BIRMINGHAM BYZANTINE ANDOTTOMAN MONOGRAPHS About the series: Birmingham Byzantine and Ottoman Monographs is a new series of studies devoted to all aspects of the history, culture and archaeology of the Byzantine and Ottoman worlds of the East Mediterranean region from the fifth to the twentieth century. It aims to provide a forum for the publication of work carried out by scholars while at the Centre for Byzantine, Ottoman and Modem Greek Studies at the University of Birmingham, or who are connected with the Centre and its research programmes. About the volume: This volume combines a catalogue of the early churches of Cilicia and Isauria (southern Asia Minor) with an analysis of their significance for the general development of ecclesiastical architecture during the fourth to sixth centuries. Although not wealthy, the region has a dense concentration of surviving churches from the late fifth century, and particularly from the reign of the [saurian emperor Zeno (474-91). In the absence of late fifth century monuments in Constantinople, these churches in Cilicia and Isauria serve as indicators for building patterns which were developing in the critical decades before the great `Domed Basilicas' were built in Constantinople in the first half of the sixth century. Cilician and Isaurian basilicas include transepts, ambulatories and various subsidiary chambers and passages, and it is argued that such modifications to the basic basilica] plan helped in the evolution of the basilica towards the more centralized forms of the sixth century. The volume includes discussion of major monuments such as Alahan and Meryemhk. About the author: Stephen Hill has conducted extensive fieldwork on the early Byzantine monuments of Turkey. Most recently he has directed survey work on the Byzantine fortifications of Amastris on the Black Sea, and he is currently directing a rescue excavation of an early Byzantine site at ciftlik, near Sinop. Stephen Hill has recently served as Honorary Secretary of the British Institute of Archaeology at Ankara, and after many years in the Department of Classics and Ancient History is now Associate Director of Open Studies at the University of Warwick. He is an Associate Fellow of the Centre for Byzantine, Ottoman and Modern Greek Studies at the University of Birmingham. wooffil Opp . j //i. 21 u JIIEIIIIIIIII 110'V N ;Eg /0 THE EARLY BYZANTINE CHURCHES OF CILICIA AND ISAURIA BIRMINGHAM BYZANTINE AND OTTOMAN MONOGRAPHS Volume 1 General Editors Anthony Bryer John Haldon Centre for Byzantine, Ottoman and Modem Greek Studies University of Birmingham THE EARLY BYZANTINE CHURCHES OF CILICIA AND ISAURIA Stephen Hill VARIORUM 1996 This edition © 1996 by Stephen Hill. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopied, recorded or otherwise without the prior permission of the publisher. Published by VARIORUM Ashgate Publishing Limited Gower House, Croft Road, Aldershot, Hampshire GUI I 3 HR Ashgate Publishing Limited Old Post Road Brookfield, Vermont 05036 USA ISBN 0 86078 607 2 British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data Hill, Stephen The early Byzantine churches of Cilicia and Isauria 1. Basilicas - Cilicia - History 2. Basilicas - Byzantine Empire - History 1. Title 726.5'09495 Printed in Great Britain by Galliard (Printers) Ltd, Great Yarmouth Birmingham Byzantine and Ottoman Monographs Volume 1 CONTENTS List of contents vii List of figures xiii List of plates xv Preface xxi Chapter 1 Introduction 3 Chapter 2 Characteristics of Cilician and Isaurian basilicas 11 Building methods and materials 11 Courtyards and atria 14 The narthex 16 Nave and aisles 19 The main apse 21 Side-chambers 23 Sanctuaries 26 Eastern passages 28 Chapter 3 The Transept Basilicas 38 Chapter 4 The `Domed Basilicas' 45 Chapter 5 The dating of the Transept