The Fruit of the Spirit by W. V. Grant, Sr

March 25, 2018 | Author: http://MoreOfJesus.RR.NU | Category: Fruit Of The Holy Spirit, Good Works, Sin, Jesus, Good And Evil



yHOW YOU MAY HAVE • • • YOUR Ubi rn TRI1I.'or AI'{"lti,1\( ..*" H. rvr axu ttlflU,,'»llNC RH'IV"t.Lce ltblt)J\A1'tt)~ RH'\ k:\ or 1111;(jH1S- N bT{lltt Af:IQ. .. tt:lUt j:>i)~U( 666 -----~-----------~-~-------------~~---~----------------------, Postage Will Be Paid by No Addressee Postage Stamp Necessary If Mailed in the United States , , • BUSINESS REPLY CARD First CJass Permit No 7 897 Dallas, Texas • • at • • uuc Texas By W.V. GRANT J P.O. Box 353 e-! c,:)", > ~ c: "" z .. • ..¥ an 0 0 .-0 )It .> ., ., .=! e ,._- E • ..a ° • ., .. - • .. '" 0 .. ~.c .. 8w 0 1ft .-. • • • -: c ... • • '" & z c .. -' u U II- Z CHAPTER I • II- • WE ARE CHOSEN FOR FRUIT • f't I 1 -I I .. 0 an o o o o o o o o o o o o .. . . I , • 1I , I.r I Ip1, ." ~! • z·z o Q V) V) Once there were two men going to town. They were from the farm, and were on a wagon with a bale of cotton. They were discussing which church was right. A wise man spoke thus: "When we get to town, the merchant will not be concerned on which road we came, whether it was the new-cut road, upper road, or lower road. They will want to know if we have good cotton." So it is with us: When we seek admittance into heaven the Lord will not be so concerned about the organization to which we have belonged. He will want to know whether or not we have the goods. The fruit of the Spirit is the goods. Weare here to produce fruit. God is going to send for fruit. Weare ordained to bear fruit. "1 came three years seeking fruit on this fig tree ... (Luke 13:7). t. !. § 0 0 'I It'1 I 1.· '! II (i I n if Life Produces Fruit Where there is no life there is no fruit. "... I am the way, the truth and the life ... " (John I~ I ~ Ii • t 14:6) • i! ~ • diH • i! • .. • - Sunshine produces fruit; first"the bud, then the blossom; the green fruit; the full grown and then the ripe fruit. With it organism is more important than organization. A dead tree is organized . A dead church may have pulpit, pews and preacher, and still be putrefied, petrified, and paralyzed! 1 The church is likened to a vine tree. A vine tree grows and sends forth new branches. It brings forth fruit in its season. It has roots as long as the vine. It is well established. It stands the winds and storms. Some brings three or four crops of fruit in one year. While the ripe fruit is yet on the vine the green fruit is coming on. The vine tree is not good for wood. About the only thing it is good for is to bear fruit. "What is the vine tree more than any other ... ? Shall wood be taken thereof to do any work? ... Is it meet for any work?" (Ezek. 15). Sometimes we must be pruned in order to have the new life in us. The new life is the divine nature, the resurrection, the virtue. We must be born from above to have this nature. All our old dead nature must be cut off. We must stay connected. A broken communion destroys life. A continual communion supplies life. All branches with no fruit must be cut off. Every branch that bears fruit must be purged so it will bear more fruit. The pruning destroys the dead, worthless wood. It is hard on self; it kills out the self nature. Weare pruned through trials and tests. From the outward appearance it may seem that our beauty is ruined. But during that time the roots are spreading far and near. Then when we are loaded down with fruit the roots will be strong enough to hold us up. During our testing time it may seem to the onlooker there is not much left of us, but wait until the springtime comes. We are rooted and grounded in the Word. We can stand the winds and storms. We can be strong enough to hold up precious fruit! The cutting off of the dead wood may not seem pleasant. It is hard on self, but finally it yields fruit! 2 We Must Be Pruned As we are purged we bring forth fruit, more fruit, and much fruit. (John 15.) If we hear the word we are on good ground. We then bear fruit; some thirty fold, some sixty fold, and some one hundred fold. Thirty fold is three thousand per cent increase. Sixty fold is six. thousand per cent increase. One hundred fold is ten thousand per cent increase. We are in a big business for God. The very least we can yield is thirty fold, which is three thousand per cent increase! Every Christian must be willing to be purged. "... and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit." (John 15:2.) Christ is the source of all fruit. Christ dwells within us after we are baptized with the Holy Spirit. Holy Ghost Christians yield more fruit. Christ is our life. All Christians that are right yield fruit. "There is not one barren among them." Those who are rooted and grounded in Christ are healthy, like a tree by the rivers of water. The roots reach out as far as the branches. We must bear fruit to be worthy to be called a Christian. "That ye may walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful ... " (Col. 1:10). "Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away ... " (John 15:2). Perfect Christians , • All of us are commanded to be perfect. (Matt. 5 :48.) There are different stages of perfection. All true fruit is perfect. A young apple is perfect, but it is green . A young Christian is perfect, but fruit needs to become ripe and mellow. 3 Regular attendance at church, obedience to God, and hearing the word makes our fruit grow. "Those that be planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God. They shall bring forth fruit in old age; they shall be fat and flourishing." I have seen many old people that have been saved a long time, with very mellow fruit. Their faces have a glow. Their spirits are soft. Praise and gratitude are the results of mellow fruit. There is a sweet incense which goes up an day and and all night from the life of a fruitful Christian. There is a radiance and a glow all about them. During the Old Testament days the people offered sweet incense before God in the morning,' which ascended up to heaven all day. The incense they offered in the evening ascended up to God an night. There was a continual incense for thousands of years. A fruitful life is a sweet smelling savor to God. This brings blessings on our life. A life with the fruit of the flesh is a stench in God's nostrils. This brings judgment. "I the Lord search the heart, I try the reign, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doing." (Jer. 17:10). "By him therefore let _usoffer the sacrifice. of p!,a_ise to God continually, that IS, the fruit of our lips grvmg thanks to his name." (Reb. 13:13). "BUT NOW being made free from sin, and become servants of God, ye have your FRUITS unto holiness, and the end everlasting life." Without holiness no man shan see the Lord. The fruit of the Spirit is always good, and never evil. Too many people are like the ten spies who brought back an evil report. They saw evil instead of good. The ten spies say we cannot live right in this world. Thank God, we have some Calebs and Joshuas today. They don't only see that it is possible, but they are bringing back the fruit! When that perfect age comes we will no longer need ministerial gifts (Eph, 4). Spiritual gifts will then no longer be needed (I Cor. 13). The fruit of the Spirit will .continue on forever! , "For the fruit of the spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth" (Eph. 5:9). "... That your fruit should remain ... " (John 15:16). The Divine Nature Fruit is a direct result of Christ's life. If the Spirit that raised up Christ from the dead dwell in us our bodies will be quickened by that divine nature. This resurrection power is the divine nature that comes from the true vine into the branches! If we abide in Christ we feel that continual flow of love and virtue. That produces good fruit and much fruit. That is resurrection life. "Though the root thereof wax old in the earth, and the stock thereof die in the ground, yet through the scent of water it will bud, and bring forth boughs like a plant." Sickness does not produce fruit. Crisis does not bring forth fruit. Christ in us produces fruit, if we abide in Him. We cannot be in Christ one day and out the next and be a fruit bearing branch. 