Theater Sustainment.pdf

March 26, 2018 | Author: Muzafar Shah Mosam Shah | Category: Battalion, Staff (Military), Brigade, Logistics, Military Police



CGSCST4-2 (ST 101-6) THEATER SUSTAINMENT BATTLE BOOK U.S. ARMY COMMAND AND GENERAL STAFF COLLEGE FORT LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS JUNE 2012 PREFACE This publication supports all CGSOC instruction in logistics and sustainment operations for Army ground forces in a Joint environment across the spectrum of conflict. The material is written primarily from the tactical logistician’s perspective, focusing at the BCT and division level. All applicable sources were consulted to ensure and support doctrinal integrity. Every effort has been made to include emerging doctrine and the flood of changes growing out of transformation, modular force design and experience gained from OIF/OEF. Therefore, some discrepancies are bound to creep into the text. Hopefully these are resolved during the annual review process. Sole responsibility for this student text rests with the Department of Logistics and Resource Operations (DLRO), U.S. Army Command and General Staff College. This publication is available in Command and General Staff Officers Course (CGSOC) student issues (hard copy or CD) and on the CGSC Blackboard master library (electronic version). Student Text 4-2* U.S. ARMY COMMAND AND GENENERAL STAFF COLLEGE FORT LEAVENWORTH, KS THEATER SUSTAINMENT BATTLE BOOK1 Contents Page Chapter 1. 1-1. 1-2. 1-3. 1-4. 1-5. 1-6. 1-7. 1-8. 1-9. Chapter 2. 2-1. 2-2. 2-3. 2-4. Chapter 3. 3-1. 3-2. 3-3. 3-4. 3-5. 3-6. 3-7. 3-8. Chapter 4. 4-1. 4-2. 4-3. 4-4. 4-5. 4-6. 4-7. 4-8. 4-9 Chapter 5. Tactical Sustainment ........................................................................................................1-1 General .............................................................................................................................1-1 Principles of Sustainment ...............................................................................................1-1 Sustainment Warfighting Function .................................................................................1-4 Supporting Tactical Operations .......................................................................................1-6 Supporting Offensive Operations ..................................................................................1-6 Supporting Defensive Operations ..................................................................................1-8 Continuous Support .........................................................................................................1-8 Sustainment in Urban Operations ....................................................................................1-9 Sustainment Stability Operations ...................................................................................1-10 Mission Analysis and Personnel/Logistic Estimates ......................................................2-1 General .............................................................................................................................2-1 Sustainment Mission Analysis Considerations ................................................................2-1 Format and Instructions for the Personnel Estimate ........................................................2-4 Format and Instructions for the Logistics Estimate .........................................................2-7 The Concept of Sustainment and Sustainment Overlay...................................................3-1 General .............................................................................................................................3-1 Developmental Guidelines ...............................................................................................3-1 Sources of Information for Developing the Concept of Sustainment ..............................3-2 Sustainment Function Planning Considerations ..............................................................3-3 Concept of Sustainment Format.......................................................................................3-5 Briefing the Concept of Sustainment ...............................................................................3-7 The Sustainment Overlay.................................................................................................3-8 The Sustainment Matrix...................................................................................................3-9 Sustainment Planning and Consumption Data .................................................................4-1 General .............................................................................................................................4-1 General Supply Planning (Classes I, II, III(p), IV, Mail, and Water) .............................4-1 Fuel Planning (Class III Bulk) ......................................................................................... 4-5 Ammunition Planning ...................................................................................................... 4-8 Maintenance Planning....................................................................................................4-12 Transportation Planning .................................................................................................4-14 Movement Planning ...................................................................................................... 4-19 Human Resources Planning ...........................................................................................4-23 Health Service Support Planning ...................................................................................4-25 Operational Sustainment Units ........................................................................................5-1 Command, Staff, and Multifunctional Units....................................................................5-2 ASCC Operational Sustainment Directorate (MCP and OCP) .................................5-2 Headquarters, Theater Sustainment Command .........................................................5-5 ST4-2/TOC i JUNE 2012 Headquarters, Expeditionary Support Command ......................................................5-8 Sustainment Brigade................................................................................................ 5-10 Theater Opening (TO) Element ............................................................................... 5-12 Theater Distribution (TD) Element ......................................................................... 5-13 Army Field Support Brigade (AFSB) ..................................................................... 5-14 Human Resource Units .................................................................................................. 5-15 Human Resources Sustainment Center (HRSC) ..................................................... 5-15 Human Resources Company (HRC) Headquarters ................................................. 5-15 Military Mail Terminal Team (MMTT) .................................................................. 5-16 Theater Gateway R5 Platoon ................................................................................... 5-16 Postal Platoon .......................................................................................................... 5-17 Casualty Platoon Headquarters ............................................................................... 5-17 Chapter 6. Tactical Sustainment Units .............................................................................................. 6-1 Tactical Headquarters Sustainment Staffs ......................................................................6-3 Corps HQ Sustainment Cell ......................................................................................6-3 Division HQ Sustainment Cell ..................................................................................6-4 Combat Service Support Battalion (CSSB) ....................................................................6-5 Headquarters CSSB ...................................................................................................6-5 Brigade Support Battalion (BSB) ....................................................................................6-6 Distribution Company, BSB, Heavy, BCT ...............................................................6-7 Field Maintenance Company, BSB, Heavy, BCT .....................................................6-8 Forward Medical Company, BSB, Heavy, BCT .......................................................6-9 Forward Support Company (CA Battalion) BSB, Heavy, BCT ..............................6-10 Miscellaneous Battalion Headquarters Units ................................................................6-11 Motor Transportation Battalion ...............................................................................6-11 Movement Control Battalion ...................................................................................6-12 Transportation Terminal Battalion ..........................................................................6-12 HHC Petrol Pipeline and Terminal Operating Battalion .........................................6-13 Petroleum, Oils, and Lubricants (POL) Supply Battalion .......................................6-13 Ammunition Battalion .............................................................................................6-14 Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Battalion ......................................................6-14 Medical Units ................................................................................................................6-15 Medical Command ..................................................................................................6-15 Medical Brigade ......................................................................................................6-16 Multi-Functional Medical Battalion (MMB)...........................................................6-17 Combat Support Hospital ........................................................................................6-18 Area Support Medical Company .............................................................................6-19 Medical Logistics Company ....................................................................................6-20 Medical Logistics Support Company ......................................................................6-21 Ground Ambulance Medical Company ...................................................................6-22 Area Support Dental Company ...............................................................................6-22 Air Ambulance Medical Company..........................................................................6-23 Ordnance Units .............................................................................................................6-24 Modular Ammunition Ordnance Company .............................................................6-24 Support Maintenance Company ..............................................................................6-25 Component Repair Company ..................................................................................6-26 Quartermaster Units ......................................................................................................6-27 Quartermaster Field Service Company ...................................................................6-27 Quartermaster POL Pipeline and Terminal Operating Company ............................6-28 Quartermaster POL Support Company (PSC) .........................................................6-29 Quartermaster Support Company (QSC).................................................................6-30 Quartermaster Collection Company (MA) ..............................................................6-31 Quartermaster Water Purification and Distribution Company ................................6-32 ii JUNE 2012 ST4-2/TOC ............................................ F-1 Division Sustainment Overlay: Non-Contiguous Deployment .............................7-7 Medical Battalion ................ Appendix F...........7-6 Supply Battalion .................................................................... are intended solely for instructional use...............................7-10 Marine Expeditionary Unit (SOC).................................... Appendix K......... Appendix I.. H-1 Briefing Formats ........................................7-2 Headquarters.....................6-40 Modular Causeway Company ....................................................................................................................................................................................................7-4 Combat Logistics Regiment..................500 Gal) ................................................ Appendix H......................................................................8-1 Limitations of the Group Support Battalion ............................................................................8-3 Battalion Support Company................... Marine Logistics Group .........................................6-42 Chapter 7.....................................6-39 Seaport Operations Company ......................7-14 Truck Company................ Cargo Company . K-1 Chapter 8............ Appendix G............................................................ DISCLAIMER: This ST is just that—a student text..7-8 Maintenance Battalion .................................... I-1 Sustainment Rehearsal ............................................6-38 Inland Cargo Transfer Company . This document does not constitute doctrine and should not be interpreted or used as such.............................................................6-41 Heavy Watercraft Company .......................................... Marine Logistics Group .................................................... Appendix B........................................................................................................................................... E-1 Division Sustainment Overlay Example ...................................... Marine Division .................................................................................................................................. Combat Logistics Battalion ..........................6-36 Transportation Medium Truck Company (PLS) .........................................................................................................8-2 Group Service Support Company ........................................................................................ A-1 Glossary ..............................................................6-37 Combat HET Company ..............................................6-33 Transportation Medium Truck....................................................................................6-34 Transportation Medium Truck Company (POL) (7....... Appendix J..000 Gal) ....... ST4-2 replaces the May 2011 edition of ST4-2....................................8-5 Quick References ........7-3 Combat Logistics Regiment....................................................................................6-35 Transportation Medium Truck Company (POL) (5....................... Appendix A...........................7-13 Marine Wing Support Squadron...................................................... G-1 Concept of Sustainment Matrix (Division) ................................................................................7-16 Naval Mobile Construction Battalion.............. General Support .................................................................. The figures that appear in this document............. ST4-2/TOC iii JUNE 2012 ............................................ Marine Corps Combat Service Support Capabilities ..............................7-12 Combat Logistics Regiment.......................................... Fixed Wing and Rotary Wing . D-1 Brigade Sustainment Overlay Example ............................................................7-1 Marine Corps Combat Service Support Capabilities.................................................. SEABEES ...................................................8-4 Ranger Support Company .....................................................7-17 Logistics Concept ..............................................................7-1 General ........................... J-1 Sustainment Unit Terrain Requirements ..................6-41 Floating Watercraft Company .............. Appendix C...............6-33 Transportation Light-Medium Truck Company ....................Transportation Units ...................................... Direct Support ..................7-9 Engineer Support Battalion ........................... Naval Construction Regiment............................................................ Appendix D.....................7-19 Army Special Operations Forces Logistical Operations ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................7-11 Marine Expeditionary Unit (SOC) ........................................................... though derived from official documents................................ Appendix E....................................................................................................................................................... B-1 Brigade Combat Team (HBCT) Brigade Concept of Sustainment Example ...8-1 General ........................................ C-1 Division Concept of Sustainment Example (By Phase)....... ST4-2/TOC iv JUNE 2012 .This page has been left blank intentionally. While tactical operations can last for weeks. and multinational operations. interagency. combat operations at company/battalion through corps. Anticipation is facilitated by automation systems that provide the common operational picture upon which judgments and decisions are based. Anticipating sustainment also means staying abreast of operational plans. and interagency sustainment organizations. The planning and execution of sustainment operations must fully blend into and harmonize with all operations. Integration consists of synchronizing sustainment operations within every aspect of Army. Sustainment characteristics are integrated throughout the operational framework. This concept of integration might also be profitably applied in assessing whether the other principles are sufficiently and/or properly integrated and balanced to meet the sustainment mission. they must examine their concepts of operation and support and ensure that they fit together. commanders view sustainment characteristics from the perspective of the overall operation. ST4-2/CH1 1-1 JUNE 2012 . Anticipation of sustainment facilitates responsive support. Sustainment characteristics seldom exert equal influence. and civilian contractors. It focuses resources to support the commander’s intent and concept of operations to maximize freedom of action and to sustain force momentum.  Anticipation. It is based on professional judgment resulting from experience. and their importance varies by situation. Integration includes coordination with and mutual support among Army. They must then start the process of acquiring the materiel or placement of support that bests sustains the operation. The commander identifies which characteristics as having priority during an operation that become the foundation for preparing the sustainment concept. knowledge. Anticipation is the ability to foresee events and requirements and initiate necessary actions. and assist the staff in developing the support plan. Sustainment commanders and staffs visualize future operations and identify appropriate required support. and tailoring support to meet current operations and the changing operational environment. intelligence. guide prudent planning.” Although combat commanders may not fully comprehend the intricacies of the sustainment portion of operations. To help them to describe considerations required to conduct successful operations. support may also come from host nation (HN). The concept of operations achieves this through a thorough understanding of the commanders’ intent and synchronization of the sustainment plan. Tactical sustainment planning addresses how each sustainment function supports the operation and identifies sustainment risks. joint.CHAPTER 1 TACTICAL SUSTAINMENT 1-1. and intuition. Department of Defense (DOD) and Department of the Army (DA) civilians. education. joint. PRINCIPLES OF SUSTAINMENT Force commanders visualize and describe their sustainment concept to sustainment planners and commanders. tactical support is generally measured in days or hours. multinational. joint. 1-2. continuously assessing requirements. The sustainment characteristics are—  Integration. and multinational military organizations. GENERAL Tactical sustainment supports battles and engagements. This is at the heart of what is meant by the “commander’s business. Although Army units make up the bulk of the tactical sustainment structure. The distribution system’s lift capacity is a key determinant of responsiveness. Responsiveness is the most crucial sustainment characteristic and is also the single most important requirement of a logistical system. In these situations. Anticipation is a central element in responsiveness and anticipation is about lead time and availability. adequacy. balancing costs and effectiveness. Efficiency is generally paramount at the strategic level. efficiency. Responsiveness. Successes in economy efforts directly impact responsiveness. etc. and effectiveness. Logistic discipline across the entire system is crucial to economy. and. Supply responsiveness is a function of the quantities delivered. truck lift capacity. However. As Carl von Clausewitz noted. preparing. even the simplest tasks become difficult in war. if appropriately considered in planning. the farther out that one looks. at the operational level. Responsiveness. The system must manage this balancing act between efficiency and effectiveness in pursuit of economy while preserving responsiveness. Modern forces are intrinsically complex because of their size. However. should be able to meet a certain range of unforeseen circumstances without dislocating logistical operations. in the right place. Simplicity in tactical sustainment—in BCTs and in battalions—is easier to achieve because these units’ fixed organic sustainment capabilities are designed to match their routine needs. The trend toward greater dispersal of tactical forces over larger sectors and areas of operations increases the threat to all levels of sustainment elements. and flexibility. equipment. 1-2 JUNE 2012 ST4-2/CH1 . Integrating sustainment with operations and force protection plans is critical to survivability. As a function of time and quantity. this is achieved with a situationally-dependent balance of stockpiling and distribution-oriented methods in managing the pipeline flow.. strategic and operational logisticians must forecast much farther in advance than at the tactical level. Simplicity means consciously avoiding and reducing unnecessary complexity in planning.g. as a capability. port throughput. Failures in economy at the national level can have enormous and widespread negative impacts on the strategic military capability. Survivability addresses the need to protect support functions from destruction or degradation. Economy is providing support to meet mission needs in the most efficient way possible. and involves anticipating operational needs on a continuing basis and securing the right mix of material. both time and space work against simplicity. Invariably some component (e. Simplicity is also prejudiced by having to organize the operational logistical system from units that are or that may be unfamiliar with each other based on estimates that have an untested and/or questionable value. “economy of force.) or item (e. Often operations develop in an unforeseen and different direction or tempo. Responsiveness.   Survivability. flexibility and anticipation are crucial in maintaining an effective and a sufficient degree of responsiveness. driven by the flow of battle. and information to effectively support operations. Economy. efficiency throughout the system is crucial. responsiveness is mathematically quantifiable and is measurable to a certain degree.g. History teaches that one can expect an unrelenting chain of such issues. especially the closer one gets to the forward edge of the combat zone. ammunition) of the logistical system will become a constraint on operations. at the right time. capabilities..” It is axiomatic that resources are always limited and at some point shortfalls are inevitable. and flexibility and while maximizing combat power and operational reach. It blends the effects of the other principles and confirms or denies whether a course of action is feasible. and executing sustainment operations. Successful theater logistics demands both efficiency and effectiveness. Consequently. plus these units have the benefit of having smaller time and space factors.  Simplicity. Therefore. adequacy. provides the right support. the greater the possibility and probability that some circumstance will change. efficiency is always trumped by effectiveness. This is a direct function of force protection and the scale of the threat within the operational environment. It is analogous to the principle of war. and logistical needs. Continuity is achieved through an integrated logistical system ensuring command confidence in sustainment allowing commanders freedom of action. Both Eccles3 and Huston4 take this same track but use “feasibility” to describe what is included in adequacy. Continuity is the uninterrupted provision of sustainment across all levels of war. and concepts of support. It is a function of creativity in thought and action. inventing. Whichever term we use. 1987). Attainability.2 The principles of “attainability” and “sustainability” can be effectively combined and retitled as “adequacy” without a loss of validity. there is a direct and crucial bearing on assessing logistical constraints in operations. This requires commanders. It requires commanders to track resources and make critical decisions eliminating backlogs or bottlenecks. and the commander’s   2 Joint Chiefs of Staff. The Sinews of War: Army Logistics 1775-1953 (Washington DC: Government Printing Office. Huston. Attainability and sustainability are discussed separately below as they are in current US doctrine. “logistical art. and the logistical system’s capability. See ST4-1 (formerly 63-1). Flexibility can only be subjectively evaluated based on the provisions made to achieve it. precision. 3 Henry E. operations. missions. It includes creating. procedures. operational reach. It is not an acceptable replacement methodology or doctrinal substitute for proper staff work and efficient/effective logistic operations  NOTE: The following principles (“flexibility” and “adequacy”) were removed from the doctrinal Army list with the publication of the 2009 edition of FM 4-0. Planning. This minimally acceptable level is determined by the logistical staff’s analysis based on the situation. for a more in depth discussion of logistic principles. 4 James A. 1967). Failing to preserve adequacy. and organizations must be flexible enough to achieve both responsiveness and economy. as well as gaining OR retaining the initiative. the assigned mission. Sustainment staffs at all levels work hand in hand with operational staffs ensuring synchronization of requirements over the entire course of the operation. their staffs. both of which may be/become significant to adequacy or feasibility. arranging. Improvisation. will mean logistical culmination. Attainability is the ability to amass a sufficient and balanced scale of logistical means required to begin combat operations. “Adequacy” gives a more proper sense of continuity across the duration of operations from having enough to begin and carry on to mission completion—a sense that the two separate terms lack. or fabricating what is needed from what is available. Continuity. enhances operational reach. April 2000. These skills enable commanders to improvise operational and tactical actions when enemy actions or unexpected events disrupt sustainment operations. Improvisation is the ability to adapt sustainment operations to unexpected situations or circumstances affecting a mission. in all probability. It may also involve changing or creating methods that adapt to an enemy that quickly evolves. conditions. Sustainment in the Theater of War. The same is true of the impact of time and timing. provides greater opportunities for decisive maneuver. or utility. The sustainment commander must apply operational art to visualize complex operations and understand what is possible at the tactical level. Eccles. Doctrine for Logistics Support of Joint Operations. Adequacy. in a word. Flexibility is the ability to adapt logistic organizations.  Flexibility. Logistics in the National Defense (Connecticut: Greenwood Press. JP 4-0. ST4-2/CH1 1-3 JUNE 2012 . The lift and distribution system capacities and distribution system capabilities will be key determinants in achieving flexibility.” A different approach to the concept is taken here.” The information that flows up and down command and logistic channels is essential to flexibility. and Soldiers to improvise other possible means to accomplish an operation. page II-2 presents “adequacy” as an alternate for “attainability. Logistical flexibility also enhances tactical and operational tempo overmatch. and methods to changing operational environments. and endurance. Preserves materiel in serviceable and operational condition. Supply also covers turning in. is as much an art as a science. Sustainment (Washington. Field services. stores. but adequacy. ST4-2/CH1 1-4 JUNE 2012 . returns to service. and issues all classes of supply required to equip and sustain Army forces. and supplies to support Distribution. managing. DC: HQDA. and prolong endurance. laundry. extend operational reach. or updates and upgrades its capability. equipment. the point of logistical culmination has been reached and combat power may begin to erode. personnel.guidance. but rather that the aggregate supply can no longer meet the demand at the point of use and that the overall supply status is beginning to fall. Moves and transfers units. Transportation. and food services. If the rate of supply cannot be increased. mortuary affairs. manages. shower. aerial delivery. FM 4-0. provision.5 Sustainment consists of many interrelated functions. textile repair. Such support integrates and manages the acquisition. Attainability is measurable based on the requirement and capability calculations performed in the estimate and decision-making processes. Maintenance.  Sustainability. 5 US Department of the Army. operations are either postponed or are undertaken with a greater degree of risk. Operational Contract Support. and provides personal services for soldiers. Feeds. This is an estimation process involving both the art and science of logistics. the key sustainment subfunctions include— Logistics:       Supply. April 2009). In other words. SUSTAINMENT WARFIGHTING FUNCTION The sustainment warfighting function is related tasks and systems which provide support and services to ensure freedom of action. If these established minimal levels cannot be met. receives. as determined by the commander. and use of all types of support from commercial sources. and executing support involves synchronizing and integrating simultaneously. operations. Operational ends must be balanced against the sufficiency of means and must consider the degree of acceptable risk. Logistical culmination does not mean our forces are out of supplies. impairing combat power and readiness. The difficulty of this estimation process grows geometrically as the scale of forces increases. Field services include clothing exchange. the tactical posture or activity (ways) must be adjusted or balanced with the available sustainment circumstances (means). 1-3. At all levels of operations. The objective is to maintain sufficient levels of combat power for as long as required. This consists of the synchronization of all elements of the logistical system to provide adequate support. exchanging and/or disposing of items. clothes. When sustainment falls below required levels (adequacy). Sustainability is a measure of the ability to maintain an acceptable scale of logistical support throughout the duration of operations. Planning. Acquires. is the commander’s operational reach sufficient to achieve the objective? Logisticians must forecast consumption requirements over time against a known or estimated availability of supply and services in the pipeline to effectively and efficiently manage the distribution system. and policy guidance. religious counseling. claims. The MPs support the battlefield 6 See chapter 5. and health service support (HSS). and biological munitions and devices presenting a threat to operations. civil law.0). The I/R function addresses MP roles when dealing with detainees. and. Within the Army. ensuring availability of medical Class VIII supplies and equipment. international law. or protect the physical environment. casualty management. Band support. other than combat engineering. Legal support. essential personnel services. and recreation. that modify. Maintains the force by preventing disease nonbattle injury (DNBI) casualties. morale. maintain. I/R operations are included under the sustainment warfighting functions (WFF) (FM 3. General Engineering Support. Finance services include pay for vendors. These activities include personnel accounting. and terrain modification and repair and selected explosive hazard activities. accountability. providing forward medical treatment. provides advice to the command on matters of religion. family members. as appropriate. protection. Although not a major sub-function of the sustainment WFF. dental. Examples include: the construction. the military police (MP) are tasked with coordinating shelter. morals. spiritual fitness training and assessment. and. Engineering provides construction support. repair. General engineering includes those engineering capabilities and activities. control. Resource management services include technical advice to commanders on operational resource management aspects.6 Personnel Services:  Human resources support. Other Sustainment Related Functions:   Explosive ordnance disposal.      Health Services Support: Health services support. accounting. morale. dislocated civilians. welfare. evacuating battlefield of casualties. providing veterinary. chemical. religious worship services. Sustainment. and operation of infrastructure. ordinances. Provides finance and resource management services to commanders. sacraments. lines of communication and bases. real estate planning and acquisition. postal operations. and US military prisoners. delivers rites. Performs operational law duties and provides advice in military justice. and real property maintenance responsive to environmental considerations. and laboratory services. services. and. and legal assistance to support command. and authorized civilians. Provides religious support to soldiers. central funding. coordinates with nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and private voluntary organizations. nuclear. ST4-2/CH1 1-5 JUNE 2012 . April 2009. FM 4-0. The Army is the DOD executive agent (EA) for all detainee operations. Neutralizes conventional. Provides all the activities and systems needed to man the force. and sustaining operations. I/R are supported by logistics. administrative law. technical advice. facilities. Financial management operations. spiritual care. and sustainment for detainees. Internment and Resettlement (I/R) Operations. Provides music to support military operations. Religious support. maintenance. providing care during evacuation. and through the CCDR. personnel services. Based on this analysis. the sustainment priority must be to maintain the momentum of the attack. What sustainment resources are available (organic. SUPPORTING TACTICAL OPERATIONS Sustainment operators and planners must understand the commander’s tactical plans and intent to ensure effective support. Where the sustainment resources are. When the sustainment resources can be available to the maneuver units. The timing of critical events. Military Police Operations.40. What the priority of support is. lateral. and FM 3-19. Therefore. 7 See FM 3-19. The end states. sustainment planners must be able to accurately predict support requirements. evacuating. After analyzing the concept of operations. SUPPORTING OFFENSIVE OPERATIONS If offensive momentum is not maintained. How sustainment resources will be made available. They must know—      The supported units’ missions.1. The operational concepts for each mission. and higher headquarters). They determine—    What type of support is required. Internment/Resettlement Operations. by type and by unit.commander by relieving him or her of the problem of handling detainees with combat forces. The times missions are to occur. What the proper priority of support is.7 1-4. sustainment planners must assess the support capabilities to determine—       What the impact or influence of logistics will be on the mission. The MPs perform the internment and resettlement functions of collecting. sustainment plans are developed that apply resources against requirements. the enemy may recover from the shock of the first assault to mount a successful counterattack. 1-5. by type and by unit. What quantity of support is required. and securing detainees. Using these requirements. ST4-2/CH1 1-6 JUNE 2012 . such as ammunition. as far forward as practicable. Establish maintenance priorities based on the commander’s guidance or intent and METT-TC. Priorities may change through various operational phases. test for contamination. effective. and maintenance. especially over rough terrain. Increase use of meals-ready-to-eat (MREs). Use captured enemy supplies and equipment. and sustainment plans must be flexible enough to support either type of operation. Plan replacement operations based on known or projected losses. Pre-stock essential supplies forward to minimize interruption of LOCs. Consider planned or pre-configured logistic packages of essential items. noncontiguous battlespace. logistic release points. and ensure that all basic loads are replenished. Suspend most field service functions except airdrop and mortuary affairs. Plan for increased consumption of petroleum. The following techniques and considerations apply to sustainment offensive planning:                      Position essential sustainment assets. and efficient echelonment of sustainment assets forward as the offensive unfolds with minimal disruption to support operations. Prepare thoroughly for casualty evacuation and mortuary affairs requirements. oils. Request distribution at forward locations. Plan for the smooth. Plan for increased vehicular maintenance. Maximize maintenance support teams well forward. Anticipate poor trafficability for sustainment vehicles across fought-over terrain. Select potential or projected supply routes. Plan and coordinate enemy prisoner of war (EPW) operations. fuel. and support areas based on map reconnaissance. and particularly support vehicles and POL. and lubricants (POL). Anticipate increasingly long LOCs as the offensive moves forward. Before use. Plan for threats to sustainment operations or units of bypassed enemy forces in a fluid. Recover damaged vehicles only to the main supply route for further recovery or evacuation. ST4-2/CH1 1-7 JUNE 2012 .A successful attack may develop into either exploitation or a pursuit. and pre-positioned ammunition. 1-7. Repairing damaged equipment and returning it to the fight requires early diagnosis and identification of faults and is done in advance. A carefully planned and strictly enforced rest-work schedule or sleep plan is necessary to ensure continuous capability. Routine details. but routine resupply is usually conducted at night. Resupply during limited visibility to reduce the chance of enemy interference. Plan to reorganize to reconstitute lost sustainment capability. In defensive operations. the priorities and requirements for support may change. Continuous sustainment operations require careful personnel management. SUPPORTING DEFENSIVE OPERATIONS The immediate purpose of the defense is to cause an enemy attack to fail and to break the momentum of the attack. plans must be made for the control of this ammunition. However. These considerations apply in some degree to all offensive operations. sustainment elements from company through BCT take advantage of the lull to prepare supported units for the next operation. and normal services are done whenever the opportunity exists. plus the sustainment requirements of additional engineering units assigned for preparation of the defense. does not require a major shift in sustainment plans and procedures. ST4-2/CH1 1-8 JUNE 2012 . repair work. However. The change from one type of operation to another. General considerations in preparing for defensive operations include the following:      Preposition ammunition. Ensure that sustainment preparations for the attack do not compromise tactical plans.  