The Key of Knowledge



The Key of Knowledge (Clavicula Salomonis) Transcribed from British Library, Additional manuscript 36674. Edited by Joseph H. Peterson, Copyright © 1999. All rights reserved. The present text is a sixteenth century English translation of the Key of Solomon, the most famous of Grimoires, or handbooks of magic. In producing his 1889 edition of the Key of Solomon, three manuscripts escaped S.L. Mathers' attention, or he chose to neglect them. They are Sloane 3645, 3847, and Additional Ms. 36,674. All three are in English. It is not clear to me why he did not mention them, but they do not in fact seem to have been used by him, as the wordings and layout are quite different. Mathers' translation seems to be mainly from the Colorno class of manuscripts written in French. The following is a complete transcription of the English Key of Solomon from Add. 36674, with alternate readings from Sl. 3645. The Add. manuscript dates to mid- to late16th century. Add. 36674 also appears to be in the same hand as that found in the beginning of Sloane 3854. Sl. 3645 is dated 17th century [1], and seems to be based solely on the earlier manuscript. The drawings included here are based on those in the Sloane manuscript, as they are more legible, and were copied very closely from the older manuscript. The catalog entry reads as follows: 36674. together probably in the library of John Somers, Lord Somers (v. catalogue in Harl. MS. 7191, f. 158 b). The table of contents on f. 3 is in the same hand as Somers' catalogue. Artt. 1-4 belonged early in the 17th cent. to Gabriel Harvey, the poet and friend of Spenser, who has annotated them throughout (compare the hand with Add. MS. 32494). Art. 10 and probably some other articles were collected by Elias Ashmole. Later owners are noticed below. Contents:1. "Here begynneth the booke of Kynge Solomon called the Kay of Knowledge," to which Harvey adds "Clavicula Salomonis. Extat Latine: et legi." In two books. There are many treatises with similiar titles, but this does not agree with the Clavicula edited by S. L. M. Mathers (London, 1889), nor with the treatise COLLECTIONS relating to Magic and Witchcraft from the papers of various 16th and 17th century astrologers, finally put known as Lemegeton. The first rubric is "Orysons to be sayde when you coniure," and the last "Here follow the the manner howe to make the Pentacle." In a late 16th cent. hand. f. 5. Contrary to what the catalog entry states, nearly all of this text does in fact closely parallel Mathers' edition, although the wording is simpler in the present text. Collation: BOOK 1 Key of Knowledge Ch. 1 Ch. 2 Ch. 3 Ch. 4 Ch. 5 Ch. 6 Ch. 7 Ch. 8 Ch. 9 Ch. 10 Ch. 11 Ch. 12 Ch. 13 Mathers Not found Ch. 4-7 Not found Ch. 8 Not found Ch. 9 Ch. 10 Omitted * Omitted * Ch. 15 Omitted * Ch. 16 Ch. 17 BOOK 2 Key of Knowledge Ch. 1 Ch. 2 Ch. 3 Ch. 4 Ch. 5-6 Ch. 7 Ch. 8 Ch. 9 Ch. 10-11 Ch. 12 Ch. 13 Ch. 14 Ch. 15 Ch. 16 Ch. 17 Ch. 18 Ch. 19 Ch. 20-22 Mathers Ch. 1 Ch. 2 Ch. 3 Ch. 4 Ch. 5 Ch. 6 Ch. 8 Ch. 9 Ch. 11 Ch. 12 Ch. 14 Ch. 16 Ch. 17 Ch. 18 Ch. 19 Ch. 10 Ch. 20 Not found * Omitted by Mathers, but found in Mathers' primary sources. It is also full of Christian references which are absent in Mathers' edition and other manuscripts of the Clavicula. Regarding the third early English translation, Sloane MS 3847, although it has many parallels with the two English manuscripts represented in the present text, it does not seem to be directly related. Rather, it appears to be an independent translation, probably from the Italian or Latin. It is not included in the present edition. I have taken the liberty of moving the table of contents for book 2 to the beginning of this transcript for convenience. [1. Cf. Catalog to the Sloane Manuscripts in the British Museum, Edward J. L. Scott, London, 1904, p. 473.] [5r] here begynneth the Booke of Kynge Salomon called Here beginneth the book of King Solomon called the kay of knowledge. The Key of Knowledge. Clauicula Salomonis. Extat latinè: de Clauicula Salomonis. Extat latinè: de legi. legi. Cabalistica: sed sophistica. Cabalistica: sed sophistica. The Table of the fyrst Booke. Cap. 13. 1. What oracions and prayers ought to be sayde before you worke. 2. Of the confessyon before you worke. 3. Of yor Coniuratiõ, wth A maledictiõ therunto belonginge. 4. Of pentacles, and howe they ought to be made. 5. Of the way howe to worke. ##. Experiments 6. For thinges that bee stolne. + de furto. The table of the first book. 13 Chapters. 1. What orations and prayers ought to be said before you work. 2. Of the confession before you work. 3. Of your conjuration, with a malediction thereunto belonging. 4. Of pentacles, and how they ought to be made. 5. Of the way how to work. ##. Experiments 6. For things that be stolen. 7. For to be invisible. 7. For to bee invysible. 8. For love howe they ought to be prpared. de amore 9. For to make A womã dreame of thé. 10. Of experimentes of favr and frend shipp. ad fauore~ 11. Of experimentes for hatred and malyce. 12. Ffor to fayne A thinge to be true, wch indeade is false. 13. Of extraordynary experimentes, and howe they ar prpared. 8. For love, how they ought to be prepared. 9. For to make a woman dream of thee. 10. Of experiments of favor and friendship. 11. Of experiments for hatred and malice. 12. For to fain a thinge to be true, which indeed is false. 13. Of extraordinary experiments, and how they are prepared. [13r] A table of chapiters wch ar conteyned yn thys seconde Booke. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • A table of chapters which are contained in this second book. 1. In what hour experiments ought to be wrought. 2. How the conjurer must behave himself. 3. How his fellows must behave them. 4. Of fasting and watch. 5. Of baths and how they must be made. 6. The blessing of the salt.] 7. Of apparrel, and all thereto belonging. 8. Of the knife belonging to the art. 9. How the circle must be made, and how you must enter into it. 10. Of water and hyssop, how they are made. 11. Of hyssop. 12. Of fire and lights. 13. Of pen and ink. 14. Of the blood of a bat. 15. Of virgin parchment. 16. How you must work with wax. 17. Of a needle wherewith thou must work. 18. Of odors, and sweet perfumes. 1. In what hower experymentes ought to be wroughte. 2. Howe the coniurer must behaue hym selfe. 3. Howe his fellowes must behaue them. 4. Of fastynge and watche. Theurgia. 5. Of Bathes and howe they muste be made. bathes [6. The blyssynge of the salte.] [7.] 6. Of apparrell, and all therto belongynge. apparrel [8.] 7. Of the knyfe belongynge to the Arte. Knife [9.] 8. howe ye cyrcle must be made, and howe you muste enter into yt. Circle, [10.] 9. Of water and ysope, how they ar made. Water, & ysop. [11. Of ysope.] [12.] 10. Of fyer and lyghte. [13.] 11. Of penn, and ynke. [14.] 12. Of the blodd of A batt. [15.] 13. Of vyrgynn parchmente. [16.] 14. howe you must worke wth waxe. [17.] 15. Of a nedle wherwth thou must worke. • • • • • [18.] 16. Of odours, and sweate perfumes. [19.] 17. Of cloth, wherin you must lay vpp yor instruments. [20.] 18. Of the worke of Images. [21.] 19. Of the howers to worke yn. [22.] 20. Of the colors of the Planetts. 19. Of cloth, wherein you must lay up your instruments. 20. Of the work of images. 21. Of the hours to work in. 22. Of the colors of the planets. [5v is blank] [6r] [6r] Orysons to be sayde, when you conjure. [Cap. 1] Lord Jhesus Christ the lovynge Sonne of god, wch doest illuminate the hartes of all menn in the worlde; lighten the darknes of my harte, and kyndle the fier of thy most holy loue yn me; giue me true fayth, perfect charyty, and vertue, wherby I may learne to feare and loue thé and kepe thy commaundements in all thinges; that when the last daye shall come, the Anngell [Sl 3645 reads Angells] of god may peaceably take me, And deliuer me from the power of the deuill, That I may enioy euerlastinge reste amyds the company of the holy Sayntes, and sytt one thie right, Graunte thes thou sonn of the lyuing god for thy holy names sake. Amen. Orations to be said when you conjure. [Chap. 1] Lord Jesus Christ, the loving son of God, which dost illuminate the hearts of all men in the world, lighten the darkness of my heart, and kindle the fire of thy most holy love in me. Give me true faith, perfect charity, and virtue, whereby I may learn to fear and love thee and keep thy commandments in all things; that when the last day shall come, the angel of god may peaceably take me, and deliver me from the power of the devil, that I may enjoy everlasting rest amidst the company of the holy saints, and sit on thy right. Grant this, thou son of the living God for thy holy name's sake. Amen. A Confession to be sayde before thou A confession to be said before you worke. [Cap. 2] work. [Cap. 2] I confes to thé lord god the father of heauen and Earthe, and to the good and most benigne Jhesu Christ to gether wth the holy ghoste, before thy holy Angells, and before the true maiesty of thy cros that I was conceyued in synn, and from my Baptisme contynued therin. I confes furthermore that I haue synned in pryde, in anger, in glotonye, I confess to thee, Lord God, the Father of Heaven and Earth, and to the good and most benign Jesus Christ together with the Holy Ghost, before thy holy angels, and before the true majesty of thy cross, that I was conceived in sin, and from my baptism continued therein. I confess furthermore that I have sinned in pride, in anger, in vppon the pentacle. and grant thy grace to me by thine ineffable clemency. gently obayinge me. I have sinned. worshipful and fearful name Hyach. by that thy ineffable. giue me grace to knowe and understande the vertue of all prenityes. against the devil. next into the Southe. then into the [Of your conjuration. give me grace to know and understand the virtue of all prenities (?). partes of the worlde: Afterwards lokynge vppõ the booke. and put both his hands laid after the fashion of a cross. glottony. thorough the most holy Adonay. Therfore I pray you all the Sayntes. through the most holy Adonay. and in whatsoever man's frailty may sin. Afterwards lett hym turne hym selfe. wch art hydd by thy most holy mercy and hyttye. let him say as followeth: Lord my God. and my commandments. and by whose fear. then into the . be thou to me a tower of defense against the face of all evil spirits. 3645: thy] grace to me by thy [Sl. Lord my god. which art hid by thy most holy mercy and hyttye (?). for nothinge is hydd ne impossible to thé. and let one of his companions always hold the book open before him. Amen. with a malediction thereunto belonging. by the wch all the worlde shall tremble. and lett hym loke into the Ayer. gently obeying me. before hym. When these are done. I haue synned. upon the pentacle. whose kyngdome endureth for euer. Chap. that I may see and knowe all the Spyrytts wch I woulde haue. next into the South. [Of yor Coniuratiõ. and putt bothe his hands layde after the fassion of A cross. wch knowest all thinges. and let him look into the air.] Lord god almighty father wch dydst make all thinges. that you witnes wth me in the day of iudgmente.and in whatsoeuer mans fraylty may synn. Cap. let me appear before thee (O Most High) righteous. which knowest all things. lett hym saye as followeth. for nothing is hid nor impossible to thee. and graunt the [Sl. that you witness with me in the day of judgment. and so I beinge cleane and confessed of all my synnes. and by whose feare. wth A maledictiõ therunto belonginge. and accomplish my wyll and desyre. Grant me also that the secret of the secrets of all the spirits may be opened before me. into the 4. graunt me also that the secrett of the secretts of all the spyrytts may be opened before me. and let one of his companions allwaies holde te book openn. be thou to me A tower of defence against the face of all euyll spyrytts. Amen. first to the East. in whose sighte all thes thinges I haue confessed. and accomplish my will and desire. Amen. whose kingdom endureth forever. Afterwards. 3. all creatures do obey. When these ar done lett the coniurer aryse. all creatures doe obaye. in whose sight all these things I have confessed. against the deuyll. let him turn himself first to the East. by that thy ineffable. Therefore I pray you all the saints. and so I being clean and confessed of all my sins. into the four parts of the world: afterwards looking upon the book. Amen. that I may see and know all the spirits which I would have. by the which all the worlde shall tremble. and my commaundementes. worshipfull and fearfull name Hyach. 3645: thine] ineffable clemencye. let the conjurer arise. 3.] Lord God almighty father which didst make all things. lett me appeare before thé (ô most hyghe) righteous. and all the reste. or send a messenger. by all the vertues of the heauens. by her virginity. yf not then call them as followeth [6v] and knowe that yf they weare bound in yron. . and feare. by whom you are daily feared. as Saint Silvester and all the rest. potestates. and North. If not. which done they will appear quickly. and by all the holy prophets. by the death and rising again of Christ.Weaste. they wyll come. by ye natiuyty of St John Baptiste. be our aids and help in all our works. wch done they wyll appeare quickly. I coniure you also by all Martyrs St Stephenn. be our aydes. and by the twelve Apostles. Straight way after lett hym beginn to coniure. those spyritts. and by all the holy prophetts. Beholde the signes and names of that conquerer. then call them as followeth and know that if they were bound in iron they wyll come. and by hym wch shall comme to iudge the worlde both the quicke and deade. by the 9 orders and degrees of Angells. and by the natyvyte and Baptisme by the deathe and rysinge agayne of Christe. by the nine orders and degrees of angels. and by the nativity and baptism. and seraphin. by all the virtues of the heavens. by the 7 giftes of the holy ghoste. the Son. principates. and by all Sayntes whose solempnyty is celebrated before the seight of Christe. by fyer. by all holy vyrgines and wyddowes. obey me therefore by these most secrets of all other. and by all thinges which agree together in kind. cherubin. the mother of or lord Jhesus Christe. West. abbots. Abbotts. as that art doth command. and helpe in all or workes. by the 4 beastes of god hauinge eies both behynd and before. thrones. and the Holy Ghost. and by all thinges wch agree together I conjure you such Spirits (naming them). and in euery parte saye. I Coniure you sutch Spyritts naming them. and in every part say: Behold the signs and names of that conquerer. both the quick and dead. cherubyn and Seraphyn. by all confessors. by all holy hermits. And by the 12 Apostles. I conjure you by the twenty Seniors. thorough out all the worlde. the dyuine maiesty. and all the reste. I coniure you by the 20 Seniors. by the seven gifts of the Holy Ghost. by the four beasts of God having eyes both behind and before. by all holy virgins and widows. as that Arte doth commaunde. potestates. by the nativity of Saint John the Baptist. by whome you arr dayly feared. Straight way after. principates. the mother of our Lord Jesus Christ. by whose desentes and praiers. let him begin to conjure those spirits. by the comminge of the holy ghoste or comforter. by the coming of the Holy Ghost our comforter. by the Father. Archangells. and North. or sende A messynger. by the father. and by all saints whose solemnity is celebrated before the sight of Christ throughout all the world. dominations. Saint Stephen and all the rest. dominacions. wch then he hath in hande. Thrones. by fire. archangels. by hyr vyrgynnitye. which then he hath in hand. I conjure you also by all martyrs. monks. by all confessors. By all holy hermytes. as St Siluester. the sonn. by holy Mary. and by him which shall come to judge the world. obey me therfore by thes most secretts of all other. and fear. Mounkes. and the holy ghoste. by holy Mary. by whose desents and prayers the divine majesty. I coniure you by god. which shall come again to both the quicke and the deade. and buried. of and by all other virtues. crucified. and sitteth on right hande of god. the day he arose again from death. And by the 100 and 44 . vyrgyns. and all that therein