Terms and Concepts Level II

March 26, 2018 | Author: sonaliforex1 | Category: Astrology, Esoteric Cosmology, Technical Factors Of Astrology, Occult, Divination



ACVA Level II CapstoneREVIEW OF TERMS & CONCEPTS MODULES 201 210 Module 210: Affliction—an adverse or unfavorable planetary effect that occurs if a graha is in or owns 6th, 8th, or 12th house or is associated with Saturn, Mars, or Rahu, or is combust. An affliction may also be due to adverse/unfavorable aspects from the above house lords and grahas, or a graha in debilitation or conjoined a planet in debilitation. Apoklimas—these are the houses 3, 6, 9 and 12, known in western astrology as cadenthouses. Ashtakavarga—an eight sectioned system that is used to determine the effects of the planets as they transit (gochara) through the houses Avasthas—a state of planetary existence; they form a class of calculations that reveal favorable/unfavorable qualities about a planet and attach a meaning to these afflicting or supporting factors. Ayana—solstice; course; half-year; the half year or Northern (Uttarayana—from Capricorn to Cancer) and Southern (Dakshinayana—from Cancer to Capricorn) course of the Sun. Ayana Bala—strength due to its position (either North or South declination) relative to the solstice points. Baaladi Avasthas – a sign is divided in 5 states (infant or baalavastha, youthful or kumaravastha, adolescent or yuvastha, old or vridhavastha, dead or mritavastha). The order is reversed for even signs. Chesta Bala—one of the 6 shadbala element. It indicates the strength of the planets due to their motion. Combust—a graha when close to the Sun becomes afflicted and cannot express its favorable attributes. Debilitation (Neecha)—a state of weakness of a graha in a certain sign that is opposite to its exaltation sign. Dig Bala-- represents the strength based on the direction a graha occupies in the birth chart. Dignity—a graha’s standing in the zodiac and relative to other grahas. Dispositor—this is the lord of the sign in which a graha is placed. Drekkana Bala--strength from gender in drekkana (a drekkana is a division of a sign into 3 parts each 10 degrees). Drik Bala –aspectual strength of grahas. Kala Bala – one of the 6 strengths of shadbala. It measures diurnal strength, temporal strength. Kendra Bala -- strength a graha has due to house placement. Lagna—or ascendant--this is the sign rising in the East at time of birth. Surya Lagna and Chandra Lagna use the sign that they are placed in as 1st house to read a chart from these indicators of life. Lagnesh—that is the graha that rules the lagna or ascendant. Multrikona—this is a favorable sign position for a graha, almost as good as exaltation (uchcha). Naisargika—natural or permanent as in natural planetary friendship. Naisargaki Bala—one of the six strengths in shadbala. It is a fixed strength for each planet Nathonnatha Bala -- strength from birth in day or night. It is one of the elements of kala bala. Navamsha—the division of a sign in 9 parts. This varga (division) is the most important of the divisional charts and used most frequently not only to determine the partner or spiritual tendencies but also to add interpretative meaning to the natal chart. Neecha Bhanga—the cancellation of debilitation or almost so. Ojhayugmar Bala – strength based on occupancy of odd/even signs as part of the Sthana Bala part of the Shadbala calculation. Paksha Bala - strength from the Moon phase as part of the Kala Bala part of the Shadbala calculation. Panapharas -- 2,5,8 and 11 houses in the natal chart known as succedent houses in Western Astrology. Retrogression—the apparent backward motion of a planet—the difference in the speed of the Earth and the planet gives the illusion of the planet moving backward. Rupas—a unit of measuring strength in shadbala. 1 rupa equals 60 virupas, also referred to as shashtiamshas. Saptavargaja Bala – it measures the strength of a planet based on its position (own, friend’s or enemy’s sign) in the following vargas: hora, drekkana, saptamsha, navamsha, dwadashamsha, trimshamsha. It is one of the elements of Sthana bala in the shadbala calculation and measures the friendly or inimical relationship with the dispositor of the planet. Shadbala—this is a technique using mathematic calculations measuring the strength or potency of a planet. It consists of six distinct strengths sthana (positional), dig (directional), kala (temporal), chesta (motional), naisargika (natural), and drik (aspectual). Significator—(karaka) a planet that is the indicator for certain persons, things or houses. Sthana Bala—one of the six strengths in shadbala that measures positional strength. There are 5 areas measured: exaltation (uccha), divisional (saptavargaja), odd/even (ojhayugmar), house placement (kendra), decanate (drekkana). Strength versus auspiciousness or favorable/unfavorable—a planet may have potency to express its characteristics (karakatwas) but this does not necessarily imply that it will express its auspicious/favorable significations (karakatwas). This depends on its house placement and the associations and influences on it. Thribhaga Bala --strength from the 3 portions of day and night. It is part of Kala Bala. It is regarded as a positive indicator somewhat similar to being in its own sign.Uchcha Bala – the strength of a planet in relationship to its exaltation point.day (dina or vara) and hour (hora) respectively. Varsha/Masa/Dina/Hora Bala --strength from ruling the year (varsha). Janma Nakshatra . Vargottama—a planet in the same sign in rashi and navamsha chart. Vimshopaka bala-. Moon and nodes. Yuddha Bala—it is one of the elements of Kala Bala in Shadbala where a planet attains strength due winning the planetary war—two planets within one degree of each other excluding Sun. month (masa). Also indicates the movement of planets in general through their orbits. They are called “growing” houses because unfavorable conditions can become better over time. "here are many dashas but #edic astrologers most often use #imshottari dasha. they form a class of calculations that reveal favorable/unfavorable qualities about a planet and attach a meaning to these afflicting or supporting factors. Bhukti ub period $%nd level dasha& also 'nown as antara dasha. Vargas—divisional charts. It is part of sthana (positional) bala. Dasha !lanetary periods to determine the timing of events indicated in the rashi or natal chart.can best be described as a cross-varga dignity calculation. and 11. It is part of Kala Bala. 10. There is controversy over the way to calculate the winner. "he planet)s moving positions( especially over natal chart positions( are located to help determine future events. Combust A graha when close to the un becomes afflicted and cannot express its favorable attributes. Upachaya—these are the house 3. It is the strength a planet receives depending on its state in varga charts. Module 202: Introduction to Rectification and Advanced Forecasting Avasthas A state of planetary existence. Gochara !lanetary transits( or the location of any planet at a particular time.6. a graha located in the first or last degree of a rashi( considered wea' and unfavorable. 0asha -ord lagna uses the rashi the dasha lord is placed in as the /st house for use in forecasting during a particular dasha. "etro ression "he apparent bac'ward motion of a planet6the difference in the speed of the . %ithi -unar day or //:.ast at time of birth. urya -agna and . "ecti#ication Ad5ustment of birth time to match more closely to the indications in the person)s life. . Navamsha "he division of a sign in 1 parts.arth and the planet gives the illusion of the planet moving bac'ward. $ankranti "he point where the un moves from one sign into the next. Karaka $significator& a planet that is the indicator for certain persons( things or houses. Neecha Bhan a "he cancellation of debilitation or almost so.th of a lunar month( calculated according to the fortnight. "his varga $division& is the most important of the divisional charts and used most frequently not only to determine the partner or spiritual tendencies but also to add interpretative meaning to the natal chart. adhimitra rashi4great friend sign( mitra rashi4friend sign( satru rashi4enemy sign( and adhisatr rashi4great enemy sign. La na or ascendant++this is the sign rising in the . !rashna A chart constructed for the time of a question and interpreted similar to a rashi chart. "ashi 3odiacal sign. $andhi 9unction point between signs or houses."he constellation or na'shatra in which the *oon is located in the rashi $natal& chart. $ade sati "he 78 year transit of aturn over the *oon $/%th( /st( and %nd from *oon&.handra -agna use the sign that they are placed in as /st house to read a chart from these indicators of life. 2orary astrology. year long( na'shatra based planetary forecasting system developed by !arashara. &edha <bstruction. "he trine $=/1 relationship between planets& is friendly( the sextile $:/// relationship& is semi+friendly( the con5unction and opposition $/// and //7 relationships& are unfriendly and the square $>//. BhavaA one of the twelve astrological houses and translates as mood or state of existence. An important consideration in gochara for the determination of whether the favorable or unfavorable indications will manifest or not. It consists of six distinct strengths sthana $positional&( dig $directional&( 'ala $temporal&( chesta $motional&( naisargi'a $natural&( and dri' $i ni#icator $'ara'a& a planet that is the indicator for certain persons( things or houses. "he ?