The Meridian Jack Hammer 1 of 3

March 17, 2018 | Author: fbunt2777 | Category: Thought, Consciousness, Meridian (Chinese Medicine), Unconscious Mind, Mind



VALUE: $149.00 “The Meridian Jack-Hammer!” ‘Blow-out’/’Eraser’, ‘Vampire Vaporizer’ For Anger Issues!” [Part 1 of 3] Mer idan an i d i r “Me me m k Ha c a J r” ©04/03/2014 Dr. John La Tourrette, PhD Sports Psychology, Clinical Healing Energies Trainer, Meridian Tapping Trainer, NLP Master-Practitioner & NLP Trainer, etc [SANITIZED VERSION! SANITIZED VERSION!] Lesson#455 GroupEnergyWork, Transcription by Kevin Mitchell WARNING: These CD’s and manuals are labeled “L” for “La Tourrette” Content. Dr. La Tourrette, as a teaching tool, uses language [man-talk] that to some is not appropriate. If you want the sanitized edition, please do NOT get this one. Thank You. Kevin Mitchell, transcriber. ©April 3, 2014 Dr. John La Tourrette, 541-535-3188, [email protected] [First 39 pages of this manual have been omitted because they are on a different energy system and not pertinent at this time. JML] It’s been so long, I don’t even remember what I was going to say,… Look, in any stress situation,… …everybody, unless they are really, really , body muscle memory-trained loses seventy percent of the blood in their prefrontal lobes because of stress! … everybody, and if you slap them anywhere in the head they lose the other thirty percent … [Doc is joking about how he uses his Lao-Kong-Hand for fighting] …they are not walking humans any more … ©April 3, 2014 Dr. John La Tourrette, 541-535-3188, [email protected] They have no balance because you took out, because you slapped them back here (primary electricals, gall bladder point 20, on back of head) FREE BONUS #1: We do have 2 follow-up CD’s and Manuals on this session. This is a $149 package. You can have if for Free if you get any of the following. 1. We have The Advanced Energy-Meridian Jack-Hammer on 7 DVD’s…7 CD’s…and 7 Books. The package cost is $1,272 for hard copy… Or, #2: only $297 for complete electronic…digital package. 3. FREE BONUS #2: We will throw in the $2,097 “Advanced PsychicBarometer” course with the above hard copies of the $1,272 Advanced Energy-Meridian Jack-Hammer. ©April 3, 2014 Dr. John La Tourrette, 541-535-3188, [email protected] …and we aren’t even talking about chopping them, 1. …we are talking about just slapping [referring to a karate tactic] them back there behind the ear, ©April 3, 2014 Dr. John La Tourrette, 541-535-3188, [email protected] 2. lost all the blood in the frontal lobe, 3. lost all the sensory because he is vibrating and its going “fuck you, fuck you” 4. he can’t’ crawl 5. you can’t walk 6. you are slobbering like a dog , 7. everything is gone just when somebody goes “boo” when somebody is afraid of “boo” it knocks out seventy percent of that , 8. that means how much of their forty bits of information do they have I their conscious mind ,… 9. good, and what is the linkage to subconscious mind that controls all those processes ,…,…. Zero, you get this? You going to transcribe this? • The act of transcribing forces you to pay very close attention to the spoken language. • You can’t gloss over or ignore words, the way you can if you’re simply listening. • This attention forces you to interact with a language at its root level. And if there are diagrams that need to be drawn, you MUST draw them out. • Then you MUST take that information and add to it how you can use it right now. Good, he is going, “well I don’t want to but you put me on the spot”,… LOL,…good, good, What came to mind was a set-up to set-them-up for the stress even beyond the stress of the conflict, so like uh yelling or getting “FXXXK YOU MOTHER FXXXKER!” [a stress inducing phrase] and just watching their butt hole ©April 3, 2014 Dr. John La Tourrette, 541-535-3188, [email protected] pucker and then creating more of that stress so that when you do,.. Depends, depends,.., “On the situation, sure…” Pre-frontal Lobe strike with the “hollow-palm”, that removes blood from brain! [Takes less than 1/10 of 1 second] ©April 3, 2014 Dr. John La Tourrette, 541-535-3188, [email protected] Depends, Uh… and I like that, and It works really good. [Doc now starts off with a story about his anger. This is the project he personally will be going with the other 3 folks when he does the following Advanced Meridian Jack-Hammer. The story is a covert installation. JML] (Rest of story omitted since it is not pertinent to most folks outside of this class. JML) Doc: But anyway, I am doing some reviewing for that old certification in Meridian tapping, and they said something in “borrowing the energy transmutation benefits”. … “Borrowing the energy transmutation benefits”. ©April 3, 2014 Dr. John La Tourrette, 541-535-3188, [email protected] NOTE: According to Ancient Chinese Medicine from the Nei Jing and the Wu Xing, compiled about 6,000 years ago, all premature aging and illness is caused by maladaptation. The maladaptation is caused by “not knowing how to” deal with life’s stresses. Today that maladaptation is called “trauma”. That