Thesis Final 3

March 17, 2018 | Author: poonam0235 | Category: Thesis, Science, Philosophical Science



FAFaculty of Architecture C E P T University BOOKLET SERIES RESEARCH Thesis Overview 1962 - 2012 Contents 1. Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 A.1. Institution A.2. Houseform A.3. General 2. Categorisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 A. Building Type: 3 B. Urban Form and Settlement Studies 19 C. Landscape Architecture and Recreation 31 D.1. Housing This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution - Non Commercial - No Derivs 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit Published at CEPT University, Ahmedabad in 2012. Faculty of Architecure CEPT University, Kasturbhai Lalbhai Campus, University Road Ahmedabad-380009, Gujarat, India Phone - 0091-79-26302470 / 26302740 Fax - 0091-79-26302075 [email protected] D.3. General D.2. Traffic D. Planning Studies: 37 E. Architectural History and Theory 45 F. Environmental Science 59 I. Renewal / Rehabilitation / Conservation 75 L. Technology: design tools, materials and construction techniques G. Socio-cultural and Anthropological Studies 65 H. Design Norms 71 J. Architectural Elements 81 K. Architectural Appreciation 87 M. Miscellaneous Topics 103 3. List of Theses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 95 Introduction Knowledge with Wisdom is the motto of CEPT University. Research as a method of inquiry has always been one of the cornerstones of this institution. Not only does it encourage a broadening of horizons and inquisitiveness towards learning as an individual; it also fosters the creation of knowledge at the institutional level. Research at the Faculty of Architecture endeavours to build a repository of knowledge and in conjunction with the focus on design and learning by doing, attempts to create wisdom. The research thesis, instituted in 1962, is a unique requirement at the Faculty of Architecture. The goal of the thesis is to encourage development of scholarship to study the theory and practice of architecture. With the guidance of faculty members and supervisors, students focus solely on their research in the 10th semester of their studies. The resulting study is examined by the thesis committee, an independent external examiner, and a final viva voce. This ensures that the work produced is of a quality expected from an undergraduate student. Over the years, the thesis programme has produced a good amount of valuable work that includes a primary database through detailed documentation and analysis of a large number of varied built environments in India. It is hoped that the current emphasis on focusing on India will help build up a strong platform for discourses on architecture specific to Asia. As a larger benefit of this programme, mention may be made of the fact that our alumni are prominent among those involved in creditable academic and research work here and abroad with distinguished teaching careers and research based publications. This booklet presents an overview of the theses undertaken in the past fifty years at the Faculty of Architecture. A need to categorize these theses arose in order to put in perspective the vast body of information that they contained. There are eleven categories into which these theses have been classified based on their topics of study. The categories are broadly based on scales- urban and settlement studies, building and building types, and architectural elements; specializations- planning, landscape, conservation, environmental sciences; and various aspects of architecture- history and theory, design norms, architectural appreciation, socio cultural aspects and technology. FA Booklet Series . RESEARCH . Thesis Overview 1962 - 2012 . 1 RESEARCH . The conclusions made by these studies allow us to trace patterns of growth in building types along with inferences about the lifestyle and culture. palaces. monasteries. RESEARCH . Houseform and others The theses in this group analyse architecture through the lens of building types and by locating them in the context of culture.2012 . The range of building types include temple complexes. Thesis Overview 1962 . mosques.A representative sample of theses in each of these categories presents the range of studies undertaken in the past five decades. Each sample contains the table of contents that depicts structure and chapterization. technology. Thesis Overview 1962 . traditional houseforms. This booklet gives an exhaustive summary of the research directions of the Faculty of Architecture and can be an invaluable resource to anyone interested in referring to them further. 2 . etc. All the thousand odd theses have been classified and presented at the end of this booklet. colonial building types. and an abstract where available. 3 . FA Booklet Series . Building Type : Instituition.2012 FA Booklet Series . havelis. forts. drawings that give a glimpse of the nature of the content especially showing interesting forms of representation or methods of analysis. expression and religion. Teacher Relationship • Historical Institutions 3. RESEARCH .Introduction to Case Studies 5. RESEARCH . Thesis Overview 1962 .2012 Illustration Credits and Sources FA Booklet Series .Interaction Spaces in Contemporary Academic Institutional Buildings 4.2012 .Case Study II – IIM Ahmedabad Conclusion and Further Scope Bibliography 7. FA Booklet Series .Case Study I – CEPT Ahmedabad 6. Thesis Overview 1962 .Case Study III – NID Ahmedabad fig a: Haus Khas Madrasa fig b:Balcony Spaces 4 .Study of interaction spaces in academic institutions: case studies P Kokularaj Year: 1987 Contents: Guide: Prashanta Da Introduction 1.Historical Analysis • Interaction Space • Historical analysis of student. 5 .Outlook • Education • Teaching • Methods of Teaching • Learning • Academic Institution • Interaction • Importance of Interaction 2. 7 fig a: Table comparing role of unbuilt spaces in the order of functions fig b: Illustrating movement and transition in the Padmanabhapuram Palace Complex . Udaipur city •Palace Complex. Thesis Overview 1962 . Thesis Overview 1962 .2012 . Fatehpur Sikri Conclusions Bibliography List of Illustrations 6 .Clustered Organizations Section B: Criteria of Analysis and Case Studies 1.2012 FA Booklet Series .Organizations 2.S. Padmanabhapuram •Palace Complex. Rajan Contents: Preface Section A: Clustered Organizations and the Unbuilt Spaces 1.The Unbuilt Spaces and Clustered Organizations •Palace Complex.Case Studies 3. RESEARCH .Role of the unbuilt spaces in clustered organizations : a study of Indian palace complexes Rathin Ghoghari Year: 1990 Guide: P. FA Booklet Series .Criteria of Analysis 2. RESEARCH . Thesis Overview 1962 . Rituals and Built form configuration Order of the architectural setting Section II : Geometric Formalism of Jain Temple. Section III : Satrunjayagiri Jain ‘Tirtha’ • • • • • • • Inferences Appendix Glossary Location and History Reality of the Land Sacrality of the land Guide : Kulbhushan Jain Section I : Geometric Formalism and Nature of the Land (Base Study) • • • • 2.2012 .Geometric formalism and nature of the land: study of Shatrunjayagiri Jain Tirtha Vinod Makhesana Year: 1991 Contents: 1. RESEARCH . Thesis Overview 1962 . 9 . 3.2012 FA Booklet Series . Nature of the Land Sacred Centre Jain Religion Geometric Formalism of Built Form (Indian Religious Context) Order of the Architectural Setting Temple Complex description and drawings Growth of the temple complex Sacred land. and Jain ‘Tirtha’(Western India) • • • • • • Jain Cosmology Objects of Worship and Concept of the Temple Cultural Context of Western India Jain Temple Jain ‘Tirtha’ Bibliography Sources of Illustration fig a: Satrinjayagiri Temple Complex fig b: Spatial configuration in Vachan Pol 8 . FA Booklet Series . RESEARCH . 11 10 . RESEARCH . 5. 6. Construction and Spatial Module Spaces of a Nathdwara House Family Structure and Kinship Organization Case Studies Analysis Conclusions Contemporary Changes Glossary Recreation Industries Arts Bibliography Sources of Illustrations and Photo Credits Acknowledgements fig a: Schematic Maps of Nathdwara settlement fig b: Sectional Axonometric of House Type FA Booklet Series . 3. 2. FA Booklet Series . Chapter 3 • • • • • • • Nathdwara : A Temple Town Organization at Town Level Haveli of Srinathji Organization at Neighbourhood Level Organization at House Level Guide: Miki Desai Chapter 1: Introduction Chapter 2: Nathdwara • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Climate Geographical Location Flora and Fauna People Historical Account Sociocultural Setting Social Intercourse Religion Rituals Belief System Marriages 4. RESEARCH . 7. Materials. Thesis Overview 1962 .Study of the house form of the temple town of Nathdwara Mohit Keni Year : 1993 Contents: 1.2012 . Thesis Overview 1962 .2012 . 4. 13 . Thesis Overview 1962 .Understanding order and play through grammar of architectural elements in Fatehpur-Sikri Sachin Soni Year: 2004 Contents: 1. 2. 5. RESEARCH . Thesis Overview 1962 . FA Booklet Series .2012 . From Order to Play Play as Process Grammatical System: Order of Assembly • • Grammar: Articulation and Modulation Language: Principle for Organization 7. Guide: Neelkanth Chhaya Introduction Method Sequence of Dissertation Limitations of Study Order and Play • • 6. Play as Generic Order Remarks – Rupture of Scales Notes Bibliography fig a: Assembly of a Frame-infill wall fig b: A typical page 12 . 3.2012 FA Booklet Series . RESEARCH . 2. Thesis Overview 1962 . 7.Architectural description of the Temple complex at Alchi Drawings of Alchi Chos’khor • • • • • Conclusion Glossary Bibliography • 2. 1. 3. Concept of Mandala reflected in the plan layout Introduction Develpoment of Buddhist architecture Region: A profile of Ladakh CHAPTER 2 Buddhist Architecture in Ladakh Later period (1400 A. FA Booklet Series . 6.2012 . Political expansion Monastic settlement of Likir: Understanding the socio-economic structure Architectural description and framework of analysis Response to climate Rituals and spaces From a temple complex to a monumental fort monastery Growth of the monastery due to increasing necessities CHAPTER 3 1. Lhasa.D onwards) Case study: Monastery at Likir. 1. 4. RESEARCH . context and influences 14 . Thesis Overview 1962 . Acknowledgements fig a: Perception of form of monastery with respect to the distance from it fig b: Profiles of the monastery FA Booklet Series . Tibet Mandala plan imitated in the form of the temple 4. 2. Ladakh Documentation drawings Religious study 3.2012 . 8. RESEARCH . Religious transformation and its impact on monastic architecture Plan layout Boundary of the sacred Model monastery – Potala palace. 5. Ladakh Anar Memon Year: 2006 Contents: CHAPTER 4 COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS Guide: Pratyush Shankar CHAPTER 1 1. 15 Introduction to the Early Period (1000 AD to 1300 AD).Understanding the architecture of Buddhist monastery at Likir. 3. Construction Process of Lepcha 2. Limbu Community Chapter 5.Vernacular Architecture: An Introduction 2.2012 .Construction Process of Bhutia Conclusion Illustration Credits Bibliography 16 .Vernacular house forms of Sikkim: impact of materials. RESEARCH . Thesis Overview 1962 . tools. Lepcha Community Chapter 3. 17 fig a: Exploded Axonometric of Lerchan House fig b: Section of Bhutia House . skills.Sikkim: An Introduction Chapter 2. construction. Analysis Chapter 4. RESEARCH . Introduction 1. lateral forces on the house form Ankit Mistry Year: 2011 Contents: Guide: Vishwanath Kashikar Introduction Relevance of Study Aim and Objectives Methodology Scope and Limitation Chapter 1. Bhutia Community 1.Construction Process of Limbu Inferences 3. Thesis Overview 1962 .2012 FA Booklet Series . FA Booklet Series . FA Booklet Series . towns. RESEARCH .2012 .2012 FA Booklet Series . They also point at patterns of growth of different urban fabrics at various scales and focus on specific aspects or spaces of urban tissue. 18 .Urban Form and Settlement Studies The inferences made by these studies are useful to see how people live and occupy land and the forces that shape them. districts. market place. responses to the built environment. elements of the city and landform are some of the broad areas which these theses focus on through various examples of cities. City structure. making of a place. Thesis Overview 1962 . urban morphology. 19 . urban renewal. urban edges. Thesis Overview 1962 . organization patterns. urban spaces. districts and villages from all over the country. RESEARCH . 4. Thesis Overview 1962 . 5. Thesis Overview 1962 .2012 . Guide: Kulbushan Jain Forces Generating Spaces in Indian Cities Nature of Spaces in Indian Cities • • • Hierarchy of spaces Intransit Spaces Nodal Points 3.Density Relationship Impact of Technology on the Spaces The Validity of the forces generating old city spaces in the present context New Spaces Comparative Study of Old and New Spaces Recommendations Bibliography Acknowledgements fig a: Views of Bhadra area fig b: Table showing comparative analysis of urban space FA Booklet Series .Urban spaces in Indian cities Bhagwanji Solanki Year: 1970 Contents: Preface 1. 6.2012 . RESEARCH . RESEARCH .Landuse. 7. Space.Activity. 2. 21 20 . FA Booklet Series . Objectives of the study.2012 .Roots of migration. Thesis Overview 1962 .4 Sulemani Rouza (industrial are/ fringe of the city) Proforma chart of case studies Case Study. The urban situation in India.Problems created due to migration. FA Booklet Series .2012 FA Booklet Series . Needs of a migrant. Christopher Benninger’s model:. Stages of Growth.At present.Migrant squatters and its quality in urban environments Snehal Shah Year: 1970 Contents: 1.Scope of the study.1 Raikhad Bhoiwad (walled city) Case Study.Method of the study Migrate movement and urban city growth. Doshi Background. RESEARCH .Causes of migraton in India.Scope of the studyMethod of the study Origin of Waghari Community. 23 fig a: Examples of restructured houses for migrant squatters fig b: Soulemani Roza. Turner’s model. 5.Aftermath 22 .V.Occupation and locationSocial Case Study. 2. Aim of the study. Migrant Squatters in AhmedabadMigrant’s mobility in Ahmedabad. 4. Guide: B. Thesis Overview 1962 .Introduction. The urban situation in AhmedabadRoots of migration in AhmedabadCauses of migration in Ahmedabad.5 Manek Chowk Danapith (‘prolonged reception’ situation) Observations.3 Sunday Market (river bank) Case Study.2 Lakhudi Hutments (western area) Case Study. the squatters there . Conclusive notes pertaining to the above three aspects 3. RESEARCH . Models of migrant’s mobility.Conclusions. Typological Approach. 25 24 .2012 . Ideological Development of “ Form Type” 4..Urban Morphology and the Comparison of “Type”: A Thematic and Comparative Study of the Urban Tissue Vivek Nanda Year: 1989 Contents: CHAPTER. The Indian City 4.I : Urban Morphology – Typology.2012 . FA Booklet Series . 3. 1. RESEARCH . “ Typal” through the evolution of the European city. RESEARCH . 5. Thesis Overview 1962 . Models and Postulations. Cosmo-Religious Ideologies 3.Urban Morphology-Typology : Treatises. Morphological Typological Analysis of the Urban Tissue.Spatial Attitudes. 4. 6. 1. The Morphology of the Indian city. 2. Introduction 2. Form. 1. CHAPTER II. Introduction 2. Introduction Form. Thesis Overview 1962 .An Ideological Retrospective. Ahmedabad EPILOGUE Anthromorphism to structure Morphological Analysis of the Urban Tissue Concept of ‘Type’ Summing up: The Morphological. The Urban Tisse: Southern environs of Manek Chowk. Hypothesis establishing Premises and Methodology.III The Indian Context.Morphology 3. fig a: Diagram illustrating tolerances in urban tissue aggregation fig b: Conception of the world as a mandala FA Booklet Series . Conclusions Guide : Kurula Varkey CHAPTER. Politics of urban form : an exploration into the political connotations of the urban form of the city Quaid Doongerwala Year: 1999 Contents: 1. Thesis Overview 1962 . 3. RESEARCH . 4. 27 . Thesis Overview 1962 . RESEARCH .2012 FA Booklet Series . ghats in Benaras fig b: Ildefenso Cerda’s Design for Barcelona 26 . Guide: Rahul Mehrotra Preamble Introduction The Fragmented V/s The Cohesive Politics and Form • • The City as an Instrument of Politics Political Connotations of Form 5. 2. FA Booklet Series . The Contemporary City • • • Forces making the City The Democratic City? Inherent Forces within the City Bibliography Illustration Credits fig a: Photographs of marine drive.2012 . 2012 . FA Booklet Series . Thesis Overview 1962 . Guide: Neelkanth Chhaya and Kurula Varkey Introduction • • • • • • Establishing the premise of the study Urban Public Place Place Study of Existential space Concept of ‘Theme’ and ‘Variation’ The ‘living spatiality’ of urban public spaces Summation 3. Thesis Overview 1962 . Ahmedabad End Note Appendix Selected Bibliography Illustration Credits fig a: Schematic diagrams representing Manek Chowk as the physical and ideatioral centre of Ahmedabad fig b: Case Studies FA Booklet Series .Urban place making in India : a study through theme and variations across scales Ranjit Wagh Year: 2002 Contents: Preface 1. 29 28 . RESEARCH . RESEARCH . Jaisalmer Manek Chowk.2012 . Case Studies • • • Framework of the study Royal Square. 2. geographical features. Thesis Overview 1962 .2012 . The elements that are covered are with respect to specific situations and locations. 31 . RESEARCH . Thesis Overview 1962 . flow etc shape culture and the built environment. The inferences fom such studies demonstrate how forces of nature . RESEARCH .2012 FA Booklet Series . they also look at the attitudes to landscape in different cultural milieu. 30 .topography.Landscape Architecture and Recreation The theses cover specific landscape elements and recreational aspects that have some relevance to landscape planning and architecture. They focus on the relationship of nature and landscape with the building environments. FA Booklet Series . Introduction Advent of Man • • • Central Civilizations. 3. Western Civilizations.Garden of suggestion. Thesis Overview 1962 . 33 . Beginnings Paradise Garden Mughal Gardens 4.Agrarian ideal. Easter Civilizations.J.Calculated Nature • • • • • • • • • • Egyptian Greek Mycean Crete Roman Middle Ages Renaissance France Mannerism and Baroque. Vasavda Contents: 1.2012 . FA Booklet Series . Kashmir fig b: Axonometric view Bibliography 32 . • • Chinese Japanese Urban DEsing fig a: Shalimar Bagh. RESEARCH . 2.2012 FA Booklet Series .Italy England 5. RESEARCH .Landscape in building environment : a study of various attitudes in different cultural contexts Nandita Karanwal Year: 1991 Guide: R. Thesis Overview 1962 . RESEARCH . In the Indian Urban context. • Historical landscapes and places in the present fig a: Location and Surroundings of Kankaria. Section 2. Landscape and places in urban context • • • • Idea of a place Place making factors Summary Appendix 6. Kankaria. Section 3. Ahmedabad • Case Study 3. Ahmedabad. Landscapes and places in present.2012 . Urban landscape in History. Guide: Bindeeya Desai Section 1. Case Study 2. 35 . Types of landscapes and places 34 . Ahmedabad. Bhadra square. RESEARCH .Landscape as a place in urban context Chinar Thakore Year 1998 Contents: Preface 1. Thesis Overview 1962 . Law Garden.2012 FA Booklet Series . Bibliography Character of landscapes and places Illustration credits 2. In the Indian Urban context. Ahmedabad fig b: Landforms as placemaking factors in Law Garden. 5. FA Booklet Series . 4. Contemporary landscapes and places. Landscapes and places in history. • • • Place making factors Character of landscapes and places Types of landscapes and places 3. Thesis Overview 1962 . Ahmedabad Case Study 1. Historical urban landscape at present. Contemporary urban landscape. traffic and others These theses study various aspects of town and city planning including traffic patterns. ancient town planning practices and canons. Thesis Overview 1962 .Planning studies: housing. Thesis Overview 1962 . RESEARCH . 36 .2012 . FA Booklet Series . They cover the socio economic parameters under spatial planning and the built in form of specific urban situations and the changes that have taken place in the structures and contents of an urban situation over a period of time either in terms of elements of an urban scene or in the fabric of an urban system. RESEARCH . 37 . town planning schemes as well as relationships between planning and various social aspects of living in towns and cities.2012 FA Booklet Series . RESEARCH . 5. RESEARCH . 39 .V Doshi Contents: 1. 2. Thesis Overview 1962 .2012 FA Booklet Series . 4. FA Booklet Series . 6. 7.Ahmedabad Ravindra Kakadia Year: 1970 Guide: B. Thesis Overview 1962 . 3. Introduction Urbanization and the resultant problem of transportation Urbanization and transport in Ahmedabad Evolution of traffic pattern General observations Study of traffic conditions Surveys and observations Conclusions and suggestions Acknowledgement Bibliography Appendix fig a: Railways in Ahmedabad fig b: Traffic operations plan in the walled city of Ahmedabad 38 .Traffic and traffic patterns in the city .2012 . 