/@ or %//% relationships between planets do not form aspects. BindusA dotsA benefic points provided by a graha to a rashi and used to measure the favorable or unfavorable effects of a transit through the bhava containing that rashi. Binnashtakavar aA an overview of the benefic points provided by a graha to all of the rashis. . Module 20': Ashtakavar a: an eightfold division formulated by !arashara to determine the auspiciousness/favorability or inauspiciousness / unfavorability of a graha)s transit through a bhava. relationship& is unfriendly also. &imshottari Dasha "he /%. &ar as 0ivisional charts. In order for these aspects to function they need to be within a certain range $deepthamsha& from each other.$hadbala "his is a technique using mathematic calculations measuring the strength or potency of a planet. apta #arga refers to 7 divisional charts( namely rashi( hora( 0re''ana( saptamsha( navamsha( dwadasamsha( trimsamsha. "he aspect or drishti formed between planets is either mitra $ friendly & or shatru $unfriendly or inimical&. As(ect: this differs from the !arashara system. BhuktiA sub period $%nd level dasha& also 'nown as antara dasha. In Borth India they are usually referred to as re'has. "he planet)s moving positions( especially over natal chart positions( are located to help determine future events.DashaA planetary periods to determine the timing of events indicated in the rashi or natal chart. "he *udda dasha is used most often by astrologers. Dina)"atri !atiA this is the lord of the un sign for the #arshaphal occurring during the day or the lord of the sign of the *oon for the #arshaphal occurring during the night. DrishtiA literally a glanceA an aspect. KendraA they are angular houses $/(>(7 and /. "hey areA *udda dasha( !atyayini dasha( and Cogini dasha. Dee(thamshaA the orb of influence of a graha used in the "a5i'a annual horoscope. 0asha -ord lagna uses the rashi the dasha lord is placed in as the /st house for use in forecasting during a particular dasha. GocharaA this is a planetary transit( or the location of any planet at a particular time. DashasA #arshaphal chartA there are : main dashas used to determine when events will unfold. In #arshaphal grahas placed in them form an inimical aspect to each other. It is used in the system of Ashta'avarga. Kaksh. Karaka: $significator& a planet that is the indicator for certain persons( things or houses. Also indicates the movement of planets in general through their orbits.ast at time of birth. urya -agna and . La naA or ascendant. Kar.a: this is a section of a sign of : degrees and >= minutes. It is used for pinpointing the results of a graha)s transit to a very narrow time period. this is the sign rising in the .handra -agna use the sign that they are placed in as /st house to read a chart from these indicators of life. Maraka bhava or sthanaA the houses % and 7 are mara'a or Ddeath inflictingE houses. "here are many dashas but #edic astrologers most often use #imshottari dasha. La neshA that is the graha that rules the lagna or ascendant. ee above under aspect for the various aspects used in the #arshaphal chart. Kali -u a: the current epoch of the four ma5or #edic universal time epochs. Janmesha *Janma La na !ati+: this is the lord of the lagna in the Rashi chart. "here are @ such sections each ruled by a planet or the lagna. ome use a /year vimshottari dasha.esha: this is the lord of the house whose significations are under study in reference to another house. Dis(ositorA this is the lord of the sign in which a graha is placed. .&. E It is a table in which all the bindus of a graha are distributed for the purpose of the Ashta'avarga calculation. adhimitra rashi4great friend sign( mitra rashi4friend sign( shatru rashi4enemy sign( and adhishatru rashi4great enemy sign. units is medium( and /.+/= is strong& !aramahansaA this literally means supreme swan and stands for great spiritual discrimination.MunthaA this is the progressed ascendant in a #arshaphal or annual chart.+= units is wea'( =+/. "he strongest graha who aspects the lagna becomes the #arshesha. Geep in mind that in Borth India it is 5ust the reverse and refer to the benefic points. %@ bindus is average( :. NavamshaA the division of a sign in 1 parts. !rat. "ashiA Fodiacal sign. It is used to consider the main focus of the year. Muntha !ati *Minthesha+: this is the lord of the sign the *untha is in. $.aA this is the five fold strength of a planet in the "a5i'a system. $ade satiA the 7 //% year transit of aturn over the *oon $/%th( /st( and %nd from *oon&. bindus and above benefits a house( and %= bindus or lower causes suffering. A retrograde planet is closer to the .aA this is a chart with the total ashta'avarga points of all the grahas permitting one to see at a glance how favorable a house is when a planet transits through it based on the number of bindus it contains. $amuda. . !ancha var i. !rashtarashtakaA it means Dspread out. "etro ressionA the apparent bac'ward motion of a planetA the difference in the speed of the . "ekhaA these are the negative or malefic points in Ashta'avarga. "his varga $division& is the most important of the divisional charts and used most frequently not only to determine the partner or spiritual tendencies but also to add interpretative meaning to the natal chart.arth in its orbit around the un.arth and the planet gives the illusion of the planet moving bac'ward. Neecha Bhan aA this is the cancellation of debilitation or almost so.antar dashaA this is the :rd level dasha. !anchadhikarisA these are the five office bearing grahas in #arshaphal from which the #arshesha or Cear -ord is selected. a graha located in the first or last degree of a rashi( considered wea' and unfavorable. "hey are called DgrowingE houses because unfavorable conditions can become better over time. &ar asA these are divisional charts.araA it is the graha that is the lord of the year in a #arshaphal chart. &arshesha or &arshesh. . %a/ika -o asA these are different from !arashara yogas and depend on specific mutual aspects between planets. It employs distinctive techniques. apta #arga refers to 7 divisional charts( namely rashi( hora( 0re''ana( saptamsha( navamsha( dwadasamsha( trimsamsha.arA he was the guru of Cogananda and a great Cogi and 9yotishi. ome main yogas areA ithassala $favorable&( an DapplyingE aspect( and ishrafa $unfavorable&( a DseparatingE aspect. $hadbalaA this is a technique using mathematic calculations measuring the strength or potency of a planet. It is used with the gochara and dasha to gain an insight in the potential trends for the year. $ri -uktes. %rikonaA these are the houses /(=( and 1.( and //. %ri)"ashi !atiA this is the lord of the "ri+Rashi and differs with each #arsha lagna and day or night time of the #arsha chart. It consists of six distinct strengths sthana $positional&( dig $directional&( 'ala $temporal&( chesta $motional&( naisargi'a $natural&( and dri' $i ni#icatorA $'ara'a& a planet that is the indicator for certain persons( things or houses. $arva Chancha Ashtakakvar aA it is wheel that shows the total distribution of bindus in a chart permitting one to see a glance which graha deposited a bindu and where and in what 'a'shya or part of the sign. 2e wrote the 2oly cience. %a/aka or %a/ikaA this usually refers to the olar Return or Annual 2oroscope. In the #arshaphal chart the houses that are = and 1 away from each other form the trine aspect. $arvashtakavar aA this chart shows the total bindus a sign receives. &arsha(hal or &arsha(halaA this is the chart for the olar Return and cast for the exact time when the un returns to its natal degree. &arsha(raveshaA literally the entry of the yearA the technical term for the solar return. It holds sway over the events that ta'e place that year. 0(acha.