Temp Scanner-Modbus Details

March 19, 2018 | Author: Gorakhnath Dagade | Category: Computer Engineering, Technology, Computing, Electrical Engineering, Manufactured Goods



SCANNER 85XXmasibus Ref. No. : m83/om/403/1 OPERATIONAL MANUAL FOR 85XX INDEX No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Subject Technical details Specifications User guide Run mode Manual mode Program mode Configuration mode Verify Configuration mode Verify program mode Calibration mode Back plate detail Relay logic table detail Trouble shooting Modbus Detail (optional) Page No. 2. 3 4 6 6 6 8 13 13 14 15 16 18 20 Operational manual - 1 of 33 – Issue No : 01A/600787 SCANNER 85XX masibus 1. TECHNICAL DETAILS This is a versatile micro-controller based Scanner with a very high performance to price ratio. The features offered in this product are better than any other Scanner available in similar price range. The instrument is made in 96x192x208 mm size with standard cut out of 92x188 mm. Front is sealed membrane type to withstand dusty environment. On back plate PCB soldered 37 pin D type terminals of very good quality are used. The programming and calibration operation of the instrument is by nine simple keys with two independent displays for channel no and data value for that channel. Channel display is of two digit to differentiate it from data display of four digit, each of 0.56" seven segment LED. Status of Run/ Program/Verify mode, Fault, Auto/Manual mode Operation of the instrument is menu driven with user understandable prompts. Provision for PASS WORD is kept for unauthorized access to critical configuration and program parameters. The product is made to accept Linear voltage inputs. The type of input can be changed in field also. The calibration of the unit is done without trim-pots. The unit can be calibrated in installed condition itself by front panel keys at any given point i.e. user do not required to feed a fixed signal. No. of Groups as well as no. of channels within the group are programmable. Set point type ( LL, hL or hh ), abnormal status ( Alarm or Trip ) for alarm limit1 and alarm limit 2 as well as Relay action type ( ON or OFF ) for alarm limit 1 and alarm limit 2 are programmable. For each group two relays are given for one alarm limit 1 and second alarm limit 2. Scan time is programmable up to 99 seconds with + 30% error.. Relay on time is programmable up to from 0 to 5 minutes with + 30% error.. Provision for zero and span setting is made to restrict range of usage and programming. This restricts accidental wrong setting of set point beyond the range of interest. This zero and span setting is more useful for linear inputs for setting the range between -1999 to 9999 counts. Serial Communication with RS 232 / RS 485 is also provided for using the scanner as backend for Supervisory Control or for P.C. connectivity. Standard protocol for communication used is “MODBUS-RTU”. Operational manual - 2 of 33 – Issue No : 01A/600787 SCANNER 85XX masibus 2. SPECIFICATIONS 2.1. DISPLAY 2 digit 0.56" Red seven segment LEDs for channel no. 4 digit 0.56" Red seven segment LEDs for data of current channel. mode selection discrete Red LEDs. 2.2. INPUT 0-10 V DC linear Other types on request Accuracy +/- 0.1% of span +/- 1 Count Input open protection – upscale /downscale programmable Digital I/P (Optional) 2.3. RANGE 0-10 V Field scaleable -1999 to 9999 2.4. ALARM/TRIP OUTPUT Up to 3 Groups with two individual relay output for each group relay. One relay for each alarm limit (i.e. AL1 and AL2) for a group rated for 2A @ 230 VAC., selectable for alarm or trip. Common Hysteresis setting 0 to 100 value will be treated as display count. Relay status configurable as normally ON or OFF. Set point type configurable as L, VL or L, H or H, VH. Relay on time is configurable from 0 to 5 minutes. 2.5. CALIBRATION Ambient, Zero and span adjusted by digital calibration through front panel keys. No trim-pots. 2.6. CONTROLS Vfy, Increase, Decrease, Auto/Man, Next, Skip/Self Check, Al1/Al2, Scan Time and Enter/ ACK keys for operation, programming & calibration. 2.7. GENERAL power supply Ambient Humidity Power consumption Scanning time 110V/230V AC 50 Hz. - user selectable 24 V DC, 110V DC, 220 VDC (optional) 0 to 55 deg C. up to 95% RH (Non-condensing) Less than 20 VA 1) Linear - 300 mSec. 2.8. PHYSICAL case Operational manual - M.S. powder coated with ABS molded bezel - 3 of 33 – Issue No : 01A/600787 2. OPERATION 3.1. access to set points & control parameters(supervisor level). On application of proper power.2. verify configuration and verify program modes.5 sq. The instrument is having 4 terminals 110.2. USER GUIDE 3. On first press of this key.2. Now. 3. KEY BOARD There are nine keys for operation of the instrument. ENTER/ACK Operational manual . program .1. Please read instructions carefully before altering any programming or configuration information.2. These keys are used for operation. in channel window on display along with appropriate mode LED. PRGM. configuration and calibration. The manual covers all aspects of operation of the instrument. For understanding the operation first let us see the operation of keys.2.2. The four levels decide access to verify settings(operator level). scanner will display value of input in DATA window and channel no. VFY This key is used to select desired parameter in configuration . There are four levels of protections in the instrument. can accept up to 2. 3.2.4 of 33 – Issue No : 01A/600787 . it will display md CnFG By pressing inc or dec key you can select the desired mode( CNFG. the instrument will display Scanner type for 2 seconds and then configuration type for another two seconds. programming and calibration. INTRODUCTION This is a single chip micro-controller based scanner designed for 0 – 10V DC linear input type.SCANNER 85XX Terminals Bezel size Depth behind panel Panel cutout Screw type. 3.230V – Neutral and Earth for mains Supply. mm wire 96 X 192 mm 208 mm / 250mm (with terminal plate) 92 X 188 mm masibus 3.2. 3. if the input signal is connected. Now if you again press the vfy key then the instrument will come in Run mode. VCFG. The corresponding mode LED will glow on pressing this key. POWER SUPPLY Always be sure that you are connecting right input supply voltage to right power terminal of the instrument. Instrument is operated by nine user friendly keys. VPGM) of operation.1. SCN TIME This key is used to set the scan time for display of channels and its reading. if it is pressed in auto mode.2. 3.8. individual input type and individual decimal point position setting.2.2. i. the data change is not allowed until ENTER key is pressed once again. MAN LED will glow in MAN mode to indicate the same.2.e. NEXT This key is used to move into next parameter in a current mode.2. if ENTER key is pressed. AUTO/MAN This key is used to set the unit in either auto mode or manual mode.configuration or calibration mode. the data will be permanently stored in non-volatile memory. it will un-skip the channel. Normally it is used in MAN mode to select next channel for fixed channel display. 3. MODES OF OPERATIONS 3. It can be incremented up to 99 using INC key or decremented up to 1 using DEC key.3. DEC ( τ ) This key will decrement the selected parameter value by one count in program or configuration mode. On pressing of ENTER key. for each channel.2.3. There are seven modes of operations. This is a toggle key.5 of 33 – Operational manual Issue No : 01A/600787 . After setting the data to proper value. if you keep pressed the key then value will be incremented by 10 times faster up to the maximum value of that particular parameter.2. When pressed in Run mode. the decimal point on last digit disappears to indicate that data is entered.4. AL1 / AL2 This key is used to change from alarm limit 1 to alarm limit 2 and vice-versa. the next unskipped channel will be displayed. 