41 40 . Thesis Overview 1962 .Objectives Methodology Building Environment Scope. Surat Kekul Desai Year: 1996 Contents: 1. RESEARCH . Man.Environment Urbanization and it’s implication Aims. Conclusions Study of Statistical data fig a: Light and ventilation in the house unit fig b: Elevations of C type housing FA Booklet Series . Thesis Overview 1962 .Limitation Elements of Housing Environment • • Housing Environment Relationship between housing environment.Present day situation Identification of Case study Background Analysis of Case Study References Appendix 4. Case Study • • • • Housing needs and provision.A study of relationship between housing environment and health case study : slum clearance tenaments. FA Booklet Series . RESEARCH .2012 .2012 . Guide: Barjor Mehta Introduction • • • • • • 2. health and quality of life. • 3. 2. Town Planning History of India POST SCRIPT APPENDICES GLOSSARY CREDITS CONCLUSION AND EPILOGUE BIBLIOGRAPHY CHAPTER 3: THE STATE OF GONDAL 2.2012 . Town planning in Gondal state – basic principles. Expressions in Europe Town planning in European cities Princely states of Saurashtra 1. 5. Introductory profile of Gondal state 3. 6. 43 fig a: Agricultural LandUse Pattern around the Gondal City fig b: Ildefenso Cerda’s plan for Barcelona and a typical block . CHAPTER 2: URBAN DESIGN AND TOWN PLANNING MOVEMENTS IN EUROPE – THE THEORETICAL INFLUENCE 1. Introductory profile of Saurashtra 3.1944 A. attitudes and the nature of built form Introductory profile of the city CHAPTER 4: CITY OF GONDAL – THE TOWN PLANNING ATTITUDES AND EXPRESSIONS 1. 3. . RESEARCH . 4.D.2012 Institutions – Their locations making of the public places FA Booklet Series . 2.Generators and determinants of town planning : Gondal state 1865 A. 3. Thesis Overview 1962 . FA Booklet Series . Bhagwatsinhji: The ruler Town planning expressions in India 1.D Parth Shah Year: 1997 Contents: SUMMARY Guide: Miki Desai CHAPTER 1: HISTORICAL BACKGROUND 2. The generators and determinants Improvement of urban core Land use – Issue of Land development City limits – The never-ending city 42 . RESEARCH . Thesis Overview 1962 . expressions and interpretation. RESEARCH .2012 FA Booklet Series . structural systems employed and systems of proportioning used in chosen studies. theory and perception as well as concepts and processes are explored in these studies. eclectics in architecture. They also attempt to examine the validity of the hypothesis pertaining to the architectural design principles under a context of a situation. RESEARCH . Thesis Overview 1962 . 44 . rituals. Some of the theses examine materials of construction.2012 . intentions. Thesis Overview 1962 . architectural education. design approaches and attitudes.Architectural History and Theory The theses cover some historical aspects of architectural forms and construction over time and space. Various aspects of architectural history and theory ranging from proportion. primary form. 45 . form and architecture. FA Booklet Series . Thesis Overview 1962 .2012 FA Booklet Series . Set of fundamental concepts 4.B Jain 1. RESEARCH . Thesis Overview 1962 . Approach 6. Amplification 15. b and c: Typical Pages from the thesis 46 . RESEARCH . General model Bibliography 12. Variety 2. Determinate machine 7. Change 5. Regulation in general and in Architecture 11.Directively correlated CYBERCOLIBRIUM : architecture as system open to information and energy Jinraj Joshi Year: 1977 Contents: Guide: K. Error controlled regulator Appendix: Homeostat Acknowledgement fig a. Law of requisite variety 13.2012 . Concept of directive correlation 8. 47 . FA Booklet Series . Regulating the system 14. Stability 10. Set of related concepts 9. Introduction 3. 49 48 . RESEARCH .2012 .Response to a tradition : a study of architectural attitudes during the British Intervention in India Rahul Mehrotra Year: 1985 Contents: Guide: Anant Raje Introduction 1 A New Beginning 1 A new beginning 3 The Bungalow 2 The Anglo-Indian station 4 The Architect as a professional 2 Responses to a tradition 1 The English Architect 5 Archaeology – a search for the past 2 Architecture for the Empire – an overview 3 The enlightened orientalists 4 The craftsmanas a hero 5 Geddes and town planning 6 Assembling the past – The Indo-Saracenic style 7 Validating the Empire – An Indian Rome 8 Transitions into modernity 3 Contributions to a context 1 Claude Batley and the question of tradition 2 Professionalism and indigenous talent 3 Contributions to a context 4 The selected works of Claude Batley Appendices A. Claude Batley D. Thesis Overview 1962 . Illustration credits Selected projects 5 Fragments – notes towards a conclusion Jeypore portfolio – contents fig a: Detailed drawings fig b: Previous Schemes and present situation of the Backbay FA Booklet Series . RESEARCH . Thesis Overview 1962 . Published writings E. Bibliography C. B.2012 . F. FA Booklet Series . Three Conceptions: A historic Perspective Spatial conceptions and attributes of an Architectural Object Operative Principles in the Act of Making Aspects of ‘Act of Making’ Book 3.2012 . Transformation 11. RESEARCH .Investigations in to architectural design : conceptions and processes Viren Brahmbhatt Year: 1989 Contents: Guide: Kurula Varkey Introduction Book 1. FA Booklet Series . 7. Section A. An Investigation into Historic Processes 8. RESEARCH . An Investigation into the nature of Creative Thinking 5. Investigations into the Nature of Creative Thinking Section A.2012 . 3. An Investigation into the nature of an Architectural object in terms of its ‘Making’ 2. Historic Processes Synthesis Book 2. 6. Transference fig a: A typical page fig b: Investigations into the nature of ‘ Creative Thinking’ FA Booklet Series . Creative Thinking: ‘Operative Categories’ Creative Processes Section B. Investigations into the Nature of ‘Processes’ in Architectural Design Activity Section A. 9. Thesis Overview 1962 . An Investigation into the nature of an Architectural object in terms of its ‘Conceptions’ Section B. 4. Act of Perception Act of Judgment Section B. Thesis Overview 1962 . 51 50 . An Investigation into ‘Processes’ in Architectural Design Activity 10. Investigations into the Nature of an Architectural Object 1. the process of remodeling of the existent built condition of the city and subsequent change. FA Booklet Series . both spatially and temporally. and a continual crystallization of diverse conditions over time. The overall phenomenon is identified in terms of the attributes of permanence and change. Recognized.Two basic considerations need be made at this juncture. in the context of the study. yet. the ‘reason for being’ of the urban settlement reflects its capacity to integrate and synthesize. as a process in time Durganand Balsavar Year: 1991 Guide: Kurula Varkey Contents: Introduction Summary: In the preceding understanding of the ‘nature’ of the urban settlement. RESEARCH . is envisaged a specific discussion on the nature of the “process” of the city in consonance with the dimensions that have emerged over the course of the inquiry. 2.Firstly. in terms of status. Change. However.Recognized.Secondly. through an examination of the various cities and the events that have characterized them. and the subsequent study of the city of Ahmedabad. Section 1: The General Attributes: Premise and Method Introduction 1. in the recognition of these relationships. The Generic Dimensions Section 2: An Understanding of the City as a process in time The General attributes of Time A Study of the City as a ‘Process’ in Time The General attributes of ‘Construct’ In Summation fig a: Structuring Matrix of Jerusalem fig b: Density-Porosity Studies 52 . certain pertinent themes emerge. inextricably related concepts emerge that characterizes the process of the city.2012 FA Booklet Series . It specifically comprehends the relationships of its different moments.Here. the urban settlement is evocative of its internal relationships and universal nature as an “institution of collective dwelling”. two distinct. as a process. 53 .2012 . It understands the consecration of the city and the attitudes governing the inception of tits new parts. 4. as a continuum. 3.Understanding of the city : a human construct. Thesis Overview 1962 . Thesis Overview 1962 . is examined in apposition to elements in the city that have physically endured or persisted in the urban dynamic. The appraisal of the city as a continual process is undertaken in consonance with these two dimensions in an endeavor to recognize the various conditions that characterize the city over time. its reason for being reflecting an outlook of a culture at a point in time. RESEARCH . an examination of the relationships between its constituent parts characterizing different moments of inception and the subsequent identification of elements of continuity and change. 2012 FA Booklet Series . Kahn : Indian Works and a lesson from History Indian Architects in their Works during the 60’s Developing a specific model of analysis A survey of Contemporary Indian Architecture Since 1947 Part 2 : Analytical Framework • • Observations / Inference Reference to Quotes Bibliography Selected Example for the analytical Study (Works of Ar. 55 . RESEARCH . Le Corbusier. FA Booklet Series . Raje) fig a: Understanding the integrity of various orders fig b: Exploded axonometric views of porches in Raje’s buildings Sources of Illustrations 54 . I.2012 .Search for an order: an inquiry into the contemporary direction in Indian architecture Wakeel Khan Year: 1994 Contents: Approval Guide : R. Thesis Overview 1962 . Anant. J. Louis. Thesis Overview 1962 . RESEARCH . Vasavada Acknowledgements Introduction Aim and Limitations Organization 1. Methodology Part 1 : Premise of the Study • • • 2.D. FA Booklet Series . The Premise of the Study 1. Thesis Overview 1962 .Expressiveness and the language analogy in architecture Kartikeya Chhaya Year: 2010 Contents: Preface Guide: Sohan Nilkanth Introduction Part 1. RESEARCH . Meaning Perception and Difference Context and Meaning Summary Hiatus Methodology The Procedure The Experimentv • • • Horizon Ground Meaning: An Unlimited and Open-Ended Process Bibliography Appendices Hesitation Between the Sound and the Sense Tri-Axial Geometry fig a: Sketches. Conclusion 3.Modhera fig b: Analytical DiagramsModhera FA Booklet Series . Part 3.2012 . 2. RESEARCH . 2. Thesis Overview 1962 .2012 . 57 56 . The Study 1. 4. 3. Part 2. 2012 .Environmental Science The studies explore the role of climate in shaping architecture. exploration of design software and aspects of sustainability. 59 . RESEARCH . simulation of building performance. Thesis Overview 1962 . FA Booklet Series . RESEARCH . 58 .2012 FA Booklet Series . Thesis Overview 1962 . Topics covered in this category include analysis of climate data. Basic study of air movement within enclosure Qamar Shaikh Year: 1960 Contents: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Guide: C.B Shah Introduction Scope Review of available literature Assumptions The Programme The results • • The experimental setup Indoor average velocities Flow patterns 8. 9. Conclusions Appendix A 10. References fig a: Effect of the proportions of Openings fig b: Typical Flow-Patterns 60 . FA Booklet Series . RESEARCH . Thesis Overview 1962 - 2012 FA Booklet Series . RESEARCH . Thesis Overview 1962 - 2012 . 61 Software for daylight Santosh Philip Year: 1989 Contents: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Guide: C.B.Shah Manual Model Daylight Calculation Basic Methods Presentation Methods Future Developments Structure of Software Daylight Indata 10. Daycal 12. Net Appendix Choospln 11. Extday 13. Drawing Program fig a: 3d grid of Daylight factors fig b: Top to down structure of the Net FA Booklet Series . RESEARCH . Thesis Overview 1962 - 2012 . 63 62 . FA Booklet Series . RESEARCH . Thesis Overview 1962 - 2012 Socio - cultural and Anthropological studies The theses cover a range of sociological and anthropological aspects of the urban and rural situations encompassing the studies at settlement/ cluster and individual dwellings. The special outcome as a result of sociological basis has been explained in some of the theses. 64 . FA Booklet Series . RESEARCH . Thesis Overview 1962 - 2012 FA Booklet Series . RESEARCH . Thesis Overview 1962 - 2012 . 65 Architecture in a schizoid environment Shirish Beri Published in: 1973 Guide: K.B Jain Contents: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Introduction: A, B Chapter one: The background Chapter two: Understanding transience in its Architectural context Chapter three: Architecture in its temporal sequence Chapter four: Analysing the present situation Chapter five: Conclusions Chapter six: recommendations Bibliography References – Illustrations Appendix fig a: A typical page fig b: Reversible Architecture FA Booklet Series . RESEARCH . Thesis Overview 1962 - 2012 . 67 66 . FA Booklet Series . RESEARCH . Thesis Overview 1962 - 2012 Analysis of streets : a socio-physical perspective Tanvi Parikh Year: 1999 Contents : 3. Chapter 3 : Methodology for analysis • • • Case Study 1 – Dhal ni Pol area Guide : Nitin Raje Introduction 1. The Theoretical Framework Case Study 2 – Gurukul Area Intent of Study Chapter – 1 : Streets – The terms, its history and various physical aspects • • • An Overview Physical aspects of streets Spatial aspects A Shift Conclusions Appendices 1 & 2 Bibliography Illustration Credits 2. Chapter – 2 : Social Organization – Its effects on streets as a social space • • • • • • Concept of neighbourhood Social Interaction Theory of territoriality Usage / Activities Public – Private Realms fig a: Case study- Dhal-nipol fig b: Diagrams explaining Spatial aspects of an Individual’s social activities 68 . FA Booklet Series . RESEARCH . Thesis Overview 1962 - 2012 FA Booklet Series . RESEARCH . Thesis Overview 1962 - 2012 . 69 71 .Design Norms The theses explore the design criteria of specific category of buildings and evolve special design norms under the context of a situation. 70 . Thesis Overview 1962 .2012 FA Booklet Series . FA Booklet Series . RESEARCH . RESEARCH .2012 . Thesis Overview 1962 . P. Jain Acknowledgements Introduction Physical Environment for Animals Mechanics of Exhibition Conclusion Bibliography THE SCOPE OF A THESIS 1. Ecology fig a: A typical page fig b: Open exhibition area surrounded by a Moat FA Booklet Series . 5. Physical Environment for Animals The medium of Exhibition The role of Zoological Gardens Contact with Nature Animal Behavior Animal Training Other Features Education Knowledge or ignorance of Animal Life 10. 4. Thesis Overview 1962 . RESEARCH . 7. FA Booklet Series . B. 6. RESEARCH . 2. and K. Thesis Overview 1962 .2012 .Design norms for zoological gardens Sharad Sheth Year : 1972 Contents: Guide: R. 9. 8.2012 . 3. Kannan. David. 73 72 . 2012 FA Booklet Series . 75 . rehabilitation and conservation. 74 . This also encompasses aspects like the urban form/ urban renewal.2012 . FA Booklet Series . Thesis Overview 1962 . Thesis Overview 1962 .Renewal/ Rehabilitation/ Conservation The theses cover varied aspects of urban design and its elements with respect to a situation under review. RESEARCH . RESEARCH . FA Booklet Series . 3.2012 FA Booklet Series . Thesis Overview 1962 . 4. • • • • Guide: D.2012 . 6.Recycling examining the concept in the modern Indian context Harish Parikh Year : 1977 Contents: 1. 2. Thesis Overview 1962 . 5. RESEARCH . 77 .V Ekbote Introduction The Inductive approach and the Deductive approach Why recycling? What is Recycling? Case studies Recycling the Cities Recycling notes Plinth into a shop Haveli into a commercial centre Haveli into an office building Examples abroad Inferences fig a: A typical page fig b: Order of spaces in the Haveli 76 . RESEARCH . Aim and objectives of the study Scope and limitations Methodology Chapter 2: Introduction • • • • Calamities House and socio-cultural relationship Introduction to Kutch region 3. Thesis Overview 1962 . RESEARCH . FA Booklet Series .2012 . Chapter 4: Case studies • • • • 78 . 6. Guide: Samir Shah Chapter 1: The Study • • • 2. Thesis Overview 1962 . Chapter 3: Rehabilitation Approaches • • • Calamity on 26th January 2001 Rehabilitation issues and approaches Introduction to the Latur approach Approach of Gujarat earthquake rehabilitation Case study 1: Village Ludia Case study 2: Village Ukhadmora Case study 3: Village at Rudramata 5.2012 Case study 4: The Latur experience Credits Bibliography Acknowledgement . Chapter 5: Comparative analysis Conclusions / Glossary fig a: Axonometric view fig b: Analytical diagrams of dwellings FA Booklet Series . RESEARCH .Rebuilding rural Kutchh : an evaluation of post earthquake rehabilitation efforts Prashant Patel Year: 2004 Contents: 1. 79 4. FA Booklet Series .2012 . variations and other design aspects within buildings or spaces. Thesis Overview 1962 . RESEARCH . Thesis Overview 1962 .Architectural Elements These theses study specific architectural elements and their significance. RESEARCH .2012 FA Booklet Series . 80 . 81 . 4. RESEARCH . Guide: Anant Raje Introduction Evolution Case studies Summary Linking elements – New attitudes Bibliography Appendix fig a and b: Typical pages from the thesis 82 . RESEARCH . Thesis Overview 1962 .2012 FA Booklet Series . FA Booklet Series . 5.2012 . Thesis Overview 1962 . 3. 2.Significance of steps and ramps in architecture Radhika Doshi Year : 1981 Contents: 1. 83 . Visuals Guide : R. Sunak 4.2012 . Vasavada Prefatory Note. Footnotes Introduction I. 1. • • • Bibliography Scopes and Limitations Methodology 2.2012 . 85 84 . FA Booklet Series . FA Booklet Series .J. Interpretative Design Efforts • • • Maru – Gurjara Style of Gujarat Mandapas of the Maru – Gurjara Temples Nrtyamandapa – Sun Temple Modhera Sabhamandapa – Nilkanth Mahadev Temple. Thesis Overview 1962 .Interpretative design efforts : mandapas of the Maru-Gujarat style Harita Patel Year : 1993 Contents: Epilogue Plates Appendix. RESEARCH . Sunak. Thesis Overview 1962 . Glossary of Sanskrit Terms Prelude. RESEARCH . Historical Precedents • • Evolution of the Hindu Temple 3. Samvarana Roof forms of the Mandapas • • • Evolution of the roof form of the Mandapas Samvarana Roof form of the Pavilion of the Kund at Kapadvanj Samvarana Superstructure of the Mandapas fig a: Cover Page fig b: Details of Plinth at Nilkanth Mahadev Temple. II. 86 . Thesis Overview 1962 .2012 . Thesis Overview 1962 . RESEARCH .Architectural Appreciation The theses explore the images of architecture as expressed through various works by different individuals and viewpoints and appreciation are articulated. FA Booklet Series . RESEARCH .2012 FA Booklet Series . 87 . Lonavala.Architect •Early years 1. RESEARCH . Lonavala •House for Mr. and Mrs. 89 88 .2012 . Nari Gandhi’s Place in Recent Indian Architecture Selected Bibliography fig a: Explode axonometric of Mountain Lodge. Malik.Life. Architecture Case Studies •Residence for Mr. Jain.Suryakant Patel.Daya. Lonavala.A Brief Account •Years at Taliesin •Nari Gandhi. Thesis Overview 1962 . RESEARCH . and Mrs. Surat. FA Booklet Series . •House for Mr. Thesis Overview 1962 .Work of Nari Gandhi Rahul Gore Year: 1996 Contents: Foreword Guide: Neelkanth Chhaya Nari Gandhi. Lonavala.The person •Nari Gandhi and Clients •About his Architecture •Introduction •Nari Gandhi and Spiritualism 2. fig b: A typical page FA Booklet Series .Nari Gandhi’s Architecture • Nari Gandhi as Maker of Organic •His Design Philosophies •Mountain Lodge for Mr.2012 . Thesis Overview 1962 . 3. 4. RESEARCH . 91 . INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND TO A MAVERICK ARCHITECTURE PRECEDENTS AND INFLUENCES CONFRONTING THE ‘REAL’ AIM. INTRODUCTION PRECEDENTS AND INFLUENCES 10. 9. Thesis Overview 1962 . FORMAL QUALITIES 12.2012 . FA Booklet Series .Strategies of a Maverick architecture : the case of HDEM and NOUVEL Sarosh Anklesaria Year: 2001 Guide : N. SUMMARY 11. 6. OBJECTIVES.2012 FA Booklet Series . 8. 2. SPACE AND ITS PERCEPTIVE QUALITIES CONFRONTING THE ‘REAL” ( Architecture and its role in the present context) Object) Space) CONCLUSION & INFERENCES SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY INDEX OF PROJECTS APPENDIX ILLUSTRATION CREDITS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS FORMAL QUALITIES AND OBJECT HOOD ( Inquiries into the form of an SPACE AND ITS PERCEPTIVE QUALITIES ( Inquiries into the sensation of SUMMARY fig a: A typical page fig b: Exploded axonometric drawing 90 . SCOPE AND LIMITATIONS CHAPTER ONE : HERZOG & DE MEURON 1.H Chhaya Contents: PREFACE CHAPTER TWO : JEAN NOUVEL 7. 5. RESEARCH . Architecture of Raj Rewal : a critical inquiry into the reinterpretation of Indian tradition into contemporary expression Mehul Patel Year: 2003 Contents: Guide : Madhavi Desai Introduction 3. Critical Inquiry Bibliography Illustration Credits Abbreviations Acknowledgements Chapter 1: Indian Traditional Architecture • • • • • • Indian Architecture: Brief Introduction Tradition and Values Study of Selected Traditional Architecture Importance and Necessity of Reinterpretation Various Attitudes to Reinterpret Architect Raj Rewal at Reinterpretation 2. New Delhi Asian Games Village. Thesis Overview 1962 . FA Booklet Series . Thesis Overview 1962 . 93 . Chapter 2: Architecture of Raj Rewal • • • • Role in Contemporary Architecture Raj Rewal: An Overview His Reinterpretation in terms of fig a and b: Typical pages from the thesis Design Ideas and Philosophy 92 . New Delhi Aims and Objectives Criteria of Selecting Case Studies Scope and Limitations Methodology 1.2012 . RESEARCH . RESEARCH . Case studies • • National Institute of Immunology.2012 FA Booklet Series . RESEARCH . other digital systems and its impact on the field of architecture. Thesis Overview 1962 . RESEARCH . Some of these also study design tools such as software. materials and construction techniques These theses study building construction techniques and how they impact architecture. FA Booklet Series .2012 FA Booklet Series . Thesis Overview 1962 . 