Tension Varition During Splicing

March 24, 2018 | Author: pragyandxb | Category: Regression Analysis, Errors And Residuals, Six Sigma, Statistical Analysis, Statistical Theory



BILT GRAPHIC PAPERPRODUCT LIMITED Unit: Bhigwan To Reduce Tension variation during splicing  SIX SIGMA project presented by VIKAS KUMAR TO REDUCE Tension Varition DURING SPLICINGProject detail BLACK BELT –  Name: Vikas Kumar  Dept :Coating plant  Location : BHIGWAN PUNE  Brief Job description : during splicing process web is moving , up 2.5cm movement paper not breaks but when ites cross more than 2.5cm paper breaks at rewind station its chance to break the paper.(As we are trimming the edges at rewind )   Champion:  Project description: To reduce tension drop during splicing in omc.  Project scope: To reduce tension drop during splicing in omc.  Business Case: 6 breaks per month and 4hrs loss in omc.  Project start / Estimated end: JAN 2011July 2011.  PROJECT STATUS- Close Define Dilip Wadodkar , Raghavendra Hebbar Control  Team Members: Ajit Dubey, Sanjay Bhoite, Rama Krishana, Hemant Kale, Nitin Patil, Karson, DSN , Nagbhusan. Measure  Improve.Analysi s due to thickness issue we need to remove blade during splicing. paper is supported by the rolls and extra color scrapped by a blade and after coating paper going to slitting edges for calendaring process. In the process of coating we are applying color to paper .The off machine coater is a converting process use for making uncoated paper in to coated paper. this increasing the thickness of paper . Coating is a continuous process so need to joint the rolls during running . Due to coater open and close process tension drop . . During roll to roll joint done by adhesive tape called splicing process. If we not open coater this make the paper break in paper. The raw material ( base paper ) coming in the from of 10mt wt of rolls .Process description- Process Description.  Paper Coating process- Paper Backing roll Coater blade color Applicator roll Coater pan . Web breaks contributes loss of energy. We had carried load cell calibration from ABB even though this problem still persist with our machine.Project Charter The purpose of this six sigma project to reduce the WEB MOVEMENT problem in coating machine pm1. paper .  As the web breaks frequency of web movement is experienced intermittently hence we were unable to conclude the reason of the problem. deckle marking in filled rolls .Guha (Unit Head). Mr Dilip Wadodkar (GM ENGG) & Mr Raghavendra Hebbar (PROCESS HEAD). causing web breaks in coating machine . machine equipment and quality .During commissioning of PM2 we have also called VOITH expert to solve this problem but they could not address web movement problem.N. We are facing web movement problem in coating machine from last 13years.Our aim to taking six sigma project under guidance of ISI to under stand the contributing factors for web movement factors. We have taken this cross functional project under guidance and support of Mr I. deckle marking in papers . . (Process dept) Review purpose of project. DSN. Monitor the