The Tenants of de Ros 1874 Strangford Estate, Lecale, Down

March 20, 2018 | Author: Walter Stradling | Category: Leasehold Estate, Landlord, Land Law, Business



THE TENANTS OF de ROS 1874 A Landlord's List of Tenants, their rents and personal comments on them. Introduction.The book I publish below is in private hands, and I am grateful to the owner for permission to publish same. It is written in a well-bound notebook with "Occupation List" on the cover. Inside the cover the words "Occupation List" are repeated with "(revised July 1874)" below. I publish the first half of that book. Clearly the book was re-written about 1878, but n o date is given. In fact some items of information about the tenants has been written into the first section of the book, rather than the second, although clearly the event being noted occurred after 1878. Perhaps the first section was seen to be too cluttered with additional information, and for this reason the book was re-written so soon. The previous Occupation List was written in October 1862. That book is also in private hands, but a photocopy of it has been deposited in the Public Records Office of Northern Ireland [T1588 -Strangford Estate Book] All three books refer to a map for the identification of the holding. No such map has survived to my knowledge, after the records of the Landlord were destroyed in the fire at Old Court about 1920.However, about the same time as the 1862 Book was being compiled, Griffith's Valuation was being carried out and the holdings mapped fr identification. Reference therefore to the holdings as identified by Griffith's Valuation will identify the holdings to which the various comments in this book refer. For ease of reference the PRONI reference is Griffith's Valuation Union of Downpatrick VAL/2D/3/1 T.2933/4/241 Griffith's Map. THE ESTATE AND ITS LANDLORD Dudley Charles XXIV Baron de Ros was born on 11 March 1827 and died on 29 April 1907. During the entire period covered by these three Occupation Lists he was the landlord. These were traumatic times for lamdlords in Ireland.In the wake of the famine years of 1845-49 agrarian discontent came to a head. Attempts at land reform in 1853 were defeated in Westminster, and all seemed safe and secure. Then Deasy's Act in 1860 began the process of radically altering the feudal relationship between landlord and tenant. A series of Land Acts followed culminating with the land Purchase (Ireland) Act 1897 by which the Land Commission was empowered to puchase the estates of landlords compulsorily and to sell the individual holdings to the tenants. Viewed from his ancestrial home at Old Court, Strangford Co.Down, Lord de Ros saw the collapse of a way of life that had supported his family for more than 24 generations. His estate in County Down comprised much of the town of Strangford, and the adjoining townlands with two isolated townlands of Bonecastle and Castlescreen added thereto. This is an area of about 2,670 acres ( 1650 Irish Plantation Acres) producing an income of some £3,500 per annum, no small sum in those days. de Ros had other estates and other income. His agent resided in Dundalk, Co.Louth. However, to assist in the collection of the rents and the management of the Strangford estate a Sub-Agent was employed locally. STRANGFORD TOWN No. on map. NAMES OCCUPATION LIST. Tenure and rent RESIDENTS REMARKS Editor's Notes --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 2 to 12A In hands In hands Old Court & Grounds Mrs Boyd At will Mary J. daughter Assistant in laundary Thatched cabin formerly occupied by Wid.Denvir who was pensioned & removed to 145B 1st October 1864. Mrs Boyd (in charge of laundary) took possession 8th August 1870. Pulled down Decr.1876. Mrs G.Ref. 1 -a, 4a. No G.Ref. Inside Old Court. [l862 Book gives Wid. Denvir at will -15/0d. Wm & Pat at sea, Catherine married to H. Stewart. Maryann married to Skinner, Coast Guards. She looks after the dairy at Old Court]. No separate G.ref Old Court Chapel & Yard Griffith' Valuation Reference Strangford Lower 1 - 1b 12B 3 At will1/0d. McGee's death. 13 In hands Old Cow house No separate G.Ref. 14 &15 16 &15 In hands Mary Boyd 17 Patrick At will Wife Mary Slated house. . G.8. 16-102 -Spelt MAGEE House & yard PLV £1. Mrs McLaughlin taking care of Mrs McGee. Sister Matilda Assistant housemaid at Old Court No separate G.ref.14.Boyd & daughter Mary Jane occupied spare room at No.5. [l862 Sarah McGee . "Weekly tenant from 16th June '79" The word "workhouse" in pencil deleted in ink] G. 1876.40. 12C In hands Plantation Thrown into grounds Decr.0.Ref.Ref.ref. Mrs Farrow added.103 House yard & small No separate G.] [1878 has Mary deleted Catherine added Boyd all deleted. 1870. Alms house.Slated cabin. Pulled down and thrown into grounds Decr. To be pulled down at S. 4 . Myrtle Garden At will £1. as caretaker. Rent reduced from £3. -105 PLV £2.Lord small garden PLV £3.0."at will 1/0. John Fitzsimons added and deleted George Swaile added.10."he died in the infirmary"] [1878 has Mary Smyth deleted.0.0. Lord de Ros. This entry has been altered. Patterson At will Wife.] 18A Wm. Got possession lst of Aug. Hockley CG.5. garden [1862 Henry Patterson at will £3. Slated house & G.12. Slated house & G. House yard & garden . Has a pension of £24 per ann.0.Smyth £2.ref.son Edward at sea. Eliza & Sarah daughters."] & carpenter. "Patrick" deleted "Widow" added with note .] Lieu. Receives ld per wk. Mary servant to Lieu.0. 18B Henry At will Daughter 5 .buried Ballyculter.0. John Baker Hockley Commander in Royal Navy died 27/3/ 1864 aged 55 . -104. The words "Labourer formerly of Lignagapock" (referring to John Fitzsimons) deleted. left by Wm. The words "from June 1st" remain.ref.0. de Ros'boatman [l862 .1874 from Wm Perrott who removed to No 139. 12. 6 .0.Hugh Stewart at will £2. Herd deleted and Boat Carpenter added.Greer added. This rent to remain as long as Shebby McKettian resides in it] Griffith gives the names CARR. McKettian. £2. also added: A new range put in in as 18C THOMAS PITT At will Wife & children Slated house & garden.12. The words Weekly tenant stand and housemaid. PLV £2.[1878 has H. [1862 Margaret Cagher.0. -106. Mary Garden.Catherine wife & 5 children.[1878 has H Patterson deleted + added. Wife as Resident. Sister Matilda added.Boyd added. Resident S.0. Gillespie deleted J. Boatman has been deleted Herds added: Pitt left & went to 25A when Gillespie got possession July 1876]. [1862 shows.0. Washerwoman at Old Court.Patterson £2.12. M. In the present entry Thomas Pitt has been deleted and Gillespie written over it. Old Court is added in pencil] G. Lord de Ros' boatman Got possession 24th July 1873.ref.15. ref -110 PLV £2. Old Quay. No separate G.10. A note in 1862 at this and next two entrries reads: Lord de Ros took a 41 year lease from Mr.0.0.Blacker of 4 cabins part of the sd holding and rebuilt afsd as 3 cabins with a garden each and nod.22 ABC. Dated Nov. 1st holding Custom house & houses. them 22A.22B and C dated November 1838 for £10.ref -107. the to G.[1862 Pat Smith wife Maryann & 5 children.12.Kitchen May 1878] 19 20 to 22 In hands Wm Blacker Perpetuity 13/10.0.4. office 22A Jane Finnigan At will £2. per year. G. PLV £4. The present book has this: Lord de Ros took a 41 years from Mrs Blacker Stewart Blacker of 4 cabins part of lst holding & rebuilt the whole as 3 cabins with a garden to each Nos.0. G. -111 house yard and small garden are shown occupied by Bernard Murray with PLV £6.Ref.'73. Sister Catherine Slated house & Garden -weekly tenant .possession 1.10.0.Ref. lease and her nephew 7 . [1862 shows:William 23 24A In hands Widow McGarry At will 1"0.PLV £3. rent 1/0.sailor Possession 1.Labourer 8 .0. G.10. Mary Murphy lodger Thrown into road. Son James Got possession and Mrs 1st Nov.ref.15.1858 for £10. Catherine wife.[1862 shows James Walsh. Husband Thomas died 25.Ref. and wife .0. per annum.ref.67.Ref. Feb. Jas. G.0.0. Mary Murphy added in pencil] G.Thomas and sons sailors. wife & 1 child a sailor .2.0. No such note appears in 1878 Book. Slated house.-109 PLV £3.0.0. 24B Patrick McKeown At will £3.0. G. and Pat sons][1878 has Catherine McGarry + D.0.Lord de Ros boatman] [1878 has only wife as resident] No separate G. -98.0. [1862 shows James Creen rent 1/0.PLV £1. [1862 Thomas rent £2.4. -108.0. Slated house mother[Mary & garden Smyth neice added in pencil] Wife & 2 children Slated house & garden . -97 PLV £1.1870.0. Made a charity rent on death of son in 1865. 22B Catherine Stewart At will £4. 1879.Ref.72.0. Sister Maria Slated house & garden . Denvir.] 22C Hugh Shields At will £4.0.a gardener at Old Court] [1878 has only Mrs Denvir as resident. 10. Wife (of John King) has been altered by adding + 5 children in pencil.-100. Wife Mary. where spelt "Green" [1862 shows:Thomas Creen.Removed into this house Feb 1862.[deleted: J. Smith labourer at Old Court deleted. Daughter Mary J. Vice P.0. King deleted Andy Smith added in pencil. A sailor][1878 has Thos Pitt At will (no rent) Wife & Children-Caretaker Lord de Ros' Yachtsman. [1862 shows:Patrick Smith.0.3. G. Smith.] [1878 has J.King added] [deleted: Wife & 2 children [deleted:got possession 1875 added] Hampkin.wife & 3 children. Slated house & garden.PLV £2.10.-99.PLV £2.Fegan.0.0.] Not desirable sister to English 25B Marjory Patterson At will £2. Sisterin-law [deleted: wife & children added] Slated house & garden. 73. A Mason. King gave up October 1879 added in pencil and deleted] G. Made a charity rent 1st Nov. [Added: house partly rebuilt July 1876 when Tom Pitt got possession.2.1873.0.Ref. Tom died 30. This house thoroughly repaired in 1876] 25A Widow Creen [deleted: Tom Pitt added] At will £2. sister-in-law C. Boatman to Lord de R. wife Jane. Removed into this 9 .(An old boatman).ref. Hugh son a salesman in Belfast] [1878 has added in pencil below Mary J. Belfast Directory of 1861 26B In hands [James Elliot added] At will [£2 added] a slated 10 . 1862. G. G. Jane English mother and got possession 1st Feby.0. 1832 from Thos. Fitzsimmons Jany. [Apparently untenented. 1864] 26A & 28B At will 5/0. P.Ref. Rent 2/6d] Lime storea store. Creen by order of Lord de Ros] [1878 has Marjory Patterson. A sailor.28B is part of that holding which was walled in in 1856 and added to 26A. 28B is part of that holding which was walled in in 1836 and added to 26A. shown as William Russell. and notes: These holdings(two gardens) now attached to 25B. 101 PLV £ vice J.Smith recd. [1862 shows:Pat Smith. Occupier shed.0. these gardens in Feby. Rent 5/0d. included in -100. Yard.shows William Russell as "gentry". May be unnmubered area beside -101 on map. [1878 has In Hands added in ink below William Russell and the words Miss Russell gave up on her Father's death 1878 added in ink] No G. '76 .Ref seen. deleted in pencil Lime store and slated shed Got possession 1st Oct. See above for William Russell.[1878 has James Elliott deleted in pencil £2.0. Creen 25A. coal merchant harbour master and ship owner. No G. [1862 shows: These prems. The 27 In hands &28A Open ballast yard for use of harbour master.Underlined words are deleted in pencil] 26C William Russell At will 5"0. was divided by a new wall in 1836 and a part of No 28 given to 26A as a garden then held by T. 11 . but Slater' Directory 1870 shows him as shipping broker and receiver of droits of admiralty.Ref seen.0. garden 12 .0. He was a collector of Customs.see O'Laverty Vol. who was a builder.part of 28 given to 26A Garden to be called 28B and the remainder of this number along with 27 to be called a vacant space].0. Rep.1789. Got possession 1st April 1874.0.ref. Norris for 61 years from 1785 to 1846 when surrendered] 31 Wm. [1878 has This holding had been held by Wolfe Rep.Quaile temporary -(all but old Castle) at £10.Murphy [deleted & In hands added] G. He also built Strangford House -c. -96 PLV £5.[added: F. [Deleted. Norris for 61 years from 1785 to 1846 when surrendered.[1878 omits this entry entirely] 29 to 30 In hands This holding has been held by Wolfe rep.House.Lime G.per year. -94 & -95 (with the following entry).0. 1 page 216. offices.Norris seems to refer to Samuel Norris. The castle is 16th century but incorporates earlier structures. Occupier shown as Francis Quaile. . yard.Ref.0. who let his store to the Catholic community c.Quaile gave up possession in July 1875 when it was taken in hands and repaired. The old Castle stable and yard let to F.1820 for celebration of mass . [deleted] A slated store rebuilt in 1855.0.Farm Yard] At will £2. Limestore] 32A B&C Widow Mary McKeown At will £4. McKeown. It shows Mary McKeown as tenant.. Gardener to Lord [1862 shows children as: Pat.[1878 has In hands . Sons Thomas and Henry Slated house & garden butcher's shop & slaughter house. His died 24/7/1864 aged 21. 32D Felix Hamill At will 2"6. & £1.Samuel. His son Patrick died 29/9/ added] daughter Elizabeth and offices.0. Hariett and Eliza]. [1862 has note:Bessie Hamill's g/father.0. Thos. PLV £6. Thos.0.[1862 shows date of rebuilding as 1835. 13 . -93 & -87 refers. Hugh.1861 to Wid. Mary his widow died 8/11/1895 aged 99. Perpetuity. Mrs Martin daughter added in pencil] G. [added: Thomas son drinks] Garden only on rear of tenement on No.John William.0.4. Thomas McKeown died 28/2/ 1861 aged 63.33. and adds: Let to Thomas Murphy who gave it up in Nov. All are buried in Old Court chapel yard.0. Jane.[1878 shows:Henry son only resident deleted. (husband) died July 1861.Ref. M. of Sir Hugh Hill Perpetuity Wm Russell £3. agent for Mr Blacker.Ward -88 PLV £. unoccpd Lord de Ros -85 PLV £3. shows Occupier Intermediate lessor Arthur Hagan F.10. unoccpd.0. Richd Johnston Stores. Lord de Ros -89 PLV £2.0.0. unoccpd C.0. G.0. Thos.0. William Ardis occupier.15.34.5.Hamill -86 PLV £1. Anne Savage F.0.10.Ref. Murphy Lord de Ros --.0.0.0.Ward -87 PLV £5. -93 PLV £2.0.F.10. James Smyth Wm Russell -90 PLV £6.0.Murphy Wm Russell -90a PLV £3. Jas. 33 William Blacker re.0.Hamill -92 PLV 1.34 on the map) this whole tenement 34A In hands Two story slated house added: very bad repair.0.F.0.row of houses from 32 to the large store No.10.0.PLV £2. 2nd Holding .10. 6d. [1862 has a note on this and two following entries: The lease(of No. Henry Magrath C. 14 .0.REf -81 PLV £1.Bangor.10. unoccpd store (pt)Lord de Ros G. unoccupied C.2.F.Ward -91 PLV £6. [1862 shows John Scanlan Rent £1.] [1878 has James Greer occupied room on second floor as carpenter's shop @ 1/0d per month deleted in pencil] G. & wife.0. was pulled down in 1859 as far as the archway by Lord de Ros].2.-80 PLV £8. old store added in pencil] 34B In hands [Elliot added in pencil] [per ann.0.. Mrs Anne Collins Cancellor Hockley nee Bagley died 1/3/1884 and 34C Mrs Hockley At will Two story slated house Got possession 1. in pencil] Two story slated store The present book has the same note but referring only to this and following entries.'74 15 . I am not sure of the correct G. B & C.Ref.0. [1862 shows Revd J.of I curate of Ballyculter.] Rev. paid through Murland & Nelson and divided into 34A. Martin.was purchased from Wm.[1878 has: Richard Johnston occupied one room on ground floor @ 6d per week deleted.Polley in January 1859 for £290. rent £1. £3. The store pt.0.Ref for this.0.James Martin was C.0. G. Ward with 53 & 54 Perpetuity [Montgomery £ buried in Ballyculter. with change of style.Ward 29th Aug 1860. Greer & wife temporary added in pencil] 16 . shows Hugh Shields -83 PLV £2. -82 PLV £2. [Bailiff's overwritten over AgentJ. Ward rep Revenue Board] [1878 has Houses Col. Cunningham added in pencil] Two story house & small twostory houses.J.0] 35 & Colonel 36 B.0 added and deleted. He has been succeeded by Mrs Ward & she by Col. [1878 has Ann Hockley At Will £10.ref. Succeeded on death of Mrs Ward. Rent £15.0.B. wife and 6 children.[1878 has Joseph Robinson deleted. shows Ellen Roney -84 PLV £3. George Sherwood added and deleted David Duncan added in Ros] Agent's Residence & Offices Two story slated house & garden. but the entry in 1862 is deleted and James Robinson added. Wife & Family 37 to 40 Joseph Robinson [deleted In hands added] At will [Heavily overwritten Mrs Boyd & her daughter Mary Jane laundress to L. Ward] G. unoccupied.[1862 shows Honb C.0.0. .0.0. McLaughlin added and deleted.0.