
March 20, 2018 | Author: Adal Arasan | Category: Seed, Sesame, Plant Breeding, Genetic Marker, Sowing



CHARACTERIZATION OF SESAME GENOTYPES THROUGH MORPHOLOGICAL, CHEMICAL AND RAPD MARKERSThesis submitted to the University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science (Agriculture) In SEED SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY By Ms. SUHASINI K.S. DEPARTMENT OF SEED SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, DHARWAD UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES, DHARWAD - 580 005 JULY, 2006 ADVISORY COMMITTEE DHARWAD JULY, 2006 (N.K. BIRADARPATIL) MAJOR ADVISOR Approved by : Chairman : ________________________ (N.K. BIRADARPATIL) Members : _________________________ 1. (K.G. PARAMESHWARAPPA) _________________________ 2. (H.L. NADAF) _________________________ 3. (M.N. MERWADE) CONTENTS Chapter No. Title I INTRODUCTION II REVIEW OF LITERATURE III MATERIAL AND METHODS IV EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS V DISCUSSION VI SUMMARY VII REFERENCES VIII APPENDIX IX ABSTRACT LIST OF TABLES Table No. 1. Title Monthly meteorological data for experimental year 2005-06 of Main Agricultural Research Station, University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad Identification and grouping of sesamum genotypes based on plant height, number of primary branches per plant and number of nodes per plant 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 12 13 14 15 Identification and grouping of sesamum genotypes based on internodal length, stem pigmentation and number of leaves per plant Identification and grouping of sesamum genotypes based on leaf length, leaf shape, leaf colour and leaf petiole pigmentation Identification and grouping of sesamum genotypes based on days to 50 per cent flowering and days to maturity. Identification and grouping of sesamum genotypes based on flower petal colour and flower hairiness Identification and grouping of sesamum genotypes based on number of pods for axil, number of pods per plant and pod length Identification and grouping of sesamum genotypes based on pod shape, pod beak, pod pubescence, number of locules per pod and pod dehiscence Identification and grouping of sesamum genotypes based on seed colour, thousand seed weight and oil content Identification and grouping of sesamum genotypes based on germination, seedling length and seedling vigour index. Identification and grouping of sesamum genotypes based on NaOH and KOH tests. Identification and grouping of sesamum genotypes based on coleoptile growth response to GA3 Identification and grouping of sesamum genotypes based on coleoptile growth response to 2, 4-D Analysis of RAPD banding pattern for sesamum genotypes Genetic similarity coefficient based on RAPD data among the ten sesamum genotypes 3. Sesamum genotypes identification key on the basis of Seed characteristics . 4. Title Dendrogram obtained from pooled data of RAPD profile of sesamum genotypes Sesamum genotypes identification key on the basis of stem pigmentation and leaf characteristics Sesamum genotypes identification key on the basis of flower characteristics Sesamum genotypes characteristics Sesamum genotypes characteristics identification key on the basis of pod 1. 2.LIST OF FIGURES Plate No. 5. identification key on the basis of pod 6. LIST OF PLATES Plate No. leaf colour of sesamum genotypes 1. pod length. NaOH test of sesamum genotypes KOH test. Leaf petiole pigmentation. flower hairiness of sesamum genotypes Number of pods per axil. Title Stem pigmentation. 4. leaf length. 5 6 . pod dehiscence. flower petal colour. seed colour. seedling response to GA3 .4-D of sesamum genotypes RAPD profile of ten sesamum genotypes 3. seedling response to 2. 2. pod beak. pod pubescence of sesamum genotypes Number of locules per pod. pod shape. 1. Title Physical and chemical properties of the soil of the experimental site .APPENDIX Appendix No. seedling response to various chemicals eg. This evidently indicates the potentiality of the crop for improvement in yields. soil chemical reaction and seed borne diseases.). time consuming. large space requirement. According to International Union for Protection of New Plant Varieties (UPOV). Moreover. the productivity is low in India (312 kg/ha) as compared to world’s average (389 kg/ha) and it is far below as compared to Egypt (1175 kg/ha) being the highest. Sesamolinol). tedious and environmental influence. India is the world leader in sesamum production. Gujarat. However. Sesamum seed oil has long shelf life due to the presence of lignans (Sesamin. 2004). Karnataka. 1990). Farmers and seed growers need an assurance that they are being supplied with correct seed material known identity of a specific variety and assured quality. varietal characterization using morphological characters possess several undesirable features like seasonal dependence. 2002). oxalic acid and excellent qualities of seed oil and meal (Prasad.18 m. Tamil Nadu.. The interesting fact is that most of the currently used morphological characteristics do not fulfill all these criteria. The National Test Guidelines are to the developed for conduct of DUS testing. The production of quality seed involves a number of multiplication stages.I. The chemical tests are spot tests and useful in identification by change in seed colour as well as solution due to added chemicals. sesamum is cultivated on an area of 2. admixture and genetic drift as affected by drought. Sesamum is described as the “Queen of oilseeds” because it contains high oil (3854%).. protein (18-25%). have also been proved quite useful in detecting varietal mixtures as well as grouping large number of genotypes into distinct classes (Chakrabarthy and Agrawal. growth regulators. It is an important annual oilseed crop in the tropics and warm subtropics.. To meet the need for seed certification and to obtain optimum yield. Thus. Orissa. Simple biochemical tests viz. phenol colour reaction. resisting the oxidation. uniform (U) in their characteristics and generally stable (S) over the years (DUS). NaOH test. there is a need to search for rapid and reliable methods of varietal identification and genetic purity testing of seed. With the introduction of Indian legislation on “Protection of Plant Varieties and Farmers Rights (PPV&FR)”. For identification of varieties through morphological characters and conduct of GOT. associated with reasonable costs and efforts. temperature. where it is usually grown in small plots (Bedigian and Harlan. the release of new crop varieties is possible if it is distinct (D) from other varieties. But many factors play an important role in affecting the quality of the seed such as cross pollination. the seed material should be of high quality. a member of the order Tubiflorae.e. any new characteristic used in varietal characterization should be clearly defined. It is predominantly grown in Uttar Pradesh. Andhra Pradesh. seedling and plant is the most widely used method. INTRODUCTION Sesamum (Sesamum indicum L. Bihar and Assam. 1986). phosphorous. The alternative ways to overcome these limitations and to speed up the testing procedures is to use chemical tests or electrophoresis in addition to morphological markers. KOH test. family Pedaliaceae is perhaps the oldest oilseed known and used by human beings (Weiss. accessible to breeders.. West Bengal. frost. seed and seedling inspection and grown out test are required. i.ha with a production of 0. In order to maintain the required genetic purity standards in the seed fields. In India.73 million tons annually (Anon. seed should be genetically and physically pure. Such characterization studies are lacking in sesamum. least or not affected by environment. . Rajasthan. calcium. which have remarkable antioxidant function. accepted and should have standard method of observation. 1971). herbicides etc. field inspection. Identification of varieties based on morphological characteristics of seed. India ranks first in area and production among the sesamum growing countries. Sesaminol. the plant and seed characters need to be studied and thoroughly documented. Identification and grouping of varieties through chemical tests. . to measure the genetic relationship and to assess genetic diversity with. the use of DNA profiling techniques (RAPD’S. Identification and grouping of varieties through molecular or RAPD markers. 2005). 3. chemical and RAPD marks” was undertaken with the following objectives. more emphasis is needed to develop a system of varietal identification in sesamum. proper sampling procedure and judicious interpretation.) will help to establish the varietal identity. RFLPS.While electrophoresis is the most widely used biochemical test for identification and characterization of genotypes for routine purpose. Identification and grouping of varieties through morphological characters. AFLP etc. Therefore. The right choice of a technique.. the present investigation entitling “characterization of sesamum genotypes through morphological. these laboratory methods can provide reliable and accurate results for variety identification and genetic purity testing in a considerably short period of time (Silvanacristae et al. The research on cultivar identification in sesamum is limited and only seed morphological characters cannot distinguish the closely related cultivar. 2. Hence. 1. He grouped the seeds into small. The literature on identification of crops through morphological characteristics. This is essential for maintenance. medium and long) width (narrow.1g. test weight are useful traits for varietal identification of number of crops. uniformity and stability (DUS). 2001. there is a need to develop and identify the gene markers of the variety/hybrid and also to standardize the laboratory based techniques for genetic purity testing in support of the grow-out test. Under the New Seed Policy Act. The seed size varied from small to medium and colour from shiny black to dull black. light yellow. all the new varieties have to be registered based on the criteria of novelty. multiplication and seed certification. bright yellow. which is less time consuming. size. hybrids and their parents. respectively per 500 seeds. red yellow or orange). colour of hulled grain (white. simple and reproducible. The development of new and improved plant varieties or hybrids is a continuous process. It is of critical importance for sustained increase in agricultural productivity.1 Seed morphology Morphological characters of seeds viz. laborious and time consuming and also the marketing of seeds is hindered due to late receipt of results. length of hulled grain (short. medium and thick) were used for determining the cultivar trueness and purity in maize.II. Elsaeed (1967) reported varietal differences in Beladi and Rebya-34 of broad beans. grey.. 2. distinctness. slightly reddish. The grow-out test is tedious. shape. Chakrabarthy and Agrawal (1989a) developed seed keys for the identification of 16 black gram varieties on the basis of seed size and colour of the seeds. seedlings and plants of various cultivars exhibit a wide range of morphological distinctness which is helpful in varietal identification and genetic purity testing. reddish brown. red. Tiwari et al. 1000 seed weight and presence and absence of pearl spot.1. medium and large seeded groups based on test weight. long very long). brown. based on seed weight which was 192. (1988b) grouped the rice varieties based on colour of silk integument (yellow. Vanagamudi et al.) length (short. Mikhailov and Travyank (1987) revealed that the inheritance of seed coat colour in soybean is due to dominant genes. small. red or violet). etc. brown. medium. (1978) grouped twenty one soybeans varieties based on 100 seed weight into three groups viz. Hence. dark yellow. medium and wide) and thickness (thin. REVIEW OF LITERATURE Variety identification and varietal purity assessment are very important for varieties.7g and 317. 2.. Paukens (1975) reported that the kernel colour (white. Shivasubramanian and Ramakrishnan (1978) reported that the shape and colour of kernel were useful in identifying rice varieties. While the differential response of seeds or seedlings to various chemical solution and bio-chemical test (PCR based markers) can be used as a tool to identify the hybrids/varieties. .1 MORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERS Seeds. response of seeds and seedlings to various chemicals and PCR-based markers (RAPD) has been reviewed here. colour. medium and bold. seed shape. Paramesh (1983) classified 24 soybean genotypes based on the number of seeds per pod and 100 seed weight. vitrous characters. moderate.. seed and seedling characters viz. seed size. degree of hairiness on stem and capsule. shape of flower. . Mohammed and Alam (1933) reported on the isolation of 34 different types of sesamum in Punjab alone. corolla colour (purple. and yellow). number of gossypol glands and angle of petiole.. seed shape. maturity and ginning per cent in cotton for identification of varieties. (1996) characterized 23 maize inbred lines based on seed colour (yellow and white) and 100 seed weight (bold. flower colour and pubescence colour. pigmentation of leaf petiole. Karivartharaju (2005) presented a list of seed characters viz. Venkat Reddy (1991) reported that soybean shoot length. seedling length. 1992) Nagapadma et al. light purple. Chakrabarthy and Agrawal (1989b) developed seed keys for identification of 16 blackgram genotypes using seedling charactes like pigmentation (strong. root length and seedling length were used as criteria for distinguishing genotypes under laboratory condition. pod size and pod shape could be used for distinguishing pea varieties. arrangement of leaves on the main shoot and seed colour for distinguishing different types. Shrivastav and Kaushal (1972) in their study identified 132 distinct types of sesame from samples collected from various regions of Madhya Pradesh. coleoptile and sheath colour and mesocotyl colour. seed coat colour. gray. hypocotyle and radicle length. medium and large) seed colour (white. number of flowers in leaf axil. Arunkumar et al. seed coat colour. seedling pigmentation. seedling characters and plant morphological characters. seed colour. uniformity. seed size. stem hairiness (glabrous. fineness. maturity. mottled green and grey) and seed shape (round and flattened) (Anon. fuzzy nature of seed. 2.. seed shape. For identifying soybean cultivars. Edgar et al. number of locules per capsule and hairiness of capsule into 34 early (monsoon) types and 15 late (winter) types. Kooistra (1964) revealed that morphological characters of plant viz. 1000 seed weight and seedling length could be used (Anon..1. colour of corolla. seed size (bold.. strength.. 2. number of capsules per axil.. amount of hairiness of stem and capsule. shape of leaflets. (2003) reported that 22 cotton genotypes showed wide variation for seed and seedling characters viz. leaf serration. seed colour. (1970) studied soybean morphological characters for growth habit. small) and seed coat colour (black. nature of stem hairiness.. very pale purple). They used characters viz. medium. and number of tendrils. pubescent). obovate). Rhind and Thein (1933) classified the Burmese cultivated sesames based on the branching habit. deep purple. density of fuzz and fibre characters like colour. leaflet shape (lanceolate.3 Morphological characters of plant Kashiram (1930) isolated the thirty four types of Punjab sesamum on the basis of number of flowers in each axil. gray brown and brown). fuzz colour. Twenty two pea cultivars were grouped based on their variation in seed size (small.2 Seedling characteristics Lirindae (1986) and Terao (1986a) classified the rice genotypes based on seedling characters viz. pale green. 1998) Ponnuswamy et al.. weak).1. medium and late). colour of stem and capsule and maturity (early.Agrawal and Pawar (1990) revealed that soybean varieties could be distinguished from each other on the basis of morphological characters of seed viz. medium and small). size (100 seed weight). Morphological variability in characters like days to flowering and other plant habit characters was more among the kharif season. 100 seed weight. 2004 reported that 45 cultivars of pearlmillet including 14 hybrids and their parental lines were characterized using qualitative morphological characters of seed (seed colour as green. hypogaea (bunch) and 33 of var. 1985) Kandaswamy (1985) used different morphological characters like branch number. Reddy et al. plant height. A study with thirty one sesame lines by Sanjeevaiah and Joshi (1974) implied that environment has little effect on plant height. Harper has purple flower. (1978) characterized the cultivars of sesame based on days to flowering. 