
May 9, 2018 | Author: goatack | Category: Aerosol, Filtration, Chemical Engineering, Gases, Mechanical Engineering



Product Catalog...the Leader in Refrigeration Innovation www.temprite.com email: [email protected] 1555 West Hawthorne Lane, Suite 1E West Chicago, Illinois 60185-1822 USA 1.800.552.9300 Phone: 630.293.5910 Fax: 630.293.9594 Copyright © 2013 Temprite. All Rights Reserved 12/10 Temprite® Temprite specializes in innovative, energy-efficient coalescent and conventional oil separators, and refrigerant oil management products including oil level controls and oil reservoirs. Every Temprite product is engineered and manufactured to enhance total thermal efficiency while reducing carbon emissions and providing the highest possible return on investment. Temprite products are the solution to rising energy costs, longer system life and reduced carbon emissions. Each component is designed to make refrigeration systems clean and green. Founded in 1924, Temprite was a pioneer in the refrigeration industry and one of the first companies to specialize in refrigeration components. Early Temprite products included beer coolers and dispensing valves for soda fountains and water coolers. Temprite’s Commitment to Customers Temprite will provide the highest quality refrigeration component products—as well as the best operational specifications—available worldwide. The Temprite reputation for innovation arose when the company originated some of the earliest refrigeration components including the conventional oil separator in its current configuration: Every conventional oil separator is a copy of a Temprite oil separator. Product Certifications Since December 2001, all products conform to the European Pressure Directive (PED). As customer refrigeration systems can vary greatly, each Temprite product is tested both on in-house test beds and in the field, using a variety of parameters. Every time there’s a new standard to meet, Temprite products help customers meet it. All Temprite components are certified by at least one of the following notified bodies: UL, ULC, CE, CRN, KHK and ASME.* In 1988, Temprite was the first company to design and manufacture coalescent oil separators and oil reservoirs with the introduction of the high-efficiency 900 Series. The 920 & 920R Series were developed in 1990-1991 to meet customer needs for energy savings, lower carbon emissions and increased system life. Today, Temprite is a premier brand name in the industry. Building on decades of experience in manufacturing components for the refrigeration industry, the Temprite tradition of innovation continues with energy-efficient coalescent and conventional oil separators for every type of refrigerant, such as the 130 Series for CO2 and the ammonia-compatible 920 & 920R Series. 2 *Contact Temprite for individual product certifications. International Distribution The Temprite plant is located in West Chicago, Illinois, USA, with distribution facilities in Tokyo, Japan; Glasgow, UK; Stuttgart, Germany; Ankara, Turkey; Bangalore, India; and Sydney, Australia. Temprite has worldwide distribution through wholesalers and direct sales to original equipment manufacturers, retailers and medical organizations, and through strategic partners in the United Kingdom, Japan, Germany, Turkey, India and Australia. 1.800.552.9300 / 630.293.5910 Index Page Nos. Temprite Coalescent Oil Separators 4 130 Series for CO2: Model 131: Hermetic; Models 133A-139A: Accessible 300 Series: Hermetic; Models 320-322, 340-343 900 Series: Hermetic; Models 900, 900-1, 902-905 920 & 920R Series*: Accessible; Models 922-930 & 922R-930R Temprite Conventional Oil Separators 14 500 Series: Accessible; Models 501-505, 506, 507 600 Series: Hermetic; Models 600-605, 606, 607 Sizing Charts 16 920 & 920R Series: Tons 920 & 920R Series: kW 920 & 920R Series: Natural Refrigerants 300 & 900 Series 500 & 600 Series 130 Series for CO2 Quick Reference Chart Oil Management 23 Oil Level Controls: Mechanical Oil Reservoirs: 47058, 47080, 47115, 47154 Oil Reservoir for CO2 Oil Return Floats Valves: A-7, OCV-20, Rotalock Valve, Y1236C HB products for CO2: Oil Sensors & Switches: HBOC, HBSO1, HPBA, V100 TraxOil Electronic Oil Level Controls TraxOil Oil Watches Optional Items 32 Pressure Differential Indicator (PDI) Filter/Drier Shells for CO2 Replacement Parts 33 130 Series Standard Filter Kits, Clean-Up® Filter Kits 920 & 920R Series Standard Filter Kits, Clean-Up® Filter Kits Screen Kits, Bottom & Top Plate Gaskets/O-Rings, O-Ring/Gasket Kits Float & Plate Assemblies, Sight Glasses *Ammonia and subcritical CO2 compatible www.temprite.com 3 lower carbon emissions. contaminants and excess refrigerant oil. Refrigerants also have an enhanced solvent effect.  Coalescent oil separators maintain the same level of effectiveness down to 20% of mass flow. maintaining the same level of effectiveness down to 20% of maximum flow. Exceptional Performance Range Temprite products are engineered and manufactured to improve refrigeration and system thermal efficiency by minimizing oil and dirt in the system’s evaporator. where the oil is stripped from the refrigerant gas. Natural Refrigerant Conversions Changing to environmentally friendly refrigerants is a mandate in most countries. Exceptional Contaminant Removal Two of the biggest energy drains on any refrigeration system are dirt. collecting at the bottom of the separator where the clean oil is returned to the compressor.293. longer compressor life and lower energy costs. compare the micron cleaning range of your separator to Temprite coalescent oil separators.Temprite® Coalescent Oil Separators Filtration & Separation Temprite Technology All Temprite coalescent oil separators are equipped with a Standard Filter that uses a matrix-type borosilicate glass fiber material to do the work formerly done by impingement screens in conventional oil separators. 4 1. creating bigger oil droplets. Temprite’s coalescent oil separators (COS) set the industry standard for energy-efficient performance.9300 / 630. Unlike conventional separators. Illustration #2 shows a crosssection of a Temprite Standard Filter.  These larger.  The high-efficiency performance of coalescing oil separators means better heat transfer through the coils.3 microns in size. with more than 50% of the droplets less than 1 µm in size. This results in shorter compressor run times. coalescent oil separators are not dependent on velocity for efficiency.4 to 10 µm range. heavier droplets accumulate at the edge of the filter and fall.  Temprite filtration gives you the cleanest possible oil and refrigerant gas—the keys to energy efficiency. reduced carbon emissions and energy consumption.  The clean refrigerant gas moves upward to the condenser.  Temprite coalescent oil separators separate and clean oil at a nominal 98. meaning more contaminants than ever can be clogging your system.01 to 100 microns (µm) in size. Refrigerant pressure moves the aerosolized oil into the separator.  The oil droplets are pushed to the outer edges of the filter by refrigerant flow. When evaluating the efficiency of your current separator.5%+ efficiency level. and fall to the bottom of the separator. Illustration #1 shows how a coalescent oil separator moves oil-laden refrigerant gas into the filter and through the separator.800. Oil droplets separate as they enter the filter.  Coalescent oil separators are ideal for OEM applications where system cleanliness is paramount. Illustration #4 compares the filtration levels of all other types of separators to coalescent oil separators. and the highest possible return on investment. translating into significant kW savings.5910 .  The majority of oil droplets in refrigerant discharge gas are in the 0. Typical Aerosol Distribution in Mass Flow Illustration #3 shows micron particle sizes in a typical aerosol distribution ranging from . Make your system as clean and green as possible by converting or retrofitting with Temprite coalescent oil separators. The filter’s borosilicate fiber matrix causes the aerosolized oil to collide with other oil droplets. System pressure moves the refrigerant oil in aerosol form outward from the center of the filter. The exceptional Temprite Standard Filter technology cleans contaminants down to 0.552.  