3. if you keep pressed the key then value will be decremented by 10 times faster up to the minimum value of that particular parameter. Now. On pressing of ENTER key once again. INC ( σ ) This key will increment the selected parameter value by one count in program . . skip / un-skip message will be displayed in Data window and channel no. i.2. SKIP / SCHK KEY This key is used to skip / un-skip the channel in program mode. 3.2.7. This is also a toggle key. will be displayed in Channel window. On pressing this key in program mode. 3.5. This key is also used for individual zero/span.2. This key when pressed during RUN MODE will be taken as a ACK key which is used to acknowledge the relays and LED status as per logic selected.2.SCANNER 85XX masibus This key is used to enter the value of the selected parameter. This key is also used to enter in calibration mode from configuration mode and also to set the Relay time for setting on time of relay. the unit is switched into MAN mode and channel display will become fixed.2. decimal point on last digit will glow and allow change in the data.6. 3.e.1. if key is pressed while channel is skipped. This is also a toggle key.3. 3. Pressing this key once again brings back to AUTO mode. go to correct password using INC key and DEC keys and then press ENT key.3. In this mode. 6. Calibration mode Each are described in detail in individual chapter masibus 4.6.3. By pressing the ENTER key it will ask for Password . This mode is entered by pressing AUTO/MAN key in RUN/AUTO mode.3. will glow. press VFY key in RUN mode and VFY LED will glow to indicate the mode selection and display will ask to select the mode.5.3. RUN MODE This mode is indicated by RUN LED glowing.If the Password is correct then it will go in to Program mode and PRG LED will start glowing to indicate the current mode of operation. In AUTO mode. By pressing increment and decrement key select PRGM option and press ENTER key.3. Select your password by using “INC” and “DEC” keys.SCANNER 85XX 3. The channel number can be changed by NEXT key. PROGRAM MODE This mode is used to display / change alarm limits. 5. Run mode 3. Then press NEXT key to enter in program mode.3. The relay of that channel will be turned OFF. scan time and skip status of channels. on acknowledging the alarm. If the user has programmed password in configuration mode. In case of MAN mode. only one channel will be displayed continuously.7. Also refer relay logic table For currently selected calibration channel decimal point on unit's digit of channel no.6 of 33 – Issue No : 01A/600787 .8. For entering in this mode. Verify program mode 3. Auto / manual mode 3.2.3. Operational manual . it will keep on displaying successive un-skipped channels at the programmed scan rate. Factory set password is '00'. Verify configuration mode 3. if the alarm type is not configured for trip logic. The type of action and normal status of relay is programmable and described in Configuration mode. Configuration mode 3. where relay is not turned OFF until it actually comes within limit.3. MANUAL MODE Manual mode is same as normal run mode except for displaying only one channel continuously. channel window will display current channel number and DATA window will show its temperature.4. Pressing VFY key will take you out of this mode. Program mode 3. For manual mode separate LED indication of mode is provided on front. The decimal point on last digit of data indicates.1. For programming AL2 limit for all channel s. Display will show: Operational manual . Thus you can set AL1 limit for each individual channel. press AL1/AL2 key to change to AL2 limits. For changing the entry once again. Change the limit as per requirement by INC and DEC key and press ENTER. whether changing of data is allowed or not. Pressing NEXT key will bring display to 04 limit. press ENTER key. press SCN TIME key in program mode and then NEXT key in program mode. SCAN TIME For programming Scan Time. Its operations are identical to AL1 programming. Its operations are identical to channel 1. Maximum Scan Time is 99 Sec.SCANNER 85XX masibus CHANNEL 1 6. RELAY TIME For programming relay on time. Change Scan Time by INC and DEC keys and press ENTER when correct value is set. CHANNEL 3 03 700 Its operations are identical to channel 1. press SCN TIME key in program mode. Pressing NEXT key will bring display to 02 limit.7 of 33 – Issue No : 01A/600787 . SET ALARM TRIP VALUE 01 500 First parameter is alarm limit 1 for channel 1. If decimal point is off and LEDs are steady data changing is not allowed.. A decimal point on last digit of data will glow. This parameter is just for approximation it will not give exact timing. CHANNEL 2 02 600 Alarm limit for 1 for channel 2. Display will show: St 001 Displays scan time for updating the channel on display. Pressing NEXT key will bring display to 03 limit. Minimum Scan Time is 1 Sec. CONFIGURATION MODE Configuration mode is used to change basic configuration of unit. Now it will ask for Password. After changing the skip status. user can select any parameter by using NEXT. After setting correct Password with the help of INC and DEC keys press ENTER. PRG LED starts glowing Operational manual . If Ch-1 is skipped. Minimum Relay on Time is 0 minute.e. i. SKIP key works as a toggle key.The delay is provided only for relay on and no delay for relay off. if channel is skipped. At least one channel has to be un-skipped for operation of unit. In program mode. it will not allow. Skipping of all channels is not allowed. press VFY key in RUN mode and VFY LED will glow to indicate the mode selection and display will ask to select the mode. press SKIP key in program mode.SCANNER 85XX masibus rt 001 Displays Relay time is for setting the on time of relays.8 of 33 – Issue No : 01A/600787 . The program is same for all options and all options are configurable from front only by using various keys. By pressing increment and decrement key select CNFG option and press ENTER key. press ENTER key to store the status. Note:. This parameter is just for approximation it will not give exact timing. The display will show channel skip status. 7.2. Change Relay on Time by INC and DEC keys and press ENTER key when correct value is set. For entering Configuration mode. When user tries to skip the last un-skipped channel. by pressing SKIP key status will change to un-skip and viceversa. It can be changed by just using front keys. 6. display will be 1 S-ch If Ch-1 is un-skipped. display will be 1 U-ch Channel can be selected by pressing NEXT key. For Verify mode all the parameter sequences are same except for password entry and decimal point in last digit is 'off'. No hardware changes are necessary for changing input type. Maximum Relay on Time is 5 minutes. SKIPPING / UNSKIPPING OF CHANNEL For changing the skip status of channels. SKIP. If the Password is correct then only you can enter in Configuration mode. AL1/AL2 and SCAN TIME keys and can abort from this mode by pressing VFY key. SETPOINT TYPE Operational manual . of Groups are maximum 6.e I/P type for each channel). Pressing INC and DEC key you can make it 8508 or 8516 or 8524 or 8532. Pressing VFY key will take you out of this mode. OR no 8516 MI CNty OR no 8524 FI CNty OR no 8532 There are three options 8508 or 8516 or 8524 for this parameter. Pressing INC and DEC key you can make it “mix” or “fix”. the scanner will display scanner type. INPUT TYPE Display will show as : IP 0-10 By pressing NEXT key here you can go to next channel and similarly set the input type of other channels. CONFIGURATION TYPE OR There are two options mix or fix for this parameter.9 of 33 – Issue No : 01A/600787 . If configuration type is selected as mix then only you can change i/P for individual channel. of Groups are minimum 1.4. Then press NEXT key to go ahead in Configuration mode. NO. No. 7. 7. 