The Monkey´s paw analysis

March 25, 2018 | Author: Lauri Sierra | Category: One Thousand And One Nights, Narration



The Monkey's Paw In A Nutshell "The Monkey's Paw" is the story of the White family and what happens to them when they get a mystical, magical monkey's paw that has the power to grant three wishes. We warn you, this is a scary story, so you might want to do it to the max. You know, read while sitting around a campfire, or on a dark and story night, when you're all alone. W.W. Jacobs managed to make a good living writing novels and short stories, but he's most famous for this one, written in 1902 and first published in Harper's magazine. That same year it was also published in a collection of Jacobs's short stories called Our Lady of the Barge. Over the next century it would find its way into dozens of anthologies and be required reading for thousands of school kids. It was also adapted by another master of horror and suspense, Alfred Hitchcock, for an episode of The Alfred Hitchcock Hour. Most writers are influenced and inspired by the books they themselves read. Even the most famous author of all – Big Willy Shakespeare – borrowed almost all of his ideas from other stories and changed them around to create his masterpieces. "The Monkey's Paw" is an adaptation of another story of three wishes gone wrong, from One Thousand and One Nights (a.k.a. Arabian Nights), a very famous collection of stories from the Middle East and South Asia. One Thousand and One Nights is most famous for the character of Aladdin, which you probably know in its fabulouslyDisney-fied form. This is an advertisement from one of our sponsors. "The Monkey's Paw" may be less well known to modern readers than some of the stories it inspired. Stephen King's bestselling novel Pet Sematary, the nightmare-inducing story of a cemetery that has the power to bring animals (and maybe even people) back to life, is directly inspired by Jacobs' story. Then there's the Simpsons episode "Monkey's Paw,", which is a Simpsonesque retelling of this story. This story is so good that when you read it, it might inspire you to write or film your own scary (or funny) story based on it – and we bet W.W. Jacobs would be happy if you did. From reading "The Monkey's Paw" you might get the idea that Jacobs wrote mostly horror stories, like Edgar Allan Poe. Not so. In his day, Jacobs was known as a writer of comedies. This is why you might detect some humor running between the lines of this spooky tale. As with stories from Stephen King or any good horror writer, the infusion of a little humor makes the scary parts even scarier. Okay, now are you ready to read "The Monkey's Paw"? Here is a video about Arabian Nights as well if you wanted to know where the Monkey and the Paw came from. Check it out. Why Should I Care? Have you ever felt a bit dissatisfied with your life? Have you ever wished that something in your life would magically change – no hard work required? Admit it: you've made a wish or two in your day. Don't pretend you haven't wished on a shooting star, some birthday candles, a four-leaf clover, or a dandelion. We all do it. As we grow up, we're often told that wishes can come true. Just think about the dreamy Disney theme song: "When you wish upon a star makes no difference who you are/ anything your heart desires/ will come to you." We are encouraged to dream big and wish for our hearts' desires. In "The Monkey's Paw," wishes do come true, but there's a catch. These wishes are granted with dark, scary magic that involves no Disney happily-ever-afters. (Yep, if you're the kind of person who can't get enough of Ouija boards, tarot cards, and late-night séances, you're going to love "The Monkey's Paw.") This is one of those "be careful what you wish for" stories. It makes us think about everything we've wished for in the past, and everything we might wish for in the future. Instead of making us feel more desperate for a new Mustang, though, by the end of the story, we're feeling like our life if is pretty darn good as it is. Saving up for a car the old-fashioned way sure seems a lot better than wishing on a cursed monkey's paw. But maybe that's just us. The Monkey's Paw Summary How It All Goes Down "The Monkey's Paw" is set in the White family home in England. It begins on a dark and stormy night, so we know we're in for a scary story. The Whites – Mr. and Mrs. White and their adult son Herbert – are inside enjoying a cozy evening around the fire. Soon Sergeant-Major Morris arrives. He's been in the army in India for the past 21 years. He tells the Whites stories of his adventures in that faraway land and shows them a monkey's paw that has the power to grant three wishes. Mr. White wants the paw, but Morris tells him it's cursed – people get hurt when their wishes are granted. He tries to burn the paw in the fire, but Mr. White snatches it up and buys it. After Morris leaves, Mr. White, following Herbert's suggestion, wishes for two hundred pounds, the amount of money he would need to pay off the bank and own the house outright. This is an advertisement from one of our sponsors. The next morning, Herbert goes off to work as usual and Mrs. White watches for the two hundred pounds to show up. In the afternoon, a fancily dressed man pays the Whites a visit. He is from Maw and Meggins, the company Herbert works for. The man tells the Whites that Herbert has been killed in a machinery accident. (We aren't given details of Herbert's work, but the clues suggest that he works in some kind of factory.) The man says that the company takes no blame for Herbert's death but wants to give the Whites some money to help with their loss. You can probably guess how much money the man gives the Whites. That's right, two hundred pounds. Mrs. White screams and Mr. White faints. Full of sadness over Herbert's death, Mr. and Mrs. White bury him in the cemetery two miles from their home. One night Mrs. White gets a bright idea: use those other two wishes to bring Herbert back! She shares her plan with Mr. White. He thinks it's a bad idea – he could barely look at Herbert's mangled body when he went to identify it. His wife really turns up the heat, though, and he caves in. Mr. White pulls out the cursed monkey's paw and wishes Herbert back to life. Nothing happens, so the Whites go back to bed. Soon after, someone – or something – starts pounding on the door. (Have you seen Pet Sematary? This cannot be good.) Mrs. White is sure it's Herbert – it just took him a minute to get there from the cemetery. Mr. White is sure it's Herbert too, and he doesn't want his son to get in the house, so he makes his third wish on the monkey's paw. (We aren't told what it is.) The knocking stops. Mr. White hears Mrs. White open the door. He hears her scream out in agony because Herbert is not there. He goes outside with her and sees that the road is completely empty. The Monkey's Paw Chapter 1 Summary  "The Monkey's Paw" starts off the way many good scary stories start – with a dark and stormy night.  We're in England, inside Laburnam Villa, where things are not dark and stormy. Actually, they are quite cheery – there's even a fire burning in the fireplace.  Now we meet the White family. The father and mother both have white hair. Their grown son, Herbert White, is probably in his mid-20s.  Mr. White and Herbert are playing chess, while Mrs. White knits near that fire we were talking about. What could be more homey and comfy than this?  Mr. White makes a wrong move and Herbert wins the game, putting Mr. White in a bad mood, but just for a second.  Soon Sergeant-Major Morris arrives. The Whites welcome him and offer him some whiskey. The alcohol makes Morris talkative, and he tells the White stories of his time in India.  Apparently he has been away in India for the past 21 years, serving in the British Army.  After his parents go to bed.23). Bad sign.  Herbert makes some jokes about the paw. and that's a fact […] It seems to me I've got all I want" (1. White needs to finish paying back the bank for his house. He throws water on the face. then gives the paw a squeeze and goes to bed. White holds the paw and says. Morris chucks the paw into the fire.  Morris says he got the paw from the first man who wished on it. dried to a mummy" (1.  Mrs. then Mr.)  Morris says he made three wishes on the paw too.  Morris tells them the legend of the paw: "It had a spell put on it by an old fakir. Make wish. As he takes it out of his pocket. Two hundred pounds is the amount Mr. He asks Morris to let him have the paw.54). Hold paw in hand.  Morris warns him against it.33). "I don't know what to wish for.)  After Morris leaves. but then he gives him instruction on using the paw: 1. Oh really? Then why did you want the cursed paw in the first place?  Herbert suggests wishing for two hundred pounds (pounds are English currency. and that those who interfered with it did so to their sorrow. Mr.  Mr. a very holy man. Guess what that man's third wish was. but Herbert holds it and checks it out.  Suddenly. (Hmm. White takes it. (Definitely not rocket science.  