The Prevalence of Hotels in Cabanatuan City

March 24, 2018 | Author: Cristine Fajardo | Category: Teenage Pregnancy, Motel, Adolescence, Sexual Intercourse, Birth Control



i The Prevalence of Hotels in Cabanatuan City : Its Influence to the Morality-------------------- An Undergraduate Thesis Presented to: DRA. AURORA R. CARBONELL Dean, College of Nursing Nueva Ecija Colleges Cabanatuan City --------------------- In Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirement of the Degree Bachelor of Science in Nursing -------------------- By: Cristine M. Fajardo Christine Joie Fernando Jenny May Galapo Patria Rosseanne Garcia . BSN 2011 ii APPROVAL SHEET This undergraduate thesis entitled ³The Prevalence of Hotels in Cabanatuan City and Its Influence to the Morality´ is prepared and submitted by Cristine Fajardo, Christine Joie Fernando, Jenny May Galapo and Patria Rosseanne Garcia in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degrees Bachelor of Science in Nursing has been examined and recommended for acceptance and approval for oral examination. PANEL OF EXAMINERS Approved and graded by the Committee on Oral Examination with the grade of ___% for Cristine Fajardo, ___% for Christine Joie Fernando, ___% for Jenny May Galapo and ___% for Patria Rosseanne Garcia ____________________ Dr. Aurora R. Carbonell Chairman ____________________ Mrs. Marilyn P. Abergas Research Secretary Accepted and approved in partial fulfillments of the requirements for the subject Introduction to Nursing Research. DR.AURORA R. CARBONELL Dean, College of Nursing iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Foremost we would like to express our sincere gratitude to our adviser Mrs. Gemalyn Linsangan for the continuous support of our study and research, for her patience, motivation, enthusiasm, and immense knowledge. Besides our adviser, the researchers would like to thank the rest of the thesis committee: Mrs.Maricris Bilog, Mr. Julius Bugante and Mrs. Joyce Bulalayao, for their encouragement, insightful comments, and hard questions, and to our Introduction to Research professor Mrs. Corazon Esluzar for giving us knowledge to complete our research study. We are heartily thankful to Dr. Aurora R. Carbonell, Dean, College of Nursing and to Mrs. Marilyn P. Abergas, Research Secretary, whose encouragement, guidance and support from the initial to the final level enabled us to develop an understanding for this study. The researchers would also like to acknowledge the participation of the level IV Nursing Students for without them this study is nothing and may this piece of work help them in some ways. We would like to thank our families and our parents, for giving birth, at the first place, encouragement and all-out-support toward the completion of this study. Lastly, We offer our regards and blessings to all of those who supported us in any respect during the completion of the project. The Researchers Cristine Fajardo Christine Joie Fernando Jenny May Galapo Patria Roseanne Garcia Researchers Cristine Fajardo Christine Joie Fernando Jenny May Galapo Patria Roseanne Garcia . to our professor and to all the people who make this study possible. to all the respondents . who guide and never leave us in making this research.iv DEDICATION The researchers would like to dedicate this to our Almighty God. to our families and friends. to our parents who did not only raise and nurture us but also taxed their self dearly over the years for our education and intellectual development. who gave financial support and infinite love and understanding and without them any achievements we will receive will be worthless. also to each member of this group who work hard for this. ............................................................................ 7 Related Study....................................................... 13 CHAPTER 5: SUMMARY.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2 Significance of the study ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 27 Appendix B .................................................................. 10 Sampling Design Used ............................................................... iv TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................... i APPROVAL SHEET ............................................................................................................................................... 3 CHAPTER 2: REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE FOREIGN ................................ iii DEDICATION ........... 24 Implication of the Study .................... 22 Recommendations .................................................................................................................................................. 24 Bibliography ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 9 CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY................................... v CHAPTER 1: THE PROBLEM AND ITS SETTINGS Introduction .............................................. 10 Method of Research Used ........... 5 LOCAL LITERATURE ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 10 Data Gathering Procedure...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1 Statement of the Problem .................... 28 Appendix C ..................................................................................................................................... 20 Conclusions.................................................................................................................................................................. 3 Definition of Terms ..................................................................................................................................................................................................v TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE PAGE ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION OF DATA ................... 29 ......... 25 Appendix A ................................................................................ 10 Statistical Treartment of Data ............................................ CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Summary of Findings................ 2 Scope and Limitation................................................................................................... ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .......................................................................................... 10 CHAPTER 4: PRESENTATION........................................................................................................................................................ hotels sprouts like mushrooms. and extended stay hotels.nwsource. The association felt that the term 'lodging' more accurately reflects the large variety of different style hotels. unfortunately the emergence of the hotels in the province pose threat or as well as danger among many students and people who resides in the area. the word motel. and is now the American Hotel and Lodging Association. long distance road journeys became more common and the need for inexpensive. Motels peaked in popularity in the 1960s with rising car travel. "The World's First Motel Rests Upon Its Memories". a portmanteau of motor and hotel or motorists' hotel. People who would like to escape stress and a simple date among lovers were prevalent. Retrieved 2008-04-02. and usually has a parking area for motor vehicles. Mansion Lodge. the results is devastating among parents and the lives of many students.1 CHAPTER 1 THE PROBLEM AND ITS SETTINGS Introduction Motel is a hotel designed for motorists. Jackson. Here in the province . 