Technical Overview of Inventory

April 4, 2018 | Author: nagaravikumar | Category: Inventory, Oracle Database, Interface (Computing), Database Transaction, Pl/Sql



Object Name COST_UPGR_ERROR_TABLE MTL_ABC_ASSGN_GROUP_CLASSES MTL_ABC_ASSIGNMENTSObject Type TABLES TABLES TABLES MTL_ABC_ASSIGNMENT_GROUPS MTL_ABC_CLASSES MTL_ABC_COMPILES TABLES TABLES TABLES MTL_ABC_COMPILES_EFC MTL_ABC_COMPILE_HEADERS TABLES TABLES MTL_ACTUAL_COST_SUBELEMENT MTL_ATP_RULES MTL_ATTR_APPL_DEPENDENCIES TABLES TABLES TABLES MTL_BIS_INV_BY_PERIOD MTL_CATALOG_SEARCH_ITEMS MTL_CATEGORIES_B MTL_CATEGORY_ACCOUNTS MTL_CATEGORY_SETS_B TABLES TABLES TABLES TABLES TABLES MTL_CATEGORY_SET_VALID_CATS TABLES MTL_CC_ENTRIES_INTERFACE TABLES MTL_CC_INTERFACE_ERRORS TABLES MTL_CC_SCHEDULE_REQUESTS TABLES MTL_CC_SCHED_COUNT_XREFS MTL_CC_SERIAL_NUMBERS MTL_CC_SUBINVENTORIES TABLES TABLES TABLES MTL_CI_INTERFACE MTL_CI_XREFS_INTERFACE TABLES TABLES MTL_COMMODITY_CODES MTL_CONSIGNED_DIAG_ERRORS MTL_CONSUMPTION_DEFINITION MTL_CONSUMPTION_TRANSACTIONS TABLES TABLES TABLES TABLES MTL_COPY_ORG_INTERFACE TABLES MTL_COPY_ORG_REPORT MTL_COUNTRY_ASSIGNMENTS MTL_CROSS_REFERENCES TABLES TABLES TABLES MTL_CROSS_REFERENCES_INTERFACE TABLES MTL_CROSS_REFERENCE_TYPES TABLES MTL_CST_ACTUAL_COST_DETAILS MTL_CST_LAYER_ACT_COST_DETAILS MTL_CST_TXN_COST_DETAILS MTL_CUSTOMER_ITEMS MTL_CUSTOMER_ITEM_XREFS TABLES TABLES TABLES TABLES TABLES MTL_CYCLE_COUNT_CLASSES TABLES MTL_CYCLE_COUNT_ENTRIES TABLES MTL_CYCLE_COUNT_HEADERS TABLES MTL_CYCLE_COUNT_ITEMS TABLES MTL_DEFAULT_CATEGORY_SETS TABLES MTL_DEMAND MTL_DEMAND_HISTORIES MTL_DEMAND_INTERFACE MTL_DESCRIPTIVE_ELEMENTS TABLES TABLES TABLES TABLES MTL_DESCR_ELEMENT_VALUES TABLES MTL_EAM_ASSET_ACTIVITIES MTL_EAM_ASSET_ATTR_GROUPS MTL_EAM_ASSET_ATTR_VALUES MTL_EAM_ASSET_NUM_INTERFACE MTL_EAM_ASSET_SEARCH_TEMP MTL_EAM_ATTR_VAL_INTERFACE MTL_EAM_LOCATIONS MTL_EAM_NETWORK_ASSETS MTL_ECONOMIC_ZONES_B TABLES TABLES TABLES TABLES TABLES TABLES TABLES TABLES TABLES MTL_EXT_OBJECTS MTL_FISCAL_CAT_ACCOUNTS MTL_FLEX_CONTEXT TABLES TABLES TABLES . MTL_FORECAST_RULES TABLES MTL_GENERIC_DISPOSITIONS TABLES MTL_ICG_ALIASES MTL_ICG_CATEGORIES MTL_INTERCOMPANY_PARAMETERS MTL_INTERFACE_ERRORS MTL_INTERFACE_PROC_CONTROLS TABLES TABLES TABLES TABLES TABLES MTL_INTERORG_PARAMETERS TABLES MTL_INTERORG_SHIP_METHODS TABLES MTL_ITEM_ATTRIBUTES TABLES MTL_ITEM_CATALOG_GROUPS_B TABLES MTL_ITEM_CATEGORIES TABLES MTL_ITEM_CATEGORIES_INTERFACE TABLES MTL_ITEM_LOCATIONS TABLES . MTL_ITEM_LOC_DEFAULTS TABLES MTL_ITEM_REVISIONS_B TABLES MTL_ITEM_REVISIONS_INTERFACE TABLES MTL_ITEM_STATUS TABLES MTL_ITEM_SUB_DEFAULTS TABLES MTL_ITEM_SUB_INVENTORIES MTL_ITEM_TEMPLATES TABLES TABLES MTL_ITEM_TEMPL_ATTRIBUTES TABLES MTL_ITEM_VALUES_TEMP MTL_KANBAN_CARDS MTL_KANBAN_CARD_ACTIVITY MTL_KANBAN_CARD_PRINT_TEMP MTL_KANBAN_PULL_SEQUENCES MTL_LE_ECONOMIC_ZONES MTL_LOT_NUMBERS MTL_MANUFACTURERS TABLES TABLES TABLES TABLES TABLES TABLES TABLES TABLES MTL_MATERIAL_STATUSES_B MTL_MATERIAL_STATUS_HISTORY TABLES TABLES . MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS TABLES MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS_TEMP TABLES MTL_MATERIAL_TXN_ALLOCATIONS MTL_MFG_PART_NUMBERS MTL_MGD_INVENTORY_POSITIONS TABLES TABLES TABLES MTL_MOBILE_LOGIN_HIST MTL_MOVEMENT_PARAMETERS TABLES TABLES MTL_MOVEMENT_STATISTICS TABLES MTL_MVT_STATS_RULES TABLES MTL_MVT_STATS_RULE_SETS_B TABLES MTL_OBJECT_EVENTS MTL_OBJECT_GENEALOGY MTL_OBJECT_GENEALOGY_INTERFACE MTL_ONHAND_QUANTITIES TABLES TABLES TABLES TABLES . MTL_ONHAND_QUANTITIES_DETAIL TABLES MTL_ONHAND_QUANTITY_TEMP TABLES MTL_ORG_REPORT_TEMP MTL_PAC_ACTUAL_COST_DETAILS MTL_PAC_ACT_CST_DTL_TEMP MTL_PAC_COST_SUBELEMENTS MTL_PAC_TXN_COST_DETAILS MTL_PARAMETERS TABLES TABLES TABLES TABLES TABLES TABLES MTL_PENDING_ITEM_STATUS TABLES MTL_PERIOD_CG_SUMMARY MTL_PERIOD_SUMMARY MTL_PER_CLOSE_DTLS TABLES TABLES TABLES MTL_PHYSICAL_ADJUSTMENTS TABLES MTL_PHYSICAL_INVENTORIES TABLES MTL_PHYSICAL_INVENTORY_TAGS TABLES MTL_PHYSICAL_SUBINVENTORIES MTL_PICKING_RULES MTL_PLANNERS TABLES TABLES TABLES . MTL_PURGE_HEADER TABLES MTL_RELATED_ITEMS TABLES MTL_RELATED_ITEMS_CUST_REF MTL_RELATED_ITEMS_PLN_INFO MTL_REPLENISH_HEADERS TABLES TABLES TABLES MTL_REPLENISH_HEADERS_INT MTL_REPLENISH_LINES TABLES TABLES MTL_REPLENISH_LINES_INT TABLES MTL_RESERVATIONS TABLES MTL_RESERVATIONS_INTERFACE MTL_RTG_ITEM_REVISIONS TABLES TABLES MTL_RTG_ITEM_REVS_INTERFACE TABLES MTL_SAFETY_STOCKS TABLES MTL_SALES_ORDERS TABLES . MTL_SEASONALITY_INDICES TABLES MTL_SECONDARY_INVENTORIES TABLES MTL_SECONDARY_LOCATORS MTL_SERIAL_NUMBERS TABLES TABLES MTL_SERIAL_NUMBERS_INTERFACE MTL_SERIAL_NUMBERS_TEMP TABLES TABLES MTL_SHORT_CHK_PARAM MTL_SHORT_CHK_STATEMENTS TABLES TABLES MTL_SHORT_CHK_TEMP MTL_SO_RMA_INTERFACE TABLES TABLES MTL_SO_RMA_RECEIPTS MTL_STATUS_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES TABLES TABLES MTL_STAT_TYPE_USAGES TABLES . MTL_SUPPLY TABLES MTL_SUPPLY_DEMAND_TEMP TABLES MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B TABLES MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_INTERFACE TABLES MTL_TRANSACTIONS_INTERFACE TABLES MTL_TRANSACTION_ACCOUNTS MTL_TRANSACTION_FLOW_HEADERS MTL_TRANSACTION_FLOW_LINES MTL_TRANSACTION_LOTS_INTERFACE MTL_TRANSACTION_LOTS_TEMP TABLES TABLES TABLES TABLES TABLES MTL_TRANSACTION_LOT_NUMBERS TABLES MTL_TRANSACTION_REASONS MTL_TRANSACTION_TYPES MTL_TXN_COST_DET_INTERFACE MTL_TXN_REQUEST_HEADERS TABLES TABLES TABLES TABLES . MTL_TXN_REQUEST_LINES TABLES MTL_TXN_SOURCE_TYPES TABLES MTL_UNITS_OF_MEASURE_TL TABLES MTL_UNIT_TRANSACTIONS TABLES MTL_UOM_CLASSES_TL MTL_UOM_CLASS_CONVERSIONS MTL_UOM_CONVERSIONS TABLES TABLES TABLES MTL_UPDATE_RECORDS_TEMP MTL_USER_DEMAND TABLES TABLES MTL_USER_SUPPLY TABLES ORG_ACCESS ORG_ACCT_PERIODS TABLES TABLES ORG_FREIGHT_TL TABLES ORG_GL_BATCHES TABLES There is no Predefined alerts for Inventory Alerts Inventory Manager Concurrent Manager INV Remote Procedure Manager Concurrent Manager . Serial number generation(Pl/Sql) Concurrent Manager Import Items(Spawned) Concurrent Manager Item Category Assignment Concurrent Manager Open Cost Information Purge Interface (Pl/SQL (SQL * Plus) Concurrent Manager Import Cycle count Entries From Concurrent Manager open interface (Pl/Sql) Purge Cycle Count Entries Concurrent Manager open interface (Pl/sql) Generate Kanban Cards(Pl/sql) Concurrent Manager Print Kanban Cards (Reports) Concurrent Manager Min-Max Planning Report (Reports) Concurrent Manager Reload Safety Stocks (Spawned) Concurrent Manager Summarize Demand Histories (Spawned) Concurrent Manager Generate Forecast (SQL*Plus) Concurrent Manager Transfer Transactions to GL (Spawned) Concurrent Manager Item Activation Process WorkFlows Lot Expire and Lot Retest Process WorkFlows Process Manufacturing Inventory Turns Process WorkFlows MTL_CATEGORIES_PKG MTL_CATEGORY_SETS_PKG MTL_COUNTRY_ASSIGNMENTS_PKG MTL_CROSS_REFERENCES_PKG MTL_DEFAULT_CATEGORY_SETS_PKG MTL_ITEM_STATUS_PKG MTL_ITEM_TEMPLATES_PKG MTL_MATERIAL_STATUSES_PKG MTL_MFG_PART_NUMBERS_PKG MTL_PARAMETERS_PKG MTL_RESERVATIONS_INTERFACE_PKG MTL_RESERVATIONS_PKG MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_PKG MTL_TRANSACTIONS_INTERFACE_PKG MTL_UNITS_OF_MEASURE_TL_PKG MTL_UOM_CLASSES_TL_PKG APIs APIs APIs APIs APIs APIs APIs APIs APIs APIs APIs APIs APIs APIs APIs APIs . The cycle count genera request into count requests that fully specify the SKU against which count entries and adjustments are made.An ABC Class is a category under which items with similar metrics are put tog It will store's each item within an ABC compile. demand source options. The options can be classified into four categories: supply source options. MTL_ATP_RULES stores rules or options which are used in Available To Promise. An ABC Class can belong to 1 or more ABC Groups. time fence options. This table is localization effort and is not part of the base product. Each row also contains an item's compile quantity. Oracle Inven count generation process and generate Cycle Count Requests that show up in the Count List Report. An item can belong to 1 or more ABC Classes. ATP for short. MTL_ABC_ASSIGNMENT_GROUPS contains information for ABC Groups. but not more than once