Basilicas and the `Domed Basilicas' 51 Chapter 6 Conclusion 55 Map, Cilicia and Isauria 62 Catalogue Akdam 64 Akoren 66 Akoren I, Church I 66 Akoren I, Church 2 67 Akoren II, Church 1 67 Akoren II, Church 2 68 Akyaka 68 Alahan 68 viii CONTENTS Alahan, Cave Church 72 Alahan, West Church 73 Alahan, East Church 78 Alahan, Baptistery 82 Alakilise 83 Anavarza 85 Anavarza, Church of the Apostles 85 Anavarza, Southwest Church 88 Anavarza, Rock-Cut Church 90 Anemurium 91 Anemurium, Basilica 91 Anemurium, Basilica 11 16 92 Anemurium, Basilica 11110 C 92 Anemurium, Central Church, Basilica 111 13 C 93 Anemurium, Basilica 11114 C 94 Anemurium, Church A 11 1, Necropolis Church 94 Aya 96 Ay4, Temple-Church 97 Aya§, Basilica A 98 Aydmcik 99 Baka 99 Balabolu, Intra-Mural Churches 99 Balabolu, Necropolis Church 100 Batisandal 101 Bey Oren 103 Bigkici Kalesi 103 Bingiic 103 Bodrum 104 Bodrum, North Church, Town Church 104 Bodrum, South Church 105 Bog§ak Adasi 105 Cacik 106 Cafarh 106 Canbazh 106 Canbazh, Basilica 107 Canbazh, Small Church 110 Canbazh, Cemetery Church 111 Cennet Cehennem 111 Cennet Cehennem, Temple-Church 111 CONTENTS ix Cennet Cehennem, Chapel of St Mary 113 Civikh 115 Corycus 115 Corycus, Church A, `Cathedral' 116 Corycus, Church B 121 Corycus, Church C 122 Corycus, Church D 122 Corycus, Church E 123 Corycus, Church F 124 Corycus, Church G, Transept Church extra muros 124 Corycus, Church H, Tomb Church extra muros 131 Corycus, Church I, `Grof3e Armenische Kirche extra muros' 136 Corycus, Church J, Monastic Church 139 Corycus, Church K, Northwest Church inside Land Castle 142 Corycus, Church L 143 East of Corycus, Funerary Chapel 143 North of Corycus (Demircioren) 144 camlica 147 canh Bogazi 147 catikoren 147 cirga 148 149 Dag Pazari 149 Dag Pazari, Monastery 151 Dag Pazari, Basilica 151 Dag Pazari, `Domed Ambulatory Church' 155 Dag Pazan, Funerary Basilica extra muros 160 Deleli 162 Demirta§ 163 Devecili 163 Dikilita§ 163 Domuztepe 163 Dort Direkli 163 Elbeyli 164 Emirzeli 164 Emirzeli, Church 1 164 Emirzeli, Church 2 164 Emirzeli, Church 3 165 X CONTENTS Erreli 165 Erdemli 165 Ergenupgi, Akkilise 166 Erzin 166 Evzendi 167 Ferhath 167 Gavurkinldigi 167 Gazipap 167 Church 10 C 168 Gazipasa, Church 11 C 169 G6reken Yayla 170 Gonnel 170 GUney Kalesi 170 Gilney Kalesi, Church I.15 170 GUney Kalesi, Basilica I.11 C 171 Guney Kalesi, Triconch I.7C 171 Guvercm Adasi 172 Hacibmerli 172 Halil Limani 172 Hasanahler 173 Hotami§alani 173 Imamli 174 Imsi Oren 175 I§ikkale 175 Kadirli, Ala Cami 176 Kadirli, Church of the Fullers 179 Kahn6ren 179 Kanhdivane 179 Kanlidivane, Church I 179 Kanlidivane. Church 2 182 Kanhdivane, Church 3 184 Kanhdivane, Church 4 187 Kanhdivane, Church 5 193 KarabocUlU -193 Karadedeli 194 Karakabakh 194 Karakilise 194 Karlik, Basilica 194 CONTENTS xi Ke§li 196 Ke§litiirkmenli 196 Kizilaliler 196 197 Mahras Dagi 197 Manastir (Mylae) 201 Manastir 201 Manaz 201 Mara Harabelen 202 Mazilik 203 Meryemlik. 208 Meryemlik, Cave Church 214 Meryemlik, Basilica of St Thecla 217 Meryemhk, `Cupola Church' 226 Meryemlik, North Church 234 Meryemhk, Church Northwest of `Cupola Church' 234 Mezaroluk 234 Misis, Basilica 235 Ovacik 237 Okiizlii, North Church 237 Okllzlti, South Church 240 Silifke, Temple-Church 240 Somek 241 Susanoglu, Town Church 241 Susanoglu, Cemetery church 243 Saha, Basilica 244 Takkadin 246 Tapureli, Church A 246 Tapureli, Church B 247 Tapureli, Church C 248 Tapureli, Church D 249 Tapureli, Church E 249 Uc Tepe, South Church 249 09 Tepe, North Church 250 Ura, Town Church 250 Ura, Cemetery Church 251 Ura, Monastery 252 Uzuncaburc, Temple-Church 252 xii CONTENTS Uzuncaburg, Church near the Theatre Uzuncaburc, Church of Stephanos Uzuncaburc, Cemetery Church Virankoy Yanikhan, South Church Yanikhan, North Church Yemi§kum, Church I Church 2 Yeniyurt Kale Bibliography Index Key to figures Figures Plates LIST OF FIGURES 1. Alahan, Site plan including Cave Church and Baptistery (after Gough). 