is. [sic]. and mankind came down into the Earth. and by heauen and earthe. martyrs. ar full of the art thou Lord God of Sabaoth. are full of the majesty of thy glory. and came vppon hym and his baptized in the flood of Jordan. cometh in the name of the Lord: Hosannah And by the 100 and 44 company of martyrs. and Trynnytye [Trinity]. and all that therin is. martyrs. Heaven and maiesty of thy glorye. and into hell. and the vnity to bee God with divers tongues. sayntes. holy. Apostles. and by Saint Peter. in the highest. wch was deade. and by him that in the begynninge made all thinges of that in the beginning made all things of noughte. from whence he come to iudge both the quicke and the deade. upon him and his Apostles. dead. Blessed is he that name of the lorde: Osanna in the hygheste. and sytteth one the and ascended into heaven. and widows. the Gospel of and by the 3. Osanna. shall come to judge both the quick and the and the world by fyer: And by ye holy ghost dead. apostle of Rome elements of the world. from whence he shall the right hand of God. and by the crown of warne on godds hedd. holy. and by the holy or thought of our most mighty Creator. which was and buryed. wch virgin Mary. evangelists. Blessed is he that commeth in the Hosannah. and by the garmentes thorns that was worn on God's head. prophets. by fire. heauen and Earth. which suffered under Pontius kynde. wch suffered of the Jewes. and by the Elementes. and wyddowes. in the highest. sayinge: cease neither day nor night. which did father and ye sonne. And by the the comforter. was hanged on the crosse. in the Earth. I conjure you spirits by all the patriarches. and the world by fire. confessors. and descended the daye he arose againe from deathe. which suffered of the Jews. that was borne of the I conjure you by God. and by all the holy courte and company of heauen. and was borne of the vyrgyne Marye. and by the three worshipped. wch was born of the virgin Mary. and by him that for the health of mankynde came doune into the earthe. and by all the holy by the holy Trinity. and buried. and by the company of those God-heads. yn likenes of A doue proceed from the Father and the Son. Apostles. & by St Peter. was crucified. by fyer: judge both the quick and the dead. and by hym that for the healthe of naught. in when Christe was baptized in the flodde of likeness of a dove when Christ was Jorden. of caste lots. and by for the wch Jewes [sic] caste lottes. by all other vertues. that was born of the vyrgynn Mary. wch dyd proceade from the Holy Ghost the Comforter. and by hym court and company of Heaven. and by the croune of thorne that was apostle of Rome. highest. and descended into hell. but still cry holy. the holy city of God. I coniure you Spyritts by all the patriarches. and by the company of those saints which but styll crye wth A lowde voyce. was deade. the holy cytty of god. holy. and by Jerusalem. euangelistes. and Heaven and Earth. suffered under Pontius Pilate. and by confessors. Sabaoth. god heds. and by the the worlde. and the unity to be worshipped. and by all the garments for the which> Jews [sic] thinges that cann be sayde or thoughte. saying: holy. which was hanged on the cross. virgins. holy. and by all things that can be said our moste myghty creator. wch cease neyther daye nor nyghte. prophetts. wch shall come agayne to iudge dead and buried. the gospell of god w diuers tongs. ascended into heauen. art thou lord god of with a loud voice. and came th Apostles. and by Ierusalem. ineffable names of God. by the transfiguration of Christ upon the mount of Christ. I coniure you Spyrytts. Bera. Barucaea. and lightning of God etc. by his wounds and blood. and by all the preceptes wch ar instituted for Christian faith. by the blodd. Emagro. by the christ. sepulcher of Christ. by the passyon of Christe. Sanca. I coniure you spirits by the thunder shining I coniure you Spyritts by the thonder of fire. Iothe. and by all wonderful by all wonderfull workes of god. by the baptism of Christ. and by all herbs. and by his synnes: And by his glorious ascension. and the foundaciõ of the worlde. and by all the steppes of the vndefyled lambe. by the boddy of Christ. by the body of Christ. by the baptisme of Christ. Tetragrãmaton. wch the New Testament. and by the wonderfull of martyrs. Fallcas (?). hely. by the cross of Christ. by the transfiguratiõ circumcision of Christ. which shall be shed for shalbe sheede for man in forgiuenes of man in forgiveness of sins:". by the + Tabor. by the cry of Christ. Anborac. I coniure you God: Also. Iesu God. and grass. Emagro. Iesu God wch madest heauen and earthe. and by all the which [have] been done by saints and ch myracles w bene done by sayntes. his hands which were pierced through with thorough wth nailes. and crye of Chryst. Barucaea. was layde. by the cyrcumsission of christ. hely. and by all the instituted for christian faythe. Adonay. and by all the company of saints which follow the seven company of Sayntes wch followe the 7 steps of the undefiled lamb. and lyghtninge of god etc. Anbonas. seven golden candlesticks shining before by the 7 goulden [7r] candlestyckes shyninge the altar of God. God which madest Heaven and Earth. is Euan.. yaelem. Anborac. Piham. stones. by the virtues of all hearbes. and by all saints which God chose unto him. . also wch God. by the passion of Christ. Ladodoc. Lamazabathany: by the death of Lamazabathany: by the death of Christ. and grasse. stones. by his woundes and naile. and by the holy and ineffable Tetragrammaton. Bolem. I coniure you Spyrittes yn what place of the I conjure you spirits in what place of the worlde soeuer yee bee. wch please god right well. saying: hely. by the vertues of all I conjure you spirits. before the Sayntes wch god chose vnto hym. yaelem. by the of Christe. vppon the mount Tabor. Adonay. Sanca. Iothe. Coplice. Bera. which speaking to the world. Coplice. and also which sittest upon cherubin. harucara. Oboi. suffered most grevious martyrdom. Asahac. and wch speakynge to the worlde. and by the wonderful name. Acathel. And glorious ascension. Ladodoc. Radrematas. works of God. syttest vppon Cherubyn. and by all the miracles before the aulter [altar] of god. by the sepulcher of Christ. harucara. which please God right by there merrytts. and by hys voyce sayinge: by his voice. Radrematas. I conjure you spirits by these Spyrytts by thes ineffable names of god. Anbonas. by the annunciation of Christ. which is Euan. Acathel. and by all the precepts which are aungells. Asahac. and Seraphyn. by Christ. by his handes wch weare pearced. wch seraphin. This to his disciples saying: "This is my body of is my boddy of the newe Testamente. Bolem. Oboi. by the Annunciatiõ of world soever ye be. and by all things ch thinges w mekely obay the which meekly obey the commandment of commaundement of god: Also. Fallcas (?). before the foundation of the world was laid. hely. and by their merits. well. and by the breade wch he and by the bread which he brake and gave brake and gaue to his dysciples sayinge. suffered most greuous Martyrdome. Piham. by the shyninge of fyer. and angels. and If then they appear. and stronge name. but that you appear here ymmediatly before vs. and see these most secret of all secrets. lett hym say wth A cleare voyce. but if perchance they do not. to do our will and pleasure. great. soever you be. by the mighty. Come therefore here before us. graunt to all thes spyritts by the holy and ineffable name. the secret of all secrets. Hel. nor any other place. here be the signs and names. who ruleth the whole world. let the Mr lighten his voyce and say: This done they will come doubtless. and gently to make us answer. nor in the earth. in what place of the I coniure you spyritts. whersoeuer you bee. the secrett of all secretts. and his companions praying. I call and resist the names of the mighty conquerer. and command you by ." Yf then they appeare showe them the pentacles. I exorcyse you. you come before vs. who ruleth the whole worlde: Come therfore here before vs. I exorcize you. soeuer you bee. let the master (beating the air about him on every side) hiss with his voice. nor any longer in the air. show them the pentacles. This done they wyll come doutles. who dare be soe boulde as to gayne say them. I conjure you spirits. and gently to make vs answeare:" "Behold. I conjure you. I call you. and resist the names of the mighty conquerer. I conjure you. Rethon. and strong name. to fulfill that way you come before us. Ane. by the mighty greate. in what place of the worlde. let him say with a clear voice: Behold. nor in the earthe. Ane. Hel. I coniure you. to obay my wyll and my commaundemente. Rethon. Come and receive the pleasant smell of sweet odours. grant to all thess spirits to obey my will and my commandments. Behould. But if they will not. who dare be so bold as to gainsay them. to doe our wyll and immediately before us. and his companions prayinge. come and receyue the pleasaunt smell of sweete odours. that you tarry noe world. but that you appeare here other place. whatsoever we shall commande you. I coniure you. but yf perchaunce they do not. and see thes most secrett of all secretts. And I commaund you that straight pleasure. let the Mr (betinge the ayer about hym on euery syde) hiss wth his voice. to fulfill that whatsoeuer we shall commaunde you. And I command you that straight waye. that you tarry no longer in the Ayer. let the master lighten his voice and say: "Behoulde here be the signes and names. but yf they wyll not. whersoever you be. and Vr. and all the first born in Egypt died. Saday. Saday. and in the name Gemaron. with theight (?) family after the flood. the oxen. which Moses named at midnight. or by the name Gyn. in the hyll of god. Alnon. by the names Yr. daies and 3. I command you by this book. wch Jacob harde.commãnd you. and all the dust of the Earth was stricken. And by the name Gemaron. and the redd sea was dyuyded. Ane. hely. Also. but come without any noise. wch Abraham harde. of the Angell speakinge wth hym. And by the name. Y. And by the name Y.. and in the name Gemaron. wch Jeremias namyd before the the wonderful Berlayne. We coniure you wth power. and with power command you. and there was made darkenes 3. and knatte weare made amongst the menn. wch Elias named. et X. Sabaoth. I commaunde you by this booke. which Moses named. hely. wch Moyses named at mydnight. And by the name Joth. and sent all kinds of flies into Egypt. wch Moyses namyd. horeb: and obtayned to speake wth god. In the name Adonay. and the Heaven did give rain. and cattle of the Egyptians. And by the name. nightes in Ægypt and all weare almost deade for feare: And by the name Arymon. and the heauen dyd giue rayne. holy greate and iuste. and it is holy. and in the name. that you come to us. et X. and gnats were made amongst the men. Phaicon. In the name Adonay. the oxenn. which Noah heard and spoke. And by the name Symagogion. and cattle of the Ægyptians. to destroy there fruyte. and sente all kynde of flyes into Ægypt. but come wthout any noyse. and by the name Arphicerie which Moses named. wch Moyses harde. and by the name Arymon. not deformed. and he deliuered the childreñ of Israel. and without any deformity. and he delivered the children of Israel out of captivity. horeb: and obtained to speak with God. and heare god hym selfe speake in A flame of fyer: And by the name Elaye wch Moyses named. and in the name Arymon. to destroy there fruit. and spoke wth theight family after the flodde: And by the name. heye. We conjure you with power. wch dyd destroy them and there corne. that you tarry not. wch Adam harde and spake. and knew Almighty God. and in the name Arymon. and by all his names. which Moses named and the Red Sea was divided. holy great and just. and all yt fyrst borne in Aegipte dyed: And by the name Gemaron. and by all the powers therof. or by the name Gyn. and there was made darkeness three days and three nights in Egypt and all were almost dead for fear. Sabaoth. by him which speaketh. And by the name Joth. and by all the powers thereof. wch Moyses named. and thearth brought forth fruite: And by the name Athanatos. which Jacob heard of the angel speaking with him. Phaicon. which Adam heard and spake. wch Noe harde. which Elias named. And in the name. and hear God Himself speak in a flame of fire. by hym wch speaketh. Aloe. and knewe allmighty god. not deformed but in a very fair shape. I coniure you. out of captyuity: And by the name Symagogion. which did destroy them and their corn. and was deliuered from the hands of his brother Esau. and the Earth brought forth fruit. And by the name Athanatos. et N. by the name Yr. Ane. but in A very faier shape. and Vr. and was delivered from the hands of his brother Esau. which Jeremiah named . Alnon. Aloe. Also. and by all his names. that you tarrye not. And by the name Elaye which Moses named. and all the dust of the earthe was strickenn. heye. et N. I conjure you. and wth power commaunde you. and yt is holy. which Abraham heard. and wthout any [7v] deformyty. by the wonderfull Berlayne. And by the name Arphicerie wch Moyses namyd. that you come to vs. which Moses heard in the hill of God. so be it. wch ar wryttenn in hebrewe letters. for all compel you. And by hym we his unity to obey us. by whome you weare throune doune. yf you wyll rebell against us. even into the bottom of Hell. out of the hyghe throne into the place of banishmente.captiuity of Jerusalem. α et ω. and weare not hurte. Amen. and the bottom of Hell swallowed upp. And by the Angellicall potestates of heauenn. wch and by the holy name. And they be the be the wordes. vppon his make the sign of the cross upon his forehead. And by the name Emanuel. Primeumaton. that you come to see see the consecrated signes and names. and by the holy name. and we charge you mighty Triumpher. lett the If as yet they do not appear. we curse you do as we command you. Come therefore presently before us. Tathon. and commaunde you. wch haue proceaded out of be true. vnles swallowed up. and the bottome of hell Moses named. you spirits. I coniure you. and say: forehed. which Moyses named. Yf as yet they doe not appeare. we conjure you. Tathon. against your will. in Again I conjure you. euen into the bottome of hell. And they shall burn you continually. withstand these our holy words. which the three children Sidrac. so be yt. Primeumaton. wch he receyued of that allmightye. Hebay. wch Danyel named. to fulfill our desier: before the captivity of Jerusalem. And by that destroyed Bel. We coniure you. Stones ar rowled backe. and true god. by whom you were thrown down out of the high throne into the place of banishment. be it. And by the greate prouydence of almighty god. unless you doe as we commaunde you. Prymeunaton. and Abednago sung in the hot oven of fire. So be it. Hebay. that you come to place soever you be. Come therfore prsently before us. and were not hurt. to fulfill our desire. which is written in Hebrew letters. And by him we will wyll compell you. and by the seale of Kynge Solomõ. and slew the Dragon. and thereof. to whome all creatures doe obaye. and we will send you to yt farthyst parte and we will send you to that farthest part therof. and by the great providence of Almighty God. stones are rolled back. & Abednago. and true God. by the wch all the worlde words by the which all the world doth doth tremble. let the conjurer coniurer make the signe of the †. the water . and by that destroyed Bel. for all things thinges be true. you Spyrytts. wch the 3. which he received of that Almighty. and we charge you by by his vnity to obaye us. Midrac. which have proceeded out of this this worke: And there shall proceade fier. we curse you you by the vertue of that same name by the virtue of that same name Premeunaton. And by the Angelic potestates of heaven. And by the name. which Daniel named. ALPHA & OMEGA. by him which speaketh and it is done. So be yt. I conjure you by that most holy name Joth. By these names and by all other names of the almighty. if you will rebel against us and [8r] wthstand these our holy words. and Abyran. the tremble. and by the seal of Kinge Solomon. so so be yt. And by the name Emanuel. I coniure you by that most holy name Joth. by hym wch speaketh and it