The Best of The Abingtons

March 16, 2018 | Author: The Times Leader | Category: Track And Field, Sports, Leisure, Schools



BEST OF THE ABINGTONS 2011P A G E 2 S P E C I A L S E C T I O N , W E D N E S D A Y , A P R I L 2 7 , 2 0 1 1 211 South State Street, Clarks Summit, PA 18411 Phone 587-1148 / Fax 586-3980 [email protected] / Editor Kristie Grier Ceruti/ 585-1604 [email protected] Staff Writers / Photographers Don McGlynn/ 585-1601 [email protected] Shauna McNally /585-1606 [email protected] Robert Tomkavage/ 585-1600 [email protected] Retail Advertising Account Executives T’Shaiya Stephenson/ 585-1602 [email protected] Karen Fiscus/ 558-0854 [email protected] Classified Advisor Linda Byrnes/ 970-7189 [email protected] Contributing Writers and Photographers Rafael Pimentel, Christy Clarke, Tina Mulea, T’Shaiya Stephenson, Stephanie Walkowski, Antonia Castro Layout and Design Mindy Mendicino Cover Design Lindsey Jones Coverage Area The Abington Journal is a weekly community newspaper and part of the Wilkes-Barre Publishing Company in Wilkes-Barre, Pa., covering the “Abingtons” area of Lackawanna and Wyoming Counties, including but not limited to Clarks Summit, Clarks Green, South Abing- ton, Newton, Ransom, Glenburn, Dalton, La Plume, Factoryville, and Waverly and the Abing- ton Heights, Lackawanna Trail and Lakeland School Districts. Circulation Published by Wilkes-Barre Publishing Company. Orders for subscriptions received by Friday at noon will begin the following week. COPYRIGHT 2011: Entire contents copyrighted. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced by any means without the expressed written consent of the publisher. To order a subscription, complete and mail in this form or call 570-587-1148. Name __________________________________ Mailing address _______________________ City ____________________________________ State ____________ Zip __________________ Phone _________________________________ Rates 1 year, 2 year for Lackawanna and Wyoming Counties: $20, $35 Other PA, NY or NJ: $24, $42 All other states: $27, $48 Return completed form with payment to: The Abington Journal, 211 South State Street Clarks Summit, PA 18411 INDEX LOCAL FLAVOR Page 4 GOODS & SERVICES Page 16 DINING OUT Page 28 NIGHTLIFE Page 35 PROFESSIONALS Page 36 S P E C I A L S E C T I O N , W E D N E S D A Y , A P R I L 2 7 , 2 0 1 1 P A G E 3 2 8 0 3 6 4 Bring this in for 20% off your next purchase. J. Brand, Free People, True Religion, We The Free, James Jeans, Boy Meets Girl, Genetic Denim, 291, e. vil, Jennifer Zevner, and tons more! Clothing For Women & Tweens LEE’S DENIM DINER 324 SOUTH STATE STREET • CLARKS SUMMIT, PA 570-561-2737 Thank You For Your Votes and Continued Confidence P A G E 4 S P E C I A L S E C T I O N , W E D N E S D A Y , A P R I L 2 7 , 2 0 1 1 BEST OF THE ABI NGTONS: LOCAL F L AVOR Pennstar Bank is a division of NBT Bank, N.A. Member FDIC Congratulations to all the 2011 Best of the Abington’s winners and nominees. 866.4STAR.PA ART GALLERY (tie) Winner: Skylake Gallery, Route 407, Fleetville, 570.945.7000, Skylakegallery- .com. The Skylake Gallery, a con- verted former Methodist church, owned by William and Lauri Chickillo, has earned a loyal fol- lowing of clients in the last dec- ade, boasting a mailing list of close to700people. Williamcred- ited the gallery itself, which won the award in 2010, as well as the work displayed with the success. “The space is created to look at really is a professional gal- lery, geared for professional work,” said William. (tie) Winner: Angels Galeria, 208 Depot St, Clarks Summit, 570.586.3363. Since opening its doors in September, Angels Gale- ria has become a destination for art lovers in the area. In addition to showcasing the works of own- er Rosangela De Freitas and oth- er artists during the week, the gallery also started Second Fri- days, which expanded to 13 loca- tions this month. “I think it’s not just me, but everyone who has been displayed at Second Fri- days,” De Freitas said, as to why the gallery has earned so much success so quickly. ARTIST/PAINTER/ SCULPTOR Winner: Valerie Kiser, Winning this award for the third year in a row, Kiser said she has seen an out- pouring of support fromthe com- munity over the years when it comes to her work. That support helped give her the opportunity to launch Valerie Kiser Design earlier this year, which specializ- es in handmade, sustainable ap- parel, home décor and accesso- ries, andwill begoingnationwide this year. “This area is really great, they’ve always been very supportive,” said Kiser. Runner up: Nan Burti, RR4 Box 4136, Dalton, 570.945.5139. PHOTOGRAPHER Winner: Amanda Grace, 570.780.4050, amandagraceima- Last year’s runner up, Amanda Grace Images, specializ- es in modern, colorful children’s lifestyle photography and photo- journalistic weddings. Grace said she hadalways beeninterestedin photography, but her passion grew 10 years ago after the birth of her first nephew, who she loved to photograph. She went back to school for photography and began her business in 2007. “I take pride in delivering highly artistic and nostalgic images,” said Grace. Runner up: Guy Cali, 1176 Wi- nola Rd, Clarks Summit, 570.586.2500. THEATER GROUP Winner: Electric Theatre Com- pany, 326 Spruce St. 2nd floor, Scranton, 570.558.1515, http:// A repeat winner, the company offers the public100performances yearlyof professional quality theater. “We offer a consistent level of quality and a variety of work, and we serve the community witheduca- tional programs,” said artistic di- rector David Zarko. The theater will close its season May 8 with a staging of “At Wit’s End,” May 4 to 8. Runner up: Abington Youth Theatre, 222 Noble Rd, Clarks Summit, 570.585.5300 ABINGTON JOURNAL PHOTO/DON MCGLYNN Winner (tie), Art Gallery: Angels Galeria. Shown at left, Rosangela DeFreitas, owner. ABINGTON JOURNAL/DON MCGLYNN Winner (tie), Art Gallery: Sky- lake Gallery. See FLAVOR, Page 5 S P E C I A L S E C T I O N , W E D N E S D A Y , A P R I L 2 7 , 2 0 1 1 P A G E 5 BEST OF THE ABI NGTONS 2011 : LOCAL F L AVOR COMMITTED TO LIFELONG LEARNING “Thank You for voting us Child-Centered Entertainment/Activity and Librarians Leah Ducato Rudolph and Sandy Longo.” We Would Like To ThankYou For Voting Us Best Breakfast/Brunch For The SecondYear We Appreciate Your Votes and Business BAND Winner: Mace In Dickson, Per- forming in one form or another for close to 20 years, the band, made up of Dave Maciak, Brian Sarafinko, Dan Williams, Bill Ba- racaia, Carl Breese and Sarah J. Williams, crediteda loyal area fan base with their longevity. “The Abington community has always been great about coming out to see us,” said Sarafinko. As a way of repaying the community, Sara- finko said the band tries to do 15 to20benefit shows eachyear. For a list of upcoming performances visit the band’s website. Runner up: Abington Heights Marching Band, 222 Noble Rd, Clarks Summit, 570.585.5300. SOLO MUSICIAN Winner: Barbara Cohen, laugh- [email protected]. Cohen began playing guitar at age 14. Originally interested in folk mu- sic, she eventually moved on to blues and rock and roll, and then jazz standards. She studied jazz vocal technique with Sheila Jor- dan and Nancy Morano, and gui- tar withBill Washer, andcredited her teachers, as well as the musi- cians who join her on stage for performances, with winning this award. “I always surround myself with the best players I can for any gig that I do,” said Cohen. Runner up: Marko Marcinko, Scranton. POLITICIAN Winner: State Rep. Sid Mi- chaels Kavulich, 802 S. Main St, Taylor, 570.562.2350; 1038 Mont- dale Rd., Scott Township, 570.254.9672, Currently serving his first term as state representative of the 114th District, Kavulich said he is honored to be given this award. “I’m here for the people, and for thepeopletoshowtheir trust and support in me is an honor,” said Kavulich. “And, now it’s time to repay that trust, and to do what I was elected to do and that’s serve the people of the 114th District and Pennsylvania.” Runner up: Clarks Summit Borough Council President Ger- rie Carey, 304 S. State St. Clarks Summit. HIGH SCHOOL TEAM Winner: Abington Heights Comets Baseball Team, 222 No- ble Rd, Clarks Summit, FLAVOR Continued fromPage 4 See FLAVOR, Page 8 ABINGTON JOURNAL FILE PHOTO Winner, Artist/Painter/Sculptor: Val Kiser ABINGTON JOURNAL/FILE PHOTO Winner, Solo Musician: Barbara Cohen SUBMITTED PHOTO Winner, Photog- rapher: Amanda Grace SUBMITTED PHOTO Winner, Band: Mace in Dickson. Shown, fromleft: Dave Maciack, Dan Williams, Brian Sarafinko, Bill Baracaia and Sarah J. Williams. P A G E 6 S P E C I A L S E C T I O N , W E D N E S D A Y , A P R I L 2 7 , 2 0 1 1 BEST OF THE ABI NGTONS 2011 : LOCAL F L AVOR ABINGTON JOURNAL FILE PHOTO Winner, (tie) High School Female Athelete: Abington Heights’ Mag- gie Fruehan, left, shoots over Wyoming Valley West’s Tara Zdan- cewicz in a District 2 Girls 4A semifinal game at Scranton High School. ABINGTON JOURNAL FILE PHOTO Winner, (tie) High School Female Athlete: Abington Heights’ Joetta Hashem, center, shoots between Wyoming Valley West defenders Kate Smicherko, left, and Tara Zdancewicz in a District 2 Girls 4A semifinal game at Scranton High School. ABINGTON JOURNAL/DON MCGLYNN Winner, Teacher: Jacqui Verano, Clarks Summit Elementary School. ABINGTON JOURNAL/DON MCGLYNN Winner, (tie) Librarian: SandyLongoandLeah DucatoRudolph, AbingtonCommunityLibrary. PHOTO COURTESY BETH MILLER Winner, College Campus: Keystone College, La Plume. ABINGTON JOURNAL/DON MCGLYNN Right, Winner, Child -Centered Entertainment/Activity: Abington Community Library. Shown, Children’s Librarian Mary Ann McGrath, at children’s story hour. Below, Winner, Theater Group: Electric Theatre Company S P E C I A L S E C T I O N , W E D N E S D A Y , A P R I L 2 7 , 2 0 1 1 P A G E 7 Thank You for Voting For Us... and for your continued patronage. Voted Best Diner 2007 • 2008 • 2009 • 2010 Runner-Up 2011 Best Diner 2011 Best Burger A FAMI LY RES TAURANT 108 S. State Street • Clarks Summit 587-4677 Daily Specials Open 6 am - 3 pm Monday thru Saturday 7 am - 2 pm Sundays Stephen M. Seamon, Proprietor 112 Colburn Ave. • Clarks Summit • 570-586-5355 Thank You because FRESH is better... CARAVIAFRESHFOODS.COM 570.586.6113 1151 NORTHERN BOULEVARD CLARKS SUMMIT PA P A G E 8 S P E C I A L S E C T I O N , W E D N E S D A Y , A P R I L 2 7 , 2 0 1 1 BEST OF THE ABI NGTONS 2011 : LOCAL F L AVOR 570.585.5300. Winning the Class AAA championship in 2009, and making it to the second round of the district playoffs in 2010, the baseball team has experienced a lot of success over the past few years. Head coach Bill Zalewski credited it all to his team’s work ethic. “The coach only does so much, it’s the players that really dictatewhat theprogramis going to do, and what direction it’s go- ing to go,” said Zalewski. “I’mex- tremely proud of every play- er….it’s a great honor.” Runner up: Abington Heights Comets Football Team, 222 No- ble Rd, Clarks Summit, 570.585.5300. HIGH SCHOOL COACH Winner: Bill Zalewski, Abing- ton Heights High School Base- ball Coach, 222 