in each ABC Group. An item may be assigned t set. closed withou processing. Users can error code and text via the Cycle Count Entries Interface Inquiry/Update form. processes the information in this table.such as the current compile option an results of an ABC analysis. Each row in this table defines an ABC Group. Users p PL/SQL concurrent program. Each row includes an item's sequence number relative to other items within compile criteria defined in MTL_ABC_COMPILE_HEADERS. the errors of this record are deleted. CONTROL_LEVEL defines whether the category set is controlled at the item or the item/organization level. It holds userspecified information entered through the Define ABC Compiles window. A category set may be defined to either require category valid required. VALIDATE_FLAG defines whether a list of valid categories is used to validate category usage within the set It defines the valid category list for a particular category set. to which the user can the It is used exclusively as an archive table for the "Euro as a functional currency" project.Items are grouped into categories within the context of a category set to provide flexible grouping schemes Use this table to store asset.Description COST_UPGR_ERROR_TABLE MTL_ABC_ASSGN_GROUP_CLASSES stores information about the ABC Classesthat are assigned to an ABC Group. Oracle Inventory uses this information to provide an ordered sequence of items. the list of valid categories for the category set is stored in this table. but not more than once in each ABC Group. and it is populated by the Define ABC Groups form MTL_ABC_CLASSES contains information about ABC Classes. Items may different category sets to represent the different groupings of items used for different purposes.STRUCTURE_ID identifies the flexfield structure associated with the category set. completed. A category set is a categorization scheme for a group of items. Each row in this table defines an ABC Class. It mirrors the table MTL_ABC_COMPILES prior to conversion to the euro currency It contains information that is used for. if necessary It is populated with errors encountered while processing interface rows. inserts/updates the MTL_CYCL spawns adjustment material transactions. encumbrance and bridging accounts by item category by subinventory. This is a child table of MTL_CST_ACTUAL_COST_DETAILS. accounting period and Inventory item id for open periods and closed periods This table temporarily stores items returned by the Item Catalog Search query. These dependencies are used by the Master Items window and the Organization Items window to display only those attrib This table stores inventory turns data by organization. computation. This errors table includes only all the errors count interface entry. and that results from an ABC compile or ABC analysis. but may be used only once in each ABC Group MTL_ABC_ASSIGNMENTS holds assignments of inventory items to ABC Classes and ABC Groups. . compile v cumulative alue. This table allows reporting multiple errors per inter CC_ENTRY_INTERFACE_ID is a foreign key to this table so that users may query up interface errors by record. however. It contains the entity definition for category sets. The SCHEDULE_STATUS column indicates whether the schedule request has been processed. This list is then used to restrict category sele It serves as the interface between users and Oracle Inventory's Enter/Approve Cycle Count Request functionality. Before each interface record processing. and This table contains dependencies between item attributes and the various products. expense. It is the code combinations table for item categories. It stores the material overhead subelements that are charged for a given transaction. Cycle count schedule requests partially or fully specify the SKU (stock keeping unit) to cycle count. launched by the user. It stores cycle count schedule requests. An more ABC Groups. The cross reference type provides context information for cross-referencing from system that is relevant. etc cross-references using any number of cross-reference types. The cross reference type code identifies the cross-referencing identification reference identifies the specific relationship between the item and the other identification system. and a PL/SQL concurrent program. to the schedule request that generated it and vice versa. prior cost.It links cycle counts entered. It stores customer item commodity codes used to group or classify customer items. and minimu uses Cycle Count Classes as a unit for specifying and defaulting cycle count attributes. It stores actual cost. Othe for the organization specified in the ORGANIZATION_ID column. processes the information and inserts records into the MTL_CUSTOM It serves as an interface between users and Oracle Inventory's customer item functionality. Oracle Inventory uses this information to determine when a schedule request has been completed and update its status. Users populate this table with customer item cross reference information. Each inventory item can be assigned any number of cross reference type codes It is used to define cross-reference types. It is populated by a java session and read by Oracle Reports during a single concurrent request. This table contains the results of the Consigned inventory diagnostics concurrent program. launched by the user. how many and which items are eligible for scheduling. then the cross-reference is valid across all the organizations to which the item is assigned. This table stores set up records for consumption rules of consigned inventory MTL_CONSUMPTION_TRANSACTIONS contains information related to the change of ownership transactions that have o The table is used by the "Create Consumption Advice" concurrent program.Oracle Inventory uses this information in the automatic scheduling feature of cycle coun schedule requests are manually entered. Each record can be defined at one of the following levels: Cust The customer item definition is organization independent It stores the relationship between customer iItems and inventory items. etc. . It stores the details of the layers consumed or created by a transaction. The count entry and approvals form uses adjustment needs to be made. etc. This table is used only when the user has selected the serial control option "Count: Multiple Per Request" in the correspon It stores all the subinventories that are to be considered for cycle counting when the scope of the cycle count is at subinve cycle count is at organization level.For issue transactions. Each economic zone is a composition of m assigned to more than one economic zone It is used to assign cross-references to items. it will only contain data wh It stores information concerning the assignment of countries to economic zones. It stores customer item information for a specific customer. and if so. Each inventory item can be assigned any number of cross-references for any number of The ORG_INDEPENDENT_FLAG designates the cross-reference as being either organization independent or organizatio organization independent. It serves as an interface between users and Oracle Inventory's customer item functionality. it stores the layer created and replenished (if any) along with the cost details It stores the cost of a transaction by element and level. This can include references to an old item identification scheme. This tables is used to store serial numbers associated to a cycle count entry involving a serialized item. to supplier item identifications. Customer items require the assignmen the time of creation. It temporarily stores cross reference type codes assigned to inventory items before loading this information into Oracle Inv provides cross referencing from the item to any other identification system that is relevant. For receipt transactions. Users populate this table with c PL/SQL concurrent program. This can include references to o vendor item identification. This private table contains temporary data to construct a Copy Inventory Organization Report. and new cost information for a transaction by element and by level. it stores the layer quantities were consumed. The cycle count scheduler uses co class is