5 Known By Our Fruits Natural men do not understand the actions of spiritual men. I had rather be drunken on the fruit of the Spirit than 011the spirit of the fruit. We cannot bear fruit with sin in our lives. Some think that an evil tree can bear good fruit. Some think that a good tree can bring forth evil fruit. But God says they cannot. Some think we cannot be free from sin until some far distant future, or until we get to heaven. But God forgives an our sins NOW. 4 • • Sin will break the abiding presence of Christ. When the communion is broken the fruit withers. "Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me ... He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit" ... (John 15). Continual communion with Christ means we are living in Him, in His name. The righteous run into it and are safe. If we live in the name, stay in the name, then we can pray in the name. All that we do in word or in deed will all be done in His name. If we abide in Christ we are protected from all danger. If we are disconnected one minute from the divine nature we are exposed to disease and sickness. ,. "He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall ABIDE under the shadow of the Almighty. ... There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling" (Ps. 91). • , • • We cannot tie fruit on our lives with the strings of education, science, psychology, culture and training. One preacher said he was going to get a big job and make a lot of money. Then he would go home and grow spiritual. Fruits don't grow over night. Fruits do not come with the Baptism of the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost brings power, supplies power to stay separated from the world, and furnishes good soil in which fruit grows. We receive holiness at conversion. We retain holiness by obedience. We can't obey God without receiving the Holy Ghost. (Acts 5 :32.) There is much power in the quiet influence of a spiritual life. The quiet influence of the sun produces fruit. In the Bible days the men of power were men who did not pop off steam in between times. They were men of power who produced fruit. Jesus had both fruit and power; He is our example. Some follow after charity and fight spiritual gifts, but God says, "Follow after charity and desire spiritual gifts ..• " (I Cor. 14:1). Continual Communion It is possible to pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks, and to be led by the Spirit. We cannot pull off this experience and put it on as a man does a coat. When we are full of His nature there is no room for sin in us. We have fellowship with Him and with people. It is a continual cleansing, just as the water in your eye continually washes your eye all day. If we walk in the light as He is in the light the blood of Jesus Christ clean seth us from ALL SIN. He that saith he abideth in Him ought himself also to walk even as He walked. He set us an example that we should follow His steps. "Whosoever abideth in Him sinneth not ... " Even spiritual gifts cannot take the place of un.broken fellowship. Fruit grows. It does not come by laying on of hands. 6 "E IND YOO A -_ , I I I IN THE , II . • By W.V.Grant look fI.. ., DlY'"1 "I"LlNG ""'WII' (V.I,I) 7 50 Cents CHAPTER II THE FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT "B,ut the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, long suffermg, ~entleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance; agamst such there is no law" (Gal. 5:22-23), , It is not charity, as charitable organizations are known today. It cannot be quenched by many waters. It cannot be the love of the world or anything that is in the world. This divine love cannot be found in a sinner. '''. . . . and everyone that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God" (I John 4:7). What It Is Love Love, which is the fruit of the Spirit, is God in us, for God is love. It is so large and great that to define it is like trying to explain the sea to a blind man, or music to the deaf. It goes higher than the heavens and deeper than the ,sea. It is the new spiritual life from above. It is possessed by a person that seems the most unlikely in the natural. It even goes to our enemies and reaches even to those who despitefully use us. You can curse a man and he is still your enemy . You car: fight him and yet he is an enemy to you. Kill him and you have not gained his friendship. Love him and you will win him. Love is stronger than death! It prays for all its enemies. It is unchangeable. It will cause you to lay down your life for your brother. It will help you to overlook and forget the faults of others, for love covers a multitude of sins. It will help us to be a friend to people after we know all their faults. It is the bond of perfectness. It brings unity in our churches, peace in our communities, and harmony in our souls. Love helps us to esteem our neighbors as ourselves. It caused God to send His Son. It makes us more than conquerors. It works all the time; it never fails. It Is Not It is not the result of improving the natural character, for a man who does not have the Spirit may do that. It is not mere tender attachment as the dictionary defines love. It certainly is not "puppy love," for puppy love may lead you a dog's life. It is not the love that breaks an engagement and takes back the ring. It cannot be natural love that loves its own, or loves when it is loved. This love can't be confused with the love that a man has for his wife, for this love cannot cool off in a period of months or years. This is not the kind of love that lets your children go without punishment because you love them too much to correct them. It is the love of God; and whom the Lord loveth He chasteneth. This is the chastisement that "yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness" (Heb. 12 :11). Fruit will bring chastisement; chastisement brings fruit. Every branch that beareth fruit, He purgeth it that it may bring forth more fruit. This love does not preach Christ with contention; it does not turn tongues into "sounding brass." 8 ! , , 9 It is the charity of I Corinthians thirteen. It shows that we have eternal life and proves our Christianity. It is the end of the Law and the new commendment that Jesus gave. It helps you to be neither barren nor unfruitful. It surpasses the love of a brother. It worketh no evil, is not easily provoked, is not puffed up. Love operates faith, passeth all knowledge, is the breastplate of a Christian, casteth out fear, and is the greatest commandment. It knits our hearts together, compacts the joints of the body of Christ in order to cause them to work smoothly, presents us to the Lord without blame, and makes us rooted and grounded in Him. " .... because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us" (Rom. 5:5). JOY Joy, which is the fruit of the Spirit, is that living water that floods the soul at the new birth. It Is Not It is not natural joy that is obtained by natural Examples Paul yet loved Mark and was willing to carry him along even after he had once failed. Stephen prayed for his enemies in the face of death. Jesus said, "Forgive them, for they know not what they do." Love caused me to face brick bats, rocks, knives, and curses, and not fight back. I told my wife that I loved her better than I did my mother, but the love of God caused me to be willing to give up my wife if need be, to go hunt for souls whom I had never seen! Love for souls will go beyond the love of home, business, or kinsfolk. After I received the love of God I made friends with my enemies whom I had never intended to speak to • again. This love can't be quenched by fire, drowned by water, eaten by lions, stoned to death by men, or discouraged by action! "Now abideth faith, hope and charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity" (I Cor. 13:13). means. Natural joy does not last (Eccl. 7.6). It is not as the holiday brings joy, as the dictionary defines it. It is not gained by going for a joy ride. It is not fun, as the world has fun. It is not the evidence of the Baptism of the Holy Ghost. The disciples had "great joy" before they were baptized with the Holy Spirit. Philip's converts had "great joy" before they received the Holy Ghost. (Acts 8 :8.) It is not enjoying your work, which also is vanity. (Eccl. 2 :10-11.) This fruit of the Spirit is not the joy that says, "Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we may die." It is not ahe joy of a hypocrite "that is but for a moment." This joy cannot be substituted. , "But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God ... " (I Cor. 2: 14). What It Is It is always given by the Spirit of God and in no • other way. Each letter stands for something. Jesus first, others next, yourself last. Joy is something everyone wants, even those folk who do penitence for the sake of future joy. It causes us to sing . Joy is part of God Himself, for God is really a rejoicing God (Isa.65:19). Jesus rejoiced even at the grave of Lazarus. He had joy in the midst of His crucifixion (Jer. 12 :2). He sang just before He was put to death (Matt. 26 :30). 