Noble Rd, Clarks Summit, 570.585.5300. Entering his fourth season as head coach, Zalewski, a former pitching coach for Lackawanna College, Keystone College and Pittston Area, has helpedturnthe Comets into Class AAA champions in 2009, and a serious contender each year. Upon taking over the team, Zalewski said he tried to create a sense of unity among the players, which he feels has led to their success. “I guess we just tried to make it a family, and learn to trust each other, believe in each other and play baseball,” said Zalewski. Runner up: Ken Bianchi, Abington Heights High School Boys Basketball Coach, 222 No- ble Rd. Clarks Summit, 570.585.5300 HIGH SCHOOL MALE ATHLETE Winner: Justin Klingman, Abington Heights High School Basketball, 222 Noble Rd. Clarks Summit, 570.585.5300. Kling- man has had a lot of success on Abington Heights High School’s basketball, soccer and baseball teams. While he said his favorite sport is always the one currently in season, his proudest moment has been being a part of the Class AAA 2009 championship base- ball team. “I was a sophomore, and I got to be around a lot of good players who were great leaders,” said Klingman. Runner up: James Fruehan, Abington Heights High School Wrestling, 222 Noble Rd. Clarks Summit, 570.585.5300. A three -sport varsity athlete since his freshmen year at Abington Heights High School, Fruehan credited his success to his invol- vement in football, wrestling and trackandfield. “Eachoneof them complements the other, and each one helps you get ready for the other, both mentally and physi- cally,” said Freuhan. HIGH SCHOOL FEMALE ATHLETE (tie) Winner: Maggie Fruehan, Abington Heights High School Girls Basketball, 222 Noble Rd. Clarks Summit, 570.585.5300. Fruehan said natural talent helped her get on the Abington Heights High School volleyball, basketball and track and field teams, but dedication has helped her succeed. “I put in a lot of time and hard work to be successful,” said Fruehan. The senior said her proudest achievement has been winning districts in all three sports, at least once, during her career. (Tie) Winner: Joetta Hashem, Abington Heights High School Girls Basketball, 222 Noble Rd. Clarks Summit, 570.585.5300. A member of the basketball, volley- ball and softball teams for Abing- ton Heights High School, Hash- em said she was “surprised and honored” to be receiving this award. She credits a passion for her sports, and strong work ethic withhelpingher becomesuccess- ful in all three. COLLEGE CAMPUS Winner: Keystone College, 1 College Green, La Plume, 570.696.9511, www.keystone.e- du. Keystone Academy was origi- nally chartered by the Common- wealth of Pennsylvania in 1868, with instruction beginning the followingyear inthe local Baptist church in Factoryville. In 1870, ground was broken on the cur- rent site for the Academy’s first building, Harris Hall, named af- ter John Howard Harris, first president of Keystone. Harris Hall continues to serve Keystone College today. Currently, the Col- lege offers 19 bachelor’s de- grees,13 associate degrees and enrolls a diverse student body from throughout the U.S. and more than 10 countries. The Col- lege also participates in Division III athletics, fielding15 men’s and women’s teams. Runner up: Bap- tist Bible College, 538VenardRd, Clarks Summit, 570.586.5517. FLAVOR Continued from Page 5 ABINGTON JOURNAL /STEPHANIE WALKOWSKI Winner, High School Male Athlete: Justin Klingman, Abing- ton Heights Bas- ketball, Baseball and Soccer. ABINGTON JOURNAL FILE PHOTO Runner up, High School Male Athlete: James Fruehan, Abington Heights Football, Track and Field and Wres- tling. SUBMITTED PHOTO Winner, Politician: Sid Michaels Kavulich. ABINGTON JOURNAL/STEPHANIE WALKOWSKI Winner, High School Coach: Bill Zalewski, Abington Heights Baseball. ABINGTON JOURNAL/ANTONIA CASTRO Winner, (tie) CollegeProfessor: CathyKanaley, KeystoneCollege. SUBMITTED PHOTO Winner (tie) College Professor: JeffBrauer, Keystone College. ABINGTON JOURNAL/STEPHANIE WALKOWSKI See FLAVOR, Page 6 Winner, High School Team: Abington Heights High School Baseball. S P E C I A L S E C T I O N , W E D N E S D A Y , A P R I L 2 7 , 2 0 1 1 P A G E 9 P A G E 1 0 S P E C I A L S E C T I O N , W E D N E S D A Y , A P R I L 2 7 , 2 0 1 1 BEST OF THE ABI NGTONS 2011 : LOCAL F L AVOR W ISHES TO THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT! Rem em ber C orky’s G arden Path G reenhouse for the BestQ uality,BestSelection and BestPrices! 729 Justus Blvd. • ScottTw p.,PA 18411-8837 (570)586-9563 Telephone • (570)587-1439 Fax w w w 2 8 2 6 3 0 ABINGTON JOURNAL/DON MCGLYNN Above, Winner, Gym: Brown’s Gym. ABINGTON JOURNAL FILE PHOTO Above, Winner, Seasonal Event: Clarks Summit Festival of Ice. Shown, a crowd gathers Feb. 18 as Sculpted Ice Works Mark Crouthamel, begins carv- ing a sculpture of the former Northern Electirc Railway Trolley at the Frontier Communications, 108 N. State St., Clarks Summit. The seventh annual Clarks Summit Festival of Ice featured the theme "A Moment Frozen in Time: Clarks Summit Centennial 1911-2011." ABINGTON JOURNAL FILE PHOTO Above, Winner, Bazaar: Our Lady of the Snows/Church of St. Bene- dict Country Bazaar. Shown, Anna Mae Pritchyk of Clarks Summit prepares a sandwich. ABINGTON JOURNAL/DON MCGLYNN Left, Winner, Mind and Body Class: Body Dynamic Yoga Fitness. Shown from left, Sarah Epp, fitness instructor and Julie Tinkelman, owner. S P E C I A L S E C T I O N , W E D N E S D A Y , A P R I L 2 7 , 2 0 1 1 P A G E 1 1 BEST OF THE ABI NGTONS 2011 : LOCAL F L AVOR COLLEGE PROFESSOR (tie) Winner: Cathy Kanaley, Keystone College, 1 College Green, La Plume, 570.945.8000,, Cathy.kana- [email protected]. Cathy Kana- ley is a Student Pennsylvania State Education Association Ad- visor andInstructor of the Educa- tionDivision. Kanaleyhas abach- elor’s degree fromSUNY– Oswe- go and a Master of Education from Syracuse University. (tie) Winner: Jeff Brauer, Keys- tone College, 1College Green, La Plume, 570.945.8000, [email protected], Asso- ciate Professor of History at Keystone College. Jeff Brauer works in the division of Social and Behavioral Sciences. He has abachelor’s degreefromTheUni- versity of Scranton; and a Mas- ter’s fromThe College of St. Rose TEACHER Winner: Jacqui Verano, Clarks Summit Elementary, 401 West Grove St., Clarks Summit, 570.585.7300. Currently teach- ing third grade at Clarks Summit Elementary, Verano said her fa- vorite part of her job is being able to watch the children grow from the beginning of the year to the end. She said she is grateful that she has been able to do it in the Abington Heights School Dis- trict for the past 20 years. “Abing- ton Heights is a great school dis- trict and we have wonderful par- ents and children and it makes me feel fortunate to be able to teach here ,” said Verano. Runner up: Marissa Cottell, Clarks Summit Elementary, 401 West Grove St. Clarks Summit. LIBRARIAN (tie) Winner: Leah Ducato Ru- dolph, Abington Community Li- brary, 1200 West Grove St. Clarks Summit, 570.587.3440, http:// dex.php. This is the third time Rudolph has won this award since taking over as library direc- tor in 2005. She credited every- one involved with the Abington Community Library with her winningtheaward. “This is really a teamaward,” saidRudolph. “All the credit goes to the staff, and the board. I accept this on behalf of everyone involved with the li- brary.” (tie)Winner: Sandy Longo, Abington Community Library, 1200 West Grove St, Clarks Sum- mit, 570.587.3400, http:// dex.php. The young adult librar- ian, Longohas hadtheopportuni- ty to work withlibrary users of all ages. As advisor to three youth groups she’s had the chance to guide a number of young minds. These include the Anime Club, Teen Leadership Committee and Story Time for Teens, which was founded by Amanda Pallo and which Longo advises with Laura Garoski. “They have a really unique take on life, and they’re willing to share it,” Longo said of the teens. “I’ve learned a lot from them, much more than they’ve learned from me.” CHILD-CENTERED ENTERTAINMENT/ACTIVITY Winner: Abington Community Library, 1200 West Grove St. Clarks Summit, 570.587.3440, abington/index.php. With a number of activities, including weekly story hours, summer and winter reading groups, craft ac- tivities, and guest speakers, the Abington Community Library can often be found packed with children ages 18 months old and up. “It’s very rewarding to know that people consider us a child- friendly place,” said Mary Ann McGrath, head of children’s ser- vices. Runner up: Comm Camp, Wa- verly Community House, POBox 142, Waverly, 570.586.8191,, FITNESS INSTRUCTOR Winner: Sharee Marciano, Body Dynamic, 115 E. Grove St, Clarks Summit, 570.586.1188, Own- er Julie Tinkelman said she was proud of Marciano, who recently moved to Philadelphia, for win- ning this award for the second year in a row. Marciano had been a pilates instructor at Body Dy- namics since the business opened two years ago. “Sharee was a great instructor, her clients definitely miss her,” said Tinkle- man. Runner-Up: Sarah Epp, Body Dynamic, 115 E. Grove, St, Clarks Summit, GYM Winner: Brown’s Gym, 1000 S. State St, Clarks Summit, 570.586.3481, http:// Owned by JimBrown, andlast year’s winner of this award, Brown’s Gymmade a number of improvements this year, including adding a new car- dio area for more personalized workout training. Runner-Up: Body Dynamic, FLAVOR Continued from Page 6 See FLAVOR, Page 13 SUBMITTED PHOTO Winner, Martial Arts: Dalton UTA Karate SUBMITTED PHOTO Winner, Golf Course: Glen Oak Country Club. ABINGTON JOURNAL/ROB TOMKAVAGE Winner, Local Nonprofit Project: Griffin Pond Animal Shelter. ABINGTON JOURNAL/DON MCGLYNN Winner, Hotel: Nichols Village Hotel and Spa. Shown, from left: Amy Landry Skiba, Director of Special Events; Bob Jones, General manager; Jeannine Dougherty, Front Desk Supervisor and Ra- chelle Choquette, Executive Sales Manager. P A G E 1 2 S P E C I A L S E C T I O N , W E D N E S D A Y , A P R I L 2 7 , 2 0 1 1 Call 829-5000 *Offer valid for new subscribers only or past subscribers who have been inactive for more than 30 days. Get home delivery of The Abington Journal every week. Just $20 for one year or $35 for two years! Serving The Abingtons For O ver a Century Thank You For Your Votes! V oted Best Hardw are Store 2007 • 2008 • 2009 Bun n e ll’s Est. 1910 306-308 South State Street,ClarksSummit•587-4860 M on-Fri7:30am -5pm • Sat 8am -12pm • Sun C losed Ha rd wa re NOW AVAILABLE TAKE-OUT COLD BEER! Summit Cigar Beer Online Lottery Premium Cigars Cigarettes (all brands) SURGEON GENERAL WARNING: Cigars Are Not A Safe Alternative To Cigarettes. You Must Be 18 To Buy Tobacco & 21 To Buy Beer Tha n ks ForA ll YourV ote s GRE A T FOOD. GA M E DA Y A N D E V E RYDA Y. ™ V OTE D BE S T •RIBS •CHA IN RE S TA URA N T D a m o n’s G rill Cla rk s Su m m it 8 2 0 N o rthern B lvd . (N ex tto the R a m a d a Pla za ) w w w .d a m o ns c la rk s u m m it.c o m •(5 70 ) 5 8 6 -3 73 7 B U Y O NE DINNER ENTR EE G ET O NE FR EE W ith the pu rc ha s e o f tw o b evera ges . G eto ne d innerentree free w