Mr. He put a spell on it so that three separate men could each have three wishes from it" (1. . White holds the paw and makes the wish.26). It was "for death" (1. just like the dollars are American currency). but he isn't sure he would wish again if he had the chance. He wanted to show that fate ruled people's lives. it's just an ordinary little paw. Herbert sees (or thinks he sees) the "horrible" face of a monkey in the fire. White is grossed out by the paw. and his wishes came true. He doesn't believe it's magic. The paw moves in his hand – eek! He screams. Mr. White brings up something from an earlier conversation with Morris – a monkey's paw. he says. "To look at.  Morris says the paw is "magic" (1.21). 2. White grabs it out before it burns. so Mr. (We never learn exactly what kind of work Herbert does. (We guess that means they had other children who died. Mr. White. He says he comes from Maw and Meggins. Mrs. but she can't help thinking about the possibility of the money magically appearing. White. White screams and Mr. The Monkey's Paw Chapter 3 Summary  The Whites bury Herbert in a cemetery two miles from their house.  Mrs. . the company where Herbert works. White doesn't believe in the power of the paw either. In the 19th and early 20th centuries. we can guess that Herbert worked in some kind of factory. Their home is now a dark and lonely place.21).)  The man tells the Whites that Herbert "was caught in the machinery" (2. it wasn't uncommon for factory workers to be injured or killed in accidents with machines. White remembers the monkey's paw.  She wants Mr. but it does want to give the Whites two hundred pounds to settle the matter.)  Mrs. Their son did not survive the accident. against his own judgment. White to wish Herbert back to life.  But Mrs. White won't take no for an answer. about a week later.  (From this detail. is totally against this idea. who isn't sure whether Herbert's death has anything to do with the paw. wishes Herbert back to life. White faints.  The Whites feel like they are waiting for something to happen to help them with their sadness.  He makes some jokes about the paw and then leaves for work.  At this news Mrs. White tells the man that Herbert is the only child they have left. He feels silly for letting a dirty little paw spook him last night.)  Now for the part you've been waiting for: the man tells the Whites that Maw and Meggins isn't responsible for Herbert's death.The Monkey's Paw Chapter 2 Summary  Things don't look as scary to Herbert in the bright light of morning.  Later in the day a fancily dressed man pays the Whites a visit.  One night. W. White gets the door open. because the graveyard where he was buried is two miles away. sees (or thinks he sees) the face of the evil monkey in the fire.  He quickly makes his third wish. Nothing happens. but the knocking stops just as Mrs. and 2) that the paw isn't magic and Herbert's death just happens to coincide with Mr. White is scared. White decides that it just took Herbert a little while to get home.) Mr. Questions About The Supernatural 1. Rest assured that W.  Want to talk about the ending? Hurry over to "What's Up With the Ending?" The Monkey's Paw Theme of The Supernatural Do you or don't you believe in the power of the monkey's paw? This is one of those stories. Mr. Mr. This sense of confusion is exactly what the characters are feeling throughout the story.  Mrs. White? . the Whites hear someone – or something – banging on the front door. who tries hard to show he doesn't believe in the paw's powers.  After a while. you're not alone. She runs downstairs to welcome home undead Herbert. He wants nothing to do with undead Herbert. where we aren't ever quite sure whether supernatural forces are at work or not. or Mrs.  When she steps outside. White's wish for two hundred pounds. But which is it? If you're feeling confused and uncertain. The story doesn't say what this wish is. White goes outside and comforts her. Herbert has been dead ten days and his body looked really horrible ten days ago.  Mr. and that's a big part of what makes this story so eerie and so awesome. White has no desire to see the undead version of his son. Who believes in the paw more. Jacobs wants us to be unsure. White is relieved.  Mr.  They go back to bed. (Fatal factory accidents do that to a body. nobody there and the road is empty. unlike the Harry Potter books. Even the very rational Herbert White. It's like "The Monkey's Paw" is trying to convince us of two conflicting things: 1) that the paw really is magic and directly causes Herbert White's death. She screams because Herbert isn't there. or is he teasing the Whites? What do you think Mr. The loss of a loved one is one of the hardest things to deal with in life. White. The paw is fueled by the monkey's anger and vengeance. White. White's third and final wish was? If you were going to wish someone back to life. Write your own story explaining what happened to these men. death is the worst possible fate for her son. White might have blamed herself for not stopping Herbert from going to work that day. We know that W. Chew on This Try on an opinion or two. Mr. start a debate. people often wonder whether they could have done anything to prevent the tragedy. seems to believe that there is a fate worse than death for his son – being some kind of mangled. Create your own alternate ending for the story in which Mr. 5. After a loved one dies. Does Sergeant-Major Morris really believe the paw has magical powers. no matter the cost. For Mrs. White spend his third wish on? Use this is your opportunity to settle the question of whether or not the monkey's paw is magical.W. undead monster. 3. and the frightening possibility that he could be brought back to life. What does Mrs. on the other hand. Whitedoesn't wish Herbert dead again. and she'd prefer him alive. which makes it impossible to wish on it without negative consequences. White see when she opens the front door? What does Mr. and why the first owner finally wished to die. The Monkey's Paw Theme of Death In "The Monkey's Paw" we watch as the White family is transformed from a loving trio into a grief-stricken duo with the death of Herbert White. how would you word your wish to make sure the person didn't come back all gross and crazy and violent like a zombie? Do you think the paw is actually magical? Why or why not? 6. or play the devil’s advocate.2. For example. 8. The story never tells us what Morris or the first owner of the monkey's paw wished for. 4. The story's ending proves that the paw's powers are real. "The Monkey's Paw" can be seen as a story about how one family deals with the death of their last living son. Mrs. We can all relate to this aspect of the story. Why do you think that Jacobs never really tells us if the paw is magical or not? How does the uncertainty impact the story? 7. if there was no monkey's paw in this story. . or are they helpless victims of fate. but it's Herbert who suggests the first wish. but he does it anyway. He does this for Herbert's sake. which often result in injury or death. His firsthand knowledge of the grieving process certainly must have influenced and maybe even inspired this story. and Mrs." it's full of questions about how much power people have over the direction of their lives. There were also many deaths and even more accidents related to factory work. He decides he wants to keep the paw. This story is also about how we make choices. like that done by Herbert White. Questions About Death 1. or play the devil’s advocate. W. White his second one. Think of Mr. Do you think we live in a dangerous time? What are the most common causes of death today? What were they in the early 1900s? What has changed and why? Chew on This Try on an opinion or two. Jacobs uses the genre of horror literature to explore a serious issue in society – unsafe working conditions in factories. White spends his third wish to make sure Herbert is dead again.W. White wishes Herbert dead again. The story thus taps into something that was touching the lives of many of its readers.Jacobs lost his mother when he was young. either because he can't say no to his wife or because he wants to please her. White does this for Herbert's sake or for the sake of himself and his wife? 4. Does knowing that Herbert had siblings who died change the way you see the Whites? Why or why not? 5. Does the paw have anything to do with Herbert's death? 2. Mr. destined to suffer? Is it a combination of both? When we look closely at "The Monkey's Paw. It seems like Mr. Do you think Mr. The Monkey's Paw Theme of Fate and Free Will Are the Whites responsible for the bad things that happen to them. His . When Mr. In 1902 England mortality rates were high due to a variety of diseases and lack of today's medical technologies. He knows it could be disastrous. would you do the same thing? Do you think Mr. He seems to make this second wish against his will. White's third wish is for Herbert to be dead again. he does this for his wife's sake. start a debate. Why would he wish that? If you were in his position. White succeeds in wishing Herbert back to life? 3. White. to take control of his life and to make good. From the little we see of it before Herbert's death. Mr. Why does Mr. or play the devil’s advocate. If Mr. Questions About Fate and Free Will 1. He is learning (rather late in the game). White's desire to have her son back. The family is made up of Mr. White follow Herbert's suggestion and wish for money? Chew on This Try on an opinion or two. White's intense grief over Herbert highlights how much they adored their son. White had wanted to resist the wish. White to start making decisions on his own. than losing their home. and Mrs. Morris mentioned that wishing on the monkey's paw leads to utter disaster. Even if Mr. whatever it is. could be seen as a sign that his character is getting stronger. Can you find examples of times when the characters seem to be doing things they don't want to do – that is. he would have no choice but to wish on it. Questions About Family 1. as does Mrs. White do things he doesn't want to do? 6. acting against their will? 2. Can the wishes we make impact the course of our lives? 