Technical Design Savina Stena_final

March 21, 2018 | Author: Radica Dančetović | Category: Aquifer, Climate, Landfill, Soil, Porosity



Ad-Hoc Report No.1: Solid Waste Management in North Kosovo Support Waste Management in Kosovo EuropeAid/133800/C/SER/XK Design of “Savina Stena” Sanitary Landfill “Solid Waste Management in North Kosovo” Contract Number: CRIS 2013/335 128 JUNE 2014 AN EU FUNDED PROJECT Managed by the European Union Office in Kosovo A project implemented by: Europe Aid / 133800 / C / S E R / XK Thisproject is financedbytheEuropeanUnion. This document hasbeen p roduced with thefinancial assistance of the EuropeanUnion DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL Table of Content 1 PROJECT BACKGROUND ............................................................................................................ 1 2 GENERAL INFORMATION .......................................................................................................... 2 3 4 2.1 LOCATION - TOPOGRAPHY ....................................................................... 2 2.2 GEOLOGY - HYDROGEOLOGY ..................................................................... 3 2.3 CLIMATIC DATA .................................................................................... 4 2.3.1 CLIMATIC CONDITIONS IN NORTHERN KOSOVO ........................................... 4 2.3.2 Air temperature ................................................................................. 5 2.3.3 Precipitation& Humidity ....................................................................... 8 2.3.4 Solar radiation................................................................................. 10 2.3.5 Wind ............................................................................................ 11 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ...................................................................................................... 13 3.1 SCOPE OF THE WORKS .......................................................................... 13 3.2 INTERFACES AND LIMITS OF SUPPLY......................................................... 14 3.2.1 Access Road.................................................................................... 14 3.2.2 Power supply .................................................................................. 14 3.2.3 Potable Water ................................................................................. 14 3.2.4 Phone Line ..................................................................................... 14 LANDFILL ................................................................................................................................... 15 4.1 GENERAL DESIGN PLAN ........................................................................ 15 Design parameters and assumptions ....................................................... 15 4.1.1 Basin configuration ........................................................................ 15 Quantity and composition of waste to be deposited ..................................... 16 Design philosophy ............................................................................ 17 4.1.2 Basin configuration ........................................................................ 17 Lining System ............................................................................... 18 Leachate Collection System ................................................................ 20 Leachate treatment ........................................................................ 21 Biogas management........................................................................ 22 Environmental monitoring ................................................................ 23 Utilities and structures ..................................................................... 23 4.2 4.2.1 EARTH WORKS ................................................................................... 25 Excavations and filling works................................................................ 25 DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL Cell A construction ............................................................................ 26 4.2.2 4.3 CALCULATION OF CELL LIFETIME ............................................................ 26 4.4 BOTTOM LINING CONSTRUCTION ............................................................. 27 4.4.1 Introduction ................................................................................... 27 4.4.2 Compacted Clay liner ......................................................................... 27 4.4.3 Geosynthetic liner – polymer membrane .................................................. 30 4.4.4 Geotextile ...................................................................................... 33 4.4.5 Sand layer ...................................................................................... 34 4.4.6 Drainage layer ................................................................................. 34 4.5 LEACHATE MANAGEMENT ..................................................................... 36 4.5.1 Leachate generation - composition ......................................................... 36 4.5.2 Leachate production .......................................................................... 37 4.5.3 Leachate collection ........................................................................... 44 4.6 LEACHATE TREATMENT ........................................................................ 48 4.6.1 Introduction ................................................................................... 48 4.6.2 Leachate treatment plant of Savina Stena Landfill ........................................ 50 4.6.3 Recirculation .................................................................................. 62 4.7 BIOGAS MANAGEMENT ......................................................................... 64 4.7.1 Introduction ................................................................................... 64 4.7.2 Estimation of landfillgasproduction ........................................................ 65 4.7.3 Biogas management system – Technical specifications .................................. 68 4.8 FLOOD PROTECTION ............................................................................ 73 Hydrology ...................................................................................... 74 4.8.1 4.9 LANDFILL MONITORING ........................................................................ 84 4.9.1 Introduction ................................................................................... 84 4.9.2 Leachate monitoring system ................................................................. 84 4.9.3 Groundwater monitoring system ........................................................... 87 4.9.4 Surface water monitoring system ........................................................... 89 4.9.5 Biogas monitoring system ................................................................... 89 4.9.6 Settlements monitoring system ............................................................. 91 4.9.7 Monitoring of water conditions – Recording of data ...................................... 91 4.9.8 Volume and composition of incoming waste and soil material .......................... 92 4.10 GENERAL INFRASTRUCTURES - UTILITIES................................................... 93 4.10.1 Introduction ................................................................................ 93 4.10.2 Main entrance - fencing ................................................................... 93 .............. 104 5.........3...................................... 98 4................................................. 95 4......... 104 5........................... 100 LANDFILL CLOSURE AND AFTERCARE.....................10.......... 96 4.11........................................................10...................................... 113 ............................... 100 4......................................................11........................................................... 112 6.......4 Access Road...................1 INTRODUCTION ........................................9 Parking for personnel and visitors .......................................................................2................................11........................................10..........................3.......... 99 4.............................................................. 110 LANDFILL OPERATION ........1 Introduction ..... 113 6........................................ 96 4............ 112 6..............11...4 Land Use Options ................................. 104 5......13 Fire fighting system .......................................................................................................1 ESTIMATION OF THE QUANTITY OF PRODUCED WASTE .... 97 4.........................................................................8 Water tank .......11...11 Fire Protection zone: .............6 Administration building .3.........................7 Maintenance building......... 104 5............................................................. 98 4......................................3 Weighbridge building ............10...............................................10...............................3 DESCRIPTION OF THE SANITARY LANDFILLING PROCESS .............4 Embankments construction .....................................10 Tire washing system ............... 94 4.....2 Cap stability.............2 Road layers ...... 109 5..........2..............................................11..2......................................10.............................10.................5 Sampling area ............. 113 6........ 97 4.............3.....................................................................3..............2 LANDFILL CLOSURE ..................10................. 94 4................3 Internal Road Layers ..14 General formulation of the area ..................10...........................................2.......................2 Direction and schedule of fulfilling the landfill ...3.............. 97 4.......... 112 6..................................11...... 109 5........10.. 94 4....DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL 4..12 Green areas .... 96 4.........................3 Internal road...11. 99 4..........................1 Cell geometrical Characteristics ..............................................................................2 Temporary roads .................................................................................................4 Weighbridge ...11 5 6 ROAD WORKS ...........3 Settlement ..................................................................1 Horizontal and Vertical Alignment – Typical Cross-Section ............... 95 4.............................................10....... 94 4..........................................................................................................................................................10..................... 100 4... 98 4...... 99 4........................2 FILL SEQUENCE PLAN .................1 Landfill capping .. ....................5....5................................................5........4...................... 125 6................. 119 6............................................................................................................................... 115 6...............3............ 118 6...............................5..2 Disposal Site Supervisor ......... 130 AFTERCARE PROCEDURES ........................................................ 117 6.. 116 6...............5.............1 Senior Engineer ......................................................3.................................... 120 EMPLOYEE ASSIGNMENTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES ...........................................................................................................................7 Senior Management Analyst/Fee Booth Supervisor ...........................................5...................... 119 6................ 126 6........4 CONTROL MEASURES .........................................1 Front end loader ...........................5..............2 Odours Control ...........3 Utility worker..........1.......10 6............ 124 6..... 119 6..........................3.........1 POST CLOSURE-MAINTENANCE PLAN ........8 Vector Control ...9 Security Personnel ..................3 Odours from Incoming Waste .4.................................................................................................................... 124 6......................5...................... 132 8........................4.............................5 Equipment Mechanic .............................................2 Landfill compactor ......................................4................................... 