TenderDocument-8706889735 Nicsi Old Programmer



No.10(1)/2011-NICSI NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE SERVICES INC. (NICSI) A Government of India Enterprise under National Informatics Centre (NIC) Ministry of Communication & Information Technology Government of India Hall No. 2 & 3, 6th Floor, NBCC Tower, 15, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi – 110066. Tel – 26105054 Fax - 26105212 Open Tender No: NICSI/MANPOWER-PROGRAMMERS &MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATE/2011/46 Empanelment of Agencies for Professional Support Services (Programmers and Management Associate) 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS UPLOADING PROCEDURE ........................................................................................................ 3 1.0 Background and Requirement .......................................................................................... 5 2.0 Eligibility Criteria ............................................................................................................ 6 3.0 BIDDING PROCESS ....................................................................................................... 8 3.1 Bid Submission ............................................................................................................. 8 3.2 Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) and Tender Fee: ........................................................ 8 3.3 Forfeiture of Earnest Money Deposit/Security Deposit ............................................... 8 3.4 Pre bid meeting ............................................................................................................. 9 3.5 Last date for uploading of bids ..................................................................................... 9 3.6 Opening of Bids .......................................................................................................... 10 3.7 Bid Validity................................................................................................................. 10 3.8 Evaluation of bids ....................................................................................................... 11 3.9 Award of Contract (Empanelment) ............................................................................ 12 3.10 Providing Services / Support ...................................................................................... 12 3.11 Penalty for non-performance ...................................................................................... 14 3.12 Payment terms ............................................................................................................ 14 3.13 Security ....................................................................................................................... 15 3.14 Indemnity .................................................................................................................... 16 4.0 General Terms & Conditions ......................................................................................... 16 5.0 Termination for Insolvency & default ............................................................................ 17 5.1 Termination for Insolvency ........................................................................................ 17 5.2 Termination for default ............................................................................................... 17 6.0 Force Majeure ................................................................................................................ 17 7.0 Arbitration ...................................................................................................................... 18 8.0 Applicable law................................................................................................................ 18 9.0 Clarification on the date of joining mentioned in work order ....................................... 18 10.0 Clarity in case of work order billing address ................................................................. 19 Annexure- I Technical Details…………………………………………...…………………20 Annexure-II Financial Bid………………………………………………………………….22 Annexure-III Educational Qualifications & Experience of Technical Professionals……….24 Annexure-IV Educational Qualifications & Experience of Management Professionals……25 Annexure-V Job Profile of Technical Professionals………………………………………..26 Annexure-VI Job Profile of Management Professionals…………………...……………….27 2 Mr. 3 .II Format PDF PDF XLS e) In case of any uploading problems. For this the Bidders must have obtained a class 2 digital signature certificate as described on the afore-mentioned portal.04. The envelope should be addressed to the Managing Director NICSI and submitted before the Bid submission date and time mentioned in the table given below.nic. (NICSI) (A Government of India Enterprise under NIC) Ministry of Communication & Information Technology TENDER NO. NICSI (Mob: 09891434222) may be contacted up to one day before the Date of submission.3 NATIONAL INFORMATICS CENTRE SERVICES INC. NICSI/MANPOWER-PROGRAMMERS & MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATE/(2011/46) for EMPANELMENT OF AGENCIES FOR PROFESSIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES (PROGRAMMERS & MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATE) UPLOADING PROCEDURE PROCEDURE FOR ONLINE UPLOADING OF BIDS AND IMPORTANT DATE LINE FOR THE TENDER a) The bids for this tender have to be uploaded online on the NICSI e-procurement portal http://eproc-nicsi.2012 at 03:00 PM”. Deputy General Manager.Annexure – I Financial bid – Annexure . d) The system allows uploading of bid in terms of packets as follows: Packet No 1 2 3 Documents to be uploaded Scanned copies of drafts for tender fee and EMD Eligibility Criteria and Technical bid.in. c) Scanned copies of bank drafts (in PDF) meant for tender fee and EMD have also to be uploaded. Rajiv Chauhan. b) All the bid documents being uploaded must be digitally signed and sequentially numbered. The actual drafts have to be submitted to NICSI office in a sealed cover superscripting “NICSI tender for Professional Support Services (Programmers & Management Associate) due on 20. delivers an automatically generated Bid-id. A snapshot of this screen should be obtained and produced at the time of bid opening as a proof of successfully uploaded bid.2012 by 3:00 PM Opening of Bids (Eligibility and 20. complete in all respects.4 f) The successful uploading of the bid.nic.04.04.2012 at 11:30 AM in NICSI.2012 after 10:00 AM Online bid uploading .2012 nicsi.start date 11. Activity Date Date of Publication on http://eproc.03. Non-generation of Bid-id means the bid hasn’t been successfully uploaded.end date 20.04. N. Delhi office Online bid uploading .27.2012 at 3:30 PM Technical) 4 .04.in Downloading of the Tender Document From the next day of its publication on the NICSI website/e-procurement portal Seek Clarifications – Start Date 2 Days after its publication Seek Clarifications – End Date 2 days before the pre-bid meeting Pre-bid meeting 10. 