
TestTrue/False Indicate whether the statement is true or Ialse. T 1. One oI the Iour Iunctional areas oI operation is Human Resources (HR). F 2. Historically, businesses have had organizational structures that separated the Iunctional areas, but business schools have not been organized like that. T 3. InIormation systems that are designed so Iunctional areas share data are called integrated inIormation systems. F 4. The Iunctional area oI Supply Chain Management (SCM) sets prices. F 5. Sales Iorecasts are historical records oI sales. F 6. Accounts receivable are recorded by the Human Resources department (HR). F 7. The business Iunction oI government compliance Ialls under the Supply Chain Management Iunctional area oI operation. T 8. The business process oI Cash Flow Management is handled under the Accounting and Finance Iunctional area oI operation. T 9. When manuIacturing runs out oI raw materials, it`s known as a stockout. T 10. To avoid stockouts, manuIacturers might carry extra raw materials. This excess is known as saIety stock. F 11. The complex hardware and soItware that goes into an ERP system was not available until the 1970s. F 12. The capabilities oI computer hardware doubling every 18 months is known as Gates` Law. T 13. Scalability reIers to a piece oI equipment`s capacity being exceeded and that capacity being expanded by adding new hardware. T 14. The soItware that holds data in an organized Iashion is known as a database management system, or a DBMS. F 15. Materials requirements planning (MRP) soItware allows a plant manager to plan production and raw materials requirements by guess-timation. T 16. The direct computer-to-computer exchange oI standard business documents is known as EDI, or electronic data interchange. F 17. The Iunctional model oI business and management was useIul Ior decades and is still the current school oI thought. T 18. SAP`s Iirst soItware proiect involved developing a materials and logistics management system Ior ICI. F 19. SAP expanded into international markets but kept the soItware in a single language, German, and a single currency, the Euro. F 20. SAP`s R/3 can only run on mainIrame computers. T 21. Old systems are known as legacy systems. T 22. Open architecture is deIined as allowing third-party soItware vendors to write soItware to integrate with the main package, such as SAP`s R/3. F 23. The Oracle corporation began selling ERP soItware; they recently acquired a Iirm known Ior its database management systems. T 24. DeIining the dollar limits on transactions in the SAP R/3 system is known as limiting the tolerance groups. T 25. R/3`s design incorporates best practices, which means the designers have chosen the best, most eIIicient way in which a business process should be handled. T 26. One beneIit oI ERP systems is the elimination oI updating and repairing many separate computer systems. F 27. A large company might spent $1 million on ERP implementation, which includes soItware and training. T 28. Not every company is suited to ERP systems. F 29. SAP`s internal programming language is visual basic. T 30. The return on investment (ROI) is an assessment oI an investment`s proiect`s value that is calculated by dividing the value oI the proiect`s beneIits by the value oI the proiect`s cost. T 31. In the Iollowing Iigure, data is entered into the system once and then used throughout the organization. T 32. Individual inIormation systems Ior each Iunctional area in a company are known as silos. T 33. Silos oI inIormation are also known as stovepipes. F 34. The most current version oI SAP`s soItware is known as R/3. T 35. The most current version oI SAP`s soItware is known as SAP ERP. T 36. In SAP R/3, relatively permanent data about customers is kept in the Customer Master Data table. T 37. In SAP R/3, relatively permanent data about inventory is kept in the Material Master Data table. F 38. In SAP R/3, relatively permanent data in the Material Master Data table is available to only one module, the Materials Management module. F 39. In SAP R/3, relatively permanent data about customers in the Customer Master Data table is available to only the Sales and Distribution module. T 40. SAP R/3`s system allows one to group customers, which is commonly known as an "organizational structure". T 41. In SAP R/3, the linked set oI document numbers is called the "document Ilow". T 42. In SAP R/3 the electronic evidence oI a transaction is called a document. F 43. The Iirst step in the SAP ERP sales and distribution process is the Sales Order Processing step. F 44. Pricing cannot be set or conIigured in the SAP ERP system. T 45. Pricing can be set using condition techniques. F 46. CRM soItware stands Ior Custom Resource Management. This is a specialized type oI ERP. T 47. Global ATP allows Ior searching oI a particular product at multiple plants worldwide. T 