trauma because of “not knowing how to” causes blockages in your meridian fields that eventually lead to premature aging, disease and death. There are BIG T’s and little t’s. A trauma is something that happens that is Unexpected, Dramatic, Isolating, and you have NO STRATEGY to deal with it. Unexpected means, “shocking, sudden, a violation of expectations---I never expected it!” Dramatic is something that is overwhelming, a threat to survival or identity, and it seems like you are “on your own”. It’s when you have no strategy to deal with it. So you have feelings of powerlessness, which swamp your coping abilities. You believe “there is nothing you can do”. JML ©April 3, 2014 Dr. John La Tourrette, 541-535-3188, [email protected] 1 2 3 4 ©April 3, 2014 Dr. John La Tourrette, 541-535-3188, [email protected] 5 7 6 8 Photos and explanations: [simple quick version of Energy-Meridian JackHammer: 1. Hollow-palm position for doing the Energy Jack-Hammer . The Lao Kong point is used in all Energy Jack-Hammers. 2. Hollow-palm position to side of the shoulder for doing the Energy JackHammer. Notice how the shoulder is stabilized. ©April 3, 2014 Dr. John La Tourrette, 541-535-3188, [email protected] 3. Hollow-palm position above the shoulder for doing the Energy JackHammer 4. Hollow-palm position to side of the shoulder doing the Energy Meridian Jack-Hammer. 5. Hollow-palm position for activating the heart meridian, the pericardium meridian and the lung meridian. 6. Hollow-palm position for activating all the Yang meridians either starting, or ending in the hand [down the arm; lung, heart pericardium], and going up the backside of the arm [ large intestine, triple warmer, small intestine] 7. Hollow-palm position for activating all the bottom of the foot [Yin] meridians [Kidney, spleen, liver] 8. Hollow-palm position for activating all the top of the foot [Yang] meridians [Stomach, gall-bladder, urinary bladder] The Lao Kong point uses the protective field of the pericardium for assisting in the healing effect with the “Energy Meridian Jack-Hammer”. ©April 3, 2014 Dr. John La Tourrette, 541-535-3188, [email protected] …and I am sure I read this before because I have read this many, many times… …ok watch this ,… Ok you have something you’re angry at? Say yes 3 clients: Yes Doc: Ok besides your wife … we don’t’ want to fix that ©April 3, 2014 Dr. John La Tourrette, 541-535-3188, [email protected] No, no, no, now we don’t’ want to fix that one (chuckle) Ok what are you angry at? Uh You got something you are angry at? (Ben) yeah the court system Doc: Wait a minute, wait a minute, and wait a minute, …anger you are one, ©April 3, 2014 Dr. John La Tourrette, 541-535-3188, [email protected] …you are two, …you are three (Doc numbers each one of us and writes the numbers down on the dry erase board, I am one, Rich is two, And Ben is three) One, two , three, Doc: Ok what are you angry at? #1: I got a guy at work that is incompetent and I have a hard time… Doc: Guy, work , incompetent #1: Unh hunh Doc: Ok now where do you feel that?, where do you feel that? FREE BONUS #1: We do have 2 follow-up CD’s and Manuals on this session. This is a $149 package. You can have if for Free if you get any of the following. 1. We have The Advanced Energy-Meridian Jack-Hammer on 7 DVD’s…7 CD’s…and 7 Books. The package cost is $1,272 for hard copy… Or, #2: only $297 for complete electronic…digital package. 3. FREE BONUS #2: We will throw in the $2,097 “Advanced PsychicBarometer” course with the above hard copies of the $1,272 Advanced ©April 3, 2014 Dr. John La Tourrette, 541-535-3188, [email protected] Energy-Meridian Jack-Hammer. #1: Right down there (I point to above my belly button) ©April 3, 2014 Dr. John La Tourrette, 541-535-3188, [email protected] Doc: How about right down here? (A little higher below heart) #1: Yeah, yeah Ok “I feel it right here” (Muscle tests me) I feel it right there I feel it right there Yeah so you didn’t’ even know where you felt it … ©April 3, 2014 Dr. John La Tourrette, 541-535-3188, [email protected] ©April 3, 2014 Dr. John La Tourrette, 541-535-3188, [email protected] Based on the concept of internal energy fundamental to traditional Chinese medicine, muscle testing is a noninvasive way of evaluating the body’s imbalances and assessing its needs. It involves testing the body’s responses when applying slight pressure to a large muscle, to provide information on energy blockages, the functioning of the organs, nutritional deficiencies, and food sensitivities, among other things. It can also be used to test the body’s responses to herbs and other remedies. [Laugher… most people are not aware of the locations of their feelings. JML] Doc: Ok, so you feel it right there And you thought you felt it here You don’t, these are ribs of course (on his drawing of where I felt it, just below solar plexus) The SUD Scale or SUD Level reading - short for subjective levels of disturbance (previously discomfort) - is simply ascertained by asking someone, "On a scale from 10 - 0, 10 being the highest possible level of