.25* 1.δavg * AP *d)/ (u*d) U .274(1... a‟ & b' are column dimensions.7d+0.2)/ (419..71-155..44-0.62d)/ (12d2 + 1.6-d) = 0.* • punching stress (vp) = (p.0 Vp = 0.Perimeter of the critical section U = (2(a' + 3d) + 2(b' + 3d)).07d2+420.29d3 + 5.44-0.2 +1402..274d = (2100.83) Therefore.07d2 +420. AAiT:BSc thesis Page 118 .274d.6-d) = 0..77d2 + 0.3089KN/m2 < Vp = 273... calculated the value of 'd ' by iteration using Excel sheet so that Vs ≤ Vp to be safe against punching shear..3d2 .** Equating eqn'(*) and eqn‟ (**) Vp = Vs 0... STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 hence use ρmin = 0.79d = 2100. fctd = 1.62d d = (3.0315 *1.29d3 ..8+12d Ap = (a' + 3d)*(b' +3d) = (0.. a' = b' = 0..7d +0. B.9181063 and 171.7 a‟ and b‟=0. using the Maximum stresses at A.4286387 Line 2-2 188.725 x4-4 2. C and D for each lines ζ= 122.3733548 123.725 x3-3 2.45 x1-1 2.064-122. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 Check for wide beam shear x=((a or b)/2+(a' or b')/2)+d Where a and b= 3.725) = 170.997)/ (3.3733548 Line 3-3 123.9181063 The respective results are given below Line 1-1 170.4400636 123.3733548 Line 4-4 170.997+ (((188.7))*2.9181063 171.725 Line equations for critical maximum stress given by: Y=mX+b Example line 1-1.725 d=0.4286387 AAiT:BSc thesis Page 119 .65 x2-2 2. 974*(3.5745958 and ζmaxC=123.507887 The average of these two maximum stresses will be ζavg=156.4400636 and ζ =123.507887 are the distributed stresses Average of all four stresses is ζavg=155.65 is ok Along line 1-1 Vws=179.0640633 Average of all four stresses is ζavg=179.5745958 ζmaxB=188.2836667 The average of these two stresses will be ζavg=155.4286387 ζmaxD=188.746*(3.45 will be at 2.8170211 The maximum stresses at D and C respectively ζmaxD=188.3733548 from the above line equation results ζmaxD=188.7 and a‟=0.5745958 and ζmaxC=123. Maximum moment effect at the face of column Along x-x Location of critical section from the origin=a/2+a'/2 where a=3.9739753 At x1-1: ζ =170.0412414 AAiT:BSc thesis Page 120 .6195266 d=0.9609629 d=0.65 Vws=269. At x2-2: ζ =188. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 Using critical line which are line 2-2 and line 1-1 we use the stresses from both.075 At x5-5: the stresses are ζ=188.7-2.65 is ok The depth satisfies the requirements at both critical lines along line 1-1 and 2-2.746351 Wide beam shear stress Using (Vws) =ζavg*(a-x2-2)*b/ (b*d) we compute Vws for the above two average stresses Along line 2-2 Vws=155.9181063 and ζ =171.725)/0.65 Vws=233.725)/0.7-2.3503754 and ζ=123. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 Average of both averages becomes ζAVG=155.7 Mmax1= 155.s <0.9291312 Mmax= ζavg *(a-2.4874683 and ζ=159.4379164KNm/m 8.5757739KNm/m And the maximum moments are Mmax1=411.5.7 and b‟=0.7 Mmax=411.295 its DRS.7-2.5*(156.295 then its SRS. But if μsd.075 At x6-6 the stresses are ζ=159.817*((3. Average of both averages is ζAVG=155.7503621KNm/m and Mmax2= ((155.7427345 Maximum stress at D is ζmaxD= ζavg =188.7503621KNm/m and Mmax2=411.041-155. Reinforcement calculation If μsd.929*(3.075)2 where a=3.075)2))+(0.075)2=411.s >0.7503621KNm/m and Mmax=437.5757739KNm/m along x-x Along y-y Location of critical section from the origin=b/2+b'/2 where b=3.817)*(2/3)*(3.075))) Mmax2=411. We look up the value of Kz from a chart for the respective value of μsd.075)2 where b=3.9291312 Mmax= ζavg *(b-2. As=Msd/ (fyd*Z) where Z=Kz/d AAiT:BSc thesis Page 121 .45 will be at 2.7-2.9980007 The average of these will be ζavg=159.5745958 From above.7-2.s. 091 SRS Kz 0.086 SRS Kz 0.346 mm2/m spacing 163.2784 mm use s 150 mm AAiT:BSc thesis Page 122 .s=Msd/(fcd*b*(d^2)) b 1 M μsd. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 Along x-x μsd.s 0.2551 Mm use s 160 Mm Along y-y μsd.s=Msd/(fcd*b*(d^2)) b 1 M μsd.599 mm2/m spacing 153.944 As 2049.s 0.946 As 1924. 2 3.916 -103.803 2.3 2.865 3.655 11.45 1360.7 0.4 1352.9 3.694 20 314.2 0.269 -8.961 20 314.7 2071.74 -92.1 2.315 180 C11 COMB2 -1104.056 2168.289 180 C11 COMB3 -798.1593 183.153 -256.2 0.813 2.546 1248.1593 165.9 0.828 180 186.336 180 188.859 140 C9 COMB5 -1673.716 250 261.699 3.5 2.2 0.043 170 165.7 2119.417 2.95 12.933 20 314.3 0.75 1911.1593 147.349 200 194.422 210 C14 COMB6 -2492.884 90.4 3.24 111.7 0. s(mm) x.81 0.349 180 C11 COMB5 -802.721 1691.507 2.7 0.71 160 167.578 160 C11 COMB6 -1059.723 160 144.2 0.1593 239.65 89.1593 230.063 2.7 2.856 160 C11 COMB8 -1055.218 1874.158 -260.803 2.45 1313.8 3.798 20 314.35 130 138.497 3.552 2. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 Table 19 Footing 4C.35 1223.55 1815.1593 202.961 140 C9 COMB3 -1682.7 2.848 240 251.583 -8.654 150 154.4 0.17 3.2 2.641 180 185.316 -77.9 0.736 150 C9 COMB8 -1804.1593 173.55 1806.55 1685.576 190 AAiT:BSc thesis Page 123 .02 2.1593 232.356 1315.687 2167.59 -8.8 0.51 -8.289 20 314.57 -91.26 -1.3 0.8 0.91 230 238.488 1894.9 0.342 2247.44 -105.5 0.094 20 314.7 294.385 230 C14 COMB1 -3177.5D & 5E design result s(mm) x.757 1201.638 160 C11 COMB1 -1269.43 230 C14 COMB8 -2492.726 200 192.192 20 314.1593 148.917 170 167.18 0.7 0.275 20 314.13 20 314.982 1686.715 20 314.298 2234.935 2.376 130 C9 COMB2 -1687.55 1537.573 10.535 3 3 0.65 1301.1 0.75 2270.04 -293.1593 261.1593 165.955 20 314.975 1340.1593 266.231 2.03 12.1593 204.8 130 C9 COMB7 -1575.843 140 C9 COMB4 -1696.231 20 314.237 140 140.1593 138.402 260 C14 COMB5 -2382.88 -81.551 160 144.9 2.4 20 314.57 0.3 0. s Column Load P M2 M3 a b D As x-x As y-y diameter As x s used x used C9 COMB1 -2246.535 80.2 2.618 140 C9 COMB9 -1564.529 106.1593 186.33 20 314.546 2030.348 20 314.095 3.754 -0.45 1337.187 2.95 102.204 20 314.1593 183.94 0.65 1873.217 1695.71 1478.1593 247.2 3.32 3.2 3.55 1716.024 20 314.727 140 C9 COMB6 -1793.9 2.55 1549.1593 183.053 180 185.8 2270.219 1363.3 2.202 3.516 160 144.1593 234.021 20 314.07 -6.033 -0.151 260 234.244 230 212.66 4 4 0.894 3.1593 164.511 2.1593 151.669 1631.7 2.1593 167.123 140 139.867 230 C14 COMB2 -2383.7 2135.471 240 C14 COMB4 -2382.649 2168.128 255.457 2.45 1202.498 190 C11 COMB7 -843.35 94.498 -87.4 2.674 250 C14 COMB3 -2382.149 230 241.191 -3.368 1874.24 2.34 260 234.189 20 314.75 1897.73 180 C11 COMB4 -1101.8 2.197 11.98 1667.743 1.35 1267.492 3 3 0.75 1898.1593 173.55 1710.21 -6.5 -7.2 0.538 1340.44 230 C14 COMB7 -2273.611 2185.7 2.41 294.35 1179.64 2.3 3.037 20 314.1593 165.787 2.75 1895.16 0.04 -5.158 20 314.092 2 2 0.622 20 314.475 20 314.361 1615.138 3.354 -7.962 230 230.82 20 314.55 1708.266 20 314.342 160 143.66 85.133 250.1593 256.4 0. 