March 22, 2018 | Author: AAAlien | Category: J. R. R. Tolkien, Middle Earth Books, Middle Earth, Nature



THE LAY OF LEITHIAN 1. OF THINGOL IN DORIATH A king there was in days of o d!ere "en yet wa ked #$on the %o# d his $ower was reared in &a'erns( shade) his hand was o'er g en and g ade. Of ea'es his &rown) his %ant e green) his si 'er an&es ong and keen* the star ight in his shei d was &a#ght) ere %oon was %ade or s#n was wro#ght. In after+day when to the shore of "idd e+earth fro% ,a inor the E 'en+hosts in %ight ret#rned) and -anners f ew and -ea&ons -#rned) when kings of E da%ar went -y in strength of war) -eneath the sky then sti his si 'er tr#%$ets - ew when s#n was yo#ng and %oon was new. Afar then in .e eriand) in Doriath(s -e eag#ered and) /ing Thingo sat on g#arded throne in %any+$i ared ha s of stone! there -ery ) $ear ) and o$a $a e) and %eta wro#ght ike fishes( %ai ) -#&k er and &ors et) a0e and sword) and g ea%ing s$ears were aid in hoard! a these he had and &o#nted s%a ) for dearer than a wea th in ha ) and fairer than are -orn to "en) a da#ghter had he) L1thien. OF L2THIEN THE .ELO,ED 3#&h isso% i%-s no %ore sha r#n on the green earth -eneath the s#n* so fair a %aid no %ore sha -e fro% dawn to d#sk) fro% s#n to sea. Her ro-e was - #e as s#%%er skies) -#t grey as e'ening was her eyes* her %ant e sewn with i ies fair) -#t dark as shadow was her hair. Her feet were swift as -ird on wing) her a#ghter %erry as the s$ring* the s ender wi ow) the -owing reed) the fragran&e of a f owering %ead) the ight #$on the ea'es of trees) the 'oi&e of water) %ore than these her -ea#ty was and - issf# ness) her g ory and her o'e iness. 3he dwe t in the en&hanted and whi e e 'en+%ight yet he d in hand the wo'en woods of Doriath! none e'er thither fo#nd the $ath #n-idden) none the forest+ea'es dared $ass) or stir the istening ea'es. To north there ay a and of dread) D#ngorthin where a ways were dead in hi s of shadow - eak and &o d* -eyond was Dead y Nightshade(s ho d in Ta#r+n#+F#in(s fastness gri%) where s#n was si&k and %oon was di%. To 3o#th the wide earth #ne0$ ored* to 4est the an&ient O&ean roared) #nsai ed and shore ess) wide and wi d* to East in $eaks of - #e were $i ed) in si en&e fo ded) %ist+enf#r ed) the %o#ntains of the o#ter wor d. Th#s Thingo in his do 'en ha a%id the Tho#sand 5a'erns ta of "enegroth as king a-ode! to hi% there ed no %orta road. .eside hi% sat his death ess 6#een) fair "e ian) and wo'e #nseen nets of en&hant%ent ro#nd his throne) and s$e s were aid on tree and stone! shar$ was his sword and high his he %) the king of -ee&h and oak and e %. 4hen grass was green and ea'es were ong) when fin&h and %a'is s#ng their song) there #nder -o#gh and #nder s#n in shadow and in ight wo# d r#n fair L1thien the e 'en+%aid) dan&ing in de and grassy g ade. OF DAIRON "INI3TREL OF THINGOL 4hen sky was & ear and stars were keen) then Dairon with his fingers ean) as day ight %e ted into e'e) a tre%- ing %#si& sweet wo# d wea'e on f #tes of si 'er) thin and & ear for L1thien) the %aiden dear. There %irth there was and 'oi&es -right* there e'e was $ea&e and %orn was ight* there 7ewe g ea%ed and si 'er wan and red go d on white fingers shone) and e anor and ni$hredi - oo%ed in the grass #nfading sti ) whi e the end ess years of E 'en+ and ro ed o'er far .e eriand) #nti a day of doo% -efe ) as sti the e 'en+har$ers te . 8 9. OF "ORGOTH : THE 3NARLING OF GORLI" Far in the Northern hi s of stone in &a'erns - a&k there was a throne -y f a%e en&ir& ed* there the s%oke in &oi ing &o #%ns rose to &hoke the -reath of ife) and there in dee$ and gas$ing d#ngeons ost wo# d &ree$ to ho$e ess death a those who strayed -y doo% -eneath that ghast y shade. A king there sat) %ost dark and fe of a that #nder hea'ens dwe . Than earth or sea) than %oon or star %ore an&ient was he) %ightier far in %ind a-ys%a than he tho#ght of E dar or of "en) and wro#ght of strength $ri%e'a * ere the stone was hewn to -#i d the wor d) a one he wa ked in darkness) fier&e and dire) -#rned) as he wie ded it) -y fire. He (twas that aid in r#in - a&k the . essed Rea %s and then f ed -a&k to "idd e+earth anew to -#i d -eneath the %o#ntains %ansions fi ed with %is-egotten s a'es of hate! death(s shadow -rooded at his gate. His hosts he ar%ed with s$ears of stee and -rands of f a%e) and at their hee the wo f wa ked and the ser$ent &re$t with id ess eyes. Now forth they ea$t) his r#ino#s egions) kind ing war in fie d and frith and wood and hoar. 4here ong the go den e anor had g ea%ed a%id the grass they -ore their -anners - a&k) where fin&h had s#ng and har$ers si 'er har$s had wr#ng now dark the ra'ens whee ed and &ried a%id the reek) and far and wide the swords of "orgoth dri$$ed with red a-o'e the hewn and tra%$ ed dead. 3 ow y his shadow ike a & o#d ro ed fro% North) and on the $ro#d that wo# d not yie d his 'engean&e fe * to death and thra do% #nder he a things he doo%ed! the Northern and ay &owed -eneath his ghast y hand. .#t sti there i'ed in hiding &o d .;or(s son) .arahir the -o d) of and -erea'ed and ordshi$ shorn who on&e a $rin&e of "en was -orn) and now an o#t aw #rked and ay in the hard heath and wood and grey. OF THE 3A,ING OF /ING INGLOR FELAG<ND .Y THE =II .>ORING3 Twe 'e %en -eside hi% sti there went) sti faithf# when a ho$e was s$ent. Their na%es are yet in e 'en+song re%e%-ered) tho#gh the years are ong sin&e do#ghty Dagnir and Ragnor) Radhr#in) Dair#in) and Gi dor) Gor i% <nha$$y) and <rthe ) and Arthad and Hatha dir fe * sin&e the - a&k shaft with 'eno%ed wo#nd took .e eg#nd and .arag#nd) the %ighty sons of .rego as* sin&e he whose deeds and doo% s#r$ass a ta es of "en was aid on -ier) fair .eren son of .arahir. For these it was) the &hosen %en of .;or(s ho#se) who in the fen of reedy 3ere&h stood at -ay a-o#t king Ing or in the day of his defeat) and with their swords th#s sa'ed of a the E 'en+ ords the fairest* and his o'e they earned. And he es&a$ing so#th) ret#rned to Nargothrond his %ighty rea %) where sti he wore his &rown;d he %* -#t they to their northern ho%e ands rode) da#nt ess and few) and there a-ode #n&on6#ered sti ) defying fate) $#rs#ed -y "orgoth(s s ee$ ess hate. OF TARN AEL<IN THE .LE33ED 3#&h deeds of daring there they wro#ght that soon the h#nters that the% so#ght at r#%o#r of their &o%ing f ed. Tho#gh $ri&e was set #$on ea&h head to %at&h the weregi d of a king) no so dier &o# d to "orgoth -ring news e'en of their hidden air* for where the high and -rowse and -are a-o'e the dark ing $ines arose of stee$ Dorthonion to the snows and -arren %o#ntain+winds) there ay a tarn of water) - #e -y day) -y night a %irror of dark g ass for stars of E -ereth that $ass a-o'e the wor d into the 4est. On&e ha owed) sti that $ a&e was - est! no shadow of "orgoth) and no e'i thing yet thither &a%e* a whis$ering ring of s ender -ir&hes si 'er+grey stoo$ed on its %argin) ro#nd it ay a one y %oor) and the -are -ones of an&ient Earth ike standing stones thr#st thro#gh the heather and the whin* and there -y ho#se ess Ae #in the h#nted ord and faithf# %en #nder the grey stones %ade their den. OF GORLI" THE <NHA??Y Gor i% <nha$$y) Angri%(s son) as the ta e te s) of these was one %ost fier&e and ho$e ess. He to wife) whi e fair the fort#ne of his ife) took the white %aiden Ei ine ! dear o'e they had ere e'i fe . To war he rode* fro% war ret#rned to find his fie ds and ho%estead -#rned) his ho#se forsaken roof ess stood) e%$ty a%id the eaf ess wood* and Ei ine ) white Ei ine ) was taken whither none &o# d te ) to death and thra do% far away. . a&k was the shadow of that day for e'er on his heart) and do#-t sti gnawed hi% as he went a-o#t in wi derness wandring) or at night oft s ee$ ess) thinking that she %ight ere e'i &a%e ha'e ti%e y f ed into the woods! she was not dead) she i'ed) she wo# d ret#rn again to seek hi%) and wo# d dee% hi% s ain. Therefore at whi es he eft the air) and se&ret y) a one) wo# d $eri dare) and &o%e to his o d ho#se at night) -roken and &o d) witho#t fire or ight) and na#ght grief renewed wo# d gain) wat&hing and waiting there in 'ain. In 'ain) or worse + for %any s$ies had "orgoth) %any #rking eyes we #sed to $ier&e the dee$est dark* and Gor i%(s &o%ing they wo# d %ark and wo# d re$ort. There &a%e a day when on&e %ore Gor i% &re$t that way) down the deserted weedy ane at d#sk of a#t#%n sad with rain and &o d wind whining. Lo@ a ight at window f #ttering in the night a%aAed he saw* and drawing near) -etween faint ho$e and s#dden fear) he ooked within. (Twas Ei ine @ Tho#gh &hanged she was) he knew her we . 