95 . 94 .2012 .Technology: design tools. Thesis Overview 1962 . RESEARCH . Chapter – 3 : Design and Constructional Aspects • • • • Preliminary Design Considerations Construction Elements of Dome Geodesic sub-division Miscellaneous factor fig a and b: Typical pages from the thesis 96 .2012 .Ghummat : software unfolding the geometry of geodesic domes Mahirshi Desai Year: 1991 6. 97 .5 : Illustrated Ghummat • • • Application of Ghummat Appendix Chapter – 2 : Principle behind geodesic domes • • • • Tensigrity Polyhedra Architectural Manifestation Great Circles 5. FA Booklet Series .2012 FA Booklet Series . Chapter – 1 : Context of Geodesic Domes Dome Types Geodesics Chapter . Chapter – 4 : Mathematics of Geodesic Domes • • 7. Guide: K. 2. 3. Thesis Overview 1962 . P. Lavingia Acknowledgements Introduction • • • 4. RESEARCH . Defining the Dome Miscellaneous Information Problem Evaluation Output Application Guide: Nitin Raje Contents : 1. Co. 2012 FA Booklet Series .An Introduction L. Representation and Expression System and World View Thought process Form 4. RESEARCH .Systems Shape Grammar Representations of Generative Systems • • • • • Parametric Design Cellular Automata Evolutionary Design fig a: A typical page fig b: Screen shots from an animation 98 .Investigation of representation of generative systems through the digital medium Gaganjit Ahluwalia Year: 2010 Guide : Bharat Dave Contents: 3. 99 . Representations of generative systems through the digital medium to conceive architecture • Representations of Generative systems in the Digital medium. RESEARCH . Medium and Process • • • • • • • Medium.2012 . Thesis Overview 1962 . FA Booklet Series . Thesis Overview 1962 . Case Studies in parametric design and illustrating a parametric solution • • Case Studies in parametric design Illustrating a Parametric Solution 1. Conclusions Conclusions Bibliography Image Credits The Design Process and A Generative System Algorithm 2. • Kosi Region and it’s Material o Kosi Region o Material in Kosi Region 7. Chapter 2. Guide: Sankalpa Abstract Abstract: The study of relationship is important in a region where practice of indigenous material is alive. RESEARCH . In the practice. 101 100 . 5. 4. 6. material transforms in to built form. Introduction Scope Aim and Objective Methodology Chapter 1.2012 . material and context. Conclusion Appendix Glossary Bibliography fig a: Diagram illustrating methods of construction fig b: Assembly of members FA Booklet Series . process of built form is use as a tool to establish a relation between artisan. Physical context gives birth to the material and with artisan. Thesis Overview 1962 .2012 . FA Booklet Series . RESEARCH . 3. 2. Thesis Overview 1962 . • Process of Building Practice in Kosi with Artisan o Interaction with Artisan o Artisan with Building Process o Out come of the Process 8. In making of architecture many processes involve to achieve a built form.Artisan and the craft : exploring the relationship between artisan of Kosi region and material in the process of building Tejas Patel Year: 2011 Contents: 1. 2012 FA Booklet Series . etc. 103 .Miscellaneous These theses do not fall under any specific category mentioned above but cover a wide range of topics such as ethics. FA Booklet Series . 102 . RESEARCH . Thesis Overview 1962 . RESEARCH . nature of representation techniques. Thesis Overview 1962 .2012 . Guide : S.2012 FA Booklet Series . FA Booklet Series .Code of ethics in architecture Aruna Patel Year: 1973 Contents: 1. RESEARCH . Thesis Overview 1962 . 3.M Parikh Preamble Introduction A study in parallels and contrasts a comparative study on the four codes General conclusion Appendix Bibliography fig a and b: Typical pages from the thesis 104 .2012 . 2. Thesis Overview 1962 . 4. 105 . RESEARCH . Thesis Overview 1962 . 2. fig b: Analytical Drawings 106 . 5. 6. RESEARCH . RESEARCH . 3. Guide: Sen Kapadia Acknowledgements Introduction Perception.Inquiry into the nature of Axonometric drawing Indrajit Chatterji Year: 1988 Contents: Approval 1. 4. conception and the problem of representation A concept of Axonometry Phenomena associated with the perception of axonometric drawing A history of axonometric drawing A conclusion Bibliography Sources of illustrations fig a: Axonometric drawing of Frankfurt Museum by Richard Meyer. 107 .2012 FA Booklet Series . FA Booklet Series .2012 . Thesis Overview 1962 . 2012 .List of Theses An attempt has been made to clasify the theses according to the categories listed below.2012 FA Booklet Series . Thesis Overview 1962 . FA Booklet Series . Thesis Overview 1962 . 109 . It must be noted that these categories are not mutually exclusive and therefore some studies can be part of more than one. 108 . RESEARCH . RESEARCH . Ajay B. J-&-K-State. Study of building technology and structural systems of mosques. The Hindu temple : Dravidian style. Ishvarsinh Prasad. Jaspreet Patel. Ajit A. Chadha. Attitudes towards design of art museums. Hosseini. Shital Kaur. Vasant Patel. Indian Institute of Management. Vinod Datta. Hindu ritual movement : study of Sri Virupaksha Temple : Humpi. Ashesh P. Study of approaches of Islamic religious and mortuary complexes in Ahmedabad.Uttar-Pradesh. Study of activity spaces in Jain temple complexes. Jagruti K. Western theatre : an evolution to reality. Nahargarh Fort. Study of interaction spaces in academic institutions : case studies. Sumeet 110 . Vineet Chauhan.palace 1927 : a discussion on antecedents to style. Sambit Ratnam. Reza Mohammed Shah Panchal. Yasmeen Study of mediaeval temple complex Krimchi : Udhampur. Thesis Overview 1962 . FA Booklet Series . Thakore. Anup Thesis Title Study of Jehangir-Mahal. Rajasthan. ZafarMahal. Khandwala.Building Type: Instituitions Year Thesis Number TH-0051 TH-0079 TH-0091 TH-0109 TH-0110 TH-0111 TH-0159 TH-0193 TH-0205 TH-0233 TH-0262 TH-0294 TH-0300 TH-0350 TH-0354 TH-0368 TH-0375 TH-0398 Name of Student Thesis Title Year 1989-90 1989-90 1989-90 1989-90 1989-90 1989-90 1989-90 1990-91 1990-91 1991-92 1991-92 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1992-93 1992-93 1992-93 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 Thesis Number TH-0407 TH-0408 TH-0412 TH-0419 TH-0426 TH-0433 TH-0434 TH-0453 TH-0471 TH-0473 TH-0475 TH-0486 TH-0494 TH-0495 TH-0506 TH-0508 TH-0518 TH-0519 TH-0526 TH-0535 Name of Student Dave. Study of the determinants of a building : case evaluation : Deogarh fort palace. Satish The system of proportions in Jain temples in Gujarat region (Western India). Prakash Jaiswal. Towards in architectural rediscovery of the palace of the last Muchal. Thesis Overview 1962 . Abbas I. Shailendra Kokularaj. Nature of an academic institution : its manifestation in architecture : a study of three management institutions. Study of mosque architecture at Champanair. FA Booklet Series . Mosque : form. Study of Raja-Bir-Singh-Deo’s palace at Datia : a representative example of Bundela architecture. Meeta Kumar Kotecha. Manifestation of a Saivite-Temple : Tiruvanamalai. Makhesana. Gujral. Role of physical and natural elements on primary schools of villages. Ritu Study of modern palaces of Porbandar the Daria-Rajmahal 1901. Geometric delineation in the Nagara-Cella : a study of the temple of Ranakdevi at Wadhwan. Dipak Mosque as a civic institution in islamic architecture. Ringwala. Pankaj T. Study of an educational campus. Jaipur : an architectural understanding. Study of hindu temples. Jayshil Purani. Mayoor Modi. Purandare. 111 Tayebbhai. 1976 1977 1977 1977 1978 1979 1978 1981 1983 1984 1984 1987-88 1987-88 1988-89 1988-89 1989-90 Pandya. RESEARCH . Study of the Church architecture of Gujarat : Nineteenth century / Protestant. Ahmedabad : an architectural understanding. Study of Haveli-Mandirs of Gujarat : observations on house-form temples of Pusti-Margiya Vaishnava Sampradaya. at Orchha : a representative example of Bundela architecture. Traditional temple theatres of Kerala : a study.2012 . Monuments in urban surroundings.2012 . Sohan Shah. Joshi. Buddhist monasteries in Sikkim : an investigation into design principles and processes. structure and regional influences. Miki C. Queens’ palace. Nilkanth. Fatehpur-Sikri revisited : a new light on its planning principles. Geometric formalism and nature of the land : study of Shatrunjayagiri Jain Tirtha. Rituraj 1973 1975 Nagar. Study of contemporary architecture in India : institution in Ahmedabad. Mehrauli. Sheetal Saxena. Susan Dasgupta. P. Study of mosques. Vishakha Vijayram. Shoummo Haideri. and the Hazur. Mohit Shah. Ahmedabad : a study of architecture. Desai. Rai. Ajaykumar C. Patel. Kshama T. C. Analytical study of the 16th-century Mughal-Rajput temple of Harideva at Govardhan. S. Haveli of Swaminarayan-Temple. Kadu. Study of outdoor spaces and activities in them in primary school. RESEARCH . influences on architectural idiom and building language. Nirmit Gohil. Study of jain temple complex at MT.M. Shailesh Chopra.. Bhopal. Perceptual and the experiential : an exploration along their two polarities : a spatial analysis of two temple complexes. Priyanka Jhaveri.D. Zoroastrian religious built form : an approach to nature and landscape. the Chapel at Ronchamp and the Sun Temple at Modhera.D.I. Amit Cooper. A study of the physical environment built for the centre for environment education. Between the typical and the specific : hybrid nature of Dravidian temples : case study : Meenakshi Sundaresvara temple. Mayank Memon. Jadav. Venperampil. Nimisha P. Iype C. Enquiry into the evolution of a settlement. Attitudes and expressions in contemporary mosque architecture of Gujarat.I. Bangalore and I.1650-1950.M. Bharat Chauhan. RESEARCH .. Zahida Jose. Perception of space theough the aspect of movement : study of three campus architecture in Ahmedabad during the Isalmic period. Deepa J. Ahmedabad. Understanding the architecture of Buddhist monastery at Likir. Understanding the notion of place : a study of the Jami Mosque Complex and Sarkhej Roza..Girnar. Thiruvanathapuram. Architecture as resolute of time and space : a study of post independence architecture of five institutions in Ahmedabad. Hyderabad : an architectural appraisal. Jaydeep Makim. Gujarat A. Dhulia. Jitendra Srinivasan. Palitana and the house source. Genesis and evolution of museums as contemporary institution. Shakil A. Dhaval Panchal. Vatsal B.Year 1993-94 1993-94 1993-94 1993-94 1993-94 1995-96 1995-96 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1997-98 1997-98 1998-99 1998-99 1998-99 Thesis Number TH-0539 TH-0542 TH-0551 TH-0555 TH-0556 TH-0582 TH-0589 TH-0601 TH-0631 TH-0636 TH-0653 TH-0654 TH-0672 TH-0673 TH-0687 Name of Student Mody. Aparna Transformation of a tradition : the temple and mosque in the architecture of Gujarat. Human responses to the built environment : a case study of primary schools.I. Thesis Overview 1962 . Hemal Gajjar. T. 112 . Study and revelation of polo temples : a conjectural analysis. Understanding a sacred space : a study of the mosque of Rani Sipri at Ahmedabad. Thesis Title Study of the stepwell at Ambapur : an inquiry into the structural and constructional aspects. FA Booklet Series . RESEARCH . Tradition and its continuity in contemporary Indian architecture : case-studies : I. Ainsley Ian Bhagat. The mosque today : a study of contemporary influences on the mosque as an expression of faith. Shefali Varia. Emergence of a type and its formal manifestation : a study of the Churchtypology & its manifestation in the modern context. India : Bochasanwasi Shri Akshar Purushottam Swaminarayan Sanstha [BAPS] temple-complexes. Fort Area. Ladakh. Adnan A. Mitesh Joshi. Madurai. Ahmedabad. Year 1998-99 2000-01 2000-01 2000-01 2002-03 2003-04 2003-04 2003-04 2004-05 2004-05 2005-06 2005-06 2005-06 2005-06 2005-06 2005-06 2005-06 2005-06 2005-06 Thesis Number TH-0694 TH-0723 TH-0729 TH-0732 TH-0786 TH-0794 TH-0809 TH-0825 TH-0835 TH-0837 TH-0863 TH-0870 TH-0872 TH-0876 TH-0882 TH-0887 TH-0890 TH-0891 TH-0893 Name of Student Mehta.2012 FA Booklet Series . 1910.I. 113 . Making of unbuilt spaces : case study : National Institute of Fashion Technology. Narmawala. Study of continuity & change in campus extensions : a study of three campuses Sanskar Kendra and Tagore Memorial Hall and N. Alpa Patel. Azmi F. Syrian Christian Church complex in Kerala. Ashok Raj Goga. Neha Kazi. Menghani. Study of Swaminarayan temple-complexes in Gujarat. Urmila Balwani. Understanding a Shia architecture : a study of the evolution of the Bohra Masjid. Kanpur and N. Search for the conceptual : a dialectical study of Unitarian Church and Parc-dela-Villette. Anar Basrai.I..D. Vaishali Pujara. Behavioral study of healing environments : study of hospitals of Ahmedabad. Discourse on Indian modernity in the context of three specific instances : Hriday Kunj. Study of churches in Goa (Indian influence) existential meaning embodied and conveyed by Santana of Tallaulim. O.T. Jyothi Agrawal.2012 . Study of the jain temple of ajitnath at taranga : multiplicity of meaning in a temple form. Zameer Raveendran. Thesis Overview 1962 . Sukesh Lewis. Charyulu.F. Sujit Thesis Title Indo-Saracenic style : an exception in Bombay study of the general Post-office. Urvi Shah. Shah. incorporating the vedic & the verancular : case study : Padmanabhaswamy Temple Precincts. Ankita Purani haveli palace complex. I. Dave. Delhi. Generic order : an insight into creation : the temple place at Shatrunjaya Hill. Study of Swaminarayan-temple complexes in Gujarat. Thesis Overview 1962 . Assessment of house form and community spaces. Kinny D. Dafda. Gujarat. Gajjar. Ataollah Patwa. Noorani. History of architecture of the Rajkumar college Rajkot from 1870 to 2009. FA Booklet Series . Apoorva Study on tribal settlements Panchmahals : social pattern .from imperial master to nation builder . House form.Institute of Mental Health. Ahir. Organisation and coherence in contemporary schools : a comparative study of Ahmedabad International School and Anand Niketan School. Study of desert settlements with main emphasis on house form : a case study in United Arab Emirates (U. 115 . Nikunj Patel. Making of two institutes National Institute of Design and B. Thesis Title Colonial legacy in pedagogical architecture . Parekh. H. Evaluation of a traditional habitat : case study Bohra community. Jaikumar B. Geometric concepts in the Islamic religious architecture : a study of three mosques at Dholka. Dhaval V. Desai. Kasim Patel. Gandhi. variations and growth over time. Kautilya J. Saurabh P. Antara A. Aiyar. Shakeel Singal. Nikhil M. Thesis Overview 1962 . Decorations of traditional houses in Gujarat : a study. 1968 1972 1974 1975 1976 1976 1976 1977 1976 1977 1977 1978 1978 1978 1978 1979 1979 1979 Contractor. Vajihuddin. Chhatpar. Study of user responses to built environment general hospitals in Ahmedabad. Mistry. . Roshani B. Shah. To study the architecture of mausoleums at Champaner. Patel. Pavagadh : understanding the characteristic feature of temple architecture (10th century) in western India Integration of nature : water and vegetation in work environment. Patel. Ajit K. Re-examination of court : house. Nagendra. . Mahesh K. Khimani. Patel. Shailini Study of old houses Ahmedabad. Gurukul : the concept of learning and its architectural manifestation : case study : Varanasi.meaning in the architecture of boarding schools in India (1847 to 1935). Zohar R. Nirali M. Individual houses of Ahmedabad : last decade 1968-76. Smit Y. Nathani. Ahmedabad. Parmar. Building Type: House Form Year Thesis Number TH-0005 TH-0045 TH-0067 TH-0083 Name of Student Thesis Title Limbachia.A. Madhu C. Community and houseform. Shah. Imagery of non-visual space perception case study : IIMA Study of architecture of learning and loving on campus from past to present (gurukul to present) in India TH-0098 TH-0104 TH-0108 TH-0114 TH-0116 TH-0133 TH-0149 TH-0165 TH-0167 TH-0169 TH-0182 TH-0191 TH-0197 TH-0202 Indian residential architecture before Islamic period with reference to orientation and modular site planning system. .physical organization. Study of spaces within a dwelling and their design process of middle size dwellings built up area 500-1100sq. Desai. Traditional dwellings in Southern India : a case study of Tiruchirapalli. Rita C. Desai. Pareshkumar R.2012 Study of four modern academic libraries in India : generation of library form in the larger campus context. . Gautam A. Sameeha Sharad Soni. Bharat M.). Sheth. Punita Aghelizadeh. Understanding the architecture of CEPT campus : themes.E. Patel. Roshani B. Spatial construction : a study of spaces in museums. 114 . Bipin R.Year 2006-07 2006-07 2007-08 2007-08 2007-08 2008-09 2008-09 2008-09 2008-09 2008-09 2009-10 2009-10 2009-10 2009-10 2010-11 2010-11 2010-11 2010-11 2010-11 2010-11 Thesis Number TH-0909 TH-0915 TH-0935 TH-0937 TH-0939 TH-0953 TH-0955 TH-0966 TH-0969 TH-0976 TH-0982 TH-0987 TH-0994 TH-0996 TH-1004 TH-1012 TH-1013 TH-1020 TH-1024 TH-1031 Name of Student Nanavatty. Hansal Desai. concept. RESEARCH . Architecture of planetarium.M. an islamic learning institution : a study of expression of Madrasas built in Ahmedabad. Ahmedabad. Rajnikant J. Architecture of public libraries as civic institutions : a study of public libraries Study of Shiva temple of mt. Evolution of house concepts & its groupings in Ahmedabad. RESEARCH . Yogesh Y. Madhobi N. V. Dalal. Shukla. Study of house form in Isfahan (Iran). Kitchen as service core in dwelling.feet. Study of user responses to built environment genral hospitals in Ahmedabad. Shrenik N. FA Booklet Series . MAdrasa. Mayurkumar R. Veer R. India. Habib N. Dwelling clusters in South India : a case study of Tiruchirapalli. Study of tribal settlements and shelters in change.2012 . Srikrishna Choradiya. Vyas. Relationship between program and architectural form : a study of schools of architecture. Design considerations for housing layouts. Study of the house form of the temple town of Nathdwara. Neha Mathur. Pavitra S.2012 Abstract and the manifest in vernacular built : houseform of Rohailkhand region. Suneet Ullal. Devdutt J. Sachin Ray. Sense of place in traditional dwelling environment. Suparna Single family attached Dwelling type : a comparative study Ahmedabad. A. Rajasthan : a study. Ismet Talwar. Apurva Raut. Manu 116 . Attitudes to houseform study : an overview. Gandhi. Aarati Shah. Thesis Overview 1962 . Continuity as an essence of dwelling patterns in the vernacular context. Maithili Padukams of nambuthiri illams : understanding its importance as an element of transition. Khimani. Krisna Physical transformation processes with respect to design of a dwelling unit. Manohar Colonial residential development : a study of New Delhi. Yashwant Rai Choksi. Mahesana District : community : Nagar Havelis : a study of Jaipur. Gujarat. Patel. the collective houseform : case-study Ahmedabad. Uttar Pradesh. Abhijit A. Tarak Krishnan.2012 . 117 . Traditional houseform in Bikaner. Devan Trivedi. Banni house form : a study of the phenomenon of change. Culture-specific house form : Nair Tarawads of Kerala. Palavajjhala Pandya. Hetal Amin. Ahmedabad. Dakshina Kannada : a study : the Gutthu Houses. Afzal. Roshani Patolia. Study of Nagar houses in relation to their socio-cultural background. Organisational concepts of urban houseforms. Traditional houseform : the expression of a culture : a study of Saraswata dwellings. Mohammed Desai. Contemporary urban dwelling environment physical conditions in the dwellings of middle income housing. Chitra Bagai. Sanchita Vasavada. Porbandar : a case for study. Impact of changes in culture on houseform : study of old and New-Delhi habitats. Mohit Mawkhroh. Towards the sun : vernacular building : the Ladakh House. Environmental choice and residential satisfaction : a case study of middleincome households in Ahmedabad. Sunil Divecha. Traditional houseform in Bikaner. Daman. Study of houseform and settlement pattern : case study : Patan. Genesis and evolution of a traditional houseform as a cultural idiom : PeshwaWadas. Houseform and settlement : a manifestation of socio-cultural beliefs : a study of Kharak settlements in Bhavnagar district. Thesis Title Traditional houses of the bunt community. Pandya. A study of the evalution of the facilities in the traditional houses of the walled city of Ahmedabad. Profiles of built-forms : a case study of Nasik houses. Aiban Shngain Essential residence : understanding traditional Indian architecture in the image of Man. Engineer. Kalyani J. a Maratha way of life. Hemant Agarwal.Year 1982 Thesis Number TH-0235 TH-0247 TH-0260 TH-0266 TH-0275 TH-0281 TH-0286 TH-0292 TH-0293 TH-0304 TH-0313 TH-0319 TH-0362 TH-0367 TH-0370 TH-0382 TH-0383 TH-0389 TH-0395 TH-0405 TH-0406 Name of Student Patel. Vivek Kacker. Rajasthan. FA Booklet Series . Year 1989-90 1989-90 1990-91 1990-91 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1994-95 1994-95 1997-98 1998-99 1998-99 1998-99 1998-99 1998-99 1998-99 2000-01 2000-01 2001-02 2001-02 Thesis Number TH-0409 TH-0413 TH-0451 TH-0460 TH-0469 TH-0480 TH-0522 TH-0528 TH-0563 TH-0564 TH-0647 TH-0657 TH-0682 TH-0688 TH-0692 TH-0693 TH-0697 TH-0725 TH-0735 TH-0747 TH-0758 Name of Student Shetty. Ekbote. Jariwala. Falguni Keni. Parthesh Ruchira. Indigenous domestic architecture : a study of two houses in the town of Bundi. Study of residential site planning for row houses. Rajasthan : a study. Mahesh G. Houses of the Saraswat Brahmins of Goa : a study. Anuj Shrivastav. Amishi D. RESEARCH . Houseforms in a cultural context : a study of Fatehpur Shekhawati. Makwana. Radhika Kanekar. Vipul Jain. Mehta. Paresh Vamadevan. Spatial hierarchy in the Peshwekalin Wadas and its influence on domestic house : form. Manan Jog. FA Booklet Series . Bungalow : a colonial house-form. Houseforms of Diu: a comparative study of the two major types. Khambatta. Rajat Kumar Pandya. Joshi. RESEARCH . Way of the house : an insight into its concept. Metamorphosis of the house form in the walled city of Ahmedabad. Thesis Overview 1962 . Sagar S. Laxman Thesis Title Study of old havelis in Gujarat. Meaning in Khasi house forms : a study of traditional and Bungalow-type house forms of Cherrapunji. Sarto almieda : a regional revivalist of cultural expressions study of a residence. 