eligible. This preference number is used to determine the default relationship to be used during the mapping o It stores information about cycle count classes such as associated cycle count name. Each consumption advice line correspond to o It is the Interface Table for Copy Inventory Organizations. launched by and inserts records into the MTL_CUSTOMER_ITEMS_XREFS table. The relationship is defined at the item master organ preference number. approval tolerance limits. GROUP_CODE is used in Copy Inventory Organizations Standard Concurrent Request to identify a set of rows that descri The XML Column describes a new organization. This can include referenc to supplier item identification. A cycle count name is u reports. This is a base table that contains one entry for every economic zo would be EC for European Community. It is also used to provide a default category set for forms and reports that require a category set field value or p functional area is guaranteed to have a category assignment for each item defined for use by the functional area. This table stores attributes of all EAM Area. etc. It stores information about all the items that are eligible for cycle counting within the scope of a cycle count name. It stores summarized transaction history from MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS. Oracle I determine and store cycle count adjustments. The value of the flag entered here provides the default behavior for the descriptive element. When a cycle count adjustment is app completed and the adjustment amount field is populated. cost group and category It Stores context mapping for Lot & Serial attributes Descriptive Flex Fields. from which the Oracle Inventory Transaction Processor picks it up and does t update.Oracle Inventory uses this information to keep track of all cycle count names limits. An item may only be assigned to one item catalog gr descriptive elements for a single catalog group. Oracle In and validate the cycle count scheduling process when entering manual schedule requests. Additionally. It stores the identifier of the category set that acts as the default for a particular functional area. Each attribute group and asset combination has one row in this table. A cy entity. In particular. Open Demand Rows. Advanced search program uses this table to construct a dyn This is an interface table for Asset Attributes. cost type. Oracle Inventory defaults the specified category set for a prod information. DEFAULT_ELEMENT_FLAG is used to indicate whether the descriptive e catalog description for this particular item. It also stores the attributes of the association e. it stores the effective start and end dates It stores information concerning all the economic zones. A row in this table without a count is considered to be a count request.g.count entries and approvals.It stores the actual counts of a cycle count. and approval requirements. This is a temporary table for advanced asset search functions. activity priority. effec association. This table stores association between Assets and Asset Activities. This table stores demand and reservation information used in Available To Promise. whose purpose is to be the repository of cycle count requirements for a specific application. This table stores available asset attribute groups for each asset group. Interface table for Asset Number Import program. ABC initialization information. count requests. It stores the descriptive element values for a specific item. This table is then updated with the descriptive element values that the user sp values are defined once (at the item master organization) for an item. W a particular item can be determined in the Master Items window. and in grouping scheduling requests. REQUIRED_ELEMENT_FLAG indicates whether a value must be defined for the descriptive element before the item catal considered complete. For exam functional area is mandatory (and defaults) for all items defined as Inventory items. The initial value is defaulted from MTL_DESCRIPTIVE_ELEMENTS but may be the catalog group. Each economic zone is uniquely identified by the economic zone code which is an It stores the external component information of an inventory item It stores the account numbers defined for a legal entity. scheduling options. Descriptive elements are defining properties used to DEFAULT_ELEMENT_FLAG indicates whether the descriptive element is typically used in the item catalog description (us element values) for the item. Users load this table with asset data from their legacy system. You can store context values for an item or Ca Lot/Serial attribute Descriptive flex flield. This table stores attribute values for assets. This summarized history serves as the usage. This table stores information on assets associated with asset routes. It stores information about cycle count names. etc. the Asset Number Import concurrent prog imports asset attributes into Oracle Applications along with assets. recounts. If asset attribute import is enabled. Asset Num processes rows in this table and imports assets into Oracle Applications. . The Cycle Count Approval form then calls a user exit to post an e MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS_TEMP. It includes specific information assignment and the date it was last scheduled to be counted by the cycle count. This information is used to for an item. and Reservation Rows. cycle count calendar and exception set. It also stores extra attributes for the asset attribute flag. Planning and other Manufacturing fun stored in the table: Summary Demand rows. When an item is associated with a particular item catalog group that catalog group) is inserted into this table. and recount options. It stores the descriptive element definitions for an item catalog group. This ensures that for a given functional contains all of the items for that functional area. Account alias provides an easy way to use accounting numbers. therefore there is no flexfield structure identifier c Groups now support multilingual description. the item inherits the descriptive eleme like additional item attributes. . Note that this is different from Application Object Library's shorthand alias. An item catalog group consists of items that can be describe elements or item properties. It stores the recommended category sets and categories for items in an item catalog group. Inventory items. The customer related information is used by the shipping The supplier related information is used by the selling organization for AP invoicing purposes. These background processe intervals and for some you may decide the number of transaction rows each worker processes at a time. The demand wip issues. MTL_INTERORG_PARAMETERS identifies the receiving organizations ("To" distribution organizations) linked to a particu organizations).LEVEL_UPDATEABLE_FLAG indicates whether the user is allowed to update the control level. Each row in the table correponds to an attribute. The table stores the attribute name seen by the users. These relationships are on methods to one shipping network. wh etc. The TO_ORGANIZATION_ID identifies the organization that receives shipments from the organization ide FROM_ORGANIZATION_ID. The forecast methods are statistical and focus forecastings. Oracle Inventory will convert column values to ids. The Flexfield Code is MTLL. The associated attributes describe which subinventory this locator belongs to. Computation option governs which forecast method and forecast methods and three bucket types. MLS is implemented with a pair of tables: MTL_ITEM_CATALOG_GROUPS_ MTL_ITEM_CATALOG_GROUPS_TL. It contains the recommended aliases to be used for items in an item catalog group. because account aliases have their ow distinct transaction source type apart from accounts during transactions. and makes it eas receipts. It is the definition table for stock locators. POST_FIELD_FLAG. The PROCESS_S corresponding background process is active.It stores rules or options which are used in the Statistical and Focus forecasting processes.The locator is a key flexfield. The options can be classified i Forecast Source options and Statistical Forecasting