the Singles for Christ Pastoral Formation Track v2011

March 17, 2018 | Author: AC Lopez | Category: Spiritual Gift, Catholic Church, Faith, Sacraments, Prayer



CFC SINGLES FOR CHRISTThe Singles for Christ Pastoral Formation Manual V.2011 Members Formation Mike Serapio, MK Guano, Joy Katigbak ” The SFC Pastoral Formation Track is one of our most important tools for bringing to reality SFC’s expanded vision: “Every single man and woman all over the world experiencing Christ” “Singles for Christ is the next generation of Couples for Christ. and 3) prepare us to influence and affect others to also take on this Christian lifestyle. The new Singles for Christ Pastoral Formation track is the ministry’s response to the need of SFC members to be molded in the ways of the Lord and to continuously grow in their faith journey. Our new Pastoral Formation track consists of: 1. Indeed we can say that we are in SFC to be formed so that we can evangelize. After 18 years as a ministry. we put even greater emphasis on formation. empowered by the Holy Spirit to journey and witness with single men and women in their discovery and pursuit of vocations and the fullness of the mission towards building a Christ-centered society” WHAT’S NEW IN OUR PFO? After 18 years. 2) equip us to translate this knowledge and understanding into a lifestyle. we in Singles for Christ LEVEL UP in our FORMATION. It is an important element in achieving the SFC vision of “Every single man and woman all over the world experiencing Christ” and in fulfilling our mission of “Building the Church of the Home and Building the Church of the Poor.THE SINGLES FOR CHRIST PASTORAL FORMATION TRACK ( U P D A TE D O C TO B E R 2 0 1 1 ) Pastoral formation is one of the most important aspects of our life in community. Existing retreats and teachings that have been updated and modified to respond to the needs of the times 2. Being spiritually nourished and formed according to God’s ways makes us true living witnesses of Christ and empowers us to evangelize in both word and action. Our new pastoral formation track aims to 1) deepen our knowledge and understanding of our Catholic Faith and Christian living. New retreats and teachings that meet specific needs of a single person in the major areas of his life . relationships. we equip with knowledge so that this translates to behaviors that characterize the SFC culture and lifestyle.. we enrich the mind to transform the heart. Use of group activities/reflection/journaling to deepen impact of the message 4. a. Time for intimate encounter with brothers and sisters d.. i. Increased focus on knowing and understanding what our faith teaches us b. and service. Purposeful and deliberate.e. family. the challenges they face in the different aspects of their life: faith. . Seeking and receiving spiritual or pastoral formation should be an intentional effort on the part of both the ministry and each individual member. and in society. More detailed outlines that help the speaker understand the spirit behind the retreat and its individual messages.e. The formation of members in the ministry must be : a. covering different aspects of his life. in the family. focused on the vision and mission of the ministry and on one’s discerned personal vocation and mission in response to this. i. The life of the single person in SFC must be one with purpose. and deepening as he progresses in the track.3. singles who will bring about positive change and renewal in the Church. aside from being a body of Christian support in each member’s faith journey. b. We Level Up from Being Builders to Leaders Formation in SFC aims to empower SFCs to be Lifestyle Leaders. career. 2. The PF track is such that a member’s formation equips him with what he will need to live a fruitful and meaningful Christian life. in the workplace. vocation. The SFC community should be a relevant and meaningful source of nourishment for its members. Formation weekends that make use of a Head and Heart Experience. PRINCIPLES OF PASTORAL FORMATION The new SFC Pastoral Formation Track is based on the following principles: 1. Time for learning and pondering how this will impact our lives e. 3. Relevant. It should answer the needs of singles today. More time for personal encounter with God through prayer c. faithful to its teachings. leaders who look after the formation of their members also proactively help provide them with various opportunities for spiritual growth and nourishment. Formation must be holistic and integrated. we expect. career. pastoral formation in SFC should help members live out the faith and also be active contributing members of the Church. 