
April 29, 2018 | Author: Bianca Emanuela Lazar | Category: Oil Spill, Enhanced Oil Recovery, Petroleum, Emulsion, Oil Tanker



RECSO - MARINE POLLUTION TERMINOLOGY First Edition 2015 Name Organization Dr. Hasan A. Anbar RECSO Chairman Saudi Aramco Mr. Hamed Al Haddabi RECSO Vice Chairman Petroleum Devt. Oman RECSO Main Members Mr. Fadhel Boresle Kuwait Oil Company Mr. Omer Al-Wasem Saudi Arabian Chevron Mr. Ijaz Ashraf Bahrain Petroleum Company Mr. Ali Ashkanani Qatar Petroleum Mr. Andrew Pearce Maersk Oil Mr. Abdul Kareem Ali Al-Thuwainy Al-Khafji Joint Operations Mr. Talib Al-Alawi Abu Dhabi National Oil Co. Associate Members Mr. Emad Khadir Naghi Marine Mr. Hassan Yami Petro Rabigh Mr. Abdul Maroof Marine Services Co., Ltd. Technical Committee Name Organization Mr. Talib Al-Alawi Chairman ADNOC Members Capt. Ahmad A. Ahmad KOC Mr. Abdulla Al-Ansari BAPCO Mr. Ibrahim A. Al Hilal Saudi Aramco Mr. Khaled Almenhali ADNOC Capt. Naif Al-Dhafeeri SAC Mr. Hilal Hamed Al Dughaishi PDO Mr. Abdullatif Al-Shammari KJO Mr. Hamaida Beddiar ADNOC © Copy rights reserved for RECSO 2015 Regional Clean Sea Organisation (RECSO) Marine Pollution Terminology . Table of Contents  Introduction _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 3  About RECSO _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4  RECSO Vision _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4  RECSO Mission _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4  Acronyms and Abbreviations _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6  Gulf Oil Companies _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6  Organizations / Agencies / Environmental Firms _ _ _ _ 8  Conventions / Agreements _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 15  Tankers _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _17  Oil / Chemicals _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 18  Miscellaneous_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 19  Glossary _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _24  Conversion Factors _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 60  Marine Ports / Shipping Companies _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _63 . 3 . A total of 257 acronyms & abbreviations. Also. we included herewith a list all major marine ports and shipping companies in the Gulf. Moreover. glossary of terms and terminologies related to the Marine Oil Spill activities within the Arabian Gulf and around the world.Marine Pollution Terminology Introduction The Marine Pollution Terminology booklet is prepared to provide the readers with the most abbreviations. RECSO . RECSO team members would like to thank all those who participated to develop this reference. the book contains all oil spill/environmental organizations/agencies/firms' acronyms and lists almost all conventions and agreements abbreviations worldwide. 142 glossary terms are included here in this quick reference. The Regional Clean Sea Organisation (RECSO). which was founded in 1972 by regional oil companies. was founded for the sole purpose of protecting the Gulf Waters from pollution. Its members today consist of 9 main members and 1 associate member all over the region. Each member oil company shares the responsibility of ensuring a long-term commitment to the “Clean Gulf” concept. 4 . RECSO . Vision: RECSO’s vision is to achieve “Clean Gulf” environment in the Regional Seas and make it free from oil spills. Mission: The prime responsibility of RECSO today is to protect the marine environment in the Gulf from oil pollution emanating from operations of RECSO member oil companies in the region. especially oil spills under a mutual aid concept.Marine Pollution Terminology About RECSO RECSO is a non-profit organization with the genuine objective to accomplish a ‘cleaner and safer environment’. RECSO recognizes this pledge and coordinates efforts towards meeting this challenge. 5 .Marine Pollution Terminology Keep it away from the gulf. RECSO . RECSO .Marine Pollution Terminology Acronyms and Abbreviations Gulf Oil Companies A ADNOC Abu Dhabi National Oil Company AGOC Aramco Gulf Operations Company ARAMCO Saudi Aramco B BAPCO The Bahrain Petroleum Company D DPC Dubai Petroleum Company E EGPC Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation ENOC Emirates National Oil Company H HARKEN Harken Bahrain Oil Company I INOC Iraq National Oil Company IOEPC Iranian Oil Exploration and Producing Consortium J JNPC Jordan National Petroleum Company K KOC Kuwait Oil Company M MOQ Maersk Oil Qatar AS N NIOC National Iranian Oil Company (Iran) 6 . Marine Pollution Terminology Gulf Oil Companies .cont'd P PDO Petroleum Development Oman Q QP Qatar Petroleum S SAC Saudi Arabian Chevron Inc. RECSO . 7 . RECSO . Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (UK) CMC Cellule de Management de Crise (Crisis Management Unit) CMT Crisis Management Team CNA Clean Nigeria Associates CONCAWE Conservation of Clean Air and Water Europe CZM Coastal Zone Management 8 . Research and Development for Accident Water Pollution CEFAS Centre for Environment.Marine Pollution Terminology Organizations / Agencies / Environmental Firms A ABS American Bureau of Shipping ACOPS Advisory Committee on Protection of the Sea AMOP Arctic Marine Oil spill Programme AMOSC Australian Marine Oil Spill Centre AMSA Australian Maritime Safety Agency API American Petroleum Institute ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials B BPA British Ports Association BSEP Black Sea Environment Programme BSI British Standards Institute C CCA Clean Caribbean & Americas CCW Countryside Council for Wales CEDRE Centre for Documentation. Marine Pollution Terminology Organizations / Agencies / Environmental Firms .cont'd D DAFS Department of Agriculture and Fisheries for Scotland (UK) DARD Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (Northern Ireland) DECC Department of Energy and Climate Change DEFRA Department of Environment Food and Rural Affairs (UK) DOE Department of the Environment (UK) DfT Department of Transport (UK) E EA Environment Agency (UK) EBRD European Bank for Reconstruction and Development ECA Environmental Conservations Association ECOSOC UN Economic and Social Council EPA Environmental Protection Agency (USA) E&P Forum Exploration and Production Forum F FAO Food and Agriculture Organization (UN) FCO Foreign and Commonwealth Office (UK) G GCC Gulf Cooperation Council GEF Global Environment Fund (World Bank) GESAMP Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Pollution GI Global Initiative (IMO/Oil Industry) 9 . RECSO . RECSO .Marine Pollution Terminology Organizations / Agencies / Environmental Firms .cont'd H HELCOM Baltic Marine Environment Protection (Helsinki) Commission HSE Health and Safety Executive / Health Safety and Environment I IADC International Association of Drilling Contractors IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency IAPH International Association of Ports and Harbours ICES International Council for Exploration of the Sea ICS International Command System or International Chamber of Shipping IFP Institut Francais du Petrole (French Petroleum Institute) IFREMER Institut Français de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la Mer (French Research Institute