The Book of Yields Accuracy in Food Costing and Purchasing

March 23, 2018 | Author: Amanda Aranda | Category: Pint, Gallon, Ounce, Pound (Mass), Litre



This page intentionally left blank EIGHTH EDITION BOOK YIELDS the FRANCIS T. LYNCH of Accuracy in Food Costing and Purchasing JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC. This book is printed on acid-free paper. Copyright © 2011, 2008, 2005, 2000 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. All rights reserved Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, New Jersey. Published simultaneously in Canada. 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For more information about Wiley products, visit our Web site at Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data: Lynch, Francis Talyn, 1943The book of yields : accuracy in food costing and purchasing/Francis T. Lynch. — 8th ed. p. cm. ISBN 978-0-470-19749-3 1. Food—Analysis—Tables. 2. Food—Weights and measures—Tables. I. Title. TX531.L9596 2010 664’.07—dc22 2009027775 Printed in the United States of America 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 DEDICATION I dedicate this edition to my brother Dan Lynch and good friend Bill Cornick in appreciation for their constant friendship, helpful advice, and positive examples in living this wonderful life. This page intentionally left blank . . . Meal. . . . . . . . . Grains. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Dry Legumes 57 Rice. . . . . 86 Dairy Products 93 8…BEVERAGES . . . . . . . . . . . . and Cereals 58 Pasta 60 4…BAKING ITEMS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AND SHEET TRAYS IN COSTING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Seafood 121 11…POULTRY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .CONTENTS Acknowledgments Introduction PART I 1…DRY HERBS AND SPICES AND FRESH HERBS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and Crumbs 69 Sweeteners 71 Special Baking Items 73 5…FATS. . . . . . . . . . Bran. . . 96 Coffee. 83 Liquids 85 7…DAIRY . . AND CONDIMENTS . . . . HOTEL PANS. 62 Nuts and Seeds 67 Flour. . . . . 124 Poultry 131 12…THE PROPER USE OF CANS. . . . . . 15 Vegetables 25 Fruit 38 Canned Foods (in Number-10 Cans) 45 Canned Foods Weight-to-Volume 49 3…STARCHY FOOD . . . . . . . . . . . Tea. . . . . . . . . 104 Meats 112 10…SEAFOOD . . 141 Metric System 143 Measurement Conversions 146 14…SIMPLE FORMULAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151 Simple Formulas 152 v ix xi . . . . . . . . . . and Cocoa 103 9…MEATS . . . . . . . . . . . 134 Can Sizes 137 Scoop or Disher Sizes 138 Size and Capacities of Hotel Pans 139 13…MEASUREMENT CONVERSION . OILS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Dry Herbs and Spices 9 Fresh Herbs 19 2…PRODUCE . . 75 Fats and Oils 80 Condiments 81 6…LIQUIDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SCOOPS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reduced. . . . . . . . . . . .vi Contents 15…STANDARD PORTION SIZES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236 PW 1 PW 2 PW 3 PW 4 Dry Herbs and Spices 242 Fresh Herbs 245 Produce 248 Starchy Items 256 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161 Price Lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204 CW 1 CW 2 CW 3 CW 4 CW 5 CW 6 CW 7 CW 8 CW 9 CW 10 CW 11 CW 12 CW 13 CW 14 CW 15 CW 16 Weights to Volumes 205 Trimmed or Cooked Foods 206 Piece Counts 207 Volume (Fluid Ounce) Items 208 Dry Herbs and Spices 209 Fresh Herbs 210 Canned Goods 211 Pastas 213 Eggs 214 Brewed and Dispensed Beverages 215 Meats 217 Seafood 220 Poultry 221 Rendered. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and Others 229 Recipe Card for Costing 230 Purchasing Worksheet. . . . . . . . . . . . . . and Clarified Items 228 Flavor Bases: Stocks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165 PL 1 PL 2 PL 3 PL 4 PL 5 PL 6 PL 7 PL 8 PL 9 PL 10 PL 11 PL 12 PL 13 PL 14 Dry Herbs and Spices 166 Fresh Herbs 169 Vegetables 170 Fruit 174 Number-10 Cans 176 Starches 179 Nuts and Flours 181 Baking 183 Fats and Dairy 185 Condiments 188 Beverages 191 Meats 194 Poultry 198 Seafood 200 Costing Worksheet. . . . . . . . . . . . Basic Sizes 154 PART II 153 The Workbook . . . . Sauces. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203 Guide to Using the Costing Worksheets . . . . 233 Guide to Using the Purchasing Worksheets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234 Overview . . . . . . . Oils.Contents vii PW 5 PW 6 PW 7 PW 8 PW 9 PW 10 PW 11 PW 12 PW 13 PW 14 PW 15 PW 16 PW 17 PW 18 PW 19 PW 20 PW 21 Baking Items 259 Fats. and Condiments 263 Bottled Liquids 266 Dairy Products 267 Brewed and Dispensed Beverages 273 Meat 275 Seafood 277 Poultry 278 Flavor Bases 283 Ingredient Aggregating Form 284 Purchase Unit Measures Aggregating Form 286 Amounts Needed versus Par 287 Inventory Form 288 Food Weight Log 290 Purchase Unit Measure to Purchase Unit Packs 292 Food Order Form 293 Trimmed versus Untrimmed Prices 294 . This page intentionally left blank . namely. and Richard DeLorenzo. Restaurateurs and chefs Eric Davis of the Diamondback Grill and Rob Bannwarth of Banny’s Café in Sonora.. Terry Renuio of Sysco Foods and Brian Johnson. Kara Borbely. JoAnna Turtletaub.ACKNOWLEDGMENTS T his edition was enhanced by a helpful group of professional and personal associates to whom I am very grateful. have been particularly generous with their time and advice on day-to-day food costing and purchasing practices. as well as updating the wholesale prices of foods in Part II of the work. have been key providers of guidance and encouragement. Inc. vice-president and publisher. Many food growers and producers. ix . have provided me with additional information on current industry cost-management practices. editorial assistant. provided me with information and instruction on the identification and handling of their products. as well as key personnel in ethnic and organic markets in central and coastal California. also of Sysco. Certainly. senior prodcution editor. California. my associates at John Wiley & Sons. This page intentionally left blank . Why is this so important? A chef buys most food by weight (by the pound or kilogram). How much is left over after you have trimmed the food. such as tablespoons. Poultry. this sort of knowledge isn’t the most glamorous or exciting aspect of cookery. In many cases. How much food was produced after cooking—boiled rice. The Book of Yields tells you how much food to buy! That will come in handy when you become responsible for ordering the food for your kitchen. It’s just quicker and easier to measure a cup of sugar or a tablespoon of salt than it is to weigh everything.) Although it is easy to write or follow a recipe that uses volume measures. Admittedly. Knowing yields and equivalents will help you write recipes that are fast and easy to follow. For instance. The Book of Yields tells you what these weight-to-volume equivalents are. bakers generally do weigh most ingredients for extreme accuracy—but more on this later. for example. peeled carrots. a cup of cracked pepper weighs 4 ounces. in their recipes. Just as important. (That said. whereas most cooks prefer to use volume measures. Baking Products. it also tells you how much a volume of the trimmed or cooked food weighs and how many cups or pints of trimmed or cooked food you will end up with. but a cup of honey weighs 12 ounces. Dry Herbs and Spices and Fresh Herbs. So you have to know how many ounces of a food are in one cup in order to assign a cost to the cup of food in your recipe. To help you access this essential information easily. This will enable you to cost a volume of trimmed or cooked food in recipes. Why? Because a cup of one food does not weigh the same as a cup of another food. and so on. but knowing this information will help you be a more successful chef or food and beverage manager. quarts. You do not want to order too much or too little. you’ll find tables for the various food categories that list food measurement facts: ✦ ✦ ✦ How much a volume of food weighs. and that are accurately costed out. Meat.INTRODUCTION T he Book of Yields is a collection of food measurements you can use to help you cost recipes and figure out how much food to buy. The Book of Yields lists the trim yields and the cooking yields for many foods. such as a cup of sugar. for instance. In addition. for instance. cups. This is called an equivalent. pints. Seafood. and so on. This is called a cooking yield. This is called a trim yield. The Book of Yields contains simple xi . the chapters in Part I of The Book of Yields are organized according to food type. the tricky part is costing out a volume of food that you buy by weight. has been added. dairy foods and beverages. An Instructor’s Manual (ISBN 978-0-470-25729-6) accompanies this book. In Part II. Grains. primarily related to chocolate. They show you how to think through the process and how to do the math. Chapter 5: Fats. produce. is for use by students. and can be obtained by contacting your Wiley Sales Representative. 3. reflecting the growing trend of fresh beverage menu offerings. 4. you’ll find food costing and food purchasing worksheets for all the different formulas for each type of food. 52 additional vegetable entries appear in this edition. starches. Candied fruits for holiday baking are now included plus the juice yields for many fruits are given. These additions are more fully described as follows: Chapter 1: Herbs and Spices. NEW IN THIS EDITION More than 200 new foods have been added to The Book of Yields. Oils and Condiments. a no-cal. further expanding the scope and usefulness of this work. including dried and fresh Stevia. and Cereals. step by step. at www. 2. such as flavored syrups for hot and cold beverages. If you don’t know who your representative is. Among these you will find more depth in the variety of general food types such as bananas. .com/college/lynch. One. Duck Fat. There are 23 new Pastas and 12 additional foods added to the list of Rice. The other. Qualified instructors may also download an electronic version of the Instructor’s Manual from the companion Website. Eighth Edition. the Workbook. 9 new foods are in the Special Baking Items Table. Additionally. sweeteners. Chapter 3: Starchy Foods. Chapter 4: Baking Items. including the juice yields enabling users to efficiently plan purchases and production of healthy drinks.xii Introduction and easy-to-use formulas that tell you exactly how to use yields and equivalents to help you more accurately decide how much food to buy. which is partially filled and click on Who’s My Rep? The Instructor’s Manual is composed of four parts: 1.wiley. please visit www. and oranges. Chapter 2: Produce. can be used by instructors. Three quizzes based on The Book of Yields Introduction and General Measurements A set of food costing exercises or quizzes A section food purchasing exercises or quizzes Two sets of recipe cards. 24 new items have been added to these lists. which is completely filled in.wiley. a very popular cooking medium and essential ingredient in the preparation of potted meats and confits. Additions are particularly numerous in the lists of herbs and spices. 47 new foods have been added to the table of Fruits. herbal sweetener. condiments. tangerines. 12 new items join the lists of foods related to baking and sweetening. The explanatory principles and math examples remain clear and simple. The Instructor’s Manual has numerous additional recipes to facilitate costing exercises. simply use the word ounce. Reflecting the surging popularity of teas on modern menus. in fact. European-style yogurts now compliment this list of frequently used foods. a pint equals 16 fluid ounces—of anything. As just stated. 32 fluid ounces. pint. When you are speaking of a volume. However.1). as in a tablespoon. quart. a cup equals 8 fluid ounces of space. Price Lists. These ounces are properly known as avoirdupois ounces. or gallon. the Wholesale Price Lists have been updated to reflect current market levels. a quart. The ounces that we measure by weight are simply called ounces. Chapter 8: Beverages. Chapter 15: Standard Portion Sizes. That tells you how big the space is. so please read them carefully. This reference list will help with menu planning. a pint holds 16 fluid ounces of space. . 14 new items appear in this table. New to this edition is a chapter on Standard Portion Sizes. Fluid ounces are measures of volume (see Figure I. The following paragraphs explain some very important things about weights and volumes. Why not? Because a fluid ounce is not a weighed ounce. and costing as well as planning food purchases for special events. always use fluid ounce as the correct description.” Well. Avoirdupois is a French term that means “goods of weight. recipes development. a pint is not a pound. Of course. a pound equals 16 ounces. A volume refers to a space. Much of the text that introduces each chapter remains largely unchanged. when working with weighed ounces. Coincidentally. when working with volumes rather than weights. OUNCES VERSUS FLUID OUNCES In the United States. no matter what food is in the cup. So it sounds like a pint is a pound—you’ve no doubt heard the familiar saying. and a gallon. or a gallon. including many non-caffeinated herbals. not a weight. KEY CONCEPTS MEASURES The Book of Yields deals with measurements of weights and volumes. “A pint’s a pound the world around.Introduction xiii 16 new condiments appear in this edition making this table an even richer compilation of multi-cultural flavorings.” The avoirdupois ounce and pound were assigned a particular value for use in general trade (commerce) and are different from the ounces and pounds used by professionals working in the jewelry and chemical (apothecary) fields. Rather than make the entire book over. a cup. the ounces they contain are fluid ounces and are always labeled as such. 128 fluid ounces. For instance. Chapter 7: Dairy. it is felt that keeping this aspect of the text as it was will help instructors and students use this newly expanded edition most successfully. xiv Volume Ounces Are Fluid Ounces Introduction 1 Gallon 128 fluid ounces Quart 32 fluid ounces Quart 32 fluid ounces Quart 32 fluid ounces Quart 32 fluid ounces Pint 16 fl oz Pint 16 fl oz Pint 16 fl oz Pint 16 fl oz Pint 16 fl oz Pint 16 fl oz Pint 16 fl oz Pint 16 fl oz Cup Cup Cup Cup Cup Cup Cup Cup Cup Cup Cup Cup Cup Cup Cup Cup 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 ounces ounces ounces ounces ounces ounces ounces ounces ounces ounces ounces ounces ounces ounces ounces ounces 1 Gallon = 4 Quarts 1 Quart = 2 Pints 1 Pint = 2 Cups 1 cup = 8 fluid ounces Figure I-1 3 teaspoons equal one tablespoon 2 tablespoons equal 1 fluid ounce 1 cup = 8 fluid ounces = 16 tablespoons = 48 teaspoons . which holds 1. for instance. and so on. all these units of measure are spelled out. of volume. the Purchasing section provides purchasing formulas and examples to help you plan your food purchases accurately. The Costing sections explain how to carry out costing and conversion procedures. Quart = qt. Fluid ounce = fl. A liter is just a little bigger than a quart. PART I: THE TEXT Most of the chapters are divided into two primary sections: Costing and Purchasing. oz. These containers or vessels are called the cup. also gal. OUNCES AND POUNDS The Book of Yields uses the standard American measures of weight (mass): ounces and pounds. it is used in the United States by engineers and the scientific community in general. or cup Pint = pt. by the way. Canned Produce. 1 quart contains 2 pints (32 fluid ounces).. rather than grams and kilograms. contains four tables: Vegetables. their abbreviations are used only in equations. and pound as lb. Small amounts are measured in teaspoons and tablespoons. The metric system weighs things in grams and kilograms. Cup = c. called tables. is a unit of measure in another system of measurement used around the world. One American pound equals 16 ounces. The metric system measures volume. 2 tablespoons make up 1 fluid ounce. distance. NOTE One American fluid ounce equals 29. Fruit. ounce is abbreviated as oz. 1 liter is defined as a cube whose sides are exactly one-tenth of a meter long. quart. 1 pint contains 2 cups (16 fluid ounces).349 grams. Teaspoons = tsp. A meter is a measure of distance and is a little longer than a yard. VOLUME MEASURES As noted previously. But fear not: We will be using the standard American measures in The Book of Yields because most people in the United States. ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ NOTE In text. and volumes by the liter. for fluid ounce. (always lowercase) Tablespoon = tbsp. and weight based on the meter (you’ll learn more on this in Chapter 14). for instance. 1 gallon contains 4 quarts (128 fluid ounces).Introduction xv NOTE In the equations. Chapter 2.. another metric unit of measure. known as the metric system. A gram.573 milliliters.. ✦ ✦ 3 teaspoons make up 1 tablespoon. for gallon. Interestingly. The type of food in a table determines the measurement unit used in that table. and Canned Foods: Weight-to-Volume. pint. one milliliter of water does equal one gram (at 68 degrees Fahrenheit at sea level). 1 cup contains 8 fluid ounces. many of the chapters contain pertinent food lists. including cooks and chefs. Gallon = gal. in the United States we measure volumes using containers that hold a certain number of fluid ounces.000 milliliters. A measure of tablespoons per ounce. is used in the Dry Herbs and Spices table because . one American ounce equals 28. fl. or Tbs. measure weight in ounces and pounds. In addition. for ease of use. and gallon. These measurements are typically abbreviated as follows: ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ HOW THIS BOOK IS ORGANIZED The Book of Yields is divided into two parts: the text and the Workbook. as already noted. oz. Due to its logical and precise nature. Produce. Each worksheet takes you from a purchase unit to a recipe unit. TERMINOLOGY USED IN THE BOOK Costing recipe ingredients. or 50-pound bags or boxes— you won’t be buying 2-pound boxes of sugar in the restaurant business. is a pretty straightforward process. PART II: THE WORKBOOK To make the formulas introduced in Part I easier to understand and use in recipe costing or food purchasing. To cost these foods and to plan your purchases. 25-. so be aware that these prices are intended to give you a sense of how much foods cost. they should be used only to help you learn about food costing and purchasing. and where to plug in data from the tables in Part I to complete the formula. even the multiplication and division symbols are supplied. Tables for foods such as fresh produce or fresh meats show the trim yield percentages because it is important to know this factor when figuring out the true cost of a recipe ingredient that has been trimmed before using it in a recipe. you will turn to Part II of The Book of Yields. They will help you learn to do your food buying in an organized way. not in actual buying or costing situations. Canned or bottled foods are sold by the case rather than by the can. The final part of the Workbook contains purchasing worksheets. you will see. organized as follows: ✦ ✦ ✦ Price lists Costing worksheets Purchasing worksheets The Workbook begins with price lists of wholesale foods. the Workbook. Each of the formulas is clearly laid out so that all you have to do is some simple math. you need to become familiar with these wholesale purchase units. Here are the key words and . These worksheets make simple work of understanding the costing of recipes. as well as the weight of a cup or pint of these items so that they can be costed before or after cooking. directing you when and what to multiply or divide. such as for rices and grains. Most foods come in relatively large quantities like 20-. Both processes use similar words.) These price lists follow the sequence of the tables in the main section.xvi Introduction cooks often measure these foods by the tablespoon. whose meanings are very important to understand. (Note. food prices vary from region to region and change with the seasons of the year. which demonstrate how to use the data presented in Part I to cost ingredients. the Weight-to-Volume Worksheet will show you how to go from the price of a 50-pound sack of sugar to the cost of a cup. This last part also contains forms you can use to take inventory and make out an actual order. Each food listed shows how it is typically packaged for the professional food service trade. Similarly. and concepts. 40-. to give more information about the foods listed. The next part of the Workbook contains costing worksheets. list the typical cooking yield percentages. as well as for day-to-day use. Many other tables measure foods by the cup or pint because they are used in larger quantities. which illustrate how to plan food purchases. phrases. or teaspoon. Additional notes often follow a table. Each worksheet also demonstrates how to do the math in each step. tablespoon. other food tables. For example. This section is very useful for estimating your food costs for special banquets. as is purchasing the right amount of food. “1 cup of dill weed equals 1. However. pastas. When you say. The as-purchased (AP) value is the amount of food you buy. You should base your as-served amount decision on the edible portion amount that you want to prepare for your guest. for example. Therefore. Pieces are usually measured in recipes by the “each. such as a trimmed steak. because it is sold by weight. You will do this based on the amounts of food you expect to use or serve. we are saying that those things are equal to each other in some way. a recipe may call for two apples. and can be measured in many different ways: by a volume measure. AS-PURCHASED As a chef or food and beverage (F&B) manager. It can be a whole piece of food. a cup of dry dill weed weighs 1. To illustrate. as-served (AS) refers to the amount of food that is either served or used—put into a recipe—typically. the as-served amount is all you’ll usually need to make purchasing decisions. ounces. a weight. after trimming or cooking.28. lettuce leaves. and ready-to-cook steak is the edible portion. fat. if you serve a 10-ounce steak. and the 7 ounces of trimmed. For instance. In cooking. not by volume. the amount of a food that goes into a recipe. or gristle. in The Book of Yields the asserved amount can also mean as-used—that is. And. it has an as-served weight of 10 ounces. split cases. Canned foods are often packed in water or syrup and may be drained before use.68 ounces. and grains increase in weight and size when cooked. for the following reasons: ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ Trimming food makes it smaller. cans. remember. because some of the steak may be bone. so it weighs less. phrases used throughout The Book of Yields: ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ As-served (abbreviated in equations as AS) As-purchased (abbreviated in equations as AP) Weight-to-volume equivalents Yield percentages Each is defined in turn in the following subsections.” you have just stated an equivalent. a chicken breast. flats—the variety of packaging possibilities is enormous. Regardless of how the food comes in the door. For example. you should use the AS amount when figuring out how much to buy. the actual edible portion will be less. however. and they are necessary to know in order to cost out recipe ingredients that are measured by volume. When we say something is equivalent to something else. or apples. assume a 5-ounce container of dill weed costs $12. such as how a particular volume measure (like a cup) equals a weight of food (in the cup). parsley sprigs.Introduction xvii NOTE: EDIBLE PORTION VERSUS AS-SERVED Edible portion (EP) is the amount you expect a guest to actually eat. But. One ounce would cost one-fifth of . for instance. an equivalent defines how one type of measure equals a related measure. cases. AS-SERVED As the term implies. or a cup of peeled and sliced carrots. Fresh food tends to dry up or spoil the longer it is stored. These are known as weight-to-volume equivalents. WEIGHT-TO-VOLUME EQUIVALENTS NOTE The AP and the AS amounts are usually very different. For instance. An AP amount can be measured in many ways: pounds. they often are not. certain events are going to change many of these foods in ways that make them shrink or grow as you (or just their environment) process them. a very important part of your job will be to figure out how much food to buy. bottles. not just a trimmed portion of a meat or other item that goes directly onto a customer’s plate. Pieces can be many things: a steak. Some foods such as rice. raw. 2 each. the aforementioned 10-ounce steak is the AS amount. Once you have established your edible portion and as-served amounts. In case you’re wondering. the amount of a food that comes in the door before you do anything to it.” For example. sacks. such as a cup of dill weed. the AP amount. The recipe would read: Apples. 7 ounces.68 ounces. It is a clearer measure of what you need to know when deciding on your purchase amount. the EP and the AS can be the same (the steak may be completely boneless and trimmed of all fat and gristle). or a piece count. In cooking. which is the same as 80%: NOTE Recall from your early arithmetic training that a decimal number can be written as a percentage number. for instance. Its yield percentage is 697%. All it takes is knowing your equivalents! YIELD PERCENTAGES Yield percentage is abbreviated in the equations in the book as Y%. If you peel a medium carrot. as it will save you money! AS Y% AP It says that you divide the as-served or used amount by the food’s yield percentage to see how much as-purchased food you need to cost out or buy.80 Why are yield percentages important? Because we use them to calculate how much food to buy! Learn this next formula—the “how much to buy” formula—well. Cooks can follow them quickly and accurately.xviii Introduction $12. . we already know that the trim yield percentage for medium carrots is 80%.28. if you like. you will end up with roughly 80% of its original weight. you will end up with nearly 7 pounds of cooked oatmeal.80. . by dividing the number of ounces by 16. Now do the following calculations: 1. and the chef can figure the recipe’s cost just as quickly and accurately. In another example. It is the most important one in the book. (There are 16 ounces in 1 pound. 20 25 . In working with foodservice formulas.80 225 oz. That 80% is the trim yield percentage.45 per ounce. Divide the AS amount by the yield percentage: 180 oz. if you cook a pound of oatmeal. draining. Using volume measures is very helpful when writing recipes. a yield percentage is the measure of the factor by which an item changes because of trimming.) 225 16 14. and/or cooking. Multiplying the 1. 180 oz. remember. ending up with 20 pounds of usable carrots.12. That calculates to $2. The formula tells you to start with 225 ounces of raw carrots to have 180 trimmed ounces for use.80 becomes 80%. The yield percentage is found by dividing the AS amount by the AP amount—that is. The 20 AS pounds divided by the 25 AP pounds equals . divide the amount you end up with after processing by the amount you started with. Just move the decimal point two places to the right and place the % symbol at the righthand side of the numbers. Add up how much peeled and trimmed carrots you need (assume here that you want to serve 60 3-ounce portions of peeled and trimmed carrots): 60 3 oz.68 ounces of dill weed found in 1 cup gives you a cup cost of $4. Convert the 225 ounces to pounds. 2. This is how . you will often be thinking in percentages but dealing with decimals as you do the math.06 lb. Continuing with the carrot example. The yield percentage formula is: AS AP Y% (Amount served or used Yield percentage) Amount purchased = Here is an example of how this formula works: Given: You peel and trim 25 pounds of medium carrots. Determine the total AS number of measures you need. and measured.8 oz. These foods are usually purchased by weight but are often used in recipes by volume (tablespoons. grains. Determine the volume-to-weight equivalent for one measure. flour. Therefore. 16 oz.8 oz. you’ll need to convert the recipe’s total AS volume back into an equivalent AP weight in order to calculate an appropriate amount to buy or cost out. you would multiply the 108 cups of sugar times the weight per cup of 7. In this case. honey. used. this formula for calculating how much food to buy or cost out works perfectly for foods that get trimmed in their preparation. the formula tells you to start with (or buy) just over 14 pounds of aspurchased carrots in order to have 60 3-ounce portions of trimmed and peeled carrots ready to use or serve. quarts. and so on. and pastas! OTHER PURCHASING FORMULAS AP FORMULA NOTE There are a number of variations to this basic formula of AS Y% = AP. In this example of granulated sugar.1 766. 47. FOR STATIC FOOD The term static foods refers to those that are used just as they are bought—foods like sugar.) The AP formula for static foods is: AS number of measures Weight per measure AP To explain how to use the formula to convert an AS volume back to an AP weight. . like this: 108 7. cups. such as rices. if you know their weight-to-volume equivalents. they are used as is. rice. In this example. None of these variations are hard to learn and use. cereals.Introduction xix Thus.1 ounces.1 oz.9 lb. when a recipe lists these static foods in volume measurements. as well as as-used. and they reflect the differences in food types and how they are counted. Multiply the number of measures needed times the weight per measure to calculate the AS amount in ounces. the formula looks like this: 108 cups 7.). (Remember: AS means as-served. divide the number of ounces by 16: 766. yeast. To finish (and get the AP answer in pounds). assume a recipe calls for 6 cups of granulated sugar. 3. coffee grounds. It will save you countless hours and make you a smarter. you would multiply the 6 cups times 18 to get the AS number of measures: 18 recipes 6 cups per recipe 108 total AS cups 2. dry basil. 4. etc.8 oz. calling for 18 recipes of 6 cups of sugar per recipe. and you need to make 18 recipes in one large batch. Take these steps: 1. per cup 766.1 ounces. Making purchasing decisions about these foods is pretty easy. And here is more good news: This same formula works just as well for foods that increase in size and weight during preparation. more successful foodservice professional. As you can see. The Sweeteners table in Chapter 4 shows 1 cup of granulated sugar weighs 7. Keep this book with you as you advance in your studies and move on in your career. in recipes. 16 oz. or a tomato from a flat of tomatoes. a slice of prime rib. an apple from a case of apples. Here. is something you decide when you create your recipes and menu items. rather than a case or some other large unit. but a pound is always a pound. converting the ounces to pounds: 766. 47. then. you need to buy exactly five whole prime ribs. let’s determine how many whole prime ribs you would have to buy if you intend to serve prime rib portions to 75 guests. and the 7.50 . Again. Here is the formula: Portion count needed Pieces per purchase unit AP NOTE You’ll notice that The B ook of Yields often lists the purchase unit as a pound or an each. Why? A case can vary in size or weight. or case of tomatoes. AP cost Portion count Cost per portion For example. or portion count. As an example of how to use the piece-yield formula. The piece-yield formula tells you to divide the number of portions you need to serve your guests by the number of pieces you normally get from the purchase unit. This tells you how many purchase units to buy. assume that a New York strip loin costs $45 and yields 18 cut-andtrimmed 8-ounce steaks.1 ounces is the weight per measure.9 lb. you divide the purchase unit’s AP cost by the count that you get from it. The larger items are often the actual items you purchase. you will use this formula. USING YIELD FACTORS TO DETERMINE COSTS FORMULA FOR THE COST PER PORTION BY COUNT A yield count is simply the number of portions you typically get from a whole food item. A portion size. These larger items are called purchase units. you need nearly an entire 50-pound sack of sugar to make this recipe batch. When you have a known yield count.xx Introduction The 108 cups is the number of AS measures. or a portion. A piece. You need to know how many pieces or portions you expect to get from the purchase unit. PIECE-YIELD PURCHASING FORMULA When you are going to use or serve an ingredient that is simply a piece from a larger item. What is the cost per steak? $45 18 $2. and you normally get 15 portions from each whole prime rib.8 oz. such as the number of steaks you get from a loin. case of apples. can be many different things— for example. Therefore. therefore: 75 15 5 So. the portion count needed is 75 and the number of pieces per purchase unit is 15. such as the whole prime rib. These formulas are all somewhat similar in that they ask you to find the cost of a basic unit of measure such as an ounce. Be sure to use the worksheets in Part II when you start doing the math. They are laid out in a way that leads you through each formula. To begin.50 The new cost per pound of servable carrots is 50 cents. showing you how to do the math. This will speed up your searches for foods. or a single piece and employ that in your calculations. a fluid ounce. GETTING STARTED Understanding the facts.Introduction xxi FORMULA FOR COST PER SERVABLE POUND (OR UNIT) To determine the cost per servable pound or unit. you divide the cost per purchased pound (the AP cost per pound on your invoice) by the food’s yield percentage. you will encounter new formulas that will enable you to master the skills needed for success in running a food service operation. This works for any measure. This book is not just a tool for learning how to cost foods and plan purchases. . It will save you time and help you become prosperous. if the price of carrots drops from 60 cents to 40 cents per pound: $0. As you go forward with your food costing and purchasing activities. It is a tool you will keep by your side throughout your career as a chef or food service manager. the cost per servable pound of trimmed carrots is 75 cents. and concepts presented in this introductory section will set you up for success as you proceed with the following chapters. then: $0. the best approach is to look through the book in its entirety.75 Thus. I hope you’ll find the formulas logical and easy to follow. Yield % Cost per servable pound Assume that carrots cost 60 cents per pound and their trimmed yield is 80%. you can use the same formula: simply change the cost of the AP unit. Each succeeding chapter contains formulas that are based on the fundamental information and the logic used in the formulas outlined on the preceding pages.80 $0. When prices change. not just pounds.40 .80 $0. You will learn how it is organized and start to become familiar with its content and scope.60 . You may find it helpful to buy some self-sticking page tabs that you can label with each chapter’s food type. that is: AP cost per lb. principles. For example. step by step. This page intentionally left blank . PART I . This page intentionally left blank . often have flat parsley. and French cuisine features tarragon. The key measures are: Number of tablespoons per ounce Number of ounces per tablespoon ✦ Number of ounces that a cup of the item weighs ✦ Count per ounce (such as whole bay leaves) ✦ Count per tablespoon (such as whole peppercorns) If. Once you know that amount. 3 . herbs and spices can be troublesome to cost out. simply IN THE WORKBOOK divide the tablespoon-equivalent amount (the first column of Part II. whether they are fresh or dry. Italian recipes. All help you with costing dry herbs and spices costing procedures begin by determining the cost per ounce of a and fresh herbs: food item. has two worksheets to numbers) by 3. and oregano. and curly parsley. rosemary. This chapter will show you that it is quite simple (and far more accurate) to cost these items. Some texts on costing suggest that you simply add 5% to the cost of the recipe to account for the herbs and spices expense.77. Costing Worksheet 6 tablespoon or cup) to cost out the volume measures in question. the Workbook. chives. Herbs and spices flavor other foods and are very important aspects of developing the character of a recipe. ✦ ✦ Example Given: A 22-ounce container of dry whole leaf basil costs $24. because there are 3 teaspoons per tablespoon. sweet basil. for example. As important as they are in cookery. for instance. Costing Worksheet 5 ✦ Fresh Herbs. The same is true for planning purchases of these items.1 DRY HERBS AND SPICES AND FRESH HERBS his chapter covers dry herbs and spices plus fresh herbs. you look up the number of volume measures (tablespoons per ounce or ounces per ✦ Dry Herbs and Spices. T COSTING DRY HERBS The Dry Herbs and Spices table uses relatively small measures because these foods are often used in fairly small amounts. you need to cost a teaspoon of an item. whereas Scandinavian recipes often call for dill weed. A few key herbs or spices distinguish many ethnic and national cuisines from others. 0988 That means that 1 tablespoon costs a little less than a dime.77) by the number of ounces in the container (22): $24.1259 Therefore.5764 As you can see. whole leaf herb called for fresh. To calculate the cost of a single item listed in the Number Each per Ounce column. The table shows that there are 11. Divide the cost of 1 ounce ($1. 3 tsp.4 $0. use 1 tablespoon. Having this data on hand will save you the trouble of doing the calculation yourself. ✦ 1 lb. 128 fl. COSTING FRESH HERBS Fresh herbs can be used as garnishes of whole leaves or whole leafy stems.126 1.126 11. 2 c. 1 cup of whole dry leaf basil costs $1. 2. such as whole chilies or peppercorns. The table shows this is 1. To calculate the cost of a single item listed in the Number Each per Tablespoon column. 2. ✦ 1 tbsp. 1 ounce costs $1. ✦ 1 qt.77 22 $1. rounded. or each. ✦ . When it comes to calculating the cost of a single item.58. are used in recipes by the count. 16 tbsp. For instance. 4 qt. ✦ 1 pt. Divide the cost of the container ($24. If substituting dry. Find the cost per cup by multiplying the cost per ounce ($1. oz. whole leaf basil. Look up the number of ounces that 1 cup weighs. take the following steps: 1. 2. 8 fl.4 ounces. Refer to the Dry Herbs and Spices table to learn the number of tablespoons per ounce of whole leaf basil. for instance. they find their way into recipes as flavorings and again as garnishes. calculate the cost of one ounce. There are two steps in calculating the cost of 1 tablespoon: 1. rounded.4 tablespoons of whole leaf basil per ounce.4 $1. 1 c. 2 pt. 4 c. substitute 1/3rd the volume of dry. ground herb for fresh. oz.126) by the number of ounces in 1 cup (1. Again. 16 oz. Divide the cost per tablespoon by the number found in 1 tablespoon. oz. NOTE When substituting dry herbs for fresh. chopped leaf.4): $1. you’ll need an additional step: 1. a few items. 32 fl.4 Chapter 1 Dry Herbs and Spices and Fresh Herbs To calculate the cost of 1 ounce: 1.126) by the number of tablespoons in 1 ounce (11. Calculate the cost per tablespoon. ✦ 1 fl. 2 tbsp. Two types of these items are listed: counts by the ounce and counts per tablespoon.4): NOTE The table also shows the number of ounces per tablespoon because some recipe-costing software programs ask for this value when entering a food into their databases. 1 gal. 2. To calculate the cost of 1 cup: 1. Divide the ounce cost by the count per ounce. when 3 tablespoons of fresh chopped basil are called for. 3. 16 fl. use 1/6th the volume of fresh herb to replace. 16 c. They are also used whole in stocks and some roasting recipes.126. When stemmed and chopped. Calculate the cost per ounce. oz. $1. oz. This calculation comes in handy for recipes calling for 10 whole cloves or 25 peppercorns. dry. To calculate the cost of 1 garnish leaf: 1.4 ounces and costs $0.62.86 per bunch.25.03776 Y% ✦ Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit . Divide the cost of 1 AP ounce ($0. the number of chopped tablespoons obtained from 1 AP ounce is shown as 6. you first determine the cost of the as-purchased (AP) ounce. (I recommend that you use the data based on the AP ounce. Divide the cost per ounce ($0.4 $0. on average. which probably is not going to be the case. For curly parsley.2529 The cost per AP ounce is $0.0114 As you can see. Taking curly parsley as an example. stemmed. too. and dividing that result by the AP ounces in the bunch. To help you in this regard.25 22 $0. you may want to “pad” the cost of your fresh herbs a bit to reflect the real conditions in your operation. Therefore. One supplier may ship smaller bunches than another. large garnish leaves per purchased (AP) ounce. 1 usable curly parsley garnish leaf costs a little over 1 cent. assume that the average bunch weighs 3. the size of a bunch can vary as seasons change. You can use the Food Weight Log in the Workbook section for this purpose.62 $0.Costing Fresh Herbs 5 Fresh herbs are often sold by the bunch.25) by the number of chopped tablespoons obtained from 1 AP ounce (6. COSTING GARNISH LEAVES NOTE Over the course of time. it’s a good idea to keep a record of the various weights of your fresh herb bunches. you will obtain 22 lovely.86 3. The Fresh Herbs table shows that. but it is important to keep in mind that the size of the bunches will vary for one reason or another. we’ll use curly parsley as an example. meaning that you have no spoilage and that you use every bit of parsley. This was calculated by measuring the number of cups of cleaned. and chopped leaf obtained from one bunch.25 6. and even if you only buy from one source. the Fresh Herbs table gives you yield information based both on a bunch and on an as-purchased (AP) ounce.62): $0. That number was then multiplied by 16 (there are 16 tablespoons in 1 cup). Divide the cost per bunch by the number of ounces in 1 bunch: $0. Notice the column in the Fresh Herbs table labeled Yield of Tablespoons of Chopped Leaf per Purchased Ounce. COSTING CHOPPED FRESH HERBS Here. It’s important to point out that this is a mathematical ideal cost. To calculate the cost per AP ounce: 1. rounded. To cost a tablespoon of chopped fresh parsley: 1.) To cost whole leaves or volumes of chopped leaves.25) by the number of garnish leaves per AP ounce (22): $0. 16 fl.86) by the number of cups yielded (1.61 PURCHASING DRY AND FRESH HERBS Fresh produce (herbs.62 22. with an example of each. so be aware that you may well pay much more for the same item in the winter than you do in the summer or fall. ✦ 1 tbsp. Purchasing Worksheet 2 ✦ DRY HERBS This section gives you four purchasing formulas for dry herbs. ✦ 1 fl. 3 tsp.406): $0. oz. the Workbook.61. Divide the yield in tablespoons (22. 1 tablespoon of chopped curly parsley costs $0. Now divide the cost of the bunch ($0. To cost a cup of fresh chopped parsley: 1.62): 3. vegetables.6 Chapter 1 Dry Herbs and Spices and Fresh Herbs In this case. 2.4-ounce bunch yielded 1. rounded. Purchasing Worksheet 1 ✦ Fresh Herbs.5) by the number of tablespoons in 1 cup (16): 22. 4 c.86 1. 2 c. FORMULA 1 The purchasing formula for dry herbs measured in tablespoons is as follows: AS # of tablespoons # of tablespoons per ounce AP in ounces Example Given: You need a total of 37 tablespoons of ground basil.608 A cup of chopped curly parsley costs $0.5 16 1. 16 oz. and fruit) prices fluctuate widely as the seasons change. 1 c. 8 fl. 16 tbsp. 2 pt. 4 qt.406 $0.038.038 16 $0.4 6. Or you can use this three-step alternate method for costing a cup: 1.406 The 3. ✦ 1 qt. 32 fl. 128 fl.508 The entire bunch yielded 22. 2 tbsp. rounded.406 cups of chopped parsley. ✦ . ✦ 1 lb. oz. oz. oz. Multiply the cost per tablespoon by 16: $0. oz. 3.5 tablespoons of chopped parsley.4) by the number of tablespoons of chopped herb obtained from each AP ounce (6. ✦ 1 pt. IN THE WORKBOOK Part II. Multiply the number of AP ounces in the bunch (3. 16 c. has two worksheets to help you plan your purchases of dry herbs and spices and fresh herbs: Dry Herbs and Spices. To find out how many ounces you will need: 1 gal. 57 tablespoons Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit Y% ✦ . 1.7 6. FORMULA 3 The purchasing formula for dry herbs count to weight is as follows: # each per ounce AP in ounces Count needed Example Given: You need 12 dry Pasilla chile pods. 1. Divide the tablespoons needed by the number of tablespoons in 1 ounce.Purchasing Dry and Fresh Herbs 7 NOTE The # symbol stands for “number” or “the number of” in the formulas that follow here and in later chapters. 1. dry Pasilla chile pods. Divide the number of pods per ounce into the total pods needed. Find how many ounces you need. FORMULA 4 The last formula is for a dry spice-count-per-tablespoon to AP number of tablespoons: AS count needed Count per tablespoon AP tablespoons Example Given: You need 800 whole black peppercorns.49 Thus. you will need 6 ounces of whole. That means here you divide 800 by 175 to find the number of tablespoons needed: 800 175 4.5 ounces of ground basil. The Dry Herbs and Spices table shows that there are 175 peppercorns per tablespoon: 1. FORMULA 2 Next is the purchasing formula for dry herbs (volume-to-weight for cups): AS # of cups # ounces per cup AP in ounces Example Given: You need 2 cups of ground basil. The Dry Herbs and Spices table shows there are 5. Multiply the weight per cup times the number of cups needed. you will need 5. The Dry Herbs and Spices table shows that there are 2 Pasilla chile pods in 1 ounce: 12 2 6 Thus.62 Therefore. so you get this result: 2 2.7 tablespoons of ground basil per ounce.62 ounces of ground basil. you will need nearly 6. 37 5.81 ounces per cup for ground basil. Divide the number needed by the count per tablespoon.81 5. The Dry Herbs and Spices table shows that there are 2. again.57 4 1. ✦ . oz. 2 pt. oz. 4 c. ✦ 1 tbsp. just divide this answer by the value in the column headed Number of Tablespoons per Ounce in the table. 128 fl. and the Fresh Herbs table shows that there are 3.14 Therefore. FORMULA 1 The first formula is based on the number of garnish leaves needed: # of leaves per AP ounce Ounces to buy # of leaves needed Example You need 120 mint leaves. Here. Follow this two-step process: 1 gal. The last formula in this section is based on the number of cups of chopped leaf needed: FORMULA 3 (# Chopped cups needed # Ounces to buy 16) # Chopped tablespoons per AP ounce Example You need 3 cups of chopped mint leaf. Therefore. 16 oz. 4 qt. FRESH HERBS For fresh herbs there are three formulas.14 ounces of whole peppercorns. 2 c. oz. 16 tbsp. the table shows there are 3. the table shows there are 4 tablespoons per ounce. For peppercorns. ✦ 1 lb.88 tablespoons of chopped mint per AP ounce. 16 c. 1 c.88 tablespoons of chopped mint per AP ounce. you need to buy just over 4 ounces of fresh mint.8 Chapter 1 Dry Herbs and Spices and Fresh Herbs To convert to the number of ounces needed. oz. and the Fresh Herbs table shows that there are 24 garnish leaves of mint per AP ounce. oz. so you use this equation: 16 3. FORMULA 2 The second formula is based on the number of chopped tablespoons needed: # Chopped tablespoons needed # Ounces to buy # Chopped tablespoons per AP ounce Example You need 16 tablespoons of chopped mint leaf. 32 fl.88 4. ✦ 1 qt. 3 tsp. 16 fl.12 Therefore. 8 fl. 2 tbsp. the equation is: 120 24 5 which means you need to buy 5 ounces of fresh mint. each formula is illustrated with an example. ✦ 1 pt. So the calculation is as follows: 4. you need to order or cost 1. too. ✦ 1 fl. Dry Herbs and Spices 9 1. Multiply the number of cups needed by 16. 3 16 48 2. Divide that answer by the number of chopped tablespoons per AP ounce: 3.88. 48 3.88 12.37 The result indicates that you need to buy 12.37 ounces of fresh mint. Dry Herbs and Spices Number of Tablespoons per Ounce Number of Ounces per Tablespoon Number of Ounces per Cup Number Each per Ounce Number Each per Tablespoon Item Name Achiote (Annato) Powder Allspice, ground Anise Seed, whole Basil, ground Basil, whole leaf Bay Leaf, whole Bay Leaves, ground Bee Pollen Caraway Seed, whole Cardamom, ground Cayenne Pepper Celery Salt Celery Seed, whole Chervil, whole Chicory Root, ground as for coffee Chile Flakes, green Chile Flakes, red Chile Pods, Casabel Chile Pods, California and New Mexico Chile Pods, de Arbol Chile Pods, Guajillo Chile Pods, Japones (Japanese) 3.08 4.92 5.00 5.70 11.40 0.325 0.203 0.200 0.175 0.088 5.20 3.25 3.20 2.81 1.40 130 4.21 2.81 4.23 4.88 5.30 1.95 3.90 13.00 4.00 5.90 5.90 0.238 0.356 0.236 0.205 0.189 0.513 0.256 0.077 0.250 0.169 0.169 3.80 5.70 3.78 3.28 3.02 8.21 4.10 1.23 4.00 2.71 2.71 9 4 52 5 81 Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit Y% ✦ 10 Chapter 1 Dry Herbs and Spices and Fresh Herbs Dry Herbs and Spices (Continued) Number of Tablespoons per Ounce Number of Ounces per Tablespoon Number of Ounces per Cup Number Each per Ounce Number Each per Tablespoon Item Name Chile Pods, Morita Chile Pods, Pasilla Chile Pods, Pequin Chile Powder Chile Powder (Ancho) Chile Powder (Chipotle) Chinese Five-Spice Chives, chopped Cilantro Cinnamon, ground Cinnamon, whole sticks, 5 long Cinnamon Chips (bark flakes) Cloves, ground Cloves, whole Coriander Seed, ground Coriander Seed, whole Cream of Tartar Cumin Seed, whole Cumin, ground Curry Powder Dashi No Moto (no MSG) Dashi No Moto (with MSG) Dill Seed, whole Dill Weed Epazote Fennel Seed, whole Fenugreek Seed, whole Galangal Root, dry shredded 9 2 511 4.25 3.87 3.35 4.25 56.00 36.00 4.00 0.235 0.258 0.298 0.235 0.018 0.028 0.250 3.76 4.13 4.77 3.76 0.29 0.44 4.00 3 3.33 4.30 5.33 4.58 5.68 2.46 4.72 4.80 4.50 2.32 2.50 4.50 9.50 10.06 4.20 2.55 6.27 0.300 0.233 0.188 0.218 0.176 0.407 0.212 0.208 0.222 0.431 0.400 0.222 0.105 0.099 0.238 0.392 0.159 4.80 3.72 3.00 3.49 2.82 6.50 3.39 3.33 3.56 6.90 6.40 3.56 1.68 1.59 3.81 6.27 2.55 266 50 1 gal. 4 qt. 16 c. 1 c. 8 fl. oz. 128 fl. oz. ✦ 1 qt. 2 pt. 4 c. 32 fl. oz. ✦ 1 pt. 2 c. 16 fl. oz. 16 tbsp. ✦ 1 fl. oz. 2 tbsp. ✦ 1 tbsp. 3 tsp. ✦ 1 lb. 16 oz. ✦ Dry Herbs and Spices 11 Dry Herbs and Spices (Continued) Number of Tablespoons per Ounce Number of Ounces per Tablespoon Number of Ounces per Cup Number Each per Ounce Number Each per Tablespoon Item Name Garlic Powder Garlic Salt Garlic, granulated Garum Masala Ginger, ground Herbs de Provence Hibiscus Flowers, whole Juniper Berries, whole Kelp Powder Lavender Flowers, broken Lemon Balm Lemon Grass, shredded Lemon Peel pieces (bits) Lemon Pepper, lightly salted Lemon Thyme Lemon Verbena Licorice Root, shredded Mace, ground Marjoram, ground Marjoram, whole leaf Mexican, Seasonings, Green Mint, whole leaf Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) Mustard Seed, whole Mustard, ground (powder) Nori (Seaweed) sheets 8 Nutmeg, ground Nutmeg, whole 8.5 4.32 2.00 2.66 4.57 4.20 9.70 0.231 0.500 0.376 0.219 0.238 0.103 3.70 8.00 6.02 3.50 3.81 1.65 40 5.33 3.20 22.54 17.78 16.84 5.08 3.23 21.33 14.55 7.27 5.25 5.93 10.60 6.53 34.00 2.86 2.50 5.16 0.188 0.313 0.044 0.056 0.059 0.197 0.309 0.047 0.069 0.138 0.190 0.169 0.094 0.153 0.029 0.350 0.400 0.194 3.00 5.00 0.71 0.90 0.95 3.15 4.95 0.75 1.10 2.20 3.05 2.70 1.51 2.45 0.47 5.60 6.40 3.10 331 62 10 4.25 0.235 3.76 6.50 Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit Y% ✦ 12 Chapter 1 Dry Herbs and Spices and Fresh Herbs Dry Herbs and Spices (Continued) Number of Tablespoons per Ounce Number of Ounces per Tablespoon Number of Ounces per Cup Number Each per Ounce Number Each per Tablespoon Item Name Onion Powder Orange Peel pieces (bits) Oregano, ground Oregano, whole leaf Paprika, ground Parsley Flakes, whole Pepper, Black, whole Pepper, Black, coarse-cut Pepper, Black, cracked Pepper, Black, table grind Pepper, Red, crushed (flakes) Pepper, Szechuan, whole Pepper, White, ground Pepper, White, whole Peppermint, flaked Poppy Seed, whole Poultry Seasoning Pumpkin Pie Seasoning Mix Rose Blossoms Rosemary, ground Rosemary, whole leaf Saffron, whole Sage, rubbed Salt, Hawaiian, white Salt: French, Sea: (Sel Gris, fine) Salt, kosher, (Diamond Crystal) Salt, kosher (Morton coarse) Salt, kosher flake 4.32 6.15 5.70 10.00 4.10 22.00 4.00 4.32 4.00 4.20 5.90 8.27 3.55 3.08 15.24 3.20 7.66 5.06 24.24 5.70 11.85 13.50 11.00 1.79 2.06 3.40 1.87 1.70 0.231 0.163 0.175 0.100 0.244 0.045 0.250 0.231 0.250 0.238 0.169 0.121 0.282 0.325 0.066 0.313 0.131 0.198 0.041 0.175 0.084 0.074 0.091 0.559 0.484 0.294 0.534 0.588 3.70 2.60 2.81 1.60 3.90 0.73 4.00 3.70 4.00 3.81 2.71 1.93 4.51 5.20 1.05 5.00 2.09 3.16 0.66 2.81 1.35 1.19 1.45 8.95 7.75 4.70 8.55 9.41 590 192 700 175 1 gal. 4 qt. 16 c. 1 c. 8 fl. oz. 128 fl. oz. ✦ 1 qt. 2 pt. 4 c. 32 fl. oz. ✦ 1 pt. 2 c. 16 fl. oz. 16 tbsp. ✦ 1 fl. oz. 2 tbsp. ✦ 1 tbsp. 3 tsp. ✦ 1 lb. 16 oz. ✦ Dry Herbs and Spices 13 Dry Herbs and Spices (Continued) Number of Tablespoons per Ounce Number of Ounces per Tablespoon Number of Ounces per Cup Number Each per Ounce Number Each per Tablespoon Item Name Salt, Red Hawaiian, medium grain Salt, regular Salt, Seasoning Savory, ground Sesame Seed, whole Spearmint, flaked Stevia Leaf Stevia Leaf Powder Tarragon, ground Tarragon, whole leaf Thyme, ground Thyme, whole leaf Tulsi (Holy Basil) Turmeric, powder Wasabi, powder 1.77 1.55 1.95 6.45 3.00 17.78 12.31 5.52 5.90 13.00 6.60 10.00 9.41 3.75 5.90 0.566 0.645 0.513 0.155 0.333 0.056 0.081 0.181 0.169 0.077 0.152 0.100 0.106 0.267 0.169 9.05 10.32 8.21 2.48 5.33 0.9 1.3 2.9 2.71 1.23 2.42 1.60 1.70 4.27 2.71 Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit Y% ✦ 14 Chapter 1 Dry Herbs and Spices and Fresh Herbs Fresh Herbs Ounces per Bunch or AP Unit Garnish Leaves or Sprigs per Bunch Garnish Leaves or Sprigs per AP Ounce Ounces of Stemless Leaf per Bunch Weight Yield Percent: Stemless Leaf per Bunch Ounce Weight of 1 Tablespoon Chopped Yield: Tablespoons of Chopped Leaf per Purchased Ounce Ounce Weight of 1 Cup, Chopped Item Basil, Sweet Bay Leaves Chives, 6 lengths Cilantro Dill Weed Marjoram Mint Oregano Parsley, curly Parsley, Italian Rosemary Sage, green Stevia Tarragon Thyme Watercress Notes 2.5 0.6 1 2.8 4.5 1 3.35 1 3.4 5.7 1 1 2.6 1 1 6.1 59 68 115 93 105 38 80 40 75 91 22 68 90 48 43 25 23.6 113 115 33 23 38 24 40 22 16 22 68 34.6 48 43 4.1 1.4 0.48 0.95 1.3 2 0.76 1.4 0.78 1.8 2.3 0.8 0.6 1.1 0.8 0.65 1.65 56.00% 80.00% 95.00% 46.43% 44.44% 76.00% 41.79% 78.00% 52.94% 40.35% 80.00% 60.00% 42.31% 80.00% 65.00% 27.05% 0.088 0.113 0.095 0.093 0.112 0.069 0.108 0.065 0.080 0.113 0.150 0.075 0.069 0.114 0.100 0.092 6.40 7.10 10 5 41 11 3.88 12 6.62 3.51 5.33 8 6.15 7 6.50 2.95 1.408 1.803 1.520 1.486 1.785 1.105 1.724 1.040 1.280 1.800 2.400 1.200 1.100 1.828 1.600 1.470 1. Ginger yields 70% when peeled. 2. These measurements are based on herbs of normal commercial size and quality with respect to their size, maturity, freshness, moisture, and conformation. 3. Leaves for garnish are large and attractive. 4. Stemless leaf yield includes the garnish leaves plus remaining good leaves. 5. Leaves were stripped from stems before chopping. 6. Chopped leaves were cut chiffonade, then cross-cut and chopped a bit more. 7. Volume measures of chopped leaves were tapped down but not pressed down hard. 8. The Yield: Tablespoons of Chopped Leaf per Purchased Ounce column was obtained by physically measuring (in cups) the total yield of the purchased amount after stemming and chopping, then multiplying that amount by 16 and dividing the answer by the ounces purchased. 1 gal. 4 qt. 16 c. 1 c. 8 fl. oz. 128 fl. oz. ✦ 1 qt. 2 pt. 4 c. 32 fl. oz. ✦ 1 pt. 2 c. 16 fl. oz. 16 tbsp. ✦ 1 fl. oz. 2 tbsp. ✦ 1 tbsp. 3 tsp. ✦ 1 lb. 16 oz. ✦ 2. while fruit is a common ingredient on the baking and pastry side of the kitchen. Quality. For instance. too. and these products are sold by weight. such as dicing or slicing The number of cups obtained (i. This chapter addresses fresh produce as well as canned. in the AP unit The number of ounces left over after trimming The percentage of the trimmed amount to the AP amount—that is..2 PRODUCE P roduce refers to fruit and vegetables. many recipes call for “2 cups of diced onion” or “1 pint of sliced strawberries. try to modify your menu in a way that makes it less reliant on foods that have to travel from far away. but not in depth.” These volume measures of trimmed and cut produce are easy to cost out (and plan for purchases) when you follow the formulas and use the food tables in this chapter. can fluctuate significantly due to the seasons and distances the food must travel from farm to market. the yield percentage (Y%) When applicable. Each shows you the following: ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ An initial as-purchased (AP) unit (typically a pound) The number of ounces. Whenever possible. because they are fairly easy to cost and buy correctly. try to buy local fresh produce in season. you will find the data in this chapter of significant help when costing ingredients and planning purchases. Be aware that wholesale prices for fresh produce vary widely over the course of a year. Frozen vegetables and fruit are addressed briefly. yielded) of these processed foods from the AP unit 15 . If you cannot do this with all your produce needs (and it is probable that you cannot). Regarding fresh vegetables and fresh fruit. In those situations. There is little or no waste. you should perform your own winter yield tests on those produce items that come in the door showing signs of spoilage or shrinkage. the number of ounces a cup of the trimmed food weighs after further prepping. Vegetables are part of most recipes on the savory side of the kitchen. Of course this is not going to happen in the dead of winter in colder climates. This can affect your yields. or counts. 3. Vegetables Fruit Canned Foods (in Number-10 cans) Canned Foods Weight-to-Volume Note that the Vegetables and Fruit tables are identical in layout. you’ll be referred to four tables: 1.e. 4. As you read through the chapter. ✦ 1 fl. If the recipe calls for a volume measure.378 16 $0. you will get the cost of the pound or ounce after trimming. It guides you through the process of finding the cost of a usable whole piece of fruit or a single vegetable from an entire purchase unit.378. Therefore. 16 tbsp. 32 fl. To determine how much an AP pound and ounce costs. the costing is simple. ✦ 1 qt. COSTING FRESH PRODUCE IN THE WORKBOOK Part II.3 percent. use the Trimmed or Cooked Foods worksheet (Costing Worksheet 2). 8 fl. the yield percentages will be extremely helpful as you go about planning how much food to buy.378 So one pound costs $0. Divide the cost of the wholesale unit (usually a case) by the number of pounds in the case. For example. oz. The longer the produce remains thawed before use. 3 tsp. Whole-kernel corn is an exception. Steaming frozen vegetables will generally yield a weight of cooked product that is approximately 92 percent of the original frozen weight.023625 Thus.4 cents. oz. There is no trim or waste if the items are cooked or used when still frozen. 2. 1 gal. 4 c. more on that later. 2 c. you may find the Piece Counts worksheet (Costing Worksheet 3) helpful.16 Chapter 2 Produce The last two items are shown in the two columns on the right. Costing Worksheet 2 ✦ Piece Counts. Frozen vegetables and fruit are packaged by weight. 4 qt. COSTING TRIMMED FOODS Here are the steps to follow for costing those produce items that are trimmed before use. in the section on purchasing. oz.45. If you let frozen produce. the Workbook. For produce items that are used without trimming. particularly fruit. do not let frozen produce thaw completely before incorporating it in a recipe. If you divide the cost of an AP unit of measure (such as a pound or an ounce) by the food’s trim yield percentage. yielding close to 100 percent of its weight. Fresh produce is typically trimmed for use in recipes. oz. In particular. COSTING A TRIMMED WEIGHT Now the yield percentage comes into play. you will have to weigh the volume amount in order to cost it. 2 pt. . (This ✦ 128 fl. 1 c. ✦ 1 pt. ✦ 1 lb. thaw completely before using it. the cost of one AP ounce of medium carrots is slightly less than 2. ✦ 1 tbsp. This gives you the cost per pound. For this exercise. 1. Costing Worksheet 3 ✦ NOTE: FROZEN V E G E TA B L E S A N D F R U I T The vegetable and fruit tables in this chapter are devoted almost entirely to fresh produce. Multiply that ounce cost by the ounces called for in the recipe. The loss is due to the heat melting away any water glaze that may have been clinging to the frozen vegetables as well as some minor evaporation. divide the cost of the bag by the number of pounds in the bag to get the cost per pound: $9. the greater the loss. we’ll use a 25-pound bag of medium-size carrots that costs $9. Whenever possible. 2 tbsp. has two worksheets to help you with costing fresh produce: Trimmed or Cooked Foods.45 25 $0. It will step you through the process of converting from a purchase unit cost to a cost per trimmed ounce or pound to a cost per volume measure of the trimmed and cut food. 16 oz. the Vegetables table shows the trim yield percentage for medium carrots as 81. 16 c. you will have a fair amount of weight loss due to the juices flowing out of the food. Divide that by 16 to get the cost per AS ounce. to do cost breakdowns for fresh produce or produce items that are used after some trimming. 16 fl. such as a case or a pound. oz. Divide the cost of one pound by 16 to get the cost per AP ounce: $0. When a recipe calls for a weight of a frozen item. such as a half or whole gallon.9 cents. not 165. you just divide that amount by the trim yield percentage to calculate the cost for the trimmed food.029): 5 $0. A recipe may. COSTING A TRIMMED VOLUME The Vegetables table shows that a cup of diced carrots weighs 5 ounces. if the math is obvious to you).Costing Fresh Produce 17 percentage means that if you start with 10 pounds of carrots. with simple multiplication. That means. it does not compact very much when placed in a slightly larger container.15 One lemon costs 15 cents.60 Thus. you just multiply the number of ounces in 1 cup of diced carrots (5) by the cost of a trimmed ounce ($0.4 cents to a trimmed cost per ounce of 2. so $0.13 pounds of usable carrots. you calculate the cost for one piece by dividing the AP unit cost by the number of pieces that came in the AP unit. you would divide the cup cost by 16 and multiply that answer by 2 (or just divide the cup cost by 8. 1 pound of lemons cost 60 cents. and peel them.5 cents. call for 2 tablespoons of chopped garlic. the cost for the trimmed carrots in ounces is calculated as follows: (AP cost per ounce) $0. Next. you will end up with 8.029 0. On occasion. 