312 3.094 20 314.127 2031.7 2074.45 1353.109 2.302 180 C5 COMB6 -1951.114 3.916 2090.65 125.06 105.9 2.607 150 Table 20 Isolated footing design result s(mm) s(mm) s Column Load P M2 M3 a b d As x-x As y-y diametr as x-x s used x-x used C1 COMB7 -1023.8 0.229 2.1593 161.9 3.34 -293.719 20 314.537 2.45 1299.148 210 C2 COMB6 -1198.708 160 C6 COMB7 -1706.1593 237.081 230 209.189 20 314.487 20 314.9 2.662 1717.023 2.264 2.55 1693.45 1410.923 2022.747 -5.569 20 314.5 -7.362 150 155.334 210 C11 COMB8 -1055.7 2.139 20 314.452 210 C4 COMB7 -1652.1593 192.1593 232.7 0.55 1636.55 180 177.1593 222.156 1723.923 1431.7 2.541 -6.45 1202.4 1322.326 2.984 20 314.151 260 234.04 -5.9 0.36 1233.22 -108.675 240 219.488 1894.976 1487.556 1486.793 8.47 126.91 313.65 1949.9 0.4 0.5 0.1593 292.8 3.6 2.7 2061.1593 147.88 7.231 2.1 0.85 310.379 2.315 150 C14 COMB6 -2492.547 20 314.807 2275.208 1884.457 1554.7 0.464 230 211.8 3.5 2.735 2.143 290 254.429 3.899 230 211.143 200 C3 COMB6 -1119.596 3.123 140 139.95 102.3 -107.114 160 150.465 150 154.24 111.5 2.288 20 314.764 20 314.274 150 AAiT:BSc thesis Page 124 .5 0.975 1340.028 -2.34 2.844 20 314.64 -100.7 2135.1593 185.88 170 166.55 1630.79 3.1593 173.859 20 314.856 160 C10 COMB9 -1022.397 -8.58 -115.5 2.55 1815.9 0.5 0.056 20 314.342 2247.43 230 C12 COMB8 -1152.4 2.942 -0.614 250 C14 COMB9 -2273.4 1320.043 130 138.96 111.9 0.281 10.358 2.735 220 202.7 2275.158 20 314.1 3.535 3 3 0.6 0.066 170 C7 COMB1 -2821.559 20 314.707 15.7 294.772 6.8 130 C15 COMB8 -2144.1593 237.82 -8.1593 241.4 1075.1593 261.1593 192.657 190 182.79 -2. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 C11 COMB9 -848.01 190 182.8 0.659 1496.319 3.991 200 C13 COMB6 -2246.861 20 314.043 170 165.66 4 4 0.2 0.583 -8.9 2.1593 172.045 130 C8 COMB9 -1647.847 8.2 3.65 -108.1593 152.247 20 314.1593 151.87 -115.123 1774.6 1817.879 180 C9 COMB8 -1804.1593 138. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 9 REINFORCEMENT DETAILS 9.1 Slab Detailing AAiT:BSc thesis Page 125 . STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 Section A-A Section B-B Section C-C Section D-D AAiT:BSc thesis Page 126 . STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 Section E-E Section 1-1 Section 2-2 Section 4-4 AAiT:BSc thesis Page 127 . STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 Section 5-5 AAiT:BSc thesis Page 128 . STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 9.2 Typical Beam Detailing Beam on Axis A and B Beam on Axis C and D Beam on Axis E AAiT:BSc thesis Page 129 . STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 Beam 3 (typical beam) Beam 4 (typical beam) Beam 5 (typical beam) AAiT:BSc thesis Page 130 . 4.3 Ground Beam Beam on Axis A. B. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 9. D. C. 5 AAiT:BSc thesis Page 131 . E Beam on Axis 3. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 9. E On Axis 3. B. C. D.4 Roof Beam On Axis A. 4. 5 AAiT:BSc thesis Page 132 . 45 0.5 Foundation Detailing 0. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 9.45 AAiT:BSc thesis Page 133 . STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 AAiT:BSc thesis Page 134 . STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 AAiT:BSc thesis Page 135 . STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 AAiT:BSc thesis Page 136 . STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 AAiT:BSc thesis Page 137 . STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 AAiT:BSc thesis Page 138 . STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 9.6 Column Detailing AAiT:BSc thesis Page 139 . STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 