$andhi: 5unction point between signs or houses.aA these are the house :(?( /. onceptsA "he following 'ey terms and concepts should be mastered by the end of this module. -ear LordA see above under #arshesha. Ihen the .arth around the un&( *onth $based on the revolution of the *oon around the . starting from the full *oon $!urnima& and waning or decreasing to the dar' or new *oon $amavasya&. "he obstruction is caused by a planet transiting in an opposite rashi from the graha under consideration and DobstructsE its influence. . Module 201: "erms and . Krishna !aksha it is the dar' fortnight of the *oon. Amavas. year long( na'shatra based planetary forecasting system developed by !arashara. It is therefore an important consideration in gochara for the determination of whether the favorable or unfavorable indications will manifest or not. Karana it is one+half of a tithi $lunar day&.th tithi. degrees.a it is the Bew *oon and the :. Lunar Da. 2(hemeris a table listing the positions of the un( *oon and planets over a given period of time.&edhaA obstruction. It is calculated according to the fortnight. -o akarakaA this is a graha that rules both an angualar house $Gendra& and a trine $Gona&( houses of action and fortune ma'ing for a potentially very successful combination. of a lunar month and called a tithi. Calendar it is a system of organiFing units of time for the purpose of rec'oning time over extended periods. "he ruler is !itra $ancestors& Astronomical C.cles $Cear( *onth( 0ay& the principal astronomical cycles are the Cear $based on the revolution of the . 2cli(se when the *oon is between the .arth is between the *oon and the un it casts a shadow on the *oon( causing a total or partial obscuring of the *oon( called a lunar eclipse.arth on its axis&. ome astrologers use a / year vimshottari dasha instead of some of the other #arsha dashas. &imshottari DashaA the /%.arth and the un it bloc's all or part of the unHs light( called a solar eclipse.arth&( and 0ay $based on the rotation of the . It is one of the five limbs of the panchanga used in selecting an auspicious *uhurta. Astronomical cycles form the basis around which they are built. a lunar day is //:. "he longitudinal difference between the *oon and un is :>@ to :?. Lunation it is a lunar month based on the time interval from one Bew *oon to the next. "ahu Kalam this is an inauspicious time period of about / //% hours. "he na'shatra divides the ecliptic into %7 sections of /: degrees and %. !anchan a it is a #edic sidereal planetary almanac. or the orbit of the *oon around the earth. Navamsha the division of a sign in 1 parts of : degrees and >. degrees of the sidereal Fodiac. Lunar -ear it consists of :=> days $/% lunar months of %1. !urnima it is the Full *oon day or the /=th tithi of the bright fortnight $shu'la pa'sha&. minutes. degrees of the sidereal Fodiac or the true revolution period of the . Nakshatra a constellation based on the *oonHs position in the s'y.arth around the un. A planet located in less than one degree or over %1 degrees is considered to be sandhi( a wea' and unfavorable position. "here are %7 of them also called lunar mansions. "he ruler is !itra $ancestor&. $idereal Month %7 days( 7 hours( and >: minutes. It is the amount of time it ta'es the *oon to move through :?. "etro rade the apparent bac'ward motion of a planet+the difference in the speed of the .Lunar Month it is the time period from one Bew *oon $con5unction of un and *oon& to the next Bew *oon. minutes. "his varga $division& is the most important of the divisional charts and also needs to be consulted when selecting a *uhurta. degrees. one orbit of the *oon through all /% signs of the Fodiac. Muhurta it is electional astrology where a chart is erected for the auspicious starting or ending of an activity. "he difference in longitude of *oon and un is /?@ to /@.= days each&. $idereal -ear :?= days( ? hours( and 1 minutes. It is the most important limb of the panchanga in the selection of a *uhurta. .arth in its orbit around the un.arth and the planet gives the illusion of the planet moving bac'ward. It gives data in terms of positions of grahas according to the day of the wee' $vara&( na'shatra( tithi $lunar day&( 'arana $half lunar day&( and yoga( 'nown as the = limbs of the panchanga. It averages %1 days( /% hours and >> minutes. It is the time it ta'es the un to move through :?. It occurs at different times of each day of the wee'. $andhi this is a 5unction point between sign or houses. A retrograde planet is closer to the . It is also a time period of >@ minutes. a Kan. "hey correlate to the Ba'shatras. $. &ara it is a wee'day and one of the five limbs of the panchanga. this is the average time it ta'es the . It is the time it ta'es the . %arabala it is the favorable or unfavorable relationship between the natal *oonHs na'shatra $5anma na'shatra& and the na'shatra placement of the *oon in the *uhurta. -o a *or Nit. %ithi it is a lunar day and is the time it ta'es the *oon to advance /% degrees over the un( an average of %: hours and :7 minutes. $olar -ear :?= days( = hours( >@ minutes( >? seconds. Module 205: The following key terms and concepts should be mastered by the end of this module. 0ivide this number by 1 and use the number of the remainder( or if not divisible by 1 ta'e that number( to determine if it is favorable or not. $hukla !aksha the bright fortnight of the *oon.a -o a+ it is one of the five limbs of the !anchanga.” It is the first house or rising sign that has been selected for the Prashna chart by means other than clock-time. It refers to the union of un and *oon $hence yoga& or rather the union of the unHs degrees and the *oonHs degrees. It starts from Bew *oon and waxes $increases& to the Full *oon( tithes /+/=. Arudha (also spelled Aroodta) Prashna--it means “mounted upon or occupying. Anga Vidya--it is the science of body reading. Cou count the number of na'shatras between the 5anma na'sha'tra and the *oonHs na'shatra in the *uhurta. &ish. . / $5anma+danger to the body&(: $vipat+danger( failure&( = $pratya'+obstacles&( and 7 $naidhana or vadha+dangers( destruction& are unfavorable.nodic Month it is the period of Bew *oon to Bew *oon( %1 days( /% hours( and >> minutes also called a lunation cycle. Favorable are % $sampat+wealth&(> $'shema+prosperity&( ? $sadha'a+fulfilling&( @ $maitri+ benevolent&( and 1 $parama maitri+greatest benevolence&. "his dosha receives cancellation if there is a benefic in the 7th from lagna or *oon.a it is an unfavorable combination of tithi/vara/na'shatra in the chart of a girl. "he lord of the Ba'shatra in which the Coga falls is also the ruler of the Coga.arth to complete its revolution around the un.arth to ma'e one complete rotation on its axis measured from midnight to midnight or sunrise to sunrise.$olar Da. In Prashna the jyothisi (astrologer) observes the position of the querists and what body parts they touch during the formation of the question. Karaka-.this is the lord of the house whose significations are under study in reference to another house used especially in Tajika Prashna Lagnesha or lagnesh-. . This is used in the Tajika system. Fructification--refers to how well a bhava can manifest what it represents. Querist or querent--this is the person who asks the question. It is an elaborate method of horary astrology popular in Kerala. as well as certain procedures used during the Prashna session. The following table shows the degrees of the range for each planet.this is the graha that rules the lagna or ascendant. Tajika Aspects--The aspect or drishti formed between planets is either mitra (friendly) or shatru (unfriendly or inimical). Nimitta or Omens--these are occurrences in the environment (the language of nature) that reflect the situation and assist the astrologer in the interpretation of the question. Prashna-. Swara or svara-. things or houses. Karyesha-. In Prashna the jyotishi uses the flow of breath through the nostrils to indicate the outcome of a question. South India.meaning “question. (Place picture here) Deepthamsha--the orb of influence of a graha when it aspects another graha.Ashtamangala Prashna--Ascertaining prashna through the use of eight special objects. This range extends on each side of the planet.and12) or placed in these houses. the conjunction and opposition (1/1 and 1/7 relationships) are unfriendly and the square (4/10 relationship) is unfriendly also. Dusthana planets--planets ruling Dusthana houses (6. the sextile (3/11 relationship) is semi-friendly. Nashta Prashna--it is answering questions about lost items or things hidden from view or not stated.8. The trine (5/9 relationship between planets) is friendly. It is known in Western astrology as horary astrology.it is defined as air breathed through the nostrils.” It refers to a chart constructed for the time of a question.