Test Bank Organization Development the Process of Leading Organizational Change, 4th Edition by Donald L. Anderson



Test Bank Organization Development The Processof Leading Organizational Change, 4th Edition by Donald L. Anderson Download Here SAMPLE Chapter 3: Core Values and Ethics of Organization Development Test Bank Multiple Choice 1. A ______ is defined as “an enduring belief that a specific mode of conduct or end-state of existence is personally or socially preferable to an opposite or converse mode of conduct or end- state of existence.” 2. value 3. value statement 4. value system 5. value framework Ans: A AACSB: Group and individual behaviors Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Defining Values Difficulty Level: Easy 2. Which of the following reasons identifies that values are important to OD practitioners due to values giving direction and specifying guiding principles rather than exact behavior? 3. Values guide choices about how to proceed. 4. Values provide a larger vision that extends beyond any individual intervention. 5. Values distinguish OD from other methods of consulting and change. 6. Values can help prompt dialogue and clarify positions. Ans: A AACSB: Analytical thinking Cognitive Domain: Analysis Answer Location: Why Are Values Important to the OD Practitioner? Difficulty Level: Medium 3. Which of the following reasons identifies that values are important to OD practitioners as consultants learn to work with the client to develop programs that meet the client’s needs and maintain the objectives and underlying values ? 4. Values provide a larger vision that extends beyond any individual intervention. 5. Values distinguish OD from other methods of consulting and change. 6. Values can help prompt dialogue and clarify positions. 7. Values help evaluate how well something went. Ans: C AACSB: Analytical thinking Cognitive Domain: Analysis Answer Location: Why Are Values Important to the OD Practitioner? Difficulty Level: Medium 4. While the humanistic values are initially viewed as worthy, what is one negative aspect that has been noted? 5. They are too confusing to understand. 6. They are too idealistic to implement in practice. 7. They do not apply to OD. 8. They are too realistic. Ans: b AACSB: Analytical thinking Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Core Values of Organization Development Difficulty Level: Hard 5. Which of the following current values in organization development centers around the concept of working within a function or level, for example? 6. Participation, involvement, and empowerment 7. The importance of groups and teams 8. Growth, development, and learning 9. Valuing the whole person Ans: B AACSB: Groups and individual behaviors Cognitive Domain: Application Answer Location: The Importance of Groups and Teams Difficulty Level: Medium 6. Which of the following current values in OD relates to the concept of creating healthy environments that promote collaboration rather than competition? 7. Participation, involvement, and empowerment 8. The importance of groups and teams 9. Valuing the whole person 10. Dialogue and collaboration Ans: D AACSB: Interpersonal relations and teamwork Cognitive Domain: Application Answer Location: Dialogue and collaboration Difficulty Level: Medium 7. Which of the following is NOT related to valuing the «whole person » ? 8. Respecting one’s feelings as people. 9. Acknowledging and recognizing diversity and the benefits that individual differences bring to the organization 10. Admitting that individuals may need to give up when things are too challenging. 11. Understanding that people can make contributions beyond those for which they were originally hired. Ans: C AACSB: Interpersonal relations and teamwork Cognitive Domain: Analysis Answer Location: Valuing the Whole Person Difficulty Level: Hard 8. OD values have transitioned over time and have, for example, moved away from the idea of « game-playing” to a view of ______. 9. people are essentially good. 10. authentic behavior. 11. willingness toward risk. 12. greater emphasis on collaboration. Ans: B AACSB: Analytical thinking Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Table 3.1 Difficulty Level: Medium 9. OD values have transitioned over time and have, for example, moved away from «seeing individuals as fixed » toward a view of ______. 10. seeing them as being in process 11. accepting and utilizing them 12. making appropriate confrontation 13. trusting them Ans: A AACSB: Interpersonal relations and teamwork Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Table 3.1 Difficulty Level: Medium 10. OD values have transitioned over time and have, for exaxmple, moved away from «use of status for maintaining power and personal prestige » toward a view of ______. 