1.com or NICSI’s e-procurement portal http://eprocnicsi.5 The empanelled agencies would be expected to provide technical professionals’ support to the ongoing/new projects. The empanelment will be initially for a period of two years. setting of video conferencing facilities etc. 5 . for complementing the NICSI/NIC resources all over the country. However. 1. which can be extended through mutual consent for a further period of one year. installation.0 Background and Requirement 1. Annexure-V & VI gives the job profile for the incumbents.6 Five agencies will be empanelled for providing technical manpower support for each position of Annexure – II. Application Software Development. web site design and development.3 NICSI has to its credit a number of successful projects on networking. Department of Information Technology. up to the block level. Systems Study. Network Installations and Management & Operations Management. software development and implementation. Peripherals. Such support would be for a definite period and will not amount to any kind of employment obligation on the part of NICSI/NIC or its Clients. 1. 1. Network items.1 National Informatics Centre Services Incorporated (NICSI) was set up in 1995 as a section 25 company and is the corporate extension of National Informatics Centre (NIC).. System Software & Video Conferencing Systems. 1.nic. NICSI provides professional support at various levels to its clients. agencies from all over the country can participate subject to their eligibility and having capacity to provide technical manpower support on an all-India basis.2012 as per the procedure given in the tender document.nicsi. Government of India. commissioning and maintenance of the state-of-the-art Computer Hardware.in.nic. at most competitive rates. For the long term sustenance of the projects.04.2 NICSI specializes in procurement. no other documents are to be submitted to NICSI in paper forms. 1. NICSI offers extensive consultancy services on total IT solutions and need based services like System Integration.4 To ensure continued support to the projects undertaken by NICSI/NIC. NICSI proposes to empanel agencies. 1. Web Site design & Development. Except for the drafts for EMD and tender fee. IT training etc. the completed bids are to be uploaded on NICSI’s portal site http://eproc-nicsi.5 1. Annexure – III & IV lists out Educational Qualifications & Experience of the technical professionals proposed to be hired for NICSI/NIC projects through this tendering process.8 The tender document can be downloaded from NICSI’s website http://www.in by 03:00 PM on 20. with proven competence in software development and ITeS.7 This being an all-India open tender. g. An undertaking (self certificate) that the bidder hasn’t been blacklisted by a central / state Government institution and there has been no litigation with any government department on account of similar services. 2008-09. from a chartered accountant on the turn over from total IT solutions for the reference years may be submitted.(Ten Crores) in each of the preceding three years viz.6 2. where the bidders have supplied manpower for software development work. Please give the site URL for verification. Bye laws and certificates for registration (in case of registered co-operative societies). HR staffing companies. Issue of Appointment Order to the candidates selected by NICSI for project deployment. The bidders average turn over from total IT solutions and services should be more than ` 100. Programmer and Assistant Programmer. The bidder should be registered with the Service Tax department and carry a valid PAN. Copies of Purchase orders and completion certificate from the clients can be submitted as supporting documents and Information. List of identity verified and technically qualified candidates duly screened by the agency for educational qualifications and experience for each category viz. Partnership deed (in case of partnership firm). b. c. from website. Senior Management Associate. 2010 and 2011. Projects. 2009-10 and 2010-11 or 2009. on the total nine projects in three years. Sr.0 Eligibility Criteria a. Should produce Articles of Association (in case of registered firms).      Registration of eligible candidates. in original. On demand submission. f. 6 . list of technically qualified candidates to NICSI for screening. The bidders must have themselves developed/Customized/implemented/supported at least three software projects of value more than ` 10 lacs (Ten lacs only) each in each of the above referenced years. The bidders should have an operational website for manpower deployment with the following facilitations. will not be considered. Finding location/project/joining date/end date of a project deployed candidate. Data Entry Agencies. d. A certificate. placement and security personnel services providers and non IT firms are not eligible for this tender.000. Programmer. for at least three years. The bidders must be agencies offering total IT solutions and services.000/. Management Associate. may be furnished as per Annexure – I. e. 7 . Monthly payment and deposited deduction details to the project manpower giving cheque/draft No./ECS transfer. Date of bills submission and NICSI payment date. the Bidders are requested to furnish documents for each of the above clauses. The bidder should be a ISO9001/CMM Level 3 company The bidder firm should have at least 50 IT professionals on their payrolls. In order for their bids to be considered. date of payment and amount paid.7      Electronic submission of monthly satisfactory performance report by NICSI/Client authorized officer. Bidders are advised to study the Bid Document carefully.000/(Ten Lakhs only) towards EMD.  