


CIRED 2011 : Technical ProgrammeMonday 6 June : 09.30 hrs- 15 hrs Tutorial 1: Smart distribution systems for a low carbon energy future Room : Illusion 3 (level 3) Tutorial 2 : IEC 61850 for distribution grids Room : Illusion 2 (level 3) Tutorial 3 : Regulation models for DNO's in Europe Room : Illusion 1 (level 3) Tutorial 4 : Standardization activities regarding Smart Grid, EV and Charging Station Room : Fantasie 2 (level 3) Tutorial 5 : MV and LV distribution feeder design using probabilistic approaches to load and DG Room : Fantasie 1 (level 3) Tutorial 6 : Trends in Harmonics below and above 2 kHz Room : Conclusio (level 2) 15 hrs – 18 hrs Opening forum – Room Harmonie Chair: Theodor Connor, Chairman of the German CIRED National Committee 15.00 hrs : Welcome by Sven Lindgren, Chairman of CIRED 15.10 hrs : Welcome by Jochen Kreusel, ETG (VDE) 15.20 hrs : Challenges in Power Grid Business in Germany with special Focus on Distribution, Egon Westphal, Eon 15.50 hrs : German Aspects of European Energy Regulation, Matthias Kurth, President of the Federal Network Agency 16.20 hrs : Coffee Break 16.50 hrs : E-Car - Project, Billing, Charging, Integration, Technology, Sandra Krommes, BMW 17.20 hrs : Tomorrow´s energy supply - local, sustainable and intelligent, Andreas Roß, NRM Netzdienste Rhein-Main 17.50 hrs : How CIRED 2011 will work, André Even, Chairman of the CIRED 2011 Organising Committee CIRED 2011 – List of selected papers – Page 1/74 Tuesday 7 June : 9.00 hrs - 17.30 hrs Main session, Session 3: Operation, Control & Protection Room : Harmonie A-B (L2) Block 1: Operation : 09.00 – 10.30 hrs 0561 Utilities response to extreme condition events - EDP Distribuição Case Nuno Ferreira, EDP Distribuição, Portugal; Hilário Lopes, EDP Distribuição, Portugal; Carlos Martins, EDP Distribuição, Portugal 0570 Evaluation of Islanded Grid Operation Tests and Dynamic Modelling Stephan Brandl, KELAG Netz GmbH, Austria; Robert Schmaranz, KELAG Netz GmbH, Austria; Michael Weixelbraun, Graz University of Technology, Austria; Herwig Renner, Graz University of Technology, Austria; Michael Marketz, KELAG, Austria; Ignaz Hübl, KELAG Ne 0373 Verification of LV Underground Cable Insulation by Air Injection Janislaw Tarnowski, Hydro-Québec, Canada; Jacques Côté, Hydro-Québec, Canada; André Gaudreau, Hydro-Québec, Canada; Pierre Gingras, Hydro-Québec, Canada; Mircea Iordanescu, Hydro-Québec, Canada ; Jean Lavallée, Hydro-Québec, Canada 0696 Finding maintenance project to priority Jan Andor Foosnæs, NTE Nett AS, Norway; Erling Tønne, NTE Nett AS, Norway; Terje Pynten, NTE Nett AS, Norway 0402 Smart and wireless field force management: today and tomorrow Celine JOANNIC, EDF R&D, France; Frederique LE GUERN, ERDF, France; Christian AUNEAU, ERDF, France Block 2: Control Part 1 : 11.00-12.30 hrs 0568 Design and implementation of an innovative telecontrol system in the Vattenfall medium voltage distribution grid Matthias Wittig, Vattenfall Europe Distribution Berlin GmbH, Germany; Andreas Cerbe, Vattenfall Europe Distribution Berlin GmbH, Germany; Mark Geschwindner, Vattenfall Europe Distribution Hamburg GmbH, Germany; Ulrich Strasse, Vattenfall Europe Netzservic 1153 Communication Network for Swiss Smart Grid Pilot Project Thomas Gfeller, BKW FMB Energie AG, Switzerland; Ludger Ullrich, BKW FMB Energie AG, Switzerland 0471 Broadband wireless connectivity in automation and remote control of the DSO infrastructure Tullio Zannoni, CISCO Systems, Italy; Gennaro Fiorenza, ENEL Distribuzione, Italy; Michele Festuccia, CISCO Systems, Italy 0422 Minimum common IEC 61850 specification document published by the Spanish group of electricity companies ‘E3 Group on IEC 61850' JOSÉ GONZALO, IBERDROLA, Spain; HUGO GURÉNDEZ, IBERDROLA, Spain; IGNACIO GARCÉS, IBERDROLA, Spain; JAUME BADÍA, ENDESA, Spain; JULIO DOMÍNGUEZ, GAS NATURAL FENOSA, Spain; PEDRO DEL ROSAL, HIDROCANTÁBRICO, Spain; CARLOS RODRÍGUEZ, RED ELÉCTRICA DE ESPAÑA 0249 EDP Distribution Automation (r)Evolution João Rosa, EDP Distribuição, Portugal; Joaquim Sousa, EDP Distribuição, Portugal; Luís Abalroado, EDP Distribuição, Portugal; Pedro Marques, EDP Distribuição, Portugal; Fernando Ramalheira, EDP Distribuição, Portugal; Pedro Gama, EDP Distribuição, Portuga CIRED 2011 – List of selected papers – Page 2/74 1117 Distribution automation solutions - Impact on system availability in distribution networks Oliver Schroedel, SIEMENS AG, Germany; Michael Schwan, SIEMENS AG, Germany; Sven Koeppe, SIEMENS AG, Germany; Robert Rosenberger, SIEMENS AG, Germany Block 2: Control Part 2 : 14.00 – 15.30 hrs 0622 TOWARDS SELF-HEALING POWER DISTRIBUTION BY MEANS OF THE ZONE CONCEPT Goran Wiklund, ABB Oy, Finland; Antti Kostiainen, ABB Oy, Finland; Pekka Manner, Fortum Oyj, Finland; Kari Koivuranta, Fortum Oyj, Finland 0811 Automation in cable distribution network (10 kV) Louise Jakobsen, Dansk Energi, Denmark 0332 Grid security management - Basis for secure operation of the distribution grid of ENVIAM Wolfgang Gallas, envia Verteilnetz GmbH, Germany; Adolf Schweer, envia Netzservice GmbH, Germany; Hans Roman, envia Verteilnetz GmbH, Germany; Dirk Hollmach, envia Netzservice GmbH, Germany 0358 Evolutions in the grid operation in Carinthia Robert Schmaranz, KELAG Netz GmbH, Austria; Reinhard Iskra, KELAG Netz GmbH, Austria; Ignaz Hübl, KELAG Netz GmbH, Austria; Karl Schoaß, KELAG Netz GmbH, Austria 0211 Operator Training Simulator for a Distribution System Marcus Frischherz, Siemens AG, Austria; Roland Eichler, Siemens AG, Germany 0440 Experimental Evaluation of Cyber Intrusions into Highly Critical Power Control Systems Giovanna Dondossola, RSE, Italy; Fabrizio Garrone, RSE, Italy; Judit Szanto, RSE, Italy Block 3: Protection : 16.00 – 17.30 hrs 1059 Advanced Distance Relay Modeling and Testing Mauro Borrielli, Doble Transinor As, Norway; Jun Verzosa, Doble Transinor As, Norway 0092 Optimal contribution of Distributed Generation in medium voltage grids during a fault, now and in the future Sebastiaan Van Loon, Alliander, Netherlands; Frans Volberda, Alliander, Netherlands; Frans Provoost, Alliander, Netherlands; Johan Morren, Enexis, Netherlands 0220 Impact of distributed generation on grid protection Florian Romanens, BKW FMB Energie AG, Switzerland; Gerold Kuonen, BKW FMB Energie AG, Switzerland; Luigi Scoca, BKW FMB Energie AG, Switzerland 0084 Research on single-phase ground fault locating for non-effectively grounded system in Shanghai Weibin Wang, Shanghai Municipal Electric Power Company, China; Ming Zong, Shanghai Municipal Electric Power Company, China; Xiandong Huang, East China Electric Power Industry Co.,Ltd, China 0915 Earth Fault Distance Localization In Inductive Earthed Networks By Means Of Distance Protection Relays Manfred Wurm, EVN Netz GmbH, Austria 0853 Effects on the Quality of Service of changing the neutral grounding of MV networks Miguel Louro, EDP Distribuição, Portugal; José Cunha Abreu, EDP Distribuição, Portugal; Filinto Duarte, EDP Distribuição, Portugal; Manuel Martins, EDP Distribuição, Portugal; Rui Fiteiro, EDP Distribuição, Portugal; Filipe Vale, EDP Distribuição, Portuga Main session, Session 4: Distributed Energy resources & efficient utilisation of electricity. CIRED 2011 – List of selected papers – Page 3/74 Germany. KERI. Michael Gudmundsson. Leeds Metropolitan University. STRI AB. Bryan O'Neill. Sweden. Enel Distribuzione SpA. Nobin Mathew. Horizon Power. Robert Ferris.School of Engineering. Simone Botton. De Montfort University. KERI. Gareth McLorn. Gordon Pack. Republic of Korea. Fabio Cazzato. Gale Horst. UK CIRED 2011 – List of selected papers – Page 4/74 . STRI AB. UK. Gecad/Politechnic of Porto . Smarter Grid Solutions. USA. Marco Di Clerico.Room : Harmonie D-E (L2) Block 1: DG/DER planning and studies : 09. EPRI.. USA 0810 Energy Resources Scheduling in Competitive Environment Zita Vale. Denmark.30 hrs 0381 Voltage And Frequency Stability Enhancement Of The Islanded Microgrid Using Battery Energy Storage Changhee Cho. Norway 0928 A Balanced Scorecard Approach for the Enhancement of Distributed Renewable Penetration Limit in Isolated Networks Worawit Tayati. UK 1221 The Cell Controller Pilot Project: From Surviving System Black-out to Market Support Nis Martensen. Smarter Grid Solutions. UK. Gecad/Politechnic of Porto . UK. STRI AB.School of Engineering.30 hrs 0125 Electrical load characteristics of domestic heat pumps and scope for demand side management Peter Boait.School of Engineering. USA. Italy. Horizon Power. UK. STRI AB. Henrik Stomberg. UK. KERI. Republic of Korea 0530 International Collaboration of Smart Grid Demonstration Projects Integrating Distributed Energy Resources Matt Wakefield. Sweden. EPRI. Per Lund. Scottish Hydro Electric Power Distribution. Smarter Grid Solutions. UK. Italy 0840 Smart grid measures to reduce losses in distribution feeders and increase capacity to integrate local small hydro generation Astrid Petterteig. EPRI. Gecad/Politechnic of Porto .00 – 15. John Simmins. Central Networks. Jeff Douglas. Smarter Grid Solutions. UK Block 2: Control of networks with DG/DER : 11.00 – 12. Republic of Korea. Portugal. Italy. David MacLeman. SINTEF Energy Research. Energinet. Sweden 0715 The distribution networks and the large diffusion of renewables power plants: the situation of Italian electric system. UK. Narciso Pereira. Australia. Australia 1186 Commercial Arrangements to Facilitate Active Network Management Robert Currie.30 hrs 0325 Experience from construction of a Smart Grid Research. Jin-Hong Kee-Young Nam. Spirae Inc. Soonman Kwon. Sweden. Central Networks. Ryan Sims. Development and Demonstration platform Nicholas Etherden. Anne Stafford. Pusan National Univ. Halla E&E. Alan Gooding. Portugal 1187 Operating the Orkney Smart Grid: Practical Experience Robert Currie. UK. Smarter Grid Solutions. USA Block 3: Customer side developments : 14. Hugo Morais. Republic of Korea. Smarter Grid Solutions. Republic of Korea.. UK. Enel Distribuzione SpA.00 – 10. Energynautics GmbH. Portugal. Sungshin Kim. Enel Distribuzione SpA. Smarter Grid Solutions. Mats Häger. Colin Foote. Netherlands. Netherlands Round tables. Durham University. Vladimir STANOJEVIC. Dag Willén. Imperial College. Mario Korte. University of Oldenburg. Neal Wade. Rolf Witzmann. Netherlands.00 -12. Vandana Mehairjan. IBERDROLA DISTRIBUCIÓN ELÉCTRICA. Alliander. UK. UK. Otto-von-Guericke-University. Bruker EST.30 hrs : RT. dip classification and responsibility sharing 11. Arne Dammasch. BKW FMB Energie AG. Frank Mumford. UK.30 hrs Room : Fantasie (L3) CIRED 2011 – List of selected papers – Page 5/74 .30 hrs : RT. UK.30 hrs : RT. Germany.An Enabler of Smarter Grids Uwe Kaltenborn. Germany 1152 Efficient connection of large-scale DER with intelligent superconducting cables Irina Melnik. Wolfgang Nebel. Germany. Alliander. Schneider Electric Sachsenwerk GmbH. Germany. Tomas Larsson. Germany. Alliander. Netherlands. Germany 1067 Increasing Grid Transmission Capacity and Power Quality by a new Solar Inverter Concept in Low Voltage Grids with a high Proportion of Distributed Power Plants Peter Esslinger. UK 0958 Demand Side Management Potential A case study for Germany Martin Stötzer. UK.00 – 10.30 hrs 0184 Operational experience and field tests on islanding events caused by large photovoltaic plants Francisco José PAZOS. Technische Universität München. Bruker Advanced Supercon.0481 Flexible Thermal Load Management for Ancillary Services Market: Experience of Swiss Smart Grid Pilot Project Elvira Kaegi. ABB UK. UK Power Networks. Imperial College. Oleg Chevtchenko. University of Oldenburg.00 – 15. BKW FMB Energie AG. Germany 1080 Field test of grid oriented CHP micro units for the domestic energy supply Marcus Bunk. UK. Alliander. Alliander. Dave OPENSHAW.00 – 17.Revision of magnetic fields limits RIF. Stadtwerke Augsburg. Marko AUNEDI. Netherlands. Daniel Berner. Session 2: Power Quality & Electromagnetic Compatibility : 16. Alex Geschiere. TU Braunschweig Block 4: DG/DER technology : 16. UK. Zbigniew Styczynski. Heidi Lentge. Session 2 : Power Quality & Electromagnetic Compatibility Room : Fantasie (L3) 09. Phillip Gronstedt. Phil Taylor.2b : Economic framework of power quality 14. Alliander. TU Braunschweig. Switzerland 0710 Investigation of the impact of electrifying transport and heat sectors on the UK distribution networks Chin Kim GAN. Netherlands.2a : Voltage quality monitoring. UK. Germany. Imperial College. Technische Universität München. Imperial College. Stefan Schmidt. Germany. Switzerland. Germany. Michael Kurrat. UK Power Networks. UK. Goran STRBAC. Adrian Peter. Switzerland. Germany. Alexander Usoskin. Sweden 0955 Inductive Shielded Superconducting Fault Current Limiter . BKW FMB Energie AG. TU Braunschweig. TU Braunschweig. Thomas Janetschek. Durham University. ABB Sweden. Germany. Peter Jones.2c : EMF .00 – 17. Germany. Alstom Grid. Spain 0413 Early findings of an Energy Storage practical demonstration Peter Lang. Otto-von-Guericke-University. Lappeenranta University of Technology. Session 6: Demand response as an active resource of Smart Grid: 16.00 – 17. Jean-Luc Schaanen. Lappeenranta University of Technology. Finland. Fernando Issouribehere. Finland. IITREE . Sweden. Sichuan University. UK Block 4 : Power Quality in a competitive market 1099 On dimensioning LVDC distribution network capacitances and impacts on power losses Andrey Lana. Lappeenranta University of Technology. Herwig Renner. Finland. Grenoble Electrical Engineering Lab.UNLP. Pasi Nuutinen.UNLP. Lappeenranta University of Technology. UK. Finland. Lappeenranta University of Technology. Austria 1270 Electrical Safety in LVDC Distribution System Pasi Salonen.6b : Smart grid development programs in different countries 14. Argentina.6a : Role of DSOs in Smart Grid environment 11.30 hrs : RT.30 hrs : RT. Sarah Rönnberg. Argentina. China. KWOK LO. Finland. Austria. GRAEME BURT. Pasi Nuutinen. UK.6c : AMM and energy services RIF. Daniel Esteban. Graz University of Technology. France 0513 Perturbation measurements on overhead networks using electric field sensors Pedro Issouribehere.FI . Graz University of Technology.FI . University of Strathclyde. OLIMPO ANAYA-LARA. Finland. University of Strathclyde.30 hrs : RT. Lappeenranta University of Technology. UK. Finland Block 2 : Steady-state disturbances 0206 A simple model for interaction between equipment at a frequency of some tens of kHz. Austria. IITREE .Block 1 : Electromagnetic interference.FI . ADAM DYSKO. Institute of Electrical Power Systems. Argentina Block 3 : Disturbing events 0587 A New Assessment Method of Voltage Sag Frequency Considering Customer Satisfaction Degree Ying Wang.00 -10. Sweden. Institute of Electrical Power Systems. Graz University of Technology.00 – 15. Peidong Xu. Sichuan University.UNLP. Finland Round tables. Luleå University of Technology.00 – 12. Sweden. Finland. Jarmo Partanen. Andrey Lana. Lappeenranta University of Technology. Math Bollen. Luleå University of Technology. electric and magnetic fields and grounding systems 0085 New optimized analysis method for measuring extended grounding systems Martin Lindinger. Anders Larsson. Tero Kaipia. China. Lappeenranta University of Technology. Lappeenranta University of Technology. XianYong Xiao. University of Strathclyde. Session 6: Distribution business & impact of regulation Room : Illusion (L3) 09. China 1139 Decentralised Controller for Flicker Mitigation in Converter-connected DG Networks PIYADANAI PACHANAPAN. UK. University of Strathclyde. Tero Kaipia. Lappeenranta University of Technology. Tuomo Lindh.30 hrs Room : Illusion (L3) Demand response as an active resource of Smart Grid CIRED 2011 – List of selected papers – Page 6/74 . Luleå University of Technology. Sichuan University. Jarmo Partanen. Finland. IITREE . University of Strathclyde. Institute of Electrical Power Systems. Ernst Schmautzer. hv. UK.30 hrs (Exhibition hall) Interactive Guided Tour Block 1: Asset management 0024 MAINTENANCE STRATEGIES TO OPTIMIZE THE MANAGEMENT OF POWER TRANSFORMERS José Martínez. Spain. Netherlands. Netherlands. Monique Hernandez. Spain. Manfred Tscheligi. Delft University of Technology. Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena. Antonio Guillamon. Netherlands. CURE .. Institute for radiophysics and electronics. Ukraine 0327 Automatic Partial Discharge Pattern Recognition for Use in On-line Cable Condition Monitoring Systems Xiaosheng Peng. Netherlands 0937 Assessment of Flexible Demand Response Business Cases in the Smart Grid Gerrit Jötten. Martijn Bongaerts. Michel Golovko. CURE . University of Technology Eindhoven. Instituto de Ingeniería Energética IIE-UPV.V. University of Technology Eindhoven. Glasgow Caledonian University.0480 Smart Energy Products for Efficient Demand Response: Results of Swiss Smart Grid Pilot Project Elvira Kaegi. BKW FMB Energie AG. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). Donald M. Maria del Carmen Ruiz. Spain. Liandon B. Sergey Zotov.V. Netherlands. Hepburn. Ukraine. CURE Benelux B. Austria. Sergio Valero. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). Alexander Schuller. Argentina 0166 Modern Methods of After-laying testing of Power Cables Edward Gulski. Vladimir Gorobets. Germany 1003 Supporting Domestic Energy Reduction Via Persuasive Technology Cornelia Gerdenitsch.Center for Usability Research and Engineering.A. Goncharenko. Piotr Cichecki. Netherlands 0231 Equipment for adsorbent regeneration with application of high-power UHF electromagnetic field Yuriy V. ICT&S Center.00 – 17.V. Institute for radiophysics and electronics. Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena. Austria. Spain 0786 The introduction of local system services: the case of storage in the low voltage network Yoush van Vlimmeren. Ukraine. Session 11: Network Components : 09. Germany. AG. Universidad Miguel Hernández. Germany. Wolfgang Reitberger. Netherlands. Vanalme. Mario Ortiz. Ed Prent. Glasgow Caledonian University. Alexander I.Center for Usability Research and Engineering. Verbong. Johann Schrammel.Center for Usability Research and Engineering. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). Spain. Glasgow Caledonian University. BKW FMB Energie AG.A. University of Salzburg. onsite. Netherlands. Lilia Filipova-Neumann. UK. Institute for radiophysics and electronics. Netherlands. Germany. Anke Weidlich. Switzerland. Wil L. Institute for radiophysics and electronics.. Spain. Laurens Pots. SAP AG. Edenor S.. Felix Kivva. BV Twentsche Kabelfabriek. Daniel Berner. Kling. Greet M. University of Technology Eindhoven. Ukraine. Setra LTD. Johan Smit. Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena. Frank de Benelux B. UK 0360 1 Rethinking helicopter-based inspections As of 29 April 2011 CIRED 2011 – List of selected papers – Page 7/74 . BKW FMB Energie AG.J. Ukraine. Chengke Zhou. Alliander. Austria Poster Session. Ukraine. Switzerland 0697 Assessment of the Possibilities od Demand Response Resources in Energy and Capacity Markets Antonio Gabaldon. Switzerland.hv. Universidad Miguel Hernández. Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena. University of Technology Eindhoven. Carlos Alvarez. onsite. Govorishev. Netherlands. Spain. Adrian Peter. Austria. Geert P.. Institute for radiophysics and electronics. Switzerland. SebaKMT GmbH. UK. SEBAKMT GmbH. CIRED 2011 – List of selected papers – Page 8/74 . UK. UK. GnoSys UK. UK. Ricerca sul Sistema Energetico RSE Spa. Cliff Walton. Hermann Filipot.DFI. EDF R&D. UK. Netherlands 0767 Service experiences in Denmark with mixed medium voltage MV cable system consisting of both XLPE and PILC cable technologies Jens Zoëga Hansen. State Grid. Roger TAMBRUN. UK. State Grid. Germany 0399 Evaluation of PD Measurements on MV Cable Systems by Means of a WEB Database Frank Petzold. Germany. Neil McDonald. Germany. UK Power Networks. UK. Chaoying Xiong. Italy. University of strathclyde. Scott Strachan. Matthias Boltze. Kelag. Hein Putter. Netherlands. Austria. Huberth Schlapp. Germany. Matthieu Michel. SINTEF Energy Research. Thorsten Friedrich. GnoSys UK. Soraghan John. Germany. Austria. UK Power Networks. China. SP power systems. Netherlands. EDF R&D. SebaKMT GmbH. Steffen Böttcher. Austria. Siew Wa hoon. Germany. Michael Marketz. ERDF . Daniele Bartalesi. IPEC Ltd. Austria 0862 Location of switchgear partial discharge by panel and techniques to correlate switchgear and cable partial discharge with load and substation environment Sarah Carter. France 0389 Dielectric loss measurement of power cables using Hamon Approximation Daniel Götz. Kelag Netz GmbH. Enexis. Steinar Refsnaes. Doble Lemke. Dissipation Factor (tan delta) and Partial Discharge Measurements. Carl Eastham. France 0803 Maintenance Cost Reduction by Improved Methods for Condition Assessment of Wood Poles Thomas Welte. IPEC. Jian Fu. Stefan Kornhuber. State Grid.combining VLF Testing.Antoine Minaud. Italy. Norway 0831 Diagnostic Measurements for the Condition Evaluation of Power Transformers Christof Sumereder. SEBAKMT GmbH. Martin Ammer. Germany. Gary Stevens. EDP Distribuição. PPA Energy. Han Slootweg. Graz University of Technology. Portugal 0668 Online Monitoring and Fault Diagnostics of Mechanical Conditions of High-voltage DisconnectorJiayang Lin. UK. France.DR . Norway. SINTEF Energy Research. Ricerca sul Sistema Energetico RSE Spa. Ricerca sul Sistema Energetico RSE Spa. Jamie McWilliam. EDF R&D. Giovanni Pirovano. UK 0514 Intelligently managing metering assets in a changing environment Pedro Felício. China 0703 Polymer End-of-Life Indicator Danny Geldtmeijer. Colin Smith. China. University of strathclyde. University of strathclyde. France. VOEST ALPINE. Danish Energy Association. Italy. UK 1005 Multi sensor device for monitoring predischarges in medium voltage equipment Letizia De Maria. Sheath-Testing. Denmark 0769 PAPER-IMPREGNATED MV CABLES AGEING Yves BRUMENT. GianMario Ogliari. UK. ENSO. UK. Doble Lemke. Henryk Herman. France. Valérie MURIN. Roland Schmid. Ricerca sul Sistema Energetico RSE Spa. PPA Energy. Germany 0479 Improving the management of MV underground cable circuits using automated on-line cable Partial Discharge mapping Matthieu Michel. Enexis. Albert Pondes. UK. Germany. OMV. Eindhoven University of Technology. Austria. HTKW Leipzig. University of strathclyde. UK 0994 Improved Algorithm for on-line Partial Discharge Location in Cables Faisal Peer Mohamed. Gerd Valtin. SP power systems. Italy 1023 Integral cable condition assessment . EDF R&D. SebaKMT GmbH. Bertrand Jarry. Hubert Schlapp. ERDF. Spain 1205 Detection and Location of Partial Discharge in MV cables in electrically noisy industrial environments Carl Eastham. Laborelec. Taiwan 1257 On-line continuous PD monitoring for in service distribution class cables and switchgears Denis Denissov. Shanghai Municipal Electric Power Company. Strathclyde University. UK 1078 Real -time monitoring of overhead transmission line and its risk assessment lijia ren. China. UK. Norway. Will Mortimore.. GnoSys UK Ltd. Shibei Power Supply company. Strathclyde University. Netherlands. France. Siemens AG. Nand SINGH. UK. UK CIRED 2011 – List of selected papers – Page 9/74 . Dmytro Malyna. Netherlands. GnoSys UK Ltd. UK. HVPD. RSE. Gary Stevens. Alliander. Shanghai Municipal Electric Power Company. Shibei Power Supply company. Eric Dorison. Lee Renforth. Exendis. Eaton. Frank Petzold. Fa-Chung Chen. UK. EDF R&D. HVPD. Valérie Murin. Austria 1030 Non-destructive DP analysis of kraft paper from shell-type power transformers Henryk Herman. UK. Ben Wargers. France. Belgium. University of Strathclyde. Colin Smith. EDF R&D. Netherlands. Annelore Schaut. GnoSys UK Ltd. Strathclyde University. BAUR. EDF R&D. UK. KEMA. UK 0278 H-Bridge modular multilevel converter for high-voltage applications Grain Philip Adam. UK. hong li. Josco Kester.Smart Grid&quot. W H Siew. Netherlands. ENEL. University of Strathclyde. Germany. Germany. France Block 2: innovative network components and solutions for Smart Grids 0055 Application of Voltage Source Converters to Manage Power Flow and Enhance Operational Performance of a Microgrid Mojtaba Khederzadeh. Jos WETZER. University of Strathclyde. Germany 0205 Laboratory and field trial experiences with a smart MV/LV substation Erik de Jong. Jan Bozelie. Iran 0130 Intelligent Transormer Substations in Modern Medium Voltage Networks as Part of &quot. France. China 1095 Outcome of SmartLife : a European coordination action in asset management of T&amp. Ross Mackinlay. Power & Water University of Technology. Bruno Opitsch. Netherlands 0234 Pressure monitoring techniques of vacuum interrupters Rama Parashar. SebaKMT. Shanghai Municipal Electric Power Company. UK. UK. SINTEF. Stephen FINNEY. IPEC Ltd. UK 1070 Improving TDR measurement in multi-joint cable network Yuxian Tao. Christophe GAUDIN. Hallvard FAREMO. Netherlands. KEMA. Lars LUNDGAARD. Barry WILLIAMS. Siemens AG. France. Laura PANELLA. Germany. Siemens AG. Italy. Patrick Baird. Norway. Alliander. li zhang. Gerard Schoonenberg. ERDF. Giovanni PIROVANO. GnoSys UK Ltd. SebaKMT. Imtech. Alstom Grid Research & Technology Centre. Italy. UK. UK.D networks Christian GUILLAUME. Ltd. IPEC Ltd. ECN. EDF R&D. Jürgen Riemenschneider. UK. China. UK 1327 Health Index: a technical indicator of underground network reliability Benoît Puluhen. Strathclyde University. Guillermo ALLENDE ARANGUIZ. Bernd Schüpferling. Wain-Tsiang Enterprise Co. SINTEF. UK. Khaled AHMED. Germany. France. IBERDROLA. HVPD. Malcolm Setzer-Grant. Netherlands. Roger Tambrun. J J Soraghan. Irina Melnik. Netherlands. Strathclyde University. SebaKMT. Germany.Alexander Gerstner. Shibei Power Supply company. Michael Karstens. Germany. USA. Schneider Electric Sachsenwerk GmbH. EDP Distribuição. Katherine Jackson. Spain 0918 Dynamic thermal ratings: The state of the art Samuel Jupe. Portugal 0680 Saturated-Core Fault Current Limiter Field Experience at a Distribution Substation Albert Nelson. Portugal. ZIV. Mark Rikel.. Germany. Alan Creighton. Nexns SuperConductors. Zenergy Power Inc. Carlo Gemme. Spain CIRED 2011 – List of selected papers – Page 10/74 . Nexns SuperConductors. Germany 0822 Applications of Low Power Current and Voltage Sensors Rolf Fluri. KEMA. Schneider Electric Sachsenwerk GmbH. EDP Distribuição. Zenergy Power. EDP Distribuição. University of Oviedo. Germany. USA. Nexns SuperConductors. Steffen Elschner. Portugal 531 Technical Solutions for Electric Vehicles Integration Diogo Tavares. Judith Schramm. UK. Parsons Brinckerhoff. Darren Jones. Germany. UK. Portugal. USA. Zenergy Power Inc. Schneider Electric Sachsenwerk GmbH. ZIV. Jamie McWilliam. Zenergy Power GmbH. Trench Switzerland AG. Germany 0494 Local Intelligent Circuit Breakers – A New Concept for the Refurbishment of Existing Distribution Network Uwe Kaltenborn.status and prospects Joachim Bock. USA. Schneider Electric Sachsenwerk GmbH. Paul Braun. Zenergy Power Inc. Italy 0502 Increasing the operation efficiency of EDP Distribuição Overhead Power Lines Rui Bernardo. Netherlands 0456 Fault Limiting Technologies in Distribution Networks David Klaus. Spain. Francisco De La Rosa. EDP Distribuição. Parsons Brinckerhoff. Germany. ENW. Portugal. Jose Antonio Moreno. Nexns SuperConductors. UK. UK. Raimund Summer. USA. simplicity and reliability in the MV distribution network with IEC 61850 Calogero Saeli. Spain. Switzerland 0899 An improved power transformer design for dynamic voltage restoration applications Pablo Arboleya. Germany. Joachim Schmid. Emilia Daneri. Pedro Fernandes. Netherlands. Applied Superconductor. EDP Distribuição. Germany. José Coto. Detlev Kirsten. Zenergy Power Inc. Germany. Alliander. Jan Bozelie. Larry Masur. Switzerland. Italy.0352 Nexans' Superconducting Fault Current Limiters for medium voltage applications . Germany. Spain. UK.. Nexans SuperConductor. Christian Jänke. Schneider Electric Sachsenwerk GmbH. Xiaoting Dong.. Joachim Bock. Netherlands. UK 1091 ADVANCED SENSORS FOR THE SMARTGRID: HOW TO DEAL WITH EXISTING SWITCHGEAR IN SECONDARY SUBSTATIONS Aitor Arzuaga. Parsons Brinckerhoff.. CE-Electric. ABB Spa. Germany. ScottishPower. Marc Bartlett. Germany 0495 Dynamic Thermal Simulation of Gas Insulated Switchgear Uwe Kaltenborn. Switzerland. University of Oviedo. Germany. Nexns SuperConductors. Nexans SuperConductor. Simon Krämer. ABB Spa. KEMA. Franco Moriconi. ABB Spa. ZIV. Nexns SuperConductors. Trench Switzerland AG. Alves Coelho. Germany 0501 Smart eVolution. Markus Bludau. Manuel Coto. Achim Hobl. Larry Masur. University of Applied Science. Trench Switzerland AG. UK. Franco Moriconi. Italy. Callisto Gatti. University of Oviedo. USA. Zenergy Power. Germany 0386 Performance evaluation of distribution equipment under severe grid conditions Erik de Jong. Nuno Diogo. Covadonga Coca. ABB Spa. Nexns SuperConductors. Spain. Germany. Achim