4ith grief and h#nger she was worn) her tresses tang ed) rai%ent torn* her gent e eyes with tears were di%) as soft she we$t! BGor i%) Gor i%@ Tho# &anst not ha'e forsaken %e. Then s ain) a as@ tho# s ain %#st -e@ And I %#st inger &o d) a one) and o'e ess as a -arren stone@( One &ry he ga'e + and then the ight - ew o#t) and in the wind of night wo 'es how ed* and on his sho# der fe s#dden y the gri$ing hands of he . There "orgoth(s ser'ants fast hi% &a#ght and he was &r#e y -o#nd) and -ro#ght to 3a#ron) &a$tain of the host) the ord of werewo f and of ghost) %ost fo# and fe of a who kne t at "orgoth(s throne. In %ight he dwe t on Ga#roth Is e* -#t now had ridden with strength a-road) -y "orgoth -idden to find the re-e .arahir. He sat in dark en&a%$%ent near) and thither his -#t&hers draggen their $rey. There now in ang#ish Gor i% ay! with -ond on ne&k) on hand and foot) to -itter tor%ent he was $#t) to -reak his wi and hi% &onstrain to -#y with treason end of $ain. .#t na#ght to the% wo# d he re'ea of .arahir) nor -reak the sea of faith that on his tong#e was aid* #nti at ast a $a#se was %ade) and one &a%e soft y to his stake) a dark ing for% that stoo$ed) and s$ake to hi% of Ei ine his wife. B4o# dst tho#)( he said)Bforsake thy ife. who with a few words %ight win re ease for her) and thee) and go in $ea&e) and dwe together far fro% war) friends of the /ingC 4hat wo# dst tho# %oreC( And Gor i%) now ong worn with $ain) yearning to see his wife again Dwho% we he weened was a so &a#ght in 3a#ron(s netE) a owed the tho#ght to grow) and fa tered in his troth. Then straight) ha f wi ing and ha f oath) they -ro#ght hi% to the seat of stone where 3a#ron sat. He stood a one -efor that dark and dreadf# fa&e) and 3a#ron said! B5o%e) %orta -ase@ 4hat do I hearC That tho# wo# dst dare to -arter with %eC 4e ) s$eak fair@ 4hat is thy $ri&eC( And Gor i% ow -owed down his head) and with great woe) word on s ow word) at ast i%$ ored that %er&i ess and faith ess ord that he %ight free de$art) and %ight again find Ei ine the 4hite) and dwe with her) and &ease fro% war against the /ing. He &ra'e no %ore. The 3a#ron s%i ed) and said! BTho# tra @ The $ri&e tho# askest is -#t s%a for trea&hery and sha%e so great@ I grant it s#re y@ 4e ) I wait! 5o%e@ 3$eak now swift y and s$eak tr#e@( Then Gor i% wa'ered) and he drew ha f -a&k* -#t 3a#ron(s da#nting eye there he d hi%) and he dared not ie! as he -egan) so %#st he wend fro% first fa se ste$ to faith ess end! he a %#st answer as he &o# d) -etray his ord and -rotherhood) and &ease) and fa #$on his fa&e. Then 3a#ron a#ghed a o#d) BTho# -ase) tho# &ringing wor%@ 3tand #$) and hear %e@ And now drink the &#$ that I ha'e sweet y - ent for thee@ Tho# foo ! a $hanto% tho# didst see that I) I 3a#ron %ade to snare thy o'esi&k wits. Na#ght e se was there. 5o d (tis with 3a#ron(s wraiths to wed@ Thy Ei ine @ 3he is ong sin&e dead) dead) food of wor%s ess ow than tho#. And yet thy -oon I grant thee now! to Ei ine tho# soon sha t go) and ie in her -ed) no %ore to know of war + or %anhood. Ha'e thy $ay@( And Gor i% then they dragged away) and &r#e y s ew hi%* and at ast in the dank %o# d his -ody &ast) where Ei ine ong sin&e had aid in the -#rned woods -y -#t&hers s ain. Th#s Gor i% died an e'i death) and &#rsed hi%se f with dying -reath) and .arahir at ast was &a#ght in "orgoth(s snare* for set at na#ght -y treason was the an&ient gra&e that g#arded ong that one y $ a&e) Tarn Ae #in! now a aid -are were se&ret $aths and hidden air. 8 F. OF .EREN 3ON OF .ARAHIR : HI3 E35A?E Dark fro% the North now - ew the & o#d* the winds of a#t#%n &o d and o#d hissed in the heather* sad and grey Ae #in(s %o#rnf# water ay. B3on .eren() then said .arahir) BTho# knowst the r#%o#r that we hear of strength fro% the Ga#rhoth that is sent against #s* and o#r food nigh s$ent. On thee the ot fa s -y o#r aw to go forth now a one to draw what he $ tho# &anst fro% the hidden few that feed #s sti ) and what is new to earn. Good fort#ne go with thee@ In s$eed ret#rn) for gr#dging y we s$are thee fro% o#r -rotherhood) so s%a ! and Gor i% in the wood is ong astray or dead. Farewe @( As .eren went) sti ike a kne reso#nded in his heart that word) the ast of his fater that he heard. Thro#gh %oor and fen) -y tree and -riar he wandered far! he saw the fire of 3a#ron(s &a%$) he heard the how of h#nting Or& and wo f a+$row ) and t#rning -a&k) for ong the way) -enighted in the forest ay. In weariness he then %#st s ee$) fain in a -adger+ho e to &ree$) and yet he heard Dor drea%ed it soE near-y a %ar&hing egion go with & ink of %ai and & ash of shie ds #$ toward the stony %o#ntain+fie ds. He s i$$ed then into darkness down) #nti ) as %an that waters drown stri'es #$wards gas$ing) it see%ed to hi% he rose thro#gh s i%e -eside the -ri% of s# en $oo -eneath dead trees. Their i'id -o#ghs in &o d a -reeAe tre%- ed) and a their - a&k ea'es stirred! ea&h eaf a - a&k and &roaking -ird) whose ne- a go#t of - ood et fa ) He sh#ddered) str#gg ing then&e to &raw thro#gh winding weeds) when far away he saw a shadow faint and grey g iding a&ross the dreary ake. 3 ow y it &a%e) and soft y s$ake! BGor i% I was) -#t now a wraith of wi defeated) -roken faith) traitor -etrayed. Go@ 3tay not here@ Awaken) son of .arahir) and haste@ For "orgoth(s fingers & ose #$on thy father(s throat* he knows yo#r trysts) yo#r $aths) yo#r se&ret air( Then he re'ea ed the de'i (s snare in whi&h he fe ) and fai ed* and ast -egging forgi'eness) we$t) and $assed o#t into darkness. .eren woke) ea$ed #$ as one -y s#dden stroke with fire of anger fi ed. His -ow and sword he seiAed) and ike the roe hotfoot o(er ro&k and heath he s$ed -efore the dawn. ere day was dead to Ae #in at ast he &a%e) as the red s#n westward sank in f a%e* -#t Ae #in was red with - ood) red were the stones and tra%$ ed %#d. . a&k in the -ir&hes sat a+row the ra'en and the &arrion+&row* wet were their ne-s) and dark the %eat that dri$$ed -eneath their gri$ing feet. One &roaked! BHa) ha) he &o%es too ate@( BHa) ha@( they answered) Bha@ too ate@( There .eren aid his father(s -ones in haste -eneath a &airn of stones* no gra'e r#ne nor word he wrote o(er .arahir) -#t thri&e he s%ote the to$%ost stone) and thri&e a o#d he &ried his na%e. BThy death( he 'owed) BI wi a'enge. Yea) tho#gh %y fate sho# d ead at ast to Ang-and(s gate.