10 11 We may have joy and long suffering at the same time. We may have joy in all circumstances (Gal. 5 :22). We may have joy in the midst of sorrow (II Cor. 6 :10). Persecutions will cause our joy to increase. That proves whether or not we have the fruit of the Spirit. "Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the son of man's sake. Rejoice ye in that day, and leap for joy." We may have joy when our goods are confiscated (Heb. 10:23). We may have joy in the midst of temptations. "My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations." We may have joy in trials. This is a mystery, but it springs up within! "Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you. But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ's sufferings ... "If ye are reproached for the name of Christ happy are ye : for the Spirit of glory and of God resteth on you." The burden and work of a pastor should be with joy (Heb. 13: 17). We must rejoice evermore thanks. and in everything give It is a great mystery. of glory. It is joy unspeakable and full It remains when ecstasy and feelings are gone. This puzzles the young convert. It is powerful. " ... the joy of the Lord is our strength." A joyful person is a healthy person. It has the opposite effect of murmuring. We must let our request be made known with thanksgiving and not with mur• murmg. It helps us receive the answer from God. We need to make half our prayers praises. "Delight thyself also in the Lord; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart." " ... because God answereth him in the joy of his heart." "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine" (Prov. 17:22). A sinner cannot have it. It is the essence of that heavenly joy. It is a foretaste of heaven itself. It is His joy in us (John 15 :11). " ... that they may have my joy fulfilled in themselves." We may have the joy that Jesus had! It is to us like a lubrication to a car, oil to a motor, or sap to a vine. . "For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink ; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost .. " We cannot prove our Christianity to the the world If we do not have joy. If we eat like we are hungry we will cause others to be hungry. Joy is contagious! (I Cor. 7: 13) . It is the will of the Lord for us to shout aloud for joy' until the noise is heard afar off (Ezra 3 :12). It is a c~mmandment (Ps. 32 :11). Every pastor should encourage his saints to shout! (Ps. 150). "Let the saints shout for joy" (Ps. 132 :19). Like all fruit, joy must be cultivate to grow .. Joy loves God more than His blessings or HIS se~vice. It is never ·selfish. Delight thyself in the Lord Instead of in your denomination! Why do we have crop failures? Why do we have de? s t ruc ti IOns. Why do we have war? . Why do the beasts ~ . groan? Why is the vine dried up? Why is the ram withheld? ". . . even all the trees of the field are withered,:, because joy is withered away from the sons of men (Joel 1:12) . Examples Preacher Paul, in the Philippian 13 prison, lifted up a 12 Pentecostal palm toward paradise and put praises with his prayers. This preacher practiced what he preached! "In everything give thanks." "That I may finish my course with joy." Regardless of the condition of the churches Paul dared 'not come to them in heaviness, but with joy. Paul helped other people to have joy. That was his mission (I Cor. 1 :24). Hundreds of the early Christians even kissed the stake. They were glad for the privilege of being burned alive. "And they departed from the presence of the council, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for his name" (Acts 5 :41). There is joy in the presence of the angels when one sinner repents. Why shouldn't we rejoice? Zacchaeus came down and received the Lord joyfully. All converts have joy. That is the proof of conversion. We know the trees by their fruit. A good tree brings forth good fruit. All the plagues written in the Book, and all the plagues not written in the Book come on the people if they do not serve the Lord with joy. "Because thou serveth not the Lord thy God with joyfulness ... " (Deut. 28 :47). My greatest help has come when I remembered and obeyed the command, "In everything give thanks." I have seen demons, disease, and death driven away by by praises! As Jehoshaphat of old I have seen battles won as we marched toward the enemy saying "Praise the Lord!" My ears burned when someone talked about me before I was saved. Now the Spirit of glory and of God resteth upon me. Hard luck stories and graveyard tales did not bring me to the Lord, but when I saw people enjoying something I did not have I became so hungry that I came to the Lord. 14 "Rejoice in the Lord always; joice" (Phil. 4:4). and again I say, Re- PEACE Peace which is the fruit of the Spirit is a state of rest and calmness for your soul. t What It Is Not It is not peace as the world giveth peace. A sinner cannot have this fruit of the Spirit. It is not peace as the United Nations make. It is not written on paper, but on the tables of our heart ". . The antichrist will come in peaceably, but that IS not the kind of peace God gives (Dan. 11 :24). "When they say peace and safety then sudden destruction cometh." Jesus came the first time not to bring pea:e on the earth, but in our hearts. There will be no lastIng peace on the earth until the Prince of Peace comes. There is no peace to the wicked. If you are full of youthful lust you have no peace. "There is no peace, saith my God, to the wicked" (lsa. 57 :21). What It Is It causes the weary to rest. It is peace that passeth all understanding. , It is the peace of God, for that is one of God s names (Rom. 15:13). It is the peace of God imparted. " ... My peace I give unto you." • It is peace like a river. . h· It is rest from your labor, the kingdom of G_od~lt In , It is that quietness and confidence which lS our you. strength. . h L d It I Peace means that we are at one with ~ e ?r: IS godliness, which is great gain. It is Christ within. "For He is our peace." It is the wisdom of God from above (James 3 :17). 15 It rules out fear, worry, torment, and despair. It settles friction within our souls. This peace works. It keeps us calm in the storms. We may ha ve this peace while the world is at war! The source of this blessed fountain is in the atonement (Rom. 5 :1). It comes in when all strife leaves. This fruit of the Spirit helps us stay out of arguments, controversial subjects, or debates. If we have this fruit of the Spirit we will have unity in our churches, and where there is unity there is strength. A peaceful man is a strong man. "For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace." It helps us to know that all things work together for good to them that love the Lord. It is that peace which comes as we study the Bible. It is the only way we will ever see the Lord (Heb. 12:14). "Thou wilt keep him in perfect is stayed on thee." (lsa. 26:3). peace whose mind his enemies to be at peace with him." Paul was calm and still even before they started on on the voyage. Then during the storm, while others were afraid, he calmly led them to safety! We lose peace of mind when we give someone a piece of mind. During the storm Jesus rested his head on a pillow in peaceful sleep. "Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God which passeth all understanding shall keep your hearts through Jesus Christ." "Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee." "Great peace have they that love thy law: and nothing shall offend them." My Uncle prayer nearly sixty years, "Give us a happy and a peaceful hour to depart this life." Not long ago he went to a peaceful rest in Jesus. He did not suffer. "Mark the perfect man, and behold the upright: for the end of that man is peace" (Ps. 37: 37). Examples A martyr was being burned at a stake when an unbeliever put his hand to his heart and found it beating normally. He was not an unbeliever then! He learned what real peace was as he accepted Christ. One time as the storms of life surrounded my small boat, when doubts, fears and sin beat hard at my heart and mind, Jesus came to my rescue and said, "Peace be still." There was a great calm! The tempest ceased! The wind and the waves obeyed his command: It was the first time that I had ever experienced this peace! I went home singing! It seemed that we had a new home! The trees seemed to clap their hands for joy! The birds sang sweeter. I did not see the hypocrites then, for I was ahead of them! "When a man's ways please the Lord he maketh even LONGSUFFERING Longsuffering, which is the fruit divine strength to suffer long. It Is Not of the Spirit, is To suffer poverty is not the fruit of the Spirit, for many poor people do not have the Spirit of God. Longsuffering is not to suffer because we are buffeted for our faults. It is not to suffer fear, torment, despondency, or any kind of obsession or oppression. It is not to suffer as a murderer or an evil doer. It is not to suffer with a cancer, tumor, tuberculosis, polio, arthritis, or any other kind of sickness or disease. It is not to suffer persecution for being a backslider. 