March 27, 2018 | Author: Tushar Jadhav | Category: Optical Fiber, Power Electronics, Power Inverter, Digital Signal Processing, Microcontroller



Solapur University, SolapurStructure of T.E.(Electronics & Telecommunication Engg.) Part I & II w.e.f. Academic Year 2009-10. T.E.(Electronics & Telecommunication Engg.) Part -I Sr. Subject No. 01 Electro Magnetic Engg. & Radiating System 02 Digital Communication 03 Software Engineering & Project Management System 04 Digital Signal Processing 05 Microprocessor & Peripherals 06 Electronic Software Lab-II Total Teaching Scheme L T P Total 3 1 2 6 3 3 4 4 1 18 1 -------2 2 -2 2 2 10 6 3 6 6 3 30 Th. 100 100 100 100 100 --500 Examination Scheme TW POE OE Total 25 ----125 25 -25 25 25 125 50 -25 50 -125 ----------175 100 150 175 25 750 • Vacational Training (be evaluated at B.E. Part-I) of minimum 15 days should be completed in any vacation after S.E. Part-II but before B.E. Part-I & the report should be submitted in B.E. Part-I. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------T.E.(Electronics & Telecommunication Engg.) Part -II Sr. Subject No. 01 Radar & Microwave Engineering 02 Microcontrollers & Application 03 Industrial Electronics 04 Optical Communication 05 Electronics System Design 06 Hardware Mini Project Total • • L 3 4 4 3 4 -18 Teaching Scheme T P Total --- 2 5 --------2 2 2 2 2 12 6 6 5 6 2 30 Th. 100 100 100 100 100 --500 Examination Scheme TW POE OE Total 25 -25 150 25 25 25 25 25 150 50 -------50 ------25 --50 175 125 125 150 25 750 Vacational Training (be evaluated at B.E. Part-I) of minimum 15 days should be completed in any vacation after S.E. Part-II but before B.E. Part-I & the report should be submitted in B.E. Part-I. The batch size for the practicals/tutorials be of 15 students. On forming the batches, if the strength of remaining students exceeds 7, then a new batch be formed. Solapur University, Solapur T.E. (Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering) 1 T.E. (Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering)-I 1. Electromagnetic Engineering & Radiating System Theory : 3 Hrs /Week Paper : 100 Marks Tutorial : 1 Hr /week TW : 25 Marks Practical : 2 Hrs/week ________________________________________________________________________ SECTION-I 1. Mathematical Fundamentals (4) Vector analysis, Coordinate systems & transformations, line, surface & volume integrals, diverengence & strokes theorem. 2. Electrostatic field (8) Columbs law, electric field, electric flux density, gauss law with application electro potential & equipotential surfaces, relation between E & V electric dipole boundary conditions for electrostatic field, capacitance & capacitors, electrostatic energy & energy density, Poisson & Laplace equation 3. Magneto static field. (8) Biot-savart law & its Applications, Amperes circuital law & its application, Magnetic flux density, Magnetic scalar & Vector Potential, boundary condition for magnetic field, energy stored in magnetic field. SECTION-II 4. Electromagnetic waves (6) Maxwell’s equation in point form & integral form, Time harmonic fields, Helmhotz wave equation, plane waves in lossless & lossy medium, pointing vector and power flow in EM – field, polarization of plane waves. 5. Principles of radiation & Antennas (4) Fundamentals of radiation, basic antenna parameters, Antenna parameters, Antenna field Zones, Short Dipole Antenna, Power radiated by Short Dipole Antenna & it’s radiation resistance. Basic types of antennas. Monopole Antenna, Loops Dipoles & slots, Parabolic dish. 6. Antenna array (10) Pattern multiplication, Linear array of n isotropic point sources of equal amplitude & spacing, Broad side array, Ordinary end-fire –array, end-fire –array, arrays with parasitic elements, micro strip array, Yagi Uda array Solapur University, Solapur T.E. (Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering) 2 Electromagnetic Engineering. Electromagnetic Schaum’s outline series. Applied Electromagnetics. 1.Third Edition [Mc Graw Hill.] 2. Kraus. Modulation test 7. Antennas and Wave Propagation – G.2001 Media Edition.John D.Second Edition [TATA Mc Graw Hill.[Pearson Education] 2.] 4. Raju-[ Pearson Education] 6. Khan. Elements of Electromagnetic. Field & Wave Electromagnetic – David K Cheng. Electromagnetic field theory & transmission lines – 1st Edition . Nasar.Text Books1.G. Measuring Gain of an antenna 4.Third Edition [Mc Graw Hill. Measuring front to back ratio of an antenna 6. (Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering) 3 . Ulaby.[Mc Graw Hill.S. Marhefka.S.Edminister. Solapur T.