7. From here you can go to the next parameters setting. OF GROUPS 03 no-G No. By entering in Configuration mode. If configuration type is selected as fix then scanner will work as common I/P type. If configuration type is selected is FIX then you can’t change individual I/P type for (i. User can go to next parameter in sequence by pressing NEXT key. SCANNER TYPE no 8508 7.SCANNER 85XX masibus which indicates the mode of operation. The parameters in sequence are described below.2. low. NOTE: Operational manual .very low AL2 .10 of 33 – Issue No : 01A/600787 .very high hL .low This setting is common for all groups.7. ABNORMAL STATUS OF AL2 AL 7. CAL2 tr OF OR on CrL1 Configures normal relay status as ON or OFF for AL1 Relay. very low AL1 . This is common for all groups. Low AL1 . Other description is same as AL1.high.SCANNER 85XX masibus hh OR hL SPtY OR LL Where hh . 7. For exact understanding of relay and LED operation.low AL2 .high AL2 .8. It will toggle between ALRM and TRIP by INC and DEC keys.6. RELAY STATUS OF AL1 OR This is for configuration of abnormal status for AL2. Open condition will be treated as normal condition in trip type.high. please refer the ‘relay logic table’ given at the end of manual.high LL . ABNORMAL STATUS OF AL1 AL OR CAL1 tr Configuration of abnormal status for AL1 limit. very high AL1 . 7. This is common for all groups. 10.If Group1 channel comes in abnormal condition and if after 20 seconds the group4 channel is provided which is in abnormal condition. Example:. LATCHING OF ALARM Y Operational manual OR no . user wants to sound buzzer or annunciator when Scanner is turned OFF or it is not working. This is useful for specific applications where Scanner ON is used for making a contact for failsafe operation. then the relay1 will be on after remaining time left from that particular relay on time settings. If Group1 channel comes in abnormal condition and if after some time the group4 channel is provided which is in abnormal condition. If it is configured as ON.of 1 minute or after 100 seconds for relay on time settings of 2 minutes.e. this will be applicable for other groups operation.11 of 33 – Issue No : 01A/600787 . (2) Relay2 will be on when and only when both the channels configured in group2 and group5 will be in abnormal condition depending on the relay time settings (3) Relay3 will be on when and only when both the channels configured in group3 and group6 will be in abnormal condition depending on the relay time settings.of 1 minute or after 100 seconds for relay on time settings of 2 minutes. This is common for all groups.SCANNER 85XX masibus (1) Relay1 will be on when and only when both the channels configured in group1 and group4 will be in abnormal condition depending on the relay time settings. then the relay1 will be on after 40 seconds left from relay on time settings. Example:. (2) Relay2 will be on when and only when both the channels configured in group2 and group5 will be in abnormal condition depending on the relay time settings (3) Relay3 will be on when and only when both the channels configured in group3 and group6 will be in abnormal condition depending on the relay time settings. RELAY STATUS OF AL2 OF OR on CrL2 Configures normal relay status as ON or OFF for AL2 Relay. 7. Similarly. i. Similarly. Similarly. Similarly. this will be applicable for other groups operation. 7.If Group1 channel comes in abnormal condition and if after 20 seconds the group4 channel is provided which is in abnormal condition. this will be applicable for other groups operation. this will be applicable for other groups operation.9. then the relay1 will be on after 40 seconds left from relay on time settings. NOTE: (1) Relay1 will be on when and only when both the channels configured in group1 and group4 will be in abnormal condition depending on the relay time settings. If Group1 channel comes in abnormal condition and if after some time the group4 channel is provided which is in abnormal condition. then the relay1 will be on after remaining time left from that particular relay on time settings. relay will remain ON when all channels of that group are in clear status. NO. Up to 8 channels in group 1. maximum setting will be 10. For RTD Pt100.12.g. GrP1. if scanner type is 8524. If it is configured as UP then Open condition will be treated as alarm / abnormal condition.11. 7. 7. This will be treated as common Zero value for all the channels. of groups is 1.14. GrP6). HYSTERESIS h 010 Hysteresis for relay operation an alarm limits. If it is configured as DOWN then Open condition will be treated as normal condition.13. GrP3. of groups is 1. 7. GrP4. 7. Use INC or DEC keys for changing the value. Hysteresis is treated as per count basis depending on display value. ZERO Z -1999 Zero value or minimum value for selected input. Minimum value is decided by input type.0. of channels in a particular group is 1. GrP2. This parameter is common for all groups. this parameter will be skipped from display. OF CHANNELS IN GROUP X 15 GrPX Here. if scanner type is 8508.12 of 33 – Issue No : 01A/600787 . resolution. if no. It can be configured as UP or DOWN by pressing INC and DEC keys.(e. OPEN SENSOR UP/DOWN UP OPEN This is used to define the state of the alarms in open sensor condition. if no. For linear inputs.1 deg. GrP5. Up to 16 channels in group 1. Minimum value can be '0' and maximum value can be 100.0 deg. if no. this is the zero setting for range programming. Maximum value will be span value. Operational manual . of groups is 1. X indicates no. Up to 24 channels in group 1. 1 to 6. if scanner type is 8516.SCANNER 85XX masibus Ltch When CAL1 and CAL2 are of trip type. Minimum no. Maximum or minimum value is decided by input type.16. DECIMAL POINT POSITION dP 003 Decimal point position is applicable only to 4-20 mA or 0-5V i/p. AUTO/MAN key here works as toggle key between AL1 & AL2 (i. One level up ) at common zero value setting.0 to 5) then only by pressing AUTO/MAN key here. It can be set between 0 to 3 as per requirement. you can enter individual dp position value for all the channels. you can enter individual zero/ span values for all the channels. All the functions described in the previous description of zero value setting are applicable here. If I/P values goes below zero Configured Zero will be indicated on display. If configuration type is mix OR for fix configuration i/p type is selected as linear(4 to 20. Zero and Span). VFY key will bring you back to the configuration mode ( i.13 of 33 – Issue No : 01A/600787 . If you press AUTO/MAN key here then Discrete LED 1 of AL2 will start flashing. SPAN S 2000 Span value or maximum value for selected input. you can set the span value for channel 1. If you want to come at channel 1 from any other channel then use SCN TIME key. By pressing AUTO/MAN key here. Display will show as : Operational manual . By pressing NEXT key here you can go to next channel and similarly set the zero and span values of other channels. From here you can go to the next parameters setting.0 to 5) then only by pressing AUTO/MAN key here. 7. you can set the zero value for channel 1. If configuration type is mix OR for fix configuration i/p type is selected as linear (4 to 20.By pressing INC/DEC keys.e. this is the span setting for range programming. 7.15. Display will show as : 01 1000 Discrete LED 1 of AL2 will start flashing.SCANNER 85XX masibus If configuration type is mix OR for fix configuration i/p type is selected as linear(4 to 20 or 0 to 5) then only there is provision for setting zero/ span/ dp position ( dp position is zero for t/c’s ) for each channel individually. If I/P value goes above span Configured span will be indicated on display of process value. If configuration type is selected as mix then you can enter in individual DP position setting but you can change DP position of channels only which has I/P type as 0-5V or 4 –20.e. you can enter individual zero value for all the channels.By pressing INC/DEC keys. Display will show as : 01 100 Discrete LED 1 of AL1 will start flashing . For linear inputs. Now display will show span of channel 1. From here you can go to the next parameters setting. 