120 6............... 121 6....................7 Dust Control .................................................4................................4.....................5.................5 Truck movement and unloading ...........6 Labourer .............4..8 Fee Booth Operator .................................DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL 6.......9 Litter Control .............................................4....... 120 6.................................... 128 7......1..5 7 8 Working Hours ..............................................4...3..........6 Disposal of difficult waste ............................................ 127 MOBILE EQUIPMENT...................................1 MAIN TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS OF MOBILE EQUIPMENT .4 Compaction of the Waste .......................................... 123 6.. 118 6.. 118 6.......................................................6 Odours from Landfill Gas ...................... 122 6. 128 7........4 Odours from In-Place Waste ................................. 114 6...... 121 6.....................3 Daily Cover – Intermediate Cover ....................................... 123 6....................................................................4 Landfill Equipment Operator ..... 118 6.............. 128 7.........7 Keep area Well-Drained ............. 119 6........1 Incoming Waste Control.............3.. 119 6................... 132 .....................................................................................................................................5 Odours from a Leachate evaporation pond .................................4............. However the tenderers should be in line with the specifications presented. The construction of the landfill. to reduce gaps in quality and service level between the present waste management system and the requirements of EU legislation and standards. This study has been elaborated from the Consortium EPEM – SLR – ISPE. providing the improvement of waste management. e. The tenderers should provide their own calculations and design. The Plan stipulates the priority of measures aiming the reducing of severe local pollution or of those ones which may affect the human health. Zveçan / Zvečane. Mitrovicë / Mitrovica (north). replaces a series of European Union programmes and financial instruments for candidate countries or potential candidate countries.The new landfill will serve the Municipalities of Leposaviq / Leposavić.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL 1 PROJECT BACKGROUND The project refers to the development of one sanitary landfill in North Kosovo. uncontrolled waste landfilling or uncontrolled emissions of air pollutants resulted from waste decay.g. The overall project concept is. 1| P a g e . will be based on the detailed design that will be submitted by the Contractor and will be evaluated. It is noted that the technical solution described in these terms of reference is indicative. for the North Kosovo region. This project falls under the European Union’s (EU) “Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance” (IPA) programme. and Zubin Potok. the existent landfill leachate percolating into the groundwater. The proposed project is meeting the general strategy of environmental protection adopted by National Strategy Plan referring to environmental protection. 1 km  Zvecan 6. except the access road.1 km  Lokva 4. app. and Zubin Potok. Zveçan / Zvečane.1 GENERAL INFORMATION LOCATION .3 km It has a total area of 26.1km  Srbovac 1. which is private property and expropriation will take place.8 km  Zhazhe 3. The New Sanitary Landfill (SL).99’’. 2| P a g e .6 km  Josevic 1. 2.92ha).1 km  Banjska 3. 3 ha (2. 20o 49’35’’.TOPOGRAPHY The new landfill will serve the Municipalities of Leposaviq / Leposavić. Figure 2-1: Location of Savina Stena Sanitary Landfill The site of the SL is public property.6 ha while the area allocated for the landfill (cellΑ) is app. The distances from the settlements are:  Mitrovica 8.2km  Viahinje 3.3 km  Valac 2.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL 2 2. 60. will be located in ZvecanMunicipalitythe latitude and longitude of the site is 42o 58’12.2 km  Saljska Bistrica 5.000 inhabitants in the year of 2015.5km. The served population is estimated to app. Mitrovicë / Mitrovica (north).6 km  Zobin Potok 12. Among the Miocene sedimentary rocks. indicates the existence of a graben which was partially below sea surface. alluvial deposits have limited stretch. In the northern part Mitrovica. In the valley of Iber river are clearly expressed two levels of river terrace: the old (t2) and new (t1). it concerns an area that extends in a natural thalweg above the river Iber / Ibar. 2. Area where is planned to build the landfill is mostly construction from fissured aquifers. In the area being studied.Mitrovica with the toponym “Savina Stena”. The area is characterized by relatively strong relief. piroksen rhombic and chrome-spinel as an accessory. The older terraces have a greater variety of lithological structure. Beside these. In the hydrogeological aspect study area consists from fissured aquifers with medium to low fracture permeability (10-5 m/s to 10-9 m/s) are mainly Neogene. igneous and metamorphic rocks. 3| P a g e . Sandstone. therefore extensive flood works should take place in order to protect it. Downstream of the proposed site there is Iber / Ibar river. These are serpentinisedharzburgite in which the primary minerals we find remains of olivine. The site is a public property. it is a basin bounded by the hills slopes of which have gradients of approximately 35-40 %. mixed porosity and porous and fissured rocks with low productivity or rocks practically without groundwater. igneous and metamorphic rocks.2 GEOLOGY . Those aquifers are with medium to low fracture permeability (10-5 m/s to 10-9 m/s) is mainly Neogene. These formations stretch in the northern and south-eastern part. This mélange consists of: limestone. the genesis of which is connected with the movements of the crease phase. with rare layers of clay. while the width varies. Most of these rocks belong to serpentinisedharzburgite. conglomerate etc. the basic element responsible for the water-bearing capacity of the rocks is their hydraulic type: this may result in intergranular aquifers. They appear with gravel and sand. Alluvial deposits build large areas around the Iber River. and areas where it is formed. This melange belongs to the lower senonian. In fact. and they meet with the boundary of serpentinite massif of the river Iber.HYDROGEOLOGY The area where landfill is planned to be built is mainly composed from ultramafic rocks. Jurassic and Palaeozoic consolidated sedimentary. Palaeogene. Oligocene fractured pyroclastites in the north-eastern part of Mitrovica can be considered as local productive aquifers. Composition of lower session of the melange. Palaeogene. With intense serpentinisation of ultramafics they are transformed into serpentinite. sandstones. marlstones and marlyclaystones in the eastern part of Kosovo are considered as aquifers. and has the general stretch NW-SE. As far as the hydrogeology is concerned. marlstone. fissured aquifers. This mélange is developed in the Mitrovica-Banjska direction. fissured conglomerates.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL The proposed site is on the highway Raska. mudstones. immediately above the river flow. The volcanic-sedimentary series has a large spreading and lies in the south-western part of the studied area. More specifically. Jurassic and Palaeozoic consolidated sedimentary. fractured Jurassic (serpentinised) peridotites and sericiteschists are characterised by local ground water flow through fractures. mudstone. Fissured and karstified aquifers. due to the configuration of the terrain. 9 59 NE NIS SERBIA 3 21.1 247 SW 7 20.28 42. The mountain ranges of Mokra Gora.36 33 145.1 CLIMATIC CONDITIONS IN NORTHERN KOSOVO The morphological. more precisely in this study area.33 202 96.7 110 E 5 19.6 169 S BITOLA FYRΟΜ 1 4| P a g e . These parameters are used for the analyzed period from 1961-1999. temperatures. hypsometric characteristics of the terrain have impacted Northern Kosovo climate characteristics. Summer droughts are not uncommon. Winters are cold with an average temperature in January and February of 0 degrees centigrade and with significant accumulation of snow. Novi Pazar.3.6 148 SE SKOPJE-PETROVAC FYRΟΜ 4 22.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL Regarding the soil the area of study is built from the soil of typical rendzina on serpentinite. which theoretically as per available data (from Seismological Report of Kosova). The area where the landfill is planned to be built. In this area are separate the Ibar syncline. with some elements of a sub-Mediterranean climate in the extreme south and an alpine regime in the higher mountains.6 97 E SOFIA-(OBSERV. 2.05 589 208. For the parameters analysis the data of precipitations. sunshine. The average annual rainfall in Kosovo is 720 mm but can reach more than 1. The Climate is temperate-continental to mountain climate.7 43. can be with intensity of seven (MSK64).7 41.65 595 206.28 42. i. Rogozna. belongs to the Internal Vardar subzone. Mitrovica and Pec. Table 2-1: Meteorological Stations surrounding research terrain Longitude [°] Latitude [°] Altitude [m] Distance [km] Direction [Ο/degree s] Directi on Station Name Country Name 20. wind and humidity are obtained from the climatology stations Kopaonik.000 mm in the mountains. Summers are hot.3 139 SE STIP FYRΟΜ 9 23. especially in the mountains.43 52 139. climatic influences.7 249 W 6 19. Sitinica and Kacandoli faults. 2.3 CLIMATIC DATA Kosovo’s climate is influenced by its proximity to the Adriatic and Aegean Seas as well as the continental European landmass to the north.1 351 N KRALJEVO SERBIA 2 21. The characteristic of these soils is that they are thick layers and they are without forestry.53 1321 151.9 43.) BULGARIA 1 21. Possibility of earthquake strikes in Mitrovica.9 185 S SKOPJE PODGORICA (TITOGRAD) PODGORICAGOLUBOVCI LAZAROPOLE FYRΟΜ MONTENEG RO MONTENEG RO FYRΟΜ 8 22.75 327 166.36 41. The varied elevations.96 239 121. and soils within Kosovo provide a wide diversity of microhabitats to which plant and animal species are adapted.25 42.18 41. The overall climate is a modified continental type.38 42.65 41. From 1999 until 2014 the data were obtained from the meteorological stations presented in the table below. Suva Planina and southern and south-western slopes of Kopaonik have their specific impacts in climate characteristics. with extremes of up to 40 degrees.e.7 217 91.51 1176 122. surrounding the terrain. 8 -0.9 1992 -1.7 17.5 1994 1.7 3. In that time the precipitations stations were numerous in this region (Ribarići.8 11. Kosovska Mitrovica.1 10.3 -0. August is the hottest with mean temperature varying from 13oC (CS Kopaonik) to 22.4oC (CS Peć).1 19.5 10.2 10.3 20.9 14.1 17. The coldest month is January.9 12.2 1.4 15.4 11.1 8.3 16.9 10.3 9.0 -3.7 18.8 9.2 -0.4 21.9 0.1 1.2 20.2 4.9 13.9 10.1 18.5 5.6 13.2 10. so the data are valid for this research terrain.5 9.8 10.4 1997 0. Leposavic and Lesak).2 0.6 2.4 3.8 5.1 11.7 2.1oC (CS Peć).9 18 19. So.0 1.7 1993 -2.9 -1.2 10.7 20.6 1992 -3.9 16.9 21.5 21.3 7.9 7.0 20.4 1.3 9.1 17.9 15.7 9.3 15.3 21.6 4.5 13.2 -3.3 9. the average temperature in the research area varies from 3.2 2.1 17.2 2001 2.0 12. -3.4 2.9 14. Brnjak.0 11.5 3.9 2.9 17.4 11.6 3.6 8.6 17.7 18.3 15.6 6.8 8.9 1.5 12.3 2.6 11.4 18.0 5.1 15. with mean temperature from –4oC CKS Kopaonik) to1oC (CS Peć).3 13.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL Longitude [°] Latitude [°] Altitude [m] Distance [km] Direction [Ο/degree s] Directi on Station Name Country Name 0 Also.3 4.9 -6. The altitude.1 0. 2.4 2.2 19.3. for the precipitation analysis there are used the data from Climatic Atlas.9 12.7 8.0 5.4 16.8 17.4 9. Vlahinje.4 20.9 10.0 18.0 12.2 20.1 18.1 1.6 4.8 2.1 -3.1 17.2 7.5 14.9 18.9 8.1 2000 -3.3 20.4 2.2 mean -0.9 20. the average air temperature is presented at the Climatology stations of Novi Pazar.6 17.3 3.9 -3.2 -7.2 Air temperature The influence of the mountain range is obvious in the analysis of the temperature regime.7 11.6 3.2 0.0 19. Banjska.4 15.1 12.7 7.8 min.8 8.0 15.1 19.1 14.5 10.7 14. Režala.0 -6.2 17.6 18.8 5.4 10.3 5.6 0.9 5.3 9.9 9.8 9.7 19. Table 2-2: Average monthly air temperatures at the CS Novi Pazar for the period of 1991-2001 Year I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII annual 1991 -1.6 6.1 9.7 1995 -2. The air temperature in the highest parts are reaching –30oC.9 max 2.3 10. In the Tables 2-2.5 17.5 16.0 Table 2-3: Average monthly air temperatures at the CS Novi Pazar for the period of 1991-2002 Year I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII annual 1991 -5.0 21.1 5.4 1.2 19.8 20.9 12.9 5.8 19.9 10.9 2.6 9.9 9.9 14. 