
March 17, 2018 | Author: Leonardo Diaz | Category: Ip Address, Computer Network, Network Switch, Proxy Server, Routing



Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router 1 Reference manualReference manual 1 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User and reference manual Table of contents Table of contents Reference manual .................................................................................. 1 MR-1Configuration attributes ...................................................................................4 MR-1.1Configuration attribute overview .............................................................................. 5 MR-1.2General configuration attributes............................................................................. 14 MR-1.3LAN interface configuration attributes.................................................................... 20 MR-1.4WAN interface configuration attributes .................................................................. 35 MR-1.5Encapsulation configuration attributes ................................................................... 37 MR-1.6SHDSL line configuration attributes ....................................................................... 66 MR-1.7End and repeater configuration attributes.............................................................. 77 MR-1.8BRI configuration attributes ................................................................................... 79 MR-1.9Profiles configuration attributes ............................................................................. 88 MR-1.10Dial maps configuration attributes ..................................................................... 116 MR-1.11Bundle configuration attributes .......................................................................... 121 MR-1.12Router configuration attributes........................................................................... 126 MR-1.13Bridge configuration attributes ........................................................................... 222 MR-1.14SNMP configuration attributes ........................................................................... 235 MR-1.15Management configuration attributes ................................................................ 237 MR-2Status attributes ............................................................................................248 MR-2.1Status attribute overview ..................................................................................... 249 MR-2.2General status attributes...................................................................................... 258 MR-2.3LAN interface status attributes............................................................................. 262 MR-2.4WAN interface status attributes ........................................................................... 271 MR-2.5Encapsulation status attributes ............................................................................ 274 MR-2.6SHDSL line status attributes ................................................................................ 297 MR-2.7End and repeater status attributes....................................................................... 302 MR-2.8BRI status attributes ............................................................................................ 306 MR-2.9AUX status attributes ........................................................................................... 318 MR-2.10Profile status attributes ...................................................................................... 321 MR-2.11Dial maps status attributes ................................................................................ 323 MR-2.12Bundle status attributes ..................................................................................... 326 MR-2.13Router status attributes...................................................................................... 334 MR-2.14Bridge status attributes ...................................................................................... 377 MR-2.15Management status attributes ........................................................................... 384 MR-2.16File system status attributes .............................................................................. 389 MR-2.17Operating system status attributes .................................................................... 399 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User and reference manual Table of contents 2 MR-3Performance attributes .................................................................................402 MR-3.1Performance attributes overview ......................................................................... 403 MR-3.2General performance attributes ........................................................................... 410 MR-3.3LAN interface performance attributes .................................................................. 412 MR-3.4WAN interface performance attributes................................................................. 417 MR-3.5Encapsulation performance attributes ................................................................. 418 MR-3.6SHDSL line performance attributes ..................................................................... 431 MR-3.7End and repeater performance attributes ............................................................ 435 MR-3.8BRI performance attributes .................................................................................. 436 MR-3.9AUX performance attributes ................................................................................ 441 MR-3.10Dial maps performance attributes ...................................................................... 442 MR-3.11Bundle performance attributes........................................................................... 444 MR-3.12Router performance attributes ........................................................................... 447 MR-3.13IP traffic policy performance attributes .............................................................. 469 MR-3.14Bridge performance attributes ........................................................................... 471 MR-3.15Management performance attributes ................................................................. 477 MR-3.16Operating system performance attributes.......................................................... 480 MR-4Alarm attributes .............................................................................................484 MR-4.1Alarm attributes overview .................................................................................... 485 MR-4.2Introducing the alarm attributes ........................................................................... 488 MR-4.3General alarms .................................................................................................... 491 MR-4.4LAN interface alarms ........................................................................................... 493 MR-4.5WAN interface alarms .......................................................................................... 494 MR-4.6SHDSL line alarms .............................................................................................. 495 MR-4.7SHDSL line pair alarms ....................................................................................... 496 MR-4.8End and repeater alarms ..................................................................................... 498 MR-4.9BRI alarms ........................................................................................................... 500 MR-4.10B-channel alarms ............................................................................................... 501 MR-4.11AUX alarms........................................................................................................ 502 MR-4.12Bundle alarms .................................................................................................... 503 MR-4.13Router alarms .................................................................................................... 504 MR-5TMA sub-system picture...............................................................................506 MR-6Auto installing the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router.......................................508 MR-6.1Introducing the auto-install protocols ................................................................... 509 MR-6.2Auto-install on the LAN interface ......................................................................... 511 MR-6.3Auto-install on the WAN interface ........................................................................ 516 MR-6.4Creating a configuration file ................................................................................. 523 MR-6.5Restoring a configuration file ............................................................................... 530 3 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User and reference manual Table of contents MR-7Downloading software ..................................................................................534 MR-7.1What is boot and application software? ............................................................... 535 MR-7.2Downloading application software using TMA ..................................................... 536 MR-7.3Downloading application software using TFTP.................................................... 537 MR-7.4Downloading application software using TML ..................................................... 538 MR-7.5Downloading application software using FTP ...................................................... 539 MR-7.6Downloading application software in boot mode ................................................. 540 MR-7.7Downloading files to the file system..................................................................... 541 MR-8Technical specifications ...............................................................................542 MR-8.1SHDSL line specifications.................................................................................... 543 MR-8.2Basic Rate ISDN interface specifications ............................................................ 545 MR-8.3LAN interface specifications ................................................................................ 546 MR-8.44 port Ethernet switch specifications ................................................................... 546 MR-8.5Control connector specifications .......................................................................... 547 MR-8.6IP address assignment and auto-provisioning ..................................................... 548 MR-8.7ATM encapsulation specifications ....................................................................... 549 MR-8.8Frame Relay encapsulation specifications .......................................................... 550 MR-8.9PPP encapsulation specifications ........................................................................ 550 MR-8.10Other WAN encapsulation specifications........................................................... 550 MR-8.11IP routing specifications ..................................................................................... 551 MR-8.12Bridging specifications ....................................................................................... 553 MR-8.13Network address translation specifications........................................................ 554 MR-8.14Tunnelling and VPN specifications .................................................................... 555 MR-8.15Priority and traffic policy specifications .............................................................. 556 MR-8.16Routing and bridging performance specifications .............................................. 558 MR-8.17Firewall specifications ........................................................................................ 558 MR-8.18Access security specifications ........................................................................... 559 MR-8.19Maintenance and management specifications................................................... 559 MR-8.20Memory specifications ....................................................................................... 560 MR-8.21Power requirements........................................................................................... 560 MR-8.22Dimensions ........................................................................................................ 560 MR-8.23Safety compliance ............................................................................................. 561 MR-8.24Over-voltage and over-current protection compliance ....................................... 561 MR-8.25EMC compliance................................................................................................ 561 MR-8.26Environmental compliance................................................................................. 561 Annex .................................................................................................. 562 Index .................................................................................................... 568 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 4 Configuration attributes MR-1 Configuration attributes This chapter discusses the configuration attributes of the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router. The following gives an overview of this chapter: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • MR-1.1 - Configuration attribute overview on page 5 MR-1.2 - General configuration attributes on page 14 MR-1.3 - LAN interface configuration attributes on page 20 MR-1.4 - WAN interface configuration attributes on page 35 MR-1.5 - Encapsulation configuration attributes on page 37 MR-1.6 - SHDSL line configuration attributes on page 66 MR-1.7 - End and repeater configuration attributes on page 77 MR-1.8 - BRI configuration attributes on page 79 MR-1.9 - Profiles configuration attributes on page 88 MR-1.10 - Dial maps configuration attributes on page 116 MR-1.11 - Bundle configuration attributes on page 121 MR-1.12 - Router configuration attributes on page 126 MR-1.13 - Bridge configuration attributes on page 222 MR-1.14 - SNMP configuration attributes on page 235 MR-1.15 - Management configuration attributes on page 237 5 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes MR-1.1 Configuration attribute overview Refer to MU-4.3 - Les objets dans l'arborescence Routeur Telindus 1423 SHDSL on page 46 to find out which objects are present by default, which ones you can add yourself and which ones are added automatically. > telindus1423Router sysName sysContact sysLocation bootFromFlash security alarmMask alarmLevel Action: Activate Configuration Action: Load Default Configuration Action: Load Preconfiguration Action: Load Saved Configuration Action: Cold Boot >> lanInterface name mode ip bridging priorityPolicy arp adapter1 vlan switchMode2 ports2 bcastStormProtection2 alarmMask alarmLevel >> wanInterface name encapsulation priorityPolicy maxFifoQLen alarmMask alarmLevel >>> atm pvcTable vp atm 1. Only present on the single port LAN interface. 2. Only present on the 4 port LAN interface. Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 6 Configuration attributes >>> frameRelay ip dlciTable lmi modeLearnedDlci delayOptimisation fragmentation mru >>> ppp ip mode bridging delayOptimisation mru compression linkMonitoring authentication authenPeriod sessionName sessionSecret >>> hdlc bridging mru >>> errorTest testType blockSize programmablePattern 7 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes >>> line channel region timingMode retrain startupMargin minSpeed maxSpeed minSpeed2P3 maxSpeed2P3 mode3 dualPairMode linkAlarmThresholds numExpectedRepeaters eocHandling management alarmMask alarmLevel >>>> linePair[ ] alarmMask alarmLevel >>> repeater[ ] >>>> networkLinePair[ ] alarmMask alarmLevel >>>> customerLinePair[ ] alarmMask alarmLevel >>> end >>>> linePair[ ] alarmMask alarmLevel >> bri[1]4 tei teiValue telephoneNrs dialAllowed alarmMask alarmLevel 3. Only present in case of a 2 pair version. 4. Only present on the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router ISDN version. Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 8 Configuration attributes >>> bChannel[1] alarmMask alarmLevel >>> bChannel[2] <Contains the same attributes as the bChannel[1] object.> >>> leasedLine[ ] encapsulation priorityPolicy maxFifoQLen channelAllocation alarmMask alarmLevel >>>> frameRelay ip mode dlciTable lmi modeLearnedDlci delayOptimisation fragmentation mru >>>> ppp ip mode bridging delayOptimisation mru compression linkMonitoring authentication authenPeriod sessionName sessionSecret >>>> hdlc bridging mru >>>> errorTest testType blockSize programmablePattern >> bri[2]5 <Contains the same attributes as the bri[1] object.> 9 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes >> profiles4 >>> dial >>>> defaultIsdn isdnInterfaces dialPktBufSize idleTimeOut fastIdleTimeOut callInterval callTimeOut 24hMaxCallTime dialTimeTable maxChannelsUsed minChannelsFree >>>> isdn[ ] <Contains the same attributes as the dial/defaultIsdn object.> >>> encapsulation >>>> defaultPpp linkMonitoring authentication authenPeriod compression connection multilink >>>> ppp[ ] <Contains the same attributes as the encapsulation/ppp object.> >>> forwardingMode >>>> defaultRouting ip priorityPolicy maxFifoQLen >>>> routing[ ] <Contains the same attributes as the forwardingMode/defaultRouting object.> 5. Only present on the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router 2 port ISDN version. Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 10 Configuration attributes >>> policy >>>> traffic >>>>> ipTrafficPolicy[ ] method trafficShaping tos2QueueMapping dropLevels >>>>> bridgingTrafficPolicy[ ] vlanPriorityMap dropLevels >>>> priority >>>>> priorityPolicy[ ] algorithm countingPolicy queueConfigurations lowdelayQuotum bandwidth >> dialMaps4 mapping >> bundle >>> pppBundle[ ] members mode ip bridging fragmentation multiclassInterfaces alarmMask alarmLevel 11 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes >> router defaultRoute routingTable routingProtocol alternativeRoutes ripUpdateInterval ripHoldDownTime ripv2SecretTable sysSecret pppSecretTable helperProtocols sendTtlExceeded sendPortUnreachable sendAdminUnreachable dhcpStatic dhcpDynamic dhcpCheckAddress radius dns addrPools4 alarmMask alarmLevel >>> defaultNat patAddress portTranslations servicesAvailable addresses gateway tcpSocketTimeOut udpSocketTimeOut tcpSockets udpSockets dmzHost >>> nat[ ] <Contains the same objects as the defaultNat object.> >>> tunnels l2tpTunnels ipsecL2tpTunnels >>> manualSA[ ] espEncryptionAlgorithm espEncryptionKey espAuthenticationAlgorithm espAuthenticationKey spi . Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 12 Configuration attributes >>> ikeSA[ ] phase1 phase2 >>> routingFilter[ ] filter >>> ospf routerId refBandwidth keyChains >>>> area areaId stub networks virtualLinks ranges >>> firewall inspection outboundPolicies inboundPolicies outboundSelfPolicies inboundSelfPolicies attacks log >> bridge >>> bridgeGroup name ip arp bridgeCache bridgeTimeOut spanningTree localAccess macAddress vlan vlanSwitching . 13 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes >>> vpnBridgeGroup[ ] ip arp bridgeCache bridgeTimeOut spanningTree localAccess macAddress vlan vlanSwitching >>> accessList[ ] macAddress >> snmp trapDestinations mib2Traps >> management cms2Address accessList snmp telnet tftp ftp accessPolicy consoleNoTrafficTimeOut alarmFilter atwinGraphics timedStatsAvailability timeServer timeZone sysLog loginControl ctrlPortProtocol >>> loopback ipAddress ipNetMask . Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 14 Configuration attributes MR-1.2 General configuration attributes This section describes the following configuration attributes: • • • • • • telindus1423Router/sysName on page 15 telindus1423Router/sysContact on page 15 telindus1423Router/sysLocation on page 15 telindus1423Router/bootFromFlash on page 15 telindus1423Router/security on page 16 telindus1423Router/<alarmConfigurationAttributes> on page 17 This section describes the following actions: • • • • • telindus1423Router/Activate Configuration on page 18 telindus1423Router/Load Default Configuration on page 18 telindus1423Router/Load Preconfiguration on page 18 telindus1423Router/Load Saved Configuration on page 19 telindus1423Router/Cold Boot on page 19 . You can check this with the status attribute telindus1423Router/ fileSystem/fileList.15 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/sysName Use this attribute to assign a name to the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router. In this file system.Configuration de PAP on page 171 MU-7. The sysName attribute is an SNMP MIB2 parameter. the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router automatically chooses the most recent application software. You could.6 . The PPP authenticator uses the sysName attribute in order to verify the peer its response.Configuration de CHAP on page 175 Default:<empty> Range: 0 … 64 characters telindus1423Router/sysContact Use this attribute to add contact information. Default:auto Range: enumerated. refer to … • • MU-7. enter the name and telephone number of the person to contact in case problem occur. respectively. Default:<empty> Range: 0 … 64 characters This attribute is also used in the PPP authentication process. When you store two application software versions in the file system. the application software CONTROL2 is active. You can use the bootFromFlash attribute to switch between these softwares. It does this by comparing the application software version numbers.4. The sysContact attribute is an SNMP MIB2 parameter. The sysLocation attribute is an SNMP MIB2 parameter.8 . you can store two complete application software versions. see below . for instance. telindus1423Router/bootFromFlash Default:<empty> Range: 0 … 64 characters Part of the flash memory of the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router is organised as a file system. For more information on PPP authentication. they are automatically renamed as CONTROL1 and CONTROL2.4. telindus1423Router/sysLocation Use this attribute to specify the physical location of the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router. The bootFromFlash attribute has the following values: Value flash1 flash2 auto When the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router boots … the application software CONTROL1 is active. clearBridgeCache. for each access level. see below Default:<empty> Range: 0 … 20 characters Default:1111 Range: bit string. pppSecretTable and ripv2SecretTable telindus1423Router/router/priorityPolicy and trafficPolicy telindus1423Router/wanInterface/ppp/authentication and authenPeriod telindus1423Router/management/accessList. The Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router has the following security attributes: telindus1423Router/sysName telindus1423Router/security telindus1423Router/router/sysSecret. what you can or can not do: Access level readAccess writeAccess securityAccess fileSystemAccess Read attributes yes yes no no Change attributes no yes no no Read security attributes1 no no yes no Change security attributes no no yes no Execute actions2 no yes no no Access file system no no no yes 1. The different access levels are listed below. It is a bit string of which each bit corresponds to an access level. etc… . Actions are e.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 16 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/security Use this attribute to create a list of passwords with associated access levels in order to avoid unauthorised access to the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router and the network. Also see Important remarks on page 17. The security table contains the following elements: Element password Description Use this element to set the password. snmp. clearArpCache. accessRights Use this element to set the access level associated with the password. Default:<empty> Range: table. You can then associate this password with a certain access level. Cold Boot. telnet and tftp 2. see below The following table shows.g. then this requires that the password is associated with a user. If not.17 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes Important remarks • • • • If you create no passwords. If you define at least one password. but you access it directly with e.3 . the alarms of the telindus1423Router object. Note that if the ‘:’ is omitted. So in that case. everybody has complete access. i. create at least one with write and security access. refer to MR-4.g. enter the username and password in the password element as follows: "username:password". Note that if you do not access the device via RADIUS. you will be unable to make configuration and password changes after activation of the new configuration.2 . TMA.General alarms on page 491.Introducing the alarm attributes on page 488. refer to MR4. telindus1423Router/<alarmConfigurationAttributes> For more information on … • • the alarm configuration attributes alarmMask and alarmLevel and on the alarms in general. If you access the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router via RADIUS. it is impossible to access the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router with one of the management systems without entering the correct password.e. then the string is considered to be a password. If you create a list of passwords. . Not just the password part of the string. "username:password". then you have to enter the complete string. 1 . then use this action. The rest of the attributes will be set to their default values. then the non-active configuration is overwritten by the default configuration. EasyConnect terminal. Refer to MU-5. If the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router has already been configured but you want to start from scratch.cms file is present on the file system). a precfg. Refer to MU-5. telindus1423Router/Load Preconfiguration If you execute this action.1 .Quels sont les différents types de configuration ? on page 89 for more information. however. then some configuration attributes will be set to a preconfigured value. The default or saved configuration will only be activated by the action Activate Configuration.Quels sont les différents types de configuration ? on page 89 for more information.1 . When use this action? If you install the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router for the first time. but use the TMA button Send all attributes to device instead. then execute the Activate Configuration action to activate the configuration after you finished configuring the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router or after you executed the Load Saved Configuration or Load Default Configuration action.g.6. then do not just execute the Activate Configuration action to activate the configuration after you finished configuring the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router.e. You must. else this action does nothing). Refer to MU-5. all configuration attributes have their default values. If the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router has already been configured but you want to revert to the preconfiguration. then the editable non-active configuration becomes the active configuration. TMA CLI). When use this action? If you install the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router for the first time and if a preconfiguration is present (i. TMA. • telindus1423Router/Load Default Configuration If you execute this action. CLI. ATWIN.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 18 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/Activate Configuration If you execute this action. When use this action? If you configure the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router using … • any other maintenance tool than the graphical user interface based TMA (e.Quels sont les différents types de configuration ? on page 89 for more information. Web Interface. .6. then use this action to revert to the default configuration. then the non-active configuration is overwritten by the preconfiguration (if present.6. execute the Activate Configuration action after you executed the Load Saved Configuration or Load Default Configuration action. for instance. the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router … • • • performs a self-test. Refer to MU-5. telindus1423Router/Cold Boot If you execute this action. then the non-active configuration is overwritten by the active configuration currently used by the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router.6.1 . then the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router reboots. As a result. checks the software. When use this action? Use this action. then use this action to revert to the active configuration. .19 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/Load Saved Configuration If you execute this action.Quels sont les différents types de configuration ? on page 89 for more information. When use this action? If you are in the progress of modifying the non-active configuration but made some mistakes. reads the saved configuration and restarts program execution. to activate new application software. 3 LAN interface configuration attributes This section describes the following configuration attributes: • • • • • • • • • • • • telindus1423Router/lanInterface/name on page 21 telindus1423Router/lanInterface/mode on page 21 telindus1423Router/lanInterface/ip on page 21 telindus1423Router/lanInterface/bridging on page 21 telindus1423Router/lanInterface/priorityPolicy on page 22 telindus1423Router/lanInterface/arp on page 22 telindus1423Router/lanInterface/adapter on page 23 telindus1423Router/lanInterface/vlan on page 24 telindus1423Router/lanInterface1/switchMode on page 30 telindus1423Router/lanInterface1/ports on page 30 telindus1423Router/lanInterface1/bcastStormProtection on page 33 telindus1423Router/lanInterface/<alarmConfigurationAttributes> on page 34 .Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 20 Configuration attributes MR-1. MU-9. if you want to manage the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router via IP. If you want to manage the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router via IP. telindus1423Router/lanInterface/ip Use this attribute to configure the IP related parameters of the LAN interface. telindus1423Router/lanInterface/mode Use this attribute to determine whether the packets are treated by the routing process. Non-IP packets are bridged. Default:lan Range: 1 … 24 characters Default:bridging Range: enumerated.6 . see below MU-5. routing routingAndBridging The IP packets are routed. you have to configure an IP address in the bridgeGroup object.21 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/lanInterface/name Use this attribute to assign an administrative name to the LAN interface. Refer to telindus1423Router/bridge/ bridgeGroup/ip on page 224. then the settings of the configuration attribute telindus1423Router/lanInterface/ip are ignored. The settings of the IP configuration attributes are taken into account. .2. Refer to … • • Default:Range: structure.3 . Refer to … • • Default:Range: structure. Important remark If you set the configuration attribute telindus1423Router/lanInterface/mode to bridging.2 . you have to configure an IP address in the bridgeGroup object instead: telindus1423Router/bridge/bridgeGroup/ip. see below MU-9 . the bridging process or both. telindus1423Router/lanInterface/bridging Use this attribute to configure the bridging related parameters of the LAN interface.Explication de la structure bridging on page 296 for a detailed description of the bridging structure.Configuration d'adresses IP on page 59 for general information on configuring IP addresses.Explication de la structure ip on page 63 for a detailed description of the ip structure. IP packets are routed. All other protocols are discarded. see below The settings of the IP configuration attributes of the LAN are ignored.Configuration du pontage on page 277 for more information on bridging.2. MU-5. The mode attribute has the following values: Value bridging Description All packets are bridged. As a result. the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router sends an ARP request on the Ethernet to learn the MAC address and associated IP address of the destination device. then the proxyArp element must be set to enabled. Note that when you want to access a proxied device via its IP address that is configured in the telindus1423Router/proxy/nmsGroup/objectTable.8. then enter the index name as value for the priorityPolicy attribute. Once the address pair is present. The arp structure contains the following elements: Element timeOut Description Use this element to set the ageing time of the ARP cache entries. called the ARP cache. What is the ARP cache? The LAN interface has been allocated a fixed Ethernet address. it has to know the MAC address of the destination device. also called MAC (Medium Access Control) address. This MAC address is not user configurable. on the other hand. If the address is not present in the ARP cache table yet. How does the ARP cache work? Before the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router sends an IP packet on the LAN interface.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 22 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/lanInterface/priorityPolicy Use this attribute to apply a priority policy on the LAN interface. is user configurable. telindus1423Router/lanInterface/arp Use this attribute to configure the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) cache.Création d'une politique de priorité on page 259 for more information on priority policies. The MAC address .IP address pairs are kept in a table.6 . This means that the user associates an IP address with the predefined MAC address. priorityPolicy[my_priority_policy]) and you want to apply this priority policy here. Refer to MU-8. Default:00000d 02h 00m 00s Range: 00000d 00h 00m 00s 24855d 03h 14m 07s Default:enabled Range: enabled / disabled Default:Range: structure.e. Refer to telindus1423Router/lanInterface/arpCache on page 265 for an example of such a table. Default:<empty> Range: 0 … 24 characters Do this by entering the index name of the priority policy you want to use. Example If you created a priorityPolicy object with index name my_priority_policy (i. Refer to The ARP cache time-out. You can create the priority policy itself by adding a priorityPolicy object and by configuring the attributes in this object. The IP address of the LAN interface. Refer to What is proxy ARP?. the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router can reference to this pair if it has to send an IP packet to the same device later on. . see below proxyArp Use this element to enable or disable the proxy ARP mechanism. This address pair is then written in the ARP cache. an act called "spoofing. The advantages and disadvantages of proxy ARP are listed below: advantages The main advantage of using proxy ARP is that it can be added to a single router on a network without disturbing the routing tables of the other routers on the network. usually a router. By "faking" its identity." It does not work for networks that do not use ARP for address resolution. It does not generalise to all network topologies (for example. Security may be undermined.23 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes The ARP cache time-out Summarised. all the MAC address . Use this attribute to set the Ethernet mode of the LAN interface. However. disadvantages Hosts have no idea of the physical details of their network and assume it to be a flat network in which they can reach any destination simply by sending an ARP request. the ARP cache entries are automatically removed from the cache after a fixed time-out. Proxy ARP should be used on the network where IP hosts are not configured with default gateway or does not have any routing intelligence. 10Mb/halfDuplex. answers ARP requests intended for another machine. Default:autoDetect Range: enumerated. some of which are listed below: • • • • • It increases the amount of ARP traffic on your segment. This time-out period can be set with the timeOut element. Hosts need larger ARP tables to handle IP-to-MAC address mappings. . 10Mb/fullDuplex. more than one router connecting two physical networks). A machine can claim to be another in order to intercept packets.IP address pairs from ARP requests and replies received on the LAN interface are kept in the ARP cache. telindus1423Router/lanInterface/adapter Only present on the single port LAN interface. But using ARP for everything has disadvantages. 100Mb/halfDuplex. Therefore.IP address relation may change. Proxy ARP can help machines on a subnet reach remote subnets without configuring routing or a default gateway. What is proxy ARP? Proxy ARP is the technique in which one host. see below The adapter attribute has the following values: autoDetect. if devices on the network are reconfigured then this MAC address . 100Mb/fullDuplex. the router accepts responsibility for routing packets to the "real" destination. routing. All packets received on the VLAN are routed. Refer to for MU-10. see below As long as no VLANs are created in the vlan table. for the corre. Refer to … • • MU-5. MU-9. see below ip Use this element to configure the IP related parameters of the VLAN. the LAN interface accepts both VLAN untagged and VLAN tagged frames.Explication de la structure ip on page 63 for a detailed description of the ip structure.2. Default:<empty> Range: table. The mode element has the following values: • • bridging.Configuration d'adresses IP on page 59 for general information on configuring IP addresses. Refer to … • • MU-9 . see below ing process or the bridging process. The VLAN tagged frames are bridged (in case the mode attribute is set to bridging or bridgingAndRouting. The VLAN untagged frames are bridged and/or routed (depending on the setting of the mode attribute). Note that in case of the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router 4 port Ethernet switch.2 . Default:Range: structure. .Configuration de VLAN sur le commutateur Ethernet à 4 ports on page 334 more information.Explication de la structure bridging on page 296 for a detailed description of the bridging structure. All packets received on the VLAN are bridged.3 . Use this element to activate (up) or deactivate (down) the VLAN.Configurer les VLAN on page 325 for an introduction and a step-by-step procedure.2. else they are discarded).Configuration du pontage on page 277 for more information on bridging. the vlan table of the 4 port Ethernet switch has to be used only if you want that VLAN tagged packets inside the 4 port Ethernet switch are forwarded to the bridging or routing function of the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 24 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/lanInterface/vlan Use this attribute to create and configure VLANs.4 .Default:bridging sponding VLAN.6 . Default:<empty> Range: 0 … 24 characters Default:up Range: up / down adminStatus mode Use this element to determine whether. the LAN interface still accepts VLAN untagged frames but only accepts those VLAN tagged frames of which the VLAN ID corresponds with the VLAN ID that has been configured in the vlan table (refer to the configuration element vid on page 26). Other VLAN tagged frames are discarded. As soon as a VLAN is created in the vlan table.3 .Range: enumerated. the packets are treated by the rout. The vlan table contains the following elements: Element name Description Use this element to assign an administrative name to the VLAN. Default:Range: structure. MU-5. Refer to MU-10. see below bridging Use this element to configure the bridging related parameters of the VLAN. Default:Range: structure. see below Refer to telindus1423Router/lanInterface/vlan/vlan on page 26 for a detailed description of the vlan structure.25 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes Element vlan Description Use this element to configure the specific VLAN parameters. . the configuration looks as follows: . This is particularly interesting for VLAN based networks with Ethernet switch discovery protocols like Cisco CDP. but a way to reverse the filtering: all the untagged data is passed. nor did it allow terminating management data in the device. The interface VLAN table(s) include(s) entries for all switched VLANs. A second bridge group includes VLAN 0 and possibly also a VLAN for management of the device. VLAN 0 and possibly a VLAN for management. all the other.A first bridge group includes all VLANs that need to be switched. In such set-up. internally. see below Refer to MU-10. This bridge group is set in VLAN switching mode.Configurer les VLAN on page 325 for an introduction on VLANs. are handled by the main LAN interface. The vlan structure contains the following elements: Element vid Description Use this element to set the VLAN ID. This is not really a VLAN. Default:1 Range: 0 … 4095 Important remark You can also enter VLAN tag 0 as VLAN ID.3 . to VLAN 0. This allows a set-up where a number of VLANs are VLAN switched. . tagged. Until now. this was not possible since the VLAN switching mode did not allow flooding packets over multiple interfaces (bridging).Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 26 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/lanInterface/vlan/vlan Use the vlan structure in the vlan table to configure the VLAN related parameters of the corresponding VLAN. while other VLANs and untagged data are bridged. data for which no VLANs are defined. Default:Range: structure. the mode element is set to routing and the changeTos element is set to enabled. see below Note that the COS to TOS mapping only occurs in case … • or • the mode element is set to bridging. Else you get multiple VLAN tags in the Ethernet frames. Range: structure. txCos Use this element to set the default user priority (802. Refer to the figure Local or global VLAN tag significance on page 29. then set the tagSignificance element to local. The VLAN tag only has a local significance. When you perform bridging between VLANs. the VLAN tag is added. Use these elements to define which VLAN user priority (0 up to 7) maps onto which IP TOS byte value (0 up to 255). the VLAN tag is always preserved. i. cosTosMap Use this element to determine how the VLAN user pri.27 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes Element tagSignificance Description This element is only relevant when you set the mode element to bridging. Note that the TOS to COS mapping is always enabled. you not only discard the VLAN ID but also the user priority. The cosTosMap structure contains the following elements: • p0 … p7. The VLAN tag has a global significance. from the bridge group to the LAN interface. it is both present on the LAN interface and the bridge group side.Default:ority (COS) maps onto the IP TOS byte value. • global. Range: enabled / disabled If you set the changeTos attribute to disabled.1P. the VLAN tag is removed. then the element cosTosMap is ignored. The tagSignificance element has the following values: • local. also called COS) of the transmitted VLAN frames. Default:0 Range: 0 … 7 . the changeTos element is set to enabled and the tagSignificance element is set to local. it is only present on the LAN interface side.e. Keep in mind that when the VLAN tag is removed.e. Default:global Range: local / global Use this element to determine whether the VLAN tag has a local or a global significance. This means that when the data is moved … from the LAN interface to the bridge group. This means that when the data is moved from the LAN interface to the bridge group or vice versa. i. Default:0 Range: 0 … 7 changeTos Use this element to enable or disable the COS to TOS Default:disabled mapping. irrespective with the setting of the changeTos attribute. cos. Default:0 Range: 0 … 255 Default:0 Range: 0 … 7 . see below Note that the COS to TOS mapping only occurs in case … • or • the mode element is set to bridging and the tagSignificance element is set to local. The tosCosMap table contains the following elements: • • startTos and endTos. the mode element is set to routing.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 28 Configuration attributes Element tosCosMap Description Use this element to determine how the IP TOS byte value maps onto the VLAN user priority (COS). Use this element to set the VLAN user priority (COS) value on which the specified TOS byte value range has to be mapped. Default:Range: table. Use these elements to set the TOS byte value range that has to be mapped. 29 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes Local or global VLAN tag significance The following figure shows how the tagSignificance element influences the VLAN tagging between the LAN interface and the bridge group: . you Range: enumerated. The ports table contains the following elements: Element adapter Description Use this element to set the Ethernet mode for each port of the 4 port Ethernet interface. see below can select the Ethernet mode. Use this attribute to … • • set the Ethernet mode for each port of the 4 port Ethernet interface. see below going to use. Each entry corresponds with a port of the 4 port Ethernet interface. see below The first part of the adapter element has the following values: • autoNegotiate. Default:10Mb/halfDuplex Using the second part of the adapter element. So you can configure the Ethernet and VLAN tagging mode for each port separately. you can determine which capabilities the port may advertise in this negotiation process. • . 100Mb/fullDuplex. By default. Do this by setting the corresponding element in this structure to enabled.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 30 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/lanInterface1/switchMode Only present on the 4 port Ethernet LAN interface. Default:autoNegotiate Range: choice. The port is set to a fixed Ethernet mode. see below Use this attribute to select the switching mode of the 4 port Ethernet interface. Possible values are: 10Mb/halfDuplex. The 4 port Ethernet interface behaves as a VLAN switch. 10Mb/fullDuplex. The switchMode attribute has the following values: Value portSwitching dot1QSwitching Description The 4 port Ethernet interface behaves as a normal Ethernet switch. 100Mb/halfDuplex. Using the second part of the adapter element. telindus1423Router/lanInterface1/ports Only present on the 4 port Ethernet LAN interface. 100Mb/halfDuplex. flowControl. fixed. set the VLAN tagging mode for each port of the 4 port Ethernet interface. 10Mb/fullDuplex. The structure contains the following elements: 10Mb/halfDuplex. all these elements are set to enabled. Default:portSwitching Range: enumerated. Default:Range: table. The port automatically negotiates Default:all enabled with its link partner which Ethernet mode they are Range: structure. 100Mb/fullDuplex. see below The ports table contains 4 entries. Default:1 Range: 1 … 4094 › › › › tagged packets are forwarded unaltered if the VID corresponds with the one configured on the port. . tagged packets are forwarded unaltered if the VID corresponds with the one configured on the port. Outgoing … Use the second part of the vlanTagging element to set the VID value. On a trunk you can configure more than one VID. see below other ports or as an uplink to a backbone LAN. tagged packets are forwarded unaltered if the VID corresponds with the one configured on the port. packets tagged with a different VID are discarded. tagged packets are forwarded unaltered if the VID corresponds with the one configured on the port. tagged packets their VLAN tag is removed before they are forwarded. The trunk port is a special kind of tagged port. Default:<untagged> 1 Range: choice. packets tagged with a different VID are discarded. • tagged Incoming … › › › › untagged packets and null-VID tagged packets are discarded. • trunk.31 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes Element vlanTagging Description Use this element to set the VLAN tagging mode for each port of the 4 port Ethernet interface. Outgoing … Use the second part of the vlanTagging element to set the different VID values. Default:<empty> It can be seen as a concentrator for packets of all Range: table. Incoming … › › › › untagged packets and null-VID tagged packets are discarded.2 .4. The first part of the vlanTagging element has the following values: • untagged Incoming … › untagged packets and null-VID tagged packets are internally tagged with the configured VID before they are forwarded. untagged packets are forwarded unaltered.Configuration de VLAN sur le commutateur Ethernet à 4 ports on page 338 for more information and some examples. Default:1 Range: 1 … 4094 tagged packets are forwarded unaltered if the VID corresponds with the one configured on the port. packets tagged with a different VID are discarded. Outgoing … Use the second part of the vlanTagging element to set the VID value. see below Refer to MU-10. . If a port is configured as sniffing port. All packets (including packets that do not successfully pass the validation process) entering or exiting a sniffed port are copied to the sniffing port and transmitted unaltered there. If you then connect a VLAN-enabled sniffing program to the sniffing port. So on a sniffing port the VLAN filtering and incoming and outgoing tagging rules are all disabled. you can monitor all traffic to and from the sniffed port. Refer to telindus1423Router/lanInterface1/ports/vlanTagging/<portSniffing> on page 33 for a detailed description of the portSniffing element. its Default:<empty> normal function is suspended and this port starts Range: table. see below to transmit all packets it has to monitor.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 32 Configuration attributes Element Description • portSniffing. 33 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/lanInterface1/ports/vlanTagging/<portSniffing> If you set the first part of the vlanTagging element to portSniffing. The mode element has the following values: • • • rate disabled. localPort. port2. see below Use this element to set the percentage of “64-byte Default:1 blocks” of packet data that is allowed on an input port Range: 1 … 27 during a fixed period. Use the second part of the choice element to determine which port has to be sniffed. Default:disabled Range: enumerated. Do this by adding one or more entries to this table and by configuring these entries. port4. In this table you can determine which ports have to be sniffed and what has to be sniffed on these ports. Possible values are: port1. This period is 500 ms for a speed of 10 Mbps and 50 ms for a speed of 100 Mbps. the switchmode attribute has to be set to dot1QSwitching. port3. Use the second part of the choice element to determine which port has to be sniffed. Possible values are: port1. port3. The bcastStormProtection structure contains the following elements: Element mode Description Use this element to enable or disable the broadcast/ multicast storm protection. Default:Range: structure. port2. telindus1423Router/lanInterface1/bcastStormProtection Only present on the 4 port Ethernet LAN interface. there is no multicast storm protection! inclMulticastStormProt. port4. The broadcast/multicast storm protection is active. see below If you want to enable port sniffing. rxSniff Only the incoming packets of a port are sniffed. Default:<txSniff> localPort Range: choice. enabled. The broadcast/multicast storm protection is not active. For example. The first part of this choice element has the following values: Value txSniff Description Only the outgoing packets of a port are sniffed. port4. txOrRxSniff Both outgoing and incoming packets of a port are sniffed. Possible values are: port1. localPort. However. The broadcast storm protection is active. port3. localPort. Each entry consists of a choice element. see below Use this attribute to protect the 4 port Ethernet interface against broadcast/multicast storms. port2. Refer to telindus1423Router/lanInterface1/switchMode on page 30. in case of the default of 1%: 148800 frames/sec * 50 ms/interval * 1% = 74 frames/interval . Use the second part of the choice element to determine which port has to be sniffed. Note that this configuration is done for all ports at once (including the local port). then a table appears in the second part. 2 . refer to MR4.Introducing the alarm attributes on page 488.LAN interface alarms on page 493. refer to MR-4. the alarms of the lanInterface object. .4 .Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 34 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/lanInterface/<alarmConfigurationAttributes> For more information on … • • the alarm configuration attributes alarmMask and alarmLevel and on the alarms in general. 4 WAN interface configuration attributes This section describes the following configuration attributes: • • • • • telindus1423Router/wanInterface/name on page 36 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/encapsulation on page 36 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/priorityPolicy on page 36 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/maxFifoQLen on page 36 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/<alarmConfigurationAttributes> on page 36 .35 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes MR-1. 3 . then enter the index name as value for the priorityPolicy attribute.Création d'une politique de priorité on page 259 for more information on priority policies. ppp and hdlc.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 36 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/wanInterface/name Use this attribute to assign an administrative name to the WAN interface.6 . . Default:<empty> Range: 0 … 24 characters Do this by entering the index name of the priority policy you want to use. priorityPolicy[my_priority_policy]) and you want to apply this priority policy here.2 . Example If you created a priorityPolicy object with index name my_priority_policy (i. telindus1423Router/wanInterface/priorityPolicy Use this attribute to apply a priority policy on the WAN interface. refer to MR4. telindus1423Router/wanInterface/<alarmConfigurationAttributes> For more information on … • • the alarm configuration attributes alarmMask and alarmLevel and on the alarms in general. frameRelay. Refer to MU-8. refer to MR-4.WAN interface alarms on page 494. telindus1423Router/wanInterface/maxFifoQLen Use this attribute to set the maximum length (number of packets) of the First In First Out queue. Note that not all encapsulation protocols are present on all Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router versions.e. Refer to MU-1. Default:wan Range: 1 … 24 characters Default:atm Range: enumerated.Introducing the alarm attributes on page 488.Aperçu de la famille de routeurs Telindus SHDSL 1423 on page 7.8. You can create the priority policy itself by adding a priorityPolicy object and by configuring the attributes in this object. Default:200 Range: 1 … 4000 Refer to telindus1423Router/profiles/policy/priority/priorityPolicy[ ]/algorithm on page 112 for more information on this queue. the alarms of the wanInterface object. see below The encapsulation attribute has the following values: atm. telindus1423Router/wanInterface/encapsulation Use this attribute to select the encapsulation protocol on the WAN interface.5 . PPP configuration attributes on page 56 MR-1.3 .1 . PPP and HDLC are only relevant for TDM operation.5 Encapsulation configuration attributes This section discusses the configuration attributes of the encapsulation protocols that can be used on the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router. The protocols Frame Relay.Error test configuration attributes on page 64 .HDLC configuration attributes on page 62 MR-1.Frame Relay configuration attributes on page 47 MR-1.3 .5.5.37 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes MR-1. also on the ISDN interface(s). Refer to MU-1.5.ATM configuration attributes on page 38 MR-1. Note that these encapsulation protocols cannot only be used on the xDSL line but.5.5 .Aperçu de la famille de routeurs Telindus SHDSL 1423 on page 7 for more information about which protocols are available on which Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router version. The following gives an overview of this section: • • • • • MR-1.4 .5. if your Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router is equipped with (an) ISDN interface(s).2 . 5.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 38 Configuration attributes MR-1.1 ATM configuration attributes This section describes the following configuration attributes: • • • telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/atm/pvcTable on page 39 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/atm/vp on page 45 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/atm/atm on page 46 . Default:<empty> Range: 0 … 24 characters Default:up Range: up / down adminStatus mode Use this element to determine whether. see below Refer to telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/atm/pvcTable/atm on page 41 for a detailed description of the atm structure.Default:eters. the bridging process or both. The mode element has the following values: • • • bridging.2 . Default:<empty> Range: table. routing.2 .2.Configuration des ATM PVC on page 127 for more information on PVCs. The SNAP header is checked to determine whether the packets have to be bridged or routed. The pvcTable contains the following elements: Element name Description Use this element to assign an administrative name to the PVC. . Refer to … • • Default:Range: structure. Refer to telindus1423Router/wanInterface/priorityPolicy on page 36 for more information. Range: structure.Explication de la structure bridging on page 296 for a detailed description of the bridging structure. All packets received on the PVC are bridged. MU-9. Refer to … • • MU-9 .39 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/atm/pvcTable Use this attribute to configure the ATM Permanent Virtual Circuits (PVCs).2. Default:<empty> Range: 0 … 24 characters priorityPolicy Use this element to set a priority policy per PVC.2. see below MU-5.3 . MU-5.Configuration d'adresses IP on page 59 for general information on configuring IP addresses. ip Use this element to configure the IP related parameters of the PVC. Default:Range: structure. Use this element to activate (up) or deactivate (down) the PVC.Configuration du pontage on page 277 for more information on bridging. for the corre. the packets are treated by the routing Range: enumerated. see below bridging Use this element to configure the bridging related parameters of the PVC.Explication de la structure ip on page 63 for a detailed description of the ip structure. see below process.6 . atm Use this element to configure the specific PVC param. routingAndBridging. All packets received on the PVC are routed.Default:routing sponding PVC. see below Refer to MU-7. PPP configuration attributes on page 56 for a detailed description of the elements in the ppp structure.3 .5. .Default:eters of the PVC in case you choose to map PPP onto Range: structure.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 40 Configuration attributes Element ppp Description Use this element to configure the PPP related param. see below AAL5 (refer to the elements higherLayerProtocol and multiProtocolMech on page 41). Refer to MR-1. g. LLC encapsulation tends to require fewer VCs in a multi-protocol environment but has more fragmentation overhead. Use this element to set the Virtual Channel Identifier (VCI). -In the PPPoE context.41 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/atm/pvcTable/atm Use the atm structure in the pvcTable to configure the ATM related parameters of the corresponding PVC. then the IP MTU size has to be limited to 1492 bytes. Select this value in case you want to run PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE. The atm structure contains the following elements: Element vpi Description Use this element to set the Virtual Path Identifier (VPI). Logical Link Control (LLC) encapsulation multiplexes multiple protocols over a single virtual connection. When multiple protocols need to be transported. see below The higherLayerProtocol element has the following values: • • • rfc2684. ppp. Range: enumerated. Default:Range: structure. VC multiplexing tends to reduce fragmentation overhead (e. Virtual Circuit (VC) multiplexing uses one virtual connection to carry the PDUs of exactly one protocol type.Default:llcEncapsulation late the higher layer protocol data in ATM.2. vcMultiplexing. • . multiProtocolMech Use this element to define how you want to encapsu. RFC 2364). Select this value in case you want to run bridged/routed Ethernet/IP over ATM (RFC 2684).Configuration des ATM PVC on page 127 for more information on PVCs. RFC 2516). Select this value in case you want to run PPP over ATM (PPPoA.2 . Refer to Qu’est-ce que VPI et VCI ? on page 118. If you use PPPoE on your computer. higherLayerProtocol Use this attribute to select the protocol you want to run Default:rfc2684 over ATM. Range: enumerated. Default:0 Range: 0 … 255 Default:32 Range: 32 … 65535 vci You can configure multiple virtual channels per virtual path. In general. The protocol type of each protocol data unit (PDU) is identified by a prefixed IEEE 802. see below Refer to MU-7. there is a separate VC for each. see below The multiProtocolMech element has the following values: • llcEncapsulation. the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router can only act as a client. an IPV4 datagram containing a TCP control packet with neither IP nor TCP options exactly fits into a single cell) but needs more VCs. pppOverEthernet.2 Logical Link Control (LLC) header. This is a general rule defined in the PPPoE protocol. 2. refer to … • • • inArpTimeOut MU-7.Configuration de VBR-nrt on page 133 MU-7. In auto mode. vbr-nrt.Configuration de VBR-nrt on page 133 MU-7.2.2. 2048000).g.Introduction ATM on page 118 MU-7.Introduction ATM on page 118 MU-7.7 .9 .8 .2.Configuration de VBR-rt on page 134 Default:00000d 00h 00m 30s Range: 00000d 00h 00m 01s 00000d 01h 00m 00s Use this element to set the time between the transmission of two consecutive Inverse ARP frames.1 .2.g.8 . Default:ubr The serviceCategory element has the following values: Range: enumerated. Enter a multiple of 64000 bps as sustCellRate value (e.7 .6 . the PVC will try to get the maximum bandwidth. This is the line speed on which the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router is trained.1 .1 .e. For more information on PCR and how to configure it. ubr.Configuration de VBR-nrt on page 133 MU-7. i. For more information on SCR and how to configure it.Configuration de CBR on page 135 sustCellRate Use this element to set the Sustainable Cell Rate (SCR) of the PVC.2. Default:<opt> Range: 0 … The sustCellRate is expressed in bps. For more information on MBS and how to configure it.2.2.7 . 64000… The peakCellRate is expressed in bps. vbr-rt. For more information on ATM service categories. Enter a multiple of 64000 bps as peakCellRate value (e. The maxBurstSize is expressed in a number of cells (cell times). see below cbr. refer to MU-7.2. refer to … • • • maxBurstSize MU-7. refer to … • • • • • MU-7. The maximum value is the physical connection towards the ATM network. The maximum value is the physical connection towards the ATM network. Default:auto Range: auto.1 . 2048000).8 .Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 42 Configuration attributes Element serviceCategory Description Use this element to specify the ATM service category.Introduction ATM on page 118 MU-7. .Introduction ATM on page 118.Configuration de UBR on page 132 MU-7. the speed of the physical connection towards the ATM network.2.2. peakCellRate Use this element to set the Peak Cell Rate (PCR) of the PVC.Configuration de VBR-rt on page 134 MU-7.Configuration de VBR-rt on page 134 Default:<opt> Range: 0 … 2147483647 Use this element to set the Maximum Burst Size (MBS) of the PVC.2. .43 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes Element oamF5Loopback Description Use this element to configure the transmission of OAM F5 LoopBack cells. see below Refer to telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/atm/pvcTable/atm/oamF5Loopback on page 44 for a detailed description of the oamF5Loopback structure. Refer to Que sont les cellules OAM LoopBack (LB) ? on page 126. Default:Range: structure. enabled. this does not guarantee that the PVC is configured (correctly) on the remote side. Loopback operation is enabled. the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router only sends end-to-end OAM LB request cells. . see below Use the oamF5Loopback structure to configure the transmission of OAM F5 loopback cells. If consecutive cells are not returned by the remote side. then the ifOperStatus of the PVC becomes down. However. when OAM LB is activated. This means that the ifOperStatus of the PVC becomes up when the ATM is synchronised globally. Default:00000d 00h 00m 10s Range: 00000d 00h 00m 00s 24855d 03h 14m 07s Default:4 Range: 1 … 30 failsPermitted Use this element to set the number of non-returned loopback cells after which the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router declares the PVC down.e. Loopback operation is disabled.e.Default:disabled ation. the loopback cells are not sent. then the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router declares the PVC down. interval Use this element to set the time interval between the sending of two consecutive loopback cells. Example Suppose failsPermitted is set to 10. i.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 44 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/atm/pvcTable/atm/ oamF5Loopback Default:Range: structure. • The Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router always responds to OAM LB cells received from the peer ATM device (both segment and end-to-end cells). If 10 consecutive loopback cells are not returned by the remote side. the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router sends loopback cells at regular intervals. Range: enabled / disabled The operation element has the following values: • disabled. However. The oamF5Loopback structure contains the following elements: Element operation Description Use this element to enable or disable loopback oper. i. see below oamF4Loopback The elements contained in this structure are the same as those in the oamF5Loopback structure. In the vp status and performance tables only the information about VPs that are configured in the vp configuration table is shown. All entries in the vp configuration table are considered. even if for a certain VPI number no corresponding PVC has been configured. For a detailed description of these elements refer to telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/atm/pvcTable/atm/oamF5Loopback on page 44.45 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/atm/vp Use this attribute to configure the transmission of OAM F4 loopback cells. Use this element to configure the transmission of OAM F4 LoopBack cells. Default:<empty> Range: table. see below Default:0 Range: 0 … 255 Default:Range: structure. However. the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router does respond to loopback requests for VPs that are not configured in the vp configuration table but for which a PVC has been configured. Refer to Que sont les cellules OAM LoopBack (LB) ? on page 126. The vp table contains the following elements: Element vpi Description Use this element to enter the Virtual Path Identifier (VPI) of the Virtual Path for which you want to send the OAM F4 loopback cells. . Use this element to enable or disable coset polynomial algorithm.e. others the ATM forum format. These cells are transmitted when no data is transmitted over the line. see below itu. The atm attribute is only relevant when the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router operates in plesiochronous SHDSL timing mode. Several physical layer protocols rely on transitions between 1s and 0s to maintain clocking. The atm structure contains the following elements: Element idleCellFormat Description Use this element to set the format of the ATM idle cells. Should the performance attribute telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/atm/unknownCells increase rapidly. scrambling Use this element to enable or disable scrambling. However. Some devices use the ITU-T format. Default:enabled Scrambling is designed to randomise the pattern of 1s Range: enabled / disabled and 0s carried in ATM cells or the physical layer frame. the default value suffices in most cases. The idleCellFormat element has the following values: • • Default:Range: structure. in other words long strings of all 1s or all 0s. Default:enabled Range: enabled / disabled coset The coset polynomial algorithm is used to do header error check calculations. . Sets the cells according to the ATM forum format. see below Default:itu Range: enumerated. Randomising the digital bits can prevent continuous. the line is idle. non-variable bit patterns. Sets the cells according to the ITU-T format. then try selecting a different format.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 46 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/atm/atm Use this attribute to configure the general ATM parameters. atmForum. I. In this case they are actually called “unassigned cells”. In this case they are effectively called “idle cells”. .47 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes MR-1.2 Frame Relay configuration attributes This section describes the following configuration attributes: • • • • • • • telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/frameRelay/ip on page 48 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/frameRelay/dlciTable on page 49 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/frameRelay/lmi on page 52 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/frameRelay/modeLearnedDlci on page 55 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/frameRelay/delayOptimisation on page 55 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/frameRelay/fragmentation on page 55 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/frameRelay/mru on page 55 These attributes are not present on the on the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router versions without HWA.5. More specifically.Configuration d’adresses IP dans Frame Relay on page 152 for more specific information on configuring IP addresses in Frame Relay.3. MU-5. use this attribute to configure the IP related parameters of all the DLCIs for which … • • in the dlciTable no IP address is defined for that specific DLCI. see below If you want to configure the IP related parameters for one specific DLCI. . Default:<empty> Range: structure. MU-7.4 . Refer to … • • • MU-5. and the mode element is set to routing or routingAndBridgning.3 .2.Configuration d'adresses IP on page 59 for general information on configuring IP addresses.Explication de la structure ip on page 63 for a detailed description of the ip structure.2 .Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 48 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/frameRelay/ip Use this attribute to globally configure the IP parameters of the DLCIs. then configure for that DLCI the ip structure in the dlciTable. Configuration d’adresses IP dans Frame Relay on page 152 for more specific information on configuring IP addresses in Frame Relay.2 . the bridging process or both. Refer to … • • • Default:Range: structure. routing. .2. see below Refer to MU-7. Default:Range: structure. for a detailed description of the frameRelay structure. Use this element to activate (up) or deactivate (down) the DLCI.3. All packets received on the DLCI are routed.3 .2 .6 . MU-7.3. the packets are treated by the routing Range: enumerated. Default:<empty> Range: 0 … 24 characters Default:up Range: up / down adminStatus mode Use this element to determine whether. The mode element has the following values: • • • bridging. see below bridging Use this element to configure the bridging related parameters of the DLCI. Refer to … • • MU-9 .2. see below process. routingAndBridging. ip Use this element to configure the IP related parameters of the corresponding DLCI.49 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/frameRelay/dlciTable Use this attribute to configure the Frame Relay Data Link Connection Identifiers (DLCIs). MU-9.Configuration du pontage on page 277 for more information on bridging. Refer to telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/frameRelay/dlciTable/frameRelay on page 50. MU-5. Default:<empty> Range: table. The dlciTable contains the following elements: Element name Description Use this element to assign an administrative name to the DLCI.Explication de la structure bridging on page 296 for a detailed description of the bridging structure.Explication de la structure ip on page 63 for a detailed description of the ip structure. The SNAP header is checked to determine whether the packets have to be bridged or routed. see below MU-5. All packets received on the DLCI are bridged. Default:<empty> Range: 0 … 24 characters priorityPolicy Use this element to set a priority policy per DLCI.4 . for the corre.Configuration d'adresses IP on page 59 for general information on configuring IP addresses.Configuration des DLCI Frame Relay on page 149 for more information on DLCIs.Default:routing sponding DLCI. Refer to telindus1423Router/wanInterface/priorityPolicy on page 36 for more information. see below frameRelay Use this element to configure the specific DLCI parameters. Default:Range: structure. The maximum value is the physical connection towards the Frame Relay network. you should only use DLCIs up to 1007.Configuration des DLCI Frame Relay on page 149 for more information on DLCIs. if you set the type element of the lmi structure to q933-Annex-A. tc Use this element to set the measurement interval (TC). Enter a multiple of 64000 bps as cir value (e. I. the overhead). The frameRelay structure contains the following elements: Element dlci Description Use this element to set the Data Link Connection Identifier (DLCI).g.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 50 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/frameRelay/dlciTable/frameRelay Use the frameRelay structure in the dlciTable to configure the Frame Relay related parameters of the corresponding DLCI. 2048000).Configuration de CIR et EIR on page 156 for more information on CIR and EIR. In that case use the overhead element to specify the amount of overhead. MU-7.e.2 . If the cir value is set to 0 (default). The maximum value is the physical connection towards the Frame Relay network. overhead Use this element to set the amount of overhead you want to add to the configured CIR value. then set the CIR to 1024000 bps and the EIR to 512000 bps. If the eir value is set to 0 (default).g. you have to make sure that the CIR value you enter includes the user data (i. eir Use this element to set the Excess Information Rate for the DLCI. In general. Default:0 Range: 0 … The cir is expressed in bps. The overhead element is expressed in bytes. cir Use this element to set the Committed Information Rate for the DLCI.6 .e. Default:200 Range: 50 … 1000 TC is the time over which rates and burst sizes are measured. Refer to … • • Default:Range: structure. The bursts of data that are allowed are the CIR value + EIR value. Default:0 Range: 0 … The eir is expressed in bps.e. However. Default:0 Range: 0 … 50 Normally when you specify CIR. the duration of TC is proportional to the burstiness of traffic. However.3.3. you could choose to only specify the amount of payload as CIR value. it means no excess burst is allowed. Default:16 Range: 16 … 1022 The DLCI number may have any value between 16 and 1022. .5 Mbps. The TC interval is expressed in milliseconds. Enter a multiple of 64000 bps as eir value (e. the payload) and the Frame Relay headers (i. it means the complete bandwidth may be used (no flow control). If you want a CIR of 1 Mbps and you want to allow bursts up to 1. see below MU-7. 2048000). . then TC is a sliding window. Default:disabled Range: enabled / disabled If the slidingWindow element is set to … • • disabled (default). This means that data triggers the TC interval which continues until it completes its commuted duration. see below The fragmentation structure contains the following elements: • endToEndFormat. defaultQueue Use this element to select a default queue. deBitSet Use this element to determine. This allows you to easily set up a traffic policy without having to create and apply traffic policy profiles. If congestion occurs at a node in the Frame Relay network. you still have to create and apply a priority policy profile to empty the queues. When end-to-end Frame Relay fragmentation is enabled. Refer to MU-8. Use this element to enable or dis. packets marked DE are the first to be dropped. Refer to Qu’est-ce que la fragmentation Frame Relay de bout en bout ? on page 147.Default:disabled able Frame Relay fragmentation on an end-to-end Range: enabled / disabled level.9 . see below Default:queue1 Range: enumerated.8. then TC is a periodic time interval. Default:Range: structure. fragmentation Use this element to enable or disable Frame Relay fragmentation on an end-to-end level. However. At the remote side they are reassembled into the original frame.Attribut de la file par défaut ou profil de politique de trafic on page 265 for more information. enabled. long frames are fragmented into a sequence of shorter frames. in case the CIR is Default:enabled exceeded. whether all subsequent frames get marked Range: enabled / disabled Discard Eligible (deBitSet = enabled) or not (deBitSet = disabled).51 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes Element slidingWindow Description Use this element to enable or disable sliding window. Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 52 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/frameRelay/lmi Use this attribute to select the Local Management Interface (LMI) protocol and to fine-tune the LMI operation. In the LMI context. the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router sends the first Full Status Enquiry. the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router sends the first Full Status Enquiry and receives a Full Status Response. network. Default:Range: structure. one extra step is required before LMI is declared to be up. If you use the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router in combination with equipment from another vendor and you set the LMI mode to auto. As soon as it gets a Full Status Response. In the LMI context. see below Refer to MU-7. Then it waits until it receives a Full Status Enquiry from the remote before it declares that LMI is up. the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router is defined as Frame Relay network. In the LMI context. see below • • Refer to Interaction between the LMI modes on page 54 for an overview of how the different LMI modes work together.Configuration de LMI on page 155 for more information on LMI. At initialisation. the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router is both Frame Relay user and Frame Relay network. The mode element has the following values: • • noLmi. This means it can both send and receive Status Enquiries and Status Responses. • nni. Default:auto Range: enumerated. This means it only sends Status Enquiries and receives Status Responses. So at initialisation. auto. Therefore. In a Network-to-Network Interface (NNI) it is important for the connected Frame Relay devices that they know which DLCIs are configured on each side. This means it only receives Status Enquiries and sends Status Responses. In the LMI context. This means it can both send and receive Status Enquiries and Status Responses. it declares that LMI is up.5 . user. No LMI is used. in comparison with the auto setting. the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router is defined as Frame Relay user. The lmi structure contains the following elements: Element mode Description Use this element to set the Frame Relay mode. . then the LMI mode on the other equipment may only be set to user or network to insure valid operation.3. the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router is both Frame Relay user and Frame Relay network. if two routers are connected to each other in Frame Relay but without a real Frame Relay network in between.Range: 1 … 255 tus Enquiry message. a router is normally considered as a Frame Relay user or DTE. ansiT1-617-d. then the routers also have to take the role of a Frame Relay network or DCE (refer to the mode element). expectedPollInterval Use this element to set the maximum time between two consecutive incoming Status Enquiry messages. Example If the station receives 3 unanswered Status Enquiry messages within 4 x 10s = 40s. Therefore you should configure the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router according to the standard that is used by your service provider.Default:3 swered Status Enquiry messages that the Telindus Range: 1 … 10 1423 SHDSL Router will accept before declaring the DLCI down. In Frame Relay language. see below tions between them. Set this value for ITU-T LMI compliance. Also see the monitoredEvents element. Set this value only for compatibility with older equipment. Default:00000d 00h 00m 10s Range: 00000d 00h 00m 05s 00000d 00h 00m 30s pollingInterval Use this element to set the time between consecutive Status Enquiry messages. then the interface is declared down. Set this value for FRF. errorThreshold Use this element to set the maximum number of unan. In that case the Status Enquiry messages are sent in both directions. The type element has the following values: • • • • lmiRev1.1-2 compliance. Default:00000d 00h 00m 15s Range: 00000d 00h 00m 00s 00000d 00h 00m 30s This element is only relevant when using Frame Relay over a point-to-point link (no Frame Relay network). if the station receives an errorThreshold number of unanswered Status Enquiry messages within a monitoredEvents number of pollingInterval intervals.Default:q933-Annex-A eral standards for the LMI protocol with small variaRange: enumerated. Set this value for ANSI LMI compliance.53 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes Element type Description Use this element to set the LMI variant. However. then the interface is declared down. . There are sev. fullEnquiryInterval Use this element to set the number of Status Enquiry Default:6 intervals that have to pass before sending a Full Sta. Default:4 Range: 1 … 10 monitoredEvents In other words. frf1-2. q933-Annex-A. Select the value 0 in order to disable verification. Use this element to set the number of status polling intervals over which the error threshold is counted. Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 54 Configuration attributes Interaction between the LMI modes The following table shows how the different LMI modes work together when two routers are connected to each other over a Frame Relay network: LMI mode Router A noLmi Router B noLmi user network nni auto user user network nni auto network network nni auto nni nni auto auto auto LMI status Router A up up up up up down up up up down up up up up up Router B up down down down down down up down up down down up up up up DLCI status Router A up up up up up down up up up down up up up up up Router B up down down down down down up down up down down up up up up Router learns DLCIs? Router A no no no no no no learns (user) learns (user) learns (user) no no no learns learns learns Router B no no no no no no no no no no learns (nni) learns (auto) learns learns learns . All packets received on the DLCI are routed. What is MRU? The Maximum Receive Unit (MRU) is the largest size packet or frame. for learned DLCIs. Especially if these links have to transport delay sensitive data (e. see below Default:disabled Range: enabled / disabled When interface Frame Relay fragmentation is enabled. The fragmentation structure contains the following elements: Element interfaceFormat Description Use this element to enable or disable Frame Relay fragmentation on (physical) interface level. Default:routing Range: enumerated. telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/frameRelay/mru Use this attribute to set the Maximum Receive Unit (MRU) of the interface. The modeLearnedDlci attribute has the following values: Value bridging routing routingAndBridging Description All packets received on the DLCI are bridged. telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/frameRelay/delayOptimisation Use this attribute to reduce the delay on low speed links.g. specified in octets (eight-bit bytes). the bridging process or both. then the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router can learn its active and inactive DLCIs. voice over IP). At the remote side they are reassembled into the original frame. Refer to What is interface Frame Relay fragmentation? on page 145.g. that can be received in a packet. the Internet). Default:1560 Range: 500 … 1650 .55 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/frameRelay/modeLearnedDlci If the Frame Relay network supports LMI. long frames are fragmented into a sequence of shorter frames. Default:Range: structure. Use this attribute to determine whether. see below The SNAP header is checked to determine whether the packets have to be bridged or routed.or frame-based network (e. the packets are treated by the routing process. telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/frameRelay/fragmentation Default:none Range: none / lowSpeedLinks Use this attribute to enable or disable Frame Relay fragmentation on (physical) interface level. 3 PPP configuration attributes This section describes the following configuration attributes: • • • • • • • • • • • telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/ppp/ip on page 57 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/ppp/mode on page 57 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/ppp/bridging on page 57 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/ppp/delayOptimisation on page 57 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/ppp/mru on page 57 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/ppp/compression on page 58 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/ppp/linkMonitoring on page 59 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/ppp/authentication on page 60 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/ppp/authenPeriod on page 60 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/ppp/sessionName on page 61 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/ppp/sessionSecret on page 61 These attributes are not present on the on the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router versions without HWA.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 56 Configuration attributes MR-1.5. . Refer to … • • Default:<empty> Range: structure. Especially if these links have to transport delay sensitive data (e. MU-5.g. that can be received in a packet. see below telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/ppp/mode Use this attribute to determine whether the packets are treated by the routing process. The mode attribute has the following values: Value bridging routing routingAndBridging multiLink Description All packets received on the PPP link are bridged. see below MU-9 . . BCP is set up. Default:none Range: none / lowSpeedLinks telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/ppp/delayOptimisation Use this attribute to reduce the delay on low speed links. What is MRU? Default:1560 Range: 1510 … 1650 The Maximum Receive Unit (MRU) is the largest size packet or frame. telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/ppp/bridging Use this attribute to configure the bridging related parameters of the PPP link. Select this value if the PPP link is part of a bundle of PPP links (multi-link PPP or MLPPP). see below MU-5.or frame-based network (e. All packets received on the PPP link are routed. MU-9.2. the Internet). Refer to … • • Default:Range: structure. IPCP is set up.Configuration du pontage on page 277 for more information on bridging.6 .Explication de la structure bridging on page 296 for a detailed description of the bridging structure.Explication de la structure ip on page 63 for a detailed description of the ip structure. The SNAP header is checked to determine whether the packets have to be bridged or routed.2. voice over IP). IPCP and BCP are set up.Configuration d'adresses IP on page 59 for general information on configuring IP addresses. the bridging process or both.g. Default:bridging Range: enumerated.2 .3 . telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/ppp/mru Use this attribute to set the Maximum Receive Unit (MRU) of the interface.57 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/ppp/ip Use this attribute to configure the IP related parameters of the PPP link. specified in octets (eight-bit bytes). . see below PPP compression is done using the Predictor type 1 compression algorithm (RFC 1978). Using compression you can increase the throughput on PPP links. Since it is possible to have multiple PPP sessions (when using ATM PVCs up to 31 simultaneous sessions are allowed. enough memory seems to be available but that the allocation problem remains. a message is dumped in the message table. the memory can turn out to be insufficient. Important remark The PPP compression algorithm uses a lot of memory (64 KB for compression and 64 KB for decompression. per PPP session). Default:disabled Range: enumerated. It is also possible that. In this case … • • the compression is switched off on the interfaces that could not allocate enough memory.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 58 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/ppp/compression Use this attribute to enable or disable the compression of PPP encapsulated packets. The compression attribute has the following values: Value disabled predictor1 Description No PPP compression is done. which can all be configured to use PPP compression). containing the relevant interface and a warning that the router must be rebooted to reactivate compression on that specific interface. when looking at the statistics. This means that the memory is fragmented and no block as big as 64 KB is found. 5 . then the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router considers this as a failed echo request. Example Suppose failsPermitted is set to 10. Range: 00000d 00h 00m 00s 00000d 00h 04m 15s If no reply has been received within this time-out. Default:Range: structure.Configuration de la surveillance de liaison on page 170 for more information on link monitoring. If on 10 consecutive echo requests no reply is given.4. Default:disabled Range: enabled / disabled Use this element to set the time interval between two consecutive echo requests. then the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router declares the PPP link down and the PPP handshake is started again. The linkMonitoring structure contains the following elements: Element operation Description Use this element to enable or disable link monitoring.59 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/ppp/linkMonitoring Use this attribute to enable or disable link monitoring and to fine-tune it. Default:00000d 00h 00m 10s Range: 00000d 00h 00m 00s 24855d 03h 14m 07s interval replyTimeOut Use this element to set the time the Telindus 1423 Default:00000d 00h 00m 02s SHDSL Router waits for a reply on the echo request. see below Refer to MU-7. Use this element to set the number of failed echo requests after which the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router declares the PPP link down. Default:4 Range: 1 … 30 failsPermitted . 6 . MU-7. This side of the link requests a PAP authentication from the remote router. then CHAP is used.4.4. If you set the authenPeriod attribute to 00000d 00h 00m 00s. For more information on PPP authentication. Default:disabled Range: enumerated.4.Configuration de PAP on page 171. For more information on PPP authentication. telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/ppp/authenPeriod Use this attribute to set the PPP authentication interval. see below The authentication attribute has the following values: Value disabled pap chap chapOrPap Description Authentication is disabled. This side of the link requests an MS CHAP version 2 authentication from the remote router. This side of the link requests a CHAP authentication from the remote router.8 . the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router will answer to authentication requests received from the remote side.Configuration de CHAP on page 175. both CHAP and PAP. . Default:00000d 00h 10m 00s Range: 00000d 00h 00m 00s 24855d 03h 14m 07s Normally on an authenticated PPP link. refer to … • • MU-7. only CHAP.8 .6 .Configuration de PAP on page 171.Configuration de CHAP on page 175. This side of the link requests a CHAP or PAP authentication from the remote router. MU-7. You can set this interval using the authenPeriod attribute. However. then CHAP is used.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 60 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/ppp/authentication Use this attribute to enable or disable authentication on the PPP link. This side of the link requests an MS CHAP version 1 authentication from the remote router.4. authentication is not only performed at link set-up but also at regular intervals during the data transfer. then PAP is used. refer to … • • MU-7. then authentication is only performed at link set-up and not during the data transfer. If the remote router supports … • • • msChap msChapV2 only PAP. refer to … • • MU-7. For more information on PPP authentication.Configuration de PAP on page 171 MU-7.Configuration de CHAP on page 175 Default:<empty> Range: 0 … 64 characters telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/ppp/sessionSecret Use this element to set the PPP authentication secret of the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router.4.Configuration de CHAP on page 175 Default:<empty> Range: 0 … 64 characters .61 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/ppp/sessionName Use this attribute to set the PPP authentication name of the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router.Configuration de PAP on page 171 MU-7.4. For more information on PPP authentication.6 .8 .8 .4.6 . refer to … • • MU-7.4. 4 HDLC configuration attributes This section describes the following configuration attributes: • • telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/hdlc/bridging on page 63 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/hdlc/mru on page 63 These attributes are not present on the on the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router versions without HWA.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 62 Configuration attributes MR-1.5. . Explication de la structure bridging on page 296 for a detailed description of the bridging structure. specified in octets (eight-bit bytes). that can be received in a packet.Configuration du pontage on page 277 for more information on bridging. the Internet).6 .2. What is MRU? The Maximum Receive Unit (MRU) is the largest size packet or frame. .63 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/hdlc/bridging Use this attribute to configure the bridging related parameters of the HDLC link. Refer to … • • Default:Range: structure. MU-9.or frame-based network (e. see below MU-9 .g. Default:1560 Range: 500 … 1650 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/hdlc/mru Use this attribute to set the Maximum Receive Unit (MRU) of the interface. Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 64 Configuration attributes MR-1.5 Error test configuration attributes This section describes the following configuration attributes: • • • telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/errorTest/testType on page 65 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/errorTest/blockSize on page 65 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/errorTest/programmablePattern on page 65 These attributes are not present on the on the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router versions without HWA. .5. Default:512 Range: 256. Refer to MU-7. 512. tlsInv1023(2^10). 1024 Default:<empty> Range: 32 bit string Do this by typing a test pattern in the programmablePattern attribute and by setting the testType attribute to programmablePattern (refer to telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/errorTest/testType on page 65).65 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/errorTest/testType Use this attribute to select a test pattern. Default:itu32767(2^15) Range: enumerated.6 . itu2047(2^11). space. itu32767(2^15). dot. If you set the testType attribute to programmablePattern.Configuration d'un test d'erreur on page 189 for more information on setting up an error test. programmablePattern. ituInv32767(2^15). tls1023(2^10). itu1048575(2^20). telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/errorTest/programmablePattern Use this attribute to generate your own test pattern. ituInv1048575(2^20). then you can generate your own test pattern by typing a test pattern in the programmablePattern attribute (refer to telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/ errorTest/programmablePattern on page 65). telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/errorTest/blockSize Use this attribute to set the size of the test blocks. itu8388607(2^23). mark. ituInv511(2^9). ituInv8388607(2^23). see below Possible patterns are: itu511(2^9). . ituInv2047(2^11). Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 66 Configuration attributes MR-1.6 SHDSL line configuration attributes This section describes the following line configuration attributes: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/channel on page 67 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/region on page 67 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/timingMode on page 68 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/retrain on page 69 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/startupMargin on page 71 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/minSpeed on page 71 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/maxSpeed on page 71 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/minSpeed2P on page 72 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/maxSpeed2P on page 72 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/mode on page 72 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/dualPairMode on page 72 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/linkAlarmThresholds on page 74 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/numExpectedRepeaters on page 75 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/eocHandling on page 75 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/management on page 75 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/<alarmConfigurationAttributes> on page 76 This section describes the following line pair configuration attributes: • telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/linePair[ ]/<alarmConfigurationAttributes> on page 76 . Refer to telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/ timingMode on page 68. Default:remote Range: central / remote telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/region Use this attribute to determine which SHDSL standard is used.67 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/channel Use this attribute to determine which unit is the central unit and which the remote unit. On the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router. see below The Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router itself determines which standard it has to use.e. slave-receive. . the clocking follows the channel attribute: If the channel attribute is set to … central remote Important remark Note that also the timingMode attribute influences the clocking. The region attribute has the following values: Value annexA annexB auto Description The North-American SHDSL standard is used. Default:auto Range: enumerated. then the clocking is set to … internal. The European SHDSL standard is used. Therefore set one device to central and its remote counterpart to remote. I. it determines which unit acts as master and which as slave during the synchronisation procedure. The timingMode attribute is only available on the 1423 SHDSL 1P 2ETH4P HWA and 1423 SHDSL 2P 2ETH4P HWA. Default:synchronous Range: enumerated. see below The timingMode attribute has the following values: Value synchronous Description The Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router operates in synchronous mode. Plesiochronous mode can only work when the speed falls within the range of 192 kbps and 2048 kbps (i. The Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router operates in plesiochronous mode. In this case the clocking is always slave-receive. higher than 2048 kbps.Aperçu de la famille de routeurs Telindus SHDSL 1423 on page 7 for a complete overview of the OneAccess 1423 SHDSL Router family. minSpeed = 192kbps or minSpeed2P = 384kbps and maxSpeed(2P) = 2048kbps). the actual speed is automatically increased to 192 kbps (or 384 kbps in case of a 2 pair version). independently of the setting of the channel attribute.3 . then you can not connect them with each other point-to-point because they both operate in slave-receive clocking. • . It is important to set the timingMode attribute correct when using the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router in combination with other SHDSL devices.e. If a speed is selected which is … lower than 192 kbps. the actual speed is automatically limited to 2048 kbps. Refer to MU-1.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 68 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/timingMode Use this attribute to set the timing mode.g. This means that the remote device (e. If you have two Telindus 1423 SHDSL Routers on which you set the timingMode attribute to plesiochronous. For more information on compatibility issues. plesiochronous Important remarks • The timingMode attribute is only relevant for TDM operation. Refer to telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/channel on page 67. refer to the document “Interoperability for OneAccess SHDSL products” (PDF). • • This attribute is not present on the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router equiped with ISDN ports. In this case the clocking follows the setting of the channel attribute. a Crocus SHDSL) has to supply the clock. FR. the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router retrains. If the layer 2 handshake does not succeed within 1 minute. SHDSL framing sends 166 blocks per second over the line. see below When the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router cannot synchronise on the SHDSL framing. ATM). the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router trains and establishes a layer 1 link with the remote SHDSL device. once the layer 2 handshake succeeds (layer 2 is up). then the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router retrains and the whole process restarts. independently of the speed. When the signal to noise ratio becomes too low during a certain period of time. the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router retrains. Each block has a CRC check. then a drop of the layer 2 link will not cause a retrain. Also the following message is dumped in the message table: Retrain due to framer-out-of-sync. signal to noise ratio too low layer 2 protocol not yet up . When a certain percentage of frames has a CRC error. The retrain criteria The following criteria determine when to retrain: Criterion no SHDSL frame synchronisation SHDSL frame CRC error threshold exceeded Description Default:Range: structure. PPP. When you connect the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router with a remote SHDSL device.g. Then the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router tries to establish a layer 2 link (e. However. it retrains.69 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/retrain Use this attribute to determine when the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router should retrain. during Default:10 which each retrain criterion is measured. Default:23 which has to be maintained. In case the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router retrains Default:disabled because the measured signal to noise ratio drops Range: 3 … 15 below the snrThreshold value. then the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router retrains again in order to achieve a higher speed. stepupMargin . So when selecting no.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 70 Configuration attributes Configuring the retrain criteria The retrain structure contains the following elements: Element enabled Description Use this attribute to enable (yes) or disable (no) retraining. If the amount of CRC errors exceeds this value. at which the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router Range: 1 … 1000 should retrain. then the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router retrains. If within this Range: 1 … 30 period the predefined criterion value is equalled or exceeded. in Default:10 promille. the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router retrains. in seconds. then the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router retrains. Default:yes Range: yes / no errorPersistenceTime Use this element to set the period. errorThreshold snrThreshold Use this element to set the signal to noise ratio. the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router will never retrain (even not when the line is disconnected). then it will retrain at a lower speed (because of the deteriorated line conditions). It will retrain at a lower speed (because of the deteriorated line conditions). If after this retrain the measured signal to noise value increases again with a value as configured in the stepupMargin element. If the measured signal to Range: 20 … 25 noise ratio drops below this value. Use this element to set the amount of CRC errors. in dB. The erroneous SHDSL frames can be monitored using the performance attribute codeViolations. Default:2dB Range: enumerated.3. see below The startupMargin attribute is only relevant in case on both the central and remote Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router (or any other compatible SHDSL device) a speed range is selected. the target margin is not considered during the ITU-T G. see below Use this attribute to set the highest line speed the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router may select. 5dB.e. The higher the startupMargin. When you set the startupMargin to disabled. In other words. 2dB.2 . 6dB.994. minSpeed(2P) = maxSpeed(2P)).1 auto speed negotiation. telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/minSpeed Default:64kbps Range: enumerated.Sélection d'une vitesse de ligne SHDSL (gamme) on page 77 for more information. 8dB. telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/maxSpeed Default:2304kbps Range: enumerated. 7dB. all the speeds in the range as set with the attributes minSpeed(2P) and maxSpeed(2P) are available. 3dB. the lower the selected line speed but the more stable the line will be. 1dB. Refer to MU-5.994. . 10dB. 9dB.Sélection d'une vitesse de ligne SHDSL (gamme) on page 77 for more information. What is the target margin? The target margin is the amount of received signal power in excess of that required to achieve the DSL target bit error rate of 10-7. see below Use this attribute to set the lowest line speed the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router may select. 0dB.1 auto speed negotiation. 4dB. the startupMargin attribute has no function in case a fixed speed is selected (i. The startupMargin attribute has the following values: disabled. I.2 .e. Refer to MU-5.71 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/startupMargin Use this attribute to set the target margin in function of which a line speed has to be selected during the ITU-T G. The maxSpeed attribute has the following values: 64kbps up to 2304kbps in steps of 64kbps.3. The minSpeed attribute has the following values: 64kbps up to 2304kbps in steps of 64kbps. dualPair. When you change the mode attribute.3. Refer to MU-5. then make sure that you use the correct speed attributes to set the speed: If the mode attribute is set to … singlePair.2 . Default:standard Range: standard / enhanced If the mode attribute is set to dualPair. The minSpeed2P attribute has the following values: 128kbps up to 4608kbps in steps of 128kbps. then it is possible that you experience problems when connecting to third party SHDSL devices.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 72 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/minSpeed2P This attribute is only present on the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router 2 pair version. see below Use this attribute to set the highest line speed the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router 2 pair version may select (if it is truly in 2 pair operation. Refer to MU-5.3. The dualPairMode attribute has the following possible values: Value standard Description The dual pair SHDSL line operates strictly as described in the SHDSL standard. refer to telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/mode). If the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router is connected to a remote device that operates strictly according to the SHDSL standard. then select the standard value. telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/maxSpeed2P This attribute is only present on the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router 2 pair version. then configure the speed using the attributes … minSpeed and maxSpeed. see below Use this attribute to set the lowest line speed the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router 2 pair version may select (if it is truly in 2 pair operation. telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/mode This attribute is only present on the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router 2 pair version. then use the dualPairMode attribute to set the dual pair operation mode. Default:128kbps Range: enumerated. The maxSpeed2P attribute has the following values: 128kbps up to 4608kbps in steps of 128kbps. Default:dualPair Range: singlePair / dualPair Use this attribute to select between single pair or dual pair operation.Sélection d'une vitesse de ligne SHDSL (gamme) on page 77 for more information. refer to telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/mode). enhanced . telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/dualPairMode This attribute is only present on the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router 2 pair version. minSpeed2P and maxSpeed2P. If you select the enhanced value.Sélection d'une vitesse de ligne SHDSL (gamme) on page 77 for more information. select the standard value.2 . In that case. The dual pair SHDSL line operates slightly different than described in the SHDSL standard (some enhancements are present). Default:2304kbps Range: enumerated. 73 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes If you have two Telindus 1423 SHDSL Routers connected to each other in a point-to-point set-up. then make sure that you set the dualPairMode attribute to the same value at both sides! . then the lineAttenuation alarm is raised. For example. exceeds this value during at least 10 seconds.0 … 63. . If the amount of erroneous seconds … • • exceeds this value within a 15 minutes period1. minutes and seconds. If this predefined threshold value is exceeded. If the line attenuation … • • signalNoiseOn Default:0. see below exceeds this value during at least 10 seconds. If the signal noise … • • drops below this value during at least 10 seconds. drops below this value within a 15 minutes period. If the amount of severely erroneous seconds … • • exceeds this value within a 15 minutes period1.0 Range: 0. suppose that in the first minute of a 15 minutes period the errSecOn value is exceeded. then the errSecRatioExceeded alarm is raised. then the sevErrSecExceeded alarm is raised. Because alarms are raised or cleared within 15 minutes periods. hours. The alarm stays on for the remainder of the 15 minutes period.0 … 58.5 Default:Range: structure. The alarm is only cleared if also in the next 15 minutes period the errSecOn value is not exceeded. then a corresponding alarm is generated. then the errSecExceeded alarm is cleared. then the sevErrSecExceeded alarm is cleared. then the lineAttenuation alarm is cleared. The linkAlarmThresholds structure contains the following elements: Element lineAttenuationOn Description Use this element to set the alarm threshold value of the line attenuation in dB. The 15 minutes periods run synchronous with the 15 minutes periods of the telindus1423Router/ wanInterface/line/h2Line performance attribute. Default:00000d 00h 00m 36s Range: 00000d 00h 00m 00s 00000d 18h 12m 15s errSecOn Use this element to set the alarm threshold value of the erroneous seconds in days.0 Range: 0. Default:0. then the errSecExceeded alarm is raised. hours. drops below this value during at least 10 seconds.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 74 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/linkAlarmThresholds Use this attribute to set the alarm threshold values of the most important line parameters. minutes and seconds. then the signalNoise alarm is raised. drops below this value within a 15 minutes period. Default:00000d 00h 00m 02s Range: 00000d 00h 00m 00s 00000d 18h 12m 15s sevErrSecOn Use this element to set the alarm threshold value of the severely erroneous seconds in days.4 Use this element to set the alarm threshold value of the signal noise in dB. 1. there is a delay in the alarm status. then the signalNoise alarm is cleared. then the invalidNumRepeaters alarm is raised.Contrôle d’échange de messages EOC propriétaire on page 79 for more information. Default:o10-PathManagement Range: enumerated.4.3 .Contrôle d’échange de messages EOC standard on page 80 for more information.75 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/numExpectedRepeaters Use this attribute to set the number of Crocus SHDSL Repeaters that the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router can expect to find on the SHDSL line. see below Default:0 Range: 0 … 8 SHDSL devices can communicate with each other through the Embedded Operations Channel (EOC). telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/eocHandling Default:none Range: enumerated.4. telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/management Use this attribute to determine whether and which management data is forwarded over the SHDSL line. Use the eocHandling attribute to define the handling of the EOC messages. .2 . see below Refer to MU-5. If the actual number of repeaters does not match the number you entered in the numExpectedRepeaters attribute. Refer to MU-5. telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/linePair[ ]/<alarmConfigurationAttributes> For more information on … • • the alarm configuration attributes alarmMask and alarmLevel and on the alarms in general. refer to MR-4. refer to MR4. the alarms of the line object. the alarms of the linePair[ ] object.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 76 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/<alarmConfigurationAttributes> For more information on … • • the alarm configuration attributes alarmMask and alarmLevel and on the alarms in general.Introducing the alarm attributes on page 488.SHDSL line alarms on page 495.Introducing the alarm attributes on page 488.7 .2 .2 . refer to MR-4.6 .SHDSL line pair alarms on page 496. refer to MR4. . 4.3 .77 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes MR-1. Refer to MU-5. They are added automatically when you configure the eocHandling attribute.7 End and repeater configuration attributes This section describes the following configuration attributes: • • telindus1423Router/wanInterface/repeater[ ]/<alarmConfigurationAttributes> on page 78 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/end/<alarmConfigurationAttributes> on page 78 The repeater[ ] and the end objects are not present in the containment tree by default. .Contrôle d’échange de messages EOC standard on page 80. Introducing the alarm attributes on page 488. refer to MR4.2 . refer to MR-4.8 . .Introducing the alarm attributes on page 488.End and repeater alarms on page 498.2 . refer to MR-4. refer to MR4.End and repeater alarms on page 498.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 78 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/wanInterface/repeater[ ]/<alarmConfigurationAttributes> For more information on … • • the alarm configuration attributes alarmMask and alarmLevel and on the alarms in general. the alarms of the repeater[ ] object. telindus1423Router/wanInterface/end/<alarmConfigurationAttributes> For more information on … • • the alarm configuration attributes alarmMask and alarmLevel and on the alarms in general. the alarms of the end object.8 . ISDN leased line configuration attributes on page 85 .8.79 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes MR-1.8.General BRI configuration attributes on page 80 MR-1.3 .B-channel configuration attributes on page 83 MR-1. Then it describes more specifically the configuration attributes of the B-channels and of the leasedLine[ ] object that can be added under the bri[ ] object. First it describes the configuration attributes of the BRI interface in general.8. The following gives an overview of this section: • • • MR-1.2 .1 .8 BRI configuration attributes This section discusses the configuration attributes of the BRI interface. Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 80 Configuration attributes MR-1.8.1 General BRI configuration attributes This section describes the following configuration attributes: • • • • • telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/tei on page 81 telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/teiValue on page 81 telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/telephoneNrs on page 82 telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/dialAllowed on page 82 telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/<alarmConfigurationAttributes> on page 82 . 81 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/tei Use this attribute to determine how a Terminal Endpoint Identifier (TEI) is assigned to the Basic Rate ISDN interface. Default:1 Range: 1 … 63 . The tei attribute has the following values: Value fixed Description Default:auto Range: enumerated. The setting of the configuration attribute telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/teiValue is ignored. In this case the TEI value can range from 64 up to 126. see below The TEI value of the Basic Rate ISDN interface has to be set by the user using the configuration attribute telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/teiValue. TEIs are used to distinguish between several different devices using the same ISDN links. The setting of the configuration attribute telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/teiValue is ignored. auto The TEI value of the Basic Rate ISDN interface is set automatically by the Network Terminator (NT) to which the interface is attached to. In this case both layer 1 and layer 2 are permanently up. telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/teiValue Use this attribute to set the Terminal Endpoint Identifier (TEI) of the Basic Rate ISDN interface in case you set the configuration attribute telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/tei to fixed. permanent The TEI value of the Basic Rate ISDN interface is set to 0. In this case the TEI value can range from 1 up to 63. then you can use the BRI interface both in dial-up operation as leased line operation. the remote router will acknowledge the request. then any available B-channel on any available BRI interface of the local ISDN interface will be taken. If.Introducing the alarm attributes on page 488. Note however that is not mandatory to enter telephone numbers in the telephoneNrs table. refer to MR-4. telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/dialAllowed Use this attribute allow (yes) or deny (no) dial-up calls (both in and out) on the BRI interface. The central router then will establish a new call using the telephone number it received from the remote router. The telephoneNrs table contains the following elements: Element telNr Description Use this element to enter the telephone number. In this acknowledgement message. characters Default:0 Range: 0 … 35 Default:<empty> Range: table.9 . see below uniqueDigits Use this element to set the number of unique digits. refer to MR4. If you leave this table empty and the remote ISDN device wants to add an extra B-channel to the bundle.2 . Setting the uniqueDigits to 0 means that the complete telephone number as entered in the telNr element should be considered as unique digits. telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/<alarmConfigurationAttributes> For more information on … • • the alarm configuration attributes alarmMask and alarmLevel and on the alarms in general. This telephone number is one defined on a BRI that still has available channels. When BAP is activated and when the local router decides that it needs to add a member to the existing ISDN bundle (because the tx or rx throughput threshold was exceeded). Refer to What are unique digits?. then it sends a request to the remote router asking for the addition of a link to the bundle. the dialAllowed attribute is set to no. then you can use the BRI interface only in leased line operation. Default:yes Range: yes / no If the dialAllowed attribute is set to yes.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 82 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/telephoneNrs Use this attribute to assign (a) telephone number(s) to the Basic Rate ISDN interface.BRI alarms on page 500. for which not all B-channels are assigned to ISDN calls).e. If the remote router agrees (based on its throughput threshold settings). This whole procedure ensures that the central calls a BRI that is still available (i. however. The following tries to explains this. Default:<empty> Range: 0 … 36 tel. These numbers are only relevant in case BAP is enabled. the alarms of the bri[ ] object. . the remote router adds the telephone number to which the central router has to call to. 8.2 B-channel configuration attributes This section describes the following configuration attributes: • telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/bChannel[ ]/<alarmConfigurationAttributes> on page 84 .83 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes MR-1. refer to MR-4.B-channel alarms on page 501. the alarms of the bChannel[ ] object.Introducing the alarm attributes on page 488. refer to MR4. .Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 84 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/bChannel[ ]/<alarmConfigurationAttributes> For more information on … • • the alarm configuration attributes alarmMask and alarmLevel and on the alarms in general.10 .2 . Encapsulation configuration attributes on page 37. refer to MR-1. hdlc and errorTest) which are located under the leasedLine[ ] object. ppp.85 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes MR-1. .5 .8.3 ISDN leased line configuration attributes This section describes the following configuration attributes: • • • • • telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/leasedLine[ ]/encapsulation on page 86 telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/leasedLine[ ]/priorityPolicy on page 86 telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/leasedLine[ ]/maxFifoQLen on page 86 telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/leasedLine[ ]/channelAllocation on page 87 telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/leasedLine[ ]/<alarmConfigurationAttributes> on page 87 For the configuration attributes of the encapsulation objects (frameRelay. 8. telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/leasedLine[ ]/maxFifoQLen Use this attribute to set the maximum length (number of packets) of the First In First Out queue.6 . telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/leasedLine[ ]/priorityPolicy Use this attribute to apply a priority policy on the leased line ISDN connection. Example If you created a priorityPolicy object with index name my_priority_policy (i.6 . see below The encapsulation attribute has the following values: frameRelay. Default:frameRelay Range: enumerated.e. Default:<empty> Range: 0 … 24 characters Do this by entering the index name of the priority policy you want to use. You can create the priority policy itself by adding a priorityPolicy object and by configuring the attributes in this object. Refer to 6. hdlc and errorTest.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 86 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/leasedLine[ ]/encapsulation Use this attribute to select the encapsulation protocol on the leased line ISDN connection. ppp. . priorityPolicy[my_priority_policy]) and you want to apply this priority policy here. Refer to MU-8.Création d'une politique de priorité on page 259 for more information on priority policies.How to configure a leased line ISDN connection on a BRI interface?_ (Telindus 1034 Router only)_ on page 203 for more information on how to set up a leased line ISDN. then enter the index name as value for the priorityPolicy attribute. Default:200 Range: 1 … 4000 Refer to telindus1423Router/profiles/policy/priority/priorityPolicy[ ]/algorithm on page 112 for more information on this queue. B-channel alarms on page 501. . see below Default:off Range: on / off Default:off Range: on / off Default:off Range: on / off b1 b2 Depending which channels you activate.6 . Default:Range: structure.2 . you can comply with the following standards: • • • • 64S: B1 channel 64S2: B1+B2 channel TS01: B1+D channel TS02: B1+B2+D channel Refer to 6. The channelAllocation structure contains the elements: Element d Description Use this element to activate (on) or deactivate (off) the D-channel. refer to MR4.Introducing the alarm attributes on page 488.How to configure a leased line ISDN connection on a BRI interface?_ (Telindus 1034 Router only)_ on page 203 for more information on how to set up a leased line ISDN. refer to MR-4. Use this element to activate (on) or deactivate (off) the B1-channel.87 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/leasedLine[ ]/channelAllocation Use this attribute to activate the BRI channels of the leased line ISDN connection. the alarms of the bri[ ]/leasedLine[ ] object. telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/leasedLine[ ]/<alarmConfigurationAttributes> For more information on … • • the alarm configuration attributes alarmMask and alarmLevel and on the alarms in general.10 . Use this element to activate (on) or deactivate (off) the B2-channel. 9.Forwarding profile configuration attributes on page 98 MR-1.1 .Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 88 Configuration attributes MR-1.Configuration de la politique de trafic et de priorité sur le routeur on page 249 and MU-9.9.ISDN dial profile configuration attributes on page 89 MR-1.9.4 . encapsulation and forwarding profiles. Also setting up traffic and priority policies involves creating and applying profiles.9 Profiles configuration attributes If you want to establish an ISDN dial-up connection.Encapsulation profile configuration attributes on page 94 MR-1. The following gives an overview of this section: • • • • • • MR-1.3 .9.6 . Then you have to configure the dial map in which you combine the different profiles.Configuration de la politique de trafic et de priorité sur le pont on page 300 for more information.Bridging traffic policy configuration attributes on page 109 MR-1.8 .2 .9.3 . then you first have to set up dial. except 0 and 16 Range: bit string .Priority policy configuration attributes on page 111 Default:all time slots enabled.Configuration des connexions ISDN on page 95 for more information.9.5 . This section lists the configuration attributes that are present in the different profiles. Refer to MU-8.IP traffic policy configuration attributes on page 100 MR-1. Refer to MU-6 . 1 ISDN dial profile configuration attributes This section describes the following configuration attributes: • • • • • • • • • • telindus1423Router/profiles/dial/defaultIsdn/isdnInterfaces on page 90 telindus1423Router/profiles/dial/defaultIsdn/dialPktBufSize on page 90 telindus1423Router/profiles/dial/defaultIsdn/idleTimeOut on page 90 telindus1423Router/profiles/dial/defaultIsdn/fastIdleTimeOut on page 90 telindus1423Router/profiles/dial/defaultIsdn/callInterval on page 90 telindus1423Router/profiles/dial/defaultIsdn/callTimeOut on page 90 telindus1423Router/profiles/dial/defaultIsdn/24hMaxCallTime on page 91 telindus1423Router/profiles/dial/defaultIsdn/dialTimeTable on page 91 telindus1423Router/profiles/dial/defaultIsdn/maxChannelsUsed on page 93 telindus1423Router/profiles/dial/defaultIsdn/minChannelsFree on page 93 .89 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes MR-1.9. If you leave the isdnInterfaces table empty. BRI 1 is always tried first. Default:00000d 00h 00m 30s Range: 00000d 00h 00m 00s 00000d 01h 00m 00s Default:00000d 00h 00m 05s Range: 00000d 00h 00m 00s 00000d 01h 00m 00s telindus1423Router/profiles/dial/defaultIsdn/callTimeOut Use this attribute to set the time after which the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router should cancel the connection attempt. telindus1423Router/profiles/dial/defaultIsdn/dialPktBufSize Use this attribute to set the size of the buffer. Switching between BRI 1 and BRI 2 takes about 10 seconds. telindus1423Router/profiles/dial/defaultIsdn/idleTimeOut Default:20 Range: 0 … 100 Default:00000d 00h 05m 00s Range: 00000d 00h 00m 00s Use this attribute to set the time during which an incoming or outgoing ISDN 00000d 01h 00m 00s call may be idle (i. Callback attempts that fall out of this period are no longer accepted. If both BRI interfaces can be used (i. see below The isdnInterfaces table only contains one element: interface.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 90 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/profiles/dial/defaultIsdn/isdnInterfaces Use this attribute to determine through which BRI interface the ISDN connection has to be set up. that is used to buffer the data when the ISDN connection is being set up.e. but no data is sent) before it is terminated. So in this particular case. then both BRI interfaces are used (this would be the same as entering bri[1] and bri[2]). when a call has to be set up. in case another application needs an ISDN connection but when all B-channels are in use. then BRI 2 is tried. telindus1423Router/profiles/dial/defaultIsdn/callInterval Use this attribute to set the … • • minimum time between two consecutive outgoing ISDN calls.8 . . but no data is sent) before it is terminated. the connection is up.e. This is the time-out period in which the device that calls back must have done so in order for a callback to be accepted. If BRI 1 fails. I. Default:<empty> Range: table. in packets. Both incoming and outgoing traffic is considered. callback time-out. Refer to 6.How to configure callback? on page 206.e. Note that the connection is considered as up only if the PPP negotiation was successful.e. the isdnInterfaces table is empty or contains both bri[1] and bri[2]). This element has possible values bri[1] and bri[2]. the ISDN line goes idle only if during the idle timer no packets have been transmitted nor received. the connection is up. telindus1423Router/profiles/dial/defaultIsdn/fastIdleTimeOut Default:00000d 00h 01m 00s Range: 00000d 00h 00m 00s Use this attribute to set the time during which an incoming or outgoing ISDN 00000d 01h 00m 00s call may be idle (i. then it is not possible for the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router to know which interface is active because sometimes layer 1 is kept down by the Network Termination device until a call is set up. dec. oct. this dial map causes 2 connections to be set up. telindus1423Router/profiles/dial/defaultIsdn/dialTimeTable Default:<empty> Range: table. sunday. feb. In other words. etc. apr. Use this element to set the day of the month. jun. The start structure contains the following elements: • month. wednes. Default:<opt> Range: 0 … 23 Default:<opt> Range: 0 … 59 • • end Use this attribute to set the end of the period during which outgoing ISDN calls are allowed.g. not both. tuesday. In other words. Use this element to set the month. Possible values are: monday. aug. The end structure contains the same elements as the start structure. or 2 hours for one connection and 1 hour for the other connection. 1. may. dayOfMonth.g. Either set a dayOfMonth or dayOfWeek. See above. see below day. . Default:<opt> Range: enumerated. see below Use this attribute to determine when exactly ISDN calls are allowed. If the maximum time is exceeded then the call is terminated. friday. jul. Either set a dayOfMonth or dayOfWeek. saturday.Range: enumerated. sep. starting from midnight. not both. this attribute allows you to control the up-time of your outgoing ISDN call. Then in a time span of 24 hours (starting from midnight) the total time call for the 2 connections set up by the dial map can be maximum 3 hours (e. minute.91 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/profiles/dial/defaultIsdn/24hMaxCallTime Use this attribute to determine how long (an) outgoing ISDN call(s) may last in a 24 hour time span. mar. Use this element to set the hour. this attribute defines the total “up” time per day of the sum of all connections initiated by the dial map that refers to this profile.). The dialTimeTable contains the following elements: Element start Description Use this attribute to set the beginning of the period during which outgoing ISDN calls are allowed. nov.5 hour per connection. Use this element to set the day of the Default:<opt> week. thursday. suppose you have a dial profile in which you set the 24hMaxCallTime to 3 hours and you have a dial map that refers to this profile and. Default:00001d 00h 00m 00s Range: 00000d 00h 00m 00s 00001d 00h 00m 00s E. furthermore. Possible values are: jan. see below Default:<opt> Range: 1 … 31 • • dayOfWeek. Use this element to set the minute. hour. Both dayOfMonth and dayOfWeek are filled in (you can only set one of both). The start value is bigger than the end value. The ranges that you define are “inclusive”. an error message appears in the message table (refer to telindus1423Router/messages on page 260). you actually end at 19 hours and 59 minutes. It is possible that you make invalid entries in the dialTimeTable. the invalid entry is ignored. Example You could specify that outgoing ISDN calls are only allowed on working days. the dialTimeTable looks as follows: . In that case. during office hours. This means that if you define a range from e.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 92 Configuration attributes Remarks • • • Leaving an element at its <opt> (optional) value means it is not considered (wild card). start hour = 7 up to end hour = 19. If you made an invalid entry. Moreover. An invalid entry could be: • You define a start value.g. but no end value or vice versa. then all B-channels are kept free. 1 or 2. If you set the minChannelsFree attribute to … • • • • 0. Since there are only 2 B-channels per BRI interface.e. In this case. incoming ISDN calls. then no B-channels are kept free. <opt> (optional). 3 or 4. then the attribute is ignored. . Default:<opt> Range: 0 … 4 Default:<opt> Range: 0 … 4 • telindus1423Router/profiles/dial/defaultIsdn/minChannelsFree Use this attribute to determine the minimum amount of B-channels that has to be kept free. then the attribute is ignored. As soon as one profile specifies that e.g. then no B-channels may be used. This to keep channels free for e. 2 B-channels in case you use 1 BRI interface. all available B-channels may be used (i. If you set the maxChannelsUsed attribute to … • • • 0. 2 or 3 B-channels are kept free. 2 B-channels in case you use 1 BRI interface. 1.e. 2 or 3.g. then minimum 1. 4 B-channels in case you use 2 BRI interfaces). This to avoid that the dial map entries that refer to this ISDN profile use all available B-channels. In this case. <opt> (optional). 4. 2 B-channels in case you use 1 BRI interface.e. This means all available B-channels may be used (i. then 2 channels are kept free even if another profile specifies that only 1 channel should be kept free. all available B-channels may be used (i. no B-channels are kept free. the minChannelsFree attribute is actually profile independent.93 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/profiles/dial/defaultIsdn/maxChannelsUsed Use this attribute to determine the maximum amount of B-channels that may be used by an ISDN call. 4 B-channels in case you use 2 BRI interfaces). then maximum 3 or 4 B-channels may be used. using 3 or 4 B-channels is only possible if you entered both BRI interfaces in the configuration attribute telindus1423Router/profiles/dial/defaultIsdn/isdnInterfaces on page 90. 4 B-channels in case you use 2 BRI interfaces). then maximum 1 or 2 B-channels may be used. In this case. As opposed to the maxChannelsUsed attribute. 2 channels should be kept free. 9.2 Encapsulation profile configuration attributes This section describes the following configuration attributes: • • • • • • • telindus1423Router/profiles/encapsulation/defaultPpp/linkMonitoring on page 95 telindus1423Router/profiles/encapsulation/defaultPpp/authentication on page 95 telindus1423Router/profiles/encapsulation/defaultPpp/authenPeriod on page 95 telindus1423Router/profiles/encapsulation/defaultPpp/compression on page 95 telindus1423Router/profiles/encapsulation/defaultPpp/connection on page 95 telindus1423Router/profiles/encapsulation/defaultPpp/multiLink on page 96 telindus1423Router/profiles/encapsulation/defaultPpp/callback on page 97 .Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 94 Configuration attributes MR-1. I. The connection attribute has the following values: Value singleLink multiLink Description One PPP link only uses one B-channel. One PPP link uses several B-channels. telindus1423Router/profiles/encapsulation/defaultPpp/connection Use this attribute to determine whether you want set up a single link or multilink PPP connection.95 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/profiles/encapsulation/defaultPpp/linkMonitoring Use this attribute to enable or disable link monitoring and to fine-tune it. different B-channels are bundled to create one PPP link. telindus1423Router/profiles/encapsulation/defaultPpp/authenPeriod Use this attribute to set the PPP authentication interval. see below Refer to MU-7. telindus1423Router/profiles/encapsulation/defaultPpp/authentication Use this attribute to enable or disable authentication on the PPP link. In this way you can bundle up to 4 B-channels.4.Configuration de MLPPP sur une interface BRI en mode de numérotation on page 186 for more information. see below Refer to telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/ppp/authentication on page 60 for more information. . Default:multiLink Range: enumerated. Default:disabled Range: enumerated. Refer to telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/ppp/authenPeriod on page 60 for more information. see below Refer to telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/ppp/linkMonitoring on page 59 for more information. Default:disabled Range: disabled / predictor1 Default:00000d 00h 10m 00s Range: 00000d 00h 00m 00s 24855d 03h 14m 07s Refer to telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/ppp/compression on page 58 for more information. Default:Range: structure. telindus1423Router/profiles/encapsulation/defaultPpp/compression Use this attribute to enable or disable the compression of PPP encapsulated packets.e.14 . in seconds. disable and fine-tune the Bandwidth Allocation Protocol (BAP). see below Default:Range: structure. then the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router only activates 2 channels.Range: 1 … 3600 culated and which determines. when a channel is added to the multilink PPP connection. if you set the initialChannels element to e.g.g. if you set the initialChannels element to e. Refer to Qu'est-ce que le BAP ? on page 164. together with the addThresholdIn and addThresholdOut attributes. then the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router continuous to operate on this 1 channel. bap Use this element to enable. Use this element to set the period. addTimeout .Range: 1 … 3600 culated and which determines. not if BAP is disabled). Another example. 4 B-channels are available. together with the removeThresholdIn and removeThresholdOut attributes. removeTimeout Use this element to set the period. then use the multiLink attribute to configure the channel usage of the multi-link PPP connection. over Default:60 which the load of the multi-link PPP connection is cal. see below Refer to telindus1423Router/profiles/encapsulation/defaultPpp/multiLink/bap on page 96 for a detailed description of the elements in the bap structure. The bap structure contains the following elements: Element operation Description Use this element to enable or disable BAP. when a channel is removed from the multi-link PPP connection. see below Default:disabled Range: enabled / disabled Default:4 Range: 1 … 4 maxChannels Use this element to set the maximum number of Bchannels the multi-link PPP connection may contain. then the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router will not reactivate the channel (at least. disable and finetune the Bandwidth Allocation Protocol (BAP). over Default:60 which the load of the multi-link PPP connection is cal.g. Suppose that after that 1 channel drops. The multiLink structure the following elements: Element initialChannels Description Use this element to set the number of B-channels you Default:1 would like the multi-link PPP connection to contain ini. For example. then the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router activates these 2 channels. Default:Range: structure. However.Range: 1 … 4 tially. Default:Range: structure.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 96 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/profiles/encapsulation/defaultPpp/multiLink If you set the telindus1423Router/profiles/encapsulation/defaultPpp/connection attribute to multiLink. in seconds. 2 and e. telindus1423Router/profiles/encapsulation/defaultPpp/multiLink/bap Use the bap structure in the multiLink structure to enable. 2 and 2 B-channels are available. if the channel comes up again. e164Number. Use this element to determine the load. that has to be reached over the removeTimeout period before a channel is removed from the multi-link PPP connection in the transmit direction. . Use this element to determine the load.97 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes Element removeThresholdIn Description Use this element to determine the load. Default:disabled Range: enumerated. The callback number is communicated during the callback negotiation. in percents. No callback is done. in percents. Default:40 Range: 0 … 100 removeThresholdOut Default:40 Range: 0 … 100 addThresholdIn Default:80 Range: 0 … 100 addThresholdOut Default:80 Range: 0 … 100 callBackRequests Use this element to allow (accept) or deny (reject) that Default:reject the remote side triggers the adding of channels to the Range: reject / accept multi-link PPP connection at the local side. see below authentication. Use this element to determine the load. The callback is based on PPP authentication. in percents.164 number callback? on page 208. Default:Range: structure. The callback structure contains the following elements: Element type Description Use this element to enable or disable callback. in percents.8 . that has to be reached over the removeTimeout period before a channel is removed from the multi-link PPP connection in the receive direction. Refer to What is E. that has to be reached over the addTimeout period before a channel is added to the multi-link PPP connection in the receive direction.How to configure callback? on page 206 for more information. The type element has the following values: • • • disabled. Refer to 6. see below telindus1423Router/profiles/encapsulation/defaultPpp/callback Use this attribute to enable or disable callback. Refer to What is authentication callback? on page 207. that has to be reached over the addTimeout period before a channel is added to the multi-link PPP connection in the transmit direction. The reason for not supporting bridging mode is that the risk is too high that the ISDN connections stay up permanently due to broadcasts and multicasts. not in bridging mode. This means that the ISDN interfaces can only operate in routing mode. This section describes the following configuration attributes: • • • telindus1423Router/profiles/forwardingMode/defaultRouting/ip on page 99 telindus1423Router/profiles/forwardingMode/defaultRouting/priorityPolicy on page 99 telindus1423Router/profiles/forwardingMode/defaultRouting/maxFifoQLen on page 99 .Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 98 Configuration attributes MR-1.9. only a routing forwarding profile can be set up.3 Forwarding profile configuration attributes On the ISDN interfaces. MU-5. Refer to telindus1423Router/wanInterface/priorityPolicy on page 36 for more information. Default:<empty> Range: 0 … 24 characters telindus1423Router/profiles/forwardingMode/defaultRouting/priorityPolicy Use this attribute to apply a priority policy on the interface. Refer to … • • Default:Range: structure. Default:200 Range: 1 … 4000 Refer to telindus1423Router/profiles/policy/priority/priorityPolicy[ ]/algorithm on page 112 for more information on this queue. see below MU-5.2 .Configuration d'adresses IP on page 59 for general information on configuring IP addresses.3 .Explication de la structure ip on page 63 for a detailed description of the ip structure.2.99 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/profiles/forwardingMode/defaultRouting/ip Use this attribute to configure the IP related parameters of the PPP links that can be set up on the BRI interfaces. telindus1423Router/profiles/forwardingMode/defaultRouting/maxFifoQLen Use this attribute to set the maximum length (number of packets) of the First In First Out queue. . . then add the object first.4 .Ajout d'un objet dans l'arborescence on page 50.9.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 100 Configuration attributes MR-1.4 IP traffic policy configuration attributes This section describes the following configuration attributes: • • • • telindus1423Router/profiles/policy/traffic/ipTrafficPolicy[ ]/method on page 101 telindus1423Router/profiles/policy/traffic/ipTrafficPolicy[ ]/trafficShaping on page 103 telindus1423Router/profiles/policy/traffic/ipTrafficPolicy[ ]/dropLevels on page 106 telindus1423Router/profiles/policy/traffic/ipTrafficPolicy[ ]/tos2QueueMapping on page 108 This object is not present in the containment tree by default. Refer to MU-4. If you want to use the feature associated with this object. Refer to Qu'est-ce que AF PHB ? on page 252. filtered based on the settings of the trafficShaping attribute (extended access list). This means that. tosDiffServ The data is redirected to the queues based on DiffServ (refer to RFC 2597) regarding class and drop precedence. .Configuration des restrictions d'accès on page 312. Refer to telindus1423Router/profiles/policy/traffic/ipTrafficPolicy[ ]/trafficShaping on page 103 for more information on traffic shaping. respectively. The next 2 bits of the DSCP field define the drop levels: Bit values … 00 and 01 10 11 correspond with … dropLevel1 dropLevel2 dropLevel3 Refer to the attribute telindus1423Router/profiles/policy/traffic/ipTrafficPolicy[ ]/dropLevels on page 106 for more information on drop levels. The method attribute has the following values: Value trafficShaping Description The data is … • • • redirected to the queues based on the settings of the trafficShaping attribute (queueing). how and which queues are filled with the “excess” data. Refer to MU-8.4 . some packets are moved to other queues and/or dropped sooner than other packets in case the queue is full. Refer to MU-8.101 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/profiles/policy/traffic/ipTrafficPolicy[ ]/method Use this attribute to choose an IP traffic policy method. filter data on an interface.8 . redirected to an interface or a gateway based on the settings of the trafficShaping attribute (policy based routing).Configuration d'acheminement en fonction de la politique on page 204. depending on their DSCP field in the TOS byte. The highest 3 bits of the DSCP field are mapped as follows: Bit values … 000 up to 100 101 and higher are mapped to … queues 1 up to 5. the low delay queue. do policy based routing. This IP traffic policy is then used to … • • • Default:trafficShaping Range: enumerated.Configuration de la politique de trafic et de priorité sur le routeur on page 249. Refer to MU-10.2 . see below determine. on traffic overload conditions. Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 102 Configuration attributes Value tosMapped Description The data is redirected to … • • the queues based on the settings of the tos2QueueMapping attribute (queueing). Refer to the attribute telindus1423Router/profiles/policy/traffic/ipTrafficPolicy[ ]/ tos2QueueMapping on page 108 for more information on TOS to queue mapping. . an interface or a gateway based on the settings of the tos2QueueMapping attribute (policy based routing). then one of the rows is chosen at random. then the IP destination address is considered. You do not necessarily have to fill in IP addresses in the trafficShaping table. then a packet is redirected to the specified queue when the criteria as specified in the trafficShaping table are met. However. all other traffic is discarded (independent whether the traffic shaping table is used as an access list. It is perfectly valid to filter on IP protocol. if the IP protocol element is set to a value different from TCP or UDP. So in other words. but row 1 wants to forward packets to queue 3 and row 2 wants to forward packets to the low delay queue. Refer to MU-8. for priority policing or policy based routing). only the traffic defined in the table is permitted. Refer to MU-8.Configuration d'acheminement en fonction de la politique on page 204.Configuration de la politique de trafic et de priorité sur le routeur on page 249. Should the two rows be completely identical except for the queue. then use the trafficShaping table to specify which data has to be redirected to which interface or gateway. If more than one entry applies to the same packet.e.2 . Refer to MU-10. • • . If more than one entry applies to the same packet. For example: two rows in the trafficShaping table apply to the same packet.Configuration des restrictions d'accès on page 312. If an overload condition occurs. then use the trafficShaping table to specify which data has to be redirected to which queue. However. then use the trafficShaping table to specify which data is forwarded. I. IP protocol/port combination or TOS values only. And so on. then the entry which has the narrowest filter range (when looking at the filter criteria from left to right) is chosen. What is more. you can not filter on port numbers only. The row with the smallest range wins. Policy based routing In case you have set the telindus1423Router/profiles/policy/traffic/ipTrafficPolicy[ ]/method attribute to trafficShaping. If the ranges are exactly the same. the entries in the trafficShaping table are “allow” rules.8 . you can only filter on port numbers when the IP protocol is set to TCP or UDP. you can inverse an entry making it a “deny” rule by entering “discard” as value of the interface element.103 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/profiles/policy/traffic/ipTrafficPolicy[ ]/trafficShaping The function of this attribute is threefold: • Default:<empty> Range: table. • • Important remarks • By default. Packets are forwarded when the criteria as specified in the trafficShaping table are met. then all the port elements are ignored. first the IP source address is considered. Extended access list In case you have set the telindus1423Router/profiles/policy/traffic/ipTrafficPolicy[ ]/method attribute to trafficShaping. then the entry which has the narrowest filter range (when looking at the filter criteria from left to right) is chosen. In that case. see below Traffic and priority policing In case you have set the telindus1423Router/profiles/policy/traffic/ipTrafficPolicy[ ]/method attribute to trafficShaping. Packets are redirected to the specified interface or gateway when the criteria as specified in the trafficShaping table are met.4 . 255 Packets that fall within the specified range are forwarded and queued if applicable. destinationPortStart destinationPortEnd Use these elements to set the destination port as specified in the UDP / TCP headers. then a packet Range: 0 … 256 that matches an entry in the trafficShaping table its TOS byte value is changed. For ease of use. IGMP (2).255. For ease of use. echo (7). sourcePortStart sourcePortEnd Use these elements to set the source port as specified Default:any(start)/optional(end) in the UDP / TCP headers. Default:any(start)/optional(end) Range: 0 … 65535 Packets that fall within the specified range are forwarded and queued if applicable. TCP (6). snmp (161).0. domain (53). Use this element to set the protocol field from the IP header. You can specify the protocol by typing the protocol number. Selecting unchanged. Default:0.255. Use this element to set the new TOS byte value. z39. You can specify the port by typing the protocol number. Default:0.0 Range: up to 255.255. ICMP (1). nntp (119). UDP (17). newTosValue Default:unchanged When you select a new TOS byte value. some common port numbers can be selected from a drop-down box: any or optional (0). smtp (25). RSVP (46). OSPFIGP (89). socks (1080). Use these elements to set the IP destination address as specified in the IP header. discard (9).255. router (520). TCPestablished (255). leaves the TOS byte value as it is. telindus (1728).0. ftp-data (20). IGP (9). Note that the predefined “echo” value is a UDP port. It has nothing to do with ICMP echo. For ease of use. Range: 0 … 65535 Packets that fall within the specified range are forwarded and queued if applicable. I2tp (1701). Packets that fall within the specified range are forwarded and queued if applicable.0. EGP (8). Use these elements to set the TOS byte value.50 (210). ftp (21). IPinIP (4). www-http (80). IGRP (88).Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 104 Configuration attributes The trafficShaping table contains the following elements: Element sourceIpStartAddress sourceIpEndAddress destinationIpStartAddress destinationIpEndAddress tosStartValue tosEndValue ipProtocol Description Use these elements to set the IP source address as specified in the IP header. snmptrap (162). .255 Packets that fall within the specified range are forwarded and queued if applicable.0 Range: up to 255. some common protocols can be selected from a drop-down box: any (0). You can specify the port by typing the protocol number. telnet (23).0. Default:any(start)/optional(end) Range: 0 … 256 Default:any Range: 0 … 255 Packets that have the specified protocol field are forwarded and queued if applicable. pop3 (110). some common port numbers can be selected from a drop-down box: see above. syslog (514). gateway Use this element to set the gateway for a packet Default:<opt> matching an entry in the trafficShaping table. see below In case an overload condition occurs. queue4. newTosValue and priority elements. then a packet that matches an entry in the trafficShaping table is sent to the specified queue. but no end value ⇒ an exact match is needed for the start value. e. .Range: up to 255. you can inverse an entry making it a “deny” rule by entering “discard” as value of the interface element. queue5. Default:<empty> Range: 0 … 24 characters Type the name of the interface in the interface element. Start and end values Except for the ipProtocol.255 icy based routing.e. queue3.255. This is pol. lan. the entries in the trafficShaping table are “allow” rules.105 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes Element priority Description Use this element to set the destination queue for a packet matching an entry in the trafficShaping table. for priority policing or policy based routing). I. Note that by default. lowDelayQueue. only the traffic defined in the table is permitted. all other traffic is discarded (independent whether the traffic shaping table is used as an access list. However. it is possible to specify ranges using the start and end values. queue2. This is policy based routing. There are two special cases: • • A start value is entered.g. interface Use this element to set the destination interface for a packet matching an entry in the trafficShaping table. The priority element has the following values: queue1. Default:queue1 Range: enumerated. Neither a start nor an end value is entered ⇒ the field is not checked.255. dropLevel3 Use this element to set the maximum length (drop Default:100 level 3). for queue 2 to 500. for queue 3 to 3000. tosDiffServ. of each user configurable queue. for queue 1 you set maxLength1 = 1000. see below Use this element to set the maximum length (drop Default:100 level 1). packets are dropped when the amount of packets in the queue exceeds the amount as specified with the maxLength1 element. Range: 1 … 3000 In case you set the attribute telindus1423Router/profiles/policy/traffic/ipTrafficPolicy[ ]/method to … • • trafficShaping or tosMapped.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 106 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/profiles/policy/traffic/ipTrafficPolicy[ ]/dropLevels Use this attribute to define for each user configurable queue. tosDiffServ. tosDiffServ. Range: 1 … 3000 In case you set the attribute telindus1423Router/profiles/policy/traffic/ipTrafficPolicy[ ]/method to … • • trafficShaping or tosMapped. then this drop level corresponds with the drop level bits value 00 and 01. then this drop level is not relevant. how many packets may be queued before they are dropped. The dropLevels table contains the following elements: Element dropLevel1 Description Default:Range: table. of each user configurable queue. of each user configurable queue. In this case. Examples Suppose … • • telindus1423Router/profiles/policy/traffic/ipTrafficPolicy[ ]/method is set to trafficShaping or tosMapped. . then only this drop level is relevant. dropLevel2 Use this element to set the maximum length (drop Default:100 level 2). for queue 4 to 1000 and for queue 5 to 200. in packets. then this drop level corresponds with the drop level bits value 11. in packets. in packets. then this drop level is not relevant. then this drop level corresponds with the drop level bits value 10. Range: 1 … 3000 In case you set the attribute telindus1423Router/profiles/policy/traffic/ipTrafficPolicy[ ]/method to … • • trafficShaping or tosMapped. less than 100 more than 100. In this case. As defined in the TOS byte. the following applies: Queue 1 contains … data packets. less than 200 more than 200 An incoming data packet with … is … drop level1 1 accepted accepted dropped dropped drop level 2 accepted accepted accepted dropped drop level 3 accepted dropped dropped dropped 1. maxLength2 = 200 and maxLength3 = 50.107 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes Suppose … • • telindus1423Router/profiles/policy/traffic/ipTrafficPolicy[ ]/method is set to tosDiffServ. less than 50 more than 50. . for queue 1 you set maxLength1 = 100. Use this element to set the destination queue. see below Default:<empty> Range: 0 … 24 characters Type the name of the interface in the interface element. This is policy based routing. Packets are redirected to the specified interface or gateway when the criteria as specified in the tos2QueueMapping table are met.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 108 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/profiles/policy/traffic/ipTrafficPolicy[ ]/tos2QueueMapping • Traffic and priority policing In case you have set the telindus1423Router/profiles/policy/traffic/ipTrafficPolicy[ ]/method attribute to tosMapped.2 .3. This is policy based routing. e. Refer to MU-8.255 .g.255. interface Use this element to set the destination interface for a packet matching an entry in the tos2QueueMapping table. Default:0 (start) / 255 (end) Packets that have a TOS byte value within the speci. Default:Queue1 Range: enumerated.255. lan. Queue5.4 . If an overload condition occurs.Range: 0 … 255 fied range are redirected to the targetQueue.Configuration de la politique de trafic et de priorité sur le routeur on page 249 and MU-9. then use the tos2QueueMapping table to specify which data has to be redirected to which queue. Default:<opt> Range: up to 255.Configuration d'une politique de trafic sur le pont on page 302. Default:<empty> Range: table.Configuration d'acheminement en fonction de la politique on page 204. see below • The tos2QueueMapping table contains the following elements: Element startTos endTos targetQueue Description Use these elements to set the TOS byte value.8 . Queue4. Policy based routing In case you have set the telindus1423Router/profiles/policy/traffic/ipTrafficPolicy[ ]/method attribute to tosMapped. Queue3. Refer to MU-8. then a packet is redirected to the specified queue when the criteria as specified in the tos2QueueMapping table are met. gateway Use this element to set the gateway for a packet matching an entry in the tos2QueueMapping table. then use the tos2QueueMapping table to specify which data has to be redirected to which interface or gateway. The targetQueue element has the following values: Queue1. Queue2. lowDelayQueue. Refer to MU-4. .9. then add the object first. If you want to use the feature associated with this object.5 Bridging traffic policy configuration attributes This section describes the following configuration attributes: • • telindus1423Router/profiles/policy/traffic/bridgingTrafficPolicy[ ]/vlanPriorityMap on page 110 telindus1423Router/profiles/policy/traffic/bridgingTrafficPolicy[ ]/dropLevels on page 110 This object is not present in the containment tree by default.109 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes MR-1.Ajout d'un objet dans l'arborescence on page 50.4 . Configuration d'une politique de trafic sur le pont on page 302 for more information on traffic policy. see below .3. The dropLevels table contains the following element: Element dropLevel1 Description Use this element to set the maximum length. The vlanPriorityMap structure contains the following elements: Element priority0 … priority7 Description Use these elements to define which priority corresponds with which queue. how many packets may be queued before they are dropped.2 . Using the vlanPriorityMap attribute. specify a priority policy. Default:Range: structure. Frames that are not tagged are all considered to have priority 0. telindus1423Router/profiles/policy/traffic/bridgingTrafficPolicy[ ]/dropLevels Use this attribute to define for each user configurable queue. in pack.1Q header of the VLAN frame). $ Refer to MU-9. To empty these queues. see below Each VLAN frame has a certain priority (this is specified in the 802. priority policy and priority queuing. you can specify which VLAN frame is sent to which queue based on the priority of the VLAN frame. Range: 1 … 3000 Default:Range: table.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 110 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/profiles/policy/traffic/bridgingTrafficPolicy[ ]/vlanPriorityMap Use this attribute to impose a bridging traffic policy on the bridged VLAN frames received by the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router.Default:100 ets. The possible queues are: queue1 up to queue5 and lowDelayQueue. of each user configurable queue. In case a traffic overload condition occurs and in case you imposed this traffic policy on a certain interface.1P part of the 802. then the VLAN frames are sent to a queue. Refer to MU-4.111 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes MR-1. If you want to use the feature associated with this object.9.4 .Ajout d'un objet dans l'arborescence on page 50. .6 Priority policy configuration attributes This section describes the following configuration attributes: • • • • • telindus1423Router/profiles/policy/priority/priorityPolicy[ ]/algorithm on page 112 telindus1423Router/profiles/policy/priority/priorityPolicy[ ]/countingPolicy on page 114 telindus1423Router/profiles/policy/priority/priorityPolicy[ ]/queueConfigurations on page 114 telindus1423Router/profiles/policy/priority/priorityPolicy[ ]/lowdelayQuotum on page 114 telindus1423Router/profiles/policy/priority/priorityPolicy[ ]/bandwidth on page 115 This object is not present in the containment tree by default. then add the object first. Queue 7: system queue. The low delay has a higher priority. roundRobin This is a priority queuing mechanism. Queue 6: low delay queue. This queue has absolute priority over all other queues. it is emptied. The algorithm attribute has the following values: Value fifo Description Default:fifo Range: enumerated. A lower priority queue is only emptied in case no higher priority queue contains data. the user configurable queue number 1 has the lowest priority. These queues are addressed in turns. if all the user configurable queues contain data. This means that it is possible that the lower priority queues are never emptied because a higher priority queue continuously receives data. The priority of the queues runs parallel to the queue number. The data that enters the queue first. You can change the maximum length of the FIFO queue on an interface using the configuration attribute maxFifoQLen. As soon as it contains data. • • . they are addressed in turns. no lower priority queue is emptied as long as a higher priority queue contains data. • Queues 1 up to 5: user configurable queues. queues with a high priority have absolute priority over queues with a low priority. I. In this case. it is addressed between every user configurable queue. all user configurable queues containing data have an equal weight. absolutePriority This is a priority queuing mechanism. • • • Queues 1 up to 5: user configurable queues. whereas the system queue (number 7) has the highest priority.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 112 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/profiles/policy/priority/priorityPolicy[ ]/algorithm Use this attribute to determine how and which queues are emptied. The system queue has absolute priority. Queue 1 has the lowest priority whereas queue 5 has the highest priority. In other words. This queue is only emptied in case the system queue contains no data. As soon as it contains data. see below This is a First In First Out queue. it is emptied. This queue is addressed between every user configurable queue. Note that there is a risk of starvation. Queue 7: system queue. it is emptied as soon as it contains data. This queue has absolute priority over all other queues. This is the fastest but most superficial queuing mechanism.e. Queue 6: low delay queue. In other words. In this case. also leaves the queue first. The weight can be configured in the telindus1423Router/profiles/policy/priority/priorityPolicy[ ]/queueConfigurations attribute. Queue 6: low delay queue. This queue has absolute priority over all other queues. the voice has to be queued in the low delay queue. it is addressed between every user configurable queue. It is a combination of absolute priority and weighted fair queueing. Queue 7: system queue. then it is the low delay queue that is emptied. it is emptied. the lowDelayWeightedFairQueueing algorithm is the most suited mechanism to get the voice over the network with a minimum delay. This queue is addressed between every user configurable queue. • Queues 1 up to 5: user configurable queues. The low delay queue has absolute priority over all user configurable queues and the system queue has absolute priority over all queues. This queue has absolute priority over all other queues. • • In a network that carries both voice and data. The weight can be configured in the telindus1423Router/profiles/policy/priority/priorityPolicy[ ]/queueConfigurations attribute. it is emptied as soon as it contains data. These queues are addressed based on their weight. • Queues 1 up to 5: user configurable queues. In this case.113 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes Value weightedFairQueueing Description This is a priority queuing mechanism. In this case. As soon as it contains data. • • lowDelayWeightedFairQueueing This is a priority queuing mechanism. it is emptied. The system queue has absolute priority. This queue has absolute priority over all user configurable queues. If the system queue does not contain data but the low delay queue and the user configurable queues do. Queue 6: low delay queue. the user configurable queues are addressed based on their weight. As soon as it contains data. These queues are addressed based on their weight. The low delay has a higher priority. In this case. . the user configurable queues are addressed based on their weight. Queue 7: system queue. Example Suppose queue 1 has weight 2. Refer to MU-8. The unit of the quotum (bytes or packets) can be set with the telindus1423Router/profiles/policy/priority/priorityPolicy[ ]/countingPolicy attribute. set the relative importance of the user configurable queues. Refer to MU-8. . The queueConfigurations table contains the following elements: Element quotum Description Use this element to set the number of bytes/packets that is dequeued from the user configurable queue when the queue is addressed.1 . queue 2 has weight 1 and both queues contain data. Default:1500 Range: 1 … 25000 The unit of the quotum (bytes or packets) can be set with the telindus1423Router/profiles/policy/priority/priorityPolicy[ ]/countingPolicy attribute. In that case the queues are emptied in the following order: queue 1 → queue 1 → queue 2 → queue 1 → queue 1 → queue 2 → etc. weight Use this element to set the relative importance of the user configurable queues.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 114 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/profiles/policy/priority/priorityPolicy[ ]/countingPolicy Use this attribute to define whether the quotum of the queues is expressed in bytes or packets. see below Default:<empty> Range: table.Présentation de la politique de trafic et de priorité on page 250 for more information on queues. Default:1 Range: 1 … 10 The weight element is only relevant in case the telindus1423Router/profiles/policy/priority/ priorityPolicy[ ]/algorithm attribute is set to weightedFairQueueing.1 . telindus1423Router/profiles/policy/priority/priorityPolicy[ ]/queueConfigurations Use this attribute to … • • Default:bytes Range: enumerated.8.8. see below set the number of bytes/packets that is dequeued from the user configurable queue when the queue is addressed. telindus1423Router/profiles/policy/priority/priorityPolicy[ ]/lowdelayQuotum Default:1500 Range: 1 … 25000 Use this attribute to set the number of bytes/packets that is dequeued from the low delay queue when the queue is addressed.Présentation de la politique de trafic et de priorité on page 250 for more information on queues. respectively. The amount of data that is queued can be set using the maxFifoQLen attribute.Présentation de la politique de trafic et de priorité on page 250 for more information on queues. The bandwidth table contains the following elements: Element cir Description Default:Range: table. If the CIR is exceeded. see below Use this element to set the Committed Information Default:0 Rate (CIR).8.115 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/profiles/policy/priority/priorityPolicy[ ]/bandwidth Use this attribute to set the bandwidth per queue. If the queue is completely filled up. Using entry 6 in the bandwidth table you can set the CIR for the low delay queue. . then the data is first queued. Range: 0 … 2147483647 Using entry 1 up to 5 in the bandwidth table you can set the CIR for queues 1 up to 5. in bits per second. then the data is discarded. Refer to MU-8. of the different queues.1 . 10 Dial maps configuration attributes If you want to establish an ISDN dial-up connection. Refer to MU-6 . Then you have to configure the dial map in which you combine the different profiles.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 116 Configuration attributes MR-1. encapsulation and forwarding profiles.Configuration des connexions ISDN on page 95 for more information. then you first have to set up dial. This section describes the following configuration attributes: • telindus1423Router/dialMaps/mapping on page 117 . Default:map Range: 1 … 24 characters Refer to 6.Configuration des connexions ISDN on page 95 for an elaborate explanation on setting up ISDN dial-up connections using profiles and dial maps. Use this element to set the number of Default:0 unique digits. then only the calls to this specific telephone number are accepted. see below uniqueDigits. .3. This is the telephone number a remote ISDN device has to use to dial in. localTelNrs Use this element to enter the local telephone number. Refer to What are unique digits?. Use this element to enter the telephone number. characters Default:<empty> Range: table. Range: 0 … 35 Setting the uniqueDigits to 0 means that the complete telephone number as entered in the telNr element should be considered as unique digits. Default:<empty> Range: table. Default:<empty> Range: 0 … 36 tel.117 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/dialMaps/mapping Use this attribute to configure dial maps. However. If you leave the localTelNrs table empty. then all incoming calls are accepted. see below Refer to MU-6 . The mapping table contains the following elements: Element name Description Use this element to specify a name for the dial map. This means that you can create entries in this table (called dial maps) which actually make up an ISDN dial-up connection. This name has to be used in the routing table in order to point to a specific dial map. It is not mandatory to fill in the localTelNrs table. The localTelNrs table contains the following elements: • • telNr.How to create a route that points to a dial map? on page 200 for more information. if you do specify a telephone number in the localTelNrs table.3 . If for this number the call set-up fails (due to network problems. In case of an … • outgoing call. if the telephone number of the remote caller is present somewhere in the list. these numbers are used to dial out. dial time-out. Range: 0 … 35 Setting the uniqueDigits to 0 means that the complete telephone number as entered in the telNr element should be considered as unique digits. then the call is accepted. Since the remoteTelNrs element is a table. Use this element to set the number of Default:0 unique digits. Default:<empty> Range: 0 … 36 tel. you can enter several remote telephone numbers. incoming call.). In case of an … • • outgoing call. Use this element to enter the telephone number. e. these numbers are used to authenticate the remote caller. see below uniqueDigits.g. The remoteTelNrs table contains the following elements: • • telNr. Refer to What are unique digits?. etc.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 118 Configuration attributes Element remoteTelNrs Description Use this element to enter the remote telephone number(s). characters Default:<empty> Range: table. • . busy. then the next telephone number in the list is tried. the first number in the list is taken to dial out. incoming call. see below Use this attribute to set the PPP authentication name of the remote router. as the word says. should you use the telephone number for verification purposes. things such as access codes and country access codes have no significance anymore and hence are discarded. then you have to specify which part of the number you entered should be used. then enter 8 as value for the uniqueDigits element. . Once a call reaches the ISDN network itself. Default:<empty> Range: 1 … 24 characters Refer to telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/ppp/sessionSecret on page 61 for more information. Range: enumerated. sessionSecret Use this element to set the PPP authentication secret of the remote router. callDirection Use this element to determine whether a call can be Default:incalls+outcalls an incoming. the 00 and 32 are dropped once the call reaches the ISDN network. However. 32 is the country code. outgoing or an incoming + outgoing call. where 00 32 16 124578 00 is the access code. For example: telephone number 00 32 16 124578. Typically. 16 is the 8 unique digits regional code and 124578 is the actual telephone number. Typically. If you want that only the numbers 16 124578 are considered as unique digits. the part after the access code is considered to be the unique number. Default:<empty> Range: 1 … 24 characters sessionName Refer to telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/ppp/sessionName on page 61 for more information.119 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes Element Description What are unique digits? The unique digits are. that part of the telephone number that is truly “unique”. then enter the index name as value for the dial element. a custom profile.1 . Use the second part of the dial element value to select the actual profile. in the second field of the dial element value.3. see below Default:<ppp> default Range: choice. the index name of the custom profile you want to use. The dial element value consists of two parts: • • Use the first part of the dial element value to select the dial profile type: isdn. the string “default”. Do this in the same way as for the dial element. encapsulation Use this element to determine which encapsulation profile you want to use for this dial map.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 120 Configuration attributes Element dial Description Use this element to determine which dial profile you want to use for this dial map. Default:<isdn> default Range: isdn Example If you created an isdn object with index name my_isdn (i. Default:<routing> default Range: choice.e. see below . Do this in the same way as for the dial element. isdn[my_isdn]) and you want to apply this profile here. then enter.How to create a profile? on page 196 for more information on creating profiles. Refer to 6. If you want to use … the default profile. then enter. in the second field of the dial element value. forwardingMode Use this element to determine which forwarding profile you want to use for this dial map. You can create the profile itself by adding an isdn[ ] object under the profiles/dial object and by configuring the attributes in this object. 11.121 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes MR-1.11 Bundle configuration attributes This section describes the configuration attributes of the different bundles that you can set up on the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router. The following gives an overview of this section: • MR-1.1 .PPP bundle configuration attributes on page 122 . then add the object first. . If you want to use the feature associated with this object.4 . Refer to MU-4.11.Ajout d'un objet dans l'arborescence on page 50.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 122 Configuration attributes MR-1.1 PPP bundle configuration attributes This section describes the following configuration attributes: • • • • • • • telindus1423Router/bundle/pppBundle[ ]/members on page 123 telindus1423Router/bundle/pppBundle[ ]/mode on page 123 telindus1423Router/bundle/pppBundle[ ]/ip on page 123 telindus1423Router/bundle/pppBundle[ ]/bridging on page 123 telindus1423Router/bundle/pppBundle[ ]/fragmentation on page 124 telindus1423Router/bundle/pppBundle[ ]/multiclassInterfaces on page 124 telindus1423Router/bundle/pppBundle[ ]/<alarmConfigurationAttributes> on page 125 This object is not present in the containment tree by default. BCP is set up.4.6 . see below Note that in case you run PPP over ATM (PPPoA) you can also create PPP bundles.Configuration du pontage on page 277 for more information on bridging. MU-9.Explication de la structure ip on page 63 for a detailed description of the ip structure. just type the name of the ATM PVC as value of the interface element in the members table. Refer to MU-7. .Explication de la structure bridging on page 296 for a detailed description of the bridging structure.3 . All packets received on the PPP bundle are routed. Default:Range: structure. Refer to … • • Default:<empty> Range: structure. see below telindus1423Router/bundle/pppBundle[ ]/ip Use this attribute to configure the IP related parameters of the PPP bundle.2.2. the bridging process or both. IPCP is set up. IPCP and BCP are set up.Configuration PPP multiliaisons on page 179 for more information on how to set up a PPP bundle. Refer to … • • MU-9 . In that case. MU-5. telindus1423Router/bundle/pppBundle[ ]/mode Use this attribute to determine whether the packets are treated by the routing process. Default:bridging Range: enumerated. Default:<empty> Range: table.11 .Configuration d'adresses IP on page 59 for general information on configuring IP addresses.2 . see below MU-5. The SNAP header is checked to determine whether the packets have to be bridged or routed. see below telindus1423Router/bundle/pppBundle[ ]/bridging Use this attribute to configure the bridging related parameters of the PPP bundle.123 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/bundle/pppBundle[ ]/members Use this attribute to make the WAN interface a part of the PPP bundle. Do this by adding one entry to the members table and by typing “wan” as value of the interface element. The mode attribute has the following values: Value bridging routing routingAndBridging Description All packets received on the PPP bundle are bridged. So you have to add an entry to the multiclassInterfaces table for every multiclass PPP link that you want to create. routingAndBridging. in case the mode element is set to bridging).2. see below by the routing process.Configuration du pontage on page 277 for more information on bridging.Explication de la structure ip on page 63 for a detailed description of the ip structure.13 . Refer to Qu'estce que la fragmentation PPP ? on page 164. see below Use this attribute to set up multiclass PPP links. telindus1423Router/bundle/pppBundle[ ]/multiclassInterfaces Default:<empty> Range: table. All packets received on the multiclass PPP link are bridged.4.6 . . Default:Range: structure.Configuration PPP multiclasses on page 183 for more information.Range: structure.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 124 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/bundle/pppBundle[ ]/fragmentation Use this attribute to enable or disable PPP fragmentation.Configuration d'adresses IP on page 59 for general information on configuring IP addresses. Default:enabled Range: enabled / disabled When PPP fragmentation is enabled. the packets are treated Range: enumerated.e. long frames are fragmented into a sequence of shorter frames. see below ip Use this element to configure the IP related parameters of the multiclass PPP link. Default:<empty> Range: 0 … 24 characters Default:up Range: up / down adminStatus mode Use this element to determine whether. Refer to MU-7.2. MU-5. Refer to … • • MU-9 .Explication de la structure bridging on page 296 for a detailed description of the bridging structure. All packets received on the multiclass PPP link are routed. The mode element has the following values: • • • bridging. Use this element to activate (up) or deactivate (down) the multiclass PPP link. see below ticlass PPP link is in bridging mode (i. MU-9. the bridging process or both.3 . for the corre. The multiclassInterfaces table contains the following elements: Element name Description Use this element to assign an administrative name to the multiclass PPP link. At the remote side they are reassembled into the original frame. bridging Use this element to configure the bridging related Default:parameters of the multiclass PPP link in case the mul. routing. The SNAP header is checked to determine whether the packets have to be bridged or routed.Default:routing sponding multiclass PPP link.2 . Refer to … • • MU-5. Attribut de la file par défaut ou profil de politique de trafic on page 265 for more information. see below defaultQueue This allows you to easily set up a traffic policy without having to create and apply traffic policy profiles. alarmContactHighMask and alarmContactLowMask and on the alarms in general. However.Introducing the alarm attributes on page 488. see below Refer to telindus1423Router/bundle/pppBundle[ ]/multiclassInterfaces/multiclass on page 125 for a detailed description of the multiclass structure. refer to MR-4. refer to MR-4. telindus1423Router/bundle/pppBundle[ ]/multiclassInterfaces/multiclass Use this structure to configure the multiclass specific parameters of the multiclass PPP link. Use this element to select a default queue.125 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes Element multiclass Description Use this element to configure the multiclass specific parameters of the multiclass PPP link. The multiclass structure contains the following elements: Element multiclass Description Use this element to set a multiclass identifier for the multiclass PPP link. Default:1 Range: 1 … 7 Default:queue1 Range: enumerated. Refer to MU-8. the alarms of the pppBundle[ ] object.9 . Default:Range: structure. . alarmLevel. you still have to create and apply a priority policy profile to empty the queues. see below Default:Range: structure.Bundle alarms on page 503. telindus1423Router/bundle/pppBundle[ ]/<alarmConfigurationAttributes> For more information on … • • the alarm configuration attributes alarmMask.8.12 .2 . General router configuration attributes on page 127 MR-1.Routing filter configuration attributes on page 192 MR-1.12.3 .12.L2TP tunnel configuration attributes on page 156 MR-1.12 Router configuration attributes This section discusses the configuration attributes concerned with routing.NAT configuration attributes on page 152 MR-1.4 .12.Firewall configuration attributes on page 198 .12.Manual SA configuration attributes on page 166 MR-1. filtering.12.2 .7 .Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 126 Configuration attributes MR-1. First it describes the general routing configuration attributes.5 .12. etc… The following gives an overview of this section: • • • • • • • • • MR-1.OSPF configuration attributes on page 178 MR-1.VRRP configuration attributes on page 194 MR-1.6 .12. traffic and priority policy.9 . Then it explains the configuration attributes of the extra features as there are NAT.IKE SA configuration attributes on page 170 MR-1.8 .12. L2TP tunnelling.1 .12. 127 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes MR-1.1 General router configuration attributes This section describes the following configuration attributes: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • telindus1423Router/ip/router/defaultRoute on page 128 telindus1423Router/ip/router/routingTable on page 129 telindus1423Router/ip/router/routingProtocol on page 130 telindus1423Router/ip/router/alternativeRoutes on page 130 telindus1423Router/ip/router/ripUpdateInterval on page 130 telindus1423Router/ip/router/ripHoldDownTime on page 131 telindus1423Router/ip/router/ripv2SecretTable on page 132 telindus1423Router/ip/router/sysSecret on page 133 telindus1423Router/ip/router/pppSecretTable on page 133 telindus1423Router/ip/router/helperProtocols on page 134 telindus1423Router/ip/router/sendTtlExceeded on page 135 telindus1423Router/ip/router/sendPortUnreachable on page 136 telindus1423Router/ip/router/sendAdminUnreachable on page 136 telindus1423Router/ip/router/dhcpStatic on page 137 telindus1423Router/ip/router/dhcpDynamic on page 139 telindus1423Router/ip/router/dhcpCheckAddress on page 141 telindus1423Router/ip/router/radius on page 142 telindus1423Router/ip/router/dns on page 144 telindus1423Router/ip/router/addrPools on page 145 telindus1423Router/ip/router/<alarmConfigurationAttributes> on page 151 .12. you can omit the gateway element. a DLCI. Default:1 Range: 1 … 15 If two routes exist with the same preference.255. Default:10 Range: 1 … 200 RIP routes always have a preference of 60. This element is only important when combining static routes and RIP routes.0. If you do not specify a value for the interface element. PVCs and tunnels) and finding an interface for which the gateway lies in the subnet defined by the IP address and net mask of that interface. metric Use this element to set with how much the metric parameter of a route has to be incremented. tunnel.0 Range: up to 255. preference Use this element to set the level of importance of the default route with respect to routes learnt via RIP.Configuration de chemins statiques on page 195 for more information on static routes. telindus1423Router/lanInterface/name). Refer to MU-8. . also called gateway address.0. the WAN interface. then it is deduced by checking all interfaces (including DLCIs. PVC. Routes with a lower preference value are chosen over routes with higher preference value.Explication de la structure rip on page 214 for more information on the metric parameter. Note that this interface can also be a DLCI.255 Whether you can omit the gateway element or not. The defaultRoute structure contains the following elements: Element gateway Description Use this element to specify the IP address of the next router that will route all packets for which no specific (static or dynamic) route exists in the routing table.5. PVC or tunnel. then the route with the lowest metric value is chosen. Typing the string “discard”.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 128 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/defaultRoute Use this attribute to set the default route. is linked to the following conditions: If the interface element specifies … the LAN interface. etc. Default:Range: structure. discards all packets for the corresponding destination.3 . Do this by typing the name of the interface as you assigned it using the configuration attribute name (e.g. interface then … you can not omit the gateway element. you can omit the gateway element only when using PPP encapsulation. Default:<empty> Range: 0 … 24 characters Use this element to specify the interface through which the gateway can be reached.3 . Default:0.255. see below Refer to MU-8. 255 mask gateway Whether you can omit the gateway element or not. see below Refer to MU-8.255. Default:10 Range: 1 … 200 Routes with a lower preference value are chosen over routes with higher preference value.255. the WAN interface.Default:0.255 Use this element to specify the network mask of the destination network. is linked to the following conditions: If the interface element specifies … the LAN interface.5. Range: up to 255. Default:1 Range: 1 … 15 If two routes exist with the same preference. Do this by typing the name of the interface as you assigned it using the configuration attribute name (e.0. Note that routes learned through RIP always have a preference of 60. preference Use this element to set the level of importance of the route.255. PVCs and tunnels) and finding an interface for which the gateway lies in the subnet defined by the IP address and net mask of that interface.255 Default:0. PVC. you can omit the gateway element. . Typing the string “discard”.Configuration de chemins statiques on page 195 for more information on static routes.0 tination network.0 Range: up to 255. metric Use this element to set with how much the metric parameter of a route has to be incremented.Explication de la structure rip on page 214 for more information on the metric parameter.255. tunnel. telindus1423Router/lanInterface/name on page 21).0. PVC or tunnel.129 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/routingTable Use this attribute to configure the static IP routes. If you do not specify a value for the interface element. interface then … you can not omit the gateway element. Default:<empty> Range: table. you can omit the gateway element only when using PPP encapsulation. discards all packets for the corresponding destination. then the route with the lowest metric value is chosen.255.0. Default:<empty> Range: 0 … 24 characters Use this element to specify the interface through which the destination network can be reached. The routingTable table contains the following elements: Element network Description Use this element to specify the IP address of the des.255.3 . a DLCI. then it is deduced by checking all interfaces (including DLCIs. etc. Default:255. Refer to MU-8.255.g.0. Use this element to specify the IP address of the next router on the path to the destination network. Note that the “interface” can also be a DLCI.3 .0 Range: up to 255.255. Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 130 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/routingProtocol Use this attribute to activate or deactivate the Routing Information Protocol (RIP). . it uses the alternative route. see below If more than one route to a (sub-)network is defined in the routing table. Only static routes are used. telindus1423Router/ip/router/ripUpdateInterval Default:00000d 00h 00m 30s Range: 00000d 00h 00m 05s Use this attribute to set the interval the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router trans00000d 00h 10m 00s mits RIP update messages. and these routes have … • • identical destination addresses. … then you can use the alternativeRoutes attribute to determine which route the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router uses to reach the (sub-)network. However. Refer to the elements txVersion and rxVersion in the rip structure (refer to MU-8. it is deleted after 4 times the ripUpdateInterval. Default:none Range: enumerated. telindus1423Router/ip/router/alternativeRoutes Use this attribute to determine how the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router deals with identical routes.Configuration de RIP on page 209 for more information on RIP. After the route is down. The alternativeRoutes attribute has the following values: Value backup roundRobin Description The Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router always uses the same route to reach the (sub)network.5 .3 . The RIP routing protocol is active. Default:backup Range: enumerated. see below Refer to MU-8. changing this interval will also change the lifetime of routes learnt through RIP. However. masks. Only when this route goes down.Explication de la structure rip on page 214). once a certain route is used to reach a specific address. preferences and metrics. You can set the RIP version per interface. The routingProtocol attribute has the following values: Value none rip Description No routing protocol is used. The Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router alternately uses the two possible routes to reach the (sub-)network. a different gateway. If a RIP route is received for the last time. it is declared down after 6 times the ripUpdateInterval. It is possible to change this interval. RIP update messages are transmitted every 30 seconds. this same route is always used to reach this specific address. Normally.5. 131 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/ripHoldDownTime Use this attribute to set the time during which routing information regarding better paths is suppressed. Default:00000d 00h 03m 00s Range: 00000d 00h 00m 00s 00000d 00h 10m 00s It should be at least three times the value of the ripUpdateInterval attribute. A route enters into a hold-down state when an update packet is received that indicates the route is unreachable. The route is marked inaccessible and advertised as unreachable. However, the route is still used for forwarding packets. When hold-down expires, routes advertised by other sources are accepted and the route is no longer inaccessible. What is the RIP hold-down time? Suppose you have a situation as depicted in the figure alongside. Now suppose the following happens: 1. Route X goes down. ⇒Router A sends a RIP update message to router B declaring route X down. 2. Only a few moments later, route X goes up for a while after which it goes down again. This continues for a certain time. In other words, the route status toggles between up and down. ⇒Every time the status of route X changes, Router A sends a RIP update message to router B. Also router B propagates these RIP update messages. In other words, the toggling of route X causes that a lot of RIP update messages are sent. The ripHoldDownTime attribute tries to avoid situations as described above. Suppose router B has a ripHoldDownTime attribute. In that case, the situation is as follows: 1. Route X goes down. ⇒Router A sends a RIP update message to router B declaring route X down. Router B starts the RIP hold-down timer. 2. The status of route X starts toggling between up and down. ⇒Router A sends several RIP update messages concerning route X to router B. Router B holds the status of route X down, as longs as the RIP hold-down timer has not expired. When the RIP hold-down timer expires and the route is … • down, then the route status stays down. • up, then the route status changes to up. Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 132 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/ripv2SecretTable Use this attribute to define the secrets used for the RIP authentication. Default:<empty> Range: table, see below Refer to MU-8.5.4 - Activation de l'authentification RIP sur une interface on page 218 for more information on RIP authentication. The ripv2SecretTable table contains the following elements: Element keyId Description Use this element to set a unique identifier for each secret. Use this element to define the secret. Default:0 Range: 0 … 255 secret Default:<empty> This secret is sent with the RIP updates on the speci- Range: 0 … 16 characters fied interface. It is also used to authenticate incoming RIP updates. Use this element to specify on which interface the secret is used. Default:all Range: 0 … 24 characters interface Entering the string “all” (default) means the secret is used on all the interfaces. Remarks • • If authentication is enabled (either text or md5), then only updates using that authentication are processed. All other updates on that interface are discarded. If you use md5 and if for a certain interface multiple secrets are present in the ripv2SecretTable, then the first entry in the ripv2SecretTable is used to transmit RIP updates. Authentication of the received RIP updates is done by looking for the first secret with a matching key. If you use text and if for a certain interface multiple secrets are present in the ripv2SecretTable, then only the first entry in the ripv2SecretTable is used to transmit and receive RIP updates. • 133 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/sysSecret Use this attribute for the PPP authentication process. The PPP authenticator uses the sysSecret attribute in order to verify the peer its response. For more information on PPP authentication, refer to … • • MU-7.4.6 - Configuration de PAP on page 171 MU-7.4.8 - Configuration de CHAP on page 175 Default:<empty> Range: 0 … 64 characters telindus1423Router/ip/router/pppSecretTable Use this attribute for the PPP authentication process. Enter the authentication name and secret of the remote router in this table. For more information on PPP authentication, refer to … • • MU-7.4.6 - Configuration de PAP on page 171 MU-7.4.8 - Configuration de CHAP on page 175 Default:<empty> Range: table, see below The pppSecretTable contains the following elements: Element name Description Use this element to set the PPP authentication name of the remote router. Default:<empty> Range: 0 … 64 characters If the remote router is a Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router, then the name element should correspond with the remote Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router its sysName or sessionName attribute. Refer to MU-7.4.10 - Quels attributs de nom et de secret utiliser en vue de l’authentification PPP ? on page 178. secret Use this element to set the PPP authentication secret of the remote router. Default:<empty> Range: 0 … 64 characters If the remote router is a Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router, then the secret element should correspond with the remote Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router its sysSecret or sessionSecret attribute. Refer to MU-7.4.10 - Quels attributs de nom et de secret utiliser en vue de l’authentification PPP ? on page 178. Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 134 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/helperProtocols Use this attribute to define the TCP and UDP port numbers for which broadcast forwarding is required. Use this attribute if you specified helper IP addresses using the helpers element in the ip structure of the LAN interface. Refer to MU-5.2.3 - Explication de la structure ip on page 63. If the helperProtocols table is empty (default), then address substitution is applied for the following protocols: Protocol name Time Server IEN-116 Host Name Server Domain Name Server TACACS database service Boot Protocol (BootP) / DHCP server NetBIOS Name Server NetBIOS Datagram Server Important remark Specifying at least one value in the helperProtocols table clears the default helper list automatically. In that case, if you want that for instance NetBios Datagram Server broadcast is forwarded, you have to specify port number 138 again. For BootP / DHCP broadcast packets, the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router is also a BootP / DHCP Relay Agent. If the protocol is selected, then the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router will write the IP address of its Ethernet interface in the BootP or DHCP gateway field and increment the hops field in addition to the address substitution. TCP/UDP port number 37 42 53 65 68 137 138 Default:<empty> Range: table, see below 135 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/sendTtlExceeded Use this attribute to enable or disable the sending of ICMP “TTL exceeded“ messages. The sendTtlExceeded attribute has the following values: Value enabled disabled Description Default:enabled Range: enabled / disabled The Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router sends ICMP “TTL exceeded" messages. The Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router does not send ICMP “TTL exceeded” messages. This also implies that the router is not recognised by the UNIX or Windows traceroute feature. What is Time To Live (TTL)? Each IP packet has a Time To Live (TTL) value in its header. Each device that sends an IP packet sets this parameter at some fixed or predefined value. When the packet enters a router, the router decrements the TTL value. If a router finds a value 0 after decrementing the TTL, it discards the packet. This because a value 0 means the packet has passed too many routers. Probably the packet is looping between a number of routers. This mechanism avoids that routers with configuration errors bring down a complete network. The ICMP message “TTL exceeded” If a router discards a packet because its TTL is exceeded, it normally sends an ICMP “TTL exceeded“ message to the originator of the packet. With the sendTtlExceeded attribute you can define whether you want the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router to send such ICMP messages or not. It has been chosen to allow TTL exceeded messages in case of PPP. However, this has the effect that TTL exceeded is also transmitted on some Ethernet broadcasts. Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 136 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/sendPortUnreachable Use this attribute to enable or disable the sending of ICMP “Destination unreachable: Port unreachable“ messages. The sendPortUnreachable attribute has the following values: Value enabled disabled Description Default:enabled Range: enabled / disabled The Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router sends ICMP “port unreachable" messages. The Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router does not send ICMP “port unreachable” messages. This also implies that the router is not recognised by the UNIX or Windows traceroute feature. The ICMP message “port unreachable” The Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router supports a number of higher-layer IP protocols (Telnet, SNMP and TMA) for management purposes. If an IP packet is sent to the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router for a higherlayer protocol that it does not support, it normally sends an ICMP “Destination unreachable: Port unreachable“ message to the originator of the packet. With the sendPortUnreachable attribute you can define whether you want the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router to send such an ICMP message or not. telindus1423Router/ip/router/sendAdminUnreachable Default:enabled Range: enabled / disabled Use this attribute to enable or disable the sending of ICMP "Destination unreachable: Communication with destination is administratively prohibited” messages. The sendAdminUnreachable attribute has the following values: Value enabled disabled Description The Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router sends ICMP “communication prohibited“ messages. The Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router does not send ICMP “communication prohibited“ messages. The ICMP message “communication prohibited” If the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router receives an IP packet that is destined for a prohibited destination (because this destination is defined in an access list), then it sends an ICMP "Destination unreachable: Communication with destination is administratively prohibited” message to the originator of the packet. With the sendAdminUnreachable attribute you can define whether you want the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router to send such an ICMP message or not. 137 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/dhcpStatic This attribute activates the DHCP server on the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router. Use this attribute to assign a fixed IP address to a client its MAC address and this for an infinite time. The dhcpStatic table contains the following elements: Element ipAddress Description Use this element to assign an IP address to a certain client. This client is identified with its MAC address. Default: Range: up to Default:<empty> Range: table, see below If no IP address is specified, then there is no connection to the client. In that case, all other attributes in the table are ignored for this client. mask Use this element to set the client its subnet mask. Default: Range: up to gateway Use this element to set the default gateway for the cli- Default: ent its subnet. Range: up to If the interface element is left empty (default), then it is the gateway element that determines on which interface the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router will act as DHCP server. Namely the interface through which the IP address as entered in the gateway element can be reached. If no gateway is specified, then the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router gives its own address. This address lies in the subnet of the interface through which the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router sends out the DHCP reply. interface Use this element to specify the name of the interface on which you want the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router to act as DHCP server. Default:<empty> Range: 0 … 36 characters dnsSetting Use this element to determine which DNS servers are Default:learned used for handling the DNS requests. Range: enumerated, see below The dnsSetting element has the following values: • configured. The Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router sends all DNS requests to the DNS servers that have been configured in the attribute telindus1423Router/ip/router/ dns on page 144. learned. If DNS servers have been configured in the attribute telindus1423Router/ip/ router/dns, then all DNS requests are sent to these servers. However, if no DNS servers have been configured, then the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router tries to learn the DNS servers from the network. During the time the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router has not learned the DNS servers yet, DNS relay is active allowing DNS between the clients that already have been given an IP address. relay. The Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router acts as a DNS server for its clients, caching all DNS requests. It answers to DNS requests if possible. However, if an entry is not present in its cache, then it relays this request to the DNS servers that have been configured in the attribute telindus1423Router/ip/router/dns. Default: Range: up to • • nameServer Use this element to set the IP address of the name server that is available to the client. Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 138 Configuration attributes Element nameServer2 Description Use this element to set the IP address of the second name server that is available to the client. Use this element to set the IP address of the TFTP server that is available to the client. It is the next server to use in boottrap. Default: Range: up to Default: Range: up to tftpServer macAddress Use this element to enter the client its MAC address. Default: If no MAC address is specified, then there is no con- Range: up to ff.ff.ff.ff.ff.ff nection to the client. Therefore, all other attributes in the table are ignored for this client. bootFile Use this element to set the location of the boot file. Default:<empty> Range: 0 … 128 characters Default:<empty> Range: 0 … 20 characters hostName Use this element to set the name of the client. domainName Use this element to set the name the client should use Default:<empty> when resolving hostnames via the Domain Name Range: 0 … 20 characters System (DNS). Use this element to set the IP address of the NetBios server. Use this element to set the IP address of the second NetBios server. Use this element to configure the client as described in RFC 1001 / RFC 1002. Default: Range: up to Default: Range: up to Default:<opt> Range: enumerated, see below netbiosNameServer netbiosNameServer 2 netbiosNodeType The netbiosNodeType element has the following values: no-node, B-node, P-node, Mnode, H-node. 139 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/dhcpDynamic This attribute activates the DHCP server on the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router. Use this attribute to specify the IP address range from which an IP address may be dynamically assigned to a client its MAC address. The dhcpDynamic table contains the following elements: Element ipStartAddress Description Use this element to define the start address of the IP Default: address range. It is from this range that an IP address Range: up to will be dynamically assigned to a client. If no IP start address is specified, all other attributes on the same line in the table are ignored. ipEndAddress Use this element to define the end address of the IP Default: address range. It is from this range that an IP address Range: up to will be dynamically assigned to a client. The IP address range will only contain the ipStartAddress in case … • • • • no ipEndAddress is specified, the specified ipEndAddress is the same as the ipStartAddress, the specified ipEndAddress is smaller than the ipStartAddress, the specified ipEndAddress belongs to another subnet than the ipStartAddress. Do not include the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router its own IP address in this range! mask Use this element to set the client its subnet mask for the specified IP address range. Default: Range: up to Default:<empty> Range: table, see below gateway Use this element to set the default gateway for the cli- Default: ent its subnet. Range: up to If the interface element is left empty (default), then it is the gateway element that determines on which interface the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router will act as DHCP server. Namely the interface through which the IP address as entered in the gateway element can be reached. If no gateway is specified, then the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router gives its own address. This address lies in the subnet of the interface through which the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router sends out the DHCP reply. interface Use this element to specify the name of the interface on which you want the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router to act as DHCP server. Default:<empty> Range: 0 … 36 characters Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 140 Configuration attributes Element dnsSetting Description Use this element to determine which DNS servers are Default:learned used for handling the DNS requests. Range: enumerated, see below The dnsSetting element has the following values: • configured. The Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router sends all DNS requests to the DNS servers that have been configured in the attribute telindus1423Router/ip/router/ dns on page 144. learned. If DNS servers have been configured in the attribute telindus1423Router/ip/ router/dns, then all DNS requests are sent to these servers. However, if no DNS servers have been configured, then the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router tries to learn the DNS servers from the network. During the time the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router has not learned the DNS servers yet, DNS relay is active allowing DNS between the clients that already have been given an IP address. relay. The Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router acts as a DNS server for its clients, caching all DNS requests. It answers to DNS requests if possible. However, if an entry is not present in its cache, then it relays this request to the DNS servers that have been configured in the attribute telindus1423Router/ip/router/dns. Default: Range: up to Default: Range: up to Default: Range: up to • • nameServer Use this element to set the IP address of the name server that is available to the client. Use this element to set the IP address of the second name server that is available to the client. Use this element to set the IP address of the TFTP server that is available to the client. It is the next server to use in boottrap. nameServer2 tftpServer leaseTime Use this element to set the maximum time a client can Default:00000d 00h 00m 00s lease an IP address from the specified IP address Range: 00000d 00h 00m 00s 24855d 03h 14m 07s range. If 00000d 00h 00m 00s (default) is specified, then the lease time is infinite. holdTime Use this element to set the time between two consec- Default:00000d 00h 00m 00s utive leases of an IP address. I.e. if a client has just let Range: 00000d 00h 00m 00s 24855d 03h 14m 07s go of its dynamically assigned IP address, then this same IP address can not be reassigned before the holdTime has elapsed. Use this element to set the location of the boot file. Default:<empty> Range: 0 … 128 characters Default:<empty> Range: 0 … 20 characters bootFile hostName Use this element to set the name of the client. Because the DHCP server can not give the same name to all clients of this IP address range, a number is added to the hostname from the second IP address onwards. The number goes up to 99. Example Suppose the hostname is OneAccess. In that case the name for the start IP address is OneAccess, for the second IP address OneAccess1, and so on. 141 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes Element domainName Description Use this element to set the name the client should use Default:<empty> when resolving hostnames via the Domain Name Range: 0 … 20 characters System (DNS). Use this element to set the IP address of the NetBios server. Use this element to set the IP address of the second NetBios server. Use this element to configure the client as described in RFC 1001 / RFC 1002. Default: Range: up to Default: Range: up to Default:<opt> Range: enumerated, see below netbiosNameServer netbiosNameServer 2 netbiosNodeType The netbiosNodeType element has the following values: no-node, B-node, P-node, Mnode, H-node. telindus1423Router/ip/router/dhcpCheckAddress Default:disabled Range: enumerated, see below Use this attribute to allow that the IP address assigned by the DHCP server is probed with an ARP request (Ethernet) or ICMP Echo Request (IP). This checks and prevents the double use of IP addresses. The dhcpCheckAddress attribute has the following values: Value disabled enabled Description No probing is done when an IP address is leased by a client. Probing is done when an IP address is leased by a client. In case of … • • Ethernet, the probing is done with an ARP request. IP, the probing is done with an ICMP Echo Request (ping). If a reply is received, it means the IP address is already in use. Therefore, another IP address is assigned. arpOnly Probing is done when an IP address is leased by a client. However, the probing is only done by means of an ARP request (Ethernet). see below acctServer Use this element to select an accounting server. The acctServer structure contains the following elements: • • address. Default:Range: structure. Furthermore. Use this element to specify the IP address of the accounting server. Note that this is not always supported by the accounting server. The local configuration of the username and password is ignored if a table of RADIUS servers exist.Default:00000d 00h 00m 05s tion time-out. You can only select one accounting server. secret.Configuration RADIUS on page 375. Use this element to specify the accounting time-out.255. Use this element to set the shared secret to authenticate the transaction with the accounting server. .255. see below To enable the use of RADIUS in PPP. acctUpdate Set this element to 0 (default) if no update is required. PAP or CHAP should be enabled on the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router. remote IP address and remote netmask are ignored if a RADIUS server imposes these attributes.0.0. timeOut. Default:0. secret.0.0 Range: up to 255. Default:<empty> You can create a list of several authentication servers. Range: table.255. see below The authServers table contains the following elements: • • address.0 Range: up to 255.255. Default:0. Use this element to specify the time at which an update of the accounting data should be send to the server. Use this element to specify the authentica.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 142 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/radius Use this attribute to configure the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router for RADIUS.0.255 Default:<empty> Range: 0 … 64 characters Default:00000d 00h 00m 05s Range: 00000d 00h 00m 01s 00000d 00h 00m 10s Default:1 Range: 0 … 10 Default:00000d 00h 00m 00s Range: 00000d 00h 00m 00s 00000d 00h 01m 00s • retries Use this element to specify the number of retries before selecting the next authentication server in the authServers table.255 Default:<empty> Range: 0 … 64 characters • timeOut. Use this element to set the shared secret to authenticate the transaction with the authentication server. Also see MU-10. Use this element to specify the IP address of the authentication server. Range: 00000d 00h 00m 01s 00000d 00h 00m 10s Default:Range: structure.7 . The radius structure contains the following elements: Element authServers Description Use this element to select an authentication server. If the ‘:’ is omitted. then authentication is done using the local security table of the device. The login element has the following values: • • disabled. The bit definitions are: readAccess = 00000001B writeAccess = 00000010B securityAccess = 00000100B countryAccess = 00001000B (only used on aster4/5) fileAccess = 00010000B Caution should be taken since all access to the device has to be authenticated by a RADIUS server. see below ppp Use this element to set the authentication of a PPP connection that uses PAP or CHAP. enabled. PPP authentication is always done using a RADIUS server. Default:enabled Range: enumerated. The username and password have to be entered as follows: "username:password". then the string is considered to be a password. No RADIUS login authentication is done. FTP. However.143 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes Element login Description Use this element to set the authentication of access to Default:disabled the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router using Telnet. The ppp element has the following values: • • disabled. PPP authentication is done using the local sysName/sysSecret or sessionName/sessionSecret of the device. • fallback. Access rights are sent using the RADIUS attribute CLASS (25) encoded as a string carrying a binary value. Range: enumerated. see below TFTP or TMA. if the server is not available. . Multiple passwords can be added using the same username. enabled. Login authentication is done using a RADIUS server. Login authentication is always done using a RADIUS server. No accounting data is sent to the server. in fact.0 Range: up to might translate to 198.Default:0.255 Use this element to enter the domain name to which the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router belongs.232. If one DNS server doesn't know how to translate a particular domain name. Range: up to 255. the domain name www. Default:<empty> Range: 0 … 32 characters domainName What is DNS? The Domain Name Service (DNS) is an Internet service that translates domain names into IP addresses. What is DNS proxy? The Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router is a DNS proxy. Default:Range: structure. The Internet however.0. its own network. every time you use a domain name.105. The DNS system is.mywebsite. they are easier to remember. then it gives its own address in DHCP requests (as DHCP server). a DNS service must translate the name into the corresponding IP address.0. it asks another one. Because domain names are alphabetic.255 secondaryDns Use this element to specify the IP address of the sec. see below Default:0.0 ondary DNS server. . For example. Also see What is DNS? on page 509.255.4. The dns structure contains the following elements: Element primaryDns Description Use this element to specify the IP address of the primary DNS server. until the correct IP address is returned.255. is really based on IP addresses.255. The Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router relays DNS requests it receives to configured or learned DNS servers. and so on.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 144 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/dns Use this attribute to enter the DNS server addresses. This means that if the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router has not received a DNS address (as DHCP client). Therefore.0.255. Refer to telindus1423Router/ip/router/addrPool/pool/interval on page 149. Default:<empty> Range: 0 … 24 characters Default:<empty> Range: choice. You can select between the following IP pool types: • • an IP list pool. Refer to telindus1423Router/ip/router/addrPools/pool/list on page 146. see below pool Use this element to select between an IP pool type and to add IP addresses to the pool. The ip structure in the forwardingMode profile applies on the PPP link(s) that you can set up on the ISDN interface(s). . Default:<empty> Range: table. The addrPool table contains the following elements: Element name Description Use this element to assign a name to the IP pool. 6. an IP interval pool. see below Use this attribute to create a list or an interval of IP addresses from which the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router can pick IP addresses and use them on a PPP link6.145 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/addrPools This attribute is only present on the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router ISDN version. 255. Range: table. Use this element to set the local IP address.255. Default:0.0. Use the addrPool element in the ip structure to determine from which IP list pool the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router has to pick IP addresses. .0. remote. The list table contains the following elements: Element name Description Use this element to assign a name to the IP list pool.0 Range: up to 255.255.255 Default:0.2.255 Default:<empty> Range: table.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 146 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/addrPools/pool/list Use this element to create one or more lists of IP addresses from which the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router can pick IP addresses and use them as local and remote IP address for a PPP link.0. Use this element to set the subnet mask. see below pool Important remark Note again that an IP list pool is for both local and remote IP addresses.Explication de la structure ip on page 63 for more information.0.255 Default:0.255. Refer to MU-5.0.255. Use this element to set the remote IP address. see below The pool table contains the following elements: • • • local.0 Range: up to 255. netmask.255. Default:<empty> Range: 0 … 24 characters Use this element to create a list of IP addresses from Default:<empty> which the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router can pick one.0 Range: up to 255.3 .0. you want that the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router picks local and remote IP addresses from myList2. 3 Expand the pool element by clicking on the black triangle of the pool element. 4 Double-click on the <Table> string situated in the pool/list column. 2 In the pool element select the value list. Configure this as follows: Step 1 Action Create two entries in the router/addrPools table and specify a name for each entry.147 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes Example Suppose … • • you want to create two IP list pools: myList1 and myList2. . 6 In the addrPool element of the ip structure. In our example. select the value “list” and enter the name of the IP list pool from which you want to pick IP addresses. this is myList2.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 148 Configuration attributes Step 5 Action Create entries in the pool/list tables and enter a local IP address. remote IP address and a netmask for each entry. . Default:<empty> Range: 0 … 24 characters Default:<empty> Range: structure. Use the addrPool element in the ip structure to determine from which IP interval pool the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router has to pick IP addresses.0.0.255 one.3 . see below from to Use these elements to create a range of IP addresses Default:0.255. Refer to MU-5.149 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/addrPool/pool/interval Use this element to create one or more ranges of IP addresses from which the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router can pick IP addresses and use them as remote IP address for a PPP link. Important remark Note again that an IP interval pool is for remote IP addresses only. The interval structure contains the following elements: Element name Description Use this element to assign a name to the IP interval pool. .255.2.0 from which the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router can pick Range: up to 255.Explication de la structure ip on page 63 for more information. 4 Double-click on the <Struct> string situated in the pool/interval column. you want that the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router picks a remote IP addresses from myInterval2.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 150 Configuration attributes Example Suppose … • • you want to create two IP interval pools: myInterval1 and myInterval2. Configure this as follows: Step 1 Action Create two entries in the router/addrPools table and specify a name for each entry. . 3 Expand the pool element by clicking on the black triangle of the pool element. 2 In the pool element select the value interval. 13 . refer to MR-4. refer to MR4. 6 In the addrPool element of the ip structure. create an IP address range using the elements from and to.2 .e. In our example. the alarms of the router object. I. .151 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes Step 5 Action Configure the pool/interval structures. select the value “interval” and enter the name of the IP interval pool from which you want to pick IP addresses.Router alarms on page 504.Introducing the alarm attributes on page 488. this is myInterval2. telindus1423Router/ip/router/<alarmConfigurationAttributes> For more information on … • • the alarm configuration attributes alarmMask and alarmLevel and on the alarms in general. 12.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 152 Configuration attributes MR-1.2 NAT configuration attributes This section describes the following configuration attributes: • • • • • • • • • • telindus1423Router/ip/router/defaultNat/patAddress on page 153 telindus1423Router/ip/router/defaultNat/portTranslations on page 153 telindus1423Router/ip/router/defaultNat/servicesAvailable on page 154 telindus1423Router/ip/router/defaultNat/addresses on page 154 telindus1423Router/ip/router/defaultNat/gateway on page 155 telindus1423Router/ip/router/defaultNat/tcpSocketTimeOut on page 155 telindus1423Router/ip/router/defaultNat/udpSocketTimeOut on page 155 telindus1423Router/ip/router/defaultNat/tcpSockets on page 155 telindus1423Router/ip/router/defaultNat/udpSockets on page 155 telindus1423Router/ip/router/defaultNat/dmzHost on page 155 . PAT replaces only the source IP address provided it is the first device using this port number.0 Range: up to 255.0. PAT discards this traffic. see below Default:0.0. When other devices using the same application (hence the same port number) try to send traffic to the same Internet destination address.255. It is also possible to define port ranges that PAT should always discard. action Use this element to set the action in case a packet is received with a source port number that falls within the specified port range. see below . Default:noTranslation Range: enumerated.255.Configuration de translation d'adresses on page 229 for more information on PAT. deny. Packets with port numbers that fall within the specified port range are discarded.153 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/defaultNat/patAddress Use this attribute to enter the official IP address that has to be used for the Port Address Translation. Use this element to set the highest value of the TCP or UDP port range.0. telindus1423Router/ip/router/defaultNat/portTranslations Use this attribute to define specific port number ranges that should not be translated. Refer to MU-8. endPort If no endPort value is defined (<opt>). Default:<empty> Range: table. The action element has the following values: • • noTranslation. The port translation range PAT uses goes from 60928 up to 65535. The portTranslations table contains the following elements: Element protocol Description Use this element to select the protocol: tcp or udp. then the port range is limited to the startPort value only. In the portTranslations table you can define UDP and TCP port ranges that should not be translated. Default:tcp Range: tcp / udp Default:0 Range: 0 … 65535 Default:<opt> Range: 0 … 65535 startPort Use this element to set the lowest value of the TCP or UDP port range. Entering an address different from the default value 0. The port numbers that fall within the specified port range are not translated.255 Some TCP or UDP applications do not allow port translations: these applications require a dedicated source port number. If a packet with a source port number in such a range is received.7 .0 automatically enables PAT.0. 255. then NAT is applied dynamically.e. These addresses are used in the reverse order as they appear in the list. i. . then it is sent to the private server address. Now you can activate or deactivate NAT per IP interface.0.255 If a packet is received with a source port number that falls within the specified port range. the official IP address is used for any private source IP address.255 Default:<empty> Range: table. Use this element to set the highest value of the TCP or UDP port range. Note that by default NAT is deactivated on all IP interfaces.0 Range: up to 255. Instead it is sent to the corresponding private IP address. see below The servicesAvailable table makes it possible to have a server on the local network that can be accessed from the Internet. Default:0.255. Default:0. endPort If no endPort value is defined (<opt>).Configuration de translation d'adresses on page 229 for more information on NAT.0. although it has no official IP address. telindus1423Router/ip/router/defaultNat/addresses Use this attribute to enter all the official IP addresses that have to be used for Network Address Translation. to permanently assign an official IP address to a private address. privateAddress Use this element to set the private IP address. Default:<empty> Range: table. I.255 If you do not specify a private IP address. The addresses table contains the following elements: Element officialAddress Description Use this element to set the official IP address.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 154 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/defaultNat/servicesAvailable Use this attribute to define specific port number ranges for incoming Internet traffic that should not be translated. Entering an address in the addresses table automatically enables the general NAT process. serverAddress Use this element to set the private server address.255.0.e.0.255.255. then the port range is limited to the startPort value only. The servicesAvailable table contains the following elements: Element protocol Description Use this element to select the protocol: tcp or udp. Default:tcp Range: tcp / udp Default:0 Range: 0 … 65535 Default:<opt> Range: 0 … 65535 startPort Use this element to set the lowest value of the TCP or UDP port range.255.0 Range: up to 255. see below Default:<opt> Range: up to 255. Refer to MU-8.7 . 0. The DMZ host then initiates sessions for these requests on the public network.0. In the event that an outside user penetrated the DMZ host's security.255. the DMZ host is not able to initiate a session back into the private network. telindus1423Router/ip/router/defaultNat/dmzHost Use this attribute to set the address of the DMZ (demilitarised zone) host.0 Range: up to 255.0. filling up the available translation sessions. filling up the available translation sessions. telindus1423Router/ip/router/defaultNat/udpSockets Use this attribute to set the maximum number of UDP session that may be used simultaneously for address translation. Users of the public network outside the company can access only the DMZ host. then NAT or PAT is applied on all routes through this interface. whether PAT or NAT is in use. Only decrease this attribute if some UDP applications do not close properly. whether PAT or NAT is in use. a separate computer receives requests from users within the private network for access to Web sites or other companies accessible on the public network. remain active for one day by default. telindus1423Router/ip/router/defaultNat/udpSocketTimeOut Default:00000d 00h 03m 00s Range: 00000d 00h 00m 00s Use this attribute to define the time-out for UDP sessions that are not closed 24855d 03h 14m 07s by the application. It prevents outside users from getting direct access to a server that has company data.155 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/defaultNat/gateway Use this attribute to define the gateway addresses of routes on which NAT or PAT should be applied. telindus1423Router/ip/router/defaultNat/tcpSockets Use this attribute to set the maximum number of TCP session that may be used simultaneously for address translation. telindus1423Router/ip/router/defaultNat/tcpSocketTimeOut Use this attribute to define the time-out for TCP sessions that are not closed by the application. a DMZ (demilitarised zone) is a computer host or small network inserted as a "neutral zone" between a company's private network and the outside public network. In a typical DMZ configuration for a small company. However.0.255.255 Such sessions. Only decrease this attribute if some TCP applications do not close properly.255. If you do not configure the gateway attribute. the DMZ provides access to no other company data. remain active for 3 minutes by default. However. It can only forward packets that have already been requested. A DMZ is an optional and more secure approach to a firewall and effectively acts as a proxy server as well. Default:00001d 00h 00m 00s Range: 00000d 00h 00m 00s 24855d 03h 14m 07s Default:0. Default:1024 Range: 500 … 4500 Default:1024 Range: 500 … 4500 Default:0.255 .0 Range: up to 255. What is a DMZ? In computer networks. Such sessions. the Web pages might be corrupted but no other company information would be exposed.255. The DMZ may typically also have the company's Web pages so these could be served to the outside world. 3 L2TP tunnel configuration attributes This section describes the following configuration attributes: • • telindus1423Router/ip/router/tunnels/l2tpTunnels on page 157 telindus1423Router/ip/router/tunnels/ipsecL2tpTunnels on page 162 .Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 156 Configuration attributes MR-1.12. Add a row to the l2tpTunnels table for each L2TP tunnel you want to set up. routing.Configuration d'adresses IP on page 59 for general information on configuring IP addresses. IP packets are treated by the routing Range: enumerated. the bridging process or both. see below Refer to telindus1423Router/ip/router/tunnels/l2tpTunnels/backup on page 161 for a detailed description of the backup structure. backup Use this element to configure the back-up related parameters of the tunnel. see below Use this element to configure the L2TP related parameters of the tunnel. When bridging is enabled on a tunnel interface. the tunnel acts exactly as a bridge port for a physical PPP connection.Explication de la structure bridging on page 296 for a detailed description of the bridging structure. Default:<empty> Range: table. All packets received on the tunnel are bridged.Default:down nel (down).Explication de la structure ip on page 63 for a detailed description of the ip structure. Refer to … • • MU-5. Default:Range: structure.Configuration du pontage on page 277 for more information on bridging. MU-9. The SNAP header is checked to determine whether the packets have to be bridged or routed. Refer to … • • l2tp MU-9 . . see below mode ip Use this element to configure the IP related parameters of the tunnel. Default:Range: structure. see below process. Default:Range: structure.2.157 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/tunnels/l2tpTunnels Use this attribute to configure the Layer 2 Tunnelling Protocol tunnels you want to set up. Range: up / down Use this element to determine whether for the corre.2 .Default:routing sponding tunnel. Default:Range: structure.2. All packets received on the tunnel are routed. The mode element has the following values: • • • bridging. MU-5. The l2tpTunnels table contains the following elements: Element name Description Use this element to assign an administrative name to the tunnel. routingAndBridging.3 . see below Default:<empty> Range: 0 … 24 characters adminStatus Use this element to activate (up) or deactivate the tun. Refer to telindus1423Router/ip/router/tunnels/l2tpTunnels/l2tp on page 158 for a detailed description of the l2tp structure. see below bridging Use this element to configure the bridging related parameters of the tunnel.6 . Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 158 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/tunnels/l2tpTunnels/l2tp Use the l2tp structure in the l2tpTunnels table to configure the L2TP related parameters of the tunnel.255 Default:<opt> Range: up to 255. pppSesionName Use this element to set the PPP authentication name of the PPP link in the tunnel. . see below pppSesionSecret linkMonitoring Refer to telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/ppp/linkMonitoring on page 59 for more information. only one L2TP session can exist between one localIpAddress and remoteIpAddress combination.255. you can specify Default:<empty> the DNS name of the end point of the L2TP connec. At the moment.255 remoteIpAddress Both localIpAddress and remoteIpAddress together with the well-known port number for L2TP (i.Range: 0 … 64 characters tion. DNS has to be configured on the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router.255. Refer to telindus1423Router/ip/router/dns on page 144. The l2tp structure contains the following elements: Element localIpAddress Description Use this element to set the official IP address that serves as start point of the L2TP connection.e. Default:Range: structure. Use this element to set the PPP authentication secret of the PPP link in the tunnel. Note that in this case. Use this element to set the official IP address that serves as end point of the L2TP connection. Use this element to enable or disable link monitoring on the PPP link in the tunnel and to fine-tune it. Default:disabled Range: enumerated. 1701).255. make up the socket used for the L2TP session. remoteDnsName Instead of specifying a remoteIpAddress. Default:<empty> Range: 0 … 64 characters Default:<empty> Range: 0 … 64 characters Default:Range: structure. see below Default:<opt> Range: up to 255. pppAuthentication Use this element to enable or disable authentication on the PPP link in the tunnel.255. see below Refer to telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/ppp/authentication on page 60 for more information. the DNS name will be resolved to an IP address. In that case. it sends a keep alive message to the other side and waits for an acknowledgement. These Range: on / off sequence numbers are used to detect lost packets and/or restore the original sequence of packets that may have been reordered during transport. and closed when no data is detected for a certain time. keepAliveTimeOut Use this element to set the amount of time (in seconds) the tunnel waits before it sends a keep alive message in case it receives no data. In conjunction with routers from other vendors (e. The l2tpMode element has the following values: • • • lac. that at the other end of the tunnel the type element is set to incoming. The Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router acts as an L2TP Access Concentrator. auto. The Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router acts as an L2TP Network Server. The tunnel is an incoming tunnel. outgoingLeasedLine. for which the type element is set to outgoingDial). Default:30 Range: 1 … 3600 If the tunnel does not receive incoming data during a certain time.159 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes Element type Description Use this element to specify the tunnel type.g. sequence numbering is always enabled. noTrafficTimeOut This element applies on dial tunnels only (i. see below outgoingDial. . incoming. l2tpMode Use this element to set the L2TP function of the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router. On control messages. It is opened whenever data has to be sent through the tunnel. The outgoing tunnel is opened as soon as the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router is up. It is recommended that for connections where reordering or packet loss may occur. dataChannelSequenceNumbering Use this element to enable (on) or disable (off) Default:off sequence numbering on the data messages. they mutually decide who will be the LAC and who the LNS. The outgoing tunnel is not continuously open. dataChannelSequenceNumbering is enabled. and it stays open. Default:120 Range: 1 … 3600 Use this element to set the amount of time (in seconds) the tunnel waits before it closes in case it receives no data. Important remark Only select auto if you use a OneAccess router at both sides of the tunnel. Cisco). The type element has the following values: • Default:outgoingDial Range: enumerated. specifically select an L2TP mode (lac or lns). Important remark • • Make sure that if the type element is set to outgoingDial or outgoingLeasedLine at one end of the tunnel. lns. If both local and remote Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router are set to auto.e. However. If the LAC or LNS wishes to authenticate the identity of the peer it is contacting or being contacted by. Do this using the speed element.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 160 Configuration attributes Element tunnelAuthentication Description Use this element to enable (on) or disable (off) tunnel authentication.Range: 0 … 10 edgement follows. To participate in tunnel authentication. CHAP-like tunnel authentication system during control connection establishment. Default:64000 Range: 0 … 2147483647 In case you use MLPPP. tunnelSecret Use this element to set the tunnel secret. The called number is an ASCII string. It encodes the (telephone) number to be called for an outgoing call request (OCRQ) and the called number for an incoming call request (ICRQ). somehow you have to be able to specify the normally required speed. Use this element to enable (on) or disable (off) the UDP checksum. This secret is used in the tunnel authentication in order to verify the peer its response. calledNr Use this element to set the called number. Default:off Range: on / off L2TP incorporates a simple. . This ele. optional. Default:<empty> Range: 0 … 64 characters copyTos Use this element to enable (on) or disable (off) the cop. If the expected response and response received from a peer does not match. Use this element to set the window size for transmitting control messages. the Bandwidth Allocation Protocol adds or deletes PPP links from the bundle depending on the actual amount of traffic. Contact between the administrator of the LAC and the LNS may be necessary to coordinate interpretation of the value needed in this element. then you can leave this element empty. Use this element to set the number of times a control Default:4 message has to be retransmitted in case no acknowl. it sends a challenge packet. a single shared secret has to exist between the LAC and LNS.Default:<empty> ment is present for compatibility with other vendors Range: 0 … 48 characters that support this feature. If you set up a tunnel between two OneAccess devices. Default:4 Range: 1 … 30 Default:4 Range: 1 … 30 Default:off Range: on / off maxNrOfRetransmissions transmitWindowSize receiveWindowSize udpChecksum It is recommended to enable the UDP checksum on lower quality links.Default:on ying of the TOS byte value from the payload its IP Range: on / off header to the L2TP header. The called number is an indication to the receiver of a call as to what (telephone) number the caller used to reach it. the tunnel is not opened. before the tunnel is closed. Use this element to set the window size for receiving control messages. speed Use this element to make an indication of the expected speed for the tunnel in case of MLPPP. .5. instead of waiting on several time-outs before the backup tunnel is set up. then the backup functionality is executed for the main tunnel even if no backup tunnel is present. Default:<empty> Range: 0 … 24 characters Alternatively. if an alternative route is present. The backup structure contains the following elements: Element interface Description Use this element to enter the name of the tunnel that will act as back-up in a main/back-up mechanism. Default:Range: structure. This element is only relevant in case the type element of the tunnel is set to outgoingLeasedLine. if a leased line tunnel does not come up. configuring the backup element allows you to quickly set up a backup tunnel as soon as the main tunnel goes down. Refer to MU-10. see below In a main/back-up tunnel mechanism. then the back-up tunnel is set up. if the string "discard" is entered as a backup interface.161 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/tunnels/l2tpTunnels/backup Use the backup structure in the l2tpTunnels table to configure the back-up related parameters of the tunnel. timeOut Use this element to set the set-up time-out in seconds. then this route will be taken. whether it has to keep trying to come up (yes) or quit after one try (no).Configuration d’un tunnel principal et de secours on page 351. Default:30 Range: 1 … 3600 Default:no Range: yes / no autoRetry Use this element to determine. So the main tunnel is reset and the route to the main tunnel is closed (so the route status goes “down” instead of “spoofing”). If the tunnel is not set up within the specified time-out.4 . In that case. Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 162 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/tunnels/ipsecL2tpTunnels Use this attribute to configure the IP secured Layer 2 Tunnelling Protocol tunnels you want to set up.e. The only difference is the presence of the ipsec element within the l2tp structure. then enter the index name as value of the ipsec element. The ipsec element offers you the following choice: Choice fdxManualSA Description Select this value if you want to apply a manual security association on both the inbound and outbound traffic of the IPSEC L2TP tunnel. Type the manualSA object its index name in this field. then a field appears behind the value. You can create the security association itself by adding a manualSA or ikeSA object and by configuring the attributes in this object. Default:<empty> Range: 0 … 24 characters If you select this value. see below Default:<empty> Range: table.Configuration d'une sécurité IP on page 354 for more information on IP security. . Default:Range: choice. The elements of the ipsecL2tpTunnel are basically the same as the elements of the l2tpTunnel (refer to telindus1423Router/ip/router/tunnels/l2tpTunnels on page 157). Refer to MU-10. see below Do this by typing the index name of the security association you want to use. telindus1423Router/ip/router/tunnels/ipsecL2tpTunnels/l2tp/ipsec Use this element to apply a security association on the IPSEC L2TP tunnel. Add a row to the IpsecL2tpTunnels table for each IPSEC L2TP tunnel you want to set up. Example If you created a manualSA object with index name my_SA (i.6 . manualSA[my_SA]) and you want to apply this security association on an IPSEC L2TP tunnel. Refer to telindus1423Router/ip/router/tunnels/ipsecL2tpTunnels/l2tp/ipsec on page 162 for more information on the ipsec element. then a structure appears behind the value. see below bound traffic of the IPSEC L2TP tunnel. This structure contains the following elements: • inbound. To apply a security association on the inbound traffic. then a structure appears behind the value. see below If you select this value.e. Default:Range: structure.e. type the manualSA object its index name in this field. manualSA[my_SA_out]) and you want to apply the first on the inbound and the latter on the outbound traffic. Default:<empty> Range: 0 … 24 characters Default:<empty> Range: 0 … 24 characters • Example If you created a manualSA object with index name my_SA_in (i. manualSA[my_SA_in]) and one with index name my_SA_out (i. see below If you select this value. Refer to telindus1423Router/ip/router/tunnels/ipsecL2tpTunnels/l2tp/ipsec/ikePresharedSA on page 164 for a detailed description of the ikePresharedSA structure. Refer to telindus1423Router/ip/router/tunnels/ipsecL2tpTunnels/l2tp/ipsec/ikeCertificateSA on page 165 for a detailed description of the ikeCertificateSA structure. then a structure appears behind the value. then enter the index names of the manualSA objects as follows: ikePresharedSA Select this value if you want to apply an IKE preshared key security association on both the inbound and outbound traffic of the IPSEC L2TP tunnel. type the manualSA object its index name in this field.163 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes Choice hdxManualSA Description Select this value if you want to apply a manual security association on the inbound traffic and another manual security association on the outbound traffic of the IPSEC L2TP tunnel. . To apply a security association on the outbound traffic. Default:Range: structure. ikeCertificateSA Select this value if you want to apply an IKE certificate Default:security association on both the inbound and outRange: structure. If you select this value. outbound. 0. hostname. see below • • remoteId Use this element to set the remote identifier for use in IKE phase 1 negotiation. see below Default:Range: structure. The ikePresharedSA structure contains the following elements: Element ikeSA Description Use this element to apply a certain IKE preshared key Default:<empty> security association on the IPSEC L2TP user. Set the username that will be used as local ID. Default:<ipAddress>”. Range: 0 … 24 characters Do this by typing the ikeSA object its index name in this field.0 Range:”. The hostname has to be of the form “host.e. then the local IP address of the L2TP tunnel is used as local ID. Default:presharedkey Range: 12 … 49 characters • • preSharedKey Use this element to set the pre-shared key string. The localId element has the following values: • ipAddress.0.0).0. ikeSA[mySA]) and you want to apply this security association on an IPSEC L2TP tunnel.0. Set the IP address that will be used as local ID.0. Refer to diffieHelmanGroup on page 173. Set the hostname that will be used as local ID. hostname. localId Use this element to set the local identifier for use in IKE phase 1 negotiation. If you leave the ipAddress element at its default value (0. Sets the username that will be used as remote ID. The remoteId element has the following values: • ipAddress.domain. . The hostname has to be of the form “host. see below Default:<ipAddress>”. If you leave the ipAddress element at its default value (”. This key string in combination with the selected IKE DH group is used to calculate the key during the key exchange in phase 1 of the IKE negotiation. The username has to be of the form “my. Example If you created an ikeSA object with index name mySA (i.0. Sets the IP address that will be used as remote ID. then the remote IP address of the L2TP tunnel is used as remote ID.0. user.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 164 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/tunnels/ipsecL2tpTunnels/l2tp/ipsec/ikePresharedSA Use the ikePresharedSA structure in the ipsec structure to apply an IKE preshared key security association on both the inbound and outbound traffic of the IPSEC L2TP tunnel. The username has to be of the form “[email protected] Range: choice. Sets the hostname that will be used as remote ID. then enter the index name as value of the ikeSA element.0). see below • • The remoteId element has to be the same as the IP address / hostname / username in the certificate of the remote device. user. see below Default:<empty> Range: 0 … 24 characters Do this by typing the ikeSA object its index name in this field.0. hostname.e.165 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/tunnels/ipsecL2tpTunnels/l2tp/ipsec/ikeCertificateSA Use the ikeCertificateSA structure in the ipsec structure to apply an IKE certificate security association on both the inbound and outbound traffic of the IPSEC L2TP tunnel. Sets the username that will be used as remote”. Default:Range: structure. The username has to be of the form “my. Default:<ipAddress> 0.0. If you leave the ipAddress element at its default value (0. . The ikeCertificateSA structure contains the following elements: Element ikeSA Description Use this element to apply a certain IKE certificate security association on the IPSEC L2TP tunnel.0.0. then enter the index name as value of the ikeSA element. Set the hostname that will be used as local [email protected]). remoteId Use this element to set the remote identifier for use in IKE phase 1 negotiation. Sets the hostname that will be used as remote ID. see below • • The localId element has to be the same as the IP address / hostname / username in the certificate of the local device. Sets the IP address that will be used as remote ID.domain. ikeSA[mySA]) and you want to apply this security association on an IPSEC L2TP tunnel. then the remote IP address of the L2TP tunnel is used as remote ID.0.0. If you leave the ipAddress element at its default value (0. Example If you created an ikeSA object with index name mySA (”.com”.name@company. Set the username that will be used as local ID. user. The localId element has the following values: • ipAddress.0 Range: choice.domain. hostname. The hostname has to be of the form “host. Set the IP address that will be used as local ID.0). The username has to be of the form “”. Default:<ipAddress> 0. localId Use this element to set the local identifier for use in IKE phase 1 negotiation. The remoteId element has the following values: • ipAddress.0 Range: choice. then the local IP address of the L2TP tunnel is used as local ID. The hostname has to be of the form “host. .4 .4 Manual SA configuration attributes This section describes the following configuration attributes: • • • • • telindus1423Router/ip/router/manualSA[ ]/espEncryptionAlgorithm on page 167 telindus1423Router/ip/router/manualSA[ ]/espEncryptionKey on page 168 telindus1423Router/ip/router/manualSA[ ]/espAuthenticationAlgorithm on page 169 telindus1423Router/ip/router/manualSA[ ]/espAuthenticationKey on page 169 telindus1423Router/ip/router/manualSA[ ]/spi on page 169 This object is not present in the containment tree by default.12. Refer to MU-4.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 166 Configuration attributes MR-1.Ajout d'un objet dans l'arborescence on page 50. then add the object first. If you want to use the feature associated with this object. 167 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/manualSA[ ]/espEncryptionAlgorithm Use this attribute to select the algorithm that will be used to encrypt the data when using IPSEC. Default:des Range: enumerated. The 3DES key has to be entered in the espEncryptionKey attribute. The espEncryptionAlgorithm attribute has the following values: Value null Description No encryption is done. Triple DES is used to encrypt / decrypt the data. The DES key has to be entered in the espEncryptionKey attribute. see below The null encryption algorithm is simply a convenient way to represent the optional use of applying encryption within ESP. Make sure that for the same security association on both the local and remote router the same ESP encryption algorithm is selected. . ESP can then be used to provide authentication and integrity without confidentiality. des 3des DES is used to encrypt / decrypt the data. 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 encryption decryption encryption At the receiver side. the opposite occurs. Make sure that for the same security association on both the local and remote router the same ESP encryption key is used. . 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 used in the encryption / decryption process 3DES encryption not used in the encryption / decryption process at the transmitter side. The algorithm can be selected using the espEncryptionAlgorithm attribute. the first set of 8 octets of the key are used to encrypt the data. All other octets are ignored. the second set of 8 octets to decrypt the data and the third set of 8 octets to encrypt the data again. Default:<empty> Range: octet string.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 168 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/manualSA[ ]/espEncryptionKey Use this attribute to define the key that will be used in the encryption / decryption process when using IPSEC. 0 … 24 only the first 8 octets of the key are used. If you use … null encryption DES encryption then … the setting of the espEncryptionKey attribute is irrelevant. telindus1423Router/ip/router/manualSA[ ]/spi Use this attribute to set the SPI value. Make sure that for the same security association on both the local and remote router the same ESP authentication algorithm is selected. see below The MD5 hash function is used to authenticate the data. The algorithm can be selected using the espAuthenticationAlgorithm attribute. . The SHA-1 hash function is used to authenticate the data. Each security association must have a unique SPI value because this value is used to identify the security association.169 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/manualSA[ ]/espAuthenticationAlgorithm Use this attribute to select the algorithm that will be used to authenticate the data when using IPSEC. 0 … 20 used in the authentication process SHA-1 authentication all 20 octets of the key are used. The espAuthenticationAlgorithm attribute has the following values: Value null hmac_md5 hmac_sha-1 Description No authentication is done. The SHA-1 key has to be entered in the espAuthenticationKey attribute. telindus1423Router/ip/router/manualSA[ ]/espAuthenticationKey Use this attribute to define the key that will be used in the authentication process when using IPSEC. All other octets are ignored. The MD5 key has to be entered in the espAuthenticationKey attribute. not used in the authentication process Make sure that on both the local and remote router the same ESP authentication key is used. Default:256 Range: 256 … 2147483647 Make sure that for the same security association on both the local and remote router the same SPI value is used. If you use … null authentication MD5 authentication then … the setting of the espAuthenticationKey attribute is irrelevant. 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Default:<empty> Range: octet string. Default:hmac_md5 Range: enumerated. only the first 16 octets of the key are used. 4 . Refer to MU-4. then add the object first.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 170 Configuration attributes MR-1.5 IKE SA configuration attributes This section describes the following configuration attributes: • • telindus1423Router/ip/router/ikeSA[ ]/phase1 on page 171 telindus1423Router/ip/router/ikeSA[ ]/phase2 on page 175 This object is not present in the containment tree by default.Ajout d'un objet dans l'arborescence on page 50. If you want to use the feature associated with this object.12. . ) • aggressive: Aggressive mode is selected. server: This side waits until the remote side initiates phase 1. making it less secure than main mode. Default:aggressive Range: enumerated. (Six messages are exchanged in main mode. peerToPeer: Both sides can initiate phase 1. IKE phase 1 negotiations are used to establish IKE SAs. and does not provide identity protection.) . has less negotiation power. The phase1 structure contains the following elements: Element type Description Use this element to determine who initiates phase 1 of Default:client the IKE negotiation. Range: enumerated. Takes half the number of messages of main mode. Is more time consuming than aggressive mode because more messages are exchanged between peers. see below Default:Range: structure.171 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/ikeSA[ ]/phase1 Use this attribute to configure the parameters of phase 1 in the IKE negotiation process. The mode element has the following values: • main: Main mode is selected. see below The type element has the following values: • • • mode client: This side initiates phase 1. Some characteristics of aggressive mode are: Exposes identities of the peers to eavesdropping. The choice between these modes is a matter of trade-offs. see below Use this element to set the IKE mode. (Three messages are exchanged in aggressive mode. Allows greater proposal flexibility than aggressive mode. Some characteristics of main mode are: Protects the identities of the peers during negotiations and is therefore more secure. These SAs protect the IKE phase 2 negotiations. Is faster than main mode because fewer messages are exchanged between peers. hmac_sha-1: The SHA-1 hash function is used to authenticate the data.Default:hmac_sha-1 rithm. Range: enumerated. aes128: AES128 (128 bits) is used to encrypt / decrypt the data. authenticationAlgorithm Use this element to select the IKE authentication algo. Make sure that for the same security association on both the local and remote router the same encryption algorithm is selected. Make sure that for the same security association on both the local and remote router the same authentication algorithm is selected. see below The encryption key is calculated using the selected diffieHelmanGroup algorithm in combination with the value of the preSharedKey element. Default:des Range: enumerated. aes192: AES192 (192 bits) is used to encrypt / decrypt the data. aes256: AES256 (256 bits) is used to encrypt / decrypt the data. . The encryptionAlgorithm element has the following values: • • • • • des: DES (56 bits) is used to encrypt / decrypt the data. see below The authentication key is calculated using the selected diffieHelmanGroup algorithm in combination with the value of the preSharedKey element. 3des: Triple DES (168 bits) is used to encrypt / decrypt the data.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 172 Configuration attributes Element encryptionAlgorithm Description Use this element to select the IKE encryption algorithm. The authenticationAlgorithm element has the following values: • • hmac_md5: The MD5 hash function is used to authenticate the data. see below maintain. when selecting the Diffie-Hellman group 5. in seconds.g. Important remarks • Note that the heavier the algorithm. Keep alive messages are sent to check and Range: structure. E. 2_modp1024: The Diffie-Hellman group 2 (1024 bits) is used to calculate the IKE key. This key is Range: enumerated. The calculation of the IKE key is based on the value of the preSharedKey element (refer to preSharedKey on page 164). or keep alive. Range: 120 … 86400 When the life time expires. keepAlive Use this element to configure the IKE keep alive mes.173 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes Element diffieHelmanGroup Description Use this element to select the algorithm that will be Default:1_modp768 used to calculate the phase 1 IKE key. . see below then used to encrypt and authenticate the data. the more processing power is required. Make sure that for the same security association on both the local and remote router the same Diffie-Hellman algorithm is selected. up to 30 seconds may be needed to generate a key. of the Default:28800 IKE SA. it is replaced by a new SA (and SPI) or terminated. 5_modp1536: The Diffie-Hellman group 5 (1536 bits) is used to calculate the IKE key. Refer to telindus1423Router/ip/router/ikeSA[ ]/phase1/keepAlive on page 174 for a detailed description of the keepAlive structure. The diffieHelmanGroup element has the following values: • • • 1_modp768: The Diffie-Hellman group 1 (768 bits) is used to calculate the IKE key. • lifeTime Use this element to set the life time. the connection between local and remote.Default:sages. if a router has to send outbound traffic and the liveliness of the peer is questionable. if no 24855d 03h 14m 07s answer is received on a keep alive message. onDemand: Keep alive messages are sent on the basis of traffic patterns. The mode element has the following values: • • Default:Range: structure. . Default:3 Range: 0 … failsPermitted interval Use this element to set the delay between the retries. i. If a router has no traffic to send. considering the default values. see below disabled: Keep alive is disabled. see below Default:onDemand Range: enumerated.e. it never sends a keep alive message. Default:00000d 00h 00m 10s Range: 00000d 00h 00m 00s For example. the router sends a keep alive message to query the status of the peer. • delay Use this element to set the interval at which keep alive Default:00000d 00h 00m 30s messages are sent in case the mode element is set to Range: 00000d 00h 00m 00s 24855d 03h 14m 07s periodic. then the router retries 3 times to resent the keep alive message with an interval of 10 seconds. The keepAlive structure contains the following elements: Element mode Description Use this element to set the keep alive mode. periodic: Keep alive messages are sent at the interval specified by the delay element. Use this element to set the number of times a keep alive message is resent in case no answer was received on the original keep alive message. For example.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 174 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/ikeSA[ ]/phase1/keepAlive Use the keepAlive structure in the phase1 structure to configure the IKE keep alive messages. no keep alive messages are sent. Make sure that for the same security association on both the local and remote router the same PFS algorithm is selected. Default:rfc3947 Range: rfc3947 / draft Default:enabled Range: enabled / disabled proposal Use this element to configure the IKE proposal. If natTraversal is enabled. thereby allowing one or more remote hosts located behind the NAT device to use secure L2TP/IPSec tunnel connections to access the router. see below nection between the IKE host and its peer. Important remarks • Note that the heavier the algorithm. see below Default:none Range: enumerated. 5_modp1536: A completely new key is calculated using the Diffie-Hellman group 5 (1536 bits). when selecting the Diffie-Hellman group 5. The phase2 structure contains the following elements: Element pfsGroup Description Use this element to select the Perfect Forward Secrecy algorithm. Refer to telindus1423Router/ip/router/ikeSA[ ]/phase2/proposal on page 176 for a detailed description of the proposal structure. the more processing power is required. up to 30 seconds may be needed to generate a key. 1_modp768: A completely new key is calculated using the Diffie-Hellman group 1 (768 bits).g. then IPSEC traffic flows transparently through a NAT device. The IKE key is calculated based on the previous key. A pro.175 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/ikeSA[ ]/phase2 Use this attribute to configure the parameters of phase 2 in the IKE negotiation process. • natTraversal Use this element to enable or disable NAT traversal. .Range: structure.Default:posal is a list of IKE attributes to protect the IKE con. E. 2_modp1024: A completely new key is calculated using the Diffie-Hellman group 2 (1024 bits). see below none: No Perfect Forward Secrecy is performed. The pfsGroup element has the following values: • • • • Default:Range: structure. natVendorId Use this element to determine which vendor identification string is exchanged with the remote in order to detect NAT support. hmac_sha-1: The SHA-1 hash function is used to authenticate the data. Range: enumerated. . Default:disabled Range: enumerated. Make sure that for the same security association on both the local and remote router the same authentication algorithm is selected. disabled: No authentication is done. hmac_sha-1: The SHA-1 hash function is used to authenticate the data. disabled: No encryption is done. see below Default:Range: structure. ahAuthenticationAlgorithm Use this element to select the IPSEC authentication algorithm (in case of AH). 3des: Triple DES (168 bits) is used to encrypt / decrypt the data. espAuthenticationAlgorithm Use this element to select the IPSEC authentication algorithm (in case of ESP). Default:hmac_md5 Range: enumerated. see below • • • The epsAuthenticationAlgorithm element has the following values: • • • hmac_md5: The MD5 hash function is used to authenticate the data. Make sure that for the same security association on both the local and remote router the same authentication algorithm is selected. The proposal structure contains the following elements: Element espEncryptionAlgorithm Description Use this element to select the IPSEC encryption algo. Make sure that for the same security association on both the local and remote router the same encryption algorithm is selected. A proposal is a list of IKE attributes to protect the IKE connection between the IKE host and its peer. see below The ahAuthenticationAlgorithm element has the following values: • • • hmac_md5: The MD5 hash function is used to authenticate the data. disabled: No authentication is done. ESP can then be used to provide authentication and integrity without confidentiality.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 176 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/ikeSA[ ]/phase2/proposal Use the proposal structure in the phase2 structure to configure the IKE proposal. The null encryption algorithm is simply a convenient way to represent the optional use of applying encryption within ESP.Default:des rithm (in case of ESP). des: DES (56 bits) is used to encrypt / decrypt the data. see below The espEncryptionAlgorithm element has the following values: • null: No encryption is done. Use this element to set the life time. of the IPSEC SA. of the IPSEC SA.Default:4250000 bytes. the IPSEC SA is timed out. The lifeTime structure contains the following elements: • • time.e. in seconds. either the time or the number of kilobytes). Use this element to set the life time. in kilo.177 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes Element lifeTime Description Use this element to set the life time of the IPSEC SA. . Default:When the life time expires. Default:3600 Range: 120 … 86400 kBytes. see below (and SPI) or terminated. Range: 2500 … 4250000 As soon as one of the two criteria is exceeded (i. it is replaced by a new SA Range: structure. First it describes the general OSPF configuration attributes. The following gives an overview of this section: • • General OSPF configuration attributes on page 179 Area configuration attributes on page 183 . Then it explains the OSPF area configuration attributes.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 178 Configuration attributes MR-1.12.6 OSPF configuration attributes This section discusses the configuration attributes concerned with OSPF. 179 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes General OSPF configuration attributes This section describes the following configuration attributes: • • • • • telindus1423Router/ip/router/ospf/routerId on page 180 telindus1423Router/ip/router/ospf/refBandwidth on page 180 telindus1423Router/ip/router/ospf/keyChains on page 180 telindus1423Router/ip/router/ospf/importMetrics on page 181 telindus1423Router/ip/router/ospf/importFilter on page 182 . 255. It is used to calculate the cost of an interface in OSPF. Refer to MU-8.1 . For more information on authentication. telindus1423Router/ip/router/ospf/refBandwidth Default:0. refer to … • • • MU-8.255.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 180 Configuration attributes ²v telindus1423Router/ip/router/ospf/routerId Use this attribute to set the unique sequence number for the router in the OSPF network. . see below chain Refer to telindus1423Router/ip/router/ospf/keyChains/chain on page 181 for a detailed description of this element.Introduction à OSPF on page 220 for more information about cost.6. Use this element to set the properties of each key chain.0 Range: up to 255. telindus1423Router/ip/router/ospf/keyChains Use this attribute to set the key chains that will be used in the MD-5 authentication process. see below Default:100000 bps Range: 0 … 2147483647 The keyChains table contains the following elements: Element name Description Use this element to assign an administrative name to the key chain.0.0.255 Use this attribute to set the reference bandwidth. Default:chain Range: 0 … 24 characters Default:<empty> Range: table.Activation de l'authentification OSPF on page 227 telindus1423Router/ip/router/ospf/area[ ]/networks/authentication on page 188 telindus1423Router/ip/router/ospf/area[ ]/virtualLinks/authentication on page 190 Default:<empty> Range: table.3 .6. Default:Range: structure. telindus1423Router/ip/router/ospf/importMetrics Use this attribute to configure the default cost for importing RIP and static routes into OSPF.g. see below Default:20 Range: 0 … 2147483647 Default:20 Range: 0 … 2147483647 rip . 01/01/05) Use this element to set the time from which the secret is allowed to be accepted by the other routers in the OSPF network. Range: 00000d 00h 00m 00s 24855d 03h 14m 07s Use this element to set the start date from which the secret is allowed to be accepted by the other routers in the OSPF network. 12:30:45).181 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/ospf/keyChains/chain The chain table contains the following elements: Element keyId Description Use this element to set a unique identifier for each secret. Default:<empty> Range: table. Use this element to define the secret. The importMetrics structure contains following elements: Element static Description Use this element to set the default cost of a static route which will be imported into OSPF. Enter the time as argument value in the format hh:mm:ss (e.g. Enter the time as argument value in the format hh:mm:ss (e. Use this element to set the default cost of a RIP route which will be imported into OSPF.Range: 00000d 00h 00m 00s 24855d 03h 14m 07s ers in the OSPF network. 12:30:45).g. 01/01/05) Use this element to set the time from which the secret is allowed to be sent.g. Enter this value in seconds. Default:01/01/01 Range: 01/01/01 … 31/12/99 acceptDate acceptTime Default:00:00:00 Range: 00:00:00 … 23:59:59 acceptDuration Use this element to set the period of time during which Default:00000d 00h 00m 00s the secret is allowed to be accepted by the other rout. see below Default:0 Range: 0 … 255 Default:<empty> Range: 0 … 16 characters Default:01/01/01 Range: 01/01/01 … 31/12/99 Default:00:00:00 Range: 00:00:00 … 23:59:59 secret sendDate Use this element to set the start date from which the secret is allowed to be sent. Enter the date as argument value in the format dd/mm/yy (e. sendTime sendDuration Use this element to set the period of time during which Default:00000d 00h 00m 00s the secret is allowed to be sent. Enter the date as argument value in the format dd/mm/yy (e. type2.255 Address and mask define the address range the external route has to comply to. Use of type 2 external cost assumes that routing outside the OSPF domain is the major cost of routing a packet.0.Default:allow nal routes into OSPF.255 address Use this element to set the IP address the external route has to comply to.0 has to comply to. Range: deny / allow Use this element to set the type of cost of the external route. in terms of the link state metric). is set by the element mode which is described further on in this table. All routes are allowed into OSPF / denied access to OSPF.255.e. see below Use this element to select the type of routes which will Default:all be allowed or denied into OSPF. The external cost is an order of magnitude larger. The importFilter table contains following elements: Element type Description Default:<empty> Range: table. enabling the Default:0 passing of additional information between AS bound. mode Use this element to allow or deny the import of exter.255. tag . Default:0 Range: 0 … 65535 Each external route can be tagged. rip. The type element has the following values: • • • all. any type 2 cost is considered greater than the cost of any path internal to the OSPF routing domain. Rip routes are allowed into OSPF / denied access to OSPF. The costType element has the following values: • • type1. Range: up to 255.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 182 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/ospf/importFilter Use this attribute to configure the import filter which allows or denies the import of external routes into OSPF. static.0 Range: up to 255.0. mask Use this element to set the netmask the external route Default:0. Default:0.0.255. Default:type2 Range: type1 / type2 costType cost Use this element to set the cost of the external route.255. and eliminates the need for conversion of external costs to internal link state costs. Static routes are allowed into OSPF / denied access to OSPF. Range: static / rip / all Whether a route is allowed into OSPF or denied access to OSPF. The external cost is expressed in the same units as OSPF interface cost (i.Range: 0 … 2147483647 ary routers.0. 4 . then add the object first. Refer to MU-4. If you want to use the feature associated with this object. .183 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes Area configuration attributes This section describes the following configuration attributes: • • • • • telindus1423Router/ip/router/ospf/area[ ]/areaId on page 184 telindus1423Router/ip/router/ospf/area[ ]/stub on page 184 telindus1423Router/ip/router/ospf/area[ ]/networks on page 186 telindus1423Router/ip/router/ospf/area[ ]/virtualLinks on page 189 telindus1423Router/ip/router/ospf/area[ ]/ranges on page 191 This object is not present in the containment tree by default.Ajout d'un objet dans l'arborescence on page 50. see below Default:disabled Range: enabled / disabled Default:0 Range: 0 … 2147483647 Default:enabled Range: disabled / enabled defaultCost importSummaries When this attribute is disabled.6. I.Default:candidate dus 1423 SHDSL Router will unconditionally translate Range: candidate / always Type-7 LSAs into Type-5 LSAs. also the summary links are injected into the area. The translatorRole element has the following values: • • always.0 Range: up to 255.Introduction à OSPF on page 220 for the definition of a stub area. translatorRole Use this element to specify whether or not the Telin. Use this element to assign a default cost to the area. When it is enabled. Refer to MU-8. Default:0. .1 . telindus1423Router/ip/router/ospf/area[ ]/stub Use this attribute to define an area as a stub area. only the default route will be injected into the area (by the Area Border Router).6.255 Default:Range: structure. The Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router participates in the translator election process.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 184 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/ospf/area[ ]/areaId Use this attribute to set the unique sequence number for the area.e. This is the cost of the default route of the area. The Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router always translates Type-7 LSAs into Type-5 LSAs regardless of the translator state of other NSSA border routers.0.Introduction à OSPF on page 220 for the definition of a summary link.1 .255.255. Use this element to enable or disable the import of summary links into the stub area.0. The stub structure contains the following elements: Element mode Description Use this element to enable or disable the area as a stub area. only one NSSA border router is elected as Type-7 translator among all the NSSA border routers that were set as candidate. Refer to MU-8. The back bone area must always be area 0. candidate. then it will continue to perform translation duties until supplanted by a reachable NSSA border router whose Nt bit is set or whose router ID is greater. will continue to perform its translator duties once it has determined that its translator status has been deposed by another NSSA border router translator. . If an elected translator determines its services are no longer required. or when a partitioned NSSA becomes whole. If an NSSA border router is elected as Type-7 translator among all the NSSA border routers that were set as candidate. Such an event may happen when an NSSA router with translatorRole set to always regains border router status. if it is an elected Type-7 Range: 00000d 00h 00m 00s 00000d 18h 12m 15s translator.Default:00000d 00h 00m 40s indus 1423 SHDSL Router.185 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes Element translatorInterval Description Use this element to define the length of time the Tel. This minimizes excessive flushing of translated Type-7 LSAs and provides for a more stable translator transition. it continues to perform its translation duties for the additional time interval defined by the translatorInterval. When Default:0 the cost is set to 0. The networks table contains following elements: Element name Description Use this element to assign an administrative name to a network.255. Refer to MU-8. priority Use this element to set the priority of the link. Refer to MU-8. OSPF requires the hello interval and dead interval to be exactly the same for all routers attached to a common network. helloInterval Use this element to specify the length of time.Introduction à OSPF on page 220 for more information about cost. .255. the designated router in the net.255 Use this element to specify the IP address mask of the Default:255. see below Default:<network> Range: 0 … 24 characters address Use this element to specify the IP address of the net. This element is only important for broadcast networks.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 186 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/ospf/area[ ]/networks Use this attribute to identify the interfaces which are part of the area.0.Default:0. It must not be set for P2P links.Introduction à OSPF on page 220 for more information about designated routers. On the Default:0 basis of this element.1 .Default:00000d 00h 00m 30s onds.6.0 attached network (Network Mask).255. in sec. Default:<empty> Range: table.6.Range: 0 … 65535 matically.0 work.0.255.255. Range: up to 255. the actual cost is calculated auto. between the hello packets that a router sends Range: 00000d 00h 00m 00s 00000d 18h 12m 15s on an OSPF interface. Range: up to 255. mask cost Use this element to specify the cost of the link.255.1 .Range: 0 … 255 work is elected.255 Address and mask define the network address to select the interfaces that will be part of the OSPF network (with the OSPF parameters defined in this network). Default:00000d 00h 00m 05s onds. the other routers in the area will know this interface. if an interface is connected to the outside world using RIP. Range: 00000d 00h 00m 00s 00000d 00h 4m 15s Use this element to authenticate OSPF packets. Refer to telindus1423Router/ip/router/ospf/area[ ]/networks/authentication on page 188 for a detailed description of this element. . a router uses a Null authentication which means that routing exchanges over a network are not authenticated. Default:00000d 00h 02m 00s Range: 00000d 00h 00m 00s 24855d 3h 14m 07s retransmitinterval Use this element to specify the length of time. but OSPF data will not be passed through (e. Default:Range: structure. Default:active Range: active / disabled When an interface is active it is known in the OSPF network. in sec. By default. and will pass OSPF data through the OSPF network. mode Use this element to activate or disable an interface in the OSPF network. see below authentication OSPF packets can be authenticated so that routers can be part of routing domains based on predefined passwords. but there is no OSPF link to the outside world). after which an hello packet is retransmitted. When it is disabled the interface is known in the OSPF network. before the neighbours declare the OSPF router down when they stop hearing the router's Hello Packets. in seconds.g. There are two other authentication methods: Simple Password authentication and Message Digest authentication (MD-5).187 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes Element deadInterval Description Use this element to specify the maximum length of time. the key is not exchanged over the wire.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 188 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/ospf/area[ ]/networks/authentication The authentication structure contains the following elements: Element type Description Use this element to set the type of authentication. see below Default:disabled Range: disabled / text/ md5 test. and the key-id to generate an "authentication secret" that gets added to the packet. The router uses an algorithm based on the OSPF packet. Message Digest authentication. A key (password) and key-id are configured on each router. keyChain . No authentication is done. Default:Range: 0 … 8 characters Default:chain Range: 0 … 24 characters • text Use this element to set the password when using text authentication. Use this element to set the key chain which will be used in this network when using md5 authentication. Default:Range: structure. Unlike the simple authentication. This allows a password (key) to be configured per interface. the key. The type element has the following values: • • disabled. md5. This is a cryptographic authentication. Interfaces of different routers that want to exchange OSPF information will have to be configured with the same key. Default:00000d 00h 00m 05s onds.Introduction à OSPF on page 220 for more information on the back bone area.0.0 Range: up to 255.255 helloInterval Use this element to specify the length of time.6.1 . Range: 00000d 00h 00m 00s 00000d 00h 4m 15s Use this element to authenticate OSPF packets. between the sent hello packets after Range: 00000d 00h 00m 00s 24855d 3h 14m 07s which the neighbours declare the virtual link down. see below Refer to MU-8.255. Default:Range: structure. see below deadInterval retransmitinterval authentication OSPF packets can be authenticated so that routers can be part of routing domains based on predefined passwords. between the hello packets that a router sends Range: 00000d 00h 00m 00s 00000d 18h 12m 15s on an OSPF interface. Default:0.Default:00000d 00h 00m 30s onds. in seconds.189 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/ospf/area[ ]/virtualLinks Use this attribute to set up a virtual link between the current area and a remote area which is not physically connected to the backbone area. after which an hello packet is retransmitted. By default. The virtual links table contains following elements: Element remoteId Description Use this element to set the IP address of the remote router with which the virtual link is established. a router uses a Null authentication which means that routing exchanges over a network are not authenticated. Refer to telindus1423Router/ip/router/ospf/area[ ]/virtualLinks/authentication on page 190 for more information. .255. There are two other authentication methods: Simple Password authentication and Message Digest authentication (MD-5). in sec. Default:<empty> Range: table.0. in sec. Use this element to specify the length of time. Use this element to specify the maximum length of Default:00000d 00h 02m 00s time. Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 190 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/ospf/area[ ]/virtualLinks/authentication The authentication structure contains the following elements: Element type Description Use this element to set the type of authentication. Default:-Range: 0 … 8 characters • text Use this element to set the password when using text authentication. Unlike the simple authentication. Range: 0 … 24 characters . The router uses an algorithm based on the OSPF packet. Message Digest authentication. This allows a password (key) to be configured per interface. This is a cryptographic authentication. Interfaces of different routers that want to exchange OSPF information will have to be configured with the same key. see below Default:disabled Range: disabled / text/ md5 test. keyChain Use this element to set the key chain which will be Default:chain used in the virtual link when using md5 authentication. A key (password) and key-id are configured on each router. The type element has the following values: • • disabled. and the key-id to generate an "authentication secret" that gets added to the packet. Default:Range: structure. No authentication is done. md5. the key is not exchanged over the wire. the key. multiple Type-7 LSAs are aggregated into a single Type-5 LSA.255. Summary-LSAs can be condensed before being injected in an other area (by defining a larger subnet mask). Use this element to set the IP address of the network.255. The ranges table contains following elements: Element type Description Use this element to set the type of Summary-LSA that Default:all has to be created. Area border routers then summarize the area contents (for distribution to the backbone) by advertising a single route for each address range.255.0. In case of an NNSA. Default:0.255. will not be known in the other area’s in the OSPF network. The area's routing information is condensed. all.0 Range: up to 255. just as a subnetted network is composed of many separate subnets. the Summary-LSAs which are part of this range. Both tasks are performed. Many separate networks may then be contained in a single address range.0. Default:0 Use this element to retag the summary of the external Range: 0 … 2147483647 routes entering the NSSA.0 Range: up to 255. Each address range is defined as an address-mask pair. When this element is disabled. the summaries are injected in the other areas of the OSPF network.1 . tag This element is only relevant in case of NSSAs.255. Default:<empty> Range: table. The cost of the route is the maximum cost to any of the networks falling in the specified range. nssa.191 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/ospf/area[ ]/ranges By defining ranges in an area. see below The type element has the following values: • • • network summary. see below Refer to MU-8. When this element is enabled.255 Default:enabled Range: enabled / disabled mask advertise Use this element to enable or disable the advertisement of the Summary-LSAs into the other areas. Range: enumerated.Introduction à OSPF on page 220 for more information about Summary-LSAs. . Default:255.255 Use this element to set the subnet mask.6.255. Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 192 Configuration attributes MR-1. then add the object first.7 Routing filter configuration attributes This section describes the following configuration attributes: • telindus1423Router/ip/router/routingFilter[ ]/filter on page 193 This object is not present in the containment tree by default.4 .12.Ajout d'un objet dans l'arborescence on page 50. If you want to use the feature associated with this object. . Refer to MU-4. 255.193 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/routingFilter[ ]/filter Use this attribute to set up a routing update filter.0 Range: up to 255. Although you can add more than 5 routingFilter[ ] objects to the containment tree.255. The filter table contains the following elements: Element network Description This is the IP address of the network. no more than 5 will be active. It should match an entry in the telindus1423Router/ip/router/routingTable status attribute of the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router.Default: mask This is the IP subnet mask of the network.0 ing an IP address with a mask you can uniquely iden.255. All other routes are blocked. Currently. . Example This example shows a filter that only forwards the route to subnet 192. the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router supports up to 5 routing update filters. see below Only the routes to networks that are specified in the filter table are forwarded. then all routes are forwarded.0. Default:<empty> Range: table.Range: up to 255.0.255. By combin. If the filter table is empty. The address may be a (sub-)network address.255.168. Default:0.255.255 tify a range of addresses. . then add the object first.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 194 Configuration attributes MR-1.8 VRRP configuration attributes This section describes the following configuration attributes: • • • • • • telindus1423Router/ip/router/vrrp[ ]/vrId on page 195 telindus1423Router/ip/router/vrrp[ ]/ipAddresses on page 195 telindus1423Router/ip/router/vrrp[ ]/interfaces on page 196 telindus1423Router/ip/router/vrrp[ ]/criticals on page 196 telindus1423Router/ip/router/vrrp[ ]/advertiseInterval on page 197 telindus1423Router/ip/router/vrrp[ ]/preemptMode on page 197 This object is not present in the containment tree by default. If you want to use the feature associated with this object.4 . Refer to MU-4.Ajout d'un objet dans l'arborescence on page 50.12. 255.255. several IP addresses can be configured on a single virtual router.255. This will prevent routing from working properly.Default:0. Without the corresponding subnet information. Setting the vrId to 0 (default) disables this virtual router instance. see below Use this element to configure the IP address of the vir. in this case multiple virtual routers must be used. It is important that all VRRP routers have a physical interface configured with an IP address in the same subnet as the virtual router. It cannot be used for load balancing purposes.0.Range: up to 255. If no IP address is configured. This can be used to ensure redundancy while migrating from one address scheme to another. this virtual router instance is not active.255.0 tual router. as the virtual router will not listen to broadcasts from the local network. The ipAddresses table contains the following element: Element address Description Default:0 Range: 0 … 255 Default:<empty> Range: table.195 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/vrrp[ ]/vrId Use this attribute to set the identification of the virtual router. telindus1423Router/ip/router/vrrp[ ]/ipAddresses Use this attribute to configure one or more IP addresses on the virtual router.0. Specify a number between 1 and 255. the VRRP router will add the virtual router address as a single IP address with a host (255.255) netmask. The VRID has to be set the same on all participating routers. This address must be the same on all rout. The VRRP protocol sends only IP addresses and not subnet information.255 ers participating in this virtual router. . By adding several IP addresses. 9. In that case. Ethernet-alike interfaces are e. . So this adds an extra condition to the election process as shown in Comment le routeur virtuel maître est-il choisi ? on page 272. see below Default:<empty> Range: 0 … 36 characters priority Use this element to specify the priority of the interface. The criticals table contains the following element: Element name Description Use this element to specify the name of the interface that must be up before the router may be elected as master. This priority is used in the master virtual router election process.g. Default:100 Specify a number between 1 and 254. a VLAN on an Ethernet interface. Default:<empty> Range: 0 … 36 characters Default:<empty> Range: table. The numbers 0 and 255 are reserved numbers and cannot be set by the user: • • 0 specifies that the master has stopped working and that the backup router needs to transition to master state. the complete router is considered to be down (on VRRP level that is).Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 196 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/vrrp[ ]/interfaces Use this attribute to add Ethernet-alike interfaces7 to the virtual router and assign a priority to them. telindus1423Router/ip/router/vrrp[ ]/criticals Use this attribute to specify which interfaces must be up before a router may be elected as master virtual router. the higher the priority. The higher the Range: 1 … 254 number. a new master has to be elected. independently from the priority settings. see below So as soon as an interface that is defined in the criticals table goes down. Refer to MU-8. an Ethernet interface.1 . etc. a VLAN on a bridge group. 255 specifies that the VRRP router is the IP address owner and therefore is master.Introduction VRRP on page 271 for more information on how the priority plays a role in the election of a master virtual router. 7. Default:<empty> Range: table. a bridge group. The interfaces table contains the following element: Element name Description Use this element to specify the name of the interface that you want to add to the virtual router. the advertisement interval has to be set the same on all participating routers. Once a router is elected as master.197 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/vrrp[ ]/advertiseInterval Use this attribute to set the time between VRRP advertisement transmissions. Note that. telindus1423Router/ip/router/vrrp[ ]/preemptMode Default:enabled Range: enabled / disabled Use this attribute to allow a backup virtual router to take over from the master virtual router in case the backup virtual router has a higher priority on the enclosing virtual router. . only the master virtual router sends VRRP advertisements. Default:00000d 00h 00m 01s Range: 00000d 00h 00m 00s 00000d 18h 12m 15s Actually. The backup will then see that the master has stopped sending advertisements and assume the role of master. the VRRP IP address owner will always preempt. The preemptMode attribute has the following values: Value enabled Description If after a router is elected as master a backup appears which has a higher priority than the master. Disabling preemption will ensure maximum up-time on the network. then the backup begins to send its own advertisements. preemption also causes a brief outage while the election process takes place. but will not always result in the primary or highest priority router acting as master. However. The current master will see that the backup has higher priority and stop functioning as the master. it stays master until it goes down. regardless of the setting of the preemptMode attribute. So the appearance of a backup with a higher priority after the master has been elected does not cause a new election process. disabled While preemption can ensure that a primary router will return to master status once it returns to service. 12.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 198 Configuration attributes MR-1.9 Firewall configuration attributes This section describes the following configuration attributes: • • • • • • • telindus1423Router/ip/router/firewall/inspection on page 199 telindus1423Router/ip/router/firewall/outboundPolicies on page 199 telindus1423Router/ip/router/firewall/inboundPolicies on page 204 telindus1423Router/ip/router/firewall/outboundSelfPolicies on page 209 telindus1423Router/ip/router/firewall/inboundSelfPolicies on page 213 telindus1423Router/ip/router/firewall/attacks on page 217 telindus1423Router/ip/router/firewall/log on page 219 . Select this value if the source SNet is one of the standard SNets. Note that you only have to set the source SNet. Currently. The first part of the sNet element has the following values: • name. The source SNet is “DMZ”. If you select this value. use the drop-down box to select one of the standard SNets: Default:corp Range: corp / dmz corp. The source SNet is “corporate”. Refer to MU-10. In the second part of the sNet element. dmz. The destination SNet is always any SNet except the self SNet. see below The sNet element is a choice element. Default:disabled Range: enabled / disabled Default:<empty> Range: table. If you select this value. it will be possible to select custom created SNets. . see below Default:<name> corp Range: choice. The outboundPolicies table contains the following elements: Element sNet Description Use this element to specify the name of the source SNet for which you want to create an outbound SNet policy. then you create a policy for the traffic from the corporate SNet to any SNet except the self SNet. telindus1423Router/ip/router/firewall/outboundPolicies Use this attribute to define outbound SNet policies.4 Définition d’une politique SNet sortante on page 407 for more information. you can only select standard SNets. Default:<empty> Range: 0 … 16 characters - • custom. then you create a policy for the traffic from the DMZ SNet to any SNet except the self SNet. In future releases of the TDRE.199 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/firewall/inspection Use this attribute to enable or disable the firewall.9. Range: up to 255. Use this element to specify the IP address of the network. In the second part of the sourceIp element.0. see below The sourceIp element is a choice element.255. The custom structure contains the following elements: startAddress.255 • custom. Range: up to 255. netmask. Default:0.255 Default:0. then no source IP address(es) is/are specified. The first part of the sourceIp element has the following values: • network. Select this value if you want to create a policy for the traffic coming from a specific network. In the second part of the sourceIp element. Select this value if you want to create a policy for the traffic coming from a specific (range of) IP address(es). Range: up to 255.255 Note that you can specify one single source IP address by filling in the startAddress element and leaving the endAddress element at its default value (<opt>).0 Range: up to 255. specify the address of that network. Use this element to specify the start Default:0.0.255 endAddress.255. Range: choice. Use this element to specify the end Default:<opt> of the source IP address range. Note that if you leave the sourceIp element at its default value (<opt>).0. .255.0 of the source IP address range.255.255. specify the IP address (range).0. Use this element to specify the netmask of the network.255. The network structure contains the following elements: address.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 200 Configuration attributes Element sourceIp Description Use this element to specify the source IP address(es) Default:<opt> for which you want to create an outbound SNet policy.0. 0 Range: up to 255.255 • custom. In the second part of the destIp element.255 Default:0. Use this element to specify the end Default:<opt> of the destination IP address range.255. Select this value if you want to create a policy for the traffic destined for a specific (range of) IP address(es). netmask. Use this element to specify the netmask of the network. Range: up to 255. The network structure contains the following elements: address.0.255.0. specify the address of that network.255. The first part of the destIp element has the following values: • network.0. Default:0.201 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes Element destIp Description Use this element to specify the destination IP Default:<opt> address(es) for which you want to create an outbound Range: choice.255 endAddress. The custom structure contains the following elements: startAddress. Use this element to specify the start Default:0. Select this value if you want to create a policy for the traffic destined for a specific network. The destIp element is a choice element.255. then no destination IP address(es) is/are specified.0 Range: up to 255. specify the IP address (range).0 of the destination IP address range.255 Note that you can specify one single destination IP address by filling in the startAddress element and leaving the endAddress element at its default value (<opt>). Range: up to 255.0. see below SNet policy. Note that if you leave the destIp element at its default value (<opt>).255.255. . In the second part of the destIp element. Use this element to specify the IP address of the network. endPort. Default:any The protocol element has the following values: any. Specify the port by typing the port Range: 0 … 65535 number. startPort. Packets that fall within the specification of the policy are dropped. some common port numbers can be selected from a drop-down box. Use this element to specify the end of the Default:<opt> port range. see below The application element is a choice element. Note that you can specify one single port by filling in the startPort element and leaving the endPort element at its default value (<opt>). Range: enumerated. Note that if you leave the protocol element at its default value (any).Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 202 Configuration attributes Element application Description Use this element to specify the application for which you want to create an outbound SNet policy. Specify the port by typing the port Range: 0 … 65535 number. Default:<opt> Range: choice. esp. deny. For ease of use. The custom structure contains the following elements: • protocol. tcp. udp. action Use this element to determine whether the outbound SNet policy allows or denies traffic. The action element has the following values: • • allow. Use this element to specify the protocol. the first part of the application element is always custom. Use this element to specify the start of the Default:0 (any) port range. Note that if you leave the application element at its default value (<opt>). For ease of use. some common port numbers can be selected from a drop-down box. see below icmp. Note that if you leave the port element at its default value (any). Default:allow Range: allow / deny • • . then no port is specified. ah. Currently. Packets that fall within the specification of the policy are passed on. then no protocol is specified. then no application is specified. 0 Range: up to 255.Default:<opt> lation has to be done for the outbound SNet policy Range: choice. In the second part of the nat element. then no address translation is done. In the second part of the nat element. Note that if you leave the nat element at its default value (<opt>). Default:0.255 • interface. specify the IP address. you can easily Range: 0 … 24 characters identify the policy when it is listed in status and performance tables. The nat element is a choice element. then enable NAT in the policies of the firewall and not in the ip structure of the interface.0. specify the name of the interface. Use this element to assign a name (description) to the Default:<empty> outbound SNet policy. see below and.Range: enabled / disabled icy. which translation address has to be taken. name . if so.255. log Use this element to determine whether limited (disaDefault:disabled bled) or extended (enabled) logging is done for this pol. Important remark If you want to enable NAT on an interface but you also want that the interface is inspected by the firewall.203 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes Element nat Description Use this element to determine whether address trans. Select this value if you want to specify a fixed IP address for the address translation. The first part of the nat element has the following values: • ipAddress. Select this value if you want to that the IP Default:<empty> address that is used for the address translation is Range: 0 … 24 characters taken from another interface.255.0. By doing so. Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 204 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/firewall/inboundPolicies Use this attribute to define inbound SNet policies. Currently. The first part of the sNet element has the following values: • name. Refer to MU-10. If you select this value. If you select this value. you can only select standard SNets. Note that you only have to set the destination SNet. see below Default:<name> corp Range: choice. The destination SNet is “corporate”. The destination SNet is “DMZ”. Default:<empty> Range: table.5 . see below The sNet element is a choice element. Select this value if the destination SNet is one of the standard SNets. use the drop-down box to select one of the standard SNets: Default:corp Range: corp / dmz corp. The source SNet is always any SNet except the self SNet. In the second part of the sNet element. The inboundPolicies table contains the following elements: Element sNet Description Use this element to specify the name of the destination SNet for which you want to create an inbound SNet policy.Définition d’une politique SNet entrante on page 410 for more information. dmz. then you create a policy for the traffic from any SNet except the self SNet to the DMZ SNet. In future releases of the TDRE. . it will be possible to select custom created SNets. Default:<empty> Range: 0 … 16 characters - • custom. then you create a policy for the traffic from any SNet except the self SNet to the corporate SNet.9. 205 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes Element sourceIp Description Use this element to specify the source IP address(es) Default:<opt> for which you want to create an inbound SNet policy. In the second part of the sourceIp element.255. Select this value if you want to create a policy for the traffic coming from a specific network.255 Default:0.255 Note that you can specify one single source IP address by filling in the startAddress element and leaving the endAddress element at its default value (<opt>). Select this value if you want to create a policy for the traffic coming from a specific (range of) IP address(es). Use this element to specify the end Default:<opt> of the source IP address range. Range: choice.255. The network structure contains the following elements: address. .0 of the source IP address range. Range: up to 255.255. Default:0. Use this element to specify the IP address of the network.0 Range: up to 255.0. The first part of the sourceIp element has the following values: • network. Range: up to 255.0. The custom structure contains the following elements: startAddress.0 Range: up to 255.255 • custom. netmask. Note that if you leave the sourceIp element at its default value (<opt>). specify the IP address (range).255. see below The sourceIp element is a choice element. In the second part of the sourceIp element. specify the address of that network. Use this element to specify the netmask of the network.255 endAddress. Use this element to specify the start Default: then no source IP address(es) is/are specified. 255. The first part of the destIp element has the following values: • network. In the second part of the destIp element.255. The network structure contains the following elements: address.255. The custom structure contains the following elements: startAddress.255 Note that you can specify one single destination IP address by filling in the startAddress element and leaving the endAddress element at its default value (<opt>). Default:0. Use this element to specify the netmask of the network. netmask. Select this value if you want to create a policy for the traffic destined for a specific network. Range: up to 255.255.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 206 Configuration attributes Element destIp Description Use this element to specify the destination IP address(es) for which you want to create an inbound SNet policy.0.0 of the destination IP address range.255. then no destination IP address(es) is/are specified.0. In the second part of the destIp element. endAddress. specify the IP address (range). Note that if you leave the destIp element at its default value (<opt>).0. Default:<opt> Range: choice.0.0 Range: up to 255.0 Range: up to 255. Range: up to 255.255.255. Use this element to specify the end Default:<opt> of the destination IP address range. Use this element to specify the start Default:0. Use this element to specify the IP address of the network.255 Default:0. . specify the address of that network.255 • custom. Select this value if you want to create a policy for the traffic destined for a specific (range of) IP address(es). see below The destIp element is a choice element. Packets that fall within the specification of the policy are passed on. Note that if you leave the application element at its default value (<opt>). Note that if you leave the protocol element at its default value (any). some common port numbers can be selected from a drop-down box. see below icmp. Specify the port by typing the port Range: 0 … 65535 number. The action element has the following values: • • allow. startPort. Use this element to specify the start of the Default:0 (any) port range. Currently. The custom structure contains the following elements: • protocol. action Use this element to determine whether the inbound SNet policy allows or denies traffic. Default:allow Range: allow / deny • • . then no port is specified. Range: enumerated. Specify the port by typing the port Range: 0 … 65535 number. For ease of use. Use this element to specify the protocol. Note that if you leave the port element at its default value (any). For ease of use. then no application is specified. see below The application element is a choice element.207 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes Element application Description Use this element to specify the application for which you want to create an inbound SNet policy. Use this element to specify the end of the Default:<opt> port range. then no protocol is specified. ah. the first part of the application element is always custom. tcp. udp. endPort. Packets that fall within the specification of the policy are dropped. Default:<opt> Range: choice. Note that you can specify one single port by filling in the startPort element and leaving the endPort element at its default value (<opt>). some common port numbers can be selected from a drop-down box. deny. esp. Default:any The protocol element has the following values: any. Important remark If you want to enable NAT on an interface but you also want that the interface is inspected by the firewall. Default:0. Range: choice. see below if so.0. then no port translation is done. then no address translation is done.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 208 Configuration attributes Element nat Description Use this element to determine whether address trans. which translation address has to be taken. port. By doing so. you can easily iden.255.255. The nat element is a choice element. Use this element to assign a name (description) to the Default:<empty> inbound SNet policy. Use this element to specify the new port number. name . The custom structure contains the following elements: • ipAddress. then enable NAT in the policies of the firewall and not in the ip structure of the interface.0 Range: up to 255. Note that if you leave the port element at its default value (<opt>). Use this element to specify the IP address of the server that will handle the application specified in the policy.Range: enabled / disabled icy.255 Default:<opt> Range: 0 … 65535 • Note that if you leave the nat element at its default value (<opt>).Default:<opt> lation has to be done for the inbound SNet policy and.0. log Use this element to determine whether limited (disaDefault:disabled bled) or extended (enabled) logging is done for this pol. Currently. the first part of the nat element is always custom.Range: 0 … 24 characters tify the policy when it is listed in status and performance tables. The source SNet is always the self SNet. then you create a policy for the traffic from the device itself (self SNet) to the DMZ SNet.6 . . use the drop-down box to select one of the standard SNets: Default:corp Range: corp / dmz corp. then you create a policy for the traffic from the device itself (self SNet) to the internet SNet. you can only select standard SNets.Définition d’une politique self sortante on page 413 for more information. it will be possible to select custom created SNets. internet. The outboundSelfPolicies table contains the following elements: Element sNet Description Use this element to specify the name of the destination SNet for which you want to create an outbound self policy. Default:<empty> Range: 0 … 16 characters - - • custom. The destination SNet is “internet”. The destination SNet is “DMZ”. The destination SNet is “corporate”. Select this value if the destination SNet is one of the standard SNets. Note that you only have to set the destination SNet. see below Default:<name> corp Range: choice. Refer to MU-10. then you create a policy for the traffic from the device itself (self SNet) to the corporate SNet. The first part of the sNet element has the following values: • name. If you select this value. Default:<empty> Range: table. In future releases of the TDRE. In the second part of the sNet element.209 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/firewall/outboundSelfPolicies Use this attribute to define outbound self policies. see below The sNet element is a choice element. dmz. If you select this value.9. Currently. If you select this value. 255 Default:0. Use this element to specify the start Default:0. netmask.0. Default:0. Select this value if you want to create a policy for the traffic coming from a specific (range of) IP address(es).255. Range: up to 255. specify the IP address (range).0 of the source IP address range.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 210 Configuration attributes Element sourceIp Description Use this element to specify the source IP address(es) for which you want to create an outbound self policy. then no source IP address(es) is/are specified.255. specify the address of that network.0. The first part of the sourceIp element has the following values: • network.255. In the second part of the sourceIp element.255. The custom structure contains the following elements: startAddress.255. In the second part of the sourceIp element. .0 Range: up to 255. Select this value if you want to create a policy for the traffic coming from a specific network.0.0.255 endAddress. Range: up to 255.0.255. Note that if you leave the sourceIp element at its default value (<opt>).255. see below The sourceIp element is a choice element. The network structure contains the following elements: address. Use this element to specify the IP address of the network. Use this element to specify the netmask of the network.0 Range: up to 255. Default:<opt> Range: choice.255 • custom.255.255 Note that you can specify one single source IP address by filling in the startAddress element and leaving the endAddress element at its default value (<opt>).0. Use this element to specify the end Default:<opt> of the source IP address range. specify the IP address (range). The custom structure contains the following elements: startAddress.255. In the second part of the destIp element.0. . Use this element to specify the end Default:<opt> of the destination IP address range.0.0 of the destination IP address range.255.255 • custom. Select this value if you want to create a policy for the traffic destined for a specific (range of) IP address(es). Select this value if you want to create a policy for the traffic destined for a specific network.0.255. Default:0. Note that if you leave the destIp element at its default value (<opt>).0. Use this element to specify the IP address of the network. Use this element to specify the netmask of the network.255 endAddress. Range: up to 255.255. In the second part of the destIp element.255.0.0 Range: up to 255. Range: up to 255.255 Note that you can specify one single destination IP address by filling in the startAddress element and leaving the endAddress element at its default value (<opt>).255.211 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes Element destIp Description Use this element to specify the destination IP Default:<opt> address(es) for which you want to create an outbound Range: choice.255.0 Range: up to 255.0. see below self policy. Use this element to specify the start Default:0. netmask. specify the address of that network. The network structure contains the following elements: address. then no destination IP address(es) is/are specified. The first part of the destIp element has the following values: • network.255 Default:0. The destIp element is a choice element.255. For ease of use. the first part of the application element is always custom. endPort. see below icmp. deny. tcp. Default:allow Range: allow / deny • • Use this element to determine whether limited (disaDefault:disabled bled) or extended (enabled) logging is done for this pol. then no port is specified. you can easily iden.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 212 Configuration attributes Element application Description Use this element to specify the application for which you want to create an outbound self policy. udp. Use this element to assign a name (description) to the Default:<empty> outbound self policy. see below The application element is a choice element. startPort. Use this element to specify the start of the Default:0 (any) port range. By doing so. Packets that fall within the specification of the policy are passed on.Range: enabled / disabled icy. esp. Use this element to specify the protocol. action Use this element to determine whether the outbound self policy allows or denies traffic. name . Default:any The protocol element has the following values: any. Note that if you leave the protocol element at its default value (any). The action element has the following values: • • log allow. Specify the port by typing the port Range: 0 … 65535 number. The custom structure contains the following elements: • protocol. then no protocol is specified. Packets that fall within the specification of the policy are dropped. Note that if you leave the port element at its default value (any). Specify the port by typing the port Range: 0 … 65535 number. Note that you can specify one single port by filling in the startPort element and leaving the endPort element at its default value (<opt>). For ease of use. Currently. ah. Default:<opt> Range: choice. Note that if you leave the application element at its default value (<opt>).Range: 0 … 24 characters tify the policy when it is listed in status and performance tables. some common port numbers can be selected from a drop-down box. some common port numbers can be selected from a drop-down box. Use this element to specify the end of the Default:<opt> port range. then no application is specified. Range: enumerated. see below Use this element to specify the name of the source Default:<name> corp SNet for which you want to create an inbound self pol. The source SNet is “corporate”. Default:<empty> Range: 0 … 16 characters - - • custom. The source SNet is “DMZ”. If you select this value. it will be possible to select custom created SNets. In the second part of the sNet element. then you create a policy for the traffic from the corporate SNet to the device itself (self SNet). The first part of the sNet element has the following values: • name. see below icy.9. Refer to MU-10. dmz. then you create a policy for the traffic from the internet SNet to the device itself (self SNet). The source SNet is “internet”. The inboundSelfPolicies table contains the following elements: Element sNet Description Default:<empty> Range: table. In future releases of the TDRE. If you select this value.Définition d’une politique SNet sortante on page 407 for more information. . The sNet element is a choice element.Range: choice. Note that you only have to set the source SNet.4 . then you create a policy for the traffic from the DMZ SNet to the device itself (self SNet). use the drop-down box to select one of the standard SNets: Default:corp Range: corp / dmz corp. If you select this value. Currently. you can only select standard SNets. internet. The destination SNet is always the self SNet.213 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/firewall/inboundSelfPolicies Use this attribute to define inbound self policies. Select this value if the source SNet is one of the standard SNets. 255.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 214 Configuration attributes Element sourceIp Description Use this element to specify the source IP address(es) for which you want to create an inbound self policy. Use this element to specify the netmask of the network.255.0. Default:0.0. then no source IP address(es) is/are specified. Use this element to specify the start Default:0.255 • custom.0 Range: up to 255.255. Range: up to Range: up to 255. specify the address of that network. Select this value if you want to create a policy for the traffic coming from a specific (range of) IP address(es). netmask.255. see below The sourceIp element is a choice element.0.0. specify the IP address (range). Use this element to specify the IP address of the network. The custom structure contains the following elements: startAddress.0. The first part of the sourceIp element has the following values: • network.255 Note that you can specify one single source IP address by filling in the startAddress element and leaving the endAddress element at its default value (<opt>). . Use this element to specify the end Default:<opt> of the source IP address range. Default:<opt> Range: choice.255.0 Range: up to 255. Select this value if you want to create a policy for the traffic coming from a specific network. Note that if you leave the sourceIp element at its default value (<opt>).0.255 endAddress. The network structure contains the following elements: address.255 Default:0. In the second part of the sourceIp element. In the second part of the sourceIp element.0 of the source IP address range. 0.0.0 Range: up to Range: up to 255. specify the address of that network.255 Default:0.0. see below The destIp element is a choice element. Use this element to specify the netmask of the network.0. Use this element to specify the end Default:<opt> of the destination IP address range.255. Default:<opt> Range: choice.255. Range: up to 255.0. specify the IP address (range).255 Note that you can specify one single destination IP address by filling in the startAddress element and leaving the endAddress element at its default value (<opt>). The network structure contains the following elements: address. Default:0.255. Use this element to specify the IP address of the network.255. Select this value if you want to create a policy for the traffic destined for a specific (range of) IP address(es).255. The first part of the destIp element has the following values: • network.0 of the destination IP address range. The custom structure contains the following elements: startAddress. Note that if you leave the destIp element at its default value (<opt>). netmask.215 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes Element destIp Description Use this element to specify the destination IP address(es) for which you want to create an inbound self policy.255 endAddress. then no destination IP address(es) is/are specified.255. In the second part of the destIp element. Use this element to specify the start Default:0. Range: up to 255.255 • custom. In the second part of the destIp element.255. . Select this value if you want to create a policy for the traffic destined for a specific network. esp. Use this element to assign a name (description) to the Default:<empty> inbound self policy. you can easily iden. Use this element to specify the start of the Default:0 (any) port range. udp.Range: 0 … 24 characters tify the policy when it is listed in status and performance tables. Packets that fall within the specification of the policy are dropped. Use this element to specify the protocol. Note that you can specify one single port by filling in the startPort element and leaving the endPort element at its default value (<opt>). then no protocol is specified. some common port numbers can be selected from a drop-down box. Note that if you leave the port element at its default value (any). Note that if you leave the application element at its default value (<opt>). For ease of use. endPort. tcp. Packets that fall within the specification of the policy are passed on. Default:<opt> Range: choice. then no port is specified. then no application is specified. startPort. name . The custom structure contains the following elements: • protocol. Currently. The action element has the following values: • • log allow.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 216 Configuration attributes Element application Description Use this element to specify the application for which you want to create an inbound self policy. By doing so. deny. Specify the port by typing the port Range: 0 … 65535 number. Range: enumerated. Specify the port by typing the port Range: 0 … 65535 number. see below The application element is a choice element. action Use this element to determine whether the inbound self policy allows or denies traffic. Default:allow Range: allow / deny • • Use this element to determine whether limited (disaDefault:disabled bled) or extended (enabled) logging is done for this pol. some common port numbers can be selected from a drop-down box. For ease of use. Note that if you leave the protocol element at its default value (any). ah. see below icmp. Default:any The protocol element has the following values: any.Range: enabled / disabled icy. the first part of the application element is always custom. Use this element to specify the end of the Default:<opt> port range. ipUnalignedTimeStamp Use this element to enable or disable the detection and neutralisation of the IP Unaligned Timestamp attack. Default:Range: structure. Refer to Qu'est-ce que l'attaque WinNuke ? on page 402. Refer to Qu'est-ce que l'attaque SYN Flooding ? on page 401. If so. Refer to Qu'est-ce que l'attaque FTP Bounce ? on page 402. then the firewall filters out forged service requests while allowing legitimate requests to pass through. then the firewall filters out this attack. Default:disabled Range: enabled / disabled If you set the ftpBounce element to enabled. Refer to Qu’est-ce qu’une attaque Source Routing ? on page 401.217 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/firewall/attacks Use this attribute to determine. Refer to Qu'est-ce que l'attaque IP Unaligned Timestamp ? on page 402. Default:disabled Range: enabled / disabled If you set the sourceRouting element to enabled. whether the firewall has to check for this type of attack and neutralise it. sourceRouting Use this element to enable or disable the detection and neutralisation of Source Routing attack. per type of attack. then the firewall checks that the data connection is to the same system as that of the control connection. it checks that it is aligned on a 32-bit boundary and drops the packet if it is not. The attacks structure contains the following elements: Element synFlooding Description Use this element to enable or disable the detection and neutralisation of the SYN Flooding attack. Default:disabled Range: enabled / disabled If you set the ipUnalignedTimeStamp element to enabled. winNuke Use this element to enable or disable the detection and neutralisation of the WinNuke attack. then the firewall filters out all datagrams with strict or loose source routing option enabled. see below Default:disabled Range: enabled / disabled If you set the synFlooding element to enabled. ftpBounce Use this element to enable or disable the detection and neutralisation of the FTP Bounce attack. then the firewall checks whether the IP packets received have the timestamp option set. Default:disabled Range: enabled / disabled If you set the winNuke element to enabled. . then the firewall drops ICMP error packets with a destination different from the internet SNet. then the firewall drops the packets with sequence numbers that are out of range. Use this element to determine the Default:8192 maximum length of the MIME header that may be Range: 256 … 65535 included in the HTTP request. Use this element to enable or disable the detection and neutralisation of the MIME attack. Use this element to determine the maximum number of MIME headers that may be included in the HTTP request. seqNumOutOfRange Use this element to enable or disable the detection and neutralisation of the Sequence Number Out Of Range attack. Default:disabled Range: enabled / disabled If you set the seqNumOutOfRange element to enabled. Refer to Qu’est-ce que l’attaque Sequence Number Out Of Range ? on page 402. Default:disabled Range: enabled / disabled maxHeaderLength. Refer to Qu'est-ce que l'attaque ICMP Error Message ? on page 402. If you set the seqNumPrediction element to enabled. . Refer to Qu’est-ce que l’attaque Sequence Number Prediction ? on page 402. Default:16 Range: 12 … 65535 Default:disabled Range: enabled / disabled • seqNumPrediction Use this element to enable or disable the detection and neutralisation of the Sequence Number Prediction attack. then the firewall manipulates the initial sequence number with a new sequence number generated by the firewall making it difficult to guess the sequence number for the attacker. see below By configuring the mime structure. The mime structure contains the following elements: • • flood. icmpErrorMessages Use this element to enable or disable the detection and neutralisation of the ICMP Error Message attack. Default:disabled Range: enabled / disabled If you set the icmpErrorMessages element to enabled. you can close the connection if the number of received MIME headers exceeds the number of MIME headers you configured. Refer to Qu'est-ce que l'attaque MIME ? on page 402.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 218 Configuration attributes Element mime Description Use this element to enable or disable the detection and neutralisation of the MIME attack. maxHeaders. Default:Range: structure. pingOfDeath. whether it is logged or not. All these attacks are logged with the priority “alert”. attacks Use this element to enable or disable. see below The log information can be checked in the log status attribute.219 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/firewall/log Use this attribute to enable or disable logging and to determine what is logged. see below Default:disabled Range: enabled / disabled • Default:disabled Range: enabled / disabled • ipSpoofing. winNuke. Refer to Qu’est-ce qu’une attaque Ping Of Death ? on page 403. Refer to Qu'est-ce que l'attaque SYN Flooding ? on page 401. Use this element to enable or disable the logging of a Ping Of Death attack. Use this element to enable or disable Default:disabled the logging of an IP Option attack. Refer to telindus1423Router/ip/router/firewall/log on page 376. Default:disabled Range: enabled / disabled • • ipOptionAttack. per type of attack. Use this element to enable or disable the logging of a SYN Flooding attack. Use this element to enable or disable the Default:disabled logging of an IP Spoofing attack. Refer to Qu'est-ce que l'attaque WinNuke ? on page 402. Refer to Qu'est. Use this element to enable or disable the logging of a WinNuke attack. Default:Range: structure.Range: enabled / disabled ce que l'attaque IP Spoofing ? on page 403. . The log structure contains the following elements: Element mode Description Use this element to enable or disable logging.Range: enabled / disabled ce que l'attaque IP Option ? on page 403. The attacks structure contains the following elements: • synFlooding. Default:enabled Range: enabled / disabled Default:Range: structure. Refer to Qu'est. This is logged with the priority “info”. This is logged with the priority “notice”. time-out. You can then spec. denyPolicies. Default:disabled Range: enabled / disabled Default:Range: structure. This is logged with the priority “warning”. invalid requests. This is logged with the priority “alert”. verbose. Note that this is only logged if for this policy.e. This is logged with the priority “info”. generalAttacks. Use this element to enable or disable the logging of ICMP messages.Default:disabled ble the logging of access statistics. This is logged with the priority “warning”. E. Use this element to enable or disable Default:disabled the logging of data that is not allowed. Use this element to enable or disable Default:enabled the logging of deny policies.e. the log element is set to enabled. This is logged with the priority “info”. Note that this is only logged if for this policy. Note that this is only logged if for this policy.Range: enabled / disabled ify per attack whether it is logged or not. Use this element to enable or Default:enabled disable the logging of system error messages.g. Use this element to enable or dis. Use this element to enable or disa. the log element is set to enabled. when Range: enabled / disabled no matching policy could be found. Use this element to enable or disable Default:disabled the logging of allow policies. the log element is set to enabled. closing. I.g. see below • • • • • • • . unavailablePolicies.g.Default:disabled able the logging of unavailable policies. I. a policy of which Range: enabled / disabled the action is set to “deny”. buffer limits. Use this element to enable or disable Default:enabled the general logging of attacks.e. logs about Range: enabled / disabled connection termination. The general structure contains the following elements: • systemErrorMessages. due to Range: enabled / disabled memory allocation problems. I. dataInspection. E. module initialisation problems. Range: enabled / disabled memory allocation problems. transferred bytes. This is logged with the priority “alert”. accessStatistics. Refer to the attacks element. DNS requests and replies. resource allocation problems. E. a policy of which Range: enabled / disabled the action is set to “allow”.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 220 Configuration attributes Element general Description Use this element to enable or disable some general loggings. allowPolicies. Use this element to determine the number of general events that should occur before they are logged.221 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes Element thresholds Description Use this element to set the threshold to trigger the log. . Note that changing this value clears the table. Use this element to determine the number of Default:50 attacks that should occur before they are logged. Default:20 Range: 1 … 300 Default:200 Range: 10 … 500 tableLength Use this element to set the length of the log table. In that case the threshold is set per policy. Logging thresholds are provided so that the logging system does not get flooded with a huge number of duplicate logs in case the firewall or the corporate network connected to it is under attack. except for Range: structure. see below denyPolicies and allowPolicies. The thresholds structure contains the following elements: • • attack. Range: 1 … 300 general. The threshold is set per log entry type.Default:ging. Bridge group configuration attributes on page 223 MR-1. etc… The following gives an overview of this section: • • MR-1.1 . user priority mapping.Bridge access list configuration attributes on page 233 .Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 222 Configuration attributes MR-1. First it describes the general bridging configuration attributes.13 Bridge configuration attributes This section discusses the configuration attributes concerned with bridging.2 .13. Then it explains the configuration attributes of the extra features as there are access listing.13. 223 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes MR-1.13.1 Bridge group configuration attributes This section describes the following configuration attributes: • • • • • • • • • • telindus1423Router/bridge/bridgeGroup/name on page 224 telindus1423Router/bridge/bridgeGroup/ip on page 224 telindus1423Router/bridge/bridgeGroup/arp on page 224 telindus1423Router/bridge/bridgeGroup/bridgeCache on page 225 telindus1423Router/bridge/bridgeGroup/bridgeTimeOut on page 226 telindus1423Router/bridge/bridgeGroup/spanningTree on page 226 telindus1423Router/bridge/bridgeGroup/localAccess on page 227 telindus1423Router/bridge/bridgeGroup/macAddress on page 228 telindus1423Router/bridge/bridgeGroup/vlan on page 229 telindus1423Router/bridge/bridgeGroup/vlanSwitching on page 231 . Default:Range: structure. MU-5. Refer to … • • MU-5. if you want to manage the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router via IP. .3 Ajout d'un groupe de pontage on page 292).Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 224 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/bridge/bridgeGroup/name Use this attribute to assign an administrative name to the bridge. not on the user instantiatable bridge groups (vpnBridgeGroup[ ]).2. see below Important remark If you set the configuration attribute telindus1423Router/lanInterface/mode to bridging. telindus1423Router/bridge/bridgeGroup/arp Use this attribute to configure the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) cache of the bridge. The user instantiatable bridge groups their name is the index name that you have to specify when you add the bridge group object to the containment tree (refer to MU-9.2. then the settings of the configuration attribute telindus1423Router/lanInterface/ip are ignored. Default:bridge Range: 1 … 24 characters This attribute is only present on the default bridge group (bridgeGroup). As a result. see below Refer to telindus1423Router/lanInterface/arp on page 22 for a detailed description of the arp structure.2 . Default:<empty> Range: structure.3 .Configuration d'adresses IP on page 59 for general information on configuring IP addresses.Explication de la structure ip on page 63 for a detailed description of the ip structure. telindus1423Router/bridge/bridgeGroup/ip Use this attribute to configure the IP related parameters of the bridge. you have to configure an IP address in the bridgeGroup object instead: telindus1423Router/bridge/bridgeGroup/ip. the bridge cache (also called address database) keeps MAC address .3. Even if the data is not destined for that network. This means the bridge filters the data and decreases the amount of data traffic on the separated LAN segments. switching The bridge group acts as a VLAN switch. see below learning The bridge group acts as a filter. a filter or a switch. The bridgeCache attribute has the following values: Value disabled Description The bridge group acts as a repeater. Data coming from network 1.Configuration de la commutation VLAN on page 331 What is the bridge cache? Whereas the ARP cache keeps MAC address . VLANs on network 1 are switched to VLANs on network 2. All the data which originates from network 1 will be let through to network 2. This allows the bridge to know which device is reachable through which interface. will only be let through by the bridge if this data has a destination outside network 1 or if it has a broadcast or multicast address. Refer to telindus1423Router/bridge/bridgeGroup/bridgeCache on page 380 for an example of such a table.interface pairs.225 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/bridge/bridgeGroup/bridgeCache Use this attribute to determine how the bridge group should act: as a repeater. .IP address pairs.4 . Refer to … • • telindus1423Router/bridge/bridgeGroup/vlanSwitching on page 231 MU-10. Use the vlanSwitching attribute to specify which VLANs you want to switch. Default:learning Range: enumerated. .Le pont à auto-apprentissage et le Transparent Spanning Tree on page 280. but once per minute. However. see below none.e. some entries may appear to be “overtime”. the bridge cache entries are automatically removed from the cache after a fixed time-out. This means that the bridge itself learns which data it has to forward and which data it has to block. this should be no more than ± 75 seconds. The Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router uses the self-learning principle in conjunction with the Spanning Tree protocol.1D. I.2 . it builds its own bridging table. the spanningTree attribute groups the bridging related parameters of the bridge as a whole. This in case no topology change is detected. This time-out period can be set with the bridgeTimeOut attribute.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 226 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/bridge/bridgeGroup/bridgeTimeOut Use this attribute to set the ageing time of the bridge cache entries. see below Whereas the bridging attribute groups the bridging related parameters per interface. an introduction is given in MU-9. The spanningTree structure contains the following elements: Element protocol Description Use this element to select the bridging protocol. As a result.interface relation changes (refer to What is the bridge cache?). • When using Frame Relay or ATM encapsulation on the WAN interface together with the Spanning Tree protocol. When checking the bridgeCache it may appear that some entries are present for a longer time than is configured with the bridgeTimeOut attribute.1. The bridge cache time-out Default:00000d 00h 05m 00s Range: 00000d 00h 00m 00s24855d 03h 14m 07s If devices on the network are (re)moved then the MAC address . Each link is than considered as a special kind of LAN with only both end points connected. telindus1423Router/bridge/bridgeGroup/spanningTree Use this attribute to configure the bridging related parameters. The Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router uses the self-learning principle. Default:Range: structure. Because Spanning Tree bridging is somewhat more complicated than selflearning bridging. Therefore. The protocol element has the following values: • Default:none Range: enumerated. otherwise the time-out is equal to the value of the bridgeForwardDelay element of the spanningTree attribute. This because the entries in the bridgeCache are not monitored continuously. every DLCI or PVC link is considered as a separate bridge port. p802. • the time-out (or ageing) for purging MAC addresses from the bridge cache in case a topology change is detected. bridgeMaxAge Use this element to set the time the bridge retains bridging information before discarding it. Default:32768 Range: 0 … 65535 The bridge its MAC address together with the bridgePriority element form a unique bridge identifier. The localAccess attribute has the following values: Value permitted restricted Description Default:permitted Range: enumerated.5 . Refer to MU-9.1. . This identifier is used to determine which bridge becomes the root bridge.227 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes Element bridgePriority Description Use this element to set the priority of the bridge. In this way. You could for instance create one bridge group specifically for … • • management purposes. Use this element to set … • bridgeForwardDelay Default:00000d 00h 00m 15s the delay a bridge port applies to move from listen. No bridged packets can be delivered to the bridge group itself. also called Hello messages. the customer can never access the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router itself. If two bridges have the same bridgePriority value. the actual data coming from the customers. The bridge with the lowest bridgePriority value becomes the root bridge. In this bridge group.Etats des ports de pontage du Spanning Tree on page 283 for more information on the possible states of a bridge port. This adds some security. then the bridge with the lowest MAC address becomes the root bridge. set the localAccess attribute to perimitted. see below Bridged packets can be delivered to the bridge group itself. Default:00000d 00h 00m 20s Range: 00000d 00h 00m 06s 00000d 00h 00m 40s Default:00000d 00h 00m 02s Range: 00000d 00h 00m 01s 00000d 00h 00m 10s bridgeHelloTime Use this element to set the interval by which the root bridge sends Configuration BPDUs. set the localAccess attribute to restricted. In this bridge group. because the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router can not be accessed through the bridge group.Range: 00000d 00h 00m 04s 00000d 00h 00m 30s ing state to learning state or from learning state to forwarding state. telindus1423Router/bridge/bridgeGroup/localAccess Use this attribute to allow or deny access to the bridge group itself. Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 228 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/bridge/bridgeGroup/macAddress Use this attribute to determine whether a fixed. The LAN interface its MAC address is associated with the bridge group. Use the second part of the macAddress attribute to define which MAC address has to be selected: • • lan. Use the second part of the macAddress attribute to enter the MAC address. userMac A user defined MAC address is associated with the bridge group. . The Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router generates a random MAC address and this is associated with the bridge group. see below A MAC address from the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router itself is associated with the bridge group. a random or a user defined MAC address is associated with the bridge group. random. The macAddress attribute has the following values: Value deviceMac Description Default:<deviceMac> lan Range: choice. The vlan table contains the following elements: Element name Description Use this element to assign an administrative name to the VLAN. Use this element to configure the IP related parameters of the VLAN. see below Default:<empty> Range: 0 … 24 characters Default:up Range: up / down Default:Range: structure. Refer to … • • vlan MU-5. . see below adminStatus ip Use this element to configure the specific VLAN parameters. the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router itself can only be managed via IP if a VLAN is configured on the bridge group. Default:<empty> Range: table. Refer to telindus1423Router/bridge/bridgeGroup/vlan/vlan on page 230 for a detailed description of the vlan structure. Default:Range: structure. if you want that the data carried by a VLAN can be delivered to the protocol stack of the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router (e. Use this element to activate (up) or deactivate (down) the VLAN. In other words.g.2 .3 .2.Explication de la structure ip on page 63 for a detailed description of the ip structure. so that it can be routed). then you have to configure the VLAN on the bridge group. see below Although the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router bridges VLAN tagged frames when connected to a VLAN aware switch. MU-5.229 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/bridge/bridgeGroup/vlan Use this attribute to set up (a) VLAN(s) on the bridge group in case you want to manage the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router over (a) VLAN(s).Configuration d'adresses IP on page 59 for general information on configuring IP addresses. irrespective with the setting of the changeTos attribute. The tosCosMap table contains the following elements: • • startTos and endTos.Default:ority (COS) maps onto the IP TOS byte value. . Use these elements to define which VLAN user priority (0 up to 7) maps onto which IP TOS byte value (0 up to 255). cosTosMap Use this element to determine how the VLAN user pri. changeTos Use this element to enable or disable the COS to TOS Default:disabled mapping. The vlan structure contains the following elements: Element vid Description Use this element to set the VLAN ID. then the element cosTosMap is ignored. Range: enabled / disabled If you set the changeTos attribute to disabled. Default:0 Range: 0 … 7 Default:Range: table. see below Default:1 Range: 1 … 4095 Default:0 Range: 0 … 7 txCos Use this element to set the default user priority (802. see below The cosTosMap structure contains the following elements: • p0 … p7. see below tosCosMap Use this element to determine how the IP TOS byte value maps onto the VLAN user priority (COS). see below arp Use this element to configure the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) cache. Range: structure. Use these elements to set the TOS byte value range that has to be mapped. Use this element to set the VLAN user priority (COS) value on which the specified TOS byte value range has to be mapped. Default:Range: structure.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 230 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/bridge/bridgeGroup/vlan/vlan Use this structure to configure the specific VLAN related parameters of a VLAN. Note that the TOS to COS mapping is always enabled. cos. Default:0 Range: 0 … 255 Default:0 Range: 0 … 7 Default:Range: structure.1P. Refer to telindus1423Router/lanInterface/arp on page 22 for more information. also called COS) of the transmitted VLAN frames. which represent priority 0 up to priority 7. So VLAN 1 is switched from the source interface to the destination interface. sourcePMap Use this element to. Example: suppose you want to remap priority 5 to priority 7.4 .231 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/bridge/bridgeGroup/vlanSwitching Use this attribute specify which VLANs you want to switch in case the bridge group is used as a VLAN switch. if desired. then enter the new priority value under one of these priority elements.Configuration de la commutation VLAN on page 331 Default:<empty> Range: table. remap the VLAN prior. see below applied after the VLAN is switched from destinationVlan to sourceVlan. Refer to … • • telindus1423Router/bridge/bridgeGroup/bridgeCache on page 225 MU-10. Note that you have to enable VLAN switching on the bridge group by setting the bridgeCache attribute to switching. destinationVlan Use this element to enter the VLAN ID of the VLAN when it has been switched. Default:1 Range: 0 … 4094 Entering 0 as VLAN ID strips the VLAN tag of the Ethernet frame. Default:<empty> Range: 0 … 24 characters Default:<empty> Range: 0 … 24 characters Default:1 Range: 0 … 4094 sourceVlan The destination interface can also be a bridge group. .Default:ities. in that case just enter the name of the bridge group. The structure contains the elements p0 up to p7. the VLAN tag is stripped. Refer to Stripping the VLAN tag for more information. Example: suppose you enter 1 as srcVlan and 0 as dstVlan. If you want to remap priorities. So instead of VLAN tagged Ethernet frames. the VLAN tag is added again. Stripping the VLAN tag Entering 0 as VLAN ID strips the VLAN tag of the Ethernet frame. plain Ethernet frames are sent out. destinationIntf Use this element to enter the name of the (physical) destination interface which carries the VLAN when it has been switched. But before it is sent out on the destination interface.3. then enter 7 as value of the p5 element. The priorities defined in the sourcePMap are Range: structure. see below The vlanSwitching attribute contains the following elements: Element sourceIntf Description Use this element to enter the name of the (physical) source interface which carries the VLAN that has to be switched. In the opposite direction however. Use this element to enter the VLAN ID of the VLAN that has to be switched. Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 232 Configuration attributes Element destinationPMap Description Use this element to, if desired, remap the VLAN prior- Default:ities. The priorities defined in the destinationPMap are Range: structure, see below applied after the VLAN is switched from sourceVlan to destinationVlan. Refer to the sourcePMap element for more information on this structure. Note that the switching always happens in both directions (bidirectional, i.e. from source to destination and vice versa). 233 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes MR-1.13.2 Bridge access list configuration attributes This section describes the following configuration attributes: • telindus1423Router/bridge/accessList[ ]/macAddress on page 234 This object is not present in the containment tree by default. If you want to use the feature associated with this object, then add the object first. Refer to MU-4.4 - Ajout d'un objet dans l'arborescence on page 50. Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 234 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/bridge/accessList[ ]/macAddress Use this attribute to filter bridged frames based on the source MAC address. Default:<empty> Range: table, see below This is an outbound access list. Packets coming from MAC addresses that are specified in the access list are not sent out on the interface on which the access list is applied. To apply the access list on a bridge interface, type the index name of the accessList[ ] object as value of the accessList element in the bridging structure. Example If you created an accessList object with index name my_access_list (i.e. accessList[my_access_list]) and you want to apply this access list on a bridge interface, then enter the index name as value for the accessList element in the bridging structure. 235 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes MR-1.14 SNMP configuration attributes This section describes the following configuration attributes: • • telindus1423Router/snmp/trapDestinations on page 236 telindus1423Router/snmp/mib2Traps on page 236 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 236 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/snmp/trapDestinations Use this attribute to define to which IP address the SNMP traps have to be sent. Default:<empty> Range: table, see below The Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router translates all alarm status changes into SNMP traps. These traps can then be sent to a management system. To enable this, configure in the trapDestinations table the IP addresses to which the traps have to be sent. If the trapDestinations table is empty then no traps are sent. The trapDestinations table contains the following elements: Element address Description Use this element to set the IP address of the manage- Default: ment station to which the SNMP trap messages have Range: up to to be sent. Use this element to set the community string which is Default:public included in the SNMP traps that are sent to the man- Range: 0 … 20 characters agement station. It is used as a password in the SNMP communication. Give it the same value as on your SNMP management station. community telindus1423Router/snmp/mib2Traps Use this attribute to enable (on) or disable (off) the sending of SNMP traps as MIB2 traps. If you want to send the SNMP traps as MIB2 traps, proceed as follows: Step 1 Action Default:off Range: on / off Select the snmp/trapDestinations attribute. Add an entry to this table for each network management station that should receive SNMP traps. Refer to telindus1423Router/snmp/trapDestinations on page 236. Configure the mib2Traps attribute: • • on. The alarms coldBoot, warmBoot and linkDown are sent as MIB2 traps instead of enterprise specific (private) MIB traps. off. All alarms are sent as enterprise specific (private) MIB traps. 2 3 Set for each object of the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router: • • the alarms that you want to send using the attribute alarmMask. the importance of each alarm using the attribute alarmLevel. By default only the most important alarms are enabled. 237 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes MR-1.15 Management configuration attributes This section describes the following configuration attributes: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • telindus1423Router/management/sysLog on page 238 telindus1423Router/management/timeServer on page 240 telindus1423Router/management/timeZone on page 240 telindus1423Router/management/cms2Address on page 241 telindus1423Router/management/accessList on page 242 telindus1423Router/management/snmp on page 243 telindus1423Router/management/telnet on page 243 telindus1423Router/management/tftp on page 243 telindus1423Router/management/ftp on page 243 telindus1423Router/management/accessPolicy on page 243 telindus1423Router/management/consoleNoTrafficTimeOut on page 244 telindus1423Router/management/alarmFilter on page 244 telindus1423Router/management/timedStatsAvailability on page 244 telindus1423Router/management/atwinGraphics on page 245 telindus1423Router/management/loginControl on page 246 telindus1423Router/management/ctrlPortProtocol on page 247 telindus1423Router/management/loopback/ipAddress on page 247 telindus1423Router/management/loopback/ipNetMask on page 247 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 238 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/management/sysLog Use this attribute to configure the sending of syslog messages. The sysLog structure contains the following elements: Element separator Description Use this element to specify the separator character in the syslog messages. Refer to What is syslog? on page 238 for more information on the syslog mesages. Use this element to enter the IP address(es) of the syslog server(s). Up to 3 addresses can be entered. Default:Range: structure, see below Default:; Range: 1 character destinations Default:<empty> Range: table, see below As soon a valid syslog server address is entered, a syslog message is sent to this server for each (unmasked) alarm that occurs. If multiple syslog server addresses are sent, then the syslog messages are sent to all servers. The syslog messages are not sent in case the interface or the route through which they have to be sent is down. In this case, the syslog messages are kept in a history list (maximum 31 messages). These pending messages are sent as soon as the interface and/or route comes up again. What is syslog? The syslog protocol (RFC 3164) is used for the transmission of event notification messages across networks. A syslog message is sent on UDP port 514. It has the following format: "<facility*8+severity> date hostname message" where … • • the priority value is the number contained within the angle brackets, i.e. <facility*8+severity>. facility is a part of the priority value: facility = 23 * 8 = 184 In this case no facility has been explicitly assigned and therefore a "local use" facility is used (numerical code value 23). • severity is a part of the priority value: severity = 6 - <alarmLevel of the alarm> The severity only ranges from 0 up to 6. So in case the alarm level of an alarm is bigger than 6, the severity is limited to 0. • • • date is the date the syslog message was generated: Mmm dd hh:mm:ss (e.g. Jan 01 12:45:55). hostname is the IP address of the interface through which the syslog message was sent (e.g. message is the alarm message. It has the following format: "alarm:<sysName>;<realTimeClock>;<sysUpTime>;<devSeverityLevel>;<severityLevel>;<alarmMessage>" where … <sysName> is the sysName configured in the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router. <realTimeClock> is the value of the real time clock at the moment the alarm was generated: dd/ mm/yy hh:mm:ss (e.g. 25/12/02 22:45:55). <sysUpTime> is the system up-time of the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router at the moment the alarm was generated: xxxxxd xxh xxm xxs (e.g. 00025d 08h 45m 55s). 239 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes - <devSeverityLvl> is the device severity level: devSeverityLvl = 6 - <totalAlarmLevel of the device>. The device severity level only ranges from 0 up to 6. So in case the total alarm level of the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router is bigger than 6, the device severity level is limited to 0. <severityLvl> is the alarm severity level: severityLvl = 6 - <alarmLevel of the alarm>. The alarm severity level only ranges from 0 up to 6. So in case the alarm level of an alarm is bigger than 6, the alarm severity level is limited to 0. <alarmMessage> is the alarm itself: path.alarmName on|off (e.g. telindus1423Router/lanInterface.linkDown on). ; is the separator character. If desired, you can specify another separator character. Refer to the configuration element separator on page 238. Example: The following gives an example of a complete syslog message. In this case, the separator is the ^ character. "<189>Feb 28 16:56:15 alarm:telindus1423Router^28/02/03 16:56:15^130^3^5^ telindus1423Router.configChanged on" Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 240 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/management/timeServer Use this attribute to enter the IP address of the SNTP time server with which the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router can synchronise its clock. Date and time are displayed in the status attributes telindus1423Router/date and telindus1423Router/time. You can also set the time zone and the daylight saving time using the configuration attribute telindus1423Router/management/timeZone on page 240. What is SNTP? Short for Simple Network Time Protocol, a simplified version of NTP. SNTP is used when the ultimate performance of the full NTP implementation described in RFC 1305 is not needed or justified. The Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router can only act as an SNTP client, not as an SNTP server. telindus1423Router/management/timeZone Use this attribute to set the time zone when using an SNTP time server. Refer to telindus1423Router/management/timeServer on page 240. The timeZone structure contains the following elements: Element timeZone Description Use this element to set the time zone. The timeZone element has the following values: utc, utc+1 up to utc+12 and utc-1 up to utc-12. What is UTC? UTC is the coordinated universal time, formerly known as Greenwich mean time (GMT). It is the international time standard. daylightSaving Use this element to set the daylight saving time. The daylightSaving element has the following values: europeanUnion and none. Default:europeanUnion Range: europeanUnion / none Default:utc+1 Range: enumerated, see below Default:Range: structure, see below Default: Range: up to 241 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/management/cms2Address Use this attribute to assign an absolute address to the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router. What is relative and absolute addressing? Default:0 Range: 0 … 65535 If you want to connect with TMA to a OneAccess device, you have to specify the address of the device in the Connect… window. Refer to MU-4 - Maintenance du Routeur Telindus 1423 SHDSL on page 35. There are two different address types: relative and absolute. The following table explains the difference between these address types: Type relative Description This type of addressing is meant for a network topology where the OneAccess devices are connected in-line on management level. I.e. with extended management connections between two OneAccess devices. An extended management connection is realised with a crossed cable between the control connectors of two OneAccess devices. To enable relative addressing, no address has to be specified in the OneAccess device. In other words, leave the cms2Address attribute at its default value, being 0. absolute This type of addressing is meant for a network topology where the OneAccess devices are not connected in-line on management level. I.e. when there is a digital multipoint device present (e.g. an Orchid DM). To enable absolute addressing, an address has to be specified in the OneAccess device. Do this using the cms2Address attribute. The absolute addressing range goes from 1 up to 65535. Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 242 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/management/accessList Use this attribute to set up an inbound simple access list on the protocol stack. Refer to MU-10.2 - Configuration des restrictions d'accès on page 312 for more information on inbound access lists. The access list filters incoming traffic, based on the source IP address. You can specify multiple entries within the access list. When more than one entry applies to the same packet, then only the most specific one is taken in consideration. I.e. the entry covering the smallest range. If not one entry matches, then the packet is dropped. If the access list is empty, then all packets are forwarded. The accessList table contains the following elements: Element sourceAddress Description Use this element to set the IP source address of the Default: packet. The address may be a (sub)network address. Range: up to Use this element to set the IP subnet mask for the Default: sourceAddress. By combining an IP address with a Range: up to mask you can uniquely identify a range of addresses. Use this element to set the action when a packet arrives with a source IP address that falls within the specified address range. The possible actions are: • • deny. The packet is dropped. allow. The packet is forwarded. Default:deny Range: enumerated, see below Default:<empty> Range: table, see below mask action If you specify one entry or multiple entries for which the action is set to deny, then also specify at least one entry for which the action is set to allow. Else all packets are dropped! Example 1 This example shows an access list that only allows traffic from subnet, except for packets from station Example 2 The next example shows an access list that allows all traffic, except the traffic from subnet The second entry is the rule to add if you want all packets that do not match the previous entries to be allowed. telindus1423Router/management/snmp Use this attribute to accept (enabled) or discard (disabled) SNMP requests. telindus1423Router/management/telnet Use this attribute to accept (enabled) or discard (disabled) Telnet sessions. then make sure that these protocols are allowed access to the protocol stack. Refer to MU-10. In that case. Default:enabled Range: enabled / disabled Default:enabled Range: enabled / disabled . Example If you created a trafficPolicy object with index name my_traffic_policy (i. trafficPolicy[my_traffic_policy]) and you want to apply this traffic policy here. Default:<empty> Range: 0 … 24 characters Do this by entering the index name of the traffic policy you want to apply. You can create the traffic policy itself by adding a trafficPolicy object and by configuring the attributes in this object. if you set up an access list on the protocol stack. telindus1423Router/management/tftp Use this attribute to accept (enabled) or discard (disabled) TFTP sessions.243 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/management/accessPolicy Use this attribute to apply an inbound extended access list on the protocol stack.e.2 . Default:enabled Range: enabled / disabled Default:enabled Range: enabled / disabled Use this attribute also to accept (enabled) or discard (disabled) HTTP (Web Interface) sessions. then enter the index name as value for the trafficPolicy element. telindus1423Router/management/ftp Use this attribute to accept (enabled) or discard (disabled) FTP sessions.Configuration des restrictions d'accès on page 312 for more information on inbound access lists. Important remark It is possible that the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router has to answer to DHCP requests or terminate L2TP and IPSec tunnels. a table in a table) in the timed performance statistics are not displayed. the LAN interface.g. The full performance statistics are available on the physical interfaces only (e. nor over IP). The purpose of such a timer is to protect the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router against unauthorised access in case the last user did not close his session. Telnet and HTTP sessions (over IP).) interfaces If you have a lot of PVCs this may require quite some memory space and processing power. a VLAN.g. telindus1423Router/management/alarmFilter Use this attribute to selectively ignore / drop alarms in TMA for HP OpenView if these alarms are below a certain level. In other words. a PVC. a VLAN.g. a PVC.e.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 244 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/management/consoleNoTrafficTimeOut Default:00000d 00h 30m 00s Range: 00000d 00h 00m 00s Use this attribute to set the time-out period after which a management ses24855d 03h 14m 07s sion is closed when there is no user interaction. etc. the nested tables (i. telindus1423Router/management/timedStatsAvailability Default:basic Range: enumerated. This can be specified for each filter number. etc. 24 hour and 7 days performance statistics) are visible or not. has to correspond with a filter that you have to define in the Alarm Manager of TMA for HP OpenView. The full performance statistics are available on both the physical (e.g.). 2 hour. Default:0 Range: 0 … 50000 The filter number that you define using the alarmFilter attribute. see below Use this attribute to determine whether the nested tables in the timed performance statistics (i.) and logical (e. They have a fixed time-out of 15 minutes. basic full . This timer applies on … • • terminal (emulation) sessions (through the control port). The timedStatsAvailability attribute has the following values: Value none Description Only the “first level” timed performance statistics are available. the LAN interface. etc. Not on the logical interfaces (e.e. it is possible to specify a minimum alarm level that is needed before alarms are logged in HP OpenView. etc. It does not apply on TMA or TMA CLI sessions (nor through the control port.). In the Alarm Manager. The atwinGraphics attribute has the following values: Value enabled Description The ATWIN window borders are drawn using graphical symbols. disabled The ATWIN window borders are drawn using + and .245 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/management/atwinGraphics Use this attribute to enable or disable the graphical symbols in the ATWIN user interface. ATWIN is a basic.g. the window borders are drawn using + and . By default.Outils de gestion et de maintenance on page 8). . In that case you can choose to disable the graphical symbols. In some cases however.signs. You can start it using a terminal (emulation program) on the control port or using Telnet on an IP interface (e. menu-driven user interface. By doing so. ATWIN uses graphical symbols to draw the borders of the “windows”.4 . the LAN interface) and by typing atwin at the command prompt (refer to the Maintenance tools manual (PDF) for more information). Default:enabled Range: enabled / disabled One of the tools that allows you to manage the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router is ATWIN (refer to MU-1.signs. these graphical symbols are displayed incorrectly. Use this element to set the access failure alarm threshold. then the access failure alarm is raised. Use this element to set the access failure Default:00000d 00h 15m 00s alarm period. If within this period the access failure Range: 00000d 00h 00m 00s 00001d 00h 00m 00s alarm threshold is exceeded. If this value is exceeded within the access failure alarm period. The alarm structure contains the following elements: • maxFailCnt. if within a period of 15 minutes 3 access attempts fail. The loginControl structure contains the following elements: Element alarm Description Default:Range: structure. see below Use this element to determine when the access failure Default:alarm should be logged in the accessLog table and a Range: structure. Example By default. then the access failure alarm is logged in the accessLog table as follows: Jul 13 11:00:00 00000d 00h 15m 58s accessFailureOn If within the consecutive period of 15 minutes no or less than 3 access attempts fail. then the access failure alarm is cleared in the accessLog table as follows: Jul 13 11:15:00 00000d 00h 30m 58s accessFailureOff Also see telindus1423Router/management/accessLog on page 386.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 246 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/management/loginControl Use this attribute to configure the monitoring of management access to the device. Default:3 Range: 0 … 100 • period. then the access failure alarm is raised. see below syslog message is sent. . console Select this value if you want to connect the control connector of the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router to a COM port of your computer in order to manage the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router using TMA.255. CLI.e. This means the router will always respond to ICMP echo requests sent to this address. Default:0. see below Select this value if you want to connect the control connector of the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router to … • • a management concentrator for management purposes. Refer to What is relative and absolute addressing? on page 241 for more information on extended management links.247 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-1 Configuration attributes telindus1423Router/management/ctrlPortProtocol Use this attribute to set the function of the control connector.255 . you can still open a TMA session on the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router.0. telindus1423Router/management/loopback/ipAddress Use this attribute to assign an IP address to the loopback interface. they are connected back-to-back) in order to create an extended management link. If the loopback address is used and RIP is active. Default:0. The ctrlPortProtocol attribute has the following values: Value management Description Default:console Range: enumerated.255.0 Range: up to 255.255.0. Also see telindus1423Router/management/loopback/ipAddress on page 247. ATWIN. then a host route to the loopback address is included in the RIP updates. This interface is always up. When connecting the control connector of the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router to a COM port of your computer.255. In every other respect the loopback address behaves the same as an IP address of a physical interface. You can however not open a CLI or ATWIN session. the control connector of another OneAccess device using a crossed cable (i.255 The loopback interface is a software interface which can be used for management purposes.0. telindus1423Router/management/loopback/ipNetMask Use this attribute to assign an IP netmask to the loopback interface. regardless of the state of the physical interfaces. etc.0.0 Range: up to 255. Bundle status attributes on page 326 MR-2.10 .Profile status attributes on page 321 MR-2.WAN interface status attributes on page 271 MR-2.14 .12 .Management status attributes on page 384 MR-2.Bridge status attributes on page 377 MR-2.15 .Dial maps status attributes on page 323 MR-2.11 .File system status attributes on page 389 MR-2.End and repeater status attributes on page 302 MR-2.2 .6 .3 .BRI status attributes on page 306 MR-2.LAN interface status attributes on page 262 MR-2.SHDSL line status attributes on page 297 MR-2.Status attribute overview on page 249 MR-2.4 .AUX status attributes on page 318 MR-2.Router status attributes on page 334 MR-2.1 .9 . The following gives an overview of this chapter: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • MR-2.Operating system status attributes on page 399 .8 .16 .Encapsulation status attributes on page 274 MR-2.General status attributes on page 258 MR-2.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 248 Status attributes MR-2 Status attributes This chapter discusses the status attributes of the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router.7 .13 .5 .17 . 1 Status attribute overview Refer to MU-4. .249 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 Status attributes MR-2.3 .Les objets dans l'arborescence Routeur Telindus 1423 SHDSL on page 46 to find out which objects are present by default. which ones you can add yourself and which ones are added automatically. Only present on the single port LAN interface. > telindus1423Router sysDescr sysObjectID sysUpTime sysServices flash1Version flash2Version activeFlash flashVersions bootVersion tdreVersion messages deviceId configurationSaving date time Action: Set Date Action: Set Time >> lanInterface ifDescr ifType ifOperStatus ifLastChange ifSpeed ifMtu ip macAddress arpCache bridging adapter1 vlan ports2 ipAdEntBcastAddr ipAdEntReasmMaxSize Action: clearArpCache 1. Only present on the 4 port LAN interface. 2. Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 250 Status attributes >> wanInterface ifDescr ifType ifOperStatus ifLastChange ifSpeed ifMtu >>> atm atmSync pvcTable vp >>> frameRelay ip dlciTable lmi cllmLastCongestionCause >>> ppp ip bridging lcpState ipcpState bcpState ccpState lcpMyOptions lcpHisOptions ipcpMyOptions ipcpHisOptions bcpMyOptions bcpHisOptions ccpMyOptions ccpHisOptions myCompressionRatio hisCompressionRatio myAuthenticationStatus hisAuthenticationStatus >>> hdlc bridging . 251 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 Status attributes >>> errorTest status type startSysUpTime duration blockSize programmablePattern receiveSample >>> line ifDescr ifType ifOperStatus ifSpeed region maxSpeedSearch maxSpeedResult linePairsSwapped numDiscoveredRepeaters eocAlarmThresholds Action: maximumSpeedSearch >>>> linePair[ ] ifSpeed ifOperStatus status timeSinceLastRetrain lineAttenuation signalNoise actualBitRate >>> repeater[ ] vendorId vendorModel vendorSerial vendorSoftVersion eocSoftVersion shdslVersion eocState eocAlarmThresholds Action: loopbackActivation >>>> networkLinePair[ ] lineAttenuation signalNoise >>>> customerLinePair[ ] lineAttenuation signalNoise . . Only present on the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router ISDN version.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 252 Status attributes >>> end vendorId vendorModel vendorSerial vendorSoftVersion eocSoftVersion shdslVersion eocState eocAlarmThresholds >>>> linePair[ ] lineAttenuation signalNoise >> bri[1]3 ifDescr ifType ifOperStatus ifLastChange ifMtu l1Status lapdLinks bChannelUsage testType testStatus Action: loopbackActivation Action: clearIsdnCall >>> bChannel[1] ifDescr ifType ifOperStatus ifLastChange ifMtu dialMapEntry localPhoneNr remotePhoneNr callDirection 3. 253 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 Status attributes >>>> ppp ip lcpState ipcpState ccpState lcpMyOptions lcpHisOptions ipcpMyOptions ipcpHisOptions ccpMyOptions ccpHisOptions myCompressionRatio hisCompressionRatio myAuthenticationStatus hisAuthenticationStatus >>> leasedLine[ ] ifDescr ifType ifOperStatus ifLastChange ifSpeed ifMtu >>>> frameRelay ip dlciTable lmi cllmLastCongestionCause >>>> ppp ip bridging lcpState ipcpState bcpState ccpState lcpMyOptions lcpHisOptions ipcpMyOptions ipcpHisOptions bcpMyOptions bcpHisOptions ccpMyOptions ccpHisOptions myCompressionRatio hisCompressionRatio myAuthenticationStatus hisAuthenticationStatus . > >> bri[2]3 <Contains the same attributes as the bri[1] object.> >> profiles3 >>> dial >>>> defaultIsdn profileUsers >>>> isdn[ ] profileUsers >>> encapsulation >>>> defaultPpp profileUsers >>>> ppp[ ] profileUsers >>> forwardingMode >>>> defaultRouting profileUsers >>>> routing[ ] profileUsers >> dialMaps3 mapping .Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 254 Status attributes >>>> hdlc bridging >>>> errorTest status type startSysUpTime duration blockSize programmablePattern receiveSample >>> bChannel[2] <Contains the same attributes as the bChannel[1] object. 255 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 Status attributes >> bundle >>> pppBundle[ ]4 ifDescr ifType ifOperStatus ifSpeed members ip bridging ipcpState ipcpMyOptions ipcpHisOptions bcpState bcpMyOptions bcpHisOptions multiclassInterfaces >>> isdnBundle[ ]5 ifDescr ifType ifOperStatus ifSpeed members ip ipcpState ipcpMyOptions ipcpHisOptions bacpState bacpMyOptions bacpHisOptions inBandwidth outBandwidth >> router routingTable igmpTable dhcpBinding dhcpStatistics dhcpBlackList radius dns dnsServers addrPools3 Action: unBlacklist 4. . This is the PPP bundle in case of MLPPP on the WAN interface. This is the PPP bundle in case of MLPPP on the ISDN interfaces. 5. Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 256 Status attributes >>> defaultNat addresses >>> tunnels l2tpTunnels ipsecL2tpTunnels >>> ikeSA[ ] phase1 phase2 >>> ospf type routers externalRoutes asExtLsas >>>> area interfaces hosts neighbors routers stub routerLsas networkLsas summLsas asbrLsas nssaLsas >>> vrrp[ ] macAddress interfaces criticals >>> firewall sessions reverseSessions log sNet . 257 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 Status attributes >> bridge >>> bridgeGroup ifDescr ifType ifOperStatus ifMtu ip arpCache bridgeCache bridging spanningTree Action: clearArpCache Action: clearBridgeCache >> management cms2Address timeServer alarmLog accessLog >>> loopback ifDescr ifType ifOperStatus ifMtu ipAddress >> fileSystem fileList freeSpace status corruptBlocks trustedCertificates selfCertificates Action: Delete File Action: Rename File Action: loadTrustedCertificate Action: generateSelfCertificateRequest Action: loadSelfCertificate Action: getTrustedCertificateScep Action: getSelfCertificateScep Action: getCrlScep Action: saveCertificates >> operatingSystem taskInfo . Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 258 Status attributes MR-2.2 General status attributes This section describes the following status attributes: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • telindus1423Router/sysDescr on page 259 telindus1423Router/sysObjectID on page 259 telindus1423Router/sysUpTime on page 259 telindus1423Router/sysServices on page 259 telindus1423Router/flash1Version on page 259 telindus1423Router/flash2Version on page 259 telindus1423Router/activeFlash on page 260 telindus1423Router/flashVersions on page 260 telindus1423Router/bootVersion on page 260 telindus1423Router/tdreVersion on page 260 telindus1423Router/messages on page 260 telindus1423Router/deviceId on page 261 telindus1423Router/configurationSaving on page 261 telindus1423Router/date on page 261 telindus1423Router/time on page 261 This section describes the following actions: • • telindus1423Router/Set Date on page 261 telindus1423Router/Set Time on page 261 . 