The Order of the Lily the Eagle

March 23, 2018 | Author: christout | Category: Esotericism, Religion And Belief, Philosophical Science, Science



1915 L'ORDRE DU LYS ET DE L'AIGLEORDER OF THE LILY AND THE EAGLE M.D.S.M.D.L.U.A.F.D.L.T. “Mandate of the Sublime Master of the Universe to the Sons of the Earth” INTRODUCTION A young Greek from Egypt named Démétrius Platon Sémélas (1883–1924), who’d developed a sincere interest into the occult at a young age, received a vision on one certain night in 1902. A ‘mysterious voice’ ordered the young man to go to the monastery of the prophet Elijah in Levadia at Mount Athos (1). Sémélas, at the time nineteen years of age and a medical student at the university of Athens, obeyed and undertook his long journey to the monastery. The ‘astral identities’ showed the young student i.a. the graves of rosicrucians. Furthermore, Sémélas found “in the bottom of a basin, in one of the crypts of the Monastery, three stones. He picked them up, by divine order. One day, by accident, he let them fall: they broke; inside them, he found three tubes containing, in all, eight parchments. After much study, he discovered the key of these parchments, and deciphered them: this is how the explanation of the World was revealed to him.” (2) Démétrius (‘Dimitris’) Sémélas claimed that he had received the ancient heritage of the ‘Rose-Croix d'Oriënt’ at the monastery. Apparently, the documents Sémélas had discovered date back to the era of the Order of the Temple. Somehow the material seem to be “connected with St.John” and contains practical applications. Furthermore, it includes the prophecy that the finder of these documents will be the reincarnation of Hugues de Payens, the first Grand Master of the Knights Templar (ca 1181-1226). A Serbian member of the current Order stated to me that this material was also in the possession of the late Prince de San Severo, Raymondo di Sangro (1710-1771). The Prince de San Severo was a famous (or notorious, to some sources) Neapolitan alchemist, scientist, Mason and the supposed founder of the Italian Ordine Osirideo Egizio, the Egyptian Osirian Order. Cagliostro is said to have been a disciple of the Prince. Returning to the subject, according to Sémélas the ‘R+C d'Oriënt’ was founded in 1054 A.D. by a certain Photius, the Patriarch of Constantinopel, and further developed by Alexis Comenius, who’s also mentioned as one of the original founders of ‘L’Ordre du Lys et de L’Aigle’. Sémélas allegedly received the millenary tradition of the (eastern) R+C from “the last Master R+C of the Attican school, called Elie-Marius” (3) At the time D.P. Sémélas is said to have studied the occult sciences under the direction of a master whose name history did not keep (note: Elie-Marius). The tradition of the Eastern R+C tells us that these R+C Masters found refugee in the Eastern Orthodox Churches. Most (or all) of these R+C Masters were Clerks in one of the orthodox churches, such as the Orthodox Church of Greece or Byzantium. Apparently, these parchments and documents were buried by surviving Templars that were hiding in the monasteries at the time. It is also claimed that these Eastern R+C Masters had connections with certain Sufi Masters that resided in Turkey and Lebanon. The traditional history of the 'Frères d'Orient' continues …… The current Greek branch of the Order of the Lily and the Eagle [lead by Andreas Prokopiou, see final chapter] claims that “the Order of the Lily and the Eagle is the work of two Rosicrucian Masters, Maria Routchin Dupré and Demetrius Semelas. These two Rosicrucian 1 ” [from the Archives of the Order of the Lily and the Eagle] French author and historian Serge Caillet explains that D. in keeping with the particular Teachings of its founders.) was officially founded in January 1915 by D. on request of Sémélas. Marie Routchine Dupré. How. “Shortly hereafter. D. no further information is given …. the delegate of the Order in Egypt. A bit further on in the text Marcel states that in 1914 it was Eugène Dupré who was the official national delegate for the Martinist Order in Egypt. Papus directed him to Demesthenos Verzato. According to Belgian historian Marcel Roggemans Sémélas came in contact with the Martinist current in Egypt in 1911 through a certain Edouard Troula.L. Sémélas also left for France and settled with his family in Paris where he i.A. Lagrèze is said to have transmitted the oriental R+C initiation to Papus in 1914. When the First World War broke out in 1914. in 1913. closely associated himself with Papus. “both men visited the pyramid of Khephren at Giza where they met a certain Sheik S. at the outbreak of Worldwar I. and co-founder and maître commandeur of the l’Ordre du Lys et de l’Aigle”. Thrace [Turkey] and died in 1924 in Paris. p. “Shortly thereafter he corresponded with Papus to be admitted as a member of the Martinist Order. Sélaït-Ha] was the “Imperator of the “Frères d’Orient en Asie mineur [Brethren of the Orient in Asia Minor] and of the Frères de la Vérité en Attique [Brethren of Truth in Attica]. 1912. if this information is correct.P. Sémélas had met the Duprés in 1909. Egypt. this Lodge had a certain independence and was free to establish Lodges acting under its authority (5).P. 1911.Masters were initiated by the Brothers of the Orient (“Brothers of Truth”) in Attica. unfortunately. which was allied to the Rose-Croix d’Orient.C’ degree of the ‘Freres d'Orient’(see “R+C d’Orient”) (6). Other sources state that Sémélas apparently frequented several various heads of ‘oriental philosophical schools’ after his return from Greece. which it conveys to its members in a new form. Dupré was a French civil servant in the service of the Egyptian Government and a Martinist. It is stated that he revealed to them “the key of the Mystery” (7) which Sémélas had deciphered 2 . Consequently. Sémélas is received in the “Ordre des Frères de la Vérité” in 1909 in Attica. Eugène Dupré was mobilized and repatriated to France to serve in the ‘compagnie 20/28 du régiment du 1er Génie’ (Engineers) at Versailles. he presents himself as head of this Order “ and in this capacity he granted membership to Eugène en Maria Dupré in 1910 in Cairo. Egypt.P. According to Caillet.” (4). This meeting resulted in the birth of the Order Of The Lily And Eagle (‘L’Ordre du Lys et de L’Aigle’)”. LE TEMPLE d’ÉSSENIE No.P.a. 1915 L'ORDRE DU LYS ET DE L'AIGLE But just before Dupré and Sémélas left for France. a rite which seems to be heavily influenced by the doctrines of the Brethren of the Orient as well as the Order