is done. work. And by the name. to whom all creatures do obey. songe in the whote ouenn of fyer. chyldrenn Sydrac. Amen. and slewe the Dragon. And there shall proceed fire which wch shall burne you continuallye. against your wyll. and saye Agayne. and Abyran. By these names and by all other names of the almighty. of the the consecrated signs and names of the most most mighty Tryumpher. only. Mydrac. in what what place soeuer you bee. only. and command you. we conjure you. we coniure you. and command you. and making a hissing in the four parts of the world. they wyll streight waies come. stretching his arms as though he would embrace the air. and say: Again we conjure you. orders. and turning himself to the four parts of the world. and terrible. by these letters herein expressed. and cõmand you. then lett the Mr aryse stronglye. let him beat the air. and saye wth an humble voyce. we beseche thé that we may bringe to passe or desyer. mighty. nor the fier burne. glorified. we beseech thee that we may bring to pass our desire. and stronge name of god. and all things are made in remembrance of .water doth not flowe. Sabaoth. then lett the Mr reforme all his circles. and turninge him selfe into the 4. high god. and say -Againe we coniure you. We conjure you again and again. glorifyed. partes of the world. and the ineffable names of or creator. Then if they were tied with chains of iron. they will straight ways come. and terrible. then let the master reform all his circles. doth not flow. by whose virtue and power fire is extinguished. that without any delay and without all deformity you come and appear before us. which is wonderful. or ells sende there messyngers. parts of the world. hel. and makynge A hyssinge in the 4. If they do not. If yet they be disobedient and will not come. stretchinge his armes as thoughe he would embrace the Ayer. and comfort hys fellowes. come and see the heauenly sygnes. fier is extinguished. and command you by the triumphant. Yf yet they be dysobedient and wyll not come. Saday. wch is wonderfull. or else send their messengers. Saday. and our harte. and make a cross in the air with the aforesaid knife. and his fellowes wth hym. afterwards lett hym kneele towards the Easte. Aloyn. and say with an humble voice: Where be you spirits which were once angels of the nine orders? Come and see the heavenly signs. and commaund you by the triumphãt. and the names of the angels. and our hearts. and make A cros in the Ayer wth the aforesayde knyfe. wch is lord god. and in all the reste. that wthout any delay. and the ineffable names of our Creator. lett hym beate the Ayer. let him arise. and that we may prosper upon all the works of our hands. and wthout all deformity you come and appeare before us. Angells of the 9. and all thinges ar made in remenbraunce of Afterwards. High God. and exorcise you. by whose vertue and power. Afterwards. be in our mouths. Than yf they weare tyed wth chaynes of yron. by these letters herein expressed. Sabaoth. let him kneel towards the East. which is Lord God. whose fellowes you weare once. and that we may prosper vppon all the workes of our handes: And the lord in this hower. and virtuous. and exorzyse you. and the names of the Angells. Where bee you spyritts wch were ons. we coniure you againe and againe. be in our mouthe. and his fellows with him. and vertuous. and Almighty King. and allmighty kynge. then let the master arise strongly and comfort his fellows. and strong name of God Hel. Aloyn. Afterwarde let hym aryse. whose fellows you were once. let hym knele towards the North. mighty. and in all the rest. and say: In the name of Adonay. yf they doe not. And the Lord in this hour. nor the fire burn. and say -In the name of Adonay. let him kneel towards the North. by this name Bel. Eapmegia. Biraretro. when thou hast doñe all thou wylte. Gana. Anare. Rechnaya. and by the most blessed God. Penthohahia. by all the dynyne [divine] power of god. and prayse hym. Joosar. Ia. Malchia. Aderyan. and they call truly vppõ there creator. and goe out of the cyrcle. Vau. wheresoever you be. ffurdermore. Mana. and knowe that vnles you come wthout any deformity you shall haue noe rest by day. by all the divine power of God. After this let the coniurer say St Johns Gospell. Celamia. Biraretro. and you shall be condemned into the flame of fire and of sulphur. Eapmegia. write them. and in this name Ia. Roachia. and go out of the circle. finally. wch accordynge to ye truth ar these -. by the virtue of these we exorcise and conjure you. the Moon. that you presently come before us in comely wise. Adyreon. And yf some chaunce to tarry. Bachuaya. Observe here that no spirit dare tarry away. Canco. by the vertue of these we exorzise and coniure you. they obey him in all points. Vau. laba. Cathia. Malchia. Boalia. by this name Bel. and say: Peace be between you and me. Eloe. tyll you shalbe lycensed. Also that you departe not. and in this name. lord god of Sabaoth. which is to say. and let them wash there faces wth holy water. Afterwarde. and the 12. we coniure you. and they call truly upon their Creator. whersoeuer you bee: And you shalbe condemned into the flame of fier. Arathana. Vau. and know that unless you come without any deformity you shall have no rest by day nor by night. Cheamagi. When this is done. After this. And saye: Peace bee betwene you and me. and when they shall see the Mr. Gyariton. command everyone to return peaceably into his place. Calchia. and when they shall see the master. you shall see them come. we conjure you. Ia. Arathana. and by his impery. commaund euery one to returne peaceably into his place. and in this name Ia. Furthermore. Semeforab. Calchia. nor by night. and the twelve articles of the Creed. which is. Redosta. that you presently come before vs in comely wyse. Bache. Dorenia. Joosar. Gyamerion. the mone. Canco. Gyamerion. Bachuaya. we will burn you and your figures for ever and ever. and we bynde you. and if some chance to tarry. which is God. Geredia. Gana. Nyera. Baya. Vau. Adyreon. and by the holy name of the holy faith Adonay. Penthohahia. Afterwards. ffurdermore. and by hys Impery. Bache. and we bind you. When this is doñe you shall see them cume.Veriton. Roachia. I am that I am. I am that I am. Anare.them. Cosia. Obserue here that noe spyrytt dare tarry away. Dorenia. we coniure you. they obay hym in all poyntes. Boalia. write their . Ia. by the seale of the sonn. and euerlastynge glorie. Galgala. Furthermore. we conjure you. Geredia. Cathia. Nyera. Gyariton. we wyll burne you and yor figures for euer and euer. and by the most blessed god. Galgala. let the conjurer say Saint John's Gospel. and their lords as great men are wont. and in this name. laba. Celamia. and of sulphur. and let them wash their faces with holy water. Rechnaya. Eloe. Ia. and everlasting glory. Vau. ffynally. [8v] Cheamagi. Baya. we conjure you. Neron. Semeforab. when thou hast done all thou wilt. we coniure you. and praise him. Redosta. Also that you depart not till you shall be licensed. Artycles of the Crede. Vau. and the starrs. and the stars. Mana. Lord God of Sabaoth. and there lordes as greate menn ar wonte. Amanua. Cosia. Amanua. And by the holy name of the holy fayth Adonay. Aderyan. by the seal of the Sun. wch is. Neron. wch is to say. wch is god. which according to the truth are these: Veriton. [Nun. Beth. Aleph. because you have not obeyed the words. then wryte there names againe. that they may fele yt perpetually. Jod. by hym. wherin all the science of the Kay of wherein all the science of the Key of Knowledge dependeth. the moon being in in Ayery sygne. Caph. Teth. Gymel. which were spoken of the mighty maker of all things. and aske what thou wylt. and make a fumigation over them. any day. Theis Pentacles must be made on the day of These pentacles must be made on the day of Mercury. world without end.] sayn. we curse you and depriue you of all yr power. and in the increase of the mone. Aleph. Pe. the mone beynge Mercury. and strenght. Jod. and putt brymstone vppon yt. Tau. Then caste the paper into the fire and say: Cursed and blasphemed be you for ever. any day.] Samech. Tau. Gymel. and kyndle A nue fyer.] Sin. and say as followeth: I conjure thee. and thou shalt obtain it. Io. moon. wch were spokenn of the mighty maker of all thinges. by the vertue of these names. Coph. Pater. Ahac. and they shalbe delyuered. names in paper. by him of whom all the world is sustained. Alleluia.there names in paper. fire. [Resh. Cleth [Cheth]. and cover it with earth. Tsade.] sayn. and couer yt wth yearthe. sending you to be burned everlastingly in fire and brimstone. Ain. 4. and strength. sort pentacles must be made. and in his hower. Coph. Ahac. [Vau. Tsade. or any night.] Sin. Here followeth. let there be noe rest to you any hower. Pe. & thou shalt obtaine yt. that thou burn these spirits after that sorte. Mem. Io. wch names ar these: Ameteñeton. In this oath thou mayst consecrate a book. Cap. Ain. Lamed. [9r] In this othe thou mayst consecrate A booke. where there dwelleth noe boddy chamber. and make A fumigacion ouer them. [Resh. because you haue not obayed the wordes. Lamed. Caph. where there dwelleth nobody but . and kindle a new fire. and in the increase of the an airy sign. Chap. and then lycence them as before is sayde. howe and after what Here followeth how and after what sorte. Then caste the paper into the fyer and saye: Cursed and blasphemed be you for euer. or any other thing that thou wilt. by the virtue of these names. which names are these: Ameteñeton. Semiphoras. Daleth. knowledge dependethe. or any nighte. [Nun. Mem. Then write their names again. after that sorte. Alleluia. Which done. and put brimstone upon it. Teth. he. and in his hour. Beth. and say as followeth. Wch done they wyll come. We curse you and deprive you of all your power. 4. or any other thinge that thou wylte. I coniure thé fyer. Pentacles must be made. Cleth [Cheth]. he. of whome all the world is susteyned. and then licence them as before is said. that thou burne thes spyrytts. and they shall be delivered. To make theis thou must haue an howse or To make these thou must have an house or chamber. Daleth. Pater. let there be no rest to you any hour. and ask what thou wilt. sendinge you to be burned euerlastyngly in fyer and brymstone world wthout end. [Vau. Semiphoras. they will come.] Samech. that they may feel it perpetually. O most holy Adonay. and ouer this pott and the cyrcle hold the pentacles. α et ω. which madest all things with great wisdom. in the increase of the mone. And sprincle yt wth such water as shalbe prscrybed in that chapiter. as appeareth in the chapter of hyssop and water. Cæli enarrant. wch madest all thinges wth greate wysdome. begin to write thy pentacle in the above-named hour. as appeareth in the chapter of ysope and water. you must haue also an earthen pann full of coler and frankynsence of the male kynde. mingled with the wood aloes [=lignum aloes].but thy selfe. ffurdermore you must haue A knyfe ready in goses blode. this howse or chamber thou shalt perfume. and say devoutly thess Psalmes following: Domine Deus meus in te speraui. let the reste bee fynnisshed when yt maye. and perfume them. with which knife you must make hyssop. and say deuoutly theis psalmes followynge: Domine Deus meus in te speraui. wch duddest chouse Abraham. and that thou haue sufficient vyrgyñ parchmente. This being in readiness. say this prayer following: O most holy Adonay. you must have a knife ready in goose blood. Beati quorum remissæ sunt iniquitates. as shall be appointed in the chapter of perfumes and odours. in the increase of the moon. Look also that the weather be fair. and most mighty. wherein you shall hold the pentacles. which . wch sayde. Deus in nomine tuo. and most mighty. This beynge in redynes begiñ to write thy pentacle in the aboue named hower. take a fine cloth of silk. And wth that same penn beynge adiured make an end of yor wrytinge the same hower. masses wth ther gospells. Deus iudicium tuum. Afferte Domino. Afterward. wherin you shall hould the pentacles. mingled wth the woodd Olyes [=lignum aloes] consecrated. you must have also an earthen pan full of colour and frankincence of the male kind. Miserere mei Deus. Afterward take A fine clothe of sylke. Ecce nunc benedicite Domini. as shalbe sayd in the chapters of perfumes: be thou also cleane as shalbe sayde in that chapter. All this beynge ready. which art ALPHA & OMEGA. Beati quorum remissæ sunt iniquitates. draw a circle with this knife before the pot of earth. this house or chamber thou shalt perfume. Deus Deus meus respice in me. make an end of your writing the same hour. as shalbe shewed in there chapters. Deus iudicium tuum. and perfume them. in a very fair colour. Afferte Domino. wheruppon haue bene sayde 3. in A very faier colour beynge coniured as shalbe sayde in the chapter of penn and ynke. Which said. and that thou have sufficient virgin parchment. Cæli enarrant. Deus in nomine tuo. wch was made on the day of Mercury. consecrated as shall be said in the chapters of perfumes: be thou also clean as shall be said in that chapter. Dominus illuminatio mea. Furthermore. and sprinkle it with such water as shall be prescribed in that chapter. say this praier followinge. Ecce nunc benedicite Domini. as shall be shewed in their chapters. wch art. All this being ready. Miserere mei Deus. drawe A cyrcle wth this knyfe before the pott of yearth. Dominus illuminatio mea. loke also that the wether be faier. let the rest be finished when it may. which was made on the day of Mercury. and smoked wth the aforesayd perfumes. and over this pot and the circle hold the pentacles. Deus Deus meus respice in me. and smoked with the aforesaid perfumes. and the air clear. to thyself. whereupon has been said three masses with their gospels. as shalbe appoynted in the chapter of perfumes and odours. And with that same pen being adjured. wth wch knyfe you must make ysope. and the Ayer cleare. being conjured as shall be said in the chapter of pen and ink. wisdom and knowledge above all other men. let there be made the majesty of God. haue thes pentacles about thé: In this Here followeth the way to work. [9v] I humble beseche thé that in thy vertue they may be consecrated and prpared as they ought to bee. and the 3. which done lay them up in silk. Say this three days continuing. and didst vouchsafe to reveal these present pentacles unto him. also the pentacles must be made as is aforesaid. wherof beinge of the holy ghoste. which also didst appear to Moses thy servant like a flame of fire in the midst of the bush. Let them obtain the virtue. unto him. let them obtayne the vertue. even as he shall in the last day judge the world. have these pentacles about thee. wherewth the handle of the sprincle must bee cutt. Before you begynn yor worke you must haue A knyfe. as before is sayde. 