12:00 is the application software release time. Txxxx/xxxxx is the application software code and version. telindus1423Router/sysUpTime This attribute displays the elapsed time since the last power-on or cold boot of the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router. 12:00 is the application software release time. 01/01/00 12:00 is the application software release date and time.259 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 Status attributes telindus1423Router/sysDescr This attribute displays a textual description of the device. telindus1423Router/sysServices This attribute displays the service identification. . /xxxxx is the application software version. Example: Txxxx/xxxxx 01/01/00 12:00 In this example the following parameters are visible: • • • • Txxxx is the application software code for this device. telindus1423Router/sysObjectID This attribute displays the identification string. 01/01/00 is the application software release date. telindus1423Router/flash2Version This attribute displays the code and version of the application software stored as CONTROL2. telindus1423Router/flash1Version This attribute displays the code and version of the application software stored as CONTROL1. /xxxxx is the application software version. Example: Txxxx/xxxxx 01/01/00 12:00 In this example the following parameters are visible: • • • • Txxxx is the application software code for this device. Example: Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router Txxxx/xxxxx 01/01/00 12:00 In this example the following parameters are visible: • • • Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router is the device name. 01/01/00 is the application software release date. i. This number is incremented every time new features are added to the TDRE. Reconfigured. The application software CONTROL2 is active. release date and time of the boot software currently used in the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router. not through the control port. This means that if you open a terminal emulation session on the control port.zzz In this example the following parameters are visible: • • • xxx is the major TDRE version.e.). If you open a TMA session on the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router over IP. telindus1423Router/messages This attribute displays informative and error messages. yyy is the minor TDRE version.yyy. e. If you hit the ENTER key.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 260 Status attributes telindus1423Router/activeFlash This attribute displays which application software is currently active. Example: xxx. telindus1423Router/tdreVersion This attribute displays the version of the TDRE (OneAccess Dynamic Routing Engine) currently used in the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router. the messages stop and you get the (CLI) password prompt. Cold Boot. telindus1423Router/flashVersions This attribute displays how many application software versions can be stored in the file system. then the messages are also sent to the control port. . zzz is the build version. version.g. you can monitor these messages. This number is incremented only when a complete new version of the TDRE is released. This number is incremented every time a new TDRE version is built (also in case of bug fixes etc. Possible values are: Value flash1 flash2 Description The application software CONTROL1 is active. … The messages table displays maximum 20 messages. telindus1423Router/bootVersion This attribute displays the code. telindus1423Router/configurationSaving This attribute indicates when the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router is writing its (new) configuration to the flash memory. The Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router has finished writing its configuration to the flash memory. telindus1423Router/time This attribute displays the current time in the format hh:mm:ss (e. done telindus1423Router/date This attribute displays the current date in the format dd/mm/yy (e.261 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 Status attributes telindus1423Router/deviceId This attribute displays a unique code. Then execute the action. 12:30:45). do not power-down or reboot the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router else the new configuration will be lost. Then execute the action. 01/01/00). telindus1423Router/Set Time Use this action to set the current time. You can use this code for inventory purposes.g. 01/ 01/00).g. During this state. Possible values are: Value busy Description The Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router is busy writing its configuration to the flash memory.g. . Enter the date as argument value in the format dd/mm/yy (e. Enter the time as argument value in the format hh:mm:ss (e. 12:30:45). This code is programmed into the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router before it leaves the factory. telindus1423Router/Set Date Use this action to set the current date.g. Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 262 Status attributes MR-2.3 LAN interface status attributes This section describes the following status attributes: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • telindus1423Router/lanInterface/ifDescr on page 263 telindus1423Router/lanInterface/ifType on page 263 telindus1423Router/lanInterface/ifOperStatus on page 263 telindus1423Router/lanInterface/ifLastChange on page 263 telindus1423Router/lanInterface/ifSpeed on page 263 telindus1423Router/lanInterface/ifMtu on page 263 telindus1423Router/lanInterface/ip on page 264 telindus1423Router/lanInterface/macAddress on page 264 telindus1423Router/lanInterface/arpCache on page 265 telindus1423Router/lanInterface/bridging on page 266 telindus1423Router/lanInterface/adapter on page 268 telindus1423Router/lanInterface/vlan on page 268 telindus1423Router/lanInterface/ports on page 269 telindus1423Router/lanInterface/ipAdEntBcastAddr on page 269 telindus1423Router/lanInterface/ipAdEntReasmMaxSize on page 269 This section describes the following actions: • telindus1423Router/lanInterface/clearArpCache on page 270 . 263 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 Status attributes telindus1423Router/lanInterface/ifDescr This attribute displays the interface description. telindus1423Router/lanInterface/ifType This attribute displays the interface type. the system-up time value is written into the ifLastChange status attribute. the maximum number of bytes that one packet can contain on this interface.e. telindus1423Router/lanInterface/ifOperStatus This attribute displays the current operational status of the interface.e. telindus1423Router/lanInterface/ifSpeed This attribute displays the interface speed in bits per second (bps). . the moment the value of the ifOperStatus status attribute changes (from up to down or vice versa). telindus1423Router/lanInterface/ifLastChange This attribute shows the system-up time on the moment the interface entered its current operational state. telindus1423Router/lanInterface/ifMtu This attribute displays the interface its Maximum Transfer Unit. I. i. This is the IP address of the interface. Each byte in the code is separated by a colon. Refer to What is the ARP cache? on page 22 for more information on the MAC addresses. also called MAC (Medium Access Control) address.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 264 Status attributes telindus1423Router/lanInterface/ip This attribute displays the IP information of the interface. The MAC address is globally unique and can not be modified. It is a 6 byte code. telindus1423Router/lanInterface/macAddress This attribute displays the MAC address of the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router its LAN interface. It is either configured or retrieved automatically. represented in hexadecimal format. It is either configured or retrieved automatically. . This is the IP subnet mask of the interface. The ip structure contains the following elements: Element status address netMask Description This is the current operational status of the IP layer (layer 3). The LAN interface has been allocated a fixed Ethernet address. e. The MAC . timeOut This is the time the entry will remain in the ARP cache. This is the associated IP address. This is the ARP cache entry type.IP address pair is retrieved from an ARP request or reply message. the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router its own IP and MAC address. The arpCache table contains the following elements: Element macAddress ipAddress type Description This is the MAC address. Possible values are: • • dynamic.IP address pair is configured. For the static entry. static.IP address pairs from ARP requests and replies received on the LAN interface. Refer to What is the ARP cache? on page 22 for more information. i.265 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 Status attributes telindus1423Router/lanInterface/arpCache This attribute displays all the MAC address . Example The following figure shows part of an ARP cache table as an example: . this value is 0. There is only one static entry. The MAC . the root bridge itself does not have a root port. All ports of the root bridge are designated ports. these two elements display the unique bridge identifier of … • • the bridge to which this port belongs.5 . in case of a designated port. This is the port through which the root bridge can be reached. • • designatedPriority2 designatedMac2 Together. The port is not in use because of a management action. This port is not active. forwarding1. Consequently. Possible values are: • root. listening. blocking. The bridging structure contains the following elements: Element state Description This displays the current state of the port. All other bridges must have a root port. to test the value of the bridge identifier parameter conveyed in received Configuration BPDUs. but it does not update its MAC address database (also called bridge cache). designated. in all other cases.1. The port does not participate in frame forwarding. Possible values are: • • • • • disabled1. subState2 This gives additional information on the port state. The port prepares to participate in frame forwarding. Refer to MU-9. The port participates in frame forwarding. and it learns the present MAC addresses. alternate.Etats des ports de pontage du Spanning Tree on page 283 for more information on port states2. • . learning. Either because of a management action. This bridge identifier is used … • together with the designatedPortPriority and designatedPortId attributes to determine whether this port should be the designated port for the LAN that is currently connected to this port.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 266 Status attributes telindus1423Router/lanInterface/bridging This attribute displays the bridging status of the interface. The port prepares to participate in frame forwarding. the bridge believed to be the designated bridge for the LAN that is currently connected to this port. these two elements form a unique bridge identifier. This is the designated port for this (virtual) LAN. Depending whether the current port is a designated port or not. or through protocol intervention. 267 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 Status attributes Element designatedPortPriority2 designatedPortId2 Description Together, these two elements form a unique port identifier. They display the unique port identifier of the bridge port through which the designated bridge transmits the configuration message information stored by this port. This port identifier is used … • together with the designatedPriority and designatedMac attributes to determine whether this port should be the designated port for the LAN that is currently connected to this port. by the management system to determine the topology of the bridged LAN. • topologyChangeAck 2 This displays the value of the Topology Change Acknowledgement flag in the next Configuration BPDU that will be transmitted on this port. This element is used to assess the need to set the Topology Change Acknowledgement flag in response to a received Topology Change Notification BPDU. configurationPending2 This is used to determine whether a Configuration BPDU should be transmitted on this port after expiry of the hold timer. This avoids that Configuration BPDUs are transmitted too often, although ensuring that up-to-date information is transmitted. 1. These are the only possible port states for a bridge that is not running the Spanning Tree protocol (IEEE p802.1D). 2. Only relevant when the bridge uses the Spanning Tree Protocol. Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 268 Status attributes telindus1423Router/lanInterface/adapter Only present on the single port LAN interface. This attribute displays the Ethernet mode of the LAN interface as set using the telindus1423Router/lanInterface/adapter attribute. The adapter structure contains the following elements: Element speed duplex Description This is the Ethernet speed in Mbps. Possible values are: 10 and 100. This is the Ethernet duplex mode. Possible values are: halfDuplex and fullDuplex. telindus1423Router/lanInterface/vlan This attribute displays the status of the VLAN(s) on this interface. The vlan table contains the following elements: Element name Description This is the name of the VLAN as you configured it. If you did not configure a name, then this element displays: <LAN interface name> “vlan” <VLAN ID>. E.g. lan vlan 2 ifOperStatus ifLastChange This is the current operational status of the VLAN. This is the system-up time on the moment the VLAN entered its current operational state. I.e. the moment the value of the ifOperStatus element changes (from up to down or vice versa), the system-up time value is written into the ifLastChange element. This displays the IP address and subnet mask of the VLAN. This displays the bridging information of the VLAN. Refer to telindus1423Router/lanInterface/bridging on page 266 for a detailed description of the bridging structure. vlan This displays the specific VLAN related status information. The vlan structure contains the following elements: • • identifier. This element displays the VLAN identifier. arpCache. This element displays all the MAC address - IP address pairs from ARP requests and replies received on the VLAN. Refer to telindus1423Router/lanInterface/arpCache on page 265 for a detailed description of the arpCache table. ip bridging 269 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 Status attributes telindus1423Router/lanInterface/ports Only present on the 4 port Ethernet LAN interface. This attribute displays the status of each port of the 4 port Ethernet interface (including the local port, refer to Qu’est-ce que le commutateur Ethernet à 4 ports ? on page 335). The ports table contains the following elements: Element portName Description This element displays the port name. Possible values are port1, port2, port3, port4 or localPort. Refer to Qu’est-ce que le commutateur Ethernet à 4 ports ? on page 335 for more information on what the local port is. This element displays the current operational status of the port. This element displays the port speed in megabits per second (Mbps). This element displays the duplex mode of the port. Possible values are: fullDuplex or halfDuplex. This element displays the status of the Ethernet mode auto negotiation process. Possible values are: • • • linkPartnerCaps disabled. The adapter element in ports configuration attribute is set to fixed. I.e. the auto negotiation process is disabled. done. The adapter element in ports configuration attribute is set to autoNegotiate and the auto negotiation process is finished. notDone. The adapter element in ports configuration attribute is set to autoNegotiate but the auto negotiation process is not finished (yet). ifOperStatus speed duplex autoNegotiate This element displays the Ethernet mode capabilities of the port its link partner. So this structure contains the following elements: 10Mb/halfDuplex, 10Mb/fullDuplex, 100Mb/ halfDuplex, 100Mb/fullDuplex, flowControl. Each element can have the value capable or notCapable. This element displays the VLAN membership of the port. The vlanMembership table contains the following elements: • • vid. This element displays the VLAN ID. portMembership. This element displays which port is a member (yes) or no member (no) of the corresponding VLAN. vlanMembership telindus1423Router/lanInterface/ipAdEntBcastAddr This attribute displays the value of the least-significant bit in the IP broadcast address. This address is used for sending packets on the interface which is associated with the IP address of this entry. The value applies to the general broadcast, the subnet and network broadcasts. telindus1423Router/lanInterface/ipAdEntReasmMaxSize This attribute displays the size of the largest IP packet which this entity can re-assemble from incoming IP fragmented packets received on this interface. Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 270 Status attributes telindus1423Router/lanInterface/clearArpCache Use this action to clear the ARP cache table. 271 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 Status attributes MR-2.4 WAN interface status attributes This section describes the following status attributes: • • • • • • telindus1423Router/wanInterface/ifDescr on page 272 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/ifType on page 272 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/ifSpeed on page 272 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/ifMtu on page 272 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/ifLastChange on page 272 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/ifOperStatus on page 272 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 272 Status attributes telindus1423Router/wanInterface/ifDescr This attribute displays the interface description. telindus1423Router/wanInterface/ifType This attribute displays the interface type. telindus1423Router/wanInterface/ifSpeed This attribute displays the interface speed in bits per second (bps). telindus1423Router/wanInterface/ifMtu This attribute displays the interface its Maximum Transfer Unit, i.e. the maximum number of bytes that one packet can contain on this interface. telindus1423Router/wanInterface/ifLastChange This attribute shows the system-up time on the moment the interface entered its current operational state. I.e. the moment the value of the ifOperStatus status attribute changes (from up to down or vice versa), the system-up time value is written into the ifLastChange status attribute. telindus1423Router/wanInterface/ifOperStatus This attribute displays the current operational status of the interface. Possible values are: Value up down Description The WAN interface is up, data transfer is possible. The WAN interface is down, data transfer is not possible. The ifOperStatus attribute is down in case of … • ATM, when … • the ATM synchronisation status is “not synched”. the line is not in data state. the bit pump is not synchronised. PPP(oA), when … LCP is not open. the line is not in data state. the bit pump is not synchronised. • Frame Relay, when … LMI is not up. the line is not in data state. the bit pump is not synchronised. 273 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 Status attributes Important remarks • • Whether the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router is configured in bridging or routing has no effect on the value of the attributes wanInterface/ifOperStatus:Status and wanInterface/alarmInfo/linkDown:Alarms. In case of ATM, if the configuration element pvcTable/atm/oamF5Loopback is set to disabled, then the ifOperStatus of the PVC becomes up when the ATM is synchronised globally. However, this does not guarantee that the PVC is configured (correctly) on the remote side. However, the other conditions as stated in the table above remain. In case of PPP(oA), if the configuration element linkMonitoring/operation is set to disabled, then it is possible that the wanInterface/ifOperStatus value does not go down even if the link quality is too bad for a proper data link. This because the link monitoring mechanism is the only PPP mechanism that will start a renegotiation of the LCP layer. In case of Frame Relay, if the configuration element lmi/auto is set to noLmi, then the value of the status element lmi/status:Status is always up. However, the other conditions as stated in the table above remain. • • Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 274 Status attributes MR-2.5 Encapsulation status attributes This section discusses the status attributes of the encapsulation protocols that can be used on the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router. Note that these encapsulation protocols cannot only be used on the xDSL line but, if your Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router is equipped with (an) ISDN interface(s), also on the ISDN interface(s). The protocols Frame Relay, PPP and HDLC are only relevant for TDM operation. Refer to MU-1.3 - Aperçu de la famille de routeurs Telindus SHDSL 1423 on page 7 for more information about which protocols are available on which Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router version. The following gives an overview of this section: • • • • • MR-2.5.1 - ATM status attributes on page 275 MR-2.5.2 - Frame Relay status attributes on page 280 MR-2.5.3 - PPP status attributes on page 285 MR-2.5.4 - HDLC status attributes on page 293 MR-2.5.5 - Error test status attributes on page 295 275 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 Status attributes MR-2.5.1 ATM status attributes This section describes the following status attributes: • • • telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/atm/atmSync on page 276 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/atm/pvcTable on page 276 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/atm/vp on page 279 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 276 Status attributes telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/atm/atmSync This attribute displays the ATM synchronisation status. Possible values are: synced, notSynced. telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/atm/pvcTable This attribute gives the complete status information of all known PVCs. The pvcTable table contains the following elements: Element name Description This is the name of the PVC as you configured it. If you did not configure a name, then this element displays: <interface name> “vpi” <vpi number> “vci” <vci number>. E.g. wan vpi 102 vci 102 ifOperStatus This is the current operational status of the PVC. In case OAM F5 … • LoopBack (LB) or Continuity Check (CC) is disabled, i.e. no OAM F4 LB/CC cells are sent, then the ifOperStatus of the PVC becomes up when the ATM is synchronised globally. However, this does not guarantee that the PVC is configured (correctly) on the remote side. LoopBack (LB) is enabled, i.e. OAM F5 loopback cells are sent at regular intervals, then the ifOperStatus of the PVC becomes up when the loopback cells are returned and down when the loopback cells are not returned by the remote side. • ifLastChange This is the system-up time on the moment the PVC entered its current operational state. I.e. the moment the value of the ifOperStatus element changes (from up to down or vice versa), the system-up time value is written into the ifLastChange element. This displays the IP information of the PVC. Refer to telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/atm/pvcTable/ip on page 277 for a detailed description of the ip structure. ip bridging This displays the bridging information of the PVC. Refer to telindus1423Router/lanInterface/bridging on page 266 for a detailed description of the bridging structure. atm This displays the specific ATM related status information of the PVC. Refer to telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/atm/pvcTable/atm on page 278 for a detailed description of the atm structure. 277 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 Status attributes telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/atm/pvcTable/ip The ip structure in the pvcTable displays the IP information of the PVC. The ip structure contains the following elements: Element address netMask remote Description This is the IP address of the PVC. It is either configured or retrieved automatically. This is the IP subnet mask of the PVC. It is either configured or retrieved automatically. This is the IP address of the remote end of the PVC. It is either configured or retrieved automatically. The pppOverEth structure contains the following elements: • discState. The atm structure contains the following elements: Element vpi vci Description This displays the Virtual Path Identifier (VPI). It generates a unique session ID for the PPPoE session and replies to the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router with a PADS packet (PPPoE Active Discovery Session-confirmation). The VPI in conjunction with the VCI identifies the next destination of a cell as it passes through a series of ATM switches on the way to its destination. Refer to MR-2. The pppOverEth structure displays information on the PPPoE discovery. it prepares to begin a PPP session. it replies by sending a PADO packet (PPPoE Active Discovery Offer). it must first perform a discovery to identify the Ethernet MAC address of the host and to establish a PPPoE session ID. This is the state of the discovery. This displays the Sustainable Cell Rate (SCR) of the PVC in bps.PPP status attributes on page 285 for a detailed description of the elements in the ppp structure. So possible discState values are: idle.5. established. . waitForPADS. • ppp remoteMacAddress. This displays the PPP information of the PVC. waitForPADO. When the host receives a PADR packet. This is the MAC address of the remote system as learned during the discovery. When the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router wants to initiate a PPP over Ethernet (PPPoE) session. When the host receives a PADI that it can serve. This displays the Maximum Burst Size (MBS) of the PVC in cell times.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 278 Status attributes telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/atm/pvcTable/atm The atm structure in the pvcTable displays the specific ATM related status information of the PVC. This displays the Virtual Channel Identifier (VCI).3 . The discovery goes as follows: The Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router sends a PADI packet (PPPoE Active Discovery Initiation). The Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router then sends one PADR packet (PPPoE Active Discovery Request) to the host that it has chosen. peakCellRate sustCellRate maxBurstSize pppOverEth This displays the Peak Cell Rate (PCR) of the PVC in bps. • . OAM F4 loopback cells are sent at regular intervals.e. i. this does not guarantee that the VP is configured (correctly) on the remote side. However. also all VCs belonging to the VP go down. In case OAM F4 … • LoopBack (LB) or Continuity Check (CC) is disabled. then the ifOperStatus of the VP becomes up when the loopback cells are returned and down when the loopback cells are not returned by the remote side. In case a VP goes down. The vp table contains the following elements: Element vpi ifOperStatus Description This is the Virtual Path Identifier (VPI). LoopBack (LB) is enabled. This is the current operational status of the Virtual Path. the vp table gives the current operational status of a complete Virtual Path. i. no OAM F4 LB/CC cells are sent.e.279 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 Status attributes telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/atm/vp Whereas the pvcTable gives the current operational status for each Virtual Channel. then the ifOperStatus of the VP becomes up when the ATM is synchronised globally. 2 Frame Relay status attributes This section describes the following status attributes: • • • • telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/frameRelay/ip on page 281 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/frameRelay/dlciTable on page 281 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/frameRelay/lmi on page 283 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/frameRelay/cllmLastCongestionCause on page 284 .5.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 280 Status attributes MR-2. If you did not configure a name. The dlciTable table contains the following elements: Element name Description This is the name of the DLCI as you configured it. ip . wan dlci 16 ifOperStatus ifLastChange This is the current operational status of the DLCI.e. This is the system-up time on the moment the DLCI entered its current operational state. Refer to telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/frameRelay/dlciTable/frameRelay on page 282 for a detailed description of the frameRelay structure. bridging This displays the bridging information of the DLCI.g. then this element displays: <interface name> “dlci” <dlci number>. telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/frameRelay/dlciTable This attribute gives the complete status information of all known DLCIs. the moment the value of the ifOperStatus element changes (from up to down or vice versa). Refer to telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/atm/pvcTable/ip on page 277 for a detailed description of the ip structure. I. the system-up time value is written into the ifLastChange element. This displays the IP information of the DLCI. Refer to telindus1423Router/lanInterface/bridging on page 266 for a detailed description of the bridging structure. E. frameRelay This displays the specific Frame Relay related status information of the DLCI. Refer to telindus1423Router/lanInterface/ip on page 264 for a detailed description of the ip structure.281 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 Status attributes telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/frameRelay/ip This attribute displays the IP information of the Frame Relay link. This element is only relevant for LMI revision 1 (in all other cases this value is 0). This element is only relevant for LMI revision 1. . It is the flow control flag.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 282 Status attributes telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/frameRelay/dlciTable/frameRelay The frameRelay structure in the dlciTable displays the specific Frame Relay related status information of the DLCI. This indicates whether the corresponding DLCI is active (on) or not (off). The frameRelay structure contains the following elements: Element dlci active new deleted rr bandwidth cllmLastCongestionCause Description This is the DLCI identification number. then no traffic can be sent on this DLCI. It is the CIR value. which was received from the network. Refer to telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/frameRelay/cllmLastCongestionCause on page 284 for the possible values of the cllmLastCongestionCause element. This is set to on if the DLCI has been deleted. Else it is off. If it is on. else it is off. The cllmLastCongestionCause element indicates the last reason. CLLM (Consolidated Link Layer Management) is a Frame Relay protocol used for traffic management. in bps. This is set to on if the DLCI has just been created. for congestion on the corresponding DLCI. else it is off. as it is configured on the remote. sequence error. auto or nni. lastError netTxSeqNum netRxSeqNum This is the sequence number of the last LMI Status Enquiry frame that was received. Since only a Frame Relay user or DTE can transmit Status Enquiries. q933-AnnexA. unknown information element. type This displays the LMI variant. This is the system-up time when the LMI status entered its current state. Possible values are: noLmi. network. auto or nni. I. I.e. The lmi structure contains the following elements: Element mode Description This displays the Frame Relay mode. timer expired. the value of this element only changes in case the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router is defined as a Frame Relay user or both user and network. netErrors userTxSeqNum This is the number of errors on LMI commands issued by the Frame Relay network or DCE during the last monitoredEvents period.e.283 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 Status attributes telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/frameRelay/lmi This attribute gives a complete LMI status information overview. the value of this element only changes in case the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router is defined as a Frame Relay network or both user and network. No LMI messages can be exchanged. . the value of this element only changes in case the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router is defined as a Frame Relay network or both user and network. Refer to telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/frameRelay/lmi on page 52 for more information on these values. auto. Possible values are: • • lastStatusChange up. auto or nni. unsolicited status. Possible values are: none.e. Refer to telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/frameRelay/lmi on page 52 for more information on these values. frf1-2. in case the mode element is set to network. invalid report type. user. LMI messages can and are exchanged. down. Possible values are: lmiRev1.e. the moment the value of the status element changes (from up to down or vice versa). Since only a Frame Relay network or DCE can transmit Status Responses. in case the mode element is set to network. This is the sequence number of the last LMI Status Enquiry frame that was sent. This displays the last error condition reported by LMI. unknown report. I. I. the system-up time value is written into the lastStatusChange element. in case the mode element is set to user. status This displays the current state of LMI. This is the sequence number of the last LMI Status Response frame that was sent. Since only a Frame Relay network or DCE can receive Status Enquiries. ansiT1-617-d. protocol error. unknown cause unknown cause .Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 284 Status attributes Element userRxSeqNum Description This is the sequence number of the last LMI Status Response frame that was received. This displays the type of the most recent report that was sent. for congestion on any of the DLCIs. maintenance action long term. maintenance action short term.e. excessive traffic long term. unknown cause long term. userErrors userWaitFullEnquiry userLastReportTypeSent This is the number of errors on LMI commands issued by the Frame Relay user or DTE during the last monitoredEvents period. I. link integrity. the value of this element only changes in case the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router is defined as a Frame Relay user or both user and network. Possible values are: • • • • • • • • • • none short term. equipment failure short term. auto or nni. equipment failure long term. The last report only contained the link integrity information. Since only a Frame Relay user or DTE can receive Status Responses. This is the number of LMI frames still to be sent before a Full Status Enquiry will be requested. Possible values are: • • full status. which was received from the network. The last report contained the full status. in case the mode element is set to user. excessive traffic short term. telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/frameRelay/cllmLastCongestionCause This attribute indicates the last reason. 3 PPP status attributes This section describes the following status attributes: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/ppp/ip on page 286 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/ppp/bridging on page 286 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/ppp/lcpState on page 287 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/ppp/ipcpState on page 287 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/ppp/bcpState on page 287 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/ppp/ccpState on page 287 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/ppp/lcpMyOptions on page 288 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/ppp/lcpHisOptions on page 288 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/ppp/ipcpMyOptions on page 289 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/ppp/ipcpHisOptions on page 289 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/ppp/bcpMyOptions on page 290 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/ppp/bcpHisOptions on page 290 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/ppp/ccpMyOptions on page 291 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/ppp/ccpHisOptions on page 291 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/ppp/myCompressionRatio on page 291 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/ppp/hisCompressionRatio on page 291 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/ppp/myAuthenticationStatus on page 292 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/ppp/hisAuthenticationStatus on page 292 .5.285 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 Status attributes MR-2. This is the IP address of the PPP link. Refer to telindus1423Router/lanInterface/bridging on page 266 for a detailed description of the bridging structure. This is the IP address of the remote end of the PPP link. telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/ppp/bridging This attribute displays the bridging status of the PPP link. The ip structure contains the following elements: Element status address netMask remote Description This is the current operational status of the IP layer (layer 3) of the PPP link. This is the IP subnet mask of the PPP link. It is either configured or retrieved automatically. It is either configured or retrieved automatically.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 286 Status attributes telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/ppp/ip This attribute displays the IP information of the PPP link. . It is either configured or retrieved automatically. The local side of the PPP link has received an LCP acknowledge from the remote side. Stopped. Refer to telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/ppp/lcpState on page 287. Possible values are: Value Initial Starting. These values correspond with the transient states in the LCP state diagram. The possible values are the same as those of the lcpState attribute. Stopping Req-Sent Ack-Rcvd Ack-Sent Opened Description LCP handshake has not started yet. Closing. telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/ppp/ipcpState This attribute reflects the status of the IPCP (Internet Protocol Control Protocol) protocol. Refer to telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/ppp/lcpState on page 287. The remote side did not answer yet. Closed. Refer to telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/ppp/lcpState on page 287.287 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 Status attributes telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/ppp/lcpState This attribute reflects the status of the LCP (Link Control Protocol) protocol. telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/ppp/bcpState This attribute reflects the status of the BCP (Bridging Control Protocol) protocol. The local side of the PPP link has sent an LCP request. This is a transient state. The local side of the PPP link has acknowledged the LCP request from the remote side. The LCP handshake succeeded. The possible values are the same as those of the lcpState attribute. The possible values are the same as those of the lcpState attribute. . telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/ppp/ccpState This attribute reflects the status of the CCP (Compression Control Protocol) protocol. length value This is the length of the option field. refer to RFC 1661. . a number of options can be exchanged between the local and remote side of the link. The lcpHisOptions table contains the same elements as the lcpMyOptions table. This is the option value represented as an octet string (hexadecimal ASCII representation). Refer to telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/ppp/lcpMyOptions on page 288. For more information on the LCP configuration options. This attribute lists the LCP options for the router at this side (local side) of the link.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 288 Status attributes telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/ppp/lcpMyOptions During the LCP handshake. telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/ppp/lcpHisOptions This attribute lists the LCP options for the router at the other side (remote side) of the link. Other option values than the ones supported by the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router may be present. The lcpMyOptions table contains the following elements: Element option Description The Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router supports the following LCP options: • • 3: the Authentication-Protocol option. 5: the Magic-Number option. This is the option value represented as an octet string (hexadecimal ASCII representation). The ipcpMyOptions table contains the following elements: Element option Description The Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router supports the following IPCP option: • • 3: the IP-Address option. telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/ppp/ipcpHisOptions This attribute lists the IPCP options for the router at the other side (remote side) of the link.289 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 Status attributes telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/ppp/ipcpMyOptions During the IPCP handshake. a number of options can be exchanged between the local and remote side of the link. Refer to telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/ppp/ipcpMyOptions on page 289. This attribute lists the IPCP options for the router at this side (local side) of the link. For more information on the IPCP configuration options. . ip-vso: the IP-Vendor Specific option. Other option values than the ones supported by the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router may be present. The ipcpHisOptions table contains the same elements as the ipcpMyOptions table. length value This is the length of the option field. This is used to negotiate the netmask. refer to RFC 1332. This is the option value represented as an octet string (hexadecimal ASCII representation). This attribute lists the BCP options for the router at this side (local side) of the link. telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/ppp/bcpHisOptions This attribute lists the BCP options for the router at the other side (remote side) of the link. 5: the LAN-Identification option. The bcpHisOptions table contains the same elements as the bcpMyOptions table. 3: the MAC-Support option. 6: the MAC-Address option. length value This is the length of the option field. Other option values than the ones supported by the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router may be present.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 290 Status attributes telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/ppp/bcpMyOptions During the BCP handshake. 2: the Line-Identification option. The bcpMyOptions table contains the following elements: Element option Description The Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router supports the following BCP options: • • • • • • • 1: the Bridge-Identification option. a number of options can be exchanged between the local and remote side of the link. For more information on the BCP configuration options. 7: the Spanning-Tree-Protocol option. refer to RFC 2878. . Refer to telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/ppp/bcpMyOptions on page 290. 4: the Tinygram-Compression option. The ccpHisOptions table contains the same elements as the ccpMyOptions table. . Other option values than the ones supported by the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router may be present. this attribute displays the compression ratio achieved by the router at this side (local side) of the link. a number of options can be exchanged between the local and remote side of the link.291 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 Status attributes telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/ppp/ccpMyOptions During the CCP handshake. This is the option value represented as an octet string (hexadecimal ASCII representation). This attribute lists the CCP options for the router at this side (local side) of the link. this attribute displays the compression ratio achieved by the router at the other side (remote side) of the link. Refer to telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/ppp/ccpMyOptions on page 291. For more information on the CCP configuration options. telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/ppp/myCompressionRatio When PPP compression is enabled. The ccpMyOptions table contains the following elements: Element option Description The Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router supports the following CCP option: • 1: the Predictor1 option. telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/ppp/hisCompressionRatio When PPP compression is enabled. refer to RFC 1962. telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/ppp/ccpHisOptions This attribute lists the CCP options for the router at the other side (remote side) of the link. length value This is the length of the option field. the state of the authenticator. This is a transient state since the router starts the LCP handshake again after a failing authentication. I. This is a transient state since the router starts the LCP handshake again after a failing authentication. telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/ppp/hisAuthenticationStatus This attribute displays the authentication state of the router at the other side (remote side) of the link. the state of the peer. This state only occurs when the peer does not accept the authentication request during the LCP handshake. . The local side has sent a challenge packet and is waiting for an answer. Once the peer has sent a response. The response packet is found to be incorrect. the peer awaits a challenge packet.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 292 Status attributes telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/ppp/myAuthenticationStatus This attribute displays the authentication state of the router at this side (local side) of the link. The peer has received a failure packet. Possible values are: Value No-Authentication Wait-On-Challenge Wait-On-Success Authen-Successful Authen-Failure Authen-Not-Allowed Description This is the start-up state. Possible values are: Value No-Authentication Wait-On-Response Authen-Successful Authen-Failure Description The local side does not request PPP authentication or still has to start the CHAP authentication (LCP handshake is busy).e. This is the state when authentication succeeded. I. The response packet is found to be correct. it awaits a success or failure message.e. During the LCP handshake the authenticator already indicates it wants to authenticate. A possible reason might be that the peer router does not support CHAP. The peer has received a success packet. From that moment on. It remains in this state during data transfer. 5.4 HDLC status attributes This section describes the following status attributes: • telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/hdlc/bridging on page 294 .293 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 Status attributes MR-2. . Refer to telindus1423Router/lanInterface/bridging on page 266 for a detailed description of the bridging structure.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 294 Status attributes telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/hdlc/bridging This attribute displays the bridging status of the HDLC link. 295 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 Status attributes MR-2.5.5 Error test status attributes This section describes the following status attributes: • • • • • • • telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/errorTest/status on page 296 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/errorTest/type on page 296 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/errorTest/startSysUpTime on page 296 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/errorTest/duration on page 296 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/errorTest/blockSize on page 296 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/errorTest/programmablePattern on page 296 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/errorTest/receiveSample on page 296 This section describes the following actions: • • telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/errorTest/startTest on page 296 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/errorTest/stopTest on page 296 . telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/errorTest/duration This attribute displays the duration of the error test. telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/errorTest/receiveSample This attribute displays the received test pattern. . telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/errorTest/startTest Use this action to start an error test. it is possible that not all test patterns are supported.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 296 Status attributes telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/errorTest/status This attribute displays the status of the error test. Due to RAM limitations. telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/errorTest/programmablePattern This attribute displays the bit string pattern as you configured it in the programmablePattern configuration attribute. telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/errorTest/stopTest Use this action to stop an error test. telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/errorTest/startSysUpTime This attribute displays the value of the sysUpTime attribute at the moment the error test was started.6 . telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/errorTest/type This attribute displays the type of error test. In that case the string ramLimit is displayed as value of the status attribute telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/errorTest/status. Refer to MU-7. telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/errorTest/blockSize This attribute displays the size of the test blocks.Configuration d'un test d'erreur on page 189 for more information on setting up an error test. 297 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 Status attributes MR-2.6 SHDSL line status attributes This section describes the following line status attributes: • • • • • • • • • • telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/ifDescr on page 298 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/ifType on page 298 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/ifOperStatus on page 298 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/ifSpeed on page 298 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/region on page 298 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/maxSpeedSearch on page 298 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/maxSpeedResult on page 298 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/linePairsSwapped on page 299 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/numDiscoveredRepeaters on page 299 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/eocAlarmThresholds on page 299 This section describes the following line pair status attributes: • • • • • • • telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/linePair[ ]/ifOperStatus on page 301 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/linePair[ ]/ifSpeed on page 301 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/linePair[ ]/status on page 301 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/linePair[ ]/timeSinceLastRetrain on page 301 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/linePair[ ]/lineAttenuation on page 301 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/linePair[ ]/signalNoise on page 301 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/linePair[ ]/actualBitRate on page 301 This section describes the following actions: • telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/maximumSpeedSearch on page 300 . telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/maxSpeedSearch This attribute displays the status of the maximumSpeedSearch action.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 298 Status attributes telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/ifDescr This attribute displays the interface description. that was achieved during the execution of the maximumSpeedSearch action. In case of a Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router 2 pair version. Refer to telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/region on page 67 for more information on these values. annexA. data transfer is not possible. annexB. telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/region This attribute displays the SHDSL standard currently used. Possible values are: Value up down testing Description The line is up. in bits per second (bps). The maximumSpeedSearch action is running. The maximumSpeedSearch action is finished. telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/ifOperStatus This attribute displays the current operational status of the line. Possible values are: Value idle progressing aborted completed Description No maximumSpeedSearch action has been performed. The result is displayed in the maxSpeedResult attribute. A line test is active. data transfer is possible. Possible values are: auto. telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/maxSpeedResult This attribute displays the maximum speed. . the line/ifSpeed attribute displays the sum of the speed of line pair 1 and 2. telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/ifType This attribute displays the interface type. telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/ifSpeed This attribute displays the current line speed in bits per second (bps). The line is down. The maximumSpeedSearch action stopped without result. g. telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/eocAlarmThresholds What this attribute displays depends on the setting of the telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/eocHandling attribute: If eocHandling is set to … none discovery inventory info alarmConfiguration then … the eocAlarmThresholds attribute does not display relevant information. This attribute indicates whether the line pairs have been swapped when connecting the central with the remote device.0. It always displays 0. The line pairs are not swapped. Possible values are: Value yes no unknown Description The line pairs are swapped. the eocAlarmThresholds attribute does not display relevant information. 1.0. It always displays 0. on the remote2 device. The remote device is the device on which the channel attribute is set to remote. 2.299 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 Status attributes telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/linePairsSwapped This attribute is only present on the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router 2 pair version. The Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router is unable to determine whether the line pairs have been swapped (e. because it is still training). The eocAlarmThresholds structure contains the following elements: • • lineAttenuation signalNoise . The central device is the device on which the channel attribute is set to central. telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/numDiscoveredRepeaters This attribute displays the number of Crocus SHDSL repeaters that the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router discovered on the SHDSL line. the eocAlarmThresholds attribute displays the values as set in the telindus1423Router/ wanInterface/line/linkAlarmThresholds attribute on the central device. • • on the central1 device. the eocAlarmThresholds attribute displays the values as set in the telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/linkAlarmThresholds attribute. the following happens: Phase 1 2 Action The Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router interrupts the normal data transfer. While the maximumSpeedSearch action is running. the status of the test can be monitored with the maxSpeedSearch attribute. . Both local and remote Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router go to auto speed mode in order to determine the highest possible line speed. In case of a Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router 2 pair version. The Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router resumes normal data transfer at the speed that was selected before the test.e. you can not execute the maximumSpeedSearch action because you can not define a speed range on both the central and remote Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router. the result is displayed by the maxSpeedResult attribute. When you execute this test. after a successful training sequence and when the data connection is up) before you can execute the maximumSpeedSearch action. When the test ends. Meanwhile. 3 4 Important remarks • • • The Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router has to be in data state (i. no data transmission is possible.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 300 Status attributes telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/maximumSpeedSearch Use this action to determine the highest possible line speed that can be achieved between the central and remote Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router. A training cycle is in progress. A line test is active. telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/linePair[ ]/ifSpeed This attribute displays the line pair speed. This is the case when the value of the linePair[ ]/status attribute is dataState. . telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/linePair[ ]/actualBitRate This attribute displays the maximum speed. in bits per second (bps). telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/linePair[ ]/lineAttenuation This attribute displays the current line pair attenuation in dB. The line pair is down. It is only relevant for a line that is in data state for at least 5 minutes. in bits per second (bps). Possible values are: Value idle training dataState Description No link is present. telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/linePair[ ]/status This attribute displays the current status of the line pair. telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/linePair[ ]/timeSinceLastRetrain This attribute displays the elapsed time since the last retrain cycle. data transfer is possible. that could be negotiated on the line pair during the training sequence. It is only relevant for a line that is in data state for at least 5 minutes. Possible values are: Value up down testing Description The line pair is up. data transfer is not possible. The lineAttenuation attribute does not display meaningful information when the line is not trained. telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/linePair[ ]/signalNoise This attribute displays the current signal to noise ratio on the line pair in dB. A data link is present. when the line pair is in data state. The signalNoise attribute does not display meaningful information when the line is not trained.301 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 Status attributes telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/linePair[ ]/ifOperStatus This attribute displays the current operational status of the line pair. 7 End and repeater status attributes This section describes the following status attributes: • • • • • • • • • • telindus1423Router/wanInterface/end/vendorId on page 303 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/end/vendorModel on page 303 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/end/vendorSerial on page 303 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/end/vendorSoftVersion on page 303 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/end/eocSoftVersion on page 303 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/end/shdslVersion on page 303 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/end/eocState on page 304 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/end/eocAlarmThresholds on page 304 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/end/linePair[ ]/lineAttenuation on page 304 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/end/linePair[ ]/signalNoise on page 304 This section describes the following actions: • • telindus1423Router/wanInterface/repeater/loopbackActivation on page 305 Exactly which information is retrieved from the remote SHDSL device(s) through the EOC channel depends on the setting of the eocHandling attribute. Refer to MU-5.eocHandlingQuelles informations EOC standard sont-elles récupérées ? on page 82 for an overview.4. therefore only the attributes of the end object are listed here. • . The repeater[ ] and end objects contain the same attributes.4 .Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 302 Status attributes MR-2. This attribute displays the EOC software version used on the repeater or end device. info or alarmConfiguration. info or alarmConfiguration. The vendorId structure contains the following elements: • • • countryCode E. TLS_ for OneAccess.g. telindus1423Router/wanInterface/end/vendorSoftVersion This attribute is only retrieved in case the eocHandling attribute is set to inventory. vendorSpecific telindus1423Router/wanInterface/end/vendorModel This attribute is only retrieved in case the eocHandling attribute is set to inventory. telindus1423Router/wanInterface/end/shdslVersion This attribute is only retrieved in case the eocHandling attribute is set to discovery. providerCode E. For a OneAccess device this is the part after “/” of the T-code string displayed in the flashVersion attribute (refer to telindus1423Router/flash1Version on page 259). This attribute displays the serial number of the repeater or end device. info or alarmConfiguration. SHDSL TT 2P for a Crocus SHDSL Table Top 2 pair version. E. info or alarmConfiguration. telindus1423Router/wanInterface/end/eocSoftVersion This attribute is only retrieved in case the eocHandling attribute is set to discovery. inventory. This attribute displays the model of the repeater or end device. inventory. inventory. This attribute displays the SHDSL version used on the repeater or end device. This attribute displays the version of the firmware used on the repeater or end device. For a OneAccess devices this is the deviceId attribute (refer to telindus1423Router/deviceId on page 261). This attribute displays information about the vendor of the repeater or end device. 65295 for Belgium. telindus1423Router/wanInterface/end/vendorSerial This attribute is only retrieved in case the eocHandling attribute is set to inventory. info or alarmConfiguration.g.303 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 Status attributes telindus1423Router/wanInterface/end/vendorId This attribute is only retrieved in case the eocHandling attribute is set to discovery.g. . info or alarmConfiguration. The eocAlarmThresholds structure contains the following elements: • • lineAttenuation signalNoise telindus1423Router/wanInterface/end/linePair[ ]/lineAttenuation This attribute is only retrieved in case the eocHandling attribute is set to info or alarmConfiguration. The remote device is the device on which the channel attribute is set to remote. The central device is the device on which the channel attribute is set to central. This attribute displays the line attenuation. info or alarmConfiguration. inventory. as it is measured on the line pair of the repeater or end device. What this attribute displays depends on the setting of the telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/eocHandling attribute: If eocHandling is set to … info alarmConfiguration then … the eocAlarmThresholds attribute displays the values as set in the telindus1423Router/ wanInterface/line/linkAlarmThresholds attribute on the remote1 device. 1. 2. telindus1423Router/wanInterface/end/linePair[ ]/signalNoise This attribute is only retrieved in case the eocHandling attribute is set to info or alarmConfiguration. in dB. as it is measured on the line pair of the repeater or end device. the eocAlarmThresholds attribute displays the values as set in the telindus1423Router/ wanInterface/line/linkAlarmThresholds attribute on the central2 device. . in dB.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 304 Status attributes telindus1423Router/wanInterface/end/eocState This attribute is only retrieved in case the eocHandling attribute is set to discovery. This attribute displays the noise margin. This attribute displays the state of the EOC channel. telindus1423Router/wanInterface/end/eocAlarmThresholds This attribute is only retrieved in case the eocHandling attribute is set to info or alarmConfiguration. double-click the loopbackActivation string).305 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 Status attributes telindus1423Router/wanInterface/repeater/loopbackActivation This action is only present in the repeater[ ] object. Important remarks • • • You can only set up a loop at the network side of the Crocus SHDSL Repeater. You can only start the loopbackActivation action in case the telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/eocHandling attribute is set to alarmConfiguration. Use this action to set up a loop at the network side of the Crocus SHDSL Repeater: network side central device loopback repeater customer side Set the loop by selecting the action argument value initiateNetworkLoopback and executing the action (in TMA. You can only start the loopbackActivation action on the central device. double-click the loopbackActivation string). Not on the remote device. Stop the loop by selecting the action argument value clearAllMaintenanceStates and executing the action (in TMA. Not at the customer side. . 1 .2 .3 . First it describes the status attributes of the BRI interface in general. The following gives an overview of this section: • • • MR-2. Then it describes more specifically the status attributes of the B-channels and of the leasedLine[ ] object that can be added under the bri[ ] object.8.ISDN leased line status attributes on page 315 .8.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 306 Status attributes MR-2.General BRI status attributes on page 307 MR-2.8.B-channel status attributes on page 313 MR-2.8 BRI status attributes This section discusses the status attributes of the BRI interface. 8.1 General BRI status attributes This section describes the following status attributes: • • • • • • • • • • telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/ifDescr on page 308 telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/ifType on page 308 telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/ifOperStatus on page 308 telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/ifLastChange on page 308 telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/ifMtu on page 308 telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/l1Status on page 309 telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/lapdLinks on page 310 telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/bChannelUsage on page 311 telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/testType on page 311 telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/testStatus on page 311 This section describes the following actions: • • telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/loopbackActivation on page 312 telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/clearIsdnCall on page 312 .307 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 Status attributes MR-2. which is layer 2) of the BRI interface.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 308 Status attributes telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/ifDescr This attribute displays the interface description of the BRI interface. LAPD is down. . telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/ifLastChange This attribute shows the system-up time on the moment the interface entered its current operational state.Channel D. telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/ifMtu This attribute displays the BRI interface its Maximum Transfer Unit. the system-up time value is written into the ifLastChange status attribute.e. telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/ifType This attribute displays the interface type of the BRI interface. I. i. telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/ifOperStatus This attribute displays the current operational status of the LAPD (Link Access Protocol .e. Possible values are: Value up down Description LAPD is up. the moment the value of the ifOperStatus status attribute changes (from up to down or vice versa). the maximum number of bytes that one packet can contain on this interface. f8LostFraming 1. This is the normal active state with the protocol activated in both directions. of the BRI interface. This state is entered after the TE has been powered on but has not determined the type of signal (if any) that the TE is receiving.309 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 Status attributes telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/l1Status This attribute displays the status of ISDN layer 1. When the TE wishes to initiate activation. This is the deactivated state of the physical protocol. The most common states are f7Activated and f3Deacivated. i. it sends an activation signal to the NT and awaits a response. Neither the NT2 nor the TE is transmitting. State F7 is the only state where Band D-channel contain operational data.e. Possible values are: Value f1Inactive f2Sensing f3Deacivated f4AwaitingSignal f5IdentifyingInput f6Synchronized f7Activated Description In this inactive (powered-off) state. the TE1 is not transmitting and cannot detect the presence of any input signals. the TE ceases sending activation signals and awaits the activation signal or synchronized frame from the NT. When the TE has received an activation signal from the NT. This is the condition when the TE has lost frame synchronization and is awaiting re-synchronization. At first receipt of any signal from the NT. TE: Terminal Equipment 2. NT: Network Termination device . the physical connection with the telecom operator ISDN switch. it responds with a synchronized frame and is awaiting a synchronized frame from the NT. Both the NT and TE are transmitting normal frames. This is normal if the telecom operator deactivates layers 1 and 2 when there are no active calls. This is the state that you should see under normal operations. tei This is the Terminal Endpoint Identifier. This indicates there is data link connectivity to the telecom operator ISDN switch. assignAwaitingTei. awaitingRelease. Any other state usually indicates a problem on the circuit. . The most common states are multipleFrameEstablished and teiAssigned: • multipleFrameEstablished. The lapdLinks table contains the following elements: Element l2State Description This is the multi-frame structure state. • Refer to ITU Q. This indicates that the router has lost connectivity to the switch.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 310 Status attributes telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/lapdLinks This attribute displays the status of ISDN layer 2 with Terminal Endpoint Identifier (TEI) number and multi-frame structure state of the BRI interface. teiAssigned. awaitingEstablishment.921 Annex B for more information on all the other possible layer 2 states such as: teiUnassigned. timerRecovery. establishAwaitingTei. Possible values are: Value progressing running ending unknown Description The loop is started. Refer to telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/loopbackActivation on page 312 for more information on BRI loops.311 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 Status attributes telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/bChannelUsage This attribute displays the usage of the B-channels on the BRI interface. outcall or undefined. telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/testType This attribute displays which BRI loop is currently active. Possible values are: incall. This indicates which dial map uses this B-channel. For some reason it is not possible to retrieve the status of the loop. The loop is active. This displays the call direction of the B-channel. There are two possibilities: • • No loop is active. This displays which local telephone number is entered in the dial map for this Bchannel. The loop is ended. telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/testStatus This attribute displays the status of the active BRI loop. The bChannelUsage table contains the following elements: Element channel dialMapEntry localTelNr remoteTelNr callDirection Description This displays the B-channel number: 1 or 2. Refer to telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/loopbackActivation on page 312 for more information on BRI loops. . This displays which remote telephone number is entered in the dial map for this Bchannel. The loopbackActivation action has the following argument values: Value noLoopback internalLoopback externalLoopback Description No loop is activated. suppose the ISDN call is initiated by an entry in the dialMaps/mapping table called myMap. For example. These loops are useful to trace possible problems. then execute the loopbackActivation action. If a loop is active. In case you want to stop a loop.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 312 Status attributes telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/loopbackActivation Use this action to activate a loop on the BRI interface of the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router.e. . The following figure gives an overview of the different loops: telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/clearIsdnCall Use this action to break off an ISDN call. then select this value and execute the loopbackActivation action. an argument value). The data coming from the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router is looped back into the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router on the BRI interface. The data coming from the remote side is looped back to the remote side on the BRI interface. then type myMap as argument value of the clearIsdnCall action and execute the action. then deactivate this loop before starting a new loop. First select a loop type (i. Do this by typing the dial map name of the corresponding ISDN call as argument value and executing the action. 8.5. refer to MR-2.2 B-channel status attributes This section describes the following status attributes: • • • • • • • • • telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/bChannel[ ]/ifDescr on page 314 telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/bChannel[ ]/ifType on page 314 telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/bChannel[ ]/ifOperStatus on page 314 telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/bChannel[ ]/ifLastChange on page 314 telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/bChannel[ ]/ifMtu on page 314 telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/bChannel[ ]/dialMapEntry on page 314 telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/bChannel[ ]/localPhoneNr on page 314 telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/bChannel[ ]/remotePhoneNr on page 314 telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/bChannel[ ]/callDirection on page 314 For the status attributes of the ppp object which is located under the bChannel object.313 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 Status attributes MR-2.3 PPP status attributes on page 285. . . telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/bChannel[ ]/localPhoneNr This attribute displays which local telephone number is entered in the dial map for this B-channel. the maximum number of bytes that one packet can contain on this B-channel. data transfer is possible. telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/bChannel[ ]/ifMtu This attribute displays the B-channel its Maximum Transfer Unit.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 314 Status attributes telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/bChannel[ ]/ifDescr This attribute displays the interface description of the B-channel. I. telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/bChannel[ ]/ifType This attribute displays the interface type of the B-channel. i. telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/bChannel[ ]/callDirection This attribute displays the call direction of the B-channel. the moment the value of the ifOperStatus status attribute changes (from up to down or vice versa). the system-up time value is written into the ifLastChange status attribute. The B-channel is down. telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/bChannel[ ]/remotePhoneNr This attribute displays which remote telephone number is entered in the dial map for this B-channel. telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/bChannel[ ]/dialMapEntry This attribute displays which dial map uses this B-channel.e. telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/bChannel[ ]/ifOperStatus This attribute displays the current operational status of the B-channel. Possible values are: Value up down Description The B-channel is up. data transfer is not possible. Possible values are: incall.e. telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/bChannel[ ]/ifLastChange This attribute shows the system-up time on the moment the B-channel entered its current operational state. outcall or undefined. Encapsulation status attributes on page 274. . hdlc and errorTest) which are located under the leasedLine[ ] object. refer to MR-2.5 .8.315 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 Status attributes MR-2.3 ISDN leased line status attributes This section describes the following status attributes: • • • • • • telindus1423Router/wanInterface/ifDescr on page 272 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/ifType on page 272 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/ifSpeed on page 272 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/ifMtu on page 272 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/ifLastChange on page 272 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/ifOperStatus on page 272 For the status attributes of the encapsulation objects (frameRelay. ppp. the line is not in data state. i. the maximum number of bytes that one packet can contain on this interface. the line is not in data state.e. when … LCP is not open. the bit pump is not synchronised. when … • LMI is not up. I. the moment the value of the ifOperStatus status attribute changes (from up to down or vice versa). The leased line ISDN connection is down.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 316 Status attributes telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/leasedLine[ ]/ifDescr This attribute displays the interface description. data transfer is not possible. the bit pump is not synchronised. Possible values are: Value up down Description The leased line ISDN connection is up. telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/leasedLine[ ]/ifSpeed This attribute displays the interface speed in bits per second (bps). telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/leasedLine[ ]/ifType This attribute displays the interface type. telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/leasedLine[ ]/ifLastChange This attribute shows the system-up time on the moment the interface entered its current operational state. PPP. telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/leasedLine[ ]/ifOperStatus This attribute displays the current operational status of the interface. the system-up time value is written into the ifLastChange status attribute. data transfer is possible. .e. telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/leasedLine[ ]/ifMtu This attribute displays the interface its Maximum Transfer Unit. The ifOperStatus attribute is down in case of … • Frame Relay. if the configuration element lmi/auto is set to noLmi. This because the link monitoring mechanism is the only PPP mechanism that will start a renegotiation of the LCP layer. the other conditions as stated in the table above remain. In case of Frame Relay. then it is possible that the wanInterface/ifOperStatus value does not go down even if the link quality is too bad for a proper data link. However. • . if the configuration element linkMonitoring/operation is set to disabled. In case of PPP. then the value of the status element lmi/status:Status is always up.317 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 Status attributes Important remarks • • Whether the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router is configured in bridging or routing has no effect on the value of the attributes wanInterface/ifOperStatus:Status and wanInterface/alarmInfo/linkDown:Alarms. 5.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 318 Status attributes MR-2. . refer to MR-2.9 AUX status attributes This section describes the following status attributes: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • telindus1423Router/aux/ifDescr on page 319 telindus1423Router/aux/ifType on page 319 telindus1423Router/aux/ifOperStatus on page 319 telindus1423Router/aux/ifLastChange on page 319 telindus1423Router/aux/ifSpeed on page 319 telindus1423Router/aux/ifMtu on page 319 telindus1423Router/aux/txdItu103 on page 319 telindus1423Router/aux/rxdItu104 on page 319 telindus1423Router/aux/rtsItu105 on page 319 telindus1423Router/aux/ctsItu106 on page 319 telindus1423Router/aux/dsrItu107 on page 319 telindus1423Router/aux/dtrItu108 on page 319 telindus1423Router/aux/dcdItu109 on page 320 telindus1423Router/aux/riItu125 on page 320 For the status attributes of the dialPpp object which is located under the aux object.3 PPP status attributes on page 285. e. telindus1423Router/aux/ifType This attribute displays the interface type. telindus1423Router/aux/dtrItu108 This attribute displays the status (on / off) of the data terminal ready signal (circuit 108). telindus1423Router/aux/ifMtu This attribute displays the interface its Maximum Transfer Unit. I. telindus1423Router/aux/ifLastChange This attribute shows the system-up time on the moment the interface entered its current operational state. the system-up time value is written into the ifLastChange status attribute. telindus1423Router/aux/dsrItu107 This attribute displays the status (on / off) of the data set ready signal (circuit 107). The rxdItu104 attribute only indicates the presence of the RxD signal. telindus1423Router/aux/ifSpeed This attribute displays the interface speed in bits per second (bps). it does not monitor the real data signal.319 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 Status attributes telindus1423Router/aux/ifDescr This attribute displays the interface description. telindus1423Router/aux/rtsItu105 This attribute displays the status (on / off) of the request to send signal (circuit 105). telindus1423Router/aux/ctsItu106 This attribute displays the status (on / off) of the clear to send signal (circuit 106). telindus1423Router/aux/ifOperStatus This attribute displays the current operational status of the interface. the moment the value of the ifOperStatus status attribute changes (from up to down or vice versa). the maximum number of bytes that one packet can contain on this interface. . telindus1423Router/aux/txdItu103 This attribute displays the status (on / off) of the transmit data signal (circuit 103). telindus1423Router/aux/rxdItu104 This attribute displays the status (on / off) of the receive data signal (circuit 104). The txdItu103 attribute only indicates the presence of the TxD signal. it does not monitor the real data signal. i.e. . telindus1423Router/aux/riItu125 This attribute displays the status (on / off) of the Ring Indicator signal (circuit 125).Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 320 Status attributes telindus1423Router/aux/dcdItu109 This attribute displays the status (on / off) of the data carrier detect signal (circuit 109). 321 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 Status attributes MR-2.10 Profile status attributes This section describes the following status attributes: • telindus1423Router/profiles/<profile>/profileUsers on page 322 . Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 322 Status attributes telindus1423Router/profiles/<profile>/profileUsers This attribute shows which profile is applied on which dial map. yourMap and ourMap). Example Suppose you created an ISDN dial profile (myIsdn) and you applied this profile on 3 dial maps (myMap. The profileUsers table contains the following elements: Element type name Description This always displays dialmap. This is the dial map name. then the profileUsers attribute of the ISDN dial profile displays the following: . It is the name as you configured it in the name element of the dial map. 323 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 Status attributes MR-2.11 Dial maps status attributes This section describes the following status attributes: • telindus1423Router/dialMaps/mapping on page 324 . The mapping table contains the following elements: Element name status Description This displays the dial map name. Possible values are: • • invalidProfile. Note that the status element says something about the configuration of the dial map. standBy. .Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 324 Status attributes telindus1423Router/dialMaps/mapping This attribute displays the status of all the dial maps. In this case. Refer to telindus1423Router/dialMaps/mapping/connections on page 325 for a detailed description of the connections table. This displays the dial map status. This means that the dial map refers to a nonexistent profile. the dial map is not activated. This means the dial map its configuration is valid. not about the status of the connections that are defined by this dial map! connections This displays the status of the active ISDN connection(s) that are defined by the dial map. It is the name as you configured it in the name element of the dial map. terminated. The call is being cleared. This displays the call direction of the connection. outcall or undefined. The connections table contains the following elements: Element interface localTelNr remoteTelNr callDirection connectState Description This displays on which interface the connection has been set up. callSetup. encapsUp. The encapsulation protocol was set up successfully. The call is being set up.325 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 Status attributes telindus1423Router/dialMaps/mapping/connections The connections table in the mapping table displays the status of the active ISDN connection(s) that are defined by the dial map. E. When a connection is … • • established. the normal procedure is: notConnected → callSetup → connected → encapsUp. bri1-bChannel1. . Possible values are: • • • • • notConnected.g. the normal procedure is: encapsUp → callClear → notConnected. callClear. connected. The call was set up successfully. This displays the local telephone number of the connection. There is no connection. This displays the status of the connection. Possible values are: incall. This displays the remote telephone number of the connection. 1 .12 Bundle status attributes This section describes the status attributes of the different bundles that can be set up on the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 326 Status attributes MR-2. The following gives an overview of this section: • MR-2.PPP bundle status attributes on page 327 .12. 1 PPP bundle status attributes This section describes the following status attributes: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • telindus1423Router/bundle/pppBundle[ ]/ifDescr on page 328 telindus1423Router/bundle/pppBundle[ ]/ifType on page 328 telindus1423Router/bundle/pppBundle[ ]/ifOperStatus on page 328 telindus1423Router/bundle/pppBundle[ ]/ifSpeed on page 328 telindus1423Router/bundle/pppBundle[ ]/members on page 328 telindus1423Router/bundle/pppBundle[ ]/ip on page 329 telindus1423Router/bundle/pppBundle[ ]/ipcpState on page 329 telindus1423Router/bundle/pppBundle[ ]/ipcpMyOptions on page 330 telindus1423Router/bundle/pppBundle[ ]/ipcpHisOptions on page 330 telindus1423Router/bundle/pppBundle[ ]/bridging on page 331 telindus1423Router/bundle/pppBundle[ ]/bcpState on page 331 telindus1423Router/bundle/pppBundle[ ]/bcpMyOptions on page 331 telindus1423Router/bundle/pppBundle[ ]/bcpHisOptions on page 331 telindus1423Router/bundle/isdnBundle[ ]/bacpState on page 332 telindus1423Router/bundle/isdnBundle[ ]/bacpMyOptions on page 332 telindus1423Router/bundle/isdnBundle[ ]/bacpHisOptions on page 332 telindus1423Router/bundle/isdnBundle[ ]/inBandwidth on page 332 telindus1423Router/bundle/isdnBundle[ ]/outBandwidth on page 332 telindus1423Router/bundle/pppBundle[ ]/multiclassInterfaces on page 333 .327 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 Status attributes MR-2.12. telindus1423Router/bundle/pppBundle[ ]/ifSpeed This attribute displays the current speed of the PPP bundle in bits per second (bps). The bundle link is currently an active member of the bundle. ifSpeed .4. It is the sum of the speeds of all the bundle links in the bundle. telindus1423Router/bundle/pppBundle[ ]/members This attribute displays the status of the different bundle links in the PPP bundle.4. memberStatus This element displays the member status of the bundle link in the bundle.Configuration PPP multiliaisons on page 179 for more information on the channels and channel index names. the moment the value of the memberStatus status element changes (from notJoined to joined or vice versa). joined. This element displays the current speed of the bundle link in bits per second (bps). Refer to MU-7. because the bundle link is down.11 . I. telindus1423Router/bundle/pppBundle[ ]/ifOperStatus This attribute displays the current operational status of the PPP bundle.g. the system-up time value is written into the ifLastChange status element. ifLastChange This element displays the system-up time on the moment the bundle link entered its current operational state. E.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 328 Status attributes telindus1423Router/bundle/pppBundle[ ]/ifDescr This attribute displays the interface description of the PPP bundle. E.11 . telindus1423Router/bundle/pppBundle[ ]/ifType This attribute displays the interface type of the PPP bundle. The bundle link that you specified in the members configuration attribute could not be found. The bundle link is currently not an active member of the bundle. Refer to MU-7. Possible values are: • • • notJoined.g. The members table contains the following elements: Element ifDescr Description This element displays the name of the bundle link as you entered it in the members configuration attribute.Configuration PPP multiliaisons on page 179 for more information.e. notFound. because you entered a wrong channel index name or because you did not create a channel yet. The local side of the PPP link has sent an IPCP request. It is either configured or retrieved automatically. Stopping Req-Sent Ack-Rcvd Ack-Sent Opened Description IPCP handshake has not started yet. The remote side did not answer yet. It is either configured or retrieved automatically. The local side of the PPP link has received an IPCP acknowledge from the remote side. The IPCP handshake succeeded. telindus1423Router/bundle/pppBundle[ ]/ipcpState This attribute reflects the status of the IPCP (Internet Protocol Control Protocol) protocol. The ip structure contains the following elements: Element status address netMask remote Description This is the current operational status of the IP layer (layer 3) of the PPP bundle. This is the IP subnet mask of the PPP bundle. This is the IP address of the PPP bundle. These values correspond with the transient states in the IPCP state diagram. Possible values are: Value Initial Starting. It is either configured or retrieved automatically. . Closed. This is the IP address of the remote end of the PPP bundle. This is a transient state. Stopped.329 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 Status attributes telindus1423Router/bundle/pppBundle[ ]/ip This attribute displays the IP information of the PPP bundle. The local side of the PPP link has acknowledged the IPCP request from the remote side. Closing. For more information on the IPCP configuration options. Other option values than the ones supported by the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router may be present. The ipcpMyOptions table contains the following elements: Element option Description The Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router supports the following IPCP option: • • 3: the IP-Address option. The ipcpHisOptions table contains the same elements as the ipcpMyOptions table. telindus1423Router/bundle/pppBundle[ ]/ipcpHisOptions This attribute lists the IPCP options for the router at the other side (remote side) of the link. Refer to telindus1423Router/bundle/pppBundle[ ]/ipcpMyOptions on page 330. length value This is the length of the option field. This is the option value represented as an octet string (hexadecimal ASCII representation). ip-vso: the IP-Vendor Specific Option. refer to RFC 1332. This is used to negotiate the netmask. .Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 330 Status attributes telindus1423Router/bundle/pppBundle[ ]/ipcpMyOptions During the IPCP handshake. This attribute lists the IPCP options for the router at this side (local side) of the link. a number of options can be exchanged between the local and remote side of the link. This attribute reflects the status of the BCP (Bridging Control Protocol) protocol. . The bcpHisOptions table contains the same elements as the bcpMyOptions table. 7: the Spanning-Tree-Protocol option. Refer to telindus1423Router/bundle/ pppBundle[ ]/bcpMyOptions on page 331. a number of options can be exchanged between the local and remote side of the link. Refer to telindus1423Router/lanInterface/bridging on page 266 for a detailed description of the bridging structure. length value This is the length of the option field. This attribute lists the BCP options for the router at this side (local side) of the link. refer to RFC 2878. telindus1423Router/bundle/pppBundle[ ]/bcpMyOptions This attribute is not present in the PPP bundle of the ISDN interfaces. Other option values than the ones supported by the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router may be present. This attribute displays the bridging status of the PPP bundle. During the BCP handshake. 2: the Line-Identification option. For more information on the BCP configuration options.331 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 Status attributes telindus1423Router/bundle/pppBundle[ ]/bridging This attribute is not present in the PPP bundle of the ISDN interfaces. telindus1423Router/bundle/pppBundle[ ]/bcpHisOptions This attribute is not present in the PPP bundle of the ISDN interfaces. 5: the LAN-Identification option. 3: the MAC-Support option. The bcpMyOptions table contains the following elements: Element option Description The Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router supports the following BCP options: • • • • • • • 1: the Bridge-Identification option. The possible values are the same as those of ipcpState attribute. This is the option value represented as an octet string (hexadecimal ASCII representation). 4: the Tinygram-Compression option. This attribute lists the BCP options for the router at the other side (remote side) of the link. telindus1423Router/bundle/pppBundle[ ]/bcpState This attribute is not present in the PPP bundle of the ISDN interfaces. 6: the MAC-Address option. Refer to telindus1423Router/bundle/pppBundle[ ]/ipcpState on page 329. Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 332 Status attributes telindus1423Router/bundle/isdnBundle[ ]/bacpState This attribute is only present in the PPP bundle of the ISDN interfaces. of the total amount of available bandwidth that is currently not used. in percent. The bacpHisOptions table contains the same elements as the bacpMyOptions table. During the BACP handshake. Refer to telindus1423Router/bundle/isdnBundle[ ]/bacpMyOptions on page 332. telindus1423Router/bundle/isdnBundle[ ]/bacpHisOptions This attribute is only present in the PPP bundle of the ISDN interfaces. telindus1423Router/bundle/isdnBundle[ ]/outBandwidth This attribute is only present in the PPP bundle of the ISDN interfaces. In case BAP is enabled. length value This is the length of the option field. this attribute shows the amount of bandwidth. This is the option value represented as an octet string (hexadecimal ASCII representation). telindus1423Router/bundle/isdnBundle[ ]/bacpMyOptions This attribute is only present in the PPP bundle of the ISDN interfaces. Other option values than the ones supported by the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router may be present. For more information on the BACP configuration options. This attribute reflects the status of the BACP (Bandwidth Allocation Control Protocol) protocol. . In case BAP is enabled. refer to RFC 2125. This attribute lists the BACP options for the router at this side (local side) of the link. The bacpMyOptions table contains the following elements: Element option Description The Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router supports the following BACP options: • 1: the Favored-Peer option. a number of options can be exchanged between the local and remote side of the link. Refer to telindus1423Router/bundle/pppBundle[ ]/ipcpState on page 329. The possible values are the same as those of ipcpState attribute. of the total amount of available bandwidth that is currently used. telindus1423Router/bundle/isdnBundle[ ]/inBandwidth This attribute is only present in the PPP bundle of the ISDN interfaces. this attribute shows the amount of bandwidth. in percent. This attribute lists the BACP options for the router at the other side (remote side) of the link. 333 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 Status attributes telindus1423Router/bundle/pppBundle[ ]/multiclassInterfaces This attribute is not present in the PPP bundle of the ISDN interfaces. Refer to for a detailed description of the elements in the ppp structure. Refer to telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/atm/pvcTable/ip on page 277 for a detailed description of the ip structure. multiclass This element displays the multiclass identifier of the multiclass PPP link. the system-up time value is written into the ifLastChange status attribute. This element shows the system-up time on the moment the multiclass PPP link entered its current operational state. Refer to telindus1423Router/lanInterface/bridging on page 266 for a detailed description of the bridging structure.e. The multiclassInterfaces table contains the following elements: Element name ifOperStatus ifLastChange Description This element displays the name of the multiclass PPP link as you defined it in the multiclassInterfaces configuration attribute. the moment the value of the ifOperStatus status attribute changes (from up to down or vice versa). ppp This element displays the PPP information of the multiclass PPP link. bridging This element displays the bridging information of the multiclass PPP link. This element displays the current operational status of the multiclass PPP link. This attribute displays the status of the different multiclass PPP links in the PPP bundle. This element displays the IP information of the multiclass PPP link. ip . I. OSPF status attributes on page 354 MR-2.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 334 Status attributes MR-2. First it describes the general routing status attributes.3 . etc… The following gives an overview of this section: • • • • • • • MR-2.6 .L2TP tunnel status attributes on page 347 MR-2.13. L2TP tunnelling.VRRP status attributes on page 372 MR-2.2 .13. Then it explains the status attributes of the extra features as there are NAT.13.13.General router status attributes on page 335 MR-2.13.13 Router status attributes This section discusses the status attributes concerned with routing.4 .13.1 .13.NAT status attributes on page 345 MR-2.7 .IKE SA status attributes on page 352 MR-2.Firewall status attributes on page 374 .5 . 335 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 Status attributes MR-2.1 General router status attributes This section describes the following status attributes: • • • • • • • • • • telindus1423Router/ip/router/routingTable on page 336 telindus1423Router/ip/router/igmpTable on page 339 telindus1423Router/ip/router/dhcpBinding on page 341 telindus1423Router/ip/router/dhcpStatistics on page 341 telindus1423Router/ip/router/dhcpRelayInfo on page 342 telindus1423Router/ip/router/dhcpBlackList on page 342 telindus1423Router/ip/router/radius on page 343 telindus1423Router/ip/router/dns on page 343 telindus1423Router/ip/router/dnsServers on page 343 telindus1423Router/ip/router/addrPools on page 344 This section describes the following actions: • telindus1423Router/ip/router/unBlacklist on page 344 .13. The routingTable contains the following elements: Element network mask gateway interface Description This is the IP address of the destination network. Note that the “interface” can also be a DLCI. The destination network can be reached through this particular interface. This is the interface through which the destination network can be reached. etc.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 336 Status attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/routingTable This attribute lists all known routes (both static and learned routes) with their operating status. The IP packets are encapsulated with the ARPA MAC header. discard. Packets for this destination are discarded. a tunnel. The IP packets are encapsulated in Frame Relay. Possible values are: • • • • • none. ethernet. . an ATM PVC. Possible values are: • • internal. The IP packets are not encapsulated. This is the network mask of the destination network. This is the IP address of the next router on the path to the destination network. ppp. frameRelay. It is related to the interface for this route. The IP packets are encapsulated in ATM. The IP packets are encapsulated in PPP. <name>. atm. The own protocol stack is used. • encapsulation This is the used encapsulation. The <name> of the interface is the name as you configured it. this attribute determines which route is used. These were learned from the other side. it is a static route. but is currently not up. rip. However. data transfer is possible. The route with the lowest preference value will be used.4. The route is up. then the status of the route changes from spoofing to up. In case of … L2TP tunnels where you configure a main and a backup tunnel (refer to MU10.Configuration d’un tunnel principal et de secours on page 351) and the main tunnel goes down.9 . i. even if the Ethernet interface is up. A route enters into a hold-down state when an update packet is received that indicates the route is unreachable. a route to a single IP address instead of a complete network. That is why in such a case the route to the main tunnel is “artificially” blocked. holdDown. Possible values are: • • • • • • host. I. Refer to MU-7. discard. i. local.4 .5. spoofing. its status is set to closed.e. • • - preference This displays the route preference. float. the route is still used for forwarding packets. it is sometimes desirable that the IP address on an Ethernet interface no longer answers to pings. If more than one route matches the IP destination address. This is a route that has been added for a PPP link for which no local or remote IP address was configured. This is a route that has been configured.e.337 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 Status attributes Element status Description This is the route status. closed.e. This is the type of the route.Imposition d’adresses IP au terminal distant dans PPP on page 169 for more information.e. the (dial) connection can be made. As soon as a connection is established. This applies on routes over an ISDN dial-up connection or through an L2TP outgoing dial tunnel. This applies on L2TP tunnels and VRRP.Configuration de VRRP on page 270). its status is set to closed. It means that the route is available.e. This is also used for the router its own IP address. The route is down. This is a route to a directly connected network. This is a route that has been received via a RIP update. down. data transfer is not possible. Refer to telindus1423Router/ip/router/ripHoldDownTime on page 131 for more information. This is a host route. routes advertised by other sources are accepted and the route is no longer inaccessible. but that it is not truly up (yet). then it is not desirable that the route to the main tunnel its status returns from up to spoofing because in that case the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router will keep trying to send data across the main route/tunnel.4 . static. I. This applies on RIP routes. When hold-down expires. Possible values are: • • • • up. I. internal. type . Packets for this destination are discarded. The route is marked inaccessible and advertised as unreachable. A route with this status is irrelevant. That is why in such a case the host route is “artificially” blocked. VRRP (refer to MU-8. For other routes this attribute always displays 00000d 00h 00m 00s. Finally. This means that the status attribute telindus1423Router/lanInterface/ip/status still indicates up. which is not defined. TMA or Telnet over the WAN link by using the IP address of the LAN interface. . the timeOut attribute displays the time the route will remain in the routing table if no RIP updates are received anymore. although in the routingTable the corresponding route to the network is down.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 338 Status attributes Element metric Description If two routes exist with the same preference. In most cases it indicates the number of hops (= routers) required to reach a destination. then the route with the lowest metric value is chosen. line 4 represents the multicast address for RIP version 2. Lines 2 and 5 represent the subnets on the LAN and WAN interface respectively. Remark If the LAN is not connected to the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router. Line 7 represents the static route to the remote LAN.g. Lines 3 and 6 represent the interface its IP addresses. it is still possible to contact the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router with e. In case of a RIP route. The metric attribute serves as a cost for using the route. This implementation seems not logical but is necessary to insure correct operation with HP OpenView. timeOut Example The following figure displays an example of a routing table: The lines in the routing table depicted above represent the following: • • • • • Line 1 represents the default gateway. In case of multiple interface names. It is used to establish host memberships in particular multicast groups on a single network. they are separated from each other by a comma. reported by one or more clients. Router 1. This is the interface name of the client(s). 2 and 3 are multicast enabled routers.339 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 Status attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/igmpTable This attribute shows the multicast address. The igmpTable contains the following elements: Element multicast interface Description This is the multicast address. What is IGMP? Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) is defined in RFC 1112 as the standard for IP multicasting in the Internet. The mechanisms of the protocol allow a host to inform its local router. using Host Membership Reports. The igmpTable is always updated. IGMP topology Consider the following multicasting topology: In this topology … • • • Client 1 and Client 2 are multicast clients. that it wants to receive messages addressed to a specific multicast group. . Server 1 is a multicast server. All hosts conforming to level 2 of the IP multicasting specification require IGMP. even if no proxy is configured. 2 (all routers).2.1 (poll all systems). On a router interface. A list of multicast group addresses is maintained in the routers. Refer to telindus1423Router/ip/router/igmpTable on page 339.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 340 Status attributes The following are some characteristics of an IGMP topology: • • • • Only 1 IGMP proxy can be defined per device. defined in the client application.0.3 . The TTL of an IGMP frame is always 1. On a proxy interface. IGMPv1 routers may be present in the network.0. The reported multicast addresses can be seen in the igmpTable.0. IGMP join and leave messages are interpreted and the multicast member list is adapted accordingly. A leave group message is send to 224. Since IGMP is send in UDP (join/leave can be lost). Multicast frames are forwarded if they are present in the multicast member list.0. Multicast frames are always forwarded.Explication de la structure ip on page 63. . the clients (proxies) are polled every 125 seconds: • • A general query is send to 224. Refer to the igmp element in MU-5. A client can leave or join a multicast group by erasing or adding a multicast address from a table. The multicasting IGMP protocol can be configured on every IP interface. An IGMP frame contains an IP router alert option. IGMP messages are never forwarded. IGMP join and leave messages are transmitted according to the multicast member list. this is the name of the interface on which the clients have been bound. leased) IP addresses. For the corresponding IP address range. For the corresponding IP address range. the DHCP server resets all timers to their default value and keeps the lease with this client. This is the name of the interface on which the client has been bound. This is the hostname of the client. Therefore. Because the duration of the power-down can not be known. some leased IP addresses can still be active. This is the remaining lease time.e. this displays the number of IP addresses that are on hold. Displays the IP end address of an IP address range. When the client responds to this ping. all timer information about lease and hold time becomes meaningless.341 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 Status attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/dhcpBinding This attribute contains a list of dynamically assigned (i. the DHCP server incorporated in the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router sends a ping to all leased addresses after a warm boot. For the corresponding IP address range. During power-down of the DHCP server. This is the state of the lease. The dhcpBinding table contains the following elements: Element ipAddress macAddress leaseTime hostName interface state Description This is the IP address that is dynamically assigned to a client. The dhcpStatistics table contains the following elements: Element startRange endRange interface free leased hold Description Displays the IP start address of an IP address range. telindus1423Router/ip/router/dhcpStatistics This attribute contains the statistics of all IP address ranges that have been specified in the configuration attribute telindus1423Router/ip/router/dhcpDynamic. This is the MAC address of the client. Possible values are leased and onHold. this displays the number of IP addresses that are still free. this displays the number of IP addresses that are leased. For the corresponding IP address range. . offer. declined. This is the remaining lease time. The ARP request probing indicated that the IP address is already in use by a client on the network. This is the IP address that has been dynamically assigned to the client by the remote DHCP server. This indicates that the IP address ranges in the DHCP server have been misconfigured. inform. Possible values are: discover. Refer to telindus1423Router/ip/router/dhcpCheckAddress on page 141. The ICMP Echo Request (ping) probing indicated that the IP address is already in use by a client on the network. The dhcpBlackList table contains the following elements: Element ipAddress macAddress reason Description This is the IP address of the blacklisted client. Refer to telindus1423Router/ip/router/dhcpCheckAddress on page 141. This is the MAC address of the blacklisted client. alienAck. Possible values are: • arp. ack. decline. networkOrBroadcast. • • • • . This is the IP address of the remote DHCP server. The DHCP server tried to assign a network or broadcast address to a client. ping. Another DHCP server assigned an IP address to the client.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 342 Status attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/dhcpRelayInfo This attribute displays the status information of the DHCP relay process in case the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router is configured to act as DHCP relay agent. This is the reason why the client is on the black list. release. The client explicitly declined the IP address that was assigned. idle. nack. telindus1423Router/ip/router/dhcpBlackList This attribute displays the MAC and IP address of blacklisted clients and the reason why they are on the black list. request. This is the MAC address of the client. This is the status of the DHCP process. The dhcpRelayInfo table contains the following elements: Element sourceIntf mac assignedIp serverIp dhcpStatus leaseTime Description This is the name of the interface on which the DHCP request has been received. Refer to What is DNS? on page 509 for more information. The dns table contains the following elements: Element ipAddress hostname ttl infiniteTimeOut Description This is the IP address of the DNS server. The radius structure contains the following elements: Element authServer acctServer pendingRequests Description This is the IP address of the authentication server the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router is connected to. This is the hostname of the DNS server. This is the amount of pending requests on these servers. telindus1423Router/ip/router/dnsServers This attribute displays the IP address(es) of the DNS server(s) that have been configured or learned. . telindus1423Router/ip/router/dns This attribute shows some DNS status information.343 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 Status attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/radius This attribute shows some RADIUS status information. This is the IP address of the accounting server the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router is connected to. This indicates that the DNS record has an infinite TTL or at least longer than 24 days. Refer to Qu'est-ce que le RADIUS ? on page 376 for more information. This is the IP address of the secondary DNS server. The dns table contains the following elements: Element primaryDns secondaryDns Description This is the IP address of the primary DNS server. This is the time-to-live of the cached DNS data. Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 344 Status attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/addrPools This attribute shows which IP addresses have already been picked out of the IP address pool. The addrPools table contains the following elements: Element name type local remote netMask interface Description This is the name of the IP address pool. from which the IP addresses have been picked. This is the local IP address that has been picked out of the IP address pool. an IP address range. Use this element to specify the last IP address of an IP address range that has to be removed from the blacklist. Use this element to specify a MAC address of an entry that has to be removed from the blacklist. then enter the first IP address of the range in the startIp element and the last IP address of the range in the stopIp element. Possible values are: list or interval. then just enter the IP address in the startIp element and leave the stopIp element at its default value (<opt>). This is the type of IP address pool from which the IP addresses have been picked. This is the subnet mask that has been picked out of the IP address pool. as you configured it. Refer to Qu'est-ce qu'un pool d'adresses IP ? on page 65 for more information. This is the name of the interface on which the IP addresses are used. The unBlacklist action contains the following argument values: Element startIp Description Use this element to specify an IP address (range) that has to be removed from the blacklist. telindus1423Router/ip/router/unBlacklist This action removes an entry from the blacklist. . If you want to specify … • • stopIp mac a single IP address. This is the remote IP address that has been picked out of the IP address pool. 345 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 Status attributes MR-2.13.2 NAT status attributes This section describes the following status attributes: • telindus1423Router/ip/router/defaultNat/addresses on page 346 . Possible values are: • • • uses free. This indicates how many sessions are currently used by this official IP address. but it is not fixed. This is the status of the official IP address. allocated. This is the private IP address that is currently linked with the official IP address. . fixed. The addresses table contains the following elements: Element officialAddress privateAddress status Description This is the official IP address as you entered it in the addresses configuration attribute. This address has a pre-configured mapping between the official and private IP address. the assigned official IP address becomes free again and can be assigned to another private IP address.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 346 Status attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/defaultNat/addresses This attribute displays the status of each official IP address that is configured in the configuration attribute telindus1423Router/ip/router/defaultNat/addresses. If the attribute value becomes zero. This official IP address is currently assigned to a private IP address. This official IP address is currently not in use. 3 L2TP tunnel status attributes This section describes the following status attributes: • • telindus1423Router/ip/router/tunnels/l2tpTunnels on page 348 telindus1423Router/ip/router/tunnels/ipsecL2tpTunnels on page 349 .13.347 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 Status attributes MR-2. Refer to MR-2. the system-up time value is written into the ifLastChange status element. l2tp This displays the specific L2TP related status information of the tunnel.5.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 348 Status attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/tunnels/l2tpTunnels This attribute displays status information of the L2TP tunnels. down. ifLastChange This is the system-up time on the moment the tunnel entered its current operational state. data transfer is not possible. then this element displays: “tunnel” <local IP address of the tunnel>.5. I. Refer to the telindus1423Router/ip/router/tunnels/l2tpTunnels/l2tp on page 349 for a detailed description of the l2tp structure. tunnel 192. data transfer is possible. This displays the IP information of the tunnel. Refer to telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/atm/pvcTable/ip on page 277 for a detailed description of the ip structure.PPP status attributes on page 285 for a detailed description of the elements in the ppp structure. E. control connect messages are exchanged and the operational status of the tunnel becomes up. The l2tpTunnels table contains the following elements: Element name Description This is the name of the tunnel as you configured it. ppp This displays the PPP information of the tunnel.e. As soon as data has to be sent over the tunnel. The tunnel is "stand-by".g.3 . Refer to telindus1423Router/lanInterface/bridging on page 266 for a detailed description of the bridging structure. dormant. ip bridging This displays the bridging information of the tunnel. Possible values are: • • • up. The tunnel is up.1 ifOperStatus This displays the operational status of the tunnel. The tunnel is down. If you did not configure a name. the moment the value of the ifOperStatus status element changes (from up to down or vice versa). .168. controlState callState deliveryState authenState This displays the states associated with the LNS or LAC control connection establishment.control states on page 350 for more information. Refer to telindus1423Router/ ip/router/tunnels/l2tpTunnels on page 348. This displays the states associated with the LNS or LAC authentication.authentication states on page 351 for more information. If you set the configuration attribute l2tpMode to states on page 350 for more information. This displays which L2TP server type the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router currently is: LAC or LNS. Refer to L2TP status . telindus1423Router/ip/router/tunnels/ipsecL2tpTunnels This attribute displays status information of the IPSEC L2TP tunnels. . The ipsecL2tpTunnels table contains the same elements as the l2tpTunnels table. This displays the states associated with the LNS or LAC packet delivery. Refer to L2TP status . This displays the states associated with the LNS or LAC incoming or outgoing states on page 351 for more information.349 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 Status attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/tunnels/l2tpTunnels/l2tp The l2tp structure in the l2tpTunnels table displays the specific L2TP related status information of the tunnel. then the status attribute l2tpType displays the auto value until the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Routers have mutually decided who will be the LAC and who the LNS. then this displays the receive data sequence numbers. In case sequence numbering on the data messages is enabled (dataChannelSequenceNumbering = on). Refer to L2TP status . then this displays the transmit data sequence numbers. Refer to L2TP status . The l2tp structure contains the following elements: Element sendingSeqNum receivingSeqNum l2tpType Description In case sequence numbering on the data messages is enabled (dataChannelSequenceNumbering = on). Data is exchanged over the tunnel. An established connection may be terminated by either a local condition or the receipt of a Stop Control Connection Notification. established L2TP status . the call was successful and the session moves to the established state. waitConnect established . while a recipient remains in the idle state until receiving a Start Control Connection Request. session control messages may be exchanged. This is the state in which is waited … • • either for the control connection to be opened. or is torn down if an authorisation failure is detected. The control connection is established. The session then returns to the idle state. waitReply This is the state where an Incoming or Outgoing Call Reply message is awaited. If an Incoming or Outgoing Call Reply message is received. The tunnel either is established. Both initiator and recipient start from this state. An initiator transmits a Start Control Connection Request.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 350 Status attributes L2TP status . The session then returns to the idle state. waitCtlReply waitCtlConn This is the state where a Start Control Connection Reply is awaited. the challenge response is checked. This is the state where an Incoming or Outgoing Call Connected message is awaited.control states The states associated with the LNS or LAC for control connection establishment are: Value idle Description No control connection is states The states associated with the LNS or LAC incoming or outgoing calls are: Value idle waitTunnel Description No data is exchanged over the tunnel. Once an indication is received that the tunnel has/was opened. The session is terminated when receiving or sending a Call Disconnect Notify message. This is the state where a Start Control Connection Connected is awaited. If an Incoming or Outgoing Call Connected message is received. The first of these is the Incoming Call Request. or for verification that the tunnel is already open. Upon receipt. an incoming or Outgoing Call Connected message is sent and the session moves to the established state. All transmitted packets have been acknowledged.authentication states The states associated with the LNS or LAC authentication are: Value noAuthentication authenSuccessful authenFailure Description Authentication is not enabled. Authentication was successful. This is a transient state since the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router starts the handshake again after a failing authentication. L2TP status . but has not received an acknowledgement on this packet yet. . The Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router remains in this state during data transfer.351 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 Status attributes L2TP status . Authentication states The states associated with the packet delivery are: Value operating idle Description The Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router has sent a packet. This is also the start-up state for the authentication process. 4 IKE SA status attributes This section describes the following status attributes: • • telindus1423Router/ip/router/ikeSA[ ]/phase1 on page 353 telindus1423Router/ip/router/ikeSA[ ]/phase2 on page 353 This section describes the following actions: • telindus1423Router/ip/router/ikeSA[ ]/clearSAs on page 353 .13.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 352 Status attributes MR-2. The phase2 table contains the following elements: Element tunnel direction spi protocol localIp remoteIp encryptionAlgorithm authenticationAlgorithm age softLifeTime Description This element displays the L2TP tunnel name. This element displays the direction of the IPSEC SA. the IKE peers know that the hard lifetime is about to expire. des. This element displays the Security Parameter Index of the IPSEC SA. This element displays which protocol is used in the IPSEC SA. The phase1 table contains the following elements: Element remoteIp remainingSecs Description This element displays the IP address of the remote. This element displays the soft life time of the IPSEC SA. When the hard life time expires. This element displays the remote IP address. Possible values are: hmac_md5. telindus1423Router/ip/router/ikeSA[ ]/phase2 This attribute displays status information of phase 2 in the IKE negotiation process. When the soft life time expires.353 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 Status attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/ikeSA[ ]/phase1 This attribute displays status information of phase 1 in the IKE negotiation process. Possible values are: null. telindus1423Router/ip/router/ikeSA[ ]/clearSAs Use this action to clear all SAs. This element displays the time the IKE SA will remain active for. . hardLifeTime This element displays the hard life time of the IPSEC SA. This element displays the local IP address. 3des or disabled. Possible values are: esp or ah. the IPSEC SA is actually disconnected. This gives them the time to rekey the SA without disrupting communication before the hard lifetime expires. This element displays the age of the IPSEC SA. This element displays which encryption algorithm is used on the IPSEC SA. This element displays which authentication algorithm is used on the IPSEC SA. Possible values are: inbound or outbound. hmac_sha-1 or disabled. Then it explains the OSPF area status attributes.5 OSPF status attributes This section discusses the status attributes concerned with OSPF. First it describes the general OSPF status attributes. The following gives an overview of this section: • • General OSPF status attributes on page 355 Area status attributes on page 360 .Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 354 Status attributes MR-2.13. 355 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 Status attributes General OSPF status attributes This section describes the following status attributes: • • • • telindus1423Router/ip/router/ospf/type on page 356 telindus1423Router/ip/router/ospf/routes on page 357 telindus1423Router/ip/router/ospf/externalRoutes on page 358 telindus1423Router/ip/router/ospf/asExtLsas on page 359 . 6. Refer to MU-8. This element indicates whether the router is an Autonomous System Border Router. This element indicates whether multicast extensions are supported by the router.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 356 Status attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/ospf/type This attribute indicates the kind of router link being described. . The type structure contains the following elements Element areaBorder asbr Description This element indicates whether the router is an Area Border Router.Introduction à OSPF on page 220 for more information. Note that wildcard multicast is not yet supported by the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router. nssaTranslator This element indicates whether the router is an NSSA border router translator.1 . virtualLink wildCardMulticast This element indicates whether a virtual link is present on the router. This value indicates an external route of type 1. This value indicates a static route. All detected routes are transferred to the routing table of this router as type OSPF. This value indicates a rejected route. Possible values are: • • • • • • • • cost direct. These are: • • unknown. This value indicates that the route is not available. This value indicates that the cost of the route is unknown. none. There are two exceptions.This is a route with destinations in other OSPF areas. This value indicates a non-existing route. This element displays the cost of the route. This element displays the type of the network. This element displays the administrative name of the interface. This value indicates a direct route. This element displays the IP address of the outgoing router interface.357 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 Status attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/ospf/routes This attribute displays all detected routes in the OSPF network. This value indicates an external route of type 2. when another value is displayed. static. This value indicates an inter-area route. The routes table contains the following elements: Element network mask type Description This element displays the IP address of the sub network. reject. extType1. . This is a route with destinations belonging to one of the router's attached areas. extType2. intra. gateway outgoingIp interface This element displays the IP address of the next interface on the path to the destination network. This is a route to a host connected directly to the router. infinite. This element displays the network mask. inter. This value indicates an intra-area route. Possible values are: • • static.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 358 Status attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/ospf/externalRoutes This attribute displays all external routes which are injected into the OSPF network by this router. Possible values are: • • type1. when another value is displayed. Possible values are: • • yes. The externalRoutes table contains following elements: Element network mask gateway interface costType Description This element displays the IP address of the sub network. There are two exceptions. This is not used by the OSPF protocol itself. no. cost This element displays the cost of the route. This element displays the 32-bit field attached to each external route. . advertise routeType This element displays how the external route is injected into OSPF. This element displays the network mask. rip. This value indicates that the cost of the route is unknown. This element displays the type of cost of the external route. The router advertises the external route to the rest of the OPSF network. The router does not advertise the external route to the rest of the OPSF network. This value indicates that the route is not available. Also refer to telindus1423Router/ip/router/ospf/importFilter on page 182. This element displays the administrative name of the interface. Static route configured by the user. These are: • • tag unknown. This route was learned through the rip protocol. type2. infinite. The type of cost of the external route is type 1. This element displays whether the router advertises the external route to the rest of the OPSF network. This element displays the IP address of the next interface on the path to the destination network. The type of cost of the external route is type 2. It is used to communicate information between AS boundary routers. This element indicates if the router can handle opaque-LSAs. This element indicates the router's handling of demand circuits. The type of cost of the external route is type 1. nssa. The asExtLsas table contains following elements: Element linkStateId advRouterId age sequenceNr options Description This element displays the portion of the network that is being described by the LSA. This element indicates if the advertising router supports optional OSPF capabilities. cost tag This element displays the cost of this route. externalAttributes. AS-externalLSAs will not be flooded into stub areas. Entire OSPF areas can be configured as "stubs". This element indicates whether IP multicast datagrams are forwarded. This capability is represented by the element floodExternal. This element displays the router ID of the router that originated the LSA. multicast. This element displays a 32-bit field attached to each external route. type2.359 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 Status attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/ospf/asExtLsas This attribute displays the database entries for all external routes in the OSPF network. Also refer to telindus1423Router/ip/router/ospf/importFilter on page 182. Possible values are: • • type1. This element indicates the router's willingness to receive and forward external LSAs. opaque. It is used to communicate information between AS boundary routers. This is not used by the OSPF protocol itself. The options structure contains the following elements: • floodExternal. The type of cost of the external route is type 2. This element displays the type of cost of the external route. Routers of differing capabilities can be mixed within an OSPF routing domain. This element indicates whether the router supports nssa area‘s. This element displays the LS sequence number (successive instances of an LSA are given successive LS sequence numbers). forwardAddress . demandCircuit. • • • • • netMask costType This element displays the IP address mask for the advertised destination. This element displays the time in seconds since the LSA was originated. This element displays the address to which data traffic for the advertised destination is forwarded to. The contents of this field depend on the type of LSA. Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 360 Status attributes Area status attributes This section describes the following status attributes: • • • • • • • • • telindus1423Router/ip/router/ospf/area[ ]/interfaces on page 361 telindus1423Router/ip/router/ospf/area[ ]/hosts on page 363 telindus1423Router/ip/router/ospf/area[ ]/neighbors on page 363 telindus1423Router/ip/router/ospf/area[ ]/routers on page 365 telindus1423Router/ip/router/ospf/area[ ]/routerLsas on page 366 telindus1423Router/ip/router/ospf/area[ ]/networkLsas on page 368 telindus1423Router/ip/router/ospf/area[ ]/summLsas on page 369 telindus1423Router/ip/router/ospf/area[ ]/asbrLsas on page 370 telindus1423Router/ip/router/ospf/area[ ]/nssaLsas on page 371 . This element displays the IP address of the Backup Designated Router. dr backupDr neighbors adjNeighbors bandwidth This element displays the IP address of the Designated Router of the sub network. This element displays the bandwidth of the link. This element displays the amount of neighbors of the router. If an interface is part of more than one network. Possible values are: • • • • pointToPoint: The interface is a point-to-point interface. This element displays the priority of the network. Refer to telindus1423Router/ip/router/ospf/area[ ]/interfaces/status on page 362 for more information. loopback: The interface is a loopback interface. cost priority status This element displays the cost of the link. This element displays the name of the sub network the interface is part of. This element displays the subnet mask. broadcast: The interface is a broadcast interface. This element displays the amount of adjacent neighbors of the router. virtualLink: The interface is a virtual link interface.361 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 Status attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/ospf/area[ ]/interfaces This attribute displays all interfaces available in the area. This element displays the IP address of the interface. This element displays the interface type. The interfaces table contains following elements: Element name address netMask network type Description This element displays the name of the interface. the interface belongs to the network with the most significant subnet mask. This element displays the status of the router interface. . The router is not allowed to elect a Backup Designated Router nor a Designated Router until it transitions out of Waiting state. This prevents unnecessary changes of (Backup) Designated Router. The router must also originate a network-LSA for the network node. To do this. The router establishes adjacencies to all other routers attached to the network. The router forms adjacencies to both the Designated Router and the Backup Designated Router (if they exist). The router is trying to determine the identity of the (Backup) Designated Router for the network. this router itself is the Designated Router on the attached network. the inoperative state is listed first. The router's interface to the network is looped back. No protocol traffic at all will be sent or received. The router itself is the Backup Designated Router on the attached network. the router itself has not been selected Backup Designated Router either. Upon entering this state. pointToPoint drOther backupDr dr . It will be promoted to Designated Router when the present Designated Router fails. fully functional state is achieved. Possible values are: Value unknown down loopback waiting Description The router status is unknown. This is the initial interface state. Hello Packets are sent to the neighbour every helloInterval seconds. the router monitors the Hello Packets it receives. Adjacencies are established to all other routers attached to the network. the router attempts to form an adjacency with the neighbouring router. and connects either to a physical point-to-point network or to a virtual link. In this state. The interface is connected to a broadcast or NBMA network on which another router has been selected to be the Designated Router. followed by a list of intermediate states before the final. For example.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 362 Status attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/ospf/area[ ]/interfaces/status The states are listed in order of progressing functionality. In this state. The interface will be unavailable for regular data traffic. The interface is operational. This element displays the administrative name of the network that the loop-back interface is part of. This element displays the IP address of the loop-back interface. Bidirectional communication is indicated when the router sees itself listed in the neighbour’s Hello Packet. The neighbors table contains following elements: Element interface routerId routerPriority ipAddress status Description This element displays the administrative name of the neighbouring interface. This element displays the priority of the neighbouring router. The loop-back interface is a software interface which can be used for management purposes. The hosts table contains following elements Element intfName address netMask network cost Description This element displays the administrative name of the loop-back interface. This interface is always up.363 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 Status attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/ospf/area[ ]/hosts This attribute displays all hosts in the OSPF network. Neighbours are discovered via the Hello protocol. This element displays the status of the neighbouring router. telindus1423Router/ip/router/ospf/area[ ]/neighbors This attribute displays the neighbours of the router. Loopback interfaces that are added to the OSPF network are referred to as hosts. . This element displays the IP address of the neighbouring interface. Refer to telindus1423Router/ip/router/ospf/area[ ]/neighbors/status on page 364 for more information. This element displays the cost of the loop-back interface link. regardless of the state of the physical interfaces. Routers that share a common segment become neighbours on that segment. This element displays the unique sequence number for the router in the OSPF network. This element displays the subnet mask of the loop-back interface. This is the first step in creating an adjacency between the two neighbouring routers. Communication between the two routers is bidirectional. This is done by sending the neighbour Hello packets at intervals of helloInterval An Hello packet has recently been seen from the neighbour. fully functional state is achieved. This state is only valid for neighbors attached to NBMA networks. but that a more concerted effort should be made to contact the neighbour. The router is describing its entire link state database by sending Database Description packets to the neighbour. It indicates that no recent information has been received from the neighbour. Possible values are: Value down attempt Description This is the initial state of a neighbour conversation. bidirectional communication has not yet been established with the neighbour (i.e. The goal of this step is to decide which router is the master. Link State Request Packets may also be sent asking for the neighbour’s more recent LSAs. followed by a list of intermediate states before the final. These adjacencies will now appear in router-LSAs and network-LSAs. This has been assured by the operation of the Hello Protocol. the router itself did not appear in the neighbour’s Hello packet). Neighbour conversations in this state or greater are called adjacencies.. All neighbors in this state (or higher) are listed in the Hello packets sent from the associated interface. Link State Request packets are sent to the neighbour asking for the more recent LSAs that have been discovered (but not yet received) in the Exchange state. For example. the inoperative state is listed first. However.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 364 Status attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/ospf/area[ ]/neighbors/status The states are listed in order of progressing functionality. The neighbouring routers are fully adjacent. init 2way exchangeStart exchange loading fullAdjacency . It indicates that there has been no recent information received from the neighbour. wildCardMulticast. virtualLink. This element indicates that the detected router is an Autonomous System Border Router (ASBR). This element indicates which type of router is detected. . This element indicates if multicast extensions are supported by the router. This element indicates that the link to the detected router is a virtual link. This element displays the cost of the route. This element indicates that the detected router is an Area Border Router (ABR). This element displays the IP address of the next interface on the path to reach this router. The routerType structure contains the following elements: • • • • areaBorder. The routers table contains following elements: Element routerId gateway cost routerType Description This element displays the unique sequence number for the router in this OSPF autonomous system.365 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 Status attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/ospf/area[ ]/routers This attribute displays all routers in the current area. asbr. e. The contents of this field depend on the type of LSA. When connecting to an object that also originates an LSA (i. This element indicates if the router can handle opaque-LSAs. asbr. virtualLink. This element displays the time in seconds since the LSA was originated. This provides the key for looking up the neighbouring LSA in the link state database during the routing table calculation. This element indicates whether the router supports nssa area‘s.. This element indicates a virtual link. All of the router's links to the area must be described in a single router-LSA.. multicast. • • • • • routerType This element indicates the kind of router link being described. This element displays the LS sequence number (successive instances of an LSA are given successive LS sequence numbers). Each router in an area originates router-LSAs. Routers of differing capabilities can be mixed within an OSPF routing domain. linkNr linkId This element displays the number of router links described in this LSA. another router or a transit network) the Link ID is equal to the neighbouring LSAs Link State ID. interfaces) to the area. externalAttributes. The routerLsas table contains following elements: Element linkStateId Description This element displays the router's OSPF Router ID. advRouterId age sequenceNr options This element displays the router ID of the router that originated the LSA. This element indicates a multicast link. nssa. opaque. The options structure contains following elements: • floodExternal. The LSA describes the state and cost of the router's links (i. It displays the portion of the network that is being described by the LSA.e. This element indicates the router's willingness to receive and forward external LSAs. This element indicates the router's handling of demand circuits. This element identifies the object that this router link connects to. Entire OSPF areas can be configured as "stubs".Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 366 Status attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/ospf/area[ ]/routerLsas This attribute displays the router-LSAs. This element indicates whether IP multicast datagrams are forwarded. demandCircuit. This capability is represented by the element floodExternal. . The routerType structure contains following elements: • • • • areaBorder. This element indicates a link to an ABR. This element indicates if the advertising router supports optional OSPF capabilities. AS-externalLSAs will not be flooded into stub areas. This element indicates a link to an ASBR. wildCardMulticast. when calculating the IP address of the next hop. virtualLink. This element displays the cost of this link. . The link is a transit connection. For unnumbered point-to-point connections. stub. The link is a virtual link. Possible values are: • • • • cost pointToPoint. The link is a point-to-point connection. it specifies the interface's MIB-II interface Index value. linkType This element displays the type of the link. The link is a connection within a stub area. This latter piece of information is needed during the routing table build process.367 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 Status attributes Element linkData Description The value of this element depends on the linkType: • • • For connections to stub networks. transit. linkData specifies the network's IP address mask. For the other link types it specifies the router interface's IP address. Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 368 Status attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/ospf/area[ ]/networkLsas This attribute displays the network-LSAs. The contents of this field depend on the type of LSA. The networkLsas table contains following elements: Element linkStateId Description This element displays the IP interface address of the Designated Router. demandCircuit. • • • • • netMask linkNr routerId This element displays the IP address mask for the network. This element displays the time in seconds since the LSA was originated. Routers of differing capabilities can be mixed within an OSPF routing domain. This element indicates if the advertising router supports optional OSPF capabilities. The options structure contains the following elements: • floodExternal. The LSA describes all routers attached to the network. This element indicates the router's handling of demand circuits. AdvRouterId age sequenceNr options This element displays the router ID of the router that originated the LSA. Only those routers that are fully adjacent to the Designated Router are listed. This element indicates the router's willingness to receive and forward external LSAs. This element displays the router IDs of each of the routers attached to the network. The network-LSA is originated by the network's Designated Router. . This element indicates if the router can handle opaque-LSAs. A network-LSA is originated for each network in the area which supports two or more routers. multicast. This element indicates whether the router supports nssa area‘s. nssa. opaque. externalAttributes. It displays the portion of the network that is being described by the LSA. The Designated Router itself is included in this list. This capability is represented by the element floodExternal. This element indicates whether IP multicast datagrams are forwarded. This element displays the number of router links described in this LSA. Entire OSPF areas can be configured as "stubs". including the Designated Router itself. This element displays the LS sequence number (successive instances of an LSA are given successive LS sequence numbers). AS-externalLSAs will not be flooded into stub areas. This element displays the LS sequence number (successive instances of an LSA are given successive LS sequence numbers). demandCircuit. This element displays the cost of this route. AS-externalLSAs will not be flooded into stub areas. The contents of this field depend on the type of LSA. This element indicates the router's willingness to receive and forward external LSAs. . multicast. then the linkStateId element is the AS boundary router's OSPF Router ID. This capability is represented by the element floodExternal. This element indicates if the advertising router supports optional OSPF capabilities.369 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 Status attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/ospf/area[ ]/summLsas This attribute displays the Summary-LSAs. The summLsas table contains following elements: Element linkStateId Description If the destination is an IP network. • • • • • netMask cost This element displays the IP address mask for the destination network. This element indicates if the router can handle opaque-LSAs. AdvRouterId age sequenceNr options This element displays the router ID of the router that originated the LSA. This element indicates whether the router supports nssa area‘s. This element indicates whether IP multicast datagrams are forwarded. opaque. Summary-LSAs are originated by area border routers and describe inter-area destinations. nssa. externalAttributes. This element displays the portion of the network that is being described by the LSA. then the linkStateId element is an IP network number. This element indicates the router's handling of demand circuits. If the destination is an AS boundary router. Entire OSPF areas can be configured as "stubs". The options structure contains the following elements: • floodExternal. Routers of differing capabilities can be mixed within an OSPF routing domain. This element displays the time in seconds since the LSA was originated. • • • • • cost This element displays the cost of this route. The asbrLsas table contains following elements: Element linkStateId AdvRouterId age sequenceNr options Description This element displays the portion of the network that is being described by the LSA. This element displays the time in seconds since the LSA was originated. This element indicates if the router can handle opaque-LSAs. Routers of differing capabilities can be mixed within an OSPF routing domain. externalAttributes. opaque. This capability is represented by the element floodExternal. This element indicates whether IP multicast datagrams are forwarded. The contents of this field depend on the type of LSA. This element indicates if the advertising router supports optional OSPF capabilities. The options structure contains the following elements: • floodExternal. This element displays the LS sequence number (successive instances of an LSA are given successive LS sequence numbers). Entire OSPF areas can be configured as "stubs". This element indicates whether the router supports nssa area‘s. . AS-externalLSAs will not be flooded into stub areas.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 370 Status attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/ospf/area[ ]/asbrLsas This attribute displays the ASBR-LSAs. This element indicates the router's handling of demand circuits. This element displays the router ID of the router that originated the LSA. nssa. This element indicates the router's willingness to receive and forward external LSAs. multicast. demandCircuit. nssa. This element displays the time in seconds since the LSA was originated. This element indicates if the advertising router supports optional OSPF capabilities. It is used to communicate information between AS boundary routers. The contents of this field depend on the type of LSA. This element indicates whether IP multicast datagrams are forwarded. opaque.371 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 Status attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/ospf/area[ ]/nssaLsas This attribute displays the NSSA-LSAs. Possible values are: • • type1. This element indicates the router's willingness to receive and forward external LSAs. • • • • • netMask costType This element displays the IP address mask for the advertised destination. multicast. AS-externalLSAs will not be flooded into stub areas. The type of cost of the external route is type 2. type2. The nssaLsas table contains following elements: Element linkStateId AdvRouterId age sequenceNr options Description This element displays the portion of the network that is being described by the LSA. The options structure contains the following elements: • floodExternal. cost tag This element displays the cost of this route. Entire OSPF areas can be configured as "stubs". This element indicates the router's handling of demand circuits. forwardAddress . This element indicates if the router can handle opaque-LSAs. This element displays a 32-bit field attached to each external route. externalAttributes. This element displays the address to which data traffic for the advertised destination is forwarded to. demandCircuit. This is not used by the OSPF protocol itself. This element displays the router ID of the router that originated the LSA. This capability is represented by the element floodExternal. The type of cost of the external route is type 1. This element displays the LS sequence number (successive instances of an LSA are given successive LS sequence numbers). This element indicates whether the router supports nssa area‘s. This element displays the type of cost of the external route. Routers of differing capabilities can be mixed within an OSPF routing domain. Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 372 Status attributes MR-2.6 VRRP status attributes This section describes the following status attributes: • • • telindus1423Router/ip/router/vrrp[ ]/macAddress on page 373 telindus1423Router/ip/router/vrrp[ ]/interfaces on page 373 telindus1423Router/ip/router/vrrp[ ]/criticals on page 373 .13. The last byte is the virtual router ID. Possible values are: • • • • initial: The virtual router interface is in an initial state (e. The interfaces table contains the following elements: Element name priority status Description This element displays the interface name. telindus1423Router/ip/router/vrrp[ ]/criticals This attribute displays the status of the virtual router interfaces that you defined as critical (refer to telindus1423Router/ip/router/vrrp[ ]/criticals on page 196).g.373 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 Status attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/vrrp[ ]/macAddress This attribute displays the for VRRP reserved MAC address. because VRRP is not active). This element displays the operational status (e. backup: The virtual router interface is elected backup after the master/backup election process. . etc. The criticals table contains the following elements: Element interface status Description This element displays the name of the critical interface. inactive: The virtual router interface is inactive (e. The first 5 bytes are fixed (00:00:5e:00:01).g. master: The virtual router interface is elected master after the master/backup election process. up. during the master/ backup election process). down. This element displays the interface status.) of the critical interface. telindus1423Router/ip/router/vrrp[ ]/interfaces This attribute displays the status of the virtual router its interfaces. This element displays the interface priority.g. Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 374 Status attributes MR-2.7 Firewall status attributes This section describes the following status attributes: • • • • telindus1423Router/ip/router/firewall/sessions on page 375 telindus1423Router/ip/router/firewall/reverseSessions on page 375 telindus1423Router/ip/router/firewall/log on page 376 telindus1423Router/ip/router/firewall/sNet on page 376 This section describes the following actions: • telindus1423Router/ip/router/firewall/clearLog on page 376 .13. the return path) of a session that was initiated. The sessions table contains the following elements: Element sNet policyDirection sourceIp destIp protocol destPort bytesTransferred natIp name Description This element displays the name of the source SNet.375 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 Status attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/firewall/sessions This attribute displays the status of the sessions that are currently going through the firewall. You do not have to set up policies to allow the reverse session (i. tcp. This element displays the name of the policy that applies on the session. This element displays the destination IP address. the SNet in which the originator of the session is located.e. if you define an outbound policy from the corporate network to the Internet to allow web browsing (HTTP) and if a HTTP session from the corporate network to the Internet is set up. This element displays the IP address of the NAT gateway (if NAT is enabled for this session). These reverse sessions are set up and allowed automatically. This element displays the protocol that is used. This element displays the number of bytes transferred in this session. Refer to telindus1423Router/ip/ router/firewall/sessions on page 375. then a reverse session from the Internet to the corporate network is set up and allowed automatically.e. Possible values are: inbound or outbound. For example. This element displays the source IP address. I. esp. . The reverseSessions table contains the same elements as the sessions table. other. ah. telindus1423Router/ip/router/firewall/reverseSessions This attribute displays the status of the reverse sessions that are currently going through the firewall. This element displays the direction of the policy that applies on the session. Possible values are: icmp. This element displays the destination port number. udp. info. However. Possible values are: icmp. This element displays the system-up time at the moment the event was logged. This element displays the priority of the event. other. warning. This element displays a description of the event. Possible values are: debug. udp. it says nothing about which SNets are actually in use (i. This element displays the source port number. The sessions table contains the following elements: Element date sysUpTime priority event Description This element displays the date and time the event was logged. assigned to an interface).Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 376 Status attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/firewall/log This attribute displays the firewall log. error. telindus1423Router/ip/router/firewall/sNet This attribute displays the SNets that are available (standard and custom). notice. alert. This element displays the destination IP address. ah. This element displays the protocol that is used. E.e. “access policy not found.g. . telindus1423Router/ip/router/firewall/clearLog Use this action to clear the log. dropping packet from corp n/w”. sourceIp destIp sourcePort destPort protocol This element displays the source IP address. This element displays the destination port number. emergency. esp. critical. tcp. 377 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 Status attributes MR-2.14 Bridge status attributes This section describes the following status attributes: • • • • • • • • • • telindus1423Router/bridge/bridgeGroup/ifDescr on page 378 telindus1423Router/bridge/bridgeGroup/ifType on page 378 telindus1423Router/bridge/bridgeGroup/ifOperStatus on page 378 telindus1423Router/bridge/bridgeGroup/ifMtu on page 378 telindus1423Router/bridge/bridgeGroup/ip on page 378 telindus1423Router/bridge/bridgeGroup/macAddress on page 378 telindus1423Router/bridge/bridgeGroup/arpCache on page 379 telindus1423Router/bridge/bridgeGroup/bridgeCache on page 380 telindus1423Router/bridge/bridgeGroup/bridging on page 381 telindus1423Router/bridge/bridgeGroup/spanningTree on page 381 This section describes the following actions: • • telindus1423Router/bridge/bridgeGroup/clearArpCache on page 383 telindus1423Router/bridge/bridgeGroup/clearBridgeCache on page 383 . It is either configured or retrieved automatically. It is either configured or retrieved automatically. the maximum number of bytes that one packet can contain on this interface. telindus1423Router/bridge/bridgeGroup/macAddress This attribute displays the MAC address of the bridge group. telindus1423Router/bridge/bridgeGroup/ifOperStatus This attribute displays the current operational status of the bridge group. The ip structure contains the following elements: Element address netMask Description This is the IP address of the bridge. telindus1423Router/bridge/bridgeGroup/ifType This attribute displays the interface type.e. telindus1423Router/bridge/bridgeGroup/ip This attribute displays the IP information of the bridge. . This is the IP subnet mask of the interface.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 378 Status attributes telindus1423Router/bridge/bridgeGroup/ifDescr This attribute displays the interface description. telindus1423Router/bridge/bridgeGroup/ifMtu This attribute displays the interface its Maximum Transfer Unit. i. static.IP address pair is configured.379 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 Status attributes telindus1423Router/bridge/bridgeGroup/arpCache This attribute displays all the MAC address . The MAC . the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router its own IP and MAC address.e. .IP address pairs from ARP requests and replies received on the LAN interface.IP address pair is retrieved from an ARP request or reply message. this value is 0. For the static entry. Possible values are: • • dynamic. i. Refer to What is the ARP cache? on page 22 for more information. The arpCache table contains the following elements: Element macAddress ipAddress type Description This is the MAC address. There is only one static entry. timeOut This is the time the entry will remain in the ARP cache. This is the ARP cache entry type. The MAC . This is the associated IP address. The bridgeCache attribute visualises this address database.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 380 Status attributes telindus1423Router/bridge/bridgeGroup/bridgeCache When a port of the bridge enters the learning state. . There are only two static entries: age Example The following figure shows part of a bridge cache table as an example: the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router its own MAC address. Refer to What is the bridge cache? on page 225 for more information. a MAC address used for Spanning Tree. This displays whether the MAC address entry is static or dynamic: • • dynamic. This is the MAC address of the station situated on the network connected to the interface. static. The MAC addresses are stored in a MAC address database or bridge cache. it stores the MAC addresses of the stations situated on the network that is connected to this port. The corresponding MAC address is learned on one of the interfaces. The bridgeCache table contains the following elements: Element interface macAddress type Description This is the interface through which the station can be reached. This is the elapsed time since a frame was received from the station. these two elements form the unique bridge identifier. This is the name of the interface as you configured it. the rootPathCost value equals 0. an ATM PVC. rootPort This is the port identifier of the port that offers the lowest cost path to the root. Refer to telindus1423Router/lanInterface/bridging on page 266 for a detailed description of the bridging structure. If two or more ports offer equal least cost paths to the root bridge. If this bridge is the root bridge. Note however that the bridge group bridging structure contains one extra element: name. The spanningTree structure contains the following elements: Element designatedPriority designatedMAC Description Together. the lowest numerical value). a tunnel. as the value of the root path cost parameter in transmitted Configuration BPDUs. then the root port is selected to be that with the highest designatedPriority (i. etc. They display the unique bridge identifier of the root bridge as it is indicated in the root identifier parameter of the Configuration BPDUs.381 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 Status attributes telindus1423Router/bridge/bridgeGroup/bridging The bridging attributes or elements in the individual interface objects display the bridging information for that particular interface. This bridging attribute.e. telindus1423Router/bridge/bridgeGroup/spanningTree This attribute gives you the Spanning Tree status information of the bridge. however. Note that the interface can also be a DLCI. Else. . These BPDUs are transmitted by the designated bridge for the LAN that is currently connected to this port. the lowest numerical value). The total cost of the path to the root bridge should not exceed 65500. If two or more ports offer equal least cost paths to the root bridge and the same designatedPriority.e. This bridge identifier is used to test the value of the root identifier parameter conveyed in received Configuration BPDUs. then the root port is selected to be that with the highest designatedPortPriority (i. The rootPathCost element is used … • • to test the value of the root path cost parameter conveyed in received Configuration BPDUs. the rootPathCost value equals the sum of … • the path cost as it is up to the designated bridge for the LAN that is currently connected to this port (this cost is transmitted in Configuration BPDUs by the designated bridge) and • the path cost as it is configured for the root port. rootPathCost This is the cost of the path from this bridge to the root bridge. displays the bridging information of all the (bridged) interfaces of the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router. helloTime This is the interval between the generation of Configuration BPDUs by the root bridge.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 382 Status attributes Element bridgePriority bridgeMAC maxAge Description Together. topologyChange This is a Boolean value (0 or 1) to report … • • for a bridge that is not a root bridge. whether or not a change in topology has been detected within the preceding topologyChangeTime period. time-out (or ageing) for purging MAC addresses from the bridge cache in case a topology change is detected. . The topologyChange element is used to … • • propagate the topology change indication in transmitted Configuration BPDUs. The maxAge element displays the value as it is set by the root bridge. This attribute is not directly used by the Spanning Tree algorithm. topologyChangeDetection topologyChangeTime This is a Boolean value (0 or 1) to report that a topology change has been detected by or notified to the bridge. these two attributes form the unique bridge identifier of this bridge. forwardDelay This is the time-out value to be used by all bridges in the bridged LAN for … • • a bridge port applies to move from listening state to learning state or from learning state to forwarding state. determine whether the short (bridgeForwardDelay) or long (bridgeTimeOut) time-out (or ageing) value is used to purge dynamic MAC addresses from the bridge cache. This information is conveyed by the root bridge to ensure that each bridge in the bridged LAN has a consistent value against which to test the age of stored configuration information. This displays the time during which the root bridge transmits Configuration BPDUs indicating a topology change. but it is conveyed by the root bridge to facilitate the monitoring of protocol performance by the management system. whether or not the most recently accepted Configuration BPDU indicates a change in the active topology. after it detected this topology change. This information is conveyed by the root bridge to ensure that each bridge in the bridged LAN has a consistent value for the forward delay timer. The forwardDelay element displays the value as it is set by the root bridge. The topologyChangeTime element value is equal to the sum of the root bridge its bridgeMaxAge element value and bridgeForwardDelay element value. for the root bridge. The helloTime element displays the value as it is set by the root bridge. Refer to telindus1423Router/bridge/bridgeGroup/spanningTree on page 226 for more information on the latter two elements. This is the time-out value to be used by all bridges in the bridged LAN for discarding bridging information. 383 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 Status attributes telindus1423Router/bridge/bridgeGroup/clearArpCache Use this action to clear the ARP cache table. telindus1423Router/bridge/bridgeGroup/clearBridgeCache Use this action to clear the bridge cache table. . 15 Management status attributes This section describes the following status attributes: • • • • • • • • • • telindus1423Router/management/cms2Address on page 385 telindus1423Router/management/timeServer on page 385 telindus1423Router/management/alarmLog on page 385 telindus1423Router/management/accessLog on page 386 telindus1423Router/management/loopback/ifDescr on page 388 telindus1423Router/management/loopback/ifType on page 388 telindus1423Router/management/loopback/ifOperStatus on page 388 telindus1423Router/management/loopback/ifMtu on page 388 telindus1423Router/management/loopback/ipAddress on page 388 telindus1423Router/management/loopback/mask on page 388 .Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 384 Status attributes MR-2. The Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router its clock is synchronised with the time server. stratum This is the stratum level of the time server its reference clock. The Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router its clock is not synchronised with the time server. . telindus1423Router/management/alarmLog This attribute displays the alarm log. This is the alarm itself in the format path.g. synchronised. Possible values are: • • • 0: unspecified or unavailable 1: primary reference (e. telindus1423Router/management/timeServer This attribute displays the status of the SNTP function. radio clock) 2 . This is the system up-time of the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router at the moment the alarm was generated. noContact.alarmName on|off (e. The Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router is not configured for SNTP. The connection with the time server is synchronised.385 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 Status attributes telindus1423Router/management/cms2Address This attribute displays the absolute device address as you configured it. notSynchronised. Possible values are: • • • • notConfigured. The alarmLog table contains the following elements: Element timeStamp sysUpTime totalAlarmLevel alarmLevel alarm Description This is the value of the real time clock at the moment the alarm was generated. This is the state of the connection with the time server. telindus1423Router/lanInterface.15: secondary reference (via SNTP) delay This is the total roundtrip delay of the time server with its reference clock. It displays the 32 most recent alarms that occurred on the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router. notSynchronised. synchronised. This is the alarm level of the alarm. Possible values are: • • • connection notConfigured. The timeServer structure contains the following elements: Element state Description This is the state of the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router its clock. The Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router is not configured for SNTP.linkDown on). The connection with the time server is not synchronised. The connection with the time server is lost.g. This is the total alarm level of the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router. user/password string in the password element of the security table (of the type "username:password"). • user This element displays the name of the user who caused the access event. Possible values are: • • • login. The accessLog table contains the following elements: Element timeStamp sysUpTime type Description This element displays the value of the real time clock at the moment the access event occurred. This element displays the system up-time of the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router at the moment the access event occurred. This since the password of the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router is used to control the access to the CMS devices. This element displays the type of access event. Refer to telindus1423Router/management/loginControl on page 246. The access event is caused by any maintenance application accessing the file system. then the user element displays nothing. Also see telindus1423Router/security on page 16. After an accessFailureOn event was logged. accessFailureOff. FTP. The access event is caused by FTP. A failed login was detected. only the failed requests are logged.e. snmp. The access event is caused by SNMP. Possible values are: • cms2. application This element displays the type of application that caused the access event. when downloading firmware. Refer to telindus1423Router/management/loginControl on page 246. the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router acts as proxy). The number of failed logins exceeded the access failure threshold within the access failure period.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 386 Status attributes telindus1423Router/management/accessLog This attribute displays the access log. each successful SNMP request would result in an access event. proxy. TMA. Therefore. Note that since SNMP is not session oriented. A successful login was detected. CLI or ATWIN (via a Telnet or terminal session). then the user element displays the username part of the user/password string. For example. So an SNMP walk would result in thousands of access events being logged. etc. etc. The access event is caused by any maintenance application accessing a CMS device through the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router (i. the number of failed logins dropped below the access failure threshold within the access failure period. It displays the 32 most recent login events that occurred on the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router. loginFailure. If you entered a … • • password string only in the password element of the security table. • • • • . in case of SNMP. TFTP. TML. The access event is caused by any maintenance application. fileSystem. For example. ftp. TMA CLI. WebInterface. accessFailureOn. One event logging the access of the FTP application to the file system when downloading the file. For example.387 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 Status attributes Element accessRights Description This element displays the access rights that are associated with the access event. 2. Note that some applications may cause more than one access event. One event logging the access of the FTP application to the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router. In that case two events are logged in the accessLog table: 1. suppose you access the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router with FTP and download a file to the file system. . telindus1423Router/management/loopback/ifMtu This attribute displays the interface its Maximum Transfer Unit. the maximum number of bytes that one packet can contain on this interface. telindus1423Router/management/loopback/mask This attribute displays the subnet mask of the loopback interface as you configured it.e. . telindus1423Router/management/loopback/ifType This attribute displays the interface type. telindus1423Router/management/loopback/ifOperStatus This attribute displays the current operational status of the loopback interface. The loopback interface is always up.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 388 Status attributes telindus1423Router/management/loopback/ifDescr This attribute displays the interface description. i. telindus1423Router/management/loopback/ipAddress This attribute displays the IP address of the loopback interface as you configured it. 16 File system status attributes This section describes the following status attributes: • • • • • • telindus1423Router/fileSystem/fileList on page 390 telindus1423Router/fileSystem/freeSpace on page 390 telindus1423Router/fileSystem/status on page 390 telindus1423Router/fileSystem/corruptBlocks on page 390 telindus1423Router/fileSystem/trustedCertificates on page 391 telindus1423Router/fileSystem/selfCertificates on page 391 This section describes the following actions: • • • • • • • • • telindus1423Router/fileSystem/Delete File on page 392 telindus1423Router/fileSystem/Rename File on page 392 telindus1423Router/fileSystem/loadTrustedCertificate on page 392 telindus1423Router/fileSystem/generateSelfCertificateRequest on page 393 telindus1423Router/fileSystem/loadSelfCertificate on page 394 telindus1423Router/fileSystem/getTrustedCertificateScep on page 395 telindus1423Router/fileSystem/getSelfCertificateScep on page 396 telindus1423Router/fileSystem/getCrlScep on page 398 telindus1423Router/fileSystem/saveCertificates on page 398 .389 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 Status attributes MR-2. Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 390 Status attributes telindus1423Router/fileSystem/fileList Part of the flash memory of the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router is organised as a file system and a number of files are stored in it. A certain block can not be erased. Possible values are: Value ready formatting corrupt corruptBlocks Description Normal situation. When a block can not be erased. Usually. The fileList table contains the following elements: Element name length Description This is the filename. telindus1423Router/fileSystem/freeSpace This attribute displays the number of free bytes on the file system. telindus1423Router/fileSystem/status This attribute displays the status of the file system. The file system is in a state were no guarantee can be given about the correct operation of the file system.db). This can be triggered when the file system is found to be corrupt at boot. The fileList attribute shows all the files that are present on the file system. The filename is case sensitive. the corruptBlocks count is incremented. The file system is being formatted. This is the length of the file in bytes. . The file system will be formatted at the following boot. This block can no longer be used to store data. Maximum length of the filename is 24 characters. Up to two application software files of the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router (files CONTROL1 and CONTROL 2). telindus1423Router/fileSystem/corruptBlocks The file system of the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router consists of several blocks. the following files are present: • • The configuration file of the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router (file config1. All characters are allowed (including spaces). In case of a trusted certificate this is information of the CA.g. This element displays who issued the certificate. telindus1423Router/fileSystem/selfCertificates This attribute displays the signed self-certificates that are currently loaded. This element displays subject information of the certificate. the IP address). The selfCertificates table contains the following elements: Element name expiry issuer subject Description This element displays the certificate name. ca-1. This element displays the subject information of the certificate. This element displays when the certificate expires. In case of a self-certificate this is information of the device (e. In this case. Possible values are: ca-0. ca-2. . The trustedCertificates table contains the following elements: Element name expiry issuer subject Description This element displays the certificate name. This element displays who issued the certificate.391 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 Status attributes telindus1423Router/fileSystem/trustedCertificates This attribute displays the trusted certificates that are currently loaded. This element displays when the certificate expires. this is the same string as entered in the privateKeyName element of the loadSelfCert action. Filenames are case sensitive! telindus1423Router/fileSystem/Rename File Use this action to rename a file on the file system. . Use this action to load the trusted certificate you obtained from your Certificate Authority (CA) into the memory of the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router. Filenames are case sensitive! telindus1423Router/fileSystem/loadTrustedCertificate This action is used in the procedure where security certificates are obtained and loaded manually in order to set up an L2TP tunnel secured with IPSEC using an IKE certificate SA. You have to enter the filename you want to delete as argument value.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 392 Status attributes telindus1423Router/fileSystem/Delete File Use this action to remove obsolete files from the file system. Refer to MU-10.3 Configuration d’un tunnel L2TP sécurisé IPSEC en utilisant une SA manuelle on page 362. The filename is case sensitive.6. Enter the filename of the trusted certificate as argument value and execute the action. You have to enter the old and new filename in a structure. The saveCerts action has to be executed after the loadTrustedCert action so that the trusted certificate is also loaded every time the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router reboots. • • • The trusted certificate file has to be present on the file system of the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router. Refer to MU-10. The argument value structure of the generateCertReq action contains the following elements: Element fileName Description Use this element to specify the name of the self-certif. Then this request has to be submitted to your Certificate Authority (CA) which signs it and returns a signed self-certificate. Use this element to specify the subject name. Fill in the elements in the argument value structure and execute the action.domain.0. dss-sha1. Default:<empty> Range: 0 … 32 characters The username has to be of the form “my. Use this element to specify the hostname that will be used in the self-certificate. This is then used for authentication purposes. the Range: 512 / 1024 / 2048 longer it takes to generate the keys.393 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 Status attributes telindus1423Router/fileSystem/generateSelfCertificateRequest This action is used in the procedure where security certificates are obtained and loaded manually in order to set up an L2TP tunnel secured with IPSEC using an IKE certificate”.3 Configuration d’un tunnel L2TP sécurisé IPSEC en utilisant une SA manuelle on page 362. a file is written to the file system of the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router. rsa. Default:rsa-md5 The type element has the following values: rsa-md5. Remember the private key name.255. ipAddress Use this element to specify the IP address that will be used in the self-certificate. type Use this element to set the authentication algorithm. Refer to telindus1423Router/fileSystem/loadSelfCertificate on page 394.6. You need it to load the associated signed selfcertificate into the memory of the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router. user Use this element to specify the username that will be used in the self-certificate. see below sha1. This is then used for authentication purposes.Default:<empty> icate request file. The name of this file is the name you specified using the fileName element. Range: 0 … 24 characters After you filled in all the elements and executed the generateCertReq action. Note that the longer the key length.0.255 Default:<empty> Range: 0 … 32 characters hostname The hostname has to be of the form “host.0 Range: up to 255.Range: enumerated. keyLength Use this element to specify the length of the public/pri. Default:<empty> Range: 0 … 24 characters Default:<empty> Range: 0 … 8 characters subjectName privateKeyName Use this element to specify the name of the private”. This is then used for authentication purposes. .255.Default:512 vate keys. Use this action to create a request for a signed Default:0. • • • The signed self-certificate file has to be present on the file system of the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router. .Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 394 Status attributes telindus1423Router/fileSystem/loadSelfCertificate This action is used in the procedure where security certificates are obtained and loaded manually in order to set up an L2TP tunnel secured with IPSEC using an IKE certificate SA. The filename is case sensitive. Refer to MU-10. Use this element to specify the name of the private key. Use this action to load the signed self-certificate you first submitted and then retrieved from your Certificate Authority (CA) into the memory of the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router. Fill in the elements in the argument value structure and execute the action. Refer to telindus1423Router/fileSystem/generateSelfCertificateRequest on page 393.6. The argument value structure of the loadSelfCert action contains the following elements: Element fileName Description Use this element to specify the name of the signed self-certificate file. Default:<empty> Range: 0 … 24 characters Default:<empty> Range: 0 … 8 characters privateKeyName This has to be exact the same name as you specified in the privateKeyName element of the generateCertReq action.3 Configuration d’un tunnel L2TP sécurisé IPSEC en utilisant une SA manuelle on page 362. The saveCerts action has to be executed after the loadSelfCert action so that the signed self-certificate is also loaded every time the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router reboots. 3 Configuration d’un tunnel L2TP sécurisé IPSEC en utilisant une SA manuelle on page 362. then the SCEP requests are submitted to http://172.dll.127. .0 Range: up to 255.127. The argument value structure of the getTrustedCertScep action contains the following elements: Element server Description Use this element to specify the IP address of the SCEP server. Default:0.395 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 Status attributes telindus1423Router/fileSystem/getTrustedCertificateScep This action is used in the procedure where security certificates are obtained and loaded through SCEP in order to set up an L2TP tunnel secured with IPSEC using an IKE certificate SA. url Use this element to specify the URL to which the SCEP requests have to be submitted. port Use this element to set the port on which the SCEP requests are sent.dll.6/certsrv/ mscep/mscep.6 and the url element to certsrv/ mscep/mscep. It may be omitted.255 Together with the url element this makes up the complete path to which the SCEP requests are submitted. Refer to MU-10.6. Example Suppose you set the server element to 172. Default:<empty> Range: 0 … 40 characters Together with the server element this makes up the complete path to which the SCEP requests are submitted. caName Use this element to set the name of the CA.0. Fill in the elements in the argument value structure and execute the action.255. Default:<empty> Range: 0 … 20 characters Default:<opt> Range: 1 … 65535 The saveCerts action has to be executed after the getTrustedCertScep action so that the trusted certificate is also loaded every time the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router reboots. By default. Consult the manual of your SCEP server to find out which URL you have to specify.0.31. this is port 80.31. This element is more for information purposes.255. Use this action to obtain and load the trusted certificate from a SCEP server. 6/certsrv/ mscep/mscep.255.31.3 Configuration d’un tunnel L2TP sécurisé IPSEC en utilisant une SA manuelle on page 362.255 Together with the url element this makes up the complete path to which the SCEP requests are submitted. If you do not specify a challenge phrase. When installing a SCEP server.dll. Fill in the elements in the argument value structure and execute the action.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 396 Status attributes telindus1423Router/fileSystem/getSelfCertificateScep This action is used in the procedure where security certificates are obtained and loaded through SCEP in order to set up an L2TP tunnel secured with IPSEC using an IKE certificate SA.0 Range: up to 255. type Use this element to set the authentication algorithm. Default:ca-0 Range: ca-0 / ca-1 / ca-2 Default:<empty> Range: 0 … 8 characters Default:0.255.255. you usually have the possibility to specify a challenge phrase. Default:rsa-md5 Range: rsa-md5 / rsa-sha1 Default:<empty> Range: 0 … 20 characters Default:<empty> Range: 0 … 20 characters subjectName Use this element to specify the subject name.255. url Use this element to specify the URL to which the SCEP requests have to be submitted. Refer to MU-10. Default: then the SCEP requests are submitted to http://172. Use this element to specify the IP address that will be used in the self-certificate. Default:<empty> Range: 0 … 40 characters Together with the server element this makes up the complete path to which the SCEP requests are submitted. This is then used for authentication purposes.0. then any user can enrol for a certificate. If you specify a challenge phrase on the SCEP server. The argument value structure of the getSelfCertScep action contains the following elements: Element server Description Use this element to specify the IP address of the SCEP server. caName Use this element to select a certificate.255 privateKeyName Use this element to specify the name of the private key.6 and the url element to certsrv/ mscep/mscep. then also enter this phrase in the challenge element.31. Use this action to obtain and load the self-certificate from a SCEP server.0.dll.127. Example Suppose you set the server element to 172.0.0 Range: up to 255. challenge Use this element to specify the challenge phrase. ipAddress . By default. Note that the longer the key”[email protected] Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 Status attributes Element hostname Description Use this element to specify the hostname that will be used in the self-certificate. this is port 80. the Range: 512 / 1024 / 2048 longer it takes to generate the keys.Default:512 vate keys. This is then used for authentication purposes. Default:<empty> Range: 0 … 32 characters The hostname has to be of the form “host. .domain. The saveCerts action has to be executed after the getSelfCertScep action so that the signed self-certificate is also loaded every time the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router reboots. This is then used for authentication”. Default:<empty> Range: 0 … 32 characters The username has to be of the form “my. user Use this element to specify the username that will be used in the self-certificate. port Use this element to set the port on which the SCEP requests are sent. Default:<opt> Range: 1 … 65535 keyLength Use this element to specify the length of the public/pri. Refer to MU-10. Default:ca-0 Range: ca-0 / ca-1 / ca-2 Default:<opt> Range: 1 … 65535 port Use this element to set the port on which the SCEP requests are sent. caName Use this element to select a certificate. . Fill in the elements in the argument value structure and execute the action. then the SCEP requests are submitted to http://172. Default:0.dll.31. Saving the certificates ensures that they are loaded every time the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router reboots.255 Together with the url element this makes up the complete path to which the SCEP requests are submitted.0. A CRL is a list of certificates that have been revoked before their scheduled expiration date. By default.31. telindus1423Router/fileSystem/saveCertificates This action is used in the procedure where security certificates are obtained and loaded in order to set up an L2TP tunnel secured with IPSEC using an IKE certificate SA.127.0.