7. If you are using the instrument with individual scaling of zero/span and dp then don’t press ENTER key at the main zero/span and dp parameters in the configuration mode after setting individual values. The value of password can be programmed anywhere between '0' to '99'. BAUD RATE bd 9600 This parameter is used to set the BAUD RATE for serial communication.14 of 33 – Issue No : 01A/600787 . One level up ) at common DP value setting. Operational manual . Baud rate can be set from 2400.9600 and 19. It can be configured between 1 and 99 by using INC/DEC keys.19. you can set the dp position value for channel 1. Different baud rates can be selected by using INC/DEC keys. If you want to come at channel 1 from any other channel then use SCN TIME key. VFY key will bring you back to the configuration mode ( ie. Factory set password is 00. 7. OPEN COLLECTOR n oC If open collector outputs are used then select yes (y) otherwise select no (n). span and dp values same or common for all the channels. By pressing NEXT key here you can go to next channel and similarly set the dp position values of other channels. It represents the serial number or the ID number of the Unit.4800.18.17. 7. SERIAL NUMBER 1 Srno This parameter is required while using the Serial Communication facility. For the channels having input types t/c and rtd. 7. PASSWORD 00 PASS Password for entering to Program mode and Configuration mode.2KB. After setting individual values if you will press ENTER key at main zero/span/dp then this will make zero.20. dp position value is fixed ( zero).SCANNER 85XX masibus 01 001 By pressing INC/DEC keys. Main zero/span and dp values are common values for all the channels. (if open collector is yes then Analog O/P is not available and vice versa. Open collector type can be selected by INC/DEC keys . VERIFY PROGRAM MODE This mode is to verify the alarm limits. Very High) O/P will operate when Process value will be higher then very high set point i. User can view the data but can not change it in this mode.SCANNER 85XX masibus If you select OC as n then it will show y rtoP This selection will give analog O/P of 4 to 20mA. Open Collector type configuration is selected as “OR” then O/P will operate as below for different logic For hh (High.e AL2. Pressing VFY key will take you out of this mode. For entering into verify configuration mode.21. For HL (High. For entering into verify program mode. 7.e AL2. span etc. of channels in each group. VERIFY CONFIGURATION MODE This mode is to verify all the configuration parameters like scanner type. decimal point. Relay on time and channel skip information. 9. For 3-group scanner (i. If there is no relay card then two analog O/P will be on Relay 1 and relay 7. User can view the data but can’t change the data in this mode. zero. Open Collector type configuration is selected as “IND” then O/P will operate as AL1 and AL2 alarms for respective channels. Then press NEXT key to enter in verify program mode. Very Low) O/P will operate when Process value will be below very low set point i. no. By pressing increment and decrement key select VCFG option and press ENTER key. Pressing VFY key will take you out of this mode. For.) Scanner will give analog O/P correspond to Max and Min channels value among all analog i/p channel values as per factory setting.e one relay card )take analog O/P at Relay no. 8. no. of groups.15 of 33 – Issue No : 01A/600787 . OPEN COLLECTOR TYPE IN OCTY This parameter is used to set the Open Collector Type. scan time. please refer legend print on back-plate. Low) O/P will operate when Process value will be either lower then low set point or higher then high set-points i. Then press NEXT key to enter in verify configuration mode. By pressing increment and decrement key select VPGM option and press ENTER key. Note : For. input type. press VFY key in RUN mode and VFY LED will glow to indicate the mode selection and display will ask to select the mode. press VFY key in RUN mode and VFY LED will glow to indicate the mode selection and display will ask to select the mode. For LL (Low. Operational manual .e process value is below AL1 or above AL2. 7. When you press SCN TIME key display will be as follows: 1 CLch Select your channel for calibration by using INC/DEC keys. On both sides 5% of total span is allowed for adjustment. On both sides 5% of total span is allowed for adjustment.16 of 33 – Issue No : 01A/600787 . 10.2.1. To come out of calibration mode press VFY key. Use INC or DEC key to bring it to desired value and press ENTER key to store zero calibration. ZERO CALIBRATION CZ 054 It will display current reading of calibration channel.It is mandatory to press enter if you want to change calibration parameter of particular channel. CALIBRATION MODE You can calibrate instrument after entering in configuration mode.SCANNER 85XX masibus 10. After selecting calibration channel press enter to change calibration parameter. Use INC or DEC key to bring it to desired value and press ENTER key to store span calibration. Operational manual . For the first group the calibration done is of I/P type 0-10V DC linear. Calibration can be done in any one channel only. In calibration mode following values are displayed and programmed as follows. SPAN CALIBRATION CS 1200 It will display current reading of calibration channel. press SCN TIME key to enter into Calibration mode. 10. Here there are 4 groups of calibration. Calibration done in any one channel will hold for all the channels. Group1 : 0-10V. Operational manual .17 of 33 – Issue No : 01A/600787 .SCANNER 85XX masibus 11. Back plate Detail. 18 of 33 – Issue No : 01A/600787 . Relay logic table ALARM AL1 MOMEMTARY ALARM (when in abnormal condition ack not pressed) CONDITION ALARM LATCH = YES HIGH ALARM LATCH = NO TRIP RELAY ALARM LATCH = YES LOW ALARM LATCH = NO TRIP RELAY ALARM LATCH = YES VLOW ALARM LATCH = NO TRIP RELAY RELAY RELAY RELAY RELAY RELAY RELAY NORMAL ABNORMAL UP (O/S) DOWN (O/S) ACK ** NORMAL * ACK *** OFF ON ON OFF OFF OFF OFF ON ON OFF OFF OFF OFF ON OFF OFF ON OFF OFF ON OFF ON OFF OFF OFF ON OFF ON OFF OFF OFF ON OFF OFF ON OFF OFF ON OFF ON OFF OFF OFF ON OFF ON OFF OFF OFF ON OFF OFF ON OFF ALARM AL2 MOMEMTARY ALARM (when in abnormal condition ack not pressed) CONDITION ALARM LATCH YES VHIGH ALARM LATCH NO TRIP RELAY ALARM LATCH YES HIGH ALARM LATCH NO TRIP RELAY ALARM LATCH YES LOW ALARM LATCH NO RELAY RELAY RELAY RELAY RELAY RELAY NORMAL ABNORMAL UP (O/S) DOWN (O/S) ACK ** NORMAL * ACK *** OFF ON ON OFF OFF OFF OFF ON ON OFF OFF OFF OFF ON OFF OFF ON OFF OFF ON ON OFF OFF OFF OFF ON ON OFF OFF OFF OFF ON OFF OFF ON OFF OFF ON OFF ON OFF OFF OFF ON OFF ON OFF OFF Operational manual .SCANNER 85XX masibus 12. SCANNER 85XX TRIP RELAY OFF ON OFF OFF ON OFF masibus ALARM AL1 MAINTAINED ALARM (when in abnormal condition ack is pressed) DOWN (O/S) CONDITION ALARM LATCH = YES HIGH ALARM LATCH = NO TRIP RELAY ALARM LATCH = YES LOW ALARM LATCH = NO TRIP RELAY ALARM LATCH = YES VLOW ALARM LATCH = NO TRIP RELAY RELAY RELAY RELAY RELAY RELAY RELAY NORMAL ABNORMAL UP (O/S) ACK ** NORMAL * ACK *** OFF ON ON OFF ON OFF OFF OFF ON ON OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF ON OFF OFF ON ON OFF OFF ON OFF ON ON OFF OFF OFF ON OFF ON OFF OFF OFF OFF ON OFF OFF ON ON OFF OFF ON OFF ON ON OFF OFF OFF ON OFF ON OFF OFF OFF OFF ON OFF OFF ON ON OFF ALARM AL2 MAINTAINED ALARM (when in abnormal condition ack is pressed) DOWN (O/S) CONDITION ALARM LATCH YES VHIGH ALARM LATCH NO TRIP RELAY ALARM LATCH YES HIGH ALARM LATCH NO TRIP RELAY ALARM LATCH YES LOW ALARM LATCH NO TRIP RELAY RELAY RELAY RELAY RELAY RELAY NORMAL ABNORMAL UP (O/S) ACK ** NORMAL * ACK *** OFF ON ON OFF ON OFF OFF OFF ON ON OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF ON OFF OFF ON ON OFF OFF ON ON