implementation. Participate in meeting. Karson Kulkarni. Finalize team member. Sujeet Mhetre(MECH).ROLE AND RESPONSIBILITYBLACK Belt(VIKAS KUMAR) Team memberAjit Dubey. Update the lessons captured. Use the improve methods. See the doc . Hemant Jain(ELECT) . Draft the charter.Hemant Kale . Keep records. . Lead meeting. Nagbhusan. Monitor the results. . Sanjay Bhoite. Assist in piloting. Lead team work. Use of improve methods. Learn necessary skills and methods. Manage schedule. Carry out assignments. Nitin Patil. Contribute knowledge and expertise. NO OF BREAKS DUE TO WEB MOVEMENT TREND- SIX SIGMA PROJECT START FROM JAN11 . SIPOC Color Kithen PAPER MACHINE COATING COLOR COATED PAPER FINISHING HOUSE BASE PAPER COATIN COATER PROCESS COATER cylinder MANAGEMENT G PROCESS MAINTANCE COATER BLADE BASE PAPER COATING COLOR COATER CONSUMA BLE COATING APPLICATIO N COATED PAPER . .5cm . the web movement we can only observed we don’t have man power to record this but the web movement directly proportional to tension drop so we consider this measurable unit as a CTQ. As we can measure only tension . Measurement Defect definition Through load cell. If tension drop more than 120 N then this web movement crosses more than 2. Tension drop more than 120N in coater. .5 cm web movement converting to passable breaks. Up to 120N tension drop max web movement is 2.Identification of CTQ: Need of customer CTQ Less rework Tension difference during splicing. Dryer load. Blade thickness. Applicator & backing roll gap. LOAD CELL. Blade setting. Screen tension. Cobb of paper.Fish bone diagram- Gsm of paper. Backing roll load Hydraulics pressure. . Screen tension Tension drop/Variation SPEED DIFF Base smoothness. Dryer mech condition. Speed of machine. 56 6 6 6 13 TENSION VALUE 55 4 6 3 14 SPEED DIFF 56 6 7 6 15 Backing roll load 86 4 8 4 29 23 30 30 By the basis of team view(numbering from 1 to 10 scale) . 76 7 8 8 36 5 Blade thickness. 67 8 4 5 30 12 Applicator & backing roll gap. 45 4 5 5 23 9 Gsm of paper.N INPUT VARIABLES(X) 1 2 3 4 5 TOTAL 1 Speed of machine. 88 9 7 8 40 4 Dryer mech condition. 44 5 6 6 25 8 Cobb of paper. 66 4 5 5 26 11 Screen tension. 45 4 5 5 23 10 Hydraulics pressure. 24 6 4 3 19 3 Dryer load. 56 5 6 7 29 6 Blade setting. 77 6 5 4 29 7 Base smoothness.Priority Matrix: OUT PUT VARIABLES(WEB MOVEMENT) S. 54 6 4 4 23 2 LOAD CELL. in every shift process operator and shift in charge collection data in once every 8hrs . tension drop data and speed difference data collected by electrical dept .Data collection plan-  After priority matrix we decide to collect data on shift wise basis .  Six sigma team decide to collect data up to 45 day . in the mid time of the shift . . 3 1.9 26 570 300 6.5 174 -2.5 05-01-2011c 8 21 128 2d 4 0.9 26 533 300 6.1 227 7 180 03-01-2011b 4 21 130 2d 4.9 26 583 300 6.3 0.2 80 -1 08-01-2011a 44 18 128 2d 4 1.