1 . referred initially to a type of hotel consisting of a single building of connected rooms whose doors faced a parking lot and. or a series of small cabins with common parking. http://archives. In the year 2000. encouraging people to stay and savor the life¶s in the hotels . Maharlika Hotels. Texas Inn. and others offering different services . . Seattle Times. The term 'motel' in the United States can be considered somewhat outdated and few motel chains still exist (Motel 6 and Super8 are two of the most popular still in existence).cgi/web/vortex/display?slug=1697701&date=19930425. in some circumstances. 1 Entering dictionaries after World War II.seattletimes. like Sogo Hotel. budget. including luxury and boutique hotels. Kristin (25 April 1993). easily accessible overnight accommodation sited close to the main routes. prices for as low as P 100 . This study focus on the Effect to Morality whereas they considered free and can take whatever they like on their life. suites.. As the United States highway system began to develop in the 1920s. a common area. the American Hotel-Motel Association removed 'motel' from its name after considerable market research. led to the growth of the motel concept. How may the profile of the respondents describe in terms of: 1.2 Statement of the Problem This study was conducted in order to discuss the Prevalence of Hotels in Cabanatuan City and its Effect to Morality. What is the implication of the study to morality? 3.What are the effects of the prevalence of hotels in the City to the college Students as to its: 5.3 Year Level when Pregnant 1. Specifically. What are the different reasons on the prevalence of Hotels in Cabanatuan City.1Age 1.5 Religion 1.2 Age When Pregnant 1. 5.2 Disadvantages Scope and Limitation This study was conducted using descriptive methods of research and implied purposive sampling. .they are chosen because they are the one involved in the study The main tool used in gathering the needed data was questionnaire and this study was conducted during the school year 2010-2011.4 Family Monthly Income 1. Year of mushrooming hotels begin.1 Advantages 5.6 Marital status 1.7 Number of siblings 1.8 Age of parents 2. . 4. it answered the following questions 1. The respondents of the study were the 31 nursing students who were pregnant during the year 2007-2010. The term refers to being too many in numbers.3 Significance of the study The study entitled ³Prevalence of Hotels in Cabanatuan City and its Effect to Morality´ is important to the following: Nursing Students. Future Researchers. Government. The study is significant to the public. Capable of right and wrong action or of being governed by a sense of right Hotel. they my become aware and avoid these factors that may ruin their life Community. The result of the study will be beneficial for their future studies like of this one. It refers to the characteristics of the respondents in terms of their ages. The terms implied to as negative results to the college students of being too many hotels in the province Effect.The study is significant to the government. It refers to the effect positively on the prevalence of hotels in Cabanatuan City to the welfare of the people residing and to the economy Disadvantages. . civil status etc Reasons. The study is significant to them to be enlightened about the prevalence of some factors that may influence them. so that they may guide their children and let them focus on their studies. It is an establishment that provides paid lodging on a short-term basis Advantages. It refers to the effect of the study to the lives of the college students Prevalence. Profile. for them to be aware about the existing problems that result of prevalence of hotels and to minimize the disadvantages of it. people in general considered as a whole Government. The body politic governed by one authority. to be aware of how the prevalence of hotels affects the morality of every individual. The term refers to the cause of being prevalent or large number of hotels in the province Public. Definition of Terms The important terms used in this study are defined in this section. The study is significant to the community because it will give them a glance of the advantages and disadvantages of the prevalence of hotels in the area and the possible effect to their children . The term refers to the possible effect of the prevalence of hotels in Cabanatuan City to the education and welfare of the College Students Implications. Public. gender. The following terms are defined operationally. so that upon knowing the result of the study . Morality. The legal standing of a person in regard to his or her marriage state Religion.4 Siblings. a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons or sects. a person's brother or sister Marital status. . 000 teen pregnancies that occur each year.000 women. Teenage Pregnancies.. there were 39. rising 3%. U. National Survey of Family Growth 2006±2008.000 women aged 15±19 in 2006) or Sweden (31. Sweden. This figure was 56% lower than its peak in 1988. 162(1):92±94.. 36(1):6±10. Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health. 1994 and 2001. 2010.7The United States continues to have one of the highest teen pregnancy rates in the developed world²more than twice as in Canada (27. increases in the proportion using multiple methods simultaneously and substantial declines in nonuse. 4 Santelli JS et al. 2000. Just 14% of the decline could be attributed to a decrease in sexually activity. USA and England/Wales. English..6Although teens in the United States have a level of sexual activity similar to that among their Canadian. <http://www. Among teens aged 18¬±19.000 in 2005.S.guttmacher. Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality. 2011. including increases in the proportion of teens using a single method of contraception.. Teenage sexual and reproductive behavior in developed countries: Can more progress be made? Occasional Report. 2010. Disparities in rates of unintended pregnancy in the United States. U. teens have ever had sex by age 15. Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health. 910 Abma JC et al.3 The majority (86%) of the decline in the teen pregnancy rate between 1995 and 2002 was the result of dramatic improvements in contraceptive use.Between 1995 and 2006±2008. 2004. Sexually transmitted diseases among American youth: incidence and prevalence estimates.S. Births and Abortions: National and State Trends and Trends by Race and Ethnicity.8 in 1991. This was a decline of 37% from the peak rate of 61. No. Trends in teen pregnancy rates from 1996±2006: a comparison of Canada. NCHS Data Brief.8Every year. accessed Oct. However. 2 .1 births per 1000 women aged 15-19. Transnational comparisons of adolescent contraceptive use: What can we learn from these comparisons? Archives of Pediatric Adolescent Medicine. 2008. American Journal of Public Health. Of the approximately 750. 2001. 97(1):1±7. 