Terminal DLD



COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Wah Campus Dept. of Electrical Engineering Course Title: Allotted time: Instructor: Digital Logic Design 180 Minutes Ali Roman Course Code: EEE241 Date: June 05, 2014 Program: BEE, BCS,BTN Terminal Examination (50 Marks) Student Name Registration Number Section Marks Distribution Question Marks 1 2 3 4 5 Total Instructions 1. This Exam is a closed book exam; Students are not allowed to use only text book, reference books and written material. 2. Attempt all questions, all questions carry equal marks. 3. Be concise and to the point. 4. Use assumptions if required. Justify your assumptions and answers by a valid reason if required. 5. Avoid cutting and overwriting; Return the question paper at the end of exam. 6. Only the solution within the provided space will be evaluated. Be very careful for space utilization. Teacher’s comments Starting note Be relaxed and best of Luck for the exam. 1|Page Question 1: Attempt the following? [2.B and r = 5? c) The solution of the quadratic equation X2 -11X+22=0 and X=3 and x= 6. frequency.5 marks each] a) A portion of periodic digital waveform is shown below where measurements are in milliseconds. Determine period. duty cycle? 0 Period: 1 10 Frequency: 11 Duty cycle: b) Use r’s complement method to find the resultant C where A=1543. C = A. B=4123. what is the base of a number? d) Express the boolean function F = A’ + B’C as sum of minterms? e) Use Demorgan’s law to convert the given function in product of maxterms form? 2|Page . QD)=A Question 2: Consider the given inputs and response of the system in reference figure [2.QB.5 marks each] a) Produce the logic diagram and Boolean function for the system? b) Optimize the results in part a for minimum number of logical gates? c) Implement the results obtained in part b with minimum number of nand gates only? 3|Page .Remarks: Use the figure below for Question 2 and Question 3 where F(QA.QC. Produce the output waveform for the flip flop enabled at ground potential? 4|Page .d) Implement the results in part b by PAL? Question 3: Consider the given inputs and response of the system in reference figure [2.5 marks each] a) Implement the given system by decoders? b) Implement the given system by multiplexors? c) Implement the given system by tri state gates? d) Use the output of the given system as an input to active high enabled positive edge triggered T flip flop. 2.5. Determine the memory operation performed by each instruction and contents of memory after executing these instructions? c) Draw the bus cycles for the instructions where processor is operated at 100 Mhz clock and memory access and cycle time doesn’t exceed 50 ns? 5|Page . 5 marks] a) Find the total size in terms of bytes of the given memory? FFFFFFH E922FFH CDFB30H 000000H mem 9902H 4863H 2900H 1256H b) Consider the following operations performed in C language where a=1234H c=a+mem(CDFB30H). mem(E922FFH)=c.Question 4: Consider the following orientation of memory named mem and its contents at given addresses? [2.5. the output goes high whenever the given sequence is detected? [10 marks] 6|Page .Question 5: Design a mealy FSM for a sequence detector use to detect 11011 from serial input stream.
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