Consider the increasing distances and longer travel times for supply operations. mines. Maintenance. 1-6. and operator maintenance use support personnel time not spent on the road. Vulnerability and limited cross-country mobility of sustainment vehicles dictate that logistic packages (LOGPACs) use existing roads and cover of night. Emergency resupply is conducted when needed. Make plans to destroy those stocks. such as from a hasty attack to a pursuit. Perhaps the most critical time in the defense is the preparation stage. if necessary. Consider and plan for additional transportation requirements for movement of Class IV barrier materiel. The main purpose of sustainment in the offensive is to maintain the momentum of the attack. Use maintenance support teams in the unit maintenance collection point (UMCP) to reduce the need to recover equipment to the brigade support area (BSA). Whenever there is a pause in combat operations and maneuver units are not fighting. POL. CONTINUOUS SUPPORT Sustainment operations are by nature continuous. perimeter guard. pre-position ammunition on occupied and prepared positions. and barrier materiel in centrally located position well forward. Plan for special equipment such as body armor. Position support units as far forward as the tactical situation permits. and explosives. Leaders must plan to expedite evacuating the wounded out of the urban area. The support plan must include how munitions are moved to the companies fighting forward in close contact with enemy forces. claymore mines. Protect supplies and sustainment elements from the effects of enemy fire. command and control. During urban operations (UO) fuel consumption is usually reduced. Maintenance teams must operate well forward and may utilize civilian facilities to set up repair operations. Generally. grappling hooks. and proximity of main supply route (MSR). security. with injuries adding to combat wounded. The urban environment will be a major obstacle due to rubble and restricted movement routes. close range anti-armor weapons. Plan for and use host country support and civil resources when practical. UO casualty rates run higher. Disperse and decentralize sustainment elements with proper emphasis on communication. engineer and power generation equipment will be the largest fuel consuming equipment unless armored vehicles are employed. ladders. increased strain on communications and night vision devices. Urban combat is characterized by a high usage of ammunition. ST4-2/CH1 1-9 JUNE 2012 . Prolonged urban combat also generates incredible stress. Tracked/armored vehicles are generally necessary but carrying parties will be needed for the final leg of distribution. and treatment plans must be in place for battle fatigue or combat stress cases. rope. Some general guidelines for sustainment during urban operations:         Preconfigure resupply loads and push them forward at every opportunity. Evacuation and battle damage assessment and repair (BDAR) efforts will also be complicated by the terrain. and fragmentation grenades. SUSTAINMENT IN URBAN OPERATIONS The very nature of urban operations (UO) creates unique demands on tactical sustainment system. smoke. and increased small arms repair requirements. Plan for extensive use of carrying parties. primarily small arms. but bulk resupply is more difficult because of constricted access and reduced trafficability. Provide supplies to using units in required quantities as close as possible to the location where those supplies are needed. Aid stations must be as far forward as possible and must be liberally stocked with supplies. stun. Typically. Other considerations for UO include a high demand for tires. and hand tools.1-8. concussion. May be required in locations and events within broader operations across the entire spectrum of conflict. ST4-2/CH1 1-10 JUNE 2012 . Interagency planning and operations. Support to local and/or foreign civil national governments.1-9. Support of and to NGOs. SUSTAINMENT STABILITY OPERATIONS        Sustainment support for non-combat centered disaster relief and humanitarian operations. May require extensive reliance on contractors and outside expertise. Integration of civil affairs with support planning and operations. equipment density. Personnel and logistic staff officers coordinate with other staff officers when preparing their estimates.)? Who are the supported units and how will they change during the operation? ST4-2/CH2 2-1 JUNE 2012 . This methodology is used across the entire decision-making process. etc.CHAPTER 2 MISSION ANALYSIS AND PERSONNEL/LOGISTIC ESTIMATES 2-1. Estimates are integral to the commander’s decision-making process. estimates are not normally written. The following sustainment mission analysis considerations and personnel/logistic estimate formats contain guidance and information on how to perform and complete the estimate process. Requirements. to where. planning factors. analysis. capabilities. Questions that logistic planners and operators should always be able to answer are—      Where are we on the battlefield? Why are we here? How do we support from here? How do we get support from here? When. At echelons above division. The estimates are as thorough as time permits. Personnel and logistic estimates are kept current. and in what sequence do we displace to ensure continuous operations? This methodology is based on the supported unit’s sustainment needs. analytically comparing the two to illuminate mission shortfalls. but they are still responsible for the validity of all data that they include in their estimate. This chapter is designed to assist logistic staff planners in preparing a mission analysis and personnel/logistic estimate. The most basic question is what impact personnel or logistics has on combat operations. the estimate is written and follows the format outlined on the following pages. As factors that influence operations change. computer estimating models. and determining solutions. new facts are developed and assumptions become facts or become invalid. There are five areas to address: requirements. At the division level. personnel density. SUSTAINMENT MISSION ANALYSIS CONSIDERATIONS The basic methodology for logistic planners within the decision-making process is to determine requirements and to evaluate capabilities. The level of detail reflects each planner’s position and organization. Mission analysis considerations feed information into the estimate process. They may incorporate material from other staff estimates.g. GENERAL The mission analysis process and personnel and logistic estimates are logical and systematic processes that staff officers use to analyze the influence sustainment factors have on a contemplated course of action (COA)..   What are the sources of basic logistic consumption requirements data and analytical calculations (e. shortfalls. 2-2. pursuit. cranes. a fresh water source.         What available units fulfill the requirement? What is the basis of allocation for these units? How many units over what time duration are needed to fulfill the mission? What are the overall receipt. level area of land. exploitation. berm for a bag farm)? What is the expected duration of the required preparation? How do we get the preparatory work done? Who does it? What support is required for preparatory activities? What support is required for preparatory activities? Capabilities.?) What has to be done to move it once it is there? Are there special employment considerations (e. etc. biological.g. does it need to be located near a MSR)? How often is it required? How often must it be replenished? Are there preparatory activities (e..?) Is there a nuclear.. dedicated transportation. assembled. or.. etc.g. pauses. deep attacks. (What are the ramifications of river crossings. a large. retrograde. refrigeration. storage. and issue requirements? Are receipts and issues exclusive capabilities? commodity can units receive. fuel bladders/bags. store. and issue?) (For example. rough-terrain container handlers. how much of a particular Will or can this capability be used to logistically weight the battle? What are the total short tons (STs)/gallon/other distribution capability by mode? Line-haul? Local-haul? Other? What distribution planning factors were used? How many locations require this capability? 2-2 JUNE 2012 ST4-2/CH2 .)? How will you get it there? When do you need it there? How long will it take to get it there? How soon will it be available to move there? Does it have to move again after it gets there? Who will move it from there? What are the competing demands for this requirement? What is required to off-load it when it gets there? Does anything need to be done with it once it gets there? (e.                     Identify implied logistic tasks based on the tactical plan.g. unpacked. etc. or chemical (NBC) threat? What do you need? How long will you need it? Where do you need it? What do you need to put it there (for example. forklifts. build stock levels or immediate consumption)? Will support be provided from a fixed location or from a forward logistic element? What is the shortfall’s significance? What is the shortfall’s potential impact? What caused the shortfall (battle loss. etc. region. a resource (equipment.g. or a distribution shortfall? Analysis. etc.        If there is no shortfall. facilities.    Are any units with this capability already committed? Are any units with this capability due in? When? Do units depend on other units to function? (For example. some transportation requires cargo transfer company support. or square feet)? What does the shortfall equate to in terms of days of supply (DOS)? At what point in the battle is the requirement expected to exceed the capability? What is the type of shortfall? Availability shortfall. Analysis is done for every support operation. consider the following: o o o o Is the shortfall only at our level or is it at higher levels as well? Is it a result of higher commands’ efforts and support priorities? Is the supply available at other echelons and. gallons. Which requirements exceed capabilities? For requirements that exceed capabilities. Planner need to determine the overall impact on combat operations and how best to support or sustain those operations. where? How long will it take to arrive? Is there an acceptable alternative. personnel.) Are there unique management or employment considerations? Comparison/Shortfall.          What is the earliest the support operation can begin? What is the latest the support operation can begin? Is it better to be early or late? What is the purpose of the support (e. or an alternative source of supply? ST4-2/CH2 2-3 JUNE 2012 . or time? How much is the shortfall in terms of quantity (ST.) shortfall.)? If the shortfall is a supply availability shortfall. time-phased force deployment sequence.. whether shortfalls exist or not. a substitute. go to the analysis portion of this methodology. if so. material handling equipment (MHE). is it overall or in a particular area. consider the following:      Can resources be diverted or obtained from somewhere else? (For example. it is easier to find a mechanic than an M-1 fire control specialist. MHE.   Determine the most workable solutions based on analysis.). Joint Doctrine for Personnel Support to Joint Operations. etc. necessary. shortfalls. analyses. capabilities.) Is host nation support a viable alternative? Is a contract a viable alternative? How specialized is the shortfall resource? (For example. roles. There must be continuity and integration with the tactical decision-making process and the logistic planning process. Joint Publication 1-0. field landing strips.) Can a secondary military occupational specialty (MOS) be used? Does a sister service or coalition partner have the capability? If the shortfall is a distribution shortfall. an analysis of the impact on each phase of an operation. Human resource management officers can expect to work at various levels of command. Integrate with other support operations and commodities. It includes a current personnel status of the organization. given proper supervision and technical assistance. 2-3. facilities. and solutions). consider the following:         Is the shortfall due to a lack of assets or due to a time-distance problem? Does the capability shortfall require special handling or distribution requirements? Are there alternative distribution modes? Are there alternative mode requirements? (For example. This guidance affects deploying unit personnel and establishes policy for deployment eligibility and the operation of systems and procedures for conducting personnel services and support within specific theaters of operation. and valid assumptions for each of the model’s categories (requirements. delineates the J1’s authority. its subordinate units. The following excerpt from JP 1-0 specifies the joint personnel estimate. ST4-2/CH2 2-4 JUNE 2012 . 16 October 2006. a cargo transfer company can supplement a CSA with lift. and any attached or supporting elements. personnel.If the shortfall is a resource shortfall (equipment. or helipads nearby? How do we echelon/displace our capability forward? Which units are involved? When? Solutions. State up front any associated. etc.) Are host nation distribution assets available? Are sister service or coalition assets available? Are they compatible? Are there any airfields. a pipeline requires continuous pump and hose/pipeline maintenance or engineering support to lay the pipeline. FORMAT AND INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PERSONNEL ESTIMATE The J1/G1/S1 prepares the personnel estimate. and responsibilities. Joint Publication 1-0 PERSONNEL ESTIMATE CLASSIFICATION PERSONNEL ESTIMATE NO _____ REFERENCES: a. Maps and charts. b. Other pertinent documents. 1. Mission. State the unit mission taken from the commander’s mission analysis, planning guidance, and other statements. 2. Situation and considerations. a. Characteristics of the operational area. Summarize data about the area, taken from the intelligence estimate or area study, with specific emphasis on personnel activities. b. Enemy forces.   Strength and dispositions. Refer to current intelligence estimate. Enemy capabilities. Discuss enemy capabilities taken from current intelligence estimate, with specific emphasis on their impact on personnel matters. c. Friendly forces.      Present disposition of major elements. Include an estimate of their strengths. Own courses of action. State the proposed COAs under consideration, obtained from operations or plans division. Probable developments. Review major deployments necessary in initial and subsequent phases of the operation proposed. Status of replacements and/or augmentees. Civilian considerations. d. Logistic situation. State any known logistic problems that might affect the personnel situation. e. Communications situation. State the situation, emphasizing known problems that may affect the personnel situation. f. Assumptions. State assumptions about the personnel situation essential to this estimate. Because basic assumptions for the operation already have been made and will appear in the planning guidance and in the plan itself, they should not be repeated here. Certain personnel assumptions that have been made in preparing this estimate should be stated here. ST4-2/CH2 2-5 JUNE 2012 g. Special features. List everything not covered elsewhere in the estimate that may influence the personnel situation (e.g., identify available labor resources essential to support operations). h. Personnel situation. State known or anticipated personnel problems that may influence the commander when he or she selects a specific COA.  Unit strength maintenance. Present information for all assigned and attached units. Include the effects of deployability, losses and projected losses, critical shortages, projected gains, and personnel restrictions. Replacements and return to duty (RTD). Provide projected numbers by grade, MOS, or branch. Identify issues affecting the personnel processing flow. Non-combat issues. Include issues pertaining to other than assigned personnel that may affect the mission (e.g., POWs, local nationals, US forces augmentees, civilian internees, detainees, and DoD or DA civilians). Soldier personnel readiness. State morale, esprit de corps, stability and condition of soldiers, commitment and cohesion, and organizational climate. Personnel service support. Address changes or problems in policies or programs for awards, assignments, reassignments, finance services, health services, leaves and passes, legal services, morale support activities, orders, pay, personal affairs, personnel services, postal services, promotions, records, and religious activity. Technology. State the status of human resource technology that can affect the COA (e.g., VSAT access, Web-based and voice-based systems, and database status). Logistics. Include transportation requirements for R5 and postal operations; the availability of uniforms and equipment for individuals processing through the R5 who have lost, damaged or destroyed items; and, the availability of life support for individuals in the R5 process.       3. Personnel analysis of own courses of action. Make an orderly examination of factors influencing the proposed COAs to determine the manner and degree of influence and to isolate the personnel implications that the commander should weigh in his estimate. a. Analyze each COA from the personnel point of view. The detail of the analysis is driven by the level of command, the scope of contemplated operations, and the urgency of need. b. Decision criteria establish the elements to be analyzed for each COA under consideration. Examine each COA realistically and include appropriate considerations. c. Throughout the analysis, keep personnel considerations foremost in mind. The analysis is not intended to produce a decision but to ensure planners considered pertinent personnel factors. 4. Comparison of own courses of action. List the advantages and disadvantages of each proposed COA from the J1/G1/S1 perspective. ST4-2/CH2 2-6 JUNE 2012 5. Conclusions. a. State whether or not the mission can be supported from a personnel standpoint. b. State which COA under consideration can be supported best from a personnel standpoint. c. Identify the major personnel-related deficiencies that must be brought to the commander’s attention. Include recommendations of methods to mitigate such deficiencies. Annexes (by letter and by title). Use annexes when information is of such detail and volume that inclusion in the body makes the estimate overly cumbersome. Annexes should be lettered sequentially as they occur through the estimate. Distribution (according to procedures and policies of the issuing headquarters). Notes. 1. The format for an estimate of the situation helps the personnel planner apply thoroughness, clarity, judgment, logic, and professional knowledge to the situation. The format is a logical and useful tool that is flexible. 2. The personnel estimate of the situation is a continuous personnel staff process. 3. The J1/S1/G1 planners use information, conclusions, and recommendations from other staff estimates to analyze the mission and may incorporate some of the material into the personnel estimate (e.g., intelligence preparation of the battlefield (IPB), medical, logistics, or civil military affairs). 4. How planners arrive at decisions is a matter of art and science; sound decisions result from a thorough, clear, unemotional analysis of all pertinent situational data. Providing input to the unit health services plan is crucial. In coordination with the medical planners, consider the unit health services plan, and analyze the impact on current and projected operations. Areas to examine include evacuation capabilities and policies, estimates of medical causalities (injured, sick, and wounded), expected return to duty (RTD) and prisoners of war. 5. Under modularity, the brigade S1 is the human resources center of gravity. In order to accomplish the HR mission, the brigade S1 must have an understanding of the planning process. Management and analysis of personnel data must lead to actionable knowledge. Actionable knowledge is essential for mission analysis, of which the personnel estimate is a part. 2-4. FORMAT AND INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE LOGISTICS ESTIMATE The J4/G4/S4 prepares the logistics estimate, which provides an accurate and current assessment of the sustainment status/situation including its subordinate, attached, and supporting elements. The logistics estimate is an analysis of how service support factors can affect mission accomplishment. It contains the J4/G4/S4 conclusions and recommendations about the feasibility of supporting operational and tactical missions. This estimate includes the functional areas of supply, transportation, services, maintenance, labor, facilities, and construction affecting each COA. ST4-2/CH2 2-7 JUNE 2012 (Classification) Headquarters Location Date, time, and zone Msg ref no. LOGISTICS (LOG) ESTIMATE NO References. Maps, charts, or other documents. Time zone used throughout the estimate. 1. Mission. The command’s restated mission. 2. Situation and considerations. a. Characteristics of the area of operations. (1) Weather. Describe effects. (2) Terrain. Describe effects. (3) Other pertinent facts. b. Enemy forces. Enemy dispositions, composition, strength, capabilities, and COAs as they affect specific staff areas of concern. c. Friendly forces. (1) Friendly COAs. (2) Sustainment situation. This subparagraph should reflect the current status. In the case of detailed information at higher levels of command, a summary may appear under the subheading with reference to an annex to the estimate. You may use an overlay to show all Sustainment units and installations, current and proposed. Include current status, capability, and any enhanced or reduced capability attached, detached, or supporting units may cause. (a) Maintenance. Provide a general statement about the present capability (such as repair time factors, posture of maintenance units, some reference to Class VII and Class IX status if it affects maintenance capability, status of Class VII end items that may affect maintenance, etc.). (b) Supply. Provide overall status. Ammunition and POL are generally of particular importance. Include pertinent comments on resupply availability. Provide information under subheadings of classes of supply; list them in the most meaningful measure (e.g. DOS, total line items, equipment shortages by unit). (c) Services. Provide present status; include both capabilities and problems. (d) Transportation. Provide present capabilities to meet transportation requirements. Detail the adequacy of routes, facilities, and terminals to support distribution requirements. Discuss capability of movement control to provide in-transit visibility of movements and to assure sustained flow. Address time and distance factors that influence the ST4-2/CH2 2-8 JUNE 2012 and so forth. (h) EPW operations. replacements. restrictions on use of civilians. Be prepared to justify each assumption and explain its necessity and impact on the planning effort. Information for this subparagraph comes from the CMO officer. you probably will need assumptions to initiating planning and/or to prepare the estimate. Provide present status of medical treatment and evacuation resources. d. actively seek facts to supplant/replace earlier assumptions. Provide present situation. Determine whether a shortfall or excess capability exists. and sustainment functions. (i) Other factors that may adversely affect sustainment operations such as refugee or humanitarian relief operations and NGO support or private volunteer organization (PVO) operations. and deficiencies. (3) Status of other areas affecting sustainment. (5) Key considerations for course of action (COA) supportability. ST4-2/CH2 2-9 JUNE 2012 . discuss ways to overcome it. List your evaluative criteria. Analyze all logistical factors for each subheading (paragraph 2e) against each COA highlighting issues. strengths of units. Provide status of construction to upgrade existing facilities and create facilities where needed. and factors for casualties. (c) Present disposition of forces. Show any projected developments within the CMO field that might influence personnel operations. airlift/drop. problems. and any anticipated increase in casualty rates or EPW workloads). construction. Describe the effects. Include present dispositions of civil affairs (CA) units and installations that affect the personnel situation. status. This paragraph should contain a coherent narrative analysis explaining evaluation criteria. and applied logic. Until the commander provides specific planning guidance.transportation capability against time considerations. Address availability of host nation facilities. and in-transit visibility. projected location of patient-collecting points and ambulance exchange points (AXPs). (4) Comparison of requirements versus capabilities. (g) Health services support (HSS). Assumptions. (e) Labor. and so forth. hospital returnees. As planning continues. and status of combat health logistics (including blood. Include information obtained from the personnel officer. Show any projected developments within the personnel field likely to influence sustainment operations. The analysis provides both logistical and tactical impact for each COA. calculations. (f) Facilities and construction. Show comparison for each element affecting personnel. (a) Civil-military operations (CMO) situation. If a shortfall exists. Address facilities. Present dispositions of personnel and administration units and installations that would affect the sustainment situation. Include total strength. medical regulating. 3. Consider factors such as facilities and terminals. (b) Personnel situation. Analysis. (5) Field services. List the advantages and disadvantages against mission b. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each considered COA. Recommendation and conclusions. Evaluate sustainment deficiencies. (1) Maintenance. List the major sustainment deficiencies the commander must consider. Comparison. 5. (12) Other. a. (2) Transportation. (10) Legal and band. as appropriate. Indicate which COA or COAs the sustainment can best support. Include subparagraphs. (4) Health services support. (3) Supply. (8) Financial management. (6) Explosive ordnance disposal (EOD). (11) Contract services. success. Will it be cleared of enemy units? Will other units be sharing the same area (units passing through one another)? Will boundaries remain unchanged? b. Determine if the area under control is adequate for sustainment operations. (7) Human resources support. overcoming any deficiencies or modifications each COA requires. Include methods of b. Sufficiency of area. /s/____________________________ Sustainment Officer—G4 Annexes: (as required) _____________ (Classification) ST4-2/CH2 2-10 JUNE 2012 . Materiel and services. (9) Religious. a. 4. Include specific recommendations concerning the methods of mitigating the effect of these deficiencies.a. G5.     Use clear. 3-1 JUNE 2012    ST4-2/CH3 .  The concept of sustainment is accompanied by a sustainment overlay showing pertinent logistical information such as support units’ locations. DEVELOPMENTAL GUIDELINES General rules for paragraph 4a. The G4/S4. subordinate commanders. The concept of sustainment establishes priorities of support (by phase or before. the briefer the concept of sustainment. personnel officers. avoid technical jargon and terminology. as needed. fuel and/or ammunition. and after the operation. and after) for the operation. The more comprehensive the TSOP is. yet comprehensive. locations. This makes paragraph 4a the logistic equivalent to the concept of the operation. 3-2. these subparagraphs are omitted and this detailed information is published as part of the service support annex to the plan. The intent is not to address each function unless it is critical or unusual. the concept is written for commanders and not for logisticians. surgeon.CHAPTER 3 THE CONCEPT OF SUSTAINMENT (PARAGRAPH 4a) AND SUSTAINMENT OVERLAY ______________________________________________________________________________ 3-1. Priorities include such things as personnel replacements. and supporting logistic organizations. and any resource subject to competing demands or constraints. Formations comprised of units of different parent (read BCT) organizations or who don’t share habitual relationships probably lack a common TSOP and therefore require a more lengthy concept of sustainment. The more complex the operation (a multiphase operation or operations larger formations conduct). maintenance and evacuation. the more critical the sustainment synchronization. Additional subparagraphs provide more detailed sustainment information by functional area. The operative term is consider. yet comprehensive language. and the support battalion or the sustainment brigade) prepares the concept of sustainment (paragraph four in the OPORD format). the staff communicates this decision through the operation plan/operation order (OPLAN/OPORD). concise. road network use by unit and/or commodity. The explanation follows the same phasing as used in the overall plan or frames the actions around a before. Usually. during. This paragraph contains:  Paragraph 4a is the concept of sustainment. Consider the sustainment functions in the context of actions by phase of an operation or. simple. These priorities are set by commander at each level in his intent statement and the concept of the operation (paragraph 3). supply routes. finance. Focus on what non-sustainment commanders need to know about how the operation will be sustained. GENERAL After the commander selects a COA. with input from the other logistic staff elements (G1/S1. during. Remember. before. and after battle timeline. by unit and by system (aviation and surface systems would be given separate priorities). This concise. Synchronize the concept of sustainment with the concept of the operation. and the primary staff how the critical logistic actions unfold in support of the concept of operations (paragraph 3). The details required by logistics planners and executors are provided in appropriate annexes. paragraph tells the commander. during. or constant information is not included in the concept of sustainment. Lessons learned data and historical perspectives to view how others successfully. SOURCES SUSTAINMENT The logistician actively participating in the decision-making process facilitates the concept of sustainment’s development. The operational concept. and sustainment overlay. with the commander’s priorities. The unit’s battle book. By its very nature. doctrinal. during mission analysis. or unusual aspects of support? Does it apply the sustainment characteristics? OF INFORMATION FOR DEVELOPING THE CONCEPT OF 3-3. Logistics planners need to review the concept of sustainment and ensure it meets the commander’s needs. the sustainment planner determines the unit’s current materiel and personnel posture before the operation begins. and after? Does it establish priorities of support by phase and do these priorities correlate with the priorities established in the commander’s intent. the concept of the operation (paragraph 3)? Is the concept of sustainment easily understood and is it comprehensive and concise? Does it facilitate visualization (a word picture) of the overall concept of sustainment? Does it consider and address. It is incorporated into the unit TSOP. This. There are several basic questions the sustainment planner should ask:          Is the concept as simple as it could be or is it unnecessarily complicated or complex? Is the concept of sustainment properly synchronized with. and does it support. and other directives from higher? Is it written for non-sustainment commanders and their primary staffs and is it focused for supported units? Does it address all critical. or unsuccessfully. supported similar operations. paragraph 3. during. Specifically. determines which units and equipment items should receive priority before the operation. It is important to understand the next higher commander’s support priorities and where your particular unit fits into those priorities. There are numerous other information sources for the concept of sustainment. Maneuver control system screens and/or other locally-generated status charts. The wargaming and quantitative analysis portions of COA analysis highlight critical and/or unusual logistic requirements and determine support priorities during each phase of the operation. service support plan. Higher headquarters concept of sustainment. These include—       The commander’s guidance and intent.   Routine. the sustainment functions by phase of an operation or in the context of before. and of primary interest to unit logistic personnel. 3-2 JUNE 2012 ST4-2/CH3 . wargaming facilitates logistic synchronization with the concept of the operation. may be in another subparagraph of 4 or in the service support annex. Detailed and numerical data relevant to the operation. as required. non-SOP.             Maintenance priorities (air and ground). Transportation. and support relationships. staging areas. support areas. heavy or light force mixes. and attack positions (if any). They are intended. BDAR procedures. Support provided by/to higher or adjacent units or other unusual support arrangements. Maintenance. Foreign nation support and/or host nation support arrangements. Anticipated workload (battle damage and maintenance failure rates and projections). Transportation requirements (logistical versus tactical). as a point of departure for sustainment planners developing a sufficient concept of sustainment. Programmed locations and projected displacements of logistic support units and areas. Maintenance support team employment. Movement and route use priorities (units and/or commodities). SUSTAINMENT FUNCTION PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS The areas of consideration listed below are not intended as an all-encompassing checklist and some may not apply. Supporting attached or detached forces (cavalry. 3-3 JUNE 2012 ST4-2/CH3 . Although the items are considered. Locations or displacements of maintenance or repair part supply units. Route or event (timing) priorities. Evacuation procedures may include recovery procedures. Unit reconstitution. Special considerations for joint or combined sustainment operations. Significant risks. Unusual and/or critical impact of weather. Items for overall consideration:             Support boundaries. out-of-sector support.3-4. Sustainment actions supporting security and/or deception plans and/or operations. Sustainment unit availability and task organization (capability versus requirements). Distribution methods for Classes VII and IX. they are not necessarily addressed in the concept of sustainment unless they are critical. and security on sustainment operations. or unusual. etc. Support from other sources. Controlled substitution or cannibalization procedures. 2. non-SOP. Items to consider in each phase of the operation: 1. covering force units. light infantry. rather.) Sustainment actions in assembly areas (AA). Maintenance repair timelines. terrain. Required supply rate (RSR) versus controlled supply rate (CSR). ST4-2/CH3 3-4 JUNE 2012 .. Loads’ status: basic. Sustainment replenishment operations (SRO) and reconstitution. Monitoring and reporting requirements. no more than what percent of the CSR may be expended to support the covering force?). Distribution methods. and IX (less VIII). VI. Refugees.                              Traffic control requirements. and engineer support). VII. ammunition supply point (ASP). foreign nation support.g. Classes of supply I. Alternate modes of transportation. enemy. III. III(P). Transportation unit or asset displacements. Mode selection. and theater staging area (TSA) locations (only general locations and grids on the sustainment overlay). rail. and backhaul priorities. Support from other sources. Bulk refueling procedures. Displacement of fuel/refueling assets. Route maintenance and security requirements (effects of weather. heavy-equipment transport (HET) priorities. Distribution methods (supply point or unit). Support from sister services. II. Supply. 3. Supply routes. Current status (in vehicles and bulk carriers/storage). operational. Refuel assets. IV. e. combat. ROM and/or FARP operations. or combat configured. CSR suballocation. Forecasted requirements and ammunition prestocking arrangements. Expenditure restrictions (e. Fuel allocations. Emergency resupply procedures. Ammunition transfer handling point (ATHP). Lines of communication (LOC) security.g. V. Throughput operations. Trailer transfer arrangements or cargo transfer/terminal operations. Significant risks. 4. Health services support.     Projected casualties and their effect on combat readiness. Establishing or adjusting personnel and medical support priorities. Medical treatment facility locations. Evacuation procedures for killed in action (KIA)/wounded in action (WIA). 5. Field services.   Location of field service units and capabilities. Location of mortuary affairs personnel, aerial delivery units, clothing exchange, laundry, showers, textile repair, and food services. 6. Explosive ordnance disposal (EOD).   Location of EOD units and capabilities. Identifying procedures for neutralizing domestic or foreign conventional nuclear, chemical, and biological munitions and devices that present a threat to military operations and civilian facilities. 7. Human resources support.     Manning the force, to include personnel readiness management, personnel accounting and strength reporting replacements and R&R operations. Providing human resource services, to include awards, promotions, military pay, and casualty operations. Location of personnel accounting activities, casualty management, postal operations, and morale, welfare, and recreation (MWR) facilities and equipment. Providing personnel support, to include: postal operations and morale, welfare, and recreation (MWR) support. 8. Financial management operations. Location of financial and resource management services. 9. Religious, legal, and band support. Location of religious support operations, legal operations, and band support. 3-5. CONCEPT OF SUSTAINMENT FORMAT The concept of sustainment format is structured according to the warfighter’s operational plan. The format below may use the “support by phase” methodology or a “before, during, and after operations” methodology. An example of the “support by phase” methodology is shown below and in appendixes c and d. The concept of sustainment method used by the sustainment planner must match the operational concept. This ensures clarity and synchronization in planning. The concept of sustainment’s intent is not to “boilerplate” unnecessary information. Rather, it is to think through specifically applying logistics to the concept of the operation and to craft a word picture that nonsustainment commanders and their primary staffs can easily understand. While each of the sustainment functions are considered under each phase of the operation, they should only be addressed if the support arrangement is critical, non-SOP, or unusual. ST4-2/CH3 3-5 JUNE 2012 Example concepts of support for brigade, division, and corps are provided in appendixes c and d. These are not related to any specific concept of operation but are provided to illustrate format and to provide a feel for concepts of support at various levels. * * * * * * * * (FORMAT) * * * * * 4.0 SERVICE SUPPORT (Paragraph 4a) Concepts of support. Paragraph 4a will provide an overall view of the concept of sustainment. The intent is to provide the non-sustainment commanders and their primary staffs an image of how the operation will be logistically supported. If the information pertains to the entire operation, or if it pertains to more than one unit, include it in the introductory portion of paragraph 4a then change it in the ensuing subparagraphs when needed. This could include—           A brief synopsis of the support command mission. Support command headquarters and/or support area locations, including locations of next higher logistic bases if not clearly conveyed in the sustainment overlay. The next higher level’s support priorities and where the unit fits into those priorities. Priorities remaining unchanged throughout the operation. Units in the next higher sustainment organization supporting the unit. Significant and/or unusual sustainment issues that might impact the overall operation. The use of host nation support. Any significant sustainment risks. PHASE I (Starts with “event” and ends with “event.”) Logistic focus. Priorities: o By unit. o For personnel replacements. o Movement. o By class of supply. o Maintenance and/or recovery and evacuation priorities (by unit and equipment type).   