[1862 shows James Clifford as agent.included in Old Court as Stewart's House.Ref.0. Dr.3. Two story slated house & garden. Collector of Customs.0. Dr.Ref. Guards. McLaughlin added] 42. added][deleted] Two story house & garden in rear. The lease of this holding expired on the death of the widow of Thos. Occupier shown as Charles Costello who is recorded in Belfast Directory 1861. [1862 shows Lieut J.0.Barnes Esq.J.10. Agent's Residence overwritten Bailiff's Residence.0.Fesey resident deleted Dr.1856.Despard's lease][1878 has Divisional Officer C G in place of Staff Commander] 17 . [deleted Wife 25. father] G.0. R. wife and 5 Ros) in 1859 with full concurrence of Hon. Rent increased 12/-d.5.A.10. Cross [deleted: R. D. Staff Commander added] At will £ Ros. Hockley][1878 has Hon. Cross got possession 1st September 1866. [1862 shows Thomas Costello. W C added May 1878.Despard.0.-113 PLV £10. [Pencil adds: Rent paid by Lord de Ros to Mrs Swinton] Dr. J.Ref. G. added] [pencil entry Wife & daughters. Mrs Swinton (Hon. 1862 also records the note of the expiry of Thos. [deleted: £14.H. Mclaughlin gave up May 1 1879] 41 Mr Pyper [deleted: Revd. -112 PLV £15.added.0. 19.0. Dr.Mrs Swinton Perpetuity 1/0d Rev.B. Vesey added] At will Coast £16. Given to the Honbl.8. Ref.0. Vere Ward] Dr. [1862 shows Honbl.lessor as Catherine F.Hill] Large family house with pleasure grounds and kitchen garden. mother & sisters residents] 18 .9. Knox was Medical Inspector of Dispensaries in Ulster. Barnes £14.0 added] Two story slated house with offices and garden in rear.0. -115 PLV £30.Thetford added] Perpetuity Wife £5.10. At will. G.0.Ward.0.19.B. Loan from Board of Works] 44 Colonel B. Formerly in possession of Dr.Mrs Ward reps Wolfe reps Norris][1878 has Wolff & Hamil below Col. James Hogan.Ward Perpty. [Pencil: Capt. Knox Rep.0. Knox.8.[1878 has W.ref. Ward. Today known as Strangford House. In pencil New offices being constructed. -114 PLV £28.Douglas and inter.0.0. £25.[Above deleted: Captn. Colonel John Ward died 29th August 1860. Tenant shown as William G. Rev. Lease purchased by D. [& daught[deleted: ers added] £25. Thetford. added] 43 Charles Knox [deleted: Dr. [1862 shows Dr. Alexr. £4. Alex.Lord de Ros for £[250? added in pencil] G. [wife & [deleted: children £9.Ref .& yd -118 PLV .47 In hands [deleted: Willm.Infant school -119 PLV £3.10. ho.8.Blacker £2.0. Called "The Old Inn" G. ho & yd -120 PLV £6. Lord de Ros bought Lease of this house from A.10.Blacker". 45 to 49 Wm.5. Russell's & 2 slated cottages. Called Old Inn. added] added] Two story slated house & garden in rear.0.viz.Russell's dwelling.Smyth in Oct 1868 for £130. Murphy added] £14. In pencil Ferryman] see note above: [1862 states Russell agent for Mr.0.viz. 19 . the Old Inn & 2 thatched cottages"] [1878 has Wm Murphy.0. ho & yd -121 PLV £5.0. Lease purchased from Hugh Smith in Oct. [pencil: Mr Russell & daughter] 3rd holding: row of houses in street with row of gardens in rear.0.0. but the following: -117 PLV £3.0. wife & family.0.No "Old Inn" as such is seen. ho off yd & sn gdn [1862 shows "45 to 49"as "3 holdings rear of houses in street with gardens in rear.2.0. 1868 by Lord de Ros for £130. The thatched cottages have now been slated. ho & yd -122 PLV £6.10. wife & 6 children at a rent of £6. and adds that Scanlan took possession 1st Jany.Gardener to Rev. James W.0.0.Ryan.50A John Seeds At will £6. Lord de Ros purchased the Lease of this house from Shebby McKettian widow of George McKettian on 23rd January 1861 for £6.0.ref.[1862 says Mary Finlay (sic) married Rev. Skelton for 50B and James Murphy for 51. -129 [1862 shows John Scanlan. where tenant is Rev. He ran a shop.ref -129 & -130 PLV £5. Irwin.10. Rent £7.per week to be paid to her during her lifetime with a room to live in.0.8. These last words deleted in pencil and With Mr Quaile added in pencil] G. 50B is there at rent of 50B and 51 John Sweetman At will £ Presbyterian Minister.and 3/.8. Lease 83 years from May 1855.0. Wife & family Two story house with garden in rear. E.6.1861. according to 1862. [1878 has Seeds. G. and £6.[added: Harbour Master] Took possession 1st June 1870 Lrd de Ros purchased Mrs Finley's interest in No 50B & Lease of 51 (73) years 20 . [pencil: wife] Two story house with garden in rear. According to Belfast Directory 1861 he was a sub-agent who seems to have retired at end of 1860. Decr. 1863 for £125.Agreement to dated from 1st Nov. 1863 as Lord de Ros forgave Mrs Finley 1/2-years rent from May to Nov 1863. 14/-d and 51 at rent of £3.3.1. with note that Lease expires 1937. The premises were then a Dairy Goods Shop.[1878 has & family deleted Shop added in ink] G.ref.-131. PLV £5.10.0.[1862 shows Eleanor Halliday, daughter Margaret, as resident. Jas. Robt. and George sons.Inn keeper Fitzgerald Arms. Not to sell spirits by retail] [1878 has Thos. Murphy Public House Added in pencil:A Room made out of passage -rent raised] G.ref.-132 PLV £9.0.0. [1862 has Rose sister resident] [1878 has Pat McGee deleted In hands added in pencil. In ink added: Remainder of the Lease broken by 52A Margaret Halliday [deleted: Thos. Murphy added] At will £6.7.0. Two story slated house, rent raised 7/-in Nov. 1854. There is a passage through this house common also to 52B. This passage is reserved on hand 15th Nov. 1854. [added: Spirit shop] 52B Patt. M'Gee [Patt.deleted:widow added] Lease 49 Napier years from wife a l Nov.'55. daughter £8.0.0. of Mrs Fitzsimons who married [added: Taggart] Two story slated house. Garden & store in rear.[added Napier has a grocer's shopdeleted Radford was in 21 [all deleted Radford added] 53 Colonel B. & Ward 54 with 35 & 36 Perpty [added: Police Barrack] mil.train. a persioner added] Two story slated house with garden in rear & small two story houses. Rent with 35 & 36. Colonel J.Ward died 29th Aug. 1862. Two story house,shop below & garden in rear. Work shop behind 35 & 36. Spirit Shop. ejectment 1879] G.ref. -133 & -134 PLV £12.0.0. 55 LE William Ardiss [deleted: C.Quaile +1875 added] Lease 99 yrs.expires 1925 £4.6.6. G.ref. -135 PLV £8.10.0. [1862 has Wife Ann.] William Adair Boyd Ardiss buried at Old Court obit 1/7/1875. [1878 has F.Quaile pre. W. Ardiss] G.Ref. -136 PLV £5.0.0. [1862 has Two story house slated] [1878 has F.Quaile] 56A William Ardiss [deleted: C.Quaile added] Henry Kerr Lease 99 yrs. exp. 1925. £3.0.0. 56B Lease 99 years Expires 1932 Two story slated house, G.ref. -137 PLV £8.0.0. [1862 22 [1862 shows rent £5.0.0.] shop below, garden & store in rear. Post Office. Now let to Walter Wallis ["let to" deleted; "occupied by" added] shows William Kerr,wife Eliza, Jas. & Eliza, and notes: Mrs Kerr is sister to John Creen, Creenstown. John GREEN is buried with wife Mary Ann and parents in Old Court. Walter Wallis died 10/5/1879 aged 49 yrs and is buried with his wife Elizabeth in Old Court.[1878 has W.Wallis, wife & family residents. "W" altered in to "Mrs" and Wife deleted] G.ref. -138 PLV £8.0.0. [1862 shows wife Mary & 1 child- McKeating received possession 1st June 1862 Spirit & grocer's shop].[1878 has Wife & family residents. Publican & Grocer. The word defaulter is added in pencil] 57A James McKeating At will £8.0.0. Wife No.2. Two story house with garden and stores in rear.Robt. Greer gave up possession 10th Sept.1861 His lease expired in Nov. 1862. First wife died married second time M.J.Murphy [added in pencil: 23 and that there were 6 children].1854.[1878 has Received possession 1869. G.0. He died 15/3/1903 aged 79. [1862 shows: "Late Widow Mary Haggard"] G.Eliza & Jno. Pat Braniff (nailer) died 24 .offices very badSlovenly & untidy] 57B & 57C Francis Quaile At will £7. included in above. .Ref.[1862 shows Patrick as tenant and states he is a sailor (sic). Both are buried in Ardiss grave in Old Court.ref. Grocer's shop.0.0. 58A & 58D 58B Francis Quaile At will £1.[1862 shows that Margaret is a daughter of William Ardiss. Margaret wife & family Two story slated house. garden & store in rear.0. Two story slated house.0.-141 PLV £2.9. Possession given 7.Ref -139 PLV £10.0.included in above. 57C an enclosed yard in rear of 57B Slated store Rent commenced 1st May 1855. Upper floor store room to 57B.Ref. Rent Francis Quaile At will 10/- 58C Eliza Braniff Children Mary. Formerly used as Smith's Forge] G. G. [1862 shows: "Late Widow Mary Denvir"]. Slated house. The passage between these closed in 1855.0.0. ] [1878 has At will. W.Ref. Maryann works at Old Court added and deleted. Elizabeth added.[1878 has rent at £4. Bernard in America]. [1862 shows Wid.ref. sister Slated house & small garden 60B William Ardiss [deleted in pencil] At will 12/6 A small garden annexed to No 176 fields.22nd 1874.0 Daughter Maryann added in ink and deleted. [1878 has only one entry 58B.Quaile rep. [1862 shows Daniel Turnley at rent of 19/6].ref.0.12.Ardiss] 58B Francis Quaile At will 10/- Lower floor (Formerly smith's shop) received possession 1st July 1869. 59 & 60A Patrick Quinn At will £ shown as £3.Mar. Ann. -140 PLV £1. See above] G.ref -41.2] G. Mary Ann with Mrs Davidson added in pencil] G.6. £3. 25 .[1878 has F. -142 PLV £2. Late Wm Smith's.1.0. -143 valued with G. where tenant is shown as Bernard Torney. Supported by her sons. Ann Quinn -garden Pat son Ann daughter. Jany.-145 valued with -34.'79 After "garden" thrown into road & another piece adjoining the house substituted in 1878.[1862 shows "No rent for two years on condition of improvements.Ref.ref.0.[1878 has name spelt Hinds] G.5.0.G. -66 PLV £3. Lord 26 .-67 PLV £4. [1862 shows 61B James McDonnell At will Garden .0.Quaile] G. Rent with same (a garden) as No 60 Stable yard "Farm building" added in pencil and partially rubbed out] 63 At will £2. -144 PLV £1.[1878 has F.2. At will [1862 Wife & children Slated house & yard.61A Ann Hynds At will 18/- A potato garden with 2 old ash trees.0. -146 valued with -31. A labourer]. 64 & James Kenny C.[1878 has no entry for 62] G.ref.Quaile added] At will This thrown into Field 176.ref.[1878 has in pencil: daughter D. In pencil: Ferryman] G. G. Rent to commence November 1857"] with No 115 [added in pencil: thrown into road] 62 William Ardiss [deleted in pencil] William Ardiss [deleted in pencil: F. [1862 shows John Hinds. Railton got possession 1st July 1862 Coast guard"].11.10. -64 PLV £1. 78 as Edward Seeds and wife. J. No 65B a portion of garden attached in Nov.1862. -65 PLV £2.0.1862 George Railton wife & 5 children residents adding "Rent raised 5/0d for improvements made by Lord de Ros. [1878 has rent of £3. [added in pencil: daughter of Blythe formerly C.G. R. a labourer]. rent 10/0 .0.[1878 has John Mutton CG deleted Hallaway CG added and deleted.Greer gave up 1.0.Ref.thatched cabin.10. [1862 shows: 66B as Patrick Doran.65B [deleted in pencil: Mutton C.0.1862. Very tidy-he is carpenter added and deleted] 65 & 66A James McKeatting At will £1. Garden & store house slated same as 57A. 27 . McKeatting got possession 1st Nov.0.Greer £20 for tenure of years unexpired in 1859.15.] de Ros paid Robt. added] shows rent £4.[1878 66B & 78 Wm Gourley At will £1. and the word stable added in pencil G. Crangle added.6].0. wife and 2 children.Ref. Now in one house G. a labourer in Old Court.G.0.0. Thatched cabin. ] [1878 has Walter Wallis deleted.0. -70 PLV £10.2/6d year rent was charged from Nov.0.ref.ref.0 Ferryman added] G.0.ref.In pencil: Edward Press] Cow-house & garden. G.0. [1862 shows "3rd Holding" and "bought by James Fitzsimons May 1860]. Nov. Rent raised to £1.0. -69 PLV £3.-73 PLV £2. Gave slates 1878 added in pencil] G.0.0. G. -68 PLV £3. G. Hill Perpy 5/3d 2nd Holding.0. G.ref.0.0 G.ref. Mrs Wallis added in pencil.10.Gourley deleted J. 70 Wm. Wife & 4 A Mason - 28 .[added Byre rebuilt half slates given in 1877] G.0.0.0. -59 PLV £ 15.has Wm.Ref.Ref.McDowell wife & children added Rent £3. In ink NAPIER.10. Leased to Mrs Fitzsimons.10. G.0. 1849 for 10 years as he built and improved the place.-71 PLV £ 1. -74 PLV 69 Walter Wallis At will £1. G. ["who married Taggart" added in pencil.0. -72 PLV £3.ref of 78 is -63 PLV £-15/0. 67 to 68 Wm Blacker Rep of S. [1862 shows William Kerr. 1859. -60 PLV £3.ref.0.0.ref. Public house in Market with houses adjoining & gardens. added. Quaile (James) added Wife added. Mrs a retired ship's Bartelot daughtcaptain. . Thoroughly deleted Sweet added in repaired.Hampkin [deleted: Widow Savage added] £4.][1878 has Jane er of Clydesdale] Bartelot deleted John [Mrs Bartelot gave Mutton CG added & deleted up possession 1st Jeffers added in pencil & Nov. Rent £5. motherdied Mar.A Carpenter] [1878 has Ann Savage deleted.1877. where shown house on new as Margaret Clysdale.10.75 PLV slated £5. Two story G.Kerr. below the value be2 sons drowned cause Clydesdale was at sea. C G added] At will £5. This 1862. Clydesdale Clydesdale.0.0 kitchen range &c.Ref. 29 . Removed from 144B into this house 2 May 1860 when possession was given up by Wm.0.J.0. Wife & 2 children House & garden.0.0.0 [1862 shows: Henry Murnan at will £3.1876.0. deleted. children [deleted: 2 daughters added in pencil] [deleted] Possession 1st October 1865 [Added Mrs Savage got possession in 1875. slip. £6. pencil. £3.William [1862 has Wid.5. [Widow rent accepted though d.28 in-law and son.0.0.Boatman added "Son of Darby Quaile" added in pencil] 71A Widow Clydesdale [deleted: Jane Bartelot added and deleted.0.4. Jany.New floors. [1862 says A thatched cabin converted into boathouse] [1878 has 71B In hands deleted Anne Savage added Rent 1/0d per week Boathouse on town slip.McLean 10d per week Made into 2 cottages April 1878 added. In pencil: Floor made good 1880. -77. Rooms repapered in 1880 added in pencil] G.15. Gordon died 1856.Ref. PLV £1.Alexr. Curry died 1874.0. Alms house.Nov. A rent of 5/0 for 72B & C][1878 has in relation to 72A: 72A 72B 72C Owen Curry [deleted: Widow Curry added] At will 1/0 Wife Fanny [deleted: Robt McKeating & his wife. 72B cabin pulled down in 1860 & thrown into 72A. Old Court] G.Ref.10. Carter. 30 .72A thatched cabin.0. 71C Wm. Leaves brother-in-law in America. 72B cabin pulled down on Patrick McGreevy's death in 1860 and thrown into 72A.1877][denotes different inks] 71B & 71C In hands Slated house Converted into boathouse.Fanny & Ellen sisters. -76 PLV £1. sister to Mrs Curry added] Thatched cabin. [1862 shows: Elizabeth Gordon. 72C garden with 72A. June 1880.10.12.0. Garden ground and site of cabin.0. Ship yard & store . This garden is half of 74. D. House & Garden. "Dumb boatman" added in pencil] [A blank space in the book.-61 PLV £2. rent £2.0. [added: Carter to Lord de Ros] G.ref. -79 PLV 10/0] [1878 has 74A Henry Frace C G deleted Hayes added in pencil] 75 & Wm Russell At will £1. and wife.brokerG. [1862 shows William Fitzsimons.0. Robt. For 72B & C.0. Wife & 2 children Possession 13th Aug.6.-78 PLV £2.1.D 1880"] 73 & 74B Wm.McLean At will £2.ref. McDowell added. 1862 has 74A Thomas Killen At will Rent 5/3. A Sailor.] [1878 has Wm. ditto "Old Robt. Ship's carpenter. G.Ref.deleted Mrs added McKeating Rent £1. McLean deleted J.0 Wife deleted & Sisterin -law Mrs Coony.Robt.1870 Thatched cabin & garden in rear. [1862 shows 31 .0.10. Succeded Widow Denvir] [1878 has 77A added to 76 In hands.][1878 has 78 only.ref.0 rent at £1. 1863. Elliott added Rent altered to £2.0.Russell deleted. Rent with 66B.a labourer.0.Gourly deleted in pencil J. Pulled down in 1870.0. Thatched cabin.thatched cabin . Ferryman added 76 Formerly thatched cabin now pulled down 1870 .-58 PLV £1.0. Do. W.[1862 has 78 Edward Seeds -At will 10/0 -wife .11.McDonnell added in where occupier shown as Berry.last inhabitant John McDonnell 78 E.12.15." for "expired"] [1878 has 75 & 77A deleted Wm.Russell for £1. Ship yard & store deleted. Relet (at will) to Wm.Gourley [& 66B added] At will 78 & 66B made into one house 32 .PLV £ . Let for coal store June 1879 added in ink] G.10. Limestore added in ink] G. [1862 shows Mary Barrey At will Rent £2.Ref -63 for 78.15. Occupier spelt Seed.6 and "exp. Lease expired in 1863 added.77A Lease expired Nov.0. added. }Sites 81A pulled down} of. Wife 80 Pulled down. round.1870. Occupied Mrs Mary by Mrs Ward.56 PLV £1.][1878 79 with 82] 80 81A 81B John Green At will £1. 57 PLV [1862 shows Wolfe years exp. At will. of garden walled £1.0.Cagher recd possession on the death of H.ref. 33 . walled in 1857 & given as garden to 81B [added in pencil:labourer to Lord de Ros] G.1862 & relet to Mrs J. A thatched cabin. Ward at same rent.10.includes held till 1841 when Lord de Ros took possession and relet it to Wolfe for the present term with a view to covering the probable period of Mrs Ward's life.1862 1833 but was over.6.ref . This Lease 21 lease had expired Nov.0. Fleming [deleted in pencil] At will North portion[1862 has John Cagher & wife.0.0. Possession surrendered pencil] 79 Revd J.Got possession 1st Nov. J. £2. ref. Trace C. PLV £2. Made into small bed room and attached to 84 .83B & 84 together] G.80] 82 Richd.0. 