Tobacco smoke and milled flour particle sizes are given as a reference point. Energy-Saving: minimizes the amount of oil in the evaporator.temprite.5%+ separation efficiency rating across the widest range of mass flows.and low-temperature applications • Dual function: filters dirt out of the refrigerant and oil. The 130 Series are the first coalescing oil separators created for transcritical CO2 to undergo performance testing at internationally recognized testing organizations and have proven to perform the best of any filtration and separation technology. Internal Oil Level Monitoring: the integral oil reservoir and sensor port allows monitoring of the internal oil level and the controlled return of the cleaned oil to the compressor crank case for continued lubrication of the moving parts. Advantages High Efficiency: most efficient oil-refrigerant filtering/separation technology with a 98. separates the oil from the refrigerant gas • Maximum operating pressure: 130 bar (1885 PSI) • Efficiency: nominal 98. Let us know what you need for your CO2 system. *Both the 920 & 920R Series have been used extensively in subcritical applications up to 45 bar (650 PSI) for many years. the 130 Series of coalescent oil separators is designed specifically for transcritical CO2 systems and optimized for transcritical refrigeration applications. In addition to a range of six different sizes of separators.5%+ separation efficiency rating • Filtration: Sub-micron particulate retention rating • Connection sizes: 1/2" NPT to 2" NPT or Butt Weld Temprite engineers continue to work with customers and specialists in the CO2 field to develop products that work with the leading refrigeration technology. Building on the best attributes of Temprite’s 920 and 920R Series* oil separation technology. Cost-Saving: ensures shorter compressor run times. We can produce liquid receivers and other high-pressure components for CO2 applications to meet customer requirements. Easy Filter Changing: removable top plate allows for easy filter changing after it captures excess dirt circulating in the system. Temprite developed reservoirs and filter/drier shells specifically for transcritical CO2 applications.com 5 .* Individually Adjustable Mounting Feet: allow for variable field leveling and adjustment. 130 Series Technology Specifications • Application range: suitable for R744 (CO2) transcritical high-. www.Temprite® Coalescent Oil Separators 130 Series for CO2: Hermetic and Accessible Temprite technology addresses the unique and challenging demands of CO2 systems. *Model 131 is hermetic and the filter is not accessible for changing. improving heat transfer efficiency. medium. 6" 702 mm 27.5" 216 mm 8.4" 545 mm 21.9" 216 mm 8.8" 325 mm 12.8 bar (650 PSI).1" 131 mm 5.5" 73 mm 2. D Dim.7" 171 mm 6. MPT=Male Pipe Thread.6" 702 mm 27.56" 141 mm 5.7" 171 mm 6.8 bar (650 PSI).1" 131 mm 5. 6 1. Dia. C Dim. H Dim. Models 133A. BW=Butt Weld SELECT OIL SEPARATOR WITH CONNECTION SIZE NOT LESS THAN DISCHARGE LINE SIZE.800.9" 176 mm 6.5910 G Dim. 152 mm 6" 152 mm 6" 152 mm 6" 152 mm 6" 171 mm 6.8" 433 mm 17.6" 131 mm 5.9" 176 mm 6.6" 702 mm 27.56" 141 mm 5.9" *FPT=Female Pipe Thread.4" 702 mm 27. Oil Return 102 mm 4.5" 1/4" FPT* 1/4" FPT* 1/4" FPT* 1/4" FPT* 1/4" FPT* 1/4" FPT* 1/4" FPT* 1/4" FPT* .0" 102 mm 4.6" F Dim. 137A: Accessible 133A.1" 131 mm 5.1" 137A B Dim.7" 171 mm 6. Height Sensor 435 mm 17" 435 mm 17" 545 mm 21. C Dim.293. Inlet/Outlet/ Oil Connector 013101310 131 1/4" FPT* B Dim.56" 141 mm 5.1" 584 mm 23" 584 mm 23" 584 mm 23" 584 mm 23" D Dim. MPT=Male Pipe Thread.1" 433 mm 17.56" 176 mm 6. 135A. Inlet/ Outlet 3/4" FPT* 1/2" MPT* 3/4" FPT* 1/2" BW* 3/4" FPT* 3/4" MPT* 3/4" FPT* 3/4" BW* 3/4" FPT* 1" MPT* 3/4" FPT* 1" BW* 3/4" FPT* 1-1/4" MPT* 3/4" FPT* 1-1/4" BW* * FPT=Female Pipe Thread. Inlet Loc. The 920 & 920R Series are also ammonia compatible. 135A Part # 013301330 013301331 013501350 013501351 013710142 013701375 013701370 013701371 Model # Inlet/ Outlet 133A 1/2" MPT* 133A 1/2" BW* 135A 3/4" MPT* 135A 3/4" BW* 137A 1" MPT* 137A 1" BW* 137A 1-1/4" MPT* 137A 1-1/4" BW* A Dim. Outlet Location Height Diameter 115 mm 4.5" 216 mm 8. suitable for subcritical applications up to 44.5" 165 mm 6. The 920 & 920R Series are also ammonia compatible.9300 / 630.0" 102 mm 4. NOTE: See page 10 for the 920 & 920R Series of products. E Dim. Sensor/ Oil Loc. suitable for subcritical applications up to 44.552. 118 mm 4. Dia.0" 141 mm 5. I Dim.6" 118 mm 4.5" 216 mm 8. BW=Butt Weld SELECT OIL SEPARATOR WITH CONNECTION SIZE NOT LESS THAN DISCHARGE LINE SIZE NOTE: See page 10 for the 920 & 920R Series of products.6" 118 mm 4.Temprite® Coalescent Oil Separators 130 Series for CO2 Maximum Working Pressure: 130 bar (1885 PSI) Model 131: Hermetic Part # Model # A Dim. Outlet Loc.6" 118 mm 4.7" 325 mm 12.0" 102 mm 4.9" 176 mm 6. 6" 216 mm 8.6" 870 mm 34. Sensor/ Oil Loc. NOTE: See page 10 for the 920 & 920R Series of products.5" 1/4" FPT* 3/4" FPT* 1-1/2" BW* 141 mm 5. Dia. Dia. Outlet Loc.com 7 .5" 3/4" FPT* 2" BW* 219 mm 8.7" 752 mm 29. Oil Return Height Sensor 013911391 139A 1-1/2" BW* 162 mm 6. www. Part # Model # Inlet/ Outlet I Dim. Dia. The 920 & 920R Series are also ammonia compatible. BW=Butt Weld Model 139A: Accessible 139A A Dim. MPT=Male Pipe Thread.7" 752 mm 29.1" 927 mm 36.6" 324 mm 12. Part # F Dim.75" 1/4" FPT* 013921392 139A 2" BW* 162 mm 6.3" 765 mm 30.1" 927 mm 36. Inlet Loc. D Dim.3" 765 mm 30. H Dim.6" 324 mm 12.2" 013801381 138A 1-1/2" BW* 131 mm 5.5" 1/4" FPT* F Dim. H Dim. suitable for subcritical applications up to 44.5" 3/4" FPT* 1-1/2" BW* 219 mm 8. C Dim. Inlet/ Outlet G Dim. Inlet/ Outlet G Dim.Temprite® Coalescent Oil Separators 130 Series for CO2 Maximum Working Pressure: 130 bar (1885 PSI) Model 138A: Accessible 138A Model # Inlet/ Outlet A Dim. D Dim.2" I Dim Oil Return Dia.75" 1/4" FPT* * FPT=Female Pipe Thread. E Dim. E Dim.1" 171 mm 6. 3/4" FPT* 1-1/2" MPT* 141 mm 5.8 bar (650 PSI).4" 210 mm 8.6" 216 mm 8.1" 171 mm 6. B Dim. C Dim. BW=Butt Weld SELECT OIL SEPARATOR WITH CONNECTION SIZE NOT LESS THAN DISCHARGE LINE SIZE. Inlet Outlet Height Sensor 013801380 138A 1-1/2" MPT* 131 mm 5.temprite.4" 210 mm 8. MPT=Male Pipe Thread. * FPT=Female Pipe Thread.6" 870 mm 34. Oil Sensor/ Port B Dim. 53 mm 2-1/16" 52 mm 4-1/4" 108 mm 2-1/2" 64 mm 032100000 321 1/8" FPT* 2-1/16" 52 mm 3-1/2" 89 mm 2-1/2" 64 mm 032200000 322 1/4" SAE* 2-1/16" 52 mm 4" 102 mm 2-1/2" 64 mm * FPT = Female Pipe Thread.3 and 0. ODS= Gas inlet and outlet connections are female solder bosses to receive O. MPT = Male Pipe Thread. C Dim. D Dim. 032000000 320 3/8" ODS* 9. 034000000 340 3/8" ODS* 9. 8 1.D.995% efficient in removing particulates between 0.8 bar (650 PSI) Temprite’s 300 Series of hermetic coalescent oil separators are one of the smallest oil separators available for their capacity. D Dim.53 mm 3-9/16" 90 mm 4-7/8" 124 mm 2-1/2" 64 mm 034100000 341 1/8" FPT* 3-9/16" 90 mm 4-1/2" 114 mm 2-1/2" 64 mm 034200000 342 1/4" SAE* 3-9/16" 90 mm 4-3/4" 121 mm 2-1/2" 64 mm 034300000 343 3/8" SAE* 3-9/16" 90 mm 4-15/16" 125 mm 2-1/2" 64 mm * FPT = Female Pipe Thread.9300 / 630. The elimination of the float ball and internal oil reservoir maximizes efficiency by minimizing oil carryover.5910 . • 320 and 340 Series units are 99.800.6 microns (µm) and separating oil from the mass flow. a metered orifice or a timed solenoid. tube size. ODS= Gas inlet and outlet connections are female solder bosses to receive O.D.552. 300 Series Coalescent Oil Separator Models 320-322 Part # Model # A Dim. SAE = Flare Connection Models 340-342 Part # Model # A Dim./ Oil Conn. MPT = Male Pipe Thread. Model 300 Model 340 • Metering the oil return back to the compressor may be done by a variety of methods including a capillary tube. C Dim.Temprite® Coalescent Oil Separators 300 Series: Hermetic Maximum Working Pressure: 44. Size B Dim. tube size./Oil Conn. SAE = Flare Connection SELECT OIL SEPARATOR WITH CONNECTION SIZE NOT LESS THAN DISCHARGE LINE SIZE. Size B Dim.293. Oil Charge Amt. C Dim.35 mm 1-3/8" ODS 34. Models 902.8 bar (650 PSI) 900. 901 902. 901 Part # Model # Oil Conn. B Dim. 475 ml.53 mm 8-1/4" 210 mm 3/4" 19 mm 4" 102 mm 15 oz. Oil Charge Amt. Size A Dim. C Dim. 090400000 904 1/4" ODS 6. 445 ml. 090000000 900 1/4" ODS 6. D Dim.93 mm 15-1/8" 384 mm 18-3/8" 467 mm 4" 102 mm 3" 76 mm 16 oz. 090100000 901 1/4" ODS 6. D Dim.35 mm 1-1/8" ODS 28.35 mm 1/2" ODS 12. C Dim. www.23 mm 10-7/8" 276 mm 3/4" 19 mm 4" 102 mm 15 oz. 905 Part # Model # Oil Conn. 090081000 900-1 1/4" 90° ODS 6.58 mm 15-1/8" 384 mm 18-3/8" 467 mm 4" 102 mm 3" 76 mm 16 oz. 900-1. B Dim. Size A Dim.temprite.35 mm 3/8" ODS 9. 905 Models 900. 090300000 903 1/4" ODS 6.35 mm 5/8" ODS 15.88 mm 10-9/16" 268 mm 3/4" 19 mm 4" 102 mm 15 oz. 903 904.70 mm 8-3/8" 213 mm 3/4" 19 mm 4" 102 mm 15 oz. 445 ml. 090200000 902 1/4" ODS 6. 