48. Returned products to a company are processed more eIIiciently iI the customer Iirst calls Ior a RMA. F 49. An inquiry in the SAP ERP system occurs in the Delivery step oI the Sales and Distribution cycle. T 50. In the SAP ERP system, delivery means releasing the documents that the warehouse uses to pick, pack, and ship orders, rather than the traditional deIinition oI transIerring goods. F 51. The PO Number is a number assigned by Fitter Snacker to track orders in the SAP ERP system. T 52. With on-demand CRM, the soItware and computer equipment reside with the CRM provider; it is not installed in-house. F 53. Good production decisions can be made knowing only the current level oI Iinished goods inventory. F 54. Production planners aggregate products into product groups to make Iorecasts and plans more accurate. T 55. The Sales and Operations Planning process is used to combine the sales Iorecast with capacity inIormation to determine a production plan Ior Iinished goods. F 56. Demand Management in the SAP R/3 system is the process where sales Iorecasts are adiusted to incorporate the impact oI marketing initiatives. F 57. The MRP process determines the schedule oI Iinished goods production. T 58. Supply Chain Management is as much an approach to doing business with suppliers as it is a technology. F 59. In a traditional supply chain, demand inIormation is transmitted rapidly to all members oI the supply chain. F 60. ERP systems are necessary to implement good supply chain management. F 61. The percentage oI the order that the supplier provides in the Iirst shipment is known as the Iirst-rate. T 62. Make to order items are produced to Iill customer`s requests. F 63. The cost it normally takes to manuIacture a product, which is usually derived Irom historical data and any changes that have occurred since then, is known as a structured cost. T 64. Rough-cut planning is a common term in manuIacturing Ior aggregate planning. T 65. The production plan Ior all Iinished goods is known as the MPS, or the master production schedule. T 66. Another term Ior the recipe oI a product is the bill oI materials. F 67. Lead times and lot sizing help a company determine the transIer oI goods to the customer. F 68. Because Fitter Snacker uses large quantities oI oats, the most cost-eIIective way to purchase oats is to buy a Iarm and grown them. T 69. Because Fitter Snacker uses large quantities oI oats, the most cost-eIIective way to puchase oats is in bulk hopper-truck quantities, which means that the material must be ordered in 44,000 pound quantities. F 70. The percentage oI the order that the supplier provided in the Iirst shipment is known as the initial order lead time. F 71. The initial Iill rate measures the time needed Ior the supplier to Iill the order. ultiple Choice IdentiIy the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. 72. Which oI the Iollowing is a Iunctional area oI operation? a. Packaging c. Shipping b. Supply Chain anagement d. Baking 73. Which business Iunction is perIormed by Accounting and Finance? a. Cost allocation and control c. BeneIits b. Taking sales orders d. Plant maintenance 74. What are the computers, people, procedures, and soItware that store, organize, and deliver inIormation in an organization? a. The CPU c. Information systems b. The Process System d. Personnel systems 75. Today`s managers are beginning to think in terms oI business process. A business process cuts across which Iunctional areas oI operation? a. Marketing and Sales d. Human Resources b. Supply Chain Management e. All of the above c. Accounting and Finance 76. InIormation systems that can be designed so that Iunctional areas oI operation share data are called: a. Integrated information systems c. Non-middleware inIormation systems b. Complete inIormation systems d. Linked inIormation systems 77. Analyses that attempt to predict the Iuture sales oI a product are called: a. Sales forecasts c. Sales diving b. Sales divining d. Sales deriving 78. Which oI the Iollowing is an input to the Marketing and Sales Iunctional area? a. Production plans c. Per-unit cost b. Raw material orders d. Accounts payable data 79. Which oI the Iollowing outputs would emerge Irom the Accounting and Finance Iunctional area? a. Packaging orders c. Regulation compliance b. Sales strategy d. Financial reports 80. When purchasing a computer, the Iunctional area responsible Ior handling the Iinancial help Ior purchasing that computer is a. Marketing and Sales c. Supply Chain Management b. Accounting and Finance d. Human Resources 81. When purchasing a computer, the Iunctional area responsible Ior technical support is a. arketing and Sales c. Supply Chain Management b. Accounting and Finance d. Human Resources 82. When manuIacturing runs out oI raw material, it`s known as a(n) a. ShortIall c. Depletion b. Empty shelI d. Stockout 