2006. sexual activity is common by the late teen Teenagers in the United States: sexual activity. 58. No. the rate increased for the first time in more than a decade.4 82% are unintended. contraceptive use. No. The 2006 teenage abortion rate was 19.S. 2010. especially the pill or dual methods. 5 Finer LB et al. 2007. 38(2):90±96. 6 Ventura SJ and Hamilton BE. French and Swedish peers. 10 Darroch JE et al. Birth and Abortion Although only 13% of U. they are more likely to have shorter and less consistent sexual relationships and are less likely to use contraceptives.9 per 1. from 117 pregnancies per 1. 8 McKay A et al.000 women aged 15±19 in 1990 to 70 per 1. that proportion declined from 68% in 1995 to 60% in 2006±2008. teenage birth rate resumes decline. roughly nine million new STIs occur among teens and young adults in the United States. Vital and Health Statistics.pdf>. By their 19th birthday. seven in 10 teens of both sexes have had intercourse. 19(1±2):43±52... 7 Santelli J et al. Series 23. and childbearing. teens are extremely high. Fifty±nine percent end in birth and more than one±quarter end in abortion. but 1% higher than the 2005 rate.S. in 2006. 3. Pregnancy.5 CHAPTER 2 Review of Related Literature FOREIGN Sex. rates of gonorrhea and chlamydia among U. New York: The Alan Guttmacher Institute.. Explaining recent declines in adolescent pregnancy in the United States: the contribution of abstinence and improved contraceptive use. 9 Weinstock H et al.000). the proportion of teens aged 15±17 who had ever engaged in sexual intercourse declined from 38% to 28%.4 per 1.3 abortions per 1. 5In 2009. marking an historic low. 30 3 Guttmacher Institute. 2 The pregnancy rate among young women has declined steadily. 26. Compared with rates among teens in Canada and Western Europe. peers and the media as important sources of sexual health information. about one-third of teens had not received any formal instruction about contraception. Educating teenagers about sex in the United States. 2009. 15 Department of Health Services. NCHS Data Brief.19Exposure to high levels of sexual content on television has been shown to be associated with an increased risk of initiating sexual activity. Parents' beliefs about condoms and oral contraceptives: Are they medically accurate? Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health. 47(2):206±208.pdf>. Washington.17 More than half (55%) of 7th±12th graders say they have ever looked up health information online in order to learn more about an issue affecting themselves or someone they know. 2010. 46% of those addressing contraception and 35% of those addressing abortion contained inaccurate information. 18 The Web sites teens turn to for sexual health information often have inaccurate information. Generation M2: Media in the Lives of 8. as well as a greater likelihood of involvement in teen pregnancy. 2011. January 2011. Does watching sex on television predict teen pregnancy? Findings from a national longitudinal survey of youth. 16 Brown J. 11 . 16 Even when parents provide information. However. ed. 2010.guttmacher. For example. 18 Rideout VJ et al. 122(5):1047±1054. HIV (89%) or abstinence (84%). 70%). where to get birth control. Seventy percent of male teenagers and 79% of female teenagers reported talking with a parent about at least one of six sex education topics (how to say no to sex. 15 Adolescents rank parents.12 About one in four adolescents (23% of females and 28% of males) received abstinence education without receiving any instruction about birth control in 2006±2008. Pediatrics. 44. Sex and STD/HIV education.5 million teen pregnancy prevention program to Martinez G. most teens aged 15±19 had received formal instruction about STIs (93%). 18-Year-Olds. 21 Guttmacher Institute. Magical Thinking.14 Similarly. 14 Kaye K et al. 2008. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Changes in formal sex education: 1995±2002. DC: National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy. males were even less likely to receive this instruction than females (62% vs. CA: Kaiser Family Foundation. STIs.... 19 Buhi ER et al. respectively). Washington. School Health Policies and Programs Study 2006 Pregnancy Prevention. 2004. 20 Chandra A et al.´11 Many sexually experienced teens (46% of males and 33% of females) did not receive formal instruction about contraception before they first had sex. accessed Jan. how to prevent HIV infection and how to use a condom). Girls were more likely than boys to talk with their parents about birth control or ³how to say no to sex. <http://www. compared with 8±9% in 1995. 12 Unpublished tabulations of data from the 2006±2008 National Survey of Family Growth 13 Lindberg LD. Journal of Adolescent Health. 36(2):50±57. 17 Eisenberg ME et al. of 177 sexual health Web sites examined in a recent study. public school districts were more likely to require instruction on STI prevention for high schoolers (87%) than at the elementary and middle school levels (33% and 77% middle. 41% report that they know little or nothing about condoms and 75% say they know little or nothing about the contraceptive pill. 2008. Menlo Park. DC: National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy.13 Among teens aged 18±19. 38(4):182±189. No. their knowledge about contraception or other sexual health topics may often be inaccurate or incomplete. Atlanta: CDC. Managing the Media Monster: The Influence of Media (From Television to Text Messages) on Teen Sexual Behavior and Attitudes. and Ambivalence Put Young Adults at Risk for Unplanned Pregnancy. Abma J and Casey C. methods of birth control. 2010. 26. Quality and accuracy of sexual health information web sites visited by young people.6 In 2006± In December 2009. The Fog Zone: How Misperceptions.. State Policies in Brief. Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health.. Congress replaced the rigid CommunityBased Abstinence Education Program with a new $114.20 Twenty-eight states and the District of Columbia require that sex education be age-appropriate. 2007.. 22 In March 2010. between what is and what ought to be. Sex education: another big step forward²and a step back. The Guttmacher Policy Review. 22 . Its stated purpose is to educate adolescents on both abstinence and contraception and to prepare them for adulthood by teaching such subjects as healthy relationships. the American Nurses Association. 2004. A recent review of 13 commonly used abstinence-only curricula found that 11 had incorrect. parent-child communication and decision-making. responsible and mutually protective relationships when they do become sexually active. This funding stream makes available $50 million annually for grants to the states to promote sexual abstinence outside of marriage.Leading public health and medical professional organizations. Emerging Answers 2007: Research Findings on Programs to Reduce Teen Pregnancy and Sexually Transmitted Diseases. however. research shows that abstinence-only strategies may deter contraceptive use among sexually active teens. Efficacy of a theory-based abstinence-only intervention over 24 months: a randomized controlled trial with young adolescents. the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. 