3. could he have gotten some good stuff from the monkey's paw. Fear of seeing Herbert back from the dead forces Mr. no matter the cost. careful choices on his own. or were his wishes destined to become curses? 5. for example. White make Mr. White had wished more carefully. White's first wish is twisted such that Herbert dies indicates that a death in the family is the worst possible thing that could happen to the Whites – worse. start a debate. Does Mrs. White learn to make his own decisions over the course of this story? 4. White and their adult son Herbert. how would you describe the Whites' family life? . The Monkey's Paw Theme of Family At the center of "The Monkey's Paw" is the White family. and Mrs. and the fact that Mr. Their loving home is disrupted by the arrival of the monkey's paw and Herbert's subsequent death. Does Mr. Herbert commutes to his factory job by train. What do Mr.2. or play the devil’s advocate. Mr. How would you describe Mr. but also to the rise of feelings of alienation brought by increased industrialization and mechanization. White's relationship with Herbert? Mr. What do we learn about the Whites' family life after Herbert dies? 3. and Mrs. almost-forgotten area. Lots of factories were built in cities. Herbert is important to the company only as a worker. back from the dead) show about their love for their son? 5. and Mrs. because of advances in agricultural technology. the Whites will never feel like a family again. White's relationship makes this not just a horror classic. At the same time. This led people to leave the countryside and move into cities in droves. someone to run the machinery. British society underwent a huge transformation. The Monkey's Paw Theme of Technology and Modernization From the late 1700s to the mid 1800s. White's different reactions to the knocking on the door (presumably Herbert. fewer workers were needed on farms. Without Herbert. Questions About Technology and Modernization 1. We get the impression that they live in an isolated. After Herbert dies we find out that there used to be other White children. providing many of jobs. start a debate. but a tender love story as well. not as a flesh-and-blood human being. White's relationship with Herbert? Chew on This Try on an opinion or two. White's relationship? Mrs. Do you think they'll be able to do the same now that they've also lost Herbert? 4. and Mrs. known as the Industrial Revolution. The factory's reaction to Herbert's death speaks not only to the dangerous working conditions in factories at the time. Have you heard of or can you find examples of factory accidents or workplace injuries in the news today? How might working conditions of the early 1900s compare with working conditions today? 2. what technologies might you include and why? . though we don't know how many or how they died. The Whites seem to be an exception to this rule. Herbert is injured in a factory accident. The Whites seemed to be able to rebuild a happy life after their other children died. What technologies exist today that did not exist in 1900? If you were to adapt the story to our own time. it's just a bit of what you might call magic.3.26) Why would a holy man make something evil? To teach people a lesson? In some ways this passage can be seen as a reflection of misconceptions about India in the early 1900s. Mr." (1. Living in an isolated area. Through Herbert's accident..] He put a spell on it so that three separate men could each have three wishes from it." Jacobs is commenting on the dangerous work conditions resulting from technological advances in the early 1900s.21) Does Morris actually believe in magic. The Monkey's Paw The Supernatural Quotes Page 1 Page (1 of 2) Quotes: 1 2 How we cite the quotes: (Chapter." said the sergeant-major. White. or is he just playing with the Whites? Quote #2 "It had a spell put on it by an old fakir. perhaps." said the sergeant-major. Based on the visit from the man from Maw and Meggins..Paragraph) Quote #1 "Monkey's paw?" said Mrs. and Mrs. White are mostly cut off from technology and modernization. how do you think the company views its employees? Chew on This Try on an opinion or two. "a very holy man. or play the devil’s advocate. "Well. curiously. offhandedly. start a debate. . and the public's fascination with stories of magic and mysticism from afar. Through "The Monkey's Paw. (1. [. technology intrudes tragically into their lives. " said the soldier. or is he denying the truth of his life? Quote #5 . Does the paw itself compel him to wish on it.Paragraph) Quote #4 He took the paw. but I don't think I will. with a slight cry. solemnly. after all? The Monkey's Paw The Supernatural Quotes Page 2 Page (2 of 2) Quotes: 1 2 How we cite the quotes: (Chapter. Morris wants to sell it. some of them. and dangling it between his forefinger and thumb. it seems. suddenly threw it upon the fire. slowly. does actually pay him for it. Why stop at 200 pounds. "Better let it burn.Quote #3 The soldier shook his head.36) The paw is closely associated with money. White claims he has everything he wants and doesn't need to wish for anything… but he wants the paw even more when he sees he's about to lose it. "give it to me. it's hard to say this is a story warning against greed. This suggests that beneath his happy exterior he is unsatisfied with some aspects of his life and isn't about to let a chance to change it go by. since all Mr." said the other. and those who do think anything of it want to try it first and pay me afterward. Still. people won't buy." (1. "If you don't want it.41) Mr." (1. I suppose. They think it's a fairy tale. And Mr. stooped down and snatched it off. Besides. White's first wish is for money. White. White. "Fancy. White wants to do is pay off his debt. It has caused enough mischief already. Morris. Mr." he said. "I did have some idea of selling it. and seeing faces in it.Paragraph) Quote #1 "The first man had his three wishes. but the third was for death. It got so vivid that. Quote #6 But her husband was on his hands and knees groping wildly on the floor in search of the paw.66) This passage reveals that even practical Herbert is susceptible to belief in the supernatural. yes. gazing at the dying fire. (3." (1. or does the monkey actually appear before him? Either way. this moment foreshadows the fact that Herbert will become the victim of the monkey's wrath – or of a terrible accident that is simply the result of unsafe working conditions. and with a little shiver he wiped his hand on his coat and went up to bed.He sat alone in the darkness. If he could only find it before the thing outside got in. Is he just tired and a little tipsy.48) Mr. Do you? Would you be convinced without actually seeing undead Herbert with your own eyes? The Monkey's Paw Death Quotes Page 1 Page (1 of 2) Quotes: 1 How we cite the quotes: (Chapter.33) 2 . His hand grasped the monkey's paw." was the reply. (1. That's how I got the paw. he felt on the table for a glass containing a little water to throw over it. "I don't know what the first two were. The last face was so horrible and so simian [monkey-like] that he gazed at it in amazement. with a little uneasy laugh. White definitely believes the paw has real powers at this point in the story. 1) Herbert's death transforms the White's home from a happy place to one of sadness.23) Jacobs is a master of saying a lot in just a few words. Quote #2 "Is he hurt?" demanded the mother.Paragraph) Quote #4 In the huge new cemetery. and darkness." (2. but it's softened by Morris' claim that he has wished on the paw – and he's obviously still alive.17) Herbert isn't in any pain because he's dead. some two miles distant. Will the Whites ever be able to make their home happy again? Quote #5 . (3. "It is hard. That's a pretty creepy thing to say." he said. It seems very significant that there were other White children who died. The visitor bowed in assent. "Badly hurt. the old people buried their dead. grief. (But we don't know whether anybody close to him died after he used the paw. and came back to a house steeped in shadow and silence.Wow." (2. don't you think? If you had to tell somebody her loved one was dead. pretty strong warning there. turning gently to the visitor. It lets us know that the Whites are no strangers to grief and death.) This statement foreshadows the fact that a death will occur in the story. would you use a direct or indirect approach? Quote #3 "He was the only one left to us." he said quietly. "but he is not in any pain. The Monkey's Paw Death Quotes Page 2 Page (2 of 2) Quotes: 1 2 How we cite the quotes: (Chapter. 