ith the pu rc ha s e o f a s ec o nd d innerentree o f equ a l o rles s erva lu e. Up to a $8 .0 0 va lu e. Ta x a nd gra tu ity no tinc lu d ed . D ine-in O nly. Ex p. 5 /3 1/11 N o tva lid o n ho lid a ys . N o tva lid w /a ny o therpro m o tio n. In appreciation for your votes S P E C I A L S E C T I O N , W E D N E S D A Y , A P R I L 2 7 , 2 0 1 1 P A G E 1 3 BEST OF THE ABI NGTONS 2011 : LOCAL F L AVOR C h i l d r e n ’s B o u t i q u e 501 S.State St. • Clarks Summit • 586-5463 T h a n k y o u f o r v o t i n g u s “ B e s t C h i l d r e n ’ s B o u t i q u e ” o f t h e A b i n g t o n s 2 0 1 0 • 2 0 1 1 YOUR STYLE • YOUR COLOR • YOUR WAY Unfnished Real Wood Furniture Furniture Made in the USA CUSTOM Finishing & Handpainting Full Line of Upholstered Furniture Home Accents and Accessories Custom Window Treatments • Design Services Village Centre • 639 Northern Blvd., S. Abington Twp., PA 18411 570-585-5685 • “Our Customers Are The Best” We Know Our Clients Are #1 Thank You For Your Support Visit Our Website For Class Schedules: Body Dynamic Offers: • Physical Therapy • Pilates Based Rehabilitation • Group and Private Pilates Instruction • Yoga (All Major Insurances Accepted) uct ctt ct cttio io iio io iioooonn 115 E. Grove St. • Clarks Summit 586-1188 G racias G razie M erci D an k e Tack A brigad o M ahalo A san te A rigato forvotin g u sN o 1 Travel Agen cy in the Abin gton s F ullservice travelagency sp ecializing in G roup Travel,F am ily Vacations, D estination W ed d ingsand H oneym oons. S erving the Abingtonsfor30 Y ears! 317 D avisStreet • C larksSum m it (570) 586-1666 w w w .abin gton Than k You ... travelglobally,book locally 2 8 2 8 9 5 Voted BestTravel Agen cy in 2008,2009,2010 an d 2011 115. E. Grove St. Clarks Summit, 570.586.1188 FITNESS/MIND AND BODY CLASS Winner: Body Dynamic, Yoga Fitness, 115 E. Grove St. Clarks Summit, 570.586.1188, http:// Offering pilates and yoga class- es , Body Dynamic’s owner Julie Tinkelman credited small classes that give her instructors the abil- ity to give their patients individu- alized attention with its success. “We’re also a physical therapy of- fice, so a lot of our physical ther- apy patients utilize those class- es,” said Tinkelman. “Because the instructors have a substantial amount of time with each pa- tient, they’re really able to get good results.” Runner up: EverythingNatural Yoga, 426S. State St, Clarks Sum- mit DANCE SCHOOL Winner: Devine School of Dance, 1115 N. Abington Rd, Wa- verly, 570.587.0807.A winner of this award in 2008 and again in 2010, the Devine School of Dance has been teaching classical bal- let, tap, jazz and lyrical dance at the Waverly Community House for thepast 35years. “I guess they (the community) have respect, and trust in us. We try to do a good show every year,” said own- er Cassie Devine. The school’s show will be held at Abington Heights High School May 21 at 7:30 p.m., for students in fifth grade and up, and May 22 at 2 p.m. for students ages three to fourth grade. Former graduates FLAVOR Continued from Page 11 See FLAVOR, Page 14 SUBMITTED PHOTO Winner, Dance School: Devine School of Dance. Shown, first row, from left: Julia Farrell, Kendall Madera, Marni Pentasuglio, Olivia Graves. Second row: Riley Mulherin, Anna Kosierowski, Zoie Snyder, Megan Malone, Maddie Lucas. Third row: Annie Kasmierski, Julia Braatz, Ashley Hamilton, Claire Evans, Bryn Lindsay . ABINGTON JOURNAL CHRISTY CLARKE Winner, Children’s Park: South Abington Community Park. Shown, from left: George Price Sr., Thomas George Brogan, 2,Clarks Summit; Gavin Veronica, 3, Buffalo, N.Y.; Michael Zarych- ta, 2, Tunkhannock; Jadin Walter, 4, Dalton. P A G E 1 4 S P E C I A L S E C T I O N , W E D N E S D A Y , A P R I L 2 7 , 2 0 1 1 BEST OF THE ABI NGTONS 2011 : LOCAL F L AVOR of the school are invited back for this performance. Cost ranges from $7 to $15. Runner up: Abington Heights Civic League Dance Academy, P.O. Box 461, Clarks Summit, 570.587.3101 MARTIAL ARTS Winner: UTADaltonKarate, 113 N. Turnpike Rd, Dalton, 570.563.1695, http://utadal- Since 1993, UTA Dal- ton Karate has been offering Tang Soo Do, Tai Chi, Qigong and Korean Sword to students, ages three years old to 70, offer- ing individual and family classes. “We’re a friendly school,” said owner Bruce Steele. “The pur- pose of a master is to serve his students, and that’s our philoso- phy. Everybody helps everybody else.” Runner up: James Simrell Mixed Martial Arts, 3 West Olive St. Suite 210, Scranton, http:// rell.aspx BAZAAR Winner: Our Lady of the Snows/ St. Benedict’s Country Bazaar, 301. S. State St, Clarks Summit., 570.586.1741. A weekend of live entertainment, games, food and other special events, the bazaar has become an anticipated yearly event for the community since its inception19 years ago. “The food is good, and the atmosphere is family friendly…everyone seems to have a good time,” said Mon- signor James McGarry. This year’s bazaar is scheduled for ThursdaythroughSaturday, Aug. 4 to 6. Runner up: Dalton Carnival hosted by Dalton Fire Company, PO Box 684, Dalton. SEASONAL EVENT Winner: Clarks Summit Festiv- al of Ice, POBox 98, Clarks Sum- mit. 570.587.9045. Abington Business and Professional Asso- ciation’s executive director Laura Ancherani, credited the festival’s diverse entertainment with its success. “I think that it encom- passes all ages from small chil- dren to senior citizens,” said An- cherani of the festival which is gearing up for its eighth year. An- cherani added that the associ- ation is already thinking about next year and has decided all the ice sculptures will be based on London, the summer and winter Olympic Games, in honor of the 2012 Olympics. Runner up: Our Lady of the Snows/ St. Benedict’s Country Bazaar, 301 S. State St, Clarks Summit. GOLF COURSE Winner: Glen Oak Country Club, PO Box 514, Clarks Sum- mit,, 570.587.4024. Founded in 1951, Glen Oak Country Club is an 18- hole championship golf course. A full -service driving range and short- game practice center are the golf services Glen Oak Coun- try Club offers its members. “I think this shows that people ap- preciate the course, and all the hard work we put into it,” said club manager Jeff Spagna. Runner Up: Country Club of Scranton, 1001Morgan Highway, Clarks Summit, 570.586.2311 SKI RESORT Winner: ElkMountain, 344 Elk Mountain Rd, Uniondale, elks-, 570.679.4400. Elk Mountain Vice President Gregg Confer credited “consistent, quality snow,” fromearly Decem- ber to April with the resort’s suc- cess. A repeat winner of this award, Confer said “We appre- ciate this award, and all the busi- ness from the Abington and Scranton area, and we hope peo- ple continue to ski with us.” The mountain features 27 slopes and trails and six chairlifts, Runner Up: Sno Mountain, 1000 Montage Mountain Rd, Scranton, 570.969.7669 CHILDREN’S PARK Winner: South Abington Com- munity Park, 104 Shady Lane Rd, Chinchilla, 570.586.5726. The South Abington Community Park is more than just a walking trail and swing sets. “I think we have the most tooffer,” saidMark Dougherty about the activities at the park. Dougherty is on the Board of Supervisors for South Abington Township and one of his roles is working with parks and recreations. He said the splash fountains on the property are one unique aspect of the park. Runner Up: Waverly Commu- nity House Playground, P.O. Box 142, Waverly, 570.586.8191 PARK/TRAIL FOR OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES Winner: South Abington Com- munity Park, 104 Shady Lane Rd, Chinchilla, 570.586.5726 Runner Up: Lackawanna State Park, RR1 Box 230, Dalton. HOTEL Winner: Nichols Village Hotel and Spa, 1101 Northern Blvd., Clarks Summit. 570.587.1135, A five-time winner of the of this award, Nichols Village could have rested on its reputation, but instead the owners and staff have tried to challenge themselves, continuing to improve the busi- ness and add new features, like the recent addition of the Reju- ven Essence Wellness Spa. The one thing that hasn’t changed over the years is their attentionto the customers’ needs. “I feel we try and give the best customer service possible,” said general manager Bob Jones. Runner up: Ramada, 820 Northern Blvd, Clarks Summit. 570.586.2730 LOCAL NON-PROFIT PROJECT Winner: Griffin Pond Animal Shelter, 967 Griffin Pond Rd. South Abington, 570-586-3700, http://www.griffinpondanimal- Originally the Hu- mane Society of Lackawanna County, the shelter offers a num- ber of services for animals, in- cluding providing shelter for homeless, unwanted and abused animals. While the staff and those involved with the shelter love taking the animals in, they love seeing them leave even more. “The main thing is adop- tion,” said board member Joe Perfilio. “We’re trying to find them homes.” Runner up: Marley’s Mission Inc, P.O. Box 505, Scranton. COMMUNITY VOLUNTEER Winner: Marge Black, Waverly. Over the years, Marge Black has been involved with a number of organizations and groups includ- ing Waverly Community House, the Waverly Woman’s Club, Arti- sans’ Market Place, the Salvation Army Advisory Board, and Joyce Tressler’s Jolly Volunteers. “I’m very honored,” Black said of the award. “I love people and enjoy working with people and helping them get involved, too.” Runner up: John and Rachel Baildon, Clarks Summit. PRODUCT MADE LOCALLY Winner: Spring Hills Farms Hulls Maple Syrup, RR1, Box 225, Dalton, 570.563.1871, homepage.html. Foundedby Bob and Louise Hull in 1947, this third generation, family-run farm began making syrup as a second- ary business a little over 15 years ago. “It really started as a hobby,” said Jamie Constantine. “But, sometimes a business can grow without you realizing it’s happen- ing.” The maple syrup uses only sugar maples and nothing is add- ed to it. It is available for pur- chase at Everything Natural, and through the farm’s website. Runner up: Manning Farm Dairy Ice Cream, RR1, Box 202, Dalton. 570.563.1702 FLAVOR Continued from Page 13 ABINGTON JOURNAL FILE PHOTO Winner, Community Volunteer: Marge Black, Waverly ABINGTON JOURNAL/CHRISTY CLARKE Winner, Trail for Outdoor Activities: South Abington Community Park. SUBMITTED PHOTO Winner, Ski Resort: Elk Mountain. SUBMITTED PHOTO Winner, Product Made Locally: Spring Hills Farms Hulls Maple Syrup. S P E C I A L S E C T I O N , W E D N E S D A Y , A P R I L 2 7 , 2 0 1 1 P A G E 1 5 ThankYou ForVoting Us #1Asian Restaurant &ThankYou ForYour Support ForThe Past 15Years &TTTTTTTTTThhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnkkkkkkkYYYYYYYYooooooouuuuuuuu FFFFFFFoooooooorrrrrrrYYYYYYYYYoooooooouuuuuuurrrrrrrrrr SSSSSSSSSuuuuuuuuupppppppppppppppppooooooorrrrrrrrttttttttt FFFFFFFooooooooorrrrrrrrTTTTTTTThhhhhhheeeeeeee PPPPPPPPPPaaaaaaaassssssssssttttttt 111111155555555YYYYYYYYYeeeeeee Fine Japanese Cuisine 587-3236 1000 State St., Clarks Summit (Located in Abington Plaza) Lunch - Mon.