2. Alahan, West Church (after Gough). 3. Alahan, East Church (after Gough). 4. Alakilise (after Guyer). 5. Anavarza, Church of the Apostles (after Gough). 6. Anavarza, Southwest Church (after Gough). 7. Anavarza, Rock-Cut Church (after Gough). 8. Anemurium, Church A 11 1, Necropolis Church (after Russell). 9. Anemurium, Central Church, Basilica III 13 C (after Russell). 10. Anemurium, Church III 10 C (after Russell). 11. Ayaa, Temple-Church (after Gough). 12. Bodrum, North Church, Town Church. 13. Bodrum, South Church (after Bell). 14. Canbazli, Basilica (after Eyice). 15. Cennet Cehennem, Temple-Church (after Bell, Feld and Weber). 16. Cennet Cehennem, Chapel of St Mary (after Bell). 17. Corycus, Church A, `Cathedral' (after Herzfeld and Guyer). 18. Corycus, Church G, Transept Church extra muros (after Herzfeld and Guyer). 19. Corycus, Church H, Tomb Church extra muros (after Herzfeld and Guyer). 20. Corycus, Church I, `GroAe Armenische Kirche extra muros' (after Bell, Herzfeld and Guyer, Hellenkemper). 21. Corycus, Church J, Monastic Church (after Herzfeld and Guyer). 22. Corycus, Church D (after Herzfeld and Guyer). 23. Corycus, Church K, Northwest Church inside Land Castle (after Herzfeld and Guyer). 24. North of Corycus (Demircioren) (after Herzfeld and Guyer). 25. catikoren (after Gough, Feld). 26. cukurkqlik (after Liesenburg). 27. Dag Pazari, Basilica (after Gough notes). 28. Dag Pazari, `Domed Ambulatory Church' (after Gough). 29. Dag Pazan, Funerary Basilica extra muros (after Gough). 30. Deleli (after De Jerphanion and Jalabert). 31. Gazipa§a, Church 10 C (after Alfdldi-Rosenbaum). xiv FIGURES 32. Guney Kalesi, Church I 15 (after Alfdldi-Rosenbaum). 33. Hasanahler (after Gough notes, Hild and Hellenkemper). 34. Imamli (after Bell). 35. Kadirli, Ala Cami (after Gough notes, Bayliss). 36. Kanlidivane, Church 1 (after Bell, Eyice). 37. Kanhdivane, Church 2 (after Bell notes, Eyice). 38. Kanhdivane, Church 3 (after Bell, Eyice). 39. Kanhdivane, Church 4 (after Bell, Eyice). 40. Karltk, Basilica (after Gough). 41. Mahras Dagi (after Gough). 42. Meryemhk, Cave Church (after Herzfeld and Guyer, Wilkinson). 43. Meryemhk, Basilica of St Thecla (after Herzfeld and Guyer). 44. Meryemhk, `Cupola Church' (after Herzfeld and Guyer). 45. Meryemhk, site plan (including North Church) (after Herzfeld and Guyer). 46.Okuzld, North Church (after Eyice, Gough notes). 47.Okiizlu, South Church (after Eyice, Gough notes). 48. Susanoglu, Town Church (after Keil and Wilhelm). 49. Susanoglu, Cemetery church (after Keil and Wilhelm). 50. aha, Basilica (after Bell). 51. Tapureli, Church A (after Keil and Wilhelm). 52. Tapureli, Church B (after Keil and Wilhelm). 53. Tapureli, Church C (after Keil and Wilhelm). 54. Ura, Town Church (after Bell). 55. Ura, Monastery (after Keil and Wilhelm). 56. Uzuncaburc, Temple-Church (after Keil and Wilhelm). 57. Uzuncaburc, Cemetery Church (after Keil and Wilhelm). 58. Uzuncaburc, Church of Stephanos (after Keil and Wilhelm). 59. Yanikhan, South Church (after Gough and Hill notes, Hild and Hellenkemper). 60. Yanikhan, North Church (after Gough and Hill notes, Hild and Hellenkemper). 61. Yemi§kum (after Bell). 62. Comparative plans. i) St. Polyeuktos, Constantinople. ii) St. Irene, Constantinople. iii) St. Sophia, Constantinople. iv) Saints Sergius and Bacchus, Constantinople. v) Kasr ibn Wardan, Syria. vi) Dag Pazan, `Domed ambulatory Church'. vii) Meryemlik, `Cupola Church'. viii) Alahan, East Church. LIST OF PLATES 1. Alahan, general view from west (Gough). 2. Alahan, Cave Church, view from west (Gough). 3. Alahan, West Church, view from east before excavation (Gough). 