74A has G.12. wife & son. [pencil: wife] Received possession 1st Nov. Ref.Ref. -55 PLV £1. 1871 [added in pencil: Received possn.0. At will £5. A labourer.probably attached to following.5.Rent £2. [1862 has "lent to Mr.[1862 has Michael McLaughlin. pensioner added] G.McGarry May 1862] Griffith spells the name CARR.0 House & Garden.0.0. 34 . Murphy [in pencil: Dunvby Macdonall] At will £2. Stanhope in 1852 for a boathouse. McDowell deleted. Ferry. wife & 3 83A In hands At will Small slated house.G.][1878 has 82 and 79 together at 82. Dumb boatman deleted. -79 (garden) PLV 10/0d. Bedford added.0.-54 for 83 & 84.[1878 has has no entry No.1st April 1868.5.none . G. also little garden in front. [1862 has both tenented by Thomas Killen.Ref.1876 Boatman. thatched cabin. 83B &84 & 74A H. Slated house & boarded floor. H. 84 site of cabin added to garden.0.Nominal rent 1/0d][1878 has 83A. 86 & 87 88A &89 In hands At will Disused quarry. where spelt FINNEGAN.8.74A another garden children. thrown into garden 84] G.added in as a favour but not to pencil: Mr Carter's be applied to another House . 88A site of cabin (pulled down) added to garden John McDonnell G.almost Entry letting][1878 has(see of Present Hall (J. [1862 has William Fields & wife at rent of £1.'75.5. He is a attached[added: sailor and his rent is Privy added & wall £3.0. and 5/3d. Wife 89 a thatched cabin. Hayes CG added. Garden in front [added: pulled down Jany. Cabin pulled down] No will 5/0d.L. Jane & Kitty daughters.8.Ref .[1862 has Daniel Finnigan.0. A ship's carpenter][1878 has In hands.7.0. Alms house.0. with made good at rear note:Rent reduced 5/0d '74 .5.6.Ref.ref.)] note above) Henry Trace CG deleted. House & garden] 85 Tom Finnigan [drawn through] At will Thatched cabin. -53 PLV £1. wife & family.51 PLV £1. Rent £5.He is a labourer][1878 has John McDonnell deleted Anne 35 . 14. "1879 Wall built for him" added in pencil] G.-50 PLV £1. .8 Wife & Family deleted 2 sons added Son Tommy employed at Old Court deleted Poultry woman added in pencil] 88B & 88C John Thomas At will £1.] [1878 has Robt. Part of waste land enclosed where old road went.10.7. 36 .5. Sister & Neice residents. nephew.0. 91A a Garden. McCarton At will 10/5 & 2/6d Mary sister Thatched cabin. Succeeded his mother in 1837 (to 88B) Margaret Cagher gave up possession in 1860 of 88C] [1878 has Wife & daughter. Wife Ellen 88B a thatched cabin. Rent £1. [1862 has Hugh brother. 88C site of cabin pulled down & added to garden of 88B G.Ref. "Very poor" added in pencil] 90 & 91A Robt.0. John at sea. [1862 has and 3 children. McCartin deleted Mary McDonnell added Rent 12/11d. Jane & Maria neices Robt.52 PLV £1. May sister. Ferryman.Savage added.0.ref. 91B 92 93A & B with 95 Hallaway carpenter [Coast guard -in penci]l At will £5.10.0. Wife & childrenin pencil 91B & 92 are gardens. Rent with 91B, 93 A & B. 93 A & B a slated house G.ref. -48 PLV £3.15.0. [1862 has William Snell,wife & 2 children, coast guard. Succeded John Peters in 1856 Rent raised to £5.0.0. when Peters left][1878 has these pencilled details in ink. It adds Former tenant coast guard.Not yet in hands.These words deleted in pencil and CG added in pencil] Some confusion here. May be G.Ref. -44 or -45. [1862 shows 94 as In hands -thrown into road to Ardglass and lists 97 with 98] [1878 hasREnt £2.16.4., wife & family] See note above. G.ref -44 is PLV £2.10.0 and -45 is PLV £1.10.0.[1862 shows 97 and 98 together as Thomas Braniff- lease expires 1874 Rent £1.0.0. 1 story slated house divided into tenements] [1878 has these details 97 94 Bernard Curran £2.12.0. Wife in pencil Sailor. Daughter m. King -all in pencil. 98 George Breen in pencil £4.4.0.- Wife & 3 in pencil children in pencil The lease of this house was purchased by Lord de Ros from T.Braniff in 1868 for £24 and converted into 2 holdings (formerly 3) 37 [added: a yard flagged at back & wall built between 97 & 98 yards.] 96 Rom.C. Chapel At will 2/6d Patrick Keown Trustee. in ink.House & Garden. Butler at Finnebrogue added in ink] G.ref.- 47 [1862 shows rent at 1/0d and Felix Keown trustee] Per O'Laverty this chapel was built in 1820. [1878 omits this entry] G.Ref.-43 PLV £7.0.0. [1862 shows Lease expires in 1874. Wife & 2 children. Rent £1.0.6.Two story slated house, bakehouse and stable slated] [1878 has Rose Braniff. Widow appears as Resident. 100C is added below 99 in same entry and the words: 100C pulled down and annexed to 99. The word troublesome is added here in pencil] G.ref. -46 where shown as "building ground"[1878 has James McDonnell, at will (no rent appears) (wife & family) residents - rent with 115 to which this 99 John Braniff [deleted: died 1874 and Widow Braniff added] At will £7.0.0. Bakery.[added: in pencil:not used now 1877. In pen -Rose Braniff died 6th June 1882] 100A Pulled down & annexed to 115. 38 holding has been annexed] 100B Robt. McKettean -deleted Richard Murphy added] At will £2.0.0. Ellen wife deleted sister Bessie added Labourer deleted, sister works in garden added G.Ref. -42 PLV £1.15.0. where spelt McKeating [1862 shows daughter and describes it as a thatched cottage] [1878 has Richard Murphy Two sisters residents : two deleted one added in pencil House & small garden labourer at Old Court -One sister D. 1880 added in pencil] No G.Ref. shown [For 1878 see 99 above] See following. [1862 shows Rev. J.F. Gordon as tenant] G.Ref. for this and previous - 15 A & B Strangford Lower PLV £37.10.0.[1862 shows J.F. Gordon as tenant. He was Church of Ireland Rector at Ballyculter] [1878 has Church Body - Lease (no rent shown) Rent with 230 & 231 100C 101 to 111 112 to 114 Revd. E.B.Ryan At will Pulled down & annexed to 99 Fields in front of Glebe House, rent with 196B Glebe House & garden. Rent with 230 & 231. Town parks. Glebe land. Revd. E.B.Ryan 39 Town Parks . Waste ground.added: 116 to 119 In hands 120 Methodist &121 Chap.[1862 shows wife Rose & 3 children at rent £2.13. deleted in pencil: Garden to above added in pencil. 16 .0. G.-Included in above [1862 shows both this and previous as one entry][1878 has In hands. money borrowed from Board of Works] G.5. In pencil.39 [1862 shows William Kerr as trustee] G. Lease expired on 8th May'77. -40 [1878 has In hands deleted in pencil.15.Ref. 120 & 121 40 .ref. Added in pencil: Open space at Methodist Chapel A Police Barrack built here. Methodist chapel & passage in rear.Glebe Land] 115 James & McDonnell 100A At will £3.ref.0. 122A Meth.Ref.Ferry boat man] G. Chapel Lease 10/0 Lease 1/0 99 years Expires 1923 99 years Expires 1923 Trustee? Passage to rear of No. 100A) added to this holding 1st May 1859. Police Barrack added. . Wife & family Slated house. Open space.41 PLV £ 1. The garden (No. Additional room built in 1863.0. G.deleted in ink.0. J.1. J. PLV £4.-34 PLV £5. English married J. John deleted as resident. 41 .0..0. Wm.0.Seed 5 May 1868. £1.-33.[1862 shows John Hinds.0.0.10. Slated house.Ref. Crail. A Lease. PLV £4.0.0.Ardiss purchased the Lease of this holding Nov.pulled down & Police built 1879] 122B Jane 123 English & 124 At will £2. At will £8.ref.ref. 126. house of with W. Sloan Rep. [In pencil: John son & wife] Slated house with smith's shop.0.Ann Hinds added. blacksmith][1878 has Jane deleted in pencil John added.0.[1862 shows Catherine Sloan Rep. Wm.wife & l son.Purchased remainder of above May '79 £50 added in ink] G.0. £1.ref.with sister in 124B In hands 125 Jas. 127 Ardiss house [deleted with in 162 & pencil] Lease 99 years Expires 1922.Denvir 161 garden Lease 96 years expires 1923.0. Jno. wife added in pencil] No G. Ann Hynds Catherine (daughter) [in pencil: son out of his mind] Passage between 124A & 125. [1862 shows Robert English.deleted in ink.Rep.32.0. £2.0 added Ann Hinds (deleted)her son & daughter residents. Two story slated house used as a spirit shop. 125 house & 161 garden opposite. G. wife & 4 children] [1878 has James Denvir. 0. -28 PLV £14. 130 & Wm.adding a slated house underlet to Thomas Shimons in two tenements.Quaile's rent for 166 & 167 with 133. Expires 1922.G. Underlet to John McKeating in two tenements. Smith as tenant][1878 has Chas.0. A labourer][1878 has Bernard Murray deleted Mrs Brickley added and deleted Bernard Murray added again. rent £2.] 128 Bernard &129 Murray house Rep.0. James Smith [added in pencil] Two story slated house. law. showing Mary Mathews and Nicholas Breen as tenants.-29 & -149 PLV £3. Dora Crail as a resident. -30 & -148 Plv £2. Wm.Sweetman as tenant] G.Pethic F.0.0.P..In pencil: Retired C.5. Occasional lodgers.0. £2. also Francis 164 & McDowell 165 garden Lease 99 years. Expires 1922.163 gardens 1862 by permission of Lord de Ros. House & Garden] G. Was underlet to Dr J B Johnston for 20 years in 1862.ref.1. Lease 99 years.Quaile Daughter added as resident in pencil: F. 131 Ardiss house [deleted with in pencil] 166 & Charles 167 Pethick gardens.Ref. Sloan died 1855"] [1878 has J.0. Smith died 42 .[1862 shows Wm. [ 1862 shows Francis McDowell.0. adding "J. Mrs Brickley added as resident. [1862 shows M. 173 Teer.6.5. Eliz.-17 PLV £2.0.-19 PLV £2. Dress Makers. 132 James Murphy At will £2. PLV £5. Ardiss with 168 to 172 gards. -see 135 below.0. 43 . Lease £2.a labourer"] 133 William Ho.Ref. G.Ref. Lease 99 years. Also a cabin in lane adjoining building.Little G. Sarah Teer sister-inlaw] Daniel Teer died 17/12/1839 134 James Ho.0 Mary Boyd G.ref. Expires 1926.0.15. Margaret & Jane daughters.-18 PLV £1.Ref.0 Francis Curran. 99 years.4.0 John Elmgill G. 1922.[1878 has F.15. Gar.10.-16.Ref. 1867.Ref.Teer died Margeret wife. Expires +Wife & Sister-inlaw [added: d. John Smith G.0.Ref.Murphy received possession 1st Nov.[1862 shows Henry Dornan adding "a field held with 139 .22 March 1869. Murphy with Rep.Quaile] G.-21 PLV £2.12.5. Wife & sister-inlaw [deleted in pencil] J. 1854 and was succeeded by James Murphy.-22 PLV 15/0d Bridget Smith G. ["Garden" added in pencil] Two story slated house in 3 tenements & 1 story slated house in 2 tenements. G.-20 PLV £2.Ref.15.'77-refers Two story slated house. 0 added in ink.Walmsley added in pencil] At will £4.'73. Slated house & garden in rear.10. At will. [in pencil: privy needed: "needed" deleted and "added" overwritten] [Wife & 7 children added in pencil] Slated house & garden in rear. Privy added] G.0.[1878 has Rent £1.[1862 shows William Halpen. Recd. Elizabeth Teer wife of James Murphy died 19/8/77 aged 54..delleted £2. Walmsley Rent £ died added. C G to 64] [1878 has Ed. Labourer. 44 .Teer 1834] 135 J.4.12.0. J.M.-14.4.Taylor.[1862 shows:Henry Dornan. I.0.0.Margaret his wife died 6/9/1854 aged 67. succeeded M.4. £2.wife & 6 children. 136 Mary Murphy [deleted: Ed.0. possession 1st August 1862 vice Railton.Fitzpatrick £3.0 wife deleted in pencil. Got poss.-15 PLV £4.0.Granddaughter.Ref.Low rent for having given up gardener's cottage in demesne] [1878 has Wife resident] G. All are buried in Old decease of wife] aged 52.Ref. [in pencil: March possession 1st May 1871.F. PLV £3. ] [1878 has Richd.0. PLV £3.0 Slated house & garden in rear.15. added in pencil] Mother & Jane.0.12.Added in pencil: Labourer at Old Court] 137 Joseph At will Bell [deleted: £5..4.Ref. possession 1st Sept. Ward CG added in ink.'70.0.REf. Rent to be reduced to 1/0d per week during the time he is labourer at Old Court.[1862 shows James Blythe. Rent £5.0. and wife resident.4.4. with rent at £4.17.Ref.Wife & 9 children residents House & garden added in ink. 1862 vice Sweeney][1878 has Jeremiah Shea CG deleted Cunday added Rent £5.G. Ward.6. wife & 5 children.0.[1862 shows rent as £4.G. At will £5.-13.G. daughter [deleted: wife 2 children added in pencil] Slated house & garden in rear.Wife & family residents] G.C.0. House & garden] G.Hyatt CG deleted in pencil.0. C.C. [in pencil: privy added] G. Wife & family.Shimmons At will Slated house 45 . -12 PLV £2. -11 PLV 138 Jeremiah Shea. 139 A. 1.10. Poss.10.adding Recd. 1919.adding "E.0.[added in ink: The shed in playground was added in 1875 & an addition of 5/0 rent] £3. have exp. Coast Guard".Garden.0. Isabella daughter [deleted in same ink as Two story slated house (formerly shop) & stores.9. lease] James & Jane 139C In hands Yard & Play Ground for School.Ref.0 under 99 yr. Small slated shed [in pencil: Pulled down 1875] (Old lease wd.0. Dr. Knox purchased 139D James Murphy 139F In hands 140 Mary Murphy At will [deleted: Mrs Dougherty overwritten in same ink] Infant school [deleted in 46 .13. Rent with 132] Not shown in G.1867.Parritt Rent £4.0.4.[1878 has W. At will with 132 Field held with 132.Poss. Nov.][1878 has Wm.[1862 shows John Brown Rep.[1878 has School playground & yard deleted in ink] G. Jane Scoffin and daughter Ellen at rent of £2. & garden in rear.REf.0. wife & family residents Retired C G.Parritt Rent with 139 A B & C] G. -15 [1862 shows Henry Dornan][1878 has J M got possession 1867.-9 PLV £16.A B & E [deleted: Perrot added in ink] £4.-10 valued with 153. Part as Infant school [deleted in pencil].Ref.0. [1862 shows Robert McCullough and wife. A shed added 1875 at rear added in ink Charge of weigh bridge added in pencil] G. Brown & resold it to Lord de Ros Jany.] possession 1st Nov.3. Rent with 197 & 198 Town & gave up on quitting Parks (Paddock)] Strangford 1874 when Mrs McKeown had them in lieu of Carracasey 47 . will (no rent mentioned) (brother) got poss.At 1872 when Chas. Alex See 149 -154 following. At will £6.16. Dr. Son gardener at Old Court added in ink] [At this point 1878 has 140B (overwritten A) Rev.Mr Ryan pays 1/0d a year for use of it] Scoffin buried in Ballyculter. He died 18/4/1830 aged 45.0 Widow with daughter & son -"family" added in pencil Weekly tenant. she died 1/6/1860 aged 80.pencil: Mary Murphy added in pencil] this holding from Mary Murphy] I. Knox resigned [1862 shows John Brown. E. Widow Mary McKeown added] A field. [in pencil: 2 tenements.Knox At will [deleted: £6.Ryan At will 1/0d.Allen] 141 to 143 Chas.[1878 has Rose Dougherty.1867 for £200. Mary Murphy & daughter deleted as residents Sunday School Room added 140B Maria Thomas At will £ (overwritten O) 1/6d Maria Thomas resident Servant to Mr. [1878 has Mary McKeown.19. 10.Polly added This Lease was purchased in ink. House & Garden.-8 PLV house & garden in £2. for this field & 149 to 154 & 197 Town Parks.deleted in 1856 and divided into 3.5.12.-7 PLV £2. The words "gave up" in ink deleted in pencil] 144B Ewd. Wm." 48 . 3 daughters added in pencil.[1878 has Sarah McKeating.[1862 shows Robert Turnley. wife & 3 children] Griffith shows Daniel a reduced rent of £14.12.0. Privy John McKeating added and added 1874 deleted.Ref.0.0 daughter Two story slated G. At will [In pencil: Walmsley £3.5 (for £3.[Added: late Wife & 4 children]. illegible deleted Sailor added in ink] Two story slated house & garden G.Polly.] Privies added M. 144A Robt.At will by Lord de Ros for £42 £2.[1878 labourer in Old has Robt. [1862 shows rear.Kearney deleted Court.. A feint John McKeating followed by "D.Wife 144 A B & C. Kearney At will £2.0 wife(deleted) [deleted ["6" & 4 children] in pencil: overwritten Sarah "3"in pencil] McKeating added. 91 years overwritten in of lease from 1832 to pencil:Daughter 1923.0.0.0) three tenements called added in ink.1875.Something Feby.6.Ref. added.0. when Lord de Ros took possession & repaired the houses at a cost of £51.0 added in pencil] Slated house & garden.-5 PLV £2.0.3.[In pencil: son works at Castle Ward] G. Ann King. Captn Ward's man] G.12.2. deleted & £3.0 [deleted: £3.0.Ref.0. where occupier shown as William Hynds.Green deleted and Murphy added Rent £2.0.. Susan Crickard added and deleted above House & garden. A similar note as here in 1862 also]. Mrs 145A Jas.Ref. [In pencil:late laundress at C.[1878 has Mary Green.0.9.0. -6 PLV £2. Ward] This lease was overheld by Jno. [1862 shows Wid. Daughter added as resident in same ink as Murphy and £3. [deleted: Mary Green added in pencil] Slated house & garden in rear.feint.Curran [deleted in pencil: Susan Crickard added] £3.wife & 3 children. Shoemaker added in same ink as John McKeating. At will Dickson £3.0. Ann daughter][1878 has In hands deleted John McKeating added At will. House & garden.0.0. In pencil.Brown from 1858 to 1862.