2-3 and 2-4.3 -0.8 21.5 1996 0.7 20. micro-climate and spatial distribution of the relevant climate stations reflects the conditions on the site.5 5.7 19.0 10. for the period 1930 – 1960.7 0.2 1999 0.5 -3.8 4.4 6.7 (CS Kopaonik) to 11.1 9.6 5| P a g e .3 -2.8 13.4 21. Kopaonik and Pec.3 1.8 17. respectively.2 -0.7 -4.7 10.0 6.0 -2.2 2.9 9. during the winters.7 1998 1.0 8.3 1. 0 7.3 6.2 5.3 -5.6 -3.2 -3.7 1995 -6.9 11.6 2.9 1.6 7.6 0.8 12.6 10.3 1.0 2.1 0.9 16.3 7.1 -3.4 5.4 1.1 0.1 10.3 5.6 16.6 4.6 4.3 -2.5 1.8 -5.3 -1.7 -8.1 21.5 11.3 7.6 min.9 21.3 4.0 21.7 -3.9 22.0 11.0 8.2 14.6 17.1 2.1 20.2 12.3 4.3 4.9 9.4 3.0 10.2 17.4 4.4 -2.1 -8.9 1.0 2.3 6.9 16.2 7 -0.7 1.5 0.5 15.2 -3.8 5.2 4.0 5.5 3.7 4.0 6.2 19.7 -1.9 11.5 7.8 7.0 10.6 22.6 2.6 min.0 1997 -1.0 3.7 17.5 10.7 -3.6 9.6 2.3 12.1 7.0 2.5 11.3 11.1 14.0 11.7 13.6 12.1 1996 1.5 1.0 7.9 3.0 18.8 7.9 14.4 -5.3 -2.4 4 -0.3 4.6 16.4 4.3 7.1 1996 -4.9 8.6 10.6 14. -1.1 20.8 2.9 17.6 9.4 8.6 8.7 21.1 15.8 19.0 11.3 1.4 13.4 9.9 -1.1 10.7 5 0.9 20.0 16.5 20.2 23.5 4.2 20.8 3.0 11.2 6.8 3.0 6.2 -1.3 -3.4 3.0 1.6 0.6 10.6 20.0 11.3 4.2 21.8 6.2 -3.1 12.1 21.1 21.6 -4.3 2.0 10.5 2.8 -6.3 19.1 22.4 12 12.5 mean 1.3 -4.6 7.3 20.0 -2.5 -2.5 21.1 2.2 21.7 11.6 17.5 10.6 19.0 9.1 15.7 11.2 20.6 6.0 9.1 9.9 13.7 20.3 13.0 11.1 -4.4 7.8 1.4 -4.1 2.4 10.3 -7.7 21.6 19.3 6.5 9.2 5.2 8.1 21.5 21.1 2.8 -7.9 1998 -3.4 15.1 10.8 6.5 3 0.1 8.5 13.6 11.3 13.6 20.0 12.1 21.8 12.1 8.5 10.4 -5.6 3.8 11.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL Year I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII annual 1993 -3.8 12.8 2.3 3.6 12.2 21.8 14.7 -1.1 3.2 12.9 12.0 11.3 2.3 9.1 6.8 15.2 19.2 7.5 2 0.5 1994 3.2 3.0 16.0 9.8 5.2 1.5 5.0 10.7 20.0 -0.0 4.5 10.5 15.6 6| P a g e .5 10.5 2001 -2.3 20.7 6.4 10.5 1995 -0.0 13.6 10.7 20.5 1.5 4.5 12.7 1993 0.1 16.1 3.7 19.3 20.1 11.6 11.8 9.7 7.8 19.0 11.9 9.6 15.7 7.2 5.5 -2.3 6.7 -3.4 13.8 18.2 7.3 17.7 13.2 21.0 6.0 11.7 Table 2-4: Average monthly air temperatures at the CS Pec for the period of 1991-1998 Year I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII annual 1991 -1.0 5. -8.2 -0.4 -0.3 6.5 2.0 -0.0 7.8 max 3.6 max -1.8 17.4 Table 2-5: Temperature data from the surrounding meteorological stations as listed in the Table 2-1 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year Mean Temperature 1 0.3 15.8 3.8 2.6 2.8 11.1 1.3 11.2 24.1 -6.9 15.4 4.1 21.1 12.9 11.3 14.0 1994 -2.4 4.5 23.3 12.5 0.7 2.2 2000 -8.5 3.1 6 -0.0 1997 1.1 17.7 11.6 13.0 -2.4 9.7 11.2 24.4 13.2 23.7 13.1 1998 3.4 8.3 18.8 1992 -0.7 mean -4.2 -1.9 23.0 4.6 3.8 3.9 2002 -4.1 -0.1 2.1 -3.5 12.3 21.0 20.9 2.0 9.1 17.5 11.1 -3.7 -1.6 12.5 3.0 11.4 15.6 11.6 15.8 16.2 0.4 2.0 -4.8 10.3 16.2 12.8 10.6 6.5 2.8 4.0 11.4 12.0 11.9 20.7 2.8 10.3 5.5 6.5 14.7 1999 -2.0 6.7 10.8 -6.3 11.0 23.6 3.6 11.5 13.5 17.8 18. 4 3.1 12.0 7.6 5.23 11.0 2.3 16.1 5.57 6.0 2.0 11.0 11.2 10.3 15.8 7.4 18.8 2.0 15.5 32.0 11.2 17.6 11.3 19.2 10.5 25.8 -0.5 25.3 13.1 13.02 25.0 4.6 9.4 3 4.5 30.4 11.24 10.7 13.3 28.0 -5.34 Minimum Temperature 1 -4.8 5.7 15.5 1.2 22.3 13.2 16.2 5.3 1.7 2 4.6 11.4 6.2 -3.1 20.0 9.1 14.7 18.6 16.9 10.0 10.8 28.5 8.0 12.1 5.49 7| P a g e .5 5.8 20.8 6.3 1.3 15.7 22.8 14.5 -2.6 14.7 22.6 3.5 11.8 21.5 11.4 9.6 7.1 26.7 -2.3 3.0 4.3 14.0 6.0 -2.48 6.95 18.8 25.5 16.04 2.7 5.7 25.2 -2.1 19.78 10.6 9.2 28.1 -3.1 14.3 28.7 26.2 12.8 19.8 12.2 6.5 0.0 30.0 19.7 31.5 -1.3 11.42 11.5 24.0 0.0 3.0 13.9 2.5 4.6 21.3 20.2 2.0 15.0 28.8 0.93 Maximum Temperature 1 3.77 20.6 12.93 18.44 1.3 12.7 25.4 3 -3.74 5.0 19.6 17.81 28.7 7 -6.6 0.2 -2.5 27.8 9.0 -1.0 18.8 9.5 0.93 28.0 9 -5.0 -4.5 17.7 10 1.9 4 -3.1 23.2 5.73 17.1 10 -4.37 15.3 16.3 2.0 18.63 20.0 7.86 6.8 6.55 5.0 11.1 12.2 3.6 6.3 7.1 24.5 7 2.25 15.5 11.3 13.1 12.0 -3.6 6.3 7.6 28.6 11.2 -0.1 7.6 16.1 15.8 15.4 5 9.8 17.3 8.8 22.9 0.0 9.5 11.13 22.0 7.1 6.5 21.3 4.3 9.6 5.0 -2.0 8 4.5 11.3 15.1 30.7 20.52 11.1 13.3 2.0 4 4.1 2.2 20.6 1.69 3.5 0.0 10.2 28.0 30.3 16.8 17.6 7.1 14.1 10.0 -2.6 14.2 31.0 32.3 11.8 14.3 19.3 10.0 5 2.1 21.9 6.3 11.2 18.7 11.5 6 9.7 31.11 10.5 6.8 13.8 14.2 19.5 11.7 9 -1.21 14.1 13.2 5.1 23.6 15.9 2.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year 8 0.4 6.2 24.5 21.9 -1.9 -0.8 5.8 5.34 17.0 26.5 9.7 7.71 17.8 6.0 5.2 20.4 2.0 26.3 21.8 17.8 9.2 27.9 10.0 15.5 5.5 18.1 9 2.5 7.5 10.8 18.2 19.7 20.6 13.6 18.2 29.3 10.6 4.1 18.1 8 -2.6 8.0 8.8 4.2 19.5 11.77 7.7 27.5 11.0 17.2 21.3 8.0 10 3.7 2 -3.0 18.2 23.8 1.2 30.0 6 1.2 6.5 23.6 18.05 11.3 6.94 -0.3 1.3 5.0 -1.8 2.2 11.1 5.6 17.0 14.89 24.2 21.0 16.7 25.2 28.5 5.2 7.0 10.7 27.4 9.85 -1.5 4.6 5.1 13.3 7. 5 116.2 1992 26.3 84.2 80.2 45.5 31.9 24.7 96.0 1027.4 120.7 32.5 67.2 76. May and October.1 806.4 118.4 736.9 97.2 2.9 1998 32.1 65.8 98.4 81.7 1230.4 52.4 75.1 55.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL Month Figure 2-2: Graphic presentation of the temperature regime in North Kosovo.9 91.2 318.7 1995 128.7 1996 19.5 52.7 913.6 48.7 151.9 96. or that the precipitations are evenly distributed throughout the year.3 30.4 232.7 10.6 102.7 71.5 31.9 38.6 107.6 51.4 152.4 118.6 59.0 148.9 1994 75.5 110.5 94.2 88.2 65.7 128.8 102.3 30. effecting significantly the ground waters.3 86.2 107.9 77.6 128.5 129.5 32.7 66.8 88 43.3 86.4 78.3 2.6 122.0 85.1 31.2 77.8 31.4 169 96. The average precipitations for the region are 600–855 mm on the mountain slopes Kopaonik. minimum (green).5 103.2 29.3 76.3 54.9 115.2 68.4 857. in strong winters the number of days with snow is up to 180.7 187.3 31.0 70.6 1043.8 174.5 19.9 92.1 139.4 69.2 26.1 936.4 39.5 74 118.5 237. it can be seen that there are relatively small oscillations of precipitations during the year.3 84. as that stable regime enables stabile regime of the ground waters.5 66.2 1993 33.9 116.4 min.9 104.2 29.9 58.3 86.8 69.2 10.7 1000.9 max 128.6 1230.9 200.6 101.8 115.9 57.10 114 85.6 17.2 10.5 46.7 85.3.3 237.6 62.4 28.1 187.9 107.8 133.6 67.7 26.7 736.8 1184.4 Year 8| P a g e .0 318.8 19.2 133.3 52.3 152. Table 2-6: Monthly precipitations distribution throughout measured at the CS Kopaonik Month I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII annual 1991 24.3 Precipitation& Humidity Based on the available data.8 62.9 102.9 17.1 1997 17.5 68.7 37.9 115.7 169. Maximum (blue) and Mean (red) 2.8 108.1 1999 41.5 187.4 55.3 17. The most of the precipitations are recorded in April.6 50.1 2000 80.7 52.7 114 174.2 99.7 102.8 82 140. That is very good from the hydrology point of view. 17.7 39.5 10.2 43.2 60.5 127.2 37.9 1102.7 2001 31. Mokragora and Suva planina.3 64.4 95. 8 max 18.92 1.2 56.9 685.8 122.3 91.6 97.0 30.7 116.7 89.2 109.8 81.2 612.8 64.8 33.5 41.6 22.0 55.4 1992 13.9 65 29.48 1.6 637.8 474.9 109.8 59.0 88.8 72.5 0.6 162.9 92.0 95.8 35.8 97.6 56.00 2.6 146.3 39.2 9.6 53.9 64.7 31.25 0.8 28.0 43.7 2000 92.6 80.5 65.9 55.8 117.1 123.4 1994 35.8 30.0 40.7 116.9 685.4 31.4 74.6 15.1 49.3 14.5 27.5 28.2 35.8 55.4 Year Table 2-9: Statistic data for daily precipitation and evapotranspiration in Northern Kosovo Region Prec.5 40.7 132.2 567.9 26.8 54.5 869.4 13.8 511.6 9.2 27.0 1995 94.4 59.9 110.2 0.3 25.0 128.4 57.0 46.6 15.0 19.0 48.9 94.6 10.5 23.0 115.9 724.66 Day 9| P a g e .6 10.1 47.5 38.3 70.0 53.1 38.0 149.5 10.7 10.9 13.8 1997 40.9 724.9 25.3 106.7 753.5 869.6 29.0 22.2 107.2 81.35 5.6 29.3 max 94.54 13.0 92.2 198.5 1999 17.2 38.2 111.2 65.2 0.5 13.3 30.3 135.7 98.5 36.9 99.2 14.0 13.0 19.3 78.0 81.35 0.8 24.9 1995 87.3 20.0 81.1 38.2 77.0 16.8 25.0 54.4 53.3 620.1 169.2 85.7 mean 33.7 52.2 43.21 Min 10.7 58.1 123.1 14.2 37.7 Year Table 2-8: Monthly precipitations distribution throughout measured at the CS Pec Month I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII annual 1991 18.1 1996 62.1 14.4 1998 13.2 44.3 30.4 14.2 78.6 63.7 69.1 57.4 Table 2-7: Monthly precipitations distribution throughout measured at the CS Novi Pazar Month I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII annual 1991 12.3 38.4 39.7 72.3 20.9 91.7 43.5 41.8 88.7 128.8 126.2 53.8 128.2 38.3 97. PET PET PET Best [mm] Low [mm] High [mm] Best [mm] Low [mm] High [mm] Mean 8.5 68.6 9.8 76.5 37.3 59.2 66.2 35.8 28.7 46.0 22.1 85.1 2001 46.7 128.8 1996 9.1 54. 18.8 146.7 25.7 89.6 760.7 56.6 178.1 1993 17.3 110. Prec.2 100.3 13.5 65.8 101.0 15.0 91.7 4.2 38.9 64.1 93.9 742.7 1997 14.9 92.5 136.4 13.0 58.8 49.00 0.6 37. 9.7 62.0 60.7 11.5 88.6 62.3 77.5 70.4 76.4 55.0 55.5 83.5 624.3 39.6 15.0 85.0 1999 22.3 81.6 15.0 50.8 1992 18.2 198.5 0.8 10.1 61.9 169.7 10.5 31.5 121.7 92.7 46.2 33.0 55.1 110.0 73.5 21.6 70.3 13.6 782.5 41.1 60.6 44.0 68.5 9.4 70.5 41.0 22.0 149.5 24.4 45.2 33.1 67. Prec.9 87.8 28.5 101.1 mean 17.8 89.5 61.01 0.8 162.9 13.0 36.7 1998 33.3 101.2 72.6 35.2 100.5 72.5 50.7 74.1 149.6 14.4 751.4 751.3 84.9 610.4 40.5 27.4 67.2 77.0 46.2 841.4 44.0 13.1 42.7 25.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL mean 46.6 116.5 31.4 71.6 10.3 Z7.2 109.1 54.8 24.3 2001 23.9 178.4 49.5 73.2 45.4 1994 92.6 92.3 46.7 985.1 106.7 20.2 33.6 55.0 10.8 109.0 128.3 110.7 145 106.9 849.7 73.3 25.0 22.4 111.1 515.1 474.8 17.9 94.8 56.4 41.1 1993 91.7 11.3 81.7 848.9 110.5 28.6 145.0 58.9 87.3 38.1 115.9 64.63 2.7 49.5 136.9 849.8 73.9 42.1 54.2 66.5 715.0 40.7 9.9 24.6 39.0 2000 37.2 107.9 87.0 56.7 min.7 610.9 4.3 84.2 14.7 68.1 20.9 51.1 121.5 27.5 145.1 min. Uroševac with 2.099 hours. The highest insolation value is in Pristina with 2. Figure 2-3: Average daily precipitation (red) & evapotranspiration (green) in the North Kosovo Project area Figure 2-4: Precipitation distribution of Kosovo 2.140 hours for 1 year.067 hours and Prizren with 2.958 hours.48 The results from Table 2-9 are presented in the graphic presentation in the figure below while Kosovo’s precipitation map is presented in Figure 2-3.59 4.066 hours with sun per year or approximately 5. 10| P a g e . while the lowest insolation occurs in December.3.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL Max 42.56 3.40 31.7 hours per day.95 66.99 3. while Peć with the smallest insolation value of 1. The maximum insolation in Kosovo occurs during July.4 Solar radiation Kosovo has on average 2. 9 14.01 6.3.98 4. Best [%] Low [%] High [%] Best [h] Low [h] High [h] Best [h] Low [h] High [h] Mean 30. but in different frequencies.14 Min 4.923 2:09 3:57 3:01 4:55 Min 9.9 5:15 7:45 7:07 8:30 Day Throughout the year the sunshine hours are presented in the Figure 2-5. Sun Hrs.273 38. Day Len.01 5. In the Mitrovica region.617 9. the winds are blowing from all directions.53 Max 16.35 0 21.05 60. Table 2-10: Sunshine Fractions and Sunny hours in North Kosovo Region Sun Fr. 11| P a g e .5 Wind In Kosovo.84 2. there are 50-60 windy days per year.5 50.165 3. Day Len. Table 2-11: Wind velocity distribution in m/s throughout the year in Zvecan Municipality Vapor Vapor Vapor Wind Wind Wind Best [hPa] Low [hPa] High [hPa] Best [km/h] Low [km/h] High [km/h] Mean 10.82 19. Sun Hrs. Sun Fr.09 5.74 8:56 0:50 0:00 1:57 Max 54. Sun Fr.25 0 4.333 22.52 7.55 3. Even the region is protected by mountain range from the north.42 1. Sun Hrs.068 12. Maximum wind velocity was recorded to be from the south-west. The most frequent winds are winds coming from the north and blowing to the southern quadrants. Day Len. the Ibar valley withdraws large air mass from the north. rather than from the south where is open path for the air movements. but the most of the winds were the second class winds.92 Day Data collected on daily basis are presented in the graphic presentation in Figure 2-6.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL Distribution of general solar radiation for Northern Kosovo is given below. Figure 2-5: Annual Sunshine Cycle in Northern Kosovo 2. Figure 2-7: Wind rose graph in Zvecan municipality (Orientation: vector Blowing to) 12| P a g e .DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL Figure 2-6: Wind velocity in Zvecan municipality (red) and water vapour pressure (green) Based on the collected data some wind rose is presented in Figure 2-7. Maintenace building Auxiliary structures   Wheel washing unit Sampling area Additional plants   Leachate treatment plant Emergency generator Equipment   Front end loader Compactor 13| P a g e . external and internal Monitoring system Fire fighting system Other auxiliary plants Design + Construction for the entire landfill up to the end of cell A for the entire landfill entrance area + cell A Buildings   Reception building + weighbridge Administrativebuilding.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL 3 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 3.1 SCOPE OF THE WORKS The table below summarizes the key requirements for the different facilities and for the appurtenant facilities: Table 3-1: General Scope of the Works Facilities Key requirements Remark New landfill Savina Stena Cell A      Excavation and filling works Lining system Leachate collection system Landfill monitoring system Access road Infrastructure         Fencing Entrance gate Internal roads Landscaping Supply lines. 