of Exploitation of the Sea) IMO International Maritime Organization IMPA International Maritime Pilot’s Association Inmarsat International Maritime Satellite Organization Intertanko International Association of Independent Tanker Owners IOPC Fund International Oil Pollution Compensation Fund IOSO International Oil Spill Organization IPI International Petroleum Industry IPIECA International Petroleum Industry Environmental Conservation Association Federation ISO International Organization for Standardization 10 . cont'd IPCC Inter Government Panel on Climate Change IRPTC International Register of Potential Toxic Chemicals ISO International Standards Organization ISU International Salvage Union ITOPF International Tanker Owners Pollution Federation IUCN International Union for Conservation of nature and Natural Resources M MAFF Ministry of Agriculture.) MEPC Marine Environment Protection Committee (IMO) MMO Marine Response Organization (Marine Scotland) MOIG Mediterranean Oil Industry Group MSRC Marine Spill Response Corporation (USA) N NCWCD National Commission for Wildlife Conservation and Development (Saudi Arabia) NE Natural England NEBA Net Environmental Benefit Analysis NGO Non-Governmental Organization 11 .A. Fisheries and Food (UK) MAIB Marine Accident Investigation Branch (UK) MED Marine Environment Division (IMO) MEMAC Marine Emergency Mutual Aid Countries (ROPME) MEPA Meteorological and Environmental Protection Administration (S.Marine Pollution Terminology Organizations / Agencies / Environmental Firms . RECSO . Marine Pollution Terminology Organizations / Agencies / Environmental Firms .cont'd NI Nautical Institute NNR National Nature Reserve NOAA National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (USA) NOFO Norwegian Clean Seas Association For Operating Companies NOSCA Norwegian Oil Spill Control Association NRC National Response Corporation (USA) O OCIMF Oil Companies International Marine Forum OECD Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development OIIEP Oil Industry International Exploration and Production OPEC Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries OPOL Offshore Pollution Liability Association Ltd. OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration OSRL/OSR Oil Spill Response Limited (UK) OSSC Oil Spill Service Center (Southampton UK) P PAJ Petroleum Association of Japan PIRO Petroleum Industry Response Organization P&I Club Protection and Indemnity Club R RECSO Regional Clean Sea Organization (Gulf Region) REMPEC Regional Marine Pollution Emergency Response Centre for the Mediterranean Sea ROPME Regional Organization for Protection of the Marine Environment (Kuwait) 12 . RECSO . RECSO .cont'd S SAC Special Area of Conservation (European Directive) SCU Salvage Control Unit (UK) SEEEC Sea Empress Environmental Evaluation Committee SEERAD Scottish Executive Environmental & Rural Affairs Department SEPA Scottish Environment Protection Agency SFI Sea Fisheries Inspectorate (UK) SFT Norwegian State Pollution Control Authority SNH Scottish Natural Heritage SOSREP Secretary of State’s Representative for Maritime Salvage and Intervention (UK) SPA Special Protection Area (for wild birds. Scientific and Cultural Organization UNITAR UN Institute for Training 13 .Marine Pollution Terminology Organizations / Agencies / Environmental Firms . European Directive) SPE Society of Petroleum Engineers (USA) SRC Shoreline Response Centre SSSI Site of Special Scientific Interest (UK) U UKHMA UK Harbour Masters Association UKMPG UK Major Ports Group UNCED UN Conference on Environment and Development UNCTAD UN Commission on Trade & Development UNEP United Nation Environmental Programme UNESCO UN Educational. Marine Pollution Terminology Organizations / Agencies / Environmental Firms .cont'd USCG United States Coast Guard W WACAF West and Central Africa WCMC World Conversation Monitoring Centre (UK) WHO World Health Organization WMO World Meteorological Organization WODA World Organization of Dredging Association WWF World-wide Fund for Nature 14 . RECSO . RECSO .Marine Pollution Terminology Conventions / Agreements A ADR European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road C CAST Coastguard Agreement for Salvage and Towage (UK MCA) CLC Civil Liability Convention 1969 CLC 1992 International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage 1992 CWA US Clean Water Act E EC European Commission F Fund 1992 International Convention on the Establishment of an International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage 1992 I IOSC International Oil Spill Conference ITOPF International Tanker Owners Pollution Federation J JNCC Joint Nature Conservation Committee (UK) L LDC London Dumping Convention 1972 M MARPOL International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (73/78) MOU Memorandum Of Understanding 15 . Marine Pollution Terminology Conventions / Agreements .cont'd O OCIMF Oil Companies International Marine Forum OILPOL International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution of the Sea by Oil 1954 OPA Oil Pollution Act. Response & Cooperation (IMO’s Convention) OTC Offshore Technology Conference S SOLAS Safety of Life at Sea Convention T TOVALOP Tanker Owners Voluntary Agreement Concerning Liability for Oil Pollution U UNCLOS United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982 16 . 1990 (USA) OPRC Oil Pollution Preparedness. RECSO . 000 tonnes) 17 .000 tonnes) V VLCC Very Large Crude Oil Carrier (> 200. RECSO .Marine Pollution Terminology Tankers C CALM Catenary Anchor Leg Mooring CBT Clean Ballast Tank COW Crude Oil Washing D DT Displacement Tonnage DWT Dead Weight Tonnage G GRT Gross Registered Tonnage GT Gross Tonnage L LOT Load-on-top System S SALM Single Anchor Leg Mooring SBM Single Buoy Mooring SBT Segregated Ballast Tanks U ULCC Ultra Large Crude Carrier (>300. RECSO .Marine Pollution Terminology Oil / Chemicals B BOD Biochemical Oxygen Demand BPG Byproduct Phospho-gypsum C CFCs Chlorofluorocarbons D DDT Dichloro-diphenyl-trichloro-ethane H HC Hydrocarbon HFO Heavy Fuel Oil HNS Hazardous and Noxious Substances L LC50 Lethal Concentration LFO Light Fuel Oil LNG Liquefied Natural Gas LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas N NGL Natural Gas Liquids O OBM Oil Based Mud P PAH Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon S SNG Substitute Natural Gas 18 . Marine Pollution Terminology Miscellaneous A ADDS Aerial Dispersant Delivery System ADIOS Automated Data Inquiry for Oil Spill (spill modelling software) ART Alternative Response Technologies ARTES Alternative Response Technologies Evaluation System B BOP Blow Out Preventer BOPD Barrel of Oil Per Day C CPSO Counter Pollution and Salvage Officer (UK) CVM Contingent Valuation Methodology E EEZ Exclusive Economic Zone (zone beyond the territorial sea extending 12nm out to 200nm) ESD Emergency Shut Down ESI Environmental Sensitivity Index FEZ Fisheries Exclusion Zone F FOST Fast Oil Spill Team (France) FPSO Floating Oil Production. RECSO . Storage & Offloading facility FSU Floating Storage Unit or Former Soviet Union G GIS Geographical Information System GPS Global Positioning System 19 . RECSO .Marine Pollution Terminology Miscellaneous .cont'd H HAZMAT Hazardous Material HP Horse Power I