2.) Regardless of what the beginning cost amount is. Just be aware that when you use even larger quantities.029 $0.813 is the trim Y% expressed as a decimal) The cost of the trimmed carrots has risen from an AP cost per ounce of about 2. Use this two-step process to find the cost of one lemon: 1. COSTING PRODUCE BY THE PIECE When recipes call for a whole piece—say.145 NOTE Unless you deliberately pack or tamp down produce. To determine the cost of one piece (1 lemon) first calculate the cost of 1 pound: $24 40 $0. Y% ✦ Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit .813 (0.0236 $0. consult the Fruit table to find that there are 4 lemons per pound.60 4 $0. for example. there may be some settling or compacting of the food in the vessel and you may want to consider adding from 3 percent to a half-gallon measure and up to 7 percent to the calculated cost of a gallon to reflect possible compaction. The Fruit table shows that there are 4 lemons per AP pound. you may need to cost out an amount smaller than a cup. To assign a cost to 1 cup of diced carrots. Example Given: A 40-pound case of “165 count” lemons (165 lemons per case) costs $24. trim off their ends. so what about the other 5 lemons? They were deducted from the AP unit to account for discarded lemons due to spoilage. In that case. you can use the cup cost to calculate the price of these larger vessels. But 40 times 4 equals 160 lemons. The cost of a cup of diced carrots is 14. a cherry tomato or two lemons—you will need to know how many pieces came in the AP unit or in a pound. To illustrate. such as a pint or quart. If it is a count per case. however. COSTING DRAINED CANNED FOODS In the Canned Foods table you will find the minimum number of drained ounces allowed by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). rather than screens are used for draining.” In food service. 2 tbsp. 16 c. 8 fl. to comply with USDA practices. colanders. this section is divided into two subsections: “Costing Drained Canned Foods” and “Costing Undrained Canned Foods. oz. foods in the independent test kitchen study were also given a final shake or two to simulate how most cooks drain canned items. in the transfer. Sometimes you will serve or use the food with the liquid in which it was canned. rely on these two tables as a reference point. independent yield tests show that the minimum USDA weights are not always met. ✦ 1 tbsp. A soup recipe. It is. 32 fl. ✦ 1 lb. This is simply because. sometimes there is extra food in the can and sometimes there is less than the stated minimum. this is pretty inexpensive for lemons. (By the way. when you empty the contents of a number-10 can into another container. which lists the yield as 73 ounces. 2 c.) COSTING CANNED FOODS Many canned foods are packed in water. Probably. To address both possibilities. 16 fl. But be aware that in most kitchens. foods must be drained for two minutes over a screen. Number-10 cans are said to have a capacity of 13 cups. As noted earlier. for instance. ✦ 1 pt. 128 fl. 2 pt. Take a look now at the USDA Recommended Drained Weight table and you’ll see that a number-10 can of corn is supposed to yield 70 ounces of drained corn. The point is. oz. produce prices vary widely from season to season and from one region of the country to another. leaving what is called the drained weight. juice. 4 qt. However. 1 gal. may call for using the liquid along with the solids in the can. or syrup. in this case. 1 c. Next. ✦ 1 fl. it is a good idea to do your own can-cutting tests to determine what your actual yields are. 3 tsp. 16 tbsp.18 NOTE Chapter 2 Produce Discarded items called culls are common with fresh produce. oz.5 cups is the norm. You can use the USDA figures to calculate the cost of a drained ounce by dividing the cost of a can by the minimum number of drained ounces it must contain. more common to use the solid contents after draining off the packing liquid. they usually contain fewer than 13 cups of food—12 to 12. other times you will drain the liquid before use. you might find that they measure more than 13 cups. oz. you have jumbled the contents and caused them to pack less densely than they were originally positioned in the can. the typical-size can is the number-10 can. the canner simply put more than the minimum amount in the test can. Generally. moreover. compare that to the Canned Foods Weight-to-Volume table. The Piece Counts worksheet (Costing Worksheet 3) shows you how to adjust the cost per each after discarding your culled items. In addition. 4 c. This table is supplemented by the Canned Foods Weight-to-Volume table. ✦ . Why? The canning process requires that some airspace be left in the container to allow for the expansion of food during the canning process. ✦ 1 qt. 16 oz. oz. That said. but in fact. If you cup container. quart. To cost these foods.55 ounces.55 ounces: $0. As you no doubt noticed.55 oz.4 ounces.7 oz. and half gallon of corn niblets (kernels). multiply the ounce cost by 50. along with an equivalent weight become denser and. Although a cup of corn kernels weighs 5.91) by the drained ounces (73): $4. and The labels on canned foods show a “suggested” these can be of help in costing cup. and a half gallon weight. and the table shows that a cup weighs 5. multiply the drained ounce cost by 23.588 ✦ To cost a half gallon. There are often brined or marinated foods and are packed in containers other than number-10 cans. To illustrate.45 6 cans $4.91 NOTE: SERVING SIZES AND NUTRITION 73 oz. a quart weighs more than four times that. therefore.067 23. we’ll go with the 73-ounce yield to proceed with the costing process. a quart weighs 23. which means one can costs approximately $4.243 OR COSTING MISCELLANEOUS CANNED PRODUCE ITEMS BOTTLED The produce tables also include some new items that are canned or bottled. drained foods. drained. Take note that most canned foods will piece count). FORMULA 1 The formula for costing a drained weight is really a variation of the drained weight formula for number-10 cans. You already know that a drained ounce costs $0. multiply the drained ounce cost by 5. and a half gallon weighs 48. ✦ To cost a cup. $0. half gallons. and half-gallon measerving size that is stated as a volume (or a sures of canned foods.55 are not serving the liquid. the Canned Foods Weight-toVolume table also lists various volume-to-weight equivalents.91 Now divide the cost of the can ($4.91: $29.7 cents.Costing Canned Foods 19 For our purposes here.65 ounces: $0.7 ounces. Be sure to do your the compaction of the food and by relatively less interference nutritional analysis based on your actual serving with the walls of the larger containers. you will be overportioning will weigh more than eight times the cup weight.067 5. This is caused by the solid. These so-called serving-size weights placed in a quart or half-gallon container instead of in a singlealmost always include the packing liquid.7 ounces: $0. weigh more (per cubic inch) when in grams. $0. use the following formulas. Cost per container Drained ounces per container Cost per drained ounce Y% ✦ Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit . but the suggested ounces.067 Thus.067.067 48.45. To begin.4 oz. 1 ounce of drained corn costs 6. as shown in the table. quart. say you want to cost a cup. multiply the cost per drained ounce by the number of ounces held in either the quart or half gallon. assume a six-can case of corn kernels costs $29. $1.372 ✦ To cost a quart. When costing quarts or practices. $3. oz. FORMULA 2 Costing canned produce by piece count is just like costing fresh produce by the piece.054 One artichoke heart piece costs 5. The Canned Food Weight-to-Volume table shows that the actual contents of a single number-10 can of tomato puree weighs 107 ounces. The Vegetables table shows the drained weight is 43 ounces. 2 tbsp.4 cents. if a case of six number-10 cans of tomato puree costs $17. You use that number to divide into the cost of the can to get the cost per ounce.86 1 gal. or 2. 16 tbsp.20 COSTING UNDRAINED CANNED FOODS Certain canned items are not drained.15. So. purees. To cost volumes of these items. For instance.106 The table shows that a cup of drained capers also coincidentally weighs 4. oz.7 ounces. You divide the cost per container by the number of usable pieces it contains. ✦ 1 qt. 3 tsp. 8 fl. 128 fl. then one can costs $2. .86. soups.106 by 4. 107 oz.20 4. oz.7). oz.20) by the drained ounces per container (4.7. Do the math: $4.30. 2 pt.106 4. 16 c. pastes. ✦ 1 pt. calculate the cost per drained ounce by dividing the cost per container ($5. 2 c. divide the cost of the can ($2. First. use the formula for costing a trimmed volume: # Ounces per cup Cost per ounce Cost per drained cup Example Given: A 7-ounce jar of capers costs $5.7 $5.7 oz. 1 c.30 43 oz. $0.30 80 $0.10 per oz. $1. and stews are examples. 32 fl. to calculate the cost per weighed ounce.0267.20 Chapter 2 Produce Example Given: A 60-ounce jar of marinated artichoke hearts costs $4. The Vegetables table shows that this jar yields 4. you follow the drained food procedure just described.67 cents ✦ 4 qt. ✦ 1 fl. The cost per container is $4.7 ounces. 16 oz. then you use the cost per ounce times the number of ounces in your portion or recipe to cost the amount in question.30: $4. Therefore.86) by the actual weighed ounces it holds (107): $2. 4 c. ✦ 1 tbsp. oz. $5. multiply the cost per drained ounce $1. FORMULA 3 To cost a cup of drained food.20. with one caveat: You must know how many ounces of food were in the entire can. Sauces. $1. Example Given: The table shows that there are 80 usable hearts per container. $0. 16 fl. ✦ 1 lb. drained. 9 ounces: $0. textural. as some foods have very short shelf lives.813 221.4 oz. Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit Y% ✦ . this is true of all foods.969.0267 8. and so are the ways it should be stored. Keep a close eye on the condition of your fresh produce.0267 36. Of course. ✦ Leafy vegetables such as spinach. you need to purchase 221. ✦ A standard portion weight of cooked vegetables on an entrée plate is 3. To cost portions of these leafy greens. PURCHASING AND F RUIT FRESH VEGETABLES We cover four formulas in this section.9 oz. Onions and mushrooms. FORMULA 1 The amount to purchase formula for converting a trimmed weight to an AP weight is as follows: Amount needed in trimmed ounces Amount to buy (AP) Y% Example Given: You need to serve 180 ounces of trimmed carrots. To cost a cup.95 (rounded) PURCHASING FRESH PRODUCE AND CANNED FOODS Miscellaneous Notes on Produce A standard dinner salad (non-entrée) weight is 3 ounces of greens. can shrink as much as 75 percent in volume when cooked to golden colors. count the cooked portions obtained from a known AP amount. by contrast. or 97 cents (rounded) ✦ A half gallon weighs 72.3 ounces: $0.3 oz. or $1.4 ounces of raw medium carrots. $1. The Canned Foods Weight-to-Volume table provides this information: ✦ A quart of tomato puree weighs 36. you multiply the cost per ounce ($.2376.Purchasing Fresh Produce and Canned Foods 21 The table also shows that a cup of tomato puree weighs 8. Therefore. but it is essential with leafy vegetables because their volume reduces so dramatically when cooked.946. and chard lose 90 percent of their volume when cooked but actually gain a bit of weight because of water absorption. $0. or 24 cents (rounded) Be aware that there can be some slight compaction of the food when measured in quart and half-gallon containers. kale.0 to 3. ✦ Before we get into the actual calculations. Avoid overtrimming and overcooking produce. ✦ Root vegetables change little in weight or volume when cooked. and flavor attributes as much as possible.9 oz. The yield percentage for medium carrots is 81. here are a few guidelines to help you better control your produce costs: ✦ ✦ ✦ Keep your inventory levels low and rotating quickly on a first-in/first-out (FIFO) system.3 percent. Learn how to store all of your produce items correctly to retain their nutritional. 180 oz.5 ounces.0267) by the 8.9 ounces.9 ounces in a cup: $0. 0. as either extreme can reduce servable yields appreciably. Produce is varied.0267 72. so use the quart and half-gallon ounce weights to calculate the costs for those larger amounts. $0. 9 oz. Purchasing. ✦ 1 tbsp. The formula application goes like this: 1 12. 16 oz. Worksheet 3 Example NOTE When a formula involves a cup measure and you are dealing with large quantities such as a half gallon. you simply divide the AP ounces by 16.46 oz.9 ounces.105 0. 16 tbsp. C o m p a c t i o n Fa c t o r When cut vegetables are put into larger containers. you should buy 95. the 20 cups of grated carrots is 1. of a purchase unit. 2 c. and the purchase unit of Napa cabbage is 1 head. or drained weights to a purchase unit: ✦ FORMULA 2 The formula for converting as-served cups to an as-purchased weight using ounces is as follows: (Cups needed Trimmed ounce weight per cup Trimmed ounces needed) Trim yield percentage for the base item AP amount in ounces Produce. Given: You need to serve 20 cups of grated carrots. the Workbook.7 oz. and 7 percent to a gallon measure. This gives you an answer measured by purchase unit. such as a gallon. The actual amount of compaction depends on a number of factors. 0. or parts. Large. The worksheet reminds you to do this.3 to get an answer that “builds in” the compaction factor: 83. oz. Some produce items may be portioned by pieces.25 gallons. To determine how much to buy. ✦ 1 qt.9 ounces equals 78 ounces. Another way to compute the amount to buy based on the number of cups yielded is to use the Number of Trimmed/Cleaned Cups per AP Unit column in the Vegetables table. brunoise. The Vegetables table shows that 1 cup of grated carrots weighs 3. oz. or grated foods. first add up all the items (like radishes or lettuce leaves) you need to serve. 2 pt. whole radishes. NOTE A base item refers to the basic food used to produce the cut item. you need 1. 3. oz. 4 c. In general. Next go to that ✦ 4 qt. The base item in the following example would be the raw AP medium table carrots.42 pounds of AP medium carrots. lettuce can be used by individual leaf counts. irregular cuts such as a coarse paysanne cut compact less than small. ✦ 1 lb.0826 0. 81. 3 tsp. 1 c. 6. (1 Trimmed cups per purchase unit) Cups needed AP units to buy Example Given: You need 15 cups of shredded Napa cabbage.105 cups of shredded cabbage. medium table carrots. 102. red radishes may be portioned or called for in a recipe as a count of individual. has one worksheet to help you make your calculations when going from a trimmed produce item. 16 oz. which may be a pound or any other measure. in the previous example. 8 fl. FORMULA 3 To convert AP ounces of carrots to AP pounds. ✦ 1 pt.3 1 gal. 32 fl. For example. and 20 cups times 3.239 purchase units Therefore.239 heads of cabbage (weighing 34 ounces per head). 107% 83. The percentage yield of the base item (medium table carrots) is 81.5 percent to the half-gallon/ 8-cup weight equivalent and 7 percent to the gallon equivalent to account for compaction in these larger vessels.9 ounces of fresh.22 Chapter 2 Produce IN THE WORKBOOK Part II. 128 fl. so you would add 7 percent to the 78 ounces: 78 oz. add 3.46 oz. Therefore.42 lb. 16 fl. add 2 percent to a quart. . weighing 34 ounces. 2 tbsp. 16 c. Likewise.3 percent: 78 oz.0826 15 cups 1.5 percent to a halfgallon measure. For example. Example (using the answer in the compaction factor note) 102. oz. piece counts. ✦ 1 fl.813 95. You need to buy or cost 6.7 oz. The Vegetables table shows that this head yields 12. they will compact a little so it’s a good idea to add to the calculated amount to account for this compaction. FORMULA 4 Then divide that by the trim yield percentage of 81. shredded. oz. uniform cuts such as a quarter-inch dice. Purchasing Fresh Produce and Canned Foods 23 food’s listing in the appropriate table and see how many pieces are in the whole purchase unit. based on the contents of food sold in number-10 cans. you will need two number-10 cans of tomato sauce. FORMULA 2 This formula is used to convert undrained ounces to the quantity of number-10 cans needed: AS undrained ounces needed AP # of cans Total net (actual) ounces per can Example Given: You need 210 ounces of tomato sauce. The formula for making purchases using piece. PURCHASING FORMULAS FOR CANNED FOODS This section on canned foods contains three formulas. use this formula: (AS volumes needed Ounces per volume) Net or drained ounces per number-10 can AP number-10 cans Y% ✦ Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit . or individual item. then. The Vegetables table tells you that Bibb lettuce type yields nine such leaves per head. Divide the AS amount of 222 ounces by the USDA drained weight per can (74 ounces): 222 74 3 Clearly. The Canned Foods (in number-10 cans) table shows there are 74 ounces of drained pimento pieces per number-10 can.9 2 (rounded) Hence. Then simply divide the number of pieces obtained from that purchase unit into the number of individual pieces you need to serve. So. divide 45 by 9 to compute how many heads you will need to buy: 45 9 5 You need to buy or use five heads of Bibb lettuce to serve 45 Bibb lettuce leaves. The Canned Foods Weight-toVolume table shows that a number-10 can of tomato sauce contains 104. FORMULA 3 To convert a volume of drained or undrained canned food to number10 cans. you will need three whole number-10 cans of pimento pieces. 210 104.9 ounces. counts is this: AS # of leaves or pieces Trimmed and/or culled count AP units to buy Example Given: You need 45 Bibb lettuce leaves for underliners. FORMULA 1 The formula for computing the quantity of number-10 cans needed based on USDA minimum drained weights is as follows: AS weight in drained ounces USDA drained weight per #10 can AP #10 cans Example Given: You are serving 222 ounces of canned pimento pieces. 1. 7167 60 150. 16 tbsp. 150. you need three jars. To determine how much of these foods to buy (or use). 108 oz. FORMULA 1 You can use the drained weight method. (Ounces needed Y%) Ounces per AP container AP containers Example 108 oz. 2 pt. Divide 180 by 60. 8 fl.6 72. 4 c.7 oz. ✦ 1 pt. and then divide that amount by the ounces per AP container (60). 180 60 3 Thus. FORMULA 3 0.51 You need two and a half jars. The Produce table shows that a 60 ounce jar of artichoke hearts yields 43 ounces. These are often brined or marinated foods and are packed in containers other than number-10 cans. oz.24 Chapter 2 Produce Use the Canned Foods Weight-to-Volume table for the data on the measurements. oz. 16 oz. drained: 10. PURCHASING MISCELLANEOUS CANNED BOTTLED PRODUCE ITEMS OR The Produce table includes some items that are canned or bottled. The Canned Foods Weight-to-Volume table shows that the can of diced beets contains 72. Example Given: You need two cups of diced beets. FORMULA 2 Use the yield percentage method to determine the amount of jars to buy by dividing the number of ounces needed (108) by the Y%: (71. Drained ounces per AP container AP containers Ounces needed Example Given: You need 108 ounces of drained. 2 cups at 5.4 0.7 oz. 2 tbsp. ✦ 1 fl. oz. ✦ 1 tbsp. 16 fl. 1 c. oz. 4 qt. The table shows that there are 60 pieces per container.67%).4 ounces.146 You need 14. 43 2.3 ounces equals 10. use the following formulae. 2.6 ounces. 32 fl. drained. 16 c. 2 c. divide the total ounces needed (108) by the drained ounces per jar. The table shows that a cup of drained diced beets weighs 5. ✦ 1 lb.51 Count per Container method Count per AP container AP containers Count needed Example Given: You need 180 marinated artichoke hearts.6 percent of a number-10 can. 3 tsp. ✦ 1 qt. 1 gal. oz.3 ounces. 128 fl. marinated artichoke hearts and you buy these in 60-ounce jars. Therefore. ✦ . To calculate the number of AP jars to buy or use. each) Artichokes. green Beans.110 4. Avocado.1% 90.5% 94.2% 97.00% 95.50 16.158 8. white.25 17.679 2.35 5 5 9.5 each 9.4% 57.6% 56.250 2.6% 78.9 15. long Asparagus.19% 78.09% 97.9% 88.336 8.1 14. marinated. drained Arugula Sprouts Arugula.00 1. 1/2 in.333 6. standard trimmed Asparagus. marinated. puree Bamboo Root.15 16 9 16 16 16 38 16 16 7 7 7 25.800 67.615 4. cleaned Arugula. standard whole Asparagus. whole Avocados. peeled.25% 72. 8 in.94% 97.9 16 16 16 16 16 16 ounce ounce each each each ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce each ounce each ounce each ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce 16 15.844 5. 8 in.13 14.4 11.70 2.31% 96. 1 in.10 4. drained Artichoke Hearts.67% 96. thin export trimmed Asparagus.19% 95.4% 89.09% 59.15 5.Ve g e t a b l e s 25 Vegetables Number of Measures per AP Unit Measure per AP Units Trimmed/ Cleaned Ounce Weight or Count Yield Percent Trimmed/ Cleaned Ounce Weight per Cup Number of Trimmed/ Cleaned Cups per AP Unit Item Name Alfalfa seeds. cooked Bamboo Shoot.2% 6.5% 0.85 1. sliced from whole piece Bamboo Shoot.5 each 9.866 Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit Y% ✦ .5 5.25 15.52 8. green.90 3. jumbo whole Asparagus.95 3.75 1.6 0. for sprouting Alfalfa Sprouts Artichokes #18 (1 lb.95 0.053 4. young leaves. thin export whole Asparagus.8 4.971 71. cored Basil Sprouts Bean Sprouts (Mung) Beans. trimmed.20 2.1% 88. sliced from whole.019 0.40 8.85 1.67% 95.1 100. white. cleaned. cut to 5 in. baby Artichoke Hearts. young leaves.75 5.567 16. sliced.3% 97.6% 78.6% 53.5 14. long.5 13.5 0. each) Artichokes #36 (8 oz. chopped Asparagus.5 5. cut AP Unit pound bag case case pound jar jar pound bag bag pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound each each each each pound pound pound pound pound pound 16 16 18 36 9 60 60 16 5. dice Avocados. jumbo trimmed Asparagus.02 34 each 16 each 10.5 each 35 each 9 each 43 80 each 15.55 15.920 5.1% 3. Savoy Cabbage. bunch. green/red—chopped Cabbage.7 18 66 each 13 13 66.355 2.30 12.79 14.0% 82.5 13. florets—chopped Broccoli seeds.9 29. 128 fl. Sweet baby broccoli.20 4. oz.38% 80.5% 80.4% 1.8 4.105 2. ✦ 1 tbsp. ✦ 1 lb. drained Cardoon. ✦ 1 qt. baby Bok Choy. 2 pt. baby. oz.667 97.25 11 21 13. AP Unit pound head head each pound head each bunch each each pound bunch bunch pound pound bag head head head head head head head jar head pound pound pound 16 4 1 15.10 6 2. diameter Belgian Endive Belgian Endive. regular Broccoli.2 16 20 16 40 40 40 34 34 36 36 7 35 16 16 16 ounce ounce each ounce each ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce each ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce 10. each Cabbage.2 17.977 5.5 21. 16 c.8% 67.8% 3.3% 4. Coleslaw mix Cabbage. 8 fl.000 81.438 99.0% 87. whole Broccoli. 4 qt. florets Broccoli.400 4. 2 tbsp.800 9. 16 fl. shredded ~1/4 Capers.50 3.8% 62. 1 c.20 3.5 12.828 4.600 1 gal.30 2. 32 fl.99 8.86% 91. Sweet baby broccoli Broccolini.0% 80. Chinese Broccoli.5 16 20 each 16.3 12 leaves 12.920 1. 2 c.7 11. Savoy.00 2. for sprouting Broccolini. ✦ 1 pt. oz.0% 80.2 20 15. large Carrots. leaves Bitter Melon. chopped Carrots. diced 1/3 to 1/2 in.47 12. nonpareil. green/red Cabbage.7% 87.697 2. green/red—shredded Cabbage.5% 62.9% 82. Napa Cabbage. cut and peeled Carrots. 4 c. ✦ 1 fl.00% 3.8% 93. oz. oz. sliced Bok Choy.5 16 17. shredded ~1/4 Cabbage.000 2.14% 51.653 2.90 5. 3 tsp.59% 88.9 29. 16 tbsp.50 4.9% 87.15 12 24 21.9 32 32 32 29. trimmed Brussel Sprouts Brussel Sprouts. Napa.5 13. whole 2 in.56 3. medium.26 Chapter 2 Produce Vegetables (Continued) Number of Measures per AP Unit Measure per AP Units Trimmed/ Cleaned Ounce Weight or Count Yield Percent Trimmed/ Cleaned Ounce Weight per Cup Number of Trimmed/ Cleaned Cups per AP Unit Item Name Beets.8 13.8 29.43% 62.8% 82. 16 oz.3% 81.8% 100.7 21. ✦ .50 3. 543 16.94% 4.95 16 16.31% 56.0% 10.30 1.0% 65.8% 68. sliced about 1/4 in. drained.169 Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit Y% ✦ .944 1.33 3. cup count Cocktail Onions.55 10 each 81.00 8. chopped Chard. 6 in.3% 60. large.8 each 13 13 10. stalks per bunch Celery.9 16.830 3. ground Carrots. topped.9 16. petite. cut 1 florets Celeriac (Celery Root) Celeriac.3% 91. scrubbed Carrots.Ve g e t a b l e s 27 Vegetables (Continued) Number of Measures per AP Unit Measure per AP Units Trimmed/ Cleaned Ounce Weight or Count Yield Percent Trimmed/ Cleaned Ounce Weight per Cup Number of Trimmed/ Cleaned Cups per AP Unit Item Name Carrots. medium. juice yield of 1 lb.333 2.6 24 each 48 each 7. whole.60 6.0% 60.20 3.60 5. long (slender).75 16.22% 95. Celery.6% 81. whole. long (slender).500 1.5% 68.5 11. drained.8% 65.0% 83. jar count Collard Greens AP Unit pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound each each head head head head bunch bunch pound bunch bunch bunch bunch bunch head pound jar jar jar bunch 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 5.1 30 30 19 19 32 32 16 1 32 15.81% 91. Carrots. 6 in.550 4. Red Swiss.833 4.006 16.3% 81.75 12. drained Cocktail Onions.5 22 22 10. chopped Chicory (Curly Endive) Cilantro Sprouts Cocktail Onions. grated Carrots.90 5. baby Carrots.172 2.9 4.3% 81. Carrots. julienne Celery Celery. diced 1/3 to 1/2 in.6 3.227 9 ounce top 28.98% 99.939 1.15 15. medium Carrots.08 35 each 4.0% 60.11 9.01 0.439 81.8 65.00 3. large.9 12 ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce each ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce 13 13 14.25 9.5 14 14 18. jumbo Carrots.095 8. large.20 12.70 3.5% 60. whole.61 13. whole Carrots.34% 3. table.1% 85.1% 91. tops per bunch Chard. juice yield of 1 lb. stemmed. medium Cauliflower Cauliflower. Celery.80% 2.3 18 18 11. petite.95 5.20 1. table. Swiss.3% 62.5 4. Swiss Chard. 0% 98. ✦ . English. sliced 1/4 in.1 16 ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce 7.7% 55. stemmed Fennel. 1 c.870 1. whole. seeded. peeled Eggplant.2% 90. ✦ 1 tbsp.041 90.6 14.000 73. sliced Dandelion Greens Dandelion Greens. ✦ 1 lb. sliced Eggplant.3 19 19 7.40 5.7 6.2% 84.75 12.770 9.0% 55.992 2.0% 93. 3 tsp.7 4.9% 55. oz.8 150 each 8. whole. hulled (fresh Soybeans) Eggplant.517 1. Thai. stemmed. ✦ 1 qt.28 Chapter 2 Produce Vegetables (Continued) Number of Measures per AP Unit Measure per AP Units Trimmed/ Cleaned Ounce Weight or Count Yield Percent Trimmed/ Cleaned Ounce Weight per Cup Number of Trimmed/ Cleaned Cups per AP Unit Item Name Collard Greens.05 4.44% 1. stem Fennel. oz. cubed Eggplant. chopped 1/2 in.6 16 16 9.85 12 15.24 16 10 10 10 10 16 16 12.3 2.80 4. 16 c. oz.45% 90.90 4.78 4.667 3.1 2. already peeled AP Unit bunch whole pound each each each each each each bunch bunch carton pound pound bag each each bag head head head head pound piece head head head jar 12 17.693 4.6 13 7.0% 29.8 5 8.0% 95. 8 fl.7 15. cloves per head Garlic Cloves.5 15. Indian. Fiddlehead Ferns Galangal.68 3.0% 88.50 3.068 1 gal.4 16 16 9 each 11.402 5. ✦ 1 pt. peeled.95 9.90 2.489 1. 16 fl. whole Eggplant. oz.1 1. cubed Eggplant. sliced Cucumber.979 2.90 5.45 19.159 1.05 17.0% 53.80 0.140 2. 2 tbsp.3 each 8. 32 fl.105 0.60% 60.89% 92. 2 pt.75 19. 4 c. 128 fl. Edamame.792 4. 16 oz. diced Cucumber. seeded.05 2. 4 qt.30 1.44% 95.5 5.1% cloves 98. ✦ 1 fl. English Cucumber.75% 3. 16 tbsp. Indian.455 4.33 3.7% 2. peeled.8 7. oz.32% 84.0% 55.30% 83.20 1. fresh niblets Cranberry Beans in pods Cucumber Cucumber. fresh Garlic.85 1. Japanese. peeled.1% 98. sliced Cucumber.21 6. 2 c. sliced Garlic Garlic.5 9. peeled.05 6.55 9. quartered Escarole.1% 47.1 2. chopped Corn Cob. chopped.8 65.5 5.45% 47.75 5.15 3.2 5.05 14 14 14 16 11. chopped Fennel with 6 in. 6 11 11 13 24 leaves 12 12 7. shredded Jerusalem Artichoke Jerusalem Artichoke.410 4.8 ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce 15. leaves Kale.6 11.40 2.5 4.70 1.085 80.2 2.8% 68.55 8 14.8 5. peeled and roasted Garlic. European Baby Greens. Lettuce. sliced Leeks Leeks.50% 72.0% 98. in oil Garlic.0% 46. for sprouting Lettuce.258 3.05 13.63% 90. peeled.4 14.0% 60.8 4.640 60. Elephant Grape Leaves.596 2.35 3.36 5.13% 97. whole Hojas (dry corn husks) Horseradish Root.462 4. leaves on Kohlrabi. Bibb. minced Lemon Grass. whole Lentil seeds. leaves Lettuce. chopped Lettuce. chopped.00% 6.4 6 each 16 9 leaves 4.05 2.28% 1.10 3. trimmed Lemon Grass.0% 80.4 10.9% 43.Ve g e t a b l e s 29 Vegetables (Continued) Number of Measures per AP Unit Measure per AP Units Trimmed/ Cleaned Ounce Weight or Count Yield Percent Trimmed/ Cleaned Ounce Weight per Cup Number of Trimmed/ Cleaned Cups per AP Unit Item Name Garlic Cloves.05 252 each 64 each 11. 1 in. Butter/Bibb.5 7 7 10.95 1.63% 3.00% 100.8% 43.3% 5.30 2. cross-sliced 1/4 in.6 7.85 2.50% 68.336 3.50% 93.00% 100.8% 81.071 Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit Y% ✦ .7 15. bagged AP Unit jar jar each jar bag bag pound bag pound pound pound pound pound bunch bunch bunch pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound head head head bag 16 16 7.595 1. bottled Haricots Verts Haricots Verts. green Kale.00% 65.4 16 8 16 16 16 16 16 12 20 20 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 6 6 6 5. flowering.896 72.5 7.075 2.7 98.696 90. peeled Horseradish Root. Butter/Bibb 5 in. lengths Haricots Verts. Lemon Grass. green.05 42 each 13. chopped Kohlrabi.8% 65.38% 6.05 9. sliced Jicama Kale.9% 46. Greenleaf.8 7. sliced 1/2 in.4 14 14 14 24 24 24 5 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 5.5 7. Redleaf. medium. oz. each Mushrooms. leaves Lettuce.80 2.0% 75.35 10.667 73. Iceberg. ✦ . bagged Lettuce. 2 pt. AP Unit head head head head bag head bag head head head head head head each pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound bag pound basket basket bag pound 16 16 16 26 24. 128 fl. 16 tbsp. whole Mushrooms.56% 73.1% 99. Lion’s Mane.75% 2. Mâche Blend: (Mâche.5 16 ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce 13 13 12 leaves 19 24 19 5. 2 c.6 5. leaves Lettuce. 2 tbsp. Crimini.4 15 each 81. ✦ 1 qt.13 16 9. peeled Malanga. Frisee. 4 c.94 4. chopped Lettuce. carrot.30 Chapter 2 Produce Vegetables (Continued) Number of Measures per AP Unit Measure per AP Units Trimmed/ Cleaned Ounce Weight or Count Yield Percent Trimmed/ Cleaned Ounce Weight per Cup Number of Trimmed/ Cleaned Cups per AP Unit Item Name Lettuce. Oyster. Romaine Lettuce. thinly sliced Mushrooms. chopped Lettuce. ✦ 1 pt.5 2.77 11.5 12 leaves 18 18 16 leaves 4 11. Morels.95 5.95 6. red cabbage mix. dry Mushrooms. fresh Mushrooms.00 9.10 1. chopped Lettuce. Redleaf Lettuce. 3 tsp.89 12 each 15.2 5. Radicchio) Lettuce.8 5. Romaine.31% 2.895 7.5 5. 32 fl.00 22 each 416 each 72 each 5. sliced Mushrooms. ✦ 1 fl. sliced Mushrooms.31% 89. oz. stemmed Mushrooms. chopped Lettuce. each Mushrooms.89 14. ✦ 1 tbsp.405 4.38 74.95 1. ✦ 1 lb.744 3.619 2.616 93.50 1.00% 94. oz.07% 75.3% 81.85 75.0% 73.90 0.7 85. Redleaf.769 0. w/stems.67% 3. pieces Mushrooms. Morels. large. Iceberg.3 11.6 26 5.77 11. Romaine.83% 94. leaves Lotus Root Malanga. Crimini. Crimini.0% 1.200 2.5 10. 4 qt.56% 73. oz.893 1 gal. Portobello 2 in. Iceberg Lettuce.000 80.1% 97.3% 1. peeled.83% 98. 1 c.56% 74.385 1. Porcini. Greenleaf Lettuce. 16 fl. 16 oz. oz. stems tipped Mushrooms. Greenleaf.0% 2. 8 fl. 16 c. dry Mushrooms.0% 75. Oyster. 48 13 each 16 12. culled.1 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 13. Kalamata.6% 90. each large Onions. trimmed.4 2.718 3.38% 3. dried Mushrooms.600 2.000 4. Kalamata.5% 82. Cipollini.38% 84.5 15. chopped Nopales (Cactus leaves) Okra.8% 93. each small Onions. small.50 3. Shiitake.Ve g e t a b l e s 31 Vegetables (Continued) Number of Measures per AP Unit Measure per AP Units Trimmed/ Cleaned Ounce Weight or Count Yield Percent Trimmed/ Cleaned Ounce Weight per Cup Number of Trimmed/ Cleaned Cups per AP Unit Item Name Mushrooms.86 2. dried Mushrooms. Shiitake. whole Onions. Shiitake.00 3. boiling. sliced 1/2 in. whole Mustard Greens Mustard Greens.412 80. bulb. bulb Onions. Green AP Unit pound pound package package pound pound pound pound bunch bunch bag pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound each each bunch 16 16 2.90 4.8% 75.5 25 each 45 each 15 ounce 15 ounce 15 ounce 9 9 19.083 Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit Y% ✦ .857 2. each Mushrooms.8 3.82% 84.9% 3. diced Onions.833 90.4 10 each 14.85 13. peeled Onions. boiling. sliced Mushrooms.0% 75.963 93. stem trimmed Mushrooms. peeled Onions. sliced Onions.5 ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce 46 each 12.6% 90. 1/2 in.45 3.8% 93.5 3. Shiitake Mushrooms.6% 90. 1/4 in.00 5.330 90.7 7.40 6. with pits Onions.5 14.2 2.75% 3.6 16 16 16 16 12 12 22.5 14.00% 5.0% 91.750 4. Cipollini.0% 89. bulb.2% 88. diced Onions.5 46 each 184 each 92 each 14. peeled Onions.50 3. bulb.38% 96.5 14. white.5 6.6 2.9 100. white. dehydrated. white Mushrooms. pitted Olives.9 2. chopped Onions.15% 1. whole Olives. trimmed Okra.5 13.6% 96. Okra. 8 3.75% 3. 128 fl. seeded. 2 c.10 3.85 13 13 13 14. Jalapeño Rings. Anaheim.818 4.75% 87.70 2.5 15 15 90 each 120 each 8 8 each 13. rings Peppers. sliced.75 3. whole Peppers. Jalapeño Rings. oz.450 84. whole. Green.85 2.5% 84. each Onions. ✦ .56% 81. Habañero. ✦ 1 tbsp. 8 fl. Pearl Parsnips Parsnips. cored. whole.16 82. Snap. Anaheim 7 in.50% 93.343 4. ✦ 1 pt.286 50. ✦ 1 lb. chopped Peppers.50% 93.00% 93.4 1.50% 93.55 8.143 86.0% 7. 4 c.455 1.50 2.4% 93. Habañero. chopped Onions. 16 oz.00 1. Peppers. 16 tbsp. ✦ 1 qt.872 6.836 5. Jalapeño.8% 4. canned undrained Peppers.15% 100. Green.9 2.3% 87.3% 81. 1 c. Jalapeño.04 14. Green Bells. oz.00% 1 gal.9 7 each 9.20 3.8% 93.20 3.25 3. chopped Peas.96 14. 7 oz.04 52 each 6. Habañero.400 76. Jalapeño. seedless Peppers.647 55. sliced Peas. all. Jalapeño. oz. Jalapeño.96 14.96 26 each 12. oz.9% 2. Jalapeño. canned.4% 84. Habañero. each Peas.20 2. Green.500 4. 2 pt.063 6. sliced Peppers.618 12 14.989 3. Snow. chopped w/seeds Peppers. Snap Peas. Peppers. seeded AP Unit bunch bunch basket pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound can can pound pound pound pound pound pound pound 3.32 Chapter 2 Produce Vegetables (Continued) Number of Measures per AP Unit Measure per AP Units Trimmed/ Cleaned Ounce Weight or Count Yield Percent Trimmed/ Cleaned Ounce Weight per Cup Number of Trimmed/ Cleaned Cups per AP Unit Item Name Onions. seedless Peppers. 16 c.455 3. 16 fl.5 13. 1/6 in.3 13.5 11 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 12 12 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce 2.5 3. stemmed Peppers.04 14. oz. stemmed Peppers. 4 qt. sliced w/seeds Peppers.00 1. diced Peppers. 3 tsp. Pasilla.96 14. whole Peppers. Snap.686 3.50% 4. drained Peppers. Brunoise Peppers.50% 93. Green.75% 87. ✦ 1 fl.80 3.96 14. each Peppers. chopped. 2 tbsp. chopped Peppers.3% 81. 32 fl.645 5. 5 13. shredded Potato. granules Potatoes.000 3. 2 to 2-3/4 in.77 each 15.1% 100. chopped Peppers.87 8 4 each 76.5 12.4% 84. whole Potatoes. Potatoes. Red.750 4.1% 78.336 2. 10 oz. peeled. diameter AP Unit pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound each pound pound head pound 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 96 16 16 8. Yellow-Hot.5 13. White Rose. fingerling. Red.8 oz. new. sliced Peppers.1% 78.00 6.35 each 60.25 3. Red.10 2.60 2.091 3. size A. miniature (6.022 63.5 12.0% 1.8 3. stemmed Peppers.000 2. whole Potatoes.4% 84.000 6. whole Potato. Serrano. julienne Peppers. each) Pumpkin. whole Potatoes.4% 84.667 Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit Y% ✦ .60 3.00 8.0% 55. White Rose. Pasilla. whole Purslane Purslane.200 84.50 3.30 3.4% 86.75% 4. peeled. whole Peppers.0% 100. stemmed Radicchio Radish.4 3.1% 78. dehyd.50 1.250 97.0% 5. flakes Potatoes.20 7. Red.20 3. chopped fine w/seeds Peppers. diced 3/8 in.17% 5. diced Peppers. peeled. Serrano.653 78.500 2.75% 86. Peppers. Red Bells.44% 92.00% 3.5 12 8.50% 6.5 12. Red.404 5. Small Creamers Pumpkins.0% 75. new.5 13.15 2. Black. sliced Potatoes.87 4 each 11 each 2. size A.16 5 each 13.88 13. Baker-Russet Potato.00 5.5 13.537 99. cubed into eighths Potatoes.083 2.7 16 ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce 12.88 106 each 32 each 12.5 16 16 14 each 15. diced Potato.Ve g e t a b l e s 33 Vegetables (Continued) Number of Measures per AP Unit Measure per AP Units Trimmed/ Cleaned Ounce Weight or Count Yield Percent Trimmed/ Cleaned Ounce Weight per Cup Number of Trimmed/ Cleaned Cups per AP Unit Item Name Peppers. Serrano. whole Peppers. dehyd. Pasilla.8 3. 1 92. Stemmed.619 3.6% 76.096 10. 128 fl.85 1. peeled.5 9. Rutabaga.9% 65.68 14 7. 2 tbsp. Daikon Radish.68 1.117 3. 1 c.60 0. large 1 3/8 in.178 2. 2 pt.10% 63. chopped Soy Bean Curd (Tofu). sliced crosswise Sorrel leaves.45 3. ✦ . Acorn Squash. Watermelon.33% 96. 4 c. Easter Egg. 3/4 in.21% 63.5% 64. oz.77 80. sliced Ramps (Wild Leeks) Rhubarb Rhubarb.83 10.1 12. peeled. Brunoise Rutabaga.3% 87.0% 92.80 75.50 4. whole Shallots. grated Radish.889 3. 2 in.3% 81.00% 3. 2 c. ✦ 1 tbsp.000 2. stemmed Sorrel leaves.6 each 12. diced Shallots.5 10. 16 fl. Watermelon.000 3. oz.2 1.83 12.630 1 gal.1 88.8 15.10% 98.50 3. ✦ 1 pt.3 ounce ounce ounce ounce 12.145 6. 16 tbsp. ✦ 1 qt. firm. 32 fl. 4 qt.5% 4. cubed Squash.40 4. Radish.6 16 16 116 ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce 8. sliced—trimmed Radish.6% 75. stemmed.60% 3. julienne Salsify (Oyster Plant) Shallots. Banana AP Unit pound each bunch bunch bunch bunch pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound package pound pound bag pound pound each 16 16 11. Black.6 each 12. 8 fl.514 2.3% 81.21% 80. 16 oz. peeled. Baby. diced 1/4 in.5 12.Easter Egg.1 5.00 45 each 4 stalks 14.70 3. oz.9 4. diameter Radish.30 17 each 12 each 79. ✦ 1 lb. 3 tsp. 16 c. bagged Squash.10 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 12 16 16 9.130 9.96% 75.675 4.6% 98.738 4. Red.955 2.5 2. Red.quartered lengthwise Radish. cubes Soybean Sprouts Spinach Spinach.00% 4.34 Chapter 2 Produce Vegetables (Continued) Number of Measures per AP Unit Measure per AP Units Trimmed/ Cleaned Ounce Weight or Count Yield Percent Trimmed/ Cleaned Ounce Weight per Cup Number of Trimmed/ Cleaned Cups per AP Unit Item Name Radish.0% 81. oz.25% 87. Acorn. ✦ 1 fl. cubed Rutabaga Rutabaga. oz.3% 81.3 11.7 13 13 13 13 14 9.200 14. whole Radish.096 11.868 2. 553 2. sliced Squash. large AP Unit pound pound bag pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound each each each each pound pound pound 16 16 24.10 2.254 4. cubed Squash.5 15.0% 75. cubed Squash. Patty Pan (Summer) Squash.8% 93.8% 95.62% 85.2 15 15 15 12 12 12.927 95. Butternut Squash. chopped Squash.20 3.62% 87. seeded Squash.797 3.5 11 15. Kabocha. Kabocha.95 3.95 5.1 2.897 2.62% 85. seeded.51% 68.4 16.780 3.5% 4. Cherry.4% 84. 1 in.75 4. sliced Taro Corm. Crookneck Squash. Summer.935 4.67 15.0% 5.25 22.7 11.8% 93.88% 72.431 3.0% 77. Crookneck. each 1 1/2 in. Summer Squash.0% 95. Peeled.70 5. sliced Sweet Potato Sweet Potato. Zucchini Squash. 1/2 in. cubed Taro Corm.05 19.3% 91. sliced Squash.70 2.5% 97.3% 71.60 4.8 16 16 16 16 16 16 16.4% 79.5% 71. dice Taro Root.6 11. diameter Tomato.5 13.94% 94. sliced Squash.0% 93.4 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 22.000 4. peeled Squash. Zucchini. shredded Tomatillos Tomatillos. Hubbard. Hubbard Squash. Patty Pan sliced Squash.62% 85.05 19.2 15.947 3.536 4.4 11. Butternut. dice Taro Root.6 15.50% 4.90 2.05 19.64% 97.25 22.90 4.90 3.25 16 16 16 ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce 13.8% 75.5 19. Spaghetti Squash.4 6 each 19. Chayote.00 Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit Y% ✦ . whole Taro Root Taro Root.Ve g e t a b l e s 35 Vegetables (Continued) Number of Measures per AP Unit Measure per AP Units Trimmed/ Cleaned Ounce Weight or Count Yield Percent Trimmed/ Cleaned Ounce Weight per Cup Number of Trimmed/ Cleaned Cups per AP Unit Item Name Squash.80 3.202 85.25 22. 1/4 in.51% 94. Zucchini.4 14.885 6.05 14 10 each 22 each 84.75 15. sliced Turnips Turnips. 16 tbsp. Roma Tomatoes. 1/3 in. cut in 1 1/2 in.9 each 14 12.777 92.889 3.5 14. peeled Yuca.8% 81. ✦ 1 qt. chopped Tomatoes.0% 98.50% 4.326 2.70 8. peeled.50 3.55 15 15 15 13 13 13 11. 128 fl. (5 6) per pound Tomatoes.571 5.3% 81.00 5.435 4. ✦ 1 tbsp.53 12.310 8. 16 c.75 6. ✦ 1 pt.9% 87. Cherry.724 1 gal. 16 fl. cored and peeled Tomatoes.2 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce 66 each 82 each 16 12. peeled Yuca.3% 78. grated very fine Water Chestnuts Water Chestnuts. in oil Tomatoes.127 87.3% 73.000 2. 4 c. juice yield of 1 lb.0% 77. Grape Tomato. julienne Wasabi Root. 1/4 in.80 3 each 14. Garnet. julienne. sliced Yam.5% 78. dice AP Unit pound pint pound jar jar pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound 16 11. Sun-dried.70 4.632 3.8% 93.00% 100. 2 c.9% 71. ✦ 1 fl. peeled. Sun-dried. drained Tomatoes. oz. 5 6.00% 98.76 12.40 5.75 0.73 11. small Tomato. (5 6) cored Tomatoes.3% 81. ✦ 1 lb.614 2.514 1.53 95. 2 pt.48% 5. peeled. oz.31% 78.31% 4. Sun-dried—dry Tomatoes.13 4. whole.327 16 15.8 2. oz.6 2.35 2. 16 oz. diced.75 2.177 8. Garnet. pieces Yam.31% 71.4% 42. Roma. whole Yam. julienne.90 2. 32 fl. 4 qt. Garnet. peeled. oz.85 2.3 7.04% 100. Roma. Turnips.333 5.20 2.00 1.4% 93. 8 fl. oz. ✦ .36 Chapter 2 Produce Vegetables (Continued) Number of Measures per AP Unit Measure per AP Units Trimmed/ Cleaned Ounce Weight or Count Yield Percent Trimmed/ Cleaned Ounce Weight per Cup Number of Trimmed/ Cleaned Cups per AP Unit Item Name Tomato. 2 tbsp.5 11.8% 93. 3 tsp. diced Tomatoes. 1 c. Tomatoes. seeded. 6. Roma: Trim is from removing the ends. Tomatoes. Potato: Russet. Strings and trim: 12%. Pearl: There are about 30 trimmed. 7. trimmed asparagus item yields reflect both the culling and stalk-end trimming. 3. Green: Green beans are the Blue Lake variety.There are 66 each 4–6 inch beans per pound.Trimming the ends yields about 63% of the whole asparagus. and so on—are based on medium table-size carrots. Beans. peeled pearl onions per pint. Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit Y% ✦ . 5. and a pint of cleaned pearl onions weighs 9 ounces. Cucumber: Ends are trimmed to obtain the yield percentage. AP. 4. exclusive of heart leaves. Carrots: Breakdowns of carrots—diced. Peppers: Brunoise: Interior membrane of peppers has been sliced off as part of the cutting. Onion. Lettuce. 8. whereas the “whole” asparagus item yields reflect just that amount remaining after culling. Asparagus: Whole asparagus items show the yield after culling (discarding unservable stalks) but before trimming off the stalk ends. peeled and eyed. 9. So. Leaves: All lettuce leaf values are large leaves. grated. 2. but not trimming. Bibb.Ve g e t a b l e s Notes 37 1. oz.61% 69. 16 oz.3 2. juice yield of 1 Lb.61% 4. cored. cored.15 16 15. 4 qt. 32 fl.979 4.88 2. 88 count. peeled. diced Apples.2 21.981 3.56 11. cored.38 14. ✦ 1 qt.0% 66.58 5 each 99.1 8.91 9. 16 fl. Burro.85 11. peeled.88% 73.98 11 each 10. sliced Apples. halves Apricots.75 2. 2 c. Macintosh. peeled. sliced Apples. cored. Fiji.56 11.58 10.11 14.81% 92. diced Apples. oz. ✦ 1 pt. 88 count Apples. 5 in. ✦ . 8 fl. 128 fl.883 69.788 3. 16 tbsp. oz.325 1 gal. dry Bananas Bananas.046 3.56 14.81% 73. 80 count Apples.3 4. 80 count. cored.88% 89. peeled. Golden Delicious. peeled.49 6.042 3. diced Apples. 80 count.88% 89.169 4 3. Apples.73 3. Burro.3% 8. 88 count Apples. Dwarf (finger) Bananas. Granny Smith.82 11. sliced Bananas.424 5. long AP Unit #10 can pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound bunch pound bunch bunch bunch bunch 111 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 19.81% 92. Dwarf (finger). Golden Delicious.890 2. peeled.92 3. 3 tsp. sliced Apples. cored. 80 count. sliced Bananas. Golden Delicious.2 ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce 110 11.96 62. ✦ 1 lb.0% 74. 16 c. 88 count.38 14.9% 100. 88 count. sliced Apples.91 11.80 4. Fiji. 2 tbsp. oz.73 3.344 3.44% 74. dry Banana. cored.88% 73.88% 72.770 2.6 4 each 9.905 1.25% 72. ✦ 1 fl.88% 91. Red Delicious.38 Chapter 2 Produce Fruit Number of Measures per AP Unit Measure per AP Unit Trimmed/Cleaned Avoirdupois Ounce Weight or Count per AP Unit Yield Percent Trimmed/Cleaned Avoirdupois Ounce Weight per Cup Number of Trimmed/ Cleaned Cups per AP Unit Item Name Applesauce Apples. Red.55 2. Macintosh. peeled. cored.82 11. peeled.2 3.88 3.3 1.82 11. diced Apples. peeled Bananas.91 11. cored.6 12. 4 c.44% 74.38 14. peeled.0% 100.46 4. 80 count.38% 5. Fiji. 88 count. Fuji.7 14. 88 count. Red Delicious.85 14. oz. 80 count Apples. peeled. 88 count Apples. Red Delicious. each Bananas.2 15. Granny Smith. sliced Apricots Apricots.69 3.25% 72.2 15. peeled.97% 92.3 4.58 2. 2 pt. diced Apples.9% 91. 88 count.25% 89. ✦ 1 tbsp.7 16 16 10.85 14. Dwarf (finger). peeled. Macintosh. Chips. halves. cored.44% 56. 1 c. Granny Smith. 5 in.5 1. sliced Blackberries Blackberries.9% 90. sweet Citron.46 4.16 3.544 2.56% 42. fresh.00 3. dried Cherries. frozen Breadfruit Carambola (StarFruit) Cherimoya Cherries.6 15. fresh.74 2.27 Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit Y% ✦ .0% 100. Red.28 10.0% 69.3 16 14 15.61 7.0% 78.5 19.2 16 12.29 5 5. Red and White Dates Dates.5% 99.80 3.5 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce 11.0% 100.04 3. pitted.07 3.9 8.3 5.945 2.83 3.532 4. dried Cranberries.1 4.4 11.0% 27.4% 100.4 14.64 14.35 5.20 3.25 3.60 3. sliced Bananas.859 2.0% 87.4 2.50% 89. frozen Blueberries.0% 41.371 5 8.0% 100.3% 95.14 3.2 16 6.5 14.73 5 5.3% 100.0% 96.3 7.38 5.80 5.2 5.56% 100.92 5.11 6.4 14.0% 40. pitted.4 16 15. whole Feijoa AP Unit pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound each each pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 19. Cranberries.20 0.0% 90.56 2.30 8.368 3.4 3. juice yield of 1 lb. juice yield of 1 lb.3 16 16 6.38% 42.1 70.02 1. diced Coconut.5 5. frozen Blackberries. long. Dry Zante Currants.47 15.9% 100.08 2.91% 96.Fruit 39 Fruit (Continued) Number of Measures per AP Unit Measure per AP Unit Trimmed/Cleaned Avoirdupois Ounce Weight or Count per AP Unit Yield Percent Trimmed/Cleaned Avoirdupois Ounce Weight per Cup Number of Trimmed/ Cleaned Cups per AP Unit Item Name Bananas. dried Blueberries. whole Currants.8% 51.48 15 8.30 16 4. Blueberries Blueberries.08 4.93 1. Boysenberries Boysenberries.75 1.73 5. juice yield of 1 lb. chopped Dates.44% 95.0% 90. grated Coconut.3 7.52% 66. whole Cranberries.0% 93.47 15.95 3. candied.02 0. 65 6.68 12. ✦ 1 fl. yield 1 pound Lemons.27 1. diameter AP Unit pound pound pound pound pound pound each pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound cup pound each pound pound each pound pound each pound pound 16 16 16 16 16 16 13.17 0. juice yield of 1 lb.8 16 15. yield of 1 pound Limes.165. crystallized.650 0.62 4 each 1.1 15. Meyer.28 2.97 7. sliced Key Lime.20 0.5 16 each 15 1. sliced Kumquats. 2 pt. 16 c.21 5.5 5.2 5 2. oz. Red.6% 93.18 69.3 10.796 each 11.45 2. ✦ 1 qt.5 6. oz. peeled and sliced Figs Figs. seedless Grapes.40 0.9 15.35 9 5.67 0. oz.77% 80.3% 41. 1 c.3% 8. oz.63 4. dried Fruit Cake mix.3 8.037 1 gal.4 16 16 ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce cup ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce 9.4% 8. juice. Meyer.8 2. 3 tsp.4% 6. by cup Kumquats. seedless Grapes. 16 fl.8 5.38% 98. by pound Lemons.02 6. juice.8% 100.81 49.38% 5.96 6.80 84.0% 43. 16 tbsp. candied Ginger.0% 34. 8 fl.3 15 each 13.4 3.3 8.8% 89.9 4 each 1.3 0. 2 in.0% 99. yield 1 each Lemons. 2 tbsp. 4 c.187 2. oz.8% 41.4% 66. 32 fl.5 13.7 each 42. juice. flesh Lemons. Lemons.38% 52. 16 oz.821 93. ✦ 1 pt. 128 fl.95 4.65 6 7. juice. 165 count whole Lemons. ✦ . Green.4% 42. ✦ 1 lb. Guava Jackfruit Jackfruit. 4 qt.76 4.44 6. seedless.4% 39.9 7 15 14. ✦ 1 tbsp.38% 99. by count Feijoa.391 2. juice yield of 1 pound Key Limes Kiwi Fruit Kiwi Fruit.4% 84. yield of 1 each Limes.24 3. 2 c. juice yield 1 lb. whole Limes.3 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 1 16 4 16 16 4 16 16 3.4% 34. Red.13% 8.3 0. chips Grapefruit Grapes.40 Chapter 2 Produce Fruit (Continued) Number of Measures per AP Unit Measure per AP Unit Trimmed/Cleaned Avoirdupois Ounce Weight or Count per AP Unit Yield Percent Trimmed/Cleaned Avoirdupois Ounce Weight per Cup Number of Trimmed/ Cleaned Cups per AP Unit Item Name Feijoa. 65 0.9 7.6% 99. Watermelon. Honeydew Melon.6 10. juice yield 1# (pound) 72 count Oranges. Cantaloupe Melon. cubed Melon.3 6 9.8% 68.5 16 16 16 ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce 9.3 2.16 9.21% 39.6% 37. Pepino. whole Melon. juice yield of 1 lb. Melon.5% 57.83 6 1.50% 59.5 10.36 5.65 8. cubed Melon.2 8.012 5. Cantaloupe.2 15.3% 57.8 3 each 7.69% 61.39% 63.72 0.5% 58.560 5.3 6.9 9.8% 58.50 6. candied.00% 75. diced Melon Pepino.0% 75.112 5.4 11 11 9.709 Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit Y% ✦ . Honeydew.565 1.00% 5.1% 37.4% 66. ball Melon.96 1. Sweet Tuscan 3/4 in. cubed Melon. cubed Melon.8 1. Cantaloupe.6 9.1% 43. sliced Melon.Fruit 41 Fruit (Continued) Number of Measures per AP Unit Measure per AP Unit Trimmed/Cleaned Avoirdupois Ounce Weight or Count per AP Unit Yield Percent Trimmed/Cleaned Avoirdupois Ounce Weight per Cup Number of Trimmed/ Cleaned Cups per AP Unit Item Name Litchi Nut Loquats Mango Mango. sliced Oranges.89 60. cubed Melon.3 6. peeled AP Unit pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound each pound pound pound pound each pound pound pound 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 90.14 0. juice yield of 1. diced Oranges. Watermelon.0% 65.5 5. Watermelon.4% 69. Watermelon Melon. Nectarines Nectarines. cubed Melon. Cantaloupe.01 3.6 10.0% 68.6 8.3% 66.8 1.9 62. seedless. Casaba Melon.4% 59.58 6. juice yield 1 lb. Blood.23 9.56 2.9 5 1. 72 count Orange Peel.47 10. Blood. Cantaloupe. cubed Melon. juice yield of 1 lb.817 2.3 8.24 12 12 6. Crenshaw Melon.25 5.82 1.3 16 16 16 16 8. Casaba.2 12.5 9.81% 5.0% 37.05 0. Crenshaw.7 8.5% 80.39 2.2 9. seedless. peeled.965 0.4% 49. Oranges.89 49. seeded.94 10.38% 57. 16 fl. cored. Bosc. peeled. sliced Persimmon.8 1.3 5. 16 oz. sliced Peaches. Asian. ✦ 1 lb.30 0. 100 count Pears. diced Pears. Comice. 72 count.81% 78.46 0. slices—dry Pears. peeled.573 0.98 10. d’Anjou. 72 count Oranges. no membrane Oranges.7 11.73 4. 100 count.9% 74.98 2.00 2.201 2. Fuyu AP Unit pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce 3. slices Pears.477 2.00% 89. seeded Peaches.5 12.44 13. peeled.50% 89. 90 count.1 0.56% 81. 4 qt.05 2. 8 fl.88% 63.08 4.00% 78. Mexican (large). 72 count Oranges.24 12. oz. peeled. 90 count.819 6. Asian.9 2.50% 8.47 2..13% 78.81% 78.5 16 11.620 8.05 13.96 93. Fuyu Persimmon.81% 34. cored. Blood.1 4.1% 100. diced Pears. Navel. d’Anjou. Bosc. 16 c. Comice. 2 tbsp.52% 66. whole Papaya Papaya. juice yield of 1 Lb.75 4. cored. 3 tsp.92 14. cubed Passion Fruit Paw Paw.663 5.3 each 10 5. ✦ .50% 74.618 5. Comice. oz.61 12. diced Pears.42 Chapter 2 Produce Fruit (Continued) Number of Measures per AP Unit Measure per AP Unit Trimmed/Cleaned Avoirdupois Ounce Weight or Count per AP Unit Yield Percent Trimmed/Cleaned Avoirdupois Ounce Weight per Cup Number of Trimmed/ Cleaned Cups per AP Unit Item Name Oranges. 16 tbsp. 2 pt.55 2.815 each 10. peeled.56% 5. oz. Bosc.94 12. peeled. Valencia.75 4.9% 66.90 1 gal.96 each 14.02 2. d’Anjou. ✦ 1 tbsp. peeled.8 2. 1/4 in.2 5.5% 34. oz.9 8. 4 c.56% 81. 90 count.7 10.00% 81. 1 c. cored. Valencia.92 11. 90 count Pears. ✦ 1 fl.6% 42. sliced Pears. sections. whole Oranges. ✦ 1 pt. Pears.8% 37. 32 fl.5 10.05 13.61 12. Comice. Valencia. 72 count. 90 count. ✦ 1 qt. Oranges.859 6 4 4. 90 count Pears. cored.702 5.190 62. seeded Peaches.61 5. 128 fl. juice yield of 1 lb.509 2. 100 count.5 6.0% 74.24 14. sliced Pears.559 2.24 14.00% 89. cubed Papaya. oz. 1/2 in. cored.4% 65. diced Pears.1% 78. peeled. 2 c. sliced Strawberries.9 98 each 11. packed down Raspberries Raspberries.651 70. whole Red Cherries.9% 66. Red Tamarind.7 10 14. halves Strawberries.67 7.0% 100. juice yield of 1 lb.75 16 16 15.56 5.98% 73.4 2. pureed Strawberries. Candied.89% 24. peeled with seeds AP Unit pound pound each pound pound pound each each pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound 16 16 67.36 6.0% 90.9% 90. juice yield of 1 lb.7 24 whole 5. by count Sapotes Soursop Strawberries Strawberries. peeled and cored. whole.5 14.970 Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit Y% ✦ . sectioned (membranes removed) Prickly Pear Fruit Prunes.46% 45. Red Cherries.9% 5. Strawberries.9% 91. Candied.88 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce 13.9% 91. peeled. not packed Raisins.500 1.825 8.8% 100.9 5.81% 7.88 6.373 4.9% 28.88 11. Pineapple.8 5.80 11.94% 99. juice yield of 1 lb.762 0.81 81. pitted Quince Raisins. sliced Pomegranates Pomelo.74 1.48 1.7 3.3 3.7 14. whole.93 11 16 9.25 6.0% 95.614 each 14.86 2.38% 5. cubed Plantains Plums Plums. medium Tamarillo.55 1.55 30.1 5.56 0.45 0.Fruit 43 Fruit (Continued) Number of Measures per AP Unit Measure per AP Unit Trimmed/Cleaned Avoirdupois Ounce Weight or Count per AP Unit Yield Percent Trimmed/Cleaned Avoirdupois Ounce Weight per Cup Number of Trimmed/ Cleaned Cups per AP Unit Item Name Persimmon.1 4.9% 91.99 15.8 4. fresh.51 92.35 10.55 27.3 7.4 14.50% 91.56% 71.9% 62.25 8.533 5.7 14.86% 68.6 16 16 16 16.506 2.55 5.76 3. Red Tamarillo.0% 55.5 3.4 9. Hachiya Pineapple.7 14.14 2.6% 24.9% 100.0% 60.85 2. 89 each 3.00 1. 16 oz. peeled.25% 5.35 fluid ounces). Oranges: There are 10 to 12 sections in an orange (10 of full size). Apricots: These are pitted to obtain the yield. 2.247 1. 4 c. oz. 16 tbsp.01 avoirdupois ounces juice (or 5. ✦ 1 qt. 16 c. One cup equals 13 standard balls. 1 c.44 Chapter 2 Produce Fruit (Continued) Number of Measures per AP Unit Measure per AP Unit Trimmed/Cleaned Avoirdupois Ounce Weight or Count per AP Unit Yield Percent Trimmed/Cleaned Avoirdupois Ounce Weight per Cup Number of Trimmed/ Cleaned Cups per AP Unit Item Name Tamarind. fresh. 8 fl. Citrus Juices—Purchasing Formulas: The ounce measures shown are ounces by weight. 2. oz. count Tangerine. Mineola Tangelo. 3 tsp. ✦ 1 fl. Satsuma. Clementine variety. oz. 5.49 fluid ounces). but remember that a weighed ounce is about 95% of a fluid ounce of juice. 2 c. 3.38% 98.When working with fluid ounces. 128 fl.677 1.76 fluid ounces). sectioned Tangerines. 6. 4 qt. sections each Notes AP Unit pound pound pound pound pound pound pound pound 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce ounce 5. One pound of 72-count oranges yields 6. There are usually 10 sections in a lime.317 77.66 15.5 2. ✦ 1 pt.73% 12. ✦ 1 tbsp. Satsuma.There are usually 10 sections in a lemon. seedless Tamarind.75% 66.74 each 3. Mineola. oz. 2 tbsp.62 avoirdupois ounces juice (or 6. use the cups purchasing formula for more efficiency in determining how much raw citrus to buy for an as-served volume of juice. To convert a weight ounce (avoirdupois) to a fluid ounce. paste with seeds Tangelo. multiply the number of weighed ounces by 0. 4. 2 pt. Lemons: One pound of raw lemons yields 6. Fluid ounces can be substituted. Melon Balls: Balling reduces melon yields from 55–60% to 35–40%. 16 fl. Coconuts: Coconut water yield is approximately 20% of its AP weight. 32 fl. Satsuma. 1 gal. ✦ .96 to arrive at its fluid-ounce equivalent. oz.5 each 12.36 11 per each 35. whole Tangerines. peeled.8 10. Use waste if possible. ✦ 1 lb.76 avoirdupois ounces juice (or 6. Limes: One pound of limes yields 6. whole Tangerine. 3/8 in. Green or Wax. mixed or short cut Beans. juice.Fruit 45 Canned Foods (in Number-10 Cans) USDA Recommended Drained Weight Minimum in Ounces per #10 Can Item Apples. heavy pack in light syrup or water Boysenberry. 1. 3/8 in. Green or Wax. Beets. or water Apricots. whole. heavy pack in light syrup or water Blackberries. Carrots. Green or Wax. or water Apricots. whole Beans. whole.5 68 72 68 72 68 68 69 68 74 62 55 70 55 72 68 Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit Y% ✦ . fresh Beans. french cut Beans.2 68 60 59 63 57. light syrup. diced. Garbanzo Beans. regular pack in heavy syrup Blueberries Blueberries. juice. juice. whole. center cuts and tips Beans. peeled in light syrup. Kidney Beans.5 60. 1/4 in. regular pack in heavy syrup Carrots. whole. size 4 to 6 Blackberries. halves or slices in heavy syrup Apricots. whole. Green or Wax. size 1 to 3 Beets. peeled in heavy syrup Apricots. julienne Beets. unpeeled in light syrup. sliced medium. unpeeled in heavy syrup Apricots. julienne 96 62 64 60. Beets. Lima. or water Asparagus. cut Beans. halves or slices. Pinto Beets. whole. diced.4 62 60 61. sliced Apricots.5 in. oz. unpitted in light syrup. Tart. large. juice. ✦ 1 lb. medium. jumbo.15 64. whole Cherries. 23 count or less in light syrup. diced. ✦ 1 pt. whole kernel. colossal.2 72 66. 16 c. all media Peaches. Red. 1 c. 16 fl. 8 fl. jumbo. halves. sliced. pitted. 3 tsp. or water 68 68 70. seedless (in all packing media) Hominy. light. super-colossal Olives. medium. Tart. whole. ✦ . Clingstone. ripe. 128 fl. small. Sweet. whole kernel. whole. Kadota. ripe. ✦ 1 qt. Red. 70 count or less Figs. style I Loganberry.5 70 70 72 63 66 71. quartered Onions. small. grade A Corn. ripe. colossal. ripe. extra-large Olives. super-colossal Olives. regular pack in light syrup or water Mushrooms. Kadota. whole. grades B and C Figs. whole. 80 to 99 count (medium) Peaches. ripe. pitted. halves. oz. 16 tbsp. or water Corn. oz. 2 c. extra-large Olives. 71 count or more Fruit Cocktail (in all packing media) Fruits for salad (in all media) Grapes. pitted in water or juice Cherries. pitted in syrup Cherries. 2 pt.46 Chapter 2 Produce Canned Foods (in Number-10 Cans) (Continued) USDA Recommended Drained Weight Minimum in Ounces per #10 Can Item Carrots. chopped Olives. pitted in heavy syrup Cherries. 32 fl. 200 count (tiny) Onions. whole. 4 qt. juice. oz. Sweet. 2 tbsp. whole. Clingstone. 16 oz.5 62 72 60 61 90 49 51 64 66 55 63 64 60 70 65 67 1 gal. stems and pieces Olives. dark and light. sliced Carrots. ✦ 1 tbsp. wedges. large. 100 to 199 count (small) Onions. 4 c. ✦ 1 fl. oz. Clingstone. 23 count or less in heavy syrup Peaches. heavy pack.5 92 61. Clingstone. Freestone. pieces (irregular) in light syrup. Clingstone. or water Peaches. Clingstone. halves. light syrup.7 70. 24 count or more in heavy syrup Peaches. quarters. Clingstone. heavy syrup. Freestone. or water Peaches. 23 count or less. all media Peaches.5 64.7 64. slices in heavy syrup Peaches. whole—pieces Pineapple. or water Pears. halves.5 71 70 72 70 72 74 74 71. cubes in all media 66. quarters. Clingstone. grade A Peas. slices in heavy syrup.5 68. 24 count in light syrup. halves.5 68. grade B Pimentos. halves. Clingstone.75 71. slices in light syrup. chunks in all media Pineapple. juice. heavy syrup.2 65.7 72. quarters. unsweetened Peaches. chopped Pimentos. Freestone.Canned Foods (in Number-10 Cans) 47 Canned Foods (in Number-10 Cans) (Continued) USDA Recommended Drained Weight Minimum in Ounces per #10 Can Item Peaches. or water Peaches. 25 count or less in all media Pears. juice. Clingstone. slices or quarters in all media Peas and Carrots (diced carrots) Peas and Carrots (sliced carrots) Peas. juice. diced in all media Pears. light syrup. or water Peaches.25 Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit Y% ✦ . halves. halves.5 76 66. pieces Pimentos. juice. 24 count or more.5 66.1 65. mixed pieces of irregular shape in all media Peaches.5 61 67 62. whole—halves Pimentos.5 68.5 62. 25 count or more in all media Pears. sliced Pimentos. diced. or water Peaches. solid pack. juice. light syrup. Freestone. pieces (irregular) in heavy syrup Peaches. juice. Field and Blackeye Peas Peas. Clingstone. White. 4 qt. 128 fl. oz. whole.7 1 gal. ✦ . in all media Plums. grade B Tomatoes. diced Potatoes. ✦ 1 fl.7 73 76 75 74 110 70 60 53 80 58. grade A or B in syrup Sauerkraut Spinach Tomatoes. 3 tsp. 16 oz. ✦ 1 tbsp. purple.8 61.48 Chapter 2 Produce Canned Foods (in Number-10 Cans) (Continued) USDA Recommended Drained Weight Minimum in Ounces per #10 Can Item Pineapple.75 69. crushed. peeled. Sweet Potatoes.5 54.4 63. 2 c. oz. 8 fl. 4 c. solid pack (minimum is 78% of weight by content) Pineapple. peeled. 32 fl. 2 tbsp. grade C 65. ✦ 1 lb. sliced Potatoes. ✦ 1 pt. whole in all media Potatoes.2 54.White.3 85. sliced. 16 c. heavy pack in all media Prunes. halves in all media Plums. tidbits in all media Pineapple. whole. crushed in syrup (minimum is 63% of weight by content) Pineapple. ✦ 1 qt. oz. purple.White. oz. 16 fl. Red. grade C in water Raspberries. regular pack in all media Raspberries. 1 c. oz. 2 pt. whole Prunes.5 60. 16 tbsp. 4 111 99.7 5.05 72 48.5 31. in water Spinach.75 37. sweet.6 23. in water Sauerkraut. solid pack.09% 58.8 9.75 47.3 70.7 23.35 76. with brown sugar and bacon Beets. green.15 5.85 108. in heavy syrup Pears.6 37.9 25.8 109.35 21.1 104 67. whole yellow kernels.05 8. in water Garbanzo Beans.75 21.14% 100%* 67. diced.4 6. in juice Potatoes. 90 to 110 count.8 7.3 111. in water Cheese Sauce for Nachos Cherries.6 107.65 3.6 5.1 46 76.34% 100. in water Pineapple.85 65. Dark Sweet. whole. halves.45 9.4 33.8 109.3 108.95 111.85 24. peeled. Blue Lake. sliced. pitted.25 104 112.6 5. cut 1.7 22. sliced.9 8.8 22. sliced.3 34. diced (3/8 in. cut 1.05 16.71% 63.10% 98.5 107.5 62.8 108.4 70. stemmed.25 51.4 48.6 105.8 53.95 69.15 36.55% 58.6 30.76% 100%* 67. sliced.83% 100%* 60.2 6.9 5.15 50 76. leaf.55 5.9 106.89 5.35 Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit Y% ✦ . in water (grade A) Green Beans.). in water Peaches.97 65 54 69.3 5.7 107.1 39.5 in.25 76.15 27.43% 65.9 4.8 56 63.4 76.6 38 68.9 26.5 76.7 109.5 62.2 35.66% 45.75 73 68.65 104. in water Carrots.6 102 111 110 95.75 3. in water Green Beans.9 36 23.23 47.21% 100%* 60.22% 61.55 22.4 48.89% 70.4 24.8 46.95 51.85 5. dark red. in light syrup Pears. crushed.95 61.95 107.59% 64.9 106.1 9.65 7. in water (grade B) Hominy.9 5.95 110.6 111.55 109.95 32.75 18 24.21% 70% 67.43% 65.2 23.49% 100%* 8. whole.9 47 73.9 5.54% 58. 35 count.154 5.25 50. in light syrup Peas.75 108.35 7.29% 71. white Ketchup Kidney Beans.00%* 63.45 112. with beans Corn. tidbits.2 72 54. diced (3/8 in. in water Beets.75% 56.5 in.95 5. whole.3 30.1 79.).3 107.8 112.65 72.3 70. with juice Pineapple.Canned Foods (in Number-10 Cans) 49 Canned Foods Weight-to-Volume Total Ounces per #10 Can Net or Drained Weight in Ounces Drained Weight Yield Percentage Ounces per Single Cup Ounces per Quart Ounces per Half Gallon Product Applesauce Apples. dry pack in juice Baked Beans.7 72.95 66.85 102. in water Tomato Paste 111 97 112.65 85. heavy syrup Chili con Carne.03% 81. in water Menudo Mushrooms.8 108.65 63.65 9. Blue Lake. 2 pt.25 101.2 35. ✦ 1 tbsp. 16 tbsp.50 Chapter 2 Produce Canned Foods Weight-to-Volume (Continued) Total Ounces per #10 Can Net or Drained Weight in Ounces Drained Weight Yield Percentage Ounces per Single Cup Ounces per Quart Ounces per Half-Gallon Product Tomato Purée Tomato Sauce Tomatoes.35 36.1 *The last three columns list drained weights unless noted by an asterisk. 1 gal.58 7. diced. ✦ 1 qt.35 35.05 60. 16 oz.3 36.55 67. 128 fl.05 36. oz. ✦ .45 8.13% 8. 4 qt. 3 tsp. 16 fl.55 108.5 104. chopped. in water 107 104.5 72.5 in. Yellow.8 79.9 104. 1 c. in juice Wax Beans. 8 fl.9 104. oz.95 100%* 100%* 100%* 100%* 61. oz. 1. 2 c.15 29. pieces. ✦ 1 lb.9 72. crushed.15 4.55 17. in purée Tomatoes.8% 58.9 8.1 70 67. 2 tbsp. ✦ 1 pt. in own juice Tomatoes. oz. 4 c. oz.75 8.25 101. 