
April 2, 2018 | Author: AneeshHanu | Category: Test (Assessment), Reading Comprehension, Standardized Tests, Applied Psychology, Tests



The Home for Great TeachersYour Place, Your Space Testing/Exam Prep The Official Guide to Pearson Test of English Academic Intermediate – Advanced Pearson Test of English Academic (PTE Academic) is a new computer-based academic English language test that delivers real-life measures of test-takers’ language abilities. Endorsed by the Graduate Management Admission Council® (GMAC®), PTE Academic delivers an authentic and accurate measure of academic English language proficiency. The new test will launch from October 2009. For more information on PTE Academic, please visit The Official Guide to PTE Academic provides all of the most important information about the test. Features: • Explains the features, format, and scoring of PTE Academic, giving test-takers a clear idea of what to expect when they take the test. • Covers a range of practical areas such as registering for the PTE Academic test. • Practice questions are taken from the PTE Academic item bank and cover all item question types so test-takers can practice using authentic questions found nowhere else. • Sample answers are actual student responses from field tests so test-takers can get a clearer idea of how their performance measures up. Scoring rubrics explain the criteria upon which responses are scored. • An accompanying CD-ROM gives test-takers extensive practice with more than 200 new items written specifically for the Official Guide. • Free teaching notes will be available, with lesson ideas, for use with the Official Guide. The only Official Guide to PTE Academic written by the developers of the test! The Official Guide to PTE Academic Guide with CD-ROM 978-988-00-3053-6 988-00-3053-2 Price $ 30.00 121 .50 Classroom Audio CDs (9) 978-0-13-205685-4 0-13-205685-2 $ 75. **Note: Audio CDs and Book with CD-ROM are also available Longman Courses for the TOEFL® Test: iBT Second Edition Deborah Phillips Intermediate – Advanced Program www. Longman Introductory Course for the TOEFL® Test: iBT 2e INTERMEDIATE Price This program gives high-intermediate to advanced students all the tools they need to succeed on the TOEFL® test. the Mini-Tests.75 Writing These courses prepare students for success on the TOEFL® iBT. TO CONTACT YOUR ELL SPECIALIST. • Record-keeping website. The Student Book features four mini-tests.pearsonlongmantestprep.75 Classroom Activities 978-0-13-713577-6 0-13-713577-7 $ 29.pearsonlongman.50 Reading Book with CD-ROM 978-0-13-612659-1 0-13-612659-6 $ 21.800. for all students’ CD-ROM results and responses. the Mini-Tests. one introductory-level practice test.122 Testing/Exam Prep ORDER (Schools) K12oasis. • Classroom Activities with photocopiable warm-up and followup activities for each language skill in the Student Books.00 *Student Book + The Student Book features diagnostic pre-tests and post-tests. CD-ROM.75 Classroom Activities 978-0-13-236256-6 0-13-236256-2 $ 20. plus pop-up explanations and sample answers for all items. • CD-ROM with completely different exercises and tests from those in the Student Book. and one TOEFL®-level test. without Answer Key 978-0-13-713574-5 0-13-713574-2 $ 20. The CD-ROM includes an additional four mini-tests. one complete introductory-level practice test.pearson.25 Student CD-ROM 978-0-13-713576-9 0-13-713576-9 $ 75.25 CD-ROM 978-0-13-205689-2 0-13-205689-5 $ 29.75 Lesson Plans 978-0-13-713575-2 0-13-713575-0 $ 20.50 Classroom Audio CDs (8) TECHNOLOGY COMPONENTS TECHNOLOGY COMPONENTS *Note: You must have the classroom audio CDs to use the Listening material (the Skills Practice. with Answer Key 978-0-13-713545-5 0-13-713545-9 $ 44. call 1. Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL® Test: iBT 2e HIGH-INTERMEDIATE – ADVANCED Price *Student Book + CD-ROM with Answer Key 978-0-13-205690-8 0-13-205690-9 $ 44. • Lesson Plans with step-by-step instructions for using the Student Books and suggestions for interactive classrooms.50 *Student Book + CD-ROM without Answer Key 978-0-13-205692-2 0-13-205692-5 $ 44. & Audio CDs 978-0-13-612657-7 0-13-612657-X $ 21. www. CD-ROM & Audio CDs 978-0-13-515460-1 0-13-515460-X $ 21.75 *Student Book + CD-ROM.50 **Listening Book. The CD-ROM includes an additional eight mini-tests and two new complete tests.pearson. and the Complete Tests) in the Student Book.75 Lesson Plans 978-0-13-236257-3 0-13-236257-0 $ 20.2375 Highlights • Updated material for all types of passages and questions. CD-ROM & Audio CDs 978-0-13-236089-0 0-13-236089-6 $ 43. and the Complete Tests) in the Student Book.75 978-0-13-713578-3 0-13-713578-5 $ 44.50 **Speaking Book. this introductory program combines a comprehensive language course with unparalleled TOEFL® test preparation. and one TOEFL®-level test. Longman Introductory Course for the TOEFL® Test: iBT Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL® Test: iBT Second Edition Second Edition Deborah Phillips Deborah Phillips Intermediate High-Intermediate – Advanced Appropriate for