Critical events or other pertinent information needed to communicate how logistic support will be conducted for the operation. Arrange other information in the concept of sustainment by sustainment function. Sustainment risks. PHASE II (Starts with “event” and ends with “event.”) If there are any differences or changes, state them in this paragraph.   Logistic focus. Priorities o o By unit. For personnel replacements. 3-6 JUNE 2012 ST4-2/CH3    o Movement. o By class of supply. o Maintenance and/or recovery and evacuation priorities (by unit and by equipment type). Critical events or other pertinent information needed to communicate how logistic support will be conducted for the operation. Arrange other information in the concept of sustainment by sustainment function. Critical decision points. Sustainment risks. PHASES III, IV and V (Starts with “event” and ends with “event.”) If there are any differences or changes from previous phases, state them here.   Logistic focus. Priorities: o o o o o By unit. For personnel replacements. Movement. By class of supply. Maintenance and/or recovery and evacuation priorities (by unit and equipment type).      Critical events or other pertinent information needed to communicate how logistic support will be conducted for the operation. Arrange other information in the concept of sustainment by sustainment function. Reconstitution (referenced in the last phase). Regeneration (last phase). Preparing for future operations (last phase). Sustainment risks. Paragraphs 4b through 4e are normally more detailed and are included in the service support annex. They are not part of the concept of sustainment. Concepts of support written before, during, and after format follow the same guidance as by phase. 3-6. BRIEFING THE CONCEPT OF SUSTAINMENT The logistician’s role in the overall OPLAN/OPORD briefing is to brief the concept of sustainment, but he must first understand the concept of the operation and the commander’s intent. This briefing facilitates communicating the concept of sustainment to the commander and the subordinate commanders. The concept of sustainment briefing should address the critical, non-SOP, or unusual aspects of logistic support by phase of an operation by critical sustainment functions. Doctrinal, usual, or SOP matters should not be addressed unless there is a deviation in support relationships or normal methods. The sustainment planner briefs the concept of sustainment, working through the operation by phase. This briefing should go into greater detail than is laid out in the written concept of sustainment. Some rules of thumb for the concept of sustainment briefing:  Tell commanders what they can expect from sustainment and how many days or hours they can operate based on materiel readiness, quantities of supplies on hand, etc. Use common terms such 3-7 JUNE 2012 ST4-2/CH3 as DOS or other terms meaningful to the commander. Avoid jargon, technical terminology, or SOP information.        Address the “culminating point” from a logistic perspective. Avoid briefing the extensive number crunching associated with the logistics estimate process— brief the impact (the “so what”); be prepared to present or discuss your methodology. Do not read a written product; explain using the sustainment overlay and appropriate visual aids, such as a concept of sustainment overview matrix. Show the commander how the concept of sustainment is synchronized with and supports the concept of the operation. The briefing should include locations of critical logistic assets, headquarters, and events. Address priorities, shifts in priorities, problem areas and solutions, and critical events. The bottom line: The logistician must tell the commander what he needs to know. Concept of sustainment briefing format: Introduction (overview of the concept of sustainment and orientation to the map, if required). Orientation to the map is not required if another briefer has done so previously. Do not assume the commander totally knows the terrain. Focus on locating critical sustainment nodes, MSRs, etc. Brief the concept of sustainment starting with critical actions that must be accomplished in the first phase of the operation and conclude with critical actions to be accomplished in the last phase. This will prepare for future operations using the sustainment functions as a guide. Identify which units have priorities for each critical sustainment function. (This should correlate with the commander’s priorities, e.g., main effort.) Identify the next higher echelon unit providing support and/or backup support. Identify any critical shortages or problem areas for each sustainment function and solution. For example, this can be supported, but ____, or it can be done, but not without risk to____. Identify any other sustainment problem areas, arrangements, special requirements, or any other critical aspects addressed elsewhere in the briefing.      3-7. THE SUSTAINMENT OVERLAY The sustainment overlay is a graphic representation of the tactical array of support areas and units. Ideally, it accompanies copies of the OPLAN and/or OPORD distributed to subordinate headquarters and is used as a graphic backdrop to OPORD, paragraph 4, “Concept of Sustainment.” (See appendixes e, f, and g as examples.) The sustainment overlay should include (as a minimum)—       Locations of current and proposed support areas. Boundaries for sustainment responsibilities. MSRs. Locations of major headquarters. Locations of sustainment installations and units. Locations of critical resources (potable water, maintenance collection points, ATHPs, mortuary affairs (MA) collection points, AXPs, etc.). ST4-2/CH3 3-8 JUNE 2012 The supply routes from the BSA to logistic release points and/or maintenance collection points. to the division rear boundary) and to other critical logistic nodes. The matrix will highlight those critical aspects of each sustainment function. and the locations of any other critical sustainment nodes that are not located in an LSA. problem areas. during.The sustainment overlay will not only depict the tactical array of sustainment units/nodes. the sustainment units and headquarters located therein. the sustainment units and headquarters contained therein. and whether they are divisional or nondivisional. as a minimum. It can also depict other critical information such as priorities. Locations of corps sustainment units operating forward of the divisional rear boundaries. 2. The MSRs leading into the corps rear area from the COMMZ and the MSRs leading from the corps rear area to each DSA (or. It should complement and supplement the concept of sustainment briefing. and other critical action. THE SUSTAINMENT MATRIX The oral concept of sustainment briefing allows the commander and his subordinates to visualize how the operation is sustained. The MSRs from the corps or theater rear area to the LSA and on to each BSA. 3. but it is also an integral part of the overall OPLAN/OPORD graphics and must be synchronized with the operations overlays. NOTE: A sample brigade sustainment overlay is in appendix e. as a minimum.) The concept of sustainment matrix’s design is aligned with the concept of sustainment format. using type unit symbols. 1. Locations of forward logistic elements (FLEs). using the sustainment overlay. 3-8. The sustainment planners’ oral briefing. using type unit symbols. would depict—     The logistic support areas (LSAs) and. Locations of alternate and/or proposed LSAs. a concept of sustainment matrix can make complex logistic concepts more easily understood. (An example matrix is in appendix h. The matrix can also be modified to reflect before. NOTE: A sample division sustainment overlay is in appendices f and g. The matrix is not intended to stand alone or to replace the concept of sustainment briefing. Locations of alternate/proposed BSAs. A division sustainment overlay would include (as a minimum)—    The logistic support area (LSA) for the supporting sustainment brigade. Locations of alternate and/or proposed LSAs. ST4-2/CH3 3-9 JUNE 2012 . A corps sustainment overlay may have to encompass the entire corps area of operation (AO) as well as a part of the communication zone (COMMZ) and. shifts in priorities. and clarifying issues. The logistic functions are in the “by phase” context. problems and/or concerns. In addition. the sustainment units and headquarters located therein. critical events. location and using type unit symbols. A BCT sustainment overlay includes (as a minimum)—      The BSA location and. The matrix can complement the briefing. The MSR from the supporting sustainment brigade logistics support area to the BSA. is useful in communicating the concept of sustainment to the commander. and after phases. ST4-2/CH3 3-10 JUNE 2012 .This page has been left blank intentionally. 75 lb per meal M-M-M = 5. General Supply Planning Data.74 PPD Arctic = 1.9 PPD 0.25 pounds per person/per day (PPD) SWA = 1.34 PPD Figure 4-1.2 PPD Other (Average) = 1.6 PPD Northeast Asia (NEA) = 2.92 PPD SWA = 8. and Water) Class of Supply Class I (MRE ) Class II Class III(p) Class IV Planning Factors 1. ST4-2/CH4 4-1 JUNE 2012 Class . Operational-Level (Theater/Corps) “Typical” Stockage Objectives Expressed in Days of Supply (DOS). DS GS CL I 3 7 CL II 3 7 CL III(P) 3 7 CL III 1 3 CL IV 2 4 CL V 3 7 CL VI 3 7 CL VII 1 day losses N/A Figure 4-2. III(P). Note: Numbers are for planning only. and other CASCOMdeveloped data. organization. IV. this information is designed for instructional purposes only and is applicable to actual operations only when planning addresses the particular circumstances. and historical planning and/or usage factors in addition to METT-C considerations.CHAPTER 4 SUSTAINMENT PLANNING AND CONSUMPTION DATA 4-1.51 PPD NEA = 9. Mail.01 PPD Temperate = 2. Stockage objectives are based on METT-TC. OPLOG Planner. 4-2.06 PPD Class VI (after D+60) Tropic/Arid = 3. This information is contained in current staff planning manuals. GENERAL SUPPLY PLANNING (Classes I. II. While the data are based on current operational planning factors. NOTE: All consumption factors and data are also applicable to COIN operations.78 PPD Class IX NA – Calculated in tonnage Mail Average = 1. GENERAL The following planning information was developed by DLRO to support CGSOC course instruction.09 PPD Other (Average) = 9. Class I Transportation planning factors: MREs. Vehicle 5t (gate up) 5t (gate down) HEMTT M871 (30-ft) M872 (40-ft) Pallets 4 9 8 14 18 Figure 4-4. Ration Package Meals per case Cases/pallet Weight/case Weight/pallet Weight 12 48 22.020 lb 40”/48”/40” Figure 4-5. Lift Capacity.368 Figure 4-6. Class I transportation planning factors: Unitized Group Rations (UGR). Ration Package Servings/module Modules/pallet Weight/module Weight/pallet Pallet size Weight 50 8 (400 servings) 128 lb 1.304 3.608 8.7 lb 1.200 5. Weight Computation.200 Meals 2.600 7.400 3. Vehicle Lift Capacity.089 lb Figure 4-3.064 10.600 2. Weight Computation.456 4. Vehicle 5t (gate up) 5t (gate down) HEMTT M871 (30-ft) M872 (40-ft) Pallets 4 6 8 14 18 Meals 1. ST4-2/CH4 4-2 JUNE 2012 . (Soldier personal hygiene items). personal hygiene. .5.000 GPH. . Water Production and Storage Equipment. Equipment/System Load Handling System Compatible Water Tank Rack (HIPPO) Tactical Water Purification System (TWPS) Capacity . Water Planning Factors. Water for vehicle maintenance operations must be fresh.SMFT is moved either completely empty or full. . Lightweight Water Purifier (LWP) . Unit Distribution company/BSB QM water company SRC 63326G2 10460F0 TWPS 2 4 HIPPO 2 4 ROWPU 3K 0 4 LWP 4 * SMFT * * Figure 4-9. Water for drinking. and field feeding must be potable. ST4-2/CH4 4-3 JUNE 2012 . The following tables depict water production assets. Semi-Trailer Mounted Fabric Tank .LHS-compatible flatrack mounting system. Unit (ROWPU) 3k Figure 4-8.000-gal tank design for PLS/LHS transport. (SMFT) . Water.Light vehicle transportable.Maximum production: 3.200 GPH from salt water.000 gallons (40-ft) M872 trailer. Numbers in the charts below are in gallons per man per day.1. allocation of water assets.Health and Comfort Packages CL I. . and consumption factors. Water requirement planning is necessary for all US Army units.2.500 gallons per hour (GPH) from fresh and 1. Health and Comfort Packages. Water for heat injury treatment must be disinfected and should be potable. regardless of their global or theater location. Item HCP I HCP II Contents Male and female personal hygiene items Female unique personal items Weight/Case 58 lb 20 lb Usage 10 persons for 30 days 10 persons for 30 days Figure 4-7. Reverse Osmosis Water Purification . but does not have to be potable.3.000 gallons (30-ft) on an M871. Water Production by Unit.Maximum production: 125 GPH. 3 8. Echelon Company Battalion BCT Division EAD Temperate 4.5 4.2 7.0 1.68 N/A Figure 4-12.5 8.040 39.000 5.7 2.800 2. Sustainment Planning Factors in Gallons/Man/Day by Echelon. Health and comfort packs (HCP1 and HCP2) will not be issued.2 7.92 1.8 .8 .000.7 2.2 .25 2.000 4. III(P).7 8.7 21. and water) for a heavy BCT for one day.6 6.1 Tropical 3.1 -6.5 Arctic 4.1 6.2 7.000 8.7 8.1 -6.7 2. Use the Northeast Asia/temperate environment consumption planning factors. IV.2 8.2 -7.0 1.8 . BCT strength is 4. NOTE: General supply formula: REQUIREMENT = STRENGTH * PLANNING FACTOR Supply Class Strength Planning Factor Daily requirement Daily ST I II III(P) IV Mail Water 4. II. The ration cycle is M-M-M.360 26.000 4.84 2.8 . Example Problem Answer.800 gal 10. Calculate the general supply requirements (Classes I.000 4.6 Figure 4-10.5 9.680 5.Use Drinking water Personal hygiene Field feeding Heat injury treatment Vehicle maintenance Standard planning factor Temperate 1.5 Figure 4-11.4 1.0 Tropical 5.1 7.000 4. Example: Calculating general supply requirements.7 2. ST4-2/CH4 4-4 JUNE 2012 .7 Arid 3.6 Arid 5. Sustainment Planning Factors in Gallons/Man/Day.000 4.5 1.02 19.34 6.5 8.7 6. mail.2 20.9 Arctic 2.51 9.3 8.2 .0 1.3 9. 822 42.833 2.523 2.171 5. MLRS 3X6 (DIVARTY) Fires BDE FA BN. Daily Fuel Consumption Data (gals) SRC 01100G100 01100G200 01200G100 01200G200 01285A000 01285G100 05330L000 05400L200 05435L300 06365G000 06375C400 06385F401 06385G000 06395F000 06400G100 06455G000 06465G000 06465G100 07015L000 07035L000 07055L200 07075L000 07095F300 07205G000 17095F300 ST4-2/CH4 Unit DIV Aviation BDE (LID) DIV Aviation BDE (LID)(ATS/UAV) Aviation BDE (MED)(ATS/UAV) Aviation BDE (MED) Aviation Attack BN (AH-64) Aviation Attack/Recon BN (AH-64) Engineer BDE Corps Engineer BDE Engineer Combat BN. The following tables show consumption planning factors as of from the CASCOM’s Planning Data Branch Program (PDBM) July 2006 (with updates through 2009).052 5.782 12.004 4.224 40.238 7.532 18.737 1.296 14. (SBCT) (3X6) FA BN.882 3.661 448 480 650 355 358 494 675 369 319 323 655 675 670 745 697 706 437 Fuel Max 112. (FIRES BDE) Infantry BN (LT) Infantry BN (ABN) Infantry BN (AASLT) Infantry BN Infantry BN (SBCT) Maneuver BN (HBCT) RSTA Squadron (SBCT) 4-5 Strength 2.739 2.902 2. 155 SP (SPLIT OPS) (FIRES BDE) FA BN.293 8. PDBM and OPLOG 7. FUEL PLANNING (Class III Bulk) Class III bulk consumption factors.653 2.593 1.896 18.696 3.148 13.4-3.443 4. Corps (MECH) FA 155 SP BN (3ID) FA 155 SP BN SPLIT OPS HSB FA BN 155 T. HIMARS.587 4.696 3.341 5. 155 SP (HBCT) FA BN.170 4.689 8.643 183.643 4.118 JUNE 2012 .794 166.005 3.005 3.170 4.689 8.632 76.593 2.822 2.238 7.260 18.652 3.873 2.191 12.293 8.754 117.107 77.957 1.999 119. MLRS (FIRES BDE) FA BN.733 332 421 1.0 provide the most current estimates for the Army Forces.570 Fuel Avg 70.777 114.772 72.152 14.653 4.653 4. 841 29.589 3.281 56.982 1.719 55.994 20.479 30. As organizations mature.357 1.561 21.459 15. Daily Fuel Consumption Data.194 4.184 3.195 11.309 78.491 231.973 78.217 794 974 1.070 14.253 12. Fuel Max 4.191 553 351 481 18.147 3.120 9.402 162.249 1.353 29.960 4.201 10.758 3.362 36. ACR 1X6 MP Interment/Resettlement BN QM Force Provider Company SBCT Battlefield Surveillance BDE (BFSB) BSB (SBCT) BSB W/FSC (SBCT) BSB (HBCT) BSB (FIRES BDE) BSB Combat Support BDE (BSB CSB) (ME) Sustainment BDE (OBJ TF) Light Modular DIV IBCT IBCT (ABN) Heavy Separate BDE (Armored) Heavy Separate BDE (Mechanized) HBCT Strength 389 499 860 593 434 3.921 5.246 3.577 3. there will be discrepancies or mismatches within TOE data.122 9.851 Figure 4-13. ST4-2/CH4 4-6 JUNE 2012 .569 20.988 9.929 21.107 7.276 3. The units were selected on best available information to be most closely representative of those required for CGSC/ILE course instruction materials.SRC 17205G000 17375L100 17485L100 19645A000 42424L000 47100F300 49100G000 63105F500 63105G000 63325G200 63345G100 63355G000 63400G200 77000G200 77300G000 77300G100 87100L100 87100L200 87300G000 Unit Armored Reconnaissance Squadron (HBCT) Tank BN Armored Cavalry Squadron.524 3.999 NOTE: These SRC are a direct lift from the CASCOM PDBM.700 78.489 Fuel Avg 2.018 60.295 26.137 5.496 6. Fuel storage and distribution systems.Vehicle M1 M2/3 M113 M88 M9 ACE M109A6 MLRS Idle 17. fabric.500 gal) .6 ea bags (3.0 1.5 42. The following chart shows unit fuel storage and distribution equipment and capabilities within the HBCT and sustainment brigades. fabric.400 gal 3.2 ea bags (20.6 8.6 ea bags (1.000 gal) Figure 4-15.6 16.6 Figure 4-14.0 12. fueler medium tactical vehicle (MTV) 5-Ton TPU w/trailer HEMTT fueler Semi-trailer. Stationary Issue and Storage Equipment/Systems Distribution System Truck. 3k Tank.4 1.4 2. fabric.8 8.800 gal 2.500 gal 10.5k Rail car (Europe) ST4-2/CH4 4-7 Capacity 1.2 1. 7.3 1.800 cross country 4.72 ea bags (2.0 2. JUNE 2012 .500 road 7. Distribution Equipment and Systems.3 Cross-Country 56. Fuel System Fuel system supply point (FSSP) Forward area refueling equipment (FARE) Refuel on the move kit (ROM) Drum. 5k Semi-trailer.8 rapid refuel points . fabric. 10k Tank. fabric.500 gal 1.000 gal) .800 gal Figure 4-16.9 31.6 ea 10k-gal fabric tanks . 500-gal Tank.3 11.6 ea 500-gal fabric drums .6 ea bags (18.FARE system may be tailored .6 18.0 9.0 Road 44. Vehicle Consumption Rates in GPH.500 or 15.6 8.0 15.840.000 gal) . 250-gal Drum.0 10.000 gal) . 20k Unit POL support company Aviation BSB TBD under modularity QM pipeline/term company FARE system QM pipeline/term company QM pipeline/term company POL support company Capacity . 2 17.5 300/500 11 6 7 Figure 4-17.540 gallons 4-4. Example.4 118.6 50. Calculating fuel requirements.0 180/300 1 NA NA CH-47D 170 120 2.537 18. AMMUNITION PLANNING Class V bulk consumption factors.4 Ammo Ave 17.6 59. Calculate fuel requirements for a reinforced HBCT for 5 days.2 59. Answer to Fuel Calculation.054 111.0 provide the most current estimates for the Army forces.9 Gallons/Day 84.3 260/430 NA NA NA AH-64D 150 120 2.5 345/575 33 24 31 UH-60L 193 120 2.717 8. Daily Class V Consumption Data (ST) SRC 01100G100 01100G200 01200G100 01200G200 01285A000 Unit DIV Aviation BDE (LID) DIV Aviation BDE (LID)(ATS/UAV) Aviation BDE (MED)(ATS/UAV) Aviation BDE (MED) Aviation Attack BN (AH-64) Ammo Max 36. PDBM and OPLOG 7.Aircraft Max speed (knts) Cruise speed (knts) Endurance (hrs) Range (miles/km) Passengers seats (PAX) Litter evacuation Ambulatory evacution AH-64A 170 120 2. NOTE: General supply formula: REQUIREMENT = STRENGTH * PLANNING FACTOR Unit Heavy BDE Tank BN FA SP155 BN BDE (+) Total SRC 87300G000 17375L100 06365G100 --Figure 4-18.4 36.7 118.3 260/430 NA NA NA OH-58D 120 90 2. The following tables show consumption planning factors as of from the CASCOM’s Planning Data Branch Program (PDBM) July 2006 (with updates through 2009).7 100.308 gallons per day) * 5 days = 556. All that remains is to complete the calculations: (111. Aviation Planning Factors.308 ST4-2/CH4 4-8 JUNE 2012 . 5 0. 155 SP (SPLIT OPS) (FIRES BDE) FA BN.0 0.0 1.8 12.1 0.0 13.2 0.4 0. HIMARS. 155 SP (HBCT) FA BN.9 1.5 63.5 0.5 0.4 0.8 45.2 0.1 0.5 253.4 69. Corps (MECH) FA 155 SP BN (3ID) FA 155 SP BN SPLIT OPS HSB FA BN 155 T.5 14.6 253.2 0.2 0.9 0.7 0.9 2.2 0.0 41.4 2. MLRS 3X6 (DIVARTY) Fires BDE FA BN.2 11.6 45.2 40.1 0.1 0.7 40.2 12.SRC 01285G100 05330L000 05400L200 05435L300 06365G000 06375C400 06385F401 06385G000 06395F000 06400G100 06455G000 06465G000 06465G100 07015L000 07035L000 07055L200 07075L000 07095F300 07205G000 17095F300 17205G000 17375L100 17485L100 19645A000 42424L000 47100F300 49100G000 63105F500 63105G000 63325G200 Unit Aviation Attack/Reconnaissance BN (AH-64) Engineer BDE Corps Engineer BDE Engineer Combat BN.7 1.1 63.2 0.5 0.1 ST4-2/CH4 4-9 JUNE 2012 .7 14.9 37.1 0.8 0. MLRS (FIRES BDE) FA BN.1 0.1 0.5 0.2 0.7 0. (SBCT) (3X6) FA BN.9 0.4 69.1 Ammo Ave 50.8 16.1 0.8 0. (FIRES BDE) Infantry BN (LT) Infantry BN (ABN) Infantry BN (AASLT) Infantry BN Infantry BN (SBCT) Maneuver BN (HBCT) RSTA Squadron (SBCT) Armored Reconnaissance Squadron (HBCT) Tank BN Armored Cavalry Squadron.4 0.1 0.6 278. ACR 1X6 MP Interment/Resettlement BN QM Force Provider Company SBCT Battlefield Surveillance BDE (BFSB) BSB (SBCT) BSB W/FSC (SBCT) BSB (HBCT) Ammo Max 100.6 278.4 5. These data can be used to determine supportability of selected ammunition items.1 0. apply the percentages provided in paragraph 4-4b above.0 116.1 50. HEAT 120mm. Calculating Requirements for Moderate or Light Intensity. Unit Basic Loads. For moderate and light intensity. The following are suggested typical unit basic loads.0 0. there will be discrepancies/mismatches within TOE data.280 675 1. As transformation or modular organizations mature. a key element to our emerging distribution-based sustainment system. UBL go into determination and preparing of configured loads.2 16.3 44. HEIT 30mm.6 NOTE: These SRCs are a direct lift from the PDBM. Ammunition Type 25mm. The units were selected on best available information to be most closely representative of those required for CGSC course instruction materials.6 Figure 4. APDS-T 25mm.6 14. APFSDS-T ST4-2/CH4 4-10 DODIC A986 A986 A975 A975 B129 C787 C380 Weapon System CFV M3 M2 CFV M3 M2 AH-64 Tank.SRC 63345G100 63355G000 63400G200 77000G200 77300G000 77300G100 87100L100 87100L200 87300G000 Unit BSB (FIRES BDE) BSB Combat Support BDE (BSB CSB) (ME) Sustainment BDE (OBJ TF) Light Modular DIV IBCT IBCT (ABN) Heavy Separate BDE (Armored) Heavy Separate BDE (Mechanized) HBCT Ammo Max 0. HEDP 120mm.8 20.0 46. 120mm Basic Load 425 225 1.1 20. 120mm Tank. HEIT 25mm. stated in rounds per weapon per day reflecting the required supply rate (RSR) per type round. Ammo Ave 0.0 0.5 16.19. Daily Class V Consumption Data. These rates are for heavy-intensity combat (NEA). Moderate intensity multiplier Light intensity multiplier = 65 percent of heavy = 35 percent of heavy Figure 4-20.1 50.000 40 40 JUNE 2012 .0 0.2 7.2 7. These quantities are obviously subject to modification by the command based on METT-TC and the operational environment. APDS-T 25mm. wire-glued (TOW) (M2).75 Hellfire (antitank) (AT) TOW (M3) TOW DODIC C379 D514 D544 D563 D579 H104 H164 PV55 PV18 PV18 Weapon System 120mm mortar Howitzer. HE 155mm. NOTE: General supply formula: REQUIREMENT = STRENGTH * PLANNING FACTOR Step 1: Determine Class V planning factors. Assume no stockpiling of CL V and the first Class V resupply arrives on Day 2 (see steps below). HE. Ammunition Unit Basic Loads. 155mm Howitzer. DPICM Rocket. optically-tracked. 155mm Howitzer. 155mm MLRS AH-64 AH-64 CFV M3 IFV M2 Basic Load 75 19 18 135 24 18 38 16 12 7 Figure 4-21.Ammunition Type 120mm. HE 155mm. Data for prepared defense and delay are the same as for the attack. Day 1 2 3 4 On Hand (O/H) Start 7 3 1 0 Resupply 0 2 2 2 Expend (RSR) 4 4 3 2 O/H End 3 1 0 0 Figure 4-22. dual-purposed improved conventional munitions (DPICM) 155mm. 2. RAMMS 155mm. Calculating Ammunition Requirements. 155mm Howitzer. NOTE: The previous ammunition expenditure rates are provided for classroom purposes only and may not be appropriate for all combat operations. Will the Bradley infantry fighting vehicle (IFV) be able to operate effectively for a 4-day operation? Assume no IFVs losses in the 5-day operation. rocket-assisted projectile (RAP) MLRS. Calculating ammunition requirements. Determine the impact of a CSR of 2 rds/weapon/day if the G3 established an RSR of 4 rds/weapon/day for tube-launched. RSRs will vary based on METT-TC. ST4-2/CH4 4-11 JUNE 2012 . Unit Basic Load (UBL) = 7 rounds Required Supply Rate (RSR) = 4 rounds Controlled Supply Rate (CSR) = 2 rounds Step 2: Compute requirements versus capabilities. CGO HEL 20% 20% 20% 20% 20% 5% 5% Support System 10% 15% 15% 18% 10% 5% 5% Loss Rate Attack Delay Hasty Defense Preparation Defense Reserve Uncommitted Static M1 18% 25% 25% 18% 10% 5% 5% M2/3 22% 27% 27% 20% 10% 5% 5% M109 10% 15% 18% 13% 10% 5% 5% MLRS 10% 18% 20% 15% 13% 5% 5% ATK HEL 30% 20% 25% 30% 25% 5% 5% Figure 4-23. Whatever estimate assumptions are made. MAINTENANCE PLANNING NOTE: The latest data for equipment availability can be found at CASCOM PDBM or FMSWEB in Section 1 of the applicable table of organization and equipment (TOE). Conclusion. consistency is paramount. therefore their effectiveness may be severely hindered. As an interim estimate we may assume the table figures for “Unit. since the RSR is 4 rds and the daily CSR is only 2 rds. From the end of day 3.” and a portion of “DS Backup” are combined to estimate “field” maintenance level losses. the Bradley IFV will have half their TOW RSR. Loss Category by Type Operation.O/H Start Day 1 + Resupply – Expend (RSR) = O/H End Day 1 = O/H Start Day2 Step 3. Category Attack Delay Hasty Defense Prepared Defense Reserve Uncommitted Static Non-Repairable 20% 25% 30% 15% 15% 10% 10% Figure 4-24.” “DS. Repairable 80% 75% 70% 85% 85% 90% 90% Repair estimations (based on 4-level maintenance system). Equipment Loss Rates (Percent). NOTE: As the Army transitions to a two-level maintenance system (field and sustainment) historical data must be collected or verified to determine availability figures. 4-5. ST4-2/CH4 4-12 JUNE 2012 . Estimate Attack Delay Hasty defense Prepared defense Reserve Uncommitted Static Organizational 20% 15% 15% 20% 25% 30% 30% DS 30% 20% 25% 25% 30% 30% 30% DS Backup 30% 20% 30% 30% 30% 20% 20% EAC 20% 45% 30% 25% 15% 20% 20% Figure 4-25. Assume equipment is returned to units from org/BDAR maintenance in one day. Example: Calculating materiel loss data (estimating losses). Assume equipment is returned from DS maintenance in two days. the methodology is identical for new/emerging TOEs. What impact has this on future operations? Assume 100 percent equipment availability on Day 1. Answer. Step 1 Task Determine tanks assigned Data Remarks 5 AR battalion @ 58 M1s = 290 Total: 317 1 Cavalry Squadron @ 27 M1 = 27 Repairable distribution: -On Site/Org= 20% -DS Maint = 30% -DS Backup = 30% -EAC = 20% 4-13 Loss rate day 1 = 18% Subsequent days = 18% Repairable = 80% Non-repairable = 20% 2 Determine repairable distribution ST4-2/CH4 JUNE 2012 . Calculate an armored division’s battle losses for M1 tanks for a three-day offensive operation. Helicopter Repair on site Repair at aviation unit maintenance (AVUM) Repair at aviation intermediate maintenance (AVIM) Evacuate to the theater army (TA) AVIM All Conditions 20% 30% 30% 20% Figure 4-26. Helicopter Repair Estimates (for Repairable Items) (Percent). Level of Maintenance Distribution of Equipment Failures. NOTE: While this example uses pre-modularity units. Terrain. weather. The following factors are used in transportation planning to compute vehicle and truck company requirements (for instructional purposes only). TRANSPORTATION PLANNING General planning factors.Step 3 4 Task Calculate losses for Day 1 Determine repairable distribution Data 317 tanks x 18% = 57 tanks lost 57 tanks lost x 80% = 46 tanks repairable 260 tanks x 18% = 47 tanks 5 6 Calculate losses for Day 2 Determine repairable distribution 47 tanks lost x 80% = 38 tanks repairable Remarks 260 remaining end Day 1 OR = 82% Repairable distribution: -On Site/Org = 20% = 9 -DS Maint = 30% = 14 -DS Backup = 30% =14 -EAC = 20% = 9 213 remaining end Day 2 OR = 67% Repairable distribution: -On Site/Org = 20% = 8 -DS Maint = 30% = 11 -DS Backup = 30% = 11 -EAC = 20% = 8 7 Add back equipment returned from maintenance Calculate losses for Day 3 Determine repairable distribution 213 tanks + 9(On Site/Org Day 1) 222 start Day 3 = 222 end Day 2 OR = 70% 222 tanks x 18% = 40 tanks lost 182 remaining Day 3 with 182 tanks remaining OR = 67% Repairable distribution: -On Site/Org = 20% = 6 -DS Maint = 30% = 10 40 tanks lost x 80% = 32 tanks -DS Backup = 30% = 10 repairable -EAC = 20% = 6 8 9 10 182 tanks + 6 (On Site/Unit Day Add back equip2) +14 (DS Day 1) = 202 tanks at 202 remaining end Day 3 ment returned from OR = 64% the end of Day 3 maintenance Figure 4-27. Vehicle Availability: (Also see planning figures in Section 1 TOE data) Short Range Planning: 83 percent (use only for all-out effort less than 30 days) Long Range Planning: 75 percent Daily Round Trips (Average): Line Haul: 2 trips/day (one/shift) @ 144 km (90 miles) one way per operating shift Local Haul: 4 trips/day (two/shift) @ 32 km (20 miles) one way per operating shift Average Km/Miles in an Hour: Poor Roads: 16 km (10 miles) in the hour Good Roads: 32 km (20 miles) in the hour ST4-2/CH4 4-14 JUNE 2012 . and enemy activity may affect these factors. 4-6. Estimating Materiel Loss Percentages. Requirements Estimate Example (ST and 20’ containers) Origin Red Port Red Port LSA #1 Bravo Beach Destination LSA #1 LSA #2 LSA #2 LSA #1 Distance 345 km 505 km 160 km 350 km STONs 1. 8 ST4-2/CH4 4-15 JUNE 2012 . Transportation Reference Data. 27 Oct 1997). Transportation Network Sketch. Figure 4-29. This example and the included charts/diagrams are a direct lift from the field manual. assist logistic planners in completing their analysis. Requirements Estimate Table. Armed with the lift estimated requirements and the distances involved more definitive and refined transportation planning becomes possible. Chapter 3 (Washington DC: HQDA.General transportation planning example.8 Based on theater level initial mission analysis. FM 55-15. and evaluate courses of action in assembling an effective and efficient supply and distribution system to sustain operations. develop.200 900 700 500 Containers 100 50 ----- Figure 4-28. US Department of the Army. Work aids. This is information is portrayed graphically in the network sketch in Figure 4-29. logistic planners estimated the following gross tonnage requirements needed to sustain operations as well as the probable physical layout of support areas connecting supply routes from the theater base forward into the combat zone. The chart in Figure 4-28 shows the lift and tonnage requirements and the distances involved as well as the points of origin and destinations. such as those below. issue and maintain stocks. ST4-2/CH4 4-16 JUNE 2012 . the subordinate TTPs are placed at a proper distance to maximize the number of round trips per shift or within a given period of time. Requirements Estimate Sketch. the route leg between TTP #3 and TTP #1 is further subdivided by additional TTP. or diagram as shown in Figure 4-30. Planners can workload the material and transportation requirements against the designed (read “TOE”) capabilities of logistical units by type. logistic/transportation planners assemble a workload model. For example. aids planners in determining and assembling the units and other necessary resources. Knowing the daily planning quantities of in/out bound cargo planners can match the cargo by type against capabilities of logistical functional units to load/unload store. Furthermore. Why?— because truck units designed for “line haul” are equipped with two trailers for every tractor for longdistance hauling efficiency. Applied critical thinking and close consideration of such a “requirements sketch” quickly demonstrates and illuminates the timedistance and physical aspects of the relationship and dramatic significance of logistics to the concept of operational reach.Figure 4-30. along with the supporting data estimates. Combining these tonnage and distance data. Such a requirements sketch. HIPPO 5-ton ST 7. 3k SMFT Semi. palletized loading system (PLS) 55727F2 55727F2 55728F3 POL POL General Cargo General Cargo Ammunition Combat HET Company 55739L1 Vehicle Vehicle Vehicle Cargo. 5-ton ST. 5-ton Semi-trailer. Truck/trailer capacity M 989A1 HEMTT trailer M 977/985 HEMTT truck PLS flatrack M 871 22.648/1.5% 90.780/2. 5-ton ST.050K/525K gal 434/217 2. Specific Class V. 20-ft ST flatbed. NOTE: Number of pallets based on 40” x 48” standard wooden pallets. barrier. PLS PLS One-time lift HET: M1 tank Avail 86% 85% 85% 85% 85% 85% 85% 85% 85% 85% 87.5k) POL Truck Company (5k) Medium Truck Company.575K/787K gal 1. 4k SMFT Semi. 5-ton. ST4-2/CH4 4-17 JUNE 2012 . 5-ton Semi.130 ST 4.260/1. 344/172 13. 20-ft Container. 5-ton ST.5k gal 5-ton ST 5k gal Container.760/3.5% 90% 90% Daily Lift Local/Line 891/445 ST 1. 5-ton. 5-ton Container. Transportation Planning by Unit Lift Capacity. 5-ton Semi cargo. 5-ton. Transportation Planning Factors by Equipment Type.390 ST 86 tracked veh.5% 90. PLS 20-ft pallet cargo.5% 87. or Class IX pallets may differ.Transportation Planning Factors Unit Light-Medium Truck Company SRC 55719F Task General Cargo General Cargo General Cargo Medium Truck Company 55727F1 General Cargo General Cargo General Cargo Ammunition Water Water Water POL Truck Company (7.440 ST General Cargo HET 90% Figure 4-31.324 ST 636K/318K gal 1007K/503K gal 424K/212K gal 1.5T trailer M 872 34T trailer Length 216 216 240 348 484 Width 90 90 96 90 90 Pallets 8 8 10 14 18 ST 11 11 16 22.5 34 Figure 4-32.474/737 ST 2. 40-ft Container.129/564 ST 32/16 420/210 210/105 1.5% 90. 100. water.000 50. Example.ST. or 3 each.000 26. POL truck company.Aircraft Capacity UH-60A UH-60L CH-47D Combat Load (lbs) 14. General.000 gallons water 750. light-medium truck company (5t cargo).000 gallons CL III(B) 4.250 22. medium truck company w/4k SMFT POL. lt-medium truck company (5t ST). Here is one of many solutions.000 Cargo Hook (lbs) 8. or.000 ST: 6 each.100 ST breakbulk CL V General cargo. Transportation Planning Factors: Aviation.000 Troops 12 13 33 Figure 4-33.250 30.000 Max GW(lbs) 20.5k Ammunition. 7. and CL V stocks are located within local haul distance.000 ST PLS MCL: 1each. however. A sustainment brigade’s support operations officer (SPO) is planning transportation support for an operation with these daily requirements: 5. the CL III(B) must be line hauled.000 9. medium truck company/PLS Ammunition. 4.000 ST general cargo 900. 900K gal: 1 each. 1 each. medium truck company (5t ST) Water.000 ST palletized CL V MCL 2. How many transportation companies (by type) are required to support this operation? Answer.750K gal: 1 each.086 14. 2. 5. 5 each. medium truck company ST4-2/CH4 4-18 JUNE 2012 . the amount of road space such formations require. deploy.500 kilometers of road space. they must have the space to march and maneuver along multiple routes and avenues of approach and have sufficient march time allotted. and maneuver quickly in fluid situations.000 vehicles. a function of shorter intervals between vehicles. divisions and brigade combat teams are powerful weapons when they can move. The fighting power and tactical flexibility of heavy/motorized formations depends fundamentally on their ability to move and do so efficiently. Conducting tactical operations. Economizing road space requires greater vehicle density on routes in use. Increase the rate of march to 30 KPH. ST4-2/CH4 4-19 JUNE 2012 . General. although mutual support among moving formations must be assured. The pass time on a single route at 25 KPH. Effective staffs at BCT through corps must understand the complexity involved in moving large formations. would be more than 4 days. Moving a typical corps by tactical road march involves moving some 25. Movement Planning Factors. Increasing the number of routes adds flexibility and speed. which at a 100 meter vehicle interval would require 2. A corps can reduce its movement time and accelerate its deployment by:    Utilize divisional columns with 4 assigned routes per division (considered the minimum standard). and serials. even without march units and serial gaps. making the most economical and efficient use of road space.) Serial SP Vehicle interval RP March Unit length Column Gap Pass Time Time Gap Route Clearance Time TIME Figure 4-34. Efficiency. and other considerations for such movements under varying conditions and circumstances. Reduce vehicle interval to 50 m. march units. control and coordination become more important than raw speed. MOVEMENT PLANNING DISTANCE Road Space Road Distance (SP to RP) (Length of serial from head to tail.4-7. To realize this potential. units must march on multiple routes at the greatest speed. Corps. their rates of fuel consumption. Every G3/S3 section must know the road space and time distance requirements of their units. Such information is every ST4-2/CH4 4-20 JUNE 2012 . Dealing with these requirements (usually as administrative marches) are generally the responsibility of professional transportation staff officer experts and other logistical staff offices such as the DTO or post movements section. Each refueling will add 20-30 minutes to the march route time and will increase the column length by approximately 10 km. Movement Planning Data. Refuel requirements. March times now can be easily determined with computer software which addresses all necessary planning factors. this can normally be done efficiently with a refuel on the move (ROM) along the route. and a fires brigade would number 6. and staff logisticians. the AOE/LCD division requires about 600 km of road space. An HBCT has approximately (as of October 2006) 1. This is generated to large degree by peacetime administrative and safety requirements for military road movements and our doctrinal terminology that separates movements into two types: administrative and tactical road marches. a sustainment brigade. The new Stryker BCT has 1. Then the operational staff (read G3/S3) takes over staff responsibility and are properly ASSISTED by transportation officers. numbering some 2. and deployment time become significantly more manageable. These sustained march rates include time for rest and maintenance halts. over staff responsibility for planning road marches. See the definitions below and know the difference! Who does movements planning? There often is considerable confusion.5 hours.” which often confuses planners in correctly calculating the time required for a given movement. A task organized modular division of 2 HBCTs. These same “experts” often then mistakenly draw staff responsibility for tactical movements undertaken in large exercises and/or actual operations. Divisions and BCTs can routinely sustain a rate of march of 32 KPH (20 MPH) in daylight and 16 KPH (10 MPH) at night. march unit and serial gaps. However. With the normal addition of support the total increases to roughly 6. See Figure 4-34. and assuming a 100-meter vehicle interval. movements planners/controllers. the corps column length. Total pass time is reduced from 96 hours to 10. Road march times. Divisions (approximately 6. The total number of vehicles in an AOE/LCD division is approximately 5. the corps’ march formation depth is reduced to 320 km along each of its 8 routes. The practical maximum planning range for a division or BCT is about 200 km per day. NOTE: There is an important difference between “rate of march” and “march speed.500 kilometers of road space (1. or roughly 360 more than the assigned vehicles in an AOE/LCD divisional heavy brigade. Divisional and BCT Tactical Road Marches Vehicle counts. the HBCT about 126 km. With two routes available these distances are reduced to 300 and 63. Without counting rest halts.000m @ 30 KPH) and serial gaps to 5 minutes (2. respectively. Under these conditions. Using some of these alternatives.250 km occupied road space plus 1. Sustainment brigades are the largest brigades.300.000 vehicles) marching over 4 routes would average 155 km per column and would pass in just over 5 hours.300 km of gaps). or at least debate. History demonstrates this is not uncommon until the first critical tactical marches are undertaken. Reduce march unit gaps to 2 minutes (1. Road space.003 vehicles.000. EXTAL. Generally only tracked vehicles are fueled at a ROM.000 corps vehicles still occupy the same 2. pass time.058 vehicles.260 vehicles.086 vehicles. If the length of a divisional march requires refueling. 1 SBCT.500 m @ 30 KPH). the 25. Planners at all levels must understand the intricacies of movements planning and execution. 003 276 72 172 135 185 505 198 164 212 167 1.260 1.3 7.7 133.9 32.028 1.5 23.5 87. logistical support areas.0 90. The computations in the above table were done using the Movement Calculator Spreadsheet based on the following input and assumptions: March Units = 20 vehicles (roughly maneuver company equivalent).2 27.bit as critical as knowing the lateral space needed to deploy combat units and the size needed for assembly areas. 