17 16 It canot be found in a sinner, for an evil tree cannot bring forth good fruit. It cannot be compared with the glory to follow. Longsuffering cannot be separated from joy and peace, for a Christian has joy in the midst of suffering. It is not suffering because your faults have overtaken you. "But let none of you suffer as a murderer, or as a thief, or as an evildoer, or as a husybody in other men's matters" (l Peter 4:15). "Put on therefore as the elect of God ... meekness longsuffering." , It is to suffer afflictions. Jesus suffered afflictions, but not sickness or disease (Isa. 53). "Be afflict~d and mourn" (James 4 :9). The Lord IS longsuffering; if he is in us we can suffer long. We all must suffer for the kingdom of God. "· ·d· why do ye not rather d ef rau ed?" (I Cor. 6:7). suffer yourselves to be What It Is It is to suffer for well doing (I Peter 2 :20). Examples J on~h despised the longsuffering of the Lord because God did not speedily destroy Nineveh . God was l~ngsuffering with the Jews for many years. The Lord IS longsuffering to usward. "Yhen Paul knew Jesus in the fellowship of His suffen~gs he also knew Him in the power of His resurrectI~n. Longsuffering brings power (Phil. 3 :10). It IS har~ to .have fruit without having power. In my lifetime I have noticed that suffering has brou~ht me power with God when shouting failed. It ~as Just after a long trial, temptation, test, persecution, or fast that I discovered that I had power with God that delivered others. It took power for me to overcome all these things, so I had power to help others. It was just after Jesus had gone through temptations th~t He had the power to open the prison doors and dehver the oppressed. Gethsemane and the cross precedes the power of the res urrection. It takes the furnace the gold to brighten ; it takes the nighttime to show the stars. It takes the storm clouds to show the rainbow and to bring forth beautiful flowers. Check the lives of Joseph, Moses, David, Peter, and all the. rest of God's servants. A big battle preceded each victory! It is that thing which makes your fruit mellow and ripe, It is to suffer for righteousness • sake, to suffer shame for His name. We Christians suffer persecutions, adversity, chastisement, temptations, and reproach. We suffer tribulations, defraud, misunderstanding, heartaches, distress, even sometimes unto bonds. This fruit causes us to suffer with another. We suffer with Jesus and with the follow members of His body. It is to weep with them that weep. "And whether one member suffer, all the members suffer with it." When one of the members of your body is hurt it affects the whole body. Longsuffering is a pattern for all Christians. It helps us to be patient. "In your patience possess ye your souls." Without long suffering we are not worthy of our calling (Eph. 4 :2). It proves that we are ministers of God (II Cor. 6.6). It is a commandment. "Reprove, rebuke, with all longsuffering and doctrine." If we suffer with him we shall also reign with him. L€t's cultivate this fruit! 18 19 The Captain of our salvation was made through suffering. Anyone who has love has longsuffering. "Love suffereth long." perfect "But the God of all grace, who hath called us into his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered awhile, make you perfect, establish, strengthen, settle you" (I Peter 5: 10). GENTLENESS Gentleness, which is the fruit of the Spirit, is God in us, for God is gentle. It is to be tame, mild, kind, friendly, teachable, and calm. It Is Not It does not mean that we are a "rubber stamp," to sanction everything that is done. It does not mean that we have no back bone. It does not mean that we must put our approval on everything in order to get along with people; or to compromise with sin in order to keep friends. It must not be confused with weakness. It cannot mean that we must use some smooth trick of psychology, or that we are a smart crook. It does not mean that we are "anyone's dog who will hunt with us." It does not condone sin in order to save rebuke. No sinner can have this fruit of the Spirit, since sinners do not have the Spirit of God. "If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth branch, and is withered ... " (John 15:6). as a your enemies. It is one of the greatest qualities of grace bestowed upon a human being. It is the only true greatness. " ... thy gentleness hath made me great" (II Sam. 22:36). It helps one to be a real gentleman or a real lady. It helps a pastor to do work of a very delicate nature. It helps him not to rebuke a babe in Christ for misuse of a gift. It helps us not to do needless injury to other members of the body. It is needed by all who operate spiritual gifts. It helps us care for new born babes, to give them the "sincere milk of the word." It helps us to demonstrate the gifts of the Spirit in the right way, so they will not offend those with the true fruit of the Spirit. It makes us an expert in dealing with the lost , sick , diseased and weak. It makes us very skillful in using the hammer of God's great Word, and in winning souls. We may have the gentleness of Christ. "A bruised reed shall he not break, and a smoking flax shall he not quench ... " (Matt. 12 :20). Examples I saw a great, strong man gently take hold of a delicate lady's arm. I saw a robust father gently take a tiny baby in his large arms. Recently I watched a rough looking man. He was an artist who weighed about two hundred pounds. He retouched a beautiful picture with a gentle stroke of a small brush. Not long ago I watched a four-motor, powerful aeroplane gently land a crew of forty-six men. I saw a large cat, with very sharp teeth, gently carry her baby in her mouth. I saw a wise pastor, who was strong in the Lord, gently guide an assembly of a thousand people past a crucial hour. What It Is It is that grace of God that helps to not do rash things. It is to have a Spirit like Christ, or to do things as He would. It is the Spirit of Christ within us. It is to be patient and kind to the unkind and the unlovely. It is to do good to them that hate you; to love 20 • 21 I saw a large steam boat gently come up the docks. Oh, if we only had a leader to manage our meetings just like that! I saw a gentle horse in a barnyard. The children could walk under him and even rub his legs. They were not afraid. Then I saw a wild bronco. He would bite, kick, and stamp all the children who got around him. I then wondered, "What kind of religion do we have? Do we have gentle religion, or do we have a wild bronco religion?" All of us by nature are like a wild ass's colt. We all need to be broken to work for God. We need the Spirit of God. We need our nature changed. Many times God has helped me to stay gentle while others exploded! Although Paul could rebuke sharply, he was very gentle in dealing with converts in the church. Peter was rough and strong, but he tenderly dealt with Dorcas. David was willing to deal gently with the young man Absolam, although he had supernatural power to kill a giant. If that is not our nature we certainly need to change our nature so we can use the almighty power of God, that is even more powerful than the atom bomb, so we can gently deal with the weakest one of God's children. "... that by these we might be partakers divine nature ... " (II Peter 1:4). of the It is not to be good as we hear the word used daily, as "a good horse," a good dog," or "a good house." Since these things do not have the Spirit they cannot have the fruit of the Spirit. It does not mean one that has a good personality, or one who is a good conversationalist. One who runs a charitable institution does not always have this fruit. It cannot be possessed by an unregenerated man or woman. One who has lost God's power and presence does not have this fruit. After the salt has lost its savor it is good for nothing. It is not found in the group, of which it is said, "There is none good, no not one" (Rom. 2: 12-18). Man in his natural state does not have the Fruit of the Spirit, though good he may seem (Eccl. 7 :20). "Neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit." Goodness, which is the fruit of the Spirit, does not make you "good for nothing." " ... all of our righteousnesses (Isa.64:6). a re as filthy rags . . ." What It Is GOODNESS Goodness, which is the fruit of the Spirit, is to be good, as God is good. It is to have part of God in us. It is the opposite of evil. It Is Not , It is not that trait which a person possesses makes people call him a "goody good" person. It is certainly not to be sickly sanctimonious. It cannot be hidden. 22 which i It is to be good for something. It is to be true, sound, and spiritually robust; to be good within, at all times. It is to produce good works, which man may see and value, and yet have the right motive behind them. " ... that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven." The absence of this fruit proves all mere professors to be hypocrites. This fruit helps us to be practical. "A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth good things." If we are full of the Spirit we are certainly full of goodness. We may become more like God by working with God. 23 Goodness is the reward of many who may not have any apparent gifts. Jesus went about doing good; He set us an example that we may follow His steps. This fruit will help us to give a good report and listen to only the good news. It causes us to produce works that bring us a reward. "And shall come forth: they that have done good to the resurrection of life; and they that have done evil unto the resurrection of damnation" (John 5 :29). also prove that many people want to justify life, by saying no one is good. " ... he that doeth righteousness as he is righteous" (l John 3:7). their sinful even is righteous, FAITH ,' f Faith, which is the fruit of the Spirit, is to be faithful, It is to be loyal, trustworthy, accurate, dependable, and devoted. It is to live as not to destroy the other person's faith in you. Examples We remember Dorcas, not because of her spiritual gifts, special singing or powerful preaching, but because of her goodness. Some read, "There is none good but one and that is God!" They say that no one can live right. If we are dead, our lives are hid with Christ in God, then it is no more us, but Christ that dwells in us. If we are full of God, then we are full of good, for God is good. According to some folk's thinking Jesus was no good. The Word of God declares that He is the Good Shepherd. The Bible declared there were good men: "A good man sheweth favor and lendeth." "A good man obtaineth favor of the