-Fri - 11:30 - 2:30 Dinner Hours: Sunday - Thursday 4:30 pm - 10 pm Friday & Saturday 4:30 pm - 11 pm Elegant Atmosphere Hibachi Style Cooking • Sushi Bar Full Cocktail Bar RESERVATIONS SUGGESTED Mention this ad & receive 10%OFFYOUR BILL* *BAMBU Restaurant only B.Y.O.B • Outdoor Patio Seating Hours: Tuesday - Sunday 4:30 - 11pm 639 Northern Blvd. • Clarks Summit, PA 570-585-8068 Serving Shabu Shabu andTapas (Japanese Fondue) M c Gr a th’s Pub & Ea te r y in D owntown D a lton wis hes to tha nk a ll ofthe A b ington Jou rna l rea d ers who voted foru s . *Be st I r ish Ba r * * Be st Pla c e to se e a Ba nd * SP EC IA L S M O ND A Y 40¢ W ings W ED NESD A Y $7 P izza & $5 P itchers THUR SD A Y $8.95 NY Strip a nd F ries F R ID A Y HA P P Y HO UR w/ free b u ffet5-7 L IVE ENTER TA INM ENT Thu rs d a y,F rid a y & Sa tu rd a y 112 E.M a in A ve , D a lto n 563-2668 2 8 2 9 0 2 *Be st C o r ne r Ba r * White’s Country Floral Voted Florist B e s t 515 South State Street • Clarks Summit, Pa. 586.2505 o f T h a n k s ! B u n c h e s P A G E 1 6 S P E C I A L S E C T I O N , W E D N E S D A Y , A P R I L 2 7 , 2 0 1 1 BEST OF THE ABI NGTONS 2011 : GOODS AND SERVI CES Featured Artist and Reception 2nd Friday of Every Month 208 Depot Street • Clarks Summit 570-586-3363 featuring the International works of Brazilian Photographer Rosangela deFreitas ABINGTON JOURNAL/RAFAEL PIMENTEL Winner, Best Grocery Store: Weis Market. Shown, store manager Bill Briganti standing in front of the produce department. ABINGTON JOURNAL/CHRISTY CLARKE Winner, New Business: Bet’a Bakery. Right, Mike Bonczar, Chief Baking Officer. ABINGTON JOURNAL/CHRISTY CLARKE Winner, Friendliest Service Station: Butler’s Sunoco. Below, from left, Bill and Tom Butler from Butler’s Sunoco Ser- vice Station. S P E C I A L S E C T I O N , W E D N E S D A Y , A P R I L 2 7 , 2 0 1 1 P A G E 1 7 BEST OF THE ABI NGTONS 2011 : GOODS AND SERVI CES CUSTOMER SERVICE Winner: Sole to Soul, 535 South State Street, Clarks Sum- mit. “I think that’s fun. I think it’s great. That’s what we pride our- selves on, customer service,” said owner Dorothy O’Connor about being selected. Sole to Soul has been in business for eight years andwas previously locatedat 406 South State Street, Clarks Sum- mit. O’Connor said the store is constantly changing to accom- modate the customer’s needs. Runner Up: Everything Natu- ral, 426 S. State Street, Clarks Summit, www.everythingnatu- 570.586.9684 NEW BUSINESS Winner: Beta Bread Bakery, 404 South State Street, Clarks Summit. The Business, which turned one-year-old in April, of- fers freshly baked breads that contain no preservatives accord- ing to Chief Baking Officer Mi- chael Bonczar. “It’s exciting to be appreciated and to get that atten- tion…,” Bonczar said about the award. Runner Up: Ace Hardware, 306 S State Street, Clarks Summit, 570.586.9446 AUTO SALES Winner: Prestige Motors, P.O. Box 305, Chinchilla, 570.585.3000. Richard O’Malley, owner, said Prestige Motors has been in business 11years and this is the third year they were voted as winner for Auto Sales. “We sell good cars at reasonable prices,” he said. Runner Up: Joseph Chermak Inc, P.O. Box 250, Clarks Sum- mit, 570.586.6676 FRIENDLIEST SERVICE STATION Winner: Butler’s Sunoco Ser- vice Station, 539 South State Street, Clarks Summit. The ser- vice station has been in business and at the same location for 40 years. One of the owners, Bill Butler, attributes Butler’s Sunoco being voted Friendliest service station to “basically just my fa- ther and the way we were raised and the people up here. “ Runner Up: VaVa Fuel Express, 801 Northern Blvd, Clarks Sum- mit. SMOKE SHOP Winner: Summit Cigar and Cigarette, 200 N. State Street, Clarks Summit. The store has been in business for 15 years and offers a “family- type atmosphere” said owner Frank Emmett. “…We’re friendly and know all of our customers and joke around a lot and have a lot of fun with them and perhaps that’s what brings them back.” Runner Up: Connolly’s Smoke Shop, 501 Northern Blvd, Clarks Summit, 570.587.3751 STORE FOR UNIQUE GIFTS Winner: Everything Natural, 426 S. State Street, Clarks Sum- mit, www.everythingnaturalpa- .com 570.586.9684. “When we’re out looking for what to carry in the store we want to make sure it’s something that people aren’t going to see everywhere,” co- owner Barry Kaplan said about the unique items the store car- ries. “I’m grateful that people re- spondina way that they votedfor us for that.” Runner Up: Treat, 998 S State Street, Clarks Summit. PLACE TO BUY A GREETING CARD Winner: Lynn’s Hallmark, 1000 S State Street, Clarks Sum- mit.“I’m glad that it’s the place people think of for a greeting card. We dohave a great selection of cards,” said owner Lynn Mat- terer. She added that they recent- ly updated and expanded their collection. Matterer said that in addition to their cards, the store also has other gifts as well. Runner Up: Everything Natu- ral, 426 S. State Street, Clarks Summit, www.everythingnatu- 570.586.9684 GROCERY STORE Winner: Weis Market, 1020 Northern Blvd, Clarks Summit, 570.587.2781, www.weismarket-“We are successful because of our workers. They care about their jobs and customers, and they do good work for the cus- tomers,” said Bill Briganti, Store Manager. Other awards: Runner up, best produce Runner Up: Gerrity’s, 950 North/South Road, Scranton. BEST PRODUCE Winner: Caravia Fresh Foods, 1151 Northern Blvd, Clarks Sum- mit, www.caraviafreshfood-, 570.586.6113. Joe Cognet- ti, Waverly, co-owner, said he at- tributedthevotes for theproduce to quality and freshness and fair prices andalargeorganicsection. “We strive to have quality, healthy, fresh foods is what our mantra is…” ABINGTON JOURNAL/CHRISTY CLARKE Winner, Customer Service: Sole to Soul. Dorothy O’Connor in front of her inventory of spring and summer shoes for girls. ABINGTON JOURNAL/CHRISTY CLARKE Winner, Store for Unique Gifts: Everything Natural. Barry Kaplan, owner, stands with a display of Buddha Boards: a drawing slate that can be painted on with water. As the water evaporates, the drawing disappears. ABINGTON JOURNAL/CHRISTY CLARKE Winner, Place to Buy a Greeting Card: Lynn’s Hallmark. Front row, from left: Nicole Rosar and Lynn Hiza. Back row: Lynn Matterer, Marcia Zabawa and Ginny James. ABINGTON JOURNAL/T’SHAIYA STEPHENSON Winner, Women’s Clothing Store: Talbots. Shown, from left: Joan Kane and Kathy Praschak. ABINGTON JOURNAL/SHAUNA MCNALLY Winner, Consignment Shop: Kids Quality Consignment. See GOODS, Page 21 P A G E 1 8 S P E C I A L S E C T I O N , W E D N E S D A Y , A P R I L 2 7 , 2 0 1 1 BEST OF THE ABI NGTONS 2011 : GOOD S AND SERVI CES Congratulations Best of Te Abingtons Barry Kaplan Winner Best REALTOR® Diane Calabro Runner-Up Best REALTOR® C NEPA’s #1 Real Estate Website! * Classic Steve Farrell Owner/Broker 992 Sales in 2010* CLARKS SUMMIT (570) 587-7000 NORTH POCONO (570) 842-9988 TUNKHANNOCK (570) 836-6700 KINGSTON (570) 718-4959 POCONO MOUNTAINS (570) 595-3755 * Closed sales based on company wide sales for Northeastern PAfrom January 1, 2010 to December 31, 2010 WWW.CLASSICPROPERTIES.COM *Ranking as of Jan. 2011 ABINGTON JOURNAL/SHAUNA MCNALLY Winner, Hardware Store: Bunnell Hardware. Right, shown: Susan and Julie Bunnell in Bunnell Hardware. ABINGTON JOURNAL/SHAUNA MCNALLY Winner, Travel Agency: Abington Travel. Employees of Abington Travel, from left: Jill Refice, Lisa Lochen, Officer Manager Debbie Pratt, Cindy Kausmeyer, Pat Cemblest, Absent: Elaine Quinn and Tracy Schraner. S P E C I A L S E C T I O N , W E D N E S D A Y , A P R I L 2 7 , 2 0 1 1 P A G E 1 9 BEST OF THE ABI NGTONS 2011 : GOODS AND SERVI CES Judy, Dorothy, Carey, Debbie & Emily THANKYOU FOR THIS HONOR We have always thought our PATIENTS WERE THE BEST! It’s heartwarming to know we share a mutual respect. 110 Layton Rd. Chinchilla, PA 570.586.8879 Dr. Anders P. Nelson VOTED “Best Pediatrician in the Abingtons” by readers 2009, 2010 and 2011 A Sincere “Thank You” for your votes and the confidence you have placed in me. It will be my pleasure to serve you in the future. Mark Lynn “Best of the Abingtons” Financial Planning ABINGTON JOURNAL/ SHAUNA MCNALLY Winner, Bank: PNC. Employees of PNC Bank on South State Street. From left: Eric Miller, Manager Sandra Koldjeski, Kevin Kowalski, Diana Redjil, Gerry Sharp, Susan Hynds. Back row: Mau- reen Leslie, Marilyn Mennig, Yahaica Medina, James Manley. ABINGTON JOURNAL/CHRISTY CLARKE Winner, Place for Men’s Haircut: Sports Page. Above, shown: Ashley Kolodgie, Stylist. ABINGTON JOURNAL/ SHAUNA MCNALLY Winner, Pharmacy: CVS. CVS Pharmacy employ- ees from left: Mary Curra, Megan Butler, Donee Woodrock, General Manager Lind- say Myers. P A G E 2 0 S P E C I A L S E C T I O N , W E D N E S D A Y , A P R I L 2 7 , 2 0 1 1 BEST OF THE ABI NGTONS 2011 : GOODS AND SERVI CES 535 S. STATE STREET CLARKS SUMMIT, PA 570-585-0439 THANK YOU! for voting us “Best Customer Service in the Abingtons” 2 8 2 8 9 6 women’s boutique South State St. Abington Shopping Center Clarks Summit, PA 570-585-5749 thank you for your continued support clothing, jewelry, handbags accessories and more! treat ABINGTON JOURNAL/SHAUNA MCNALLY Winner, Florist: White’s Country Floral. Above, owner of White’s Country Floral, Jennifer White. ABINGTON JOURNAL/CHRISTY CLARKE Winner, Store for Home Decor. Winner, Furniture: Woods & company Seated, Nettie Goldstein and standing, Val Lan- gan, co-owners of Woods & Company. ABINGTON JOURNAL/ CHRISTY CLARKE Winner, Natural Foods: Everything Natural. Right, Barry Kaplan, owner, stands in front of a display of Local and Organic Maple Syrup. S P E C I A L S E C T I O N , W E D N E S D A Y , A P R I L 2 7 , 2 0 1 1 P A G E 2 1 BEST OF THE ABI NGTONS 2011 : GOODS AND SERVI CES Runner Up: Weis Market, 1020 Northern Blvd, Clarks Summit. WOMEN’S CLOTHING STORE Winner: Talbots, 501 S State Street, Clarks Summit, www.tal- bots.com570.586.6208. Manager Gina Van Wie said she was pleased that Talbots won for women’s clothing. “We do have such a loyal base of customers and we’re also looking for new customers. So with that loyal base, they bring in a lot of new people by word of mouth. And with the company doing a lot of new promotions it’s really in- creased traffic.” Runner Up: Lees DenimDiner, 324 South State Street, Clarks Summit. CHILDREN’S CLOTHING Winner: Luna Bleu, 513 S. State Street, Clarks Summit, 570.586.5463. Owner Lisa Lucke said this is the third year Luna Bleu received this award. “It’s ex- citing. Third year in a row, so that’s nice. It’s nice that local peo- ple andpeople fromall over come to the store.” Lucke said the store, which she has owned since 2002, carries specialty clothing and designer brands. Runner Up: Kidazzle, 120 S State Street, Clarks Summit, 570.586.9792 PLACE FOR ACCESSORIES Winner: Treat, 998 S State Street, Clarks Summit. Owner Nikole Capozzi attributed win- ning the award to several rea- sons. “I think the right product, keepingit fun, interesting, trendy yet traditional and having loyal customers, of course.” The store has been in business for three years and this is the third year it was voted as the winner for Place for Accessories. Runner Up: Everything Natu- ral, 426 S. State Street, Clarks Summit, www.everythingnatu- 570.586.9684 SEASONAL STORE Winner: Greystone Garden, 829 Old State Rd, Clarks