1982 1982 1982 1983 1983 1984 1984 1984 1985 1985 1985 1988-89 1988-89 1988-89 1988-89 1988-89 1988-89 1988-89 1989-90 1989-90 Srivistava. Eighteen hundred thirty eight-Ninteen hundred ninty eight : constancy and change within the Muslim houseform : Varkund. S. Catherine Suri. . Rashmin Bhasker. Dynamics of public housing : post construction addtions . Mona J. 119 118 . Amrita Anna Pathan. Pisawada village. Tamil Nadu. Understanding the vernacular dwelling : a study of the rajput houses of Brahmaur. Deshmukh. Mehul House : a cultural entity of the community case study of the Marwari house form. . Choksi. Influences of regional wada houseforms on the contemporary residential buildines : an inquiry intio the works of architects in Nasik. Vrushti Patel.D. . Vishal Gupta. Divyeshkumar Chandulal Kumar. Bhavana F. Understanding the determinates of a typical house form at a sacred place gaya. Synthesis of architectural form and natural elements : study of the Holkar Rajwada. Prince. Ankit S. Study of colonial domestic architecture of M. Maheshwar.) between 1900-2000. Hiral Desai. Thesis Overview 1962 . Suthar. Nayak. FA Booklet Series .Year 2002-03 Thesis Number TH-0781 TH-0793 TH-0801 TH-0843 TH-0844 TH-0845 TH-0846 TH-0847 TH-0861 TH-0878 TH-0879 TH-0902 TH-0904 TH-0905 TH-0919 TH-0921 TH-0925 TH-0954 TH-0962 Name of Student Thesis Title Year 2008-09 2008-09 2009-10 2009-10 2010-11 2010-11 2010-11 2010-11 2010-11 2010-11 2010-11 2010-11 2010-11 2010-11 2010-11 Thesis Number TH-0964 TH-0965 TH-0981 TH-0986 TH-1003 TH-1014 TH-1026 TH-1027 TH-1038 TH-1041 TH-1044 TH-1047 TH-1048 TH-1057 TH-1059 Name of Student Solgama. (EST. construction. Menon. Vernacular house forms of Sikkim : impact of materials. Hore. Rajasekharan Barar. Chennai . Continuity & change in a traditional house form : case study : Chettinadu Mansions. Yamini L. housing societies in Himatnagar. Vadodara Understanding and identifying type for the houses of the South Gujarat region Socio-Cultural aspects and change in the tamil brahman house form. Mawani. Sujit Vijay Contemporary houses of Nasik-Pune region : influences of the regional Wada house-forms.2012 . Amit V. Viraj Tracing change in the hose form of George Town. Pandey.C11th CENT. Aditya Vadher.2012 . Shoubhik Vigneswer. FA Booklet Series . Historical study of haveli architecture in Nadiad. Exploring vernacular tradition of Meghalaya. Ahmedabad. . . S. RESEARCH . Influence of culture on the house form of Palanpur : case study of Jain vernacular houses. 2003-04 2004-05 2004-05 2004-05 2004-05 2004-05 2005-06 2005-06 2005-06 2006-07 2006-07 2006-07 2006-07 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2008-09 Analysis of architectural form of a Banares house to describe a condition of its presence in its environment. Mistry. Neha S. old city of Vadodara as a case study. Nehal Thesis Title Understanding the cultural influences and transformation in traditional house form : a study of house form in Mangrol. Thesis Overview 1962 . Kerala. Gandhi. Megha Constancy and change in making of a new pol house. Shaili Sorathiya. Sudhir K. Vijaykumar P. Polyvalence in the traditional dewelling : an enquiry into the adaptability of the Pol house.the case of sowcarpet. Sagarika Kataria. Colonial bungalow in Ahmedabad : an enquiry into adaptability with change in ownership and lifestyle. Study of houseform and settlement pattern at Vadnagar. Arjav Thomas. Rajat Shah. Understanding house form of an agricultural settlement and its agricultural practices. Archana S. still a valid place of living. RESEARCH . a study of the houses in the temple town of Srirangam.A. skills. V. University campus. Study of Parsee houses in the region of Udvada. Hameed. Mewada. Mansi A. Kruti J. Jigneshkumar Karode. Study of architect’s own houses : the case of Auroville 2003-04 study : Ahmedabad. Chaudhry. Study into the making of a traditional architecture : the case of Beri-Chettiar Dwellings in Chennai (1850-1950). Evolution of house form in Kutch (based on changing materials and associated technology) Makwana. . Study of designed flexibility in mass produced house. Waghela. Mustaqeem Khan House form at Siddhpur ( a study of an intermediate spaces). Socio-cultural manifestation of kuttichira mappila muslim houses : Calicut. Himachal Pradesh. Ahmedabad. Comparative study of the residential architecture of the colonial towns at Pondicherry and Chadernagore. Rika Study of Parsi residential colonies and baugs in Bombay : as community based housing schemes. Built tradition : dwellings of Mukhba. Vachhani. tools. lateral forces on the house form. Space organization and physical alterations in dwelling unit : a study of co-op. Timeless experience : a study of recreational spaces in Indian palaces : case studies : Deeg and Jagmandir palace complexes : Rajasthan. Baradi. Understanding order and play through grammar of architectural elements in Fatehpur-Sikri.2012 . RESEARCH . Ujjval H. Architectural character and the urban setting : a study of the palaces in Indore. Study of highrise buildings. Study of vijay-vilas palace. Ashish Desai. Understanding space and its experience : jahaz-mahal. Jagrat M. Study of fall out shelter. Evaluation of relative habitability of residential high-rise buildings in Ahmedabad. Hierarchy of spaces : Amber Palace Complex. Thesis Overview 1962 . Architecture in the princely states of Kathiawad. Kalyanwala. designing with nature : a study of some contemporary works in Bangalore. Saurabh Kamdar. Sunil R.Building Type: Other Year 1970 Thesis Number TH-0022 TH-0054 TH-0093 TH-0100 TH-0140 TH-0151 TH-0196 TH-0224 TH-0225 TH-0243 TH-0263 TH-0264 TH-0267 TH-0282 TH-0329 TH-0331 TH-0436 TH-0444 Name of Student Kothari. Sachin Synesthetic experience of architecture : a study of architectural experiences at Fatehpur Sikri. Evolution of Indo-Islamic tombs (1231-1753A. Manoj Dadachanji. Dilip Structural and constructional aspects of water reservoirs and their relationship with religious buildings in Gujarat. 1907-1928 in Saurashtra : analytical study of its architectural styles. Parikh. Role of the unbuilt spaces in clustered organizations : a study of Indian palace complexes. Concept and experience : the rauza complex at Sarkhej. Bharat M. Sonal M. Dwelling alternation behaviour : a study of personal Manifestations in Mass constructed middle-income-group dwellings of Ahmedabad. Building an environmental culture. Patel. RESEARCH . High-rise housing : potentials and validity of a building type. Study of a rajput fort palace : Deogarh. Pankaj Enclosed open spaces within the complexes of Islamic architecture : case study of Fatehpur-Sikri. Mitra Generators of spatial organization in a Rajput Palace Complex : Neemrana Fort Palace. Thesis Overview 1962 . Raman Panthaki. FA Booklet Series . Design aspects in architecture responding to natural water bodies : sea. 120 . Desai. Ranjit Seth Talati. Khushnu Panchal.) Delhi. Fort of Kumbhalgarh : a representative example of medieval Rajput architecture. Study of ghats : transition betweeen religious and social roles-case study of ghats of Ujjain. A study of interior spaces for classified hotels in India. Study of theatre spaces in India. Goghari. Kartik Y. 121 . Anjali Thesis Title Evaluation of Tower and Plaza : prototype commercial built environment : a userbody perspective. Parthiv C. Ahmedabad. lake. Alap Vyas. Modi. Parikh. Hierarchy of spaces : Amber Palace Complex. Khushroo Soni. Evolution of theatre forms in India : a brief summary of theatre forms existing in India from ancient to contemporary time. Hemrashmi I. Mandvi-Kutch . Arvind M. Palace complex. Dipak C. Study of spaces in royal buildings : Mandu. Nirupama Parekh. Pandejee. Neha Aras.D. sarkhej complex. Sunil J. Samir Vernacular architecture : a response to environment : case study : Kerala. mill owners’ building.2012 FA Booklet Series . Bankeem G. Shah. Manvita Parekh. Ranjit Vilas Palace. Water and architecture : a study of medieval water tank at Viramgam. Gupta. Sheth. river. Year 1990-91 1990-91 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93 1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1995-96 1996-97 1998-99 1998-99 1998-99 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2005-06 2005-06 2005-06 Thesis Number TH-0456 TH-0459 TH-0463 TH-0485 TH-0491 TH-0500 TH-0540 TH-0566 TH-0571 TH-0592 TH-0622 TH-0664 TH-0683 TH-0685 TH-0810 TH-0854 TH-0860 TH-0866 TH-0867 TH-0869 Name of Student Dave. Mulji. Shukla. Persis Balmuchu. Man Mandir Palace : Gwalior : a study of mediaeval hindu palace architecture. Sharma. Wankaner : British period. Amee Soni. Thesis Title Study of industrial estates in Ahmedabad. Prabhubhai K. Jignesh Jani. Paulomi Patel. Patel. Maheshwari. Sasaram. Niraj Mehta. Agra. Mahendra K. an example of Indo-Saracenic style of architecture. Kunal 1973 1975 1976 1977 1977 1979 1981 1981 1982 1983 1983 1983 1983 1986 1986 1989-90 1989-90 Patel. Rathin Shukla. Khandwala. Wood architecture of Gujarat : case study Patan. Organizing principles of space making : a study of Nagaur Fort Complex. Narendra K. Desai.Trilochan M.Year 2005-06 Thesis Number TH-0875 Name of Student Mukherjee. Anandjiwala. Thesis Overview 1962 . 2005-06 2005-06 2006-07 2006-07 2006-07 2006-07 2007-08 2007-08 2007-08 2010-11 2010-11 2010-11 2010-11 TH-0894 TH-0896 TH-0899 TH-0906 TH-0918 TH-0922 TH-0923 TH-0932 TH-0934 TH-1005 TH-1009 TH-1053 TH-1058 Pervasive / Elusive : understanding the multiple spatializations of the railway as an infrastructural system. 1968 TH-0006 Pandya. 2008-09 TH-0972 Architectural approaches in contemporary farmhouse and its departure from ‘dwelling’ : examples of Ahmedabad 1977 1977 1977 1976 1976 1975 1985 1974 1974 1971 1971 1972 1970 1970 1969 TH-0118 TH-0112 TH-0107 TH-0097 TH-0095 TH-0086 TH-0084 TH-0074 TH-0073 TH-0044 TH-0039 TH-0037 TH-0025 TH-0020 TH-0013 Desai. FA Booklet Series . Rahul S. John V. Utsavi Shah. Darbar squares : Nepal. Suraj Amin. Barad. Patel. Journey inward : the stepwell at davad. Vinod N. Sujal V. Khushboo P. Rural pockets in the urban structure. Chhaya. Study of colonial clubs as a building type Design of zoos ‘human interpretation of animal habitat’. Praful M. Kalpana H. Transition spaces in architecture their significance and architectural mani festations in performing arts centres. Krunal Study of the architecture of buildings for trade and commerce in Ahmedabad in the post independence era (1947-1974). RESEARCH . Raina. Medieval defense architecture of Kumbhalgarh fort Mughal and Rajput harem architecture (1550-1750). Architectural controls. Parul Thesis Title Transience. Settlement study. Bharat M. Billboards and Emerging Building types. Nirali Bhardwaj. Narendra K. Chokshi. Pandya. Impact of houseform and streetform on the overall city form : a case study of Jodhpur city. Taraporewala.2012 Study of organisation of pattern of the tribal settlement and shelters : DANGS : with a view to evolving attitudes towards revitalising the community. B. Ranpuria. (villages). Shah. Old and new areas of a city : a comparative study (Case study of Ahmedabad). Gujarat State. Chokshi. RESEARCH . Gadani. City graphics. FA Booklet Series . Kirit H. K. Building and topography : a study of three cases in Mandu.2012 . . Community structuring and its genrative forces. Hemang B. Multiplexes as civic nodes : understanding its assemblage and user responses in context of Ahmedabad. Shaili A. Mathew. Ahmedabad. Study of colonial markets as a building type : Baroda. Paresh Mody. Association of urban form and activity : its role in the perception of an urban environment. Thesis Title Constants in dwellings. Ranjeet Joshi. Joneja. Shashikant Kothari. Street form. Krishna 122 . Ahmedabad and Bhuj. Rethinking adaptive reuse : a study of heritage resorts. Urban Form and Settlement Studies Year 1968 1969 Thesis Number TH-0001 TH-0012 Name of Student Patel. Kathe. Ajit P. Organizational patterns : social and physical. Shah. Solanki. Balaji. Bhagwanji N. Multiplicity of values in city spaces. Patel. Krupa Shah. 123 . Kiran C. Study of shopping streets in relation to various types of movements. Thesis Overview 1962 . Ahmedabad district. Anil Modi. Parin S. Townspace in culture-in-change. Urban spaces in Indian cities. Street pattern of Ahmedabad. Mangar. Rohit B. Mohan R. Integration of common areas and facilities in private sector high rise housing:examles from Ahmedabad city. Anuradha N. Street-scape: A study of Facades Appraisal of a new town in India : a sociological viewpoint on Chandigarh. Shah. Study of settlement form in Nilgiri district : South India. Navroz N. Some aspects of cultural ecology in architecture : the case study of two tribal settlements. Navin K. Architectural character of civic spaces within market place. Idea of an Indian town. Harsh Bhagwati. Husain. Jaydev B. Omprakash Shelat. Bharatendu Patel. Dipesh L. Constancy and change in the urban dwelling environment of Ahmedabad. Evaluation of the grid as organizational principles in architecture. Year 1980 Thesis Number TH-0212 Name of Student Patel. Changing facade of a city : a case study of Ahmedabad. Jose Bhatt. Inquiry into urban metamorphosis : Kashmir-gate :Shahjahanabad. Mehta. Mukesh Suthar. Niranjan V. Modhera Sun Temple : a study of aspects of architectural expressions. Study of a community structure. Shah. Nomadic movements & settlements of the Rabari of Kutch. Study of two settlements in the village of Velim. Rajnikant M. Forms and settlement patterns in the region of Goa. People.P. Yogeendra H. Antao. Situation and response in architecture : case study of Kathmandu Valley : Nepal. Prerna Thesis Title Rural habitat : a study of settlements. Nitin Gracias. Amrut C. Ashish Raje. A. Goa. 125 . 1979 1977 1977 1979 1979 1979 1979 1978 1978 1978 1978 1978 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 TH-0206 TH-0204 TH-0203 TH-0195 TH-0194 TH-0192 TH-0190 TH-0186 TH-0178 TH-0177 TH-0176 TH-0164 TH-0156 TH-0152 TH-0146 TH-0145 TH-0144 TH-0143 TH-0142 TH-0139 Patel. Sujata Dalal.Year 1977 Thesis Number TH-0120 Name of Student Chavda. Settlements of migrants : three case studies in East Calcutta. House : a socio-cultural reality : an analysis of Koya built form Mapilla settlements of Kerala. Darshini Datta. Sengupta. Study of a tribal settlement. Human response to contemporary urban open spaces : a comparative study of Ahmedabad and Gandhinagar. Study of the fusion of Indo-Islamic architecture and colonial architecture with special reference to buildings of Baroda. 124 . Study of hill settlements : Dwellings of Kumaon. Study of hill settlements : Settlements of Kumaon. Thesis Overview 1962 . Open spaces in Pol architecture : a study of chowks : Ahmedabad. Biren Rameshwar. Development of contemporary architecture in Ahmedabad :a review. Community spaces in newar settlements. Evaluation of relative habitability of public housing : a study of Ahmedabad. Thesis Title Structure and order in the built-environment : an appraisal of the desert citadel of Jaisalmer. Formation of an urban core : study of Ahmedabad. Study of dwellings of hill settlement : Nilgiri hills. Sudhir J. Vipul M.1750-1900. Kunal Patel. FA Booklet Series . Patankar. Townspace study of religious towns of Gujarat : visual aspects. Permanent pavement dealers : a study in the city of Ahmedabad. 1987-88 1986 1985 1984 1985 1984 1984 1984 1984 1984 1983 1983 1982 1982 1982 1982 1981 1981 1981 1981 TH-0353 TH-0328 TH-0326 TH-0325 TH-0322 TH-0301 TH-0299 TH-0298 TH-0291 TH-0288 TH-0278 TH-0268 TH-0258 TH-0255 TH-0254 TH-0234 TH-0230 TH-0229 TH-0223 TH-0220 Trivedi. Ketan Patel. houses. Bhola. Lalit Mathur. Rural settlements with special emphasis on indoor and outdoor spaces : a case study in Kashmir. Delhi. Palavajjhala V. Settlement patterns in the Urban region of Rajkot. Dilip D. Sonal Hazra. Morphology of a secred settlements : a case study Nathdwara (Rajasthan). Shah. Joshi. Dabu. Chokshi. Kandarp Mahadevia. Ramesh R. Habib Desai.2012 Religious building (Temple) as nucleus of city : study of the impact of a dominant building on the city. Vinay Trichal. Sonali Patel. Samir Mistry. Anirudh Patel. U. Dudhaiya. Thesis Overview 1962 . of the Mercommunity in past and present contexts. Rita Mital. Parsee habitat : a study. R. A. Shrish Chandra. Dwellings of the Bohra community in Gujarat : a study of Vernacular habitat between A. RESEARCH .D.2012 . Structural elements of an Indian medieval city : Vijayanagara. Subhash Modi. K. Neela Sampat. Chandrakant V. Valambhia. Dynamics of Jhuggi dwelling : case study Shadipur depot. a village in cis-Himalayan region of Jaunsar. Mayank S. RESEARCH . place and vernacular architecture : study of Lakhamandal. FA Booklet Series . Yamini R. Jayesh N. Durba Thesis Title House forms of a culture : Namboodiri Illams of Malabar. . Ugyan Dwellings of the Bohra community in Surat : a discussion. Thesis Overview 1962 . Study of Gondal town : integrating past with the present. Transformation of a typology : a study of a Pol in Ahmedabad. Niketa Andhare. Jose L. Moti Daman : a portuguese administrative settlement : study of spatial organisation and civic spine. Thesis Title Physical and associational qualities of landmarks in the Indian context. Coastal villages of Saurashtra. Rajiv Venkataraman. Prashant Kapoor. Narain. 127 Study of housing clusters in Valsad region. S. Rao. FA Booklet Series . Nanda Shah. Sonit Patel. Kulkarni. Bhatt. Prem Duff. Manish Bafna. Building typology and urban morphology : a study. Arthur Thaker. Sanjeev Patel. Urban spaces and city structure : a comparative study of the historical development of urban spaces in Delhi. Karan Vir Desai. Change in a rural settlement due to forces of urbanization : the resultant urban village. Meghana S. Sanjay M. RESEARCH . Determinants of urban structure : Ujjain. Settlement and house form : Kulu-Valley. Study of a town and its elements : Devgadh-Baria. Morphology of the urban block : a study. Anuradha Nanda. Dinesh Nagarsheth. Tarang Kakad. Isomorphs of cities : a comparative study of models. Continuity and interspesions : a study of structuring of the urban fabric. Year 1990-91 Thesis Number TH-0466 Name of Student Muruganandan. 126 . 