Lord." "The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord." "Well done thou good and faithful servant." "A lover of good men." "Despisers of those that are good." "N ot only to the good." "He is a good man." "A good man leaveth an inheritance." "And he was a good men and just." "And Joseph was a goodly person." "For he was a good man and full of the Holy Ghost." All the above phrases, and many more, are found in the Bible. They prove that one can have the fruit of the Spirit here in this life and live a good life. They 24 It Is Not It is not faith that is one of the gifts of the Spirit. You can find this gift explained in my book "Spiritual Gifts." Faith, the gift, is God's part toward us; faith, which is the fruit, is our part toward God. This is not exactly a saving faith, for this fruit is produced by those who are already Christians. It cannot be natural traits or talents which natural man may have. Many of them work for a reward here, but faith, the fruit, is faithful when no one knows. It is, not being faithful to a creed, doctrine, church, organization, lodge, union, relative or tradition. It is not found in any sinner. ". '.' the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine .. ." (John 15:1). What It Is It is not merely for our ability, power, talents, education or gifts that we receive our reward. Our reward will be given for diligent service. Faithfulness grows like the other fruit of the Spirit, and should be cultivated. If we are faithful to God and His work in the small things we will also be faithful in the larger things. If we are not faithful with ten cents we would not be faithful with one million dollars. "He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful 25 also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much." Therefore, if we are unfaithful we are unjust. If we willfully steal time we would steal money if we had the chance. Only those folk who have this fruit of faithfulness will enter heaven. " ... and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful." Jesus is the one who is true and faithful. All Christians have in them the divine nature of Christ. It will be wonderful when this fruit is ripe, mellow, and is harvested. "Be thou faithful unto death and I will give thee a crown of life." This fruit of the Spirit will cause us to be trustworthy in keeping secrets and to not betray the confidence of others. " ... but he that is of a faithful spirit concealeth the matter." It is trustworthiness, loyal, steadfastness and fidelity. Faith, the fruit, helps us to not stop until we receive the spiritual gifts. Be faithful and you will receive the gift of faith. "For therein the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith." It means for us to have faith, or confidence in God and man. Nations, states, counties, cities and churches are held together by a group of homes. The home is held together only by faithfulness. It helps us to keep our promises to God and man. It also means courage, or self confidence. We must believe that we can do what God says we can do. Without a certain amount of courage we cannot as much as put on our shoes in the morning, not to speak of going to our jobs. It helps a minister keep his preaching engagements. It helps a man to keep his marriage vows. It helps I r the wife to be faithful to her husband. God is faithful. The more of God we have the more faithful we are. It helps us all to keep our word and to pay our grocery bill. If we have the Spirit we have the fruit of the Spirit. "If any man have not the Spirit of Christ he is none of his." This faithfulness will help us to not shun to declare the whole counsel of God. A man who is faithful will swear to his own hurt and change not. You can trust him to tell the truth when under pressure. "A faithful witness will not lie." It is for this fruit of faithfulness that we receive our eternal reward. " ... thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of the Lord" (Matt. 25 :21). Examples Moses was faithful during the forty years he was in the desert. So God trusted him with larger things. Because David was faithful in slaying the lion and the bear God trusted him in slaying the giant. After God saw he was faithful in the many years of exile He knew he could be trusted on the throne. " ... and who is so faithful among all thy servants as aVl David ... " This fruit will help people to be faithful in giving offerings. Some can even be faithful in counting the money and being a treasurer. " ... for they were counted faithful and their office was to distribute to their brethren." Daniel was faithful in praying three times each day "beforehand." That is why he could be trusted in the lion's den. 26 27 " ... forasmuch as he was faithful, neither was there any error or fault found in him." A preacher was said to have asked a man what he said in his sermon that caused him to be saved. "It was not a thing you said," answered the man, "but a woman's action caused me to give my heart to God; every Wednesday night, regardless of the weather, I saw her on her way to midweek prayer meeting. I knew she had something I did not have." We wouldn't think of letting anyone become a deacon unless he, his wife, and family are absolutely faithful in all things. If they are not faithful in their own house how can they be faithful in God's house. If his wife and children are not faithful in regular church attendance he will not be a good example to others. "Even so must their wives be grave, not slanderers, sober, faithful in all things." We must not put elders over any church unless their children are partakers of this fruit. "If any be blameless, the husband of one wife having faithful children ... " (Titus 1:6). ' One does not have to live in an old house, drive an old car, or wear patched clothes in order to be meek. It does not mean that we must throwaway our tooth brush, razor, comb and necktie. It does not mean that we must go by the customs people used one hundred years ago. True meekness cannot be found in people who do not have the Spirit of God. "Can a fig tree, my brethren, (James 3:12). bear olive berries? ... " What It Is Most of the time men become proud when they think they have wisdom, but true wisdom has with it meekness. This is the difference in a true Christian and a mere professor. " ... let him show out of a good conversation his works with meekness and wisdom." Meekness indicates a ripeness of character in Christ. It gives us a victory worth more than all our success. There are many people today who have artificial beauty, but a beautiful person does not have to try to be beautiful; he is already beautiful. Of course, some almost have to try to make themselves pretty. A person full of the Spirit is always pretty. " ... he will beautify the meek with salvation." "Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning ... but let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a MEEK and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God a great price." God can direct a meek man, but it is very hard for a proud person to receive grace and guidance. "The meek will he guide ill judgment: and the meek will he teach his way." We are living in a day when it looks as if the proud dictators are going to take over this world. Sometimes it looks as if the humble people will get thrown out and be persecuted. But really the meek men will come out MEEKNESS Meekness, which is the fruit of the Spirit, is that supernatural something that makes one mild kind, patient, submissive and not easily provoked. ' It Is Not It is not used in the Bible as being "tamely submis- sive and serville." Meekness is not to be confused with weakness. It is not exactly gentleness; for gentleness is active while meekness is passive. "Gentle" is a verb while "meek" is an adjective. A meek spirit causes ones actions to become gentle. We feel meek but act gentle. Meekness is not to be laughed at or mocked. It is not to be looked down upon or pitied. Meekness is not to be backward, bashful, or lazy. It does not mean you have an inferiority complex. 