50 m interval (20 VPK). Serial = 5 MU (roughly maneuver battalion equivalent).1 159.6 217.9 10.0 31. HVY Inf BN (BFV) Inf BN (MECH) DIV Cav Squadron Tank BN Arm Cav Regt (ACR) ADA BN (HVY DIV) Stryker BCT FSB (3ID) BDE Support BN/HBCT Sustainment BDE HBCT HBCT (3ID/4ID) 544 955 2.9 9.8 9.3 37.6 155.5 Night: 40 veh/km Road Space Pass Time (km) 2:20 4:06 8:42 1:08 0:15 0:41 0:32 0:45 2:11 0:46 0:40 0:53 0:40 6:08 0:36 4:32 0:58 2:16 8:48 5:25 5:19 33.9 66.1 Figure 4-35.8 120.1 259. ST4-2/CH4 4-21 JUNE 2012 .0 167.8 11.9 11. Hvy Combat Eng BN Eng Cbt BN.0 5.0 45.5 222.8 80.8 9.058 231 531 2. Day Rate of March = 20 MPH (32 KPH) @ 100 m interval (10 VPK). Movement Planning Data.3 6.8 25. Day: 20 veh/km Road Space Unit Veh Pass Time (km) DIV Av BDE (HVY) Corps Av BDE (I) Corps Eng BDE Eng Combat BN.6 360.2 128.232 2:10 3:48 8:05 1:03 0:14 0:38 0:30 0:41 2:01 0:43 0:37 0:49 0:37 5:41 0:33 4:13 0:53 2:06 8:10 5:01 4:56 66.0 255.419 150 1.8 20.1 30.2 65.0 78.5 60.1 32. and the size of sector a given unit can be expected to defend successfully.3 61.3 251.7 34.9 180.2 16.4 26.9 Day: 10 veh/km Road Space Pass Time (km) 3:01 5:17 11:13 1:28 0:20 0:54 0:42 0:59 2:49 1:01 0:52 1:09 0:53 7:54 0:47 5:52 1:15 2:56 11:20 6:59 6:52 94.1 23.8 91.6 13.5 29. NOTE: Vehicle count data above per CASCOM PDBM as of 1 November 2006.0 8.2 15.6 129.7 21.4 26.2 186.2 20.1 2.9 17.6 18.8 13.8 17. Corps FA BN 155MM SP (3ID) FA BN MLRS 3X6 Fires BDE UA. Night Rate of March = 10 MPH (16 KPH) @ 25 m interval (40 VPK).8 356. Extra time allowance (EXTAL): Time added to allow for unforeseen delays and the accordion effect during movements (usually expressed as a number of minutes per every 25 vehicles in the element). Serial: Major subdivision of a column. Arrival time: Head of column reaches the start point (SP). usually a company-sized element of 20 to 25 vehicles. Serial Gap = 5 min. March unit (MU): Major subdivision of a serial. The march speed is usually higher. ST4-2/CH4 4-22 JUNE 2012 . This is correctly expressed as “kilometers in the hour. A column march speed may be planned at 40 km/hour to achieve a rate of march of 32 km in the hour. Serial gap (SG): Gap between the tail of one serial and the head of the next serial within a column serial [expressed as a distance (SG) or time (SGT)].” a technically incorrect usage of the term which confuses rate of march with march speed.” (See “Transportation Planning. No ROM. usually a battalion-sized element of 5 to 20 MU. March UnitGap = 2 min.20-minute halts every 4 hours. Speed: The planed velocity of the lead vehicle. EXTAL = 2 minutes per 25 vehicles. Clearance time: Tail of column reaches the release point (RP). March unit gap (MUG): Gap between the tail of one MU and the head of the next MU within a serial [expressed as a distance (MUG) or time (MUGT)].” section 4-6). Vehicle interval: Space between vehicles in a column. These are two different terms. It is often confused with “rate of march. Road clearance time: Time from first vehicle departing the SP to the last vehicle arriving at the RP. It is usually given as “KPH. serial. Terms. refer to the Figure 4-33 above. column) to pass single given point. Also. Density: Average number of vehicles per kilometer. March column: Elements using the same route for a single movement under a single commander. Rate of march: Average distance traveled in a given period of time. Below are the doctrinal terms for movements. Pass time (PST): Total time required for an entire element (MU.” Time distance (TDIS): Time required to move from one point to another at a given rate of march. 0001 . Apply loss rates against the unit’s present for duty (PDY) strength.002 .03 .014 .0001 .0001 .0004 Succeeding Days .0001 .04 .0001 .0002 Day 1: Decisive Operations .001 .002 .02 .007 .02 . The increased pace of modern combat.0002 .007 . Commanders through corps must recognize this importance and organize their sustainment assets to support their movement and sustain their ability to march to maximize combat power and achieve tactical success. Operation Offense: -DIV/BCT in contact -DIV/BCT not in contact -EAD Covering Force: -DIV/BCT in contact -DIV/BCT not in contact -EAD Defense: -DIV/BCT in contact -DIV/BCT not in contact -EAD Retirement/Delay: -DIV/BCT in contact -DIV/BCT not in contact -EAD Offense: -DIV/BCT in contact -DIV/BCT not in contact -EAD Counter Reconnaissance or Breach .0002 .001 . HUMAN RESOURCES PLANNING Daily soldier loss rates (percentages).02 .002 .0003 Figure 4-36. mastery of the tactical march.03 .001 .0001 .0004 .005 .0001 . This calculation is quickly done by movement calculators or spreadsheets.0001 .02 .04 . ST4-2/CH4 4-23 JUNE 2012 .0003 . Time Distance: TDIS = distance (km)/ rate of march (km per hour) Road Clearance Time: ((TDIS + 60) + PST)/160 # of MUG: (# MU .009 .Formulas Basic movement formula: Distance = Rate x Time (D = R x T) Pass Time (PST): PST = (# vehicles x 60) / (density x speed) + EXTAL + (# SG x SGT) + (# MUG x MUGT).0004 . and the quickest deployment for combat action are more vital to warfighting.005 .03 .0005 .0002 .05 .001 .02 .# serials) # of SG: (# serials – 1) Conclusion.002 . 4-8.0002 .0004 . Daily Soldier Loss Rates. 18 = 107 596 x 0. Determine casualty rates: NOTES/Actions Type of Operation: Offense Counter Recon/Breech Rate: .000 x 0. STEP Step 1.895 PDY Decisive Operation Day 1 Estimate: 14.20 = 95 477 x 0. CJCS Guide to Battle Casualty Rate Patterns for Conventional Ground Forces.04 Succeeding Days Rate: . Soldier casualty estimates.02 = 2 Dec Ops (Day 1) 596 x 0. Assume the division receives 50 replacements per day starting on Day 1 of the decisive operation and WIA soldiers that return to duty (RTD) do so within 24 hours of being treated at level I/II medical facilities. BCT/Division AO Killed Wounded Missing 18% 80% 2% EAD 16% 84% negligible Figure 4-37.80 = 382 ST4-2/CH4 4-24 JUNE 2012 . Distribution of losses.04 = 596 Casualties Step 2. Calculate casualties by type: Ctr Recon/Breach KIA (18%): 105 x 0. distribution of losses and ending troop strength for a division of 15.9 percent Example. The following casualty rates are figures extrapolated from the Chairman.02 Counter Recon or Breech Estimate: 15.20 = 17 EVAC (80%): 84 x 0. Joint Chiefs of Staff Guide 3161.0007 Decisive Operation Day 1 Rate: . Calculate the total losses. Determine disposition of WIA: Ctr Recon/Breach RTD (20%): 84 x 0. Losses by Type (percentage of total losses).1 percent All others: 7. Calculate Day 1 casualty estimate: Step 3.18 = 19 WIA (80%): 105 x 0.000 soldiers present for duty (PDY) during an offensive operation in Iraq after Day 1 (decisive operation).02 = 12 Step 4.NOTE: Losses in non-divisional units within a divisional/BCT AO are identical to the surrounding units. Combat arms: 92.80 = 477 596 x 0.80 = 84 MIA (2%): 105 x 0.007 = 105 Casualties = 14. These rates are for CGSC classroom use only and are not suitable for operational planning as the CJCS Guide 3161 is designed for corps and multi-corps casualty estimations.80 = 67 Dec Ops (Day 1) 477 x 0.895 x 0. Unit level. medics. medical logistics. restorative. technicians. Figure 4-39. and post operative treatment. Typically a combat support hospital (CSH) is staffed and equipped to provide resuscitation. veterinarian services. Determine other losses/gains: NOTES/Actions Gains: Replacements on Day 1 = 50 Losses: DNBI Losses Day 1 = 29 Step 6. Clinical capabilities provide not only a surgical capability as in Echelon III. combat operational stress control. and nursing staff. but also further therapy for patients in the recovery phase who can return to duty within the theater evacuation policy. This is the first echelon where blood is available for transfusion. HEALTH SERVICE SUPPPORT PLANNING HSS consists of ten interrelated functions. extending from the point of wounding or injury. VA. Care by a medical company staffed with physicians and physician’s assistants (PAs).STEP Step 5. Care in a theater area medical treatment facility (MTF). HSS Roles/Levels Echelons. Determine PDY at end of Day 1: Note: The RTDs were added back to the Start PDY (15. and emergency lifesaving. hospitalization. preventative medicine. Treatment includes basic resuscitation and stabilization and may include surgical capability. Care is convalescent.000) – KIA (126) – MIA (14) – Total total PDY because they are not considered a WIA (561) – DNBI (29) + RTDs (112) + loss to the division until they are evacuated to Replacements (50) = a corps hospital. initial wound surgery. dental services and command and control. Role/Level I Role/Level II Role/Level III Role/Level IV Role/Level V ST4-2/CH4 4-25 JUNE 2012 . laboratory services. It is important to note that many units will not consider RTDs in their 14. and civilian hospitals in CONUS. Figure 4-38. and rehabilitative and is provided by DOD. Combat zone care requires hospital clinical capabilities. 4-9. Five echelons of care make up the HSS system. to the echelon of care that possesses the necessary equipment and/or staff. includes self aid/buddy aid. Soldier Casualty Estimation. Each succeeding echelon possesses the same treatment capabilities as those echelons forward and adds an expanded capability. evacuation.432 Soldiers PDY at end of PDY number until the soldier is returned to (Day 1) Decisive Operation their unit from the medical system within the BDE or division. These HSS functions are: treatment as far forward as possible. ST4-2/CH4 4-26 JUNE 2012 . Modular medical elements. CLS. and reinforce or reconstitute units. HSS Roles Units and Capabilities. BAS BSB Medical Company.Role Unit I Self-Aid/Buddy-Aid. NOTE: Evolving force structure eliminates both the field/general hospitals. augment. Conversion of all 36 Army hospitals is planned out to 2009. a 44-bed early entry module is found within the TOE of the 84-bed company. These modules are in all medical units organic to the division and in area support medical companies within the corps. Additionally. all now are the new 248-bed CSHs consisting of two companies (84-bed and 164-bed) capable of split-based operations. ASMC Forward Surgical Team (FST) CSH Regional MTF Military MTF. VA and Civilian Hospitals in CONUS Holding (Cots) -40 2 ---- Beds ---248 248 Varies OR Tables --2 8 8 Varies Dental -Yes -Yes Yes Yes II III IV V Figure 4-40. Six modules have been designed for Role I and II care to enable planners to rapidly tailor. Medic. when augmented. Treatment Squad . 1 MS. Patient Holding Sqd .Equipped with 2 OR tables.Heavy forces use M577s. . . and 10 medical technicians).The forward support medical company (FSMC) has a total of 3 TMT squads. . light forces use tents for their BAS. . lab tech). which.Essential module of Role II care. 5 AN. power generation and Class VIII. . Two squads are equipped identical BASs to facilitate reconstitution. .20 Soldiers (4 MC. dental assistant. They may also be employed throughout the BDE area to provide area support.40-Cot capability (can be split into 2 teams with 20 cots each). ST4-2/CH4 4-27 JUNE 2012 .FST is a 100 percent mobile surgical capability that can operate forward in BCT area. . constitutes Role II care. 6 HMMWS w/trailers and UBL of equipment sets. 2 nurses).Squad has 2 treatment teams (TMT Tm) of 4 soldiers (1 doctor/PA and 3 medics) w/medical equipment sets. .In unit’s battalion aid station (BAS).Capable of split-based operations by forming 2 forward surgical elements.Emergency initial surgery and limited post operative care for up to 10 patients per day or 30 patients over a 72-hour period. Modular Medical Elements. Squad . Figure 4-41.4 Soldiers (2 ea medics. .Provides limited convalescent care for soldiers who will RTD within 72 hours. X-ray tech.Essential module of Role II care. -The third FSMC TMT squad establishes the medical company’s clearing station.4 Persons (dentist. .Role Combat Medic Ambulance Squad Equipment/Soldiers Medic w/aid bag. 2 Ambulances and 4 medics (M997 high-mobility multipurpose wheeled vehicle [HMMWV] or M113). FST (Echelon asset) II . Area Support . ST4-2/CH4 4-28 JUNE 2012 .Casualty evacuation assets. Army Rotary Wing Aircraft. 44-passenger M113 Armored personnel carrier M998 HMMWV (2-man) M998 HMMWV (4-man) M35 2 ½-ton cargo truck M900-series cargo truck M977 HEMMT cargo M871 30-foot semi-trailer. Ground Ambulances. Army Rotary Wing UH-60A w/o hoist UH-60A w/hoist CH-47 Chinook Litter 6 4 24 Ambulatory 7 4 31 Combination 4 Litter/1 Ambulatory 4 Litter/1 Ambulatory Multiple Configurations Figure 4-43. motor. cargo M1081 (LMTV) 2½-ton cargo M1085 MTV (Long) 5-ton cargo M1093 MTV (Air) 5-ton cargo Litter 2 4 4 18 4 5 3 12 12 9 16 7 12 8 Ambulatory 6 8 8 37 10 -4 16 16 14 28 12 16 12 Combination 1 Litter/3 Ambulatory 2 Litter/4 Ambulatory 2 Litter/4 Ambulatory -2 Litter/5 Ambulatory ----- Figure 4-42. Ground Ambulances Army Ground Vehicles 996 HMMWV truck ambulance M997 HMMWV truck ambulance M1010 truck ambulance Bus. Soldier casualty rates are estimated by the S1/G1. and DNBI. ST4-2/CH4 4-29 JUNE 2012 . USN Ship/Watercraft/Aircraft Hospital ships (mercy/comfort) [ Echelon III ] Amphibious ship (LHD) [Echelon II] Amphibious ship (LHA) [Echelon II] Amphibious ship (LPH) [Echelon II] Amphibious ship (LPD) [Echelon II] Amphibious ship (LSD) [Echelon II] CH-46 Sea Knight helo CH-53D Sea Stallion V22 Osprey Litter 1.U. including KIAs. WIAs. Estimation of patient workloads. Air Aircraft Force (USAF) Litter 70 103 70 36 8 10 Ambulatory 85 147 Combination (Standard Configuration) 50 Litter/27 Ambulatory 48 Litter/38 Ambulatory C-130 Hercules C-141 Starlifter C-5 Galaxy C-17A KC-135 and KC-10 U-21 Ute C-12 Huron CRAF Boeing 767 54 24 3 8 3 Litter/3 Ambulatory 111 22 87 Litter/22 Ambulatory Figure 4-44.000 604 367 222 14 108 15 24 12 Ambulatory 1. USN Ships/Watercraft/Aircraft. The HSS planner estimates patient requirements for WIA and DNBI.S.000 604 367 222 14 108 25 55 24 Figure 4-45. MIAs. USAF Aircraft. Army Medical Department (AMEDD) Center and School has developed two automated estimation tools. 71 0.82 0.41 0.000.11 1.89 1.35 10.52 2. The chart lists country rates divided into 5 operational categories.48 0.20 Figure 4-46.36 0.68 0.000 x 2.86 1.27 0.46 1.35 4 0.62 0.13 0.47 0.46 0. Although based on doctrine and research.08 1.91 0.62 0.82 1.07 1. The DNBI calculator is used to estimate daily DNBI hospital admissions. Bosnia Columbia Egypt Germany Grenada Iraq Japan Jordan Kuwait North Korea Saudi Arabia South Korea Somalia Turkey Zaire Rate after in AO past 60 days 1 0.85 1.23 1.00 2.53 0.00 0.40 1.08 0.61 1.92 0.74 1.62 1.000) = 14. It will generate patient estimates and medical planning data that are useful during mission analysis and wargaming.63 1.74 2.09 0.94 1.13 0. The Army casualty estimator (ACE) is intended for use by planners at the division and below.65 0.16 1.46 3 0.48 (Cat 2 rate)/1.000) = 31. DNBI estimate (using DNBI calculator—Office of the Surgeon General).82 1.49 0.55 0.27 0.64 2.24 0.70 1.73 0.25 1.54 1.83 0. DNBI Calculator Chart.65 2 0.000 x 1.62 0.63 0.42 0.20 1.84 0.48 0. Units may comprise multiple categories.65 1. To compute: multiply population at risk (PAR) x the rate/1.96 1.S.51 1.15 or 47 (rounded up) Location\Type of Operation U.85 0.09 0.000 in Iraq. ST4-2/CH4 4-30 JUNE 2012 .83 0.07 0.87 0.20 0.70 0.82 0.77 2.54 0.27 5 0.09 (Cat 1 rate)/1. Example: Division = 25.97 1.These tools are experimental.32 0.57 1.35 0.51 0. ACE is not authoritative—it is an estimation tool. 15.76 1.41 0.65 0.46 0.41 1.80 TOTAL = 46.08 1. 09 Sep 94). 4 percent (0. AMEDD combat developments (4-step process): ST4-2/CH4 4-31 JUNE 2012 . storage and preparation under supervision of preventive medicine (PM) personnel. Knowledge of diseases endemic to the AO and the physical condition of enemy forces will be necessary in anticipating the additional medical requirements resulting from the capture and confinement of EPWs. Legend for Operation Types. Class VIII estimate (population/patient-based methodology). (EPW estimate) x 4 percent = EPWs resulting in a hospital admission (Role III) 500 x 0.. All types of forces in stability operations and support operations (e. Additionally. A forward surgical team (FST) provides this urgent surgical capability to the division. Historically. Result: 40 to 60 soldiers will require FST support during this operation.10 = 40 urgent surgical patients. and Procedures. Techniques. 4 Echelon-above-division support forces are not in the division rear. preventive medicine protective measures must be considered for medical providers. x 20 percent = 48 patients will be treated and RTD at Echelon I and II w/in 1 to 3 days Estimate EPW patient requirements (FM 8-55. and military police (MPs) that are responsible for EPW patient (pts) care and confinement. Planning for Health Service Support. Note: It is important that medical planners seek medical intelligence regarding the health of the enemy force. Example: 500 EPWs per day are estimated for a decisive operation. and all food/water procurement. Strict control consists of: no 5 alcohol.04) of all EPWs captured result in a hospital admission.04 = 20 EPW pts/day Estimate FST surgical requirements at Role I/II (FM 4-02. Example: (1 day WIA estimate = 400) 400 x . 10 to 15 percent of all WIA battle casualties require urgent surgical intervention before being evacuated to a hospital. Bosnia. 3 Combat forces not in the division area and all forces in rear staging/assembly areas.25. Historically. Historical gross planning factors are useful in estimating patient workload.g. 28 March 2003): Historically. Haiti) where commanders have strict control of their troop living environment.80) of all WIA casualties require Echelon III hospitalization while the remaining 20 percent will return to duty (RTD) after Role I/II medical treatment. Estimate number of WIA casualties that result in a hospital admission.15 = 60 urgent surgical patients. guards. Figure 4-47. 80 percent (0.1 Combat forces in high intensity operations in division area. 2 Combat forces in division area during periods of less than high intensity operations and support forces in division rear during all periods. Tactics. Example: (G1/S1 estimates that there will be 240 WIAs) 240 x 80 percent = 192 patients (pts) will result in a Role III hospital admission. minimal contact with indigenous population. 400 x . Employment of Forward Surgical Teams. 000 = ST NOTE: When estimating Class VIII requirements for combat operations at the division and below level. The trauma MRS is a single triwall container that contains the expendable medical treatment items found within the medical equipment set-trauma.48 (Cat 2)/1.15 lbs/man/day = Daily Class VIII requirement (lbs)  Calculate CL VIII requirements for DNBI (Role I to IV). Estimate HSS Workload Example Information required to complete the estimate.000 present for duty Location: IRAQ Time Period: Day 1 of the decisive operation Type of Operation: Division offensive operation G1 WIA estimate: 477 G1 EPW estimate: 500 EPWs/day during decisive operations Estimate Echelon III hospital admissions. DNBI admissions: (Use DNBI calculator. Total WIA/EPW requirement x 12 percent = Role I/II requirement Total WIA/EPW requirement x 67 percent = Role III requirement Total WIA/EPW requirement x 21 percent = Role IV requirement  Total Class VIII estimate (Role I through IV): Daily + DNBI + WIA/EPW = Total lbs/2.90 5. This allows planners to preposition assets or have them pre-configured for movement in times of mass casualty operations.000 = ST Throughput to Role IV = Role IV DNBI + Role IV WIA/KIA = Total lbs/2. Plan for one MRS-trauma per every 30 WIA estimated.000 x 1. which is the standard trauma treatment set found in all battalion aid stations and medical treatment companies.000 x 2.) 10. (PAR) x 0.000 = Total ST Throughput to Role /II = Daily + Role I/II DNBI + Role I/II WIA/KIA = Total lbs/2. Calculate daily CL VIII requirement (accounts for usage of non-patient care items).000 = 07. it is more practical to plan on using trauma medical resupply sets (MRS).09 (Cat 1)/1.40 Total = 28.30 or 29 patients ST4-2/CH4 4-32 JUNE 2012 .000 = 20. UNIT/PDY: 55th ID/15. DNBI casualties x 124 lbs/patient = Total DNBI requirement (lbs) Total DNBI requirement x 22 percent = Role I/II requirement Total DNBI requirement x 69 percent = Role III requirement Total DNBI requirement x 09 percent = Role IV requirement  Calculate Class VIII requirements for WIA/EPW casualties (Echelons I through IV): (WIA hospital admissions + EPW hospital admissions) x (483 lbs/pt) = Total WIA/EPW requirement (lbs).000 = ST Throughput to Role III = Role III DNBI + Role III WIA/KIA = Total lbs/2. 15 = 71.250lbs (Role I/II) Calculate DNBI requirement (by echelons of care). 29 pts x 124 lbs/pt = 3. (382 pts + 20 pts) x 483 lbs/pt = 194.69 = 2.29 ST Throughput to Role IV = 324 + 40.596 lbs x 0.55 = 72 urgent surgical patients (pts) Estimate Class VIII requirement in short tons.596 +194.17 ST Throughput to Role III = 2. 477 x 0.775 = 41.67 x 0.166 lbs x 0.300 lbs (Role I/II) = 130. 15.091 lbs (Role III) = 40.012 lbs /2.55 ST ST4-2/CH4 4-33 JUNE 2012 .300 1 lb = 26.341 lbs = 13.481 lbs (Role III) x 0.481 +130.10 = 47.000 = 100 ST Throughput to Role I/II = 2.04 = 20 pts Total hospital admissions: 29 + 382 + 20 = 406 pts Estimate FST surgical requirements at Echelon I/II.166 = 200. 2. Calculate daily nonpatient requirement.21 = 23.000 (PAR) x 0.250 + 3.22 = 791 lbs (Role I/II) x 0.09 = 324 lbs (Role IV) Calculate WIA/EPW requirement (by roles of care).091 = 132.15 lbs/soldier = 2.80 = 382 pts EPW admissions: 500 x 0.12 x 0.775 lbs (Role IV) Total Class VIII estimate (by Role of care).572 lbs = 66.WIA admissions: 477 x .099 lbs = 20.250 + 791 + 23.70 = 48 urgent surgical patients 477 x 0. This page has been left blank intentionally. ST4-2/CH4 4-34 JUNE 2012 . .... and Multi-Functional Units ASCC Operational Sustainment Directorate (MCP & OCP) Headquarters...... Standard Requirements Code (SRC) Title Command........................... 5-12 63542GA00 .............. 5-2 63702G000 .............................................................. 5-16 12567GE00 . 5-10 55542GA00 ............. and some companies and detachments may be in the division rear area.... 5-16 12567GB00 .............................. assignment......... 5-5 63702G100 ............................... Theater Sustainment Command Headquarters.......... Staff................................. capabilities............................ 5-15 12567GA00 ........................................... 5-8 63400G000 .............................CHAPTER 5 OPERATIONAL SUSTAINMENT UNITS This chapter summarizes the missions.......... 5-14 12682G000 .................. These units are normally deployed in the COMMZ under the TSC or ESC or within a corps rear area........ The major items of organic equipment are included for each unit...................... and mobility for theater sustainment command TSC and personnel and finance units normally found in the COMMZ and corps rear...................... 5-17 12567GH00 .... 5-17 ST4-2/CH5 5-1 JUNE 2012 .................... 5-13 90372G000 .................................. basis of allocation...... Expeditionary Support Command Sustainment Brigade Theater Opening (TO) Element Theater Distribution (TD) Element Army Field Support Brigade (AFSB) Human Resource Units Human Resources Sustainment Center (HRSC) Human Resources Company (HRC) Headquarters Military Mail Terminal Team (MMTT) Theater Gateway R5 Platoon Postal Platoon Casualty Platoon Headquarters Page 51649G100/200 ... 5-15 12413G000 ..... medical support and civil-military operations within and across the Army HQ AOR. Basis of allocation. Organic to the Army HQ MCP and to the OCP. Major pieces of equipment. and FM 100-7. and non-government agencies. Establish. Apr 00.        Direct and manage all HR and personnel support functions and operations. Assignment. Coordinate and monitor theater deployment and redeployment. TOE 51649G200. Doctrine for Joint Operations. ST4-2/CH5 5-2 JUNE 2012 . Provide human resources support. TOE 51649G100 and one per Army HQ operational command post (OCP). Capabilities. One per Army HQ main command post (MCP). other government agencies. Staff. and Multi-Functional Units Army Service Component Command (ASCC) Operational Sustainment Directorate (MCP & OCP) SRC 51649G100/51649G200 (Numbered Army HQ) Mission. and government agencies.Command. JP 3-0. Mobility. Integrate and supervise all transportation movements. JP 4-0. contingencies of Army HQ and joint forces to include coalition. resource management services. Army in Theater Operations. policies and programs to support sustainment operations. Coordinate and synchronize distribution and logistical operations across the AOR. Coordinate AOR civil and military operational priorities and integrate political-military support with other governmental agencies. References. Doctrine for Logistics Support of Joint Operations. Estimated 50 percent. implement and supervise resource management operations. engineering operations. sustainment support. administer. May 95. Sep 01. None. Logistic plans. nations. Figure 5-1. ASCC Operational Sustainment Directorate, MCP. ST4-2/CH5 5-3 JUNE 2012 ASCC Operational Sustainment Directorate OCP Operational Sustainment Directorate OCP G8 Resource Management Branch Civ-Mil Ops Sustainment Div Surgeon Medical Ops Branch G1 Manpower G4 Eng Div Surgeon Spt Ops Branch Plans Section Facilities and Construction Branch Sustainment Ops Div Plans and Ops Branch Positions filled from another organization Mobility Ops Div Figure 5-2. ASCC Operational Sustainment Directorate, OCP. ST4-2/CH5 5-4 JUNE 2012 Headquarters, Theater Sustainment Command SRC 63702G000 Mission. The theater sustainment command plans, prepares, rapidly deploys, and executes operational logistics within an assigned area of operations (AO) or joint area of operations (JOA). Capabilities.       Serves as the senior Army logistics headquarters in a theater of operations and is the single Army logistics headquarters for a theater-level numbered army (e.g. Third Army), JFC or RCC. Plans, controls, and synchronizes all operational-level logistics in support of a theater-level numbered army or joint force commander including theater opening and distribution. Provides single logistic command and control (C2) in theater, simultaneously providing fullspectrum support operations during deployment, employment, sustainment, and redeployment. Is regionally focused and globally employable and is capable of operating as part of a joint/combined force. Deploys multiple expeditionary sustainment command (ESC) headquarters into separate AO/JOAs and provide support to Army, joint, interagency, and multinational forces. Deploys/employs multifunctional sustainment brigades in an operational-level role to execute theater opening and distribution operations synchronized with the campaign plan supporting one or more corps/divisions. Basis of allocation. One per designated regional command. Assignment. RCC or ARFOR. Mobility. Estimated 50 percent. Major pieces of equipment. N/A References. JP 3-0, Doctrine for Joint Operations, Sep 01; JP 4-0, Doctrine for Logistics Support of Joint Operations, Apr 00; and FM 4-93.4, Theater Support Command, Apr 03. ST4-2/CH5 5-5 JUNE 2012 Figure 5-3. Theater Sustainment Command (TSC). ST4-2/CH5 5-6 JUNE 2012 XXXX ++ TSC ++ ESC x3 X HRSC X SUS 10 X SUS ++ 1 X III Fin Mgt Center X SUS 11 (TD) X SUS 11 2 X AFSB III X SUS 12 (TO) X SUS EOD X 3 III TAVSMG X SUS 13 Port X SUS 4 Figure 5-4. ST4-2/CH5 5-7 JUNE 2012 . Notional Theater Sustainment Command (TSC). capable of operating within a joint/combined force. and redeployment. Provides a single logistic command and control (C2) in theater simultaneously providing fullspectrum support operations during deployment. N/A References.      Executes logistical operations limited in scope and scale employing reach capabilities if deploying the TSC is deemed unnecessary. As determined by TSC or RCC. Serves as a forward-based command and control element of a TSC. controls. Estimated 50 percent. Sep 01. Capability. Doctrine for Logistics Support of Joint Operations. Mobility. Expeditionary Support Command SRC 63702G100 Mission. Assignment. Is regionally focused and globally employable. sustainment. Plans. Major pieces of equipment. and executes operational logistics within an assigned area of operations (AO) with logistical forces OPCON to the TSC. and FM 4-93. Apr 03. Three per TSC. and synchronizes all operational levels of logistics in support a theater-level numbered army or joint force commander including theater opening and distribution. deploys. JP 4-0. prepares. employment. distribution. Apr 00.Headquarters. Plans. and sustainment operations synchronized with the campaign plan for one or more corps/divisions. JP 3-0. Deploys/employs multiple sustainment brigades in an operational-level role to execute theater opening. ST4-2/CH5 5-8 JUNE 2012 . Basis of allocation.4. Doctrine for Joint Operations. Theater Support Command. ST4-2/CH5 5-9 JUNE 2012 . Expeditionary Sustainment Command (ESC).Figure 5-5. Performs logistical mission analysis to develop advice/input to logistical plans. As determined by TSC and/or RCC based on theater mission. Plans and conducts sustainment operations. manages. Provides supply and materiel management for all classes of supply (plus water). Reference. Apr 06. Mobility. Sustainment Brigade. Doctrine for Joint Operations. ST4-2/CH5 5-10 JUNE 2012 .0. and service support annexes. Basis of allocation. Oct 02. JP 3-0. concepts of support. as required. Synchronizes. Sep 01. JP 4-0. and FM 4-93. and monitors sustainment operations within assigned AO at either the operational or tactical level. Assigned to the TSC or the ESC. Provides C2 and technical supervision in all logistical functional areas. Figure 5-6.2. Theater Support Command. Estimated 100 percent. executes. FM 4. Supersedes division support command (DISCOM)/corps support command (COSCOM) sustainment mission by combining assets/functions and by eliminating an echelon of command. FM 4-93. Assignment. Combat Service Support. Doctrine for Logistics Support of Joint Operations. Sustainment Brigade (Notional). Apr 03. Apr 00.Sustainment Brigade SRC 63400G000 Mission.      Performs tactical or operational-level sustainment missions dependent on task organization.4. Capability. ST4-2/CH5 5-11 JUNE 2012 . Headquarters Notional Sustainment Brigade.Figure B-6 Sustaining tainment Figure 5-7. force protection. and medical support necessary to sustain theater-opening operations. Apr 03. Sustainment Brigade. to include the engineer. to include communications. Mobility. Estimated 50 percent. Theater Support Command. and initial distribution operations. JP 4-0. Apr 06. and civil-military operations required to support theater opening operations.Theater Opening (TO) Element SRC 55542GA00 Mission. JP 3-0. Conducts force reception. intelligence. staging. Establishes initial distribution network and provides support for one to three BCTs. Establishes necessary infrastructure to fully developed theater distribution/sustainment operations.          Augments a sustainment brigade providing capabilities required to open a theater of operations. ST4-2/CH5 5-12 JUNE 2012 . FM 4-93. maintenance. Performs direct operational sustainment. SPO Section. Figure 5-8. Assignment. Normally one per theater. Provides sustainment brigade staff augmentation for integration of theater opening operations. assigned/attached to initial entry sustainment brigade executing theater opening operations. Performs operations. To the TSC or the ESC as required. Doctrine for Joint Operations. onward movement (RSO). FM 4. Performs direct life support and human resource operations to support theater-opening operations.2. Conducts essential early-entry operations prior to employment of full-theater opening forces. and FM 4-93. Major pieces of equipment. Provides financial management necessary to support theater-opening operations. Combat Service Support. N/A Reference.0. Sep 01.4. Apr 00. Capability. Oct 02. Headquarters. Doctrine for Logistics Support of Joint Operations. Sustainment. Basis of allocation. JP 3-0. equipment. To enable integration of force protection. Combat Service Support. Sep 01. Assignment. Theater Support Command. Oct 02. Apr 03. and maintain munitions asset visibility across assigned AOR. Major pieces of equipment. CSCs. Provide 24-hour distribution management for a theater distribution hub.0. Logistics Support of Joint Operations. JP 4-0. Maintains in-transit visibility of all personnel. as required. Theater Distribution Element. Coordinates force protection requirements at the regional distribution hubs. Monitors force protection action effectiveness in support of theater distribution operations.Theater Distribution (TD) Element SRC 63542GA00 Mission. Maintains location status of motor. Basis of allocation. Provides munitions materiel management. and on the MSRs with the distribution division and plans division. Apr 00. N/A Mobility. ST4-2/CH5 5-13 JUNE 2012 . Capability.4. FM 4-93. Figure 5-9. munitions. Doctrine for Joint Operations. FM 4. Attached/OPCON to sustainment brigade responsible for theater distribution operations.        Augments a sustainment brigade operating a distribution hub to coordinate force protection issues in distribution operations. Estimated 50 percent. Normally one per theater. and supplies moving by motor. or rail. manage munitions flow.2. and distribution capabilities for an initial entry sustainment brigade. air. air. Reference. Sustainment Brigade. One per TSC or ESC. and rail assets. and FM 4-93. Apr 06. 4th Qtr 06. JP 3-0.41. Estimated less than 50 percent. ST4-2/CH5 5-14 JUNE 2012 . Doctrine for Logistics Support of Joint Operations. Maintains in-transit visibility of all personnel.0. N/A Mobility. air. Army Field Support Brigade Contracting Support Mission.2. and technology (ALT) support in the AOR.4. Attached/OPCON to sustainment brigade responsible for theater distribution operations. Sustainment Brigade. The Army Field Support Brigade (AFSB). air. Assignment. An element of the Army Sustainment Command (ASC) OPCON to the TSC to provide integrated and synchronized acquisition. Integrates ASC theater support. Capability. Sep 01. and rail assets.Army Field Support Brigade SRC 90372G000 ++ TSC + Contractor Coord Cell AFSB Acquisition & Technology Logistics & Sustainment Figure 5-10. Integrates contingency contracting. Apr 06. Basis of allocation. and supplies moving by motor. Provides regional alignment logistic expertise to the theater. FM 493. JP 4-0. or rail. and FMI 4-93. One per theater. logistics. Doctrine for Joint Operations. Reference. Theater Support Command. Combat Service Support. FM 4. Administers Logistics Assistance Program in theater. Apr 03. FM 4-93. One per TSC or ESC as required. Maintains the location status of motor.          Serves as single POC for and integrate and synchronize theater ALT support. Oct 02. equipment. Administers the theater LOGCAP Program. Major pieces of equipment. Accounts for contractors on the battlefield and arranges deployment support. bridging strategic-operational logistic bridge. It is dependent on the brigade troops battalion (BTB) of the SB (TO) for life support. Human Resources Company (HRC) Headquarters SRC 12413G000 Mission. and health protection. Basis of allocation. R5. as directed by the theater/ASCC G1. and personnel information flow.02. One per theater. Performs vehicle recovery and field maintenance for all organic equipment except communications security (COMSEC) equipment. Feb 07 and FMI 1-0. Human Resources Support. Major pieces of equipment. N/A References: FM 1-0. Provides C2 and technical support to HR. Communicates digitally via VSAT.       Operates in the APOD when augmenting a military mail terminal (MMT) or joint military mail terminal (JMMT). 50 percent. UCMJ. Human Resources Doctrine. Operates on an area support basis to the division. Assignment. Commands and controls assigned or attached HR platoons. Integrates human resource support for the theater. Performs oversight of all casualty reporting within the theater of operations. and casualty units.    Deploys in total or as separate elements based on METT-TC and ASCC G1 guidance. logistics. or theater.Human Resource Units Human Resources Sustainment Center (HRSC) SRC 12682G000 Mission. Capabilities. 1 per SB (theater opening). Final Draft. 50 percent. ST4-2/CH5 5-15 JUNE 2012 . Provides technical guidance to HR companies. Feb 08. corps. Mobility. ASCC headquarters. R5. Basis of allocation. N/A References: FM 1-0. Theater sustainment command. Sustainment brigade (TO). Supports but does not execute postal. religious services. Major pieces of equipment. Assignment. Theater-Level Human Resources Support. 8 Nov 05. and voice. Capabilities. One per 2-6 HR platoons. Mobility. or a theater gateway R5 team. postal. Web. Can provide support to deployed command posts of various theater level C2 nodes. and other echelons. Returns-to-Duty. Major pieces of equipment. Feb 07 and FMI 1-0. Feb 07 and FMI 1-0. Assignment. and Recuperation. Feb 08. Replacement. Sustainment brigade (TO). Major pieces of equipment. One per sustainment brigade (TO). Basis of allocation. N/A References. Assignment. Theater-Level Human Resources Support. One per sustainment brigade (TO). return to duty. Provide theater-level postal support. ST4-2/CH5 5-16 JUNE 2012 . Communicates digitally via VSAT.    Operates a JMMT an MMT in single-service environment. and voice. Theater-Level Human Resources Support. flight schedules. R and R. Coordinates for terminal operating space.02. Capabilities. and follow-on transportation. Provide theater-level R5 and RSOI support. Human Resources Support. Establishes a theater-level R5 center with an HR R5 company at the APOD. 50 percent.     As the theater gateway. Sustainment brigade (theater opening). and redeployment mission support. receives. and processes incoming mail as well as retrograde mail to CONUS. N/A References: FM 1-0. provides theater-wide replacement. Rest. Capabilities.Military Mail Terminal Team (MMTT) SRC 12567GA00 Mission. and Redeployment (R5) Platoon SRC 12567GB00 Mission.02. Basis of allocation. the Web. Feb 08. Human Resources Support. Coordinates. Communicates digitally via VSAT. Web. 100 percent. Theater Gateway Reception. Mobility. and voice. FM 1-0. Mobility. Postal Platoon SRC 12567GE00 Mission. N/A References: FM 1-0. the Web. postal company headquarters. Capabilities. and voice. Mobility. Assignment. ST4-2/CH5 5-17 JUNE 2012 . Basis of allocation.   Handles operational and service missions at any theater echelon.02. Feb 07 and FMI 1-0. the Web. Human Resources Support. 100 percent.02. Human Resources Support. Major pieces of equipment. One per three to six casualty liaison teams. Basis of allocation. One per 6. Provides theater postal support on an area basis. Human resource company headquarters or postal company headquarters. Communicates digitally via VSAT. and voice. Theater-Level Human Resources Support. Feb 08. Major pieces of equipment. Mobility. Provides command and control to casualty liaison teams (CLTs). or HRSC. Casualty Platoon Headquarters SRC 12567GH00 Mission. Communicate digitally via VSAT. HR company headquarters.000 personnel. Theater-Level Human Resources Support. Assignment. Feb 08. Feb 07 and FMI 1-0.   Commands and controls assigned casualty liaison teams. Capabilities. 100 percent. N/A References: FM 1-0. This page has been left blank intentionally. ST4-2/CH5 5-18 JUNE 2012 . .. 6-21 08453A000 ..................... 6-3 N/A ............ Heavy........................ 6-14 09666A000 .............. 6-12 10416L000 ..... BCT Forward Medical Company...................................... 6-12 55816F000 .............. capabilities......................................................... BCT Field Maintenance Company............. 6-11 55606F000 ..... 6-13 09666L000 ....... 6-4 63426G000 ...... 6-9 63327Rxxx ................... and mobility for selected sustainment units normally found assigned at the tactical level....... Heavy.................. This includes those units assigned within sustainment brigades in the corps area as well as those organic to assigned BCTs......... BSB................ 6-16 08485G000 ................. basis of assignment............ 6-15 08420G000 .. 6-20 08490G000 ....... 6-7 43327R1xx ........... Heavy. BCT Miscellaneous Battalion Headquarters Units Motor Transportation Battalion Movement Control Battalion Transportation Terminal Battalion HHC Petrol Pipeline and Terminal Operating Battalion Petroleum...................... battalions................. etc................................................. 6-17 08945A000 .................................................. BSB..................... 6-14 08640G000 ..... Heavy...... and Lubricants (POL) Supply Battalion Ammunition Battalion Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Battalion Medical Units Medical Command Medical Brigade Multi-Functional Medical Battalion (MMB) Combat Support Hospital (CSH) Area Support Medical Company (ASMC) Medical Logistics Company Medical Logistics Support Company Ground Ambulance Medical Company Area Support Dental Company Air Ambulance Medical Company N/A .......... 6-19 08488A000 ........ 6-8 08329G000 ...........CHAPTER 6 TACTICAL SUSTAINMENT UNITS This chapter summarizes the missions. The major items of organic equipment are listed for each unit............................................................ 6-10 55716F000 ................................................................................ Oils... 6-13 10426L000 ............................ BCT Forward Support Company (CA Battalion) BSB............................. Standard Requirements Title Code (SRC) Page Tactical Headquarters Sustainment Staffs Corps HQ Sustainment Cell Division HQ Sustainment Cell Combat Service Support Battalion (CSSB) Headquarters CSSB Brigade Support Battalion (BSB) Distribution Company............ 