Test Bank Introduction to Sociology Canadian Version 1st Edition by George Ritzer , Neil Guppy

May 5, 2018 | Author: bandapagal291 | Category: Survey Methodology, Sociology, Experiment, Qualitative Research, Quantitative Research



Test Bank Introduction to Sociology CanadianVersion 1st Edition by George Ritzer , Neil Guppy Download Here SAMPLE Test Bank Introduction to Sociology Canadian Version 1st Edition by George Ritzer , Neil Guppy Chapter 3 Test Bank Mutliple Choice 1. Amir is a sociologist who is conducting a research study on the homeless in major cities. He is going to use both observation and interviews as the basis for his study. Amir is practicing _________________________. 2. A) Empiricism 3. B) Common sense 4. C) Practicality 5. D) Realism 2. Sociologists, when conducting a study, follow the ___________________, which refers to a structured way to find answers to questions about the world. 3. A) Scientific method 4. B) Systematic observation method 5. C) Common-sense method 6. D) Overt method 3. The first step in the scientific method is: 4. A) Review the relevant literature 5. B) Uncover questions in need of answers 6. C) Develop a hypothesis 7. D) Select a research method 4. Jing, a social researcher, believes that as one’s educational level rises, so does one’s income. This is an example of a _______________________. 5. A) Theory 6. B) Hypothesis 7. C) Fact 8. D) Concept 5. Surveys and observations are examples of _______________________ that sociologists utilize to conduct a research study. 6. A) Exploratory and confirmatory methods 7. B) Research methods 8. C) Experimental and non-obtrusive methods 9. D) Logistic and rational methods 6. The last step in the scientific method, according to the text, is to _______________________________. 7. A) Review the literature 8. B) Select a research method 9. C) Choose a hypothesis 10. D) Conduct an analysis of the data 7. The Newtonian belief that gravity is the force that causes two particles to pull towards each other is referred to as a _________________. 8. A) Prototype 9. B) Paradigm 10. C) Perspective 11. D) Position 8. ___________________ was a philosopher of science who defined science as the existence of a general model or paradigm, which is accepted by most practitioners in the field. 9. A) Thomas Kuhn 10. B) Wright Mills 11. C) Emile Durkheim 12. D) Karl Marx 9. Mary is a researcher who is conducting a research study on the relationship between college students and the amount of time devoted to studying. She is going to conduct open-ended interviews and library obersvations. These research methods are examples of _________________________. 10. A) Quantitative research 11. B) Qualitative research 12. C) Numerical research 13. D) Quantifiable research 10. Joe is going to conduct a study on the prison population in major cities. As part of his research study, he is going to utilize police reports and census bureau data. These are examples of ____________________________. 11. A) Quantitative research 12. B) Ethnomethodology research 13. C) Ranked research 14. D) Qualitative research 11. When a researcher wants to investigate the cost of university tuition from the 1950s until present time, they will be utilizing __________________________________ as part of their research. 12. A) Prescriptive statistics 13. B) Descriptive statistics 14. C) Inferential statistics 15. D) Factual statistics 12. In order to test his hypothesis that one’s educational level has an effect on one’s income, Jing is going to gather data from one neighborhood in the Halifax area. He will then see how this data compares to data gathered in Halifax itself. Jing is utilizing __________________________. 13. A) Descriptive statistics 14. B) Prescriptive statistics 15. C) Inferential statistics 16. D) Predictable statistics 13. Which of the following is NOT a factor when conducting observations? 14. A) The degree to which those being observed are aware they are being observed 15. B) The degree to which those being observed are totally unaware they are being observed 16. C) The degree to which the presence of the observer may affect what those being observed do 17. D) The degree to which the process is structured 14. The sociologist who co-authored the first real textbook on sociology and studied city life in thorough detail was _____________________. 