28 29 winner in the long run. "Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth." There is no true rest in this world today for our souls, unless we come to Him who is meek and lowly in heart. Meekness is the only true Spirit of Christ. With this weapon we can win the troublemakers back to the •church. When they return, meekness will help us not to remind them of their mistakes. "... restore such a one in the spirit of meekness." We must use discipline with meekness. In arguments and debates we are sure to win with this weapon. People will not only see the truth but they will feel our spirit. "... be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear." Meekness helps us to be good listeners as well as good speakers. If there be no listeners we will need no speakers. " ... and receive with meekness the engrafted word, which is able to save your souls" (James 1:21). rebuked the proud Pharisees and spoke with authority, yet He was "led as a lamb to the slaughter." When I was a boy and went to school there were some strong boys who would push their way into the line, as we would march into the house. We had to stand back, but when the teacher saw them, they had to hang their head and go to the end of the line. In this life there are some "pushers" who seem to have their way right at present. Some of them seem to gain for awhile, but very often they are dealt with by the Lord. All of them will be dealt with some day. We will then have what rightfully belongs to us. All "pushers" must hang their heads and go to the foot of the line. "Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit earth" (Matt. 5:5). the TEMPERANCE Temperance, which is the fruit of the Spirit, is self control, which covers the whole range of human appetite, whether physical, mental, or spiritual. It Is Not It does not mean that you can drink a little whiskey, Examples When Moses was criticized by his own people he fell on his face and carried it all to God, instead of using his authority. He was one of the meekest men on earth. He was one of the greatest leaders in history. He could rebuke; he could be stern; yet he was meek. "Now the man Moses was very meek, above all the men which were on the face of the earth." This did not say below all the other men; it said "above." Stephen in the face of an angry mob rebuked the unbelievers; yet when he was stoned to death unjustly he said, "Lord, lay not this sin to their charge." Jesus drove the money changers out of the temple, 30 beer , wine or other strong drinks, any more. than it means that you can just kill a few people, or Just commit adultery moderately. It does not mean that you may moderately partake of a bad habit. It does not condone sin in the least form. The Holy Spirit will not lead a man into sin. Temperance is the fruit of the Spirit. Temperance, which is the friuit of the Spirit, is not found in all "temperance clubs." It does not mean that a man controls himself by natural means or methods. It is not possessed by those who have a seared conscience or a constitution that is broken down. It does not mean that one makes a New Year's resolution, "swears off" or turns over a new leaf. 31 " ... against such there is no law" (Gal. 5 :23). What It Is It is the Spirit of God in you, helping you to control yourself. It helps you not to love pleasures more than you do God. There are many legitimate pleasures, but the danger is in being "lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God." It helps you not to go to the extreme with good habits, such as eating, talking, playing, working, studying or dressing. It is a sure mark of growth in grace and an important Christian virtue. It is a result of the help and grace of God. It is given to people who have little strength to control themselves; it is needed by people who have strong natural powers. It helps you to be a total abstainer from sinful habits and to be moderate in good habits. It marks us a Christian athlete for Jesus. It helps us to abstain from fleshly lusts which war against the soul. It closes the door to demon possession and oppres• sion, It furnishes us a balance in work and play. It helps our bodies to be our servants instead of our masters. It helps us to never do anything that causes a weak brother to offend, to not let sin reign in our mortal bodies. It can never be replaced by spiritual gifts, even strong they may be. Temperance in eating between fasts, and just before church, is just as important as fasting. Temperance will help us to bridle our tongues. It will help us not give way to popular applause. It will help us not to run a service completely on tongues. Temperance will help us not to always express our feeling. It makes our inward strength greater than our outward strength. It is His strength within us, helping us to do that which we cannot do ourselves. It is the divine nature of Christ within. It is the strength that controls our strength. "And everyone that st.riveth for the mastery temperate in all things .. .' (I Cor. 10:25). is Examples Daniel through temperance controlled his appetite. He only ate the meat that was good for him. "And at the end of ten days their countenances appeared fairer and fatter in flesh than all the children which ate the portion of the king's meat." Sampson was using temperance when he vowed to eat only certain things. Demons would not obey the Apostles who would not fast. "This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and fasting." Many people who are shocked at the use of tobacco are not temperate in telling jokes. Some are quick to fly into a rage, while others have a sullen temper. A blacksmith read that we must be temperate in all things. He explained it like this: "If the plow is too soft I put it in the water; if it is too hard I put it in the fire. I put it on the anvil and cut it into shape. I put it from the fire to the water until it has the right temper. Then it won't break or bend. It will have the right. temper to do work in all kinds of ground and all kind of weather." We go through fiery trials. We enjoy the water of life when we receive a big blessing. If we are too soft God puts us into the water. If we are too ha:.. he puts d us into the fire. We are cut Into shape on the anvil. When we have the right temper we can be used in all 32 33 kinds of circumstances; regardless of the weather we will be faithful. We won't bend or break. If we refuse to be tempered, like the plow, we are thrown into the junk pile. "Every branch in me that taketh away" (John 15:2). .. .----.--\'1 - " CHAPTER III beareth not fruit, he FRUITS OF THE FLESH The fruit of the flesh is the product of the carnal, unregenerate state of man before conversion. 1 . ; ", . ." ..-,,"_." . .. It Is Not :, LORD TEACH I;S TO PRAY THE MAN WHOSE "'liMBER SINS IS b66 wmrn ARE UNPARDONABI.E LET GOD ALONE GOO'S urn,E Fl'lGER NOW ADmITH FAITH I, -,' W. V. Grant I I $1.00 ...--_--_. -. --:---~~~~ $1.00 It is not to be looked on lightly, with the least degree of allowance. It is not to be justified, or be allowed to go unconfessed. It must not be allowed to stay in our life, for no one can make heaven with the fruit of the flesh. It is not found in an obedient, born again child of God. "Knowing this that our old man is crucified with Him, that the old body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin. For he that is dead is freed from sin." The fruit of the flesh is not found in a man who is producing fruit of the Spirit. "A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit." The flesh nature cannot be alive in our life at the same time we are living for God. A house divided against itself cannot stand. No man can serve two masters. "And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts" (Gal. 5 :24). What It Is IN THE .. -"if'o , ,-rtf' \ • '\ , 20tl! • 11 , , , " 50 Cents The fruit of the flesh is what you have in your life when the old man, or the carnal, sinful, unregenerate nature is alive . It is to be looked upon as an enemy. It is to be killed out in our life. You must look upon the fruit of the -'~"'--'" 11.00 35 flesh as you would look on a rattle snake in the crib with your baby. It must be looked upon as you would look on a mad dog in the house with your children, as a murderer trying to kill your wife. Think of this enemy as you would a wild beast, a cancer; or tuberculosis that has come to eat away your life! The carnal, sinful desire of the old man which is the fruit of the flesh, produces certain works. 1. Adultery is the work of the flesh: This is the act of breaking the marriage vow. Adultry, as all other sins, may be committed in the heart, even before the action is carried out (Matt. 5 :28). The minute one becomes willing in his heart to do something, it is a sin before he has a chance to do it. 2. Fornication is the work of the flesh: This is unla wful sex relations. 3. Uncleanness is the work of the flesh: When this arises in the heart it makes a man crave unclean habits of the flesh and spirit. 4. Hatred is the work of the flesh: This is an extreme abhorrence or dislike for people. . Other works of the flesh are as follows: 5. Lasciviousness, which is to be lewd and lustful. 6. Idolatry means the worship of idols or the extre~e admiration of any person or thing. Covetousness IS idolatry. Stubborness is as idolatry." 7. Witchcraft, which means to deal with evil spirits, sorcery or magic. This would include palm reading, witch boards, or any form of fortune telling. "Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft" (I Sam. 15 :23) . 8. Variance is to be at discord with all the rest. To sow discord among the brethren is an abomination. 9. Emulation, which means to be at rivarly with each other. 10. Wrath, which means a deep indignation, or rage. 11. Strife, which means to have conflct or hostilities. 12. Seditions, the stirring up of discontent; resist- ance of lawful authority. 13. Heresies, to have a contrary doctrine to the truth. 14. Envyings, ill will felt because of the excellence of another. 15. Murderers, to deliberately kill a human being. One-fourth of all mothers in America are murderers, who murder unborn babes. If you hate your brother you are a murderer. 16. Drunkenness, to be intoxicated. Many are drunken on strong drink. Others are drunken on the cares of this world. The Bible speaks more about worldiness, which is the cares of this world, than it does on worldiness, which is the way we look and dress. 