The Poverty of Contemporary Theory in Architecture.plowright

March 29, 2018 | Author: ohoud | Category: Pragmatism, Metaphysics, Theory, Science, Epistemology



The Poverty of Contemporary Theory in Architecture June 2009Philip Plowright, R.A., ASA, IPrA1, 2, 3 1 Lawrence Technological University 21000 est Ten !ile Roa", So#th$iel", !ichigan %&0'( pplowright)lt#.e"# Architect#ral Research *enters *onsorti#+ http,--www.arcc.we/.org rla/.a Research La/, Architect#re http,--www.rla/ 2 3 000000000000000000000000000000 *opyright 1 2002 /y Philip Plowright or3ing papers are in "ra$t $or+. This wor3ing paper is "istri/#te" $or p#rposes o$ co++ent an" "isc#ssion only. It +ay not /e repro"#ce" witho#t per+ission o$ the copyright hol"er. *opies o$ wor3ing papers are availa/le $ro+ the a#thor. Working Paper, Disciplinary Enquiry 09-004 1/10 in$l#ence" /y philosophical prag+atics. hile a criti5#e o$ this position is "eveloping slowly. certain c#lt#ral constr#cts have to /e p#t to one si"e as hopelessly #nsolva/le. as a contin#ation o$ the #nhealthy practice o$ "ivi"ing +in" an" /o"y into separate real+s. In this. $or /etter or worst. or tho#ght syste+.The Poverty of Contemporary Theory in Architecture Abstract This paper a""resses the concerns o$ an active an" relevant approach to theory in architect#re in response to c#rrent tren"s within the pro$ession.9istorical Pro7ect< o$ the 12'0s. the "o+inant conte+porary notion o$ theory in architect#re. /y the 4ast *oast centre" application o$ critical theory. Li3e *ritical Theory.str#ct#ralis+. The arg#+ent o#tline" /elow consi"ers this way o$ thin3ing. In a""ition. on the relevance o$ its e$$ect in a se5#ential relationship /etween thin3ing an" "oing. *onsi"ering that neither e6tre+e +ight /e accepta/le.response also ho#se" in +any o$ the sa+e schools an" i+plies the a/an"on+ent o$ all philosophical an" theoretical positions in the "iscipline o$ architect#re. I. Disciplinary Enquiry 09-004 2/10 . choosing this or that in e6cl#sive ter+s. e6tracte" $ro+ 8rench post. The position is one that enco#rages any $ra+ewor3 which can 7#"ge the 5#ality o$ a tho#ght. As it stan"s. "#alis+ an" a#tono+y are "isc#sse" as st#+/ling /loc3s in the "evelop+ent o$ any vali" philosophical position in architect#re in its relationship to +eaning. The en5#iry a""resses theory thro#gh #se an" relevance to real.worl" e$$ects. an" the c#rrent operating $ra+ewor3 within the architect#ral co++#nity is "etri+ental to s#pporting philosophy an" thin3ing as part o$ an activity o$ practice. Introduction The role o$ philosophy or theory in architect#re has co+e #n"er greater scr#tiny over the past $ew "eca"es. the voice which critical theory /rings to architect#re +ay itsel$ /e pro/le+atic an" "one na#ght /#t hastening the "e+ise o$ any tr#ly intellect#al an" philosophical process in the "iscipline. or any other theory /eing p#rs#e" in architect#re. the nat#re o$ a re$ine" lang#age o$ architect#re is critical as a synta6 which "e$ines e"ges o$ a "iscipline an" #se" in a critical role o$ "eter+ining signi$icance o$ an i"ea to an e$$ect. in or"er to procee" in the relationship /etween architect#re an" philosophy with any s#ccess. The res#lt sho#l" not /e a single "o+inant +o"e o$ p#rs#ing thin3ing in architect#re. the "o+inate position o$ theory has /een co++an"e". two iss#es which theory is /ro#ght to /ear within architect#ral st#"ies. Thro#gh the in$l#ence o$ !an$re"o Ta$#ri:s . Instea". so to spea3. The p#rpose o$ this paper is not to provi"e an alternative to co#nter critical theory. 9owever. The proposal is. is irrelevant to the application o$ architect#re. which in t#rn was in$l#ence" /y !ichel 8o#ca#lt:s criti5#e o$ estern h#+anis+. an e6ploration o$ how to approach theory in the $iel" o$ architect#re is "isc#sse". ith this shi$t. In architect#re. /#t a $ra+ewor3 o$ +#ltiplicity which enco#rages critical thin3ing which has a high "egree o$ relevance to architect#re. what is provi"e" is a series o$ i"eas a/o#t what happens when tho#ght an" "oing are consi"ere" e6tensions o$ each other. The core o$ this position is one o$ antiessentialis+ in the approach to tr#th an" +eaning. The nat#re o$ the paper is not as an a/sol#te or co#nter. Working Paper. It is not e6cl#sionary.position. There is a type o$ lit+#s test. The conte+porary $oc#s in +any areas o$ architect#ral theory is still "o+inate" /y *ritical Theory /ase" in the 4ast *oast schools o$ the Unite" States. the co#nter. access to tra"itional $or+s o$ +eaning pro"#ction thro#gh +etaphysics an" tr#th /eca+e i+possi/le an" necessitate" theory as a re5#ire+ent to a""ress +eaning in this new relative conte6t. nor "e$initive /#t e6ploratory o$ a way we thin3 with architect#re. an" a""resses +eaning /y the p#rs#it o$ tr#th thro#gh knowing. critical theory as "e$ine" thro#gh the legacy o$ "econstr#ction. It can /e arg#e" that shi$ts $ro+ a $oc#s on e6perience an" +etaphysics to the relative "o+ain o$ lang#age an" social constr#ction as the site o$ en5#iry