445 ml. 900-1. B Dim.35 mm 7/8" ODS 22. D Dim. 903 Models 904. Part # Model # Oil Conn. Oil Charge Amt. 475 ml.53 mm 8-1/4" 210 mm 3/4" 19 mm 4" 102 mm 15 oz.com 9 .35 mm 3/8" ODS 9. E Dim. 090500000 905 1/4" ODS 6. SELECT OIL SEPARATOR WITH CONNECTION SIZE NOT LESS THAN DISCHARGE LINE SIZE. 445 ml.Temprite® Coalescent Oil Separators 900 Series: Hermetic Maximum Working Pressure: 44. 445 ml. Size A Dim. 920R Series separators do not have a float. medium and A/C. Other products require disassembling and re-welding the separator for filter changes.Temprite® Coalescent Oil Separators 920 & 920R Series Coalescent Oil Separators: Accessible 920 Series 920R Series Lower Energy Costs & Carbon Emissions Ammonia (NH3) Compatible The energy-efficient 920 & 920R Series of coalescent oil separators are designed for maximum energy-efficiency. low. Visit www. 920 & 920R Cost & Energy Savings Properly designed coalescing separators remove 95% to 99% of the oil from a system’s mass flow while maintaining the same level of effectiveness regardless of system velocities and loads. high-pressure oil system. Both 920 & 920R Series separators are ammonia (NH3) compatible and designed for 650 PSI. dirt and excess oil put an even greater drag on system efficiency. increasing system capacity and efficiency and lowering energy costs.800. Temprite’s 920 & 920R Series Cost Savings Calculator allows you to see how much energy and money you’ll save based on your system. An oil reservoir is built into each 920R Series coalescent oil separator.9300 / 630. The built-in reservoir reduces piping. and how carbon emissions are also reduced. run days and total capacity. components and potential leaks and creates a stable. Temprite separators make refrigeration systems clean and green by lowering energy costs and reducing carbon emissions. dual-suction systems. • Both problems are eliminated with the 920 & 920R Series separators.5910 . You'll see how savings increase based on the number of stores. All 920 Series models are designed for use with an external reservoir. Because ammonia is a cleaning agent. price of energy.com to find out how much you can save. The 920R Series delivers the: 920 & 920R separators offer easy accessibility to the Temprite Standard Filter for changes. All 920 & 920R separators perform with equal efficiency in all types of systems: External Reservoir • in ultra-low temperature applications. Because the oil reservoir is built-in. more dirt is removed from the system and deposited in the filter. Large-Scale Refrigeration Cost Savings In large parallel rack/multiplex systems with long lines. both annually and for the 10-year life of system. 10 1. • even or uneven multiplex systems. • Energy savings scale up with larger systems. This is especially important for large-scale refrigeration systems: 60% of a grocery store’s cost of operation is refrigeration.552.293. • Lowest kilowatts required per unit of cooling (per ton). temprite. • Highest measured capacity of refrigeration. and “R" is For Reservoir • during refrigeration load shifting/matching. 2. C Dim.88 mm 9-3/8" 238 mm 17-1/4" 438 mm 4" 102 mm 3" 76 mm 6-1/2" 165 mm 16 oz. D Dim. 923 Maximum Working Pressure: 44. 923R 924R. 923. 092400000 924 1/4" SAE 1-1/8" ODS 28. 092500000 925 1/4" SAE 1-3/8" ODS 34. 922R. 925 922R. B Dim. 092401000 924R 1/4" SAE 1-1/8" ODS 28. 3.8 bar (650 PSI) 924. Size A Dim. E Dim.93 mm 9-3/8" 238 mm 21-5/8" 549 mm 4" 102 mm 3" 76 mm 6-1/2" 165 mm 16 oz. 3. 092300000 923 1/4" SAE 7/8" ODS 22. Size A Dim. 475 ml.22 Liters www. 475 ml.temprite. F Dim.23 mm 11-5/8" 295 mm 19-1/2" 495 mm 4" 102 mm 3/4" 19 mm 6-1/2" 165 mm 77 oz.Temprite® Coalescent Oil Separators 920 & 920R Series: Accessible 922.22 Liters 092501000 925R 1/4" SAE 1-3/8" ODS 34. 475 ml. 925. 2. B Dim. C Dim.93 mm 16-3/8" 416 mm 28-5/8" 727 mm 4" 102 mm 3/4" 19 mm 6-1/2" 165 mm 109 oz.88 mm 11-5/8" 295 mm 19-1/2" 495 mm 4" 102 mm 3/4" 19 mm 6-1/2 165 mm 77 oz.23 mm 9-3/8" 238 mm 17-1/4" 438 mm 4" 102 mm 3" 76 mm 6-1/2" 165 mm 16 oz.58 mm 9-3/8" 238 mm 21-5/8" 549 mm 4" 102 mm 3" 76 mm 6-1/2" 165 mm 16 oz.58 mm 16-3/8" 416 mm 28-5/8" 727 mm 4" 102 mm 3/4" 19 mm 6-1/2" 165 mm 109 oz. F Dim.27 Liters Models 924. 924R. Oil Charge Amt. 475 ml. 923R Part # Model # Oil Conn. 925R Models 922. 925R Part # Model # Oil Conn. Oil Charge Amt.27 Liters 092301000 923R 1/4" SAE 7/8" ODS 22.com 11 . E Dim. 092201000 922R 1/4" SAE 5/8" ODS 15. D Dim. 092200000 922 1/4" SAE 5/8" ODS 15. B Dim.8 bar (650 PSI) Models 926. 927 926R.98 mm 29-7/16" 748 mm 35" 889 mm 12" 305 mm 6" 152 mm 8-1/2" 216 mm 4-1/2" 114 mm 34 oz.293. Size A Dim. 928R 928 928R Part # Model # Oil Conn.8 Gal. C Dim. 926R. D Dim. 1 Liters 092700000 927 3/8" SAE 2-1/8" ODS 53. 1 Liters 092801000 928R 3/8" SAE 2-5/8" ODS 67 mm 32-3/8" 822 mm 37" 940 mm 11-1/2" 292 mm 8-5/8" 219 mm 2. 1 Liters 092601000 926R 3/8" SAE 1-5/8" ODS 41. Size A Dim. F Dim. Oil Charge Amt.55 Liters 12 1.8 Gal 6.28 mm 33-7/8" 860 mm 38-3/8" 975 mm 16-5/8" 422 mm 6" 152 mm 8-1/2" 216 mm 4-1/2" 114 mm 1.7 Liters Models 928.98 mm 33-7/8" 860 mm 38-3/8" 975 mm 16-5/8" 422 mm 6" 152 mm 8-1/2" 216 mm 4-1/2" 114 mm 1. Oil Charge Amt. 092600000 926 3/8" SAE 1-5/8" ODS 41.0 Gal. E Dim.800.7 Liters 092701000 927R 3/8" SAE 2-1/8" ODS 53. 7. 6.552. 927. B Dim. C Dim.Temprite® Coalescent Oil Separators 920 & 920R Series: Accessible Maximum Working Pressure: 44. D Dim.9300 / 630. 927R Part # Model # Oil Conn.5910 .28 mm 29-7/16" 748 mm 35" 889 mm 12" 305 mm 6" 152 mm 8-1/2" 216 mm 4-1/2" 114 mm 34 oz. 927R 926. G Dim. 092800000 928 3/8" SAE 2-5/8" ODS 67 mm 33-5/8" 854 mm 39-1/2" 1003 mm 12-3/4" 324 mm 8-5/8" 219 mm 34 oz. E Dim. two-stage) please contact Temprite engineering.38 mm 35-3/4" 908 mm 41-3/8" 1050 mm 13-3/4" 349 mm 12-3/4" 324 mm 11" 279 mm 85 oz. 2. until each is large enough to be forced to the outer drain layer of the filter. After a burnout. Size A Dim. www.com 13 .3 microns in size. it picks up all effluent and dirt in the system down to 0. Oil Charge Amt. 300/900/920/920R Series Notes For applications other than reciprocating and scroll compressors. just install a Clean-Up® Filter to purge the system of contaminants and you can return the oil to near-virgin state.5 Liters 093001000 930R 3/8" SAE 3-1/8" ODS 79. 093000000 930 3/8" SAE 3-1/8" ODS 79. F.Temprite® Coalescent Oil Separators 920 & 920R Series: Accessible Maximum Working Pressure: 44. E Dim. 930R 930 930R Part # Model # Oil Conn. creating bigger droplets. D Dim. Dim.7 Gal. Call for pricing and lead times.25 Liters SELECT OIL SEPARATOR WITH CONNECTION SIZE NOT LESS THAN DISCHARGE LINE SIZE. (screw type. These exceptionally pure. 920/920R Series Notes 1. The droplets fall to the bottom of the separator and the oil is returned to the compressor. B Dim. All products rated for subcritical CO2 applications and R-410A applications (Max 650 PSIG) Temprite Standard & Clean-Up® Filters The Temprite Standard Filter employs a matrix-type borosilicate coalescent filter. Because the Temprite Standard Filter is finer than any other filter/dryer. NOTE: All separators can be purchased with a Clean-Up® Filter installed by adding CNF to the end of the part number. Suitable for all refrigerants including Ammonia and CO2 2. extremely fine glass fibers cause the oil molecules to collide.8 bar (650 PSI) Models 930.38 mm 37-1/8" 943 mm 42-3/4" 1085 mm 15-1/8" 384 mm 12-3/4" 324 mm 11" 279 mm 5. 21. Temprite's Clean-Up® Filters are made of pleated fiber paper that is best suited for cleaning up a very dirty system.temprite. C Dim. When ordering with the Clean-Up® Filter installed you do not get a spare filter. 552. In these units. 507 14 1. D Dim.800. 502.23 mm 14-5/8" 371 mm 3/4" 19 mm 4" 102 mm 5-1/2" 140 mm 16 oz. 507 Part # Model # Oil Conn. 504. 503. D Dim. Oil Charge Amt. 050100000 501 1/4" SAE 1/2" ODS 12.8 bar (650 PSI) The Temprite 500 & 600 Series Conventional Oil Separators are impingement screen separators. 475 ml. 475 ml. 050400000 504 1/4" SAE 1-1/8" ODS 28.93 mm 18-7/8" 479 mm 3/4" 19 mm 4" 102 mm 5-1/2" 140 mm 16 oz. the compressed mass flow enters a larger separator chamber. 506. 050500000 505 1/4" SAE 1-3/8" ODS 34. 500. 050300000 503 1/4" SAE 7/8" ODS 22. 505 Part # Model # Oil Conn. 501. The atomized oil droplets collect on the impingement screen surface. 475 ml. 590 ml.58 mm 15-1/2" 394 mm 3/4" 19 mm 4" 102 mm 5-1/2" 140 mm 16 oz.5910 .70 mm 10-1/4" 260 mm 3/4" 19 mm 4" 102 mm 5-1/2" 140 mm 16 oz.293. Size A Dim. Models 501. Oil Charge Amt.Temprite® Conventional Oil Separators 500 & 600 Series Maximum Working Pressure: 44. 