11. confirming them as human beings 12. making appropriate confrontation 13. use of status for organizationally relevant purposes 14. greater emphasis on collaboration Ans: C AACSB: Leading in organizational situations Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Table 3.1 Difficulty Level: Medium 11. ______ is perhaps the most foundational of OD’s democratic values. 12. Management 13. Change 14. Participation 15. Growth Ans: C AACSB: Reflective thinking Cognitive Domain: Knowledge Answer Location: Participation, Involvement, and Empowerment Difficulty Level: Easy 12. The practitioner’s charge, with respect to change, is to ______. 13. help the organization develop and manage the change that it seeks to create, giving the opportunity for participation and thereby transitioning ownership to organization members. 14. to impose the change on the group or demand it of the individuals. 15. contribute to organizational decision-making processes in an effort ensure organizational members are involved. 16. essentially mandate change whether there is enthusiastic members within the organization or not. Ans: A AACSB: Leading in organizational situations Cognitive Domain: Analysis Answer Location: Participation, Involvement, and Empowerment Difficulty Level: Hard 13. Inviting employees to solve complex problems may not be effective if they do not have the skill set is an example of which of the following complex factors? 14. Organizational members may not be prepared or trained to participate. 15. Participation is risky when members feel suspicious of being asked to step outside of long-held hierarchical patterns. 16. Characteristics of organizational structure inhibit an individual’s choice to participate. 17. Increasing participation is detrimental to members if it is not authentic. Ans: A AACSB: Making sound decisions Cognitive Domain: Analysis Answer Location: Participation, Involvement, and Empowerment Difficulty Level: Hard 14. According to Beckhard (1969), the basic building block of an organization is ______. 15. individuals 16. teams 17. applications 18. technology Ans: B AACSB: Interpersonal relations and teamwork Cognitive Domain: Knowledge Answer Location: The Importance of Groups and Teams Difficulty Level: Easy 15. What value, perhaps, differentiates OD from most other management and consulting work? 16. The Importance of Groups and Teams 17. Growth, Development, and Learning 18. Valuing the Whole Person 19. Dialogue and Collaboration Ans: B AACSB: Integrating knowledge across fields Cognitive Domain: Application Answer Location: Growth, Development, and Learning Difficulty Level: Medium 16. Having an optimistic view of people and groups implies that engagements and interventions should be constructed as opportunities for learning so that the organization can learn not only to solve the problem but also ______. 17. think about your own beliefs, skills, and attitudes 18. learn from mistakes based on experience 19. acknowledge and recognize the value a consultant can provide and ensure they are contacted when needed 20. learn how problems or situations such as this one can be addressed next time without the reliance on a consultant Ans: D AACSB: Analytical thinking Cognitive Domain: Analysis Answer Location: Growth, Development, and Learning Difficulty Level: Hard 17. Which current value in OD relates to recognizing individual’s feelings and acknowledging workforce diversity? 18. Dialogue and Collaboration 19. Growth, Development, and Learning 20. Valuing the Whole Person 21. Authenticity, Openness, and Trust Ans: C AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Valuing the Whole Person Difficulty Level: Easy 18. Which current value in OD relates to ensuring conflicts are brought to light in an effort to address them in a healthy manner with appropriate communication? 19. Dialogue and Collaboration 20. Growth, Development, and Learning 21. Valuing the Whole Person 22. Authenticity, Openness, and Trust Ans: A AACSB: Written and oral communication Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Dialogue and Collaboration Difficulty Level: Easy 19. Many organizational practices have historically resulted in ignoring or silencing alternative voices, and this has been especially true for ______. 20. members whose identities were identical to those of management 21. members who preferred to speak up in organizational meetings 22. members whose identities were not identical to those of management 23. members who preferred to remain silent in organizational meetings Ans: C AACSB: Diverse and multicultural work environments Cognitive Domain: Analysis Answer Location: Valuing the Whole Person Difficulty Level: Hard 20. Being authentic means 21. being competitive while seeking status and authority. 