Parameters. ATTRIBUTE_GROUP_ID is used to group attributes into functional areas such as Purchasing.The item catalog grou MICG. It stores errors that occur during the item interface process reporting where the errors occurred along with the error messa It is seeded with the list of background transaction processes Oracle Manufacturing supports. It is transferred from engineering to manufacturing. this table stores th category. VALIDATION_CODE are used by the kind of validation is needed.This flexfield has been set up to support a single flexfield structure. Each inter-organiza by a shipment method name and an intransit lead time. POST_CHANGE_FLAG. You must define the inter-organizational relationship here before you perform any inter-organ system. Statistical Forecasting Parameters store parameters that are pertaining to Statistical forecasting. Each shipping network is identified by its from and to organizations. Unit of measure accounting information are also specified in this table. The item catalog group assignment for an item is done at the item master organization level. Invoicing. Three possible buck Forecast sources consist of the forecast demand elements to be included or excluded in the forecast process. Master level is also referred to as item leve to as item/org level. It stores the user. The MTL_ITEM_CATALOG_GROUPS_TL table stores translated Description for a It stores inventory item assignments to categories within a category set. The table may also be populated through the Item Category Open Interface This table temporarily stores data about inventory item assignments to category sets and categories before loading this inf table contains user friendly columns which allow you to easily enter your data. If ids are not entered. depending on the Multiple Assignments Allow set definition. However. Costing. It stores the code combinations table for item catalog groups. Lead Tim Columns such as PREFIELD_FLAG. For each category assignment. CONTROL_LEVEL indicates the attribute control level: master or organization. The user can specify values for the descriptive elements and can use that information to sea window. category sets and categorie entered as corresponding ids or values. When an item is associated with an item catalog group. It contains the parameter values for inter-company relationships. miscellaneous issues and inter organization transfers. It stores the relationships between inter-organization shipping networks and shipment methods. It table stores information on item attributes. Items always may be assigned to multiple category sets. It can also be populated by performing item assignments when a category set is defined.This table may be populate Organization Items windows. an item can be assigned to either many or only one category in that category set. INTRANSIT_TYPE indicates whether inter-organizational transfers between the two organizations will use direct or intrans FOB_POINT indicates the 'Free on board' point and determines the point of transfer of liability/ownership.defined account alias. and the kind of validation enforced on the attribute. after performing the proper validation. You an item to achieve a layering of attributes. kanban size. It is a temporary table used for printing kanban cards.It contains the optional default locators for shipping and receiving purposes. It is an intersection table. The associated attributes describe which pull sequence this card belongs to. This information ma manufacturer or by manufacturer's part number. When a template is created. When an item is defined a starting revision record is written out to this table. The DEFAULT_TYPE indicates whether it is the default shipping It stores revision levels for an inventory item. the enabled item attributes are propagated to the item. the enabled at item. s starting revision. the status . if you enter the ORGANIZATION_CODE. . It contains the user-defined name (TEMPLATE_NAME) and description (DESCR certain item attributes. a lot number could exist in more than one organization or for different items MTL_MANUFACTURERS stores the definition of a manufacturer of items defined in Oracle Inventory.Manufacturer part numbers for items produced by the manufacturers defin MTL_MFG_PART_NUMBERS. It is the definition table for material status codes. status optionally controls several 'function controlling' item attributes (status attributes) and can be used to disable the item application products. and locator this pu type. When the template is applied to an item. This information is Oracle Shipping Execution. It is used exclusively in the item update copy form as pa It is the definition table for kanban cards. It contains all the attributes which are not translated and don't vary by langua to Subinventory. It is the base table for the inventory statuses. It is a table that holds the name of item attributes and their values. subinventory. It stores information concerning the assignment of legal entity to economic zones. number of kanbans . This program in conjunction with the MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_INTERFACE table. a row is inserted for each availa specify values for and enable each template attribute for later use. lot and serial. These subinventories make up the list transacting this specific item and the user has specified (in the master window) that the item must use subinventories restr It is the definition table for item templates. DEFAULT_TYPE indicates whether the subinventory is meant for default shipping or receiving. It is a history table of the activity performed on a kanban card. It stores the status update history for subinventory. The presence of an engineering change notice code in this table indicates that the engineering system iss implementation process. It indicates the status of an item. For example. ITEM_NUMBER column. lot and serial to restrict certain transaction types. an implementation date and initiation date will be stored MTL_ITEM_REVISIONS_INTERFACE temporarily stores revision levels for an inventory item before loading this informatio contains user friendly columns which allow you to easily enter your data as well as the corresponding foreign keys. It maintains a listing of subinventories assigned to an inventory or engineering item. Since the primary key consists of LOT_NUMBER INVENTORY_ITEM_ID. There is one e and economic zone. When you apply a template to an item. The values of the individual status attributes associated with an item status are stored in MTL_STATU It contains the list of optional default shipping and receiving subinventories for items in an organization. which is the concatenation of the sytem item segments with the correct delimiter in between. and other planning attributes. The LOCATOR_ID and SUBINVENTORY_CO locator/subinventory which one wishes to have as default. Oracle do not enter. and Oracle Purchasing respectively. locator. This is used only when you generate kanban cards with the option o It is the definition table for pull sequences. Status code is a required item attribute. The associated attributes describe which kanban card this a replenished it. The associated attributes describe which item. Oracle Inventory will fill in the corresponding ORGANIZATION_ID. Along with the engineering change order. replenishment lead time. It stores the attributes and attribute values for item templates. It stores the definition and expiration date of all lot numbers in inventory. locator. The table also stores the period name and refere runs. A legal entity is category set for commodity codes.SERIAL_TRANSACTION_TEMP_ID joins to MSNT. joined by the colum under lot control then the lot records are stored in MTL_TRANSACTION_LOT_NUMBERS.TRANSACTION_TEMP_ID. then MTLT. Verified .record validated by the exception report . Outside applications must write transaction records to MTL_TRANSACTIONS_ MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS_TEMP and the transaction processor by the Transaction Worker concurrent program. then MMTT. Oracle Puchasing.Attribute_Property_Code.It stores a record of every material transaction or cost update performed in Inventory. bucket name. Oracle Order Management. and their document and invo movement transactions generated from Oracle Inventory. EDI sent . arrival. 