34 were fully branched. pods per plant. had no stem pigmentation. Rosta (1975) grouped the rice varieties based on leaf blade length.. At maturity 191 accessions of var. tawny pubescence. number of branches per plant and plant height in sesamum crop. pod colour at maturity. (1990) attempted to screen the cotton varieties based on morphological characters viz. About 325 accessions were without branches while. plant height. brown pods at maturity and higher seed yield compared to Cumberland. days taken for maturity and days to 50 per cent flowering. number of capsules and number of branches. Cumberland and Harper. ten cultivars were grouped based on morphological characters viz. 1990) Muralikrishna et al. Nakagawa et al. period from flower initiation to maturity. intermediate in 251 and high in 121 accessions. While. Basal and top branching were recorded in 23 and 35 accessions respectively. seeds per capsule and capsule length. pubescence presence on stem. fastrigiata. 523 of var. Bahrenfus and Fehr (1984) observed differences in two soybean cultivars viz. capsules per plant. days to flower. vulgaris. Virupakshappa and Sindagi (1987) characterized 429 sunflower germplasm accessions and reported that most of the collections (394 out of 429) possessed cordate leaves. 128 of var. (1989) recorded variation in five soybean cultivars for days to maturity. (1986) tabulated 20 soybean genotype characters based on plant height. But both cultivars were similar in days to maturity and plant height.. (1985) evaluated groundnut germplasm collection of 4030 accessions for nine morphological characters. (1977) observed phenotypic variability for the number of days to initial flowering. hypogaea (runner). 1099 accessions of var. From 150 soybean germplasm accessions based on useful characters viz. seeds per plant and yield per plant. number of branches and leaves per plant. leaflet shape (lanceolate and obovate) and cotyledonary leaf shape could be used for classifying black gram varieties. Bhagat et al. seeds per pod.. capsule number per branch. leaf shape and size. long). medium. hypogaea (bunch) and 1061 accessions of var. while only 35 were deltoid types with respect to leaf margin except one accession with entire margin. number of branches. pods per plant and seed yield per plant. Chaudhary et al. From the french bean varietal trial. (1972) presented the relationship between the morphological characters such as plant height.. plant height. Stahi and Pandey (1981) evaluated 21 soybean varieties and grouped them on the basis of nature of maturity and number of days to 50 per cent flowering. Rasaily et al. seeds per pod. .. colour of ligule. seed number per capsule in nine varieties of sesamum. gossypol glands and plant height. number of branches. colour of auricle and colour of flowers. The seedling vigour was low in 57. Chakrabarthy and Agrawal (1989b) suggested that morphological characters such as stem pigmentation (weak. pigmentation.. flower colour. plant height and number of branches. vulgaris. Agrawal (1984) classified soybean varieties based on spreading type. strong and moderate) hairiness. hypogaea (runner) showed stem pigmentation. days to maturity. width (short. fastrigiata. capsule size and stem girth. 831 of var. leaf colour.Ramachandra et al. 100 seed weight and pod length (Anon. number of branches and seed yield per plant and other varietal identification characters were recorded (Anon. plant height. Gupta and Gupta (1977) observed differences between 34 varieties of sesame for characters like 1000 seed weight. 209 of var. short. number of leaves per plant (low. dwarf). (2002) evaluated 1956 chickpea accessions for flower colour (white. high). salmon white. Jain (2001) characterized 15 mungbean varieties based on days to maturity. high). podding habit (single. black). medium. plant height (tall. Bonetti et al. medium. flower length. Rajendra Prasad et al. medium and late). long) and leaf colour (yellow green. long). late) and their seed characteristics. medium green. medium petiole length. capsule dehiscence (non dehiscent. Jayaramaiah et al. stem and petiole pigmentation. stem pigmentation (weak. number of locules per pod (one. Mudzana et al. seed colour and leaf shape. leaf length (short. time to 50 per cent flowering (early. seed colour (orange. maroon. Jawaharlal (1994) and Ezilkumar (1999) differentiated cotton genotypes using field parameters such as leaf colour. dark brown. seed size (bold. boll size. stem pigmentation (strong. (1996) developed the keys to characterize and identify cotton varieties and hybrids on the basis of growth habit. days to first flowering. green). medium. medium. green. boll shape and leaf petiole pigmentation. out of which 38 had the oil content of more than 50 per cent and six had more than 53 per cent. Upadhyaya et al. petal colour. medium. medium. Patil et al. pink. very long). plant height. number of nodes . leaf shape. seed coat colour. brown. pod length (very short. light flower). (1995) reported that 17 bean cultivars were grouped based on leaf colour (very light green. moderate leaf margin. pollen colour. medium) pod length (short. small). deep pink. Yadav and Shrivasthava (2002) characterized chickpea varieties based on seed colour (brown. light brown. (1993) observed that most of the sunflower germplasm studied were with triangular leaf shape. hybrids and their parental lines based on the leaf petiole pigmentation (absent. Ashwanikumar et al. (2003) characterized the 10 sunflower varieties. (1993) studied varietal identification of six pearlmillet varieties through morphological characters and presented list of key characters on the basis of seed shape. present). dark green leaves. foliage colour. hairiness on the leaf and stem. leaf nectaries. maturity (early. dark chocolate. plant colour. pod length. leaf shape. double). light green. medium. long. Surendra Prakash and Singal (1997) reported that seven grain and six vegetable pea cultivars were grouped based on plant height (short. partially dehiscent. internodal length and medium seedling vigour. high). petal spot. flower characters. pod breadth and number of seeds could be used for variety discrimination of faba beans. green). dark green. hairiness. very tall). pod number per plant (low. foliage colour (dark green. dense). three) and duration (early. medium. Sankarapandian (2002) reported that four cowpea varieties were grouped based on pod shape. light pink). blue green. Shadakshari et al. absent). days to flowering. Satisha (1995) evaluated 352 sunflower germplasm accessions and observed that most of the accessions possessed cordate leaf shape. (1995) evaluated 225 indigenous and exoitic sesame genotypes and observed a wide range of variability for the characters like number of branches. Muralimohan Reddy et al. medium and late). medium. (2004) characterized the castor genotypes based on the seed colour (white. medium. flower colour (white. reddish brown.Luan and Han (1990) analyzed the oil content of 379 different genotypes of groundnut. late) and time of flowering (early. tow. yellow orange) and other characteristics. number of days to 50 per cent flowering. light green). dehiscent). very dark green). (1995) reported that the morphological characters such as plant height. leaf margin with medium serration and medium green coloured leaves. medium. medium. floral characteristics and boll surface. capsule length and oil content. time of flowering (early. leaf characters and head shape at field level. medium. tall. 100 seed weight (low. GA3 and 2. seed shape (narrow elliptic. medium. medium and large) and other morphological characteristics.. time of 50 per cent flowering (early. reddish yellow. days to flowering (early. 10 jute genotypes were classified as black..on main stem (low. dull white. Mate and Shelar (2006) characterized 16 sorghum hybrids based on plant height (very short. medium). tall). In Jabalpur. leaf colour intensity (light. respectively. late). dark). (Anon. large) and seed colour (blue. 2003). Based on the secondary metabolites present in the seed coat. 2002). 2.5% and 0. green). 18 sesame varieties were categorized into three groups using sodium hydroxide at five per cent as reddish brown. pod dehiscence (absent. quick and cheap. 11 niger varieties were characterized based on leaf colour (light green. (2004) reported that 75 released soybean varieties were characterized based on leaf shape (lanceolate pointed ovate. tall). elliptical. medium.. yellowish red and strong brown types (Ponnuswamy et al. maturity days (early. yellow. present). 50 per cent flowering (very early. (2006) grouped 20 genotypes of safflower as light brown. (2005) grouped 12 sorghum cultivars based on seed colour (white. 1991). light green and green. Based on the 22 cotton genotypes response to five per cent sodium hydroxide test. 2005) Thangavel et al. seed size (small. brown. present). Biradarpatil et al. dark red. 2. sodium hydroxide. (2005) reported that 27 jute varieties were grouped based on leaf shape (ovate. medium.1 Sodium hydroxide test Agrawal (1987) observed the colour change in wheat varieties after immersing in NaOH. orange). alive yellow. palmate). potassium hydroxide. brown). dark brown and light brown. Tarasatyavathi et al. medium. late). offer wide variability and can be used in characterization of genotypes. late) anther colour. brown and no change in colour when soaked in five per cent sodium hydroxide for six hours (Anon. leaf colour. Kumar et al.2 CHEMICAL TESTS Studies on characterization of cultivars based on response of seed and seedling to various chemicals viz. Sambasiva Rao et al. At Jabalpur. medium) and seed colour (light black. seed size on 1000 seeds weight basis (small. leaf shape. black. the genotypes were classified as dusky red. The sodium hydroxide chemical test is simple. . At Akola. seed luster.2. high. ovate. very high). 2.2 Potassium hydroxide test Mckee (1973) suggested that five or ten per cent potassium hydroxide solution could be useful for separating white grain wheat varieties from red grain wheat varieties. circular) and other seed morphology. stigma anthocyanin. late). flower colour (white. medium. greenish yellow. colour of straw and glume colour at maturity. dark black golden black. elliptic. plant height (short. dark brown. rounded ovate. the seeds of red and white varieties became dark orange to orange brown and yellow to straw colour. the seed coat produces distinct colour pattern (Vanderburg and Vanzood. medium and late) and days to maturity (early. days to maturity (early. steed grey. (2002) categorized 58 rice genotypes into two groups as light yellow and dark yellow based on sodium hydroxide test. medium. red. After 15 minutes.1%) could be used to group the seeds of black gram into five groups as red. very tall). pod pubescence (absent. Chakrabarty and Agrawal (1990) reported that sodium hydroxide (0. chocolate brown. medium. medium. triangular)..lanceolate. (Anon. medium. 4-D etc.. days to 50 per cent flowering (medium early) flower colour (yellow. black). red). brown.2. violet). plant height (tall. leaf length (small. bold). plant height (short. 2005). brown and dark brown based on their response to two per cent NaOH. 3 Seedling growth response to GA3 Prakash and Lal (1968) reported that cotton seeds soaked in acid for 12 hours exhibited morphological and biochemical changes. (2006) grouped 22 safflower genotypes as light brown and brown by using five per cent KOH solution. Based on the response of seedlings to GA3 and DDT the mungbean genotypes were categorised into different groups (Agrawal and Sharma. (1998) opined that KOH test could be useful for detecting red rice cultivar (TKM 09) which turns to deep red colouration within one hour. 2. four varieties showed dark tan. Palaniswamy et al. Jawaharlal (1994) studied the effect of gibberllic acid at 100ppm in cotton and grouped the genotypes based on hypocotyls length as long. cotton genotypes showed varied response to gibberllic acid treatment and the cultivars were grouped as high and low response types. 1989). the inbreds were grouped into high (> 20%). (Anon. Twelve varieties of pigeonpea could be distinguished based on the colour development in KOH test.2.Rosta (1975) reported that treating rice seeds with five per cent aqueous potassium hydroxide solution could be useful for grouping red grain varieties from white grain varieties. medium and short. (1992) grouped 15 Korean soybean cultivars based on seedling response to GA3. (1992) distinguished tall and dwarf genotypes of rice based on the variations in root and shoot length in response to GA3 treatment at 50ppm. (2002) categorized 37 groundnut genotypes into light brown and dark brown based on based on seed coat response to KOH solution. Nagapadma et al. cotton genotypes can be classified based on the colour development in five per cent potassium hydroxide as dark red. Agrawal and Pawar (1990) categorised soybean genotypes into long. 1998) Sambasiva Rao et al. Lee et al. while rest were brown in colour. red. (1996) studied the response of seedlings of 23 maize inbred lines to gibberllic acid at 15ppm. 100ppm gibberllic Robert et al. The seedling length varied with genotypes. Based on the per cent increase in seedling length. Vanagamudi et al. medium and short types based on the seedling response to 15ppm GA3 and developed seed key for identification of soybean varieties. Biradarpatil et al. (1988 a) classified 85 rice varieties based on colour development by treating them with five per cent potassium hydroxide solution for three hours and solution was observed for deep wine red staining. . (1980) reported that application of gibberllic acid showed the greatest stimulation in coleoptile length in slow emerging wheat varieties and little or no response in the case of rapid emerging wheat varieties. Singh and Afria (1990) showed that gibberllic acid at 200mg/litre enhanced seedling growth and emergence and promoted cent per cent germination in Bikaneri Nerma cotton cultivar than in any other cultivars. Chakrabarthy and Agrawal (1990) classified 16 black gram varieties based on seedling response to growth hormones and herbicides. Pain and Basu (1985) observed wide variation in shoot and root length due to different concentration of gibberllic acid among different rice genotypes. medium (10-20%) and low (<10%) response groups. Jawaharlal (1994) reported that. Four varieties showed no response. yellowish brown and brown. Kurdikeri and Kurdikeri (1988) reported that gibberllic acid soaked seeds produce more vigorous seedlings. Further. Bansal et al. Agrawal (1987) differentiated sorghum cultivars through KOH bleach test on the basis of presence or absence of darkly pigmented seed coat.. 2. Using RAPD analysis. 4-D at 0. Among the PCR based marker techniques. (2006) grouped 20 safflower genotypes by using GA3 at 25ppm as moderate response. cross compatibility and biochemical markers though used extensively to elucidate the relation among the species are restricted in their resolving power mainly because of small number of variables available and some of them are developmental specific. as it is easy and simple. 4-D test. Biradarpatil et al. 4-D test at 5ppm based on coleoptile stimulation and root inhibition. Sambasivarao et al. randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technology is widely used. 4-D at 5ppm into three groups namely highly susceptible. A considerable amount of polymorphism was revealed. breeding lines. (1995) grouped 14 genotypes of pearlmillet including six elite hybrids and their eight parental lines based on 2. (2002) classified the 37 groundnut genotypes into three groups as low. (2005) grouped 12 sorghum cultivars into low. 4-D Wax et al. medium and high response based on relative seedling length when sprayed with 100ppm of GA3 solution. Ponnuswamy et al. medium and low response groups based on the seedling response to 100ppm gibberllic acid.3. 2004). Multan et al. high. moderate and high response by using 2. Lawson (1994) studied a collection of cultivars.5ppm moistened germination towels was proved to be a futile exercise as it could not distinguish the cotton genotypes. susceptible and less susceptible. RAPD MARKERS Variation in morphological traits. Ponnuswamy et al. low response and very low response types. geographical distribution.Sambasivarao et al. 4-D at 5ppm as all genotypes had fallen into the same category of highly susceptible group. wild and distantly related species for assessing the genetic diversity. 4-D (5ppm). moderate and resistant types to 2. Shivakumar (2000) grouped 26 cultivars of rape seed and mustard into susceptible. Chakrabarty and Agrawal (1990) classified 16 black gram varieties based on seedling response to added 2. Thangavel et al. (2003) indicated that seedling response to 2. (2003) grouped 22 genotypes of cotton into high. (1996) studied the response of seedling of 23 inbred lines to 2. Ashwani Kumar et al. 2. Kirankumar (2004) reported that it was not possible to categorise the cotton genotypes into different groups based on 2.. 