( And then he t#rned) and did not wee$! too dark his heart) the wo#nd too dee$. O#y into night) as &o d as stone) o'e ess) friend ess) he strode a one. Of h#nter(s ore he had no need the trai to find. 4ith itt e heed his r#th ess foe) se&#re and $ro#d) %ar&hed north away with - owing o#d in -raAen horns their ord to greet) tra%$ ing the earth with grinding feet. .ehind the% -o d -#t wary went now .eren) swift as ho#nd on s&ent) #nti -eside a dark ing we ) where Ri'i rises fro% the fe down into 3ere&h(s reeds to f ow) he fo#nd the s ayers) fo#nd his foe. Fro% hiding on the hi side near he %arked the% a ! tho#gh ess than fear) too %any for his sword and -ow to s ay a one. Then) &raw ing ow as snake in heath) he nearer &re$t. There %any weary with %ar&hing s e$t) -#t &a$tains) s$raw ing on the grass) drank and fro% hand to hand et $ass their -ooty) gr#dging ea&h s%a thing ra$ed fro% dead -odies. One a ring he d #$) and a#ghed! BNow) %ates)( he &ried Bhere(s %ine@ And I( not -e denied) tho#gh few -e ike it in the and. For I (twas wren&hed it fro% the hand of that sa%e .arahir I s ew) the ro--er+kna'e. If ta es -e tr#e) he had it of so%e e 'ish ord) for the ro#ge+ser'i&e of his sword. No he $ it ga'e to hi% + he(s dead. They(re $ar o#s) e 'ish rings) (tis said* sti for the go d I( kee$ it) yea and so eke o#t ny niggard $ay. O d 3a#ron -ade %e -ring it -a&k) and yet) %ethinks) he has no a&k of weightier treas#res in his hoard! the greater the greedier the ord@ 3o %ark ye) %ates) ye a sha swear the hand of .arahir was -are@( And as he s$oke an arrow s$ed fro% tree -ehind) and forward dead &hoking he fe with -ar- in throat* with eering fa&e the earth he s%ote. Forth) then as wo fho#nd gri% there ea$t .eren a%ong the%. Two he swe$t aside with sword* &a#ght #$ the ring* s ew one who gras$ed hi%* with a s$ring -a&k into shadow $assed) and f ed -efore their ye s of wrath and dread of a%-#sh in the 'a ey rang. Then after hi% ike wo 'es they s$rang) how ing and &#rsing) gnashing teeth) hewing and -#rsting thro#gh the heath) shooting wi d arrows) sheaf on sheaf) at tre%- ing shade or shaking eaf. In fatef# ho#r was .eren -orn! he a#ghed at dart and wai ing horn* f eetest of foot of i'ing %en) tire ess on fe and ight on fen) e f+wise in wood) he $assed away) defended -y his ha#-erk grey of dwarfish &raft in Nogrod %ade) where ha%%ers rang in &a'ern(s shade. As fear ess .eren was renowned! when %en %ost hardy #$on gro#nd were re&koned fo k wo# d s$eak his na%e) forete ing that his after+fa%e wo# d e'en go den Hador $ass or .arahir or .rego as* -#t sorrow now his heart had wro#ght to fier&e des$air) no %ore he fo#ght in ho$e of ife or 7oy or $raise) -#t seeking so to #se his days on y that "orgoth dee$ sho# d fee the sting of his a'enging stee ) ere death he fo#nd and end of $ain! his on y fear was thra do%(s &hain. Danger he so#ght and death $#rs#ed) and th#s es&a$ed the doo% he wooed) and deeds of -reath ess daring wro#ght a one) of whi&h his r#%o#r -ro#ght new ho$e to %any a -roken %an. They whis$ered B.eren() and -egan in se&ret swords to whet) and soft -y shro#ded hearts at e'ening oft songs they wo# d sing of .eren(s -ow) of Dag%or his sword! how he wo# d go si ent to &a%$s and s ay the &hief) or tra$$ed in his hiding $ast -e ief wo# d s i$ away) and #nder night -y %ist or %oon) or -y the ight of o$en day wo# d &o%e again. Of h#nters h#nted) s ayers s ain they sang) of Gorgo the .#t&her hewn) of a%-#sh in Ladros) fire in DrGn) of thirty in one -att e dead) of wo 'es that ye $ed ike &#rs and f ed yea) 3a#ron hi%se f with wo#nd in hand. Th#s one a one fi ed a that and with fear and death for "orgoth(s fo k* his &o%rades were the -ee&h and oak who fai ed hi% not) and wary things with f#r and fe and feathered wings that si ent wander) or dwe a one in hi and wi d and waste of stone wat&hed o(er his ways) his faithf# friends. Yet se do% we an o#t aw ends* and "orgoth was a king %ore strong than a the wor d has sin&e in song re&orded! dark athwart the and rea&hed o#t the shadow of his hand) at ea&h re&oi ret#rned again* two %ore were sent for one foe s ain. New ho$e was &owed) a re-e s ki ed* 6#en&hed were the fires) the songs were sti ed) tree fe ed) heath -#rned) and thro#gh the waste %ar&hed the - a&k host of Or&s in haste. A %ost they & osed their ring of stee ro#nd .eren* hard #$on his hee now trod their s$ies* within their hedge of a aid shorn) #$on the edge of death at -ay he stood aghast and knew that he %#st die at ast) or f ee the and of .arahir) his and -e o'ed. .eside the %ere -eneath a hea$ of na%e ess stones %#st &r#%- e those on&e %ighty -ones) forsaken -y -oth son and kin) -ewai ed -y reeds of Ae #in. In winter(s night the ho#se ess North he eft -ehind) and stea ing forth the eag#er of his wat&hf# foe he $assed + a shadow on the snow) a swir of wind) and he was gone) the r#in of Dorthonion) Tarn Ae #in and its water wan) ne'er again to ook #$on. No %ore sha hidden -owstring sing) no %ore sha sha'en arrows wing) no %ore his h#nted head sha ie #$on the heath -eneath the sky. The Northern stars) whos si 'er fire of o d "en na%ed the .#rning .riar) were set -ehind his -a&k) and shone o(er and forsaked! he was gone. 3o#thward he t#rned) and so#th away his ong and one y 7o#rney ay) whi e e'er oo%ed -efore his $ath the dreadf# $eaks of Gorgorath. Ne'er had foot of %an %ost -o d yet trod those %o#ntains stee$ and &o d) nor & i%-ed #$on their s#dden -rink) when&e) si&kened) eyes %#st t#rn and shrink to see their so#thward & iffs fa sheer in ro&ky $inna& e and $ier down into shadows that were aid -efore the s#n and %oon were %ade. In 'a eys wo'en with de&eit and washed with waters -itter+sweet dark %agi& #rked in g# f and g en* -#t o#t away -eyond the ken of %orta sight the eag e(s eye fro% diAAy towers that $ier&ed the sky %ight grey and g ea%ing see afar) as sheen on water #nder star) .e eriand) .e eriand) the -orders of the E 'en+ and. 8 H. OF THE 5O"ING OF .EREN TO DORIATH* .<T FIR3T I3 TOLD OF THE "EETING OF "ELIAN AND THINGOL There ong ago in E der+days ere 'oi&e was heard or trod were ways) the ha#nt of si ent shadows stood in star it d#sk Nan E %oth wood. In E der+days that ong are gone a ight a%id the shadows shone) a 'oi&e was in the si ent heard! the s#dden singing of a -ird. There "e ian &a%e) the Lady grey) and dark and ong her tresses ay -eneath her si 'er gird e+seat and down #nto her si 'er feet. The nightinga es with her she -ro#ght) to who% their song herse f she ta#ght) who sweet #$on her g ea%ing hands had s#ng in the i%%orta ands. Then&e wayward wandering on a ti%e fro% LIrien she dared to & i%the e'er+ asting %o#ntain+wa of ,a inor) at whose feet fa the s#rges of the 3hadowy 3ea. O#t away she went then free) to gardens of the Gods no %ore ret#rning) -#t on %orta shore) a g i%%er ere the dawn she strayed) singing her s$e s fro% g ade to g ade. A -ird in di% Nan E %oth wood tri ed) and to isten Thingo stood a%aAed* then far away he heard a 'oi&e %ore fair than fairest -ird) a 'oi&e as &rysta & ear of note as thread of si 'er g ass re%ote. Of fo k and kin no %ore he tho#ght* of errand that the E dar -ro#ght fro% 5#i'Jnen far away) of ands -eyond the sea that ay no %ore he re&ked) forgetting a ) drawn on y -y that distant &a ti dee$ in di% Nan E %oth wood ost and -eyond re&a he stood. And there he saw her) fair and fay! Ar+"e ian) the Lady grey) as si ent as the wind ess trees) standing with %ist a-o#t her knees) and in her fa&e re%ote the ight of LIrien g i%%ered in the night. No word she s$oke* -#t $a&e -y $a&e) a ha ting shadow) towards her fa&e forth wa ked the si 'er+%ant ed king) ta E # Thingo . In the ring of waiting trees he took her hand. One %o%ent fa&e to fa&e they stand a one) -eneath the wee ing sky) whi e star it years on earth go -y and in Nan E %oth wood the trees grow dark and ta . The %#r%#ring seas rising and fa ing on the shore and < %o(s horn he heeds no %ore. .