6-22 08447L200 .................... 6-18 08457A000 ............. groups.... TO&E changes/updates are incorporated where known at the time of publication............ Many headquarters units (brigades... 6-6 63328R1xx ................................................... BSB.................................) are not listed since they perform only a command and control function and have neither a physical logistics capability nor major equipment..................... 6-22 08473A000 ...... 6-5 63326Rxxx .................................... 6-23 ST4-2/CH6 6-1 JUNE 2012 .................................................................... ............................................................... 6-30 10490F000 .......................................................................................... 6-33 55727F100 ...... 6-42 ST4-2/CH6 6-2 JUNE 2012 ...500 Gal) Transportation Medium Truck Company (POL) (5................................... 6-26 10414L000 .. 6-38 55819F000 ..... 6-32 55719F100 ........... 6-27 10417L000 .............. 6-34 55727F200 ..... 6-41 55829L000 ......................Ordnance Units Modular Ammunition Ordnance Company Support Maintenance Company Component Repair Company Quartermaster Units Quartermaster Field Service Company (Modular) Quartermaster POL Pipeline and Terminal Operating Company Quartermaster POL Support Company (PSC) Quartermaster Support Company (QSC) Quartermaster Collection Company (MA) Quartermaster Water Purification and Distribution Company Transportation Units Transportation Light-Medium Truck Company Transportation Medium Truck............................. 6-37 55739L100 ...... 6-24 43470F000 ............000 Gal) Transportation Medium Truck Company (PLS) Combat HET Company Inland Cargo Transfer Company Seaport Operations Company Modular Causeway Company Heavy Watercraft Company Floating Watercraft Company 09408L000 .................. 6-29 42940F500 ................................ 6-40 55848F000 ............................................ 6-25 43480F000 ............. Cargo Company Transportation Medium Truck Company (POL) (7............. 6-41 55889L000 .......... 6-28 10420Fxxx ................ 6-39 55838F000 ................ 6-31 10460F000 ............... 6-36 55728F300 ........................ 6-35 55728F200 .................... performs operational planning.2.     Develops maintenance timelines. and synchronizes current sustainment operations. overseeing plans. Corps headquarters assigned in theater. Conducts logistical staff analysis. and prepares the concept of sustainment. Maintains and monitors the LCOP and coordinates and develops concept of sustainment plans. policies. Coordinates with supporting sustainment brigade(s). Mobility. Welfare. Mission.  Coordinates sustainment operational planning with supporting sustainment brigade(s). manages. N/A References. Assignment.  Develops movement and movement control plans for the transportation units.  Manages contracting and LOGCAP operations. Establishes logistical policies and procedures for the corps. Doctrine for Joint Operations.  Operates 24-hour staffing. 100 percent. Sep 01. Major pieces of equipment.Tactical Headquarters Sustainment Staffs Corps HQs Sustainment Cell Corps HQs Main CP Sustainment Cell G3/5 Plans TAC CP Log Plans G4 Logistics Ops G1 G4 G8 Surgeon HR Pers Info Mgmnt HR Ops Logistics Ops Sustainment Ops HR PASR HR Policy Maintenance Mortuary Affairs Coordination: HR Ops/Casualty HR Essential Pers Svcs S&S Logistics ADP Mobility Ops ADP HR MWR PASR Automated Data Processing Human Resource Morale. Monitors and analyzes the performance of the supply system. Theater Support Command. JP 4-0. Integrates sustainment operations over the next 48 to 72 hours with commander’s operational plans and guidance. Sustainment Brigade. JP 3-0. It conducts operational and tactical planning to support movement control and mode and terminal operations. ST4-2/CH6 6-3 JUNE 2012 .4. and Recreation Personnel Accounting & Strength Reporting MWR Figure 6-1. Doctrine for Logistics Support of Joint Operations. and FM 4-93. Apr 06. and procedures for sustainment functions. FM 4-93. Apr 00. Apr 03. Monitors. Corps HQ Sustainment Cell. Capabilities. prepares the concept of sustainment. Organic. Maintains and monitors the LCOP and coordinates and develops concept of sustainment plans. Capabilities. Mobility. and procedures for sustainment functions. and FM 4-93. and synchronizes current sustainment operations. manages.4. Division HQ Sustainment Cell. Conducts logistical staff analysis and operational planning. Combat Service Support. FM 4-93. Integrates sustainment operations over the next 48 hours with the commander’s operational plans and guidance. Apr 06. Coordinates integrating logistic functions for the division. Apr 03. Welfare. ST4-2/CH6 6-4 JUNE 2012 . Oct 02. Coordinates with supporting sustainment brigade(s).  Operate 24-hour staffing. Doctrine for Logistics Support of Joint Operations.0. Assignment. Mission.  Coordinates sustainment operational planning with supporting sustainment brigade(s). Monitors. N/A References. overseeing plans. one per assigned division headquarters in theater. Sustainment Brigade. JP 3-0. Apr 00.Division HQs Sustainment Cell Division HQs G5 Plans Main CP Sustainment Cell TAC CP Sustainment Sustainment G1/G4 G1 Current Ops HR S&S G4 Movement Control G8 Surgeon Casualty Evals & Promotions Maint Logistics Automation Coordination: HR MWR PASR S&S Human Resource Morale. Sep 01. Major pieces of equipment. and Recreation Personnel Accounting and Strength Reporting Supply and Services Per Info Mgmnt MWR Trans PASR Figure 6-2. policies.    Develops maintenance timelines. FM 4. JP 4-0. 100 percent.2. Monitors and analyzes the performance of the supply system. Theater Support Command. Establishes logistical policies and procedures for the division. Doctrine for Joint Operations. Adapts quickly to changing tactical situations through its organizational flexibility. tailored combination of functional sustainment companies.      C2. FM 4. ST4-2/CH6 6-5 JUNE 2012 . detachments. Apr 03.4. and teams dependent on METT-TC.0. Mission. Basis of allocation. N/A Reference. Capability. As required for command and control. Major pieces of equipment. FM 4-93. Sustainment Brigade. Apr 06.2. Headquarters Combat Sustainment Support Battalion (CSSB).Combat Service Support Battalion (CSSB) Headquarters Combat Sustainment Support Battalion (CSSB) SRC 63426G000 Figure 6-3. Dependent on assigned companies and can provide all classes of supply (less CL VIII) as well as field services across all operational phases. Executes the logistical mission on an area. Mobility. Command and control for a tailored logistic unit which executes logistic support throughout the depth of an assigned AO. and FM 4-93. Combat Service Support. Provides distribution links between the theater base and the supported units. platoons. Assignment.or unit-support basis. Theater Support Command. a flexible. 100 percent. Oct 02. Sustainment brigade. corps support groups. Mission.1. FM 4-90.Brigade Support Battalion (BSB) SRC 63326Rxxx BSB I HHD ) ( FMC Fwd Spt Co (x3) Figure 6-4. and trained to perform distribution-based sustainment operations. coordinates.       Consolidates selected sustainment functions previously performed by division support commands. the basic three-company (plus FSCs) organization is common to all BSBs. However. BSBs are essentially organized alike with minor variations in technical capabilities and personnel are dependent on BCT assignment. Assignment. Sustainment Brigade. Major pieces of equipment. and FM 4-93. etc. Specifics of the others can be found at FMSWEB. Oct 02. NOTE: Each type of BCT (heavy. Plans. FM 4. Brigade Support Battalion (BSB). The BSB commander serves as the BCT commander’s senior logistician. and executes all logistic operations in support of BCT operations. ST4-2/CH6 6-6 JUNE 2012 . infantry. None. Units are organized. Provides BCT capability to upload three basic/combat loads sufficient for 72 hours of operation. The unit plans and directs BCT rear operations. only the heavy BCT BSB is included in this ST. 100 percent.2. Capability. and forward support battalions. Serves as organic forward support companies (FSC) for each BCT battalion. RSTA. Combat Service Support. Organic to all BCTs. Mobility. For this reason. ME. synchronizes. Reference.0. Apr 06. serves as logistic providers. area support groups. fires. equipped.) has an organic BSB with a varied organization/equipage peculiar to that type of BCT. HBCT Logistics. Mar 05. staffed. HBCT Logistics. 204 ST CL V AND. 6 Semi-trailers. Apr 06. 113 ST general cargo less CL V AND. Mobility.1.   Assignment. directs. Mission.    Plans. Heavy BCT. Mar 05. Distribution Company. Provides transportation and supply support to the heavy BCT. and issues all classes of supply (less CL VIII) to the BCT. Sustainment Brigade. 58 Trucks. 5-ton 58 Trailers. Distribute 69. Major pieces of equipment. HQ … … SUPPLY . assigned one per BSB. Water: Purifies 30k gallons/day from fresh water OR 24. Dry cargo (daily): 256 pallets OR 64 USAF 463L pallets OR. Daily receives. 4 containers CL III Bulk: Maintains 1 BCT combat load.Distribution Company. 1-½ ton 15 Semi-trailers. BSB. van 30 Tractors. temporarily stores. Stores and distributes 32k gallons to 4 FSC simultaneously.000 gallons/day from salt/brackish water (Assuming fielding of water purification LWP @125GPH. 4 containers OR. and FM 4-93. Oct 02.ATHP . ST4-2/CH6 6-7 JUNE 2012 .General … Fuel/H2O -POL -Water Spt Figure 6-5. Heavy BCT SRC 63328R100 I . and supervises supply distribution and transportation for the BCT..500 gallons/day delivered to FSC. Combat Service Support.CL IX . flatbed *Note: Pending fielding.2. FM 4-90. Capability.) Operates two water points. 500-gal Reference. 100 percent.0. FM 4. 5-ton 7 Forklifts 6 CHU 2 LWP 16 Water tank. Organic. BSB.    Provides recovery. BSB. Apr 06. Maint Control … Area Spt … Base Spt Figure 6-6. Field Maintenance Company. ground support. 1 Recovery vehicle.. Provides field-level maintenance support to heavy BCTs. HQ . Mar 05. Heavy BCT. Combat Service Support. ST4-2/CH6 6-8 JUNE 2012 . Capability. FM 4. M88 Reference.Field Maintenance Company. Heavy BCT SRC 43327R100 ) ( FMC . Major pieces of equipment. Mission. FM 4-90.2. BSB. assigned one per BSB. Sustainment Brigade (Final Draft). Assignment. Mobility. Base support platoon performs consolidated maintenance on selected. Oct 02. auto/armament. low-density equipment. and FM 4-93..0.1. 100 percent. Organic. and electronics maintenance as well as maintenance management to the BCT. HBCT Logistics. Provides staff maintenance advice and support to the BCT. FM 4. Provides CL VIII resupply for BCT units. and FM 4-93. assigned one per BSB. Assignment. M997 Reference.         Performs triage. Plans and executes aero-medical evacuation. Sustainment Brigade. Organic. Heavy BCT.0. 16 Ambulances.. Mar 05. equipped. Mission. Oct 02. Performs patient holding and care for twenty patients. BSB. Med Supply … Treatmnt … Evac Figure 6-7. initial resuscitation/stabilization. staffed. Mobility. ST4-2/CH6 6-9 JUNE 2012 . The BSB commander serves as the BCT commander’s senior logistician. FM 4-90. Major pieces of equipment. HQ . BSB. HBCT Logistics. Combat Service Support. Provides support combat units with treatment teams on a limited basis. 100 percent.1.Forward Medical Company. and prepares casualties for further evacuation.. Prev Med . Units are organized. Capability. and trained to perform distribution-base sustainment operations. Evacuates casualties higher with organic ground ambulances.2. Mental Health . when augmented.. Heavy BCT SRC 08329G000 I . Forward Medical Company.. Provides CHS to the BCT and units on an area basis in the BCT AO. Apr 06. Each FSC is specifically staffed. 2k-gal Water trailer.Gen Supply Sec . and equipped to support the various type battalions within each BCT. Forward Support Company (CA Battalion). Normally three are assigned per BSB.Co FMT (x3) Figure 6-8.CL V Sec … Main .     Plans. NOTE: Each BCT type has a varied mix of battalions for which the BSB has organic forward support companies. and issues all classes of supply (less CL VIII) for the battalion. Receives/stores/distributes 29... FM 4-90.0.Forward Support Company (CA Battalion). Daily receives. PLS 5 Trailer.2. Sustainment Brigade. BSB. Major pieces of equipment.250 gallons/day. Heavy BCT SRC 63327Rxxx Fwd Spt . containerized Reference. directs. 25 USAF pallets OR 57 ST CL V CL III Bulk: Maintains 1 BCT combat load. M978 5 HEMTT-LHS 5 Truck. HQ . Water: Stores and distributes 4. Mar 05. 100 percent. Mobility. Capability. Mission. HBCT Logistics. 12 Fueler. Heavy BCT.   Assignment. BSB. Apr 06.000 gallons/day. Field Feeding … Distr . Oct 02. ST4-2/CH6 6-10 JUNE 2012 . FM 4. 900-gal Kitchen. temporarily stores. M88 2 2 2 Water trailer. Combat Service Support.Recovery Sec . 25 ST general cargo less CL V AND. PLS. M1075. and FM 4-93.Maint Sec .1. organized. and supervises supply distribution and transportation for the battalion. M1076 10 Flatrack 5 Recovery vehicle. Provides direct and habitual sustainment to a combined arms maneuver battalion. Dry cargo: 56 pallets OR 12 USAF 463L pallets OR. CL V: 104 pallets CL V OR. FM 4-93. Change 1. and technically supervises assigned or attached transportation companies. Combat Service Support.1. Mobility. ST4-2/CH6 6-11 JUNE 2012 . May be assigned to a sustainment brigade. and trailer relay system. Supervises truck terminals. Transportation Operations. and teams. Capabilities. FM 4. Assigned to TSC/ESC. detachments.Miscellaneous Battalion Headquarters Units Motor Transportation Battalion SRC 55716F000 Mission. Army Motor Transport Units and Operations. and FM 55-30. N/A References. Apr 06. Mar 05.0. Assignment. trailer transfer points. To command. Oct 02. control. FM 55-1.2. FM 4-90. and supervise units engaged in motor transport and terminal operations (less seaport). Basis of allocation. Coordinates and evaluates highway traffic plans affecting transportation support including terrain. Sustainment Brigade. or equivalent units. Major pieces of equipment.     Commands. Oct 95. 50 percent. HBCT Logistics. Translates transportation requirements into specific vehicles or units required. Sep 99. road conditions. and security. One per three to seven subordinate transportation motor transport companies. transportation terminal companies. controls. Major pieces of equipment. logistics support vessel (SRC 55530LJ00). Assigned to TSC/ESC.   Basis of allocation. Capabilities.     Commands and controls 4-10 movement control teams (MCTs). as required. Basis of allocation. Capabilities. Transportation Operations. riverine. FM 55-1. N/A References. based on MCT requirements in theater. port operations cargo company 55847F000). Serves as the command element for transportation units conducting intermediate staging base (ISB). Transportation Terminal Battalion SRC 55816F000 Mission. Maintains in-transit visibility of tactical and nontactical vehicle movements in theater. Requires assignment of some or all of following units: inland cargo transfer company (SRC 55819F100). Oct 95 and FM 55-30. medium boat company (SRC 55828L000). Sustainment brigade (TO) or TSC/ESC. Coordinates CULT assets. 50 percent. Oct 95 and FM 55-15. Mobility. floating craft company (SRC 55849F000). To command. 4th Qtr. Mobility. Assignment. ST4-2/CH6 6-12 JUNE 2012 . controls. and supervises assigned/attached units performing water terminal operations. control. Major pieces of equipment. and supervise movement control teams. Army Motor Transport Units and Operations.   Performs port terminal operations in fixed or unimproved ports or across bare beach sites. Transportation Reference Data. heavy watercraft company (SRC 55829L000).Movement Control Battalion SRC 55606F000 Mission. 50 percent. Assignment. One per 5 units assigned in theater. or joint amphibious. N/A References. Provides command. FM 55-1. Serves as MCC. Transportation Operations. harbormaster detachment (SRC 55587FA00). control. inland waterway. and theater support vessel (SRC 55888F000). and LOTS operations. modular causeway company (SRC 55848F000). As needed. and technical supervision of units required to load/unload up to four ships simultaneously at an established water terminal or up to two ships simultaneously at a logistics-over-the-shore (LOTS) site. Oct 97. 06. Commands. Assigned to the sustainment brigade in the theater COMMZ. Plans. Mobility. Basis of allocation. technical. Provides bulk POL support in theater or to a corps.or distribution-based missions. technical. One per 3-7 POL support companies (SRC 10427L100) and/or transportation company POL (7. Approximately 33 percent. Approximately 80 percent. and Lubricants (POL) Supply Battalion SRC 10426L000 Mission. Assigned to the sustainment brigade (port) in the theater COMMZ. administrative. Provides command. FM 10-67. Mobility. Oct 85. and operational supervision for operating and maintaining a military petroleum distribution system. Basis of allocation. Assignment. ST4-2/CH6 6-13 JUNE 2012 . and supervises the operation and maintenance of a military petroleum distribution system company 300 km (180 miles) to 750 km (450 miles) of multi-product petroleum pipelines and terminal facilities. Supervises quality surveillance program of petroleum products. based on staff estimates of requirements in theater. Capabilities.Headquarters and Headquarters Company (HHC) Petroleum Pipeline and Terminal Operating Battalion SRC 10416L000 Mission. Manages bulk POL support directly to BCTs. N/A References. Capabilities. FM 10-67. Petroleum Supply in Theaters of Operations. and other assigned and attached units supporting pipeline and terminal operations. Petroleum Supply in Theaters of Operations. Directs either a storage.    Commands 2 to 5 POL pipeline and terminal operating companies (SRC 10417L000). N/A References.      Commands 3-7 POL supply/truck companies. Change 1. Assignment. controls. and operational supervision of assigned/attached POL supply companies and POL truck companies. Provides command and control. Petroleum. administrative. As needed. Major pieces of equipment. Major pieces of equipment. Manages corps/theater POL reserve stocks. Oct 85. Oils. Change 1. Operates a central dispatching scheduling agency for flow of bulk petroleum through the pipeline system.5-gallon or 5k-gallon) (SRC 55727L200 or 55728L200). 13. Ammunition Handbook: Tactics. One per 2-5 subordinate ammunition companies. Techniques. N/A References. Munitions Distribution In the Theater Of Operation. Assigned to the TSC/ESC or corps and is attached to an EOD group. 50 percent. FM 4-90. Capabilities. Mobility. Oct 02.1.13. Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) Battalion SRC 09666A000 Mission.2.1. Munitions Distribution in the Theater Of Operations. Coordinates operations to neutralize explosive devices. Basis of allocation. Assignment. and supervise assigned/attached EOD unit operations. or division headquarters. One per 2-5 subordinate ammunition companies.1. Sustainment Brigade. Mobility. control. Mar 05. Mar 01. and FM 4-30. Ammunition Handbook: Tactics. 50 percent. Dec 03. Requires material management center (MMC) function provided by higher headquarters for ammunition stocks. Combat Service Support. Basis of allocation. FM 4. To command. Dec 03 and FM 4-30. except inventory management. Techniques. Apr 06. To command. ST4-2/CH6 6-14 JUNE 2012 . HBCT Logistics.    Provides command and control and staff planning for 2-5 subordinate companies.    Provides command and control and staff planning for 3-10 EOD companies (SRC 03447L000). corps.Ammunition Battalion SRC 09666L000 Mission. and Procedures for Munitions Handlers. Major pieces of equipment.0. Falls under the technical direction of ammunition support missions. control. Capabilities. Serves as an EOD special staff office to theater. and Procedures for Munitions Handlers. FM 4-30. Assignment. Mar 01. N/A References. FM 4-30. Major pieces of equipment. Assigned to sustainment brigade (TO) for the TSC/ESC. FM 4-93. and supervise assigned/attached ammunition units and supervise ammunitions operations. 2. FM 4-93. controls. potable water inspection. Monitors theater medical threats and provides mitigating capabilities/solutions. FHP in a Global Environment. administration. coordinates. One per theater. food facility inspection. Performs consultation services and provides technical advice in all aspects of medical and surgical services. Performs PVNTMED support for medical/occupational/environmental health (OEH) surveillance. Capabilities. and FM 4-93. and organizes theater medical units for HSS in theater. FM 4-90. Provides command and control.0. Mobility. FM 4-02. Basis of allocation. 50 percent. Apr 03.           Serves as the senior medical headquarters in theater. Major pieces of equipment. Coordinates with the United States Air Force (USAF) Theater Patient Movement Requirements Center (TPMRC) for medical regulating and moving patients. Corps Support Command. FM 4. Provides veterinary service support for food safety and inspection. Provides staff advice to senior commanders on the medical aspects of operations. Assignment. FM 63-3. pest management. In support of a TSC or RCC-designated headquarters. Combat Service Support. Medical Deployable Support Command (MDSC) Mission. and control of medical and non-medical waste. HBCT Logistics.1. Theater Support Command. Performs staff planning. Sustainment Brigade. Assists with coordinating and integrating strategic capabilities from the sustaining base to the theater AO.4. Monitors and supervises medical logistic operations. and administration of assigned and attached medical units. Apr 06. Commands. Oct 02. Mar 05. Feb 03.Medical Units Medical Command SRC 08640G000 ++ MDSC X II II ++ Log Mgt Ctr CSH MSC MMB Figure 6-9. and technical supervision of assigned and attached medical units. ST4-2/CH6 6-15 JUNE 2012 . Sep 93. N/A Reference. supervision. Advises division/corps and BCT commanders on the medical aspects operations. Theater Support Command. Performs medical staff planning. logistical support. Sustainment Brigade. and administrative assistance for multifunctional medical battalions (MMBs) and hospitals. FM 8-55. food facility inspection. Mission: Provides scalable. Performs PVNTMED support for medical/occupational/environmental health (OEH) surveillance. Reference. FM 4-90. Supervises augmentation to level II BCT medical companies. Apr 06. continuous C2 in support of Army. One per 3 to 6 subordinate battalions or similar units. Provides veterinary service support for food safety and inspection. Combat Service Support. Performs full-spectrum. Major pieces of equipment. operational and technical supervision. and control of medical waste.4. Apr 03. Coordinates patient regulating and medical evacuation from MMBs and hospitals to supporting theater medical treatment facilities and CONUS. Medical Support Command (MSC). See individual functional companies. Joint. Monitors and supervises medical logistic operations. Monitors theater medical threats and provide mitigating capabilities/solutions. administrative assistance. water inspection.0. FM 4-93. Sep 93. Assignment.2. and multinational forces. Mobility. Basis of allocation. 100 percent. pest management. and modular C2. Assigned directly to MDSC. Capabilities:           Provides early entry C2 module to rapid deployment response in theater.1. Planning for Health Service Support. HBCT Logistics. Oct 02. flexible. and FM 4-93. Mar 05. Sep 94. and technical supervision for medical organizations task-organized for supporting deployed forces. Corps Support Command.Medical Brigade SRC 08420G000 X MSC II II MMB CSH Figure 6-10. FM 63-3. ST4-2/CH6 6-16 JUNE 2012 . FM 4. staff planning. Planning for Health Service Support. Monitors and supervises medical logistic operations. Provides advice to senior commanders on the medical operational aspects. ST4-2/CH6 6-17 JUNE 2012 . Basis of allocation. flexible. medical and general logistic support. Mobility. Assigned to MDSC or independent MSC. administrative assistance.Multi-Functional Medical Battalion (MMB) SRC 08485G000 II MMB I I I I Grnd Amb Med Log ASM Dental Figure 6-11. plans. cargo HMMWV References. Assignment. Sep 94 and FM 4-93. Sustainment Brigade. Apr 06. Monitors. Major pieces of equipment. and administrating assigned/attached units conducting health services support (HSS) operations in the assigned AO. 8 9 Truck. One per 3 to 6 medical companies (or 6 to 12 medical detachments) with a working average of 5. Approximately 66 percent. Mission. logistical support. and modular C2. Coordinates medical regulating and patient movement within the AO. Multi-Functional Medical Battalion (MMB). FM 8-55. Coordinates with the supporting aviation unit air evacuation support requirements and synchronizes the air evacuation plan into the overall medical evacuation plan. and technical supervision for medical organizations (companies and detachments) task-organized for supporting deployed forces. supervision of operations. Provides scalable.2. Capabilities. and coordinates ground/air evacuation within the battalion AO. Provides guidance for selecting facility sites and preparing areas. Task organizes medical assets to meet projected patient workload.          Provides command and control. Plans and coordinates level I/II HSS operations to units without organic medical assets. Provides hospitalization/outpatient services for all classes of patients within the theater. Sep 94.Combat Support Hospital (CSH) SRC 08945A000 Mission. Apr 03. Tactics. thoracic. Planning for Health Service Support. and oral maxillofacial. fabric. Sep 94. The HHD provides C2 for all organic/attached units. ST4-2/CH6 6-18 JUNE 2012 . Mobility.2. support operations. Dec 94. including general. 3k-gal Truck. 35 percent (without patients). Force Health Protection in a Global Environment.000 conventional casualties. based on 96 operating table hours per day. Employment of the Combat Support Hospital. 30 13 10 14 MILVAN Lift. Theater: 1. Feb 03. FM 8-55.000 conventional casualties. Apr 06. Major pieces of equipment. Basis of allocation. communications support information management. Planning for Health Service Support. Assignment. FM 4-02. shelter. and laundry operations. Techniques. water. tactical (ISO) (8x8x20 ft) 36 4 16 2 Tent. Theater Support Command. transportable. TEMPER Tank. FM 8-10-14.780 CSHs per 1. Provides intensive nursing care for up to 48 patients and intermediate nursing care for up to 200 patients. including planning policies. Has surgical capability. 100 kW Shelter. one 84-bed and one 164-bed company. logistical. Sustainment Brigade.119 CSHs per 1. 5-ton cargo Forklift. Division/Corps: 3.4. FM 4-93. Capability.     Hospitalization for up to 248 patients in 2 functional hospital companies. 71/2-ton Generator. and Procedures. gynecological. orthopedic. urological. FM 8-55. modular. Assigned to MDSC or MSC. 4k References. and FM 4-93. Provides patient holding for up to 40 patients. and Procedures. Apr 03. Mobility. 100 percent (without patients). and radiology services commensurate with level II CHS. and FM 4-93. Treats diseases and minor injuries. pharmacy. Feb 03. ST4-2/CH6 6-19 JUNE 2012 . 8 Ambulances. Major pieces of equipment. FM 4-93. or replaces medical companies/troops in divisions and in the BCT. Sustainment Brigade. HMMWV References. One per 15. FM 8-55. Capabilities. Performs emergency and sustaining dental care and limited preventive dentistry. Dec 94.        Operates rear-area area clearing stations. performs initial resuscitation and stabilization. Techniques. Planning for Health Service Support. Provides Role I/II HSS to units in the assigned AO.Area Support Medical Company (ASMC) SRC 08457A000 Mission. Employment of the Combat Support Hospital: Tactics. FM 8-10-14. Provides limited medical laboratory.4. Multi-functional medical battalion within an MDSC supporting or an MSC. and. performs advanced trauma management. Assignment.000 non-divisional troops supported in corps and/or COMMZ. Theater Support Command.2. Force Health Protection in a Global Environment. reconstitutes. Basis of allocation. Prepares patients who are incapable of RTD within 72 hours for further evacuation. performs triage for mass casualties. Reinforces. Sep 94. Apr 06. FM 4-02. Major pieces of equipment. Deploys early-entry and follow-on forward medical logistic teams.87 pounds per man/day. MTV.1 ST CL VIII supplies per day. Multi-functional medical battalion within an MSC. Sep 94. One per 11. or teams. Feb 03. Builds/positions configured loads in support of BCT and division/corps-level units. Reconstitutes medical logistic units. Stores up to 51 ST CL VIII supply. Apr 06. FM 8-55.1 short tons of Class VIII required per day. and issues up to 11. Provides field sustainment medical maintenance within the division/corps AO. FM 4-02. light 2 Truck. Force Health Protection in a Global Environment. Provides lens fabrication support for up to 22.Medical Logistics Company SRC 08488A000 Mission. sections. Mobility.4. Receives. 10 Truck.          Provides CL VIII supply at a rate of 0. Capability. FM 4-93. classifies. Theater Support Command. Apr 03. Assignment. Planning for Health Service Support. Coordinates emergency delivery of Class VIII supplies. to BCT and division/corps units. MTV 4 Forklift References. Provides direct support CL VIII supply. Sustainment Brigade. 75 percent. and FM 4-93.2.000 soldiers. ST4-2/CH6 6-20 JUNE 2012 . Basis of allocation. or 77.60 pounds per man-day. FM 8-55. Aug 00. Reconstitutes medical logistic units. Basis of allocation. Sep 94. Provides lens fabrication support to a maximum force of 80.000 soldiers. 1 per 11 ST of CL VIII issued per day. and Procedures. Provides medical logistic support for up to 53. Apr 06.2.Medical Logistics Support Company SRC 08490G000 Mission. Provides field sustainment medical maintenance within the division/corps AO. 75 percent. Feb 03. Assignment. Theater Support Command. joint. MTV 4 Forklift References. Capability. FM 4-93. classifies.000 soldiers in the division/corps or 143. ST4-2/CH6 6-21 JUNE 2012 . and issues up to 24 ST of CL VIII supplies per day. Multi-functional medical battalion within an MSC where units lack organic medical maintenance support. Force Health Protection in a Global Environment.          Supplies CL VIII proscribed consumption rate of 0.4. Area Support Medical Battalion. Receives.24. sections. Provides direct support CL VIII supply and optical fabrication for Army. Performs field support maintenance for the blood detachments and units within the area without organic medical equipment repairers (MERs). Apr 03. Tactics. FM 4-02. Planning for Health Service Support. Major pieces of equipment. and coalition forces in theater. Techniques. Sustainment Brigade. Deploys 3 maintenance support teams (MSTs) to units in theater.000 joint service populations in the Army (theater). Mobility. Stores up to 415 ST of CL VIII supplies. 12 Truck.000 soldiers in the combat zone. FM 4-02. and FM 4-93. or teams. Ground Ambulance Medical Company SRC 08453A000 Mission: To provide patient ground evacuation within the Army (theater) of operations. Capabilities:     Performs single-lift evacuation of 96 litter patients or 192 ambulatory patients. Evacuates patients from BCT medical companies and area support companies to supporting hospitals. Reinforces forward (BCT) medical company evacuation assets. Moves patients between hospitals, aeromedical staging facilities, aeromedical staging squadrons, mobile aeromedical staging facilities, railheads, or seaports.  Affects emergency movement of medical supplies. Basis of allocation. One per division supported in the combat zone and 1 per 2 divisions supported when located in the COMMZ. Assignment. Multi-functional medical battalion within an MSC. Mobility. 85 percent (without patients). Major pieces of equipment. 24 Ambulances, HMMWV. References. FM 4-02, Force Health Protection in a Global Environment, Feb 03; FM 4-02.24, Area Support Medical Battalion, Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures, Aug 00; FM 8-55, Planning for Health Service Support, Sep 94; FM 4-93.4, Theater Support Command, Apr 03; and FM 4-93.2, Sustainment Brigade, Apr 06. Area Support Dental Company SRC 08473A000 Mission: Provides operational dental care. Capabilities:      Commands and controls subordinate dental elements. Offers operational dental care, consisting of emergency and essential dental services. Reinforces and reconstitutes forward (ASMC, BCT, DIV/corps) dental assets. Deploys 3 forward support treatment sections for far forward care for distant troop concentrations. Augments medical units during mass casualty situations. Basis of allocation. One area support dental company per 43,000 troops (or 1 dentist per 1,175 troops). Assignment. Multi-functional medical battalion within an MSC. Mobility. 50 percent (without patients). Major pieces of equipment. 18 Generators 5kW 5 Generators 15kW 9 DAGR N96248 3 MSRT T55957 4 Truck, MTV, light 13 HMMWV References. FM 4-02.24, Area Support Medical Battalion, Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures, Aug 00; FM 8-55, Planning for Health Service Support, Sep 94; FM 4-93.4, Theater Support Command, Apr 03; and FM 4-93.2, Sustainment Brigade, Apr 06. ST4-2/CH6 6-22 JUNE 2012 Air Ambulance Medical Company SRC 08447L200 Mission. Provides rapid evacuation of casualties from as far forward as possible in the combat zone. Capabilities.       Has single-lift capability of 60 litters or 105 ambulatory patients. Provides air evacuation support to BCT medical company in the BSA. Provides in-flight medical treatment and patient surveillance. Provides cargo capability for moving medical personnel, supplies, and equipment. Provides air crash rescue support. Its area support section provides 6 UH-60A/Q in an area aeromedical evacuation role. Basis of allocation. One company per division; one-third company per BCT; one general support (GS) company in the corps AO per two divisions. Assignment. Assigned for C2, maintenance, and administration to combat aviation BDEs. Mobility. 100 percent. Major pieces of equipment. 15 4 12 UH-60A/Q FARE Drum, fabric, POL, 500-gal References. FM 4-02, Force Health Protection in a Global Environment, Feb 03; FM 4-02.24, Area Support Medical Battalion Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures, Aug 00; FM 8-55, Planning for Health Service Support, Sep 94; FM 4-93.4, Theater Support Command, Apr 03; and FM 4-93.2, Sustainment Brigade, Apr 06. ST4-2/CH6 6-23 JUNE 2012 Ordnance Units Modular Ammunition Ordnance Company SRC 09408L000 .. HQ .. Field Feeding … Heavy Lift … Medium Figure 6-12. Modular Ammunition Ordnance Company. Mission. Provides command, control administration, planning, and logistical support for modular ammunition platoons. Capabilities.  Commands and controls 2 to 5 platoons.  Provides construction equipment support for maintaining storage sites.  Task organized, with 2 heavy lift (SRC 09503LA00) and 3 medium lift (SRC 09503LB000) platoons the company is capable of the following: Total storage: 56,545 ST Stores/re-configures: 3,293 Receives: 3,293 ST Issues: 3,293 Total lift capacity: 9,879 ST   Establishes/operates ammunition supply points (ASP) based on the assigned platoons’ capabilities. As part of an ordnance ammunition battalion (SRC 09666L000), establishes/operates the theater storage area (TSA). Basis of allocation: Medium platoon: One per 11,273 ST storage required or 2,649 ST lift required. Heavy platoon: One per 11,363 ST storage required or 2,657 ST lift required. NOTE: Each assigned ammunition platoon (medium or heavy) under normal operating conditions requires a medium truck company (cargo or PLS) to move stocks within the TSA and/or ASA. Assignment. Normally assigned to ammunition battalions in the sustainment brigade’s CSSB. Mobility. 100 percent (less stocks). Major pieces of equipment. Heavy Platoon: 4 Forklift, 6k 2 Forklift, 10k 3 Crane, wheeled RTCC 2 Truck, PLS w/trailer Medium Platoon: 4 Forklift, 6k 2 Forklift, 6k, VRRT 2 Truck, PLS w/trailer 2 MTV w/trailer References. JP 3-0, Doctrine for Joint Operations, Sep 01; JP 4-0, Doctrine for Logistics Support of Joint Operations, Apr 00; FM 4-93.4, Theater Support Command, Apr 03; and FM 4-93.2, Sustainment Brigade, Apr 06. ST4-2/CH6 6-24 JUNE 2012 Support Maintenance Company Company SRC 43470F000 Mission. To command and control assigned cellular platoons, teams and modules performing field maintenance (repair and return to user). Capabilities.        It is normally employed at roles above division (EAD), within a corps area of operations. May be employed in a division area to support non-divisional units on an area basis and to provide backup support to division units. Performs maintenance control, shop stock, and wheeled vehicle recovery. Accepts multiple modular maintenance plugs and supervises mission execution from TOEs: 43573FB/FC/FD/FE/FF/FG/FH/FI/FJ/FK/FL/FM/FN/FO/FP/FQ. Integrates civilian augmentation from the logistic support element (LSE), as required. Civilian personnel may comprise approximately 10 percent of the unit’s overall strength. Its span of control does not normally exceed 250 persons. Performs mission staging operations. Basis of allocation. Determined by the Force Analysis Simulation of Theater Administrative and Logistical Support (FASTALS) and Total Army Analysis (TAA) processes. (Normal use probably requires one per division plus one per sustainment brigade.) Assignment. Sustainment brigade CSSB. Mobility. 80 percent. Major equipment. 1 1 Wrecker, HEMTT Recovery vehicle, M88 References. FM 4.0, Combat Service Support, Oct 02; FM 4-93.2, Sustainment Brigade, Apr 06; and FM 4-93.4, Theater Support Command, Apr 03. ST4-2/CH6 6-25 JUNE 2012 teams. within a theater. Determined by the Force Analysis Simulation of Theater Administrative and Logistical Support (FASTALS) and Total Army Analysis (TAA) process. Capabilities. 2. as required.0. 6-ton Semi-trailer. maintenance Semi-trailer. 4k Truck. Sustainment brigade CSSB at the theater level. Accepts multiple modular maintenance plugs and supervises mission execution from TOEs: 43480 FB/FC/FD/FE/FF/FG/FH/FI/FJ/FK/FM. Theater Support Command. ST4-2/CH6 6-26 JUNE 2012 .4. van.) Assignment. (Normal use probably requires one or more per corps in theater. Sustainment Brigade. and FM 4-93. and modules performing sustainment maintenance (repair and return to supply system). 12-ton References. 2 1 1 6 4 Tractor. Repairs and returns major items of equipment to the supply system in theater. Oct 02. 10k Forklift. 25 percent. Civilian personnel may comprise approximately 10 percent of the unit’s overall strength.5-ton 2 2 2 2 Tent. 5-ton Truck. Mobility. Combat Service Support. 5-ton Forklift. Major equipment. FM 4-93. Integrates civilian augmentation from the logistic support element (LSE). FM 4. Commands and controls assigned cellular platoons. shop 12-ton Semi-trailer. Apr 06. Basis of allocation. supply.      It is normally employed at echelons above corps (EAC). Apr 03.2. van. Its span of control is not to exceed 176 persons.Component Repair Company Company SRC 43480F000 Mission. van. FM 10-23. Logistics Support of Joint Operations. Mobility. Apr 06. Basis of allocation. Capabilities.000 troops. Delousing support when deemed necessary. Sustainment Brigade.Quartermaster Units Quartermaster Field Service Company (Modular) SRC 10414L000 Mission. 6 Laundry Advanced System (LADS) References. Sustainment brigade CSSB. Jul 90. Major pieces of equipment. Apr 03.000 lbs). 100 percent.500 per week.2. and FM 4-93. FM 4-93. One company per 21. JP 4-0. Showers: 500 troops per day or 3. Theater Support Command. Provides DS shower. Assignment.000 troops on an area basis. Limited light textile repair. ST4-2/CH6 6-27 JUNE 2012 . laundry. Water Supply in Theatres of Operations. FM 10-52. Apr 00. and clothing repair (SLCR) support for approximately 21.4.     Laundry: 15 lbs/soldier/week (total 315. Food Service Operations.       Operates up to 150 km (90 miles) of pipeline. Approximately 33 percent. distributing up to 720. FM 10-67. 4. As required. Operates a fuel system supply point (FSSP) for bulk-issue operations. References.000-gal FSSP Forklift RT.000-lb 2 6 1 1 Hose line outfit. rail cars. Capabilities. 2 6 1 2 NOTE: Tank.000-gal Tank.4. 250-gal Pump. FM 4-93. Mobility. depending upon available facilities. based on consumption estimates. Assigned to petroleum pipeline and terminal operating battalions. Apr 03. Operates POL distribution facilities by coastal tanker. Installs and operates up to 8km of tactical hoseline. Apr 00. Major pieces of equipment. barge. Maintains a prescribed reserve of bulk petroleum products for the theater. Engineers emplace the pipeline and pump stations. store. issue. Operates 6 each 24-hour/day pipeline pump stations to deliver bulk petroleum. Assignment. Petroleum Supply in Theaters of Operations.Quartermaster Petroleum Pipeline and Terminal Operating Company SRC 10417L000 Mission. Apr 06. Change 1. Sustainment Brigade. Theater Support Command. Oct 85. 210 gallons per minute (GPM) Pump.1m gallons of bulk petroleum in 2 1. and distribute bulk POL.000 gallon tactical petroleum terminal (TPT). Basis of allocation. 