5. 4. The formation of SFC is anchored on the ministry’s vision: “Every single man and woman all over the world experiencing Christ. 4. even after all the formation weekends and teachings have been completed. Each period or stage aims to meet specific pastoral goals covering the following areas of formation: 1. so.” We are formed that we may experience Christ and see Him in everything that happens in our lives. and thus be empowered to make this a reality in the lives of others. there is no “double-life”. Even before we are members of a Christian community we are all part of the Church. each member must be moved and supported in seeking other avenues for formation. the Body of Christ.c. Stage 2: Strengthening and Fortifying As formation deepens. Formation in a person’s faith life never ends. Supporting the call and teachings of the Church. Thus. At the same time. providing the teachings necessary to equip and strengthen SFCs’ resolve to begin to live out their covenant as Singles for Christ. STAGES OF FORMATION The SFC PF Track is divided into three periods representing the three stages of formation in the life of a Singles for Christ member. One’s faith life must permeate all other aspects of life: family. d. Thus. Formation brings the vision to life and aims at making it a reality. citizenship. 3. It also introduces the culture of the CFC community and helps SFCs begin their discernment of their vocation based on their identity as man or woman. Stage 3: Deepening and Empowering . Ongoing and continuous. There is also more focus in this stage on strengthening relationships in and out of the community and making a more definite and deliberate discernment of vocation. 2. each one becomes a witness of Christ in and out of community. rather. also the SFC’s desire to grow in his faith life and to serve and share with others how Christ has worked in his life. Spiritual Deepening (Relationship with God) Personal Relationship with Others Life and Service in Community Personal Identity and Vocation Stage 1: Nurturing and Supporting This period reinforces the core teachings of the CLP. Thus. relationships. This stage strengthens their missionary spirit and their servant’s heart. and in living out their calling as Singles for Christ. in their service. SFCs become more active witnesses of Christ as they grow deeper in spiritual maturity.In this stage. empowering them to be committed Christian men and women actively living out their calling in the world today. . and in the bigger community Begin to grow in Christian character and virtues Grow in Christian character and virtues Be models of Christ's love in action in their relationships with others Know and appreciate life in community and begin to relate to others as brothers and sisters Share the gift of Christ and community with their family Be empowered and committed to live out their Christian calling in the world today Imbibe the culture of the community especially in relating to brothers and sisters Begin to live out faith by loving and serving the poor Deepen in love for others. Grow in their understanding of and love for the sacraments towards a richer sacramental life Further deepen in their understanding and love for the sacraments Grow in their knowledge of the faith and be defenders of the Catholic faith Personal Relationship with Others Know how to begin to live the life of a Christian single person in the family. in their relationships. in the workplace. especially the poor.SINGLES FOR CHRIST PASTORAL FORMATION GOALS Nurturing and Supporting Spiritual Deepening Strengthening and Fortifying Deepening and Empowering Grow in their knowledge of and personal relationship with God Grow in their commitment to a deep and faithful prayer life anchored on a strong personal relationship with God Grow in their knowledge of love for God through an active scripture life Take concrete steps to deepen their prayer and scripture life Deepen in their life of prayer by appreciating different prayer methods Grow in their understanding of the spiritual gifts Understand the importance of the sacraments in