Thermal Inactivation of Escherichia Coli O157H7 and Salmonella on Catfish

March 27, 2018 | Author: Latifatul Fajriyah | Category: Escherichia Coli, Salmonella, Aquaculture, Dosimetry, Food And Drink



Food Microbiology 30 (2012) 427e431Contents lists available at SciVerse ScienceDirect Food Microbiology journal homepage: Thermal inactivation of Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Salmonella on catfish and tilapiaq Kathleen T. Rajkowski* Food Safety and Intervention Technologies Research Unit, Eastern Regional Research Center, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, 600 East Mermaid Lane, Wyndmoor, PA 19038, USA a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t Article history: Received 22 September 2011 Received in revised form 22 November 2011 Accepted 21 December 2011 Available online 17 January 2012 Thermal inactivation kinetics of individual cocktails of Escherichia coli O157:H7, or of Salmonella meat isolates or seafood isolates were determined in catfish and tilapia. Determinations were done at 55, 60 and 65  C using a circulating-water bath and calculated using linear regression analysis. Salmonella seafood and meat isolates D-10 values on the finfish were the same and ranged from 425 to 450, 27.1 to 51.4, 2.04e3.8 s (z ¼ 4.3  C) at 55, 60 and 65  C, respectively. The E. coli O157:H7 D-10 values ranged from 422 to 564, 45.2 to 55.5 and 3.3e4.2 s (z ¼ 4.3  C) at 55, 60 and 65 C, respectively. The only statistical difference (P  0.05) was found when comparing the D-10 values for E. coli O157:H7 at 55  C on catfish and tilapia. The other D-10 values for the Salmonella at all temperatures and E. coli O157:H7 at 60 and 65  C on the catfish or tilapia showed no statistical difference. D-10 values for the catfish and tilapia were significantly lower than the reported values in other food systems, but the z-values were within the literature reported range. These D-10 values can be used to determine cooking parameters of finfish. Published by Elsevier Ltd. Keywords: Finfish Catfish Tilapia Escherichia coli O157:H7 Salmonella Thermal D-values Z-values 1. Introduction Globally fish consumption reached 115.1 million tonnes in 2008 (17 kg/person) which can vary from 1 to 100 kg per capita depending on geographical area and can even vary within the individual country (FAO, 2007). Aquaculture contributed an estimated 50% of the available fish consumed and for some countries this can mean an increase of imported fish (Greenlees et al., 1998). Since 2001 aquaculture production has increased at an average annual growth rate of 6.2% and in the United States fisheries production averages about 10% for the aquaculture products (FAO, 2007). Consumption of fish products has remained at about 23 kg/capita (1996e2006) in North America. Fish, as defined in Section 21 of the United States’ Code of Federal Register part 123.3 (d), “means fresh or saltwater finfish, crustaceans, other forms of aquatic animal life (including, but not limited to, alligator, frog, aquatic turtle, jellyfish, sea cucumber, and sea urchin and the roe of such animals) other than birds or q Mention of trade names or commercial products in this publication is solely for the purpose of providing specific information and does not imply recommendation or endorsement by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer. * Tel.: þ1 215 233 6440; fax: þ1 215 233 6406. E-mail address: [email protected]. 0740-0020/$ e see front matter Published by Elsevier Ltd. doi:10.1016/ mammals, and all mollusks, where such animal life is intended for human consumption” (CFR, 2008). Another term used to describe fish is seafood which is divided into three categories: finfish, crustacean (shrimp) and mollusk (shellfish). When the United States General Accounting Office (GAO) issued a report on the seafood safety program in 2004, they stated that 80% of the consumed seafood (finfish, crustaceans and mollusk) was imported and that eating contaminated seafood resulted in about 15% of the reported food borne outbreaks in the U.S. which “is a greater percent than either meat or poultry even through meat and poultry are consumed at 8 and 6 times the rate of seafood, respectively” (GAO, 2004). In 2006 the U.S. Center for Disease Control classified food vehicles implicated in outbreaks into 17 food commodities and determined that fish (47 