[1862 shows William Hinds.0.has been rubbed out] 144C B. & 49 .0.0. At will £2.12. -3 PLV £2. Taylor (sic) added in pencil] G.-4 PLV £2.per week in same ink] G.0.[added 50 . Wife & daughter added in pencil. Wife added in pencil.0.Ref. House & garden. alms 145C James Murphy At will £3. Ros let this house at nominal rent to Curate. At will Caretaker [in pencil: 1/0d [rubbed J. House & garden.5. Mary Haggard 1 room.8.Ref. 145B Jas. Added in pencil: Works for Wallisson drives car] G.0. [in pencil: tailor] Swinton pays half amended to 6d. [deleted:Mary in pencil] rear.0.0.0.[1862 shows James McDonald.] Williams [deleted out] Wife. 6d.[1862 shows Wife & 2 children] [1878 has Rent £3.0.Ref.Top Flight 5 rooms. Lord de Murphy in pencil rubbed out:William Thompson added Two story slated house with garden in note: George Lord.wife & 2 children][1878 has Rent £3. per week.[1862 shows In hands with this Schoolmaster. Possession demanded May 1862. Slated house & garden in rear.0.divided it into 3 tenements called as stated in July 1862.0.At will.3. Slated house & garden in rear.Farrel £3.5. Revd.-2 PLV £9. [in pencil: car driver] 146 house & 147 gar.0. 0. [different ink: Pump erected-pencil& general repairs] house. Expires 1957. Chapel Yard January 1858 (when a lease of 99 years was given) 2 Trustees? Field . 147 a garden thrown into 146 in 1845] [1878 has Thos Thompson At will Rent £18. House & Garden. -8 PLV £16. "Widow McKeown" seems to have been entered later into a blank space]. 16 -1. rent free.0. 149 to 154 Widow McKeown At will 155 Walter Wallis At will Field (late a quarry).wife of John Green 1 room rear of Mary Haggard. [1862 shows rent as 10/0d and Brown & Irvine as ink] in ink: Boatstand (?) connected Jany. Elizabeth McGanny Kitchen Alms house.[1862 shows John Brown as Name. Chapel & B Lease 99 Years. In pencil: House painted & general repairs 1880] G.0.Presbyterian Chapel] G. [1862 shows William Kerr as Name] 148A Pres.[1878 has Mary McKeown] with 197 Town Parks. 1875 & steps made to road.] [1878 has Presbyterian Body.10. -7 PLV £19.Rent with 205 Town 51 . 148B & 147 were thrown into Pres.0 99 years from 1853.Ref.0.0. Lease £10. Mrs Green.Ref. 12. Money 156A Jane & B English At will 2/0d Late Manor Pound & passage to it.[1862 shows Robert English].Ref.10.] G. [1862 shows Robert English][1878 has Garden for tenant's name] G.Parks. 12. [1862 has no occupier -in hands] [1878 has John Hind. PLV £3.Murphy to 175A 175B In hands At will 10/0 A garden.0.0.Ref. 151 Occupier James Murphy -valued with No 16. 174 Jas.[1878 has added in pencil: Thoroughly improved 1879.Ref.Strip of garden] G.Wallis. Rent of this (old quarry) with 205 Town Parks] G.0. [1862 shows Robert English as Name] [1878 has Site of Manor Pound & Passage thereto] G. [1878 has W.10.Ref.0.0.Ref.Ref. 157 Jane English At will 10/0 At will with 122B At will 2/0d A Garden. 158 Jane English to 160A 160B Ann Hinds Gardens Slip of garden ground. [1862 shows rent at £1. 12 PLV £4. 152 PLV £1. G. 52 . 153. School house & Garden.0. E.0. Perpetuity G. At will Bernard Murray Walter Wallis 5.0.b.Ref. [1862 shows 4 English put in children] [1878 has House as caretaker at & Garden. 1 Strangford built 1859. 35 PLV 15/0 [1862 shows William 1.2. [1862 shows Ann Quinn] [1878 has Ann Quinn] G.0. 36 PLV 5/0d [1862 shows Eliza Shimmons] G. added] Ann Hinds 1.0. Meas. from B. of 1/0d per year from 1st "Avenue Lodge" Nov.] Eng. of Works] 176A Wm.1849. [1862 shows Rev.4yds E. Lower.8. 37 PLV £1.Ref.Ref. W.6. GARDEN LOTS 1 to 7 8 to 12 13 Ann Quinn [deleted: Patk. 38 PLV £1. Avenue Lodge nominal rent of built in 1859. The Avenue Lodge contains 11 per. English At will 1/0 Wife & children Avenue Lodge G.Ref.Ref.4 yds¬ contains 11pers.0.2.put as 1/0d per year from caretaker at nominal rent 1st Nov. At will 53 . At will 14 to 11. J F Gordon] G.1859. 0. 5.Ref.0.Ref.0. 25 PLV 5/0d [1862 shows William Fields.Ref. At will At will G.0. [1862 shows William Smith] [1878 has the words "Polly's Lodge not mentioned anywhere" written diagonally across the Remarks Section of the page] 22 to 29 30 to 31 32 to 35 16.Ref. At will 7. Pethick 1. rent 1/0d] G.0.0. 23 PLV 5/0.] Lord de Ros purchased this lease in 1867 for £100. 150 PLV £2. [1862 shows John Scanlan. At will Kerr. 26 PLV £1.4. [Absent from 1862] [1878 has: Lord de Ros purchased this Lease from J B Johnston] G.16 17 to 19 20 21 Mary McKeown Mary Denvir John McDowell Francis Quaile --do-5. Lease 54 .Ref. 5/0d G.0.0.] G.10. At will Chas. 1. rent £1. & 182 Kitchen garden These fields have been made [1878 has each of these into one by removal of as a separate entry with fences & called "Chapel the field name beside it. 181. & DEMESNE FIELDS Pond field [deleted in ink] Pond field.0. [1862 says Pasture] [1878 has Francis Quaile] G. In hands 179. 177B In hands & C 178.] [1862 shows "strand"] 183 In hands 55 .0. G. 180.15. All are In hands.Ref.TOWN PARKS 176b Wm. Meadow"(formerly Compass 180-181: Paddock deleted Hill. as house offices & lands. referring to Charles Wyndham Stanhope] This and following: part of Old Court for valuation. 6 PLV £10.lists 5A & B PLV £84.Ref.Ardiss [deleted in pencil] 177A In hands At will £12.Paddock & Chapel in pencil and Lawn Tennis Meadow) Ground & Plantation added in pencil. per year. [1862 shows this as pasture let to C W Stanhope for £9.0. 0. PLV £10. 4 PLV £38.0.10.McDowell)] [1878 has James Coard deleted Wm. J.0. [added in ink: John Creen gave up possession 56 . 189 called tillage (Bay field) added in pencil. [1878 has In hands & "to 195" deleted in pencil.deletedHerd's added.184 In hands Bathing house field [1862 shows Cottage & Garden. (195 lodge) seems to refer to 195. For 194 see above 185A In hands 185B In hands & 186 187 188 & 189 190 to 195 John Creen [in pencil] £16.10.187 & 188 .0.0] G.0. for 188/9 is 3.0.(gardener's be called the Cottage Field [1862 shows 186 & 187. [in pencil] At will [in pencil] Quarry fields. Gillespie added.. 188 & 189. Lord de Ros' gardener's cottage.called Pasture (Cottage field). [1878 has 185B & 186 together In hands -named Demesne Field: (Backfield) added in pencil.0. Mary Finlay @ £6.Ref. Darby Quail @ £10.& Garden] These fields (formerly separate) have been made into one. 194 added in pencil Quarry field] G. 10.6.10. Seems to be called Point Field and Avenue Field] No G. G.15 A & B PLV £37. page [in pencil-25] At will 196B Revd.5.1/0d rent deducted] G.Ref.6.Ref.] 191.Ref.11. 196A Garden Lots £5.0. [1862 shows Robert English] G. [1878 has Rose Braniff] 197 & 198 Widow McKeown £17.Ref.6.141. G. added in pencil also In hands.0. £6.13 PLV £5.Ref.10.0.][1878 has Rent £5.3.12 PLV £4. PLV £6. Set to different people See Garden Lots.14.0.E Ryan £5. [1878 has Smyth] G.0. [1862 shows rent at £5.0. At will 199 James McKeating James Smith John Braniff £ PLV £ [1862 shows John Brown] [1878 has Mary Keown. At will At will 57 .2.1.] Let with No.Ref.0. At will 200 201 £6.143 & 149 to 154.15.Oct. Six perches cut off 197 for planting in 1858.0.This rent includes 149 to 154A.0. 8.8. deleted Dr Thetford added. Rent £50.Ref. drawn through. At will G.Patk.10] unidentified 206 & 207 Francis Quaile £23.202 203 & 204 205 Hon. PLV £20.S.8. adding "rent of 212 included"] [1878 has Rent £11.8. 9A & B. refers to all divisions] 58 ..10 At will G.10 At will 208 to 212 213 to 220 & 222 to 224 Right disputed Dr.15.added Keown.0.10 PLV £54.10.0.Quaile At will £15.Ref.0.10. [1862 shows Felix deleted Patk.[1862 shows Thomas Henderson.0.Ward F.0.added] [1878 has Rent £14.see 202 above.Thetford £33.Ref.8.0 At will Unidentified [1862 shows William Teer replaced by Walter Wallace adding "tenant right extinguished"] G.0. Rent of Dam with 224.11 a & b PLV £15. [1862 shows Felix Keown.13.9A & B.0.18.0] G. Mill holding] [1878 has 221 A & B as well as these and "Old Mill Dam".rent £38. Walter Wallis £18.Ref. but not as tenant rights. [1862 shows C W Stanhope. Glebe Land][1878 has Glebe lands in Names column Rent £9. 5 A & B.221 --do-A & B 225 to 229 230 to 231 John Creen Church Temporalities £2. Isle O' Valla Farm.Ref.REf.This land was obtained from Darby Quail in 1834 by C W Stanhope who paid £30 for the accomodation. at will with note: 236 & 237 Isle o' Valla House. rent £9.0. Lease. [1862 shows Rev. £31. Yard and garden separate 59 .deleted.13. J F Gordon. Wilson added.10.0. I C Temporalities Commrs.Ref. Remn. OBSERVE.£70. The House. which Darby Quail had never him and therefore could not 232 to 235 Capt.? G.Ref. 15 A & B includes. ? [1862 says G. At will At will Old Mill Dam] G.Ward given give.0. Tenant Right extinguished by ejection of Livingston.0.13.] At will Isle O'Valla Farm G.10. [1862 has 60 .8.0.0. J. It £25. Hall Perpetuity £27.0. Hall] Kelp Wm.Martin Shore £5. At will only.Ref. per year][1878 has Hon.Dr.1872] 236 & 237 --do-- Four blank pages follow [1878 shows no such entry] BALLYHORNAN OCCUPATION LIST 1 Rev.0. so no G.10.S.Ward Rent £123. A ground rent.Ward got possession 1st Nov.0. Paid yearly John Fitzsimons] Not valued. [1862 shows Dr.S.13. [1862 shows Hugh Hutchinson as Name. of "At will". A new lease was granted to Hutchinson for his life in 1841.7 PLV £44.BONECASTLE OCCUPATION LIST 1 Thomas McClurg At will £70.0.and adds: Hutchinson -Div. [in pencil improving & without deletion: £65. PLV Farm". Martha Jane 61 of respectable H. Lord de Ros allowed the G. deleted Widow added area 38a.0.2 1/2 p. [1862 has "Lease . McClurg lives in Quarter Cormack added in ink: died 1879 He purchased of Hutchinson 1854] Called the "Home Farm". lives in Quarter Cormick. Area shown as 38a.0] Called the "Mill G.10.Ref. Hutchinson" in place tenant.3r.0. 6 & 6A. and 2 Charles Galway At will £46. He is a very improving tenant and very respectable.very 65.0 added in 2 daughrs. deleted.15. Called "The Mill Farm".0.0.23p.0 [£44.3r.15.Ref.bought Hawthorn's Lease which ended with his life.0.][1878 has Thos. Interest sold to Thomas McClurg in 1854. Residents: Children: Charles John Martha James. Chas.10. Called "the Home Farm".3.with note: Robert the Eldest son has behaved ill and done nothing for his Father. Rent £46. Margaret & Ann residents.Galway '67) Area 30a. £30. 2nd son in good business in New Orleans. (Added in pencil: Purchased by C.3.pencil] father (Hutchinson) interest. Lease for life of self.Galway.3r. and kind to his father.9p. Added in same ink 62 . Thos.10. Wife died 1862. with Chas deleted and John added.Galway added.9p][1878 has Charles deleted John added and in same hand boy & girl lives named McClelland. Charles married Fanny Cosby & lives in Div.0 area 30a.'67 when sold to C. (altho' the daughters were ejected) to be divided among the 3 daughters. The sisters have done everything and have a strong claim to suceed (sic) to the land whenever the Father dies. Sarah Margaret & Ann Hutchinson. or sisters or the Farm. -each receiving her own share after the rent due had been deducted to Nov.3r. 1878 from his brother Charles. adding: Mrs Galway died 27th Sept.Martha 6.16. '72. William a very hardy mason and bricklayer. John added with residents 1.0. Wm. Boy & girl live here. Charles (5) in Australia.1r 23p] [1878 has Chas deleted Charles added. Complains of Rent. Jane sister in lunatic asylum. £23. [Charles Galway Died 16th July 1882 added in ink] G.0. [1862 shows Charles deleted. John in ships a good deal.Jane.0. Added in pencil: William d. In pencil: John lives here] 63 .10 & his wife [in pencil live here.] Very respectable & tidy. Very respectable and tidy. Built a stable in 1846.John 3. 2.0. Hannah (7) married and lives in Vinestown. 5 PLV £23.Ref. Mary (4) in New York. McClelland] 3 Charles Galway At will John (son) £25. John purchased this farm Decr. Jane troublesome over will The area is shown as 14a.1862.Asm.Robin (8) John and boy & girl etc:Galway purchased of the Misses Hutchinson. Sister in Lu. Pat had two brothers in 29th Regmt.] children.] [Rheumatic G.[1862 shows Wife Margaret.0.both Sergeants. £14.][1878 has Widower -daughter Eliza married and lives in England.0.4 James Dickson At will £5.5.15.Smith At will [Brother James G.0 brother to where spelt DIXON.6p. pencil] John in trade in Downpatrick. Area 2a. Area 9a.Ref. John son added in ink. Brother of David. PLV £5. Was reduced from sergeant on account 64 . Rheumatic & old. Mary [in pencil: added in ink] and Anthony.][1878 has Smyth.John 3. Pat suceeded(sic) him. James brother Resident A pensioner from 29th Regmt. tidy woman. Eliza. Valentine killed in India and the other reduced for for drunkenness but reappointed and reformed. Pat Smith died died March 1860.3r.16. brother's £15. A very nice.Wm.8 & 3b PLV £15. 1. Added in ink:Died 28th Feby '82] 5 Pat.5 [in pencil David: in £5.4.Ref.10 a Pensioner [1862 shows Daniel.0r.2.3 1/2p. special ________ permission.33p. Betsy m.0.0.(7).Ref.6 At will John Creenan £28. Cabinet Maker.5. Division 7B Widow Ann Dickson @ £6.0.0 with cottier shown as John GREENAN PLV 15/0d at G.][1878 has Rent was increased added] 7A & 12 Thos.3. McCullogh.4.9.10. G.0. _______ £20.3. Martha (6).0. Thos. £58.10 Sisters Sarah & Martha Sister Ellen m. Denvir Div. [in pencil: £69.15. a Cottier by 30. Jas (1). to Henry.1BBa.4. 7A Thos.11. [1862 shows: Area 37a.6. when his holding was divided.3. [in pencil: Rent proposed to increase 6/0d in corn per acre & 2/6d on the other] G. [1862 says: suceeded Samuel Dickson who died in 1849.Ref. Ellen (8) Maryann married to Galway lives in Ballydonnell.0r. Dickson @ £6.0. Resides in Downpatrick and keeps the the Hotel.B & 3d. 14.hatter. See Division (12) for family. Betsy (5).0.] Hotel in Downpatrick. He has only one eye.Sarah(4). PLV £23. spelt DIXON.Ref.2. At Div 12 shows wife Hannah.of drunkenness] 6 & 9A Robt.1A & 1B PLV £68. Dickson At will £6.2A.Hannah married. She 65 .0. 12] 7B 11 & 14 Widow Ann Dickson [deleted in pencil: son Robert added] £6. PLV £22. 8.5. noting: 7B allotted to Pat Smith and rent included in No.9.very tidy & respectable. G. 66 .0. James lives in Woodgrange.Ref. Neill and lives in Woodgrange. Samuel and William resident. Nice respectable old woman.3.15p] [1878 has At will 6a.0.7. See Div. with Robert. [1862 shows 7B & 11 together. At Div. inclined to impudence but a good fellow. Area 16a.0.'76.14. Rent with Div. [Deleted in pencil: Rent proposed to be increased 2/6 to 3/6 per acre. Eliza married to Huddleston and lives in Ballydougherty.4p.15. Ann married to J. Stabbed one Rooney in a drunken broil (sic) in Downpatrick in 1858.2r. ______ 28. 13. Repaired her house in 1855. she is shown as the widow of Robert Dickson.0r.11. Barney Downey is shown as name in Div. 11 for family.2. Oct. purchased 30 acres of land from Lady Harriet Ford in July 1853 for £155. Jas.6. 10 & 3c.0. area 7a. 40 priest] feet by 20. Dickson in 1854.10.16.& Annie children. residents are Isabella Darby & Antony.10. 67 . Built a byre in 1855 and a ink: brother Patrick a large barn in 1861.] [added in Very G.Ref. Built a fence between himself and T.][1878 has Robt Dickson.0. £31.bishop of Down and Connor. Grandchildren. 9A & 9B PLV respectable £31.7p. Fr. Widow (Elizabeth) McAlister died 11 September 1862 and was suceeded by her son John]. Wife (Eliza McComb) Robt. Bernard brother resident."4 children" added in Remarks in ink] 8A & 8B John McAlister At will Sister £35.0. Son Pat twice married has removed and left his children by 1st wife with Darby. [1878 separates 8A & 8B. [1862 shows 8B Mary sister.11 Mary [in pencil and tidy. Mary McAlister died 13/4/83 aged 70 and is buried in Saul Graveyard with her father and mother. Very slovenly and untidy. Patrick McAlister later became R.C. 1Ab PLV £3. [1862 shows: Mother Ellen. [1878 has Wife dead. [added in pencil: House & premises in bad order '71.A carpenter.10.2.2. wife Mary Ann Pat. [in pencil: £3. Invalided -in pencil.1.a priest deleted area-Ed. Brother Patk.14. Sister Mary. deducted in 9B being made a distinct holding instead of paying Rent to Robert Denvir from 1st November 1857.10.0.Ref.10.dead deletedPat & Rose children. wheelwright & machanic (sic) very good and thrifty]. Wheelwright & carpenter. Carpenter & wheelwright. Premises in bad repair 1880] 68 . Patk a priest in Ballycastle.] G. adding: £1.10. John McAllister At will £34.10. Bought Rolf's cottage 19.0.0. John McAlister (sic) At will £1. Rose resident. (?.0. Mary ailing.] Very good & thrifty.)] [1862 has 8A No house on this holding purchased from John Foster in 1831] 9B John Mullen At will £1.39. Sister Mary. 0. married. spelt DIXON.1p. in ink: Hannah Dickson died Bonecastle.Ref.9.Mary in America. For 16 shows: Widow Mary Fitzsimons.10 & 13 David Dickson At will Sister £ & sister -brother deleted.] [1878 has Hannah & Robt.2r. Francis in England. rent £2.10. 