of the Lily and the Eagle. To me. Sémélas [Déon. Sémélas. by the last Imperator of the school of Attica.III After his journey to the monastery at Mount Athos. France. These leaders were also visited by the Duprés and this is how they met D. parts of those rituals) of the 2nd and 3rd Degree (see “ History of the Martinist Order” . Sémélas allegedly initiated the Martinist Georges Lagrèze (1882-1946) into the ‘aspirant R." As mentioned before. According to French historian Christian Rebisse. In 1912 he composed a ‘rituel de réception’ for various degrees of the Order that were accepted by Papus. In October of that same year. In 1911 Dupré and Sémélas founded the Martinist Lodge ‘Le Temple d'Essénie’ in Cairo. Sémélas returned to Cairo. In 1909 he met Eugène Dupré and his wife Mrs. when and why this rite was worked or practised is absolutely unknown to me. Unfortunately. Sémélas and Marie Routchine Dupré (1884-1918) “for the rebirth of the Orphean spirit. thus Marcel Roggemans. this ‘proves’ that by 1911 both Duprés as well as Sémélas (who’s Martinist name was Selait-Ha) were already dignitaries of Papus’ French Martinist Order.47) that were allegedly accepted by Papus in May. Sémélas is said to have included Lagrèze from the beginning in the development of the ‘Rose-Croix d’Orient’. He was born in 1884 in Silivria. the Order comprises and preserves intact the Rosicrucian Tradition of the Brothers of the Orient. Next to the regular Martinist rituals he apparently also created the so-called “Martinist Rite of the Lily and the Eagle”. Egypt. What is known for certain is that the Order Of The Lily And Eagle (O. Sémélas was also responsible for the written rituals (at least. From whence came Substance. or Sprit. Eon. the other was enveloping. When Sémélas arrived in France his main focus seemed to be the Martinist Order. Romos.P. And. The Order Of The Lily And Eagle was directed by a Supreme Council. decided to return to France. Mimitis and Thymos.But there were other attributes in power Eon: Noûs (Thought). But the Being in power possesses two virtues: Tropos and Pathos. But those that interest those living on this earth: 1st Déon and Déa. existed in itself and in the absence of time and space. its third cycle to be more precisely. we’ll take a deeper look at the events that occurred during this ‘second cycle’. He also re-opens the Martinist Chapter INRI. so that these unconscious and detached attributes might become conscious and alive. the mysterious ‘Brethren of the Orient’ was ‘founded’. created space. that it was Sémélas (Déon) and Marie Routchine Dupré (Déa) who founded this (mixed) initiatic order in 1915. notably. with the quality of Giants. “the temple of Wisdom” (9) and that Marie Routchine was Déa. The hierarchy consisted of 1) Adherents. one was penetrating. These rites are intimately connected with Sémélas (under Sémélas the RC d’ Orient was implemented within ‘L’ Ordre du Lys et de L’ Aigle’). Pierre Geyraud claims. Voulos (Will). Tropos. 4) Grand Commander/ Grand Mistress. Dupré. these Generating Aeons give consciousness and life to the unconscious Aeonian attributes: Noûs. This needs some further explanation. For instance. many of them well known for their historical activities. a piece of text which explains the doctrine regarding the evolution of the universe in the teachings of the Order (11). Réon appeared as Confucius and then Lao-Tsu. female and tender. They sometimes incarnate in this world. as stated before. The Order claimed that its history dated back to early Christianity. Many of these Martinists associated themselves with the ‘Groupe Indépandant d’Etudes Marinistes’ (GIEM). Féon and Féa those of the black race. 3rd Féon and Féa. who’s better known as ‘Papus’. demonstrated by enveloping movement. Voulos. then John the Baptist. “the explanation of the World” (8). Sémélas had allegedly explained to the Duprés that he represented ‘Déon’. These Generators were of two groups: one related to Tropos. The death of Papus in 1916 prevented the completion of these ideas. 1937). D. Sémélas was one of the closest associates of Papus towards the end of Papus' life. and Pathos. Gérard Anaclet Encausse (1865-1916). a period during which i. It is female. 3 . reacting to the effect of Tropos by its enveloping movement. Déon was.from the discoveries he’d made back in 1902 at Mount Athos. 2nd Réon and Réa. male and wise. Pathos is the virtue of emotionalism. It is male. in Paris. It is Love. SÉMÉLAS AND THE ‘GROUPE INDÉPANDANT d’ÉTUDES MARTINISTES’ When the Great War ended in 1918 most of the French Martinists who’d lived in Egypt up to then. which was the inner order of ‘L’Ordre Martiniste’. Space and Time produce Shape. the prophet Elijah.D where it helped to the founding of some 34 chivalric orders of the period. 3) Commanders/ Mistresses.” (“Parmi les sectes et les rites: Les Petites Eglises de Paris" (1937) pp 194-209 ) The Duprés and Sémélas lived together at 31. very fortunately for humans. in 1915 both men created the idea to replace ‘l’Ordre Kabbalistique de la Rose-Croix’. with the ‘Rose-Croix d’Orient’. by its virtue of penetration. A former Greek member of the Order claims that the Order was reactivated “between the 8-12 century A. a Martinist group co-founded around that time by Sémélas and his secretary.” (12) In a following essay. It is Wisdom. Déon and Déa ruled those of the white race. “the temple of Love” (10). As we know by now. it was necessary to have Generators situated within Eon. As soon as Sémélas arrived at Paris he started a close working relationship with the Grandmaster of the Martinist Order. ‘L’Ordre du Lys et de L’Aigle’ and the ‘Rose-Croix d’Orient’ have a common source in Démétrius Platon Sémélas. The following account is taken from “Parmi les sectes et les rites: Les Petites Eglises de Paris" (Editions Emile-Paul Freres. Logos. Another project he was involved with was the possible implementation of the masonic 'Rite Ecossais Rectifié' within the framework of Papus’ organization (13). But. Avenue de la Republique. that are thus the sons of the Generators.a. Noïmon. the other to Pathos. created time. on the history of the ‘Rose-Croix d’Orient’. which was known as ‘the era of Déa’. Logos (Speech). demonstrated by penetrating movement. 