disturbance, and 0 being no disturbance at all, where would you say you are right now?" #1: Yes sir Doc: Ok good, good ,good, and on a scale to zero , This guy at work, this incompetent person that you feel right there , how angry are you at him? [Notice that Doc does NOT have us “guess” the SUDS, but has us muscle ©April 3, 2014 Dr. John La Tourrette, 541-535-3188, [email protected] tested to verify, and write down the SUDS so the final comparison between “before” and “after” is very clear.] #1: Five, six? I’m a five I’m a five I’m a six I’m a six I’m a seven I’m a seven Doc: It’s getting bigger LOL Access the feeling Access the feeling close your eyes and feel it I’m a seven #1: I’m a seven I’m a eight I’m a eight I’m a nine I’m a nine I’m a ten I’m a ten Doc: Ok now…what control do you have over him? Ok, see that is the problem … He doesn’t have any control over him… he can’t fire him ©April 3, 2014 Dr. John La Tourrette, 541-535-3188, [email protected] Ok but you don’t have control over the feeling [you feel] so that is a ten But it’s actually a control issue but your angry now… are you angry at him… or are you angry at lack of control? #1: Lack of control Him Him (tests) Doc: Yeah he is angry at lack of control (Doc writes down my answers on the board under my number) Good, good, good,… So that’s his maladaptation. We got real specific on it Got it? [Doc now switches to #2] What are you angry at? #2: (Ben ) the court system Doc: The court system I don’t’ know what you mean (be more specific) (Ben) the judges What judge What did the judge do? (Ben) I have had two of them … they have made judgments that would not let me get divorced What did one of them do? (Ben) they keep postponing… they,…don’t allow, on my kids with unsupervised visits ©April 3, 2014 Dr. John La Tourrette, 541-535-3188, [email protected] Give me worst judge (Ben) Arnold Ok we got Arnold (Ben) he is off the bench now Thank god Doc: Wait a minute you got Arnold there Ok Now watch this I got Arnold Where do you feel it? (Ben) here. Right there. Ok right there. Ok I feel it right there. (Above heart, #6 in the drawing, like an arrow shot straight into the solarplexus, just below the Xiphoid process. ) ©April 3, 2014 Dr. John La Tourrette, 541-535-3188, [email protected] (Ben) I feel it right there. (muscle tests) Doc: But he is off the bench right now. (muscle tests negative ) We don’t want that one. [This was no longer the primary anger issue. He’d laid it to his left side on his past time-line. JML] (Ben) I’m still pissed off. Doc: Well yeah but, got my point, he is NOT the main one now. (Ben) it is just the system I guess. Doc: No, no there is a person , there is always a person … there is always a situation (Ben) ok my ex-wife. Doc: Ok. What is her name? (Ben) [name deleted] ©April 3, 2014 Dr. John La Tourrette, 541-535-3188, [email protected] Ok, the Bitch? (Ben) the Bitch. The Bitch. (Ben) the Cxxt! [Doc goes for “HIS” word that elicits his worse emotional response.] Doc: The Cxxt. The Cxxt.. Ok and when you think about her where do you feel it? (Ben) same place. Doc: Same place right there. (Ben) yeah That fxxking Cxxt , the Cxxt. (Ben) the cxxt. Ok good that is a good ten. ©April 3, 2014 Dr. John La Tourrette, 541-535-3188, [email protected] Ok good I like that good, good, good, [Doc is praising him for uncovering the complete emotion]. Doc: Your turn (to Rich). ANGER! (To Get Rich to answer) ( Rich) self. At what? (Rich) not being where I feel I should be at? [Rich, #3, asked a question, and did not verify or state with purpose his anger. So it is much too non-specific. JML] Whose fault is that? (Rich) mine [He is now specific] Doc: Where you should be with what? Give me one case [Doc is zeroing in on a specific isolated thing] (Rich) uh product. Doc: When is the first time you ever started something and didn’t finish it and felt really bad about it? (Rich) say again. When is the first time you ever started something ,…did not finish it… and you felt bad about it? The first time, yeah, come on,… [Rich nods his head, when he found it, but does not want to share. That is okay. It can be done totally covertly as long as “he” knows what it is. JML] Now where do you feel bad, on your body, location? (Rich) seems like somewhere in … ©April 3, 2014 Dr. John La Tourrette, 541-535-3188, [email protected] [The location is NOT specific, so Doc starts muscle-testing to find the area on his chest.] Doc: I feel bad. (Rich) I feel bad. I feel bad. (Rich) I feel bad. Right here [location 1, no] Right here [location 2, no] Right here no, … [location 3, yes!] Here (above his heart) he has heart break. Got it? [Seemingly to the others, by really to Rich] yYha, he has heart break. Ok I will call that heart break, ok? (Writes it on board ) Doc: And on the suds scale I feel bad right here… (points to spot on his chest) ©April 3, 2014 Dr. John La Tourrette, 541-535-3188, [email protected] I got heart break I feel bad right here. [Doc now throws out similar words and muscle-tests them with Rich’s emotional field.] (Rich) I feel bad. I don’t get