4-D at 5ppm and reported the effectiveness in identifying and differentiation the maize inbreds. (1995) used RAPD markers generated by 30 random primers to fingerprint twelve cultivars and a breeding line of Gossypium hirsutum and one cultivar of .4 Seedling growth response to 2. Over all.2. (1974) observed 338 soybean cultivars response to 2. Among them 11 cultivars were highly sensitive to 2. moderate and high response in coleoptile length to GA3. (2002) reported that thirty seven groundnut genotypes were grouped into low. breeding system. medium and low response varieties based on their response to GA3. 4-D. In contrast. Nagapadma et al. (2006) classified 20 genotypes of safflower based on response to 2. 4-D herbicide. Biradarpatil et al. 4-D. cytogenetic relationships. 33 per cent dissimilarity was detected with an average of 27 per cent among the hybrids and breeding lines. medium and nil response (Anon. At Jorhat 20 sesamum varieties were grouped based on GA3 growth response test as low. molecular approaches provide genetically interpretable variability with extensive genomic coverage and are becoming immensely important in studies on population biology and systematic. Kirankumar (2004) classified cotton genotypes as very high. A brief review of literature has been presented regarding RAPD marker technology here under. hirsutum cultivars. the highest value of genetic variation was observed among North West region populations and lowest in the South East region populations. (2000) studied 70 selected groundnut genotypes for polymorphism employing RAPD assay with 48 oligonucleotide primers out of the 48. Ten of the Gossypium hirsutum cultivars could be characterized individually based on cultivar specific RAPD markers.2%) were present only in Gossypium barbedense cultivar Pima S-7. A total of 88 polymorphic fragments were scored and the number of fragments per . (1997) reported that with the objective of transferring phyllody resistance.9 per cent genetic similarity. The applied molecular method (RAPD) indicated an introgression of verbesina helianthoides. of which nine produced unique fingerprinting for all the accessions studied. only 12 showed polymorphism useful for characterization of these genotypes. albena) and verbesina helianthoides (genus verbesian). Bhat and Suman Lakhanpaul (2000) reported that a total of 48 sesame cultivars were characterized using RAPD technique. 128 (33. (2005) studied the genetic relationships among 15 Brazilian annual accessions from Arachis and Heteranthae using RAPD markers. only 7 (14. The total number of bands from the 7 primers was 408 of which 27 were polymorphic. Amongst a total of 453 developed markers. Parani et al. Identical chromosome number of the species ambiguous morphological characters and lack of segregation in F2 necessitated to look for molecular markers to established the hybridity. Of the remaining markers.1-98. (1997) used RAPD technique to evaluate genetic diversity among 18 soybean genotypes selected for a breeding programme to increase the protein content of varieties adopted for central European growing conditions. Based on this they concluded that this approach would be useful for developing marker-assisted selection tools for genetic enhancement of groundnut for desirable traits. fertility restorer lines were produced in the R10 generation. Twenty seven primers were tested. but were also found to be useful as markers to distinguish the hybrids from the selfed progenies. SDS-page of seed protein revealed transfer of five male-specific proteins to the putative hybrid. thus making it possible to differentiate closely related cultivars by molecular markers. Sixty-two primers were screened and data from twenty one selected primers were used for molecular profiling of the cultivars.3%) were fixed in all 15 G. Subramanian et al. Encheva et al. The dendrogram derived from RAPD data showed some divergence from the pedigree information available for the lines. The total number of amplification products scored was 116. (2005) reported that the method of direct organogenesis has been successfully used for overcoming the inability for crossing between Helianthus annuus (V. The extent of polymorphism among the cultivars was low indicating narrow genetic diversity among the released sesame cultivars. Further. from similarity measures and cluster analysis were compared with each other and with the available pedigree information as a control. nine closely released cultivars showed 92. Nei and Li’s similarity index was calculated and phylogenetic true was established using the neighbour joining algorithm. Doldi et al. As hybrid materials. This phenotypic analysis grouped 35 of 38 accessions in six groups leaving three highly diverse accessions outside.6%) yielded polymorphic amplification products. 69 (15. According to ANOVA and shannon’s index that were performed separately for each region. Out of 33 random primers used in RAPD locations.Gossypium barbedense. These results indicate that RAPD technique is useful for sesame systematics. The resulting dendrograms. Silvanacreste et al. peroxidase and loci of peroxidase and RAPDS of decamer random primers have not only established the hybridity. and valuable for the maintenance of germplasm banks and the efficient choice of parents in breeding programmes. hybridization has been done between Sesamum alatum and Sesamum indicum. Gulhanercan et al. In pair wise comparisons of the degree of band sharing. inheritance of the establish locus of esterase. (2004) obtained the bands through RAPD technique for all sesamum populations and 78 per cent of which were polymorphic. DNA into some of the hybrid progenies produced and concluded that RAPD could be used for characterization of intergeneric hybrid progenies in sunflower at a later stage of selection (F9) in which an increased genetic variation was discovered. strong correlation was observed between RAPD and ISSR marker systems. To understand genetic relationships among these cultivars. However. Jaccards similarity coefficient and UPGMA clustering algorithm were applied to the 3 marker data sets.primer varied from 6 to 17 with a mean of 9. . The second cluster grouped all the accessions belonging to section Heteranthae.8. The bootstrap analysis divided the genotypes into 2 significant clusters. Two specific markers were identified for species with 2n=18 chromosomes. (2005) reported that 14 sunflower cultivars have been fingerprinted by RAPD. ISSR and AFLP markers utilizing 361. AFLP was proven to be the best marker system as compared with the other two markers. 21 and four primer combinations. The first cluster contained all the section Arachis species and the accessions within it were grouped based on the presence or absence of the ‘A’ pair and the number of chromosome. On an individual assay basis. Deepamala et al. respectively. 5mm was fairly distributed from April to November. 3.90 C (January) to 21. Dharwad. The results are presented in Appendix I. 0 0 The mean maximum temperature ranged from 27. National Seed Project.1 LOCATION OF EXPERIMENTAL SITE The field experiment was conducted at ‘H’ block of Main Agricultural Research Station (MARS). 3. The mean annual rainfall of 773. . University of Agricultural Sciences. situated in Northern 0 0 Transitional Zone of Karnataka state and located at 15 26’ North latitude. The mean monthly maximum relative humidity was 85 per cent (September) while the mean monthly minimum relative humidity was 39 per cent (February).3 SOILS The experiment was conducted in black clayey soil. Further the laboratory studies were carried out at Seed Research Laboratory. Dharwad. Dharwad during kharif season of 2005 for morphological identification of sesamum genotypes.1 C (April) mean 0 0 minimum temperature ranged from 12.1 C (August) to 37. The composite soil sample from experimental site was collected from 0 to 30cm depth before the start of the field experiment and was analyzed for physical and chemical characteristics by following the standard procedure. Dharwad are presented in Table 1. 3. The details of the materials used and methods adopted are presented here. 75 7’ East longitudes with an altitutude of 678m above mean sea level.2 CLIMATIC CONDITIONS The monthly meteorological data pertaining to rainfall.III. MATERIAL AND METHODS The field experiment was conducted at the Main Agricultural Research Station. University of Agricultural Sciences. University of Agricultural Sciences. University of Agricultural Sciences. temperature and relative humidity prevailed during experimental period at Main Agricultural Research Station.50 C (May). 5 No.5 21.0 30.0 7.6 29.3 21. University of Agricultural Sciences.9 46.0 290.4 27.1 82.1 2.9 32.4 104.9 27. Monthly meteorological data for experimental year 2005-06 of Main Agricultural Research Station.1 14.8 194.0 2.4 34.5 21.3 - .Table 1.1 27.4 20.9 18.7 3 98.4 773. Dharwad Average of 67 years Month Rainfall (mm) 29.0 29.9 28.3 19.1 14.9 13.4 151.1 20.4 28.1 April May June July August September October November December January February March April 13.8 0 0 0.5 29.5 92.5 108 123.0 2005-06 No.4 38.5 137. of rainy days 5 3 10 19 15 14 9 1 Trace 0 0 1 1 78 Relative humidity (%) 53 55 76 83 81 85 70 51 53 52 39 45 49 - Temperature (0C) Maximum 36.2 138.5 89. of rainy days 3 8 13 23 21 12 11 3 0.1 Minimum 21.1 34.0 20.1 37.0 Trace Trace Trace 5.5 1013.3 37.6 Rainfall (mm) 75.0 5.2 1. 5. The residues of the previous crop and weeds were removed from the experimental area.2. 3. Sowing was done in rows of 30cm apart by mixing seeds with sand.3.2 Experimental design and layout The field experiment was laid out in a randomized block design with three replications. 3. The land was levelled with the help of plank.1. to control seed borne diseases. Jabalpur. Before sowing. The seeds of the other genotypes were obtained from the Project Coordinator (Sesame).5. MARS. Fifty per cent of nitrogen (20kg per ha) and entire quantity of phosphorus and potash were applied in the rows five centimeters away from the seed row.1.5.1 EXPERIMENT I: IDENTIFICATION AND GROUPING OF SESAMUM GENOTYPES THROUGH MORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS.4 After care .1.9 m 3. Remaining fifty per cent of nitrogen was applied 30 days after sowing as top dressing.3 Seed source and sowing The seeds of the genotype DS-1 was obtained from the National Seed Project.5. the seeds were treated with thiram @ 3g/kg of seeds. 3.8 X 0.5 EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS 3.5.4 PREVIOUS CROP IN THE EXPERIMENTAL SITE Sunflower crop was grown during Rabi season of 2004 in the experimental site 3. 3.5. single super phosphate and muriate of potash.1 Cultural operations 3.1.2 Fertilizer application The recommended dose of 40:20:20kg NPK per ha was supplied in the form of urea.1. University of Agricultural Sciences.1 Land preparation The land was ploughed by mould board plough followed by two harrowings to bring the soil to fine tilth so as to facilitate sowing.2 m Net plot size .5. Dharwad. Treatment details Genotypes G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 G8 G9 G10 G11 : DS-1 : ORM-17 : Kanak : Chandana : AKT-101 : Usha : Thilarani : Phule Til-1 : VS-9701 : YLM-17 : Thilak G12 G13 G14 G15 G16 G17 G18 G19 G20 G21 G22 : TKG-21 : T-12 : SVPR-1 : T-13 : GT-2 : Uma : E-8 : TC-289 : RT-54 : Paiyar : TKG-55 3.3 Plot size Gross plot size .0 X 1.5.1. 3. Dharwad and the seeds of the genotype E-8 from the oilseed scheme. Observations on plant morphological characteristics were recorded on these plants at different stages of crop growth. medium and strong stem pigmented types. medium green and dark green coloured types.1. medium and long leaf types. the genotypes were grouped as short and long internodal types.5.5. viii) Leaf shape The leaf shape of the sixth leaf from the top of the plant was recorded on visual assessment basis at peak flowering stage and the genotypes were grouped as lobed types. Based on the leaf length. Based on the number of primary branches.1.5. Proper soil moisture was maintained throughout the crop growth period through supplementary irrigations. Based on the number of nodes. iv) Internodal length (cm) The internodal length between two nodes was measured in centimeters.1. 3. the genotypes were grouped as few and high branched types. the genotypes were grouped as short. Based on internodal length. medium and many leaf types. iii) Number of nodes per plant The number of nodes were counted and recorded in number. Dimethoate @ 1. hoeing operation was done at initial crop growth period. Prior to hand weeding.7ml per litre of water was sprayed to control thrips and white flies.5 Collection of experimental data 3. The crop was kept weed free and three hand weedings were carried out during the crop growth period.2 Observations recorded i) Plant height (cm) The plant height at the time of harvest was measured from the base of plant at ground level to the tip of the plant in centimeters and the genotypes were grouped as short. ii) Number of primary branches per plant The number of primary branches were counted and recorded in number. the genotypes were grouped as having few. the genotypes were grouped as less and more nodal types.5. v) Stem pigmentation The stem pigmentation was recorded on visual assessment at peak flowering stage and the genotypes were grouped as weak. Necessary plant protection measures were taken to control pest and disease.5. vii) Leaf length (cm) The leaf length of the sixth leaf from the top of the plant was measured in centimeters at peak flowering stage. DM-45 @ 2g per litre of water was sprayed for the control of Cercospora leaf spot. .The plants were thinned out 15 days after sowing leaving a single healthy seedling at a distance of 10cm per hill. medium and tall types. vi) Number of leaves per plant The number of leaves were counted at peak flowering stage and recorded in number. 3. Based on the number of leaves.1 Sampling procedure Five plants were randomly selected in each genotype and replication and labelled. ix) Leaf colour The leaf colour of the sixth leaf from the top of the plant was recorded on visual assessment basis at peak flowering stage and the genotypes were grouped as light green. alternate and multiple poded types. medium and dense pod pubescence types. xv) Number of pods per plant The number of pods were counted and recorded in number. xx) Number of locules per pod The number of locules per pod were counted and recorded as number at maturity and the genotypes were grouped as four and six loculed types. xi) Days to 50 per cent flowering The number of days taken from sowing to the opening of flowers in 50 per cent of plant population in each genotype was recorded and the genotypes were grouped as early and late flowering types. Based on the pod length. xii) Flower petal colour The petal colour of flowers was recorded on visual assessment basis at peak flowering stage and the genotypes were grouped as light pink. the genotypes were grouped as short and long poded types. xvii) Pod shape The pod shape of the fifth pod from the top of the plant was recorded on visual assessment basis and the genotypes were grouped as oblong and round pod shaped types. xiii) Flower hairiness The flower hairiness was recorded on visual assessment basis at peak flowering stage and the genotypes were grouped as low. medium and dark pigment leaf petioled types. xix) Pod pubescence The pod pubescence of the fifth pod from the top of the plant was recorded on visual assessment basis at maturity and the genotypes were grouped as nil. xviii) Pod beak The pod beakness of the fifth pod from the top of the plant was recorded on visual assessment basis at maturity and the genotypes were grouped as short and long pod beaked types. xvi) Pod length (cm) The pod length of the fifth pod from the top of the plant was measured in centimeters at maturity. xiv) Number of pods per axil The number of pods per axil were counted and recorded as numbers at maturity and the genotypes were grouped as single.x) Leaf petiole pigmentation The leaf petiole pigmentation was recorded on visual assessment basis at peak flowering stage and the genotypes were grouped as light. the genotypes were grouped as less. xxii) Days to maturity . medium pink and dark pink coloured types. medium and dense hairiness types. moderate and more poded types. xxi) Pod dehiscence The pod dehiscence was recorded on visual assessment basis at maturity and the genotypes were grouped as dehiscent and indehiscent types. Based on the number of pods. the genotypes were grouped as medium and bold types. black and white seed coloured types. 1996).1 Sodium hydroxide (NaOH) test The seeds (one gram) of sesame genotypes were washed in distilled water and then soaked in 10ml of five per cent NaOH solution in test tube for one hour at an ambient temperature. The length between the collar region and the tip of the primary shoot was measured as shoot length (cm)..The number of days taken for each genotypes from sowing to physiological maturity (yellowing of pods and leaves) was recorded and the genotypes were grouped as early and late maturity types. The differential response of seeds of sesamum genotypes to chemical solution tests was used as a tool as per standard procedures given by various workers to identify different genotypes.2. 