The Contemporary World Syllabus Draft

May 21, 2018 | Author: Percival Tordilla | Category: Creativity, Leadership & Mentoring, Leadership, Critical Thinking, Competence (Human Resources)



GEC8 1UNIVERSITY OF NUEVA CACERES City of Naga COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES UNIVERSITY VISION The University of Nueva Caceres, a private non-sectarian institution, is Bicol’s first university. STATEMENT Guided by its motto, “Non Scholae, Sed Vitae” (Not of school but of life), and attuned to the demands of a highly dynamic global environment, the University commits itself to quality and excellent education for all to transform the youth into entrepreneurial, productive, morally upright, socially responsible professionals for a just, humane and progressive society. MISSION The University of Nueva Caceres shall be a leading exponent of academic excellence, research, extension, and innovative technology for sustainable development. STATEMENT It creates a nurturing academic environment and provides equal opportunities in the formation of individuals into empowered leaders, competent professionals and proactive entrepreneurs who are cognizant of our cultural heritage. 1. We Champion Excellence. We consistently strive for excellence in everything we do. 2. We Nurture Dreams. We passionately guide and inspire our students to leverage their potentials and aspire for better lives. 3. We Do The Right Things Right. We uphold integrity in everything we do. We hold ourselves to high standards for accountability and character. We do things right. CORE VALUES 4. We Are Dynamic and Creative We anticipate the forces of change. We explore possibilities with intent and purpose. 5. We Respect Each Other and Work As A Team. We collaboratively maximize our talents and capabilities. We hold each other in high regard and passionately realize our shared purpose, priorities and promises. 1. Culturally-rooted with multi-cultural understanding. Preserves his or her cultural roots and manifests pride in his or her language, practices and traditions; shows appreciation of the culture of other peoples. 2. Collaborative. Works with others effectively as a member of a team, a group, an organization or a community. 3. Creative and critical thinker. Applies creative, imaginative and innovative thinking and ideas to problem solving. GRADUATES 4. Effective communicator. Communicates effectively and confidently in a range of contexts and for a variety of purposes. ATTRIBUTES 5. Life-long learner. Demonstrates an attitude of continuous learning to succeed in changing times. 6. Ethically and socially responsible. Demonstrates an understanding of ethical, social, and cultural issues and makes personal, professional and leadership decisions in accordance with these principles. 7. Great leader. Demonstrates complete (accomplished, distinguished, expert) leadership traits and capabilities to influence and enable others to achieve common goals and visions. 8. Excellence-driven. Demonstrates mastery of the fundamental and evolving technical and technological knowledge and skills relating to their discipline. COLLEGE VISION Guided by value-centered instruction and service, this college seeks to become the country’s leading college in Engineering and Architecture where theory and ethical practice foster STATEMENT professional excellence. MISSION This college commits itself to: STATEMENT 1. Provide a conducive and scholarly environment to enhance student’s analytical skills, critical thinking, and creativity; 2. Develop graduates to be socially responsible, productive, and competent professionals in the country and beyond. Page 1 of 17 and the world. creativesolutions guided by ethical standards. country. Proficient and effective communication. Developed intellectual competencies such as critical. GEC8 2 PROGRAM After finishing the course students should have: EDUCATIONAL 1.        k.        h.        n. PROGRAM OUTCOMES (POs) AND ITS RELATIONSHIP TO PROGRAM EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES (PEOS) AND INSTITIONAL GOALS (IGS) PROGRAM INSTITUTIONAL GOALS (IGS) PROGRAM OUTCOMES (POS) EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES understanding communicator critical thinker (PEOS) multi-cultural Collaborative Creative and Ethically and Great leader rooted with responsible Excellence- By the time of graduation. Understanding and respect for human rights. Application of computing and information technology to assist and facilitate research. analytical and creative thinking. Ability to negotiate the world of technology responsibly. Higher levels of comprehension.        