3 km away from the construction site.Mitrovica.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL 3.2. 1.2.4 Phone Line The connection point for the telephone line is approx. The water needs will be covered from the reservoir tank.2.1 Access Road A new access road will be constructed from the existing road to the entrance area of the new landfill The Contractor should follow the road line as shown in the drawings as for the road expropriation has taken place.2 INTERFACES AND LIMITS OF SUPPLY The boundaries concerning utilities. 3. It will be carried out by the Municipality of Zvecan. is not part of the works contract.2 Power supply Network for electrical power supply exists in the existing road Raska. As far as the water needsof the personnel concerns these will be covered by portable water bottles. access and disposal to Landfill Site are as follows: 3.3 Potable Water There will be no potable water on site. 3. 14| P a g e . 3. The necessary extension of the network and the construction of a transformer station (if necessary).2. 1.1 Design parameters and assumptions 4. with mild slopes and relatively low height  The grade of the bottom of the basin.1 Basin configuration The landfill basin has been designed taking into consideration all the parameters regarding the legislation (EU and Kosovo) and also the particularities of the field. The grade of the waste relief does not exceed the 1:3.  Given the morphology. Therefore. the field can be characterized by relatively strong relief with elevations from 500.1. This is an advantage and disadvantage simultaneously.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL 4 4. the main issue is to maximize the exploitation of the morphology of the field  The natural grade of the field is 30-35% with direction from north to south to and 23% from east to west  The excavations of the terrain should be carefully designed.up” of the waste in a manner that the overall waste body is stable. and facilitate the “building . so not to create problems with the underground waters if any. of the field it is absolutely necessary to create perimetric slopes that: o Maximize the value for money of the construction o Maximize the life time of the landfill o Give the opportunity to the operator to develop the landfill in stages  The grade of that slopes will not exceed the 2:3 for embankments and 1:1 for excavations  Given the morphology of the field it is absolutely necessary to create a “basin” with perimetric slopes that will service the operation. will be at least 5% and an effective leachate collection system is obtained  The design of the waste anaglyph should be such that could be adjusted to the surrounding environment. Advantage because there are grades that can be utilized for the development of the body of the waste and disadvantage because the existing slopes are steep and therefore extensive excavation are needed.6 tn/m3 and percentage of the cover material equal to 15% 15| P a g e .1. In that sense:  Regarding the morphology.00m to 660.00m.1 LANDFILL GENERAL DESIGN PLAN 4.  Flood works will be extensive in order to protect the cells from the run off and the river below  For the calculation of the landfill capacity a compaction coefficient equal to 0. Therefore we are going to use the results from the Report “Analysis of Municipal Solid Waste – Prishtina” March/April 2011 elaborated by GIZ.000 inhabitants (year 2015) the growth rate is 3%. a calculation scenario has been performed. Public wastes. The following table predicts the waste disposal and the actual volume required annually.2 Quantity and composition of waste to be deposited The Sanitary Landfill (SL) will receive the followings according to Administrative Instruction no 10/2007 Article 8: i.1. 60. The scenario is based on data given from the representatives of the Municipalities. year 2015 has been selected as the starting year and year 2035 as the final year of the landfill’s operation. Commercial and industrial. relevant with industrial housing waste which are known as nonhazardous waste. For the preparation of this table. For the study area there are not any data regarding the waste composition. the following assumption has been accepted:   Average compaction rate in the landfill: 0.6 tn/m3 Percentage of the cover material in the waste volume: 15% 16| P a g e . For the dimensioning of the landfill. For the design. ii. The population of the severed area is app. Figure 4-1: Composition of the household waste in Prishtina.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL 4.1. March 2011 In order to decide on the area required for a sanitary landfill lifetime of 20 years. the quantity of disposed waste needs to be calculated through these years. basin grades and grade direction.659 18.875 20.00 51.53 41.072.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL Table 4-1: Quantity and volume of disposed waste.217.486. 4.875.32 105.02 38.126 34.861.645 17.78 44. for the years 2015-2035 Waste production (tn/y) 13.520.094.413. but the infrastructures will be for the entire lifetime of the site i.730.57 39.05 430.692.125.234 23.1 Basin configuration In order to achieve the above mentioned.145 17.402 39.358 14.09 288.432 30.00 25.97 42.e more than 20 years.150 26.065. The following should be combined:  The basin topography.789 15. o Elevation: Several factors affect the elevation of the basin:  The depth of the groundwater table limits the basin elevation (in other 17| P a g e .53 34.11 223.33 676.26 393.196.71 33.60 32.649 25.80 322.37 31.319.224 32.900 22.297 19.283 38.370 23.06 548.38 722.07 468.2.33 357.690 16.979. without overestimations.90 192.651.65 507.29 The design should be able to handle the real maximum anticipated waste production.554 SL volume/year (m3) 25.974.732 Year 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 Waste to landfill (m3/y) 21.860.857.55 77.906.734 19.189 18.41 40.48 255.940 14. Therefore.33 28. an effort should be made to exploit the morphology of the field.742 28.217.717.846.162.29 m3 for the 20 year period (Cell A+ Cell B) The construction refers in a cell with 10 years lifetime.161 16.364.140 13.568.718 22.143 36.534 13.907.237.041 23.79 36.32 30.718.119 35.59 162.414.233 15.903.564.161 33.185.934 27.345. the landfill’s maximum capacity must be over 288.185.93 35.844.388 26.931 24.59 589.472 21.1.05 45.21 30.315 31.1.91 Total SL volume (m3) 25.985.77 27.940.55 26.626. Three elements are included within the term ‘basin topography’: elevation.717 m3 for the 10 year (Cell A) period and over 676.55 632.575 29.086 21.65 133.426.710.557 23.334.94 29.197 37.953.2 Design philosophy 4. Consolidation.2 Lining System The liner system must restrict leakage to acceptable limits through a combination of an effective leachate collection and removal system and a suitably impervious seepage barrier. In the future (after 7-8 years) a second cell will be constructed and the landfill will have a total capacity of more than 20 years. which occurs as water is squeezed from between soil particles. yet they cannot be too steep as a stability problem may be created. With this design every cell has the potentiality:  To work discernible. to some collection points. The first option seems to be more appropriate on a long . Based on the literature search that has conducted it appears to be no problem with any groundwater table in the study area. can occur as landfill is filled. The first cell of the new landfill will be developed in one phase. 4. To accomplish this. basin grades should be such so that leachate flows freely inside the collection pipes. In any case the excavations will be of minimum so to avoid any adverse situations and to eliminate the cost excavations also. First. The depth of the groundwater table.term basis. especially when there is a composite liner consisting of compacted clay and an HDPE geomembrane. should be such so that leachate drains properly throughout the lifetime of the landfill. Two main options exist. It should also be noted that base grades affect the volume that will be excavated and the average base elevation o Grades direction: The grades direction of the basin depends on where the leachate can be most effectively collected. finally. so the rain fall cannot enter the waste body The basin of the landfill it is proposed to be allocated in the south-western part of the site. while the second option seems easier and less expensive (at least during construction phase). Therefore. As the site fills up with waste and cover material. The basin grades.2. these grades must be high enough to prevent leachate accumulation. due to better utilization of available volume. disrupting the basin slope element.1. To assure 18| P a g e . to collect the leachate at the perimeter of the landfill and second to establish collection points at the internal area of the landfill.e every cell / subcell after the end of its operation will be temporarily closed. in terms of the waste deposition  To reduce the amount of the produced leachate i.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL words the depth of the excavation works)   The excavation depth has to be great enough to a) achieve the desirable capacity and b) generate adequate cover material for avoiding excess soil quantities (if the excavated soil is suitable). o Basin grades: One of the main goals of the basin grades is to prevent leachate accumulation at any point of the landfill. the underlying soils may consolidate. 0 x 10-9 m/s.with stone metric-granule comprises and with dimensions of 16-32mm. o Extension force (elasticity) in temperatures until 230oC. According to Article 16 of the AI No. o Selvage strength between welding belts should be at least 90 % of strengths base material. Table 4-2: Main specifications used for bottom lining – basin design Lining specifications Natural geological barrier – permeability Natural geological barrier – layer thickness Artificial geological barrier – permeability < 10-9 m/s > 1. 01/2009 on Conditions for selecting the location of the waste storage construction. biological and mechanical compatibility between the several components is required. a chemical. 01/2009:  geomembranes for drainage isolation should be sustainable and should fulfil the following conditions: o Minimal thickness 2. thickness ≥ 1. as required by Kosovar regulation for non-hazardous waste landfilling.00m < 10-9m/s 19| P a g e .50m.5 mm HDPE.5mm. o The drainage covering surfaces should be designed and constructed with a slope of l%.0 m. 310g/m2 geotextile 2.>=400N. This barrier consists of clay-sized soil and shall have a thickness of at least 0. o Maximal extension during allurement loading till 5%. which satisfies permeability and thickness requirements with a combined effect in terms of protection of groundwater and surface water at least equivalent with k ≤ 1. o To interrupt the process of plant implantation and to resist against gnawers. the landfill base and the sideslopes will consist of a mineral layer. The following table presents the basic requirements for bottom lining as well as the basin design as they are included in the relevant Kosovar legislation and according to the experience of the experts. an artificial soil barrier shall be constructed.5 m thickness and a minimum coefficient of permeability of 10-9m/sec. The selection of the appropriate type of liners is based on: o The type of waste to be disposed of o The availability of materials in the area o The requirements of the legislation According to the National legislation Administrative Instruction (AI) No. In case that the above conditions are not fulfilled in the natural situation. from  The drainage coverings with minimal thickness of 0.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL proper performance over the long life of the landfill. deformities or shifts in the isolation system during its placement  the pipes should be hydraulically efficient and should withstand chemical. time series of 10 years will be used.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL Lining specifications Artificial geological barrier – layer thickness Drainage layer – permeability Drainage layer – layer thickness Geomembrane – permeability Geomembrane – layer thickness Basin design Basin grade (longitudinal) Basin grade (transversal) 4. leachate flows due to gravity from the various points of the landfill basin and slopes to the collection pipes. as well  the hydraulic height of leachate should not exceed 50 cm above the geomembrane. 01/2009 Article 17 the min.5mm >1% >3% Leachate Collection System For the calculation of the leachate drainage. not only during the phase of operation.  