83. results in management over investing in extra raw materials a. Bulging raw materials c. Safety stock b. Stockup d. Excess baggage 84. Which oI the Iollowing is an input to HR? a. Personnel forecasts c. LayoII and recall company policy b. Sales data d. Travel expense company policy 85. The complex soItware and hardware required Ior ERP systems was not available until the a. 1960s c. 1980s b. 1970s d. 1990s 86. The observation that the number oI transistors built onto a computer chip doubles every 18 months is known as: a. oore`s Law c. Doubleting b. Gate`s Prophesy d. Acceleration 87. When a piece oI equipment`s capacity is exceeded, its capacity can be increased by adding new hardware. This is commonly known as: a. Adaptability c. Scalability b. Middleware d. Computability 88. In the 1980s, , the technology that holds data in an organized Iashion, existed Ior ERP development. a. Spreadsheets c. Client/Server b. DBS d. Word-processors 89. soItware allows a plant manager to plan production and raw materials requirements by working backward Irom the sales Iorecast. a. DBMS c. #P b. EDI d. EFT 90. The direct computer-to-computer exchange oI standard business documents is known as: a. MRP c. EDI b. E-mail d. DDS 91. SoItware are individual programs that can be purchased, installed, and run separately, but extract data Irom the common database. a. Nodes c. odules b. Chunks d. Tidbits 92. When third party soItware companies are able to write soItware to integrate with an ERP system, it is said to have: a. pen architecture c. Integrated pieces b. Clip-ons d. Piecemeal nodes 93. Old inIormation and computer systems are known as: a. Dinosaurs c. Legacy systems b. Passe systems d. Aged ones 94. is SAP`s biggest competitor. a. J.D. Edwards c. MicrosoIt b. PeopleSoIt d. racle 95. Which R/3 module records sales orders? a. SD c. PP b. MM d. QM 96. Which R/3 module records transactions in the general ledger? a. CO c. FI b. WF d. PS 97. AIter a company chooses the modules they want to implement, they must decide on about options, which allow the customer to customize the modules to Iit their business to some extent. a. Settings c. Optional b. Configuration d. Tandem 98. Which oI the Iollowing is a beneIit to running an ERP system? a. Global integration b. Elimination oI updating and repairing multiple systems c. Capability to manage operations, not iust monitor them d. All of the above are benefits 99. An ERP system Ior a large company will cost , including soItware, training, and implementation. a. $50-500 million c. $1-5 billion b. $1-5 million d. $50,000-$500,000 100. SAP`s internal programming language is called: a. R/3 c. Visual Basic b. C¹¹ d. ABAP 101. One assessment oI a proiect`s value is calculated by the: a. DVT c. #I b. PMT d. PPT 102. Bumpy rollouts oI ERP systems are usually caused by: a. SoItware problems c. Hardware problems b. People problems d. ConIiguration problems 103. The statistical and logical analysis oI large sets oI transaction data is called: a. Digging c. Data mining b. Hunting d. Hacking 104. is the conducting oI business over the Internet. a. R/3 c. E-Commerce b. ABAP d. SCM 105. Tolerance groups can be set in the SAP system as shown below. A tolerance setting is an example oI one oI the many settings in the SAP system. a. Running c. Configuration b. Switch d. Programming 106. Individual inIormation systems Ior each Iunctional area in a company are known as a. Silos c. Tubers b. Bagpipes d. Separated systems 107. Which ERP package is a popular soItware choice Ior managing human resources and Iinancial activities at universities? a. SAP c. MicrosoIt Dynamics b. PeopleSoft d. J.D. Edwards 108. Which oI the Iollowing modules in SAP ERP maintains production inIormation. a. SD c. PP b. MM d. QM 109. Which oI the Iollowing module in SAP is a set oI tools that can automate the activities in SAP ERP? a. orkflow c. Financial Accounting b. Controlling d. Proiect System 110. What are soItware that enables systems to exchange data without complicated soItware links? a. ABAP modules c. Legacy systems b. eb Services d. Best practices 111. In SAP ERP the electronic evidence oI a transaction is called a . a. trail d. audit number b. marker e. document c. tag 112. A customer calls up to Iind out how much 1000 units oI a product would cost. This is an example oI: in the sales and distribution process. a. Pre Sales Activities d. Delivery and Billing b. Sales Order Processing e. Payment c. Inventory Sourcing 113. A customer is granted a 10° price discount in a large order. This is an example oI an activity in: in the sales and distribution process. a. Pre Sales Activities d. Delivery and Billing b. Sales rder Processing e. Payment c. Inventory Sourcing 114. A customer's order is checked to see iI it can be produced and delivered by the requested date. This is an example oI: in the sales and distribution