Page 2 of 17 . Ability to view the contemporary world from both Philippine and global perspectives. Appreciation of the human condition. Developed Civic capacities demanded of membership in the community.     b. Developed Civic capacities demanded of membership in the community. Capacity to reflect critically on shared concerns and think of innovative. Self .        i. the students of the program shall have the ability to: Culturally- Life-long Effective socially learner driven 1 2 a.       g. and multiple forms of expression.        j.   2. country.          m. Capacity to personally interpret the human experience.       f. Working effectively in a group.         l. Ability to appreciate and contribute to artistic beauty. and multiple forms of expression. Understanding of basic concept across the domains of human knowledge. analytical and creative thinking.         c. Developed intellectual competencies such as critical.        e. I. OBJECTIVES 2.   II. and the world. PROGRAM EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES (PEOs) AND ITS RELATIONSHIP TO COLLEGE MISSION STATEMENT COLLEGE MISSION STATEMENT PROGRAM EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES (PEOs) 1 2 After finishing the course students should have: 1.         d. Problem – solving.Assuredness in knowing and being Filipino. political.An introductory course to an outcome GE8 I E D E E I E I E E D E E .related skills and knowledge. development. it examines the economic. and other No. To this end. Credit 3 (lecture) Using the various disciplines of the social sciences. it seeks to inculcate a sense of global st Term 1 Semester citizenship and global ethical responsibility. political. E E CO 2 E E D E D E E E Describe the emergence of global economic.A course demonstrating an outcome V. the course provides an overview of the various debates in global governance. GEC8 3   o. and Classification/Field GEC sustainability. COURSE DETAILS Course No. COURSE OUTCOMES (COs) AND ITS RELATIONSHIP TO PROGRAM OUTCOMES (POs) Course Outcomes Program Outcomes After completion of the course the student should be able to: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o CO 1 E E I E I I Distinguish different interpretations of and approaches to globalization. E E CO-3 D D D D D D D Analyze the various contemporary drivers of globalization.A course that strengthens the outcome D . of contact hrs/week 3 hours transformations that have created an increasing awareness of the interconnectedness of peoples and places around the Pre-requisites None globe. PROGRAM OUTCOMES MAP Subject a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o Legend: D D E I .       III. technological. IV. social. GE8 Detailed Description: Course Title The Contemporary World This course introduces students to the contemporary world by examining the multifaceted phenomenon of globalization. and cultural systems. Beyond exposing the student to the world outside thePhilippines. E CO-4 D D D D D Understand the issues confronting the nation-state.This course includes mandatory topics on population education in the context of population and demography. E Page 3 of 17 . social. Basic work . E I VI. E E CO-6 D E E E D E E E E Analyze contemporary news events in the context of globalization. course outcomes Syllabus 2 2. VMO. I D CO-9 D D E D D E I E Articulate personal positions on various global issues. Course Requirements & Grading System Expectation Setting Create a personal definition of globalization based on Introduction to the Study of Class Discussions Recitation T1 a concept map Globalization News Article Critique T2 Construct a working definition of globalization Presentation R1 Evaluate the underlying philosophies of varying of Article definitions of globalization Critique CO 1 (Rubric 1) 3 CO 6 Construct a definition economic globalization Structure of Globalization Class Discussions Recitation T3 Evaluate the modern world system A. The Global Economy Debate: Students will R2 3 CO2 Analyze the factors that facilitate economic debate the topic: Debate globalization “Global Trade has Speech Page 4 of 17 . core values. E E CO-7 E D I D I E E E D Analyze global issues in relation to Filipinos and the Philippines. and program Expectation setting for the course Educational. GEC8 4 CO-5 D E E E D E E E Assess the effects of globalization on different social units and their responses. D E CO-8 D D E D E D E E E E E Write a research paper with proper citations on a topic related to globalization. Course outline 3. D CO-10 E E E I I I E E E E Identify