#t ong his $eo$ e so#ght in 'ain their ord) ti < %o &a ed again) and then in grief they %ar&hed away) ea'ing the woods. To ha'ens grey #$on the western shore) the ast ong shore of %orta and) they $assed) and then&e were -orne -eyond the 3ea in A%an) the . essed Rea %) to -e -y e'ergreen EAe ohar in ,a inor) in E da%ar. Th#s Thingo sai ed not on the seas -#t dwe t a%id the and of trees) and "e ian he o'ed) di'ine) whose 'oi&e was $otent as the wine the ,a ar drink i go den ha s where f ower - oo%s and fo#ntain fa s* -#t when she sang it was a s$e ) and no f ower stirred nor fo#ntain fe . A king and K#een th#s i'ed they ong) and Doriath was fi ed with song) and a the E 'es that %issed their way and ne'er fo#nd the western -ay) the g ea%ing wa s of their ong ho%e -y the grey seas and the white foa%) who ne'er trod the go den and where the towers of the ,a ar stand) a these were gathered in their rea % -eneath the -ee&h and oak and e %. In ater days when "orgoth f ed fro% wrath and raised on&e %ore his head and Iron 5rown) his %ighty seat -eneath the s%oking %o#ntain(s feet fo#nded and fortified anew) then s ow y dread and darkess grew! the 3hadow of the North that a the Fo k of Earth wo# d ho d in thra . The ords of "en to knee he -rings) the kingdo%s of the E0i ed /ings assai s with e'er+%o#nting war! in their ast ha'ens -y the shore they dwe ) or strongho ds wa ed with fear defend #$on his -orders drear) ti ea&h one fa s. Yet reigns there sti in Doriath -eyond his wi the Grey /ing and i%%orta K#een. No e'i in their rea % is seen* no $ower their %ight &an yet s#r$ass! there sti is a#ghter and green grass) there ea'es are it -y the white s#n) and %any %ar'e s are -eg#n. There went now in the G#arded Rea % -eneath the -ee&h) -eneath the e %) there ightfoot ran now on the green the da#ghter of the king and 6#een! of Arda(s e dest &hi dren -orn in -ea#ty of their e 'en+%orn and on y &hi d ordained -y -irth to wa k in rai%ent of the Earth fro% Those des&ended who -egan -efore the wor d of E f and "an. .eyond the -o#nds of Arda far sti shone the Legions) star on star) %e%oria s of their a-o#r ong) a&hie'e%ent of ,ision and of 3ong* and when -eneath their an&ient ight on Earth -e ow was & o#d ess night) %#si& in Doriath awoke) and there -eneath the -ran&hing oak) or seated in the -ee&h+ ea'es -rown) Dairon the dark with ferny &rown $ ayed on his $i$es with e 'ish art #n-eara- e -y %orta heart. No other $ ayer has there -een) no other i$s or fingers seen so ski ed) (tis said in e 'en+ ore) sa'e "ag or son of F;anor) forgotten har$er) singer doo%ed) who yo#ng when La#re in yet - oo%ed to end ess a%entation $assed and in the to%- ess sea was &ast. .#t Dairon in his heart(s de ight yet i'ed and $ ayed -y star it night) #nti one s#%%er+e'e -efe ) as sti the e 'en har$ers te . Then %erri y his $i$ing thri ed* the grass was soft) the wind was sti ed) the twi ight ingered faint and &oo in shadow+sha$es #$on the $oo -eneath the -o#ghs of s ee$ing trees standing si ent. A-o#t their knees a %ist of he% o&ks g i%%ered $a e) and ghost y %oths on a&e+wings frai went to and fro. .eside the %ere 6#i&kening) ri$$ ing) rising & ear the $i$ing &a ed. Then forth she &a%e) as sheer and s#dden as a f a%e of $eer ess white the shadows & ea'ing) her %aiden+-ower on white feet ea'ing* and as when s#%%er star arise radiant into darkened skies) her i'ing ight on a was &ast in f eeting si 'er as she $assed. There now she ste$$ed with e 'en $a&e) -ending and swaying in her gra&e) as ha f+re #&tant* then -egan to dan&e) to dan&e! in %aAes ran -ewi dering) and a %ist of white was wreathed a-o#t her whir ing f ight. 4ind+ri$$ es on the water f ashed) and tre%- ing eaf and f ower were $ ashed with dia%ond+dews) as e'er f eet and f eeter went her wingLd feet. Her ong hair as a & o#d was strea%ing a-o#t her ar%s #$ ifted g ea%ing) as s ow a-o'e the trees the "oon in g ory of the $ eni #de arose) and on the o$en g ade its ight serene and & ear was aid. Then s#dden y her feet were sti ed) and thro#gh the wo'en wood there thri ed) ha f word ess) ha f in e 'en+to#nge) her 'oi&e #$raised in - issf# song that on&e of nightinga es she earned and in her i'ing 7oy had t#rned to heart+enthra ing o'e iness) #n%arred) i%%orta ) sorrow ess. Ir Ithi a%%en Er#&hJn %ene +'Mr sJ a dJrie si oth a ga adh asto dMn@ A HMr AnnGn gi thonie ) e innon i% Tin1'ie @ O e 'en+fairest L1thien what wonder %o'ed thy dan&es thenC That night what doo% of E 'enesse en&hanted did thy 'oi&e $ossessC 3#&h %ar'e sha there %o %ore -e on Earth or west -eyond the 3ea) at d#sk or dawn) -y night or noon or neath the %irror of the %oon@ On Ne doreth was aid a s$e * the $i$ing into si en&e fe ) for Dairon &ast his f #te away) #nheeded on the grass it ay) in wonder -o#nd as stone he stood heart+-roken in the istening wood. And sti she sang a-o'e the night) as ight ret#rning into ight #$soaring fro% the wor d -e ow when s#dden y there &a%e a s ow d# tread of hea'y feet on ea'es) and fro% the darkness on the ea'es of the -right g ade a sha$e &a%e o#t with hands agro$e) as if in do#-t or - ind) and as it st#%- ing $assed #nder the %oon a shadow &ast -ended and dark ing. Then fro% on high as ark fa s head ong fro% the sky the song of L1thien fe and &eased* -#t Dairon fro% the s$e re eased awoke to fear) and &ried in woe! BF ee L1thien) ah L1thien go@ An e'i wa ks in the wood@ Away@( Then forth he f ed in his dis%ay e'er &a ing her to fo ow hi%) #nti far off his &ry was di% BAh f ee) ah f ee now) L1thien( .#t si ent stood she in the g en #n%o'ed) who ne'er fear had known) ti fear then seiAed her) a a one) seeing that sha$e with shagged hair and shadow ong that ha ted there. Then s#dden she 'anished ike a drea% in dark o- i'ion) a g ea% in h#rrying & o#ds) for she had ea$t a%ong the he% o&ks ta ) and &re$t #nder a %ighty $ ant with ea'es a ong and dark) whose ste% in shea'es #$he d an h#ndred #%-re s fair* and her white ar%s and sho# ders -are her rai%ent $a e) and in her hair the wi d white roses g i%%ering there) a ay ike s$attered %oon ight hoar in g ea%ing $oo s #$on the f oor. Then stared he wi d in d#%-ness -o#nd at si ent trees) deserted gro#nd* he - ind y gro$ed a&ross the g ade to the dark trees( en&ir& ing shade) and) whi e she wat&hed with 'ei ;d eyes) to#&hed her soft ar% in sweet s#r$rise. Like start ed %oth fro% death ike s ee$ in s#n ess nook or -#shes dee$ she darted swift) and to and fro with &#nning that e 'ish dan&ers know a-o#t the tr#nks of trees she twined a $ath fantasti&. Far -ehind en&hanted) wi dered and for orn .eren &a%e - #ndering) -r#ised and torn! Esga d#in the e 'en+strea%) in whi&h a%id tree+shadows g ea% the stars) f owed strong -efore his feet. 3o%e se&ret way she fo#nd) and f eet $assed o'er and was seen no %ore) and eft hi% forsaken on the shore. BDark y the s#ndering f ood ro s $ast@ To this %y ong way &o%es at ast + a h#nger and a one iness) en&hanted waters $iti ess.