(significator) this is a planet or house that is the indicator for certain persons. Tajika Prashna--It is a method of interpretation of the prashna that incorporates the aspects and yogas pertaining to the Tajika system. First Syllable of First Word--Prashna based on the first syllable of the first word the querist utters to you during the Prashna formation. dhana (well-being and prosperity). Grihastha (gre hahs’ tah): the second stage of life in ancient Vedic culture. and ishrafa (unfavorable). Raman (Motalil Banarsidass Publishers) Prasna Tantra translated by B. Some main yogas are: ithasala (favorable). Bhalla (Sagar Publications). Brahmacharya (brah mah chah’ rya): one of the four stages of life in Vedic culture. It is the time the person focuses on three of the four purusharthas (four aims of life): dharma (righteousness). Agarwal.The 6/8 or 2/12 relationships between planets do not form aspects. Ishrafa is also spelled “Easarapha. Vanaprashta means forest dweller. Note: In order for these aspects to function they need to be within a certain range (deepthamsha) from each other (see above for the range under deepthamsha).” It would prepare him for living life in pursuing the main goals of life: dharma (righteous living). a married person.V. It would prepare them for the final aim of life. A person could also. and kama (enjoyment of life). an “applying” aspect. renounce all worldly possessions and become a sannyasin or renunciate. and kama (enjoyment). moksha or enlightment. representing the years a person is a student. In ancient times. It represents the stage of life when a person is a householder. Vanaprashta (wah nah prahs’ tah) and Sannyasa (sahn yah’ sah): these are the last two stages of life (ashramas).M. Module 208 : Ashramas: the four stages of life that a person experiences as laid out in the Vedas for the well being of society. S.V. Wealth and marital enjoyment were valued from the view of righteousness since it provided one with the means to be charitable toward people and respectful of all of nature. Raman (UPSBD Publishers No Terms and Concepts for Module 206. it was the period of life the young student spent with a guru. Duggal. . It literally means “walking in Brahman. the person seeks the solitude of the forest and practice meditation (sadhana) preparing for the end of life. a “separating” aspect. dhana (wealth).S. It is the first stage. Tajika Yogas--these are different from Parashara yogas and depend on specific mutual aspects between planets within a specific range of influence (deepthamsha or orb).” Sources: Beneath a Vedic Sky by William Levacy (Hay House) Dictionary of Astrology by G.K. Prasna Marga translated by B. After fulfilling one’s duties as a householder (grihastha) or married person. with the consent of his wife. C. tying the knot (the garments of bride and groom).Vivaha (we wah’ hah): Vivaha (marriage) is perhaps the most important samskara. yoni (yo’ nee)—assesses physical compatibility. it tests the mental compatibility of the two people.” The word means “mental impressions. which means eight points of agreement and the other is “dashakuta” (dah’ shah koo’ tah) also written as “dashkoot” meaning 10 points of agreement. and those who left their partners were often ostracized from society. physical and sub-conscious levels of compatibility between the two. this may be difficult to accept or comprehend. tara (tah’ rah) assesses if one aggravates the other—will “push” the other’s “buttons” or not. grahamaitra (grah hah my’ trah) assesses planetary friendship of Moon’s rulers—feel the same or not. sacred fire ceremony. Samskara (sahm skah’ rah): they are the rites established for the various “passages of life. The eight points are: varna (wahr’ nah) assesses the caste—each sign belongs to one of the 4 castes.” In this respect. It also includes the psychological. samskara (rite or ceremony) creates the favorable mental attitude to stepping from one phase of life into another. Matches were usually arranged by the elders and based on astrological principles. stree deergha (stree deer’ gah)—assesses the prosperity. A couple would stay together for life or until the husband took to the path of renunciation. Mahendra (mah hen’ drah)—assesses progeny. western mind. gana (gah’ nah) assesses the happiness. holding of hands. circumambulation of the sacred fire. There are two types of “kuta” agreements. .” referring to the 10 point agreements. Divorce was not allowed. Besides the 8 points there are several doshas (vedha. marking the bride's hair-parting with kum-kum. receiving the elders' blessings. the daughter being given in marriage. The ten points are: dina (dee’nah) or nakshatra (North)—assesses the longevity. to the modern. exchanging presents. spiritual. viewing the Pole Star*. Kuta (koo’ tah) Agreement: a special set of astrological criteria used for making marriage matches. Evidence suggests that these marriages worked relatively well although. vashya (wah’ shyah) assesses the desire to serve or please—dutiful . Stree Deergha needs to be assessed for the masculine and feminine dynamics which determines the underlying flow within the relationship. gana (gah’nah)—assesses the happiness. exchanging flower garlands. It is based on the nakshatra occupied by the Moon in the two charts. yoni (yo’ nee) physical compatability or instinctive reactions. This rite involved the following main steps: welcoming the bridegroom. taking seven steps together. bhakoota (bah koo’ ta) or rashi kuta assesses the ability to act constructively. Since the Moon is the karaka of the mind. In the North of India they are known as “ Poruttham. rajju and kuja) that also need to be assessed since these are detrimental to or disrupt a relationship. and nadi (nah’ dee) assesses the temperament according to the ayurvedic doshas. One is “ashtakuta” (ahs’ tah koo’ tah) also written as “ashtakoot”. vashya (wah’ shyah)—assesses mutual attraction and respect. rajju (rah’ joo)—assesses the longevity of the relationship. vedha (wee’ dah)—assesses obstruction. It is usually not a time for becoming engaged in a set of ongoing coaching sessions. 2004. Beneath a Vedic Sky and Beneath a Vedic Sun by William Levacy. This does not include blame or judgment on the part of the Vedic astrology coach. as requested by the client and their circumstances. Sadwi Arundhati was the wife of sage Vasishtha. The Art of Matching Charts by Gayatri Devi Vasudev and Ernst Wilhelm lecture on Compatability TERMS AND CONCEPTS: Module 209 A The ACVA Model consists of an initial session with a Vedic astrology coach. Acknowledging – it is important for the Vedic astrology coach to show or express recognition or realization of the issues that are concerning the client. it might be appropriate for the Vedic astrology coach to engage with the client in a more direct manner in order to give them direction and information. the client feels they want to work with the Vedic astrology coach in setting a strategy for improving a particular part of their life and engaging in a series of coaching sessions to facilitate some higher level of performance. .rashi (rah’ shee)—assesses growth and well-being of family. rasyadhipati (rah syah’ dee pah tee) –assesses the prospects of the children. Sources: "Heart of Hinduism" Copyright: ISKCON Educational Services. It is not easily seen in the night sky in our times. The Vedic astrology coach indicates or make known to the client that they are there to help them come up with a fuller and richer life in the future. Rather the Vedic astrology coach holds the client accountable to their vision or commitment. Accountability is when the client is responsible for what they said they were going to do. She was held to be the most devoted and chaste wife. * The presiding priest shows the bride a star called “Arundhati” in the night sky. Yantra (yahn’ trah): a visual mantra. or whatever the client deems necessary. asking them to account for the results of their intended actions in the timeframe indicated by their chart. a shift in perspective. In the initial session. It is often aimed at solving a specific set of problems. It might be that after this initial session. as seen in