their spiritual growth and begin to take steps to grow in their sacramental life. as an overflow of God's love for them . and responsibility Actively advocate pro-life values as a lifestyle .SINGLES FOR CHRIST PASTORAL FORMATION GOALS Nurturing and Supporting Life and Service in the Community Have a greater understanding of the SFC vision and desire to make it happen Desire to evangelize and offer oneself in service to do God’s work Strengthening and Fortifying Develop themselves as a leader and as a servant of God Deepening and Empowering Deepen in their commitment as a servant-leader Help develop leaders in the community Articulate and understand the SFC vision and mission Personal Identity and Vocation Actively live out the SFC mission as part of their lifestyle Understand and appreciate their calling to be a missionary wherever they may be Actively participate in evangelization and mission in one’s personal capacity and as part of SFC Begin to use the spiritual gifts Deepen and grow in their use of the spiritual gifts Deepen in their use of the spiritual gifts Appreciate the importance of proper stewardship of their resources Develop in their faithfulness in supporting God’s work financially Actively work for the upbuilding of the community and what it stands for Grow in their understanding of spiritual warfare Be empowered for spiritual warfare Understand and appreciate their identity and purpose as male or female as created by God Actively discern their vocation in life Live out their discerned calling in the community Understand God’s design and purpose for human sexuality Be equipped in discerning God's will Grow in discernment of God’s will Desire and take steps to live a life of purity Be empowered to live a life of purity. freedom. MEMBERS’ TEACHINGS SFC members undergo monthly teachings on the following topics below. and may take more than a year to complete. This is a growing list of teachings as we develop more materials for our members. See Guidelines for the proper implementation of each stage of formation. depending on the needs of the SFCs in the particular area. Other topics may also be taken up in the monthly teachings on top of these.     Evangelization Training Training of Spiritual Gifts Fruits of the Holy Spirit SFC Courtship Talks     The Sacraments (For upload in the SFC website) Theology of the Body Module (For upload in the SFC website) Time Management Heart of Worship .THE SINGLES FOR CHRIST PASTORAL FORMATION TRACK FOR MEMBERS (OCTOBER 2011) FORMATION WEEKENDS Stage 1: Nurturing and Supporting Stage 2: Strengthening and Fortifying Stage 3: Deepening and Empowering Covenant Orientation Weekend (prerequisite to all formation weekends) Christ Pursuit Weekend Ablaze Weekend (for upload) Men’s Weekend I: A Knight’s Tale (prerequisite to MW II) Women’s Weekend I: Princess Diaries (prerequisite to MW II) Men and Women’s Weekend II (combined): Intimacy Weekend (prerequisite to MW III and WW III) Men’s Weekend III (for upload) Women’s Weekend III (for upload) Christian Character Weekend Christian Personal Relationships Weekend (for upload) Crossroads Weekend I (prerequisite to CW II) (for upload) Crossroads Weekend II (for upload) *Note: Each stage does not necessarily correspond to one year. g. recollections. SFC members are also encouraged to seek further formation and spiritual nourishment by attending talks. those in Stage 2 before Stage 3 (Deepening and Empowering). Men’s Weekend I and Women’s Weekend I (prerequisite to Men’s and Women’s Weekend II) b. 2. The following are prerequisites to some formation weekends: a. Prerequisites. The formation weekends in one formation stage need not be done in the exact sequence presented. they also represent the ideal sequence to be followed in conducting the formation weekends. is more the exception rather than the rule. e. Sequence of Weekends per Stage.. however. Leaders Assemblies. The PF Track consists of three stages: Stage 1: Nourishing and Supporting. depending on the discernment of the area leaders. Crossroads Weekend I (prerequisite to Crossroads Weekend II) 6. This. as each member is different and joins SFC at different levels of spiritual maturity. Formation Weekends in Stage 1 (Nurturing and Supporting) are ideally taken prior to those in Stage 2 (Strengthening and Fortifying). However. 