Hobl. Schneider Electric Sachsenwerk GmbH. Peter Vaessen. Italy. Pavel Novak. Faculty of Engineering-Alexandria University.Adaption of E-Mobility Infrastructure to Mass Market Requirements Heike Barlag. KEMA.ready for SmartGrid Gyula Hipszki. Germany 1219 Experiences with a Self Learning Expert System (SLES) for dynamic rating of power transformers Thanh Le. Gilles MOESCH. Egypt. Alexandria Electricity Distribution Company. Alliander. France. Siemens Transformers Austria GmbH & Co KG. Maarten van Bentem. Alliander. France 0037 Investigations towards the upgrading of existing 10 kV cables and accessories to an operating voltage of 20 kV Willem Boone. Netherlands. Sebastian Mathar.. Renaud Metz. Germany. Netherlands. France 0117 Study and Investigation of Medium Voltage Polluted Insulators In Alexandria Distribution Grid Ahmed Hossam-Eldin. Liandon. Alliander. Frank de Wild. Liandon. Netherlands 0040 Novel Nanocomposite Insulation Materials for the Enhancing Performance of Power Cables Ahmed Mohamed. UK. Alexandria Electricity Distribution Company. Netherlands. Teunis Brand. Alliander. Sami Sharaf. Jos van Rossum. Technical University D. Netherlands. Erika PigaGehrke. Siemens AG. Nico Steentjes. Schneider Electric. Reinhard Maier. UK.1098 Comparison of Cascaded H-Bridge Converters and Modular Multilevel Converters for the use in Medium Voltage Grid Connected Battery Energy Storage Systems Lennart Baruschka. Leibniz University of Hannover. Serge Theoleyre. Germany. Austria. France. Netherlands 1295 Green e-Motion . UK 0240 EFFECT OF MISSING 30 kV NEUTRAL WIRE ON NETWORK BEHAVIOR CIRED 2011 – List of selected papers – Page 11/74 . Alex Geschiere. Netherlands 1256 Breakthrough in development of superconducting cables Alex Geschiere. Liandon. Dow Chemical Company Ltd. Netherlands. Ibrahim Madi. Germany. Youssef Mobarak. Siemens AG. Netherlands. Germany. trends in network components for cable links and overhead lines 0026 State of the art of laws and standards in the field of eco-design of electrical and electronic equipment in Europe Mehrdad Hassanzadeh. Netherlands. Université UM2/ICGM/C2M. Egypt. Ronald Schmid. Egypt 0203 A Life Cycle Analysis Study of Competing MV Cable Materials Simon Sutton. Hungary. Schneider-Electric. Gerhard Buchgraber. Netherlands. KEMA. Schneider-Electric. Forschungsgesellschaft Kraftfahrwesen mbH. Germany Block 3: evolutions of standards and specifications. Siemens AG. Liandon. Irina Melnik. South Valley University. Netherlands. Leibniz University of Hannover. Netherlands. Schneider Electric. Ger Sebregts. Alstom Grid. Karsten Handt. Netherlands. Siemens AG. Netherlands. Qikai Zhuang. Siemens AG. Christine Schwaegerl. Egypt. Egypt 0087 New specifications on MV switchgear for cable test features Didier FULCHIRON. France. Oleg Chevtchenko. Will Crookes. Netherlands. Prysmian. Dag Willén. Axel Mertens. Heidi Lentge. Germany 1121 Distribution transformers . Alliander. South Valley University. Liandon. Germany. Fainan Hassan. Siemens Traszformátor Kft. Michiel Geurds. Alstom Grid. Liandon. Alliander. Netherlands. Alliander. Eandis. of Tabriz. SSE. KG. Marcel van den Berg. France. Belgium. Belgium. Portugal. Netherlands. medium. Ireland. Europoles GmbH & Co. Giles Delouvroy. Andreas HETTICH. TAAMALLAH Abderrahim. Iran. Ingrid SELLIER. Peter MICHALOVIC. Ores. France. UK POWER NETWORKS. Sibelga. France. STEG : Tunisian electric utilities. France. Dalta Netwerkbedrijf. East Azarbaijan Elect.STEG : Tunisian electric utilities. Iran 499 Technical implementation of cross bonding on underground high voltage lines projects António Sobral. Ireland. Slovakia. Germany 0392 Spun pre-stressed concrete poles: alternative to wooden and steel poles for low. USA. Belgium. SSE. Pieter Leemans. PIMM-ARTS et Métiers Paris TEch.. Belgium. KEMA. Daniel Tenret. USA. Ireland. Tunisia. Europoles GmbH & Co. Germany. Habib Bahous. ESB Networks. Alain François. The Dow Chemical Company. Andy Hanson. Laborelec. ABHIJIT GHOSH-DASTIDAR. Piet Soepboer. Joachim Marginet. Eandis. Netherlands. ESB Networks. Peter Buys. Joachim Marginet. EDF R&D. EDF Recherche et Développement. USA 1197 Replacing Steel Towers with Wooden Poles on ESB Networks 110kV Lines Peter Ennis. Univ. Dist. Netherlands. Eirgrid. East Azarbaijan Elect. Ralf Meier. Laborelec. Netherlands. Piet Oosterlee. Belgium.ABADLIA Abderrazek. Maria Carvalho. Alain François. Portugal. ESB Networks. and high voltage Frank Dittmar. Tunisia 0290 RELIABILITY OF MECHANICAL CONNECTORS FOR MEDIUM VOLTAGE CABLES Klaus-Dieter Haim. Co. Ores. France 0842 SYNERDIS GROUP COMMON SPECIFICATION OF MV SWITCHGEAR AND CONTROLGEAR (RMU) FOR MV/LV SUBSTATIONS GAILLARD Franck. Belgium 0779 METHODOLOGY FOR EVALUATING THE DURABILITY OF PE OUTER SHEATH OF UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC CABLES Ines MKACHER. Laborelec.. Paul DYER. Belgium. University of Applied Sciences. Westland Infra. EDP Distribuição. Quentin De Clerck. France. EDF Recherche et Développement. Valérie MURIN. Enda Feeley. Enexis. Ireland. Ferenc FARAGO. Ângela Moura. ENBW. EDF Recherche et Développement. The Dow Chemical Company. Belgium. Tunisia. Iran. Hungary. University of Applied Sciences. Mohammad Osouli Tabrizi. ERDF. EDP Distribuição. Xavier COLIN. Alliander. USA. Ores. Belgium. EDF Recherche et Développement. Jan Mosterd. Ireland 1222 Dielectric Compabitibility of Distibution Network Spacer System CIRED 2011 – List of selected papers – Page 12/74 . Germany. Co. DEMASZ. Lovink Enertech. AKKARI Salem. STEG : Tunisian electric utilities. UK. France 0884 The effect of high (cycling) current loads on joints in MV cable systems Fred Steennis. Leon Bokam. Dist. BHARAT CHAUDHARY. Portugal 0679 New Test Results with 3kHz Accelerated Growth of Water Trees in Medium Voltage XLPE Cables Blandine Hennuy. Netherlands. AZRI Nawfel. Brian Gallagher. Belgium. EDP Distribuição. LAUZEVIS Patrick. Eandis. Yves BRUMENT. The Dow Chemical Company. KG. STEG : Tunisian electric utilities. France. Belgium 0982 DOW ECOLIBRIUM<sup>TM</sup> Bio-based Plasticizers for Flexible PVC ROBERT EATON. Anthony Walsh. Slovakia. Karim Roushan Milani. THEO GEUSSENS. ESB Networks. Ireland. Peadar Dehora. Netherlands 0971 Life time estimation of SF6 MV switchgear according to on-site conditions on DNO's distribution networks Yvan Tits. Christian GUILLAUME. Germany. Laborelec. EDF R&D. Tunisia. The Dow Chemical Company. Tatiana MALIKOVA. Stedin. Kai-Uwe Bentkowski. Germany 0452 Design and Installation of First 20 kV Spacer Cable in Iran Mehrdad Tarafdar Hagh. ESB Networks. Netherlands. Field testing majid rezaei. France. Republic of Korea. Malick MOUHAMAD. Sweden CIRED 2011 – List of selected papers – Page 13/74 . niroo researh institute. Pak Elektron Limited. AES Sul Utility. Philippe Picot. Juliana Uchoa. AES ELETROPAULO. Brazil. Christian SCHWOEHRER. Federal University of Itajubá. „ABS Minel trafo“. Manuel Martinez. Republic of Korea. ABB Substations. France. AES Sul Utility. AES Sul Utility. Pakistan. France. DuPont. Republic of Korea 0297 Development of pole-mounted distribution transformer with aramid insulation for increased capacity and reliability of power distribution network Bilal Ahmad. niroo researh institute. Silvio Xavier. LS Industrial System. Republic of Korea. Liandon-part of Alliander. Sweden. Alan Melo Nobrega. Sweden. USP. Yu Lyun. Ma Ji Hoon. France 0385 Solution for internal arc flash hazards in air insulated switchgear Young-woo Jeong. Borlänge Energi. Netherlands. Spain. EDF R&D. LS Industrial Systems. Brazil. ABB AG. Sebastien BRUNET. Radoslaw Szewczyk. Poland 0309 The Influence of Direct Insolation on Outdoor Power Transformers Loadability Slobodan Maksimovich. France 0453 Innovative Compact 145/12 kV Indoor Air Insulated Substations (AIS) Hans-Erik Olovsson. Schneider Electric. Irfan Baber.Credson de Salles. Brazil. WAPDA. LS Industrial Systems. Republic of Korea. Juan Cebrian. Hermes Oliveira. Tomas Nilsson. Sweden. Kjell Stålberg. ERDF. ABB Substations. Electricity Distribution Company „Elektrodistribucija Beograd“. EDF R&D. Pakistan. Brazil. Brazil. ERDF. mohammad reza shariati. SINAPSIS Inovação em Energia. Pakistan. Edson Luis Batista. Pakistan. Republic of Korea 0439 Performance of Vacuum Circuit-Breakers with Contact Bouncing during Closing Edgar Dullni. Pak Elektron Limited. Iñaki Blanco Bartolome. Republic of Korea. Brazil. Schneider-electric. Serbia 0333 Compact metering solution withstands harsh environment Yves CHOLLOT. France. Ricardo Tufaniuk. Serbia. LS Industrial Systems. Liandon-part of Alliander. Ormazabal. Pak Elektron Limited. Schneider-electric. niroo researh institute. Brazil 1266 Assessment of in service composite insulators in very harsh coastal environment of Iran: Laboratory &amp. USP. Gerard Buisman. Idrees Butt. Young-keun Kim. Netherlands 0227 Amorphous Distribution Transformers Trial Test Campaign Christophe ELLEAU. Bertrand JARRY. Brazil. Kim Young Geun. Vladimir Shiljkut. Venanzio FERRARO. Slobodan Radojevich. Maarten van Riet. Federal University of Itajubá. Republic of Korea. Republic of Korea. Germany 0260 Development of Solid Insulated Switchgear for Medium Voltage Zheng Menglei. Schneider-electric. Serbia. SINAPSIS Inovação em Energia. Yang-seop Sin. Netherlands. Faisal Jawad. Brazil 1259 Portable Voltage Regulator for Low Voltage Networks Francisco Saraiva. France. LS Industrial Systems. LS Industrial System. Iran Block 4: trends in network components for substations 0077 Evolution and development of medium voltage equipment for special wind farm applications. Iran. sasan jabbari. Spain 0197 The full underground distribution transformer in practice Frank de Groot. Jose Maria Torres Novalbos. Marcelo Pelegrini. Hyun-wook Lee. LS Industrial System. Brazil. France. Electricity Distribution Company „Elektrodistribucija Beograd“. Iran. LS Industrial System. Germany. Andreas HETTICH. Brazil. Lee Seog Won. ABB Substations. LS Industrial System. Ormazabal. Anders Lundvall. ENBW. Liandon-part of Alliander. Federal University of Itajubá. Peter Beer.. ABB..A. Italy 0477 New underground HV/LV prefabricated substations for better integration in the environment Thierry CORMENIER. ABB Managment Services Inc. Enel Distribuzione SpA. Germany. Enel Distribuzione SpA. EDF R&D.. IEC 62271-200 with pressure relief into the switchgear room for Gas and Air insulated medium voltage switchgears. Consolidated Edison Inc. Germany. Thierry CORMENIER... Mario Haim. ABB Managment Services Inc. Bert ter Hedde. Schneider Electric. Germany. Eaton Electric B. France.. Schneider Electric Sachsenwerk GmbH. ERDF. Sweden.. Switzerland 1075 Integrated Cable Test Facility in Compact Medium Voltage Switchgear Paul Schoten.. Edgar Dullni. Germany. ABB Managment Services Inc. Schneider Electric Sachsenwerk GmbH. ABB Schweiz AG. Patrick LAUZEVIS. Raimund Summer. EDF R&D. Eaton Electric B. France. Pawel Klys. ABB Managment Services Inc. Mario Haim. EDF R&D. France. ERDF. ABB Managment Services Inc. Mariano Berrogain. Patrick BRUN. France. USA. Bertrand JARRY. France 0839 A diode based capacitor switch . Halim Malaj.V. Germany. Schneider Electric Sachsenwerk GmbH. Schneider Electric Sachsenwerk GmbH.V. Switzerland. Netherlands 0492 A NOVEL APPROACH FOR THE THERMAL ANALYSIS OF AIR INSULATEDSWITCHGEAR Shailendra Singh. Sweden. ABB. Eaton Electric B. ABB AG. ABB S. Germany. USA. Jens Tepper. Harethe El Ouadhane.. Uwe Kaltenborn. France. Netherlands 1137 Solutions for Internal Arc protection acc.a novel solution for power quality improvement Magnus Backman. Stefan Halén. Spain.. Germany 1145 Life Cycle Assessment of Dry-type and Oil-immersed Distribution Transformers with Amorphous Metal Core Martin Carlen. France.A. Eaton Electric B.. Jasmin Smajic. Germany. Uwe Kaltenborn. Germany. ABB Managment Services Inc. ABB Managment Services Inc.V.. Valérie MURIN. Uwe Kaltenborn. Schneider Electric.0468 A low-cost high performance MV RMU with circuit breakers for use in remote controlled MV-LV substations Fabio Giammanco.5 kV Voltage Class Jens Tepper. Eaton Electric B. Schneider Electric. Utrecht University. Schneider Electric Sachsenwerk GmbH. Schneider Electric Sachsenwerk GmbH. Schneider Electric. Germany. Lennart Swanström. Alex Pikkert. Luca Giansante. Raimund Summer. Schneider Electric. ABB. Consolidated Edison Inc. Netherlands. AREVA. Donald Chu.V. France 0488 SWITCHING OF SMALL INDUCTIVE CURRENTS USING VACUUM CIRCUITBREAKERS Pavel Novak. France. ABB AG. Netherlands. USA 0984 Dry-type Transformers for the 72. Netherlands. Schneider Electric. Spain. France.. Switzerland. AREVA.. Switzerland. Christophe ELLEAU. Egil Striken.V. Switzerland. Mark Strydom. Switzerland. Germany. ABB. Germany. France. Switzerland. Netherlands. Loïc VIEUVIENNET. Switzerland. VR V Ramanan. Schneider Electric Sachsenwerk GmbH. Switzerland 1148 Sustainable Electrical Energy using Natural Ester Technology CIRED 2011 – List of selected papers – Page 14/74 . Schneider Electric SA. Ulrika Överstam. ABB Schweiz AG. Rafael Murillo. Mietek Glinkowski. Germany 0775 Accelerated ageing for a MV/LV distribution transformer equipped with optic fibers Philippe FOLLIOT. Schneider Electric. ABB S. Carlos Roy. Helmut Spitzer. Italy.. Thomas Neurink. Châu TRAN DUY. Stephane Melquiond. Meike Erichsen. Germany 0489 Sustainability in medium voltage switchgear Bert ter Hedde. Schneider Electric.. Germany. EnergoRetea. Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Netherlands 1248 Benefits of innovative MV interconnectors system Venanzio Ferraro. China. The Dow Chemical Company. Burani. Jean-Michel Bonfils.ISA CTEEP. Netherlands. France 1253 Aging Performance of Natural Ester-Based Dielectric Fluids for Transformer System Suh Joon Han. Veronica Mier. Fujian Electric Power Co. Luis Santos. Spain. Cooper Power Systems. Testing and Researches Institute. Javier Baragaño. Netherlands. Eaton Electric BV. China. Bacega. Johan Morren. China. USA 1170 Developments for maximum safety in medium voltage substations regarding internal arcs Gerard Schoonenberg.IEE/USP. Hc Explotación de Redes. University of Oviedo. in aged surge arresters Wilson R. China. Brazil. Spain Block 2: innovative network components and solutions for Smart Grids CIRED 2011 – List of selected papers – Page 15/74 . Spain. China. Eugene Del Fiacco. The Dow Chemical Company. Institute of Technology and Management of Shanghai Municipal Electric Power Company. Sweden. Brazil 1286 Design and field test of low-cost online monitoring system in medium voltage underground cables Jose Coto. Cristian Blanco. Anders Nilsson. Netherlands. Schneider Electric. Cia de Transmissao de Energia Eletrica Paulista . Germany. Cooper Power Systems. Schneider Electric. HC Energia. USA. Eaton Electric BV. Raimund Summer. Cooper Power Systems. Fuzhou University. The Dow Chemical Company. China. Huang Huihong.IEE/USP. Testing and Researches Institute. Enexis BV. Wang Yong. Fredrik Carlsson. Schneider Electric. Quintin Corrionero. Schneider Electric. University of Oviedo. Spain. Vattenfall R&D AB. France. HC Energia. USA. USA. Miguel Arniella. Kevin Rapp. Spain. Germany Non Interactive Tour – Session 1 Block 1: Asset management 0185 Use and Problems of On-line PD Measurement Technology on Switchgears in Guang Zhou Distribution System Xiong Jun. University College London. Frits Besseling. Xiantai Zhang. HC Energia. USA. Manuel Coto. Yu Zhang. Xiaodong Zhang. Cooper Power Systems. Sweden 1283 Partial discharges measurements at field. Hong Guan. Zhijian Jin. Brazil. Tirso Gaglio. Spain. Luiz Franchini. USA. China 0948 Failure Causes of Distribution Network Components Ying He. China.David Bingenheimer. Cooper Power Systems. USA. Schneider Electric. José Mak. University of Oviedo. Sweden. Testing and Researches Institute. Spain. Martin Binnendijk.. Vattenfall R&D AB. USA 1326 Simplified Internal arc-Structural simulation Shailendra Singh. Eaton Electric BV. Spain. Institute of Technology and Management of Shanghai Municipal Electric Power Company. Vagner Vasconcellos. Institute of Technology and Management of Shanghai Municipal Electric Power Company. Cooper Power Systems. Geraldo F. UK 0746 Non-Electric Measurements-Based on-line diagnosis method for the fault of transformer windings Yuying Shao. France. Instituto de Eletrotecnica e Energia da USP . Instituto de Eletrotecnica e Energia da USP . Hedio Tatizawa. Sebastien Brunet. USA. Yiyun Guo. University of Oviedo. China 0441 On-Line Condition Monitoring of non-effectively Earthed Distribution Network Using Transient Earth Fault Signals Tianyou Li. China. Xiaoxin Zhou. Alessandro P. Republic of Korea. Alstom Grid. Christophe Perrier. Fundação Universidade Regional de Blumenau . Germany 0345 Introducing High-performance Polypropylene Thermoplastic Elastomer (HPTE) insulation for MV cables in the Netherlands Jos van Rossum. Young-keun KIM. Alliander. Youngkag Ban. Germany. Republic of Korea. France CIRED 2011 – List of selected papers – Page 16/74 .. Germany. Brazil. Prysmian Cables and Systems B. LS Industrial Systems. Roland Bärsch. Netherlands. China 0693 A universal power electronic interface for distributed generation and electric vehicles Yi Lu.. Alex Geschiere. Italy.. CELESC Distribuição S. LS Industrial Systems. Brazil. KEPCO. Ger Sebregts. Wacker Chemie Ag. Centro de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento – CPqD. China. Germany.0051 New and innovative Smart and Green Transformer Technologies Harald Fink. Alex Pyo. Prysmian SpA. Jürgen Pilling. Italy 0708 Degradation studies of polymeric insulators-Products performance requirements Fernando H. Xiao Ming Huang. Byungsung Lee. Netherlands. China Electric Power Research Institute. Molina. Angelini. France. Dadam. Massimo Comina. China. trends in network components for cable links and overhead lines 0100 Long term behaviour of outdoor terminations made of SiR Roland Bärsch. LS Industrial Systems.FURB. Wacker Chemie AG. KEPCO. Prysmian Cables and Systems B. Youngsik Shin. KEPCO.. Zhiyuan He. UK 0801 The Test and Installation of Medium Class(22.. Jintae Cho. KEPCO. Germany. Alstom Grid. Netherlands. Netherlands. Alstom Grid. Netherlands.. Germany 341 Electrical Resistivity and Contact Resistance of Electrically Conductive Silicones Jens Lambrecht. Suemuk Yi. Netherlands. Germany. Germany. Republic of Korea 0258 The development of CT integrated Electronic meter Youngseop Lee. Joceli M. University of Liverpool. Wacker Chemie AG. Zhejiang Eletric Power Test and Research Institute. KEPCO. Republic of Korea 0603 Parameter Coordination of Modular Multilevel Converter for Robust Design during DC Pole-to-pole Fault Shanshan Wang. Brazil.A. Republic of Korea. Kwon-Bae Park. Alliander. China Electric Power Research Institute. Christian Bernauer. Germany. Alberto Bareggi. Guangfu Tang.A. KEPCO. University of Applied Science Zittau/Görlitz.. Bartlomiej Dolata. Gyeong-ho Lee. Henry Wu.. Hochschule Zittau/Görlitz. KEPCO. Volker Berthold. José Eduardo Volponi. Republic of Korea. China Electric Power Research Institute. CELESC Distribuição S. Republic of Korea. ERDF. China. France 0223 Intelligent distribution equipment for fault anticipation of distribution network Juyong Kim. Brazil. Alstom Grid. LS Industrial Systems. Jens Lambrecht. China.V. Republic of Korea. Ilkeun Song. Brazil 0781 An alternative to the LV network reinforcements ZONTA Yves. Centro de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento – CPqD. Republic of Korea. LS Industrial Systems. Republic of Korea. Republic of Korea. Republic of Korea.9kV) Hybrid type Fault Current Limiter in KEPCO Grid Wonjoon Choe. KEPCO. Republic of Korea Block 3: evolutions of standards and specifications. Seung-hyun Bang. Prysmian Cables and Systems B. Lawrence Lamballais.V. Zhejiang Eletric Power Test and Research Institute. Republic of Korea. Hanneke Tammenga. University of Applied Science Zittau/Görlitz.V. LS Industrial Systems. Republic of Korea. Alliander. Cellpack Ltd. Martin Grunwald. KEPCO. LS Industrial Systems. Germany. G. Ben Aerns. Republic of Korea. Luiz Henrique Meyer. Ok-Bae Hyun. Jungwook Sim. China Electric Power Research Institute. Cellpack Ltd. Francois Devaux. Prysmian SpA.. Laborelec. Portugal. Federal University of Itajubá. Alcides Couto. Brazil. EDP Distribuição. Jörg Harthun. Brazil Block 4: trends in network components for substations 0039 Oxidation stability of non inhibited vegetable transformer liquids Ernesto Diestre. ALSTOM Grid GmbH. Gerd Balzer. Schneider Electric. Christian Schorn. Germany. EnBW Regional AG. AES Sul.Replace or Refurbish Assets Antonio Baptista. Jesus Izcara. Ores. Durham University. Spain. Rogério Salustiano. Portugal 0443 Optimization of long-term cash flow calculations for high voltage equipment Leyla Asgarieh. Armin Precht. Brazil. Federal University of Itajubá. Gil Vasconcelos. Manuel Martinez.0950 Incompatibility between MV Switchgear conform the international standards and their use in DNO's substations Marc Arens. EnBW Regional AG. Fundación Gomez Pardo. Brazil. Brazil. CELESC Distribuição. Germany. Cengiz Kaan ALTINAY. Federal University of Itajubá. Francisco Sanz. EDP Distribuição. Matrix Engenharia em Energia. Federal University of Itajubá. Belgium 1073 Methodology for the utilization of compact distribution lines in coastal areas. France. EDP Distribuição. Federal University of Itajubá. Brazil. Brazil. Belgium. Session 5: Planning & system development 09. Spain. Alan Nóbrega. Matrix Engenharia em Energia. Edson Batista. Brazil. Belgium. Sergio Cabral. University of São Paulo. Schneider Electric. Alain François. Walter Pinheiro. Federal University of Itajubá. Portugal. Brazil. Repsol. Germany 2 As of 29 April 2011 CIRED 2011 – List of selected papers – Page 17/74 . Laborelec. Eandis. Matrix Engenharia em Energia. BNO. CE Electric UK. Brazil Poster Session. France. Ormazabal Corporate Technology. Technische Universität Darmstadt. Durham University. Geraldo Almeida. Arnaldo Kanashiro. France 0523 Efficiency and Economical Viability of Countryside Transformers Based on Percent Impedance Optimization and Amorphous Core Arimatéa Nunes. Germany. Joachim Marginet. Belgium. ALSTOM Grid GmbH. Frank Hofmann. Jean-Marc BIASSE. Marcel van den Berg. Aellfclêniton Diniz. ALSTOM Grid GmbH. Germany. AES Sul. Brazil. Jose Felicio. Brazil. Schneider Electric. UK 0367 Asset Management .30 hrs (Exhibition hall)2 Interactive Guided Tour Block 1: Asset Management and Maintenance Strategies Sub-block 1: Theoretical Models 0152 A composite methodology for evaluating network risk Simon Blake. Spain 0086 New trends in noise reduction of power transformers Tobias Stirl. Hermes de Oliveira. Belgium. Brazil. Fernando Molina. Germany 0091 Installation conditions and improved MV air insulated switchgear are key factors for an extended service life Sandrine MILAN. Technische Universität Darmstadt. Brazil.00 – 17. David Miller. UK. Estácio Wanderley Neto. Germany. Philip Taylor. Matrix Engenharia em Energia. UK. yvan Tits. Germany. Shanghai Municipal Electric Power Company.Royal Institute of Technology. Carlos Tahan. Ewerton Guarnier. Siemens AG. GnoSys UK Ltd. Brazil. Josimar Oliveira Silva. Egypt 1224: Assessing the Risk of Performance-Based Maintenance of Off-shore Wind Farm Distribution Systems Jorge Martínez.o. UK. Fortum Distribution. China. HEP-ODS d. Sweden.. Portugal 0714 Daily fluctuations of electric reliability indices Zdravko Jadrijev. Goran Majstrovic. Klaus Peters. PT PLN (PERSERO). Amy Mitchell. Egypt. China. Armin Gaul. Carl Johan Wallnerström. Sweden. UK. National Grid PLC. Mustafa Abdul-Rasool. Dalal Helmi. entellgenio GmbH. USP. USP.o. Germany. Egyptian Electricity Transmission Company. KTH . Egypt 0126 Impacts of electric mobility on distribution grids and possible solution through load CIRED 2011 – List of selected papers – Page 18/74 . Indonesia 0690 Examples of Condition Based Maintenance in Distribution Systems Mohamed EL-Hadidy. Germany. XU Wanrong. China 0825 Similarities and differences in the strategic asset simulation for electricity and gas distribution grids Heiko Spitzer. SINAPSIS. KTH . Paul Scobie. Energy Institute Hrvoje Pozar. Egyptian Electricity Transmission Company. UK.Royal Institute of Technology. UK. Germany. Stephen Holmes. GnoSys UK Ltd. PT PLN (PERSERO). Sergio Teixeira. EDP Distribuição. Sweden. Sweden Sub Block 3: Applications and Experiences 0178 ASSET MANAGEMENT IMPROVEMENT IN DISTRIBUTION SUBSTATION Dody Benyamin Pangaribuan. RWE Rhein-Ruhr Verteilnetz GmbH. Brazil. UK 1013 Determination of asset criticality: a practical method for use in risk-based investment planning Paul Pschierer-Barnfather. Brazil. PT PLN (PERSERO). João Carlos Carvalho. KTH . GnoSys UK Ltd. Croatia 970 An authentic example of investment planning of power distribution using quantitative Reliability and cost analyses Henrik Rinnemo. UK. Germany Block 2: Network Development Sub Block 2: Innovative Power Distribution 0094 Investigation of indoor low-voltage cables as Data communication channels Samah Hashim. Germany 1002 New Life Cycle Costing and Risk Approaches to Asset Investment and Planning Gary C Stevens. UK. Siemens AG. Ramón Nadira. EA Technology Limited. Brazil. Damien Culley. WANG Weimin. John Fitch.0756 With transmission grid asset operation and maintenance fixed quota to support Life Cycle Cost absorption and analysis FANG Xiaodong. SINAPSIS. National Grid PLC. Terence Dürauer. Patrik Hilber. RWE Rhein-Ruhr Verteilnetz GmbH. EA Technology Limited. Shanghai Municipal Electric Power Company. Indonesia. Indonesia. David Hughes. UK 1307 Economic evaluation of assets profitability Marcelo Pelegrini. Bob Saril. North Delta Electricity Distribution Company (NDEDC). entellgenio GmbH.Royal Institute of Technology. Brazil. EA Technology Limited. SINAPSIS. Croatia. Brazil Sub Block 2: Reliability assessment 0444 An analytical framework to understand and manage reliability in distribution networks Rui Gonçalves. AES ELETROPAULO. Ignatius Rendroyoko. Shanghai Municipal Electric Power Company. Netherlands 0569 The energy storage application strategy in different voltage levels of distribution system Zuping Zhang. France. Carlos Santos. Siemens Energy. Christian D'Adamo.Practical experience of a DSO Johan Morren. University of Stuttgart. France. UK. China. Francisco Cravo Branco. RSE SpA. EA Technology. HELFRIED BRUNNER. EDP. Aoxue Su. Sige Liu. Belgium.. EDP. Huishi Liang. Enexis B. USA. Italy. China 0400 Technological Breakthrough for Real Time Smart Metering via Power Line Communication (PLC) Steven Frère. Portugal. Frank Baldinger. Fabrizio Pilo. Theodor Connor. Ulrike Sachs. China 0578 Migrating Towards a Smart Distribution Grid: State of the Art Prashanth Duvoor. Siemens AG. Results of CIGRE C6. KJETIL UHLEN. MVV. Germany 0294 Optimizing the EV electrical demand impact Ricardo Messias. Germany. Germany.11 Working Group. Siemens Energy. Ivan Alexander Probst. Wien Energie Stromnetz GmbH. Enexis B. Netherlands. Beijing Normal University.V. Ton Jansen. Germany 0364 A Structured Approach for Smart Grid Implementation Wolfram Wellssow. USA 311 Development and operation of A<em>ctive Distribution Networks</em>.. OMICRON electronics. CEPRI. DIEGO CIRIO. Hydro-Québec Research Institutev. Enel. Eandis. EDP. Germany 0377 Challenges in smart distribution grids Omar Mansour. Reinhard Brehmer. Eandis. Beijing Normal University. Siemens AG. Zhonglai LI. DIEE University of Cagliari. China 0426 ENARD: Results from the First 5 year Term of International Collaboration in Electricity Networks JOHN BAKER. Mariam Khattabi. China. Samuel Jupe. University of Stuttgart. Italy 0498 Distribution network adaptations and recommendations for 2020 EV infrastructure charge development in France Christophe GAUDIN. China. Enexis B. Martin Siegel. CEPRI.. Mingtian Fan. Canada. China. EA Technology. Italy. Locamation B. Netherlands. Luc GUERLAIS. Luc Henderieckx. UK. Austria.V. CEPRI. SINTEF Energy Research. ERDF. Zuping Zhang. Portugal. University of Stuttgart. Eandis. France 0545 Introducing smart grids . JOHN SINCLAIR. Locamation B. Parsons Brinckerhoff. Christine Schwaegerl.V.V. EDP. Vincent Vancaeyzeele. Martin Braun. Stefan Tenbohlen. Germany. Germany. Technical University Kaiserslautern. ERDF. MVV. Austria. Thomas Schuster. Chad Abbey. ERDF. China. Austria. Netherlands 0387 A planning approach for Active Distribution Networks Mingtian Fan. Siemens AG. Locamation B.V. Portugal 0305 Engineering the Distribution Systems of the Future Alexander Apostolov. UK.. Netherlands. Belgium 0404 An approach for reliability assessment of distribution networks with DG Aoxue Su. China Electric Power Research Institute. José Ribeiro da Silva. Belgium. Germany. Germany. Norway. Portugal. Beijing Normal University. AIT.. Germany. Mariya KROTOVA. Wien Energie Stromnetz GmbH. Netherlands.V. Han Slootweg. Satish Natti. Britta Buchholz. University of Stuttgart.. China Electric