the Vedic astrology chart. Action Step is a specific. the client agrees to complete their action step on a specific calendar date. In active listening the Vedic astrology coach lets the client set the agenda and scope of the session. . comprised on action steps is especially helpful when the client is feeling stuck. often prior to the next meeting with their Vedic astrology coach.Action – one of the key things a Vedic astrology coach helps a client to do is to take action. satisfying life. The Vedic astrology coach can help bring out more of what to listen for in the client by asking probing questions that draws a new perspective for the client. it is important for the client to move forward and to have a bias for taking action in life Actionee is another name for the client in their role as an action-oriented committed participant in their change towards an improvement goal as set under the guidance and encouragement of the Vedic astrology coach. It focuses on the client’s choices around that event or the actions to take related to that event (analysis of a specific area of the chart). immobilized. This is the agenda the Vedic astrology coach needs to keep in mind at all times. Advocacy – a Vedic astrology coach endeavors to show active support for ideas and issues raised by the client. Agenda is either an overall picture of the choices and actions of the client to achieve fulfillment and balance in life (general analysis of the natal chart) or a particular event. The Vedic astrology coach can use transits and dashas to determine the timing of action steps with the client. Generally. Active Listening – one of the key skills of a good Vedic astrology coach is the ability to listen attentively to what the client is saying. The Vedic astrology coach believes the client already has most of their own answers and works to empower the client to call them forth and take action on them. in cooperation with the Vedic astrology coach. The plan. measurable. Action Plan – the Vedic astrology coach encourages the client to create an action plan to help them get from where they are forward into a more balanced. Coupled with learning where they are and what a vision of the future looks like. The client makes a commitment to complete a specific action in order to make progress towards a goal they have set with the Vedic astrology coach. or overwhelmed about what needs to be done. time-phased activity which is defined by the client. The Vedic astrology coach is there to work with the client in assisting them to find a more satisfying life. For the most part the Vedic astrology coach listens and asks questions to get the client to bring up the issues themselves and to assist them in finding their own answers. The Vedic astrology coach is a proponent for the needs of the client. Advice Giving – while a Vedic astrology coaching session might be focused on a specific situation or circumstance where the client wants guidance. and believe the Vedic astrology coach. Authoritative . The client will collaborate more if the Vedic astrology coach is authentic. Assignments – Sometimes a client needs structure. A good Vedic astrology coach avoids making judgments or assuming that something must be true and draws conclusions about the client. Assumptions – the Vedic astrology coach works best when they remain neutral and try not to make assumptions about the client. Authentic – the Vedic astrology coach tries to be genuine and present themselves in a way that is congruent with who they really are. as this helps in collaborating with the client. the client. Assignments to be completed within a specific time frame. By asking powerful and appropriate questions and by listening empathically. the client can sense when a Vedic astrology coach is being truthful (or not) and will accept. Also. Repeating their words back to them can be powerful. The Vedic astrology coach strives to get the client to be honest and truthful so that client’s real nature can be realized and worked with. encourages the client to take action. The Vedic astrology coach should be mindful not to interact with the client in an overly directed way and misuse their authority and command or dictate to the client what they should or must do. Many times the client is overworked and stressed and as such cannot seem to find a way to gain satisfaction in life. so they can really hear themselves..Articulating is the skill of telling clients what you see them doing based on your empathic listening. It is also important that the Vedic astrology coach come across more as a partner in the client’s journey. The client should agree that they will commit to doing the assignments within time. Avoidance –sometimes the client will avoid the very thing they need to talk about the most. B Balance – one of the key challenges that clients bring to the coaching session is that they. get some results and feel some increased motivation. often do not have their work and their personal life in balance. at times. One of the roles of the Vedic astrology coach is to help the client find ways to restore and maintain a healthy balance in life . Asking Permission is when the Vedic astrology coach asks and the client grants the Vedic astrology coach access to intimate or sensitive areas of focus. trust. the Vedic astrology coach can help the client bring out these issues for resolution..while it is important for a Vedic astrology coach to be a reliable authority in his or her field. It includes these three things: a specified action. The Vedic astrology coach works with the client to develop a plan for effective and efficient action towards the stated goals of the client. Many coaches indicate a client has to be in touch with their being in order to create effective transformations in their life. C Calling Forth . From greater contact with their Being. If the client wants new results or different outcomes. conclusion. conviction. a positive sense in one’s mind that something is true. persuasion. The Vedic astrology coach encourages the client to declare or “call forth” a new vision for themselves that is creative. . being can be our inner spirit. The need for a boundary can be identified and set by responding to powerful coaching questions such as “What is stopping you?” or “What are you tolerating?” Brainstorming is the skill where both the Vedic astrology coach and the client work together to generate ideas. For example. Bottom-lining is the skill of brevity and succinctness on the part of both the Vedic astrology coach and the client. Boundary Setting is a process for settings limits or drawing the line (a boundary) on what your will accept or tolerate from others and what you expect from them. a person can then change their thinking and their way of doing or acting in the world. innate consciousness and creativity. Positive belief forms the foundation for powerful new action that leads to affirmative and satisfying outcomes.Behavior – all outcomes are based on behavior or action. and a specific date or time completion. a condition of satisfaction.is what the Vedic astrology coach encourages the client to do within the collaborative process of coaching. alternatives. if a person’s lagna is aspected or occupied or hemmed in by benefics or the ruler of the lagna is favorably placed and the Sun and Moon are strong then the person will generally have greater access to their Being. Neither the Vedic astrology coach nor the client is attached to any of the ideas suggested. selfawareness. inner peacefulness. It is also about having clients get to the essence of their communication rather than engaging in lengthy stories. Being – defined in many ways. they will have to change their behavior in some way. We drop our old beliefs and start to take a stand for the possibility of living a great and powerful new life. Challenge is a request that stretches the client beyond their self-imposed limits and shakes up the way they see themselves. Breakthrough –some coaches believe that a breakdown provides an opportunity for a breakthrough. tenet. resourceful and operates from the client’s whole self. Belief is a view. and possible solutions. is a situation where a client generally wants to address a specific condition. &edic astrolo . Client)Centered is a nondirective coaching approach that generally does not give advice or tell the client what to do. Change – the Vedic astrology coach assists the client in transforming the client’s current life.Championing or Cheerleading means that the Vedic astrology coach stands up for the client when they doubt or question their abilities. Client (also known as coachee) and his concerns are the focus of a Vedic astrology coaching session. or part. detail. "he #edic astrology coach guides the actions and efforts of the client through listening and as'ing powerful questions to assist the client in achieving greater success and satisfaction in life. Clarifying is when the Vedic astrology coach explains what the client is unable to articulate clearly themselves about what they want or where they are going. The Vedic astrology coach helps the client create a fulfilling future that is different from what it is now. or their life often with respect to particular time and place. Closed)ended 3uestions are a type of inquiry from the #edic astrology coach to the client that can be answered with a yes or no. coachin uses the client)s #edic astrology chart to help evaluate the types of action and the timing of it that is suitable to the nature of the client. A good Vedic astrology coach evaluates the client’s situation and is careful not to judge their behavior without considering every circumstance. "hese types of questions do not generate much response from a client and can trigger defensive responses in some instances. Circumstances. Coachin ) is a process of clarifying( encouraging( and strategiFing to help a client set priorities and ta'e action toward greater personal effectiveness in achieving a set of ma5or goals they have formed in collaboration with the coach. "he function of the #edic astrology coach is to listen well( as' powerful questions and provide some structure and encouragement to help the client set goals and ta'e action to resolve issues and opportunities. and sets an improved vision and plan for a future life course. the nature and perspective of what they are doing. A #edic astrology coach uses the #edic astrology chart as an evaluation tool to help the client identify the best performance for them to ta'e at the optimal time. For example( a closed+ended question would be( DAre you a fearful personJE rather than D2ow do you feel when you are presented with a challenge that you feel is bigger than what you are used toJE Coach ) is a person who wor's collaboratively with a client to assist them in developing personal s'ills for creating life goals and ta'ing action for greater achievement. . . 4 a good #edic astrology coach is aware that while people are the same deep down( they are influenced and informed by the circumstances of their cultures and traditions. . "hrough conversation( often informal and relaxed by nature( the #edic astrology coach and the client interchange thoughts( information( new possibilities( perspectives( actions( to lead the client into a new way of being( thin'ing( and doing.Coach)Centered is a directed coaching approach where the client comes to the astrologer see'ing direction and perhaps some comfort. "his approach is generally more appropriate when the client wants specific answers or direction on a current situation or circumstance in their lives and does not see' long term goal setting and action steps. "he #edic astrology coach encourages and assists the client in calling forth a new future and ta'ing action to stand to be supported in that new space going forward. Criticism 4 the #edic astrology coach wants to guide the client( in a collaborative context( without that coach becoming overly dictatorial( directing( or controlling. "he #edic astrology coach believes deep down the client 'nows what to do and it is the #edic astrology coach)s role to help the client release or manifest what is already there in a non+critical manner. Commitment *see "eadiness+ 4 to be successful( that is get results from the coaching sessions( the client must willingly commit( pledge( and engage themselves in the coaching process. A good #edic astrology coach avoids passing 5udgment( censuring or faultfinding with the client. "he client forms a. Collaboration 4 the #edic astrology coach and client wor' together willingly( that is collaborate or wor' one with the other( to form plans and ta'e action to increase the client)s capacity for a more fulfilling life. Creatin a $(ace 4 when a client ma'es a declaration and a plan for what they want in life( and wor' with their #edic astrology coach to increase their competence( nature creates a new space for the client to stand in the future. "he astrologer( as coach( will spend more time in control of the conversation ma'ing direct comments to the client coming from the #edic astrology chart as an assessment tool. Conversations 4 coaching has a lot to do about conversations between the #edic astrology coach and client. "he #edic astrology coach is the guiding partner who encourages the client to declare new possibilities and to ta'e action. "he client ma'es a personal warranty with the #edic astrology coach that they will complete the actions steps needed to reach the goals declared in the coaching process. Cultural Diversit. sincere and steadfast pact with the #edic astrology coach that they will stay fixed on purpose throughout the coaching interactions. "he #edic astrology coach wor's to develop their cross+cultural sensitivity in order to serve clients well on a global basis. Con#idence 4 this is an important outcome of coaching wherein the #edic astrology coach encourages the client to believe in themselves( their personal powers and innate abilities( in order to be successful and happy in life. perspectives. Designing the Alliance is the time when the Vedic astrology coach and the client set up the relationship. The Vedic astrology coach hears beyond the mere words the clients are uttering to identify with and understanding the client’s situation. letting the client lead them. Declarations – when the clients call out or declares what they want for themselves. accessing their intuition. Deeper listening such as this allows the Vedic astrology coach to tune in more clearly to what the client might be presenting. without engaging in defensive behaviors. holding the client’s agenda. The Vedic astrology coach is open to any steps the client takes and is willing to go in the client’s direction and flow. They get stuck or immobilized thinking that something positive for them is unlikely to occur or to occur very much. thoughts. feelings. The trick is to know how to declare or order what we want.D Dancing in the Moment is the skill that permits the Vedic astrology coach to be completely present with the client. Doubts are a state of mind where the client hesitates to believe or questions their abilities. Defense Mechanisms . Nature has plenty of supply. the Vedic astrology coach tries to pass on the . One of the main tasks of the Vedic astrology coach is to help the client get beyond doubts and negative personal beliefs that limit their success.are usually unconscious psychological and behavioral tactics that clients might use to help protect themselves from anxiety they perceive they will encounter by revealing some of their less acceptable behaviors. and attitudes of the client. limiting or empowering beliefs and motives Empowerment (also enabling)– while the Vedic astrology coach strives to be less direct and authoritative with the client. The Vedic astrology coach listens attentively to the feelings. then nature knows more what to provide that client. E Empathic Listening (also active listening) – this is a key item in the Vedic astrology coach’s tool box. Both the client and the Vedic astrologer coach are intimately involved in designing the Vedic astrology coaching relationship that will be most beneficial to the client. The Vedic astrology coach helps with that. The coaching process uses listening and asking powerful questions to get the client to speak openly and honestly about what is going on with themselves. style. strives to help the client make their actions easier or less difficult. The Vedic astrology coach helps the client form a detailed.power. or way of acting in order to get the best results or outcomes for those actions. resonant and exciting. clear outline of new possibilities for the client. Ground Rules . one-pointed action to make it happen Follow Through – the Vedic astrology coach and client make a plan for the future. Focus – the Vedic astrology coach works with the client to help them concentrate their energy and attention on the work at hand. measurable. G Goal setting is when the client sets goals and follows through on them. evaluation and responses that the client can use to develop a clearer understanding of themselves in terms of their current situation. accountable. Execution (also action) – the Vedic astrology coach assists the client to improve their manner. in line with what is appropriate to the nature of that client F Facilitation – the Vedic astrology coach is an assistant or facilitator for the client. They help forward the client’s action by getting the client to follow the coaching process. The Vedic astrology coach works with the client to form life strategies and courses of action that are effective and efficient. as facilitator. In co-active Vedic astrology coaching goals should be specific. 