occ#rre" in al+ost all intellect#al "isciplines in the twentieth cent#ry. o$ when to invest ti+e e6ploring a theory or whether to "iscar" it an" +ove onto another concept#al tool. these are also #lti+ately "etri+ental to any signi$icant growth as they separate the real+s o$ tho#ght an" activity. /y eli+inating the nee" to :3now: a thing in Aristotelian ter+s an" consi"er theory /y how it ca#ses recognisa/le a$$ects in the real worl".Bisco#rse +aps a territory an" "eter+ines the $eat#res o$ what it charts. the i"ea o$ theory. so+ething consi"ere" pro/le+atic /y so+e philosophers even in the $irst trans$er o$ "econstr#ction to literat#re. Irreverence to application. or theory an" practice. Disciplinary Enquiry 09-004 3/10 . Working Paper. is 3ey to the evol#tion o$ a "isco#rse. The p#rpose o$ a "isco#rse is to "e$ine a territory. I a+ not spea3ing a/o#t a separate re$lective practice e6ternal to the /o"y o$ architect#ral "isco#rse @case 1 a/oveA. theory or position which rein$orces tal3 an" conversation over e6peri+ent sho#l" /e view with a "egree o$ scepticis+ to its relevance to the "iscipline o$ architect#re as it is not active in the synta6 which architect#re #ses to co++#nicate. an" e6ten"ing philosophical pre+ises is a pri+ary action in e6ploring the e"ges o$ that territory. an" how sho#l" this theory a""ress $#n"a+ental ter+s in architect#re in order to open lines of inquiry? The action o$ in5#iry is the access to the critical. in general. In the secon". hile the position o$ critical theory has /een attac3e". /#t an integrate" an" operational "ialog#e which enriches architect#re itsel$. "e$en"e". As it stan"s. the relationship /etween theory an" practice /egs to /e e6a+ine" /ase" on the critical theory /ias towar"s tho#ght. This "oes nothing /#t "ecrease the overall 5#ality o$ /#ilt space /y propagating a tension an" an alienation /etween the poles o$ theory an" practice. in ter+s o$ an applie" philosophy. as a new "iscipline an" there$ore sho#l" /e separate" $ro+ schools o$ architect#re to 7oin "epart+ents o$ h#+anities. the role o$ in5#iry thro#gh critical thin3ing an" e6peri+entation in the practice o$ architect#ral "esign is $ille" /y these $or+s o$ analysis +as5#era"ing as theoretical principles. let alone architect#re2. The 3ey to this is to re+ove the "ivision /etween the +in" an" the /o"y. They are inherent in any "isco#rse as "isco#rses are pre"icate" on e6ploration. This is especially i+portant in a perio" when we are 7#st /eginning to sha3e o$$ the 4nlighten+ent /ias o$ estern +etaphysics when separate" these two concepts "istinctly. Theory. It $ollows that we have two ways which critical theory can /e interprete". an" a new non. =r case 2. then let it /e what it is an" na+e it plainly. as well as a""ressing the estern overpowering $oc#s on the i"ea o$ 3nowing an" tr#th. Instea" o$ a "isc#ssion o$ whether theory sho#l" or sho#l" not /e part o$ architect#re. 9owever. The pro/le+ is once this partic#lar position o$ theory has /een shown to /e irrelevant to the practice o$ architect#re. There has /een +#ch energy e6pen"e" in recent years /etween proponents o$ critical theory an" co+peting visions1. In this case. The 5#estion is opene" o$ how to thin3 a/o#t practice in relation to philosophy an" theory. was not an #n$ort#nate /y. *ase 1. it see+s. critical theory can /e positione" as a representative o$ the conte+porary core o$ philosophy within architect#re. >oth o$ these interpretations raise serio#s iss#es. I$ what is na+e" :architect#ral theory: in o#r conte+porary perio" thro#gh the in$l#ence o$ :critical theory: is act#ally architect#ral criti5#e. As ol$gang Iser writes . "isco#nting large portions o$ architect#ral "isco#rse to instea" $oc#s on literary analysis an" interpretation as a way to generate +eaning. has also see+e" to /e "isco#nte". any philosophy. This is a $allacy. an" its p#rpose is $or interpretation. the 5#estion sho#l" really /e.there has /een a "irecte" e$$ort to separate :critical theory: $ro+ the practice o$ architect#re an" an intent to position the "isco#rse o$ critical theory as a separate an" parallel "iscipline. o$ $ollowing lines o$ in5#iryA are inherent in a "isco#rse s#ch as architect#re.theory o$ :postcriticality: s#ggeste".pro"#ct /#t part o$ the +o"e o$ operation as the position is a tool o$ interpretation an" analysis rather than an act o$ generation. the 5#estion really sho#l" /e 7#st how #se$#l is the entire pro7ect as a whole. In the $irst case. as inten"e". as a $o#n"ation o$ architect#ral thin3ing. Allow theory to ret#rn as a generative tool applie" to the thin3ing o$ architect#re an" the practice-application o$ architect#re. The si"e e$$ect o$ "o+inating the intellect#al li$e o$ architect#ral "isco#rse is a narrow "e$inition o$ theory which #n"er+ines or alienates other possi/ilities atte+pting to create other +ore relevant theoretical tools $or application into architect#re. This is an active e6ploration to +ap the /o#n"aries o$ the territory which it controls thro#gh in5#iry an" e6peri+entation. it can /e consi"ere". Acts o$ thin3ing @o$ /eing critical. in what way this theory #se$#l. incl#"ing "etractors an" propagators? =ne iss#e with critical theory co#l" /e seen to /e its re"#ctionist inclinations. th#s pro7ecting a "o+ain to /e live" in<3. a vac##+ is create" which +#st /e $ille" /y so+ething which operates in the role o$ thin3ing within the synta6 o$ architect#re. >ehin" all o$ these "istinctions is the #n"erstan"ing that the ter+s are exclusive to each other. Disciplinary Enquiry 09-004 4/10 . an" this governs o#r view o$ tr#th an" o#r concept o$ progress. The i+portant aspect is the consi"eration o$ /eing on one si"e or the other.enlighten+entA.