3.2 Potassium hydroxide (KOH) test . Seed germination (%) The germination test was conducted as per the ISTA procedure (Anon. the significant of differences among all the genotypes were tested by ‘F’ test. Result and values were subjected to RBD analysis and.5. Based on the change in colour solution of the genotypes were grouped as light brown. The study included the following.5. The seedling length was computed by using the following formula. and high oiled types. b. Critical differences were calculated at five per cent level (Cochran and Cox. 1965).2 EXPERIMENT II: IDENTIFICATION AND GROUPING OF SESAMUM GENOTYPES THROUGH CHEMICAL TESTS The chemical tests are spot tests and they are useful in identification by representing seed coat colour reaction to chemicals. xxiv) Thousand seed weight (g) Thousand seeds each in three replications were counted and weighed separately and The mean weight was expressed in grams. 1973). Seedling length (cm) Ten normal seedlings were selected at random from the germination test. 3. 3.5. xxv) Oil content (%) The oil content of each genotype was determined with the help of NMR (Nuclear Magnetic resonance spectrometer) and the genotypes were grouped as low.2. Based on this.1.5. brown and dark brown. using between paper method. 3. xxiii) Seed colour The seed coat colour of each genotypes was observed under natural day light condition and the genotypes were grouped as brown. Final count on normal seedlings was recorded on seventh day and per cent germination was computed and expressed in percentage. The solution was decanted and used for observation. Seedling length = (Shoot length (cm) + Root length (cm) c.5. The length between the collar region and the tip of primary root was measured as root length (cm).3 Statistical analysis The mean values of the genotypes in each replication were used for analysis of variance. The rolled paper towels were placed at slanting position in a cabinet seed germinator at constant temperature of 25 ± 10 C and 95 ± 1 per cent relative humidity. Seedling vigour index (SVI) The seedling vigour index was computed by multiplying the germination percentage with total seedling length and expressed as whole number (Abdual Baki and Anderson. xxvi) Seed germination and seedling characters a. yellow. RAPD technology has been applied to the selected sesamum genotypes.5.3 EXPERIMENT –III: IDENTIFICATION AND GROUPING OF SESAMUM GENOTYPES THROUGH MOLECULAR MARKERS 3.5. 4-D = Coleoptile length in control The genotypes were grouped based on per cent decrease of coleoptile length over control as follows a) Susceptible b) Highly susceptible : < 85 per cent : > 85 per cent X 100 3. 3...5. .5.The seeds (one gram) of sesame genotypes were washed in distilled water and then soaked in 10ml of six per cent KOH solution for one hour in test tube at an ambient temperature.4 Seedling growth response to 2. The per cent increase in coleoptiles length over control was calculated using the following formula Coleoptile length in GA3 Per cent increase over control Coleoptile length in control = Coleoptile length in control X 100 The genotypes were grouped based on per cent increase of coleoptiles length over control as follows a) Very low response b) Low response c) Moderate response : < 10 per cent increase : 10-30 per cent increase : > 30 per cent increase 3. The following sesamum genotypes were used for the study. The decrease in coleoptiles length over control was calculated using the formula such as. 4-D solution and then incubated at 25±10 C as per ISTA procedure (Anon. light brown. The water soaked blotter papers were used as the control. 1996). The water soaked blotter papers were used as control.3 Seedling growth response to GA3 The seeds of sesame genotypes were surface sterilized by washing in distilled water.2. 4-D The seeds of sesame genotypes were surface sterilized by washing in distilled water. Based on the change in colour of the solution the genotypes were grouped as light yellow. On seventh day.2. Fifty seeds each in three replications were placed on two layers of blotter paper moistened 0 with 25ppm GA3 solution and incubated at 25 ± 1 C as per ISTA procedure (Anon.1 Plant material As a part of the development of a molecular tool kit for the study of diversity within the plant germplasm collections. On seventh day. 1996). coleoptile length of twenty five randomly selected seedlings was measured and the sensitivity response of genotypes was recorded as percent decrease in coleoptile length over control. brown and dark brown. Coleoptile length in control Per cent decrease over control Coleoptile length in 2. Fifty seeds each in three replications were placed on two layers of blotter paper moistened with 2ppm of 2. the coleoptile length of twenty five randomly selected seedlings was measured and the growth response was recorded as per cent increase in coleoptile length over control. The solution was decanted and used for visual observation. The content was centrifuged for 10 minutes at 15. Extraction buffer 0.Kanak Usha VS-9701 YLM-17 T-12 SVPR-1 T-13 E-8 Paiyar TKG-55 3.2.2 DNA extraction procedure Seed samples were germinated in plastic cups until seedlings were grown upto two to three leaves stage.:1) was added to tissue extract and the contents were mixed by shaking gently. Isopropanol d. In spectophotometric analysis.5 M EDTA (PH 8. preheated to 650 C.8 per cent agarose with known concentrations of DNA. Ten mililitre of chloroform: isoamyl alcohol (CIA) mixture (24. Five to six such seedlings were taken from each genotype. 40 C. 5 µl of DNA was diluted to 3000 µl of T10 E1. Chloroform: isoamyl alcohol (24:1) c. The tubes containing round tissue were placed in water bath (with gentle shaking) for 0 10-15 minutes at 65 C with periodical shaking at an interval of five minutes. • • • The young seedlings leaf samples (two grams) were ground into fine powder in liquid nitrogen using autoclaved or sterilized pestle and mortar.5. A good DNA preparation generally exhibits the following spectral properties.5. 3. Later. The DNA was dissolved in 200 µl T10 E1 buffer and stored at -200 C.000 rpm at was discarded. The supernatant was transferred to fresh centrifuge tubes carefully and 10ml of chilled isoproponal was added to each tube and mixed by inverting and incubated at 200 C for overnight. Then the tubes were centrifuged for 10 minutes at 15.5. 70% Ethanol e.0) 1.80 . The spectrophotometer readings were recorded at 260 and 280 nm.1 Stock solutions prepared a.2.000 rpm at room temperature. The supernatant • • • • • • The DNA pellet obtained was washed with 70 per cent ethanol and the tubes were inverted on blotter paper to dry the pellet. the tubes with leaf tissue extract were incubated at room temperature for 15 minutes. A260/A280 = 1.3 DNA quality and quantity estimation The concentration of DNA was estimated spectrophotometrically and also by gel electrophoresis using 0. T10E1 buffer: Tris 10mM Containing 1mM EDTA 3.2 Laboratory procedure and techniques 3.0 M Tris 4. The ground tissue was transferred to 50ml centrifuge tube containing 10ml extraction buffer.0 M Nacl 10% CTAB b.2.5. 2.DNA concentration was calculated using OD values at 260 nm using the following formula. Bangalore.. Polymerase chain reaction: Requirements: DNA. Template DNA: Crude genomic DNA extracts from leaf samples of young seedlings of different genotypes.8 per cent agarose gel in IXTAE buffer and stained with ethidium bromide. 7. 3. random primers. Ltd.5. Bangalore and were used at a concentration of 2. Concentration of DNA (µl/ml) = OD at 260 nm X 50 To test the quality of DNA.2.2. dNTPs. 12 Primers OPP-09 OPP-10 OPP-03 OPA-11 OPA-13 OPP-01 OPP-07 OPA-12 OPA-14 OPA-08 OPA-15 OPP-10 -1 .4 RAPD-PCR amplification 3. dATP. Taq DNA polymerase. Random primers: Commercial kits were obtained from operon technologies Inc. 100 µM random primer b. c.5 mM each. 25 ng µl template DNA c. d. 3.4.. 6. 3.1 Requirements a. 4. 5. 10 X Taq assay buffer.5. USA. Taq DNA polymerase: Taq DNA polymerase (3U/µl) and 10 X Taq assay buffer were obtained from M/s Bangalore Genei Pvt. 1. 3. Alameda. e.. samples were run on 0. No. 8.2. b. DNA was evaluated by comparing it with a standard digested DNA sample. 9. dNTPs: The four individual dNTPs viz. dGTP. 10.5 Stock solutions a. 11.5. dCTP and dTTP were obtained from M/S Bangalore Genei Pvt. Chemicals: Analytical grade chemicals were obtained locally f. Ltd. deioinised distilled water and thermal cycler.0 U µl-1 DNA polymerase A total of 12 random primers used for the study are as followers List of primers used in the study Sl. Master mix for PCR (25 µl tube-1) Sl.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Components Taq assay buffer (10X) Mgcl2 (25mM) dNTPs (2.5 mM) Primer (5 pM/µl) Template DNA Taq DNA polymerase (3.00 U/µ1) Deionised distilled water Total reaction volume Quantity (µl/reaction) 2.50 µl 1.00 µl 2.00µl 2.0 µl 1.0 µl 16.00µ1 16.00 µl 25.00 µl Master mix required for a set of 10 reactions was prepared fresh, from the original stocks. The master mix was distributed (24 µl tube-1) to 10 tubes containing 1.0 µl each of the template DNA from different genotypes and mixture was given a short spin to mix the contents. Thermal cycling • • • • Sterile microfuge tubes were numbered from 1 to 10. 1.0 µl of template DNA from individual genotypes was added to each tube. 24 µl of master mix was added to all the tubes and was given a short spin to mix the contents. The tubes were placed in the thermal cycler for amplification. The PCR reaction was carried out using master cycler gradient 5331 eppendorf version 2.30-31-09, Germany. This cycler was programmed as under. Sl.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Steps Initial denaturation Final denaturation Primer annealing Primer extension Final extension Dump Temperature ( C) 94 94 38 72 72 4 0 Duration (Min) 5 1 1 2 8 Until removed 0 Number of cycles 1 42 1 After the completion of PCR, the products were stored at 4 electrophoresis was done. C until the gel 3.5.3 Separation of electrophoresis amplification products by agarose gel Requirements a. Electrophoretic unit: Gel casting trough, gel preparation comb, power pack, UV transilluminator. b. Agarose c. Bromophenol blue d. Ethidium bromide (0.5µg ml ) e. 50 X TAE – pH-8.0 f. Working solution (1 X TAE) -1 Procedure • • • • • 1.8 g of agarose was weighed and added to a conical flask containing 100ml of 1 X TAE buffer. The agarose was melted by heating the solution on an electric heater and the solution was stirred to ensure even mixing and complete dissolution of agarose. The solution was then cooled to about 40-45 C. Two to three drops of ethidium bromide (0.5 µg ml ) was added. The solution was poured into the pre levelled gel casting platform after inserting the comb in the trough. While pouring, sufficient care was taken for not allowing the air bubbles to trap in the gel. The gel was allowed to solidify and the comb was removed after placing the solidified gel into the electrophoretic apparatus containing sufficient buffer (1 X TAE) so as to cover the well completely. The amplified products (25µl) to be analysed were carefully loaded along with the marker (λ DNA EcoRI and Hind III double digest, Bangalore Genei. Bangalore) into the sample wells, after additing 2-3 µl of loading dye (Bromophenol blue) with the help of a micropipette. Electrophoresis was carried out at 50-55 volts, until the tracking dye migrated to the end of the gel. Ethidium bromide stained DNA bands were viewed under UV transilluminator and photographed for documentation. -1 0 • • • • Analysis of amplified profiles Amplified fragments were scored as ‘1’ for the presence and ‘o’ for the absence of band generating the O and 1 matrix and per cent polymorphism was calculated by using the following formula. Number of polymorphic bands Per cent polymorphism = Total number of bands X 100 IV. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS The results obtained from the studies on “identification and grouping of sesamum genotypes through morphological characters, chemical tests and molecular markers” are presented in this chapter. 4.1 IDENTIFICATION AND GROUPING OF SESAMUM GENOTYPES THROUGH MORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS 4.1.1 Plant height (cm) The plant height varied among the different sesamum genotypes. (Table 2). The mean plant height of the genotypes was 91.65cm. Highest plant height was observed in E-8 (119.56cm) and the lowest plant height was recorder in GT-2 (75.45cm). Based on the plant height, the genotypes were grouped into three categories as short (<100cm), medium (100115) and tall (<115cm) types. Among the 22 genotypes, 17 genotypes were short (ORM-17, Kanak, Chandana, AKT-101-1, Usha, Phuile Til-1, Thilak, TKG-21, T-12, SVPR-1, T-13, GT-2, Uma, TC-289, RT-54, Paiyar, TKG-55), four genotypes wee medium (DS-1, Thilarni, VS-9701, YLM-17) and one was tall (E-8) in plant height. 4.1.2 Number of primary branches per plant The number of primary branches per plant varied among the sesamum genotypes. (Table 2). The mean number of primary branches per plant was 3.75. Significant higher number of primary branches were recorded in VS-9701 (5.46) and the lowest was in TKG-55 (2.13). Based on the number of primary branches, the genotypes were grouped into two categories as few branched (<3.0) and high branched (>3.0). Among the 22 genotypes, three were few branched (GT-2, TC-289, TKG-55) and nineteen genotypes were highly branched (DS-1, ORM-17, Kanak, Chandana, AKT-101, Usha, Thilarani, Phule Til-1, VS-9701, YLM-17, Thilak, TKG-21, T-12, SVPR-1, T-13, Uma, E8, RT-54, Paiyar) types. 4.1.3 Number of nodes per plant The number of nodes per plant varied significantly among the sesamum genotypes (Table 2). The mean number of nodes per plant were 13.71. Highest number of nodes were recorded in E-8 (18.86) and lowest were recorded in TC-289 (8.80). Based on the number of nodes the genotypes were grouped into two categories as less with less than 15 number of nodes per plant and more with more than 15 number of nodes per plant. Among the 22 genotypes, 13 genotypes were grouped as having less (DS-1, ORM-17, Kanak, AKI-101, TKG-21, T-12, SVPR-1, T-13, GT-2, Uma, TC-289, Paiyar, RT-54, TKG-55) and eight genotypes as having more (Chandana, Usha, Thilarani, Phule Til-1, VS-9701, YLM17, Thilak, E-8) number of nodes per plant. 4.1.4 Internodal length (cm) The internodal length varied significantly among the sesamum genotypes (Table 3). Highest internodal length was recorded in SVPR-1 (4.44cm) and lowest was recorded in E-8 (3.26cm). The mean internodal length of genotypes was 3.79cm. Based on the internodal length the genotypes were classified into two categories as the genotypes with short internodal length (<4.0cm) and long internodal length (> 4.0 cm). Among the 22 genotypes, 18 genotypes were short in internodal length (DS-1, ORM17, Kanak, Chandana, usha, YLM-17, VS-9701, Phule Til-1, Thilarani, Thilak, TKG-21, T-12, GT-2, Uma, E-8, RT-54, Paiyar, TKG-55) and four were long (TC-289, SVPR-1, T-13, AKT101) in internodal length. Table 2. Identification and grouping of sesamum genotypes based on plant height, number of primary branches per plant and number of nodes per plant Genotypes DS-1 ORM-17 Kanak Chandana AKT-101 Usha Thilarani Phule Til-1 VS-9701 YLM-17 Thilak TKG-21 T-12 SVPR-1 T-13 GT-2 Uma E-8 TC-289 RT-54 Paiyar TKG-55 Mean S.Em± C.D. at 5% Short Medium Tall Plant height (cm) 113.47 77.23 78.00 90.40 76.36 80.38 100.20 96.40 107.00 105.30 98.60 88.66 88.97 86.14 94.47 75.45 91.50 119.56 77.15 97.00 96.50 77.29 91.65 5.40 14.92 : <100 cm : 100-115 cm : > 115 cm Groups Number of primary branches per plant 4.80 3.53 3.53 3.93 3.93 4.53 5.13 3.13 5.46 4.26 4.66 3.60 3.06 3.33 3.73 2.73 3.60 3.06 2.40 3.06 5.0 2.13 3.75 0.40 1.10 Few high : < 3.0 : > 3.0 Groups Number of nodes per plant 14.06 11.46 12.60 15.66 14.06 15.26 17.06 18.36 15.86 15.86 16.93 10.93 12.86 12.00 12.60 10.80 13.60 18.86 8.80 11.13 13.80 9.20 13.71 1.30 3.59 Groups Medium Short Short Short Short Short Medium Short Medium Medium Short Short Short Short Short Short Short Tall Short Short Short Short High High High High High High High High High High High High High High High Few High High Few High High Few Less Less Less More Less More More More More More More Less Less Less Less Less Less More Less Less Less Less Less More : < 15 : > 15 86 97.64 4.93 85. Identification and grouping of sesamum genotypes based on internodal length.35 3.66 69.53 82.30 2. stem pigmentation and number of leaves per plant Number of leaves per plant 81.97 3.13 75.44 4.53 54.Em± C.13 72.46 75.30 3.98 3.10 Few Medium Many : < 60 : 60-80 : > 80 Many Medium Medium Many Medium Many Many Medium Many Many Many Medium Medium Medium Medium Few Medium Medium Few Few Many Few Genotypes DS-1 ORM-17 Kanak Chandana AKT-101 Usha Thilarani Phule Til-1 VS-9701 YLM-17 Thilak TKG-21 T-12 SVPR-1 T-13 GT-2 Uma E-8 TC-289 RT-54 Paiyar TKG-55 Mean S.86 62.60 71.82 3.61 3.27 3.26 4.Table 3.44 : < 4.73 4.60 3.33 48.66 93.86 81.0 cm : > 4.0 cm Groups Short Short Short Short Long Short Short Short Short Short Short Short Short Long Long Short Short Short Long Short Short Short Stem pigmentation Strong Medium Weak Strong Strong Medium Weak Weak Strong Weak Strong Medium Weak Weak Medium Medium Weak Medium Medium Weak Medium Strong Groups .66 68.06 60.93 3.21 6.85 3.66 94.44 50.79 0.40 3.33 83.37 3.70 3.86 3.76 3.86 3. at 5% Short Long Internodal length (cm) 3.83 66.35 3.66 45.D.16 0.00 65.60 75.33 3. YLM-17. medium and strong stem pigmentation types. T-12. ORM-17. GT-2. RT-54) and three had long (TKG-55. DS-1) number of leaves per plant. Paiyar) and four were darkly pigmented (Chandana. VS-9701. (Table 4. Based on the leaf petiole pigmentation the genotypes were grouped into three categories as dark. Phule Til-1. SVPR-1. Usha. YLM-17. Usha. VS-9701.7 Leaf length (cm) The leaf length varied significantly among the sesamum genotypes (Table 4. YLM-17. Usha.0cm) types. nine were light pigmented (DS-1. Uma. the genotypes were grouped as weak. 11 were having medium (DS-1. Among the 22 genotypes. TC-289.30..8 Leaf shape The leaf shape did not vary among the sesamum genotypes under study. Uma. 4.1. YLM-17. Based on the leaf length. Thilak.47cm. TC-289. the genotypes were grouped into three categories viz. Thilarani. Based on the number of leaves the genotypes were classified into three categories as few (< 60 leaves per plant). Among the 22 genotypes. medium (8. Phule Til-1. eight had short (ORM-17. Chandana. TKG-21. Phule Til-1. RT-54. Thilak.82cm). TKG-21. 