5eedback) the #edic astrology coach provides the client with feedback. The Vedic astrology coach. These rules and expectations are stated in similar and specific terms to govern the conduct of the Vedic astrology coach and . ability. and authority to the client enabling and releasing them to work at their highest capacity.the Vedic astrology coach and the client establish conditions for their coaching relationship before proceeding together. The client makes and keeps their commitment to action and the Vedic astrology coach works with the client to follow through and follow up on what actions have been identified in the plan according to what timelines. The Vedic astrology coach helps the client adjust their vision of what is possible and to take concentrated. the actions they tend to take and need to take and the way in which they interact with others. Goals keep the client focused toward the person they are becoming. thinking and doing in a new more powerful way 6ncubation 4 Ihen a person feels stressed or overwhelmed( some coaches recommend stopping and leaving the problem or concern for awhileKmaybe a few minutes to a few days or wee's. The idea is when the client thinks in large terms. etting aside problems for a period of time is recommended by many coaches. *any times the answer seems to come on its own without effort. Homework inquiry is a skill to deepen the client’s understanding and provoke further reflection. the resources around them and the support from nature expands to clear a space for them in the future where they can take a stand. as requested by the client and their circumstances. Holding the focus is the skill where the Vedic astrology coach keeps the client on track in the direction the client has set. Consistent reminders help the client to focus and/or redirect their energy back to the desired outcomes and life choices. It is a commitment and contract of how they intend to work together. being. ome people describe an DahaE moment when they stop doing or thin'ing about something in the time away or quietness. not their own. I Ice Breaker is a facilitation technique to help a Vedic astrology coach and client begin the process of forming themselves into a coaching team or partnership. such as Robert Hargrove. encourage their clients to think big. stretch. Ihat many people find is that their problem solving ability increases from the rest and relief of the incubation period( and that the problem is not so big or unsolvable when they return to it. Initial Session – an initial session with a Vedic astrology coach might be more aimed at solving a specific set of problems. Impossible Future: Coaches. A simple telephone based ice breakers is “How is the weather where you are?” . It is a "warm up" that helps the client and Vedic astrology coach get to know each other a bit and feel comfortable as their conversation begins. such as impossible goals.client during their time together. Icebreakers are commonly presented at the start of a coaching conversation. H Holding the client’s intention is when the Vedic astrology coach is required to put their whole attention on the client and the client’s intention. and set goals for an impossible future. The Vedic astrology coach uses a powerful question as homework inquiry which the client needs to consider regarding a particular situation. than . achievable goals as they set off towards their new destination of higher performance in life. L . The Vedic astrology coach uses intuition quickly and directly to perceive what is going on with the client beyond the ordinary use of reasoning or analysis.becoming engaged in a set of ongoing coaching sessions. Initiative Taking – the ultimate responsibility for the outcome of a coaching session lies with the client. In the initial session. K Knowledge Sharing: the Vedic astrology coach shares knowledge with the client in their role as a partner or assistant and not as an authority figure who has all the answers. the client feels they want to work with the astrology coach in setting a strategy for improving a particular part of their life and engaging in a series of coaching sessions to facilitate some higher level of performance. The answers lie within the client and the coach draws this out through techniques such as listening and asking powerful questions. but it is the client who takes the initiative and makes the commitment for a better future. as seen in the Vedic astrology chart. It consists of a series of interactions that create a journey to put the client on a new path in life. The quick. J Journey: the Vedic astrology coaching process is often more than one sitting with the client. perceptive feeling or sense the Vedic astrology coach has of the client can reveal further dimensions of the client and give the Vedic astrology coach additional insight into opportunities for the client to improve. a shift in perspective. Intruding (also interrupting) is when a Vedic astrology coach inserts a comment to bring the client back on track when they are going on and on or are avoiding the issues at hand. or whatever the client deems necessary. it might be appropriate for the Vedic astrology coach to engage with the client in a more direct manner in order to give them direction and information. Intuiting is the process of accessing and trusting one’s inner knowing. The Vedic astrology coach facilitates the client’s improvement goals. The Vedic astrology coach and client must both be patient and perceptive and set up reasonable. It is an important component of the coaching process. It might be that after this initial session. Metaphors are useful to paint a verbal picture or illustrate a point for the client. Learning Style (also learning preferences) each client learns in their own way. judgments and opinions about the client’s story. or Kinesthetic. Motivation can be either a positive or negative influence that compels a person to either take action or avoid it. The Vedic astrology coach pulls back (or asks the client to pull back) from the immediate issue and reflects back to the client what he sees through the clarity of that expanded vision. Level I: the Vedic astrology coach listens to their own thoughts. and on and on.Internal and external forces and influences drive an individual to persist in achieving goals. M Making distinctions is the skill whereby the Vedic astrology coach helps the client to see a situation from a fresh perspective. Level II: the Vedic astrology coach focuses on the client.a coaching process incorporating Vedic astrology chart analysis coupled with life coaching techniques. The client learns from the experience and can talk to the Vedic astrology coach from a higher level of knowledge. Meta-view represents the big picture or expanded perspective. A good Vedic astrology coach learns to identify the client’s learning style to work with them in this way. From this they can differentiate two or more concepts. A popular model of learning style is called Visual. Level III is global listening using the whole environment for information. . A Vedic learning style is seen in Pitta. Model. According to Co-active Coaching there are three levels of listening. facts or ideas to enable them to see a clearer course of action. Mentoring is a form of teaching that includes the client following you around or “shadowing” you as the teacher. ACVA . Auditory. Motivation . which then informs a higher level of action. often in the face of obstacles and setbacks. Vata and Kapha doshas Listening is a critical skill used by the Vedic astrology coach.Learning and Doing (knowledge and experience): a key part of the coaching process involves the client learning and then taking action. The client “walks along side” you to learn from the example of your experience and skills. The client is encouraged to take action by the Vedic astrology coach following an agenda set by the client and worked out collaboratively with the Vedic astrology coach. Another is right brained and left brained dominant. cheerlead and praise the client in a genuine manner. life principles.N Negative