The system for leachate management was chosen upon the following requirements:  not to cause damage. b) integrated maintenance of the entire system because it can be controlled outside the waste body. 20| P a g e . the official meteorological data. diameter of the pipe is 300mm. According to AI No. active systems have advantages like: a) controlled leachate supply to the wastewater treatment plant. but at the phase of the landfill aftercare. On the other hand. Gravity causes any leachate generated in the landfill to flow downward. industrial and physical burdens. Passive systems work by themselves.2. In the proposed design. collection and treatment system.50m < 10-3m/s > 0. There are no valves to open or pumps to fail. as the correlation between them is strong. Leachate collection system is designed in accordance with the surface water management.1.3 > 0.50m < 10-9m/s > 2. out of the landfill and direct it to a collection point.  The collection and drainage system should ensure long-term collection of the total quantity of leachate and exclude any admixture with rainwater. Trenches parallel with the footprint of the landfill will be developed in order to prohibit the runoff into the landfill’s body. The principles of leachate collection system that rule the proposed design are:  The input amount of rainwater should be reduced as much as possible. The LCS can be designed either as passive or active. When it comes to the design of the leachate collection system (LCS) the simpler is the better. DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL 4.0 mg/l Ammonia up 1.4 Leachate treatment Leachate contains:  Suspended solids  Soluble waste components  Soluble decomposition products  Microbes Discharge of this liquid to surface and underground water is prohibited by legislation.5 mg/l Copper up 10.0 mg/l Cyanic up 1.1.5 mg/l Chrome up 0.0 mg/l Cadmium up 0. Most of leachate components have the potential to be toxic and:  Cause death of river life directly (toxins.1 mg/l Phenol up 10.0 mg/l Mercury up 0.2.0 mg/l Zinc up 10.0 mg/l Fluorine up 50 mg/l Chlorine up 10000. BOD5)  Cause death of river life indirectly (eutrophication)  Contaminate drinking water  Fe(OH)3 precipitates and clogs river  Kills vegetation  Pathogens According to the Administrative Instruction 10/2007 on waste landfills management in ANNEX I it is mentioned: Maximal allowed concentration on discharging filtration from landfill Parameter Value of pH Allowed norms 4-13 Organic components of carbon up 200 mg/l Arsenic up 1.0 mg/l Nickel up 2.0 mg/l Lead up 2.0 mg/l 21| P a g e . In this respect a methane management system has to minimize the environmental impacts. when waste has reached final height. Therefore the biogas generation depends on the ratio of the different waste types entering into the landfill.5 Biogas management Biogas production and especially methane (CH4) is a result of the biodegradation procedure. similar to the operation period.2. as well as of monitoring of biogas quantity and quality The landfill gas management system shall consist out of the following:      Vertical collection wells (boreholes) Horizontal piping network Biogas Collection Stations Condensate traps system Blower and flare unit 22| P a g e . There are a lot of Gaussian models that could describe the impacts of methane in the surrounding area.0 mg/l Haloids up 3. The system of vertical boreholes is proposed for the following reasons:  It is easier to construct and presents the less chances of damages during operation  It is a system that ensures low levels of oxygen penetration. Comparing the environmental impacts of the landfill. cause many problems.1. during the restoration period. thus methane concentrations are high (required in case a future utilization unit is installed)  It gives the opportunity of gradual construction.0 mg/l Sulfates up 5000. each time to the parts of the landfill that reach final waste heights  It allows for local adjustments and control of the system.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL Parameter Allowed norms Nitrates up 30. 4.0 mg/l Residue after evaporation Electricity conductive up to 6% mass Up to 500000ms/cm (micro second) In this respect a leachate treatment plant that assures the reaching of the aforementioned limit values is designed. methane represents a source of environmental impact off-site that could. For the collection of biogas vertical collection wells (boreholes) will be constructed at the end of the operation time of the Cell A. The maximum biogas quantity from cell A is observed in year 2025 as it presented further down in this study. will consist of:  Leachate monitoring system  Groundwater monitoring system  Surface water monitoring system  Biogas monitoring system  Settlements monitoring system Part of the overall monitoring system is also a series of parameters. which have a significant role in organizing and monitoring the various processes and operations of the landfill. 4. All the data collected from the monitoring systems should be kept on-site in appropriately organized records.7 Utilities and structures The proper operation of the SL depends on the right installation of utilities and structures.1. These parameters are the following:  Meteorological data  Volume and composition of the incoming waste  Volume and composition of the incoming soil material  Monitoring of all the supportive works and registering of all their problems that affect the proper operation of the total plant.2. The entire necessary infrastructure for the appropriate operation of the SL has been included. 4.2.6 Environmental monitoring The monitoring system. diameter of the pipe is 300mm.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL According to AI No. namely:  Main entrance .fencing  Weighbridge building  Weighbridge  Sampling area  Administration building 23| P a g e . 01/2009 Article 18 the min. based on the requirements of the Kosovar and EU legislation.1. DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL  Maintenance building  Open parking for personnel and visitors  Tire washing system  Internal Roads  Flood protection works  Fire Protection zone in the perimeter of the landfill  Fire fighting system  Electrical system  Green area  Access Road 24| P a g e . according to the requirements and specifications provided in related sections of this Volume.1 Excavations and filling works Top soil The top soil shall be stripped in working area including but not limited to buildings. landfill area. All the configurations have been decided based on the following principles (having in mind the slopes of the terrain):  Easy leachate collection. Excavation Only Cell A shall be excavated in the scope of this contract. avoiding mixture with the rain water  Easy accessibility of the garbage trucks to the bottom of the basin  Construction of a perimeter trench for runoff of the rain water  Technical works for flood protection  The height of the final waste volume should not exceed by far the existing topography According to the landfill capacity mentioned in the previous section the net landfill disposal capacity for the first cell is at least 290. LTP. Filling Excavated material shall be stockpiled at a storage area or near the site as appointed by the Engineer /Employer.000 m3. these materials shall be replaced with suitable non-settling materials installed and compacted according to the requirements for filling. the landfill capacity is sufficient for more than 10 years.2. 4. In case any sub-standard materials are detected. all excavated surfaces shall be compacted to the required density and inspected. 25| P a g e .2 EARTH WORKS Setting up the Savina Stena organized sanitary landfill (SL). The SL design is based on the Landfill Directive 99/31/EC and the respective Kosovar legislation. According to the waste quantity that will be disposed in the landfill as presented in Table 3-1. includes the construction of a series of infrastructure that is required for the proper operation of the landfill.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL 4. etc. The material if is appropriate shall be utilized as non-settling fill in fillings under the bottom of the landfill lots or for construction of embankments and dikes. Clay/sand When the excavation has reached the designed base level. DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL Filling in sub-soil for construction purposes (elevation of the lot bottom to designed base for polymer membrane or construction of dikes) must be performed by building in layers of maximum 0. 680. the landfill capacity is sufficient for more than 10 years. The lowest altitude of the cell (in absolute units) in the proposed design is +578m.93.2.2 Cell A construction The existing the field~26ha. of which at least 290.25 m thickness. 4%-5% and it is uniform for the entire surface of the 1st cell. The grade of the basin is app. It is noted that in the future the 2nd phase of the landfill will be developed beside to the first cell in order to be able to receive wastes for an additional 10 years (overall the landfill lifetime will be approx 20 years).500 m3 banking up. For the cell A. 1:3.3 CALCULATION OF CELL LIFETIME According to the landfill capacity mentioned in the previous section the net landfill disposal capacity for the first cell is at least 290.000 m3.000 m3 will be the disposal capacity.92ha) and it will have a total capacity of approximately 350. 26| P a g e . app. In full development the landfill will consists of two cells. while the highest altitude will be +606m. 268.000 m3. The bottom of the cell A has been configured in the shape of V. The surface of the cell A will be about 3ha (2. According to the waste quantity that will be disposed in the landfill as presented in Table 3-1. 4. Storage of Excess Materials Excess materials shall be stockpiled at a storage area at or near the site as appointed by the Engineer /Employer. The surface of the second phase of the landfill will be approx 3 ha and the total capacity of both cells will be approx. will be required for the configuration of the area of the landfill and the utilities connected to it. 4.000m3 excavations and app. which is under examination. The side slopes inside the cell will be at least. cell A and cell B. including the sealing and final cover volume.000 m3. is enough for the development of the landfill for 20 years. 27| P a g e .4.0 x 10 -9 m/s.1 Introduction The selection of the appropriate type of liners is based on:  The type of waste to be disposed (municipal solid waste)  The availability of materials in the area  The hydrogeological conditions of the site. the landfill base and the sideslopes will consist of a mineral layer.0 m.4 BOTTOM LINING CONSTRUCTION 4. which satisfies permeability and thickness requirements with a combined effect in terms of protection of groundwater and surface water at least equivalent with k ≤ 1. thickness ≥ 1.4. The liners were selected upon the following requirements:  to keep the cells sealed from precipitation and surface water  to be resistant to temperature of at least 70oC  to seal the produced gas and leachate  to be resistant to any sedimentations and erosions  to be resistant to the effect of the microorganisms  to be easy to install  to be easy to check during both the construction and the operation  to be easy to mend  not to be of high expenditure The lining system of the new landfill includes (from the bottom to the top):  Compacted Clay liner  Geomembrane  Geotextile  Sand layer  Drainage layer (or equivalent) 4.2 Compacted Clay liner According to the legislation.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL 4.  Compacted clay liners are difficult to repair if they are damaged. In any case the bottom of the barrier system should also have a minimum distance of 1m to the ground water table position if such water table found.50 m thick compacted clay layer with a permeability coefficient of less than k = 1. waste). The clay liner will be constructed as a compacted layer.5 m thickness as required by Kosovar regulation.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL In case that the above conditions are not fulfilled in the natural situation.  Differential settlement of underlying compressible waste will cause cracking in the compacted clay if tensile strains in the clay become excessive. 28| P a g e . the clay must be kept moist.0 x 10-9 m/s.e. This barrier consists of clay-sized soil and shall have a thickness of at least 0. the following possible problems should be taken into consideration:  Clay liners are difficult to compact properly on a soft foundation (i. as required by Kosovar regulation for non-hazardous waste landfilling.03 m. The permeability and thickness requirements are checked through the following equation: H CC H NC   1m / 1x10 9 m / s  1x109 s k CC k NC [1] where ΗCC = thickness of compacted clay liner (m) kCC = permeability of compacted clay liner (m/sec) ΗNC = thickness of the natural clayey barrier up to groundwater surface (m) και kNC = permeability of the natural clayey barrier (m/sec). an artificial soil barrier shall be constructed. To function as a liner.5 m thickness and a minimum coefficient of permeability of 10-9m/sec. This barrier can consist of clay or another material with equivalent properties and shall have a thickness of at least 0. If these conditions are not fulfilled in the natural situation. Technical Specifications A geological barrier constructed as a built-in compacted clay layer consists of minimum 0. However. The barrier may be constructed of clay or clayey soils excavated on the site or of suitable soils imported to the site from a borrow area not containing stones or rock fragments larger than 0.  