2) Knights/ Ladies. Réon and Réa those of the yellow race. 1918 D. “Before everything.P. etc. or Being. There were several groups of Generators. Rituals were included and the date of foundation activated a new cycle of the Order. Tropos is the virtue of activity. ‘Souverain Grand Commandeur’ of the O.L.I.P. mentions i. Sémélas also published another magazine. under the direction of Mr Nikolaos Kontaros. Grand Commander of the Order. suddenly dies.A. ‘Grande Maîtresse’ and Co-Resident of the O.. More on the supposed occult abilities of the adepts of this Order later. . one Mme.O. In 1918 O.).L. After the death of Papus in 1916 the Martinist Order experienced some difficulties concerning the succession of the past Grandmaster (see the history of the M. was promoted to ‘Grand Mistress – Co-Resident’ [UnderSovereign Grand Mistress]. René Demoineret. “a patriarch with a long flowing beard. Christian Rebisse states that. 15 under the name of ‘L’Ordre Martiniste et Synarchique’). Their son Pierre Dupont. is said to have united with the Martinist Victor Blanchard (1878-1953). This couple was listed as “Grand Initiators’of the O. Out of this group developed the group ‘Athanor’. A young devotee of Sémélas. secretary of Charles Détré (Téder). were also initiates of the Order. The ‘Journal Mediteranee Orientale’ of June 1918 reports that the Order “recemtly established two Grand Commanderies in the East: one in Egypt. The Order established a ritual hall at the new address.L. Marie Routchine Dupré (Déa). Grandmaster of the Martinist Order from 1916 until 1918. . Victor Émile Michelet. colored blue and decorated with lilies and eagles.79.” After the war the Order moved to 34. co-founder and ‘Grande Maîtresse’ of the Order and wife of Eugène Dupré. see the two essays on the history of the M. there were M. led by Eugène Dupré. Courtout. published the periodical called “La Force de la Vérité”. Her husband. Mrs. Courtout. J. England and Scandinavia.Grand Commandery of the North. under the direction of Mr Antonios Hatziapostolou. F. ‘Mediteranee Orientale’.a. on January 30. In 1919 a charter of alliance (14) was drawn up between ‘L’Ordre du Lys et de L’Aigle’ and Blanchard’s Martinist group (in 1934 this group associated itself with the F. Anna Humbert. the Grandmistress Co-Resident. His obedience spread across France. Courtout “saw” that Mme Weill was not a ‘Generator’. LE SUPREME CONSEIL DE L’ORDRE DU LYS ET DE L’AIGLE 34. as well as his wife.U. Demoineret was also seen as a ‘Giant’ named Voulos. Sémélas had met her during a bomb-raid and later she and her husband came to live with the Greek adept. and the other in Greece. The official by-laws of the group were submitted by Sémélas to the Prefecture in 1921 (September 30) and were recorded as No. and Mme.D”. M. The walls were decorated with oil paintings of the spiritual leaders of the Order. At the time the Order was led by D. “the one who presides over the destiny of the yellow race. “but a simple ‘Giant’. The jurisdiction of the Order was divided into several ‘Grand Commanderies’. Familiar with Egypt via his business journeys his obedience spread across this land. Geyraud. During this time the Order published a periodical entitled ‘Eon’ (Revue Spiritualiste Mystique) which was the official organ of the Order from May 1923 to February 1925 (other sources state that ‘Eon’ was published from 1920 up to 1923). Z. the ‘Generator’ who presides over the destiny of the black race.which he strips of its (previous) Masonic character. rue de la Fontaine-au-Roi in Paris. In 1920 they founded the Martinist group ‘l’association Les Amis de Claude de Saint-Martin’. RUE DE LA FONTAINE-AU-ROI The story goes that Mme.L. Then.501 –59. Mr. The list continues with several 4 . in her Sémélas recognized Réa.A.O.D.). 1918 a tragedy hits the Order Of The Lily And Eagle. and his wife. author of "Parmi les sectes et les rites: Les Petites Eglises de Paris".S. Furthermore. P. G.A. Weill was Féon. G. was also initiated by Sémélas and received the rank of ‘Grand Commander’. D.Dupont. Part of the original Parisian Martinists recognized Blanchard as the new Grandmaster of the Order.O.I.Courtout.Courtout [1893-1975]. His wife. at first.A. which was led by another old friend of Papus. It is stated that it was this group that officially founded ‘L’Ordre Martiniste Traditionnel’ in 1931 (again. which was published in Paris from 1917 onwards. Pierre Geyraud also mentions the names of many of the dignitaries of the Order. Sémélas. composed “a work” which deeply impressed Sémélas. due to Blanchard’s instable personality.M. As a matter of fact.Grand Commandery of the East. led by Robert Weill.E. also Grand Commander of the Order. Sémélas and Eugène Dupré decided to concentrate on other projects. was considered to be Féa until Mme. this simple inscription:” “To Our Venerable Masters. They communicate amongst themselves by means of wireless macrophones of ten centimeters in length. in the Second Region. Marquès – Rivière was a prominent member of the ‘Service des Sociétés Secrètes’.L. some inferior beings live there. the emotionally moving white mausoleum that stops astonished passersby. The Grand Mistress Co . is composed of three Regions in the doctrine of the O. Déon and Déa". Marquès – Rivière “was received into the Order of the Lily and Eagle with the rank of Knight.L.A. The First.P.D.A. but. The death of Déon led to the dispersion of the group. Mr. on Freemasonry.” D. speaks about the abilitie of Déon and Déa (Sémélas and Marie R. Blanche’s mother was Marie Routchine/ Déa. The source for this statement abbreviations of members (the sisters P. The ‘Cosmic Cycle’ stands for the created Universe. (17) and the emblematic symbols of the Order are discreetly sculpted there. Démétrius Platon Sémélas (Déon) died at the age of 41 on August 6. There’s a most curious description in Geyraud’s book of a journey where Geyraud describes some of the beings that inhabited a certain region of the ‘created universe’ that the leaders would meet during these interstellar journeys. Nevertheless. Also mentioned is the name of the writer and well-known expert on the Orient. i. which made her automatically a major character of the O.F. once again. skrying and paranormal dreaming. was a pro-fascist organ.L.Our Venerable Mother.T. The story goes that she was visited in her dreams by Déon on a frequent basis.Resident. During the Second Worldwar J. from the main entry. Geyraud states that the leaders would move in a region that the Order called “the First Region of the Cosmic Cycle”. Not much is written about the occult activities and/or esoteric activities of the Order. Réa.A.a.U. the much quoted work of Pierre Geyraud. The beings that live there inhabited this earth at an earlier age.D. Under a large two-headed eagle stretching its wings and surmounted by three lilies. M. Geyraud. was her tutor. received the title of “Grand Mistress Mary II . Dupré) to make so-called “Interstellar Journeys”. After Sémélas’ death in 1924 the Order rapidly declined to a mere shadow of itself..S. “who was none other than the singer R… D…”. The S. Mme. “I went there to see. and more in particular. the domain of Matter. beside the Co Founder of the Order. The Second is the one where we live. and remember it. Emilienne and Léonie. According to Geyraud J. Sémélas’ young daughter. which gathered information on the French initiatic orders and societies. The following account is (again) taken from Pierre Geyraud’s 1937 edition on the sects and rites of Paris: Déon died on August 6.A.”