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 398 Status attributes telindus1423Router/fileSystem/getCrlScep Use this action to get the Certificate Revocation List (CRL).6.dll. url Use this element to specify the URL to which the SCEP requests have to be submitted.6/certsrv/ mscep/mscep. Default:<empty> Range: 0 … 40 characters Together with the server element this makes up the complete path to which the SCEP requests are submitted.0 Range: up to 255.6 and the url element to certsrv/ mscep/mscep.255. The argument value structure of the getCertRevListScep action contains the following elements: Element server Description Use this element to specify the IP address of the SCEP server.127. Example Suppose you set the server element to 172. this is port 80.255.Configuration d’un tunnel L2TP sécurisé IPSEC en utilisant une SA manuelle on page 362.3 . Use this action to save the trusted certificate and the signed self-certificate that were either obtained and loaded manually or by using SCEP. 17 Operating system status attributes This section describes the following status attributes: • telindus1423Router/operatingSystem/taskInfo on page 400 .399 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 Status attributes MR-2. asleep. inactive. This element gives the percentage of time this task has been running with high priority during the last 30 seconds. during the last 30 seconds. i. in percent. This is the current status of the task. This task slot is not active. This element gives the percentage of time this task has been running with medium priority during the last 30 seconds. in percent. This is the load on the processor. This is the load on the processor. Each task can be running with a low. . The percentage of time this task has been running with low priority can be calculated using the following formula: running in low priority = 100% . The program counter is the memory address for the current instruction of this task. Each task can be running with a low. no task has been assigned to this slot. The taskInfo table contains the following elements: Element taskName taskStatus Description This is the name of the task.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 400 Status attributes telindus1423Router/operatingSystem/taskInfo This attribute displays status information about the operating system. Possible values are: • • • load30s load5m runningInMedium awake. during the last 5 minutes.e. medium or high priority.runningInHigh runningInHigh programCounter This is the current value of the program counter.runningInMedium . medium or high priority. This task is actually running. This task is waiting on an event. 401 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-2 Status attributes . End and repeater performance attributes on page 435 MR-3.Dial maps performance attributes on page 442 MR-3.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-3 402 Performance attributes MR-3 Performance attributes This chapter discusses the performance attributes of the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router.Management performance attributes on page 477 MR-3.10 .14 .12 .BRI performance attributes on page 436 MR-3.SHDSL line performance attributes on page 431 MR-3.11 .Bundle performance attributes on page 444 MR-3.13 .6 .7 .2 .8 .Router performance attributes on page 447 MR-3.Operating system performance attributes on page 480 .4 .LAN interface performance attributes on page 412 MR-3.Performance attributes overview on page 403 MR-3.9 .3 .Bridge performance attributes on page 471 MR-3.Encapsulation performance attributes on page 418 MR-3.16 .AUX performance attributes on page 441 MR-3.5 .IP traffic policy performance attributes on page 469 MR-3.WAN interface performance attributes on page 417 MR-3. The following gives an overview of this chapter: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • MR-3.General performance attributes on page 410 MR-3.15 .1 . Only present on the 4 port LAN interface.403 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-3 Performance attributes MR-3. .1 Performance attributes overview > telindus1423Router Action: resetAllCounters >> lanInterface ifInOctets ifInUcastPkts ifInNUcastPkts ifInDiscards ifInErrors ifInUnknownProtos ifOutOctets ifOutUcastPkts ifOutNUcastPkts ifOutDiscards ifOutErrors ifOutQLen h2Performance h24Performance ifOutPQLen ifDropLevelExceeded vlan mibCounters1 Action: resetCounters >> wanInterface ifInOctets ifInUcastPkts ifInNUcastPkts ifInDiscards ifInErrors ifInUnknownProtos ifOutOctets ifOutUcastPkts ifOutNUcastPkts ifOutDiscards ifOutErrors ifOutQLen ifOutPQLen ifDropLevelExceeded h2Performance h24Performance Action: resetCounters 1. Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-3 404 Performance attributes >>> atm pvcTable unknownCells vp Action: resetCounters >>> frameRelay dlciTable lmi cllmInFrames Action: resetCounters >>> errorTest status duration ifUpTime ifDownCount rxBitErrors rxBlockErrors rxBlocks rxAllOneBlocks rxAllZeroBlocks rxPatternSlip rxShiftCount rxSyncLoss txBlocks txInjectErrors Action: startTest Action: stopTest Action: injectError Action: clearCounters >>> line h2Line h24Line d7Line line Action: retrain Action: resetCounters >>>> linePair[ ] h2LineParameters h2Performance h24LineParameters h24Performance d7LineParameters d7Performance lineParameters performance Action: resetCounters . . Only present on the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router ISDN version.405 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-3 Performance attributes >>> repeater[ ] >>>> networkLinePair[ ] h2LineParameters h2Performance h24LineParameters h24Performance d7LineParameters d7Performance lineParameters performance Action: resetCounters >>>> customerLinePair[ ] h2LineParameters h2Performance h24LineParameters h24Performance d7LineParameters d7Performance lineParameters performance Action: resetCounters >>> end >>>> linePair[ ] h2LineParameters h2Performance h24LineParameters h24Performance d7LineParameters d7Performance lineParameters performance Action: resetCounters >> bri[1]2 h2DialupStats h24DialupStats d7DialupStats Action: resetCounters 2. > >> bri[2]2 <Contains the same attributes as the bri[1] object.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-3 406 Performance attributes >>> bChannel[1] ifInOctets ifInUcastPkts ifInNUcastPkts ifInDiscards ifInErrors ifInUnknownProtos ifOutOctets ifOutUcastPkts ifOutNUcastPkts ifOutDiscards ifOutErrors ifOutQLen ifOutPQLen ifDropLevelExceeded h2Performance h24Performance Action: resetCounters >>> bChannel[2] <Contains the same attributes as the bChannel[1] object.> >> dialMaps2 mapping Action: resetCounters >> profiles >>> policy >>>> traffic >>>>> ipTrafficPolicy[ ] discards trafficShaping Action: resetCounters . 4. This is the PPP bundle in case of MLPPP on the WAN interface. . This is the PPP bundle in case of MLPPP on the ISDN interfaces.407 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-3 Performance attributes >> bundle >>> pppBundle[ ]3 ifInOctets ifInUcastPkts ifInNUcastPkts ifInDiscards ifInErrors ifInUnknownProtos ifOutOctets ifOutUcastPkts ifOutNUcastPkts ifOutDiscards ifOutErrors ifOutQLen h2Performance h24Performance multiclassinterfaces Action: resetCounters >>> isdnBundle[ ]4 ifInOctets ifInUcastPkts ifInNUcastPkts ifInDiscards ifInErrors ifInUnknownProtos ifOutOctets ifOutUcastPkts ifOutNUcastPkts ifOutDiscards ifOutErrors ifOutQLen h2Performance h24Performance Action: resetCounters 3. Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-3 408 Performance attributes >> router routingTable radiusAuth radiusAcct pingResults tracertResults Action: startPing Action: stopPing Action: startTracert Action: stopTracert Action: clearTracert Action: resetCounters >>> defaultNat socketsFree allocFails discards addressesAvailable tcpSocketsUsed udpSocketsUsed icmpSocketsUsed tcpAllocs udpAllocs icmpAllocs Action: reset Action: resetCounters >>> tunnels l2tpTunnels ipsecL2tpTunnels Action: resetCounters >>> manualSA[ ] inPackets outPackets espAuthenticationFailure espDecryptionFailure espSequenceNrReplay espDroppedFrames Action: resetCounters >>> ikeSA[ ] phase2Negotiations phase2Sessions Action: resetCounters . 409 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-3 Performance attributes >>> firewall h24General d7General h24Attack d7Attack Action: resetCounters >> bridge >>> bridgeGroup bridgeCache bridgeDiscards bridgeFloods multiVlans Action: resetCounters >>> accessList[ ] bridgeAccessList Action: resetCounters >> management cms2SessionCount tftpSessionCount cliSessionCount tcpSessionCount ipStackEvents Action: resetCounters >> operatingSystem currUsedProcPower usedProcPower freeDataBuffers totalDataBuffers largestFreeBlockSize freeBlockCount freeMemory totalMemory taskInfo Action: resetCounters . Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-3 410 Performance attributes MR-3.2 General performance attributes There are no general performance attributes. However. there is one general performance action: • telindus1423Router/resetAllCounters on page 411 . To do so. use the resetCounters action located in the corresponding object.411 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-3 Performance attributes telindus1423Router/resetAllCounters Use this action to reset all counters in all objects in the containment tree of the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router. . You can also reset the counters per object. 3 LAN interface performance attributes This section describes the following performance attributes: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • telindus1423Router/lanInterface/ifInOctets on page 413 telindus1423Router/lanInterface/ifInUcastPkts on page 413 telindus1423Router/lanInterface/ifInNUcastPkts on page 413 telindus1423Router/lanInterface/ifInDiscards on page 413 telindus1423Router/lanInterface/ifInErrors on page 413 telindus1423Router/lanInterface/ifInUnknownProtos on page 413 telindus1423Router/lanInterface/ifOutOctets on page 414 telindus1423Router/lanInterface/ifOutUcastPkts on page 414 telindus1423Router/lanInterface/ifOutNUcastPkts on page 414 telindus1423Router/lanInterface/ifOutDiscards on page 414 telindus1423Router/lanInterface/ifOutErrors on page 414 telindus1423Router/lanInterface/ifOutQLen on page 414 telindus1423Router/lanInterface/h2Performance on page 415 telindus1423Router/lanInterface/h24Performance on page 415 telindus1423Router/lanInterface/ifOutPQLen on page 415 telindus1423Router/lanInterface/ifDropLevelExceeded on page 415 telindus1423Router/lanInterface/vlan on page 416 telindus1423Router/lanInterface/mibCounters on page 416 .Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-3 412 Performance attributes MR-3. to prevent their deliverance to a higher-layer protocol. telindus1423Router/lanInterface/ifInErrors This attribute displays the number of incoming packets that could not be delivered to a higher-layer protocol because they contained errors. telindus1423Router/lanInterface/ifInNUcastPkts This attribute displays the number of non-unicast packets received on this interface and delivered to a higher-layer protocol. telindus1423Router/lanInterface/ifInDiscards This attribute displays the number of incoming packets that were discarded. This even though no errors were detected in these packets. telindus1423Router/lanInterface/ifInUcastPkts This attribute displays the number of unicast packets received on this interface and delivered to a higherlayer protocol.413 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-3 Performance attributes telindus1423Router/lanInterface/ifInOctets This attribute displays the number of octets (bytes) received on this interface. telindus1423Router/lanInterface/ifInUnknownProtos This attribute displays the number of incoming packets that were discarded because they contained an unknown or unsupported protocol. . Unicast packets are all non-multicast and non-broadcast packets. Non-unicast packets are all the multicast and broadcast packets. of the output packet queue on the interface. a broadcast or multicast) address. On the LAN interface ifOutErrors are also generated in case of extensive collisions. expressed in packets. . for instance. telindus1423Router/lanInterface/ifOutDiscards This attribute displays the number of outgoing packets that were discarded. the presence of an access list. This could be due to. including those that were discarded or not sent. telindus1423Router/lanInterface/ifOutNUcastPkts This attribute displays the number of non-unicast packets that higher-level protocols requested to be transmitted to a non-unicast (i.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-3 414 Performance attributes telindus1423Router/lanInterface/ifOutOctets This attribute displays the total number of octets (bytes) transmitted by the interface. including framing characters. telindus1423Router/lanInterface/ifOutErrors This attribute displays the number of outgoing packets that could not be transmitted by the interface because they contained errors.e. telindus1423Router/lanInterface/ifOutQLen This attribute displays the length. to prevent they are transmitted by the interface. including those that were discarded or not sent. telindus1423Router/lanInterface/ifOutUcastPkts This attribute displays the total number of packets that higher-level protocols requested to be transmitted to a unicast address. the number of packets that could not be transmitted by the interface because they contained errors. This could be due to. the number of times the ifOperStatus value of the interface changed (from up to down or vice versa).8. ifOutErrors telindus1423Router/lanInterface/h24Performance This attribute displays the 24 hours performance summary of the LAN interface. The h24Performance table contains the same elements as the telindus1423Router/lanInterface/h2Performance table.1 . Refer to telindus1423Router/profiles/policy/traffic/ipTrafficPolicy[ ]/dropLevels on page 106 for more information on the drop levels. then this attribute displays how many packets the different queues contain. the time during which the interface was up. the presence of an access list. The h2Performance table contains the following elements: Element sysUpTime ifUpTime ifStatusChanges ifInOctets ifInPackets ifInErrors ifOutOctets ifOutPackets ifOutDiscards For the corresponding period. the number of packets received on this interface that could not be delivered to a higher-layer protocol because they contained errors. the number of outgoing packets that were discarded.415 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-3 Performance attributes telindus1423Router/lanInterface/h2Performance This attribute displays the 2 hours performance summary of the LAN interface. for instance. this element displays … the elapsed time since the last cold boot. including framing characters. Refer to MU-8.Présentation de la politique de trafic et de priorité on page 250 for more information on the priority queues. the number of octets (bytes) transmitted by the interface. the number of octets (bytes) received on this interface. the number of packets transmitted by the interface. telindus1423Router/lanInterface/ifOutPQLen In case an overload condition occurs and priority queuing is activated. . the number of packets received on this interface. to prevent they were transmitted by the interface. telindus1423Router/lanInterface/ifDropLevelExceeded This attribute displays how many times the drop levels of the user configurable queues have been exceeded (and hence packets have been dropped). Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-3 416 Performance attributes telindus1423Router/lanInterface/vlan This attribute displays the SNMP MIB2 performance parameters of the VLANs that are present on the LAN interface. This element displays the SNMP MIB2 performance parameters of the VLAN. Refer to MR-3. . This element displays the VLAN ID.3 . refer to Qu’est-ce que le commutateur Ethernet à 4 ports ? on page 335). Whereas the previous performance attributes show the SNMP MIB2 performance parameters of the complete 4 port Ethernet interface. this attribute displays the SNMP MIB2 performance parameters for each port (including the local port. telindus1423Router/lanInterface/mibCounters Only present on the 4 port Ethernet LAN interface.LAN interface performance attributes on page 412 for an explanation of the individual SNMP MIB2 performance parameters. The vlan table contains the following elements: Element name vlan mibCounters Description This element displays the name of the VLAN as you configured it. they are not explained here again.417 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-3 Performance attributes MR-3. Therefore.4 WAN interface performance attributes All performance attributes of the WAN interface are the same as on the LAN interface.LAN interface performance attributes on page 412 for a complete description of these attributes. . Refer to MR-3.3 . Refer to MU-1. if your Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router is equipped with (an) ISDN interface(s).5.1 . Note that these encapsulation protocols cannot only be used on the xDSL line but.5 Encapsulation performance attributes This section discusses the performance attributes of the encapsulation protocols that can be used on the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router. also on the ISDN interface(s). PPP and HDLC are only relevant for TDM operation.2 .Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-3 418 Performance attributes MR-3.3 .Aperçu de la famille de routeurs Telindus SHDSL 1423 on page 7 for more information about which protocols are available on which Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router version.3 .Frame Relay performance attributes on page 424 MR-3. The following gives an overview of this section: • • • MR-3.5. The protocols Frame Relay.ATM performance attributes on page 419 MR-3.Error test performance attributes on page 428 .5. 419 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-3 Performance attributes MR-3.5.1 ATM performance attributes This section describes the following performance attributes: • • • telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/atm/pvcTable on page 420 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/atm/unknownCells on page 423 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/atm/vp on page 423 . priorityQLengths In case an overload condition occurs and priority queuing is activated. Refer to MR-3.3 . Refer to MU-8.8.Présentation de la politique de trafic et de priorité on page 250 for more information on the priority queues.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-3 420 Performance attributes telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/atm/pvcTable This attribute lists the complete performance information of all known PVCs.LAN interface performance attributes on page 412. This displays the SNMP MIB2 parameters of the PVC. These are the same as the SNMP MIB2 parameters on the LAN interface. atm This displays the specific ATM related performance information of the PVC.1 . The pvcTable table contains the following elements: Element name mibCounters Description This is the name of the PVC as you configured it. then this elements displays how many packets the different queues contain. Refer to telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/atm/pvcTable/atm on page 421 for a detailed description of the atm structure . This displays the number of transmitted end-to-end Remote Defect Indications. rxSegRdi. rxCC. This displays the number of received and accepted continuity check activator/deactivator cells. The VPI in conjunction with the VCI identifies the next destination of a cell as it passes through a series of ATM switches on the way to its destination. This displays the number of transmitted loopback cells. This displays the number of received segment Alarm Indication Signals. This displays the number of received segment Remote Defect Indications. txEteRdi. rxEteRdi.g. oamF5 This displays the performance information of the OAM F5 loopback cells. txEteAis. txCC. because the correlation tag was wrong). . rxAD. The oamF5 structure contains the following elements: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • rxLoopback. txLoopback. txSegAis. This displays the number of received end-to-end Remote Defect Indications. This displays the number of transmitted segment Alarm Indication Signals. rxEteAis. txAD. The atm structure contains the following elements: Element vpi vci Description This displays the Virtual Path Identifier (VPI). rxSegAis. This displays the number of received loopback cells. rxADdrop. This displays the Virtual Channel Identifier (VCI). This displays the number of received continuity check cells. This displays the number of transmitted segment Remote Defect Indications. This displays the number of transmitted continuity check cells. This displays the number of transmitted continuity check activator/deactivator cells. This displays the number of received continuity check activator/deactivator cells that were dropped (e. txSegRdi.421 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-3 Performance attributes telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/atm/pvcTable/atm The atm structure in the pvcTable displays the specific ATM related performance information of the PVC. This displays the number of received end-to-end Alarm Indication Signals. This displays the number of transmitted end-to-end Alarm Indication Signals. Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-3 422 Performance attributes Element Description What is OAM segment/end-to-end VP/VC AIS and RDI? OAM VP/VC AIS (Alarm Indication Signal) and RDI (Remote Defect Indication) are cells that are used for identifying and reporting VP/VC defects on a segment/endto-end level. When a physical link or interface failure occurs. the router marks the logical interface down and sends an RDI cell on the same VP/VC to let the remote end know the error status. intermediate nodes insert AIS cells into all the downstream VP/VCs affected by the failure. When an RDI cell is received on a VP/VC. the router sets the logical interface status to down. Upon receiving an AIS cell on a VP/VC. . 423 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-3 Performance attributes telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/atm/unknownCells This attribute displays the number of received cells that are not in-band for a certain PVC. In that case. This displays the performance information of the OAM F4 loopback cells. telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/atm/vp Whereas the atm structure in the pvcTable displays the OAM F5 loopback cell performance information for each Virtual Channel. The vp table contains the following elements: Element vpi oamF4 Description This is the Virtual Path Identifier (VPI). This displays the number of transmitted OAM F4 loopback cells. Example Suppose router A sends OAM F4 loopback cells on VPI 5. txLoopback. the vp table displays the OAM F4 loopback cell performance information of a complete Virtual Path. . This displays the number of received OAM F4 loopback cells. the unknownCells value on router B will increase. On router B no VPI 5 is configured or no OAM F4 loopback cells are configured for VPI 5. The oamF4 structure contains the following elements: • • rxLoopback. 2 Frame Relay performance attributes This section describes the following performance attributes: • • • telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/frameRelay/dlciTable on page 425 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/frameRelay/lmi on page 427 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/frameRelay/cllmInFrames on page 427 .5.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-3 424 Performance attributes MR-3. 3 . This displays the SNMP MIB2 parameters of the DLCI. Refer to telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/frameRelay/dlciTable/frameRelay on page 426 for a detailed description of the frameRelay structure. The dlciTable table contains the following elements: Element name mibCounters Description This is the name of the DLCI as you configured it. These are the same as the SNMP MIB2 parameters on the LAN interface.LAN interface performance attributes on page 412.425 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-3 Performance attributes telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/frameRelay/dlciTable This attribute lists the complete performance information of all known DLCIs. . frameRelay This displays the specific Frame Relay related performance information of the DLCI. Refer to MR-3. This is the number of frames sent over this virtual circuit since it was created. This is the number of frames sent to the network indicating backward congestion and this since the virtual circuit was created. This is the number of frames received over this virtual circuit since it was created. This is the number of octets received over this virtual circuit since it was created. This is the number of frames received from the network indicating forward congestion and this since the virtual circuit was created. . The frameRelay structure contains the following elements: Element dlci inFecn inBecn inDe inOctets inFrames outFecn outBecn outDe outOctets outFrames Description This is the DLCI identification number. This is the number of frames sent to the network indicating forward congestion and this since the virtual circuit was created. This is the number of frames received with the Discard Eligibility bit set. This is the number of frames sent to the network with the Discard Eligibility bit set. This is the number of frames received from the network indicating backward congestion and this since the virtual circuit was created.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-3 426 Performance attributes telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/frameRelay/dlciTable/frameRelay The frameRelay structure in the dlciTable displays the specific Frame Relay related performance information of the DLCI. This is the number of octets sent over this virtual circuit since it was created. This is the number of unsolicited Status Updates sent to the network. This is the number of unsolicited Status Updates received from the network. This is the number of times a response was not received. This is the number of times an invalid response was received. This is the number of Status Reports received from the network. The lmi structure contains the following elements: Element inStatusEnquiry inStatus inStatusUpdate outStatusEnquiry outStatus outStatusUpdate netPollNotRcvd userNoResponseRcvd userBadResponsesRcvd Description This is the number of Status Enquiries received from the network. . This is the number of Status Enquiries sent to the network. telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/frameRelay/cllmInFrames This attribute displays the total number of received CLLM (Consolidated Link Layer Management) frames.427 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-3 Performance attributes telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/frameRelay/lmi This attribute gives a complete LMI performance overview. This is the number of times the expectedPollInterval expired without an incoming status enquiry. This is the number of Status Reports sent to the network. 5.3 Error test performance attributes This section describes the following performance attributes: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/errorTest/status on page 429 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/errorTest/duration on page 429 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/errorTest/ifUpTime on page 429 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/errorTest/ifDownCount on page 429 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/errorTest/rxBitErrors on page 429 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/errorTest/rxBlockErrors on page 429 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/errorTest/rxBlocks on page 429 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/errorTest/rxAllOneBlocks on page 429 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/errorTest/rxAllZeroBlocks on page 429 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/errorTest/rxPatternSlip on page 429 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/errorTest/rxShiftCount on page 429 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/errorTest/rxSyncLoss on page 429 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/errorTest/txBlocks on page 430 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/errorTest/txInjectErrors on page 430 This section describes the following actions: • • • • telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/errorTest/startTest on page 430 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/errorTest/stopTest on page 430 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/errorTest/injectError on page 430 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/errorTest/clearCounters on page 430 .Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-3 428 Performance attributes MR-3. telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/errorTest/rxShiftCount This attribute displays the amount of received shifts. telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/errorTest/ifUpTime This attribute displays the time during which the interface was up. telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/errorTest/rxPatternSlip This attribute displays the amount of received pattern slips. telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/errorTest/rxAllOneBlocks This attribute displays the amount of received blocks in which all bits were set to “1”. . telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/errorTest/ifDownCount This attribute displays the amount of times the interface went down. since the start of the error test. telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/errorTest/rxAllZeroBlocks This attribute displays the amount of received blocks in which all bits were set to “0”.429 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-3 Performance attributes telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/errorTest/status This attribute displays the status of the error test. telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/errorTest/rxSyncLoss This attribute displays the amount of received synchronisation losses. telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/errorTest/rxBitErrors This attribute displays the amount of received bit errors. telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/errorTest/duration This attribute displays the duration of the error test. telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/errorTest/rxBlockErrors This attribute displays the amount of received block errors. telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/errorTest/rxBlocks This attribute displays the amount of received test blocks. since the start of the error test. Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-3 430 Performance attributes telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/errorTest/txBlocks This attribute displays the amount of transmitted test blocks. telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/errorTest/clearCounters Use this action to clear the counters. telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/errorTest/stopTest Use this action to stop an error test. Refer to MU-7. telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/errorTest/txInjectErrors This attribute displays the amount of transmitted errors that were injected using the injectError action. telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/errorTest/startTest Use this action to start an error test. telindus1423Router/wanInterface/channel[wan_1]/errorTest/injectError Use this action to inject an error.Configuration d'un test d'erreur on page 189 for more information on setting up an error test.6 . . 6 SHDSL line performance attributes This section describes the following line performance attributes: • • • • telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/h2Line on page 432 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/h24Line on page 432 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/d7Line on page 432 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/line on page 432 This section describes the following line pair performance attributes: • • • • • • • • telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/linePair[ ]/h2LineParameters on page 433 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/linePair[ ]/h24LineParameters on page 433 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/linePair[ ]/d7LineParameters on page 433 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/linePair[ ]/lineParameters on page 433 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/linePair[ ]/h2Performance on page 434 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/linePair[ ]/h24Performance on page 434 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/linePair[ ]/d7Performance on page 434 telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/linePair[ ]/performance on page 434 This section describes the following actions: • telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/retrain on page 432 .431 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-3 Performance attributes MR-3. telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/retrain Use this action to force a retrain on the line. Except for the sysUpTime. this element displays … the elapsed time since the last cold boot. the total amount of time the link was down. the line structure contains the same elements as the telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/ h2Line table. The h2Line table contains the following elements: Element sysUpTime linkDownCount linkDownTime For the corresponding period. telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/h24Line This attribute displays the 24 hours performance information summary of the line. telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/line This attribute displays the performance information summary of the line since the last cold boot. the number of times the link went down. The d7Line table contains the same elements as the telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/h2Line table. The h24Line table contains the same elements as the telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/h2Line table.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-3 432 Performance attributes telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/h2Line This attribute displays the 2 hours performance information summary of the line. . telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/d7Line This attribute displays the 7 days performance information summary of the line. this element displays … the elapsed time since the last cold boot. The h24LineParameters table contains the same elements as the telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/linePair[ ]/h2LineParameters table. the average signal to noise ratio that was calculated. . the minimum signal to noise ratio that was measured. the average line attenuation that was calculated the maximum line attenuation that was measured. telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/linePair[ ]/d7LineParameters This attribute displays the 7 days line parameter summary. The d7LineParameters table contains the same elements as the telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/linePair[ ]/h2LineParameters table. The h2LineParameters table contains the following elements: Element sysUpTime lineAttenuationMin lineAttenuationAvrg lineAttenuationMax signalNoiseMin signalNoiseAvrg signalNoiseMax For the corresponding period. the maximum signal to noise ratio that was measured. telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/linePair[ ]/lineParameters This attribute displays the line parameter summary since the last cold boot. telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/linePair[ ]/h24LineParameters This attribute displays the 24 hours line parameter summary. Except for the sysUpTime. the lineParameters table contains the same elements as the telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/linePair[ ]/ h2LineParameters table.433 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-3 Performance attributes telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/linePair[ ]/h2LineParameters This attribute displays the 2 hours line parameter summary. the minimum line attenuation that was measured. . The d7Performance table contains the same elements as the telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/linePair[ ]/h2Performance table. the number of monitored seconds. telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/linePair[ ]/d7Performance This attribute displays the 7 days performance summary of the line. The h24Performance table contains the same elements as the telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/linePair[ ]/h2Performance table.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-3 434 Performance attributes telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/linePair[ ]/h2Performance This attribute displays the 2 hours performance summary of the line. the number of erroneous seconds that was counted. unavailability and lost synchronisation words seconds. refer to the recommendation G. telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/linePair[ ]/performance This attribute displays the performance summary of the line since the last cold boot. The h2Performance table contains the following elements: Element sysUpTime codeViolations errSec sevErrSec unavailSec loswSec moniSec • • For the corresponding period. the number of severely erroneous seconds that was counted. the number of line errors that was counted.826. errored and severely errored seconds. Errors are counted based on the SHDSL frame CRC. this element displays … the elapsed time since the last cold boot. the number of unavailable seconds that was counted. For the correct and unambiguous definition of code violations. telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/linePair[ ]/h24Performance This attribute displays the 24 hours performance summary of the line. the number of lost synchronisation words seconds that was counted. Except for the sysUpTime. the performance table contains the same elements as the telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/linePair[ ]/ h2Performance table. 4 . Note that the sysUpTime in the performance attributes of the repeater[ ]/linePair[ ] and end/linePair[ ] objects is not the elapsed time since the last cold boot.eocHandlingQuelles informations EOC standard sont-elles récupérées ? on page 82 for an overview. Refer to MR-3. The performance information of the line pairs of the repeater and end device is only retrieved in case the eocHandling attribute is set to info or alarmConfiguration. but the elapsed time since the creation of the repeater[ ] or end object.6 .4. .435 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-3 Performance attributes MR-3. Other than that.7 End and repeater performance attributes Exactly which information is retrieved from the remote SHDSL device(s) through the EOC channel depends on the setting of the eocHandling attribute. Refer to MU-5. the repeater[ ]/linePair[ ] and end/linePair[ ] objects contain the same performance attributes as the line/linePair[ ] object.SHDSL line performance attributes on page 431 for more information on these attributes. 2 . First it describes the performance attributes of the BRI interface in general.8.ISDN leased line performance attributes on page 440 .1 .General BRI performance attributes on page 437 MR-3.8. The following gives an overview of this section: • • • MR-3.B-channel performance attributes on page 439 MR-3.8 BRI performance attributes This section discusses the performance attributes of the BRI interface.3 .8. Then it describes more specifically the performance attributes of the B-channels and of the leasedLine[ ] object that can be added under the bri[ ] object.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-3 436 Performance attributes MR-3. 8.1 General BRI performance attributes This section describes the following performance attributes: • • • telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/h2DialupStats on page 438 telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/h24DialupStats on page 438 telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/d7DialupStats on page 438 .437 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-3 Performance attributes MR-3. telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/h24DialupStats This attribute displays the 24 hours dial-up statistics of the BRI interface. The d7DialupStats table contains the same elements as the telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/h2DialupStats table. The h24DialupStats table contains the same elements as the telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/h2DialupStats table. the number of successful dial-in calls. this element displays … the elapsed time since the last cold boot. .Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-3 438 Performance attributes telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/h2DialupStats This attribute displays the 2 hours dial-up statistics of the BRI interface. telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/d7DialupStats This attribute displays the 7 days dial-up statistics of the BRI interface. the number of seconds that both the dial-in and dial-out calls were active. the number of failed dial-out calls. the number of seconds that the dial-out calls were active. The h2DialupStats table contains the following elements: Element sysUpTime sucDialOuts sucDialIns failDialOuts failDialIns onlineSec outOnlineSec For the corresponding period. the number of failed dial-in calls. the number of successful dial-out calls. they are not explained here again.8.439 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-3 Performance attributes MR-3. .2 B-channel performance attributes The performance attributes of the B-channels are the same as on the LAN interface. Refer to MR-3. Therefore.LAN interface performance attributes on page 412 for a complete description of these attributes.3 . hdlc and errorTest) which are located under the leasedLine[ ] object are explained in MR-3. . ppp. they are not explained here again.8.3 .Encapsulation performance attributes on page 418.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-3 440 Performance attributes MR-3.LAN interface performance attributes on page 412 for a complete description of these attributes. Therefore.3 ISDN leased line performance attributes The performance attributes of the ISDN leased line are the same as on the LAN interface. The performance attributes of the encapsulation objects (frameRelay.5 . Refer to MR-3. Therefore. they are not explained here again.441 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-3 Performance attributes MR-3.9 AUX performance attributes All performance attributes of the AUX interface are the same as on the LAN interface.3 . .LAN interface performance attributes on page 412 for a complete description of these attributes. Refer to MR-3. 10 Dial maps performance attributes This section describes the following performance attributes: • telindus1423Router/dialMaps/mapping on page 443 .Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-3 442 Performance attributes MR-3. . d7DialupStats This displays the 7 days dial-up statistics of the dial map. Refer to telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/h24DialupStats on page 438 for a detailed description of the h24DialupStats table. This displays the 2 hour dial-up statistics of the dial map. Refer to telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/h2DialupStats on page 438 for a detailed description of the h2DialupStats table.443 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-3 Performance attributes telindus1423Router/dialMaps/mapping This attribute displays the dial-up statistics of all the dial maps. The mapping table contains the following elements: Element name h2DialupStats Description This displays the dial map name. h24DialupStats This displays the 24 hour dial-up statistics of the dial map. Refer to telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/d7DialupStats on page 438 for a detailed description of the d7DialupStats table. It is the name as you configured it in the name element of the dial map. 1 .Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-3 444 Performance attributes MR-3.PPP bundle performance attributes on page 445 .11. The following gives an overview of this section: • MR-3.11 Bundle performance attributes This section describes the performance attributes of the different bundles that can be set up on the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router. 445 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-3 Performance attributes MR-3. of the PPP bundle are the same as those of the LAN interface. except one. Refer to MR-3.11.LAN interface performance attributes on page 412 for a complete description of these attributes. the following attribute is only present in the PPP bundle object and therefore explained in this section: • telindus1423Router/bundle/pppBundle[ ]/multiclassinterfaces on page 446 . Therefore. However.1 PPP bundle performance attributes All performance attributes. they are not explained here again.3 . Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-3 446 Performance attributes telindus1423Router/bundle/pppBundle[ ]/multiclassinterfaces This attribute displays the performance of the different multiclass PPP links in the PPP bundle. The multiclassinterfaces table contains following elements: Element name mibCounters Description This element displays the name of the multiclass PPP link as you defined it in the multiclassInterfaces configuration attribute. These are the same as the SNMP MIB2 parameters of the LAN interface.3 .LAN interface performance attributes on page 412. This element displays the SNMP MIB2 parameters of the multiclass PPP link. Refer to MR-3. . 5 .12. filtering.3 .12.12.12. First it describes the general routing performance attributes.L2TP tunnel performance attributes on page 458 MR-3.12.12 Router performance attributes This section discusses the performance attributes concerned with routing. Then it explains the performance attributes of the extra features as there are NAT.6 . etc… The following gives an overview of this section: • • • • • • MR-3.Manual SA performance attributes on page 460 MR-3.1 .447 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-3 Performance attributes MR-3. L2TP tunnelling.IKE SA performance attributes on page 462 MR-3.2 .Firewall performance attributes on page 465 .12.NAT performance attributes on page 455 MR-3.4 .General router performance attributes on page 448 MR-3. Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-3 448 Performance attributes MR-3.1 General router performance attributes This section describes the following performance attributes: • • • • • telindus1423Router/ip/router/routingTable on page 449 telindus1423Router/ip/router/radiusAuth on page 450 telindus1423Router/ip/router/radiusAcct on page 450 telindus1423Router/ip/router/pingResults on page 451 telindus1423Router/ip/router/tracertResults on page 451 This section describes the following actions: • • • • • telindus1423Router/ip/router/startPing on page 452 telindus1423Router/ip/router/stopPing on page 452 telindus1423Router/ip/router/startTracert on page 453 telindus1423Router/ip/router/stopTracert on page 454 telindus1423Router/ip/router/clearTracert on page 454 .12. a tunnel. discard. The <name> of the interface is the name as you configured it. . RIP routes may disappear from the routing table. etc. The destination network can be reached through this particular interface. <name>. • uses This element displays how many times the route has been used since it is listed in the routing table. and re-appear afterwards. This element displays the network mask of the destination network. Possible values are: • • internal. Note that the “interface” can also be a DLCI. The routingTable contains the following elements: Element network mask gateway interface Description This element displays the IP address of the destination network. the attribute value is incremented by one. This element displays the interface through which the destination network can be reached. This element displays the IP address of the next router on the path to the destination network. Packets for this destination are discarded. The own protocol stack is used. For each IP packet that matches this route. an ATM PVC.449 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-3 Performance attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/routingTable This attribute lists all known routes and how many times they are used. The attribute value is reset when a RIP route disappears from the routing table. bad authenticators. This element displays the total number of packets that contained invalid MessageAuthenticator attributes. This element displays the number of access challenges that is received from the authentication server. The radiusAuth table contains the following elements: Element server requests accepts rejects challenges badAuthenticators timeOuts droppedPackets Description This element displays the IP address of the authentication server. telindus1423Router/ip/router/radiusAcct This attribute lists the RADIUS accounting server performance information. This element displays the accounting time-out. This element displays the number of access accepts that is received from the authentication server. This element displays the authentication time-out. . The radiusAcct structure contains the following elements: Element server requests responses badAuthenticators timeOuts droppedPackets Description This element displays the IP address of the accounting server. This element displays the number of accounting requests that is sent to the accounting server. This element displays the number of packets that contained invalid Signature attributes. This element displays the number of incoming packets dropped for reasons other than being malformed. This element displays the number of access requests that is sent to the authentication server. This element displays the number of accounting responses that is received from the accounting server. bad authenticators. or unknown types.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-3 450 Performance attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/radiusAuth This attribute lists the RADIUS authentication server performance information. This element displays the number of incoming packets dropped for reasons other than being malformed. or unknown types. This element displays the number of access rejects that is received from the authentication server. etc. The pingResults structure contains the following elements: Element ipAddress numOfTxPackets numOfRxPackets minReplyTime maxReplyTime avrgReplyTime Description This element displays the IP address of the host that is being pinged. This element displays some comments.451 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-3 Performance attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/pingResults This attribute displays the results of a ping to an IP address started with the startPing action. E. Note that this only displays This element displays the number of traceroute queries that have been transmitted to the hop. This element displays the average reply time of all correct answers. This element displays the highest reply time of all correct answers. This element displays the number of correct answers on the transmitted traceroute queries that have been received from the hop.g. This element displays the IP address of the hop that has been passed. It is the ratio of nrRx/nrTx expressed in percents. This element displays the number of correct answers on the transmitted pings. This element displays the hostname of the hop that has been passed. This element displays the minimum Round-Trip Time that has been measured. This element displays the lowest reply time of all correct answers. Maximum number of hops reached. This element displays the maximum Round-Trip Time that has been measured. This element displays the number of transmitted pings. Destination reached. The tracertResults table contains the following elements: Element ttl ipAddress hostName nrTx nrRx minRtt maxRtt avrgRtt successRate comment Description This element displays the Time To Live. This element displays the average Round-Trip Time that has been calculated. telindus1423Router/ip/router/tracertResults This attribute displays the results of a traceroute to an IP address/host started with the startTracert action. This element displays the success rate. . hostName Use this element to specify the hostname of the host you want to ping. Default:<empty> Range: 0 … 255 characters If you fill in the hostName element you may omit the ipAddress element.0. Default:5 Range: 0 … If you set the iterations element to 0.255.255 If you fill in the ipAddress element you may omit the hostName element.255 This can be used to force the source address to be something other than the IP address of the interface on which the traceroute query is sent. The result of the ping can be seen in the pingResults attribute.255. in bytes. outside this time-out period. of the data transmitted in a ping. If the answer is received … • • Default:1 Range: 0 … 100 Default:31 Range: 0 … 1300 Default:00000d 00h 00m 05s Range: 00000d 00h 00m 00s 24855d 03h 14m 07s dataLength timeOut within this time-out period. Use this element to specify the length. Use this element to specify the time-out period. then ping is considered successful. If a ping is sent.0.0 Range: up to 255. between consecutive pings. then the host is pinged an indefinite number of times. If this IP address is not one of the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router interface addresses.0. interval Use this element to specify the interval. then the ping is considered unsuccessful.0 Range: up to 255. . Default:0. Refer to telindus1423Router/ip/router/pingResults on page 451. then nothing is sent. sourceIp Use this element to specify the source IP address.255. the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router waits during this time-out period on the answer.0.255.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-3 452 Performance attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/startPing Use this action to start transmitting pings to an IP address or host. telindus1423Router/ip/router/stopPing Use this action to stop pending pings. iterations Use this element to specify the number of pings. The only way to stop the ping session is by executing the stopPing action. The argument value structure of the startPing action contains the following elements: Argument ipAddress Description Use this element to specify the IP address of the host you want to ping. in seconds. Default:0. When hop IP addresses are resolved to hostnames. if you set the startTtl element to 5. then the hostName element in the tracertResults attribute displays the hostname of the hop. sourceIp Use this element to specify the source IP address.0 Range: up to 255. If you set the resolveHosts elements to … • • dnsTimeOut enabled (default). If this IP address is not one of the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router interface addresses.0.Default:3 ries have to be sent to each hop.255.255 If you fill in the ipAddress element you may omit the hostName element. startTtl Use this element to specify from which TTL onwards you want to see the traceroute results.255. Default:30 Range: 1 … 255 If the maximum number of hops is reached but the destination host is still not reached. then the traceroute result displayed in the tracertResult attribute starts from TTL number 5. Default:0. . Default:00000d 00h 00m 03s Range: 00000d 00h 00m 00s 24855d 03h 14m 07s Default:enabled Range: enabled / disabled resolveHosts Use this element to set the DNS time-out. Refer to telindus1423Router/ip/router/tracertResults on page 451. Default:0. disabled. then nothing is sent. The result of the traceroute can be seen in the tracertResults attribute.0 Range: up to 255.255. 1 up to 4 is not displayed. The argument value structure of the startTracert action contains the following elements: Argument ipAddress Description Use this element to specify the IP address of the host you want to trace. then the DNS replies are expected within this time-out period.0.0.453 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-3 Performance attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/startTracert Use this action to start a traceroute to an IP address or host. maxHops Use this element to specify the maximum number of hops. hostName Use this element to specify the hostname of the host you want to trace. then the last traceroute result displays the comment “Maximum number of hops reached“. then the hostName element in the tracertResults attribute remains empty.0. Default:1 Range: 1 … 255 For example. Default:<empty> Range: 0 … 255 characters If you fill in the hostName element you may omit the ipAddress element. Else they are no longer accepted. queriesPerHop Use this element to specify how many traceroute que.255. Range: 1 … 65536 Use this element to enable or disable the resolving of hop IP addresses to hostnames. The default of 30 hops is the same default used for TCP connections.255 This can be used to force the source address to be something other than the IP address of the interface on which the traceroute query is sent. When a hop is queried. Default:00000d 00h 00m 03s Range: 00000d 00h 00m 00s 24855d 03h 14m 07s tos Use this element to set the Type Of Service in the traceroute query. . Else they are no longer accepted. packetLength Use this element to set the traceroute query datagram Default:32 length in bytes. then the ICMP replies are expected within this time-out period. Useful values are 16 (low delay) and 8 (high throughput). Default:0 Range: 0 … 255 This can be used to investigate whether different service types result in different paths. Range: 32 … 1300 telindus1423Router/ip/router/stopTracert Use this action to stop pending traceroute queries.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-3 454 Performance attributes Argument icmpTimeOut Description Use this element to set the ICMP time-out. telindus1423Router/ip/router/clearTracert Use this action to clear the tracertResults table. 455 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-3 Performance attributes MR-3.12.2 NAT performance attributes This section describes the following performance attributes: • • • • • • • • • • telindus1423Router/ip/router/defaultNat/socketsFree on page 456 telindus1423Router/ip/router/defaultNat/allocFails on page 456 telindus1423Router/ip/router/defaultNat/discards on page 456 telindus1423Router/ip/router/defaultNat/addressesAvailable on page 456 telindus1423Router/ip/router/defaultNat/tcpSocketsUsed on page 456 telindus1423Router/ip/router/defaultNat/udpSocketsUsed on page 456 telindus1423Router/ip/router/defaultNat/icmpSocketsUsed on page 456 telindus1423Router/ip/router/defaultNat/tcpAllocs on page 457 telindus1423Router/ip/router/defaultNat/udpAllocs on page 457 telindus1423Router/ip/router/defaultNat/icmpAllocs on page 457 This section describes the following actions: • telindus1423Router/ip/router/defaultNat/reset on page 457 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-3 456 Performance attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/defaultNat/socketsFree This attribute shows the remaining number of new connections (i.e. sockets) that can be initiated. A socket is a set of source and destination IP addresses and port numbers. Initially, 2048 simultaneous sockets can be initiated. Sockets are freed using a garbage mechanism. This means that every five minutes all sockets are checked. If a socket has been released by PAT or NAT, then this socket is returned to the pool of free sockets. ICMP and UDP sockets are released when they have no data traffic during five minutes. TCP sockets are released after the TCP session has been closed or when the session has been idle for 24 hours. telindus1423Router/ip/router/defaultNat/allocFails If no sockets are available anymore but an attempt to set up a new connection is being made, then the natAllocFails attribute value is incremented by 1. Because the sockets are distributed using a hashing function, it is possible that natAllocFails increases even though natSocketsFree still indicates free sockets. ICMP requires a new socket for each transmitted packet. This implies that, for instance, a permanent ping or trace-route command may eventually use all free sockets. telindus1423Router/ip/router/defaultNat/discards This attribute indicates how many times a packet has been discarded for reasons other than a lack of free sockets. This could be, for instance, because an attempt was made to connect from the Internet to a service that was not present in the servicesAvailable table. telindus1423Router/ip/router/defaultNat/addressesAvailable This attribute displays the number of NAT addresses that are currently free. telindus1423Router/ip/router/defaultNat/tcpSocketsUsed This attribute displays the number of sockets currently in use by PAT and NAT for TCP applications. telindus1423Router/ip/router/defaultNat/udpSocketsUsed This attribute displays the number of sockets currently in use by PAT and NAT for UDP applications. telindus1423Router/ip/router/defaultNat/icmpSocketsUsed This attribute displays the number of sockets currently in use by PAT and NAT for ICMP applications. 457 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-3 Performance attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/defaultNat/tcpAllocs This attribute indicates how many TCP sockets have been allocated since cold boot. Together with the performance attributes natUdpAllocs and natIcmpAllocs it gives an indication of the type of traffic that is being routed. telindus1423Router/ip/router/defaultNat/udpAllocs This attribute indicates how many UDP sockets have been allocated since cold boot. Together with the performance attributes natTcpAllocs and natIcmpAllocs it gives an indication of the type of traffic that is being routed. telindus1423Router/ip/router/defaultNat/icmpAllocs This attribute indicates how many ICMP sockets have been allocated since cold boot. Together with the performance attributes natTcpAllocs and natUdpAllocs it gives an indication of the type of traffic that is being routed. telindus1423Router/ip/router/defaultNat/reset Use this action to release all sockets currently in use and return them to the free socket pool. In other words, executing this action resets all NAT/PAT sessions that are currently established. It also releases all official IP addresses that are dynamically assigned to a private IP address. If any TCP sessions are still active, these sessions will be aborted. Take care when using this action! All TCP information is lost when the sockets are released with this action. Any TCP sessions in use at the time of the reset will go into a hang-up state. These applications will need to restart. Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-3 458 Performance attributes MR-3.12.3 L2TP tunnel performance attributes This section describes the following performance attributes: • • telindus1423Router/ip/router/tunnels/l2tpTunnels on page 459 telindus1423Router/ip/router/tunnels/ipsecL2tpTunnels on page 459 459 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-3 Performance attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/tunnels/l2tpTunnels This attribute displays the performance information of the L2TP tunnels. The l2tpTunnels table contains the following elements: Element name mibCounters Description This is the name of the tunnel as you configured it. This displays the SNMP MIB2 parameters of the tunnel. These are the same as the SNMP MIB2 parameters on the LAN interface. Refer to MR-3.3 - LAN interface performance attributes on page 412. telindus1423Router/ip/router/tunnels/ipsecL2tpTunnels This attribute displays the performance information of the L2TP tunnels. The ipsecL2tpTunnels table contains the same elements as the l2tpTunnels table. Refer to telindus1423Router/ ip/router/tunnels/l2tpTunnels on page 459. Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-3 460 Performance attributes MR-3.12.4 Manual SA performance attributes This section describes the following performance attributes: • • • • • • telindus1423Router/ip/router/manualSA[ ]/inPackets on page 461 telindus1423Router/ip/router/manualSA[ ]/outPackets on page 461 telindus1423Router/ip/router/manualSA[ ]/espDecryptionFailure on page 461 telindus1423Router/ip/router/manualSA[ ]/espAuthenticationFailure on page 461 telindus1423Router/ip/router/manualSA[ ]/espSequenceNrReplay on page 461 telindus1423Router/ip/router/manualSA[ ]/espDroppedFrames on page 461 461 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-3 Performance attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/manualSA[ ]/inPackets Upon receipt of a (reassembled) packet containing an ESP Header, the receiver determines the appropriate SA, based on the destination IP address, security protocol (ESP), and the SPI. Once the appropriate SA is determined, the inPackets attribute is incremented for this SA. telindus1423Router/ip/router/manualSA[ ]/outPackets ESP is applied to an outbound packet only after it is determined that the packet is associated with an SA that calls for ESP processing. Once the appropriate SA is determined, the outPackets attribute is incremented for this SA. telindus1423Router/ip/router/manualSA[ ]/espDecryptionFailure This attribute displays the number of times the decryption of an incoming ESP packet failed. telindus1423Router/ip/router/manualSA[ ]/espAuthenticationFailure This attribute displays the number of times the authentication of an incoming ESP packet failed. telindus1423Router/ip/router/manualSA[ ]/espSequenceNrReplay For each incoming ESP packet, the receiver verifies that the packet contains a sequence number that does not duplicate the sequence number of any other packets received during the life of this SA. Should this be the case, then these packets are dropped and the espSequenceNrReplay attribute is incremented for this SA. telindus1423Router/ip/router/manualSA[ ]/espDroppedFrames This attribute displays the number of ESP packets that were successfully decrypted and authenticated, but that could not be delivered to the L2TP tunnel (e.g. because the tunnel was down) and had to be dropped. Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-3 462 Performance attributes MR-3.12.5 IKE SA performance attributes This section describes the following performance attributes: • • telindus1423Router/ip/router/ikeSA[ ]/phase2Negotiations on page 463 telindus1423Router/ip/router/ikeSA[ ]/phase2Sessions on page 463 463 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-3 Performance attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/ikeSA[ ]/phase2Negotiations This attribute displays performance information of the IKE phase 2 negotiation process. The phase2Negotiations table contains the following elements: Element tunnel initStarted respStarted succeeded failed expiredSA Description This element displays the L2TP tunnel name. This element displays the number of IKE phase 2 negotiation initiations that were started. This element displays the number of IKE phase 2 negotiation responses that were started. This element displays the number of IKE phase 2 negotiations that succeeded. This element displays the number of IKE phase 2 negotiations that failed. This element displays the number of IKE SAs that expired. telindus1423Router/ip/router/ikeSA[ ]/phase2Sessions This attribute displays performance information of the IKE phase 2 sessions. The phase2 table contains the following elements: Element tunnel direction spi protocol outPackets Description This element displays the L2TP tunnel name. This element displays the direction of the IPSEC SA. Possible values are: inbound or outbound. This element displays the Security Parameter Index of the IPSEC SA. This element displays which protocol is used in the IPSEC SA. Possible values are: esp or ah. This element displays the number of outbound packets for which an appropriate SA could be determined. Only after an appropriate SA could be determined, the security protocol (ESP or AH) is applied to the outbound packet. outOctets inPackets This element displays the number of outbound octets (bytes) for which an appropriate SA could be determined. This element displays the number of inbound packets for which an appropriate SA could be determined. Only after an appropriate SA could be determined, the inbound packet is accepted. inOctets authenticationFailure This element displays the number of inbound octets (bytes) for which an appropriate SA could be determined. This element displays the number of times the authentication of an incoming packet failed. Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-3 464 Performance attributes Element decryptionFailure sequenceNrReplay Description This element displays the number of times the decryption of an incoming packet failed. For each incoming packet, the receiver verifies that the packet contains a sequence number that does not duplicate the sequence number of any other packets received during the life of this SA. Should this be the case, then these packets are dropped and the sequenceNrReplay attribute is incremented for this SA. This element displays the number of packets that were successfully decrypted and authenticated, but that could not be delivered to the L2TP tunnel (e.g. because the tunnel was down) and had to be dropped. droppedFrames 465 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-3 Performance attributes MR-3.12.6 Firewall performance attributes This section describes the following performance attributes: • • • • telindus1423Router/ip/router/firewall/h24General on page 466 telindus1423Router/ip/router/firewall/d7General on page 466 telindus1423Router/ip/router/firewall/h24Attack on page 467 telindus1423Router/ip/router/firewall/d7Attack on page 468 the number of destination address broadcasts. This could indicate flooding. the number of times that no route to the destination could be found. The h24General table contains the following elements: Element sysUpTime maxConn maxResource serviceAcc noSrcRoute srcBcast synUnable finalAckFail denyPolicy connLimit srcRouteOpt policyDeleted noDestRoute rejToSelf destBcast noInPol noOutPol For the corresponding period. the number of times that a deny policy matched.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-3 466 Performance attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/firewall/h24General This attribute displays the 24 hours general performance summary. the number of source address broadcasts. the number of times that no outbound policy could be found. The d7General table contains same elements as the h24General table. the number of times that the maximum number of connections was reached. the number of times that packets to self were rejected. telindus1423Router/ip/router/firewall/d7General This attribute displays the 7 days general performance summary. this element displays … the elapsed time since the last cold boot. the number of times that no SYN packet could be sent. Refer to telindus1423Router/ip/router/firewall/h24General on page 466. the number of times that the source routing option was set for an IP packet. the number of times that no final ACK could be sent. . the number of service access requests that were successful. the number of times that the policy was already deleted. the number of times that the used resources exceeded 80%. the number of times that no route to the source could be found. the number of times that no inbound policy could be found. the number of times that the maximum number of connections was reached. the number of packets with short UDP header length. the number of blind spoofing attacks. the number of received UDP echo responses for uninitiated requests. the number of packets with an out-of-range sequence number. the number of unaligned timestamp options detected. the number of times zero bytes were transferred for a connection. The h24Attack table contains the following elements: Element sysUpTime landAttack spoofedPacket badTcpConnReq badTcpAck unexpUdpEchoResp unexpIcmpEchoResp genAttack minIpHdrLen emptyPacket badTcpLen shortTcpHdr tcpNullScan badUdpLen shortUdpHdr shortIcmpLen synAttack postTcpRst blindSpoofing zeroBytes seqNumOutOfRange winNuke badTcpSeqNumRst zeroLenIpOpt badIpTimeStamp unexpData unexpIcmpErr badSrcIf For the corresponding period. the number of packets with short ICMP length. this element displays … the elapsed time since the last cold boot. the number of invalid TCP ACKs. the number of general attacks. the number of invalid TCP connection requests. the number of SYN attacks. the number of zero length IP options detected. the number of packets with short TCP header length. the number of packets without data. the number of invalid sequence numbers with reset. the number of packets with an IP header length less than the minimum length. the number of TCP null scan attacks. the number of (possible) land attacks. the number of received ICMP echo responses for uninitiated requests. the number of times unexpected data was received for uninitiated traffic. the number of times the TCP packet length was invalid. the number of WinNuke attacks. the number of data packets received after reset. the number of spoofed packets. the number of received ICMP error messages for uninitiated requests. the number of times the UDP packet length was invalid. . the number of times the source interface was invalid.467 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-3 Performance attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/firewall/h24Attack This attribute displays the 24 hours attack summary. Refer to telindus1423Router/ip/router/firewall/ h24Attack on page 467. . The d7Attack table contains same elements as the h24Attack table.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-3 468 Performance attributes telindus1423Router/ip/router/firewall/d7Attack This attribute displays the 7 days attack summary. 469 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-3 Performance attributes MR-3.13 IP traffic policy performance attributes This section describes the following performance attributes: • • telindus1423Router/profiles/policy/traffic/ipTrafficPolicy[ ]/discards on page 470 telindus1423Router/profiles/policy/traffic/ipTrafficPolicy[ ]/trafficShaping on page 470 . Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-3 470 Performance attributes telindus1423Router/profiles/policy/traffic/ipTrafficPolicy[ ]/discards This attribute indicates how many packets have been discarded based on the criteria that are defined by the IP traffic policy. This is the destination port range as you configured it. This is the number of times this line in the traffic shaping table is used. This is the protocol field as you configured it. Packets that fall within the specified range are forwarded and queued if applicable. In case an overload condition occurs. Packets that fall within the specified range are forwarded and queued if applicable. The trafficShaping table contains the following elements: Element name uses sourceIpStartAddress sourceIpEndAddress destinationIpStartAddress destinationIpEndAddress tosStartValue tosEndValue ipProtocol This is the TOS range as you configured it. Packets that have the specified protocol field are forwarded and queued if applicable. This is the IP source address range as you configured it. Packets that fall within the specified range are forwarded and queued if applicable. Packets that fall within the specified range are forwarded and queued if applicable. Packets that fall within the specified range are forwarded and queued if applicable. This is the IP destination address range as you configured it. then a packet that matches an entry in the trafficShaping table is sent to the specified queue. telindus1423Router/profiles/policy/traffic/ipTrafficPolicy[ ]/trafficShaping This attribute shows the usage of each line in the traffic shaping table. This is the new TOS value as you configured it. This is the destination queue as you configured it. sourcePortStart sourcePortEnd destinationPortStart destinationPortEnd newTosValue priority This is the source port range as you configured it. . Description This is the name of the line in the traffic shaping table as you configured it. 2 . etc… The following gives an overview of this section: • • MR-3.14.Bridge group performance attributes on page 472 MR-3.471 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-3 Performance attributes MR-3.14 Bridge performance attributes This section discusses the performance attributes concerned with bridging.1 .Bridge access list performance attributes on page 475 .14. First it describes the general bridging performance attributes. Then it explains the performance attributes of the extra features as there are access listing. 14.1 Bridge group performance attributes This section describes the following performance attributes: • • • • • telindus1423Router/bridge/bridgeGroup/bridgeCache on page 473 telindus1423Router/bridge/bridgeGroup/bridgeDiscards on page 473 telindus1423Router/bridge/bridgeGroup/bridgeFloods on page 473 telindus1423Router/bridge/bridgeGroup/multiVlans on page 473 telindus1423Router/bridge/bridgeGroup/vlanSwitching on page 474 .Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-3 472 Performance attributes MR-3. This is the MAC address of the station situated on the network connected to the interface. Refer to MR-3. This is the number of frames received from the corresponding MAC address. it stores the MAC addresses of the stations situated on the network that is connected to this port. Refer to What is the bridge cache? on page 225 for more information. . telindus1423Router/bridge/bridgeGroup/multiVlans This attribute displays the SNMP MIB2 performance parameters of the VLANs that are present on the bridge group. telindus1423Router/bridge/bridgeGroup/bridgeDiscards This attribute displays the number of times a frame was discarded because … • • it was received on the same interface as the one through which the destination address can be reached. The MAC addresses are stored in a MAC address database or bridge cache. The multiVlans table contains the following elements: Element name vlan mibCounters Description This element displays the name of the VLAN as you configured it. The bridgeCache attribute visualises this address database. This is the number of frames forwarded to the corresponding MAC address.3 .473 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-3 Performance attributes telindus1423Router/bridge/bridgeGroup/bridgeCache When a port of the bridge enters the learning state.LAN interface performance attributes on page 412 for an explanation of the individual SNMP MIB2 performance parameters. the position of the station with the destination MAC address was not known (yet). This element displays the SNMP MIB2 performance parameters of the VLAN. telindus1423Router/bridge/bridgeGroup/bridgeFloods This attribute displays the number of times a frame was flooded on all interfaces because … • • it was a broadcast / multicast. This element displays the VLAN ID. The bridgeCache table contains the following elements: Element interface macAddress rxCount txCount Description This is the interface through which the station can be reached. it was received on an interface that is not in the forwarding state. This element displays the VLAN ID of the source VLAN. . The vlanSwitching table contains the following elements: Element sourceIntf sourceVlan destinationIntf destinationVlan uses Description This element displays the name of the source interface.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-3 474 Performance attributes telindus1423Router/bridge/bridgeGroup/vlanSwitching This attribute displays the performance information of the VLAN switching process. This element displays the name of the destination interface. This element displays the VLAN ID of the destination VLAN. This element displays the number of packets that have been switched. 14.2 Bridge access list performance attributes This section describes the following performance attributes: • telindus1423Router/bridge/accessList[ ]/bridgeAccessList on page 476 .475 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-3 Performance attributes MR-3. The bridgeAccessList table contains the following elements: Element macAddress uses Description This is the MAC address as configured in the configuration attribute telindus1423Router/bridge/accessList[ ]/bridgeAccessList.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-3 476 Performance attributes telindus1423Router/bridge/accessList[ ]/bridgeAccessList This attribute shows information on the use of the bridge access list. . This indicates the number of times a packet has been discarded for the corresponding MAC address. 477 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-3 Performance attributes MR-3.15 Management performance attributes This section describes the following performance attributes: • • • • • telindus1423Router/management/cms2SessionCount on page 478 telindus1423Router/management/cliSessionCount on page 478 telindus1423Router/management/tftpSessionCount on page 479 telindus1423Router/management/tcpSessionCount on page 479 telindus1423Router/management/ipStackEvents on page 479 . the Web Interface. When connecting with TMA CLI. Connecting with TMA.cli or config. telindus1423Router/management/cliSessionCount This attribute displays the number of CLI sessions that are currently active on the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router. When connecting with the Web Interface. This is explained in the following table: Session count 1 fixed session 1 fixed session + 2 sessions + 1 session + 1 session + 2 sessions + 1 session + 1 session + 1 session Purpose A fixed session for SNMP.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-3 478 Performance attributes telindus1423Router/management/cms2SessionCount This attribute displays the number of CMS2 sessions that are currently active on the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router. There are always minimum two fixed sessions active. When connecting with TMA CLI or starting a CLI session. Telnet. TMA CLI. When connecting with Telnet. etc. When downloading software. There are always minimum two fixed sessions active. A fixed session for O10. A fixed session for Web Interface. etc. This is explained in the following table: Session count 1 fixed session 1 fixed session + 1 session + 1 session Purpose A fixed session for the control port.cms file. opens additional sessions. opens additional sessions. When connecting with TMA for HP OpenView or the Alarm Manager. When downloading a config. Connecting with TMA CLI. . When connecting with the Web Interface. When connecting with TMA. . telindus1423Router/management/tcpSessionCount This attribute displays the number of TCP sessions that are currently active on the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router.479 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-3 Performance attributes telindus1423Router/management/tftpSessionCount This attribute displays the number of TFTP sessions that are currently active on the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router. The following table shows when a TCP session opens: Session count + 1 session + 1 session Purpose When connecting with Telnet. When connecting with the Web Interface. telindus1423Router/management/ipStackEvents This attribute gives an indication of the internal load of the protocol stack. 16 Operating system performance attributes This section describes the following performance attributes: • • • • • • • • • telindus1423Router/operatingSystem/currUsedProcPower on page 481 telindus1423Router/operatingSystem/usedProcPower on page 481 telindus1423Router/operatingSystem/freeDataBuffers on page 481 telindus1423Router/operatingSystem/totalDataBuffers on page 481 telindus1423Router/operatingSystem/largestFreeBlockSize on page 481 telindus1423Router/operatingSystem/freeBlockCount on page 481 telindus1423Router/operatingSystem/freeMemory on page 482 telindus1423Router/operatingSystem/totalMemory on page 482 telindus1423Router/operatingSystem/taskInfo on page 482 .Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-3 480 Performance attributes MR-3. This attribute gives the size of the largest contiguous free memory block expressed in bytes. In this way the total RAM memory becomes fragmented. expressed as a percentage of the total available processing power. The next values are for the 30 seconds period before this relative time stamp. incoming data. The different tasks allocate RAM memory on request. This is the minimum percentage of processing power in use during the last 30 seconds. This is the maximum percentage of processing power in use during the last 30 seconds. telindus1423Router/operatingSystem/largestFreeBlockSize The processor uses RAM memory for storing internal information and buffering.g.481 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-3 Performance attributes telindus1423Router/operatingSystem/currUsedProcPower This attribute displays the amount of processing power used during the last 650 milliseconds. This is the average percentage of processing power in use during the last 30 seconds. telindus1423Router/operatingSystem/freeDataBuffers The processor uses buffers for storing the packets during processing and/or queuing. telindus1423Router/operatingSystem/usedProcPower This attribute lists the used processing power for the 11 most recent 30 seconds intervals. This attribute is the number of data buffers currently not in use and available for e. telindus1423Router/operatingSystem/totalDataBuffers This attribute displays the total number of available data buffers. Tasks may also free memory again. telindus1423Router/operatingSystem/freeBlockCount This attribute displays the number of free contiguous memory blocks. . Each buffer has a 256 byte size. The usedProcPower table contains the following elements: Element sysUpTime min average max Description This is the elapsed time since the last cold boot. The processing power is expressed as a percentage of the total processing power. headers included. which is the maximum number of parallel tasks running on the processor's operating system. This attribute contains the same elements as the status attribute telindus1423Router/operatingSystem/taskInfo on page 400. telindus1423Router/operatingSystem/totalMemory This attribute displays the total RAM memory expressed in bytes. telindus1423Router/operatingSystem/taskInfo This attribute contains status information concerning the different tasks running on the processor. It is a table grouping up to 31 task slots.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-3 482 Performance attributes telindus1423Router/operatingSystem/freeMemory This attribute displays the total free memory expressed in bytes. . 483 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-3 Performance attributes . AUX alarms on page 502 MR-4.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-4 484 Alarm attributes MR-4 Alarm attributes This chapter discusses the alarm attributes of the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router.6 .Introducing the alarm attributes on page 488 MR-4.5 .11 .3 .General alarms on page 491 MR-4.12 . The following gives an overview of this chapter: • • • • • • • • • • • • • MR-4.BRI alarms on page 500 MR-4.Router alarms on page 504 .B-channel alarms on page 501 MR-4.8 .1 .End and repeater alarms on page 498 MR-4.13 .Alarm attributes overview on page 485 MR-4.Bundle alarms on page 503 MR-4.10 .LAN interface alarms on page 493 MR-4.2 .7 .SHDSL line alarms on page 495 MR-4.SHDSL line pair alarms on page 496 MR-4.WAN interface alarms on page 494 MR-4.9 .4 . 1 Alarm attributes overview > telindus1423Router totalAlarmLevel alarmInfo notResponding alarmSyncLoss configChanged access unknownStatus coldBoot warmBoot codeConsistencyFail configConsistencyFail >> lanInterface alarmInfo linkDown >> wanInterface alarmInfo linkDown >>> line alarmInfo linkDown invalidNumRepeaters >>>> linePair[ ] alarmInfo linkDown lineAttenuation signalNoise errSecRatioExceeded sevErrSecRatioExceeded bbErrRatioExceeded >>> repeater[ ] >>>> networkLinePair[ ] alarmInfo lineAttenuation signalNoise errSecRatioExceeded sevErrSecRatioExceeded bbErrRatioExceeded .485 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-4 Alarm attributes MR-4. > >>> leasedLine[ ] alarmInfo linkDown >> bri[2]1 <Contains the same attributes as the bri[1] object.> >> bundle >>> pppBundle alarmInfo linkDown 1.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-4 486 Alarm attributes >>>> customerLinePair[ ] alarmInfo lineAttenuation signalNoise errSecRatioExceeded sevErrSecRatioExceeded bbErrRatioExceeded >>> end >>>> linePair[ ] alarmInfo lineAttenuation signalNoise errSecRatioExceeded sevErrSecRatioExceeded bbErrRatioExceeded >> bri[1]1 alarmInfo linkDown sucDialOut sucDialIn failDialOut failDialIn >>> bChannel[1] alarmInfo linkDown >>> bChannel[1] <Contains the same attributes as the bChannel[1] object. Only present on the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router ISDN version. . 487 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-4 Alarm attributes >> router alarmInfo pingActive . 1 . some general information on the alarm attributes of the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router is given.General alarm attributes on page 490 .2.2 Introducing the alarm attributes Before discussing the alarm attributes of the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router in detail.2 .Configuration alarm attributes on page 489 MR-4.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-4 488 Alarm attributes MR-4.2. The following gives an overview of this chapter: • • MR-4. if the alarm condition is fulfilled then the alarm will be set to on in the alarmInfo of that object. even if an alarm is set to disabled in the alarmMask of an object. The alarms in the alarmMask attribute have the following values: Value enabled disabled Is the active alarm being forwarded to the central management system? Yes. where 0 is the lowest and 254 is the highest priority level. The alarm level range goes from 0 to 254.e. Only the most important alarms are unmasked (i. So the alarm is unmasked. active alarm is sent to the totalAlarmLevel alarm attribute of the top object telindus1423Router. However. regardless of the masking of the alarm. . This determines whether an active alarm is forwarded to the central management system (e. HP OpenView) or not. disabled).e. So the alarm is masked. No. All other alarms are masked (i.g.e. Alarms are always seen in the alarmInfo alarm attribute of an object.g. telindus1423Router/…/alarmLevel Use this attribute to assign a priority level to each alarm of the corresponding object. enabled) by default. The alarmLevel of an unmasked. because this alarm is disabled it will not be sent to the central management system (e.1 Configuration alarm attributes This section describes the following alarm attributes: • • telindus1423Router/…/alarmMask telindus1423Router/…/alarmLevel telindus1423Router/…/alarmMask Use this attribute to mask or unmask the alarms of an object.489 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-4 Alarm attributes MR-4. I.2. HP OpenView). one look at the totalAlarmLevel attribute enables the operator to make a quick estimation of the problem. The alarmInfo structure contains the following elements: Element discriminator currentAlarms previousAlarms alarmMask alarmLevel This element displays for the corresponding object … the total alarm count since the last cold boot. the alarmLevel as you configured it. active alarm. the second most recent alarms.g. It displays the priority level of an unmasked. telindus1423Router/…/alarmInfo This attribute contains the actual alarm information of the corresponding object.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-4 490 Alarm attributes MR-4. When several alarms are generated at the same time. This colour is an indication of the severity of the alarm. . If the alarm levels are set in a structured manner. the alarmMask as you configured it. The value of the totalAlarmLevel attribute is also communicated to the central management system (e. HP OpenView) where it determines the colour of the icon. the current alarms.2.2 General alarm attributes This section describes the following alarm attributes: • • telindus1423Router/totalAlarmLevel telindus1423Router/…/alarmInfo telindus1423Router/totalAlarmLevel This attribute is only present in the top object of the containment tree of the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router. being telindus1423Router. the highest priority level is shown. a TMA. TMA CLI. each time the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router performs a cold boot. HTTP. This alarm is not activated when the management session is established through a management concentrator. terminal (CLI or ATWIN) or EasyConnect session via the control connector of the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router.491 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-4 Alarm attributes MR-4. Telnet. coldBoot warmBoot disabled disabled 1 1 . Refer to MR-4. SNMP management. HTTP (Web Interface) or TFTP session using the LAN / WAN IP address of the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router. telindus1423Router/alarmInfo The different alarms related to the telindus1423Router object together with their explanation and default alarmMask and alarmLevel value are given in the following table: The alarm … is generated … Default value alarmMask notResponding by the management concentrator when the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router does not respond on its polling session. when the internal alarm buffer overflows.) established through a management concentrator on the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router. enabled alarmLevel 4 alarmSyncLoss configChanged access enabled disabled disabled 4 1 1 • The alarm is not activated in case of … • any management session (TMA. when a management session is started on the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router itself. etc. disabled 0 • unknownState each time a new Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router is added to the network and before the management concentrator has completed a first successful polling session. each time the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router performs a warm boot. TMA CLI. TMA for HP OpenView. when the local configuration has been changed. Telnet (CLI or ATWIN). Example The alarm is activated in case of … • a TMA. terminal.2 .3 General alarms This section describes the alarms of the alarm attribute telindus1423Router/alarmInfo.Introducing the alarm attributes on page 488 for general information on the alarm attributes. g. For example. Telindus 1035 Orchid. In the management concentrator that manages the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router (e.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-4 492 Alarm attributes The alarm … is generated … Default value alarmMask alarmLevel 1 codeConsistencyFail when the software consistency imposed by the management concentrator on the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router fails. because of a loss of contact. disabled 1 . the Orchid 1003 LAN. etc. In the management concentrator that manages the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router (e. disabled configConsistencyFail when the configuration consistency imposed by the management concentrator on the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router fails. Telindus 1035 Orchid. For example.). etc.g. the Orchid 1003 LAN. check the status attribute status attributes nmsgroup/objectTable/configState and configDiag to determine the problem. because of a loss of contact. check the status attribute nmsgroup/softConsistencyStatus to determine the problem.). 493 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-4 Alarm attributes MR-4.2 . I.4 LAN interface alarms This section describes the alarms of the alarm attribute telindus1423Router/lanInterface/alarmInfo.e. when the connection between the interface and the LAN is down. Refer to MR-4. telindus1423Router/lanInterface/alarmInfo The alarm related to the lanInterface object together with its explanation and default alarmMask and alarmLevel value is given in the following table: The alarm … is generated … Default value alarmMask linkDown when no valid LAN data is detected.Introducing the alarm attributes on page 488 for general information on the alarm attributes. enabled alarmLevel 3 . no ATM synchronisation. Refer to MR-4. For instance. telindus1423Router/wanInterface/alarmInfo The alarm related to the wanInterface object together with its explanation and default alarmMask and alarmLevel value is given in the following table: The alarm … is generated … Default value alarmMask linkDown when an error situation is detected in the encapsulation protocol.2 . … enabled alarmLevel 3 .5 WAN interface alarms This section describes the alarms of the alarm attribute telindus1423Router/wanInterface/alarmInfo.Introducing the alarm attributes on page 488 for general information on the alarm attributes. a failed PPP authentication.