The Importance of Symbolic Stars (Shen Sha) in Chinese Astrology

March 26, 2018 | Author: 文光 | Category: Astrology, Horoscope, Epistemology, Philosophical Theories, Metaphysics



UESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2009The importance of Symbolic Stars (Shen Sha) in Chinese Astrology In the history of Chinese astrology, and even nowadays, there are many people who argue about the meaning and significance of the symbolic stars 神煞 (Shen Sha). Some deny them, while others say that these stars have their own contribution to Chinese astrology. Those who deny them completely, just don't have a good knowledge of the symbolic stars and lack a flexible look on astrology. In fact, the symbolic stars have a very important meaning. In the Four Pillars method of Chinese Astrology there are several important aspects: Yin and Yang, the relations among the 5 elements, the heavenly stems and earthly branches, the ten gods (shi shen 十神), the 12 energy states (changshen shiеr shen 长生十二神) and the symbolic stars. The calculation of the symbolic stars is logically connected to the theory of Yin and Yang, 5 elements, 10 gods theory, Na Yin theory, 12 energy states, the 8th trigrams and I Ching, etc. It is a further interpretation of all these theories and its use and development through the centuries has proven what an exact information they can give. The symbolic stars are like the “leaves” of the stems and branches in the big tree of Chinese astrology. The problem is that the symbolic stars should not be regarded separately from the whole then one will be prone to mistakes and he will not be able to see the whole picture.etc.whether the element of the stem/branch of the particular star is a vulnerable/ needed element (yong shen) or it is unneeded element (ji shen).what other symbolic stars are in the same pillar.picture of the horoscope. flexible and vivid reading and use of astrology.whether the day master is strong or weak. . if one simply interprets the horoscope just by directly citing the books without a flexible understanding and open-minded thinking. For example: .what are the interrelations between the different symbolic stars (they may neutralize each other. If one only searches the symbolic stars and forgets about the other information present in the chart (interrelations among the elements. but actually it might be very complicated and at the same time – very precise.what is the energy state of the pillar/cycle. . . . That's why the astrology is very deep and exact science and at the same time is metaphysical (xuan xue 玄学).what kind of 10 gods present in the chart. wooden.what is the situation in the cycles. numb approach. The symbolic stars can reveal to us very important . If one has a dogmatic. We know the importance of holistic.what other symbolic stars are in the cycles. The symbolic stars have many nuances and conditions that should be taken into consideration. so that many things appear more obvious and clear. The symbolic stars increase the transparency of the horoscope. etc. .). . 10 gods. etc.what other symbolic stars are in the other pillars. . in which lie the symbolic stars. The use of symbolic stars is like drawing the eyes of a dragon. The issue is how good and experienced is the astrologer.what are the energy states in the pillars. then one will have a very partial and sometimes even incorrect understanding of the horoscope. At a first look the system of the symbolic stars may give a sense of an oversimplified and unreliable method.) . . .  SEPTEMBER 22. 200 . the personal characteristics and peculiarities. the situation of his family. the functions and use of things. his character.and precise information about the direction of one's interests. Annie Pecheva ПУБЛИКУВАНО ОТ ANNIE PECHEVA В TUESDAY.
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