4. T-12. VS-9701. TKG-55). medium and light green types. The mean number of leaves per plant were 72.0-10.1. medium (60-80 leaves per plant) and many (>80 leaves per plant). The highest leaf length was recorded in E-8 (11.5 Stem pigmentation The stem pigmentation varied among the sesamum genotypes (Table 3.06cm) and the lowest leaf length was observed in T-13 (5.9 Leaf colour The leaf colour varied among different sesamum genotypes (Table 4.53). AKT-101. E-8.1. TKG21. RT-54).0cm). eight genotypes were medium (ORM-17. SVPR-1. Plate-1). Based on the stem pigmentation. SVPR-1. SVPR-1. Ush. Kanak. RT-54). Phule Til-1.1. GT-2. Thilarani. E-8. T-13. Kanak. Uma. RT-54. T-12.4. The mean leaf length was 8. Paiyar) and 12 genotypes dark green leaves (ORM-17. GT-2. E-8. AKT-101. All the genotypes were having the Lanceolate shape with entire margin (Table 4). plate-1). three genotypes medium green leaves (DS-1. Uma. TKG-21. TKG-55). four genotypes were grouped as having few (GT-2. nine were medium pigmented (Kanak. Thilarani. 4. TKG-55.1. Highest number of leaves were recorded in the genotype Thilak (97. Based on the leaf colour the genotypes were grouped into three categories as dark. Thilak. TC-289. Paiyar).1. TC-289. YLM-17). ten genotypes as having medium (ORM-17.10 Leaf petiole pigmentation The leaf petiole pigmentation varied among the genotypes. Among the 22 genotypes. Plate 2). Kanak. AKT-101. Paiyar) and six were strong (Chandana. Thilak. E-8) and eight genotypes as having many (Paiyar. seven genotypes had light green leaves (Chandana. Thilak. Uma. TKG-21. 4. T-13. SVPR-1. VS-9701. .0) and lowest was recorded in TC-289 (45. TC289) leaf length. E-8. T-12. T-13. Plate-1). T-12. VS-9701. Usha. TKG-55). 4. medium and light leaf petiole pigmented types. eight genotypes were weak (Kanak. AKT-101. DS-1) in stem pigmentation. Phule Til-1. AKT-101. Thilarani. T-13. T-13. Chandana. short (<8.6 Number of leaves per plant The number of leaves per plant varied significantly among the genotypes.0cm) and long (> 10. Among the genotypes. GT-2. Thilarani. Among the 22 genotypes. Em± C.0 cm : 8.0 cm .14 8.06 5. leaf colour and leaf petiole pigmentation Leaf length (cm) 9.0-10.14 8.20 7.14 9.0cm : > 10.57 6.24 7.25 11.47 0. leaf shape. Identification and grouping of sesamum genotypes based on leaf length.95 9. at 5% Group Medium Short Short Short Medium Short Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Short Short Medium Short Medium Medium Long Long Medium Short Long Leaf shape Lanceolate Lanceolate Lanceolate Lanceolate Lanceolate Lanceolate Lanceolate Lanceolate Lanceolate Lanceolate Lanceolate Lanceolate Lanceolate Lanceolate Lanceolate Lanceolate Lanceolate Lanceolate Lanceolate Lanceolate Lanceolate Lanceolate Leaf colour Medium green Dark green Dark green Light green Dark green Dark green Light green Light green Light green Light green Light green Dark green Dark green Dark green Dark green Dark green Dark green Medium green Dark green Light green Medium green Dark green Short leaf length Medium leaf length Long leaf length : < 8.55 Leaf petiole pigmentation Light Light Medium Dark Light Light Dark Medium Light Dark Dark Light Light Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Light Medium Medium Light Genotypes DS-1 ORM-17 Kanak Chandana AKT-101 Usha Thilarani Phule Til-1 VS-9701 YLM-17 Thilak TKG-21 T-12 SVPR-1 T-13 GT-2 Uma E-8 TC-289 RT-54 Paiyar TKG-55 Mean S.D.82 9.06 10.60 8.08 7.69 7.20 0.50 7.04 9.63 8.78 9.15 8.38 10.15 7.54 8.Table 4. leaf length. Stem pigmentation.Plate 1. leaf colour of sesamum genotypes . 7 42.3 3.7 91.3 42.3 41.7 40.0 94.7 1.2 2.7 43.3 39.0 44.1 : < 85 days : > 85 days Groups Late Late Late Late Early Early Late Late Late Late Late Early Early Early Late Early Late Late Late Early Late Late Early flowering : < 40 days Late flowering : > 40 days .7 44.0 80.0 43.7 43.7 86.3 84.3 38.0 80.3 91.7 92.3 96.3 46.3 88.D.0 41.3 94.3 90.0 84.7 92. Identification and grouping of sesamum genotypes based on days to 50 per cent flowering and days to maturity.0 42.0 81.3 42.0 39.7 38.3 Early maturity Late maturity Groups Late Late Late Late Early Early Late Late Late Late Late Early Early Early Late Early Late Late Late Early Late Late Day to maturity 94.3 41.3 39.0 92.0 90. Genotypes DS-1 ORM-17 Kanak Chandana AKT-101 Usha Thilarani Phule Til-1 VS-9701 YLM-17 Thilak TKG-21 T-12 SVPR-1 T-13 GT-2 Uma E-8 TC-289 RT-54 Paiyar TKG-55 Mean S.7 89.7 39.0 81.Em± C.7 39.9 8.3 81. at 5% Days to 50 % flowering 42.7 90.7 83.0 43.Table 5. Identification and grouping of sesamum genotypes based on flower petal colour and flower hairiness Genotypes DS-1 ORM-17 Kanak Chandana AKT-101 Usha Thilarani Phule Til-1 VS-9701 YLM-17 Thilak TKG-21 T-12 SVPR-1 T-13 GT-2 Uma E-8 TC-289 RT-54 Paiyar TKG-55 Flower petal colour Light Pink Light Pink Light Pink Medium Pink Light Pink Light Pink Light Pink Medium Pink Light Pink Medium Pink Light Pink Dark Pink Dark Pink Dark Pink Dark Pink Light Pink Light Pink Dark Pink Dark Pink Light Pink Light Pink Dark Pink Flower hairiness Medium Low Low Medium Medium Dense Low Medium Low Medium Low Medium Dense Dense Medium Dense Dense Low Medium Medium Low Low .Table 6. Leaf petiole pigmentation.Plate 2. flower hairiness of sesamum genotypes . flower petal colour. Thilak. TKG-55) and five had more (DS-1. TKG-55) and three were multiple pod bearing (TKG-21. 4. . VS9701. T-12. TC-289.1. YLM-17. VS-9701. Phule Til-1. GT-2. Plate-3). AKT-101. the genotypes were grouped into two groups as single and alternate pod bearing types and multiple pod bearing types. Paiyar. TC-289. T-13. T12. Thilrani.13 Flower petal colour The flower petal colour varied among the genotypes (Table 6. AKT-101. TKG-55) flowering types. E-8. Usha. 4. Usha. Based on the number of pods per axil. SVPR-1. YLM-17. the genotypes were grouped into three categories as low. T-13. Phule Til-1. VS-9701. 4. Plate-2). 4. TKG-55) had dark pink petal colour. GT-2. Paiyar.2. Thilak. SVPR-1. Kanak. Thilak. ORM-17. Thilarani. Phule Til-1.1. SVPR-1. 4. Uma. Thilak. Based on the number of pods the genotypes were grouped into three categories as less (< 40 pods per plant). 19 were single and alternate pod bearing (DS-1. GT-2. The genotypes Phule Til-1 took more days for maturity (96. TKG-55) maturity types.93). three genotypes (Chandana. T-13. GT-2. Based on the flower hairiness.15. T-13. Among the 22 genotypes. Uma. TKG-21. VS-9701.0) where as the genotype TKG-21 took less days for maturity (80. Thilarani. T-13. YLM-17. where as the genotype AKT-101 took less days for 50 per cent flowering (38. SVPR-1.3). Kanak. Chandana. Based on the days to maturity the genotypes were grouped into two categories as early (AKT101.12 Days to maturity The days to maturity varied significantly among the genotypes (Table 5).16 Number of pods per plant The number of pods varied significantly among the different sesamum genotypes (Table 7). VS-9701.3). T-13. Among the 22 genotypes. Usha. RT-54) and late (DS-1. YLM-17.1. Kanak. SVPR-1. The average days taken by the genotypes for fifty per cent flowering were 41. ORM-17. Number of pods per axil The number of pods per axil varied among the different sesamum genotypes (Table 7. Chandana. Paiyar) had light pink. moderate (40-60 pod per plant) and more (> 60 pods per plant). E-8. Uma. Thilarani. Kanak. T-12. RT-54. T-12. TKG-21. medium pink and dark pink. RT-54. Chandana. Chandana. E-8) pod numbers per plant. TKG-55). SVPR-1. twelve had moderate (ORM-17. nine were medium (DS-1. RT-54. Highest number of pods was recorded in the genotype DS-1.11 Days to 50 per cent flowering The days to 50 per cent flowering varied significantly among the genotypes Table 5). The average days taken by the genotypes for maturity were 88.7. Phule til1. Paiyar. Thilak. AKT-101. Kanak. Chandana. Among the 22 genotypes. TC-289.0). Uma. ORM-17. AKT-101. GT-2. medium and dense hairy types. TC-289. TC-289) and five were dense (Usha. 12 genotypes (DS-1. Paiyar.4. TKG-21. The genotype Phule Til-1 took more days to 50 per cent flowering (46. Plate-2). Thilarani. Paiyar. Phule Til-1. Uma. E-8. ORM-17. Usha. YLm-17.14 Flower hairiness The genotypes varied among themselves for flower hairiness (Table 6. Based on the flower petal colour the genotypes were grouped into three categories as light pink. E-8. YLM-17) had medium pink and seven genotypes (TKG-21.1. GT-2.60) and the lowest in Phule Til-1 (34. Phule Til-1. Usha. T-12.1. (79. Thilarani. T-12. TC-289). The genotypes were grouped into two categories as early (AKT-101. RT-54) and late (DS-1. Thilak. E-8) types. VS-9701.1. Among the 22 genotypes. eight genotypes were low (ORM-17. RT-54. TKG-21. Uma) in flower hairiness. five had less (Kanak. 73 65.0 cm : > 2.40 50.20 2.14 5.08 2.60 63.11 2.60 68.Table 7.93 64.60 49.33 39.91 : Single and alternate : < 40 : 40-60 : > 100 Short Long pod length pod length : < 2.30 2.20 2. number of pods per plant and pod length Number of pods per axil S&A S&A S&A S&A S&A S&A S&A S&A S&A S&A S&A Multiple S&A S&A S&A Multiple S&A S&A S&A S&A S&A S&A Number of pods per plant 79.27 39.17 2.20 39.86 34.60 44.93 2.60 42.02 2.88 2.52 2.12 3.40 46.60 42.13 2.40 45.75 2.28 2.26 2.07 0.23 0.19 Genotypes DS-1 ORM-17 Kanak Chandana AKT-101 Usha Thilarani Phule Til-1 VS-9701 YLM-17 Thilak TKG-21 T-12 SVPR-1 T-13 GT-2 Uma E-8 TC-289 RT-54 Paiyar TKG-55 Mean S.31 2.44 49.60 36.20 43.80 55.13 2.20 46.35 2.Em± CD at 5% S and A Less Moderate More Groups More Moderate Less Moderate Moderate Moderate More Less More Moderate More Less Moderate Moderate Moderate Less Moderate More Less Moderate Moderate Moderate Groups Long Short Long Long Long Long Long Long Long Long Long Long Long Long Long Long Long Long Long Long short Long .0 cm Pod length (cm) 2.14 2.23 1.60 44.20 2.19 2.60 51. Identification and grouping of sesamum genotypes based on number of pods for axil.34 1. number of locules per pod and pod dehiscence Pod pubescence Dense Nil Nil Medium Dense Medium Nil Medium Nil Nil Nil Dense Nil Medium Dense Medium Medium Nil Medium Dense Medium Medium Number of locules per pod Four Four Four Four Four Four Six Four Four Four Four Four Six Six Six Six Four Four Four Four Four Four Genotypes DS-1 ORM-17 Kanak Chandana AKT-101 Usha Thilarani Phule Til-1 VS-9701 YLM-17 Thilak TKG-21 T-12 SVPR-1 T-13 GT-2 Uma E-8 TC-289 RT-54 Paiyar TKG-55 Pod shape Round Round Oblong Oblong Oblong Oblong Oblong Oblong Oblong Oblong Oblong Oblong Oblong Oblong Oblong Oblong Oblong Oblong Oblong Round Round Oblong Pod beak Short Long Long Short Short Long Long Long Long Long Long Long Long Long Short Short Long Short Long Short Long Long Pod dehiscence Indehiscent Dehiscent Dehiscent Dehiscent Dehiscent Dehiscent Dehiscent Dehiscent Dehiscent Dehiscent Dehiscent Dehiscent Dehiscent Dehiscent Dehiscent Dehiscent Dehiscent Dehiscent Dehiscent Dehiscent Dehiscent Dehiscent . pod beak.Table 8. Identification and grouping of sesamum genotypes based on pod shape. pod pubescence. pod shape. pod length.Plate 3. pod beak pod pubescene of sesamum genotypes . Number of pods per axil. Thilarani. YLM-17. Thilak. Thilak. eight were grouped into nil (ORM-17. Uma. T-13. RT-54. Kanak. Among the genotypes. Thilark. TC-289.1. YLM-17. medium and dense types. TKG55). TKG-21. GT-2. Among the 22 genotypes. 4.1.20 Pod pubescence The genotypes varied for pod pubescence (Table 8. TKG-21. Phule Til-1. RT-54) pod pubescence types. T-13. TKG-21.4. E-8. E-8. Plate-4). AKT-101. Phule Til-1. Thilarani. Thilak. Based on the pod pubescence. Paiyar. Usha. AKT-101. Among the 22 genotypes. TC-289. Chandana.17 Pod length (cm) The sesamum genotypes varied significantly among themselves for pod length (Table 7. T-12.19 Pod beak The pod beak varied among the genotypes (Table 8).23. SVPR-1. TKG-21. Usha. RT-54. YLM-17. Phule Til-1. TKG-21. Paiyar. Thilarani. AKT101. YLM-17. AKT-101. 4. Thilarani. Uma.1. . VS-9701. GT2. two were short (ORM-17. Uma. T-12. T-13. T-12. the genotypes were grouped into two categories as having short pod length (< 2. TC-289. VS-9701. VS-9701. E-8. E-8. TC-289. Chandana. Paiyar. Usha. T-12. Uma. T-13.1.Based on the pod beak the genotypes were grouped as short and long beaked types. T-12. Uma. Thilak. GT-2. TKG-55) and six loculed (Thilarani. AKT-101. GT-2. TKG-55) and four genotypes had round (DS-1. TKG-55) in pod length. Phile Til-1. YLM-17. Uma.0cm) types. SVPR-1.Based on the pod shape the genotypes were grouped into two categories as round and oblong. Chandana. TKG-55) and five into dense (DS-1. ORM-17. 4. AKT-101. SVPR-1. RT-54) and 15 were with long pod beaks (ORM-17. 4. GT-2.08 cm) and lowest pod length was observed in Paiyar (1. Chandana. TC-289. TKG-55) and indehiscent (DS-1) types. Kanak. Usha. Plate-3).1.18 Pod shape The sesamum genotypes varied for pod shape (Table 8. VS-9701. RT-54. the genotypes were grouped into three categories as nil. E-8).22 Pod dehiscence The pod dehiscence varied among the genotypes (Table 8. seven were with short beaks (DS-1. T-12. ORM-17. RT-54. E-8. Plate-3). Significant highest pod length was recorded in E8 (3. Phule Til-1. T-13. The mean pod length was 2.0 cm) and long pod length (> 2. Based on the number of locules per pod the genotypes were grouped into four loculed (DS-1. Based on the pod length. Usha. Thilak. Among the 22 genotypes. TKG-21. SVPR-1. Plate-4). Kanak. Thilarani.1. SVPR-1. Plate-3). Usha. TC-289. 4. YLM-17. Phule Til-1. VS9701. Paiyar. Based on the pod dehiscence the genotypes were grouped into two categories as dehiscent (ORM-17. Chandana. Kanak. 18 genotypes had oblong pods (Kanak. Kanak. SVPR-1. VS-9701. GT-2) types. Paiyar) and 20 were long (DS-1. Paiyar) pods. nine into medium (Chandana. T-13.88 cm).21 Number of locules per pod The number of locules per pod varied among the sesamum genotypes (Table 8. 