OFF ON OFF OFF OFF ON ON OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF ON OFF OFF ON ON OFF OFF ON OFF ON ON OFF OFF OFF ON OFF ON OFF OFF OFF Operational manual .19 of 33 – Issue No : 01A/600787 . • • Check for the polarity of the I/p connections. I/P power may be not present. Operational manual . Trouble shooting Scanner does not Switch ON. • • Check the O/P of sensor is as per the chart supplied to you by sensor manufacturer. if blown off replace it Check the Power ON Indication LED. remove that sensor and check the cabling. Reading indicated by scanner is unstable. Communication Problem between the Unit and Host PC/Operator Terminal • • • • Check the cabling. • • • • Check the Mains Cord. Check that Input cables are properly tighten with back-plate Check that back-plate is not loose. Shielded cables should used for input. Shield should be EARTHED near the unit only. Measure it with instrument with better then 0. Check for the proper range programmed in that channel.SCANNER 85XX RELAY OFF ON OFF OFF ON ON OFF masibus Notes : * means normal condition after abnormal has occurred ** means ack pressed in abnormal condition *** means ack pressed in normal condition after abnormal has already occurred.20 of 33 – Issue No : 01A/600787 . Standard multi-meter with 3½ digit display may have poor accuracy then scanner. wrong or open. Calibrate the unit as explained in the manual. Check any of the sensor is not getting EARTHED or having weak insulation with respect to earth. Calibration of the unit is doubted to have drifted. avoid looping of earth wires. If scanner is showing different reading in all channels for common I/P type and same Process vale then please enter I/P type again. Take separate earth wires for separate instruments. Ensure the perfect EARTHING to the unit & also check that neutral should not be floating. Check power supply voltage is it proper as per order Check fuse. Linear I/P and control signal wires must be kept separate from supply and relay output cabling. Rtd. Check the RS-485 to RS232 converter for 485 communication. Select the proper method according to your scanner input type. • • • • • • • • • • Check the process input and also check its connection are as per the back-plate supplied. If so. and baud rate settings at PC side and scanner side. Check the serial port of the computer by shorting 2 and 3 no pin of PC comports with PROCOMM or any other available application. Check the serial No.1% accuracy. 13. In linear type input the unit shows false reading or ‘OVER’ or ‘UNDER’. Check for AC voltage pick up at the signal at scanner side All low-level input and output such as T/C. must be taken directly from the supply and not from the supply terminals of the instrument. This is an electronics instrument it may have problem not listed above. solenoids etc.21 of 33 – Issue No : 01A/600787 . 20 Sec time out is provided i. If relay card or open collector card burns out frequently check for the rating of the relay driven by open collector card or rating of contactor driven by relay card. The decimal point of first digit of channel no. if no key is pressed for 20 seconds. On power on scanner will first display model (8508/8516/8524). All supply connections to final control devices such as contractors. Program. While programming value. This being a microprocessor based instrument. A good isolation transformer shields the instrument from such voltage spikes and surges. I n absence of proper earthing instrument body will float at half some part of the supply voltage and this may give shock to user. Zero value and alarm-trip set-points. if the INC or DEC key is kept pressed for more than 10 counts. it will fall back into Run/Man mode. In Configuration. Verify Configuration. In most of the cases this is not required for scanner. If there is any error in EEPROM data. Verify Program and Calibration modes. Operational manual . a massive voltage spike can damage it. To see the parameter having error. of parameters having errors and lower 4 digit display will show err message.e.SCANNER 85XX • • masibus Check RS 232 –RS 485 connection at PC and scanner side. mention exact nature of fault with sequence of events. the speed of change will be increased by 5 times. it will display error message and halt. General • • • • • It is mandatory to reset the Instrument by switching off the Power if the input type is changed. scan through parameters both in Program mode & Configuration mode. display will glow. SUPPLY VOLTAGE • • • Supply voltage should be given through a good isolation transformer. if the parameter data in EEPROM is disturbed. in case of such fault while reporting to factory (Masibus area office or head office). then configuration type for some time and then it will come to actual Run mode display. An effective earth is mandatory for the instrument. 10 -Err • • The upper two digit display will show no. It is the dual speed concept for changing value at faster rate. Relay or open collector O/P Action problem • • Check power to the contactor operated by relay from scanner. For RS 485 sometimes terminating resistor of 120Ω at scanner and converter side. If you change any individual I/P type or common I/P type then please also adjust your particular channel span value. SCANNER 85XX masibus 14.22 of 33 – Issue No : 01A/600787 . How Characters are Transmitted Serially When messages are transmitted on standard Modbus serial networks. COMMUNICATION PROTOCOL The communication protocol is a HEX protocol. The host computer issues the commands to the scanners that in turn respond to each command.e. each character or byte is sent in this order (left to right): Least Significant Bit (LSB) .2. The entire protocol is based on the command/answer protocol.. 14. only two-pass protocol is assumed.. 14. Only two-pass protocol is available on scanners and hence when using the scanners. choose a baud rate and protocol compatible to the host computer. Before starting any communication. INTRODUCTION The scanner 85XX can be connected in RS-485 communication data link either in multi drop or repeat mode. Each scanner 85XX must have unique Serial Number. Modbus detail 14. the bit sequence is: i. 14. Most Significant Bit (MSB)With RTU character framing.2. No two scanners may have the same address.1. This speeds up the total throughput.1. Entire range of addresses ( 1 to 99 ) may be used. MESSAGE QUERY: Operational manual .2. 1 start bit 1 stop bit No parity.2. registers 1 . Here Same Reference Functions are used for Reading and Writing a parameter. In scanner 85XX the functions implemented are 01– READ COIL STATUS (REFERENCE .4. – PRESET SINGLE REGISTER (REFERENCE . Operational manual .4x).2.3.0x). Write : The query message specifies the register address and the data to be written in that register.. The quantity of channels must not exceed ( total no of channels – starting channel address). 03..23 of 33 – Issue No : 01A/600787 . RTU Framing 14. 11. 14.5. FUNCTION: When a message is sent from a master to a slave device the function code field tells the slave what kind of action to perform.. START DELAY and ADDRESS: Always contains the start of message with 3. Registers are addressed starting at zero.0x).SCANNER 85XX masibus 14..2.2.2. The address is represented by a HEX character ranges from 00 to 99. 14. Registers are addressed starting at zero. – READ HOLDING REGISTERS (REFERENCE.4x). 12 are addressed as 0 . – FORCE SINGLE COIL (REFERENCE . 06.5 null char delay followed by the address of the scanner to be addressed.register 1 is addressed as 0.6. so only one Variable Tag is required for reading and writing a parameter. DATA FIELD: Read : The query message specifies the starting register and quantity of registers to be read. 05. 8. an error results. is the CRC value. after all the bytes of the message have been applied.2. This process is repeated until eight shifts have been performed. with a zero filled into the most significant bit (MSB) position. the register is then exclusive ORed with a preset. 