[PHI] 5. List of experiments.N.J. Plotting polar plot of an antenna 3.Mattew Sadiku.William Hyte. SWR Measurement Solapur University. Raju [ Pearson Education] Term Work:*Term work should consist of minimum 8 experiments & 6 Tutorials based on above syllabus.] 3. Problems & Applications-Nair & Deepa [PHI] Reference Books1.F. Applied Electromagnetic theory Analyses. Kraus. Measuring Beamwidth of an antenna 5. Electromagnetic-John D.Third Edition [Oxford University Press] 3. Verification of characteristics of different types of antenna 2. Introduction to EM fields. Antenna for all applications. Electromagnetics Fields & Radiation Systems-Jordan & Balmain.Second Edition [PHI] 6.Second Edition [TATA Mc Graw Hill.] 5.E. Antenna radiation with distance 8. Whites.A.N.Paul.] 4. M-ary differential PSK . M-ary signaling schemes – M–ary coherent PSK . 2. channel capacity.E. entropy coding. Joint Entropy and conditional entropy. S/N trade off. Bandwidth requirement. Rate of information. Solapur University. QAM. Equalization .(Electronics &Telecommunication Engineering) Part-I 2. average and mutual information. Tutorial: 1 Hrs/week POE : 50 Marks ________________________________________________________________________ SECTION – I 1. Power bandwidth exchange. TDM-PCM Telephone system . PCM. (Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering) 4 . PAM. Solapur T. Baseband Data Transmission : (5) Baseband pulse shaping . M-ary wideband FSK. Delta Modulation – Noise in DM . Eye Diagrams . redundancy. FSK schemes . Duo binary & M-ary signaling . (8) Digital transmission of analog signal: Basic block diagram of digital communication. Entropy. Non coherent FSK. Synchronization . Coherent PSK & FSK. bandwidth. Scrambler. Differential . SECTION – II 4. ADM. Digital continuous wave Modulations Techniques: (7) Binary ASK . Comparison of digital modulation schemes–Bandwidth & power requirements. Digital Communication Lecture: 3Hrs/week Paper : 100 Marks Practical: 2 Hrs/week TW : 25 Marks.- (8)   Introduction to information theory. Analog modulation. DPCM system. Synchronization methods. Q level DPCM system. Pulse shaping by Digital Methods . Quantization – Uniform & Non uniform . PCM. Equipment complexity . Effect of precoding . Pulse Modulation: Introduction to Sampling theorem.E. Information Theory and Channel capacity. Differential coherent PSK. ADPCM. CVSD. Shannon’s Theorem. Noise in PCM .T. ISI. PSK . PTM. PCM Vs. Probability of error . Shannon – Hartley theorem. Shaping of transmitted spectrum . 3. Frame synchronization.DPSK. 6. Text Books : 1.E. Multichannel and Multicarrier systems (7) Multichannel Digital Communication in AWGN channels. Genhard Bauch.Taub & Schling-TMH 2.Pearson Education Reference Books:1. Roden. Correlation receiver. Proakis.. Sam Shanmugan-Wiley 2. 3. Symbol Synchronization. Solapur University. M Asonid Salehi. Analog and Digital Communication – Martin-Shroff Publishers. Synchronization. Digital Communication: Design for Real World ( With CD) – 1st Edition – Bateman [ Pearson Education]. Even and Odd Parity 10) Eye Diagram 11) Measurement of bit error rate 12) Companding 13) MATLAB Based Experiment. 8) BPSK. Proakis.Simon Haykin. Contemporary Communication system using MATLAB by John G.PWM. Term Work:List of Experiments (Minimum 10 Experiments based on above syllabus and at least two expt.-TMH. 5. FDM 4) Data Formats 5) PCM. Digital & Analog Communication systems – K.QPSK 9) Hamming Codes.S. FFT Based multicarrier system. Digital Communication . Optimum receiver for digital Modulation (7) Probability of error. M-ary Orthogonal signals. Minimizing Peak-to-average ratio in multicarrier system. PPM 3) TDM. 6. Carrier recovery circuits.CVSD 7) ASK.-PHI 3.ADCM 6) DM.Bernard Sklar & Pabitrakumar Ray. (Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering) 5 . Digital communication . Matched filter receiver. on MATLAB ) – 1) Sampling and reconstruction 2) PAM.FSK. 7. Digital Communication -John G.Wiley. Digital Communication System Design – M. Multicarrier Communication System. Solapur T.Singh & Sapre. 4.5. Principles of Communication System .ADM. DPCM.Pearson Education. Communication System Analog & Digital . component testing. process iteration. user requirement. prototyping. object models. 2. Solapur T. context model. Monte Carlo & critical chain concept in Risk management (only application) 8.TE (Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering) – Part I 3. critical path analysis. forward & backward pass. behavioral model. 6. the rational unified process. Software Requirement – [4] Functional and non-functional. dealing with slippage & change control Solapur University. Interface specification. visualizing methods. V. Software Life Cycle & Models [8] Software life cycle concept. 