Compacted clay will tend to desiccate from above and/or below and crack unless protected adequately. an artificial hydrogeological barrier shall be constructed. No new layer may be installed over an installed clay layer before the latter has been checked and approved by the supervising authority. The filling works shall be performed in such a manner. that the base-materials is not unacceptably hydrated from rain or surface water or dehydrated from evaporation.A. PI (%) Clay content (particle diameter < 0. Immediately upon inspection. preferred 20 .25 > 30.S. TO 89/60 A.600 m3 1 out of 800 m3 1 in each borrow area 1 out of 4. after the standard Proctor compaction are summarized in the following table: Table 4-3: Clay liner specifications Property Liquid limit. The minimum values f physical properties of clay material in order to achieve the permeability requirements. TO T-11 ASTM D 1140-71 ASTM D 422 A.32 Prior to the clay liner construction.A. illite) (%) Sand content (%) Organic content (% κ.S. The compaction shall be concluded using a smooth vibratory roller or equivalent plant. preferred 25 . Table 4-4: Clay liner material testing Test Sieve analysis Atterberg limits Specification A.e.H.if necessary manually.000 m3 or 1 in each borrow area 1 in each borrow area 29| P a g e .A. the materials shall be replaced with suitable materials.30 10 . which ensures a smooth surface of the clay layer. In any areas where claymaterials are unacceptably hydrated or dehydrated or otherwise do not comply with requirements. LL (%) Plasticity Index.A.β. TO 90/61 ASTM D 4318 Natural Water content Organic content Compaction A.H.S. smectite.H. TO T 180 ASTM D 1557 Permeability ASTM D 5084 Triaxial test CUPP ASTM 2850-82 ASTM 4767-88 Frequency 1 out of 800 m3 1 out of 1.25 >10 < 40 <5 < 10 25 .50 ≥20. laboratory tests will be conducted to the clay material compacted at different moisture contents in order to define an acceptable zone of moisture and dry density complied to the permeability requirements.S.40.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL All surfaces will be finalized at designed level for the base of the polymer membrane.H.074 mm) (%) Clay content (particle diameter < 2 μm ) (%) Content of swelling clays (i.10 m shall be removed from the surfaces during the works .β. Visible stones or other particles larger than 0.) Max diameter of gravel or cluster (mm) Value 20 .000 m3 or 1 in each borrow area 1 out of 4. check and acceptance of the finished surface the surface shall be covered by the polymer-membrane.) Carbonate content (% κ. according to the following table. preferred 40 . 4. The thickness of the material is 7mm in dry condition. The liner material shall be delivered at the site with a quality certification from the producer. this is a mechanical and thermal welding geosynthetic consisting of a layer of natural sodium bentonite powder of 5. weight of 200g/m2. The successive layers of GCL during placement are overlapped over a length of 150mm. because of the selection of a composite liner (clay liner and polymer membrane). The liner material shall be delivered at the site with a quality certification from the producer. the thickness increases giving a coefficient of permeability of 2x10-11 m/s. The membrane shall be protected against physical damages during transport to the site and during storage at the site.500g/m2 and the tensile strength is 20KN/m (MD) and 11KN/m (CMD). weight of 300g/m2.000g/m2 weight containing about 70% of montmorillonite. The thickness of the polymer membrane will be at least 2. 4. The supplier shall deliver a testing certificate for all welding-seams performed before delivery on site.3 Geosynthetic liner – polymer membrane The polymer membrane type selected is HDPE. 30| P a g e . powder bentonite is used. Bentonite is placed between two geotextiles:  Carrier layer: PP woven. The total material weight is 5. instead of a single liner (either a clay liner or a membrane liner). especially in cases where polymer membrane is used as a single barrier. In general. GCL is anchored in the trenches covering one side of the trench. HDPE has physical properties that can generally withstand most pressures related to landfill. improper seaming and long-term durability concerns. Further the delivery shall be accompanied by a protocol with the results of the producers quality check for the specific batch delivered to the site. In our case. Further the delivery shall be accompanied by a protocol with the results of the producers quality check for the specific batch delivered to the site.  Cover layer: PP non-woven. after hydration and depending on the salinity of the MSW leachate. the only disadvantage of polymer membranes is that they are subject to defects and pinholes during the construction stage. In addition. The material for the polymer liner shall be High Density Poly Ethylene (HDPE) with the technical specifications according to the EU standards and the relevant Romanian requirements. However.5 mm. this disadvantage is minimized. Technical Specifications The proposed HDPE membrane should be textured on both sides.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL In the case of the use of GCL. For the sealing in the areas of overlapping. because it has a higher chemical resistance compared to the most of other types of polymer membranes. Welding All welding-seams shall be double-seam welds with the possibility of testing with pressurized air.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL Installation General The installer shall submit an installation plan showing the position of the individual rolls of material and deliver the plan to the Supervising Authority for approval before installation works commence. Before welding.0 m. All edges of the liner material shall be protected against folding until the time of welding. that the installed liner material is not moved by wind or down slope by gravity. At all times sufficient protection of the liner shall be ensured before any machinery is allowed to enter. roof-tile like. 31| P a g e . each lane of material shall be laid out without wrinkles.1 m. No machinery of any kind is allowed to operate directly on top of the installed liner. At the beginning and end of each day of installation.g.e. The Contractor decides the method for protection and submits the description to the Supervising Authority for approval. the liner material shall be anchored using sandbags or any other equivalent system ensuring. The welding test shall be repeated after any interruption of the installation works during the day. The welding shall be tested for seam strength (peel and shear) and the results are reported to the Supervising Authority. Sufficient protection can be e. min. a welding test shall be performed by each combination of welding equipment and welder in work to ensure the correct adjustments of welding temperature. Overlapping shall be done with overlaps in the direction of the slope of the liner. that no significant problems arise during the welding due to temperature variations. caused by e g. Installation may only be done by technical staff approved by the producer of the liner material and with equipment approved by the same. 1. The seam between the membrane at any near-horizontal areas and the membrane at a slope shall be positioned at the near-horizontal plane and no closer to the toe of the slope than 1. Covering Until the membrane has been checked and approved. enabling full testing of the tightness of the seams with high-voltage spark methods. changes in weather conditions or equivalent. i.0 m of soil not containing stones larger than 0. or extrusion welds with a spark-leader welded into the seam. pressure and speed according to the prevailing weather conditions. but with sufficient material and overlapping to ensure. Check of liner material and installation The check of the installation works shall be based on a check plan set up by the Contractor and approved by the Supervising Authority. At the top of the slope the liner shall be anchored in an anchoring trench after the drainage material / cover at the slopes has been installed. the liner shall be folded back and welded in order to preserve a 1. per 100 m No leaks 1 nos. Table 4-5: Checks of lining material Stage Item Subject to check Method Extent Acceptance Delivery Liner material Datasheet Quality check 1 nos.0 m wide lane along the edge from damages and weathering. At slopes the drainage or cover material shall be installed starting from the toe of the slope taking any slack in the liner material to the top of the slope.000 m2 Stress and strain at yield Less than 10% negative deviation from specification Less than 10% negative deviation from specification 32| P a g e . the extent of the check and when the check shall be performed. per 1. per 5.e. per 1.0 m. the polymer liner shall be finalized with a loop of min. i.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL The Contractor shall cover the installed liner with geotextile immediately upon check and approval by the Supervising Authority. 1.5 m shall protect the fold. per roll Delivered Prefabricated welding seams Tightness Test certificates on results of producers check by Vacuum bell.000 m2 Mechanical properties Stress and strain at break 1 nos. A soil cover of min 0. pressurized double seam.000 m2 No flaws or defects Thickness Measurement 1 nos. The check plan shall describe who has the responsibility for performing each check. spark-testing Liner material Appearance Visual Reception 1 nos. Further the plan shall indicate whether the works may proceed or shall wait pending the results of the tests and checks. Connections to future stages of the landfill Where the polymer liner in the future shall be connected to coming stages of the landfill. DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL Stage Item Prefabricated welding seams Start of welding During installation Welding seams Subject to check Method Extent Acceptance Vacuum bell, pressurized double seam,spark-testing 1 nos. per 1.000 m2 No leaks Strength Shear and peel 1 nos. per 5,000 m2 Less than 10% negative deviation from specification Tightness (in-situ) Vacuum bell, pressurized double seam, spark-testing 1 nos. per welder per. welding machine per. day No leaks Tightness Strength (cut sample) Shear and peel Liner material Appearance Visual Welding seams Tightness (in-situ) Vacuum bell, pressurized double seam, spark-testing Mechanical properties (cut sample) Stress and strain at break Stress and strain at yield cut sample min. 36 cm x 60 cm 100% 100% 1 nos. per 5,000 m2 No flaws or defects No leaks Less than 10% negative deviation on shear Less than 25% negative deviation on peel 4.4.4 Geotextile Geotextiles are used for protection of the polymer liner against tear and wear during the installation works and against damages from particles in the drainage layer. The geotextile shall be a non-woven geotextile of UV-stable polypropylene, polyethylene or polyester capable of resisting exposure to the sun for minimum two years. The weight of the geotextile shall be ≥ 1,000 gr/m2. Installation Simple overlapping with a width of min. 0.5 m shall connect lanes of installed geotextile. Alternatively sewn connections may be used. Sewn connections shall have tensile strength equal to the tensile strength of the geotextile. The geotextile shall be delivered at the site with a quality certification from the producer certifying the characteristics of the material according to the above specifications. Further the delivery shall 33| P a g e DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL be accompanied by a protocol with the results of the producers quality check for the specific batch delivered to the site. The geotextile shall be protected against physical damages during transport to the site and during storage at the site. 4.4.5 Sand layer Sand layer is used, in addition to geotextile, for the protection of the polymer liner against tear and wear during the installation works and against damages from particles in the drainage layer. The sand layer will consist of particles smaller than 0.08 m. The layer’s thickness will be at least 0.10m. 4.4.6 Drainage layer The gravel layer will serve the purposes of a drainage layer. The thickness of the drainage layer will be 50 cm. Materials used for drainage layer shall be free-draining graded gravel without any content of clay- or silt. The content of organic material (CaCO3) shall be less than 20%. Crushed rock or stones shall not be used. The coefficient of permeability of the drainage material shall be larger than 10-3 m/s. The grain size distribution will be from 16 to 32 mm while maximum grain size is 32 mm. In the case of use of geosynthetic drainage net, this is a prefabricated approximately 12mm thick drainage mat consisting of an extruded wave-shaped monofilament fixed to a layer of geotextile or installed between two layers of geotextile. The geosynthetic drainage mat has a high capacity for transporting water in its own plane and the geotextile ensure a filtering function towards the surrounding materials (soil / waste). The geosynthetic drainage mat shall have a transmissivity in its own plane at an overburden pressure of 200 kN/m2 corresponding to a 0.5 m gravel layer of permeability coefficient of k > 10-3 m/s. Execution of the works Before any installation of drainage materials on top of the polymer liner is commenced the Contractor shall set up a plan for the execution of the works to be approved by the Supervision Authority. The plan shall describe which plant and methodology the Contractor intends to utilize, ensuring that no damage is done to the liner system. No equipment is allowed to enter on top of the polymer liner without adequate protection of the liner against mechanical damage. Protection can be ensured by:  permitting the trucks bringing drainage material in to the cells at all times drive on a "dike" with a thickness no less than 1,0m between the wheels and the liner, or at protective plates of concrete or steel. 