( A s#%%er waned) an a#t#%n g owed) and .eren in the woods a-ode) as wi d and wary as a fa#n that s#dden wakes at r#st ing dawn) and f its fro% shade to shade) and f ees the -rightness of the s#n) yet sees a stea thy %o'e%ents in the wood. The %#r%#ro#s war%th in weathers good) the h#% of %any wings) the &a of %any a -ird) the $attering fa of s#dden rain #$on the trees) the windy tides in eafy seas) the &reaking of the -o#ghs) he heard* -#t not the song of sweetest -ird -ro#ght 7oy or &o%fort to his heart) a wanderer d#%- who dwe t a$art* who so#ght #n&easing and in 'ain to hear and see those thinga again! a song %ore fair than nightinga e) a wonder in the %oon ight $a e. An a#t#%n waned) a winter aid the withered ea'es in gro'e and g ade* the -ee&hes -are were ga#nt and grey) and red their ea'es -eneath the% ay. Fro% &a'ern $a e the %oist %oon eyes the white %ists that fro% earth arise to hide the %orrow(s s#n and dri$ a the grey day fro% ea&h twig(s ti$. .y dawn and d#sk he seeks her sti * -y noon and night in 'a eys &hi ) nor hears a so#nd -#t the s ow -eat on sodden ea'es of his own feet. The wind of winter winds his horn* the %isty 'ei is rent and torn. The wind dies* the starry &hoirs ea$ in the si ent sky to fires) whose ight &o%es -itter+&o d and sheer thro#gh do%es of froAen &rysta & ear. A s$ark e thro#gh the dark ing trees) a $ier&ing g int of ight he sees) and there she dan&es a a one #$n a free ess kno of stone@ Her %ant e - #e with 7ewe s white &a#ght a the rays of frosted ight. 3he shone with &o d and wintry f a%e) as dan&ing down the hi she &a%e) and $assed his wat&hf# si ent gaAe) a g i%%er as of stars a- aAe. And snowdro$s s$ang -eneath her feet) and one -ird) s#dden) ate and sweet) shri ed as the wayward $assed a ong. A froAen -rook to -#-- ing song awoke and a#ghed* -#t .eren stood sti -o#nd en&hanted in the wood. Her star ight faded and the night & osed o(er the snowdro$s g i%%ering white. Thereafter on a hi o&k green he saw far off the e 'en+sheen of shining i%- and 7ewe -right often and oft on %oon it night* and Dairon(s $i$e awoke hi% on&e %ore) and soft she sang as on&e -efore. Then nigh he sto e -eneath the trees) and hearta&he %ing ed with hearts+ease. A night there was when winter died* then a a one she sang and &ried and dan&ed #nti the dawn of s$ring) and &hanted so%e wi d %agi& thing that stirred hi%) ti it s#dden -roke the -onds that he d hi%) and he woke to %adness sweet and -ra'e des$air. He f #ng his ar%s to the night air) and o#t he dan&ed #nheeding) f eet) en&hanted) with en&hanted feet. He s$ed towards the hi o&k green) the isso% i%-s) the dan&ing sheen* he ea$t #$on the grasy hi his ar%s with o'e iness to fi ! his ar%s were e%$ty) and she f ed* away) away her white feet s$ed. .#t as she went he swift y &a%e and &a ed her with the tender na%e of nightinga es in e 'ish tong#e) that a the woods now in s#dden r#ng! BTin1'ie @ Tin1'ie @( And & ear his 'oi&e was as a -e * its e&hoes wo'e a -inding s$e ! BTin1'ie @ Tin1'ie @( His 'oi&e s#&h o'e and onging fi ed one %o%ent stood she) fear was sti ed* one %o%ent on y* ike a f a%e he ea$ed towards her as she stayed and &a#ght and kissed that e fin %aid. As o'e there woke in sweet s#r$rise the star ight tre%- ed in her eyes. A@ L1thien@ A@ L1thien@ %ore fair than any &hi d of "en* O@ o'e iest %aid of E finesse) what %adness does thee now $ossess@ A@ isso% i%-s and shadowy hair and &ha$ et of white snowdro$s there* O@ starry diade% and white $a e hands -eneath the $a e %oon ight@ 3he eft his ar%s and s i$$ed away 7#st at the -reaking of the day. 8 I, He ay #$on the eafy %o# d) his fa&e #$on earth(s -oso% &o d) aswoon in o'erwhe %ing - iss) en&hanted of an e 'ish kiss) seeing within his darkened eyes the ight that for no darkness dies) the o'e iness that doth not fade) tho#gh a in ashes &o d -e aid. Then fo ded in the %ists of s ee$ hi sank into a-ysses -ee$) drowned in an o'erwhe %ing grief for $arting after %eeting -rief* a shadow and a fragran&e fair ingered) and waned) and was not there. Forsaken) -arren) -are as stone) the day ight fo#nd hi% &o d) a one. B4here art tho# goneC The day is -are) the s#n ight dark) and &o d in the air@ Tin1'ie ) where went thy feetC O wayward star@ O %aiden sweet@ O f ower of E f and a too fair for %orta heart@ The woods are -are@ The woods are -are@( he rose and &ried. BEre s$ring was -orn) the s$ring hath died@( And wandering in $ath and %ind he gro$ed as one gone s#dden - ind) who seeks to gras$ the hidden ight with fa tering hands in %ore than night. And th#s in ang#ish .eren $aid for that great doo% #$in hi% aid) the death ess o'e of L1thien) too fair for o'e of %orta "en* and in his doo% was L1thien snared) the death ess in his dying shared* and Fate the% forged a -inding &hain of i'ing o'e and %orta $ain. .eyond a ho$e her feet ret#rned at e'e) whenin the sky there -#rned the f a%e of stars* and in her eyes there tre%- ed the star ight of the skies) and fro% her hair the fragran&e fe of e 'enf owers in e 'en+de . Th#s L1thien) who% no $#rs#it) no snare) no dart that h#nters shoot) %ight ho$e to win or ho d) she &a%e at the sweet &a ing of her na%e* and th#s in his her s ender hand was inked in far .e eriand* in ho#r en&hanted ong ago her ar%s a-o#t his ne&h did go) and gent y down she drew to rest his weary head #$on her -reast. A@ L1thien) Tin1'ie ) why wentest tho# to dark ing de with shining eyes and dan&ing $a&e) the twi ight g i%%ering in thy fa&eC Ea&h day -efore the end of e'e she so#ght hi% o'e) nor wo# d hi% ea'e) #nti the stars were di%%ed) and day &a%e g i%%ering eastward si 'er+grey. Then tre%- ing+'ei ed she wo# d a$$ear and dan&e -efore hi%) ha f in fear* there f itting 7#st -efore his feet she gent y &hid with a#ghter sweet! B5o%e@ dan&e now) .eren) dan&e with %e@ For fain thy dan&ing I wo# d see. 5o%e@ tho# %#st woo with ni%- er feet) than those who wa k where %o#ntains %eet the -itter skies -eyond this rea % of %ar'e o#s %oon it -ee&h and e %.( In Doriath .eren ong ago new art and ore he earned to know* his i%-s were freed* his eyes a ight) kind ed with a new en&hanted sight* and to her dan&ing feet his feet att#ned went dan&ing free and f eet* his a#ghter we ed as fro% a s$ring of %#si&) and his 'oi&e wo# d sing as 'oi&es of those in Doriath where $a'ed with f owers are f oor and $ath. The year th#s on to s#%%er ro ed) fro% s$ring to a s#%%erti%e of go d. Th#s f eeting fast their short ho#r f ies) whi e Dairon wat&hes with fiery eyes) ha#nting the g oo% of tang ed trees a day) #nti at night he sees in the fi&k e %oon their %o'ing feet) two o'ers inked in dan&ing sweet) two shadows shi%%ering on the green where one y+dan&ing %aid had -een. BHatef# art tho#) O Land of Trees@ "ay fear and si en&e on thee seiAe@ "y f #te sha fa fro% id e hand and %irth sha ea'e .e eriand* %#si& sha $erish and 'oi&es fai and trees stand d#%- in de and da e@( It see%ed a h#sh had fa en there #$on the waiting wood and air* and often %#r%#red Thingo (s fo k in wonder) and to their king they s$oke! BThis s$e of si en&e who hath wro#ghtC what we- hath Dairon(s %#si& &a#ghtC It see%s the 'ery -irds sing ow* %#r%#r ess Esga d#in doth f ow* the ea'es s&ar&e whis$er on the trees) and so#nd ess -eat the wings of -ees@( This L1thien heard) and there the 6#een her s#dden g an&es saw #nseen. .