4. system models. Network planning model & formulation. Process activities.I 1. data collection.E. (Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering) 6 . structured models. resource planning. Test automation. Requirement document. test case design. 7. Activity Planning [6] Project scheduling. SECTION-II 5. project & activities. risk identification. planning & management. program management & project evaluation. Software Testing – [4] System testing. Software Processes – [4] Software process models. Monitoring and Control – [5] Framework. & Project Management System Lectures: 3 hrs/week Theory: 100 Marks ______________________________________________________________________ SECTION. PERT. system requirement. Project Management [6] Concept of general management. project planning. models -Water fall. cost monitoring. Risk Management – [5] Risk & its categories. Software Engg. assessment. 3. Pankaj Jalote .Pearson (3rd Edition) 3. (Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering) 7 .Pearson Education (8th Edition) 2. Atlee. Alleger.E. Software Engineering – (Theory & Practice) – Pfleeger. Software Project Management – Bob Hughes & Cottrell – TMH (4th Edition)    4. Software project management in practice . Solapur T.Reference Books: 1.Pearson Education Solapur University. Software Engineering .Summerville. (7) 7. Digital Signal Processing Lectures: 4 hrs/week Practical: 2 hrs/week Paper: 100 marks Term work: 25 marks POE: 25 marks SECTION – I 1. Properties of FIR Filters. co-relation of DT signals. Introduction to programmable Digital Signal Processors: Basic Architectural features. Properties of DFT. cascade form & parallel form. Realization of Digital Linear systems: Structures for realization of Discrete time systems Structures for FIR Filters: Direct form. Analog filter approximation (Butterworth). Circular convolution. Frequency analysis of signals using DFT .E. stability considerations & frequency response. Multiply and accumulate (MAC) unit. Solapur T.T. Cascade form & Lattice Structure. finite word length effects in FIR filters. IIR filter design: Impulse Invariant technique. Finite world length effects in IIR filters. windowing method & frequency sampling method of filter design.E. (Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering) Part-I 4. Application of DSP in Audio processing. VLIW Architecture. Z – transform & properties overview. Bilinear transformation. FFT Algorithms (DIT FFT & DIF FFT) (12) 4 . (Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering) 8 . FIR Implementation techniques. (7) SECTION II 5. Fixed point and Floating point Digital signal processors overview of TMS320C54XX DSP Architecture (6) 8. Bus Architectures. The Discrete Fourier transform and Fast Fourier Transform: DFT. (7) 6. Structures for IIR filters: Direct form. Frequency transformations. 2. DT signals. (2) (3) 3. Fast convolution techniques (Overlap add & overlap save). Implementation of IIR filters. DSP System concept. Signal flow graph & transposed structure. Special addressing modes. Relation between DFT & Z Transform. FIR Filter design: Characteristics of FIR Filters. (4) Solapur University. Telecommunication & Image processing. Digital transfer function. 6. -Pearson Education. Scientist and Engg. Srinivasan-Thomson.V. Algorithms and Applications by John G Proakies-Pearson Education.W. Bhaskar-TMH. Oppenheim & R. (Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering) 9 . Digital Signal Processing Implementations using DSP Microprocessors by Avtar Singh & S. Digital Signal Processing – A Practical Approach by Ifeachor E. Digital Signal Processing – Principles. Digital Signal Processing – A System Design approach by D. Digital Signal Processing by S Salivahanan. 3.John Wiley 10.Academic Press 11. Digital Signal Processors. & Jervis B.E. 2. Digital Signal Processing Fundamentals Applications by Li Tan. Digital Signal Processing by M. 7.Hyes.H.Term work: TW should consist of minimum 8 experiments based on above syllabus. Programming and Applications by B Venkataramani & M. Reference Books: 1..John Wiley 9.J.C. W.Architecture. Digital Signal Processing by Ramesh Babu -4th Edition Scientic Publication 5. Fundamental of DSP using Matlab by Schilling-Cengage learning Solapur University. Solapur T. A Vallavaraj & C Gnanapriya -TMH 4. Guide on Digital Signal Processing 8. Defata.