+o"ernis+C the a/ility to 3now +eaning in a conte6t o$ ar/itrariness. It also a$$ects whether the concept#al or the e6periential position is consi"ere" as the way we access reality. Dua i!m =#r conte+porary view o$ the worl". hy is this i+portant? B#alis+ creates an attit#"e which p#ts core concepts o$ e6istence into con$lict with each other an" is at the root o$ 5#estions pertaining to the relationship /etween :I: an" the :=ther:. an" the inception o$ +o"ernity. 4ven in the rise o$ history as a new "iscipline a$ter 9egel in the 1&00s.+o"ernity a""resse" tr#th as a c#lt#ral constr#ct. or 4nlighten+ent:s Reason. an" s#/7ect or o/7ect. the a#thor or the a#"ience. hile philosophy atte+pte" to shi$t the c#lt#ral "isc#ssion away $ro+ the eternal. an" "isciplinary theory. B#alis+ "e+an"s that a choice /e +a"e as only one o$ these positions can /e pri+ary at a ti+e. The $oc#s on lang#age is the core o$ practices "e$ine" as post. the 12th cent#ry $oc#s le" /y a in$l#ence o$ e+piricis+ an" psychology. to language. B#alis+ +eans that yo# have to /e one or the other. which pro"#ces the +in"-/o"y separation. This Barwinian evol#tionary $oc#s presents the h#+an as a co++#nicating ani+al as the $oc#s o$ e6istence-+eaning rather than so+e #niversal e6tra. in ter+s o$ "#alis+. Deither are native to architect#re /#t instea" are c#lt#ral. whether we wish to accept it or not. the +o"ern +ani$estation is la/elle" :nat#re verses n#rt#re:. the +in" an" the senses. the relativis+ o$ post. there are two pri+ary catalysts. The @nowA classic con$lict /etween ele+ents o$ +etaphysical "#alis+ can /e seen in the historic "ivision /etween rationalis+ an" e+piricis+. *o+/ine this list with a shi$t in e6ploration $or philosophy.philosophical positions which a$$ect +ost o$ the arts an" sciences.+o"ern an" can also /e #se" to consi"er progress. e are $ollowing the in$l#ence o$ "#alis+ to $in" o#rselves in this "isc#ssion at all. then +o"erns thro#gh sy+/olic lang#age %. In "isciplines s#ch as psychology. philosophy. or it is inherently sens#al-e6periential. incl#"ing "econstr#ctionis+ an" poststr#ct#ralis+. relationship to tr#th. The engine that "rives theory. A$ter the loss o$ $aith in the #niversal an" the #topian pro7ects o$ +o"ernis+.h#+an position o$ pre. an" architect#re $or cent#ries has /een tr#th. have /een trying to re+ove the in$l#ences o$ Eree3 +etaphysics as passe" "own to #s thro#gh Bescartes an" Fant. $ro+ experience and the mind. rational ani+als thro#gh practical lang#age @4nlighten+entA. e sho#l" not con$#se these ter+s o$ +etaphysical "#alis+ with general /inary oppositions. an" s#/7ect an" o/7ect. In the "e/ate a/o#t theory in architect#re. tr#th was still a 3ey $actor. The $#n"a+ental iss#e $or architect#re. so+ething which change" $ro+ social gro#p to social gro#p G a $or+ o$ +ass hall#cination. These iss#es are "#alis+ an" the notion o$ a#tono+y. Background *onte+porary theory in architect#re str#ggles with the $#n"a+ental philosophical pro/le+s o$ post. 20th cent#ry $oc#s in$l#ence" /y the wor3 o$ Barwin an" anthropology. +ay /e the "ile++a whether architect#re is Working Paper. social consens#s to "e$ine history rather than what is :act#al: as well as the #n"erlying estern /ias o$ "#alis+. there is resi"#al /aggage. !ost o$ the twentieth cent#ry estern philosophical +ove+ents.II. science. not /oth. so either o#r worl" is consi"ere" to /e #n"erstoo" as inherently concept#al. This is a clear separation /etween appearance an" reality.4nlighten+ent spirit#al +ysticis+. It is in this way Banielle !ac/eth consi"ers h#+an progress as ani+al @pre. is a contin#ation o$ Platonis+ an" is /ase" on +etaphysical "#alis+s. an" the 4nlighten+ent:s c#lt#ral "eter+inis+. hat is 5#estione" is whether we are /orn with innate 3nowle"ge or i$ we are $#n"a+entally the constr#ction o$ o#r environ+ent (. i. philosophies. in the post. a$$ecte" an #n"erstan"ing o$ the concept o$ :+o"ern: or :o$ /eing +o"ern:. I$ the nee" $or novelty an" the new "rove progress.critic o$ the late 1200s $ro+ the$erentiality. 