(16). 1924.L. a secret service. Geyraud states <quote> “The Third falls prey to an infernal heath. Courtout (Réa) is said to have lived “amidst the profound memories” of her Master. They are highly conscious. He now rests in the cemetery 'de Pantin'. Jean Marquès – Rivière. The letters M. the third square on the right-hand side. it seems that the leadership of the Order involved itself with a range of Occult disciplines such as astral traveling.M. nevertheless.L. separated from us by the Milky Way. containing a macrometer and a magnetic needle that allows them to calculate orientation and 5 .S. who’s direct sources were Order members such as Eugène Dupré.D. The Universe. is composed of subtle matter. 1924. Blanche. EUGÈNE DUPRÉ AND THE RESTORATION OF THE O.S. He was also the screenwriter for the 1943 anti-masonic French movie “Forces occultes” (15).. after Déa’s death it was Blanche who’d received the title of “Grande Maîtresse Marie II . Georges (Georgios) Agathos succeeded Dupré as Grand Commander in 1945 in Greece. -What! I said the other day to Mr. Sémélas back in 1911. It is quite clear that If it wasn’t for Eugène Dupré. again I say 'What!' … She with whom you live. fixed upon the forehead or the nape of the neck.S. possibly would not have survived. since I was her husband. are you not … struck.“Parmi les sectes et les rites: Les Petites Eglises de Paris" (1937) Returning to the subject of Sémélas’ succession after his death in 1924. Her younger sister Jeanette. during their heydays under Sémélas Marcel Roggemans claims that after Sémélas the names of three ‘ Grand Commandeurs’ are known to us.” (18) .S. Egypt. The F.D. Déa. bequeathed to him.L. Your wife. it would have been obvious that Déa’s first-born child. This explains why the F.. thus Dupré in conversation with Pierre Geyraud.O. on the other hand.I. Eugène Dupré died in a bombing-raid on June 12. 1944. Belgium in 1934. Blanche Dupré. "It is Déon Our Master who designated me.M. received automatically the third degree of ‘L’Ordre du Lys et de L’Aigle’. Greece.C’ degree of the ‘Freres d'Orient’ from D. Nevertheless. But Blanche had lost her interest in the Order. the O.U. After the War. he abridged for me the stages of accession to the higher degrees”(19).A.I can note the reality of it all. indeed better than anyone. Lagrèze (20) is already mentioned on page two as one of the initiates who’d received the ‘aspirant R. which is authentic: it is Mr. succeeded Sémélas as the new leader of the Order. attracted the attention of two important French Martinists. back in 1915.their interlocutor's distance. Although it is alleged that the French branch was headed. THE ORDER OF THE LILY AND EAGLE AFTER 1945 What happened to the Order after Eugène Dupré’s death in 1944? There’s not much information on this period. But the Order changed its direction. one fine day. Déon and Déa often make these interstellar journeys.O. She was placed under the wings of Mme. approached the Order to join the organization.P. After Dupré had remarried he personally restored the Order.I. Dupré. are not you seized with dizziness before her? . It seemed as if the Order D.L. Allegedly. since no official delegate of the Eonian Order was sent to the Convention. Dupré was not interested in a collaboration with the F.U. Dupré’s Order published a journal called ‘Justice Et Vérité’ (Justice & Truth). “He placed in my hand a gold ring with a two-headed eagle that Déon. or more precisely. All three were involved in the foundation of OLA. As stated in my essay on this federation (21).O. Belgium. from world to world.A.U.S.O.D. ‘L’Ordre du Lys et de L’Aigle’ was invited to present the successor of Dupré at the fifth convention of the F.P. officially founded in 1931.D. Courtout (Réa) at the time and the future belonged to Blanche. He hated it that I stubbornly refused initiation: but. co-headed by Mme Weill of Paris. did not loose her interest and later continued her activities as a Grand Mistress of the O.D. amongst those of us remaining. Greece. After all. Chaboseau allegedly implanted the degree of ‘Commandeur’ into his Martinist Organization. Chaboseau became one of the three members of the Supreme Council of this federation after the expulsion in 1938 of the earlier-mentioned Victor Blanchard. I’m not even sure if the original Order officially continued its activities at all.I. held in Brussels. Dupré who gave it to me.S.. I have the narrative of the journeys made by them.T. who had himself received it from a Master. amongst others.U. was a federation of initiatic orders and societies that was established in Brussels. in their Region. Nikolaos Kontaros and Georgios Agathos. Unfortunately for both Lagrèze and Chaboseau. Chaboseau was the Grandmaster of the French ‘L’Ordre Martiniste Traditionnel’. the invitation was turned down or so it seems.I. Sémélas had founded in 1914 went down with him into his grave. The newly refounded Order i. They also have optical disks and thought cameras. who became. with whom you walk. in 1946. directing one of the Initiatic Colleges of the Order. Eugène Dupré posthumously received the title / mystical nomen “Sar Lilium” [Lily] at the F. with whom you eat. presides over the destiny of the white race. Georges (Bogé de) Lagrèze (1882-1946) and Augustin Chaboseau (1868-1946). 1946). It is further known that OLA had correspondent members in Athens. Dupré gave it a social activity that it didn’t have under the direction of Sémélas. It is stated that each S:::I::: (3rd degree of Martinism) of the French O.a. The Order was installed in his home in Le Pré-Saint-Gervais (Paris). as his successor at the head of the Order". Antonios Hatziapostolou. A Ritual Chamber was established in one of the rooms which was painted blue with a double-headed eagle and Lilies decorating the walls.S.I.O. Today the Order has branches in. Convention of 1946 (June 22.D. Them tranportent themselves.U. France and the United States.Notre Mère Venerable”. In the States the Order makes itself known 6 . and in Cairo. accomplishes interstellar journeys. The story goes that in 1942 the ‘Rose-Croix d’Orient’ came under the direction of Dr. And. Blanchard also received membership in L’Ordre du Lys et de L’Aigle.” And. Already since 1951 the seat of the Order has been Athens.L.A. through Moses and the Prophets . the continual references to Cappello and the fact that he does not deny it. This claim contradicts certain information which I present in the history of the Rose+Croix d’ Orient.