500 Series Conventional Oil Separators: Accessible Impingement • The 500 Series is designed for the OEM who needs oil separation and accessibility to the unit for filter changes.98 mm 16-1/4" 413 mm 21-1/4" 540 mm 6" 152 mm 20 oz. 475 ml. 050200000 502 1/4" SAE 5/8" ODS 15. C Dim. B Dim. Size A Dim. and as the oil drops become larger they fall to the bottom of the separator oil reservoir. 050700000 507* 3/8" SAE 2-1/8" ODS 53. C Dim.88 mm 12-7/8" 327 mm 3/4" 19 mm 4" 102 mm 5-1/2" 140 mm 16 oz. B Dim. lowering the velocity of the mass. * Compatible with NH3 SELECT OIL SEPARATOR WITH CONNECTION SIZE NOT LESS THAN DISCHARGE LINE SIZE. 504. 050600000 506* 3/8" SAE 1-5/8" ODS 41. 590 ml. 505 Models 506. E Dim. 475 ml. 502.28 mm 15-1/4" 387 mm 20-1/4" 514 mm 6" 152 mm 20 oz.9300 / 630. 503. 060000000 600 1/4" SAE 3/8" ODS 9. D Dim. 060300000 603 1/4" SAE 7/8" ODS 22.93 mm 18-7/8" 479 mm 3/4" 19 mm 4" 102 mm 12 oz. 355 ml. 603. 602. Oil Charge Amt. Models 600. B Dim. 604. 600 through 607 Series separators are all welded construction with no access to internal components. Gas inlet and outlet connections are female solder bosses to receive O. C Dim. 607 www. 604. 355 ml. 601. 355 ml.53 mm 8-1/8" 206 mm 3/4" 19 mm 4" 102 mm 12 oz. tube size. Size A Dim.88 mm 12-7/8" 327 mm 3/4" 19 mm 4" 102 mm 12 oz.Temprite® Conventional Oil Separators 600 Series: Hermetic Maximum Working Pressure: 44.28 mm 13-1/2" 343 mm 18-3/8" 467 mm 6" 152 mm 3" 76 mm 29 oz. 601. 060700000 607* 1/4" SAE 2-1/8" ODS 53. 605 Models 606. 605 Part # Model # Oil Conn. C Dim. Size A Dim.temprite. 355 ml. B Dim.8 bar (650 PSI) 600 Series Conventional Oil Separators: Hermetic Impingement • The 600 Series is designed for the OEM who needs oil separation but does not require the accessibility of the 500 Series. 060200000 602 1/4" SAE 5/8" ODS 15. 602. E Dim. 355 ml. 603.70 mm 10-1/4" 260 mm 3/4" 19 mm 4" 102 mm 12 oz. 2. 355 ml. 600. 060100000 601 1/4" SAE 1/2" ODS 12. 607 Part # Model # Oil Conn. 060500000 605 1/4" SAE 1-3/8" ODS 34. 606.com 15 . 1.23 mm 14-5/8" 371 mm 3/4" 19 mm 4" 102 mm 12 oz.D. 060600000 606* 1/4" SAE 1-5/8" ODS 41.58 mm 15-1/2" 394 mm 3/4" 19 mm 4" 102 mm 12 oz. D Dim.98 mm 14-1/2" 368 mm 19-3/8" 492 mm 6" 152 mm 3" 76 mm 29 oz. 850 ml. * Compatible with NH3 SELECT OIL SEPARATOR WITH CONNECTION SIZE NOT LESS THAN DISCHARGE LINE SIZE. 060400000 604 1/4" SAE 1-1/8" ODS 28. Oil Charge Amt. 850 ml. 2 5.0 4.9 9.1 32.8 8.1 43.4 5.0 12.0 67.3 1.6 22.6 50.0 143.9 1.7 43.3 36.2 69.0 26.3 6.7 27. For Ammonia (NH3).1 12.1 10.2 12.1 17.8 93.1 11.0 190.0 3.1 0.com.7 9.6 28.0 84.2 82.2 180.8 14.7 3.4 18.5 10.7 2.5 7.4 233. see page 18.3 9. R744) 2.1 108.6 2.5 77.0 14.3 28.8 1.4 3.6 28.4 14.9 63.0 17.2 2.5 33.3 78.0 60.000 BTUH/Hr/Ton) based on +100°F Condensing Temperature.8 1.3 189.9 80.1 31.4 4.6 37.9 44.9 155. see Sizing Charts on website for actual tonnage and other refrigerants not listed.8 12.6 2.5 1.9 11.7 7.5 65.7 17.6 44.0 66.6 6.3 57.7 73.5 3.1 35.3 12.2 133.2 79.4 8.9 35.6 222.2 49.0 190.4 25.6 22.5 227.0 1.8 38.9 5.8 2.4 21.0 29.4 27.1 152.5 32. +10°F Superheat.0 3.2 4.8 23.7 36.5 4.Sizing Charts Temprite 920 & 920R Series: Capacities in Tons Model Refrigerant R-134a R-1234yf* R-1234ze* R-401A* R-422B* R-422D* R-438A* R-22 R-427A* R-404A R-407F* R-421A* R-422A* R-422C* R-427A* R-410A AZ-20 R-507 R-402A* R-407A* R-407C* Connection Size Temp °F +40 +30 +20 +10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 +40 +30 +20 +10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 +40 +30 +20 +10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 +40 +30 +20 +10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 +40 +30 +20 +10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 922 922R 5/8" 923 924 925 926 927 928 923R 924R 925R 926R 927R 928R 7/8" 1-1/8" 1-3/8" 1-5/8" 2-1/8" 2-5/8" Tons @ 100°F Condensing 10°F Superheat 0°F Subcooling 930 930R 3-1/8" 5.9 39.8 10.6 16.7 48.3 14.9 6.3 22. 16 1.3 5.2 7.7 101.5 8.2 4.1 12.5 7.5 2.9 14.1 33.9 89.9 14.4 62.6 27.3 89.1 26.5 5.4 24.9 14.9 2. For subcritical CO2 applications.3 28.4 12.7 57.7 22.6 53.3 7.800.8 73.6 124.1 18.7 11.4 15.0 20.9 6.9 13.2 16.0 1.8 15.0 7.9 2.0 8.8 15.2 58. For applications other than reciprocating.4 32.5 40.0 94.2 54.6 4.0 16.8 60.9 23.2 121.4 3.9 130.4 12.1 7.6 323.7 5.2 28. Tons = Capacity in evaporator (12.7 4. please contact Temprite engineering at [email protected] * Approximate tonnage.7 7.0 26.3 59. 0°F Subcooling.4 100.3 2.2 42.3 46.9 40.1 5.0 3.1 131.293.9300 / 630.9 34.2 3.8 30.4 15.6 9.5 25.0 46.9 17.4 7.3 5.4 221.9 7.0 4.5 50.0 4.5 1.0 21.6 57.4 21.2 11.5 1.0 24.2 83.8 7.6 9.1 6.3 151.7 4. 920/920R Series Notes: 1.6 3.2 26.4 10.7 7.5910 .552.3 35.8 23.7 6.7 2.4 116.5 16.0 13.3 34.6 2.8 137.9 15.6 69.7 111.2 12.2 8.6 35.1 81.7 39.0 8.6 12.7 37.9 4.1 112.9 20.4 77.1 21.2 10.8 3.3 48.8 36.8 10.9 20.6 2.1 9. SELECT OIL SEPARATOR WITH CONNECTION SIZE NO LESS THAN DISCHARGE LINE SIZE.5 157.7 13.2 3.7 2.7 59.7 11.2 19.5 117.7 25.3 6.4 48.5 11.2 19. Suitable for all refrigerants including Ammonia (NH3.3 57.8 146.5 9. 4.3 45.2 7.1 2.8 18.4 12.5 114.0 4.1 106.5 6.6 20.2 2.0 5.8 3.8 7.7 51.5 47.6 43.8 185.1 4.3 21.3 10.5 4.1 46.2 53.2 54.6 3.4 6.1 8.7 73.3 55.4 68.0 71.6 9.5 27.4 33.4 86.8 39.6 8. see page 21.6 18.0 30.4 9.0 14.9 5.6 9.1 18.1 12.3 91.0 17.1 21.0 34.4 2.9 15. screws or 2-stage compressors.1 2.7 23.1 7.8 32.3 73.0 92.5 9.1 3.7 2.4 5.2 125.7 57.1 6.0 22.5 33.9 97.2 9.3 5.6 6.6 47.0 19. All products rated for subcritical CO2 applications and R-410A application (maximum 650 PSI) 3.7 35.9 22.4 1.3 12.3 27.0 9.9 15.1 5.8 268.0 9.6 18.6 6. R717) and Carbon Dioxide (CO2.3 40.6 41.1 3.2 64.8 12.6 22.0 18.1 12.2 5.9 3.8 4. 2 188.7 44.5 279.1 400.8 100.3 11.4 12.7 20.8 96.3 -28.8°C Condensing 5.2 72.com 17 .7 -12.1 72.3 23.5 34.9 21.2 12.8°C Condensing temperature.6 438.9 62.4 125.1 -6.4 -40 4.1 25.8 73.0 120.3 * Approximate tonnage.9 133.5 73.1 5.5 14.9 428. For Ammonia (NH3).9 352.8 21.9 229.4 145.3 26.5 18.0 85.6 12.2 536.7 46.1 5.7 342.5 123.9 29.1 10.9 10.7 77.6 157.5 34.7 33.4 30.3 202.8 18.4 51.0 315.7 50.5 234.6 104.9 91.7 -12.2 63.6 257.5 227.0 54.7 44.1 30.7 26.3 12.5 32.7 296.9 19.9 154.1 35.0 125.2 53.1 6.3 98.4 -1.7 240.7 19.5 26.7 -12.1 41.0 30. see Sizing Charts on website for actual tonnage and other refrigerants not listed. SELECT OIL SEPARATOR WITH CONNECTION SIZE NO LESS THAN DISCHARGE LINE SIZE.3 9.8 92.0 11.3 408.6 43.2 8.4 -40 4.7 669.4 141.2 43.5 275.3 -28. 920/920R Series Notes: 1.4 258. For applications other than reciprocating.6 18.8 79.9 2.0 81.4 110.8 52. For subcritical CO2 applications.6 100.8 440.9 252.9 21.2 124.6 312.6 114.9 223.7 470.8 200.4 96.3 25.4 80.9 11.1 56.3 22.1 36.8 42.8 48.7 39.9 555.8 18.5 171.6 173.7 29.3 66.1 303.9 14.Sizing Charts Temprite 920 & 920R Series: Capacities in kW Model Refrigerant R-134a R-1234yf* R-1234ze* R-401A* R-422B* R-422D* R-438A* R-22 R-427A* R-404A R-407F* R-421A* R-422A* R-422C* R-427A* R-410A AZ-20 R-507 R-402A* R-407A* R-407C* Connection Size Temp °C 4.2 -17.0 799.0 27.1 98.9 281.9 164.6 130.4 207. +5.4 22.9 120.0 7.2 504.4 16.9 -34.8 -23.2 20.0 45.8 944.7 5.7 10.1 18.9 -34.5 80.1 45.5 270.4 545.4 -1.6 95.6 40.7 193.5 53.temprite.9 91.7 12.4 14. R744) 3.3 139.7 9.9 35.4 4.2 -17.7 25.1 24.9 116.5 236.1 32.7 6.0 26.6 53.3 64.8 35.6°C Superheat 0°C Subcooling 930 930R 3-1/8" 20.1 8.7 16.4 84.2 -17.9 171.2 201.6 113.2 15.3 391.0 636.9 -34.4 13.2 77.8 62.1 67.4 25.1 259.5 355.4 -40 4.1 164.7 88.8 9.1 34.8 22.6°C Superheat.2 35.1 17.4 45.8 482.0 16.9 137.8 25.0 43. screws or 2-stage compressors.1 28.0 129.3 66.1 33.1 97. see page 18.4 192.3 -28.4 32.0 819.6 101. see page 21.5 159.2 42.9 -34.8 7.5 5.5 285.9 206.3 66.6 75.3 8.6 43.3 11.6 7.0 192.1 243.2 91.0 66.2 43.9 118.6 54.0 326.7 51.0 113.0 25.1 24.0 24.1 71.3 457.0 152.7 21.1 -6.9 152.0 93.1 -6.6 143.7 7.3 77.4 7.4 129.4 -1. please contact Temprite engineering at temprite@temprite. Suitable for all refrigerants including Ammonia (NH3.4 -40 922 922R 5/8" 923 924 925 926 927 928 923R 924R 925R 926R 927R 928R 7/8" 1-1/8" 1-3/8" 1-5/8" 2-1/8" 2-5/8" kW @ 37.9 209.5 17.2 138.4 273.8 -23.3 8.0 14.1 59.1 42.1 288.0 394.0 170.2 37.3 128.5 49.1 167.3 28.4 671.8 45.1 3.9 79.0 383.5 35.0 40.com.2 -17.8 -23.0 76.9 181.3 82.5 31.6 21.9 31.0 778.8 -23.0 32.7 202.2 42.3 -28.7 40.2 14.8 52.7 55.3 -28.3 81.1 -6.4 117.6 665.1 178.7 58.9 12.0 52.1 11.5 177.1 91.1 107.4 6.2 5.5 783.5 40.7 20.9 321.2 -17.3 71.6 15.3 329.4 66.2 100.6 24.5 14.7 531.3 17.3 105.2 25.2 243.6 118.4 168.4 187.6 10.8 142.3 1138.9 81.9 332.6 17.8 42.0 6.0 13.4 -1. www.8 -23.1 51.4 124.9 33.5 70.7 259.3 19.9 32.7 -12.6 64.4 74.7 374.4 113.3 133.8 64.0 62.4 -1.7 203.2 119.4 294. kW = Capacity based on +37.2 19.4 15.1 37.4 21.9 32.0 515.1 27.1 -6.4 164.9 212.4 414.2 155.7 461.7 651.3 150.9 -34.7 57.1 9. 