-( Schaums Outline ) TMH 12. Schalfer. Discrete time signal Processing by A. Instructions related to interrupts. single cycle execution. single stepping. ________________________________________________________________________ SECTION . Semiconductor Memories : Memory Classification-RAM. Data transfer techniques. TW : 25 marks. Solapur T. Memory mapped I/O & I/O Mapped I/O Schemes./week. (15) 7. memory organization. R-2R Ladder DAC. Functional Pin Configuration. WAIT.Block diagram. (Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering) 10 ./week.DAC-(0808) using 8255 (5) Solapur University. : 4 hrs. : 2 hrs. Practical. relay and thumbwheel switch using 8255. (10) 3.E. Single slope.E. USART -8251 Interfacing keyboard. POE : 50 marks. Programming using Interrupts (4) 4. EEPROM. timing diagrams. Dual Slope. Data converters DAC techniques-Weighted register DAC.Interfacing Chips & applications Features. Architecture. Interrupt Structure of 8085. (Electronics &Telecommunication Engineering) Part – I 5. Basics of I/O Interfacing Concepts of I/O Ports. Generating different control signals. Study of Buffers-74244 & 74245. EPROM programming methods. Microprocessor and Peripherals Lectures. ROM. . RESET & HALT. Memory Interfacing Interfacing different memory chips(RAM/ROM) with 8085 (3) 6.Frequency measurement using 8253/54. Demultiplexing of address & data bus. Classification-Hardware & Software Interrupts .I 1. Interrupts: Basic concepts. Pin configuration . Control word formats .II 5. Transition states diagram-HOLD. PROM. Flash ADC Interfacing ADC(0808/0809). stepper motor.different operating modes Programming of the following chips – PPI-8255.Timer/counter-8253/54. Successive approximation. Programming with Assembly language. ADC techniques-Counter type. (5) 2. 7 segment display. Instruction Set-Addressing Modes. (4) SECTION . Classification. Fundamentals of Microprocessors:INTEL 8085AFeatures.T. Theory : 100 marks. EPROM. memory expansion. Application. 04) Block transfer and block exchange of data bytes.) B) Addition of these separated digits and storing sum at next consecutive memory Location. (i. 0C H. B) Reversing a string of data. the given number is ABCD H. (Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering) 11 . arithmetic and logical instructions. a) BCD to HEX and b) HEX to BCD 08) Generating delays of different time intervals using delay subroutines and measurement of delay period on CRO using SOD pin of 8085A. Solapur T. OA H and store in consecutive memory location. 02) Multiplication of two 8-bit numbers using the method of successive addition and Shift & add. Solapur University.e. 06) Arranging the elements of a block of data in ascending and descending order. OB H. 07) Converting 2 digit numbers to their equivalents. 05) Finding the smallest and largest element in a block of data. 03) Division of two 8-bit numbers using the method of successive subtraction and shift & subtract. 09) Generation of Fibonacci Series 10) A) Digit separation of a 16 bit number (i. (0A+0B+0C+OD = 2E H) C) Reversing the upper byte and lower byte of given numbers. 11) A) 16 bit sum of string of data.e.E. if given number is ABCD H then revered should be BA H upper byte and DC H in lower byte). then separate it as 0D H.Term work: List of the Experiments: A) Software/Simulator based (Minimum Ten experiments) 01) Programs based on different addressing modes. 04) Interfacing ADC 0808/0809. RST 7.5 are activated. with the 8085A .B Ram – Dhanpat Rai Publication. Solapur University. Choudhary. 04. Microprocessors Architecture.5 & RST 5. 05) Interfacing DAC 0808. application notes.Scitech Publication.-Wiley Eastern Ltd. 02. Pearson Education. Microprocessors and Programmed Logic . 03) Interfacing 7 segment LED display using 8255A – in static and dynamic mode. Fundamentals of Microprocessor & Microcomputer. P. Microprocessor & Peripherals – S. 07) Interfacing of thumbwheel switches. Sunita Choudhary . 03.Ramesh S Gaonkar. 06) Interfacing stepper motor with microprocessor using 8255A – in Half and Full excitation. 08) Interfacing of 8253 / 8254.Microprocessor Peripheral hand book. New Delhi. B) To OUTPUT data bytes from memory to peripheral port. 02) Study of interrupts by enabling them in main line program and then executing different subroutines when TRAP. A) To INPUT data bytes from peripheral port and to store them in memory.Kenneth L Short – 2nd Edition. RST 6. INTEL.B) Hardware Based (Minimum Six experiments from the list given ) 01) Program controlled data transfer using 8255 PPI. Solapur T. 05.5.E. 09) Interfacing of 8251 Reference Books:01. Programming and Applications. Programming and System Featuring 8085 – Willam A Rout – Cenage Learning Publication. 06. (Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering) 12 . Microprocessor Architecture. Manual. Linklist using class. static member functions 4. Programming in C++ by P. Functions in C++: Function prototype. Inheritance: Derived classes. Mahapatra (S.E (Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering) Part-I 6. 