Power Research Institute. China Electric Power Research Institute. China. USA CIRED 2011 – List of selected papers – Page 19/74 . Johan Driesen. Vattenfal Nordic Distribution. Imperial College London. Pertti Pakonen. Huazan Zhong.U. Belgium. Spain. Finland. Switzerland. TNB Research Sdn. Austria. China. Spain 0981 Emergency Planning Method of Urban Distribution Networks Based on Microgrid Jun Xiao. China 1129 Storage devices impact on electricity distribution networks Helder Ferreira. Iran. ewz. Jeroen Tant. Switzerland.Leuven. Tom De Rybel. CEDETEL.U. Siemens AG. Niroo Research Institute. Belgium. Jukka Hämäläinen. Goran Strbac. Niroo Research Institute. Sara Khayyamim. RWE Rhein-Ruhr Netzservice GmbH. Siemens AG. ISABEL NAVALON. SUSANA BANARES. Bhd. K.U.. Belgium. Iran 0082 End User Load Profile Analysis For Distribution System Planning Asnawi Mohd. Belgium Block 3: Distribution Planning Sub Block 1: General Planning 0028 Optimum Planning of Primary-Secondary Distribution Networks According to Real Municipal Maps Mojtaba Gilvanejad. Technical University of Vienna. Au Mau Teng. Behin Raise Co.U.U.Technical system and market model Peter Birkner. UK. Bhd.Leuven. ewz. Juerg Bader. Bo Yu. Switzerland 1054 Utilizing a single transitional platform for traditional and Smart meters. Uwe Worch. Finland. Malaysia CIRED 2011 – List of selected papers – Page 20/74 . Tampere University of Technology. K. Finland. Technical University of Vienna. Iran. Peter Tant. Austria 1071 Distributed Generation and Smart Grid Development: Case Studies in Different European Countries Pierluigi Mancarella. Belgium. MARIO RAMIREZ. Education Ministry Key Laboratory of Smart Grid(Tianjin University). Netherlands. Malik Mohamad. PABLO MARTIN. ewz. Kimmo Järvinen.Leuven. RWE Rhein-Ruhr Netzservice GmbH. Hamideh Ghadiri. Universiti Tenaga Nasional.0850 Smart Grid Communications Emulator (100. European Commission . K. Joao Pecas Lopes. Yvonne Trauschies. China. Education Ministry Key Laboratory of Smart Grid(Tianjin University). Ossi Bergius. Sauli Antila. Spain.from Vision to Practice Pekka Verho. REE. Germany Sub Block 3: Case Studies 0694 ADRES@World Sara Ghaemi. Belgium. Tavanir Co. Netherlands. UK.Leuven. Technical University of Vienna. Mohammad Reza Shariati. Iran. INESC Porto. REE. Finland 0977 The Topology of Self-Sustaining Grids regarding Reliability and Cost : From Reserve to Smart Grid Raffael La Fauci. European Commission . Spain. Efthymios Manitsas. Finland. Iran. Busrah. Malaysia. Opportunities &amp. Education Ministry Key Laboratory of Smart Grid(Tianjin University).. Gianluca Fulli.JRC. K. Malaysia. Babak Nikfam. Alfred Einfalt. Niroo Research Institute. Finland. VITO. Iran. Eindhoven University of Technology. Akbar Yavartalab. SIEMENS. IBERDROLA. Imperial College London. Portugal 1329 Design and operation of smart grids . Vattenfal Nordic Distribution.JRC. Spain. Imperial College London. Austria. UK 1106 Techno-economical and life expectancy modeling of battery energy storage systems Frederik Geth. Monika Sturm. REE.Leuven. challenges.. Netherlands.. Tampere University of Technology. Spain. Dietmar Tiefgraber. Germany. K.000 synthetic users). UK. Tampere University of Technology. Austria. EDUARDO GARCIA. Tampere University of Technology. ROSA MORA. Austria 0924 Cabling of Rural Networks . Daan Six. Niroo Research Institute. Wil Kling. TNB Research Sdn. Dimitrios Papadaskalopoulos. Imperial College London. Britta Heimbach. China Electric Power Research Institute. GA Methods Sara Khayyamim. Gecad/Politechnic of Porto . Gecad/Politechnic of Porto School of Engineering. S.School of Engineering. Education Ministry Key Laboratory of Smart Grid(Tianjin University). Education Ministry Key Laboratory of Smart Grid(Tianjin University). Niroo Research Institute.. Portugal. Tekla Corporation. Enel Distribuzione S. Portugal. China.A. Using BE &amp. André Méffe. Safar Farzalizade. China. Italy 1028 Hybrid Fuzzy Monte Carlo and Logic Programming Model for Distribution Network Reconfiguration in the Presence of Outages Zita Vale. Iran. Alexandre Soeiro. Iran.Distribuição de Energia. Serbia.0363 Expansion planning of distribution networks using simulated annealing technique Željko Popovic. China Electric Power Research Institute. University of Cape Town.A. Vojin Kerleta. Helen Electricity Network Ltd. Iran. Portugal. China. Mojtaba Gilvanejad. China 0639 Enhanced Design of Distribution Networks. Education Ministry Key Laboratory of Smart Grid(Tianjin University). Brazil. Pekka Hämäläinen. Università degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II”. Carlos Oliveira. Daimon Engenharia e Sistemas. Aalto University School of Science and Technology. Finland. China. Niroo Research Institute. Technical faculty of Zrenjanin. Wei Liu. Gecad/Politechnic of Porto . CPFL. Pietro Varilone. Niroo Research Institute. Tavanir Company. Brazil.School of Engineering. Portugal. Luiz Silva. Portugal. Portugal.School of Engineering. Iran University of Science and Technology. Italy. Bruno Enomoto. Hamideh Ghadiri. Portugal. Gecad/Politechnic of Porto . Finland. Pedro Carvalho. University of Cape Town.p. Education Ministry Key Laboratory of Smart Grid(Tianjin University). Brazil 0824 Failure Risk Associated with Different Substation and HV Network Configurations Ricardo Prata. Gecad/Politechnic of Porto . Iran. Portugal 0876 Design parameters for LV feeders to meet regulatory limits of voltage magnitude CT Gaunt. Hussein Khodr.. Daimon Engenharia e Sistemas.School of Engineering. Gecad/Politechnic of Porto . Italy. Brazil. Portugal. João Soares. Portugal. Bruno Canizes. Marco Silva. EDP . Daimon Engenharia e Sistemas. Matti Lehtonen. Carlos Alberto Santos. Pedro Oliveira. University of Cape Town. Jian Su. EDP Distribuição de Energia.School of Engineering. Gu Wenzhuo. China. Holiday Kadada. South Africa 883 Optimising MV network development and enhancement using a routing algorithm and cable re-rating Robert John Millar. Portugal CIRED 2011 – List of selected papers – Page 21/74 . Wang Chengshan. China. China Electric Power Research Institute. Daimon Engenharia e Sistemas. Serbia 0539 Sensitivity Analysis on Total Supply Capability for Distribution Systems Xiao Jun. Education Ministry Key Laboratory of Smart Grid(Tianjin University). Brazil. Guo Xiaodan. Gecad/Politechnic of Porto . Elektrovojvodina.A. Finland. Dapu Zhao. Daimon Engenharia e Sistemas. Gecad/Politechnic of Porto .. Markku Hyvärinen. Portugal. Luo Fengzhang. South Africa. Iran. Luís Marcelino Ferreira. Ahad Kazemi. Instituto Superior Técnico. China 0728 Long Term Planning based on the Prediction and Analysis of Spatial Load Marcus Carvalho. Akbar Yavartalab.. Brazil. Aalto University School of Science and Technology. Ronald Herman.School of Engineering. S. China Electric Power Research Institute. Iran 0723 Status quo and Prospects of Urban MV Distribution Network Structure in China Limei Zhou. South Africa.School of Engineering. Marcello Di Salvo. Niroo Research Institute. Università degli Studi di Cassino. Guido Carpinelli. Finland Sub Block 2: Automation and Reactive Compensation Planning 0496 A probabilistic approach for Voltage Regulators and Capacitor Placement in three-phase unbalanced distribution systems Christian Noce. Tiago Sousa. Instituto Superior Técnico. China. USP. Ireland 1225 Modelling Electric Vehicles at Residential Low Voltage Grid by Monte Carlo Simulation Weiyu Du. Eni Congo. Damian Flynn. University College Dublin. Iran. N. Eni Congo and Enel project Emile Tchakala. Roberto Grimaldi. Federal University of the Rio Grande do Norte. ewz. Kjell Sand. Brazil.A. Egypt. Toosi University of Technology. Lukas Küng. Hansruedi Luternauer. Brazil Block 4: Methods and Tools Sub Block 1: Load Forecast 0043 Long Term Load Forecasting for The Egyptian Network Using ANN and Regression models Ahmed Ghareeb. Hassan Mahmoud. Egyptian Electricity Holding Company. Federal University of the Rio Grande do Norte. Wagdy Mansour. Italy 1158 Stochastic Analysis of the Impact of Electric Vehicles on Distribution Networks Peter Richardson. SINTEF Energy Research. A2A SpA. Italy. RSE SpA. University of Strathclyde. Shoubra faculty of engineering-Benha university. ewz. Graham Ault. Stuart Galloway. Jason Taylor. Enrico Fasciolo. David Hearn. Golkar. Shoubra faculty of engineering-Benha university. SINAPSIS Inovação em Energia. Norway 1309 Economical evaluation of the aesthetic aspect of putting cables underground Marcelo Pelegrini. Italy. Netherlands Sub Block 4: Case Studies 0335 Design of an urban 150 kV cable connection with regards to regulatory requirements for magnetic fields Britta Heimbach. Italy 0785 Integration of electric vehicles to the distribution grid Nina Wahl Gunderson. Andrew Keane. Enel Distribuzione. José Tavares Oliveira. Republic of Congo . Switzerland 0475 Revamping and developing of the Distribution Network in Pointe Noire. Enel Distribuzione. Enel Distribuzione. Ivo Cyrillo. Shoubra faculty of engineering-Benha university. UK. Enel Distribuzione. Electric Power Research Institute. Switzerland. ewz. USP. Ivano Gentilini. Ehsan Pashajavid. N. Brazil. K. Iran 1110 Electric Vehicles' impact on the planning of the Milan distribution network Giuseppe Mauri. Federal University of the Rio Grande do Norte. Eni Congo. Brazil. Italy. University College Dublin. Roberto Emma. University College Dublin. University of Strathclyde. Italy. A2A SpA. Ireland. Brazil. Egypt. Mohamed Moenes. Congo. SINTEF Energy Research. Delft University of Technology. Francisco Anuatti. Norway. Mariacristina Dota. SINAPSIS Inovação em Energia. Toosi University of Technology. Brazil. USA. Manoel Firmino Medeiros Jr. Clóvis Oliveira. Switzerland. Switzerland. Egypt 0277 Customer Classification and Load Profiling Based on AMR Measurements CIRED 2011 – List of selected papers – Page 22/74 . UK 0750 Analaytical assessment of mutual impacts between PHEVs and power grid Masoud A. Bezaliel Pires. AES ELETROPAULO. Stefano Fratti. ewz. UK. University of Strathclyde. Congo. Francesco Amoretto. Carlos Longue. Brazil 0434 Multi-objective network planning tool for the optimal integration of electric vehicles as responsive demand and dispatchable storage Steven Inglis. Brazil. Federal University of the Rio Grande do Norte.Sub Block 3: DG/EV Accomodation Planning 0093 Maximising Penetrationof Active Power by Distributed Generation on Real System. USP. Gabriel Cunha. Italy. Ireland. Brazil. Fernanda Borger. Brazil.. Egypt. Germany Sub Block 2: Load Flow Calculations and State Estimation 0224 Design of Application Common Model for Network Analysis in Smart Distribution Management System Cheol-Min Chu. ERDF. Enel Distribuzione SpA. France. Key Laboratory of Smart Grid of Ministry of Education. Pieter Bots. France 1016: Mote Carlo Simulation of Load Profiles for Low-Voltage Electricity Distribution Grid Asset Planning Weiyu Du. Republic of Korea. Enel Distribuzione SpA. Last. Canada. China Sub Block 3: Energy Losses Minimization 0064 Distribution network reconfiguration to improve system performance and reduce power losses CIRED 2011 – List of selected papers – Page 23/74 .Antti Mutanen. Hong-jie Jia. Wei-wei Miao. Institute for Integrated Energy Systems. Korea Electric Power Corporation Research Institution.University of Victoria.und Energiemanagement. Italy. Republic of Korea. LEM-Software. Seong-Chul Kwon. Electricity North West. Korea Electric Power Corporation Research Institution.und Energiemanagement. Netherlands. Marcelo Machado.University of Victoria. Germany. Johannes Slootweg. LEM-Software. Republic of Korea. Brazil. Italy. Simone Botton. Belgium 0808 Large Scale Phase Balancing of LV Networks using the AMM Infrastructure Guillaume ANTOINE. Netherlands 1330: Bottom-up forecasts for load demand and the grid infeed of renewable energy sources Marisa Mäder.und Energiemanagement. Harald Heinrich. Daimon Engineering & Systems. Tampere University of Technology. Ian Povey. Last. Federico Marmeggi. Sang-Yun Yun. EDF R&D. Marcos Gouvea. Enel Distribuzione SpA. Daimon Engineering & Systems. Alden Antunes. Daimon Engineering & Systems. Key Laboratory of Smart Grid of Ministry of Education. Ingrid Heinrich. Brazil. Süwag Energie AG. Institute for Integrated Energy Systems.University of Victoria. UK. Marcelo Nanni. Guillaume ROUPIOZ. Germany. Fabio Cazzato. Germany. Rita Shaw. Delft University of Technology.. France. Finland. EDF R&D. Institute for Integrated Energy Systems.p. Anja Rödel. Il-Keun Song. UK. Tampere University of Technology. Sami Repo. Torsten Broeer. Canada. Brazil 1177 A Gis-based LV network calculation engine supporting the integration of distributed generation: a new statistical algorithm for Enel Distribuzione's Sigraf Sergio Bianchi. China. Enexis B.A. Leticia DE ALVARO. Electricity North West. Electricity North West. AES Sul. Canada.. Universidade de Sao Paulo .USP. Tianjing University of China. Korea Electric Power Corporation Research Institution. Michiel van Lümig. UK 0717 BENEFITS OF THE MODERN ENERGY METERING SYSTEMS FOR THE DISTRIBUTION NETWORK PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT PROCESSES WITH THE DIFFUSION OF DISTRIBUTED GENERATION. Tampere University of Technology. Netherlands. LEMSoftware. Italy 1191 Probabilistic Total Transfer Capability based on Static Voltage Stability Region Analysis and Uncertainties of Aggregated Feeder-level Load Data Dan Wang. Last. Alliander. Italy 0799 The use of smart meters to improve customer load models Frans Provoost. Laborelec. Delft University of Technology. Korea Electric Power Corporation Research Institution.V. Enel Distribuzione S. Republic of Korea 0454 Intelligent state estimator system for distribution systems Leonardo Ferreira Neto. Finland. Pertti Järventausta. Finland 0416 A Composite Model for Long-Term Forecasting of Distribution Peak Demands Victor Levi. Netherlands. Tianjing University of China. Brazil. Juliana Uchoa. Brazil. Brazil. AES Sul. Ned Djilali. Germany 0648 Sustainable investment strategies for aging distribution networks Eric Jennes. Egypt 0177 Configuration Management of Electric Distribution Network MOHAMMED ABD EL-LATIF BADR. Egypt. Foosnæs. 24/7 Netze GmbH (MVV Group). south delta.V. Germany. Uwe Jordan. Ain Shams University. Practical Case Study Tamer Khalil. Germany. Consentec GmbH. China 0429 Investment strategies based upon asset simulation Manfred Mathis. Canal Company for Electricity Distribution. Jörg Feldmann. Forschungsgemeinschaft für Elektrische Anlagen und Stromwirtschaft (FGH) e. Mohammad Tavakoli Bina. Toosi University of Technology. Thorsten Borchard. Toosi University of Technology. mohammed algzar. Simon Krahl. N. TU Dortmund University. Ghada Elbanna. Falk Guenther. SINTEF Energy Research. Germany 0722 Optimal Planning and Control of Microgrids with Distributed Energy Resources on Smart Grid CIRED 2011 – List of selected papers – Page 24/74 .mohammed elkazaz.. Germany Block 2: Network Development Sub Block 2: Innovative Power Distribution 0447 Innovative Concepts for Efficient Electrical Distribution Grids Torsten Hammerschmidt. Directorate for Civil Protection and Emergency Planning. Egypt. Germany. Germany. K. K. Astrid Petermann. mohammed mehanna. 24/7 Netze GmbH (MVV Group). Egypt. Egypt 101 Towards Power Losses Minimization and Voltage profile improvement in CCED. Germany. Ain Shams University. RWTH Aachen. Germany. Iran Non Interactive Tour : Session 5 Block 1: Asset Management and Maintenance Strategies Sub Block 1: Theoretical Models 0010 Annual Replacement Decision-Marking of Electrical Equipments in Distribution Network Saiyi WANG. Forschungsgemeinschaft für Elektrische Anlagen und Stromwirtschaft (FGH) e. Christian Rehtanz. Jan A. Forschungsgemeinschaft für Elektrische Anlagen und Stromwirtschaft (FGH) e. Johan G. Holger Rost. Hamed Valizadeh Haghi. Iran. Germany. Hernes. Hans-Jürgen Haubrich. Germany.. Stadtwerke Bochum GmbH. RWE Rhein-Ruhr Netzservice GmbH. City Power Supply Branch. Norway. Toosi University of Technology.V. Faculty of Eng.. Norway Sub Block 2: Reliability assessment 837 Distribution of reliability indices in electrical networks Andreas Nolde. Shanghai Municipal Electric Power Company. RWE Deutschland AG. Birger Hestnes. Germany..V. N. Norway. K. Gerd Kjølle. Faculty of Eng. TU Darmstadt. Germany. Germany. Hendrik Vennegeerts. Andre Osterholt. Norway.. Canal Company for Electricity Distribution. NTE Nett. SALWA ALI AHMED. 24/7 Netze GmbH (MVV Group). south delta. south delta. Norway. N. ABB AG. Egypt. Germany 805 Indicators to monitor and manage electricity distribution system vulnerability Oddbjørn Gjerde. NTE Nett. Egypt 1313 Energy loss forecasting in active distribution networks Masoud Aliakbar Golkar. Institut für Elektrische Anlagen und Energiewirtschaft. Iran. Stadtwerke Bochum GmbH. Gerd Balzer. Germany. SINTEF Energy Research. ABB AG. Italy. Brazil. Gong Jianping. Rossano Musca. Italy. ENEA. Ippolito. SHANGHAI MUNICIPAL ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY. Italy. Gaetano Zizzo. KEPCO Electric Power Rearch Institute.Università di Palermo. Republic of Korea. Shanghai Shinan Power Supply Co. DIEET . Sichuan University. Italy. Energia.Part I: technical issues and future scenarios Salvatore Favuzza. Prudent Energy.Università di Palermo. Woo-Kyu Chae. Sichuan University. SHANGHAI MUNICIPAL ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY. Ming Zong.CSG. Energia. DIEET .CSG.Part II: selection of future scenario and economical issues Valentina Cosentino. Giorgio Graditi. Republic of Korea 0991 Research and Practice on Technologies of Smart Distribution Networks Wu Guopei. Eleonora Riva Sanseverino. DIEET . Brazil. Guangzhou Power Supply Bureau. KEPCO Electric Power Rearch Institute. China.Università di Palermo. AES Eletropaulo. Guangzhou Power Supply Bureau. Italy. Italy. João Oliveira.Università di Palermo.Università di Palermo. China. Hak-Ju Lee. Tianjin Univerity. ENEA. China. KEPCO Electric Power Rearch Institute.Università di Palermo. DIEET . Mariano G. China. Guangzhou Power Supply Bureau. DIEET . shu Wang. Sinapsis Inov. Gaetano Zizzo.Università di Palermo. Italy. DIEET . China 0328 A New Distribution Substation Multi-stage Planning Algorithm Based on Dynamic Programming Ou-sha Jia. DIEET . DIEET . Huzhou Electric Power Bureau. Antonio Cunha. Fabio Massaro. Fabio Massaro. Mariano G. Italy. Republic of Korea. Plácido Brunheroto. Jian Zhang. China. Liu Yuquan. Bruno Lima. Guangdong Power Grid. China 1279 Automated closed loop underground distribution for supplying sensitive loads Erminio Belvedere. DIEET . Italy. Shanghai Municipal Electric Power Company.Jung-Sung Park. China 0112 A Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Method for Connection Modes of Urban HV/MV Distribution Network Chi Zhang. Redenel.Università di Palermo. Italy. Huzhou Electric Power Bureau. Salvatore Favuzza. Guangdong Power Grid.CSG. Giorgio Graditi. Xing-hua SHI. Tianjin Univerity. Italy Block 3: Distribution Planning Sub Block 1: General Planning 0009 An Effective and Applied Method on Evaluation of Distribution Network Planning Saiyi WANG. Brazil.. DIEET . Brazil Sub Block 3: Case Studies 1069 From fuel based generation to smart renewable generation: preliminary design for an islanded system. KEPCO Electric Power Rearch Institute. China 0267 The Programming Method of Customer Friendly Distribution Systems Considering the Uncertainty of Short Time Power Quality Disturbances xuna liu. DIEET . Shanghai Shinan Power Supply Co. Won-Wook Jung. Republic of Korea. Sinapsis Inov. China 0065 Game Analysis of Interest Groups in Policy-processing of Power Grid Construction and Research on Compensation Mechanisms Liang YAN. Sichuan University. Denilson Varolo. City Power Supply Branch..Università di Palermo. Italy 1076 From fuel based generation to smart renewable generation: preliminary design for an islanded system. China. ying wang. Redenel. China.Università di Palermo. Shao-yun Ge. Eleonora Riva Sanseverino. China. Ippolito. Brazil.Università di Palermo. AES Eletropaulo. China. China CIRED 2011 – List of selected papers – Page 25/74 . Italy.Università di Palermo. DIEET . Brazil. China 0122 Planning and Optimization Strategies of MV Distribution Network in Shanghai Feng Pan. Italy. xianyong xiao. Guangdong Power Grid. Poland. Croatia Sub Block 3: DG/EV Accomodation Planning 0742 V2G charge-discharge strategy with EV mass application Chenggang Du. Toosi University of technology. FGH Mannheim e. Alliander. RWTH Aachen University. Shanghai Electric Power Company. University of Zagreb. N. STAWAG Netz GmbH. Poland 474 Research on Automatic Backup Power based on DUT Junjun Zhang. China.. K. Institute of Technology and Management of Shanghai Municipal Electric Power Company. Thomas Dederichs. Iran. K. Germany Sub Block 4: Case Studies 0438 Cross-bonding in middle voltage distribution grids. University of Sannio. K. Key Laboratory of Power System Simulation and Control (Tianjin University).. seyed Masoud moghaddas-Tafreshi. University of Zagreb. Toosi University of Technology. Germany. Armin Schnettler. Albert Moser. RWE Stoen Operator. Mahdi Sedghi. Jinghan He. University of Zagreb. China 0635 Planning and Design of Smart Grids with Virtual Power Plants Khalil El Bakari. Wil Kling. RWTH Aachen University. Italy. Netherlands 0688 Improved Hybrid TS/PSO Algorithm for Multistage Distribution Network Expansion Planning Masoud Aliakbar-Golkar. Croatia. China 0920 Distributed generation expansion planning in active distribution network Mohammad Mashhour. China.0606 Disbribution System Optimal Planning for Reliability based on Genetic Algorithm Hong Liu. Netherlands. Iran. Marek Kibler. Beijing Jiaotong University. Simon Prousch. Shaoyun GE. Maciej Pasniewski.. Germany. RWTH Aachen University. University of Zagreb. Key Laboratory of Power System Simulation and Control (Tianjin University). Toosi University of technology. Germany. as a method of energy efficiency improvement Janusz Jakubowski. Germany. N. Italy 1252 Planning of the distribution network Ogulin using optimization tool CADDiN Matija Zidar. Jing Xu. Davor Škrlec. K. Tomislav Capuder. Holger Krings. Tomislav Dragicevic. Domenico Villacci. China Block 4: Methods and Tools Sub Block 1: Load Forecast 306 A Comprehensive System for Short-term Load Forecasting applied in Shanghai Feng Pan. RWE Stoen Operator. Croatia. Toosi University of Technology. Shanghai Shinan Power Supply Co. Masoud Aliakbar Golkar. China CIRED 2011 – List of selected papers – Page 26/74 . Shanghai Shinan Power Supply Co. Tianjin Electric Power Research Institute. China. Ming Zong. Alliander. K. China. Poland. N. Tianjin West Power Supply Corporation. Iran 1247 Technical and ecological impacts of the network integration of electric vehicles in a distribution network of a major city in Germany Thomas Smolka. University of Sannio. N. RWE Stoen Operator. Iran 0954 A novel AHP framework for Decision Making in Power Systems sustainable development Cosimo Pisani. Germany.V. N. RWTH Aachen University. Ning Liu. China. Croatia. Iran. Toosi University of technology. University of Technology. UK 0760 Integrated grounding. Czech Republic. Herwig Renner. Austria.ON Czech Republic. University of Technology. France Block 2 : Steady-state disturbances : 11. Egypt. Austria.Alexandria University. Maria Aigner. University of Technology. Egypt. Austria 0119 Power Frequency Magnetic Field Management In Power Distribution Substation Ahmed Hossam-Eldin. Sweden 0376 New design methods to achieve greater safety in low voltage systems during a high voltage earth fault Mark Davies. UK. Luleå University of Technology. Egypt 0347 Currents in Power Line Wood Poles Mats Wahlberg.30 hrs 0031 Minimum short circuit power in the LV distribution network to meet EN 50160 standard requirements Martin Kaspirek. Sweden 0275 Characteristics of the Input Current of Energy Saving Lamps and their Impact on Power Quality Johannes Ferstl.30 hrs Main session. EDF. Graz University of Technology. Austria. Mario Oelz. Session 2: Power Quality & Electromagnetic Compatibility. Martine Souques. Graz University of Technology. Hanaa Karawia. Austria 0818 Exposure of the French population to 50 Hz magnetic fields: general results and impact of electric networks Isabelle Magne. Institute of Electrical Power Systems. equipotential bonding and lightning protection in smart grids and smart buildings . Sarah Rönnberg.17. Austria 0580 Analysis of harmonic current interaction in an industrial plant CIRED 2011 – List of selected papers – Page 27/74 . University of Technology. Austria. Alexandria Electricity Distribution Company. Institute of Electrical Power Systems. Austria. Faculty of Engineering. Denis Baudin. University of Technology.00 hrs . University of Technology. Egypt. Mats Wahlberg. Christian Raunig. Austria. Earthing Solutions. Sweden. Trevor Charlton.a multi-faced approach Ernst Schmautzer. EDF. Stephan Pack. Schmautzer Ernst. France. electric and magnetic fields and grounding systems : 09. Austria. Faculty of Engineering.30 hrs 0013 Impacts of Inductive and Conductive Interference due to High-Voltage Lines on Coating Holidays of Isolated Metallic Pipelines René Braunstein.00 – 12. Sweden. Energie AG OÖ Netz GmbH. Graz University of Technology. Earthing Solutions. Ernst Schmautzer. UK. Czech Republic 0173 Total conducted emission from a customer in the frequency range 2 to 150 kHz with different types of lighting Sarah Rönnberg. Ibrahim Madi. Ahmed Farag.ON Czech Republic. E. University of Technology. Luleå University of Technology. EDF. Sweden. Luleå University of Technology. France. Christian Elbe. David Mezera. Austria. Austria. Math Bollen. Luleå University of Technology. E.Wednesday 8 June : 9. Andreas Abart.Alexandria University. Institute of Electrical Power Systems. Luleå University of Technology.00-10. Mfoihaya Bedja. Earthing Solutions. Room : Harmonie A-B (L2) Block 1 : Electromagnetic interference. Alexandria Electricity Distribution Company. University of Technology. Matthias Auverkamp. UK 0552 Dynamic var compensation of mine hoists for improvement of power quality and increase of productivity at LKAB Sweden Lennart Mukka. Petro Lompas.Interesting measurement results Tarjei Solvang. Sweden 0700 Extending Switching Reclosing Time to Reduce Interruptions in Distribution Networks Emilio Ghiani. Italy. Netherlands. Laborelec. Technische Universitaet Dresden. Rostock University. Sweden. Italy. Ran Li. Alicia Dorado. University of Cagliari. Germany.30 hrs 0417 Systematic power quality monitoring in municipal power grid Frank Genenger. CIRED 2011 – List of selected papers – Page 28/74 . Timens. SINTEF Energy Research.ON Czech Republic. Rémy Kolessar. Roelof B. uni of manchester. Kurt Heidenreich. Eindhoven University of Technology. Norway 0946 Overvoltage immunity of electrical appliances . Helge Seljeseth. Germany. Laborelec. Dries Lemmens.00 – 15. Italy 0942 Advanced Power Quality Measurement Campaign . Czech Republic. Krister Haugen.ON Czech Republic. LKAB.m. University of Cagliari. Italy. Germany 0529 Methodology for Flexible. Technische Universitaet Dresden. SINTEF Energy Research. UK. Math Bollen. Fabrizio Pilo. Sweden. Norway. Juergen Backes. Peter Schegner. Gianni Celli. Technische Universitaet Dresden. Jan Meyer. Sweden. Vattenfall Europe Distribution Hamburg GmbH.v. Stadtwerke Duisburg Netzgesellschaft mbH. milanovic. Germany. Technische Universitaet Dresden. mainly PVinstallations Matthias Klatt. Germany. EnBW Regional AG. Christian Payerl. avendano-mora. E. Germany 1172 A Power Line Communication measuring toolbox for the distribution grid Rafael Jahn. SINTEF Energy Research. Thomas Rump. Netherlands. E. Technische Universitaet Dresden. University of Cagliari. Germany. University of Twente. Stadtwerke Duisburg Netzgesellschaft mbH. Sweden. Germany. Kling. Natan Gothelf. Eindhoven University of Technology. Netherlands. Netherlands 0755 Harmonic Summation Effects of Modern Lamp Technologies and Small Electronic Household Equipment Jan Meyer. Wil L. Energy Markets Inspectorate. Holger Budde. Technische Universitaet Dresden. Sergio Tedde. Cost-Effective Monitoring of Voltage Sags j. Energy Markets Inspectorate. j. Czech Republic 0168 Voltage quality regulation in Sweden Lars Ström. Belgium. EnBW Regional AG. University Duisburg-Essen.00 – 17. University Duisburg-Essen. Energy Markets Inspectorate. Sweden 0273 Power quality aspects of rural grids with high penetration of microgeneration. uni of manchester. University of Cagliari. Belgium. Peter Schegner. LKAB. Stijn Uytterhoeven. Germany. Eindhoven University of Technology. Norway Block 4 : Power Quality in a competitive market : 16. Germany. Stadtwerke Duisburg Netzgesellschaft mbH. LKAB.Vladimir Cuk. Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Belgium Block 3 : Disturbing events : 14. Martin Kaspirek. Germany. Germany. Sjef Cobben. Norway.Laboratory test results from 60 appliances Helge Seljeseth. Germany. Laborelec. Gerhard Krost.30 hrs 0045 How the customers perceive the problem of voltage quality David Mezera. Germany. Germany 0509 PQ Monitoring with Smart Meters for Condition Based Maintenance on Distribution Systems. Energie-Control GmbH (E-Control). Hydro-Québec (IREQ). Netherlands. Pedro Luis Domingues. Sweden. CELESC. Hydro-Québec. Manuel Rodrigues da Costa. Eandis. Matrix Engenharia em Energia. Vattenfall Europe Distribution Berlin GmbH. Brazil. Steve Czech. Vattenfall Eldistribution AB. Riccardo Vailati. Alliander. Netherlands 993 Optimization of voltage regulators settings and transformer tap zones in distribution systems with great load variation using the smart grids initiatives Paulo Ricardo Pereira. Alliander. Brazil. Lars Garpetun. Sweden 0931 Regulatory requirements to support the deployment of Smart Grid from the perspective of a DSO Sandra Maeding. Luciane Canha. Tahir Kapetanovic. Stefan Schnabel. Norges vassdrags. Germany 0978 European Energy Regulators' views on regulating smart distribution networks Gareth Evans. EURELECTRIC. Matrix Engenharia em Energia. Vattenfall Europe Distribution Berlin GmbH. Belgium. Energie-Control GmbH (E-Control). Matthias Steiner.Mario Tremblay. Brazil Main Session. Matrix Engenharia em Energia. Jens Oberländer. UFSM. Germany. CEEE-D. Session 6: Distribution business & impact of regulation. UFSM. Canada. Brazil. Germany. Brazil. Brazil 1293 Implications of regulatory changes of the market model on the distribution business Lee Rud.30 hrs 0415 Experiences from operations after a full-scale Smart Metering rollout regarding availability and reliability.30 hrs 0292 EURELECTRIC Paper on Regulation for Smart Grids Gunnar Lorenz. Austria. Brazil. Alzenira Abaide. Claudia Rathfux. Austria. present state and future expectations of regulation of DSOs and electricity markets : 09. Vattenfall Europe Distribution Berlin GmbH. EURELECTRIC. Brazil. Germany. Matrix Engenharia em Energia. Werner Friedl. Ofgem. Alliander. Brazil. Sergio Lucio Salomon Cabral. CEEE-D. Vattenfall Europe Distribution Berlin GmbH. Vattenfall Eldistribution AB. Frans Provoost. Renê Emmel Jr. Sweden Block 2: Experiences of smart metering and future trends : 11. Belgium. Karstein Brekke. Ferruccio Villa. Netherlands. Norway. Denis Valiquette. Autorità per l'Energia Elettrica e il Gas (AEEG). Ofgem. Belgium. UK. Energimarknadsinpektionen (EI). Rafael Milbradt. Vanio Moritz Luz.00-10. Italy. Hugo Schotman. Elmar Metten. Vattenfall Europe Distribution Berlin GmbH. Belgium. Brazil. Canada 0665 Intelligent Distribution Substation improves Power Quality Irina Melnik.00-12. Sweden. Sweden 0478 Improving the data quality of the LV-connectivity Tom Pycke. Belgium 0485 Adopting a general regulatory approach on the European electricity market Noona Paatero. Pierre Schlosser. Dirk Costrop. Autorità per l'Energia Elettrica e il Gas (AEEG). Germany. Wouter Bos. EURELECTRIC.og energidirektorat (NVE). Math Bollen. Gil Fortes Vasconcelos. Belgium CIRED 2011 – List of selected papers – Page 29/74 . Josimar Oliveira Silva. Eandis. Matrix Engenharia em Energia. Vattenfall Nordic Distribution. Hydro-Québec (IREQ). Canada. Eandis. UK. Luc Henderieckx. Energimarknadsinpektionen (EI). Room : Harmonie D-E Block 1: Smart Grid programs. UFSM. Brazil. Italy 1213 Optimized Management of Operational Costs based on regulatory goals (Reference firm) Simone Cristina Nunes Araujo. .. USA. KEPCO KDN Co.. Italy. KEPCO KDN Co. TenneT. Armin Schnettler. Lappeenranta University of Technology.Ltd. KEPCO KDN Co. André Postma. Siemens AG. Thomas Pollok. RWTH Aachen University. Finland... Siemens AG.. Siemens S. EPRI. USA 0210 IT Compliance in Smart Grids CIRED 2011 – List of selected papers – Page 30/74 . Finland. Toshihiro Inoue. Japan. Germany. Chubu Electric Power Co. Finland. Republic of Korea. Republic of Korea. Pricing & Tariffs. Japan.from the smarter grid to future market platforms in liberalized energy markets Sebnem Rusitschka. Monika Sturm.Ltd. IBM Deutschland GmbH. Yunsik Jung.30 hrs 0398 Operating the Charging Infrastructure for Electric Vehicles in Distribution Grids Thomas Werner.Integrated European Demonstration on Electro-Mobility Christine Schwaegerl. Republic of Korea. ENEL Distribuzione SpA. Republic of Korea.. Yasuhisa Matsushita. Siemens AG Austria. Ltd. Germany Block 3: Impact of electrical vehicles on distribution business : 14.A. Austria.Ltd. Italy 0889 Charging Electric Vehicles in a Liberalized Electricity Market Danny Geldtmeijer. Heinrich Kirchauer.Case from Nordic Country Jukka Lassila. Japan. Germany. Stephan Merk.00 . Finland 0838 The recharging infrastructure to support the mobility development in Italy optimising the impact on the network Tiziano VALENTINETTI. Claudia Schmitt-Lühmann. Shinji Takeuchi. Ltd..Ltd. Yukio Iwashima.. Republic of Korea 1230 Meter data management.. Asset Management. Germany..00 – 17.. Klaas Hommes. ChubuSeiki Co. KEPCO KDN Co. Siemens AG Austria. Siemens AG. Inc. Enexis. Inc. Saara Peltonen. Netherlands. ChubuSeiki Co.. Austria...30 hrs 0081 Why standards based integration is more important than ever: Everything a non-IT manager should know John Simmins. Netherlands. Japan.Ltd. Japan. Seongji Ahn. Italy 0845 Security Schemes for AMI Jincheol Kim. Chubu Electric Power Co. ENEL Distribuzione SpA. Finland. Netbeheer Nederland.. Mitsubishi Electric Corporation. KEPCO KDN Co. Jongman Kim. Leonardo Ambrosi. Franco Corti. Germany. RWTH Aachen University. Inc. Juha Haakana. Italy 0773 Network Effects of Electric Vehicles . Fortum.Ltd.. Atsushi Otogawa. Chubu Electric Power Co. Robert Sarfi.0737 Investigation of Wireless Telecommunication for AMI Tatsuya Nakamura. Fortum. Netherlands 0967 Economic assessment of elecric vehicle fleets providing ancillary services Eva Szczechowicz.A... Jarmo Partanen. Boreas Group LLC. KEPCO KDN Co..15. Siemens S. Kari Koivuranta. Lappeenranta University of Technology.. Sangjin Kim. Mitsubishi Electric Corporation. Lappeenranta University of Technology. Japan. RWTH Aachen University. Siemens AG.p. Hitoshi Kubota.p. Japan 0829 Cervantes project and Meters and More: the state of the art of smart metering implementation in Europe Marco COTTI. Germany. Organisations : 16.. Republic of Korea. Germany 1273 Green eMotion . Youngeok Kim. Germany Block 4: Information Systems. EA Technology. China. Judith Schramm.status and prospects Joachim Bock. Marco Bocchi. Germany 0339 Development and testing of innovative Fault Current Limiters for Distribution System Applications Luciano Martini. Christian Jänke. ScottishPower. Gordon McKinstry. Joachim Bock. A2A Spa. Nexns SuperConductors. Italy. Paul Barnfather. RSE Spa.10. Pascal Tixador.1c : Internal arc classification . Nexns SuperConductors. Jens Zerbst. University of Strathclyde. Nexns SuperConductors. Italy 0352 Nexans' Superconducting Fault Current Limiters for medium voltage applications . Germany. Nexans Superconductor. ENW. Germany. USA.00 – 12. Session 1: Network Components : 16. Xi Chen.30 hrs : RT. Achim Hobl. Larry Masur. Cesare Ravetta. Achim Hobl. University of Strathclyde. UK. Grenoble INP. Erik Åberg.Martin Schaefer.RSE Spa. Vattenfall AB. Vattenfall AB. Nexns SuperConductors. China Electric Power Research Institute. UK. Vattenfall AB. Italy. EA Technology. Sweden. RSE Spa. Italy. Nexns SuperConductors. UK. Mark Rikel. KTH Royal Institute of Technology. Alan Creighton.30 hrs : RT.30 hrs : RT. Nexns SuperConductors. Ricerca sul Sistema Energetico . Ricerca sul Sistema Energetico . Zenergy Power.How to convert test results into Personal Safety on Site RIF. University of Applied Science. UK 1092 Feed-in Tariffs and Community Aggregated Trading of Microgeneration Sourced Electricity. Germany. China 0088 Building risk based investment programmes David Hughes. Germany. Steffen Elschner. Italy. Applied Superconductor. University of Strathclyde.RSE Spa. CE-Electric.1a/5a : Distribution networks for large cities : new components and system development issues 11. UK.30 hrs Room : Fantasie (L3) 0456 Fault Limiting Technologies in Distribution Networks David Klaus. Iiro Rinta-Jouppi. Marco Bocchi. Zenergy Power. Finland Round tables : Session 1: Network Components Room : Fantasie (L3) 09. Germany. Karlsruhe Institute of technology . Germany.1b : Components for smart grids and e-mobility 14. Mathias Noe.KIT. Germany. Nexns SuperConductors. Stuart Galloway. Sweden. Darren Jones.00 – 15. Jamie McWilliam. Germany 0680 Saturated-Core Fault Current Limiter Field Experience at a Distribution Substation CIRED 2011 – List of selected papers – Page 31/74 . Germany 1162 The ECCOFLOW project: Design and simulations results of a Superconducting Fault Current Limiter for Operation in Electricity Networks Luciano Martini. France. Vattenfall Verkko Oy. Sweden 0393 Communications technical standards infrastructure of the smart grid Xin Miao. China Electric Power Research Institute. Bruce Stephen. UK 0291 Management of Partnership Networks in Electricity Distribution Business Harri Salomäki. Nexans SuperConductor. Achim Hobl. USA. Sweden. Simon Krämer. UK.00 – 17. Germany. Germany. Franco Moriconi. Markus Bludau. Nexans SuperConductor. UK. UK.00. Zenergy Power Inc. Huzhou Electric Power Bureau. Republic of Korea.. Brazil. Republic of Korea. USA. Huzhou Electric Power Bureau.00 -12. Bruno Enomoto. USA.Albert Nelson. LS Industrial Systems. Zenergy Power Inc.. Hamed Valizadeh Haghi. Iran 742 V2G CHARGE-DISCHARGE STRATEGY WITH EV MASS APPLICATION CIRED 2011 – List of selected papers – Page 32/74 . Zenergy Power GmbH. UK. Stuart Galloway. Marcello Di Salvo. Larry Masur. University of Strathclyde. Iran. Republic of Korea. Daimon Engenharia e Sistemas. Italy Sub Block 3: DG/EV Accomodation Planning 0434 Multi-objective network planning tool for the optimal integration of electric vehicles as responsive demand and dispatchable storage Steven Inglis.4a/5c : Integration of Plug-in-Vehicles in Distribution Networks. N.30 hrs : RT. Seung-hyun Bang.. K. USA. Daimon Engenharia e Sistemas. University of Cagliari.. Republic of Korea. Carlos Oliveira. Italy.30 hrs : RT. K.00 -15. LS Industrial Systems. Susanna Mocci. University of Cagliari. Brazil. Brazil. Republic of Korea Round tables.9kV) Hybrid type Fault Current Limiter in KEPCO Grid Wonjoon Choe. Gian Giuseppe Soma. Session 5: Planning & system development Room : Illusion (L3) 11. Daimon Engenharia e Sistemas.. Zenergy Power Inc. Daimon Engenharia e Sistemas. Brazil. Francisco De La Rosa. University of Cagliari. China 0728 Long Term Planning based on the Prediction and Analysis of Spatial Load Marcus Carvalho.. CPFL. Detlev Kirsten. Brazil 0999 Multi-Objective analysis of Regulatory frameworks for Active Distribution Networks Fabrizio Pilo. Young-keun KIM.. University of Strathclyde. Zenergy Power Inc.5b : Planning the distribution system development with a proper coordination of TSO and DSO 14. University of Cagliari. LS Industrial Systems. Ok-Bae Hyun. Graham Ault. Xing-hua SHI. LS Industrial Systems. Republic of Korea. Jungwook Sim. Gianni Celli. Contributions from 2 major EU FP7 projects: MERGE and G4V (Grid for Vehicles) RIF. Brazil. LS Industrial Systems. Italy. UK. China. André Méffe. Daimon Engenharia e Sistemas. Luiz Silva. LS Industrial Systems. USA.. Toosi University of Technology. Germany 0801 The Test and Installation of Medium Class (22.00 – 17. UK 0718 Using a multivariate DOE method for congestion study in distribution systems under impacts of plug-in electric vehicles Masoud Aliakbar Golkar. Republic of Korea. LS Industrial Systems. Italy. Franco Moriconi.30 hrs Block 3: Distribution Planning Sub Block 1: General Planning 0065 Game Analysis of Interest Groups in Policy-processing of Power Grid Construction and Research on Compensation Mechanisms Liang YAN... Session 5: Planning & system development Room : Illusion (L3) 16. Toosi University of Technology. N. University of Strathclyde.. Gyeong-ho Lee. Kwon-Bae Park. Canada. Brazil. Tenaga Nasional Berhad. Kamran Salimi Nasr. the German example Yann BENOIT. Distribuidora Gaúcha de Energia Elétrica S. Universidade Federal de Itajubá. Universidade Federal de Itajubá. CBT SA. Pierre Gingras. Brazil. Canada. Belgium. CBT SA. Germany. Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB). Iran 0696 Finding maintenance project to priority Jan Andor Foosnæs. Switzerland 0373 Verification of LV Underground Cable Insulation by Air Injection Janislaw Tarnowski. Switzerland. Jacques Côté. NTE Nett AS. Michel LEFORT. André Gaudreau. Shanghai Municipal Electrical Power Company. Hydro-Québec. Renato Capelini. Tenaga Nasional Berhad. Mohd Hashimi Hashim. Norway. ALSTOM GRID. Malaysia. Session 3: Operation.30 hrs (Exhibition hall)3 Interactive Guided Tour Block 1: Operation Block 1-Ca 0230 NEW WOODEN POLES GRADING USING NON-DESTRUCTIVE TECHNOLOGY Yann Benoit. Terje Pynten. Azanin Bismi Azraai. Hydro-Québec. Wan Nazmy Wan Mahmood. MIR Co. Vanessa DE WILDE. Erling Tønne. Germany 0572 The Use of Artificial Neural Networks for Identification and Location of Defective Insulators in Power Lines through Current Transformers Manuel Martinez. Malaysia Block 1-dm 0316 Smart grid technologies feasibility study: increasing decentralized generation power injection using global active network management Olgan DURIEUX. Jean-Luc SANDOZ. Belgium. Switzerland. Hydro-Québec. ALSTOM GRID. Lily Suriani Shafiei. Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB). CBT SA. Belgium. Control & Protection: 09. Lutz Wagner. Hydro-Québec. Marcel Parentoni. Institute of Technology and Management of Shanghai Municipal Electric Power Company. Brazil 0624 Reducing Operation Costs and Losses Using Thermography Gholamreza Nemati.Chenggang Du. Jean-Jacques LAMBIN. Mircea Iordanescu. Jinghan He. Iran. NTE Nett AS. Beijing Jiaotong University. Universidade Federal de Itajubá. Hormozgan Electric Power Distribution Co. Norway. Stéphane OTJACQUES.Integration into protection and control system by using of IEC61850 Bartlomiej Dolata. Belgium. Norway 0903 A Combined Maintenance Method for Complicated Conditions Yueshen Hua. Tenaga Nasional Berhad. Brazil. Elia. Ithamar Sene. China Poster Session. Hydro-Québec. Elia. Ores. José Feliciano Adami.A. Universidade Estadual Paulista. Canada 0457 On-line condition monitoring and expert system for power transformers . Jean-Luc Sandoz. – AES Sul. Canada.00 – 17. Ores. China. CBS. France 1136 Managing Transient Interruptions on Aged 22kV Overhead Lines in TNB Distribution Network Through Engineering Practices Assessment and Insulation Coordination Guidelines Mohd Faris Ariffin. Brazil. Belgium 3 As of 29 April 2011 CIRED 2011 – List of selected papers – Page 33/74 . Elia. Malaysia. Malaysia. China 1115 Wood poles non-destructive inspections. NTE Nett AS. Canada. Malaysia. 0473 WEB access to Metering data for advanced network analysis and fraud detection Lilia Consiglio, ENEL Distribuzione, Italy; Massimo Briccola, ENEL Distribuzione, Italy; Paola L. Petroni, ENEL Distribuzione, Italy 0525 Alternative Solutions to Mitigate Problems due to Neutral Conductor Theft in MV Power Distribution Systems Fabio Romero, Daimon Engineering & Systems, Brazil; Alden Antunes, Daimon Engineering & Systems, Brazil; Fernando Lange, Daimon Engineering & Systems, Brazil; Dário Takahata, Daimon Engineering & Systems, Brazil; Hamilton SouzA, AES Eletropaulo, Brazil; Antônio Monteiro, AES Eletropaulo, Brazil; Paulo Chiarot, AES Eletropaulo, Brazil; Bernardino Brito, AES Eletropaulo, Brazil 0570 Evaluation of Islanded Grid Operation Tests and Dynamic Modelling Stephan Brandl, KELAG Netz GmbH, Austria; Robert Schmaranz, KELAG Netz GmbH, Austria; Michael Weixelbraun, Graz University of Technology, Austria; Herwig Renner, Graz University of Technology, Austria; Michael Marketz, KELAG, Austria; Ignaz Hübl, KELAG Netz GmbH, Austria 0575 Towards advanced system operations: searching for solutions in Northern Poland Magdalena Wasiluk-Hassa, PSE Operator S.A., Poland; Slawomir Noske, PSE Operator S.A., Poland 0792 Transformation of Energy Networks: Initial results from intensified MV and LV monitoring James Northcote-Green, PowerSense A/S, Denmark; Jesper Klingsten Nielsen, PowerSense A/S, Denmark; Martin Speiermann, PowerSense A/S, Denmark; Shannon Frohlich-Terpstra, EnergyAustralia, Australia; James Tan, EnergyAustralia, Australia 0890 Major Disturbances - Development of Preparedness in Finland during the Last Decade Janne Strandén, Tampere University of Technology, Finland; Heidi Krohns, Tampere University of Technology, Finland; Pekka Verho, Tampere University of Technology, Finland; Janne Sarsama, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Finland 0892 Start-up of the LVDC Distribution Network Pasi Nuutinen, Lappenranta University of Technology, Finland; Tero Kaipia, Lappenranta University of Technology, Finland; Andrey Lana, Lappenranta University of Technology, Finland; Pertti Silventoinen, Lappenranta University of Technology, Finland 1010 Analysis of the offloading capability of a primary substation in an open radial distribution network. James Dooley, ESB International, Ireland; Neil McDonagh, ESB International, Ireland 1144 Improving State Estimation Accuracy for Active Network Management Using Advanced Modelling Techniques Weicong Kong, University of Strathclyde, UK; David Wang, Smarter Grid Solutions, UK; Colin Foote, Smarter Grid Solutions, UK; Andrea Michiorri, Smarter Grid Solutions, UK; Martin Lee, Scottish & Southern Energy, UK; David MacLeman, Scottish & Southern Energy, UK 1275 Improved Requirements for the Connection to the Low Voltage Grid Gunnar Kaestle, TU Clausthal, Germany; Til Kristian Vrana, NTNU Trondheim, Norway Block 1-wf 0458 Scheduling and Assignment Optimisation Giorgio Bizzarri, ENEL, Italy 809 Introduction of a fully integrated Workforce Management Manfred Eberhard, KELAG Netz GmbH, Austria; Josef Polster, KELAG Netz GmbH, Austria; Robert Schmaranz, KELAG Netz GmbH, Austria Block 2: Control part 1 CIRED 2011 – List of selected papers – Page 34/74 Block 2-Com 0012 From Smart Substations to Smart Grid - How IEC 61850 can help making power systems smart Marco Janssen, UTInnovation, Netherlands; Peter Oomens, Joulz, Netherlands 0138 Toward an Auto-Configuration Process Leveraging The IEC 61850 Standard Luc Hossenlopp, Schneider Electric, France; Bruno André, Schneider Electric, France; Mario Jardim, Schneider Electric, France 0162 IEC61850 9-2 Process Bus: Operational Experiences in a Real Environment Jorge Cardenas, General electric, Spain; Iñaki Ojanguren, Iberdrola, Spain; Ignacio Garces, Iberdrola, Spain 0422 Minimum common IEC 61850 specification document published by the Spanish group of electricity companies ‘E3 Group on IEC 61850' JOSÉ GONZALO, IBERDROLA, Spain; HUGO GURÉNDEZ, IBERDROLA, Spain; IGNACIO GARCÉS, IBERDROLA, Spain; JAUME BADÍA, ENDESA, Spain; JULIO DOMÍNGUEZ, GAS NATURAL FENOSA, Spain; PEDRO DEL ROSAL, HIDROCANTÁBRICO, Spain; CARLOS RODRÍGUEZ, RED ELÉCTRICA DE ESPAÑA, Spain; DANIEL PRIETO, RED ELÉCTRICA DE ESPAÑA, Spain; JAVIER CASTELLANOS, IBERDROLA, Spain; JOSÉ ÁNGEL GONZÁLEZ, IBERDROLA, Spain 0472 Benefits of converting conventional instrument transformer data into Smart Grid capable process data utilizing IEC 61850 Merging Units Stephan Weiss, Interoptix Inc., USA; Peter Graeve, Schniewindt GmbH & Co. KG, Germany; Anders Andersson, Interoptix Inc., USA 0504 Substation Automation Systems Current Challenges and Future Requirements - The InPACT Project Perspective Mário Lemos, EDP Distribuição, Portugal; José Miguel Santos, EDP Distribuição, Portugal; Gomes Varela, EDP Distribuição, Portugal; Rui Bernardo, EDP Distribuição, Portugal; Rogério Dias Paulo, EFACEC Engenharia, Portugal; António Carrapatoso, EFACEC Engenharia, Portugal 0538 IEC 61968 - MultiSpeak® Harmonization John Simmins, Electric Power Research Institute, USA; Eric Lambert, Électricité de France, France; Gerald Gray, CIMple Integrations, USA; Allan McMorran, Open Grid Systems, Ltd, UK; Gary McNaughton, Cornice Engineering, USA; Robert Saint, National Rural Electric Cooperative Association, USA; David Haynes, Aclara, USA 0568 Design and implementation of an innovative telecontrol system in the Vattenfall medium-voltage distribution grid Matthias Wittig, Vattenfall Europe Distribution Berlin GmbH, Germany; Andreas Cerbe, Vattenfall Europe Distribution Berlin GmbH, Germany; Mark Geschwindner, Vattenfall Europe Distribution Hamburg GmbH, Germany; Ulrich Strasse, Vattenfall Europe Netzservice GmbH, Germany; Roland Hayeß, Vattenfall Europe Distribution Berlin GmbH, Germany; Glenn Smith, Vattenfall Europe Netzservice GmbH, Germany 0689 Graphical specification for IEC 61850 based substation automation systems Frank Visser, Liandon, Netherlands; Edwin Melenhorst, UTinnovation, Netherlands; Eric van Aken, Liandon, Netherlands; Marco Janssen, UTinnovation, Netherlands; Alex Geschiere, Liandon, Netherlands 0790 A Plug &amp; Play concept for IEC 61850 in a Smart Grid Kolja Eger, Siemens AG, Germany; Sebnem Rusitschka, Siemens AG, Germany; Christoph Gerdes, Siemens AG, Germany 0794 Compatibility of IEC61850 edition 1 and edition 2 implementations Heiko Englert, Siemens AG, Germany; Henry Dawidczak, Siemens AG, Germany; Thierry Dufaure, Siemens AG, Germany CIRED 2011 – List of selected papers – Page 35/74 0834 Integration of MV/LV substation systems and functionalities using unified telecommunication concept Zvonko Toros, Elektro Primorska, Slovenia; Peter Ceferin, Elektro Primorska, Slovenia; Bojan Likar, Elektro Primorska, Slovenia 0988 Seamless data communication and management over all levels of the power system André Naumann, Otto-von-Guericke-University, Germany; Przemyslaw Komarnicki, Fraunhofer IFF, Germany; Bernd-Michael Buchholz, NTB Technoservice, Germany; Christoph Brunner, IT4Power, Switzerland 1138 Considerations when Deploying Multiple Distribution Automation Applications on a Single Wireless Infrastructure Maciej Goraj, RuggedCom, Spain; Tony Burge, RuggedCom, USA 1153 Communication Network for Swiss Smart Grid Pilot Project Thomas Gfeller, BKW FMB Energie AG, Switzerland; Ludger Ullrich, BKW FMB Energie AG, Switzerland 1169 Hybrid Simulation of Power Distribution and Communications Networks Roger Dugan, EPRI, USA; Sara Mullen, EPRI, USA; Tim Godfrey, EPRI, USA; Craig Rodine, EPRI, USA 1284 Developing a Distributed Intelligence Architecture for Smart Grids Maik Seewald, Cisco, USA; Jeffrey Taft, Cisco, USA Block 2-da 0156 Development and Implementation of MV-circuit Self-healing System Based on Distributed Intelligences GAO Mengyou, Shandong University, China; XU Bingyin, Shandong University of Technology, China; LI Tianyou, Fujian Electric Power Company, China; LI Weixin, Xiamen Electric Power Company, China 0209 Methodology and Results of a Field Experiment of Distribution State Estimation in the French Network Olivier CHILARD, EDF R&D, France; Sébastien GRENARD, EDF R&D, France; Olivier DEVAUX, EDF R&D, France 0235 Overhead line reliability indices improvement using Self-feeder automation Syaiful Hannan, PT PLN(Persero) Kantor Pusat, Indonesia; Iskandar Nungtjik, PT PLN(Persero) Kantor Pusat, Indonesia; Dany Embang, PT PLN(Persero) Kantor Pusat, Indonesia 0245 Auto-adaptive Fault Passage Indicator with remote communication improves network availability Guillaume VERNEAU, Schneider Electric, France; Yves CHOLLOT, Schneider Electric, France; Pascal CUMUNEL, Schneider Electric, France 0249 EDP Distribution Automation (r)Evolution João Rosa, EDP Distribuição, Portugal; Joaquim Sousa, EDP Distribuição, Portugal; Luís Abalroado, EDP Distribuição, Portugal; Pedro Marques, EDP Distribuição, Portugal; Fernando Ramalheira, EDP Distribuição, Portugal; Pedro Gama, EDP Distribuição, Portugal; Rui Oliveira, EDP Distribuição, Portugal; Jorge Duarte, EDP Distribuição, Portugal; Miguel Morgado, EDP Distribuição, Portugal 366 Fault Detection Isolation and Restoration on the feeder (FDIR):Pick your technology Fahrudin Mekic, ABB Inc., USA; Ken Alloway, ABB Inc., USA; Cleber Angelo, ABB Inc., USA; Robert Goodin, ABB Inc., USA 396 Intelligence for Smart Grids last Mile Manfred Haslinger, Siemens AG, Austria; Bruno Opitsch, Siemens AG, Austria; Markus Spangler, Siemens AG, Austria CIRED 2011 – List of selected papers – Page 36/74 Michael Schwan. Germany. Finland. Alexandria Electricity Distribution Company.Impact on system availability in distribution networks Oliver Schroedel. Kari Koivuranta. Finland. PDC Elektrovojvodina Novi Sad. Moscow Power Engineering Istitute. Lilia Consiglio. ASTPribor. Mika Loukkalahti. Austria. Finland 1050 Utilizing Smart Meters in LV Network Management Niklas Löf. Petri Trygg. Italy 0508 Preventive assessment for combined control centre and substation-centric self-healing strategies Alberto Bernardo. EDF R&D. Finland. Markku Hyvärinen. Helen Electricity Network Ltd. Alexandria Electricity Distribution Company. Ibrahim Madi. PowerQ Oy. Russian Federation. Netcontrol Oy. Serbia. France. Robert Rosenberger. ENEL Distribuzione. Portugal. Germany. Seppo Pettissalo. Germany 0281 Loading Mode Control System in a Distributed Generation Dmitry Korev. Siemens AG. António Carrapatoso. Vladimir Strezoski. Nuno Silva. Russian Federation 0358 Evolutions in the grid operation in Carinthia CIRED 2011 – List of selected papers – Page 37/74 . Goran Švenda. Finland. Amirza Abdenov. Sami Repo. Fortum Oyj. Egypt 0211 Operator Training Simulator for a Distribution System Marcus Frischherz. Siemens AG. Novosibirsk Technical University. EDF R&D. Portugal. Igor Ozernykh. Sven Koeppe. EFACEC Advanced Control Systems. SIEMENS AG.Practical Benefits through Intelligent Components and Systems Lauri Kumpulainen. Italy. Vamp Ltd. ABB Oy.Block 2: Control Part 2 Block 2-da 0463 Upgrade of ENEL MV network automation to improve performances in presence of faults and to deal DG Alberto Cerretti. SIEMENS AG. Marko Pikkarainen. France. Tampere University of Technology. EFACEC. Finland. Giorgio Scrosati. SIEMENS AG. USA 0622 TOWARDS SELF-HEALING POWER DISTRIBUTION BY MEANS OF THE ZONE CONCEPT Goran Wiklund. Finland. Finland. EFACEC. Tampere University of Technology. Italy. ABB Oy.. Tampere University of Technology. PDC Elektrovojvodina Novi Sad. Antti Kostiainen. Serbia. DEVAUX Olivier. Germany Block 2-dms 0074 SCADA Enhancement for Effective Rehabilitation Strategy of MV Cables using Artificial Neural Networks Amira Taha. BLANDIN Patrick. EDF R&D. Fortum Oyj. Finland. Finland. Finland 0941 Secondary Substation Monitoring and Control . Germany. France 1107 Software for automatic voltage regulation implemented in remote terminal unit Zoran Simendic. Finland 1094 Using AMI for Network Monitoring and Control : new equipment as a step towards a Smart Grid implementation CERQUEIRA Emmanuel. Pertti Järventausta. Kim Malmberg. Egypt. Roland Eichler. Finland. ENEL Distribuzione. Russian Federation. Pekka Manner. Finland. SIEMENS AG. EFACEC. Portugal. Tampere University of Technology. PDC Elektrovojvodina Novi Sad. Gary Ockwell. Helen Electricity Network Ltd. Serbia 1117 Distribution automation solutions . Vamp Ltd. ENEL Distribuzione. Chubu Electric Power Co.. Enel Distribuzione.Robert Schmaranz. Italy. KELAG Netz GmbH.Ltd. RSE. Japan. Portugal. Bruno Garrancho. Spain 0625 Smart Grid Cyber Security Roadmap Miguel Areias. PLN Head Office. Enel Distribuzione. David Marsh. EDP Distribuição. EDP Distribuicao SA. Zhengjun Lu.. RSE. China. Enel Distribuzione. Austria.. Portugal 0685 IT Network Security for Control and Communication Systems in the Power Industry Torsten Rössel. Austria. Italy 0466 Bad data detection and identification in distribution power systems by means of principal component analysis Gerard Vancells. Hisashi Tajima.. EDP Distribuição. Yasuo Masuda. Play Smart Grid solutions Nuno Silva. Eugenio Di Marino. Indonesia 0844 Introduction of system service mechanisms for DNOs Alexander Ebert. EDP Distribuição. Siemens AG. Spain. Italy. Portugal 1159 Functional specification of the DSO SCADA system to monitor and control active distribution grids Giovanni Valtorta. Italy. BC Hydro Grid Operations.Ltd. Dragan Popovic. Giancarlo De Bianchi. Alberto Rodrigues. Austria 0440 Experimental Evaluation of Cyber Intrusions into Highly Critical Power Control Systems Giovanna Dondossola. Igli Misesti. Pedro Rodrigues. Canada Block 3: Protection Block 3-ap 0034 Protection Configuration Scheme and Application in Digital Substation Chunhe Zhang. EFACEC. Indonesia. Enel Distribuzione. Germany 1022 Dynamic SCADA/DMS data model . NR Electric Co. Italy.. Shigeru Kobori. KELAG Netz GmbH... EFACEC. Italy. NR Electric Co. Chubu Electric Power Co. KELAG Netz GmbH.. China. Enel Distribuzione. Serbia. Japan. PLN DCC Semarang.Plug &amp. University of Girona. Aichi Electric Co.Inc. GE Digital Energy. Austria. Japan. LOGICA. Reinhard