1883] married ( ).10.[1862 shows for 15: Wid. Jane servant to Mr Hines of Island Band.[Added and Robert resident.10.Mary Fitzsimons At will £11.adding: Jas. lives Div. -Robt deleted. widow of David. Poor but industrious -a relation of Cringles of Tullyratty.0. Hannah Collector.4. 3a.10 in October 1857 at the death of Widow Jane Dickson.0] The house very G. No 13 annexed to Div. PLV £18. dirty & untidy. Margaret Febry.17. David a shoemaker suceeded John in 1856. Henry and Rose resident. [1862 shows area 10a.10.13 PLV £2. 69 . Ann Downey. Hannah [in pencil David Cess £18.0. Thomas Amelia Stranny wife of 15 & 16 Wid. James died in October 1860.and 12 PLV £ Poor rate collector] G.0.. Edward. 70 . Straney Div.0r.Castlescreen 1859. Rose McCabe sister of the widow and wife of her friend.Edward. J.John Mary & Pat children of Edward Son Edward manages the farm -deleted-Poor -added in ink] 17 Rev. adding Mary married. At this point 1862 totals the area of lands in Bonecastle at 208a. Pat married.][1878 has Widow Mary deleted Edward added Fitzsimons . McConvey deleted and O'Kane added. In ink:Put up a coal store Oct. & John Grandchildren.Patrick O'Kane is Parish Priest. noting Bonecastle School House] [1878 has Bonecastle School.P. Thos. In pencil: Gave Mullan a job to put up a Coal Store Oct. O'Kane At will 2/6d G. 1880] Rev.Ref.12.1B A C [1862 shows Revd. Edward labours for Mr Denvir and married A.1880. Rose McCabe resident.29p. Residents are Wife Sarah. Succeeded his mother 22 October 1876 deleted. John added.4 5 & 6) Usual tenant right March 1879] G. area 3a. 16p. Area 3a.4.10. 2 Bessy At will Her sister R.3r.0. John is lame of one knee. Wife and children very clean and neat.1 Son & 2 daughters Bad health. Isabella.] [1878 has John Denvir deleted in pencil Rent £7. deleted.Transferred to James Keown (Div. John.CARGAH OCCUPATION LIST 1 Sarah Denvir [added: D. [in pencil: son works on roads] G.18. Michael. Very good and industrious.Sarah with Cath added in pencil. It notes Suceeded his uncle Pat who died in 1853.16p. [1862 shows John Denvir.8. Widow Sarah added and deleted./ 76] At will £7.0. Isabella & Sara sisters of John.Ref.1.Curoe died 71 .PLV £6.Ref.5. 6a. 3r. PLV £7. 72 .1 PLV £26.1r.6p.7.3r. wife Catherine. Brother a priest. William a Priest in Antrim. (Mrs Curoe bad foot).0. [1862 shows Richard. Rose wife with Roney (brother in law) added later. Catherine died July 1855.0. as explanation for rent increase. 4th Nov.11p.ref. [1862 has Henvey. Area 3a.'78. to £27.1880. Mary (dead added) married to Jas.1r. '62 from £20. Bessey and Ann resident. McKetting Publican Strangford.Sister Catherine added.2. Wife Rose. Brother a priest.] [1878 has Bessie Curoe.4th 1873] G.0. Anne added.Curoe £6. built a wall round haggard.Very improving.10. Roney brother-in-law. Area 3a. The note reads : Jas. Stockdale Life of Lease of this holding died in October 1861 in America. Wm. Rent raised from 1st Nov.0. Gave him a gate Jany.0.Succeeded her father Nov.0.0.6p.] [1878 has area 16a. where tenant shown as HENRY. No 57A September 1861.Rent was 3 Thomas Henvy At will £27. 0p at rents £21.2. £16. Area of 4 & 6 shown as 17a.5.2. Cecily purchased Div. John in England Mary married to Murnan. Bessey married to F Hammill. Catherine married in England.2A & B (4 & 6) 3 (5) PLV £29.2. For 5 1862 shows Margaret McGreevy deleted James Keown added.] 4 5 & 6 James Keown £47.Ref. Thomas resident (with Margt.0. suceeded by James.10..7.18. At Will. to £27. Suceeded by his widow. Cecily Keown died in 1856.0 & £14.6.6 7.1.6 and £10. Very good & industrious people. _______ £55.6.4. McGraw in 1854. [1862 shows James Keown (Gates promised) Sister Mary (Married added) saying: John died in Varnia in 28th Regt.3r.0.8 73 .raised Nov. Susan Margaret .McGreevy died April 1860. Holds Div. McGreevy) noting Thos.0.1862 from £20. of Kilclief.0.7 Wife Very good & industrious G.1.6 for £33 from H. Hugh. It adds: James McGreevy died 20th June 1855 and willed his farm to his 2nd son.0.3r. Wife sister Mary 1 son 1 daughter. His mother purchased from McGraw in 1854 for £32] 7 Hugh McGreevy At will Wife £14. Purchased Div. Gave him a gate 1879. Area 17a.1 from Denvir at usual tenant right £10.15. Improving. Mar. per acre.] [1878 has Isabella wife & Mary Ann daughter. Lord de Ros lent him £5 to purchase the farm from his brother. Hugh afterwards purchased his brother's interest for £8 and is now the tenant. G.3p.Ref. aged 17 years.5 Hugh suceeded to this farm in August 1855.0r. Quarrels between this family and Div. Maryann & Hugh additional residents. Purchased of his 74 .0.1879. 0p.6. Isabella The wife spins & is industrious. 5 PLV £12. [1862 shows Area 8a.Cloughy] [1878 has 1 added to 4. Lord de Ros ordered the eldest son to suceed his father. 5 & 6. marked A on the map.] [1878 shows 59a. Chapel At will 2/6d G. Poor] 8 Rom.26p. 0r. Auchinleck's holding consisted of Div.Starkey is P.P.5. Mr Gracy his rep.] [The total area of this townland is shown at 39a 0r.P. Industrious. P.] [1878 has Rev. These holdings are now let at a lesser rent than what was paid to Gracey the John for £8.3. [1862 shows Rev. McCurry P.4.2.6b.REf.6 and 7.Cath. 2. paid £38. NOTE IN CARGAH. The Lease of Cargah fell out in 1847 and the farm was re-let separately at a rent of £68.26p. rent. after a careful inspection. as area of this townland] CASTLESCREEN OCCUPATION LIST 75 . Ref. Thomas. where spelt McGeehan. dividing this farm into two parts. and was allowed to sell her tenant rights.4.8. G. In asylum -added in inkSusan married a son Wee John's.] [1878 has 1A & 1B John McGeehan (Long John) At Will. to 76 .0r. area 8a. Thomas.0. Children Eliza.8.9.0. Henry James m. Wife dead deleted. Mary.11 PLV £15. [1862 shows rent at £6.8. 3 and the ther to Div.8. Mary McGeehan died Septr. William half-mad & violent.14th '82. 1 (Susannah) m. to James McGeean Thomas.1A + John McGeean (Long Jno) At will £23. PLV £24. but they live apart. William. Thomas & James in England. Martha. William. William eldest son bad James & Mathew carpenters at Oldham.10. one being annexed to Div. Susan. £23. Catherine (Catherine deleted in pencil).2. 1B John £16.1. In pencil: 4/15/82. James. son [written over: Thomas said son] ought to suceed.0.22p. adding: Widow McConvey emigrated in 1849.Ref.10. Promised 1/2 gates for Barn] G.0.3 daughters. John deleted in pencil.[1862 shows 2 sons reside 2A Margaret Blaney by agreement (deleted: James with the Cancellor added) sister.Cecily mother. agst.0.Mary Ann residents -Henry.Margaret At will £4.Residents: whose husband Catherine Rogan.Sister.Jane added in ink. Susannah. Succeeded husband (Wee John) 3rd March 1877.deleted in pencil to Long John's daughter -ought to succeed deleted in pencil Margaret m.0 Area Cancellor.0. 2nd son.23p.Cecily written in rubbed-out space.REf.0 Mrs Rogan G. Steady.Rogan (added in pencil: 2 of children of Cancellor) noting: Thos. Widow.1. 2a2r3 1/2p. 8 & 9b PLV daughter & £2.10. but no other comment] [1878 has Cecily McGeehan .0.14.0.& 9 McGeean [in pencil (Wee John) D. area 5a. Rogan almost deserted his wife and was 77 . [1862 shows rent £5.0r.13.Ref 9a PLV £5. John in America added in ink] 2A & 2B James Cancellor £5.Long John's daughter.parents' consent and he works in neighbourhood. & her G. James works at Maryann Patrick & Thomas Whitehaven children of C.Eliza m. James m. Rogan used only to come home and plunder the farm.ejected in 1847 and his wife's sister Margaret made tenant for Mrs Rogan's security. John and James in Downpatrick Grocers.Thos. Cancellor by Mr Clifford and fully explained to him on 13th February 1862. Gave 5/0d in '75). John assists the father and family] [1878 has Children Maryann. Thos. Area 1a. Shields. At 2B . Pat in a Revenue Cutter. Margaret was accepted tenant on condition that she keeps her sister and her three children residing with her.4. Isabella wife.0p.Edward Darbey deleted: James Cancellor added.Rogan 78 . Mary in New Zealand. Margaret daughter. Hannah married to J.0r. At will £1. (in pencil:Cancellor works in Whitehaven.0. Margaret married James Cancellor 9th February 1862. This order was read to Jas. Catherine. Eliza(2) Susan(3)and Wm. The words: The sisters purchased of Darby for £30 in 1870 connected by a line to 2B in No on Map column] (No 3 appears: 1862 showed 3 & 1A. John McGeean. Margaret married to D. Honest and industrious but pityious and grumbling.. Chancellor works in Whitehaven Colleries. Eliza wife died in 1862.Jas. McStay.deserted his wife Catherine & was ejected in '57. Martin and Thomas resident. Rent £17.(4) Mary.8. Tubbercarn 1857 near the Ring of Old Castle. Margaret Chancellor (Catherine's sister) made tenant on condition that she keeps her sister & children. I am not sure where this entry has gone to in 1874or 1878.7.8p. Area 10a.0r.) 79 . Henry in America. Rent reduced in 1850 £9.7p.0r.3. William.5 G.0 80 .0. Area 40a. PLV £78. Got half slates. Brother Patt. adding John Grant died in September 1862.Ref. he was very respectable and industrious but infirm from asthma] [1878 has Sister Catherine deleted Wife added.0 [1862 shows:Widow Ellen deleted. Cecily deleted: John added Grant Area.0.6.0. Roofed a room in 1856.7 PLV £7.8.16p.15 but died in a decline in 1856. Barnard is a bad politician.10. [1862 shows Wid.1849 which ended the lease. but a very good farmer. The words 5 Bernard Laverty At will £80.5.Ref.0r. James & Edward resident. Eliza married Hinds of Div.4a. Bernard. Pat & Catherine resident. noting Carson died in Downpatrick in Aug. In pencil: arranges to sell to John McGeehan at office price -Oct 1880] [in pencil Wife] Ellen Laverty died 20th June '74 & was succeeded by her son Bernard [in pencil: married daughter of Pat Keown] G.4 John Grant At will £6.Bernard added. 0 (NO.0r.13. Edward and Francis in America. The interest of No.0. 1 PLV £6.7 it shows: Widow Catherine Reilly..Ann.'74" appear under the name in 1st column] [1878 has Area 40a. in the East India Service.Ref. The rent is shown as £5."D. Jas. Wm. G. for No.10. It goes on: They were weavers but gave it up very respectable.1r. Agnes died 1859.6.24p. Rent was reduced in 1850 £9.0 Good farmer but bad politician] 6 & 7 Henry Davey At will £17.7p Wife & 2 children brothers William James Edward.Ref. James. (No.8.7) [1862 shows James Reilly.9. John Pat. Pat was lame but recovered.'67 for £34.6 was sold by James Reilly to Henry Davey 8th Jany.2 PLV £12. John's son is monitor in Bonecastle N(ational) School. & Mary children of John.10. M sister of Pat Keown (Law suit). Ann Catherine and Jane 81 .6) and G..5 and the area as 3a.9.Margaret. At No. Residents. An added note describes Catherine as Dressmaker. It adds: James Reilly died August 1861 suceeded by his widow - very respectable "who married Davey" added in pencil. The rent is £11.15.4 and area 6a.2r. 1p.][1878 has 11.15.4.+ 5.13.5 total £17.8.9. Wife & two step-daughters (two overwritten three in pencil) Annie added in ink Kitty Belfast in pencil Jane at home partially overwritten in ink. He married Catherine Reilly & was accepted as tenant. Improving.{Oldest daughter married Decr. '81} Kitty in Belfast] 8 Mary McGreevy At will £31.4.0. [in pencil 2 sisters] [in pencil: defaulters] G.Ref.3. PLV £29.0.0. [1862 shows Residents: Catherine, Margt. & John Bernard McGee,John, Jas and William, children of Margaret. It notes: Margaret married Bernard McGee who by permission works the farm, but is not the tenant. John an idiot. 82 John McGreevy died in 1857 and was suceeded by Mary. A pencilled note: asked to be excused pyt. rent pon(?). gave 5/0d '75. Area shown at 15a.2r.15p.] [1878 has Widow has two sisters, Catherine & Margaret & Jno. James Wm. Children. Defaulters to be ejected for non-payment 1880] 10 Denis McGeen At will [pencil: £12.16.7. wife & children] Slovenly, in bad health & is a Radical. [Added in ink: Pat son manages Farm, gave £1 to assist him in quarrying 1874. G.REf.13 PLV £11.10.0 spelt McGEEHAN.[1862 shows: Ann,wife,Pat. Charles & Rose as Residents. It adds that Ann,wife,Tidy and Active -assistance to be given him at any time if he was to erect himself. In pencil: £1 given to level field near Bog. Pat the son - Fenian.] [1878 has Denis McGeehan area 8a.0r.0p. Wife (Ann) deleted Pat (Son). Pat industrious but attended meetings. Help with drain 1880. In pencil: help to level field next green 1880. 1 rood 14p. over- 83 paid to Black] 11 Wid.Eliza Black [deleted: James Black added in pencil] At will £24.12.3 Son [deleted, wife added in pencil] In arrear. [in pencil: The widow left the place & the son makes her an allowance] G.Ref.12. PLV £25.0.0. [1862 shows James Black, deleted, Widow Eliza Black added, residents originally were Eliza, wife, (1) James,(3) John,(4)Eliza (5)Mary (6) Rose (7) Margt.(8) Catherine & (9) George. It notes: Thomas (2) in America. James knows everybody about the place is active and industrious as is his wife. Suceeded G.Hannah's widow in this farm. In Pencil: underlet land to Wm. Read. Area shown as 13a.2r.0p] [1878 has Wife & family,6 children, 2 boys 4 girls. In pencil: 12 to 4. Was Was left in debt by his father.In pencil: Clothing promised 1880. 6 children] G.REf.16. PLV £17.0.0 [1862 shows Mary Straney deleted: Widow Lucy added. Area 16a.0r.7p.John & James resident. It notes: 12 Thomas Clarke At will £17.7.2. Thos.Clarke married Louise Stranney 14th May '73 by permission 84 Bog below the farm. In Pencil Petticoat & Shirt promised 1880.Amelia married to Edward Fitzsimons Div. PLV £11. '75] G.] [1878 has Area 10a.Bonecastle.7p. very industrious.5.0. Daniel Polley (amended to Poland) an industrious young man but slovenly.Ref.very steady John an apprentice to J. Wife (Lucy) Ann deleted in pencil: Kitty added & Stephen children.Accepted as tenant on his marriage with Lucy Stranney.9B. Husband left wife & 2 children first husband added in pencil] 13A & B Daniel Poland At will £10. Div. [1862 shows:Ann and Margaret sisters.0.0r.16 Bonecastle. Is sister to John Taggart who helps her. "Shirt"deleted. Jas.15A & B. His mother 85 . Area 6a2r0p adding Edward Bell died in 1851 and was suceeded by his grandson. Mullen. [Pencil:the place in a filthy condition -Oct.0. [Pencil: Alice mother & 2 sisters] Slovenly & quarrelsome with his neighbours. Lord de Ros gave her a plough. Suceeds her husband who died May 1852. Keeps pigs & turkey. Ann crazy.9r7p.0r.3p. (5)William (6) Hugh (7) Mary & (8) Cecily.Ref.2r.wife. Residents with Mrs C.goes to Scotland for work.0p Alice(mother) Ann & Mary sisters.very respectable.9. PLV £6. 13B is little detached from bog] [1878 has area 6a. Added in pencil: 5/0d on visiting '75] [1878 has Alexander McMullan.rather uncivilized.0.0. adding McMullen very poor and industrious but a rough fellow . (1) Pat (2) Jane (3)Alex.Shirt promised 1880] 14 Alex McMullin At will £5. 22. Alex McMullan added.7 Very industrious .but poor. The The widow often goes on long visits to her sister. G. [1862 shows Widow Catherine Straney deleted. Area 4a. (4) Jas.Straney are Alex McMullen. Very poor & behaved ill about a gate. In pencil: Can't pay rent this term 86 . area 5a. In pencil: Very ill 1880. Petticoat.Ann. in ink: Wife died 2nd Febry '82. James in America. This entry is then duplicated on the next page where the area 4a.1 May '82.14. Alexr. The name there is spelt Hinds. Hugh Mary Cecily Bernard -all deleted in ink.Shirt 1880. wife and 4 children.14 PLV 5/0d spelt Hynes. Wife died 2nd Febry '82. adding Hinds purchased the B-part of the farm from son of James 15A & B 87 . Cecily in New Zealand. Residents H. resides in Ballynewport. Very poor but industrious In pencil: Drain tiles 4 inches .1r. followed by some illegible word in pencil.Ref.Pat John Alexr.15p.0 Resides in Island Bane G. In pencil: Petticoat.5p Resident Wife (Ann) children: Pat Jno.[1862 shows area 11a. Hugh Bernard in service. Smith.0r.There must be an entry elsewhere. Not to press for rent] James Hynds At will £22. Mary at service in London.Catherine added in ink. 1.1878] At will £12.7. 