8 48.16 3.5 g : > 3.8 44.30 0.5 g Low High : < 45 per cent : > 45 per cent .0 44.20 3.0 48.2 48.33 3.0 49.60 3.23 3.18 2.35 3.9 49.52 2.9 48.2 44.45 3.1 49.Table 9. at 5% Medium size Bold size Seed colour White Black Brown Brown White Brown Black White Black Black Black White White White White White Brown White White Brown Black White 1000 seed weight (g) 3.D.85 Groups High Low Low Low High Low High High Low Low High High High High High High High High High Low High High : < 3.67 3.18 3.57 3.38 3.2 46.27 3.7 49.13 3.6 48.05 Groups Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Bold Medium Medium Medium Bold Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium Bold Bold Medium Medium Bold Oil content (%) 48.67 3.3 40. thousand seed weight and oil content Genotypes DS-1 ORM-17 Kanak Chandana AKT-101 Usha Thilarani Phule Til-1 VS-9701 YLM-17 Thilak TKG-21 T-12 SVPR-1 T-13 GT-2 Uma E-8 TC-289 RT-54 Paiyar TKG-55 Mean S.07 3.6 48.31 3.2 46.0 44.93 3.27 0.3 47.5 42.63 0.9 45.39 3.51 3.0 47.02 0.8 42. Identification and grouping of sesamum genotypes based on seed colour.Em± C.04 3. Plate 4. pod dehiscence. seed colour. NaOH test of sesamum genotypes . Number of loules per pod. Identification and grouping of sesamum genotypes based on germination.20 4.00 75.25 5.66 96.33 84.13 5.76 8.00 302.88 519. at 5% Germination (%) 94.51 6.00 86.09 344.Table 10.66 89.33 88.86 5.00 93.66 82.00 81.60 7.26 759.00 92.13 500.26 Seedling vigour index 609.46 8.03 340.66 84.57 4.62 6.42 Seedling length (cm) 6.00 73.40 7.66 90.66 72.73 615. seedling length and seedling vigour index.D.93 372.33 80.63 6.33 676.36 7.50 6.82 2.00 590.20 317.42 560.33 5.86 663.81 514.10 6.66 78.93 4.94 618.70 75.49 4.33 82.33 762.01 Groups High High Low High High High High High High High High Low High High Low Low Low High Low Low Low High Less vigorous High vigorous : < 500 : > 500 .18 4.66 93.82 4.08 615.26 519.89 4.40 353.33 74.80 520.33 76.93 399.03 0.66 90.16 7.33 81. Genotypes DS-1 ORM-17 Kanak Chandana AKT-101 Usha Thilarani Phule Til-1 VS-9701 YLM-17 Thilak TKG-21 T-12 SVPR-1 T-1 GT-2 Uma E-8 TC-289 RT-54 Paiyar TKG-55 Mean S.Em± C.14 360.63 202. Colour of the solution Genotypes DS-1 ORM-17 Kanak Chandana AKT-101 Usha Thilarani Phule Til-1 VS-9701 YLM-17 Thilak TKG-21 T-12 SVPR-1 T-13 GT-2 Uma E-8 TC-289 RT-54 Paiyar TKG-55 NaOH test Light brown Dark brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Dark brown Brown Brown Dark brown Dark brown Light brown Dark brown Light brown Light brown Light brown Light brown Light brown Light brown Brown Dark brown Light brown KoH test Light yellow Dark brown Light brown Light brown Light brown Light brown Dark brown Light brown Dark brown Dark brown Dark brown Light brown Brown Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Light yellow Light yellow Light yellow Brown Light yellow .Table 11. Identification and grouping of sesamum genotypes based on NaOH and KOH tests. 26 Germination percentage The germination percentage varied among the sesamum genotypes (Table 10). The mean thousand seed weight of the genotypes was 3. E-8. black.63 per cent.51 cm (AKT-101) with a mean seedling length of 6. Among the 22 genotypes. five genotypes brown (Kanak. Based on the percentage of oil content. six genotypes had black (ORM-17. Thilak. YLM-17. Phule Til-1.4). T-12.1.27. eight genotypes had low (ORM-17. Based on the seed colour the genotypes were grouped into three groups viz. Thilarani. Highest seedling vigour index was noticed in ORM-17 (762. Based on the variation in the seedling vigour. Uma. TKG-21.28 Seedling vigour index The seedling vigour index varied significantly among the genotypes (Table 10). 4. VS-9701. VS-9701. Among the 22 genotypes. GT-2.1. RT-54) and 14 genotypes had high oil content (DS-1. YLM-17.5 g. ORM-17. E-8. 4. Kanak. SVPR-1. TKG-21. Uma.4. Based on the thousand seed weight. seventeen genotypes were grouped into medium (DS-1. T-12. Phule Til-1. Chandana. 4. T-12. TKG-55). Significantly highest 1000 seed weight was observed in the genotype E-8 (3. Paiyar) and five genotypes into bold in size (Phule Til-1. Thilarani. AKT-101. TKG-55) seed colour.. Chandana. Uma. Thilak.4 percent.3 (Thilak) to 40. T-13.27 Seedling length (cm) The seedling length varied among the genotypes (Table 10) The seedling length ranged from 4. 4. the genotypes were grouped into two groups as having low (< 45%) and high (> 45%) on content. (DS-1. TC-289. . Paiyar. TC-289.1. Plate-4). Among the 22 genotypes.67 g).1. Thilarani. The mean oil content of the genotypes was 46. RT-54. Usha. The oil content of the genotypes ranged from 49. TKG-55) for thousand seed weight. the genotypes were grouped into two groups as low vigorous (<500) and high vigorous (> 500) types.23 Seed colour The seed colour varied among the sesamum genotypes (Table 9. GT-2. E-8. TKG-21. SVPR-1.0). SVPR-1. Kanak. Highest seed germination percentage was observed in ORM-17 (96. Usha. 4.1. Among the 22 genotypes.5 g and bold sized with the thousand seed weight more than 3. Paiyar).7. AKT-101.25 Oil content (%) The oil content varied significantly among the sesamum genotypes (Table 9). YLM-17. The mean seedling vigour index of the genotypes was 514. Thilak. GT-2.9) and the lowest seedling vigour index was noticed in RT-54 (302.0 per cent (YLM-17).2 IDENTIFICATION AND GROUPING OF GENOTYPES THROUGH CHEMICAL TESTS SESAMUM The results of various chemical tests are presented for varietal characterization.0) and the lowest was observed in RT54 (72. 4. The mean seed germination percentage of the genotypes was 84. T-13. Usha. brown and white. AKT-101. Chandana. TC-289.03cm. VS-9701. T-13.24 Thousand seed weight (g) The thousand seed weight varied significantly among different sesamum genotypes (Table 9).18 cm (T-13) to 8. RT-54) and 11 genotypes white. eight genotypes were low vigour and 14 genotypes were high vigour types.1.67 g) and lowest was observed in the genotype Thilarani (2. the genotypes were grouped into two categories as medium sized with the thousand seed weight less than 3. 79 Moderate Moderate Low Low Moderate Very low Low Moderate low Very low moderate Moderate Moderate Low Moderate Moderate Low Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Very low .33 3.03 3.60 4.43 3.60 3.58 16.73 3.11 4.31 2.45 GA3 5.02 30.01 35.03 3.47 : < 10 per cent : 10-30 per cent : > 30 per cent Per cent increase over control Groups 48.20 33.83 39.54 35.37 4.20 4.93 2.87 3.63 3.90 4.08 2. Identification and grouping of sesamum genotypes based on coleoptile growth response to GA3 Coleoptile growth (cm) Genotypes Control DS-1 ORM-17 Kanak Chandana AKT-101 Usha Thilarani Phule Til-1 VS-9701 YLM-17 Thilak TKG-21 T-12 SVPR-1 T-13 GT-2 Uma E-8 TC-289 RT-54 Paiyar TKG-55 Mean Very low response Low response Moderate response 3.18 2.13 3.80 5.75 36.06 3.04 12.20 3.75 4.49 4.00 3.17 4.80 3.83 6.92 33.18 4.52 33.48 3.23 4.55 3.86 4.55 29.05 11.60 4.Table 12.78 5.12 3.55 3.12 36.73 3.74 103.98 3.88 4.70 18.80 30.26 4.56 3.3 3.90 4.86 43.94 4.82 39.81 25.25 4.96 4.83 4. seedling response to GA3.Plate 5.4-D of sesamum genotypes . seedling response to 2. KOH test. Based on the percent decrease in coleoptiles length over control. RT-54 and E-8). 4-D. Paiyar) to gibberllic acid. SVPR-1. AKT-101. Kanak. Thilark. GT-2. AKT-101. brown. 4.02%). Phule Til-1.2. and 13 genotypes had moderate response (DS-1. T-12) and eight genotypes were highly susceptible (DS-1. Based on the colour development of the decanted solution. TC-289. The highest increase in coleoptile length was observed in genotype T-13 (103.2. T-13. Plate-5). Among the 22 genotypes the response of nine genotypes was light brown (DS-1. Thilak. Among the 22 genotypes. Uma. TC-289. T-13. TKG-55. YLM-17. Plate-4).4 Coleoptile growth response to 2. Paiyar) and five genotypes were dark brown (ORM-17. Chandana. susceptible (< 85%) and highly susceptible (> 85%). GT-2. Plate-5). TKG-21. Thilak) in colour.86 per cent) and the lowest was observed in YLM-17 (4. T-13.2.2. five genotypes were light yellow (DS-1. VS-9701.3 Coleoptile growth response to gibberllic acid The coleoptile length of sesamum genotypes showed varied response to GA3 (Table 12. 4-D was 3. ORM-17. T-12. TKG-21. Usha VS-9701. Thilarani. Usha. 4. GT-2.36%) and the least affected genotype was T-13 (75. RT-54) and six genotypes was dark brown (Thilarani. Phule Til-1. Thilarani) to 2.. VS-9701. light brown.1 Sodium hydroxide (NaoH) test Varied response of sesamum genotypes to sodium hydroxide test was observed (Table 11. six genotypes had low response (Kanak.4. E-8. E-8. four genotypes were yellow (SVPR-1. the genotypes were grouped into two categories viz. Chandana. Among the 22 genotypes the coleoptile growth of three genotypes had very low response (Usha. SVPR-1. 4. seven genotypes was brown (Kanak. E-8.45cm and 0. brown and dark brown responsive to KOH test. respectively. Based on the per cent increase in coleoptile length over control the genotypes were grouped into three categories as very low response. T-13. Paiyar. light brown. Phule Til-1. TKG-21). and dark brown.96%). TKG-21. (Table 11. Uma). VS-9701. RT-54. TKG-55. AKT-101. and moderate response to gibberllic acid. Usha. Uma). YLM-17.. YLM-17. . RT-54. The mean length of coleoptile under control and at 2. YLM-17. GT-2. plate-5) Based on the change in colour of solution the genotypes were grouped into five groups viz.4-D (Table13.. two genotypes were brown (T-12. Thilarani. Paiyar) in colour. Phule Til-1. light yellow. Among the 22 genotypes. T-12. the genotypes were grouped into three groups viz. AKT-101. Thilak. SVPR-1. low response. TKG-55).14 genotypes were susceptible (Chandana. TC-289. The highly affected genotype` was ORM-17 (92. ORM17. yellow.54cm. Uma. ORM-17.2 Potassium hydroxide (KOH) test The genotypes exhibited varied response to potassium hydroxide test. Chandana. TKG-55). TC-289. six genotypes were light brown (Kanak. 4-D The coleoptile of sesamum genotypes showed varied response to 2. 45 0.12 2.56 0.80 3.60 0.9 4.33 3.49 Groups Highly susceptible Highly susceptible Highly susceptible susceptible Highly susceptible Highly susceptible Highly susceptible Susceptible Highly susceptible Susceptible Susceptible Susceptible Susceptible Highly susceptible Susceptible Susceptible Susceptible Susceptible Susceptible Susceptible Susceptible Susceptible .50 86.71 0. 4-D 0.73 3.39 84.61 0.13 3. Identification and grouping of sesamum genotypes based on coleoptile growth response to 2.57 0.29 75.51 79.11 4.94 92.74 85. 4-D Coleoptile length (cm) Genotypes Control DS-1 ORM-17 Kanak Chandana AKT-101 Usha Thilarani Phule Til-1 VS-9701 YLM-17 Thilak TKG-21 T-12 SVPR-1 T-13 GT-2 Uma E-8 TC-289 RT-54 Paiyar TKG-55 Mean Susceptible Highly susceptible 3.06 3.78 83.08 2.10 83.46 0.31 0.31 2.97 82.10 84.03 86.48 0.63 0.23 81.62 0.45 2.59 0.86 4.49 0.66 81.47 0.25 4.53 0.79 0.55 3.24 81.88 83.73 3.60 3.93 87.33 0.55 0.59 85.93 2.54 : < 85 per cent : > 85 per cent Per cent decrease over control 87.18 2.61 0.33 3.36 89.63 3.75 0.96 77.03 3.55 3.76 80.50 0.64 78.26 80.68 0.Table 13.87 3. 22 100 100 60 87.5 100 100 100 75 86.05 - .66 71.2 Polymorphic bands Per cent polymorphism (%) 66. Analysis of RAPD banding pattern for sesamum genotypes Total number of Primers bands OPP 07 OPP-09 OPP-03 OPA-10 OPA-13 OPP-01 OPA-14 OPA-15 OPA-08 OPA-12 Total Average 6 7 7 10 10 8 4 2 4 4 62 6.Table 14.2 4 5 7 10 6 7 4 2 4 3 52 5. 1.Fig. Dendrogram obtained from pooled data of RAPD profile of sesamum genotypes . LEGEND 1: Kanak 2: Usha 3: VS-9701 4: YLM-17 5: T-12 6: SVPR-1 7: T-13 8: E-8 9: Paiyar 10: TKG-55 M : Marker . Plate 6. RAPD profile of ten sesamum genotypes . 85 1.00 0.86 1.72 0.78 0.94 0.82 0.64 0.84 0.00 0.83 1.00 0.86 0.62 0.76 1.75 0.85 1.73 0.Table 15.83 0.71 0.80 0.80 1.63 0.00 0.82 0.84 0.64 1.70 0.00 0.83 0.76 0.69 0.00 0.00 0.78 0.00 0.65 0.76 1.71 0.84 0.70 0. Genetic similarity coefficient based on RAPD data among the ten sesamum genotypes Kanak Kanak Usha VS-9701 YLM-17 T-12 SVPR-1 T-13 E-8 Paiyar TKG-55 1.76 0.85 0.71 0.83 0.67 0.00 Usha VS-9701 YLM-17 T-12 SVPR-1 T-13 E-8 Paiyar TKG-55 .75 0.00 0.86 0.76 1.67 0.72 0.71 0.90 0. A8. A4. OPA-15. The primer OPA-13 gave the lowest polymorphism (60%). Among these 52 were polymorphic with an average of 86.62) was observed between Kanak and Paiyar. A12.05 per cent polymorphism out of the ten primers used for amplification. Genetic similarity coefficient ranged from 0. Ten random decamer primers revealed a high DNA polymorphism among the genotypes (Table 14. Only one genotype (Kanak) was found on cluster B. A11. A2. A9.2 bands per primer.62 to 0. A6. A13.Ten primers produced a total of 62 amplified products.4. OPA-14. Highest genetic coefficient similarity (0. A5. A10. The number of bands ranged from 2 (OPA-15) to 10 (OPA-10 and OPA-13) with an average of 6. A7. Further. Two main clusters had 68 per cent similarity. two major clusters namely cluster A and B. OPP08) showed highest (100%) polymorphism. A3. OPA-10. whereas least similarity (0. Cluster A was again divided into sub clusters (A1. the dendrogram constructed from the pooled data (Fig. Plate-6).94 (Table 15).94) was observed between Usha and VS-9701.3 IDENTIFICATION AND GROUPING OF SESAMUM GENOTYPES THROUGH MOLECULAR MARKERS Ten sesamum genotypes were subjected to RAPD assay to study the genetic diversity.1) clearly showed. . Only five primers (OPP-03. A14.). 22 genotypes were classified as plants with less branches (<3. Based on the grouping seed keys were prepared (Fig.71 cm.V.8 (TC-289) to 18. seed rate and spacing (Weiss. Similar results of varied branch numbers and grouping of sesamum varieties were reported by Rhind and Thein (1932) and Choudhary et al. hence identification and selection of genotypes with more branching ability is necessary. Similarly. In the present investigation.86 (E-8) with a mean of 13. number of nodes per plant. The plant height is one of the important characteristics. The sesamum genotypes exhibited significant variability in plant height ranging from 75. Based on this variation in plant height. it is essential to ensure the quality of seed materials in the market. the 22 genotypes under study were grouped into short (<100 cm) with 17 genotypes. one should be equipped to identify varietal purity both at seed and seedling stages. sowing seasons. medium and tall. 14 genotypes were with less number of nodes (<15. Similar variation in these characters . In the present study the genotypes exhibited variability with respect to number of nodes per plant and internodal length. The number of nodes per plant ranged from 8. The branching habit has also been affected by environmental conditions. chemical and biochemical in nature which aids in varietal identification. The plant morphological characteristics such as plant height. The characters for which a variety is distinct from other could be morphological.46. In the present study. attempts were made to characterize 22 sesamum genotypes based on the morphological. The plant height might have also been influenced by agronomic and environmental conditions. internodal length. Jain (2001) in mungbean.. Mate and Shelar (2006) in sorghum varieties.13). The genotype VS-9701 recorded the higher primary branches of 5.65 cm. 1995). local and foreign private seed companies. Number of primary braches in sesame is highly heritable and is influenced by the genetic content of the genotype (Shadakshari et al. 5. 1971). This is very much applicable to have a quick and effective check on the quality of seed moving in commercial channels.0 cm). Therefore.1 PLANT MORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS Use of plant diagnostic characteristics to identify a variety has been classical taxonomic approach for both varietal purity and varietal identification. which help in differentiating the genotypes as short.45 cm (GT-2) to 119. 18 genotypes were with short internodal length (<4. 1971). and stem pigmentation were observed and classified into different groups. 1971). medium (100-115c cm) with four and tall (>115 cm) with one genotype. DISCUSSION The varietal description for identification of crop varieties has assumed critical importance in national and international seed programmes and there is a considerable need for the development of reliable methods and identifiable characters for the purpose. To ensure the quality seeds. there is a great need to develop keys to identify varietal purity based on the seed characteristics in the laboratory on the routine basis.0). The wide variation in plant height might be due to variation in genetic constitution of the genotypes as the plant height is controlled by three to ten pairs of genes with heritability value of 40 to 50 per cent in sesamum (Weiss.0) and more branches (>3. whereas it was lowest in TKG-55 (2. (1977). Based on the number of primary branches.56 (E-8) with a mean plant height of 91. number of primary branches per plant. 2).75. Similar classification was reported by Surendra Prakash and Singhal (1997) in peas. chemical and biochemical methods. a large number of new varieties of all crops including sesamum are being released by state and central government. The number of nodes on main stem and the internodal length influences the plant height and the number of branches (Weiss. Ravikumar (1999) in soybean. This grouping is based on the classification of sesamum varieties earlier by Rhind and Thein (1933). The results obtained from the above study have been discussed in this chapter. Among the 22 genotypes. With the introduction of New Seed Policy and globalization of agriculture. the genotypes exhibited varied branching ability with a mean primary branches of 3. Due to the mushrooming growth of seed industry. The number of primary branches determines ultimately the pod bearing ability of plant which will inturn contributes to the yield. Varietal description provided by the concerned plant breeders are inadequate to distinguish the variety at seed level or in the laboratory.0). Muralimohan Reddy et al. (2003) grouped the sunflower hybrids and their parental lines based on leaf petiole pigmentation as present or absent. 