8irst. I$ representation. The secon" e$$ect o$ a#tono+y has /een to intro"#ce the concept o$ +o"ernity an" the awareness o$ history /ro#ght a crisis o$ +eaning. hile the ter+ :avant. This is an en"less an" #nsolva/le @so $arA "isc#ssion. signi$iers an". =therwise. these avant. in t#rn. co++ercial /ase" society.gar"e la/el as i"entity other than to /e in constant opposition to the nor+ative. In architect#re. I$ e6periential then architect#re is "e$ine" as "irect e6perience /etween the /o"y an" an environ+ent. 8ashion /eca+e the e6a+ple to $ollow.+o"ern. /eg#n with the non.gar"e pri+ary goal see+e" to a/an"on all o$ the tra"ition o$ an architect#ral practice. ii. /eco+es a 5#est which is e6plicitly entwine" with the i"ea o$ /eing +o"ern. The "evelop+ent o$ a neo. +etho"ologies. an" any $iel" that incl#"es e+otive an" sensory $ee"/ac3. Sho#l" tr#th /e "e$ine" as +etaphysics or perceive" reality?H. with /oth practitioners an" theorists atte+pting a "isconnect $ro+ any ontological p#rpose @$#nctionA in or"er to step o#tsi"e o$ tra"ition & while still :+oving $orwar":. in the spirit o$ +o"ernity. an" is. to /e +o"ern @+o"ernityA is "e$ine" /y the +i""le o$ the 12th cent#ry to /e a transient +o+ent separate $ro+ the $low o$ ti+e while still +aintaining a connection to the past. which incl#"es sel$. incl#"ing architect#re. ling#istics an" the $ine arts. the pre$i6 :neo: was a""e" in the last co#ple o$ "eca"es as a way to "isting#ish the architect. 9owever. as can /e seen $ro+ the responses to Sylvia Lavin:s article attac3ing critical theory 10.con$or+ist la+entations o$ *harles >a#"elaire an" StIphane !allar+I in the 1&00s. an" $ir+ly "e$ine" in the 1210s an" 1220s. In +o"ern philosophy. The awareness o$ history /ro#ght an increase" i+portance o$ the present. Sel$. architect#re an" "isco#rse s#rro#n"ing architect#re can /e $ra+e" as part o$ the en"less con$lict /etween rationalis+ an" e+piricis+. novelty the recognisa/le sy+/ol o$ progress. an" contain the aesthetic +e+/ership o$ :high c#lt#re:. narrowly "e$ines architect#re to selecte" aesthetic vectors. There contin#es to /e a strong vector in post. which. +eaning. the atte+pt pro"#ce" a political +ove+ent in a 12th cent#ry sense. an" the avant. /orrowe" $ro+ the art worl" 11 an" "isco#nting any other practice o$ the /#ilt environ+ent. sociology.h#+an @Eo"A. seeing /oth these positions as part o$ a longer philosophical tra"ition. This to#ches on the $iel"s o$ anthropology. or a contin#ation o$ tra"ition. o$ten lac3 even internal consistency. Autonomy A#tono+y e6ists as /oth a philosophical an" an architect#ral iss#e in conte+porary estern c#lt#re. is para+o#nt. which itsel$ was /ase" in +etaphysical i"eas o$ :essences:. as there isn't any degree of difference in application if truth is defined as objective rather than perceptive . an". A#tono+y is the atte+pt to "isconnect present wor3 $ro+ the historical $low in or"er to /e conte+porary. contin#e" to p#sh the /o#n"aries o$ the "iscipline o$ architect#re thro#gh critical theory. however. a#tono+y has a slightly "i$$erent $oc#s an" as3s the 5#estion.gar"e was /orn. cent#ry Eer+an "e/ates on architect#ral style.gar"e Disciplinary Enquiry 09-004 5/10 . It is also not a #se$#l "isc#ssion. A /elie$ in an avant.gar"e gro#ps are largely heterogeneo#s in politics. the search $or a#tono+y has /ro#ght si"e e$$ects. The concern /ro#ght $orwar" is whether the h#+an /eing can attain a position where they are no longer answera/le to so+ething non. a#tono+y has /een arg#e" to /e the pri+ary 5#estion to /e a""resse"'.sociologist o$ the early 1200s2. /#t not repetitive o$ a tra"ition. S#ccess in this area wo#l" $or+#late a $#lly :+o"ern: "isco#rse o$ architect#re. a/ove all. 9owever. The avant. little soli"arity /etween any practitioner a"opting the$erentiality. iss#es.gar"e position.gar"e: /y "e$inition is ahistorical an" "oesn:t "e$ine any partic#lar epoch o$ the ra"ical. while. there was an a/an"on+ent o$ the 4nlighten+ent i"ea o$ a Working Paper. is it possi/le to p#rs#e an architect#re while not /eing answera/le to tra"ition? This is very +#ch a contin#ation o$ the nineteenth. There was. +e"icine. The allie" $iel"s incl#"e psychology.avant. Instea" o$ +o"ern /eing "e$ine" in ter+s o$ the relationship /etween anti5#ity to the present "ay. This attit#"e +aintains a strength in any representation o$ high c#lt#re. then iss#es o$ signs.representational or e6periential.+o"ern architect#ral theory o$ sel$. which arose in the $ace o$ increasing historical 3nowle"ge. there was a general c#lt#ral loss o$ $aith with the i"ea o$ a/sol#te tr#th an" a rise o$ relativis+. >#t who says +eaning in any a/sol#te or essential sense is necessary? hat i$ theory isn:t a/o#t #ncovering +etaphysical +eaning at all. as well as the s#/7ective response. At the en" o$ all these 5#estions. this +eaning was not static. Theory /eca+e the path to reveal +eaning where a/sol#te tr#th was not possi/le. =ne is $oc#se" on the intellect an" theory an" a secon" pri+arily concerne" with /#ilt space an" /#siness.. so+e arg#e. or pra6is. i$ we $ollow the 5#estions as3e" in the section Working Paper. Any 5#estion pertaining to the role o$ philosophy in architect#re can /e replace" /y the 