15. A) Emile Durkheim 16. B) Karl Marx 17. C) Herbert Spencer 18. D) Robert Park 15. An example of participant observation would be: 16. A) Amir, a researcher, watches preschool students who are not aware he is there 17. B) Mary, a researcher, who visits with a 1st grade classroom to conduct a study on teacher- student interactions, and plays an active role in the class 18. C) Bill, a researcher, who sits on a park bench and observes behaviour without people’s knowledge 19. D) Jing, a researcher, who observes medical students working on a patient, without their knowledge that she is present 16. Joe is going to study how prisoners behave in a counseling session, but they can’t see him as he is behind a shaded window. Joe is using ________________________ as the basis for this study. 17. A) Participant observation 18. B) Surveys 19. C) Content analysis 20. D) Non-participant observation 17. Sociologists who gather information from such Internet sites as Facebook, Twitter, and MySpace are utilizing which research method? 18. A) Participant observation 19. B) Non-participant observation 20. C) Secondary analysis 21. D) Netnography 18. A sociologist who lives with a gang for several years in order to understand their daily activities would be using which research method? 19. A) Netnography 20. B) Non-participation observation 21. C) Ethnography 22. D) Secondary analysis 19. ________________________ is a research method that is useful in gathering information about peoples’ sense of globalization in their lives. 20. A) Global ethnography 21. B) Spherical ethnography 22. C) Worldwide observations 23. D) Netnographical observations 20. Interviews are usually conducted ______________________. 21. A) Face-to-face 22. B) Via the Internet 23. C) Over the phone 24. D) Via the mail 21. An example of a(n) ____________________ would be when a researcher asks the same questions worded exactly the same way to numerous subjects. 22. A) Unpredictable interview 23. B) Pre-structured interview 24. C) Random interview 25. D) Integrated interview 22. Which of the following is NOT a problem associated with pre-structured interviews? 23. A) Interviewers often find it difficult to live up the guidelines for interviews 24. B) Respondents respond accurately and truthfully at all times 25. C) Closed-end question limit the responses 26. D) Respondent can lie in their response 23. When a researcher conducts an open-ended interview and begins only with a general idea of the topics to be covered this is referred to as a: 24. A) Prestructured interview 25. B) Unstructured interview 26. C) Preconceived interview 27. D) Subconscious interview 24. Which of the following is NOT a step in the interview process? 25. A) Establishing rapport with the respondents 26. B) Gaining access to the setting being studied 27. C) Gaining the trust of the respondents 28. D) Choosing who will be a part of the control and experimental group 25. Which research method involves conducting interviews and administering questionnaires to a representative portion of the population? 26. A) Content analysis 27. B) Secondary analysis 28. C) Observations 29. D) Survey research 26. A new restaurant wants to find out how the customers would rate the level of service and the quality of the food so they distribute _______________________________ to every table. 27. A) Detailed surveys 28. B) Non-predictable questionnaires 29. C) Descriptive surveys 30. D) Ethnographic surveys 27. A ________________ sample refers to the likelihood that everyone in the population has an equal chance of being selected. 28. A) Biased 29. B) Predictable 30. C) Random 31. D) Pluralized 28. Non-random samples used in survey research may: 29. A) Yield very truthful results 30. B) Create a substantial amount of bias in the researchers’ results 31. C) Create disagreements among researchers 32. D) Lead to reliability issues in future studies 29. Research based on convenience samples is usually ______________________. 30. A) Based on facts 31. B) Truthful 32. C) Exploratory 33. D) Actualized evidence 30. The study by Riley and Ungerleider, in which they examined how a student’s background (e.g., ancestry or social class) influenced teacher decisions on the future learning trajectories of the student, is a good example of which research method? 31. A) Observation 32. B) Secondary analysis 33. C) Survey 34. D) Experiment 31. The two variables in an experiment are the ____________________ which is manipulated by the researcher, and the ____________________ which is a characteristic or measurement that resulted from the manipulation. 