5. . and retreats that may be made available by their parishes. Because the pastoral formation stages are based on goals that are deepening as members progress from one stage to the next. Stage 2: Strengthening and Fortifying. except for the Covenant Orientation Weekend which must be taken at least three months after the Christian Life Program. Stage 2 even before they have finished tracks in the earlier stage (Stage 1). Thus. pastoral leaders (Chapter Heads and up) are free to determine if certain members are ready to take formation weekends in a more advanced stage. Regional Conferences). it does not diminish the need for other more focused. Men’s and Women’s Weekend II (Combined) (prerequisite to Men’s Weekend III and Women’s Weekend III) c.GUIDELINES FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF MEMBERS’ TRACK 1. 3. after the CO Weekend. and Stage 3: Deepening and Empowering. and through frequent participation in the Mass. The basic SFC Pastoral Formation Track is but one of the sources of formation of SFC members. The manual for Leaders recommends the formation weekends a member should go through before being assigned different levels of service.. Although it is the main source in the ministry. needs-based teachings that pastoral leaders should provide in households and assemblies. Sequence of Stages. A separate Pastoral Formation Manual for Leaders is provided.e. prior to the other weekends. This track is for all SFC members. containing the Leaders Track and guidelines for implementing this. members may attend either the Men’s/Women’s Weekend I or the Christian Character Weekend. including leaders (because they are also still members of the ministry). i. Other sources of formation in the ministry include SFC annual conferences (International Conferences. Implementing the Formation Weekends 4. Core Group Weekends. and Mission Core teachings. chapter. Sample schedules in the Annex illustrate how formation weekends may be scheduled. experience. emotional and spiritual maturity. others may be single stand-alone talks. Pastoral leaders (Household Heads and up) are responsible for ensuring that their members are on track. These need not be followed to the letter but are meant to serve as a guide on how heads can ensure that all CLP graduates are able to undergo the formation track. March to May and September to November will be the designated CLP seasons for Metro Manila. It is strongly recommended that regions identify two CLP seasons for each year. On Members’ Teachings 9. 10. Teachings may be conducted in any sequence in the unit.7. .g. What is important is for every member to be given the opportunity to attend the teachings at several points in his life in community. An assembly with a teaching may follow the schedule below: Time Activity 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:15 10:00 Gathering / Registration Worship Ice Breaker or Group Dynamics Related to Topic Teaching Big or Small Group Sharing Closing CLP Seasons 11. as significant revisions and modifications have been done. 8. which may be conducted back-to-back in one or several nearby venues. Pastoral leaders are advised to study the teachings to determine the schedule best suited for their members.. For example. taking into account the schedule of the regional/national conferences and other activities of the area. (See sample schedules for illustration. The specified Members’ Teachings in the Pastoral Formation track are varying in length. depending on the needs and situation of the membership or area.) Sample Schedules 12. based on the pastoral formation goals and the members’ needs. sector or provincial level. It is strongly recommended that members who have taken the formation weekends in this new PF track in the past take the opportunity to attend them again. Some are modules consisting of several talks. and length of membership in the community. 