process. a. Pre Sales Activities d. Delivery and Billing b. Sales Order Processing e. Payment c. Inventory Sourcing 115. A customer's documents are released to the warehouse so that the goods can be gathered, packed and boxed. This is an example oI: in the sales and distribution process. a. Pre Sales Activities d. Delivery and Billing b. Sales Order Processing e. Payment c. Inventory Sourcing 116. A customer's remittance causes Cash to be debited and Accounts Receivable to be credited. This is an example oI: in the sales and distribution process. a. Pre Sales Activities d. Delivery and Billing b. Sales Order Processing e. Payment c. Inventory Sourcing 117. In SAP ERP, the history oI a transaction (such as a sales order) can be researched by looking at its . a. Trail mix d. Material Master Data b. Transaction index e. Sales Master Data c. Document flow 118. What kind oI soItware can give top management an overview oI a company's complete relationship with a customer? a. One to One Marketing SoItware b. Open Relationship SoItware c. Denouement SoItware d. Customer #elationship anagement Software e. Supply Chain Management SoItware 119. In the sales order process, there is a number used in the SAP ERP sales order that in a paper process would be pre-printed on the sales document, usually in sequential number order. It`s assigned by the customer to the sales order. What is this number? a. Customer ID c. Material Number b. Purchase rder Number d. Billing Code 120. Setting prices Ior customers can be very complex. SAP helps by oIIering a control mechanism, called , to determine how much to charge a given customer Ior a given product. a. Pricing Variance c. Condition Technique b. Price Fixing d. Fluctuation 121. The system communicates with SAP ERP, BW, and APO systems in developing and executing its plans. a. PPO c. C# b. SSA d. GUp 122. This soItware can automatically route customers who contact the company to a sales representative. Companies can use this soItware to Iorecast customer needs. a. Marketing encyclopedias c. One-to-one marketing b. Sales campaign management d. Sales force automation 123. The SAP ERP system allows users to deIine various ways to group customers and salespeople. These groups are called . a. rganizational structures c. Document Ilows b. Master data d. Audit trails 124. In CRM, the soItware and equipment reside with the CRM provider; it is not installed in-house. a. Walk-up c. Internet b. n-demand d. ERP 125. Which oI the Iollowing are beneIits to CRM? a. Lower costs b. Higher revenue c. Improved strategy and perIormance measurement d. All of the above 126. A make-to-stock production system is one where: a. Items are made for inventory in anticipation of sales orders b. Items are produced to Iill speciIic customer orders c. Items are assembled Ior a speciIic customer order Irom an inventory oI components d. Both a and c 127. An unexpected increase in product demand can lead to: a. A depletion oI Iinished goods inventories b. A depletion oI raw materials inventories c. Increased overtime and transportation expenses d. Both a and b e. All of the above The Fitter Snacker company sold 6,435 cases oI snack bars in June oI the previous year. They are expecting sales to increase by 3° this year. In addition, they are launching a promotional campaign in May, which they expect will increase sales in June by an additional 500 cases. 128. What is the sales Iorecast Ior June oI this year that Fitter Snacker should use? a. 6,628 c. 6,935 b. 7.128 d. 7,143 Fitter Snacker can produce 333.3 cases oI snack bars per day during the standard 8-hour work week. They can work 2 hours oI overtime per weekday, plus 4 hours on Saturday. They are developing an SOP Ior a month with 23 weekdays and 4 Saturdays. 129. What is the maximum number oI cases they can produce in the month iI they schedule workers Ior overtime on the weekdays only? a. 7,666 c. 9,582 b. 9.199 d. 10,249 130. What is the maximum number oI cases they can produce in the month iI they schedule workers Ior overtime on weekdays and Saturdays? a. 7,666 c. 9,582 b. 9,199 d. 10.249 131. The production plan at Fitter Snacker calls Ior 4,134 cases oI snack bars in January. II there are 22 days in the month, how many cases oI snack bars should be produced in a 4-day week? a. 188 c. 940 b. 752 d. 1034 Fitter Snacker orders oats in 44,000 lb. batches. Given the Iollowing (incomplete) MRP record: Oats Lead Time = 2 weeks Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Gross Requirements (Ib) 18,000 24,323 24,872 18,464 17,938 $.eduIed Re.eipts 44,000 !Ianned Re.eipts On Hand 23,635 5,635 25,312 440 !Ianned Orders 132. What Planned Orders will the MRP logic create: a. An order for 44.000 units in Period 2 b. An order Ior 44,000 units in Period 3 c. An order Ior 44,000 units Ior periods 2 and 3 d. An order Ior 88,000 units Ior period 3 133. What will the On Hand inventory be in Period 5 aIter the system calculated planned orders? a. 0 c. 8.038 b. 440 d. 14,038 134. AIter MRP is run in the SAP R/3 system: a. The stock/requirements list and #P list are both updated and show the same information. b. The MRP list is updated but the stock/requirements list is unaIIected. c. The stock/requirements list is updated but the MRP list is unaIIected d. None oI the above. 