Does not accept the correction of errors. The Bidders shall furnish. Failure to furnish all information required in the tender Document or submission of a bid not substantially responsive to the tender document in all respects will be at the bidder’s risk and may result in the rejection of the bid.2 Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) and Tender Fee: a. NICSI and is to be submitted at NICSI. The envelope may be addressed to the Managing Director. b. on receipt of BG of equal amount valid for the period of empanelment / extended empanelment. 3. The EMD of unsuccessful bidders shall be returned without interest after finalization of the tender. terms and requirement specifications in the tender document with full understanding of its implications.(Ten lakhs only) in the form of Demand Draft / Bankers’ Cheques. Submission of the Bid will be deemed to have been done after careful study and examination of all instructions. Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) of ` 10.1 Bid Submission a. eligibility norms. no physical document is to be submitted by the bidders.3 Forfeiture of Earnest Money Deposit/Security Deposit The Earnest Money Deposit can be forfeited if a Bidder.8 3. Bids not complying with all the given clauses in this tender document are liable to be rejected.00.  Withdraws its bid during the period of bid validity. New Delhi may be placed in an envelope. EMD of the successful bidders shall be returned without any interest. c. 3.04. Drafts amounting to ` 500 (Five Hundred) towards tender fee and ` 1. from a scheduled commercial bank. drawn in favour of NICSI payable at New Delhi. New Delhi (Head quarter) office before the due date and time specified above. The envelope should be sealed and superscripted “Tender fee and EMD for NICSI tender for Professional Support Services (Programmers & Management Associate) due on 20.000/.0 BIDDING PROCESS 3. except for the drafts. 8 .  In case of the successful Bidder fails to sign the contract within the stipulated time. The Technical and Financial bids have to be uploaded as per the “UPLOADING PROCEDURE” given in the tender document. drawn on a scheduled commercial bank and payable to NICSI.000.2012 at 03:00 PM”. Therefore. h. b. The offers submitted as documents. complete in all respects. at its discretion. whether at its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by a prospective bidder. at its own discretion. extend the last date for the receipt of bids. must be uploaded on the mentioned site by the due date and time. No bid may be modified subsequent to the last date for receipt of bids. At any time prior to the last date for receipt of bids. c. 3. The bidders will bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of their bids. Bids.in. from the bidders.9 3. g. e. NICSI will not be responsible for any delay in obtaining the terms and conditions of the tender or uploading of the bid on NICSI’s e-procurement portal before the due date and time of submission. may. there can’t be any late bids. In such a case all rights and obligations of NICSI and the Bidders shall be applicable to the extended time frame. In the event of the specified date for the submission of Bids being declared a holiday. NICSI may.4 Pre bid meeting NICSI will hold a pre bid meeting with the prospective bidders at 11:30 AM on 10. two days prior to the pre bid meeting will be addressed. in no case. In case terms and conditions of the contract applicable to 9 . will not be considered as forming part of their bid. The queries can be sent to tender division. The amendment will be notified on NICSI’s website http://www. as uploaded. the Bids can be uploaded up to the appointed time on the next working day for which NICSI will make necessary provisions.nicsi. Printed terms and conditions of the bidders. Queries received. by telex/telegram/fax/Email or any manner other than specified above will not be considered. d. No correspondence will be entertained on this matter. NICSI may. In order to give prospective bidders reasonable time to take the amendment into account in preparing their bids. NICSI.2012 in the NICSI conference hall. modify the Tender Document by an amendment. extend the date for uploading of bids. regardless of the outcome of the tendering process.com as well as on e-procurement portal http://eproc-nicsi.5 Last date for uploading of bids a. Withdrawal of a bid during this interval may result in forfeiture of Bidder’s EMD. No bid may be withdrawn in the interval between the last date for receipt of bids and the expiry of the bid validity period specified by the bidder in the bid. NICSI through email at [email protected]. be responsible or liable for those costs. NICSI will.in and should be taken into consideration by the prospective bidders while preparing their bids. for any reason. As the bids can be uploaded only up to the defined date and time. f.nic. they should clearly specify the deviations in their bids. The bidders. NICSI shall convene a bid opening session on 20. which should be submitted within the stipulated time period set out by NICSI. NICSI will download the technical bids of only those bidders whose tender fee and EMD drafts are found to be in order and haven’t withdrawn their bids. The financial bids will then be passed on to a duly constituted Financial Evaluation Committee (FEC) for evaluation. c. who have successfully uploaded the bid. Financial bids. NICSI will seek extension in the bid validity period beyond 120 days. The bids will then be passed on to a duly constituted Technical Evaluation Committee (TEC).2 Financial Bid a.6. However. of only the technically qualified bidders. 3. c. 3. 3. No request will be considered for price revision during the empanelment (contract) period. otherwise the bid shall be rejected and EMD forfeited. can participate. Bidders’ representatives can remain present during the bids download process. the rates should be valid for the initial/extended period of empanelment from the date of empanelment. b. who chose to remain present. NICSI at its discretion may call for revised financial bids from the technically accepted bidders. shall be opened on a notified date and time. in the presence of bidder’s representatives.6. The rates quoted for any of the items in the revised financial bids shall not be more than the original financial bids. if any.04. 