1856 In pencil: Byre in bad order] 16A & B Francis Keown [in pencil: D. [in pencil Bad foot. Gave her a blanket 88 . [in pencil: Nephew John] [In Pencil: The nephew & he don't agree. Very deaf] G.0.26th '78 John added. 17 Wid.0. 26th Decr. Nephew John Resident deleted Wife added. Smith is a cottier. Widow Mary added. Wife Mary.m.0.Smith resides with wife & 4 children. [In Pencil: wife] Industrious.6. [1862 shows area 6a.30p. [1862 has Thomas deleted. where Thomas Smith is shown.17 & 19 PLV £12. Pat. Eliza Laverty who d. Smith] [1878 has H. 16A is a detached bog. Very good & industrious people but poor.Mary Smyth [deleted: Francis added] At will £10.0r. Nephew to suceed] G.Ref. spelt KEON. Husband died 23 Nov. H. Hinds has by special permission a cottier. Area 6a. Edward.30p.0.Decr.0r.5. She paralytic.1865. James Hinds lives in Ballynewport. 15A is a detached bog. Francis Isabella.21 PLV £11. Wife Ann John nephew. In pencil: Posset Hill][1878 Francis deleted -in pencil added: D.Straney in 1848.Ref. 18A is a detached bog.30p each. Tea to be given] [1878 has John deleted Francis added Wife 1 child.Ref. Excellent people. The neighbours ploughed her farm in 1849. In pencil:very ill in bed.Arthur pencil: 3 year old 1880 Added in pencil: Smith will pay what he can 4/18/82] 18A Arthur & B Laverty & 19 At will £23. [in pencil: appears tidy & well to do] G. PLV 11. 9. [1862 shows Widow Mary Lavery deleted for 18 A & B.1875.0. Edward simple. [ in pencil: Posset Hill] For 19: Widow Isabella Lavery 89 . G.0. Rather slovenly.Ref. areas 6a. all very neat. Peter a carpenter in America. The widow is a sister of Wee John McGeean. Well-built houses. 20 for 18. Posset Hill.11 [In pencil: wife] Slovenly [deleted in pencil] Married to Long John McGeean's daughter.9.0r.0.18 for 19 PLV £13. Suceeded her husband John who died in 1851. Catherine residents.5. Div. 5. Area 21a.20p. It goes on to show Thomas 90 . Laverty suceeded to Div 21 on McGeean's emigration.deleted.0.4. but adjoining the farm.Ref.17. Roofed a good barn. where spelt Laferty.0 G. In pencil:Gave half £7. Herd's house & Land PLV £59.Area 12a. Wife (Eliza) Long John McGeean's daughter. Arthur added. Stephen and Pat in England. [1878 has Arthur Laverty deleted Arthur Lavery added. Both were good and improved their place with buildings and a neat garden. for shed] 20 Wm. Suceeded her husband Ralph in 1852.14. Gave half the cost £3.11.[1862 says: Resides at Ballynewport. Rent reduced in 1852 not on his complaint but as an act of fairness. Arthur a very good son. Lewis Lavery brother in law died August 1861.Laverty & 21 At will £61.24p.1r. An excellent tenant.0.] Griffith shows the surname as LAVERY for both.1r. Very tidy. 0.0. Wife & children.] [1862 totals the area of this townland as 204a3r31p] CARRACASSEY OCCUPATION LIST "Carracassey"/Carrowcasey is the local name for part of the Townland called Strangford Upper (Ordinance Survey Sheet 31) in the Ordinance Survey. [1862 shows Widow Mary McKeown. 3 PLV £11.[In pencil: exchanged for Town Parks 1874 and taken in hands] G. in consequence her rent was reduced from £12 to £10.3r.2p. 3a. area 8a. 1 Mary McKeown [deleted: in pencil in hands] At will £10.Wife & 4 children as residents. Thomas died in Feb 1861 and was suceeded by 91 . Mahon (cottier). McKeown got this farm from Lord de Ros at Nov.0. 1856.ref. Thos. "Resides No 33 Town".Mahon. A cottier by special permission as the tenant William Laverty does not reside on the farm][1878 has William Laverty. Thos.0. Tenant Right extinguished by the Ejectment of Edward Stockdale.taken from Mary McKeown & planted in 1872. [1862 shows James deleted Pat added. Where the surname is spelt NAPIER.5.4.4.Wallis deleted In hands added Rent £3. Wife] G. James & Margaret residents.1856 G.0.area 27a. [1862 has NEEPER. Henry Margaret & James residents.area 32a 0r.0r. Proposal signed for this as for Town Park] 2 Richard Napier At will £57. adding: Neeper purchased Pat. Keown's interest in this farm Nov.1846 for £ .Ref. He is a regular horse dealer.Area 1a. 1B W. 5A & 5B.3r.3r. McGee] 92 .0. Pat. Wife Ann.33p. PLV £38. Pat married Nov.8.0. 1857 Margt.12p. Fitzsimons At will £49.1857 to Margaret McGee 3.0.his widow.0p.0.0. Son Pat & wife. Keown's interest in this farm at Nov. Napier purchased P. [In pencil: M.] [1878 has Richard deleted in pencil James added. In pencil added:Thomas son butcher] [1878 has 1A In hands area 7a. PLV £48.0.2p.Ref. at will £1. 1 Upper Strangford of which he is also the tenant] [1878 has Rent £21. G.[1862 says Widow Mary McKeown.4.0 93 .5.] [1878 has children Henry Mary James & wife. Reduced to £1.Ref. In hands At will G.] Suceeded her mother Aug.6. the English Acre 1879] 4.2r.5.0.0 [1862 shows:Widow 2 Mary Fitzsimons At will £24. James the father resides in Div.12p. McKeown 16 Feby 1854] [1878 has area 2a.8.25th G. This is Carracassey Plantation the grazing of which was let to Thos.1A & B PLV £ [1862 says:resides in Div.14. Plantation] CLOUGHEY OCCUPATION 1 James Murnan At will £21.Ref. not seen. deleted. In pencil: Examine the rent for valuation. 2A & B PLV £25.0.ref.and brought her to reside in the farm by the father's consent.8.Legnagapock. Mary has a child to Jas. Jas.1868. McKettean her Brother manages the farm.1 Upper Strangford. who died 17 May'74. G. McKeating old uncle added Gave the uncle a jersey at Xmas '77 added in ink] 3 James Denvir At will £20. Poor but industrious. Henry in Whitehaven. Carvill to work old mill] [1878 has James Murnan her illegitimate child as resident Jas. noting William lives with his uncle in Kilclief. Murnan's illegitimate child) residents.4.Ref. in pencil: J. Murnan Div. Curran. Ellen is insane. but is now a widow. Husband lost in the Lough.3 PLV £21. Child by J. Murnan (named James) Catherine [deleted: Mary added] Mary & Ellen (Ann Jas. Mary was married to Jas. Suceeded his father Wm. [1862 shows William (called the Sailor) residents: James Isabella Ann.0. Behaved very kind to George Breen when in 94 .5.0. 15. Nicholas married to a daughter of Francis Newall Div. Cloughey.Ref.Keeps a public house in Strang- 95 . Suceeded by James] [1878 has Isabella & Ann . Succeeded by son James.Breen in 1854 for £30.0 [1862 shows John Shimmons deleted with Richard deleted James Napier added noting George Breen purchased the interest of this farm from Fegan in 1848 for £100 lent by Finlay.Fever in 1848.0. Feby 20 Rd. J. G. In pencil: In arrears'74 ape(?) Dying. but not for Tenant Right as Shimmons had no Tenant Right. 1883. 4. Catherine Doran used to live with them but she married 1879] 4 Richard [deleted in pencil:James added] Napier At will £16.5. removed by ejectment and tenant right extinguished.Shimmons purchased the interest from G.0.[1878 has James deleted in ink Richard added Napier.Napier died.Shimmons £30 for the goodwill of this holding. PLV £16. Ann keeps the house very tidy.sisters residents Son of Billy the Sailor. Poor. [in pencil: Cottage in bad repair 1875] Feby 19 Mrs Napier died. Napier gave to N.] "Finlay" may be Surgeon George Finlay who died 6/6/1854 aged 65 and buried in Old Court. 6 PLV £9.6. Wife Maria.Very improving. James behaved ill at an Election. the only Protestant who voted for Crawford.0.8. Succeeded her husband who died 16 Jany 1870 96 .Ref. clean and tidy. Bernard succeded his father James 6 Maria Breen At will £9. In pencil: Helped to put up chimneys] G. Henry & Bernard residents In pencil: James married Whitehaven. Margaret married deleted in pencil. [1862 has Francis deleted James added Newall. Built a new house 1876] G. gate to be given Daughter Eliza Elizabeth G/dchild residents. New house 1877.Jas. Eliza married to Nicholas Shimmons.3.0.In pencil: Gave up public house 1879] 5 James Newall At will £14. Widow Maria added.15.Connolly of Ballee] [1878 has Has been to America.5 PLV £16.0 [in pencil: wife] Got possession Feby 15th 1870 [in pencil: had property in America.voted for Crawford at Election.Ref.0 [1862 has Bernard deleted. Very respectable. Hugh McGraw purchased the interest of 2 Fields from B. Gave her 5/0d in '77 & some clothes.sister added of Stockdale. [in pencil: Wife sister of Wm.Stitt At will £57.1856 2 Fields No 36 & 37 to Mr Hugh McGraw for £32. Wm. 5/=d '78] [1878 has Barney Resident.Breen No 97 . Wife Ellen.9.8. A son James married in Whitehaven. He is always in arrears with his rent. Very poor. Henry son in America] 7 Wm. McGraw in 1855 for £200.7 PLV £58.2. Notice to Quit in 1855. (in pencil: gave her 5/=d May '74. Bernard sold in Nov. [in pencil. "Very poor and untidy".Breen.0 where spelt McGrath. the eldest son George giving up all claim.Stitt added. Ringawoody] G. for £271. Hugh son wife a daughter deleted.6. all daughters -all deleted Note deleted: Mrs Hopkins sold the interest of this farm to H. [1862 has Hugh McGraw deleted. to be tried for another year.Stitt bought the Interest of this farm from Hugh McGraw '71.0.Ref. wife and 1 daughter] Wm. Stockdale. 18.'71 Very improving.Creen] 8 Susan McGreevy At will £30.37 & 36 for £32 in 1856.16. [1862 has: Widow Margaret McGreevy deleted. Johnston Div. [in pencil: in arrears.10.Holds Div.9 PLV £25. 10 for £70] G.3r. John in England. [in pencil: Grandson Henry McKibben] Succeded her husband James who died 24 June 1872 98 .26p. J.0 Succeeded her brother Thomas who died 14 July 1869.0 [1862 shows James with Maryanne wife.0r.0.0. (In pencil: in arrears Apl'74)] [1878 has Div. Purchased Div.Ref. Resides at Cargah. Henry & 9 Mary A. Coulter At will £25.6.8 PLV £28.5. Wife & Children Wife daughter of Martin Ringawoodie.3r. sister to Mrs J. 8 and 10 together John Johnston area 32a.4.. Susan McGreevy added and deleted.Ref.9p.23p Wife & daughter resident Mrs S.area 13a. Sold her interest to J.Very Improving.0. Rent £68.Cargah.very respectable. Mary McKibben & Jas.Susan.Margaret & Thomas residents.Johnson added.8 from Susan McGreevy in 1877. In pencil: boy ill] G.][1878 has area 27a. Note added:Wm Stitt bought Tenant Right £278 Nov. Eliza married in Newtownards. McKibben who works the farm. Ann John residents and note *Coulter purchased the Tenant Right of the farm from Tate in 1844.of Martin Ringawoody) several children] Son-in-law to Wm. Has Mr Barber lodging in her (overwritten in pencil his) house.1r. Eliza wife. Harriett married Braniff.Ref. [in pencil: has 99 . Div. Area 13a 1r.10 PLV £33.10. Martin. Deleted in pencil: McKibben works the farm.0. [In pencil: Wife Amanda (D."Called 10 John Johnston At will £38. all of them. Added in ink:she died 1879 & was succeeded by her grandson. In pencil: his brother Henry in 1st Life Guards] G. 1865 for £105. Mary married to H. Excellent and respectable. 32p. Ringawoodie purchased Conn's Interest 1st Nov. 33p. [1878 has Mary Coulter deleted James McKibben added area 13a.6. a sailor.2.[in pencil: one grandson in 1st Life Guards] Maryann children of Mary's residents. daughter Mrs McKibben & her daughter deleted in pencil: Wife & sister added in pencil.0 [1862 has Charles Conn deleted.] See following entry as well. 8] G.8 from Susan McGreevy for the sum of £70. {This portion obviously written in error was deleted at time of writing} Purchased in '65 for £105.] A line in 1862 Book connecting this entry with No 8 above may imply. and occupied it with his son-inlaw McKibben till 1856 when she separated. [1878 has this entry with Div. Very industrious & tidy. being about 5 per acre. the Tully Farm".the land being in an impoverished state. John Coulter purchased this farm from H. Very improving.McKibben in 1857 for £80. Charles Conn purchased Coulter's interest in 1859 for £90*. 100 . In Pencil: gave a door to his byre in May '74.improved his farm] purchased the interest of Div. It is clear that the 1862 book was still "in use". 11 David Newell At will £12.11 PLV £12. Wm. at least to some extent after the 1874 book had been written.8.Ref. notwithstanding the different spelling that the tenant of No 8 and the tenant of No 10 are one and the same person.0 [1862 has Wife Jane.10.0. 3r.14.0 Purchased this farm from Coulter Decr.2p.3r. It remarks: James Coulter purchased the interest of this farm from McGreevy in 1847 for £100. 3 girls.33p. [1862 shows rent £9.2r. Nuff.0.(?) Joseph.2p.0.14.2r. He is a boat Builder] [1878 has Rent £9. area 5a. "Son eyes Bad" was added in pencil. Hugh James Maryann residents with in pencil below: 5 boys.Ref. 101 . Sarah very ill. Area 7a. adding Sarah wife.12.1856 for £55.35p.15.Margaret Joseph Boat Builder] 12 Hugh Murnan At will £10. Murnan purchased Coulter's interest in Dec. Wife Jane John.15. It notes: Samuel Harvey died in 1858 and was succeded by David Newall. A Boat-Builder. John Sarah Patk. PLV £10. Residents:Sarah wife Hugh James Mary Ann Wm.0 Area.1856 for £65 and had built a house upon it. In Pencil: very respectable] G.[in pencil: son died in 1874] deleted and John residents.] [1878 has area 7a.5a. Dubb. another a doctor. PLV £20. + 13/6d Tullyfoil.[In darker ink: 1 son a priest. The name in 1862 is Widow Ann John deleted Mary added McConvey 2A & 7 Catherine [deleted] Elizabeth added] McConvey. "Pat. Edward d. KILLARD 1 & 7C OCCUPATION LIST.Legnagapock. Robt. Rosaly" added as residents roughly] [1878 has Mary McConvey. George a priest in Belfast.1872.2 deleted £22. [1862 shows John altered to Mary.Mary Jane [in pencil: children Succeeded her husband 19th Oct.Ref.David. A son a priest] G.Ref.0 [1862 has "7D Tullyfoile" which has been pencilled into 1874 book.1835 called 7C rent 13/6d] G. William at sea.remarking: Mary wife a daughter of Widow Murnan's.33p.13.Area 10a.10.0. Patt. 0r. Edward & Rowley. Succeeded her husband John who died 1st Oct.1862 book totals the area of this townland at 139a 2r 16p.2 added John. Rent £23.2. & William at sea.15. At will £23.31 Tullyfoyle Mill dam added to this farm Nov.1 Killard Lower PLV £21.0.. where spelt CONWAY.5. John dead.0. [added in ink: daughter of 102 .1872. At will £23. Residents: Patrick.10. 48 perches of Div.6. Waterson of Cairn Taggart July 1862. It notes:Arthur McConvey died in 1859 and was succeded by his widow. Catherine wife Henry John Daniel Mary Ann Patrick residents.1874 Pat McKeating] Henry] Corrie Coast Gd.10. Margaret.[added in ink: m. Residents are Pat deleted and Elizabeth his wife.2. {In another hand: Pat McKeating m. widow and manages farm (1874). continuing: The widow Elizabeth m. Pat McKettean who received £30 from his mother.Tullyfoile Mill Dam added 1st Nov. Pat McKeating Oct. Added in ink:Married Elizabeth McConvey who was 103 . John and James in America. Octr.][1878 has Patk McKeating At will Rent £23.0r. Elizabeth married E.26p. 17 perches of No. Pat married Elizabeth Currey daughter of a Coast Guard July 1862 and he works the farm. m. '74] McConvey deleted Pat added and deleted with "dead" in pencil beside. Area is shown at 10a.1855 to be called 7D Rent 4/21/2d.31. 5 PLV £15. Coast guard houses and gardens.351/2p adding in pencil:Wife is ill.0 [Wife. Very poor but industrious. area. Downpatrick 16th June 1871 Lord de Ros obtained a decree against Hugh Fitzpatrick for possession of 2B. Gave a few clothes 1880 Jany.0r. 4 sons. The rent is shown as £18. Buildings Lease 22 years from 1870.0p.0r.Ref. 104 .4.Ref. It notes: Tenant Right extinguished by the ejectment of Garret Fitzsimons. G. In pencil: Exchanged farms with Thos. Sessions.0. £20.10. 1 daughter added in ink] James exchanged with Thomas May 1866.0 [1862 has Alice Widow of Luke deleted. 5 Tullyfoile. Lease 22 years from 1848 £2. which was relet to the Government for 21 years at £20 per annum.8a.0.0.0. £26.10.daughter of Corrie C G and thus got the farm.0 Lease 22 years from 1870] 3A & 5 James Fitzsimons G. John Fitzpatrick.At Quarter £20.5. 10.][1878 has area 2a.0 where names given as Bernard Small and Reps. PLV £15. James added.] 2B Local Gov.6.0. giving him Div.Small & J. [1862 shows B. Fitzsimons Coast Guards deleted as names. Mother and step-son agree well and are very tidy] [1878 hasJohn Fitzsimons (Burdy) Wife Mary.0r. Isabella.5 Tullyfoile for family].5 Tullyfoyle. PLV £19.10.Eliza wife.4. See Div. area 8a.Ref.John.Sarah and Margaret residents.17 1/2p. Resides in Div.10. PLV £55.35 1/4p.0 [1862 shows area 25a. Residents] G.step-son John and his wife Mary James Mary residents.6. James exchanged with Thomas 1866 giving him Div.0 105 .[1878 has Rent amended by rubbing and overwritten £36. James Isabella Catherine & Patk.0. Pat.Area 8a.4a.