IAP Incident Action Plan IBC Intermediate Bulk Container IC Incident Commander IMS Incident Management System IMT Incident Management Team IOPP International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate IRLS Infra Red Line Scanning ISB In Situ Burning ISM International Safety Management Code K Kt Knot L LEL Lower Explosive Limit M MODU Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit MSDS Material Safety Data Sheets MSI Marine Safety Information N NCP National Contingency Plan NRDA Natural Resource Damage Assessment (USA) 20 . RECSO .cont'd O OCU Operations Control Unit OIM Offshore Installation Manager OMT Oil Spill Management Team OSC On-Scene Commander OSCP Oil Spill Contingency Plan P POLMAR French National Marine Pollution Plan POLREP Pollution Report ppb Parts Per Billion PPE Personal Protective Equipment ppm Parts Per Million PPP Polluter Pays Principle PSC Port State Control or Production Sharing Company PSI Pounds per Square Inch R RIB Rigid Inflatable Boat ROM-CPS Regional Operations Manager.Marine Pollution Terminology Miscellaneous . Counter Pollution and Salvage (UK MCA) RPM Revolutions Per Minute S SAR Search and Rescue SCAT Shoreline Cleanup Assessment Technique SI Statutory Instrument SIMOPs Simultaneous Operations SITREP Situation Operations SLAR Side-Looking Airborne Radar 21 . Timely SOPEP Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan SPM Single Point Mooring SRP Site Response Plan SSP Site Safety Plan STOp Scientific.cont'd SMART Special Monitoring of Applied Response Technologies / or / Specific. Measurable. RECSO . Achievable. Realistic.Marine Pollution Terminology Miscellaneous . Technical and Operational Guidance Notes (UK) STR Shoreline Treatment Recommendation U UCS Unified Command System USCG United State Coast Guard USG US Gallon UVLS Ultra Violet Line Scanning V VOC Volatile Organic Compound VOO Vessel Of Opportunity VRP Vessel Response Plan 22 . Marine Pollution Terminology 23 . RECSO . The term is used also where spillage of oil arises from mechanical failure. i. Accidental Discharge of oil  Oil discharged as a result of an accident to the vessel containing it or to the installation holding the oil. the wreck of an oil tanker on the coast is a single damaging event from which.e. e. Accident  A specific unplanned event or sequence of events that has a specific undesirable consequences.g.e. RECSO .Marine Pollution Terminology Glossary Absorption  The process by which a substance attaches itself to the surface of another without absorbing it. i. oil to particles of solid matter (as opposed to absorption by which a substance enters into and becomes part of another). a natural recovery can begin. 24 . Acute Pollution  Pollution that either lasts for a short time or is very severe. once the oil is removed from the marine environment. Acute Exposure  It is a single event. failure to close a valve at an appropriate moment. RECSO . 25 .5 million pieces of rubbish into our oceans.Marine Pollution Terminology Every day ships throughout the world discard 5. 26 . each of five internal atoms is linked to two hydrogen atoms while the ones at each end are linked with three. including the Alkanes and most of the other fractions found naturally in crude oil. this process applies to the uptake of oil by capillaries within certain sorbent materials. Aliphatic Hydrocarbons  A group of hydrocarbon substances. RECSO . In the case of oil spill clean-up. Anchor Point  An anchor point is a location on a boom suitable for attaching an anchor or mooring line. Additives  Substances which are added to petroleum fractions to modify or enhance their natural properties.Marine Pollution Terminology Acute Toxicity  The lethal amount when the substance is administered in a single dose. Alkane = paraffin  A form of hydrocarbon in which seven atoms of carbon are linked together in a straight chain. Adsorption  Any process by which one substance penetrates the interior of another substance. 22° . without intervening tank washing. Back Loading  Tanker operating practice in which. a second product is loaded in the same tanks for the next voyage. the lighter the compound. as well as high Octane Rating gasoline blends. 27 .38° is considered intermediate and heavy crudes are commonly <22° API Aromatic Hydrocarbon  An unsaturated form of hydrocarbon in which some carbon atoms have a double link with each other. Assay Sheet  Chemical components of a substance. The higher the API gravity. benzene. e. These groups of hydrocarbon products provide feedstocks for many of the main petrochemical processes.g. Asphaltene  Compound found in oil. etc. Artificial Berm  A manmade barrier constructed along the high tide line to keep the sand above it from being oiled. So-called from their “sweet smell”. RECSO . following the discharge of one product at a terminal. >38° API is generally light. asphaltene content determines the oil’s ability to form water-in-oil-emulsions.Marine Pollution Terminology API Gravity  An arbitrary scale for measuring the gravity or density of liquid petroleum products (units API degrees). and the Arabian Gulf is 35 meters.Marine Pollution Terminology The average depth of all the oceans is around 3. RECSO .795 meters. 28 . e. gallons or 0.g. 29 .Marine Pollution Terminology Ballast  Ballast is weight attached to the bottom of the boom to provide vertical stability in the water. Ballast  Water taken aboard a tanker. Modern tankers have segregated ballast tanks so that the water does not become polluted with oil. The organic compounds are converted to simpler. may be used alone or blended with other base stocks and / or additives. Biodegradation  The changes which occur in naturally.S. Base Stock (Base Oil)  Refined petroleum oil used in the production of lubricants. in the case of part-cargoes. to maintain stability and distribute load stresses. bbl/Barrel  A volumetric unit for crude oil and petroleum products equivalent to 42 U. RECSO . Bioaccumulation  Metals and halogenated hydrocarbons which cannot be extracted and remain in the plants and animal’s body in an unchanged state and are continually added to during the life of the organism. occurring and some synthetic organic substances by the action of microorganisms (bacteria). semi-submersible rig etc.15899 m3. Marine Pollution Terminology Carbon emissions into our atmosphere are killing our coral reefs! Our oceans are absorbing the excess carbon dioxide and becoming more acidic. The acid is literally ‘eating away' the skeleton of the corals. 30 . RECSO . fuel oil or other products orienting from crude oil. oil or other fluids from a well into the atmosphere. 