135. In detailed production scheduling, longer production runs oI a particular product: a. Increase the available capacity by reducing the Irequency oI setups. b. Increases Iinished goods inventory levels. c. Reduces Iinished goods inventory levels. d. Both a and b. e. Both a and c. 136. The order oI the steps in the SAP R/3 production planning process are: a. Sales Forecasting, Demand Management, Sales and Operations Planning, MRP b. Sales Forecasting, Demand Planning, Demand Management, MRP c. Sales and Operations Planning, Sales Forecasting, MRP, Demand Management d. Sales Forecasting. Sales and perations Planning. Demand anagement. #P 137. The production plan Ior Fitter Snacker calls Ior 7000 cases Ior the snack bar product group in June. II the snack bar product group consists oI NRG-A and NRG-B bars with the proportion 70° NRG-A bars and 30° NRG-B bars, how many NRG-A bars should be produced in June? a. 500 c. 4690 b. 2010 d. 7000 138. The costs it normally takes to manuIacture a product, which is calculated Irom historical costs and any changes Irom that, are known as: a. Standard costs c. Known costs b. Abbreviated costs d. Estimated costs 139. are disaggregated to generate detailed production schedules. a. Bills oI materials c. Internet sales orders b. Production runs d. #ough-cut plans 140. What is the production plan Ior all Iinished goods? a. PS - master production schedule c. PPR - production planning run b. QQR - quality query run d. RUN - run 141. What process answers the question 'What do we need to order to produce the product, and when do we need to order these raw materials?¨ a. SF - sales Iorecasting c. #P - materials requirements planning b. SOP - sales and operations planning d. DS - detailed scheduling 142. What metric tracks the number oI times a supplier meets the agreed upon delivery date? a. Initial Iill rate c. n-time performance b. Initial order lead time d. cash-to-cash cycle time 143. In the Iollowing diagram, what is A? a. MRP c. Starting Inventory b. Sales Forecasting d. Detailed Scheduling 144. In the Iollowing Iigure, what is B? a. Starting Inventory c. Sales Forecasting b. Detailed Scheduling d. MRP 145. In the Iollowing Iigure, what is C? a. Starting Inventory c. MRP b. Sales Forecasting d. Detailed Scheduling 146. In the Iollowing Iigure, what is D? a. Starting Inventory c. Sales Forecasting b. Detailed Scheduling d. #P 147. What stage oI the production planning process splits Fitter Snacker`s monthly production planning values into Iiner time periods? a. Sales Forecasting c. MRP b. BOM d. Demand anagement test2 True/False Indicate whether the statement is true or Ialse. T 1. An income statement shows a company's proIit or loss in a period. F 2. When a company has an ERP system it no longer needs a general ledger. T 3. When a company has an ERP system the general ledger is maintained by the ERP system. F 4. The SAP ERP system has a module called Accounting and Finance. T 5. In SAP ERP access to general ledger accounts is spread over many modules. F 6. In a manuIactured item, the cost oI heating the plant would be considered part oI the item's raw materials. T 7. In a manuIactured item, the cost oI heating the plant would be considered part oI the item's overhead. F 8. Using standard costs to accumulate manuIacturing costs means that the company does not have to keep track oI actual manuIacturing costs. T 9. Activity based costing is a way oI treating overhead costs more like direct costs. T 10. Activity based costing means keeping track oI instances oI activities as well as their costs. T 11. Having ERP will let a company use more cost allocation bases. F 12. Having ERP will require a company to restrict the number oI cost allocation bases. T 13. In an ERP system, data does not Ilow Irom one module to another. T 14. In SAP ERP an event's "document Ilow" can be accessed Irom any SAP ERP screen. T 15. SAP ERP's management reporting tools use data in data warehouses. F 16. The capability oI viewing summary inIormation and then being able to look at details behind the summary is known as data mining. T 17. The US Congress passed the Sarbanes-Oxley Act oI 2002 in response to the Iraud and abuse in the Enron collapse. F 18. An ERP system could have prevented all Iraud at Enron. F 19. It`s very easy to delete items in the ERP system. T 20. User authorizations help prevent Iraud and abuse by employees paying Iictitious vendors. T 21. Tolerance