(23) Be that as it may be. Cappello holds a lineage in this tradition.J.Cappello leads various Orders in . it is only my concern and I would never speak of it. as stated above.” ( ‘Center for Inner Initiative’ U. successor of Victor Blanchard as Grandmaster of ‘L’Ordre Martiniste et Synarchique’. and Socrates . as stated on page three. Colorado. The reason I am sure of this also because G. .A. I assume the degree disappeared with the death of Sémélas in 1924.J. the Order conveyed the initiation of the Rose-Croix of the Orient. Cappello does not openly admit his involvement but he also does not deny it. Apparently. And if I do or do not belong. : “The Rose Croix of the Orient is not active in America under Mr R. it was Blanchard who‘d united with Sémélas’ ’Groupe Indépandant d’Etudes Marinistes’’ in 1918. It is stated that this branch was established under the authority of Ronald V. . the Frères Aines de la Rose+Croix and the Rose+Croix Kabbalistique are not for public consumption any way. without whom we might never have heard of this esoteric order. Cappello.Kloppel did not have it to give because Kloppel never received it from Ambelain and Cappello had only contact with Kloppell through Memphis Mizraim. Dupré’s death in 1944.what I refer to as . It is therefore not my place to confirm or deny anyone's self motivate or contrived belief about me“. where it is stated that Robert Ambelain received some original documents from the earlier mentioned Mme Weill. . Martinist Order). especially within ‘L’Ordre Martiniste et Synarchique’. the Kaballah.the French Martinist RC tradition (Co-Masonic Order of Memphis-Misraïm. But this assumption is once more contradicted by the author’s ‘mysterious source’ from England. whom I hereafter will refer to as ‘mr. Cappello. . ‘l’Aspirant R. or so it seems. since no one back then allegedly knew where Dupré had stored the OLA archives.). the Order describes itself as a “A Western initiatic school continuing the living work of an ancient line uniting the Judeo-Christian tradition . The Rose+Croix d’ Orient. I have is derived from the “controversial” American branch. including its inner Orders. claims that some of the RC d’Orient documents are hinted about at the Martinist S:::I::: initiation (3º). . Some of the information on the current O. of today. I have studied these lines so I can vouch for its authenticity”. where the Order is represented by the non-profit organization ‘The Philosophical Society of the Order of the Lily And the Eagle’.L.’. .through the ‘Center for Inner Initiative’ at Littleton. Anyway. I assure that it was not myself. Eugène Dupré gave the Order a social activity which it didn’t have under the direction of Sémélas. He asked me for any material I could lend him on this Order and he personally told me he was never received into the KR+C or the R+C d’Orient. who is said to hold a lineage which descended from Robert Ambelain. J. It is stated that the Order developed into some kind of philantropic organization. As for the O. To the esoteric community the Rose-Croix of the Orient became known through the works of Robert Ambelain (1907-1997). Just an observation … It is generally known that in the heydays of the French O.A. thus F. “If someone has put my name somewhere in connection with these groups. . . Alchemy. And.C (Freres d'Orient)’. the archives had been lost after Mr. And re-stated in the teachings of St. somehow suggests that mr.L. mr. Pythagoras. 7 . “Other levels of the OMS material also point in this direction with many not knowing what they are talking about. And should never be discussed in any public forum and especially over the Internet thru e-mails. Contemporary science and Psychology. The above-mentioned British Grand Lodge member. In Greece the seat of the Order is in Athens. Cappello comments on this subject: “I have never claimed any affiliation to any organization. Mr. Gnostic Church. when Dupré took over and changed the direction of the Order. Personally. it is possible that mr.. . He did get the book of Ambelain translated into English. According to a high dignitary of the British Grand Lodge of the Martinist Order & Synarchy (Ordre Martiniste et Synarchique) from London (22) “the degree disappeared from the Order of the Lily and Eagle and most (current) members know nothing about it”. Mme Weill headed (co-resident) OLA after the War in the 1950’s and apparently possessed original Order material. Greece. Edouard Bertholet (1883-1965).” (email correspondence with F. Martin. Just recently (2005) the Greek branch claimed to have received the complete archives of the French branch from the days of Dupré. culminating in Jesus the Christ . from Egyptian initiation .S. .J. To the Hellenic mystery schools of Orpheus. June 2002) Of course.A. a form of sacred astrology which they refer to as ‘Astrosophia’ (27). According to a Serbian member of the Greek OLA this branch is the product of a schism and “they have no rituals or complete teachings” (email-correspondence Sept. Marie Routchine Dupré Dimitrios Sémélas Eugène Dupré GEORGIOS AGATHOS VASSILIOS GOULETAS KONSTANTINOS CHALIOTIS KONSTANTINOS PAPATHANASSIOU ANDREAS PROKOPIOU 8 .the Order Of the Lily And The Eagle – I think we may conclude that the Order of today is a bit different to the one of the heydays of its existence (1920’s). In France the order appeared on a –by some considered controversial.Cappello did receive the neccesery information. The actual text of the book refers to the French branch of the Order and was published in 1996. he allegedly went to Ambelain and received a charter from the Rite of Misraïm. an order which claims to hold many of the French lineages (including the Ambelain lineage). A modern version of the original Order’s organ.J.. ‘‘Les Frères d'Orient’.J. continues by stating that <quote> “Ambelain gave him permission to translate the book SR+C (25) but never gave him anything else”. teaches. Ambelain (who’d received his lineage directly from