2007 25 Jemmott III JB et al. as well as others that have demonstrated promise. increasing their risk of unintended pregnancy and STIs. Congress created through health care reform a five-year Personal Responsibility Education Program (PREP).7 support evidence-based interventions. the Institute of Medicine and the Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine. a recent randomized controlled trial found that in specific cases. Congress also renewed (per another provision in the health care reform legislation) the Title V abstinence-only program for five years.2010. or increased condom or other contraceptive use. 13(2):27±28. financial literacy.´ Many either delayed or reduced sexual activity. 24 Kirby. misleading or distorted information. Moreover. Committee on Government Reform²Minority Staff. Archives of Pediatric Adolescent Medicine. support a comprehensive approach to educating young people about sex There is no evidence to date that abstinence-only-until-marriage education delays teen sexual activity. 23 Boonstra H. the American Public Health Association.A 2007 congressionally mandated study found that federally-funded abstinence-only programs have no beneficial impact on young people¶s sexual behavior. 2010. It is quite obvious that there is a conflict between what they say as Christians and what they do as Filipinos. reduced the number of sexual partners. between their actual Filipino behavior and their ideal Christian behavior. United States House of Representatives. Medically accurate sex education remains rare. including the American Medical Association. 24 Although there is no supporting evidence for federallyfunded abstinence-only-until-marriage education.23 A November 2007 report found that ³two-thirds of the 48 comprehensive programs that supported both abstinence and the use of condoms and contraceptives for sexually active teens had positive behavioral effects. DC: National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy. in short. Strong evidence suggests that comprehensive approaches to sex education help young people both to withstand the pressures to have sex too soon and to have healthy.25 LOCAL LITERATURE THE FILIPINO NORM OF MORALITY A way of looking at the problem of morality in the Philippines is to consider the actual and prevailing norms of right and wrong among Filipinos.. D. the American Academy of Pediatrics. 164(2):152±159. Washington. The content of federally funded abstinence only education programs. abstinence-only education programs that are specifically tailored to the local community and do not criticize contraceptives nor advocate abstinence until marriage can be effective in delaying sexual debut among younger teens. Here again there is a conflict between the individual and social morality. Another wrong attitude is complacency when one is aware but is not concerned. You can obey or break the rules as you please. between internal and external morality." Shame or hiya makes the parents and the girl conform to the social expectations of the neighbors lest they become the object of chismis or gossip. the question of attitudes. priest or policeman. Let us consider the various attitudes that the Filipino indiidual or Philippine society can take towards the problem of morality and religion. The worst possible attitude is not to be aware of the problem at all." One's in-group determines for the individual what is right or wrong. He will put on the externals of Christian moral behavior in front of the authority figure while at the same time follow in "real life" an inconsistent moral behavior when the latter is "at a distance. or my barkada think or say?" "What will others say" usually determines Filipino moral behavior. The norm of morality should be internalized so that the mature individual should form his own moral "conscience from the inside. parents tell their daughter who is being courted: "Iha. As long as a policemen is on duty. The authority figure may be a parent. it is told that a prison official of Muntinglupa addressed his new prisoners thus: " Here there are no Ten Commandments. is quite relevant. What will the neighbors say? Nakakahiya naman. This is the attitude of timidity.8 One norm of morality in the Philippines is based on "group-centeredness" or "group-thinking. whether on the part of the individual or on that of society as a whole. The individual who feels secure and comfortable with the status quo sees no need for change. teacher. it is "conscience from the outside. They skirt confrontation with the real issue in their lives and hence raise up pseudo problems as camouflage. As one law student puts it:" What's wrong witrh cheating in the bar examinations as long as you do not get caught?" During the war. The solution to a problem depends to a great extent on one's awareness of the problem and his attitude towards it. The person who is not aware that he has a cancer or heart trouble will not see the doctor." Another norm of morality in the Philippines is characterized by the "Don't be caught" attitude based on shame or fear of the authority figure." The problem for the Filipino individual is to be "aware" that the two inconsistent norms of morality are allowed to coexist in his personality and life and that he must overcome this split if he is to become a mature Christian Filipino. But God help you if you get caught. We find in the Filipino whose norm of behavior is purely external. People who know they are doing wrong but do not want to change easily find excesses like "ako'y tao lamang" (I'm but human). or my relatives and friends. Others try to escape from their real problems. Finally a very common attitude is rationalization. please entertain your boyfriend at home." For instance. "ganyan lamang ang . then everyone else tries make puslit or get ahead of the others often causing a traffic jam. Hence they are afraid to make a decision and initiate change because it is painful and difficult." Thisa norm of moral behavior also gives rise to a conflict in the individual between the "don'ts" of the authority figure and "what every else does" in the latter's absence. Do not go outside. Filipino drivers will obey traffic rules but if there is no policeman. Some individuals see the problem but it is too frightening. The individual who has not yet attained moral independence and maturity will ask: " What will my family. What can be done about the problem of morality in the Philippines? In this respect. a split between the ideal Christian norm of morality and the actual Filipino norm of morality. "bahala na" (come what may). or "eveybody is doing it. 2006) pp 40-41 . Personality traits is well develop among students. from there they can observed that the nursing students possess a strong characteristics that a nurses should have. Filipinos will make no progress toward a Christian solution until they realize that the problem is serious and urgent. Hinders students action necessary for the health care in some instances.SJ Christian Renewal of Filipino Values." In this age of "passing the buck". Time is used in the personality program of students and the main subjects is not utilized well . Clinical settings aims to develop the knowledge and understanding of every nursing students especially when they are in the problem based situation . and the last is It develops students to practice their career with confidence. in this manner nursing students were given enhancement by means of repeating some alternative solutions like by means of enhancing their communication to others . Based on the study. there are also no specific instructors that specializes in the personality development program of the nursing students.9 buhay" (life is like hat). "I am not the one". he found out that the advantages of moral values are. All these attitudes of mind are wrong and without the proper attitude there can be no solution to the problem. 