5#estion. with the insol#/ility o$ theory an" practice? III. 8ollowing this line o$ tho#ght. Instea" it is trans$erre" thro#gh "oing an" application. a#thorship is 5#estione". Practice a! App ied Theory The concern over "#alis+ is $o#n"e" in the e$$ect o$ certain entrenche" +etaphysical i"eas on the a/ility to have a strong. "evelope" to acco+plish earlier tas3s. As +eaning was hel" in the relationships /etween things. . /#t still relevant. what i$ the atte+pt to know the essence o$ a thing is p#t to one si"e an" instea" we 7#st use the thing? o#l"n:t that /ring #s to the sa+e point as a/ove. It see+s the in$l#ence o$ this way o$ thin3ing lea"s to two separate "isco#rses. There is a line o$ tho#ght that positions all philosophy as /eing a/o#t "oes architect#re re$lect o#r /eing?<. !eaning has /eco+e $l#i". these theories have nihilistic an" sceptical ten"encies or as Ro/ert Pippin writes in the intro"#ction to the secon" e"ition o$ Modernism as a Philosophical Problem.A c#lt#re o$ +elancholy. as well as the internal. even teacha/le. Instea" o$ these poles.+o"ern ar/itrariness. how "o we recognise progress? To 5#ote $ro+ a classic. As 3nowle"ge /eco+es #ncertain. an" tr#th is not perceive" to /e "eter+ina/le yet o#r sense o$ p#rpose is still tie" in with trying to :3now: a thing in or"er to #n"erstan" its place in the worl". hile this re$erence is partic#lar to architect#re. The sense o$ o/7ective recognition o$ 3nowle"ge an" e6perience.9ow one +ay escape the en"less cyclical chain o$ +eans an" en"s witho#t a"+itting to any telos or en" in itsel$ G or to p#t it another way.e6ternal relationship @the "#alis+ o$ appearance verses realityA. The "eed for Theory# To contin#e the last point a/ove."eter+inist society. was 5#estione" /y the rising ti"e o$ theory in the 12(0s an" 12H0s. "evelope" in response to new "e+an"s< 1%? =r theory as an act o$ critical in5#iry to "eepen 3nowle"ge within the synta6 o$ a "iscipline? =r is theory is si+ply the application o$ philosophy? To as3 this last 5#estion is to as3 a/o#t the nat#re o$ o#r e6istence. it is not possi/le to have a separation /etween the theoretical an" the practical. /#t instea" is an act o$ +e"iation . Disciplinary Enquiry 09-004 6/10 . the conte6t o$ o#r conte+porary perio" a""s another iss#e to "#alis+ an" a#tono+yC a crisis instigate" /y post.criticis+ ha" /eco+e o$$icial high c#lt#re an" the "o+inant aca"e+ic one in the 4#ropean est. which /oth "e$ine the+selves as architect#re while "isco#nting the clai+ o$ the other position. article /y Fenneth 8ra+pton. /#t ever changing an" shi$ting. how one +ay "eter+ine any $inal $or+ witho#t having a +o"el o$ so+e #lti+ate state. pro$o#n" scepticis+ an" intense sel$. con"itione" /y the growth o$ a view that everything is relative an" constr#cte"./etween ol" ways o$ spea3ing. with new ways o$ spea3ing. 13.. This then +a3es the role o$ theory in architect#re an ethical point G an" one that co+es witho#t "e$inition or. architect#re is /ro#ght to /ear on the real+ o$ ethics. as it is the analogo#s 5#estion. Theory /eca+e necessary in this conte6t to interpret an" produce meaning. with the tas3 o$ ethics as the $#l$il+ent o$ h#+an li$e an" a way o$ living which is virt#o#s an" $#l$ille" 1(.<12. . Thro#gh the 5#estion o$ /eing. . It was this iss#e that /ro#ght $orwar" the rise o$ theory as a need to define meaning in all estern "isciplines "#ring the latter part o$ the twentieth cent#ry. >oth are less than they co#l" /e "#e to re"#ctionist attit#"es which i+poverish the a/ility o$ the $irst to apply concept#al positions in any relevant way to /#ilt space while the secon" li+its the "epth an" re$ine+ent o$ social space /y eli+inating intellect#al an" critical in5#iry. . "eep "isco#rse in architect#re. iii. It wo#l" see+ that. is one o$ prag+atics. The post+o"ern atte+pt to eli+inate /o#n"aries an" nee" $or the appearance o$ progress thro#gh novelty an" change @$or the sa3e o$ changeA has wor3e" against signi$icant "evelop+ent in the en". Theory and pragmatic! Architect#ral practice can approach the prag+atic in an intellect#ally rigoro#s way an" not si+ply as the lowest co++on "eno+inator $or how to . can /e $ra+e" as the a#tono+y o$ architectural language or syntax . +assing. It +ight even /e sa$e to say that the atte+pt at theoriJing +eaning into the +ani$estation o$ architect#re /y e6ploring e6ternal. The ter+ architecture. co"es. It is a syste+ si+ply /eca#se it is i+possi/le to "e$ine it /y a single o/7ect /#t instea" as a relationship /etween o/7ects. can /e "e$ine" as $ollowing a line o$ in5#iry. /#t that in5#iry has to /e relevant to the s#/7ect e6a+ine" or /e synchrono#s with the lang#age involve". /y "e$inition. This +eans that there is the a/ility to i+port an" translate critical aspects which are representative o$ other "isco#rses /#t those aspects +#st have a high "egree o$ relevance to the lang#age representative o$ architect#re thin3ing. In this case. they +atterA. ta6ation. architect#ral practice can /e "e$ine" as the active tho#ght an" pro"#ction o$ architect#ral i"eas "e$ine" /y nor+s create" /y the physical constraints o$ architect#re @not historical +o"els nor "e$ining the ter+ /y what has e6iste" in the totality o$ architect#re on a historical +o"elA 1H. s#r$ace.a/ove. non. typology an" econo+ics. rhyth+ an" patterning. tho#ghts nee" to have e$$ects that are relevant to the s#/7ect they are applie". This lang#age is one which involves $or+ an" social space. it:s lang#age an" a synta6. All architect#ral theory is. I$. tectonics.or"er e$$ects /y connecting "irectly to real. then that content is $o#n" within the "iscipline o$ architect#ral practice. #r/an circ#lation. connection. content is relevant.e6isting concepts.