(shift wise) date cylinder load backing roll load hydrulic blade pentration gap angle speed gsm base smoothness cobb sk Tension drop Diff between backing roll and cylinder group.7 227 7.2 01-01-2011c 14 12 130 2d 3.4 0.2 30 520 300 6.9 26 570 300 6.2 80 -0.8 04-01-2011a 4 9 130 2d 3.5 230 2 06-01-2011c 3 10 130 2d 3.8 227 7.1 227 7.5 08-01-2011b 3 11 128 2d 3.9 26 548 300 7.5 90 -1 07-01-2011c 4 12 128 2d 3.2 27 727 250 6.7 07-01-2011a 3 11 130 2d 3.7 34 7 110 -1.77 729 250 7.7 38 7 90 -1.5 0.3 1.5 330 1.2 28.9 -1.9 06-01-2011b 18 18 128 2d 4 0.9 25.2 27 728 250 6.8 230 7.2 02-01-2011a 2 20 130 2d 4 0.5 950 130 6.1 227 4.8 227 7.5 270 -2.2 28.9 735 250 6.9 227 7.9 227 6.8 230 6 180 -0.5 80 -0.7 227 7.5 0.5 830 210 6.5 120 -2.9 26 548 300 6.1 06-01-2011a 6 14 128 2d 3.9 26 480 300 6.9 27 950 130 6.8 227 5.2 01-01-2011b 1 12 128 2d 3.5 04-01-2011c 8 21 128 2d 4.9 735 250 6.9 224 7 250 -2 03-01-2011c 4 19 130 2d 4.9 26 583 300 6.9 26 830 170 6.9 26 548 300 6.4 0.7 07-01-2011b 3 11 128 2d 3.9 26 830 210 6.9 27.5 310 3.9 28.Data collection .3 0.3 1.9 26 583 300 6.7 220 7.8 32 7 230 -1 02-01-2011b 8 20 130 2d 4 0.5 04-01-2011b 2 12 130 2d 3.2 288 0.9 26 830 170 6.8 224 7.7 232 7 110 -0.3 0.5 950 130 6.8 45 7 180 -0.7 227 7.3 1.2 28.8 227 7. 01-01-2011a 2 11 130 2d 3.2 0.5 02-01-2011c 1 20 130 2d 4 0.8 227 7 170 -2 -1 03-01-2011a 2 20 128 2d 4 0.3 0.5 290 -1 05-01-2011b 8 18 130 2d 4 0.4 0.5 110 -0.8 08-01-2011c 7 18 130 2d 4 1.9 26 830 210 7.4 .7 34 7 90 -1.5 270 05-01-2011a 12 20 130 2d 4 0. Analysis of data- Process is stable- . 607 84.932 * 0.005 3-Parameter Gamma Logistic Loglogistic 1.487 * 0.490 <0.003 2-Parameter Exponential 3.4106 160 60 370 0.010 0.110 <0.005 0.257 <0.490 <0.010 Largest Extreme Value 2.005 2.00791 Goodess of Fit Test Distribution Normal AD P LRT P 3.000 Smallest Extreme Value 4.519 <0.803 <0.533067 -1.023 As all the p value is less than 0.05 we conclude it doesn’t fit any theoretical distribution.001 3. .000 Weibull 2.849 * 0.010 3-Parameter Weibull 1.005 3-Parameter Lognormal Exponential 1.272 <0.010 Gamma 2.005 3-Parameter Loglogistic 1.Distribution ID Plot for Tension drop Descriptive Statistics  N N* Mean StDev Median Minimum Maximum Skewness Kurtosis 117 0 178.006 <0.005 Lognormal 2.564 <0.438 <0.282 <0.097 15. Before six sigma project- The performance is 632478 ppm equivalent to . 605 7.24.7 gap .5092 0.0 0.1 0.452 3.39 sk Predictor Constant Diff between backing roll and c Cylinder load Backing roll load Hydrulic Pentration Coef 65.0.7071 0. .6 3.Analysis of dataRegression Analysis: Tension drop versus Diff between.950 17.2 1.49 T P VIF 0.32 3.0.3 Sk 5.22 41.34 4.70 Speed -0.1...94 Gap -24..554 1.2 base smoothness .387 0.553 1.17 0.8%  The vif greater than 5 in 4 cases i.3% R-Sq(adj) = 73.82 hydrulic + 120 pentration .0 0.864 1.473 1.60 Cobb -0.14 3.9 7.015 gsm + 3.2262 R-Sq = 76.5 -1.16 backing roll load .08668 -1. .887 0.001 1.06 0.695 SE 457.349 Coef 0.156 2.000 7.0 11.8 Base smoothness 3.017 4.14050 0.229 0.0153 0.136 S = 43.59 18.7 Diff between backing roll and c + 0.09428 -2.22820 0.72 0.62 0.76 0.108 15.e.509 cylinder load + 1. multicolinertiy exist.141 speed 0. cylinder loa.070 24.1 Gsm -0.75 0.228 cobb + 5.823 120.42 0.7 0.9 0.52 0.2449 -0. The regression equation is Tension drop = 65 + 11.50 -0. VIF - We are considering pentration and speed as a reference. . 