31 . Bioremediation  A treatment technology that use biological activity to reduce the concentration or toxicity of contaminants. and other clear refined products.Marine Pollution Terminology Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD)  Index of water pollution which represents the content of biochemically degradable substances in the water sample. Black Oil  A persistent oil that may be crude oil or distilled crude cutting the fractions heavier than middle distillates. or to prevent oil spill or chronic pollution from affecting industrial or sensitive areas. materials are added to contaminated environments to accelerate natural biodegradation. Booms  Booms are flexible floating barriers which extend above and below the water surface to either contain and concentrate spilled oil for recovery. RECSO . which occurs when formation pressure exceeds the pressure applied to it by the column of drilling fluid. The term excludes lubricating oils. gas oil. Blowout  Uncontrolled flow of gas. ropes and other discarded equipment. RECSO .Marine Pollution Terminology More than 260 animal species worldwide have become entangled in or consumed fishing line. nets. 32 . moss or sawdust.Marine Pollution Terminology Bubble Barriers  A rising curtain of bubbles which can be produced when air is pumped into a perforated pipe located below the water surface. used as tanker terminals. or the use of wicking agents such as straw. Bunker Oil  An oil of high viscosity used as fuel. Bunker ‘C’  A heavy residual fuel oil obtained as a result of distillation of crude oil and used as fuel primarily for marine steam generation. Catenary Anchor Leg Mooring (CALM)  It is one type of the Single Buoy Mooring (SBM). mooring assemblies and floating and submarine hose strings. Centipoise (cP)  A centipoise is a non-SI (non-System International) measurement of unit of dynamic viscosity in the 33 . Catamaran  A boat with twin hulls. kerosene or lighter fluids. Vessels are moored to this system by one or more hawsers attached to the rotating deck. chain and anchor system. RECSO . Burning  Controlled burning of oil slicks or stranded oil by the addition of gasoline. It consists of mooring buoy. RECSO . Claim  Any demand presented by a party to another party to cover remedy resulted from encountered damage. but since the discharge continuous. Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)  The amount of oxygen consumed in the chemical oxidation of organic matter. cannot begin and the damage is progressive. Centistoke (cSt)  It is a kinematic viscosity measurement unit. natural recovery. Chocolate Mousse  Name given to the water-in-oil emulsion observed to form naturally under certain weather conditions when crude oil is spilt at sea. 34 . The name is indicative of the characteristic appearance of the water-in-oil. a refinery discharge. Not all oil form chocolate mousse with equal ease.. i. It is multiple of the CGS base viscosity unit named poise (P).Marine Pollution Terminology centimeter gram second (CGS) system of units. The initial damage may be much less than from an acute oil spill. Chronic Toxicity  The lethal amount when the substance is administered over a long time. Chronic Exposure  It is a continuous of pollutants over a long time of effluent.e. chemical elements.Marine Pollution Terminology Mangroves trap and cycle various organic materials. 35 . RECSO . and important nutrients. Clean Ballast Tank (CBT)  The term refers to a procedure for dedicating certain clean cargo tanks for use as ballast tanks. Commercial well  A well capable of producing profitably. Similarly. However. Gas condenses as it rises up the wellbore and reaches the surface as condensate. there companies play an essential role in any spill response program by providing manpower and equipment. condensate separates out naturally in pipelines or in a separation plant by the normal process of condensation. compared with natural gasoline and liquefied petroleum gas (API gravity is typically 50° . 36 . Condensate  A natural gas liquid with a low vapour pressure. It is produced from a deep well where the temperature and pressure are high. Containment  The process of preventing the spread of oil beyond the area where it has been spilled in order to minimize pollution and facilitate recovery.Marine Pollution Terminology Clean-up Contractors  They are private companies to assist in responding to oil spills. RECSO .120°). Clean-up Cost  The accumulated cost associated with an oil spill clean- up operations. sometimes containing additives.. The residues are. during the drilling operations. rolling lubricant. Because it is essentially a mixture. i. 37 . sediments or organisms. for use in cutting fluid. Crude Oil  An unrefined mixture of naturally occurring hydrocarbons. Cutting Oil  Mineral oil. Crude Oil Washing (COW)  This technique involves use of the oil itself as a washing agent during the discharge of a crude oil cargo by a high pressure jet washing system. Part of the cargo is pumped to washing machines as the tanks empty.. fatty oil or mixtures of these. thus.Marine Pollution Terminology Contaminated Ballast  In a tanker.e. washed into the cargo and discharged to the shore tanks. etc. the density and properties of crude oil vary widely. concentrations that are above the natural background level for the area and for the organism. ballast water which has become mixed with oil. RECSO . Debris  Any solid or semisolid substances that could interfere with the operation of a spill control system. Contamination  The presence of elevated concentrations of substances in the water. RECSO - Marine Pollution Terminology Deployment  Placing the response equipment in the water and making it operational. Detergent  A surface-active chemical which is particularly useful in physically lifting or removing unwanted adherent material from a solid surface. Most detergent formulations are too toxic for use as oil dispersants. Dirty Cargo  Crude oil, or any cargo containing black oil or residual oils. Dispersant Spray System  Dispersant Spray System are used in spill cleanups to apply dispersants rapidly, particularly over slicks that cover a large area. Generally they consist of the following components; a pump that transfers the dispersant under pressure from a storage tank to spray equipment; spray booms that are either suspended over the side of the boat, extended or devices that are fixed at intervals along the spray booms and force the dispersant into spray droplets during application. Dispersants  Chemicals which reduce the surface tension between oil and water, and thereby facilitate the breakup and dispersal of the slick throughout the water column in the form of oil-in water emulsion where the Biodegradation rate can be accelerated. 38 RECSO - Marine Pollution Terminology An astounding 80 per cent of all marine turtles are affected by marine debris. 39 RECSO - Marine Pollution Terminology Dispersion  Breaking up of an oil slick to form tiny oil droplets, smaller droplets remain in suspension in the water column and larger droplets rise back to the surface. Dispersion can be natural (through wave action) or chemical (through use of dispersants). Dry Gas  Natural gas, methane and ethane, without any significant content of heavier hydrocarbon fractions. Eco System  The interaction between plants, animals and their environment. Effluent  Waste products emitted by an operation or process. Emulsion  A mixture of two non-miscible liquids such oil and water. In water-in-oil emulsions, water is the internal phase and oil the external; in oil-in-water emulsions, water is external phase and oil the internal. In either case there is a significant concentration of both liquids and the appearance of the emulsion of both liquids and the appearance of the emulsion is different from either of the original liquids. Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR)  Techniques sometimes described as Tertiary Recovery. They include, for example, injection of surfactant or 40 with proper operation and maintenance. Equipment  All items used during oil spill response which. notably light alkanes and aromatics. fire flooding. RECSO .Marine Pollution Terminology polymer into the reservoir. cannot be safely stored or retained in process vessels. are lost within hours by evaporation to the air. the most volatile components. Flare Stack  Is the tower from the top of which the burn – off can safely take place. can be expected to be effectively reused after oil spill response operations. Environmental Sensitivity  The susceptibility of a local environment or area to any disturbance which might decrease its stability or result in either short or long term adverse impacts. steam injection. less volatile components are lost more slowly. Evaporation  When a crude oil spilt and exposed in a thin layer. 41 . Flaring Operation  An event for burning of unwanted gases or to burn off hydrocarbons which due to temporary malfunction or maintenance of process plant. During this operation a pollution standby boat should be on site. and microbial action. tidal fluctuation and soil type.Marine Pollution Terminology Four major factors appear to limit the distribution of mangroves: climate. salt water. 42 . RECSO . 43 . RECSO . Fuel Oil  A heavy distillate. volatility of the product. Harbor Booms  These booms are commonly used in and around harbors. These booms are usually light. terminals and other near shore facilities. It is used as a fuel for the production of heat or power. Free Board  The part of a floating boom designed to prevent waves from waves from washing oil over the top.e. Floating Weir Skimmer  A type of skimmer that allows oil to flow over the top edge of the weir into the collecting vessel where the oil is pumped away. Typical measurements of these booms are: (1) Free board between 25 – 40 cm (2) Draft between 40 to 60 cm (3) Length less than 50 meters. At these locations.Marine Pollution Terminology Flash Point  Lowest temperature under very specific conditions at which a combustible liquid will give off sufficient vapour to form a flammable mixture with air in a standardized vessel i. residue or mixture of the two. highly buoyant. and flexible. waves are typically short and choppy and causes a condition that promotes oil splash over. RECSO . Inshore Boom  Any oil boom used at sea areas close to land with an overall height (draught. This time is commonly 48 hours or 96 hours.Marine Pollution Terminology The Marine Pollution Control Unit has many types of harbor booms such as Acme. Lethal Concentration (LC50)  The concentration of toxin at which 50% of the test organisms are killed within a special time. This type of boom is usually small. Hoyle Marine. Flexy and Expandi booms Hazard Zone  An area where special safety precautions apply. light and simply constructed. 44 . Hydrocarbons  Organic compounds of carbon and hydrogen. Inland Waters  Land locked areas of water or waterways unaffected by tidal water movements. Immediate Protection  Protection until any necessary outside assistance can be secured. and freeboard) not on more than 90 centimeters in its operational configuration. scrapers. For these spills. impairment of quality for use of sea water and reduction of amenities. Load on Top (LOT)  Technique used on board the tanker to separate the oil residues from the water and retaining them in a holding tank (or slop tank) which could be one of the normal cargo tanks. Major Oil Spills  Any oil spills greater than 5000 bbls in size. 45 . Manual Removal  Removal of oil and contaminated debris by hand tools such as rakes.Marine Pollution Terminology Light Ends  The group of petroleum products with lower boiling temperatures including gasolines and distillate fuels. shovels etc. RECSO . Marine Pollution  Any direct or indirect introduction of substances or including oil to the marine environment resulting in such deleterious effects as harm to living resources. assistance may be requested from the government where the oil spills happen. hazards to human health hindrance to marine activities including fishing. Marine Pollution Engineer  A specialist in controlling the pollution in the Marine Environment. providing adequate responses / different type of techniques to overcome the problem. RECSO and Contractors as necessary. This spill has a minimal adverse environmental effect. Natural Gas Liquids (NGL)  Liquids derived from natural gas. Medium Oil Spill  Any oil spill between 50 and 5000 bbls in size. Minor Oil Spill  Any oil spill less than 50 bbls in size.Marine Pollution Terminology Marine Waters  Open sea and all areas that are affected by tidal water movements or the incursion of seawater. The term usually excludes LNG. Natural Cleaning  Natural mechanisms such as wind and wave action. This process happen without use of added chemicals or physical labor. including LPG and natural gasoline. Spills of this size carry the potential of substantial environmental impact and generally require clean-up operation. sunlight and natural microbial action that promote removal. breakdown and disposal of oil. 46 . but represent no hazard to personal or equipment. RECSO . Cleanup operation might be needed. the sun.Marine Pollution Terminology If oil is spilled onto the sea. waves and tides can change the way the oil looks and moves. wind. 47 . RECSO . on.Marine Pollution Terminology Offshore Boom  Any boom used at sea areas well away from land with an overall height (draught and freeboard) greater than 120 centimeters depending on the sea state in its operational configuration. bridgestone and troilbooms. vegetable or mineral origin having an oily consistency. or under any of the navigable waters.. Marine Pollution Control Unit has many types of offshore booms. being fluid or reasonably fluid at room temperatures. Oil Field  A group / single of hydrocarbons reservoirs in a common geological setting. i. RECSO . Offshore Facility  Any facility of any kind located in. deck reel. Oil  A material of animal. RO boom. These types of booms are usually massive and generally require a mechanical handling aids. such as reels and power assisted pulling and lifting devices to deploy and retrieve them. 48 . Oil-Based-Mud  Drilling mud in which the solids are suspended in a hydrocarbon distillate rather than water.e. either from a platform or a vessel. provides rapid predictions of the movement of spilled oil. into the marine environment. allowing for contingency analysis and planning as well as hind. RECSO . Oil Spill Response  Is an operation mounted to cleanup a spill of oil on water to minimize the consequences impact and to prevent further spillage. OSCAR is a state of the art model and simulation tool for predicting the fates and effects of oil released during an accidental release of oil. 49 . Oil Spill Information System (OSIS)  A Microsoft Windows based software tool for predicting the trajectory and dispersion of oil spills at sea and the changes in slick viscosity.and forecasting. or from onshore / offshore facilities. OILMAP  A spill modelling software. from general shipping. oil tankers.Marine Pollution Terminology Oil Spill  Any discharge or escape of persistent hydrocarbon. flash