(widow of James Div.of Div. Wife (McGee) & 4 children The Tenant Right was extinguished by the ejectment of Garrett G.0r. Ellen & 4 & 9 Pat Fay At will £61.3B.10.0 [1862 shows Eliza Fitzsimons.3A.10.9.Tullyfoile) deleted John Burdy added.5 Tullyfoyle] 3B John Fitzsimons (Burdy) At will £18.3r.35 1/2p.Ref. a & b. Wife 4 sons 1 daughter.0. Gave her a mattress Jany. Decr.McAllister. Elizabeth married to T. which are shown in 1862 Book. Cleland. holds land in Dunsford under Mr. but he may have meant Isabella. Wife Elizabeth Patk.deleted James Fitzsimons added. At will £18.3r. and built a wall to cut off yard from the road.3B. Thriving and Active. Added in ink:Patk. Elizabeth lives with her aunt near Downpatrick].Wife bedridden.Dunsford.Catherine resident.6. Put up a thrashing machine in 1858.William dead. Maryann married to John Fitzsimons Div.19p. 1880.1880] At this point 1874 Book omits "5 & 5A.John. 1862 shows Widow Eliza McGee.0. Ellen married in 1863. Pat's wife was Eliza Keown from Ardmeen Lower.[1878 has Patrick Fay + Area 25a. Ellen not in fact dead. 106 . d. See 3A above. Area 8a.17p. Assisted in the farm Voluntarily by her nephew.] [1878 has Area 8a. G.7 PLV £18.1r.11. son of John McConvey. "Is brother to Rose McKeating Div.17p. 11 his sister. McConvey.The widow is a daughter of Widow Murnan's of Legnagapock and very industrious.Pat.10.6. Mary Ellen & Ann sisters.0 Wife Rose McKeating Div. and under an agreement. Rose married to Michael McKettean Div.1r.17p] [1878 has no 5] 6 John McGee At will £18.11"] 107 . It was explained fully and it was again repeated in 1860 in the Office to P.Ref.1r. Mary manages excellent. Div. Margaret wife John James Mary sister. that his working the farm for his Aunt was never to give him the smallest claim of succession to it. Ellen deformed & works hard in the Fields.1.0 when spelt MAGEE. [1862 shows area 8a. Tenant right forfeited by ejectment.10. Very tidy] G.Ref. Rose married a James Gracey. Fitzsimons purchased the interest of 12C. 2 Fields.1r. A note which is difficult to read seems to say:Sarah & Pat Gracey's children.Ref. [added in ink: a very respectable old woman remembers rebellion in 1798. The reference to the tenant right forfeiture is in a different hand. In pencil: grandson m. from Henry McKett- 108 .3p.1 Killard Upper PLV £29. PLV £20. [1862 shows area 10a.7 & 8 Rose Mason At will £19.0 [1862 shows Widow Mary deleted.5. James her brother-in-law manages the farm for her.15. Jas.9 seems to imply that all the above except John Fitzsimons and Coast guards share 77a.0.0 10 & 12C James Fitzsimons At will 35.Ref.8. & granddaughters] [1878 has Sarah granddaughter resident. James added.2r. area 13a.33 1/4p. G.Seahornan.16p common land at PLV£8.0.2r.8A a & b. The Tenant Right forfeited by ejectment.3.10 Resides in Tullyfoyle No house on this holding James succeeded his mother Mary in August 1862.] G. 15.1r. to Widow Cath.8.0 [1862 has Michael deleted Widow Rose added McKettean for 11.6. 12A & B.][1878 has area 13a.ean of Div.Ref. rent £23.'74 G.17p. Henry sold his interest of the remainder of his farm to Michael in Nov.8 Son John Pat(son) m.2r.3p.Keown.0.12 in 1855 by permission. 1. 1856 for £11.8.10. John and James. Wife Rose.Residence Upper Tullyfoil] 11 & 12B 12A & D Rose McKeating At will £23. l acre Nov.2a PLV £25.0 _______ 24.6. John Pat residents. She is also a tenant of Mr Hutton's and has two sons.1859 consisting of 5a. Ann.deleted Elizabeth McConvey & received £30 from his mother(according to his father's will) Octr. James died in 1860 and was succeded by his widow Mary.and two office houses for which interest is to pay to Henry and his sister Rose while they live the 109 .8. Tenant Right extinguished by the ejectment of A. Michael McKettean purchased No 57 & 58 Fields from Henry McKettean in 1850 for £8. Sister of John McGee Div. 6.16. wood for outer door][1878 has At the far point.0 [1862 shows area 15a.1859 at £2. "E" rather than "D" may have been intended in the previous entry. In pencil: a grate wanted.1r.No. from his mother Octr.13. 12D & E Area 10a. 0. Hugh in Coast Guards wants possession. per year.22p]. (4)Denis(5) John (6) Edward (7)Mary (8) Alice (9)Rose (10) Martin (11) Catherine residents.3r. G. Rose is to receive from Lord de Ros 1/6d per week for life. Built a good house 110 .3 PLV £36. 1862 book here shows 12E.7p Alice wife. 2b.sum of £4 a year. Alms house. A retired coast guard.Ref.6 Denis This family all at enmity Denis has worked the farm & deserves to succeed.0.10. Rose McKettean.1874. Widow McConvey & received £30. Pat her son m.Ref.on Map is 11 & 12B. and to off £20 due of arrears by Henry to Lord de Ros from Nov. PLV £1. 13 & 12D James Breen At will £36. Mrs G. At will 1/0d. Very respectable Lets part of his house in summer.Breen extravagant. Meant for better things. Rent £66. in 1848.3.0 Area 27a.Ref.0 See below for 16.] Denis Breen is buried in Kilclief RC graveyard with his father mother and uncles.14. he 111 .14.8. Denis works the farm & ought to succeed. James in Sligo Pat in Australia.10.2r. Catherine daughter.[1862 shows Denis Breen for 14 and 15. Resides in Div. Excellent and well educated G. Family don't agree.7p.3r.51 & 52 by permission In Pencil: drain fields] [1878 has area 15a. 12D is 2 Fields purchased from Henry McKettean in 1856 Nos. Always drunk. Hugh in C G wants possession] 14 Catherine 15 Breen & Part 16 £68. Wife Alice Dennis residents. Hugh (1) in Revenue cutter. Denis succeded his brother Pat.4p.for 14 and 15 is 4a & b PLV £69. Retired C G. [1862 has: Held by the Tenants of Killard in General] [1862 totals area of this Townland at 168a.2r.14p.John was a drunkard but is quite reformed] No G.14.9 The Tenant Right sold to Miss Breen Div. 1 where spelt as in 1862.Ref. Pat came home from America and died in 1858.15. James in America.died 1/6/1874.10.Breen Remark is: Very superior] 16 John Lack At will £11. PLV £44. G.5 PLV £16. [1878 has area 34a.with (4) Catherine (2) William Francis.Ref.10 James Denvir At will £41. [1862 shows area 21a.0.14 & 15 for £60.17p] LIGNAGAPOCK 1 & 2 OCCUPATION LIST [1862 spells it Legnagapock] G.19. J. 16 is now held by C. noting Kelp Shore £4.1 area 7a.0 [1862 shows rent £13. Susan residents.0 112 .Lack allowed to remain in his house.18p.1r.5p. James.0r.0. All Div.Ref.15. Edward.noting: Widow Ellen Lack died in 1859 and was succeded by her son John.0r. Div.0. In pencil:& repaired 1880. Maryann married A Denvir of Killard in 113 .Roof of room bad. Very industrious.31p Thomas John and Margaret are the original residents but the entry is well worked over. 4 & 5 is 2a & b.3. & Pat. total £84.0. Catherine hard-working] [1878 has area 22a. for 3. PLV ££86. of Carracasey] G.ref. The rents are shown separately as Div. In pencil: photo promised deleted in pencil] 3 John Fitzsimons At will £40.0r.13.4 £33. Catherine Susan residents.0.3r. Married Arabella Smith May 1862.10.The note says: Thomas very good fellow.0.35p Wm. area 45a.0 [In pencil: Brother to Thos. [1862 shows the three together with James deleted John added. and Div.15.0.5 £11. Henry was a soldier in the 6th Dragoons and deserted.3 £40.James purchased from John Denvir.10. Was Cess Collector.2 sons in America Francis & james.0. 0.6p.0. Mary & Bridget residents. Chimney Pot added also in pencil.11.Fitzsimons added in ink Wife Mary 3 children deleted in ink Feby 17 1879 Farms changed hands. Pat resides in Div 3 Carracasey.[1878 has Annabella wife 2 children.2p] 4 & 5 Thos. In pencil: Chimney pot] 6 Margaret Creen At will £1.0 G. Margaret Creen 114 . Pump from water above given 1880.5 extinguished by the ejectment of John McKettean.4 & No.Connor added Bought of J. [In pencil: Was Cess Collector. Tenant Right of No. Brother Henry deserter from Enniskillings. No tenant right] See above.2r.Ref PLV £2.1856.3.area 3r. Arabella married to Pat McGee and resides in the Glebe Lands A further note adds Arabella wife of Thos. Fitzsimons At will £44.0 [1862 has James McGee deleted Margaret Creen added.& 2 children in pencil.][1878 has 3. Area 23a.John Fitzsimons deleted in ink B. area 26a.0 G.Quail.1 115 .0p.0 rent. noting: Robert a doctor in Dublin.7 PLV £40. McConvey Div. Very poor.14. Area 3r. is now a widow.0 where spelt MURNEY [1862 has Widow Ann Murnan. In Pencil: Died Oct 1880.Mary married J. Edward added. In pencil:Gave material for coffin. noting: Michael at sea with Captain Ardis.sister-in-law keeps the house. The words: neice 5 children Mick McConvey have been added in pencil] [1878 has Margaret McGee deleted Creen added.6p.0.14. Succeded to Michael Creen Repaired the House in 1860 Very poor but he is very industrious. Eliza married Pat McGee of Div. deleted. neice of Mrs Creen & 5 children Residents.1r. Michael McConvil & wife.Ref. James works for D. Ann James & Edward residents.5 Killard. McConvil a a thatcher to succeed 1880 Oct] 7 Edward Murnan At will £41.£39. In pencil:McConvey works the the farm] 8 Henry McKeating At will £26.13p. Catherine Robert residents.14.2p. Ralph was in 7 9 Catherine McKeating At will £14.0 G. In pencil:Nice old people.0.16.Ref.15. In pencil Plank bog added] [1878 has Rent £39.2r. Widow Catherine added.area 13a.0 [1862 has McKettean. sister to Pat in America.Eliza McKettean died in 1859 and was succeded by her son Eliza.0 116 .to be joint with uncle. Rose.0 [1862 has Pat deleted. neice Sarah Taggart. Catherine wife. added in pencil] Got two field gates 9 + 41/2 May 1883 G. area 7a.6 PLV £15.0p.14.5A & B.Ref.0r.0. Ann Jane sisters Rolland McCurry added in ink. the nephew works the farm .Killard.2r. Added in pencil Henry Waterson nephew] [1878 has area 13a. PLV £26. Wid. sister resident. Nephew & wife. Rose sister Nephew Henry Waterson added in ink. Patrick William residents.13p.25p] 117 . Div. Wm. Cloughey] [1878 has Widow Mary McKeating area 18a.14th 1880. "Wife active nice Woman". & Mary residents Margaret died in 1857.0 G.0. William deleted. Wife Mary. Bedridden 1880 In pencil: died Aug. Pat.1r.Dragoon Guards and sailed in Graham's Town. A nice old woman.4 PLV £35.0r.Ref. Edward is added to residents in pencil] [1878 Widow Catherine McKeating area 7a.2r. Widow Mary added.15.Widow Fitzsimons.2p] Bog Marl Holes Not in 1862.1r. Brother James manages the farm for his sister. Pat succeeded] [1862 totals area of this Townland at 136a.2.10p.0 [1862 has McKettean. Catherine Robert Edward Residents Very active & industrious] 10 Mary McKeating At will £34.[1878 shows area 8a. 7 manages the farm. Mary added. manages the farm.5.Ref. Stockdale Wife Mary Bad health. Mary deleted & Ellen sisters. PLV £53.5.10. PLV £27. Sisters very respectable.7 [Ringawaddy per O.3r 5p. he is son of John Crea. Div. residents.RINGAWOODIE 1 OCCUPATION LIST Nephew John & wife John.deleted.Nephew.area 15a. Isabella married to John Crea.] G. Nephew John of Div. In pencil: Sister to widow Isabella Div.4. His brother William managed the farm for him when incapable & made a difficulty about 118 .7] G.0 [1862 shows William.8.0 [1862 shows this:James was formerly sick of his mind at times and his brother William managed the farm for him and made a very improper resistence to giving it Ellen Crea At will £31.4 2 James[deleted] At will Mary in pencil £56.0. 7.Ref. It notes: A grumbler but industrious. Div.S. In Pencil: Nephew Rourke works farm with wife][1878 has Richard brother deleted in ink.11. 16p] [1878 has Mary Stockdale Area 24a. His sister is married to John Creen. Several claimants by his will. died in Augt 1856..14a. It was 119 . Jane.Ref.16p. Area 24a. He is a very improving tenant.McConvey & Widow Ann Crea in 1848.6A & 6B PLV £30.0. Built a house in 1848. added. area. Her sisters Jane Eliza.3A was divided between H.Nancy.1r. he succeded Moses Stockdale who died in 1843.11. but I gave the Widow the preference.3r. added a room in 1874.0 to the farm by [1862 has Henry McConvey marriage with deleted Bernard McGee Eliza McConvey.33p. James built an excellent house in 1848. Very respectable] B McGee succeeded G.3r. [In pencil: he died 1875. Allowed a cottier as labourer] 3A & 4A Bernard McGee At will £27. It notes: improving the place. wife. with "married" addbuilt a barn & is above Eliza. it up. Strangford. In pencil: another sister married Stitt.4 Sisters Jane & Esther up to James on his recovery. Built a new Barn and Pig House in 1856.Catherine & Esther receivdeleted & Esther residing £50 each. He succeeded Moses Stockdale Sister married to John Creen & another to Stitt. He ents. Div. formerly Hannah Crea's who sold it to her sonin-law who again sold it to those two.5 Ellen sister. Richard brother.McConvey and widow Ann Crea in 1848 See 3A.Eliza McConvey & was accepted as tenant.5 and £108. they live apart.10. on Major Beauclerks property.Built a new house in 1847.0 [1862 has:Rent £6.Hugh married and lives in Dunsford. Richard married Grace daughter of J.1p.33p Wife & sister in law. Very respectable. Succeded by (John deleted at time of writing) her son William. Resides in Div. In pencil:Jane resident.] [1878 has Area 14a.Added in ink:Made Ellen the tenant on death of William G.D/'77 added.Widow Ann Crea died in Feby.1r.2. 3A was divided between H.Crea.the steward of Mr Leslie. area 52a. Ann married to Rourke of Kilclief.Pays rent separately for each holding because at will a rent of £2 per acre.1862.7 Sister Ellen Brother Richard Built a house in 1847.16. In pencil:2 other sisters married] 3B & 5 William (deleted) Ellen added Crea.3 PLV £112. Built a wall 1874.13. 2r.9.M.Div.] 120 . At will £115.Ref. Thos. 7. 9p 6 P Wm.7 Wife Anne The house rebuilt in 1857 121 . till this was separated.0. 7 but they live apart] 4B John Kelly At Will £2.0 Wife Biddy A small shop.2. PLV 15/0d[1862 has: Catherine mother.6Bb. In pencil: Ellen made tenant at her brother William's death. and all are buried in Dunsford.0 [1862 has area 13.0.Ref.a3r. Richard works the farm.William died 17/3/77 aged 77 years. £2 was deducted from the original rent of Henry McConvey's which was £29.Grace Crea of Div.0.Martin At will £30. both mother and son.2r.11. Richard m.[1878 has Richard deleted Ellen added Crea. In pencil:keeps small shop] G.4. his father JOHN died 23/3/1843 aged 67 yrs his mother Ann died 1/2/62 aged 71 yrs.1p Ellen sister deleted Richard brother added as resident. Area 52a.Ref. PLV £ 33. Biddy wife John residents adding Very respectable. G. Keeps a shop] [1878 has John added as resident. and also a grumbler.She excellent. John succeded his mother who died in 1857] [1878 has Isabella Crea. V.0 [1862 has area 21a. D.and completed in 1860.15.0. Ann wife. A good farmer.Isabella wife a sister of William Crea's.Crea but she resides at her father's.G.2r. The house was rebuilt in 1857 or '8 complete. has improved the premises.38p.15. New 2 story house built in 1860. Newtownards.2r. Martin gave McConvey £200 for tenant right of this farm] [1878 as James Eliza Margaret Matilda Emily Alfred residents as well as wife] G. This farm and premises the neatest and best managed possible.6. 1861.also Widow Crea] £44.ref.38p. Amanda married John Johnson. Div. added.John residents A stout active Richd. Rent £47. Wife Isabella Sons Hugh & John.Grace.1 PLV £47. Hugh John and Grace with in pencil 7 John Crea [in pencil: deleted.(2)John(3)James (4)Ann(5)Eliza(6)Margaret (7)Matilda(8)Alfred(9) Emily residents.1 Hugh. Daughter Grace m. William a grocer in Lisburn.6 Area 21a.1 122 . John son lives at Div. 8p Rose wife John & Hugh residents.10. BALLYSTOKES per OS G.2r. area 17a.adding Hugh Henvey died 13th James McGlennon At will £14. 123 . 10 & 13A Hugh Henvey At will £55. delicate.0 where spelt Maglenon. 1r1p. William was in the grocery trade. John looks after his aunt's farm] [1862 shows total area of townland at 143a 0r.22p] STOKESTOWN 1 OCCUPATION LIST Hesitates in his speech. succeded his father when died in 1858.2 rent £25.1/2 3rd son of Hugh Henvey who D Oct 1861.2.6 & 3Ab PLV £16.5. added McGlennon. JAS.William Residents.[1862 has area 8a. Henry McGlennon's wife succeeded in June '80] G.0 where spelt HANVEY.5. In pencil: hesitates in speech.Ref. [1862 shows Div.10 2.H. The Mother blind. Ann mother.1r.] [1878 has James deleted Mrs.0.Ref.1Aa & B PLV £51.10.1p. Maryann wife residents.6. In pencil:Hugh very uncouth. Area 8a. Improved their premises.29p.October 1861 and was succeded in his holding by His 3rd son Hugh.4 [in pencil: loan of £12] G. At 10 is shows Susan McGlennon deleted.11.0 [1862 shows Edward deleted. Hugh Henvey added.3r. Hugh deleted.0r.