5. Robert Ladd. BPB Publication New Delhi. Turbo C+ + Techniques and application by Scoot. function overloading. virtual base classes. Queues. Tata McGraw Hill Publication. 5. Object oriented programming in C+ + by E. destructors. Ravishankar.T. Data Structures using C and C++ by Yedidyah Langsam. Venugopal T.E. Introduction to C++ programming: (2) Basic concept of object oriented programming. Tenenbaum. virtual functions. Tata McGraw Hill Publication. Solapur T. member functions. Mastering C++ by K. inline functions. Programming with C+ + by Ravichandran D. Second Edition. 3. 6. 6. Published by PHI. Rajkumar.R. Classes and objects: (4) Class types. (Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering) 13 . Solapur University. data members. New Delhi. applications of OOPs and C++. constructors. Chand). New Delhi. Data structures Using C++: Implementing Stack. Electronic Software Lab – II Lectures:1 Hr/Week Practical: 2 Hrs/Week ________________________________________________________________________ 1. friend functions. Moshej Augenstein. 4. Templates and exception handling.B. types of inheritance. New Delhi. pointers to class members. (3) (2) (1) Text and Reference Books:1. Balagurusamy. Aaron M. operator overloading (2) Term Work: 25 Marks 3. Second Edition 2. 2. dynamic initialization of variables. Tata McGraw Hill Publication. Program on pointers to class members. Program using the concept of virtual base class. Program using the concept of private. S.7. Chand). Program on static member function. 10. (Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering) 14 . 8. Program on templates and exception handling. Program on stack using class.Bhave – Pearson Education. public. Program using the concept of virtual function. Program on constructors and destructors. Solapur T. Program using the concept of friend function. Term work: List of the Experiments: Minimum 12 experiments from the list given below. Program Solving with C++ -6/e – Savitch –Pearson Education.Kamthane – Pearson Education. Object oriented Analysis & Design – Deacon – Pearson Education. Kahandare (S. 03) 04) 05) 06) 07) 08) 09) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) Program using the concept of operator overloading. Object oriented programming with C++ . 9. protected data members and functions.E. Program on single level. 11. multilevel and multiple inheritance. Programming in C & C++ by S. Object Oriented Programming with ANSI and Turbo C++ . Program on Queues using class. 01) 02) Simple program using the concept of class. Solapur University. Program on inline function and function overloading. E (Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering) Part-II 1. Microwave waveguide (8) a. TRAPATT diode. Klystron. Reflex Klystron. Rectangular waveguide . Microwave Solid State Devices And Measurement: (6) Microwave Transistor. PIN diode. Group Velocity & Phase Velocity.Solutions of Wave equations in Rectangular coordinate .T. Ferrite devices-Circulator and Isolator SECTION -II 4. Microwave Components (5) Introduction to S parameters. Directional Coupler. IMPATT. . E-Plane Tee. Radar And Microwave Engineering Theory: 3 Hrs/week Practical: 2 Hrs/week Paper: 100 Marks TW: 25 Marks OE: 25 Marks SECTION –I 1. (Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering) 15 . Microwave frequency band. 2. TWT. Magic Tee.E. Smith Chart. Transmission line parameters.Solutions of Wave equations in Circular coordinate.TE mode & TM mode Rectangular Waveguide . Microwave Tubes: (6) Limitations of conventional Tubes.Power Transmission & Power loss in Circular Waveguide 3. Circular waveguide .TE . Gunn Diode. H-Plane Tee. Hybrid Junction. Microwave hazards. b. Measurement of Power. Solapur T. Magnetron 5. frequency and Impedance.TM and TEM modes Circular Waveguide . Characteristic & application. Microwave Transmission line: (5) Transmission line equation. Solapur University.Power Transmission & Power loss in Rectangular Waveguide. Introduction to MMIC. Verification of characteristics of Reflex Klystron. . Radar: (7) Introduction to Radar. Measurement of Microwave frequency 5. 