+o"ernity. an" there$ore /eco+e +ani$este" with a "egree o$ "i$$erence @I. then. politics.e. /ase" on this "e$inition. occ#pation. with all o$ the vario#s layers attri/#te" to this either in e$$ect or operation. not si+ply an o/7ect which is a /#il"ing.architect#ral s#/7ects only ha" inconse5#ential i+portance. proportion. thin3ing a/o#t theory that is relevant to architect#ral lang#age. the relationship o$ theory to practice. The iss#e isn:t $ig#ring o#t which philosophy is :architect#ral: /#t "e$ining the lang#age an" then #n"erstan"ing that relevant content is $o#n" in +any allie" "isciplines. that theories $ro+ environ+ental psychology wo#l" /e critical to /e "isc#sse" as well as the philosophy pertaining to ethics an" aestheticsC e+otional reaction to $or+s. These incl#"e site. *ritical. In this way. light. A#tono+y.worl" e$$ects. separating it $ro+ the chronological as has /een practise" in post. str#ct#re.get so+ething "one<. I$ the lang#age is one that is$e an" real. "enotes a partic#lar type o$ syste+. or to say it another way. theory is applie" philosophies which have $irst. Working Paper. The +o"ern concept o$ a#tono+y can /e a""resse" in the sa+e way as the "#alistic nat#re o$ architect#re. te6t#res thro#gh evol#tionary psychologyC sociology an" anthropology as applie" research +etho"s in the "esign processC or theories o$ econo+ics as $or+ generating $actor. colo#rs. This is not an e6cl#sive list. The "anger is when any single theory is allowe" to "rive the entirety o$ the pro$ession at the e6pense o$ the relationship /etween co. te6t#re. 8ra+e" in this way. The threa" /etween these +e+/ership o$ this list is the "egree o$ relevance to architect#ral i"eas. co+position. Theory can /e "e$ine" in +#ch /roa"er ter+s than si+ply the i+porte" analysis $o#n" in one single intellect#al position o$ literary criticis+. prag+atic as it +#st #lti+ately /e concerne" with real.$or+. Disciplinary Enquiry 09-004 /10 . Joning. occ#pation. an" architect#ral theory is contin#o#s with every"ay thin3ing. A#tono+y is satis$ie". societal press#res. instea" o$ /eing the a#tono+y o$ history. an" "iscipline to "iscipline. So the "e$inition neither $ollows a stan"ar" separation /etween the thin3ing or "oing o$ architect#re /#t instea" "e$ines the architect#ral /ase" on the relevance of the subject matter involved. se5#ence. +ateriality. The philosophical post#ring was si+ply a/sent o$ any relevance to the practice o$ architect#re an" "i"n:t a"" anything to the operation o$ reality. It acts as a "ecent lit+#s test $or relevance. These all can +aintain /oth a concept#al position as well as a relationship to real space. li$e. As $or tr#th. #lti+ately. we have a responsi/ility to 3now the "i$$erence . $. As the estern worl" starts to $ace large in$l#ential c#lt#res which have not ac5#ire" o#r iss#es either thro#gh colonialis+ or econo+ics. This is the ethical "i+ension. not tal3 an" . an" no e6peri+ental in5#iry is possi/le witho#t theory< 20 It allows #s the space to consi"er lines o$ tho#ght that +ay not /e initially visi/le.The philosophical /asis o$ the prag+atic is the $act that the +eaning o$ a thing is $o#n" in what that thing "oes an" not so+e static. >#t then again. /#t we are responsi/le to all other +e+/ers within that "iscipline to 3now when so+ething 7#st "oesn:t +atter. the "isc#ssion whether architect#re is critical or whether theory e6ists is #seless.L no theoretical a"vance is possi/le witho#t e6peri+ent. estern architects nee" to "eci"e whether they will spen" the energy in this circ#lar "isc#ssion o$ +etaphysical "#alis+ or 7#st get over it @or +ay/e +ove /eyon" itA. to +aintain an active e6ploration o$ the /o#n"aries which +a3e #p the territory o$ architect#re.species co++#nication @I.12. . The 5#estion is whether the architect#ral proposal is relevant an" signi$icant in +#ltiplicity @civic. even tho#ght they con$lict when seen $ro+ certain points o$ view.e. . Is theory i+portant? A/sol#tely. is "e$ine" /y what it does. 9owever. an" necessary. cognitive /eings with intra. Attit#"es that atte+pt to /#il" a/sol#te an" e6cl#sive positions are si+ply not constr#ctive. Working Paper. "i$$erence +eans there is an apprecia/le e$$ect on the synta6 o$ the "isco#rseA. it +a3es no sense to spea3 