14. It is applied regardless of any parity check method used for the individual characters of the message. If the two values are not equal. The CRC is started by first pre loading a 16-bit register to all 1's. If the LSB was a 1. Then a process begins of applying successive eightbit bytes of the message to the current contents of the register. MESSAGE RESPONSE : Operational manual .2. After the last (eighth) shift. fixed value. which appends the CRC to the message. The receiving device recalculates a CRC during receipt of the message. The final content of the register. and the parity bit. CRC calculation: The CRC field checks the contents of the entire message. no exclusive OR takes place. Start and stop bits.SCANNER 85XX 14. During generation of the CRC. Only the eight bits of data in each character are used for generating the CRC.2. If the LSB was a 0. 14.7. CHECKSUM COMPUTATION: masibus The error checking field contains a 16-bit value implemented as two eight-bit bytes. Then the result is shifted in the direction of the least significant bit (LSB). The CRC value is calculated by the transmitting device. When the CRC is appended to the message. do not apply to the CRC. each eight-bit character is exclusive ORed with the register contents.9.24 of 33 – Issue No : 01A/600787 . the next eight-bit byte is exclusive ORed with the register's current value. the low-order byte is appended first. and the process repeats for eight more shifts as described above. The LSB is extracted and examined. followed by the high-order byte. and compares the calculated value to the actual value it received in the CRC field. The error check value is the result of a Cyclical Redundancy Check(CRC) calculation performed on the message contents. Low] [CRC high] [CRC low] Data write Query = [0 x Sr.No. [0 x Data. 5. COMMUNICATION PROTOCOL IN SCANNER 14. [Data. [Data High]. [Data.1. Process value Addresses Analog Parameters Absolute Address Type of Access CH1 40001 Read only CH2 40002 Read only CH3 40003 Read only CH4 40004 Read only CH5 40005 Read only CH6 40006 Read only CH7 40007 Read only CH8 40008 Read only CH9 40009 Read only CH10 40010 Read only CH11 40011 Read only CH12 40012 Read only CH13 40013 Read only CH14 40014 Read only CH15 40015 Read only CH16 40016 Read only CH17 40017 Read only Parameter Type Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Values Applicable NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA .] .No. Response = [Sr. 2. 15. Low] . 3.SCANNER 85XX masibus 14.3. High]. [Data. [0 x Data.3. High]. [0 x Fun Code]. 14. 13. [Data. Process Value read and Alarm – Trip Set-point value read write Data read Query = [0 x Sr. Low] . 7. Low] [0 x CRC high] [0 x CRC low] Fun code = 0X03 Data word .Address word < 73. [0 x Data.No. [Data Low] ……. 12. High]. High]. [0 x Fun Code]. [ADD Low] . 8. 6. 9.Address word < 73. 14..3. [ADD High]. [0 x Fun Code]. [0 x ADD.] . Response = [Sr. [0 x ADD.] . Low] [0 x CRC high] [0 x CRC low] Fun code = 0X06 Data word . [0 x ADD. High]. 4.No. 17.1. [0 x ADD.no 1. Low] [CRC high] [CRC low] Sr. 11. 10.25 of 33 – Operational manual Issue No : 01A/600787 . High]. [0 x Data. [0 x Fun Code].] . [Byte count].. 16.1. 47. Span Ind. zero to Ind. zero to Ind. zero to Ind. zero to Ind. 42. zero to Ind. zero to Ind. CH26 40026 Read only Int NA 27. CH20 40020 Read only Int NA 21. Span Ind. Span Ind. 39. CH24 40024 Read only Int NA 25. 43. 49. zero to Ind. Span Ind. Span Ind. CH21 40021 Read only Int NA 22. Span Ind. Span Analog Parameters ALM1_1 ALM2_1 ALM3_1 ALM4_1 ALM5_1 ALM6_1 ALM7_1 ALM8_1 ALM9_1 ALM10_1 ALM11_1 ALM12_1 ALM13_1 ALM14_1 ALM15_1 ALM16_1 ALM17_1 ALM18_1 Operational manual . 48. Span Ind. zero to Ind. Span Ind. 38. zero to Ind. Span Ind. Alarm value addresses (AL1) Absolute Address 40033 40034 40035 40036 40037 40038 40039 40040 40041 40042 40043 40044 40045 40046 40047 40048 40049 40050 Type of Access Read/ Write Read/ Write Read/ Write Read/ Write Read/ Write Read/ Write Read/ Write Read/ Write Read/ Write Read/ Write Read/ Write Read/Write Read/ Write Read/ Write Read/ Write Read/ Write Read/ Write Read/ Write Parameter Type Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Values Applicable Ind. zero to Ind. 34. CH28 40028 Read only Int NA 29. zero to Ind.SCANNER 85XX masibus 18. Span Ind.3. Span Ind. 45. zero to Ind. CH18 40018 Read only Int NA 19.26 of 33 – Issue No : 01A/600787 . 37. zero to Ind. zero to Ind. No. CH25 40025 Read only Int NA 26. 33. Span Ind.1. CH19 40019 Read only Int NA 20. zero to Ind. 36. Span Ind. CH32 40032 Read only Int NA Note : If scanner process value is out of limit for particular I/P type then scanner will show ‘Open’ on display but it will send ‘10000’ to PC If scanner process value is out of limit for 5% for linear I/P type then scanner will show ‘ACT Zero ’ on display and it will send ‘ACT SPAN’ to PC If scanner process value is out of limit for 5% for linear I/P type then scanner will show ‘ACT Zero ’ on display and it will send ‘ACT Zero’ to PC 14. 46.2. 50. CH31 40031 Read only Int NA 32. CH27 40027 Read only Int NA 28. zero to Ind. 35. CH22 40022 Read only Int NA 23. Span Ind. 41. CH23 40023 Read only Int NA 24. CH29 40029 Read only Int NA 30. CH30 40030 Read only Int NA 31. 44. 40. zero to Ind. Span Ind. zero to Ind. Span Ind. Sr. Span Ind. Zero to Ind. Span Ind. Zero to Ind. Span Ind. Zero to Ind. Span Ind. 75. Span Ind. Span Ind. Span Ind. 58. Span Ind. 68. 67. Zero to Ind. Span Ind.1. 85. Span Ind. 55. zero to Ind. Span Ind. Span Ind. 80. 84. 56. 57. 73. 52. 87. Zero to Ind. Span Ind. 82. Span Ind. Span Ind. 76. Zero to Ind. Span Ind. 54. Span Ind. 64. Span Ind. Trip Value Addresses (AL2) Absolute Address 40065 40066 40067 40068 40069 40070 40071 40072 40073 40074 40075 40076 40077 40078 40079 40080 40081 40082 40083 40084 40085 40086 40087 40088 Type of Access Read/ Write Read/ Write Read/ Write Read/ Write Read/ Write Read/ Write Read/ Write Read/ Write Read/ Write Read/ Write Read/ Write Read/ Write Read/ Write Read/ Write Read/ Write Read/ Write Read/ Write Read/ Write Read/ Write Read/ Write Read/ Write Read/ Write Read/ Write Read/ Write Parameter Type Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Values Applicable Ind. Zero to Ind. zero to Ind. Span Ind. 74. ALM19_1 ALM20_1 ALM21_1 ALM22_1 ALM23_1 ALM24_1 ALM25_1 ALM26_1 ALM27_1 ALM28_1 ALM29_1 ALM30_1 ALM31_1 ALM32_1 40051 40052 40053 40054 40055 40056 40057 40058 40059 40060 40061 40062 40063 40064 Read/ Write Read/ Write Read/ Write Read/ Write Read/ Write Read/ Write Read/ Write Read/ Write Read/ Write Read/ Write Read/ Write Read/ Write Read/ Write Read/ Write Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int masibus Ind. 72. Span Ind. Span Ind. No. Span . Zero to Ind. Span Ind. zero to Ind. Sr. Span Ind. Zero to Ind. Zero to Ind. 63. zero to Ind. Zero to Ind. 61. Zero to Ind. Span Ind. 65. zero to Ind. Zero to Ind. zero to Ind. 79. Span Ind. Span Ind. Zero to Ind. Zero to Ind. Span 14.3.SCANNER 85XX 51. zero to Ind. Zero to Ind. Zero to Ind. 60. Zero to Ind. 78. 66. 53. 59. 77. Span Ind. Zero to Ind. zero to Ind. Span Ind. zero to Ind. Span Ind. 83. 62. 71. zero to Ind. 81. 70. Zero to Ind. Zero to Ind. zero to Ind. 69. Span Ind. Span Ind. Span Ind. Zero to Ind. Span Ind. Span Ind. zero to Ind. Span Ind. Span Ind. 88. 86.3. Zero to Ind.27 of 33 – Analog Parameters TRIP1_1 TRIP2_1 TRIP3_1 TRIP4_1 TRIP5_1 TRIP6_1 TRIP7_1 TRIP8_1 TRIP9_1 TRIP10_1 TRIP11_1 TRIP12_1 TRIP13_1 TRIP14_1 TRIP15_1 TRIP16_1 TRIP17_1 TRIP18_1 TRIP19_1 TRIP20_1 TRIP21_1 TRIP22_1 TRIP23_1 TRIP24_1 Operational manual Issue No : 01A/600787 . Span Ind. Zero to Ind. Zero to Ind. zero to Ind. 125.1. I/P type range Particular Ind. I/P type range Particular Ind. 120. 100. 105. I/P type range Particular Ind. 102.SCANNER 85XX 89. 107. 126. 113. 