5. and in the midst of them. which they ought. the way to worke. and the names of his angels. and dyddest vouchsaffe to reueale theis prsent pentacles vnto hym. And whensoever thou intendest to work. as ys appoynted in the formor chapter: And whensoeuer thou entendest to worke. and about his maiesty write his wonderfull names. after this you must obserue. wch gauest to Salomon kynge Dauyds sonn. and didst reveal thy holy name Elicasserephe. In this . Say this 3. After cause 3. whose kingdom endureth world without end. and didst multiply his name above the stars of heaven. aboue all other menn. euen as he shall in the last daye iudge the worlde. Also the pentacles must be made as is aforesayde. didst choose Abraham to be thy first faithful servant. After cause three masses to be said over the pentacles. wch madest the people goe ouer sea dry footed. Before you begin your work you must have a knife. daies contynuynge. whose kyngdom endureth world wthout ende. and the names of his Anngells: Let the rest of the pentacles bee ordered. and the third of Our Lady. you must observe that you have a day and hour meet [suitable] for your work. 2. Amen. which gavest to Solomon. Chap. wch is the cheyfest chapiter of all. with his angels. Let the rest of the pentacles be ordered as is appointed in the former chapter. wch they oughte. masses to be sayde ouer the thy fyrst faythfull seruaunte. by the most holy Adonay. and diddste reueale thy holy name Elicasserephe. two whereof being of the Holy Ghost. as before is said. which is the chiefest chapter of all. 5. King David's son. wch also dyddest appeare to Moyses thy seruaunte lyke A flame of fier in the myddest of the bushe. let there bee made the maiesty of god. that you haue A daye and hower mete for your worke. Cap. made as is before said. Amen. by the most holy Adonay. and dyddest multyply his name aboue the starres of heauen. wysdome and knowledge. After this. wth his Anngells. wherewith the handle of the sprinkler must be cut. which madest the people go over sea dry footed. and about his majesty write his wonderful names. Here followeth. wch done lay them vpp yn sylke. of our ladie. made as ys before sayde. and in the mydest of them. I humbly beseech thee that in thy virtue they may be consecrated and prepared as they ought to be. vnto hym. Plamny. wch cry contynually holy. Matheam. Boel. wrought. Danyd. Thou lord art hee which doest marvaylous thinges. wch gauist vnto menn there names. Temas O mercyfull father Ihesu god. which is Euan. give me power. how experiments for for thinges that arr stolne. thou shalt brynge thy matter allwaies to good effecte. Mel. Eloe. O lord god by thy holy [10r] cytty Jerusalem. Lord God. Vau. Falie. which madyst heauen and Earthe. art thou. wch arr appointed before in the chapter of daies and howers: The day and hower beynge ready. Simamel. Lord God of Sabaoth". Cap. Emagro. holy. 6. either are prepared by conjuring of spirits. Hemon. Anbonas.chapter all this science dependethe. Simamel. ffurdermore yf thou will vnderstand yt chapter that followeth. Huhuna. Segen. which putest Adam in paradise. The day and hour being ready. Plamny. beasts. or by writing figures and letters. I besech thé allmighty father and lord. that you haue the day. But first say this prayer following: Alahac. Falie. to keepe the tree of lyfe. O Lord God by thy holy city Jerusalem. Cadathera. ladodoc. wch puttyste Adam in paradyse. virtue and strength to bring this experiment to pass. which didst make the twenty-four beasts which cry continually "Holy. howe experymentes Here followeth. Vau. in that thou shalt perceive both the beginning and end of this science. Boel. art thou. Barach. in that thou shalt perceiue. Eloe. I . and hower. holy. which is Euan. Cadathera. to keep the tree of life. Vntibolem. Joth. Danyd. Segen. Joth. Jesus. and to stones and hearbes Experiments to find out theft. Adonay. do as your experiment appointeth you. or by some other meanes: In euery such experiment reqisite it is. thou O Lord art he which doest marvaylous things. as concerninge the operatiõ of Images. chapter all this science dependeth. Barucaca. as concerning the operation of images. both the begynnynge and ende of this science. Furthermore. hel. Temas O merciful Father. and by thy wonderful name Tetragrammaton. wch dydste make the 24. Huhuna. doe as yor experymente appoynteth you. lord god of Sabaoth. Vama. Vntibolem. or by writynge fygures and letters. Hemon. Adonay. hel. ought to things that are stolen ought to be be wroughte. vertue and strenght to bringe this exorzisement* [*in marg: experiment] to pas. and by that. which are appointed before in the chapter of days and hours. Vama. fytt for sutch experymentes. and by thy wonderfull name Tetragrãmaton. pro furto. pro furto. holy. 6. Here followeth. holy. thou shalt bring thy matter always to good effect. gyue me power. Lord god. which gavest unto men their names. Alahac. Barucaca. which madest Heaven and Earth. God. Mel. if thou wilt understand that chapter that followeth. which didst create all things of naught. wch dydst create all thinges of naughte. and to stones and herbs their virtue and power. eyther ar prpared by coniuryng of spyritts. Anbonas. ladodoc. Matheam. In every such experiment requisite it is that you have the day and hour fit for such experiments. Emagro. Experimentes to fynde out thefte. I beseech thee Almighty Father and Lord. Chap. or by some other means. Barach. but fyrst say this praier followynge. and by that. I coniure you aforenamed us our desire. and yf yt chapter. booke. it be requisite to write letters and figures. Yah. I Pater noster. If any other Ceremonyes be same. yt. and in the end thereof say: therof saye. by all that is aforesaid. sayde. wch lyueth and raigneth world liveth and reigneth world without end. present exorciser we may see the truth. do them. Amen. Amen. and wyth penn and ynke. So be experiment. # yf to doe this experyment. say thy coniuracyon. if it be required to write thy experiment. finished. with the prayer found in Book II. by all that is aforesayde. yf yt yt [sic] be reqired to write thy experiment. note that bye whatsoeuer meanes. or else him that took it away. and in the ende doth teach thee. Rerax. Ja. letters that by this is written with twelve letters that by this prsente exorzysor we may see the truthe. Chap. as ye aboue we above said. that wthout ende. # Pater noster. require. or ells hym that toke yt awaye. then write it all in virgin parchment. When all these be all theis bee fynisshed. I conjure you aforenamed spyritts. as touching the the same. our Lord Jesus Christ. Ja. which thy art wch thy Art doth teache thé. 7. So be it. Terson. He. whan this experiment. which Jhesus Christ.there vertue and power: I besech thé (Ô beseech thee (O holy Father) for thy only holy father) for thy only sonne sake. note that by whatsoever means. requisite it is that requisite yt ys. If thou wilt have an experiment to be invisible. Yf thou wylt haue an experiment to bee invysible. Syletin. then write yt all in vyrgyn parchmente. as experyments besides this. they arr to bee write letters and figures. vau. [Cp. as shall be . Sprinkle it also with water. perfume the place with such perfumes. Howe experyments to be invysible must bee preparedd. experiments experyments for thefte arr made or done. and if it be necessary to make A cyrcle. Terson. 7. Ja. yah. Ja. to If to do this experiment. that thou wylt graunt me to thou wilt grant me to know the virtue of this knowe the vertue of this experiment. Syletin. he. Sprincle yt also w water. or lord son's sake. that whom all creatures do obey. they are to be r wrytten. that there bee other there be other experiments besides this. I adjure adiure you by this holy name Joth. Cap. cause thes spyritts to showe Ja. for theft are made or done. you by this holy name Joth. Rerax. let sutch an be necessary to make a circle. Ya. cause these spirits to show vs our desyer. as ys p scribed in the seconde written as is prescribed in the second book. and by spirits. Vau. that ymmediatly you showe vs the thinge that immediately you show us the thing that we we requyre. chapter 2] Afterwards perfume the place wyth sutch Afterwards. yt be requisite. which wch is wrytten wth 12. Ja. as towching be made as is appointed. let such a one one be made as ys appoynted. as How experiments to be invisible must be prepared. as shalbe appoynted in that perfumes as shall be appointed in that th chapter. and by him to hym to whome all creatures doe obay. say thy conjuration. If any other ceremonies be required in required in this experyment doe them. ya. and with pen and ink. If thou wylt worke any other waies. notes. Asey. Cliomeclis. Acararas. Caramj. Taracub. Nageharen. Olithel. If you must write with any blood. and if must make A cyrcle. I Berit. thou shalt have thy purpose. euer see thou wilt work any other ways. yf furdermore A coniuration be furthermore a conjuration be required. Ecbacrã. Millegaly. Iuneneis. or fygures. Tygumel. and yf you Afterwards. and Heaven and Earth. and thes thy conjure thee Penerason. vse sutch. all things be in readiness requisite. Nageharen. experiment may be brought to pass. make sutch an one as is you must make a circle. Chrysiamur. Enobal. If you must write any figures and letters. Henen. Abden. that you come. that this my myracle vppõ the vyrgynn Mary. Ligemenes. or tyme soeuer I wyll. by Stubbaten. Elmugit. [sic. Senoy. followeth: Stabbon. Acararas. and say . make your invocations. Ligemenes. yf you must wryte wyth any llode figures. all ministers. make me to be invisible. Priubusit. Tenganden. Barucatha. Iuneneis. and that and that I may bee inuysible. in what hower I may be invisible. by the mercy whitch you beare Caramj. the Mr of invysybylyty O thou Penerason. Marath. notes. Semene. Asey. wryte sutch as arr prscribed in the letters. in the world do tremble and quake. Tebdyn. Balnon. Gabellio. Abden. Thus doynge thou shalt haue thy purpose. wth thy mynisters: Themos. Bries. yf Thus doing. Elmugit. Hamorache. as is also hereafter use such as is also hereafter appointed. Saya. If ynke. Enobal. Moragrie. saneney. Also I conjure you ministers. Henen. that you come. Gabellum. by the mercy which you bear towardes mann kynde. Balametem. then requyred. say as followeth. Marath. Hearma. then before yor coniuration say before your conjuration say privily as priuyly as followethe. Tygumel. Bries. blood?]. as touching circles. Barucatha. and circle. followeth: [10v] O thou Penerason. and quake. Balnon. labonerem. saye as conjuration in the end of it. Gabellio. ever see that that all thinges bee in readynes requisyte. Bucarat. Cliomeclis. Hamorache. in what hour or time soever I will. Hearma. with thy ministers: Themos. and these thy mynysters. as towchinge carecls. saneney. Moragrie. by Cherubyn. Priubusit. if you must use any e coniuratiõ in y ende of yt. Tebdyn. by hym thorough whome. Stabbon. Berit. labonerem. Asen. by hym that worked sutch A seraphin. by by heauen and earth. make me to be towards mankind. I coniure thé Penerason. by him through whom all things thinges in the world doe tremble. Asen. Bucarat. Semene. Ecbacrã. Senoy. appoynted. that this my experiment may bee brought to passe. by cherubin and Seraphyn. make such a one as appoynted in the chapter of makyng A is appointed in the chapter of making a cyrcle: yf you must wryte any figures. Millegaly. Olithel. to pass this my work. Noty. by Stubbaten. Afterward make yor inuocacions. invysible. yesa. by him that worked such a miracle upon the virgin Mary. write such as are prescribed in the chapiter. Gabellum. or chapter. Also I coniure you mynisters. Noty. Tenganden. Taracub. Balametem. Saya. Chrysiamur.shalbe appoynted in the chapter of penn and appointed in the chapter of pen and ink. when this is prpared yf you must vse any When this is prepared. yesa. the master of invisibility. and bring and bringe to pas this my worke. and by hys feare. Asen. and by [11r] the holy faythe Adonay. Jupiter. Cap. Aray. say as followeth: Venus.and say vppon thy experiment this former coniuratiõ. Asmo. wch I desier yt to haue. Beret. Okalioth. Cogaoth. Terse. requisite it is to have regard to the day and hour. Genycal. But first. Rima. Dicurcals. Lepotarmon. Mosa. that thou make this waxe to haue ye effecte. Atrop. Raytroploson. whose kingdom lasteth forever and ever. Erces. Atrax. Howe and by what meanes experyments of loue ought to be wrought. Camna. by hym wch cann destroye you. Beberuna. as is hearafter appoynted. Recle. but fyrst say priuyly the verse. Nilobolas. Beri. Erotica experimenta. Beret. And when your wax is ready. Thon. Stalbon. Crest. upon thy experiment this former conjuration. Nensa. Samo. Terse. lino. Chap. Saturnus. Vne. Atrax. Erotic experiments. Cogaoth. Atrop. Agama. Nilobolas. Noto. lino. Teres. Agama. Sus. Maso. Recle. Thon. yoson. Saom. and make you againe. Muenec. Belcar. Muenec. Dicurcals. and by his fear. Saturnus. Raytroploson. Atoro. Teser. Astropolyn. Mecharum. Mecharum. for waxe. yrsicas. Yf thou wylt perpare any sutch experiment. Ara. Sether. Peralotorjes. Sether. or talkynge wythe her. Omas. and if your experiment must be wrought by wax or any such like thing. I conjure you all ministers of love by him which can destroy you and make you again. as well in getting her whom thou desirest. Thajr. which How and by what means experiments of love ought to be wrought. Beberuna. Atoro. Vne. Iemar. Thajr. and likewise to the end. Sompolocar. Señe. Saem. Stalbon. ester. for wax let your image be made of such wax as is hereafter appointed. almighty Adonay. and by all his names wch do daylye bynde you. and when yor waxe ys ready say as followeth: Venus. Draontius. requisyte yt is to haue regard to the daie and hower. Enna. world without end. Crest. Arel. Erces. Draco. Mosa. say privily the verse. Samo. Omas. Solpiar. as in touching her in her sleep. Solpiar. Dreamer. Tempter. Poruta. Genycal. whose kyngdome lasteth for euer and euer world without ende. I coniure you all ministers of loue. as yn touchinge hir in her sleape. and yf yor experyment must be wrought by waxe or any sutch lyke thinge. Astropolyn. whome thou desyreste. Asen. Moas. that thou make this wax to have the effect which I desire it to have. Draco. 8. which shall exhort you to bring my . Asmo. Señe. Rima. Tempter. Lepotarmon. Camna. Saom. and lykewise to the ende. Dreamer. and by all His names which do daily bind you. that you consecrate this wax as it ought to be. Myny. Maso. Mercurius. Enna. Myny. Draontius. Jupiter. Aray. 8. Mercurius. Poruta. Peralotorjes. Teres. as yt ought to bee: And yn the name of the most holy father. Ara. Saem. as well in gettynge hyr. Noto. ester. Beri. Sinra. Moas. Nensa. Teser. And in the name of the most holy Father. Iemar. Sinra. that you consecrate this waxe. or talking with her. Arel. Almighty Adonay. let yor Image bee made of sutch waxe. yrsicas. Okalioth. If thou wilt perpare any such experiment. yoson. and by the holy faith Adonay. Sompolocar. Belcar. Sus. thou shalt see her. Adonay.shall exhort you to brynge my wyll to pas. which hast rule over the North. wch arr. make thyne Image of waxe as yt ought to be made. Adonay. and by his holye names. and thou triumphant kinge Egyn. wherat all the world doth tremble. # wch done thou mayst repete the coniuraciõn of thy experymente. and hold thy Image ouer the perfume. Joth. or conjuration. wch raignest in ye South. Which done. then let the conjuration be done according to the experiment. then let the coniuracion be done accordynge to the experymente. Yf furdermore yt bee required. Eth. wryte yt with â nedle. put thy image under thy beddes hedd. as in ther places ar appoynted. which are Joth. or coniuracyon. he. as ar expressed in there chapters. and thou triumphant king Egyn. and thou Paymon. most mighty kynge. and thou Paymon. If it so be that thou must write anything upon thine image. but yf not. most mighty king which hast dominion over the West. heauens and ther powers. whose kingdom hath no end. of any other thinge to be doñe. by that holy name's sake. and in â short time. And in a short time thou shalt see her whom thou desirest come to accomplish thy desire. as in their places are appointed. perfume yt wth sutch perfumes. He. and hold thy image over the perfume and say as followeth: O thou orient king Eggye which reignest and rulest in the East. come to accomplish thy desyer. let there be made perfumes as are appointed. . vppon yt. whose kyngdome hath noe ende. And if thou obtain thy purpose it is well. and say as followethe: O thou oryent kynge Eggye. and by the 9. wch ons sayde. thou mayst repeat the conjuration of thy experiment. ## When this ys done. and yt was done. Which once said. and by his holy names. yet if it be needful also of any other thing to be done upon it. that thou consecrate and confyrme this prsente Image so ^* [In marg: * as] yt ought. but if not. Vau. will to pass. yf soe bee that thou must write any thinge vppon thine Image. whereat all the world doth tremble. wch wth his worde made all thinges. or A penn. wch haste dominion ouer the weaste. and thou great king Amaymon. and ys wrytteñ in 12. and is written in twelve letters. perfume it with such perfumes as are expressed in their chapters. When this is done. and yf thou obtaine thy purpose yt ys well. I most hartely call vppon you. I most heartily call upon you. letters. wch rayneth and ruleth in the East. yet yf yt be neadfull alsoe. and by the names and signes of our creator. by hym which only spake. whom thou desyreste. make thine image of wax as it ought to be made. that thou perfume thy Image. which with his word made all things. by him which only spake and it was done. and thou greate kynge Amaymon. Eth. that thou consecrate and confirm this presente image as it ought. write it with a needle or a pen. If furthermore it be required that thou perfume thy image. by that holy names sake. and by the nine heavens and their powers. put thy image under thy bed's head. let there be made perfumes as ar appoynted. vau. which reignest in the South. whitch hast rule ouer ye Northe. and by the names and signs of our creator. wth all thinges requisyte in the chapters to the same. as I doe her. Eth. Vau. that all thinges may bee brought to A good ende. Elyce. or figures. or any other names. Vau. and it shall have good effect. Agay. and that she may be always ready to do my will and pleasure. loke into the aier. thou shalt wryte wth sutche. Va. by thy most holy above-named names.Here followeth an other waye wherby Here followeth another way yt ys brought to passe. Va. letters. 