Lagrèze) originally implemented the RC d’Orient into the fourth degree of his Martinist Order before he had another name. This in contrary to material derived from teachers outside from the original Order like. G. For instance through the Ancient Martinist Order.A. -O.. Jean Vernette. The ‘Grand Commandeur’ resides in Paris and there were allegedly orderactivities in the capitol and in Perpignan. is published in this book.J. Returning to the subject of this essay . The American branch is not recognized by the European branch. Colorado. Eon. was published in the form of a book by the American “Center For Creative Initiative" in Littleton. who’s mentioned a lot. Mr. Sometimes the Order also emphasizes the adaptation of spiritual therapeutical powers within its curriculum.L. One of my sources on the current branch is a work entitled ‘Dictionnaire Des Groupes Religieux Ajourd’hui’ (26). The Greek branch of the OLA presents the following Lines of Succession : 1915 -1918 1918 -1924 1924 -1944 1945 -1955 1955 -1984 1984 -1992 1992 -1995 1995 . <quote> it turns out “to be just a simple laying of hands and basically useless”.. As we have read before. The Order’s theosophical/ philosophical doctrines finds its origin with the mythical brothers of the East. Joël Duez also has a lineage derived from Ambelain through André Mauer and another one through Marcel Jirousek (a former Belgian disciple of Ambelain). The Order keeps a low profile and not much information is presented to the outside world. Other alleged lineage holders (OKRC/RC d’Orient) are the earlier mentioned Gérard Kloppel and Joël Duez. in Greece makes itself known to the outside world through the non-profit organization ‘The Philosophical Society of the Order of the Lily And the Eagle’. Not much original material by the Order’s original leaders.a. Gerosa (24) of Italy had more material.. from original in French c) 1996). The author. according to mr. Note: More information can be found in the chapters on the Martinist Order(s)... a tradition which is the subject of our next chapter. Kloppel claims he had the degree from Ambelain but.. for instance. But what is this French RC tradition exactly? As stated before.” (F.&S) It seems that when Cappello was expelled by Gérard Kloppel from the Rite of Memphis-Misraïm (more of Kloppel later). But these lineages represent the RC d’Orient tradition.I. in the south of France. The author descibes the Order as a group that was “founded upon a cosmological myth with its origins rooted in Gnosticism…” (freely transl. classifies the order under ‘Gnostic groups – esoteric’ with a membership between 50-500 people.Gurdjieff (1872?–1949). next to the above-mentioned Cosmogony. The Order Of The Lily And The Eagle has a chivalric constitution and it i. as we already know..M.governmental list of so-called sects in 1996. “Ambelain had the seals and some papers of KR+C but i have all these and they are not very interesting. Deon and Dea. 2005). the Wisdom of the Stars. The afore-mentioned Greek branch with its seat in Athens has already been active (after the war) since 1951. from somewhere else. charters etc. since that year the O. along with specific teachings on Psychurchy which seems to be part of EASIA-EASIE (Eques A Santi Ioannes Evangelistae . Lúcio Paneque refers to himself as Imperator of the “Antient and Primitive Order of the Lily and the Eagle” [ Antiga e Primitiva Ordem do Lírio e da Águia ]. etc. After a long stay elsehere in Europe. accepts members by invitation only.M. the Templar order called “Ordre Souverain du Temple Initiatique”. held Kotzamanis in very high esteem. dated April 21. Besides being a Grandmaster of the OMCC.A. Italy. In the higher levels we find several side-orders. “le Circle d’ Atoum”. A few sources claim that the latter branch is a schism from Tadeu Rodrigues’ branch.K.OMCC and/or Elus-Cohen. and Brazil. formerGM AMO Brazil.A. etc. the Gnostic Rosicrucian Apostolic Church. the Grand Commander for Greece.” The O. In 1997 Triantafyllos Kotzamanis became involved in writing and developing [new] material for the Order. a College of Alchemy and of Astrosophy. members in Brazil. see p. [Kotzamanis] was accepted as a great incarnation by the heads and council of the Lily and the Eagle Order.] “We didn’t know about the existence of Tadeu’s “Ordem da Lis e da Águia”. e-mail dated April 21. Under the leadership of Andreas Prokopiou the Order seems to have developed a more international orientation. including classical biblical cosmogony (Genesis) as well as material on the concepts of Agartha and/or Shambalah. the Grand Orient des Rites Traditionelles) and others that I do not remember the names) and finally the Misraim and Memphis Rite [G. It could be possible since three of its original dignitaries. etc. the IFAM.S.A. “the Fraternity of Myriam. each with its own degrees. Kotzamanis returned to Greece at the end of the 1980’s. Kotzamanis also heads a Pythagorean Order and the Masonic L’Oriënt Universel des Rites Traditionnel [M:. a Martinist Chapter. Andreas Prokopiou.and theosophical material. Bulgaria. It includes “Templar and Rosicucian” (RCO) material.M:.It appears as if the Order has the same degree structure as the original Order with sideorders in the higher levels of the O. see also the essay on the RC d’ Orient). 2006. some even say he considered him to be a special reincarnation [ Generator or Giant?.A. He was also one of the members of the famous Groupe de Thèbes. as can be seen on a 9 . AMO. One is recognized by Athens and is lead by Tadeu Rodrigues Jordan (Sâr Michael) who’s also the Grandmaster of L’Ordre Martiniste et Synarchique in Brasil (Sâr Gulion lineage) and the delegate of Rémi Boyer for Brazil.O. but we didn’t know that Tadeu also had one”.A. the Elus Cohen. a foreign Mason [who wishes to remain anonymous] claims that he returned to Greece holding various lineages from the occidental tradition. Just recently the Greek branch claimed to have received the complete archives of the original French branch.and a former honorary Grandmaster of Roger Caro’s Frères Aines de la Rose+Croix -FAR+C-. former-GM Sovereign Sanctuary of the Gnosis. “Some of the orders I have referred he tried to develop but most of them with their rituals and their ordinations are somewhere in his… drawers” [anonymous. 