[1878 has Hugh Henvy Rent £55.Margt.see 13B below. Elizabeth (wife of Pat) Thos. Pat McGlennon died in 1860.12.7 & 5Ab PLV £77.12p. James added. succeded by his widow.Henvy: lives with elder brother John] 3 James McGlennon At will £15. area 13a.0. Catherine died 1854 Henry the eldest son sold his interest to Pat for £20 in 1854.7. Area 10a.6.Rose wife deleted. Pat an active clever fellow. Area 35a. Rose & Maryann in America. rent £22. Pat. Margaret died 1852.Ref. son.Walsh Mrs Hugh's sister keeps house. Maryann residents. Hugh.] There is an entry for 13 .16. In pencil: 3rd son of H. 124 . Arthur.8 PLV £7. altered to Jane Widow Sarah.[1878 has Arthur overwritten on rubbed erasure McGlennon area 10a.4. Jas. Loan £1 for seed Febry.. Children of Sarahh's who is a widow of J. Sold half to James McGlennon Junior] 4 James McGlennon At will £6.applies to Edward and Mary]. Fitzsimons.0.2r. G. The rent of 5 perches of Eliza McGlennan's garden added makes his rent £15. James added.Ref. It notes: John married. James.5.16. Jas.2. Jane Sarah Mary residents originally.2r.18p.Edward in the Coast Guards in Scotland. In pencil: Loan £12.Child residents with Married Pat Boner or Boney added in pencil.18p.Jane Sarah Edward & Mary residents.weaves the cloth for Lord de Ros.8p.[1862 shows Widow Eliza McGlennan deleted. His cabin and garden now given up to 125 . Area 4a.1r.Ellen and her illeg..1881.8. McGlennan got 5 perches] [1878 has area 4a.and Hannah manages the farm for him.Hanna Killen neice Resident Permission given to sell to H.7. Richard Hanna brother-inlaw deleted in pencil.1r.0 [1862 included C also at same rent. Richard Hannah. It notes: Weak intellect.8p. per 126 . McGlennan on her removal to a cabin I repaired for her in 1855 H.9 & 3Ac PLV £11. Richard.7.0. McGlennon £10. Ellen (Sister) resident.4p Alice sister.0r. G. also 5C from Arthur Kerney in 1859 for which he has to pay 2/6d a year rent] [1878 has 5 A B & C In pencil under James Kearney: died Nov.Carvill got 3 perches and E. ' his sister Alice. Richard Hannah manages farm m. In pencil: Loan £12. Hanna Killen neice. Hannah Killen neice residents. "D" added in pencil.] 5A & B James Kearney At will £10. Jas Kerney purchased 5B from John Rogan in 1850. Weak intellect.Ref. area 6a.Carvill and E. Richard Hannah husband of Alice. Hannah. 10 and £7.5.5. Mary daughter 2 sons Henry & Bernard (1 a carpenter) 3 sons in America] G.0.6.10. She and her family went to America.Ref.0 Div. and £18.11. Hugh in America] [1878 has 1 added to 6 & 7 area 23a.Ref. Hugh McGlennon died in 1860 and was succeded by his son-in-law Henry McGlennon.6 Hugh.11 Div. Henry purchased the interest of Div. Hugh Henvey died 13th October 8 & 11 John Henvy At will £29.0 [1862 shows rent as £22.1861.10.acre Oct.7.7 from Mary McGlennon in May 1856 for £121.0r. Wife Mary. Henry James Mary Bernard residents.'79 but allowed to remain in the house with his neice who is to pay 5/0d per annum at her uncle's death & to remain in the house] 6 & 7 Henry McGlennon At will £39.4A & B PLV £23. Wife Mary Hugh Henry James Mary Sons in America James was at Maynooth Coll: G. John & Hugh do not agree with the 2nd brother. 127 . Pat. 3rd son & his wife Eldest son of Hugh who D.11p. Isabella wife Margaret John residents.3.0.0 [1862 shows Rent as £20.10 PLV £48. 11.12. 36p.William.Area 6a.[1878 has Reps. 1861 and was succeded on these two holdings by his third son John.2.15. of Henry Carvel John McGlennon added. Lives in Ballysuga] G.0 [1862 shows area 6a. 3/0d to make the rent £11.4 added in 1859.16. children Margaret & John] G. No house on this holding.36p No house on this holding.Ref. Lives in Ballysugac.1Aa & B for 12 Is this included in PLV of 2 above? G. added] At will £11. Hugh Henvey died 13 October 1862 (sic.2.0r.recte 1861) and was succeded in this holding by his second son William.3. does not agree with his brothers.Area 10a.1r.Ref 2 for 13 PLV £16. At will Rent £13.1r.deleted.6 [in pencil 2 daughters & brotherin-law & wife (2)Rose & (1)Catherine] Resides in Ballysugagh [in pencil: John. The area is 19a.Henvey At will £25.3r.6. 1861. Patrick added.[1878 has Area 19a.9. [1862 has for 12:Rent £17.8.Ref.8 Wife Rose 2nd son of Hugh who D.10p]. in America] 12 & 13B Wm.0.]. For 13 it has: William McGlennan.5Aa & B PLV £10.10p.0. 128 .9 Wife Rose.3r. The perch of Div.halfbrother Isabella m. 9A & B Henry Carvill [deleted in pencil:D. 8 PLV £18. Ann wife of Jas.5 1/4p..2r.[1862 shows area 8a. Rose wife. 2 daughters residents. Rose is a sister of Widow Susan Div. Jas. William McGowan g/d son.Eliza wife.31p.Ref. Children of 1st wife Margaret Wm. Margaret wife son Hugh delicate.0.0r. G. James son. Disagrees with his two brothers] [1862 totals the area of townland as 138a.31p. A Cattle Doctor but drunken and worthless. 2r.5. £30 to quit and give up all 129 . William in delicate health. Asthmatic and infirm. recd.28p] STRANGFORD UPPER OCCUPATION LIST 1 James Murnan At will £15. Mary in England.0. McGowan mother][1878 has area 13a. Margaret in Saul. 10.8. his blind wife and son James steady and industrious. James manages the farm and is married to Ann Shervin of Kilclief. Thomas residents. Isabella wife James Thomas Mary Ann residents] 2.70 Strangford Town. and £41.7A & B for 3.].5. PLV £103.1861.for 2 & 4: 2A. and is now a widow. Henry a carpenter lives in No. [1862 has 2 & 4 together.Ba & BB. Possession demanded on that day. Wm.Ref. 3A & 4 John Creen At will £89.1r.0: 2Bb is £1.14. Wife G.He has a cotter (sic) by special permission. Richard in America.Ref. A & B 3B Darby Quaile At will 130 .0. on board of Man-of-War.for Div.Shervin of Kilclief.4 Maryann wife. 0r.8. Pat in Liverpool. Elizabeth married to Darby Quail Div.residence here. . rents as £30.3A is included in next entry.McKettan Notice to Quit Nov.area 35a.[1878 has area8a.31p. Mary married to F. Resides on Div. 5.][1878 has area 38a.1r.10p.10p Mary Ann wife] G. Rose married to T.0. A very improving tenant and very respectable.0. William Maryann and Catherine children of Margaret Polly's.0.0. Thomas nephew works the the farm. Very Poor but industrious.Ref.Taggart. succeded by Eliza her sister.34p.0 Mary & Margaret sisters. Eliza Seeds deleted John Creen.12.3r. 6a.15. Mary married to R.5: Darby Quail.1r.Rent £25. Elizabeth wife Richard and Patrick residents.0.0. 1st wife Catherine died 1851. For Div. Murnan's Div.0. 3A & 3B added.Seeds nephew Jane Seeds child of Moses Seeds Area 11a.6. William at sea. Ballywooden 131 . deleted.& 5 £22. 6A & B:Div. Rent £13.38p. [1862 has 3.0. James at sea with his father. Darby Quaile added. £PLV £23. G.Margaret married to Polly and is now a widow. Maryann and Catherine children of Margaret Seeds Thos.1.5. (Elizabeth) a daughter of J. Captain of a Coaster.Ann Seeds died in 1855. PLV £14. area. Ref.10 Legnagapock.0. in Nov. [1878 has Eliza Quail area 10a.1862].1855 by Order of Lord de Ros] [1878 has"D"below her name in pencil. G.16p.1r. Resides in Div.Mary wife Pat William & Mary residents.9 PLV £8.0r.Sept. Patrick & William residents. A present of £5 was made to McKettean for loss of said house up to Nov.0. The rent of this holding reduced to £10. Area 5a.1855 in consequence of a house which was pulled down in 1848.5.8. 23p Patrick deleted Richard. [1862 has William deleted Widow Mary added McKettean area 5a.Patrick underlined in pencil] [1862 shows the total area of this townland as 71a0r 9p] 132 .16p.0r.Pat at sea added in ink] 6 Mary McKeating At will £10.8.0. Hannah married to his sister in 1853.Ref.6. is allowed to occupy 1 Pat Fitz simons (Paddy Jack) At will £20.4. Thos. 3A Fitzsimons 3B (Paddy Bug) 7A & 7B At will £74.0 [1862 has area 11a. in pencil "married Pat Fay's daughter" refers to Thomas It notes: Div. Thomas Mary. This was his original holding.0 area 36a.Fitzsimons (called Paddy Jack) Mary wife] G.0 Wife a daughter of Pat Fay 133 .[1878 has TULLYFOIL] Most untidy but good people G.0r.0 [1862 has Pat deleted.5.Ref. PLV £70. Slovenly but sober].0 and 3B £19. Eliza wife.Mullen in 1841 for £200.26 1/2p.5.R.18.2 Pat Fitzsimons purchased the interest of this farm from James Fitzsimons who went to America in 1853 for £30 Div.4. Thomas added rents £10. 8 1/2p Isabella & Mary sisters residents.1 PLV £21. Eliza Richard residents.[1878 has Patk.0 2.0 3A £40.TULLYFOILE OCCUPATION LIST TULLYFOYLE per O S.0. Pat Fitzsimons purchased the interest of this from J.3r. 3B.2a & b.3A. ] For 7A and 7B see 4 below. Rose deleted Isabella.15.0r. PLV £13. M. 4 Isabella Fitzsimons At will £8. Rent £8. John Eliza residents.0.Ref. Eldest daughter not very respectable. 134 .Hanna (?) & son" added in pencil. a Sailor. left him with some property. area 4a.12.0 In pencil: son "Calfskin" Mrs.3 for 4 and 7. 26 1/4p. James lives in Ballywooden Thos.In pencil:Hanna's house. Pat was a dealer in Linen lives in Audleystown] [1878 has area 36a. Isabella wife.12.2r. son active and able. John a Publican in Strangford. Behaved ill about a tenure of Lord Bangor.19p.Harmer G. The (sic) all very respectable. 6/0d instead of 10/0d as formerly given to 1st Jany. Maryann married to Harman. "M.0 7B.0 for 4 £2.0[1862 has 4 and 7B together: John deleted Isabella added Fitzsimons Thomas Fitzsimons added.this house as a relation and farm keeper.Wife a daughter of Pat Fay. 10. Mary. Thos.3A Killard. Div. 1r 29p Mill Pond]. James.4 PLV £20. The Widow has a shrivelled neck.3r.1 Tullyfoyle.2r. Alice succeded her husband Luke who died in 1850.0 In pencil: wife & 4 children G. Wife Ellen Patk Ellen Thomas & Margaret resident] In pencil: G.Area 8a.0 6 John At will 135 .. For 7A it shows: In hands deleted.7B is 2a 1r 29p of Mill Pond.5. John (Calf Skin) Mrs Harmer Mary Ann William grandson Residents] 5 Thos.15p.19p.6.10. Fitzsimons At will £17. Pat married and lives in Div.Ref.Killard] [1878 has Junior below the name. In pencil: Exchanged farms with James of Div.0[1862 has Widow Alice deleted Thomas Fitzsimons added area 8a.Ba PLV £12.3r 13p. Thomas Fitzsimons added.[1878 has Area 4a.Catherine residents. area 2a. She also holds Div.5A.Ref. Rose keeps the house 1858. John and his wife's mother agrees well and are very industrious.1r. See Div. succeded by his son John.0 Resides at Killard [1862 has John Fitzsimons (Called Calve Skin added and deleted.Hanna £1.12.23p.10.2r.Called John Birdie added). family J.Fitzsimons. It notes: James died in 1855. [1862 totals this townland as 71a. Leave given in 1857 to put a cottier in this house as a weekly tenant because he lives at Killard. He also holds Div.3B Killard.Fitzsimons £8.0 TULLYRATTY OCCUPATION LIST 136 .3B Killard for family].[1878 has Area 4a.28p] Robt. Resides in Killard] This entry does not appear in 1862. It may be a rent of the Mill Pond. Called John Br. as Robert Hanna was a miller. 7p Dorothy.1r. Rose insane in Asylum in Belfast.Ref. his son Daniel added in pencil area 12a. Mary Cally deleted. Daniel also a blacksmith.0 [1862 has 2A & 2B.0 where spelt COLLY [1862 has Daniel Cally."sister delicate" in pencil for Residents. Rent £11.15. It notes: Repaired and improved his yard in 1857.2r. Ann Daniel. Blacksmith. Dead.Ref.5 PLV £15. Added in pencil: Home now. Ann knits stockings] [1878 has Colly area 12a.0 In pencil: wife 137 .7p. Added in pencil: works Smith's farm as well.4 PLV £8.15. John Donnelly added. Edward Cally died in 1853 and was succeded by his sister Mary. Hugh Donnelly 2 John Donnelly At will £11. "one sister dead" added in pencil seems to refer to the name underlined. Michael residents.0 In pencil: 2 sisters G.10.2r.14. Ann & Michiel (sic) sisters Residents. Added in ink:Blacksmith] G.2p.0 area 5a.1 Daniel Calley At will £13.10. John her nephew to succede her at her death. Collins added in pencil] At will £26. PLV £23.10.1r.0.Ref. Mary.0 where spelt COLLINS [1862 has 3A (there is no 3B) John deleted -Widow Mary added -Cally area 19a.2A at a yearly rent of 4/0d as a stable to Mary Cally.2p. William residents.Isabella. Pat. noting Daughter of McGill of Audley's Glasgow. Very indu- 138 . at the death of the widow Margaret Cally in 1860. This cabin and small garden thrown into Div.3a. Richard.Added in pencil: quarrelling with Collins] 3 Mary Calley [surname deleted.11p Wife Mary John.1r. and not in a separate dwelling. Catherine sister Resident. Cathr. Rose.0 G.James in Killyleagh.] [1878 has area 5a. Widow Donnelly her sister allowed to live with her sister on this holding on these conditions. it must be under one roof with one door. 2B. 1r.1r. Brother to John Div.6] [1878 has James Crangle area 8a.10.6 PLV £40. Deleted in pencil: the two youngest children in service] 4 James deleted in pencil Crangle At will £9. area 19a.10.11p James Mary Patk.Ref.0 when spelt CRANGLE [1862 has James Cringle.Rent £26. John succeded Daniel Cally in 1854] [1878 has Calley deleted Collins added in ink.6.strious. area 8a.0 5. "Wants to sell" written in pencil and rubbed out] G.1r. No house on this holding.15. Pat Smith At will 139 . 23p.noting: John Hinds sold the interest of this farm to Ed.23p.1 PLV £9.10. Lives in Carrowcarlin.Ref.In pencil: Dispute about watering place with Donnelly.Cringle in 1850 Edward died in 1858. No house on this holding. and was succeded by his son James. In ink:one son a mason lame from an accident. Isabella William Residents.0 G. Ref. manages the farm. area 39a.7A. Susan wife.6. widow Susan added.13p In pencil: Jane deleted.0 140 . Pat married Mary Hinds who died in 1861] [1878 has Patk. Edward Son residents.5.0 [1862 has area 28a.0r.5yds 6 Susan Crangle At will £56.£36. Excellent family. John Cringle's rent was reduced 5/6d in 1855 for site of new Downpatrick Road passing through his fields. B-.Smith area 28a. Margaret Catherine & Rose sisters deleted in pencil Residents.3r.6. having saved the family from ejectment when the father became a helpless drunkard She is never to be intruded upon by Pat's wife. 24p.0 [1862 has John deleted. 16p.Cringle Rent £58. Dan.0r. Jane & Rose died 1881] G.13p Jane Margaret Catherine Rose sister as residents Jane the sister excellent.6. Colley will work the farm 1880.0. PLV £59. In Pencil: Unable to work. rent 141 .Area 39a.3r. She is industrious as also her boys who are always at work. & one sister living at home.3A. Gave her an iron gate October 1861.10.2 PLV £25.Ref. Fitzsimons At will £30. It notes: James Fitzsimons died April 1857.0 [1862 has Widow Rose deleted.3r.0 G. Margaret James & William Residents] [1862 has additional entry 2C Jane Quail deleted. area 26a. Cost 30/0d.6.cut off.24p. Patrick added. Succeded by his widow who is a daughter of McGill's of Audleys Town and sister of Mrs John Cally. 39p.3r. Fitzsimons area 26a.] [1878 has Patk.][1878 has Rent £58. Div. (2)Pat(3)James (4) John (5) William (6)Elizabeth In pencil Married (after Elizabeth). (1) Maryann. Edward son Resident] 7 Pat.6.39p. Mary Cally added. In pencil: New porch & scullery added May '74.10. 0 [1862 has Hugh deleted James. Works in the Fields.Ref.20p. William works the farm for his father. A most worthy rent. Residence on No. William residents. Poor but respectable. Jane wife. Margaret married to John Stockdale brother of James of Div. was a National School garden up to 1856 and converted into an office & stores. Put under rent April 1857. 4.15.0 142 .1a & b. 2 Ringawoodie. Jane Stockdale At will £44. It goes on to total the townland area as 140a 1r 39p] WHITEHILL 1 & 4 OCCUPATION LIST G.PLV £53.10p Resides on No. 3r.3r.10.] [1878 has 26a.deleted William deleted Jane added area 26a.1/0d . on Div. George is a master builder in Downpatrick. 1. Notes: 1. 5 143 .Tenant right extinguished by the ejectment of Taggart.1r. Resides in Killough] [1862 totals the area of this townland as 56a 2r 34p Lough included] 3 & 5 Eliza McCumiskey At will £17.0. Wm.Ref.2r.seems to be 1b above.] [1878 has area 9a.[1862 has George deleted. William added. adding George is a Master Builder in Downpatrick and son of the above.2 & 3 PLV £16.4.10p Lives on Div. Stockdale.4. area 10a.11.4p.0 [1862 has Robert Greer. with his mother] G.WifeJane Residents] 2 William Stockdale At will £12. none . The father manages the farm for him. in pencil: Mrs McComisky his daughter added.4p.Ref. G.4. Robert succeded his brother who died in 1861] [1878 has area 10a.9. Resides at Ballynarry.2r. Documents Similar To The Tenants of de Ros 1874 Strangford Estate, Lecale, DownSkip carouselcarousel previouscarousel nextMAMI MIR COLLECTION.docxChicago Residential LeaseAliance LeaseKathryn J. Pritchett v. 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