4 Saturday mornings) or as one half-day or whole-day session. perhaps this time as service team members or even as participants. This enables chapters in the sector to share resources for formation weekends. Those in modules may be done as a series of talks across several meetings (e. ROLE OF TOP SFC LEADERSHIP AND FULLTIME PASTORAL WORKERS IN PASTORAL FORMATION Taking the lead in implementing the pastoral formation program of the ministry are the top leaders of SFC in the area in close collaboration with the ministry fulltime pastoral workers. please email: sfcpfo@sfcglobal. For any questions or feedback on the Pastoral Formation track. .org. Their role is to: • Be the PRIMARY MOVERS and ADVOCATES of this new pastoral formation program • Foster a Love for Learning (no one is too old to grow nor to learn) • Infect others with a Passion for Formation • Guide areas in the conduct of the retreats • Train leaders and future service team members • Carefully study the PFO Manual and each retreat manual and have a discerning attitude in its application • Develop more tracks. The role of the new pastoral formation track is to address the needs of SFC at present and is a launching pad for future pastoral tracks as we continue to respond to the needs of the times. • Be living examples of the qualities we aim for in our PFO Goals. ANNEX . ANNEX 1: SAMPLE SCHEDULE A .2 FORMATION WEEKENDS PER YEAR (METRO MANILA) Mo Jan Feb Mar Apr Year 1 Evangelization Training* Evangelization Training* CLP A CLP A CLP C CLP C May CLP A Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year 2 CLP C/Christian Character Batch A/ CO Batch B CLP B CLP D CLP B/CO Batch A CLP D/Men's and Women's Weekend I Batch A/ Christian Character Batch B/CO Batch C CLP B CLP D Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Evangelization Training* Evangelization Training* ICon Evangelization Training* Evangelization Training* Evangelization Training* Christ Pursuit Batch A/ Men's and Women's Weekend I Batch B/Men's and Women's Weekend 1 Batch C/ CO Batch D CPR Batch A/ CPR Batch B/Christ Pursuit Batch C/Men's and Women's Weekend I Batch D CFC Anniversary MMC Ablaze Batch A/Men's and Women's Weekend II Batch B/Men's and Women's Weekend II Batch C/Christ Pursuit or Men's and Women's Weekend II Batch D Crossroads II Batch A/Ablaze or Intimacy Batch B/Ablaze or MW III Batch C/CPR Batch D Ablaze or MW III Batch D/ Crossroads II Batch C Crossroads I Batch A/Crossroads I Batch B/Crossroads I Batch C/Crossroads I or Christ Pursuit Batch D Intimacy Batch A/Men’s and Women’s III or Ablaze Batch B/CPR Batch C/Crossroads I or Men's and Women's Weekend I Batch D Crossroads II Batch B/Ablaze or MW III Batch C/Ablaze or MW III Batch D Crossroads II Batch D Men’s' and Women's Weekend II Batch A/ Christ Pursuit Batch B/Christian Character Batch C/Christian Character Batch D Area Planning . RECON) Mo Jan Feb Mar Year 1 MMLA/ Evangelization Training* Evangelization Training* CLP A CLP C Apr CLP A May CLP A Jun Jul Aug Sep CLP B Oct Nov Dec Year 2 CLP B/CO Batch A CLP C/Christian Character Batch A/ CO Batch B CLP C Year 3 Year 4 Evangelization Training* Evangelization Training* ICon Christ Pursuit Batch A/ Men's and Women's Weekend I Batch B/Men's and Women's Weekend 1 Batch C/ CO Batch D CPR Batch A/ CPR Batch B/Christ Pursuit Batch C/Men's and Women's Weekend I Batch D Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Evangelization Training* Evangelization Training* Evangelization Training* Ablaze Batch A/Men's and Women's Weekend II Batch B/Men's and Women's Weekend II Batch C/Christ Pursuit or Men's and Women's Weekend II Batch D Crossroads II Batch A/Ablaze or Intimacy Batch B/Ablaze or MW III Batch C/CPR Batch D Ablaze or MW III Batch D/ Crossroads II Batch C Intimacy Batch A/Intimacy or Ablaze Batch B/ CPR Batch C/ Crossroads I or Men's and Women's Weekend I Batch D Crossroads II Batch B/Ablaze or Intimacy Batch C/Ablaze or Intimacy Batch D Crossroads II Batch D CFC Anniversary SFC Regional Conference CLP D CLP D/Men's and Women's Weekend I Batch A/ Christian Character Batch B/CO Batch C Mens' and Women's Weekend II Batch A/ Christ Pursuit Batch B/Christian Character Batch C/Christian Character Batch D Crossroads I Batch A/Crossroads I Batch B/Crossroads I Batch C/ Crossroads I or Christ Pursuit Batch D Area Planning .2 FORMATION WEEKENDS PER YEAR (PHILIPPINE MISSIONS.SAMPLE SCHEDULE B . AUG. OCT. RECON) Mo Jan Feb Mar Year 1 Year 2 MMLA/ Evangelization Training* Evangelization Training* CLP A CLP C Apr CLP A May CLP A Jun Jul CLP C/Christian Character Batch A/ CO Batch B CLP C Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7 Evangelization Training* Evangelization Training* ICon Evangelization Training* Evangelization Training* Evangelization Training* Christ Pursuit Batch A/ Men's and Women's Weekend I Batch B/Men's and Women's Weekend 1 Batch C/ CO Batch D CPR Batch A/ CPR