#t Thingo %ar'e ed) and he sent for Dairon the $i$er) ere he went and sat #$on his %o#nded seat + his grassy throne -y the grey feet of the K#een of .ee&hes) Hiri orn) #$on whose tri$ e $iers were -orne the %ightiest 'a# t of ea'es and -o#gh fro% wor d(s -eginning #nti now. 3he stood a-o'e Esga d#in(s shore) where ong s o$es fe -eside the door) the g#arded gates) the $orta s stark of the Tho#sand e&hoing 5a'erns dark. There Thingo sat and heard no so#nd sa'e far off footste$s on the gro#nd* no f #te) no 'o&i&e) no song of -ird) no &hoirs of windy ea'es there stirred* and Dairon &o%ing no word s$oke) si ent a%id the wood and fo k. Then Thingo said! BO Dairon fair) tho# %aster of a %#si&s rare) O %agi& heart and wisdo% wi d) who#e ear nor eye %ay -e -eg#i ed) what o%en doth this si en&e -earC 4hat horn afar #$on the air) what s#%%ons do the woods awaitC "ayha$ the Lord Ta'ros fro% his gate and tree+$ro$$ed ha s) the forest+god) rides his wi d sta ion go den+shod a%id the tr#%$ets( te%$est o#d) a%id his green+& ad h#nters $ro#d) ea'ing his deer and friths di'ine and e%era d forestsC 3o%e faint sign of his great onset %ay ha'e &o%e #$on the 4estern winds) and d#%the woods now isten for a &hase that here on&e %ore sha th#ndering ra&e -eneath the shade of %orta trees. 4o# d it were so@ The Lands of Ease hath Ta'ros eft not %any and age) sin&e "orgoth e'i wars did wage) sin&e r#in fe #$on the North and the Gno%es #nha$$y wandered forth. .#t if not he) who &o%es or whatC( And Dairon answered! BHe &o%eth not@ No feet di'ine sha ea'e that shore) where the 3hadowy 3eas( ast s#rges roar) ti %any things -e &o%e to $ass) and %any e'i s wro#ght. A as@ the g#est is here. The woods are sti ) -#t wait not* for a %ar'e &hi the% ho ds at the strange deeds they see) -#t kings see not + tho#gh 6#eens) %ay-e) %ay g#ess) and %aidens) %ay-e) know. 4here one want one y two now go@( B4hither thy ridd e $oints is $ ain( the king in anger said) B-#t deign to %ake it $ ainer@ 4ho is he that earns %y wrathC How wa ks he free within %y woods a%id %y fo k) a stranger to -oth -ee&h and oakC( .#t Dairon ooked on L1thien and wo# d he had not s$oken then) and no %ore wo# d he s$eak that day) tho#gh Thingo (s fa&e with wrath was grey. Then L1thien ste$$ed ight y forth! BFar in the %o#ntain+ eag#ered North) %y father)( said she) B ies the and that groans -eneath /ing "orgoth(s hand. Then&e &a%e one hither) -ent and worn in wars and tra'ai ) who had sworn #ndying hatred of that king* the ast of .;or(s sons) they sing) and e'en hither far and dee$ within thy woods the e&hoes &ree$ thro#gh the wi d %o#ntain+$asses &o d) the ast of .;or(s ho#se to ho d a sword #n&on6#ered) ne&k #n-owed) a heart -y e'i $ower #n&owed. No e'i needest tho# think or fear of .eren son of .arahir@ If a#ght tho# hast to say to hi%) then swear to h#rt not f esh or i%-) and I wi ead hi% to thy ha ) a son of kings) no %orta thra .( Then ong /ing Thingo ooked on her whi e hand nor foot nor tong#e did stir) and "e ian) si ent) #na%aAed) on L1thien and Thingo gaAed. BNo - ade nor &hain his i%-s sha %ar( the king then swore. BHe wanders far) and news) %ayha$) he hath for %e) and words I ha'e for hi%) %ay-e@( Now Thingo -ade the% a de$art sa'e Dairon) who% he &a ed! B4hat art) that wiAardry of Northern %ist hath this i &o%er -ro#ght #sC List@ Tonight go tho# -y se&ret $ath) who knowest a wide Doriath) and wat&h that L1thien + da#ghter %ine) what %adness doth thy heart entwine) what we- fro% "orgoth(s dreadf# ha s hath &a#ght thy feet and thee enthra s@ + that she -id not this .eren f ee -a&k when&e he &a%e. I wo# d hi% see@ Take with thee wood and ar&hers wise. Let na#ght -eg#i e yo#r hearts or eyes@( Th#s Dairon hea'yhearted did) and the woods were fi ed with wat&hers hid* yet need ess) for L1thien that night ed .eren -y the go den ight of %o#nting %oon #nto the shore and -ridge -efor her father(s door* and the white ight si ent ooked within the waiting $orta s yawning di%. Downward with gent e hand she ed thro#gh &orridors of &ar'en dread whose t#rns were it -y anterns h#ng of f a%es fro% tor&hes that were f #ng on dragons hewn in the &o d stone with 7ewe ed eyes and teeth of -one. Then s#dden) dee$ -eneath the earth the si en&es with si 'er %irth were shaken and the roks were ringing) the -irds of "e ian were singing* and wide the ways of shadow s$read as into ar&hLd ha s she ed .eren in wonder. There a ight ike day i%%orta and ike night of stars #n& o#ded) shone and g ea%ed. A 'a# t of to$ ess trees it see%ed) whose tr#nks of &ar'en tones there stood ike towers of and en&hanted wood in %agi& fast for e'er -o#nd) -earing a roof whose -ran&hes wo#nd in end ess tra&ery of green it -y so%e eaf+i%$risoned sheen of %oon and s#n) and wro#ght of ge%s) and ea&h eaf h#ng on go den ste%s. Lo@ there a%id i%%orta f owers the nightinga es in shining -owers sang o(er the head of "e ian) whi e water for e'er dri$$ed and ran fro% fo#ntains in the ro&ky f oor. There Thingo sat. His &rown he wore of green and si 'er) and ro#nd his &hair a host in g ea%ing ar%o#r fair. Then .eren ooked #$on the king and stood a%aAed* and swift a ring of e 'ish wea$ons he%%ed hi% ro#nd. Then .eren ooked #$on the gro#nd) for "e ian(s gaAe had so#ght his fa&e) and daAed there droo$ed he in that $ a&e) and when the king s$ake dee$ and s ow! B4ho art tho# st#%- est hitherC /now that none #n-idden seek this throne and e'er ea'e these ha s of stone@( no word he answered) fi ed with dread. .#t L1thien answered in his stead! B.eho d) %y father) one who &a%e $#rs#ed -y hatred ike a f a%e@ Lo@ .eren son of .arahir@ 4hat need hath he thy wrath to fear) foe of o#r foes) witho#t a friend) whose knees to "orgoth do not -endC( BLet .eren answer@( Thingo said. B4hat wo# dst tho# hereC 4hat hither ed thy wandering feet) O %orta wi dC How hast tho# L1thien -eg#i ed or darest tho# to wa k this wood #nasked) in se&retC Reason good (twere -est de& are now if tho# %ay) or ne'er again see ight of day@( Then .eren ooked in L1thien(s eyes and saw a ight of starry skies) and then&e was s ow y drawn his gaAe to "e ian(s fa&e. As fro% a %aAe of wonder d#%- he woke* his heart the -onds of awe there -#rst a$art and fi ed with fear ess $ride of o d* in his g an&e now g ea%ed an anger &o d. B"y feet hath fate) O king)( he said) Bhere o'er the %o#ntains - eeding ed) and what I so#ght not I ha'e fo#nd) and o'e it is hath here %e -o#nd. Thy dearest treas#re I desire* nor ro&ks nor stee nor "orgoth(s fire nor a the $ower of E finesse sha kee$ that ge% I wo# d $ossess. For fairer than are -orn to "en A da#ghter hast tho#) L1thien.( 3i en&e then fe #$on the ha * ike gra'en stone there stood they a ) sa'e one who &ast her eyes agro#nd) and one who a#ghed with -itter so#nd. Dairon the $i$er eant there $a e against a $i ar. His fingers frai there to#&hed a f #te that whis$ered not* his eyes were dark* his heart was hot. BDeath is the g#erdon tho# hast earned) O -ase-orn %orta ) who hast earned in "orgoth(s rea % to s$y and #rk ike Or&s that do his e'i work@( BDeath@( e&hoed Dairon fier&e and ow) -#t L1thien tre%- ing gas$ed in woe. BAnd death)( said Thingo ) Btho# sho# dst taste) had I not sworn an oath in haste that - ade nor &hain thy f esh sho# d %ar. Yet &a$ti'e -o#nd -y ne'er a -ar) #n&hained) #nfettered) sha t tho# -e in ight ess a-yrinth end ess y that &oi s a-o#t %y ha s $rofo#nd -y %agi& -ewi dered and enwo#nd* tho# sha t earn the $ower of E finesse@( BThat %ay not -e@( Lo@ .eren s$ake) and thro#gh the king(s words &o d y -rake. B4hat are thy %aAes -#t a &hain wherein the &a$ti'e - ind is s ainC Twist not thy oaths) O e 'ish king) ike faith ess "orgoth@ .y this ring + the token of a asting -ond that Fe ag#nd of Nargothrond on&e swore in o'e to .arahir) who she tered hi% with shie d and s$ear and sa'ed hi% fro% $#rs#ing foe on Northern -att efie ds ong ago + death tho# &anst gi'e #nearned to %e) -#t na%es I wi not take fro% thee of -ase-orn) s$y) or "orgoth(s thra @ Are these the ways of Thingo (s ha C( ?ro#d are the words) and a there t#rned to see the 7ewe s green that -#rned in .eren(s ring. These Gno%es had set as eyes of ser$ents twined that %et -eneath a go den &rown of f owers) that one #$ho ds and one de'o#rs! the -adge that Finrod %ade of yore and Fe ag#nd his son now -ore. His anger was &hi ed) -#t itt e ess) and dark tho#ghts Thingo did $ossess) tho#gh "e ian the $a e eant to his side and whis$ered! BO king) forgo thy $ride@ 3#&h is %y &o#nse . Not -y thee sha .eren -e s ain) for far and free fro% these dee$ ha s his fate doth ead) yet wo#nd with thine. O king) take heed@( .