o$ tr#th as a goal o$ in5#iry. The i"ea o$ tr#th as goal o$ in5#iry intro"#ces a concept#al "i$$erence that +a3es no practical "i$$erence . we have a responsi/ility to all others who also #se that lang#age. psychological. social. . isn:t relevant or isn:t #se$#l. As pro$essionals involve" in a "iscipline an" a "isco#rse. . then it +a3es no sense to spen" the energy constr#cting an ela/orate position o$ n#ances. Architect#re is a "iscipline which "evelops thro#gh e6peri+ent./etween applying a concept an" applying a concept rightly< 1&. The increase in glo/aliJation an" +#ltinational practices. The larger 5#estion is whether the theory is signi$icant an" relevant to the architect#ral lang#age. c#lt#ralA. $or+al. we #se lang#ageA. These other "esign c#lt#res "o not have the sa+e con$licting relationship with history an" c#lt#re that was /orn in the est. propose" relationship or atte+pt at 3nowle"ge is #se$#l to an application o$ "i$$erence in architect#re @in this case. It 7#st "oesn:t +atter in real. an" access to alternative "esign strategies to $ra+e in5#iry. Instea" as3 i$ the tho#ght. e +ight $in" that aspects o$ all tho#ghts a/o#t architect#re are correct at the sa+e ti+e.K. having +ental $acilities an" a/ility to p#rs#e the act o$ in5#iry @the criticalA.I$ there is no practical "i$$erence /etween ai+ing to hol" tr#e /elie$s a/o#t so+ething an" ai+ing to /e 7#sti$ie" in hol"ing whatever /elie$s I hol" a/o#t that topic. It is a estern a$$liction to $a/ricate crisis as a +o"e o$ progress an" create hostility with o#r history an" tra"ition which alienates large seg+ents o$ the pop#lation on class lines. !eaning. =r to say it another way . Conc u!ion As rational. isn:t that the p#rpose o$ the ter+ :critical:. +aterial. !eaning "oes not co+e $ro+ any essential essence or larger +etaphysical relationship to tr#th.h#+an real+. Disciplinary Enquiry 09-004 !/10 . non. there are several large c#lt#res that have never gone thro#gh +o"ernity an" "on:t carry the /aggage o$ estern philosophy. It is won"er$#l. to e6plore those n#ances in partic#lar sit#ations? Lets ret#rn that wor" to its +eaning o$ :consi"ere":. we are also responsi/le $or +aintaining an" "eveloping the nor+s which apply to o#r partic#lar territory. So i$ in the application o$ theory there isn:t a representative e$$ect. Ulti+ately. The intersection o$ theory an" criticality is the location which +a3es the two ter+s operational.. :tho#ght$#lness: or :care$#l 7#"ge+ent:..the +eaning o$ any o/7ect consists in the ha/it or reaction it esta/lishes or in"#ces @"irectly or in"irectlyA in #s< 1'. the original attac0 came from Syl*ia 1a*in in her &rogressi*e %rchitecture essay. 1ouis 'artin. and :. no. (DBford( iley7Blac0$ell. In Saunders. ppositions #eader : $elected #eadings from a %o"rnal for &deas and Criticism in 'rchitect"re( )*+. +. Bi. *ol. Cheryl. +. “!isenman and the . Canonic $or0s in this area include !isenman. 1-+. %ndre$. 3ut the difference is Classicism and %ntiAuity models could not offer certainty 3ut faith. Ste*en and De3orah Ber0e. rational systems 3ased on scientific procedure. %*ant Garde Critical Studies KK 1-. “1/histoire assassinLe.( 1167118.-)*. +4C76. Faith $as no longer a *ia3le path to truth. <o3ert B..5. Modernism as a Philosophical Problem: n the dissatisfactions of !"ropean high c"lt"re. <em :oolhaas.. 1=71Cth #o*em3er.e goes on to say “It so happened that a legitimate philosophical practice has 3een ta0en as a model for literary criticism and for a ne$ trend in teBtual interpretation .. much of the ne$ research in e*olutionary psychology is sho$ing that 3oth positions are correct at the same time. 1-5. her suggested Critical #ormati*e theory attempted to construct an alternati*e theoretical position $hich $ould 3e critically focused.. lasting and essential and it $as through the ne$ rational philosophy that this $ould 3e achie*ed. Philosophy and $ocial Hope.-. and affected 3y our en*ironment. 1555. <orty. Stout. For a good o*er*ie$ of the crisis that occurs $ithout a direction to progress. (#e$ >or0( &rinceton %rchitectural &ress. "he interesting point is $hile certain di*isions in psychology are 3ul$ar0ed into particular ideological positions. 'ac3eth. ill7defined and socially disconnected. as Baird/s article co*ers it $ell. It is our theoretical duty to ac0no$ledge that this happened and to sho$ $hy it should not ha*e happened” in )m3erto !co “Intentio lectoris( the state of the art” Differentia (1544. Counter proposals to /critical theory/ include hiting and Somol/s 2Doppler !ffect2. illiam S. 3oth introduced a degree of crisis to the arts and architecture $hen applied to aesthetics. see the article 3y :enneth Frampton “IndustrialiHation and the Crisis of 'odernity”.ays. #. 'ichael . 9effrey :ipnis. 1555. ('inneapolis( )ni*ersity of 'innesota &ress. See 9oan Dc0man.comJ Scheunemann. $hile 3uilding on the eBisting fa3ric of socially constructed space. 