0°C Subcooling 2.7 -12.3 219.7 13.1 52.1 16.5 9.2 211.4 -40 4.0 77. R717) and Carbon Dioxide (CO2.7 8.9 57. screws or 2-stage compressors.0 37.8 29.7 88.7 -12.7 11.6 53.4 -1. 18 930 930R 922 922R Model Refrigerant 9.60 21.5 16.1 1.7 415. 920/920R Series Note: For applications other than reciprocating.9 8.6 466.64 269.20 9.7 5.4 134.7 11.0 44.7 184.2 48.4 -40 Connection Size Temp °C 4.6°C Superheat 0°C Subcooling 930 930R 3-1/8" 34.00 26.23 634.96 539.2 34.4 30.2 39.1 34.1 78.7 8.1 227.7 1354.31 223.6 74.2 144.5 75.3 292.5 580.00 135.7 37.7 87.2 22.62 113.7 45.6 83.6 93.6 1117.9 243.6 70.63 8.9 20.17 40.2 -17.0 286.7 97.0 37.46 118.60 189.293.5 873.3 36.41 742. Tons and kW Model Refrigerant R-717 NH3 Refrigerant R-744 CO2 Subcritical (650 PSI max) Connection Size Temp °F +40 +30 +20 +10 0 -10 -20 -30 R-717 NH3 R-744 CO2 Subcritical (650 PSI max) 13.3 4.68 130.6 337.4 16. .2 668.6 77.31 385.0 1538.3 2.48 69.98 457.01 29.com.1 46.4 164.69 157.49 83.5 8.4 56.0 42.77 7.01 53.8 133.1 1900.7 490.4 5.7 146.11 99.91 63.2 3.3 21.1 924 925 926 927 928 923 923R 924R 925R 926R 927R 928R 7/8" 1-1/8" 1-3/8" 1-5/8" 2-1/8" 2-5/8" Tons @ 100°F Condensing 10°F Superheat 0°F Subcooling -40 Model Refrigerant 922 922R 5/8" 1.5910 .43 25.22 322.1 142.3 5.7 457.552.6 2.00 58.78 25.90 922 922R 5/8" 923 924 925 926 927 928 923R 924R 925R 926R 927R 928R 7/8" 1-1/8" 1-3/8" 1-5/8" 2-1/8" 2-5/8" kW @ 37.30 131.6 159.3 -28.78 12.0 7.99 139.6 58.8 4.3 63.1 -6.13 15.1 62.5 Model 923 923R 924 924R 925 925R 926 926R 927 927R 928 928R 930 930R Connection Size Temp °F 5/8" 7/8" 1-1/8" 1-3/8" 1-5/8" 2-1/8" 2-5/8" Tons @ 25°F Condensing 10°F Superheat 0°F Subcooling 3-1/8" +40 +30 +20 +10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 29.10 161.70 163.37 77.2 Connection Size Temp °C 4.9 35.0 399.0 25.69 307.1 132.5 203.0 675.5 9.96 17.27 12.3 261.1 112.5 13.4 58.6 3.98 436.6 786.3 7.00 95.2 29.5 71.9 24.9 38.5 42.13 48.79 10.66 63.5 14.6 2.7 53.78 14.5 218.9 667.9 -34.88°C Condensing 5.4 -1.24 17.2 554.0 3-1/8" 64.9 -34.0 186.0 191.8 150.3 28.5 32.0 120.4 13.6 28.6°C Superheat 0°C Subcooling 930 930R 3-1/8" 103.1 259.0 31.3 37.9 75.1 6.4 112.5 52.5 18.16 46.93 35.29 69.54 190.2 6.2 123.1 3.51 317.61 373.9 204.4 171.4 171.23 32.5 5.2 22.0 777.7 20.2 9.7 18.8 -23.7 9.9 108.8°C Condensing 5.8 77.1 48.7 13.6 9.22 21.9300 / 630.8 88.66 40.59 45.6 131.7 20.5 274.7 105.9 65.1 796.7 62.5 10.5 109.9 715.8 1134.6 188.38 38.7 242.9 292.0 15.7 945.2 943.5 221.7 477.9 12.3 130.9 565.39 27.0 1606.1 420.6 46.1 -6.9 636.2 16.0 57.0 273.3 332.2 119.4 23.41 18.05 221.5 200.81 81.0 22.7 371.0 87.4 96.53 94.2 10.7 -12.7 24.3 117.4 -40 73.3 514.6 374.4 576.2 19.2 63.23 57. please contact Temprite engineering at [email protected] 164.4 5.4 920.6 34.9 224.72 225.18 106.2 248.7 13.Sizing Charts Temprite 920 & 920R Series: Natural Refrigerants.1 7.7 251.7 46.8 25.2 52.5 30.4 204.2 1313.47 268.0 349.4 165.2 SELECT OIL SEPARATOR WITH CONNECTION SIZE NO LESS THAN DISCHARGE LINE SIZE.5 95.2 -17.31 180.8 79.800.6 48.5 2.0 64.1 12.9 341.0 18.7 922 922R 5/8" 923 924 925 926 927 928 923R 924R 925R 926R 927R 928R 7/8" 1-1/8" 1-3/8" 1-5/8" 2-1/8" 2-5/8" kW @ -3.3 27.95 86.45 33.7 71.00 226.9 394.17 21.7 102.8 -23.3 -28.1 104.9 2233.1 2614. 6 2.0 4.com.5 4.com 19 .8 8.8 6.4 6.6 7.7 35.5 0.9 6.5 4.9 12.2 1.temprite.1 7.8 5.3 0.8 0.Sizing Charts Temprite 300 and 900 Series: Coalescent Oil Separators Refrigerant R-134a R-1234yf* R-1234ze* R-401A* R-422B* R-422D* R-438A* R-22 R-427A* R-404A R-407F* R-421A* R-422A* R-422C* R-427A* R-410A AZ-20 R-507 R-402A* R-407A* R-407C* Model Connection Size Temp °F +40 +30 +20 +10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 +40 +30 +20 +10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 +40 +30 +20 +10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 +40 +30 +20 +10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 +40 +30 +20 +10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 320** 3/8" 1.9 4.4 1.1 11.0 1.0 3.2 4.3 1.9 1.3 22.8 1. www.2 1.1 2.9 6.9 4.0 2. SELECT OIL SEPARATOR WITH CONNECTION SIZE NO LESS THAN DISCHARGE LINE SIZE.3 1.2 2.2 2.1 4.0 3.9 14.5 0.8 1.6 2.2 28.0 1.7 3.6 10.6 18.6 6. screws or 2-stage compressors.0 18.5 2.8 1.6 1.8 8. **For 300 and 900 Series Ultra Low Temperature Sizing Chart.1 17.3 6.4 3.2 4.6 15.6 6.6 1.6 1.1 2.2 2.3 2.3 3.2 1.2 9.9 0.6 27.6 10.5 11.3 2.0 1.9 12.9 3.2 22.5 1.4 1.0 0.9 3.0 1.1 1.9 23.6 * Approximate tonnage.2 3.9 2.8 2.1 10.5 0.2 5.7 1.0 0.3 0.6 4.4 48.8 12.6 9.5 6.4 7.3 3.7 1.2 2.0 2.1 8.4 18.1 3.7 9.2 8.1 0.1 7.2 10.1 1.5 3.0 3.8 1.8 0.6 5.5 22.3 0.6 22. Tons = Capacity in evaporator (12.1 3.5 2.5 9.3 0.8 14.3 10.3 14.000 BTUH/Hr/Ton).4 27.6 1.0 1.2 7. based on +100°F Condensing Temperature.2 9.7 1.7 1.6 14.3 12.9 40. +10°F Superheat.0 5.9 33.7 5.3 6.7 12.4 0.2 2.8 1.2 4.8 0.9 8.8 23.7 0.1 1.4 340** 900** 901** 3/8" 3/8" 1/2" Tons @ 100°F Condensing 10°F 3.8 0.4 2.3 2.1 3.9 5.2 2.3 0.9 4.3 3.5 2.7 5.0 5.2 12.9 3.2 5.4 0.0 0.4 2.3 4.7 0.2 0.8 15.1 2.7 11.6 2.3 22.9 2.1 4.9 3.9 1.8 3.6 0.4 0.3 4.6 0.3 0.1 0.1 9.8 3.0 9.6 2.2 2.0 1.4 4.4 1.7 1.2 2.6 1.2 3.4 1.4 2.6 1.8 0.4 2.7 1.7 0.1 0.com.6 1.9 3.0 7.8 26.7 1.5 2.6 3.9 5.7 1.4 1.7 1.2 2.1 12.1 1.1 1.6 8.1 2.2 2.1 1.2 1.8 5.6 3.0 8.9 32.4 0.4 18.4 0.4 1.3 6.6 1.3 2.8 18.4 3.0 5.temprite.4 2.3 2.0 17.0 2.4 6.0 8.8 12.0 0.4 4.4 4.5 18.1 14.3 4.4 2.1 4.8 5. 0°F Subcooling 2.0 7.1 7.4 11.6 0.3 1.7 7.4 2.1 7.1 0.8 2.2 2.8 1.4 2. 300 and 900 Series Notes: 1.8 17.7 1.6 1.4 4.9 9.1 4.7 1.7 905** 1-3/8" 22. see website www.9 0.0 1.9 2.2 18.7 3.8 6.7 5.7 1. please contact Temprite engineering at [email protected] 0.5 1.1 2.4 7.1 7.7 5.7 7.9 0.7 0.0 902** 903** 904** 5/8" 7/8" 1-1/8" Superheat 0°F Subcooling 5.6 0.5 2.9 15.1 4.7 11.5 3.1 5.0 1.5 2.0 2.0 6.9 1.4 14.8 1.2 2.5 1.1 5.5 12.7 1.0 1.8 1.5 10. For applications other than reciprocating.6 1.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 6.1 7.0 3.9 1.3 0.3 5.2 1. see Sizing Charts on website for actual tonnage and other refrigerants not listed.2 4.0 12.4 15.0 34.4 9.1 0.9 5.0 0.7 3.1 4.6 1.7 6.5 4.7 4.5 8.5 33.7 6.1 4.3 15.0 3.0 7.7 3.8 23.0 2.3 28.4 5.5 3.4 2.6 9.8 1. 08 2.86 7.78 13.22 10.08 7.16 20. screws or 2-stage compressors.74 10.29 10.43 4.800.20 14.17 1.04 7.66 1.18 7.50 34.25 2.55 3.60 10.93 2.85 6.76 37.42 11.95 21.76 34.86 7.54 3.86 7.9300 / 630.36 12.40 2. 0°F Subcooling 2.22 10.47 22.49 29.69 1. For applications other than reciprocating.60 10.29 9.87 1.90 15.76 34.45 2.95 11.40 16.70 5.29 9.76 7.00 17.78 13.76 7.14 504 604 505 605 506 606 1-1/8" 1-3/8" 1-5/8" Superheat 0°F Subcooling 7.43 6.05 14. +10°F Superheat.69 21.68 8.09 1.61 2.95 46.000 BTUH/Hr/Ton).90 11.70 17.77 28.22 22.00 40.22 22.13 28. based on +100°F Condensing Temperature.64 5.00 20.95 21.com.49 4.32 14.99 6.18 3.18 7.04 1.67 3.70 11.20 14.71 3.97 7.68 10.30 17.12 1.22 22.40 6.14 13.50 34.42 5.80 1.32 9.50 37. please contact Temprite engineering at [email protected] 1. 20 1.55 10.29 7.49 4.00 23.38 4.66 5.47 22.14 2.12 1.82 9.00 36.08 2.11 3.77 2.50 11.18 7.39 8.00 38.94 12.26 35.38 4.78 13.46 2.76 37.39 8.75 10.22 10.14 1.26 35.08 7.68 10.42 13.94 12.12 52.60 8.00 38.95 21.30 2.08 2.02 48.05 50.56 6.77 13.01 10.50 21.54 5.50 19.80 5.20 7.60 3.33 3.00 40.76 7.18 4.54 5.68 10.30 2.00 38.75 10.20 14.97 7.77 1.46 2.80 5.63 7.90 *Approximate tonnage.90 19.15 12.26 35.50 20.00 7.61 2.60 10.29 7.29 7.35 11.97 7.57 13.70 11.15 12.90 18.59 3.00 23.40 2.69 1.43 20.5910 507 607 2-1/8" 23.57 13.70 5.70 5.59 2.69 21.61 2.84 8.85 7.59 5.76 37.80 1.82 9.70 7.16 20.83 3. Tons = Capacity in evaporator (12.62 1.39 8.66 1.52 11.75 3.16 13.87 1.59 1.90 2.87 1.24 1.00 36.60 8.10 4.93 2.00 22.26 4.37 9.38 4.36 12.01 1.90 19.00 19.88 10.51 3.20 1.62 1.50 19.14 4.08 7.47 22.40 2.Sizing Charts Temprite 500 and 600 Series: Conventional Oil Separators Refrigerant R-134a R-1234yf* R-1234ze* R-401A* R-422B* R-422D* R-438A* R-22 R-427A* R-404A R-407F* R-421A* R-422A* R-422C* R-427A* R-410A AZ-20 R-507 R-402A* R-407A* R-407C* Model 600 Connection Size Temp °F +40 +20 +10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 +40 +20 +10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 +40 +20 +10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 +40 +20 +10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 +40 +20 +10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 3/8" 1.73 12.10 16.14 6.69 14.28 6.52 8.50 2.56 12.57 13.80 5.90 40.40 27.80 1.40 2.15 11.49 2.78 7.60 18.00 55.50 37.10 51.85 30.06 1.20 53.77 1. see Sizing Charts on website for actual tonnage and other refrigerants not listed.00 23.22 1.49 1.50 5.75 10.15 10.52 11.60 9.60 2.43 20.49 4.94 12.00 .34 4.43 4.37 9.96 3.76 12.00 21.50 34.36 12.36 7.02 4.00 36.30 32.16 20.55 6.73 12.98 47.87 1.00 8.62 1.73 1.75 10.59 501 601 502 602 503 603 1/2" 5/8" 7/8" Tons @ 100°F Condensing 10°F 1.64 5.73 1.77 2.22 30.66 1.73 12.52 11.74 1.43 20.552.30 2.58 31.00 7.62 1.60 8.90 19.73 1.77 2.46 2.59 5.93 2.64 5.59 5.29 9.50 37.76 34.293.75 3.48 6.69 21.54 5. SELECT OIL SEPARATOR WITH CONNECTION SIZE NO LESS THAN DISCHARGE LINE SIZE.99 1. 