AAiT:BSc thesis Page 140 . reinforced concrete and others which enabled us to accomplish this project. This project helped us compile our knowledge in structural design which will in turn enhance our capacity to perform well in the jobs we will be engaged. Design of this building is according to the specification and limits of EBCS 1995. columns and footings the use of software played a great role. Besides square footings are simpler for Supervision in construction. This report doesn‟t include roof design mainly due to the reason that we haven‟t learned Steel and timber structures by the time we begun project and also time limit. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 10 CONCLUSION So far we took different courses concerning structural design of a building such as: theory of structures. Four of the five floors in this building are typical(the same ) so design of slabs and beams is done accordingly for one floor. When we use software we have to make sure that we inserted correct data so that we won‟t get false output which may lead to failure of the structure if we used it for design. While designing every element of this building such as: slabs. The foundation footing was made square footing because both axes have similar Probability of experiencing the biaxial moment. AAiT:BSc thesis Page 141 . beams. We used ETABS analysis results for design by first assigning every expected load on the structural members and considering possible load combinations. since it is essential to achieve proper performance of a structure under the situation it is designed for. critical conditions are selected. hence strict supervision is necessary at site during construction. critical conditions for flexure are maximum negative moments at support and maximum positive at span. For example. So instead of designing for the maximum all the time. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 11 RECOMMENDATION It has been quite bulky to prepare a precise reinforcement detail. For engineers in addition to designing safe structure. Detailing is used as a guide to put the paper work in to practical. the detailing has to be done seriously. economy should be considered. In our case we recommend using low ductility class for design. . because high ductility class requires advanced level of understanding and also results a complicated detailing. However. for this the design will be safe and number of reinforcement bars to be used is reduced. While designing a structural element it is better to make it non sway because design faults may occur and workmanship may not meet design requirements. AAiT:BSc thesis Page 142 . 15 41.75 201.0775 C3 15.25 201.5 398.0775 C4 2.5475 9.25 818.75 44. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 12 APPENDICES 12.631 704.25 58.025 W4 15.23075 P2 11.175 13.88 13.85 16.75 27.75 1877.9285 4.75 611.25 44.37275 9.75 1963.7625 14.1665 4.25 192.2 9.582 433.15 0 13.9725 13.35 13.75 125.025 W5 0 9.25 46.97325 739.582 3033.3095 4.8125 W6 4.25 44.3158 812.75 46.5 398.15 82.25 818.3375 14.47 96.45 61.25 818.75 611.75 62.25 27.9615 13.05325 9.828688 1.25 27.45 432.25 192.6745 P3 15.5 398.07905 W1 2.75 978.582 2166.631 422.3495 14.75 125.1 100.815 W3 11.75 192.8125 W8 9 9.1 Determination of total building weight and Center mass Table 21 Typical Floor Weight and Center Mass Distance in Distance Nota the in the Tion x-axis.25 818.5475 4.582 2166.5 238.75 125.45 308.442 699.4735 P5 6.689813 1.25 58. Xi Load Wi Wi*Xi y-axis.59875 1 62.5 9.25 192.75925 1 62.8125 14.4735 P7 15.8125 AAiT:BSc thesis Page 143 .97325 105.15 65.8125 W7 7.582 1299.75 611. Yi Wi*Yi P1 2.631 C6 11.4735 P6 11.631 C7 15.7165625 C8 8.23075 P4 2.75 125.357 453.0775 C2 11.357 3171.75 192.025 W2 5.7165625 C5 6.442 499.55798 9.4735 C1 2.75 1963.25 62.442 99.9945 13. 