'Alternate Uom' for rules sets associated with alternate unit of measures defined for a commodity code. Asset Number Genealogy Import cuncurrent program processes rows hierarchy into Oracle Applications. joined by the column TRANSACTION_ID. The I stored in the columns REVISION and LOCATOR_ID respectively. Each movement statistics record is associated with a status that can assume one of the following Open .record reported to the government through paper based report .Transfer transactions are represented as two single reco through the column TRANSFER_TRANSACTION_ID. or Oracle Shippin related document and invoice references via the appropriate foreign key reference columns. or a are generated from external feeder systems have a DOCUMENT_SOURCE_TYPE of 'MISC'. dispatch adjustment.record reported to government through EDI transaction This table stores validation rules defined for movement statistics fields that belong to a rule set as defined in MTL_MVT_ST stores a rule that can determine a valid set of values for a field or an alternate unit of measure for the weight of a commodi by the combination of a Rule_Set_Code and a Rule_Number. The MOVEMENT_TYPE column indicates whether the movement is a dispatch. Valid values are. This table contains a row for every combination of data set name. The events correspond to a trans Interface table for Asset Number Genealogy Import. valid values are 'Y' for preseeded rules and 'N' for user defined rules. which contains the TRANSACTION_ID of the other transaction in th This table is the gateway for all material transactions. then MMTT.TRANSACTION_TEMP_ID joins to M item is also under serial number control. Records are inserted into this table e or by the standard cost update program. organiza This table will store information about user logging history This table stores all parameters required for movement statistics gathering and reporting by legal entities.Rule_Set_Type determines the type of rule set. TRANSA TRANSACTION_SOURCE_ID and TRANSACTION_SOURCE_NAME describe what the transaction is and against what e All accounting journal entries for a given transaction are stored in MTL_TRANSACTION_ACCOUNTS.Attribute_Code stores the movement statistics field name for unit of measure code.TRANSACTION_TEMP_ID joins to MSNT. Each row contains the quantity transacted to each sch Work in Process uses this information to report the changes to individual schedules for multi-schedule material transaction It stores the cross reference between an item defined in Oracle Inventory and the part number used by its manufacturer. T item searches by manufacturer part number. It should be considered a temporary table since its content is a data built for extraction purposes. The columns TRANSACTION_TYPE_ID. MTL_MOVEMENT_STATISTICS stores all relevant information for movement statistics transactions. 'Attribute Property' for rule statistics record. It stores quantity on hand .You need one row to define identified by a Rule_Set_Code. It stores the information about the major events that have occurred relevant to an object.Se seeded or is user defined. joined by the column TRANSA control then the serial records are stored in MTL_UNIT_TRANSACTIONS.Commodity_Code stores the commodity code associated to a Category Set as defined in the MTL_MVT_STATS_R This table stores validation rule sets defined for parameters of the Movement Statistics records. Manufacturer part number references are defined for an item in the item mas It stores the data sets built for on line display or for export. The events correspond to a trans It stores the information about the major events that have occurred relevant to an object. The transaction processor creates two transactions from the single record.newly created . Frozen .TRANSACTION_T serial number control. Attribute_Lookup_Type and Source_Type columns qualify an attribute_cod names. It stores the repetitive schedules charged by a material transaction. Records are processed from this table into Inventory through the tran transaction forms write directly to this table. and currency conversion parameters.PARENT_MOVEMENT_ID tie transaction adjustments. Transfer transac record. MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS_TEMP(MMTT) record are stored in the tables MTL_TRANSACTION_LOTS_TEMP(M MTL_SERIAL_NUMBERS_TEMP(MSNT). Each transaction is id number. If the item is under lot control. TRANSACTION_ACTION_ID. although it w to be posted. D generic column names to store character. lot. It is used to temporarily hold data during the interorg iteration process It stores the material overhead sub-elements that are charged for a given transaction in a particular period. item. date and number information respectively. A change to this table may require a corresponding change to MTL_PHYSICAL_ADJU information therein remains consistent with its tags. A row is inserted each time the item status attribute is changed.It stores quantity on hand information by control level and location. tag-quantity. the stored information sequence. The picking criteria consists of the selections of picking preferences regardin and locator. subinventory scope (all o MTL_PHYSICAL_SUBINVENTORIES). MTL_ONHAND_QUANTITY_TEMP_S. inter-organization options. and the approval-status of each transaction. It is used example. Note that any transactions which are committed to the t MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS_TEMP are considered to be played out as far as quantity on hand is concerned in Inv forms and ABC compile are only based on MTL_ONHAND_QUANTITIES. It stores information regarding physical inventory tags. A picking rule is chosen when performing picking. locator. define appear in the report. the new cost for that item is calculated. including the size of the necessary adjustment. that you do not over-issue a particular item (if you have indicated that negative balances are not allowed). The actual cost is the sum of transaction cost (for example. This is a child t MTL_PAC_ACTUAL_COST_DETAILS. The table is populated when MTL_PER_CLOSE_DTLS stores period end quantities. .For lot generation. and cost group for an org Work in Process. including the approvals required. SKU information. MTL_ONHAN stores the item on hand quantity information for the specified organizations. Using the actual cost and prior cost. Records are inserted when committed in the report launch form and deleted upon report completion.The COST_GROUP_ID for the intransit inventory will be 1 and SECONDARY_INVENTORY will be NULL. Multi-Organization Item Quantities. This form requests Multi-Org Item Quantities report. Upon report completion. It maintains a set of default options like general ledger accounts. including tag number. and values by subinventory.SERIAL_NUMBER_GENERATION). organization. tolerances.The table records the inventory value for each inventory item by cost gr period. The quantity on hand of an item at any particular control level and location TRANSACTION_QUANTITY for all records that match the criteria. An adjustment of zero will still be stored in this table. The table also stores the period end value in intransit inventory for the organization. and a pointer t MTL_PHYSICAL_ADJUSTMENTS. NEGATIVE_INV_RECEIPT_CODE indicates whether this organization will allow negative balances in inventory. inventory type and cost g It records the inventory value for each subinventory in an organization at the end of a period. MTL_ONHAND_QUANTITIES is maintained as a stack consumed by issue transactions in FIFO order. MTL_ONHAND_QUANTITIES has two columns UPDATE_TRANSACTION_IDs to join to MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS. You can also specify uniqueness constraints for lot n (LOT_NUMBER_UNIQUENESS) and serial numbers (SERIAL_NUMBER_TYPE). organization defined in Oracle Inventory. The table contains summarized inventory valuation details for an accounting period. This table will always be correct and consistent with any tags that have been entered in MTL_PHYSICAL_IN It contains certain user-defined options for a