26 Related Study In the study conducted by Aries Roman Gungab entitled ³Moral Values: Its Implication to Nursing Profession´ which is relevant to the present study because it discusses the different practices given by the instructors of NEC in enhancing the moral values of the students and the advantages and disadvantages of Moral values. it develops students posture and confidence and teaches them to be more aware on the behavior of their clients so that they may know what kind of approaches will be formulated in the betterment of their client. The disadvantages are. Nueva Ecija Colleges. It creates competent nursing graduates. every subjects were empathized by moral values. and the last is Many students still prefer what they used to practice instead of applying moral values to their work. another excuse for shrinking personal responsibility is the Filipinism. they are develop behaviorally so that upon graduation al of the moral values that nurses should have. 1966 27 Aries Roman Gungab Moral Values: Its Implication to Nursing Profession´ (unpublished Thesis.27 26 Vitaliano Gorospe. He also found out that moral values plays an important factors in the development of the students. students might posses. Wrong interpretation of many students in the implementation of moral values.The positive effect of the moral values being given in each students in the Nursing course can be reflected on how they treat and mingle with other especially with their clients and other people. percentages. Sampling Design Used: The researcher used purposive sampling design. Data Gathering Procedure: The researcher used the questionnaire method in collecting data. Statistical Treartment of Data: The data was collected. weighted mean and ranking. 1 descriptive statistics was used such as frequency courts. which they are related to the participants socio demographic characteristics and they view their clinical. Descriptive method of research is a fact-finding study with adequate and accurate interpretations of the data. Purposive sampling starts with a purpose in mind and the sample is thus selected to include people of interest and exclude those who do not suit the purpose. categorized.10 CHAPTER 3 Methodology In this chapter the idea on what the study is all about is given the method of research to be used. It describes with emphasis what actually exists such as current conditions. and analyzed according to the problem of the study. Questionnaire is used when factual information is desired. situations or any phenomenon. The study used the following statistic tools. Permission to the dean was requested before the survey was done. data gathering procedure and statistical treatment of data are also shown. Percentage This was used by the researchers to determine the preparation of a part to a whole such as a given number of participants in relation to the entire population. it is use when you want to access a particular subset of people.Purposive sampling is non-probability and hence can be subject to bias and error. The researchers personally gave the questionnaire to the participants and waited them to finish filling out the questions provided. For problem 1 & 2. classified. . research tool. Method of Research Used: This study used the descriptive method as appropriate to use. The scheduled of the interview was during the participants free time to avoid disturbing their activities. practices. It is the sum of its product of frequency of responses and the likert ± five point scale 6.refers to the frequency of responses N ± refers to the total number of participants Weighted mean The weighted was also employed to determine the overall average of response / perception of the participants.summative sign F1 to F5 ± frequency of responses / unit weight N = total no.11 % = F/N x 100 Where % .refer to percentage F . of participants . WM = ™(5 f1 + 4 f2 + 3 f3 + 4 f2 + 5 f1) ---------------------------------------- N = f1 + f2 + f3 + f4 + f5 Where ™ . it was used as ordinary scale to categorized from the most to the least according to frequency of occurrence.50 ± 2.40 Disagree 2 1.40 Fairly Agree 3 2. This statistical treatment was utilized to positional advantages.12 For weighted mean.50 ± above Agree 4 3.50 -3.50 .50 ± 4. Verbal Interpretation Rank Values Degree of Response Strongly Agree 5 4. the following nominal equivalence were considered for the interpretation of the score: Ranking Ranking is the placement of the series of variables in ascending and descending orders for the placement of the item on category of less than the same items.40 Strongly Disagree 1 below 1. Finding shows that majority of the respondents got pregnant at the age of 16-17. . Table 1. Result shows that students who got pregnant from the year 2007 -2010 have ages 22 and above. and 7 respondents whose ages 24 and above with 22%.10 respondents got pregnant at age ranges of 20-21 years old with 32% and 1 respondent got pregnant at age of 22 with 3% . there are 3 respondents whose ages ranges from 1819 years old with 10 % .2 Age when pregnant Frequency 13 7 10 1 31 Age Bracket 16-17 18-19 20-21 22-23 Total Percentage 42 23 32 3 100 The age when pregnant is given in the table.1 Age Frequency 3 8 13 7 31 Age Bracket 18-19 20-21 22-23 24-above Total Percentage 10 26 42 22 100 Ages of the respondents is given in the table. 1. there are 13 respondents who got pregnant at age ranges from 16-17 years old with 42 % . 13 have ages of 22-23 with 42% . ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION OF DATA This chapter presents the presentation. 8 have ages of 20-21 years old with 26% . 7 respondents got pregnant at age ranges of 18-19 years old with 23% . Profile of the Respondents in Terms of: Table 1. analysis and interpretation of data gathered by the researchers.13 CHAPTER 4 PRESENTATION. Findings shows that majority of the respondents are Roman Catholic.001.P 30.25 0 100 There are 21 respondents whose family monthly income ranges from P 20.4 Family Monthly Income Frequency 0 21 10 0 31 Variables P 10.000-P 20.000 with 32. students of NEC who were pregnant were on their first year and second year of the college years .06 3rd year 0 0 th 4 year 0 0 Total 31 100 There are 13 respondents who got pregnant during their first year in college with 41.001.001-P 40.000 P 30.001-40.000 P 50.000 a month with 67. .14 Table 1.001.3 Year Level when Pregnant Year level Frequency Percentage st 1 year 13 41. where they are new on their new life as college students enters new responsibilities Table 1.75 32.above Total % 0 67. this implies that during at their early ages .94 2nd year 18 58.94% 18 are in their second year with 58. Table 1.P 30.5 Religion Variables Roman Catholic Iglesia ni Cristo Muslim Jehova¶s Witnesses Total Frequency 25 4 0 2 31 % 81 13 0 6 100 The table shows that there are 25 respondents who are catholic with the percentage of 81%.25% Majority of the respondents have family monthly income that can support their family and can send their children at school even if it is a nursing course. 