4. Alahan, West Church, view from east showing primary church (Gough). 5. Alahan, West Church, view from east showing secondary church (Gough). 6. Alahan, East Church from north (Gough). 7. Alahan, East Church from southeast (Gough). 8. Alahan, East Church from west (Gough). 9. Alahan, East Church, interior looking west (Hill). 10. Alahan, East Church, interior looking east (Hill). 11. Alahan, East Church, interior of tower looking east (Gough). 12. Alahan, East Church, east side of tower (Gough). 13. Alahan, Baptistery, interior from northeast (Hill). 14. Alahan, Baptistery, exterior from southwest (Gough). 15. Alahan, East Church, north end of narthex (Gough). 16. Alahan, East Church, capital with eagles (Gough). 17. Aya., Temple-Church, apse (Gough). 18. Anavarza, Rock-Cut Church from southwest (1905, Bell C193). 19. Batisandal from west (Hill). 20. Batisandal, sockets at mouth of apse (Hill). 21. Batisandal, east facade (Hill). 22. Bodrum, North Church, exterior of apse (ca 1925). 23. Bodrum, South Church, exterior of apse (ca 1925). 24. Canbazli, Basilica from west (Hill). 25. Canbazli, Basilica from south (Hill). 26. Canbazli, Basilica, south colonnade (ca 1925). 27. Canbazli, Basilica, gallery (ca 1925). 28. Cennet Cehennem, Temple-Church, apse from south (Hill). 29. Cennet Cehennem, Temple-Church, apse from west (Hill). 30. Cennet Cehennem, Temple-Church, inner face of north wall (Hill). 31. Cennet Cehennem, Chapel of St Mary from south (Hill). xvi PLATES 32. Cennet Cehennem, Chapel of St Mary, domical vault in southern side-chamber (Hill). 33. Corycus, Church A, `Cathedral', apse from west (Hill). 34. Corycus, Church G, Transept Church extra muros, south facade (1905, Bell D4a-b). 35. Corycus, Church G, Transept Church extra muros, east facade (Hill). 36. Corycus, Church G, Transept Church extra muros, interior looking east (Hill). 37. Corycus, Church G, Transept Church extra muros, base of south pier of triumphal arch (Hill). 38. Corycus, Church H, Tomb Church extra muros, south facade from southeast (ca 1925). 39. Corycus, Church H, Tomb Church extra muros, inner face of south wall (ca 1925). 40. Corycus, Church H, Tomb Church extra muros, interior looking east (ca 1925). 41. Corycus, Church H, Tomb Church extra muros, interior looking northwest (Hill). 42. Corycus, Church H, Tomb Church extra muros, atrium and narthex.from southeast (Hill). 43. Corycus, Church H, Tomb Church extra muros, pier capital at northeast comer of nucleus (Hill). 44. Corycus, Church H, Tomb Church extra muros from northeast (1905, Bell D16) 45. Corycus, Church B, apse from west (Hill). 46. Corycus, Church I, `Grol3e Armenische Kirche extra muros' from west (Hill). 47. Corycus, Church I, `Grol3e Armenische Kirche extra muros' from south (Hill). 48. Corycus, Church I, `Grol3e Armenische Kirche extra muros' from east (Hill). 49. Corycus, Church J, Monastic Church, general view from southwest (Hill). 50. Corycus, Church J, Monastic Church, west facade of court (1905, Bell D28). 51. Corycus, Church J, Monastic Church from southeast (Hill). 52. Corycus, Church K, Northwest Church inside Land Castle from southeast (Hill). 53. East of Corycus, Funerary Chapel from west (Hill). 54. East of Corycus, Funerary Chapel, apse and hypogaeum from south (Hill). 55. North of Corycus (Demircioren), interior looking northwest (Hill). 56. North of Corycus (Demircioren), east end from southwest (Hill). 57. North of Corycus (Demircioren), east facade (Hill). 58. North of Corycus (Demircioren), southeastern chambers from west (Hill). 59. North of Corycus (Demircioren), capital (Hill). 60. catikoren from south (Gough). 61. Catikoren, interior looking west (Gough). 62. Dag Pazari, Basilica, narthex from south (Ballance). PLATES xvii 63. Dag Pazan, Basilica, eastern passage from southwest (Ballance). 