500 and 600 Series Notes: 1.30 2.37 9.35 2.15 12.77 1.82 9.63 3.43 4.60 14. 20 6.61 191.13 15.79 2.06 30.60 4.02 16.61 16.83 6.60 629.7 +9.45 192.35 277.97 18.22 748.56 159.07 21.80 8.29 712.29 4.30 2.71 62.21 131.09 1-1/2" or 2" NPT** 1603.64 182.6°C Superheat 0°C Subcooling 42.36 19.43 231.25 27.33 1.58 12.19 224. The 920 and 920R Series are also ammonia compatible.87 84.06 149.02 465.64 1419.01 9.03 128. screws or 2-stage compressors.83 25.94 18.80 1090.44 30.02 161.92 12.81 2.65 240.04 4.4 -40 Connection Size Temp.81 44.32 148.12 202.82 168.64 251.18 79.94 1.89 93.14 263.49 65.24 44.01 14.22 108.69 846.34 10.76 797.30 45.50 574.47 345.37 265.56 1/4" NPT 12. °F +58 +50 +40 +30 +23 +20 +10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 Connection Size Temp.88 264.30 53.60 44.75 95.23 27.67 160.92 50.88 78.8 bar (650 PSI). °C +14.16 547.81 5.08 489.05 7.85 5.2 -17.02 927.46 94.60 102.23 1232.76 527.42 54.27 53.80 4.75 226.09 36.95 63.68 11.39 32.91 277.3 -28.37 35.com.58 30.14 212.46 42. please contact Temprite engineering at [email protected] 106.89 124.99 8.58 464.82 415.17 24.00 1215.29 1/4" NPT 43.23 483.65 54.70 17.61 350.93 37.89 25.40 17.08 3.09 3.32 483.86 2.10 115.56 676.30 1/4" NPT 24.18 7.10 45.53 54.94 14.09 192.09 20.57 179.7 -12.83 40.32 641.43 95.57 404.19 17.38 933.17 28.50 18.21 172.35 656.00 28.7 -12.59 7.61 507.07 135A 137A 138A 3/4" NPT 1" or 1-1/4" NPT 1-1/2" NPT* Tons @ 85°F Condensing 10°F Superheat 0°F Subcooling 12.06 15.43 68.49 45.17 6.61 450.20 361.46 289.61 118.87 8.8 -23.2 -17.23 882.39 11. 130 Series Note: For applications other than reciprocating.57 198.7 +4.66 3.53 1/2" NPT 3/4" NPT 1" or 1-1/4" NPT 1-1/2" NPT* kW @ 29.20 68.13 45.66 32.86 524.24 88.96 123.06 45.33 58.19 1-1/2" or 2" NPT** 455.16 332.62 186.92 6.52 410.49 2.03 4.51 53.22 137.36 157.73 33.18 188.40 56.79 98.4 -40 1/4" NPT 1/2" NPT 6.82 678.4 -1.74 47.36 13.23 128.62 25.37 64.58 77.64 9.83 1-1/2" or 2" NPT** 846.44 114.36 65.75 220.52 394.52 758.55 4.29 36.99 565.50 132.52 290.96 9.80 160.14 135.58 230.08 142.69 215.85 37.7 +4.53 112.com 21 . suitable for subcritical applications up to 44.75 747. * Customer specified: Butt Weld or Male Pipe Thread ** Butt Weld only.11 78.06 227.19 405.40 2.76 605.20 6.59 257.97 403.23 14. www.Sizing Charts Temprite 130 Series for Natural Refrigerants: Tons and kW Transcritical and Subcritical CO2 R-744 CO2 Transcritical R-744 CO2 Transcritical R-744 CO2 Subcritical R-744 CO2 Subcritical Model 131 133A Connection Size Temp.10 189.78 8.30 8.7 +9.51 275.19 14.58 190.70 327.44 11.50 73.08 30.99 156.89 25.889°C Condensing 5.09 65.28 79.92 114.56 278.54 5.24 336.50 155.31 24.84 75.44°C Condensing 5.11 5.1 -5 -6.13 9.3 -28. °C +14.33 25.57 385.28 38.17 438.77 346.45 38.51 82.54 14.24 90.86 10.03 21.85 21.44 1038.59 65.17 79.79 295.56°C Superheat 0°C Subcooling 77.46 4.61 1/2" NPT 3/4" NPT 1" or 1-1/4" NPT 1-1/2" NPT* kW @ -3.00 212.9 -34.62 9.48 95.82 10.24 20.37 132.79 139.48 116. °F +58 +50 +40 +30 +23 +20 +10 0 -10 -20 -30 -40 Connection Size Temp.02 22.8 -23.92 240.43 12.23 109. See page 18 for the 920 and 920R Series of components.82 144.31 88.1 -5 -6.62 359.4 -1.49 137.15 102.04 82.9 -34.89 3.33 8.73 SELECT OIL SEPARATOR WITH CONNECTION SIZE NO LESS THAN DISCHARGE LINE SIZE.59 1.61 139A 1-1/2" or 2" NPT** 240.59 295.78 12.temprite.91 310.89 4.35 309.48 158.76 38.43 8.17 163.74 4.48 1/2" NPT 3/4" NPT 1" or 1-1/4" NPT 1-1/2" NPT* Tons @ 25°F Condensing 10°F Superheat 0°F Subcooling 22. 1 4.6 8.5 2.9 2.8 12.7 5.9 34.1 16.8 0.5 2.9300 / 630.0 11.0                                       9.1 5.9 2.6 3.8 0.9 0.0 3.0 1.3 8.2 9.4 0.4 11.9 1.6 2.4 9.8 0.0 3. Tons = Capacity in evaporator (12.2 5.4 11.4 0.4 143.9 12.9 19.6 2.5 6.3 1.0 1.4 3.2 39.8 5.4 0.4 3.6 40.2 4.5 1.0 5.3 436.6 40.5 0.3 1.4 4.4 27.2 2.4 4.6 3.6 34.5 5.8 7.5 46.7 7.2 22.6 15. +10°F Superheat.3 20.1 9.com.2 22.4 0.0 12. please contact Temprite engineering at [email protected] 4.4 11.5 3.2 3.5 19.1 35.1 102.0 190.3 2. 22 R-744 1.5 21.9                               * For 300 and 900 Series Ultra Low Temperatures.5 2.8 0.2 3.8                             7.2 82.0 18.7 5.3 32.2 22.3 46.4 4.9 14.2 12.9 34.0 3.8 23.6 40.8 0.7 5.7 37.5 2.7 5.5 7.1 1.5 323.4 0.0     0..5 11.6 1.5 22.4 1.3 73.2 13.6 2.6 0.5 2.7 11.0                 2.7 45.6 41.7 13.2 87.6 9.3 0.8 3.6 2.1 9.9 0.8 0.552.5 0.7 7. Notes: 1.6 8.2 60.5 4.0 1.8 8.1 1.0 1.0 21.9 34.6 2.6 15.1 3.Sizing Charts Quick Reference Chart R-134a MP 39   S I Z I N G C H A R T R-404A HP-62.7 9.6 3.6 3.6 9.3 58.6 41.9 32.9 83.2 33.7 8.9 19.6 5.6 114.4 40.8 0.0 50.3 2.0 23.2 4.0     3.4 0.7 227.8 12.4 11.7 6.3 9.6 1. HP-80 R-22 R-410A R-507 R-717 Model Connection Size A +40 Tons -20 Tons +40 Tons -40 Tons +40 Tons -40 Tons +40 Tons -40 Tons +40 Tons -40 Tons +40 Tons -40 Tons +40 Tons -40 Tons 131 133A 135A 137A 138A 139A 320* 321* 322* 340* 341* 342* 343* 900* 900-1* 901* 902* 903* 904* 905* 922/R 923/R 924/R 925/R 926/R 927/R 928/R 930/R 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 1/4" 1/2" 3/4" 1" or 1-1/4" 1-1/2" 1-1/2" or 2" 3/8" ODS 1/8" FPT 1/4" SAE 3/8" ODS 1/8" FPT 1/4" SAE 3/8" SAE 3/8" ODS 3/8" ODS 1/2" ODS 5/8" ODS 7/8" ODS 1-1/8" ODS 1-3/8" ODS 5/8" ODS 7/8" ODS 1-1/8" ODS 1-3/8" ODS 1-5/8" ODS 2-1/8" ODS 2-5/8" ODS 3-1/8" ODS 1/2" ODS 5/8" ODS 7/8" ODS 1-1/8" ODS 1-3/8" ODS 1-5/8" ODS 2-1/8" ODS 3/8" ODS 1/2" ODS 5/8" ODS 7/8" ODS 1-1/8" ODS 1-3/8" ODS 1-5/8" ODS 2-1/8" ODS             1.4 2.1 2.8 0.8 57.4 0.0 1.2 14.6 5. screws or 2-stage compressors.6 8.4 0.3 32.9 2.0 191.9 32.2 1.4 5.4 0.6 2.2 20.0 133.5 1.2 3.4 8.4 5.5 8.6 1.0                 2.8 4.3 3.1 7.4 8.1 33.1 7.9 19.1 48.4 1.4 4.3 20.1 33.6 8.5   1.4 6.5 2.5 22. For applications other than reciprocating.9 34.000 BTUH/Hr/Ton).9 6.1 222.6 2.2 3.1 5.2 3.6 2.5 1.8 7.8 5.5 2.9 13.7 8.2 12.1 48.4 0.6 78.6 8.5         26.6 7. go to Sizing Charts on website.7 5.1 9.5 146.5 1.3 9.8 0.4 1. SELECT OIL SEPARATOR WITH CONNECTION SIZE NO LESS THAN DISCHARGE LINE SIZE.5 11.0 2.3 9.5 13.5 7.1 36.9 6.4 6.6 1.0 23.8 5.5 11.4 27.9 3.9 19.6 40.7 36.2     0.8 4. 0°F Subcooling 2.3 9.8 17.293.9 34.7 80.6 1.6 37.7           26.3 3.6 8.1 7.5 46.6 742.5910 .2 14.5 5.9 4.0 23.4 11.0 35.2 13.0 3. based on +100°F Condensing Temperature.1 5.0 27.6 40.9 12.0 1.0 23.2 24.5 0.2                               1.2 13.5 84.4 4.5 11.8 3.1 233.8 7.5 131.6 8.7 6.4 9.0 12.0 23.3 6.6 55.8 2.9 3.0 1.0 5.5 11.1 35.3 34.9 2.8 0.800.2 14.4 11.0                 0.9 12.0 5.9 19.4 180.9 3.0 1.1 9.8 7.2 3.4 4.7 24.7 45.7 14.0 10.8 5.7 63.5 45.1 3.7 106.9 19.6 1.0 3.9 0.1 16.0                 2.2 2.4 35.6 1.3 9.2 14.3 22.6 9.7 2.2 14.7 11.1 4.2   24.3 3.1 9.1 9.7 112.8 5.9 0.6 3.8 17.0 1.6 25.9 23.6 40.8 20.9 13.4 1.4 0.0 186.0 5.7 5.3 149.2 12.5 5.0 37.0 137.8 5.8 0.9 4.5 64.8 7.5 19.6 57.6 2.6 4.0 23.9 2.5 11.6 34.9 34.9 0.8 0.1 8.0 23.9 13.4 2.0 7.8                             29.4 6.0 7.9 14.3 22.8 23.4 0.9             0.0 11.3 0.0 1.2 5.0             0.3 1.7 261.2 248.2 14.0 23.0 1.0 1.5 2.2 10.6 55.8 7. 35-6. Size A Capacity B Capacity A Dim.8 Liters 1. B Dim.506 Liters 19-1/4" 489 mm 15-1/2" 394 mm 22-1/4" 559 mm 6" 152 mm 3-3/4" 95 mm 2 90030000 47115 3/8" SAE 3 Gal.Oil Management Photos are not to scale Oil Level Controls: Mechanical Maximum Working Pressure: 44.5 Liters 2. 220 oz.35-6.2 Gal.318 Liters 13-1/2" 343 mm 9-3/4" 248 mm 16-1/2" 413 mm 6" 152 mm 3-3/4" 95 mm 2 90020000 47080 3/8" SAE 2. B Dim. 146 oz. Sight Glasses 90010000 47058 3/8" SAE 1.com 23 . 338 oz. Temprite® Oil Reservoirs 47058.7 Gal. E Dim. C Dim. 47080 & 47115 Models 47058. 5.2 bar 5-3/8" 136 mm 5-3/8" 136 mm 3/4" 19 mm All* *Can be manufactured for ammonia (NH3).temprite.6 Gal. 388 oz.1 Gal.8 bar (650 PSI) Part # Model # Oil Conn.6 Gal.996 Liters 27-1/4" 692 mm 23-1/2" 596 mm 30-1/4" 762 mm 6" 152 mm 3-3/4" 95 mm 2 www. D Dim.2 bar 5-5/8" 143 mm 5-1/2" 140 mm 3/4" 19 mm All* 025590000 25-590 Non-adjustable 5-90 PSI . Refrigerants 020590000 20-590* Adjustable 5-90 PSI . 9. 6.8 bar (650 PSI) 20-590 25-590 Part # Model # Operating Range A Dim. C Dim. 4. 47080 & 47115 Maximum Working Pressure: 44. 8 Liters 1. 11. 