16 c.85 107 104. ✦ 1 fl. 32 fl. Happily. a bean salad may utilize an amount that is less or more than a portion of beans on an entrée plate. rice. This makes their original weights and volumes increase considerably by the time they are fully prepared. (If. wine. as well as its presentation. highly reduced stock or premium wine in your recipe. As you read through this chapter you’ll be referred to these three tables: 1. Rice. you will find it useful to know the cost of a cooked weight and a cooked volume of these foods—and that is the purpose of this chapter: to illustrate how to obtain that information. some starchy foods can easily double and may even triple in size when cooked. Regardless of how they are used. if at all. the cost of the cooked item may not decrease much.) that they are cooked with. these foods are both popular and inexpensive to purchase. and Cereals 3. cereals.3 STARCHY FOOD A ll starchy foods—which include legumes (beans and peas). milk. and become even less expensive when cooked because of their increased cooking yield. grains. however. Pasta These tables all have the same format. and pasta—expand when cooked. a pasta entrée will utilize more pasta than a side dish. you use very expensive cooking liquids like a rich. This happens because they absorb the liquid (water. They show the following: ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ The raw (AP) ounce weight per cup The number of AP cups that equal 1 pound The number of ounces a cooked cup weighs The number of cooked cups 1 AP cup yields The number of cooked cups 1 AP pound yields The number of cooked pounds one AP pound yields The AP-to-cooked-weight increase percentage 51 . etc.) A portion of cooked. For instance. stock. Grains. Dry Legumes 2. In fact. some Caribbean cuisines cover an entire plate with cooked rice and use that as an underliner for the rest of the dish! Similarly. starchy food will vary in size from region to region and will vary according to the type of cuisine. Look up the number of AP (raw) ounces in 1 cup in the appropriate table. follow this procedure: 1. oz. the Workbook. divide the pound cost by 16 (the number of ounces in 1 pound): $0.56. For a gallon.54 per gallon COSTING BY COOKED OUNCE OR POUND To calculate the cost of 1 cooked ounce or 1 cooked pound. 8 fl. oz. as well as cooked yields. The Dry Legumes table shows there are 7.24 $4.20 20 $0.07 $0. multiply the cup cost by 2.035) by 7. AND CEREALS IN THE WORKBOOK Part II. 32 fl. of 3. Here are the various multiples: ✦ ✦ ✦ For a pint cost. 2 pt. multiply by 16. 128 fl. Calculate the cost of a raw AP pound. ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ $11. 16 c. as shown here: $4. so: 1 cup costs $0. you get $0.58 ounces.265.56 16 $0. GRAINS.56 Thus.24 . 1 AP ounce costs $0. ✦ 1 fl.58 ounces of small white beans in 1 AP cup.035. oz. Costing Worksheet 1 ✦ Trimmed or Cooked Foods. 3. 16 tbsp.24 Don’t forget. 3 tsp. oz. Costing Worksheet 2 ✦ COSTING BY VOLUME OF A RAW STARCHY ITEM To calculate the cost of a volume of a raw. 2 c. follow this process: 1. 1 gal. To determine the AP ounce cost. RICE.52 Chapter 3 Starchy Food COSTING DRY LEGUMES. ✦ 1 lb.20. Multiply the AP cost per ounce by the AP ounces in 1 cup. By multiplying the AP ounce cost ($0. 1 AP pound costs $0.035 So. ✦ 1 pt. has two worksheets to help you cost volumes of raw ingredients.30) $0. 16 fl. ✦ 1 qt. oz. 2 tbsp. 1 c. Divide the AP pound cost by 16 to determine the cost of 1 AP ounce. 4. 2. divide the 20-pound box cost by 20: NOTE There may be some compaction. ✦ . For a quart. 4 c.53 1 quart costs $1.30 $4.06 1 gallon costs $4. multiply by 4.265 1 pint costs $0. 4 qt. Do this by dividing the cost of the AP unit by the number of pounds it contains. you may add 7 percent to the gallon cost to account for compaction. 16 oz. To find the AP pound cost. in both weight and volume: Weights to Volumes. AP starchy item.2968 (round this to $0. Example Given: A 20-pound box of small white beans costs $11. ✦ 1 tbsp.5 percent at the half-gallon measure and 7 percent or so as you approach the gallon measure. so feel free to add these percentages to the calculated larger volume costs. Divide the AP pound or ounce cost by the cooked yield weight increase percentage. From previous calculaNOTE The yield values of the cooked cups in The Book of Yields were spoonfilled and then slightly tamped down.31 cooked ounces in 1 cup. and Cereals 53 2. A gallon would cost 16 times as much. multiply the cup cost by 2. multiply the number of ounces in one cooked cup by the cost per cooked ounce.0965 So.0153 6.65 cents.108 $1.2445 4. Remember to move the decimal point two places to the left. The cost per cooked ounce is calculated this way: Divide the cooked pound cost by 16.544 $0.Costing Dry Legumes. The Dry Legumes table shows that 1 cup of cooked small white beans weighs 6.65 A gallon of cooked small white beans costs $1. Rice.56 2. follow these guidelines: For 1 cup. If the cook shakes down the food.07 to get the same answer.544 times 1.31 $0. $0.0153. tions. (You could just multiply the $1.31 ounces.) Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit Y% ✦ .2445 16 BY $0. as these calculations demonstrate: $0. there may be some compaction of the cooked food when you measure a quart to a gallon or more. then you will have to weigh the contents of the packed vessel and multiply that by the cost of 1 cooked pound.0153 COSTING ✦ VOLUME OF A COOKED STARCHY ITEM To calculate the cost of a volume of a cooked starchy item. Convert these percentages to decimals so you can use them in calculations. $0. 3.29 $0. plus 7 percent for compaction.65. or packs or presses the food into the container.07 $0. The cost per cooked pound is calculated this way: $0. drop the percent symbol.544 $1.108 $1. For a quart. Example Given: You have cooked a quantity of small white beans. The amount of compaction depends on how the cook fills the larger vessel. you put the decimal place after the first 2 (2. vigorously tamps the vessel after filling.0965 16 $1. To do the math. ✦ ✦ Again. 1 cup of cooked small white beans costs 9. For instance. and then do your division.0153 by the 6. 2. Grains.544 . multiply by 4. the small white bean percentage increase number is 229%. Multiply the cost per cooked ounce of $0. For a pint. you know that 1 ounce of cooked white beans costs $0. Follow this process to find the cost of 1 cup and the cost of 1 gallon of cooked small white beans: 1.29)— and then do the division. Adding extra liquid to rice and bean recipes can result in greater cooked yields and thus lower your costs on paper. 4 qt. Therefore. You calculate the weight increase percentage by dividing the weight of the cooked pasta by the weight of the uncooked ✦ 1 gal.75 ounces. Multiply the number of ounces per cup or quart (from the Pasta table) by the cost per AP ounce.5 cents.925 16 $0. 3 tsp. For example. 16 tbsp. To get the cost. Fresh pasta.50 20 $0. For our purposes here. 20: $18. oz. However.925 by 16. Divide the AP cost per pound by 16 to get the cost per ounce. But this is never a good idea. as pasta is inexpensive to begin with and its enjoyment depends on it being properly cooked— which means not mushy and broken. $0. 16 c. 16 fl. . we will go with a weight increase factor of 2. divide $0. ✦ 1 qt. especially if you sell a lot of pasta and use volume measures in your recipes. NOTE Dry pasta manufacturers are not consistent in their product specifications. To calculate the cost per AP ounce. 16 oz. 2 c. 2 pt.0578 3. To get the cost per AP pound. Determine the cost of 1 pound. use this process: 1. divide the box cost of $18. ✦ 1 tbsp. We have seen weight-per-quart differences of as much as 30 percent between brands of the same type of pasta. and they change as a result of softening while cooking. by dividing the cost of the AP container of pasta by the number of pounds it contains. because it already contains quite a bit of moisture. oz. many overcooked legumes can be sold as soups or used as purées.5 and 3. however.54 NOTE Chapter 3 Starchy Food COSTING PASTA Because pasta shapes are so varied. To determine the cost of a particular volume. but one may be larger or smaller than the other. this often results in a mushy product that may not be salable in the form intended. 2 tbsp. Two brands may both label their pasta product as large. Fortunately.75 $0. 4 c.925 So. 2. ✦ 1 fl. 128 fl. Likewise. 32 fl. AP.5 cents. 3.0 for fresh pasta. Example Given: A 20-pound box of large elbow macaroni costs $18.5 for dry pasta and 2. COSTING COOKED PASTA Dry pasta cooked al dente will increase in weight between 2. will usually double or just slightly more than double in weight when cooked to the al dente stage. so we can figure out the cost: 13. 1 AP pound of elbow macaroni costs 92. 8 fl. ✦ 1 pt. it is not possible to compare uncooked to cooked volumes. in this case. enable you to cost AP volume amounts in your recipes more easily.50 by the number of pounds it contains. The dry volumes in the Pasta table do. the Pasta table shows that 1 quart of large elbow macaroni weighs 13. oz.3 times. It is up to you to choose which degree of doneness you prefer and determine the weight increase that fits your standards in taste and texture. COSTING DRY PASTA Follow this procedure for costing a volume of dry pasta: 1. 1 c. you can increase the yield on pastas just by cooking them a bit longer than called for. ✦ 1 lb.0578 $0. multiply the number of ounces in 1 cup or 1 quart (from the Pasta table) by the cost per AP ounce. oz. oz. it is wise to do a volume-to-weight test of the actual pasta you are using.50. 2.795 The result is that 1 quart of large elbow macaroni costs 79. 5 lb.35: $0. that the AP cost per pound is $1. AND CEREALS There are three formulas you’ll use to help plan your purchases of dry legumes.1 cups cooked. and cereals. The table shows that 1 pound of raw black-eyed peas yields 7.70 16 oz. for cooked weight yield to raw AP weight. 40 5 oz. FORMULA 2 This formula is for determining cooked AS cups to raw AP weight: # of cups cooked yielded from 1 pound AP weight AS # of cooked cups Example Given: You are to serve 48 half-cup portions of cooked black-eyed peas. For example. 200 oz. and its cooked weight is 8 pounds. for example. IN THE WORKBOOK Part II.1 4.04375 per ounce An 8-ounce serving would cost $0. Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit Y% ✦ . Purchasing Worksheet 4 ✦ FORMULA 1 The first formula. The Dry Legumes table shows 1 pound of AP lentils yields 3. rice. $0.00 $0.03 You’ll need a bit over 4 pounds of raw lentils as your AP amount. if you start with 4 pounds of fresh pasta.04375 8 $0.1 pounds cooked: 12.70 The cooked pasta costs 70 cents per pound. the Workbook. has one worksheet to help you with purchasing starchy products: Starchy Items.5 pounds of cooked lentils. you have a cooking yield of 200 percent: 8 4 2. or 200% To cost a pound of cooked pasta. RICE. is as follows: Amount needed to serve in cooked pounds AP weight Cooked yield of 1 pound raw Example Given: You need to serve 40 five-ounce portions of cooked lentils. 200 16 12.40: $1.5 3. So you need 12. you divide the AP cost per pound by the cooking increase percentage. GRAINS.Purchasing Starchy Items 55 pasta. $0.40 2. An ounce costs one-sixteenth of the pound cost.35 PURCHASING STARCHY ITEMS DRY LEGUMES. grains. Assume. oz. 2 pt. FORMULA 1 This is the formula for converting a cooked pasta weight to a dry pasta 2. And remember. 4 c. but change the 2. 1 gal. ✦ 1 tbsp.1 cups per pound. 16 fl. The 2.) Then divide the serving size by 7.38 pounds of raw black-eyed peas to serve 48 half cups. 2 tbsp. it’s a good idea to do your own pasta yield tests to determine the exact amount of the raw-to-cooked weight increase that results from your own cooking method and desired texture outcome. oz.38 lb. Convert your half cups to whole cups by dividing 48 by 2. ✦ 1 qt. because fresh pasta increases by two times (or slightly more) in weight when cooked. if you cook your pasta softer than al dente. Grains. 16 tbsp.5 Amount of dry pasta to buy (AP dry) weight: Amount of cooked pasta This formula shows how to calculate the weight of dry pasta to buy based on an as-served cooked weight. AP Therefore. 24 cups 7. Divide 72 by 32 to determine how many pounds to buy: 72 32 2. 4 qt.2 pounds of dry rotini in order to serve 18 pounds cooked. ✦ 1 pt. 2 c. 32 fl. 1 c.5 7.25 pounds of puffed rice to serve 72 cups.2 You need to buy 7.25 You need to buy 2. 1. 16 c. 8 fl. 16 oz. you will get an increased yield. This raw starch or cold cereal purchasing formula for converting AS cups to AP pounds is defined as follows: FORMULA 3 AS raw starch or cold cereal in cups # of cups per pound AP in pounds Example Given: You need to serve 72 cups of puffed rice. 3 tsp. you need 3. Example Given: You need to serve 18 pounds of cooked. to reiterate. oz. Then use that weight-increase factor in your calculations.5 factor is the conservative multiplier representing how many times a weight of dry pasta increases in cooking. PURCHASING PASTA The two formulas defined here will come in handy for planning your pasta purchases. (You need 24 cups. dried rotini. cooked. 128 fl. so. Divide the weight you need to serve by 2. FORMULA 2 The second formula shows how to convert a cooked pasta weight to a fresh pasta weight: AS cooked weight 2 AP weight of fresh pasta Here. and Cereals table shows that there are 32 cups of puffed rice per pound. ✦ .5: 18 2. 1. you simply follow the format of the formula for dry pasta. 3. ✦ 1 lb.1 cooked cups per lb. oz. oz. ✦ 1 fl.56 Chapter 3 Starchy Food 1.5 to 2. The Rice. peeled.30 5.29 6.9 2.8 2.4 5.75 2.00 3.2 2.5 7.3 2.11 2.21 2.3 2.0 2.89 6.7 2.75 6.00 5.5 2.03 5.75 5.15 7.2 2.05 3.85 7.34 6. Baby Lima Beans.60 2.8 6.41 2.2 2.4 6.1 2.00 3.52 6.5 2.33 7.9 7.7 5.24 6.31 2.Dry Legumes 57 Dry Legumes Raw: Number of Ounces per Cup Raw: Number of Cups per Pound Cooked: Number of Ounces per Cup 1 Cup Raw Yields This Number of Cups Cooked 1 Pound Raw Yields This Number of Cups Cooked 1 Pound Raw Yields This Number of Pounds Cooked Raw to Cooked Weight Increase Percentage Item Name Adzuki Beans Anasazi Beans Black Beans (Turtle) Black-Eyed Peas Butter Beans.5 6.29 2.45 6.96 6.23 2.49 6.24 6.56 2.0 2.7 4.10 5.49 5.35 6. large Mung Beans Mung Beans.8 6.7 5.5 2.95 6.75 2.6 6.6 6.2 2.28 7.5 5.3 2.00 2.55 2.2 3.24 6.7 7.76 3.7 6.4 7.7 3.75 2.00 3.00 2. split Navy Beans Peruano Beans Pink Beans Pinto Beans Red Beans.20 2.40 2.98 5.8 7.3 6.0 2.37 3. Florida Canalini Beans Cranberry Beans Fava Beans.50 2.31 6.00 2.5 2.8 6.7 2.0 14.42 5.07 6.12 6.7 2.11 1.3 2.46 2 3.6 3.25 6.4 2.93 7.13 2.35 6.48 2.75 3. Thai Scarlet Runner Beans Small White Beans Soybeans Split Peas White Beans 6.42 2.29 3.90 2.8 6.25 7.2 8.00 3.55 6.6 6.03 5.90 7.81 6.31 2.7 3.41 6.65 2.56 2. Broadbean Flageolets Garbanzo Beans Great Northern Beans Kidney Beans Lentils Lentils.42 6.46 6.4 4.1 2.97 6.4 2.77 7 7.95 7.2 2.85 5.65 6.32 2.9 2.5 3.5 2.4 2.56 6.1 2.3 2.88 5. Baby Lima Beans.95 6.44 2.5 2.45 6.3 3.45 2.5 6.17 2.1 5.63 7.50 2.61 5.6 6.0 8.92 4.1 6.13 6.72 6.84 2.00 2.4 291% 229% 301% 266% 211% 165% 272% 329% 223% 222% 266% 264% 309% 240% 270% 317% 308% 231% 241% 484% 241% 283% 217% 255% 229% 254% 200% 243% Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit Y% ✦ .58 6.75 5.22 2. 94 4. medium grain Brown Rice. 1 c.40 3.00 7 6.54 4.00 2.50 3.26 4.40 1. 16 fl.39 2.6 6.3 6.60 3. cooked Bulgur.52 2.44 2. oz. oz.35 6. 2 c.77 2. ✦ 1 pt. long grain rice Cheerios Corn Bran Corn Chex Cornflake Crumbs.2 5. Grains.4 10.60 0.8 8. raw Buckwheat Groats. whole.50 11.42 6. Wheat-soaked Calif.88 6. 8 fl. whole. fine Cornflake Crumbs. ✦ 1 fl.2 9.00 6.58 Chapter 3 Starchy Food Rice.86 7.00 8.50 12. ✦ 1 qt.79 3.50 2.50 1.00 4.1 7.1 8.57 6.7 11.36 9.42 6.64 7.50 8.15 2.00 3.88 6.35 2. 16 c.78 9. short grain Buckwheat Grain (Kasha) Buckwheat Groats.91 379% 349% 350% 242% 216% 272% 390% 325% 291% 8.24 2.54 2. 2 pt.70 7.35 8.03 10.91 235% 262% 314% 351% 291% 1 gal.35 2.00 4.39 2.31 3. oz.98 6.15 1.20 1.24 3.75 5.71 5. 4 c.16 2.12 5. and Cereals Raw: Number of Ounces per Cup Raw: Number of Cups per Pound Cooked: Number of Ounces per Cup 1 Cup Raw Yields This Number of Cups Cooked 1 Pound Raw Yields This Number of Cups Cooked 1 Pound Raw Yields This Number of Pounds Cooked Raw to Cooked Weight Increase Percentage Items Name All-Bran Cereal Amaranth Arborio Rice Barley.5 5. oz.05 6.80 6.00 6.7 8.50 6. 3 tsp.13 8. ✦ .02 3.29 2.90 6. 128 fl.82 3.42 2. roasted Bulgur.00 14.25 2.85 6.78 6.51 2.50 3.7 5.25 6.00 6. oz.42 2. 2 tbsp.54 2.60 4.50 6.33 2.02 7.00 4. 4 qt.20 6.70 6. pearled Basmati Brown Rice Basmati Rice Bran Flakes. 16 oz.31 8.75 5.33 1. hand-crushed Cornflakes Cornmeal/Polenta Cous Cous Cream of Rice Cream of Wheat Hominy Grits 3.39 2.14 3.67 2.06 5. 16 tbsp.00 2.30 6.27 2.00 10.90 3.55 6. Aromatic.36 3.54 7.3 3.40 3.21 3.44 16.62 3.93 536% 371% 557% 626% 493% 6. Kellogg’s Bran Flakes. long grain Brown Rice. 32 fl.50 4.67 16.94 6.86 2.67 2.1 8.00 2.80 1.5 2.00 3. Post Brown Rice.4 9. ✦ 1 lb.72 3.49 3.40 2.15 4. ✦ 1 tbsp.42 20. 30 6. Rice: Raw weights get a bit lighter as rice ages.10 2.05 6.0 6. Cooked yields are for standard recipe ratios.1 3.Rice.6 4.00 2.55 8.46 2.95 3.00 6. long grain White Rice.4 8.54 2.34 1. long-grained. long grain.79 11.80 3. Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit Y% ✦ .03 2.23 6.20 3.1 0.52 2.00 3.21 2.49 4.22 6.40 1.45 8.36 6.00 2.25 2.45 2.39 2.73 6. old-fashioned Puffed Rice or Wheat Quinoa Rice Crispies Spelt Berries Sushi rice Tapioca.35 1.52 6.68 352% 225% 334% 303% 287% 310% 268% 1.12 3.4 3. Red.52 11.8 5.80 3.30 3.82 4. Grains.9 7.5 7.00 6. 2.55 8.5 7.45 2.80 4.62 5.34 3.05 6.10 4.00 5. Pearl Wheat Berries.65 7.70 2.08 4.46 2.91 5.25 3. long grain mix Wild Rice Notes 2.6 6. hard Wheat Germ White Rice. glutinous White Rice.25 8.00 1.6 10.27 3.87 3.4 5.57 2.00 2.50 2. medium grain White Rice.90 6.96 7.50 1. Grains.9 5.10 2. whole Oats.50 8.3 8.00 2.67 16.00 2.40 6.72 11.08 2.25 7.55 7.25 5.45 8.50 5.97 4.52 6.23 6.80 3.10 2.20 13.5 2.7 6.52 2. steel cut Oatmeal (Quick) Oatmeal.14 314% 5.03 420% 305% 627% 357% 240% 169% 697% 403% 7.44 2. short grain Wild and White Rice.99 2.27 2.50 6.42 4.38 1.21 6.76 6. parboiled White Rice.25 3. and Cereals (Continued) Raw: Number of Ounces per Cup Raw: Number of Cups per Pound Cooked: Number of Ounces per Cup 1 Cup Raw Yields This Number of Cups Cooked 1 Pound Raw Yields This Number of Cups Cooked 1 Pound Raw Yields This Number of Pounds Cooked Raw to Cooked Weight Increase Percentage Items Name Instant Rice. and Cereals 59 Rice.33 2.96 3. white Malt-o-Meal Millet Oat Groats.50 6.60 6.10 5. Grains: Individual grain yields do vary according to the recipe ratios and soaking/cooking times.88 7.16 32.27 2.41 5.14 1.50 5.05 6.12 2.69 6.72 112% 276% 634% 172% 8. precooked Jasmine Rice.00 2.4 7. 56 17. whole wheat Shells.3 13. 32 fl. One pound of elbow macaroni yields approximately 8 cups.15 2.30 5.) Ounces per Cup Ounces per Quart 1. oz.1 19.65 3.) Pipe Rigate Rigatoni #24 Rotini.2 20.40 1. extra wide Notes 1.95 4. small Farfalle #93 (1.75 18.50 2.90 17. oz.30 6. Pasta recipes are typically based on weights. 1 in.5 17 16. 4 c.8 7. whole wheat.1 2.5 11.1 2.55 10. Rice shape #26 Pappardelle.95 9.15 2.4 3.25 0. 16 c. 1 gal. spirals Rotini. 4 qt. large Shells.92 21.43 4. 16 oz. ✦ 1 qt.55 9. egg. 8 fl. 1 in. 2. By weight.45 Letters.95 6. thin Wheels Ziti (1.25 3.20 3 14. cheese-filled Tubini Vermicelli.65 11.55 2.60 2.) Farfalle.) Ounces per Cup Ounces per Quart Item Orecchiette Orzo. oz.80 24. 2 pt. long strands Fiori Fregala (medium Cous Cous) Fusilli Gemelli #90 (1. egg noodle.30 6.45 11. one pound of fresh pasta yields 2 to 2. medium Shells. 16 fl. whole wheat (1.875 0. small Elbow Macaroni.25 1 in. oz. By weight. 2 tbsp.75 in.8 4 2.6875 in. 0.7 cups.45 4.80 13 Farfalle.375 0.55 4. ✦ 1 lb..1875 in. Dry pasta dries (as much as 50% less weight) with age in very dry conditions.85 4.625 in.4 2.875 in.5 to 3 pounds.) Penne Rigate Penne Rigate. small Stars.9 9.1875 in.) Farfalle.5 24. a cup of cooked pasta weighs between 5 and 6 ounces.25 in.7 12.5 10.7 15.3 2. On average.25 2. 3 tsp. 5.25 in. Melon Seeds Orzo.625 1. 0. mini (0.9 4. ✦ 1 pt. The Pasta conversion table lists a few that may be used by volume.8 3.5 in.5 12.30 4. cooked.20 14.2 13. ✦ .05 20.6 1. large Elbow Macaroni. 3. 1 c.95 3. 2 c. whole wheat.05 5.35 5. mini (1 0. (1. thick Vermicelli.75 3.8 18.85 2. cooked.25 4.45 23.5 15.6 15. cooked.60 10.05 4.62 25. wide Noodles. 4. ✦ 1 fl. dry.60 Chapter 3 Starchy Food Pasta Item Bow Ties Campanelle Ditalini #45 Elbow Macaroni. high) Macaroni Elbow. ✦ 1 tbsp.375 in. large (0. small (1.) 8. oz.5 0.36 30.75 2.62 8.1 6.25 1 in.4 3. (1.50 3. (alphabet) small Letters.53 1.) Fideo. salad style (short) Mezze Penne Rigate (1.33 4.10 5.00 ..5 pounds.70 11.6 3. one pound of dry pasta yields 2. wide) Penne. small Strozzapreti Tortellini.5 0. 16 tbsp.95 15. One pound of spaghetti yields approximately 10. cooked.50 11.) Mostaccioli or Penne Noodles. Dry pastas: Volume yields of pastas depend on the degree of doneness and pasta shape and are not given.48 16. 128 fl.25 in. 6-inch. round won ton wrappers: There are approximately 5 per ounce. round egg roll wrappers: There are approximately 2. Dry.7 pounds. Dry. Fresh.5 per ounce. 3. 12. wheat. wheat.3 per ounce. Fresh. 6. 9. rice-based.4 pounds. or 72 per pound.5-inch. square spring roll wrappers: There are approximately 2. 8. square won ton wrappers: There are approximately 4. 8. By weight.5 per ounce.4 pounds cooked.5-inch. round spring roll wrappers: There are approximately 7 per ounce.15 per ounce.Pasta 61 6. or 80 per pound. One pound of dry wheat somen yields 3. and egg-based. 11.6 pounds cooked. cooked. 3-inch. wheat. 1 pound of dry mung bean threads yields 4. One pound of dry buckwheat somen yields 2. wheat-based. 7. or 36 per pound. or 18 per pound. Dry. square egg roll wrappers: There are approximately 1. Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit Y% ✦ . 8.5-inch.5-inch. and egg-based. wheat-based. and egg-based. Fresh. One pound of dry udon noodles yields 2. 10. or 112 per pound. or 40 per pound. cakes. after filling a container. so it is not surprising that the sifted ingredients weigh less per cup. then scraped level. Light. How much less depends on how many times the food was sifted. incorporates air into the food. Nuts and Seeds Flour. bakers also use volume measures for some ingredients. 2. 4. such as ground or chopped nuts. Moreover. and so forth. in addition to breaking up lumps. because unlike savory recipes such as soups. 3. Similarly. Why is it more accurate to weigh most baking items? Primarily because of the way a cook fills a measuring container such as a cup or a gallon container. and so on. the tables show the weight-to-volume equivalents for ease of use for those cooks. you can easily jam an excessive amount of the food into the container if you scoop too forcefully. baking recipes are known as formulas. pints. Meal. and savory-side cooks prefer to use volume measures rather than weigh all their ingredients. for example. spices. and pastries are really chemical and physical events that must begin with precise ratios of ingredients to ensure a successful outcome. salads. it is typical for the amount in a cup to weigh less. mong professionals. for example—can be tamped down as much as 20 percent! This chapter makes reference to four tables: 1. Bran.4 BAKING ITEMS A NOTE The items described in this chapter were spooned into the containers and gently tapped to settle the ingredients. thereby adding extra food to the container and throwing off the ratio. and Crumbs Sweeteners Special Baking Items Each table lists the following: ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ The number of ounces contained in 1 cup The number of cups equal to 1 pound The number of ounces contained in 1 pint The number of pints equal to 1 pound The number of pounds equal to 1 pint 62 . Sifting. baking formulas measure most ingredients by weight rather than by volume. and certain leaveners. Weighing ingredients is simply more accurate than using cups. For this reason. you may create air pockets that result in less than a full amount. some recipes that use ingredients commonly found in the bakery are executed on the savory side of the kitchen. When presifted powdery foods such as flours and sugars are measured by volume. you use the measuring device as a scoop. then top off the measuring vessel with more food. airy products—sifted powdered sugar. will vigorously tamp or shake the ingredients down. All that said. entrées. some cooks. conversely. If. The reason is that formulas for breads. For a gallon. it is first necessary to determine the cost of an ounce of the food in question. Now you can use this $0. If the purchase unit is measured in ounces—say. if a case of sliced almonds costs $30. then. you simply divide the cost of the bag by 50 to get the cost per AP pound. Some may be spilled.11. thusly: ✦ ✦ If the purchase unit is measured in pounds. ranging from a quart to a gallon.Costing Baking Items 63 If you are using larger vessels to measure the more powdery foods. This. you may want to add a penny or two to the cost per AP ounce to account for these factors. To do so: ✦ ✦ ✦ For a quart. It follows. $0. you can see that a cup of sliced almonds costs approximately $1. Say you “bump up” the cost per AP ounce to 33 cents to account for snacking by you and/or your staff. 3.106 Thus. by the way. is an ideal cost. $5 16 $0. such as a 50-pound sack of granulated sugar. COSTING BAKING ITEMS IN THE WORKBOOK Part II.3125 NOTE Small quantities may not be quite precise when measuring irregularly shaped foods like sliced almonds. there will be some compaction of the foods as you work with volumes. multiply the cup weight by 16 and add 7 percent. multiply the cup weight by 4 and add 1. Costing Worksheet 1 ✦ As usual.33 cost per AP ounce to cost out volume measures of the sliced almonds. multiply the cup weight by 8 and add 3. One ounce of AP sliced almonds costs 31. has one worksheet to help you cost volumes of baking items: Weights to Volumes.33). The cost per ounce is found by dividing the cost per AP pound by 16. In general. and gallon. as purchased. Ideal.5 percent to the answer.25 cents.33 $1. ground cinnamon—divide the cost of the container by the number of ounces it contains. half gallon. burned. the Workbook.35 oz. 3. but they do work well for costing small measures of ground or finely milled items. or simply eaten by your staff—or by you! Accordingly. For a half gallon.5 percent. according to the Nuts and Seeds table—by the cost per AP ounce ($0. because you may not be able to use all of the almonds. To calculate the cost of sliced almonds per cup. For example. you can use the cup measures to mathematically figure the contents of a quart.35 ounces. that: Y% ✦ Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit . the total pounds purchased is 6: 3 2 6 Now divide the cost of the case ($30) by the total pounds in the case (6): $30 6 $5 The sliced almonds cost $5 per pound. and each case contains three bags holding 2 pounds of sliced almonds. as purchased. you multiply the number of ounces in 1 cup—in this case. then divide that answer by 16 to get the cost per AP ounce. and honey—weigh a lot more than other liquid foods. ✦ 1 fl. oz.75 of an ounce. Multiply 22 tablespoons times 0. 2 pt.5 percent: $8. oz. 1 c. 2 c.1 pounds.44 $0.76 $1. shelled pine nuts (pignoli nuts).7 ounces. molasses.0666 $4.3108 $9. 0. you multiply the ounce cost by the number of ounces in your measuring container—without making any adjustments for compaction. 2. To cost a fluid ounce amount for a food sold by weight.5 percent to account for compaction: $4.75 oz.64 Chapter 4 Baking Items ✦ ✦ Heavy Liquids Liquids commonly used in baking—including syrups. oz.88 $0. 128 fl. 32 fl. costing a fluid ounce is just a matter of dividing the cost of the purchase unit by the number of fluid ounces it contains. FORMULA 1 First we’ll address the formula for converting AS cups to AP pounds. 4 c. 16 tbsp. FORMULA 2 The formula for converting AS tablespoons to AP ounces is as follows: 16) Tablespoons needed AP in ounces IN THE WORKBOOK Part II.8 ounces. preserves.5066 ✦ A half gallon would cost eight times the cup cost. plus 1. 2 tbsp. because these liquids do not compact. the Workbook. The Sweeteners table shows that honey weighs 12 ounces per cup. the weight of a tablespoon. whereas honey and preserves are often sold by weight. plus 3. 16 c. A quart would cost four times the cup cost.5 oz. It is used to calculate the number of pounds to buy based on the number of cups you need to serve or use. oz. per tbsp. (Number of AS cups Ounces per cup) 16 AP in pounds Example Given: You need 14 cups of whole. ✦ 1 gal. 16 oz. . To cost a teaspoon. 1. ✦ 1 pt. since there are 16 tablespoons in a cup. Purchasing Worksheet 5 ✦ (Ounce-weight per cup Example Given: You need 22 tablespoons of honey. 1. 4 qt. 8 fl.) 2. Multiply 14 cups by 4. oz. Syrups are often sold by fluid ounces. Divide 12 by 16 to determine that 1 tablespoon of honey weighs 0.2432 $19.7 to find that you need 65. 16. you would either divide the tablespoon cost by 3 (since there are 3 teaspoons in a tablespoon) or just divide the cup cost by 48 (since there are 48 teaspoons in a cup). Divide 65.8 by 16 to determine that you need to buy (or use) 4. ✦ 1 lb.75. (Why divide by 16? Because there are 16 tablespoons in 1 cup. 16 fl. you would divide the cup cost by 16. PURCHASING BAKING ITEMS We’re going to cover five formulas in this section for purchasing baking items.22. plus 7 percent: $17. 22 tbsp. has one worksheet to help you purchase baking items: Baking Items. ✦ 1 qt. If an item is sold by fluid ounces. 3 tsp.1908 ✦ A gallon would cost 16 times the cup cost.0032 To compute the cost of a tablespoon. The Nuts and Seeds table shows that 1 cup of these weighs 4. ✦ 1 tbsp. A pint cost would be double that: $2. Divide once more by 16 to convert the AP ounces to AP pounds: 16. NOTE Formulas 4 and 5 include compaction factors of 1. the compacted quart weight is actually: 1.5225 times the 9 quarts you need: 1. Converting to pounds is a two-step process: 1. Determine how many pounds of crumbs you need. FORMULA 4 Converting AS quarts to AP pounds is our fourth formula: (2 pounds per pint)] 1. Bran. Now multiply 1. 3. Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit Y% ✦ .7025 You need to buy or use 13. 1.35.75 by 2 to get a quart weight—because there are 2 pints per quart: 2 0. The Flour.5% AP in pounds [AS quarts Example Given: You need 9 quarts of cornmeal mix. The Flour. 1. respectively. or milled foods that do compact in larger containers. Use the compaction factors when dealing with powdery.5 oz. ground./lb.5% compaction (increase in weight per volume) when going to a quart measure. because there are 16 tablespoons in a cup (the first part of this formula is a repeat of the preceding formula): [(Ounce-weight per cup 16) Tablespoons needed] 16 AP in ounces 2.5 lb.0225 lb. The result? You need just over 1 pound of honey.015 by the computed quart weight and add it to your quart weight. you need to multiply 0.5225 9 13.03 lb.35 pounds per pint for this item.5 percent for a quart and 7 percent for a gallon. Divide by 16.75 1. 1.Purchasing Baking Items 65 You’ll need 16.75 pounds per pint for this item. 0. Meal.50 lb.0225 lb.55 pounds of crumbs. Meal. Therefore.7 pounds of cornmeal mix. You will need 4. 16 oz.5 ounces of honey. and Crumbs table shows there are 0.5 lb. 0. Because there is about a 1. you multiply the number of pints needed by the number of pounds per pint (from the right-hand column in the Baking Items tables). Bran. FORMULA 3 The third formula is for converting AS pints to AP pounds: Pounds per pint AP in pounds AS pints To make this conversion. Multiply 0. and Crumbs table shows there are 0. Here are the steps: 1. Example Given: You need 13 pints of Japanese bread crumbs.015 0. Your answer is the number of pounds to buy or cost. Do not use the compaction factors when dealing with liquids or dense foods such as packed brown sugar. Multiply 13 pints times 0. per quart (mathematically) 2.5225 lb. so: 3 4.16 lb.16 pounds that represents the mathematically computed gallon weight. ✦ 1 fl.3536 lb. Multiply the weight per pint (. Multiply 4. But. ✦ 1 tbsp.52 8 4. ✦ 1 lb. 4. ✦ 1 pt.16 . 16 tbsp. 13. Meal.2912 4. you need to buy or use 12. and Crumbs table shows there are 0. if you need 40 ounces of shelled almonds. 2 c. Because we are working with a food that does compact in a larger container (powdery. 4 c.52 pounds) by 8. 16 oz. 16 fl. oz.48 pounds calculated above.4512 pounds. you need to buy 8 pounds of unshelled almonds to have 40 ounces shelled. oz. oz.52 pounds per pint for this item. divide the yield per pound of 5 ounces into 40. you would add 7 percent to the 4. 4 qt. Bran. 1 c. oz.35 pounds.4512 lb. 1 gal. The Flour.2912 Purchasing Shelled versus Unshelled Nuts Notice at the end of the Nuts and Seeds table the statements on the shelled yields of various unshelled nuts. 2 pt. you need 13.48 pounds of graham cracker crumbs. ✦ 1 qt. unshelled nuts to buy based on the amount of shelled nuts you need to use or serve. and you need 3 gallons.16 lb. or milled foods). For example. 32 fl. due to compaction. 3 tsp. 0. There are 8 pints in a gallon. oz. you’re not done yet. divide the yieldper-pound weights into the weight you need.4512 The compacted gallon weight is 4. Thus. 16 c. ground. 2 tbsp. 12.48 lb. To calculate the weight of raw. 128 fl. Thus. 2. 8 fl. 40 5 8 So the compacted gallon weight is now calculated as: 4.16 pounds by 3 to get the number of pounds that equals 3 gallons: 3 4. 1. ✦ .66 Chapter 4 Baking Items FORMULA 5 The final formula in this section is for converting AS gallons to AP pounds (see the previous note regarding the compaction factor of 7 percent): [AS gallons (8 Pounds per pint) 7%] AP in pounds Example Given: You need 3 gallons of graham cracker crumbs.07 . So. rather than the 12.16 0. 5 3.44 0.46 0. fresh.69 0.0 11.6 3.42 0.72 0. peeled Coconut.53 0.56 0.20 3.61 0.44 1.30 3.6 10.4 3.59 0.7 1.0 16.00 4.50 2.65 4.4 2. shelled Pistachios.59 0. whole.0 6.0 5.90 4.2 8. whole. roasted Pumpkin seeds.0 8.63 0. raw.7 1. chopped Peanuts.3 3.6 4. shelled Ounces per Cup Cups per Pound Ounces per Pint Pints per Pound Pounds per Pint 3.80 5. roasted.63 1.3 2.3 4.47 5.58 Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit Y% ✦ . unshelled.8 4.9 3. ground Hazelnuts.20 3. whole.8 4.0 9.0 5.4 3.63 0. sliced Almonds.29 2.00 3.66 0.00 5.0 8. halves Pine Nuts.50 4.57 6.35 3.3 1.9 10. shelled Peanuts. brown Flax seed.50 4.4 6.0 7.6 5.2 3.7 7.5 9. chopped Pecans.53 0. packaged.8 4.2 1.0 10.42 0. roasted.Nuts and Seeds 67 Nuts and Seeds Item Almonds.4 9.1 1.9 3. shredded Flax seed.44 0.70 5.9 1.3 3.7 1.9 2. shelled Cashews. shelled.50 5.0 4. whole.59 0.70 4. shredded Coconut.38 0.70 3.00 4.75 4.6 0.55 5.50 0.6 1.48 0.4 8.06 0. shelled Macadamia Nuts. slivered Almonds.0 3.91 4.58 0.9 2.38 0.45 2.2 1.7 6.0 9. halves and pieces Cashews.6 1. roasted.69 0.7 1.00 8.0 1.35 0.6 7. ground Almonds.4 7.50 4.4 2.35 3.60 4. chopped Hazelnuts.8 5. European.0 2.2 1.6 1.2 3. shelled Brazil Nuts. unshelled Pecans.0 9. salted Peanut Butter Peanuts.3 3. whole.44 6.31 0.4 10. whole and halves Mixed Nuts.7 1.8 9.1 11.3 4.88 2.5 2.70 4.00 3.2 3. whole.4 3. golden Hazelnuts.8 2.50 0. ground Pecans. roasted Chestnuts.0 9.00 4.7 2. whole.4 2. roasted Pistachios. Walnuts.9 2. 2 tbsp. oz. Hazelnuts: 1 pound whole hazelnuts (filberts) yields about 7. 16 oz. Chestnuts: 1 pound whole chestnuts in the shell yields about 10 ounces. pieces Notes Ounces per Cup Cups per Pound Ounces per Pint Pints per Pound Pounds per Pint 7. roasted Sunflower Seeds.0 9 9. oz. shelled. ✦ 1 tbsp.30 2. shelled. 7. Coconuts: Coconut yields about half its original weight after hulling and draining. shelled and cleaned. ✦ 1 fl. 9. shelled and cleaned.78 1. 16 c. oz.7 3. 8.56 0. hulled Sesame Seeds Sesame Seeds.5 ounces. ground Walnuts. 16 fl.40 4. unhulled Soy Nuts. hulled Sesame Seeds.80 3.54 0.2 10. shelled. Peanuts: 1 pound whole roasted peanuts yields about 11 ounces.55 2.7 1.00 4. roasted. shelled.88 0.6 5. 5. ✦ .11 4.05 5. Almonds: 1 pound whole almonds in the shell yields about 5 ounces. hulled Sunflower Seeds. halved Walnuts. ✦ 1 pt.63 0. 1 gal.5 4.68 Chapter 4 Baking Items Nuts and Seeds (Continued) Item Pumpkin seeds.0 10. Pistachios: 1 pound whole roasted pistachios yields about 8 ounces.6 4.33 4. Macadamia nuts: 1 pound whole macadamia nuts yields about 5 ounces. 6.6 1.7 8.7 4. roasted.9 2.7 5. shelled. 1 c.44 3.60 5. raw. black: 1 pound black walnuts yields about 4 ounces. 2 c.56 3. oz.1 1.95 3. chopped Walnuts.2 8.6 6. shelled. 32 fl. 4 qt.6 1. 4. salted Sesame Seeds. shelled. 10.5 3. peeled—if you are careful! 3.1 10.8 14. shelled. roasted. Pecans: 1 pound whole pecans yields about 8 ounces. roasted.64 0.00 5. 16 tbsp.20 2.98 1.15 3. ✦ 1 qt. 3 tsp. 4 c. 2 pt. shelled.8 8. 8 fl.67 0.3 7. lightly salted Walnuts.51 0. English: 1 pound English walnuts yields about 9 ounces.4 1.2 3.53 1.45 0.9 0.58 0.43 0. shelled. 128 fl. Walnuts.3 3.4 1.0 3. oz.35 0. black. ✦ 1 lb. roasted. 2.22 1. 15 4.9 2.61 0.1 3.52 0.5 2.6 8.00 4. Soybean.F l o u r.74 1. Rice.30 4.25 3. saltine Flour. Potato Flour.60 3.50 0.7 2.0 7.53 0.2 9.2 3.38 0.50 3. all-purpose Flour.69 0.20 4.7 12.3 2.40 3.57 0.48 3.9 1.15 2.0 11.1 1.8 2. hand crushed Cornmeal Mix Cornmeal.0 4. B r a n . light and medium Flour.3 12. Triticale.0 6.25 6.75 0. degermed. Masa (Corn) Flour.0 2.60 4.70 0.0 9. dark Flour.3 3.63 0.30 4.3 3.0 5.6 5.85 6. whole groat Flour.70 3. defatted Flour.8 4.52 0.3 1. white Flour. high-gluten Flour.9 3.45 0. Bran.6 4.5 12.5 1.59 0. coarse Cornmeal.5 3.2 1.50 3.6 9.4 9.9 3. whole grain Ounces per Cup Cups per Pound Ounces per Pint Pints per Pound Pounds per Pint 4. self-rising wheat.27 0.2 8.6 1. Pastry Flour. Rice.7 3.55 0.9 2.2 1. Japanese Cornflake Crumbs. Bread Flour.80 4.5 1.7 1.3 2. dry Bisquick Mix Bread Crumbs.49 0. and Crumbs Item Barley.44 0.58 Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit Y% ✦ .9 3. whole grain.40 0.8 2.4 1.4 4.35 5.8 10.50 2.6 1. dry Bread Crumbs. full-fat Flour. Meal. fine Cornflake Crumbs.3 8.79 0.6 8.0 8.70 4. brown Flour. coarse Cornstarch Cracker Crumbs.80 4.0 7.0 9.7 2.7 1.2 9. a n d C r u m b s 69 Flour.00 3.00 4.9 1.56 0.5 7.7 3.9 1. M e a l .79 0.4 5.59 0.6 5.5 9.35 0.15 6.3 1. pressed.0 3.3 1.60 4. fine Cornmeal. Rye.7 0.53 0. Soybean. Buckwheat.60 4.4 6.3 2. Rye.00 4.8 7.6 8.50 5. white Flour.3 4.40 8.6 4.9 7.44 0.90 5.9 1.8 2.7 3.7 1.4 3.60 0.4 2. Cake Flour.7 11.54 0. 4 2.0 8.5 4. crumbs Masa Harina. 16 tbsp. ✦ .4 1.00 3.80 6.3 3.39 1. fine Semolina Soy Meal. soft Wheat Starch Powder Note Ounces per Cup Cups per Pound Ounces per Pint Pints per Pound Pounds per Pint 4. ✦ 1 pt.00 2.37 8.4 11.74 0.6 6. 16 c.70 Chapter 4 Baking Items Flour.3 1. crude Rice Bran. and Crumbs (Continued) Item Flour.9 2.52 0.9 4.2 13.56 0.58 0.2 1. Sifting flours can reduce a volume’s weight by 7%. oz.4 2. whole. ✦ 1 fl.44 3.89 2.05 8.4 2.5 2.30 3. oz. oz.0 4. rolled Oyster Crackers Pancake Mix Potato Starch Rice Bran.25 4.50 0. 16 fl.9 1.51 0. defatted Spelt Flour Tapioca Starch Wheat Bran Wheat Germ Wheat Grains.8 8.5 3. 1 c.78 2.6 8.35 4.3 11.30 4.8 5.53 0.81 3.75 4.9 3.7 1. 8 fl.7 9.84 0. Meal.5 8.75 2. Flour: Volumes are spooned. 2 tbsp.65 4.03 0. 1 gal.41 0. not sifted.16 1. oz.0 8. 2 c.78 3.7 3. ✦ 1 lb.30 3.56 4.29 0.9 1. 128 fl. 2 pt.10 6.90 3.9 1.4 2. oz. instant Matzo Meal Oat Bran Oats.66 0.6 9.3 9.8 3.7 3.30 4. whole.70 5. Bran.59 0.72 0.0 2.68 4.0 1.00 4.79 0.3 9.6 12.25 0.0 10.6 6. quick Oats.23 0. 4 c.5 8. ✦ 1 tbsp.00 5. 4 qt.58 0.00 3.49 1.44 1.3 6. 3 tsp.8 7.38 0.0 4.65 5.7 4. 16 oz. ✦ 1 qt.54 0.95 3. hard Wheat Grains.52 0.9 1.50 4. 32 fl. whole wheat Graham Crackers.15 4.0 1.72 1. 20 8.220 1.91 7.75 5.6 11.20 23.60 6.33 9.10 5.4 1.00 6.50 11.708 0.37 2.45 2.70 12.50 10.84 0. sifted Powdered Sugar.60 4.87 2.127 0.06 3.032 1.60 24.00 7. raw Brown Sugar.75 0.19 1.41 1.78 9.25 1.50 11.75 7.00 7.690 1.00 11.708 0.45 0.60 21.00 3.231 0.51 1.721 1.00 6.67 1. Demerara Ounces per Cup Cups per Pound Ounces per Pint Pints per Pound Pounds per Pint 10.333 0.80 7. High-Fructose Fructose Powder Granulated Sugar Grenadine Syrup (Rose’s) Honey Jam Preserves Jelly Preserves Lime Juice.569 0.39 1.696 0. Equal Pineapple Topping Powdered Sugar.14 1.97 0.14 1.00 11.00 14.00 22.20 21.00 13.50 18.16 21.40 22.38 2.20 22.56 1.16 0.755 0.33 1.83 0.44 3.35 6.839 1.60 1.96 3.50 14.44 3.89 10.45 2.50 1.68 2.60 15.569 0.280 0.50 0.Sweeteners 71 Sweeteners Item Blue Agave Syrup.00 13.74 5.10 10.20 22.6 12.64 1.00 22.10 11.38 7.51 1.7 11.42 1.30 10.727 1.54 0.75 1.40 Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit Y% ✦ .70 1.20 10.667 0.20 24.96 3.60 1.41 1. unpacked Molasses Nutrasweet.667 1.10 11.44 1.25 9.00 22.20 2.71 2.2 2.45 4.67 1.727 1.42 1. dark or light Corn Syrup.46 1.39 0.727 2.80 0.00 23.33 2.80 0.08 10. Sweetened (Rose’s) Maple and Pancake Syrup Maple Sugar.30 12.20 12.48 2.64 1.40 5.81 1.45 0.20 19. unsifted Rainbow Colors Sprinkles Stevia Liquid Extract Stevia Powder Stevia Powder with Maltodextrin Strawberry Topping Sugar. packed Brown Sugar.74 1.38 0. unpacked Butterscotch Topping Chocolate Fudge Topping Chocolate Sprinkles Corn Syrup.32 1.38 0.60 9.41 4. ✦ . Bakers’ Sugar Cane Syrup Splenda Syrups. Ultrafine. substitute an equal weight of dark brown sugar and two teaspoons of molasses.15 0.08 14.10 14. 16 c. The size of the cone varies from .18 2. oz.13 1.60 1.09 1. oz. 2.72 0.40 1. 16 fl.80 15.11 11.30 1. 1 c. Turbinado Sugar.3 0. 16 tbsp.5 ounces. 128 fl. ✦ 1 tbsp. It is also known as Panela and Panocha. Piloncillo is an unrefined Mexican brown sugar produced in a rather hard cone.75 ounce to 9 ounces. not fluid ounces.54 2.70 1.70 22. oz.42 18.7 2. Liquids are often sold by fluid ounces.Toriani assorted flavors Xylitol Notes Ounces per Cup Cups per Pound Ounces per Pint Pints per Pound Pounds per Pint 7. ✦ 1 pt. ✦ 1 qt.95 11. A common size is 5. Monin assorted flavors Syrups.1 10. oz. 2 pt.35 0. If you do not have a 5. 8 fl. 3 tsp. 16 oz.82 1.20 20. ✦ 1 lb. Weights are avoirdupois (U.05 7.70 13.4 7. ✦ 1 fl. Turbinado Sugar.35 6. 4 c.30 0.72 Chapter 4 Baking Items Sweeteners (Continued) Item Sugar.90 22.04 0.71 9.85 11.S.88 7.87 11.77 1. oz.) ounces. 2 c.or 6-ounce cone of Piloncillo. 2 tbsp.40 7.41 0. 1 gal.10 10.27 2. 32 fl. 4 qt.44 1. 25 2.64 0.01 0. flavored.7 1.20 12.5 3.64 3.78 1.15 10.38 0.8 1.32 6.15 2.4 5.8 10.76 0.70 21.42 0.30 0.31 0.6 2. Milk.76 1.36 0.39 1.5 4.0 13.8 6.52 5.75 1. kosher.67 0.23 2.33 3. 22% sifted Cocoa. table grind Yeast.76 2.6 12. 22% fat Cream of Tartar Egg White Powder Gelatin.40 5. dark. powdered Salt.6 2.86 1. 4.00 12.4 18.20 8.50 6. White Chocolate chips.000 count Chocolate chips.85 10.05 0.41 10.7 1.8 5.1 6.80 9.18 1.65 1.30 20.14 3.57 1.0 2.62 1.82 1. dry active Ounces per Cup Cups per Pound Ounces per Pint Pints per Pound Pounds per Pint 8. melted Cocoa.64 0.5 2.54 2.8 16. powdered Pectin.10 6.6 10.00 5.31 1.54 0.1 4.3 1.0 2.56 0.8 20.52 2.74 1.85 0.35 6. dark.00 4.33 0.05 7. melted Chocolate chips. unsweetened.73 1.10 1.0 6.75 Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit Y% ✦ .19 3.91 0.50 1. 1. packed Ammonium Bicarbonate Apricot Glaze.78 1.77 1.95 1.9 10.55 0.3 21. Nonfat.50 3.00 2.9 3.8 2. firm gel Arrowroot Baking Powder Baking Soda Brewers Yeast Cacoa Nibs Carob Powder Chocolate Chips.38 0.90 3. melted Chocolate chips. retail size Chocolate chips.80 11. sweetened Gelatin.47 1.30 0. unsweetened.35 5.5 6.37 0.77 1.000 count Chocolate Chips. flake Salt.00 11.60 1.7 11.0 22.0 9.7 13.5 5.16 10.60 10.45 5.1 1.57 1.0 0.33 1.73 1.71 1.30 5.20 9.99 1.67 1. unsweetened powder Milk.81 0.60 0.08 5.7 16.65 10.90 8. Milk Chocolate chips.16 0.62 2.10 14.29 0.2 12. White.31 0.42 0.4 4.68 0.Special Baking Items 73 Special Baking Items Item Almond Paste.76 2.9 3. simply multiply the number of ounces in 1 pound (16) times the yield of 1 ounce (5. Fresh Yeast: Use 2. 32 fl. oz.333 fluid ounces to quarts by dividing it by 32. 1 gal. 1 pound of powdered gelatin 3.333 32 2. 1 cup of powdered gelatin weighs 5. 128 fl. 16 fl.375 ounces (2. oz.4 times the weight called for dry. 8 1.64 ounces (1. the number of fluid ounces in 1 quart. 16 5.33333*). To calculate the weight needed based on a number of tablespoons you can either: 1. 16 tbsp.4. 1 tablespoon salt weighs .4 gallons of plain gelatin. (The asterisk after the last 3 signifies that this series of 3s is infinite. you’ll see that 1 ounce of sweetened gelatin powder yields 5.56 tablespoons of salt per ounce. 85. oz. Multiply the number of tablespoons needed by the weight per tablespoon. Tablespoons: 1 tablespoon baking soda weighs .4 sheets. 1 c. 1 tablespoon of powdered gelatin weighs . 1 pound of plain gelatin powder yields 6. 2 pt. 4 c.56 5.08 ounce. ✦ 1 fl. 4 qt.525 ounces (1. 1 ounce 9.12 oz.333 fl.56 tablespoons per ounce).5 6.64 oz. ✦ 1 qt. per tablespoon. 8 . 1 tablespoon cream of tartar weighs .66 tablespoons per ounce). Salt.3 tablespoons per ounce).2 fluid ounces. as seen above.666 So. ✦ 1 tbsp. oz.66 gallons) of finished gelatin. Method 2: Again. If you divide the 1 gallon (128 fluid ounces) by 24. Divide the number of tablespoons needed by the number of tablespoons per ounce.64 5. 3 tsp. ✦ .33333* fluid ounces of finished gelatin. 16 ounces (1 pound) 5.43 ounces (2.9 tablespoons per ounce).317 ounces. Method 1: Given: You need 8 tablespoons of salt. Gelatin: ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ Gelatin Sheet: 1 3 grams. oz. ✦ 1 lb.33333* 85. 1 ounce powder yields 51. ✦ 1 pt. oz.1 ounces of salt to equal 8 tablespoons. 16 c. 1 tablespoon baking powder weighs . 2. 4.5 tablespoons per ounce).4 ounces (2. 8 fl. 2. You need 5. weighs . Plain Gelatin—Unsweetened: 2. you need 8 tablespoons of salt.) To determine how much 1 pound of the powder yields in finished gelatin. it is seen that there are 1. 1 pound of sweetened gelatin powder yields 2. 1 tablespoon dry yeast weighs .15 cups. 3. Above.5 ounces of plain powdered gelatin yields 1 gallon plain gelatin.66 quarts (or . 2 c. 16 oz. Sweetened Gelatin: 24 ounces of sweetened gelatin yields 1 gallon of finished gelatin. There are 3 tablespoons powdered gelatin per ounce. Convert the 85.74 Notes Chapter 4 Baking Items 1. 2 tbsp. So.1 oz. 2. 75 . broken into two subsections—solid and liquid— followed by the Costing Condiments section. OILS. AND CONDIMENTS F ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ats such as shortening. Many recipes—though not all—measure these ingredients using volumes such as tablespoons. the Condiments table lists the following measures: Ounces per tablespoon Tablespoons per ounce Teaspoons per ounce Ounces per cup COSTING FATS.5 FATS. half gallons. so it is not necessary to add any compaction factors to quarts. follow this procedure: 1. and lard are sold in units measured by the pound. cups. Like liquids. The discussion in this chapter makes reference to the following tables: Fats and Oils Condiments The Fats and Oils table shows the following: Ounce weight per cup Cups per pound Fluid ounces per cup. or quarts. or cups). which is eight in all cases Because many condiments are used sparingly (in quantities of teaspoons. tablespoons. AND CONDIMENTS This section addresses fats first. Divide that result by 16 (because there are 16 ounces in 1 pound) to get the cost per AP ounce. Divide the number of pounds in the purchase unit into the cost of the purchase unit. or gallons. COSTING SOLID FATS To cost a volume of fat. frying oil. 2. butter. these items do not pack down in larger measuring containers. OILS. Do the math: 1. If you do.494 So. oz. 4 c. 2. The table states that there are 7. by 16. 16 tbsp. Example Given: A 50-pound box of shortening costs $24. oz. ✦ 1 qt. 2 pt. COSTING FLUID FATS Some special oils. for a gallon. Example Given: A case of pure olive oil consists of three 1-gallon jugs and costs $56.22475 So. oils. it’s simply a matter of following these four steps: 1. ✦ 1 fl. and condiments: Weights to Volumes. $0.76 Chapter 5 Fats. Divide the cost of the container(s) by the number of fluid ounces it (or they) contain(s).25 ounces in 1 cup of shortening: 7.030875 NOTE It is perfectly acceptable to round up slightly in order to account for the small bits of shortening that cling to containers and often go unused. ✦ 1 lb. are sold by the pint.70 by 50 to get the cost per pound. 2. Oils. 2 c. 3 tsp. Multiply the cost per AP ounce by the number of ounces in 1 cup. however. 3 384 fl. 1 pound costs $0. 8 fl. oz. has three worksheets to help you cost volumes of fats. Divide the cost of the case by the total number of fluid ounces it contained: $56 1 gal. . so no compaction factor has to be added to these answers.) For tablespoons. Costing Worksheet 4 ✦ Rendered. 384 $0. Look up the ounces contained in 1 cup from the Fats and Oils table. Costing Worksheet 14 ✦ 3. 4.1 cents. This is the cost per cup. From there. divide the cup cost by 48. $24. Multiply the cost per AP fluid ounce by 8 for 1 cup. 1 cup of shortening costs approximately 22. 2 tbsp. and Condiments IN THE WORKBOOK Part II. Determine the total fluid ounces purchased—just look on the container(s). 4 qt. and Clarified Items. Multiply 128 by 3 to calculate the total number of fluid ounces purchased: 128 fl. There are 128 fluid ounces in 1 gallon.494 16 $0. round down. like walnut or olive. 1 c. fats do not compact in larger vessels. or the tablespoon cost by 3. ✦ 1 tbsp. 16 fl. For pints. oz. or they may be packaged in odd-sized containers such as an 18-ounce bottle. or gallon. 3. the Workbook. Divide $24. oz. (As already noted. by 4. 2. Costing Worksheet 1 ✦ Volume (Fluid Ounce) Items.70 50 $0. quart. Costing volume measures of these fats and oils is fairly straightforward. Costing Worksheet 4 will come in handy for costing a volume of these items.14583 ✦ 128 fl.5 cents. rounded. oz. For teaspoons. Reduced. This is the cost per AP fluid ounce. Divide the cost per AP pound by 16 to calculate the cost per AP ounce: $0. Follow the instructions already given for larger and smaller volumes. 16 c.70: 1. Do not. for a quart. ✦ 1 pt. multiply the cup cost by 2. One AP ounce costs 3.25 oz. divide the cup cost by 16. 16 oz. you will be understating your costs. The fats are already sold by fluid ounces or by a volume measure that can be divided by the number of fluid ounces contained in the purchase unit.494. oz.031 $0. 4. 32 fl. 18657. Costing a Volume of Clarified Butter NOTE Dressings are not listed in the Condiments table because they are both bought and used by volume. 2.857 is approximately 80. say an ounce of whole butter costs 15 cents—$0. although a pound of whole butter yields 12 ounces (75 percent of 16) of weighed clarified butter.87. or 18.804 $0. because a fluid ounce of clarified butter weighs less than an ounce. 10 fluid ounces of clarified butter. Divide the cost of an AP ounce of whole butter by 0. COSTING CONDIMENTS Condiments encompass a broad range of foods.75 $0. Thus.15 0. or pints. so costing them is simple math. Yes.857 fluid ounces of space.15 0. A fluid ounce of clarified butter weighs less than a weighed ounce—about 9. instead of using the factor of 75 percent for costing weighed ounces. Divide the cup cost by 16 for a tablespoon cost. Costing a Weight of Clarified Butter Clarified butter is simply the pure butterfat rendered by heating whole butter to separate out the water and milk solids. This tells you the cost of an ounce of clarified butter. 3. cups. Part II does address costing (Costing Worksheet 15) and purchasing (Purchasing Worksheet 13) flavor and stock bases.4 percent of the original 16 ounces. Multiply the ounces in 1 cup by the cost per AP ounce. Divide the tablespoon cost by 3 to get the cost of a teaspoon. roux making. and so forth. $0. Many recipes measure clarified butter in tablespoons. For condiments that are sold by weight but used by volume. the butterfat is relatively light. but you cannot use the ounce weight cost already given to cost a fluid ounce.) The resulting butterfat is far less susceptible to scorching or smoking than hot.75. say. The reason is that. because you are using less butter. To cost an ounce of clarified butter. and 12. Again.20 $2 The 10 ounces by weight will cost you $2. whole butter.7 cents. 4. 2. For instance.4 percent. However. Oils. and some baking formulas. Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit Y% ✦ .Costing Fats. either.6 cents (after rounding up). This is logical. Calculate the cost per AP ounce (divide purchase unit cost by ounces in unit). and Condiments 77 One fluid ounce of pure olive oil costs 14. Therefore. you cost a volume measure by following these steps: 1. rounded If your recipe calls for. You won’t find soup bases there. meaning that these 12 weighed ounces will occupy 12. take these two steps: 1. Multiply that by the number of ounces you need to complete costing the ingredient. the 10 fluid ounces of clarified butter costs less than the 10 weighed ounces of clarified butter. because they are bought by weight. from prepared sauces like ketchup and mustard to salad dressings or soup bases. and so it is called for in many sauté preparations. the 15 cents AP cost per ounce of whole butter now becomes: $0. the total cost will be $1. their volume yields are printed on their containers.3 percent less.20— and your recipe calls for a weight of 10 ounces of clarified butter: 10 oz. (Whole butter is approximately 75 percent butterfat by weight. a cup’s cost will be eight times the cost of 1 fluid ounce. costing fluid ounces uses a factor of 80. The other 25 percent is the water and milk solids. The Condiments table shows there are 9. ✦ 1 qt. OILS. Find how many AP pounds you need to start with.6 oz $0. ✦ 1 tbsp.95 ✦ One can contains 124 ounces: 124 $0. Since there are 16 ounces in 1 pound. has one worksheet to help you plan your purchases of fats. oz. Therefore.66 $27.8 cents (after rounding up). AS fluid ounces of clarified butter 0. oz. you need to begin with 4 pounds of whole butter to end up with 48 ounces (3 pounds) of clarified butter. 2 tbsp. too.95. Example Given: You need 48 weighed ounces of clarified butter.66 So. 4 c. 128 fl. 8 fl. 4 qt. 16 tbsp.78 Chapter 5 Fats.0376 $4. Oils. AS ounce weight of clarified butter Don’t forget. oils. or 0. 2 c. PURCHASING FATS AND OILS There are three formulas you’ll need to learn for purchasing fats and oils. and condiments: Fats. the Workbook. this section. FORMULA 2 The second formula is used to convert a volume of clarified butter to a weight of whole butter. ✦ . Oils.75 (the raw-to-clarified weight yield percentage). 2 pt. 16 oz.365 One cup costs 36. This equals 64 ounces. FORMULA 1 First is the formula for converting clarified butter weights to whole 0. 1 c.6 ounces of ketchup in 1 cup. 16 c.804 AP ounce weight. Divide 48 by 75 percent. 2. ✦ 1 lb. 1. 1 ounce costs 3. AND CONDIMENTS IN THE WORKBOOK Part II.365 16 $0. ✦ 1 fl.75 AP ounce weight. whole butter 1 gal. 3 tsp.5 cents and one tablespoon costs one-sixteenth of a cup’s cost: $0. and Condiments Example Given: A case of ketchup consists of six number-10 cans and costs $27. ✦ 1 pt. The answer is 4 pounds. 32 fl.0228 PURCHASING FATS. 9. separates fats and oils from condiments for the purpose of illustrating purchasing formulas. oz. 16 fl.038 $0. and Condiments. divide 64 by 16. whole butter yields 75 percent of its weight in clarified butter. Here’s the breakdown: ✦ One can costs one-sixth of the case cost: 6 $4. oz. whole butter butter weights. Purchasing Worksheet 6 ✦ As in the Costing section. oz. 43 You need to buy and/or use 5.43 pounds of lard. How many pounds of raw butter should you start with.6 to determine the weight needed: 30 . FORMULA 3 The final formula is used to convert AS cups of fat to AP pounds of fat: Cups needed Cups per pound AP in pounds Example Given: You need to use 12 cups of lard. The Condiments table shows that horseradish weighs 9. Here’s the calculation: 1. 12 2.804. Divide 159. meaning you will need nearly 10 pounds of whole butter to get 1 gallon of clarified butterfat. 2.6 ounces. Do the math: 1. Example Given: You need a gallon of clarified butter. Divide 12 by 2.95 pounds. PURCHASING CONDIMENTS You’ll find two formulas of use for planning your condiments purchases. and Condiments 79 Note that whole butter yields 80.21 cups of lard per pound. given that 1 gallon equals 128 fluid ounces? 1. you will buy or use 18 ounces of ketchup (by weight). The Condiments table shows that 1 tablespoon of ketchup weighs 0.Purchasing Fats. Divide 128 by 0. so you need to start with 159.21 to determine how many pounds of lard to buy or use.2. The answer is 9.21 5. FORMULA 1 First. you’ll want the formula for converting AS tablespoons to AP ounces. AS tablespoons Weight of 1 tablespoon AP in ounces Example Given: You need to use 30 tablespoons of ketchup. The Fats and Oils table shows that there are 2. The result is 159. FORMULA 2 Next you’ll need the formula for converting AS cups to AP ounces: AP ounces AS cups Weight of 1 cup Example Given: You are going to use 3 cups of horseradish. Oils. Multiply 30 tablespoons times .4 percent of its original volume in clarified butter.2 ounces of whole butter.6 18 Therefore.2 by 16 (the number of ounces in a pound).28 ounces per cup: Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit Y% ✦ . 2 c. 8 fl. ✦ 1 tbsp. 3 9. 16 c.70 9.28 to determine the weight needed. Oils. W h ole Bu t te r: 1 pound of whole butter yields 12 ounces (by weight) of clarified butter.25 7. an 80. 4 c.02 2. worked (anhydrous) Duck Fat Fat: Beef. and Condiments 1. Pork Lard Margarine Oil. you need to buy and/or use nearly 28 ounces of horseradish. by weight.25 2. 3.00 5. 128 fl.25 7.4% yield. Vegetable Roux.70 2.864 fluid ounces of clarified butter. butter-based Shortening Notes 8. 1 c. 2 pt. ✦ 1 pt. ✦ 1 fl.00 2. 1 pound of whole butter yields 12. ✦ . Fats and Oils U.30 7.5 ounces.S.08 1.21 2. 16 fl. oz. 3 tsp.00 7.21 2. oz.25 8.84 Therefore. oz.40 7. Multiply 3 cups by 9. 16 tbsp. 4 qt.80 Chapter 5 Fats.00 3. Avoirdupois Ounces per Cup Cups per Pound Fluid Ounces per Cup Item Butter Butter. a 75% yield. butter-based roux is based on making a “tight” roux. oz. 2 tbsp.28 27. oz. 16 oz. Cl a ri f i e d Bu t te r: 1 cup of clarified butter weighs 7. 2.60 7. ✦ 1 lb. 32 fl. Lamb. whipped Butter. consisting of six parts clarified butter to seven parts flour. R o u x : 1 cup of cooked. Chicken. ✦ 1 qt.11 2.21 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 1.21 2. 1 gal. 28 11.67 2.03 1. 33% solids Mayonnaise.71 4. premium Pho (Vietnamese Beef) Base Pickle Relish Pico de Gallo 0.20 9.70 10.75 9.35 10.90 6.17 4.32 4.20 10.68 0.63 1.88 8.71 4.94 1.62 1.66 4.89 1.50 0.65 0.90 5.23 5. canned Coconut Milk.41 6.55 1.61 0.49 4.22 4.31 1.40 9.70 9. various flavors Oyster Sauce.58 0.57 1.00 9.62 0.66 4.64 0.80 10.62 5.37 1.25 9.58 0.83 1.74 1.58 2.74 1.70 10.75 6.20 10.80 7.72 1.30 10.60 0.00 9.60 9.90 8.48 0.65 1.55 0.52 0.64 0. canned Curry Paste Curry Sauce.64 4.63 2.10 4.00 4.95 5.61 0.60 0.66 1.80 4.95 4.54 1.53 0.65 1.85 5.00 9.10 8.50 0.63 0. sweet rice cooking wine Barbeque Sauce Belecan (dried shrimp paste) Black Bean and Garlic Sauce Chili Sauce Chipotles in Adobo Cocktail Sauce (ketchup plus horseradish) Coconut Cream.65 10.60 1.90 8.00 6. ordinary Oyster Sauce.00 1.63 0.70 8.44 4.80 9.08 5.48 1.47 2.48 10.Condiments 81 Condiments Ounces per Tablespoon Tablespoons per Ounce Teaspoons per Ounce Ounces per Cup Item Adobo Paste Aji-Mirin.58 0.49 0.11 1.97 4.60 7.61 0.82 5.22 4.00 3.95 Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit Y% ✦ .61 0.55 1.64 0. Lee Kum Kee Fish Sauce Ginger Purée Hoisin Sauce Horseradish Sauce Kecap Manis Kecap Sambal Ketchup.68 0.20 9.57 1. whole egg Miso Paste Mustard Sauce Nori Paste.73 0.00 4.65 0. 84 5.68 1.00 5.75 17.90 2. 4 c. oz. Rice Vinegar.71 0.63 0. and ginger are in standard prepared condiment forms. dried Shrimp.18 0.00 1.70 1.75 9.80 5.50 11.15 9.63 0.59 0. oz. 8 fl.61 1.92 1. ✦ 1 pt. Bay.10 2. 1 c. Ponzu flavored Steak Sauce Sweet and Sour Sauce Tamari.74 1. horseradish.42 5.00 9.40 4.85 9.75 5. Light Sodium Soy Sauce.60 0. Mustard. White. 16 fl. 128 fl.33 6.17 0.40 10.52 0. 1 gal. ✦ .59 0.22 5. 3 tsp.21 12.11 5.40 9.67 1.60 1.57 0.13 9. ✦ 1 qt. ✦ 1 fl.52 0.59 0.20 9. low-sodium Tapenade Tabasco Sauce Vinegar. 32 fl.76 1. Kikoman Soy Sauce.13 4.40 3.67 1. dried Siracha Hot Sauce Soy Sauce.35 1.50 0.58 0.05 4.25 5.00 5. 16 tbsp.60 0.58 5. dried Sambal Oelek Sesame Tahini Shoyu Sauce.75 1.00 5. ✦ 1 lb.82 1.24 0.85 9.31 16. 2 c. 16 oz. wet.27 5.35 8. oz.11 4. 4 qt.45 5.81 1. 5% Worcestershire Sauce Note 0. 2 pt.60 9.35 10.55 0.10 8.93 1. small.70 1.58 1.30 9. oz. 2 tbsp. oz.60 9.10 5. medium. 16 c.56 0.71 1. Kikoman Shrimp Paste Shrimp.00 8.57 0.71 5. ✦ 1 tbsp.00 8. Oils.82 Chapter 5 Fats.78 2. not dry.78 5.58 0. and Condiments Condiments (Continued) Ounces per Tablespoon Tablespoons per Ounce Teaspoons per Ounce Ounces per Cup Item Ponzu Flavored Vinegar Plum Sauce Sambal Goreng Udong. Beer is sold by the fluid ounce or larger standard American volume measures.6 LIQUIDS W ✦ ines and spirits (the latter of which includes hard liquor. Costing Worksheet 4 ✦ How: Divide the number of milliliters by 29.30. say a bottle of wine costs $7. or $0. and fortified wines) are sold by the liter or milliliter in the United States. Why? There are 29. liqueurs. You want to convert the milliliters to fluid ounces: ✦ ✦ IN THE WORKBOOK Part II.574 25.57353.29968.574. which holds 12 bottles. rounded One fluid ounce of this wine costs 30 cents.36 Thus. which lists the capacities of wine and spirits bottles in both fluid ounces and milliliters COSTING LIQUIDS PACKAGED IN METRIC VOLUME MEASURES Let’s start this discussion by assuming that you have a standard case of wine. one-thousandth of a liter. and that each standard wine bottle contains 750 milliliters. the Workbook.60: $7. a standard 750-mL wine bottle is also a 25.) The discussion in this chapter includes reference to one table: Liquids. has one worksheet to help you cost volumes of liquids: Volume (Fluid Ounce) Items. Determine the cost of 1 fluid ounce: 1. (Labels on other liquid beverages or liquid foods list the contents in both American and metric units of measure.30. 83 .) Calculate how many fluid ounces are contained in a standard wine bottle: 1.36-fluid-ounce bottle. NOTE A milliliter. Divide the cost of a bottle by 25. A cup would cost 8 times that. Divide 750 by 29. (You can round this to 29.574: 750 29.36 $0. and so on. is abbreviated mL (with no ending period). a pint 16 times $0.60 25.36.57353 milliliters in 1 fluid ounce. For example. 997 You will need to order. FORMULA 1 Here is the formula for converting U. oz.S. 16 c. 4 qt. 2 pt. 8 fl. 16 fl.574 to convert to fluid ounces.36 fluid ounces in one 750 mL bottle: 76 25. half pint. oz. or cost. Determine how many fluid ounces you plan to use or serve. or half gallons. 3 tsp. three full 750 mL bottles. 128 fl. Purchasing Worksheet 7 ✦ 1. ✦ 1 lb. 16 oz. 16 tbsp. fluid ounces needed Example Given: A recipe calls for 76 fluid ounces of wine. fluid ounces to bottles: Fluid ounces per bottle # of AP bottles U. ✦ 1 tbsp. To avoid confusion. has one worksheet to help you plan your purchases of liquids: Bottled Liquids.36 2. You buy this wine in 750 mL bottles. 1 c. 2 c. use the table or simply read the label and divide the milliliters by 29. 32 fl. 1 gal. oz. 2. pints. the Workbook. or half gallon. but they are not true half-pints. It shows you how many fluid ounces are contained in standard bottles of wines and spirits. 