physical inventory. It stores the elemental cost for a given transaction in a period.Each organization's item master organization (MASTER_ORGANIZATION_ID) an COST_ORGANIZATION_ID) are maintained here. you can specify whether you want the numbers generated from defaults defined at theorganization level or the (LOT_NUMBER_GENERATION. It stores the cost of a transaction by element and level for the period. It stores and maintains a list of planner codes. and whether tags may be created in the Physical Inventory Counts win generated. It is used in the Multiple Organization Inventory Report to temporarily store the organizations along with their orders. the accou was posted. It stores the pick criteria for each defined rule. is used to distinguish a set of records from others. MTL_PENDING_ITEM_STATUS is used to define and store the history of the item statuses that have been or will be assig status history for each item. It contains all the information about the adjustment transactions. You specify which manufacturing calendar the organization will use (CA exceptions to this calendar (CALENDAR_EXCEPTION_SET_ID). It is used in the form. This table is populat table is a child table of MTL_PERIOD_SUMMARY. overhead. and serial controls.TRANSACTION_ID the transactions that cre last updated a row. It specifies which subinventories are involved in a physical inventory when the physical inventory does not include all subin per physical inventory.PENDING_FLAG identifies those status change concurrent program picks up pending status changes on their effective date and updates the specified item and its status c row then becomes a history row. costs.This table also stores pending for each planned status change that will become effective on a future date. The C_COLUMNs. The information stored in this tabl Replenishment Validator before being loaded into the MTL_REPLENISH_HEADERS table. demand sou demand source name.Oracle Inventory will fill in the corr you. MTL_UNIT_TRANSACTIONS. locator). CUSTOMER_ID. Account. Transactions that are dated on or before PURGE_DATE will be purged. MTL_TRANS MTL_MATERIAL_TXN_ALLOCATIONS MTL_RELATED_ITEMS stores the relationships between items. and fixed lot multiplie It is an interface table that allows users to populate the detailed replenishment line information. RELATIONSHIP_TYPE_ID indicates whether the relationship is a 'Substitute' or 'Related' relationship. The ERROR_FLAG stores the error status for the wh It provides an interface for users to populate external replenishment header information. For example. MTL_TRANSACTION_LOT_NUMBERS.However. The line information includes an item a quantity. Added New columns START_DATE. supply source head name and inventory controls (revision. All relationships are defined within the item master organi to search for related and substitute items. there are three methods to derive the safety absolute deviation. and manual entry. Account Alias. Items defined with a substitute relationship to a given item may be received in pl substitutes are allowed. This table stores reservations requests. The Reservation Interface manager processes reservation requests from this table It stores revision levels for routings. subinventory. and will create a new SALES_ORDE . The former two methods for deriving safety stock quantitie the item. The information stored in th information in MTL_REPLENISH_HEADERS_INT table will then be processed by the Replenishment Validator (INCRVL) b MTL_REPLENISH_LINES and MTL_REPLENISH_HEADERS tables respectively. reorder qu with the error statuses into this table upon the completion of processing the headers and lines. The repenishment processor automatically populates further information such as sourcing information. The SAFETY_STOCK_CODE represents how the safety stock is derived. Also added new ATTR.PURGE when the transaction purge is launched.The count types are On-han Quantity. Currently. if you enter the ORGANIZATION_CODE. sales orders are not assumed to originate in any particular applica the purpose of mapping sales orders between other applications and Inventory. Inventory).ADDRESS_ID are for the customer references START_DATE and END This table stores planning information for a particular item substitution record. However. This information is applicable only if the relat It stores the header information for a replenishment count name. The trans MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS. RECIPROCAL_FLA reciprocal. user-defined percentage. On-hand Quantity: the entered count quantity will be treated as the current on-hand quantity by the processor. the processor will automatically reorder the maximum min-max quantity defined for the supply quantity. purge date.. so that every rout table is analagous to MTL_ITEM_REVISIONS. Unlike account numbers which are stored as fle or purchase orders which are stored in PO_HEADERS. since engineering changes don' will never come directly from an ECO as they do for items. It stores the safety stock information for an item that is not an MRP planned item.This is used by the BOM product. lot. Each record is a reservation that ties an item/organization combination with a dem Demand source information comprises demand source type (Sales Order. MTL_SALES_ORDERS is a key flexfield ta or set defining column. Only one structure for the flexfield may be defined for any demand interface and demand manager will validate sales orders on segment values. WIP jobs). PARTIAL_FULFILLM ALL_CUSTOMERS_FLAG is used for the SUBSTITUTION type relationship. END_DATE for effectivity and SUBSTITUTION_SET.It maintains a history of transaction purges. The flexfield code for this table is MKTS. Supply source information comprises supply source type (Inventory. Each count name represents the replenishment informati status of a count name is stored in the PROCESS_STATUS column. MTL_RTG_ITEM_REVS_INTERFACE temporarily stores routing revisions before loading this information into Oracle Inven columns which allow you to easily enter your data as well as the corresponding foreign keys. Oracle Inventory will derive c performing the proper validation. maximum order quantity. MTL_REPLENISH_LINES stores each line information for a replenishment header. columns for descrip Item Relationships Customer References table is used to maintain the customer details to know the defined relationship is relationship type is SUBSTITUTE. Each record includes a purge name. However. the reorder quantity as minimum order quantity.Order Quantity: the entered count quantity is treated as the reorder quantity.Or enter the count quantity. MTL_SALES_ORDERS stores Inventory's local definition of sales orders. The SAFETY_STOCK_QUANTITY recor from the EFFECTIVITY_DATE until the next EFFECTIVITY_DATE. but for routings instead of items. and the organization. The ERROR_FLAG stores the error sta This table stores reservation information. When a routing is defined a revision must be inserted into this table. The INSPECTION_REQUIRED_FLAG determines whether the returned m inspection.Transactable . The serial generation program populates this table.Resides in intransit . This table is obsolete with the new order management system. THIS TABLE IS OBSOLETE WITH THE NEW ORDER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. a Return Material Authorization (RMA) is created in transferred from Order Entry to the interface table by a program which is run periodically. locator type.Build in WIP It stores information which determines the statistical type data that needs to be reported for each legal entity (I. You can also specify whether this subinventory i (ASSET_INVENTORY). It stores all locators within a subinventory for a specific item. 544 weekly quarter pattern. If also under lot control it joins to MTL_TRANSACTION_LOTS_TEMP.E. 0.It maintains the initial seasonality indices for for each calendar period. RECEIVED_QUANTITY. One record is created for each of the 'function enabling' that is defined.Invoiceable . raw material. For example. indicating a list of valid places where this item will physically exist in inventory.Issued out of stores . . An index is an estimate of how much th above