groups allow Ior limiting the authority oI employees over certain amounts oI transactions. T 22. The Iollowing is an example oI Fitter Snacker`s Balance Sheet. F 23. The Iollowing is an example oI Fitter Snacker`s Income Statement. F 24. The Iollowing is an example oI Fitter Snacker`s Balance Sheet. T 25. The Iollowing is an example oI Fitter Snacker`s Income Statement. T 26. Another name Ior an income statement is a proIit and loss statement. T 27. In an ERP system, the balance sheet and P&L statements are database reports. T 28. Managerial accounting deals with determining the costs and proIitability oI the company`s activities. T 29. In the SAP ERP system, inputs to the general ledger occur simultaneously with input oI business transactions to the various modules. T 30. The Iollowing SAP screen is an example oI document Ilow. F 31. The Iollowing screen in SAP is an example oI production planning. T 32. The key Ieature oI any ERP system is the ability to drill down Irom a report to the source documents (transactions) that created it. T 33. The tasks associated with managing a company's workIorce is now known as human capital management or HCM. F 34. The responsibilities oI an HR department include manuIacturing oI goods and purchasing raw materials. T 35. Hiring costs Ior an employee can reach as high as $70,000. F 36. Sabermetrics is the statistical technique that universities use to accept students into their college programs. F 37. Succession planning should be perIormed on every employee in the company. T 38. Any abstract representation oI a process is known as a process model. F 39. A graphical representation oI the movement or Ilow oI concrete or abstract items is a spreadsheet. T 40. The term process mapping is used interchangeably with Ilowcharting. F 41. An assessment oI disparities between an organization's current situation and its long- term goals is known as a swimlane assessment. T 42. Process boundaries deIine which activities are to be included in the process. F 43. ERP soItware such as SAP has many business applications but none oI them support business processes. F 44. In Ilowchart analysis, each activity in the process is analyzed Ior the value it adds to the product or service. T 45. Dynamic process modeling takes a basic process Ilowchart and puts it into motion using computer simulation. F 46. SoItware programs that automate the execution oI business processes and address all aspects oI the process are called ERP Wizards. F 47. Organizational change management is a trivial part oI the implementation process. F 48. EDI cannot be perIormed on the Internet. T 49. Internet based procurement includes trade exchanges among companies competing Ior the same market. F 50. Dynamic pricing is enabling more middlemen to get iobs Iacilitating buying and selling oI goods on the Internet. T 51. To be connected any time Irom any place to the back-oIIice system can provide a competitive advantage. F 52. A company that provides the management oI applications Ior a company over a network is called a BOP, a back-oIIice provider. T 53. ASPs are experts in delivering IS applications. T 54. A portal is a customized Web site that serves as a home base Ior individual workers. F 55. Web services are shops on the Internet where consumers can buy a variety oI items. F 56. XML is similar to HTML in that it only describes the display oI the inIormation on a web page. T 57. An RFID is a small tag that includes a microprocessor and an antenna. F 58. The best way Ior a university to run a large ERP package like SAP Ior education purposes only (i.e. teaching in the classroom and labs) would be to run an ASP. ultiple Choice IdentiIy the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. 59. Periodically, companies summarize the balances in the books oI account. This process is called: . a. Cost accounting d. Closing the books b. Account closure e. Statement wrap-up c. Periodic closure 60. Assume a company records its transactions in an ERP system. On the shop Iloor, a production run has iust been Iinished and the Iinished goods are transIerred to the warehouse Ior storage. What would a likely way be to tell the ERP system about this event? a. The bar codes on the goods are scanned as they enter the warehouse. The data generated is passed to the E#P database electronically. b. A Production clerk summarizes the data in an Excel spreadsheet and sends the spreadsheet to Accounting. An Accounting clerk enters the data Irom the spreadsheet into the ERP program's Materials and Production modules. c. The bar codes on the goods are scanned as they come oII the production line. The data generated is passed to the ERP system's Production module electronically. Then bar codes on the goods are scanned as they enter the warehouse. The data generated is passed to the ERP database electronically. 