64. Dag Pazan, `Domed Ambulatory Church' from southeast (1890, Headlam). 65. Dag Pazan, `Domed Ambulatory Church', east facade (Hill). 66. Dag Pazan, `Domed Ambulatory Church', east end from south (Ballance). 67. Dag Pazari, `Domed Ambulatory Church', interior from west (Gough). 68. Dag Pazan, `Domed Ambulatory Church', east end of south aisle (Ballance). 69. Dag Pazari, `Domed Ambulatory Church', pier capital on north side of apse (Hill). 70. Dag Pazan, `Domed Ambulatory Church', northwest corner of nucleus (Ballance). 71. Dag Pazan, Funerary Basilica extra muros from south (Gough). 72. Dag Pazan, Funerary Basilica extra muros, apse from northwest (Gough). 73. Dag Pazari, Funerary Basilica extra muros, apse and chancel from northwest showing chancel screen and ambo (Gough). 74. Dag Pazan, Funerary Basilica extra muros, reconstruction of chancel (Gough). 75. Hasanahler, interior from west (Gough). 76. Hasanahler, south arcade (Gough). 77. Imamli from west (Bell D58). 78. Imamli from south (1905, Bell D57). 79. Kadirli, Ala Cami from south (1905, Bell C 144). 80. Kadirli, Ala Cami from southwest (ca 1925). 81. Kadirli, Ala Cami from southeast (1905, Bell C145). 82. Kanhdivane, Church 1, west facade (1905, Bell C236). 83. Kanlidivane. Church 1, chancel and apse from west (Hill). 84. Kanhdivane. Church 1, east facade and doorway in wall linking Churches I and 2 (Hill). 85. Kanhdivane. Church 2, apse from west (Hill). 86. Kanlidivane. Church 2 from south (1905, Bell C248). 87. Kanlidivane, Church 3, south end of narthex (Hill). 88. Kanhdivane, Church 3 from southwest (1905, Bell C245). 89. Kanlidivane, Church 3, apse from southwest (Hill). 90. Kanhdivane, Church 3, east facade (Hill). 91. Kanhdivane, Church 4 from west (Hill). 92. Kanhdivane, Church 4 from northeast. 93. Kanlidivane, Church 4, chancel and apse from west (Hill). 94. Karakilise from southeast showing early Byzantine apse and Armenian church (Gough). 95. Mahras Dagi, church from west (Gough). xviii PLATES 96. Mahras Dagi, apse from south west (Gough). 97. Manaz from west (Langlois 1861, plate 22). 98. Meryemhk, Basilica of St Thecla, apse from west (ca 1925). 99. Meryemlik, `Cupola Church', font (Hill). 100.Oktizlu, North Church from west (Hill). 101. Okuzlii, North Church from south (Hill). 102. Okuzlu, North Church, northern pier of triumphal arch (Hill). 103. Okuzlii, North Church, chancel and apse from northwest (Hill). 104. Okuzlii, North Church, northern side-chamber (Hill). 105. Oktizlii, South Church, apse from west (Hill). 106. Saha, Basilica from west (1905, Bell C215). 107. 5aha, Basilica, west end from north (1905, Bell C215). 108. Silifke, Temple-Church from east (Langlois 1861). 109. Tapureli, Church C from west (Gough). 110. Uc Tepe, South Church from west (Hill). 111. Oq Tepe, North Church, north aisle looking west (Hill). 112. Ura, Town Church from west (Hill). 113. Ura, Monastery from west (Gough) 114. Uzuncaburc, Temple-Church from north (1905, Bell D66). 115. Uzuncaburc, Temple-Church, interior looking east (Hill). 116. Uzuncaburc, Cemetery Church, general view from west (Hill). 117. Uzuncaburc, Cemetery Church, arcosolium from east (ca 1925). 118. Yanikhan, South Church, general view from west (Hill). 119. Yanikhan, South Church, column and capital in narthex (Hill). 120. Yamkhan, South Church, apse from northwest (Hill). 121. Yamkhan, South Church, northern subsidiary apse (Hill). 122. Yanikhan, South Church, eastern chamber showing fragment of dome (Hill). 123. Yamkhan, South Church, arcosolium in eastern chamber (Hill). 124. Yanikhan, North Church, interior from west (Hill). 125. Yanikhan, North Church, exterior from southeast (Hill). 126. Yanikhan, North Church, interior looking northeast (Hill). 127. Yemi§kum from west (1905, Bell C257).
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