2 tbsp. 4 c. use the Liquids table.84 Chapter 6 Liquids To speed up this process. ✦ 1 pt. Divide that number by the number of fluid ounces in one bottle of the type you will be ordering. Just be aware that some spirits bottles are labeled as being common measures like pint. ✦ 1 fl. ✦ 1 qt. Your answer will be the number of bottles to buy or cost. oz. ✦ . oz. The Liquids table shows that there are 25. PURCHASING LIQUIDS PACKAGED IN METRIC VOLUME MEASURES Planning your purchases of liquids is a two-step process: IN THE WORKBOOK Part II.S. (A liter is about 5.000 50 (Refer to the Measurement Conversions page (page 141) for more data regarding liquid measures. ✦ The U. For example.S.35 grams. 1 avoirdupois ounce equals 28. the British pint. quarts.8 fluid ounces.588 milliliters). a wine bottle contains 750 mL. cups. ✦ 1 imperial fluid ounce of water equals 28.056688 U. multiply quarts by . ✦ 1 Cubic Foot of water equals 7.32 101. . avoirdupois.) Spirits Bottle (U. 4 liters 1.Liquids 85 Liquids U.S.) Spirits Bottle (U. 128 per gallon. fluid ounces) equals 3. gallons.S.) Spirits Bottle (U. for example. The avoirdupois ounce is the unit of measure used to state the ounce weight of goods like food. counterparts.22 quarts.692 ounces! Thus.36 12.57 milliliters).S.81 1.S. a pint is not a pound the world around. 40 per quart. contrary to the old saying. 4. gallon (128 U. ✦ 1 U. This equals 8.36 33.S. Always use units of liquid measure to express measurements pertaining to liquid capacities. avoirdupois. These are fluid ounces. 3. 133.69 187 3.57 grams (29. In the United States there are 8 fluid ounces per cup.57. and both the U.S.785 liters.S. is a bit larger than an imperial fluid ounce. fluid cup of water weighs 236. Thus.S. ✦ 1 U.043 ounces. multiply the number of liters by 1. 2.” spirits “Half Pint.S. fluid ounce of water equals 29. not weight.481 gallons. But fluid ounces measure liquid volume.S.68 25.946. two-tenths of 1% above avoirdupois.346 ounces equals 16. and gallon are all about 20% larger than their U. Since there are 4 quarts in a gallon. U.S. and Metric Volume Conversion Notes: ✦ 1 liter equals 1.) Notes Bottle Size Milliliters Champagne Split (Twentieth) Double Magnum Fifth (Regular Wine Bottle) Half-Bottle (Tenth) Liter Magnum “Half Gallon. 4 quarts 0.S. The U.72 59.500 1. 160 per gallon.946 liters. fluid ounces in a standard 750 mL wine bottle. One gallon of water weighs 8. fluid ounces in a bottle sold by milliliters.946 3.0568. 16 per pint. 28. however.57 25.S.750 200 375 750 1. a British fluid ounce. There are 25.785 liters in 1 U. 32 per quart.” spirits Fifth.0568 4.) 1.000 750 375 1. To find the U.68 33. ✦ 2 cups equal 1 pint.S.000 1. pints. or 33. avoirdupois.S.S.81 50. To find quarts from liters.” spirits “Pint. avoirdupois—not 16. for example.) ✦ 1 quart equals 0. spirits 6.S.785 liters.) Spirits Bottle (U. quarts.346 pounds. In the imperial (British) system there are 8 fluid ounces per cup. and liters.76 12.36 U. spirits Miniature.57. fluid ounce is 29. A U. This equals 1.6% bigger than a quart.S.To find liters from U. there are 3.536 ounces. and imperial fluid ounces weigh more than the avoirdupois ounce.692 ounces. fluid ounce.18 6. quart.S.588 grams (or 236. quarts. or. 750 milliliters 29.346 ounces. divide the number of milliliters by 29.44 25. milliliters.413. 20 per pint.S. Fluid Ounces Bottle Type Wine Bottle Wine Bottle Wine Bottle Wine Bottle Wine Bottle Wine Bottle Spirits Bottle (U.36. spirits Liter. gallon.413 grams and/or milliliters.) Spirits Bottle (U. 2 8. ✦ 1 pound equals 16 ounces. 7 DAIRY T he dairy category includes a variety of products: milk.12 4 $2. eggs. fluid ounce—half pints. however. for instance) are sold by the count. This chapter makes reference to one table: ✦ Dairy Products This table lists the following measures: ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ Ounces per cup Cups per pound Ounces per pint Pints per pound Pounds per pint IN THE WORKBOOK Part II. cream. Say that a 4-gallon case of whole milk costs $11. While not listed in the table. half gallons. The Dairy Products table lists the volume-to-weight relationships for liquids as well as cheese and egg products and will facilitate the costing and purchasing of dairy items. and most of the time these liquids are also measured in recipes by volume. Liquid dairy products are typically sold in amounts measured by volume: half pints.S. half gallons. or gallons. quarts. quarts. whether they are sold by volume or by weight. pints. Then 1 gallon will cost one-fourth of the case cost: $11.78 86 . and yogurt. Baking recipes. the correct procedures for costing and purchasing count items is addressed in this chapter as well. Costing Worksheet 1 ✦ Eggs. cheeses. has two worksheets to help you cost volumes of dairy products: Weights to Volumes. the Workbook. A few dairy items (butter pats and individual creamers. like milk or cream. often measure these (and other dairy products) by weight. and gallons—so it’s a simple matter of dividing the cost of the container by the number of fluid ounces in the container. Costing Worksheet 9 ✦ COSTING DAIRY PRODUCTS COSTING LIQUID DAIRY PRODUCTS When you are dealing with liquid dairy products.12. This is pretty simple because these foods are sold in volume measures based on the U. pints. you first determine the cost of 1 fluid ounce. making the costing and purchasing calculations rather simple. almost-liquid foods like melted cheese.55 and contains four each 5-pound bags of crumbles. or block. 4.55 by 20 pounds to get the cost per AP pound: $73.68. To cost 1 cup. Divide the cost per pound by 16 to get the cost per ounce. or 87 cents.75 ounces. Example Given: A case of crumbled bleu cheese costs $73. One ounce costs one-sixteenth of the cost per pound: $3. They do not compact in larger vessels. 3.23 4.6775. 5. or $3. you multiply the cost per fluid ounce times the number of fluid ounces needed: $0. because they behave like liquids. you divide the gallon cost ($2. Multiply the cost per cup or pint by the number of cups or pints needed. 2. by number of pounds in the purchase unit. Divide the case cost of $73.55 20 $3. or cottage cheese. multiply the cost per ounce ($0.17 cents. COSTING EGGS Recipes typically call for a specific number of eggs.09. but the 6-flat case has become the norm today. a case held 12 flats. pints. And because there are 128 fluid ounces in 1 gallon. which are usually packed in numbers divisible by 12—one dozen. half gallons. Costing one egg requires simple division: Y% ✦ Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit . rounded If your recipe calls for 40 fluid ounces of milk. The Dairy Products table shows that 1 cup of bleu cheese crumbles weighs 4. a case.75 $1.868. So there are 20 pounds in the case (four bags times 5 pounds per bag equals 20 pounds).23 3.75): $0.78) by 128 to get the cost per fluid ounce: $2.78. rounded 2.021718. NOTE Formerly.78 128 $0. and gallons apply to loose foods such as shredded or diced cheeses.0217 40 $0. or 2. make these calculations: 1. In the Dairy Products table. for instance. 1.Costing Dairy Products 87 One gallon costs $2. but not to dense.23) times the ounces per cup (4.68 16 $0. Determine the cost per ounce by dividing the cost of the purchase unit. rounded COSTING CHEESES NOTE The compaction factors for quarts.0925 One cup of bleu cheese crumbles costs a little over $1. To cost a volume amount. A commercial flat of eggs holds 30 eggs. look up the number of ounces found in 1 cup or pint to determine the cost per cup or pint. Multiply the cost per ounce by the number of ounces per cup or pint. cream cheese. or quarts. or 180 eggs. Dairy products like shredded or creamed cheese are sold by the pound but are measured in some recipes in cups. and a standard purchase unit is a 6-flat case. oz. 2 c. PURCHASING DAIRY PRODUCTS As with the Costing Dairy Products section. then a quart costs $1.10. oz. assume a case of creamers costs $8. 16 tbsp. you need to know that a quart of pooled eggs equals 19. To use pooled eggs properly. COSTING MISCELLANEOUS DAIRY PRODUCTS Dairy products such as individual butter pats. so if one egg costs $0.90.24 cents. 1 c.88 Chapter 7 Dairy 1. for instance. a case of creamers. Divide the cost of the purchase unit by the number of eggs it contains. coffee creamers.95 and holds 400 creamers. ✦ . you divide 512 by 128: 512 128 4 You need 4 gallons of whole milk. complicating the use of eggs is that they are sold in different sizes. ✦ 1 pt. If a 180-egg case costs $18. 16 c.44 large eggs. To cost these items. cheeses. ✦ 1 qt. A pound of pooled eggs equals nine large eggs. 32 fl. 16 oz. 3 tsp. usually described as pooled eggs. PURCHASING DAIRY LIQUIDS The formula for determining a correct volume of dairy liquid to buy is quite simple if your recipes are expressed in volume measures. 4 c.6 percent) of the whole shelled egg. you just divide the purchase unit cost by the number in the unit.10 That said. meaning that if one egg costs $0.) One creamer will cost: $8.777 ounces of shelled egg—the yolk and white. The formula is: AS fluid ounces needed # of purchase units Fluid ounces in a purchase unit Example Given: Your production plan calls for an aggregate of 512 fluid ounces of whole milk. will be designated as having a certain number of creamers inside. oz. Your experience tells you that you buy whole milk in gallon containers. (Creamer packaging is now more varied but is near 400/case. oz. Some recipes call for shelled eggs. As an example. 8 fl.02237 So one creamer costs about 2. and the yolks one-third (33. oz.944. but recipes generally call for “large” eggs. 16 fl. ✦ 1 fl. then one egg costs 10 cents: $18 180 $0. 128 fl. 2 tbsp. Since 1 gallon equals 128 fluid ounces. then. we’ll go through the purchasing formulas for the dairy foods category in the same order: liquids.95 400 $0.10. and miscellaneous. That is. Whites constitute two-thirds (66.3 percent). 2 pt. and cheese slices are sold by the count. A whole large egg weighs 2 ounces and holds 1. ✦ 1 tbsp. 1 pound costs $0. ✦ 1 lb. 4 qt. 1 gal. eggs. 58 4 1. Convert the number of pints to the purchase unit for this item (typically a quart. AS ounces needed Stage 2: 2. 3. 3. Example Given: A recipe calls for 6 pounds of 2 percent milk. has one worksheet to help you plan your purchases of dairy products: Dairy products. 2. per pint 5. Your answer will be the number of pints needed. and you buy this milk in half gallons. Divide the total pints needed (5. IN THE WORKBOOK Part II. if necessary. Divide the total weighed ounces needed by the Ounces per Pint column value. the procedure for converting a weight of dairy liquid to a volume is done in two stages: Stage 1: 1. Your answer will be the number of purchase units needed. 96 oz.Purchasing Dairy Products 89 FORMULA If the quantities in your recipes are expressed in weight but you buy the dairy product by volume. Divide the ounces needed by ounces per pint.395 You will need about 1. Determine the number of purchase units needed. Since there are 64 fluid ounces in a half gallon and 16 ounces per pint. divide the 64 by 16 to calculate the number of pints in the purchase unit. Purchasing Worksheet 8 ✦ 1. The Dairy Products table shows that there are 17. Determine the number of pints needed. 64 16 4 5.2 ounces of 2 percent milk in one pint. Look up the item’s volume-to-weight relationship in the Dairy table using the Ounces per Pint column. 4.2 oz.58) by the number of pints in the purchase unit (4): 5. PURCHASING CHEESES The formula you’ll need to use to plan your cheese purchases has two variations. Convert the 6 pounds to ounces: 6 16 96 2. the Workbook. Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit Y% ✦ . 17. any pound measures of the dairy liquid to ounces by multiplying the pounds by 16. Convert. Pints per purchase unit Pints needed Purchase units needed Ounces per pint # of pints needed 1.4 half gallons of 2 percent milk. half gallon. or gallon) by dividing the number of pints in the purchase unit into the number of pints needed.58 pints 4. 58125 lb. Because the cheese in this form will pack down a bit in a half-gallon container.90 Chapter 7 Dairy FORMULA 1 The first version of the formula for converting AS cups to AP weight in pounds is: (AS cups Ounce weight per cup) 16 AP in pounds Basically. 4 c. you need approximately 0.3 ounces by 16 to convert the ounces to pounds: 9. 4 qt. After rounding.441 individual cups of diced cheddar per pound.28 cups rather than 8 cups. ✦ 1 qt.65): 2 cups 4. ✦ 1 pt. 8 fl. 16 fl. Do the math: 1.406 ✦ 128 fl. 3. 9. ✦ 1 fl. The compaction factors are: ✦ ✦ ✦ 1. The Dairy Products table shows that there are 3.28 to the 8-cup multiplier and proceed as just shown.441). ✦ 1 lb. 16 oz. 8.5 oz. per cup 38. 1. oz.5 percent to the number of cups you are going to use before proceeding. you need to add a factor of 3. Add the 0.5 percent for a half gallon 7 percent for a gallon 1. Factoring compaction.035: 8 0. oz.3 16 0.28 2. all you are doing here is multiplying the ounce weight of a cup by the number of cups needed and then converting that answer (which will be a number of ounces) to pounds. Multiply the number of cups needed (2) by the weight per cup (4. Multiply the 8 cups in the half gallon by 0.28 cups 4. 2 c. 2 pt. . oz. 16 c. 1 c.58 pounds of cheddar cheese.65 oz. Divide the 8.406 lb. 2. FORMULA 2 The alternate method for converting AS cups per pound to AP pounds is as follows: AS cups Cups per pound AP pounds Example Given: You need a half gallon of diced cheddar.035 0. Divide 9. that you need a half gallon of diced cheddar. Example Given: You need 2 cups of diced cheddar.65 ounces.28 1 gal. 38.441 2. 3 tsp.5 percent for a quart 3.3 oz.65 oz. oz.5 oz. The Dairy Products table shows that a cup of diced cheddar weighs 4.41 pounds of cheddar. But say. by dividing the ounces needed by 16.28 cups you need by the number of cups per pound (3. Thus. it appears that you will need 2. 16 tbsp. 2 tbsp. 2. ✦ 1 tbsp. 32 fl. 16 oz. you will use 8. instead. 8. oz. Determine how many eggs to buy to get 3 quarts. you need 58. FORMULA 3 The third egg formula is for converting a weight of large eggs to a count: AS pounds of large eggs 9 AP count Example Given: You need 6 pounds of pooled large eggs. Formula 1 table indicates that there are 19. 1. pooled. PURCHASING EGGS There are three formulas that will come in handy for planning your egg purchases. 1.41 pounds of cheddar cheese. There are 6 flats in a case and 30 eggs in a flat.44 AP large eggs AS quarts of pooled large eggs Example Given: You need 3 quarts of pooled large eggs. Multiply the number of pounds you need by 9 to determine how many eggs to buy: 6 9 54 You need 54 large eggs. pooled. Note 4 of the Dairy table shows that there are 22 pooled medium eggs per quart. you need 66 medium eggs to obtain 3 quarts. FORMULA 2 The second egg formula is for converting quarts of pooled eggs to AP medium eggs: AS quarts of pooled medium eggs 22 AP medium eggs Example Given: You need 3 quarts of pooled medium eggs. ✦ To convert your egg count to dozens.32 large eggs to obtain 3 quarts. 2. Note 5 of the Dairy table states that there are 9 large shelled eggs in 1 pound. 1. Multiply the number of quarts by 22: 3 22 66 Therefore. FORMULA 1 This is the formula for converting quarts of pooled eggs to AP large eggs: 19. divide the eggs needed by 12. so there are 180 eggs per case.32 Thus. Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit Y% ✦ . Multiply the quarts by 19.44 58. Determine how many eggs to buy to get 3 quarts.44: 3 19.44 shelled large eggs per quart.Purchasing Dairy Products 91 Notice that this is the same answer as the first method: You need to buy and/or use 2. 2 c. 3 tsp. 2 pt. 4 c. ✦ 1 lb. 16 c. You buy a case that has an exact count of the product inside. oz. individual coffee creamers. you divide the number you need by the count per case. precounted packs. FORMULA: This is the formula for converting piece counts to AP units: Total count needed Count per purchase unit AP units Example Given: A banquet for 600 guests requires two butter pats for each. ✦ 1 tbsp. Presliced cheeses. ✦ 1 fl. 2 tbsp. Divide the butter pat count by the count per case. 1 c. and butter pats are three such products sold this way. ✦ 1 pt. ✦ . 16 fl. certain dairy products come in specific. because mistakes happen and some of the guests will want extra butter. 128 fl.92 Chapter 7 Dairy ✦ ✦ To convert to flats needed. 1 gal. oz. To plan a purchase for this type of food. and 400 pats come in one case: 1. PURCHASING MISCELLANEOUS DAIRY PRODUCTS As noted in the costing section. To convert to cases. divide by 180.200 pats (2 times 600).200 pats needed 400 pats per case 3 cases Order 3 cases—or more. divide by 30. oz. Your answer will be the number of purchase units required to fulfill your need. oz. 32 fl. 16 oz. 8 fl. oz. you need 1. 4 qt. 16 tbsp. ✦ 1 qt. 1. In all. pasteurized.31 0. canned Edam.68 0.882 1. packed Buttermilk. melted Cheddar.38 1.66 0.53 0. 1% Buttermilk.50 0.951 1.Dairy Products 93 Dairy Products Item American Process.33 0.50 0. shredded Egg Powder.905 1.51 2. whole.72 0. melted American Process.08 0.70 8.6 4.85 2.800 16. shredded Blue. shelled.08 1.94 8.963 3.59 1.60 4.93 2.860 4.000 5.50 8.860 4.02 0.75 1.93 2.600 6.000 16.93 1.08 0.93 0.025 1.982 1.40 7.810 2.15 4.75 8.925 0. 2% Cheddar.982 0.000 17.09 1.99 1.920 0.200 8.880 17.667 1.62 0.441 1. melted Brie or Camembert.67 0.077 1.60 4.333 1.08 1.65 8.200 8.30 3.07 Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit Y% ✦ .400 17. hard-cooked.60 4.06 1.000 6.300 16.20 7. pooled Ounces per Cup Cups per Pound Ounces per Pint Pints per Pound Pounds per Pint 4.65 6.08 0.06 1.500 16. 1/3 in.000 9.400 17.300 17. large curd Cottage.02 1.200 8.00 8.08 0.368 1. pasteurized.845 1.850 1.368 1.162 2.59 1.524 3.65 8.33 0.00 4.400 14.300 21. pasteurized.019 5.15 10. nonfat Cream Cheese Crema Mexicana Crème Fraiche Curds. lowfat Cottage Cheese.93 0.20 8. sifted Egg Substitute Eggs.08 1.3 12. diced American Process.867 9.00 8.00 2.03 1.000 10.02 1. crumbled Cottage.839 1.982 0.01 0.5 5.762 1.57 3.75 8.00 1.92 0.92 1. small curd Cottage Cheese.684 0.000 17. diced Cheddar.500 16.340 17.90 8.239 1.86 3.58 1.98 0. chopped Eggs.940 17.47 8.94 0.62 1.154 3.00 3.963 1.15 8. Drained.963 1.889 1.67 8.000 3.300 17.800 15.20 9.140 1.941 0. dice Double Devon Cream Dulce de Leche. crumbled Brie or Camembert. shredded Cool Whip Cotijo.300 9. 706 5.871 1.800 6.000 8.936 0.55 8. shredded Half and Half Half and Half.07 1.912 2.860 4.08 0. shredded Fromage Blanc (Bakers’ Cheese) Goat's Milk. 3 tsp.50 1. 8 fl.90 1. ✦ .798 1.20 17.78 0.10 8.700 7.38 0.952 0.87 1. ✦ 1 qt.60 8. 1% Milk.48 1. diced Monterey Jack. fresh Provolone.000 1.904 2.11 0.11 0.14 1.50 10.85 3.939 1.80 8.00 8.72 2.05 1. 4 c.000 17.74 1.500 9. evaporated Milk.800 8.970 0.07 1.600 17.11 1.94 0.88 1.824 4.65 4. shredded Ounces per Cup Cups per Pound Ounces per Pint Pints per Pound Pounds per Pint 3. dry Parmesan.25 9.60 8.1 17.00 8. oz.50 0. evaporated Gruyere. shredded Non-Dairy Creamer Non-Dairy Creamer.67 1. powdered (from nonfat milk) Milk.211 1.300 8.00 4.58 0. part skim.00 4.11 1.55 8.50 0.11 0.00 0. fat-free Parmesan.600 17.90 4. grated. grated.200 16.556 1.72 2.333 3. powdered (from whole milk) Milk.000 8. 2 c.40 4.80 4. low-fat.706 7. shredded Quark–European Bakers' Cheese Queso Fresco.798 3.000 4.48 1.08 1. 1 c.000 21.07 1.00 4.43 0.20 17. oz.300 8.000 4. sweetened condensed Monterey Jack.86 1.87 1.93 0.77 3. 32 fl.200 6.758 1.58 0.100 17.930 2. oz. 128 fl.85 8. whole.93 0.800 17.808 4.53 0.800 2.40 8.899 0.800 17. 4 qt.808 1. fat free IMO–Sour Cream Substitute Kefir.60 3.000 17. 2 pt.353 0. ✦ 1 fl.700 16. oz.50 1. shredded Muenster.1 17.35 2. ✦ 1 lb.94 0. shredded Mozzarella. diced Provolone. ✦ 1 pt.56 1.10 0.211 1.481 3.540 6. fruit-flavored Media Crema Milk. 4% Milk.904 0. 2 tbsp.90 8.40 3.441 4.879 0. 2% Milk.55 8.35 0. 16 tbsp.765 3. oz.000 9.65 4.600 9.11 0.500 18.905 1.00 0.94 Chapter 7 Dairy Dairy Products (Continued) Item Fontina.03 1. ✦ 1 tbsp.86 1.25 4.08 1.00 2.441 4. 16 oz.80 8.000 1.00 2. 16 c.43 1 gal. 16 fl. 882 1.941 0. whole or part skim Sour Cream Sour Cream.200 0.55 Small 1.000 17.925 1.880 17. • Heavy whipping cream weighs 33.000 17.60 8.08 0. • Yield of 1 large egg. Mexican. 1%.080 17. 2% milks.952 0.400 18.300 9.62 0. or 14 ounces whites and 7 ounces yolks.839 1.2 and 0.65 4.6).08 1. shredded Whipping Cream Whipping Cream.94 0.905 1.300 17.800 17.778 1.93 1.850 3. European Style Yogurts Notes Ounces per Cup Cups per Pound Ounces per Pint Pints per Pound Pounds per Pint 8.94 8.860 4.920 0. fresh Soy "Milk" Swiss.33% (or two-thirds white.239 1. diced Swiss.30 • Whites constitute 66.200 17.586 ounce yolk (roughly: 1.60 1.68 8.07 1. shelled: 1.777 Medium 1.65 8. and 2% buttermilk all weigh 34.54 8.00 8.62 1.00 8. or 1.86 cups).13 1. Sweetened.08 1. fat-free Sour Cream. one-third yolk). E g g s : Size of Eggs Shelled Ounce Weight Each Jumbo 2.850 1. • 1 pound of whole milk equals 15 fluid ounces.09 1. M i l ks a n d Cr e a m s : • Nonfat.4 ounces per quart.60 4.860 17. • 1 dozen large eggs yields about 21 ounces pooled eggs. Plain. 2.000 1.843 1.05 1. European Style Yogurt.925 0.50 1.3 Extra-Large 2.9 1.6 ounces per quart. • 1 pound of pooled (shelled) eggs equals 9 large eggs (1. • Egg substitutes weigh 34.889 0.06 1.930 0.93 2.360 17.92 0.08 1. • Whole milk weighs 34.40 8. 33. • 1 quart of pooled eggs equals 19.09 1. heavy Yogurt.Dairy Products 95 Dairy Products (Continued) Item Rice "Milk" Drink Ricotta.05 1. yolks.40 8.000 16.860 1.8 16.50 8.95 0.2 ounces per quart.874 1.08 0.44 large eggs or 22 medium eggs.174 ounces white and . Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit Y% ✦ .70 9.200 8.05 Large 1.00 0.6 ounces per quart.66%.875 cups. melted Swiss. there are other expenses that you have to add to the total menu item cost when working with beverages. iced tea.25 or more.25. and iced tea: 1. These may include: ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ Condiments (sugar. Tea.8 BEVERAGES B everages are wonderful money-making menu items for those in the food service industry. 2. The potential profits on nonalcoholic drinks like coffee. and you will probably sell it for $1. frozen juice concentrates. and Cocoa COSTING BEVERAGES This simple costing approach works equally well for dispensed sodas. creamers) Paper or styrofoam cups Cup lids Straws Stir sticks Napkins Filters There is one table connected to the discussion in this chapter: ✦ Coffee. 3. For instance: ✦ ✦ A 12-fluid-ounce serving of iced tea will cost you only about 3 cents for the tea. and brewed beverages such as coffee. They provide a good profit margin and require very little labor to prepare and serve. From a gallon you can pour eight 16-fluid-ounce sodas without even deducting cup space for the ice. and soda are enormous. Determine the cost per fluid ounce. That’s a 500 percent markup! Of course. 96 . Multiply it by the ounces poured. A gallon of dispensed soda will run you about $2 to make. Add the condiment and packaging costs. If you sell these drinks for $1. cocoa. your sales will total $10 per gallon. 4 cents. Divide the cost per gallon by 128 (1 gallon equals 128 fluid ounces): $1.10) by the yield (30 gallons): $56.10 and yields 30 gallons of mixed drink. you will not pour a beverage to the very top of the cup or glass.87 128 $0. The cost for the gas to produce a gallon of mixed drink is $0. has one worksheet to help you cost beverages: Brewed and Dispensed Beverages. So you need to deduct at least 1 fluid ounce. 16 $0. to cost a dispensed drink: 1. How much? That depends on how much ice you put into the cup before dispensing the drink. In this case. the cup or glass is at least partially filled with ice cubes. Costing Worksheet 10 ✦ Voilá! You have your product cost.10 30 gal. the Workbook.46 cents. coffee.5 cents. and tea. $1.0000156 per fluid ounce (a mill is 1/10 of 1 cent): $0. To demonstrate this process. Soda syrups are generally mixed with five parts water and are packaged in 5-gallon “bag-in-box” containers. a 5-gallon box of syrup will yield its own 5 gallons.002 128 $0.0005. the cost per fluid ounce of the mixed drink is 1.0000156 A cylinder of gas costs about $16 and carbonates 250 gallons of soda. to avoid spillage. rounded. the ice will displace some of the soda. If the beverage is served cold. Divide the cost of the syrup ($56.064. or $0. calculate as follows: 1. Adding the water and gas costs.0146 $0. for a total yield per box of 30 gallons. Second. Divide the cost of a container of syrup by the container’s yield. COSTING DISPENSED SODAS The word dispensed means that the beverage is mixed in a machine at the time the order is filled. plus 25 gallons of water.0146 The results are as follows: ✦ ✦ 1 fluid ounce of dispensed soda costs 1. Hence. Therefore. To get the cost per fluid ounce. However. 2. you will not actually pour 16 fluid ounces into a 16-ounce cup. we break down beverage costing into three categories: dispensed sodas. Soda-dispensing machines mix syrup or concentrate with filtered water and carbon dioxide gas to make the finished drink. If you fill a 16-fluid-ounce cup to the top with ice. you will be able Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit Y% ✦ . 5 gallons of syrup will become 30 gallons of mixed drink: 5 parts syrup 25 parts water 30 parts soda Example Given: A 5-gallon container of syrup costs $56. 16 fluid ounces costs 23. This is then poured into a glass or take-out cup.2337 But don’t forget to add the cost of the gas and water to the syrup cost: ✦ ✦ Water costs about 2 mills per gallon. rounded.87 per gal.Costing Beverages 97 IN THE WORKBOOK Part II. A fluid ounce costs 128th of that: $0. Why not? First. 015) equals $0. lid. Determine the cost per pound. you will be able to pour a little more than 11 fluid ounces of soda—again. 2. oz. Divide that by 16 to get the cost per AP ounce. ✦ 1 pt.15 1 gal. rounded 2. follow three steps: 1.5 cents. and napkin. Deduct 1 fluid ounce. straw.2 cents per AP ounce. 9 times the cost per fluid ounce ($0. 16 oz. you will make a profit of $1. That produces a “pour” of 10 fluid ounces to the top. or 13. this leaves you with a 16-fluid-ounce container holding 9 fluid ounces of dispensed soda. ✦ 1 tbsp. oz. rather weak coffee was acceptable in the marketplace. you’ll want to keep these points in mind: The standard coffeepot holds 64 fluid ounces of liquid. 2. because you are not going to fill the cup to the brim. 32 fl. ✦ 128 fl. 16 $0. 16 c. 16 fl.5 ounces of fairly dark-roasted grounds to produce good flavor—and you may find your customers want it even stronger. Here’s the math: 1. 2 tbsp. 3 tsp. 4 qt. So. a 60-fluid-ounce pot of coffee today requires about 1. 1 c. In addition.15.5 cents. ✦ Tastes in coffee have changed over the years. 4. Divide the case cost by the pounds in the case (12 2-pound bags equals 24 pounds): $123. . oz.98 Chapter 8 Beverages to pour about 7 fluid ounces of soda to the brim. most folks want their coffee stronger and more robust. Today.50. you’ll pour about 10 fluid ounces. If you fill the cup halfway with ice. Example Given: A 16-ounce paper cup is filled two-thirds of the way up with ice. If the ice comes up two-thirds of the way. to the top. oz.3219.015 per drink—a 532 percent markup! COSTING COFFEE Commercial food service operators buy coffee either in bulk. 3. oz. fluid ounces in a brewing cycle. Weigh the amount of coffee that you use to brew a pot (or other amount) and multiply the cost per ounce of grounds by the ounces used. 16 tbsp. Divide the cost of the grounds by the number of fluid ounces brewed. ✦ 1 qt. Add 10 cents to cover the cost of the cup.25. by the pound. ✦ 1 lb. or in packets for brewing one pot at a time. Therefore.50 24 $5. not 64. In the past. or 32. ✦ Example Given: A case of coffee contains twelve 2-pound bags of grounds and costs $123. BULK COFFEE Let’s begin with the costing process for bulk coffee: 1. 2 c. 2 pt. This will be your cost per brewed fluid ounce. If you sell this drink for $1. 4 c. Your total food and packaging cost is 23. whereas standard coffee machines produce closer to 60. ✦ 1 fl. Divide the cost per pound by 16: $5. To get the cost per brewed fluid ounce. 8 fl.135. Divide that amount by the number of total sales to arrive at your average paper and condiment costs per sale.483 3. Then cost each item’s usage and total these expenses. 3. But mistakes happen: Someone might forget to put the pot in the machine. Divide the coffee cost by the fluid ounces yielded: $0.483 60 fl. you can refine this by separating the small.5 ounces of grounds for a 60-fluid-ounce yield. less than a penny.00805 per brewed fl. and you have your total average product cost per sale. coffee that was tossed out. use this common approach: 1. COSTING TEA This popular drink is a real winner for the house. 2. Likewise. Subtract the closing inventory from the opening inventory (plus purchases) to get the usage. Calculate a total production cost by multiplying the cost per brewed pot by the number of pots brewed. the coffee costs: 1. Divide this coffee production cost by the number of sales. Each packet cost will represent the ideal cost of a brewed pot of coffee—ideal meaning that every packet was successfully used to brew a pot of coffee. Take a beginning and closing inventory of these items. etc.322 $0. so be mindful of these factors. 4. has a low food cost. This enables you to price these items accordingly. 2. oz. This tells you your average cost per sale and includes the cost of all the coffee made during this period (even coffee your staff drank. A 12-fluid-ounce cup will cost you 9. PACKET COFFEE Costing coffee sold in packets is pretty straightforward.5 $0.008 9. determine your cost per poured fluid ounce and multiply that by the ounces poured per drink.).6 cents To determine your actual costs for brewing coffee. You derive the cost of a packet by dividing the cost of a case of packets by the number of packets in the case. if any. Take a particular period of time and record the coffee sales made and the number of pots brewed during this period. then add the average sale’s condiment/paper costs. So. to cost your condiment and paper expenses for this period: 1. and large cup sales (from your cash register tape) and cost them individually based on the fluid ounces poured for each size. If your business is all take-out. To cost iced coffee. waste. medium. or 0. or a packet might be damaged or stolen. one brewed fluid ounce costs 8 mills. Add your condiment and packaging costs to calculate your total product cost. The tea bags used in commercial ICED TEA Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit Y% ✦ . oz.6 cents: 12 $0. refills.Costing Beverages 99 Using 1. $0. and produces little. 3. Add this amount to the average cost per sale for the coffee itself. It is easy to make.8 cent—that is. 0023 $0.15. ✦ 1 fl. 16 c. 16 oz. 2. Divide the cost per gallon by 128 to get the cost of 1 fluid ounce. ✦ 1 lb. 16 fl.25. Divide the cost of a case of tea bags by the number of bags in the case. Bulk (loose) tea leaves are seldom used. this means you can serve a generous portion of iced tea for less than a nickel! Even if you. you still have a substantial margin of profit: $1. ✦ 1 tbsp. So. handpicked varieties. 2 tbsp. oz. or 0. $0. ✦ 1 qt. oz. HOT TEA Hot tea orders are filled using individual tea bags. 2 c. brew 2 ounces of tea leaf to 1 gallon of water. however. so you cost these drinks by adding the cost of a tea bag to the condiment costs (sugar. 3 tsp. oz.294 128 $0. According to the manufacturers. 128 fl. served primarily in upscale restaurants. Divide the case cost ($28. oz.75 cents. 4 c. Yes. Divide the cost per bag. ✦ But even factoring in these costs.29375. a couple of offsetting expenses for this very profitable drink: lemon and sugar: Lemons can cost as much as 50 cents a piece or as little as 15 cents. and sugar substitute packets cost about a penny.20. This is less than a fourth of a cent! Now assume.23 cents per fl. Taking an average cost of 30 cents and cutting each lemon into 8 wedges gives you a cost per wedge of 3. where they are most likely priced at an astronomical markup. which is obviously higher for the betterquality. one tea bag produces a gallon of brewed tea. iced tea remains a highly profitable menu item for restaurateurs. Creamers may be used as well. Such teas are. oz.20 96 $0. rounded 2.294. Thus. cream. the product cost will remain low. . brew your iced tea stronger. $0. you pour 20 ounces of iced tea per serving: 20 fl. or 29. Thus. Example Given: A case of 96 commercial tea bags costs $28.20) by the number of bags in the case (96): $28.100 Chapter 8 Beverages food service come in rather large sizes: 1 ounce each. however. the total iced tea cost is 4. like some operators. 32 fl. ✦ 1 pt.6 cents. ✦ 1 gal. to cost iced tea. with refills. and use two tea bags per gallon—meaning your portion cost doubles to just under a dime—if you sell the drink for $1. by 128: $0. ✦ Sugar packets run about a half-cent each. 4 qt. as a percentage of the menu price. Multiply the cost per fluid ounce by the number of fluid ounces in a serving. 1 c. oz. 2 pt.0022968. 8 fl. To determine the cost per fluid ounce: 1. They cost about 2 cents each. but if you use bulk tea rather than bagged tea. This represents the food cost for 1 gallon. Divide the 2-ounce tea-leaf cost by 128 ounces to calculate the cost per fluid ounce. Tea bags vary in cost from about 5 to 12 cents each. 3. 16 tbsp. oz. follow these steps: 1. lemon).4 cents.046 NOTE The Book of Yields recommends using two tea bags per gallon of iced tea. There are. 0 ounces: 4 gal.35 ounces per gallon AP ounces cocoa powder Example Given: You need 2 gallons of brewed cocoa. multiply the number of gallons of brewed tea needed by 2. Sixty fluid ounces is 46. Therefore..5 ounces and yields 60 fluid ounces of fairly robust coffee. and Cocoa table shows that 2 ounces of tea leaf yields 1 gallon of strong tea. each using a different beverage item. To find the ounce weight of bulk tea needed./gal. You can use 1 ounce in the formula for weaker tea. According to Note 1 of the Coffee./gal. Here you’ll learn how to convert gallons of hot cocoa to an AP bulk weight of cocoa powder: FORMULA 3 AS gallons 3. and Cocoa table.2 oz. a rounded half cup of drip-grind coffee grounds weighs 1. Given: You need 8 gallons of brewed coffee.875 percent of a gallon. Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit Y% ✦ . rounded) coffee grounds FORMULA 2 This formula is for converting gallons of brewed iced tea to an AP bulk weight: NOTE This formula makes strong iced tea. we’ll learn how to convert gallons of brewed coffee to an AP bulk weight. 2 oz. Purchasing Worksheet 9 ✦ For the first formula.2 ounces per gallon AP ounces coffee grounds The example explains how we arrive at this formula. 3. The Coffee. . 8 oz. 3. 1. bulk tea This equates to eight each 1-ounce bags of tea leaf.5 oz.Purchasing Beverage Items 101 PURCHASING BEVERAGE ITEMS We’ll demonstrate five purchasing formulas in this section. AS gallons 2 ounces per gallon AP ounces bulk tea Example Given: You need 4 gallons of brewed iced tea. Tea. FORMULA 1 AS gallons 3. 8 gal. the Workbook. We need to find how many ounces of coffee grounds are needed for 1 gallon of coffee. IN THE WORKBOOK Part II. The Coffee.46875 3. Tea.2 oz.6 (or 26 oz. and Cocoa table tells you that 1 cup of cocoa weighs 3. has 1 worksheet to help you plan your beverage purchases: Brewed and Dispensed Beverages. 25.35 ounces and that you will need one cup of cocoa powder to make 1 gallon of brewed cocoa. Tea. Example NOTE Formula 1 is based on the yield of 1 slightly rounded cup of darkroasted grounds yielding 1 gallon of coffee.2 ounces of coffee grounds yield 1 gallon of brewed coffee. 2 c.728 12 144).840): 32.35. 1 c.600 drinks 20 fl. 16 fl.35 oz. FORMULA 5 Our final formula is for converting fluid ounces of dispensed soda to AP units: AS fluid ounces dispensed soda Fluid-ounce yield of 1 AP unit AP units As described in the Costing section.000 fl. Use the ratio for your product as noted on your invoice or as stated on the container. ✦ 1 pt. 4 qt. Example Given: You anticipate selling 1. 2. oz. 3 tsp. 32 fl. NOTE Most drink suppliers provide the dispensing machines and set them up correctly as a part of their marketing strategy. The syrupto-water ratio is generally 1 part syrup to 5 parts water. Calculate the total fluid ounces you’ll serve: 1. oz./gal. follow this formula: AS fluid ounces brewed cocoa AP packs Fluid-ounce yield from 1 pack of premix Example Given: A case of 12 bags of premixed cocoa yields 1.000) by the fluid-ounce yield per box (3. FORMULA 4 For converting gallons of brewed cocoa to packages of premixed cocoa drink. 1 gal. 2 tbsp. 8 fl. To find the number of bags you’ll need: 1. 6. per drink 32.728 fluid ounces of brewed cocoa. oz. ✦ 1 fl. Divide the AS fluid ounces (32. To fulfill your sales projection. This equals 432 fluid ounces (54 8 432). oz. brewed cocoa 3. 2 gal. One box of syrup yields 30 gallons. oz. which equals 3.102 Chapter 8 Beverages 1. for a total yield per box of 30 gallons. ✦ 1 qt. to make the process easy for you. ✦ 1 lb.333 boxes You’ll need to have nine boxes on hand. ✦ . 16 tbsp. a 5-gallon box of syrup will yield its own 5 gallons plus 25 gallons of water. Divide the AS fluid ounces (432) by the fluid-ounce yield of 1 bag (144): 432 144 3 You will need three bags of premixed cocoa. 16 oz. You anticipate selling 54 8-fluid-ounce portions.7 oz. oz.840 fluid ounces.600 20-fluid-ounce root beer drinks over the next week.000 3. ✦ 1 tbsp. Multiply the number of brewed gallons needed times 3. juice concentrates often have a mixing ratio of 1 to 3 or 1 to 4. follow these steps: 1. These powders come in bags that are added to a cocoa dispensing machine. Hence. dispensed sodas come in boxed bags of syrup concentrate and are mixed on site with water and gas to produce a mixed drink. 1 bag yields 144 fluid ounces (1. oz. 16 c. In contrast. The fluid-ounce yield of a bag can be calculated from the product description on its case or invoice. 128 fl. 4 c. resulting in a yield of 6 parts. of cocoa powder NOTE Cocoa is often sold in a powdered form that includes a sweetener and powdered dairy whitener or milk.840 8. 2 pt. steep 5 minutes. roasted. Japanese.80 3. Pour 1 quart boiling water over tea. .53 104.38 6. strain.70 7. Leaf.15 2. Red Rose Petals Tea.85 3. Co f fe e : A rounded half cup of dark-roast. 2.27 6. Genmaichi Tea.58 116. drip-grind coffee grounds (1.80 6. and extend with 3 parts hot milk.42 3.2 oz) of dark. Leaf.20 2.66 1. Wa t e r .18 70.27 93.67 5. 3.82 4. and Cocoa Item Cocoa Coffee Beans Coffee Coffee Tea.70 8.24 8.72 6. 4.46 387.44 4. Lapsang Souchong Tea. 1 pound of dark. Chamomile Tea. drip-grind coffee yields a gallon of brewed coffee.43 82. Co co a : One cup of cocoa yields 1 gallon of hot cocoa drink.5 ounces) yields 1 standard pot of coffee.26 98.9 ounces depending on the size of the beans and the darkness of the roast. Te a .14 106. There are approximately 210 individual coffee beans in one AP ounce.35 2. Green. Hibuscus Flowers Tea.75 2. The weight of one cup of whole roasted beans may well vary from 2. Gunpowder Green Tea.70 119. Liquefy with 1 part hot water. dark-roasted beans.10 2.90 4.15 24.88 134. For strong iced tea.C o f f e e .67 81.40 2.65 2. more lightly roasted beans weigh less than small. Te a . drip-grind coffee grounds yields 4.75 3. Leaf and Bu l k : Three single-use tea bags equal 1 tablespoon bulk tea.49 1.80 2. 60 fluid ounces. Leaf. So.16 7.80 2. 1 tea bag equals 1 teaspoon tea. fine Tea.71 5.37 91.21 5. by volume. a n d C o c o a 103 Coffee. English Breakfast Tea.00 301. Tea. Rosehips. Chai Blend Tea.30 2.00 18.40 3.45 4.82 4.3 to 2. Japanese Tea.9 gallons of brewed coffee. Larger.60 0. Mix the cocoa with sugar. Jasmine Green Tea. Yerba Matte Notes Ounces per Cup Cups per Pound Tablespoons per Pound e Y i e l d : 1 gallon of water yields approximately 30 cups of small to medium ice cubes.36 106. Green.74 59.09 67.00 0. add 3 quarts cold water. 1 rounded cup (3. Rooibos (Red Bush) Tea.40 91.08 5. flakes Tea.07 68. bulk Tea.15 3. Oolong Tea.26 6.53 76. use 2 ounces tea to 1 gallon water.40 5. Green Sencha Tea.00 128. Lighter roasts will yield about 3 gallons of coffee of the same strength or weaker coffee of the same volume.50 2.40 102. poultry.) Average as-purchased weight for the item in pounds Trim loss in pounds Primary yield after trimming in pounds Primary yield percentage based on the AP weight Number of primary usable ounces per AP pound Usable trim in pounds You’ll find the Meats table to be a useful guide for comparing your actual yields as well as costing your portions. bones. stews. Specifically. or stocks. etc. seafood. storage. and poultry is covered in Chapter 11. or sinew that can be ground or used for sauces.) obviously are popular menu items. Trim: Miscellaneous Use in Pounds. we’ll first address procedures for costing meats according to these delineations: ✦ Preportioned meats 104 . lists the weight of scraps. nimal protein products (beef. Consequently. seafood is given its own chapter. Chapter 10. controlling the purchasing.9 MEATS A NOTE Although defined as animal protein products here. most fat and connective tissue have been removed in order to obtain the weight labeled as the Primary-Use Yield (fourth column in the table). and production of these expensive foods and intelligently pricing them on menus is critical to a food service operation’s financial success. pork. The discussion in this chapter makes reference to one table: ✦ Meats It lists the following information: ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ Common name for the item North American Meat Processors (NAMP) number (See the note on page 105. lamb. COSTING MEATS In this section. They are also expensive to buy when compared to the produce and starchy items that generally make up the balance of food offered on menus. brochettes. The last column. Note that the trim yields reflect standard trimming practices for slightly above-average restaurants. lamb. Therefore. Be sure to have other recipes that will use up these leftovers. club sandwiches. or patty. Ground beef costs less per pound than strip loins. bacon dressings. and standard brochette meats. wherever you may be in the United States. This is so for stew meats. to explain the costing process for trimmed meats. too. You cost these products as follows: 1. the Workbook. It is now possible to buy most meat menu items—beef patties. Bacon strips. roasts. a simple one-step calculation: 1. or will you deduct its value from the cost of the primary item? The Meats. which means each link weighs 2 ounces). By using the NAMP number (the first column in the Meats table). The usable trimmings value will seldom be as high as the base item value (strip loin. and some whole roasts—already trimmed. We’ll also assume that you do use these meaty trimmings in other recipes.). New York steak. in this case) cost per AP pound. and still others do some cutting in-house and order certain meat products precut. Will you include it in the cost of the primary item (steaks. sausage links or patties. ✦ ✦ Trimmed meats Cooked meats The discussion continues with notes and guidelines on specific meat products: prime rib. shows you how to do both. scraps for stocks. Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit . chops. veal. To illustrate. portioned. Deducting the value of the trimmings from the cost of the strip loin reduces the cost of the loin by an amount equal to the value of the trimmings. Divide the cost of 1 pound by the number of pieces in a pound. and pork. lamb. too. the cost of the steaks will include the cost of the trimmings. Your answer will be both the AP and AS cost per item. We’ll use a primary item.Costing Meats 105 NOTE The North American Meat Processors (NAMP) Association is an organization that wrote the Meat Buyers Guide. and ham steaks are all sold by size. you have to decide how to handle the cost of the trimmed-away but still usable meat. steaks. others order their meat products precut. pork. Costing Worksheet 11. such as breakfast gravies. Canadian bacon slices. you may end up with unsold leftovers. in which standard specifications are listed for the cuts and market forms of beef. Your answer will be the cost of one slice. many operations cut their meat in-house. Multiply that cost by the number you put on a plate to get your portion cost. (Your meat supplier can tell you Y% ✦ NOTE Because breakfast meats are often cooked ahead. Costing Worksheet 11 ✦ COSTING TRIMMED MEATS When you cost meats that you trim before cooking. Many breakfast and lunch meats fall into the preportioned category. Divide the cost of the purchase unit by the number of pieces or portions it contains. and packed for immediate use on the cooking line. 2. etc. bones. therefore. and the recipes that use these trimmings will show no cost for the trimmed meat. you can be certain of the cut or piece you are ordering. The procedure for costing these items is. link. you really should take the deduction from the primary item and apply the value of the trimmings to the recipes in which they are used. note that the Meats table shows that a 10-pound strip loin with a 1-inch “tail” (from which New York steaks are cut) has a usable trim weight of 1 pound. which is stated by the meat supplier as a particular number of pieces per pound (such as eight links per pound. You pick the size you want for your menu. COSTING PREPORTIONED MEATS When it comes to cutting meat. and poultry products sold in the United States. has one worksheet to help you cost many types of meat products: Meats. say you are going to grind some of the trimmings into beef patties. To start. If you do not deduct the value of the trimmings from the cost of the strip loin. and so on. quiche. chops. IN THE WORKBOOK Part II. For instance. oz. 32 fl. the operator has to know the value of a trimmed ounce of meat in order to put a sensible (profitable) menu price on each size of steak. 16 c. 1 c. 2 tbsp. trimmed ounce of filet mignon. ✦ 1 fl. is typically a consistent size.5 pounds by the trim yield percentage of 58. oz. a 6-ounce steak costs 6 times $0. COSTING USING A PORTIONS-PER-PIECE APPROACH When the trim yield percentage is not used. Filet mignon is cut from beef tenderloin. Multiply the AP weight of 7. Tenderloins are sold pretrimmed or untrimmed. In this case. oz. or $4. 4 qt. bones for stock. from which they cut their steaks. 3.7 percent and a usable trim of 1.) You can only deduct the market value of the trimmings as determined by the way you are going to use them—ground meat.26. so after a little experience the operator knows how many steaks of a certain weight can be obtained from one larger piece. 4 c. Divide the adjusted AP cost of the whole tenderloin ($50) by 4. ✦ 1 qt.36 16 $0. 1 gal. ✦ . follow this four-step process: USING THE TRIM YIELD PERCENTAGE TO HELP IN COSTING 1. 10-. if you don’t already know.4 pounds of ready-to-cook. ✦ 1 lb. The Meats table shows that one 7. 2 c. and a 10-ounce steak costs $7.36 The $11.71. ✦ 1 pt. 8 fl.36 is the cost of a trimmed pound of tenderloin. oz. but once that is done. or 12-ounce filet mignon. Some operators sell meats by a weight that varies from order to order. Deduct the value of the usable trim ($4) from the whole tenderloin’s cost ($54): $54 4 $50 2. The answer is the cost per steak or chop.10. just do the simple division to get your chop or steak cost. oz.71 One trimmed ounce of tenderloin costs 71 cents. a menu may offer a 6-. To calculate the cost of one usable. 16 fl. To cost these steaks or chops takes one step: 1. for instance. Deducting the cost of usable trim from the AP cost of the larger unit should come into play.5 pounds. 16 tbsp.5 lb. 16 oz. 0. and a half-pound of sinew (for stocks) with no market value. you have 4. stew meat. After trimming. 3 tsp.4 $11. food service operators usually place steaks and chops on their menus based on a fixed weight—an 8-ounce sirloin steak. Divide the cost of the larger piece by the number of steaks or chops it yields.4 pounds: $50 4. ✦ 1 tbsp. trimmed tenderloin. 2 pt.7 percent: 7. Assume this tenderloin costs $54 and that the trimmings consist of 1 pound of meat with a value of $4. Divide that by 16 for the cost per trimmed ounce: $11.587 4. 8-.5-pound whole tenderloin has a trim yield percentage of 58. or whatever.4 lb. The trim yield percentage here doesn’t matter much. The muscle. 128 fl.106 Chapter 9 Meats what those items sell for. or piece. 4. Costing Meats 107 Example Given: A 10-pound New York strip loin costs $64 and has a usable trim of 1 pound and the usable trim has a value of $4. 1. Deduct the $4 from the $64: $60. Assume that you get 15 steaks from the loin. 2. Divide the adjusted cost of the loin ($60) by the number of steaks it yields (15): $60 15 $4.00 Each steak costs $4. COSTING COOKED MEATS Costing a weight of cooked meat is a simple two-step process: 1. Determine the cost of a trimmed pound or ounce, as shown in the first example. 2. Divide the trimmed pound or ounce cost by the cooking yield percentage. That’s it. Your answer will be the cost of a trimmed and cooked weight. To determine your cooking yield percentage, do these calculations: 1. Weigh the meat in its oven-ready state (after trimming but before cooking). 2. Weigh it after it is cooked and has rested. 3. Divide the cooked weight by the raw weight. The answer is your cooking yield percentage. Example Given: Your oven-ready roast weighs 12 pounds. After cooking and resting, it weighs 10.2 pounds. 1. Divide the cooked weight of 10.2 pounds by the raw weight of 12 pounds. 10.2 12 0.85 After multiplying 0.85 by 100 to get the percent, you have a cooking yield percentage of 85 percent. Example Given: You want to know the cost of 4 ounces of trimmed and cooked beef top round. The roast had an AP weight of 16 pounds, cost $51, and had 1 pound of usable trim. The usable trim has a value of $3 per pound. 1. Deduct the usable trim value ($3) from the AP cost ($51): $51 $3 $48 The roast now has a value of $48. 2. The Meats table shows that a top round will trim out to 75 percent of its AP weight (16 pounds), and 75 percent of 16 pounds equals 12 pounds, so divide the roast’s adjusted AP cost of $48 by the trimmed roast’s weight of 12 pounds: $48 12 lb. $4 Thus, 1 pound of oven-ready top round costs $4. Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit Y% ✦ 108 Chapter 9 Meats Now, given that the cooked roast weighs 10.2 pounds, do the math. 1. Divide the cooked weight by the oven-ready weight to calculate the cooking yield percentage: 10.2 12 0.85, or 85% 2. Divide the cost per trimmed pound ($4) by the cooking yield percentage (0.85): $4 0.85 $4.70 In this case, 1 pound of trimmed and cooked top round costs $4.70. 3. Divide the pound cost by 16 to get the cost per ounce: $4.70 16 $0.294, or 29.4 cents A portion of 4 ounces of cooked top round will cost four times 29.4 cents: $1.18, rounded. PURCHASING MEATS We’ll step through three formulas and several examples to familiarize you with methods for accurately planning your meat purchases. IN THE WORKBOOK Part II, the Workbook, has one worksheet to help you plan your purchases of many types of meat products: Meats, Purchasing Worksheet 10 ✦ The first formula details how to use portion yields to determine how many whole pieces to buy: FORMULA 1 Portions needed Portions yielded per piece AP pieces The term piece or whole piece refers to a relatively large muscle or muscle group from which smaller cuts (portions) are made. The whole piece is ordinarily a purchase unit, such as a New York strip loin. The smaller pieces (portions) are steaks, cutlets, chops, and the like. Use this formula when you know two things: 1. How many portions you need 2. The number of portions you usually get from a whole piece Example Given: You need 48 trimmed and portioned New York steaks, weighing 7 ounces each, and you know that 1 whole piece—1 New York strip loin—yields 16 steaks of 7 ounces each. Do the math: 48 16 3 You see that you need three whole strip loins. FORMULA 2 You can convert a trimmed raw weight to a raw purchase weight using this equation: # of pounds trimmed, raw meat Trim yield percentage AP weight Use this formula when you want to calculate the number of pounds to purchase or use and you know the trim yield percentage for the raw, as-purchased piece of meat. 1 gal. 4 qt. 16 c. 1 c. 8 fl. oz. 128 fl. oz. ✦ 1 qt. 2 pt. 4 c. 32 fl. oz. ✦ 1 pt. 2 c. 16 fl. oz. 16 tbsp. ✦ 1 fl. oz. 2 tbsp. ✦ 1 tbsp. 3 tsp. ✦ 1 lb. 16 oz. ✦ Purchasing Meats 109 Meat Matters This sidebar contains notes on prime rib, lamb, and pork. Prime Rib Notice that the prime rib in the Meats table has an NAMP number of 109. This is virtually untrimmed except for a bit of meat that is removed from under the fat-cap. A 109 prime rib comes with a thick layer of fat, partial backbones, rib bones, and a fair amount of sinew, some or all of which have to be trimmed off for roasting. This used to be the most popular market form of prime rib because of its relatively low cost per pound. As you can see from the table, half of the purchased weight of a 109 must be trimmed away if you want to have a boneless, oven-ready roast that is perfect for carving on a buffet line. Today, many chefs prefer to order prime ribs that have been partially or completely trimmed. The NAMP 109D and the NAMP 112 are examples of pretrimmed prime ribs. Because these are now quite popular market forms of prime rib, the cost per usable pound has come down considerably. In fact, a 109 can actually cost more than an oven-ready, boneless 112! Of course, the 109 does provide the kitchen with meat trimmings, sinew, and bones, which can then be used in other recipes; but their value is not great enough to entice as many chefs into using a 109 as in the past. Dealing with unsold cooked roasts such as prime rib has become easier for those chefs who have modern “cook-and hold” ovens that cook at low temperatures and produce better cooking yields. Another important advantage these ovens have over other ovens is their holding capability: they can safely hold a cooked roast for a full day at a medium to medium-rare serving temperature! Leftover prime rib can be cut up and made into a hash, a menu item that has become rather popular for breakfast and lunch.The meat can also be cleaned and the “eye” meat used for sandwiches, salad, or sautés.The outer meat, though a bit loose, can be added to hash, soups, and salads.These leftovers, however, can be very expensive after trimming away all the fat and connective tissue. A cold, leftover, boneless prime rib, for example, will yield only about 59 percent of its cooked and chilled weight in usable meat—and that is after the trim loss and cooking loss! These meats can easily cost double the AP price per pound.The lesson is: Learn to accurately predict your sales and prepare accordingly. Overproducing is costly! Lamb The split lamb rack in the Meats table has had its spine and chine bones removed and then has been frenched. This means that the shoulder blade was also removed and the rib bones were cleaned of all meat and tissue up to the small muscle, just in front of the primary loin muscle. The top layer of fat was also removed. Lamb racks can be sold whole (usually for two guests) or sectioned into smaller pieces. There will be at least seven ribs per rack, usually eight. Veal ✦ Veal is often sold in preportioned or precut forms: cube steaks, slices, chops, cutlets, foreshanks, hindshanks (whole or cross-cut), ground and calf’s liver, as well as sweetbreads (thymus and pancreas). ✦ Veal breasts, after some defatting and detissuing, trim out to around 13 ounces per AP pound. They are often braised and served as-is in some of their braising liquor. ✦ Veal legs are boned, defatted, and detissued, yielding 7.1 ounces per AP pound. The various muscles are then sliced into cutlets or scaloppine. Veal leg can be roasted, but it tends to be dry. ✦ Veal racks are marketed with either six or seven ribs.They can be cut into individual chops; a single chop is a typical portion. Pork Pork is available in scores of precut and preportioned market forms (breakfast meats were addressed earlier).Most market forms of preprocessed or precut pork products can be costed using one of the methods already described. ✦ ✦ ✦ Pork shoulder (Boston butt) can be used for stews and braises and is also often used for making sausage. When used for sausage, the blade bone is removed, along with dense cartilage, but all of the remaining meat and fat find their way into the grinder. When used in moist cooking recipes, much of the fat is removed, along with the blade bone and heavy cartilage, resulting in a trim yield of 12 ounces per AP pound. Spare ribs: There are 14 rib bones on each side of the pig. These ribs are sold in two forms: back ribs (NAMP 422) and spare ribs (NAMP 416). As their name implies, the back ribs (often called baby back ribs) are cut near the top of the back. A rack of back ribs must have at least eight ribs. Spare ribs are of two types: regular and St. Louis-style (NAMP 416A). St. Louis-style ribs are cut just beneath the back ribs and are just ribs. Plain spare ribs are longer and may include portions of the sternum and diaphragm, as well as flank meat. A rack of spare ribs must have at least 11 ribs. Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit Y% ✦ 110 Chapter 9 Meats Example Given: You are prepping 48 New York strip steaks weighing 7 ounces each. Follow these steps: 1. Multiply 48 times 7 to compute the total ounces of trimmed weight needed: 48 7 336 oz. 2. Convert this to pounds by dividing the ounces by 16: 336 16 21 lb. 3. The Meats table shows the yield percentage for New York strip loin is 70 percent. 21 lb. 0.70 30 lb. Therefore, you need to buy or use 30 pounds of raw New York strip loin. If, then, your AP strip loin steaks weigh 10 pounds each, you need three of them. NOTE Convection ovens can easily shrink meat cooked to medium-rare in the center by 20 percent, resulting in a cooked yield percentage of 80 percent. In contrast, a slow-cooking oven may shrink meat cooked to medium-rare by only 9 percent, resulting in a cooked yield percentage of 91 percent. FORMULA 3 Here’s the formula for converting a trimmed and cooked weight to a raw AP weight: AS trimmed and cooked weight (Trim yield percentage Cooking yield percentage) AP weight To complete this formula, you need to know what your cooking yield percentage is for the meat in question. This percentage depends on the degree of doneness desired, combined with the shape of the meat and your oven’s tendency to shrink meats as they cook. That means you must use your experience to determine this cooked yield percentage. To execute the formula, follow three steps: 1. Calculate the total weight you need to serve or use. 2. Multiply your meat’s trim yield percentage (from The Book of Yields or your own experience) by the cooked yield percentage. This will result in a new, combined percentage that is smaller than either of the two original percentages. It is called a finished yield percentage. 3. Divide the trimmed and cooked weight you need to serve by the finished yield percentage. Your answer will be the number of pounds of raw, as-purchased meat you need to buy or cost out. FORMULA 3a Here is the same formula restated, using the finished yield percentage in lieu of the parenthetical Formula 3: AS trimmed and cooked weight Finished yield percentage AP weight Proceed to complete this formula in two steps: 1. Determine what the finished yield percentage is by multiplying your trim yield percentage by your cooking yield percentage. 2. Divide the number of pounds of trimmed and cooked meat you need by the finished yield percentage. 1 gal. 4 qt. 16 c. 1 c. 8 fl. oz. 128 fl. oz. ✦ 1 qt. 2 pt. 4 c. 32 fl. oz. ✦ 1 pt. 2 c. 16 fl. oz. 16 tbsp. ✦ 1 fl. oz. 2 tbsp. ✦ 1 tbsp. 3 tsp. ✦ 1 lb. 16 oz. ✦ Purchasing Meats 111 Again, your answer will be the number of pounds of raw, as-purchased meat you need to buy, use, or cost out. Example Given: You need to serve 85 portions of 7-ounce cooked, boneless prime rib. Determine the amount of trimmed, cooked meat you need to serve or use. 1. Multiply 85 by 7 ounces: 85 7 595 oz. 2. Convert this to pounds by dividing 595 by 16: 595 oz. 16 37.2 lb. So, you need to serve 37.2 pounds of boneless, trimmed, and cooked prime rib. Given: You have an NAMP 109 prime rib and want to determine the trim yield percentage. This is provided in the Meats table, which shows the 109 rib yields 50 percent: raw, boned, defatted, and detissued. Thus, the trim yield percentage is 50 percent. Given: Now you have a 22-pound, 109 prime rib that, after trimming, weighs 11 pounds, and you want to calculate the cooking yield percentage. Assume here that your experience shows that, in your ovens, cooking a trimmed 109 prime rib weighing 11 pounds yields 9.65 pounds when slow-cooked to medium-rare. 1. Divide the cooking yield weight (9.65 pounds) by the oven–ready weight (11 pounds): 9.65 11 0.877, or 87.7% Your cooking yield percentage is 87.7 percent. 2. To calculate the finished yield percentage, multiply the trim yield percentage (0.50) by the cooking yield percentage (0.877): 0.50 0.877 0.4385, or 43.85% 3. Finally, to use the finished yield percentage to determine the necessary AP weight, divide the AS weight (37.2 pounds) by the finished yield percentage (43.85%): 37.2 lb. 0.4385 84.8 lb. You need to start with 84.8 pounds of 109 prime rib in order to serve 37.2 pounds of trimmed, cooked beef. If all your 109 roasts weigh 22 pounds, you will need just under four of them on hand to produce the 37.2 pounds of cooked meat. But do not assume they all weigh 22 pounds; they might all weigh 20 pounds, leaving you short. The point is, weigh the raw roasts before deciding how many to cook. Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit Y% ✦ 112 Chapter 9 Meats Meats NAMP Number AP Weight in Pounds Trim Loss in Pounds Primary-Use Yield in Pounds Yield Percent Number of Usable Ounces per AP Pound Trim: Miscellaneous Use in Pounds Item Name Beef Ball Tip—Bottom Sirloin Butt Beef Bottom Round Beef Prime Rib (See note 1.) Beef Strip Loin (New York) 1 in. tail Beef Tenderloin, Pismo, defatted Beef Tenderloin, whole Beef Top Round Beef Top Sirloin Butt Beef Tri-Tip, Bottom Sirloin Butt Lamb Foreshank Lamb Leg, defatted; leg and shank bones intact Lamb Leg, trimmed of fat and bone, imported Lamb Leg, fully defatted, boned, shank-off Lamb Leg, shank off, boneless; defatted, detissued Lamb Loin, short-cut, trimmed, 2 in. tail; trimmed to loin and tender Lamb Rack Double, trimmed french Lamb Rack, split & chined, trimmed to french Lamb Ribs, breast bones off Lamb Shoulder, outside, boned, detissued, defatted Pork Leg, boned, skinned, defatted Pork Leg, boned, skinned, defatted Pork Loin, boneless, defatted Pork loin, whole, boned, defatted Pork Shoulder, Boston Butt 185B 170 109 180 189A 189 168 184 185C 210 233A 233A 233A 234A 232A 204 204A 209A 207A 401A 401C 413 412A 406 14 21 20 10 7 7.5 16 15 3 1.05 10.87 7.5 10.87 5.76 2.93 7 3.38 1.02 9.37 14 14 7 9 8 3.0 4.5 10.0 3.0 0.9 3.1 4.0 4.4 1.1 0.00 3.41 3.70 5.17 0.874 1.93 3.0 1.84 0.09 4.90 5.25 2.60 1.75 4.25 1.50 11 16.5 10 7 6.1 4.4 12 10.6 1.9 1.05 7.46 3.8 5.70 4.89 1.00 4 1.54 0.93 4.48 8.75 11.4 5.25 4.75 6.5 78.6% 78.6% 50.0% 70.0% 87.1% 58.7% 75.0% 70.7% 63.3% 100.0% 68.6% 50.7% 52.4% 84.8% 34.1% 57.1% 45.5% 91.4% 47.8% 62.5% 81.4% 75.0% 52.8% 81.3% 12.6 12.6 8.0 11.2 13.9 9.4 12.0 11.3 10.1 16.0 11.0 8.1 8.4 13.6 5.4 9.1 7.3 14.6 7.6 10.0 13.0 12.0 8.4 13.