shit done. (Rich) I don’t’ get shit done. I never finish anything. (Rich) I never finish anything. I am so fxxking slow. (Rich) I am so fxxking slow. God I hate myself. (Rich) god I hate myself. Got it? (Writes hate myself on board ) I hate myself (muscle-tests ) (Rich) I hate myself. Doc: And it’s a ten. Ok now, now. ©April 3, 2014 Dr. John La Tourrette, 541-535-3188, [email protected] [Talking to all of them, and also to himself so he can work on the one he found for himself] 1. So found your location [#1] 2. Found your location [#2] 3. And found your location [#3] And you guys are all “tens” Ok? [To Kevin] Since it’s your lesson time I will use you [for the Jack-Hammering] (Me) Ok and I am going to take off my shirt so I don’t break all my glasses and ink pens in my pocket. [Doc’s pockets are always loaded with different ink pens, writing pads, and paper tags…along with 3 different reading glasses.] Ok now. ©April 3, 2014 Dr. John La Tourrette, 541-535-3188, [email protected] There you are. (Finds me on the board so he can go over my issues, my locations with his Jack-Hammer ) Now you guys are just going to do everything he does. Because you already know about your project. You already know about your project … got it? But you got to do it together [You all Jack-Hammer where I have him Jackhammer, okay?] Ok? Ok… (we start out rubbing K-27’s then go through the tapping hitting the meridian intersections) [Doc is doing the “set-up” using the Central Meridian locations, where the arms are attached to the body. It is NOT the “sore-spot” of Energy Psychology or of EFT. It is a better spot because it controls the energies from the “Hypnosis Vessel”, the Conception Vessel.] “Even thought I have lack of control I still accept and appreciate myself [3 times]. Then Doc goes into the “Energy-meridian Jack-Hammer” on Kevin’s chest where his “anger/lack of control” was located on his body. ©April 3, 2014 Dr. John La Tourrette, 541-535-3188, [email protected] Even though… Even though (in unison ) I have lack of control… I have lack of control And that mother fxxker … And that mother fxxker That incompetent fxxking fool … That incompetent fxxking fool Is purposely taking me for a ride… Is purposely taking me for a ride I hate that lack of control … I hate that lack of control I hate that lack of control… ©April 3, 2014 Dr. John La Tourrette, 541-535-3188, [email protected] I hate that lack of control I hate that lack of control … I hate that lack of control I hate that lack of control… I hate that lack of control I hate that lack of control … I hate that lack of control I hate not being able to tell him what to do… I hate not being able to tell him what to do [Doc switches to different chakra locations, covering primarily 3rd chakra and 4th chakra, and all the lymphatics and meridian points on the body. He does that for about 3 minutes to cover all their “aspects”.] I hate not having the credentials or the job position to fire … I hate not having the credentials or the job position to fire Because he needs to be fired … Because he needs to be fired He needs to be fired… He needs to be fired He needs to be fired… He needs to be fired He needs to be fired … He needs to be fired But I know I can think of ways… ©April 3, 2014 Dr. John La Tourrette, 541-535-3188, [email protected] But I know I can think of ways To get his ass fired … To get his ass fired I can think of a way ,…I can make a list … I can think of a way ,…I can make a list I can think of a way that I can talk to people covertly… “like you notice what dick head was doing”. I can think of a way that I can talk to people covertly, “like you notice what dickhead was doing” He was back there sitting there having a smoke for forty five minutes on his ten minute break today. Ever notice that? He was back there sitting there having a smoke for forty five minutes on his ten minute break today Ever notice that? I know that there are ways of getting control instead of yelling at them. I know that there is ways of getting control instead of yelling at them There is ways of taking control that I can do and I can still be the nice guy. There is ways of taking control that I can do and I can still be the nice guy I know that. FREE BONUS #1: We do have 2 follow-up CD’s and Manuals on this session. This is a $149 package. You can have if for Free if you get any of the following. 1. We have The Advanced Energy-Meridian Jack-Hammer on 7 DVD’s…7 CD’s…and 7 Books. The package cost is $1,272 for hard copy… Or, #2: only $297 for complete electronic…digital package. 