103. Zero to Ind. TRIP25_1 TRIP26_1 TRIP27_1 TRIP28_1 TRIP29_1 TRIP30_1 TRIP31_1 TRIP32_1 40089 40090 40091 40092 40093 40094 40095 40096 Read/ Write Read/ Write Read/ Write Read/ Write Read/ Write Read/ Write Read/ Write Read/ Write Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int masibus Ind. 90.4. 111. Span Ind. Zero to Ind. Span Ind. Zero to Ind. I/P type range Particular Ind. I/P type range Particular Ind. 101. I/P type range Particular Ind. I/P type range Particular Ind. 91. 98. I/P type range Particular Ind. 123. 119. I/P type range Particular Ind. 127. I/P type range Particular Ind. I/P type range Particular Ind. I/P type range Particular Ind. 110. 118. I/P type range Particular Ind. 109. 128. Zero to Ind. I/P type range Particular Ind. No.3. Zero to Ind. I/P type range Particular Ind. Sr. Individual Scale Zero Addresses Absolute Address 40097 40098 40099 400100 400101 400102 400103 400104 400105 400106 400107 400108 400109 400110 400111 400112 400113 400114 400115 400116 400117 400118 400119 400120 400121 400122 400123 400124 400125 400126 400127 400128 Type of Access Read/ Write Read/ Write Read/ Write Read/ Write Read/ Write Read/ Write Read/ Write Read/ Write Read/ Write Read/ Write Read/ Write Read/ Write Read/ Write Read/ Write Read/ Write Read/ Write Read/ Write Read/ Write Read/ Write Read/ Write Read/ Write Read/ Write Read/ Write Read/ Write Read/ Write Read/ Write Read/ Write Read/ Write Read/ Write Read/ Write Read/ Write Read/ Write Parameter Type Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Values Applicable Particular Ind. 122. I/P type range Particular Ind. I/P type range Particular Ind. I/P type range Particular Ind. 104. I/P type range Analog Parameters SCL_ZERO1_1 SCL_ZERO2_1 SCL_ZERO3_1 SCL_ZERO4_1 SCL_ZERO5_1 SCL_ZERO6_1 SCL_ZERO7_1 SCL_ZERO8_1 SCL_ZERO9_1 SCL_ZERO10_1 SCL_ZERO11_1 SCL_ZERO12_1 SCL_ZERO13_1 SCL_ZERO14_1 SCL_ZERO15_1 SCL_ZERO16_1 SCL_ZERO17_1 SCL_ZERO18_1 SCL_ZERO19_1 SCL_ZERO20_1 SCL_ZERO21_1 SCL_ZERO22_1 SCL_ZERO23_1 SCL_ZERO24_1 SCL_ZERO25_1 SCL_ZERO26_1 SCL_ZERO27_1 SCL_ZERO28_1 SCL_ZERO29_1 SCL_ZERO30_1 SCL_ZERO31_1 SCL_ZERO32_1 Operational manual . I/P type range Particular Ind. I/P type range Particular Ind. Zero to Ind. 117. 112. 94.28 of 33 – Issue No : 01A/600787 . 93. 115. 114. Span 14. I/P type range Particular Ind. 97. 96. 108. 92. Span Ind. Zero to Ind. I/P type range Particular Ind. I/P type range Particular Ind. Span Ind. 121. I/P type range Particular Ind. 124. I/P type range Particular Ind. 106. Span Ind. I/P type range Particular Ind. 95. 99. I/P type range Particular Ind. Span Ind. Zero to Ind. I/P type range Particular Ind. I/P type range Particular Ind. Span Ind. 116. I/P type range Particular Ind. I/P type range Particular Ind. 160. I/P type Range Particular Ind. 152. 133. I/P type Range Particular Ind. I/P type Range Particular Ind. 148. 131. I/P type Range Particular Ind. I/P type Range Particular Ind.5. I/P type Range Particular Ind. I/P type Range Particular Ind. 141. I/P type Range Particular Ind.3. I/P type Range Particular Ind. I/P type Range Particular Ind. Individual Scale span Addresses Absolute Address 400129 400130 400131 40132 40133 40134 40135 40136 40137 40138 40139 40140 40141 40142 40143 40144 40145 40146 40147 40148 40149 40150 40151 40152 40153 40154 40155 40156 40157 40158 40159 40160 Type of Access Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Parameter Type Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Values Applicable Particular Ind. I/P type Range Particular Ind. 132. 149. 154. I/P type Range Particular Ind. 146. I/P type Range Particular Ind.SCANNER 85XX masibus 14. 142. 153. I/P type Range Particular Ind. 156. 140. I/P type Range Particular Ind. 159. 135. 157. I/P type Range Particular Ind. I/P type Range Analog Parameters SCL_SPAN1_1 SCL_SPAN2_1 SCL_SPAN3_1 SCL_SPAN4_1 SCL_SPAN5_1 SCL_SPAN6_1 SCL_SPAN7_1 SCL_SPAN8_1 SCL_SPAN9_1 SCL_SPAN10_1 SCL_SPAN11_1 SCL_SPAN12_1 SCL_SPAN13_1 SCL_SPAN14_1 SCL_SPAN15_1 SCL_SPAN16_1 SCL_SPAN17_1 SCL_SPAN18_1 SCL_SPAN19_1 SCL_SPAN20_1 SCL_SPAN21_1 SCL_SPAN22_1 SCL_SPAN23_1 SCL_SPAN24_1 SCL_SPAN25_1 SCL_SPAN26_1 SCL_SPAN27_1 SCL_SPAN28_1 SCL_SPAN29_1 SCL_SPAN30_1 SCL_SPAN31_1 SCL_SPAN32_1 Operational manual . 155. I/P type Range Particular Ind. 144. I/P type Range Particular Ind. 130. 147. Sr. 158.29 of 33 – Issue No : 01A/600787 .1. 138. 150. I/P type Range Particular Ind. I/P type Range Particular Ind. 136. 151. 137. I/P type Range Particular Ind. I/P type Range Particular Ind. I/P type Range Particular Ind. I/P type Range Particular Ind. 145. 129. I/P type Range Particular Ind. 139. 143. 134. I/P type Range Particular Ind. I/P type Range Particular Ind. I/P type Range Particular Ind. I/P type Range Particular Ind. I/P type Range Particular Ind. No. I/P type Range Particular Ind. IND_DP_POS32_1 40192 Read/Write Int Refer Note A. IND_DP_POS15_1 40175 Read/Write Int Refer Note A. IND_DP_POS2_1 40162 Read/Write Int Refer Note A. No. 169. 182. 176. IND_DP_POS30_1 40190 Read/Write Int Refer Note A. IND_DP_POS18_1 40178 Read/Write Int Refer Note A. IND_DP_POS20_1 40180 Read/Write Int Refer Note A. 172. IND_DP_POS14_1 40174 Read/Write Int Refer Note A. 190. 175. IND_DP_POS10_1 40170 Read/Write Int Refer Note A. 162. IND_DP_POS1_1 40161 Read/Write Int Refer Note A. 178. 186. IND_DP_POS17_1 40177 Read/Write Int Refer Note A. 166. 188.6. IND_DP_POS3_1 40163 Read/Write Int Refer Note A. IND_DP_POS9_1 40169 Read/write Int Refer Note A. IND_DP_POS23_1 40183 Read/Write Int Refer Note A. 174. 171. IND_DP_POS16_1 40176 Read/Write Int Refer Note A. IND_DP_POS31_1 40191 Read/Write Int Refer Note A. 165. IND_DP_POS26_1 40186 Read/Write Int Refer Note A. For other I/P Type it should be zero only. IND_DP_POS22_1 40182 Read/Write Int Refer Note A. IND_DP_POS25_1 40185 Read/Write Int Refer Note A.1. 183.SCANNER 85XX masibus 14. 185. IND_DP_POS7_1 40167 Read/Write Int Refer Note A. IND_DP_POS12_1 40172 Read/Write Int Refer Note A. 192.30 of 33 – Issue No : 01A/600787 . 173. 180. IND_DP_POS8_1 40168 Read/Write Int Refer Note A. 179. 187. 181. IND_DP_POS21_1 40181 Read/Write Int Refer Note A. Sr. IND_DP_POS19_1 40179 Read/Write Int Refer Note A. IND_DP_POS6_1 40166 Read/Write Int Refer Note A. IND_DP_POS4_1 40164 Read/Write Int Refer Note A. 177.3. 191. IND_DP_POS13_1 40173 Read/Write Int Refer Note A. 164. 170. IND_DP_POS29_1 40189 Read/Write Int Refer Note A. IND_DP_POS27_1 40187 Read/Write Int Refer Note A. 189. 167. IND_DP_POS24_1 40184 Read/Write Int Refer Note A. IND_DP_POS5_1 40165 Read /Write Int Refer Note A. Individual DECIMAL POINT Addresses Absolute Type of Access Parameter Values Applicable Address Type 161. Analog Parameters Operational manual . 184. 163. IND_DP_POS28_1 40188 Read/Write Int Refer Note A. IND_DP_POS11_1 40171 Read/Write Int Refer Note A. Note A : For 4 to 20 mA and 0to 5V DP pos value should be 0-1-2-3. 168. 214. 193. [0 x 00] . 200. [255] [254] [255]. 202. 196. High]. High]. [254] [255]. 198. [0 x 00]. [255]. Individual inp type Addresses Absolute Address 40193 40194 40195 40196 40197 40198 40199 40200 40201 40202 40203 40204 40205 40206 40207 40208 40209 40210 40211 40212 40213 40214 40215 40216 40217 40218 40219 40220 40221 40222 40223 40224 Type of Access Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Parameter Type Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Values Applicable 0 to 11 0 to 11 0 to 11 0 to 11 0 to 11 0 to 11 0 to 11 0 to 11 0 to 11 0 to 11 0 to 11 0 to 11 0 to 11 0 to 11 0 to 11 0 to 11 0 to 11 0 to 11 0 to 11 0 to 11 0 to 11 0 to 11 0 to 11 0 to 11 0 to 11 0 to 11 0 to 11 0 to 11 0 to 11 0 to 11 0 to 11 0 to 11 Analog Parameters IND_INP_TYPE1_1 IND_INP_TYPE2_1 IND_INP_TYPE3_1 IND_INP_TYPE4_1 IND_INP_TYPE5_1 IND_INP_TYPE6_1 IND_INP_TYPE7_1 IND_INP_TYPE8_1 IND_INP_TYPE9_1 IND_INP_TYPE10_1 IND_INP_TYPE11_1 IND_INP_TYPE12_1 IND_INP_TYPE13_1 IND_INP_TYPE14_1 IND_INP_TYPE15_1 IND_INP_TYPE16_1 IND_INP_TYPE17_1 IND_INP_TYPE18_1 IND_INP_TYPE19_1 IND_INP_TYPE20_1 IND_INP_TYPE21_1 IND_INP_TYPE22_1 IND_INP_TYPE23_1 IND_INP_TYPE24_1 IND_INP_TYPE25_1 IND_INP_TYPE26_1 IND_INP_TYPE27_1 IND_INP_TYPE28_1 IND_INP_TYPE29_1 IND_INP_TYPE30_1 IND_INP_TYPE31_1 IND_INP_TYPE32_1 14. 