32. A) Independent variable; dependent variable 33. B) Exponential variable; independent variable 34. C) Dependent variable; independent variable 35. D) Reliant variable; exploratory variable 32. When a researcher has greater control over the selection of participants and the independent variables this is referred to as a ______________________, and when the researcher has less control over the independent variables this is referred to as a _________________________. 33. A) Natural experiment; laboratory experiment 34. B) Controlled experiment, unnatural experiment 35. C) Laboratory experiment; natural experiment 36. D) Field experiment; dependent experiment 33. If a researcher was to gather information regarding the divorce rate from the census and other government documents, which research method is being utilized? 34. A) Observations 35. B) Experiments 36. C) Surveys 37. D) Secondary analysis 34. A disadvantage of secondary analysis is: 35. A) A researcher has to conduct face-to-face interviews 36. B) The data may not fit the researcher’s needs 37. C) It is harder than collecting one’s own data 38. D) One has to conduct extensive surveys which are time consuming 35. The goal of the WVS survey is: 36. A) To interview smaller numbers of groups to gain valuable information 37. B) To distribute questionnaires to people who live in one specific community 38. C) To conduct a cross-cultural analysis of the impact of globalization on peoples’ worldviews 39. D) To conduct studies which include content analysis 36. One of the differences between history and historical-comparative sociology is that: 37. A) Sociological research involves much more detail than historical research 38. B) Sociologists are more interested in generalizing about society than historians 39. C) Historical data is more accurate than sociological data 40. D) Sociologists don’t include historical research in their studies 37. Max Weber discussed the concept of the ______________________, which is used as a measuring rod to help us understand social reality. 38. A) Ideal type 39. B) Model type 40. C) Comparative type 41. D) Idealistic type 38. Paz, a sociologist, decides to conduct a research study on the violent content contained within television shows in the past five years. This is an example of _______________________. 39. A) Observational studies 40. B) Experiments 41. C) Content analysis 42. D) Surveys 39. The sociologist who conducted in-depth content analysis of news on television and in news magazines is: 40. A) Wright Mills 41. B) Emile Durkheim 42. C) Karl Marx 43. D) Herbert Gans 40. ____________________ refers to the degree to which a given question produces the same results time after time. 41. A) Reliability 42. B) Validity 43. C) Authenticity 44. D) Reality 41. Researchers understand the importance of ___________________ when conducting a study, as this is when a researcher must make sure the question being asked gets an accurate response. 42. A) Validity 43. B) Reliability 44. C) Reality 45. D) Authenticity 42. A well known example of research involving deception and a violation of trust is the study conducted by _______________________, which entailed studying the homosexual activities of men in public restrooms (‘tearooms’). 43. A) Karl Marx 44. B) Emile Durkheim 45. C) Laud Humphrey 46. D) Herbert Gans 43. It is very important that Ethical Review Boards require evidence of _________________________ of those being studied. 44. A) Informed consent 45. B) Uniformed consent 46. C) Educated consent 47. D) Willing consent 44. ____________________ was very concerned with the needs for teachers to be value-free in their lectures. 45. A) Herbert Gans 46. B) Emile Durkheim 47. C) Auguste Comte 48. D) Max Weber 45. Mary is going to conduct a study on the affect of alcoholism in various family structures. She came from a family where alcoholism was an issue. She knows that she will have to do her best to remain __________________, so that she doesn’t let her experiences affect her study. 46. A) Belief-free 47. B) Value-free 48. C) Norm-free 49. D) Attitude-free 46. When a researcher makes detailed notes about the questions that were asked in interviews and how statistics were gathered for a particular study, the researcher is utilizing ___________________________. 47. A) Value-free objectivity 48. B) Adjective objectivity 49. C) Procedural objectivity 50. D) Formal objectivity True/False 47. Sociologists practice empiricism when gathering information, which refers to utilizing ones senses. 48. A) True 49. B) False 48. The scientific method is never used in sociological research as it has been shown to be rather biased. 49. A) True 50. B) False 49. A paradigm is only accepted by a minute amount of practitioners in the field. 