the ethical implications of global citizenship. COURSE COVERAGE PERIOD Teaching &Learning Assessment COs Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO) Topic Text/Ref (hours) Activities (TLA) Tool (AT) Introductions Orientation to the Course Class Discussions Classroom policies 1. GEC8 5 done more harm than (Rubric 2) good” Explain the role of international financial institutions in Structure of Globalization Lecture Recitation T4 the creation of a global economy B. Essay: Differentiate internationalism and globalism Arguing whether CO 4 globalization CO 5 has more 3 CO 6 positive or negative effects on political systems (Rubric 4) Evaluate the relevance of the state amid globalization Structure of Globalization Class Discussion Recitation T6 CO 2 Analyze the challenges of global governance in the D. Contemporary Global Governance R5 CO 3 21st century Reflection CO 4 Paper on the CO 5 reading 3 CO 6 material reference (Rubric 5) PRELIM EXAM 3 CO 3 Create a definition of the term “Global South” A World of Regions Lecture Recitation T15 Page 5 of 17 . The Global Interstate System Group Discussion of R4 CO 2 relations reading materials Arg. Market Integration Class Discussions R3 Narrate a short history of global market integration in Film Viewing Movie R15 the 20th century Analysis Evaluate the attributes of global corporations Paper(Rubric 3) 3 CO 2 Explain the effects of globalization on governments Structure of Globalization Class Discussion Recitation T5 Identify the institutions that govern international C. GEC8 6 CO 4 Differentiate the Global South from the Third World A. Asian Regionalism Class Discussion R6 CO 3 globalization Reflection CO 4 Evaluate the factors leading to a greater integration of Paper: Topic: CO 5 the Asian region What is the CO 6 Relevance of Asian Regionalism 3 to the Philippines (Rubric 5) CO 1 Midterms CO 2 Synthesize knowledge about globalization Midterm Essay essay: CO 3 Students will Page 6 of 17 . Global Divides: The North and the Group Report T16 CO 5 Analyze how a new conception of global relations South Group Report CO 6 emerged from the experiences of the Latin Presentation American countries (Rubric 6) A World of Regions Lecture Recitation T7 CO 1 Differentiate between regionalization and B. GEC8 7 CO 4 be asked to CO 5 write a 2.000 CO 6 word essays CO 7 answering CO 9 one of these two questions: 1. 3 Each group will be asked to pick an Asian Musical CO 2 act that CO 3 became Page 7 of 17 . How is the state affected by globalization? How is the nation affected by globalization? Do these institutions/c oncepts remain relevant? Why/Why not? (Rubric 4) MIDTERM EXAM Evaluate how various media drive various forms of Global Media Cultures Lecture Recitation T8 globalintegration Class Discussion T9 Analyze the dynamic between local and global cultural Graded Group production Report: Students form groups of 3-5. How do we make globalization more just? 2. How did the artist become famous? 4. they must answer the following questions: 1. Why do you think the artist became famous? (Rubric 6) Analyze how globalization affects religious practices The Globalization of Religion Lecture Recitation T10 andbeliefs Class Discussion T11 CO 2 Analyze the relationship between religion and global Discussion of a Film Arg. In which. global peace Arguing: CO 4 Whether or 3 CO 5 not CO 7 Globalization has been advantageous to Religion (Rubric 4) CO 4 Evaluate the attributes of a global city Global Population and Mobility Lecture Recitation T12 CO 5 Analyze how cities serve as engines of globalization A. conversely. GEC8 8 CO 5 internationall CO 7 y famous. countries did artists become famous? 3. The Global City Group Report R7 3 CO 6 Graded Group CO 7 Report: CO 8 Students form Page 8 of 17 . Where did the musical act/artist originate? 2. Essay: R16 CO 3 conflict and. In their report. Global Demography Class Discussion R9 Short R10 Research paper to discuss the topic: Has the 3 CO 3 Philippines undergone the demographic transition? Why or why not? (Rubric 7) CO 3 Analyze the political. Their reports should answer the following questions: 1. How would you describe your city? 2. What is your city known for? 3. GEC8 9 groups of 3-5. Global Migration Interview R12 CO 5 people presentation OFW Page 9 of 17 . cultural and social Global Population and Mobility Class Discussion Recitation R11 3 CO 4 factors underlying the global movements of C. Each group will be assigned a global city to discuss and research on. What makes your city a global city? (Rubric 6) Explain the theory of demographic transition as it Global