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-4 494 Alarm attributes MR-4. 6 SHDSL line alarms This section describes the alarms of the alarm attribute telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/alarmInfo.e. enabled disabled alarmLevel 3 1 . if the number of repeaters you entered in the telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/numExpectedRepeaters attribute does not match the actual number of repeaters discovered by the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router.2 . no data can be transmitted over the line. telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/alarmInfo The alarms related to the line object together with their explanation and default alarmMask and alarmLevel value are given in the following table: The alarm … is generated … Default value alarmMask linkDown invalidNumRepeaters when the line is down. The actual number of repeaters discovered by the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router can be seen in the telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/numDiscoveredRepeaters attribute.495 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-4 Alarm attributes MR-4. Refer to MR-4.Introducing the alarm attributes on page 488 for general information on the alarm attributes. I. Introducing the alarm attributes on page 488 for general information on the alarm attributes.4 . The alarm is cleared when the line attenuation drops below this value for at least 10 seconds. when the line attenuation exceeds the value configured in the telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/linkAlarmThresholds for at least 10 seconds.7 SHDSL line pair alarms This section describes the alarms of the alarm attribute telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/linePair[ ]/alarmInfo.Contrôle d’échange de messages EOC standard on page 80 MU-5. I. The alarm is cleared when the signal noise drops below this value for at least 10 seconds. refer to … • • signalNoise MU-5.4.3 . refer to … • • MU-5. For more information.2 . For more information. no data can be transmitted over the line pair.4.3 .Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-4 496 Alarm attributes MR-4.eocHandlingQuelles informations EOC standard sont-elles récupérées ? on page 82 .eocHandlingQuelles informations EOC standard sont-elles récupérées ? on page 82 disabled 1 disabled disabled alarmLevel 3 1 when the signal noise exceeds the value configured in the telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/linkAlarmThresholds for at least 10 seconds.4 . the central SHDSL device forces the remote SHDSL device to use the linkAlarmThresholds/lineAttenuation as configured on the central device. telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/linePair[ ]/alarmInfo The alarms related to the linePair[ ] object together with their explanation and default alarmMask and alarmLevel value are given in the following table: The alarm … is generated … Default value alarmMask linkDown lineAttenuation when the line pair is down. the central SHDSL device forces the remote SHDSL device to use the linkAlarmThresholds/signalNoise as configured on the central device.4.Contrôle d’échange de messages EOC standard on page 80 MU-5. Note that in case the telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/ eocHandling attribute is set to alarmConfiguration. Refer to MR-4.4.e. Note that in case the telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/ eocHandling attribute is set to alarmConfiguration. when the amount of severely erroneous seconds exceeds the value configured in the telindus1423Router/ wanInterface/line/linkAlarmThresholds within a 15 minutes period1. The alarm is cleared when the background block error ratio drops below this value within a 15 minute period. For example. The alarm is only cleared if also in the next 15 minutes period the errSecOn value is not exceeded. there is a delay in the alarm status. .497 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-4 Alarm attributes The alarm … is generated … Default value alarmMask alarmLevel 1 errSecRatioExceeded when the amount of erroneous seconds exceeds the value configured in the telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/ linkAlarmThresholds within a 15 minutes period1. The 15 minutes periods run synchronous with the 15 minutes periods of the telindus1423Router/ wanInterface/line/h2Line performance attribute. when the background block error ratio exceeds the value configured in the telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/ linkAlarmThresholds configuration attribute within a 15 minute period1. The alarm stays on for the remainder of the 15 minutes period. Because alarms are raised or cleared within 15 minutes periods. The alarm is cleared when the amount of severely erroneous seconds drops below this value within a 15 minutes period. then the errSecExceeded alarm is raised. disabled sevErrSecRatioExceeded disabled 2 bbErrRatioExceeded disabled 1 1. The alarm is cleared when the amount of erroneous seconds drops below this value within a 15 minutes period. suppose that in the first minute of a 15 minutes period the errSecOn value is exceeded. The alarm is cleared when the signal noise drops below this value for at least 10 seconds.3 . For more information. the central SHDSL device forces the remote SHDSL device to use the linkAlarmThresholds/signalNoise as configured on the central device. The repeater[ ] and end objects contain the same attributes.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-4 498 Alarm attributes MR-4. For more information.eocHandlingQuelles informations EOC standard sont-elles récupérées ? on page 82 . telindus1423Router/wanInterface/end/linePair[ ]/alarmInfo The alarm related to the end/linePair[ ] object together with its explanation and default alarmMask and alarmLevel value is given in the following table: The alarm … is generated … Default value alarmMask lineAttenuation when the lineAttenuation value configured in the telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/linkAlarmThresholds of the local device is exceeded for at least 10 seconds.4. The alarm is cleared when the line attenuation drops below this value for at least 10 seconds. Refer to MR-4.eocHandlingQuelles informations EOC standard sont-elles récupérées ? on page 82 disabled 1 disabled alarmLevel 1 when the signalNoise value configured in the telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/linkAlarmThresholds of the local device is exceeded for at least 10 seconds. Note however that in case the telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/eocHandling attribute is set to alarmConfiguration. Note however that in case the telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/eocHandling attribute is set to alarmConfiguration. therefore only the alarms of the end object are described.4.4.Contrôle d’échange de messages EOC standard on page 80 MU-5.4 .Introducing the alarm attributes on page 488 for general information on the alarm attributes.4 .Contrôle d’échange de messages EOC standard on page 80 MU-5. refer to … • • signalNoise MU-5. the central SHDSL device forces the remote SHDSL device to use the linkAlarmThresholds/lineAttenuation as configured on the central device.4.2 .3 . refer to … • • MU-5.8 End and repeater alarms This section describes the alarms of the alarm attribute telindus1423Router/wanInterface/end/linePair[ ]/alarmInfo. The alarm is cleared when the amount of erroneous seconds drops below this value within a 15 minutes period. when the background block error ratio exceeds the value configured in the telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/ linkAlarmThresholds configuration attribute within a 15 minute period1. . The alarm is only cleared if also in the next 15 minutes period the errSecOn value is not exceeded. then the errSecExceeded alarm is raised. Because alarms are raised or cleared within 15 minutes periods. For example.499 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-4 Alarm attributes The alarm … is generated … Default value alarmMask alarmLevel 1 errSecRatioExceeded when the errSecOn value configured in the telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/linkAlarmThresholds of the local device is exceeded within a 15 minutes period1. The alarm is cleared when the background block error ratio drops below this value within a 15 minute period. disabled sevErrSecRatioExceeded disabled 2 bbErrRatioExceeded disabled 1 1. there is a delay in the alarm status. suppose that in the first minute of a 15 minutes period the errSecOn value is exceeded. The alarm is cleared when the amount of severely erroneous seconds drops below this value within a 15 minutes period. when the sevErrSecOn value configured in the telindus1423Router/wanInterface/line/linkAlarmThresholds of the local device is exceeded within a 15 minutes period1. The alarm stays on for the remainder of the 15 minutes period. The 15 minutes periods run synchronous with the 15 minutes periods of the telindus1423Router/ wanInterface/line/h2Line performance attribute. no physical connection.g. when a dial-out call is established successfully.e. etc.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-4 500 Alarm attributes MR-4. This can be due to a problem on the dial-up interface itself (e.) or an error situation in the encapsulation protocol.2 . This can be due to a problem on the dial-up interface itself (e. telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/alarmInfo The alarms related to the bri[ ] object together with their explanation and default alarmMask and alarmLevel value are given in the following table: The alarm … is generated … Default value alarmMask linkDown when ISDN layer 1 is down. no answer to a call. when a dial-in call is established successfully. when a dial-in call failed. Refer to MR-4.Introducing the alarm attributes on page 488 for general information on the alarm attributes. disabled alarmLevel 2 sucDialOut sucDialIn failDialOut disabled disabled disabled 1 1 2 failDialIn disabled 2 . etc. there is no physical connection between the BRI interface and the telecom operator ISDN switch.9 BRI alarms This section describes the alarms of the alarm attribute telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/alarmInfo.g. when a dial-out call failed.) or an error situation in the encapsulation protocol. i. no answer to a call. no physical connection. telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/bChannel[ ]/alarmInfo The alarm related to the bChannel[ ] object together with its explanation and default alarmMask and alarmLevel value is given in the following table: The alarm … is generated … Default value alarmMask linkDown when ISDN layer 2 is down.e.10 B-channel alarms This section describes the alarms of the alarm attribute telindus1423Router/bri[ ]/bChannel[ ]/alarmInfo. i. the B-channel is down.501 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-4 Alarm attributes MR-4. Refer to MR-4.Introducing the alarm attributes on page 488 for general information on the alarm attributes.2 . disabled alarmLevel 2 . This can be due to a problem on the dial-up interface itself (e. This can be due to a problem on the dial-up interface itself (e. when a dial-out call failed.g. when a dial-in call failed. telindus1423Router/aux/alarmInfo The alarms related to the aux object together with their explanation and default alarmMask and alarmLevel values are given in the following table: The alarm … is generated … Default value alarmMask linkDown sucDialOut sucDialIn failDialOut when layer 1 is down.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-4 502 Alarm attributes MR-4.2 . no physical connection. when a dial-in call is established successfully. Refer to MR-4.Introducing the alarm attributes on page 488 for general information on the alarm attributes.) or an error situation in the encapsulation protocol. no answer to a call. disabled disabled disabled disabled alarmLevel 2 1 1 2 failDialIn disabled 2 .11 AUX alarms This section describes the alarms of the alarm attribute telindus1423Router/aux/alarmInfo. etc. no physical connection. etc. when a dial-out call is established successfully.) or an error situation in the encapsulation protocol. no answer to a call.g. telindus1423Router/bundle/xxxBundle[ ]/alarmInfo The alarm related to the xxxBundle[ ] object together with its explanation and default alarmMask and alarmLevel value is given in the following table: The alarm … is generated … Default value alarmMask linkDown when all the bundle links in the bundle are down. enabled alarmLevel 3 .503 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-4 Alarm attributes MR-4. Refer to MR-4.2 .Introducing the alarm attributes on page 488 for general information on the alarm attributes.12 Bundle alarms This section describes the alarms of the alarm attribute telindus1423Router/bundle/xxxBundle[ ]/alarmInfo. Furthermore. Refer to MR-4.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-4 504 Alarm attributes MR-4.13 Router alarms This section describes the alarms of the alarm attribute telindus1423Router/ip/router/alarmInfo.2 . there is no protection when a new ping is started before the previous is stopped. an indefinite ping).Introducing the alarm attributes on page 488 for general information on the alarm attributes. This notification is necessary because you can only transmit one ping at a time. telindus1423Router/ip/router/alarmInfo The alarm related to the router object together with its explanation and default alarmMask and alarmLevel value is given in the following table: The alarm … is generated … Default value alarmMask pingActive when a ping is pending (for example. enabled alarmLevel 3 . 505 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-4 Alarm attributes . The colour of the LAN interface only changes if the alarms related to the lanInterface object are set to enabled in the alarmMask.Témoins à DEL du panneau avant on page 24 for more information on the interpretation of the LEDs. How to display the sub-system picture? To display the sub-system picture of the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router. Refer to MU-2.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-5 506 TMA sub-system picture MR-5 TMA sub-system picture The sub-system picture is a TMA tool that visualises the status information of the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router. Below. It also explains how the visual indications should be interpreted. Structure of the sub-system picture This paragraph displays and labels the different elements of the sub-system picture. click on the sub-system picture button located in the TMA toolbar: . There is no alarm active in the corresponding lanInterface object. The LED indication on the sub-system picture corresponds with the LED indication on the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router itself. The possible indications are: • • green. . An alarm is active in the corresponding lanInterface object. and how to interpret the visual indications. This chapter explains how to display the sub-system picture.7 . red. LAN This reflects the status of the LAN interface. the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router sub-system picture is displayed: The following table gives an overview of the sub-system picture elements and what they indicate: Element LEDs Description These reflect the actual status of the device. An alarm is active in the corresponding linePair[1] object. right. left. An alarm is active in the corresponding wanInterface object. . The colours of the WAN interface / line pair(s) only change if the alarms related to the wanInterface / linePair[ ] objects are set to enabled in the alarmMask. right. green inside.507 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-5 TMA sub-system picture Element LINE Description This reflects the status of the WAN interface and of the line pair(s). red inside. The possible indications are: • • • • • • green outside. There is no alarm active in the corresponding wanInterface object. An alarm is active in the corresponding linePair[2] object. There is no alarm active in the corresponding linePair[1] object. red inside. red outside. left. There is no alarm active in the corresponding linePair[2] object. green inside. The following gives an overview of this chapter: • • • • • MR-6.1 .Auto-install on the LAN interface on page 511 MR-6.Creating a configuration file on page 523 MR-6.Introducing the auto-install protocols on page 509 MR-6.Restoring a configuration file on page 530 .3 . This is shown in this chapter.5 .4 .2 .Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-6 508 Auto installing the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router MR-6 Auto installing the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router Auto-install includes a number of features that allow you to partially or completely configure the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router without on-site intervention.Auto-install on the WAN interface on page 516 MR-6. which is a unique identifier (refer to What is the ARP cache? on page 22 for more information). being a router. If the MAC address in the BootP request matches a MAC address in this file. These are introduced below. What is DHCP? DHCP (RFC 2131 and RFC 2132) is used by IP devices that have no IP address to obtain one. its own network. The difference with BootP is that you can additionally configure a list of IP addresses on the server.mywebsite. The Telindus 1423 SHDSL might translate to 198. The request contains the client its MAC address. which is a unique identifier (refer to What is the ARP cache? on page 22 for more information). What is BootP? BootP (RFC 951) is used by IP devices that have no IP address to obtain one. If one DNS server doesn't know how to translate a particular domain name. they are easier to remember.1 Introducing the auto-install protocols The Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router uses several protocols during its auto-install sequence. Assigning an IP address in this way is done through a 4-way handshake and with regular renewals. The DNS system is. Those address assignments are limited in time. every time you use a domain name. Assigning an IP address in this way is done through a simple request . the BootP server replies with the corresponding IP address and subnet mask. being a router. You can configure a file on the server with MAC address and IP address/subnet mask pairs for all devices in the network you want to service. Therefore. What is DNS? The Domain Name Service (DNS) is an Internet service that translates domain names into IP addresses. until the correct IP address is returned. The Internet however. . it asks another one.232. The Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router. always requests a static IP address. independently of their MAC address.105. Because domain names are alphabetic.509 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-6 Auto installing the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router MR-6. in fact. the domain name www.response handshake. A workstation with a DHCP server works in a similar way as with a BootP server. always requests a static IP address.4. a DNS service must translate the name into the corresponding IP address. The request contains the client its MAC address. For example. is really based on IP addresses. The client IP device sends a limited broadcast request on its interfaces requesting an IP address. These IP addresses are dynamically assigned to the IP devices requesting an IP address. The client IP device sends a limited broadcast request on its interfaces requesting an IP address. and so on. A workstation with a BootP server interprets incoming BootP requests. How to build such files is explained in MR-6. BootP. DNS and TFTP requests can cross a router using IP helper addresses. . This means it adds additional information to the request packets allowing servers on distant networks to send back the answer.Creating a configuration file on page 523.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-6 510 Auto installing the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router What is TFTP? Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) is an Internet software utility for transferring files that is simpler to use than the File Transfer Protocol (FTP) but less capable. The configuration file on this TFTP can be in a binary or an ASCII (CLI) format.4 . DHCP. TFTP is described formally in Request for Comments (RFC) 1350. The Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router as relay agent Being broadcast packets. It is used where user authentication and directory visibility are not required. TFTP is typically used in combination with BootP or DHCP to obtain the configuration of a device from a TFTP server. The Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router is a relay agent for these protocols. TFTP uses the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) rather than the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). 2.2.511 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-6 Auto installing the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router MR-6.3 . The following gives an overview of this section: • • • MR-6.Auto-install in case of Ethernet on page 513 MR-6.Example of auto-install on the LAN interface on page 514 .2 .2 Auto-install on the LAN interface This section shows the auto-install sequence on the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router its LAN interface.1 .Set-up for auto-install on the LAN interface on page 512 MR-6.2. 2.1 Set-up for auto-install on the LAN interface The following figure shows the set-up for auto-install on the LAN interface: .Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-6 512 Auto installing the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router MR-6. 2.2 Auto-install in case of Ethernet .513 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-6 Auto installing the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router MR-6. A TFTP server is present on the LAN. bridge group.3 Example of auto-install on the LAN interface Suppose you have the following situation: • The Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router is still in its default configuration (absolutely nothing is configured). containing the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router its binary configuration file “TlsRouter. then it will be assigned to the .47. containing the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router its hostname “TlsRouter“.cms”.168. The Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router is plugged on to the LAN.2. This means that the LAN interface … is in bridging mode. ⇒This means that if an IP address is obtained through BootP/DHCP. no IP address is configured on the LAN interface.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-6 514 Auto installing the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router MR-6. not to the LAN interface itself (since it is in bridging mode)! • • • • A BootP server is present on the LAN. containing the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router MAC address (00:C0:89:00:94:6F) and a corresponding IP address (192. A DNS server is present on the LAN.1). no IP address is configured on the bridge group. you will see the IP address there: . not to the LAN interface itself (since it is in bridging mode)! So if you check the status of the bridge group.515 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-6 Auto installing the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router The following shows how the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router obtains an IP address and its configuration file: Note again that the obtained IP address is assigned to the bridge group. The following gives an overview of this section: • • • • MR-6.Auto-install in case of ATM on page 518 MR-6.3.2 .3.3.Example of auto-install on the WAN interface running ATM on page 520 .4 .3 Auto-install on the WAN interface This section shows the auto-install sequence on the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router its WAN interface.3 .3.Set-up for auto-install on the WAN interface on page 517 MR-6.Auto-install in case of Frame-Relay on page 519 MR-6.1 .Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-6 516 Auto installing the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router MR-6. 1 Set-up for auto-install on the WAN interface The following figure shows the set-up for auto-install on the WAN interface: .517 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-6 Auto installing the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router MR-6.3. 2 Auto-install in case of ATM .Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-6 518 Auto installing the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router MR-6.3. 519 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-6 Auto installing the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router MR-6.3.3 Auto-install in case of Frame-Relay . 4 Example of auto-install on the WAN interface running ATM Suppose you have the following situation: • • On the local OneAccess Router you add an ATM PVC to the atm/pvcTable.168. The OneAccess Router is plugged on to the WAN.cms”.cms”. All other elements of the ATM PVC remain at their default value. For this ATM PVC you specify the VPI/VCI values 1/100.251 (DHCP server) and 192.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-6 520 Auto installing the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router MR-6. On the central OneAccess Router you also add an ATM PVC to the atm/pvcTable.3. a corresponding IP address (192.168.47. For this ATM PVC you specify … • the VPI/VCI values 1/100.100. the helper IP addresses 192.47. containing the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router MAC address (00:C0:89:00:94:6F). A TFTP server is present on the remote network.168. • • So the initial configuration on the local OneAccess Router is as shown below: .252 (TFTP server). the helper protocols DHCP (68) and TFTP (69). containing the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router its binary configuration file “TlsRouterConfig.1) and a corresponding configuration filename “TlsRouterConfig. A DHCP server is present on the remote network. the following must be configured on the central OneAccess Router: .521 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-6 Auto installing the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router In order for the auto-install of the local OneAccess Router to be successful. Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-6 522 Auto installing the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router The following shows how the local OneAccess Router obtains an IP address and its configuration file: . 4.4 Creating a configuration file In MR-6.Auto-install on the WAN interface on page 516.2 .1 .Creating an ASCII CLI file using Telnet on page 529 .2 .The different configuration file formats on page 524 MR-6.Creating an ASCII CLI file using TMA on page 526 MR-6.Auto-install on the LAN interface on page 511 and MR-6. you can see how the configuration file is retrieved using TFTP during the auto-install sequence.4.4 .4.Creating an ASCII CLI file using TFTP on page 528 MR-6.523 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-6 Auto installing the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router MR-6.Creating a binary file using TMA on page 525 MR-6.4. This section explains which two configuration file formats can be used for this purpose and how to create such a configuration file.4.5 .3 .3 . The following gives an overview of this section: • • • • • MR-6. 4.cli) configuration file to the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-6 524 Auto installing the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router MR-6.cli • • • Use the TMA export utility and choose the CLI file type.cms How to create the configuration file Use the TMA export utility and choose the CMS file type.4 .3 .Auto-install on the WAN interface on page 516. Use the TFTP get command. The two possible configuration file formats used for this purpose are: File type binary Extension .Creating an ASCII CLI file using TFTP on page 528 MR-6. ASCII CLI . Refer to MR-6.4.4. Use the CLI get command.2 .Creating an ASCII CLI file using Telnet on page 529 When you download an ASCII CLI (*. make sure that each line in this file contains no more than 500 characters.Auto-install on the LAN interface on page 511 and MR-6. .2 .4.3 .4.5 . Refer to … • • • MR-6.1 The different configuration file formats In MR-6. you can see how the configuration file is retrieved using TFTP during the auto-install sequence. This is the most compact format.Creating an ASCII CLI file using TMA on page 526 MR-6.Creating a binary file using TMA on page 525. 4. the configuration is immediately activated if you download it to the device again. 5 Click on the Save button. proceed as follows: Step 1 2 3 Action Start a TMA session on the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router.525 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-6 Auto installing the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router MR-6. . Click on the Export data to file button: . Make sure the file type is CMS. As a result. Make sure the Full configuration option is selected. select the following: • • • • Choose a directory where to save the file.cms) format using TMA. The edited configuration of the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router is stored on the PC in binary format. The file contains the complete configuration including the Activate Configuration command. 4 In the Export configuration parameters window.2 Creating a binary file using TMA To create a configuration file in binary (*. Enter a name for the file. Make changes to its configuration (if necessary) in order to obtain the desired configuration. cli) format using TMA. select the following: • • • • Choose a directory where to save the file. proceed as follows: Step 1 2 3 Action Start a TMA session on the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router.txt)! This is for documentation purposes only. Do not select the file extension for ASCII text (*. 4 In the Export configuration parameters window.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-6 526 Auto installing the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router MR-6. not for configuration purposes. . Click on the Export data to file button: .3 Creating an ASCII CLI file using TMA To create a configuration file in ASCII CLI (*.4. Make sure the file type is CLI. Make changes to its configuration (if necessary) in order to obtain the desired configuration. Make sure the Full configuration option is selected. Enter a name for the file. ⇒The edited configuration of the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router is stored on the PC in ASCII CLI format. the configuration is immediately activated if you download it to the device again. The file contains the configuration attributes that differ from their default value including the Load Default Configuration command at the beginning of the file and the Activate Configuration command at the end of the file. As a result.527 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-6 Auto installing the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router Step 5 Action Click on the Save button. . 11. For example by typing tftp 10.CLI (in capitals!) is the source file (i.CLI dest_file.cli is the destination file. dest_file.4. . CONFIG. 2 Get the configuration file of the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router. Example tftp> get CONFIG. proceed as follows: Step 1 Action Start a TFTP session on the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-6 528 Auto installing the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router MR-6. When the file transfer is finished.e.11.cli) format using TFTP. where 10. close the TFTP session.4 Creating an ASCII CLI file using TFTP To create a configuration file in ASCII CLI (*.1 is the IP address of the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router. the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router configuration file).1 at the command prompt of your workstation. Note that the procedure described above does not work with FTP.cli Where … • • • 3 get is the TFTP command to retrieve a file.0.0. remove the get -r -d command itself. Execute the get -r -d command. Log the CLI output to a file. The log file you now obtained.529 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-6 Auto installing the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router MR-6. remove all logging until the last character is a closing curled bracket “}”.cli) format using Telnet logging and the CLI get command. modify it as follows: • At the beginning of the log file … • remove all logging before the get -r -d command. change the string GET into SET.cli. Check to make sure (just press the Enter key). type the string action “Load Default Configuration” (case sensitive!) on the line above the SET command.4. At the end of the log file… - 7 Save this file to a file with an extension *. >get -r -d 5 6 Stop the logging.5 Creating an ASCII CLI file using Telnet To create a configuration file in ASCII CLI (*. proceed as follows: Step 1 2 3 4 Action Start a Telnet session on the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router. You are automatically in CLI mode. Refer to the documentation of your Telnet software how to do so. You are automatically located in the top object (telindus1423Router) and in the "Edit Configuration" group. type the string action “Activate Configuration” (case sensitive!) on the line below the closing curled bracket “}”. . 5. This is explained in this section.1 .Downloading a configuration file using TMA on page 531 MR-6.Auto-install on the WAN interface on page 516. also possible to restore previously saved configuration files by downloading them yourself to the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router.Downloading a configuration file using (T)FTP on page 532 MR-6.3 . however. You can do this by using various applications.2 .2 .3 .5 Restoring a configuration file In MR-6.5. you can see how the configuration file is retrieved using TFTP during the auto-install sequence.Downloading a configuration file using Telnet on page 533 . It is.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-6 530 Auto installing the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router MR-6. The following gives an overview of this section: • • • MR-6.5.Auto-install on the LAN interface on page 511 and MR-6. Click on the Import data from file button: .5. Select the configuration file you want to import. 3 In the Import configuration window. 4 Click on the Open button. . proceed as follows: Step 1 2 Action Start a TMA session on the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router. ⇒The configuration is downloaded to the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router. Select which type of configuration file you want to import: CMS or CLI. select the following: • • • Select the directory where the configuration file is located.1 Downloading a configuration file using TMA To download a configuration file using TMA.531 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-6 Auto installing the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router MR-6. CONFIG.CMS Where … • • • 4 put is the (T)FTP command to send a file.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-6 532 Auto installing the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router MR-6. However. If a write access password is configured on the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router.* is the source file. source_file.11.1 is the IP address of the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router.2 Downloading a configuration file using (T)FTP To download a configuration file using (T)FTP. For example by typing (t)ftp 10. 1. the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router configuration file). where 10. The syntax to do this is typically binary or octet.5. then enter it as well.e. When the file transfer is finished.11. This may either be a CLI or CMS file1. close the (T)FTP session.cms CONFIG.1 at the command prompt of your computer. 2 3 Set the transfer mode to binary (octet) format. proceed as follows: Step 1 Action Start a (T)FTP session on the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router.* (in capitals!) is the destination file (i.0. Type the following command: (t)ftp> put source_file. This may either be a CLI or CMS file1. make sure that source and destination file format are both the same! .CLI or (t)ftp> put source_file.0.cli CONFIG. 3 Downloading a configuration file using Telnet To download a configuration file using Telnet. proceed as follows: Step 1 2 3 Action Start a Telnet session on the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router.5. Use the “send” feature of your Telnet software to send the ASCII CLI configuration file to the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router. You are automatically in CLI mode. Check to make sure (just press the Enter key). .533 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-6 Auto installing the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router MR-6. You are automatically located in the top object (telindus1423Router) and in the "Edit Configuration" group. Refer to the documentation of your Telnet software how to do so. Downloading files to the file system on page 541 .1 .2 .Downloading application software in boot mode on page 540 MR-7.4 . The following gives an overview of this chapter: • • • • • • • MR-7. But first it explains the difference between boot and application software.Downloading application software using TML on page 538 MR-7.6 .Downloading application software using FTP on page 539 MR-7. It also shows how to download any other file to the file system of the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router.5 .7 .Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-7 534 Downloading software MR-7 Downloading software This chapter explains how to download application software to the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router.Downloading application software using TFTP on page 537 MR-7.3 .Downloading application software using TMA on page 536 MR-7.What is boot and application software? on page 535 MR-7. can be forced to run in boot mode by using a DIP switch. then we say that the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router runs in boot mode.Downloading application software in boot mode on page 540. In application mode … • • you can download application software (using TMA. You can only use TML to download application software. This may be necessary in case a software download failed or a flash memory error occurred making the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router inaccessible or even inoperative. loader and application software. Refer to MR-7.535 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-7 Downloading software MR-7. Refer to MR-7. If the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router only loads its boot software. What is application software The application software. If the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router loads its boot. The Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router … • • runs in boot mode if no application software is present.1 What is boot and application software? What is boot software? The boot software takes care of the initial phase in the start-up sequence of the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router. then we say that the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router runs in application mode. you can establish a TMA session. • In boot mode … • • you can download application software (using TML). . TFTP or TML). It is located on the highest software level. you cannot establish a TMA session. completely controls the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router.6 . can temporarily be forced to run in boot mode by using the -b option of the TML command. also called control software or firmware. It is located on the lowest software level.4 .Downloading application software using TML on page 538. do the following: 1. Click on Open.Download window.g. Select the file you want to download (e.g. In the TMA window select Tools → Download… In case you made … • • an IP connection. skip this step. click on OK. proceed as follows: Step 1 Action Establish a link between TMA and the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router either over a serial or an IP connection.Download window.00). then the actual transfer speed will be negotiated between 9600 bps and 57600 bps. 2 3 4 5 In the TMA . select the Options tab in the TMA . 6 If you are currently connected to the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router without write access. select the Configuration tab and click on Add… In the Remote filename window. then you can enter a password in the Password tab which gives you write access.Download window reappears. Refer to MU-4 . Select a maximum transfer speed. 2. . 57600 bps. When the TMA . a serial connection. Type CONTROL in the Remote file field. Else leave the Password tab blank.2 Downloading application software using TMA To download application software to the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router using TMA. T1234001.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-7 536 Downloading software MR-7. 7 ⇒A window opens and shows the download progress. If you select e.Maintenance du Routeur Telindus 1423 SHDSL on page 35. 3. Then set the following: Set the initial transfer speed to 9600 bps. For example by typing tftp 10. Txxxxxxx.537 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-7 Downloading software MR-7. Type the following command: tftp> put Txxxxxxx. Set the transfer mode to binary (octet) format.1 is the LAN IP address of the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router. ?my_pwd is the write access password as configured in the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router. 4 When the file transfer is finished. If no password has been configured or if you already entered one when starting the TFTP session (see step 1).00 is the application software file (e. you may omit the ? and the password. The syntax to do this is typically rexmt 20. The syntax to do this is typically binary or octet.0. T1234001.g. you actually evoke TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol) through TMA. proceed as follows: Step 1 Action Start a TFTP session on the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router. 40 seconds). You can also use TFTP without opening TMA.3 Downloading application software using TFTP When downloading with TMA over an IP connection. CONTROL (in capitals!) specifies that the file being downloaded is an application soft- ware file.1 at the command prompt of your computer. you can either enter it now or when you actually download the application software (see step 3). close the TFTP session. where 10. .11. The syntax to do this is typically timeout 40.g. 2 Set the following TFTP parameters: • • • 3 Set the retransmission time-out to at least 20 seconds.00). Set the total TFTP time-out sufficiently large (e. If a write access password is configured on the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router.00 CONTROL?my_pwd Where … • • • • put is the TFTP command to send a file. To download application software to the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router using TFTP.11.0. T1234001. a graphical bar shows the download progress. you may omit the ? and the password. proceed as follows: Step 1 Action Connect a serial port of your computer (e. Type the following command to download application software: tml -c1 -v -fTxxxxxxx. CONTROL (in capitals!) specifies that the file being downloaded is an application or loader software file.00@CONTROL?my_pwd where … • • • • • • tml is the executable (OneAccess Memory Loader) to download files to the OneAc- cess devices through their control port. you actually evoke TML (OneAccess Memory Loader) through TMA.4 Downloading application software using TML When downloading with TMA over a serial connection.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-7 538 Downloading software MR-7. If you used the -v option together with the TML command. -fTxxxxxxx. Go to the directory where the TML executable is located. ?my_pwd is the write access password as configured in the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router. COM1) through a straight DB9 male . the software download begins. -v returns graphical information on the download status.g.g. If no password has been configured.00). To download application software to the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router using TML. 2 3 4 5 Open a DOS window on your computer.female cable with the control connector of the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router. To see a list of all the possible TML options: type TML in your DOS windows and press the ENTER key. Typically this is C:\Program Files\TMA. -c1 specifies the COM port of the computer connected to the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router (in this example COM1). . 6 If you press the ENTER key. You can also use TML without opening TMA.00 is the software file you want to download (e. Place the software file you want to download in this directory. 0. where 10. ?my_pwd is the write access password as configured in the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router.11. CONTROL (in capitals!) specifies that the file being downloaded is an application soft- ware file. T1234001. . proceed as follows: Step 1 Action Start an FTP session on the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router. If a write access password is configured on the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router. Txxxxxxx.539 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-7 Downloading software MR-7.1 at the command prompt of your computer.00). The syntax to do this is typically binary. If no password has been configured or if you already entered one when starting the FTP session (see step 1).00 CONTROL?my_pwd Where … • • • • put is the FTP command to send a file.5 Downloading application software using FTP To download application software to the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router using FTP. you can either enter it now or when you actually download the application software (see step 3). 4 When the file transfer is finished. you may omit the ? and the password.11. For example by typing ftp 10. Type the following command: ftp> put Txxxxxxx.00 is the application software file (e.0. close the FTP session. 2 3 Make sure the transfer mode is set to binary (octet) format.g.1 is the LAN IP address of the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router. 4 . proceed as follows: Step 1 2 Action Disconnect the power supply and open the housing as described in MU-3. Properly replace the cover as described in MU-3.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-7 540 Downloading software MR-7. Set the Boot mode DIP switch to off.1 . it may be possible that the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router becomes inaccessible or even inoperative. Reset the Boot mode DIP switch to on. new software can still be downloaded by forcing the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router in loader mode.2 .Ouverture et fermeture du boîtier on page 33. 4 5 6 7 Now proceed as explained in the previous section.4 . 3 Replace the cover without fastening the screws and reconnect the power supply.4 . ⇒The Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router reboots in boot mode. MR-7. Refer to MU-3.La carte mère du Routeur Telindus 1423 SHDSL on page 30 to locate this DIP switch. Do this by means of the Boot mode DIP switch.Commutateurs DIP du Routeur Telindus 1423 SHDSL on page 31. . In that case. again disconnect the power supply and open the housing.Downloading application software using TML on page 538.Ouverture et fermeture du boîtier on page 33 and reconnect the power supply. When the software download is finished.6 Downloading application software in boot mode When a software download failed or when a flash memory error occurs. To download loader or application software to a Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router in loader mode. Refer to MU-3. nms models. filename2. sdsltt.Downloading application software using TFTP on page 537). You can do this using the same tools you use to download application software. sdsltt.ext filename2.g.ext?my_pwd Where … • • filename1. Type the target filename in the Remote file field (e. any file can be downloaded to the file system of the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router. 2. Tool TMA Example In the Remote filename window. TML (refer to MR-7. In fact.2 . Click on Open.Downloading application software using TMA on page 536). Select the file you want to download (e.mod).ext?my_pwd • ftp> put filename1. FTP (refer to MR-7.Downloading application software using FTP on page 539).541 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-7 Downloading software MR-7.nms?pwd123 . These tools are: • • • • TMA (refer to MR-7.mod). (T)FTP and TML • tftp> put filename1. This is the filename the source file will get when it is placed on the file system.3 . TFTP (refer to MR-7.ext?my_pwd • tml -c1 -v -ffilename1.ext filename2.Downloading application software using TML on page 538).ext is the target filename. This is a file on your computer.g. you may specify a different target filename. The major difference is that instead of specifying CONTROL as target filename for the application software. Example: • tftp> put models.7 Downloading files to the file system You might want to download other files than the firmware files [email protected]?pwd123 • tml -c1 -v -fmodels. but if wanted. Source and target filename may be the same.ext is the source filename. you now can specify any filename as target filename. [email protected] .5 . do the following: 1. PPP encapsulation specifications on page 550 MR-8.9 .Bridging specifications on page 553 MR-8.3 .4 .12 .8 .22 .11 .Network address translation specifications on page 554 MR-8.Tunnelling and VPN specifications on page 555 MR-8.24 .Basic Rate ISDN interface specifications on page 545 MR-8.Firewall specifications on page 558 MR-8.Power requirements on page 560 MR-8.Safety compliance on page 561 MR-8.20 .5 .Access security specifications on page 559 MR-8.17 .26 .16 . The following gives an overview of this chapter: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • MR-8.Other WAN encapsulation specifications on page 550 MR-8.4 port Ethernet switch specifications on page 546 MR-8.21 .Control connector specifications on page 547 MR-8.10 .2 .15 .LAN interface specifications on page 546 MR-8.Priority and traffic policy specifications on page 556 MR-8.19 .1 .Memory specifications on page 560 MR-8.IP address assignment and auto-provisioning on page 548 MR-8.IP routing specifications on page 551 MR-8.23 .Over-voltage and over-current protection compliance on page 561 MR-8.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-8 542 Technical specifications MR-8 Technical specifications This chapter gives the technical specifications of the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router.25 .Environmental compliance on page 561 .Routing and bridging performance specifications on page 558 MR-8.Frame Relay encapsulation specifications on page 550 MR-8.Dimensions on page 560 MR-8.ATM encapsulation specifications on page 549 MR-8.SHDSL line specifications on page 543 MR-8.Maintenance and management specifications on page 559 MR-8.6 .14 .18 .7 .EMC compliance on page 561 MR-8.13 . 1 (automatic speed negotiation) or fixed speed Performance monitoring: compliant G.) The line connector lay-out The following table shows the connector layout of the RJ45 line connector: Pin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Signal not used cable shield (optional) line 21 line 1 line 1 line 21 cable shield (optional) not used Figure 1. unavailability seconds) Encapsulation: ATM.543 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-8 Technical specifications MR-8. HDLC (Note that not all encapsulation protocols are present on all Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router versions.SHDSL) Line speeds: • • • Single pair: N x 64 kbps (N = 1 … 36) Two pair: N x 128 kbps (N = 1 … 36) Handshaking: compliant G. For a Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router 2 pair version only.826 (errored seconds. . Frame Relay.2 (G. compliant to ITU-T G.991.1 SHDSL line specifications • • • • • • Single pair or dual pair line access Connector: RJ45 Impedance: 135 ohm Cable to be used: 2*2*CAT5E twisted pair Coding: TC PAM.994. PPP. severely errored seconds. 0 19.2 7.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-8 544 Technical specifications Maximum covered distance The following table gives the maximum covered distance over a noise-free line: Covered distance (km) Line speed (kbps) 1 Pair 64 128 256 512 1024 1536 2048 2304 • • 2 Pair 128 256 512 1024 2048 3072 4096 4608 Wire diameter (mm) 0.6 9.7 7.2 15.5 0.8 13. properly twisted cable.4 These values are valid for all hardware and firmware revisions.0 10.6 5.9 1.2 15.8 31.5 5.1 11.9 1.2 4.7 21.8 5.0 14.8 8.2 19.4 9.5 25.0 38.4 11. A Noise Margin of minimum 2dB is considered a minimum for an Error Ratio that matches at least 10E-7 (= a Signal to Noise ratio of 25dB).6 27.1 13.3 17.2 27.2 42.8 27.6 13.4 16. In performance tests with noise.8 0.2 7. usually a noise margin of 6dB is taken (= a Signal to Noise ratio of 29dB).0 0.5 4.0 8. Tests show that a Signal to Noise ratio of 27dB gives no errors and that at a Signal to Noise ratio of 25dB errors are rare.6 21. A Signal to Noise ratio of 23dB matches a Noise Margin of 0dB.0 8.6 16.0 4. .0 11. Also note that these values are only valid when using the correct.4 30.3 9.8 20.5 15.9 14.5 15.2 5.8 28.9 7.9 10. Frame Relay.440 (= Q.430: Basic user-network interface .932): Digital Subscriber Signalling System No.Layer 1 specification I.412: ISDN user-network interfaces .921): ISDN user-network interface – Data link layer specification I. 1 and 3).450 (= Q. 1 – Generic procedures for the control of ISDN supplementary services Note that the supplementary services in I.545 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-8 Technical specifications MR-8. The following table shows the connector layout of the ISDN BRI interface connector: Pin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Signal not connected not connected transmit A (+) receive A (+) receive B (-) transmit B (-) not connected not connected DTE output input input output Figure .420.Interface structures and access capabilities I.2 Basic Rate ISDN interface specifications • • • • • Connector: RJ45 (DTE) Impedance: 100 ohm or high impedance (DIP switch selectable) Cable to be used: 4*2*CAT5E shielded twisted pair ISDN type: Basic Rate WAN encapsulation: in case of a … • dial-up connection: PPP leased line connection: PPP.452 are not supported. Basic Rate ISDN interface compliance: ITU-T I.930): ISDN user-network interface layer 3 – General aspects ETS 300 102 (≅ Q.452 (= Q.920): ISDN user-network interface data link layer – General aspects ETS 300 125 (≅ Q. This includes the following recommendations: • ISDN callback compliance: PPP LCP callback extension as defined in RFC 1570 (support of options 0.931): ISDN user-network interface layer 3 specification for basic call control I. HDLC I. 4 4 port Ethernet switch specifications • • • • • • Number of ports: 4 Connectors: RJ45 (EIA/TIA 568B) Cable to be used: 4*2*CAT5E unshielded twisted pair Applicable standards: IEEE 802.3u (100Mbps Ethernet) Speed: 10 / 100 Mbps auto-sense VLAN support: maximum 16 VLANs VLAN tagging per port tagged. IEEE 802.3u (100Mbps Ethernet) Speed: 10 / 100 Mbps auto-sense VLAN support (up to 12 VLANs) The following table shows the connector layout of the RJ45 Ethernet LAN interface connector: Pin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Signal transmit (+) transmit (-) receive (+) not used not used receive (-) not used not used I/O output output input input Figure MR-8.3 (10Mbps Ethernet). IEEE 802. untagged or trunking VLAN operation .3 (10Mbps Ethernet).Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-8 546 Technical specifications MR-8.3 LAN interface specifications • • • • • Connector: RJ45 (EIA/TIA 568B) Cable to be used: 4*2*CAT5E unshielded twisted pair Applicable standards: IEEE 802. 547 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-8 Technical specifications MR-8.5 Control connector specifications • • • Connector: female DB9 labelled CTRL Applicable standards: ITU-T V. EIA/TIA 574 Data: asynchronous 9600 bps 8 data bits no parity 1 stop bit no flow control The control connector has the following pin layout: Pin 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Signal not used Receive Data Transmit Data not used GND not used not used not used not used RxD TxD GND DCE output input Figure .28. V.24. RFC 2132) DNS proxy Static IP address assignment Possible assignment of secondary IP address on the LAN interface Numbered or unnumbered mode on WAN interfaces Automatic IP address assignment through: BootP client (RFC 951) DHCP client (RFC 2131.6 IP address assignment and auto-provisioning • • BOOTP/DHCP server (RFC 2131. in Frame-Relay and ATM) Automatic default route assignment on remotely learned IP address in PPP Automatic configuration file upload through DHCP client DHCP client requests are transmitted if an interface is in routing mode and has no IP address yet DHCP client requests can be blocked from being transmitted on the LAN interface and bridge groups . the router gives its own address The DHCP server collects the DNS names of all DHCP clients and acts as a local DNS server for these names DHCP relay agent (RFC 2131.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-8 548 Technical specifications MR-8. RFC 2132) with static or dynamic address assignment DHCP server major features: • • • • • • IP address ranges are configurable per interface If no gateway is configured in the DHCP server. RFC 2132) IPCP • • • • • Automatic IP gateway assignment through Inverse ARP (RFC 2390. I.0 service type UBR.0 OAM F4/F5 LB and CC support (ITU-T I.610) Inverse ARP for automatic gateway configuration ATM Forum Traffic Management 4.549 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-8 Technical specifications MR-8.432 ATM forum UNI 3.1/4. VBR and CBR PCR.0 PVCs ATM forum ILMI 3.7 ATM encapsulation specifications • • • • • • • • • • • ATM cell format ITU-T I.1/4.311. SCR and MBS configurable per ATM PVC Support of up to 31 ATM PVCs ATM VPI range 0 .321.361.10000 Supported higher layer protocols: • Classical IP (RFC 1577) Ethernet (RFC 2684) PPPoA (RFC 2364) PPPoE (RFC 2516) LLC VC Multi-protocol encapsulation: . I.255 ATM VCI range 32 . I. RFC 1662 LCP IPCP (RFC 1332) BCP (RFC 2878) CCP (RFC 1962) with Predictor compression algorithm (RFC 1978) PAP authentication (RFC 1334).Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-8 550 Technical specifications MR-8.8 Frame Relay encapsulation specifications • • • • • • • • • Encapsulation compliant with RFC 1490.617 D. enabled to fixed size of 200 bytes or disabled MCPPP (RFC 2686) MR-8. unidirectional or bi-directional authentication CHAP authentication with MD5 hashing (RFC 1994).933 Annex A and FRF 1&2) CIR configurable per DLCI EIR configurable per DLCI Inverse ARP for automatic gateway configuration Support of up to 40 Frame Relay PVCs (DLCIs) Frame Relay DLCI range 16 .9 PPP encapsulation specifications • • • • • • • • • • • • Encapsulation compliant with RFC 1661. ITU-T Q. RFC 2427 LMI (revision 1 LMI. unidirectional or bi-directional authentication MS-CHAP1 (RFC 2433) and MS-CHAP2 (RFC 2759) CHAP authentication protocol extension MLPPP (RFC 1990) MLPPP bundle name exchange PPP fragmentation (RFC 1990).1022 Multi-link Frame Relay (FRF.16) Frame Relay fragmentation (FRF.12) MR-8.10 Other WAN encapsulation specifications • • • HDLC encapsulation in bridging mode (not interoperable with Cisco HDLC encapsulation) Error test encapsulation for end-to-end error tests over TDM networks between OneAccess devices Leased line operation on ISDN BRI interfaces (aka Standard FestVerbindung (SFV)) . ANSI T1. IGMP (2). Static routing • • • Routing is based on destination IP address Routing is based on static routing entries in the routing table Alternate routing is possible through the use of different preferences for different routes to the same destination Policy based routing • • Routing is based on additional higher layer information Traffic is routed to a certain interface or gateway based on one or more of the following parameters: RIP • • • • • • RIP1 compliant with RFC 1058 RIP2 compliant with RFC 2453 Split horizon and selective router updates per interface Broadcasting of selective RIP updates limited to information on specific network subnets RIP2 authentication with MD5 hashing or clear text Triggered RIP for ISDN interfaces Source IP address range Destination IP address range Type Of Service (TOS) value range (8 bits in the IP header.11 IP routing specifications The Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router complies to the router requirements as stated in RFC 1812 and supports the routing of standard IP packets (RFC 791) between the different interfaces of the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router according to the routing protocols listed below.551 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-8 Technical specifications MR-8. ICMP (1). also called DSCP bits) IP protocol (examples are any (0). UDP (17)) Source port range for UDP / TCP packets Destination port range for UDP / TCP packets OSPF • • • • Compliant with RFC 2328 (OSPF version 2) Import of statically configured routes Route summarisation and route suppression through range definitions on areas Encryption through simple password or MD5 encryption chains ICMP Support of ICMP messages (RFC 792): • • TTL exceeded Destination unreachable . TCP (6). IGMP (2). RFC 2236). UDP (17)) Source port range for UDP / TCP packets Destination port range for UDP / TCP packets IP MTU • The IP MTU can be configured on the WAN and LAN interfaces (between 500 and 1650 bytes) VRRP • Support of VRRP (RFC 2338) .Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-8 552 Technical specifications Multicasting and broadcasting The Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router supports the handling of broadcasts and multicasts and includes the following related functionalities: • • • • IGMPv2 (Internet Group Management protocol. also called DSCP bits) IP protocol (examples are any (0). TCP (6). as the standard for IP multicasting IGMP proxy function Forwarding of directed broadcasts can be enabled or disabled per interface Helper address can be configured for broadcasts Filtering • • • • Filtering of outgoing traffic on all interfaces based on extended access lists Filtering of incoming traffic on all interfaces based on extended access lists Filtering of incoming traffic on the IP protocol stack based on an extended access list IP extended access lists filter on the following parameters: Source IP address range Destination IP address range Type Of Service (TOS) value range (8 bits in the IP header. ICMP (1). 1P COS mapping and COS to TOS mapping are available on the data sent between a bridge group and the IP router to maintain priority information when changing from IP to VLAN or vice versa MIB2 performance counters are available per VLAN • VLAN switching • • • • Bridge group can be configured as VLAN switch Q in Q as defined in IEEE 802.1P COS mapping and COS to TOS mapping are available on the LAN interface to maintain priority information when changing from IP to VLAN or vice versa IP TOS to 802.12 Bridging specifications • • Bridging can be enabled or disabled per interface Bridging can be combined with routing on the same interface Bridging protocols • • • Self-learning bridging can be enabled or disabled Cache of at least 10.1D) Bridge groups • • • • • Multiple bridge groups possible IP address assignment per bridge group (for management purposes) Secondary IP addresses can be configured per bridge group MAC address configurable per bridge group Routing between different bridge groups possible VLANs • • • • • • Support of VLANs (IEEE 802.1ad possible No practical limit on the number of VLANs in VLAN switching mode VLAN switching mode can be combined with bridging mode for packets on the same interface Filtering • • • • Filtering of outgoing bridged traffic on all interfaces based on access lists Bridge access lists filter on source MAC address Limit broadcasts in a bridge group per interface Proxy ARP cache .000 MAC addresses Support of Spanning Tree protocol (IEEE 802.1P) Multiple VLANs within a bridge group towards the IP router possible IP TOS to 802.553 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-8 Technical specifications MR-8.1Q) Up to 255 VLANs per LAN interface Support of VLAN priority tagging (IEEE 802. H. Time Exceed & Source Quench). IRC. Echo Response.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-8 554 Technical specifications MR-8. Intel Video Phone. ICQ2000b. AOL Instant Messenger. Microsoft Messenger Security Related: PPTP.13 Network address translation specifications • • • • • • • • • • Compliant with RFC 3022 NAT mode for one-to-one private to public IP address translation PAT mode for many-to-one private to public IP address translation NAT/PAT configurable on any interface (the interface with the public address(es)) Up to 5 NAT/PAT interfaces Static and dynamic assignment of NAT official addresses List of UDP/TCP port numbers that should not be translated List of incoming UDP/TCP port numbers destined for a server Easy NAT: CPE learns official IP address via PPP Application Layer Gateway (ALG) support including: General: FTP. L2TP - . QuickTime. Real Player (Real Audio / Real Video). SQLNet Microsoft Games Video / Streaming applications: RTSP. ICMP (Echo. IKE. CuseeMe 5. IPSec ESP (IPSec client from internal network). MIRC. Destination Unreachable.323 (ASN1 PER encoding and decoding included).0. NetMeeting. Net2Phone. AOL enhanced chat. SIP Audio Communication: Internet Chat. 14 Tunnelling and VPN specifications L2TP tunnelling • • • • • • • • • • • Compliant with RFC 2661 Up to 10 L2TP tunnels Available on LAN and WAN interfaces Static and dynamic tunnels Tunnel authentication Available for IP and bridged PDUs One L2TP tunnel between each pair of IP addresses One PPP session per L2TP tunnel L2TP tunnels can be set up from an interface running NAT/PAT L2TP backup tunnels RIP snapshot routing on L2TP tunnels IPSEC security • • • • • • • • Compliant with RFC 2401 up to RFC 2406 L2TP transport mode (RFC 3193) Up to 10 IPSEC tunnels (independently of the number of L2TP tunnels) ESP (RFC 2406) DES (56 bits. RFC 2451) and NULL (RFC 2410) encryption HMAC based on MD5 (RFC 2403) and SHA-1 (RFC 2404) for integrity and authentication Manual SAs IPSec Key management protocol framework compliant with: RFC 2408: Internet Security Association and Key Management Protocol RFC 2407: IP Security Domain of Interpretation for ISAKMP RFC 2409: Internet Key Exchange (IKE) . RFC 2405).555 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-8 Technical specifications MR-8. 3DES (3 * 56 bits. The following gives an overview of this section: • • • MR-8.Bridge traffic policy on page 557 .3 .15.IP traffic policy on page 557 MR-8.15 Priority and traffic policy specifications This section gives the specifications of the priority and traffic policies that are available on the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router.1 .2 .15.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-8 556 Technical specifications MR-8.15.Priority policy on page 557 MR-8. 1 Priority policy • 7 forwarding queues per interface: • • 5 standard. ICMP (1).2 IP traffic policy Supported IP traffic policies: Traffic shaping • Traffic is forwarded to a certain priority queue based on the following parameters: • • • Source IP address range Destination IP address range Type Of Service (TOS) value range (8 bits in the IP header.557 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-8 Technical specifications MR-8. TCP (6).1P tag of VLAN tagged Ethernet traffic . IGMP (2). UDP (17)) Source port range for UDP / TCP packets Destination port range for UDP / TCP packets TOS value can be changed during traffic shaping Configurable maximum queue length Performance information on classified traffic TosDiffServ • Traffic is forwarded to a certain priority queue based on DiffServ (RFCs 2474.15.15.15. configurable queues 1 low delay queue 1 system queue Quotum and weight configurable per standard queue Supported algorithms to empty the standard queues: FIFO Round robin Absolute priority Weighted fair queueing Low delay weighted fair queueing • CIR configurable per standard queue MR-8. also called DSCP bits) IP protocol (examples are any (0).3 Bridge traffic policy • Traffic is forwarded to a certain priority queue based on the 802. 2475) regarding class and drop precedence TosMapped • • Traffic is forwarded to a certain priority queue based on a user-defined range of the TOS field Configurable maximum queue length MR-8. In case you enable encryption in IPSEC. .000 pps with IPSEC. WinNuke.000 pps Bridging performance: MR-8. Corporate. IP Unaligned Timestamp. MIME Flood. DMZ) and IP protocol stack (Self) Outbound and inbound policies based on … • • • Source and destination IP address range Application (IP protocol and port range) PAT can be applied per outbound / inbound policy Outbound and inbound policies for the IP protocol stack (Self) Protection again attacks: SYN flooding.000 pps with HWA: 110.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-8 558 Technical specifications MR-8. with HWA: TBD without HWA: 75. Source Routing.17 Firewall specifications • • Firewall with 3 zones (Internet. Sequence Number Out Of Range. Sequence Number Prediction. ICMP Error Messages Firewall logging with different priorities • 1. then the routing performance decreases. with HWA: 85.16 Routing and bridging performance specifications • Routing performance:1 • without IPSEC. without HWA: 60. FTP Bounce.000 pps without IPSEC. URL Filtering. Not included. . 2. TFP) MR-8. FTP.559 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-8 Technical specifications MR-8. SNMP. HTTP interfaces are available on both port 80 and port 8080. HTTP. This allows connecting to the HTTP interfaces in case a NAT service is defined on port 80.19 Maintenance and management specifications • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Local console (Command Line Interface or ATWIN) via serial control port TELNET (Command Line Interface or ATWIN) (RFC 854) HTTP web interface1 (RFC 2616) Easy Configurator (customisable JAVA based web interface) TMA (OneAccess Maintenance Application) via serial control port or IP connection (UDP port 1728) TMA CLI2 TMA Element Management2 TMA for HP OpenView2 TML (OneAccess Memory Loader) for configuration and software download via serial control port FTP configuration and software download (RFC 414) TFTP configuration and software download (RFC 1350) PING (RFC 792) SNMP (RFC 1157) SNMP MIB2 (RFC 1213). private MIB SNMP traps (RFC 1215) SYSLOG event logging (RFC 3164) SNTP (RFC 2030) IP loopback address 1.18 Access security specifications • • Password protected Several access levels possible: • • • Read access Write access Security access File system access Radius client (RFC 2865) Management access can be enabled or disabled per interface Overall management access can be prohibited (Telnet. approx. OneAccess 1423 SHDSL: 1 SHDSL line interface. 73% efficiency. sales code 199744.25 W 10.21 Power requirements • • Power adapter to be used: Vout = 12 Vdc. sales code 191706. 4 port Ethernet switch.5 W 7. approx. 50% efficiency. Using the PST30 DC/DC adapter. 2 ISDN line interfaces. Using the Friwo AC/DC adapter. OneAccess 1423 SHDSL 2ETH-4P ISDN-BRI HWA: 1 SHDSL line interface. 2.5 W 230 Vac1 9W 15 W 48 Vdc2 6. 1 Ethernet interface. 1 Ethernet interface 4. HWA chip MR-8.25 W 1.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-8 560 Technical specifications MR-8. 48Vdc → 9-12Vdc/1A.22 Dimensions • • • • Height: 45 mm Width: 220 mm Depth: 130 mm Weight: 500 g . 230Vac → 12Vdc/1A. 3. Iout = 1000 mA Maximum power consumption: Pmax Version basic3 full4 Input power 12 Vdc 4.20 Memory specifications • • Flash memory: 8 Mb RAM: 16 Mb MR-8. 25 EMC compliance • • • • • • • • • • • • EN55022 B Emissions EN55024 Immunity EN61000-3-2 Harmonics EN61000-3-3 Voltage fluctuations and flicker EN61000-4-2 ESD EN61000-4-3 Radiated immunity EN61000-4-4 EFT/burst EN61000-4-5 Surge EN61000-4-6 Conducted immunity EN61000-4-8 Power magnetic field immunity EN61000-4-11 Voltage dips & drops ENV50204 Radiated immunity against digital radio telephone MR-8. MR-8. Maximum altitude: 3000m International protection (IP) class of protection against solid and liquids: IP40 . Class 3 equipment for … Table Tops with 115/230 Vac external power supply adapter Table Tops with -48 Vdc internal power supply Card Versions.1.561 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router User manual Chapter MR-8 Technical specifications MR-8. a relative humidity between 0 to 95% non-condensing and an ambient operational temperature between -10 to 50°C is supported.44 and ETSI ETS 300 386-2 recommendations. In addition. In addition.26 Environmental compliance • • • • • Storage conditions: ETSI ETS 300 019-1-1 Class 1.2. MR-8.23 Safety compliance • • • EN60950-1 Class 1 equipment for Table Tops with 115/230 Vac internal power supply. the storage temperature has to be between -25 to +70°C Transport conditions: ETSI ETS 300 019-1-2 Class 2.3 Stationary use conditions: ETSI ETS 300 019-1-3 Class 3.24 Over-voltage and over-current protection compliance The over-voltage and over-current protection complies with ITU-T K. Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router 562 Annex Annex . 563 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router Annex . org/assignments/port-numbers. As far as possible. A complete list can be found on http://www. the same port numbers are used for TCP as for UDP. Port No 20 21 23 25 37 42 53 65 67 68 69 80 119 137 138 139 161 162 1728 Protocol ftp-data ftp telnet smtp time nameserver domain tacacs-ds bootps bootpc tftp www-http nntp netbios-ns netbios-dgm netbios-ssn snmp snmptrap OneAccess UDP/TCP TCP TCP TCP TCP UDP/TCP UDP UDP/TCP UDP/TCP UDP UDP UDP TCP TCP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP UDP Description File Transfer (Default Data) File Transfer (Control) Telnet Simple Mail Transfer Protocol Time Server Host Name Server Domain Name Server TACACS-Database Service Bootstrap Protocol Server Bootstrap Protocol Client Trivial File Transfer World Wide Web HTTP Network News Transfer Protocol NETBIOS Name Service NETBIOS Datagram Service NETBIOS Session Service SNMP SNMPTRAP OneAccess Protocol used by TMA .Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router Annex Annex A: 564 common TCP and UDP numbers Annex A: common TCP and UDP numbers The following table shows the port numbers for a number of common protocols using TCP and UDP as transport protocol.iana. 565 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router Annex Annex A: common TCP and UDP numbers . (xxx NPWR).5/9VDC CPE DEVICES . Wallplug power module with input range: 18 to 72Vdc and output: 7. 230Vac -> 9Vdc for Desktop units delivered without power adapter.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router Annex Annex B: 566 product information Annex B: product information The following table displays the product information of the Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router: Sales code 175590 Product name PWR-PLUG (EUR VERSION)230VAC >9VDC PWR-PLUG (UK VERSION) 230VAC->9VDC Description Wallplug power module European type.5 / 9Vdc for Desktop units delivered without power adapter.DC voltages. Fully isolated input. (xxx NPWR). 175592 191706 PWR-PLUG +/-48/24VDC FOR 7. (xxx NPWR). 230Vac -> 9Vdc for Desktop units delivered without power adapter. Suitable for + & . Wallplug power module UK type. 567 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router Annex Annex B: product information . Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router Annex Index 568 Index Numerics 4 port Ethernet switch specifications 546 A absolute and relative addressing 241 access security specifications 559 addressing. 312 maximumSpeedSearch 300 Rename File 392 reset 457 resetAllCounters 411 resetCounters 411 retrain 432 saveCertificates 398 Set Date 261 Set Time 261 startPing 452 startTest 296. what is 535 application software downloading using FTP 539 using TFTP 537 using TMA 536 using TML 538 what is 535 ARP cache how works the 22 proxy ARP 23 time-out 23 what is 22 ATM configuration attributes 38 performance attributes 419 specifications 549 status attributes 275 attribute . 430 startTracert 453 stopPing 452 stopTest 296.configuration 24hMaxCallTime 91 accessList 242 accessPolicy 243 adapter 23 addresses 154 addrPools 145 advertiseInterval 197 alarmFilter 244 alarmLevel bChannel object 84 BRI interface object 87 bri object 82 end object 78 LAN interface object 34 line object 76 line pair object 76 PPP bundle object 125 repeater object 78 router object 151 top object 17 . 430 stopTracert 454 unBlacklist 344 attribute . 383 clearBridgeCache 383 clearCounters 430 clearIsdnCall 312 clearSAs 353 clearTracert 454 Cold Boot 19 Delete File 392 generateSelfCertificateRequest 393 getCrlScep 398 getSelfCertificateScep 396 getTrustedCertificateScep 395 injectError 430 Load Default Configuration 18 Load Preconfiguration 18 Load Saved Configuration 19 loadSelfCertificate 394 loadTrustedCertificate 392 loopbackActivation 305. relative and absolute 241 alarm attributes 484 configuration 489 general 490 introduction 488 overview 485 alarms AUX interface 502 B-channel 501 BRI 500 bundle 503 end 498 general 491 LAN interface 493 line 495 line pair 496 MLPPP 503 repeater 498 router 504 WAN interface 494 application mode.action Activate Configuration 18 clearArpCache 270.alarm alarmInfo 490 alarmLevel 489 alarmMask 489 totalAlarmLevel 490 attribute . 123 callback 97 callInterval 90 callTimeOut 90 channel 67 cms2Address 241 compression 58. 95 bandwidth 115 bcastStormProtection 33 blockSize 65 bootFromFlash 15 bridgeCache 225 bridgeTimeOut 226 bridging 21. 224 ipAddress (loopback) 247 ipAddresses 195 ipNetMask (loopback) 247 ipsecL2tpTunnels 162 isdnInterfaces 90 keyChains 180 l2tpTunnels 157 linkAlarmThresholds 74 linkMonitoring 59. 234 management 75 mapping 117 maxChannelsUsed 93 maxFifoQLen 36. 57. 36. 87.569 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router Annex Index WAN interface object 36 alarmMask bChannel object 84 BRI interface object 87 bri object 82 end object 78 LAN interface object 34 line object 76 line pair object 76 PPP bundle object 125 repeater object 78 router object 151 top object 17 WAN interface object 36 algorithm 112 alternativeRoutes 130 areaId 184 arp 22. 86 eocHandling 75 espAuthenticationAlgorithm 169 espAuthenticationKey 169 espEncryptionAlgorithm 167 espEncryptionKey 168 fastIdleTimeOut 90 filter 193 fragmentation 55. 57 dhcpCheckAddress 141 dhcpDynamic 139 dhcpStatic 137 dialAllowed 82 dialPktBufSize 90 dialTimeTable 91 dlciTable 49 dmzHost 155 dns 144 dropLevels 106. 182 inboundPolicies 204 inboundSelfPolicies 213 inspection 199 interfaces 196 ip 21. 36. 99. 99 maxSpeed 71 maxSpeed2P 72 members 123 method 101 mib2Traps 236 minChannelsFree 93 minSpeed 71 minSpeed2P 72 mode 21. 95 connection 95 consoleNoTrafficTimeOut 244 countingPolicy 114 criticals 196 ctrlPortProtocol 247 defaultRoute 128 delayOptimisation 55. 57. 48. 95 authentication 60. 123 modeLearnedDlci 55 mru 55. 57. 95 lmi 52 localAccess 227 log 219 loginControl 246 lowdelayQuotum 114 macAddress 228. 224 atm 46 attacks 217 atwinGraphics 245 authenPeriod 60. 72. 224 networks 186 numExpectedRepeaters 75 outboundPolicies 199 outboundSelfPolicies 209 patAddress 153 phase1 171 phase2 175 ports 30 portTranslations 153 pppSecretTable 133 preemptMode 197 priorityPolicy 22. 86. 99 . 124 ftp 243 gateway 155 helperProtocols 134 idleTimeOut 90 importMetrics 181. 86. 63 multiclassInterfaces 124 multiLink 96 name 21. 63. 123. 57. 110 dualPairMode 72 encapsulation 36. performance addressesAvailable 456 allocFails 456 bridgeAccessList 476 bridgeCache 473 bridgeDiscards 473 bridgeFloods 473 cliSessionCount 478 cllmInFrames 427 cms2SessionCount 478 currUsedProcPower 481 d7Attack 468 d7DialupStats 438 d7General 466 d7Line 432 d7LineParameters 433 d7Performance 434 discards 456.Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router Annex Index 570 programmablePattern 65 pvcTable 39 queueConfigurations 114 radius 142 ranges 191 refBandwidth 180 region 67 retrain 69 ripHoldDownTime 131 ripUpdateInterval 130 ripv2SecretTable 132 routerId 180 routingProtocol 130 routingTable 129 security 16 sendAdminUnreachable 136 sendPortUnreachable 136 sendTtlExceeded 135 servicesAvailable 154 sessionName 61 sessionSecret 61 snmp 243 spanningTree 226 spi 169 startupMargin 71 stub 184 switchMode 30 sysContact 15 sysLocation 15 sysLog 238 sysName 15 sysSecret 133 tcpSockets 155 tcpSocketTimeOut 155 tei 81 telephoneNrs 82 telnet 243 testType 65 tftp 243 timedStatsAvailability 244 timeServer 240 timeZone 240 timingMode 68 tos2QueueMapping 108 trafficShaping 103 trapDestinations 236 udpSockets 155 udpSocketTimeOut 155 virtualLinks 189 vlan 24. 229 vlanPriorityMap 110 vlanSwitching 231 vp 45 vrId 195 attribute . 470 dlciTable 425 duration 429 espAuthenticationFailure 461 espDecryptionFailure 461 espDroppedFrames 461 espSequenceNrReplay 461 freeBlockCount 481 freeDataBuffers 481 freeMemory 482 h24Attack 467 h24DialupStats 438 h24General 466 h24Line 432 h24LineParameters 433 h24Performance 415. 434 icmpAllocs 457 icmpSocketsUsed 456 ifDownCount 429 ifDropLevelExceeded 415 ifInDiscards 413 ifInErrors 413 ifInNUcastPkts 413 ifInOctets 413 ifInUcastPkts 413 ifInUnknownProtos 413 ifOutDiscards 414 ifOutErrors 414 ifOutNUcastPkts 414 ifOutOctets 414 ifOutPQLen 415 ifOutQLen 414 ifOutUcastPkts 414 ifUpTime 429 inPackets 461 ipStackEvents 479 l2tpTunnels 459 largestFreeBlockSize 481 line 432 lineParameters 433 lmi 427 mapping 443 . 434 h2DialupStats 438 h2Line 432 h2LineParameters 433 h2Performance 415. 308. 378. 319. 319. 314. 378. 379 asbrLsas 370 asExtLsas 359 atmSync 276 bacpHisOptions 332 bacpMyOptions 332 bacpState 332 bChannelUsage 311 bcpHisOptions 290. 286. 319. 328. 294. 298. 328. 331 blockSize 296 bootVersion 260 bridgeCache 380 bridging 266. 316. 301. 314. 331 bcpMyOptions 290. 319. 308. 378 ipAddress 388 ipAdEntBcastAddr 269 ipAdEntReasmMaxSize 269 ipcpHisOptions 289. 308. 316. 378.status abrs 365 accessLog 386 activeFlash 260 actualBitRate 301 adapter 268 addresses 346 addrPools 344 alarmLog 385 arpCache 265. 388 ifLastChange 263. 272. 331 bcpState 287. 314. 281. 378. 316. 272. 330 . 381 callDirection 314 ccpHisOptions 291 ccpMyOptions 291 clearLog 376 cllmLastCongestionCause 284 cms2Address 385 configurationSaving 261 corruptBlocks 390 criticals 373 ctsItu106 319 date 261 dcdItu109 320 deviceId 261 dhcpBinding 341 dhcpBlackList 342 dhcpStatistics 341. 328 ifType 263. 314. 373 ip 264. 272. 298. 342 dialMapEntry 314 dlciTable 281 dns 343 dnsServers 343 dsrItu107 319 dtrItu108 319 duration 296 eocAlarmThresholds 299. 286. 301. 308. 319. 388 igmpTable 339 inBandwidth 332 interfaces 361. 331. 329. 298. 316. 316. 298. 328.571 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router Annex Index mibCounters 416 multiclassinterfaces 446 multiVlans 473 outPackets 461 performance 434 phase2Negotiations 463 phase2Sessions 463 pingResults 451 pvcTable 420 radiusAcct 450 radiusAuth 450 routingTable 449 rxAllOneBlocks 429 rxAllZeroBlocks 429 rxBitErrors 429 rxBlockErrors 429 rxBlocks 429 rxPatternSlip 429 rxShiftCount 429 rxSyncLoss 429 socketsFree 456 status 429 taskInfo 482 tcpAllocs 457 tcpSessionCount 479 tcpSocketsUsed 456 tftpSessionCount 479 totalDataBuffers 481 totalMemory 482 tracertResults 451 trafficShaping 470 txBlocks 430 txInjectErrors 430 udpAllocs 457 udpSocketsUsed 456 unknownCells 423 usedProcPower 481 vlan 416 vlanSwitching 474 vp 423 attribute . 314. 272. 308. 388 ifOperStatus 263. 319 ifMtu 263. 316. 304 eocSoftVersion 303 eocState 304 externalRoutes 358 fileList 390 flash1Version 259 flash2Version 259 flashVersions 260 freeSpace 390 hisAuthenticationStatus 292 hisCompressionRatio 291 hosts 363 ifDescr 263. 330 ipcpMyOptions 289. 272. 388 ifSpeed 263. 272. 301. 304 lmi 283 localPhoneNr 314 log 376 macAddress 264. 373. 329 ipsecL2tpTunnels 349 l1Status 309 l2tpTunnels 348 lapdLinks 310 lcpHisOptions 288 lcpMyOptions 288 lcpState 287 lineAttenuation 301. general 307 B-channel alarms 501 configuration attributes 83 performance attributes 439 status attributes 313 boot mode. 304 sNet 376 spanningTree 381 startSysUpTime 296 status 296. general 437 specifications 545 status attributes. 299 maxSpeedSearch 298 members 328 messages 260 multiclassInterfaces 333 myAuthenticationStatus 292 myCompressionRatio 291 neighbors 363 networkLsas 368 nssaLsas 371 numDiscoveredRepeaters 299 outBandwidth 332 phase1 353 phase2 353 ports 269 profileUsers 322 programmablePattern 296 pvcTable 276 radius 343 receiveSample 296 region 298 remotePhoneNr 314 reverseSessions 375 riItu125 320 routerLsas 366 routes 357 routingTable 336 rtsItu105 319 rxdItu104 319 selfCertificates 391 sessions 375 shdslVersion 303 signalNoise 301. 390 summLsas 369 sysDescr 259 sysObjectID 259 sysServices 259 sysUpTime 259 taskInfo 400 tdreVersion 260 testStatus 311 testType 311 time 261 timeServer 385 timeSinceLastRetrain 301 trustedCertificates 391 txdItu103 319 type 296. what is 535 BootP what is 509 BRI alarms 500 performance attributes 436 status attributes 306 bridge configuration attributes 222 general configuration attributes 223 performance attributes 471 .Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router Annex Index 572 ipcpState 287. introducing 509 specifications 548 AUX interface alarms 502 performance attributes 441 status attributes 318 B Basic Rate ISDN interface configuration attributes 79 configuration attributes. what is 535 boot software. 378 mapping 324 mask 388 maxSpeedResult 298. 356 vendorId 303 vendorModel 303 vendorSerial 303 vendorSoftVersion 303 vlan 268 vp 279 auto-install 508 on the LAN interface 511 example 514 in case of Ethernet 513 set-up 512 on the WAN interface 516 example 520 in case of ATM 518 in case of Frame-Relay 519 setup 517 protocols. general 80 performance attributes. general 127 routing filter 192 SNMP 235 traffic policy bridging 109 IP 100 VRRP 194 WAN interface 35 configuration file creating 523 creating a binary file using TMA 525 creating an ASCII CLI file using Telnet 529 using TFTP 528 using TMA 526 downloading 530 using (T)FTP 532 using Telnet 533 using TMA 531 formats 524 restoring 530 control connector specifications 547 D DHCP what is 509 dial maps configuration attributes 116 performance attributes 442 status attributes 323 dimensions of the device 560 DMZ what is 155 DNS what is 144. general 179 overview 5 PPP 56 PPP bundle 122 priority policy 111 profiles 88 repeater 77 router 126 router. 509 DNS proxy what is 144 downloading a configuration file 530 using (T)FTP 532 using Telnet 533 using TMA 531 downloading application software in boot mode 540 using FTP 539 using TFTP 537 .573 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router Annex Index specifications 553 status attributes 377 bridge access list configuration attributes 233 performance attributes 475 bridge cache time-out 226 what is 225 bridge filtering specifications 553 bridge group configuration attributes 223 performance attributes 472 specifications 553 broadcasting specifications 552 bundle alarms 503 configuration attributes 121 performance attributes 444 status attributes 326 C common TCP and UDP numbers 564 configuration alarm attributes 489 configuration attributes 4 ATM 38 Basic Rate ISDN interface 79 Basic Rate ISDN interface. general 80 B-channel 83 bridge 222 bridge access list 233 bridge group 223 bundle 121 dial maps 116 encapsulation 37 encapsulation profile 94 end 77 error test 64 firewall 198 forwarding profile 98 Frame Relay 47 general 14 HDLC 62 IKE SA 170 ISDN dial profile 89 ISDN leased line 85 L2TP tunnel 156 LAN interface 20 line 66 line pair 66 management 237 manual SA 166 MLPPP 121 NAT 152 OSPF 178 OSPF area 183 OSPF. Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router Annex Index 574 using TMA 536 using TML 538 downloading files to the file system 541 downloading software 534 E EMC compliance 561 encapsulation configuration attributes 37 performance attributes 418 encapsulation profile configuration attributes 94 end alarms 498 configuration attributes 77 performance attributes 435 status attributes 302 environmental compliance 561 error test configuration attributes 64 performance attributes 428 status attributes 295 F file system downloading files to 541 status attributes 389 firewall configuration attributes 198 performance attributes 465 specifications 558 status attributes 374 forwarding profile configuration attributes 98 Frame Relay configuration attributes 47 performance attributes 424 specifications 550 status attributes 280 G general alarm attributes 490 alarms 491 configuration attributes 14 performance attributes 410 status attributes 258 H HDLC configuration attributes 62 status attributes 293 I ICMP specifications 551 ICMP message communication prohibited 136 port unreachable 136 TTL exceeded 135 IGMP topology 339 what is 339 IKE SA configuration attributes 170 performance attributes 462 status attributes 352 introducing alarm attributes 488 IP addresses specifications 548 IP filtering specifications 552 IP MTU specifications 552 IP security performance attributes 460 IPSEC specifications 555 ISDN dial profile configuration attributes 89 ISDN leased line configuration attributes 85 performance attributes 440 status attributes 315 L L2TP status authentication states 351 call states 350 control states 350 delivery states 351 L2TP tunnel configuration attributes 156 performance attributes 458 specifications 555 status attributes 347 LAN interface alarms 493 configuration attributes 20 performance attributes 412 specifications 546 status attributes 262 line alarms 495 . what is 422 operating system performance attributes 480 status attributes 399 OSPF configuration attributes 178 configuration attributes. what is 422 OAM RDI. general 437 B-channel 439 BRI 436 bridge 471 bridge access list 475 bridge group 472 bundle 444 dial maps 442 encapsulation 418 end 435 error test 428 firewall 465 Frame Relay 424 general 410 IKE SA 462 IP security 460 ISDN leased line 440 L2TP tunnel 458 LAN interface 412 line 431 management 477 manual SA 460 NAT 455 operating system 480 overview 403 PPP bundle 445 repeater 435 router 447 router. general 448 traffic policy IP 469 WAN interface 417 policies.575 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router Annex Index configuration attributes 66 performance attributes performance attributes line pair 431 retrain criteria 69 specifications 543 connector lay-out 543 maximum covered distance 544 status attributes 297 line pair alarms 496 configuration attributes 66 performance attributes 431 status attributes 297 M maintenance and management specifications 559 management configuration attributes 237 performance attributes 477 status attributes 384 manual SA configuration attributes 166 performance attributes 460 memory specifications 560 MLPPP alarms 503 configuration attributes 121 MRU what is 55. 57. traffic and priority specifications 556 policy based routing . general 355 OSPF area configuration attributes 183 status attributes 360 other WAN encapsulations specifications 550 overview alarm attributes 485 configuration attributes 5 performance attributes 403 status attributes 249 over-voltage and over-current protection compliance 561 P passwords remarks on 17 PAT specifications 554 performance attributes 402 ATM 419 AUX interface 441 Basic Rate ISDN interface. general 179 specifications 551 status attributes 354 status attributes. 63 multicasting specifications 552 N NAT configuration attributes 152 performance attributes 455 specifications 554 status attributes 345 O OAM AIS. what is 240 software downloading 534 what is boot and application 535 specifications 4 port Ethernet switch 546 access security 559 ATM encapsulation 549 auto-install 548 Basic Rate ISDN interface 545 bridge group 553 bridging 553 broadcasting 552 control connector 547 dimensions 560 EMC compliance 561 environmental compliance 561 firewall 558 Frame Relay encapsulation 550 ICMP 551 IP filtering 552 IP MTU 552 .Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router Annex Index 576 specifications 551 power requirements 560 PPP configuration attributes 56 specifications 550 status attributes 285 PPP bundle configuration attributes 122 performance attributes 445 status attributes 327 priority policy configuration attributes 111 specifications 557 product information 566 profiles configuration attributes 88 status attributes 321 proxy ARP. 312 maximumSpeedSearch action 300 messages attribute 260 NAT in the ip structure versus NAT in the firewall 203. 317 IP address on the LAN interface in case of bridging 21. 224 ipIntervalPool attribute 149 ipListPool attribute 146 L2TP tunnels. 208 passwords 17 resetNat action 457 ripv2SecretTable attribute 132 routing update filter 193 telnet attribute 243 timingMode attribute 68 trafficShaping table 103 VLAN ID 0 26 repeater alarms 498 configuration attributes 77 performance attributes 435 status attributes 302 restoring a configuration file 530 RIP specifications 551 RIP hold-down timer. what is 131 router alarms 504 configuration attributes 126 general configuration attributes 127 general performance attributes 448 general status attributes 335 performance attributes 447 status attributes 334 routing specifications 551 routing and bridging performance specifications 558 routing filter configuration attributes 192 S safety compliance 561 sales codes 566 SNMP configuration attributes 235 SNTP. type element 159 loopbackActivation action 305. RAM limitations 296 extended access list on the protocol stack 243 helperProtocols attribute 134 host routes to local interface IP address 338 ifOperStatus of the WAN interface 273. what is 23 R relative and absolute addressing 241 relay agent the Telindus Router as 510 remarks on accessing a proxied device via its IP address 22 channel attribute 67 compression attribute 58 dhcpStatistics attribute 341 dialTimeTable attribute 92 dualPairMode attribute 73 error test. auto element 159 L2TP tunnels. general 335 VRRP 372 WAN interface 271 syslog.577 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router Annex Index IPaddresses 548 IPSEC 555 L2TP tunnel 555 LAN interface 546 line 543 connector lay-out 543 maximum covered distance 544 maintenance and management 559 memory 560 multicasting 552 NAT 554 OSPF 551 other WAN encapsulations 550 over-voltage and over-current protection compliance 561 PAT 554 policies. what are 119 UTC. what is 240 V VLAN local or global tag significance 29 specifications 553 VLAN switching specifications 553 stripping the VLAN tag 231 VPN specifications 555 VRRP configuration attributes 194 specifications 552 status attributes 372 . general 307 B-channel 313 BRI 306 bridge 377 bundle 326 dial maps 323 end 302 error test 295 file system 389 firewall 374 Frame Relay 280 general 258 HDLC 293 IKE SA 352 ISDN leased line 315 L2TP tunnel 347 LAN interface 262 line 297 line pair 297 management 384 NAT 345 operating system 399 OSPF 354 OSPF area 360 OSPF. what is 238 T target margin. what is 71 technical specifications 542 TFTP what is 510 Time To Live (TTL). general 355 overview 249 PPP 285 PPP bundle 327 profiles 321 repeater 302 router 334 router. traffic and priority 556 policy based routing 551 power requirements 560 PPP encapsulation 550 priority policy 557 RIP 551 routing 551 routing and bridging performance 558 safety compliance 561 static routing 551 traffic policy on the bridge 557 traffic policy on the router 557 tunnelling 555 VLAN 553 VLAN switching 553 VPN 555 VRRP 552 static routing specifications 551 status attributes 248 ATM 275 AUX interface 318 Basic Rate ISDN interface. what is 135 TMA sub-system picture 506 how to display 506 structure 506 traffic policy configuration attributes of the bridge 109 configuration attributes of the router 100 performance attributes of the router 469 specifications of the bridge 557 specifications of the router 557 tunnelling specifications 555 U unique digits. Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router Annex Index 578 W WAN interface alarms 494 configuration attributes 35 performance attributes 417 status attributes 271 . 579 Telindus 1423 SHDSL Router Annex Index .
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