41 73.81 0.85 -4.57 R-Sq(adj) 68.6  T-Value 2.93 3.000 0.000 P value of less than 0. Alpha-to-Enter: 0.56  P-Value 0.70 Mallows C-p 24..001  speed -0.5 153.21  P-Value 0.9 17.8 151.002  S 47.34 3.001 0.000  Diff between backing roll and c 10.33 75.32 12.1 11.99 70.3 10.000 0.0 -166.7 132.5 44.5 69.0  R-Sq   1 2 3 4 -378.10 16. .15 Alpha-to-Remove: 0.5 134.15  Response is Tension drop on 9 predictors.33  P-Value  cobb -0.6 0.000 45.005 0.2 42.26 71.62 74.05 so all significant.7 2.004 0. with N = 117  Step  Constant -392.49 12.078 -0.198  T-Value -3.91 72.6  pentration  T-Value  P-Value 0. .Regression analysis  Stepwise Regression: Tension drop versus cylinder load.9 16.3 11.3 -252. hydrulic.147  T-Value -2.. Diff between.0.38 12.6% R-Sq(adj) = 74. .Regression analysisRegression Analysis: Tension drop versus pentration.61 0.0.000 -0.001 -0.147 speed .000 Residual Error 112 201916 Total 116 826518 MS F P 1803 AS P.14667 0.06177 -3.56 0.608 Speed  cobb 3.05 SO ALL ARE SIGNIFICANT TO TENSION VARIATION.89 10.78 0. The regression equation is Tension drop = .89 -2.000 Diff between backing roll and c 11..6 Diff between backing roll and c . .4597 R-Sq = 75.81 0.And speed of the machine can not increase because of machine design problem .03389 -4.256 3.VALUE 0F ALL FOUR LESS THAN 0.21 0.006 pentration 132.33 0.198 cobb Predictor Coef SE Coef T P Constant -166. As cobb value can not be reduce because of cost factor .19797 0.49 59.166 + 133 pentration + 11.002 S = 42.7% Analysis of Variance  Source DF SS Regression 4 624602 156150 86.. .Tension drop before six sigma project- Data shows normal. DATA ANALYSIS AND VARIFICATION PLAN-  DURING BRAINSTROMING WE DECIDED TO CHECK DRYER CYLINDER CONDENSATE REMOVAL SYSTEM .  NOW WE DECIDED TO MONITER THIS PROBLEM IN ALL COATER SECTIONS. .5 value.  SPEED DIFF ATTENDED BY ELECT DEPT WHEN REQUIRED.  PENTRATION on higher side this will crate tension drop problem in coater head so we decide to maintane it near to 3 to 3. AFTER CHECKING WE FOUND THAT CONDENSATE REMOVAL SYSTEM HAVE PROBLEM AND SERVICING REQUIRED. . HIGH LOAD ON BACKING ROLL. Mechanical. SPEED DIFFERENCE. 2. REDUCE PENETRATION.5 max) OMC dept.Action plan- Problem REASON ACTION TAKEN Responsible dept 1. 1. LOAD DIFFANCE. AOS PROBLEM CHANGE THE SCALING. SYPHEN PROBLEM. STEAM PRESSURE PROBLEM. USE LOW THICKNESS BLADE.(keep less than 3. Power plant. CHECK STEAM PRESSURE. Electrical. SYPHEN TO BE MAKE ALRIGHT DURING SHUT.PENTRATION. 2. 3. After six sigma project- . 5 .Difference after and before six sigma project- Before the six sigma project STDEV of the process was 87 . . after six sigma project 13. After the project we are not observed any nonconformity. .Web break during splicing after six sigma project- All above data showing month wise breaks . TOTAL NO OF BREAK SAVED. TOTAL SAVING PER BREAKS – 20000INR PER BREAKS.960000INR PEY YEAR. YEARLY SAVING.  AFTER SIX SIGMA PROJECT – 80000INR PER MONTH. After SIX SIGMA project trend shows reduction of WEB MOVEMENT. .4NOS PER MONTH.Are the customer satisfied.  Thanks .
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