4 respondents are Iglesia ni Cristo with 13% and 2 of them are Jehova¶s witnesses with 6%.06% Based on the result of the study.000 P 20.75% and there are 10 respondents whose family monthly income ranges from 30. .29% and there are 12 respondents who are married with 38. 9 respondents have only 1 sibling with 29%. they are still not yet married it also shows how these respondents involved in premarital sex.8 Age of Parents Frequency 10 13 5 3 31 Age Bracket 31-40 41-50 51-60 60 and above Total % 32 42 16 10 100 The table shows that there are 10 respondents have parents age ranges 31-40 with 32%. Finding shows that majority of the respondents have the younger age of parents.29 38.71 0 0 100 The table shows that there are 19 respondents are single with the percentage of 61. Finding shows that majority of them are having small number of family member Table 1. 12 respondents have 2 number of siblings with 39%. Table 1. 13 respondents have parents age ranges 41-50 with 42%.7 Number of Siblings Frequency 5 9 12 3 2 31 Variables 0 1 2 3 4 and above Total % 16 29 39 10 6 100 The table shows that 5 of the respondents are the only daughter of their parents with 16%.71% Findings shows that majority of the respondents are single. 3 respondents have 3 number of siblings with 10% and 2 respondents have 4 and above number of siblings with 6%.15 Variables single married widowed divorced Total Table 1. Although they already have their child. 5 respondents have parents age ranges 51-60 with 16% and 3 respondents have parents age ranges 60 and above with 10%.6 Marital Status Frequency 19 12 0 0 31 % 61. 45 3.81 9.61 VI Strongly agree Rank 1 4 low cost of land that are potential in putting up hotel industry in the City 4.06 25.10 Agree 5 31 100% 127 The perception of the respondents regarding the prevalence of the hotels in the province is given in the table.68 3.45 Strongly Agree 2 3 Encourage potential tourism industry in the province 4.13 9.45 0 100% 45.29 Strongly agree 3 2 Too many travelers that needs lodging in their stay in the city 4.23 0 100% 58.52 19. rank 1 is Boost of economy with weighted mean of 4.03 16. rank 3 is Encourage potential tourism industry in the province . rank 2 is low cost of land that are potential in putting up hotel industry in the City with 4.13 6.13 6.23 100% 64.16 2.19 16.23 0 100% 48.03 16. The different reasons on the prevalence of Hotels in Cabanatuan City Table 2 Reason on the Prevalence of Hotels Item # 1 Variables Boost of economy Assigned Value 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 F 23 5 2 1 0 31 20 6 4 1 0 31 18 8 3 1 0 31 15 9 5 2 0 31 14 9 5 3 0 % 74.19 Agree 4 5 Prevalence of students that are taking up HRM course 4.90 3.68 FV 115 20 6 2 0 143 100 24 12 2 0 138 90 32 9 2 0 133 75 36 15 4 0 130 70 36 15 6 0 WM 4.61 and interpreted as strongly agree.45 in weighted mean and interpreted as strongly agree.39 29.35 12.16 29. 45 Strongly Agree 2 3 a safe and convenient stay in the hotel 4.23 1 0 0 31 100% 5 15 48.17 with 4.16 29.68 2 1 3.1 Advantages Assigned F % Value 5 23 74. Based on the result of the study . 3.19 Agree 4 5 there is an alternative lodging area for them in case they did not want to go home or decided not to go home because of distance of their home 4.90 2 1 3.19 4 5 16.03 3 5 16.13 9.52 4 6 19.13 2 2 6.35 3 4 12.45 2 1 3. rank 4 is too many travelers that needs lodging in their stay in the city with 4.45 0 1 0 31 100% 5 4 3 2 1 14 9 5 3 0 45.29 Strongly agree 3 2 Low cost of lodging will emerge 4.68 Item # 1 Variables will create employment and job opportunity for others FV 115 20 6 2 0 143 100 24 12 2 0 138 90 32 9 2 0 133 75 36 15 4 0 130 70 36 15 6 0 WM 4.10 in weighted mean and it means agree.13 3 2 6. .23 1 0 0 31 100% 5 18 58.39 4 9 29.06 4 8 25.29 and it means agree .23 1 0 31 100% 5 20 64.19 and interpreted as agree and the last is Prevalence of students that are taking up HRM course with 4.10 Agree 5 31 100% 127 . respondents agreed that the reason why there are many hotels in Cabanatuan city is because of the fact that the economy is growing.03 16. The effects of prevalence of hotels in the City Table 3.81 3 3 9.61 VI Strongly agree Rank 1 4 additional tax for the government 4. lots f visitors or travelers who needs a place to rest when they are here in the province . and the last is there is an alternative lodging area for them in case they did not want to go home or decided not to go home because of distance of their home with 4. rank 3 is a safe and convenient stay in the hotel with 4.03 16.03 16.13 6.19 16.06 25.90 3.23 0 100% 58. rank 2 additional tax for the government with 4.2 Disadvantages Item # 1 Variables Short time period in the hotel encouraged others to take the hotel in a small amount of money Assigned Value 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1 F 23 5 2 1 0 31 20 6 4 1 0 31 18 8 3 1 0 31 15 9 5 2 0 31 14 9 5 3 0 31 % 74.45 3.10 and interpreted as agree.39 29.29 and interpreted as agree .16 29.53 Agree 5 . Result shows that the prevalence of hotels in the area can resulted to employment and job opportunity for others and the traveler will be having a place to stay which is convenient and low in price and there is an alternative lodging area for them in case they did not want to go home or decided not to go home because of distance of their home.45 0 100% 45.13 6.52 19.83 Agree 4 5 it will reflect that the city has to many prostitutes that needs many hotels to cater the needs 3.81 9.13 9.18 The advantages of the emergence of hotels in the province is given in the table rank 1 is will create employment and job opportunity for others with 4.19 and interpreted as agree.61 and interpreted as strongly agree.68 3.23 0 100% 48.16 Strongly agree 3 2 Encourage teenagers to discover what¶s inside the hotels 3.35 12.23 100% 64.68 100% FV 115 20 6 2 0 140 100 24 12 2 0 130 90 32 9 2 0 129 75 36 15 4 0 119 70 36 15 6 0 110 WM 4.33 Strongly Agree 2 3 encourage pre-marital sex among in relationship college students 4. Table 3.45 and interpreted as strongly agree.51 VI Strongly agree Rank 1 4 it will encourage couple or in relationship couple to take hotel as their safe haven 4. rank 4 is Low cost of lodging will emerge with 4. 51 and it means strongly agree. rank 2 is it will encourage couple or in relationship couple to take hotel as their safe haven with 4.83 and interpreted as agree and the last is it will reflect that the city has to many prostitutes that needs many hotels to cater the needs with 3. . rank 3 is encourage pre-marital sex among in relationship college students with 4.53 and it means agree. Findings shows that prevalence of hotel in the province may result to misconception among neighboring province .16 and interpreted as strongly agree.19 Rank 1 is Short time period in the hotel encouraged others to take the hotel in a small amount of money with 4.33 and interpreted as strongly agree . it may reflect the province as an area of having too many prostitutes and encourages many college students to take hotels as their safe haven or encourage pre-marital sex among in relationship college students. rank 4 is Encourage teenagers to discover what¶s inside the hotels with 3. .7 Number of Siblings 1. The main tool used in gathering the needed data was questionnaire and this study was conducted during the school year 2010-2011. 