or below the average demand for the product.SERIAL_TRANSACTION_TEMP_ID. These locators make up the valid list of locators when transac subinventory.Periodic deletion of irrelevant data from this table is desired. finished goods. There could be 12 or 13 calendar periods in a year. or whether quantities are tracked (QUANTITY_TRACKED). availability type. i. These parameters are populated from This table holds pre-generated SQL statements that are run when performing shortage checks for an organization.e. (in a many to one relationship).MTL_SO_RMA_INTERFACE is the interface table between Oracle Order Entry/S customer decides to return some purchased items back to the supplier. etc.Internal Order Enabled . IT IS USED ONLY FOR DATA MIGRAT NEW ORDER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. It holds temporary serial number transaction records for a parent record in MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS_TEMP.Defined but not used . A subinventory is a section of inventory.. TRANSACTION_TEMP_ID joins to TRANSAC MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS_TEMP when under serial control. The function enabling attributes are: .8 means 80 percent of the average demand for a par It is the definition table for the subinventory. year depends on if users compile the calendar by the 445 weekly quarter pattern. These serial numbers are also used in o serial number can have one of four statuses: . DELIVERED_QUANTITY will at any time give you the total and total units delivered into stores respectively. It is possible to have child records in this table w autocommit feature of the Serial Number Entry form. It holds the material shortage message parameters for each Inventory organization.Resides in stores . and the user has specified (in the Master Item window) that the item must use locators restricted to a pre-de It stores the definition and current status of all serial numbers in Oracle Inventory. SALES_ORDER_ID is derived at the time of first receipt in Inventory. 13 period ca seasonality index is an indication of the degree of seasonal variation for a product. Each o and Notification Messages functionality enabled will have a summary and detail SQL statement stored in this table. Other attribu demand picking order. Intrastat multiple statistical types for each legal entity and economic zone.Purchasable . Each set of results is identified by a unique S results are no longer needed. the rows for that sequence number are purged from the table.Customer Order Enabled . given the numberof serial numbers to create and the starting number a It is the interface analogy of MTL_SERIAL_NUMBERS_TEMP. The data in this table is utilized b related columns namely QUANTITY. It is used only for data migration from this table to It stores the attributes values associated with an item status code. and reservable type. Da MTL_UNIT_TRANSACTIONS after processing by the transaction processor. The SQ the shortage parameters which have been set up for the organization This table is used to store the temporary results of material shortage queries.Stockable . and MTL_SERIAL_NUMBERS_IN tables. Oracle you do not enter. It holds the accounting information for each material transaction in MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS. It stores the the list of all transaction reasons that one might use across organizations in the transaction system. after performing the proper validation. when performing an ATP query. Costing. Thus. This table holds the definitions for inventory items.It stores incoming supply information for an organization.e. Inventory. PRIMARY_UNIT_OF_MEASURE base language only. TRANSACTION_ID joins MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS. the move order status. Only records with TRANSACTION_MODE of 3. and Invoicing. It contains seeded transaction types and the user defined ones. Oracle Inventory u financial impact of your quantity moves. engineering items and purchasing items before loading this informa contains user friendly columns which allow you to easily enter your data as well as their corresponding foreign keys. and the request number of the move order. The flexfield code is MSTK. Periodic deletion desired. from where they are processed by the transaction processor. Transactio always optional in the Inventory transaction window. Purchasing. The headers contain all information which pertains to entire move orders. It stores lot number information for transactions in the MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS table. MTL_TRANSACTION_LOTS_INTERFACE.Many lot number r transaction record. then PROCESS_FLAG will be set to '3' and ERROR_COD populated with the cause for the error. the move order type. USER_DEFINED_FLAG will distinguish the two. It is used to store the start OU and the end OU of the inter-company transaction flow for Drop Ship or Global Procurement It contains inter-company transaction flow nodes It is the interface analogy of MTL_TRANSACTION_LOTS_TEMP It stores lot number information for transactions in the MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS_TEMP table. Oracle Inventory will insert a record into MTL_ITEM_REVISIONS for your item. RECORD_TYPE is used to distinguish an ATP record from a supply/demand record for the same query (i. engineering items. since it is implement 'System Items' flexfield that is shipped with the product to configure your item flexfield.You can also specifiy a TEMPLATE_ID to enter REVISION. move order. however.SERIAL_TRANSACTION_ID joins to MTL_UNIT_TRANSACTION serial control. RECORD_TYP D_COLUMNs and N_COLUMNs are generic column names for storing character. date and number information respectivel It is the definition table for items. LOCK_FLAG of '2'. For example. Processing consists of data derivat from MTL_TRANSACTIONS_INTERFACE.Transaction Manager con user-specified process interval. This table forms one of the sources in Inventory's Demand-Suppl supply captured in this table: 1) Approved Requisitions 2) Approved Purchase orders 3) Shipments from suppliers 4) Intransit shipments from another organization It serves as a temporary table for ATP and supply/demand detail queries. It is the interface point between non-Inventory applications and the Inventory transaction module. Receiving. you enter the ORGANIZATION_CODE. It stores transaction cost by element and by level for transactions to be imported through the transaction interface. Order Management. The tabl TRANSACTION_ACTION_ID and TRANSACTION_SOURCE_TYPE_ID that is associated with each transaction type. TRANSACTION_TEMP_ID joins to TRANSACTION_TEMP_ID in MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS_ SERIAL_TRANSACTION_TEMP_ID joins to TRANSACTION_TEMP_ID in MTL_SERIAL_NUMBERS_TEMP when also un child records in this table without a parent record due to the autocommit feature of the Lot Entry window. Two unit of measure columns are stored in MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B table.TRANSACTION_ID. TRANSACTION_MODE. and PROCESS_FLAG of '1' will be picked up by to a Transaction Worker. It temporarily stores the definitions for inventory items. General Plann Work in Process. You can set up the item with multiple segments. and Oracle Inventory will fill in the corresponding ORGANIZATION_ that users enter the segment information for the item instead of the item number. This is MTL_TRANSACTIONS_INTERFACE This table stores all of the move order headers. the Unit of Measure is language-dependent attribute. PRIMARY_UOM_CODE is the 3-character un Manufacturing. The Transaction Manager picks up the rows to process based on the LOCK_FLAG.. PROCESS_F table. If a record fails to process completely. PRIMARY_UNIT_OF_MEASURE is the 25-character Unit of Measure that is used throughout Oracle Purch PRIMARY_UOM_CODE. Physical attributes. SEQ_NUM is created by the routines to distingu Furthermore. and submits the Transaction Workers to process them. . both ATP and supply/demand records are populated into this table. and purchasing item information in fields such as: Bill of Material. serial control. The non-base units of measure are sto default_conversion_flag indicates