9. wch duyddest make all thinges. yf furdermore yt be required to wryte any sygnes. If in this experiment. being in thy chamber. Ya. before thou begin thy conjuration. and yt shall haue good effecte. Ja. with all things requisite in the chapters to the same. Ja. Ja. and say with a humble heart as followeth: Agla. give strength and power to this experiment. Afterwards. thou must write with anything. Chap. Afterwards. Va. Neon. for this. Hæc de amore pseudo Salomon: sed ecce ??? Consec??cionis ?? amorem apud Picatricem o (?) 5u~ (?) [Picatrix] This experiment is ineffable.. let it be perfumed with such perfumes as are hereafter appointed also. which didst make all things. # Afterwardes doe thy Arte. and the virtue of these words. He. that by thee (O Father) and by those spirits. thou must wryte wth any thinge. 9. Joth. and knowest the hartes of all personns. and power to this experymente. and seemeth almost a wonder. Yf yn this experiment. and saye wth an humble harte as followeth. Va. that thou illuminate the harte and mynde of N. Hoc de amore pseudo Salomon: sed ecce . I besech thé. or any other names. Ja. that thou illuminate the heart and mind of N. look into the air. by thy most holy aboue named names. Joth. Va. ysi. Ya. as ar hearafter appoynted alsoe. Va. wth sutch perfumes. O Lord Holy Father. as is appointed in that chapter. (?) Consecrationes (?) amorem apud Picatricem o (?) 5u~ (?). ly. letters. Ya. ly. she shall dream of thee. Ja. and semeth almost A wonder. before thou begynn thy coniuration. that she may love me as I do her. Chap. that all things may be brought to a good end. Cap. and knowest the hearts of all persons. Cap. as arr appointed in the chapters of penn and ynke. Joagat. let them be . Ja.. Elyce. Joagat. If furthermore it be required to write any signs. Ya. Neon. 10. that by thé (o father) and by thos spyritts. And furthermore. that she shall whereby it is brought to pass that dreame of thé. for this. as arr appointed in that chapter. This experyment is ineffable. thou shalt write with such as are appointed in the chapters of pen and ink. do thy art. He. and sprinkle it with the water. and sprincle yt wth the water. and the vertue of thes words. Afterward let yt be perfumed. beynge in thy chambere. Eth. that she may loue me. I beseech thee. 10. and that she may bee allwaies ready to do my will & pleasure. or fygures. ysi. O lord holy father. And furdermore gyue strength. [11v] Of experymentes of fauor and freyndshipp. Agla. Agay. let them be Of experiments of favor and friendship. Amen. and the holy ghoste. Jacob. Afterwards. yf thou wylt worke by any image. lay it a night and a day unto the altar cloth. Arepo. Chap. Tigris. Tigris. and perfume it with such perfumes as are prescribed. you holy names fullfyll my desyer Gasper. Joth. And if so be any thing must be written upon the . Cap. Mathew. hold these letters in thy hand. Vau. Abdenago. Ya. and then say as followeth: O most holy Adonay. wch dyd say. Ja. Luke. Jacob. Ja. as concerninge howe letters ought to be wryttenn. and giue vnto yt by thy holy vertue that power wch I desier. Vau. I beseche thé of thy infynite mercye and pytty. as is sayde hearafter. by thy allmighty power. Abrahã. by our lord Ihesus Christ whitch lyueth and raigneth with the father. or whatsoeuer coniuracion *I [In marg: *you] saye to obteyne fauour in the ende therof euer say or wryte thes verses followynge. make your ymage. Ja. Eth. Afterward. Geon. and perfume yt wyth sutch perfumes as arr prscrybed. Balthasar. Yach. Abrahã. wch art allmighty most gentle. I ask of thee therefore by thy almighty power that this experiment may be consecrated. Tenet. Which done. or whatsoever conjuration you say to obtain favor. fyson. world without end. [Opera.wryttenn. Anereneton. Marke. Howe experyments for hatred ar prepared that any may bee made deadly enemyes. world wythout ende. that I may obtain grace and favor at whose hands soever I shall ask it. Yach.] Rotas. 11. that I may obteine grace and fauor at whose handes soeuer I shall aske yt. and putt yt yn A cloth of sylke. Euphrates. wch done lay yt â night and A daie vnto the Alter clothe. be ye all present to helpe me. whereof thou aboundest. Experiments of hatred are done divers ways. O most holy Adonay. Melchior. I beseech thee of thy infinite mercy and pity. Juke. fyson. Mysach. Euphrates. Balthasar. Abdenago. Mathew. Experyments of hatred ar doñ dyuers waies. as concerning how letters ought to be written. Eth. wherof thou aboundeste. Ja. Juke. Sater. Whatsoever letters you write. Amen. He. Geon. be ye all present to help me. Luke.] Rotas. Melchior. which art also ALPHA & OMEGA. [Opera. Isaac. Mysach. Anereneton. written as is said hereafter. and he shall denye thé nothinge. by our Lord Jesus Christ which liveth and reigneth with the Father and the Holy Ghost. if thou wouldst have the favor of any man. or any sutch lyke thinge. And put it in a cloth of silk. wch art also α et ω. whatsoeuer letters you wryte. which art almighty and most gentle. and then say as followeth. yf thou wodest haue the favõ of any mann. Ya. and give unto it by thy holy virtue that power which I desire. holde these letters yn thy hande. being such a one as hereafter shall be prescribed. and he shall deny thee nothing. and yf so be any thinge must be How experiments for hatred are prepared. Marke. Arepo. in the end thereof ever say or write these verses following: Sater. which did say. beynge sutch an one as hearafter shalbe prscrybed. I aske of thé therfore. that this experiment may bee consecrated. that any may be made deadly enemies. you holy names fulfill my desire Gasper. 11. and it shall be given thee. and yt shalbe gyuen thé. Joth. Ja. If thou wilt work by any image or any such like thing. make your image. Ja. He. Tenet. Isaac. temptator. Seductor. men be deceyued as in playinge. lapidator. etc. then in the ende therof wryte thes abouesayd names. then say before them (all things being ready): Where is this sower of discord. subuersor. and it shall be. Combustor. then in the end thereof write these above-said names. Chap. lapidator. give it unto them at your hour appointed. and then work with it in the hour fit for that purpose. Deuorator. etc. Hereafter if thou wilt work by any other means. afterwards say as followeth upon the image: Arator. lapidator. Deuorator. # whitch doñe laye the ymage in the sensar all nyghte. afterwards say as followeth vppon the Image. Arator. or in or in showing any other thing. 12. agnator. and destroiers of freindshipp. write yt wth â nedle. wth the reste of the aboue wryttenn names. I pray you and desire you that this may be prepared. and by hym wch ordayned you to this office. that they which eat or touch this may utterly be set at variance. Afterwards. Cap. Arator. sudator. hearafter yf thou wylt worke by any other meanes. Comestor. and yt shalbee. Pungitor. wryte the aforesayde names. Also if thou would make discord between two that love well. and wyll you by hym wch made you. lapidator. An experiment to fain a thing to be An experiment to fayne A thinge to [true] which indeed is false. Ductor. yf thou must worke otherwise. siccator. Seductor. and then worke wth yt in the hower fytt for that purpose. temptator. # Afterward gyue yt vnto them at yor hower appoynted. temptator. write it with a needle. Combustor. may vtterly bee sett at variaunce. etc. I beseche you I say that this prsent ymage may bee soe consecrated. I coniure you. in whitch also you reyoice. Which done. write the aforesaid names. then say before them (all thinges beynge readye): Where is this sower of dyscorde. I pray you and desier you that this may bee prpared. . as shall be hereafter appointed in the chapter concerning a needle. as by letters or other meanes. I coniure you. temptator. Arator. lapidator. Comestor. Also yf thou wold make dyscord betwene two that loue well. and by him which ordained you to this office. showinge any other thinge. that they wch eate or touche this. subuersor. and will you by him which made you. Arator. whereby bee wch indeade is false wherby many many men be deceived as in playing. I do beseech you ministers of hatred. lapidator. sommator. Ductor. image. lay the image in the censer all night. with the rest of the above written names. etc. and destroyers of friendship. in which also you rejoice. I beseech you I say that this present image may be so consecrated that it may engender hatred betwixt whosoever I would. 12.wryttenn vppon the Image. as shalbee hearafter appoynted in the chapter concerninge A nedle. temptator. Arator. sudator. sommator. Pungitor. if thou must work otherwise. [12r] agnator. temptator. as by letters or other means. that yt may engender hatred betwixte whõsoeuer I woulde. siccator. I doe besech you mynisters of hatred. Iob. worke as yor chapiters appoynte you. Istac. Ioazacam. Istac. Calsac (?). Also you must write with blood as shall be likewise declared with what blood. ar to be wrytten in the ende of yor worke. Incantator. and yf you must wryte any thinge. by Jesus of Nazareth. Lus. and what pen. are to be written in the end of your work. yf yt bee for good. be you here present at my work. Iba. And if you must write anything. Abac. Orezeym. write thine experiment in paper and pen as hereafter is said. but it is crossed out]. and yf you worke any other waye. and confyrme yt so as I desier. Come ye therefore to consecrate and to enchant it. If it requires that you should work this by writing. h. Ioazacam. you may work. The aforenamed names Abac. For such an experiment. Which done. # Whitch done you may worke. O God which hast made all things by thy holy name which is written in seventy letters. Lus. Derisor. write thy experiment in paper and penn as hearafter is sayde. Baff. once being found. be you heare present at my worke. Orezeym. hapa. and to inchaunt yt. lusor. Castas. lusor. Abdac. wch hath enyoyned you to that offyce. Aldac. ever observe that those words be said in the end. Abgis. When thou wylt bringe to pas any thinge. and confirm it so as I desire. 13. Chap. h. and what penn. letters. say this praier followynge. by Jhesus of Nazareth. 13. and may see false thinges insteade of true: Come ye therfore to cõnsecrate. howsoever it be done. say this prayer following. [12v] O god wch hast made all thinges by thy holy name wch is wrytten in seuenty letters. This done say wth â lowly [sic] voyce as followethe. When thou wilt bring to pass anything. Iba. euer obserue that those wordes be sayde in the ende. which are here written: Lascos. write it in the end thereof. Cap. or names. hapa. say with a lowly [sic] voice as followeth: Abac. and if you work any other way. Castac. Calsac (?). Triumphator. The aforenamyd names Abac. Abgis. Plas [above the l is written an f. and make yt soe appeare. and make it so appear that they that see it be deprived of their sight. write yt in the ende therof. howsoeuer yt be done. Triumphator. as shalbe hear after appointed. and euery letter betokeneth one of thy holy names. Ihe. Castas. h. or names. Castac. as shalbe lykewyse declared wth what blode. Ihe. yf yt required thhat you shold worke this by wrytinge. h. Derisor. Incantator. which hath enjoined you to that office. Plas. wch ar here written: Lascos. This done. letters. Iob. grant I pray thee that this present experiment may be fully brought to pass . and every letter betokeneth one of thy holy names. If it be for good. Here followeth A way to bringe to passe any extraordynary experyment. Adach. work as your chapters appoint you. Abdac. Here followeth a way to bring to pass any extraordinary experiment. that they that see yt be depryued of there sighte. and may see false things instead of true. you must write yt in paper.Ffor such an experimente ons beynge founde. h. etc. Also you must wryte wyth blode. Ripan. Adach. Ripan. Baff. you must write it in paper as shall be hereafter appointed. Cororator. Aldac. h. etc. Canica. let this Gospel following be written or said over it: In those days. that by you my worke may bee consecrated. All thes I wyll giue thé. Haspasan. Arfusa. and hym only shalt thou serue: then the deuill lefte hym. but with every word which cometh out of the mouth of God. Againe. sayde vnto hym. but wth euery worde. and obtayne that vertue. Nouda. Haspasan. in ther handes. Cysa. Arbon. 'Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God. and after he had fasted forty days he was an hungered. Canica. That man lyueth not only wth breade. Sathan. In those daies. Nasue. and sett hym vppõ the penacle of the churche. Also lett this gospell followynge be wrytten. and their glory. Arbon. Also. yf thou wylt fall donne before me. Busil. for yt ys wryttenn. and said: "All these I will give thee if thou wilt fall down before me and worship me. and obtain that virtue which it ought. That he hath giuen his Anngells commaundement ouer thé. thou shalt worke accordynge to thy howers: In other experymentes wch rather ar euyll then good. or sayde ouer yt." Then the devil left him. and showed hym. yurtaryn. and they shall take thee up in their hands. Againe yt ys wrytten: Thou shalt not tempte the lord thy god. and his Anngells came. whitch it ought. yf thou bee the sonn of god. and mynistred vnto hym. Which done. for yt is wryttenn.Cororator. for it is written that thou shalt worship the Lord thy God. and sayd vnto hym. sayde: yf thou bee the soñn of god. Cyrabnos. which are powers of all evil. Nifron. daies he was an hungred. comminge vnto hym. and worshipp mee: Then Jhesus sayde. and him only shalt thou serve. ## Which done. command that these stones may be made bread. by according to my desire." Jesus answering said: "It is written. and they shall take thé vpp. and after he had fasted 40. and ther glory. and said unto him: "If thou be the Son of God. Coures. lest thou should be hurte: Jhesus. Busil. and showed him all the kingdoms of the world. cast down thyself headlong. and the devil the temptor. and set him upon the pinnacle of the church. and his angels came and ministered unto him. write or else say this verse following: Nasue. and sayde. whitch ar powers of all euyll. That thou shalt worshipp the lord thy god. Cysa. Arfusa. Avoyde. wryte or els saye this verse followynge. Nouda. thou shalt work according to thy hours. Cyrabnos. for it is written that he hath given his angels commandment over thee. and the deuyll the temptor. by the . Jesus was led into the wilderness of the spirit to be tempted of the devill. Coures. commaund that thes stones may be made breade: Jhesus. lest thou should be hurt. Jesus was ledd into the wyldernes of the spyrytt to bee tempted of the deuyll. cast doune thy selfe headlonge. all the kyngdoms of the worlde. Nostracal. graunt I pray thé that this prsent experimente may bee fully brought to pas accordynge to my desyer." Jesus said unto him: "Again it is written. Satan. San. come and helpe me. San. In other experiments which rather are evil than good. come and help me that by you my work may be consecrated. answearinge sayde: yt is written.' Again the devil took him up into a very high hill. the deuyll toke hym vpp into â very high hyll. Nifron. Then the devil led him into the holy city." Then Jesus said: "Avoid. yurtaryn. that man liveth not only with bread. said: "If thou be the Son of God. wch commeth out of the mouth of god: Then the deuyll ledd hym into the holy cytty. coming unto him. Nostracal. and sprinkle them with water. Afterwardes. Explicit. [13v is blank] [14r] Key of Knowledge of Solomon. you must work in the first hour of Mercury. They which came of the wind are in remayne in the weaste. and his daye in the morninge. They wch ar created of the water 4. [13r] Here begynnethe the seconde booke. behave thyself as this book prescribeth. and his day [Wednesday] in the morning. perfume the letters or verse. Here followeth in what hour experiments ought to be done. 4. perfume the letters or verse. Thus endeth the first book of the Key of Knowledge of Solomon. 