8 have ages of 2021 years old with 26% . Conclusions and Recommendations His chapter presents the summary of findings. Specifically. The respondents of the study are the 31 students who were pregnant during the year 2007-2010. What are the reasons on the prevalence of Hotels in Cabanatuan City? 5.6 Marital Status 1.1Age 1.What are the effects of the prevalence of hotels in the City as to its: 5. Summary This study was conducted using descriptive methods of research and implied purposive sampling.4 Family Monthly Income 1. . 13 have ages of 22-23 with 42% . conclusions and recommendations gathered by the researchers. and 7 respondents whose ages 24 and above with 22%.8 Age of Parents 2. What is the implication of the study to the morality? 3.20 CHAPTER 5 Summary.1 Advantages 5. They are chosen because they are the one involved in the study.3 Year Level when Pregnant 1.2 Disadvantages Summary of Findings 1. Profile of the Respondents in terms of: Age There are 3 respondents whose ages ranges from 18-19 years old with 10 % .2 Age When Pregnant 1. Year of mushrooming hotels 4.5 Religion 1. How may the profile of the respondents describe in terms of : 1. it answered the following questions: 1. 000 with 32. 3 respondents have 3 number of siblings with 10% and 2 respondents have 4 and above number of siblings with 6%. Marital Status The finding shows that there are 19 respondents are single with the percentage of 61.29% and there are 12 respondents who are married with 38. Number of Siblings The table shows that 5 of the respondents are the only daughter of their parents with 16%.94% 18 are in their second year with 58. 7 respondents got pregnant at age ranges of 18-19 years old with 23% . 12 respondents have 2 number of siblings with 39%.001. 9 respondents have only 1 sibling with 29%. 5 respondents have parents age ranges 51-60 with 16% and 3 respondents have parents age ranges 60 and above with 10%.21 Age when pregnant There are 13 respondents who got pregnant at age ranges from 16-17 years old with 42 % .001-40.25%. Religion The table shows that there are 25 respondents who are catholic with the percentage of 81%. .000 a month with 67.P 30. Age of Parents The table shows that there are 10 respondents have parents age ranges 31-40 with 32%.10 respondents got pregnant at age ranges of 20-21 years old with 32% and 1 respondent got pregnant at age of 22 with 3% Year Level when Pregnant There are 13 respondents who got pregnant during their first year in college with 41.71%.06% Family Monthly Income There are 21 respondents whose family monthly income ranges from P 20. 4 respondents are Iglesia ni Cristo with 13% and 2 of them are Jehova¶s witnesses with 6%. 13 respondents have parents age ranges 41-50 with 42%.75% and there are 10 respondents whose family monthly income ranges from 30. 51 and it means strongly agree. so that upon reading this material.53 and it means agree. students of NEC who were pregnant were on their first year and second year of the college years .19 and interpreted as agree. 3. when it comes to their age when they got pregnant majority of the respondents were at the age of 16-17.19 and interpreted as agree and the last is Prevalence of students that are taking up HRM course with 4. rank 4 is Low cost of lodging will emerge with 4. Disadvantage Rank 1 is Short time period in the hotel encouraged others to take the hotel in a small amount of money with 4. Rank 1 is Boost of economy with weighted mean of 4. rank 3 is encourage pre-marital sex among in relationship college students with 4. What is the implication of the study to the morality? The study educates every individual for some factors that may affect their morality. 4 . rank 2 is low cost of land that are potential in putting up hotel industry in the City with 4.61 and interpreted as strongly agree. rank 1 is will create employment and job opportunity for others with 4.16 and interpreted as strongly agree. rank 4 is too many travelers that needs lodging in their stay in the city with 4. from the year 20052006 hotels are just few it ranges fom 7 to 8 numbers of hotels on the year 2007 prevalence of hotels started to increase and at the present year there are 14 hotels built in Cabanatuan City. and the last is there is an alternative lodging area for them in case they did not want to go home or decided not to go home because of distance of their home with 4. Conclusions Researchers concluded the following: 1. they may aware on the possibilities of consequences and they can prevent any negative morality trait that might happen. rank 2 is it will encourage couple or in relationship couple to take hotel as their safe haven with 4.22 2.29 and interpreted as agree .10 and interpreted as agree.45 in weighted mean and interpreted as strongly agree.10 in weighted mean and it means agree. rank 2 additional tax for the government with 4. this . rank 3 is Encourage potential tourism industry in the province with 4.33 and interpreted as strongly agree . rank 3 is a safe and convenient stay in the hotel with 4.45 and interpreted as strongly agree.61 and interpreted as strongly agree. 5.Reasons on the Prevalence of Hotels The reasons on the prevalence of hotels based on our survey. We found out that students who got pregnant from the year 2007 -2010 have ages 22 and above.83 and interpreted as agree and the last is it will reflect that the city has to many prostitutes that needs many hotels to cater the needs with 3. Year of mushrooming hotels in the City There are 14 hotel built at present in Cabanatuan city based on our study. rank 4 is Encourage teenagers to discover what¶s inside the hotels with 3.29 and it means agree .What are the effects of the prevalence of hotels in the City as to its: Advantage The advantages of prevalence of hotels in the city. Casa Carmelita. 4. Cabanatuan Travel Lodge. Abby Gail¶s Inn. lots of visitors or travelers who needs a place to rest when they are here in the province. when they were just new as college students.Cabanatuan Lux Lodge. On the other hand.23 implies that during at their early ages. sky ranch etc. Magic Court. respondents agreed that the reason why there are many hotels in Cabanatuan city is because of the fact that the economy is growing. 2. they are still not yet married it also shows how these respondents involved in premarital sex. Microtel Inn And Suites. Sogo. El Greco Hotel. Although they already have their child. Manrio Hotel. Researchers also proved that majority of the respondents have the younger age of parents.We conclude. 