26) This implies that the paw is just plain evil. . that any wish made on it will have bad consequences. "He has been dead ten days. The old man turned and regarded her. He wanted to show that fate ruled people's lives." (1. Notice how Mrs. "I wish my son alive again. but he wishes Herbert back to life anyway – without specifying that the grave rot and physical disfigurement not be included in the package.31) We never come face to face with the undead Herbert. White's grief causes her to forget these fears."Go and get it and wish. The Monkey's Paw Fate and Free Will Quotes Page 1 Page (1 of 3) Quotes: 1 2 3 How we cite the quotes: (Chapter. White understands the way this whole wishing thing works.24) Mr. This passage gets at our fears of death and dead people. Since most of us don't have access to magic." cried his wife. It sounds like a caution against using magic to change the course of our lives. but – I could only recognize him by his clothing. quivering with excitement.Paragraph) Quote #1 "It had a spell put on it by an old fakir. He put a spell on it so that three separate men could each have three wishes from it. and are therefore never sure if he does come back to life again." (3. Quote #6 He raised his hand." said the sergeant-major. "a very holy man. how now?" (3. and that those who interfered with it did so to their sorrow. and his voice shook. If he was too terrible for you to see then. and besides he – I would not tell you else. " he said." said the other. Later it seems she really does believe in the paw and is trying to convince her husband to use it. Quote #3 "I suppose all old soldiers are the same. how could two hundred pounds hurt you. "I don't know. there can't be any harm in wishing on it.2) Here's what Mrs." (1." said the old man.38) The paw seems to bring out greed and desire in those who come in contact with it. "would you have them?" […] "I don't know. or against taking unnecessary risks – such as gambling. To some degree. The Monkey's Paw Fate and Free Will Quotes Page 2 Page (2 of 3) Quotes: 1 How we cite the quotes: (Chapter. "I beg that you will understand I am only their servant and merely obeying orders. This helps us see that beneath her cheerful could be read as warning against trying to get things the easy way. "The idea of our listening to such nonsense! How could wishes be granted in these days? And if they could.25) 2 3 . White is basically saying: since the paw can't really grant wishes." said Mrs White. Quote #2 "If you could have another three wishes. without looking round. she is a little desperate for anything that might turn their lives around.Paragraph) Quote #4 "The firm wished me to convey their sincere sympathy with you in your great loss. eyeing him keenly. it seems to have the power to rob people of their free will." (2. father?" (2. " said the old woman. "why not the second. free of his wife's or son's influence. and wish our boy alive again. White wishes here.48) We don't know what Mr. Go down and get it quickly. He doesn't want the Whites to think he is as unfeeling as the firm he works for. and frantically breathed his third and last wish. Like the Whites. Is he as powerless as he claims? Quote #5 "No. He doesn't want to believe he caused Herbert's death by wishing on the paw." stammered the old man. The important thing is that he makes the wish on his own.The man from Maw and Meggins (probably the company that owns the factory where Herbert worked) explains that he doesn't necessarily agree with what he's about to do." (3. White is used to being able to control her husband. Quote #7 He heard the creaking of the bolt as it came slowly back." "A coincidence. . White is making an argument that Herbert's death happened because of the dangerous conditions where he worked. triumphantly.22) Here Mr. "we'll have one more. he seems to feel his life is out of his own control. (3. Here she is able to convince him to wish Herbert alive." she cried. and at the same moment he found the monkey's paw. (3. He is caught between his own will and the will of his employers. even though he really doesn't want to.17) Mrs. What gives her this power over him? Quote #6 "We had the first wish granted. The fact that he stammers these words suggests that he isn't entirely convinced of this. feverishly. based on what he thinks is right. it probably causes him a lot of stress. (3. too heavy for old hearts to bear." (1. Quote #3 It was all over so quickly that at first they could hardly realize it. Notice that it's Herbert bringing this up. with his hand on his shoulder. White's crazy plan to use the paw to put what's left of her family back together again. Quote #2 "He was the only one left to us. have to pay the bank every month or they will lose their home. wish for two hundred pounds." he said. and Mrs. They have now outlived all their children. Although he seems cheery about it here.The Monkey's Paw Family Quotes Page 1 Page (1 of 2) Quotes: 1 2 How we cite the quotes: (Chapter. We aren't given any details beyond this.Paragraph) Quote #1 "If you only cleared the house. "Well. Do you think Mr. then.1) These lines foreshadow Mrs. right? The Whites.23) These two brief sentences from Mr. White will ever be able to find happiness again? Can they find comfort in each other? .55) Next to food and love. and remained in a state of expectation as though of something else to happen--something else which was to lighten this load. you'd be quite happy. it's probably up to him to make this monthly payment. but the point is made: the Whites have been through this before. turning gently to the visitor. what is the number one thing a family needs? A place to live. that'll just do it." (2. wouldn't you?" said Herbert. Since he's the one working. we learn here. "It is hard. White reveal that Herbert was not their only child. " she cried. "of all the beastly. He has learned his lesson about wishing hastily. and the road's a torrent. he may be pain. you know he'll also probably be murderous and maybe even hungry for human brains. this is the worst. Quote #5 "You're afraid of your own son. White misses her son so badly that she doesn't think about the fact that his body was. I'm coming.25) Have you ever wanted something so badly that you ignore the risks and just focus on the possible benefits? Mrs. White isn't being fair here. White is able to see clearly enough to recognize this. and Mr." bawled Mr. "Do you think I fear the child I have nursed?" (3. Pathway's a bog." (3.Paragraph) Quote #4 "Bring him back. and dragged him toward the door. He can see all the problems that undead Herbert might bring The Monkey's Paw Technology and Modernization Quotes Page 1 Page (1 of 2) Quotes: 1 How we cite the quotes: (Chapter. White. struggling.The Monkey's Paw Family Quotes Page 2 Page (2 of 2) Quotes: 1 2 How we cite the quotes: (Chapter. with sudden and unlooked-for violence. out-of-the-way places to live in. If you've seen any zombie movies. "Let me go. as Mr. White points out." cried the old woman. horribly mangled and has been dead for ten days.Paragraph) Quote #1 "That's the worst of living so far out. If Herbert comes back like that. I 2 . I'm coming. slushy.45) Mrs. Herbert. " said the sergeant-major. Quote #3 "I'd like to go to India myself." (1." (1. shaking his head. the exchange of ideas as people from very different cultures interact.14) Morris has spent most of his life in India in the army. Quote #2 "Twenty-one years of it. He put down the empty glass. shook it again. they think it doesn't matter. and sighing softly.16) "Better where you are. White has been unable to participate in the changes going on in the world. White." (1. This is another aspect of modernization. these things will intrude on his happy life before the story ends." said Mr." said the old man. "When [Sergeant-Major Morris] went away he was a slip of a youth in the warehouse. (1. as represented by the paw. I suppose because only two houses on the road are let. The Whites only have one neighbor and don't get many visitors because their place is hard to get to.6) This passage points to the movement of people from isolated rural areas into the cities during the early 1900s in England. The Monkey's Paw Technology and Modernization Quotes Page 2 Page (2 of 2) Quotes: 1 How we cite the quotes: (Chapter.don't know what people are thinking about. "just to look round a bit. Now look at him. He is isolated from the exploration of different lands. Whether he likes it or not.Paragraph) Quote #4 2 . nodding at his wife and son. you know. and from the factory life in the city.17) Mr. He's bringing back new ideas to England. " continued the other. His last wish. White. "Caught in the machinery. in particular – the wish he makes all by himself – is really what makes him stand out in our minds as the protagonist. This work was dangerous." (2. "They admit no liability at all. in a low voice. Why? Because he's the one making the wishes." said the visitor at length. Do we still have anxieties about machines today? Protagonist Character Role Analysis Mr. Antagonist Character Role Analysis Sergeant-Major Morris . White. White insists on buying the paw and using it to make three wishes. he is only valuable as a person who can operate a machine. the people who own them came to be seen as cold and unfeeling. unable to find happiness. Factory jobs were common for men in England in the early 1900s. Quote #5 "I was to say that Maw and Meggins disclaim all responsibility. but in consideration of your son's services they wish to present you with a certain sum as compensation. due to the lack of laws protecting workers and the fact that machines were still being