270 oz. 196 oz. 8 bar (650 PSI) Part # Model # Oil Conn. MPT=Male Pipe Thread.Oil Management Temprite® Oil Reservoirs 47154 Model 47154 Maximum Working Pressure: 44.293. 1/4" FPT* 3/4" FPT* A Dim. C Dim.5 Gal. Sensor Port Oil Return View/ Fill Port Vent Port/ Oil Inlet Overall Height Dia.800.25 Liters 37" 940 mm 31-7/8" 810 mm 40" 1016 mm 6" 152 mm 5-1/8 130 mm" 3 RES7 Oil Reservoir for CO2 Maximum Working Pressure: 130 bar (1885 PSI) Part # 013700000 Model # RES7 Vent Port/ Oil Inlet/ Oil Return View/ Sensor Port Conn. D Dim. 448 oz. B Dim. Size A Capacity B Capacity A Dim.552. E Dim. F Dim.5910 .9300 / 630. 15 Liters 3. 13. Sight Glasses 90040000 47154 3/8" SAE 4 Gal. E Dim. C Dim. 213 mm 8-3/8" 2 Liters 127 mm 5" 444 mm 17-1/2" 5 Liters 600 mm 23-5/8" 7 Liters 711 mm 28" 141 mm 5-9/16" * FPT=Female Pipe Thread. B Dim. BW=Butt Weld 24 1. D Dim. 512 oz. BW=Butt Weld www. B Dim. E Dim. Refrigerant 003358000 3358 1/4" SAE 3/4-16 Rotalock Spud 4-7/8" 124 mm 4" 102 mm 3/4" 19 mm 1-1/2" 38 mm All** Specify for Ammonia 003458000 3458 1/4" SAE 3/8" NPT Hex Coupling 4-7/8" 124 mm 4" 102 mm 3/4" 19 mm 1-1/2" 38 mm All** Specify for Ammonia 3658 3758 Models 3658.com 25 .8 bar (650 PSI) 3358 3458 Models 3358. 3458: Hermetic Part # Model # Oil Outlet Top Connection Size A Dim. C Dim.Oil Management Oil Return Floats Maximum Working Pressure: 44.temprite. F Dim. 3758: Accessible Part # Model # Oil Outlet Top Connection Size A Dim. D Dim. C Dim. B Dim. MPT=Male Pipe Thread. D Dim.5 mm All** Specify for Ammonia * FPT=Female Pipe Thread. Refrigerant 003658000 3658 1/4" SAE 3/8" FPT* Coupling 4-5/8" 118 mm 4" 102 mm 5-1/2" 140 mm 3/4" 19 mm 1-5/16" 33 mm N/A All** Specify for Ammonia 003758000 3758 3/8" SAE 3/4-16 Rotalock Spud 4-5/8" 118 mm 4" 102 mm 5-1/2" 140 mm 3/4" 19 mm 1-5/16" 33 mm 11/16" 17. +20°F.e.552. you will need two (2) A-7 valves or two (2) Y1236 valves. A TraxOil electronic oil level control does not require a pressure-reducing valve. High Pressure System: A-7 or Y1236C Valve  If your system has an oil separator with a built-in oil reservoir. or other situations where a differential pressure regulator is required.  The Y1236C is designed for high-pressure oil return systems.Oil Management Valves  Oil moving from the oil separator to the oil reservoir or oil level controls is at a higher discharge pressure.5910 . High-Pressure Oil System with Pressure-Reducing Valves 26 High-Pressure Oil System with Split Suction 1.* *The majority of Temprite 920R Series users monitor the oil back to the oil level control via the A-7 pressure-reducing valve set to the desired pressure. i.  To maintain proper oil return. you will need one of two models. one per suction group. or a Y1236C. a variable-outlet pressure valve.293. This pressure must be reduced to a pressure slightly higher than the compressor crankcase. A-7 Y1236C Notes: If you are using a split-suction header.800. a constant-outlet pressure valve.. depending on your system: either an A-7. -20°F.9300 / 630. each of the oil system components must be selected according to the requirements of the overall oil control system. you need the OCV-20. The Oil Differential Check Valve-20 (OCV-20) relieves pressure from the reservoir to the suction header to maintain a higher pressure in the reservoir at a pre-set level above the suction pressure. OCV-20 Rotalock Valve Part # Model # Operating Range 67030000 67050000 Rotalock Valve A-7 N/A 5" Hg-90 PSI Max.com 27 .Oil Management Valves Low Pressure System: OCV-20 Valve If your system has an oil separator with an external reservoir. Working Press.temprite. 650 PSI 400 PSI 67071020 OCV-20 N/A 650 PSI 67071236 Y1236C 10 to 25 PSI 650 PSI Connection Size 3/4" and 3/8" SAE 3/8" SAE 3/8" SAE M&F 3/8" SAE Refrigerant All* All* All* All* * Except Ammonia (NH3) Low-Pressure Oil System www. The oil carry-over from compressors in multiple compressor parallel rack systems requires proper oil management. B Dim. senses the oil level in compressors and activates alarms.552.  The HBSO1 can also be installed in the oil separator or reservoir. H Dim. 84003034 HBOC 15 mm 19/32" 92 mm 3-5/8" 22 mm 7/8" 190 mm 7-1/2" 54 mm 2-1/8" F Dim. B Dim. It serves as an oil level sensor for transcritical CO2 applications. E Dim F Dim G Dim.5910 . MPT=Male Pipe Thread 28 1. H Dim.293. Contact temprite @temprite.com about availability and lead time for the 1/2" and 1-1/8" threads. The HBOC is designed to control lubrication and prevent compressor breakdown. G* Dim. C Dim. The HBSO1 can be installed in the compressor to secure or control lubrication for both high.9300 / 630. ** FPT=Female Pipe Thread. E Dim. C Dim. D Dim. for oil management and oil level control. Part # Model # A Dia.Oil Management HB Products for CO2 HBOC HBSO1 HBPA V100 HBOC Oil Level Control Sensor & Switch for R744 (CO2) Maximum Working Pressure: 150 bar (2175 PSI) The HBOC Oil Level Control Sensor & Switch is designed to automatically control oil levels in oil separator systems and for compressor protection. as well as for compressor protection. 27 mm 1-1/16" 72 mm 3/4" MPT** 2-13/16" HBSO1 Oil Level Sensor for R744 (CO2) HBSO1 is an oil level sensor for detecting common lubricating oils in separators and filter systems.800. Part # Model # A Dia. 82006034 HBSO1 15 mm 19/32" 92 mm 3-5/8" 22 mm 7/8" 192 mm 7-9/16" 40 mm 1-5/8" 52 mm 2-1/16" 3/4"* MPT** (24VDC) 27 mm 1-1/16" *Thread connection size: 3/4". D Dim.and low-pressure applications. B Dim. B Dim. H Dim. F Dim. HBPA Voltage Converter for HBSO1 The HBPA Voltage Convertor is for use with the HBSO1 Sensor. HBOC/HBSO1 Schematic Note: On small compressors where space inside the compressor housing is limited. Part # Model # Oil Conn.com 29 . F Dim. C Dim. G Dim. The solenoid valve is controlled directly by the HBOC. the HBOC oil switch should be mounted in an adaptor or a reservoir outside the compressor. 84003100 V100 1/4" FPT* 52 mm 2-1/16" 74 mm 2-15/16" 40 mm 1-9/16" 41 mm 1-5/8" 18 mm 3/4" 46 mm 1-13/16" 22 mm 7/8" 7 mm 1/4" * FPT=Female Pipe Thread. D Dim. making it possible to control solenoid valves directly with a max consumption of 40W. C Dim. D Dim.Oil Management HB Products for CO2 The schematic below shows the HBOC oil level control sensor & switch and the HBSO1 oil level sensor on a system.temprite. 84002099 HBPA 3m 9’ 10" 19 mm 3/4" 30 mm 1-3/16" 33 mm 1-5/16" 81 mm 3-3/16" 28 mm 1-3/32" 29 mm 1-1/8" 64 mm 2-1/2" 17 mm 11/16" V100 Solenoid Valve Maximum Working Pressure: 100 bar The V100 Solenoid Valve connects to the HBOC in compressor and oil separator installations. E Dim. H Dim. E Dim. MPT=Male Pipe Thread www. It converts 90/240VAC to 24VDC where the standard plug must be changed with a power adaptor. G Dim. Size A Dim. The HBPA has a built-in transistor output. Part # Model # Cable Length A Dim. TOUS adaptor plates are not interchangeable.Oil Management TraxOil Electronic Oil Level Controls TraxOil products are approved by the major compressor manufacturers The new* TR3 TraxOil Level Control system accurately detects and controls oil levels in commercial HVAC oil-refrigeration compressors. *The TR3 Series replaces the TOUS Series. NOTE: An A-7 or Y1236C valve is not required with a TraxOil Electronic OLC.800.5910 . EMC emissions and immunity UL approved Meets European RoHS and WEEE directives All timing functions are in true time IP65 rated for dust and water Waterproof cables with no wiring at TraxOil unit No orifice restrictor Danfoss coil and enclosing tube complete with internal solenoid seat Tamperproof. cannot be adjusted in field Set point levels use true levels with no timing overruns Easily removable inlet fitting with built-in filter screen High-Pressure Oil System with TraxOil Controls Low-Pressure Oil System with TraxOil Controls 30 1. The TR3’s lightweight aluminum base and state-of-the-art design and engineering make it perfect for use with scroll and reciprocating refrigeration compressors. TraxOil electronic oil level controls (OLCs) are compressor mounted. Key Features • • • • • • • • • • • • • Digital processor with SMT components Alarm relay can switch 24 to 240 VAC CE approved.293.9300 / 630.552. The electronic controller converts that signal into the LED display that shows oil level. The integrated solenoid valve feeds oil directly into the compressor sump when the compressor oil level is low. The current oil status is indicated with the three (3) LEDs according to the following table: LED  Green  Yellow  Red  Yellow Status / Function Oil Level zone 1 (50 – 40%) Oil Level zone 2 (40 – 30%) injection Oil Level zone 3 (30 – 0%) alarm & injection Oil level zones Specially Low Calibrated units Technical Data Max working pressure 43 bar Time delay filling (Yellow) 10 sec Solenoid MOPD 21 bar Time delay alarm (Red) 20 sec Current 0. When the level drops to the red zone (3) the control will switch the alarm relay contacts on after a time delay of 20 seconds. The latter may be used to shut down the compressor. Model OW3 Part Number 83001001 83001002 Model OW3-01 OW3-02 www. The Hall sensor converts these magnetic field changes into an equivalent signal. If the oil level comes back to normal.temprite. 