2006].L. a College of Kabbalah. Three names. the Order propagates philantropy and works of charity for which it accepts gifts. such as “the R+C Order”. Lúcio Paneque [Sâr Mejnour . Allegedly. the FAR+C. who wish to remain anonymous. In the first degree the Order teaches theoretical. a meeting group organized by the French Order leader Remi Boyer which included several European Grandmasters of various initiatic currents [see my essay “FUDOSI 1934-1951”]. in countries like Spain. Kotzamanis is the successor of Armand Toussaint (1895-1994). L’Eglise Rosicrucienne Apostolique [et Gnostique]. as for example the director of the Sufi Martinist Order”. In a private correspondence. the continuation of Sémélas’ original teachings as authorized by the Grand Commander for Greece.L. dated November 11. former-Vice-GM Sovereign Sanctuary of the Gnosis. In Brazil there even exist two branches of the O. director of the Sufi Martinist Order. AMO. many French lines “Fraternite du Dragon Lunaire”. founder of L’Ordre Martiniste des Chevaliers du Christ -OMCC. We have a lineage of this Order.] were connected to Tadeu in the past through the Martinist Order .who was murdered. Serbia and Montenegro. Together with his wife they were considered as a divine couple. There are no fees for membership. But this is contradicted by a statement made in an email by Ahmad.]”. Andreas Prokopiou.]. Ruy Bisognin [Tau Petrus.] and Mário Alves da Silva Filho [Ahmad .L.Sâr Hamza. confirmed this claim recently in a private correspondence to me: “Some five years ago T. 2004 [freely transl. the Martinist Order of the Poor Soldiers of Christ.L. The O. a Pythagorean order.] and is the Patriarch of Toussaint’s Rosicrucian and Apostolic church. next to Greece and France. is today represented.3] Two foreign Masons.The other branch has been established by “former A.Santi Ioannes Apostolica. ]. Returning to Europe. and probably of the complete region. a SouthAmerican Martinist. as my foreign source puts it [e-mail send by two foreign masons. after which the latter “created a schism and took many people with him”. Prokopiou is said to have agreed. and the issue is very sensitive. Andreas Prokopiou. which means that everything will be erased that was added since then. That’s when the troubles began. The whole affair “created a lot of pain and strain to the legitimate heirs of the order as the above mentioned head has revealed to us. it seems that Andreas Prokopiou begs to differ. the Supreme council and the removed Grand Commander. were informed of the problems and were given the choice to leave or continue under the circumstances. Another theory is that he already planned to do this at forehand. Brazilian sources think that it is Ahmad who’s the head of the “Antiga e Primitiva Ordem do Lírio e da Águia“. often “motivated by financial and egoistic incentives” 10 . Lúcio Paneque created the Sovereign Sanctuary of the Gnosis. he was murdered.L.a gifted occultist and surely a charming personality”. as a matter of fact. In December 2005 Prokopiou wrote two letters in which he declared his resignation as head of the Order.” According to this source. Prokopiou simply expelled Kotzamanis “and his wife” from the O.. Lúcio Paneque died a couple of years ago. According to Grand Commander Prokopiou. The schism allegedly created a lot of turmoil in the Greek esoteric community.S. Sémélas. some say the controversy is still going on but it looks as if both parties. Kotzamanis “was trying to dominate in the Order for economic reasons”. Some say he was a victim of Black Magic. the root of all problems was that mr. the members of the council thereupon decided not to install a new Grand Commander. rumour has it that he was persuaded by other members.L. to my Brazilian sources. Andreas Prokopiou. “I think that with the first two letters he tried to change things and with the 3rd and final one he did what he would have done anyway regardless of anything.M.. It is not quite clear why Prokopiou decided to officially declare his reinstatement of his original post of Imperator. as an ante-chamber to the Inner Orders [it is –amongst others.A. the situation at the moment is still not clear and it seems that we have to wait when all the dust has settled to get the complete picture. mentioned a recent schism in the Greek branch of the Order. Paneque’s death is surrounded in mystery. Summer 2006 -this information was later added to the original text].and for some people still is . And it is Prokopiou who announced his reinstatement as Grand Commander/Imperator of the Order in February 2006.”. This person had a light stroke due to the stress he suffered from the situation.O. Kyveli is the publication company of Triantafyllos Kotzamanis.schismatic branch is said to reside in the premises of the Kyveli Publishing House in Athens. Whatever the truth. continue each with their own branch. It seems that the members of the O.L. thus an anonymous source.A. mr. It is also said that Andreas Prokopiou will continue his [official] branch under the Constitution of 1919.based on the lineages received from the American Ancient Martinist Order. drawn up under the original leadership of D. A. It seems that Ruy Bisognin never spoke about the O. who has a lot of influence in Greece and some of its neighboring countries.charter granted to Tau Camael in Spain for the Sovereign Sanctuary of the Gnosis. All sources emphasize the fact that they want to remain anonymous. Allegedly. Lúcio and Ahmad were close friends. February 2006. “We know that thing because we had large discussions with one of the heads of the order who has been a member of the <name of Order> as well. In an emailcorrespondence he wrote that during the turn of the year 2005/2006 the current Grand Commander. in January 2006. S. A large number of people apparently have chosen to continue under the leadership of the Supreme Council and as far as they concern the schism never occurred. As a matter of fact.G. The -let’s-call-it. as one of my sources puts it.L. Summer 2006] But it is Prokopiou who carries the lineage of the Order of the Lily and the Eagle. Suddenly. Well. This included the return to the Constitution of 1919.E. At the moment his group “is in mourning”. Triantafyllos Kotzamanis is propably the most well-known esotericist and Order leader of Greece. what is of special interest to us is that one of my sources. Prokopiou wrote a third letter in which he declared his return to his original post of Imperator. Kotzamanis’ branch continues the Order without its original Grand Commander. One of his Greek critics stated that Kotzamanis “was . But despite his great knowledge and many talents.” [e-mail send by two foreign masons. Kotzamanis has been proven unreliable. was removed from his office by the members of the Supreme Council of the Greek O.A.P. others claim he was involved in a drug deal of some kind…. It is said that Prokopiou did resign in order to force the Supreme Council to reform and accept his views. At the time of writing. soul. and. I’m still trying to obtain some information. Acquiring an integral understanding of the nature of Man. Prince Street Littleton. and for them only. from the other side of the camp. of where I come from and where I go. Uniting with the spiritual plane by the daily practise of meditation and prayer. 