1992-93 1992-93 1992-93 1991-92 1991-92 1991-92 1991-92 TH-0507 TH-0512 TH-0502 TH-0487 TH-0484 TH-0482 TH-0479 Joshi. Manish 1993-94 1993-94 1993-94 1993-94 1993-94 1993-94 1993-94 1993-94 1993-94 1993-94 1992-93 1992-93 1992-93 TH-0550 TH-0547 TH-0543 TH-0537 TH-0536 TH-0534 TH-0533 TH-0532 TH-0531 TH-0530 TH-0525 TH-0517 TH-0516 Mathew. Dwarka : a study in continuity and change in sacred built environment. Patan. Traditional dwelling forms in Bhutan: a study of the Ngalopa House in its socio-cultural and physical context. Porbandar : a study of its evolution. Thesis Overview 1962 . Maratha Vadas of baroda : a study. Divyesh Parikh. Uday S. metaphors analogies and such other comparisons of the urban spatial form. Chandni chowk : a study of change and transformation. Urban core : understanding its spatial manifestation in cultural context. Study of nature of spaces in slum settlements. Shah. Reena Choksi. Study of the process of change. Samir Patel. Eighteen-Hundred-sixty-1940 : Baroda-urban transformation and renewal : a city’s attempt at revitalization : an inquisition through its institutional architecture and institutional structure. Atul Pai. Krishna Dighe. Urban open spaces. Vivek Gothoskar. Doshi-no-pado. Urban form and space in the Islamic city : a study of morphology and formal structures in the city of Bhopal. Mausami Arora. Doshi. Documentation of socio morphologic characteristics of a rural settlement : a case study at village Pansar. Conservation of urban elements in a traditional indian city : a study of old city of Ahmedabad. Monika J. Enquiry into the aspects of urban edge as an element of participation. Hariyani. Manu P. Dhara J. Mehta. Rajiv Desai.2012 . Dvaraka : place of pilgrimage and religious centre. Atul Sobti. Study of the urban structure of Goan towns. Kush C. Understanding the nature of a city Delhi : a comparative reading with respect to time and scale. RESEARCH . FA Booklet Series . Central-India. Aspects of urbanism in the world of islam : Lucknow an Indian Islamic city. Study of two major urban activity spaces in old Ahmedabad :Ratan-pol and Manekchowk. Sumitra Moghe. Urban public realm : a spatial manifest of culture : a study of the urban public realm of Ujjain. Ruchi Desai.Year 1988-89 Thesis Number TH-0358 Name of Student Dutta . Landscape of the city : squares. Rasesh Parikh. Neeraja Dorji. Vineeta Sastry. Effective cluster formation.2012 1990-91 1990-91 1990-91 1990-91 1990-91 1990-91 1989-90 1989-90 1989-90 1989-90 1989-90 1989-90 1989-90 1989-90 1989-90 1988-89 1988-89 1988-89 1988-89 1988-89 TH-0465 TH-0464 TH-0462 TH-0454 TH-0450 TH-0448 TH-0429 TH-0425 TH-0423 TH-0420 TH-0417 TH-0415 TH-0414 TH-0403 TH-0400 TH-0387 TH-0386 TH-0373 TH-0372 TH-0361 Noronha. Metamorphosis : a study of the transformation in the dwelling environment of an ethnic community. Transformation of a princely town : development of the town of Dhoraji during the rule of Maharaja Shri Bhagwatsinhji of Gondal. Brinda Arora. Urban morphology & the concept of Type : a thematic & comparative study of the urban tissue. Nisha Mehta. Mitra.CenturyA. Production of space & urban form : Bombay 1930 onwards. Sunil Bhatt. Morvi : expression of a princely town. Inquiry into the ‘Making’ of an urban space : a case of fort area. Year 1996-97 Thesis Number TH-0616 Name of Student Ghosh. The market-place : a study of the changing trends in its spatial-patterns. Seema Goklani. Bohra community in Siddhpur town. Shalini 1998-99 1998-99 1998-99 1998-99 1998-99 1998-99 1998-99 1998-99 1998-99 1998-99 1997-98 TH-0686 TH-0681 TH-0676 TH-0668 TH-0667 TH-0665 TH-0662 TH-0661 TH-0660 TH-0658 TH-0651 Shah. Dipankar Roy. Role of urban structure to the house form : a comparative study of towns . Ka-Ka-ni mchod-rten at alch chos-khor early 11th. Bindu Ragade. Ayan Kapadia. Amishi Patel. FA Booklet Series . Production process and the output product : analysis of the urban housing by the private sector commercial developer. Form and variation in a Bengal village structures. Philip. Bhatha. Comprehensible order of relationships : a study of urban Jaipur. Kulin Goenka. Debashis Ghosh Soumitro Mukherjee. Urban space : structuring and imagery. Manish Manifestation of a culture in built-form : a study of bhil settlement and house-form at Panchmahal. Traditionality and transformation a study of change in theToda architectural tradition. In harmony with ecology : a study of the Dang shelterforms. Madras. Kutch. Lena Shah. Pratap Govindan. cases from Patan and Ahmedabad. distinctions of urban form in the colonial city of Calcutta. Tanuj Shukla. General study of canonical hindu town planning and ‘Dandaka’ type town form according to vastu-shastra. Shubhra Sachdeva. FA Booklet Series . Responses of builtforms to urban context.2012 . Thesis Overview 1962 . Ashfaq M. Anita Choudhury. Ashesh Mitra. Space of Indian cities : from an absolute to an abstract space : the case of Jaipur as the non-familiar Indian city. Premal R.Year 1993-94 Thesis Number TH-0552 Name of Student Pathak. Shikha Arora. Umang S. Politics of urban form : an exploration into the political connotations of the urban form of the city. Rupal Jhaldiyal. Thesis Overview 1962 . Wall as a metaphor in urban form. 1997-98 1997-98 1997-98 1997-98 1996-97 1996-97 1996-97 1996-97 TH-0640 TH-0645 TH-0638 TH-0634 TH-0630 TH-0628 TH-0627 TH-0617 Sen. Sudipto Agarwal.Mundra and Anjar.Ujjain : A formal essay Landform influencing the morphology of the settlement : Amber. in the city of Ahmedabad. spatial form and social processes : a reading of the mill area in Mumbai. RESEARCH . Urban public-realm : a methodology for analysis. Urban order as a cultural paradigms : an interpretation of the order in Ujjain. Sense of life in a traditional environment as created through its patterns : the case of the poles in Ahmedabad. Idea of a city : understanding the morphology and character of georgetown. Apoorva Thesis Title Colonial urban development : 1868-1896 the case study of Bhavnagar. A study of early twentieth century architecture in princely state of Jamnagar. A study of the urban renewal in the princely town of Jamnagar : during the early 20th century. Bohra settlement and houseform at Kapadvanj manifestation of a culture in built-form. Kajol Thesis Title Dynamics in urban environment of a city : a study through commercial nodes of Delhi. Pratik Mehta. 1995-96 1995-96 1995-96 1995-96 1995-96 1995-96 1995-96 1995-96 1995-96 1994-95 1994-95 1994-95 1993-94 1993-94 1993-94 TH-0596 TH-0598 TH-0587 TH-0585 TH-0580 TH-0577 TH-0575 TH-0574 TH-0572 TH-0568 TH-0567 TH-0561 TH-0558 TH-0554 TH-0553 Panchal. Aruna Aneja. Bombay. Mehul Dadhania. Brijesh B. Mohalla : a study of traditional Islamic neighbourhood. Anuradha Pereira. Nature and settlement pattern . Lisa Raje. Kandarp Chauhan. Purvi Ghosh. The dialectic of policies. Calcutta : its indigenous town : a reading from the dwelling.2012 TH-0615 TH-0613 TH-0612 TH-0603 Naik. Ujjwala Shaikh. Intimate space : locating the Indian urban experience. City within the city. Quaid Mehta. Urvi Mukherjee. Manish Jain. Pondicherry : an inquiry into the phenomenon of settlement. Bhavnagar : urban and architectural history. RESEARCH . Kavita Doongerwala.D. with reference to Vadodara and Bhavnagar. : a study of the form’s intrinsic expression. the medieval cities of western India. Bindu 1996-97 1996-97 1996-97 1996-97 128 . Nanavati. The changing urban structures of Delhi : a study of district centres and their role in the new structure of the city. Amitabha Visual order in cities : a case study of Udaipur. Sense of place : an understanding of the notions of urbanplace making in India. Urban environment : a study of an urban block. 129 . Puja Macwan. Understanding urban nodes : a study of the physical form of two nodes on C. Understanding patterns of organisation in rural settlement .2012 . Revealing Bhuleshwar co-evolution of building image and urban systems. Chandigarh. Rohit 130 . Shagun Choudapurkar. Romil Dholakia. Greyzone : an integral part of Indian urbanity. [In]Human landscapes : a study of the fundamental aspects of spacemaking in the historic and the new city of Ahmedabad. Keyur Understanding the nature of an architectural object : an inquiry into the work of Le Corbusier : studies on Villa Savoye and the assembly. Urmee Thesis Title Public place as a construct of the urban process : a study of Mumbai. Rajasthan. Mind-set and the urban condition : an interpretation of post-colonial Delhi. Qualitative aspects of place : a study of Manek Chawk and Municipal Market. Urban villages : urbanization : its impact on built environment and transformation. Attributes of “PLACE” : the the urban space in the traditional Indian city of Udaipur. Urban geography of informal economic activity matrix of the city core : Ahmedabad. Yogesh Patel. Rishma Gupta. Urban place making in India : a study through theme and variations across scales. Bhavna Priyalakshmi. Ahmedabad. Rahul Prasad. Akanksha Merchant. Pedestrian perception of urban environment : comparative study of Connaught place and Janpath. Chintan Pande. Study of open spaces in low cost urban housing. Pragnesh Bhatt. Sukhmani R. Thesis Overview 1962 . Ranjit Sachdev. Self-structuring nature of an organic urbanity : a study of the spatiality of Banganga. Anal Sheth. Niti Mistry. exisrence within the simulation of a utopian myth.Ahmedabad city) City as an imprint of power. Sonia Mehta. Krutarth H. RESEARCH . Architectural components and their socio-cultural meaning. Behaviour of streets : distinctions in street character as a component of physicality and activity in the inner city of Meerut. Chirayu Wagh. Pallavi Kaku. Manish Raj. FA Booklet Series . Making of place : innate response to man and environment : Badami. Ketki Jamdar. FA Booklet Series . Study of evolution of city form : taking Jodhpur as the examples of traditional cities. Space and society in a Rabari community. Understanding the behavioural aspects of “extended transition in an urban street” : a case of old city of Ahmedabad. Tanzeel Sen. G. Marfatia.2012 Indian urban space : making boundaries and centers : a study of Amdavad. Ahmedabad. K. Urban edge as Mediator : understanding the experience of the Ghats in Banaras. 131 . Territories and their manifestation in the built environment : a case of old city of Ahmedabad. Avni Parikh. Road. The Contents and discontents of urban villages : an enquiry into their origins. Patan. Purvi Gupta. Brinda D. Hetal Dhananjai Parmar.a case study Dunawada.Year 1998-99 Thesis Number TH-0689 Name of Student Pancholi. structure and dynamics : a focus on Shahpur Jat. Urban space in suburban habitat (study of Satellite area . Benares. Thesis Title The concept and experience : an immediate street space of Banaras. case study : Bundi. Market place as a civic node : a study of market places in Patan. Generators of urban space of Ahmedabad : the processes at work. Significant dimensions of an urban element : multivalent readings reflected in the suggestive redundancy of the city Open-ended-ness of an Indian urbanity Bombay in my petri dish. 2001-02 2001-02 2001-02 2001-02 2001-02 2001-02 2001-02 2000-01 2000-01 2000-01 2000-01 2000-01 2000-01 2000-01 2000-01 2000-01 2000-01 1999-00 1999-00 TH-0756 TH-0755 TH-0754 TH-0753 TH-0749 TH-0746 TH-0743 TH-0742 TH-0738 TH-0736 TH-0730 TH-0727 TH-0726 TH-0720 TH-0719 TH-0716 TH-0715 TH-0710 TH-0704 Mehrotra. Kavita Gohil. Integrating new buildings within historic urban environs : issues and attitudes. Studying the works of Hassan Fathy for their rootedness in the context. Piyush Patel. Thesis Overview 1962 . Auroville experiment : polemics of ideology vs. Janki Patel. Of diversity in urban rite : manifestation in the homogenous built. 2004-05 2004-05 2003-04 2003-04 2003-04 2003-04 2003-04 2002-03 2002-03 2002-03 2002-03 2002-03 2002-03 2002-03 2002-03 2002-03 2001-02 2001-02 TH-0831 TH-0829 TH-0821 TH-0817 TH-0800 TH-0796 TH-0789 TH-0788 TH-0784 TH-0782 TH-0780 TH-0779 TH-0778 TH-0777 TH-0776 TH-0771 TH-0769 TH-0763 Brar. Understanding a place : as an architectural manifestation study of Revdanda. Sourabh Gulati. Smriti Kapadia. Neeraj Singh Patel. Manish Rana. Jaipur. Jain. Bhavisha Jain. Sangramsinh Vadodaria. Year 2001-02 Thesis Number TH-0762 Name of Student Mehta. RESEARCH . Emergence of order in urban form. FA Booklet Series . . Patel. Role of physical factors in determination of house form. Main street as public place. abstraction of planning. Sabarkantha district. Polyphony of themes : locating the structure of change. Niketa Modi.bohra neighbourhood at Kapadvanj.Year 2004-05 Thesis Number TH-0832 Name of Student Jha. Interdependence between man and environment in making the region of Bangalore. a case of the geometric order of settlement. Emergent structure of urban space. Himanish Sivith. Understanding of the early colonial city : manifest power as a determinant of urban form : the case of Diu. Diachronic spatial adaptation : tracing patterns of continuity and change : a study of dwelling clusters in Ahmedabad. Karnataka Understanding the morphology of LEH town Ambaji : a study of temple town and its temporal aspects Architectural thresholds welcoming collective ‘affordances’ : learning form conventional urban housing in Ahmedabad. Luhar. Ujjaval R.(a study across scales). Traditional water harvesting structures : a study of Ahmedabad region. Nirav Patel. RESEARCH . Anjushree 2006-07 2006-07 2006-07 2006-07 2006-07 2006-07 2006-07 2005-06 132 . Soni. Factors affecting urban patterns: a study of Ahmedabad. Ahmedabad. Thesis Overview 1962 . Reading the built fabric . Dhara Naik. Mihir Seksaria. Thesis Overview 1962 . Adaptation learning to live with change . Joshi. Religiosity and builtform case : traditional house form of Gokarna. Tarak P. Year 2007-08 Thesis Number TH-0926 Name of Student Vissa. .case study of relocation of Gulbai tekra slums to Odhav. Color : an element of urban image. Dey. Chintan S. Prashant B. Study of urban commercial spaces and its transformation over time : an understanding through the study of Chennai city. Madras. Mitul Acharya. . Pune. Notion of dwelling envioronment study of adaptation to change reflected through time : a case study of Nagar Wada. Binu Bhattacharya. . Krushnakant Mansuri. Bombay simultaneityreality of the city Vs. Rashmita Panchal. C. Prasad. Learning from inserts in traditional urban fabric : Ahmedabad. Study of temple town and its public realm : Dakor. India : establishing the relation between the fort wall & urban growth in the process of change. Tulsibaug. Chandni chowk : the physical manifestation of the ideologies and forces acting on shahjahanabad. City and its spatial structure : comparative study of Jaipur. Ahmedabad. Lavanya Doshi. Exploring British colonial square : Dalhousie. Manifestations of an order and its variations in the urban form : a case of Banaras and Shahjahanabad. Vrinda Lavingia. . Kumar Panchal. Haren Laheri. Fortifications and gates . Sense of making a home : a study of villages in Bolpur of West Bengal. Raj Thakershy. RESEARCH . Priyank Connaught place : an integrated urban space : an inquiry in the transformation of an urban space.2012 . Prativa Thesis Title Varanasi : a city of labyrinth of lanes [Galis] : a study of the labyrinthine lanes [Galis] of Pucca Mahal near the ghats. Community structuring and its generative forces : case study : Dharampur. Kalpana Kangad. Vignesh Karjatkar. 2005-06 2005-06 2005-06 2005-06 2005-06 2005-06 2005-06 2005-06 2005-06 2004-05 2004-05 TH-0885 TH-0886 TH-0881 TH-0880 TH-0871 TH-0868 TH-0865 TH-0862 TH-0856 TH-0839 TH-0833 Kunte. Role of inclusive public spaces in the palimpsests of urbanity. Chandigarh and Navi Mumbai. FA Booklet Series . Implications of urban form and control on the spatial construct of the mosque : Jaipur. Nehal H. . Rathi. Ashwin Thesis Title An inquiry into the spatial and social structure of a typical South Indian temple centred settlement. case study : Triplicane. Understanding the transformation and urabn structure of Mumbai space syntax methodology and analysis of the spatial configuration. Understanding notions of layering in the making of a street : case specific to Paranjpe Street. Study of house form and settement pattern case study : Modasa. 2009-10 2008-09 2008-09 2008-09 2008-09 2008-09 2008-09 2008-09 2008-09 2008-09 2008-09 2008-09 2007-08 2007-08 2007-08 2007-08 2007-08 2007-08 2007-08 TH-0983 TH-0978 TH-0977 TH-0968 TH-0961 TH-0959 TH-0958 TH-0957 TH-0956 TH-0949 TH-0948 TH-0947 TH-0945 TH-0944 TH-0942 TH-0941 TH-0938 TH-0933 TH-0931 Korgaonkar. Darshan D. Pradipta P. Sucindram : a study of morphology of the temple town in the context of its myth. 133 . Exposed reinforced concrete as a medium of architectural expression : a study of contamporary buildings in Ahmedabad. Purav of the fortified medieval city of Ahmedabad. Amey Jadav. Parag V. Shirish Parmar. Junagadh. Understanding and analysing the dynamics of an urban and complexity of its re-habitation : a study of Gulbai Tekra & Odhav. Experiencing the city : probing the nature of the process for western Ahmedabad. Prachi Chetna. Shraddha Patel. Dhruva J. Jain. Kapri. .2012 TH-0917 TH-0911 TH-0908 TH-0907 TH-0903 TH-0901 TH-0900 TH-0892 Parekh. Imran Balaji. Impact of colonialism on a traditional South Indian temple centred settlement. Calcutta : understanding architectural manifestation of power by eclecticism. Gujarat. Makwana. Chandradeep Shah. Saurin C. focus : the walled edge. Keya K. Saurabh Kanuga. Ashwin Mistry. . Sunilkumar Suthar. . Tapan Y. Ground and built form : the case of Jodhpur. Sabarkanth. Study of interface zone on a street : (zone negotiating the public and private realm). Arvind Dave. Gajjar. Mistry.2012 . Deven R. Denish Y. 2010-11 2010-11 2010-11 2010-11 TH-1006 TH-1011 TH-1015 TH-1002 Gandhi. Understanding market as a convivial public place : study through understanding human responses in various spatial settings of markets in Ahmedabad. FA Booklet Series .Omkareshwar. Gajjar. Study of elements and character of lake periphery for recreation. Padmapriya Thesis Title Constructing place. Cultural landscape of Udaipur : manifestation of meaning through architectural expressions Terrian vauge : marginal spaces in the urban fabric . and elements of sacred town. Urban open publicspaces and critical analysis. Milind J. Pathik N. Shah. Richa Thesis Title Architectural character of residential streets in Goa : the influence of Portugal 2009-10 2009-10 2009-10 TH-0995 TH-1000 TH-0993 Kinariwala. (Ahmedabad). 135 . Vidisha K. Streets : an identity of a city. Nikita M. Chetna Shah. meaning and identity : an enquiry into the bhutaneses Dzong in its socio-cultural and political environment Year 2010-11 Thesis Number TH-1056 Name of Student Narvekar. Parag J. study of informal economic activities in an urban space : Ahmedabad. Desai. Slums as urban vernacular settlements : comparative study of self-built house forms. Ahmedabad. FA Booklet Series . Study of house form and settement of Bohra community at Palanpur : understanding the constant and the variation. . Aditya J. Thesis Overview 1962 . Settlement patterns in Indian context : understanding the structure of organizational system that creates meaningful collective habitats of Asarva.Year 2009-10 Thesis Number TH-0991 Name of Student Srinivasan. Nikita Y. Study of market as an urban public place. Anuja Jaydev Patnaik. . RESEARCH . Enquiry into the built form and behaviour of city-level public open spaces in Shahajahanabad : 1648-2010. Dhaval Singh. Thesis Overview 1962 . Study of the spatial structure of a temple town. Janmay Kanani. Settlement study within the inner and outer walled city of Surat : a mapping of the residential fabric during the medieval and colonial phases of development. Archie Settlement pattern and house form (case study of Modasa Dist. Informal use of urban space. Gujarat) Pushkar : evolution. Mehta. . .2012 TH-1055 TH-1052 TH-1045 TH-1042 TH-1036 TH-1032 TH-1030 TH-1028 TH-1023 TH-1021 TH-1016 Panchal. RESEARCH . Modi. settlement pattern. Madhya Pradesh. Patel. Dhaval Shah. . 2010-11 2010-11 2010-11 2010-11 2010-11 2010-11 2010-11 2010-11 2010-11 2010-11 2010-11 134 . Comparative study of elements in architecture & landscape design. Devna P. Shashikant M. Rashmi S. Nandita Desai. Avani A. Planning Studies : Housing Year 1977 Thesis Number TH-0113 Name of Student Desai. Ahmedabad city : year 1970-1975.Pt. Use of natural environment by the Ancient Indians : with particular reference to horticulture. RESEARCH . outdoor. FA Booklet Series . Thesis Overview 1962 . Vidhin B.G. City-river connection study of ghats of Varanasi and Mirzapur. Rajkamal H. Multani. Landscape as a place in urban context. study of rural planning to establish village centre. Hasmukh N. Arun Zumkhawala. Integration of landscape in architecture : a study of Rajput-Palaces. L. Pranali Dave. Making of a romantic landscape : Braj. Shah. Shah. T. Urban open spaces : an evaluation. A study and analysis of open spaces for low-cost urban housing. Study of the streetscape elements. Bindeeya Cham. Thesis Overview 1962 . Sharadbala Mehta. Hemangini K. Gopalakrishna M. 137 Rural housing in Gujarat : last five years.feet. Thakore. Thesis Title Study of Chawls : case study Bombay Island. Thakore. study of rural planning to establish village centre. Land form and built form : a study of the characteristics. Hemang A. Badshah. Raval. Sen. FA Booklet Series . Desai. M. Study of allocation of areas in ancient towns of Gujarat. Bulbul J. Village study. . Barjor Gandevikar. Kershi S. Mehta. Shah. Study of response to and use of space in context of socio-economic parameters in housing programmes : Ahmedabad city. Rural housing : a symbol of socio-economic reality.-2.2012 2007-08 2005-06 1998-99 1992-93 1992-93 1992-93 1991-92 1988-89 1985 1983 1981 1981 1979 1977 1976 1976 1976 1973 TH-0936 TH-0884 TH-0696 TH-0523 TH-0505 TH-0493 TH-0478 TH-0379 TH-0307 TH-0273 TH-0218 TH-0208 TH-0184 TH-0123 TH-0099 TH-0094 TH-0068 TH-0060 Vyas. Landscape in building environment : a study of various attitudes in different cultural contexts. Study of man-made. Mehta.-1. Study of open spaces for middel size housing 500-1100sq. Daroga. Hasmukh M. Housing for middle income group : comparative study of working of different agencies. Hemant M. Plants in Indian place making : case study : Chandod : a pilgrimage place. Sonal Karanwal. Mithaiwala. T. Panchal. Chinar Gandhi. (Rural activity centre) . Gita C. Outdoor community recreation. Desai. Kirit C. Virat V. Kalpana R Thesis Title River as a generator of environment. Vadi. Shefali M.2012 . Village study. housing schemes. Akhtar Trivedi. Impact of site on residential building design in Gujarat.I.Pt. Sidhpura. Recreational urban open spaces. Flats as a part of urban housing : case study. RESEARCH . Naik. Importance of open spaces and landscape design in urban residential area. Urban landmarks : a study of their role in urban organisations. Parisima K. Choice of planting and its effect in urban residential areas of Ahmedabad region.Landscape Architecture and Recreation Year 1970 Thesis Number TH-0028 Name of Student Shah. Girish L. Yogesh Patel. H. Rajwade. Maitri D. (Rural activity centre) . Study of hard landscape elements in public outdoor spaces. Study of the living conditions of chawl dwellers in Greater Bombay. 