10. 3. ST4-2/CH6 6-28 JUNE 2012 . 4” Drum fabric.000 gallons/day. transfer. 100 GPM   TPT consists of 18ea 210. Operates QM petroleum terminal and pipeline facilities to receive. and FM 4-93. OR 378. and tank trucks. JP 4-0.  Operates: Fixed terminal storage facilities for up to 2. fabric. Logistics Support of Joint Operations.800-gallon collapsible bags. fabric.2.1m gallon tank farms. MTV.9m gal/day Area support sections: S/R/I 360. Logistics Support of Joint Operations. 20k-gal Semi-trailer. Sustainment Brigade.000 gal Receives/issues: 400k/day Area support sections: S/R/I 120. 5-ton Trailer.750 gallons/day    PSC with 3 210k platoons (SRC 10527FD00): Stores: 5m gal Receives/issues: 1.250 gallons/day Each assigned platoon can operate 2 hot refueling sites. Requires engineer support for site preparations.Quartermaster Petroleum Support Company (PSC) SRC 10420F100 (50K) SRC 10420F200 (210K) Mission. Capabilities. 5-ton Cargo.  PSC with 3 50k platoons (SRC 10527FC00): Stores: 600. Theater Support Command. FM 10-67. 33 percent. Petroleum Supply in Theaters of Operations. One per 2-4 platoons. Normally assigned to a CSSB or a QM POL supply battalion. Assignment. MTV. Apr 03. stores. and FM 4-93.000k gallons/day Distribution sec: distributes 48. Mobility. NOTE: Capability varies depending upon the number of assigned 50K and 201K POL supply platoons. Receives. Oct 85. and distributes bulk POL in support of division/corps or theater operations. ST4-2/CH6 6-29 JUNE 2012 .2. Basis of allocation. FM 4-93. 5k-gal Tractor.000k gallons/day Distribution sec: distribute 146. (3 each 50k platoons and 3 each 210k platoons) 18 3 72 60 66 90 24 FSSP Forward Area Refueling Systems Tank assy. issues. Change 1. 5-ton (fuel POD) References. Major pieces of equipment.4. Apr 06. Apr 00. JP 4-0. Assignment. NOTE: Normally organized with one subsistence platoon (SRC 42529 GD00) and three area support platoons (SRC 42529GC00). III(P). One per approximately 24. FM 4-93.47 ST 2.04 ST 39. Apr 06. Corps/theater functional battalions or sustainment brigade CSSB. and FM 4-93. JP 3-0.36 ST 11. Distributes perishable rations to CL I supply points.     Receives/stores/issues approximately 93. Apr 03.6 ST CL I per day.88 ST Platoon 13. ST4-2/CH6 6-30 JUNE 2012 . Capabilities.12 ST 119. IV. 10k Forklift. JP 4-0.2. VII.4. Apr 00.Quartermaster Support Company (QSC) SRC 42940F500 Mission.12 ST 3. Limited ability to configure loads. Doctrine for Joint Operations.04 ST 30. Approximately 50 percent. Basis of allocation. Theater Support Command.000 troops. Provides food service and general supply support. Sustainment Brigade.96 ST CL II CLIII(P) CL IV CL VII CL IX   Can operate from 6 different locations. Major pieces of equipment.41 ST 6. cargo Reefer units 8x8x20 MILVAN RTCH. and IX per day as follows: Company 40. Kalmar Forklift. Provides refrigeration for perishable rations. 50k References.68 ST 10. Logistics Support of Joint Operations. 23 22 24 3 7 7 1 Tractor Semi-trailer.8 ST CL II. Receives/stores/issues for 207. Mobility. Sep 01. 4k Forklift. lowbed. 221/2-ton Trailer. Total capabilities:     Forward platoons process up to 240 remains per day from up to 12 locations. Sep 93. (3 forward platoons and 1 main platoon) 14 18 10 16 18 Truck. Main platoon processes up to 400 remains per day from up to 20 MACPs. Sustainment brigade CSSB. and maintains mortuary affairs (MA) collection points to search for. Conducts search and recovery operations over a given area.Quartermaster Collection Company (MA) SRC 10490F000 Mission. Quartermaster Principles. Mobility. As required. MTV References. Apr 03. light. Aug 94. FM 4-93. recover. Corps Support Command. Major pieces of equipment. Establishes. NOTE: Capability varies dependent on number of assigned forward collection platoons (SRC 10548FC00) and main collection platoon (SRC 10548FD00). Identification of Deceased Personnel.4. and evacuate remains. 30 Jun 76. and FM 63-3. Basis of allocation. The normal mix is 3 forward collection platoons and 1 main collection platoon. refrigerated Semi-trailer. flatbed Truck. Assignment. tractor. Establishes and operates up to 12 mortuary affairs collection points. Theater Support Command. operates. Capabilities. 100 percent. MTV Containers. ST4-2/CH6 6-31 JUNE 2012 . FM 10-286. FM 10-1. 4 4 6 4 16 16 14 14 ROWPU. Produces: 360. Major pieces of equipment. Assignment.000 gallons/day (assuming average availability and two trips per day).000-gallon storage at either one or two locations. light Tractor.000 gallons. 3k FAWPS LWP TWPS Semi-trailer MTV. FM 10-52. Task organized with two water purification platoons and two water storage and distribution platoons. and FM 4-93. Capabilities. Quartermaster Principles. Theater Support Command. Apr 06. 5-ton Semi-trailer. Sustainment Brigade. FM 10-27-2. Jul 90. FM 4-93. NOTE: Capability varies dependent on number of assigned water purification platoons (SRC 10567FC00) and water storage and distribution platoons (SRC 10567FD). Tactics. Produces. Stores: 168. Apr 03. Basis of allocation. MTV. or theater operations. Jun 91. FM 10-1. water. Apr 93. 50 percent. and Procedures for Quartermaster Direct Support Supply and Field Service Operations. It distributes 42. Aug 94.Quartermaster Water Purification and Distribution Company SRC 10460F000 Mission.    The distribution platoon provides 160. ST4-2/CH6 6-32 JUNE 2012 . Mobility. and distributes bulk water in support of division. 5k References. As required. stores.4. Sustainment brigade CSSB.000 gallons potable water per day using a fresh water source. Techniques. FM 10-27. General Supply in Theaters of Operations. issues. Water Supply in Theaters of Operations. It uses the standard availability planning factor: 75 percent. corps.2. Transportation Units Transportation Light-Medium Truck Company SRC 55719F100 Mission. ST4-2/CH6 6-33 JUNE 2012 . and FM 4-93. Major pieces of equipment. MTV. Sustainment Brigade. Army Motor Transport Units and Operations. Apr 03. based on lift required estimates. Capabilities. Assignment. 5t tractor: 85 percent (FMSWEB). Theater Support Command. 20’ Personnel 891 ST 1129 ST 32 2. Change 1. Oct 97.4. FM 55-15. MTV. Sustainment brigade CSSB or transportation battalion operating at either the tactical or operational level. FM 55-30. Transports non-containerized.462 One Way 223 ST 257 ST 8 731 Basis of allocation. FM 4-93. 50 25 10 20 Trucks. dry cargo and personnel.   Standard availability planning factor: 5t trucks: 86 percent. 5-ton Trailer. Apr 06.2. Transportation Reference Data. MTV Tractor. As required.924 Line Haul 445 ST 564 ST 16 1. MTV References. Mobility. Daily lift planning factor: Local Haul Cargo truck Semi-trailers Containers. 50 percent. 5-ton Semi-trailer. Sep 99. Theater Support Command.4.474 ST 2648 ST Line Haul 210 105 737 ST 1. FM 55-30. Sep 99. 2k-gal 636. Apr 03. 60 120 Tractor.000 gal 251. Capabilities. Assignment. Mobility: 33 percent. Army Motor Transport Units and Operations. and bulk water (in SMFTs). FM 4-93.000 gal 503. Standard lift planning factor: for 34-ton trailer is 22 tons (or 65 percent) based on cube/weight limits. Apr 06. containers. Daily lift planning factor: Local Haul Containers. 4k-gal HIPPO. Transports dry cargo. FM 55-15. Sustainment Brigade. As required.007. 3k-gal SMFTS. Sustainment brigade CSSB or transportation battalion operating at either the tactical or the operational level. Oct 97. 40-ft Containers. palletized CL V 420 210 1.324 ST One Way 105 52 368 ST 662 ST  Daily lift planning factor (water): (When assigned to QM water battalion and provided with SMFT bags and equipment) Local Haul SMFTS.000 gal Basis of allocation.000 gal 424. and FM 4-93.Transportation Company Medium Truck.2. ST4-2/CH6 6-34 JUNE 2012 . 20-ft Cargo. Cargo Company SRC 55727F100 Mission.000 gal Line Haul 318.    Standard availability planning factor: 75 percent (FMSWEB). Major pieces of equipment. Change 1.000 gal 1.000 gal One Way 154. 5-ton Semi-trailer References.750 gal 106.500 gal 212. Transportation Reference Data. 5 percent (FMSWEB). Transportation Reference Data.2. FM 4-93. Assignment. As required.4. Aug 06. Transport bulk POL. M915 60 Semi-trailer. Mobility. Line-haul: 787.425 gal). Basis of allocation. Sustainment Brigade. One way: 393.500 gal. Oct 97. Apr 03.575. Change 1. Local haul: 1. FM 4-93.      Standard lift planning factor: 95 percent full (7.000 gal.Transportation Medium Truck Company (POL) (7. Standard availability planning factor: 87. ST4-2/CH6 6-35 JUNE 2012 . 7. Major pieces of equipment.500-gal References. Normally assigned to a POL supply battalion in a sustainment brigade as part of the theater base. Army Motor Transport Units and Operations. tanker. FM 55-30. Capabilities. 60 Tractor. Theater Support Command. Sep 99.000 gal. 33 percent. FM 55-15.500 gal) SRC 55727F200 Mission. 500 gal. 5. 33 percent. FM 4-93.050. Normally assigned to a POL supply battalion in a sustainment brigade as part of the theater base. Theater Support Command. Army Motor Transport Units and Operations. ST4-2/CH6 6-36 JUNE 2012 . As required.000 gal. Mobility. Change 1. Standard availability planning factor: 87. Transports bulk POL.000 gal) SRC 55728F200 Mission.750 gal). Major pieces of equipment. Oct 97.Transportation Medium Truck Company (POL) (5.000-gal References. FM 55-15. FM 55-30.4. Basis of allocation. Sustainment Brigade. tanker. Local haul: 1. Capabilities. M1088 60 Semi-trailer. and FM 4-93. Apr 03. 60 Tractor.2. Sep 99. Assignment. Apr 06. One way: 262.000 gal. Line-haul: 525.      Standard lift planning factor: 95 percent full (4. Transportation Reference Data.5 percent (FMSWEB). Capabilities. Oct 97.5 percent (FMSWEB). palletized CL V Basis of allocation. M1076 Flatrack References. Major pieces of equipment. Change 1. loading. As required. PLS transporter. Theater Support Command. ST4-2/CH6 6-37 JUNE 2012 . M1075 Trailer. palletized.    Standard availability planning factor: 90. 60 60 120 Truck. Sep 99.780 ST Line Haul 217 1. Transportation Reference Data. 20-ft Cargo. Assignment. Daily lift planning factor: Local Haul 434 2. 50 percent. and FM 4-93. Apr 03.Transportation Medium Truck Company (PLS) SRC 55728F300 Mission.260 ST 4. FM 4-93.4. Sustainment brigade CSSB or transportation battalion operating at either the tactical or the operational level.2. Standard lift planning factor for PLS: CL V: 14 ST per truck and trailer (or 28 ST per system). Apr 06. Mobility. FM 55-30. heavy.130 ST 2. Army Motor Transport Units and Operations. cargo.390 ST One Way 108 565 ST 1185 ST Containers. Dry cargo: 11 ST per truck and trailer (or 22 ST per system). FM 55-15. Sustainment Brigade. Transports ammunition and dry cargo on flatracks and liquid cargo in tank racks. One-time lift: 86 tracked combat vehicles.2. Double loading increases capacity. Theater Support Command. Mobility. 50 percent.760 ST 3.     Standard lift planning factor: 40-ton/HET for general cargo. ST4-2/CH6 6-38 JUNE 2012 . FM 55-15.4. Apr 06. dry 13. Apr 03. HET. FM 55-30. Transportation Reference Data. Standard availability planning factor: 90 percent (FMSWEB). Change 1. Sep 99. Assignment.) Daily lift planning factor: Local Haul Line Haul One Way M1 tank 344 172 81 M2/M3 (2 vehicles/HET) 688 344 172 Cargo.Combat HET Company SRC 55739L100 Mission.440 ST 1720 ST Basis of allocation. HET. 70-ton References. Sustainment brigade CSSB or transportation battalion operating at either the tactical or the operational level. and FM 4-93. (Six of these units operating simultaneously can relocate a brigade-sized heavy maneuver force. Capabilities. Normally there are six per corps or as required. Oct 97. Army Motor Transport Units and Operations. 96 Tractor. Transports heavy equipment and relocates heavy maneuver forces on the battlefield within an area of operations. FM 4-93. Sustainment Brigade. XM1070 96 Trailer. Major pieces of equipment. Sustainment Brigade.Inland Cargo Transfer Company SRC 55819F000 Mission. Feb 99. Assignment. Apr 96. or air terminals. 16 16 4 8 8 PLS. Operates a cargo marshalling area.400 ST break-bulk or 600 containers per day. Army Motor Transport Units and Operations. Capabilities. FM 55-17. HEMMT RTFL. 4. Operates intermodal terminals for a theater or corps distribution hub. and FM 4-93. 10. Oct 97. Rail/truck/intermodal terminal operations: 2. Transportation Reference Data. ST4-2/CH6 6-39 JUNE 2012 . Discharges.2. FM 55-60. FM 55-15. Air terminal operations: 1. loads. Functions as an arrival/departure airfield control group (A/DACG).000-lb RTFL. and transships cargo at rail. FM 55-30. truck.000-lb RTCH.       Operates rail. HEMTT Trailer. Apr 06.000-lb References. Basis of allocation. This unit’s mobility depends upon heavy and medium truck transport. Change 1. or air terminal on 24-hour per day basis. as required.500 ST break-bulk or 600 containers per day.4. Sep 99. Sustainment brigade CSSB or transportation battalion operating at either the tactical or the operational level. truck. Army Terminal Operations. Apr 03. As required. Major pieces of equipment. 50. Theater Support Command. FM 4-93. Mobility. Cargo Specialists’ Handbook. or discharge/load 375 containers. Cargo Specialists’ Handbook. FM 55-15. Oct 97. LOTS operations: 750 ST break-bulk cargo.000-lb ATLAS RTFL. Basis of allocation. Mar 95. 4. Assignment. FM 4-93. 10 20 4 8 6 4 Tractor. Sustainment Brigade. FM 55-50. Capabilities. Transportation Reference Data. Mobility. Army Water Transport Operations. Apr 03. Normally assigned to a transportation terminal battalion operating seaport or LOTS site as part of TSC/ESC-level sustainment brigade. or 450 vehicles per day. ST4-2/CH6 6-40 JUNE 2012 .000-lb References. FM 55-30. Army Motor Transport Units and Operations. Sep 99.4.2. or 750 vehicles per day. 33 percent. Performs seaport terminal service operations to discharge/load containerized cargo and wheeled/tracked vehicles in fixed seaports or logistics-over-the-shore (LOTS) sites. Apr 06. Theater Support Command. Apr 96. and FM 4-93. Change 1.   Fixed port: 1. 5-ton Semi-trailer HEMMT LHS RTCH. Army Terminal Operations. Major pieces of equipment.Seaport Operations Company SRC 55838F000 Mission. Feb 99. As required. FM 55-60. FM 55-17. or discharge/load 150 containers. 50. Change 1.875 ST break-bulk cargo. Apr 03. Theater Support Command. Major pieces of equipment.2. FM 55-15. N/A References. Emplaces/operates roll-on/roll-off (RORO) discharge platforms for rolling stock.000. Mobility. riverine. References. FM 55-30. Assignment. 50 percent. and FM 4-93. amphibious. Assignment.2. Major pieces of equipment. FM 4-93. Basis of allocation.    Emplaces/operates 1.000 landing craft. Normally assigned to a transportation terminal battalion operating seaport or LOTS site as part of a TSC or an ESC sustainment brigade. Mobility. Transportation Reference Data. water terminal.200-ft floating causeway for cargo discharge to an unimproved shoreline or degraded port facility. Theater Support Command. Capabilities. ST4-2/CH6 6-41 JUNE 2012 . Sep 99.    On a 24-hour basis. As required. Apr 06. Oct 97. 33 percent. FM 55-30. Provides movement support for cargo and equipment during intra-theater lift. water terminal. Capabilities. amphibious riverine. Army Motor Transport Units and Operations. Emplaces/operates one causeway ferry to move rolling stock and cargo from ship to shore. Sustainment Brigade. Performs waterborne transport of cargo and equipment for intra-theater lift. Each LCU-2. Heavy Watercraft Company SRC 55829L000 Mission. FM 55-15. and logistics-over-the-shore (LOTS) operations. 10 LCU-2. Sustainment Brigade. Transport 2. Oct 97. or logistics over the shore (LOTS) operations. provides 8 LCU-2. FM 4-93.Modular Causeway Company SRC 55848F000 Mission. Assigned as required to transportation terminal battalion. Apr 06. Sep 99. Apr 03. Army Motor Transport Units and Operations. and FM 4-93. landing craft for transport operations. Change 1.4. As required.000 can transport 5 M1 tanks or 24 20’ containers. Transportation Reference Data.4.800 ST general cargo. Change 1. Basis of allocation. Large tugs perform ocean-going recovery. small Crane. FM 4-93. Oct 97. 1 2 1 1 Tugboat. 66 percent. Assigned to port operations within theater. Army Motor Transport Units and Operations. Basis of allocation. Performs general purpose harbor duties and firefighting service.2. or logistics-over-the-shore (LOTS) operations. towing. Theater Support Command. FM 55-30. large Tugboats. Assignment. Performs floating craft and harbor craft operations during intra-theater lift. Apr 06. Transportation Reference Data. Apr 03.000 gallons of fuel. Crane discharges/loads heavy lift cargo. and FM 4-93. As required. amphibious riverine.4.Floating Watercraft Company SRC 55889L000 Mission. floating Barge. Capabilities. FM 55-15. Major pieces of equipment. Sep 99.     With barges. Small tugs perform water terminal and inland waterway operations. Mobility. Sustainment Brigade. ST4-2/CH6 6-42 JUNE 2012 . and salvage. water terminal. transports up to 324 ST of deck-loaded dry cargo or 93. Change 1. fuel Reference. administration. and equipped to support one Marine division. Command Element (MEU/MEB/MEF) Ground Combat Element (BLT/RLT/Division) Air Combat Element (Squadron/MAG/MAW) Logistics Combat Element (CLB/CLR/MLG) Figure 7-1. CLRX7 provides the logistics combat element (LCE) for MEUs. capabilities. Marine logistics units are traditionally functionally-aligned battalions and are restructured into a direct support and general support logistics regiment. The MLG is a permanently structured command that constitutes the logistics combat element (LCE) of the MEF. an engineer support battalion. Marine Corps logistics consists of transportation. The MLG includes a headquarters for command and control. It is organized. dental. bulk fuel and water purification. food services. horizontal construction. each regiment and separate battalion provides personnel and equipment to source task-organized LCEs established to support Marine air-ground task forces (MAGTFs). a CLR GS. plus one Marine air wing per MEF. tasking and training coordination. and equipment maintenance. services. communications. the MLG can support a MEF. regiments. explosive ordnance disposal. This chapter also includes the naval mobile construction battalion’s (SEABEES) capabilities. and four MEUs simultaneously. GENERAL This chapter summarizes the missions. supply. All elements of the MLG provide permanently organized sub-elements to support independently deployed battalions. and mobility for Marine logistics group (MLG) units. Additionally. When manned and equipped at full tables of organization and equipment (TO&E) levels. basis of assignment.CHAPTER 7 MARINE CORPS COMBAT SERVICE SUPPORT CAPABILITIES 7-1. The MLG is a composite of functional components that provide sustainment above the organic capability of supported units. terminal operations and services support beyond supported unit organic capabilities. staffed. The Marine logistics group (MLG) is the Marine Corps’ sustainment provider to the Marine expeditionary force (MEF). and a dental battalion that provide tactical logistics along functional lines. utilities. a CLR DS. MEUs. and engineer support. CLRX7 provides command and control. services. The MLG provides direct support to the Marine expeditionary force (MEF) ground combat element (GCE) and general support and sustained tactical-level logistic support above the organic capabilities of supported elements of the MEF. Like functions are generally centralized at the regiment or at a separate battalion level to facilitate command and control. Engineer support consists of bridging. to the Marine expeditionary force (MEF) or smaller MAGTFs. ** Note: The Marine Corps is currently finalizing its’ future MLG structure design. ST4-2/CH7 7-1 JUNE 2012 . and material handling equipment. or geographically separated units. CLRX7 serves as the forward echeloning headquarters of the MLG or as the logistics combat element (LCE) headquarters for a Marine expeditionary brigade-sized Marine air-ground task force (MAGTF). Figure 7-2 depicts the MLG’s functionally organized battalions and personnel strengths. medical. landing support and terminal operations and security support to the MLG. The MLG’s Organizational Structure. CLRX7 provides landing support. a combat logistic regiment X7(CLRX7). The most significant attribute of the MLG is that it is permanently organized and responsible for sustainment MEF functions beyond unit organic capabilities. maintenance. Within the limits of their responsibilities. Figure 7-1 shows the MLG as the MEF’s sustainment element. 328 Off Enl 1 1 Combat Logistics Regiment GS Off Enl 122 3.107 Navy Off Enl 219 1.512 Off Enl 3 20 Dental BN Off Enl 0 4 Off Enl 78 161 Figure 7-2.601 34 152 Headquarters MLG Off Enl 87 343 Off 14 Enl 78 Combat Logistics Regiment DS Off Enl 77 1.035 Combat Logistics Regiment Off Enl Off Enl 236 2.Marine Corps Combat Service Support Capabilities Marine Logistics Group Marine Off 605 Enl 9.319 1 Off Enl 104 622 Engineer Support BN Off Enl 57 1. Marine Logistics Group. ST4-2/CH7 7-2 JUNE 2012 . MLG Headquarters. Due to the continuing reorganization. exchange. Major pieces of equipment. Marine Logistics Group HEADQUARTERS. The MLG HQ provides food service.Headquarters. and the nucleus staff for coordinating MEF marshalling and deployment support. Basis of allocation. postal. grave registration. Provide command and control. MARINE LOGISTICS GROUP USMC USN Off Enl Off Enl 87 343 14 78 GROUP COMMAND SECTION CHIEF OF STAFF SECTION INSPECTOR SECTION G-1 SECTION G-2 SECTION G-3 SECTION G-4 SECTION G-5 SECTION G-6 SECTION COMPTROLLER SECTION PROCUREMENT SECTION CHAPLAIN SECTION LEGAL SECTION GROUP MEDICAL SECTION Figure 7-3. communications for MLG CEs. equipment sets are not available. Mission. administrative support. Capabilities. ST4-2/CH7 7-3 JUNE 2012 . disbursing. One per MEF. and command support functions for the MLG HQTRS. area security. battlespace control. EPW management. Provide landing support. Provide landing support and port and terminal operations in support of MAGTF operations. Combat Logistics Regiment. and personnel retrieval and processing.Combat Logistics Regiment (CLR) Combat Logistics Regiment Marine Off 236 Enl 2. to the Marine expeditionary force (MEF) or smaller MAGTFs.  Provide services support to the MEF and MAGTFs smaller than a MEF.601 Navy Off Enl 34 152 Headquarters Company Off Enl 16 232 Off Enl 0 0 Communications Company Off Enl 87 343 Off 14 Enl 78 Military Police Company Off Enl 6 181 Off Enl 0 0 Service Company Off Enl 59 368 Off Enl 0 0 Food Service Company Off Enl 3 197 Off Enl 0 0 Landing Support Company Off Enl 9 149 Off Enl 0 0 MEU Combat Logistics Battalion Off Enl 20 315 78 161 Off Enl 2 22 MEU Combat Logistics Battalion Off Enl 20 315 Off Enl 2 22 MEU Combat Logistics Battalion Off Enl 20 315 Off Enl 2 22 Figure 7-4. communications. Provide the logistics combat element (LCE) for MEUs. and support for the maintenance of law and order. Serve as the forward echeloning headquarters of the MLG or as the logistics combat element (LCE) headquarters for a Marine expeditionary brigade-sized Marine air-ground task force (MAGTF). administration. 7-4 JUNE 2012    ST4-2/CH7 . subordinate MLG organizations. Provide the nucleus personnel and equipment required for a landing force support party. terminal operations and services support beyond supported unit organic capabilities. postal. Provide necessary command support functions for the MLG and CLR x7. and security support to the MLG. legal. in the subfunctional areas of disbursing. enemy prisoner of war (EPW) management. to include: battlefield circulation control. Provide command and control. Provide communications support for the MLG headquarters. exchange. area security. Provide security support to the MLG. landing support and terminal operations. beyond organic capabilities of supported units. and LCEs of MAGTFs. Capabilities. Mission. food services. services. Due to the continuing reorganization. Provide the nucleus staff for the coordination of marshalling and deployment support for the MEF. Basis of allocation. equipment sets are not available. Major pieces of equipment. Provide general support tactical logistics support to MEUs.   Provide food service support to the MLG and beyond supported unit organic capabilities to the MEF. with necessary augmentation from supported units as required. excluding the aviation combat element. ST4-2/CH7 7-5 JUNE 2012 . Structured to facilitate task organization for landing support and throughput operations conducted in support of the MAGTF. One per MEF. level) maintenance to support the secondary repairable program. to support MEF equipment maintenance programs.487 Off 0 Enl 0 Supply Battalion Off Enl 38 1. communication electronics. engineering.Combat Logistics Regiment. including repairing and rebuilding end-item components and subassemblies. General Support (GS) Marine Off 122 Combat Logistics Regiment. Provides technical assistance and overflow organizational (10-to 20-level) maintenance for support units. Provides intermediate maintenance and modification applications on in-stock equipment. motor transport. Basis of 40-level) end-item maintenance. Combat Logistics Regiment (GS). Provides third-echelon maintenance (30-level) on end items. Provides organizational (10. ST4-2/CH7 7-6 JUNE 2012 . Capabilities. as required. as directed by higher headquarters. Provides electronic and mechanical TMDE calibration services. Provides technical inspection services. General Support Navy Enl Off Enl 3. Mission.145 Off Enl 0 0 Medical Battalion Off Enl 59 368 1 Off Enl 0 0 Food Service Company Off Enl 3 197 Off Enl 0 0 Landing Support Company Off Enl 9 149 Off Enl 0 0 MEU Combat Logistics Battalion Off Enl 20 315 78 161 Off Enl 2 22 MEU Combat Logistics Battalion Off Enl 20 315 Off Enl 2 22 MEU Combat Logistics Battalion Off Enl 20 315 Off Enl 2 22 Figure 7-5. Provides intermediate (40. Provides general support and intermediate maintenance support for Marine Corps tactical ordnance.319 104 622 Headquarters Company Off Enl 16 232 Off Enl 0 0 Maintenance Battalion Off Enl 45 1. One per MEF. and general-support MEF 20-level) and intermediate (30. Provides a tracked-vehicle evacuation capability. Supply Battalion. issuing. including stock control functions. Provides a warehousing capability to support the MEF. as required. and forwarding of Class III (packaged) supplies. ST4-2/CH7 7-7 JUNE 2012 . and packaging (PP&P) services. IV. and IX supplies. and accounting for subsistence items.Supply Battalion Supply Battalion Marine Off 38 Enl 1. and organizing (field level) and intermediate (sustainment level) maintenance support for Class VIII supplies and equipment. for sustaining MAGTF operations. issuing. Provides receipt. Basis of allocation. storing. Provides technical assistance in receiving. for the MLG and other MEF elements beyond the supported units’ organic capabilities. Provides accounting for Classes I. Provides supply support management. Provides contracting support and cross-servicing services for supported units. and authorized levels of war reserve. storing. storage. initial issue provisioning assets. including operating Class I subsistence dumps and storing. issue. VII. II. Provides receipt. Mission. One per MEF. Provides subsistence support to the MEF. VIII. Capabilities. and providing nuclear ordnance. Provides general support supply support (less bulk fuel and Navy-funded programs).145 Navy Off Enl 5 75 Headquarters Company Off Enl 9 55 Off Enl 0 0 Supply Company Off Enl 20 803 Off Enl 0 0 Ammunition Company Off Enl 8 272 Off Enl 0 0 Medical Logistics Company Off Enl 1 15 Off Enl 5 75 Figure 7-6. assembling. Provides packing. Provides for receiving. and accounting functions for Class V items. storage. preserving. Provides direct and general support MEF medical support. Provides the MEF with health care through the second medical care echelon. The medical battalion is organized to plan. Basis of allocation and employment. coordinate. Capabilities. One per MEF. Mission. Medical Battalion. and temporary casualty hospitalization. provides the medical elements to establish casualty decontamination and treatment stations. provides medical support to manage mass casualties and combat stress casualties. this includes initial resuscitative care. ST4-2/CH7 7-8 JUNE 2012 . Provides level 1 through level III. and supervise the MEF’s medical support functions. It is structured to facilitate organizing operations tasks conducted by the battalion to support the MEF or any combination of smaller MAGTF’s operating in widely-separated geographical areas. Provides the MEF with medical regulating services.Medical Battalion Medical Battalion Marine Off 2 Enl 147 Navy Off Enl 104 622 Headquarters & Service Company Off Enl 2 110 Off Enl 10 162 Surgical Company (X3) Off Enl 0 17 Off 6 Enl 71 Figure 7-7. resuscitative surgery. Mission. for Marine Corps-furnished ground equipment of the Marine expeditionary force (MEF).Maintenance Battalion Maintenance Battalion Marine Off 45 Enl 1. ST4-2/CH7 7-9 JUNE 2012 . Provide calibration services for Marine Corps-furnished radiac. Maintenance Battalion. Provide field-level maintenance and modification applications. or any combination of smaller MAGTFs.487 3 Navy Off Enl 20 Headquarters & Service Company Off Enl 12 142 Off Enl 0 0 Ordnance Maintenance Company Off Enl 6 292 Off 0 Enl 0 Electronic Maintenance Company Off Enl 8 209 Off Enl 0 0 Motor Transport Maintenance Company Off Enl 8 369 Off Enl 0 0 Engineer Maintenance Company Off Enl 6 217 Off Enl 0 0 General Support Maintenance Company Off Enl 5 284 Off Enl 0 0 Figure 7-8. less communications–electronics equipment. Basis of allocation. to include component repair. One per MEF. as required. Provide field-level maintenance in support of the secondary reparable program. electrical and mechanical test. Provide command and control and command support functions for the battalion in support of the MEF and Marine Air-Ground Task Force (MAGTF) operations. Provide field-level technical inspection and maintenance services. Provide a tracked and wheeled vehicle recovery capability beyond the supported unit’s organic capabilities. When not deployed as a battalion. Provide technical assistance and overflow operator/crew-level maintenance for supported units. Provide general support field level maintenance support. Capabilities. the structure supports MAGTF operations through detachments from each of the functional companies. in support of equipment maintenance programs of the MEF. task-organized to provide the full range and depth of field maintenance. as directed by higher headquarters. to include fault verification/isolation and repair of components and subassemblies of end items. measurement. The battalion establishes and operates direct and general support field level maintenance facilities in support of the MEF. Provide field-level maintenance on end items by means of component/subassembly replacement or repair. and diagnostic equipment. improves. countermobility. reducing. Mission. including survivability. Provides water purification and bulk Class I (water) storage and dispensing for the MLG and for other MEF elements. Conducts mobility enhancement operations. Provides bath and laundry. and dispensing bulk fuel products. Provides survivability enhancements. Basis of allocation and employment. and III(A) items.512 Navy Off Enl 3 20 Headquarters & Service Company Off Enl 23 278 Off Enl 0 0 Engineer Support Company Off Enl 10 450 Off 0 Enl 0 Bulk Fuel Company Off Enl 6 289 Off Enl 0 0 Engineer Company x3 Off Enl 5 136 Off Enl Bridge Company Off Enl 3 87 Off Enl 0 0 Figure 7-9. including protective structures. Conducts engineering reconnaissance necessary for the battalion and/or MEF’s mission Constructs. Conducts countermobility. and maintaining lines of communications and main supply routes. including mobile electric power beyond supported units’ capabilities and electrical power distribution within camps and sustainment. including constructing. One per MEF. and general support for handling.Engineer Support Battalion Engineer Support Battalion Marine Off 57 Enl 1. Provides bulk Class III and III(A) fuel support. including receiving. and maintains encampments. storing. including breaching. ST4-2/CH7 7-10 JUNE 2012 . Constructs. and removing explosive or non-explosive obstacles. mobility enhancements. improving. fixed-panel and floating bridging to support MEF mobility requirements. Capabilities. and dispensing bulk Class I (water). Conducts mobility operations. Provide general expeditionary engineering support to the MEF. Engineer Support Battalion. and maintains airfields. Provides utilities support. EOD. Provides specialized demolition operations. and other MEF-required support. bulk Class III. improves. storing. Installs/supervises standard and nonstandard. Provides EOD support to the MEF. 600 gal 1. mobile.000 gal. MEU CLB. combat. troop carrier AAVR7. 7-ton Excavator. power unit. collapsible. 5k-gal HMMWV. water 3k-gal Bulk Liquid Fuel Water Produce Water From non-potable Stores 15. water. deliver 11. cargo. LVS. 2 5 18 1 5 4 1 ROWPU. 1. D7. 22. 12.800-gal Tank. water.200 GPH x 20 hrs per day 24.000 gal Stores 23.Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) Special Operations Capable (SOC) Combat Logistics Battalion MEU Combat Logistics Battalion Marine Off 20 Enl 300 Navy Off 3 Enl 30 Headquarters & Service Company Off Enl Off Enl Detachment Engineer Support Battalion Off Enl Off Enl Detachment Supply Battalion Off Enl Off Enl Detachment Maintenance Battalion Off Enl Off Enl Detachment Medical Battalion Off Enl Off Enl Detachment Dental Battalion Off Enl Off Enl Detachment Combat Logistics Regiment Off Enl Off Enl Figure 7-10. Caterpillar Trailer.5-ton Trailer. M9 Tank. deliver 15. Major pieces of equipment. refueler. LVS.600 gal. retriever. container hauler. w/23-ton crane Truck. LVS. For a notional MEU CLB. wrecker 18 2 1 1 11 4 4 Truck. recovery vehicle. 400-gal Tank. M88A1 Tractor.5-ton Trailer.000 gal ST4-2/CH7 7-11 JUNE 2012 . 600 GPH Truck. Sustainment for 15 days. A task-organized combat service support element (CSSE). The CLBs provide the MEU with the following sustainment:             Supply support. The MLG provides MEU CLBs with the necessary personnel and equipment to accomplish their missions.Marine Expeditionary Unit Special Operations Capable (SOC) The MEU (SOC) is the standard forward-deployed Marine expeditionary organization. engineer. Disbursing services. a typical Marine expeditionary unit includes—      A standing command element. utility. Utilities support. armor. ST4-2/CH7 7-12 JUNE 2012 . The LCE for the MEU is the Marine expeditionary unit combat logistics battalion (CLB). Accompanying supplies (Classes I. Medical and dental services. and attack helicopters. Automated information processing support. Maintenance support. Though each Marine expeditionary unit (special operations capable) is task organized. and other detachments. V[W]. a detachment of vertical/short takeoff and landing (V/STOL) fixed-wing attack aircraft. Postal services. Legal services. Deliberate engineering support. IV. A reinforced helicopter squadron with transport. III[B]. as required. and IX) necessary to support the MEU for 15 days. and assault amphibian units. Transportation support. Landing support (port/airfield support operations). reconnaissance. II. An infantry battalion reinforced with artillery. as required. medium. The CLR DS is organized to plan. and communications-electronics equipment of the MEF GCE. Provide direct support tactical logistics to the Marine expeditionary force (MEF) ground combat element (GCE) beyond their organic capabilities. motor transport. materials handling equipment. One per MEF. Navy personnel are attached from the medical battalion in the general support CLR based on mission. coordinate. engineering. Provide bulk liquids distribution. Mission.and heavy-lift motor transport support to the MEF GCE. Coordinate additional support requirements from the MLG. provide direct support forward resuscitative health care capability to the MEF GCE.328 1 1 Headquarters Company Off Enl 8 70 Off Enl 1 1 Combat Logistics Battalion (DS) x3 Off Enl 17 320 Off * Enl * General Support Motor Transport Company Off Enl 6 279 Off * Enl * Headquarters Company Off Enl 8 73 Off Enl * * Transportation Company Off Enl 6 177 Off Enl * * Support Company Off Enl 3 70 Off Enl * * Figure 7-11. CLBs and/or detachments may be task-organized to support a specific operation or unit. When augmented. Capabilities. Combat Logistics Regiment (DS). Provide command and control and command support functions for the CLR DS in support of MEF GCE (ground combat element) operations. It is structured to facilitate habitual relationships with the Marine division and infantry regiments. ST4-2/CH7 7-13 JUNE 2012 . CLBs are task-organized for operations in direct support of the MEF GCE. Provide direct support motor transport. intermediate-level supply coordination and limited support in the areas of field-level maintenance and general engineering to the MEF GCE. Basis of allocation. Provide limited field-level maintenance for ordnance. and supervise the direct support operations of the regiment.Combat Logistics Regiment. Direct Support (DS) Off 77 Combat Logistics Regiment. *When deployed. The regiment is normally employed as a complete organization in direct support of the MEF GCE under the control of the regimental commander. The CLR coordinates and provides direct support tactical logistics to the MEF GCE beyond their organic capabilities. Direct Support (DS) Marine Navy* Enl Off Enl 1. including essential mobile electric power. motor transport for operations internal to the air base.000 gal 12. delivers 63. improvement. aircraft and ground refueling. and Rotary Wing (RW). The MWSS conducts airfield operations (less air traffic control) for ACE unit(s). Mission. crash/fire/rescue and structural firefighting equipment. Marine Wing Support Squadron. and limited combat engineer services. including maintaining aircraft recovery equipment. limited mine detection capability. weather services. utilities support. including tactical airfield fuel distribution systems and helicopter expeditionary refueling system installations. water. heavy Semi-trailer. and hygiene support. routine and emergency sick call and aviation medical functions.000 gal ST4-2/CH7 7-14 JUNE 2012 . construction and maintenance of expedient roads.800 gal. These operations include: internal airfield communications. expeditionary airfield services. CARGO per squadron (FW) (RW) Trucks. delivers 36.028.000 gal Stores 1. Provides aviation ground support for fixed-wing/rotary-wing ACE component and supporting/attached Marine air control group (MACG) elements. and maintenance of existing road nets within the ACE area of responsibility.000 gal.400 GPH x 20 hrs per day 48. and security and law enforcement services. Capabilities. essential engineer services.000 GPH x 20 hrs per day 240. Fixed Wing (FW).800 gal 2. medium Trucks. equipment and personnel required for rapid runway repair. lowbed Bulk Liquid (FW) Fuel Water Produce Water per squadron (FW)(RW) From non-potable From potable 168 ST for general cargo 160 ST (40-ton capability per trailer) Stores 561. material handling equipment to support base operations. messing facilities. repair. construction/improvement and maintenance of V/STOL facilities. construction and maintenance of mission-essential base camp requirements.Marine Wing Support Squadron Fixed Wing (FW) and Rotary Wing (RW) Marine Aircraft Wing Marine Wing Support Squadron Fixed Wing (FW) MWSS Squadron HQ Air Ops Division MT Ops Division Eng Ops Division S4 Dept Food Svcs Division Medical Division Chaplain Division Supply/ Fiscal Division S-6 Department Engineer Maintenance Division Equipment Maintenance Division MT Maintenance Division Military Police Department Figure 7-12. including engineer reconnaissance/ survey. Crane. air mobile. 3k Tank. fabric. purifier. fuel. articulated steer. LVS. 40-ton Truck. full track. Two FW and 2 RW per MEF. fresh. 500-gal Tank. pwr unit. collapse. 50k Tank. 4k Tank. mobile Trailer. collapse. AWD. 7-ton 2 FW/2 RW 18 FW/90 RW 3 FW/15 RW 16 FW/16 RW 45 FW/45 RW 20 FW/12 RW 4 FW/4 RW 3 FW/ 3 RW 2 FW/ 2 RW 6 FW/ 6 RW 4 FW/ 4 RW 3 FW/ 3 RW 1 FW/ 1 RW 4 FW/ 4 RW 20 FW/20 RW 4 FW/ 4 RW Crane. fuel. 25k Drum fabric. w/wnch Truck. 15kW Power dist sys. Major pieces of equipment. dump.Basis of allocation and employment. 1. full track. recovery Semi-trlr. water. extnd boom 10k-lbs Tractor. 4 liter. mobile Tank. purifier. b/hoe Forklift. 7-ton. 30kW Tactical fuel dispensing system Tractor. water Power dist sys. high speed. firefighting. collapse. 12. aviation refuel. P19A HMMWV. w/bucket Truck. collapse. ambulance. excavator. 20k Tank. xlongbed. wrker. LVS. 10k-lbs Water. 100kW Tractor. armd Truck. forklift. fabric. fresh. 4k-lbs ROWPU 600 GPH Water. collapse.5k Truck. lowbed. D7 Tractor. 5k-gal Truck. The MWSS will normally function as a squadron. tank water. troop carrier 2 FW/2 RW 18 FW/12 RW 18 FW/12 RW 18 FW/15 RW 11 FW/11RW 6 FW/6 RW 3 FW/3 RW 2 FW/ 2 RW 9 FW/ 9 RW 9 FW/ 9 RW 4 FW/ 4 RW 10 FW/10 RW 7 FW/ 7 RW 3 FW/ 3 RW 6 FW/ 6 RW 57 FW/57 RW ST4-2/CH7 7-15 JUNE 2012 . 3k GPH Trailer. fabric. 