10 . If necessary. Subsequent to this.7 Bid Validity All the bids must be valid for a period of 120 days from the date of tender opening for placing the initial order.2012 at 03:30 PM where one representative from the bidders.10 the Invitation of bid are not acceptable to any bidder. b.1 Technical Bid a. original and revised.6 Opening of Bids 3. not agreeing for such extensions will be allowed to withdraw their bids without forfeiture of their EMD. Printed Conditions mentioned in the tender will not be binding on NICSI. If any specific condition is to be accepted it should be specifically mentioned in the tender itself. Subsequently. Any effort by a bidder to influence NICSI's bid evaluation. f. the unit price will prevail and the total price will be corrected. Arithmetical error will be rectified on the following basis. that would not entitle the bidder to change or cause any change in the substance of the tender submitted or price quoted. d. On request from the TEC. In the first stage. will be decided by the TEC and its decision will be final in this regard. the TEC would examine the technical details and may ask for additional information from the bidders. its bid will be rejected and EMD forfeited. the technical bids will be evaluated by a duly constituted Technical Evaluation Committee (TEC).1 Technical Evaluation The two-stage selection procedure will be adopted for evaluation of the bids. b.8 Evaluation of bids a. c. the amount in words will prevail. Bids of the bidders. without thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidders or bidders and of any obligation to inform the affected bidders of the grounds for NICSI’s action and without assigning any reasons. NICSI may seek clarifications on any aspect of their bid from the bidder. If there is a discrepancy between words and figures. not satisfying the eligibility criteria will be rejected. The first process for the TEC is to examine the eligibility of the bidders as per the tender specifications. This would also not mean that their bid has been accepted. and to cancel/abort the Tender process and reject all bids at any time prior to award of Contract. in which the bidders’ have to submit additional information. NICSI reserves the right to accept any bid. 11 . However. If there is a discrepancy between the unit price and the total price that is obtained by multiplying the unit price with quantity.11 3. 3. e. the bidding bidders may have to produce additional information. provided such waiver does not prejudice or affect the relative ranking of any other bidder. When deemed necessary.8. Bids of the bidders failing to adhere to the specified time limit will be rejected. If the bidder does not accept the correction of the errors. The time limit. NICSI may waive any minor informality or non-conformity or irregularity in a bid. bid comparison or contract award decisions may result in the rejection of the bidder's bid and forfeiture of the bidder's EMD. 9 Award of Contract (Empanelment) a. On written communication from NICSI for having qualified for empanelment the bidder will sign the contract (letter of empanelment) within 7 days of such communication. If none of the L2. The bidders selected for empanelment will give security deposit of ` 500.12 3. L1 is the agency quoting least percentage of agency charges in the financial bid table. Four more agencies. Failing which the offer will be treated as withdrawn and EMD forfeited.agree to match L1 rates then L1 alone will be on the panel. the empanelled bidder. The bids. A panel of five agencies will be kept to service the growing project requirements of technical professionals. c. L3….000/(Five Lakhs) in the form of Bank Guarantee from a scheduled commercial bank for the duration of the empanelment or extended period. In case two or more agencies quote the same percentage. will be identified to maintain a panel of five agencies. b. New Delhi.. c. NICSI may extend the period of empanelment for additional one year through mutual consent. found lacking in strict compliance to the commercial bid format will be rejected straightaway. 3. Depending on the project requirements. shall forward list of eligible candidates from its website. The names of candidates. b. A duly constituted Selection Committee from NICSI/NIC will select the candidates for deployment to the projects. the processing of the second stage will commence with the opening of the Financial Bids of only the technically qualified Bidders. on demand. NICSI will have a panel of five bidders for availing the services during the period of empanelment.10 Providing Services / Support a. the agency with the highest turnover taken together for three reference years will be taken as L1. other than L1 agreeing to L1 rates. if any.8. L2. The bidder will post only the recommended candidates to the projects. which will be initially for two years. After approval of the TEC report by the competent authority. in favour of NICSI. rejected by the selection committee will not be forwarded again for a period of three months. 12 . L3…. For the deployment of technical professionals on NICSI/NIC projects. in that order will be asked to match L1 rates. the bidder’s empanelment will be cancelled and Security Deposit forfeited. on demand from NICSI. to NICSI three times in a row. 3. b. The empanelled bidders will have to renew/re-submit the security deposit for the extended period of empanelment. In case the empanelled bidder fails to submit list of eligible candidates. A Financial Evaluation Committee (FEC) would scrutinize the commercial bids.2 Financial Evaluation a. f. otherwise the penalty will be applicable as per the penalty clauses. i. d. beyond ten working days from the receipt of the satisfactory performance/attendance report. The staff deployed by the agency will maintain office decorum.13 c. Medical or any other allowances to the staff deployed will not be borne by NICSI or its clients. two passport size photographs and furnish these details/information to NICSI. Any unjustifiable delay. The agency will issue appointment order to the deployed manpower only after character verification from a gazetted officer. The work order cancellation charges will be applicable. A copy of the appointment order should be endorsed to the project coordinator. polite and cooperative and able to resolve the Client’s problems. In case any personnel of the Agency is found engaged in doing any work other than the task assigned to him/her or is found not useful to the project or leaves the project without any notice. The personnel hired from the agency will report to NICSI/Client project heads. their present and permanent address (with proof). the agency will arrange the replacement within one week at its own cost. will attract a penalty as per the penalty clause. For the manpower deployed. specimen signature. The agencies will ensure that salaries are given to the deployed technical professionals in time. who will assign them specific tasks as per job profile given at Annexure-V & IV. They will be courteous. Beyond ten days a penalty of ` 300/. 