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 1.0 0.4 1.5 1.0 1.0 0.3 0.00 1.33 2.5 2.77 0.00 0.71 1.25 0.82 0.14 2.40 3.25 0.75 0.75 2.75 1.5 1 gal. 4 qt. 16 c. 1 c. 8 fl. oz. 128 fl. oz. ✦ 1 qt. 2 pt. 4 c. 32 fl. oz. ✦ 1 pt. 2 c. 16 fl. oz. 16 tbsp. ✦ 1 fl. oz. 2 tbsp. ✦ 1 tbsp. 3 tsp. ✦ 1 lb. 16 oz. ✦ 5% 80.0% 39.25 15.5 7.5 0.Meats 113 Meats (Continued) NAMP Number AP Weight in Pounds Trim Loss in Pounds Primary-Use Yield in Pounds Yield Percent Number of Usable Ounces per AP Pound Trim: Miscellaneous Use in Pounds Item Name Pork Tenderloins Veal Breast Veal Double Rack. 1 pound of raw 109 yields 7 ounces. removed. trimmed of fat and bone Notes 415 313 306 334 1 10 16 35 0. Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit Y% ✦ . and all bones. backstrap. well-trimmed cooked meat—a 44% yield.8 6. slow cooking will reduce the servable weight another 12% at medium-rare.0 12.75 19.3% 14.0 9.1% 44.125 2.1 1. Convection ovens will increase the shrink (cooking loss) by 20 or 25 percent. domestic unless noted as Imported.0 6.875 8.3 7. tail. 3. Thus. plus most exterior connective tissue. frenched Veal Leg.1 0. All lamb items are U.0 16. Low.S.5 87.0 1. 2. P r ime R i b ( 1 0 9 ) : 109s in the table had the cap. to the point of spoilage. Examples include salmon. If allowed to age for more than a few days. breams and pike. basses. and tail intact. This is a fish that has been gutted and has had its scales removed and the head. one table is referenced: ✦ Seafood: In addition to being of use for costing and purchasing purposes. Before we get into the costing and purchasing procedures for seafood. For frozen seafood. In contrast to a fillet. Dressed fish. They soon deteriorate in both texture and flavor. and halibut. a definition of terms as used in this chapter is in order: ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ Finfish. In addition. For fresh seafood. This is a fish that has been eviscerated (gutted) but has its head. Fish fillet. fins. once it has thawed. A fish fillet is cut from one side of the fish and has no skin or bones. Fish steak. Note that many chefs have come to prefer receiving their fillets with the skin on because it better preserves the quality of the fillet. fins. H&G (headed and gutted). which are aged for weeks to improve their flavor and texture. for instance. Steaks are composed of both sides of the fish and include skin and bones. buy it just before you need it and use it fast! 2. Drawn fish. Many fish lend themselves very well to cooking with the skin on. when you are dealing with seafood. As the name implies.10 SEAFOOD U nlike red meats. seafood has to be used soon after it is harvested. The scales and fins will not have 114 . fish and shellfish begin to lose weight due to moisture loss. trout. there are many new additions to the Seafood table that are described as H&G and G&G (described later in this list). these are fish that have fins. trout. a steak is a crosscut of the fish. Therefore. This is similar to a dressed fish in that the fish will have had its head removed and will have been gutted. The Seafood table gives you the yield percentages obtained from preparing fish fillets from a dressed or drawn finfish. In this chapter. you’ll find the notes in this table helpful for understanding the various types of fish. two rules apply: 1. and tail trimmed away. salmon. be even faster about cooking and serving it. If. Example Given: A dressed salmon weighs 7 pounds and costs $29. follow three steps: 1. G&G (gilled and gutted). To do this. steaks. Determine the fillet cost per ounce. COSTING FILLETS IN THE WORKBOOK Part II. 2. and piece counts.60 is the AS cost per pound of your fillets. COSTING FINFISH PORTIONS We’ll tackle the costing procedures for finfish in the following order: fillets. or $1. divide the cost of the AP fish by the number of ounces of fillets it yields. fillet portions are usually smaller than portions of fish steaks. Look up the fillet yield percentages in the Seafood table. The Seafood table shows that a dressed salmon yields 75 percent of its weight in fillets. Discern the number of fillets obtained from an AP amount of fish. 2. A raw 4-ounce salmon fillet portion will be 4 times $0.Costing Finfish Portions 115 ✦ been removed. This is a fish whose gills and guts have been removed but heads.35 One as-served (or as-used) ounce of salmon fillet costs 35 cents.40 7 lb. a dressed fish will be more expensive per AP pound than the same fish in a drawn form. the simplest way to cost them is to take two steps: 1. Consequently. 2. do these calculations: 1. has one worksheet to help you cost seafood products: Seafood. however.20 per AP lb. In terms of cost.60 16 $0.75 $5. To cost an ounce of fish fillet. so divide $5. Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit Y% ✦ .20 0. The answer is your average cost per fillet. your fillets vary in size. The $5. and scales are intact.75): $4.60 3. the Workbook. Because fillets require extra processing and yield less weight from the AP fish compared to steaks. Divide the number of fillets into the cost of the AP fish.60 by 16: $5.20) by the yield percentage (0. or use your own fillet yield test results.40. Costing Worksheet 12 ✦ If all your fillets are the same weight. tails. but this is not a given. Sometimes the tail and collars will have been removed.40. fins. so divide the AP cost per pound ($4. or divide the total AP cost by the AP pounds: $29. Determine the cost per AP pound from the invoice.35. fillets are generally more expensive than steaks. $4. and 1 ounce is one-sixteenth of the pound cost. COSTING PIECE COUNTS Finfish are now commonly sold in frozen. shell-on. 2 pt.35 $3.90 10 $2.5-pound bags. ✦ 1 qt.or 2. Peeled and deveined shrimp are often IQF (individually quick frozen) and packaged in 2.50) from the cost of the fish ($29. Divide the cost of the fish (minus the value of any fillets you cut from it) by the number of steaks it produces. Vendors offer these products in a variety of sizes. Frozen Gulf White shrimp are typically marketed in 5-pound blocks. 4 qt. 16 tbsp. 16 fl. Determine an average count per pound. you cut 10 ounces of tail fillets from the salmon in the previous example. ✦ 1 tbsp. ✦ 1 lb. such as 21–25. If you then cut 10 steaks from the remaining fish. 1 gal. Calculate the number of shrimp in the box: 4 22 88 2. you would deduct $3. oz.50 (10 ounces $0. rather than an exact count per pound. You cost these portions simply by dividing the cost of the purchase unit by the number of portions it contains. lobster crab. to cost an individual shrimp: 1. Example Given: A 4-pound. ✦ 1 fl. Here’s the math. oz.116 Chapter 10 Seafood COSTING STEAKS Costing fish steaks is a simple. 8 fl. one-step process: 1. Divide that into the cost per pound.4545 Each shrimp will cost a little over 45 cents. 4 c. oz. The area near the tail is too narrow to cut into steaks so it has to be cut into fillets. ✦ 1 pt.59 ($25. 1 c. 1. 16 c. 2.90. 16 oz. 3 tsp.59). COSTING CRUSTACEANS Crustaceans are shellfish: shrimp. The reason you deduct the value of fillets is because you can’t get all steaks from a fish. Many crustaceans and mollusks are also sold by counts per pound. This leaves the remaining fish with a value of $25. such as boned trout. oz. precut portions of steaks or fillets and as whole fish. 2 tbsp. However packaged. COSTING SHRIMP Shrimp is the most commonly served crustacean and is very often sold frozen. ✦ . 128 fl. If. Frozen. Divide the cost of the box by the number of shrimp in the box: $40 88 $0. the number of shrimp per pound is expressed as a range. 2 c. headless Black Tiger shrimp are usually packed in 4-pound blocks. and crawfish are popular examples. oz.40). say. Therefore. 32 fl. 21–25 count box of shrimp averages 22 shrimp per pound and costs $40. the steaks would have an average value of $2. Therefore. raw shrimp is done by dividing the AP cost per pound by 0. Divide that amount by 16. headless shrimp will yield about 80 percent of its original weight after peeling but before cooking and about 65 percent of its original weight after both peeling and cooking. and snails. whole but cooked. oysters. scallops. do your own tests for cooked meat yields. Cost whole lobsters by dividing the total cost by the pounds purchased.) Live lobster prices vary with seasons and locality. To cost crawfish tails: 1. Bad weather that makes it impossible to harvest lobsters may mean you cannot put them on your menu at all until the weather improves. Lobster tails are marketed by size. A fresh Maine lobster will yield an average of 26 percent of its live weight in cooked meat. 2. so costing a tail is just a matter of dividing the cost per pound by the number of tails in a pound. COSTING MOLLUSKS Mollusks include clams. You cost peeled and cooked shrimp by dividing the AP cost per pound by 65 percent. or nearly so. canned. This gives you the cost per pound. cooked and partially cleaned.26). and they should react to being tapped by closing. conch. cost them by the each. Divide the AP cost per pound by its yield percentage (0. The first four types are bivalves. sold by the pound. Live clams and oysters are sold by weight and Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit Y% ✦ . COSTING LOBSTER NOTE Whole lobsters are often priced on menus on a daily basis because the purchase prices you will pay vary widely. You can buy them live. even from day to day. Multiply that by the ounces in a portion or recipe. which means they have two opposing shells. mussels.Costing Mollusks 117 A pound of ordinary (green). live animals. (Divide 16 by the ounces per tail to get the number of tails per pound.80. 2. Lobsters are marketed either as frozen tails or as whole. Divide the cost per AP pound by 16 to get the AP cost per ounce. How you cost the type of crab you sell depends on how you feature them on your menu: ✦ ✦ If you sell the cooked meat in various recipes. costing peeled. Their shells should be closed. COSTING CRABS Crabs come in many market forms and types. When you buy these fresh. COSTING CRAWFISH Crawfish (or crayfish) are commonly marketed as cleaned tails. The type of crab your menu features often depends on your locale and the time of year. be sure they are alive. just legs. and frozen. To cost this meat by the ounce: 1. If you sell them whole. The typical pack is a number-5 squat can. the Workbook. Although many fine restaurant menus feature fresh tuna. 1 c. but if you must. 2. oz. Scallops are sold already shucked and. Do a physical count per pound in order to verify that your count is what you expected. Most operators buy the water-packed tuna. This will give you the cost per drained ounce. so be watchful.118 Chapter 10 Seafood come in a number of varieties and sizes. has one worksheet to help you plan your purchases of seafood products: Seafood. Accordingly. The less expensive chunk light tuna is used for making tuna fish sandwich spreads. cost them in the normal piece-count fashion. Scallops are fairly expensive. a cup of either type will weigh approximately 5. and counts can vary from stated amounts. oz.” Both types will yield nearly identical drained weights of 48 to 49 ounces per number-5 squat can. ✦ 1 fl. Otherwise. 2 tbsp. as they do not live long after harvesting. complete these steps: 1. use the cost per can as your recipe unit cost. Canned tuna is often either described as “chunk light yellowtail” or a “solid white albacore. ✦ 1 lb. Treat them as you would any other item you buy as a count-per-pound. 32 fl. The more expensive solid albacore is used in recipes whose presentations feature the whole pieces of tuna. tuna salad for luncheon plates. you may well lose some to spoilage. Keep in mind that if your sales of these mollusks are not brisk. oz. like shrimp. 2 c. FORMULA 1 First the formula for converting trimmed fillet weights to purchase weights: AS fillet weight in pounds Yield percentage AP in pounds Example Given: You are to serve 640 ounces of swordfish loin.7 ounces. cost the number that you actually have available to serve against the entire purchase price. PURCHASING SEAFOOD IN THE WORKBOOK Part II. including the packing medium. ✦ 1 pt. oz. oz. ✦ 1 qt. 16 tbsp. 16 fl. Count the number you bought and divide that number into the purchase price to get the cost for one. are packed by size. 4 c. Purchasing Worksheet 11 ✦ We’ll cover two formulas and two methods that you’ll find of use when you’re planning your seafood purchases. and a quart. Divide the cost of the can by 48. The Seafood table shows that a loin yields 90 percent after trimming. Multiply that cost by the count used in your portion or recipe. 16 c.6 ounces. ✦ . 1 gal. COSTING CANNED TUNA NOTE It is not common practice to cost drained tuna by the cup or quart. 2 pt. which usually holds 66 to 67 ounces of tuna. If your recipe calls for one or more whole cans of tuna. That is: 1. Multiply the cost per ounce by the number of ounces in your recipe. 128 fl. either water or oil. approximately 23 ounces. To cost either type of tuna by weight. many more food service operators use canned tuna. 3 tsp. 16 oz. 8 fl. ✦ 1 tbsp. 2. and tuna melts (grilled sandwiches with cheese). 4 qt. You need to buy approximately 44. Your purchase unit is a 4-pound box. you have a loss of 10 oysters per 100 purchased.5 pounds of swordfish loin. 20 lb. FORMULA 2 The second formula shows you how to convert an as-served count to a purchase unit measure: Pieces needed Count per AP unit measure # of AP unit measures Here. and since there are 4 pounds per box. you need 5 boxes: 20 lb. 1. per box 5 boxes METHOD FOR CONVERTING AP COSTS TO R EFLECT CULLS If you want to account for any culls (items that you find unusable due to spoilage or defects). Calculate the total number needed—88 portions times 5 shrimp each: 88 5 440 each 2. To convert the 640 ounces to pounds. and each portion contains 5 shrimp. You need 20 pounds of shrimp. the AP unit measure refers to how the purchase unit is measured. Your AS amount is 40 pounds. The answer will be your culled yield percentage.) Example Given: Due to spoilage and defects. 4 lb. Example Given: You are serving 88 shrimp cocktails. Also assume the shrimp used for the cocktail averages 22 per pound. Divide that number by the original weight or count. Do the math: 1. use this method: 1. Subtract 10 from 100: 100 10 90 Y% ✦ Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit . Use three steps to determine how many boxes to buy: 1.44 lb. of shrimp 3.Purchasing Seafood 119 NOTE Swordfish portions are usually boneless “steaks” but are costed like fillets. Convert the purchase unit measure to the purchase unit—a box of shrimp. so the purchase unit measure is a pound. divide by 16: 640 16 40 lb. Divide the AS of 40 pounds by 90 percent (0. 2. (This is a lot like a trim yield percentage. This is usually pounds. Divide the pieces needed (440) by the count per pound (22): 440 shrimp 22 shrimp per lb.90 44. Subtract the cull weight or count from the AP weight or count. 2.90): 40 0. you will be converting the total ounces of as-served food to pounds. At some point. 4 qt. oz.120 Chapter 10 Seafood 2.222 Your culled. costs 20 cents: $20 100 $0. oz. You have seen this before. Assume the 100 oysters cost $20. Can you guess how? Yes. ✦ . METHOD FOR CONVERTING PORTION WEIGHTS IN O UNCES TO AP W EIGHTS IN P OUNDS This is a practice common to nearly every purchasing process. therefore. oz. 1 c.20 by its culled yield percentage (0. 8 fl. 128 fl. 2 pt. If scallops come in 5-pound boxes. 16 oz. Divide the culled count (90) by the AP count (100): 90 100 0.20 0. 4 c. as follows: 1. Each AP oyster. oz. per box 4 boxes 1 gal. how many boxes do you need? Four boxes.90 $0. because: 20 lb. you divide the AS pounds by the number of pounds in an AP unit. usable oysters actually cost 22.90 Use this culled yield percentage of 90 percent to cost the remainder of your oysters. 20 lb. 32 fl. ✦ 1 pt. 16 fl. Divide the AP cost per each of $0. 2 tbsp. ✦ 1 qt. ✦ 1 tbsp. 3 tsp.90): $0. 16 c. you divide the ounces by 16 to convert the ounces to pounds. 16 tbsp. Example Given: You need to serve 320 AS ounces of sea scallops: 320 oz.2 cents each. 16 oz. ✦ 1 fl. You need 20 pounds of scallops. 5 lb.20 2. ✦ 1 lb. To convert these AS pounds to AP units. but here it is again as a reminder. 2 c. oz. 4 11. H&G. Atlantic.0 4. dressed Salmon.6 7. drawn Catfish. whole fish Bass. Striped. drawn Bass.0 9. drawn Cod. dressed Halibut. whole fish Bass.6 7. Hawaiian Wahoo. whole fish Ling Cod. drawn Flounder. H&G Bass. H&G. H&G Halibut. whole fish Pompano. whole fish Snappers. H&G Mahi Mahi.2 7.6 11.2 12 11.4 10.2 8. H&G Albacore Tuna. H&G Petrale Sole. H&G Opah. drawn Salmon.6 7. Pacific. bloodline trimmed Ahi Tuna. G&G Sand Dabs. center cut Ahi Tuna.8 11. drawn Cod. whole fish 60% 45% 70% 55% 70% 45% 50% 60% 45% 45% 35% 45% 60% 70% 55% 30% 65% 70% 65% 65% 65% 35% 45% 75% 70% 50% 40% 9.2 8. Hawaiian Moonfish. drawn Halibut.0 6.2 7.4 5. center cut.8 10. H&G Monkfish Tails Ono.2 11.2 10.4 Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit Y% ✦ .2 8.2 5. whole fish John Dory. Sea.2 8.4 10.2 9.6 7.Seafood 121 Seafood Fillet Yield Percent* Edible Ounces per AP Pound Item Ahi Tuna. and distance in shipping all affect yields. ✦ Crab yields vary according to species and handling. ✦ A dressed fish is scaled and eviscerated. 4 qt.The percentage of tail meat to purchased weight is 15 to 20%. Sometimes the tail and collars will have been removed. The edible portion yield of drawn finfish ranges from 35% to 75%. cleaned meat. the larger the fish. cooked meat. Lump. loin Tilapia. in good condition. 2 pt. 3 tsp. oz. fins. the higher the yield. dressed Trout. yield 65 to 70% of their original headless weight. Crustaceans—Crab. The count per pound does vary but should not exceed 15 to 18. whole and very fresh. ✦ H&G (Headed and Gutted): This is similar to a dressed fish in that the fish will have had its head removed and been gutted. center cut Swordfish. and scales are intact. and includes bones and skin. 16 tbsp. loin Fillet Yield Percent* Edible Ounces per AP Pound 65% 60% 65% 60% 90% 45% 50% 95% 10. Crabmeat marked special is the least expensive. H&G Swordfish. deveined meat.0 15. oz. but this is not a given. claw. ✦ 1 fl. Most are eviscerated (gutted) and are called drawn fish. ✦ Fresh lobster (Maine or spiny) yields between 20 and 33% picked. Lobsters lose weight very fast once out of water. and backfin crabmeat are considered the best meat and are priced accordingly. oz. 16 c. cooked Dungeness crab yields 20 to 25% picked.6 14. The scales and fins will not have been 9-ounce tail. Counts up to 30 per pound are not uncommon in very casual Louisiana-style establishments. cooked meat.5-pound Maine lobster. therefore. 2 c. will yield an 8. if very fresh. ✦ Headless shrimp yield 80 to 85% peeled.4 7. Fresh Dungeness crab yields 15 to 25% picked.122 Chapter 10 Seafood Seafood (Continued) Item Spearfish. Smaller crayfish actually have a 5% larger tail meat yield than larger sizes because of the extra shell weight found with larger sizes. oz. ✦ 1 qt. 128 fl. approximate. 1 c. ✦ 1 pt. oz. Finfish: Finfish are seldom sold whole (called round). ✦ A fillet may be a whole side or a part of a side. H&G Swordfish. 16 oz. A 1. 1 gal. ✦ A steak is a crosscut of the fish.2 8. Whole. 4 c. ✦ 1 lb.4 9. The yield percentages listed in this table are. ✦ G&G (Gilled and Gutted): This is a fish whose gills and guts have been removed but heads. 8 fl. Generally. 32 fl. 2 tbsp. 2. drawn Tuna. when briefly cooked. ✦ 1 tbsp. H&G. Crayfish. 16 fl. Lobster. Shrimp: These seafood products are commonly sold frozen by weight or a count per pound. ✦ Crayfish sized an average of 10 per pound.2 *Fishing/harvesting methods. are about as large as is marketed. Raw. time. It is boneless and often skinless.6 10.4 9. dressed Swordfish. peeled shrimp. Notes 1. and has had its head and fins removed. temperature. ✦ . for restaurant use. tails. which vary widely.5 ✦ Littleneck clams are the most tender and most expensive. whiten their color. Surf clams are sold processed as frozen strips or chopped in cans. and are more expensive than bay scallops. Sea scallops are relatively large. and spawning cycle. Mollusks—Clams. Wet (or processed) scallops are less expensive and will have been dipped in a solution of sodium tripolyphosphate to extend their shelf life. ✦ Frozen scallops are typically packaged in 4-pound blocks and are sized as a range count per pound.000 animals. Bluepoint oysters are 220 to the bushel—1 gallon meat represents one bushel.5 Chowders (average 125 to 180) Under 200 Over 3. Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit Y% ✦ .Seafood 123 3. and firm their texture. U-10 (under 10 per pound) is the largest size. depending on feed. and a slightly grayish color to them. Manila clams measure 1. with counts up to 90 per pound. appearance. ✦ Oyster varieties are numerous and are packed according to sizes. a sticky or tacky feel. Olympia oysters are 400 per bushel—1 gallon represents 500 or more. One pound of blue mussels averages 16 mussels. which makes it more difficult to caramelize their surfaces. Quahog clams are harvested around 3 to 6 inches long. Dry scallops are also known as Day Boats and divers.5 to 4 inches long.5 inches. Dry scallops will have the scent of the ocean. ✦ Fresh scallops (typically sea scallops) are sold as dry or wet and are also packaged by a count (range) per pound. An 8-gallon bushel yields 800 to 1.24 to 1. season. Soft-shell steamer clams range in market size from 1. Chowders are the toughest and least expensive. ✦ Blue mussels yield 25 to 55% meat. Most conch processed in the United States is actually whelk. yielding 45 to 55% meat. Wet scallops. Sea scallops have better flavor. Conch. Oysters. For example. Mussels: Clams Littlenecks Cherrystones Topnecks Count per Bushel 450–600 300–400 200–250 Inch Size 1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 3. Day Boats are often hand harvested and are available most of the year. Divers are harvested by hand in the winter months. ✦ Conch yields about 50% of its in-shell weight. ranging from U-10 to about 30 per pound. Meat yield of one bushel ranges from 10 to 30 pounds. Geoduck clams grow to over 9 inches and are usually harvested at 3 pounds but grow larger and yield 50% meat. ✦ Green New Zealand mussels are larger and meatier than the blues. when cooked. Bay scallops are much smaller. and texture. weep more than the dry type. Costing Worksheet 13 ✦ hicken. in particular. the second joint. Of course. geese. turkey. turkey. small birds. or completely skinned and boned. the Workbook. COSTING POULTRY This section covers costing procedures in this order: chicken. with giblets. Legs and thighs are available joined. Because many menus do not market every part of a bird. poultry processors “fabricate” whole birds into market forms such as breasts. half breasts. and wings. quail. It also lists piece yields for three weights of turkeys. has one worksheet to help you cost poultry products: Poultry. and duckling are among the most popular types of poultry on menus today. and duckling. Breasts can be had without skin or bones or with skin but no bones. although the latter is not as popular as chicken. thighs. as well as planning your purchases. game hen. The Poultry table lists the yields that you can obtain from a whole fryer/broiler chicken weighing nearly 59 ounces. separated. is tremendously profitable. seasoned. known as a tender or tenderloin. you can buy half chickens or quarters as well. You will find the Poultry Costing Worksheet 13 of help in calculating the 124 . the neck is also typically included with giblets. legs. One table is referenced in the discussion in this chapter: ✦ Poultry COSTING CHICKEN Chicken is by far the most popular type of poultry and is marketed in numerous ways.11 POULTRY C IN THE WORKBOOK Part II. you can order these items with further refinements. simply. as is turkey. or marinated. Additionally. gizzard. you can buy a whole chicken with or without its giblets. you can buy these special market forms already breaded. and liver. the bird is designated as a WOG (“without giblets”). Finally. For example. You can even buy just the interior breast muscle. Wings are sold whole and in pieces: the first joint is called a drumette. It also addresses the options you have when assigning costs to poultry items. This chapter will explain how to make decisions about selecting the market forms of various poultry items that are most suitable for your operation. Giblets consist of the heart. the second joint is called. When sold without giblets. Chicken. costing is easy. thighs.7 percent of the AP weight: 0. say. and backs from the AP cost.04 coming in the door. and thighs.04 0.9 percent of the original AP weight. for instance) in your recipes. the giblets. you multiply the whole breast’s yield percentage of 29. if you are going to use only one or two parts (breasts and wings. for instance. legs. and legs—you cost these parts by dividing the adjusted cost of the bird by the part’s yield percentages. so be sure to have that reference handy when you are costing and planning purchases of poultry.95 Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit . when you want to calculate the cost of a certain part. The Poultry table on chicken shows the weight yields of these parts. wings.6 percent of the AP weight. so to speak. You simply designate the exact size and trim you want to receive and do a piece-count costing.04) by the parts’ yield percentage (0. For instance.95 0.95: COSTING PARTS OF WHOLE BIRDS $4. though. the North American Meat Processors Association (NAMP) publishes a Poultry Buyers Guide that clearly defines poultry marketing terminology and describes various cuts and market forms of poultry items. They add up to 67. its adjusted cost will be $5.296 $1.679 $5.679 $5. Simply follow two steps: 1. legs. Subtract the value of those usable items from the AP cost per bird.95 This is the adjusted cost per bird. 2. These are available in various sizes and with or without bones or skin.04 (not deducting giblet costs). the whole breast (both halves with skin and bones).6 percent by the adjusted cost of the whole bird.107 $0. PIECE COUNTS If you process whole birds into their respective parts—breasts. Multiply the various parts’ yield percentage by the adjusted cost of $5. When you buy just the parts (pieces) your menu calls for.9 percent to arrive at the adjusted cost per bird. 1. pieces—and be done with it. if a bird costs $4. 2. Example Given: One AP chicken costs $4.9 percent of its original weight. thighs.95 Then. ✦ The yield for both wings is 10. so: $5. The Poultry table shows the yield for both breast halves is 29. Now do the math. You use this percentage to “adjust” the purchase price of the bird.64 Y% ✦ $5.95. buy those particular items—that is. legs. Breasts. This approach works as well when you first deduct the dollar value of the usable trim. If you do this with the wings. whereby you simply divide the cost of the box by 24 to get the cost per each.04 0.76 Therefore. wings. Remember.Costing Poultry 125 NOTE As it does for meat. Its breasts. and wings obtained from whole birds. are usually sold as half breasts (a standard portion) and are often packaged in boxes of 24 pieces. Divide by the total yield percentage of 67. costs for the breasts. Adjust the AP cost by dividing the AP cost ($4. those costs will add up to the original price of the bird. and thighs represent 67.679): $4. 4 c. divide the cost per pound by the cooked meat yield percentage. which equals the AP cost of the bird. though hens are now marketed in the 22. the breasts are often sold as separate items.176 per lb. A tom is generally larger than a hen. You will get a 41 percent cooked meat yield from a roasted turkey if you not only carve the meat from the cooked bird but also hand-pull the remaining meat from its bones. boneless meat. bone-in breast yields 73. ✦ 1 fl. If you first deduct the cost of the giblets.) COSTING TURKEY The method just described for chicken works for costing turkey parts as well.3 to 1 for a tom and 1.163 $0. If the AP cost per pound is $0. ✦ 1 pt.95 ✦ The yield for both thighs is 16. 4 qt. oz. Turkeys are sold as hens (females) and as toms (males). The Poultry table indicates that the tom has more breast meat than a hen.05. these totals add up to $4. they add up to $4.363 $2.126 Chapter 11 Poultry ✦ The yield for both drumsticks is 11. Legs are typically packed whole. but note that the tom listed in the table is bigger and more mature. 2 c. such as a case of legs. resulting in a larger.3 percent. (The Poultry Costing Worksheet shows you how to cost these parts even further. To cost this meat. 8 fl. or $0. COSTING COOKED TURKEY ✦ A cooked ounce will cost one-sixteenth of the cooked pound cost: $2. 128 24-pound range.736. The same breast will yield 50 percent of its AP weight in cooked meat.114 $0. 2 tbsp. divide the cost per AP pound by 0. neck. younger hens.176 per lb. A raw. The carving yield for a cooked 22-pound hen is 36.4 percent of the AP weight: 0.79 per lb. and you cost these by the each using the piece-count approach: Divide the cost of the purchase unit. oz.68 $5.6 percent of its AP weight in raw. oz. Breasts are sold with or without the skin and bones and with or without wing meat or rib meat attached. 16 oz. ✦ 1 qt. 2 pt.50. 32 fl. and back from the original AP cost of the bird.3 percent of the AP weight: 0.6 to 1 for a hen of equal size. ✦ A 5-ounce portion will cost you five times that. oz. the results will still add up to the lower adjusted cost of the AP bird. more developed breast than the smaller. 16 fl. 16 tbsp. 16 oz. which is well into the market weight range for toms. oz. so to cost the cooked meat. skinless. as are legs.136 per cooked oz. divide that cost by the cooked and carved yield percentage: $0. ✦ . As a percentage of its weight. by the number of legs in the case. 0.79. 1 c. When pricing a banquet featuring cooked turkey meat. Simply plug in the yield percentages for the turkey parts to cost the turkey’s various pieces. a tom has more dark meat than a hen and a hen more light meat than a tom.97 $5. ✦ 1 lb. 3 tsp. 16 c. including deducting the giblet costs first.68. $0.04. 1 gal./lb.95 When rounded. Hens generally yield more usable meat per AP pound because their bones are smaller than those of toms. The ratio of light to dark meat is 1. Without rounding. COSTING PARTS OF TURKEY Because of the popularity of turkey breast meat. divide the AP cost per pound by 0. ✦ 1 tbsp. carved. are sold whole and halved. and thighs. the AP cost per pound is $0. The following equations show how using a 41 percent yield will lower the food cost for the 5-ounce portion in the preceding example.93 per lb. COSTING GEESE A young goose weighing 11 pounds will be composed of the following cuts as percentages of its AP weight: ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ Back and ribs: 21 percent Breasts: 24 percent. 16 oz. $1.79. Because of the lower food cost. The meat yield from a whole duckling is 32 percent. heart: 5 percent Liver: 3 percent (unless purposefully fattened for duck foie gras) Cost duckling pieces just as you would chicken pieces. you can buy half duckling already cooked and with the rib bones removed.79 by the 41 percent cooked. legs. Cornish game hens. which is 11. As percentages of its body weight.) Legs and thighs: 22 percent Wings: 16 percent Neck. If a portion is a half duckling. a rather popular poultry item. and pulled meat yield: $0. rather than carve and plate them on a buffet line. How so? The savings of $0.60. 1.Costing Poultry 127 This increase in the yield will result in a lower cost per ounce. COSTING SMALL BIRDS Quail. Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit Y% ✦ .93 per lb.79 per lb. heart: 14 percent Liver: 3 percent (unless purposefully fattened for sale as foie gras) Cost the various pieces by using the same method described for chicken or turkey pieces.12 per cooked oz. including the bone and skin (Actual breast meat is about 12 percent. gizzard. simply divide the whole duckling’s cost by 2. a duckling breaks down this way: ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ Breasts: 30 percent Legs and thighs: 25 percent Back and ribs: 25 percent Neck. Today./lb. and squab (young pigeons) are sold whole or halved. Divide $0.41 $1. A standard portion is either a half duckling or a rather large half breast. Again. A 5-ounce portion will now cost $0.68 equals 0. 0. this approach to preparing turkey banquets is used by chefs who preplate their foods. gizzard. which is 8 cents less and translates to a reduction in cost of nearly 12 percent. as well as in breast halves.08 divided by the original portion cost of $0. COSTING DUCKLING Ducklings. Use the piece-count approach to cost these items.1176.76 percent. It is also 30 percent bone and 38 percent skin and fat. $0. The Poultry table shows that a tom turkey breast weighs 144 ounces whole. these parts can be ordered skinless and boneless.7 ounces. 4 c. ✦ 1 tbsp. oz.7 ounces. Obtain the yield percentage of boneless. 8. and the untrimmed half breast. has one worksheet to help you more accurately plan your poultry purchases: Poultry. 16 fl. ✦ 1 fl. so you can specify exactly the size and amount of trim you want. Therefore. or other birds for the purpose of processing them into equal numbers of breasts. and 106 ounces. 2 c. boneless. oz. turkeys.655 (65. skinless half breast weighs 5. therefore. If. you’ll need 550 ounces. Except for wings. FORMULA 1 The formula for converting boneless. poultry processors market the various parts in different ways. skinned turkey breast meat. and drumsticks. you must add up all the part types needed and divide by 2. wings. (This is the trimmed weight divided by the untrimmed weight. 1 c.3 pounds of bone-in/skin-on half breasts. you feel it is advantageous to order whole parts and then skin and bone them yourself. 16 oz. Divide the trimmed weight by the untrimmed weight to find the Y%. skinless: 106 1 gal.7 0. 32 fl. ✦ 1 qt.7361 ✦ 128 fl. the Workbook. 4 qt. 2. oz. In order to calculate how many whole birds to order. Divide the AS weight of 360 ounces by 0.7 8. Here’s the formula for converting boneless.128 Chapter 11 Poultry PURCHASING POULTRY IN THE WORKBOOK Part II. skinless half breasts. . or 34. 2 tbsp. skinless turkey breast weight to whole turkey breast weight: FORMULA 2 AS weight of full. order just the parts you need rather than whole birds. 2 pt. 3 tsp. If you are not going to use equal numbers of a bird’s parts. So: 5. oz. thighs. 16 c. oz. skinless breast halves.) The Poultry table shows that a boneless. skinless half breasts to untrimmed half breasts is this: AS weight breast meat Breast meat yield percentage AP weight of whole breast halves Example Given: You need 360 ounces of boneless. boneless. the following four formulas show you how to go about it. Purchasing Worksheet 12 ✦ When you are buying whole chickens. Divide the AS amount by the yield percentage (Y%) to determine the AP amount. 16 tbsp.655 and you get 550 ounces. As noted earlier. however. keep in mind that each bird yields two of each type of part. Here’s how to find the whole breast weight needed: 1. 8 fl. 144 0. ✦ 1 lb.5 percent) 2. To determine how many ounces of untrimmed half breasts you need to get 360 ounces: 1. ✦ 1 pt. This formula approach works the same for the legs and thighs. skinless turkey breast AP whole breast weight Yield percentage Example Given: You need an AS amount of 312 ounces of boned. use the 41 percent yield formula (Formula 4). The total weight served will be 750 ounces (5 To convert the ounces to pounds. Y% ✦ Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit . You should order 114. Divide the weight needed (46.5 pounds (423. however. You will need 26. 0. Many chefs pad the calculated AP weight by 5 percent or more. 46.9 pounds) by the carved meat yield (0. carved turkey to AP whole turkey weight: AS weight of cooked./lb. use the 41 percent yield factor.363): 46.5). It’s a good idea to order a bit more than the formula indicates.9 lb. and pulled turkey to an AP raw weight: AS weight of carved and pulled turkey AP weight of raw turkey NOTE If the meat is precarved and the extra pulled meat is added to the amount being served.363 129.2 pounds of raw turkey. to account for possible mistakes in production or on the serving line or to accommodate extra guests. Example (Carved Meat Only) Given: You are going to serve turkey carved on a buffet line in 5-ounce portions of cooked meat to 150 guests. 150 750). follow these steps: 1.9 lb.3 percent carved meat yield factor to calculate how many pounds of raw turkey to buy. (The total yield. Divide the 46.Purchasing Poultry 129 This is the poultry Y%.) If you are carving the turkeys on a buffet 24-pound hen.9 pounds by 41 percent: 46. Thus. carved.3 percent of its AP weight (including neck and giblets) in carved meat. You’ll need to order 129.9 lb. and extensive testing shows that the best yield of cooked meat comes from a 20.9 ounces of whole turkey breast to have 312 ounces to use.3 lb. you’ll need to buy 423. including meat that is hand-pulled from the carcass after carving. 16 oz. Divide the number of ounces by 16: 750 oz. 3. FORMULA 3 This is the formula for converting AS weight of cooked. 0.2 lb.41 114. the cooked turkey will yield 36. 2. Divide 312 by 0. If you are going to carve and pull off all the remaining carcass meat and then reheat it for service. FORMULA 4 Here is the final formula is for converting cooked.363 AP weight of raw turkey Holiday banquets often feature roast turkey. cooked in a conventional oven at 325 F to an internal thigh temperature of 165 F.9 ounces. is 41 percent. After a brief rest. carved turkey 0. use the 36.41 1.7361 to get 423.9 16 26. 0.3 pounds of raw turkey. 4 ounces) by the whole weight (17. oz.68 0.73 $2. 128 fl. or 93. you have to divide the 10 pounds by 0. the trim yield percentage for whole to boneless. To calculate the percentage of the untrimmed price per pound to the trimmed price per pound. Example Given: Whole chicken breasts cost $2. 10 pounds of skinless. How? Say you need 10 pounds of boneless.30. 1 c. 4 c. meaning that the trimmed food is the better buy.4 0.655 15. 3 tsp. oz. To determine the trim yield percentage for breasts. but also in labor costs.2 percent.5 percent of any weight that you start with in cleaned breast meat. Because of the amount of trimming you would have to do.5 percent. skinless breasts is 65. ✦ 1 qt. that is: 10 lb.9317.93 0. 2. Remember. oz. oz. 2 pt. and boneless. if you want to end up with 10 pounds. 16 tbsp. oz. So.27 lb. boneless breasts at $2. rounded The untrimmed price percentage of 93. ✦ 1 fl. 16 fl. divide the trimmed weight given in the Poultry table (11. and includes a table you can use to help make decisions of this sort. 1.) 1 gal. ✦ 1 pt.130 Chapter 11 Poultry DECIDING BETWEEN TRIMMED AND UNTRIMMED If you are not sure whether to buy an item already trimmed.92 per pound.93 per pound will cost $29. although a trimmed food’s cost per pound will always be more than an untrimmed food’s cost. $41. you would have to buy 15. you will be buying or using less of it and may be spending less on the trimmed food. skinless breasts cost $2. 8 fl. divide the whole breast cost ($2. ✦ 1 tbsp. In comparison. here’s a simple test you can do to help you decide: Divide the cost per pound of an untrimmed food by the cost per pound of the trimmed item. 16 oz. The reason is that.73/lb. You are better off with the trimmed meat not only in food cost. 2 c.27 pounds of whole breasts to end up with 10 pounds of cleaned breasts. the trim yield percentage means that you will only get 65.655 to calculate how many pounds of whole breast to start with. and: 15. 2 tbsp.2 percent is larger than the trim yield percentage of 65.27 lb.4 17. ✦ 1 lb.4 ounces): 11.5 percent.93): $2. (The Purchasing Worksheets contain a worksheet called Trimmed versus Untrimmed Prices that explains this in more detail.73) by the trimmed cost ($2. 32 fl. you should buy the trimmed food. 16 c. $2. ✦ . If this untrimmed price percentage (the untrimmed price expressed as a percentage of the trimmed price) is greater than the food’s trim yield percentage.73 per pound. 4 qt.655 Thus. skinless breast meat. 0 2.8% 5. with skin Water.0% 48.4 10.8 17. each Legs.5 0.2 6.4 11.20 16. each Breast.2 21.10 9.5% 5. each Whole Bird General General General General General General General General General General General Wings Wings Wings Wings Breast Breast Breast Breast Breast Breast Legs Legs Legs Legs Legs 58.50 1.0 100. whole.9% 3.0 7. whole (both halves) Breast.8 28.8% 2.7% 6. tenderloins.5% 5. first joint (drumette) Wings. blood.25 0.9% 2. whole Wings.4% 8. Large Fryer Whole Clean Meat Bones Skin Separable Fat Gizzard Heart Liver Neck.4% 4.0% 0.7 6.Poultry 131 Poultry Ounce Weight Percent of Original Weight Ounce Weight of Each Each: Percent of Original Weight Item Name Part Type Chicken.0% 35.15 1. boneless.70 2. tips Breast.4 2.6% 11. tenderloins. boneless.90 1.40 5.6% 19.10 1.6% 2.1% 3. detissued Legs.9% 4.4% 2.3% 18.7% 14. whole.4% 1. whole Drumsticks.6 2.80 3. skinless Neck.60 0.7% 12. skinless Breast.0% 13. second joint (middle) Wings.2 3. skinless Drumstick Meat. skinless Breast Half.25 1.70 1.1% 4.1% 0. and cutting loss Back Wings.3 3.10 10.3% 1.4% 0. whole (drum and thigh) Drumsticks.7% 5. both Breast Half.2 27.8% Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit Y% ✦ .4% 10.70 8.4% 29. skinless Legs and Thighs Back and Ribs Wings Gizzard Whole bird General General General General General General 224. 8 fl.1 6.0 35.9% 5.0% 11.0 46. ✦ 1 lb.6 8.4% 21.9 6.7% 4. hen (14 pounds) Hen (14 pounds) Breast. oz. 16 fl. each Part Type Legs Legs Legs Thighs Thighs Thighs Thighs Thighs Thighs 9.35 5.0% 3.5% 11.4% 29.0% 29.4% 20.2% 6.3 100. whole.5 59.8% 2.5% 26. 128 fl. 2 tbsp.95 8. 1 c.9% 20. ✦ 1 tbsp.7% 5.0 6. whole Thighs.3 6. oz.6 57. 16 c. ✦ 1 pt. boneless. boneless. full. whole Breast.132 Chapter 11 Poultry Poultry (Continued) Ounce Weight Percent of Original Weight Ounce Weight of Each Each: Percent of Original Weight Item Name Drumstick. 4 c.0 79. each Thighs. 16 oz.6 100.8% 10.4 0.4% Turkey. oz.0 3. 4 qt. skinless Thighs.0 19. each Thighs. each Thighs.9% 3. ✦ 1 fl. 16 tbsp.10 1.3% 2.60 3.8% 1 gal.6% 25.0 47. skinless Back and Ribs Wings Gizzard Neck Liver Heart Whole bird General General General General General General General General General 160. whole.0 47. ✦ 1 qt. 2 pt.80 4.1 5. skinless. skinless.0 32. full. 32 fl. skinless. 3 tsp. whole Breast. oz. 2 c. ✦ . oz.0% 35. hen (10 pounds) Whole Legs and thighs Breast. boneless Thighs. boneless.0% Turkey. each Cleaned Meat from 1 Drumstick Drumstick.1% 0.3% 2. skinless.3% 13.05 2.8% 3.0 25. 0 64.0 84.7 2.0 144. Gizzard.1% 23.9% 30.8 33.9% 18. Chicken: 1 cup of cooked chicken liver weighs 5 ounces.5% 3.6% 0. Body Composition Breasts Legs and Thighs Back and Ribs Wings Neck.6 0. boneless. and Heart Liver Whole 7-pound Duckling Percent 30% 25% 25% 12% 5% 3% 100% Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit Y% ✦ .4 12. tom (22 pounds) Tom Breast. whole Breast.0% 40. full.0 6.4 100. 38% skin and fat.8% 1.3 4. meat yield is 32%. skinless Legs and Thighs Back and Ribs Wings Neck Gizzard Liver Heart Notes Whole bird General General General General General General General General General 352.4% 1. 2.Poultry 133 Poultry (Continued) Ounce Weight Percent of Original Weight Ounce Weight of Each Each: Percent of Original Weight Item Name Neck Liver Heart Part Type General General General 5. A whole raw chicken without giblets or neck will yield about 83% of its original weight when roasted.4% 1.3% 0. Ducklings: Yield 30% bone.4 3.3% Turkey.4% 1.5 1.0 106.4% 9. Scoop or Disher Sizes 3.S. S COOPS . If your recipe calls for more than one measure. AND S HEET T RAYS IN C OSTING s noted where appropriate in Chapters 1 through 11 of The Book of Yields. the size of the can in which a food item is packaged will have to be factored in to any costing process.S. hotel pans. 134 . which lists the maximum capacities of various can sizes measured in the following ways: ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ U. multiply the number of measures in your recipe by the cost of one measure. scoops. accurate costing of certain items can be affected by factors other than weight and size— specifically. and sheet trays. Therefore. kitchen utensils and cans. To help you with that. HOTEL PANS.12 THE PROPER USE OF C ANS . Three tables are referenced in the discussion in this chapter: 1. Can Sizes 2. divide the number of measures into the cost of one can. refer to the Can Sizes table. Sizes and Capacities of Hotel Pans A CANS Obviously. fluid ounces Milliliters U. this chapter addresses how to properly account for such containers and utensils as cans. cups Imperial (British) cups If you are using all of the ingredients in a can and want to cost the value of one of the measures listed. Use the When you know the cost of one fluid ounce of a particular methods just described. tomato paste (no draining). To cost a cup. Each size comes in three depths: shallow. but use your own food. To get the cost per fluid ounce. It also lists their capacities in quarts and liters in two ways: when the pans are filled to the brim and when they are filled to what is called a nonspill capacity. The table shows that a number-8 scoop holds 4 fluid ounces.Hotel Pans 135 Example Given: A number-303 can of tomato paste costs $2.90 by the 2.36 HOTEL PANS Hotel pans. The Sizes and Capacities of Hotel Pans table gives you all these variations for stainless-steel hotel pans. Every scoop has a number stamped onto the curved say. The Can Sizes table shows that one 303 can holds 16. Just be scoop to serve it. it is a good idea “blade” on the inside of the bowl. dishes. 2. Multiply sure to scrape the food to the top of the ladle. also called dishers. Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit Y% ✦ .43) or divide $2. are handheld. 8 fluid ounces. multiplying its capacity in fluid ounces by the cost per fluid ounce. metal half-rounds used to portion out fairly exact volumes of foods onto serving If you frequently use a particular canned food. This number tells you how to actually measure the fluid ounces and cups many scoops of that size will equal a single quart (32 fluid that you obtain in your kitchen. medium. you can cost the value of any single scoop of that food by yields to do your actual costing.18: $2. and that you are using a number-8 of food as well. A number-4 scoop will hold one-fourth of a quart—that your cans may not be filled to maximum is.S. or 2. either multiply that answer times 8 ($1. the cost per fluid ounce (9 cents) by the fluid-ounce capacity (4) to get the cost of the when necessary.179 per fl. are made out of stainless steel (or heatproof.023 U. level scoopful: NOTE $0. The key word here is level: You have to scrape the food across the edge of the container from which you are scooping the food in order to get You can use this same a level scoop.The reason is that ounces). capacity and your cooks may not be gleaning every morsel of food from every can. divide the cost of the can ($2. approach to cost ladles Say that a fluid ounce of some food costs 9 cents.90) by 16.90.90 16.023 cups that equal the capacity of the number-303 can: $2.43 SCOOPS Scoops. The Scoop or Disher Sizes table tells you how many fluid NOTE ounces equal one level scoop. cups. oz.90 2.18 fluid ounces. 1.18 $0. also called steam table pans. and deep. food-grade plastic) in eight standard sizes with respect to their length and width.023 $1.09 4 $0. Probably you’ll know the cost of the soup (by the fluid ounce and serving size) from your recipe development. 2. soup evaporates in these warming units. 128 fl. ✦ 1 lb. S c o o p s . The Pans and Trays table identifies types of sheet trays and gives you a variety of standard portion sizes and number of portions that can be cut from a full sheet tray. oz. 3 tsp. oz. 32 fl. 4 c. Be sure to keep just enough soup in your tureens to ensure that the flavors stay fresh. 16 oz.136 Chapter 12 T h e P r o p e r U s e o f C a n s . and each fillet costs $2. increasing your portion costs and often causing your soup to become salty or too thick or to just taste overdone. 2 tbsp. 8 fl. oz. 16 tbsp. Sheet cakes and various pastry bars are examples. ✦ 1 tbsp. multiply the cost per portion by the number of portions the pan contains. 1 c. 1 gal. ✦ 1 fl. 1. If you know the value of the whole pan but don’t know the value of a portion. you have a hotel pan of baked lasagna worth $12. H o t e l P a n s . ✦ . ✦ 1 qt. 2 pt. 16 fl. 4 qt. Use this information to cost portions by dividing the number of portions you get from a tray into the cost of one sheet tray recipe. oz. ✦ 1 pt. the cost of the entire pan will be $32: $2 16 $32 If. 2 c. using the second approach. divide the pan content’s value (food cost) by the portions you get from it. sheet trays. Example Given: A hotel pan holds 16 portions of salmon fillet. and portioned off. NOTE OF SOUP TUREENS Soup is often held for service on a steam table or in a stand-alone soup-warmer. a n d S h e e t Tr a y s i n C o s t i n g Hotel pans are used to hold a number of single portions or a mass of food that should equal a known number of portions. and your yield may shrink after a few hours. However. the cost per portion is $1: $12 12 $1 SHEET TRAYS Many recipes are baked on. and you get 12 portions from one pan. Using the first approach. 16 c. oz. however. To cost the value of a hotel pan’s contents. 480 8.891 5. Read the can label for precise weight or volume data regarding its contents.S.478 384.113 10.052 172.075 6.040 0. Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit Y% ✦ .607 The fluid ounces and milliliters above specify the capacity of these cans to contain liquids.500 431.414 7.866 0.353 1.397 309.590 12.684 1.023 1.918 5.931 246.900 56.830 3102.S.690 16.195 3.862 1465.324 582.S.Can Sizes 137 Can Sizes Standard U.180 14.972 2.729 10.519 1. Food packers sometimes use near-standard custom-size cans that contain less volume.091 0.263 13.320 5.049 1.900 104. Cups Imperial Cups Nu Number 10 10 Number 5 Number 3 cylinder Number 2 1/2 Number 2 Number 303 Number 300 Number 211 cylinder Number 1 picnic 8 ounce 6 ounce Note 104.625 1.569 2.310 1.263 3102. Fluid Ounces Milliliters U.664 844.918 1673.550 19.461 2.600 49.560 28. Can U.158 2.113 13.998 10.824 1.303 478. 100 0.318 39.000 0.066 0.667 0.250 0. 2 tbsp. Fluid Ounces Milliliters Cups per Scoop Scoops per Cup 8.009 Accurate portioning with dishers requires level scraping across the top of the disher cup.333 4. 1 gal. 16 tbsp.333 0.763 1.000 1.500 0.133 0.525 23. 3 tsp. ✦ 1 pt. ✦ 1 fl.500 2.400 5. a n d S h e e t Tr a y s i n C o s t i n g Scoop or Disher Sizes Disher Size Number 4 5 6 8 10 12 16 20 24 30 40 60 Note U.000 2.588 189. 4 c.294 94.001 4.138 Chapter 12 T h e P r o p e r U s e o f C a n s .422 31. ✦ 1 qt.500 3. ✦ 1 tbsp.533 236.333 1.400 0.800 0.635 78.067 1. The number imprinted on the blade of the scoop states how many level scoops of that size are in one 32-fluid-ounce quart.000 3. oz. 4 qt.167 0. 1 c. 32 fl.800 0.843 59.505 10.659 15. 16 c. oz.200 2. ✦ .S.200 0. H o t e l P a n s . 128 fl.000 6. oz.666 2. 2 c.250 1. 16 oz. 16 fl. S c o o p s .002 7.271 157.000 15.000 1.000 5. 8 fl.716 118. oz.000 6.147 47. oz. 2 pt. ✦ 1 lb.600 1. deep Ninth Ninth.26 6.0 4.30 8. deep Two-Thirds Two-thirds.03 2.9 1. General Size Full Dimension (Inches) Width Length Depth Brimful Capacity Quarts Liters Nonspill Capacity Quarts Liters Common Name Full shallow Full medium Full deep 12 12 12 12 12 12 6. medium Two-thirds.42 2. deep Fourth Fourth.68 8.26 1.5 1.31 5.7 0.7 5.8 3.5 4 6 2.84 5.18 Standard Half Half shallow Half medium Half deep Long Half Long half.2 4.8 2.6 1.20 1.0 2.07 6.8 0.75 pan’s capacity compared to stainless.55 0.85 1.14 1. deep Third Third.5 4 6 2.0 18.0 3.84 4.5 4 6 1.5 6.0 4.5 1.25 2.25 2.0 9.79 5. 1 inch Long half.0 2.0 12.5 8.5 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 6 6 6 6 6 6 4 4 20 20 20 10 10 10 20 20 20 20 14 14 14 14 7 7 7 10 10 10 7 7 7 7 7 2. medium Sixth.46 3.88 5.5 in.5 4 6 2. The larger the pan.47 1.75 2.6 7.0 12. shallow Long half. Hard plastic food pans hold be- tween 5 and 20 percent less because of thicker wall construction.1 3.5 4 6 2.62 2.46 1.5 6.Sizes and Capacities of Hotel Pans 139 Sizes and Capacities of Hotel Pans Stainless Steam Table Pans.3 14.5 25.70 2.26 7.77 1.5 7. shallow Two-thirds.2 1. deep Sixth Sixth.32 2.42 1.57 11.0 5.1 1.51 6.0 6.70 2. a full shallow pan is actually 12. 20.0 4.1 6. shallow Third.56 0.0 1.7 10.36 1. shallow Sixth.68 11. For instance.37 4. the less the plastic material reduces the Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit Y% ✦ .25 2.0 2.5 6. shallow Ninth. medium Note Pan dimensions are rounded.7 8.5 1.80 13.5 4 6 1.76 3. medium Third.84 4.50 5.25 19.37 3.6 9.5 4 8.0 3.0 4.5 3.3 5.3 14.36 17. 1 inch Two-thirds.32 0.99 3.3 6. shallow Fourth.34 9. medium Long half.89 3.87 4.4 0.5 1.0 21.39 7.85 13.5 5.0 3.52 1. medium Fourth.5 4 6 2.6 4.57 1.4 2. ✦ 1 tbsp. bun pans) are of two primary sizes.0 42.6 2 2 2 Length Length Number of Cuts per Width 4 7 6 8 9 13 10 13 13 13 Length Piece Size (Square Inches) 9. 32 fl.0 Piece Size (Square Centimeters) 57. racks.5 4. 2 pt.4 6. 16 c. 4 qt. (33 are designed to fit the full sheet tray: 18 Full Sheet Tray Cutting Yields Width (Inches) 4. A half size measures 13 18 in. 16 oz.6 5. ✦ .4 7. 16 fl. oz. oz. a n d S h e e t Tr a y s i n C o s t i n g Standard sheet trays (also called sheet pans.6 5 5 5 2 2. ✦ 1 fl.25 2 Width 11. 26 in. 46 cm). and so on Number of Cuts per Width 4 7 6 8 9 13 10 13 13 13 Length (Centimeters) 1 gal. oz. The area of 1 full sheet tray is 468 in2 (3. H o t e l P a n s . S c o o p s . 128 fl. oz. tables. oz. 16 tbsp. 4 c. refrigerators. 2 c. 3 tsp.2 38.5 6.0 4. 8 fl. Commercial kitchen ovens. ✦ 1 lb.0 6. ✦ 1 pt. ✦ 1 qt. 1 c.036 cm2).5 25.0 28.140 Sheet Trays Chapter 12 T h e P r o p e r U s e o f C a n s .7 5 5 6. baking pans.0 Number of Pieces 52 70 78 104 117 Number of Pieces 52 70 778 104 117 26 in.5 2. 2 tbsp.5 3 2. A full sheet tray is 18 (46 66 cm). the measurements of greatest concern are volume. The reason lies in history.79891 milligrams). when it comes to fluid ounces.13 MEASUREMENT CONVERSION WESTERN SYSTEMS OF MEASURE In the food service profession. Here’s the math: 1 cubic inch equals 16.5 grains. of 282 cubic inches. Further delineations in the avoirdupois system are as follows: ✦ ✦ 1 ounce equals 437. Metric 2. 1. systems both use equivalent pounds and ounces to measure weights. a French term roughly translated as “goods of weight. thus.” Avoirdupois pounds and ounces are used to measure weight (mass). whereas the English used both the wine gallon and an ale gallon.35 grams per avoirdupois ounce. but the system for that— fortunately—is universal and so is not covered here. 1 gram equals 15. There are three Western measurement systems: NOTE Of course. This system is referred to as avoirdupois.387064 277.S.08 141 .42 4. and temperature. the American and imperial systems differ: the U. weight. while the imperial weighs 28. American (United States) 3. which is a slight overstatement. and was calculated to be 277. But in 1824.5 grains in 1 ounce by 15.413.43236 grains in 1 gram. The American colonists adopted the wine gallon measure of 231 cubic inches to measure liquids. so: 16. and specify that a pound equals 7. However. there are 28. Measurement Conversions AMERICAN AND IMPERIAL SYSTEMS NOTE The term grain in the avoirdupois system actually refers to a grain of wheat. it equals 28.387064 cubic centimeters. When you divide 437. The imperial gallon was defined as the volume of 10 pounds of water at 62 degrees Fahrenheit.42 cubic inches.573 grams. Metric System 2. time is an important measurement in food service. fluid ounce of water weighs 29. British (imperial) This chapter references two tables: 1. the English abandoned both these gallon measures in favor of a standard British imperial gallon. an ancient unit of measure for weighing gold. The imperial and U.43236 grains (1 standard grain equals 64.546.34952.S. length.000 grains and is divided into 16 ounces. 3. and each of these weighs 1 gram (1.92 grams. whereas the imperial pint. oz. ✦ 1 lb. the metric.546. 1 liter contains 1. and gallon because they contain more ounces. pint. and volume are measured. the imperial gallon was assigned a weight of 4. 32 fl.000 milliliters. fluid ounce is a full 1. One-tenth of a meter equals 10 centimeters (cm): 10 cm 10 cm 10 cm 1. fluid ounce.S. In summary: 1 milliliter equals 1 cubic centimeter (of water) equals 1 gram. 1 liter of water contains 1. the U. oz. It links the way distance. ✦ ✦ The liter is. the imperial fluid ounce exceeds the avoirdupois ounce by a slight 0.35 grams per fluid ounce.000 cu cm So there are 1. ✦ 1 pt. Consequently. quart.S. cubed. The United States stayed with the 231 cubic-inch gallon. each weighing 1 gram and occupying 1 cubic centimeter exactly. quart. METRIC SYSTEM The third system. ✦ 1 qt. fluid ounces. hence. 8 fl. Here’s how it works: ✦ ✦ ✦ A meter measures length (this is the unifying measure for the entire metric system). A gram measures mass (weight). 4 c. 3 tsp.785.546. 16 tbsp.22 grams heavier than the avoirdupois ounce.535. not its stated weight. The imperial gallon would have to be 276.000 grams equals 1 kilogram).4 grams divided by 128 fluid ounces equals 29.000 grams (1 kilogram). However. 4 qt. therefore.063 gram per ounce.785. 128 fl. Thus. is far more simple and logical. Picture a square box (a cube) that is about 4 inches long on all sides. and 4. composed of 1.573 grams per U.000 cm3 (cubic centimeters) in 1 liter.6799047 cubic inches to equal 28. by definition. measuring spoons. oz. A cubic centimeter of water weighs 1 gram. 1 gal. ✦ A liter is defined as one-tenth of a meter. 16 oz. Ten pounds (avoirdupois) equals 160 ounces of 28. 2 c. and gallon are about 20 percent larger than the U. 2 pt. ✦ 1 tbsp. This means a gallon is determined by its cubic inches. and cups are about 4 percent larger than their imperial counterparts. ✦ 1 fl. area.142 NOTE Chapter 13 Measurement Conversion Volume measures—such as gallons—are defined by volume (cubic) standards.08 grams (10 grams extra). which was divided into 128 ounces: ✦ ✦ 231 cubic inches times 16.08 divided by 160 ounces equals 28. 16 c. Now here’s the liter–meter–gram connection: NOTE By international agreement.4 (1 cubic centimeter of water weighs 1 gram).000 milliliters. the liter was assigned a mass (weight) of 1. 2 tbsp. oz. U. weight.S. The Metric System table summarizes all this and provides abbreviations and equivalent measures. 1 kilogram equals 1 liter of water.387 cubic centimeters equals 3. A liter measures liquid volume.000 milliliters. ✦ . 16 fl.S. 1 c.413 grams per ounce.3495 grams per ounce: 4. oz. S.056 U.75 231 61. per cup 3 tsp. ft.805 14. 8 ounces avoirdupois equals 226.35296 3785. (1.) 35.1 liter 1 liter 10 liters 100 liters 1.833 imperial gallon Equals 1.8 fl./1 kg 2. Measuring Cup U.) 1.S.1959 sq.-fluid-ounce (29.09 yd.17648 946. quarts One 8-U. Pint U.S. Teaspoon U. oz. (1.S.3 cu. per cup 16 tbsp. Fluid Ounce U.02374 Equals 1. yards Square yard Quart Cubic yard Ounce/pound 39.37 in.) 1g . Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit Y% ✦ . Measure Length Area Liquid volume Volume Mass (weight) m m2 L m3 g/kg Feet.Metric System 143 Metric System This Unit Meter Square Meter Liter Cubic Meter Gram/Kilogram Measures Abbreviation Relates to Equivalent U.000 liters Volume Items U.6 grams. Metric System Prefixes (Using Liters as Sample Application) Prefix milli centi deci The item: Liter deka hecto kilo Meaning Example Abbreviation Number Expressions One-thousandth One-hundredth One-tenth One.3 28.5 0.43 0.S.307 cu. yd.000th or .796 grams.S.S.573 mL) cup equals 236. each. per tbsp.S.S.41184 1000 1.9023 0.814 29. Tablespoon U.01 liter 1/10th or .57353 236.875 57.166666 16 32 128 33. yards 33. 2 cups per pint 2 pints per quart Equals .041 imperial ounce 8 fl.928921667 473.S.2 lb. Fluid Ounces Equivalent Milliliters Equivalent Cubic Inches Equivalent Measure 1 8 0.S.035 oz. (1.786765 4.001 liter 1/100th or . oz. Gallon Liter Note Equivalent U.58824 14. Quart U. whole Ten Hundred Thousand Milliliter Centiliter Deciliter Liter Dekaliter Hectoliter Kiloliter mL cL dL L daL hL kL 1/1.056 qt. 961 U.03527396 35.5 1.34952313 453. 4 qt.04 imperial cup 2. Measuring Cup U.52 0. Fluid Ounces Equivalent Milliliters Equivalent Cubic Inches Equivalent Measure 1 8 0.000 0. 16 tbsp.04166675 0.734 13. 2 pt. ✦ 1 lb. Tablespoon U.43 0.73551 236.59237 1 1. Oz.S.27396 0.S. 2 c. oz. ✦ .3 34.87 0. oz.42 61.23223 0. oz.92 1000 1. fl. 16 c. ✦ 1 pt.173474 0. .S. Imperial Fl. 16 oz. 8 fl. 4 c.304 14.78680 4.S.92892 2.19508 28.0625 1 0. 3 tsp.0433685 Mass (Weight) Unit of Measurement Ounce Pound Gram Kilogram Grams Kilograms Ounces (avoirdupois) Pounds (avoirdupois) 28.00000 1 16 0.17 20 40 160 35. ✦ 1 qt.33 0. 32 fl.00100 1. oz.520421 0.144 Chapter 13 Measurement Conversion Volume (Continued) Items Imperial Fluid Ounce Imperial Cup.20655 4.086737 0. 2 tbsp. 128 fl.264 U.1666666 8. Equals .) Tablespoon Teaspoon Half Teaspoon Quarter Teaspoon Milliliters (rounded) Milliliters (exact) U.45359 0.677 69.5 imperial cups per pint 20 imperial cups per imperial gallon Equals 0.02835 0. 1 c. ✦ 1 tbsp. cup 16 per imperial cup Equals 1. 16 fl.28886 14. oz.166667 0.46446 1.S.52 4545. Liquid Imperial Tablespoon Imperial Teaspoon U. Fl.786765 4.002204623 2.86659 0.928921667 568.5 0. .25 14.204623 1 gal.26 1136.S.354 277.58824 14.9025 0. oz.S. 15 5 2.02374 Equals .413 227. Teaspoon Imperial Pint Imperial Quart Imperial Gallon Liter Equivalent U. ✦ 1 fl. contain the following: Spoon Size (U. gallon Measuring Spoons .9607 U.S.0833335 0.S.5 0. Oz. 6. multiply the Celsius value by 180/100 (use 9/5).0936 yards. The 32 is either added or subtracted within the formulas. or 3. 1 inch equals 2. water freezes at 0 and boils at 100. or one-third (. To convert from one system to the other. 40 5 200. In Fahrenheit. 32 40.609. change 72 F to Celsius: 72 Length 1 mile equals 5. In Celsius. 39.2 C. there are 100 degrees between freezing and boiling.914 meter. or 0. For example. to change 22 C to Fahrenheit: 22 9 198. In the Celsius (Centigrade) system. Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit Y% ✦ . 1 yard equals 36 inches.28 feet. 200/9 22. water freezes at 32 and boils at 212 (at sea level). To convert from Celsius to Fahrenheit. or 1.760 yards. or . there are 180 degrees between the freezing and boiling points of water.37 inches. 198/5 39.6 32 71. 1 foot equals 12 inches. or 1. or 1. To convert Fahrenheit to Celsius.333) yard. For example. or 3 feet.Metric System 145 Temperature In the Fahrenheit system.3048 meter. then add 32. 