22. withholding information in an effort to succeed. 23. telling followers what they want to hear. 24. being straightforward, genuine, honest, truthful. Ans: D AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Cognitive Domain: Application Answer Location: Authenticity, Openness, and Trust Difficulty Level: Medium 21. Which of the following is NOT a way in which leaders demonstrate trust? 22. giving employees information 23. misleading to gain status 24. explaining organizational direction, values, principles, rationales 25. allowing employees to make decisions Ans: B AACSB: Leading in organizational situations Cognitive Domain: Analysis Answer Location: Authenticity, Openness, and Trust Difficulty Level: Medium 22. Which of the following is a way in which leaders demonstrate trust? 23. withholding information 24. dictating practices 25. including employees in dialogues and discussion 26. misleading to gain status Ans: C AACSB: Leading in organizational situations Cognitive Domain: Analysis Answer Location: Authenticity, Openness, and Trust Difficulty Level: Medium 23. Which type of leadership demands consistency in words and actions as followers look to leaders’ behavior to assess whether their talk is forthright and can be trusted? 24. Authentic leadership 25. Transactional leadership 26. Situational leadership 27. Transformational leadership Ans: A AACSB: Leading in organizational situations Cognitive Domain: Application Answer Location: Authenticity, Openness, and Trust Difficulty Level: Medium 24. OD has moved more toward ______ because practitioners are more frequently asked to consult on organizationwide changes. 25. organization analytics 26. organization effectiveness 27. organization communication 28. organization leadership Ans: B AACSB: Reflective thinking Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Changes to OD Values Over Time and the Values Debate Difficulty Level: Hard 25. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a negative implication of OD having a business results emphasis? 26. moves OD away from humanistic values 27. OD would not be holding true to its origin 28. allows OD practitioners to help clients achieve the outcomes they seek 29. OD could near an end as a distinct field of study Ans: C AACSB: Analytical thinking Cognitive Domain: Analysis Answer Location: Changes to OD Values Over Time and the Values Debate Difficulty Level: Hard 26. Which of the following challenges in holding to the OD values relates to practitioners being tempted to quickly and arbitrarily use favorite tools or latest techniques in an attempt to be cutting edge? 27. Financial and economic tensions 28. The push to see OD as technology 29. Management culture and expectations 30. Research Ans: B AACSB: Information technology Cognitive Domain: Analysis Answer Location: Challenges to Holding Organization Development Values Difficulty Level: Medium 27. Which of the following challenges in holding to the OD values relates to a practitioner finding it easier to describe approaches to solving a problem rather than to engage in a philosophical statement about values to a potential client? 28. Financial and economic tensions 29. The push to see OD as technology 30. Management culture and expectations 31. Research Ans: A AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Cognitive Domain: Analysis Answer Location: Challenges to Holding Organization Development Values Difficulty Level: Hard 28. Which of the following challenges in holding to the OD values relates to academia viewing OD as a set of techniques that resulted in certain outcomes rather than if techniques appropriately applied to core values of the field ? 29. Financial and economic tensions 30. The push to see OD as technology 31. Management culture and expectations 32. Research Ans: D AACSB: Integrating knowledge across fields Cognitive Domain: Analysis Answer Location: Challenges to Holding Organization Development Values Difficulty Level: Hard 29. Which of the following challenges in holding to the OD values relates to managers seeking rapid solutions to immediate problems while demonstrating a positive ROI? 30. Financial and economic tensions 31. The push to see OD as technology 32. Management culture and expectations 33. Research Ans: C AACSB: Making sound decisions Cognitive Domain: Analysis Answer Location: Challenges to Holding Organization Development Values Difficulty Level: Hard 30. For example, many OD practitioners hold values of environmental and social responsibility and justice, and these results can be seen as enduring effects of their work. Which of the following reasons of why values are important to OD practitioners relates to this? 31. Values guide choices about how to proceed. 