intermediate students. The Lesson Plans and Classroom Activities books and the record-keeping website save teachers time and make classes more engaging. plus eight minitests and two complete TOEFL® ONLINE: (College/Adult) oasis. The Student Books with CD-ROMs and the Audio CDs develop test-taking skills and provide extensive practice. *Note: You must have the classroom audio CDs to use the Listening material (the Skills Practice. visit www. For correlations of all our major programs to the TOEFL® m Teacher’s log in from 123 . Your Space Testing/Exam Prep m Students develop practical skills for each section of the test in class and at the computer.The Home for Great Teachers Your Place. m Record-keeping Website for Teachers — www.pearsonlongman.PearsonLongmanTestPrep. m Student results from the CD-ROM are clearly displayed. For correlations of all our major programs to the TOEFL® test.00 978-0-13-140883-8 0-13-140883-6 $ 32.00 Audio CDs (7) 978-0-13-140884-5 0-13-140884-4 $ 72. the Preparation Course offers high-intermediate and advanced students clearly defined strategies for improving test performance. including the TOEFL® Test of Written ONLINE: (College/Adult) oasis.00 Student Book and CD-ROM with Answer Key Student Book and CD-ROM. call 1.000 Longman Introductory Course for the TOEFL® Test: The Paper Test Price Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL® Test: The Paper Test Price Student Book and CD-ROM with Answer Key 978-0-13-184718-7 0-13-184718-X $ 31. Providing both comprehensive skills practice as well as test preparation. practice. • Over 1.00 Student Book and CD-ROM. • Practice exercises for each language skill maximize understanding and retention. • Diagnostic pre. • Five complete practice tests familiarize students with the actual test format and timing. without Answer Key Audio CDs (4) 978-0-13-184716-3 0-13-184716-3 $ 72.124 Testing/Exam Prep ORDER (Schools) K12oasis.pearsonlongman.and post-tests allow students to identify areas of strength and weakness.800. strategies.450 additional questions on the CD-ROM span all language skills and TOEFL® TO CONTACT YOUR ELL SPECIALIST. Longman Introductory Course for the TOEFL® Test: The Paper Test Longman Preparation Course for the TOEFL® Test: The Paper Test Deborah Phillips Deborah Phillips Intermediate High-Intermediate – Advanced Intermediate students will find all the tools they need to improve their scores on all sections of the TOEFL® paper test.pearson.25 978-0-13-140886-9 0-13-140886-0 $ 30. as well as introductory-level practice tests that simulate the format and timing of the paper test. without Answer Key 978-0-13-184719-4 0-13-184719-8 $ 30. An available Audio Program includes complete materials from the Listening Comprehension sections of the texts.00 TECHNOLOGY COMPONENTS TECHNOLOGY COMPONENTS . and confidence they need to improve their performance on the TOEFL® paper test. as well as from the complete tests. Both programs are appropriate for dedicated test preparation or as supplements to more general English courses.00 Audiocassettes (7) 978-0-13-140885-2 0-13-140885-2 $ 72. • CD-ROM features over 1. visit www.2375 Longman Courses for the TOEFL® Test: The Paper Test Deborah Phillips Intermediate – Advanced www.00 Audiocassettes (2) 978-0-13-184717-0 0-13-184717-1 $ 72. •O  ne complete TOEFL®-level practice test demonstrates how skills will be tested and helps students determine their approximate TOEFL® scores. • Two complete introductory-level tests familiarize students with the actual test These comprehensive book and CD-ROM packages provide students with the skills. • L anguage-skills sections address specific areas tested on the TOEFL® test as well as the Test of Written English.pearson. iTests. memory tips. With automatic feedback and access whenever students want.The Home for Great Teachers Your Place. • Tests are available in practice (untimed) mode for maximum support or test (timed) mode for an authentic test experience. to practice for the TOEFL® PBT. Features: • Exam-style questions prepare students before they take the actual tests. and iTests gives your students test practice for the TOEFL® or TOEIC® tests. • Progress charts help students to monitor their performance and identify areas of difficulty at a glance. allowing students to focus on areas of difficulty and use their study time effectively. Testing/Exam Prep 125 . in sections. TOEIC® Test. and succeed on their tests. • Immediate scoring and review at the end of tests give students instant feedback. as well as the PET. • Tests are available as a whole. The website even offers exam information. and IELTS. or in parts. Your Space iTests Intermediate – Advanced www. IELTS. • Automatic essay marking for select tests provides extra timed writing practice. Practice tests follow the format of the exams. and common errors to help students prepare. FCE. general test-taking tips. helping students know what to expect during testing.iTests. feel confident. iTests helps them to be well prepared. iTests Visit www. CAE. • Tests are available anytime and anywhere. iTests are always available for learners’ convenience. TOEFL® iBT. PET. pearson. call 1. links learning and assessment with a skill-building curriculum that incorporates authentic test material from the makers of the TOEFL® iBT.50 Teacher’s Manual with Audio CD 978-0-13-188565-3 0-13-188565-0 978-0-13-227351-0 0-13-227351-9 978-0-13-227352-7 0-13-227352-7 $ TO CONTACT YOUR ELL ONLINE: (College/Adult) oasis. a three-level series. NorthStar Building Skills for the TOEFL® iBT. Book 1 Helen Solórzano.50 978-0-13-196091-6 0-13-196091-1 978-0-13-172998-8 0-13-172998-5 978-0-13-220593-1 0-13-220593-9 $ 48. Book 2 Linda Robinson Fellag. 