13 . e. educational and technical qualification details. j. property and third party liabilities caused by acts on part of its deployed manpower at NICSI/Client’s premises. The agency will be responsible for any damage to equipments.per day per person will be levied for a period of 10 days and after that the work order will be cancelled and manpower obtained from alternate sources at the risk and cost of the defaulting bidder. the agency will keep with them. It is the responsibility of the agency to procure the performance/attendance report from the project coordinator in the first week of the succeeding month. k. The agency will verify the character antecedents before deploying any person at NICSI/client organization. h. as and when required. The bidder will deploy the requisite manpower within 10 days of placing the work order by NICSI. For any established damage the extent of damage as decided by NICSI will be final and binding on the agency. All equipment will be used only for the purpose of carrying out legitimate business of client organization and will not be put into any other use. g. Agency deployed professionals will wear the agency issued I-cards on their person at their respective places of work. It will be the responsibility of the agency. In case of 3 cancellations of the work orders. Beyond ten days a penalty of ` 300/.Tax Act. In any of the defaults described above. b.per day per person will be levied for a period of 10 days and after that the work order will be cancelled and manpower will be obtained from alternate sources at the risk and cost of the defaulting bidder. Work order cancellation charges will be applicable. b. the Bidder’s empanelment will be terminated.(Rupees Five hundred only) per day per person. f.11 Penalty for non-performance a. Beyond seven days NICSI reserves the right to cancel the work order and change the agency. The Payments to the bidders will be made on the basis of the man months of the services provided at NICSI/client locations all over the country. work order cancellation charges will be applicable. Work order cancellation charges will be applicable. Any unjustifiable delay. 3. will attract a penalty @ ` 500/. c.per day per person will be levied for a period of 10 days and after that the work order will be cancelled and manpower will be obtained from alternate sources at the risk and cost of the defaulting bidder. The agencies will ensure that salaries are given to the deployed technical professionals in time. NICSI reserves the right to get the work done through alternate sources at the cost and risk of the defaulting agency. The payment will be made for the number of days worked in a month as reported by the project head/user’s representative 14 . c. e. The defaulting bidder is liable to pay work order cancellation charges of 10% which will be realized through the pending bills or Security Deposit or by raising claims. The bidder will deploy the requisite manpower within 10 days of placing the work order by NICSI. All payments to bidder will be made subject to deduction of TDS (Tax deduction at Source) as per the income. on receipt of a satisfactory performance certificate from the project head/user’s authorized representative. In addition to the penalty.1961.12 Payment terms a. beyond seven working days from the receipt of the satisfactory performance/attendance report. Incase of the starting date of work order is from “date of joining” the man power should be deployed within 30 days from the date of issue of work order. penalty for late payments and other taxes if any as per Government of India rules. Beyond 30 days a penalty of ` 300/. d.14 3. Security Deposit will be forfeited and work got done from alternate sources at the risk and cost of the defaulting Bidder. The bidder will submit Pre-receipted bills in triplicate by the 15th day of the succeeding month enclosing therewith: i The empanelled bidders will make the payment to their deployed staff. The agency or its deployed personnel. giving bank name. e. vi Pre-receipted bills in triplicate will be raised in terms of man-months. iv. TA/DA will be as applicable to Deputy Managers in NICSI. database and the policies of the client organization is taken out in any form including electronic form or otherwise. Support documents for payment of TA/DA to the agency professionals for the journeys performed on official duty.15 within 7 days of the receipt of such information. Location wise pre-receipted bills in triplicate will be raised in terms of manmonths for corresponding locations if man power is deployed in different locations in a work order. Agency charges are not applicable on the TA/DA. 15 . date and amount paid to the outstation individuals. This certificate should be sent to NICSI along with the bills. Sunday and general holidays): Man power should be deployed in holidays after obtaining prior approval from the competent authority of the project site along with necessary fund is to be made available in the project to provide salary to man power for extra days work done on prorate basis. Payment will be made within 30 days of submission of completed documents.13 Security a. hardware. NICSI/Client will have absolute rights on the work assigned and performed by them. by virtue of working on NICSI/Client’s projects. Work done on holidays (Saturday. v. draft/ECS number. Proof of Payment in the form of acquaintance roll. The agency will ensure that no information about the software. duly signed with date to the individuals concerned for the local staff or proof of dispatch of draft or proof of ECS transfer. b. from the client site by the manpower posted by them. Neither any claims of the agency or its deployed professionals will be entertained on the deliverables. d. can’t claim any rights on the work performed by them. duly certified by NICSI/NIC project head/Client’s representative. Agency will submit a copy of the grant of increment order to NICSI along with the first bill claiming reimbursement with the increment. Satisfactory performance linked with annual increment will be admissible to the agency deployed professionals on the recommendations of NICSI/NIC project heads. iii. ii The empanelled bidders will submit a copy of the appointment letter issued to the deployed professionals along with the first bill for claiming reimbursement for the services provided to NICSI or its clients. 