3. FREE BONUS #2: We will throw in the $2,097 “Advanced PsychicBarometer” course with the above hard copies of the $1,272 Advanced ©April 3, 2014 Dr. John La Tourrette, 541-535-3188, [email protected] Energy-Meridian Jack-Hammer. I know that I am good at what I do (everybody together) I am good at what I do. I get control for what I do. I get control for what I do. I get control for what I do. I get control for what I do. I get control for what I do. I get control for what I do . Could you be with us? (To Rich) I get control for what I do. I get control for what I do. Even though he is a dick head I have control for what I do. Even though he is dickhead I have control for what I do. Even though he is dickhead I have control for what I do. Even though he is dickhead I have control for what I do. I am good at what I do. I am good at what I do I am good at what I do I am getting better at what I do everyday. I am good at what I do I am getting better at what I do everyday ©April 3, 2014 Dr. John La Tourrette, 541-535-3188, [email protected] I am very, very smart. I am very , very smart And I am a lazy butt. And I am a lazy butt But we could all enjoy ourselves and be lazy once in awhile as long as we get-shit done. But we could all enjoy ourselves and be lazy once in awhile as long as we get shit done As long as we focus on what we want done. As long as we focus on what we want done Focus on what we done. Focus on what we done Good , good, good. Now watch this. (Doc muscle tests me ) What is that guy’s name? Larry I am pissed at Larry. I am pissed at Larry I am angry. I am angry That cxxk sucker [Doc is using his reference point, his anchor for the old feelings] That cxxk sucker (I test weak…a zero) ©April 3, 2014 Dr. John La Tourrette, 541-535-3188, [email protected] I know what to do. I know what to do I have control. I have control I have other ways. I have other ways (I test strong) It went from a ten to a zero. Now over here (brings over Ben). Ok is that your ,…fxxked up ,…( shoulder) Ok yours was that fxxking Cxxt ( Ben) that fxxking Cxxt. (Ben tests weak ) That fxxking Cxxt. (Ben) that fxxking Cxxt That fxxking, fxxking, fxxking Cxxt. (Ben) Fxxking Cxxt I know I can get through this and win. (Ben) I know I can get through this and win That is a ten now. Ok? (Ben) yeah Come here (To Rich). ©April 3, 2014 Dr. John La Tourrette, 541-535-3188, [email protected] “It won’t work for me”. LOL “Because I am useless I can’t even do the drill right”. LOL (A joke using Riches own thought process to mismatch the drill, a blow out?) Anybody that can use a Mac has to be smarter than I am. [A joke about Doc’s computer skills, or rather, the lack of them] I hate myself . (Rich) I hate myself I feel it here. (Rich) I feel it here (tests weak ) It was a ten here. (Rich) it was a ten here Now it is a what here? (Rich) one It’s a one. It’s a zero. (Rich) it’s a zero (tests strong ) Because now you feel it here. Because now you have control. Got it? Ok what happened is I put us all in the same morphogenic field… ©April 3, 2014 Dr. John La Tourrette, 541-535-3188, [email protected] … and then we activated the end points of the meridian using tapping until I got to the body targets … …and then we went into Energy-meridian jack-hammer. …and we didn’t’ have to hold the forehead neurovasculars like we used to have to… Do you remember that? [It was in Doc’s Inner Demon Destroyer a few years back] For the fear and the stress? Because the meridian jack hammer, whether we did it here, or here , or here because I made sure we did them all and also over here… …worked on all the major meridians going through the trunk of the body Pericardium, heart, spleen , liver, gall bladder, and the primary chakras running through the body. Got it? And we took one time to go through all of them and then installed self control in every situation,…so this is the part because we are focusing on one ideal. Got it? Anger, anger , anger( points to each of our spots on the dry erase board). Got it? And we got you all to do the SUDS and we came up with an isolated set up phrase for all of you. ©April 3, 2014 Dr. John La Tourrette, 541-535-3188, [email protected] When we tapped on his issue we found your locations… We made it very, very specific for all of you… When we found your locations, your subconscious mind, now with its forty-four million bits of processing per second knows where to go to clear out the perturbations [energy blocks caused by trauma and stress] in your energy system… As we activate with higher vibrations of speech… …and also of the meridian jack hammer slapping processes we activate it so you became a… uh in fact I did too… Did you know that when people do processes like energy psychology right… …like I just did … I feel better too? Yeah. And they notice that a lot of therapists doing energy psychology were getting fixed, without doing anything for themselves,… …but they give seminars they work on people and they get better… …and you know usually a therapist works on someone else and they take on all their evils and they feel like shit and then they want to commit suicide,… [Doc is pointing out the differences in results on the practitioner from talk therapies and energy therapies] And the ones doing energy psychology were just getting better and better and better, because the subconscious minds,… You know it’s just like, that , that old … you know what you call it starfish diagram there is one mind. ©April 3, 2014 Dr. John La Tourrette, 541-535-3188, [email protected] Got it? …and that I, there is six billion or seven billion people