Population and Mobility Lecture Recitation R8 affects the global population B. economic. In class they will share what they learned from these interviews about transnationali sm and the factors that affect global migrations (Rubric 8) SEMI FINAL EXAM Write a Research Paper Proposal with proper citation Research Paper Class Discussion Proposal for Mini lecture on final research Critique research proposal of classmates citation methods for paper: CO 1 research papers Students will CO 2 Research proposal begin writing CO 3 critiques a 500-word CO 4 proposal for CO 5 their final CO 6 research 3 CO 7 paper. GEC8 10 CO 7 Evaluate the experiences of OFWs Interview: Each student will be asked to interview a former or current OFW (face-to-face or online). CO 8 Pair Discussion: Students will pair off and critique the each other’s research proposals Page 10 of 17 . what CO 5 is stability and CO 7 sustainability? 3 (Rubric 9) CO 3 Define global food security Recitation T14 CO 4 Evaluate existing models of global food security R13 Class Discussion CO 5 Towards a Sustainable World Movie R17 3 Film Viewing CO 7 B. Sustainable Development Class Discussion CO 3 to real scenarios Visual Essay Visual Essay: CO 4 presentation For you.” Based on this. Page 11 of 17 . they will synthesize a personal definition of the concept. GEC8 11 Evaluate stability in comparison to sustainability Towards a Sustainable World Lecture Recitation T13 CO 2 Analyzing models of global sustainable development A. Afterwards. Global Food Security Analysis Paper(Rubric 3) CO 3 Analyze the definition of global citizenship Global Citizenship Lecture Recitation R141 CO 4 Evaluate the ethical obligations of global citizenship Class Discussion CO 7 Personal CO 9 concept map CO of global 10 citizenship: Student will engage in a free association of exercises of 3 ideas they associate with “global citizenship. with proper citation and writing Paper (Rubric CO 3 Students will spend 7) CO 4 the final week CO 5 completing their Final CO 6 research papers period CO 7 CO 8 CO 9 CO 10 FINAL EXAM Page 12 of 17 . (Rubric 5) CO 1 Write a Research paper on a topic related to Research paper writing Independent research Research CO 2 globalization. GEC8 12 they will list the obligations of a global citizen. 2006. Siracusa Durnham and London: Duke University Press. Peter J. EQUIPMENT. GEC8 13 VII. COMPONENTS. R1 –Ideologies of Globalization” by Manfred Stegger. Journal of Economic Perspectives 17(4): 167 – 190 T11 – Religion and Global Conflict by Mark Juergensmeyer Page 13 of 17 . 2006. CornellUniverisity Press. T9 – Popular Music and Globalization by Yara El-Ghadban XI(2): 27-43 T10 – Religion and Globalization by Victor Roudometof R8 – The Demographic of Transition: Three Centuries of Fundamental Change by Ronald Lee. 2005.30 T2 – Approaches to the Study of Globalization by Manfred Stegger. Brown Journal of World Affairs. 237-271 T8 – Globalization and the Media: Creating the Global Village by Jack Luis R7 – The Global City: Introducing a Concept by SaskiaSassen. Paul Battersby and Joseph R2 – The Modern World – System as a Capitalist Economy in World Systems Analysis: An Introduction M. pp. 2005.566 T6 – The Nations Meets the Twenty – first Century: Confronting the Challenges of Global R5 – The Future of the State by Eric J. 23-41 T3 – The Globalization of Economic Relations By IstvanBenczes R3 – he Multiple Crises of Global Capitalism” in Deglobalization: Ideas for a New World Economy by Walden Bello. REFERENCES. pp. Katzenstein and Takashi Shiraishi. 82(3): 553 . Published by SAGE 10(1): 11 . Journal of Political Science Ideologies 2014 edition. TEXTBOOK. TOOLS & APPARATUS TEXTBOOKS REFERENCES T1 – Handbook of Globalization by Manfred Stegger. Paul Battersby and Joseph M. pp. Siracusa. 1-31 T4 – The Rise of the Global Corporation by Deane Neubauer R4 – An international Civilization? Empire. Hobbsbawn in Development and Change 27(2): 267 – 278 Governance by Thomas G. Internationalism and the Crisis of the Mid – Twentieth T5 – Governments and Citizens in a Globally Interconnected World of States by Hans Schattle Century in International Affairs by Mark Mazower. 2003. Wales and Ramesh Thakur R6 – The Third Wave: Southeasr Asia and Middle-Class Formation in the Making of a Region" by T7 – Globalization and the Asia Pacific and South Asia by Ehito Kimura Takashi Shiraishi in "Beyond Japan: The Dynamics of East Asian Regionalism" ed. by Knowledge in Social Science. 