point and volume that result from weathering. It includes simple graphical procedures for entering both wind and hydrodynamic data and specifying a spill scenario. OSCAR provides insight in the behavior of oil during an accident and captures the effects of contingency and response. Oil Spill Contingency And Response (OSCAR)  A Spill modelling software. On Scene Coordinator  The individual appointed by the response authority to assess a spill situation and to coordinate containment.Marine Pollution Terminology Oleophilic Skimmer  This type of skimmer operates on the principle of oil selectively adsorbing to a particular material (i. 50 . This needs not be uniform. other than submerged lands. Recovery  In oil spill cleanup. on. such as oil in the natural state. plastic. Morris skimmer). Pour Point  Temperature below which oil starts to solidify and no longer flows freely. while water is rejected (such as Komara skimmer.e. Organic Chemicals  Substances derived from living organisms. cleanup and restoration activities. the entire process or any operation contributing to the physical removal of spilled oil from land. synthetic ropes. or under any land within the country. Onshore Facility  Any facility of any kind located in. which is not a transportation related facility. Pooled Oil  Oil thickness exceeds 1cm. RECSO . or certain metals). water or shoreline environments. RECSO .Marine Pollution Terminology Mangroves serve as roosting and nesting sites for many of our birds. 51 . but very slow. mobile platforms. Once oil becomes incorporated into the bottom sediments. biological degradation state up. Rig  A collective term to describe the permanent equipment needed for drilling a well. It has come to include the onshore and offshore vehicles. Sedimentation  With the time oil may be adsorbed on. RECSO . 52 . sand) and be carried to the sea floor. cracking etc.e. where crude oil and other hydrocarbon feedstocks are converted into marketable commodities. the ballast water which reduce buoyancy and load stresses under different weather conditions is carried in separate compartments and does not come in contact with oil. Segregated Ballast  In some modern tankers. or mixed with particulate matter (i.Marine Pollution Terminology Refinery  Plant and processes such as distillation. Risk  A measure of potential economic loss or human injury in terms of the probability of the loss or injury occurring and the magnitude of the loss or injury if occurs. or vessels on which the equipment is installed. such as sand. These maps often prioritize sensitive areas so that in the event of an extensive spill these areas can be protected or cleanup first. presenting the minimum frontal area to the combined forces of wind and sea. RECSO . The tanker moors bows-on. and “weathervanes” around the buoy. used as tanker terminals. The mooring buoy is designed to carry a horizontal and vertical forces which result from the mooring loads. Sinking Agents  Are high density materials that absorbs oil and resulting an oil sinking to the sea bed. and the mooring gear and loading hoses can swivel above the buoy through a full circuit. The leg is usually large chain with a swivel incorporated to allow buoy rotation and prevent chain torqueing. and rubber powdered cement. The oil is fed to or from the center of the SBM from below. fly ash. Single Anchor Leg Mooring (SALM)  It is one type of the Single Point Mooring (SPM). Single Buoy Mooring (SBM)  A single buoy mooring is used for loading the oil tanker. social and economic importance in a given region.Marine Pollution Terminology Sensitivity Maps  Maps used by oil spill response teams which designate areas of biological. Vessels are moored to this system by one or more hawsers connected to the mooring buoy. 53 . Marine Pollution Terminology Skimmers  A mechanical device that remove an oil film from the water surface. Slop Oil  The suspended oily layer obtained by settling tank washings in a slops tank. Slick  The common term used to describe a film of oil (usually less than 2 micron thick) on the water surface. Slops oil. in which the oil penetrates the pores of the sorbent material. in which the oil is attracted to the sorbent surface and then adheres to it. or absorption. Slop Tank  Temporary storage for oil-contaminated water. this concentration may sometimes be exceeded. commonly contains up to 80% of water as a dispersed phase. Sorbents  Oil sorbents are placed on the surface of an oil slick to recover the spilled oil by either adsorption. Skirt  The portion of a floating boom which lies below the water surface and provides the basic barrier to the spread of an oil slick or the loss of oil beneath the boom. 54 . as settled. RECSO . or products (e. but normally refers to shipping. Opposite of Sour Oil / Gas. Spilling Party  Any party responsible for an oil spill from its installation. Sump  A pit or reservoir serves as a drain from which oil can be collected. road tanker). RECSO . tides.Marine Pollution Terminology Sour Oil / Gas  Oil or gas with a relatively high content of (odorous. However. will spread quickly into patches. Spreading  Oil spilled into the water. Suction Skimmer  A type of skimmer connected to a self-priming pump that creates the suction. poisonous or corrosive) Sulphur compounds such as Hydrogen Sulphide. currents and wind. its density and the volume spilled. Sweet Oil / Gas  Oil or gas that is low in Sulphur compounds such as Hydrogen Sulphide. 55 . Tanker  Any mobile storage unit for the bulk transport of crude oil. the extent of spreading depends upon the nature of the oil.g. gas. Marine Pollution Terminology There are more than 50 species of mangroves found throughout the world. RECSO . only one species recorded in the Arabian Gulf (Avicennia marina). 56 . Third Party  Any non-RECSO member company or organization. The mixture is collected in a slops tank where it is allowed to separate. ranging in size from less than 1 mm to 10-20 cm in diameter. gathering. RECSO . the smaller the lethal dose. or how large a dose is required to kill or damage an organism. 57 . Trunk Line  Long distance pipelines. measuring it is subject to many complicating factors. Toxic Substances  Any substances which may cause death. Toxicity  Is a measure of how poisonous a substance is. etc. the more toxic the substance. as distinct from field. or branch lines.Marine Pollution Terminology Tanker Washings  The mixture of wash water (usually sea water) and tank bottom residues pumped out of a cargo tank as it is washed. disability or discomfort to human or animal when it exists in adequate quantities. Tar Ball  The residue of heavy crude oil in the water. Although the concept of toxicity appears straightforward. Waste Water  Any polluted water resulting from industrial or agricultural operations or other activities with similar environmental effects which may also include sewage. Weathered Crude Oil  A weathered crude oil may incorporate sea water.Marine Pollution Terminology Ultra Large Crude Carrier (ULCC)  A crude oil tanker. 