on it but that is our conscious mind. That is your subconscious mind and that is our high self. And that is the all that is that created us. and so when you activate this and this all of these hook up that are in the general area that are focused on the same thing,… It becomes a thing of instant transmutation telepathically… ©April 3, 2014 Dr. John La Tourrette, 541-535-3188, [email protected] Who broke this pen? [Doc is doing a joke, a joke about folks that always blame others] (Pen stops writing well) So what did you learn? (To me) How you feel? I feel good And by the way the jack hammer lasts a long time, Meridian tapping lasts a long time, Energy healing doesn’t seem to. In fact it seems to fluctuate with your moods. The Advanced Energy-Meridian Jack-Hammer is a higher level, a more powerful vibrational level. How do I know that? I mean I’m is the guy that has seventeen years in energy medicine. Why am I finally saying this? ©April 3, 2014 Dr. John La Tourrette, 541-535-3188, [email protected] Yeah Yes Rich Mott? ( Rich) yeah it’s like going back and getting stuck in one particular field and then you keep looking at it through that field and because you can’t step out of it to see what is going on,…your focus is only what they say it is. Yep, they call it the psychic-atmosphere, which is an emotional field. What did we blow out when we worked here to up to here (showing the on his chest the points above the belly button)? We started second chakra third, fourth... [Doc did a “joke”, which I did remove. ©April 3, 2014 Dr. John La Tourrette, 541-535-3188, [email protected] It was for men] LOL Now notice what I just did,…. I did a radiant circuit blow out,… I mean it is sort of a sleazy and icky but it was funny [like a nurse’s joke] That is not the type of blow out we are talking about. Rich Mott what did you learn? (Rich) that you can follow the same process once you… … if you got a group and you find each ones individual locations, you can essentially do them all at once. ©April 3, 2014 Dr. John La Tourrette, 541-535-3188, [email protected] Doc: What I actually did is I reframed everybody‘s problem doing the same thing and still kept you very , very specific ,…got it? I got you right down to the core-specifics, ok? And yours , your problem your anger ( to me). Yes Would probably [eventually] cause immune deficiency… … Eventually it might cause diabetes almost like right there … [Pointing to his location of the emotions, the spleen, pancreas] “If the maladaptive behavior was not taken care of.” ©April 3, 2014 Dr. John La Tourrette, 541-535-3188, [email protected] Ok? Yours, (Ben) would cause probably a heart attack the location that you had. Yes, the way it was focused right there. See. because these are all organ specific… ©April 3, 2014 Dr. John La Tourrette, 541-535-3188, [email protected] You know that . And yours of course would be heart failure not heart attack, Yes, because of the protective element of the pericardium [All contextures based upon the location of the maladaptive emotional energy] Actually started there and your actually came up like that (higher on the heart) I “see” stuff [referring to energies]… Again with the little magnet… [Doc holds up the magnet…He had taught all of us to see and feel (both the tickle and the pressures) the differences between the N side and the S side of round Radio-Shack magnets] ©April 3, 2014 Dr. John La Tourrette, 541-535-3188, [email protected] You got to get out of here (to Ben because Ben has another appointment) we are done in four minutes. Go boogie . Thank you. I was doing something with Aaron [who is a “charge nurse at a local health-care facility] … …and I said the magnet… and you guys know all this but to him it like Voodoo to him, you know… …and I said “Yeah if I hold this side” … …and I just looked at it… … I said ok and if I hold this side against your head I said “because the bubble of energy here is in, is being pulled in, This side here is being pushed out, it’s about like that long [Doc gestures with his hands] If I hold this on here you will be weak”… And he goes, “you can see that?” ©April 3, 2014 Dr. John La Tourrette, 541-535-3188, [email protected] “Yes. What’s your point?” [Doc is using sarcasm to make a point] ©April 3, 2014 Dr. John La Tourrette, 541-535-3188, [email protected] And this one here will make you go strong and he goes “how the hell do you see that?” FREE BONUS #1: We do have 2 follow-up CD’s and Manuals on this session. This is a $149 package. You can have if for Free if you get any of the following. 1. We have The Advanced Energy-Meridian Jack-Hammer on 7 DVD’s…7 CD’s…and 7 Books. The package cost is $1,272 for hard copy… Or, #2: only $297 for complete electronic…digital package. 