3. terminate the work order and/or the Contract. without NICSI’s prior written consent. c. and the date upon which such termination becomes effective. the extent to which performance of work under the work order and /or the contract is terminated. In the event of the agency’s company or the concerned division of the company is taken over / bought over by another company. Disclosure to any such employed person will be made in confidence and will extend only so far as may be necessary for purposes of such performance. The empanelled agency will indemnify NICSI and its client organizations of all legal obligations of its professionals deployed for NICSI/NIC projects. If it so happens then NICSI will impose sanctions which will include: forfeiture of the security deposit. f. The Technical support to the project will be provided throughout the country and the period for which the support is required will be indicated by NICSI from time to time. revocation of bank guarantees (including the ones submitted for other work orders) and termination of the Contract for default.14 Indemnity a. in whole or in part at any time of its convenience. NICSI and its Clients also stand absolved of any liability on account of death or injury sustained by the Agency staff during the performance of this empanelment and also for any damages or compensation due to any dispute between the agency and its staff.16 3. e All panel agencies automatically agree with NICSI for honoring all aspects of fair trade practices in executing the work orders placed by NICSI. 16 . disclose the Contract. or any provision thereof.0 General Terms & Conditions a. The notice of termination will specify that termination is for NICSI's convenience. 4. to any person other than a person employed by the agency in the Performance of the Contract. NICSI may by written notice sent to the selected agency. sample of information furnished by or on behalf of NICSI in connection therewith. b. The selected agency will not. should be passed on for compliance by the new company / new division in the negotiation for their transfer. b. plan. or any specification. NICSI reserves the right to cancel the remaining part and pay to the selected agency an agreed amount for partially completed Services. d. all the obligations under the agreement with NICSI. The selected agency will not outsource the work to any other associate/franchisee/third party under any circumstances. as it deems appropriate work order for similar support service to other agency and the defaulting agency will be liable to compensate NICSI for any extra expenditure involved towards support service to complete the scope of work totally. which prevent or delay the execution of the order by the agency. b. If the agency. without any compensation to the agency.17 5. NICSI may at its discretion also take the following actions  NICSI may transfer upon such terms and in such manner. within seven days of the occurrence and cessation of the force majeure conditions.  If the agency fails to perform any other obligation(s) under the contract / work order. Riot or Civil commotion. lightning or other natural physical disaster. Default is said to have occurred b. 5. duly certified by the local Chamber of Commerce.0 Force Majeure a. which is beyond the control of the agencies. 6.2 Termination for default a. in either of the above circumstances. the beginning and the end of the above causes of delay. Restriction imposed by the Government or other statutory bodies. if the agency becomes bankrupt or otherwise insolvent. flood. In addition to above.  If the agency fails to deliver any or all of the services within the time period(s) specified in the work order or any extension thereof granted by NICSI.0 Termination for Insolvency & Default 5. In the event of 17 . Earthquake. does not take remedial steps within a period of 30 days after receipt of the default notice from NICSI (or takes longer period in spite of what NICSI may authorize in writing).1 Termination for Insolvency NICSI may at any time terminate the work order / contract by giving written notice of four weeks to the agency. The agency will advise NICSI in writing. NICSI may terminate the contract / work order in whole or in part. Force majeure clause will mean and be limited to the following in the execution of the contract / purchase orders placed by NICSI:    War / hostilities. tempest. duties or liabilities under these except as to any matters the decision of which is specially provided for by the general or the special conditions. or the rights. 1996 or later and the rules there under and any statutory modification or re-enactment. one to be appointed by each party and the third to be appointed by the Director General. or the construction or operation thereof. as the case may be. National Informatics Centre. (c) If the work order is issued for certain number of man power with start date mentioned as “date of joining”. of India. N. Delhi and the award of the arbitration . 7. such dispute will be referred to two arbitrators. India. 18 . by direct negotiation. NICSI reserve the right to cancel the order without any obligation to compensate the agency in any manner for what so ever reason. the agencies will ensure that all manpower deployed will be within 30 days from the date of issue of work order otherwise the deployed number of manpower only permissible. (b) In case of extended period. If any dispute will arise between parties on aspects not covered by this agreement. the agencies will ensure that manpower deployed will be within 30 days from the date of issue of the work order.0 Applicable law The work order will be governed by the laws and procedures established by Govt. The arbitration proceedings will be held in New Delhi. 