32. Values provide a larger vision that extends beyond any individual intervention. 33. Values distinguish OD from other methods of consulting and change. 34. Values can help prompt dialogue and clarify positions. Ans: B AACSB: Social responsibility Cognitive Domain: Analysis Answer Location: Why Are Values Important to the OD Practitioner? Difficulty Level: Hard 31. Which of the following reasons identifies that values are important to OD practitioners due to the humaninstic nature of OD ensuring growth, development, and learning? 32. Values guide choices about how to proceed. 33. Values provide a larger vision that extends beyond any individual intervention. 34. Values distinguish OD from other methods of consulting and change. 35. Values help evaluate how well something went. Ans: C AACSB: Analytical thinking Cognitive Domain: Analysis Answer Location: Why Are Values Important to the OD Practitioner? Difficulty Level: Hard 32. For example, values can be a point for personal reflection and self-evaluation as a consultant. Which of the following reasons of why values are important to OD practitioners relates to this? 33. Values guide choices about how to proceed. 34. Values provide a larger vision that extends beyond any individual intervention. 35. Values distinguish OD from other methods of consulting and change. 36. Values help evaluate how well something went. Ans: D AACSB: Reflective thinking Cognitive Domain: Analysis Answer Location: Why Are Values Important to the OD Practitioner? Difficulty Level: Medium 33. Interdependent teams, such as marketing, human resources, finance, and so forth, are organized by their respective ______. 34. small business unit 35. function 36. level 37. leader Ans: B AACSB: Systems and processes in organizations Cognitive Domain: Knowledge Answer Location: The Importance of Groups and Teams Difficulty Level: Easy 34. Interdependent teams, such as vice presidents and shift managers, are organized by their respective ______. 35. small business unit 36. function 37. level 38. leader Ans: AACSB: Systems and processes in organizations Cognitive Domain: Knowledge Answer Location: The Importance of Groups and Teams Difficulty Level: Easy 35. Individuals also form ______ groups that are comprised of colleagues, friends, and associates from various departments. 36. formal 37. informal 38. planned 39. unplanned Ans: B AACSB: Individual and group behavior Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: The Importance of Groups and Teams Difficulty Level: Easy 36. One’s skills, beliefs, and attitudes are likely to be ______ as time (5–10 years) has passed. 37. different 38. the same 39. stagnant 40. identical Ans: A AACSB: Application of knowledge Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Growth, Development, and Learning Difficulty Level: Easy 37. Dysfunctional energy is a key indicator that which of the values needs to be espoused? 38. Valuing the Whole Person 39. The Importance of Groups and Teams 40. Dialogue and Collaboration 41. Authenticity, Openness, and Trust Ans: C AACSB: Application of knowledge Cognitive Domain: Application Answer Location: Dialogue and Collaboration Difficulty Level: Medium 38. Which of the following is NOT viewed as a business effectiveness outcome? 39. increasing productivity 40. enhancing quality 41. developing a competitive advantage 42. increased collaboration Ans: D AACSB: Analytical thinking Cognitive Domain: Analysis Answer Location: Changes to OD Values Over Time and the Values Debate Difficulty Level: Medium 39. Which of the following is NOT viewed as a traditional humanistic value? 40. developing a competitive advantage 41. increased collaboration 42. authentic behavior 43. improved empowerment Ans: A AACSB: Analytical thinking Cognitive Domain: Analysis Answer Location: Changes to OD Values Over Time and the Values Debate Difficulty Level: Medium 40. Which content area within the Statement of Ethics discusses serving the long-term well-being of stakeholders? 