17. Revellings, uproarings, festivities, etc. 18. And such like: This means anything else that is prompted by the flesh, or sinful nature of man. The people who do these things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. Paul was talking to Christian people (Gal. 1: 5). This means just anyone who does these things, whether they be Jew, Gentile, bond, or free; whether they are sinners who have never been saved, or sinners after they have been saved. " ... they which rio such things kingdom of God" (Gal. 5:1.7-21). shall not inherit the Examples SOME .THINK THAT MANIFESTATIONS DENOTES FRUIT. Some folk who have quit bearing fruit, and are almost ready to be taken away, may get under the power that someone else has prayed down, and have some kind of manifestations. That does not prove that they have fruit. Some folk say, "That is my preacher, because he jumped four feet high. He plays a guitar and sings beautifully." Yes, but does he bear fruits? What kind of fruits does he bear'? Does he manufacture strife or unity? Peace or hatred? Gentleness or variance? Goodness or 37 36 covetousness? Longsufiering or rebellion? Temperance or resistance? Does he have wrath and strife or the love of God? You will know them by their fruit, not manifestations. When the wind blows through the forest every tree there will have manifestations, even the fruitless ones that are ready to die. " ... every tree which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down and cast into the fire." After Saul had quit bearing fruit he preached, but he was not the one who prayed down the power. David played it down. Just because a man gets under the power that you pray down, and feels it, does not prove that his life is bearing fruit. A sinner can feel the power of God when he comes close to it. When Jesus comes He will be looking for fruit. -"Lord, let it alone this year also,till I shall dig about it, and dung it: And if it bear fruit, well: and if not, then after that thou shall cut it down." Many pastors pray for their fruitless members. God answers prayer and gives the members one more chance, but if they bear no fruit they shall be taken away. "Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away ... " (John 15:2). It was found that the minister had been taught and trained in the Spirit for sixty years, but he had never been baptized with the Holy Spirit. He had matured fruit, but no gifts whatsoever! It was because he had not yet heard whether there be a Holy Ghost Baptism. His neighbors had only been saved the week before. They had come out of the gutters of sin. They had not yet been taught and trained in the Spirit as the old minister. Within a few months their fruits also began to grow, and came into a mature state, even faster than the minister's, who did not have the Baptism of the Holy Spirit. It takes good ground and time to produce fruit. It is not given by the laying on of hands. " ... and brought forth fruit, some an hundred fold, some sixty fold, some thirty fold" (Matt. 13 :8). SOME SEEM TO THINK THEY CAN HAVE SPIRITUAL FRUIT AND FIGHT SPIRITUAL GIFTS. If we say that we love Him and do not keep His com- SOME DON'T UNDERSTAND HOW PEOPLE WiTH SEEMINGLY NO FRUIT CAN MANIFEST SPIRITUAL GIFTS OR HAVE TRUE MANIFESTATIONS. It takes a while to produce fruit. Some people just after they are saved may have green fruit. A man may be saved, filled with the Spirit, and have a gift manifested through him the same night, but it will take some time for him to produce fruit. An old minister who had been preaching for about sixty years wondered why his neighbors, who manifested gifts, did not have ripe fruit. 38 mandments we are a liar and the truth is not in us. "Follow after charity and desire spiritual gifts." If we cease to walk in all the light we walk in sin (I John 1 :7). You may have artificial fruit with no Holy Spirit, but you don't have spiritual fruit. There are nine spiritual gifts and nine spiritual fruits. God wants us to be balanced, and not go on extreme, or be a half baked cake. Since it takes the Spirit to produce both gifts and fruit we should be willing for the Spirit to have His perfect way in our lives. If we let the Spirit have His way in our lives, the more fruit we have, the more gifts we will have, and the more gifts we have the more fruit we will have. Some say, "I want the fruit, but I don't want the gifts." Others say, "I want the gifts, but I care nothing about the fruit." The Holy Spirit is still sovereign. , 39 Let Him work out what He will in our lives. for us to give Him orders. It is not He expected enough. fruit before baptism. Confession was not " ... 'Walk in the Spirit and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh" (Gal. 5:]6). "0 generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come? Bring forth therefore fruits meet for repentance." They had to show they had the fruit before they joined his church. If they did not have the fruit he called them a generation of snakes. He demanded that they quit their sins before they were baptized. " Exact no more than that which is appointed. you Do violence to no man, neither accuse any falsely; and be content with your wages." He knew that a good tree cannot bring forth corrupt fruit. He did not need to judge them; he knew them by their fruits. We know them by their fruits. Therefore, we have no excuse for taking in members who lie, steal, and commit adultery. They are to .bring forth fruit meet for repentance. Their fruit had to prove that they had repented. Repentance means that we are sorry enough to quit • sms. A man on the wrong road may be sorry that he is on the wrong road. He may be sorry. He may confess. He may cry, but he has not repented until he gets up and gets on the right road! 'Judas was sorry for his actions, but he did not change his life. Esau was sorry for his actions. He cried, but did not repent. Jesus preached repentance. John the Baptist preached repentance. The seventy was commanded to preach that men should repent. The twelve preached repent .. ance. Paul preached repentance. "And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in his name among all nations ... " Every God-called preacher preaches repentance. "Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you ... " If you keep sinning you have not repented. SOME TELL THE PEOPLE TO JUST BELIEVE AND JOIN A CHURCH AND THEY WILL BE SAVED. Simon the sorcerer believed and was baptized, but when Peter came down and discerned that his heart was not right in the sight of God he said, "Pray for me" (Acts 8 :24). That proved two things: First: Baptism alone does not save sinners. It does not put away the fruit of the flesh (I Peter 3 :21). Second: You must have heart faith instead of head faith in order to be saved. "For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness ... " Unless you have a change of heart you are not saved. When you have a change of heart the desire for sin will be gone, for every sin comes from the heart. " ... whatsoever thing from without entereth into the man, it cannot defile him; because it entereth not into the heart .... For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, laciviousness, and evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness: All these things come within and defile the man." Many people are taken into a church because they believe with their mind that Jesus is the Son of God. They only believe from a historical standpoint, as they believe George Washington was the first president. These people have no more salvation than the devil, for the devils believed and trembled. They got further along than some people. The devils confessed that Jesus was the Son of God" (Mark 5:7; James 2 :19). We need more preachers like John the Baptist. He refused to baptize the people unless they first repented. 40 41 " ... except (Luke 13:3). ve repent ye shall all likewise perish" SOME PEOPLE TRY TO SUBSTITUTE NATURAL TALENTS, ETHICS, PRINCIPLES PSYCHOLOGY, OR CULTURE FOR FRUITS. We cannot produce the fruit of the Spirit without the Spirit. A school teacher, doctor, lawyer, merchant, or salesman, who has never been saved may be friendly and kind. It is not the true fruit of the Spirit if they do not have the Spirit. That is as much fruit as many ministers and members have. You may have works without the fruit, but if you have the fruit you will work. The more of the Holy Spirit we have the more fruits of the Spirit we have. "Be filled with the Spirit." Many people have artificial fruit. In speaking of His people the Lord said they brought forth wild grapes. They looked like real grapes, but they were wild. That denotes the fruit of the flesh. We are all born by nature as a wild ass' colt. We need to be reborn. By nature everyone is sinful. " ... and he looked that it should bring forth grapes, and it brought forth wild grapes." These people may fool part of the people part of the time, but they can't fool all the people all the time. They may be a member of a "meeting house," but if they do not have the real fruit they will not hide their real nature very long. "For their vine is of the vine of Sodom, and of the fields of Gomorrah: their grapes are grapes of gall, their clusters are bitter: their vine is the poison of d ragons ... " People who try to put on spiritual fruit without