#t Thingo ooked on L1thien. BFairest of E 'es@ <nha$$y "en) &hi dren of itt e ords and kings %orta and frai ) these fading things) sha they then ook with o'e on theeC( his heart with hi% tho#ght. BI see thy ring)( he said) BO %ighty %an@ .#t to win the &hi d of "e ian a father(s deeds sha not a'ai ) nor thy $ro#d words at whi&h I 6#ai . A treas#re dear I too desire) -#t ro&ks and stee and "orgoth(s fire fro% a the $owers of E finesse do kee$ the 7ewe I wo# d $ossess. Yet -onds ike these I hear thee say affright thee not. Now go thy way@ .ring %e one shining 3i %ari fro% "orgoth(s &rown) then if she wi ) %ay L1thien set her hand in thine* then sha t tho# ha'e this 7ewe of %ine.( Then Thingo (s warriors o#d and ong they a#ghed* for wide renown in song had F;anor(s ge%s o(er and and sea) the $eer ess 3i %ari s* and three a one he %ade and kind ed s ow in the and of ,a ar ong ago) and there in TGn of their own ight they shone ike %ar'e o#s stars at night) in the great Gno%ish hoards of TGn) whi e G inga f owered and .e thi (s - oo% yet it the and -eyond the shore where the 3hadowy 3eas( ast s#rges roar) ere "orgoth sto e the% and the Gno%es seeking their g ory eft their ho%es) ere sorrow fe on E 'es and "en) ere .eren was or L1thien) ere F;anor(s sons in %adness swore their dreadf# oath. .#t now no %ore their -ea#ty was seen) sa'e shining & ear in "orgoth(s d#ngeons 'ast and drear. His iron &rown they %#st adorn) and g ea% a-o'e Or&s and s a'es for orn) treas#red in He a-o'e a wea th) %ore than his eyes* and %ight nor stea th &o# d to#&h the%) or e'en gaAe too ong #$on their %agi&. Throng on throng of Or&s with reddened s&i%itars en&ir& ed hi%) and %ighty -ars and e'er asting gates and wa s) who wore the% now a%igst his thra s. Then .eren a#ghed %ore o#d than they in -itterness) and th#s did say! BFor itt e $ri&e do e 'en+kings their da#ghters se + for ge%s and rings and things of go d@ If s#&h thy wi ) thy -idding I wi now f# fi . On .eren son of .arahir tho# hast not ooked the ast) I fear. Farewe ) Tin1'ie ) star it %aiden@ Ere the $a e winter $ass snow aden) I wi ret#rn) not thee to -#y with any 7ewe in E finesse) -#t to find %y o'e in o'e iness) a f ower that grows -eneath the sky.( .owing -efore "e ian and the king he t#rned) and thr#st aside the ring of g#ards a-o#t hi%) and was gone) and his footste$s faded one -y one in the dark &orridors. BA g#i ef# oath tho# sworest) father@ Tho# hast -oth to - ade and &hain his f esh now doo%ed in "orgoth(s d#ngeons dee$ ento%-ed)( said L1thien) and we ing tears s$rang in her eyes) and hideo#s fears & #t&hed at her heart. A ooked away) and ater re%e%-ered that sad day whereafter L1thien no %ore sang. Then & ear in the si en&e the &o d words rang of "e ian! B5o#nse &#nning+wise) O king@( she said. BYet if %ine eyes ose not their $ower) (twere we for thee that .eren fai ed his errantry. 4e for thee) -#t for thy &hi d a dark doo% and a wandering wi d.( BI se not to "en those who% I o'e( said Thingo ) Bwho% a things a-o'e I &herish* and if ho$e there were that .eren sho# d e'er i'ing fare to the Tho#sand 5a'erns on&e %ore) I swear he sho# d not e'er ha'e seen the air or ight of hea'en(s stars again.( .#t "e ian s%i ed) and there was $ain as of far know edge in her eyes* for s#&h is the sorrow of the wise. , 3o days drew on fro% the %o#rnf# day* the &#rse of si en&e no %ore ay on Doriath) tho#gh Dairon(s f #te and L1thien(s singing -oth were %#te. The %#r%#rs soft awake on&e %ore a-o#t the woods) the waters roar $ast the great gates of Thingo (s ha s* -#t no dan&ing ste$ of L1thien fa s on t#rf or eaf. For she for orn) where st#%- ed on&e) where -r#ised and torn) with onging on hi% ike a drea%) had .eren sat -y the shro#ded strea% Esga d#in the dark and strong) she sat now and %o#rned in a ow song! BEnd ess ro the waters $ast@ To this %y o'e hath &o%e at ast) en&hanted waters $iti ess) a hearta&he and a one iness.( The s#%%er t#rns. In -ran&hes ta she hears the $attering raindro$s fa ) the windy tide in eafy seas) the &reaking of the &o#nt ess trees* and ongs #n&easing and in 'ain to hear one &a ing on&e again the tender na%e that nightinga es were &a ed of o d. E&ho fai s. BTin1'ie @ Tin1'ie @( the %e%ory is ike a kne ) a faint and far+off to ing -e ! BTin1'ie @ Tin1'ie @( BO %other "e ian) te to %e so%e $art of what thy dark eyes see@ Te of thy %agi& where his feet are wandering@ 4hat foes hi% %eetC O %other) te %e) i'es he sti treading the desert and the hi C Do s#n and %oon a-o'e hi% shine) do the rains fa on hi%) %other %ineC( BNay) L1thien %y &hi d) I fear he i'es indeed in -ondage drear. The Lord of 4o 'es hath $risons dark) &hains and en&hant%ents &r#e and stark) there tra$$ed and -o#nd and ang#ishing now .eren drea%s that tho# dost sing.( BThen I a one %#st go to hi% and dare the dread in d#ngeons di%* for none there -e that wi hi% aid in a the wor d) sa'e e 'en+%aid whose on y ski were 7oy and song) and -oth ha'e fai ed and eft her ong.( And no#ght said "e ian thereto) tho#gh wi d the words. 3he we$t anew) and ran thro#gh the woods ike h#nted deer with her hair strea%ing and eyes of fear. Dairon she fo#nd with ferny &rown si ent y sitting on -ee&h+ ea'es -rown. On the earth she &ast her at his side. BO Dairon) Dairon) %y tears)( she &ried) Bnow $ity for o#r o d days( sake@ "ake %e a %#si& for heart(s a&he) for heart(s des$air) and for heart(s dread) for ight gone dark and a#ghter dead@( B.#t for %#si& dead there is no note)( Dairon answered) and at his throat his fingers & #t&hed. Yet his $i$e he took) and sad y tre%- ing the %#si& shook* and a things stayed whi e that $i$ing went wai ing in the ho ows) and there intent they istened) their -#siness and %irth) their hearts( g adness and the ight of earth forgotten* and -ird+'oi&es fai ed whi e Dairon(s f #te in Doriath wai ed. L1thien we$t not for 'ery $ain) and when he &eased she s$oke again! B"y friend) I ha'e a need of friends) as he who a ong dark 7o#rney wends) and fears the road) yet dare not t#rn and ook -a&k where the &and es -#rn in windows he has eft. The night in front) he do#-ts to find the ight that far -eyond the hi s he seeks.( And th#s of "e ian(s words she s$eaks) and of her doo% and her desire to & i%- the %o#ntains) and the fire and r#in of the Northern rea % to dare) a %aiden witho#t he % or sword) or strength of hardy i%-) where %agi& fo#nders and grows di%. His aid she so#ght to g#ide her forth and find the $athways to the North) if he wo# d not for o'e of her go -y her side a wanderer. B4herefore)( said he) Bsho# d Dairon go into direst $eri earth doth know for the sake of %orta who did stea his a#ghter and 7oyC No o'e I fee for .eren son of .arahir) nor wee$ for hi% in d#ngeons drear) who in this wood ha'e &hains enow) hea'y and dark. .