50. A) True 51. B) False 50. Observations are a type of qualitative research. 51. A) True 52. B) False 51. Quantitative research does not require statistical methods for collecting and reporting data. 52. A) True 53. B) False 52. If a researcher wants to test the validity of his/her hypothesis, he/she would utilize inferential statistics in order to make a connection between a small group and a larger group. 53. A) True 54. B) False 53. Observations are only conducted in natural settings and include participant observation as well as non-participant observation. 54. A) True 55. B) False 54. A researcher who observes 4th graders on a playground, takes notes, and announces his presence, is utilizing the participant observational research method. 55. A) True 56. B) False 55. A researcher who lives with tribes for 20 years in order to understand their culture is practicing ethnography. 56. A) True 57. B) False 56. Random samples should be used in order to avoid bias while conducting a survey. 57. A) True 58. B) False 57. All experiments take place within a laboratory setting with a controlled environment. 58. A) True 59. B) False 58. When a researcher gathers information from the census, police reports, or library documents, they are engaging in primary data analysis. 59. A) True 60. B) False 59. Max Weber discussed the concept of the ideal type, which is designed to better help us understand social reality. 60. A) True 61. B) False 60. Indira is a sociologist who is going to study the content of television shows in order to understand the violent and sexual content of these shows. She is utilizing the research method known as content analysis. 61. A) True 62. B) False 61. Reliability and predictability are two important dimensions of trustworthiness. 62. A) True 63. B) False 62. A famous study which raised ethical issues was the study conducted by Dr. Philip Zimbardo, entitled the “Stanford County Prison” experiment. 63. A) True 64. B) False 63. According to the text, the best known example of a research study which involved deception was the Solomon Asch study on the effects of peer pressure. 64. A) True 65. B) False 64. Informed consent is important because participants have the right to be aware they are being studied and therefore be cognizant of the risks they may face. 65. A) True 66. B) False 65. Karl Marx advocated for value-free sociology, which refers to eliminating all personal values from all phases of the research process. 66. A) True 67. B) False Essay 66. List and describe the steps in the scientific research process. 67. What are the core difference between qualitative and quantitative research? List one type of each research method. 68. Discuss the key dimensions to any type of observation in sociology. Why are observations such a valuable research method to sociologists? 69. Discuss the difference between prestrucuted and unstructured interviews. What are the challenges and benefits of each type of interview? 70. Discuss the four steps that are involved in the interview process. 71. Discuss the two main types of surveys and the benefits of using each type as a research method. 72. Discuss the difference between a random sample, stratified sample, and a convenience sample and the importance of these samples when conducting a survey. 73. According to the text, what are the three different types of experiments? How do they differ? 74. What is the goal of historical-comparative research? Discuss the concept of the ideal type in your response. 75. What is meant by the terms reliability and validity and discuss their importance in conducting a research study. 76. What are some examples of ethical violations that can occur in the course of conducting a research study? 77. Which sociologist discussed the importance of value-free sociology? What is the significance of this concept as it relates to sociological research? Answer Key 1. A 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. B 6. D 7. B 8. A 9. B 10. A 11. B 12. C 13. B 14. D 15. B 16. D 17. D 18. C 19. A 20. A 21. B 22. B 23. B 24. D 25. D 26. C 27. C 28. B 29. C 30. D 31. A 32. C 33. D 34. B 35. C 36. B 37. A 38. C 39. D 40. A 41. A 42. C 43. A 44. D 45. B 46. C 47. A 48. B 49. B 50. A 51. B 52. A 53. B 54. B 55. A 56. A 57. B 58. B 59. A 60. A 61. B 62. A 63. B 64. A 65. B 66. Varies 67. Varies 68. Varies 69. Varies 70. Varies 71. Various 72. Varies 73. Varies 74. Varies 75. Varies 76. Varies 77. Varies 78. 79. Download Here
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