the Spirit are like a Christmas tree, loaded down with artificial fruit. It looks like real fruit, but when you ex- amine it you see there is no life in the tree. The fruit it not real. On that Christmas tree you also notice there are man made gifts. They won't last long. Gifts won't stay long after the tree dies and is gone. There only remains man made efforts! "Every tree that bringeth not forth fruit is hewn down and cast into the fire" (Matt. 7:19). SOME TEACH THAT PAUL WAS CARNAL SOLD UNDER SIN. Paul said to be carnally minded is death. In the seventh chapter of Romans we see that Paul was telling his condition as he was under the law. The following was his state before Jesus Christ came on the inside: "But I am carnal, sold under sin." "Sin that dwelleth in me." "I know that in me (that is in my flesh) dwelleth no good thing." "Bringing me into captivity to the law of sin, which is in my members." "For when we were in the flesh, the motions of sins, which .were by the law, did work in our members to bring forth fruit unto death." He shows plainly that if we are dead to the carnal law we bring forth spiritual fruit; if we are alive to the carnal law we bring forth fruits of the flesh (Rom. 7: 45) . " ... do men gather grapes of thorns or figs of thistles ? . . . A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit." "Either make the tree good, and his fruit good; or else make the tree corrupt, and his fruit corrupt." Look how differently it was after Paul was delivered from "the body of this death." Here it is: "Who walk not after the law but after the Spirit." "So they that are in the flesh cannot please God." "We are not in the flesh but in the Spirit." 43 42 "For if ye live after the flesh ye shall die : but if ye through the Spirit mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live." "But if we be led by the Spirit we are not under the law." "Walk in the Spirit and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh." "Knowing this that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin. For he that is dead is freed from sin." "N either yield ye your members as instruments of unrighteousness unto sin: but yield yourselves unto God, as those that are alive from the dead, and your members as instruments of righteousness unto God." Most folk need to stop living in the seventh chapter of Romans and start living in the eighth chapter, where they will have "no condemnation." "For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death." "For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace"(Rom. 8 :6). We absolutely have to put off the old man before we can 'put on the new man. " ... seeing that ye have put off the old man with his deeds; and have put on the new man ... " (Col. 3:9-10). SOME TEACH THAT CHRISTIANS MAY COMMIT ALL KINDS OF SINS AND STAY IN A SAVED STATE. Paul, in writing to his members said, "He that doeth these things shall not inherit the kingdom of God." In the same chapter Paul said, "Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage." Heaven will not be populated with whoremongers, adulterers, drunkards, fornicators, and thieves. "A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit." You may confess one thing and live another, but we know you by yout fruits. " ... Be not deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters; nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God." If you lie you are a liar; if you steal you are a thief; if you kill you are a murderer; if you drink you are a drunkard: if you sin you are a sinner. " ... What fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness; and what concord hath Christ with Belial ?" No tree can bear two kinds of fruit at once. When we were saved we put off the fruit of the flesh. "Putting off the. body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ." "For he that soweth to the flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption: but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting." "For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the' Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live." "But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwells in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ he is none of his." We cannot be in and out of Christ each day. We must abide in Christ if we want His virtue and life to flow through us and keep us alive. as a branch, and is withered: and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned" (John 15:6). "If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth SOME TEACH THAT THERE ARE TWO PARTS ABOUT A MAN, THE OLD MAN AND THE NEW MAN. I have heard some of the best Bible sermons on living right; then the speaker would say, "I was talking about the new man; the old man must sin every day." . They read that Paul said he died daily, and conclude that the old man resurrected in his life every day. They . 44 45 say that Paul would kill. the old man after he committed all these sins which are the fruits of the flesh. But that would violate scores of other Scriptures. Any honest seeker after the truth will see by the context that Paul was talking about his natural body gradually dying every day. He was speaking about the resurrection of the dead, and followed the statement with, "If after the manner of men I have fought with beasts" (l Cor. 15 :32). You cannot find that Paul taught that the old man, or the sinful nature, resurrected every day. " ... for sin condemned sin in the flesh: That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit." Paul plainly taught that the man is to be dead and mortified. That does not sound like he came alive each day. "But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ and make not provisions for the flesh." "They that are Christ's have crucified the flesh and the affections thereof." Jesus taught that every sin that we commit creates at the heart. " ... whatsoever thing from without entereth into the man, it cannot defile the man: because it entereth not into the heart .... For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries fornications, murders, thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, laciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness. All these things come from within and defile the men." This shows that EVERY SIN that a man commits comes from the heart. A man is first willing in his heart before he commits sin. The old body does not sin without the consent of the heart. " ... Every sin that a man doeth is without the body." During the old Bible days men could sin through ignorance, because the law was written on tables of stone. Today it is impossible to sin and not know it, because the law is written upon our hearts. "He that knoweth to do good and doeth it not to him it is sin." If your heart were cut out you would be through • • smmng. After your heart has stopped beating, you are through sinning. The story goes that a preacher was brought before the judge for stealing chickens. He said, "That was the old man that stole the chickens. My new man is living right." "We will lock your old man up thirty days," said the judge, "and let the new man go home." "Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; BEHOLD, ALL THINGS are become new." There are three parts about a man: That old man, the new man , and the human. The human only keeps company with one at a time. When you get the old man killed out, the new man is alive, which keeps company with the human. If you let the new man die the old man comes alive and keeps company with the human. . "But if we be led by the Spirit we are no~ under the law." " ... Walk in the Spirit and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh" (Gal. 5:16). ". . . trees whose fruit withereth, without fruit, twice dead, plucked up by the' roots" (Jude 12). Two Classes of People I have only written to two who have the fruit of the flesh fruit of the Spirit. Noone has both. If you are one who has the fruitful to God. Let Him purge forth more fruit. classes of people, those and those who have the fruit of the Spirit, stay you that you may bring 46 47 BOOKS BY REV. W. V. GRANT Let no one deceive you into thinking that you can bear both evil and good fruit. "Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord." "For a good tree bringeth not forth corrupt fruit; neither doth a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit." If you are one who yields the fruit of the flesh, remember you are a corrupt tree. Remember that all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. "If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in .us." "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from ALL UNRIGHTEOUSNESS" (I John 1:9). WI NOO\ ..... S !N THE CRUSAL"'t::: THE WORD , W"Ar .. ,f J ,,1'1 1<' !b,. hm" il'v.. lh .. (.~jIj j> ~ ,,;,> ) i II omli. I'Idl.1 veil f<H OQ 0 <> n,> LJ, ,{·,d It 11'/'11 1',,1>," GC~ t ... 00 '" HH (U,;<'( :'I"", U.flJ I,> f ,,t,d: i .,u, I ),,~, .. .., .' ktll 1011 ~= 10V :0 k ... f. 't"'l )lonUN(J ftA. {) ;!c:' ,,_ ::ui,' , -¥i :-_ ,~,:> :,.-",:., ..,"-, ,. • • ,• -~ i"' '. t '. , . '( , '_ .. _ :,'. THE .' . !'tlmn _. ~~->\I.1l I " " 'l&8f JIIll TI£ U. IS lUI •••• ¥00! ~"' •• ''''' ~""u,'"" SH.'.( .q tt ." 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