136 . Urban housing : objective realities for the poor. Bhaskar Patel. urban environment. Spatial manifestation of a cultural behaviour : Peking and Bhaktapur. Study and analysis of indoor spaces in L. Desh Bandhu Joshi. Gita C. A case study of slum condition in Ahmedabad. M. Ancient Indian towns and their planning in canons and practice. Dave. 1980 1980 1980 1979 1978 1977 1977 1974 1974 1973 1970 1969 1969 1969 1969 1981 1978 1977 TH-0215 TH-0209 TH-0198 TH-0188 TH-0181 TH-0130 TH-0119 TH-0071 TH-0069 TH-0059 TH-0018 TH-0015 TH-0010 TH-0007 TH-0007 TH-0222 TH-0180 TH-0134 Mehta. Recreational spaces : a case study of Baroda city. at Surat. Ahmedabad. Urban-1979). Study : middle income group co-operative housing schemes organised by private developers in Ahmedabad. Surat. Comparative study of low-cost housing projects : Low-cost housing competition. Kadakia. Impact of major developing road on the city structure. 138 . Manu Balakrishnan. Pravin Desai. Evolution of row housing in Ahmedabad : specific reference to collective and individual houseforms. Pedestrian traffic in city centres. Singh. Growth exploitation : effects of density pattern and traffic on Bhagal Delhigate road. Mass Housing : a review with man in mind.2012 .Year 1981 Thesis Number TH-0227 Name of Student Munshi Viral Thesis Title Popular housing : access to and exploitation of the resources. Kiran R. RESEARCH . 1985 1977 1972 1970 1970 TH-0305 TH-0126 TH-0036 TH-0026 Delhiwala. Pramod Shah. Traffic generation characteristics of a residential suburbs : a case study of Azad Society. Gurpreet 2008-09 2001-02 1996-97 1996-97 TH-0975 TH-0750 TH-0625 TH-0609 Teni. Traffic and traffic patterns in the city . Housing mobility processes : a case study of low-income households in Ahmedabad. Patel. Architecture of generalizations : an inquiry into the basis of urban housing. RESEARCH . Housing of the urban poor : a study of the informal sector in Ahmedabad. Megha Kaji. Ravindra S. Shah. Anjali Patel. Planning Studies : Traffic Year Thesis Number TH-0024 Name of Student Thesis Title 1993-94 1995-96 1985 1983 1981 1982 1981 TH-0560 TH-0595 TH-0320 TH-0252 TH-0242 TH-0239 TH-0228 Malik. A study of relationship between housing environment and health case study : slum clearance tenaments.2012 FA Booklet Series . FA Booklet Series . 139 . Pramod I. Thesis Overview 1962 . Jigna Desai. Bina R. Flexibility in mass-housing : a post-occupancy evaluation of housing units with specific reference to physical alternations / additions and the building types. Shubha Mathur. Fernando. Thesis Overview 1962 . Sunil R. Kekul Study of relationship between user participation and user satisfication : case of post disastre housing in Gujarat Planning the urban form : a study of town planning schemes in Ahmedabad.Ahmedabad. Saloni Desai. Joseph N. Vinay K. Vaidya. Kirit J. Generators and determinants of town planning : Gondal state 1865A.1944A. Restructuring squatter settlements : the city of Ahmedabad. Thesis Overview 1962 . Community structuring in Gujarat : planning aspects.D. Ajit K. Shah. P. Shah. Non-planned services in Ahmedabad. Snehal Bhansali. Study of medieval towns : Gujarat region : their form. Migrant sqatters and its quality in urban environments. Desai. Nagarkatti. Zarir Yagnik. Zahid H. City districts : a case study of Udaipur city. H. Spatial changes in fringe village of Ahmedabad city : case study of Isanpur. Suketu R. Y. Abdul K. Pravin B. Year Thesis Number TH-0238 Name of Student Thesis Title 140 . FA Booklet Series . Urban spaces. 141 Upgarding squatter settlements : case study : Bombay. Principal approach of a city. Growth process of a small size town of Gujarat : case study : Khedbrahma. Shah. RESEARCH . Study of traditional street form : Ahmedabad. Jitendra V. S. Influence of urban forces on village structure. Changing townscape of Surat city. Evaluation of industrial township case study : Gujarat State Fertilizer Corporation and Indian Farmers Fertilizer Corporation. Patel. 2003-04 1997-98 1983 1982 1982 1982 TH-0823 TH-0656 TH-0284 TH-0251 TH-0249 Kawarchhatri. Rajesh V. FA Booklet Series . Vijay M. Parth Gupta. Pankaj B. Environmental characteristics of Ashram road and Gheekanta road with reference to commercial and recreational activities. Chandigarh urban planning : a critical appraisal. Anand A. Joshi. Concept of open space. RESEARCH . Inquiry into the nature of the urban public realm. Kalianivala. M. .Planning Studies : General Year 1970 Thesis Number TH-0030 Name of Student Harmani. Modulation zones in urban built environment. Himanshu N. Restructuring of squatter settlements in Ahmedabad : guidelines for the provision of utilities. Parul N. P. Arjun U. Pandey.D. Urban dynamics of Rajkot city.2012 . Bhatt. Rajagopalan. Case of Ahmedabad improving squatter settlements issues of land and finance. Mihir R. Thesis Overview 1962 . Vineet Thakker. Ravindra S. Barot. physical structure and growth. Virsingh Shah. Dave. Ajmeri. Thesis Title Medieval town planning of India. Kadri. Joshi.2012 1981 1980 1980 1979 1979 1979 1978 1978 1978 1978 1978 1978 1977 1975 1974 1974 1971 1971 TH-0231 TH-0214 TH-0211 TH-0200 TH-0189 TH-0175 TH-0173 TH-0172 TH-0170 TH-0168 TH-0166 TH-0155 TH-0115 TH-0085 TH-0066 TH-0061 TH-0043 TH-0040 Patel. Gopalkrishnan. Virani. Bharat Kanzaria. Visual perception : a study in relation to the internal conditions of perceiver. Jinraj D. Uma Jani. Chauhan. Architectural elements generated by climate. Milisia. Shastri. Rustom Vinod Kumar Dave. Ramesh Massand. Shraddha Raje. Devanshu Mohan. From traditional to contemporary : a study of Turbulant phases. Ravindra Dalal. Chhaya. Jagdish Velani. Natural light and perception of built form. The system of proportion in the Hindu temples of Gujarat region. Pragnesh Sharma. Modi.Architectural History and Theory Year Thesis Number TH-0378 Name of Student Thesis Title Year Thesis Number TH-0174 Name of Student Thesis Title 142 . 143 . Neelkanth Parikh. Thesis Overview 1962 . Parul B. Sevak. Yashwant R. Study methodology of design as described in the ancient-Indian texts on architecture (Dwelling houses). Parghi. Depicted in architecture. Correspondence between built-form and community pattern. System of proportioning in South Indian temples. Salil Wadia. Penetration into transcendental archetypes. Ayub H. Visual perceptive aspects of interior design : a comprehensive study of living room interiors. Abhimanyu Sejpal. Ideological roots of movements in architecture. Study of linkages in group architectural forms. Jyotish G. Indo-Islamic architecture of Gujarat : with special reference to regional influences. 1982 1983 1983 1983 1983 1983 1982 1982 1982 1982 1982 1981 1981 1981 1981 1981 1980 1979 1979 1977 1977 TH-0285 TH-0277 TH-0274 TH-0272 TH-0265 TH-0261 TH-0257 TH-0256 TH-0248 TH-0246 TH-0240 TH-0237 TH-0236 TH-0232 TH-0221 TH-0219 TH-0217 TH-0201 TH-0187 TH-0183 Dave. Study of scale in architecture. Hemant Hathi.2012 1978 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1976 1976 1976 1976 1974 1973 1971 1970 1970 1969 1970 1988-89 1988-89 TH-0160 TH-0150 TH-0137 TH-0135 TH-0128 TH-0121 TH-0117 TH-0102 TH-0101 TH-0096 TH-0064 TH-0052 TH-0032 TH-0027 TH-0017 TH-0016 TH-0014 TH-0391 Riswadkar. its comprehension and the evidence of change in the dwelling forms. Dilip Wala. Himanshu J.2012 . Patel. Study of change. Shyamsunder K. Joshipura. Axis : study of its design expressions in architecture. Principles of growth in architectural forms. Muktirajsinhji N. Appreciation of architecture : case ATIRA Ahmedabad. Sarosh Era of change : 1860-1890. Nitin Thakore. Growth and architectural form. B. Aspects of symmetry. RESEARCH . Geometric discipline in architecture. RESEARCH . Kamal M. Study of eclecticism in architecture. Directively correlated CYBERCOLIBRIUM : architecture as system open to information and energy. Diwakar N. Route of movement and its role in architectural design pedestrian. Mahesh G. Bhargav N. FA Booklet Series . Study of zoroastrian fire temples. Ashvin Chandershekar. S. Inquiry into architectural activity under transformation : an articulation of issues and methods. Atul S. Space and its use in traditional and contemporary dwellings: case study Ahmedabad. Vivek S. Vishnu Patel. the colonial architecture of Bombay. Barkat T. Form and architecture. Ideals and education in architecture. Chokshi. Study into impact of photography on architecture : as a visual medium. Horizontal as a constituent element in Architecture. Sutaria. System of proportion in the Hindu temples of Gujarat. Rajesh Shah. Shetty. FA Booklet Series . Ashwin Khadpekar. Ranadive. Organizational principles in Islamic complexes in India. Mehta. Man-made spatial environment : a study. Thesis Overview 1962 . Study of transition in architecture. Organizational principles in architecture. Paragi M. Jitendra R. Modi. Spaces and elements of transition. Harmony as an organisational principle in architecture. Strategic variations attempted in systems of proportion. Study of two projects by Kahn examining their timeless quality. Symbolism and interpretation of the human body in hindu temples. Vinod Patel. Gurjit Achar. Shekhar Akalkotkar. Continuity and change : a study of attitudes to building in historic urban contexts. Amit Amin.D. Outline of a study : metaphors as related to the synthesis of an architectural idea. Alvi Mohmed Shah. Corporeal form in architecture : a study of role of materials and construction methods in shaping architectural expression. Dalip Mani. Study of development of Buddhist architectural thought as reflected in Nalanda. Ashwani Kumar Meaning of geometry in architecture. Gajjar. Pradeep Gupta. Inter-relationship between painting and architecture :study within the context of the art movements of the early twentieth century and their roots. Kireet Parashar. Singh. RESEARCH . Bimal Vora. Vijayanagara architecture : temple forms of Hampi : its evolution and influences. Avani Das. Continuity and space in Indian architecture. Archetypal feminine and its architectural manifestations : a study of Hindu sacred architecture.-1500A. Eclecticism in islamic architecture : Mughal period. Anasua Chopra. Lucknow. Investigations in to architectural design : conceptions and processes. Penetration into architectural expressions associated with plan-forms and several structural details related to it of religious and monumental edifice of hindu and muslim. RESEARCH .2012 1989-90 1989-90 1989-90 1989-90 1989-90 1989-90 1989-90 1989-90 1989-90 1989-90 1989-90 1988-89 1988-89 1988-89 1988-89 1988-89 1988-89 1988-89 1988-89 1988-89 TH-0441 TH-0439 TH-0437 TH-0424 TH-0421 TH-0418 TH-0416 TH-0411 TH-0410 TH-0402 TH-0397 TH-0394 TH-0393 TH-0381 TH-0380 TH-0377 TH-0376 TH-0374 TH-0366 Jolly. Falguni Andalib. Kartik Vyas. Meeta 1986 1986 1985 1985 1985 1985 TH-0337 TH-0342 TH-0327 TH-0318 TH-0312 TH-0311 Chokshi. . FA Booklet Series . Response to a tradition : a study of architectural attitudes during the British Intervention in India. Vipin Agnihotri. Conceptual study of making of a Mausoleum : a representation of sufi philosophy in Indo-Islamic architecture. Spread and acceptance of architectural images and idioms : the case of contemporary Ahmedabad. Preeti Chauhan. Architectural ornament in industrial society : a study within the context of the arts and crafts movement and the avant-garde movements of the early twentieth century. Anil Chaudhry. Monument as an expression of its age : the study of an Indo-islamic mausoleum. Poonam Bharadwaj. Rajesh Dalal. Bhaskar S. Place making in the Indian tradition : Hindu philosophy and its manifestation in Indian built form. Sandeep Rao.D. Hindu influence on Islamic architecture of Gujarat :1000A. Thesis Overview 1962 .Year Thesis Number TH-0289 Name of Student Thesis Title Year Thesis Number TH-0363 Name of Student Thesis Title 1984 1984 1984 TH-0290 TH-0296 Patel. Alka 1985 1985 1985 TH-0309 TH-0310 TH-0308 Jain. Enclosed urban open spaces according to the classical principles : a study of their visual aspect during the Italian renaissance. Rahul J. Dinesh Vyas. Kinetic architecture : a study. Preeti Mitra. Study of colonial architecture with special reference to the buildings of Gujarat-college : Ahmedabad. 1988-89 1987-88 1987-88 1987-88 1987-88 1987-88 1987-88 TH-0360 TH-0352 TH-0351 TH-0348 TH-0347 TH-0345 TH-0344 Gupta. Continuity and change : revival of Indian architectural traditions :18501950. Neelam Singh. Gopinath V. Synthesis in architectural design : a study of approaches. Genesis of architectural form. Sandhya Batra. Re-consideration of constancy and continuity in modern architecture. Minakshi Study of cubist concepts. Uttara Desai. Viren Shah. 145 Clarity : an exploration in to making of buildings. Subterranean architecture : a forgotten tradition of Sultanate Gujarat. Architecture for the mourning ritual of Islam : study of the ImambaraE-Asafi complex. Idea of ruin : readings into the breaking of form. Tara Brahmbhatt. Talati. Hemant Patel. Shubhrajit Mehrotra. Defined open spaces and built forms : a visual harmony. Tangible form : a study of the role of geometry in architecture. Ramifications of concept : the symbolic and functional aspects of movement in architecture.2012 . Thesis Overview 1962 . Smmetry as an ordering principle : a study of the Italian renaissance architecture. Deval Venkataramiah. Navin Datta. Cube : an inquiry into the nature of a primary form. Sohrab S. 144 . Traditional architectural attributes in contemporary architecture. Shuchi Makhijani. FA Booklet Series . D.2012 Of context and modernity : the Indian framework : incursions into the architectural subject/object as cultural product in the contemporary condition. Shefali Mehta. Menon. Understanding architectural form : a study on its synthesis. Nationalist histories and architectural patronage. Deconstruction in architecture : a critical inquiry. Architectural anchorage into nature : a study of place making. Manoj Balsavar. Sanjeev Agarwal. Bijal Dave. Hardip S. Manisha Patel. Rajesh Sharma. Vandana Sethi. Design intentions in colonial architecture : a study of urban institutions in Baroda 1875-1920. Planning of a dwelling unit according to the Vastu Shahstra : a contemporary view. Upanishadic-conceptions in the hindu temple : a psycho-cognitive perspective. Kerala. Renu Joshi. Bela Imran. Shah. Understanding of the city : a human construct. Jain a temple architecture in Western-India. Syed Mohmmed Shah. Search for an order: an inquiry into the contemporary direction in Indian architecture. Devjit Shukla. Anjum 146 . Falguni Barbhaya. Ahmedabad Rhythm : an expression of order an insight into its manifestation in Indian classical music and temple architecture. Wakeel Agrawal. Hybrid : it’s role in the evolution of architectural styles. Architecture in the expressionist frame of mind as typified in the works of BrunoTaut and ErichMendelsohn. Understanding of functional. The study of metaphoric expressions in architecture. material and visual aspects of an architectural totality. Aparna Khan. as a process in time.2012 . Thesis Overview 1962 . Architectural response to the Sun : a study of contemporary architecture. Nilay Basu. The ‘sense of life’ in ornamented form an interpretative study inthe perception of the hindu temple. Thesis Overview 1962 . Poonam Renganathan. intentions and nature of the expression : a study of colonial architecture in Madras in Late-19th-Century.D-1940A. Chaotic habitats. RESEARCH . Westernization of domestic architecture in India : a study of Ahmedabad from 1818A. Constants and particulars of Islamic Mausoleum : a comparative study of Indo-Islamic Mausoleums.Year Thesis Number TH-0442 Name of Student Thesis Title Year Thesis Number TH-0541 Name of Student Thesis Title 1993-94 1992-93 1992-93 1992-93 1992-93 1992-93 1992-93 1992-93 1992-93 1992-93 1991-92 1991-92 1991-92 1990-91 1990-91 1990-91 1990-91 1989-90 1989-90 1989-90 TH-0538 TH-0529 TH-0524 TH-0514 TH-0504 TH-0499 TH-0497 TH-0496 TH-0492 TH-0489 TH-0481 TH-0477 TH-0476 TH-0470 TH-0468 TH-0461 TH-0452 TH-0445 TH-0443 Dutta. Durganand Agarwal. Architectural education : an understanding of a framework of architectural theory. Architectural elements of spatial delimitation and their fundamental expression with a particular reference to Hindu architecture. Arindam Parekh. Ajay Jain. Fenil Shah. Symbiosis on natural and man-made : a study of organic quality in nature and its influence on architectural design. Symbolism of the sun and its manifestation in Indian architecture. Jayesh Jhawer. Ritu Alvi. Renita Understanding the role of revolution in the development of architecture. Ballaney. an analytical construct of the design process. Vaishakhi Datey. Urvi Kalagnanam. Typology of sacred centres. Vijay Sheth. Anuj Oza. Originality in architecture : from conception to realization of a built form. Aparna Shah. Out of the normative deviance in architecture. RESEARCH . FA Booklet Series . Bhavesh D. Dhaval Ruparelia. developments and the Indian experience. Sharma. Shirley N. 147 . Architectural intentions and methods of composition. Devyani Arya. Gupta. Study of the philosophical aspects of South Indian temples with special reference to Guruvaur Temple. Rhythm : a comparative study of its expression in nature and architecture. Water and architecture : study of traditional water system and water edges. 1996-97 1996-97 1996-97 1996-97 1995-96 1995-96 1995-96 1995-96 1995-96 1995-96 1995-96 1995-96 1995-96 1995-96 1994-95 1993-94 1993-94 1993-94 1993-94 1993-94 TH-0621 TH-0614 TH-0607 TH-0606 TH-0602 TH-0600 TH-0599 TH-0590 TH-0586 TH-0584 TH-0583 TH-0579 TH-0578 TH-0576 TH-0570 TH-0559 TH-0549 TH-0546 TH-0545 Arya. Sense of centre and its manifestation in dwelling form. Seema Parikh. Manifestation of a transitional space : a study of its changing nature in domestic architecture. Architecture and language : structural linguistics in an architectural context. Ajit Jain. Architectural attitudes. FA Booklet Series . Jodhpur. Internal external inter-phase in building environment : with a particular study of Mughal architecture. Fahim Reza V. Hetal B. Experiencing pleasure through buildings : a study. Garden city concept : it’s origins. Neeta Chadha. Kshitij Bhimani. Idea of an ideology : the significance of an ideology in architecture. Jignesh Tayyibji. Place. Thesis Title Cinema and architecture : understanding thought the concept of space : time and narrative. Structure of the narrative and architectural ideology : the contemporary Indian case. Joshi. Arpan Desai. Mehul Ghosh.Year Thesis Number TH-0632 Name of Student Thesis Title Year 2000-01 Thesis Number TH-0714 Name of Student Naik. Meeta Gandhi. fatehpur sikri and the Indian institute of management. Shagun Jain. Priyanka Lele. chance. Understanding the change in the meaning of space from its SpatioTectonic context. Renu Derasari. Parikshit Ramachandran. Kamya Kallianpur. The raison d’etre of architecture. Critical regionalism : architecture of its time & place. Nikhil Naik. Jain. FA Booklet Series . Redefining gothic. Meeta Varma. Kuntal B. Rooshank Bhavsar. Perception : a comprehension.2012 . Meaning in the built environment: communication through physical cues in the environment. Architecture in a Late-Capitalist Society : a study in the Indian Context. Rupali Mehta. Vernacular architecture : a study of concerned aspects and its reflections in contemporary Indian architecture. a study in the Indian context. Riyaz Pandya. FA Booklet Series . Sacred Sun : a study of solar symbolisms in Indian architecture. Amit Iyer. Appropriating one’s space : process and result in the Indian context. Vajaria. Terrain vague : an exploration onto the urban voids of the contemporary city. Vikas Kalsariya.2012 1999-00 1999-00 1999-00 1998-99 1998-99 1998-99 1998-99 1998-99 1998-99 1998-99 TH-0708 TH-0703 TH-0701 TH-0695 TH-0684 TH-0680 TH-0678 TH-0677 TH-0675 TH-0669 TH-0655 TH-0650 TH-0649 TH-0644 TH-0643 TH-0642 TH-0639 TH-0637 TH-0635 Shah. Revitalizing art and architecture : a study of Dadaism as an attitude. Shilpa Purdhani. The mythic dimension in architecture : understanding the structure of an architectural experience. Structuralism and architecture : a synchronic and diachronic study. Understanding architecture : its significant dimensions and reflection of complexities. and dynamical systems in the design of form. Rutul Parthasarthy. Samir Sutaria. interpretation of images reflecting Indian context in symbolic and realistic ways. City : expression of human domain. Offerings of the ground : recreating the idea of the terrain by architectural manipulations of the horizontal plane. Ekta Mehta. Architecture of funerary monuments : a study of english and dutch tombs in the late seventeenth century at Surat. Batul Kumar. A study of transitional spaces : constancy and change : the palace complex. Snehal Mehta. Deval Ranade. Palimpsest. Limits of interpretation : understanding architecture through the notion of Paradigms. Intension and architectural expression : an understanding of Indian temples. Neel V. Explorations in the concept of meaning : search for meaning in the traditional dwelling. 149 . Fragmentation of form : a study of the use of fractal geometry. Darshan G. RESEARCH . Spatak Patel. Bangalore. Anand Zachariah. Darkness in architecture : a study of South Indian temples. Ronak K. The presence of the past for the future : understanding architecture as individual world-view based on social age-spirit. Architecture and paradigm : understanding the contemporary. 