75 386.25 11.3 315.37 46.675 2 36.9 W14 17.25 27.5 10.75 386.5875 W20 2.4375 W34 4.25 27.3 150.5 10.65 535.7 13.5 39.3 315.25 116.525 13.75 125.6625 W26 9 27.45 61.75 386.4375 W38 2.425 9.75 18.45 123.6 W33 0 9.75 386.5 13.2 109.25 116.5 178.45 308.8125 W10 18 9.7625 6.45 494.15 123.2 W36 13.7 1.6625 W29 0.3 13.5 178.975 2 36.275 9.9 W12 8.3 178.85 9.45 370.37 W35 9 12.5875 W19 18 39.525 4.8125 6.1 4.25 11.45 185.5875 W18 13.995 1 10.15 0 1.1 10.75 125.6625 W27 13.425 W22 11.2875 6.25 18.7625 0.5 178.575 4.15 164.725 AAiT:BSc thesis Page 144 . STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 W9 13.6625 W28 18 27.3 13.45 61.25 116.425 W21 6.75 27.725 2 36.425 13 237.3 178.65 713.5 39.8125 W11 0.8 1 12.75 27.75 386.7 9.25 27.98 88.25 116.5 27.45 432.65 356.665 1 10.725 13 237.75 18.6 W31 9.5875 W16 4.9 W15 0 39.425 2 36.675 13 237.15 164.75 18.6 W30 8.425 W24 0 27.05 4.65 178.37 W37 18 9.75 18.25 116.5875 W17 9 39.6625 W25 4.425 W23 15.5 27.45 247.65 0 9.25 18.45 0 4.5 178.938 13 142.6 W32 17.25 18.74 W13 9.37 139.3375 6.5 9. 4375 383.6875 132.3375 0.6875 88.96875 B19 0 19.9375 B10 0 28.96875 2 39.9375 B8 11.6875 127.53125 13.890625 6.75 27.234375 B5 18 6.5 127.5 19.59375 13.484375 2 39.9375 B9 15.671875 B20 4.5 127.6875 44.25 27.671875 B24 2.6875 310.5625 88.75 90.75 19.9375 B7 6.375 B27 15.5 6.4375 511.6875 0 4.4375 0 9.5625 59.25 19.5625 118.45 432.875 9.75 19.9375 9.96875 B18 15.8125 0 0 W41 15.75 90.5 6.25 83.75 90.125 13.90625 9.265625 B13 13.5 28.375 B26 11.0625 13.5 19.75 277.6875 177.96875 9.265625 B14 18 28.265625 B12 9 28.4375 127.234375 B6 2.725 B1 0 6.890625 13 255.078125 6.1875 4.25 19.5625 0 13.265625 B11 4.75 277.5 28. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 W39 6.375 B25 6.6875 265.96875 B17 11.484375 13 255.75 27.375 AAiT:BSc thesis Page 145 .75 90.2875 0 0 W40 11.5 127.25 83.45 185.234375 B2 4.6875 354.75 19.078125 13 255.265625 B15 2.6875 132.25 19.75 19.671875 B22 13.5 19.6875 310.296875 6.484375 6.59375 4.234375 B3 9 6.25 19.25 83.296875 13 255.6875 44.078125 2 39.6875 221.6875 221.25 19.45 308.5 13.6875 221.234375 B4 13.96875 B16 6.75 19.6875 310.78125 4.671875 B21 9 19.75 277.5 127.25 19.75 90.25 83.671875 B23 18 19.5625 29.375 4.296875 2 39.25 83.4375 255.75 277.75 277.6875 44. 44063 138.5 178.75 1210.425 Cl9 13.44063 138.149 726.9375 B29 4.575 6.75 B32 18 6.728125 Cl2 4.728125 Cl6 0 15.75 78.85 124.5 15.5 178.25 8.448438 2 30.75 393.25 10.965625 2 30.375 1 8.88125 Cl12 4.44063 277.5 100.75 1 8.425 Cl8 9 27.5 27.45 370.45 247.5 100.9375 Sum 3689.125 1 8.5 15.301 33138.44063 208.5 8.5 15.448438 13 200.3640625 Cl11 0 15.75 118.5625 118.0558 26128.45275 landing 5.5 27.5 8.93125 6.75 B31 13.45 123.525 6.6025 13.4828125 13 200.88125 Cl15 18 15.3640625 Cl7 4.44063 0 13 200.728125 Cl4 13.75 0 1.728125 Cl3 9 15.082282888 AAiT:BSc thesis Page 146 .88125 Cl14 13.65 0 13 0 Cl1 0 15.425 Cl10 18 15.5 178.203125 B33 7.65 167.125 1.5 15.88125 stair 2 5.44063 0 2 30.93125 13 200.75 B30 9 8.44063 277.44063 0 6.44063 69. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 B28 0 8.27165 9.75 39.728125 Cl5 18 15.44063 277.965625 13 200.44063 69.05 6.4828125 2 30.88125 Cl13 9 15.98220491 Y=7.44063 208.85 28.93125 2 30.67193 Center of mass X=8. 25 192.575 32.25 192.75 62.5475 4.75 978.25 13.25 13.5 199.235 48.175 13.75 1963.17475 14.5 4.55798 9.75 62.90625 W10 18 4.25 201.25 0 13.25 818.6745 P3 15.75 192.2 4.16875 14.5 119.582 2166.90625 W7 7.75 192.75 0 1.575 41.25 818.40625 14.0125 W2 5.90625 W9 13.582 1299. Yi Wi*Yi P1 2.75 62.5 199.90625 W8 9 4.75 1877.582 433.88125 14.575 61.575 82.75 62.1665 4.575 20.75 62.90625 W6 4.75 0 1 0 C6 11.7625 13.25 0 C8 8.23075 P4 2.0125 W4 15. the Tion Xi Load Wi Wi*Xi y-axis.575 0 13.25 192.25 0 13.05325 9.25 0 1.582 3033.25 0 C5 6.75 201. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 Table 22 Ground Floor Weight and Center Mass Distance in Distance in Nota the x-axis.357 3171.75 0 C2 11.725 216.3158 812.25 0 1 0 C7 15.4075 W3 11.0125 W5 0 4.1 100.357 453.25 818.90625 AAiT:BSc thesis Page 147 .75 0 C4 2.94 13.582 2166.4735 C1 2.75 0 C3 15.5 4.5475 9.725 154.23075 P2 11.75 62.5875 13.4735 P7 15.4735 P5 6.07905 W1 2.75 1963.75 0 13.3095 4.9285 4.75 13.5 199.725 30.4735 P6 11.35 13.85 8.37275 9.25 818. 15 W33 0 4.88125 6.85 9.29375 W19 18 19.425 9.5 5.185 69.8625 13 118.33125 W27 13.725 30.725 154.825 356.2125 13 118.25 58.29375 W16 4.5 5.725 185.5 19.25 58.2875 4.25 4.725 123.15 W30 8.75 193.725 216.1 W36 13.16875 6.5 89.15 157.25 13.75 193.2125 9.2125 W24 0 13.575 0 1.725 154.29375 W18 13.725 92.37 W13 9.25 58.25 58.2125 W23 15. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 W11 0.64375 6.825 267.9 1 6.75 193.525 4.25 9.15 W31 9.185 23.15 W32 17.64375 0 0 W40 11.725 61.1 5.15 6.5 6.7625 4.91875 2 9.25 4.71875 W34 4.33125 W28 18 13.2125 W21 6.60625 2 9.75 9.75 193.75 4.25 5.29375 W20 2.33125 W26 9 13.75 9.40625 0 0 AAiT:BSc thesis Page 148 .95 W14 17.575 3.185 W37 18 4.75 193.95 W15 0 19.75 13.575 44.6375 9.5 89.75 13.05 4.9975 1 5.2125 W22 11.8625 W39 6.35 1.74375 2 9.71875 W38 2.5 13.469 13 71.5 13.33125 W29 0.25 13.25 13.725 0 4.8375 13 118.3325 1 5.5 19.29375 W17 9 19.75 13.825 178.25 13.1 54.40625 6.575 82.725 30.5 89.575 37.725 92.95 W12 8.185 W35 9 6.25 58.88125 0.43125 2 9.25 5.575 78.825 89.725 247.15 89.75 4.5 89.33125 W25 4.825 0 9.49 44. 125 B27 15.5 120. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 W41 15.75 261.5625 208.5625 41.5625 125.078125 B3 9 6.75 85.16875 0.25 78.890625 B20 4.0625 4.3125 B9 15.75 261.8125 361.25 37.75 18.65625 B17 11.5 6.5625 125.828125 13 241.296875 13 241.8125 0 9.890625 B23 18 18.1875 0 13.5625 41.125 B26 11.5 120.725 216.3125 B8 11.25 7.421875 B11 4.25 78.75 18.359375 13 241.75 18.421875 B14 18 26.828125 2 37.53125 4.75 18.5 6.75 85.078125 B5 18 6.75 261.5625 125.25 18.359375 2 37.59375 4.53125 13.25 78.296875 6.5625 208.5 8.078125 B4 13.078125 B6 2.25 18.5625 250.65625 9.5625 334.828125 6.5625 83.25 78.125 B28 0 6.65625 B18 15.3125 9.296875 2 37.359375 6.25 18.75 85.078125 B2 4.890625 B24 2.75 13.8125 241.421875 B12 9 26.8125 120.75 85.5625 167.65625 B16 6.765625 2 37.75 18.25 18.5 120.765625 13 241.25 18.25 18.890625 B21 9 18.84375 13.1875 111.5 26.5 6.5625 41.65625 B19 0 18.421875 B15 2.75 261.734375 B29 4.1875 55.3125 B10 0 26.765625 6.125 B25 6.625 9.5625 292.75 18.25 78.3125 B7 6.5625 292.5625 0 4.6875 13.5625 292.1875 27.125 1 8.1875 0 1.5 120.5 18.1875 83.5625 208.375 13.8125 482.125 4.8625 B1 0 6.890625 B22 13.5 26.421875 B13 13.75 261.75 85.96875 9.5 18.25 AAiT:BSc thesis Page 149 . 