400-gal Power dist sys.500 GPH Truck. One per MEF. Capabilities. medium Bulk Liquid Fuel Water 735 ST for general cargo Stores/delivers 10.800 gal Stores/delivers 5. Truck platoons will normally be attached to or placed in direct support of infantry regiments and are capable of sustained operations on a 24-hour basis. 400-gal Trailer. Marine Division Truck Company Company Headquarters Truck Platoon Food Service Platoon Food Service Platoon Maintenance Platoon Truck Section Figure 7-13. Truck Company.200 gal Basis of allocation and employment. 100 percent. w/winch 13 HMMWV. 6 Tank.Truck Company. Marine Division. Cargo Trucks. Mission. cargo 1. tank water. 7-ton. Normally the tactical situation will require that the truck company’s motor transport assets be used to augment subordinate division units’ limited organic capabilities. fuel. mobile 105 Truck. troop carrier 13 57 Trailer. The truck company is a combat support asset of the Marine division. The truck company provides limited tactical mobility to the Marine division. Major pieces of equipment. It is capable of transporting two infantry battalions’ assault elements simultaneously. cargo. Mobility.5-ton ST4-2/CH7 7-16 JUNE 2012 . when required. except that Class I materiel is limited to 5 days. convoys. to repair battle-damaged facilities. and in unsecured and isolated locations without the supported MAGTF’s protection. Conducts active defensive operations against overt or clandestine enemy attacks directed toward unit personnel. Naval Construction Regiment SEABEES.Naval Mobile Construction Battalion (NMCB). Deploys an Air DET with airliftable supplies and equipment within 48 hours of notification. It can also accomplish disaster control and recovery efforts. to be coordinated through the appropriate NCR’s command element if the NMCB is task-organized in an NCR. and to conduct limited defensive operations as required by the circumstances of the deployment situation. following via sealift. and other forces in military operations. Naval Construction Regiment SEABEES Naval Mobile Construction Battalion (Seabees) NMCB Headquarters Company Equipment Company Utilities Company Construction Company Figure 7-14. Naval Mobile Construction Battalion (NMCB).000 gal 7-17 JUNE 2012 . Nearly 85 percent of each NMCB can deploy as an air echelon via strategic airlift (approximately 44 C-17. Additionally. Bulk Liquid Fuel Water ST4-2/CH7 Stores and delivers 56. camps. and Class V is limited to 15 days. known as the sea echelon. or 30 C-5 lift equivalents). and facilities under construction. with the remaining 15 percent. Class III is limited to 3 days. the NMCB maintains an organic table of allowance (TA) capable of sustaining construction operations planned or envisioned under contingency or general war conditions for 60 days without resupply. Marine Corps. Performs intermediate maintenance on organic and assigned augment equipment simultaneously with construction effort. The remainder of a deployed NMCB can embark within 6 days. to construct and maintain base facilities. Performs horizontal and vertical construction simultaneously while defending their project sites from hostile forces. Class IV is limited to only those materials required to construct the NMCB’s base camp. Capabilities.800 gal Stores and delivers 38. Resupply past the timeframes noted is the responsibility of the supported MAGTF’s G-4. The NMCB is capable of conducting construction operations in a MOOTW environment. Mission. The NMCB provides responsive military construction support to Navy. 12k-lb Tractor. 25-ton HMMWV. 1. The NMCB can function as an integral unit of a naval construction regiment (NCR). 1. 40k Tank. 15-tons Truck. container handler. storage. The NMCB can provide specialized. 50k Forklift. 8-tons Truck. storage. ISO. fuel. water. wheeled. 30kW Laundry unit.800-gal Tank. 60kW Truck.800-gal Trailer. 4l-lbs Loader. field Forklift. Mobility. armament carrier Semi-trailer. task-organized detachments up to one-half its organizational size to address specific support requirements. 100 percent. 34-ton Tank. water. lowbed. backhoe Crane.Naval Mobile Construction Battalion (NMCB). 5k-gal HMMWV. refueler. Naval Construction Regiment SEABEES Basis of allocation and employment. troop carrier HMMWV. ambulance Semi-trailer. 7-ton Truck. when assigned. 40-ft. wrecker. cargo. 400-gal Electrical distribution system. Major pieces of equipment. 35-ton 8 10 2 8 10 26 2 4 6 2 6 3 2 Truck. full-track. 15kW Electrical distribution system. water. 14-ton ST4-2/CH7 7-18 JUNE 2012 . dump. tractor. or can operate independently. w/ripper Crane. 8k-gal Electrical distribution system. 8-ton Truck. Four per MEF or 1 per MEU. 10 16 2 20 2 13 10 10 3 2 5 2 2 Truck. tractor. 3 ST4-2/CH7 7-19 JUNE 2012 .aspx?k=MSTP%20Pamphlet%205-0. is the most current planning document for Marine logistics. Logistics Concept. The pamphlet can be found at: https://www. CLR (DS) MSTP Pamphlet Mobile combat service support detachments (MCSSD) have been replaced with direct support combat logistics battalions. dated 2 Mar 10. Marine Air Ground Task Force Planner’s Reference Manual.usmc.Logistics Concept Figure 7-15. This page has been left blank intentionally. ST4-2/CH7 7-20 JUNE 2012 . The mission of the SB(SO)(A) is to set the operational-level logistics conditions that are needed to enable ARSOF missions. GENERAL This chapter outlines logistical organization to support Army special operations forces (SOF). The United States Army Special Operations Command’s (USASOC) logistic transformation resulted in the deactivating the 528th Special Operations Support Battalion. creating a ranger support operations detachment (RSOD) and ranger (battalion) support companies. the SB(SO)(A) ensures logistical requirements generated from operational plans developed at the theater special operations command (TSOC) are integrated and synchronized with the Army Service component command’s (ASCC) support plan.CHAPTER 8 ARMY SPECIAL OPERATIONS FORCES LOGISTICAL OPERATIONS 8-1. the 95th Civil Affairs (CA) Brigade (Airborne). USASOC also created an SB(SO)(A) HQ with a global. or with the ranger regiment from which they would receive direct support and sustainment. ST4-2/CH8 8-1 JUNE 2012 . with an SFG. and ranger regiments are resourced with organic logistic and sustainment support capabilities. and reflagging the Special Operations Support Command (Airborne) to a sustainment brigade (special operations) (airborne) (SB[SO][A]) headquarters (HQ). and psychological operations (PSYOP) brigade (airborne) possess unit organizational logistic personnel because they are designed to deploy and operate while task-organized under an Army special operations forces (ARSOF)-led combined joint special operations task force (CJSOTF). The 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment (Airborne) (SOAR[A]). The SB(SO)(A) is a modified table of organization and equipment (MTOE)-deployable logistics HQ assigned to USASOC. operational-level focus. Using forward-stationed Army special operations force logistic elements (ALE) and modular and deployable Army special operations forces support operations (ASPO) cells. Only those USASOC units designed to command and control (C2) tactical special operations. SB(SO)(A) Organization. special forces groups (SFG). Figure 8-1. creating five SF group support battalions (GSBs) and associated group service support companies (GSSCs). Its mission is to set the operational-level logistic conditions to enable expeditionary ARSOF missions within Army general purpose force (GPF) theater logistic infrastructures. and a medical platoon. No organic air MEDEVAC support. and combat tracking detachments. With augmentation. and a tactical unmanned aircraft system (TUAS) section (Figure 4-1). 8-2 JUNE 2012 ST4-2/CH8 . a group service support company (GSSC). The GSSC is a multifunctional logistic organization consisting of a sustainment platoon. It also augments the resources of the battalion support companies (BSC) when subordinate battalions establish Army FOBs. Factors and limitations to be considered are as follows:             Movement limited by dense/rugged/close terrain. The GSC has organic operations. The GSB has no organic mortuary affairs (MA) capability. Assessing the mission and task organization of the GSB is critical in every mission analysis. a distribution platoon. SF Group Support Battalion. The group support battalion (GSB) controls consolidated logistical facilities and activities when the SOTFs and Army forward operations bases (FOB) consolidate sustainment operations. it relies on the ASCC to provide additional HR support. 8-2. a group support company (GSC). it requires ASCC augmentation. signal. Limited capability to reconfigure CL V strategic/operational mission-configured loads.Figure 8-2. it requires JAG augmentation. Limited legal capability in a SFG. a special operations task force (SOTF) routinely deploys its three advanced operational bases (AOBs) to locations separate from the SOTF base. The GSB consists of a headquarters and headquarters detachment (HHD). No organic SFG bath and laundry. support is provided by the SB(SO)(A) or the theater sustainment command (TSC). a field maintenance platoon. No HR capability than organic S-1. a regional support detachment (RSD). chemical decontamination. relying on mission-specific augmentation. LIMITATIONS OF THE GROUP SUPPORT BATTALION The GSB has significant limitations in its mission support capabilities. military intelligence. Limited Class IX and VIII storage capability. No firefighting capability. Limited maintenance backup support to the battalion units. No organic EOD in the SFG. Limited financial management. Figure 8-3 shows the GSSC organization.Figure 8-3. bare-base support. and transportation. SF Group Service Support Company. SF Battalion Support Company. GROUP SERVICE SUPPORT COMPANY The group service support company (GSSC) is a multifunctional logistic company providing maintenance. the battalion will depend upon augmentation from the ASCC and the TSC. aerial delivery. water production/distribution. Figure 8-4. The GSSC is independently deployable and is capable of providing common-user logistic (CUL) support to a force package of approximately 2. For support larger SO force packages in multiple locations. supply of Classes I through IX. force health protection (FHP) support.200 personnel when combined with the logistic support capabilities within SF battalions. ST4-2/CH8 8-3 JUNE 2012 . 8-3. ammunition holding. he may serve as the SPTCEN director. ICW the S-3 and HQ commandant. The SFG commander may give technical control of the BSC service detachment to the GSB commander in order to implement his SOTF logistical support plan.8-4. The BSC commander provides information. ST4-2/CH8 8-4 JUNE 2012 . The BSC commander commands all personnel and elements assigned or attached to the company. who serves as the battalion logistics integrator and assists the battalion S-1/S-4 in logistic synchronization and troubleshooting. The BSC commander is the senior logistic commander and executor within the battalion. BATTALION SUPPORT COMPANY The BSC provides administrative and logistic support to the SF battalion. The BSC commander is responsible for executing the logistics plan in accordance with (IAW) the battalion commander’s guidance as developed by the battalion S-1/S-4. He directly interfaces with the GSB and TSC logistic support elements. the support center (SPTCEN) commander commands all the uncommitted special forces operations detachments alpha (SFODA) and attached special operations team(s) alpha at the SOTF and supervises their pre-mission training activities in coordination with (ICW) the operations center (OPCEN). The BSC is assigned or organic to the SF battalion and will coordinate with the GSB in order to provide logistics support to the battalion. or feedback to the battalion S-1/S-4 for use in planning and coordination and also for providing the battalion commander an LCOP. Ranger Support Company. the BSC commander prepares the base defense plan and supervises the activities of the base defense operations center (BDOC). When the battalion establishes a SOTF. input. The BSC commander responds directly to the battalion XO. Figure 8-5. When all special forces operations detachment bravo (SFODB) are committed to other missions. The RSC commander executes the logistics plan IAW the battalion commander’s guidance as developed by the battalion S-1/S-4. ST4-2/CH8 8-5 JUNE 2012 . It can accept CUL augmentation and employ assets from other Services and nations and integrate their capabilities into a cohesive plan to support the operational concept. RANGER SUPPORT COMPANY The ranger support company (RSC) commander is the senior logistics provider at battalion level. The RSC coordinates logistics requirements with the RSOD and JTF HQ. The RSC commander generally responds directly to the battalion XO. The RSC is the primary CUL provider for all forces assigned or attached to the battalion.8-5. of supporting all battalion logistical requirements. He assists the battalion S-1/S-4 with the logistics planning and provides information and feedback and formulates and tracks the battalion LCOP. When component forces are assigned to an SOTF. as the battalion logistics integrator and assists the battalion S-1 and S-4 in logistics synchronization and troubleshooting. His duties may require direct interface with the RSOD. joint and multinational forces. with augmentation. and the TSC. other SOFs. they will deploy with their organic support packages for Service-specific requirements and logistics support. The RSC is capable. ST4-2/CH8 8-6 JUNE 2012 .This page has been left blank intentionally. APPENDIX A QUICK REFERENCES ST4-2/AA A-1 JUNE 2012 . ST4-2/AA A-2 JUNE 2012 . APPENDIX B GLOSSARY __________________________________________________________________________________ AA AASLT ADA AHB AO AOE ASL ASMC ASP ATHP AXP BAS BCT BDAR BSA BSB BTB CA CCL CHS CMO COA COMMZ COSCOM CSA CSG CSH CSR CSS CSSB DISCOM DNBI DOS DPICM DS DSA DZ EAC ech EOD EPW ESC FARE FARP FAWPSS FL ST4-2/AB assembly area air assault air defense artillery attack helicopter battalion area of operations Army of Excellence authorized stockage list area support medical company ammunition supply point ammunition transfer handling point ambulance exchange point battalion aid station brigade combat team battle damage assessment and repair brigade support area brigade support battalion brigade troops battalion civil affairs combat-configured load combat health support (predecessor to current “health services support” (HSS) civil-military operations course of action communications zone corps support command corps storage area. corps staging area corps support group combat support hospital controlled supply rate combat service support (Deleted in 2008 in favor of “sustainment.”) combat sustainment support battalion division support command disease and non-battle injuries days of supply dual-purpose improved conventional munitions direct support division support area drop zone echelons above corps echelons explosive ordnance disposal enemy prisoner of war expeditionary sustainment command forward area refueling equipment forward arming and refueling point forward area water point supply system forklift B-1 JUNE 2012 . KG KIA km. troops. lbs LCD LMTV LOC LOGPAC LOTS LSA MA MEF METT-TC MEU MHE MILVAN MMC MOADS MRE MSR MST MTF MTV MWR NEA NGO ST4-2/AB forward support company. civil considerations Marine expeditionary unit material handling equipment military-owned demountable container materiel management center maneuver-oriented ammunition distribution system meals. KM lb. field supply company forward support medical company fuel system supply point forward surgical team personnel intelligence operations and training logistics civil-military operations signal operations gallons per man per day gallons per hour gallons per minute general support health and comfort pack heavy expanded mobility tactical truck heavy-equipment transporter headquarters and supply company health services support infantry fighting vehicle intelligence preparation of the battlefield kilogram killed in action kilometer pound(s) limited conversion division light medium tactical vehicle lines of communication logistics package logistics-over-the-shore logistics support area mortuary affairs Marine expeditionary force mission.FSC FSMC FSSP FST G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 Gal/Man/Day GPH GPM GS HCP HEMTT HET HSC HSS IFV IPB kg. enemy. Welfare. and time available. terrain. ready to eat main supply route maintenance support team medical treatment facility medium tactical vehicle Morale. and Recreation Northeast Asia nongovernmental organization B-2 JUNE 2012 . laundry. theater staging area theater sustainment command tactical standing operating procedures tactical water purification system unit basic load unitized group rations unit maintenance collection point urban operations wounded in action ST4-2/AB B-3 JUNE 2012 . and lubricants pounds/person/day quality control quartermaster rocket-assisted projectile replacement refuel on the move roll on/roll off reverse osmosis water purification unit required supply rate rough-terrain container crane rough terrain container handler returned to duty rough-terrain forklift shower.O/H OPLAN OPORD OPTEMPO PDY PERSCOM PLS POL PPD QC QM RAP repl ROM RORO ROWPU RSR RTCC RTCH RTD RTFL SLCR SMFT SOP SP SPO ST TA TAA TMT TSA TSC TSOP TWPS UBL UGR UMCP UO WIA on hand operations plan operations order operating tempo. and clothing repair semi trailer-mounted fabric tank standing operating procedure self-propelled. oils. operational tempo present for duty personnel command palletized loading system petroleum. start point support operations ofc/officer short tons theater Army tactical assembly area transportation motor transport theater storage area. ST4-2/AB B-4 JUNE 2012 .This page has been left blank intentionally. Brigade SRs (GREEN. artillery then resupply vehicles. movements. recovery vehicles. in order. 3rd BCT. Maintenance priority: M1s. 202nd BSB establishes BSA DEUCE vicinity of GUTENBERG (NU3010) in support of 2nd BCT. and 2-32 AR. and supply remain unchanged. Phase begins when 4-5 IN seizes AA ERASER. in order. and concludes with destruction of lead MIBRs. and M978 fuelers in order. The initial division priority of support is: 52nd Aviation Brigade. others reorganize to a minimum combat level of 75 percent. M2/3. Cannibalization authorized at BSB. AXPs will be established along the 45 N-S gridline. No Class VII replacement available until BCT closes on PL DESK. to occupy AA PENCIL. APFSDS-. BLUE) designated per overlay. Bypass criteria: nothing larger than platoon. In Phase IIa BCT executes decisive operations to destroy lead enemy mechanized infantry brigades (MIBRs). Maintenance evacuation priorities: M1. Classes IX.APPENDIX C BRIGADE COMBAT TEAM (HBCT) CONCEPT OF SUSTAINMENT EXAMPLE 1. Medical evacuation timeline (for entire operation): soldiers needing 48+ hrs care evacuation to 84th MED BDE. and 1st BCT. refugees. Rearward movement priority remains unchanged. and concludes with 3-32 AR occupation of OBJ WHEELER. Priorities for maintenance. aero-medical evacuation is authorized forward to battalion aid station. and ends when enemy forces are blocked north of PL TILE. Forward movement priorities: maneuver battalions. Personnel services.10 rds/M1A1. finance support. Host nation support is not available. PHASE III. On order. and V. 4-5 IN and 3-23 AR. and 2-32 AR in order. 2nd BCT. Minimal risk to LOCs and support areas. III. Priority shifts to 2-32 AR with commitment of brigade reserve. 2-32 AR reorganizes to a minimum combat level of 85 percent. Phase begins with 4-5 IN attack in zone to seize OBJ WHEELER. Priority of support and personnel replacement is to 2-32 AR. and maintenance evacuation. 202nd BSB remains in BSA DEUCE ST4-2/AC C-1 JUNE 2012 . Initial MA collection point vicinity NUTZEN (NU295185). 202nd BSB establishes forward MCP vicinity GEVERWEG (NU5025) after units clear to PL HORNET. HEMMT fuelers and forklifts. PHASE IIb. M2/3s. Phase begin with commitment of BCT reserve (2-32 AR). Refugee flow restricted to division MSR EAGLE with refugee holding area established vicinity POEDELDORF (NU1018). Minor risk to sustainment continues. Priority of support and replacements: 4-5 IN.2 rds/M2/3. M109s. The 52nd Sustainment BDE establishes LSA LAMP vicinity FREIDHAUSEN (NU0917) and provides reinforcing support to 202nd BSB. Minor risk to sustainment operations exists from bypassed enemy units. concludes with closure to assigned attack positions. in order. PHASE I. but no farther east than PL HORNET.0 SERVICE SUPPORT Concept of sustainment. 843rd FST augments 202nd BSB for urgent surgery capability. No change to unit priority. Following CSRs in effect throughout operation: TOW-. VII. 52nd Fires Brigade. The rearward movement priority: casualties. Movement from tactical TAA BOOK. Priority of support: 4-5 IN. PHASE IIa. Logistics focus shifts to combat unit reconstitution. The 825th Medical Company (-) (air ambulance) establishes forward aero MEDEVAC at the BSA. 3-32 AR. 3-32 AR. Maintenance evacuation priority remains unchanged. 2nd BCT prepares for further offensive operations. Logistics focus to units in contact while echeloning remaining sustainment assets forward from TAA BOOK to BSA DEUCE. Initial supply priority: CL III (B). Logistics focus to committed units then prepare to reconstitute 4-5 IN and 3-32 AR. No aeromedical evacuation authorized east of PL TERAPIN. Forward movement priority: replacements. and field services will resume. Forward and rearward movement priorities unchanged. MSR CARDINAL designated division chemical contamination route and remains under division control throughout operation. MA collection point repositions to UMCP vicinity GEVERWEG (NU 5388).until all 2nd BCT combat elements clear PL TIGER to the east. aeromedical evacuation authorized forward to AAs ERASER and LEAD. and then initiates echeloned displacement to BSA COFFEE vicinity KAISENDORF (NU7524). Risk to sustainment possibly significant until seizure of OBJ WHEELER. Bypass criteria: platoon (-) or smaller and no tank units. then is minimal. AXPs repositioned to OBJ WHEELER. ST4-2/AC C-2 JUNE 2012 . Refugee holding area will be established vicinity OBERFRIEDHAUSEN (NU0818). Logistic focus is supporting committed units while echeloning sustainment units and stocks forward into LSA DORIS. PLS and M88s. shifting to 3/52 BCT upon commitment. maintenance evacuation. 2/52 BCT. deployment. ST4-2/AD D-1 JUNE 2012 . PLS and M88s. 3/52 BCT and 1/52 BCT in order. Division/Sustaining BDE MACP will be established vic. and refugees. Forward movement priority: Fires BDE. Maintenance priority: MLRS. Minor risk exists for enemy direct action against LOC and support areas. CL IX major assemblies (see Annex I). Division MA CP located with 141st CSSB in LSA LAMP and each BSA. 25 AD. OH58Ds and UH-60s. MSRs FALCON and CROW remain corps regulated routes. Forward movement priority: BCT elements. maintenance evacuation.20/M1. Aviation maintenance priority: AH-64. and refugees. Personnel replacement. finance support. and 1/52 BCT. The 842nd and 843rd FST deploy with the 303rd BSB and 202nd BSB respectively. 141st CSSB (Heavy) supports 52 ID (M).0 SERVICE SUPPORT Concept of sustainment. Priority of support: initially 2/52 BCT. 52 ID (M). EPWs. forklifts. 5K tankers. M1s. 52nd ID attacks to defeat enemy lead divisions in zone. No AXPs permitted east of PL YELLOW JACKET. 2/52 BCT. BCTs and BSBs. II Corps’ initial priority of support is: 10th Avn BDE. M2/3s. and concludes with 3rd BCT decisive operation main effort attack to seize OBJ STUART. Fires BDE. Limited corps CH-47 support available for emergency CL V resupply. in support of 52 ID (M). No host nation support available east of PL BLUE DEVIL. corps artillery and 2/25 BCT (Stryker). Ground maintenance priority: M109s. Aero-evac authorized forward to battalion aid stations. barrier material. 252nd Sustainment BDE establishes LSA LAMP (sustainment overlay) vicinity FRIEDHAUSEN (NU0917). destroying enemy lead regiments and DAG. southeast of LSA LAMP. 52nd Fires BDE. 52 ID (M) initial priority of support and replacement is: 52nd Fires BDE. 120mm APFSDS-. BCTs set bypass criteria in sector. M2/3. 1/52 BCT and 52nd AVN BDE. The 84th MED BDE provides health services support to corps troops and back-up to 52nd ID (M). Aeromedical evacuation is available west of PL TERAPIN only. 140th CSSB (Area) provides area support to all nondivisional units in zone. Priority of support: 52nd Fires BDE. The 825th Med Co (Air Ambulance) establishes MEDEVAC section in the LSA LAMP with forward teams in each BSA. No change to aviation maintenance priorities. PHASE I. CSRs in effect throughout operations: TOW-. Division deploys from TAA BOOK to brigade attack positions. and Classes III/V resupply. Rearward movement priority: casualty evacuation. bypass of armor/tanks not permitted. Division EPW holding area will be located at FRIEDHAUSEN (NU0869). 3/52 BCT. Command-regulated items: all CLVII. and 1/52 BCT in order. to provide urgent surgery support. and field services operations are suspended until division closes on PL TIGER. LISBERG (NU 0919) effective H+12. 5K tankers. CPOG. 3/52 BCT. Phase I initiates with 1st BCT departing TAA BOOK. Hasty burial not authorized. Med evac timeline (for entire operation): soldiers needing 48+ hrs care evacuation to 84th MED BDE MSR CARDINAL designated division chemical contamination route under division control. Minor risk continues for enemy direct action against LOC and support areas. Cannibalization authorized at BSB level. division attack. Rearward movement priority: casualty evacuation. PHASE IIa. 2/52 BCT.3 rds/BFV. Class III (B) supply priority: 2/52 BCT. Increased risk to sustainment operations from bypassed enemy forces in zone. M1s. M109s. concludes with closure of all BCTs into assigned attack positions. Phase begins with 2nd BCT shaping operations attack to seize OBJ WHEELER.APPENDIX D DIVISION CONCEPT OF SUSTAINMENT EXAMPLE (BY PHASE) 1. Priority of support shifts to 1/52 BCT if committed. finance support. Logistic focus and supply priority is refit/reorganize 1/52 BCT to minimum of 85 percent effective. and CL V. Division establishes hasty defense along PL TAUBER and prepares for passage of lines by Pz Lehr Division. division counterattack. 1/52 BCT. division hasty defense. CL IX. conducts sustainment replenishment operations and prepares for follow-on mission. and field services resume O/O. No change to forward or rearward movement priority. CL III(B). ST4-2/AD D-2 JUNE 2012 . and 52nd Fires BDE. AA KONIG. ending when 3/52 BCT forces all enemy elements (platoon and larger) east of PL CAMEL. PHASE III. Increased risk to sustainment operations continue from possible bypassed enemy forces. O/O division MA collection point relocates to LSA LIGHT. Cross leveling of personnel and equipment to 1/52 BCT authorized. Forward movement priority shifts to: CL VII.PHASE IIb. 252nd Sustaining BDE relocates to LSA LIGHT vicinity GUTENBERG (NU3010) when the 202nd BSB begins forward displacement. Division support and personnel replacement priority: 3/52 BCT. Rearward movement priorities remain unchanged. 3/52 BCT and 2/52 BCT deployment to hasty defensive positions along PL TAUBER (operations overlay) and 1/52 BCT assumes division reserve mission vic. This phase begins when the 1/52 BCT occupies AA PILL and counterattacks to destroy the enemy reserve. Ground and air maintenance and evacuation priorities remain unchanged. 2/52 BCT. 2/52 BCT and 3/52 BCT to 70 percent effective. No change to ground or aviation maintenance priority. replacements. Personnel. Supply priority shifts to CL V: 155mm DPICM. TOW and 120 mm tank rounds. Logistic focus is committed units then preparation for reconstitution. APPENDIX E BRIGADE SUSTAINMENT OVERLAY EXAMPLE ST4-2/AE E-1 J . ST4-2/AE E-2 J .This page has been left blank intentionally. APPENDIX F DIVISION SUSTAINMENT OVERLAY EXAMPLE ST4-2/AF F-1 JUNE 2012 . This page has been left blank intentionally. ST4-2/AF F-2 JUNE 2012 . APPENDIX G DIVISION SUSTAINMENT OVERLAY: NON-CONTIGUOUS DEPLOYMENT ST4-2/AG G-1 JUNE 2012 . This page has been left blank intentionally. ST4-2/AG G-2 JUNE 2012 . CL III. No change. 84 Med BDE: area support in division rear. 3/52 BCT. 52 Fires. No change. SUPPLY PRIORITY CL V: HELLFIRE. 2/52 BCT. No change. M1. M2/3. EOD on call from LSA LAMP. M2/3. PRI MAINT: M109. Corps: MSR CROW and FALCON. 2/52 BCT. 120mm AP. 52 Avn. 3/52 BCT. 1/52 BCT. CL III. M109. 52 Fires. FS: Suspended. Division: MSR CARDINAL is contaminated rte. PHASE IIa (ATK to Defeat Lead Divisions) 2/52 BCT. and refugees. 2/52 BCT. ST4-2/AH H-1 JUNE 2012 . 52 Fires. Evac from BAS authorized. 155 DPICM. PRI REPL: 1/52 BCT. PRI MAINT: No change. 52 Avn. 1/52 BCT. No change. FIELD SERVICES CHS Aero-evac teams in BSAs. 3/52 BCT. M1. 3/52 BCT. Evac from BAS authorized.DTG) 52 Avn. 2/52 BCT. 52 Fires. TRANSPORTATION PRI FWD: BCTs. 1/52 BCT. BAND support: Available on call. equip evac. 52 Avn. EPW. 2/52 BCT. FIN OPS: resume ops O/O. Aero-evac teams in BSAs. 2 Fires. BCTs. No change. UBL. 52 Avn. M109. REPL OPS suspended until PL DESK. Aero-evac teams in BSAs. PRI REPL: 52 Avn. 52 Fires. 52 Avn. PHASE III (Hasty Defense) 1/52 BCT. All Classes: 1/52 BCT. FS: Provided by 141 CSSB vic LSA LAMP. PRI FWD/REAR: No change. FS: O/O resume in LSA. MAINTENANCE PRI MAINT: MLRS. PRI REPL: 3/52 BCT. 1/52 BCT. and CL V. CL III: 2/52 BCT. CL V: 120mm HEAT. 120mm AP. and refugees. repls. 52 Fires. Shift to 1/52 BCT if committed. 5K tankers. 52 Avn. FL. 2/52 BCT. PHASE IIb (Counterattack) 3/52 BCT. FIN OPS: suspended until PL DESK. M2/3. PRI REAR: Casevac. PRI REAR: Unchanged.APPENDIX H CONCEPT OF SUSTAINMENT MATRIX (DIVISION) SUSTAINMENT ANNEX ______ TO OPORD______ SUSTAINMENT FUNCTIONS PRIORITY OF SUPPORT PHASE I (Move from TAA to ATK POS . 52 Fires. 52 Avn. 1/52 BCT. 52 Fires. and M88. No change. 3/52 BCT. 842 FST and 843 FST to 303BSB and 202BSB. 2/52 BCT. 52 Avn. HELLFIRE. PRI FWD: CL VII. FIN CMD provides support team in LSA/BSAs. equip evac. No change. CL IX. 1/52 BCT. 52 Fires. 155 DPICM. BCT: MSR BREEN and BLUE. No change. No change. and CL V. and M88. PRI FWD: 52 Fires. FS: No change. Remains evac to MA CP in BSAs/LSA. 52 52 Avn. HUMAN RESOURCES CL III: 2/52 BCT. PRI REPL: 2/52 BCT. 52 Fires. 3/52 BCT. TOW. M88. REL/LEGAL/BAND SUPPLY ROUTES NOTE: Phrasing in this matrix corresponds to the division concept of sustainment in appendix d. PRI MAINT: M1. 2/52 BCT. 3/52 BCT. 3/52 BCT. 1/52 BCT. CL III: 3/52 BCT. TOW. 1/52 BCT. and CL V. 52 Fires. CL V: 155 DPICM. Repl ops resume. 25mm. EOD FINMGMT No change. Evac from BAS authorized. PRI REAR: Casevac. UBL. PLS. CL III. TOW. PLS. 1/52 BCT. 52 Avn. 3/52 BCT. This page has been left blank intentionally. ST4-2/AH H-2 JUNE 2012 . . would be briefed here). the briefer should be familiar with the—                  AO and area of interest. (Logistic timeline information would be combined with other staff recommendations. Constraints (logistic constraints such as CSR.) Recommended initial commander’s critical information requirements (CCIR). Forces available. 1. Sustainment functions. Friendly troops available. evacuation policy. This outline could be placed under the heading of forces available or under separate headings. host nation support. Mission and commander’s intent two levels up.) Proposed restated mission. Higher headquarters concept. (1) Maintenance status (equipment readiness). (3) Critical shortages.APPENDIX I BRIEFING FORMATS ______________________________________________________________________________ SECTION I. LOCs. implied. Maintenance. (Logistic hazards and risks would be briefed here. MISSION ANALYSIS BRIEFING Before completing mission analysis. Facts. If time permits or the target audience requires greater detail. (Vital information about sustainment forces’ availability would be briefed here. NOTE: The level of detail the G1/G4 or logistic staff officer provides during the briefing will depend on the target audience and time available. Time available to plan and execute operations. supplement the briefing format with the following outline.) Hazards/risks. a. Higher headquarters mission and commander’s intent. shortfalls in capability. Initial intelligence preparation of the battlefield (IPB) products. Mission analysis briefing format. (2) Class IX status. Higher headquarters deception plan. etc. Enemy situation and capabilities. ST4-2/AI I-1 JUNE 2012 . (3) Repair times. Determine specified. and assets. and essential tasks (logistic tasks would be briefed here along with other staff areas). (CCIR essential to logistic operations could be pointed out here. Commander’s initial guidance.) Recommended timeline. (1) Status of transportation assets. a. 2. ST4-2/AI I-2 JUNE 2012 . (1) Facts. (2) Projected status of LOCs and MSRs. a. (3) Recommendations. (1) Other. (4) Recommendations. II. (1) Host nation support. VI. (a) Class III(b) status. (3) Projected treatment capability. (b) Projected distribution system. (4) Recommendations. Assumptions. Facts. (4) Recommendations. Assumptions. and water status. (2) Shortfalls and critical sustainment risks or events. and transfer point). (2) Assumptions. (1) Projected maintenance status on D-day. VII. rail to tanker. (a) Projected supply status on D-day. and air). (b) Distribution system (FSSP. rail. Assumptions. (c) Restrictions. c. (1) Resupply rates. (2) Shortfalls and critical sustainment risks or events. (b) Host nation support. (1) Host nation support. 3. Class III (B). (2) Host nation support. (1) Projected supply levels and field services status on D-day. (3) Shortfalls and critical sustainment risks or events. c. b. Conclusions. Conclusions.b. (1) Projected status of transportation assets on D-day. III(p). water. d. b. (3) Critical shortages. Facts. (d) Critical shortages. IV. Conclusions. (c) Shortfalls and critical sustainment risks or events. (1) Classes I. pipeline. (2) Critical LOC and MSR status (air. (2) Critical shortages. Transportation. (c) Other. (3) Other. X. ROM. (a) Resupply rates. Supply. c. (2) Other. road. (3) Conclusions. (4) Recommendations. b. (2) Projected critical MOS status on D-day. Facts. (4) Class V recommendations. (b) Host nation support. Conclusions. Location of corps field service units and personnel operating in division AO. (1) Replacements. (a) Projected supply status on D-day. a. Location of supporting EOD units. (3) Other. Conclusions. Assumptions. Sociological analysis. (c) Other. Other. Assumptions. 8. b. (3) Critical shortages. a. (c) Restrictions. c. Health services support/human resources. (3) Class V conclusions. Facts. (b) Distribution system. Finance/legal/religious and band. (3) Shortfalls and critical sustainment risks or events. Explosive ordnance disposal. Economic analysis. (2) Class V assumptions. Facts. Shortfalls in field service capability. (1) Personnel strengths and morale. Assumptions. Conclusions. a. Availability of corps field services capability to divisional units. Conclusions. (2) Host nation support. b. (a) Resupply rates. (b) Projected distribution system. (1) Projected strengths on D-day. (c) Shortfalls and critical sustainment risks or events. Political analysis. Class V (1) Facts. b. Availability of finance/legal/religious and band capability to divisional units. (2) Replacements and medical RTD. 7. Location of finance/legal/religious and band units and personnel operating in division AO. Shortfalls in finance/legal/religious and band capability. Shortfalls in EOD capability. 5. Availability of EOD capability to divisional units. (d) Critical shortages.e. ST4-2/AI I-3 JUNE 2012 . c. c. 4. a. (a) Class V status. Facts. a. c. 6. Assumptions. b. Field services. c. If he accepts one or more of the COAs. Own commander’s guidance and intent. SECTION II. the commander gives any additional guidance. After the briefings. o Explanation of unit deployment in sketch. (2) Other. Objectives (friendly or enemy). staff members begin the wargaming process. The commander’s and higher commanders’ intent (two echelons above). the G3 must know and understand—                 Higher headquarters’ mission. (1) Host nation support. Possible enemy COAs (event templates). Foreign nation support. (1) Projected foreign nation support on D-day. Current situation and forces available.d. Relative combat power required for operation. The rationale for each COA. Higher commander’s intent. AO and area of interest. The COA statement and sketch. including— o Considerations affecting enemy COAs. Shortfalls and critical sustainment risks/events. Course of action briefing format. o Deductions resulting from a relative combat power analysis. ST4-2/AI I-4 JUNE 2012 . o Updated facts and assumptions. h. Size of units to array. Assumptions. o Reasoning for selected control measures. Updated IPB. COURSE OF ACTION BRIEFING Before developing and briefing other staff members on proposed COAs. SECTION III. Possible enemy COAs. The restated mission. e. the staff begins COA development again. If he rejects all COAs. Conclusions. Recommendations. (2) Projected host nation support on D-day. f. the war gamer must know—  Terrain analysis for the AO. Terrain and weather. WARGAMING BRIEFING Before conducting war games. g.  Proposed task organization and organization for combat. Restated mission.  Estimated enemy losses. Wargaming technique(s) to be used.        Higher headquarters mission. and deception plan. SECTION IV.  Priorities for combat. COA sketches and statements. I-5 JUNE 2012 ST4-2/AI . Assumptions. Friendly and enemy COAs to war-game. provide— o Critical events war-gamed. o Possible enemy actions or reactions considered during war games. Wargaming technique used (belt.        Enemy situation and capabilities.  Estimated time required for operation. Higher headquarters intent (higher and next higher commanders).  Decision support template and event template. box. o Strengths and weaknesses. Friendly forces available. o Results of the war game that could include the following:  Synchronization matrix.  Significant events (as required).  Estimated friendly losses. Assumptions used. DECISION BRIEFING Before comparing COAs and subsequently briefing the commander on which one he should adopt. o Modifications to the COA (if required). and sustainment units. List of critical events. Enemy COAs war-gamed. For each COA war-gamed. Friendly COAs war-gamed. combat support. Decision briefing format. Recording method. or avenue). Wargame worksheets or notes. Wargaming briefing format. What combat multipliers are available. the briefers should be familiar with and have available—       Assumptions. higher and next higher commanders’ intent. Staff estimates (notes or written estimates). Brief for each COA war-gamed. Updated IPB. OPORD/OPLAN briefing format.   Status of own forces. including— o Assumptions used in planning.    Paragraph 2—Mission statement.) o Main effort. Higher headquarters’ intent (higher and next higher commanders). usage. Updated IPB. Higher headquarters completed plan or order. o Support command headquarters/support area locations. terrain. (Fire support coordinator may brief here. Adjacent units’ missions. o Next higher’s support priorities and where the units fit into those priorities. including— o Scheme of maneuver with decisive. Assumptions (OPLAN). o Decision support template and matrix. o MSR control. that is applicable for combat operations. and weather data. Own COAs. o Support priorities. prescribes a slightly different decision-briefing format for other decisions that don’t involve combat. o Advantages and disadvantages (including risk) of each COA with decision matrix or table showing a comparison. Results of staff estimate. Latest intelligence. Subparagraph 3d—Coordinating instructions. o GS priorities. Enemy situation. o Fire support. shaping. I-6 JUNE 2012    ST4-2/AI . *This is the format prescribed by FM 101-5. Wargaming notes for selected COAs. including— o o o Terrain analysis. Subparagraph 3a—Concept of operation. Recommended COA. SECTION V. (Use the sustainment overlay for illustration. the briefer must be familiar with and have available—         Appropriate maps posted with overlays. Appendix E. and sustaining operations. Task organization. Weather analysis. including locations of next higher logistic bases.) It includes— o Synopsis of the support command mission. Updated intelligence estimate. chapter 5. FM 1015. Subparagraph 3b—Tasks to maneuver units. location. OPORD/OPLAN BRIEFING Before briefing the OPLAN or OPORD. Subparagraph 4a—General support concept. Significant sustainment impacts on operations. however. Continuity must be maintained and turmoil reduced to a minimum. each dealing with their specific areas of responsibility. All actions the commander and staff take must—       Recognize the decision cycle time and the planning horizon (future orientation of planning necessary to synchronize operations). SECTION VI. Communications must not interfere with subordinate commanders’ responsibilities but. They enter the decision-making process based on the type of information received. Before. during. Synchronization is essential to retain the initiative. determine the actions required. Actions and orders are continuously ongoing at all command levels. Ensure combat power synchronization results in retaining (or regaining) the initiative and will result in victory. commanders supervise the preparation and execution. rather. Regardless. This may require going through the entire process again or may mean only minor changes as the impact of facts and assumptions is determined. and after operations. Concentrate decisive combat power at the right place and time to defeat the enemy and accomplish the mission. Once the orders are issued.o o o o Units in the next higher supporting sustainment organization. or by phase. The commander attempts to orchestrate the battle in concert with the original plan everyone understands. determining where and how it affects the operation. Supervision spans a wide variety of activities. Collect information that will enable the headquarters to determine if the operation is going according to the plan or needs adjustment. including synchronizing the battle and leadership. arrive at a decision. Any significant sustainment risks. in terms of significant.  