Iskra.. Germany 0956 Multi-Site control centers for more reliable distribution management Roland Eichler.. Spain.Ltd. Jan Lohstroh. NR Electric Co. Karl Schoaß. Portugal. Jiuhu LI.. NR Electric Co. China.. RSE. Juan Prieto. Germany 0709 Distribution Control Rooms Preparing for Smart Grid Complexity Derek Macfarlane. Aichi Electric Co.Inc. Telvent DMS. Innominate Security Technologies AG . Portugal. Portugal. Luigi D'Orazio. Martin Huang. INDRA.. Siemens AG. Portugal.. KELAG Netz GmbH. University of Girona. China CIRED 2011 – List of selected papers – Page 38/74 . Fabrizio Garrone. Italy.Ltd.. Carlos Mota Pinto. Siemens AG. Joaquim Meléndez. Italy 1185 Advanced Distribution Management System in BC Hydro's Distribution Network Al Mithani. Spain. Portugal. Italy. Canada. Victor Toga Sitorus. Sergio Herraiz. BC Hydro Grid Operations. Germany. EFACEC. Spain. Roberto Corgiolu. Paulo Moniz. Judit Szanto. Ignaz Hübl. Guillermo Bravo.a Phoenix Contact Company. Wei Yan.LTD. Japan 0741 Intelligent Distribution Automation System Implementation Towards Modern Utility Management Tjatur Endiek Pramudianto.. Enel Distribuzione. University of Girona. INDRA.LTD. UK 0740 Development of Distribution Automation System that attempts the functional enhancement by the system cooperation Hideo Nomura. Renato Guimarães. Delft University of Technology. ENEL Distribuzione Spa. Germany. France. Germany. INESC Porto/FE/UP. Heinz Pursch. Portugal 0517 Integration of Relay Protection Functions Ljubomir Kojovic. Daimon Engenharia e Sistemas. Brazil.INC. INESC Porto/FE/UP. Ademir Nakazato. Portugal. ARS. Kazuto Fukushima. OMICRON electronics. Timothy Day. Cooper Power Systems.. Jean-Marc BIASSE. ENEL Distribuzione Spa. protection system coordination and operation results CIRED 2011 – List of selected papers – Page 39/74 . Roberto Calone. Boris Bastigkeit. Portugal. Toshiba International (Europe) Limited. SA. Schneider Electric Industries SAS. USA. Kazuhito Abe. Toshiba Corporation. Hideaki Sugiura. Austria 0460 Advancements in Arc Protection Lauri Kumpulainen. UK. Japan 0768 Reduce the number of outage by introducing Circuit Breaker in the distribution network. Schneider Electric Industries SAS. Netherlands. OMICRON electronics GmbH. Netherlands. Albert Leikermoser. IPS . Japan. France 0843 Advances in Pilot-Wire Differential Protection Gareth Baber. Cooper Power Systems. IPS . Brazil. Netherlands 0450 Introduction of an easy method to analyse the influence of CT saturation on the protection system Peter Meinhardt. Japan. Brazil.Intelligent Process Solutions GmbH. Germany. Carlos Oliveira. Portugal.0204 Device for MV network inspection via pulse injection Francesco Ortolani. Sven Wolfram. Finland 0506 Application of a Methodology based on the Evolutionary Particle Swarm Optimization to Protection Coordination Helder Leite. Itsuo Shuto. Rui Fiteiro. France. UK. dream or reality? Philippe DESCHAMPS. ENERSUL. Daimon Engenharia e Sistemas. Vladimiro Miranda. Cooper Power Systems. Fernando Lange. ENERSUL. Austria. Jose Barros. OMICRON electronics GmbH. Andreas Fräbel. Toni Harju. Shikoku Electric Power CO. Brazil 1164 MV/LV substation circuit breakers: installation criteria. Japan 0856 IMPLEMENTATION OF A STANDARD INTEGRATED PROTECTIVE RELAYS LIFE TIME MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE IN A NEWLY ESTABLISHED POWER UTILITY Zeljko Schreiner. Edward Coster. Toshiba Corporation. Toshiba. Toshiba International (Europe) Ltd. Pietro Paulon. Philippe ALIBERT. Marjan Popov. Austria 0303 IEC 61850 Based Adaptive Distribution Protection Alexander Apostolov. EDP Distribuição. USA 0749 Intelligent protection system for Smart Grid Fumio Kawano. Vamp Ltd. USA. Antônio Coura. Eaton Industries GmbH. ENERSUL. Italy. Dharam Sharma. Brazil. Italy. Brazil. Delft University of Technology. Brazil. Germany 1039 Evaluation and Analysis of Adjustments Alternatives for ENERSUL's Protection System in Low Load Density Regions Alden Antunes. ENERSUL. Daimon Engenharia e Sistemas.Intelligent Process Solutions GmbH. ENEL Spa. Schneider Electric Industries SAS. Vamp Ltd. Delft University of Technology. USA 0374 Analysis of Protection Malfunctioning in Meshed Distribution Grids Evita Parabirsing. Finland. Italy. TU Ilmenau. INESC Porto/FE/UP. Eduardo Marques. Finland. Republic of Korea. Luigi D'Orazio. Enexis. Alliander.. Hannu Laaksonen. Republic of Korea. Siemens AG. Transpower New Zealand Ltd. Frans Provoost. Dietmar Retzmann. Campbell Booth. Tarbiat Modares University. Politecnico di Milano. Mahammad Esmaeil Honarmand. Myongi energy&quot.Giovanni Valtorta. Iran.A. Tianjin University. Gilan Electric Distribution Company. Myeon-Song choi. Siemens AG. University of Vaasa. Italy. Xiaohe Tian. Politecnico di Milano. Politecnico di Milano. Republic of Korea 0428 Detailed Analysis of the Impact of Distributed Generation and Active Network Management on Network Protection Systems Federico Coffele. Marcos Pereira. Republic of Korea.p. University of Strathclyde. UK 1134 Dispersed generation in MV networks: reliability of passive of anti-islanding protection methods CIRED 2011 – List of selected papers – Page 40/74 . Angelo Ovarelli. Italy. Siemens AG. Germany Block 3-dg 0066 Distributed Energy Resources (DER) Impacts on the Performance of Special Protection Schemes (SPSs) Mojtaba Khederzadeh. Myongi University. Tianjin University. ABB. Siemens AG. Tae-Wan Kim. Netherlands 0135 Load Type Impacts on Frequency Control of Microgrids in Transition from Grid-Connection to Islanding Mojtaba Khederzadeh. Netherlands. University of Vaasa. Thytronic S. UK. Germany. Frans Volberda. Seung-Jae Lee. Transpower New Zealand Ltd. Matthias Claus. Craig McTaggart.. Italy. New Zealand. Italy. Italy. UK. AREVA T&D Automation. Johan Morren. Italy 1282 IEC61850-Based loss of main protection:the Milano Wi-Power project Maurizio Delfanti. Power & Water University of Technology. Sung-Jun Park. Netherlands. Enel Distribuzione. Thytronic S. Netherlands. Finland 0953 A grid-connection control scheme of PV system with fluctuant reactive load Bin Li. Republic of Korea. Tim Spearing. Oscar Ornago. now and in the future Sebastiaan Van Loon. Iran 0383 Intelligent Agent-based Protection for Smart Distribution Systems Young-Taek Jin. Massimo Ambroggi. University of Strathclyde. Enel Distribuzione. University of Strathclyde. Mauro Pozzi. Iran 0334 Risk Analysis for Adaptive Centralized Protection Scheme for Electric Distribution Systems in Presence of DG Mahmoud-Reza Haghifam. seyed ali Javadian. Myongi University. UK. Enel Distribuzione. Alliander. Islamic Azad University. Finland. Germany. Italy 1212 Innovative VSC Technology for integration of &quot. Power & Water University of Technology. Peter Cahill. ScottishPower. UK. Kimmo Kauhaniemi. New Zealand. Iran.p. Karl Uecker. Myongi University.A. Republic of Korea. Alliander. Germany. China. China. Italy. Valeria Olivieri. University of Vaasa. Zhiqian Bo. Myongi University. Graeme Burt. -without impact on system protection and power quality Stuart McDonald. Iran 0092 Optimal contribution of Distributed Generation in medium voltage grids during a fault. Myongi University. UK 0430 Novel Protection Approach for MV Microgrid Sampo Voima. Il-Hyoung Lim. Belgium. A. Brazil. Flávio Costa. China. ULB (Free University of Brussels). Energisa. ALBERTO CERRETTI. ABB Oy. Finland. Provincial Electricity Authority. Stefan Tenbohlen. Finland 0848 Fault location in Portuguese MV networks Miguel Louro. Italy. Austria 0644 A noval detection system for broken distribution conductor on radial scheme Weerapun Rungseevijitprapa. Italy. George Lyra. Savon Voima Oyj. Thailand. Matti Pirskanen. Italy. Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG). Italy. Brazil. Chulalongkorn University. Marcelo Júnior. Zhejiang University. Fortum Oyj. Portugal 0849 A Fault Diagnosis Approach For Power Grid With Information Fusion Gao Zhenxing. Italy. Zhang Jinjiang. Wellinsílvio Santos. Siemens AG. Politecnico di Milano. Thailand 0793 Practical application and performance of novel admittance based earth-fault protection in compensated MV-networks Ari Wahlroos. Italy 0612 Directional Detection of Restriking Earthfaults in Compensated Networks Gernot Druml. Ettore De Berardinis. Germany. Fernando Carvalho. China 1320 High Impedance Fault Location . ALESSANDRO FATICA. Germany 0272 Methodology to Describe High Impedance Faults in Solidly Grounded MV Networks Alicia Valero Masa. China. Benemar Souza. CESI. Germany.Gabriele Monfredini. EDP Distribuição. Pedro Carvalho. Universität Stuttgart. Brazil Block 3-ng 0511 Abnormal ground fault Overvoltages in MV networks: analyses and experimental tests CIRED 2011 – List of selected papers – Page 41/74 . Janne Altonen. Olaf Seifert. Brazil. Stefan Werben.Eberle GmbH&CoKG. Italy Block 3-fl 0181 Current characteristics of serial and parallel low current arc faults in distribution networks Peter Müller. Shanghai Municpal Electric Power Company. Michael Anheuser. Marco Merlo. Zhejiang University. Politecnico di Milano. Guo Chuangxin. Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG). Germany 0507 Evolution of the Fault Locator on MV distribution networks: from simple stand alone device. Politecnico di Milano. Universität Stuttgart. Brazil. Siemens AG. Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG). Germany. Jiulong Electric Power Group. ENEL DISTRIBUZIONE. ENEL DISTRIBUZIONE.Case Study with Developed Models from Field Experiments José Antônio Silva. Mário Lemos. Jean-Claude Maun. Teemu Kemppainen. Anantachai Pongthavornsawad. EDP Distribuição. to a sophisticated strategic component of the SMART GRID control system ROBERTO CALONE. Finland. Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG). Siemens AG. ENEL DISTRIBUZIONE. ABB Oy. Brazil. ABB Oy. Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG). Reinhard Maier. China. Luís Marcelino Ferreira. Yang Jian. Portugal. Brazil. Núbia Brito. Maurizio Delfanti. ABB Oy. Washington Neves. Siemens AG. Italy. Zhejiang University. Finland. Kelag AG. Portugal. Ari Wahlroos. Michael Marketz. Portugal. Brazil. Germany. Belgium. Instituto Superior Técnico. China. Finland. Instituto de Optimização Aplicada. Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG). ENEL DISTRIBUZIONE. Instituto Superior Técnico. Finland 0800 Advancements in earth-fault location in compensated MV-Networks Janne Altonen. Wang Mei. Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG). Alberto Cerretti. Germany. ULB (Free University of Brussels). Portugal. China. Daniel Beber. Jaroslava ORSAGOVA. Czech Republic Block 3-pmu 0044 Mitigation of Blackouts due to Mal-Operation of Distance Relays by using the Fault Resistance Information Amr El-Hadidy. Czech Republic. AIS sro. Argentina. Germany 1264 Using Synchrophasor Measurements in Smart Distribution Networks Luis(Nando) Ochoa. AIS sro. Psymetrix Ltd. Daniel Jurik. Graeme Lloyd. FABIO MASSIMO GATTA.. Fortum. Alstom Grid. Petr Marvan. Testing and Researches Institute. Czech Republic. Finland 1140 The Influence of the Aditional Earthing of the Affected Phase During Earth Fault on Safety of Distribution Networks Petr TOMAN. UK 0963 Benefits of synchrophasor solutions for distribution networks Markus Wache. Technical University.Eberle GmbH&CoKG. UNIVERSITY OF ROME &quot.2 kV Marcelo Moyano. Huang hongbin. Brno University of Technology.LA SAPIENZA&quot. Italy. ENEL DISTRIBUZIONE. China Block 1-dm 0238 Use of Reclosers in Substations 132/33/13. UK. China. Brno University of Technology. Jarmo Saarinen. TU-Dortmund. Czech Republic. ENERSA. Tony Yip. Electricity Solutions and Distribution Division. E. UNIVERSITY OF ROME &quot. Guangzhou. GIOVANNI VALTORTA. David TOPOLANEK. ENERSA.. ROBERTO CALONE. UK. Alstom Grid. STEFANO LAURIA. Finland. Roberto Calone. UTU Elec Oy. Brno University of Technology.ON New Build & Technology. UNIVERSITY OF ROME &quot. Germany. Argentina CIRED 2011 – List of selected papers – Page 42/74 . E. TU-Dortmund. Czech Republic. MARCO MACCIONI. Italy. Tampere University of Technology. Czech Republic 0919 FIELD MEASUREMENTS ANALYSIS FOR DYNAMIC LINE RATING Martin Aten. Germany. Jaromir DVORAK. Tampere University of Technology. Christian Rehtanz. Armando Maxit. Germany 0916 Actual line ampacity rating using PMU Antonin Popelka... UK. Czech Republic. Robert Ferris. ENEL DISTRIBUZIONE. Italy. Finland.. Pertti Järventausta. Lothar Fickert. Testing and Researches Institute. AIS sro.LA SAPIENZA&quot. IEA.LA SAPIENZA&quot. Italy. Guangzhou. Testing and Researches Institute. Pasi Lauri. xiong jun. Italy.. ENEL DISTRIBUZIONE. Italy 0607 New Hardware in the Loop Tests for Earthfault Control and Protection Systems Gernot Druml. Siemens AG.. UK Non Interactive Tour Block 1: Operation Block 1-ca 282 Study on 10kV XLPE Cable with Defects Based on Oscillating Wave Test System Lu guojun. ALBERTO GERI. Chang An. UK. Italy. Guangzhou.LA SAPIENZA&quot. A.. Psymetrix Ltd. Italy. Rao rui. Guangzhou. Argentina. China. Central Networks. Finland. Austria 929 Improving the quality of supply in MV distribution network applying modern shunt circuit-breaker Ari Nikander. Douglas Wilson. UNIVERSITY OF ROME &quot.ALBERTO CERRETTI. Testing and Researches Institute. Alstom Grid.ON Czech Republic. ENERSA. ENEL Distribuzione. UK. Shanghai Municipal Electrical Power Company. KEPCO-KDN. Ormazabal Corporate Technology. Republic of Korea. France Block 2: Control Block 2-com 0257 A Study on the Application Method of IEC 61850 for Data Acquisition and Exchange in Smart Distribution Environment Hee-Taek Lim. KEPCO-KDN. Spain. Spain. Songjiang Power Supply Company. Republic of Korea. Young-Kyu Jin. France. Dieter Seifert. Italy. China 0830 Development of Voltage Regulation Method including Power Factor Control by Customers in Autonomous Demand Area Power System CIRED 2011 – List of selected papers – Page 43/74 .V. Ramono Napolitano.. Shanghai Municipal Electrical Power Company. France. Finland. Jun-Ho Kim. envia NSG. Germany. Yu Haobin. Germany. Eric Lambert. Pak Elektron Limited. Christian AUNEAU. Martin Eiselt. KEPCO-KDN.V. Republic of Korea 0541 A survey on information and communication technology (ICT) applications in distribution systems Mohammad Shahraeini. Vattenfall Distribution Nordic. F/L/S. China. Iberdrola. Germany 0402 Smart and wireless field force management : today and tomorrow Celine JOANNIC. Vattenfall Distribution Nordic. Hannu Martikainen. Republic of Korea./L. Siemens AG. China. Iran. Finland 1323 Communications Requirements for Smart Grids Inigo Berganza. Edenor.0666 Environmental Effect on Temperature Rise of Transformer Arslan Ahmed. Pakistan. Germany 0524 IMPACT OF TELESUPERVISION IN SUBSTATIONS M. Finland. Iran 0870 Comparison of coupling methods in MV equipment for powerline communications Patrick Mulroy. Argentina 0573 State estimation and auxiliary fault analysis of distribution network by the load monitor system Wu Peng. Ian Gilbert. Frederique LE GUERN. Finland. France. Thomas Epler. Germany. Germany. Rudolf Felix. KEPCO-KDN. Iberdrola. Spain 0895 Principles of renewing of field communication network of electricity distribution company Sauli Antila. Siemens AG. ENEL Distribution. ABB Switzerland. Nam-Cheol Yu. Spain Block 2-da 0482 Network Automation with reclosers as new components for European distribution systems Christian Heinrich. Guan Biping. Shanghai Municipal Electrical Power Company. Hannu Koivuniemi. KEPCO-KDN. Ville Maksimainen. Pak Elektron Limited. Alberto Sendin. Argentina. Mashhad Electric Energy Distribution Co. Songjiang Power Supply Company. Erik Taylor. Edenor. Miguel Pulice. Saeed Alishahi. Bo-Gun Jin. Andrew Paice. Mashhad Electric Energy Distribution Co. ERDF. Ernesto Vidal. Siemens AG. PSI AG. Electric department of South China University of 0362 Multi-criteria Optimization in Workforce Management Elmar Jaeker. Emtele Ltd. Adnan Shahid. Ormazabal Corporate Technology. Germany. Pakistan Block 1. China. Xiong Wen. Vattenfall Distribution Nordic. EDF R&D. EDF Research. Songjiang Power Supply Company.. Switzerland. ERDF. envia NSG. Republic of Korea. China.. University of Vaasa. Politecnico di Milano. Sweden. Guangdong Power Grid.CSG. Brazil 804 Renewable Integration Needs Automation of Continuous Protection Grading Li Shang. Kimmo Kauhaniemi. Shanghai Municipal Electric Power Company. East China Electric Power Industry Co. Liu Yuquan.CSG. Germany. Alstom Grid. Republic of Korea 0716 Enhanced Consumer and Grid Management through Integrated Distribution Management Systems (IDMS) Avnaesh Jayantilal. Italy. CHOO CHUL-MIN. Alstom Grid.Ltd. Christoffer Örndal. Mashhad Electric Energy Distribution Co. Lund University.. Japan Block 2-dms 0221 Development of Smart Distribution Management System for Predictive Operation of Power Distribution Systems YUN SANG-YUN. Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry. Guangdong Power Grid. China. Eric Fleuret. Republic of Korea. Gong Jianping. Republic of Korea. Politecnico di Milano. KEPCO Research Institute. Italy. Italy. Donato Lombardi. Mashhad Electric Energy Distribution Co. Magnus Akke. Finland.. Kaveh Azizi. Rainer Krebs. Mashhad Electric Energy Distribution Co. University of Vaasa. SONG ILKEUN. Guangzhou Power Supply Bureau. Germany 1066 New Protection Configuration for High Quality MV Ring Distribution Systems Morris Brenna. Siemens AG.CSG. Guangzhou Power Supply Bureau. China 0765 Design and implementation of a gprs based fault locator system Mohsen Zabihi. Lund University. Germany. Finland Block 3-fl 0084 Research on single-phase ground fault locating for non-effectively grounded system in Shanghai Weibin Wang. USA 976 Construction and Operation of Distribution Automation System based on GIS Wu Guopei. Mashhad Electric Energy Distribution Co. Sweden 0560 Experimental Validation Results of the Active Grounding System for MV Networks CIRED 2011 – List of selected papers – Page 44/74 . Saeed Alishahi. Iran. KEPCO Research Institute. Shanghai Municipal Electric Power Company. Finland. Lund University.. Xiandong Huang. EnergyLab Foundation. China. Mohammad Hossein Yaghmaee Moghaddam. Siemens AG. Ethan Boardman. USA. China Block 3: Protection Block 3-ap 0106 The Use of Real Time Digital Simulation for Performance Analysis of Busbar Differential Protection André Luiz Pereira de Oliveira. Federica Foiadelli. KWON SEONG-CHUL. Politecnico di Milano. Guangzhou Power Supply Bureau. Iran.Satoshi Uemura. Siemens AG... Sweden. Alstom Grid. SIEMENS Ltda. Iran. China. University of Vaasa. Dario Zaninelli. USA. Ming Zong. Norbert Friemelt. KEPCO Research Institute. Republic of Korea. Iran Block 3-ng 0283 Tuning of resonance grounded networks and its effects on earth fault detection Andreas Jönsson. Guangdong Power Grid. KEPCO Research Institute. Italy Block 3-dg 0431 Protection System for Future LV Microgrids Hannu Laaksonen. Sampo Voima. Sweden. Gareth McLorn. durham university. Kansas State University. Salah radwan. Juan Carlos Gomez. Argentina. Magnus Pielke. Iberdrola Distribucion Electrica. Faculty of Engineering. d. Technische Universität Braunschweig. Germany. Portugal. Robert Currie. Nick Jenkins. Portugal. Smarter Grid Solutions. Manuel Martins. Egypt. Portugal. Institute for high voltage technology and electric power systems. Silvano Maljavac. Iskra Sistremi.. CE Electric UK. OFFIS e. V. Portugal. Institute for high voltage technology and electric power systems. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto. Argentina. Smarter Grid Solutions. Technische Universität Braunschweig. Development and Demonstration platform Nicholas Etherden. Germany. Alan Creighton. Germany.d. Spain. Rui Fiteiro. Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto. Peter Kastelic. Smarter Grid Solutions.. Cardiff University. Spain. Egypt 0153 The value of distributed generation for mitigating network risk Simon Blake. Technische Universität Braunschweig.Aitor Amezua. V. Germany. Medhat M. Cardiff University. Egypt. Hassan Abo Gad. Sweden.d.. South Delta Company of Electric Distribution. EDP Distribuição. Technische Universität Braunschweig. Slovenia. Mats Häger. atef elzeftawy. Jianzhong Wu. South Delta Company of Electric Distribution. UK. EDP Distribuição. UK. Spain 853 Effects on the Quality of Service of changing the neutral grounding of MV networks Miguel Louro. UK. UK. UK. Iskra Sistremi.. OFFIS e. d. Henrik Stomberg. Arne Dammasch. UK. Morcos. Hans-Jürgen Appelrath. Ormazabal-Oldar Electronica. Sweden 0344 Integrated Operation of an Energy MicroGrid with Islanded Electricity Network Bieshoy Awad. STRI AB.. Session 4: Distributed Energy resources & efficient utilisation of electricity : 09. STRI AB. EDP Distribuição. durham university. UK 0279 Virtual powers plants of micro CHP units combined with active components reducing peak loads and load fluctuations Phillip Gronstedt. d. EDP Distribuição. EDP Distribuição. Slovenia. Ormazabal-Oldar Electronica. Germany.d.d. Portugal 1009 Neutral Grounding Resistor failure detection Zvonko Toroš. Slovenia. Institute for high voltage technology and electric power systems. STRI AB. UK. Germany 0285 An assessment of the economic impact of active network management alternatives Andrea Michiorri.00 – 17. Cardiff University. Francisco José Pazos. Institute for high voltage technology and electric power systems. Colin Foote. Janaka Ekanayake. José Cunha Abreu. Michael Kurrat. EDP Distribuição. Smarter Grid Solutions. UK 370 Study of the Out-of-Phase Connection of Distributed Generators Sebastian Martín Nesci. USA 4 As of 29 April 2011 CIRED 2011 – List of selected papers – Page 45/74 . Michael Gudmundsson. Filinto Duarte. Sweden. Portugal.30 hrs (Exhibition hall)4 Interactive Guided Tour Block 1: DG/DER planning and studies 0059 Expermintal simulation to evaluate the impact of reactive power control on distribution networks voltage and energy Abla gado. Elektro Primorska. UK 0325 Experience from construction of a Smart Grid Research. d. STRI AB. Menoufiya University. Martin Tröschel.. Philip Taylor. Egypt. Cardiff University. South Delta Company of Electric Distribution. Itziar Gutierrez. Tomaž Kastelic. Elektro Primorska. Filipe Vale. UK. Slovenia Poster Session. Netherlands. J. Austria 0928 A Balanced Scorecard Approach for the Enhancement of Distributed Renewable Penetration Limit in Isolated Networks Worawit Tayati. TU Vienna. Politecnico di Milano. Italy. Christian Hille. Kling. Netherlands 0437 Power Hardware in the Loop Simulations for Distributed Generation Georg Lauss. Institute for High Voltage Technology. Kris Kessels. Damir Jakus. Australia. Italy. RWTH Aachen University. Siemens Energy. Croatia. Germany 0989 Voltage profile analysis in 30 kV network after connection of wind power plant Ranko Goic. Italy. Germany 0670 DER Integration Under New Grid and Market Paradigms Elena Boskov Kovacs.0432 Short Circuit Behavior of Distribution Grids With a Large Share of Distributed Generation Units E. Netherlands. L. Andrea Silvestri. Belgium CIRED 2011 – List of selected papers – Page 46/74 . Austrian Institute of Technology. Felix Lehfuss. Friederich Kupzog. Institute for High Voltage Technology. TU Delft. Netherlands. Anthony Walsh. TU Delft. Austria 1143 Maximising Benefits to Customers from Utilites Losses Management . China electric power research insititute. Popov. TU Eindhoven. Group Machiels. Kema Consulting. TU Eindhoven. Johanna Myrzik. Yves Tielemans. Belgium. Jakov Krstulovic. Netherlands. Austria Gerhard ESBN Perspective Kevin Niall. Netherlands. TU Eindhoven. Italy. Kurt Vinck. University of Split. Technische Universität Dortmund. Mattijs Ghijsen. Germany 0610 Towards efficient rules for quantifying the impact of distributed generation on the functionality of traditional distribution protection systems Tilman Wippenbeck. Austrian Institute of Technology. Walter Niederhuemer. Fan Ming-tian. Horizon Power. TU Delft. Juliano Silva de Assis. TU Eindhoven. China electric power research insititute. ESB Networks. Zhang Zu-ping. Austria. VITO.L. Group Machiels. University of Amsterdam. van der Sluis. ESB Networks. University of Split. Davide Falabretti. W. Linz Strom Netz GmbH. Austria. Netherlands. China electric power research insititute. AIT Energy Department. Austria 0567 A platform for case study of active distribution network planning Yang Fan. Technische Universität Dortmund. Australia 0930 Hosting Capacity of Italian LV Distribution Networks Danilo Bertini. Croatia. Consultant. Salzburg AG. Linz Strom Netz GmbH. RSE. University of Split. VITO. VITO. Germany. Karaliolios. Croatia. China. Germany. Netherlands. Armin Schnettler. Belgium. Ulrike Sachs. P. Daniel Reiter. Ireland. Germany 0787 Smart Grids Strategy for Salzburg. Coster. RSE. RWTH Aachen University. I Xyngi. Maarten Hommelberg. Marco Merlo. Horizon Power. Politecnico di Milano. Politecnico di Milano. Siemens AG. University of Split. China. Italy. Gordon Pack. Institute for High Voltage Technology. Diana Moneta. Technische Universität Dortmund. RWTH Aachen University. Italy 0965 Analysis of Network Requirements based on an Estimation of the Future Energy Demand for a German Metropolis Dennis Unger. Croatia 1100 Probabilistic planning for a higher integration of wind turbines to MV distribution networks. Germany. Austria. Austria.J. Germany. Slootweg. Karl Derler. Belgium. M. Josip Vasilj. Belgium. China 0579 The Need for Operational Planning in Smart Distribution Grid Using Near Real-Time Network Simulation Prashanth Duvoor.G. Ireland 1173 Optimization of revenues from a distributed generation portfolio: a case study Davy Geysen. USA. Lukas Spitalny. Italy. Portugal. Lilia Consiglio. Mario Lemos. Siemens AG. Germany. PONTIFÍCIA UNIVERSIDADE CATÓLICA DO RIO DE JANEIRO. Antonio Leitao. PONTIFÍCIA UNIVERSIDADE CATÓLICA DO RIO DE JANEIRO. Shanghai Municipal Electric Power Company. ENEL Distribuzione. Italy. Portugal. University of Strathclyde. Shanghai Municipal Electric Power Company. Luis F. Ochoa. Psymetrix Ltd. Leibniz Universität Hannover. University of Manchester. SA. Finland. INESC Porto/FE/UP. Lima. USA Block 2: Control of networks with DG/DER 0171 Coordinated voltage control as a part of distribution management system Anna Kulmala. Craig Colopy. Alstom Grid. Stuart Galloway. Pertti Järventausta. China. Institute of Electric Power Systems. Leibniz Universität Hannover. Cooper Power Systems. Tampere University of Technology. INESC Porto/FE/UP. Alda Sousa. Helder Leite. EDP Distribuição. Alberto Cerretti. Eric Goutard. EDF R&D. Jose Santos. Tampere University of Technology. Junyi HU. Tampere University of Technology. Portugal. Brazil. SA. University of Strathclyde. Erich Fuchs. ENEL Distribuzione. Finland. Cooper Power Systems. China 0397 A Decentralized Energy Management System for Efficiency Improvements of Distributed Energy Resources Thomas Werner. Olivier CARRE. UK 1226 Analysis and Reduction of Effects of Single-Phase Loads and Generators on Low Voltage Distribution Grids Constantin Reese. Germany. Lutz Hofmann. Alessandro Fatica. INESC Porto/FE/UP. Portugal 0518 Volt/Var Control for Smart Grid Solutions Ljubomir Kojovic. University of Strathclyde. Alexandre QUERIC. France. France 0331 Research on the control of energy storage system parallel connected to the grid Rong LU. UK. Jeff Smith. EDP Distribuição. ENEL Distribuzione. Italy. Division of Power Supply. USA 0535 A Converter Controller of Virtual Synchronous Machine for Stable Operation of Microgrid CIRED 2011 – List of selected papers – Page 47/74 . EPRI. Italy 0497 Connection and Management of Distributed Generation using Synchrophasor Measurements and Advanced Distribution Management Systems (DMS) Douglas Wilson. EPRI. France. Delberis A. Division of Power Supply. EDP Distribuição. France 0510 The Application of Distribution State Estimation to Support a Real-time Voltage Control Algorithm: A path to increase the integration of distributed generation Clara Gouveia. Sami Repo. UK 0208 Technical and Economic assessment of possible centralised voltage control functions in presence of DG in the French MV network Sébastien GRENARD.1215 Assessment of the affect of different energy mixes on highly distributed local energy networks Lucy Anderson. UK. Institute of Electric Power Systems. Daniel Arden. Portugal. Germany 1277 Determining Practical Planning Limits for DG on Distribution Circuits Roger Dugan. UK. Graham Ault. USA. Portugal. SA. Germany 0465 Advanced management of Distributed Generation on MV network Giorgio Di Lembo. Siemens AG. ENEL Distribuzione. USA. USA. Cooper Power Systems. ERDF. Brazil. Finland 0174 Planning of Distributed Generation Dispatch in Distribution Networks Priscila Maria Barra Ferreira. EDF R&D. School of Engineering. Anne Stafford. Italy. Germany. UK. Leeds Metropolitan University. UK 1245 Preliminary findings from deployment of a dynamic line rating system on Orkney Islands Andrea Michiorri. Robert Currie. UK Power Networks. ITE. Philip Taylor. Elektro Gorenjska. Insitute for High Voltage Technology. UK. Germany. Siemens Austria.A Learning Journey Cristiano Marantes. Smarter Grid Solutions. Technische Universität Dortmund. Japan. Spain. Marco Merlo. Technische Universität Dortmund. Janez Smid. Open Architecture for Secondary Nodes of the Electricity SmartGrid Raúl Soriano. Technische Universität München. Japan. Takeaki Terauchi. Atos Origin. The University of Tokushima. Slovenia. Italy. José Lorenzo. UK. Slovenia. Italy 0969 Analysis of Various Voltage Control Methods for Low Voltage Networks with Distributed Generators Dennis Unger. Germany 0974 Classification and comparison of multi agent based control strategies for electric vehicles in distribution networks Thomas Pollok. Smarter Grid Solutions. David MacLeman..School of Engineering. Smarter Grids Solutions. Portugal 0874 Intelligent power system platform for supervision and control of distributed generation and customer demands .C. Slovenia. Solvera Lynx. Robert Currie. Franci Katrasnik. Spain 0810 Energy Resources Scheduling in Competitive Environment Zita Vale.SUPERMEN Tomaz Pfajfar. Scottish & Southern Energy. Claas Matrose. Slovenia. Smarter Grid Solutions. Ignacio González. Germany. Politecnico di Milano. Gecad/Politechnic of Porto . Iskra MIS. Insitute for High Voltage Technology. Slovenia 0934 MV networks with Dispersed Generation: voltage regulation based on local controllers Diana Moneta. Frank Clifton. Narciso Pereira. UK. Andrej Souvent. UK. UK. Italy. University of Durham. Slovenia. Andreas Lugmaier. Japan 0770 OpenNode. Yoshinobu Ueda. UK. UK Block 3: Customer side developments 0125 Electrical load characteristics of domestic heat pumps and scope for demand side management Peter Boait. Gecad/Politechnic of Porto . RSE. Spain. Gabriele Monfredini. Johanna Myrzik. Gecad/Politechnic of Porto . Núcleo C. De Montfort University. Igor Papic. Smarter Grid Solutions. Armin Schnettler. Atos Origin. Marta Alberto. Slovenia. Germany 1051 Optimised operation strategies for energy storages in low-voltage grids with a high degree of decentralized generation Martin Lödl. Siemens Austria. Smarter Grid Solutions. Stewart Reid. UK. Núcleo C. Valeria Olivieri. Politecnico di Milano. Eva Szczechowicz. Scottish & Southern Energy. UK. 2e. ITE. Politecnico di Milano. Siemens AG. Rolf Witzmann. Paolo Mora. Frazer Watson. Spain. UK. Laura Moreno. Italy. University of Ljubljana. UK CIRED 2011 – List of selected papers – Page 48/74 . Hugo Morais. Michael Metzger. Meidensha Corporation. Scottish & Southern Energy. Electric Power Research Institute Milan Vidmar. Portugal. Toshihisa Funabashi. Austria. Meidensha Corporation. Robert Currie. Dave Openshaw.. Germany. RSE. Japan. Portugal. UK 1192 London Carbon London . Friederich Kupzog. Marko Sepic. Germany. Germany. Massimo Gallanti. RSE.School of Engineering. Technische Universität München. Javier Collazo. Austria. Italy. Insitute for High Voltage Technology. Thomas Dederichs. Insitute for High Voltage Technology.Masahide Hojo. Spain. The University of Tokushima. Spain. Germany.C. University of Ljubljana. UK Power Networks. Insitute for High Voltage Technology. Germany 1124 The Shetland Islands Smart Grid Colin Foote. Marjan Jerele. VSB-Technical University of Ostrava. VSB-Technical University of Ostrava. Finland 0336 Innovative Heat Storage Management by Object Oriented Control Urs Wehmhörner. Belgium 0481 Flexible Thermal Load Management for Ancillary Services Market: Experience of Swiss Smart Grid Pilot Project Elvira Kaegi. Roque Molina. Spain 0662 Initiative to improve approach to eligible electric energy producers Marina Cavlovic. Tianjin University. Fabian Grundl. Chengshan Wang. Tianjin University. Johan Desmedt. Graz University of Technology. Germany. Matti Lehtonen. VITO. Johan Van Bael. Technische Universität München. Repsol-YPF. Switzerland. Adrian Peter. Croatia 0671 Energy Optimization Management of Combined Cooling and Power Distributed Energy Supply System with Micro Turbine Mengxuan Liu. BKW FMB Energie AG. Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena. China. Graz University of Technology. HEP-ODS d. Li Guo. Sergio Valero. Josef Lipp. University of Strathclyde. Switzerland. Belgium. Aalto University. Spain. Ernst Schmautzer. Technische Universität München. University of Applied Sciences. Armin Schnettler. Germany. Francisco J. Tianjin University. VSB-Technical University of Ostrava. Austria. Daniel Berner. Universidad Miguel Hernández. Mario Ortiz. RWTH Aachen University. Germany 0408 Automated electrical energy analysis for domestic consumers based on smart meters Christian Elbe. Stanislav Misak. Germany. Germany. BKW FMB Energie AG. Universidad Miguel Hernández. BKW FMB Energie AG.o. Martin Scheufen. Dirk Vanhoudt. Spain. Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena. UK. Finland. Jakub Kvapil. VITO. Belgium. UK 0710 Investigation of the impact of electrifying transport and heat sectors on the UK distribution networks CIRED 2011 – List of selected papers – Page 49/74 . Spain. China. Belgium. Elena Agenjos. Czech Republic. Johannes Jungwirth. VITO. Anssi Ahola. VITO. University of Strathclyde. Spain. Czech Republic 0686 Integrated analysis of traffic and power flows Thomas Helmschrott.o. Technische Universität München. Storage and Generation in a Railway Electrical Distribution System Through Hybrid Diesel-Electric Locomotives Antonio Gabaldon. García-Franco. China 0683 Monitoring of Hybrid Power Supply System for Public Lighting Petr Bilik. Austria 0442 Exploring the flexibility potential of residential heat pumps combined with thermal energy storage for smart grids. Aalto University. Daan Six. Switzerland 0651 Energy Efficiency. Aalto University. University of Applied Sciences.0131 Efficient utilisation of electrical energy in the data centre of the HS Augsburg by using smart metering Michael Finkel. RWTH Aachen University. Germany 0701 Demand Side Management for Domestic Plug-in Electric Vehicles in Power Distribution System Operation SIKAI HUANG. DAVID INFIELD. Germany. Spain. Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena. Germany 0287 Energy Efficiency Analysis of Residential Electric End-Uses: Based on Statistical Survey and Hourly Metered Data Merkebu Zenebe Degefa. RWTH Aachen University. Finland.. Czech Republic. Goran Strbac. Chalmers University of Technology. Goran STRBAC. James Keirstead. Jon Anduaga. TU Braunschweig. UK. Viktoria Neimane. TU Braunschweig 1083 Power SnapShot Analysis: A new method for analyzing low voltage grids using a smart metering system Andreas Abart. IREC. MIQUEL CRUZ. UK. Germany. Le Tuan. Antonio Castellanos. Arne Dammasch. Spain. Sweden. Mario Korte. Chalmers University of Technology. Endesa. Germany. Zbigniew Styczynski. Austria. Dave OPENSHAW. Helen Electricity Network. Italy 0835 Modelling approach to assess the impact of heat and electricity storage on distribution systems Stefan Krengel. UK Power Networks. Spain. UK. Austria. Benoit Bletterie. Nilay Shah. TU Braunschweig. Austria. IREC. VITO. Imperial College. Wolfgang Nebel. Spain. Mikel Fernandez. Austria. Otto-von-Guericke-University. UK 1049 Decentralized. UK 0796 Market price based control of electrical heating loads Pekka Koponen. Michael Kurrat. Helfried Brunner. University of Oldenburg. Tecnalia. Belgium.Chin Kim GAN. Imperial College London. Tecnalia. Germany 1042 Integrated Modelling of Agent-Based Electric Vehicles into Optimal Power Flow Studies Salvador Acha. Imperial College London. Reinhilde D'hulst. Spain. Sweden. RWTH Aachen University. Spain. Koen Van Dam. Austrian Institute of Technology. Austrian Institute of Technology. UK. ENEL Distribuzione SpA. Andreas Lugmaier. IREC. University of Oldenburg. Daniel Burnier. Germany. Sweden. Spain. Imperial College London. Joel Seppälä. Siemens AG Österreich. TU Braunschweig. Aitor Atxurra. ALBERT SANTANDREU. VITO. Chalmers University of Technology. Austria. Armin Schnettler. UK. Sweden. Sepideh Doroudian. Spain. Energie AG Ober-österreich Netz GmbH. Chalmers University of Technology. RWTH Aachen University. Germany. Chalmers University of Technology. Marko AUNEDI. Spain 0898 Demand side management and electric vehicle integration (VERDE) ROSA MORA. Sweden 1166 Thermo-electrical load modelling of buildings for assessment of demand response based on Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) devices CIRED 2011 – List of selected papers – Page 50/74 . Austria. Austria 1104 Scheduling Charging of Electric Vehicles for Optimal Distribution Systems Planning and Operation David Steen. Belgium 0958 Demand Side Management Potential A case study for Germany Martin Stötzer. Vladimir STANOJEVIC. Imperial College. Miguel Ortega-Vazquez. VTT Technical Research Centre of Finalnd. Tecnalia. Tecnalia. UK 1080 Field test of grid oriented CHP micro units for the domestic energy supply Marcus Bunk. ANTONI SUDRIA. Alexander Schenk. Imperial College London. IGNASI CAIRO. Lina Bertling. IREC. Siemens AG Österreich. Vattenfall Research and Development AB. Agent-Based Participation of Load Appliances in Electricity Pool Markets Dimitrios Papadaskalopoulos. Imperial College. Austrian Institute of Technology. UK. Matthias Stifter. Spain. Phillip Gronstedt. Ola Carlson. Otto-von-Guericke-University. Germany. Imperial College London. Austrian Institute of Technology. Spain 0904 An assessment of demand-response flexibility on household level Kris Kessels. UK. Sweden. UK. Germany. ANDREAS SUMPER. SIEMENS. Germany. Spain. IREC. Imperial College. Imperial College London. Germany. RWTH Aachen University. Germany 0865 Demand Response in practice: OPTIGES project final results and lessons learned Inigo Cobelo. Finland. Finland 0832 Smart info and energy@home: the solution tool to address and assess customer participation to the energy market Paolo SCURO. Thomas Janetschek. Egypt. Germany. KEMA. faculty of eng. Division of electricity. ABB. Egyptian Armed Forces.s. Jan RINGELSTEIN. Netherlands. Christophe GAUDIN. France. Egypt 0129 Implementation of Sensor-Less Maximum Power Extraction Scheme for PMSG Small Wind Turbine Systems Medhat Elfar. Imperial College London. France.. University of Strathclyde. Division of electricity. Abdelfattah Eliwa. ABB. UK. Sweden 0955 Inductive Shielded Superconducting Fault Current Limiter . faculty of eng. Nikos HATZIARGYRIOU. EEC. SAP. Netherlands 0248 Demand Side Management Using Alkaline Electrolysers within the UKGDS simulation network Mahdi Kiaee. ABB.Jackravut Dejvises. ECN. Germany. Sweden. Uppsala university. Uppsala university. Bruker Advanced Supercon. Stefan Schmidt. soliman sharaf. Germany. PPC. University of Zagazig. Egyptian Armed Forces. Eloenore CHABOD. Arturo Alarcón-Rodríguez. portsaid university. Stefan DRENKARD. Egypt. Frank Mumford. The University of Strathclyde. Czech Technical University in Prague. faculty of eng. Frantisek Vybiralik. Division of electricity. Waheed Sabry. Sweden. UK 0795 SVC Light with energy storage for smart grids Ervin Spahic. University of Strathclyde. Uppsala university.a. David Infield. Division of electricity. Ales Krula. France. Alexander Usoskin.Identification of Neutral Line Impedance CIRED 2011 – List of selected papers – Page 51/74 . Germany 0879 PV development in France : impact on Distribution Network and potential of innovative solutions Emlie LEJAY. Sweden. Thomas Benz. Egyptian Armed Forces. ERDF. University of Strathclyde.. Egyptian Armed Forces. Faculty of Engineering. Germany. Andrew Cruden. Germany. UK. Cecilia Boström. Goran Strbac. Greece. Aris DIMEAS. Stamatis KARNOUSKOS. Alstom Grid. KEMA. Czech Republic. Schneider Electric Sachsenwerk GmbH. France 0933 Integration of Large Photovoltaic Power Plants to Distribution Networks Zbynek Brettschneider. Hans Bernhoff. Division of electricity. UK. Imperial College London. Uppsala university. Pierluigi Mancarella. Petr Marecek. Uppsala university. University of Strathclyde. Orgrez. UK 1291 Field-testing Smart Houses for a Smart Grid Koen KOK. The University of Strathclyde. Sweden. UK. Germany. SAP. Uppsala university. Katarina Yuen. ERDF. Gabriel Bloemhof. Usama Rashad. Stuart Galloway. Reda Youssef. Germany. Greece. Germany. Laurent KARSENTI. Division of electricity. UK. Egypt. Czech Republic 0940 Dynamic stability of an electricity generation system based on renewable energy Johan Lundin. ECN. Graham Ault. Valy LIOLIOU. Egypt. ERDF. Egypt 0180 Storage optimization in distribution systems Roger Cremers. UK. Sweden. Steven Inglis. UK. Imperial College London. ERDF. Sweden. Jon Kjellin. The University of Strathclyde.An Enabler of Smarter Grids Uwe Kaltenborn. Egypt. portsaid university. UK 0702 Modelling and Optimisation of Energy Storage Systems in Power Distribution Networks Calum Jardine. Bruker EST. Greece Block 4: DG/DER technology 0042 DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF THE 10 KW WIND CUBE Amal Abdelgawad. Uppsala university. Janaína Goncalves. University of Strathclyde. NTUA ICCS. Stadtwerke Augsburg. Cor WARMER. Günter Stark. PPC. UK. Czech Republic. Division of electricity. Anke WEIDLICH. UK. Ahmed Kalas. Magnus Rahm. Czech Republic. Egypt. MVV. Mats Leijon. Division of electricity. Orgrez. Netherlands. Germany 0964 Grid Impedance Determination . Sweden.s. Fraunhofer IWES. portsaid university. Netherlands. Germany. Uppsala university.a. Rolf Witzmann. East China Electric Power Test & Research Institute. Bernd Engel. SMA Solar Technology AG. China. East China Electric Power Test & Research Institute. Politecnico di Milano. Detlef Schulz. Helmut-SchmidtUniversity. Gunter Arnold. Dag Willén. Hussam Alatrash. Shanghai Municipal Electric Power Company. Germany. Maurizio Delfanti. Italy. Fraunhofer IWES. Germany. Fraunhofer IWES.Hauke Langkowski. Politecnico di Milano. Netherlands. Germany. USA 1067 Increasing Grid Transmission Capacity and Power Quality by a new Solar Inverter Concept in Low Voltage Grids with a high Proportion of Distributed Power Plants Peter Esslinger. Alex Geschiere. East China Electric Power Test & Research Institute. SMA Solar Technology AG. Germany. SMA Solar Technology AG. Josè M. Sercan Teleke. Gunter Arnold. Qinchang GUI. Germany. Netherlands. SMA Solar Technology AG. Alliander. South African Institute of Electrical Engineers (SAIEE). Helmut-Schmidt-University. Germany. China. Petra Solar. Fernanda Strozzi. USA 1132 Confirmation of extended electrical properties of PV-inverters according to German MV Grid Code . China. LIUC. Germany. SMA Solar Technology AG. Netherlands. Germany Non Interactive Tour – Session 4 Block 1: DG/DER planning and studies 0023 Wind Integration Study for a Small Islanded Power System Paul Tuson. Petra Solar. Gerd Bettenwort. Germany. Germany 1090 Integrating Intermittent Wind Power on Distribution Networks Using Dynamic Reactive Power and Energy Storage Johan Enslin. Alliander. Fraunhofer IWES. Zaldívar. Italy 1133 Divergence Operator for a novel Power Systems Regulation Davide Falabretti.a generic description of PV plants for grid studies Daniel Premm. South Africa 0583 Analysis of the Effect of Shanghai EXPO Electric Vehicle Charging Station on Urban Grid Power Quality Xingang YANG. Oliver Glitza. Germany. Technische Universität München. China. David Elizondo. Italy 1152 Efficient connection of large-scale DER with intelligent superconducting cables Irina Melnik. Quanta Technology. China 0827 Improved grid integration of distributed generation in existing network structures CIRED 2011 – List of selected papers – Page 52/74 . Thorsten Reimann. SMA Solar Technology AG. Michael Jordan. South Africa. South African Institute of Electrical Engineers (SAIEE). Germany. East China Electric Power Test & Research Institute. USA. Alliander. South Africa. Jian ZHOU. Alliander. Marco Merlo. Helmut-Schmidt-University. Alliander. David Martini. Fraunhofer IWES. Germany 1058 Distribution Network Impacts of High Penetration of Distributed Photovoltaic Systems Johan Enslin. South African Institute of Electrical Engineers (SAIEE). USA. Graeme Chown. Helmut-Schmidt-University. Petra Solar. Italy. Netherlands. Germany 1243 Increasing the Photovoltaic-System Hosting Capacity of Low Voltage Distribution Networks Thomas Degner. Alliander. JRC. Trung Do Thanh.Experiences in the certification process Dominik Geibel. Germany. Haiqun WANG. Tarek Fawzy. Quanta Technology. Politecnico di Milano. Germany. Aiqiang PAN. Italy. Italy. Fraunhofer IWES. Oleg Chevtchenko. Mike Coker. Power One Italy Spa. Vandana Mehairjan. Germany. Netherlands 1190 Grid integration of photovoltaic plants . Netherlands. Heidi Lentge. Technische Universität München. USA. Bernd Engel. Ireland. Toosi University of Technology. Masoud Aliakbar Golkar. UK. Germany 864 Performance Assessment of Distributed Generation units to Enhance Loadability of Distribution Network under Uncertainties Mansoureh Zangiabadi. Toosi University of Technology. Toosi University of Technology. Austria. Germany.N. EA Technology. National Sun Yat-sen University.V. INPG. UK. UK 0521 Smart Power Applications and peak load management in distribution networks with Energy Storage Solutions Jean-Philippe Macary. Shokrollah Shokri Kojoori. EA Technology.V. USA.E D MV3. Michael Dolan. Ivana Kockar. Republic of Korea Block 3: Customer side developments 0018 Strategic use of smart meters data and AMI capability to develop advanced smart grid applications Sioe T. Nader Farah.E D MV3. Siemens AG . Institut für elektrische Anlagen und Energiewirtschaft (IAEW) RWTH Aachen. University of Strathclyde.E D MV3. UK.Grenoble Institute of Technology.N. France. Andreja Rasic. University of Strathclyde. Ireland 762 Interconnection Guidelines and Control Coordination of Reactive Power Support Functions of Distributed Energy Resources Joon-Ho Choi. K. John Sinclair. Forschungsgemeinschaft für elektrische Anlagen und Stromwirtschaft (FGH) e. Austria 0246 Developing a Smart Grid Trial Site in the UK David Roberts. Iran.N.Mark Meuser. Forschungsgemeinschaft für elektrische Anlagen und Stromwirtschaft (FGH) e. Uwe Krebs. Hendrik Vennegeerts. Iran. Vienna University of Technology. CONSULTANT. USA 0743 Demand Response and Network Reconfiguration on Distribution System Investment Deferment Guillermo Gutierrez-Alcaraz. Taiwan 0806 Impact of an increasing penetration of urban photovoltaic systems and electric cars on the low voltage networks CIRED 2011 – List of selected papers – Page 53/74 . Siemens AG .. Hans-Jürgen Haubrich. Günther Brauner. Chonnam National University. Germany 0655 Modeling and Optimal Control of Reactive Power in a Microgrid Using Doubly Fed Induction Generator Mohsen Kazemi Alamouti. Hubert Rubenbauer. UK. Republic of Korea. Rene Feuillet.Grenoble Institute of Technology. Siemens AG . Ireland. K. Geoff Murphy. Andrew Keane.E D MV3. Paul Smith. Republic of Korea. CONSULTANT. Hamid Lesani. Holger Leu.E D MV3. KEPCO Research Institute. Vienna University of Technology. University of Strathclyde. UK 0247 A Case for Losses Minimisation in Active Network Management Systems Rachael Storry. Electricity Reseach Centre/UCD. Mak. K. Graham Ault. University of Strathclyde. UK. France. Iran Block 2: Control of networks with DG/DER 0207 Micro Grids in Austria? Results of ADRES Concept Alfred Einfalt. Germany. Euan Davidson.N. Mexico. K. Germany. KEPCO Research Institute. Toosi University of Technology. Franz Zeilinger. INPG. Mohammad Amin Salmani. UK. Germany. Electricity Reseach Centre/UCD. SP Energy Networks. University of Tehran. Siemens AG . Il-Keun Song. Electricity Reseach Centre/UCD. Germany. Germany. Chan-nan Lu. Won-Wook Jung.. Vienna University of Technology. School of ECE. Siemens AG . Iran. Austria. Iran 0707 Effect of Energy Harvesting Network Reactive Support on Transmission System Voltage Performance Paul Cuffe. University of Strathclyde. Instituto Tecnologico de Morelia. Jarkko Tiirikainen. Imperial College London. China. Klaus Pfeiffer. China 0761 Cooperative Control of Distribution System with Customer Equipment to utilize Surplus Electric Power of Photovoltaic Systems Hiroyuki Hatta.. University of Eastern Finland. Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus. Institute of Technology and Management of Shanghai Municipal Electric Power Company. Guoqin YU. Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry. K. Finland. Groupe E. ABB UK. China. Institute of Technology and Management of Shanghai Municipal Electric Power Company. Mashhad Electrical Energy Distribution Co. UK.N. Shaoqing Ying. China. national grid. University of Eastern Finland.Toosi University of Technology. Groupe E. Iran. Wuhan University. Hiromu Kobayashi. national grid. KEMA.. Nilay Shah. Yu ZHANG. UK. UK Power Networks. Iran 0674 Battery Energy Storage System Testing for Grid Standard Compliance and Application Performance David Lubkeman. Pierre-André Chamorel. Finland. UK. Imperial College London. Jukka Saarenpää. Phil Taylor. Paul Leufkens. China. Iran 0413 Early findings of an Energy Storage practical demonstration Peter Lang. University of Eastern Finland. David Penfold. Imperial College London. Imperial College London. KEMA. Institute of Technology and Management of Shanghai Municipal Electric Power Company. Sweden 0615 Control of photovoltaic power generation system during unbalanced grid voltage SAG conditions Amin Hajizadeh. John Ashford. Savonia University of Applied Sciences. Iran. UK 1064 High-Speed Bus Transfer for distribution networks with DG connected Min Wang. Mashhad Electrical Energy Distribution Co. UK Block 4: DG/DER technology 0182 Operational stability of shunt circuit-breaker systems in ungrounded MV networks with distributed generation (DG) Manuel Gonzalez. Alex Feldman. China 0833 Scenario based electricity load prediction tool for distribution planning and management Harri Niska.Harald Schwarz. Saeed Alishahi. KEMA. Mikko Kolehmainen. Mashhad Electrical Energy Distribution Co. Finland. UK.. UK. Finland. Pierluigi Mancarella. Switzerland. Institute of Technology and Management of Shanghai Municipal Electric Power Company.. Imperial College London. Weiguo HE. Peter Jones. Germany.v. Hashem Ghorbanpanah. Durham University. Institute of Technology and Management of Shanghai Municipal Electric Power Company. j. Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry. China. UK. USA. milanovic. Alireza Jalalitalab. Finland 1046 Innovative Strategies to Increase Energy Efficiency and Economic Performance in Supermarkets Salvador Acha. Teemu Räsänen. Mashhad Electrical Energy Distribution Co. Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus. Switzerland 0269 Impacts of single phase capacitor installation on reducing energy loss Ali Saeedi. University of Shanghai for Science and Technology. UK. Shahrood University of Technology. Imperial College London. ABB Sweden. Yuanzhang Sun. USA 0747 Research on the application of multiple energy storage system in Shanghai power grid Xiaowen DONG. Lin Cheng. Japan 0807 Facilitating the integration of wind turbines into power networks while maintaining frequency stability stewart whyte. Tomas Larsson. Xinze JIANG. Switzerland. UK. China CIRED 2011 – List of selected papers – Page 54/74 . China. Masoud Aliakbar Golkar. Tsinghua University. UK. Neal Wade. Durham University. Goran Strbac. PAC Ingénieurs-conseil. Japan. Iran. Germany. USA. Patrick Joye. UK. Iran. University of Eastern Finland. Tsinghua University. Vincent Bongers. Alliander. Netherlands. Netherlands 0494 Local Intelligent Circuit Breakers – A New Concept for the Refurbishment of Existing Distribution Network Uwe Kaltenborn. Canada. Colin Vickers. Hydro-Québec. SINTEF. Norway. Netherlands. Netherlands. IREQ. Alliander. Jan Mosterd. UK. Lars LUNDGAARD. France. Schneider Electric Sachsenwerk GmbH. Alfred Arts. Zhejiang Eletric Power Test and Research Institute. Alliander. Jacques Bherer. Nico van Donk. Canada Block 2: innovative network components and solutions for Smart Grids : 11. Alliander. Stedin. Hallvard FAREMO.Making the Network Smarter Neil Davies. Alliander. Spain 0980 On-line Condition Monitoring of Distribution Network Assets .30 hrs 1095 Outcome of SmartLife : a European coordination action in asset management of T&amp. Canada. Didier Mussard. Guillermo ALLENDE ARANGUIZ. Heidi Lentge. Hydro-Québec. Henry Wu.Adaption of E-Mobility Infrastructure to Mass Market Requirements CIRED 2011 – List of selected papers – Page 55/74 . Italy. Dag Willén. RSE. Netherlands. Daniel Pineau. Netherlands. University of Liverpool. Schneider Electric Sachsenwerk GmbH. Schneider Electric Sachsenwerk GmbH. Xiao Ming Huang. KEMA. Piet Soepboer. Stedin. IREQ. Osrick Anita. Netherlands. EDF R&D. Lionel Reynaud. Netherlands. Theo van Rijn. IREQ. Schneider Electric Sachsenwerk GmbH. Netherlands. Simon Goldthorpe. Leon Bokma. China. UK.D networks Christian GUILLAUME. Norway. Netherlands.00 – 12. Branko Carli. an on-line monitoring system Fred Steennis. Hydro-Québec. UK Power Networks. UK 1295 Green e-Motion . Hydro-Québec. Stéphane Gingras. EA Technology Ltd. Enexis. IREQ. UK 0875 The intriguing behaviour over time of PD's from defects in MV cables and accessories. lessons learned with SCG. Oleg Chevtchenko. Matthieu Michel. Alliander. Hydro-Québec.00 hrs . Canada. PPA Energy.00-10. Colin Smith. Netherlands. HydroQuébec. UK.30 hrs Main Session. Netherlands. Italy. UK. Alliander. Zhejiang Eletric Power Test and Research Institute. Germany. Alliander. IBERDROLA. Hydro-Québec. KEMA. Irina Melnik. IREQ. EA Technology Ltd. Michael Karstens. Pavel Novak. Germany. Giovanni PIROVANO. IREQ. China.17. SINTEF. Canada. Germany. Sylvain Poirier. Enexis. IREQ. Stedin. IPEC. Germany 0693 A universal power electronic interface for distributed generation and electric vehicles Yi Lu. Canada. Christophe GAUDIN. Netherlands. Raimund Summer. EA Technology Ltd. Cliff Walton. ENEL. Canada. France. PPA Energy. Netherlands 0862 Location of switchgear partial discharge by panel and techniques to correlate switchgear and cable partial discharge with load and substation environment Sarah Carter. Stedin. Westland Infra. Room : Harmonie A-B (L2) Block 1: Asset management : 09. Netherlands. ERDF. Jos WETZER.30 hrs 1256 Breakthrough in development of superconducting cables Alex Geschiere.Thursday 9 June : 9. UK. UK 0176 Partial Discharge (PD) sniffer for workers' safety in underground vaults François Léonard. Netherlands. Session 1: Network Components. Laura PANELLA. Denny Harmsen. Netherlands. ESB Networks. Norway. Sweden 0952 Dry-type Transformer for Pole Mounted Application Bandeep Singh. ERDF. ABB Substations. Prysmian Cables and Systems B.. Will Pauley.r. KEMA. Sweden. Marcel van den Berg. trends in network components for cable links and overhead lines : 14. ABB AS. Lawrence Lamballais. ABB Substations. Alliander. Netherlands.00 -17. ABB Substations. Alain François.30 hrs 0950 Incompatibility between MV Switchgear conform the international standards and their use in DNO's substations Marc Arens. EDF R&D. Belgium 0781 An alternative to the LV network reinforcements ZONTA Yves.o. Hanneke Tammenga. ABB Inc. Christian SCHWOEHRER. Ben Aerns. Laborelec. Will Crookes. Netherlands. Alliander. ABB Inc. Sweden. Alstom Grid.V. Anders Lundvall. Spain 0405 Compact Secondary Substation in a future Medium Voltage Distribution Network Ole Granhaug. Laborelec. ABB Ltd. Alberto Bareggi. Germany. Qikai Zhuang. Siemens AG. Borlänge Energi. Netherlands. Italy Block 4: trends in network components for substations : 16.V. Spain. Andreas HETTICH. Forschungsgesellschaft Kraftfahrwesen mbH. Prysmian Cables and Systems B. Enel Distribuzione SpA. Eandis. Nico Steentjes.Heike Barlag. Malick MOUHAMAD. ERDF.. Netherlands. ZIV. Netherlands. Prysmian. ESB Networks. Ken Isaksen. Martin Stefanka. EDF R&D. Jarkko Holmlund. Martin Carlen.. Ireland. UK. Kevin McDermott. USA. Ger Sebregts. Siemens AG. USA. Belgium. Christine Schwaegerl. ESB Networks.. Netherlands. ENBW.00 -15. Enel Distribuzione SpA. Fainan Hassan. Switzerland. ABB Inc. Alstom Grid.V. Netherlands 0345 Introducing High-performance Polypropylene Thermoplastic Elastomer (HPTE) insulation for MV cables in the Netherlands Jos van Rossum. Thomas Hartmann. Alliander. ABB Oy. Italy. USA. ABB Ltd. ABB s. Prysmian SpA. Bertrand JARRY. Belgium. ZIV. Germany 1091 Advanced sensors for the smartgrid: how to deal with existing switchgear in secondary substations Aitor Arzuaga. ZIV. Netherlands.. Anthony Walsh. Netherlands.. Sweden. France 1118 Treatment of Quality in Utility Specification and Procurement of Network Equipment Trevor Lucy. Jose Antonio Moreno. BNO. Fahrudin Mekic. Netherlands.. Covadonga Coca. Italy. Alliander. Finland. Stephane Schaal. Luca Giansante. Germany. Alliander. Sebastian Mathar. Tomas Nilsson. UK.30 hrs 0453 Innovative Compact 145/12 kV Indoor Air Insulated Substations (AIS) Hans-Erik Olovsson. ABB Ltd. Switzerland. Italy CIRED 2011 – List of selected papers – Page 56/74 . Netherlands.. Massimo Comina. KEMA. ABB Inc. France. USA. Jos van Rossum. France. Prysmian Cables and Systems B. Netherlands. Kjell Stålberg. Prysmian SpA. Germany 0468 A low-cost high performance MV RMU with circuit breakers for use in remote controlled MV-LV substations Fabio Giammanco. yvan Tits. Frank de Wild. Joachim Marginet. Switzerland 0227 Amorphous Distribution Transformers Trial Test Campaign Christophe ELLEAU. Belgium. ERDF. Ireland 0037 Investigations towards the upgrading of existing 10 kV cables and accessories to an operating voltage of 20 kV Willem Boone. Technical University D. France. Czech Republic Block 3: evolutions of standards and specifications. Spain. Andrej Krivda. Ger Sebregts. Norway. Alex Geschiere. ABB AS. Ores. France. Ireland. Belgium. Eindhoven University of Technology. entellgenio GmbH. Session 5: Planning & system development. Matti Lehtonen. Finland. Germany 0648 Sustainable investment strategies for aging distribution networks Eric Jennes. UK. 24/7 Netze GmbH (MVV Group). ABB Limited. Helen Electricity Network Ltd. University of Strathclyde. Ramesh Viswanathan. Vienna Technical University. Klaus Peters. VE Distribution Hamburg GmbH. Germany 0314 Medium voltage network reliability evaluation: Simulation of practically applied supply restoration strategies for double-failure events Gerhard Theil.Decision Support and Comparison of Solution Alternatives Thomas Gündel. Thorsten Schmude. 