#t thee) I wow) I wi defend fro% $eri s fe and dead y wandering into he .( No %ore they s$ake that day) and she $er&ei'ed not his %eaning. 3orrowf# y she thanked hi%) and she eft hi% there. A tree she & i%-ed) ti the -right air a-o'e the woods her dark hair - ew) and straining afar her eyes &o# d 'iew the o#t ine grey and faint and ow of diAAy towers where the & o#ds go) the so#thern fa&es %o#nting sheer in ro&ky $inna& e and $ier of 3hadowy "o#ntains $a e and &o d* and wide the ands -efore the% ro ed. .#t straightway Dairon so#ght the king and to d hi% his da#ghter(s $ondering) and how her %adness %ight her ead to r#in) #n ess the king ga'e heed. Thingo was wroth) and yet a%aAed* in onder and ha f fear he gaAed on Dairon and said! BTr#e hast tho# -een. Now e'er sha o'e -e #s -etween) whi e Doriath asts* within this rea % tho# art a $rin&e of -ee&h and e %@( He sent for L1thien) and said! BO %aiden fair) what hath thee ed to $onder %adness and des$air to wander r#in) and to fare fro% Doriath agains %y wi ) stea ing ike a wi d thing %en wo# d ki into the e%$tiness o#tsideC( BThe wisdo%) father)( she re$ ied* nor wo# d she $ro%ise to forget) nor wo# d she 'ow for o'e or threat her fo y to forsake and %eek in Doriath her father(s wi to seek. This on y 'owed she) if go she %#st) that none -#t herse f wo# d she now tr#st) no fo k of her father(s wo# d $ers#ade to -reak his wi or end her aid* if go she %#st) she wo# d go a one and friend ess dare the wa s of stone. In angry o'e and ha f in fear Thingo took &o#nse in his %ost dear to g#ard and kee$. He wo# d not -ind in &a'erns dee$ and intertwined sweet L1thien) his o'e y %aid) who ro--ed of air %#st wane and fade) who e'er %#st ook #$onthe sky and see the s#n and %oon go -y. .#t & ose #nto his %o#nded seat and grassy throne there ran the feet of Hirir orn) the -ee&hen 6#een. <$on her tri$ e -o es were seen no -reak or -ran&h #nti a oft in a green g i%%er) distant) soft) the %ightiest 'a# t of eaf and -o#gh fro% wor d(s -eginning #nti now was f #ng a-o'e Esga d#in(s shores and the ong s o$es of Thingo (s doors. Grey was the rind of $i ars ta and si ken+s%ooth) and far and s%a to s6#irre s( eyes were those who went at her grey feet #$on the -ent. Now Thingo %ade %en in the -ee&h) in that great tree) as far as rea&h their ongest adders) there to -#i d an airy ho#se* and as he wi ed a itt e dwe ing of fair wood was %ade) and 'ei ed in ea'es it stood a-o'e the first -ran&hes. 5orners three it had and windows faint to see) and -y three shafts of Hiri orn in the &orners standing was #$-orne. There L1thien was -idden dwe ) #nti she was wiser and the s$e of %adness eft her. <$ she & o%the ong adders to her new ho%e a%ong the ea'es) a%ong the -irds* she sang no song) she s$oke no words. 4hite g i%%ering in the tree she rose) and her itt e door they heard her & ose. The adders were taken and no %ore her feet %ight tread Esga d#in(s shore. Thither at whi es they & i%-ed and -ro#ght a things she needed and -eso#ght* -#t death was his) who so sho# d dare a adder ea'e) or &ree$ing there sho# d set one -y the tree at night* a g#ard was he d fro% d#sk to ight a-o#t the grey feet of Hiri orn and L1thien in $rison and for orn. There Dairon grie'ing often stood insorrow for the &a$ti'e of the wood) and %e odies %ade #$on his f #te eaning against a grey tree+root. L1thien wo# d fro% her windows stare and see hi% far #nder $i$ing there) and she forga'e his -etraying word for the %#si& and the grief she heard) and on y Dairon wo# d she et a&ross her thresho d foot to set. Yet ong the ho#rs when she %#st sit and see the s#n-ea%s dan&e and f it in -ee&hen ea'es) or wat&h the stars $ee$ on & ear nights -etween the -ars of -ee&hen -ran&hes. And one night 7#st ere the &hanging of the ight a drea% there &a%e) fro% the Gods) %ay-e) or "e ian(s %agi&. 3he drea%ed that she heard .eren(s 'oi&e o(er the hi and fe BTin1'ie ( &a ) BTin1'ie .( And her heart answered! BLet %e -e gone to seek hi% no others think #$on@( 3he woke and saw the %oon ight $a e thro#gh the s i% ea'es. It tre%- ed frai #$on her ar%s) as these she s$read and there in onging -owed her head) and yearned for freedo% and es&a$e. Now L1thien doth her &o#nse sha$e* and "e ian(s da#ghter of dee$ ore knew %any things) yea) %agi&s %ore than then or now know e 'en+%aids that g int and shi%%er in the g ades. 3he $ondered ong) whi e the %oon sank and faded) and the star ight shrank) and the dawn o$ened. At ast a s%i e on her fa&e f i&kered. 3he %#sed a whi e) and wat&hed the %orning s#n ight grow) then &a ed to those that wa ked -e ow. And when one & i%-ed to her she $rayed that he wo# d in the dark $oo s wade af &o d Esga d#in) water & ear) the & earest water &o d and sheer to draw for her. BAt %idd e night)( she said) Bin -ow of si 'er white it %#st -e drawn and -ro#ght to %e with no word s$oked) si ent y.( Another she -egged to -ring her wine in a 7ag of go d where f owers twine + Band singing et hi% &o%e to %e at high noon) singing %erri y.( Again she s$ake! BNow go) I $ray) to "e ian the 6#een) and say! Nthy da#ghter %any a weary ho#r s ow $assing wat&hes in her -ower* a s$inning+whee she -egs thee send.N( Then Dairon she &a ed! BI $rithee) friend) & i%- #$ and ta k to L1thien@( And sitting at her window then) she said! B"y Dairon) tho# hast &raft) -eside thy %#si&) %any a shaft and %any a too of &ar'en wood to fashion with &#nning. It were good) if tho# wo# dst %ake a itt e oo% to stand in the &orner of %y roo%. "y id e fingers wo# d s$in and wea'e a $attern of &o o#rs) of %orn and e'e) of s#n and %oon and &hanging ight a%id the -ee&h+ ea'es wa'ing -right.( This Dairon did and asked her then! BO L1thien) O L1thien) 4hat wi t tho# wea'eC 4hat wi t tho# s$inC( BA %ar'e o#s thread) and wind therin a $otent %agi&) and a s$e I wi wea'e within %y we- that he nor a the $owers of Dread wi -reak.( Then Dairon wondered) -#t he s$ake no word to Thingo ) tho#gh his heart feared the dark $#r$ose of her art. And L1thien now was eft a one. A %agi& song to "en #nknown she sang) and singing then the wine with water %ing ed three ti%es nine* and as in go den 7ar they ay she sang a song of groth and day* and as they ay in si 'er white another song she sang) of night and darkness witho#t end) of height #$ ifted to the stars) and f ight and freedo%. And a the na%es of things ta est and ongest on earth she sings! the o&ks of the Long-eard dwar'es* the tai of Dra#g #in the werewo f $a e* the -ody of G I%#nd the great snake* the 'ast #$soaring $eaks that 6#ake a-o'e the fiers in Ang-and(s g oo%* the &hain Angainor that ere Doo% for "orgoth sha -y gods -e wro#ght of stee and tor%ent. Na%es she so#ght) and sang of G end the sword of Nan* of Gi%i the giant of Er#%an* and ast and ongest na%ed she then the end ess hair of <inen) the Lady of the 3ea) that ies thro#gh a the waters #nder skies. Then did she a'e her head and sing a the%e of s ee$ and s #%-ering) $rofo#nd and fatho% ess and dark as L1thien(s shadowy hair was dark + ea&h thread was %ore s ender and %ore fine than threads of twi ight that entwine in fi %y we- the fading grass and & osing f owers as day doth $ass. Now onger and onger grew her hair) and fe to her feet) and wandered there ike $oo s
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