8. thereof. will be final and binding on both the parties. with the consent of parties. if arising out of clauses of force majeure. Such arbitration will be governed in all respects by the provision of the Indian Arbitration Act. may modify the time frame for making and publishing the award.0 Clarification on the date of joining mentioned in work order (a) In case of the start date of work order is “date of joining”.0 Arbitration NICSI and the vendor will make every effort to resolve amicably. within the framework of applicable legislation and enactment made from time to time concerning such commercial dealings/processing. if the work order issued with start date as “date of joining”. any disagreement or dispute arising between them under or in connection with the work order. special permission may be obtained from the competent authority for extension beyond 30 days from the date of issue of the work order.18 a delay lasting for more than one month. The arbitrators or the umpire as the case may be. 9. Work order cancellation charges will be applicable.0 Clarity in case of work order billing address (a) All hired man power bills for payment need to be addressed either “NICSI. (e) No work order will be issued as start date as “date of joining”.19 (d) Non deployment of manpower within 30 days from the date of issue of the work order.(Rupees Two hundred fifty only) per day per person will be levied for a period of 10 days and after that the work order will be cancelled and manpower will be obtained from alternate sources at the risk and cost of the defaulting bidder. A/C NICSI only. 6th Floor. Hall No. 2&3. 15. the work order will be treated as cancelled and will attract a penalty @ ` 300/. 19 . New Delhi – 110066” or the project name with department. Bhikaji Cama Place. NBCC Tower. for earlier work done period 10. Please attach separate sheet for each project and submit work orders & satisfactory completion certificates from the clients. If yes. please give details. Crores) 2009-10 2008-09 2010-11 g. implemented in the last three years.) Six software development/customization projects (two for each reference year) developed in house for the Clients. Administrative : _____ Nos. 10 lakhs. S. d) Whether the agency complies with the requirement of Registration under the Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act: Yes/No e) Agency profile (*) Address : Name of the top executive with designation : Telephone No : Mobile : E-mail : Service Tax No : PAN : Office Strength : Technical : _____ Nos. f) Turn over from Total IT Solutions : (In Rs. of value more than Rs. Information may be submitted in the following format. Co-operative Society or Partnership Firm) c) Whether any Legal Arbitration/proceeding is instituted against the Agency or the Agency has lodged any claim in connection with works carried out by them.No. The project duration shouldn’t be more than 12 months. 1 2 3 4 Caption Name of the Client with address Year Project Name and summary (5 lines) Project Start Date 20 Details 2009/2010/2011 .20 Annexure-I TECHNICAL DETAILS a) Name of the Agency: b) Incorporated as _______________ in year ____________________ at ____________ (State Registered Firm. please give profile of the branch offices as per item (e) above. Date: Authorized Signatory Place: Name: SEAL 21 .21 5 6 7 8 9 Project Completion Date Project Cost Whether the project is still operational Yes/No If yes to (7) who maintains the project Name of the Contact person with phone number h. Payment details: Particulars EMD Tender Fee Amount (`) ` 1.000/` 500/- Draft No. Date Bank Branch Documents in support of the above may be furnished with page numbers indicated in the index. Please use separate sheets wherever necessary. (*) If the Agency has branch offices in India.000. NICSI reserves the right to allocate the business among the empanelled agencies as per its client’s preferences. NICSI will not reimburse any amount towards Provident Fund. Four more agencies. L3….N o Position (1) 1 (2) Prescribed salary per month (`) Annual Increment (`) Agency charges Service Tax 2 3 4 1. 5. Programmer Programmer Senior Assistant Programmer (3) 17000 (4) 22000 (5) 28000 1000 1500 2000 Management Sr. overtime etc. L3…. 2. L2. will be identified to maintain a panel of five agencies. These issues must be settled between the empanelled agencies and the manpower supplied by them from time to time. L1 is the agency quoting least percentage of agency charges. A panel of five agencies will be kept to service the growing project requirements of technical professionals. In case two or more agencies quote the same percentage. beyond office hours is not admissible to the deployed professionals.agree to match L1 rates then L1 alone will be on the panel. The professionals deputed to work on the projects would observe the working days/hours of NICSI/clients. 4. conveniences and the performance of the empanelled agencies. Honorarium. other than L1 agreeing to L1 rates.22 Annexure-II Financial Bid Name of the Agency: _____________________________________________ Rates per month for professional support services S. the agency with the highest turnover taken together for three reference years will be taken as L1. 3. in that order will be asked to match L1 rates. If none of the L2.. Employees Insurance or Bonus. 22 . Associate Management Associate (6) (7) 28000 35000 2000 2500 ___% of prescribed salary Extra as applicable from time to time The empanelled agencies will mandatorily pay the prescribed amount to the hired employees. Agency charges are not applicable on TA/DA. Date: Authorized Signatory: Place: Name: SEAL 23 . will be reimbursed on production of proof of payment and approval of NIC project head.23 6. For outstation duties the TA/DA. as applicable to NICSI Deputy Managers. Sc. Senior Programmer a.Sc in Computer Science/IT OR Masters degree in Physics / Mathematics / Statistics /Operations Research /Electronics and one year’s experience in software project operations and maintenance OR Graduate in Computer science/IT/Physics/Maths/Statistics/Electronics/Operations Research with either Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Application and one year’s experience in software project operations and maintenance OR Two years’ experience in software project operations and maintenance OR