8. radar range equation. (Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering) 16 . Applications.Wiley Publication. Reference books: 1) Foundations for Microwave Engineering by Robert Collin. Measuring characteristics of Transmission line 2.Pearson Education.6. Radar target and clutter. – Third Edition ( Umesh Publication) 3) Microwave devices & Circuits by Samuel Y.Kulkarni. Liao – Pearson Education. Text Books: 1) Radar Principles. Technology. Types of radars and radar functions: MTI radar. Measurement of Microwave Components 6. – Pearson Education 2) Microwave & Radar Engineering by M. Radar cross section definition and fundamentals. Measuring input impedance of Transmission line 4. Measurement of VSWR Solapur University. Solapur T. Measuring attenuation of Transmission line 3. . Rizzi. Navigational and remote sensing radar. 2) Microwave Engineering (Passive Circuit) by Peter A. Term Work:Experiment List:1.E. Pulse Doppler radar. Measurement of Gunn diode characteristics 7. by Byron Edde. Functional pin description.E. Interfacing of following with PIC microcontrollers Switches. DAC 0808. Timers and Interrupts. Instruction set and Assembly language programming. (Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering) 17 .(Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering) Part II 2. RTC DS1307 (8) Solapur University. Buzzer. LCD display.E. Various registers. LED.T. Architecture. Hardware overview: study of Port structure. interrupt structure.RTC DS1307 (5) (6) (8) SECTION –II Microchip PIC microcontroller family 5. ADC 0809. Capture/ compare / PWM (CCP) Modules in PIC 16F877. (8) 7. LCD display. Matrix keyboard. Program memory and data memory organization. 3. Interfacing of following with MCS 51 microcontroller Switches. (5) 2. Master synchronous serial port (MSSP) module: SPI. Timers. Architecture. Microcontrollers and Applications Lectures: 4 hrs/week Practical: 2 hrs/week Paper: 100 marks TW: 25 marks POE: 50 marks SECTION -I MCS 51 Microcontroller family: 1. Solapur T. LED. I2C . Matrix keyboard. Buzzer. PIC Microcontrollers: overview and features (2) 6. PIC 16F8XX Flash microcontrollers: Introduction. SFRs and various resources of MCS 51. USART and ADC (6) 8. Addressing modes. Relay. Relay. Serial port 4. Functional pin description. Memory organization. Introduction to MCS 51 family. Input / output ports. Solapur T. Rathel & Phan – Fourth Edition Pearson 6 Designing & Customizing of PIC Microcontrollers by Mike Predcko. Use Assemblers for MCS 51 and MPLAB software for PIC Microcontrollers. 12 Use of ADC of PIC Microcontrollers. Interfacing of Matrix Keyboard Interfacing of LCD Display. Interfacing of Serial RTC 10 Interfacing of Stepper motor. Interfacing of ADC 0809 Use of Timer for generation of time delays Use of Timer as counter. (Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering) 18 . Peatman Pearson Education Asia LPE 8 Datasheets of MCS 51 family microcontrollers 9 Datasheets of Microchip PIC family of Microcontrollers 10 Datasheets of RTC DS1307 from DALAS Semiconductor. 14 Serial communication. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Arithmetic and Logic operations Interfacing of Switches. Mackenzie.Text Books: 1 The 8051 Microcontroller Architecture. 7 Designs with PIC Microcontrollers by John B. Interfacing of DAC 0808 and generation of various waveforms. LEDs and Buzzer. 11 PIC Microcontroller & Embedded Systems – Mazidi – Pearson Education Term work: Minimum 10 experiments of following with 5 Experiments on MCS 51 and 5 Experiments on Microchip PIC Microcontrollers. Solapur University. 13 Use of Interrupts for any Application. programming and Applications by Kenneth Ayala Penram International ( Third Edition) 2 Microcontrollers ( Theory and Applications) by Ajay V. 5 8051 Microcontroller by I Stott. 11 Speed control of DC Motor.E. Deshmukh Tata MGH 3 The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded systems by Muhammad Ali Mazidi Pearson Education Asia LPE ( Second Edition) 4 8051 Microcontrollers programming and practice by Mike Predcko. Silicon controlled Rectifiers: (8) Construction. AC power control using TRIAC: fan regulator. Solapur University. characteristics & ratings. operation. digital firing circuit. lamp dimmer.GTO. Line commutation and forced commutation techniques. parallel and bridge inverter. Current limit control. IGBT. waveforms and derivation of average output voltage of half wave and full wave converter with R load. Analysis of single-phase bridge converters: average and RMS output voltage. Firing circuits: line synchronized UJT firing circuit. Classification of choppers. Industrial Electronics Lectures : 4hrs/week Practical : 2hrs/week Paper: 100 marks TW : 25 marks SECTION -I 1. over voltage. Turn on and turn off mechanism. Three-phase converters: circuit. Controlled rectifiers: (10) Circuit diagram. (8) 5. Cycloconverters: principle of step down and step up cycloconverter. Solapur T. operation & waveforms of following converters.TRIAC. Three. Half controlled & fully controlled bridge converters with R & RL load. thermal protection and dv/dt protection. DC choppers: (8) Principle of step down and step up chopper. characteristics & ratings of MOSFET. Fourier series expression for line current. input power factor. PIC( Power Integrated Circuit) 3.E.phase inverters: 1200 and 1800 mode with R load. Single phase converters: half wave. 2. Harmonic reduction techniques. full wave converter with R. DIAC. RL load. Inverters and cycloconverters: Single phase inverters: series. Power devices: (6) Construction. Chopper circuits: Jones chopper. single-phase bridge cycloconverter.T. Voltage control techniques for inverters. (Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering) 19 . SCR protections: over current. Morgan’s chopper. SECTION-II 4.( Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering)Part II 3.E. Chopper control techniques: fixed frequency and variable frequency Time ratio control. D. Applications: (8) ON line and off line UPS with battery AH.B. 3. Single Phase Cyclo-Converter 11. Undeland – John Willey Term Work:List of Experiments Minimum 8 experiments out of following1. Line synchronized UJT firing circuit for SCR. Thyristors & their applications by M.E.2nd Edition –East West Press 4. devices & applications by M. Solapur T. Morgans chopper 13. Jones chopper 12. Single phase full controlled rectifier with R & RL load 8. 2. Principle and applications of induction and dielectric heating. Parallel inverter 10.Tata Mc Graw Hill 6.Penram International Publication. Single phase separately excited DC motor drive. circuits.Tata Mc Graw Hill 7. Text books 1. K. . Single phase Half controlled rectifier with R & RL load 7. Modern Power Electronics.B. H. To obtain VI characteristics of MOSFET. 3. C. SCR Manual – German Electric Co. USA 5. 4. Fan regulator using DIAC & TRIAC. Sen. (Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering) 20 . 5. Ramamoorty. Power Electronics by P.K. 2. Khanchandani. Bose Reference Book: Power Electronics by Ned Mohan. Power electronics. To obtain VI characteristics of TRIAC & DIAC.3rd Edition Pearson Education. battery charger rating calculations. Power electronics & its applications by Alok Jain. Static circuit breakers. Rashid. HVDC transmission.6. Series inverter 9. Singh. To obtain VI characteristics of SCR. back up time. 6. -2nd Edition. Off line UPS Solapur University. Power Electronics by M. T.E.E. (4) 4. PN. Optical Sources – LED power and efficiency. Optical sources. Optical Communication Lectures: 3Hrs/Week Theory :100 Marks Practical: 2Hr/Week Term Work: 25 Marks ________________________________________________________________________ SECTION. (4) SECTION II 6. Optical fibers and cables: Preparation of optical fibers. Laser fiber coupling. Mid-infrared and Far-Infrared transmission. Fiber couplers (2) 5. Transmission characteristics of optical fibers: Attenuation. Fibers alignment and joint loss. Applications (5) 2. fiber bend losses. Dispersion modified Single mode fibers (6) 3. Fiber splices. Cables: Fiber strength. optical detection principals. absorption. optical emission from semiconductors. Laser Modulation. Phototransistors. Optical detectors: Introduction. (Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering) 21 . characteristics and Modulation techniques (4) 7. types. LED structures. cable design. Avalanche Photo diodes. long wavelength Cutoff. losses in fibers. Introduction: The general optical communication system.LASER basic concept. Semiconductor photo diodes with and without internal gain.I 1. Non-semiconductor Lasers.( Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering)Part II 4. durability and stability of fiber transmission characteristics. Semiconductor Injection Laser. Liquid phase and vapour phase deposition techniques. Solapur T. Dispersion: Intermodal and Intramodal dispersion. Material absorption. PIN. device. (5) Solapur University. Mode theory. Fluoride glass fibers. connectors. Types of optical fibers . Mid-infrared and photoconductive detectors. Advantages and disadvantages. quantum efficiency. Optical Fiber Joints and Couplers. responsivity. Linear and Nonlinear scattering losses. ray theory of transmission. Injection laser structures and characteristics . Transmitter Design.S. Dispersion. Pulse width modulation system. Optical Time Division Multiplexing. 11 To transmit and receive voice signal using fiber optic cable. Propagation loss in optical fiber Bending loss. Refractive Index profile. Fiber Optics communication – Hozold Kolimbiris . fiber diameter and field measurements. Measurement of Numerical Aperture. To transmit and receive frequency modulated analog signal using fiber optic cable. Optical fiber Measurements: Attenuation. 