Feedback is important but should be delivered judiciously. etc.ask the client for a statement which encourages conversation by asking the client more than a “yes” or “no” closed ended question. ambitions. P Parameters are dimensions of the coaching agreement related to factors such as the authority level (directed/non-directed) in the coaching relationship. asks powerful questions that explore the client’s viewpoints. working with the client. This is where powerful questions posed to the client can help diffuse negative responses and lead to finding a satisfactory way forward with the client. non-judgmental and respectful towards the client during a coaching session. either favorable or unfavorable. Prejudices or Bias –the Vedic astrology coach should attempt to remain neutral. Expressing approval. admiration or commendation to the client helps them bring out their best. Probing – the Vedic astrology coach. and the client’s objectives for creating and finding a way to a more satisfying life for themselves . Planning is a function whereby the Vedic astrology coach helps the client to articulate the direction they wish to take. Perspectives are other points of view the Vedic astrology coach brings to the session which can help the client break out of overwhelming situations through re-examining their viewpoints from different angles. time-lines for the session or sessions. O Open-Ended Questions . Vedic astrology coach and client expectations. Praise – a major component of the Vedic astrology coaching process is to acknowledge. encourage. It is important for the Vedic astrology coach to try to enter the session without any preconceived opinion or feelings about the client. Doing so will increase trust with the client and encourage them to participate more openly during the coaching session. impartial. dreams. The following are some of the criteria to check for a client’s readiness to change. The request includes a specified action. nature..move away from beliefs and actions that limit me .see if I can accomplish more by doing less . The Self is the part of person that knows. point of view. rest and take care of myself more . Self is defined in many ways in spiritual and psychological terms. action. R Readiness – A client will gain the most from a coaching session if they are ready to make the commitment and to do the work needed for transformation. open. “ I am ready to. insight or commitment. personal identity . that is the knower.learn to stop. conditions of satisfaction and a time frame. They are open-ended questions that help clients understand the situation better and/or enable them to move forward to a course of action.anticipate a bright and powerful future ..create specific. It appears to protect but actually prevents one from moving forward and getting what one truly wants in life. The self has a lot to do with one’s confidence and awareness and the Vedic astrology coach strives to work with .work with a Vedic astrology coach who will help me form an action plan to stay focused on my goals and progress. enjoy and relax more in my life. . The client would say.be genuine. or the way they view themselves in their minds and hearts. notice the options in the situation and then consciously choose the action needed to move forward.do what is necessary to make relevant and positive changes in my life .Powerful questions evoke clarity. time-phased plans and take action now to achieve my goals.. The Saboteur loses its power when it can be identified for what it is. S Saboteur embodies a group of thought processes and feelings that maintains the status quo in life. and honest about what I need to change in my life .have more fun. discovery. as distinct from what is known or the act of knowing.” . Reframing is the Vedic astrology coach’s ability to provide the client with another perspective by taking the original information and interpreting it in a different way. Requesting is a very important skill the Vedic astrology coach uses to “forward” the client’s action based on the client’s agenda. . The Self (Big “S”) is a person’s character. By doing so. According to Co-active Coaching this includes handling the Saboteur by aiding clients in identifying the Saboteur and providing tools for managing it. It is their current state of affairs Strategy – the Vedic astrology coach helps the client develop a plan. In order to get the highest level of improved performance.the client to build up their self-confidence to empower them to take action for a better future. Stopping – many people know how to go.while Vedic astrology coaching attempts to be non-directed. T Taking charge is when the Vedic astrology coach directs the client back to their goal when the client is sidetracking. much stress will result. Tolerating – one of the main reasons people do not make good progress in life is from tolerating things that are not good for them. rehabilitating. especially in the beginning. Learning how to stand back. Therapy – is the treatment of a disease or disorder. using some remedial. the client is compelled to reach out further or “stretch” to perform at a higher level of life. If a person does not stop at the appropriate time and take a break. Self-management means that the Vedic astrology coach sets aside all opinions. or series of maneuvers or action steps for obtaining a specific goal or result over a designated period of time. but many people do not know how to stop. “What are you tolerating?” especially when a client indicates that they feel stuck in life . but is not part of the Vedic astrology coaching process. method. or curative process. Situational . sometimes. the Vedic astrology coach will encourage the client to set what seems like “impossible” goals and challenging actions. Stretching – all outcomes are based on behavior or action. preferences. judgments and beliefs in order to support or “hold” the client’s agenda. Structures are means that remind the client of their vision. A situation is a combination of circumstances at a given moment in the life of a client. This approach is part of psychotherapy or counseling. A good Vedic astrology coach will ask the question. or the actions they need to take based on the timeframe indicated in the Vedic astrology chart. goals or purpose. take a break. and stop or rest is an important part of the ability to take dynamic action. clients will contact the astrologer to get direction and perspective about a particular situation or circumstance in their lives. Vedic Astrology Coach analyzes a Vedic chart of a client and presents or works with that client using co-active coaching principles enabling the client to set a positive course of action regarding the issue or difficulty they are having. the client feels seen and heard at a deep level. character. V Values are the principles that the client holds to be of worth in their life. When the client and Vedic astrology coach have a trusting relationship then powerful changes can occur for the client. The Vedic astrology coach works with the client to create change in the client’s nature. process. and behavior. setbacks and delays and begins to perform their actions with confidence and good effect.Transformation – a person will often meet with a Vedic astrology coach to seek guidance in creating a new life for themselves. Worry or fear and doubt. or thing. U Unfreeze– is a term used by some coaches to describe the state when a client is released from blocks. strength. ability. Vision is the mental image that personally defines and inspires the client to take action. The condition of fear and worry is a major topic in many people’s coaching sessions. The Vedic chart and Dharma Chakra Wheel assists the Vedic astrology coach in seeing these values. Trust – is the reliance and confidence in the integrity. A worried person is often tormented . Worry is a condition or feeling of uneasiness or anxiety that usually anticipates that things will not work out well. When he witnesses the client’s learning and growth. It provides clients with direction and meaning in life when it is aligned with their life purpose as observed in their Vedic chart. The goal is to transform or improve performance and increase satisfaction in all levels of life. and reliability of a person. W Witnessing is when the Vedic astrology coach creates the space for the client to fully express themselves. with thoughts of failure. . A good Vedic astrology coach works with the client to help them begin to anticipate positive outcomes and have a more positive frame of mind.
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