outbreaks) was associated with most outbreaks (CDC, 2009). Bacterial pathogens were listed as the cause of the seafoodrelated illnesses (GAO, 2004). In particular Salmonella can contaminate seafood from harvest to consumption and is the major cause of seafood-associated bacterial outbreaks in the EU (EFSA, 2010), in the US (CSPI, 2009) and in other countries worldwide. The United States Food and Drug Administration tested 11,312 imported and 768 domestic seafood samples from 1990 to 1998 (GAO, 2004). They reported that overall 7.2% for imported and 1.3% for domestic seafood were positive for Salmonella coli O157:H7 933.. Food and Drug Administration and are seafood isolates (Zhao et al. 960. Sparks.D.) The cocktail (1079 CFU/ml) was used immediately to inoculate the fish and discarded. Fresh channel catfish fillets (I. Senftenberg 8400. 120. GA) with a source strength of ca.. 2008). 1998. CT). Instant quick frozen (IQF) tilapia fillets were purchased from a local supermarket. Hardy Diagnostics.1 ml inoculation cocktail for a 1:100 dilution of the initial inoculum for a final cell concentration of 1067 CFU/g. This study was conducted to determine the thermal inactivation of Salmonella and E. Becton.meat.2% protein/100 g) and a low fat fish (tilapia e 1. (2010) reported that from 1973 to 2006 there were 10 outbreaks due to salmonellosis. particularly finfish.359 Ci (2.S. All samples were placed simultaneously in a re-circulating hot water bath (Model ESRB-7. The cocktail was made by combining 5 ml of each overnight culture and centrifuging at 3600  g for 10 min (Sorvall LegendÔ RT centrifuge. 88. punctatus) were obtained from the catfish genetic laboratory of U. and 1200 s at 55  C. In the FDA Food Code (2009).1% peptone water (PW.1% water and 15. Becton. Working stock cultures of each strain were maintained in brain-heart infusion broth (Becton. In their epidemiological review of seafood-associated infections in the U. The three different types of seafood (finfish. The thermal destruct study on the catfish and . filleted and shipped by overnight express for arrival the next day. Actual dose (dosimetry) was verified by measuring the free-radical signal of 5 mm diameter alanine dosimeter pellets (Bruker Biospin Corp. coli was higher in the fresh fish than in the frozen fish (Atanassova et al. coli O157:H7 inoculated on fresh catfish and tilapia. 78. crustacean and mollusk) would require different cooking parameters. were prepared. (2011) reported that Salmonella contaminated fish and fish products are responsible for 1. Seguin.4. The temperature of the water bath was monitored by inserting a temperature probe into the water. and Typhimurium 14028 (meat isolates) were obtained from the Eastern Regional Research Center’s culture collection.S.) and Fish samples (10 g) for the thermal destruction values study were thawed to room temperature and mixed well with 0. Boston.7% total lipid. In a survey of sushi (raw salmon) sold frozen at retail and raw at sushi bars Salmonella and E. Salmonella e meat and Salmonella e seafood. Agricultural Research Service. WI) and the fish sample distributed in the bag to form a thin layer before being vacuumed heat sealed (Model A300/16).2. 2. Burlington. is lacking. GAO. They isolated Salmonella from the samples and reported that the number of positive samples from the farm-raised catfish were seasonal with a 0. Santa Maria. coli was isolated only from finfish harvested from those ponds (Greenlees et al. crustacean.6% total lipid.428 K. coli . the cooking parameters for retail establishment gives different time/temperatures for the seafood types (fish. MULTIVAC. The fish samples remained chilled and recovery of survivors was done immediately. (1977) surveyed retail fresh and frozen channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) for Salmonella. and. 2009). CT). Bahrenfeld 19489 and Weltevreden 19493 were obtained from the U. The temperature of the water bath was set at one of three temperatures: 55. Kendro Laboratory Products. The thermal destruct method as developed by Huang (2009) was used. thermal inactivation data for the individual human bacterial pathogens on seafood. Techne. The samples were placed within a uniform area of the radiation field to minimize variations in the absorbed dose. The irradiated samples were kept frozen (20  C) until used.. the catfish fillets were cut into smaller pieces before being homogenized in a sterile laboratory blender (Model 38BL54. At the determined time intervals (after correcting for the come-up time) the fish samples were removed from the hot water bath and immediately immersed in iced water to stop the heating process. Thermal destruct values 2. The catfish were caught. 