1998-99 1997-98 1997-98 1997-98 1997-98 1997-98 1997-98 1997-98 1997-98 1996-97 148 . Lakshmi Dalal. Sunita Diwakar. Sunita Pandya. Arnab Mehta. Priya Gupta. An exploration into the process of creation in nature and architecture. The category of the regular : modes of knowing and architectural production in the age of reason. Thesis Overview 1962 . Postmodern ideologies : its manifestation in housing. Roma Raaj. Tectonic form : expression of structure and construction in architecture. Thesis Overview 1962 . Conceptural and the real : an understanding of an urban experience : Ahmedabad. Information theory and perception. Jigar Chauhan. Spatial ostentation of colour : manifesting the embodiment of visual form. 2002-03 2002-03 2002-03 2001-02 2001-02 2001-02 2001-02 2001-02 2001-02 2001-02 2001-02 2001-02 2000-01 2000-01 2000-01 2000-01 2000-01 2000-01 2000-01 TH-0787 TH-0783 TH-0773 TH-0770 TH-0767 TH-0765 TH-0761 TH-0760 TH-0759 TH-0752 TH-0751 TH-0744 TH-0741 TH-0739 TH-0737 TH-0728 TH-0724 TH-0718 TH-0717 Patel. Vandini Berry. Sameer D’Monte. Meghal Inquiry into modernism and the notion of place: between dichotomy and differences. RESEARCH . Ratna Understanding the parallels between ruins and works of selected modern architects in the context of fragmentation. FA Booklet Series . Sameer Jaiswal. Ankita Mehrotra. Sonal D. Tina Simon Bharat. Deriving the nature of information transfer between Physics and architectural theory. Kanuga Thathapuzha. Architectural wayfinding system with sign as a tool. A critical look into revivalist trend in architecture : with reference to Ahmedabad. RESEARCH . Asit Parmar. 2010-11 2010-11 2010-11 2010-11 2009-10 TH-1050 TH-1049 TH-1037 TH-1018 TH-0992 Shah. Ojas Sikdar. Thesis Overview 1962 . Thesis Overview 1962 . Tectonics of power : understanding architecture as an instrument of power. RESEARCH . Manan Jungi. 151 Colour : an element of ‘urban image’. Chhaya. Process of de / framing : reflections on the non-programmatic. Making of place and its existential aspect as expressed in vernacular built.Year 2003-04 Thesis Number TH-0797 Name of Student Ruparelia. Continuity and change in Bhutanese architecture. Pancholi. Transfomation of space as a response to ritual. Bindi U. Koyel 150 . Mitul J. Abhinav Mehta..2012 Synthesis of an ‘Image’ into ‘Reality’ : understanding an innovative exemplary from the roots of traditions. Pragnesh Bhatt. Sudiksha S. Amrit Eapen Coutinho. Conceptual clarity and experiential qualities in architectural expression. Water as a spatial element. Natural elements and the builtform. Gohil. . Pavitra Vasavada. Roma Thaker. FA Booklet Series . Biomimetic approach to architecture : learning from the termites. Chavda. . Kartikeya N. Thesis Title Concept of form : a relative study in architecture and western classical music. . Puneet Evolution of office architecture in Ahmedabad : mapping the change in office architecture with respect to the technological changes with time. Anjali Pilo. Hardik Jain. Process and architecture : studying the influence of vernacular on the contemporary architecture. Recalling the past in contemporary Indian architecture : a study of contemporary Indian architecture as inspired from the past. Contemporary Buddhist architecture : transformation and trends. Understanding the nature of an architectura expression : a study of the monastery of La Tourette Expressiveness and the language analogy in architecture Experience of sky is the primary experience of architecture : study of relationship between sky and architecture of an idgah. 2009-10 2009-10 2008-09 2008-09 2008-09 TH-0984 TH-0985 TH-0970 TH-0960 TH-0952 Kanuga. a Jumma Masjid and a Dargah Architecture as a manifestation of two realms. Aesthetics: an objective search & a subjective analysis. movement and human habitation. With the social utopian philosophical approach to aesthetics. Year 2008-09 Thesis Number TH-0951 Name of Student Parekh. Sagar Mishra. Sanal Singal. Twinkle D. . 2007-08 2008-09 2006-07 2006-07 2006-07 2005-06 2005-06 2005-06 2005-06 2004-05 2004-05 2004-05 2004-05 2003-04 2003-04 2003-04 2003-04 2003-04 2003-04 TH-0928 TH-0950 TH-0910 TH-0898 TH-0897 TH-0889 TH-0874 TH-0873 TH-0864 TH-0852 TH-0851 TH-0848 TH-0836 TH-0826 TH-0824 TH-0819 TH-0804 TH-0802 TH-0799 Christy. .. Krishna D.form. Gauri Patel. Gurjar. Transformations in time : understanding space in the context of light. water and ground.2012 . Starkness : a process of exploration of its meaning and manifestation in Indian architecture. Vaishali V. seasons. Avnish Lavanya. Hiten Singh. Context and its influence on architectural decisions : understanding limits and potentials of a situation. An introduction to de stijil ideology and its architectural representation : in consideration of universality. Abhilash Mehta. Response of architectural elements to the natural realm : sky. Siddharth Trivedi. Thesis Title Graphic statement through colour : its intervention and influences in architecture. Determinants of santal built environment focussing on the role of ritual and belief. . Jayant N. Shah. Mody. Climate and house form. Built form responses in self-built houses : a study of vernacular earth dwellings in hot arid desert climatic zone of India. Das. Environmental management investigation into the impact of traffic on a residential area. Sitwala. Sutaria. Jayshree Shaikh. Tanmay H.2012 . Jigisha M. Thesis Overview 1962 . Ajay K. Evaluation of climate : Rajkot region. Sejas S. Indravadan C. Chikram. Comfort and energy performance of office building in Green buildings : a study of LEED Rating system. Thakore. Climatic evaluation of Veraval region. 2010-11 2009-10 2009-10 2008-09 2008-09 2008-09 2005-06 2003-04 2002-03 1999-00 1996-97 1995-96 1993-94 1986 TH-1025 TH-0990 TH-0979 TH-0974 TH-0973 TH-0971 TH-0888 TH-0790 TH-0785 TH-0705 TH-0623 TH-0588 TH-0544 TH-0335 Gujjar. Shukla. RESEARCH . Influence of climate on building design. Factors influencing outdoor and indoor climate. Sher. RESEARCH . 153 . Gandhi. Jayendra R. Basic study of air movement within enclosure. Patel. Adhwaryu. Kalpana R. Sutaria. Sanat K. Regional evaluation of climate : Baroda region. Rohin C. Anish Kumar Thermal comfort in buildings : a comparative analysis of thermal comfort parameters in climate responsive buildings in Ahmedabad Inquiry into adaptive thermal comfort : mapping the occupants’ perceived thermal comfort in five institutions of Ahmedabad Energy effieciency in high rise buildings : a case study of Ahmedabad Analysis of climatic influence on courtyard design for Ahmedabad climate Study of design decisions influenced by climate and strategy formed by them. Harshad S. A study of the use of courtyards in energy efficient buildings. Kamdar. Sub-terranean architecture : a bio-climatic approach to energy conservation. Suresh R. Mistry. Shah. Regional evaluation of climate : Surat. Anklesaria. Popat D. Patel. Deepesh M. Patel. Sailesh R. Nirati A. P. K. Thakkar. Philip. Hemant Y. Prajapati. Khajanchi.Environmental Science Year Thesis Number TH-0359 Name of Student Thesis Title Year 1983 Thesis Number TH-0283 Name of Student Abhaykumar Thesis Title Climatic response in built forms. Parul B. Climatic evaluation of Jamnagar region. Hemant A. Natural light in architecture : its emotive and evocative aspects. Deepak H. Mass housing in the composite tropical climate : An analysis of Ahmedabad FA Booklet Series . Tonima T. Basic study of air movement within enclosure. Shah. FA Booklet Series . Alpesh C. Santosh Solar energy in architecture. Qamar M. Sarosh Desai. Natural light as a visual element of space in the interiors of public buildings. Software for daylight. Bhupendra P. Climatic evaluation of central Gujarat (including suggestions for achieving thermally comfortable design). 152 . Radhika Wig. S. Chirag S. Thesis Overview 1962 . Human comfort : an overview of environmental design methods with respect to traditional settlements. Climatic evaluation of Ahmedabad region. Influence of climate on building design. Regional evaluation of climate : Bhuj (Kutch).2012 1978 1977 1977 1977 1976 1975 1975 1975 1975 1975 1973 1972 1971 1972 1969 1969 1968 1968 1988-89 TH-0179 TH-0148 TH-0138 TH-0129 TH-0092 TH-0090 TH-0089 TH-0088 TH-0087 TH-0077 TH-0053 TH-0049 TH-0042 TH-0035 TH-0009 TH-0008 TH-0004 TH-0003 Patel. Strategies of a Maverick architecture : the case of HDEM and NOUVEL. Meenakshi. Mahesh G. Response to climate. Modi. Naik. Social and cultural influences on modern church design. Shahjahanabad : the dwelling environment : physical manifestation and its socio-cultural meanings. Aparna Mashruwala. Encounter of cultures in Begumpur : a study of evolutionary housing. and its contribution to viable design decisions. Analysis of streets : a socio-physical perspective.cultural and Anthropological Studies Year Thesis Number TH-0033 Name of Student Thesis Title Year 1992-93 Thesis Number TH-0515 Name of Student Vakharia. Rajmohan Learning outside the classroom : an enquiry into child’s behavioral psychology to learning environments of schools . Rajshree. Spatial expression of a gendered public space in the North Indian context : an inquiry into the making of a women’s ghat and bazar in Mirzapur. FA Booklet Series . Padhars : an ethno-architectural study. Shanker. Apurva Thesis Title Study of outdoor play spaces in housings at Ahmedabad. Maulik V. communication patterns and the physical fabric. Janki 2003-04 2006-07 2000-01 2000-01 TH-0814 TH-0913 TH-0731 TH-0722 Baranwal. Architecture in a schizoid environment. Haresh A. Thesis Overview 1962 . Tanvi 1998-99 1999-00 TH-0698 TH-0712 Mehta. Rambles : readings on nature. Gautam Mewar. Indira Mandrekar. Niroo Beri. Pranav B. Priya 1998-99 1998-99 TH-0670 TH-0679 Uppaladinni. Role of ‘Environmental Psychology’ in the design of environment : a study of behavioural reactions in immediate surroundings. Prashant Kohli. Supriya Dalal. Effective environment in residential open spaces. Human response to the built-environment : study of behavioural patterns in commercial centres. Effects of physical environment on social relations. Yatin N. Gujarat. Making of ritual space : a case study of Nagar Brahmins. Ahmedabad and Bangalore. Correlation between forces and resultants in traditional and contemporary houseform : issues of social relevance. FA Booklet Series . Space in motion : motion in space the space of the Brihadeshwara in the context of Bharatnatyam. Study of human groups : corelation between human groups. Ngalopa house in its socio-cultural and physical context. 155 . Comparative study of children’s activity in vertically and horizontally expanded housing schemes in Ahmedabad city. Lightwala. Significance of behaviour study in architectural design. within landscape settings. Sense of belonging : the character of community space. Ashish Canara. Jaipur. Understanding of spatial dynamics of urban form made by culture. City squares : a study of Chhoti-Chaupar. Bharati Parikh. 1990-91 1989-90 1989-90 1989-90 1989-90 1988-89 1987-88 1987-88 1986 1986 1985 1985 1978 1977 1977 1977 1974 1972 154 . culture and architecture of a city unveiled : Ahmedabad. Canna Parikh. Vrinda Kashikar. Prakash Raiji. Thesis Overview 1962 . Study of response to and use of space in context of socio-economic parameters in housing programme. Shaishav Patel. Study of change in house form in response to changing family needs : cause and effect.Socio . Soloman Pandya. Sudhir N. Behavioral response to architectural spaces : a study of institutional transition spaces : case studies : Indian Institute of Management. Deepa S. Mili S. South-Gujarat. Gandhi.2012 . Shamini Shah. North Gujarat Role of lakes with it’s surrounding built edge : a study of socio cultural aspects. Malini Vaitha. Jayant A.2012 TH-0455 TH-0438 TH-0435 TH-0431 TH-0422 TH-0369 TH-0357 TH-0346 TH-0339 TH-0333 TH-0324 TH-0323 TH-0163 TH-0131 TH-0125 TH-0124 TH-0062 Khubchandani. RESEARCH . Mahedihasan Patel. Dodiya. Socio cultural manifestation of the built : “ghar” and “maholla” of Shia Jafari Mashayakhi Momins. Socio cultural factors : their manifestation in tribal architecture : a case study of dang district. Niroo Gandhi. Mehmood Dasgupta. Gendered spaces : study into the interrelationship of gender and space. Psychological profile of an architect : socialisation of professional beliefs : attitudes and values. Missionary schools in darjeeling’ : a study of organization as a manifestation of attitudes. Monisha Desai. Study of response to and use of space in context of socio-economic parameters in housing programme. Vishwanath 2009-10 2009-10 2008-09 2007-08 2006-07 TH-0989 TH-0988 TH-0967 TH-0924 TH-0920 Vyas. RESEARCH . Samir Singh. Human response to the imposed built environment : a post occupancy study of additions and alterations in mass housing schemes of Ahmedabad. Milan Iyer. Slum as an artifact : the product of a way of life. 1995-96 1996-97 1996-97 1993-94 TH-0591 TH-0619 TH-0626 TH-0548 Pradhan. Shirish Surti. Society as a changing system : understanding the polar nature within and its physical manifestations. Pant. through time as an overlaying of cultures : the influence on the ‘civic’ space of anachronistic civic institutions in the Indian city today. Balsekar. ideologies and social relationships of the institute with respect to the local culture. Hirendra K. Sharad R. Sheth.2012 . Design norms for institutions for mentaily handicapped children. RESEARCH . Design norms for zoological gardens. Shantanu Vohra.Year 2010-11 Thesis Number TH-1007 Name of Student Patel. V. Sharad N. Kalpana S. Guided by Doshi. Gurudev Gupta. Vagish S. Thesis Overview 1962 . Jayendra N. Thesis Overview 1962 . Norms for hospital planning and design. Brinda Change in kinds of public places in Ahmedabad. Isha D. FA Booklet Series . case of Ahmedabad Housing : a setting for social behaviour : a study of the community spaces in high-rise housing as effective environment for social interactions. Evolution and principles of furniture design in India. Dhara Thesis Title Nationalism and architecture : understanding a connection between architecture and nationalism in India. Design guidelines to the parks for the disabled. Bhavsar. Jal Singh. Thanawala. Shah. A study of the siva temple at sander : understanding characteristic features of 11th century temple architecture in western India. Design norms for the intercity bus terminais Investigation in planning parameters for tourism developments. Nasir Ahmed M.B. Scaling and proportioning aspects. Design norms of airport passenger terminal complex. 157 . Dipak Kumar Shah. Design norms for secondary school. . Design norms for the dairy plant. Jana.V. 2010-11 TH-1035 Pancholi. Jhaveri. Yogesh Pardeshi. Club as a social node : an inquiry into behavioural responses within given spatial condition.2012 FA Booklet Series . Jain. Design Norms Year Thesis Number TH-0002 Name of Student Thesis Title 2010-11 2010-11 TH-1010 TH-1033 Talsania. Design norms for a cotton texile mill. Aanal Malani. Dinesh Patel. S. RESEARCH . Study of design norms for libraries of educational institutions. Economy and planning efficiency of office buildings. 1997-98 1990-91 1988-89 1987-88 1985 1985 1983 1983 1982 1975 1974 1973 1972 1971 1972 1969 1968 TH-0641 TH-0458 TH-0384 TH-0356 TH-0321 TH-0314 TH-0279 TH-0269 TH-0259 TH-0075 TH-0072 TH-0057 TH-0047 TH-0041 TH-0038 TH-0011 Naganur. Shreya J. Gokhale. Bhatt. Kamlesh H. Analysis of design factors for building hardware (fixtures). Rajendrasinh Shah. 156 . Design norms of cardiac hospital. Naresh M. Reuse : an alternative for built heritage : a case for Shekhavati. Parikh. Prashant Green over gray : energy efficient strategies for buildings. People participation and earthquake rehabilitation : a study of the affected areas of the Marathawada region. Ramanan. Studying adaptive resue of building dockyard: a case for Bombay. Urban conservation : a perspective for the Indian walled city. Elements that constitute Sarkhej complex. Daksha V. Alka A. Mata. Ashwin Mani. Mubaraka Study of an architectural response to sustainability : high-rise office buildings designed for natural ventilation. Valmik M. Anand J. Vishal Dastidar. Samir Pandya. Errol. Inquiry into the usage of recycled waste materials by urban poor. 1989-90 1989-90 1988-89 1987-88 1982 1982 1978 1977 1977 1977 1975 1975 1970 1970 1970 TH-0396 TH-0399 TH-0390 TH-0343 TH-0271 TH-0250 TH-0161 TH-0154 TH-0153 TH-0105 TH-0082 TH-0081 TH-0029 TH-0021 Mukul. Pathak. Catastrophes and community rehabilitation : study of community. Ayub Attar. Nidhi H. Barcelona pavilion to the rooftop remodelling : change in the notion [conception] of architectural form. case studies of squatter settlements of Ahmedabad. Density and its effects in living conditions. Catastrophes and community rehabilitation : study of shelters. Bhushan Ghanshyambhai Parekh. . Gujarat : a study towards conservation. Studying the adptability of mass. Saket Pathan. RESEARCH . Vidyadhar G. Devyani Kadam. Hemendra G. Niyomi P. Rajasthan. Recycling examining the concept in the modern Indian context. Gandhi. RESEARCH . Chavda. Chandravinod Thakore. Study of some surface water structures of medieval period in Gujarat : an urban conservational viewpoint major case study : Kankaria tank. Study of vernacular architecture of Ukai region and its implication on rehabilitation programme. Rajiv Chinai. Parikh. Conservation of old buildings. 158 . . 159 . Architectural conservation in India. Bhatnagar. Recycling of materials & components examining the present Indian context. Rebuilding rural Kutch. Suthar. Towards conservation in the walled city of Hyderabad. 2010-11 2009-10 2007-08 2006-07 2004-05 2004-05 2004-05 2003-04 2003-04 TH-1043 TH-0999 TH-0930 TH-0914 TH-0842 TH-0841 TH-0838 TH-0813 TH-0812 Dalal. Evaluation criteria used in the assessment of buildings for their conservation.2012 2000-01 1999-00 1994-95 TH-0734 TH-0711 TH-0565 Satta. Gayathri Patel. Shah. Inquiry into construction industry at construction firm evaluation of post earthquake rehabilitation efforts. Thesis Overview 1962 . Rehabilitation of villages in major irrigation projects. Sustainability in the built world : an overview.Renewal/ Rehabilitation/ Conservation Year Thesis Number TH-0019 Name of Student Thesis Title Year 2001-02 Thesis Number TH-0745 Name of Student Lakhia. Ahmedabad. Shirish Mehta. Redevelopment of urban core. FA Booklet Series .2012 . Shahana G. Harish C.produced units for its dwellwers in post-earthquake situation. Avrani. Urban identity and conservation. Bankim Tatu. Abhijeet Thesis Title Strategies for conserving residential neighbourhoods : Ahmedabad pol 2000. Anand A. Reubens jr. Thesis Overview 1962 . FA Booklet Series . Kaustubhi Kalsi. On entrances : a symbolic aspect. Deep Mathur. Rajasthan. fort area. An enquiry into the making of a facade. Courtyard as an element of built form : case study of Bundi. Architectural elements in sacred environments : the underlying philosophy. Parth Doshi. Study of colonnade as an expression of public domain. Jagdish K. Study of entrances : Dravidian temples. Anuradha Patel. Gateways : artefacts of civilizations. Mahesh T. Act of imperial facade making :a study of street fronts of fort area. Atul Gandhi.Architectural Elements Year Thesis Number TH-0023 Name of Student Thesis Title Year 1990-91 Thesis Number TH-0447 Name of Student Balasaria. Pragna Nauratra. late eight-early ninth century A. Significance of steps and ramps in architecture. 160 . Study of traditional elements and design language of façade in houses of Jaisalmer. Deeg palace-complex : a study emphasising water as a special design element. Study of the wall and the column : seen as elements of spatial defination in the context of culture and change. Intepretations of ornamentation in Indian architectural history : with a study of the decorated column. Vandana Raval. Machhar. Thesis Overview 1962 .2012 1988-89 1988-89 1988-89 1988-89 1986 1986 1986 1986 1985 1984 1983 1983 1983 1982 1979 1977 1977 1970 TH-0392 TH-0385 TH-0371 TH-0365 TH-0340 TH-0338 TH-0334 TH-0332 TH-0315 TH-0302 TH-0280 TH-0276 TH-0270 TH-0241 TH-0213 TH-0158 TH-0106 Desai. Parikh. Rajeev Chaudhry. Thesis Overview 1962 . FA Booklet Series . Doorway as a spacemaking element Stepwells of Gujarat : study of the growth of the formal components. 161 . Residential open spaces : a study of Muslim residential areas in hot climatic region. Yash. RESEARCH . Arvind Sushree Baxi. Lokendra Thesis Title Study of court-concept. Pavilion : an insight into an open architectural structure. Bakul Gandhi. Bracket : a significant element of woodwork in the traditional houses of Ahmedabad. Study of standardized elements and their specific uses in developing the characteristics of the houses within the fort-wall of Ahmedabad. Sandip Patel. Kananshree Jani. Zaki J. Elements of fortification : a study of Vijayanagar and Champaner. Nikhil Rastogi. Openings : a study of their architectural significance and their role as character motifs. Parul Shah. Phalguni Patel. Desai. Bombay as urban artifacts. Study of platforms : a defining and modulating element in architecture.2012 . Ekaggrat Singh Dhoot. Interpretative design efforts : mandapas of the Maru-Gujarat style. Bombay as urban artifacts. Bhairavi Kishore Patel. Milind Vyas. Dungarwala.D. Rita B. reading of plinths as significant base. c. Temples at roda Maha-Gujarat style. Radhika B. Facade in the built environment. Natural light as a visual element of space in the interiors of public buildings. Role played by materials and building techniques in the development of elemental forms. RESEARCH . Facades : an element of architecture. FA Booklet Series . Harita L. Limits of a horizon : the idea of maidan. Nirali Pranay. 