Test 1

March 26, 2018 | Author: Mytia Gallaway | Category: Software Engineering, Information Technology, Sql, Computer Engineering, Data Management



y Question 10.1 out of 0.1 points The LENGTH column in the MARINA_SLIP table in the Alexamara Marina Group stores the length of the slip in feet. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True y Question 2 0 out of 0.1 points Because Premiere Products wants the flexibility to quote and charge different prices to different customers, the QUOTED_PRICE column is included in the ORDER_LINE table. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False True y Question 3 0.1 out of 0.1 points The customer¶s name and address and the number of the sales rep who represents the customer are stored with sales rep information. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False y Question 4 0.1 out of 0.1 points The ORDER_LINE table in the Premiere Products database contains information about the date an order was placed. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False y Question 5 0.1 out of 0.1 points In the Henry Books database. the AUTHOR table contains the author's number, name, and address. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False y Question 6 0.1 out of 0.1 points SQL stands for Syntactical Question Language. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False y Question 7 0.1 out of 0.1 points To work with a database in a computer, you must use a database management system. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True y Question 8 0.1 out of 0.1 points Each branch of Henry Books has a number that uniquely identifies the branch. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True y Question 9 0.1 out of 0.1 points Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False True y Question 13 0.1 points Each row in the ORDER_LINE table has an order number. marina slips are numbered within each section. number ordered.1 out of 0.1 out of 0. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False y Question 11 0.1 points Each author is uniquely identified by his or her AUTHOR_NUM.1 points The BRANCH table is used to indicate the number of copies of a particular book that are currently on hand at a particular branch of Henry Books. part number. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False y Question 12 0 out of 0. quoted price. and total amount.The Henry Books database uses a two-digit number to represent the publisher code.1 out of 0. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False y Question 10 0.1 points At Alexamara Marina Group. Answer . Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True y Question 17 0.1 out of 0.1 out of 0.1 points The MySQL Reference Manual provides more detailed help. MySQL overwrites the table with the newest data description. the data type STRING(n) stores a character string n characters long. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False .1 points If the CREATE TABLE command is executed more than once for the same table. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False True y Question 16 0.1 points When you enter a new row into a table or modify an existing row.1 points In MySQL.1 out of 0. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False y Question 15 0 out of 0.Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True y Question 14 0. the values for one or more columns can be unknown or unavailable. 1 points To run the command(s) in a script file in MySQL.1 points In MySQL.1 out of 0.1 out of 0. you type the command at the mysql> prompt and press the Run key at the end of each line.y Question 18 0. you use the NOT NULL clause in a CREATE TABLE command to indicate columns that cannot contain null values. type SOURCE followed by the filename.1 out of 0.1 points Dropping a table also deletes any data that you entered into the table. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False y Question 21 0. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True y Question 22 .1 points In SQL.1 out of 0. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True y Question 19 0. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True y Question 20 0. 1 points When adding rows to character columns. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False y Question 24 0.1 points The WHERE clause applies to both rows and groups. Answer .1 out of 0.1 points MySQL does not require a password. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True y Question 26 0. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False y Question 23 0.1 points The USE command is executed at the start of every session to activate the database.1 out of 0.1 out of 0. make sure you enclose the values in double quotation marks.1 out of 0.0.1 points BRANCH&BOOK is a valid name for a table in MySQL.1 out of 0. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False y Question 25 0. 1 points MySQL supports only the <> version of the ³not equal to´ comparison operator. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True False .1 points Preceding a condition by the NOT operator reverses the truth of the original condition.Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False y Question 27 0.1 points In a SELECT statement.1 points An arithmetic column is a column that does not exist in the database but can be computed using data in existing columns. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False y Question 28 0. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False y Question 30 0 out of 0.1 out of 0.1 out of 0. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True y Question 29 0.1 out of 0. the FROM clause and the WHERE clause (when used) must appear on separate lines. 1 points . Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False y Question 33 0.1 points You cannot change the order of the columns to be displayed in query results.1 out of 0. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True y Question 32 0.y Question 31 0.1 out of 0.1 points Sometimes a condition involves a column that can accept null values.1 out of 0. you list any conditions (restrictions) that apply to the data you want to retrieve. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False y Question 34 0.1 out of 0.1 points The UNIQUE operator eliminates duplicate values in a query.1 points After the word FROM in a SELECT statement.1 out of 0. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False y Question 35 0. 1 points When you query a database. there is a defined order in which the results are displayed. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True y Question 36 0. Answer .1 points One reason for using an alias is simplicity.1 points When you connect two or more simple conditions with the AND operator.There are no special formatting rules in MySQL.1 out of 0. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False y Question 37 0 out of 0.1 out of 0. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True False y Question 38 0 out of 0.1 points You can use the ALL and ANY operators with subqueries to produce a single column of numbers. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False True y Question 39 0. each condition must be listed on a separate line. 1 points When using a DBMS without an optimizer. the IN operator and a subquery. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False y Question 42 0.Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True y Question 40 0 out of 0.1 out of 0. use NOT. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False True y Question 41 0.1 out of 0. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True .1 out of 0.1 points You must use a comma or a period to separate a table name from its alias.. the formulation of a query can make a difference in the speed with which the query is executed.1 points There are three types of inner joins.1 points To produce the same results as the MINUS operator. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False y Question 43 0. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False True y Question 47 0 out of 0. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False y Question 45 0. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False True y Question 48 0 out of 0.1 points It is easy to create a product inadvertently by omitting the WHERE clause when you are attempting to join tables.1 points To ensure that query results are listed in a desired order. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True y Question 46 0 out of 0.1 points In small databases.y Question 44 0.1 out of 0.1 points .1 points One reason for using an alias is when you are joining a table to itself.1 out of 0. there is a significant time difference between different query approaches. use the ORDER BY clause. it is always necessary to qualify a column name.1 points To produce the same results as the INTERSECT operator.1 out of 0. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True False y Question 49 0.When joining tables. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False True . Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False y Question 50 0 out of 0. use the BETWEEN operator and a subquery.1 points You can join tables by using a condition in the WHERE clause. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False y Question 3 0. and address.1 points .1 points The WROTE table in the Henry Books database relates publishers and books. the AUTHOR table contains the author's number.1 out of 0.1 out of 0. name.1 points The BOOK table at Henry Books includes the author number.1 points SQL stands for Syntactical Question Language. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False y Question 4 0. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False y Question 5 0.1 out of 0.1 points In the Henry Books database.1 out of 0.1 out of 0. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False y Question 2 0.y Question 1 0. 1 points Each branch of Henry Books has a number that uniquely identifies the branch. and appliances.1 out of 0. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True y Question 9 0 out of 0.1 points The Premiere Products order form was not created in MySQL.The Premiere Products database includes four tables. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True False y Question 8 0. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False y Question 6 0.1 points The Unix operating system is an example of a popular open source program.1 points Premiere Products sells software. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False True .1 out of 0. hardware. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False y Question 7 0 out of 0. 1 out of 0. quoted price. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False y Question 13 0.1 points The Alexamara Marina Group database uses two uppercase letters to represent an owner number.1 out of 0. and total amount.1 points The overall order total is stored in the Premiere Products database.y Question 10 0 out of 0. part number.1 points . Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False y Question 14 0 out of 0. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True y Question 12 0.1 out of 0.1 points Each row in the ORDER_LINE table has an order number.1 points In some database systems. number ordered. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True False y Question 11 0. the word ³order´ has a special purpose. type SOURCE followed by the filename. type EDIT at the mysql prompt. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False True y Question 15 0.1 out of 0. System R. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False y Question 18 0. you can display the data vertically rather than horizontally.In MySQL.1 points To edit an SQL command.1 points MySQL uses the term current database to refer to the database to which all subsequent commands pertain.1 out of 0. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True y Question 16 0 out of 0. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False True y Question 17 0.1 points To run the command(s) in a script file in MySQL.1 points SQL was developed as the data manipulation language for IBM¶s prototype relational model DBMS. Answer ..1 out of 0. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False y Question 22 0.1 points When you enter a new row into a table or modify an existing row.1 out of 0.Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False y Question 19 0.1 points In MySQL.1 out of 0. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False . the values for one or more columns can be unknown or unavailable. you type the command at the mysql> prompt and press the Run key at the end of each line.1 out of 0. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True y Question 20 0 out of 0.1 points The CREATE DATABASE command is executed only once for a database. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False True y Question 21 0.1 points BRANCH&BOOK is a valid name for a table in MySQL. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True y Question 25 0.1 out of 0.1 out of 0.y Question 23 0.0.1 points To sort records in descending order. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False y Question 27 0.1 out of 0.1 points .1 points To list all the columns in a table.1 out of 0. use the LIST COLUMNS command.1 points The data type indicates the type of data that a column can contain as well as the maximum number of characters or digits that the column can store.1 out of 0. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False y Question 26 0. follow the name of the sort key with the REVERSE operator. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False y Question 24 0.1 points This text uses MySQL version 5. 1 points Aggregate functions apply to groups of rows. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True y Question 28 0.1 points The UNIQUE operator eliminates duplicate values in a query. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True y Question 29 0. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True y Question 31 0.1 out of 0.1 points The BETWEEN operator is an essential feature of SQL. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False y Question 30 0.There are no special formatting rules in MySQL.1 points Sometimes a condition involves a column that can accept null values.1 out of 0.1 out of 0.1 out of 0. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False . 1 points The DISTINCT operator is useful when used in conjunction with the COUNT function.1 out of 0. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False y Question 33 0. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False y Question 34 0.for subtraction.1 points .1 out of 0. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True y Question 35 0.1 points The only arithmetic operators that can be used in SELECT statements are + for addition and .1 points The WHERE clause is used to limit the rows that are included in a query¶s result.1 out of 0.1 out of 0.1 out of 0.1 points An arithmetic column is a column that does not exist in the database but can be computed using data in existing columns. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True y Question 36 0.y Question 32 0. 1 out of 0.1 out of 0.1 points All SELECT statements require a WHERE clause.1 out of 0.1 out of 0. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True y Question 40 0. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False y Question 39 0.The COUNT function only applies to columns with numeric values. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False y Question 37 0.1 points When joining tables. it is always necessary to qualify a column name.1 points You can use the ALL and ANY operators with subqueries to produce a single column of numbers. Answer Selected Answer: False .1 points There is only one approach to joining tables. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False y Question 38 0. 1 out of 0.Correct Answer: False y Question 41 0.1 points The product operation is commonly used. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False y Question 42 0. there is a significant time difference between different query approaches. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True y Question 44 0.1 points You can join tables by using a condition in the WHERE clause.1 out of 0. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True y Question 45 . Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False y Question 43 0.1 out of 0.1 points In small databases.1 points You can use MySQL to create a nested subquery.1 out of 0. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True y Question 48 0 out of 0. the IN operator and a subquery. use NOT.1 points To produce the same results as the MINUS operator.1 points It is permissible to qualify all column names in a query.1 out of 0. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False False y Question 46 0.1 points There are three types of inner joins. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True y Question 47 0.1 points When using a DBMS without an optimizer. .0..1 out of 0.1 out of 0.1 points You can perform special operations within SQL.1 out of 0. the formulation of a query can make a difference in the speed with which the query is executed. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False True y Question 49 0. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: True True y Question 50 0 out of 0.1 points Occasionally. Answer Selected Answer: Correct Answer: False True . a self-join might involve the primary key of a table.
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