3. FREE BONUS #2: We will throw in the $2,097 “Advanced PsychicBarometer” course with the above hard copies of the $1,272 Advanced Energy-Meridian Jack-Hammer. ©April 3, 2014 Dr. John La Tourrette, 541-535-3188, [email protected] And I said “I trained myself to”. Ok I can see your energy too. He goes… [And is speechless] I said “it wouldn’t work for you though” (mismatch)… But he was just blown away; because he’d been a student long enough to realize I can do “weird” stuff [weird to the mindset of allopathic medicine, but not weird stuff according to “sensitives” studied by von Reichenbach in 1843] Yes, got to watch it with the new guys because they will think you are the Devil or crazy, or something. Good what did you learn? ©April 3, 2014 Dr. John La Tourrette, 541-535-3188, [email protected] (to me) Well when we were doing the drill I came up with ideas,…what I need to do specifically! I know…yep. To take care of that Yeah I know that drill not only unites this drill … (Ben) thanks you guys. Here hang on you might like this. That drill unites you with…see this ,… …this is also the source, the source energy that is also the creative dimension… …that is the dimension of ideals so when you do the energy that way you also telepathically contact...looking of something that fits your specific solutions. ©April 3, 2014 Dr. John La Tourrette, 541-535-3188, [email protected] Oh I see Doc: Got it? I don’t know if you understood how powerful what I just said is? That which cuts us off from the universal awareness is either some element of physical consciousness -such as a conscious attitude or an inharmonious condition in the body-or some aspect of the subconscious mind. ©April 3, 2014 Dr. John La Tourrette, 541-535-3188, [email protected] By the term '(subconscious mind" we are referring to the storehouse of thought patterns which we have created. The word "created" is used here in a very specific way, to indicate that the mind has the capability of giving a shape or a pattern to energy. Although this may sound somewhat strange to us, these thought creations or thought forms are very real and continue to exist even after the thought has left consciousness awareness. The phrase "Thoughts are things," which is found throughout the readings, has special meaning to our understanding of how ESP works. If we consider our conscious experience in the material world as being threedimensional, meaning we have a tendency to describe or understand our experiences in the earth in terms of three measurements, we can then assign these thought forms to a fourth dimensional existence. We find this idea in the Cayce readings as well as in the writings of the Swiss psychiatrist, Carl Jung. FREE BONUS #1: We do have 2 follow-up CD’s and Manuals on this session. This is a $149 package. You can have if for Free if you get any of the following. 1. We have The Advanced Energy-Meridian Jack-Hammer on 7 DVD’s…7 CD’s…and 7 Books. The package cost is $1,272 for hard copy… Or, #2: only $297 for complete electronic…digital package. 3. FREE BONUS #2: We will throw in the $2,097 “Advanced PsychicBarometer” course with the above hard copies of the $1,272 Advanced Energy-Meridian Jack-Hammer. Yeah instead of just having this “general want” or need… Neuroscientists have shown that the conscious mind provides 5%, or less, of our cognitive (conscious) activity during the day – And 5% they say is for the more aware people, many people operate at just 1% consciousness. Dr. Bruce Lipton also says that the unconscious mind operates at 44 million bits of data per second, whereas the conscious mind processes at only 40 bits per second. So the unconscious mind is MUCH more powerful than the conscious mind, and it is the unconscious mind which shapes how we live our life. ©April 3, 2014 Dr. John La Tourrette, 541-535-3188, [email protected] No, no look forty bits versus Forty four million bits… Instantly, all of it is Downloaded like a gestalt … [An organized whole that is perceived as more than the sum of its parts. Like downloading a complete book in seconds, but it will take you 7 hours to study it and understand it.] [Higher consciousness download with energy field training through the esoteric transducers of the endocrine system and the chakras, to the subconscious mind]. That is what you just did. You went “down load”… The “down-load” came into your head from your left side higher up like this [Doc shows him his exact location for his “down-load”.] I watched it and you went, “yee-ha I can do that”! And then you went, [auditory component] “yeah I could do that”! And it just went download, download, download. Many statements in the readings link the development of intuitive and psychic abilities with ideals. In one case there is the indication that a reverie type of experience ("those inner flows of consciousness that are aroused by the association of ideas with ideals") would be helpful. “The entity will find that its own intuitive forces should be the more often the controlling influence in its activity; that arise through the entity's own meditation, the entity's own concentration upon plans or ideals; whether in relation to its own activities or those of others; those conclusions to which the entity arrives by its own inner urge ...” “... Hence it becomes as a pilot, as a criterion for many as they seek along those inner flows of consciousness that are aroused by the association of ideas with ideals that partake of spiritual enlightenment.” 