50/60Hz +10/-15% Medium Compatibility (not released for flammable refrigerants or ammonia) HFC. When the level reaches the yellow zone (2) the TR3 starts filling after a time delay of 10 seconds. CO2 Solenoid Coil 24VAC 50/60 Hz Storage and transport temp -2050oC Alarm contact rating Max 3A 240 VAC Ambient temp (Housing) -2050oC Alarm switch SPDT Protection class (DIN43650) IP65 TraxOil Electronic Oil Level Controls Part Number 83003201 83003202 83003203 83003204 83003210 Model TR3201 TR3202 TR3203 TR3204 TR3210 Blue Black Maximum Working Pressure: 43 bar (634 PSI) N30 Brown P30 Model TR3201 TraxOil OilWatches Maximum Working Pressure: 43 bar (634 PSI) The OW3 OilWatch system is a self-contained system that provides oil level monitoring.com 31 .7 A Medium temperature -2080oC Supply voltage (to be fused with 5Amp fuse) 24V AC only. and uses a Hall sensor to measure the oil level. HCFC. If the correct oil level cannot be reached and goes into the red zone (see diagram below) the TR3 emits an alarm signal. The sight glass is divided into three main zones. the alarm is reset. The alarm contacts can be used to shut down or isolate the compressor.Oil Management TraxOil Electronic Oil Level Controls Operation The TR3 electronic oil level control is mounted in place of the oil level sight glass at the compressor’s crankcase. A magnetic float changes its position according to the oil level. the OW3 generates an alarm signal and the alarm contact changes into alarm state. alarm functionality and compressor shutdown. A mechanical level detector (float and Hall sensor) monitors the oil level and transmits information to the control logic. If the oil level drops into the red zone.  A dirt-laden filter can severely affect the performance of a 920 or 920R Series oil separator. B Dim. Working Press. Part Number Model # Connection Electric 022400000 224 1/4" SAE 60 W 3 A 24v N. A Dim. the PDI measures the difference in pressure between the inlet and the outlet of the separator. D Dim.O.  If the PDI shows 11 to 13 PSID differential pressure. Max. MPT=Male Pipe Thread. Inlet Outlet Overall Length Flange Diameter Shell Diameter 013701148 48-1 1-1/4" BW* 1/4" FPT* 117 mm 4-5/8" 384 mm 15-1/8" 500 mm 19-11/16" 216 mm 8-1/2" 141 mm 5-9/16" 013701248 48-2 1-1/4" BW* 1/4" FPT* 117 mm 4-5/8" 524 mm 20-5/8" 639 mm 25-1/8" 216 mm 8-1/2" 141 mm 5-9/16" * FPT=Female Pipe Thread. it’s time to change the filter. Drain Conn. 650 PSI Filter/Drier Shells for CO2 Maximum Working Pressure: 130 bar (1885 PSI) 48-1 Part # Model # 48-2 Inlet/ Outlet Conn.293.  Mounted atop or next to the Temprite 920 or 920R Series coalescent oil separator. C Dim.552.9300 / 630. E Dim.Optional Items Pressure Differential Indicator (PDI) Temprite’s Pressure Differential indicator (PDI) lets you know when the filter inside a Temprite 920 or 920R Series coalescent oil separator should be changed. BW=Butt Weld 32 1.800.5910 . simply install a Temprite Clean-Up® Filter to purge the system of contaminants. Clean-Up® Filter Kits* Part Number 62022133 62022135 62022137 62021138 62022139 For Model 133A 135A 137A 138A 139A A Nominal 1" 2" 3.  Thermostatic Expansion Valves (TXV) work more efficiently.5" 5. sparing delicate metering devices from a rush of burnt particles. Clean-Up® www. Using a Clean-Up® Filter in conjunction with a coalescent oil separator can return the oil to near-virgin state. Eliminating solid contaminants and excess oil from the system enhances the entire system’s performance:  The exceptional Temprite Standard Filter is finer than any other filter/drier.5" 3. contaminants and excess refrigerant oil. Solid contaminants in the system are harmful to sensors and other delicate components.1" B Nominal 5" 9" 14" 20" 19" * All Filter Kits include O-Ring and Sealing Washer.5" 5. After a burnout in an accessible coalescent oil separator. until each is large enough to be forced to the outer drain layer of the filter.1" B Nominal 5" 9" 14" 20" 19" * All Filter Kits include O-Ring and Sealing Washer. extremely fine glass fibers in the filter cause the oil molecules to collide.  Desiccant in filter dryers is more effective when not logged with oil that prevents moisture from being absorbed.temprite. should the compressor burn out.3 microns in size. Temprite®130 Series Replacement Filter Kits Standard Filter Kits* Part Number 62021133 62021135 62021137 62021138 62021139 For Model 133A 135A 137A 138A 139A A Nominal 1" 2" 3. New refrigerants coming onto the market have an enhanced solvent effect. The biggest energy drains on any refrigeration system are dirt.5" 3.com 33 . increasing system efficiency and lowering energy costs. The droplets fall to the bottom of the separator and the oil is returned to the compressor. The exceptionally pure. creating bigger droplets. meaning more contaminants than ever can be clogging your system. Standard Clean Up Burnouts with a Temprite Clean-Up® Filter Another advantage of Temprite coalescent oil separators is that. picking up all effluent and dirt in the system down to 0.Replacement Parts Filter Kits Temprite Filtration Technology Temprite coalescent oil separators employ a matrix-type borosilicate filter to do the work formerly done by impingement screens. all effluent is localized in the separator. 928R 930. 925R* 926+. 923R* 924*. 924R*. 927R+ 928!. 923*. 922R*. 925R* 926+. 926R+. Gasket. 928R! 930!. 928R! 930!. 48-1 (Viton option) 1. 922R*. (1) Small O-Ring and (1) 4" Gasket 34 O-Rings Part # 55881135 (-338) 55881137 (-350) 55881139 (-365) 55881148 (-350) For Model 133A. 48-1 139A 48-2. 923*. 924R*. 926R. two (2) different size O-Rings and Sealing Washer Screen Kits 4" Bottom Plate Gaskets & 4" Top Plate Gaskets Part # For Model Part # For Model Quantity 60001000 501* 55000010 501-507. 138A. 927R+ 928!.293. 922-930 10 Pack 60002000 502* 60003000 503* 60004000 504* 60005000 60006000 60007000 505* 506 507 6" Top Plate Gaskets/O-Rings Part # 55100005* For Model 926. 925*. 927R *(5) each O-Rings and Gaskets * (2) Screens Included Gasket included in all Kits O-Ring/Gasket Kits Part # 55928000 55930000 For Model 928. 926R+. Gasket and Sealing Washer + Kit includes Filter. 927+. 930R Kit contains (1) Large. 135A 137A.800. 927+. O-Ring and Sealing Washer ! Kit includes Filter. 48-2.552.9300 / 630. 930R! A Nominal 1" 2" 3-1/2" 5-1/8" 8-1/2" B Nominal 5" 9" 14" 16" 16" * Kit includes Filter. 923R* 924*. 925*.Replacement Parts Temprite® 920 & 920R Series Filter Kits Standard Filter Kits Part # 62034000 62037000 62028000 62051000 62085000 For Model 922*. 927. 930R! A Nominal 1" 2" 3-1/2" 5-1/8" 8-1/2" B Nominal 5" 9" 14" 16" 16" Clean-Up® Filter Kits Part # 62024000 62047000 62030000 62092802 62086000 For Model 922*.5910 Quantity 5 Pack . 928. 507. 926 (Top Load). 930 926 (Old Style). 927 (Top Load) 508-510.com 35 . 927 (Old Style) * Gasket Included. 507 506. Sight Glasses Part Number 76115000 76116000 76118000 76118130 For Model 15/16"-20THRD (Marked) 1-1/8"-18THRD (Unmarked) 3/4" NPT THRD w/ Float Ball 650 PSI (Unmarked) 3/4" NPT THRD w/ Float Ball (Marked) No O-Ring 1885 PSI Part # 76118130 www.Replacement Parts Float & Plate Assemblies Part # 52200000 Part Number 51100000* 51200000* 52200000* 52300000* 059260000D* Part # 52300000 Description Flt/Ndl Assy Flt/Ndl Assy FltBllAssyW/Btom Plt w/Drain FltBllAssyW/Btom Plt w/Drain Btm Dome Assy w/Drain Part # 059260000D For Model 501-505 506.temprite. Suite 1E West Chicago.Temprite® 920 & 920R Series Coalescent Oil Separators • Energy Efficient = Clean & Green – Lowers Energy Costs – Reduces Carbon Emissions • Compatible with All Refrigerants – CO2 and NH3 (Ammonia)* • Unique Filter Technology – Cleans Contaminants Down to 0.293.5910 Fax: 630.com Distributed by: 1555 West Hawthorne Lane. NH3 applications up to 650 PSI Model 927R 1-800-552-9300/630-293-5910 www. All Rights Reserved 12/10 . Illinois 60185-1822 USA Phone: 630.3 Microns * CO2 Subcritical applications up to 44.293.8 Bar. Copyright © 2013 Temprite.com Specifications subject to change without notice.com Model 926 email: [email protected] email: temprite@temprite.
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