7625 6.720313 104.224219 2 15.5 4.734375 Cl1 0 7.594 0 13 59.720313 34.361 FCl 10 18 4.525 6.5 89.346 13 59.7414063 13 100.440625 Cl14 13.673 13 59.594 0 2 9.25 7.965625 13 100.673 2 9.2125 Cl10 18 7.720313 0 6.5 49.720313 0 2 15.18203125 Cl11 0 7.25 B32 18 6.25 74.440625 Cl15 18 7.25 1 8.3640625 Cl6 0 7.519 6.5 7.720313 69.5 4.594 102.861 FCl 11 0 4.3640625 Cl3 9 7.720313 138.25 B31 13.224219 13 100.5 4.188 AAiT:BSc thesis Page 150 .1875 111.5 50.594 82.25 111.2125 Cl9 13.720313 138.725 185.594 20.346 6.5 50.722 FCl 6 0 4.5 7.5 7.5 7.722 FCl 2 4.722 FCl 3 9 4.3640625 Cl5 18 7.594 0 6.722 FCl 5 18 4.18203125 Cl7 4.019 13 59.3640625 Cl4 13.375 1 8.594 20.692 6.594 62.188 FCl 12 4.965625 2 15.5 49.720313 69.692 13 59.5 7.3640625 Cl2 4.965625 6.5 89.173 6.5 49.5 29.720313 138. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 B30 9 8.594 41.725 123.594 34.5 29.2875 6.5 13.594 68.594 82.361 FCl 9 13.861 FCl 7 4.361 FCl 8 9 7.4828125 13 100.375 1.7414063 2 15.440625 Cl12 4.720313 34.4828125 2 15.720313 104.2125 Cl8 9 13.725 61.5 89.5 13.5 8.5 7.720313 0 13 100.722 FCl 4 13.440625 Cl13 9 7.440625 FCl 1 0 4. 28125 246.0078125 B6 2.265625 B16 6. in the Tion axis.064586887 Table 23 Roof Weight Distance Distance Nota in the x.019 2 9.75 12.75 58.06743 Center of mass 9.65625 199.53125 B8 11.0078125 B2 4.4765625 6.85 8.594 62.265625 9.7215 2634.4296875 6.75 58.4296875 13 164.65625 85.9375 13. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 FCl 13 9 4.2329 9.25 12.0078125 B5 18 4.5 18.346 2 9.5201 Y=18613.28125 164.75 58.65625 28.75 12.796875 9.2421875 B13 13.75 12.53125 B9 15.12002113 7.75 178.188 Stair 5.28125 0 9.5 4.75 58.2421875 B12 9 18.0625 9.0078125 B4 13.21875 37.96875 13.0078125 B3 9 4.53125 9.53125 B10 0 18.3828125 13 164.692 2 9.75 58.7 X=24028.21875 18.65625 142.5 82.75 178.25 12.5 4.53125 B7 6.2421875 B14 18 18.21875 75.5 4.65625 28.188 FCl 15 18 4.953125 13.5 82.25 12. Yi Wi*Yi B1 0 4.594 41.28125 82.2421875 B11 4.75 178.4765625 13 164.75 178.21875 56.265625 AAiT:BSc thesis Page 151 .074 47.65625 85.21875 0 13.75 178.984375 13.2421875 B15 2.594 82.3359375 13 164.75 78.28125 329.5 18.188 FCl 14 13. Xi Load Wi Wi*Xi y-axis. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 B17 11.25 12.65625 142.3828125 6.5 82.265625 B18 15.75 12.65625 199.3359375 6.5 82.265625 B19 0 12.65625 0 4.25 53.7890625 B20 4.5 12.65625 56.953125 4.25 53.7890625 B21 9 12.65625 113.90625 4.25 53.7890625 B22 13.5 12.65625 170.859375 4.25 53.7890625 B23 18 12.65625 227.8125 4.25 53.7890625 B24 2.25 12.65625 28.4765625 2 25.3125 B25 6.75 12.65625 85.4296875 2 25.3125 B26 11.25 12.65625 142.3828125 2 25.3125 B27 15.75 12.65625 199.3359375 2 25.3125 B28 0 4.21875 0 1.25 5.2734375 B29 4.5 5.625 25.3125 1 5.625 B30 9 5.625 50.625 1 5.625 B31 13.5 5.625 75.9375 1 5.625 B32 18 4.21875 75.9375 1.25 5.2734375 Rl 1 0 3 0 13.75 41.25 Rl 2 4.5 3 13.5 13.75 41.25 Rl 3 9 3 27 13.75 41.25 Rl 4 13.5 3 40.5 13.75 41.25 Rl 5 18 3 54 13.75 41.25 Rl 6 2.25 9 20.25 13 117 Rl 7 6.75 9 60.75 13 117 Rl 8 11.25 9 101.25 13 117 Rl 9 15.75 9 141.75 13 117 Rl 10 0 13 0 9.75 126.75 Rl 11 4.5 13 58.5 9.75 126.75 Rl 12 9 13 117 9.75 126.75 Rl 13 13.5 13 