3. the air fair and clear. Finally.the holye Adonay. you must worke yt the fyrst hower of Mercury. and sprincle them wyth water. which to avoid. take heed lest those whom thou callest deceive thee. Afterwards. ffynally. of Solamon. deceiue thé. least those. the Ayre faier and cleare. Explicit. Thus endeth the fyrst booke of the kay of knowledge. behaue thy selfe. whom thou callest. whitch to auoyde. The fiery spirits remain in the East. 2. Yf you haue any Art ready prepared to speake wth Spyrittes. Note that the time be pleasant. holy Adonay. in the Northe. 1. 2. when thou workeste. by whose feare you arr compelled to obay us. by whose fear you are compelled to obey us. They wch came of the wynde ar yn . as this booke prescrybethe. If you have any art ready prepared to speak with spirits. And thus you may fynnish all Artes. take heade. remain in the West. The fair and beautiful spirits are in The faier and bewtyfull Spyrytts arr the North. the South. note that the tyme be pleasaunt. The fyery Spyrytts remayne in the 3. And thus you may finish all arts. Here followeth yn what hower experyments ought to be done. They which are created of the water Easte. when thou workest. 1. of the Here beginneth the Second Book of the key of knowledge of Solamon. and abstain at the least three days from all filthiness and unhonest talk. Adonay. Asac. O Lord Jhesus Christ. Phanti. Asach. againe about the eueninge about the forthe hower. and euery day say this that followeth. Phanti. Emagro. 2. which hast made me (most wretched sinner) to thine own likeness. Amystra. Adonay. and vnhonest talke. and putt one A white lynneñ clothe. . After let him mark what things are requisite to that purpose. world without end. 2. Abra. Bira. and let him have a bath ready. wch dydst graunt vnto John Baptist. Radrimilas. videlicet. grant I beseech thee. Bontes. thou maist work the same again without observing of the hour. and let hym haue A bathe ready. Anebenas. Machia. and thus doe three daies space. and abstaine at the least thre daies from all fylthines. and put on a white linen cloth. Abra. may bee my Baptisme. Here followeth howe the Coniurer ought to behaue hym selfe. Abraxio. ons in the morninge about the thyrd hower. Machia. as shall be appointed in the chapter of baths. filac. hugyma. Radrimilas. Acazal. and thus do three days space. Amystra. world without end. Asach. Melycanat [or Melycomat]. harucacha. let hym choise â place mete for that purpose. # When this ys done let hym wash all his boddye. Bontes. Amenn. Emagro. Barachi. Zaphite. let hym choose a place meet [suitable] for that purpose. Chap. after let hym marke what thinges ar requysite to that purpose. Bira. Ffyrst let hym write yt holy in one peice of paper. O almighty and ineffable father. videlicet.the Southe. Acazal. wch hast made me (most wretched synner) to thine owne lykenes. vouchsafe I besech thee. harucacha. again about the evening about the forth hour. graunt I beseche thé that this water. Anebenas. through our Lord Jesus Christ. and also when thou goest to bedd. and let him say this prayer following: O Lord Jesus Christ. againe about the nynthe hower. Amen. Abraxio. Note also. that if thou hast once brought to pass one experiment. and let hym saye this prayer followynge. vouchsafe I besech thé to blis and sanctyfy this water that yt may bee mundefyed to the health of my boddy. or any other solempnytye. thorough or lord Jhesus Christ. to baptize thyne only begottenn sonn Jesus Christ. First let him write it wholly in one piece of paper. When this is done. Here followeth how the conjurer ought to behave himself. filac. Cap. that if thou hast ons brought to pas one experyment. hugyma. wch I haue confessed. that this water may be my baptism. thou mayste worke the same againe wthout obseruinge of the hower. which didst grant unto John Baptist to baptise thine only begotten son Jesus Christ. that I may bee cleansed from all my synnes. Melycanat [or Melycomat]. once in the morning about the third hour. to bless and sanctify this water that it may be mundefyed (?) to the health of my body and my soul. Asac. or any other solemnity. that I may be cleansed from all my sins which I have confessed. again about the ninth houer. as shalbe appoynted in the chapter of Bathes. Achedit. O almighty and ineffable father. Barachi. Note also. and every day say this that followeth. and my soule. Achedit. Zaphite. and also when thou goest to bed. let him wash all his body. and all other naughty deeds. let them putt on the clothinge againe. if it may be. 4. Daniel. This done. After this let there be made a new bath. How his fellows must behave themselves. which liveth and reigneth world without end. and of the Holy Ghost. and by thee. Cap. and let those his companions putt of there vesture. the air being very clear. saying: Be you renewed and baptised and cleansed from all your sins. let the master and they together enter into the chamber. whome he must instruct in all thinges. Jesus God. Chap. and let those his companions put off their vesture. [14v] Hemon. Prachil. grant me that I may endue that thing which I go about. This done. yt ys requysite that the coniurer haue fellowes wth hym. be merciful unto me. Of fastynge and watche. all this must be done three days before any work begin. O holy Adonay. and the power of the most hyghest come doune vppon you. when they arr sufficiently taught. and of the Son. I may brynge them to pas. O holy Adonay. Cap. Gemas. the aforesayd prayer. sayinge be you renuyed. yf yt may bee. After this let ther be made A newe bathe. this prayer followynge. When they are sufficiently taught. it is requisite that the conjurer have fellows with him whom he must instruct in all things. 3. by our Lord Jesus Christ. If you be willing to work. heil. it is required that you abstain from all things unlawful. and let them follow the master in all things. by our lord Jesus Christ. Dama. Howe hys fellowes must behaue them selues. from all yor synns. and of the sonn. and of the holy ghost. Amen. Dama. and let them followe the Mr in all things. O lord god allmighty. and let the Mr powre water vppõ there heades. and by thé. graunt me that I may endue that thinge wch I goe aboute. Yf you be wyllynge to worke. and let them say for three days' space. which is required for the space of nine days before thy working. And let everyone say for that space. and baptized and cleansed. heil. And let euery one saye for that space. # Let this be done three dayes together. all this must bee done three daies before any worke begynn. and at yor day you may safely worke. from glottony. I may bring them to pass. Chap. in the name of the Father. lett the Mr and they together enter into the chamber. and all other naughty deades. In experiments where circles be made. be mercyfull vnto me. let them put on the clothing again. as from swearing. Segem. . and lett them say for thre daies space. Hemon. Segem. Jesu God. 3. In the name of the father. Let this be done three days together. Amen. 4. and let the master pour water upon their heads. Of fasting and watch. Prachil. which lyueth and raygneth world without ende. which is requyred for the space of nyne daies before thy workynge. the Ayer beyng very cleare. this prayer following: O Lord God Almighty. and at your day you may safely work. as from swearynge.Daniel. Gemas. the aforesaid prayer. and the power of the most highest come down upon you. frõ glotonye. In experymentes where Cyrcles be made. yt ys requyred that you abstayne from all thinges vnlawfull. and before before thou goe to ytt.[)] art mercyfull. Stimulaton. and say: saye. Sabaoth. Asperges me Domine. Ioyl. let hym goe out of And when he is washed. saying: Asperges me Domine. but thou (O God. Pusil. Chap. Quicunqe vult saluus Domino. by him which set thee thy place. which for one word didst lead the thief with thee into paradise. which am not worthy to lift up mine eyes unto thee. Tranchil. Grant me (most gentle Father) that I may bring to pass my desire. Agla. or ryuer. Enel. Pharia. Agnet. followynge: Dominus illuminatio mea. Godif. Confitemini Domino quoniam. by the most holy triumphator. Acích. Jesse. . fero. and Afterwards. wch for one worde dydst leade the thefe wyth thé into paradyce. that thou driue out of me all in thy place. Musayl. fero. Of baths. Jesse. Saluum me fac. Agla. Have mercy upon me (O Lord. Prenanaton. Dixi Saluum me fac.wch am not worthy to lyfte vpp myne eyes vnto thé. and the second chapiter. Cantemus Dño quoniã Bonis. Dixi custodiã. which art blessed world without end. Marbalia. Musayl. and say: I exorcise thé water by hym wch set thé in I exorcise thee water. my synnes ar soe greate. Gedich. my sins are so great. falia. water hereafter appointed. thou and thy fellowes. (O lord. Gegeon. Godif. Amen. Gech. sayinge. Adonay. and when he is wasshed. and sprincle hym selfe wth the the water and sprinkle himself with the water hearafter appoynted. that thou drive out of me all r vñcleannes. say these Psalms followynge: Dominus illuminatio mea. graunt me (moste gentle father) that I may brynge to pas my desyer. thorough o lord Jhesus Christe. [15r] Of Bathes howe they muste be made. Prenanaton. but thou (O god. Gegeon. Quicunque vult saluus esse. Amen. Tetragrammaton. Jail. Dayl. ch w sayde. and the second chapter. go into it. Dixit insipiens in corde suo. Gedich. Jail. The 3 daies before thou begynn thy worke. say dayly the confessyon whitch is expressed in the begynnynge of the fyrst booke. etc.) and forgive me all my sins. Ioyl. etc. Thou muste go to A well. Enel. Marbalia. Cantemus Dño. say these psalmes thou goest to it. Sabaoth. Acích. thou and thy fellows sayst daily the confession which is expressed in the beginning of the First Book. Dayl. Confitemini custodiam. wch art blessed world wthout ende. Pharia. Dixit insipiens in corde suo. 5. how they must be made. Adonay. Agne. The three days before thou beginneth thy work. and Thou must go to a well or river. Afterward let hym wash hym selfe. Agnet. Cedrõ. Cedrõ. Stimulaton.) art merciful. Agne. by the most holy triumphator. let him go out of the water.) and forgiue me all my synnes. goe into yt. Tranchil. Bonis. and saye: Which said. Trisif. through our Lord Jesus Christ. let him wash himself. Gech. Tetragrammaton. haue mercy vppon me. Pusil. uncleaness. Trisif. 5. Cap. esse. falia. and of name of the Father. and washe thé. Stilon. After. And this prayer whitch followethe. I desyer you by ye moste mighty and stronge name of or lorde. Amen. and let his fellows doe after the clothing. lameton. The blessing of the salt. and. El. and in putting it on. I call vppõ thé that this Bathe may bee Saluatiõ vnto me. Nazmon. and throwe them into the consecrated. bath say: Amane. Gardon. Inzaron. and wash thee saying. El. and all goodness enter into thee. and the holy Ghoste. In exitu Israel de Ægipto. and bless thee. Sanõ. And this prayer which followeth: O most holy Adonay. put on thy clothing. 6. and that I may haue my desier. fabron. Amen. Memeto. and blisse thé. the Holy Ghost. (ô most hooly Adonay. thou help at this present. take salt and bless it after this sorte. and being in the beynge in the Bathe saye. The Son. Nazmon. I worshipp thé. Cap. by thé. Caron. Afterward take salte. same sort. as shall be said of clothinge. I call upon thee. sort: I blisse thé in the name of the father. that thou helpe at this prsente.After putt one thy clothynge and in puttynge yt oñe say the 7 Psalmes. Chap. Amane. and that I may have my desire by thee. I worship thee. funeon. Amen. and blisse yt after this Afterwards. this sayde. that this bath may be salvation unto me. The blyssynge of the salte. take the sweet odours consecrated. Domine probasti me. Amagnõ. fabron. and that which followeth. Tameratõ. and of the soñ. and the Holy Ghost. Amagnõ. Tameratõ. funeon. and put on cleane lynnyñ clothinge. Confitebor tibi Dñe qoníam dilexi. In the sayinge. Domini Domino. The blyssynge of god the almighty father bee blessing of God the Almighty father be upon thee. and thus doñe saye: Benedicite omnia opera And thus done saye: Benedicite omnia opera Dñj Domino. wch lyueth and raighneth world wthout ende. and let his fellows do after the same sorte. In the name of the father. say the 7 Psalms. Afterwards take the sweete odours Afterwards. holdynge them in thy hande. O most hooly Adonay. and of the holy ghoste. which liveth and reigneth world without end. I glorify thee. Bathe. and moste myghty Hel. Cum inuocarem exaudiuit. and of the Son. the sonn. go out of the bath. Sutron. say this psalme. Inzaron. Doltibon. Memeto. Mameraon. Doltibon. Sutron. Amen. Non. Stilon. as shalbe sayd of clean linen clothing. and washe thé opera Domini. Cum inuocarem exaudiuit. and most mighty Hel. Domine probasti me. and throw them into the bath. Amen. Caron. and wash thee. I desire you by the most mighty and stronge name of our Lord. and the bath. ch w doñe goe out of the Bathe. and. 6. wherfor I blisse thé and sanctyfy thé. and that wch followethe. Mameraon. (O most holy Adonay. Gardon. lameton. In exitu Israel de Ægipto. that wherefor I bless thee and sanctify thee. and putt oñe Which done. Sanõ. vppõ thé. . and goe holding them in thy hand. and go again into againe into the Bathe. Non. the I bless thee in the name of the Father. Confitebor tibi Domine quoniam dilexi. and all goodnes enter into thé. Benedicite omnia omnia opera Domini. Benedicite [15v] This said. Amen. say this Psalm. I glorify thé. let them saye these psalmes followynge. They must also have hosen above there own upon the which these figures following must be written: They must haue shoes also vppõ the wch these same figures must bee wrytten. about the wch shalbe written in capitall letters thes 4. AGLAOTH.Heare followeth of apparrell. AGAY. Domine exaudi orationem mean. supra flumina. . 7. with such pen and ink as shall be prescribed in their chapters. and penn as shalbe hearafter in there chapters declared. the which these same figures must be written. It is necessary that the conjurer put on linen cloth. Domjne non est exaltatum cor meum. Also let the Mr haue A garland vppõ his heade of vyrgiñ parchmente. Here followeth of apparrell and shoes. AGLATHA. Domine non est exaltatum cor meum. names. Domine quis habitabit. supra flumina. Also. with sutch penn and ynke. Deus miseriat r nostri. nisi Dominus. And before they put on this apparrel. They must have shoes also upon. also ech of hys companions muste haue A crowne or garlande in whose compas these figures followynge must be wrytten. 