perfected." (2."He was caught in the machinery. Everybody seems caught in the machinery of life." repeated Mr.22) This is our first clue about the kind of work Herbert does. These lines also reflect the sense of powerlessness that pervades the story. "yes. which is exactly what happens when Mr.25) As machines became more and more a part of human life. White You could argue that all three of the Whites serve as the protagonist. but we're just going to go with Mr. A protagonist isn't necessarily your favorite character. Herbert seems almost disposable to his employers. but the one who really drives the action. in a dazed fashion. " This is stresses their identities as a married couple. but whether or not you see him as an antagonist depends on whether you believe the paw has magical powers. He claims to be a victim of the paw himself. and Mrs. It also shows that the narrator sees things in him that the characters might not. but that might just be a trick to make Mr. Take a look at "Characters" to read about Herbert's physical appearance and how it changes throughout the novel. we are never quite sure what to make of him. White want it even more. with no real purpose that we can see. This sets the reader up to mistrust Morris. He might have sold it to White against his will. ambiguous character. Character Clues Character Analysis Names We never learn Mr. He seems to be trying to resist this urge when he throws it into the fire. They have no idea how to act without their son in their lives. White's first names. The Fakir If the paw really is cursed. while the narrator suggests that he doesn't appear trustworthy. White or "mother" and "father. and seems almost compelled to pass the paw on against his will. Not only is this a cruel thing to do. as with the paw.10). then we've found our antagonist. All this makes Morris a mysterious. Physical Appearances One of the first things we are told about Sergeant-Major Morris is that he is "beady of eye" (1. If it has no powers. When Herbert dies. all aspects of this identity are challenged. This means he looks sneaky. like he has something to hide or has a trick up his sleeve. and Mrs. parents. family people. Morris is a shady character for sure. The Whites seem impressed by him. you might not see Morris as an antagonist. They are only called Mr.We don't know for sure that Morris is an antagonist. Even if you do see the paw as magical. and heads of a household. but it also involves taking a paw from a poor defenseless monkey. then Morris has nothing to do with Herbert's death. and a supposed holy man created it to make those who wish on it suffer. Next P . White's recklessness. he's unwilling to take the risk of meeting up with his undead son. The chess game here might be symbolic of Herbert's carefulness and Mr. Mr. if only we'd kept him home. Imagery. Just like today. but unfortunately. and scary.The Monkey's Paw Symbolism. By the end of the story. The monkey is described as "horrible. Here's a quick list of some things it seems to stand for: Guilt. People often feel guilty after the death of a loved one. Evil and Vengeance. Herbert's carefulness doesn't save him. White's recklessness in buying and wishing on the cursed monkey's paw causes plenty of trouble for his family. social problems were often blamed on "foreigners" or "foreign" ideas. If it weren't for the paw. Allegory When we first meet Herbert and his father. India was a British colony when this story was written.) The paw provides an interesting way to explore this guilt. Being from India. and Herbert wins the game. White makes a reckless move. (If only we hadn't made him work. the Whites would probably have found other ways to take the blame for Herbert's death. magical. Imagery." We get the sense that its anger over its cruel treatment is fueling the paw's evil. Mr. Herbert and Mrs. bringing bad luck to anyone who makes a wish. Chess is a game of strategy that depends on a person's ability to anticipate a series of moves ahead of time. though. Laburnam Villa. etc. around 1902 Laburnam Villa . somewhere in England. the paw is foreign. and the British brought back to England stories of Indian traditions and beliefs that many people found strange or threatening. Anxiety over "Foreign" Things. we assume it's the poor monkey who lost its paw. White instantly catch the mistake. White seems to have learned his lesson. they are playing chess. When Herbert sees (or thinks he sees) a monkey's face in the fire after his father makes his wish. Chess Symbolism. Allegory The paw is a powerful symbol. Mr. This is just the beginning of the house's dark transformation. giving us . The narrator is like a spider on the wall inside the Whites home. India is heard about but not seen in the story. The narrator keeps description to a minimum. Outside. unsafe conditions.3). conveying and commenting on the events taking place there. After Herbert dies. We don't learn whether carelessness on Herbert's part. The climax comes when what we imagine to be the mutilated and grave-rotted Herbert comes back from the dead and knocks on the door. As the story progresses. with chess. This setting is important because it highlight one of the story's more serious issues: working conditions in factories in the early 1900s. Because of the British presence and influence in India. the British public had been exposed to information about India (much of it faulty) for some time. Maw and Meggins Maw and Meggins is the name of the company that owns the factory where Herbert works. At the end of the story. The first section of the story covers a single night in the White's lives. The Monkey's Paw Narrator: Who is the narrator. and we never learn exactly what is done there or what Herbert's job is. mostly from British people who spent time there. and an eagerness to believe that Indian and other foreign traditions would cause problems if introduced into Western societies. but we don't get the idea that things are going to be happy inside for a very long time. We never visit this place. in 1902. Inside things are warm and cheery. knitting. can we trust her or him? Third Person (Omniscient) "The Monkey's Paw" is narrated in the third person. can she or he read minds. it's your typical dark and stormy night. India Like Herbert's workplace. the scene inside Laburnam Villa is contrasted with the scene outside. and a roaring fire. the house is no longer a nightmare place. but never joining in on any of the action. The fact that the monkey's paw supposedly comes from India reflects the public's fascination with India. its embrace of stereotypical representations of people from India. and. or something else caused his death. The third section happens at night. we are told that the house becomes "steeped in shadow and silence" (3.The main setting of "The Monkey's Paw" is inside and around the White family home. strange shadows from candles. the house becomes progressively darker and spookier – complete with creaking stairs. ten days after Herbert dies. As the story opens. and the second section covers the following day. The story is probably set around the time it was published. In 1902 India was still part of the British Empire. called Laburnam Villa. more importantly. and things that go bump in the night. Tragedy The Basic Folk Tale Formula Let's talk sausages. For example. like maybe an older sibling or friend because you refused to believe that the Tooth Fairy wasn't real… In this passage the narrator is showing us not necessarily that Mr. White [. White's head: Mrs. this will all become clear. (2.a. White is probably just as susceptible to superstition as her husband. At the same time. Horror and Gothic Fiction. All of which did not prevent her from scurrying to the door at the postman's knock. The third-person narrator can even see inside the characters' heads and comment on their thoughts. making him omniscient (he knowseverything). you know (thetranslation we read rather hysterically calls this bit . Arabian Nights).just enough information to piece things together. The Monkey's Paw Genre Folk Tale. There are quite a few old folk tales out there that feature three wishes (click here for a list). this is a story about three wishes with really bad consequences. a very famous collection of stories from the Middle East and South Asia. And male anatomy. One of these is from One Thousand and One Nights (a.. this passage allows us to get inside Mrs. This narrator wants us to use our imaginations to answer these and other questions on our own. especially when she gets bills in the mail instead of money. We bet someone's called you gullible before. He could tell us exactly what happened to Herbert. he could even tell us what Mr. He (we'll call the narrator a he) never tells us more than is absolutely necessary. All of them are much older than "The Monkey's Paw. Heck. nor prevent her from referring somewhat shortly to retired sergeant-majors of bibulous [drunken] habits when she found that the post brought a tailor's bill. a man is granted three wishes. The day after Mr.6) "Credulity" is a good word to know when reading this passage.. the narrator is showing us that Mrs.] was very happy at the expense of her husband's credulity. It just means gullible. and if it really was him knocking on his parents' door. um. White is credulous. In the story in One Thousand and One Nights. But he doesn't.k. Some of these