Sum- mit.Greystone Garden has been in business 19 years. The store is open from spring until around Christmas, according to owner Paul Epsom. “We have some un- usual statues. Some unusual, unique things…,” he said about the selection. “We kept to things that work in people’s yards, ” Ep- som said. Runner Up: Corkys Garden Path, 729 Justus Blvd, Scott Township, 570.586.9563. GARDEN SHOP Winner: Corkys Garden Path, 729 Justus Blvd, Scott Township, 570.586.9563. Trevor Kashuba of Corky’s Garden Path, which has been in business since 1972, said they are “happy to provide the public withquality plant material and quality gift materials.” Kash- uba said thank you to all of the readers who voted and added, “We look forward to seeing you this spring.” Runner Up: Agway, 1148 Old Trail Rd, Clarks Summit, 570.586.6006. NATURAL FOODS Winner: Everything Natural, 426 S. State Street, Clarks Sum- mit, www.everythingnaturalpa- .com, 570.586.9684.Co-owner Barry Kaplan said they don’t take the fact for granted that they were voted for Natural Foods. “There are other places that peo- ple can shop. We are still very happy that people think to give us their recognition of being the best place to go.” Runner Up: Abington Farmers Market, South Abington Park, Chinchilla, 570.587.9054 TOYS Winner: Everything Natural, 426 S. State Street, Clarks Sum- mit, www.everythingnaturalpa- .com, 570.586.9684. “Toys are an extension and part of our gifts. We look for things that are fun; we look for things that are unusu- al…” said co-owner Barry Kaplan about the toys in the store. Runner Up: Kids Quality Con- signment, 126 Depot Street, Clarks Summit, 570.586.9684. HARDWARE STORE Winner: Bunnell Hardware, 306 S State Street, Clarks Sum- mit., 870.586.9446. Bunnell Hardware has been in business for about 100 years. It’s been passed down for generations. Susan Bunnell is the current owner since her hus- band, George “Chip” Bunnell, GOODS Continued fromPage 17 See GOODS, Page 24 ABINGTON JOURNAL/DON MCGLYNN Winner, Auto Sales: Prestige Motors. ABINGTON JOURNAL FILE PHOTO Winner, Smoke Shop: Summit Cigar. Shown, owners Tammy, center, and Frank Em- mett Jr., right, stand with Frank’s retired father the late Frank Emmett Sr., left, out- side the store’s location at 200 N. State Street. ABINGTON JOURNAL FILE PHOTO Winner, Children’s Clothing: Luna Bleu. Shown, Lisa Lucke, owner. ABINGTON JOURNAL FILE PHOTO Winner, Place for Accessories: Treat. ABINGTON JOURNAL/SHAUNA MCNALLY Winner, Day Spa: Utopia. Shown, Michael J. Buranich P A G E 2 2 S P E C I A L S E C T I O N , W E D N E S D A Y , A P R I L 2 7 , 2 0 1 1 Pizzeria & Ristorante 223 North Chinch Bellissimo Pizzeria & Ristorante offers traditional Italian recipes, all made with fresh ingredients • Large Martini Selection • Fresh Made Italian Dinners • Whole Wheat Pasta & Pizza • Lunch Menu & Buffet • Daily Specials • Saluti Smoking Bar • Dollar Drafts in Saluti Bar All Day, Every Day • Tuesday & Thursday, Half Price Martinis in Saluti Bar Explore Italy When You Enter 586-6000 Demonstration Kitchen: Watch Your Meal Being Prepared Family Atm TWOFU Fresh Seafoo Open Sun. - Thu Fri. & Sat. 11 (Bars Ope Two Distinct Restaura Come The Exci 2 8 3 5 9 4 hern Blvd. hilla, PA 586-6001 Agave Cantina & Tequila Bar offers authentic, home made Mexican cuisine with a gourmet twist! • Non Smoking Tequila Bar • Over 40 Tequilas • Exceptional Mexican Cuisine • Fresh Made, Original Authentic Recipes • Enjoyable Mexican Theme • Lunch Specials • Large Menu mosphere N BARS! od & Steaks rs. 11AM to 10PM 1AM to 11PM en Until ?) ants Under One Roof Opening April 28 Grand Opening Cinco de Mayo! Taste itement! S P E C I A L S E C T I O N , W E D N E S D A Y , A P R I L 2 7 , 2 0 1 1 P A G E 2 3 P A G E 2 4 S P E C I A L S E C T I O N , W E D N E S D A Y , A P R I L 2 7 , 2 0 1 1 BEST OF THE ABI NGTONS 2011 : GOODS AND SERVI CES passed away in June, 2010. Their daughter, Julie, manages the store. Susan explained, “I think the devotion my husband had to the community and his family played a big part in why we won.” Runner Up: Justus Hardware, P.O. Box 337, Clarks Summit. 570.587.3052 ANTIQUE STORE Winner: Carriage Barn, 1494 Fairview Road, Clarks Summit. Runner Up: Attic Shop, 1115 N Abington Road, Waverly, 570.563.3056 STORE FOR HOME DECOR Winner: Woods and Company, 639 Northern Blvd, South Abing- ton.. www.woodsandcompany- .com, 570.585.5685. Other awards: Winner, Furni- ture. Runner Up: Ambience Wall Covering, 400 S State Street #8, Clarks Summit. 570.587.0944 CONSIGNMENT SHOP Winner: Kids Quality Consign- ment, 126 Depot Street, Clarks Summit. 570.586.9684. Kids Quality won in Best of the Abing- tons in prior years. Their mission is “to provide quality goods at reasonable prices to our commu- nity and to supply a means for consignors to profit by recycling valued goods.” Becky Bruner has been the owner of the shop since it started ten years ago. She ex- plainedwhy she thinks the voters voted for her, “We provide high quality clothing at affordable prices saving the earth and sav- ing our customers money.” Runner Up: Attic Shop, 1115 N Abington Road, Waverly. 570.563.3056 FURNITURE Winner: Woods & Company, 639 Northern Blvd, South Abing- ton, www.woodsandcompany- .com, 570.585.5685. This is the third year that Woods & Compa- ny won for furniture. It was start- ed in 2003 by sisters Val Serine- Langan and Nettie Goldstein. They have a lot of hand- painted furniture, and most of their furni- ture is American manufactured. Serine-Langan said “We really love our customers and what we do. What’s helped us survive is giving back to the community we liveinbydonatingtoalot of great causes.” Runner Up: Carriage Barn, 1494 Fairview Road, Clarks Sum- mit. TRAVEL AGENCY Winner: Abington Travel, 317 Davis Street, Clarks Summit. Jim Verano is the owner of Abington Travel and Debbie Pratt is the Of- fice Manager. Verano has owned the company for about 11 years. Pratt has been with the company for 17 years. Pratt said, “I really appreciate the community voting for us and having so much confi- dence in us. Stop by and check us out, we have a lot of great deals.” Runner Up: AAA Travel Agen- cy, 18SouthMainSt, Carbondale. 570.282.1390 BANK Winner: PNC Bank, 1100 Northern Blvd, Clarks Summit. PNC Bank is a first- time winner in Best of the Abingtons. Branch Manager Sandra Koldjeski said she is thrilled. She has been with PNC for 27 years and in the Clarks Summit location for six. She believes the bank won be- cause of the exceptional service they provide to their customers. She said, “We make it easy for customers to achieve their finan- cial goals.” Ed Kozmor, spokes- man for corporate PNC ex- plained, “I think the reason PNC won has something to do with the ease, comfort, and care we give to our customers. We build and maintain relationships with them. The credit goes to Sandy and her team.” Runner Up: PennStar Bank, 927 South State Street, Clarks Summit. FLORIST Winner: White’s Country Flo- ral, 515 S State Street, Clarks Summit. www.whitescountryflo- 570.586.2505. White’s Country Floral was started in 1977 by Bob and Nancy White. Now, their daughter, Jennifer owns it and has helped it to win this award many times in the past. Jennifer said, “I’mso thank- ful and happy that customers keep voting for us. It’s such an ABINGTON JOURNAL FILE PHOTO Winner, Antique Shop: Carriage Barn. ABINGTON JOURNAL/DON MCGLYNN Winner, Hair Salon, women: Sanderson State Street Salon. Shown at right, staff at Sanderson State Street Salon. ABINGTON JOURNAL/ANTONIA CASTRO Winner, Nail Salon: T.L.C. Hair & Nail Studio. Shown, Christine Verdetto, owner. ABINGTON JOURNAL/DON MCGLYNN Winner, Hair Stylist: Maura Staback, Sanderson State Street Salon. Shown, fromleft JoAnn Cummings, owner and Maura Staback. See GOODS, Page 25 GOODS Continued fromPage 21 S P E C I A L S E C T I O N , W E D N E S D A Y , A P R I L 2 7 , 2 0 1 1 P A G E 2 5 BEST OF THE ABI NGTONS 2011 : GOODS AND SERVI CES “Thank You For Your Votes!” honor. I think the friendly service hereandthequalityof workwedo is what keeps us on top Runner Up: McCarthy Flowers, P.O. Box 464, Chinchilla, 570.587.8787 JEWELER Winner: James Simrell, 112 Col- burn Ave, Clarks Summit. Owner James Simrell, 50, said he has “great customers in the Clarks Summit areaandScrantonareaal- so. I have a great following.” Sim- rell, who first started designing jewelry after college, alsothanked hisstaff, hiswifeKathleenandson Shamus. Runner Up: Jewelry Room, 336 S State Street, Clarks Summit. 570.586.9009. PHARMACY Winner: CVS Pharmacy, 100 South Abington Road, Clarks Summit. 570.587.1205. CVS won in Best of the Abingtons the past two years. Lindsey Myers is the General Manager. She has been withCVSfor twoyears, but onlyin this location for about a month. The employees are very excited and honored that their pharmacy was chosen as best pharmacy. Runner Up: Rite Aid, 1127 Northern Blvd., South Abington. SENIOR/ASSISTED LIVINGCENTER Winner: Elan Gardens, 465 Ve- nard Road, South Abington. Elan Gardens is afirst -timewinner this year. They have been open since 1996 and have had no changes in ownership or leadership. Ilise Ru- binow is the administrator. Ann Milles is the Director of Social Services andMarketing. She said, “Wearetheonlynon-profit facility inthecommunitywhichallowsus to really strive to serve people. Al- so, all our units are private apart- ment suites.” Runner Up: Clarks Summit Se- niorLiving, 950MorganHighway, Clarks Summit. 570.586.8080 REHABILITATIONCENTER Winner: Body Dynamic, 115 E Grove St, Clarks Summit,, 570. 586.1188. Winning this award for thesecondyear inarow, BodyDy- namics is a traditional physical therapy office that specializes in pilates-based rehabilitation . The businessdoesnot useaidesorsup- port staff, all physical therapy is done by a physical therapist. “The patients are getting quality, hands-on care,” said owner Julie Tinkelman. Runner Up: Allied Rehabilita- tion Center, 100 Abington Execu- tive Park, Clarks Summit. 