220. [Data Low] …….0. [Data.No.1. [0 x ADD. 208. 195. 204.. Response = [Sr. 206. Low] [0 x CRC high] [0 x CRC low] Fun code = 0X01 Data word .Address word < 74. 210. LED off –0) Last 3 words represents status of AL2 (Trip) of 24 channels(LED on –1. [Data. 211. Sr. (LED on –1. Operational manual . 209. 219.] . [0 x Data. [9].7. [0 x 01]. [255] [CRC high] [CRC low] This is response of above query where First 3 words represent status of skip-unskip of 24 channels.unskip .No. 217. 197.] . LED off –0). 194.3. No. 222.1) Second 3 words represent status of AL1 (Alarm) of 24 channels. 215. [0 x 01]. [0 x Fun Code]. [0 x ADD. [0 x 00].] . 199.] .Address word < 74. 218. 216. Low] .SCANNER 85XX masibus 14.2. 201. [0 x 48(h)] [0 x CRC high] [0 x CRC low] Fun code = 0X01 Data word . [Byte count].No. [255]. 223.No. Skip – Unskip write and Alarm – Trip status Data read Data read Query = [0 x Sr. [Data High]. 205.3. Low] [CRC high] [CRC low] Data read Query = [0 x Sr. 212. 207. 203. Response = [Sr.31 of 33 – Issue No : 01A/600787 . [0 x Fun Code]. 213. [255]. [0 x Data.(skip . 224. High].. 221. [0 x ADD.32 of 33 – Digital Parameters SKIP1_1 SKIP2_1 SKIP3_1 Operational manual Issue No : 01A/600787 .] . [0 x 00]. [0 x Fun Code].] . To Un.No. Skip/Unskip channel address Absolute Address 00001 00002 00003 Type of Access Read/Write Read/Write Read/Write Parameter Type Int Int Int Values Applicable 0-1 0-1 0-1 . [0 x 00]. [0 x 48] . [0 x Fun Code].] . 1.] . [0 x Fun Code]. 3. [0 x 0B] . [0 x Data.] . Low] [0 x CRC high] [0 x CRC low] Query to ACK [0 x Sr.No. [0 x Data.No. [ADD High]. [0 x ADD. [0 x FF]. [0 x Data. High]. [0 x 0B] .SCANNER 85XX masibus Data write Query = [0 x Sr. [0 x Data. High]. [0 x Data. Low] [0 x CRC high] [0 x CRC low] Response after data write [0 x Sr.] . [ADD Low] .No. To Skip channel Data high = 0X00. [0 x 00]. Low] [CRC high] [CRC low]. [Data. Low] [0 x CRC high] [0 x CRC low] Response after data write [0 x Sr.] . [0 x 00]. [0 x Fun Code]. [0 x 00]. [0 x Fun Code]. No. [0 x 04] . Low] [0 x CRC high] [0 x CRC low] Query to ACK [0 x Sr. [0 x 48] . [0 x 00].No. [0 x 00]. [0 x Fun Code].] . [0 x 00]. [0 x Fun Code].No. [0 x FF].3. [0 x Data.1. [0 x Fun Code]. [0 x 04] . Low] [0 x CRC high] [0 x CRC low] Response after data write [0 x Sr. [0 x Data. [0 x 00]. [0 x 48] . Low] [0 x CRC high] [0 x CRC low] Fun code = 0X05 Data word .No. [0 x Data.2. or = 73. [0 x Data. Low] [0 x CRC high] [0 x CRC low] Query to Un-skip channel 12 [0 x Sr.No. [0 x 00]. [0 x Fun Code]. Low] [0 x CRC high] [0 x CRC low] 14. Low] . Response = [Sr. Sr.] .No.Skip channel Data high = 0XFF. [0 x 00]. For Example Query to skip channel 5 [0 x Sr.No. [0 x Data. High]. Low] [0 x CRC high] [0 x CRC low] Response after data write [0 x Sr. [0 x 48] .] . [0 x 00]. [0 x Fun Code]. [0 x 00]. [0 x 00]. [Data. 2.Address word < 25. 48. 47. 39. 20. 13. 51.2. 9. 40. 5. 14. 7. 35.3. 28. 42. 10. 11. 41. 14.2. 46. 27.33 of 33 – Issue No : 01A/600787 . No. 49. 50. 33.3. 37. 34. 43. 32. 31. No. 18. 00004 Read/Write 00005 Read/Write 00006 Read/Write 00007 Read/Write 00008 Read/Write 00009 Read/Write 00010 Read/Write 00011 Read/Write 00012 Read/Write 00013 Read/Write 00014 Read/Write 00015 Read/Write 00016 Read/Write 00017 Read/Write 00018 Read/Write 00019 Read/Write 00020 Read/Write 00021 Read/Write 00022 Read/Write 00023 Read/Write 00024 Read/Write Alarm (AL1) Status of individual channel Absolute Address 00025 00026 00027 00028 00029 00030 00031 00032 00033 00034 00035 00036 00037 00038 00039 00040 00041 00042 00043 00044 00045 00046 00047 00048 Type of Access Read only Read only Read only Read only Read only Read only Read only Read only Read only Read only Read only Read only Read only Read only Read only Read only Read only Read only Read only Read only Read only Read only Read only Read only Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 masibus Sr. 12. 25. 45. 29. SKIP4_1 SKIP5_1 SKIP6_1 SKIP7_1 SKIP8_1 SKIP9_1 SKIP10_1 SKIP11_1 SKIP12_1 SKIP13_1 SKIP14_1 SKIP15_1 SKIP16_1 SKIP17_1 SKIP18_1 SKIP19_1 SKIP20_1 SKIP21_1 SKIP22_1 SKIP23_1 SKIP24_1 14. 38. 30.3. Digital Parameters DALM1_1 DALM2_1 DALM3_1 DALM4_1 DALM5_1 DALM6_1 DALM7_1 DALM8_1 DALM9_1 DALM10_1 DALM11_1 DALM12_1 DALM13_1 DALM14_1 DALM15_1 DALM16_1 DALM17_1 DALM18_1 DALM19_1 DALM20_1 DALM21_1 DALM22_1 DALM23_1 DALM24_1 Parameter Type Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Values Applicable 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 Sr. 16. 24. 21. 15.SCANNER 85XX 4. 44.2. 8. 36. 19. 22. 26. 23. 6. Trip (AL2) Status of individual channel Digital Parameters Absolute Address Type of Access DTRIP1_1 00049 Read only DTRIP2_1 00050 Read only DTRIP3_1 00051 Read only Parameter Type Int Int Int Values Applicable 0-1 0-1 0-1 Operational manual . 17. 60. 57. 71. 73. 53. 54.34 of 33 – Issue No : 01A/600787 . DTRIP4_1 DTRIP5_1 DTRIP6_1 DTRIP7_1 DTRIP8_1 DTRIP9_1 DTRIP10_1 DTRIP11_1 DTRIP12_1 DTRIP13_1 DTRIP14_1 DTRIP15_1 DTRIP16_1 DTRIP17_1 DTRIP18_1 DTRIP19_1 DTRIP20_1 DTRIP21_1 DTRIP22_1 DTRIP23_1 DTRIP24_1 ACK 00052 00053 00054 00055 00056 00057 00058 00059 00060 00061 00062 00063 00064 00065 00066 00067 00068 00069 00070 00071 00072 00073 Read only Read only Read only Read only Read only Read only Read only Read only Read only Read only Read only Read only Read only Read only Read only Read only Read only Read only Read only Read only Read only Write only Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 masibus Operational manual . 68. 63. 64. 70. 56.SCANNER 85XX 52. 67. 72. 55. 61. 59. 58. 65. 66. 62. 69. No.Address word < . High]. Low] . Low] [CRC high] [CRC low] Sr. Low] . [0 x Data. [Data. Normal relay status al2 value is in most significant byte 4-5-6-7.3. Low] [CRC high] [CRC low] Data write Query = [0 x Sr.no 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21) 22) 23) 24) 25) Analog Parameters I/P type Scanner Type Open Collector No of group Set Point Type *Letch Led byte & common DP CH in GRP1 CH in GRP2 CH in GRP3 CH in GRP4 CH in GRP5 CH in GRP6 Open Sensor Hysteresis Byte Scan Time Abnormal Logic Al1 Abnormal Logic Al2 **Normal Relay status AL1 and AL2 Password Serial No.] .. [Data High].SCANNER 85XX 14. ** Normal relay status AL1 value is in least significant byte from bits 0-1-2-3.3. Low] [0 x CRC high] [0 x CRC low] Fun code = 0X06 Data word . [0 x Data. High]. Low] [0 x CRC high] [0 x CRC low] Fun code = 0X03 Data word . Response = [Sr. Baud rate Common Span Common Zero Open collector Type Configuration Type Absolute Address 40001 40002 40003 40004 40005 40006 40007 40008 40009 40010 40011 40012 40013 40014 40015 40016 40017 40018 40019 40020 40021 40022 40023 40024 40025 Type of Access Read/write Read/write Read/write Read/write Read/write Read/write Read/write Read/write Read/write Read/write Read/write Read/write Read/write Read/write Read/write Read/write Read/write Read/write Read/write Read/write Read/write Read/write Read/write Read/write Read only Parameter Type Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Int Values Applicae 1 To 12 8-16-24 0-1 0 To 6 0-1-2 0-1 1 To 19 1 To 19 1 To 19 1 To 19 1 To 19 1 To 19 0-1 0 To 100 1 To 99 0-1 0-1 0-1 0 To 99 0 To 99 0 To 6 Act zero to Act Span Act zero to Act Span 0-1 NA latch LED Byte value is in least Significant Byte from bits 0-1-2-3. [Data.] . [0 x Data. [0 x ADD. [0 x 03]. [06].No. [0 x 01]. [Data Low] ……. High].No.No.Address word < 24. Configuration parameter Read – write.] . [ADD High] . High].] . [0 x ADD. [Data. [0 x 06]. masibus Data read Query = [0 x Sr. [0 x Data.35 of 33 – Issue No : 01A/600787 . [Data.. [Byte count]. Common DP value is in most significant Byte 4-5-6-7. Response = [Sr. [0 x 01]. Operational manual . [ADD Low] . [Fun code].
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