BCA with one year experience in software project operations and maintenance 24 . b.24 Annexure – III Educational Qualifications & Experience of Technical Professionals _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ All graduate degrees/diplomas should be minimum second class pursued through full time course of a government recognized university/institution _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. b. in Computer Science/IT and one year’s experience in software development OR Masters degree Physics / Mathematics / Statistics /Operations Research /Electronics with either Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Science and one year’s experience in software development OR Two years experience in software development. Programmer Assistant: a. Same as for programmer and experience of 3 years as programmer in software development and independently handling of projects. c. 2. a. The experience here means continuous working experience on government projects duly certified by the government organization where the work was performed. c M.Tech) with specialization in computers/ Electronics & Communication OR M. Programmer MCA / (BE / B. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ For Programmer Assistant: All graduate degrees/diplomas Regular or through correspondence with minimum second class pursued through a government recognized university/institution _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. M. Masters degree Physics / Mathematics / Statistics /Operations Research /Electronics with Either Post Graduate Diploma in Computer Science and one year’s experience in software development OR Two years experience in software development. Senior Management Associate Same as for Management Associate and experience of 3 years in Techno-managerial skills can handle the execution of project with greater degree of efficiency in technical projects The experience here means continuous working experience on government projects duly certified by the government organization where the work was performed.25 Annexure-IV Educational Qualifications & Experience of Management Professionals _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ All graduate degrees/diplomas should be minimum second class pursued through full time course of a government recognized university/institution _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1.Sc. Management Associate a. Tech) with specialization in computers/ Electronics & Communication OR b. in Computer Science/IT and one year’s experience in software development OR c. 25 . With Master degree in Business Administration (MBA/PGDM) 2. MCA / ( BE / B. h. hard disk crashes etc. Sr. c. Preparation of system and operations manuals for the application software. Front-end application software development. 3. Act as a system administrator by allocating/removing redundant user-id and passwords. network viruses. Preparation of training manuals and scheduling user’s training. Guiding teams of Programmers and Assistant Programmer in meeting the above job profiles. h. e. Overall responsibility of a user’s application. c. Assistant Programmer: a. Programmer a. d. Keeping abreast of the technological advances and application of latest technology tools for software development. Net browsing to address subject specific queries of the users. Ensuring strict compliance to the back-up schedules. e. Guidance to Assistant programmer on project operations and software development. Software maintenance of the existing applications and developing new applications. c.26 Annexure – V Job Profile of Technical Professionals 1. b. d. d. Coordination with maintenance agencies to handle situations like network chocking. Scheduled report generation. i. b. Supervision of Input/output to the projects being handled. Maintaining user defined time schedules of software development. Day to day coordination with the user for software maintenance. Project training and computer basics training to user officials. Independently handling of system design. g. Independently handling the software project operations on the client machines. Programmer: a. f. g. b. Coordination with maintenance agencies and providing first line of maintenance. 26 . Removal of viruses. i. software development modules allocation and integration of the modules. f. Update the front-end software using the patches supplied by the project in charge. 2. Perform checks on the work done by subordinates e. Improve project management capabilities. Provide up-to-date status reporting to executive management. note sheet. k. Management / reviews. Implement continuous improvement to the overall project management process g. e. Study/analyze the project requirement c. Check and Draft proposals. b. GAP analysis and Process Improvement. Conduct post project reviews and lessons learned f. Monitor projects to ensure timely updates and performance reporting process g.27 Annexure-VI Job Profile of Management Professionals A. B. Role of a Management Associate comprise of the following: a. b. Performance reviews m. l. Standardize project management processes and documentation. and skills h. competence. n. Risk Analysis and remedies. training and interviews/ screening of new entrants. Senior Management Associate: a. Team handling. 27 . c. Process checks and improvements. j. d. f. Provide oversight to ensure projects are in compliance with established standards. Identify and resolve common problems and potential risk issues across projects. Timely meeting with the stakeholders. i. Prepare pre-delivery inspection schedules. annexure and amendments. Address day to day adhoc activities related to project management office. Management Associate Management Associate having Techno-managerial skills can handle the execution of project with greater degree of efficiency in technical projects. knowledge. Provide guidance to team members and other colleagues d. Put up letter/note sheet to user/coordinators/vendors/etc. Design. Update and Maintain MIS as per the requirement of organization. Act as a communication bridge among user/ coordinators/ vendors/ management. l.28 h. m. Prepare draft of letters and emails i. Follow up with vendors for timely delivery/installation of material/ services and deployment of resources. k. j. Analyze and propose Change Requests to the management. 28 .
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