41. Responsibility to Ourselves 42. Responsibility for Professional Development and Competence 43. Responsibility to Clients and Significant Others 44. Responsibility to the OD-HSD Profession Ans: C AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Appendix Difficulty Level: Medium True/False 1. Values are simple and never seem complex. Ans: F AACSB: Reflective thinking Cognitive Domain: Knowledge Answer Location: Defining Values Difficulty Level: Easy 2. “Improving organizational life for all members” is part of the humanistic orientation. Ans: T AACSB: Group and individual behaviors Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Core Values of Organization Development Difficulty Level: Medium 3. Participation is a “silver bullet” to eliminate all organizational problems. Ans: F AACSB: Interpersonal relations and teamwork Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Participation, Involvement, and Empowerment Difficulty Level: Easy 4. Successful team functioning is essential to larger systemwide success. Ans: T AACSB: Interpersonal relations and teamwork Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: The Importance of Groups and Teams Difficulty Level: Easy 5. Individual employees can often make contributions to an organization beyond those for which they were originally hired. Ans: T AACSB: Group and individual behaviors Cognitive Domain: Application Answer Location: Valuing the Whole Person Difficulty Level: Medium 6. The expression of anger and conflict are not natural and normal reactions to organizational change. Ans: F AACSB: Reflective thinking Cognitive Domain: Application Answer Location: Valuing the Whole Person Difficulty Level: Medium 7. Collaborative practices thrive in a competitive environment in which it is valued and rewarded to withhold information or mislead to gain status and authority. Ans: F AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Authenticity, Openness, and Trust Difficulty Level: Hard 8. OD practitioners can easily “turn on” new values or “turn off” old values within organizations as they engage in their consultation. Ans: F AACSB: Application of knowledge Cognitive Domain: Application Answer Location: Authenticity, Openness, and Trust Difficulty Level: Hard 9. Ethical conflicts do not occur for OD professionals. Ans: F AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Cognitive Domain: Comprehension Answer Location: Statement of Organization Development Ethics Difficulty Level: Easy 10. Humanistic concerns and business effectiveness do not always need to be contradictory objectives for OD practitioners. Ans: T AACSB: Making sound decisions Cognitive Domain: Analysis Answer Location: Changes to OD Values Over Time and the Values Debate Difficulty Level: Medium Essay 1. Discuss how organizational values have transitioned over time. Ans: Responses may vary. Table 3.1 provides several examples that could be discussed in detail. AACSB: Application of knowledge Cognitive Domain: Application Answer Location: Core Values of Organization Development Difficulty Level: Medium 2. Briefly explain the six current values in organization development. Ans: Responses may vary. The six values that should be discussed include (1) Participation, involvement, and empowerment; (2) The importance of groups and teams; (3) Growth, development, and learning; (4) Valuing the whole person; (5) Dialogue and collaboration; and (6) Authenticity, openness, and trust AACSB: Application of knowledge Cognitive Domain: Application Answer Location: Core Values of Organization Development Difficulty Level: Medium 3. Discuss the four key challenges to holding organization development values. Ans: The four areas to discuss include (1) Financial and economic tensions; (2) The push to see OD as technology; (3) Management culture and expectations; and (4) Research. AACSB: Making sound decisions Cognitive Domain: Analysis Answer Location: Challenges to Holding Organization Development Values Difficulty Level: Medium 4. Why are values important to OD practitioners? Ans: Responses may vary. Students should include some detail regarding (1) They guide choices about how to proceed; (2) They provide a larger vision that extends beyond any individual intervention; (3) They distinguish OD from other methods of consulting and change; (4) They help prompt dialogue and clarify positions; and (5) They can help us evaluate how we did. AACSB: Reflective thinking Cognitive Domain: Analysis Answer Location: Why Are Values Important to the OD Practitioners? Difficulty Level: Medium 5. How do you see ethics guiding OD practitioners? Ans: Responses may vary. Students may have personal examples they choose to share. Some information may be pulled from the Appendix of the textbook. AACSB: Ethical understanding and reasoning Cognitive Domain: Analysis Answer Location: Statement of Organization Development Ethics Difficulty Level: Hard Download Here
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