2001 in Political Theory of Global Citizenship. pp." (film) R17 – The Price of Sugar directed by Bill Haney (film) EQUIPMENT COMPONENT TOOLS APPARATUS Page 14 of 17 . Asian and Pacific Migration Journal 21(2):149-171 R13 – A Food Regime Analysis of the World Food Crisis by Philip McMichael. UK: Polity Press. Autonomy and Culture In Southern Theory: The Global Dynamics of R12 – Differentiating Sedimented from Modular Transnationalism: The View from East Asia. 147-176 R15 – The Corporation directed by Mark Achbar and Jennifer Abbott (film) R16 – PBS Frontline: The Rise of ISIS (http://pbs. Aguilar. London: Routledge. Claudio Stephen Castles. 2005. 2000. 2009. GEC8 14 R9 – The Unfolding Story of the Second Demographic Transition by Ron Lesthaeghe. Cambridge. pp. Agriculture and Human Values 26(4):281-295 R14 – Global Civil Society: Acting as Global Citizens by April Carter. 2007. Population T12 – Mobility. 2012. 139-163 Filomeno V. 2010. International Social Science Journal 52 (165): 269-281 T16 .Chapter 12 of "Locating the Global South" by Lisandro E. Diversity and Community in the Global City by Val Collc – Peisker and Development Review 36(2): 211-251 T13 – Sustainable Economic Systems by Sebastian Plociennik R10 – What we Can and Cannot Learn from the History of World Population by MassiomoLivi-Bacci. Population Studies: A Journal of Demography 69(51) 521-528 T14 – Global Food Security: The Challenge of Feeding the World by Monika Barthwal – Datta R11 – International Migration at the Beginning of the Twenty First Century: Global Trends and Issues by T15 . 75 Finals 10 Term CO Final Exam 20% 75% to 77% 3.00 9 Below 75 5. Minimum Avg GRADING SCALE PERIOD COs Assessment Tasks Weight for Satisfactory PERIOD COs Assessment Tasks Weight for Satisfactory Numerical Equivalent performance performance Rating Grade CO Requirements 5% 1 to Requirements 5% Short Research Paper 5% 99% to 100% 1.50 75% to CO 75% Mid 7.5% 96% to 98% 1. Midterm Exam 20% Final Research Paper 5% 78% to 80% 2. Recitation 5% Recitation 2. CO 9 CO 87% to 89% 2.25 CO 2 CO Recitation 5% Recitation 2.25 CO Prelim Exam 10% CO 3 Semi-final Exam 10% 93% to 95% 1.00 4 to Requirements 5% Requirements 2.5% 81% to 83% 2. GEC8 15 VIII.50 Semi- Prelim 6. COURSE OUTCOMES ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION Student performance will be rated based on the following: Minimum Avg. 75% to CO 75% 90% to 92% 1.5% 84% to 86% 2.00 4.75 Final CO 7 7.00 MIDTERM GRD (MG) 50% 75% 75% Dropped Drp 50% of MG + FINAL GRADE 75% 50% of FG/2 Page 15 of 17 . GEC8 16 IX. RUBRICS Rubric 2 Rubric 3 Recitation Rubric 1 CRITERIA POINTS CRITERIA POINTS CRITERIA POINTS CRITERIA POINTS Effective use of Excellent 10 Content and proof 7 3 Effective use of language 3 language Clarity and coherence 3 Organization and Satisfactory 7 Clarity and coherence 3 4 clarity Content and depth of Presentation 3 Needs Improvement 5 4 Depth of content 7 explanation Preparation 4 Reasoning and TOTAL 10 6 coherence Rubric 9 Responsiveness 3 TOTAL 20 Rubric 4 CRITERIA POINTS TOTAL 20 CRITERIA POINTS Rubric 6 Creativity 5 Rubric 5 Content and proof 7 CRITERIA POINTS Content 6 Coherence and CRITERIA POINTS Relevance to the 6 Preparation 5 6 reasoning topic/guide questions Effective use of Effective use of language 2 3 Presentation 4 Presentation 3 language Organization and clarity 3 Organization and Detail 5 TOTAL 20 4 clarity Depth of Discussion 5 Accuracy and TOTAL 20 6 relevance Rubric 7 TOTAL 10 TOTAL 20 Rubric 8 CRITERIA POINTS CRITERIA POINTS Organization and format 8 Presentation 5 Content and discussion 13 Relevance of cited Relevance of the discussion 8 9 materials and data Depth and insight 7 TOTAL 30 Page 16 of 17 . D. Consultation Schedule. Late submissions of learning activities will be accepted subject to the discretion of the teacher and for valid reasons. Consultation schedule with the professor is posted on the board. Total number of absences by the students should not be more than 20% of the total number of meetings or 22 hrs for this subject. B. GEC8 17 TOTAL 20 X. b. TORDILLA. Student who incurred more than 22 hours of absences automatically gets a failing grade regardless of class standing. Prepared by Checked/Reviewed by Approved By Received and Circulated by: Revision PERCIVAL S. Attendance. c. ALBA. Ph. Revision Number 3 DECEMBER 1. Medium of instruction and communication will be in English. 2017 Subject Teacher Program Chair Dean Class Beadle Date Revised Page 17 of 17 . JOSEPHINE B. Ll. It is recommended that the student should secure first an appointment to confirm the instructor availability. Submission of Assessment Tasks. d. OTHER COURSE POLICIES a.
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