1 meter equals 39.54 centimeters.280 feet. first reduce the 180 and 100 figures to 9 and 5. then multiply by 5/9. first subtract 32 from the Fahrenheit.6 F.3 meters. ✦ 1 tbsp.26417 0. 16 tbsp.S. 32 fl.26 1136. ✦ 1 qt.0017952 0. Cup.56826 1.22675 2. Pint U. ✦ .002113376 0. Gallon Imperial Fluid Ounce Imperial Cup. 2 tbsp.S. ✦ 1 lb.001 1000 1. Cup. Liquid Imperial Pint Imperial Quart Imperial Gallon Milliliters Milliliters Milliliters Milliliters Milliliters Liters Liters Liters Liters Liters Milliliters Liters U. 16 c. Gallon B: Into this item B Multiply A by: Or.33938 1.S. oz.113 1.52 4546.75975 0. to convert to: Multiply A by: Milliliters Milliliters Milliliters Milliliters Milliliters Milliliters Milliliters Milliliters Milliliters Milliliters U. quart U.54608 0.S.785412 0. pint U.S.S.001056688 Liters Liters Liters Liters Liters Liters Liters Liters Liters Liters Imperial fluid ounce Cup of imperial fluid ounce Imperial pint Imperial quart 0.S.S.S.832674 Imperial cup.94635 3.S. liquid Imperial pint Imperial quart Imperial gallon Imperial fluid ounce Imperial cup Imperial pint Imperial quart Imperial gallon 0. 2 pt. fluid ounce U. 4 qt.304 568.473176 0. cup U.236588 0.0002641721 Imperial gallon 33.416337 0. Quart U. Liquid U.0042265 0. 16 fl. 2 c. 1 c.02957353 0.1765 946.08 0.0008796 0. 16 oz. gallon U.41 28. Liquid U. ✦ 1 fl.S.832674 0. 4 c.S.83267 0.3529 3785.033814 0. Quart U. oz.13652 4.000219961248 35. oz.S.00439938 0.413 227. liquid Imperial pint Imperial quart Imperial gallon 29.S.S.814 4. oz. Fluid Ounce U.219969 0. fluid ounce U.S.146 Chapter 13 Measurement Conversion Measurement Conversions A: To convert this item LIQUID VOLUME U. quart U.S. Pint U. fluid ounce Cup of U. 3 tsp.227304 0. Fluid Ounce U.S.S. 128 fl.04084 0. ✦ 1 pt. oz.57353 236. gallon Liters Milliliters Imperial fluid ounce Imperial cup.879877 0.208169 1 gal.416337 0.588 473.195 4. pint U. 8 fl.130105 0.04084 1.S.05669 0.028413 0.0351951 0. 05 0. cup U. fluid ounce U. quart 0.25 20 4 Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit Y% ✦ . Pint U. Quart U.0625 0.S.S.2 20 0.96076 1.S. Cup U.300327 U. quart U.48038 0.03125 8 0.4 0.S. Gallon U. Pint U.120095 0.25 16 4 Imperial cup Imperial quart Imperial fluid ounce Imperial quart Imperial fluid ounce Imperial quart Imperial fluid ounce Imperial pint Imperial fluid ounce Imperial pint 0. pint U. Liquid Imperial Pint Imperial Quart Imperial Gallon U.S. gallon U. Quart U.S.20095 U.S.S. Fluid Ounce U. liquid U.S. gallon U. quart U.125 0.S.S.00625 0. pint 0.S.S. quart U.025 8 0.S.S. to convert to: Multiply A by: U.S. liquid U. pint U.S.S. cup U.S.S.S.S. SYSTEM U.20095 1.S. gallon 0. pint U.S.S.S. fluid ounce U. quart U.125 5 0.S.25 16 0.S. quart U.0625 2 0. fluid ounce U.S.96076 0.S.Basic Sizes 147 Measurement Conversions (Continued) A: To convert this item Imperial Fluid Ounce Imperial Cup.05 2. pint U. fluid ounce U. pint U. fluid ounce U. Gallon IMPERIAL SYSTEM Imperial Fluid Ounce Imperial Fluid Ounce Imperial Cup Imperial Cup Imperial Pint Imperial Pint Imperial Quart Imperial Quart Imperial Gallon Imperial Gallon B: Into this item B Multiply A by: Or. Fluid Ounce U. cup. gallon 0.5 0.S.5 0.S.125 0. gallon U.S. gallon U.S.0078125 0.5 32 2 128 8 U.600475 0.125 4 0. cup U.S. Cup U.S.20095 1.S.S.S. cup U.5 40 2 160 8 Imperial pint Imperial gallon Imperial pint Imperial gallon Imperial cup Imperial gallon Imperial cup Imperial gallon Imperial cup Imperial quart 0.S. cup. oz. 16 oz. tablespoons U.5 0. teaspoons Imperial teaspoons 0.S. ✦ 1 qt.07039 Teaspoons Teaspoons 6 48 U.735516 0. oz.96076 1.S. Teaspoon Imperial Tablespoon Imperial Teaspoon Imperial Tablespoon Imperial Teaspoon U. Tablespoon U.0625 28.204623 1 gal. tablespoons Imperial tablespoons 2 16 0. 3 tsp. ✦ 1 fl.S.S. Teaspoon U.148 Chapter 13 Measurement Conversion Measurement Conversions (Continued) A: To convert this item CUPS AND SPOONS Fluid Ounce Cups Teaspoons Tablespoons Tablespoons U.S.78677 4.S.96076 0.S. 2 tbsp. fluid ounces Imperial fluid ounces Imperial fluid ounces Imperial fluid ounces Imperial fluid ounces U.04084 14.S. oz.16666666 0.592 0. 8 fl.067628 0. teaspoons Imperial cup. ✦ 1 pt. liquid U. 2 c.S.S. to convert to: Multiply A by: Tablespoons Tablespoons Tablespoons Teaspoons Cup Milliliters Milliliters Imperial Tablespoons Imperial teaspoons Milliliters Milliliters U. fluid ounces U.5 0.372179107 0.27396 2.S.5204 0.45359237 1000 35. fluid ounces Imperial tablespoons U.20655 4. oz. 32 fl. cup. 16 tbsp.33333 3 0. 1 c. 2 pt. ✦ 1 lb. 128 fl. Tablespoon U. oz.96076 0.20288 0.S. 4 qt. liquid U.04084 0.4803806 0. tablespoons U. 16 c.028349523125 16 453.1666666 0.S.21117 Pound (avoirdupois) Gram Kilogram Ounce (avoirdupois) Gram Kilogram Gram Ounce (avoirdupois) Pound (avoirdupois) 0. 4 c.65346195 15.0625 14. Cup (Liquid) 237 mL Imperial Cup (Liquid) 227 mL Milliliters Milliliters WEIGHT (MASS) Ounce (avoirdupois) Ounce (avoirdupois) Ounce (avoirdupois) Pound (avoirdupois) Pound (avoirdupois) Pound (avoirdupois) Kilogram Kilogram Kilogram B: Into this item B Multiply A by: Or.173474 0.S. ✦ 1 tbsp. 16 fl.92892 1. fluid ounces U.S.1601268 16. ✦ .04084 1.349523125 0. 3701 1.000119599 1550 1.44 0.155 0.9144 0.01 3.33333 0.00107639 0.0304 144 8361.0929034 0.393701 0.48 36 91.7639 10000 Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit Y% ✦ .0254 0.836128 9 0.0109361 39.3048 3 0.19599 Square meter Square yard Square meter Square yard Square meter Square feet Square feet Square meter Square feet Square centimeter 0. to convert to: Multiply A by: Kilogram Ounce (avoirdupois) Pound (avoirdupois) 0.0277778 0.002204623 Feet Centimeter Inch Centimeter Inch Centimeter Inch Yard Inch Yard 0.2736 1296 0.00064516 0.0069444 929.001 0.035274 0.03280841 0.0833334 2.09361 Yard Meter Yard Meter Feet Meter Feet Meter Feet Centimeter 0.000771605 0.0001 10.28084 100 Square centimeter Square feet Square centimeter Square inch Square centimeter Square inch Square inch Square yard Square inch Square yard 6.4516 0.Basic Sizes 149 Measurement Conversions (Continued) A: To convert this item Gram Gram Gram LENGTH Inch Inch Feet Feet Yard Yard Centimeter Centimeter Meter Meter AREA Square Inch Square Inch Square Feet Square Feet Square Yard Square Yard Square Centimeter Square Centimeter Square Meter Square Meter B: Into this item B Multiply A by: Or.54 12 30.111111 0. 16 fl. 16 oz. 4 qt. Examples: Fahrenheit Celsius 10 C 60 C 140 140 32 108 108 5 540 540/9 60 So. oz.54 0.150 Chapter 13 Measurement Conversion Measurement Conversions (Continued) A: To convert this item LENGTH Inch Centimeter Foot Meter TEMPERATURE CONVERSIONS B: Into this item B Multiply A by: Or. ✦ 1 fl. 1 c.3937 30. Examples: Celsius (F 32) 60 5/9 60 C 9 540 540/5 108 108 32 140 So. 16 c. oz. ✦ 1 pt. oz. oz. 128 fl.28 Celsius to Fahrenheit: (C 9/5) 32 F Multiply the Celsius temperature times 9/5 and add 32 to that answer. ✦ 1 lb.0254 0. Fahrenheit equals 32: 0 C 50 F 20 C 140 F 70 C 68 F 30 C 158 F 80 C 86 F 40 C 104 F 50 C 122 F 212 F 176 F 90 C 194 F 100 C 1 gal. oz. ✦ 1 tbsp. ✦ 1 qt. 2 tbsp. 16 tbsp. 2 c. Multiply the answer times 5/9. 32 fl. 60 C 140 F. 8 fl. 4 c.3048 3. 140 F 60 C 32 F) Fahrenheit equivalents: (Sample: At 0 Celsius. to convert to: Multiply A by: Centimeter Inch Centimeter Inch 2. 3 tsp.48 39. 2 pt. ✦ .0328 0. Fahrenheit to Celsius: Subtract 32 from the Fahrenheit temperature.37008 Meter Foot Meter Foot 0. as you do your food costing conversions and plan your purchases of the products you need to complete your recipes. 151 .14 SIMPLE FORMULAS T his chapter contains 18 simple formulas you might use on a regular basis. 2046.573. Multiply the cups per pound by 2.000.2267.2046. 2 tbsp. Divide milliliters per tablespoon by 29.2267. 1 c.05669. oz.349. Divide grams per tablespoon by 28. (This is answer A. then multiply that answer by 4. 4 c.573. oz.2046. Ounces (avoirdupois) per Quart Grams per liter Multiply the ounces by 28. ✦ . 16 c. 2 c. 16 fl. Cups Liter Cups per Pound Cups per Kilogram Pints per Pound Quarts per Pound Pounds per Pint or Quart Liters Cups Cups per kilogram Cups per pound Pints per kilogram Quarts per kilogram Kilograms per pint or quart Multiply the number of cups by .05669. oz.) Tablespoons per Ounce (avoirdupois) Tablespoons per Ounce (avoirdupois) Ounces (avoirdupois) per Tablespoon Grams per Tablespoon Ounces (avoirdupois) per Cup Tablespoons per 100 grams Tablespoons per kilogram Grams per tablespoon Ounces (avoirdupois) per tablespoon Grams per liter Multiply answer A by 100.45359.349. 4 qt. ✦ 1 fl.22675. then multiply that answer by 4. ✦ 1 tbsp. 128 fl.349.152 Simple Formulas Simple Formulas To Convert This Tablespoons per Ounce (avoirdupois) To This Do This Tablespoons per gram Divide the number of tablespoons per ounce by 28. Multiply tablespoons by 28. 2 pt. Multiply answer A by 1. oz. ✦ 1 qt. oz. 1 gal. ✦ 1 pt. Divide cups per kilo by 2. Multiply the number of liters by 4. 32 fl.349. ✦ 1 lb. Fluid Ounces per Quart Milliliters per liter Multiply the ounces by 29. then multiply that answer by 1.2046.23658.573. 16 oz. Multiply the quarts per pound by 2. Multiply the “pounds per” by . Multiply the pints per pound by 2. Multiply the ounces by 29. 16 tbsp. then multiply that answer by 1. Multiply the ounces by 28. 3 tsp.349. 8 fl. Fluid Ounces per Tablespoon Milliliters per Tablespoon Fluid Ounces per Cup Milliliters per tablespoon Fluid ounces per tablespoon Milliliters per liter Multiply fluid ounces by 29.573. . This list is a guide but your portion sizes may differ because of various factors. The affluent tend to eat smaller portions than the less affluent. The activity level of the guests: ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ Athletes burn more fuel than sedentary diners. the eating customs of your clientele is the key in determining how large your portions should be.15 STANDARD PORTION SIZES T his section lists Standard Serving Sizes frequently used by food service operators when plating foods. Serve your particular market! 153 . Guests at an afternoon reception may have skipped lunch and be hungrier. Social and economic influences. The time lapse between meals. Pay attention . and also check the quality of the food to be sure it is palatable.. The chart shows an average size plus a range of sizes from small to large. Planning a menu or a particular menu item involves deciding how big a portion of food will be on the plate. so it is to be relied on as a good starting point but is by no means rigid. so may need larger portions. .e. to the food that is left on the plates after clearing. . knowing your market. consider using smaller portions in the future . A cocktail reception that is followed by a full meal dictates smaller portions. When you see a pattern of large amounts of uneaten leftover foods. Finally. VARIANCES Factors that cause chefs and managers to use portion sizes other than those shown below are: The age and gender of the guests: ✦ ✦ Young adults are likely to require larger portions than seniors. i. Key food and production costs are determined by the quantity you serve. City dwellers may eat smaller portions than their “country cousins”. Males tend to have bigger appetites than females. . 154 Chapter 15 Standard Portion Sizes Basic Sizes Menu Item SOUP. 3 tsp.5 oz. 7 oz. oz. 32 fl. 7 each 1 gal. 3 oz. 10 fl. 6 oz. 8 oz. 16 oz. 10 oz. 7 oz. 6 oz. 8 fl. entrée Salad Greens Salad Dressing Bread Bread Roll. 4 oz. 7 each 1/4th half 7 oz. 4 c.5 fl. ✦ 1 lb. 7 oz. 18 oz. ✦ 1 pt. ✦ 1 tbsp. 12 oz. 3 fl. 5 each 4 oz. oz. 4 fl. ✦ . 16 oz. oz. 8 oz. 9 oz. 6 each 1/4th whole 3 lb. oz. 4 qt. 12 oz. 1 each 1 oz. oz. 12 fl. 8 fl. 1 fl. 5 oz. Skin-on Wings Quarter Half SEAFOOD ENTREES Fish Filets Fish Steaks Shrimp.16-20 Average Measure Low Range High Range 6 fl. Roasted. boneless Prime Rib. 8 oz. oz. 14 oz. 8 oz. 6 oz. each Butter BEEF ENTREES Filet Mignon New York Steak Prime Rib. sliced CHICKEN ENTREES Breast. 2 each 1. 8 oz. 6 oz.5 oz. 4 each 1/4th half 8 oz. Skinless Breast. 5 oz. 10 oz. fryer 4 oz. 5 each 8 oz. 16 c. 16 fl. 16 tbsp. 2 oz. oz. oz. 1. 10 oz. Large. 5 oz. 9 oz. 6 oz. 6 oz. oz. oz. oz. 6 oz. 6 oz. oz. 3 oz. 8 fl. 4 oz. 128 fl. ✦ 1 qt. 7 oz. oz. 6 oz. 5 oz. boneless Sirloin Steak Falt Iron Steak Culotte Steak Tri-Tip Steak Tri-Tip. SALAD. 1 c. 2 pt. ✦ 1 fl. 3 oz. oz. 8 oz. Boneless. 8 oz. BREAD Soup Soup. 2 c. 3 each 2 oz. fryer 1/2 whole 3 lb. 2 tbsp. 1. 5 oz. Sea Trout. oz. 8 oz. 12 oz. 1 each 3 oz. 2 fl. 5 oz. 8 oz. 2. 9 oz. 1 each 4 oz. 3 fl. 4 oz. oz. 1 each 16 oz. 4 fl. oz. 10 oz. 5 oz. 16 oz. 4 oz. 3 oz. 6 oz.5 fl. 1 each 5 oz. 9 oz. 8 oz. 7 oz. 6 oz. 5 oz. 5 oz. slice 1/10th pie 1/6th pie Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit Y% ✦ . 5 oz. 5 fl. 4 oz. 1 each 12 oz. 9 oz. oz. 1/8th pie. 4 oz.Basic Sizes 155 Basic Sizes (Continued) Menu Item Scallops. 70 or 80 Count Red Rose. Louis Style Ribs Ham Steak VEAL Loin Chops Rib Chops. 6 oz. Shellfish in shells PORK ENTREES Chop. 7 oz. Creamers Mashed Scalloped Rices & Grains DESSERTS Pie. 6 oz. bone in Scallopini (leg) Entrée Sauces PASTA ENTRÉE Cooked Pasta Pasta Sauce Vegetables POTATOES Baker. 9 inch Average Measure Low Range High Range 5 oz. 10 oz. 4 oz. 3 oz. 4 oz. sliced Pulled Pork Baby Back Ribs St. 12 oz. 8 oz. oz. 8 oz. 12 oz. 6 oz. 3 oz. 7 oz. 6 fl. 10 oz. 7 oz. 4 oz. 7 oz. 12 oz. whole. 1 each 10 oz. bone-on Tenderloin Medallions Roast Loin. 8 oz. 8 oz. 9 oz. 7 oz. oz. 10 oz. 6 oz. 2 C water 5 fl. ✦ 1 fl. oz. 1 bag. oz. 32 fl. 4 fl.5 oz. oz. Oz 12 fl. oz. 1 C water 4. oz. 1. 4 qt. mix 12 fl. 2 pt. 1 each. oz. oz. slice 6 fl. oz. 5 oz. 16 fl. 1 each 6 oz. 3 tsp. 3 each 3 each 1 each 5 oz. 4 fl. 2. oz. 4 oz. oz. 1 ounce BEVERAGES Water Iced tea Coffee Hot Tea Wine Beer Cocktail Soft Drink BREAKFAST ITEMS Bacon Strips Sausage Links Sausage Patties. oz. 32 fl.5 fl. oz. 2 tbsp. oz. 6 fl. 24 fl. oz. 3 each 6 oz. 3 each 2x2” piece 1/12th slice 4 fl.25 fl.5 fl.156 Chapter 15 Standard Portion Sizes Basic Sizes (Continued) Menu Item Cake. 12 fl. 32 fl. 16 tbsp. 32 fl. 16 c. ✦ . 2 each 2 slices 1 each 1 each 4 each 4 each 1 each 6 oz. 2 c. 2 each 4 oz. 4 each 20 fl.5 bags. oz. 16 oz. Sheet Cake. 10 fl. oz. Large Hash Browns Country Fried Potatoes Country Gravy Biscuits Toast English Muffin Butter pats. oz. 3 fl. round Ice Cream Pudding. ✦ 1 tbsp. Ham Steak Eggs. 4 c. Alc. 2 each 2 slices 1 each. 4 oz. ✦ 1 pt. Alcohol 20 fl oz. oz. oz. 20 fl. 1 bag. oz. 1 each. oz. oz. 8 inch. oz.75 fl. oz. 1.5 oz. Alc. Average Measure Low Range High Range 2x3” piece 1/10th cake. 8 fl. 8 fl. oz. ✦ 1 lb. 12 fl. 1. ✦ 1 qt. oz. oz. Custard Pastries Cookies. oz. 16 oz. 2 each 3x3” piece 1/8th slice 8 fl. 16 fl. 3 each 3 slices 1 each 4 each 1 gal. 3 oz. 1 c. 7 oz. 12 fl. oz. oz. 3 C water 6 fl. . 6 fl. oz. split 2 each 2 each 2 each 1 each 3 oz. oz. 1. 128 fl. 1 each 2 oz. 4 each 8 fl. oz. 6 oz. 3 fl. shoestring Steak Fries Potato Salad Cole Slaw Garden Salad HORS D’OEUVRE ITEMS Crudites (raw veggies) Olives Cheeses Cured Meats Shrimp. 2 each 2 oz. 1. 3 oz. 2. 4 oz. 2. 2 oz. cured Hamburger patty Cheese. 5 oz. 4 oz. 2 oz. oz. 3 oz. 2 fl. 2 oz. 1/2 oz. oz. 1. 1 oz. fresh Sandwich Meats.5 oz. 4 each 5 oz. tortilla Baguette Slices Average Measure Low Range High Range 2 each 5 fl. 3 fl. oz. 1/2 oz. oz. 2 oz. 1. 1 oz.5 oz. oz. 5 oz. 3 oz.5 oz. 16-20 Fresh Fruit pieces Dips and Spreads Salsa Chips. 4 fl. 3 oz. Juice Pancake Batter LUNCH ITEMS Sandwich Meats. 4 oz. 3. 2 slices 3 oz. 3 oz. 6 oz. oz.5 oz. 2 fl.5 fl. 4 oz.C.Basic Sizes 157 Basic Sizes (Continued) Menu Item Jam/Jelly P. 8 oz. 6 fl. 1 oz. 3 oz. 3 oz. 2 oz. 3. 3 slices 1 oz. sliced French Fries. oz. oz.5 oz. 5 slices Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit Y% ✦ .5 oz.5 oz. 3 each 3 oz. 1 oz. 6 oz. oz. 1. 5 oz.5 oz. 3 oz. 2 oz. 4 oz. 10 fl. oz. 6 oz. 2. 1 each 4 fl. 4 fl. oz. 4 oz. 1/4” French Fries. 8 oz. This page intentionally left blank . PART II . This page intentionally left blank . These purchase unit measures are a very important part of the price list. Recipe Card for Costing. Included on these lists are the food name.) The prices and worksheets that follow are also used in a set of quizzes and exercises that your instructor may assign as homework. bases. Costing Worksheets 3. and the measures of purchase units that you would typically use to order and receive products from a wholesale vendor. Part I contains useful food measurement facts and formulas that can make this learning process easier and faster. and frozen foods. COSTING WORKSHEETS The Costing Worksheets contain a set of cost-breakdown worksheets. its standard wholesale package size and price. 161 . or classroom drills. HOW THE WORKBOOK IS ORGANIZED The Workbook is divided into three sections: 1. included in this section is a recipecosting worksheet—that is. and of the entire workbook. Therefore. (Note: The price lists contain food items beyond those covered in Part I. The object of these worksheets is to step you through the process of costing out an ingredient’s recipe unit measure and an entire recipe. such as bottled condiments. tests. The sequence of foods in the price lists is the same as that in the tables in Part I. number 16.THE WORKBOOK T he purpose of the Workbook is to help you learn food costing and purchasing in conjunction with Part I of The Book of Yields. Part II will help you understand the reasoning behind this process and how to do the math required to accurately and efficiently cost recipes and order the right amount of food. Price Lists 2. Purchasing Worksheets PRICE LISTS The first section contains fairly comprehensive lists of foods used in the food service industry in the United States. step by step. is how to use the costing worksheets: 1. Break down the food measures and costs following the step-by-step instructions on the worksheet. Start with a list of ingredients on a recipe card. calculate the cost per yield unit of measure. Here. Select the appropriate worksheet for the food type and enter the food name at the top. one for poultry. 32 fl. oz. oz. Refer to the price list for the purchase unit and price. 5. 3. 7. This will be your total recipe cost. etc. Then you can enter the dry herb or spice cost for that recipe unit (tablespoon) cost on any recipe card. For instance. 3 tsp. or a cooking yield. 12 loaves. ✦ 1 lb. ✦ 1 tbsp. in order to complete the costing process. another for going from a dry good bought by weight but used by volume. a weight-to-volume equivalent. Each line on every costing worksheet gives a precise instruction regarding where to get the information you need or how to do the math in that step. At the bottom of the worksheet are a variety of yield measurements by which the total amount produced from the recipe can be measured. Enter the price and pack information on the worksheet. 4 c. The top of the Dry Herbs and Spices costing worksheet first shows you how to calculate the cost of 1 ounce of basil.g.). ✦ . 8. 2 gallons. 16 tbsp. it’s a good idea to take some time to familiarize yourself with them. there is a worksheet for dry herbs and spices. From the Dry Herbs and Spices table. 2 c. It then instructs you to get the cost of the purchase unit from the price list and enter it on the worksheet. For instance. 10. 128 fl.162 T h e Wo r k b o o k The Recipe Card worksheet (Costing Worksheet 16) follows a standard format. at which point you will have arrived at the cost of the recipe unit measure. 1 c. oz. the purchase unit. Complete the worksheet. This simple format makes it possible to determine the cost(s) of any yield measure(s). Using simple division (as noted on the recipe card). 9. where necessary. 16 c. oz. 20 portions. From that point you complete the cost breakdown following the instructions on the right-hand side of the worksheet. and how to use the tables in Part I. and many others. Each starts with the food item in an as-purchased (AP) amount—that is. you find the number of tablespoons of basil in 1 ounce and write that number on the worksheet. making it easy for you to follow which columns to multiply in order to extend an ingredient’s unit cost to a total cost for that ingredient. 2. say your recipe calls for 5 tablespoons of dry. Complete this process for all ingredients and add up the Unit Cost column on the recipe card. The other costing worksheets are designed to be used with specific foods or types of foods. as it shows you exactly where.. At a certain point in the worksheets it is often necessary to “plug in” a measure from a table in Part I. This is usually a trim yield percentage. then follow the instruction to divide the ounce cost by that number in order to get the cost per tablespoon. ✦ 1 fl. notice that each one follows the same logical approach to doing a cost breakdown. ✦ 1 qt. oz. This is a critical step. 4. 16 oz. 11. 6. ✦ 1 pt. Enter the recipe yield information you want to use on the recipe card (e. 16 fl. 4 qt. Plug in the conversion or yield amount from the Part I tables. another for items you trim and then use by volume measures. Before you begin using the worksheets. 8 fl. 1 gal. 2 pt. when. As you do. 2 tbsp. whole-leaf basil. Enter the recipe unit measure on the recipe card. . Here is a list of the worksheets and forms you will be using in the purchasing process. piece counts. Because the purchasing process is a little more complicated than the costing process.H o w t h e Wo r k b o o k I s O r g a n i z e d 163 The costing worksheets make it easier to use the data and formulas given in Part I. the Purchasing section begins with an overview that explains the procedure in detail. tubs. or ) are supplied between the boxes on each line. for two important reasons: 1. This makes it very easy to follow the formula. The worksheet explains all this completely to enable you to determine how much to buy or cost out—just like the other conversion worksheets. 3. Convert those measures to actual purchase unit packs—the as-purchased (AP) units. They show you how to do the math. take these steps: 1. where CW stands for Costing Worksheet and PW stands for Purchasing Worksheet. ounces. Combine all the same ingredients from your recipes.). 2. along with examples of how to use them. 1. provided as Purchasing Worksheet 20. The mathematical operators ( . Along the way. or period of time. special event. Part I does not address these products because their yields are specific to the brand of flavor base being used. Ingredient Aggregating Form (PW 14) 3.) to an equivalent number of purchase unit measures (pounds. showing you how to logically go from a purchase unit to a recipe unit. Amounts Needed versus Par (PW 16) 4a. In short. you will be able to compare the purchase unit measure amounts that you need for a production plan against your current inventory and par stock levels. during the purchasing process. the worksheets show you how to convert recipe units back to purchase units. gallons. such as cases. in the order you’ll be using them. (These formulas. bags. 2. The purchase unit prices are only used in the final step of filling out the Food Order Form (Purchasing Worksheet 20). are found in the purchasing sections in the chapters in Part I. and the yield data are always provided on the product container. Recipe Unit Measures to Purchase Unit Measures Conversion worksheets (PW 1–13) 3a. The formulas that enable you to convert a recipe unit back to a purchase unit are on each worksheet. etc. NOTE Flavor Bases (Purchasing Worksheet 13) is different from the others in that it does not rely on the yields and equivalents in Part I to complete. they can really speed up the process of learning recipe costing. They organize the process. Purchase Unit Measures (PW 15) 4. You’ll finish by filling out a Food Order Form. . The purchasing worksheets (like the costing worksheets) are intended to be used with specific types of foods. Inventory Form (PW 17) 4b. Convert the needed number of recipe unit measures (tablespoons. . Recipe Card for Costing (CW 16) 2. portions. Food Weight Log (PW 18) Y% ✦ NOTE You do not need prices to complete the purchasing worksheets. which are clearly identified. Moreover. containers.) Each purchasing conversion worksheet states the formula for that food or type of food and gives the instruction for filling in a short series of boxes that lead you to the answer. and so on. PURCHASING WORKSHEETS The Purchasing Worksheets contain both worksheets and forms to help you figure out how much of a given food to buy so that you can supply all the recipes you might use for a particular banquet. Briefly. etc. Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit . ✦ 1 tbsp. 128 fl. 2 pt. It will help you understand the concept and will come in handy when your job requires you to choose between buying a pretrimmed and an untrimmed food. oz. ✦ 1 lb. 16 fl. ✦ 1 fl. 4 qt. However. oz. 2 tbsp.164 T h e Wo r k b o o k 5. ✦ 1 qt. 32 fl. ✦ 1 pt. oz. addresses the problem of determining the price point at which the food cost of a pretrimmed food is lower than the cost of buying the same food in a raw. oz. will help you to understand the entire purchasing process more fully. 16 tbsp. ✦ . 16 oz. Food Order Form (PW 20) You may not need the subordinate forms (labeled “a” or “b”) in all situations. 3 tsp. 16 c. 8 fl. A form for completing this calculation is provided at the end of that worksheet. they do complete the process and. they are optional. as such. Purchase Unit Measures to Purchase Unit Packs (PW 19) 6. 1 c. 1 gal. Purchasing Worksheet 21. 2 c. untrimmed state. oz. 4 c. Trimmed versus Untrimmed. PRICE LISTS 165 . 8 oz.20 $6. ✦ 1 qt. 30 oz.85 $61.90 $170.71 $24.85 $8.74 $19. 16 oz. whole Cardamom. ✦ 1 tbsp. 30 oz. oz. ground Cinnamon Sticks. container 18 oz. Ancho Chile Powder. dry—various Chile Pods.50 $21. 16 tbsp. 32 fl.85 $72. ✦ . 16 oz. whole Cayenne. 8 fl. 14 oz. 2 pt. Red Chinese 5 Spice Chives. 160 oz. $20. 128 fl.75 $69. oz. 8 oz. 16 oz.75 $38. ground Cardamom. 6 oz. 14 oz. 1 c. ✦ 1 fl. 12 oz.60 $22. oz. 16 oz. ground Cloves. 16 c. 4 c. 160 oz.: 1 oz. container 6 ea.166 Price Lists 1 Dry Herbs and Spices Item Allspice Anise.30 $13.30 1 gal. whole leaf Bay Leaf. 4 qt.22 $23. Star Anise Seed Basil. 3 tsp.69 $16. ground Celery Salt Celery Seed Chervil. ✦ 1 pt. ✦ 1 lb.10 $22. 4 Cloves.23 $11. 2 tbsp.: 16 oz. ground Caraway Seed. 16 fl. 16 oz. Chipotle Chile Powder. 18 oz. crushed Chile Pods. Chipotle Chile Flakes.: 8 oz.40 $8. cans 16 oz. whole Bay Leaf. whole Purchase Unit Pack Purchase Unit Cost Container Jar Container Container Container Container Container Container Case Case Container Container Container Container Box Container Pound Pound Container Container Container Container Container Case Container Container Container Container 16 oz.43 $21. 6 ea. 16 oz.08 $21. 10 lb. 160 oz. 12 ea.03 $14. whole leaf Chile Flakes. 4 oz. Dry Cinnamon. Habanero Chile Powder.83 $9.20 $236. 12 oz. ground Basil.75 $43.50 $26.47 $28. 12 oz.00 $67. oz. 2 c.12 $26. 16 oz. oz. Habanero Chile Powder. 16 oz. 12 oz. granulated Garlic.98 $25. dehydrated Onion. 13 oz.01 $5.98 $11. 26 oz. 6 ea. jars 3 oz. whole leaf Mustard. granulated Onion. 16 oz. 20 oz.15 $10. ground Cream of Tartar Cumin. 14 oz. ground Gumbo Filé Powder Hibiscus Flowers Lemon Pepper Mace. ground Fennel Seed Fenugreek Seed Garlic.Dry Herbs and Spices 167 Dry Herbs and Spices (Continued) Item Coriander. ground Parsley Flakes Pepper. 240 oz. 40 oz. $9.75 $12. ground Mustard Seed. Chopped.75 $15. 24 oz. 16 oz.03 $40.93 $10. 16 oz.64 $8.5 lb. 21 oz. ground Oregano. 28 oz.15 $15.55 $11. ground Marjoram.: 24 oz. 16 oz. ground Curry Powder Dill Weed Epazote.: 12 oz. whole leaf Paprika. whole Nutmeg.87 $10.95 $8. 10 oz.29 $66. 6 ea.08 $11.02 $24. cracked Purchase Unit Pack Purchase Unit Cost Container Container Container Container Container Container Container Container Container Container Container Container Case Bag Container Container Container Container Case Container Box Container Container Container Container Container Container Container 12 oz.40 $6.19 $10. ground Onion. containers 16 oz. 20 oz.58 $76. Black.18 $18.90 $11.34 $34. 4. 5 oz.41 $16.15 Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit Y% ✦ . 10 oz.60 $6. 25 oz.52 $11. powdered Oregano.03 $3. 16 oz. 3 lb.82 $39. powdered Garlic Salt Ginger. oz. Red Hawaiian Salt. 4 ea. Seasoning (Lawry’s) Sesame Seed Tarragon. boxes 18 oz. Kosher Flake Salt. 1 c. ground Rosemary. ✦ . 3. 3 tsp. leaf Thyme.35 $11.55 $12.49 $19. ✦ 1 qt. White. Black. 6 oz. 18 oz.60 $14. ✦ 1 lb.09 $11.: 5 lb. 1 oz. ground Pickling Spice. 6 ea. 6 oz. 16 oz. whole Pepper Corns. containers 4 oz.55 $68. ✦ 1 tbsp.5 oz. Black.68 $2. 16 tbsp.15 $12.72 $22. ✦ 1 pt. 18 oz. $12. ✦ 1 fl. Sea. 128 fl. whole Saffron.13 1 gal.52 $18. 2 c. 2 pt. 20 oz. 12 ea.95 $7. 16 fl. oz. whole Sage. 8 fl. 16 oz. oz.93 $9. whole Poultry Seasoning Pumpkin Pie Spice Mix Rosemary. 16 oz. ground Wasabi Powder Purchase Unit Pack Purchase Unit Cost Container Container Container Container Container Container Container Container Container Container Container Container Container Case Bag Case Container Case Container Container Container Container Container Case 16 oz. 4 c.53 $9. rubbed Salt. 16 c. oz.03 $8. Regular Salt. table grind Pepper. 32 fl. ground Thyme.22 $18. 13 oz.06 $47.07 $5. boxes 25 lb. whole Poppy Seed.: 14 oz.00 $21. whole leaf Turmeric.: 48 oz.67 $54.55 $11.: 35 oz. green Pepper. 6 oz.04 $139.60 $12. 4 qt. 11 oz. 6 ea. 18 oz. 18 oz. oz. coarse grind Pepper. 6 oz. 2 tbsp. Sea Salt.168 Price Lists Dry Herbs and Spices (Continued) Item Pepper. Black.04 $8. 11 oz. 2 oz.28 $12.00 $12.5 oz.70 $12. 16 oz. 6 bunches 6 bunches 6 bunches 6 oz.) Box (1 lb. 6 bunches 6 bunches 6 bunches 6 bunches 6 count. Italian (flat leaf) Rosemary Sage Tarragon Thyme Watercress Purchase Unit Pack Purchase Unit Cost Box (4 lb.90 $11.76 $22.40 $12.95 $11.Fresh Herbs 169 2 Fresh Herbs Item Arugula Basil Chervil Chives Cilantro Dill Weed Marjoram Mint Oregano Parsley.50 $9.68 $11. curly Parsley.10 $9. 3.84 $10.65 $4.) Bag Bag Bag Bag Bag Bag Bag Bag Bag Bag Bag Bag Bunch Bag Loose 12 count 6 count 6 oz. ea.35 $11.40 Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit Y% ✦ .65 $11.55 $3. 12 bunches 21. 20 $32. bags 3 ea.05 $20. 16 c. heads 10 lb.: 3 kilo cans 18 ea. 26 ea. 3 ea. 25 lb. ✦ . 18 count 20 lb.: 3 lb. 15 lb. quartered. diced 1/2 in. 2 pt.65 $20. 16 tbsp.55 $19. 2 c. Red Carrots.65 $22.: 40 oz.00 $17. heads 4 ea. whole Cabbage. Anaheim Chile Peppers.: 7 oz. Green Cabbage. 6 ea. $4. 4 qt. 8 fl. oz. 2 tbsp. oz. jars 1 lb. florets Cauliflower. ✦ 1 qt. 48 count 2 ea.: 30 oz. oz.25 Seasonal $18–$48/case Seasonal $18–$48/case $20.: 5 lb.50 1 gal.45 $9. Chipotle Morita Chile Peppers.40 Seasonal $25–$45/case Seasonal $40–$85/case $6. 18 count Artichokes. bags 30 lb: 20 bunches 3 ea.: 3 lb.170 Price Lists 3 Vegetables Item Alfalfa Sprouts Artichoke Hearts.05 $88.: 3 kilo cans 6 ea. 10 lb.25 $10.40 $29. bags 9 ea. Celery. 4 c.90 $76.56 $55. 2 ea. heads 30 lb. medium Cauliflower.75 $14. 16 fl. quartered Artichokes.05 $24. 1 c.45 $35. 32 fl. 4 lb. 3 tsp. oz. 36 count Arugula Asparagus: jumbo. table. Napa Cabbage. 4 ea. Haas Bean Sprouts Beans. oz. Green Broccolini Broccoli Crowns Broccoli Florets Broccoli.95 $18.: 5 lb.15 $23. 128 fl. whole Chile Pepper. Serrano Chile Peppers. 12 ea. marinated Artichoke Hearts.: 40 oz. ✦ 1 fl.50 $22. ✦ 1 pt.20 $27. ✦ 1 tbsp. thin Avocados. ✦ 1 lb.65 $21. whole Celery.: 2 lb. 1 lb.90 $11. standard. Chipotle in Adobo Chile Peppers. Baby Carrots. 16 oz. Guajillo Purchase Unit Pack Purchase Unit Cost Bag Case Case Case Case Box Case Case Box Case Box Case Case Case Bag Case Bag Bag Bag Box Bag Box Bag Bag Bag Case Bag Bag 1 lb. bags 25 lb. heads 20 lb. 25 $84. 24 count: 20 oz. Pasilla/Poblano Chile Peppers. ea. Romaine Mushrooms.15 oz. 12 ea. Dry.75 $17.00 $25.95 $16.85 $65.95 $28.83 $47.60 $14. 1 lb.: 3. Dry. natural Lettuce. Japones Chile Peppers.15 $18. Japones Chile. Green Leaf Lettuce.40 $29.45 $21.55 Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit Y% ✦ . tubs 5 lb.02 $5.: 1 lb.Ve g e t a b l e s 171 Vegetables (Continued) Item Chile Peppers. Pequin Chile.50 $21. Dry Cascabel Chile. 1 lb. 12 count 24 heads 24 heads 24 heads 24 heads 10 lb. peeled Garlic.65 $39. bags 6 count: 10 oz.40 $122. Dry. Guajillo Chile.15 $31.90 $85. 2 ea. Dried. 10 lb. Green Leeks Lettuce.45 $35.: 16 oz. Pasilla Chile.65 $68. 10 lb. Iceberg.83 $46. $21. Chipotle Morita Chile. 1 lb.34 $67. 10 lb. 6 count: 19 oz. jars 1. tubes 5 lb. chopped Garlic. 24 count: 12 oz. Jalapeno Chile Peppers.5 lb. Red Leaf Lettuce. ea. Flowering Kale. whole Grape Leaves in Brine Hoyas (Corn Husks) Kale.60 $25. Chanterelle Purchase Unit Pack Purchase Unit Cost Bag Bag Bag Bag Box Box Box Box Box Box Bag Bag Case Tub Case Box Case Bag Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Box Box Bag 10 lb.55 $21. 4 ea.70 $134. 10 lb 10 lb 25 lb.16 $19. Dry.: 5 lb. Button Mushrooms.70 $22.45 $22. ea. Dry. ea. Crimini Mushrooms. 12 ea. 10 lb. Pequin Cucumber Eggplant Garlic Paste Garlic. 13 $56. 12 lb. 5 lb. Red Creamer (1. 32 fl.85 $124. 10 lb. medium Mushrooms. 12 ea. #2 Potato.60 $34. 2 c. Cocktail Onions. 25 lb. ✦ 1 tbsp. 16 c. bags 5 lb. 1 c. ✦ 1 fl.60 $28. ✦ 1 pt. Kalamata. sliced Mushrooms. oz.02 $24. ✦ 1 lb.90 $20.10 $50. oz. Morels.10 $25. 1 lb. Shiitake Mushrooms. premium Okra Olive Tapenade Olive.) Potato. 16 fl.70 $702. 16 tbsp. Morels Mushrooms. Jumbo Onions.00 $59. Dehydrated. Green Bell Peppers. jars 12 ea. 10 lb. Snow Peas. $228.95 $12. Dried. Red Bell Peppers. 4 oz. 3 tsp. 2 tbsp. Kalamata.4 lb. oz. 50 lb. oz. 4 c.75 $20. in brine Onions.80 $69.25 diam. jars 15 lb. dried Mushrooms. 10 lb.: 32 oz. pitted Olives.: 8 oz. 5 lb. Russet (Baker) 70 ct. 5 lb.90 $62. 5 lb. 128 fl. Sugar Snap Peppers. Red. 2 lb.10 $30.55 $27. per bunch 5 lb. White. Red. 1 gallon 4.50 $20. Purchase Unit Pack Purchase Unit Cost Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Jar Container Case Case Box Box Bag Bag Bag Box Box Bag Bag Case Box Case Case 1 lb.67 $25. 10 lb. Yellow Bell Potato Pearls (instant) 600 Svg/Cse Potato.56 $68. chopped Onions. Oyster Mushrooms. 25 lb. 50 lb. ✦ . 2 ea. 2 pt. bag 50 lb. Oyster.: 28 oz.12 $9.20 1 gal. Yellow. ✦ 1 qt. 50 lb.80 $26.75 $36.50 $48.90 $34. Porcini. dried Mushrooms. 4 qt. Portobello Mushrooms. dried Mushrooms. medium Peas.05 $15. 8 fl.172 Price Lists Vegetables (Continued) Item Mushrooms.40 $5..: 1 lb. Green Onions. 16 oz.30 $25. 12 ea. oz. 10 lb. bags 20 lb.45 $22. 4 ea.60 $28.5 lb. Yellow.: 2.45 $26. 10 lb. 20 lb.35 $24. 25 lb. Cherry Tomato. untrimmed Squash. peeled.60 $21. whole Spinach.Ve g e t a b l e s 173 Vegetables (Continued) Item Radishes. baby Spinach. 25 lb. 5 lb. 4 lb.10 Tomato.30 $26. Banana Squash.68 $8. Zucchini.35 $20. Red Shallots.50 $18. 10 lb.00 $27. 5 6.95 $25. Grape Tomato. Roma Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit Y% ✦ . 4 lb. 12 pt. clipped Spinach. $16. medium Tomatillo Tomato.60 $13. fresh Shallots.10 $20. two-layer (60 ct. fancy Squash. 20 lb.) Purchase Unit Pack Purchase Unit Cost Bag Box Box Bag Box Box Box Box Box Case Lug Flat Flat Flat 5 lb. 30 lb. Fuji. oz. Cantaloupe. 5 lb. 2 pt. 5 lb. 115 count Lemons. whole Figs. IQF* Currants.90 $21. whole Melon. Seasonal: Avg: $4 ea. 10 lb. Granny Smith.10 $46. 5 lb. 200 count size Melon. 20 lb.75 $12. oz.20 $24. pitted Dates.05 $27. 5 lb. 16 oz.90 $20. 40 lb. 5 lb. 150 count Blackberries. Zante Dates. ✦ 1 pt. ✦ 1 fl. 40 lb. Seasonal $17.25 1 gal. 25 lb. 3 ea. 4 c.95 $17.64 Seasonal: Hi: $. 5 lb. Green. 40 count 16–21 lb. oz. Varies Varies 64 count.174 Price Lists 4 Fruit Item Apples.60 $26.85 $26.10 $62. 5 lb. 8 fl. IQF* Blueberries. oz. Cantaloupe. 40 lb. Musk varieties Nectarines Purchase Unit Pack Purchase Unit Price Case Case Case Box Bag Case Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Case Flat Flat Flat Box Box Bag Box Pail Varies Varies Lug 40 lb.85 $53. ✦ 1 qt. 88 count Apricots. IQF* Boysenberries. 3 tsp.95 $45. $34.70 $28. 30 lb. Melon. dried Figs. diced. oz. Black.95 $37.35 $28. 2 tbsp. 1 c. 10 lb. 40 lb. Ruby Grapes. ✦ 1 lb. Red Delicious. 5 lb. California. 88 count Apples.55 $33.50/lb.80 $34. ✦ . 88 count Apples. 36 count 40 lb. 2 c. seedless Kiwifruit Lemons.70 $26. 16 c. 3/4 in. 128 fl. 4 qt. dry Banana Chips Bananas. 32 fl. Medjool. Watermelon Melons. 16 fl. 165 count Limes. 16 tbsp.70 $23.55 $13.95 $82.45 $22. Calimyrna. ✦ 1 tbsp. Mission Grapefruit. 16–21 lb. Red. seedless Grapes. 10 $27.55 $27./9–12 count 64 count. Light Raspberries. Red Pineapple Raisins. 5 lb.Fruit 175 Fruit (Continued) Item Oranges.95 *IQF: individually quick frozen Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit Y% ✦ .25 Seasonal: $17. 14 count 44 lb. Asian Pears.65 $27. 20 lb. 135 count Pears. 25 lb. Hawaiian Peaches Pears.00 $24.75 $29. Dark Raisins.85 $48.65 $18. 88 count Papaya. seasonal $22. d'Anjou. 10 lb. 12 pt. IQF* Strawberries Purchase Unit Pack Purchase Unit Price Case Case Lug Flat Case Flat Box Box Box Box Flat 40 lb.40 $45. 10 lb. 8 count 30 lb.80 $18. #10 cans Case: 6 ea. oz. Pinto Beets.65 $33.80 $69. ✦ 1 tbsp. #10 cans Case: 6 ea.85 $28. #10 cans Case: 6 ea.75 $26.80 $67. Blue Lake.28 $39. 32 fl. #10 cans Case: 6 ea.05 $24. Sliced Carrots. Julienne Beets. fancy Beans. Green.40 $29. #10 cans Case: 6 ea. fancy Beans. #10 cans Case: 6 ea. oz. sliced in water Apricot Halves. ✦ 1 fl. #10 cans Case: 6 ea. 2 c.15 $32. 4 qt.35 $30. medium Pack Price Case: 6 ea.80 $27.45 $39. #10 cans Case: 6 ea. 16 tbsp. 128 fl. jumbo Olives. ✦ 1 qt. #10 cans Case: 6 ea. Ripe Pitted. 16 fl. #10 cans $56. Diced Beets. Sliced Chili con Carne with Beans Corn Niblets Fruit Cocktail Fruit for Salad Hominy.40 $29. #10 cans Case: 6 ea. fancy Apples.85 $27. #10 cans Case: 6 ea.05 $37. #10 cans Case: 6 ea. #10 cans Case: 6 ea. ✦ 1 lb. Diced Carrots. oz.90 $62.60 $28. diced in light syrup Beans.10 $47.30 $39. #10 cans Case: 6 ea. 3 tsp.176 Price Lists 5 Number-10 Cans Item Apple Pie Filling Applesauce.95 $70. #10 cans Case: 6 ea. White Menudo Stew Mushroom Pieces and Stems Nopalitos (Cactus leaf pads) Olives. #10 cans Case: 6 ea.40 $40. #10 cans Case: 6 ea.15 $65. Baked. Kidney Beans. 4 c. 2 pt.61 $26. #10 cans Case: 6 ea. ✦ . #10 cans Case: 6 ea. #10 cans Case: 6 ea. Garbanzo Beans. oz. 16 oz. #10 cans Case: 6 ea. #10 cans Case: 6 ea.45 $31. Ripe Pitted. 1 c.10 $17. #10 cans Case: 6 ea. 2 tbsp.90 $26. #10 cans Case: 6 ea. 8 fl. 16 c. #10 cans Case: 6 ea.50 1 gal. oz. in juice Apricot Preserves Apricots. ✦ 1 pt. #10 cans Case: 6 ea. #10 cans Case: 6 ea.45 $40. Italian Beans. Green Beans. #10 cans Case: 6 ea. sliced in juice Pears. #10 cans Case: 6 ea. whole Pineapple Chunks Pineapple Tidbits Pineapple. Diced in Light Syrup Peaches. sliced in light syrup Pear Halves.35 $25.40 $36. #10 cans Case: 6 ea. sliced. Crushed Pineapple.10 $41.20 $36. sliced Peppers. whole Peppers. #10 cans Case: 6 ea. #10 cans Case: 6 ea. #10 cans Case: 6 ea.05 $40.85 $41. #10 cans Case: 6 ea.75 $35. Sweet Peppers. crushed Tomato Paste. sliced in syrup Peas. #10 cans Case: 6 ea. Green Chile.40 $32. 30–35 count Peaches. 26% Tomato Purée Pack Price Case: 6 ea. Green Chile.40 $66. #10 cans Case: 6 ea. #10 cans Case: 6 ea. #10 cans Case: 6 ea. #10 cans Case: 6 ea.60 $46.00 Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit Y% ✦ . #10 cans Case: 6 ea. Ripe. #10 cans Case: 6 ea.75 $59. pitted in juice. in juice Pears.20 $42.90 $34. julienned in light syrup Peaches. #10 cans Case: 6 ea.60 $29.10 $68. strips Peppers. Green Chile. #10 cans Case: 6 ea. halves Potatoes.75 $32. wedged Peaches.65 $34.50 $104.90 $40.50 $31. 190–220 count Sauerkraut Spinach Tomatillos. 120–150 count Prunes. #10 cans Case: 6 ea.Number-10 Cans 177 Number-10 Cans (Continued) Item Olives. 66 count Plums. sliced Olives. halves in juice. #10 cans Case: 6 ea. Jalapeno. #10 cans $51. #10 cans Case: 6 ea. #10 cans Case: 6 ea. diced in light syrup Pears. #10 cans Case: 6 ea.65 $38. White. diced Peppers. #10 cans Case: 6 ea.90 $49. whole. #10 cans Case: 6 ea. #10 cans Case: 6 ea. #10 cans Case: 6 ea.10 $36. #10 cans Case: 6 ea.85 $32.30 $41.80 $45.90 $41. #10 cans Case: 6 ea. Ripe. Jalapeno. 4 qt.65 $45. 3 tsp. 4 c. #10 cans Case: 6 ea.19 $21. #10 cans Case: 6 ea.65 1 gal. 2 pt. 30–40 count Pack Price Case: 6 ea. 16 oz. oz. 128 fl. oz.25 $25. cut Yams.178 Price Lists Number-10 Cans (Continued) Item Tomato Sauce Tomatoes. diced Tomatoes. 2 c. #10 cans $24. 8 fl. 1 c. #10 cans Case: 6 ea. ✦ . oz. 16 tbsp. crushed Tomatoes. 16 c. ✦ 1 qt. ✦ 1 lb. #10 cans Case: 6 ea. ✦ 1 fl. whole Yams. ✦ 1 tbsp. 16 fl. #10 cans Case: 6 ea. ✦ 1 pt. oz.95 $41. 32 fl.30 $20. whole. oz. 2 tbsp. imported. 20 lb.S. Imported Barley. boxes 25 lb. 22.45 $39.60 $38.41 $22. Pearled Basmati Rice Bulgur Wheat. 10 lb.35 $38.41 $18. 10 lb.35 Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit Y% ✦ . 10 lb. quick Long Grain Parboiled White Rice Long Grain White Rice Purchase Unit Pack Purchase Unit Price Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box Box 10 lb. 12 ea.10 $40. 10 lb. 10 lb. 10 lb.Starches 179 6 Starches Starchy Items LEGUMES. DRY Adzuki Beans Anasazi Beans Black Turtle Beans Cannellini Beans. $41.75 $38. U.: 24 oz. 10 lb. 10 lb.25 $25.30 $31. small Small White Beans Split Peas RICE.2 lb.10 $46.55 $38. 10 lb.50 $33. fancy Lentils.95 $47.20 Bag Bag Box Box Box Box Case Box Box 10 lb. 20 lb. 50 lb. Organic Cranberry Beans Fava Beans Flageolet Beans Great Northern Beans Kidney Beans Lima Beans Lentils. 20 lb.30 $47. GRAIN Arborio Rice. $26. fine Cous Cous Hominy Grits.47 $25. Domestic Arborio. 10 lb.10 $27. 20 lb. 20 lb. 20 lb.95 $23. Standard Mung Beans Navy Beans Red Beans.65 $28.25 $40.30 $51. 20 lb. 20 lb.65 $28. 10 lb.20 $32.30 $8.50 $28. 10 lb. 95 $15. 3 tsp. 10-in.00 $48. Fettuccini.35 $32. 2 ea.: 42 oz. 16 c. $49. 2 ea. ✦ 1 fl. 4 qt.80 $21. quick Uncle Ben’s Brown Rice Uncle Ben’s Converted L. 20-in. oz.70 $24. 10-in. oz. 10-inch Macaroni.10 $13.: 10 lb.45 $31.8 mm) Tortellini. ✦ 1 qt. 2 ea.: 4 lb. 20 lb. 1 c. packs 3 ea.: 10 lb. ✦ 1 lb. $24.10 $24.95 $23. broken PASTA Angel Hair Bow Ties Cappellini. White Rice Uncle Ben’s Short-Grain Rice Wild Rice.180 Price Lists Starches (Continued) Starchy Items Medium Grain White Rice Oatmeal.: 5 lb.50 $18. 12 ea.G. 2 ea. Linguini. 2 ea.05 $12. small Spaghetti (1. 2 ea. .: 10 lb. 2 pt.65 $24. 20-in. 25 lb. ridged.05 $24. oz. 10 lb. Elbow Manicotti Orzo Penne. 16 tbsp.00 $85. tri-color Rigatoni.65 $50.: 5 lb. boxes 25 lb.60 $16. 16 fl. 10 lb. Cheese-filled.: 10 lb. Lasagna. 8 fl. 3 ea.75 $21.25 $13. 2 lb.: 10 lb. 2 ea.75 Case Case Case Case Box Box Box Box Case Box Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case 1 gal. 2 tbsp.35 $48.: 10 lb. 2 ea.: 5 lb.20 ✦ Rotini. wide Fettuccini.: 5 lb. 32 fl.00 $21. 2 ea. 10 lb. 2 ea. (tri-color) Shells.90 $21. medium Shells.50 $23. tri-color Vermicelli (1. frozen Tortellini-Cheese-filled. ✦ 1 pt.: 10 lb.25 $37. 20 lb. 2 c. Egg Noodles. oz. ✦ 1 tbsp. 4 c. packs 2 ea. 10-in. natural color Penne.: 4 lb. 20 lb. Garden.: 10 lb. oz. frozen.: 10 lb. 20 lb.25 $28. 4 ea.6 mm). 16 oz.40 $23. Ziti 128 fl.: 10 lb. 2 ea. 2 ea. 2 2-inch Purchase Unit Pack Purchase Unit Price Bag Case Bag Bag Box Box 50 lb.95 $27. blanched.98 $19. CRUMBS All-Purpose Flour Big Loaf Bread Flour Bread Crumbs. 50 lb. 50 lb. 5 lb. cans 3 ea.: 2 lb.50 $81.: 2 lb. pieces.: 5 lb. bags 3 ea.80 $58. White Sunflower Seed Kernels. $22. bags 3 ea. 6 ea. whole.: 2 lb. peeled Macadamia Nuts Peanut Butter Peanuts.25 $38. dry-roasted Pecan Pieces Pine Nuts. Black Sesame Seed.56 $27. bags 3 ea.40 $69. GRAINS.: 5 lb. 3 ea. shredded Hazelnuts.15 Bag Bag Case Bag Bag Case Box Bag 50 lb. bags $135.: 2 lb. 10 lb. Toasted Sesame Seed. sliced Cashews.70 $54. bags 3 ea. bags 10 lb. bags 10 lb.95 $30.50 $62.Nuts and Flours 181 7 Nuts and Flours Starchy Item NUTS Almond Flour Almonds. 5 lb. plain Buckwheat Groats Cake Flour Cornmeal Mix Cornmeal.: 5 lb. 6 ea. shelled Sesame Seed.35 $68.90 $16. raw Walnut Halves and Pieces FLOURS.50 $20.75 $107.40 $22.50 $74.: 2 lb. roasted Coconut.10 $22.16 $22.35 $46.85 $20.95 $35. 25 lb. bags 3 ea. 5 lb. 5 lb. 50 lb.: 2 lb. 50 lb. shelled Pistachio Nuts. Blue Cornmeal.: 2 lb.25 Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit Y% ✦ .20 $41.25 $88. bags 5 lb. coarse Purchase Unit Pack Purchase Unit Price Case Case Case Box Box Box Case Case Case Case Box Container Container Container Box Case 2 ea. 15 lb. ✦ 1 fl.30 $29. ✦ . 25 lb. oz. 10 lb. 10 lb.05 $21. 50 lb. 3 tsp. 1 c. unbleached Wheatberries Whole Wheat Flour Purchase Unit Pack Purchase Unit Price Bag Bag Box Bag Bag Bag Bag Bag Bag Bag Box Bag 25 lb. 2 c. 4 c. 32 fl.95 $22. 50 lb. oz. oz.90 $20.05 $26. oz. fine Cracker Crumbs Graham Cracker Crumbs High Gluten Flour Japanese Breadcrumbs Masa Harina.182 Price Lists Nuts and Flours (Continued) Starchy Item Cornmeal. 2 tbsp. ✦ 1 tbsp. ✦ 1 pt.20 $28. ✦ 1 qt. 2 pt.80 $23. 25 lb. oz.50 $23.15 $36.25 $21. $22. Corn Flour Oreo Cookie Crumbs Pastry Flour Polenta Semolina Flour. 128 fl.65 $18. 10 lb. Quaker. 16 fl. 16 c. 16 tbsp. 8 fl.15 1 gal. 50 lb. ✦ 1 lb. 16 oz. 10 lb. 50 lb. 4 qt. Pancake SPECIAL ITEMS Arrowroot Baking Powder Baking Soda Chocolate Chips. Turbinado.05 $37.20 $44. cartons 25 lb.: #5 cans 4 ea.: #5 cans 6 ea.5 grams Sweet ’n Low Packets Syrup.: 6 lb. 4. cans 50 lb.75 Can Case Case Box 20 oz.60 $107.: 24 oz.000 count 6 ea. cane Honey Light Brown Sugar Pineapple Topping Rainbow Sprinkles Splenda Packets Sugar Packets Sugar Packets.000 count Purchase Unit Pack Purchase Unit Price Tub Case Case Case Bag Case Case Case Bag Bag Case Bag Case Case Case Box Box Case Case Case 20 lb.75 $24.70 $38.80 $49.45 $23. 6 ea. $17. 6 ea.75 $19.: 750 mL bottles 4 ea.000 ea.65 $40.10 $35.: #10 cans 50 lb.45 $23.45 $42.45 $23.: 1 gallon 2. cans 12 ea. 1. Light Equal Packets Fudge Topping Granulated Sugar. 50 lb.Baking 183 8 Baking Item SWEETENERS Apricot Glaze Butterscotch Topping Caramel Topping Chocolate Sprinkles Confectioner’s Sugar 6X Corn Syrup.75 $91. $63.: 6 lb.15 $39. 6 ea. 4 ea. 6 ea.15 $28.: 5 lb.65 $26. 6 ea.: #5 cans 4 ea. boxes 25 lb. assorted flavors for drinks Syrup. cartons 2. 1.20 $35.: 5 lb.40 $63. fine.000 ea. Beet Granulated Sugar.40 $18. 3.10 $23. 3.000 ea.65 Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit Y% ✦ .: 1 gal.15 $45.200 ea. 2 pt. bags $45. ✦ 1 qt. boxes 25 oz. 4 c. oz.000 count Cocoa Powder.: 2 lb. oz. 1 c.35 $22. 24 ea.20 $22.70 $18. 32 fl. bags 25 lb.: 16 oz. ✦ . 2 c. dry Yeast. Kosher Flake Salt. Imitation.80 $9. 6 ea. ✦ 1 lb.75 $24. 5 lb. instant dry Purchase Unit Pack Purchase Unit Price Box Tub Case Can Case Bag Case Bag Box Case Case Case 25 lb. 8 fl. 16 oz. bags 20 ea.60 $49. 4 qt. 4. granulated Milk.02 $110. ✦ 1 tbsp. oz. Nonfat Dry Powder Salt. 3 tsp. 22% fat Cornstarch Cream of Tartar Gelatin. 128 fl.184 Price Lists Baking (Continued) Item Chocolate Chips. oz. 12 ea. 2 tbsp. cans 6 ea. 16 tbsp. ✦ 1 fl. plain. plain Spray Pan Coating Strawberry Glaze Yeast.60 $86. active.: 14 oz.: 16 oz. 16 fl. ✦ 1 pt. 12 ea.: 16 oz.: #10 cans 12 ea. oz. 16 c.95 1 gal.95 $34.75 $25.90 $63. SAF.: 3 lb. boxes 50 lb. 6 ea.5 per lb. Whipped Butter-It (for griddle frying) Corn Oil Cottonseed Oil Fry Max Liquid Shortening Margarine. 35 lb. 1 lb.20 $57. Black Truffle Oil.45 $21.90 $13. oz.15 $64. Pats.90 $21.15 $86. Butter.60 $113.25-lb. Pomace. 3 ea.80 $38. 30 lb.: 14 oz. $35. 8 fl. Grapeseed Oil.90 $25. Avocado Oil. 50 lb.90 $36. White Truffle Oil. Italian Olive Oil.: 1 gal. Salted. Pure Pan Coating.35 $83. Hazelnut Oil. 90 per lb. prints* Oil. 35 lb. cake Purchase Unit Pack Purchase Unit Price Case Case Case Case Tub Case Jug Case Jug Case Case Case Case Case Case Bottle Bottle Case Case Case Case Case Jug Box Box 4 ea.30 $50. Reddie Pats. oz.: 1 gal. 61. spray aerosol Peanut Oil Shortening. 50 lb. 1 lb. prints* Butter.05 $98.75 $21. 6 ea.90 $36.65 Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit Y% ✦ .60 $39. Walnut Olive Oil.: 3.70 $108.05 $109. 1 lb.: 1-liter bottles 3 ea. cartons 12 lb. Foil.00 $95. 4 ea.60 $62. 2 ea.: 5 lb.: 1-liter bottles 8 fl.85 $52.: 1 gal. 3 ea. cans 35 lb. all-purpose. 30 lb.35 $87.40 $42. Toasted Sesame Oil. 6 ea. prints* Butter. Butter.Fats and Dairy 185 9 Fats and Dairy Item FATS Butter. 3 ea. Almond.: 1 gal. roasted Oil. Unsalted. gal.53 $64. solid Shortening. Extra Virgin Italian Olive Oil.: 1-liter bottles 6 ea. 30 lb.: 1-liter bottles 1 liter 1 liter 6 ea. Small Curd. Nondairy Creamers (half-and-half).: 3/8 oz. Purchase Unit Pack Purchase Unit Price Jug Jug Box 35 lb. all flavors.: quarts 390 ea.: 3 lb. whole in shell. crumbles Brie Cheese (60% fat) Cheddar Cheese.000 ea. PCs** Creamers. oz. nondairy. ✦ 1 tbsp. 128 fl. Swiss or American Cotija Cheese Cottage Cheese. ✦ 1 fl. 4 c. pails $57. 400 ea.25 $5.: 120 slices ea. 1 lb. 2.94 $17.99 $7. ✦ 1 pt. standard Whipped Butter DAIRY Asiago.62 $22.57 $25. oz. 35 lb.: 5 lb. solid. 1 c. 288 ea.40 $7.60 $27. Liquid. 1 qt. Sharp Cheese Slices.50 $35. all veg. 16 c.: 5 lb. 2 pt. 2 tbsp. whole Blue Cheese Blue Cheese. bags 1 kilo 10 lb. oz. 16 oz. oz.90 $66. 16 fl.25 $10. tubs 4 ea.8g Eggs.28 $4. ✦ 1 lb.70 $31. 1 lb. premium Shortening. 6 lb. PCs** Creamers.81 $1. 2% Cream Cheese Cream.82 $18. nondairy.45 $73. 2 c. oz. 2 ea. Heavy 34–36% fat Creamer.186 Price Lists Fats and Dairy (Continued) Item Shortening.35 $30. blocks half gallon 12 ea. 2 ea.05 $3.55 $14.40 $5. 4 ea. Mild Cheddar Cheese. Liquid. ✦ . powdered 2.62 $14. 8 fl. 1 lb. 4 qt. 4 ea.: 5 lb.60 1 gal. 32 fl.75 Wheel Wheel Case Wheel Block Pound Case Pound Box Case Half gallon Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Box Wheel Pound Pound Quart Case 12 lb. large Feta Cheese Goat Cheese Gorgonzola Gouda Cheese Gruyère Cheese Half-and-Half Margarine.40 $57. 16 tbsp. 3 tsp. ✦ 1 qt.35 $26.32 $22. tubs 2 kilos 7 lb.: 8 lb. 1 lb. individual PCs** Creamers. 15 dozen 2 ea.65 $36. prints $64. 30 1 lb.20 $29. : 5 lb.Fats and Dairy 187 Fats and Dairy (Continued) Item Mayonnaise.45 $2.: 3 lb. condensed. cans 48 ea.90 $28.: 5 lb. fresh Mozzarella Cheese. heavy duty.86 $19.10 $50. 30 lb.: 14 oz. whole Pizza Cheese. sweetened Milk.55 $5. plain Purchase Unit Pack Purchase Unit Price Case Pail Gallon Case Case Bag Gallon Case Container Pound Pound Case Pound Case Pound Box Pound Case 4 ea. natural Parmesan Cheese.: 32 oz. 2 percent Milk. 24 ea. 80/10/10 Provolone Ricotta Romano Cheese Sour Cream Swiss Cheese. print (of butter): 1-lb.30 $1. dry granules Milk.: 12 oz.95 $10.60 $62. 6 ea.60 $3.15 $33.60 *1-lb.85 $26. 4 ea.: 1 gal. Natural Mozzarella Cheese. 4 percent Monterey Jack. tubs 1 lb.60 $3. 1 gal. tubs 1 lb. 2 ea. fresh.90 $36.85 $6. brick (of butter) **PC: portion control Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit Y% ✦ . cans 25 lb. 1 gal. blocks 2 ea.: 5 lb. bags 1 lb. pieces 1 lb. 6 ea.: 5 lb. whole egg Mayonnaise. 2 ea. Nonfat. natural Yogurt.95 $5. cartons $33. whole. 1 lb. whole egg Milk.14 $54. evaporated Milk.35 $28. 25 $38.: 32 oz. 18 envelopes 4 ea.90 $47. Cattlemans Base. 4 ea. $58.30 1 gal. ✦ . yields 5 gallons 1:5) Base. 1:4 Capers. Non Pareil Chili Sauce Cranberry Sauce. 16 c. Ham. Beef (1 lb. 2 pt.: 32 oz.) Dressing: Thousand Island Enchilada Sauce Hoisin Sauce Horseradish. prepared Purchase Unit Pack (Oz.70 $145.: gal. 4 c. jars 4 ea. 128 fl. Vegetable Stock. whole Curry Paste Dressing: French Dressing: Bleu Cheese Dressing: Catalina Dressing: Creamy Caesar Dressing: Italian (Oil and Vinegar) Dressing: Ranch Dressing: Ranch Packets (Yield: 36 gal. oz.65 $52.: 1 lb.50 $47.: 1 lb.41 $94. 16 oz.95 $32.: gal.25 $35. oz. 16 tbsp.: 9 oz.: 1 lb.: 1 gal.90 $54. oz.: #10 cans 6 ea. (80 ct. 3 tsp.) Purchase Unit Price Case Can Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case 24 ea. jars 6 ea.: gal.-Fl.: gal.45 $193. 4 ea. 6 ea. jellied Cranberry Sauce.) 4 ea. 6 ea. oz.50 $46. Au Jus (1 lb.95 $56. 8 fl. cans 12 ea. 2 c. Marinated (Cara Mia) Bar-B-Que Sauce.: 5 lb. 16 fl. jars 6 ea. oz.10 $36.: gal.: #10 cans 6 ea.55 $23. 4 ea.75 $61.85 $38.60 $49. bottles 2. 6 ea. jars 4 ea. yields 4 gallons 1:4) Base. tubs 3 ea.90 $48.19 $47. ✦ 1 fl.188 Price Lists 10 Condiments Item A-1 Sauce Achiote Paste Adobo Sauce Artichoke Hearts.: gal. ✦ 1 pt.: gal.: 5 fl. 4 qt.95 $46. 2 tbsp. jars 6 ea.: half gal. 1:5 Base.95 $52.: gal. prepared Horseradish.: #10 cans 6 ea. Oz. ✦ 1 lb.: 5 lb.2 lb. ✦ 1 qt. tubs 6 ea.: 1 lb.90 $73. 4 ea. 1 c.: 4 lb.60 $45.: #10 cans 6 ea. ✦ 1 tbsp.70 $27. oz. jars 6 ea. 32 fl. 1:4 Base. 4 ea.45 $36.00 $42. 4 ea.: gal. Clam. 1:5 Base. jars 4 ea. Chicken.70 $88. : gal.08 $26. plain Mustard.: 17. Green Dried Nori Soy Sauce Sriracha Hot Sauce Steak Sauce.5 oz.90 $51. jars 12 ea.30 $28. oz. 24 ea.67 $46.60 $37. Gulden’s Mustard.10 $27.: 30 oz.10 Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit Y% ✦ .) Ketchup.85 $27.85 $114.50 $51. whole egg Mayonnaise. 30 lb. Cholula Jelly PCs.: 5 fl.69 $64. bottles 6 ea.07 $23.) Lea & Perrin’s Worcestershire Marinara Sauce Marinara Sauce. 4 ea. Delux Mayonnaise. 6 ea.: half gal. 1 ea.: gal.: 32 oz.31 $43. cans 24 ea.: 5 fl. sweet Pizza Sauce Ponzu Sauce Salsa. heavy duty.: 2 lb.: 5 lb.Condiments 189 Condiments (Continued) Item Hot Sauce.) Pesto Sauce Pickle Relish. oz.: #10 cans 6 ea. julienned Tahini (Sesame) Paste Purchase Unit Pack (Oz.15 $42.: gal. Dijon Mustard. 4 ea. oz.49 $21.: gal. Oz.: 30 oz.07 $99.: #10 cans 1 qt.: #10 cans 3 ea. prepared.: 50 count 4 ea.25 $7. bottles 4 ea.45 $22. bags 12 ea. Heinz Sun-Dried Tomato Pesto Sun-Dried Tomato Halves in Olive Oil Sun-Dried Tomatoes.-Fl.20 $33.55 $64.50 $47.: #10 cans 6 ea.55 $136.20 $142.43 $46.: #10 cans 30 lb.: gal. whole grain Nacho Cheese Sauce (576 fl.: 16 oz. 12 ea.90 $33. cans $26. bottles 400 ea. bottles 3 ea.: 5 fl. crock 6 ea.) Purchase Unit Price Case Case Case Bottle Case Case Case Case Pail Pail Case Can Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Box Case Case Case Case Case Case Case 12 ea.: 9 lb. 33 percent Kitchen Bouquet Knorr Swiss Demi Glace Base (33 gal. whole egg Mustard. assorted fruit flavors (0.6 oz.68 $30. 12 ea. Brown. Picante Seaweed.: 28 oz.63 $102. cans 4 ea.60 $50. oz. 6 ea. 6 ea. 4 ea. jars 2 ea. 16 c.75 fl.-Fl. 6 ea. 2 tbsp. bottles 4 ea.: gal.: 5 fl.60 $42.: gal. ✦ 1 tbsp. bottles 12 ea.75 oz. oz.40 $34.15 $29.25 $19. Japanese Rice Wine. oz. Balsamic Vinegar. oz. Tarragon. 16 fl. White Distilled. Raspberry Vinegar.: 16.: gal. 16 tbsp.10 1 gal. 4 qt. 12 ea. 50 grain Vinegar. $144.65 $18.190 Price Lists Condiments (Continued) Item Tamarind Purée.: 500-mL bottles 4 ea. 4 ea. ✦ 1 pt. 4 c. Red Wine. ✦ 1 lb. 2 c.: gal.: gal.50 $34. oz. 32 fl.89 $46.80 $22.80 $127. oz. 70 grain Worcestershire Sauce Purchase Unit Pack (Oz. 4 ea. oz. ✦ . 4 ea. seasoned Vinegar. 3 tsp.) Purchase Unit Price Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case 6 ea. 2 pt. 12 ea. 4 ea. 8 fl.35 $12. White Wine. Oz. 50 grain Vinegar. Wine-based Imported. 128 fl. ✦ 1 fl.: 16.72 $45. ✦ 1 qt. bottles 4 ea.: gal. Cider. oz. frozen Teriyaki Sauce Tabasco Sauce Vinegar.: 30 oz. 50 grain Vinegar.: gal. 50 grain Vinegar. 16 oz. 1 c. : 8.80 $62. Ocean Spray Fountain Syrups (5:1 Mix) Grapefruit Juice Iced Tea Lemonade. yield) Coffee Grounds.70 $23.: 46 fl.10 $123. bags 6 boxes: 28 bags in ea.30 $75.60 $22. foam. concentrate (6:1) Orange Juice.45 Case 24 sleeves: 25 count $43.25 oz.55 $143.05 $30.30 $18. cans 12 ea. bags 192 envelopes 12 ea. 12 ea. oz. Arabica Coffee Grounds. 2 oz.75 $47.30 $63. cans 4 boxes: 24 ea.: 64 fl. 6 boxes: 28 bags 6 boxes.: 2 lb. bags 12 ea. Lipton (individual) Tomato Juice Tropical Fruit Juice. Chamomile Tea Bags. cans 5 gal. oz.: 1. oz. cans 12 ea. oz. oz. China Tea Bags.: 32 fl. concentrate (5:1) Clam Juice Clamato Juice Cocoa Mix—Carnation (1728 fl. cans 12 ea. decaf Cranberry Juice.: 32 fl. packs Coffee Grounds. cans 19 ea. bags 6 ea.75 oz.15 Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit Y% ✦ .: 64 fl.65 $26. oz. dark roast Coffee Grounds.: 5 lb. cans 12 ea.85 $27. cans 128 ea.80 $45. bags 6 ea. concentrate (4:1) Pineapple Juice Prune Juice Sanka Brand Decaf Grounds Tea Bags. cans 12 ea. oz. oz.5 lb.40 $106. 12 oz.: 46 fl. oz.30 $17. 1 oz. oz. oz. cans $133.90 $46.75 $38.: 46 fl.: 32 fl. cans 12 ea. cans 12 ea. Purchase Unit Pack Purchase Unit Cost Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Box Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case 6 ea.50 $18.84 $40.00 $80.: 46 fl. Bigelow (individual) Constant Comment Tea Bags.35 $83. Tips. 12 ea.Beverages 191 11 Beverages Item Apple Juice.: 16 fl.: 46 fl. oz. concentrate (3:1) V-8 Juice PAPER PRODUCTS FOR BEVERAGES Cup.35 $31. Green. concentrate (4:1) Cranberry Juice.50 $209.75 $37. cans 12 ea. cans 6 ea. oz.: 1. oz.: 64 fl. 24 count 10 boxes: 100 bags in ea.: 46 fl. 16 fl. 12 oz. 16.49 $17. 2 c. dome.: 12 fl. Iced Tea Lid for 12. Filters.00 $9. 16 tbsp. paper. oz. ✦ .35 $59. ✦ 1 pt. 4 qt. 16 oz. oz. bottles 5 liters 1 liter 750 mL 1 liter 750 mL 1 liter 1 liter $22. 32 oz.40 $20. 4 c.: 12 fl. plastic. oz.15 $95. or 20 oz. hot.55 $13. Cup.99 $6. 3 tsp.35 $170. 128 fl.50 Each Each Each Each Each Each Case Case Box Each Each Each Each Each Each 1 liter 1 liter 1 liter 1 liter 1 liter 1 liter 24 ea. cold cup Lid.95 $78. 8 fl. 20 oz. 16 c.44 $9. 16 oz. ✦ 1 tbsp. 32-oz. hot. Beer. 16 oz.192 Price Lists Beverages (Continued) Item Cup.95 $22. hot cup Straws. oz.70 $9. 8 oz.55 $16. White or Dark Purchase Unit Pack Purchase Unit Cost Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case 10 sleeves: 100 count 24 sleeves: 25 count 40 sleeves: 25 count 1. black.65 $93. Cup.S. Imported (Prices can vary!) Boxed Wine (bag in box) Canadian Club Champagne Ordinaire Clan MacGregor Scotch Cointreau Couvosier VS Cognac Crème de Cacao.00 $20. ✦ 1 fl.95 1 gal. ✦ 1 lb. Domestic U.35 $41.72 $33. wrapped BEVERAGES WITH ALCOHOL Absolute Vodka Amaretto di Saronno Bacardi 151 Rum Bacardi Light Rum Bailey’s Irish Cream Beefeater’s Gin Beer.55 $44. oz. 2 pt. ✦ 1 qt. hot cup Lid. Coffee (60 oz. Cup.67 $8. foam. 32 fl.000 count 2 packs: 500 filters in ea. bottles 24 ea. foam. 12. cold. oz. 1 c. paper. paper.58 $29. 10 sleeves: 100 count 8 sleeves: 120 count 10 sleeves: 100 count 24 boxes: 500 count $54.000 count 600 count 1. 16 oz.50 $78. 2 packs: 250 filters in ea. pot) Filters.85 $21. Cup.33 $20. poly. 2 tbsp.83 $9. oz. foam.56 $18. Cup. 25 $9.Beverages 193 Beverages (Continued) Item Crème de Cassis Crème de Menthe.84 $20.33 $25.50 $19.00 $19. Dry Purchase Unit Pack Purchase Unit Cost Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each Each 1 liter 1 liter 1 liter 1 liter 750 mL 750 mL 750 mL 1 liter 1.67 $17.90 $12.31 $23.13 $24.50 $12.29 $33. White or Green Cuervo Gold Tequila Cutty Sark Scotch Dry Sack Sherry Frangelico Galliano Glenfiddich Single Malt Scotch Grand Marnier Harvey’s Bristol Cream Jack Daniel’s Sour Mash Jim Beam Bourbon Johnnie Walker Red (Scotch) Kahlua Korbel Brandy Meyers Rum Old Bushmill’s Irish Whiskey Old Crow Bourbon Ouzo Peppermint Schnapps Pernod Port Sake Southern Comfort Tia Maria Vermouth.58 $11.99 $5.55 Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit Y% ✦ .67 $11.25 $15.84 $14.83 $9.33 $15.00 $7.09 $18.90 $55.75 liter 750 mL 1 liter 1 liter 1 liter 1 liter 1 liter 1 liter 1 liter 1 liter 1 liter 1 liter 750 mL 750 mL 750 mL 1 liter 1 liter 750 mL $9.85 $22.50 $12.20 $17.33 $8. 1 lb. Prime Rib (112A) Angus.95 $5. ea. oz. 16 c. sliced Franks.78 $8.64 $4. 13 lb. pieces 1 lb. oz. 16 tbsp. ✦ .95 $19. 1 lb. 12 zip-bags 8 oz. patties 4 ea. avg. cut (frozen) Pastrami. 13 lb.63 $37. 12 zip-bags 8 oz. Bottom Sirloin Butt 185B Bones. 25 lb.95 $43.51 $4. avg.24 $18. $53. 6–8” ea.: 4 oz. oz. 10 lb. ✦ 1 qt. slices 13 lb.54 $79. Preportioned Steaks New York Striploin (180) 1 New York Striploin (180A) 1 Oxtails.. 1 c.75 $124. 16 fl. 40 ea.07 $8. 80/20 Inside Top Round (NAMP 168) Liver. 1 lb. 3 tsp. 1 lb. bags 20 lb.95 $32.38 $146.50 $75. 1 lb. 3 ea.: 13 lb. All Beef. 8 in. sliced Prime Rib (109) 23 lb.: 5 lb. 6 in.00 $4. Femur (for Stocks) Brisket. oz. Choice Prime Rib (109) 23 lb.61 $2. fat round 15% Corned Beef. ea.. 15% Pastrami. 30 ea.70 $19. Ground Beef Patties. ✦ 1 tbsp.: 5 1/3 oz.20 $43. 32 fl. Cap-Off (NAMP 184B) 1 1 1 Purchase Unit Pack Purchase Unit Cost Case Pound Case Case Pound Box Case Case Case Case Case Case Piece Box Piece Piece Case Pound Case Pound Pound Pound Pound Pound Pound Case Pound 60 lb. 4 c. Franks. 4 qt.69 $7. 1 lb. 23 lb. ✦ 1 fl.58 $3.20 $30. 50 lb.47 $42. 15 lb. 4 per lb. All Beef. 75/25 Ground Beef. Deckle Off Corned Beef. 80/20 Ground Beef Patties.64 $5.56 $68. 128 fl.: 4 oz. 2 pt. ✦ 1 lb.65 1 gal. avg. 2 tbsp. 10 lb. 80/20 Ground Beef. 15 lb. 8 per lb. 8 fl. 16 oz. oz.194 Price Lists 12 Meats Item BEEF Back Ribs Ball Tip. Select Prime Rib (112A) 13 lb. flat round. 1 lb. patties 40 ea.27 $59. Prime Rib (112A) Select Short Loin (for T-bones) (174) 0 Sirloin Butt (184) Sirloin Butt. ✦ 1 pt. 2 c. 1 lb.97 $30. Angus. 5 lb. $189.65 $21. ea.42 $7. 1 lb. 2 lb..80 $53. ea. fat). rolled.00 $141. (1306E) Eye of Round.12 $136. 1.89 Pound Case 1 lb. tied (234) Leg.45 Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit Y% ✦ . (NAMP 185C) Tri Tip. trim Rack.74 $12.46 $41. Whole (189). 15 lb. 1 lb.20 Pound Pound Box Piece Box Pound Pound Pound Pound 1 lb. 12 oz.94 $139. defatted (189A) select Tenderloin. 1 lb. whole (NAMP 233A) Loin. 12 oz.30 $28. 5 lb. cut Chop.18 $8. 1 lb. defatted (189A) choice Tenderloin. 191A) Tenderloin. $34. $7.81 $6. split. peeled (NAMP 185D) VEAL Bones. Knuckle.00 $240.33 $79.78 Case Case Piece Pound Pound 50 lb. Purchase Unit Pack Purchase Unit Cost Box Pound Piece Piece Piece Piece Case Case Pound 2 ea. 1 lb.36 $3. fat-on Top Round. 4 ea. $4.5–2 lb. 1 lb. Provimi Ground Veal Top Round.50 $4. 6 lb. 8 pieces/26 lb.82 $58. 2 in.: 5 lb. 6 ea.50 $62. tied. 1” fat (169) Tri-Tip (1/2 in. Stew Meat Top Round PORK Back Ribs (NAMP 422) Bacon. boned. 7 lb.97 $3. pieces 30 lb. 16 chops. Select (NAMP 349A) LAMB Chops (NAMP 1204B) Ground Lamb Leg. Frenched (NAMP 204C) Shanks (NAMP 210). 1 lb.60 $4.Meats 195 Meats (Continued) Item Stew Meat Tender Tips Tenderloin Butt (defatted.: 9 lb. bags 1 lb. 18/22 Strips per lb. 6 lb. 1 lb. 2 ea. average 1 lb. bone-in. ea..82 $3. Frenched.66 $56. oz. Serrano.25 $2.. 2 tbsp. 1 lb.89 $3. (10 oz.45 $23. whole (NAMP 410) NY Hot Italian Links Pork Meat for Stewing Salt Pork Sausage Links. $2. ✦ 1 qt. 1 lb. 18 lb.196 Price Lists Meats (Continued) Item Bacon.45 $7.59 $2.11 $299. oz. Cure 81 Ham. 16 fl. Ham Hocks Ham Shanks Ham Steaks Ham. 16 oz. 1 lb. boneless (NAMP 413) Loin. 32 fl. oz. 128 fl.95 $77. 1 in. 7 lb.92 $10.* (NAMP 402B) Leg. Boneless. Boneless Leg.49 $1. 1 lb.76 $33.68 $2. 1 lb. ea. B. 2 ea. Sausage. oz.41 Pound 1 lb. 6 in.: 12 lb. Prosciutto. Hormel Ham. 1 lb. Boneless. Buffet Carving. 1 lb. 1 lb. Boneless. boneless Ham. 4 c.28 $2.88 1 gal.96 $1. Pork & Beef. whole (NAMP 401A) Loin. 1 lb. ✦ 1 pt. ✦ 1 fl. 1 c.75 $1. 6 per lb. 1 lb. 1 lb. chops) Chorizo Links Franks. 2 pt.69 $47.T. Prosciutto.25 $1. 1 lb. 3 tsp.38 $4. 1 oz.R. 8 fl. 16 tbsp. 1 lb. Di Parma Ham. 1 lb. Bulk Spare Ribs (NAMP 416) Tenderloin (NAMP 415) DELI MEATS Bologna Purchase Unit Pack Purchase Unit Cost Case Pound Piece Pound Pound Case Pound Pound Pound Piece Case Each Pound Piece Piece Pound Pound Pound Pound Pound Pound Pound Pound Box Pound Pound 15 lb. 1 lb. 16 c.44 $37. 15 lb. 1 lb.15 $3. Ends and Pieces Boston Butt (NAMP 406 Shoulder) Canadian Bacon Chop. 2 c. ✦ 1 lb. oz. ✦ 1 tbsp. pieces 8 lb.17 $4. water added Ham. $17. 1 lb. 10 lb. 4 qt. ✦ . 10 lb.41 $238 $26.79 $2.99 $1. 1 lb.29 $2. 1 lb.57 $1. raw Corned Beef Brisket.T. uncooked Danish Ham Dry Salami Mortadella Olive Loaf Pepperoni Prosciutto.67 $2. 