34| P a g e DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL  permitting only vehicles and other machinery with belt-drive or low wheel pressure enter onto the installed drainage layer. During installation works, it is not allowed to push the drainage using bulldozers or equivalent machinery that may cause tension in the polymer membrane. Drainage material shall be "rolled" or "laid" out using e.g. excavation machinery on belts or equivalent. When the drainage material has been installed excavations for e.g. installation of drainage pipes and filter material around the pipes may only be done manually, and all excavated trenches shall be visually inspected and approved by the Engineer before drain pipes are installed. The installation of filter material around drain pipes shall ensure the designed dimensions of the filter material. 35| P a g e 000 50 – 600 Typical concentration (mg/l) 10. the degree of compression in landfills. due to humidity. and is one of the most important stages in the construction of a landfill.500 200 – 2. under no circumstances should the leachate be discharged to surface and underground water.000 10 – 600 10 – 800 5 – 40 1 – 70 1 – 50 1.5 LEACHATE MANAGEMENT 4. Leachate collection system is designed in accordance with the surface water management. the legislation is very strict concerning this matter.000 3. as water enters the waste volume. A typical composition of the leachates produced from domestic waste landfills are given in the table below. a collection and drainage system is essential. Leachate contains suspended solids. can ultimately cause more harm than good.1 Leachate generation .5.000 50 – 1.000 100 – 3.000 250 300 500 500 500 60 Experience has shown that the isolation of the base itself.5 300 – 10.3 – 8. The principles of leachate collection system that rule the proposed design are:  The input amount of rainwater should be reduced as much as possible.000 18.500 1. The composition of the leachate produced in a landfill. The most of leachate components have the potential to be toxic and could cause the death of river life.000 – 30. Table 4-6: Composition of produced leachates Parameter BOD5 TOC COD Total Suspended Solids Organic nitrogen Ammonia nitrogen Nitrates Total phosphorus Orthophosphoric Alkalinity (CaCO3) pH Totalhardness(CaCO3) Calcium Magnesium Potassium Sodium Chlorine Sulphur Total iron Concentration limits (mg/l) 2.000 200 – 1. They can also contaminate drinking water. precipitation and/or rising groundwater level.000 15.000 500 200 200 25 30 20 3.000 5. Besides. soluble waste components.000 – 45. soluble decomposition products and microbes. as the correlation 36| P a g e .000 200 – 3.000 – 20.000 6 3.000 – 10.000 6. as the lifetime of the isolation is largely dependent on this. Therefore. composition and age of waste.composition Leachate is produced in landfills.000 200 – 2. directly (through toxins and BOD5) or indirectly (via eutrophication). etc.000 100 – 3.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL 4. without collection and removal of leachate. depends on the type. Therefore. the quantity of leachate has been estimated for the following operation phases:  Cell A in operation (10 years operation)  Cell A filled To estimate the leachate production. the rate of production and the qualitative composition of leachate. removed and finally treated according to the suggested technique. Dynamic (potential) evapotranspiration (ETP) presents the evapotranspiration that could have occurred.  The collection and drainage system should ensure long-term collection of the total quantity of leachate and exclude any admixture with rainwater. as well (50 years.5 Mg/m3)  free flow of leachate towards its collection tank should be enabled and leachate should be treated in a rather easy way  the hydraulic height of leachate should not exceed 50 cm above the geomembrane. industrial and physical burdens. but at the phase of the landfill aftercare.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL between them is strong. the dynamic evapotranspiration is used. deformities or shifts in the isolation system during its placement  the pipes should be hydraulically efficient and should withstand chemical. Trenches parallel with the footprint of the landfill will be developed in order to prohibit the runoff into the landfill’s body. initially the evapotranspiration had to be determined.2 Leachate production In this study. temperature)  the qualitative composition of waste  the way of the sanitary landfill operation  the age of layers 4. 37| P a g e . 40oC. which must be collected. the following information were required:  the climatic conditions of the region (height and distribution of precipitation. For the calculation of the hydrological balance.5. waste density: 1. if there was an excess of moisture on the relevant surfaces. The system for leachate management should be chosen upon the following requirements:  not to cause damage. The selection of the most appropriate scheme should be based on the expected quantities of the produced leachate. For the determination of the volume. The evapotranspiration (ET) presents the sum of the real water losses through the evaporation of soil and mold and the transpiration of the flora. not only during the phase of operation. 1217  P 360 where:  P = the average percentage of hours of daylight for each month of the year. The average hours of daytime for each month of the year were calculated using linear interpolation. the determination of the potential evapotranspiration has been conducted using the Thornthwaite equation: ETP  PE  ( PE ) x x DT 360 where:  ETP = PE = corrected potential evapotranspiration (mm /month)  (PE)x = average potential evapotranspiration (mm/month) ( PE )  16 x( x 10 xTi a ) J where:  Ti = mean monthly air temperature  J = annual heat index  a = surface flow coefficient J J i where:  Ji = monthly heat index Ji  0.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL In this study.016  J  0. For latitudes between 33o and 47o north of Equator. The mean monthly precipitation and the mean monthly temperature were calculated.5 DT  0.09 x Ti 3 a  0. 38| P a g e . given data for from the nearest Meteorological Station. produced leachate is easy to estimate upon the hydrological balance. based on the relevant hydrological table. Having calculated the evapotranspiration. 8 1184.7 71.3 30.2 78.3 31.5 46.6 67. which direct the surface flow away from the waste body.4 120.7 128.3 86.9 24.4 169 96.6 107.7 1995 128.5 101.8 174.4 118.7 169 318.5 116.9 17.6 50.9 92.4 111.8 97.2 26.3 17.7 37.1 1999 41.5 67.7 187.2 77.4 74.1 55.2 60.6 101 85 70.3 152.4 95.5 10.3 86.2 88.1 31.8 69.5 103.4 59.5 127.9 115.2 68 148.8 31.9 102.5 31.3 70.3 86.8 82 140.6 102.7 32.2 133.2 2.2 1993 33.4 736.1 806. Table 4-7: Climatic data (Monthly precipitations distribution throughout measured at the CS Kopaonik) Month I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X XI XII annual 1991 24.2 10.7 85.8 108.1 106.9 1994 75.2 43.2 80.7 913.  There is no leakage towards the groundwater table.8 115.6 1043.2 1992 26.9 97.7 736.9 38.1 2000 80.4 152.  There is no rainwater inflow from the wider basin.3 76.3 2.7 985.2 37.4 min. due to the construction of suitable ditches for the rainwater outflow.5 110.2 99.1 936.6 128.4 70.5 68.8 19.1 1997 17.8 98.4 28.5 66 1027.9 58.7 52.4 81.3 54.4 52.4 118.9 96.1 65.9 104.6 62.4 39.9 77.4 232.5 74 118.8 102.7 10.1 139.4 Year 39| P a g e .9 107.1 114 85.4 mean 46.5 19. 17.7 66.7 26.9 1102.3 52.6 1230.8 62.3 84.7 1996 19.7 114 174.6 17.7 2001 31.4 69.2 76.9 115. due to the isolation of the bottom of the active basin.9 200.2 29.9 1998 32.7 96.4 55.5 94.2 107.7 102.1 187.7 39.2 10.2 65.6 122.5 237.8 133.7 1000.6 59.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL L  P  R  E  (axW ) Where:  L = leachate  P = precipitation  R = surface flow  E = real evapotransporation  a = absorbability of waste (defined as the quantity of water the waste can withhold reduced by the quantity of water produced during biodegradation reactions)  W = weight of waste entering the landfill For the hydrological balance implementation.5 187.4 78.3 30.3 237.6 48.2 318.2 29.9 116.5 129.7 151.3 64.9 91.5 31.9 57. The climatic data used for the estimation of leachate quantities are shown in the following table.4 857.9 64.5 52.7 1230. the following assumptions have been made.8 117.5 32.3 84.4 75.9 max 128.8 88 43.6 51.2 45. 5 11.2 7 -0.6 3.2 17.6 12.6 14.5 10.3 21.6 16. 40| P a g e .3 20.3 15.6 15.7 9 -1.6 2.8 21.5 1.7 2.93 The results of the leachate estimation are shown in following tables and figure.4 3 6.3 2.7 11.2 19.3 20.7 5 0.95 18.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL Table 4-8: Temperature data from the surrounding meteorological stations in the area Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Year Mean Temperature 1 0.7 20.11 10.8 0.7 11.2 19.3 15.9 10 15 19.8 19.4 2 5.8 12.2 21.6 8 0.3 7 11 16.5 0.3 5.5 1.2 19.7 11.8 7 11.2 21.6 12.2 12.6 10.3 7.2 21.3 21.1 17.34 17.5 2 0.5 11.2 20 16.63 20.8 2.3 6.6 10.1 10.1 14.4 3 7.5 4.8 19.7 10 1.6 11.6 16.4 3 6 9.5 20.1 21.4 4 -0.1 15.1 2.5 10.5 7.8 18.8 6.04 2.9 AVER 0.7 10.5 21.1 7.1 21 20.21 14.1 7 3 11.8 18.2 5.3 12 7.6 19.5 11.2 5 11.1 6 -0.77 20.57 6.3 19.1 15 18.8 15.2 21.6 21.7 6.5 3 0.24 10.6 17 11.8 7.7 11.1 1.8 12.5 17.8 17.5 9 4.1 -3.55 5.6 10.8 6 1.69 3.5 3 6.23 11.2 17.6 18.8 16 10. 29 103.54 1.90 129.00 0.09 68.40 74.02 50.26 6.50 101.26 6.77 4.40 111.26 25.63 20.40 70.82 18.40 70.80 97.62 9.00 0.00 17.91 41| P a g e .11 10.77 20.94 5.37 18.04 2.34 17.83 0.10 106.00 46.09 54.23 Average potential evapotranspiration (PE)x (mm/month) Adjusted potential evapotranspiration (ETP)(mm /month) Surface runoff coefficiency (%) Infiltration (mm/month) 70.00 0.36 Table 4-10: Leachate production when cell is under rehabilitation (mm/month) J F M A M J J A S O N D Annual 46.82 18.79 0.69 3.55 5.88 90.44 3.92 59.70 998.90 64.05 7.52 118.57 6.20 7.90 5.08 2.47 17.90 Temperature ( C) 0.77 130.99 20.62 9.00 13.77 130.57 6.00 0.69 649.52 118.00 18.00 0.04 2.99 20.29 103.23 Average potential evapotranspiration (PE)x (mm/month) Adjusted potential evapotranspiration (ETP)(mm /month) Surface runoff coefficiency (%) 0.89 63.37 1.18 47.09 68.24 10.51 7.01 430.16 17.80 97.00 0.52 15.26 85.94 5.99 600.31 19.31 19.82 Infiltration (mm/month) 0.29 112.08 2.24 8.63 Precipitation (mm/month) o Surface flow coefficient (a) 1.69 649.21 57.21 14.49 Annually heat index (J) 45.24 16.11 10.34 17.29 112.70 998.05 7.20 78.59 82.40 59.90 46.99 600.80 117.24 10.90 Temperature ( C) 0.37 1.80 117.49 0.95 18.22 100.40 111.94 Monthly heat index (Ji) 0.40 74.23 11.00 63.93 16.55 5.51 7.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL Table 4-9: Leachate production when cell is in operation (mm/month) J F M A M J J A S O N D Annual 46.23 11.11 0.40 59.97 43.20 7.25 Precipitation (mm/month) o Annually heat index (J) 45.30 70.63 Surface flow coefficient (a) 1.79 0.18 47.05 54.04 6.94 Monthly heat index (Ji) 0.88 90.77 20.54 1.10 106.56 0.52 8.69 3.05 54.20 78.56 0.24 8.97 43.52 53.44 3.21 14.30 70.90 64.63 20.22 100.90 46.26 85.50 101.26 25.52 8.59 82.95 18.04 6.02 50. 12 0.16 17.26 477.18 JUN 289.890.14 SEP 2.00 OCT 17.22 0.69 0.97 OCT 516.59 MAR 1.90 1.736.63 0.24 MAY 16.24 533.41 DEC 2.93 FEB 2.31 417.91 JUL 173.77 4.91 520.47 MAY 0.66 0.78 494.98 567.592.09 Table 4-12: Daily average leachate production (m3/day) Cell A in operation Cell A filled JAN 46.36 NOV 1.93 16.80 AUG 3.01 13.90 5.40 JUL 0.09 MAR 54.37 SEP 1.47 17.67 JUN 0.11 JUN 9.21 NOV 57.20 0.47 APR 1.92 APR 59.79 42| P a g e .647.37 18.87 FEB 1.91 15.31 566.79 0.777.36 FEB 53.390.83 2.61 DEC 1.