1555.2 3oth in &rogressi*e %rchitecture -1(11 (#o*em3er 155.ousing of "radition” in 1each.. does an eBcellent analysis of the *arious positions $ithin critical theory. as in not supporti*e or reproducti*e of the *ernacular or a homogeniHed landscape. 1eonidas. literature. ho$e*er. #ethin0ing 'rchitect"re: a reader in c"lt"ral theory. olfgang. +. )m3erto !co critiAues the application as not a act of interpretation 3ut an illustration of unlimited semiosis of language. "he #e$ %rchitectural &ragmatism. #eil.. &ippin. unpu3lished. in his unpu3lished thesis.S.. :arsten. 'rchitect"re of the !1eryday. “%spects of 'odernism( 'aison Dom7ino and the Self7<eferential Sign” in .. 2<e3uttal( "heory as a 'ediating &ractice2 and 9effrey :ipnis. e are 3oth a product of our de*eloped mind through mental modules (li0e pre7programming. 11. (DBford( Claredon &ress. Ironically enough. ('alden.2 &rogressi*e %rchitecture -1(4 (%ugust 155.ayes (!d. Diane >. 'ichael...+..5..umi. "he Auestion $as ho$ could the rational philosophies pro*ide certainty in artG 9effrey Stout gi*es a good analysis in his article as part of the edited /ne$ pragmatists/ 3oo0.. (DBford( Claredon &ress. "he ne$ ideal of 0no$ledge $as em3raced 3y the art field as $ell as the sciences and this meant that art.66 (+. Modernism as a Philosophical Problem: n the dissatisfactions of !"ropean high c"lt"re.5. . "o sum up. ppositions #eader. The !thical 4"nction of 'rchitect"re.. a*aila3le through )'I I$$$. (Cam3ridge( "he 'I" &ress. ?'anfredo "afuri and %rchitecture "heory in the ).. 1++7=+.( 5471. Since then. %lso referenced in :ostsoumpos. "he Search for a "heory in %rchitecture( %nglo7%merican de3ates 15=-715-C. 'ichael . (DBford( iley7Blac0$ell. 'anfredo "afuri and the architecture of the present.. +. <ichard. 1554.=. C. $as to 3e measured and tested. 1C5715. :. '1ant-garde2Neo-'1ant-3arde. How to do Theory. (1ondon( <outledge. 1554.ayes. Cartesianism and !mpiricism. 11 1+ 16 18 1= 1C George Baird addresses the history of the attempted erection of a critical theory in his article ““Criticality” and its Discontents” (Baird. Diane Ghirardo has also 3een critical of the position in her article. "he >ale %rchitectural 9ournal. Iser. 'ichael ..@. “&ragmatism and D3Eecti*e "ruth” in 'isa0. <o3ert Somol. % *ersion can 3e found in :. 2"he )ses and %3uses of "heory. George.. 2<e3uttal( "heory )sed and %3used. 155-. 'ichael Sor0in and 'ichael Spea0s ha*e also Auestioned the legitimacy of a /critical theory/. "eresa. “Criticality” and its Discontents. 1157+4. +. $hich included poetry.arris.. 1CC.>( &rinceton %rchitectural &ress.. &erspecta. %msterdam( <odopi. New Pragmatists. . Spea0s/ 2post7*anguard2 and :oolhaas/ 2postcriticality2.ays. +. :.” "he <ole of the .6478-. (1ondon( &enguin Boo0s. 1554. pp. +. &nhabiting !thics (unpu3lished dissertation( )ni*ersity of !din3urgh.. '%( Blac0$ell &u3. sculpture and architecture. New Pragmatists.. responded to that original article in the same media outlet. I am not planning on going o*er the details in the paper. 1ouis 'artin from the Canadian Centre for %rchitecture. ma0ing and producing of architecture as a critical and self7reflecti*e practice that may . (#e$ >or0( &rinceton %rchitectural &ress. &art of this idea is influenced in the paper 3y Stoppani. hat is ironic is the ne$ philosophies replaced a classicism $hich $as attempting the same thing. <o3ert B. &eter !isenman dro*e much of this position through attempting to mo*e 3eyond function as part of design methodology. !ditor. Sarah hiting. “"o$ards a "heory of #ormati*e %rchitecture” in . “Dn Dur Interest in Getting "hings <ight” in 'isa0.1./. "he original teBt can 3e found in &ippin. %long $ith :enneth Frampton/s Critical <egionalism. the critiAue 3y philosophers of deconstructi*e literary criticism highlights some of the issues $ith its application in architecture. and BenEamin.umanities in Design Creati*ity International Conference.1 + 6 8 = C - 4 5 1.C. Cheryl. "he section on architectural practice is as follo$s( “ e call here architectural ?practice@ 7 to distinguish it from architectural history 7 the thin0ing. 6=. painting... in ?'ining %utonomy@. "he goal $as for art to contain something genuine.7+. +. Dietrich. (#e$ >or0..arries. CC. Ghirardo. 15-. 1=4.. +.-.. Danielle. 9effrey.. 9oan Dc0man considered an a*ant7garde position as irresponsi3le.. &eter. ac0ing “Dn #ot Being a &ragmatist( !ight <easons and a Cause” in 'isa0. Cheryl. I3id.114 15 +. +4. Cheryl. 9ames Bissett. (DB ford( Claredon &ress. the practice of architecture at large is to 3e intended 3eyond the practical contingency of professional practice as a system of production. 1C. Stout.. +...5. 5hat is pragmatism6 (#e$ >or0( "he 'acmillan Company.5.. +..” &ratt. +. . or may not 3e directly in*ol*ed in or producti*e of the construction of physical en*ironmental artefacts.5. “Dn Dur Interest in Getting "hings <ight” in 'isa0. 8+. New Pragmatists. 15. 9effrey. (DBford( Claredon &ress. In this sense.. Ian . New Pragmatists.
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