4.C. 10 To transmit and receive computer signal using fiber optic cable. ISDN . 2. (Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering) 22 . SONET and SDH Networks.David Gover . Solapur University. Fibre Optics Communication – 5th Edition – Palais-Pearson Education. To transmit and receive digital signal using fiber optic cable. 3. Fiber optical communication systems: Introduction. Line Codes for optical Fiber links. Optical Fiber communications-Gerd Keiser. Numerical aperture. Optical communications.TMH 2. 5 6 7 8 9 Setting up fiber optic analog link & digital link. cutoff wavelength. FDDI. (5) Text books: 1. Third Edition .PHI 3.Principles and practice John. Optical Fiber communications. Receiver Design. Solapur T. Local Area Network (LAN) Systems. Term Work:1. BISDN and High Speed Networks (7) 9.Chand and company References: 1. Data buses.D.Pearson Education. 2.8. Measurement of optical power using optical power meter. To transmit and receive analog signal using fiber optic cable. 12 Frequency modulation system.Agarwal . Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) .E. M. 4. Link Design.Senior – Pearson Education. Optical Fiber communications. design consideration. Digital Voltmeter: Design of 4-digit numeric display system. Solapur T. PCB design for high frequency equipment (3) 2. Balanced modulator /demodulator-IC 1596 and its applications-AM modulator. Timers & Counters: Timer design using XR 2240. washing machine (6) Solapur University. FM detector. Product design : Product specification. power supply requirement. shielding and wiring techniques. PLL-Working Principle. FSK demodulator . ladder diagram for bottle filling plant.T. Design of 3 ½ digit DVM using discrete components (6) 4. elevator control. Design of frequency counter using IC 74C926 for the time & event counting (6) 3. product design stages.E. requirement analysis.E. Applications. Demodulator & PLL: Balanced modulator principle. comparison with relay logic. Modulator. Programmable Logic Controller: PLC architecture.PSK demodulator using LM565 &CD 4046 (9) SECTION-II 5. Electronic System Design Theory: 100 Marks Term Work: 25 Marks OE: 25 Marks ___________________________________________________________________ Lectures: 4 Hrs/Week Practical: 2 Hrs/Week SECTION-I 1. Mixer. (Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering) 23 . (Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering) – Part II 5.Frequency synthesizer. (Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering) 24 . realization of SM chart. Printed Circuit Boards Design & Technology by Walter C. Jr.S. Linear IC manual 3. PLC design by Otter 6.6.Joshon –PHI 8. Design of temperature controller & frequency measurement using microcontroller (9) 7. Antenna Design: Spatial beam forming. Introduction to system design using integrated circuits by B. Bosshart TMH Publication 10. Applications-Traffic light controller. PLC design by John Web 7. Smart antenna. multipathing. Integrated circuits by K. ASM Design: SM chart. Solapur T. derivation of SM chart.Sonde 4. Thermocouples & current loop Interface (4mA to 20mA). (7) 8. Kharus TMH Publication Solapur University. Antennas for all application 3rd Edition by John D. V to I & I to V converter (4mA to 20mA).E. Design of PID controller. Design of Industrial Control: Signal conditioning for sensors like PT 100. Reference Books: 1.R.Roth. Application system –MIMO.Design of analog ON/OFF & proportional controller for controlling process. Microstrip antenna. (3) Term work should consist of minimum 1 design on each chapter. Process control instrumentation technology by C. Fundamentals of Logic design by Charles H.D. LM 35. National semiconductor manual 2. zero & span circuit.Botkar (Khanna publishers) 5.-JAICO publication 9. T. assembling & testing of small digital or analog application circuit. Practical : 2 Hrs/week TW: 25 Marks.(Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering) Part-II 6. list of components. Solapur T. circuits. Solapur University. o Hardware Mini project should consist of Circuit design. PCB fabrication. Hardware Mini Project. o Student should use standard software available for drawing circuit schematic. (Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering) 25 . o Project report should consist of details of work carried out including layouts. simulating the design and PCB (single/double sided) layout of circuit.E. cost . datasheets.E. o Mini Project work should be carried out by a group of maximum three students.
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