3. Texas. enters new responsibilities. Finding shows that majority of them are having small number of family member because most of them have few siblings. it may reflect the province as an area of having too many prostitutes and encourages many college students to take hotels as their safe haven or encourage pre-marital sex among in relationship college students.In terms of marital status findings shows that majority of the respondents are single. . Based on our interview to some old residents in Cabanatuan City the mushrooming of hotels in Cabanatuan City including La Parilla Hotel. majority of the respondents have family monthly income that can support their family and can send their children at school even if it is a nursing course. In terms of family monthly income. Based on the result of the study . De Luxe Restaurant and Hotel. Village inn Hotel and Restaurant. findings shows that majority of the respondents are Roman Catholic . was started from the year 2005. In terms of their religion. that the prevalence of hotels can result to employment and job opportunity for others and the traveler will be having a place to stay which is convenient and low in price and there is an alternative lodging area for them in case they did not want to go home or decided not to go home because of distance of their home. the prevalence of hotels in the province may result to misconception among neighboring province . College students should study first before going into relationship and the possibility of taking hotels is neglected 4. 7.Extra services should not be given by hotel administrator to avoid misconception about the hotel. 5.Parents should properly guide their children regarding the relationship that they are going to enter so that avoidance on the consequences may absorb. . they may aware on the possibilities of consequences and they can prevent any negative morality trait that might happen.If possible student should not be allowed to enter the hotels without their parents. implement the strict compliance of the guest that will be admitted to the hotels so that they may avoid early pregnancy 2.Proper information dissemination should be given to the public about the advantages of hotel in the economy of the province. 8. Local government should implement strict rules and regulations on the guest of the hotels.24 Recommendations The following are the recommendations: 1. 6.Another study should be conducted on the prevalence of hotels in Cabanatuan City so that determination of the effect among the Morality of every individual may achieved.Educate partners who are not yet married specially those students about the factors that may affect their morality and their future. Implication of the Study The study educates every individual specially those students for some factors that may affect their morality. so that upon reading this material. 3. Does watching sex on television predict teen pregnancy? Findings from a national longitudinal survey of youth. 1994 and 2001. 2011. 2006. 164(2):152±159. Washington. 2010. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Kaye K et al. http://archives.25 Bibliography Abma JC et al. 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Educating teenagers about sex in the United States. 2007 Lindberg LD.. U. Generation M2: Media in the Lives of 8. USA and England/Wales. 2010.. Aurora R. We assure you that the findings of the study will be benefit everybody. Carbonell Dean. Cristine Fajardo Christine Joi Fernando Jenny May Galapo Patria Roseanne Garcia Approved by: DR. We hope this request will merit the most favorable consideration. the researchers are soliciting your favorable permission to conduct a survey among the nursing students who were pregnant during the year 2007-2010. Thank you. CARBONELL Dean.27 Appendix A Cagayan Valley Road Cabanatuan City December 21. we will also assured that all information to be provided by the respondents will be held in strictest confidence and shall serve no purpose except for the study. 2010 Dr. Respectfully yours. AURORA R. College of Nursing . especially the respondents. In this connection. College of Nursing Nueva Ecija Colleges Dear Madam: The undersigned are Bachelor of Science in nursing students in Nueva Ecija Colleges and are undergoing a research study entitled ³The Prevalence of Hotels in Cabanatuan City and its Effect to the Morality´ and the Nueva Ecija Colleges has been chosen as the site of this study. 28 Appendix B Nueva Ecija Colleges Cabanatuan City December 21. In connection with this. may we solicit your sincere cooperation in answering the herewith-attached questionnaire. College of Nursing . CARBONELL Dean.2010 Dear Respondents: Greetings! In partial fulfillment of the requirement for the subject Introduction to Nursing Research. AURORA R. Rest assured that all your information shall be kept and strictly confidential. Very sincerely yours. Any support you may give will be highly appreciated. we would like to conduct a research study entitled: ³The Prevalence of Hotels in Cabanatuan City and its Effect to the Morality´. Thank you very much. Please feel free to express yourself. Cristine Fajardo Christine Joi Fernando Jenny May Galapo Heidebelle Estrella Patria Roseanne Garcia Approved by: DR. 001.000____ P 40. Name (optional)_____________________ Age: 18-19____ 20-21____ 22-23____ 24-above___ Age when Pregnant: 16-17____ 18-19____ 20-21____ 22-23____ 24-above____ Year Level when Pregnant: 1st Year___ 2nd Year___ 3rd Year___ 4th Year___ Family Monthly Income: P 10.P 50. honest and fair evaluation of your perception about the prevalence of hotels in Cabanatuan City and its influence to the Morality.000____ P 50.P 20.001.P 60.000____ P 20. please supply the needed data.001.001.000____ P 60. .above ____ Religion: Roman Catholic____ Iglesia ni Cristo____ Muslim____ Jehova¶s Witnesses____ Others (specify)____ Marital Status: Single___ Married___ Widowed___ Divorced___ Parents occupation: Mother: Teacher___ OFW___ Buy and Sell___ Nurse____ Others (specify)______ Father: Farmer___ Teacher___ Policeman___ OFW___ Buy and sell___ Others (specify)___ Age of Parents: 31-40____ 41-50____ 51-60____ 60-above____ No.000____ P 30.29 Appendix C Republic of the Philippines Nueva Ecija Colleges Cabanatuan City Part 1: Information about you.000.P 30. of Siblings: 0___ 1___ 2___ 3___ 4-above___ Direction: This questionnaire seeks your objectives.001.P 40. a safe and convenient stay in the hotel 4. What are the different reasons on the prevalence of hotels in Cabanatuan City? 5 1.Encourage potential tourism industry in the province 4.30 Please indicate your rating on the different items by checking the rating on the corresponding column provided.low cost of land that are potential in putting up hotel industry in the City 3.Boost of economy 2.there is an alternative lodging area for them in case they did not want to go home or decided not to go home because of distance of their home 2. it will encourage couple or in relationship couple to take hotel as their safe haven 2.will create employment and job opportunity for others 5.additional tax for the government a safe and convenient stay in the hotel 4 3 2 1 4 3 2 1 Disadvantage 5 1.Prevalence of students that are taking up HRM course 3. Verbal Interpretation Values Strongly Agree 5 Agree 4 Fairly Agree 3 Disagree 2 Strongly disagree 1 2. encourage pre-marital sex among in relationship college students 3.Too many travelers that needs lodging in their stay in the city 5. Short time period in the hotel encouraged others to take the hotel in a small amount of money 4 3 2 1 .it will reflect that the city has to many prostitutes that needs many hotels to cater the needs 5. What are the effects of the prevalence of hotels in the City as to its: Advantage 5 1. Encourage teenagers to discover what¶s inside the hotels 4.Low cost of lodging will emerge 3.
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