2010-11 2007-08 2006-07 1999-00 1996-97 1995-96 1993-94 1992-93 1992-93 1992-93 1992-93 TH-1034 TH-0940 TH-0916 TH-0707 TH-0610 TH-0593 TH-0557 TH-0521 TH-0511 TH-0509 TH-0498 Bhatt. Jayawant. Samir Saeed. Kadambari Mody. evolution and applications. structure and energy : a study of the Great Pyramid and Matrimandir. Thesis Overview 1962 . Shah. Sourav Sinha. India. Anjali Puri. Jignesh Modi. Baroda : an architectural appreciation. Girish Shodhan. Dinesh Mankar. Kartikeya Bhatt.V. Work of nari-gandhi.V. Kunjal Prajapati. Nagia.Architectural Appreciation Year Thesis Number TH-0063 Name of Student Thesis Title Year 1992-93 Thesis Number TH-0527 Name of Student Shah.2012 Analysis of atheneum : an evolution of analytical framework for formal composition. Study of Lakshmi-Vilas Palace. Architecture of Geoffrey Bawa : an intimacy of experience and expression. Ahmedabad and the architect Louis-I-Kahn. Integration of landscape in the architecture of Joseph-Allen-Stein. Herman Hertzberger : an architect of human concerns.Tithi Dhabuwala. Manisha C. Tradition and its influences in Japanese architecture : examining the work of FuminikoMaki. RESEARCH . Vaishall George. Manifestation of pluralistic values in architecture : an inquiry. Understanding attitudes : furniture and architecture (study of furniture and architectural examples by Mies van der Rohe and Le Corbusier). A comparative analysis of the guiding principles in the works of Andrea Palladio & James Stirling. Madir S. Chatterji. Study of scale and proportions and use of ‘The modulor’ in the works of Le-Corbusier. 1998-99 1998-99 1998-99 1998-99 1998-99 1997-98 1997-98 1997-98 1996-97 1996-97 1996-97 1996-97 1996-97 1996-97 1996-97 1996-97 1995-96 1995-96 1995-96 1994-95 TH-0690 TH-0674 TH-0671 TH-0666 TH-0663 TH-0652 TH-0648 TH-0646 TH-0633 TH-0629 TH-0624 TH-0618 TH-0611 TH-0608 TH-0605 TH-0604 TH-0594 TH-0581 TH-0573 TH-0569 Panchal. Minimalism and architecture : an inquiry into the minimalistic approach in the work of TadaoAndo and Herzog and DeMeuron. Balkrishna Doshi’s residence. Ahmedabad. A study of evolution of architectural principles in the work of Charles Correa. Sanjay M. Aashit P. Anand 162 . Rajmohan Sodhan. Rohit Balakrishnaiah. RESEARCH . Sagar N. Le-Corbusier : towards a synthesis. Rina B. Tadao Ando : architecture in harmony with nature. Kapadia.Doshi’s works. FA Booklet Series . Contemporary Indian dwelling environments : study of Prof. Understanding the concept of place : an inquiry into the works of Finnish architect : Reima Pietila. substantiated with an analysis of the works of Alvar-Aalto. Giuseppe Terragni : the danteum project : an understanding. A study of Le-corbusier’s domestic architecture : case study Shodhan and Sarabhai Villas. Inquiry into the aspect of rationale in architecture. An approach to unity in architecture : a study of carlo scarpa’s work. Chandigarh : 1951-1964 Lost identity : an appraisal of Sir Edwin Lutyens with particular reference to his work in India. Art of the ensemble : Le-corbusier’s Legislative Assembly building. Study of an Architect’s own house . Architecture of Laurie Baker : regional identity in contemporary work. Dynamics of meaning within an architectural form : Le-corbusier’s Villa Savoye. Parikh. Tejal 1992-93 1992-93 1992-93 TH-0520 TH-0513 TH-0510 Karnawat. Deepti Shukla. Sonal Gore. Sapna Architecture of Achyut Kanvinde : a study of houses in Ahmedabad. Pradeep R. TadaoAndo : an understanding as a critical regionalist. Thesis Title From literal to virtual : a study of the work of Ando. 1984 1986 1984 1980 1980 1974 TH-0210 TH-0207 1992-93 1992-93 1991-92 1991-92 1989-90 1989-90 1987-88 1986 TH-0490 TH-0503 TH-0483 TH-0472 TH-0404 TH-0401 TH-0349 TH-0341 TH-0330 TH-0297 TH-0295 Balachandran. Mies and Kahn. Raman Nandani. Integrity in the works of Frank-Lloyd-Wright.B. Study of spatial and experiential qualities with natural light in LeoPereira’s work. Haresh Dalal. Ahmedabad. Kiran K. Ribeiro Da Costa Pandya.Doshi. Rohit Desai. Explorations in to an approach to architecture : studies of the buildings of the Indian Institute of Management.from conception to manifestation. Patel. Mona Oscar. Achal Shetty. Rahul Dayal. Thesis Overview 1962 . Form. FA Booklet Series . Vikram Shah. Evolution of architectural language in the works of a contemporary Indian architect : B. Shah. Felix Candela : architecture of structural forms. Jayakrishnan. Deepak Mehta. 163 . Tradition and reinterpretation : examining the works of Hassan-Fathy. Kurian Doctor. Sujan Akruwala. Borromini’s visual approach to architecture. Approach to critical architectural appreciation. Chirag Sancheti. G.2012 . Rajinder Bakeri. Yashwardhan Singh Ruparel. Prashant Dhulia. Reflections in architecture . Kapil Reinterpreting the contemporaneous in the Indian context : comparative analysis of the civic building by Raj Rewal and Charles Correa. Saurabh Pathan. Chandni Thesis Title Evolution and expression of ‘Form’ and ‘Design’ : inquiry into the institutions by Louis-I-Kahn. Layering as a design notion in architecture : a study of the museums in Ahmedabad and Jaipur by Charles Correa. making of assembly building at Chandigarh and Dhaka by Le Corbusier and Louis Kahn. RESEARCH . Light as a design principle : a study of Ando’s residences and churches. [Not] just an other architect : study of an inventive approach to architecture : Rem Koolhaas. Malay Mehta. Architecture of Leo Pereira.. Evolution of architectural principles in the works of Shankar and Navnath Kanade. Continuing traditions with an individual expression : works of Tadao Ando and Luis Barragan. Works of Kiran Pandya : an understanding as architecture of human concern. Siddarth Menezes. Configurational analysis of the influence of Geoffrey Bawa on some contemporary Sri Lankan architects. Year 2003-04 Thesis Number TH-0808 Name of Student Amarseda. Role of facade in a building : the works of Le Corbusier and HDeM. Shubhani Bhalani. Technology with technique : an understanding through the works of Nicholas Grimshaw. Vipuja V.. An approach to architecture : work of Alvaro Siza. Isha Dave. The universal and the contextual : influence of Frank Lloyd Wright on contemporary Indian architecture. Sejal Kamdar. Urvi Pandhi. Siddharth Shirke. Proportioning system as an ordering principle : an inquiry into the works of architect A. Fiona Patel. Sanjeev Agrawal. Munir Jariwala. Sejal Desai. Open-endedness : an inquiry into its manifestation in architecture : Fatehpur Sikri. Mehul Pandit. Geometry and architecture : an inquiry into the geometrical approach in the work of Tadao Ando. The residences of Geoffrey Bawa : an understanding of an approach. Payal Vahanvati. Banglore and NIFT. 165 . Money. Vikram Mehta. Ekta Vetoskar. Snehal P. Response to context in the works of Jean Nouvel. Vivek Biloria. Panchal. 164 . D. Making of the masterpieces : understanding the evolution of architectural themes in Frank Lioyd Wright’s works culminating in masterpieces.2012 . 2005-06 2005-06 2005-06 2004-05 2004-05 2004-05 2004-05 2004-05 2004-05 2004-05 2003-04 2003-04 2003-04 2003-04 2003-04 2003-04 TH-0857 TH-0859 TH-0855 TH-0853 TH-0850 TH-0849 TH-0840 TH-0834 TH-0830 TH-0828 TH-0822 TH-0820 TH-0818 TH-0816 TH-0815 TH-0811 Sharma. A search for organic expression in architecture : an inquiry into the works of Frank Lloyd Wright and Bruce study : Bangalore. Pragnesh 2009-10 2008-09 TH-0997 TH-0963 Herma. Prashant Panchal. Raje. Thesis Overview 1962 . Sangram Agarwal. RESEARCH . Thesis Overview 1962 . Gehry. Structurist attitudes in the works of KenzoTange : a critical study. Use of geometry as an organizational tool : case study of a house and three institutional projects done by Peter Eisenman. Amit Yadav. Nimish Haideri. Architecture of Raj Rewal : a critical inquiry into the reinterpretation of Indian tradition into contemporary expression. : the architecture of Luis Barragen. Patel. hozefa Dave. Charvi Malpani. FA Booklet Series . Ayaz F. Loss of aesthetics : an inquiry into the sullying of “baker phenomenon” through institutionalisation. 2003-04 2003-04 2003-04 2003-04 2003-04 2003-04 2002-03 2002-03 2001-02 2001-02 2001-02 2000-01 2000-01 2000-01 2000-01 1999-00 1999-00 1999-00 1998-99 TH-0807 TH-0806 TH-0805 TH-0803 TH-0798 TH-0795 TH-0775 TH-0774 TH-0764 TH-0757 TH-0748 TH-0740 TH-0733 TH-0721 TH-0713 TH-0709 TH-0706 TH-0702 TH-0700 Patalia. Incorporating traditional methods of building to address the issues of identity in architecture : towards a new trend . Suprematism & its interpretation in contemporary architecture : with special reference to the works of Zaha Hadid. A dialogue with the horizone. Jignesh Shah. .2012 Effect of globalization on Indian architecture : comparing IIM. Use of collapsible elements to introduce another order of architectural expression in works of Santiago Calatrava. Hardik A. Purvi Arora. . Architecture of the spirit. Generating architectural principles in works of Aldo van Eyck.Year 1998-99 Thesis Number TH-0699 Name of Student Patwa. Mitul Sokhadia. Studying the works of Hassan Fathy for their rootedness in the context. FA Booklet Series . Mehul Chevli. Making of an image : works of Frank O. A study of the architectural works of Gerard Da’Cunha. Works of Christopher Charles Benninger. Hetal Thesis Title Interpretation of traditional Indian architecture in the contemporary scene : a study of the works of Charles Correa. After the moderns: an analytical study of the works of Richard Meier.a search for identity in Luis Barragan’s works. Nilay Jambusaria. Ruchi Shah. Delhi by Doshi. Janak C. Learning from tradition significance of stone in contemporary Indian architecture. Vikram C. Thesis Overview 1962 . Rajan B. 2005-06 2002-03 1996-97 1992-93 1990-91 1990-91 1986 1985 1984 1981 1979 1977 1977 1975 1974 1973 1973 1972 TH-0877 TH-0772 TH-0620 TH-0501 TH-0457 TH-0449 TH-0336 TH-0306 TH-0287 TH-0216 TH-0185 TH-0136 TH-0132 TH-0080 TH-0070 TH-0058 TH-0056 Patwa. Vivek Patel. Bhatt. Origin and development of woodwork in Gujarat. Study of construction in traditional architecture : focus on wooden houses of old city of Ahmedabad.2012 . construction and resultant form in architecture. Pruthvish V. Setukumar H.90sq. Domestic facades in traditional woodwork : study of Maganbhai-niHaveli in Ahmedabad. Thesis Title Study of works of Atmaram Gajjar in Ahmedabad.Year 2010-11 Thesis Number TH-1008 Name of Student Mewada. 166 . Materials construction techniques and dwelling form : Ahmedabad city. Influence of materials on architecture : a study of structural steel. Krunal Indo-Saracenic architecture : in work of Samuel Swinton Jacob. Housecore prefabrication. FA Booklet Series . Sood. Materials and house form. Shivang Chhatwani. Management of materials of construction in slums : a case study of Ahmedabad. Ghanshyam Patel. Mahadevia. Shirish Rangholia. Desai. External intervention in rural building process. its benefits and drawbacks. Shodhan. materials and construction techniques Year Thesis Number TH-0048 Name of Student Thesis Title 2010-11 2010-11 2010-11 2010-11 TH-1040 TH-1029 TH-1019 TH-1017 Patel. Rural constructional technology. Sanjiv P. Structure in architecture. Mistry. Nikita U. Giving identity to built from through courts studying the works of Charles Correa. RESEARCH . Naresh Champaka. Investigations in building materials and techniques for low-cost housing on a method of evaluation. Patel. Structure and architecture : undersatnding their interplay through works of Mahendra Raj . Technology: design tools. T. Steel : an examination of integration of material. Mehta. Nirav Patel. B. 167 . R. Mona C.2012 Graphic representation a tool for visualization in architectural design process : an inquiry into the integration of CAD. Thesis Overview 1962 . Study of technology in middle size housing built area between 46. Shambhubhai P. Modernism in India : an inquiry into the works of Achyut Kanvinde. Chirag H.mtrs. Setu Shalini Kumar Oak. Nimish. Developments in structural spanning.5092. Pandya. Wooden construction system in Gujarat. Mehta. Rajani. FA Booklet Series . Deepak Shah. Urvashi C. RESEARCH . Ravindra G. People’s participation in housing construction : deriving lessons from past experience. computer-mediated working environments. Samir V. Sahijwani.2012 Inquiry into the nature of Axonometric drawing. 169 . Kanti P. Statutory controls in apartment housing in Ahmedabad their implications and interpretations. Aruna R. Chahna R. Mahendra N. Sanjeev Bhargava. Rajeshwari Patel. Mistry. Shah. Badlani. Akbarnazim Y. Amber Bhatt. . Study of system of construction of traditional Ahmedabad houses : query in earthquake resistance. Gajjar. Architect and plumbing services for highrise buildings. maritime and automotive industries. Debnath. Mahendra K. Non-convex polyhedra. FA Booklet Series . Thesis Overview 1962 . 168 . Collaborative design in second life : a study of second life as a platforms for collaborative architectural design practices Understanding services : its evolution and its effect on design development. Mansi Maheta. Shah. Patel. Software for lighting design : softlite : study of aspects of lighting design and development of software to evaluate a lighting system in given environment. RESEARCH . Shah. Thesis Overview 1962 . Jigar 2003-04 TH-0792 Jadav.2012 . Aniruddha R. Role of material in offering a built expression : a study of buildings in steel. .. Kilivaathil. Dharmesh P. Artificial lighting : design aspects. Advanced : adaptive : technology : an architectural gain from the advanced technology of the aerospace. Yagnesh Mehta. a study of use of timber in the traditional architecture of Kerala. Gangani. Artisan and the craft : exploring the relationship between artisan of Kosi region and material in the process of building. Investigation of representation of generative systems through the digital medium Reasoning for visual form : probing the nature of visio-spatial events using eye tracking. Flooring materials for textile industry : a critical examination. Tejas R. 1988-89 1988-89 1987-88 1982 1978 1978 1977 1977 1977 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1972 1972 1970 TH-0364 TH-0388 TH-0355 TH-0253 TH-0171 TH-0162 TH-0147 TH-0141 TH-0127 TH-0122 TH-0103 TH-0076 TH-0065 TH-0055 TH-0050 TH-0046 TH-0034 Swaminathan. Earth construction techniques. FA Booklet Series . influence of construction on manifestation of built form. Street Sleepers a study of the pavement dwellers with reference to the city of Ahmedabad 1972. Hemantrai R. Miscellaneous topics Year Thesis Number TH-0031 Name of Student Thesis Title 1998-99 1991-92 2010-11 2010-11 2010-11 2010-11 2010-11 2009-10 2009-10 2008-09 2007-08 2007-08 2007-08 2006-07 TH-0659 TH-0474 TH-1054 TH-1051 TH-1046 TH-1039 TH-1022 TH-1001 TH-0980 TH-0946 TH-0943 TH-0929 TH-0927 TH-0912 Khakharia. Thakkar. Study of the interaction between the clients and the architects in decision-making for residential space organizations. Prasenjit Parekh. Patel. Anindya Thesis Title Workplace design & productivity : a performance study of network. Development of highrise building in Ahmedabad. Ipsit M. Exposed brick masonry : influence of a material on architecture. Architecture of hybrid spaces. Gaganjit Singh Athavankar. Responsive built environment : a design and technological overview . Ajay V. Study of contemporary earth architecture in India : utilization of earth as construction material in contemporary scenario. Rajesh I. RESEARCH . Code of ethics in architecture. Mrunalsen R. Planning efficiency of cinema theatres. Hiren Patel. Aashwin Modi.Year 2005-06 Thesis Number TH-0895 Name of Student Dutta Roy. Ameya Patel. Trivedi. Mass production of standard (service) units in dwellings. Inquiry into housing conditions of industrial workers in Ahmedabad.. Vijay Gandhi.. Indrajit Vyas. Modan. Critical study of services for textile industry. The marginal propensity for investment in dwelling. Arun Chatterji. Ahluwalia. Building process problems : a study. Girish Desai. Gurusharan Singh. Hasmukh K. Fire protection for high-rise buildings. Software for shadow throw of primary forms.Year 1989-90 Thesis Number TH-0427 Name of Student Shah. . Ghummat : software unfolding the geometry of geodesic domes. Samarth Idiom of illustration : a chronological study of visionary techniques in ‘un-built’ architectural representation between 1900 and 2005. Harsh Patel. Architecture and computer technology : study of the state of integration. Anish Thesis Title Modular office furniture systems : a total perception. questions of re-presentation and associations. Telematic simulation and conception of the real : in current architectural conduct. FA Booklet Series . Neha Desai. Jani. Vibhavari Mukerjee. RESEARCH . Thesis Overview 1962 . Interiors and furniture for “open plan” type offices. 170 . Tanu Jariwala. Tushar 2009-10 2005-06 2005-06 2003-04 2003-04 TH-0998 TH-0883 TH-0858 TH-0827 TH-0791 Das. A decision support system for an architect in the rural housing situation in India. Architecture of property development in Ahmedabad. Study of the “Play” element in arrangemental systems. 171 . Surajit Patel. RESEARCH . Thesis Overview 1962 . Film architecture : a visual paradigm. Inquiry into the process of visualization in architecture : study in graphic re-presentation as tool for visualization. Maharshi Phadtare. Kanabar. Sachin P. 1998-99 2001-02 1995-96 1994-95 1992-93 1990-91 1990-91 1989-90 1989-90 TH-0691 TH-0768 TH-0597 TH-0562 TH-0488 TH-0467 TH-0446 TH-0430 TH-0428 Anshuman. Vinay P. Rohit Gupte. Media and architecture : deleuze media and haptic illusion with multiplicity of space-time in hyperspace. Ashishboron Modi. Shruti Maradia. Construction economy in housing and its architectural application.2012 FA Booklet Series . Jalpa Sankalia. Implications of building regulations on design decisions of multi-storeyed structures. relevence of the methods employed in structuring the televised hyper-real.2012 . The final layout and formatting has been done by Sinali Ratanlal and Sivith Kumar. involving students guided by Muktiraj Chauhan and Manasi Pandey. 172 . RESEARCH . Thesis Overview 1962 . FA Booklet Series .2012 ARTS AND CRAFTS ARCHITECTURE ENVIRONMENT MAN AND SOCIETY COURSE CURRICULUM .RSP GLIMPSES KOTHARIA KUDOL UJJAIN RAJPIPLA THESIS PUBLISHED THESIS 4 PUBLISHED THESIS 3 PUBLISHED THESIS 2 PUBLISHED THESIS 1 THESIS OVERVIEW 1962.2012 OUTREACH POST DISASTER INITIATIVES COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT CAMPUS HISTORY THE CHANGING CAMPUS MUG SHOTS CROSS SECTIONS PEDAGOGY This booklet was put together during the SA50 publication workshop in December 2011. institutional culture and contributions to The past and present visiting and core faculty members also deserve special mention for taking the effort to provide material for this endeavour. Booklets in this series will cover work done by students as part of this programme and other research works initiated by the faculty members and the students. These booklets might appear small and simple but are made possible only through hours of hard work and inputs from a very wide range of people. The students of the Faculty of Architecture have worked on these booklets with a spirit and enthusiasm that are the hallmark of this institution.FA THESIS OVERVIEW. 1962 . The first part of this series focuses on five themes. Outreach. Teaching and learning methods are addressed under the ‘pedagogy’ theme whereas the ‘research’ theme focuses on the research thesis programme in the tenth semester. SA50 Celebrating 50 years of School of Architecture. University Road. The booklet format also allows us to look into the future by adding to and commenting on previous booklets.2012 The Faculty of Architecture. . The booklet format allows the possibility of covering diverse issues like teaching and learning methods. Over the past 50 years the school has been home to a host of students and teachers. It was also heartening to see the alumni spending hours with these students without which we couldn’t have talked of the early years of the school. Research has always been one of the core concerns at the Faculty of Architecture. Gujarat. ideals and ideologies.0091-79-26302075 www. The school has always been concerned about its connections with society at large and this is highlighted in the ‘outreach’ and ‘RSP’ booklets. Faculty of Architecture CEPT University Kasturbhai Lalbhai Campus. Ahmedabad-380009. The ‘campus history’ series charts the long and colourful history of the campus and its people. The booklet series provides an opportunity to tell this story not only to put the past in perspective but also to chart an informed road to the future.0091-79-26302470 / 26302740 Fax . the Related Study Programme (RSP).in www. and Campus History. This is highlighted by the inclusion of the research thesis as part of the curriculum in the undergraduate programme. CEPT.Pedagogy. CEPT University is celebrating its Golden Jubilee this India Phone . Any recollection of history is partial and can never do justice to the plethora of issues worth publishing. student works. providing the setting for germinating ideas that have borne fruit both within the campus and in the world around.
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