570.348.2200 DAYSPA Winner: Utopia Spa and Well- ness Inc., 115 N State Street, Clarks Summit. Utopia has been in business for almost 12 years. Michael J. Buranich owns it, and he is a massage therapist there. This will be their third year in a rowwinningbest Day Spa. Buran- ich explained why he thinks peo- ple voted for Utopia. “We hope that with each passing year we ABINGTON JOURNAL/T’SHAIYA STEPHENSON Winner: Fresh Produce. Winner: Restaurant for Vegetarian Food. Shown, from left: Guelebaldo Martinez, Marcia Aponte and Joe Cognetti. GOODS Continued from Page 24 See GOODS, Page 26 ABINGTON JOURNAL/SHAUNA MCNALLY Winner, Seasonal Store: Greys- tone Gardens. Shown, owner Paul Epsom. ABINGTON JOURNAL/SHAUNA MCNALLY Winner, Senior/Assisted Living Center: Elan Gardens P A G E 2 6 S P E C I A L S E C T I O N , W E D N E S D A Y , A P R I L 2 7 , 2 0 1 1 BEST OF THE ABI NGTONS 2011 : GOODS AND SERVI CES 115 Depot St., Clarks Summit 570-586-9557 Tues-Fri 8 am - 5 pm • Sat 8am - 12pm THANK YOU!! Abington Grooming Salon Abington Grooming Salon The “Pet Spa” of the Abingtons Celebrating 35 Years of Business! Featuring: • Lupine Collars • Furminator Shedless • Personalized Grooming for ALL Breeds • Gourmet Pet Treats OWN THE MOMENT. Get glossy prints, coffee mugs or mouse pads of your favorite photos from The Abington Journal or Get glossy prints, Log on and click “Reader Services” under the “About Us” tab. Then click on “Buy one of our photographs.” Select “The Abington Journal” to get started. continue to give our clients the very best in services, techniques and care. We pride ourselves on the individual attention each per- son receives and strive to make each person feel as if they are our only client.” He also wanted to thank all the people of the Abing- tons. Runner Up: Lava Day Spa, 320 S State Street #4, Clarks Summit. NAIL SALON Winner: T.L.C. Hair and Nail Studio, 203 Greenwood Avenue, Clarks Summit. T.L.Chas beenin business since 2000 with Chris- tine Verdetto as owner the entire time. They have won in the past. Verdettosaid, “I thinkpeoplevote for usbecausewedoagreat jobon nails, and we have a friendly, wel- coming atmosphere. The person- ality in here makes it special.” Runner Up: Sanderson State Street Salon, 509 S State Street, Clarks Summit. www.sanderson-, 570.586.0592. WOMEN’S HAIR SALON Winner: Sanderson State Street Salon, 509 South State Street, Clarks Summit, sander-, 570.586.0592. Thesalonhas been around for 20 years. Owner JoAnn Cummings said, “We do our best to keep up-to-date styles and provide a friendly atmo- sphere. We’re a full -service salon, and our goal is to please.” She added, “We strive to give our cus- tomers the best experience possi- ble.” Along with styling hair, Sanderson Street also features nail care. (tie) Runner Up: Contempo- rary Hair, 661 Northern Blvd, South Abington, 570.587.1919. (tie) Runner Up: Studio RD, 415 South State Street, Clarks Summit. PLACE FOR MEN’S HAIRCUT Winner: SportsPage,105South State Street, Clarks Summit. Sports Page has been in Clarks Summit since 2003. However there are six total Sports Page lo- cations in Northeast Pa. The first one was opened in 1994 by Ste- phen Salburggio who is still the owner. He wants to give all the credit to the Master Stylist, Ash- ley Kolodgie. “She’s such a great hair stylist. She makes everyone feel welcome and at home while giving thema great haircut,” said Salburggio. Kolodgie said, “This is a great place for men and boys to get their hair cut. We have so much sports stuff in here.” Runner Up: Jakes Barber Shop, 401 Northern Blvd, Clarks Sum- mit. 570.587.5795 HAIR STYLIST Winner: Maura Staback, Sand- ersonStateStreet Salon, 333Celli Drive, Archbald. Maura Staback has been styling hair at Sander- son State Street Salon for nine years. She loves it because she re- ally loves people. “I think they votedfor mebecauseI’mveryper- sonable and I understand what their needs are. I think they ap- preciate that.” Maura added that she is very grateful for the sup- port of her customers. Runner Up: Mari Van Fleet, Contemporary Hair, 661 North- ern Blvd, Clarks Summit. SUBMITTED PHOTO Winner, Garden shop: Corky’s Garden Path. GOODS Continued fromPage 25 ABINGTON JOURNAL/CHRISTY CLARKE Winner, Toys: Everything Nat- ural. Shown, co-owner Barry Kaplan. SUBMITTED PHOTO Winner, Jeweler: James Simrell Designs of Fine Jewelry. Shown, Shamus, James and Kathleen Simrell. S P E C I A L S E C T I O N , W E D N E S D A Y , A P R I L 2 7 , 2 0 1 1 P A G E 2 7 Thank You for Your Votes! Finn Chiropractic Center Chiropractic Care for Children and Adults 203 Greenwood Ave. Clarks Summit, PA 18411 (570) 586•3440 2 8 3 4 9 7 Come Visit Us and See Why We’ve Been Voted 5 Years In A Row! Dr. Jennifer Finn Contact Our Sales Dept. at 570-585-2740 The Nichols Village Hotel is proud to be a part of your life’s celebrations, serving the Abington Community for over 50 years! Let us plan your next event or meeting in our newly renovated guest and event rooms. Our Award Winning Service will make your occasion a memorable one. 1101 Northern Blvd. Clarks Summit, PA Thank You For Voting The Nichols Village Hotel “BEST HOTEL” For The Fifth Straight Year!! P A G E 2 8 S P E C I A L S E C T I O N , W E D N E S D A Y , A P R I L 2 7 , 2 0 1 1 BEST OF THE ABI NGTONS 2011 : DI NI NG OUT RESTAURANT ATMOSPHERE/DECOR Winner: Patsel’s, P.O. Box 509, Waverly. Lackawanna Trail, Clarks Summit, 570.563-2000 “We’re very unusual and colorful. It’s some- thing very personal, it’s all colors that I love and everything that I like. Our consistency in terms of the highqualityfoodandstaff has made successful. We’ve been a four- diamond restaurant since we inquired 10 years ago, two years after opening. We’ve kept the same staff and key people over our 12 years of business,” said Pat Atkins, owner. Other awards: Runner up: for- mal dining, breakfast/brunch Runner Up: State Street Grill, 114 S. State Street, Clarks Sum- mit. ICE CREAM Winner: Manning Farm Dairy, 420State St, Clarks Summit, 570. 563.1702, www.manningfarm- .com. “I knowwe do not compro- mise our quality ever. We use the least ingredients needed, and the best ingredients. Also, we start with milk from our own cows. The cream is in control from the beginning,” Said Jean Manning, co-owner of ManningFarmDairy Runner Up: Kiki’s Kreamery, 715 N. State Street, Clarks Sum- mit, 570.585.2988 DONUTS Winner: Dunkin Donuts, 927 South State St., Clarks Summit, 570.587, 0103, www.dunkindo- Dunkin Donuts has been under new ownership since December 2010, when Eric May and Heather Bower took over. Manager Connie Long believes that their establishment won due totheir “highstandards” andalso because the shop has fresh do- nuts twice a day. Additionally, Long said that their staff “is the absolute best anyone could ask for.” Runner Up: Krispy Kreme, 831 Northern Blvd, South Abington, 570.585.4120 CUP OF COFFEE Winner: Starbucks, 1131North- ern Blvd., Clarks Summit. 570.587.5750, www.starbuck- This Starbucks has been in business for about five years. Manager Kevin Snow said, “Our customer following and our cus- tomers in general are the best part of the job here. We love our customers. It’s a great company and I love what it stands for. We are going green most of the time and we truly care about the com- munity.” Runner Up: Dunkin Donuts, 927. S State Street, Clarks Sum- mit, 570.587.0103 BAKERY Winner: Creative Cakes, 323 Northern Blvd, Clarks Summit. Runner Up: Bet’a Bread Bak- ery, 404 South State Street, Clarks Summit. SANDWICH/SUB SHOP Winner: Nickie’s Fabulous Hoagies, 611 South State Street, Clarks Summit, 570.586.2407. Nickie’s, which has been owned by Tom and Ann Parry since Ja- nuary 2010, also won last year. Parry’s son, Eric, accepted the award on behalf of the family business. “I believe we have the most reasonably priced and best- tasting menu you can find in the area,” said Parry. Parry added that he loves interacting with the local community daily. Runner Up: Caravia Fresh Foods, 1151 Northern Blvd, Clarks Summit. 570.586.6113 HAMBURGER Winner: Summit Diner, 108 S. State Street, Clarks Summit. “All of our burgers are handmade here,” said Steve Seamon, owner of Summit Diner. Other awards: Diner Runner Up: McDonald’s, 1127 Northern Blvd., Clarks Summit. DINER Winner: The Summit Diner, 108 S. State Street, Clarks Sum- mit, 570.587.4677 Runner Up: The Gourmet, 645 Northern Blvd., Chinchilla, 570.587.0250 PIZZA Winner: Basilico’s, 100 High- land Avenue, Clarks Summit, 570.586.5517 Basilico’s is currently in its sec- ond year in the Abington area. Owner Peter Montana said the sauce used on Basilico’s pizza is made daily. “We’re your typical NewYork Style Pizzeria,” he said about the restaurant. Runner Up: Armetta’s, 329 Northern Blvd., Chinchilla, 570.586.5492 FORMAL DINING Winner: Amici, 1300 Morgan Highway, Clarks Summit, 570.586.3000. Amici Restaurant, owned by Sean Scanlon, Mark Massetti, Woody Wilson and Al- ice and John Vanston, is a repeat See DINING, Page 29 ABINGTON JOURNAL/CHRISTY CLARKE Winner, Donut: Dunkin Donuts. Shown above, front row: Amanda Applegate, Assistant Manager and Amy Heskell, Crew Member. Back row: Connie Long, General Manager; Luis R. Rosario, Regional Man- ager and Jenny Adragna, Crew Member. ABINGTON JOURNAL/CHRISTY CLARKE Winner, Bakery: Creative Cakes. S P E C I A L S E C T I O N , W E D N E S D A Y , A P R I L 2 7 , 2 0 1 1 P A G E 2 9 BEST OF THE ABI NGTONS 2011 : DI NI NG OUT winner of this award. Massetti credited “consistency of our food andservice,” as well as “theatmo- sphere of formal dining in a casu- al setting,” with the restaurant’s success. Other awards: Winner: Place for a first date, Seafood, Place for Jazz; Runner Up: Wine List. Runner Up: Patsel’s, P.O. Box 509, Waverly, 570.583.2000 ASIAN RESTAURANT Winner: Kyoto, 1000 S State St # 5, Clarks Summit, 570. 587.3236. Kyoto, which is owned by Vinny Lam, has been in busi- ness for the past 15 years. Lam credited the restaurant’s custom- er service and consistent, fresh ingredients with their success. “We try tooffer the best quality of food. We always want our cus- tomers to be happy,” said Lam. Other awards: Runner up: Sea- food. Runner Up: Atami, 100 Old Lackawanna Trail #13, Clarks Summit, 570.587.3236 ITALIAN RESTAURANT Winner: Bazil Restaurant Ital- iano, 1101 Northern Blvd, Clarks Summit, www.allaboutbazil- .com, 570.586.5517. Owner Peter Montana said having Bazil voted as best Italian restaurant is “pret- ty exciting.” Bazil has been in business for four years and Mon- tana described the food as au- thentic Italian. “It’s the real deal.” He said the food is cooked to or- der and described their wine list as “amazing.” Runner Up: Colarusso’s, 100 East Grove Street, Clarks Sum- mit, 570.586.0608 MEXICAN RESTAURANT Winner: Moe’s, 929 South State St., Clarks Summit, 570.585.6637, www.goto- Moe’s has been around for nearly three years, un- der the ownership of Scott Sear- les and Larry Wilson. General Manager Steve Shackelton attri- buted their success to “fresh in- DINING Continued from Page 28 ABINGTON JOURNAL/CHRISTY CLARKE Winner, Cup of coffee: Starbucks. Shown above, front row: Jenna Bernard, Barista. Back row: Kevin Snow, General Manager; Doug Witzgall, Shift Supervisor; Adam Frisbie, Barista. ABINGTON JOURNAL/RAFAEL PIMENTEL Winner, Diner: Summit Diner. Stephen Seamon, owner. ABINGTON JOURNAL/RAFAEL PIMENTEL Winner, Hamburger: Summit Diner. A hamburger with all the trimmings from Summit Diner. ABINGTON JOURNAL/CHRISTY CLARKE Winner, Sand- wich/Sub Shop: Nickie’s Hoagies. Left: Shown, Eric Parry, co-owner. See DINING, Page 30 ABINGTON JOURNAL/CHRISTY CLARKE Winner, Breakfast/Brunch: Glenburn Grill. Shown above, front row: Kaci Hubbs, 8 and Alison Norsen, 2. Back row: Lexi Hubbs, 12; Linda Norsen, owner; Jess Hubbs and Dawne Frisbie. Absent from photo: Alan Norsen, co-owner. P A G E 3 0 S P E C I A L S E C T I O N , W E D N E S D A Y , A P R I L 2 7 , 2 0 1 1 BEST OF ABI NGTONS 2011 : DI NI NG OUT gredients andgreat customer ser- vice.” Shackelton also said that Moe’s has “a fun atmosphere and the customers are what make it so great.” Runner Up: Taco Bell, Route 6&11 and Sumner Ave, Clarks Summit, 570.586.5788 RESTAURANT FOR VEGETARIANS Winner: Caravia Fresh