that the conversion being defined is 1) associated with a specific item and 2) the convers already been defined as a standard conversion with the same conversion rate.It stores all of the move order lines. When you run function. The base_uom_flag indicates if the measure for the uom_class. it means the period is open. the information can be viewed by the Supply / Demand Detail The SOURCE_TYPE_ID column stores the source type. It also holds the distribution account information. all responsibilities can access it. and it is used by Oracle Purchasing. If "Include User-Defined Supply" option in the ATP calculation will include the supply information stored in this table. Records are inserted into this table through numbers may be specified for a given transaction record. and may have validation set up through the use of the descriptive flex context in the 'Tran It is the definition table for both the 25-character and the 3-character units of measure. no supply information in this table The SOURCE_TYPE_ID column stores the source type. for example. This row contains the transfer da ORG_ACCT_PERIODS. If OPEN_FLAG = 'P'. the quantity detailed transaction lines are created in MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS_TEMP. Oracle Order Management and Oracle Shipping Execution. TRANSACTION_ID joins to MTL_TRANSACTION_LOT_NUMBERS. It stores information about which organizations are available for a particular responsibility. There are two kinds of transaction source types. It provides an interface mechanism for users to populate their own demand information. TRANSACTION_ID joins to MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS. and this id prevents t interfaced twice to the GL_INTERFACE table. the supply sources that are not p included in ATP calculation. It holds the unique id of records in MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_B. Upon launching the GL Transfer function. 4 for WI SOURCE_ID stores the sources for source types. Freight carriers are defined in the Freight C It holds history rows for every batch of transactions that have been interfaced to the GL_INTERFACE table. It stores a record of every material transaction of a serialized unit in Inventory. When the transaction lines are transacted. Oracle Inventory defines this table. 3 for account number. for Oracle Work In Process. A base unit of measure is the primary unit It stores conversion rates between non-base units of measure and their base unit.When a line is detailed or pick released. ORG_ACCT_PERIODS holds the open and closed financial periods for organizations. it imp ORG_FREIGHT is the definition table for freight carriers. 3 for account number. the perio next available period from the GL table GL_PERIODS.FREIGHT_CODE account (DISTRIBUTION_ACCOUNT) are used in inter-organization transfers. the information can be viewed by the Supply / Demand Detail win ATP rules to include/exclude this supply source in the ATP calculation. Once the table is populated. S those seeded when the system is installed. otherwise. This column is context sensitive. If there are no records in this table for an organization. the It contains information about valid transaction source type in the system. User de have identifiers higher than 100. it means the period close is processing. ie.Oracle Inventory uses this table to keep track of the units of measure used to transact an item. 2 for sales order. This column is context sensitive. The lines are requests to move some quantity of an item from a source location to a de move order line must be tied to a specific move order header. Once the table is populated. Purchasing. Whe is completed. bear source type identifiers of 1 through 13 and use system validation. When OPEN_FLAG is 'Y' and PERIOD_CLOSE_DATE is null. The GL_BATCH_ID column in the accounting transaction tables is updated with this GL_BATCH_ID. It is a table used exclusively for the item attribute copy form. Otherwise. Oracle Order Management and Oracle Shipping E It is where conversions between base units of measure are defined for an item. 1 for purchase order. the demand sources that are n be included in ATP calculation. A class is a category to which units of measure are assigned. When a period is opened. it depends on source type. A record in this table indicates th login) for a responsibility. the GL_BATCH_ID is set to 0 whi The GL_BATCH_ID is set to a positive number when successfully completed and to a negative number when failure occur table is MTL_TRANSACTION_ACCOUNTS. for example. it depends on source type. a new row will be inserted into this table. 4 for WIP jo SOURCE_ID stores the sources for source types. using the next GL_BATCH_ID number. ie.SERIAL_TRANSACTION_ID when also It is the definition of the unit of measure classes. the accounting table is WIP_TRANSACTION_AC This manager will run the all Inventory Concurrent Programs It will run the remote procedure call for Inventory . It provides an interface mechanism for users to populate their own supply information. Loaded data can be id MTL_CATEGORY_SETS MTL_COUNTRY_ASSIGNMENTS_PKG package used to create. Loaded da MTL_TRANSACTIONS_INTERFACE MTL_UNITS_OF_MEASURE_TL_PKG package used to create. update or delete cross references for an item. MTL_UOM_CLASSES_TL_PKG package used to create. update or delete default category sets for an item. Loaded data can be identified in table MTL_ITEM_TEMPLATES_PKG package used to create. update or delete classes that are associated with unit of measu identified in tables like MTL_UOM_CLASSES_TL . MTL_RESERVATIONS_PKG package used to create. update or delete assignments particular to countries. Loaded data can be identified MTL_CATEGORY_SETS_PKG package used to create. Lo like MTL_COUNTRY_ASSIGNMENTS. The item is made inactive unt Notifies appropriate roles associated with an item when a lot or sublot of that item expires or is ready for retesting. Sends notifications to the designated responsibilities whenever the actual values of the inventory turn do not fall within the Inventory Turn Report. Loaded data can be MTL_MATERIAL_STATUSES. update or delete an item. Loaded data c MTL_CROSS_REFERENCES. update or delete unit of measures for an item. Loaded data can be identified in tables lik MTL_TRANSACTIONS_INTERFACE_PKG package used to create. Loa MTL_DEFAULT_CATEGORY_SETS MTL_ITEM_STATUS_PKG package used to create. update or delete manufacturer part numbers associated with in tables like MTL_MFG_PART_NUMBERS MTL_PARAMETERS_PKG package used to create. update or delete category sets for an item. update ofr delete categories for an item. update or delete parameters for an item. The Inventory Turn Report is part of Process Manufacturing BIS MTL_CATEGORIES_PKG package used to create. MTL_DEFAULT_CATEGORY_SETS_PKG package used to create. Loaded data can be identifi MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_PKG package used to create. update or delete categories for an item. update or delete reservations for an item. update or delete categories for an item. Loaded da MTL_RESERVATIONS_INTERFACE. update or delete templates attached for an item. Loaded dat likeMTL_UNITS_OF_MEASURE_TL. update ofr delete transactions for an item. update ofr delete item statuses. MTL_CROSS_REFERENCES_PKG package used to create.Serial Number Generation Imports the Item information Import item category assignments from the Open Interface table It will display Purge transaction history Imports cycle count entries interface data into apps cycle count entry table in batch mode Purge cycle count entries open interface in batch mode Generate Kanban Cards Print Kanban Cards Min-Max Planning or Violations Report Reload Safety Stocks Summarize demand histories Compile Item Forecast Transfer transaction to GL (It will generate General Ledgers) Notifies an approver to approve an item once it is created in Oracle Process Manufacturing. Loaded data can be identifie MTL_RESERVATIONS_INTERFACE_PKG package used to create. Loaded data can MTL_ITEM_TEMPLATES MTL_MATERIAL_STATUSES_PKG package used to create. MTL_MFG_PART_NUMBERS_PKG package used to create.
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