61. A specialized database used Ior data analysis purposes is called a: . a. data warehouse d. document pile b. drill down store e. data union c. document Ilow 62. Which Iinancial statement shows account balances such as, cash held, amounts owed to the company by customers, the cost oI raw materials and Iinished goods inventory? a. Income statement c. Tolerance group b. Balance sheet d. Year end report 63. Assume that a buyer calls a seller to order $3,000 worth oI goods and her credit limit is $10,000. II the sellers accounts receivable is already $8,500, how much oI the new order will be accepted? a. The entire amount c. No amount b. $1.500 only d. $10,000 only 64. are oIten allocated based on total machine hours or total labor hours. a. Direct costs c. verhead costs b. Plant costs d. Manmade costs 65. In , activities associated with overhead cost generation are identiIied and then records are kept on the costs and on the activities. a. ABC. activity-based costing c. ROTM, run oI the mill costing b. BOC, backoIIice costing d. POC, plant operation costing 66. Each transaction in SAP ERP gets its own unique number. This is known as: . a. Uniqueness numbering c. Auditing codes b. Document flow d. Unique codes 67. This is Fitter Snacker`s . a. Balance Sheet c. Credit Report b. Income Statement d. Document Flow 68. This is Fitter Snacker`s . a. Balance Sheet c. Credit Report b. Income Statement d. Document Flow 69. Another name Ior an income statement is a . a. Credit c. Sales b. Profit and Loss d. Revenue 70. In an ERP system, the balance sheet and P&L statements are: . a. Generated yearly c. #eports b. Not available d. Modules 71. What is the advantage to credit management in SAP ERP? a. Marketing and Sales get weekly reports c. Payments are posted daily b. The data is in real-time d. There is no advantage 72. Given that the cost oI manuIacturing NRG-A bars is $0.72 per bar, how much does FS need to charge to make a proIit oI $0.25? a. $1.00 c. $0.97 b. $0.99 d. $1.25 73. For Fitter Snacker, the sum oI direct materials, production overhead, and direct labor is the . a. C - cost of goods manufactured c. COGP - cost oI goods produced b. COGS - cost oI goods sold d. COGS - cost oI goods shipped 74. The Iollowing screen in SAP is an example oI . a. Production Planning c. Document Flow b. MRP d. ConIiguration Settings 75. The two key pieces oI inIormation Ior a cost analysis is the direct material and the direct . a. Labor c. Driver b. Overhead d. Selling cost 76. II Fitter Snacker`s cost oI making a case oI bars is $209.82, and there are 24 bars to a box and 12 boxes to a case, how much money does it cost Fitter Snacker to make each individual bar? a. $17.49 c. $8.74 b. $1.00 d. $0.72 77. The tasks associated with managing a company's workIorce is now known as . a. Human capital management c. WorkIorce management b. Resource management d. Hiring management 78. The iob oI managing salary beneIits provided to each employee and conIirming that the proper beneIits are disbursed to new and current employees Ialls under the department. a. Accounting and Finance c. Individual b. Human #esources d. Administrative 79. To record employee working times, SAP ERP uses . a. Punched cards c. CATS (cross application time sheets) b. RFIDs d. Multiple databases 80. The parts oI an employee's pay that is comprised oI base pay, bonuses, gratuities, overtime, sick pay , and vacation allowances are known as . a. Payroll run c. Voluntary deductions b. Statutory deductions d. #emuneration elements 81. are skills or abilities associated with a position, while are skills or abilities associated with a speciIic employee. a. QualiIications, requirements c. Duties, tasks b. #equirements. qualifications d. Tasks, duties 82. A plan Ior replacing key employees is known as a . a. Duty roster c. Succession plan b. Replacement circular d. Reincarnation study 83. SAP's ERP helps the administration oI employees taking time oII under a government act that allows compensation Ior Iamily and medical problems. This act, passed in 1993, is the . a. FIA c. FLA b. QOTA d. PROBA 84. Which Iunctional part oI the organization communicates changes in salaries, beneIits and policies to employees? a. Sales and Marketing c. Accounting and Finance b. Supply Chain Management d. Human #esources 85. What is the source oI Fitter Snacker`s problems with Human Resources? a. Inaccurate inIormation c. Inconsistent inIormation b. Out-oI-date inIormation d. All of the above 86. What is the name oI the group oI candidates selected to be interviewed by Fitter Snacker Ior a particular position? For example, assume 20 applicants applied and only 3 were selected to be interviewed. a. Short list c. Final Three b. Select group d. Applicants 87. What does the acronym, CpH stand Ior? a. Cost per Health Care Employee c. Cost per Head b. Cost per Hire d. Cost per Healthy Worker 88. In February 