1 lb.R. 1 lb.Meats 197 Meats (Continued) Item Canned Ham Cooked Corned Beef Cooked Top Round Coppa. 1 lb.95 $1.59 $4. 1 lb.: boned.22 $2.50 $10.89 $4. mild and hot Corned Beef Bottom Round.59 $3.69 $2.69 $2. 1 lb. tied Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit Y% ✦ . rolled.49 $2. 1 lb.39 $6. 1 lb. 1 lb. flat Toscano Salami Turkey Ham or Pastrami White Turkey Roll Purchase Unit Pack Purchase Unit Cost Can Pound Pound Pound Pound Pound Pound Pound Pound Pound Pound Pound Pound Pound Pound Pound Pound Pound Pound 5 lb. 1 lb. 1 lb.39 $3. 1 lb. 1 lb. 1 lb.24 $1. 1 lb. 1 lb.12 $2. $7. domestic Prosciutto de Parma Smoked Pork Loin Smoked Turkey Breast Tavern Ham.59 *B.93 $9. 1 lb. 1 lb.89 $2.95 $3. 90 $33. Breast.75 $36. skin on. 48 ea./14 birds $0. oz.: 5 lb./48 pieces 24. oz. 3 tsp. IQF* Thighs/3. Breast./96 pieces 15.5 lb. 2 tbsp.90 $123. cooked and smoked. boneless Breast.3 oz. Gizzards. ea. skinless. cooked. 18. ✦ 1 lb.15 $33. skinless.: 5 lb.00 $22./200–240 pc. boneless 6 oz. ✦ 1 pt. oz. 4 c. bags 27 lb. pulled Tenderloins. ✦ 1 fl. 1 lb.75 lb. boneless 4 oz. 38.6 oz.35 $53. 4 qt. boneless 6 oz. frozen. bone in Dark Meat. IQF* Whole Legs/6. ea.25 $28. 16 oz.80 $42. 1 lb.40 $49.5 lb. 2 c. 24 ea.95 $59. 24 ea. oz. 1 lb. 2 pt.5 oz. 1 c. bulk Thighs.: 5 lb.9 lb. $2. 8 fl. tubs 10 lb. boneless 7 oz.30 $46. IQF* Quarters/8. Breast.35 $31. Leg. boneless 5 oz./96 pieces 19 lb. White Meat. skinless. 6 ea.75 $30. 10 lb. skinless./24 pieces 30 lb.29 $0. 4 ea.13 $4.60 $58.05 $42. IQF* Halves/17 oz.50 $28. 128 fl. 24 ea.05 $57. 16 tbsp.14 $3.69 1 gal. boneless. 32 fl.198 Price Lists 13 Poultry Item CHICKEN FRYERS Backs and Necks Breast. skinless Drumstick Purchase Unit Pack Purchase Unit Cost Pound Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Case Bag Case Case Case Case 1 lb.) WOG TURKEY Breast. ✦ . ea. 16 fl. oz. boneless 5 oz. ✦ 1 tbsp. 1 lb. 48 ea. ea. ea. frozen IQF* All 8 Pieces IQF* Drumsticks/2. IQF* Half Breasts/6. cooked & pulled Whole Fryers (2.75 oz. 16 c./48 pieces 15 lb.46 $21. 4 ea. Breast.5 oz.63 $1.25 $29.05 Pound Pound Pound Pound Pound 1 lb.5 lb./60 pieces 40 lb.40 $45. ea. ea. ✦ 1 qt. bone in with ribs Breast. blocks 24 ea. IQF* Wing Drumettes Liver Meat. : 9 oz.91 $32. Game Hens Purchase Unit Pack Purchase Unit Cost Pound Pound Pound Pound Box Pound Pound Pound Case 1 lb. 1 lb. Petite 9 lb.” 4 per lb.: 7 lb. Tavern Loaf Whole Hens 18 lb.Poultry 199 Poultry (Continued) Item Ground. 5% fat Links. Whole Toms 30 lb. 2 ea.20 * IQF: individually quick frozen Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit Y% ✦ . 1 lb. halves $1.“Gourmet Flavors.95 $2.26 $1.49 $2.06 $1.85 $0. 1 lb. loaves 1 lb. Whole. 1 lb. Tenderloins Thighs Turkey Ham.23 $1. 1 lb. 24 ea.44 $44. skinless. oz.99 $68. bags 10 lb. 15 lb. 128 fl. skin-on. Coho.65 $57. oz. ✦ . filets. fresh Mussels.00 $792. surf Clams. 4-oz. IQF* 8 oz.: 2 lb. 10 lb. 32 fl. oz. 8 oz. Salmon Fillets. 7–8 oz.65 $61. 2 c. snow. Striped Filet. H&G. ✦ 1 qt. 20 lb. 2 pt. 8 oz. skinless. cooked Ono Filet. 10 lb. IQF* Halibut Steaks. warm water.98 $72. filets. 1 c.: 10 lb. 10 lb. ✦ 1 pt. 5 oz.15 $84. IQF* 6 oz. whole in shell Clams. Lobster Tail. fresh Bass. 10–12 oz.: 5 lb.89 $53. 10 lb. 10 lb. IQF* Clams. Salmon filets. Snow crab. 4 c.68 $149.00 $239. oz.99 $211. warm water.. IQF* Halibut. imitation Crabmeat. Hawaiian Salmon Fillets. fresh Catfish. 15 lb. IQF* Halibut Steaks. each. 4 qt. IQF* Monkfish Tail.79 $29. gutted. 5 ea.79 $66. ea. 6 ea. 10 lb. 65% body/35% leg Halibut Steaks.45 $105. 10 lb. 16 tbsp.30 $73. chopped. 10 lb.60 $37. fresh Opah Filet. Lobster Tail. fillets. Mahi Mahi Filet. Lobster Tail. skin-on. Chilean. cans 10 lb. 10 ea. Purchase Unit Pack Purchase Unit Cost Box Each Case Case Box Case Case Case Case Box Case Case Case Each Box Box Case Case Carton Case Carton Case Carton Carton Case Case Case 10 lb.83 $103. 4 oz.: 51 fl.. 16 fl. 10 lb.89 $297. 8 fl. fresh Lobster Tail. 10–20 lb.80 $103. boxes 20 lb. IQF* Crab Legs.50 $110. oz. 2 tbsp. 16 c. 4 ea. Sea. Whole.30 $90. 15 lb.35 $118.00 $817.200 Price Lists 14 Seafood Item FROZEN or CANNED (unless marked fresh) Bass. 6 oz. boxes 5 lb. 3 tsp. 5–6 oz. 3–6 lb. headed. ea. ✦ 1 tbsp. 4 blocks: 5 lb. oz. Farm-raised. Australian. ✦ 1 lb.: 1 lb. canned Cod.: 10 lb.11 1 gal.45 $96..98 $60.90 $182.. Canadian. 8–10 oz. $122.55 $141. ✦ 1 fl. IQF* 8 oz. 16 oz. fresh Mahi Mahi. boxes 4 ea. 10 lb. bags 12 ea. 10 lb. IQF* Crabmeat. 00 $29. 10 lb.55 $198. IQF*.: 5 lb.70 $55. ea.60 $85. under 10 count. 4 boxes: 2.5 lb. Scottish Snapper.38 $168. boned. IQF* Swordfish Loin. 6 bags: 5 lb. medium. fresh Scallops. 6 oz.49 $45.: 5 lb.30 $58. Bay. IQF* Sole (“Dover”) 5 oz. 5 lb. fillets. fresh Sole. chunk light in water Tuna. 10 lb. Side. 10 lb.99 $88. 6 cans: 66.95 $136. 2. Smoked Salmon. boxes 8 lb. Petrale. Norway Salmon. 2 ea.22 $110. 80–120 count Scallops. whole. fresh Shrimp. Norwegian Smoked Salmon. butterfly. ea. 6 boxes: 4 lb. Tiger 16/20 (raw) Smoked Salmon. fresh Swordfish Steaks.5 lb.30 $68. Canned.30 *IQF: individually quick frozen Y% means yield percentage ✦ AS means as served (or used) ✦ AP means as purchased ✦ AS AP AS Y% AP ✦ AP Y% AS ✦ Cost per AP unit Y% Cost per servable unit Y% ✦ .15 $115. ea.95 $62. Petrale. boxes 2 ea. smoked. 10 lb. 6–8 oz. fillet. boxes 10 lb. Albacore in water Purchase Unit Pack Purchase Unit Cost Side Each Case Case Box Box Case Case Case Case Side Filleted side Filleted side Case Case Carton Case Carton Case Case Case Case Carton Carton Case Case 2. ea. loin. ea. 150–250 (cooked) Shrimp. ea. 20 lb.93 $93.90 $58. 6 cans: 66. ea. 20 lb.90 $45. 20–30 count Scallops. domestic U. Ahi #1.S. 250–350 (cooked) Shrimp. 5 oz. Trout.5 lb. IQF* Trout. 6 ea. 2 bags: 5 lb.45 $94.66 $92. 6 boxes: 4 lb. 8 oz. Atlantic. fillets. $85. Canned.5 oz. boneless.90 $53. fillet.65 $48. Bay. Bay. 12 lb. Tiger 21/25 (raw) Shrimp.79 $103. Yellowfin. 10 lb. 0 lb.Seafood 201 Seafood (Continued) Item Salmon.: 5 lb. 8 oz. IQF* Sole.10 $132. boxes 2 ea. fresh Tuna. skin-on. Tuna Steaks.42 $310.90 $96. Tiger 21/25 (cooked) Shrimp.50 $107.: 5 lb. fillet. Tuna. fresh Tuna.5 oz. Ahi #2. 1 lb. This page intentionally left blank . COSTING WORKSHEETS 203 . grains. Use to cost meats: beef. and dispensed drinks. Use to determine recipe costs and yields. and fats and oils. 14 Rendered. tea. 4 Volume (Fluid Ounce) Items Use to cost condiments. Use to cost stock and sauce bases. Use for costing flour. and some poultry. some sweeteners. some crustaceans. 2 Trimmed or Cooked Foods Use to cost vegetables and fruit. Sauces. meal. special baking items. Use to cost foods packaged in number-10 cans. and fats and oils. some crustaceans and mollusks.204 G u i d e t o U s i n g t h e C o s t i n g Wo r k s h e e t s Guide to Using the Costing Worksheets Worksheet Number Worksheet Title Guide to Selecting a Worksheet 1 Weights to Volumes Use Use to find the worksheet you need. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Dry Herbs and Spices Fresh Herbs Canned Goods Pastas Eggs Brewed and Dispensed Beverages Meats Seafood Poultry Use to cost dry herbs and spices. bran. and dry legumes. and other similar products. dairy products. and mollusks. 3 Piece Counts Use to cost vegetables and fruit. Use to cost finfish. sweeteners. and Clarified Items 15 16 Flavor Bases: Stocks. rice. turkey. and Others Recipe Card for Costing Use to cost clarified butter. nuts and seeds. . and other birds. rendered fats. Use to cost fresh herbs. Use to cost eggs. bottled items. Use to cost pastas. crumbs. Use to cost coffee. Use to cost poultry: chicken. packaged beverages. pork. Reduced. and lamb. veal. cereals. multiply by 16 and add 7 percent for compaction. or condiments.C o s t i n g Wo r k s h e e t 1 205 Measurement Conversion and Costing Worksheet 1 Weights to Volumes Item Name: __________________________________________________ (Given) As-Purchased (AP) Unit: ________________________________________ (Package Type: Bag. etc.5 percent for compaction. Box. for a quart. Do not add compaction factors for liquids. for a gallon. oils. fats.5 percent for compaction. for a halfgallon. multiply the cup cost by 2.) Cost of the AP Unit: $ _________________________________________ (From Invoice or Price List) Fill in the next two lines if the AP package is measured in pounds. Pounds per AP Unit: ___________________________________________ (Invoice or Package Weight) Cost per Pound: $ _____________________________________________ (AP unit cost AP pounds) OUNCE MEASURES Ounces per AP Unit: ___________________________________________ (Package Weight or AP pounds 16) Ounces per unit) Cost per AP Ounce: $ __________________________________________ (AP unit cost Ounces per Cup: ______________________________________________ (From Part I) Cost per Cup: $ _______________________________________________ (Ounces per cup Cost per ounce) (For a pint cost.) Pint Cost: $ ________________ Quart Cost: $ ________________ Gallon Cost: $ __________________ Cost per Tablespoon: $ __________________________________________________ (Cost per cup 16) 3) Cost per Teaspoon: $ ____________________________________________________ (Tablespoon cost NOTES: . multiply by 8 and add 3. Skip to “Ounce Measures” below if the item is sold in ounces. multiply by 4 and add 1. 5 percent to a quart cost. pints.206 C o s t i n g Wo r k s h e e t 2 Measurement Conversion and Costing Worksheet 2 Trimmed or Cooked Foods Processed Recipe Item Name: __________________________________ (Given) Raw Item Name: _____________________________________________ (Given) Raw Purchase Unit (AP): ______________________________________ (Package Description) Cost per Raw AP Unit: $ ______________________________________ (Invoice or Price List Amount) Pounds per Raw AP Unit: _____________________________________ (Pounds in AP Unit) and/or Ounces per Raw AP Unit: _____________________________________ (Ounces in AP unit or AP pounds 16) AP pounds) Cost per Raw AP Pound: $ ____________________________________ (AP unit cost and/or Cost per Raw Ounce: $ _______________________________________ (AP unit cost Yield Percentage: (Decimal) or % _______________________________ (From Part I) Cost per Processed Pound: $ ___________________________________ (AP pound cost Ounces in unit.) . when using these larger units add 1.5 percent to a 2-quart volume cost. or 16) Cost per Processed Ounce: $ ___________________________________ (Raw ounce cost Processed pound cost Continue if the trimmed or cooked item is also measured by volume (cups.5%: $ _____________________ 7%: $ __________________________ 16) Half Gallon Cost: (Cup cost Gallon Cost: (Cup Cost 16) (Note: To account for possible compaction of produce cut into small bits. spoons). and 7 percent to a full-gallon measure cost. Processed Ounces per Cup: ____________________________________ (Cooked or Trimmed Weight per Cup from Part I) Cost per Processed Cup: $ _____________________________________ (Processed ounces per cup Processed ounce cost) Cost per Processed Tablespoon: $ _______________________________ (Cost per processed cup Pint Cost: (Cup cost Quart Cost: (Cup cost 2): $ ___________________________________ 4) 1. 3.5%: $ __________________________ 8) 3. or 16) Cost per AP pound Yield %) Yield %. Raw: $ ___________________________________________ (AP cost Total count) Usable (Culled) Count: _________________________________________ (From Part I) Yield Percentage: (Decimal) or % __________________________________ (From Part I.C o s t i n g Wo r k s h e e t 3 207 Measurement Conversion and Costing Worksheet 3 Piece Counts Name: Recipe Item Description: _________________________________ (Given) Raw Item Name: ______________________________________________ (Given) As-Purchased (AP) Unit: ________________________________________ (Package Type or Measure) Cost of AP Unit: $ ____________________________________________ (From Invoice or Price List) Total Raw Count in AP Unit: ____________________________________ (AP Pack Count) Cost of Each. or Cost of Yield %) NOTES: . or Culled count Raw count) Cost of Each Culled: $ _________________________________________ (AP cost each raw Culled count. ) Pint Cost $ ________________ Quart Cost $ __________________ Gallon Cost $ __________________ NOTES: . divide the milliliters in the container by 29. multiply the cup cost by 2. for a quart. for a gallon.) Fluid Ounces in One Container: _______________________________ (From Invoice or Container Label) Cost per Fluid Ounce: $ _____________________________________ (Container cost Cost per Cup: $ ____________________________________________ (8 Cost per Pint: $ _____________________________________________ (2 Cost per Quart: $ ___________________________________________ (4 Cost per Gallon: $ __________________________________________ (16 For “Wet” Items Measured by Weight Cost per Container: $ ________________________________________ (From Above) Total Ounces in Container: ___________________________________ (From Invoice or Label) Cost per Ounce: $ __________________________________________ (Container cost Ounce Weight per Cup: ______________________________________ (From Part I) Cost per Cup: $ ____________________________________________ (Ounce cost Ounces per cup) Total ounces) Fluid ounces in 1) Number of containers) Fluid-ounce cost) Cup cost) Cup cost or 2 Cup cost or 4 Pint cost) Quart cost) (For a pint cost. multiply by 4. multiply by 16.208 C o s t i n g Wo r k s h e e t 4 Measurement Conversion and Costing Worksheet 4 Volume (Fluid Ounce) Items Item Name: ________________________________________________ (Given) As-Purchased (AP) Unit: ______________________________________ (From Invoice or Price List) Containers in AP Unit: ______________________________________ (From Invoice or Price List) Cost of One Container: $ ____________________________________ (AP unit cost (To convert milliliters to fluid ounces.574. C o s t i n g Wo r k s h e e t 5 209 Measurement Conversion and Costing Worksheet 5 Dry Herbs and Spices Item Name: ____________________________________________ (Given) As-purchased (AP) Unit: __________________________________ (Package Type or measure) Cost of AP Unit: $ ______________________________________ (From invoice or price list) Total Ounces in AP Unit: _________________________________ (Ounces in AP container) Cost per AP Ounce: $ ____________________________________ (AP unit cost Total ounces) ITEMS USED BY WEIGHT-TO-VOLUME Cup Cost Ounces per Cup: ________________________________________ (From Part I) Cost per Cup: $ _________________________________________ (Ounce cost Spoon Costs Tablespoons per Ounce: __________________________________ (From Part I) Cost per Tablespoon: $ ___________________________________ (Cost per ounce or Cup cost 16) 3) Tablespoons per ounce. Ounces per cup) Cost per teaspoon: $ ____________________________________ (Cost per tablespoon ITEMS USED BY COUNT Number per Ounce Count per Ounce: _______________________________________ (Number each per ounce from Part I) Cost per Each: $ ________________________________________ (Ounce cost Count per ounce) Number per Tablespoon: Count per Tablespoon: ___________________________________ (From Part I) Cost per Tablespoon: $ ___________________________________ (From above) Cost per Each: $ ________________________________________ (Cost per tablespoon 4 Count per tablespoon) . or Total AP unit weight Number of bunches) Cost per AP Ounce: $ _____________________________________ (Cost per AP bunch bunch) Ounces per Number of Garnish Leaves per AP Ounce: ____________________ (Your count.210 C o s t i n g Wo r k s h e e t 6 Measurement Conversion and Costing Worksheet 6 Fresh Herbs Item Name: _____________________________________________ (Given) As-purchased Unit: _______________________________________ (Pack type or measure) Cost per AP Unit: $ _______________________________________ (From invoice or price list) Number of Bunches per AP Unit: ___________________________ (Number of bunches in AP unit) Cost per Bunch: $ ________________________________________ (AP unit cost in unit) Number of bunches Ounces per Bunch: _______________________________________ (From Part I. or use method in note 8 at bottom of Fresh Herbs table) Cost per Chopped Tablespoon: $ ____________________________ (Cost per AP ounce AP ounce) Tablespoons per Cost per Chopped Cup: $ _________________________________ (Cost per chopped tablespoon 3 16) NOTES: . or from Part I) Cost per Garnish Leaf: $ ___________________________________ (Cost per ounce per ounce) Number of leaves Tablespoons of Chopped Leaf per AP Ounce: _________________ (From Part I data. use the Canned Food Weight-to-Volume table in Part I. and to cost a cup. Number-10 Can Item Name: ______________________________ (Given) As-Purchased Unit: ______________________________________ (Invoice package) AP Unit Cost: $ ________________________________________ (From invoice or price list) Number of Cans in AP Unit: _____________________________ (From invoice or price list) Cost per Can: $ ________________________________________ (AP unit cost Number of cans) . Number-10 Can Item Name: ______________________________ (Given) As-Purchased Unit: ______________________________________ (Invoice package) AP Unit Cost: $ ________________________________________ (From invoice or price list) Number of Cans in AP Unit: _____________________________ (From invoice or price list) Cost per Can: $ ________________________________________ (AP unit cost Number of cans) Minimum Drained Ounce Weight: _________________________ (From Part I USDA list) Cost per drained ounce: $ ________________________________ (Can cost drained ounces per can) Note: To cost an undrained weight of canned food. UNDRAINED WEIGHTS AND VOLUMES Number-10 Can Item Name: ______________________________ (Given) As-Purchased Unit: ______________________________________ (Invoice package) AP Unit Cost: $ ________________________________________ (From invoice or price list) Number of Cans in AP Unit: _____________________________ (From invoice or price list) Cost per Can: $ ________________________________________ (AP unit cost Number of cans) Actual Ounce Weight per Can: ____________________________ (From volumes table) Actual Cost per Ounce: $ ________________________________ (Can cost Actual ounces per can) Actual cost per ounce) Actual cost per ounce) Actual cost per Cost per Cup: $ ________________________________________ (Ounces per cup Cost per Quart: $________________________________________ (Ounces per quart ounce) Cost per Half Gallon: $ __________________________________ (Ounces per half gallon DRAINED WEIGHTS AND VOLUMES Use the Canned Foods Weight-to-Volume table in Part I for the measurement data.C o s t i n g Wo r k s h e e t 7 211 Measurement Conversion and Costing Worksheet 7 Canned Goods DRAINED WEIGHTS Use with the USDA list of Minimum Drained Weights. quart. or half gallon of either a drained or undrained canned product. 212 C o s t i n g Wo r k s h e e t 7 Drained Ounces per Can: ________________________________ (From weight-to-volumes table in Part I) Drained Cost per Ounce: $ _______________________________ (Can cost Drained ounce per can) Drained cost per ounce) Drained cost per ounce) Drained cost Cost per Drained Cup: $ _________________________________ (Ounce per cup Cost per Drained Quart: $ _______________________________ (Ounce per quart per ounce) Cost per Drained Half Gallon: $ __________________________ (Ounce per half gallon Miscellaneous Canned or Bottled Produce Items DRAINED WEIGHTS Item Name: ____________________________________________ (Given) As-Purchased Unit: ______________________________________ (Invoice package) AP Unit Cost: $ ________________________________________ (From invoice or price list) Number of Containers in AP Unit: ________________________ (From invoice or price list) Cost per Container: $ ___________________________________ (AP unit cost Drained Ounces: _______________________________________ (From part I) Cost per Drained Ounce: $ _______________________________ (Container cost drained ounces) Containers in AP unit) PIECE COUNTS Item Name: ____________________________________________ (Given) Cost per Container: $ ___________________________________ (From Above) Piece Count in AP Unit: _________________________________ (From Part 1) Cost per Piece: _________________________________________ (Container Cost Piece count) DRAINED VOLUMES Item Name: ____________________________________________ (Given) Cost per Drained Ounce: $ _______________________________ (From above) Drained Ounces per Cup: ________________________________ (From part 1) Cost per Cup: $_________________________________________ (Cost per Drained ounce Ounces per cup) . conduct your own cooked-volume yields test. above. above. Cost per Raw Quart: $ ______________________________________ (Raw ounce cost. whereas volume-tovolume outcomes are less precise. the shape of the raw pasta. more importantly. Raw ounces per cup for pasta type from Part I) Raw ounces per quart for pasta type from Part I) (Note: Raw weight to cooked weight or to dry volume conversions are fairly predictable.C o s t i n g Wo r k s h e e t 8 213 Measurement Conversion and Costing Worksheet 8 Pastas Name: Pasta Type: _________________________________________ (Given) As-Purchased Unit: _________________________________________ (Package type from invoice) Cost per AP Unit: $ ________________________________________ (From invoice or price list) Pounds in AP Unit: ________________________________________ (From invoice or price list) Cost per Raw AP Pound: $ __________________________________ (AP unit cost Cost per Raw AP Ounce: $ __________________________________ (AP pound cost Pounds in unit) 16) RAW WEIGHT TO COOKED WEIGHT COSTING Cost per Cooked Pound (Dry Pasta): $ ________________________ (Raw pound cost Part I) 2.0 yield factor from Part I) DRY WEIGHT TO DRY VOLUME COSTING Pasta Name: ______________________________________________ (Given) Ounce Weight per Cup: _____________________________________ (From Part I) Ounce Weight per Quart: ___________________________________ (From Part I) Cost per Raw Cup: $ _______________________________________ (Raw ounce cost.To determine a volume yield and then cost that volume of cooked pasta based on a raw volume.) NOTES: .5 yield factor from Cost per Cooked Pound (Fresh Pasta): $ ________________________ Raw cost 2. Outcomes vary according to the degree of doneness desired and. 36-pack.44 $ _______________ Cost per quart of large shelled eggs 19.) Purchase Unit Cost: $ ____________________________________ (From invoice or price list) AP Subunit: ____________________________________________ (Flat. LARGE EGGS Cost of 1 Quart of Large Shelled (Pooled) Eggs According to Part I. you can determine the cost of 1 egg rather quickly: Simply divide the AP unit cost by the total egg count.) Number of Subunits in AP Unit: ___________________________ (From invoice or AP unit pack) Cost per Subunit: $ ______________________________________ (AP unit cost AP unit) Number of subunits in Number of Eggs in 1 Subunit: _____________________________ (From invoice. carton of 12.214 C o s t i n g Wo r k s h e e t 9 Measurement Conversion and Costing Worksheet 9 Eggs Egg Size: _______________________________________________ (Given or from invoice) As-Purchased Unit: ______________________________________ (From invoice: case. there are 19. 36-pack.44 large shelled eggs per quart. pack. cost per pound: Cost of 1 egg $ _______________ 9 $ _______________ Cost of 1 pound of large shelled eggs 9 $ Cost per pound NOTES: . cost per quart: Cost of 1 egg $ _______________ 19. etc. or physical count) Cost of 1 Egg: $ _________________________________________ (Subunit cost Number eggs in 1 subunit) Note: If you know how many eggs are in the entire AP unit. there are 9 large shelled eggs per pound. etc. so use this formula: $ Cost of 1 large egg Thus.44 = $ Cost per quart Cost of 1 Pound of Large Shelled (Pooled) Eggs According to Part I. so use this formula: $ Cost of 1 large egg Thus. or from Part I. from Part I. or use your own yield test results) Cost of 1 Brewed Fluid Ounce: $ _______________________________ (Fluid ounce yield Ounce cost) .. 1. carton. or your brewing results) Cost per Brewed Fluid Ounce: $ _________________________________(Package cost Fluid ounce yield) COFFEE (BULKLOOSE GROUNDS) As-Purchased Unit: ___________________________________________ (Case. or 16 Your 1-ounce yield test) ICED TEA As-Purchased Unit: ___________________________________________ (From invoice) Cost of AP Unit: $ ___________________________________________ (From Invoice) Total Ounces in AP Unit: _____________________________________ (From pack or invoice) Cost per Ounce of Tea Leaf: $ _________________________________ (AP unit cost Total ounces) Fluid Ounce Yield of 1-Ounce Tea Leaf: _________________________ (From Part I: 64. or computed from pack) Cost per Pound: $ ___________________________________________ (AP unit cost Cost per Ounce: $ ___________________________________________ (Pound cost Total pounds) 16) Fluid Ounce Yield of 1 Ounce Grounds: _________________________ (Your yield test result. from invoice) Cost per AP Unit: $ __________________________________________ (From invoice or price list) Number of Packages in As-Purchased Unit: _______________________ (From invoice or AP unit) Cost per Package: $ __________________________________________ (AP unit cost packages) Number of Yield in Fluid Ounces per Package: ______________________________ (Manufacturer’s yield instruction. etc. etc. from invoice) Cost per AP Unit: $ __________________________________________ (From invoice) Total Pounds in AP Unit: ______________________________________ (Invoice.C o s t i n g Wo r k s h e e t 1 0 215 Measurement Conversion and Costing Worksheet 10 Brewed and Dispensed Beverages COFFEE (PREPORTIONED PACKAGING) One package brews a predetermined amount of coffee. or 1 ounce yields 40 fluid ounces) Cost per Brewed Fluid Ounce: $ ________________________________ (Ounce cost Fluid ounce yield) Cost per Brewed 6-Ounce Cup: $ _______________________________ (Brewed fluid ounce cost 6) Yield of 1 Pound Grounds: ____________________________________ (5 Gallons.. As-Purchased Unit: ___________________________________________ (Case. carton.5 ounces yields 60 fluid ounces. Add this to fluid ounces in AP unit. Add the CO2 and water costs of $0.216 C o s t i n g Wo r k s h e e t 1 0 DISPENSED DRINKS As-Purchased Unit: ___________________________________________________ (Product description) Cost of AP Unit: $ ___________________________________________________ (From invoice) Fluid Ounces in AP Unit: _____________________________________________ (Calculate from invoice: Number of quarts Number of gallons 32.) Cost per mixed fluid ounce: $ __________________________ Divide cost of AP unit by the mixed fluid ounce yield. Final cost per mixed fluid ounce: $ _______________________ (Cost per mixed fluid ounce plus $0.0006 per fluid ounce below. or 128) Mix Ratio Syrup to water: ________ parts syrup to________ parts water (From package instructions) Fluid ounce yield after mixing: _________________________ (Multiply fluid ounce in AP unit times parts water.0006) . it has no other salable (menu) or cooking use in your operation. RAW MEAT TO TRIMMED PIECE: METHOD A With this method. and unusable trim weights plus usable trim weight and the trimmed piece weight should equal the AP weight. brochette meat. all of the value of any usable trim (sinew. Cutting loss.) obtained from the trimming remains with the primary piece. or Invoice amount) Trimmed Weight (Pounds): ________________________________ (Weigh out or use yield % from Part I weight) AP Trimmed Yield Percentage: (Decimal) ________ or ________ % (Trimmed pounds use Part I %) AP pounds. not even for stocks or employee meals. loose blood.C o s t i n g Wo r k s h e e t 1 1 217 Measurement Conversion and Costing Worksheet 11 Meats There are two ways to cost trimmed meats: ✦ Method A: This method does not deduct the value of the trimmings (usable or not) from the cost of the trimmed piece. ground meat. use this process. or Cost per Pound of Trimmed Piece: $ ________________________ (AP pound cost Trim % or AP cost Trimmed pounds) *If loose blood was in the meat package. etc. . ✦ Method B: This method does deduct the value of the usable trim from the cost of the trimmed piece. stew meat. bones. This results in the trimmed piece being relatively more expensive but assigns a zero value to the trimmings. Prepared Meat Item Name: ________________________________ (Given) Base Meat Name: ________________________________________ (Original meat item) Base Meat NAMP Number: _______________________________ (NAMP guide or invoice) As-Purchased (AP) Piece Weight in Pounds: ___________________ (Invoice amount or weigh out*) Cost per AP Pound: $ ____________________________________ (From invoice or price list) A: Total Cost of Raw AP Piece: $ ___________________________ (AP pounds Cost per pound. This method is quicker but is used only when the trim from the primary piece is not really put to use—that is. When the value of the usable trim is not deducted from the AP cost. include the blood weight in your initial AP weight. such as extra bones or brochette meat. The cost values assigned to your usable trim items are what you would pay had you bought them. USABLE TRIM DEDUCTIONS Item Bones and Sinew Ground Meat Stew Meat Brochette Meat Pounds Market Price per Pound $ Total Value $ TOTAL: Here is how to plug in the usable trim total value to the worksheet: Prepared Meat Item Name: __________________________________ (Given) Base Meat Name: __________________________________________ (Original Meat Item) $ Base Meat NAMP Number: _________________________________ (NAMP Guide or Invoice) As-Purchased (AP) Piece Weight in Pounds _____________________ (Invoice Amount or Weigh Out) Cost per AP Pound: $ ______________________________________ (From Invoice or Price List) Total Cost of Raw AP Piece: $ ________________________________ (From invoice. (You might also order these trimmed items. or AP pounds cost) Pound Minus Value of Usable Trim: $ _______________________________ (Enter Total Trim Deductions) B: Cost of Trimmed Piece: $ _________________________________ (AP cost – Trim value) Trimmed Weight (Pounds): __________________________________ (Weigh out. but the point is that these trimmings are going to be used and have a usable value.) After completing your normal trimming of the meat item.218 C o s t i n g Wo r k s h e e t 1 1 RAW MEAT TO TRIMMED PIECE: METHOD B This method is used when the usable trim is put to use in your operation in lieu of having to order the trimmed items separately. as purchased. add up the value of the trimmings and deduct their assigned value from your cost of the entire piece. or use yield % from Part I AP weight) Cost per Pound of Trimmed Piece: $ __________________________ (Trimmed piece cost weight in pounds) Trimmed . Name of Portioned Item: ___________________________________ (Given. or Weigh Out) Cost per Pound Raw. 7-ounce steak) Name of AP Piece: ________________________________________ (Given.. or raw pound cost yield %) Cooked Cooked Cost per Ounce of Cooked Piece: $ __________________________ (Cooked pound cost 16) PORTION COST Use this section when known portions are obtained from a single piece (item). It can also be used to complete the costing of a trimmed piece from above. Trimmed: $ ____________________________ (Cost of whole raw. Meat Item: _______________________________________________ (Given. Trimmed Piece: ________________________ (From Above. or from Above. Trimmed Piece: $ ______________________________ (Invoice. e.g. Invoice. or from Above) Cost of Raw. trimmed piece Pound weight of trimmed piece) Pound Weight of Cooked Piece: _____________________________ (Weight after cooking and resting) Cooked Yield Percentage: (Decimal) ________ or ________% (Cooked weight weight) Raw trimmed Cost per Pound of Cooked Piece: $ __________________________ (Cost of raw trimmed piece pounds.C o s t i n g Wo r k s h e e t 1 1 219 COOKED MEAT BY WEIGHT This section can be used by itself if you buy ready-to-cook meats (pretrimmed). or invoice name) Cost of Raw AP Piece: $ ____________________________________ (From above) Number of Servable Portions from Piece: ______________________ (Your estimate or count) Cost per Servable Portion: $ ________________________________ (Cost per AP piece Portions per piece) NOTES: . A or B) Pound Weight of Raw. Salmon Fillet) Raw Item Name: __________________________________________ (Given..220 C o s t i n g Wo r k s h e e t 1 2 Measurement Conversion and Costing Worksheet 12 Seafood FINFISH: DRESSED FISH AND FILLETS A dressed fish has its intestines. e. the word fillet refers to a whole side. or Middle of count range on invoice) Cost of Each: $ ____________________________________________ (Pound cost Per pound count) .g. or from invoice) Cost per AP Pound: $ ______________________________________ (Cost of AP unit AP unit) Number of pounds in Average Count per Pound: ___________________________________ (Actual count. scales. or Net weight Purchased weight) Cost per Filleted Pound: $ ___________________________________ (AP pound cost Yield %) Cost per Filleted Ounce: $ ___________________________________ (Fillet pound cost 16) Number of Ounces per Filleted Portion: _______________________ (Recipe specification) Cost per Filleted Portion: $ __________________________________ (Fillet ounce cost Ounce per portion) SEAFOOD BOUGHT BY COUNT PER POUND Item Name: _______________________________________________ (Given) As-Purchased Unit: _________________________________________ (From invoice.g. after boning and skinning. and fins removed.) Yield Percentage: (Decimal) ______________________ or ________ % (From Part I. or given) Cost of AP Unit: $ _________________________________________ (From invoice or price list) Pounds in AP Unit: ________________________________________ (Count. Processed Item Name: ______________________________________ (Given. Dressed Salmon) As-Purchased Unit: _________________________________________ (Package Description) As-Purchased Unit Cost: $ ___________________________________ (From Invoice or Price List) Pounds in AP Unit: ________________________________________ (From invoice or weighout) Net Pounds after Filleting: ___________________________________ Actual weight.. Here. Fillet portions are dealt with in the next section. e. or yield % from Part I Original AP lbs. head. tail. especially chickens. Compare their drained weight to the invoice weight. The usable giblet costs would then be added to the recipes in which they are used.C o s t i n g Wo r k s h e e t 1 3 221 Measurement Conversion and Costing Worksheet 13 Poultry BASIC POULTRY COSTING WORKSHEET (A) Use this first section of the worksheet if your poultry has no giblets or you want to include the cost of giblets in your costing. buy poultry WOG. gizzard. Use the sections that follow for costing individual poultry pieces. Whole poultry is sold with giblets (heart. If you do not use the giblets. neck. Be sure you clean off the ice and briefly drain the wet chickens before weighing. because the total cost is usually less than that for whole birds with giblets. are often packed in ice for shipping. If you do use the giblets. Name of Poultry Item: ____________________________________ (Given) Size or Type of Bird: ______________________________________ (Given or from invoice) As-Purchased Unit: _______________________________________ (Given or from invoice) Total AP Unit Cost: $ _____________________________________ (From invoice or price list) Pound Weight of AP Unit: _________________________________ (From invoice or weigh out) Cost per AP Pound: $ _____________________________________ (AP unit cost AP pounds) Number of Birds in AP Unit: _______________________________ (Count or from invoice) Actual Average Weight per Bird: _____________________________ (Total AP weight Cost per Bird: $ __________________________________________ (AP unit cost Cost per AP Ounce: $ _____________________________________ (AP pound cost Total number of birds) Bird count) 16) Note: Fresh poultry. The giblet values are the market prices for the respective items. then you should deduct the total value of the giblets from the as-purchased unit cost before proceeding with further costing. . and/or liver) or without giblets (called WOG). USABLE GIBLET DEDUCTIONS* Item Necks Gizzards Hearts Livers Backs TOTAL: *Remove.222 C o s t i n g Wo r k s h e e t 1 3 Use the Usable Giblet Deductions form below to determine the value of the usable giblets. separate.) Net Weight (Pounds) of Poultry. WOG: $ _______________________________ (WOG pound cost Cost per Individual WOG Bird: $ _____________________________ (Adjusted cost Total number of birds) . This is the adjusted cost of AP unit. WOG: $ _______________________________ (Adjusted cost Net pounds) 16) Total Cost per Ounce. WOG: ________________________ (Weight after removing giblets) Total Cost per Pound. and weigh each giblet type. Pounds Market Price per Pound $ Total Value $ $ WORKSHEET SHOWING DEDUCTION OF GIBLET COSTS (B) Name of Poultry Item: ______________________________________ (Given) Size or Type of Bird: ________________________________________ (Given or from invoice) As-Purchased Unit: _________________________________________ (Given or from invoice) Total AP Unit Cost: $ _______________________________________ (From invoice or price list) Pound Weight of As-Purchased Unit: __________________________ (From invoice or weigh out) Cost per AP Pound: $ _______________________________________ (AP unit cost Cost per AP Ounce: $ ______________________________________ (AP pound cost AP pounds) 16) Usable Giblets Value: $ ______________________________________ (From giblet value box. above) AP Unit Cost Less Giblet Value: $ _____________________________ (AP unit cost Giblet value. just enter the AP bird’s original cost. A or B) Total Clean Meat: $ __________________________________________ (Enter the AP cost of 1 whole bird) Wings. Second Section. Each: $ ________________________________ (% of original weight from Part I: 2. Both Halves: $ _________________________________ (% of original weight from Part I: 29.C o s t i n g Wo r k s h e e t 1 3 223 CHICKEN.679 Adjusted cost: $ __________ PARTS: LARGE FRYER WITH OR WITHOUT GIBLETS Cost of Whole Large Fryer: $ __________________________________ (Given or from above.6% Adjusted cost) Adjusted cost Breast. (The 67. wings. and thighs. LARGE FRYERS: PARTS If you do not deduct the value of the giblets and are simply assigning the cost of the whole bird to the breasts. first subtract that amount from the original AP cost per bird before calculating the adjusted cost.9 percent is the combined yield of the breasts. wings.) If you do deduct the dollar value of the giblets.8% Adjusted cost) . legs. and thighs from the AP bird. legs. Each: $ ___________________________________ (% of original weight from Part I: 2. To cost each part.7% Adjusted cost Adjusted cost) Adjusted cost Wings. Whole. To cost the total cleaned meat.9 percent to get the new adjusted cost. Each: $ ______________________________________________ (% of original weight from Part I: 5. Each: $ ___________________________________ (% of original weight from Part I: 14. First Section. Whole/Half.1% Adjusted cost) Adjusted cost Breast.4% Adjusted cost) Adjusted cost Wing. multiply its yield percentage by the adjusted cost. Both: $ ______________________________________________ (% of original weight from Part I: 10.6% Adjusted cost) Adjusted cost Wing. divide the average cost of one AP whole bird by 67. Original Cost of one AP Bird $__________ Divided by 0. Both: $ ________________________________ (% of original weight from Part I: 27. and thighs. etc. too. This answer will show the cost value of two wings. (This assumes that each of your sample birds has two wings. you have to determine the percentage of the whole fryer’s weight that your respective fryer parts represent. 3. That will be the cost of one part. two breasts. Whole. Weigh each total set of the same parts and put the answer in column B. 2.6% Adjusted cost Adjusted cost) Adjusted cost Drumsticks. or from worksheets or your invoice). blood.4% Adjusted cost) Adjusted cost Leg Meat. Use this form to weigh single backs. Whole. Note: Percentages may not add up to 100 percent due to cutting losses of bird bits. Cut your sample birds into their parts (breasts. Divide column D by 2. breast halves. If you buy fryers without giblets. legs. Both: $ _______________________________________ (% of original weight from Part I: 16. Put this answer in column D. 5.) 6. . Both: $ ___________________________________________ (% of original weight from Part I: 5.). (Put their part or bird section name in column A.224 C o s t i n g Wo r k s h e e t 1 3 Leg and Thigh. Put this answer in column E.) 4. Just skip column D and put your first costing answer in column E. legs. Whole. Both: $ _________________________________________ (% of original weight PARTS: LARGE FRYERS WITHOUT GIBLETS The chicken yields and percentages listed in Part I are based on a whole fryer with giblets. Enter the average cost of a whole fryer (given. and water.4% Adjusted cost) Adjusted cost Adjusted cost Thighs. Cutting losses of 3 to 5 percent of the original weight are common. The answer is the yield percentage for that type of part. Multiply the yield percentage in column C by the cost of one whole fryer.3% from Part I: 10% Adjusted cost) Adjusted cost) Thigh Meat. Both: $ ___________________________________ (% of original weight from Part I: 11. Here is how to figure out the cost of each type of fryer part from scratch: 1. Divide each set’s weight by the total weight of all the birds in your sample. Write that percentage in column C. etc. Add up the total ounce weight of all the fryers in your sample test group and enter that weight below. ) Average Cost of One Whole Fryer: $ _____________________ Cost per Pound: $ Total Ounce Weight of All Whole Fryers in Sample: _________ Ounce Cost: $ A Bird Section (Part Name) B Ounce Weight: Set C Percent of Whole D Cost of 2 Parts $ E Cost of 1 Part $ .C o s t i n g Wo r k s h e e t 1 3 225 Here is the form to fill out to determine the yield percentages and to calculate your costs: (Fill in average costs from known values or from worksheets above. Use this form to weigh single backs. two breasts. Enter the average costs of a whole bird on the following form (given. The answer is the yield percentage for that type of part. legs. (Put their part or bird section name in column A. Put this answer in column D. . Multiply the yield percentage in column C by the cost of one whole bird. Cut your sample birds into their parts (breasts. Put this answer in column E. 2. or from worksheets or your invoice). (This assumes that each of your sample birds has two wings. etc. duckling. Weigh each total set of the same parts and put the answer in column B. legs. and water.) 6. and so on. Cutting losses of 3 to 5 percent of the original are common. Divide each set’s weight by the total weight of all the birds in your sample. That will be the cost of one part. Write that percentage in column C. Add up the total ounce weight of all the birds in your sample test group and enter that weight on the following form. 5. GENERAL The preceding worksheet for a large chicken fryer without giblets works for any bird: turkey.226 C o s t i n g Wo r k s h e e t 1 3 POULTRY. These are the steps to follow to figure out the cost of each type of bird part from scratch: 1. breast halves. and so on. blood. goose. Just skip column D and put your first costing answer in column E. This answer will show the cost value of two wings. Divide column D by 2. omitting references to fryers. Here is another version of that worksheet.) 4. 3. Note: Percentages may not add up to 100 percent due to cutting losses of bird bits. and thighs.). Bird Type and Description: Average Cost of One Whole Bird: $ ______________________ Cost per pound $ Total Ounce Weight of all Whole Birds in Sample: __________ Cost per ounce: $ A Bird Section (Part Name) B Ounce Weight: Set C Percent of Whole D Cost of 2 Parts $ E Cost of 1 Part $ .C o s t i n g Wo r k s h e e t 1 3 227 Here is the form to fill out to determine the yield percentages and calculate your costs. . for instance. Reduced. Gallon cost: $ *It may be difficult to assign an as-purchased cost per pound to some fats. multiply the cup cost by 16. or pork. duck fat.228 C o s t i n g Wo r k s h e e t 1 4 Measurement Conversion and Costing Worksheet 14 Rendered.4 percent of the original 2-cup volume that 1 pound of whole butter equals. One pound of whole butter yields 12 weighed ounces of clear butterfat. or from invoice) Cost of AP Unit: $ _______________________________________ (Given. . Fluid ounce cost: $ (AP pound cost 12. assign an AP cost per pound that you would have had to pay had you purchased these items from a vendor. etc. the fluid ounce yield is greater because butterfat is lighter than whole butter. In these cases. ✦ To cost a fluid ounce of clarified butter. bacon fat.Your meat vendor or a local butcher can give you those prices. May be a price per pound. whole butter.864) ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ To cost a cup of clarified butter.) Base Item Name: ________________________________________ (Food being rendered.*) Pounds per AP Unit: _____________________________________ (Given. However.864. Pint cost: $ To cost a quart of clarified butter. and Clarified Items Name of Rendered Item: __________________________________ (Clarified butter. This happens when you render fats trimmed out of ducks. Quart cost: $ To cost a gallon of clarified butter. or comparable vendor price. whole duck fat) As-Purchased Unit: _______________________________________ (Given. Cup cost: $ To cost a pint of clarified butter. geese. or from invoice) Cost per AP Pound: $ ____________________________________ (AP unit cost AP pounds) Ounce Yield per AP Pound: ________________________________ (From Part I or your measure) Ounce Cost: $ ___________________________________________ (AP pound cost Fluid Ounce Cost: $ ______________________________________ (AP unit cost Ounce yield per pound) Total fluid ounce yield) The clarified butter yield of 75 percent as stated in Part I is a weighed yield. divide the cost of 1 pound of raw butter by 12. which is 80. from invoice. e. double the cup cost. multiply the fluid ounce cost by 8.864 fluid ounces of clarified butter. One pound of whole butter will yield 12.g. multiply the cup cost by 4. jars. proceed here. and Others Item Name: ____________________________________________ (Given) As-Purchased Unit: ______________________________________ (From invoice or price list) Cost of AP Unit: $ ______________________________________ (From invoice or price list) If the AP unit is a single container. next. Number of Subunits in AP Unit: __________________________ (From invoice or package) Cost per Subunit: $ _____________________________________ (AP unit cost Number of subunits) Fluid Ounce Yield of 1 Subunit: ___________________________ (From label or package recipe) Cost of 1 Prepared Fluid Ounce: $ _________________________ (Subunit cost Subunit fluid ounce yield) 8) 16) 32) 128) Cost per Cup: $ _________________________________________ (Fluid ounce cost Cost per Pint: $ ________________________________________ (Fluid ounce cost Cost per Quart: $ _______________________________________ (Fluid ounce cost Cost per Gallon: $ ______________________________________ (Fluid ounce cost . skip to the Subunits Breakdown. Total Pounds in AP Unit: _________________________________ (From package description) Cost per Pound: $ ______________________________________ (AP unit cost Cost per Ounce AP Base: $ _______________________________ (AP pound cost Total pounds) 16) Fluid Ounce Yield of 1 Pound: ____________________________ (Recipe on package) Cost of 1 Prepared Fluid Ounce: $ _________________________ (Pound cost Fluid ounce yield per pound) 8) 16) 32) 128) Cost per Cup: $ _________________________________________ (Fluid ounce cost Cost per Pint: $ ________________________________________ (Fluid ounce cost Cost per Quart: $ _______________________________________ (Fluid ounce cost Cost per Gallon: $ ______________________________________ (Fluid ounce cost SUBUNITS BREAKDOWN If the AP unit contains smaller (sub-) units such as boxes. If the AP unit contains subunits or smaller containers.C o s t i n g Wo r k s h e e t 1 5 229 Measurement Conversion and Costing Worksheet 15 Flavor Bases: Stocks. determine the cost per subunit and then proceed with the cost breakdown to determine the cost per prepared fluid ounce. or cans. Sauces. A Amount B Recipe Unit C Item D Recipe Unit Cost $ E Total Cost per Item $ F Ounce Weight (Optional) Total Ounce Weight Total Cost of Recipe $ Total Recipe Cost $ ________________ .230 C o s t i n g Wo r k s h e e t 1 6 Costing Worksheet 16 Recipe Card for Costing Recipe Name: ______________________ Recipe Number: ___________________ *To calculate Total Cost per Item in column E: Multiply column A by column D. Column F is for Volume Equivalents. 2. Be complete but brief. Include holding. 3. plus all temperatures. and plating instructions. . 4. Follow a practical sequence.C o s t i n g Wo r k s h e e t 1 6 231 YIELD COSTING Formula Total recipe cost Yield Types A B C D E F G H I J K L M Fluid ounces Cups Quarts Gallons Liters Ounces by weight Pounds Kilos Portions Pieces Containers Servings per Container Total servings (Yield # of K times L) Just fill in #: Number yielded Number Yielded Cost of One Yield Type $ Recipe Name: _______________________________________ Recipe Number: ____________ Recipe Method or Procedure 1. storing. 5. Identify the tools and equipment used. List initial preparations first. State prep and cooking times. This page intentionally left blank . PURCHASING WORKSHEETS 233 . Use to plan purchases of fresh and canned vegetables and fruit. Oils. bran. and other fowl. eggs. wines. sweeteners. sauces. meal. 14 Ingredient Aggregating Form Use to combine same recipe ingredients. and lamb. Use to plan purchases of beef. 4 Starchy Items Use to plan purchases of legumes. milk. rice. 7 Bottled Liquids Use to plan purchases of fluids in general. grains. 9 Brewed and Dispensed Beverages 10 11 Meats Seafood Use to plan purchases of coffee. yogurt. and some condiments. flour. cereals. 5 Baking Products Use to plan purchases of nuts and seeds. and special items. Condiments Use to plan purchases of fats. Use to plan purchases of finfish. pork. and mollusks. and pastas. oils. cream. and some condiments. Introduces the purchasing process. 12 Poultry Use to plan purchases of chicken. Use to plan purchases of dry herbs and spices. 8 Dairy Products Use to plan purchases of cheeses. and soups.234 G u i d e t o U s i n g t h e P u r c h a s i n g Wo r k s h e e t s Guide to Using the Purchasing Worksheets Worksheet Number Worksheet or Form Name Purchasing Worksheet List Purchasing Process Overview 1 2 3 Dry Herbs and Spices Fresh Herbs Produce Use Use to find the purchasing worksheet you need. 6 Fats. veal. some crustaceans. 13 Flavor Bases Use to plan purchases of bases for stocks. Use to plan purchases of fresh herbs. . etc. crumbs. turkey. spirits. tea. Beverages and soda. cocoa. 20 21 Food Order Form Trimmed versus Untrimmed Prices . Use to record variations in food weights of same item over time to get an average. Use as food ordering form.G u i d e t o U s i n g t h e P u r c h a s i n g Wo r k s h e e t s 235 15 Purchase Unit Measure Aggregating Form Use to combine conversion answers from other purchasing worksheets. Use to record needed purchase measures and compare to inventory and pars. 19 Purchase Unit Measures to Purchase Unit Packs Use to convert purchase unit measures needed to purchase unit packs. 16 Amounts Needed versus Par 17 18 Inventory Form (Optional) Food Weight Log (Optional) Use to count current inventory. Use to decide whether a pretrimmed food is a better buy. Order the food amounts you need. figure out . Here is a summary of the steps to take in order to do just that: 1. In short. Using these forms. As you fill in the worksheet. and. etc.) in order to execute your plan and maintain your minimum par inventory levels. 5. Go through the recipes and add up all the total recipe unit measure amounts for each identical ingredient. 2. you begin with the recipe unit amount of food you need to serve or use. For the event or period of time for which you are making up your production plan. steaks. based on any amount of food you plan to prepare. bags. Convert the purchase unit measures of the foods you need back to their equivalent purchase unit packs (cases. make a food order with a vendor(s). these forms will help you to figure out how much food to buy to meet a food production plan and maintain par levels of inventory. Here are more detailed instructions for completing a purchasing procedure: Step 1. ounces.236 Overview Overview The purchasing process described here uses the information from Part I and the following set of worksheets to help you determine how much food to buy or cost out. ultimately. This tells you how much to order to produce your plan and maintain your minimum inventory levels after the production plan’s foods have been used up. poultry. pieces. ounces. and so on. Step 2.) back to purchase unit measures (like pounds. Compare your plan’s food needs to your current inventory and par inventory levels. 7. etc. etc. meats. 6. Recipe unit to purchase unit conversion worksheets 2. heads. cooked pasta.) into purchase unit packs such as cases. canned goods. To use them. Forms you’ll use to manage the purchasing process and order food Each conversion worksheet is used for a particular type of food: produce. 4. Combine all the identical ingredients in your recipes and total how much you need of each ingredient. Use the individual purchasing worksheets to convert your ingredients from recipe unit measures (like cups. pieces. 3. or counts). boxes. Gather your recipes. you will convert your recipe unit measures to purchase unit measures. you then compare your current inventory (and par inventory needs) against the needed purchase unit packs. trimmed produce. Assemble the recipes needed for the production plan. The purchasing process and order forms are used to convert your purchase unit measures (like pounds. and so on. There are two kinds of documents in the purchasing worksheets set: 1. Take a physical inventory to compare how much of these items you have on hand. box. divide. For instance a bag (the pack) of onions may weigh 50 pounds. pints. gallons. cups. Complete your conversions going from the recipe unit measures to the purchase unit measures. note the following: ✦ Recipe unit measures are often small measures such as tablespoons. and so on.) On each purchasing worksheet there are conversion formulas to use. Step 3. a purchase unit pack will contain a specific number of purchase unit measures. step by step. Use the various purchasing conversion worksheets to convert your ingredients’ recipe unit measures back to purchase unit measures. For instance. (They are categorized like the food tables in Part I. So in this case. or ounces. with specific ways of measuring that type of food. subtract. if one recipe calls for a whole onion. When you do so. canned goods. to make it easier to find any food and its conversion equivalents or yield percentages. This form helps you combine all needs for each item on one page. heads. ✦ Purchase unit measures are usually bigger: pounds. In this regard. rather than just a “bag. starchy items. This form will help you record the amounts needed for ingredients that are used in more than one recipe. to help you find the worksheet (numbered 1 to 21) most useful for the foods or activity you are dealing with at the time. or multiply. (These measures are often used to count inventory. The purchasing conversion worksheets are organized by food types: fresh herbs. These are usually called as-purchased units or purchase units. Select the formula that converts your recipe units back to a purchase unit measure. the bag of onions would be called a 50-pound bag. and so on.Overview 237 how many times you will need to make each recipe in order to serve the total number of customers expected. Record your totals on a scratch pad or use the Ingredient Aggregating Form (Purchasing Worksheet 14). You may have to make more than one conversion for the same food. a pound is the purchase unit measure and a bag is the purchase unit pack. In this case. you will use the Produce conversion worksheet (Worksheet 3) for both ways of measuring the onion.) ✦ A purchase unit pack is an even bigger unit: a case. bag. For instance. if a recipe serves 60 but you expect 600 guests. For instance. steaks. you complete the conversion formula. and so on. by the way. you may use medium onions in five recipes. vegetables. For instance. while another calls for 2 cups of chopped onion. You will total each food’s needs by the type of recipe unit measure. you may find the Purchase . NOTE The Purchasing worksheet section begins with a guide to the rest of the worksheets. fluid ounces. you need to multiply your ingredient measures by 10. It’s fairly common for the pack to state how many purchase unit measures it contains. and the forms indicate what to add. The instructions for making these conversions are on each worksheet. Each formula is followed by a series of boxes called tables to fill in. pieces.” It makes things clearer for everyone. If it is zero. Worksheet 15. columns B and C. You will have enough to make your production plan and still maintain your minimum par. subtract column D from column B. you could enter that amount in your inventory count as either 25 pounds or as half of a 50-pound bag. If you have 25 pounds of onions on hand. you might count onions by the pound or by the number of 50-pound bags on hand. you do not have to order this food. You must order enough food to get column E to zero or higher. your plan will wipe out your . How much higher? It depends on your minimum par level for the food in question. Enter this difference in column G. Note: If column E is zero. Take and record the inventory. This involves physically counting the quantity of the needed food items you have on hand. On the Amounts Needed versus Par worksheet. this amount should be stated in the same unit of measure as the others: the purchase unit measure. counting inventory by purchase unit packs is also a fairly common practice. you can enter your inventory totals directly into columns B and C of the Amounts Needed versus Par worksheet. you don’t have enough food on hand to meet your plan.) Record this answer in column E.238 Overview Unit Measure form. If you do not have a minimum par for this food. Compare your minimum par levels (the amount of food that you want to always have on hand) to the amounts needed. Write the food names in column A and the purchase unit measure amounts in column D. Now record your purchase-unitmeasure conversion—answers for each food on the Amount Needed versus Par worksheet (Worksheet 16). Inventory lists often contain a mix of purchase unit measures and purchase unit packs. Amounts Needed versus Par. Step 5. If you are taking an inventory of only the items you currently need for your production plan. This is the amount that you will still have in inventory after using the food needed for your production plan. Step 4. the amount in column E states how much you will still have in inventory after your production plan needs are met. For instance. of some help. It provides a place to record and combine all the recipe unit measures-to-purchase unit measure conversions for the same food. This is the amount of food you need to order to make your plan and maintain your minimum par level.) If you are taking a full inventory of all the foods in your kitchen. If column E is less than zero. consider using the Inventory sheet first and then transfer your totals to Purchasing Worksheet 16. Subtract the amount in column E from your minimum par level in column F. (By the way. If the number in column G is equal to or bigger than your minimum par level in column F. Again. Count the inventory by the number of purchase unit measures. (You are subtracting the number of purchase unit measures that you need for your production plan from the number of purchase unit measures in your current inventory. this means your current inventory is exactly equal to the amount you need for your production plan. Fill in your minimum par inventory level for each food in column F. Assume. That said. You divide the number of pounds you need by the number of pounds in the purchase unit pack. For 30 pounds. That item may only be sold in purchase unit packs of 20 pounds. If it is less than zero. for example. which equals a half box.) In this step. because some of these foods . The purchase unit packs are found in the accompanying Price Lists at the beginning of the Workbook. you will have to order 20 pounds just to obtain the 10 pounds you need. Obviously. use column G to record the amount in column E that is less than zero. Use the Purchase Unit Measures to Purchase Unit Pack worksheet (Worksheet 19) to convert the numbers in column G on the Amounts Needed versus Par worksheet (Worksheet 16) to the amounts you need stated in purchase unit packs. Converting a need for 10 or 30 pounds of rice to a number of 20-pound boxes (a purchase unit pack for rice) is pretty straightforward. Step 6. If you have no minimum par. you don’t have much choice in the matter. you should buy even more. If you are sold these items by the bunch or count rather than by a weight. For instance. the answer is 1. This step is usually pretty simple. you are dividing the number of purchase unit measures you need by the number of purchase unit measures contained in one purchase unit pack. If your food item is not listed there.Overview 239 inventory. For 10 pounds.5. Say you are short 10 pounds of an item. Answers from the purchasing worksheets are often measured in pounds and ounces. Convert your purchase unit measures to purchase unit packs. that rice is sold in 20-pound boxes. (There is an example for rice already filled in on the worksheet to help you see how this goes. you have to use pounds as a purchase unit measure if your purchase unit pack is a 20-pound box or a 40-pound case. Therefore. Many produce items—fresh herbs. then. the units of measure have to be identical. for instance—are often sold by the bunch and vary in weight from week to week or even in the same delivery.5 boxes. be aware that purchase unit packs for some foods can vary regarding how much a unit weighs. you will need to monitor the relative weights of these food items and order a count using an average weight. This is the amount you need to buy in order to simply produce your plan. you will have to order the amount in column E to just make your plan—but you should order more or you will still be out of that food as soon as you produce your plan. Often. If the food in question is one you normally use in your operation. to get 0. refer to a vendor’s invoice or contact a vendor to determine that food’s price and pack. you would divide 10 by 20. Why? The purchasing formulas for fresh produce often result in an answer expressed as a weight. when a special event comes up. or you are just starting out as a chef. It does get easier with practice. These. NOTE It is often possible to order broken cases of foods. you will have to buy 40 pounds if that item is sold only in 20-pound boxes. and it will make a difference in your profits. Fresh produce or canned goods may sometimes be ordered this way. but if you do. cartons.240 Overview (such as fresh herbs or bunches of radishes or heads of cauliflower) differ in the size of their as-purchased weight from one delivery to the next. Step 7. so you need to keep your own records of average weights for items of this type. Record the final food order. from start to finish. despite the fact that you may need only 30 pounds of an item. or 50 pounds if it only comes in 50-pound containers. Recipe cards (Costing Worksheet 16) 2. Clear instructions for completing step 6 are printed on the Purchase Unit Measures to Purchase Unit Packs worksheet. (The instructions on the Food Order Form tell you how to complete the item costing and totaling of your order. Filling it in tells you exactly how many purchase unit packs you need to order. Ingredient Aggregating Form . Here is a list of the forms you will be using in the purchasing process. Use the Price List. However. So. From there. However. or earlier invoices to fill in the cost of one purchase unit. Your supplier will advise you if a case cannot be broken down. (Instructions for doing this are included with the log.) Note that you will have to round off many of the AP unit amounts because you usually have to order whole cases. SUMMARY Many chefs learn to do much of this work on the fly. you will go to the last purchasing worksheet. the cost per pound or per count goes up. are typically called as-purchased units or. If you do order an amount that is a partial pack—a broken case— expect to pay a premium for the amount you do buy. the Food Order Form. You can use the Food Weight Log (Worksheet 18) to keep these records. on which you will round off the number of purchase unit packs needed to arrive at a practical order. you need to ask your vendor for current weights of the items in question when doing your ordering. AP units.) You would then enter your average weight of the item from your log in column E of the Purchase Unit Measures to Purchase Unit Packs worksheet to help you determine how many purchase unit packs (or. or you are planning for a new food service operation. or boxes. more commonly. your salesperson may not know what the weights in question are. 1. Therefore. as-purchased units) of this item you’ll need. Use the Food Order Form to write up the number of purchase unit packs you need to order. price quotes from your vendor(s). it’s a good idea to follow these steps carefully before attempting to fly through them. as you know by now. Overview 241 3. Purchase Unit Measures to Purchase Unit Packs 6. Food Weight Log 5. Recipe Unit Measures to Purchase Unit Measures conversion worksheets 3a. Inventory Aggregating Form 4b. . Food Order Form You may not need the subordinate forms (labeled “a” or “b”) in all situations. they do make the process complete and will help you explore the entire purchasing process more fully. However. they are optional. Amounts Needed versus Par worksheet 4a. Purchase Unit Measures aggregating form 4. Name of Item Cups Needed Ounce per Cup AP in Ounces . The answer (AP in ounces) will be the number of ounces of dry herb or spice you need to buy or cost out. Name of Item Tablespoons Needed Tablespoons per Ounce AP in Ounces Converting Cups to Ounces FORMULA: AS # of cups Ounces per cup AP ounces Multiply the total cups needed by the ounces per cup from Part I.242 P u r c h a s i n g Wo r k s h e e t 1 Purchasing Worksheet 1 Dry Herbs and Spices # of tablespoons per ounce AP ounces Converting Tablespoons to Ounces FORMULA: AS # of tablespoons Divide the total number of tablespoons needed by the number of tablespoons per ounce from Part I.The answer (AP in ounces) will be the number of ounces of dry herb to buy or cost out. Name of Item Count Needed Count per Ounce AP in Ounces .P u r c h a s i n g Wo r k s h e e t 1 243 Converting Piece Counts to Ounces FORMULA: Count needed Count per ounce AP ounce Divide the total count of items needed by the number of that item per ounce from Part I. The answer will be the equivalent number of ounces needed. 