stories are ancient.) See." and translations of them reached England not long before "The Monkey's Paw" was written. White's final wish was. the two hundred pounds is all she can think about all day long. but that his wife thinks he is. White makes his first wish. For example. he could come right out and tell us whether the paw has magical powers. And noses. (Trust us. His wife urges him to wish for a bigger. sausages. picks up where Jacobs leaves off. Herbert must stay dead and mangled. No. In "The Monkey's Paw. Jacobs could have made this into a lighthearted story where Herbert comes back to life and given the story a happily-ever. Stephen King. Jacobs' Creepy Spin on Three Wishes Folk Tales W. Other folk tales feature this basic formula: two foolish wishes are made and the third wish is used to bring things back to the way they were. It's a disaster and his wife is horrified. especially Herbert's death. We have to make guesses about the tone based on the author's writing. bringing animals and people back to life with great enthusiasm. For fun. This story becomes much scarier when the wishes seem to have the power to give and take away life. Jacobs' gothic tragedy. We love the way this story helps us trace the roots of today's Gothic and horror genres. but this all seems very strange to us. most of the people in these stories use their first wish on. First. this would be a silly story rather than a tragic and horrifying one. King takes the idea and runs with it. Is it hopeful? Cynical? Snarky? Playful? Sympathetic. He seems to take the dark subject matter seriously.the male anatomy a "prickle" and a "yard"). has some key differences. though generally similar to the "three wishes" folk tales.W. so the man wishes it smaller. but then it totally disappears. for this story to remain a tragedy. White also fails to use his third wish to return things back to the way they were before the wishes. compare Jacobs with another important figure in this genre.after. with a Hint of Mischief Tone refers to an author's attitude toward his characters and subject matter. What are some differences and similarities? The Monkey's Paw Tone Take a story's temperature by studying its tone. Jacobs toys with the idea of bringing a mangled person back to life. For some reason. Now. His final wish is used to put things back the way they were before he ever made a wish. Jacobs isn't taking the death of loved ones lightly. Here's what we've come up with: 1. If he were magically restored to his pre-wishes self. of course). . but he didn't." Mr. Interestingly. we like sausages as much as the next person. In Pet Sematary. yep. America's master of horror. he does away with the whole noses and sausages business (phew) and stays away from body parts in general (except for the paw. Now for the really weird part: the second wish is usually used to attach the sausages to somebody's nose. but then decides against making it happen.Edgar Allan Poe. [. the effects of British colonialism. He knows that too much humor might spoil the horror and undermine the seriousness. Skilled use of foreshadowing can also give a story a feeling of conclusion: all the hints connect together to complete our understanding of what has happened. Jacobs is famous for "The Monkey's Paw" now. grief over a loved one. (This is exactly what happens in the movie The Sixth Sense. for example. but in his day people knew him as a comedic writer. Herbert says. . you're never going to see the money – because you're going to die first. Herbert would have been that "something horrible" if Mrs. In fact. The Monkey's Paw Writing Style Full of Foreshadowing Foreshadowing is a tool that writers use to give readers clues about what to expect later on in the story and also to ratchet up the suspense. and other serious matters. the alienation and isolation caused by the Industrial Revolution.] and something horrible squatting up on top of the wardrobe watching you as you pocket your ill-gotten gains.) Herbert's death is foreshadowed several times by Herbert himself. which he voices in the story.. White hadn't used his third wish (presumably) to send Herbert back to the grave. like when Morris tells the legend of the paw to the Whites. I don't see the money. After his father makes his first wish. He is in full control.. This story has the outrageous. Before his parents go to bed. He is a serious guy who has serious concerns about the world he lives in.. Herbert seems to foreshadow his own disfigurement and return from the dead: "I expect you'll find the cash tied up in a big bag in the middle of your bed [. "Well. We think this is probably the comedian in Jacobs coming out.65) If Mr.. He uses the horror genre to talk about some very serious issues: working conditions in factories. 3." (1.2. that's how he made much of his living. over-the-top feel of many Gothic tales of horror (like Edgar Allan Poe's work) and borders on being funny at times. White had managed to let him into the house. Herb. this might have been exactly the scenario that played out.] and I bet I never shall" (1). keeping the story from being so serious that we can't tolerate it. Mangled from his accident and rotting from his time in the graveyard. though. That's right. Jacobs knows it's sometimes easier to get people to think about serious issues by veiling them in genres like horror and humor. It was usually talked about as drastically different from Britain. Allegory. White's second wish really bring Herbert back from the dead? 3. Is the monkey's paw really and truly magic? 2. then a part of the British Empire. In 1902 England. The title seeks to draw people into the story by playing on their curiosity about India and other faraway places. Imagery. White are left childless and grieving. readers would have instantly associated monkeys with India. or the Simpsonepisode inspired by the story.What’s Up With the Title? This title is creepy and mysterious. funny monkey videos on YouTube. nasty. For example: 1." What’s Up With the Ending? Is the Monkey's Paw Magic? Man. Most British people never saw India personally and weren't necessarily being given accurate information about it. Again. and zombie-ish? . drawing readers in to its web of fear. this story does not have a happy ending. If so. the title awakens our curiosity and makes us start turning pages to find out what it means. Did Mr. or a monkey that lends a helping paw to somebody. You might even wonder if this is a story about animal rights. You might think of zoos. Herbert is not coming back. was Herbert mangled. when this story was published. The interesting thing about the ending is that not everything is explained. check out our discussion in "Symbolism. Today's readers might not instantly associate the title with India. It sounds so exotic – we can almost smell the incense and hear the mystical music. For more on the monkey's paw as a symbol. full of strange ways and deeds. The mere mention of the paw of a monkey hints that we will be rewarded with chills and thrills. and Mr. Was it Herbert knocking on the White's door in the middle of the night? 4. and Mrs. There's actually a lot left to the imagination. White's Final Wish Supernatural matters aside. climax. What was Mr. White is unable to sleep because she's thinking of Herbert cold and alone. . suspense. and Herbert's death? Will Mr. Like Mr. He'll do anything for her – even wish a dead son back to life against his better judgment. or if there is some rational explanation (a neighbor. though. White. In fact. and Mrs. do you think Mr. and then to the gate beyond. White be able to help her through it? What will become of this elderly couple now that they are virtually alone in the world? And. knocking at the door. He keeps it mysterious. (3. White's love for his wife and the sturdiness of his character. Great writers sometimes shake up the recipe and add some spice. complication. We don't know whether it was really undead Herbert White. a bear. What really shows in the ending. between a desire to explain things rationally and a desire to surrender to the supernatural explanation. His ability to do what he knows is right for his wife – stop the undead Herbert from coming back or comfort his wife in her time of need – shows us how strong he can be. Jacob keeps it unclear whether or not the paw reallyhas magical powers and is responsible for Herbert's death. and a long loud wail of disappointment and misery from his wife gave him courage to run down to her side. the wishes. we understand the depth of her love and grief. Mrs. White made the right decision? The Monkey's Paw Plot Analysis Most good stories start with a fundamental list of ingredients: the initial situation. When Mrs. denouement. conflict. most importantly. The street lamp flickering opposite shone on a quiet and deserted road. Will she forgive him? Will Mrs. and when she is willing to accept Herbert even mangled and undead.5. most readers will be caught between belief and disbelief. is Mr. and Mrs. He can put his own grief aside to help his wife deal with hers. What do you think? How would you answer the five questions above? Mr. White. we think the ending also does a lot of character building. and conclusion. Let's take a look at the final lines of the story: A cold wind rushed up the staircase.49) Hmm. White drive herself mad obsessing over the paw. This suggests that Mr. White's final wish? Jacobs