175.5 9.75 126.75 Rl 14 18 13 234 9.75 126.75 AAiT:BSc thesis Page 152 STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 Rl 15 2.25 9 20.25 6.5 58.5 Rl 16 6.75 9 60.75 6.5 58.5 Rl 17 11.25 9 101.25 6.5 58.5 Rl 18 15.75 9 141.75 6.5 58.5 Rl 19 0 9 0 4.25 38.25 Rl 20 4.5 9 40.5 4.25 38.25 Rl 21 9 9 81 4.25 38.25 Rl 22 13.5 9 121.5 4.25 38.25 Rl 23 18 9 162 4.25 38.25 Rl 24 2.25 9 20.25 2 18 Rl 25 6.5 9 58.5 2 18 Rl 26 11.25 9 101.25 2 18 Rl 27 15.75 9 141.75 2 18 Rl 28 0 3 0 1.25 3.75 Rl 29 4.5 4 18 1 4 Rl 30 9 4 36 1 4 Rl 31 13.5 4 54 1 4 Rl 32 18 3 54 1.25 3.75 Cl 1 0 7.7203125 0 13 100.3640625 Cl 2 4.5 7.7203125 34.74140625 13 100.3640625 Cl 3 9 7.7203125 69.4828125 13 100.3640625 Cl 4 13.5 7.7203125 104.2242188 13 100.3640625 Cl 5 18 7.7203125 138.965625 13 100.3640625 Cl 6 0 7.7203125 0 6.5 50.18203125 Cl 7 4.5 13.725 61.7625 6.5 89.2125 Cl 8 9 13.725 123.525 6.5 89.2125 Cl 9 13.5 13.725 185.2875 6.5 89.2125 Cl 10 18 7.7203125 138.965625 6.5 50.18203125 Cl 11 0 7.7203125 0 2 15.440625 Cl 12 4.5 7.7203125 34.74140625 2 15.440625 AAiT:BSc thesis Page 153 STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 Cl 13 9 7.7203125 69.4828125 2 15.440625 Cl 14 13.5 7.7203125 104.2242188 2 15.440625 Cl 15 18 7.7203125 138.965625 2 15.440625 W1 2.25 13.725 30.88125 14.5 199.0125 W2 5.85 8.235 48.17475 14.5 119.4075 W3 11.25 13.725 154.40625 14.5 199.0125 W4 15.75 13.725 216.16875 14.5 199.0125 W5 0 4.575 0 13.75 62.90625 W6 4.5 4.575 20.5875 13.75 62.90625 W7 7.2 4.575 32.94 13.75 62.90625 W8 9 4.575 41.175 13.75 62.90625 W9 13.5 4.575 61.7625 13.75 62.90625 W10 18 4.575 82.35 13.75 62.90625 W11 0.75 9.15 6.8625 13 118.95 W12 8.1 5.49 44.469 13 71.37 W13 9.75 9.15 89.2125 13 118.95 W14 17.25 9.15 157.8375 13 118.95 W15 0 19.825 0 9.75 193.29375 W16 4.5 19.825 89.2125 9.75 193.29375 W17 9 19.825 178.425 9.75 193.29375 W18 13.5 19.825 267.6375 9.75 193.29375 W19 18 19.825 356.85 9.75 193.29375 W20 2.25 13.725 30.88125 6.5 89.2125 W21 6.75 13.725 92.64375 6.5 89.2125 W22 11.25 13.725 154.40625 6.5 89.2125 W23 15.75 13.725 216.16875 6.5 89.2125 W24 0 13.725 0 4.25 58.33125 W25 4.5 13.725 61.7625 4.25 58.33125 W26 9 13.725 123.525 4.25 58.33125 W27 13.5 13.725 185.2875 4.25 58.33125 AAiT:BSc thesis Page 154 3 W32 17.996949108 Y=7.25 13.15 6.8625 W39 6.05 4.25 9.25 9.75 9.16875 0.3 W30 8.185 W37 18 4.71875 W34 4.185 23.8375 2 18.575 0 1. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 W28 18 13.75 9.71875 W38 2.3575 10682.75 13.5 6.15 75.8625 Sum 1187.5 5.5 6.185 69.88125 0.15 157.575 82.3 W33 0 4.33125 W29 0.25 13.595 8589.3 W31 9.8625 2 18.725 154.15 89.5 5.40625 0 0 W41 15.185 W35 9 6.25 58.1 54.75 13.64375 0 0 W40 11.23433312 AAiT:BSc thesis Page 155 .725 92.1 W36 13.2125 2 18.725 216.25 5.739687 Center of mass X=8.3325 1 5.9975 1 5.4875 2 18.35 1.725 30.725 247.25 5.9 1 6. Nilson.6  MS-EXEL  MS-Word  Sketch-up pro  Paint 6.2 EBCS-7 2. STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF G+4 BUILDING 2016 13 REFFERANCE 1. Design of concrete structures. and Charles W. Reinforced concrete design materials 4.3 EBCS-2 2. Previous Sample papers AAiT:BSc thesis Page 156 . Structural analysis and design books 5. David Darwin. Software used  Auto CAD 2007  SAP 2000 14  ETABS V9. Ethiopian building code standards(EBCS 1995) 2. 14th edition.D 2.3 EBCS-8 3. H.1 EBCS-1 2.
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