7. with ink and pen as shall be hereafter in their chapters declared. Dñe exaudi orationem mean. as shalbe appointed hearafter in the same chapter. wth ynke. AGALTHA* [In Marg: *Aglatha]. let them say these Psalms following: Domine Deus noster. Cap. also each of his companions must have a crown or garland in whose compass these figures following must be written: And before they putt oñe this apparrell. Deus miseriat r nostrj. It is necessary that the coniurer put on lynnen clothe. There shoes must bee of white lether. Their shoes must be of white leather. laudate Dominum omnes gentes. Chap. AGAY. laudate Dominum omnes gentes. about the which shall be written in capital letters these four names: AGAA. let the master have a garland upon his head of virgin parchment. They must also haue hosyn aboue ther owne vppõ the wch these fygures followinge must bee wryttenn. Cum tribularer. and shoes. nisi Dominus. as shalbe prscribed in ther chapters. AGAA. wherupon the pentacles must be sewn with such a needle as shall be appointed hereafter in the same chapter. Dñe quis habitabjt. Domine Deus noster. Cum tribularer. wheruppõ the pentacles must be sowed wth sutch â nedle. AGLAOTH. in the increase of the Mone. made. that I may bring to pass my desire. Ianitor [or Iamtor]. that I may bringe to pas my desyer. if you can get such as the priest weareth. but only all things belonging to this art. These being said. 8. [16r] Here followeth of the knyfe reqired Here followeth of the knife required in this Arte. After it be finished. cause ten masses to be said over it. let hym perfume all hys apparrell. therfore make yt bee made wth a handle of yrõ [iron] wch is pure: and lett yt bee tempred in gose blode in the day of Mercury. and sprincle them wyth water. I will put on the vesture of health. but only all things belonginge to this Arte. by the desertes of the holy Anngells. and note that the circle be made with such a knife. and write vppõ the handle therof.These beynge sayde. and write upon the handle thereof with the needle aforesaid these signs which follow: Then perfume yt as hearafter is appoynted. by thee (O holy Adonay). it is best. et Anabis. in the increase of the Moon. Chap. Then let the Mr putt on his apparrell sayinge: Antor. and sprinkle them with water. The shoes and vestments must be of linen. and let it be tempered in goose blood in the day of Mercury [Wednesday]. by thé (ô holy Adonay[)]. After yt bee fynnisshed cause 10. A knife ys requyred in this Arte. I wyll putt one the vesture of healthe. therefore make it be made with a handle of iron which is pure. Anator. and note that ye Cyrcle bee made wyth such A knyfe. and how it must be made. and howe yt must bee in this art. All other instrumentes of yrõ whatsoeuer Then perfume it as hereafter is appointed. All other instruments of iron whatsoever they . and cutt nothinge wth this knyfe. thys daie lay yt vpp in sylken clothes vntyll thou wylt worke. Then let the master put on his apparrell saying: Antor. Anator. 8. Theodomas. The shoes and vestmentes must bee of lynnen yf you can gett sutch as the preyst weareth it is beste. whose kingdom hath no end. masses to bee sayde ouer yt. Ianitor. A knife is required in this art. and cut nothing with this knife. et Anabis. wth the nedle aforesayde thes signes wch followe. let him perfume all his apparrell. this day lay it up in silken cloths until thou wilt work. by the deserts of the holy angels. whose kyngdõe hath noe ende. Theodomas. Cap. Aniles. sum odours. [16v] . Saday. ALPHA & OMEGA. Def. wth wordes. see to the swords wherewithall you will work. Abraham. and write upon them these signs following: The forme and shape of ye knife. and write upon them as followeth: lamec. that they bee cleañe. Jah. the ink aforesaid. be. and say this conjuration: qui sum. Beth ladomay. see to the swordes wherewthall you Theophilos. Def. Saday. Theah. Also. and smoke them with the Ja. α et ω. and write Emanuel. Theophilos. Jah. The form and shape of the knife. Emanuel. that they be clean. Agla. wyll worke. which is to say. write this wth the I conjure thee by the names. Emnanal. Also. Write this with Aniles. El. and carectes [sic]. ynke aforesayde. Beth ladomay. El. with words and characters. vppon them as followethe: lamec. and hower of Mercury. and smoke them wth the Abraho. and hour of Mercury. Theah. Agla.they bee. let them be made on the day. Tetragrammaton. Ja. and write vppõ them these signes followynge. let them bee made on the day. Emnanal. sum qui sum. Chapter 9. and measure 9. Vita. Emanuel. Adonay. that is. wherfore when you wyll worke. pastor. Abraham. virtus. Petra. Halleluia. Also. I by Asyn and by Manalo. and sprinkle it with water as is aforesaid. Athanatos. Lapis. α. that they be virgins. such as were never used in work or labour. Petra. Emanuel. by these names. that you haue noe power to hurt mee. Aula. odours. and all other primogenitus. tempered tempred w the yuce of pimpernell. Note also that before any of these things also that before any of thes thinges bee coñsecrated. Osystron. Enona. that thou hurt me not in work. th in the day and hour of Mercury. upon the which you shall cause three you shall cause 3. ch which are: Egyrion. Pantacraton. finis. and Your circles must be made with the aforenamed knife. vnigenitus. with all thinges necessary must bee cutt. and measure none feet on both sides from the knife. gloria. finis. Pantacraton. Ysyon. Sponsus. pastor. I coniure thé by the names. Stimulaton. Halleluia. propheta. Imago. Note which knife. Lapis. . you must perfume it wth water. Sacerdos. I conjure thee by pure. Janua. sutch as weare neuer vsed in worke or labour. Imago. gloria. masses to bee sayde. lux. cõiure ye by pure. vnigenitus. Yor Circles muste bee made with the aforenamyd knyfe. by these names. primus. Aula. and all other names. splendor. Sapientia. virtus. Aglane. hono. α. hono. Manus. wch done let hym keepe yt. nouissimus. sayde. primus.Aglane. names. foote on both sydes from the knyfe but remember to leaue A space open. by Asyn and by Manalo. Sol. Here followeth howe Circles muste Here followeth how circles must be bee made. them. and the blode of of [sic] A gose. Sabaoth. and how you must enter into into them. conspeacable names of allmighty god: whitch arr: Egyrion. Manus. Via. Sacerdos. that you have no power to hurt me. verbum. Osystron. Angulus. wth wch knyfe. primogenitus. that they bee vyrgines. propheta. I conjure you. Jesus. Tetragrãmatõ. Angulus. Jesus. and sprincle yt masses to be said. wherby you may go yn. Sponsus. Athanatos. and the bloode of a goose. whereby you may go in and out. Via. Caput 9. sticke the knyfe in the mydst of the place. I coniure you. Sabaoth. also you muste perfume yt. Stimulaton. vppõ the wch with the juice of pimpernel. w is to saye. Sol. wherefore when you will work. Vita. Caput. but remember to leave a space open. as is aforesayde. as before ys Which done. Mors. Janua. stick the knife in the midst of the place. let him keep it as before is said. nouissimus. Sapientia. and howe you must enter made. and by these Adonay. that thou hurt me not in worke. that is be consecrated. Mors. and say this coniuration. Caput. Besides this there must be made an other Besides this there must be made another knife knyfe in the day and hower of Mercury. Ysyon. all thinges necessary must be cut. Enona. and by these unspeakable names of Almighty God. splendor. lux. verbum. Abraho. and light him a great candle. let him cyrcle. the and the place with water. and in another let there stick a stycke A sworde. in the topp of make a Quadrangle. Also. Howe to make the Cyrcle wyth hys Pentacle. All which All which beynge doñe. let him perfume himself. and caste therein the thus ordered. and lett one of hys fellowes one of his fellows standing towards the East. In the circumference of the greater circle make circumference of the greater circle make crosses. and hys fellowes. and lyght hym â greate candle exorcized as shalbe sayde hearafter. lett the Master goe forth to perfumes. cyrcle make A Quadrangle. begin his conjurations towards the East. And then let him he shall put in A lantrõn. on the other syde of this same leafe. greater circles. hereafter followeth: . In the in the next leaf shall be showed. and etche of the other A the others a naked sword. which he shall put in a lantern. let the master go forth to moue [17r] not the pott. after this lett hym perfume hym selfe. Also â fote behynd thys latter crosses. All whiche doñe.out: A fote behynde ye circle make â nother A foot behind the circle make another circle. and the shutt the gate of ye Cyrcle. a foot behind this latter circle. hearafter followethe. [17v] The manner to make circles shall be showed on the other side of this same leaf. and let the cyrcle. How to make the circle with his pentacle. in the top of every r euery corne make A cyrcle. and each of ynke yn hys hande. and in an other let there coals in. as in pentacles with the names of our Creator. place with water. kyndle the fyer. master standing in the midst of the circle. a foot space from the pot. the Master standynge in the mydst of the his knife being stuck at his feet. betwixt the 2. one to sett the corner make a cyrcle. as the next leafe shalbe showed. Thinges beynge kindle the fire. All which done. make the pentacles wth the names of our Creator. circle. one to set the pot of pott of coles yn. Things being naked sworde. The manner to make Circles shall bee showed. let the Master bring in his brynge yn hys companions by the gate of companions by the gate of the circle. and his fellows. After this. lett them take heede they thus ordered. hys knyfe beinge stocke at hys feete. and caste therin the exorcized as shall be said hereafter. make ye betwixt the two greater circles. standinge towardes the Easte. haue penn and have pen and ink in his hand. which perfumes. lett hym begynn hys Coniuracions towardes the Easte. lett the Master being done. â fote space from the pott: sword. and then let hym shut the gate of the circle. Let them take heed they move not the pot. hereafter followeth: . The right way to make the circle. hearafter followethe.[18r] The righte waye to make the Cyrcle. . . Here followeth of ysope. vppõ the day of Mercury. and 142]. vouchsafe to sanctyfy this salte. fennel. and let all bee put vppõ A hasill wand. 102. Janua. Which being made. 38. in the encrease of the Mone. 130. . cause 3. true and right way. The water wch is mencioned so oftenn muste bee exorcized after this sorte. sage. 11. fennel. and my reste. and 143 (the Vulgate followynge. And know that in the day of Mercury. and fill the pot full of clear water. and in that hower let the hearbes bee gathered. Which said. Emanuel. Help. ouer yt the 7. and this prayer following: Thou art my god. Cedron. make a sprinkler of vervain. att one cutt. and Basyl. in the increase of the Moon. with the abovenamed knife. say the Gospel of Saint John over them. and let all be put upon a hazel wand. helpe. by God of Jacob. Amen. and basil. in the morninge. fortis. and his hour. thy saints: vouchsafe to bless and sanctify that vppon whome soeuer yt bee caste. and ysope. and the of Jacob. Emanuel. and say which sayd throw yt into the water. and salte. Messias. I beseech thee. yt must bee cutt. 51. Janua. the God of Isaac. Tetragrãmaton. the god of Isaac. vouchsafe to sanctify this salt. And in that hour let the herbs be gathered. wth the abouenamed knyfe. Amen. 31. Messias. make A sprincle of veruyn. and his hower: Take A censar wth exorsized perfumes. and first hallow the salt. valerian. marjoram. Marierum. Turris fortitudinis. 37. 129. 50. Here followeth of hyssop. thou art my true and ryght way. Tetragrammaton. Chapter 11. Here followeth of water and hyssop. most holy father.[18v] Here followeth of water. masses to bee sayd ouer them. Caput. Caput 10. The water which is mentioned so often must be exorcized after this sort: Upon the day of Mercury. most Holy Father. I beseche thé. wch doñe say the gospell of The water being ready. numbers them 6. Cedron. Psalmes: and this praier 32. O God which art the of Abraham. saying: Sabaoth. Which done. by the invocations and deserts of vouchsafe to blis and sanctify thys water. Sabaoth. may receiue health both of body and soule. and knowe that in the day of Mercury. The water beynge ready. take a censer with exorcized perfumes and salt. in the morning. thou art my Thou art my God and my rest. and fill the pott full of cleare water. Chapter 10. and fyrst hallowe the salte sayinge. and say over it the seven Psalms [that is Psalms 6. O Lord the invocations and desertes of thy Sayntes: Almighty. sage. it must be cut. at one cut. cause three masses to be said over them. ô lord allmighty. euen as I trust in thé: O god wch art the god even as I trust in thee. fortis. throw it into the water. valerian. and the god God of Abraham. 101. wch beynge made. that upon whomsoever it be cast. Turris fortitudinis. he this water. he may receive health both of body and soul. that thou drive all terror from us. which â newe hyue [hive]. and write upon it with the needle aforesaid. the Son. Afterwardes say these psalmes followynge: Benedicite õnia opera. Amen. wherewith thou diddest make thy sprinklee.Saynt John. and wth and spun of a virgin. these caractes followinge. Here followeth of fire and lights. wth the pound of wax. sprinkle it with water. and yt ys doñe. wryte these carectes [sic] followynge. and it is done. and perfume Afterwards. write these characters following with the needle aforesaid: Here followeth of fyer and lighte. And this which followeth: O Lord God. wherof make the weeke. In the name of the Father. give me virtue. Taike sylkenn made in this sort: Take silken thread made threade [19r] made and spunn of A virgynn. these characters following: nedle aforesayde. Amen. whereof make the wick. laudate Dominum omnes gentes . O lord god giue me vertue. Caput. Te Deum laudamus: And this which followeth. that thou driue all terror from vs: Amen. In the name of the father. Which done. thy candle must be be made in thys sorte. which is called vyrgyn came out of a new hive. 12. say these Psalms followynge: Benedicite omnia opera. I exorcise thee wax. that only I may truste in thé. ouer them. that make A candle of wax. Domino]. I exorcise thé waxe by hym wch speaketth. Laudate Dominum omnes gentes (Ps116). Caput. Benedic anima mea Domino (Ps103). wth the nedle aforesayde. Afterward vppõ the hasyll wande. the sonn. Te Deum laudamus [found in the Latin mass]. upon the hazel wand. which is called virgin wax. let the candle contain half a waxe. that only I may trust in thee. Amen. and his hour. Thy light to worke by must bee vppõ Mercury. Benedic anima mea Dominum [sc. and hys hower. thy candle muste Thy light to work by must be [made] upon Mercury. and wryte vppõ yt. 12. and the holy ghoste. and the Holy Ghost. wch done sprincle yt wth water. Afterward. by him which speaketh. let the candle conteine halfe â pounde of waxe. and . wch came out of and with that make a candle of wax. wherwth thou duddest make thy sprincle. that truthe only may abyde yn yt. Lyonar. Then make A penn therof wythe the Then make a pen thereof with the consecrated knyfe. and light yt. In the name of the father. wherin this candle muste bee putt. that thou be my help in this my work. Adonay. and the Holy Ghost. you. and write about it these names following: Tetragrammaton. Gla. when he said. Salua. and say ouer yt: I exorcise thé fier. Bludamar. ink. Adonay. . in which you must put your liquor. ch Of ink. You. Sabaoth. Ja. that thou bee my helpe in this my worke. Narbon. when he sayd Let theyr bee made lighte. of ynke. Eth. and by hys name. Then take a lantern wherein this candle must be put. and reade by the light therof. and then consecrated knife. and putt yt yn yt. and then lay yt vpp as is aforesayd. Tamaray. Amen. Amen. Here followeth of penn and ynke Caput. Joth. Then put into it new ink. lademas. and by the first name of our Lord God ON. Adonay. Anerenetoñ. Manemente. Tetel. and perfume it. wryte with the nedle. lay it up as is aforesaid. Lyonar. Sabaoth. and read by the light thereof. and by the second word. and by the power [of] Stimulaton. and saye as followeth. Teth. Salua. Tamaray. Here followeth of pen and ink Chapter 13. 13. by this name. Arbon. and by his name that can do all things. that truth only may abide in it. Arbon. and pull out A fether Take a gander alive. and by the fyrste name of our lorde god On. and perfume yt. vau. perfume it. the sonn. that thou light the spyrytts. and about the same vessell. and by the power Stimulaton. Take a box or horn. Anereneton. and the holy ghoste. drive out of this quill deceipte. Ja. Armynar. write with the needle this following: Joth. Nason. in the name of the Father. Take A gandard alyue. Bludamar. Anosbias. and pull out a feather out of the wing. by the name of Anaton. and write aboute yt these names followynge. and put it in it. driue out of this quill all Armynar. Ja. I exorsize thé ynke by the name of Anaton. by this name. Adonay. Anabona. and light it. And light the candle. Sabaoth. and say: out of the wynge. Ja. Narbon. this followynge. and say over it: I exorcise thee fire. Anabona. Then putt into yt newe ynke. Ja. and say as followeth: I exorcize thee. and saye. Sabaoth. Take A box or horne. and about the same vessel. Nason. Eth. all deceit. Teth. in w you must putt yor lycour [liquor]. that thou light the spirits which will appear here. the Son. Gla. And light the candle. Anosbias. "Let their be made light". Tetragrãmaton. that cann do all thinges. Caput. And by the seconde worde. Manemente. Tetel. 