just doesn't give us all of the information. Morris?). White wished away her Herbert. White both believed it was the undead Herbert at the door. described as being mentally faster than her husband. will surely put two and two together and realize that Mr. Climax Herbert is in a fatal accident. tells them about his adventures in foreign lands. The very next day.. Mr. Since the paw couldn't possibly really have magical powers.. what harm would there be in wishing on it. When we first meet the Whites. will it come true? Well. which happens next. White does make a wish. Herbert is killed in an accident at the factory where he works. White begs Mr.Initial Situation A happy family. Now the Whites will never be sure whether what happens in the climax is a result of the wish or not. He gets drunk. it would probably be a little easier for them to deal with the climax. they get a visitor. for two hundred pounds. the exact amount Mr. an isolated cottage. and shows them a monkey's paw from India with the power to grant three wishes. the amount of money needed to pay off the family home. they are basically happy people. undead Herbert is actually at the door. This proves to be a complication after the climax. White wished for. He has wished on it himself but isn't sure if he would do it again. Suspense Will Herbert come back to life? Is wishing for that even a good idea? When Mrs. On a dark and stormy night. we're pretty sure he's going to do it. and a mysterious visitor. though maybe a tad lonely and isolated. Conflict To wish or not to wish? Morris warns the Whites that the paw was specifically designed to hurt the people who wish on it. If the wish had never been made. there's a lot of . Sergeant-Major Morris. just for fun? Complication Now that the wish is made. Herbert's employers give them two hundred pounds. White to wish Herbert back to life. To compensate the Whites for his death. But when it seems that the mangled. the concluding lines suggest it was probably him.there’s not just one right answer.W.. White wished Herbert back to death. White walk outside. All we know is that the banging on the door stops. Remember." King even quotes the short story at the beginning of Part Three of his novel.. though we aren't told precisely what he wishes for. Jacobs. W. and Mrs. Ultimately his fear of undead Herbert wins over his fear of his wife. In it. This part is a little frustrating. The Monkey's Paw Trivia Brain Snacks: Tasty Tidbits of Knowledge The W.. the Whites live in an isolated area and only have one neighbor. the area is completely quiet and empty. Homer gets four wishes instead of the usual three." was known primarily as a writer of comedy in his day.W. The Monkey's Paw Questions Bring on the tough stuff . Mr. . Does he use them wisely? Stephen King's bestselling novel Pet Sematary was inspired in part by "The Monkey's Paw. The implication is that Mr. When they walk outside after the knocking stops. most of them set on the water. author of "The Monkey's Paw. in W. White will go against his wife and do what he wants. Jacobs stands for William Wymark (source). White does wish. Conclusion Mr. White uses his third and final wish. He made his living by writing funny novels and short stories. Denouement Mr." "The Monkey's Paw" inspired an episode of The Simpsons .suspense over whether Mr. Check out this New York Times reference (from 1907) to his "familiar humorous themes. In case you were thinking maybe somebody besides undead Herbert was at the door.W. Do you think Mr. to an impoverished family. managed a wharf in South Devon. 2. we only hear someone knocking on the White's door. and they had five children together. would you wish for Herbert to come back to life? Why or why not? 5. and Mrs. Sophia." 13 Going on 30. Jacobs ← Context → W. died when Jacobs was a young boy. Many Cargoes (1896). This story helped horror-master Stephen King develop some of the plot elements and major themes that would win him a worldwide audience.1. in 1900. won popular acclaim. a prominent suffragette. the satirical magazines the Idler andToday published some of his stories in the early 1890s. (William Wymark) Jacobs was born in 1863 in London. Is Morris an untrustworthy guy? Is he trying to make Mr. White's second wish came true? We never seean undead version of Herbert in the story. His father. The question you've been waiting for all your life: If you were given three wishes. the Greek myth of "Apollo and Daphne. William Jacobs. be smart about this and give it plenty of thought. or Coraline. prompting him to quit working as a clerk and begin writing full-time. Can you think of any other explanation for the sound? 4. W. White's position. White want the cursed paw? 6. Does the story inspire you to write a story of your own? What would you change? In what time period would you set it? What might your main character wish for? THE MONKEY’S PAW W.) 7. Jacobs’s first short-story collection. W. You don't want to make the same mistakes the Whites do. England. Why doesn't anybody ever wish for unlimited wishes? Are there any ways that wish could backfire? 3. what would you wish for? Remember. After receiving his degree from Birkbeck College. If you were in Mr. His mother. How does "The Monkey's Paw" compare to other stories about wishes that you've read or watched? (Maybe Aladdin. Jacobs wed Agnes Eleanor. for example. . Chesterton. K.The success of Jacobs’s fiction enabled him to escape his scrappy. He had spent a lot of time hanging around the wharves in London. His financial security was further solidified by the popular Strand magazine. parodied on The Simpsons. G. P. and story’s mix of humor and terror have made “The Monkey’s Paw” popular with generations Themes The Danger of Wishing . All told. which began publishing Jacobs’s short stories in 1898 and continued to do so throughout much of his life. Wodehouse. including G. While modern readers associate Jacobs primarily with his suspenseful and frequently anthologized short story “The Monkey’s Paw” and. to a lesser degree. was a great fan of Jacobs’s and praised his strong work ethic and painstaking approach. He said that Jacobs would often rewrite just one sentence for hours at a stretch. and made into eight separate movies. His early experiences benefited him greatly. Jacobs died in 1943. many of which sold tens of thousands of copies. Jerome. and Mark Twain. Sailors’ Knots (1909). Captains’ All(1902). Like many comic writers of the day. Jacobs explored the lives of the lower and middle classes and published many of his stories in magazines directed at this audience. “The Monkey’s Paw” was published in Jacobs’s short-story collection The Lady of the Barge (1902). hard-luck childhood and dull life as a civil servant. Jerome K. Many luminaries of literature have praised Jacob’s work. Jacobs published thirteen collections of short stories. fascination with wishing and wishing gone awry. He also wrote a number of one-act plays. Light Freights (1901). and many of his short stories and novels concern seamen’s lives and adventures. Sea Urchins (1898). with his short story “The Toll House.” his contemporaries primarily knew him as a comic writer. and the story’s popularity has been extraordinarily long-lasting. a popular comic novelist of the day. five novels. The story has also been turned into a play. Jacobs’s works include The Skipper’s Wooing(1897). Henry James. The spare but colorful characterization of the White family. however. The novellas At Sunwich Port (1902) and Dialstone Lane (1904) exemplify his ability to create humorous scenarios with vivid characters. Evelyn Waugh. Stephen King wrote about “The Monkey’s Paw” in The Dead Zone (1979) and Apt Pupil (1982) and based his novel Pet Sematary (1983) on its themes. and Night Watches (1914). The story has been included in approximately seventy collections. and a novella. from horror and gothic anthologies to the New York Review of Books’ collection of classic fiction. Unchecked greed. Put simply. therefore. and world traveler—disrupts the tranquility in the Whites’ home with his stories of India and magic and warnings of evil.) Sergeant-Major Morris . a man who shatters their happiness with news of Herbert’s death. Mr. Mr. But the Whites repeatedly invite trouble into this cozy world. the first owner used his third wish for death. Even though Mr. The Clash between Domesticity and the Outside World Jacobs depicts the Whites’ home and domestic sphere in general as a safe. Mr. White mar the healthy atmosphere of their home again when they invite the Maw and Meggins representative inside. Jacobs is reminding readers to be careful what they wish for because it may just come true. White to wish to bring Herbert back to life. and a breakfast table. a fireplace. White’s terrified reaction to his dead son’s desire for entrance suggests not just his horror at the prospect of an animated corpse. The central force of the story is the monkey’s paw. He gives Mr. a comfortable home. seasoned veteran. White is the third owner of the paw. and plenty of love—he nevertheless uses the monkey’s paw to wish for money that he doesn’t really need. Sergeant-Major Morris—a family friend. a chessboard. White the monkey’s paw. She forces Mr. knitting. (The second owner is Sergeant-Major Morris. a wish far more serious than their first. After receiving two hundred pounds for Herbert’s death. cozy place separate