Paragraph 5—Command and signal. the unit must understand the commander’s intent and be prepared for change based on any new situation. Supervision is ongoing throughout the decision-making process whether it pertains to current or future operations. the staff and commander continually process the latest information. should ensure or verify that the mission is being accomplished IAW the overall intent of the force commander and commanders two echelons above the force headquarters. non-SOP or sustainment actions or events. and issue the necessary orders. Capitalize on success. the staff and commander must actively focus on retaining or regaining the initiative during the current operation. Focus on destabilizing the enemy. the commander ensures his decisions are implemented and his intent is understood. ST4-2/AI I-7 JUNE 2012 . critical. Through supervision. EXECUTION AND SUPERVISION During order execution. This page has been left blank intentionally. ST4-2/AI I-8 JUNE 2012 . Subordinate leaders review and communicate their understanding of the commander’s intent. they brief the commander to review how they intend to accomplish their mission. Commanders must avoid making major changes to OPORDs during rehearsals.” Rehearsals are staged during preparation. Rehearsals also provide a visual impression which orients participants with their environment and other units executing the operation. they provide a forum where subordinate and supporting leaders and units can discuss and coordinate. Help synchronize the operation at key points by identifying times and locations that require coordination and solutions for coordinating actions. This is conducted by subordinates. and the relationship between their individual unit missions and those of other units in the operation. They accomplish the following:     Reveal unidentified external coordination requirements. Update internal coordination techniques such as the synchronization matrix and the decision support template. Back brief. and sustain ones wargaming results. not an analysis. Support internal coordination by identifying tasks needed to accomplish external coordination. at brigade and below. validate. rehearsals are based on a completed operation order (OPORD). Conformation brief. Rehearsals are conducted during preparation to practice executing the selected COA. Mission Command: Command and Control of Army Forces. presenting commander’s a tool used to ensure staffs and subordinates understand the commander’s intent and operational concept. There are several types of rehearsals. Back brief. The purpose of appendix i is to provide the logistician with an understanding of the types of rehearsals and the various techniques. Support rehearsal. Rehearsals reinforce synchronization across operations in time and place and foster a deeper understanding and familiarity for participants. Types of rehearsals. This is routinely performed by a leader immediately after receiving instructions (OPORDs or FRAGOs). though occasionally may be employed at the division level. Each rehearsal is a coordination event. Whenever possible. Combined arms rehearsal. Rehearsals contribute to external and internal coordination. The extent of rehearsals depends on available time. ST4-2/AJ J-1 JUNE 2012 . Finally. Battle drill or SOP rehearsal. Effective rehearsals further imprint a mental picture of the operational sequence of key actions. defines a rehearsal as “a session in which a unit or staff practices expected actions to improve performance during execution. The sustainment rehearsal validates the concept of sustainment for the COA derived during the MDMP. The five types of rehearsals are:      Confirmation brief. It is not a substitute for war-gaming during the military decision making process (MDMP) to analyze competing courses of action (COAs). each achieving a different result and meeting a specific preparation timeline. Purpose. They make only those changes essential to mission success. their units’ specific tasks and purpose. Back briefs allow commanders to clarify their intent early in subordinate planning so that problems in the concept and in the subordinate commanders’ operational concepts can be identified early and also so that they can learn how subordinates intend to accomplish their missions. Support rehearsals generally are limited to the lower edge of the tactical spectrum. The sustainment rehearsal is a process used to articulate.APPENDIX J SUSTAINMENT REHEARSAL FM 6-0. echelons involved. time of day. Support rehearsal. lane-marking SOPs. they achieve the same results. They are referred to by the primary BOS being rehearsed. prepare. As listed below. Operations security (OPSEC). Commanders develop a plan to protect the rehearsal from enemy surveillance and reconnaissance. Echelons involved. including graphics and radio frequencies that would include selected actions without compromising the actual OPORD. Each type of rehearsal can be designed using all or any combination of the rehearsal techniques. the fire support rehearsal or the sustainment rehearsal. This ensures all participants understand a technique or a specific set of procedures. Commanders must take care to not confuse subordinates when doing this. for example. This rehearsal type ensures that subordinate units synchronize their plans with each other. and maintained throughout the rehearsal. ensuring that those responsible for each BOS can support the OPORD. Although these rehearsals differ slightly by BOS. and sections. Full dress rehearsal. they are most common for platoons. One method is to develop a plan. This technique produces the most detailed understanding of the operation because it involves every participating soldier and system. and can ensure that each BOS is synchronized within the overall operation. A subordinate unit can perform a full dress rehearsal as part of a larger organization’s reduced-force rehearsal. and assess) the rehearsal. Actions such as a command post (CP) shift changes. Factors affecting the rehearsal space allocation and how it will be secured for the rehearsal. operations security. Terrain management for a full dress rehearsal can be difficult if it is not considered during the initial force array. This is the most time consuming. Full dress rehearsal considerations include the following:  Time. OPSEC. squads. secured. it is the most effective technique to ensure everyone understands their role. Units execute support rehearsals throughout preparation. The number of echelons that can participate in the rehearsal. Techniques for executing rehearsals are limited only by the commander’s resourcefulness.    ST4-2/AJ J-2 JUNE 2012 . The ease with which the enemy might gather intelligence from the rehearsal. Rehearsal techniques. Battle drill or SOP rehearsal. can accomplish all their missions. Commanders must consider the planning and preparation time their subordinates need and compare them with the time and potential benefits of a full dress rehearsal. Echelons involved. it should be conducted under the same conditions—weather. This is conducted by subordinate units within the framework of a single or limited number of battlefield operating systems (BOSs). All echelons use this rehearsal type.Combined arms rehearsal. or refuel-onthe-move site operations can be rehearsed. terrain and use of live ammunition—that the force expects to encounter during the actual operation. cleared. Moving a large part of the force may attract enemy attention. This is a maneuver unit headquarters normally executes with all combined arms elements after subordinate units issue their OPORD. They are performed throughout preparation and are not limited to published battle drills. however. It is the most difficult to accomplish at higher echelons. but for companies and smaller units. The rehearsal area must be identified. each successive technique takes a decreasing amount of time and resources. and terrain. It is important for logistic leaders to train subordinates in planning and executing sustainment rehearsals. six techniques commonly used. There are generally. Terrain. The amount of time required to conduct (plan. Preferably.     Time. an obstacle breach. and ensures that subordinate commanders’ plans achieve the higher commander’s intent. Terrain. Each rehearsal technique provides a different degree of understanding on the part of participants and is defined by the four factors: time. execute. OPSEC. It may require developing a rehearsal plan that mirrors the actual plan but that fits the rehearsal terrain. the commander decides the level of leader involvement. Echelons involved. First. Then. and maintained throughout the rehearsal. A reduced-force rehearsal normally requires less time than a full dress rehearsal. Terrain.Figure J-1. cleared. Commanders often use this technique to rehearse fire control measures for an engagement area during defensive operations. A small unit can perform a full dress rehearsal as part of a larger organization’s reduced-force rehearsal. Terrain-model rehearsal. A reduced-force rehearsal may be used to prepare key leaders for a full dress rehearsal. Rehearsal Techniques Relative to Time. Terrain requirements can be the same as for a full dress rehearsal even though there are fewer participants. Resources. It normally takes fewer resources than does a full dress rehearsal. Reduced-force rehearsal considerations include the following:    Time. The rehearsal area must be identified. the selected leaders rehearse the plan while traversing actual or similar terrain. Participation. secured. A terrain-model rehearsal takes a proficient brigade from one to two hours to execute to standard. However. A reduced-force rehearsal involves only key organizational leaders those of subordinate units. The terrain-model rehearsal (also known as a rock drill) takes less time and fewer resources than a full dress or reduced-force rehearsal requires. OPSEC. it is the most popular rehearsal technique. Commanders consider the time their subordinates need to plan and prepare when deciding whether to conduct a reduced-force rehearsal. and Understanding. A reduced-force rehearsal is less likely to present OPSEC vulnerabilities than would a full dress rehearsal because the number of participants is smaller. When possible. the number of radio transmissions required is the same as for a full dress rehearsal and remains a consideration. Terrain management for the reduced-force rehearsal can be just as difficult as for the full dress rehearsal. Reduced-force rehearsal. An accurately constructed terrain model helps subordinate leaders visualize the commander’s intent and operational concept. commanders place the terrain model where it overlooks ST4-2/AJ J-3 JUNE 2012 . but overlays help in this regard. Participants move markers on the sketch to represent unit locations and maneuvers. A good site is easy to find for participants. Terrain management is less difficult than with the previous techniques. the most time-consuming part of this technique is constructing the terrain model. yet it is concealed from the enemy. However. Terrain. This rehearsal can present OPSEC vulnerabilities if the area around the rehearsal site is not secured. day or night. The collection of commanders and their vehicles can draw enemy attention. large. An optimal location overlooks the terrain where the unit will execute the operation. This technique requires less space than a terrain model rehearsal requires. A map rehearsal is similar to a sketch-map rehearsal. A good site is one that is easy for participants to find. Commanders can use the sketch-map technique almost anywhere. yet it must be concealed from the enemy. A good SOP also states who will build the terrain model and when it will be built. Map rehearsal considerations include the following:     Time. A good site is easy for participants to find. This rehearsal can present OPSEC vulnerabilities if the area around the rehearsal site is not secured. Units must sanitize the terrain model after completing the rehearsal. The most time-consuming part is the rehearsal itself. An optimal location overlooks the terrain where the unit will execute the operation. Map rehearsal. J-4 JUNE 2012 ST4-2/AJ . This rehearsal can present OPSEC vulnerabilities if the area around the rehearsal site is not secured. Sketch-map rehearsals take less time than terrain-model rehearsals. Echelons involved. Terrain-model rehearsal considerations include the following:  Time. A large model helps reinforce the participants’ perception of unit positions on the terrain. multi-echelon rehearsals using this technique are difficult. if the situation requires more security. A map rehearsal is normally the easiest technique to set up. but simple models can be used. Terrain. Because a map is geared to the echelon conducting the rehearsal. yet is concealed from the enemy. Terrain. Often. since it only requires maps and current operational graphics. except the commander uses a sketch map in instead of a terrain model. Units require a clear SOP stating how the model will be built to ensure the model is accurate. The collection of commanders and their vehicles can draw enemy attention. the model’s orientation coincides with that of the terrain. multi-echelon rehearsals using this technique are difficult. The procedures are the same as for a terrain-model rehearsal. An optimal location overlooks the terrain where the unit will execute the operation. except that the commander uses a map and an operations overlay of the same scale used to plan the operation. Effective sketches are large enough for all participants to see as each participant walks through executing the operation. This technique requires the least space. OPSEC.    Sketch-map rehearsal. Because a sketch map is geared to the echelon conducting the rehearsal. OPSEC. The size of the terrain model can vary from small (using markers to represent units) to large (on which the participants can walk). The collection of commanders and their vehicles can also draw enemy attention. Echelons involved. OPSEC. and detailed enough to rehearse the operation. and take more time than map rehearsals.the actual terrain of the area of operations (AO). multiechelon rehearsals using this technique are difficult but overlays help in this regard. Echelons involved. Sketch-map rehearsal considerations include the following:     Time. Because a terrain model is geared to the echelon conducting the rehearsal. they place the terrain model on a reverse slope within walking distance of a point overlooking the AO. Sustainment rehearsal preparation. this technique can be very time consuming.Network rehearsal (WAN/LAN). 2. The BCT S3 or his designated representative provides details about the terrain on which the mission will be conducted. If a network rehearsal is executed from unit locations. Status of Reconstitution: Personnel – BCT REAR CP Equipment – BCT REAR CP ST4-2/AJ J-5 JUNE 2012 . Terrain. Most units in the Army have sustainment rehearsal SOPs or TTPs that require that the rehearsing unit gather specific information. terrain considerations are minimal. This technique lends itself to multi-echelon rehearsals. Terrain orientation. the volume of the communications transmissions and potential compromise of information through enemy monitoring can present OPSEC vulnerabilities. If a network rehearsal is executed from current unit locations. Participants (sequence of respondents): BCT S4 BCT XO BRT 1SG AR S4 IN S4 EN S4 FA S4 FSB SPO 3. Echelons involved. Participating units. BCT S4 initiates FM rehearsal with a Net Call on the xxxx Net. APPENDIX 4 (FM SUSTAINMENT REHEARSAL) TO ANNEX I (SERVICE SUPPORT ) to OPORD XXXX 1. CPs can rehearse battle tracking during network rehearsals (see Figure J-2 for an example of a SOP extract for a sustainment FM rehearsal). These rehearsals require all information systems (INFOSYS) needed to execute that portion of the operation. Commanders and staffs execute network rehearsals by talking through critical portions of the operation over communications networks in a sequence the commander establishes. Network rehearsals can be executed over wide-area networks (WANs) or local-area networks (LANs). Participating units must be identified and notified. All participants require working INFOSYS and a copy of the OPORD and overlays. The organization only rehearses the critical parts of the operation. OPSEC. Network rehearsal considerations include the following:     Time. Participation is limited only by the commander’s desires and the capabilities of the command’s INFOSYS. If the organization does not have a clear SOP and if all units do not have working communications or if they are not up on the net. Friendly situation/maneuver COA. CL IIIB. CL V. SOP Extract for Sustainment Network Rehearsal. Enemy situation/most likely COA. Logistic release points. The G/S2 provides the enemy situation and the enemy COA in order to depict the situation for sustainment executors and also focuses on the enemy threat as it pertains to the sustainment battlefield operating system. medical.4. Logistical displacement triggers and timelines. Alibi / Conclusion Figure J-2. Rehearsal by unit. maintenance. Friendly unit actions. Admin and log radio nets. The G/S3 or his designated representative provides the friendly situation and the unit’s maneuver plan for sustainment executors. units brief: Current combat power Projected combat power Additional support required to meet projected combat power Critical Classes of supply (current and in 24 hours): CL III(B) CL III(P) CL V Status of support systems available Sustainment Rehearsal Card Unit Locations Unit Logistic Locations AXP Locations – FSB BCT CPs – BCT S4 5. J-6 JUNE 2012 ST4-2/AJ . Subordinate units provide the following information:                 Location of maneuver units. Location/composition of: BCT FLE. Location of all sustainment assets (grids or command points). EPW and detainee collection points. Planned location of friendly obstacles or mines. The G/S2 also advances the enemy during the rehearsal to depict the most likely COA. Location of level II medical facilities. and water. Location and amount of CL IIIB and V in TF combat trains. Maintenance and recovery assets and collection points. Main. Location and purpose of all known obstacles on the battlefield. The G/S4 uses time-phased events to develop the rehearsal. The depiction must tie enemy actions to specific terrain or to friendly unit actions. Current LOGSTAT. Ambulance exchange points (AXP). Air evacuation routes and deconfliction of air space. including known enemy obstacles. alternate and contaminated supply routes and their control HQ. the XO begins planning. the echelons involved. If sustainment rehearsals occur at locations other than the maneuver rehearsal locations. and terrain. The sustainment rehearsal location should be centrally located to support the majority of participants and should provide adequate space and support for the number of attendees. or deputy commanders (depending on the tactical level). Once the commander selects the type of rehearsal. preparation. and logistic support. The commander selects the type of rehearsal based on time. briefers should arrive prepared and ready to discuss their respective actions during the rehearsal. or a map must be prepared. a terrain board. The most effective rehearsal occurs when each battlefield operating system’s (BOS) commanders. ST4-2/AJ J-7 JUNE 2012 . they should be competent with the plan. Failure to prepare designated representatives will result in unproductive rehearsals. The same individual then reduces the information to a notebook-size “takeaway” card so that all rehearsal attendees depart with information that will ensure a common operating picture for sustainment operational support. and primary staff attend. and execution. ensures that sufficient time is allotted. and attendees sharing a common battlefield view. The type of rehearsal will drive whether a rehearsal area. and that required personnel are identified. Determine the rehearsal location. The rehearsal will only pause for war-stopping issues. TOC passes. At a minimum. parking. Unfortunately. Commanders will typically delegate his or her rehearsal responsibilities to executive officers. An individual is identified to post the rehearsal card in a large poster format and to ensure that the information is filled in. Identify the rehearsal briefers and the audience.A technique used by some units is to publish this information so that rehearsal participants and observers take with them a quick reference sheet that outlines a common operating picture for logistic operational support. rehearsal success hinges on identifying those briefers who provide sustainment command and control and who are responsible for executing specific sustainment missions. the recorder will write down all relevant comments for action later. the right players should attend. The advantages of having sustainment rehearsals following maneuver rehearsals is audience availability. Turning away participants due to lack of planning for sufficient space only degrades the rehearsal’s effectiveness. If designated representatives are chosen to replace primary briefers. Units must plan in advance for security measures. the recorder’s role is necessary for an effective rehearsal. The rehearsal’s location is largely dependent on METT-TC. capturing all issues that arise. should be included in the mission analysis timeline. During backwards planning. A recorder to take notes must also be identified. sufficient time should be allocated to sustainment rehearsal planning. otherwise. the ideal location is with the maneuver rehearsal. The XO will also ensure that an agenda and script are produced and distributed to units participating in the rehearsal.) Rehearsal type selection. The rehearsal audience is critical to executing the logistic plan. OPSEC. executive officers. (See Figure J-3. The amount of time required for executing the rehearsal is typically METT-T driven. this is difficult to achieve. Below is a proposed sustainment rehearsal briefer/audience listing. Sustainment rehearsals. since doctrinally. along with maneuver rehearsals. use of maneuver terrain models. sustainment is one of their primary responsibilities. assistant commanders. BCT CSS REHEARSAL CARD BAS LOCATIONS UNIT PHASE 1 2 FAS MAS TRIGGER FREQUENCY CALLSIGN IN 3 4 1 2 A R 3 4 1 FA 2 1 EN 2 AXP LOCATIONS AXP 1 2 LOCATION UNIT TRIGGER CCP 6 7 BCT CCP LOCATIONS LOCATION RESPONSIBLE UNIT AXP MOVES 1 2 14 15 16 CL IV/V LOCATIONS LOCATION UNIT TRIGGER 17 BRT OP LOCATIONS OP 5 LOCATION OTHER UNITS NEARBY UNIT LOG INFORMATION UNIT IN PHASE UMCP CTCP LOGPAC TIMES 6 7 8 DECON 1 DECON PT LOCATION AR 2 3 4 5 FA EN KEY LOGISTICS INFORMATION UNIT GRID FREQUENCY CALLSIGN Figure J-3. Sustainment Rehearsal COP Quick Reference Sheet. ST4-2/AJ J-8 JUNE 2012 . G2 representative. G4.BCT SUSTAINMENT REHEARSALS BCT commander. CORPS SUSTAINMENT REHEARSALS Deputy corps commander. TF commanders or XOs. REMARKS The BCT XO facilitates the BCT sustainment rehearsal and assigns a recorder. division G4s and planners. BCT S4. inclusive) medical platoon leaders. G1 representative. and BCT commander/XO. sustaining BDE commander/SPO. BSB/CSSB S4s. G3 representative. sustainment BDE commander and SPO. BCT XO. AUDIENCE (not inclusive) REMARKS AUDIENCE (not inclusive) REMARKS ST4-2/AJ J-9 JUNE 2012 . The assistant commander oversees the division’s rehearsal with the CoS and G4 as facilitators. BSB SPOs. BCT S3. The deputy corps commander chairs the sustainment rehearsal with the G4 as the facilitator. movement control officer (MCO). MMC. AUDIENCE (not all TCF commander. G4. ME BDE commanders. G3 representative. sustaining BDE commanders. surgeon. corps G1. and Corps Sustainment Rehearsals. aviation BDE commanders. G2 representative. chief of staff. and BCT commanders/XOs. BCT S1. TSC commander/SPO. BCT XOs. BSB commander. BRT commander. BSB commanders. BCT. HHC commander. G4 planner. and FSC commanders. CSSB commander/SPO. BSB commanders/SPOs. BCT S2. sustainment BDE LN. MCC. DIVISION SUSTAINMENT REHEARSALS Assistant commander for support. Figure J-4. reserve commander. division transportation officer. division surgeon. division transportation officers. Division. corps surgeon. BCT S4. BSB commanders/SPO. CSSB commanders/SPOs. CSSB and functional battalion commanders.  Corps MSRs (clean and dirty).  EAs. the sustainment rehearsal should normally follow the maneuver rehearsal.  Medical BDE-CSH locations.  BSA location. As mentioned earlier. At a minimum.  Objectives.  EAs.  Division MSRs (and alternate).  Division LSA location.  Phase lines.  Division support area location.  Boundaries.  BSA locations.  Sustaining BDE HQs location.  Boundaries.  ME BDE HQs. the sustainment rehearsal terrain model should include the following control measures: BCT Div Corps TERRAIN MODEL CONTROL MEASURES  Boundaries.  Division CPs.  Division MSRs (clean and dirty). Terrain Model Control Measures.  ROM locations. ST4-2/AJ J-10 JUNE 2012 .  Decontamination  BSA.  Objectives.  FST and AXPs. Figure J-5.  CSSB locations. MEDEVAC and support assets in BCT AO.  Division CPs.  LSA locations (primary/alternate).  BCT SRs (primary and alternate).  Artillery cache points.  TSC HQ.  Aviation BDE sites.  Objectives.  Medical BDE  BCT CP locations.  Sustaining BDE location.  Division MSRs (and alternate). and pre-made unit icons. This allows for maximizing the use of pre-made terrain models and equipment.  Battalion combat  Medical BDE trains. thus reinforcing the current battlefield as viewed by most players. field trains.  Bulk fuel locations. major terrain features.  Phase lines.Maximize the use of the terrain model.  ASP locations.  Battalion CPs and  Fires BDE HQs.  Phase lines.  EAs. FARPs. CSH location.  Personnel service locations.  Corps MSRs (clean and dirty). It provides a 3-dimentional picture of the area of operation and includes cities.  Division LSA locations. An effective terrain model technique is the sand table.  BSB (supply points and ATP). The rehearsal format should be approved. Conducting the sustainment rehearsal is an art. Figures 4. Adjust/Execute. At the conclusion of the rehearsal. ST4-2/AJ J-11 JUNE 2012 . Once issues are resolved. division. 5. The most effective rehearsals result from thorough planning. Proactive logisticians anticipate changes to the plan and immediately adjust to outcomes from the rehearsal. areas briefed. All players/briefers should arrive at the rehearsal fully prepared. and integration with maneuver units. Company Commander’s Cue Card for Battalion-Level. Figure J-6. Offensive Combined Arms Rehearsal. and 6 provide TTPs for sustainment rehearsal agendas at BCT. The sustainment rehearsal format is similar to the maneuver rehearsal format. Time is of the essence and responsiveness to change is critical. included in SOPs and trained at home station prior to deployments. The matrices identify the sequence and speaker. units make necessary adjustments to concepts of support and begin execution. and responsibilities of the briefer. and corps levels. remarks. Outstanding issues are either resolved or given back to units as taskings with suspenses. coordination. the facilitator reviews all outstanding issues from the recorder.Sustainment rehearsal execution. but integrates sustainment into all aspects of the operation. Coordinate with S4 and BSB SPO for sustainment terrain model control measures. Includes critical shortages and replacements. Includes chemical threat. FSC commander/1SGs. Provides commander’s guidance for sustainment rehearsal. and sustainment asset protection. ST4-2/AJ J-12 JUNE 2012 . while S4s cover battalion-level logistics supporting phase I. S4. S4s brief locations of battalion-level sustainment assets. Covers sustainment actions by phase. MSRs (primary and alternate)—TF support infrastructure (BCT internal). Responsibilities Rehearsal facilitator.BCT rehearsal agenda. Covers sustainment actions during phase I. Turns it over to the next briefer. HHC commanders. the status of O/H stocks. Overview model. medical company commanders).. Sets the stage for the rehearsal by reading when each phase begins and ends. Covers all sustainment actions BEFORE Phase I. Figure J-7. TCF * Covers the operational concept by phase. TCF Covers actions during phases II-IV. The scribe reviews support issues and then concludes rehearsal. and terrorist). commander’s intent. such as current combat power status and DS stock status. BN. BCT XO Refer to sequence #10. friendly situation. BCT CDR 3. The BN XOs cover maneuver actions during phase I. task organ. beginning with phase I. Also discusses supporting TCF in BSA. 2. operational concept. S3. Includes brigade support unit locations. S2. mission. Refer to sequence #9. Focuses on enemy threats pertaining to logistics (i. Information covered here is critical. 8. Reads when each phase begins and ends. BCT S3 12. BCT S1 7. Model set up. to rear areas. BCT Sustainment Rehearsal Agenda. along MSRs. Includes any other specific sustainment area. Focuses on sustainment support during phase I. The key to these briefings is ensuring the battalion has synchronized sustainment within the unit. Refer to sequence #9. Includes: boundaries and friendly force locations. 13. Tasks respective units. Timeline manager. The S4 provides a snapshot of Paragraph 4a (concept of sustainment) to the BCT order. Includes the support task organization. impacts of refugees. BCT S3 Opening remarks. BSB SPO 14. Displays enemy symbols on the terrain model. 10. BCT XO Areas Covered Conducts roll call. ENG. and FA XOs with S4s should come prepared to discuss organizational sustainment support. civilians. supply and movement forward and rearward. BSB SPT OPS Provides the personnel status by unit. 6. sustainment unit locations in the BCT support area. Provides an overview of the enemy situation. Specific actions include support priorities (by unit). BCT S4 Provides an overview of logistics. BSB SPOs. BCT S3 9.e. BCT/battalion CSMs. Remarks Verifies attendees (BCT S1. Covers actions in each phase. as required by BCT XO. Sequence Speaker 1. BCT S2 5. Sustainment actions BEFORE combat operations set the conditions for success. BSB OPS SPT 11. BN. 4. MAN BN. The key to these briefings is ensuring maneuver BCTs have synchronized sustainment within the unit. maneuver enhancement brigade commanders. Includes TCF and reserve support discussion. Provost Marshal and Reserve Covers the operational concept by phase. Focuses on enemy logistic threats (i. Covers all DS actions BEFORE phase I.. and commander’s intent. Includes all division medical asset locations (including corps augmentation). 4. Should include at a minimum: division S1. The G4 provides a snapshot of paragraph 4a (concept of sustainment) to the division order. medical brigade commanders. support platoon leaders. BSB commanders brief BCT sustainment asset locations (to include BSB/FSC actions). DIV G2 or Representative 5. DIV G4 Provides overview of logistics. FSC commanders. and the recorder. Aviation BDE. Sets the stage for the rehearsal by reading when each phase begins and ends. Provides overview of terrain model/states the task organization. S4. Covers phase I. 6. HHC commanders. CHIEF OF STAFF Areas Covered Conducts roll call. Cavalry. Includes chemical threat. including sustainment command and control and PM actions in the rear. All briefers should be prepared to discuss internal sustainment support. Responsibilities Facilitator of rehearsal. while S4s cover BCT-level logistics supporting phase I. BCT and BCT commanders. * The terrain overview includes: unit boundaries. 2. civilians. ST4-2/AJ J-13 JUNE 2012 . ADA. beginning with phase I. the friendly situation. DIV G3 Provides personnel status by unit. BCT 1. S3 or representative. MSRs. Asst CDR for Support 3. Sequence/ Speaker 1. BSB commanders and SPOs. Provides commander’s guidance for the sustainment rehearsal. BCT unit ministry teams. and sustainment asset protection. Remarks Verifies attendees. BCT 3. CSMs and S3s. Responsible for terrain model set up. Fires BDE.e. BCT 2. Sustainment BDE CDR/ SPO Surgeon with input from BSB CDRs 8. SIG. BDE XOs cover maneuver actions during phase I. Also responsible for coordinating with DIV G4 sustainment terrain model control measures. and S3s. and the friendly force locations (in AAs and ATK POS).Division Rehearsal Agenda. Includes support unit locations. the mission. to division rear area. MI. Phase I normally begins with the cavalry and aviation briefing reconnaissance mission and deep fight information. Includes critical MOS shortages and replacements. impacts of refugees. 9. S2 or representative. TCF 10. Displays enemy symbols on the terrain model. Timeline manager. DIV G3 or Representative Opening remarks. DIV G4. CSMs. sustainment brigade commanders. DIV G1 7. Includes support task organization. DS sustainment unit locations in DSA (including corps). Turns over to next briefer. (primary and alternate)— division support infrastructure. Provides overview of enemy situation. ME BDE. the O/H stock status. medical company commanders. the operational concept. contractor battlefield POCs. CSMs and SPOs. along MSRs. and terrorist). BCT CSMs. ME BDE. Covers medical support for each phase. SURG Covers DS actions during each phase. Covers actions during phases II -IV. 14. Specific actions include support priorities (by unit). CHIEF OF STAFF Tasks respective units. AVN BDE. such as current combat power status and status of division sustainment stocks. concludes rehearsal. as required by chief of staff. Refer to sequence #9. discusses critical man.11. move sustain (MAFFMS) issues. Refer to sequence #12. Reads when each phase begins and ends. ADA. Figure J-8. supply. BSB and Sustainment BDE SPO 16. Division Sustainment Rehearsal Agenda. then turns it over to the next briefer. and MI 15. Fires BDE. fix. and POL sites in division support area. BCT 3. ATP. ST4-2/AJ J-14 JUNE 2012 . 17. fuel. SURG 13. Also includes any other specific sustainment area. BCT 2. Refer to sequence #11. Location of division support area. BCT 1. CAV. DIV G3 Covers the phase I medical support concept. arm. BSB and Sustainment BDE SPO Covers phase I BSB and sustainment BDE actions. Lastly. Refer to sequence #9. Focuses on phase I DS support. Focuses on evacuation asset and CSH locations. and movement forward and rearward. Refer to sequence #12. Refer to sequence #11. corps ASP. SIG. Has scribe review support issues. Covers actions in each phase. 12. Covers the operational concept by phase. Sets the stage for the rehearsal by reading when each phase begins and ends. Covers all DS actions BEFORE phase I. Sequence/ Speaker Areas Covered 1. status of O/H stocks. to corps rear area. HHC CDRs. Provides an enemy situation overview. Displays enemy symbols on the terrain model. and S3s. Includes critical MOS shortages and replacements. Corps G4 Conducts roll call. medical company CDRs. Includes task organization for support. Timeline manager. Includes corps transportation assets/HET support. along MSRs. ASP. Responsible for terrain model set up and for coordination with corps G4 on sustainment terrain model control measures. Includes the location of all corps medical assets in corps AO and the location of hospitals. S4. CSMs. The G4 provides a snapshot of paragraph 4a (concept of sustainment) of the corps’ order. FSC CDRs. Should include at a minimum: div S1.e. and Class IV corps supply points. TSC MMC Covers critical MAFFMS locations and considerations. 5. 2. TSC SPO & Corps SURGEON Provides corps personnel status by unit. the operational concept. Corps G2 Provides overview of the terrain model/states the task organization. BCT unit ministry teams. the mission. BCT and BCT CDRs. Turns it over to next briefer. beginning with phase I. Corps G3 4. Responsibilities Rehearsal facilitator. 9. and the commander’s intent. and friendly force locations (in AAs and ATK POS). TSC MCB 10. DEPUTY CDR Opening remarks. impacts of refugees. ATP. and protection of sustainment assets. S3 or rep. CSMs and SPOs.Corps Rehearsal Agenda. MSRs (primary and alternate) corps support infrastructure. Includes corps and division support unit locations. 3. 8. civilians. and HN support status. Corps G4 Provides a logistic overview. Discusses corps critical stock status and stockage objectives. 6. Includes sustainment flights. The terrain overview includes: Theater/corps/division boundaries. the friendly situation. spt plt leaders. S2 or rep. battlefield contractor POCs.. CSMs and S3s. maneuver enhancement brigade CDRs. Includes chemical threat. Provides commander’s guidance for sustainment rehearsal. Corps G3 Covers corps movement personnel and transportation/ movement command and control locations. ST4-2/AJ J-15 JUNE 2012 . and terrorists). medical brigade CDRs. POL. Corps G1 7. Focuses on enemy logistic threats (i. location of DS and GS sustainment units in each LSA. and the recorder. Remarks Verifies attendees. BCT CSMs. sustainment brigade CDRs. BSB CDRs and SPOs. Focuses on evacuation asset and CSH locations. refer to sequence #9. TSC SPO Covers TSC actions during phase I. Covers actions during phases II-IV. Focuses on GS/DS support during phase I of the sustainment BDE (Fs) and rear. DIV 2. DIV spt areas. ACR. refer to sequence #8. The key to these briefings is ensuring the corps’ subordinate units (divisions/ACRs) are synchronized with the corps support plan. support (by unit). Covers critical MAFFMS considerations during phases II-IV. Corps SURGEON 19. FIRES BDE. TSC SPO 18. Refer to sequence #9. DIV ASPs. and MI BDE 16. Provost Marshal. and Reserve 17. DIV 3. MANEUVER ENHANCEMENT BDE. AVN BDE. ACR. AVN BDE. FIRES BDE. G4s brief division sustainment asset. Corps MCB 21. Note: Division ADC(S) may bring a deputy G3 to brief the divisions’ actions during a particular phase. Refer to sequence #8. DIV 1. Corps SURGEON 14. 12. MANEUVER ENHANCEMENT BDE. Figure J-9. refer to sequence #13. DIV 2. Corps MMC Covers corps medical concept of sustainment for phase I. to include DSA location and actions. refer to sequence #14. and MI Division/ACR G3s cover phase I maneuver actions. Corps TCF. discusses critical MAFFMS issues. Covers actions during phases II-IV. SIG. Division 1. supply priority and movement forward and rearward. Has scribe review support issues. DIV 3. Corps Sustainment Rehearsal Agenda. Reads when each phase begins and ends. 13. Covers actions in each phase. ATP and POL sites in DIV spt areas. ST4-2/AJ J-16 JUNE 2012 . 20. Corps G4 Covers actions during phases II-IV and in the corps rear area. such as current combat power status and status of corps sustainment stocks. Refer to sequence #13. Includes any other specific sustainment area. Covers actions during phases II. Corps G3 15.11. Refer to sequence #11. SIG. the location of LSAs. Refer to sequence #14.IV. as required by deputy corps commander. Covers critical transportation considerations during phases II-IV. while G4s cover phase I division-level logistics. Lastly. Refer to sequence #11. and then concludes rehearsal. Specific actions include support priorities. Tasks respective units. 600 m 1.000 m the TOE per FMSWEB and applicable ST4-2/AK K-1 JUNE 2012 .000 m 7.000 m 1.000 x 10.000 x 8.000 x 1.APPENDIX K SUSTAINMENT UNIT TERRAIN REQUIREMENTS Approximate Field Site Terrain Requirements of Representative Sustainment Units Unit GS Ammunition Company (MOADS) DA Ammunition Company (MOADS) (ASP) DA Ammunition Company (MOADS) (ATP) Petroleum Supply Company Mortuary Affairs Company Repair Parts Supply Company Heavy Material Supply Company Maintenance Company (BSB) Distribution Company (BSB) FSMC Non-Division Maintenance Company Transportation Heavy Truck Company Transportation Medical Truck Company Transportation Light Truck Company Transportation Light/Medium Truck Company Trailer Transfer Patient Team Aviation Support Battalion CSH BSA (with BSB and unit trains.000 x 3.500 x 1. developed from Section I of Space (CSA) 5.600 x 900 m 700 x 400 m 500 x 1.000 x 7.000 m 2.500 m 500 x 500 m 500 x 500 m 500 x 500 m 1.500 m 400 x 400 m 4. etc.500 x 1.) Division LSA (sustaining brigade) NOTE: Data FMs and TMs.000 m 700 x 700 m 500 x 500 m 300 x 300 m 400 X 400 M 100 x 100 m 1.000 x 1.000 m 1. ST4-2/AK K-2 JUNE 2012 .
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