24/7 Netze GmbH (MVV Group). Egyptian Electricity Transmission Company. Eindhoven University of Technology. Terence Dürauer. Finland. Germany. Jonna Jääskeläinen. CIRED 2011 – List of selected papers – Page 57/74 . Netherlands. Graham Ault. Germany 1202 Risk Based Asset Management .30 hrs 0825 Similarities and differences in the strategic asset simulation for electricity and gas distribution grids Heiko Spitzer. Maheswaran Chandrasekaran. Helen Electricity Network Ltd. Derek Long. entellgenio GmbH.00 – 10. Eindhoven University of Technology. Helen Electricity Network Ltd. VE Distribution Hamburg GmbH. UK. Marta Theil. Aalto University. Andreas Theil. Aalto University. Falk Guenther. Greet Vanalme. Finland. Finland. Maria Fox. Egypt 1112 Voltage Control of Distribution Network Using an Artificial Intelligence Planning Method Jianing Cao. RWE Rhein-Ruhr Verteilnetz GmbH. India. Germany. Vienna Technical University. Andre Osterholt. Germany. Keith Bell. Sanna Hakala. Dalal Helmi. Austria. Armin Gaul. Room : Harmonie D-E Block 1: Asset Management and Maintenance Strategies and Block 4 : Methods and Tools 09. University of Strathclyde. UK Block 3: Distribution Planning : 11. Han Slootweg. Vienna Technical University. ABB Limited. VE Distribution Hamburg GmbH. UK. Finland 1025 An Optimisation Model to Integrate Active Network Management into the Distribution Network Investment Planning Task Robert MacDonald. UK 0093 Maximising Penetrationof Active Power by Distributed Generation on Real System. University of Strathclyde. 24/7 Netze GmbH (MVV Group). Germany. University of Strathclyde. Else Veldman. University of Strathclyde. Netherlands. University of Strathclyde.00 – 12. India. UK. University of Strathclyde. Markku Hyvärinen. ABB Limited. Amanda Coles. India Main Session. Austria. University of Strathclyde. Egyptian Electricity Transmission Company.30 hrs 412 Investment strategy for low voltage networks regarding new technologies Rebin Said. Thomas Nippert. Adrew Coles.1096 Integrated Switching Devices Dukkaiappan Subbiahthever. Egypt. RWE Rhein-Ruhr Verteilnetz GmbH. UK. Germany. Eindhoven University of Technology. Germany. Netherlands 858 Customer damage evaluation and network automation strategies for different urban zones Osmo Siirto. Netherlands. UK. Germany. Austria 690 Examples of Condition Based Maintenance in Distribution Systems Mohamed EL-Hadidy. Lilia Consiglio.30 hrs 1199 Distributed Intelligence Provides Self-Healing for the Grid Christopher McCarthy. Portugal. Consentec GmbH.30 hrs 0311 Development and operation of Active Distribution Networks. Riccardo Lama. UK. Enel Distribuzione. Spain. Bezaliel Pires. Hydro-Québec Research Institutev. RWE Rhein-Ruhr Netzservice GmbH. Alessandro Fatica. Germany.Clóvis Oliveira. Portugal. China. MARIO RAMIREZ. France. SINTEF Energy Research. Angelo De Simone. Austria. Norway. Italy. SIEMENS. CEPRI. EDF. Enel Distribuzione SpA. Siemens AG. RWE Deutschland AG. Enel Distribuzione SpA. Enel Distribuzione SpA. Enel Distribuzione SpA. Enel Distribuzione SpA. CIRED 2011 – List of selected papers – Page 58/74 . Fabrizio Pilo. Britta Buchholz. Brazil. CEPRI. Norway Block 2: Network Development : Part 1 : 14. Jörg Feldmann. José Ribeiro da Silva. Federal University of the Rio Grande do Norte. Portugal Block 2: Network Development : Part 2 : 16. Huishi Liang. Astrid Petermann. Spain. Italy. EDF. Germany. SUSANA BANARES. Italy. Simonetta Morel. S&C Electric Company. EDP. MVV. Roberto Calone. Carlos Santos. EDF. Enel. Samuel Jupe. Portugal. Luc Glorieux. Germany. REE. EDUARDO GARCIA. China 0850 Smart Grid Communications Emulator (100. Italy. Federal University of the Rio Grande do Norte.00 – 17. Christine Schwaegerl. Theodor Connor. REE. Italy 0569 The energy storage application strategy in different voltage levels of distribution system Zuping Zhang. Maria Sebastian. Luigi D'Orazio. Brazil 1225 Modelling Electric Vehicles at Residential Low Voltage Grid by Monte Carlo Simulation Weiyu Du. China. Siemens AG. Francisco Cravo Branco. Germany. Germany 0447 Innovative Concepts for Efficient Electrical Distribution Grids Torsten Hammerschmidt. Brazil. USA 1037 Advanced management of a closed ring operated MV network: ENEL DISTRIBUZIONE'S P4 PROJECT Simone Botton. TU Dortmund University. IBERDROLA. ABB AG. CEDETEL. Enel Distribuzione. Netherlands 0785 Integration of electric vehicles to the distribution grid Nina Wahl Gunderson. DIEE University of Cagliari. Delft University of Technology. Spain. Thierry Coste.. Enel Distribuzione SpA. Reinhard Brehmer. Germany 0294 Optimizing the EV electrical demand impact Ricardo Messias. Spain. SINTEF Energy Research.11 Working Group. Kjell Sand. Italy. Federal University of the Rio Grande do Norte. Enel Distribuzione. Wien Energie Stromnetz GmbH. Technical University Kaiserslautern. Italy.000 synthetic users). Christian D'Adamo. Brazil. Italy. Federal University of the Rio Grande do Norte. Spain. S&C Electric Company. CEPRI. Michael Edmonds. Results of CIGRE C6. Austria. Chad Abbey. Germany 0364 A Structured Approach for Smart Grid Implementation Wolfram Wellssow. France. PABLO MARTIN. Wien Energie Stromnetz GmbH. Thomas Schuster. Italy. Enel Distribuzione SpA. Italy. ISABEL NAVALON. Italy. EDP. Luca Giansante. Sige Liu. Canada.00 – 15. Spain 1171 Architecture and functional specifications of distribution and transmission control systems to enable and exploit active demand Giovanni Valtorta. Thorsten Borchard. Italy. Germany. ROSA MORA. Mariam Khattabi. EDP. EDP. Germany. José Tavares Oliveira. REE. Parsons Brinckerhoff. Manoel Firmino Medeiros Jr. Christian Rehtanz. Germany. MVV. USA. 30 hrs : RT. UK 0431 Protection System for Future LV Microgrids Hannu Laaksonen. Brazil 0282 Study on 10kV XLPE Cable with Defects Based on Oscillating Wave Test System lu Guojun. Arno Lücken. Mario Russo. ScottishPower... Helmut Schmidt University. Marcel Parentoni. Universidade Federal de Itajubá. Yose Miguel Yarza Narro. Graeme Burt. Renato Capelini. Til Kristian Vrana. Finland.France.00 – 15. – AES Sul. Marjan Popov. University of Strathclyde. Detlef Schulz. Ithamar Sene. José Feliciano Adami. UK. xiong jun. Johannes Brombach. Brazil. Germany 0374 Analysis of Protection Malfunctioning in Meshed Distribution Grids Evita Parabirsing. Testing and Researches Institute. Universidade Federal de Itajubá. Delft University of Technology. University of Strathclyde. Guangzhou. Guangzhou. Spain. Università di Cassino. Germany.30 hrs : RT. UK. Kimmo Kauhaniemi.00 – 12. Netherlands. Guangzhou. China. Netherlands 0066 Distributed Energy Resources (DER) Impacts on the Performance of Special Protection Schemes (SPSs) Mojtaba Khederzadeh. Germany. Brazil. Italy Round tables. Testing and Researches Institute. Iberdrola. University of Vaasa. Finland. Power & Water University of Technology. Sampo Voima. Control & Protection Room : Fantasie (L3) 16. Brazil. Ignacio Delgado. Finland 1275 Improved Requirements for the Connection to the Low Voltage Grid Gunnar Kaestle. Germany.. Rao rui.A. Netherlands. Delft University of Technology. Helmut Schmidt University. China. Huang hongbin. Delft University of Technology. China Round tables. Edward Coster. Testing and Researches Institute. Helmut Schmidt University.00-10. Session 3: Operation. Universidade Federal de Itajubá. ZIV. Germany. UK. Craig McTaggart. Spain.30 hrs 0973 Optimization of the Energy-Supply-Structure of modern Aircraft by using Technologies from conventional Energy Supply Systems Ilir Purellku. Tim Spearing. Germany. 3c : Communication & data security RIF. Brazil. University of Vaasa. Testing and Researches Institute. China.. University of Strathclyde. Norway 0572 The Use of Artificial Neural Networks for Identification and Location of Defective Insulators in Power Lines through Current Transformers Manuel Martinez.00-17. ABB. UK. Session 4: Distributed Energy resources & efficient utilisation of electricity Room : Illusion (L3) CIRED 2011 – List of selected papers – Page 59/74 . Control & Protection Room : Fantasie (L3) 09. Session 3: Operation. Guangzhou. Distribuidora Gaúcha de Energia Elétrica S.3a : Organisation of grid operation 11. Brice Nya. University of Vaasa. Helmut Schmidt University. Helmut Schmidt University. NTNU Trondheim. TU Clausthal. Universidade Estadual Paulista. Iran 0428 Detailed Analysis of the Impact of Distributed Generation and Active Network Management on Network Protection Systems Federico Coffele. Campbell Booth.30 hrs : RT.3b : Smart Grid Protection 14. Stuart Galloway. Toosi University of Technology. Italy. Germany. Institute for high voltage technology and electric power systems. Enel Distribuzione SpA. University of Strathclyde. Seoul National University. UK. Technische Universität Braunschweig. Enel Distribuzione SpA. University of Strathclyde. Fabio Cazzato.30 hrs Block 1: DG/DER planning and studies 0279 Virtual power plants of micro CHP units combined with active components reducing peak loads and load fluctuations Phillip Gronstedt. UK. Nick Jenkins. Cardiff University. N. Simone Botton. Italy 1100 Probabilistic planning for a higher integration of wind turbines to MV distribution networks.. Room : Illusion (L3) RIF 4A : 14. Masoud Aliakbar Golkar. Psymetrix Ltd. Austria.00 – 12. Cardiff University. Martin Tröschel. Technische Universität Braunschweig.4b : Unlocking Demand Contribution to Distribution Network Management-Energy efficiency. Magnus Pielke. UK Block 2: Control of networks with DG/DER 0324 A control method of distributed generators in smartdistribution system considering system loss and voltage Pyeong-Ik Hwang. Seyed Mehdi Hakimi. Institute for high voltage technology and electric power systems. K. Graham Ault. Italy. Toosi University of Technology. Eric Goutard. UK 0664 Considering impacts of plug-in electric vehicles in planning optimal hybrid systems Hamed Valizadeh Haghi. Germany 0344 Integrated Operation of an Energy MicroGrid with Islanded Electricity Network Bieshoy Awad. North Carolina State University. N. K. Germany. Seon-Ju Ahn. Toosi University of Technology. Republic of Korea.09. Walter Niederhuemer. Hans-Jürgen Appelrath. Industrial and Commercial demand response 11. Seung-Il Moon. UK. UK. Federico Marmeggi. Cardiff University. USA. Smart Metering for Smart Grid. Italy. Linz Strom Netz GmbH. OFFIS e. Yong-Tae Yoon. Iran 0713 Strategies and methods for the optimal integration of distributed generation plants into the LV and MV distribution network: ENEL Distribuzione experience and future prospectives. Republic of Korea 0497 Connection and Management of Distributed Generation using Synchrophasor Measurements and Advanced Distribution Management Systems (DMS) Douglas Wilson. Germany. Janaka Ekanayake. Seoul National University.30 hrs : RT. Enel Distribuzione SpA. Seoul National University. Michael Kurrat. Karl Derler.4c : Experiences from Major Smart Grid Demonstrators RIF. Iran. UK. Enel Distribuzione SpA. Technische Universität Braunschweig. Marco Di Clerico. Republic of Korea. Institute for high voltage technology and electric power systems. K. Linz Strom Netz GmbH. Domenico Di Martino. V. Arne Dammasch. Alstom Grid. V.30 hrs : RT.00 – 15. N. France 0521 Smart Power Applications and peak load management in distribution networks with Energy Storage Solutions CIRED 2011 – List of selected papers – Page 60/74 . Italy. Cardiff University. Technische Universität Braunschweig. UK. Germany.00 – 10. Germany. Enel Distribuzione SpA.. University of Strathclyde. Jianzhong Wu. OFFIS e. Iran. Austria 1215 Assessment of the affect of different energy mixes on highly distributed local energy networks Lucy Anderson. Session 4: Distributed Energy resources & efficient utilisation of electricity. Institute for high voltage technology and electric power systems. Electricity Reseach Centre/UCD. Italy. Sweden. Massimo Gallanti. Graz University of Technology. Spain. Germany. Spain 1104 Scheduling Charging of Electric Vehicles for Optimal Distribution Systems Planning and Operation David Steen. Italy RIF 4 B : 16. Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus. Graz University of Technology. Ireland. Ola Carlson. Denmark. Lina Bertling. Tecnalia. Netherlands. Italy.Technical University of Denmark. Paolo Mora. Pierluigi Mancarella. Gabriel Bloemhof. Italy. Sweden. Siemens AG . Siemens AG . Johannes Jungwirth. Vattenfall Research and Development AB. Germany. Andrew Keane. Paul Smith. DTU . Denmark. Tecnalia. Germany 0707 Effect of Energy Harvesting Network Reactive Support on Transmission System Voltage Performance Paul Cuffe. RSE. Chalmers University of Technology.Technical University of Denmark. China 0865 Demand Response in practice: OPTIGES project final results and lessons learned Inigo Cobelo.E D MV3. Chalmers University of Technology. UK. Goran Strbac.Technical University of Denmark.E D MV3. Aitor Atxurra. Imperial College London. Technische Universität München. Chalmers University of Technology. Klaus Pfeiffer. Electricity Reseach Centre/UCD. DTU . Hubert Rubenbauer. Holger Leu. Siemens AG . Siemens AG . Ireland. Sweden 1166 Thermo-electrical load modelling of buildings for assessment of demand response based on Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) devices Jackravut Dejvises. Valeria Olivieri. Miguel Ortega-Vazquez. Tecnalia. Jon Anduaga. Le Tuan. Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus. Spain. Germany. UK. Shaoqing Ying. University of Shanghai for Science and Technology. Fabrizio Sossan. Siemens AG . Switzerland 0408 Automated electrical energy analysis for domestic consumers based on smart meters Christian Elbe. Italy. Viktoria Neimane. RSE.Jean-Philippe Macary. Endesa. Germany. DTU . Marco Merlo. Siemens. Spain. Andreja Rasic. RSE. Sweden. Tecnalia.E D MV3. Uwe Krebs. Henrik Aalborg Nielsen. Sweden. Chalmers University of Technology. Chalmers University of Technology. Politecnico di Milano. KEMA. Germany. Electricity Reseach Centre/UCD. Germany. Politecnico di Milano. Politecnico di Milano. Austria. Germany.E D MV3. Imperial College London. Mikel Fernandez.30 hrs Block 3: Customer side development 0241 Potential of Demand Side Management in nonresidentual Buildings Timm Rössel. Austria 0806 Impact of an increasing penetration of urban photovoltaic systems and electric cars on the low voltage networks Harald Schwarz. UK Block 4: DG/DER technology 0180 Storage optimization in distribution systems Roger Cremers. Denmark 934 MV networks with Dispersed Generation: voltage regulation based on local controllers Diana Moneta. Technische Universität München. KEMA. Netherlands 0182 Operational stability of shunt circuit-breaker systems in ungrounded MV networks with distributed generation (DG) CIRED 2011 – List of selected papers – Page 61/74 . Antonio Castellanos.00 – 17. Gabriele Monfredini. Sweden. Imperial College London. Spain. Ernst Schmautzer. Germany. Ireland 0788 Indirect regulation of many DER units through broadcasted dynamic price signal Per Norgaard. Louis von Mandach. Italy.E D MV3. IREC. IREC. Graz University of Technology. Alexandria Electricity Distribution Company. High institute of technology-Benha University. Graz University of Technology. Ignasi Cairo-Molins. UK. David Infield. Austria. Andreas Sumper. Ernst Schmautzer. Oriol Gomis-Bellmunt. Ibrahim Madi. Institute of Electrical Power Systems. Spain. EPRI. Egypt 0355 Harmonic Factor Evaluation For Electric and Magnetic Fields Using Symmetrical Components Katrin Friedl. Egypt. j. Graz University of Technology. Egypt 0085 New optimized analysis method for measuring extended grounding systems Martin Lindinger. Hanaa Karawia. The University of Strathclyde. Spain 0528 Probabilistic assessment of wind farm energy yield considering wake turbulence and variable turbine availabilities M ali. IREC. Energie AG Netz. Institute of Electrical Power Systems. Graz University of Technology. milanovic. EPRI. Institute of Electrical Power Systems. Faculty of Engineering. Ahmed Farag. Andreas Abart. Graz University of Technology. Switzerland 0248 Demand Side Management Using Alkaline Electrolysers within the UKGDS simulation network Mahdi Kiaee. René Braunstein. USA. Institute of Electrical Power Systems. uni of manchester. The University of Strathclyde. Institute of Electrical Power Systems. Spain. Brian Seal. Herwig Renner. electric and magnetic fields and grounding systems 0013 Impacts of Inductive and Conductive Interference due to High-Voltage Lines on Coating Holidays of Isolated Metallic Pipelines René Braunstein. Cairo University. IREC. IREC. The University of Strathclyde. Graz University of Technology. UK.Alexandria University. UK 1203 Simulation of Solar Generation with Advanced Volt-Var Control Jeff Smith. Austria. Austria 0014 Simulation and Optimised Reduction of Induced Pipe Voltages caused by High-Voltage Lines on Inductively Interfered Pipelines Ernst Schmautzer. Mario Oelz. USA. Manuel Roman-Barri. Ghada Amer. Switzerland. Pierre-André Chamorel. Graz University of Technology. Austria. Spain. Wes Sunderman. Graz University of Technology. PAC Ingénieurs-conseil. Roger Dugan. Patrick Joye. Spain. Egypt. USA Poster Session. Herwig Renner. Institute of Electrical Power Systems.00 – 17.Manuel Gonzalez. EPRI. Andrew Cruden. Egypt.Alexandria University. Graz University of Technology. Graz University of Technology. Groupe E. Session 2: Power Quality & Electromagnetic Compatibility: 09. Ernst Schmautzer. Austria. Austria 5 As of 29 April 2011 CIRED 2011 – List of selected papers – Page 62/74 . IREC. Spain.v. UK. Faculty of Engineering. Egypt. UK 0342 Implementation of a Test Microgrid in Barcelona Anna Elias-Alcega. Mario Oelz. Austria. Austria 0020 Earth Surface Potentials and GPR of Substation Grounding Ossama Gouda. Austria. Albert Ruiz-Alvarez. Austria 0118 Extremely Low Frequency Magnetic Field Measurements Survey in Distribution Substation Ahmed Hossam-Eldin. Austria. Institute of Electrical Power Systems. EPRI. Austria. uni of manchester. USA.30 hrs (Exhibition hall)5 Interactive Guided Tour Block 1: Electromagnetic interference. Institute of Electrical Power Systems. Graz University of Technology. Switzerland. Alexandria Electricity Distribution Company. Graz University of Technology. Austria. Groupe E. Institute of Electrical Power Systems. Schmautzer Ernst. faculty of Engineering. Gebze Institute of Technology. United Arab Emirates. South Delta Company of Electric Distribution. University of Technology. Abd El-Gawad. Austria. Alliander. Turkey. Özgür Karacasu. Egypt. Egypt. South Delta Company of Electric Distribution. equipotential bonding and lightning protection in smart grids and smart buildings . University of Stuttgart. HASSAN ABO-GAD. Wolfgang Köhler. Austria. Arab Academy for Science. alex geschiere. Christian Raunig. Christian Raunig. Netherlands. Egypt CIRED 2011 – List of selected papers – Page 63/74 . Malaysia. UK. R Ghallab. non-linear loads. Alliander. Egypt. Walter Hipp. Christian Raunig. Austria 815 Magnetic Fields Management For Underground Cables Structures Ahmed Farag. material and connections upon the safety of electrical power installations Trevor Charlton. University of Technology. Aziz Ahmaad-Marican. Netherlands. Austria 0759 Operational behaviour of electrical equipment in islanded low voltage grids concerning saftety issues Maria Aigner. University of Technology. Netherlands. Egypt 0143 Application of Continuous &amp. Austria. Lothar Fickert. Lothar Fickert. SALAH RADWAN. Graz University of Technology. Ernst Schmautzer. University of Technology.a multi-faced approach Ernst Schmautzer. Herwig Breitwieser. Austria. Rania El-Sharkawy. Energie Steiermark. ABB AG. Egypt. Hanaa Karawia. Alexandria Electricity Distribution Company. Austria. University of Technology. Graz University of Technology. Germany. Austria. Netherlands Block 2: Steady-state disturbances 0061 Effect of single-phase.0388 Investigation of electromagnetic disturbance sources in medium voltage switchgear Dennis Burger. Werner Ebbinghaus. DCS Engineering Sdn Bhd. Zagazig University.Din. Amal F. Turkey 0753 Induced disturbance voltages in isolated conductors situated in close vicinity of a inducing high voltage cable line Ernst Schmautzer. Gebze Institute of Technology. Discrete Wavelet Transform for Study of Voltage FlickerGenerated Signal Dalia Hussam El. Ahmed Hossam El-din. South Delta Company of Electric Distribution. Earthing Solutions. Austria. Egypt 760 Integrated grounding. Austria 1141 EM measurements and mitigation techniques on MV installations Jacco smit. Alliander. University of Stuttgart. as sources of harmonic currents in low voltage electrical distribution systems abla gado. Austria. Austria. Alliander. Hakan Hocaoglu. Egypt 0090 Damping Techniques of Harmonic Resonances in Power Distribution Systems M. University of Technology. rene korver. Austria 0548 Impact of cable sheath sizing. CADCAMCIM FZC. Graz University of Technology. Stephan Pack. haniyeh ahmadian. Upper Egypt Electricity Distribution Company. Alexandria University. South Delta Company of Electric Distribution. Graz University of Technology. faculty of Engineering. University of Technology. Stefan Tenbohlen. Alexandria University. Graz University of Technology. Technology &Maritime Transport. Austria. Germany. Graz University of Technology. Maria Aigner. Germany 0522 Influence parameters of step and touch voltages in the vicinity of HV power line towers under normal and fault operating conditions Ernst Schmautzer. Germany. Austria. University of Stuttgart. Stephan Pack. Egypt. University of Technology. Egypt 0150 Effect of types of loads in rating of transformer supplying harmonic-rich loads ABLA GADO. Luleå University of Technology. Luleå University of Technology. Sweden 0251 Characteristic and non-characteristic harmonics from windparks Kai Yang. Ahmed ALOKABI. Tampere University of Technology. Herwig Renner. Tomaž Pfajfar. Math Bollen. Egypt 0745 Analysis of Harmonic Distortion in Distribution Networks Injected by Nonlinear Loads Morteza Hossein Pourarab. University of Ljubljana. Austria.r. Luleå University of Technology.. University of Technology. Vattenfall Europe Distribution Hamburg GmbH. Fourier Transform Dalal HELMI. Mohamed Emad Farrag. Sweden. University of Technology. Tampere University of Technology. University of Technology. Glasgow Caledonian University.ON Ceska republika. Luleå University of Technology. Cairo Electricity Production Company (CEPC). Christian Elbe. Finland. Egyptian Electricity Transmission Company. Finland. Iran 0755 Harmonic Summation Effects of Modern Lamp Technologies and Small Electronic Household Equipment Jan Meyer. Mashhad Electric Energy Distribution Company. Sweden. Mats Wahlberg. Germany. Finland. Tampere University of Technology. Seppo Vehviläinen. Slovenia 0576 Harmonic Disturbances Survey in Distribution Networks Luján Ruiz Díaz. Igor Papic. Energie AG OÖ Netz GmbH. Edenor S. UK. Glasgow Caledonian University. Mats Wahlberg. E. Finland. Iran. Iran. Mashhad Electric Energy Distribution Company. UK. s. Marko Pikkarainen. Finland 0917 Accuracy of Harmonic Voltage Measurements in the Frequency Range up to 5kHz Using Conventional Instrument Transformers CIRED 2011 – List of selected papers – Page 64/74 . Czech Republic. Austria. Austria 0556 Determination of Harmonic Emission of an Industrial Installation Matevž Bokal.0167 Power quality analysis of distribution systems incorporating high penetration level of EV battery chargers Haroon Farooq.o. Luleå University of Technology. Egypt. Sweden 0275 Characteristics of the Input Current of Energy Saving Lamps and their Impact on Power Quality Johannes Ferstl. Technische Universitaet Dresden. UK. Kejun Qian. Technische Universitaet Dresden. Pertti Pakonen. UK. Chengke Zhou. Germany 0878 Development of DSP Based Instrument for Monitoring PLC and Other High Frequency Signals in Distribution Networks Bashir Ahmed Siddiqui. Glasgow Caledonian University. Germany. Glasgow Caledonian University. Austria. MX Electrix Oy. Glasgow Caledonian University. Sweden.. Slovenia. Slovenia. Sweden.A. University of Technology. Austria. University of Ljubljana. Math Bollen. Malcolm Allan. Luleå University of Technology. VSB-Technical University of Ostrava. Graz University of Technology. Kurt Heidenreich. Sweden. Egypt. Austria. Tampere University of Technology. Luleå University of Technology. Pekka Verho. Mashhad Electric Energy Distribution Company. Herwig Renner. Mohamed EL-HADIDY. Egyptian Electricity Transmission Company. Math Bollen. Saeed Alishahi. Luleå University of Technology. Mohsen Hakkak Sadeghi. Argentina 0682 Results of Several Flickermeters Comparison Petr Bilik. Sweden 0250 Emission (2 to 150 kHz) from a light installation Anders Larsson. University of Ljubljana. Martin Kaspirek. Andreas Abart. Ernst Schmautzer. Peter Schegner. UK 0172 Laboratory and field measurements of harmonic emission from energy-efficient lamps Sarah Rönnberg. Czech Republic 0695 Harmonic Analysis of Actual Power Quality Problems: Wavelet Transform Vs. Power & Water University of Technology. University of S. ABB AB. USA. Roger Dugan. Paulo. Egyptian Electric Utility and Consumer Protection Regulatory Agency (EgyptEra). Germany. China. Colombia. France 1172 A Power Line Communication measuring toolbox for the distribution grid Rafael Jahn. Sweden. ABB AB. Jean-Philippe Hasler. PFIFFNER Instrument Transformer Ltd. Michael Elst. University of S. Paulo. Brazil 1217 A Novel Technique for Modeling Aggregated Harmonic-Producing Loads Carlos F. Malaysia 0191 Elementary Evaluation of Reliability Indices for Power System in Egypt(EgyptEra) Shereen Abdulla. Belgium. Tenaga Nasional Berhad. Nelson Kagan. Paulo. RITZ Instrument Transformers GmbH. Shanghai Jiaotong University. Iran 0337 STATCOM for mitigation of flicker emanating from a large EAF Rolf Grünbaum. Laborelec. Australia 0264 A Fast Detection of Harmonic Compensation Current for Active Power Filters using Adaptive RBF Neural Network and Hysteresis Current Controller Saeideh masjedi. Great Tehran Electric Distribution Company. Frédéric Colas. Technische Universitaet Dresden. Iran. Dries Lemmens. Hussain Shareef. Almeida. USA. Paulo.C. Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Colombia. Nelson Kagan. Laborelec. Brazil 1312 Load Models for Voltage Optimization Robert Uluski. USA Block 3 : Disturbing events 0109 An Effective Time Frequency Method for Voltage Sag-Source Detection Mohamed Fuad Faisal. University of S. Stijn Uytterhoeven. Paulo. Technische Universitaet Dresden. Laborelec. Egypt. Germany. Schneider Electric. M. Belgium. Almeida. Germany. Yann Pankow. Nelson Kagan. Salma Hussien. Jon Rasmussen. UNIVERSIDAD DE LA SALLE. UNIVERSIDAD DE LA SALLE. Egyptian Electric Utility and Consumer Protection Regulatory Agency (EgyptEra). Kamellia Youssef. EPRI. UNIVERSIDAD DE LA SALLE. Azah Mohamed. FRANCISCO DAVID MOYA CHAVES. Technische Universitaet Dresden. Canada. Hafez El-Salmawy. Brazil. Egypt. Belgium. LUIS HERNANDO CORREA SALAZAR. ABB. University of S. Egypt. University of S. Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Egyptian Electric Utility and Consumer Protection Regulatory Agency (EgyptEra). Germany. Almeida. Iran 0213 Application of hybrid var compensator for flicker control in mesh welding applications Raed Odeh Abdelqader. Sweden 0421 A Practical Method of Power Quality Monitoring and Management Shu qing Li. EPRI. Ming Zong. CIRED 2011 – List of selected papers – Page 65/74 . EPRI. Matthias Klatt. Egypt 0200 Power Quality Aspects of Different Control Schemes of Back-to-Back Converters Interfacing Utility-Grid to Microgrid Mojtaba Khederzadeh. China 0500 Development and implementation of a methodology for the study of voltage dips in Bogota D. Paulo. Brazil. L2EP. Tom Short. Laborelec. Laborelec. Egyptian Electric Utility and Consumer Protection Regulatory Agency (EgyptEra). Robert Stiegler. Belgium 1208 An Evolutionary Algorithm Based Technique to Determine Rational Approximation of Frequency Domain Responses Carlos F. Brazil 1220 Harmonic State Estimation through Optimal Power Quality Monitoring Carlos F. University of S. Switzerland 1130 Harmonic behaviour of two commercial PV converters under distorted voltages Michèle De Witte.Jan Meyer.. Great Tehran Electric Distribution Company. M. M. alireza alizadeh. Belgium. Malaysia. Electric Power Company. Erik Sperling. Malaysia. Brazil. JHON JAIRO PEREZ GELVES. UK. UK. Spain. UNIVERSIDAD DE LA SALLE. MEgA. EGC-EnerGoConsult.A. milanovic.ka. RSE Spa Ricerca sul Sistema Energetico. Ladislav Pospichal. UK 0552 Dynamic var compensation of mine hoists for improvement of power quality and increase of productivity at LKAB Sweden Lennart Mukka. Germany. KWOK LO. Viktor Bubla. UK. Norway 0946 Overvoltage immunity of electrical appliances . UK 0676 Improving Power Quality using VSC-based Distributed Generation Units Jose Maza-Ortega. Italy. EDP Distribuição . University of Strathclyde. UK. Rostock University. Nuno Melo. SINTEF Energy Research. Manuel Nieves-Portana. j.ON CR. Portugal. Spain. Pedro Veloso. S. Czech Republic. UK. UK 1151 Feature analysis for voltage disturbances resulting from external causes Victor Augusto Barrera Núñez. University of Manchester.A. Italy. Riccardo Chiumeo. Colombia 0529 Methodology for Flexible. National Grid. S. S. EDP Distribuição . Portugal. GRAEME BURT.m. uni of manchester. Sweden 0657 Evaluation of Transformer Inrush-induced Voltage Dips Jinsheng Peng. EDP Distribuição .Energia. RAUL MORENO. RSE Spa Ricerca sul Sistema Energetico. Spain 1216 Optimal Voltage Sag and Swell Monitoring through Genetic Algorithms. Jesús Martín-Giraldo. Spain. Zhongdong Wang. KMB systems. University of Sevilla. University of Sevilla. Portugal. Haiyu Li.Laboratory test results from 60 appliances Helge Seljeseth. Luísa Jorge.A.3 and Voltage Quality in the Czech Republic Karel Prochazka. Sweden. S. UK. Italy 0942 Advanced Power Quality Measurement Campaign . EDP Distribuição . Helge Seljeseth. University of Strathclyde. Technical university in liberec.Energia. Norwegian University of Science and Technology. avendano-mora. Fuzzy Mathematical Programming and Stochastic Simulation of Short-Circuits CIRED 2011 – List of selected papers – Page 66/74 . UNIVERSIDAD DE LA SALLE. Fernando Bastião. Italy. Juan Mauricio-Ferramola. SINTEF Energy Research. VSB TU Ostrava.Energia. S.A. Petr Krejci.. VSB TU Ostrava. Czech Republic. Cost-Effective Monitoring of Voltage Sags J.Interesting measurement results Tarjei Solvang. E. University of Girona. Spain.. Portugal. Frantisek Kysnar. JOSE ANTONIO TUMIALAN BORJA. Portugal. Czech Republic. Paul Jarman.A. University of Manchester. Norway.Energia. OLIMPO ANAYA-LARA. University of Girona. Christian Payerl. Technical university in liberec. University of Sevilla. University of Strathclyde. RSE Spa Ricerca sul Sistema Energetico.Energia. University of Girona.. Natan Gothelf. RSE Spa Ricerca sul Sistema Energetico. S. RSE Spa Ricerca sul Sistema Energetico. ADAM DYSKO. UK. António Blanco. Norway. Chiara Gandolfi. Joaquim Meléndez Frigola. University of Strathclyde.. Norway 1021 Power Quality in the Portuguese Distribution Network António Lebre. Thomas Rump. Leoš Kuka&#269. Portugal 1139 Decentralised Controller for Flicker Mitigation in Converter-connected DG Networks PIYADANAI PACHANAPAN. sergio Herraiz Jaramillo. Spain. UK. EDP Distribuição .v. University of Manchester. Pavel Santarius. EDP Distribuição . uni of manchester. David Mezera. Czech Republic. Czech Republic. Krister Haugen.Energia.Colombia. Unión Fenosa Distribución. LKAB.. Italy. Michele de Nigris. University of Strathclyde. Luciano Garbero. Sweden.. Czech Republic. Colombia. Czech Republic 0886 The voltage dip performance assessment of the Italian MV network through global indices Liliana Tenti. SINTEF Energy Research. EGC-EnerGoConsult.A. LKAB. Spain 0748 EN 50160 Ed. Czech Republic. Czech Republic 0882 Data Modeling for Reduction of Volume in Large Archives of Power Quality Data Jan Kraus. LKAB. Denis Valiquette. M. STRI AB. Autorità per l'Energia Elettrica e il Gas (AEEG). Energie-Control GmbH (E-Control). Vattenfall. Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE). Sweden.Carlos F. Norges vassdrags. Canada.South Tehran Branch. Islamic Azad University . Wouter Bos. Technische Universitaet Dresden. Romania. Brazil. Brazil. Helge Seljeseth. Tampere University of Technology. Riccardo Vailati. Romania 1314 Transient Disturbance Recognition for Power Quality Analysis Valdomiro Vega-García. Daniel Torstensson. Alicia Dorado. Sweden.og energidirektorat (NVE). Babol University of technology. Austria. STRI AB. Transelectrica. Juergen Backes. Mahmoud-Reza Haghifam. Transelectrica. Pekka Verho. Almeida. Netherlands 0935 Power Quality Losses in Distribution Transformers originated from Electronic Loads . Tampere University of Technology. Dorel Stanescu. Sorin Pispiris. Alliander. Sweden. Stelian Gal.Energy Innovation. Ran Li. Sweden. Netherlands. Paulo. Alliander. Technische Universitaet Dresden. Mikael Wämundson. Nelson Kagan. Alliander. MX Electrix. Tampere University of Technology. Nelson Kagan. Frans Provoost. Hege Sveaas Fadum. Bashir Siddiqui. Brazil Block 4 : Power Quality in a competitive market 0253 Individual interruption costs of industrial customers as basis for a classification. STRI AB. Electrica. Tarbit Modares University.Wiberg. Finland. Romania. Amanda Falcão. Seppo Vehviläinen. Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate (NVE). Technische Universitaet Dresden. Germany. mainly PVinstallations Matthias Klatt. Tampere University of Technology. EnBW Regional AG. Finland 0509 PQ Monitoring with Smart Meters for Condition Based Maintenance on Distribution Systems. Juan Carlos Cebrian. Hydro-Québec (IREQ). Finland. Norway. Jan Meyer. University of Sao Paulo. Canada 0665 Intelligent Distribution Substation improves Power Quality Irina Melnik. Energimarknadsinpektionen (EI). Hydro-Québec (IREQ). Germany. Germany. Steve Czech.Regulatory and Technical Challenges and Solutions Karstein Brekke. Matthias Steiner. Portugal 1285 Present and future functionalities of the Enel Distribuzione power quality data warehouse CIRED 2011 – List of selected papers – Page 67/74 . Netherlands. Romania. Peter Schegner. Germany 0425 Vision of power quality monitoring and management in future distribution networks Marko Pikkarainen. Vattenfall Eldistribution. Brazil. Technische Universitaet Dresden. Anders Holm. Mario Tremblay. Vattenfall Research and Development. Sweden 1209 Reactive Power Control in a Microgrid in Both Grid-Connected and Islanding Modes Alireza Salehinia. Iran. Sweden. Norway. Math Bollen. University of S. Iran 1240 Monitoring and Reporting of Voltage Disturbances . University of S. Canada.A review Fredrik Carlsson. EnBW Regional AG. Sinapsis . Iran. Finland. Italy. University of Sao Paulo. Germany. Johan Höglund. Brazil 1294 Power quality monitoring system smart grids component Carmen Stanescu. Pertti Pakonen. Finland. SINTEF Energy Research. Sweden 0273 Power quality aspects of rural grids with high penetration of microgeneration. Germany. Transelectrica. Paulo. Hydro-Québec. Entidade Reguladora dos Serviços Energéticos (ERSE). Norway 1242 CEER Recommendations on Estimation of Costs due to Electricity Interruptions and Voltage Disturbances Karstein Brekke. Eva Pending . Norway. Majid Shahabi. Fernando Issouribehere. E. Dinko Hrkec. LGEG Laboratory university of Guelma. Daniel Esteban. LGEG Laboratory university of Guelma. Electrical Engineering Institute Nikola Tesla. UK 0513 Perturbation measurements on overhead networks using electric field sensors Pedro Issouribehere.o.FI . Matija Zidar. Jelica Polimac.A. University of Zagreb. David Mezera. Japan. Italy.UNLP. HEP-ODS d. Branka Kostic.o. France Block 2 : Steady-state disturbances 0031 Minimum short circuit power in the LV distribution network to meet EN 50160 standard requirements Martin Kaspirek. Serbia. University of Tuzla. Czech Republic. Milan Ivanovic.p. Brazil. Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry. University of Zagreb. François Deschamps. Croatia Block 3 : Disturbing events 0587 A New Assessment Method of Voltage Sag Frequency Considering Customer Satisfaction Degree Ying Wang. Brazil.o. Croatia. University of Zagreb. Serbia. UK. Ivan Periša. Ministry of Interior. Silvio Baldan. University of Zagreb. France. Gilbert Belardi. Electrical Engineering Institute Nikola Tesla. Ivo Uglesic. Serbia 1194 Power quality degradation due to low power electronic loads Amir Tokic. AES ELETROPAULO. Croatia. Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry. Enel Distribuzione S. Tomislav Tomiša. Fabiana Toledo Silva. EDF. Electrical Engineering Institute Nikola Tesla. Italy 1305 Interruption Costs in Large Customers: Survey and Applications Marcelo Pelegrini..UNLP.ON Czech Republic. RTE. high voltage and train networks in the EXPERS study Isabelle Magne.A. University of Annaba. USP. Peidong Xu. SINAPSIS. Serbia..FI .Christian Noce. Croatia. IITREE . Czech Republic 0069 Allocation of Harmonic distortion margins at Point of Common Coupling Vukan Polimac. China. Enel Distribuzione S. France. Satoshi Uemura.UNLP. CH Consulting. Argentina. E. Mohamed Nemamcha. Martine Souques. XianYong Xiao. Admir Jukan. Brazil. Electrical Engineering Institute Nikola Tesla. IITREE . Cecília Magalhães. CH Consulting. Croatia Block 4 : Power Quality in a competitive market CIRED 2011 – List of selected papers – Page 68/74 .p. Sergio Sartore. Brazil. electric and magnetic fields and grounding systems 0681 Characterization of the electromagnetic environment at the vicinity of power lines Wafa Tourab. Argentina 0851 Problems of SVR Operation in Large Penetration of Photovoltaic Power Generation and Proposal of Improved Operation Shinichirou Taniguchi. Sichuan University. Bosnia and Herzegovina. Polimac Ltd. China. Croatia. EDF. Abdesselam Babouri. Sichuan University. Argentina. Algeria 0823 Analysis of distribution. ERDF. Croatia. Ivo Cyrilo. Polimac Ltd.FI . University of Zagreb. IITREE . Sichuan University. Algeria.. Sasa Minic. Bosnia and Herzegovina. HEP-ODS d.. China 0868 Integration of Power Quality Monitoring System in Croatian Distribution System Tomislav Capuder. Brazil Non Interactive Tour – Session 2 Block 1: Electromagnetic interference. France. Japan 0911 Power factor and harmonic distortion correction of consumers by combination of detuned filters Miloje Kostic. Davor Škrlec.ON Czech Republic.o. Algeria. UFSM. Daniel Torstensson. E.. TNS Gallup. Sweden. Ltd. Energy Markets Inspectorate.30 hrs (Exhibition hall)6 Interactive Guided Tour (S6 interactive guided tour will only last from 09. Shinan Power Supply Co.00 – 17. Energy Markets Inspectorate. China.ON Czech Republic. Norway 0160 The Swedish Government Inquiry on Smart Meters and Intelligent Networks Math Bollen. Sweden 0233 The Swedish benchmarking report on continuity of supply Daniel Torstensson. North China Electric Power University. Energy Markets Inspectorate. Thomas Westergaard. China 0596 Study on the economic loss and ITS evaluation methods of short interruption Tianyou Li. N. UFSM. Luciane Canha. Songqiang LI. Brazil. China 0582 Evaluation on the Effect of the Integration of Offshore Wind Farms on Power Quality Xingang YANG. Brazil 1160 Criterions to select appropriate power definitions employed in active power distribution networks Masoud AliAkbar Golkar. Brazil. Toosi University of Technology. CEEE-D. China.. Iran. Math Bollen. Energy Markets Inspectorate. E. East China Electric Power Test & Research Institute. Sweden. Sweden. Huiru Zhao. present state and future expectations of regulation of DSOs and electricity markets 0072 Does the power industry need satisfied customers and a good reputation? Eva Fosby Livgard. East China Electric Power Test & Research Institute. North China Electric Power University. Sweden. CEEE-D. China. Ltd. Peter Albertsson. Alzenira Abaide. China.30 hrs) Block 1: Smart Grid programs. Sweden 6 As of 29 April 2011 CIRED 2011 – List of selected papers – Page 69/74 . Toosi University of Technology. Energy Markets Inspectorate. N. East China Electric Power Test & Research Institute. K. Brazil. North China Electric Power University. Energy Markets Inspectorate. Ehsan Pashajavid. Qinchang GUI. Secretariat for Science and Technological Development. Daren HUO. Sweden. Czech Republic. China. Shinan Power Supply Co. Secretariat for Science and Technological Development. Energy Markets Inspectorate. Brazil. China. Nikola Rajakovic. Yingjie TIAN.00 hrs until 12. Czech Republic 0083 Investigation into the Power Quality and Reliability of Supply in the Industrial Networks with Distributed Generation Rade Ciric. China. Sinovel Wind Group Co.. Rafael Milbradt. UFSM. K. Bengt Gustavsson.. China. East China Electric Power Test & Research Institute. Ming Zong. Dachang Ou. Sweden. Energy Markets Inspectorate. Aiqiang PAN. Iran Poster Session 6: Distribution business & impact of regulation: 09. Serbia. China... Chunjie Li. Shanghai Donghai Wind Power Co. Rémy Kolessar. Serbia 0301 Harmonic Impact of DG Configuration in Distribution System Feng Pan. Energy Markets Inspectorate. Sweden. North China Electric Power University.0045 How the customers perceive the problem of voltage quality David Mezera. Liwen Fu. North China Electric Power University. Martin Kaspirek.ON Czech Republic. China. China 0993 Optimization of voltage regulators settings and transformer tap zones in distribution systems with great load variation using the smart grids initiatives Paulo Ricardo Pereira. Renê Emmel Jr. Rémy Kolessar. Finland. Sweden. Juha-Heikki Etula. Brazil 1293 Implications of regulatory changes of the market model on the distribution business Lee Rud. Vattenfall Nordic Distribution. Daimon Engineering & Systems. ABB Oy. Suada Penava. Sweden. Vattenfall Distribution AB. EA Technology Limited. EDP Distribuição.. Brazil.A. Sweden. Daimon Engineering & Systems. Portugal. University of Chester. EDP Distribuição.A. UK 0427 Capital costs in new Swedish revenue regulation Leif Boström. Dick Kronman.Royal Institute of Technology. Sirpa Forssman. Vattenfall Eldistribution AB.Royal Institute of Technology. Bosnia and Herzegovina.0244 Community Energy from Policy to Practice Mary Gillie. Vattenfall Distribution AB. Fortum Distribution Oy.A migration from version one to the next generation Pertti Järventausta. Potentials. Finland.Building Smart Grids in Portugal Paulo Lúcio. Enease Oy. Melisa Ademi. AES Eletropaulo – Metropolitana Eletricidade de São Paulo S. Fortum Distribution AB. Hugo Craveiro. Portugal 0485 Adopting a general regulatory approach on the European electricity market Noona Paatero. Sweden. Fortum Distribution Oy. environmental protection and minimizing the costs Laurentia PREDESCU.Royal Institute of Technology. trend: research GmbH. Joachim Högberg. Finland 1079 Determination of Descriptive Attributes used to Calculate Technical Losses of Medium and Low Voltage Networks According to the Brazilian Regulatory Model Carlos Barioni.Elektroprivreda BIH Elvisa Becirovic. Finland 0313 Electrica's AMI Strategy updates CIRED 2011 – List of selected papers – Page 70/74 . UK. Brazil. Elektroprivreda BiH.. Sweden 0455 Inovcity . Fortum Distribution Oy. trend: research GmbH. Romania 0828 Smart Grids in Distribution Networks until 2030 – Technologies. Anders Pettersson. Brazil. Mustafa Music.Royal Institute of Technology. KTH .A. Elektroprivreda BiH. Roy Alexander. Finland. Sweden Block 2: Experiences of smart metering and future trends 0016 Implementation of AMR/AMM system: results and plants. Germany 0909 Introducing customer promises in Sweden and Finland Carl Lagerstedt. Sweden 0684 Optimizing the contradiction between enhanced energy security. Tampere University of Technology. Finland. Brazil. Energia S. Finland. KTH . Elektroprivreda BiH. Danilo Freitas. Pekka Verho. Johan Setréus. Germany. Lappeenranta University of Technology. Denis Antonelli. Bosnia and Herzegovina. Ines Hanske.. Daimon Engineering & Systems. Patrik Hilber. Sweden.. Germany. Adrian PREDESCU. KTH . Lars Edström. trend: research GmbH.A. UK. EA Technology Limited. Energia S. Market Developments Marek Plazura. Sweden 1000 Finnish Smart Grids . Daimon Engineering & Systems. André Meffe. Portugal. Tampere University of Technology. Pedro Paulo. Bosnia and Herzegovina 0296 Real time purchase and settlement of distribution losses Anssi Seppälä. KTH . EDP Distribuição. Romania. Svensk Energi. Romanian Energy Regulatory Authority. Energia S. Anna Isenberg. Ricardo Wada. University Politehnica Bucharest. David Roberts. Sweden 0646 The potential of using equivalent comparison standards to judge effectible costs in electrical distribution tariff regulation Carl Johan Wallnerström. Finland. Jarmo Partanen. Romania. Vattenfall Research and Development AB. EDP Distribuição. Barbro Back. Portugal. UK. Romania. University of Reading. Marian Vanatoru.Center for Usability Research and Engineering. Sweden. Tomas Eklund. UK. SC Electrica SA. ICT&S Center. Daniel Zajd. Finland 1003 Supporting Domestic Energy Reduction Via Persuasive Technology Cornelia Gerdenitsch.Exploring Potential Business Opportunities for DSOs and Electricity Retailers Hongyan Liu. Mark Stannard. Daniel Berner. Sweden. SC Electrica SA. Finland. Tero Kaipia. Scottish and Southern Energy. Lappeenranta University of Technology. Services Industriels de Lausanne.Dan Apetrei. Turku Centre for Computer Science. SC Electrica SA. GE Energy. Finland.Center for Usability Research and Engineering. Vattenfall Research and Development AB. Tiago Simão. Austria. UK. UK 1271 Economics Behind Dynamic Pricing Benefits in Smart Grids CIRED 2011 – List of selected papers – Page 71/74 . University of Salzburg. SC Electrica SA. David Hawkins. BKW FMB Energie AG. Turku Centre for Computer Science. Kristinn Sigmundsson. Manfred Tscheligi.Center for Usability Research and Engineering. Fortum. UK. Johann Schrammel. EDP Distribuição.Case from Nordic Country Jukka Lassila. Finland. Jarmo Partanen. Scottish and Southern Energy. Scottish and Southern Energy. CURE . Services Industriels de aspects Roland Brill. Fortum. Sweden 0887 Smart Metering and Customer Consumption Behaviour Profiling -. Romania. UK. Portugal. Siemens AG. Romania 0415 Experiences from operations after a full-scale Smart Metering rollout regarding availability and reliability. Adrian Peter. Germany 1085 Demand Response: Conflict between Distribution System Operator and Retailer Nadezda Belonogova. UK. Bruno Barbarin. Wolfgang Reitberger. Lappeenranta University of Technology. Sweden 0754 Making the electricity consumption visible Monica Löf. Austria. Lappeenranta University of Technology. Lars Garpetun. Finland. Vattenfall Eldistribution AB. Switzerland 0773 Network Effects of Electric Vehicles . Dumitru Federenciuc. CURE . Switzerland. Paulo Pereira. Finland. Juha Haakana. Peter Grindrod. Siemens plc. Switzerland Block 3: Impact of electrical vehicles and demand response on distribution business 0480 Smart Energy Products for Efficient Demand Response: Results of Swiss Smart Grid Pilot Project Elvira Kaegi. KEMA. Siemens AG. Portugal 1249 Green E-value: Smart Metering for energy efficiency Bernard Cottier. Ioan Silvas. Lappeenranta University of Technology. Kari Koivuranta. Saara Peltonen. Brian Shewan. Finland 1019 Data supply for the Portuguese branch of Iberian electricity market Miriam Boucinha. BKW FMB Energie AG. Turku Centre for Computer Science. Lappeenranta University of Technology. Lappeenranta University of Technology. John Scott. BKW FMB Energie AG. Vattenfall Research and Development AB. Jukka Lassila. Switzerland. Lars Neubauer. Jarmo Partanen. Universitatea Politehnica Bucuresti. Austria 1061 Charging for charging . Romania. Mihaela Albu. Finland. Switzerland. Lappeenranta University of Technology. Austria. Germany. Finland. EDP Distribuição. Finland. Finland 1261 A practical approach to accommodating low carbon consumers in existing distribution networks Stewart Reid. Finland. Philip Skipper. CURE . Siemens Energy. Electricity North West. Nelson Kagan. Pricing & Tariffs. Universidade de Sao Paulo. Eskom Holdings Limited. Germany. Mike Attree. Finland 0589 Risk-based asset maintenance management in distribution systems leila jalili. Iran. Asset Management. Michael Angenend. Germany. UK. Electricity North West. USA 1273 Green eMotion . Organisations 0088 Building risk based investment programmes David Hughes. XU WANRONG. Vattenfall Verkko. Inc. entellgenio GmbH. Wuppertal University. Finland 0372 Multi utility grid operation: An organisation study Markus Zdrallek. State Grid Cooperation of China. Mahmud Fotuhi-Firozabadi. Shanghai Municipal Electric Power Company. South Africa. Electricity North West. Siemens AG. South Africa 0757 Improve the life cycle asset management performance based on the systemic KPI application SHEN LI. UK.Integrated European Demonstration on Electro-Mobility Christine Schwaegerl. RheinEnergie AG. Süwag Netz GmbH. Management Co. Center of CIRED 2011 – List of selected papers – Page 72/74 . sharif university of technology. Eskom Holdings Limited. Germany 0493 Common and accepted electronic data interchange interface between Finnish electricity supplier companies and their service providers Heikki Laaksamo. RWE Westfalen-Weser-Ems Verteilnetz GmbH. Claudia Schmitt-Lühmann. Heinrich Josef Verweyen. RWE WestfalenWeser-Ems Verteilnetz GmbH. Brazil 0487 Automatic Asset Optimization to confirm the chosen asset strategy for an electricity grid Heiko Spitzer. de Oliveira. Shanghai Municipal Electric Power Company. Dirk Schlüter. RWE Westfalen-Weser-Ems Verteilnetz GmbH. & Dist. Herbert Wohlfarth. USA. South Africa. Brazil. Robert Koch. Center of Excellence in Power system control and management. UK. Germany. Carlos Dortolina. Germany. UK 0448 Development of target grid strategies supported by the asset simulation optimization core having regard to target costing Lars Jendernalik. RheinEnergie AG. Mahmoud Fotuhi-Fruzabad. China. Iran 0594 Building System Resilience through Multi-Disciplinary and Cross-Divisional Regional Resilience Teams Malcolm Van Harte. Daimon Engenharia e Sistemas. Eskom Holdings Limited. Jose Correia. Marcus Stötzel. Germany Block 4: Information Systems. Daimon Engenharia e Sistemas. Germany. Eskom Holdings Limited.. El Hage. EA Technology. Gunter Rohde. Masoud Sadeghi Khomami. Germany 0469 Peak load pricing applied to deverticalized distribution network usage tariffs Fabio S. TANG JUN. Germany. China. Carlos C. (TAVANIR). IBM Deutschland GmbH. Trans.Armando Ferreira. Great Tehran Electrical Distribution. UK 0286 Transformer Condition Assessment Integrated with Reliability Analysis Jouni Pylvänäinen. Volker Staufert. South Africa. EA Technology. Iran. Germany 0420 Marginal Pricing of Distribution Networks Using AC Power Flow Victor Levi. Wuppertal University. Paul Barnfather. Tony McEntee. TIEKE Finnish Information Society Development Centre. Germany. Inc. B.. Brazil. Iran Power Gen. China 1157 An Approach for Critical Component Identification in Reliability-Centered Maintenance of Power Distribution Systems Based on Analytical Hierarchical Process Payman Dehghanian. Iran. Siemens Energy. Department of Electrical Engineering. Department of electrical engineering. Polimac Ltd. Aleksandar Krsti&#263. Brazil. Serbia.Ltd. Germany CIRED 2011 – List of selected papers – Page 73/74 .. Serbia. Gil Fortes Vasconcelos..Ltd. Dalibor Nikoli&#263.. KEPCO KDN Co. Shanghai Municipal Electric Power Company. Austria. Seongji Ahn. Republic of Korea. Republic of Korea. Faculty of Electronic Engineering.. Yunsik Jung. Ireland Block 2: Experiences of smart metering and future trends 0169 Research on Smart Meter Management System for Low-voltage Customers Jiayan Ni. CELESC. Sharif University of Technology.. Department of electrical engineering. Mahmud Fotuhi Firuzabad. Siemens AG Austria. Luc Henderieckx. Department of electrical engineering. Serbia. Eandis. Siemens AG.. Josimar Oliveira Silva. Serbia 1328 Age Profile Analysis for HV Assets Jelica Polimac. Heinrich Kirchauer.Ltd.Ltd. China 0478 Improving the data quality of the LV-connectivity Tom Pycke. Germany. Brazil.framework for the utility of the future Leonid Stoimenov. KEPCO KDN Co.from the smarter grid to future market platforms in liberalized energy markets Sebnem Rusitschka. Faculty of Electronic Engineering. Matrix Engenharia em Energia. Iran 1213 Optimized Management of Operational Costs based on regulatory goals (Reference firm) Simone Cristina Nunes Araujo. Republic of Korea. KEPCO KDN Co..Ltd. Belgium 0845 Security Schemes for AMI Jincheol Kim.. Dirk Costrop. UK Non Interactive Tour – Session 6 Block 1: Smart Grid programs.. Matrix Engenharia em Energia.Ltd. Matrix Engenharia em Energia. Anthony Walsh. Brazil 0836 EEGI and EDSO: the initiative to develop European Smart Grids Jon STROMSATHER. ESB Networks. Ireland. Nikola Davidovi&#263. University of Niš. Sangjin Kim. Brazil.. Iran. sharif university of technology. Republic of Korea. Eandis. Serbia. Brazil 1237 Tactical and Strategic SmartGrid Implementation in ESB Networks Teresa Fallon.. Pedro Luis Domingues. Siemens AG. Austria. sharif university of technology. Faculty of Electronic Engineering. Republic of Korea. Siemens AG Austria. ANEEL. Iran 1223 GinisED Enterprise GIS .. Sergio Lucio Salomon Cabral. Republic of Korea 1230 Meter data management. Italy 1207 Principal requirements of designing the reward-penalty schems for reliability improvment in distribution systems Hosein Mohammadnezhad Shourkaei. Matrix Engenharia em Energia. Sharif University of Technology. Miloš Bogdanovi&#263.Excellence in Power system control and management. University of Niš. University of Niš.. Belgium. Monika Sturm. ENEL DISTRIBUZIONE SpA. Brazil. ESB Networks. KEPCO KDN Co. KEPCO KDN Co. KEPCO KDN Co. Vanio Moritz Luz. Serbia. Jongman Kim. Belgium.. Ali Razi Kazemi. Eandis. Iran. Center of Excellence in Power system control and management. Aleksandar Stanimirovi&#263. ED Jugoistok Niš. Matrix Engenharia em Energia. University of Niš. Stephan Merk. Youngeok Kim... Brazil. present state and future expectations of regulation of DSOs and electricity markets 0340 What are the Current Regulatory Barriers in Brazil for Small Renewable Power Plants? MARCO CASTRO. Faculty of Electronic Engineering.. ED Jugoistok Niš. Germany CIRED 2011 – List of selected papers – Page 74/74 . Lappeenranta Universicity of Technology. Finland 0356 A method to allocate distributor and other agent payments for transmission expansion Fernando NICCHI. Hohai University. tehran great electricity power distribution co. UBA. LIAO Yingchen. China 0939 Impacts of Smart Grids on electricity retail Business Petri Valtonen. Carlos Salzman. UK 1231 Communityware smartgrid Stamatis Karnouskos. Bruce Stephen. Sweden. Sweden 0291 Management of Partnership Networks in Electricity Distribution Business Harri Salomäki. Chen Lu. UK. Erik Åberg. Iran. Stuart Galloway. Lappeenranta Universicity of Technology. Hohai University. Jarmo Partanen. Vattenfall AB. Mitra Peyravi Sereshkeh. China. China 1092 Feed-in Tariffs and Community Aggregated Trading of Microgeneration Sourced Electricity. Sweden. UBA. China. Samuli Honkapuro. University of Strathclyde. Asset Management. Iran 0782 The distribution electric pricing considering interruptible load in the electricity market Liao Yingchen. Jens Zerbst. Hohai University. SAP. Vattenfall AB. Finland Block 4: Information Systems. Hohai University. Iiro Rinta-Jouppi. Finland. Hohai University. Argentina. UK. China.Block 3: Impact of electrical vehicles and demand response on distribution business 0789 Study of optimal dispatching strategy of Demand Side Bidding considering the network constraints Chen Xingying. Sweden. University of Strathclyde. Finland. Vattenfall AB. Pricing & Tariffs. China. Hohai University. KTH Royal Institute of Technology. tehran university. University of Strathclyde. Argentina 0368 load factor based tariff Hossein Arghavani.(EPDC). Chen Xingying. Organisations 0210 IT Compliance in Smart Grids Martin Schaefer. Vattenfall Verkko Oy. Chen Lu. Gordon McKinstry. Lappeenranta Universicity of Technology.
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