2006]. of what I can do. views. “Le Droit Humain”. To be continued …. which is the practise of integral charity. Grand Orient of Greece. April 21. Healing the mind. as well as of what I want. and body of his fellow creatures. Magnum Opus The Magnum Opus of an initiate consists in: “Attaining the knowledge of oneself. and God. Instructing and enlightening human beings.” Introductory Booklet to the Order of the Lily and the Eagle Center for Inner Initiative Attn: WS 5594 S. as well as the Theosophical Society are not very positive in their judgements on Triantafyllos Kotzamanis. claims etc. Using initiatic sciences for the above purposes. It is also claimed that institutions like the Grand Lodge of Greece. Working against ignorance under all its guises. the Universe. The synthesis of all of the above. Colorado 80120 11 .[anonymous. I want to emphasize that the claims and statements you have just read are telling just one side of the story. L.M. Garver 8 Ibid. a foretaste of paradise.C. Garver ) 3 Email posted by ‘Br. the concept of the different root races is a concept which we also find in Blavatsky’s writings (Theosophic Society) th and other 19 century occultists such as.S. 20 Georges (Bogé de) Lagrèze was one of the most prominent French esoterists of his time and a member and high dignitary of various masonic as well as non-masonic initiatic organizations (more information can be found (i. Lewis.I. Sémélas.S.D. – O. 17 Pierre Geyraud. the name of the British Grand Lodge dignitary is not published. English translation: Phillip A.R. on the ‘unseen worlds’ is quite bizarre and rather ‘unique’ in its descriptions. who contacted Dupré around 1913. Lewis (19041987).M. it is claimed that the Order’s Lewis.Nicholas’ is a Martinist S.T.U.S.’. there are the usual concepts that we also find in other esoteric doctrines. Paris. trandlated in English by Phillip A. Victor Blanchard.U. Luckily for him. a station in sacred space. See also “1915 . pp 194-209 (transl. "Parmi les sectes et les rites: Les Petites Eglises de Paris". “Mandate of the Sublime Master of the Universe to the Sons of the Earth” 18 The doctrine of the O. he’d decided to flea from France just before the War had ended.R. 108-110. the decriptions of ‘the beings of the First Region’ (the higher world) are quite unique. More on the Frères/ R+C d’Orient in the next chapter.O.S. L'ORDRE DU LYS ET DE L'AIGLE Notes 1 “In physical terms Mount Athos is a peninsula. Unfortunately. Nevertheless. Marquès – Rivière was condemned to death after the war in 1945.D.I.D. Memphis-Misraïm and on the F.U. all his (civil) rights were taken. "Parmi les sectes et les rites: Les Petites Eglises de Paris". 56 kilometres long and not more than 8 kilometres in spiritual terms Athos is not of this world at all: it is. The correspondence (a letter dated July 23. Garver) 9 Ibid 10 ibid 11 ibid.’.) and (former) member of the Order of the Lily & Eagle (2004) 13 See also ‘F. 12 . the War of 1914-1918 prevented the establishment of an American Lodge. 1934 – 1951” (version 1.U. Of course. is the abbreviation of.O. ‘Br.L. Garver 12 Br. was the first who discovered the planet Pluto around 1915 (before the ‘official’ discovery in 1930).U.. ‘futuristic’ as it were… 19 Pierre Geyraud.) 21 “F. in which he furthermore claims that Dora (Pluto) was known to the Orpheans and Pythagoreans. from Greece and a (former) longtime member of the current ‘Order of the Lily & Eagle’.E. Saint Yves d’Alveydre (1842-1909) and Antoine Fabre d'Olivet (1768-1825).2.’.I. Garver 18 M.I. and Émile Dantinne. 26 “Dictionnaire Des Groupes Religieux Ajourd’hui” – Jean Vernette. Ralph M. Orders & Societies –History of the M. at least for those who live 27 “La Magie” .&S.E. in English. – “1891 SUPRÊME CONSEIL DE L'ORDRE MARTINISTE“ page 21 14 Victor Blanchard allegedly received also the Degree of Commander of the O. thus Rebisse. Editions Emile-Paul Freres. 16 2002 24 Ambrogio Gerosa was the Grandmaster of Dantinne’s Pythagorean Order (O::H::T::M:: ) in Italy during the fifties (see history on the F.c) Milko Bogaard December 6.O. pp 194-209 (English translation: Phillip A. 22 Email-correspondence between the writer and the O.A. Garver. 23 Email posted by Mr.) in the series on the Martinist Order.Massimo. Droguet-Ardant 1993. Nicholas’ on the Martinist E-group at Yahoogroups.5. under the title of ‘Astrosophia”. Greek Martinist (S.. English translation: Phillip A. On a special note. for instance.O. Cappello on the Martinist E-group at Yahoogroups.D. For instance.M. in some way. Allegedly Sémélas had named this planet Dora.a.I.M. The discovery is written in a text of his. H. was promised a charter and the necessary documents to establish a (Martinist) Lodge in the United States.S. at (or after) the occasion.S. Lewis’ son and successor. 1934-1951 25 “The book SR+C” = The Sacramentary of the Rose+Croix. as Ambelain claims. the so-called “secret formulay of the Rose+Croix d'Orient”. Presses Universitaires de France 1996. P. p. 4 Marcel Roggemans .D. 1913) was allegedly discovered in 1996 at the former mansion of H. Introvigne.M.O..I. to say the least. 2006 version 1.) Rebisse furthermore claims that H. International Federation Of Initiatic Orders And Societies’ founded in 1934 at Brussels by i.S.T. dated June 12 and June 13. "Parmi les sectes et les rites: Les Petites Eglises de Paris". "Parmi les sectes et les rites: Les Petites Eglises de Paris".“Geschiedenis van de Occulte en Mystieke Broederschappen” 5 Christian Rebisse “Le Histoire du Rosicrucianisme” (A. bizarre and even. English translation: Phillip A. 1937.)“ 6 Other sources claim that Lagrèze received this initiation shortly before he returned to France in 1914 7 Pierre Geyraud. Nicholas. Out of respect for his privacy.L.a. November 2000) by Milko Bogaard.D.S. 2002.D.’.Antiquus Mysticusque Ordo Rosae Crucis (A.O. “ taken from : ‘Mount Athos – The Holy Mountain’ 2000-2004 Macedonian Heritage 2 Pierre Geyraud. 15 ‘Federation Universelle Des Ordres Et Societes Iniciatiques’. All his assets were confined.O.C.F.
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