Foods, 1151 Northern Blvd, Clarks Sum- mit, 570.586.6113 Runner Up: Everything Natu- ral, 426 S. State Street, Clarks Summit, www.everythingnatu- 570.586.9684 SEAFOOD Winner: Amici, 1300 Morgan Highway, Clarks Summit, 570.587.3236. Winning this award for the second year in a row, co-owner Mark Massetti credited the quality of the restau- rant’s product. “We get every- thingfreshthreedays aweek, and it’s all top quality,” said Masetti. Runner Up: Kyoto, 1000 S. State Street, Clarks Summit, 570.587.3236 STEAK Winner: Great Uncle Peter’s, 1582 Newton Ransom Blvd., Clarks Summit, 570.586.6858. After more than eight years of business, Great Uncle Peter’s re- cently shut its doors, but not be- fore they were voted Best Steak. Owner Robert Dickert believes that Great Uncle Peter’s was “a great and quaint neighborhood restaurant.” Dickert is nowfocus- ing on his new restaurant, Carl VonLuger Steakhouse, locatedat 301 N. Washington Ave., Scran- ton, which opened at the begin- ning of the month. “We will have morespaceandamoremoderate- more than 23 years. Owner Lisa Armetta believes that their secret sauce is what makes their wings so popular. “I love working here and being a part of the communi- WINGS Winner: Armetta’s, 329 North- ern Blvd, Clarks Summit, 570.586.5492. Armetta’s has been a local favorite for some time, having been in business for ly-priced menu. We’ll still have our steaks, but other options are available as well,” he said. Runner Up: Damon’s, 820 Northern Blvd, Clarks Summit, 570.587.3737 DINING Continued fromPage 29 See DINING, Page 31 ABINGTON JOURNAL/CHRISTY CLARKE Winner, Formal Dining. Winner, Seafood: Amici. Shown, Woody Wilson, owner; Mark Massetti, owner and Chris Tomlinson, chef. Thank You! From the office & staff of: DR. WILLIAM McNAMARA 210 N. State Street Clarks Summit (570) 587-0326 S P E C I A L S E C T I O N , W E D N E S D A Y , A P R I L 2 7 , 2 0 1 1 P A G E 3 1 BEST OF THE ABI NGTONS 2011 : DI NI NG OUT 2 8 2 6 2 4 465 Venard Road, Clarks Summit, PA • Phone: 570-585-4400 •Private Apartment Suites •Nurses on Premises 24/7 •Dedicated to Personalized Care in Personal Care WePutThe Thank You for voting for us 711 North State Street, Clarks Summit, PA 18411 570.586.1013 From: Jamie Kresge, George Guzek and Christine Mitchell Abington Financial Group ty,” she added. Other awards: Runner up, Piz- za. Runner Up: Damon’s, 820 Northern Blvd, Clarks Summit, 570.586.3737 RIBS Winner: Damon’s, 820 North- ern Blvd, Clarks Summit. Other awards: Winner, Chain restaurant. Runner up: Steak. Runner Up: JJ Bridges, 920 Northern Blvd, Clarks Summit, 570.586.8833 BREAKFAST/BRUNCH Winner: Glenburn Grill, 1144 Lackawanna Trail, Clarks Sum- mit, 570. 585.8777. Having been in business nearly two years, the Glenburn Grill is owned by Alan and Linda Norsen, and also won this award last year. Their daugh- ter, manager Jessica Hubbs, said, “All of our food is homemade and fresh to order. It’s a family-run business so everyone is familiar. The customers are very friendly, and we have a wide variety of ev- erything. It’s not monotonous here.” Runner Up: Patsel’s, P.O. Box 509, Waverly. 570.563.2000 CHAIN RESTAURANT Winner: Damon’s, 820 North- ern Blvd, Clarks Summit, 570.586.3737. Other awards: Winner, Ribs; Runner up: Steak. Runner Up: McDonald’s, 1127 Northern Blvd, Clarks Summit. NEWRESTAURANT Winner: Akita, 900 Northern Route 6 & 11 Blvd., Clarks Sum- mit, 570.586.8988. Akita was opened in September 2010 by Qin and Jolin Chen, who also own Atami Sushi. “We opened DINING Continued fromPage 30 ABINGTON JOURNAL/CHRISTY CLARKE Winner, Italian Restaurant: Bazil. Shown, Peter Montana, owner. See DINING, Page 34 P A G E 3 2 S P E C I A L S E C T I O N , W E D N E S D A Y , A P R I L 2 7 , 2 0 1 1 BEST OF ABI NGTONS 2011 : DI NI NG OUT ABINGTON JOURNAL/RAFAEL PIMENTEL Winner, Ice Cream: Manning Farm Dairy. Just a few samples of Manning’s variety of ice cream flavors. ABINGTON JOURNAL/CHRISTY CLARKE Winner, Atmosphere/Decor: Patsel’s. Shown above, Pat Atkins, owner of Patsel’s. ABINGTON JOURNAL/CHRISTY CLARKE Winner, New Restaurant: Akita. Shown above from left, Qin Chen, owner and Ming Chen, Chef, behind the Sushi bar. ABINGTON JOURNAL/CHRISTY CLARKE Winner, Pizza: Basilico’s. Shown above, Peter Montana , owner. S P E C I A L S E C T I O N , W E D N E S D A Y , A P R I L 2 7 , 2 0 1 1 P A G E 3 3 ABINGTON JOURNAL/RAFAEL PIMENTEL Below, Winner, Ribs. Winner, Chain Restau- rant: Damon’s. ABINGTON JOURNAL/DON MCGLYNN Winner, Steak: Great UnclePeter’s. After morethaneight yearsof business, Great UnclePeter’srecentlyshut itsdoors, but not beforetheywerevotedBest Steak. Owner Robert Dickert isfocusingonhisnew restaurant, Carl VonLuger Steakhouse, locatedat 301N. WashingtonAve., Scranton. ABINGTON JOURNAL/CHRISTY CLARKE Winner, Asian Restaurant: Kyoto. Shown above, Michelle and Vinny Lam, owners. ABINGTON JOURNAL/FILE PHOTO Winner, Wings: Armetta’s. Shown, Lisa Armet- ta, owner. ABINGTON JOURNAL/CHRISTY CLARKE Winner, Mexican Restaurant: Moe’s. Shown, from left: Selena Shackelton; Steve Shackelton, General Manager; Beth Wyman and Dan Veater. BEST OF THE ABI NGTONS 2011 : DI NI NI NG OUT P A G E 3 4 S P E C I A L S E C T I O N , W E D N E S D A Y , A P R I L 2 7 , 2 0 1 1 BEST OF THE ABI NGTONS 2011 : DI NI NG OUT Atami and only did sushi, so we decided to do something with more food choices, and more fine dining,” said Qin Chen. “We keep our ingredients fresh and we try to have the best service that we can,” he added. Runner Up: Terrace Garden Café, 829 Old State Road, Clarks Summit. PLACE FOR A FIRST DATE Winner: Amici, 1300 Morgan Highway, Clarks Summit, 570.587.3236.Co-owner Mark Massetti creditedtherestaurant’s atmosphere with winning the award for the second year in a row. “It’s a picturesque setting, with live music every Wednesday and Saturday.” Runner Up: State Street Grill, 114 S State Street, Clarks Sum- mit, 570.585.5590 DINING Continued from Page 31 ABINGTON JOURNAL/CHRISTY CLARKE Winner, Place for First Date: Amici. Shown, customers Jack and Noreen Blewitt. 2 8 3 5 4 9 Think ycu |cr vcting |cr us. Wc'rc cxcitcd tc win cight citcgcrics c| thc ßcst c| thc Abingtcns. Wc think cur custcmcrs irc thc bcst. Ït's nicc tc kncw ycu think wc irc, tcc! Congrars ro our oun ßarry Kap|an, ßcsr Kca|ror C ßarbara Cohcn, ßcsr 5o|o Musician Hcilth. íccd. Gi|ts. ßc Hcncrcd www.cvcrythingniturilpi.ccm yzo.yì6.o6ìo · oz6 Scuth Stitc Strcct · Clirks Summit ßzsi: Nituril íccds Stcrc |cr Lniquc Gi|ts Tcys KOuuzx Ov: Custcmcr Scrvicc Ylicc |cr Acccsscrics Ylicc tc buy i grccting cird íitncss/Mind ind ßcdy Cliss Kcstiurint |cr Vcgctiriins Thank you to all who voted from the Waverly Comm! Rebuilding the Award Winning PLAYGROUND August 2428 VOLUNTEER • DONATE Learn howYOU can help. Visit or email [email protected]. HAPPYHOUR Winner: StateStreet Grill, 114S. State Street, Clarks Summit. 570.585.5590, www.thestates- “We take pride in what we do. We’re also willing to adapt andtry newthings as we go. We have a great staff, a great clien- tele, andwe’reinagreat communi- ty, plus we have a little bit of luck,” said owner TomHill. Other awards: Winner: Martini bar, Wine list; Runner up: Restau- rant atmosphere/décor, place for a first date, place for jazz Runner Up: Belissimo, 223 Northern Blvd, Clarks Summit. BARTENDER/SERVER Winner: Erica Kosh, State Street Grill, 114 S. State Street, Clarks Summit. 570.585.5590. For the last four years, Erica Kosh has been providing service with a smile at State Street Grill. "I al- ways have a smile on my face," saidKosh. "It’safunjob, andI want everyone there to have fun." Runner Up: Frank Bucelli, Da- mon’s. 820 Northern Blvd, Clarks Summit. IRISHBAR Winner: McGrath’sPubandEat- ery, 112 East Main St, Dalton. 570. 563.2668. McGrath’s has been at its current location for 11 years af- ter they moved from West Scran- ton. The pub and eatery is owned by Joe and Jimmy McGrath. “It’s just thearea, it’sgreat uphere. It’sa different mentalityfromouroldlo- cation,” said Jimmy McGrath, co- owner as to why he feels McGrath’s is a local favorite. Other awards: Winner, Corner Bar, Place to see a band Runner Up: Wellingtons, 926 Lackawanna Trail, Clarks Sum- mit. CORNERBAR Winner: McGrath’sPubandEat- ery, 112 East Main St, Dalton. 570. 563.2668 Runner Up: Own Lee Place, De- pot Street, Clarks Summit. MARTINI BAR Winner: StateStreet Grill, 114S. State Street, Clarks Summit. RunnerUp: Bazil,1101Northern Blvd, South Abington. WINELIST Winner: StateStreet Grill, 114S. State Street, Clarks Summit. RunnerUp: Amici,1300Morgan Highway, Clarks Summit. 586.3000 PLACETOSEEJAZZ Winner: Amici, 1300 Morgan Highway, Clarks Summit. 586.3000. Every Wednesday, Am- ici hosts the Marko Marcinko Jazz Quartet. “The musicians play all over the country, and they’re very talented,” said Amici co-owner Mark Massetti. Runner Up: State Street Grill, 114S. StateStreet, ClarksSummit. PLACETOSEEABAND Winner: McGraths PubandEat- ery, 112 East Main St, Dalton. 570. 563.2668 Runner Up: JJ Bridges, 920 Northern Blvd, Clarks Summit. 570.586.8833 ABINGTON JOURNAL/CHRISTY CLARKE Winner, Martini: State Street Grill. Shown, ’Walk of Shame’ martini with a chocolate Christian Louboutin shoe. ABINGTON JOURNAL/CHRISTY CLARKE Winner, Happy Hour: State Street Grill. Christine Horton and Julie Cordaro partake of appetizers and cocktails at happy hour. ABINGTON JOURNAL/CHRISTY CLARKE Winner, Bartender/Server: Erica Kosh at State Street Grill. ABINGTON JOURNAL/CHRISTY CLARKE Winner, Wine List: State Street Grill. Shown is a selection of wines from State Street Grill’s wine list. ABINGTON JOURNAL/FILE PHOTO Winner, Place to See a Band. Winner, Corner Bar. Winner, Irish Bar: McGrath’s Pub and Eatery. Shown, from left: Jimmy McGrath, Eric Stanley and Joe McGrath Jr. ABINGTON JOURNAL/CHRISTY CLARKE Winner, Place for Jazz: Amici. Shown, from left: Tom Hamilton, saxophone; John Carlucci, violin; Bill Washer, guitar; Marko Mar- cinko, drums and Paul Rostock, bass. S P E C I A L S E C T I O N , W E D N E S D A Y , A P R I L 2 7 , 2 0 1 1 P A G E 3 5 BEST OF THE ABI NGTONS 2011 : NI GHTL I F E ACCOUNTANT Winner: Richard Lochen, Lo- chen&ChaseFirm, P.O. Box327, Nicholson.570. 942.4578. Runner up: James Verano, 315 Davis Street, Clarks Summit. 570.587.8165. CHIROPRACTER Winner: Dr. Jennifer Finn, 203 Greenwood Ave. Unit 2, Clarks Summit.570.586.3440. Dr. Jen- nifer Finn has been running her Chiropractic business since1999. Dr. Finn and her staff take pride in providing chiropractic care to their patients of all ages. Her care and services are very family-ori- ented. “I love what I do. I treat each patient as if they were my own family.” Dr. Finn’s practice moved to a new location January 1, 2011. She said the location pro- vides a relaxing atmosphere and is handicapped accessible. Runner up: DeLeon’s Chiro- practic Health Center, 402 N. State St., Clarks Summit. 570. 