Batch B/Christ Pursuit Batch C/Men's and Women's Weekend I Batch D Ablaze Batch A/Men's and Women's Weekend II Batch B/Men's and Women's Weekend II Batch C/Christ Pursuit or Men's and Women's Weekend II Batch D Crossroads II Batch A/Ablaze or Intimacy Batch B/Ablaze or MW III Batch C/CPR Batch D Ablaze or MW III Batch D/ Crossroads II Batch C Intimacy Batch A/Intimacy or Ablaze Batch B/ CPR Batch C/ Crossroads I or Men's and Women's Weekend I Batch D Crossroads II Batch B/Ablaze or Intimacy Batch C/Ablaze or Intimacy Batch D Crossroads II Batch D CFC Anniversary Aug Sep CLP B CLP B /CO CLP D/Men's and Women's Weekend I Batch A/ Christian Character Batch B/CO Batch C CLP Oct Nov Dec CLP B CLP Mens' and Women's Weekend II Batch A/ Christ Pursuit Batch B/Christian Character Batch C/Christian Character Batch D Crossroads I Batch A/Crossroads I Batch B/Crossroads I Batch C/Crossroads I or Christ Pursuit Batch D SFC Regional Conference Area Planning .SAMPLE SCHEDULE C.2 FORMATION WEEKENDS PER YEAR (PHILIPPINE MISSIONS. e. Princess Diaries.SAMPLE SCHEDULE D .2 FORMATION WEEKENDS PER YEAR (METRO MANILA) This schedule takes into account old members who have already finished some of the weekends (including those that were used as conferences in the past. and Ablaze) Year 1 Jan Feb Mar Evangelization Training Year 3 Year 4 Evangelization Training Evangelization Training Evangelization Training ICon CO Batch B/Men's and Women's Weekend I Batch A/Christ Pursuit or MW Weekend II or Crossroads I Men's and Women's Weekend I Batch B/Christ Pursuit or MW Weekend II or Crossroads I (also for Batch A) Year 5 Year 6 Evangelization Training CLP Batch A Apr CLP A May CLP A June Jul Aug Sep CLP Batch B Oct Nov Dec Year 2 CLP B /CO Batch A CLP B CPR (for both CLP batches)/MW III or Ablaze Crossroads I Batch B/Crossroads II (also for Batch A) MW III (for both CLP batches) Ablaze (for both CLP batches) Crossroads II for Batch B Anniversary MMC Christian Character (for both CLP batches)/Crossroads I or MW Weekend I or Christ Pursuit Christ Pursuit (for both CLP batches)/Ablaze or CPR Men's and Women's Weekend II (for both CLP batches)/MW III or Ablaze Planning Note: Formation weekends in italics show track for old members who have taken some of the weekends as conferences. . taking into account those with prerequisites and ensuring that all tracks in one stage are finished before those in the next stage are taken.g. A Knight’s Tale.. Flexibility in sequence of the weekends in one stage allow CLP graduates from different batches to take the same weekends together. Christ Pursuit. March to May and Sept. B. . taking into account those with prerequisites and ensuring that all tracks in one stage are finished before those in the next stage are taken. This enables units or chapters to share resources—e. Formation weekends may be done back-to-back in the same venue or separately. 2. blue or Batch B represents another batch. Possible schedule shown in samples above.) 3. *Evangelization training is done once a year. Colors/Batch Names (A. all items in red or indicated as Batch A show the formation track that one batch of CLP graduates will go through in a 4-year period. 2 batches of CLP graduates can take the Men’s/Women’s Weekend I together (even if only one batch has taken the Christian Character Weekend since this is not a prerequisite to Men’s/Women’s Weekend I). This prepares and rallies everyone in the area (unit/chapter/cluster/sector) for the mission of evangelization for the whole year. members from Chapter A can attend formation weekend with members from Chapter B. 5. CLPs are done twice a year. e. 6. 4. For example.. Flexibility in the sequence of the weekends in one stage allow CLP graduates from different batches to take the same weekends together. every year depending on the schedule of the Metro Manila or Regional Conference. Thus..g. in this case ideally at the beginning of the year.. to Nov. (CLP schedules are indicated only in the first two years but they are to be conducted every year on the same months. The Leaders Track can also be spread out the rest of the year (as modules or as single teaching sessions). e.g. and so on. etc. each retreat organized by a unit (chapter-wide) or chapter (cluster-wide).Notes for schedules above: 1. D) indicate different CLP batches/units. C.g.
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