8. either Salmonella meat. which is checked yearly for uniformity using alanine dosimeters. Ten g of the homogenized catfish or tilapia samples were weighed into a re-closable plastic bag (Zip-PakÒ. Germany). 79. 2. 720.A. 2009). Techne). Stoneville. thawed and cut into smaller pieces before being homogenized. A9218-C1 and 45753.1% water and 20.T.9% incidence for JanuaryeMarch versus 5. Whirl-Pak filter bags. 0. Sepp Haggenmüller GmbH & Co. Nasco.1% protein/100 g) (NND. Sample preparation Two finfish types were used to represent a high fat fish (catfish e 7.1. Greenlees et al. 80. MA) using a Bruker EMS 104 EPR Analyzer. 2006). MS. coli O157:H7 for the individual cocktail were grown separately overnight at 37  C in tryptic soy broth (TSB. KG.S. 4.4% of the outbreaks in the EU. there will be increased emphasis on proper handling and cooking of seafood. The come-up time (lag time required for the food temperature to reach bath temperature) was 4 s (Huang.. 2004). and 100 s at 60  C.. The pH of the thawed-irradiated sample was measured using an Orion 520A meter (Orion Research Co. Marietta.. Dickinson and Co) to obtain an 18 h culture. Dickinson and Co. (1998) identified Escherichia coli and Salmonella as inhabitants in pond water. Torrington. Three different cocktails. 10. Inoculation preparation The day before the procedure the isolates. Iwamoto et al.7% for JulyeSeptember (Andrews et al. Dickinson and Co. 20. Dickinson and Co. 6. Waring. 2.. One g sample was weighed into stomacher bags (200 ml. plating in duplicate on tryptic soy agar (TSA.3. Huss et al. 40. A minimum of five time intervals were used: 0. Fort Atkinson. 12 s at 65  C. 60 or 65  C and the pull time intervals were determined during preliminary trials. Upon arrival. Becton. The pellet was re-suspended in Butterfield’s phosphate buffer (BPB-6. MD) and stored at 4  C. Minigrip. Wolfertschwenden. CA) to the original cocktail volume. frozen and irradiated frozen (20  C) with a dose of 10 kGy sufficient to remove background microflora (Rajkowski. 2000). Amagliani et al. 2009). 600. 2008). Microorganisms E. The sample bags were placed in a rack constructed to provide adequate contact with the hot water. 60. E.39 PBq). mollusk) and state a cooking time for fish of 15 s at 63  C (FDA. coli were isolated from the raw finfish used in sushi preparation and that the prevalence of E. 10. As more reports on the pathogenic contamination of raw finfish become available. The irradiation process was done in a self-contained 137Cs gamma irradiator (Lockheed Georgia Co. In the NACMCF’s (2008) report and Doyle and Mazzotta’s (2000) review.. E. MA). TX). Billerica. Rajkowski / Food Microbiology 30 (2012) 427e431 and the Salmonella isolated were species identified from both domestic and imported fish and shellfish (Heinitz et al. Newtown. NJ) which was fitted with a temperature control unit (TU-20D. Salmonella seafood or E. 2. In their review of food borne microbial pathogens of seafood aquaculture.35 and Salmonella enteritidis Enteritidis 13076. Panama 19545. Andrews et al. 1977). whereas. (2000) reviewed the hazards of consuming seafood (finfish and mollusk) and identified both Salmonella and E. The cell density of the cocktail was determined by serial dilution in 0. Salmonella Schwarzengrund 19535. coli O157:H7 as pathogenic bacterial contamination on seafood. Materials and methods 2..8 pH. 360. 0. coli O157:H7 The thermal destruction curves for E. coli O157:H7 and Salmonella meat and seafood isolates inoculated on catfish and tilapia. 1. turkey beef Fig. 60 and 65  C. The thermal D-10 value was calculated by taking the reciprocal of the slope (D-10 ¼ 1/slope).7.) added obtaining a 1:10 dilution. coli O157:H7 had a significantly higher (P  0. 