Thesis Presentation

April 4, 2018 | Author: ramilfleco | Category: P Value, Student's T Test



IMPLEMENTATION OF THE KATARUNGANG PAMBARANGAYIN SELECTED MUNICIPALITIES OF LAGUNARamil F. De Jesus Edmund S. Zaide 2013 sixty nine (69) or 64 percent of them are male. thirty four (34) or 40 percent of them have attended at least one training or seminar regarding the Katarungang Pambarangay Law and thirty eight percent of them have less than five (5) years of experience.2.1. Seminar/Trainings Attended 1.5.Statement of the Problem 1. Conclusions Recommendations . Age 1. What is the demographic profile of the members of the Lupong Tagapamayapa in terms of: 1. Years of Service? Statistical Treatment Percentage & Frequency Count Findings Thirty nine (39) or 46 percent of the members of the Lupong Tagapamayapa are 51-60 years of age. Educational Attainment 1.3.4. Gender 1. most of them are undergraduate with forty five (45) or 53 percent. settlement and awards and execution were “complied”. issuance of summons. Conclusions The Lupong Tagapamayapa most of the time complied with the procedure of the Katarungang Pambarangay in terms of receiving complaints. issuance of summons.This shows that the Recommendations The procedures of the Katarungang Pambarangay should be followed strictly and the members of the Lupong Tagapamayapa must attend trainings and seminars regarding this.22. 4.16 and 4.5.2 Issuance of Summons 2.30 implies that “most of the time” the procedures of the Katarungang Pambarangay in terms of receiving complaints. 4.Statement of the Problem What is the level of compliance to procedure of the Katarungang Pambarangay in terms of: 2.1 Receiving Complaints 2.30.3 Conduct of Conciliation 2. Execution? Statistical Treatment Average Mean and Standard Deviation Findings The average mean of 4. .22.16 to 4. conciliation. settlement and awards and execution as these parameters received an average mean ranging from 4.4 Settlement and Awards 2. conciliation. Statement of the Problem What is the level of performance level of Katarungang Pambarangay as to: 3.09 and 4.3.15 reveals that the level of performance of Katarungang Pambarangay as to effective settlement of disputes are “moderately effective and moderately satisfied” while out of 341 cases. Effective Settlement of Disputes 3. 307 or 90 % of the cases were resolved while only 34 or 10 percent were indorsed to courts. Indorsement of Unsettled Cases to Courts? Statistical Treatment Average Mean and Standard Deviation Findings The average mean of 4.2. Satisfaction of Clients 3.1. Conclusions Recommenda tions . significant effect in 12. disputes and satisfaction seminars/training and years in of clients but have no service.The computed t-value of 3.54 have p-value of 0. the computed t-values are .32 and 0. terms of indorsement of -23.189 and 0.3.Do the T-test implementation of Katarungang Pambarangay in terms of demographic profile affects the performance of the members of the Lupong Tagapamayapa as to: 4. Recommendations Since the Barangay Chairman has the appointing power for the members of Lupong Tagapamaya he should consider the demographic characteristics in appointing members of the Lupong Tagamapayapa Efforts should also be done in order to have a women’s desk to make the Katarungang Pambarangay gender sensitive. regular courts.07 all of them have a unsettled cases to p-value of 0. Effective Settlement of Disputes 4.24 which is greater than alpha .53 and -40. educational 38.12 and -24. Indorsement of Unsettled Cases to Courts? Findings For Age . while the computed t-values of 1.54 for indorsement of unsettled cases to regular courts have a p-value of .000.44. p-values of 0.05 alpha level and the computed t-value of 3.490 less than . -12.2.000. less than .1.05.69 have p-values of 0.24 for effective settlement of disputes and satisfcation of clients respectively.Gender.05 level seminar/training of significance for effective attended and years in settlement of disputes and service have significant satisfaction of clients effect in terms of effective settlement of For educational attainment. Satisfaction of Clients 4.89 and -13.88 and -13. . Conclusions Age has no significant effect on the implementation of Katarungang Pambarangay in terms of effective settlement of disputes and satisfaction of Clients but has significant effect in terms of indorsement of unsettled cases to the courts For gender the computed t-value of .67.25 in which both have attainment. 3.024 which is less than .54 has a p-value of . Information Issuance of summons have a Issuance of summons dissemination of the the computed t-value of 1.58 has significant effect on Katarungang and 0.05 alpha level for the indorsement of unsettled cases to regular courts.1.453 is less unsettled cases to should be posted in the than the alpha . Satisfaction of Clients 5. Effective Settlement of Disputes 5.75 which have p-value the indorsement of Pambarangay services of 0. Indorsement of Unsettled Cases to Courts? Findings For receiving of complaints the computed t-vale of 3. Conclusions Receiving of complaints has significant effect on the indorsement of unsettled cases to regular court but has no signioficant effect in terms opf effectrive settlement of disputes and satisfaction of clients Recommendations Monitor and evaluate the cases frequently complained to serve as basis for the training and activities to be undertaken for the members of the Lupong Tagapamayapa.2.116 and . .55 clients which have p-values of 0. indorsement of cases is 3.05 level of significance.05 level for regular court but has barangay bulletin board effective settlement of no signioficant effect in in order to develop dispute s and satisfaction of terms opf effectrive awareness among the clients while and the settlement of disputes barangay constituents computed t-value for and satisfaction of regarding their rights.Is the compliance to procedure of the Lupong Tagapamayapa has a significant effect on the performance of the Katarungang Pambarangay as to: 5.24 which is greater than . all are less than Pambarangay in terms alpha .2. 2.05 alpha level for effective settlement of disputes and satisfaction of clients and the computed t-value for indorsement of unsettled cases is 3.83 and . the computed t-value of . Conclusions Conciliation / mediation has significant effect on the indorsement of unsettled cases to regular court but has no significant effect in terms of effectrive settlement of disputes and satisfaction of clients .3.015 and .Is the compliance to procedure of the Lupong Tagapamayapa has a significant effect on the performance of the Katarungang Pambarangay as to: 5. Recommendations Another study should be conducted that will involve other factors that may affect the performance of Katarungang Pambarangay like the provision of budget for the Katarungang Pambarangay and per diems or honoraria to the For settlement and awards Settlement and awards members of the the computed t-values of have significant effect Lupong 3.47.05 level of significance of all the three for all three variables.001.05 alpha level of significance. Effective Settlement of Disputes 5. Indorsement of Unsettled Cases to Courts? Findings For conciliation .42 has a p-value of .408 and 0.996 which are less than .38.019 Katarungang respectively. variables.79 have a p. value of . and 3. Satisfaction of Clients 5.1.on the performance of Tagapamayapa.027 which is greater than .000 with a p-value of 0. . Indorsement of Unsettled Cases to Courts? Findings For Execution .021 which is both less than the alpha level of significance for effective settlement of disputes and indorsement of unsettled cases to regular courts.1.Is the compliance to procedure of the Lupong Tagapamayapa has a significant effect on the performance of the Katarungang Pambarangay as to: 5.72 with pvalue of . Effective Settlement of Disputes 5. Satisfaction of Clients 5.3. Conclusions Execution has significant effect in yterms of effective settlement of disputes and iondorsement of unsettled case to regular courts but has no significant effect on satisfaction of clients.81 and 3. Recommendations .2.006 and . the computed t-value of 2. Thank you… .
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