2.244 P u r c h a s i n g Wo r k s h e e t 1 Converting Count per Tablespoon to Number of Tablespoons FORMULA (Step 1): Count needed Count per tablespoon Number of tablespoons needed Converting Number of Tablespoons Needed to Ounces FORMULA (Step 2): Tablespoons needed Tablespoons per ounce AP ounces 1. divide the tablespoons needed by the tablespoons per ounce from Part I. The answer will be the number of tablespoons needed. Step 1 Table Name of Item Count Needed Count per Tablespoon Tablespoons Needed Step 2 Table Name of Item Tablespoons Needed Tablespoons per Ounce AP in Ounces . This answer is the as-purchased amount of dry herb or spice you need to buy or cost out. To convert the number of tablespoons needed to ounces. Divide the count needed by the count per tablespoon from Part I. Name of Herb Number of Leaves Needed Number of Leaves per AP Ounce AP in Ounces Determining Ounces to Buy Based on Number of Tablespoons of Chopped Leaf Needed FORMULA 2: Chopped tablespoons needed Chopped tablespoons per AP ounce AP ounces Divide the number of chopped tablespoons needed by the number of tablespoons of chopped leaf per purchased ounce from Part I.P u r c h a s i n g Wo r k s h e e t 2 245 Purchasing Worksheet 2 Fresh Herbs Determining Ounces to Buy Based on the Number of Garnish Leaves Needed FORMULA 1: Leaves needed Leaves per AP ounce AP ounces Divide the number of leaves needed by the number of garnish leaves per as-purchased ounce from Part I. Number of Chopped Tablespoons Needed Number of Tablespoons Chopped Leaf per AP Ounce Name of Herb AP in Ounces . The answer (AP in ounces) will be the equivalent number of ounces of fresh herb you need to buy or cost out. The answer (AP in ounces) will be the equivalent number of ounces of fresh herb you need to buy or cost out. Number of Chopped Cups Needed # of Tbsp.The answer (AP in ounces) will be the equivalent number of ounces of fresh herb you need to buy or cost out.246 P u r c h a s i n g Wo r k s h e e t 2 Determining Ounces to Buy Based on the Number of Cups of Chopped Leaf Needed FORMULA 3: (Chopped cups needed 16) Chopped tablespoons per AP ounce AP ounce Multiply the number of cups of chopped leaf you need by 16. Chopped Leaf Needed Number of Tablespoons Chopped Leaf per AP Ounce Name of Herb 16 AP in Ounces 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 . divide that answer by the number of tablespoons of chopped leaf per purchased ounce from Part I. Your answer will be the number of as-purchased ounces you need to buy or cost out.P u r c h a s i n g Wo r k s h e e t 2 247 Converting a Stemless Weight to an As-Purchased Weight FORMULA 4: Stemless weight needed Weight yield percentage AP weight Divide the number of ounces of stemless herb needed by its weight yield percentage for stemless leaf per bunch (from Part I). Stemless Ounces Needed Weight Yield Percentage Name of Herb AP in Ounces . 248 P u r c h a s i n g Wo r k s h e e t 3 Purchasing Worksheet 3 Produce Converting a Trimmed Produce Item Weight to a Raw As-Purchased Weight FORMULA 1: Amount needed in trimmed ounces Yield % Raw AP weight in ounces Divide the number of ounces needed after trimming by that food’s yield percentage found in Part I. Name of Herb Trimmed Ounces Needed Yield Percentage Raw AP Ounces . The answer (raw AP weight in ounces) will be the number of ounces of fresh. untrimmed produce you need to buy or cost out. P u r c h a s i n g Wo r k s h e e t 3 249 Converting As-Served Cups of Trimmed. Name of Herb Number of Cups Needed Ounces per Cup Yield % AP Ounces AP Pounds 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 N OTE O N C O M PA C T I O N Add 3 percent to your answers when dealing with 6. This will reflect the compaction of foods in these larger vessels. Cut Produce to a Raw AP Weight FORMULA 2: (AS cups needed Yield % of base item 8-cup amounts.) The answer is the ounce weight you need to buy or cost out. Divide that by 16 to arrive at an AP pound equivalent. cleaned ounce weight per cup Trimmed ounces needed) AP in ounces Multiply the needed number of cups of the trimmed and cut produce item by the ounce weight per cup. and 7 percent when dealing with 16-cup (gallon) amounts. (Get the trimmed weight per cup and the yield percentages from Part I. Divide this answer by the trim yield percentage of the same item. . 250 P u r c h a s i n g Wo r k s h e e t 3 Converting Cups of the Trimmed. stalks. The answer will be the number of purchase units needed. cleaned. and cut item Divide the needed number of cups of the trimmed and cut item by the number of cups that are obtained from a single purchase unit of the raw item. cleaned. Item Name Number of AS Cups Needed of Item Number of Cups of Cut Item from 1 AP Unit Number of AP Units Converting a Piece Count Needed to a Purchase Unit FORMULA 4: AS pieces Trimmed count per AP unit AP units Divide the number of pieces (leaves. and cut item per purchase unit AP purchase units Cups of the trimmed. either in weight or other AP unit measure. Cut item to a Purchase Unit Other than a Weight FORMULA 3: AS cups of the trimmed.) needed by the count yield per AP unit stated in Part I. etc.) The answer will be the number of purchase units you need to buy or cost out. Name of Item Number of Pieces Needed Number of Pieces per AP Unit Number of AP Units . each. (Locate this in the right-hand column of the Part I Produce table. Drained Ounces Needed Minimum Drained Ounces per Number-10 Can Number of AP Number-10 Cans Item Name .P u r c h a s i n g Wo r k s h e e t 3 251 Converting Drained Ounces to Number-10 Cans Needed FORMULA FOR DRAINED CANNED GOODS: AS ounces needed Drained ounce weight per can AP # of cans Divide the ounces needed by the USDA minimum drained weight in ounces per can from Part I.The answer will be the number of number-10 cans you need to buy or cost out. Undrained Ounces Needed Total Ounces per Number-10 Can AP Number-10 Cans Needed Item Name .252 P u r c h a s i n g Wo r k s h e e t 3 Converting Undrained Ounces to Number-10 Cans Needed FORMULA FOR UNDRAINED CANNED GOODS: AS ounces needed Total ounces (actual) per can AP # of cans Divide the undrained ounces needed by the total ounces per can (locate on the Canned Food Weight-to-Volume table in Part I). The answer will be the amount of number-10 cans you need to buy or cost out. Step 1 Table: Multiply the number of cups. or half gallons needed. multiply the number of ounces per cup. quarts. Half Gallon Number of Measures Needed Ounces per Measure Total Ounces Needed Step 2 Table: Divide the total ounces needed by the net or drained ounces per can (from the Canned Foods Weight-to-Volume table). Your answer will be the number of cans to buy or cost out. or half gallons by its ounce weight to get the total ounces needed.P u r c h a s i n g Wo r k s h e e t 3 253 Converting a Volume of Canned Food to Number-10 Cans Needed FORMULA FOR VOLUMES OF DRAINED OR UNDRAINED CANNED GOODS: (AS volumes needed Ounces per volume measure) Net or drained ounces per can AP # of cans First. Your answer will be the amount of number-10 cans needed to buy or cost out. or half gallon (from the Canned Foods Weight-to-Volume table in Part I) by the number of cups. Second. Quart. Item Name Total Ounces Needed (Step 1 Answer) Net Drained Ounces per Can Number of AP Cans Needed . quart. quarts. Item Name Measure: Cup. divide the answer by the net or drained ounces per number-10 can from the same table. use. or cost.254 P u r c h a s i n g Wo r k s h e e t 3 Miscellaneous Canned or Bottled Produce Items FORMULA FOR CONVERTING DRAINED OUNCES NEEDED TO AP CONTAINERS: Drained ounces needed Drained ounces per AP container AP containers Divide the drained ounces needed by the drained ounces per AP container from Part 1. Divide that answer by the AP ounces per AP container. or cost. Item Name Drained Ounces Needed Drained Ounces per Container # AP Containers FORMULA FOR USING YIELD PERCENTAGES TO COMPUTE AP CONTAINERS NEEDED: (Drained ounces needed Yield % Ounces needed) AP ounces per container AP containers Divide the number of drained ounces needed by the drained yield percentage from Part 1. The answer will be the number of containers to buy. The answer will be the number of purchase units to buy. use. Item Name Drained Ounces Needed Yield % AP Ounces needed AP ounces per container AP Containers . Item Name Count Needed Count per AP Container # AP Containers .The answer will be the number of purchase units to buy. use.P u r c h a s i n g Wo r k s h e e t 3 255 FORMULA FOR CONVERTING A PIECE COUNT TO AP CONTAINERS: Count needed Count per AP container AP containers needed Divide the total count needed by the number of pieces in one container (from Part 1). or cost. and pastas. For example. 291% becomes 2. Your answer will be the number of raw pounds you need to buy or cost out. you will use 2.256 P u r c h a s i n g Wo r k s h e e t 4 Purchasing Worksheet 4 Starchy Items Starchy items discussed here include legumes. Grains. Converting a Cooked Weight to a Raw AP Weight FORMULA 1: AS cooked pounds Cooked pounds yield of 1 raw pound AP weight Divide the number of cooked pounds you need by the number of cooked pounds that 1 raw pound will yield (from Part I). Cereals table labeled “Raw to Cooked Weight Increase Percentage. remember to move the decimal figure two places to the left. grains. rices.91 instead of 2. All formulas here use any of the corresponding tables in Part I.” When using this figure. (Locate this percentage in the right-hand column in the Part I Legumes table or Rice. . for example. cereals. Number of Cooked Pounds Needed Number of Cooked Pounds Yielded from 1 Pound Raw Raw AP Pounds Item Name FORMULA 1a: Alternate method using the yield percentage factor: Cooked pounds needed Cooking yield percentage Raw AP pounds Divide the number of pounds of the cooked item needed (the as-served amount) by the cooking yield percentage.9 as a formula factor.91.) Item Name Number of Cooked Pounds Needed Cooked Yield Percentage Raw AP Pounds NOTE Using the percentage method is a bit more accurate because there is less rounding involved. The answer will be the number of raw pounds you need to buy or cost out. Your answer will be the equivalent number of raw pounds to buy or cost out. uncooked cereal. Item Name Number of Raw Cups Needed (AS Cups) Number of Cups per Raw Pound AP in Pounds . or for a meal calling for a specific number of cups of cold.P u r c h a s i n g Wo r k s h e e t 4 257 Converting Cooked Cups Needed to a Raw AP Weight FORMULA 2: Cooked cups needed Cooked cups yielded from 1 pound raw AP pounds Divide the number of cups of the cooked item you need (the as-served amount) by the number of cooked cups that 1 pound raw will yield (from Part I). Number of Cooked Cups Needed (AS Cups) Number Cooked Cups Yielded from 1 Pound Raw Raw AP Pounds Item Name Converting Cups of Cold Cereal or Raw Starch Needed to As-Purchased Pounds FORMULA 3: Cups of raw starch or cold cereal item needed Cups per pound AP pounds This formula can be used to calculate how many pounds of raw rice or other grain or cereal you need for a recipe that calls for that food in raw cups. Divide the number of cups needed of the raw or uncooked item by the number of cups per pound (raw) from Part I. 0 Item Name or or or or or or or or or or AP Pounds NOTE You can use different conversion factors if your pasta products and cooking methods result in bigger or smaller cooked yields.5 2. Results vary.0 used here.5 2.0 2.0 2.5 pounds cooked). the as-served weight.5 2.0 2.5 2.0 2.5 2. Just substitute your conversion factors for the 2.5 2.5 2.0 2.5 2.0 2.5 2.5 Fresh Pasta 2.258 P u r c h a s i n g Wo r k s h e e t 4 Pasta Purchasing Formulas FORMULA 1: Dry pasta: AS cooked pounds FORMULA 2: Fresh pasta: AS cooked pounds 2. .0 (1 pound fresh pasta yields 2 pounds cooked).5 2. ✦ ✦ The conversion factor for dry pasta is 2.5 and/or 2. As-Served Pounds Needed Dry Pasta 2. The conversion factor for fresh pasta is 2. It is not uncommon for cooks to obtain 3 pounds of cooked pasta from every pound of dry pasta.0 AP pounds AP pounds Both formulas use the same format: You divide the number of pounds of cooked pasta you need.0 2.5 (1 pound dry pasta yields 2. by a specific conversion factor.0 2.0 2. Converting Cups to Pounds FORMULA 1: (As-served or used cups Ounces per cup) 16 AP pounds First multiply the number of cups needed by the ounce weight of 1 cup (ounces per cup from Part I). Divide that answer by 16 to convert the ounces to pounds. brans and crumbs. meal.P u r c h a s i n g Wo r k s h e e t 5 259 Purchasing Worksheet 5 Baking Items Baking items discussed here include nuts and seeds. Number of Cups Needed Ounces per Cup Total AP Ounces Needed Item Name 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 AP in Pounds .This final answer will be the number of pounds you need to buy or cost out. and other special items. All formulas here use any of the corresponding tables in Part I. flour. sweeteners. Your answer will be the number of ounces you need to buy or cost out. by the number of tablespoons needed. Your answer is the number of pounds you need to buy or cost out. Item Name Number Pints Needed Pounds per Pint AP in Pounds . Item Name Ounces per Cup Ounces per Tablespoon Number of Tablespoons Needed AP in Ounces AP in 16 Pounds 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 Converting As-Served (or As-Used) Pints to Pounds FORMULA 3: AS pints Pounds per pint AP pounds Multiply the number of pints you need by the number of pounds per pint from Part I. divide the number of ounces by 16.260 P u r c h a s i n g Wo r k s h e e t 5 Converting Tablespoons to AP Ounces FORMULA 2a: (Ounces per cup 16) Tablespoons needed AP in ounces Converting Tablespoons from AP Ounces to AP Pounds FORMULA 2b: AP in ounces 16 AP in pounds Divide the number of ounces per cup (as stated in Part I) by 16. Multiply this answer. which is actually the ounce weight per tablespoon. To convert ounces to pounds. 5 percent occurs at a quart volume.P u r c h a s i n g Wo r k s h e e t 5 261 Converting As-Served (or As-Used) Quarts to Pounds FORMULA 4: [AS quarts (2 Pounds per pint) 1.The final answer is the number of pounds you need to buy or cost out. compaction of 1. But.5% Columns Number of Quarts Needed Item Name Pounds per Pint 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 AP in Pounds . (See following note. remember. Now multiply the number of quarts you need by that answer—the compacted quart weight.5 percent to the calculated quart weight. Why? Because there are 2 pints per quart.) Pounds per Total Pounds Quart Last Two per Quart 1. so add 1.5%] AP pounds First multiply the number of pounds per pint (from Part I) times 2. this step converts the pint weight to a quart weight. .) Item Name Pounds per Pint Pounds Pounds per Total: Add per Gallon Last Two Gallon 7% Columns Number of Gallons Needed AP in Pounds 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 NOTE It is not necessary to add the compaction factors to the last two formulas when dealing with foods that do not compact. such as liquids or very dense foods like packed brown sugar. this step converts the pint weight to a gallon weight. (See following note.262 P u r c h a s i n g Wo r k s h e e t 5 Converting As-Served (or As-Used) Gallons to Pounds FORMULA 5: [AS gallons (8 Pounds per pint) 7%] AP pounds First multiply the number of pounds per pint (from Part I) by 8. But. The final answer is the number of pounds you need to buy or cost out. because there are 8 pints per gallon. powdered sugar. remember. so add 7 percent to the computed gallon weight. Use the compaction factors when dealing with powdery or loose foods such as flours. Now multiply the number of gallons you need by that answer—the compacted gallon weight. and ground or milled foods. compaction of about 7 percent occurs with a gallon volume. 804 AP ounce weight. Clarified Butter Fat Ounces Needed .804 .75 .75 .804 .75 AP ounce weight. whole butter Divide the number of weighed ounces of clarified butter needed by its conversion factor of 75 percent (from Part I). divide it by 16. and Condiments Fats and Oils: Converting Clarified Butter Weights to Whole Butter Weights FORMULA 1: AS ounce weight of clarified butter 0. Whole Butter Fats and Oils: Converting Clarified Butter Volumes to Whole Butter Weights FORMULA 2: AS fluid ounces of clarified butter 0.75 . To convert this answer to pounds.75 . Whole Butter AP Pounds. Whole Butter 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 AP Pounds.75 .804 .75 .75 AP in Ounces.P u r c h a s i n g Wo r k s h e e t 6 263 Purchasing Worksheet 6 Fats.75 . Whole Butter Clarified Butter Fat . The answer will be the number of ounces of raw. whole butter you need to buy or cost out.804 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 . To convert this answer to pounds. whole butter you need to buy or cost out. The answer will be the number of ounces of raw.804 . Oils. divide it by 16.804 .4 percent.804 . Fluid Ounces Needed AP in Ounces.804 . whole butter Divide the number of fluid ounces of clarified butter needed by its conversion factor of 80. as stated in Part I. The answer will be the number of pounds of as-purchased fat you need to buy or cost out.264 P u r c h a s i n g Wo r k s h e e t 6 Fats and Oils: Converting AS Cups of Fat to AP Pounds of Fat FORMULA 3: Cups needed Cups per pound AP in pounds of fat Divide the number of cups of fat you need by the number of cups per pound stated for that fat in Part I. The answer will be the number of as-purchased ounces you need to buy or cost out. (These ounces are ounces by weight. Condiments table. Item Name Number of Cups Needed Cups per Pound AP in Pounds Condiments: Converting AS Tablespoons to AP Ounces FORMULA 1: AS tablespoons needed Ounce weight of 1 tablespoon AP ounces Multiply the number of tablespoons needed by the ounce weight of 1 tablespoon. not fluid ounces.) Item Name Number of Tablespoons Needed Ounce Weight of 1 Tablespoon AP in Ounces . Divide that answer by 16 to convert ounces to pounds.The answer will be the number of ounces you need to buy or cost out. Item Name Number of Cups Needed Ounce Weight of 1 Cup AP in Ounces 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 AP in Pounds .P u r c h a s i n g Wo r k s h e e t 6 265 Condiments: Converting As-Served Cups to As-Purchased Ounces FORMULA 2: AS cups Ounce weight of 1 cup AP ounces Multiply the number of cups needed times the ounce weight of 1 cup (from Part I). 5735 U. convert milliliters to U.S. and your recipe calls for U.S. etc. Item Name Number of Milliliters in Container 29. Locate the number of fluid ounces for condiments on the container itself or on the Price List. First. Sauce. Your answer will be the number of bottles or containers you need to buy or cost out.) Container Name or Size Fluid Ounces Needed U. Spirit. fluid ounces. fluid ounces by dividing the number of milliliters in the container by 29.S. Fluid Ounces Now. Locate the number of fluid ounces per wine or spirit bottle type or size in the Liquids table in Part I.S.S. divide the number of fluid ounces needed by the number of fluid ounces contained in one container.266 P u r c h a s i n g Wo r k s h e e t 7 Purchasing Worksheet 7 Bottled Liquids Converting U. convert the number of milliliters to U. fluid ounces. Item Name (Wine.5735. Fluid Ounces per Container Number of AP Containers .S. Fluid Ounces to Bottles or Other Containers FORMULA: U.S. fluid ounces needed Fluid ounces per container AP containers If the container is measured in liters or milliliters. Purchasing Dairy Liquids When your as-served (or as-used) recipe measurements are expressed as volumes. 3. creams. Then: 1. Enter the dairy liquid’s name in the first column. Total Fluid Ounces Fluid Ounces in Purchase Unit # of Purchase Units Item Name . follow this formula: AS fluid ounces needed Fluid ounces in a purchase unit Purchase units First convert all your recipe unit measures to fluid ounces. eggs.P u r c h a s i n g Wo r k s h e e t 8 267 Purchasing Worksheet 8 Dairy Products The dairy products category includes cheeses. 4. and yogurt. and you purchase these items (milks. milk products. Enter your answer in the last column. Divide the total fluid ounces needed by the number of fluid ounces in one purchase unit. Enter the fluid ounces contained in one purchase unit in the fourth column. yogurts) by volume. Add all of the fluid ounces in your recipes and enter that amount in column two. 2. 5. such as a quart or half gallon. 2. 4. Convert all the pounds needed to ounces and enter the result in column 2. Divide the total ounces needed by the ounces per pint. 3. Look up the ounces per pint in the Dairy Items table and enter that number in column 4. 2. Enter the number of pints contained in your purchase unit in column 4. Step 1: Converting weights needed to equivalent pints. and enter the answer in column 6.268 P u r c h a s i n g Wo r k s h e e t 8 If your recipes call for weights of dairy liquids (baking recipes typically do call for weights rather than volumes). 4. Item Name # Pints Needed # Pints in Purchase Unit Purchase Units Needed . 3. Enter the total pints needed from Step 1 in column 2. 1. Enter the item’s name in column 1. Divide the total pints needed by the number of pints in a purchase unit and enter your answer in column 6. Enter the item’s name in column 1. follow this two-step procedure to convert dairy liquid weights to volumes. 1. Item Name Total Ounces Needed Ounces per Pint Number Pints Needed Step 2: Converting pints needed to purchase units. soft. That answer will be in ounces. Number of gallons you need by 16. To convert to pounds.5 percent for compaction. simply divide it by 16. then add 3. Number of half gallons you need by 8. then add 1. Multiply the number of cups you need by the weight per cup from Part I. or wet items such as yogurt and sour cream. Number of AS Cups Needed Ounce Weight per Cup AP in Ounces AP in Pounds Item Name 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 . 2. from Part I. Use compaction factors for shredded or crumbled items.5 percent for compaction. Divide the number of cups you need by the number of cups per pound for that item (from Part I). or gallons. Both methods produce the same answer: the weight of the as-purchased item you need to buy or cost out. half gallons. Number of quarts you need by 4. If your needs are expressed in quarts.P u r c h a s i n g Wo r k s h e e t 8 269 Converting As-Served (or As-Used) Cups to As-Purchased Pounds There are two methods to make this conversion: 1. first convert them to cups by multiplying: ✦ ✦ ✦ NOTE No compaction factor is needed for dense. Ounces per cup) 16 AP pounds FORMULA 1: (AS cups Multiply the number of cups you need times the ounce weight per cup. then add 7 percent for compaction. 270 P u r c h a s i n g Wo r k s h e e t 8 FORMULA 2: AS cups Cups per pound AP pounds Divide the number of cups needed by the number of cups per pound, from Part I. That answer will be in pounds. (When converting from quarts, half gallons, or gallons, add the compaction factors given above to the number of AS cups needed.) Item Name Number of AS Cups Needed Number of Cups per Pound AP in Pounds Eggs: Converting Quarts of Pooled Eggs to an AP Count of Whole Large Eggs FORMULA 1: Quarts needed of pooled large eggs 19.44 AP count of large eggs Multiply the number of quarts of shelled (pooled) large eggs you need times 19.44 (the number of large shelled eggs contained in 1 quart, as stated in Part I). The answer will be the count of large eggs you need to buy or cost out. To convert this number to dozens, divide it by 12. (To convert it to flats, divide it by 30.) Number of Quarts of Large Eggs Needed AP Count Each AP Count in Dozens AP Count in Flats 19.44 19.44 19.44 19.44 19.44 19.44 19.44 19.44 19.44 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 Or Or Or Or Or Or Or Or Or 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 P u r c h a s i n g Wo r k s h e e t 8 271 Eggs: Converting Quarts of Pooled Eggs to an AP Count of Whole Medium Eggs FORMULA 2: Quarts needed of pooled medium eggs 22 AP count of medium eggs Multiply the number of quarts of shelled medium eggs you need by 22 (the number of medium shelled eggs contained in 1 quart, as stated in Part I).The answer will be the count of medium eggs you need to buy or cost out. To convert this number to dozens, divide it by 12. (To convert it to flats, divide it by 30.) Number of Quarts of Large Eggs Needed 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 AP Count Each 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 AP Count in Dozens Or Or Or Or Or Or Or 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 AP Count in Flats Eggs: Converting a Weight of Large Eggs to an AP Count FORMULA 3: Pounds of large eggs needed 9 AP count Multiply the number of pounds of large eggs needed by 9 (the number of shelled large eggs per pound from Part I). The answer will be the count, or number, of large shelled eggs you need to buy or cost out. To convert this number to dozens, divide it by 12. (To convert it to flats, divide it by 30.) Number of Quarts of Large Eggs Needed 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 AP Count Each 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 AP Count in Dozens Or Or Or Or Or Or Or 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 AP Count in Flats NOTE There are 180 eggs in a case. One case equals 15 dozen eggs, or 6 flats. To convert dozens to a number of cases, divide the number of dozens needed by 15. To convert flats to cases, divide the number of flats you need by 6. 272 P u r c h a s i n g Wo r k s h e e t 8 Miscellaneous Dairy: Converting a Count Needed to a Purchase Unit Count FORMULA: Count needed Count per purchase unit Purchase units required Determine how many individual pieces are needed. Divide this number by the number of pieces that come in a purchase unit. This is specified on the purchase unit or invoice. The answer will be the number of purchase units required. Total Count Needed Count per Purchase Unit Item Name Purchase Units Required P u r c h a s i n g Wo r k s h e e t 9 273 Purchasing Worksheet 9 Brewed and Dispensed Beverages Converting Brewed Coffee Needs to an As-Purchased Weight of Grounds FORMULA 1: AS gallons 3.25 AP grounds in ounces Part I shows that a standard 60-fluid-ounce pot of brewed coffee requires 1.5 ounces of coffee grounds. Therefore, a full gallon requires slightly more than twice that amount, or 3.25 ounces per gallon. So, to determine the number of ounces of coffee grounds you’ll need to make any number of as-served gallons of brewed coffee, you multiply the number of gallons you need times 3.25. The answer will be the number of ounces of grounds you need to buy or cost out. (If you want a stronger coffee, increase the 3.25 to a higher amount—3.75 ounces of grounds per gallon, for instance, yields a stronger coffee.) Number of Gallons Needed Regular Strength 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25 Or Extra-Strong 3.75 3.75 3.75 3.75 AP in Ounces 16 16 16 16 16 AP in Pounds Converting Brewed Iced Tea Needs to an AP Weight of Tea Leaf FORMULA 2: AS gallons 2 AP tea leaf in ounces Part I states that you need 2 ounces of tea leaves to brew 1 gallon of tea, strong enough to be suitable for iced tea. You can use less, and some tea companies suggest using less, but your iced tea may be weak if you do so, particularly after some of the ice melts in the glass. So, to determine how much tea leaf you will need to make any number of as-served gallons of brewed tea, you multiply the number of gallons of tea you want (before adding the ice) by 2. The answer will be the number of ounces of tea leaf you will need to buy or cost out. Remember, when estimating the total number of gallons needed, the ice in a glass will reduce its capacity by at least 25 percent, and you will not fill a glass to the rim; therefore, a 16-ounce glass may only hold 10 ounces of actual brewed tea. (This is roughly 60 percent of the capacity of the glass.) Number of Gallons Needed 2 2 2 2 2 AP in Ounces 16 16 16 16 16 AP in Pounds 274 P u r c h a s i n g Wo r k s h e e t 9 Converting Brewed Hot Cocoa Needs to an AP Weight of Cocoa Powder FORMULA 3: AS gallons needed 3.35 AP ounces of cocoa powder Part I states that 1 cup of cocoa powder weighing 3.35 ounces is needed to brew 1 gallon of cocoa. So, multiply the number of gallons you need times 3.35. The answer will be the number of ounces of cocoa powder you need to buy or cost out. Number of Gallons Needed 3.35 3.35 3.35 3.35 3.35 3.35 3.35 AP in Ounces 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 AP in Pounds Converting Dispensed Soda Needs to AP Number of Syrup Boxes FORMULA 4: Fluid ounces of soda needed 3,840 # of syrup boxes A 5-gallon box of soda syrup will yield 3,840 fluid ounces of dispensed soda.To calculate how many boxes of syrup to order or have on hand, multiply the number of drinks needed by the number of fluid ounces of soda in each drink. Then divide the total fluid ounces needed by the fluid-ounce yield of one box of syrup (3,840). The answer will be the number of boxes of syrup to buy or cost. Fluid Ounces per Drink Total Fluid Ounces Number of AP Syrup Boxes (5 Gallons Each) Number of Gallons Needed 3,840 P u r c h a s i n g Wo r k s h e e t 1 0 275 Purchasing Worksheet 10 Meat Converting Portions per Piece to Whole As-Purchased Pieces Portion count per piece Number of pieces, AP FORMULA 1: Total portion count needed Divide the total number of portions needed by the number of portions you get from 1 whole piece.The number of portions you get from 1 piece is dictated primarily by the size of the portion in question. The formula answer will be the number of whole pieces (whole tenderloins, sirloins, strip loins, prime ribs, etc.) you need to buy or cost out. Name of Basic Piece Portion Name and Size Number of Portions Needed Number of Portions per Piece AP in Whole Pieces Converting a Trimmed Raw Weight to an Untrimmed Raw Purchase Weight FORMULA 2: Number of pounds of trimmed meat Yield percentage AP in pounds Divide the number of pounds of raw meat you will need after trimming by its yield percentage, from Part I. The answer will be the number of pounds of raw, untrimmed meat you need to buy or cost out. Name of Meat Item Number of Raw Pounds Needed, Trimmed Yield % AP in Pounds Cooked and Trimmed Finished Yield Percentage AP in Pounds . resulting in a cooked yield percentage of 91 percent. In contrast. Divide the trimmed and cooked weight you need to serve by the finished yield percentage. (For example: Convection ovens can easily shrink meat that is cooked to medium rare in the center by 20 percent. The answer will be the number of pounds of raw. combined with the shape of the meat and your oven’s tendency to shrink meats as they cook. a slowcooking oven may shrink meat cooked to medium rare by only 9 percent. This percentage depends on the degree of doneness desired. you must determine this percentage yourself by experience. Therefore.) To complete the formula: 1. Step 1 Table Meat Item Name Trim Yield % Cooked Yield % Finished Yield Percentage Step 2 Table Meat Item Name Number of Pounds Needed.276 P u r c h a s i n g Wo r k s h e e t 1 0 Converting a Trimmed and Cooked Weight to a Raw As-Purchased Weight FORMULA 3: AS trimmed and cooked weight (Trim yield % Cooked yield %) AP weight To complete this formula. resulting in a cooked yield percentage of 80 percent. as-purchased meat you need to buy or cost out. 2. combined percentage that is smaller than either of the two original percentages. Multiply your trim yield percentage (from Part I or based on your experience) by the cooked yield percentage. This will result in a new. It is called a finished yield percentage. you need to know what your cooked yield percentage is for the meat in question. P u r c h a s i n g Wo r k s h e e t 1 1 277 Purchasing Worksheet 11 Seafood Finfish: Converting a Trimmed Fillet Weight to a Particular Market Form's Weight Fillet yield percentage AP pounds FORMULA 1: AS pounds Divide the number of pounds of raw. a purchase unit measure will be 1 pound. trimmed fillet you need by its yield percentage.Typically. rather than an exact number of items per purchase unit or purchase unit measure. Many food service professionals use a mid-range number (such as 18 in the example just given). but it may be another pack that weighs something other than a pound.This measure may not. however. . from Part I. Purchase Unit Measure 4 lb. 16–20 ct. NOTE It is common practice among seafood processors to list a range count such as 16–20. Name of Fish Number of Pounds of Trimmed Fillet Needed Fillet Yield Percentage AP in Pounds Seafood Items Bought by Count FORMULA 2: Items needed Count per AP unit measure AP in purchase unit measures Divide the total count needed by the number of items per purchase unit measure. See the shrimp example in the form. box Count Needed 144 Count per Purchase Unit Measure 72 per box AP in Purchase Unit Measures 2 Item Name Shrimp. fill in the name of the purchase unit measure in the form below. The answer will be the number of pounds of fish you need to buy or cost out. For instance. At some point. be the actual pack (or purchase unit) you have to order.The final answer will be the number of purchase unit measures you need to buy or cost out. Part I indicates what market form the fish in question is.To be clear. shrimp is often categorized by count per pound but is sold in 4-pound boxes rather than by individual pounds. In these situations. you should do exact counts to determine the true average counts for the items you buy by count. It is up to you to decide. you need to decide on the specific number to use in order to make the purchasing formula work. 278 P u r c h a s i n g Wo r k s h e e t 1 2 Purchasing Worksheet 12 Poultry CHICKEN Food service professionals today often order their chicken already sized and cut up. The poultry formulas in this worksheet will enable you to determine the relationship between whole chicken parts and the same parts trimmed (boneless/skinless). and further specify it to be boneless and/or skinless. Consequently. That said. When these dark meats are cleaned in house. and legs. and therefore not very cost-efficient process. operators do offer half. as they are sold by specific size and count per case and are offered on menus in much the same form without further cutting. Another reason is that it is unusual for modern menus to feature all parts of the chicken: breasts. and use the bones and skins in their stocks. the operator usually does so in order to obtain leg and thigh meat that has less sinew or cartilage than is usually found in “factory-bought” dark meat. They normally order a specific count of a particular size of chicken breast. thighs. this is a very laborious. They use the bones and skins for stocks and put the cleaned meat into dishes on their menus. . They may also feature these “as-is” breasts on their menus as whole or “whole-halves. for a very good reason: Modern poultry processors are very efficient and can sell individually cut and sized chicken parts at prices below what it would cost an independent food service operator to process from whole chickens (when the operator’s labor costs are added to the base cost of the chicken).” Wings are sold by size and may be whole or sectioned into drumettes (the first joint) and the second joint. However. Certainly. typically only breasts and wings are found on today’s menus.or quarter-chickens as menu items. Those operators who do order whole breasts process them in house. but there is little need to perform purchasing formula calculations for those items. wings. some operators do order whole drumsticks and thighs and remove the bones and skins in house. serve them boneless and skinless. Wing tips are often sold by themselves for use in stocks. few operators buy whole chickens anymore. then determine the yield percentage for the boneless/skinless pieces by dividing the trimmed weight by the untrimmed weight.7 ounces. Step 1 Table Name of Trimmed Part Needed Trimmed Ounce Weight of One Part Untrimmed Ounce Weight of One Part Yield Percentage Step 2 Table Name of Trimmed Part Needed Total Trimmed Ounces Needed Yield Percentage AP in Untrimmed Ounces . from Part I. Skinless Pieces to Untrimmed.7 ounces and the trimmed weight is 5.5%) The yield percentage for half breasts is 65.7 8.655 (or 65. The answer will be the number of untrimmed ounces you need to buy or cost out. For example. skinless pieces needed Yield percentage AP in ounces Here you add up the total ounce weight of the boneless/skinless pieces needed. 2. Divide the total number of ounces needed by the yield percentage.P u r c h a s i n g Wo r k s h e e t 1 2 279 Chicken: Converting Boneless. As-Purchased Pieces FORMULA 1: Ounces of boneless. Go to Part I to find that the untrimmed weight is 8. to compute this percentage for half breasts: 1.7 0. so: 5.5 percent. 280 P u r c h a s i n g Wo r k s h e e t 1 2 TURKEY A bone-on, skin-on turkey breast yields 73.6 percent of its original weight when boned and skinned. To convert a weight of raw, boneless, skinless breast meat to a weight of whole turkey breast(s), divide the as-served weight by 0.736. Converting Boneless Skinless Turkey Breasts to Whole Turkey Breasts FORMULA 2: AS or as-used pounds As Served or As-Used Pounds 0.736 AP pounds whole turkey breast .736 .736 .736 .736 .736 .736 .736 .736 .736 .736 .736 .736 .736 .736 .736 .736 .736 .736 .736 .736 AP Pounds Whole Breasts P u r c h a s i n g Wo r k s h e e t 1 2 281 FORMULA 3: AS pounds (Trim yield % Cooking yield %) AP pounds To calculate the weight of AP whole breasts from a needed weight of boneless, skinless cooked meat, follow this process: 1. Multiply your cooking yield percentage by the trim yield percentage. 2. Divide the weight you need to serve by the product of the two yield percentages. The answer will be the raw, AP weight of whole turkey breasts to order. Your cooking yield percentage has to be calculated in your own kitchen, by dividing your cooked breast weight by the oven-ready breast weight. Cooked Pounds Oven-Ready Weight Cooking Yield Percentage To complete the formula, multiply the trim yield percentage (73.6 percent) by the cooking yield percentage and put the answer in the Cooked/Trimmed Yield Percentage column. Divide the number of pounds you need to serve by this combined percentage. AS Pounds Trimmed and Cooked Cooked/Trimmed Yield Percentage (Finished Yield Percentage) AP Pounds Whole Raw Turkey Breast 282 P u r c h a s i n g Wo r k s h e e t 1 2 Converting Cooked and Carved Whole Turkey to AP Whole Turkey FORMULA 4: AS pounds of cooked, carved turkey 0.363 AP pounds whole turkey On average, whole turkey, with giblets, will yield 36.3 percent in carved, cooked meat. To calculate the number of pounds of raw turkey to buy or cost out, divide the number of pounds of cooked, carved meat needed by 36.3 percent. AS Pounds Cooked and Carved Meat .363 AP Pounds, with Giblets Converting Cooked, Carved, and Pulled Turkey to AP Whole Turkey FORMULA 5: AS pounds of cooked, carved, and pulled turkey 0.41 AP pounds whole turkey Whole turkeys, with giblets, yield additional weight of usable meat after carving. This meat has to be hand-pulled from the carcass. The pulled meat increases the total yield of cooked meat to 41 percent of the AP weight of the turkey. To calculate the number of pounds of raw turkey to buy or cost out, divide the number of pounds of cooked, carved, and pulled meat needed by 41 percent. AS Pounds Cooked, Carved, Pulled Meat .41 AP Pounds, with Giblets P u r c h a s i n g Wo r k s h e e t 1 3 283 Purchasing Worksheet 13 Flavor Bases Part I of The Book of Yields does not list flavor bases (chicken stock, beef stock, chocolate mousse, etc.), but you can use this worksheet to help you to convert a volume of food produced from a base back to the amount of the paste or powdered base you would need to buy or cost out. The volume that a container of base will produce is always stated on the container. For instance, a 1-pound jar of chicken stock base will typically produce 5 gallons of finished stock. To make this type of conversion, divide the number of fluid measures of the finished food you need by the number of the same fluid measure that the as-purchased weight of the base produces. For instance, say you need 1 gallon of a finished stock made from a base. If 1 gallon equals 128 fluid ounces, and a pound of the base will produce 5 gallons, it will produce 640 fluid ounces. You divide the number of fluid ounces you need (128) by the number of fluid ounces produced by the 1-pound jar (640). Of course, you could also divide 1 gallon by the 5 gallons that one jar produces. Either way, you will get the same answer of 0.20: 128 640 0.20 or 1 5 0.20 The answer, 0.20 (or 20 percent) is the amount of the 1-pound jar you would need to use to make the 1 gallon of finished base. The following table illustrates this example: You need 1 gallon of finished stock. Your base comes in a 1-pound jar and yields 5 gallons. You will need 20 percent, or one-fifth, of one jar. A B E F G H Number of Number of Number of Recipe Unit AP Units AP Unit Recipe Unit Measures Needed (Jar, Can, Measures Yielded by 1 (Jar, Can Pound, etc.) Needed AP Unit Pound, etc.) 1-Pound Jar 128 640 0.20 C D Item Name Base Example Recipe Unit Volume Measures Fluid Ounce Note the following: ✦ ✦ ✦ ✦ Column B states the type of measure you are working with in your recipe. Column D states the number of these recipe unit measures you need. Column C states the as-purchased unit of the base. Column F states how many recipe unit measures are produced by using all of a single as-purchased unit—in this case, the entire 1-pound jar. 284 P u r c h a s i n g Wo r k s h e e t 1 4 Purchasing Worksheet 14 Ingredient Aggregating Form 1. Read all the recipes for an event or time period and record (in sequence) each recipe unit measure for the same ingredient. 2. Add up the amounts for each kind of measure (tablespoon, cup, ounce, pound, each, etc.) for each ingredient. 3. Combine the total number of each type of measure needed for the same ingredient and enter those numbers on their respective rows in the right-hand column of the form. You will use this form to add up various amounts needed of the same food ingredient. Here’s how: Item Name Recipe Name Recipe Unit Measure Total Number and Type (Tablespoon, Cup, Number of Name of Each Ounce, Each, etc.) Measures Measure Type Needed P u r c h a s i n g Wo r k s h e e t 1 4 285 Ingredient Aggregating Form Item Name Recipe Name Recipe Unit Measure Total Number and Type (Tablespoon, Cup, Number of Name of Each Ounce, Each, etc.) Measures Measure Type Needed Use the totals from this form as the recipe unit measure amounts needed in the various purchasing conversion worksheets. (PW 1-13) List all your conversion answers for the same food.286 P u r c h a s i n g Wo r k s h e e t 1 5 Purchasing Worksheet 15 Purchase Unit Measures Aggregating Form This form is a tool you can use on an as-needed basis to record and combine your purchase unit measure conversion answers for the same food. In Purchasing Worksheet 16. write that total in column D and the name of the food item in column A. assume you have a number of recipes that call for an onion. such as a pound. Complete the conversion for each recipe ingredient using the appropriate purchasing conversion worksheet. Use the formula tables you need to calculate the equivalent purchase unit measure needed based on the recipe unit measures needed. but each measures the onion in a different way (whole. (Each conversion worksheet has a set of formula boxes. etc. you will have to convert each of those recipe unit measures to a single purchase unit measure. by the trimmed ounce. Here’s how: 1. 3. by the cup. Amounts Needed versus Par. For example. for each way that type of food is measured.) 2. called tables. Item Name Purchase Unit Measure Number of Measures Needed Total Number of Purchase Unit Measures Needed . one after the other on this form. chopped.). In this case. Then add them up to get a single total purchase unit measure. Item Name Rice Current Need for Plan in Purchase Unit Measures 30 . Gallon. 5. etc. and 6.P u r c h a s i n g Wo r k s h e e t 1 6 287 Purchasing Worksheet 16 Amounts Needed versus Par You’ll find the instructions for filling out this worksheet in the Purchasing Worksheets Overview.) pounds D E Amount Remaining on Hand after Filling Current Need (B D) 20 F Minimum Par Amount (Operation’s Minimum Par for Item) 40 lb. Each. G Minimum Order to Return to Par or Make Plan (F E) 20 lb. Piece. Steps 4. A B Current Inventory Count (Amount on Hand) 50 C Inventory Count in Purchase Unit Measures (Pound. multiply the count on hand by the cost per unit of measure to calculate the extension. Location: Item Name Unit of Measure Date: Count on Hand Cost per Unit of Measure $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Extension $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ .288 P u r c h a s i n g Wo r k s h e e t 1 7 Purchasing Worksheet 17 Inventory Form To use this form. P u r c h a s i n g Wo r k s h e e t 1 7 289 Location: Item Name Inventory Form Unit of Measure Count on Hand Cost per Unit of Measure $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Date: Extension TOTAL This page (Use on Final Page of Inventory) Extension Totals of All Pages: $ . 3. Enter the item’s purchase unit (bunch. 4. Enter the date you log in each entry. In the last column. and the like. add up the averages for that item and divide the total by the number of entries to determine total running-average weight. 2. such as a bunch of fresh herbs or celery. divide 27 by 6 to get the average weight of 4. and record its average weight. Here are the instructions for using the form: 1. This will give you seasonal variances. cabbage. heads of broccoli. 5. for six bunches of parsley weighing a total of 27 ounces. Reserve at least six rows for each food item. Weigh each item as it is received. etc. Item Purchase Unit Average Weight Date Running-Average Weight .).5 ounces per bunch.290 P u r c h a s i n g Wo r k s h e e t 1 8 Purchasing Worksheet 18 Food Weight Log You can use this log to record foods whose weights differ over the course of time per purchase unit. cauliflower. For instance. piece. P u r c h a s i n g Wo r k s h e e t 1 8 291 Food Weight Log Item Purchase Unit Average Weight Date Running-Average Weight . etc. Fill in columns A. Bag. etc.) Pack Column E) B C D E Item Name . Amounts Needed versus Par. The answer is the exact equivalent number of purchase unit packs you need. One Purchase Unit (Column B divided by Measures Each. Record the answer from column F on the Food Order Form. B. There. Flat. Unit Measures in One Purchase Pack Unit Quart. (Container. A F Purchase Units Needed: Purchase Purchase Purchase Unit Measures Amount Unit Measure Unit Pack Needed Divided by Needed in (Ounce. 3.292 P u r c h a s i n g Wo r k s h e e t 1 9 Purchasing Worksheet 19 Purchase Unit Measures to Purchase Unit Packs To use this worksheet to convert purchase unit measures to purchase unit packs. and C from Worksheet 16. if necessary. follow these steps: 1. Number of Purchase Purchase Unit Measures in Purchase Pound. 2. round up the amount. Divide column B by column E. 4.) Box. Fill in the purchase unit pack measures from the Price List or your vendors’ invoices. Case. Be clear. pound. previous invoices.P u r c h a s i n g Wo r k s h e e t 2 0 293 Purchasing Worksheet 20 Food Order Form You will use this form to round off and record your answers from Purchasing Worksheet 19. or your vendors’ price sheets. and brief. Purchase Unit Measures to Purchase Unit Packs. In column A. 4. specific. enter the food item name. 6. enter the name of your vendor for this item. A Amount B AP Unit C Item Name D AP Unit Cost $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Total This Page Total Order (All Pages): $ ____________ E Total: (A $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ F Vendor NOTE Purchase unit costs can be obtained from the Price List. multiply column A times column D and enter your answer here. In column E. In column F. 3. enter the amount you pay for one purchase unit.) If desired. 5. D E) . you can use a separate page for each vendor. In column C. follow these steps: 1. (This step is optional. To use this form properly. In column D. enter the number of purchase units (purchase unit packs) to order. and so on. each. In column B. case. head. enter the type of purchase unit—jar. 2. cut into small pieces). Example Given: You You have a food item that you trim in order to use. You get it by dividing the untrimmed price per unit by the trimmed price per unit. The question that a chef must answer is: Should I buy 20 pounds of trimmed carrots or 25 pounds.3 percent. You normally peel these carrots and trim off their ends before adding them to recipes.2 percent. as broccoli crowns (with much of the stalks removed). so you should be familiar with them by now. it represents what’s left for use after peeling. the trimmed food has a lower food cost. the untrimmed food has a lower food cost. untrimmed form and as a trimmed item. as boneless breasts. if ever. For instance. The more your supplier trims or otherwise prepares these foods for you. and the trimmed price is 65 cents.294 P u r c h a s i n g Wo r k s h e e t 2 1 Purchasing Worksheet 21 Trimmed versus Untrimmed Prices Many food distributors offer foods in both a raw. or as broccoli florets (just the heads. ✦ TYP is the yield percentage you get when you trim a food. Here’s a fuller explanation of what these formulas mean: ✦ UPP is the percentage the untrimmed price is of the trimmed price. or raw and untrimmed carrots for 45 cents a pound. the higher will be the price per unit for the pre-prepared (trimmed) food as compared to the price per unit of the untrimmed food. When the untrimmed price percentage (UPP) is greater than the trim yield percentage (TYP). or as boneless-and-skinless breasts. the UPP. untrimmed? When you are deciding whether to buy trimmed or untrimmed food. Similarly. For example. broccoli can be bought in whole heads. That means that after trimming 10 pounds of carrots you will get 8. chicken breasts can be purchased with the skin and bones on. coring. Because you will have to buy more of the untrimmed food in order to end up with the trimmed amount needed. you will need to buy about 25 pounds of raw carrots to end up with 20 pounds of trimmed carrots. When the UPP is less than TYP. if an untrimmed price per pound is 45 cents. Now a supplier tells you that it has trimmed-and-peeled carrots for 65 cents per pound. you divide 45 by 65 to get 69. Part I is full of trim yield percentages. the trimmed food has a lower food cost. The first formula says that when the UPP is greater than the TYP. say carrots. and so on. The second formula says that when the UPP is less than the TYP. and are mainly basing your decision on the price differences between the two. less expensive than the untrimmed food? The guiding formulas that answer this question follow. Which should you buy? Do the math.13 pounds of trimmed carrots to use in recipes. For instance. how do you figure the point at which the trimmed food is. you will buy greater quantities of the untrimmed food. NOTE The worksheet at the end of this section will help you to quickly determine whether the UPP is greater or less than the TYP. . the untrimmed food has a lower food cost. Part I shows that medium-sized carrots have a trim yield of 81. In this case. Notice that this is less than the trim yield percentage of 81. This verifies the guiding formula “when UPP is less than TYP.” Let’s take another look at the same scenario but with the situation reversed. now assume you need to use 20 pounds of trimmed carrots. plugging these figures into the purchasing formula.3 percent.00 and $11.P u r c h a s i n g Wo r k s h e e t 2 1 295 1. The formula is: As-served amount or: AS Y% AP Yield percentage As-purchased amount You divide the number of pounds you need in your recipe as-served by the carrots’ trim yield percentage (of 81. Note that you’ll need to buy more than 20 pounds of untrimmed carrots to end up with 20 pounds of trimmed carrots. the UPP for carrots was 62. you get: You need to buy 24. assume the UPP is greater than the TYP. AS 20 lb. That is. trimmed. therefore.65 $13.00.6 lb.3 percent.692 The UPP is 69. This is where you’ll use the most fundamental purchasing formula from Part I to determine how much raw food to buy.90 .2 percent. Y% AP. Remember. raw.9 percent. Calculate the UPP: Divide the 45-cents price for the raw food by the 65-cents price for the trimmed food.07 The cost of the trimmed and peeled carrots is 65 cents per pound.65 0. untrimmed carrots you need to buy. we’ll say the price per pound for the trimmed carrots is 50 cents and that the cost of the untrimmed carrots is the same as in the previous example. Therefore: 20 lb. the as-served amount is 20 pounds and the trim yield is 81. the new UPP would be 90 percent. so your cost for untrimmed carrots is: $. $.3 percent TYP.45 $.45 24.6 pounds of raw carrots to end up with 20 pounds. based on the need for a trimmed amount.6 $11.3 percent). 0. 813 24. which means you only have to buy 20 pounds. so by buying the untrimmed carrots. the UPP is found by dividing the untrimmed unit cost by the trimmed unit cost: 45 50 0. the untrimmed food has a lower food cost. which is less than the 81.00 The trimmed carrots will cost you $13. since they are already trimmed. In this case. the total cost of the raw carrots you need should be less than the cost of the trimmed carrots. you would save the difference between $13. $.07 ($1. The answer is the number of pounds of as-purchased.93). And the untrimmed carrots cost 45 cents per pound. Therefore. In this case. To prove this. So. 45 cents per pound. deciding whether to use these pre-prepared convenience items can be complex.07. in this case. the cost of the trimmed carrots was $1. energy. the trimmed food should prove to be less costly than the untrimmed food. but also save time. though. Convenience items are seldom found in high-end restaurants. then it makes sense to consider buying the breasts already cut to size and trimmed the way you want them. buying pre-prepared items can mean real savings when they enable you to prepare a menu with fewer cooks and in less time than by using fresh. Does it? Yes. the cost of the trimmed food is lower than that of the untrimmed food. and others come to mind. Now let’s consider what would be the cost of peeling the 24.00).) Most restaurants today use a combination of scratch ingredients and convenience items. you get a total cost for the trimmed carrots of $10.3 percent. Using some pre-prepared items enables a kitchen with limited space and staff to produce a greater variety of menu items than would be possible if they had to use all scratch ingredients. . it is still 81. many menu items that used to be made on-site—baking items.296 P u r c h a s i n g Wo r k s h e e t 2 1 The TYP for raw carrots does not change. untrimmed foods—scratch ingredients. for instance—are now bought in a nearly finished state. Sometimes the cooking skills needed to make certain dishes are not available in certain labor markets.00 (20 pounds 0. there are other reasons to buy pre-prepared items. that labor-saving costs have to add up to become real. Other Considerations Going back to the first scenario. of course. Also.6 pounds of carrots. charge higher menu prices to cover their higher labor and operating costs. (These restaurants do. Peeling nearly 25 pounds of carrots is no small job and will probably cost you more in labor than $1. including precut or trimmed fresh vegetables and meats. skinless 5-ounce chicken breast and you have no need for the chicken bones and skins. equipment. Still.93 higher than the cost of the untrimmed carrots. In many cases. that is. If you serve only a boneless. then you are still paying that half-hour’s wage—you just move that cook to another task. and may reduce your inventory and the number of vendors you have to manage. Nevertheless. So.50 $10. which is less than the UPP of 90 percent.93. Since the cost of the untrimmed carrots stays the same at $11. extending beyond purely economic considerations. cheesecakes. these products not only eliminate the need for special skills. Labor savings truly kick in when you cut someone’s hours or eliminate a position altogether. Your chef may object to using them for many subjective as well as marketing reasons. pie fillings. And here is why: If you multiply the new price per pound for the trimmed carrots—50 cents—by the 20 pounds needed. If your cook is not going to be taken off the clock. Of course. when you actually don’t pay for the time it takes to peel the carrots. these items are used simply because it makes sense to do so. Remember. and space. Other times. So-called proof-andbake breads and rolls. the UPP is the unit price of the untrimmed food divided by the unit price of the trimmed food.P u r c h a s i n g Wo r k s h e e t 2 1 297 Using the Trimmed versus Untrimmed Pricing Worksheet By using this worksheet. trimmed or untrimmed. If column G is greater than column F. In column F. In column B. the untrimmed food has a lower cost. In column G. Enter the answer in column F. write in the food item name. enter the price of the trimmed item’s purchase unit measure (usually per pound). 2. note which form of the food. B Untrimmed Unit Price C D Trimmed Unit Price E F H Lower Food Cost: Untrimmed Trim Yield Trimmed or Price % % Untrimmed G A Item Name . 3. Remember. the trimmed food has a lower cost. you can easily determine whether the UPP (Untrimmed Price Percentage) is greater or less than the food’s TYP (Trim Yield Percentage). enter the trim yield percentage for the food item. In column A. Remember: ✦ ✦ If column F (UPP) is greater than column G (TYP). If column G is greater than column F. divide column B by column D. enter the price of the untrimmed item’s purchase unit measure (usually per pound). the trimmed food has a lower cost. In column H. 5. has a lower food cost. 6. Take these steps to fill out the form: 1. Thus: ✦ ✦ If column F (UPP) is greater than column G (TYP). In column D. the untrimmed food has a lower cost. Enter a “T” if the trimmed food has a lower food cost and a “U” if the untrimmed food has a lower food cost. 4. from Part I.
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