585.4290 DENTIST Winner: Dr. William MacNam- ara, 210 N. State St., Clarks Sum- mit. 570.587.0326. “We are so pleased to have been voted “Best Dentist” once again this year,” said Dr. William MacNamara. “Our office philosophy continues to be centered on individualized care, a relaxed, comfortable treat- ment atmosphere and prompt, excellent dental services. We pro- vide a complete range of services and participate with many dental insurance plans. We are accept- ing new patients, so join us and see why this wonderful commu- nity has given us this accolade.” Runner up: Dr. Aldan J. Lori, 108 Cook St., Clarks Green. 570.587.3828. DOCTOR Winner: Dr. Sheela S. Prahalad. With more than 20 years in prac- tice, Dr. Prahalad still takes en- joyment inseeing her patients. In a previous interview she noted, “The patient is our first and only priority.” Runner up: Dr. Stephen Sorokanich Jr. INSURANCE AGENT Winner: TomFlorey, Florey In- surance Agency, Inc., 1186 Wino- la Road, Clarks Summit. 570.587.2615. Tom Florey has been in the Insurance business since 1965 and running his own business, Florey Insurance, since 1970. They work with more than 20 companies, specializing in personal lines of auto, home, life, health, Medicare and annuities and commercial liability, among others. “We matchour customers with companies very well. We make sure we give our customers what they want.” Runner up: TimFranklin, Bion- di-Franklin Insurance Agency, Inc.,790 Northern Blvd. Suite F, S. Abington Twp. 570.587.2840,qualityinsu- LAWYER Winner: Patrick J. Lavelle, Esq., 1000 S. State St., Clarks Summit. 570.586.7730. Patrick Lavelle has been in business for 39years andspecializes inreal es- tate conveyances for residential, commercial and industrial prop- erties. Other specialties include eminent domains, zoning, plan- ning and subdivision work. Since in business, Patrick has complet- ed more than 20,000 conveyanc- es in the greater Abington area. ABINGTON JOURNAL/CHRISTY CLARKE Winner, Accountant: Rick Lochen, CPA, partner at Lochen and Chase, P.C. ABINGTON JOURNAL FILE PHOTO Winner, Chiropractor: Dr. Jennifer Finn. ABINGTON JOURNAL/TINA MULEA Winner, Dentist: Dr. WilliamMacNamara. Shown, fromleft: Heidi Johnson, KimKasey, Jane Holgate, Jane Norton and Dr. WilliamMacNamara. ABINGTON JOURNAL/FILE PHOTO Winner, Doctor: Dr. Sheela S. Prahalad ABINGTON JOURNAL/TINA MULEA Winner, Lawyer: Patrick J. Lavelle. See PROFESSIONALS, Page 37 P A G E 3 6 S P E C I A L S E C T I O N , W E D N E S D A Y , A P R I L 2 7 , 2 0 1 1 BEST OF THE ABI NGTONS 2011 : PROF ESSI ONAL S He does the majority of the workhimself andattri- buted his success to the personal relationships he builds with his clients. Runner up: Robert Browning, Oliver, Price and Rhodes, 1212S. AbingtonRd. P.O. Box240, Clarks Summit. 570.585.1200, MECHANIC Winner: George Suprick, First Aid Automotive, 2122 Newton Ransom Blvd., Clarks Summit. 570.587.1933. George Suprick has been operating First Aid Automotive since 1986. He related his business as having a small country garage atmo- sphere. Suprick attributed his success to the per- sonal relationships with his customers, but more importantly, to his very knowledgeable tech, Bill Mitchell. Suprick feels that his strength comes from having good people, like Bill, behind him. Runner up: TomKrut, Northeast Imports, 1173 Winola Rd., Clarks Summit. 570.586.9353, FINANCIAL SERVICES Winner: Mark J. Lynn, 400 Davis St., Clarks Summit, 570.587.7534. Mark Lynn has been a Fi- nancial Advisor for 26 years and currently repre- sents Axa-Advisors. He credits Charlene Durdan, Assistant and Lenora Cunningham, Associate for much of their success.” I believe the service we provide and the integrity we have is what sets us apart. Bottom line, I love what I do.” Runner up: Jamie Kresge, Abington Financial Services,711 North State Street, Clarks Summit. PEDIATRICIAN Winner: Dr. Anders Nelson, P.O. Box 399, Chin- chilla. 570.586.8879 Dr. Anders Nelson has been a pediatrician for 20 years. He credited his amazing staff, along with his patients and their families for his tremendous success. “I’m thankful to be sur- rounded by such great people.” Runner up: Dr. Kate Tigue, 920 Viewmont Dr.Dickson City. 570.346.1464 REALTOR Winner: Barry Kaplan, Classic Properties, 790 Northern Blvd., Clarks Summit.“I’mdedicated to my customers, my clients in real estate. What’s important to me is what’s best for them. I want to help them. My goal is to help people accomplish their goals. Whatever they are looking to achieve, that is what I want to help them to do,” Kaplan said. Runner up: Diane Calabro, Classic Proper- ties,790 Northern Blvd., Clarks Summit. 570.587.5050 VETERINARIAN Winner: Dr. Robert Stephenson, 725 Justus Blvd. Suite 1, Scott Township. 570.587.3715 ABINGTON JOURNAL FILE PHOTO Winner, Veterinarian: Dr. Robert Stephenson. Shown, front row, front left: Kelly Cardone, Supervisor & Behaviorist, Kat (Therapy Dog), Leslie Smith, Susan Bittenbender. Back row: Dr. Robert Stephenson, DVM, Ami Maloco, DVM, Jayoung Lee, DVM, Rosemary Hedgelon, C.V.T., Holly Gries, C.V.T., Margo Longstreet, C.V.T., Jami Kaiser, Angie Sandercock, C.V.T. PROFESSIONALS Continued fromPage 36 ABINGTON JOURNAL/TINA MULEA Winner, Pediatrician: Dr. Anders Nelson. Shown, fromleft: Debbie, Emily, Dr. Nelson, Dorothy, Judy. Absent fromphoto: Carey. ABINGTON JOURNAL/TINA MULEA Winner, Insurance: TomFlorey, Florey Insurance. See PROFESSIONALS, Page 38 S P E C I A L S E C T I O N , W E D N E S D A Y , A P R I L 2 7 , 2 0 1 1 P A G E 3 7 BEST OF THE ABI NGTONS 2011 : PROF ESSI ONAL S Runner up: Dr. Colin Jeschke, 724 Northern Blvd., Clarks Summit. 570.585.2006 PET GROOMER Winner: Abington Grooming Salon, 115 Depot St., Clarks Summit. 570.586.9557. Robin Ross has been grooming dogs and cats for 35 years. She attributed her success to the one -on -one attention that she provides to eachandevery pet. “I give eachpet special attention, espe- cially if they have special needs.” ABINGTON JOURNAL/TINA MULEA Winner, Mechanic: First Aid Automotive. Shown, from left, are Bill Mitchell and George Suprick. ABINGTON JOURNAL/TINA MULEA Winner, Pet Groomer: Abington Grooming. Shown is Robin Ross of Abington Grooming. ABINGTON JOURNAL/TINA MULEA Winner, Financial Services: Mark Lynn. ABINGTON JOURNAL/CHRISTY CLARKE Winner, Realtor: Barry Kaplan, Classic Properties. PROFESSIONALS Continued from Page 37 P A G E 3 8 S P E C I A L S E C T I O N , W E D N E S D A Y , A P R I L 2 7 , 2 0 1 1 BEST OF THE ABI NGTONS 2011 : PROF ESSI ONAL S S P E C I A L S E C T I O N , W E D N E S D A Y , A P R I L 2 7 , 2 0 1 1 P A G E 3 9 T h a n k Y o u F o r R ecognizing Our H ard W o rk & D e d i c a t i o n Thanks For Your Recognition In These Categories • Place For A First Date • Happy Hour • Wine List • Martini Bar 114 South State Street Clarks Summit 585-5590 We Look Forward To Exceeding Your Expectations In The Years To Come. FROM THE STAFF OF THE STATE STREET GRILL. C Classic To All my Abington Clients and Friends, Tanks for your vote! Diane Calabro Cassandra Devine and her daughter, Jaclene Devine owners of the Devine School of Dance which is lo- cated at the Waverly Community House wish to send warm thanks to all of the people of the Abington/ Dalton area who voted their dance school Also, they are so proud of their 35 years of success which includes students who are now professional dancers and teachers, and they are proud of all their students who grew to be graceful and poised adults. We thank you for sharing your children with us and we are looking forward to many more wonderful years. For information about our Dance Camp programs or for information for Fall enrollment in Ballet, Pre-ballet, Tap, Jazz and Lyrical, phone: 587-0807. Accredited by the Royal Academy of dancing, London, England and the American Academy of Ballet, New York City. “NUMBER ONE INTHE ABINGTONS” DEVINE SCHOOL OF DANCE AT THE WAVERLY COMMUNITY HOUSE FOR THE THIRD YEAR! STATE REPRESENTATIVE SID MICHAELS KAVULICH Thank You For Your Support! Paid for by the candidate P A G E 4 0 S P E C I A L S E C T I O N , W E D N E S D A Y , A P R I L 2 7 , 2 0 1 1 SWEEPSTAKES REPEAT! LINDSEY JONES FIRST PLACE for front page design. JOAN MEAD-MATSUI SECOND PLACE in the sports category for “One Million Flies Strong.” MAURI RAPP HONORABLE MENTION in the series category for stories about the Marcellus Shale industry. LINDSEY JONES, DON MCGLYNN & KRISTIE GRIER CERUTI HONORABLE MENTION for page design. ADRIANE HEINE FIRST PLACE in the column writing category for “A Father’s Devotion.” DON MCGLYNN FIRST PLACE in the feature beat reporting category for coverage of the arts and entertainment beat. T’SHAIYA STEPHENSON FIRST PLACE for investigative reporting for coverage of a rife range in Ransom Township. The Abington Journal was named the winner of the Pennsylvania Newspaper Association 2011 Key- stone Press Awards Sweepstakes for papers in Division VII. That’s two Sweepstakes awards in a row. Your community paper was the top award-winner for publica- tions of similiar size from across the entire state. AWARD WINNERS INCLUDE: Call to subscribe. 570-829-5000. S P E C I A L S E C T I O N , W E D N E S D A Y , A P R I L 2 7 , 2 0 1 1 P A G E 4 1 We Would Like To Thank You, The Abingtons, For Voting Us #1 Hair Salon 509 South State Street • Clarks Summit, PA 18411 570-586-0592 SANDERSON STATE STREET SALON Thank You For Your Continued Support Special Congratulations to Maura Staback Winner of “Best Hair Stylist” 50-90 % OFF LOCAL DINING, ENTERTAINENT SHOPPING, SERVICES & MORE! Michael & Jessica Benson of Carbondale SIGN UP FOR FREE @ N E P A ! DAILY DEAL We got $50 worth of food for only $25 at Amici Restaurant. When you sign up, we will let you in on huge savings for Nepa Daily Deal members only. You’ll receive a different local deal every day! P A G E 4 2 S P E C I A L S E C T I O N , W E D N E S D A Y , A P R I L 2 7 , 2 0 1 1 LEAVES AN IMPRESSION We knowthat achieving more in the community begins with the people who belong to it. PNCBank thanks the Abington Journal readers for voting our branches Best Bank in the Abingtons. ©2011 The PNC Financial Services Group, Inc. All rights reserved. PNC Bank, National Association. Member FDIC COMMSERV AD JUN 2010 007 S P E C I A L S E C T I O N , W E D N E S D A Y , A P R I L 2 7 , 2 0 1 1 P A G E 4 3 UTA Karate Dalton thanks all our friends and students who voted us Best in the Abington’s 2011 113 N. Turnpike Rd. Dalton, PA 18414 Telephone: 563-1695 Experience the body-mind connection:Experience the Martial Arts. The benefts of the martial arts are: • Increased focus and concentration • More confdence • Increased self-esteem • Increased cardiovascular health • Learning self-defense New classes begin on a continuing basis. Adults: Monday thru Wednesday from 7 PM to 8:00 PM Haidong Gumdo sword on Tuesdays and Fridays Children: Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday from 5 PM to 5:45 PM and 6 PM to 6:45 PM At UTA Dalton, we teach in a non competitive, non violent, positive learning environment. THANK YOU! FOR YOUR SUPPORT AND CONTINUED PATRONAGE! 107 South State Street, Clarks Summit, Pa 18411 (570)-587-2820 GREAT HAIRCUTS FOR MEN & BOYS SPORTS PAGE P A G E 4 4 S P E C I A L S E C T I O N , W E D N E S D A Y , A P R I L 2 7 , 2 0 1 1
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