5. Similar results were reported earlier by Rosta (1975) in rice. medium (8.53 in TC-289. leaf area or size of leaf and chlorophyll pigmentation plays an important role in the yielding ability of the genotype as the leaves are the food synthesis site of the plants. and Jain (2002) in mung bean varieties. Based on this variation in leaf number. the genotypes under the present study did not vary in their leaf shape. Similar results were also reported by Ezilkumar (1999) in cotton.were earlier reported by Jayaramaiah et al. In the present study.0 cm) and long (> 10. The variation in leaf petiole pigmentation among the genotypes may be due to varied intensity of anthocyanin pigmentation. Rajendra Prasad et al. lanceolate and linear in sesamum genotypes. Similar results of varied stem pigmentation were reported earlier by Muralikrishna et al. (Chakrabarthy and Agrawal. Similarly the genotypes exhibited significant variability in leaf length. The variation is genetically controlled and further influenced by environmental conditions and agronomic practices. Based on the stem pigmentation. These genotypes were grouped into three groups as light (nine). (2003) in sunflower hybrids and their parental lines. (1993) in sunflower germplasms.0 cm). the characteristics related with have been recorded and based on these characteristics the genotypes were categorized into different groups and seed key was prepared (Fig. 1989b). The genetic constituent of the genotype coupled with environmental and agronomic factors might have led to the variations in these characters. thus resulting in variation in the degree of pigmentation in black gram varieties. leaf colour of the sesamum genotypes varied from light green to medium green to dark green. Though. 2) The genotypes varied significantly for leaf number with a maximum leaf number of 97. (2004) in castor varieties and hybrids. Surendra Prakash and Singhal (1997) in pea. The genotypic variation in colour of the leaf is also governed to some extent by the varied response to environmental conditions such as light intensity and nutrition. Jawaharlal (1994) and Ezilkumar (1999) in cotton genotypes. Thus in the present investigation. This variation helped in grouping the genotypes into three categories. The highest leaf length was noticed in E-8 (11. the genotypes were grouped into three groups namely few (<60 leaves per plant).2 LEAF CHARACTERS The number of leaves per plant. Among the 22 genotypes.0 cm) types. the genotypes were grouped as weak (eight genotypes).82 cm). The leaf colour depends upon the intensity of chlorophyll pigmentation which inturn varies with genotypes according to their genetic constitution. which is governed genetically and also influenced by the light intensity and nutritional status of the soil under which the crop is raised.0 in Thilak and minimum of 45. The stem pigmentation is one of the conspicuous characteristics in varietal identification. Jain (2001) in mungbean and Yadav and Srivastava (2002) in chickpea varieties. seven genotypes were light green. medium (60-80 leaves per plant) and many (> 80 leaves per plant). The leaf colour is one of the important characteristics used for grouping of the genotypes. three genotypes were medium green and 12 genotypes were dark green in colour. Similar grouping was earlier reported by Ranjendra Prasad et al. Similar variations and grouping of genotypes in these leaf characters were reported earlier by Rosta (1975) in rice varieties and Surendra Prakash and Singhal (1997) in pea varieties.06 cm) whereas it was lowest in the genotype T-13 (5. All the genotypes had lanceolate leaf shape. The leaf petiole pigmentation at peak flowering stage varied among the 22 sesamum genotypes. medium (eight genotypes) and strong (six genotypes) pigmented. medium (nine) and dark (four) pigmented based on the intensity of anthocyanin pigmentation.0-10. Kashiram (1930) and Weiss (1971) observed varied leaf shapes such as lobed. Stem pigmentation is under genetic control and it may also be affected by light intensity and temperature prevailing during the crop growth. . (1990) in cotton. The variability helped in grouping the genotypes into three categories namely short (<8. . 3 FLOWER CHARACTERISTICS Based on the flower characteristics such as days to 50 per cent flowering. medium (nine) and dense (five) haired types. These characters are also useful in genetic purity testing of the seed lots. Based on the the flower hairiness the genotypes were grouped into three categories as low (eight). The environmental conditions also have selective influence on flowering. Based on the variation in the flower petal colour. Based on this seed keys were prepared (Fig.68 day. (2005) in jute varieties. Langham (1947a) reported that the actions of the genes were responsible for variations in the petal colour of the genotypes. 1971). Stahi and Pandey (1981) in soybean and Mudzana et al. . Reasons attributed for difference in days to 50 per cent flowering among the genotypes is that the character is dependent on a minor gene complex (Weiss. medium pink (three genotypes) and dark pink (seven genotypes) types. Edgar et al.5. The days to 50 per cent flowering varied with the genotypes. Similar results were observed by Kashiram (1930) in sesamum. (1970) in soybean. The days required from sowing to fifty per cent flowering is a genetical character in peas as reported by Surendra Prakash and Singhal (1997). Similar results were reported by Srivastav and Kaushal (1972) in sesame. The flower hairiness also varied with the genotypes. Langham (1947a) opined that the flower hairiness is governed by specific genes. Similar results of varied flower hairiness were reported by Kashiram (1930). the genotypes were grouped into three categories namely light pink (12 genotypes). The genes determine the colour of the petal by developing or blocking of anthocyanin pigmentation. Mohammed and Alam (1933).3). seven genotypes were early in flowering and 15 genotypes were late in flowering. flower petal colour and flower hairiness the genotypes could be grouped into different categories. Rhind and Thein (1933) in sesamum and Bahrenfus and Fehr (1984) in soybean cultivars. Ezilkumar (1999) in cotton. (1995) in fababean varieties.0 days (Phule Til-1) with an average of 41. ranging from 38. Tarasatyavathi et al. (2004) and Kumar et al.3 days (AKT-101) to 46. The petal colour of the flower is one of the important characters for characterization. Among the 22 genotypes. The sesamum genotypes were grouped as early (<40 days) and late (>40 days) flowering types. . pod shape.93). Among the genotypes. 1934). Similar results were observed by Gupta and Gupta (1977) in sesamum. but environment is a major modifying factor and several forms may occur in one plant in sesame.5. 1947a). Bonetti et al. Edgar et al. Based on the variation in the number of locules per pod the genotypes were grouped as four (seventeen genotypes) and six (five genotypes) loculed type. Based on this character the genotypes were grouped as less (<40). Among the 22 genotypes. The genotypic expression of four and six loculed pods in mainly controlled by the gene actions as four locules expression is governed by dominant gene and six loculed by recessive gene in sesamum (John. The number of locules per pod varied with the variety. Similar results were reported by Kooistra (1964) in pea and Sankarapandian (2002) in cowpea varieties. the genotypes were grouped as oblong (eighteen genotypes) and round (four genotypes). Similar type of results were reported by Rhind and Thein (1932) in sesamum and Yadav and Srivastava (2002) in chickpea varieties. Weiss (1973) reported that the inheritance of capsule length was found to be conditioned by two to five pairs of factors with a heritability value of 50 to 70 per cent indicating the genetic influence in determining the pod length. (2004) in soybean varieties. Based on the pod beakness variation. medium (nine genotypes) and dense (five genotypes) pod pubescence types. two genotypes were short and 20 genotypes were long in pod length. 19 were single and alternate type and three were multiple types. pod dehiscence which help for classifying the genotypes into different groups. The number of pods per plant varied among the genotypes with highest pods per plant noticed in the genotype DS-1 (79. Similar classification of varieties was reported by Gupta and Gupta (1977) in sesamum. (1995) in faba bean. Based on this variation in pod length. (1986) in soybean.0 cm). Similar type of grouping were reported earlier by Kashiram (1930).08 cm) and the lowest was observed in the genotype Paiyar (1. Surendra Prakash and Singhal (1997) in pea cultivars.88 cm) with a mean pod length of 2. the genotypes were grouped as short (<2. Yadav and Srivastava (2002) in chickpea varieties.0 cm) and long (72. thus leading to grouping them as single podded with alternate arrangement and multiple podded types. Rasaily et al. The genotypic variation was observed for various characteristics such as number of pods per axil. Similar type of categorization was reported earlier by Surendra Praksh and Singhal (1973) in pea varieties and expression of pod beak character is controlled by the gene ‘bt’ in pea. The pod beakness also varied among the genotypes under study. The pod length varied among the genotypes. Similar results were reported by Rhind and Thein (1932) in sesamum. the genotypes were grouped into two categories as short beaked (seven genotypes) and long beaked (fifteen) types. The pod pubescence varied among the sesamum genotypes. Weiss (1971) reported that each pod shape tends to be a varietal characteristic. (1970) and Tarasatyavathi et al. . 4 and 5). Yadav and Srivastava (2002) in chick pea varieties. Based on the intensity of pubescence on pod. (1995) in bean.4 POD CHARACTERISTICS The pod characteristics influence the yielding ability of the plant. Based these groupings. The number of pods per axil and arrangement of these pods on the stem varied with the genotypes. pod beak. pod length. pod pubescence. number of locules per pod. The pod shape varied with the genotypes. Rhind and Thein (1932) reported that the genetic and environmental factors influences pod hairiness. Based on the shape of pod. seed keys were prepared and presented (Fig.67) and least was observed in genotype Phule Til-1 (34. The single podedness or multipodedness per axil depends on the gene actions as single podedness is governed by dominant genes and the multipodedness is governed by its recessive counterpart (Langham. Mohammed and Alam (1933) in sesame. The highest pod length was observed in the E-8 genotype (3. The variation in pod number may be due to pod bearing ability of the genotype itself and varied response to environmental conditions and nutritional status of the soil to some extent. moderate (40-60) and more (>60) pod bearing types.23 cm. number of pods per plant. the genotypes were catgorised as nil (eight genotypes). Mudzana et al. Similar results were reported by Muralimohan Reddy et al.0 days (Phule Til-1) with an average days to maturity of 88. Seven genotypes were grouped as early (85 days) and fifteen genotypes was grouped as late (> 85 days) flowering types.The pod dehiscence varied with the genotypes. . Similar classification was reported earlier by Kashiram (1930). Though the duration of the crop growth is a genetically controlled character it is also influenced by the environment and crop growth conditions such as soil moisture etc. Yadav and Srivastav (2002) in chickpea and Tarasatyvathi et al. et al. (2004) in jute varieties. Bonetti.26 days (TKG-21) to 96. the genotypes were grouped as dehiscent (21 genotypes) and indehiscent (one genotype) types. Based on the dehiscence characters of pod. (1995) in bean.23. Weiss (1971) reported that two alleles control the dehiscence and indehiscence act by influencing the monocarp development in sesamum.(2004) in soybean varieties. The pod dehiscence is also influenced by the environmental conditions especially the temperature at the time of maturity The days to maturity varied with the genotypes ranging from 80. Mohammed and Alam (1933) in sesamum. (2004) in castor varieties and Kumar et al. . . Paramesh (1983) in soybean. The same pattern of classification was earlier reported by Elsaeed (1967) in broad bean. seed development and maturation.0%) with a mean of 46. in these characteristics. (2004) in castor and Rajendraprasad et al. and Arunkumar et al. Thousand seed weight ranged from 2. Based on the variations in the seed colour. Chakrabrathy and Agrawal (1990) in blackgram.3%) and the lowest was noticed in YLM-17 (40. Based on this. the genotypes were grouped as medium (< 3. Thousand seed weight varied significantly with the genotypes. The seed colour difference was mainly due to heritable characters of the genotypes.5. 17 genotypes were medium and five genotypes were bold in seed size.5 g) and bold (< 3.5 SEED CHARACTERISTICS Seed morphological characteristics are useful in development of varietal identification keys and also in genetic purity testing. Rhind and Thein (1933) in sesame. the genotypes were grouped into different categories and varietal identification keys were prepared (Fig. thousand seed weight have been recorded and based on the variations. Similar pattern of grouping was reported earlier by Mohammed and Alam (1933). Based on this. (2004) in sunflower hybrids and their parental lines. Nohara (1933) attributed the difference between brown and black seed colour due to two genes namely B1 and B2.27 g. brown (five genotypes) and white (11 genotypes). Shadakshri et al. Among the genotypes. The seed characteristics such as seed colour.5 g).5.67 g (Thilarani) to 3. The seed colour is one of the important parameters useful in varietal identification. the genotypes were grouped as low (< 45 %) with 15 genotypes and high oil (> 45%) with seven genotypes.1 Oil content The genotypes exhibited significant variation for the oil content. (2004) in pearl millet hybrids and their parental lines. Muralimohan Reddy et al.6). Weiss (1971) reported that two to seven polygenes were involved in the inheritance of oil content. The highest oil content was noticed in the genotype Thilak (49. Tiwari (1978). (1995) in sesamum. Similar results were earlier reported by Luan and Han (1990) in groundnut. 5. the genotypes were grouped as black (six genotypes). .67 g (E-8) with a mean weight of 3. The variation in oil content might be a genetic factor. The genotypic variation in test weight may also be due to the varied capacity of the genotype to utilize the reserved food material.63 per cent. The variation among the genotypes may be due to inherent genotypic differential conditions that had existed during the crop growth. Seed colour is also selectively influenced by environmental conditions such as rainfall during harvest and incidence of the diseases. . gibberllic acid response test and 2. (2006) in safflower genotypes.5. time consuming. The highest seedling length was noticed in the genotype T-13 (4. Ponnuswamy et al. quick. The findings of the present investigation (KoH and NaoH) which are simple. Sambasiva Rao. (2002) in rice. The variation in seedling length was due to it better quality of seeds of the genotypes (Fehr.7 SEED AND SEEDLING RESPONSE TO CHEMICAL TESTS Varietal identification by morphological characters is laborious. thus. the genotypes were grouped into three categories as light brown (nine genotypes). 5.93 (ORM-17) to 302.6 SEEDLING CHARACTERS The seed germination percentage varied among the genotypes due to the quality parameters and could be attributed to better development of seeds The seed germination percentage ranged from 72. Ashwani Kumjar et al. The seedling length varied among the genotypes. 1995. light brown (six genotypes). the seedling vigour index of the genotypes ranged from 762. (2002) in groundnut genotypes. 1991). The potassium hydroxide test is useful in determining the varietal difference based on the chemical reaction. The varied coleoptile growth response of sesamum genotypes to gibberllic acid (25ppm) has been observed in the present study. yellow (four genotypes). The variation in seed vigour may be due to varied germination and seedling length recorded with the genotypes. six genotypes showed low response and 13 genotypes showed moderate response.86 per cent (T-13). 1973). resulting into low and high vigour types.02 per cent (YLM-17) to 103. The colour reaction to sodium hydroxide solution was obtained in sesamum due to reaction of seeds to secondary metabolites (Vanderburg and Vanzwol. tedious.18 cm) and the lowest in the genotype AKT-101 (8. Very often these tests provide supportive evidence for the morphological evaluation of the seeds (Vanderburg and Vanzal. moisture and nutrients. Similar groupings were reported by Mckee (1973) in wheat.4 (RT-54). . the genotypes were into five groups as light yellow (five genotypes). cumbersome and costly affair. et al. On the basis of colour reaction with KOH solution. 