58 . These include physical. Viscosity  The resistance of a fluid to flow. and could ultimately give rise to semi-solid pitch-like deposit resembling asphalt.000 tons or more. often defined as having a deadweight tonnage or cargo capacity of 350. due to the mutual adherence of its molecules. RECSO . Weathering  The processes undergone by oil when exposed on the surface of the sea to wind and wave action. chemical and biological processes. Windrows  After a few hours the oil slick begins to break up and form narrow bands or windrows parallel to the wing direction. Marine Pollution Terminology Fine fishing net take at least 600 years (much longer for heavier nets) to break down in the ocean. 59 . RECSO . 45 barrels 1 metric ton = 2.29 barrels 1 long ton = 2.59 square kilometers 1 square foot = 0.33 barrels Volume Area Volume 1 square mile = 2.205 pounds 1 metric ton = 7.3 cubic feet 1 cubic meter = 6.Marine Pollution Terminology Conversion Factors Length 1 Inch = 2.281 feet 1 meter = 1.785 liters 1 cubic meter = 35.093 square meter 60 .54 centimeters 1 meter = 3.609 kilometers Volume Volume Volume 1 Barrel = 42 usg 1 gallon = 3.094 yard 1 mile = 1.240 pounds 1 long ton = 7. RECSO . 204.907 metric 1 long ton = 1.8 meters = 6 feet Volume Speed Volume 1 knots = 1.2 pounds 1 kilogram = 1.000 gram 1 short ton = 0.016 metric ton Volume Water Depth Volume 1 fathom = 1.85 kilometers/hr. = 0.Marine Pollution Terminology Volume Weight Volume 1 metric ton = 2.5 meter/sec. RECSO .62 lbs 1 kilogram = 2. 61 . Marine Pollution Terminology The Pacific Ocean is the largest as well as the deepest ocean on the planet. 62 . RECSO . com Web: www.ahmmarine. P.: +973 17728837 Tel.O.A.L.: +971 2 555 4300 Tel.ae Web: www.ae Web: www. Abu Dhabi.: +971 2 606 0000 Tel.O.net.com 63 .: +971 6 748 7728. U.ae Email: kahlul@omantel. P. O. RECSO . Dubai. P.C. Box 46103. Sharjah.O.E.alkahlul.aljazeeraport.E Tel.com Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected].: +971 7 244 6627 * 202 Fax: +971 2 555 3370 Fax: +971 7 244 6651 Email: Hamza.E P. Box 19525. 742 0447 Fax: +968 24481624 Email: [email protected]. U.com Abu Hasseer Marine & Abu Dhabi Shipping Agency Industrial Equipment Co.Marine Pollution Terminology Marine Ports / Shipping Companies A Abu Dhabi Marine Operating Abu Dhabi National Tanker Company (ADMA-OPCO) Company (ADNATCO) P. P.A. Tel.adnatco. O.A. U.ae Web: www.com Alco Group of Companies Al-Kahlul International L.E.O. Abu Dhabi. U.om Web: www. Box 91488.ae Al Jazeera Shipping Company (AJS) Al Mataf Shipping L.A.adsa.ae Web: www. Box 470. Kingdom of Bahrain P.L.C Abu Dhabi.A.ae Email: info@ahmmarine.: +971 2 644 9100 Tel.com Web: www. U. U.A.: +971 2 644 8129 Fax: +971 2 644 7783 / 644 7788 Fax: +971 2 644 0100 Email: adsaauh@adsa. L.E.A.com Al Jaber Shipping Agency & Al Jazeera Port Marine Works L.com Email: info@adnatcongsco. P. Box 5681 Tel.com Web: www.E.com Web: www.adma-opco. Tel.L.net.O.: +971 2 602 8600 / 602 8400 Fax: +971 2 626 6005 Fax: +971 2 672 3999 Web: www. Manama. Muscat. Sultanate of Oman Tel.ajsco. Box 302. Box 303.E.: +968 24482774 / +968 24478882 Fax: +971 6 748 [email protected]. U. Abu Dhabi. Box 2977.almatafshipping.alcoshipping.C.: +971 4 239 9001 Fax: +973 17728217 Fax: +971 4 239 9002 Email: [email protected]. Box 27028. Abu Dhabi. 742 0446 Tel.C P. 6 .com Web: www.com B Baaboud Trading and Shipping Bahregan Marine Services (BMS) Agencies (BTSA) P.com Web: www. Dubai. Tel.corporateshippingagency.O. U.A. U. Tel.E.A. Saudi Arabia Tehran.com Web: www.: +971 4 3248884 Fax: +971 4 3333 862 Fax: +971 4 3249994 Email: clarion@eim.: +971 4 4564888 Fax: +971 4 4207619 Email: [email protected] 64 .6 .5263232 Fax: 971 .net Email: [email protected] Corporate Shipping Agency LLC P.A.com Web: www. U. Dubai.: +98 (0) 21 22076891-4 Fax: +966 2 6271111 Fax: +98 (0) 21 22368067 Email: [email protected]. U.ae Email: info@cssdubai. P.net.: +966 2 6270000 Tel.net Web: www.cssgroupsite.E.com C Clarion Shipping Services L.E. RECSO . (AHI) P.com Web: www. Box 27802.L.E.A.J.E.com Blue Fin International Shipping Dubai.bluefinshipping. Dubai.O.O.O.C.5263233 Email: [email protected] Pollution Terminology Marine Ports / Shipping Companies .O.baaboud. Box 529.ahi-uae. Box 43030. Box 43198. Box 7262 Jeddah 21462.: +971 4 3333 852 Tel. U.S. Tel.cont'd Arab Heavy Industries Pr.: +971 4 4565310 Fax: +971 4 4565314 Email: dubai@corporateshippingagency. Tel.ae Web: www. Ajman.: 971 .A. IRAN Tel.C Consolidated Shipping Services (CSS) P. (FMS) P.: +30-210-412-2220 Tel.gov. U. Abu Dhabi.ae E Eships Oldendorff Logistics (EOL) P.gr Email: shipping@fairdeal. Box 298.eol.ae Fender & Spill Response Services Fleet Line Shipping Services Fujairah.cont'd D DP World (Jebel Ali Port) Drydocks World P.fairdeal.dpworld.com 65 . Box 49520. RECSO . Tel. Box Kastella 185 33 Piraeus Greece P.: +971 4 351 1122 Fax: +971 4 351 0222 Email: [email protected]. U. U.O.E Tel. Tel.com Fujairah Marine Services & Trading Co.fleetlineshipping.A. Tel.O.fsrs.O. U. Dubai.gov.E.ae Web: www.A.E. Fujairah U.fujamar.E. Box 17000.: +971 2 642 0367 Fax: +971 2 642 03 57 Web: www.ae Web: www. Web: www.com Web: www.: +971 9 2282162 Tel.A.com Email: [email protected] Tel.A.ae F Fairdeal P.: +971 4 881 5555 Tel.O.: +971 4 355 5562 Fax: +971 9 2282163 Fax: +971 4 357 0466 Web: www.A.E.A. Dubai.O. Dubai.: +971 9 222 8812 Fax: +971 9 222 8817 Email: fms@fujamar. U.ae P. Tel.O. U.E.Marine Pollution Terminology Marine Ports / Shipping Companies .O.com Web: www. U.com Email: [email protected]. Fujairah. Box 8988.drydocks.E.: +971 9 2014 102 Fax: +30-210-412-3900 Fax: +971 9 2778 383 Email: piraeus@fairdeal. P. Dubai.: +971 4 345 0626 Fax: +971 4 887 6379 Fax: +971 4 345 0116 Email: marketing@dpworld. Box 876. Box 112575. cont'd G Gulf Agency Company Ltd (GAC) P.gmsuae. Box 1450.com Web: www. UK P. RECSO .com Email: youriss. Dubai.: +971 4 303 8500 Tel. Box 1280.com 66 .: +971 4 313 5700 Fax: +974-44637222 Fax: +971 4 313 5777 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]. Box 855.O.E.com Web: www. Jeddah 21481.com. P.sa Web: www.com/dubai Gulf Drilling International Gulf Energy Maritime (GEM) Limited (GDI) P.: +966 13 668 2570/ 2573 Fax: (+974)-44339888 Fax: +966 13 668 2158 Email: info@haluloffshore.: +966 (3) 894 1700 Fax: +44 (0) 1224 737239 Fax: +966 (3) 895 2597 Email: [email protected]@iss-shipping.com Gulf Marine Services (GMS) GMS Saudi Arabia Scotland AB32 6FE. Al Khobar 31952. Saudi Arabia Tel.O.: +44 (0) 1224 737200 Tel. Doha.in Web: www. Saudi Arabia Tel.gac.com Web: www.Marine Pollution Terminology Marine Ports / Shipping Companies .E.com.com/saudiarabia Web: www.: +974-44637333 Tel.qa Email: gemindia@gemships. Qatar P. Box 17041. Box 3757. Box 24600. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Tel.gemships.A.qa Web: www.com.O.com Email: [email protected]. Saudi Arabia P. Ras Tanura 31941. Doha.sa I Inchcape Shipping Services (ISS) P.O.: (+974)-44339111 Tel.gmsuae. Dammam 31411.O.com Web: www.O.jeddah@iss-shipping.: +966 (0) 12 6143035/6142488 Fax: +971 4 334 5622 Fax: +966 (0) 12 6145535 Email: youriss.L.: +966 3 832 8762 Tel.com Web: www. Box 9072.com Email: gmsksa@gmsuae. Ltd (HSM) P. Jebel Ali.com H Halul Offshore Services HIGH SEAS Marine & Industrial Company (HOSC). Box 335.L Services CO.gac. Dubai.A.E Tel. W. U.O.iss-shipping.com.iss-shipping.O. Dubai.highseas.gdi.: +971 4 881 8090 Fax: +966 3 832 3035 Fax: +971 4 881 8687 Email: [email protected] Web: www. Box 33166. Qatar P.haluloffshore. U. U. Tel. com. 31952.A. U. Saudi Arabia Tel.sa Email: [email protected]. Box 11187. Sharjah.: +971 2 69 84 999 Fax: +971 2 6659218 Email: [email protected] Web: www.com Web: www.net.com Maritime Industrial Services Marine Services Co.com Web: www.com Email: adc@misarabia. (MIS) Jeddah. U.cont'd J Jawar Al Khaleej Shipping L. U.sa Web: mscl-marser.E.com. P.E.ae Fax: +971 2 6679391 Web: www. Box 147 Al Khobar.com Web: www.: +971 2 69 84 999 Fax: +971 6 526 1930 +971 2 666 33 95 Email: [email protected].: +966 858 7960 Tel.O. RECSO . Jubail 31961.C.ae Web: www. U.A. Tel.Marine Pollution Terminology Marine Ports / Shipping Companies . Ltd.A.misarabia. Saudi Arabia P. Box 995.marinec2. Tel.. P. P.O.makaminoffshore.: +971 4 295 5810 Fax: +971 4 2955840 Email: [email protected] K Khalid Faraj Shipping P.com Email: info@marinec2. Co.jawaralkhaleej. Dubai. Box 995.O. K.O. Abu Dhabi.com L Linden Shipping International (LSI) Liwa Marine Service P. Box 55342. Box 117241 Dubai.lindeninternational.: +971 6 526 0003 Tel.O. Tel.: +966 13 341 6376 Fax: +966 12 648 2145 Fax: +966 13 341 2784. Email: [email protected] 67 .com M Makamin Offshore Saudi Ltd (MOS) Marine Core & Charter (MC2) P. Ltd.liwamarine.A. Box 49252. Abu Dhabi Tel.: +966 12 648 2146 Tel.com Web: www.: +971 4 453 8338 Fax: +966 858 8028 Fax: +971 4 453 7943 Email: info@makaminoffshore. Inc.A. com Email: dubai@monjasa.: +973 17 828 541 Fax: +65-6820 0167 Fax: +973 17 727 765 Email: marketing@meogroup. Box 11.com Fax: +971 2 677 9937 Email: [email protected].: +971 6 528 4611 Fax: +971 6 528 4610 Singapore.O. Kingdom of Bahrain Tel.ndc. Dubai.A. +966-3-844-9111 [email protected]. Manama.S. Sharjah. Saudi Arabia P. UAE Tel.Marine Pollution Terminology Marine Ports / Shipping Companies .com Email: [email protected].: +966-3-842-1111. P.5000 Tel. Sharjah.O.: +971 4 420 8600 Fax: +966-3-842-5079.2288 Web: www.: +966 12 261-0515/16 Tel.com Web: www. Tel. RECSO . 319579 Email: mesco@mescomarine.: (65) 6561. Abu Dhabi.: +971 2 677 6100 Web: www. Dammam 31411. Singapore 099254 P.ae 68 . K.870.naghimarine.O. U.com P.mcdermott. Tel.com. U.mescomarine. Dubai. Tel.com Middle East Navigation Aids Miclyn Express Offshore (MEO) Service (MENAS) Southeast Asia HQ.: (1) 281.O. +966-3-842-5612 Fax: +971 4 432 8637 Email: [email protected] Tel.bh Web: Web: www.com N Naghi Marine Company National Drilling Compa ny (NDC) P.O.A.com Web: www. TX 77079 United States of America P.: +971 4 883 5200 Email: business. Jeddah 21432. Box 30165.org Middle East HQ. Tel.E.almojilgroup.cont'd McDermott Mesco Marine Services (MMS) Houston.ae Web: www.A. U.E.com Web: www. PO Box no 42112.: +971 6 526 1244 Fax: +971 6 526 1273 Mohammad Al Mojil Group (MMG) Monjasa P. Box 16961. Box 5557. U. Box 340844.: +65-6545 6211 / 6829 6100 Tel. Box 66.A.com Email: [email protected]. Box 4017.E. platinum-shipping.O.com P Petro Rabigh Platinum Shipping & Logistics LLC P.adnatco.A.O.com Web: www.Marine Pollution Terminology Marine Ports / Shipping Companies . U.E.A.petrorabigh.com Web: www.com Email: [email protected] Email: bunker@tranship. Box 7522.ae Email: [email protected]. P. Rabigh 21911.com Web: www. RECSO . Dubai. Box 2939. info@sabelatrans.: +971 4 352 1515 Fax: +971 4 352 6412 Email: c.: +966 2 642 4255 Fax: +971 6 7457908 Fax: +966 2 643 2821 Email: ssgchart@eim. Box 40435. Box 29515. U.A.: +971 2 602 8600. U. Tel. Ltd. Ajman.: +971 4 370 9208 / 337 9071 Fax: +971 2 672 3999 Fax: +971 4 355 8222 Email: info@adnatcongsco. K.ssmsc. +971 2 602 8400 Tel.: +971 6 745 7906 Tel. Dubai. U.com Web: www.O.oceanbulkers.nationaldubai.E. (Tranship) P.com S Saudi Shipping & Maritime Sabelatrans Shipping Global (SSG) Service Co.com O Ocean Bulk Shipping LLC (OBS) Al Karama. Jeddah 21472.A.: +971 4 396 3777 Fax: +971 4 396 3414 Email: [email protected] Web: www.E. Abu Dhabi.: +971 4 335 2970 Fax: +966 12 425 4444 Fax: +971 4 335 6563 Web: www. Box 666.E.ae Web: www.S.A.com 69 . K.O.E. Tel. Box 2600.cont'd National Gas Shipping National Shipping Services LLC Company (NGSCO) P.supervisor@rhsgroup. P.ae.: +966 12 425 0390 Tel.S. Tel. U. U.O.com R Rais Hassan Saadi Group (RHS Group) P. P.A.com Web: www. Tel.O.O. Dubai. Box 7 Dubai. Tel. E. Al Khobar 31952.com Web: www. Box 2080.O.com Web: www.seamaxuae. Dubai.: +31 88 076 4800 Tel.sa Email: saudi.com T The National Shipping Company of Saudi Arabia Topaz Energy and Marine (BAHRI (NSCSA)) [email protected] Email: info@smitlamnalco. Dubai. U. RECSO . Box 32212. Tel.S.cont'd Seaport International Seamax Ship Management LLC Shipping Co.A.com Web: www.sg Web: P.smitlamnalco.: +971 06 528 5488 Fax: +971 4 379 6406 Fax: +971 06 528 3233 Email: [email protected].: +65 6309 3600 Fax: +31 88 076 4801 Email: info@swire. U. Box 5687 Sharjah. The Netherlands Singapore 199555 Tel.sharafshipping. Sharjah.com Smit Lamnalco Swire Pacific Offshore (SPO) 3087 BM Rotterdam.A.: +966 13 8353630 Fax: +966-11-4778036 / 477-7478 Fax: +966 13 833 41 58 Email: [email protected] Web: www. LLC (SIS P.: +971 4 366 3838 Fax: +971 4 352 0531 Fax: +971 4 452 2249 Email: info@sharafshipping.: +971 4 379 6405 Tel.: +971 6 517 2222 Fax: +971 6 574 9090 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected].: +971 4 352 0555 Tel. Tel. P.E.O. Tel. K.E.: +966-11-4785454 Tel. Dubai .swire. K. 4905. Box 8931. P.O.U.com Web: www.com 70 . Box 23743.simatech.A.com Email: [email protected] Pollution Terminology Marine Ports / Shipping Companies .sa Web: www. U.com Web: www. Tel.A.com Sharaf Shipping Agency (SSA) Simatech Shipping & Forwarding P.seaportuae. Box 576.com Web: www.S.O. U.topazworld.O.E.O. Riyadh 11492. Services Company (ZMOS) Company. Dubai.com Web: www. U.E.westgroup01.com 71 . Manama. P. (YBA) P.kanoo.Marine Pollution Terminology Marine Ports / Shipping Companies .com Web: www.: (+47) 67 58 40 00 Fax: +966 9 2001 2007 Fax: (+47) 67 58 40 80 Email: [email protected] Web: www.net Web: www.: +966 3 882 4423 Tel. Manama.L.L. Box 45877 Abu Dhabi.O.com Z Zamil Mermaid Offshore Zamil Operations and Maint.com Email: [email protected] Web: www.O.: +973 1722 0220 Fax: +973 1722 9122 Email: [email protected]@wilhelmsen. U.E.com Email: wss. Saudi Arabian N-1324 Lysaker. Box 261036.com Email: zomco@zamil-om. Box 1922.A.vmgulf.com V Valentine Maritime (VM) Victory Marine Services WLL (VMS) P.com W West Group Logistics Ports Wilhelmsen Ships Service Services Jeddah. Al-Khobar 31952.S. RECSO .com Web: www.zamil-om.O.: +966 3 8822494 Fax: +966 3 882 2032 Fax: +966 3 8822032 Email: [email protected].: +971 4 803 5400 Fax: +971 4 886 0086 Email: tgc@transworld. Limited (ZOMCO) P.: +971 2 555 5868 Tel. Kingdom of Bahrain Tel.: +966 9 2001 2003 Tel.O. Saudi Arabia Tel.A.: +973 1770 2731 Fax: +971 2 555 9991 Fax: +973 1770 2741 Email: vmgl@vmgulf. K. Box 1922Al-Khobar 31952.wilhelmsen.cont'd Transworld Group of Companies P.com Web: www.vms-world.O. Tel.A. Norway Tel. Kingdom of Bahrain Tel.com Web: www. Box 45.com Y Yusuf Bin Ahmed Kanoo W. RECSO .Marine Pollution Terminology 72 . Unit #304 Sheikh Zayed Road Dubai.A. please call RECSO at +971 4 331 4443.org To request this document.recso.: +971 4 331 4443 Fax: +971 4 331 1933 E-mail: [email protected] Pollution Terminology Regional Clean Sea Organisation (RECSO) P.com Website: www.O. RECSO . 73 . Box 58142 City Tower 1. Tel. U.E.
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