5 • Integrated-skill practice to develop critical thinking and communicative competence. 3 4 Each text features: • Ten thematic units to develop academic skills in English while building test-taking confidence. 6 • Authentic TOEFL® iBT practice sets created by ETS especially for this series.126 Testing/Exam Prep ORDER (Schools) K12oasis.375.75 TECHNOLOGY COMPONENTS Classroom Audio CDs .800. Use NorthStar Building Skills for the TOEFL® iBT with the integrated skills series NorthStar to build a strong foundation for success on the TOEFL® iBT (pages 24–25).50 Student Book with Audio CDs 978-0-13-198576-6 0-13-198576-0 978-0-13-198578-0 0-13-198578-7 978-0-13-198577-3 0-13-198577-9 $ 29. 7 • Practical tips to sharpen test-taking strategies. Book 3 Frances Boyd and Carol Numrich. NorthStar Building Skills for the TOEFL® iBT INTERMEDIATE 8 9 10 HIGH-INTERMEDIATE ADVANCED Price Student Book 978-0-13-193706-2 0-13-193706-5 978-0-13-193708-6 0-13-193708-1 978-0-13-193709-3 0-13-193709-X $ 23. •T  eacher’s Manuals with evaluation tools to track students’ progress and actual student responses (speaking and writing) at all score levels. Series Editors In cooperation with ETS Intermediate – Advanced 1 2 Pearson Longman and ETS combine their expertise in language learning and test development to create an innovative approach to developing the skills assessed in the new TOEFL® Internet-based test (iBT).2375 NorthStar Building Skills for the TOEFL® iBT John Beaumont. without Answer Key 978-0-13-199320-4 0-13-199320-8 978-0-13-199315-0 0-13-199315-1 978-0-13-199311-2 0-13-199311-9 $ 27.50 Student Book with Audio CD. • Two complete Audio CDs featuring American. • A complete Audio Program with the listening portion for all sections. • Complete audioscripts and answer key. Canadian. • Over 1. Your Space Building Skills for the New TOEIC® Test Second Edition Lin Lougheed Longman Preparation Series for the New TOEIC® Test Fourth Edition Lin Lougheed Intermediate – Advanced The second edition of Building Skills for the New TOEIC Test prepares students for the new TOEIC® test and the new TOEIC® Speaking and Writing tests. • Skill-building exercises that prepare students for each part of the TOEIC® test.000 practice items.25 TECHNOLOGY COMPONENTS Complete Audio Program 127 MORE PRACTICE TESTS Student Book with Answer Key TECHNOLOGY COMPONENTS MORE PRACTICE TESTS Complete Audio Program . • An audioscript that includes all of the material recorded for the complete audio program.50 Answer Key 978-0-13-238961-7 0-13-238961-4 978-0-13-238962-4 0-13-238962-2 978-0-13-238963-1 0-13-238963-0 $ 5. with TOEIC-style answer sheets. • Two TOEIC-length review tests for both Listening Comprehension and Reading. and confidence they need to increase their scores on the new TOEIC® test. and Australian voices included. for assessment and preparation for TOEIC test conditions. • Two practice TOEIC® tests.75 978-0-13-199318-1 0-13-199318-6 978-0-13-199313-6 0-13-199313-5 978-0-13-199308-2 0-13-199308-9 $ 64. Building Skills for the New TOEIC® Test Book with Audio CDs Beginning – Advanced The Longman Preparation Series for the New TOEIC® Test gives students the skills. strategies.25 978-0-13-199322-8 0-13-199322-4 $ 64. This concise text can be used in TOEIC® preparation classes or for self-study. ® Features: • Updated  Reading and Listening sections for the new TOEIC® test. • Practical tips throughout that help students choose the correct answers.25 INTRODUCTORY INTERMEDIATE ADVANCED Price Student Book with Audio CD and Answer Key 978-0-13-199319-8 0-13-199319-4 978-0-13-199314-3 0-13-199314-3 978-0-13-199310-5 0-13-199310-0 $ 31. Features: • New material that reflects the format of the new TOEIC® test. British.Testing/Exam Prep The Home for Great Teachers Your Place. • Step-by-step strategies and skills to improve performance on each section of the new test. • Sample syllabus and scoring guides. • An Audio CD in each book that includes the Listening Comprehension Review section. and two practice TOEIC® Writing tests. two practice TOEIC® Speaking tests. • Business vocabulary and word skills presented and recycled in each part. • Two complete practice tests.25 978-0-13-199306-8 0-13-199306-2 $ 23. • Speaking and Writing sections for the new TOEIC® Speaking and Writing tests. Price 978-0-13-813625-3 0-13-813625-4 Longman Preparation Series for the New TOEIC® Test $ 41.
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