1990).0 per cent (ORM-17) with a mean seed germination percentage of 84. The difference in seedling length may be due to differences in genetic make up of genotypes and selective response to the growth regulator. three genotypes showed very low response. The difference in colour reaction of seeds seems to be due to differences in genetic back ground concerning the enzyme system (Chakrabarthy and Agrawal.41 cm) with mean seedling length of 6. The per cent increase in coleoptile length over control ranged from 4. and cheap for determining the varietal differences in sesamum genotypes could be used as routine genetic purity test. The translocation of food reserves from plant to seed. A number of chemical tests have been developed for varietal identification such as sodium hydroxide test. Similar classification by NaoH test reported earlier by Sambasivarao et al. brown (seven genotypes) and dark brown (six genotypes). Sambasivarao et al.03 cm. 1991).0 (RT-54) to 96. Agrawal and Pawar (1990) in soybean Chakrabarty and Agrawal (1990) in blackgram. Among the genotypes. On the basis of colour reaction with sodium hydroxide solution.(2002) in groundnut and Biradarpatil et al. the genotypes were grouped into three categories as very low response (<10 per cent). Similar groupings were reported by Gupta and Agrawal (1988) in rice. (2003) in cotton and Biradarpatil (2006) in safflower genotypes. Among the genotypes studied. Rosta (1975) and Ranagmude et al. It is capability of the genotype to produce the quality seeds based on the utilization of the resources such a light. easy and reproducible (Agrawal and Sharma. Varied colour reaction may be due to the chemical composition of seed or selective action of enzymes present which may be governed genetically. Based on the differential growth response of coleoptile length to GA3. leading to better development of seed is the genotypic character.4 per cent. 1989. (1988) in rice. 4-D soak test. The seedling length was found to be important characteristic in the blackgram varieties identification as reported by Cakrabarthy and Agrawal (1989b). potassium hydroxide test. brown (two genotypes) and dark brown (five genotypes). These chemical tests are very quick. low response (10-30 per cent) and moderate response (< 30 percent). (2005) in groundnut and Subramanian et al. Similar varied levels of polymorphism have been reported by Multani and Lyon (1995) in cotton. OPA-15. many kinds of DNA based molecular markers such as RFLP..2 bands per primer were amplified. (2000) in groundnut genotypes. The difference between morphological and molecular diversity may be due to the screening or use of limited number of RAPD markers. OPP-08) gave highest polymorphism (100%). the genotypes were grouped into two groups as susceptible (<85 per cent) and highly susceptible (> 85 per cent).The genotypes showed varied response to 2. whereas Bhat and Suman Lakhanpaul (2000). Presently. The set of primers used were not able to group the genotypes into phenotypically intended categories. geographic area of adoption or ploidy level. The per cent decrease in coleoptile length over control ranged from 75. five primer (OPP-03. but showed dissimilarity in morphological studies. Usha and VS-9701 showed 94 per cent similarity at molecular level. For instance.8 MOLECULAR MARKERS Genetic variation is a pre requisite for any crop improvement programme to be successful. Similar grouping was reported by Chakrabarty and Agrawal (1990) in blackgram. The clustering pattern was not influenced by any definite morphological character. (2002) in groundnut. In cluster A. the genotype Kanak which was present in cluster ‘B’ is genetically distinct from other genotypes studied. reported low level of polymorphism among 48 sesame cultivars because of narrow genetic diversity among the sesame cultivars. The major advantages of the RAPD technique is that.4-D application (2ppm).. DNA based molecular markers acted as versatile tools to study variability and diversity in different plant species. their sensitivity to environment and less genome coverage hinders their usage. Based on this. High level of polymorphism (78%) based on RAPD has been reported among 38 sesame populations by Gulhanercan et al. The morphological characters studied can be utilized for identification and characterization of sesamum genotypes in DUS testing. Shivakumarrao et al. Encheva et al. The primers produced high degree of polymorphism with an average of 86. RAPD and AFLP etc.96 per cent (T-13) to 92. The difference in decrease in coleoptile growth among the genotypes may be due to differential ethylene production upon application of 2. . are available which detect polymorphism at the DNA level. PRACTICAL UTILITY 1. OPA-10. (2004). The present study employed RAPD technique to assess genetic polymorphism. 2. On an average 6. Silvanacreste et al.05 per cent. DNA based molecular markers clearly allow the comparison of genetic material of two individual plants avoiding any environmental influence on gene expression. Though a range of plant characters are currently available for distinguishing between closely related individuals. The present study utilized ten sesamum genotypes for RAPD analysis with twelve random decamer primers. it does not need sequence information to start with. higher diversity was found between Kanak and Paiyar at the molecular level but both the genotypes showed near similarity in morphological studies. (2005) in sunflower. The genotypes which exhibited low diversity morphological studies. 13 genotypes were susceptible and nine were highly susceptible. exhibited higher diversity at molecular level. These characters are also helpful in genetic purity testing. 1983) 5. The dendrogram constructed from the pooled data revealed two distinct clusters. It was clear from the study that. The grouping of genotypes or diversity is independent of geographical location and ploidy level or even phenotypic markers. The polymorphism among genotypes can be detected by using random primers variation in the banding pattern of the amplification products which occur because of variation in the length of DNA sequences flanked by the primers. Among the primers used.36 per cent (ORM-17). 4D (Sundaru et al. (2000) in rape seed and mustard and Sambasivarao et al. OPA-14. Among the genotypes. 3. These molecular markers are helpful in assessing genetic purity at a shortest time. 4. As an expansion of present RAPD investigations. 2. Seed keys have to be developed for the genetic purity test on routine basis in the seed testing laboratories. FUTURE LINE OF WORK 1. . The chemical test results are useful in identifying and the grouping varieties and also in genetic purity testing. other molecular markers. The RAPD markers are useful in identifying the varieties at DNA level. chemical tests and electrophoretic banding pattern. To develop and standardize a biographic characteristics descriptor for identification of crop varieties specially for seed industry based on morphological traits. which is not influenced by the environment. further research in this crop is to be carried out on the levels of genetic variation among sesame cultivars using. 3. 71 nodes per plant. four genotypes were grouped as few (<60 leaves per plant).VI. The internodal length of genotypes were grouped as short (<4.0) types. number of nodes per plant. stem pigmentation. genotypes were grouped as less branched (<3. Based on number of primary branches per plant.56 cm. flower petal colour and flower hairiness.44 cm) with a mean of 3.0) and more branched (>3.0 cm) with eight genotypes.0 cm) with four genotypes.1 PLANT MORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS The 22 sesamum genotypes were studied for various plant morphological characteristics such as plant height.80 (TC-289) to 18. The stem pigmentation was used to group the genotypes as weak (eight genotypes). The results of the present study are summarized in this chapter. The pigmentation intensity of the petiole varied among the genotypes. The sesamum genotypes were grouped as less noded (14 genotypes) and more noded (8 genotypes) types based on the number of nodes per plant which ranged from 8. leaf petiole pigmentation. to reveal the objectives of varietal differences in seed and seedling attributes.0 cm) with three genotypes.0 cm) with 11 genotypes and long (>10. SUMMARY Varietal identification and cultivar purity testing are very important aspects in seed production. Seventeen genotypes were short. Therefore. The internodal length ranged from 3. The plant height of the genotypes ranged from 75. medium green (three genotypes) and dark green (12 genotypes). All the genotypes were Lanceolate with margin entire leaf shape. medium (nine genotypes) and dark (four genotypes) leaf petiole pigmented. 6. 6. All sectors of seed industry benefit from the ability to assess cultivar purity and identity. 6. . information on well expressed and distinct characters of sesamum variety should be made available to the seed producing and certificating agencies in order to monitor the genetic purity of seeds. Based on the plant height.26 (E-8) to SVPR-1 (4. internodal length. leaf length.79 cm.2 LEAF CHARACTERISTICS The genotypes were grouped based on the leaf characteristics such as number of leaves per plant. medium (8. four genotypes were medium and one genotype was tall in plant height. leaf shape. seedling growth response to various chemicals and also through molecular markers. a study was undertaken at the National Seed Project (NSP). number of primary branches per plant. Based on this the genotypes were grouped as light (nine genotypes). plant morphological characteristics.0-10. medium (100-115cm) and tall (>115) cm). Dharwad. genotypes under study were grouped into three categories as short (<100cm). ten genotypes were grouped as medium (60-80 leaves per plant) and eight genotypes were many (>80 leaves per plant) leaved types. medium (eight genotypes) and strong (six genotypes). The sesamum genotypes under study were grouped based on leaf colour into three categories namely. University of Agricultural Sciences. The shape of leaf did not vary among the genotypes studied.45 cm to 119. leaf colour.3 FLOWER CHARACTERISTICS The genotypes were grouped based on the flower characteristics like 50 per cent flowering.0cm) with 18 genotypes and long (>4. Therefore. light green (seven genotypes). The genotypes were grouped based on the leaf length into three groups as short (<8.86 (E-8) with average of 13. Based on the variation in the number of leaves per plant. the genotypes were grouped as light brown (nine genotypes). seven genotypes were early in maturity (<85 days) and fifteen genotypes were late in maturity (> 85 days). based on the pod beak. The genotypes under study were also grouped based on the pod pubescence into three groups viz.5 g) with 17 genotypes and bold sized (> 3. 17 genotypes were four loculed types and five genotypes were six loculed types. the genotypes were grouped as dehiscent type (21 genotypes) and indehiscent type (one genotype). Based on shape of pod genotypes were grouped as oblong (18 genotypes) and round (four genotypes) types. Out of 22 genotypes.7 CHEMICAL TESTS The seeds were subjected to NaOH and KOH test for differentiating the genotypes. pod beak. on the basis of thousand seed weight.5 SEED CHARACTERISTICS Among the sesamum genotypes studied. brown (seven genotypes) and dark brown (six genotypes) to sodium hydroxide . pod shape. pod length. the genotypes were grouped into two groups as low (seven genotypes) with less than 45 per cent oil content and high (15 genotypes) with more than 45 per cent oil content. medium pink (three genotypes) and dark pink (seven genotypes) based on flower petal colour. Based on the pod dehiscence. The genotypes were grouped based on the variation in the number of pods per plant into three categories. 12 were moderate (40-60 pods per plant) and five were more (< 40 pods per plant) podded types. 6. five genotypes were less (<40 pods per plant).5 g) with five genotypes. Based on the variation in the oil content percentage. number of pods per plant. 6. the genotypes were grouped into medium sized (< 3. The pod length of the geotyeps was observed and the genotypes were grouped as short (<2. 6. The genotypes could be classified into two groups viz. nine genotypes were medium and five genotypes were dense pubescence types. and vigour index varied among the genotypes. Among the genotypes. The genotypes were classified into light pink (12 genotypes).0 cm) with 20 genotypes. The genotypes were grouped based on variation in the number of locules per pod. brown (five genotypes) and white (eleven genotypes) seeded types.0 cm) with two genotypes and long (>2. the genotypes were grouped as short (seven genotypes) and long (15 genotypes) beaked types. pod dehiscence. The genotypes were further divided into three groups based on the flower hairiness.4 POD CHARACACTERISTICS The pod characteristics such as number of pods per axil. 6... Among the genotypes. whereas. Among the genotypes. three groups were observed on the basis of seed colour such as black (six genotypes). Based on the colour of the solution. single and alternate (19 genotypes) and multiple types (three genotypes) based on the number of pods per axil.6 SEEDLING CHARACTERISTICS The seed germination. nil (eight genotypes) medium (nine genotypes) and dense (five genotypes) pod pubescence types. the genotypes were grouped as low vigorous (eight genotypes) and high vigorous (14 genotypes) types.The genotypes were grouped as early flowering (seven genotypes with less than forty days) and late flowering (15 genotypes with more than forty days) types based on 50 per cent flowering. seedling length. The genotypes could be classified into two groups based on the days to maturity. eight genotypes were low. Based on the variation in the seedling vigour index. While. number of locules per pod were observed and the genotypes were grouped based on these pod characteristics. Based on the coleoptile growth response to 2.2 bands per primer were produced. Based on the coleoptile growth response to gibberllic acid.8 MOLECULAR MARKERS Genetic diversity at molecular level was estimated by using RAPD primers. . yellow (four genotypes). the genotypes were grouped as very low response (three genotypes). Between Paiyar and Kanak genotypes. light brown (six genotypes). brown (two genotypes) and dark brown (five genotypes) to potassium hydroxide test. genotypes were grouped as susceptible (14 genotypes) and highly susceptible (eight genotypes) types.test and light yellow (five genotypes). The dendrogram constructed from the pooled data revealed two distinct clusters. 4-D. The level of polymorphism generated (86. RAPD profiles for all the 10 genotypes were generated with 10 random decamer primers. 6. 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Available phosphorus (kg P2O5 ha1 24.23 295. 1966) 1 2 3 4 B. 1967) 2.9 14.32 26. 1967) ) 307. Particulars Particle size analysis Values Method employed International Pipette Method (Piper.APPENDIX.55 53. 1996) . UAS. flower petal colour. The flower characteristics such as 50 per cent flowering. low response and moderate response and based on the coleoptile growth response to 2. leaf colour. The 22-sesamum genotypes were grouped in to different groups based on morphological characteristics such as plant height. light brown. 2006 DR.CHARACTERIZATION OF SESAME GENOTYPES THROUGH MORPHOLOGICAL. BIRADAR PATIL MAJOR ADVISOR ABSTRACT The experiment was conducted at the Main Agricultural Research Station.K. CHEMICAL AND RAPD MARKERS SUHASINI K. the genotypes were grouped as very low response.S. internodal length and stem pigmentation. .. pod dehiscence. pod shape. number of locules per pod were used for grouping the genotypes. RAPD profile for all the 10 genotypes were generated with 10 random decamer primers. Based on the colour of the solution. brown and dark brown in NaOH test and light yellow. pod length. Between Paiyar and Kanak genotypes minimum similarity and maximum similarity between Usha and VS-9701 was noticed at molecular level. number of pods per axil. Dharwad during kharif. leaf length and leaf shape. Based on the coleoptile growth response to GA3. pod beak. number of pods per plant. and the seedling characteristics the genotypes were classified into different groups. the genotypes were grouped as light brown. 2005 for identification of sesamum genotypes through morphological characters. and leaf petiole pigmentation.4–D genotypes were grouped as susceptible and highly susceptible. yellow. number of nodes per plant. Based on the seed characteristic such as seed colour thousand seed weight. number of leaves per plant. brown and dark brown in KOH test. The seeds were subjected to NaOH and KOH test for differentiating the genotypes. number of primary branches per plant. flower hairyness and pod characteristics viz. N. oil content percentage. chemical and moleculer tests were carried out at Seed Research Laboratory of National Seed Project.
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