1981). OH) and serial diluted with PW before being surface plated on TSA to determine survivors. Thermal inactivation curves at 55  C for E. coli O157:H7 cells. The samples were stomached for 2 min (Stomacher 400. . Regression analysis was done on a minimum of five values from the linear portion of the survival plot using the DMFit program (Baranyi and Roberts. Therefore TSA was used to recover E.05) D-10 value at 55  C on tilapia than on the catfish which was not observed at the higher temperatures. that the use of selective medii (sorbitol MacConkey agar supplemented with 4-methylumbelliferyl-b-D-glucouronid and modified eosin methylene blue agar) were inhibitory in recovering sub-lethally heat-injured E. (1995) determined and compared the D-10 values for E. The Z-value is the change of temperature ( C) required for 1-log cycle change in D-10 values and was calculated using the formula (Pflug et al. coli O157:H7 inoculated on various meats (chicken. Thermal inactivation curves at 60  C for E. 2. Fig.92. 2001). 3. The plates were incubated for 24 h at 37  1  C before being hand counted. Thermal destruct times and z-values for E.2.. The E. 60 and 65  C are illustrated in Figs. coli O157:H7 and Salmonella after the thermal processing. 2. Results and discussion 3. 3. There was no observed lag or tailing in any of the E. (1998) who reported Fig. Listed in Table 1 are the calculated E.1. coli O157:H7 inoculated on the catfish and tilapia at 55.K. This decision to remove the background microflora to recover on TSA was supported by Clavero et al. Tekmar Co.T.. Plating of samples The bag containing the pre-weighed 1 g catfish or tilapia samples was aseptically cleaned. opened and 9 ml buffered peptone water (Becton. Ahmed et al. 1e3. and the regression curves had an r2 values of >0. coli O157:H7 D-10 values obtained at 55. Thermal D-10 and Z-values The thermal D-10 value is the time required to reduce the microbial population by 90% at a specific temperature (Pflug et al.. Statistical analysis The D-10 and z-values were analyzed by ANOVA to determine the effects and interactions of the fish type and temperature (Miller. coli O157:H7 and Salmonella meat and seafood isolates inoculated on catfish and tilapia. Dickinson and Co. coli O157:H7 survivor curves and such linear curves suggested that the cocktail population was homogeneous. 2001): z ¼ (T2 e T1)/(log D1 e log D2) 2. Thermal destruct procedure Rajkowski (2008) reported that 10 kGy was sufficient to remove background microflora and that the irradiation process did not affect the lipid content of the catfish or tilapia as indicated by TBAR values. coli O157:H7 and Salmonella meat and seafood isolates inoculated on catfish and tilapia.6.5. Cincinnati. 1994). Rajkowski / Food Microbiology 30 (2012) 427e431 429 tilapia using the three cocktails at each temperature was repeated two times. Thermal inactivation curves at 65  C for E. 3. 2. 97 27. saline solutions. 2000. (1997). Plaza and Gabriel (2008) used S. coli O157:H7 to determine the D-10 value in beef and poultry. 2003) regardless of the E. coli O157:H7 obtained using meat or poultry with the reported z-value obtained using catfish and tilapia. It was reported that different D-10 values were obtained among the strains of E. Sörqvist.24 to 9.3.0) and reported the D-10 value at 60  C of 23. When liquids (egg.0 r2 ¼ 0.8 r2 ¼ 0.3 r2 ¼ 0. For comparison listed in Table 1 are their reported D-10 values using ground beef and chicken. 1998). Therefore to overcome this difficulty. There was no significant difference (P  0.. 1997.8 r2 ¼ 0. It took twice as long to inactive the E. Line et al.2  2.. isolates of Salmonella from meat and seafood were used for the two different cocktails to determine the D-10 values at 55. 1995. Rajkowski / Food Microbiology 30 (2012) 427e431 Table 1 Thermal destruct times in seconds and regression data for Escherichia coli O157:H7 isolates inoculated on catfish and tilapia as compared to literature values on ground beef and chicken..03 r2 ¼ 0. whereas we found that the D-10 value at 60  C ranged from 22 to 51 s for the finfish which is much lower.5  2. coli O157:H7 D-10 results using catfish and tilapia with literature values for ground beef and chicken.95 3. When compared with the z-values for E.6%) even though the pH of both finfish samples was 6.98 45..7%) compared to catfish with the higher fat content (7.2 98 23. Temperature  C Meat isolates  F 55 131 60 140 65 149 a Taken from Juneja et al.0 r2 ¼ 0.98 1267. Ahmed et al.3  C.3 (NND. since our cocktail contained some of the same strains used by Juneja et al..05) in the D-10 values between the meat isolate or seafood isolate cocktails. Representative curves of the two Salmonella cocktails (meat and seafood) are given in Figs.7b r2 ¼ 0.09 r2 ¼ 0.98 3. scalding water from chicken and pork plants) were used to determine the thermal destruct data.62  0.05) between the two cocktail used. their results were also higher than those reported here for catfish and tilapia (Ahmed et al. When researchers used different strains of E. 2003) our results were lower ranging from 22 to 51 s at 60  C. Typhimurium inoculated oyster meat (pH 6. 