13. vau. Then take a lantrõ which wyll appeare heare. Ja. lademas. Deus. [Deus] Deus meus respice. Ossul. Ps83]. howe you muste worke by yt. Quam dilecta [Ps98. which didst choose Abraham to be thy first elect person. Here followeth of vyrgyn paper. Araton. by the Father. Glyac. Domine quis habitabit. Jhesus. Take a piece of parchment off the breast or the nanyll (?). Domine exaudi. I adjure thee. that I may accomplish may accomplish my desyer. how you must work by it. Cap. Theophilos. [sic] and thou Anngell Adonay. Lamath. O thou angel Adonay. Domine quis habitabit. Ps14. Ps83]. Helion. Camac. my desire. Of the blood of a bat. under the right wing. the sonn. Glyac. which didst chuse Abraham. O God Almighty Father which madest all things with thy great wisdom. and the Holy and by all the wordes that ar spokenn of Ghost. and saye. sadon. 14. that thou serve us. and pricke hy Afterwards. say: Domine Deus noster. Heloe. I adiure thé Batt. Ps21. Marbac. be my helper. Heloe. called Membrana. O god allmighty father which madest all thynges wth thy greate wisdome. Infinitus. r Afterwardes take the nedle. of any Beastes skynn wch ys called Membrana. and the holy ghoste. Valmath. but first smoke it with your perfumes. Theophilos. Quã dilictj [sic 'dilecta'] [Ps98. and thou angel Adonel. Christus. to be thy first electe personn. Eloyt. Ps. Omac. Essercon. called Membrana. Jydomos. Lamath. Chap. and in smoking it. smoke yt wth yor perfumes. and take hyr blode. whose . let yt be cõsecrated after this fasshion. Helion. Ossul. Heloy. saye: Domine Deus noster. and say: O allmighty Adonay. be Adonel. that this blood may have power in doynges.8. Eloyt. and exorcize her after this sorte: sort: Camac. be my that this blode may haue power in these my helper. of any beast's skin which is called Membrana. Valmath. Iamachar. 14. that I you my aid and help. [Deus] Deus meus respice.[19v] Of the blode of A Batt. 101 or 129. the Son. Marbac. Take alyue Batt. but fyrste. these my doings. Afterwards say this conjuration following trice: Malec. and take her blood. Let it be consecrated after this fashion. by the father. Domine exaudi. Ps21. Ps. Christus. Essercon. 101 or 129. O Almighty Adonay. and exorsize hyr after this Take a live bat. Jydomos. Caput 15. Cachac. take the needle and prick her vnder the ryght wynge. Malec. and yn smokynge yt. sadon.8. or Parchment. Deus. bee you my ayde and helpe. Deus. Iamachar. Here followeth of virgin paper or parchment. Araton. Heloy. Take â peece of parchment of the breaste or the nanyll. bat. and by all the words that are spoken hym that thou serue vs: O thou Angell of him. Infinitus. Cachac. Jesus. Chapter 15. Ps14. Omac. Afterwardes saye thys Coniuracion followynge troise. Deus. as it ought to be. Meryon. and that it be yt [20r] yt bee not corrupt. ar vsed. Howe you must worke wth waxe. This done. wax and yearthe. dilicta. Caphay. say ouer yt. and cause 3. by the allmighty father which made all thinges of Almighty Father which made all things of . be you present to helpe mee. Asmetalj. which gavest to Solomon above all other creatures. Caput. Then saying. Vernant. Cosímas. Ecce quam bonum. Beati mei Deus. then smoke yt wth the perfumes. and it is made of bees. Almay. Domine exaudi. which neuer confederated together: And yt ys sould at the Apoticaries. Asmetalj. Alíones. Exsurgat Deus [Ps67]. De profundis. When thou wilt work with it. After this. In exitu Israel. Virgin wax is made of bees which never confederated together. that thoroughe thy vertue and power this may bee consecrated. Equant. Amen. which dydest appeare to Moyses. 29. How you must work with wax. Deus meus respice. Exurgat Deus [*exsurgat deus. for you I call upon in my worke. De profundis. In convertendo. I humbly beseech thy majesty. which is. Vernant. cause three this waxe. Miserere Deus Deus meus. Deus Deus iudicium. as the starrs. wch gauiste to Solamoñ. quorum. 29. which is: Eyphy. Domine habitabit. Alíones. masses to bee sayd ouer Domine probasti. wax and earth are used. Ecce quam Israel. O Almighty Adonay. In many Artes. ô allmighty Adonay. This doñ say these psalmes followynge. and Esser. Deus Deus meus. Concimas. and reuealed thy holy name vnto hym. and warne thé waxe. In cõvertendo.whose seede thou multiplied. in the midst of the bush like a flame fire. Quã quis habitabit [Ps14]. yf you muste vse whereof images are made. that through thy virtue and power this may be consecrated. bonum. Adonyon. bee you Othios. sold at the apothecaries. smoke it with the perfumes. Dñe Deus noster. Meryon. whose kingdom lasteth forever. Domine Deus noster. Eyphy. in ye mydest of the bushe. wch I begynne by you. and Esser. Othios. by thee. Quam dilecta [Ps83]. aboue all other creatures. say over it: when thou wylt worke wth yt. Trophylidos. Afterwards. Almay. I will exorsize. wherof ymages ar made. lyonides. masses to be said over this wax. and warn thee wax. Amen. whose kyngdome lasteth for euer. Domine probastj. Oriados. like A flame fier. see that yt bee vyrginn waxe. and cause three masses to be said over it. Ps67]. Dñe exaudj. lyonides. seed thou multiplied as the stars. If you must use waxe. Afterwardes sprincle yt wth water. saying: I coniure. Beati quorum. Equant. Asserephe. Dñe quis Domine non est exaltatum [Ps130]. Miserere mei Deus. and shall bee ended thorough you: be ended through you. which I begin by you. Deus Deorum. and shall my work. and that wax. sprinkle it with water. Trophylidos. After this cause 3. Deus in nõine tuo. In many arts. I humbly beseache thy maiestye. as yt ought to bee. Asserephe. by the I conjure. see that it be virgin wax. Concimas. Oriados. 16. for you I call vppõ yn present to help me. and revealed thy holy name unto him. vyrgynn wax is not corrupt. by thé. Deus Deorum. Deus iudicium. masses to bee sayde ouer yt. I will exorcize. Chapter 16. Caphay. Cosímas. which didst appear to Moses. In exitu in nomine tuo. Deus meus respice. Adonyon. say these Psalms following: Domine nõ est exaltatum. Dñs regit Conserua me Domine. 17. and the Holy Ghost. in the day and hower of Jupiter. In Dño confido. the quick. Diligam te. 18). and words. Madaldac. Migia. hearbes. always choose thy aid and help. by fire. Celi me. and all the world that thou thorough the same Creator. judge. Migia. ye him which in the last day. ye deade. Baruchata. and sprincle yt said over it. say vppõ yt. Dalmone. In Domino confido. and then lay it up. and say over it: I coniure thé nedle by the father. and by all ch w cann bee made. herbs. Which finished. Marco. and say ouer yt. i. nothing. private] place. fynnisshed taike yt in some priuye [privie. Baruchata. Conolaria. wch shall not be fynnisshed vntill the which shall not be finished until the next next day and hower of Venus. Here followeth of a needle. Dñe Deus meus Domine quid multiplicasti. Here followeth of A nedle wherewth wherewith thou must work. in the day and hour of Jupiter [Thursday]. wch day and hour of Venus. and in layinge yt vpp. Domine Deus in te sperauí. that it may be sanctified.e. Dñe. lamec. Confitebor tibi Dñe in toto meus in te sperauí. ch w beinge sayde cause thre masses to bee Which being said. Deus reppulisti. Conserua me in toto corde meo. wherfore thou shalt needle. or yrõ cause a needle to be made. Yt ys needfull yn some experyment. Afterwardes say these psalmes ouer yt. Lalia. Afterwards say these Psalms over it: Domine quid multiplicasti. that thou by thy holy name. of steel or iron. the dead. as and in laying it up. Diligam te. Deus repulisti [sic reppulisti. Caput. Expectans expectaui. . and sprinkle it wth the exorsized water. and perfume yt. desiderat. and all ye world by fyer. Geordia. shall come to iudge. shall come to quicke. and perfume it. desiderat. and then lay yt vpp. Expectans expectaui. private] place. and that I may receive virtue and strength. Celi enarrant. geuiste [givest] streinght [sic] vnto this waxe. that thou through the same Creator. [steel or iron]. givest strength unto this wax. Ps. and wordes. to haue It is needful in some experiment to have a A nedle. [20v] Badalna. Madaldac. with the exorcized water. Mararya. Geoderia. I will. cause three masses to be sayd ouer yt. Chapter thou muste worke. And by all vertue of conjurations which can be made. Dominus regit me. the sonn. and that I may allwaies cose thy ayde and helpe. Geoderia. of style.nothinge. take it in some privie [i.e. and by all cõiuraciõs Son. Lalia. say upon it as followeth: followethe. nos (Ps59). Marco. receyue vertue and strenghte. that thou by thy holy name. which lyueth and raigneth world wthout ende. Gedodia. and by all Stones. Mararya. Geordia. Amen. I conjure thee. or such lyke. Badalna. the and the holy ghoste. Confitebor tibi Domine corde meo. Dalmone. that yt may bee sanctifyed. whensoever whensoeuer I wyll. or such like. and by hym virtue of stones. lamec. which liveth and reigneth world without end. Quemadmodum enarrant (Ps. wherefore thou shalt cause â nedle to bee made. 17. Conolaria. Quemadmodum 59] nos. Amen. and by wch in ye laste day. needle by the Father. Gedodia. the God of Isaac. that yt may you keepers of this instrument. Camedon. Gly. bee you Meriones. that there streinght and power may bee amplyfied. Besso. most gentle and good angels. and that I may bring all things to to pass. you must say: O God which art the God of Abraham. Oubyon. and the god of Jacob. upon which before they come to the fire. Oubyon. how they ought to be made. Here followeth of odours and perfumes. moste gentle. Artion. vpõ wch before they come to the fier.Amolsiam. Odours ar made wth frankynsence. you must saye. Artion. howe they ought to be made. Efraton. Geon. Incense. and thou hast occasiõ to worke. that haue A sweate smell. Caput. Amedain. bless I beseech thee these things here present. blisse I beseche thé thes thinges here prsente. Amen. Myson. and thou hast occasion to work. Besso. Odours are made with frankincense incense. In the workes of this Arte diuers odours arr reqired. Geon. Cedorion. Aglathot. the god of Isaac. take a clean linen cloth. When all things be consecrated. Agladian. Camedon. Agla. Here followeth of odours and perfumes. Gesson. Aglatha. Aglathot. or rather of sylke. wth the wodd of Aloes. . through Jesus Christ our Lord. Gesson. 18. 18. Gly. that it may helpe me. or any other thinge. and that I maye bringe all thinges help me. Amedain. Agladian. Efraton. Cedorion. In this clothe wryte these carectes wch followe. 19. with lignum aloes. Myson. Bonefariam. In this cloth write these characters which follow. Meriones. Here followeth the chapter. with Myrr. Aglatha. 19. In the works of this art. what cloth you muste declared what cloth you must use to vse to putt yn your thinges put in your things necessary for your necessary for your experyment. and the God of Jacob. Take A cleane lynnyn clothe. with myrrh. Amolsiam. divers odours are required. Bonefariam. Chap. and driue frõ vs all phantasies. Cap. thorough Jhesus Christ or lord. Chap. wherin Here followeth the chapter wherein is is declared. experiment. with the aforesaid pen and ink. When all thinges bee consecrated. Agla. or any other things that have a sweet smell. or rather of silk. that there strength and power may be amplified. O god wch art the god of Abraham. with the aforesayd penn and ynke. and drive from us all phantasies. be keepers of this instrumente. pass. and good Anngelles. Amen. Jeton. [*Sl. Benedicite omnia opera. 3645 misreads Anerenetõ] And write these names following: Adonay. etc. Agios. Tetragrammaton. Caput 20. Lamec. except all the chapters of this book be joined together. Tetragrãmaton. Lamec. faras. Te decet hymnas Deus. yt is impossible to bringe any experiment to passe. Agla. (Note penitissimè) Lett none maruayle at this chapiter. let these Psalms be said over it: Dñe Deus noster. Cedron. Chap. Then sprincle yt. etc. Cefol. x x xxxxxxxx Aut totum: aut nihil. Ananator. After this lett 9. Anerexeton. Agla. 20. Cos.and write thes names followinge: Adonay. Athanatos. Anilis. faras. Amor. Ecce quam bonum. Cefol. . all the knowledge of this booke. Then sprinkle it and perfume it. Theodomos. After this let nine masses be said ouer it. Benedicite õnia opera. [21r] Laudate Dominum de Celis. Agne. Amor. wherfore let hym diligently peruse this prsent book. Of the work of images. Let none marvail at this chapter. Cedron. Ecce quam bonum. Jeton. Cos. Ananator. Wherefore let him diligently peruse this present book. except+ all the chapters of this booke bee ioyned together. Laudate Dominum de Celis. which doñe. for in it briefly is contained all the knowledge of this book. and therin putt all thy Instrumentes. let these psalmes be sayd ouer yt: Dñe Deus noster. Anerexetõ *. it is impossible to bring any experiment to pass. Anostias. which done. Anilis. for yn yt breyfly is conteyned. and perfume yt. Te decet hymnas Deus. Agios. masses bee sayde ouer yt. Anostias. of the worke of ymages. And therein put all thy instruments. Theodomos. Athanatos. Agne. Chap. mayst safely work 9: masses bee sayde ouer yt. wch beynge doñe. until all be prepared.Of the howers to worke yn. Choose thee therefore the day of Mercury. requisite for yor Arte. wrought. And soe likewyse the nexte daie of Mercury. Whosoeuer desyreth to knowe any experyment. requisite for your art. Then all thinges beinge in readines. and layde vpp in the clothe abouesayde. thou When all thinges neadfull ar prpared. after in thy experiments. and cause all thy instrumentes to be and cause all thy wroughte. Chuse thé therfore the day of increase of the Moon. he ought to consider the hours and days meet [suitable] for that purpose. Which being done. Then all things being in readiness. and then begin to work when thou wilt. mark again the due hour. But look when thou hast finished thy work. . and bring it to pass. shalt thou need to But loke when thou hast fynnesshed thy worke. that thou lay vpp all thinges in thy observe any solemnity clothe aforesayde. 21 Whosoever desirest to know any experiment. Mercury. neither feare. he ought to [Wednesday] in the cõsider the howers and daies meete for that purpose. make. and bringe yt to pas. When all thinges needfull are prepared and laid up in the cloth above-said. Caput 21 Of the hours to work in. And so likewise the next day of Mercury. that same day. and made in that same daie. make nine masses be said over it. and then begiñ to worke when thou wylte. thou mayst safely worke wthout without fear. and made in marke againe the dewe hower. that thou lay up all things in thy cloth aforesaid. yn the increase of the Mone. neyther shalt thou neade to obserue any solempnity after in thy experimentes. instruments to be vntill all be prparedd. Caput vltimum. is saffron. Of Sol. and ys made of a noble grene * Of Mars. shalbe showed on the other syde. The manner and way how to make thy pentacle shall be showed on the other side. ys saffron. Of Luna. 22. is of white lead. et Præcipuum. • [21v] Of Venus. is of the yolks of eggs. is of vermillion or of saffron. Here followeth the manner how to make the Pentacle. chapter xviii] Here followeth of the colors of the planets. • • Of Saturne. next following. ys of Azure or of any color like to violett.Here followeth of the colors of the Planetts. Of Venus.:. ys blacke. next followynge . ys of the yolkes of egges. and ys made of te heares of A gote burnydd. Chap. ys of vermylyõ or of saffron. Of Sol. Of Mercury. [Compare with Book 1. The manner and waye howe to make thy Pen= tacle. or of green. is of Azure or of any colour like to violet. • • • • Of Saturn is black. and is made of a noble green Of Mars. Of Juppiter. Of Jupiter is green. ys of white leade. and is made of the hair of a goat burned. . or of grene. ys grene. Of Luna. [22r] Here followeth the manner howe to make the Pentacle. Of Mercury. Caput 22. Final chapter and instruction.] Aut singula vnguem: aut omnia nihil. c. (Baconis ars experimentalis. 2. 20. l. s~. man. [sec.) . here endeth the booke of Salomõn the wise. Key. Here endeth the book of Solomon the wise. called The Key of Knowledge. . of Knowledge. called the.
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