1023-2 I watched it as you did it [Grins]. [Doc does calibrate very well. He should. He’s been teaching NLP for 34 years] Look at him he is like “beet red”. ©April 3, 2014 Dr. John La Tourrette, 541-535-3188, [email protected] I can’t wait to get there and start . LOL (Rich) “excellent” (Burns imitation). Yeah ok but just you know, cover your ass. Good, good what did you learn, you are still here so what did you learn? (Ben) deeper awareness of the source of “what’s hindering me?” , I suppose Doc: those are called blocks. (Ben) yeah where my blocks are. Yeah if you have blocks yeah if you have blocks and by the way anything if it is emotional is a block. If it is a negative emotion, if it is a positive emotion it is a block too. This is Gary Craig’s postulate of why bad emotions happen. The teachings of Huang Di in his Nei Jing from 6,000 years ago states something very similar. Doing that drill also disassociated you from all blocks. Got it? From all blocks. Why? Because we removed the charge on the emotion that was associating you into the anger. ©April 3, 2014 Dr. John La Tourrette, 541-535-3188, [email protected] Negative Emotions Chain you down! (Ben) thank you. I do have to leave Go ,…go Thank you. (Ben) thank you. Enjoyed teaching you today. We did some good stuff, some GREAT Energy Work today! Ok what did you learn?( Rich) (Rich) we are incorporating the Energy-Meridian Jack-hammer, I noticed you were going-over rthe different organs when you were doing it and now I am thinking about it… Think about chakras, lymphatics, and meridian points, ok ? Most problems with Diabetes starts with stomach and spleen meridians, stomach goes right down there. Got it? ©April 3, 2014 Dr. John La Tourrette, 541-535-3188, [email protected] Start with pericardium,..go right up there [Right beneath the nipple] Got it ? Start with liver [anger] Start with gall bladder points [hopeless] Got it? Adrenals [cortisol hormone releasing because of stress]. Triple warmer, hypothalamus, limbic system… Well its right there (the picture on the wall shows the points). ( Rich) yeah ok. And those are just lymphatics. And this here ( K-27’s ) . That is Governing Lymphatic…we did that in the set up phase. Doc demos, “even though I hate dick-head because he is an incompetent lazy fool, I accept and appreciate myself because I got skills” . Got it? You release the congested energy in your own hypnosis-vessel [Conception Vessel] that is holding you back. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. That is the reason it is called the set up phrase And then we went through the entire sequence (tapping) And then I added the jack hammer for it And it worked instantly for everybody Which we verified by muscle testing and comparing the SUDS between the beginning and the end. Everybody Everybody. And we didn’t even work on them. Right that is what I thought was neat about the whole thing. ©April 3, 2014 Dr. John La Tourrette, 541-535-3188, [email protected] That is called “borrowing the energy transmutation benefits”. Borrowing the transmutation benefits “Of energy”. You got to go energy Because emotions are energy. Yes sir. In fact our physical bodies are energy. Like when I worked with Van Lien and I just had him,….I made sure he tapped stomach thirty six and the one under the knee. I think is stomach thirty four. And I had him tap right here ok? And then I had him tap around his knee and then I had him lean forward and tap his butt and go up to his Ming Men point… ..and go down… …and then I had him do flying kick and he had never gotten so high so coordinated so grounded ,…ever. ©April 3, 2014 Dr. John La Tourrette, 541-535-3188, [email protected] And he goes “Darn!” I mean it was like he levitated and kicked because we removed all the negative self talk. We removed all the energy perturbations towards thinking and emotions that he had towards it collected in his legs and in his joints, and his attitude. It connected the belt flow. It connected the Ming men point with the Penetrating Flow. It connected up everything. Got it? Yeah Good… let’s get out of here. ©April 3, 2014 Dr. John La Tourrette, 541-535-3188, [email protected] Thank you sir! End of this segment of Transcription. Hope you enjoyed it. FREE BONUS #1: We do have 2 follow-up CD’s and Manuals on this session. This is a $149 package. You can have if for Free if you get any of the following. 1. We have The Advanced Energy-Meridian Jack-Hammer on 7 DVD’s…7 CD’s…and 7 Books. The package cost is $1,272 for Hard Copy + Complete Electronic Digital Package…CLICK HERE To Get Advanced Energy Meridian Jack Hammer Or, #2: only $297 for complete electronic…digital package. 3. FREE BONUS #2: We will throw in the $2,097.00 “Advanced Psychic-Barometer” course with the above hard copies of the $1,272 Advanced Energy-Meridian Jack-Hammer. Click Here to Get Advanced Energy Meridian Jack Hammer ©April 3, 2014 Dr. John La Tourrette, 541-535-3188, [email protected]
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