2007, a Iederal appeals court approved class-action status Ior a discrimination lawsuit brought by seven women against the retailer, . a. al-art c. Sears b. Target d. K-Mart 89. The process oI determining each employee`s pay is called a . a. Payroll run c. Cash-out b. Weekly round-up d. Remunerations session 90. The SAP ERP system evaluates the input data to payroll and notes any discrepancies in a(n) . a. Payroll report c. Discrepancy list b. Error log d. OII-target list 91. An outgrowth oI the (reIerenced in Chapter 5) is that companies must account Ior the expected costs that occur as a result oI long-term incentives such as the exercising oI stock options. a. Income Statement c. Consolidated statements b. Balance Sheet d. Sarbanes-ley Act 92. A graphical representation oI a business process is known best as a . a. Subiect c. Flowchart b. Morh d. Dia-process 93. When doing process mapping, one oI the most important tasks is to deIine the . These deIine which activities are to be included in the process. a. Scales c. Legends b. Process boundaries d. Scopes 94. Beyond the simple tools oI Ilowcharting, a helpIul tool called allows one to describe a business process in greater or less detail depending on the task at hand. a. Hierarchical modeling c. Detail Iocused charting b. Drill down staging d. MagniIying glass charting 95. A deployment Ilowchart is also known as a . a. Event process chain Ilowchart c. ERP Ilowchart b. Swimlane flowchart d. Best practices Ilowchart 96. In value analysis, which oI the Iollowing activities should be eliminated? a. Real value c. No value b. Business value 97. In value analysis, which oI the Iollowing activities is deIined as value Ior which the customer is willing to pay? a. #eal value c. No value b. Business value 98. Which soItware program automates the execution oI business processes? a. SAP Wizard c. orkflow b. ASAP d. Swimlane 99. Which oI the Iollowing is NOT a reason Ior companies to sell their products via B-to- C e-commerce? a. Web transactions allow a company to use data-mining techniques to record and analyze customer inIormation. b. E-commerce allows companies to be more eIIicient and streamline operations. c. E-commerce provides no incentives for customers to order on-line. d. Web gives huge markets to companies that are small. e. All oI the above are reason to sell products via e-commerce. 100. What is buying and selling between two companies over the World Wide Web? a. Bartering-to-Bartering e-commerce b. Business-to-Consumer e-commerce c. Business-to-Brokers e-commerce d. Business-to-Business e-commerce e. None oI the above 101. What is the electronic computer-to-computer transIer oI standard business documents? a. ESM - Electronic SubMission b. EDI - Electronic Data Interchange c. ELE - Electronic Legal Exchange d. ASP - Asymmetric Systematic Protocol e. None oI the above 102. B-to-B e-commerce Ieatures online bidding. When a company solicits bids Ior buying commodity raw materials, this is known as: a. a bidding war b. an auction c. a reverse auction d. an open auction e. None oI the above 103. When a web order arrives in a company, it is processed through the company's marketing, manuIacturing, shipping, and accounting systems. These steps are known as: a. Iront end processors b. back office processing c. web-enabled systems d. Iunctional areas e. None oI the above 104. What is a company that delivers soItware applications over the Internet? a. SSP - SaIe SoItware Provider b. ISP - Internet Service Provider c. ASP - Application Service Provider d. SSL - Secure Socket Layer e. None oI the above 105. What is the minimum acceptable rate oI return on a proiect that a company will accept? a. running rate b. recount rate c. hurdle rate d. mortgage rate e. None oI the above 106. What is known as the combination oI soItware tools that lets various programs within an organization communicate with other applications? a. eb services c. Internet Tie-ins b. Internet hot links d. Binders 107. What is a customized Web site that serves as a home base Irom which users navigate the Web? a. Home plate c. Home door b. Portal d. Starter Iile 108. Which markup language allows Ior users to deIine tags? a. HTML c. XL b. PPR d. MKL 109. Large Iluctuations in the supply chain, caused by changes in selling goods, are commonly known as the a. Inventory drying eIIect c. Empty eIIect b. Racet eIIect d. Bullwhip effect 110. What is the soItware that MicrosoIt and SAP have been working on together to let companies access SAP data via the MicrosoIt interIace. a. SAP-Excel c. Excel b. SAP OIIice d. Duet 111. What is MicrosoIt`s ERP package? a. Dynamics c. Excel ERP b. OIIice ERP d. MS ERP 112. What does a KPI measure? a. The state of the organization c. The rate oI web sales processing b. The eIIiciency oI the ERP system d. 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