from the dangerous world outside. Mrs. Motifs Groups of Three Jacobs’s story is structured around a pattern of threes. which will grant three separate owners three wishes each. White jumps to the conclusion that the paw has unlimited power. a copper kettle. As Jacobs suggests. The final would-be invader of the domestic world is Herbert himself. The Whites’ house is full of symbols of happy domesticity: a piano. Intense desire also often leads to unfulfilled expectations or unintended consequences as with Herbert’s unexpected death and rise from the grave as a living corpse. that any person coming from the outside should be treated as a dangerous threat to the sanctity of the home. but his understanding. no matter how much more one asks for. making one seemingly harmless wish only intensifies and magnifies desire as each subsequent wish becomes more outlandish. White feels content with his life—he has a happy family. and Mrs. the ultimate token of the dangerous outside world.The Whites’ downfall comes as the result of wishing for more than what they actually needed. The White family is made up of three people. for example. only leads to unhappiness. won from experience. because Herbert’s death may have been entirely coincidental and the knocks on the door may be from someone other than his living corpse.” One well-known trinity. just as those who take unnecessary risks in life will die. windy night. ostensibly just to see what happens. Its potential also prompts Herbert to halfjokingly suggest wishing for money the Whites don’t really need. White. hastily retrieves the paw from the fire. Symbols The Monkey’s Paw The monkey’s paw is a symbol of desire and greed—everything that its owner could possibly wish for and the unrestricted ability to make it happen. Finally. the number three gives “The Monkey’s Paw” its structure. In the case of Jacobs’s characters. for example. White orders her husband three times to wish Herbert alive again before he retrieves the paw. even to unselfish people who desire nothing and have everything they need. Chess Chess symbolizes life in “The Monkey’s Paw. By stressing threes. Son. Most relevant to the story is the saying “bad luck comes in threes. At the same time. Part II takes place during the morning of a bright winter day. during three types of weather. The paw grants Mr. Jacobs taps into a number of associations that are common in Western culture. Part I occurs in the evening during a rainstorm.” Those who play a daring. two eyes. is from Christian theology. When the story . however. And the reanimated corpse of Herbert knocks three times before his mother hears him. Disregard for threes has been superstitiously equated with disregard for the trinity. even though he himself admits that he wouldn’t know what to wish for if he owned the paw.begins talking about his adventures in India after three glasses of whisky and urges Mr. The representative from Maw and Meggins approaches the Whites’ gate three times before he musters up the courage to walk up the path to their door. threes are often used in literature to produce a perverse or unnatural effect. White three times not to wish on the paw. risky game of chess. which take place at three times of day. because twos commonly occur in nature (we have two legs. the paw’s omnipotent power may be misperceived. In addition to permeating the plot. faith in a non-Christian totem (the paw) may be interpreted as disrespect for Christianity. and so on). This power makes the paw alluring. for example. The story is broken up into three parts. will lose. Part III is set in the middle of a chilly. Mrs. and Holy Spirit. two hands. White’s wishes by killing Herbert and raising his corpse from the grave in an unexpected and highly sinister twist. Mr. in which God is composed of the Father. or three. and Mrs. the narrator explains. and they become obsessed with death and the loss in their lives. He takes terrible. and a comfortable life. The White family isn’t wealthy. Parts of Mr. These mistakes ultimately lead to Herbert’s death. and be careful what you wish for. When he does make his first wish—partly in jest. Another element of classic horror is Jacobs’s transformation of the happy. As he plays. White makes playing chess parallel the risks and mistakes he makes wishing on the monkey’s paw. for example. Mr. partly out of curiosity—it is not for . Mr. White. As with all fables. Jacobs wove many common and recognizable elements of the genre into the story: the story opens on a dark and stormy night. infused with moral messages and instructions on how to live a more fulfilling life. has a theory of “radical changes” concerning chess. he notices that he has made a mistake that will prove deadly. More than a classic horror piece. the Whites live on a deserted street. Jacobs ← The Horror Genre → “The Monkey’s Paw” is a classic of the horror genre that has been copied and adapted numerous times in the century since it was first published. W. unnecessary risks with his king. but they still have everything that’s important. sensing that disaster will soon strike. As the Whites make lighthearted jokes about the monkey’s paw. White even says that he is so content that he wouldn’t even know what to wish for. and the game’s outcome mirrors the story’s outcome. Herbert’s transformation is the most obvious. loving White family into people who live amidst death and misery. the story’s morals are familiar: don’t tempt fate. stairs squeak. readers cringe. “The Monkey’s Paw” is also a modern parable. happiness. White also die after Herbert’s accident. White and Herbert play chess by the fire. These elements heighten the tension and inform readers that something dreadful could occur at any moment. and silences are interrupted by the ticking of the clock. doors bang unexpectedly. THE MONKEY’S PAW W.opens. Jacobs also draws from classic horror fiction when he plays off the White family’s happiness with readers’ sense of impending doom. the most “radical change” of all. including love. Mr. from a joking and playful son to a living corpse. risks that make his wife nervous as she watches the game unfold. The risks and mistakes Mr. THE MONKEY’S PAW W. White a bribe to keep quiet. . Literally. “He was caught in the machinery. but merely for enough money to finally purchase their house. It is possible to read the Whites’ dire fate not as something they brought upon themselves through greediness. Evidence of this worldview comes in the form of the Maw and Meggins representative. his body so mangled that Mr. which went awry after Mr.” Herbert White’s death has a literal meaning and two metaphorical meanings. in a dazed fashion. Herbert died because after being caught in the machinery of fate. Jacobs’s story adheres to the traditional belief that we do not really want what we think we want and that wanting more than what’s sufficient may bring ruin. but instead as the unfair effect of a modest wish made by a family struggling with debts and a small income. maw. would behave exactly as the Whites did. Herbert died because he became entangled in the machinery.” said the visitor at length in a low voice. The first word of the company name. White was able to identify his son only by examining his clothes.” a story that concerns the fate of three lower-middle-class people. and all because of one understandable wish made by a man who simply wants to own his own house. but will effectively offer Mr. even the most moral reader. gaping mouth. and Mrs.” repeated Mr. making a small. hardworking people in the lower classes. W. Jacobs suggests that anyone. White tampered with fate by making his wish for more money. practical wish just to see what might happen. “yes. White. who shamefacedly announces that his company will decline to take any responsibility for the accident. Metaphorically. A subtler metaphorical meaning has to do with Herbert’s employer. “Caught in the machinery. An undercurrent of class consciousness runs through “The Monkey’s Paw. is enough to tempt fate into killing Herbert. His small and sensible wish. Jacobs uses Herbert’s death to suggest that society is unfair to the good. however.untold riches or worldly power. however. Jacobs ← Important Quotations Explained → 1. The suggestion is that Herbert has been swallowed whole by a cruel world. means voracious. The ambiguity of these final lines makes it possible to read “The Monkey’s Paw” as something other than a horror story or cautionary tale. and frantically breathed his third and last wish. . White. White never even made the wish. We never see Herbert’s walking corpse with our own eyes. and neither do Mr. . One could therefore argue that the monkey’s paw holds no power at all and that Herbert would have died had Mr. The frantic knocking at the door is perhaps someone else entirely who goes away just as Mr. The plausibility of this interpretation adds a new dimension to “The Monkey’s Paw. White. and then to the gate beyond.” making it more than just another horror story. [H]e found the monkey’s paw. who cannot manage to open the door in time. or Mrs. a long loud wail of disappointment and misery from his wife gave him courage to run down to her side. The street lamp flickering opposite shone on a quiet and deserted road. . White makes his third wish. who is cowering upstairs. The knocking ceased suddenly .2.
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