3. coli O157:H7 on catfish and tilapia was 4. and there was no significant difference (P  0. When the Salmonella D-10 values for both the meat and seafood isolates on the finfish were compared with the reported values in custard and chicken a la king.97 2. liquids with D-10 values ranging from 180 to 4890 s at 60  C (Angelotti et al.5  C (Doyle and Mazzatta.05.05) D-10 value at 55  C for the E.3 r2 ¼ 0.3b r2 ¼ 0.9  0. coli O157:H7 in the chicken compared to the finfish and about three times as long to inactive in the ground beef sample (Juneja et al. which is within the range observed in this study. Comparison confirmed a statistically higher (P  0.5  2.3) and tilapia (pH 6. 1991). the higher fat-content meat samples had a higher D-10 value than the lower fat content meats. (2001) reported the z-value ranging from 5.05) and there was no differences (P  0. coli O157:H7 inoculated on the tilapia which has a lower fat content (1. Since there was no differences. 1e3 and listed in Table 2 are the D-10 values.2 .91  C on meat samples and Angelotti et al. turkey and chicken..T.97 4. They reported that at 50 and 55  C.96 55. Doyle and Mazzatta. Seafood isolates 8 strain cocktail Catfish Tilapia Catfish Tilapia 450  0.8 40. coli  C F 55 131 60 140 65 149 a b E .4  2.2 r2 ¼ 0.8  0.7 r2 ¼ 0.92 Ground beefa 328. Doyle and Mazzatta (2000) in their review stated that thermal resistance of Salmonella can vary between serotypes and the food used to determine the D-10 value. the reported z-value range varied from 3. Sörqvist.1  0.06 r2 0. This wide range of reported D-10 values for Salmonella most likely is due to strain differences and for that reason those strains isolated from seafood appear to be less resistant to heat inactivation. 60 and 65  C.97 1.3  0. Temperature  E. The D-10 values for the catfish and tilapia were much lower.25 r2 ¼ 0. 1961.8 r2 ¼ 0. Also. (1995) reported that there was no significant difference for the D-10 values at 60  C for turkey or beef samples and we also did not observe any difference with the catfish and tilapia samples at both the 60 and 65  C. the pH of both finfish was similar to the pH of the ground beef and chicken (Juneja et al. Sörqvist. the calculated z-values were averaged.05) between the Salmonella D-10 value between the catfish (pH 6. However Juneja et al.8  C with an average value of 4.97 22.3 to 13. 2000. 1997). 1991. (2001).94 497.1 r2 ¼ 0. Significantly different at P  0.96 51..97 2. The calculated z-values for E. coli O157:H7 (Clavero et al. egg.7 r2 ¼ 0. milk products.5  0. 1997). The z-values for the finfish calculated in this study ranged from 4. and pork sausage) which had different fat content.04 s. (1961) reported z-values ranging from 9.4 22 Taken from Juneja et al.3  5. Juneja et al (2001) reported a range of 289e399 s at 60  C for beef. We were able to compare our E. 2003).5  C and falls within the range reported for liquids.3 to 4.2  0. In this study at 55  C we obtained the opposite results.430 K. Thermal destruct times and z-values for Salmonella Comparison of data for the thermal destruct values of Salmonella on finfish (catfish or tilapia) with published reports is lacking.98 337.8 710 190.97 29.77 to 6.04  0.coli Catfish Tilapia Ground beefa Chickena 422  0.7  20..43  0.92 564  0.98 425. pork. Line et al. (1997) in their study. 2009). the z-values were found to be within the reported range of 4e6  C (Juneja et al. The calculated z-values for the Salmonella inoculated on the catfish and tilapia were not different statistically (P  0. coli O157:H7 isolate used.04 r2 ¼ 0.3).75  C using custard and Table 2 Thermal destruct times in seconds and regression data for Salmonella meat and seafood isolates inoculated on catfish and tilapia as compared to literature values on ground beef. . Eblen. PA (Chapter 6). 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