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL Table 4-11: Monthly average leachate production (m3/month) Cell A in operation Cell A filled JAN 1.72 0.18 31.21 MAR 2.04 0.48 SEP 63.04 18.17 144.72 NOV 2.89 DEC 63.97 52.24 MAY 483.99 154.24 AUG 0.889.74 1.74 0.90 Table 4-13: Hourly average leachate production (m3/hour) Cell A in operation Cell A filled JAN 1.96 86.58 0.29 APR 2.66 JUL 5.95 AUG 104.07 0.62 OCT 0. DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL Cell A in operation Cell A filled Daily production of leachate 43| P a g e . industrial and physical burdens. leachate flows due to gravity from the various points of the landfill basin and slopes to the collection pipes. 44| P a g e . as well o the hydraulic height of leachate should not exceed 50 cm above the geomembrane. On the other hand. Each collection pipe. out of the landfill and direct it to a collection point. Highest depth points are placed outside sealed area. The principles of leachate collection system that rule the proposed design are:  The input amount of rainwater should be reduced as much as possible. the produces leachate flow downward (due to gravity). the following can be concluded:  The leachate production during the operation cell A is expected to be between 3. There are no valves to open or pumps to fail. b) integrated maintenance of the entire system because it can be controlled outside the waste body.3 Leachate collection The leachate collection system can be either passive or active.01 m3/day  The leachate production when cell A is filled is expected to be between 1. as the correlation between them is strong. from which a non-perforatedpipe pierces the bounding embankment and leads the leachate through gravity to the LTP. leads collected leachate outside of the landfill to the corresponding collection sump. In passive systems. 4. In order to prohibit the runoff into landfill’s body a number of works will take place (see par.  The collection and drainage system should ensure long-term collection of the total quantity of leachate and exclude any admixture with rainwater.9 m3/day 4. but at the phase of the landfill aftercare.5. The basin of the landfill is shaped to have slopes at least 33% transversal on the drainage pipe network and about 4-5% longitudinal. deformities or shifts in the isolation system during its placement o the pipes should be hydraulically efficient and should withstand chemical.  The system for leachate management was chosen upon the following requirements: o not to cause damage. Leachate collection system is designed in accordance with the surface water management.8). In the basin one deep point is designed in the south part of the cell.48 and 63.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL From the above. not only during the phase of operation. active systems have advantages like: a) controlled leachate supply to the wastewater treatment plant. again by the use of gravity.04 and 18. In the proposed design. The collection pipes shall be made of HDPE perforate by 2/3 of their diameter and shall have a nominal diameter D = 315 mm. The calculation of the maximum leachate production is made by using the rational method: Q= c x i x Α Where: II. The calculation of the maximum leachate production has to be made for the correct dimensioning of the leachate collection system. from whicha non-perforated pipe pierces the bounding embankment and leads the leachate through gravity to the LTP. 4. The diameter has been selected taking into consideration precipitation data of the area. For the calculation of the concentration time the Kirpich equation is used: 45| P a g e . The dimensions of the sump will be 1. The collection sump are made of concrete.5. In the basin one deep point is designed in the south part of the cell. The pipes will be placed in the bottom of the basin. Dimensioning of leachate drainage pipes Discharge estimation method The hydrological calculations are made for a return period of 10 years.3.The pipes installed into the gravel zone. installed within the drainage layer in a special surface formation of the deposition basin.  c: runoff coefficient  i: rainfall intensity in the time of concentration (m/s)  Α: area of catchment’s basin (m2) Concentration time The rainfall duration used for the calculation of critical intensity corresponds to the concentration time of the catchment basin.5x1. and will lead the collected leachate through the embankment to the collection sump. The produced leachate will be collected from the respective pipes.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL The collection of leachate shall be facilitated by pipes.1 I. For the installation of the leachate collection pipes a special topical formation of the basin is constructed. according to the proposed design. Uphill the collection sump there will be a gate-valve sump in order to cut off flow when the pipe cleaning is taking place. which will be positioned having an adequate inclination to achieve effective flow of leachate to the lower level of the basin.5m. At the bottom of cell four (4) pipes will be placed. The non-perforated pipe shall be made of HDPE and shall have a nominal diameter D = 315 mm. as well as the basin of the landfill. 385) Where:  Tc: time of concentration (min)  L: longest watercourse length (m)  S: slope between the highest point in the catchment and the catchment III.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL t c = 0.00 315 255. at the bottom of cell A four pipes (P1. Table 4-14: Sizing of leachate collection pipes Characteristics Outer Diameter (mm Inner Diameter (mm) )@10Atm Starting Height (m) Finishing Height (m) Length (m) Pipes Ρ1 Ρ2 Ρ3 Ρ4 315 255.00 579.80 22.00 579.1947 x L0.6 579.6 579.P2.00 577.00 157.00 315 255.P4) will be placed. Q=AxV V 1 3 2  R  S n Where:  Q = discharge (m3/s)  A = “wet” area (m2)  V = velocity (m/s)  n = Manning coefficient  R = hydraulic radius (m)  S = slope According to the proposed design.00 46| P a g e .00 157.P3.6 585.00 315 255. The sizing of pipes is shown in the table below.80 22. Collection system design – Hydraulic calculations For the dimensioning of the pipes the Manning formula was used assuming that the continuity assumption is valid.6 585.77 x S (−0.00 577. 6044 4.1431 2/3 10.8217% 0.00 As shown in the above calculations.1431 2/3 16.6044 4.59 up to 16.3555 0.17 5.00.948 0.3255 0.59 5.8217% 0.4545% 0.1431 2/3 9. In addition all the pipes have a safety factor ranging from 9.4577 0.948 0.948 0.4545% 0.7220 5.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL Characteristics Inclination (%) Flow (m3/sec) Velocity (m/sec) Wetted Perimeter (m) Wetted Radius (m) Perforation Safe factor Pipes Ρ1 Ρ2 Ρ3 Ρ4 3.948 0.4577 0.7220 5. 47| P a g e .92 3.4 m/sec which is the down limit so that no deposit of sediments within the pipelines occurs.1431 2/3 15. the velocity within the pipes is much bigger than 0. for leachate treatment. costs of investment and operation 48| P a g e .1 Introduction For an integrated leachate management.6. such as:  Physical sedimentation  Chemical flocculation / sedimentation and infiltration in a sand filter  Adsorption in an active carbon filter  Oxidation with ozone (ozonosis)  Ammonia removal in an absorption column Generally.6 LEACHATE TREATMENT 4. two main treatment methods can be combined. the characteristics of leachate to be treated 2. Additionally. purification systems can be used as a first or final stage of treatment (before the final disposal). progress of the landfill operation through the years 4. a secondary method can be selected if required. The selection criteria for the treatment system are: 1. normally more than one treatment methods are required. but this involves high cost. and is implemented only when it comes to leachate of specific characteristics. biological methods and/or physicochemical methods are used. a main method (from the ones previously mentioned) is always selected. As main treatment methods. Combined systems are the most commendable methodology for leachate treatment. the characteristics of the treated leachate based on the final recipient 3. and if required by the effluent requirements. Complementary. In rare cases. These methods aim at achieving the demanded final effluent quality. such as:  Aerobic biological treatment  Anaerobic treatment systems  Chemical oxidation  Membrane aided treatment (reverse osmosis)  Evaporation (closed or open system). depending on the age of leachate (if it is “fresh” or “old”).DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL 4. which foresees the treatment of waste. Basic characteristic of the last one is the decrease in the organic load as well as its stabilization or its inactivation.000 mg/l  TP = 6 mg/l These characteristics represent the worst possible case. the quality of the produced leachate is expected to change. but also to a drastic change in the waste composition.200 mg/l  TN = 2. because of the implementation of the solid waste management plan. implies a big range in leachate production. As a result. the composting plant.000 mg/l  COD = 22.000 mg/l  SS = 1. there are two basic parameters that fluctuate during the operation of the landfill:  the quantity and composition of the incoming solid waste  the quantity and quality of the produced leachate The incoming quantity of waste will be changing over time. will be led to the leachate treatment plant. the sequential design of the landfill. It is obvious that the selection of the treatment system for the landfill must be characterized by a big “elasticity” concerning the quantities and the quality of leachate. the quality of the treated leachate is what it refers to the national legislation and additional. provided that the residues from treatment processes have a different behaviour in their burying and their interaction with the incoming water. This will lead not only to a gradual reduction of the quantity of waste entering the landfill. Also. Therefore. Additionally. For the Savina Stena SL the effluent characteristics are as follow :  COD  250 mg/l  ΒΟD5 50 mg/l Concerning the 3rd criterion. where mixed waste will be disposed to the landfill. the staff from this facility as well as the wastewater from the tier washing. Concerning the 2nd criterion. using different cells.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL Concerning the 1st criterion. 49| P a g e . the final recipient of the treated leachate will be the waste anaglyph or in natural recipients. the basic characteristics of the leachate to be treated are approximately anticipated to be:  BOD5 = 13. the wastewater from the material recycling facility. The typical characteristics of the input of the leachate treatment plant are: 50| P a g e . which are selected as a function of the each case specific. The selection of the management system should be a combination of the maximum environmental efficiency with the minimum economic cost. According to the previous criteria. the capital and operational cost is a parameter to be examined in any plant. further down a leachate treatment plant is proposed for the Savina Stena Landfill 4.2 Leachate treatment plant of Savina Stena Landfill The proposed leachate treatment plant has to ensure that the effluent will have the quality to be discharged in natural recipients according to the requirement of the legislation and the reduction of the concentration values for the following indices:  solid materials in suspension  oxygen chemical consumption  oxygen biochemical consumption  ammonia  nitrates  sulphurs  chlorates  heavy metals. modular. concerning the 4th criterion. The applied treatment technique combination has to ensure the removal of the following pollutants:  ammoniac nitrogen  bio-degradable and non-degradable organic compounds  chlorinate organic compounds  mineral salts. Leachate treatment is attained with the help of special equipment.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL Finally.6. The proposed leachate treatment plant is presented below. Main advantages of SBR process are: 1) Simple construction.000.200 mg/l 2. and 6) Can be adapted to both nitrification and denitrification. Finally.000 mg/l 1.00 mg/l The requirements for the quality of the effluent are:  COD  250 mg/l  ΒΟD5 50 mg/l A system based on Sequence Batch Reactors (SBR) is selected. ease of management and possibility of modifications during trial phases through on-line control of the treatment strategy.00 mg/l 500.00 mg/l 150.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL Table 4-15: Typical characteristics of leachate input to treatment plant Landfill Leachates Q BOD5 COD SS TN TP Landfill Staff Q BOD5 SS TN TP Tire washing wastewater Q BOD5 COD SS TN TP = = = = = = 63. 5) Easily scalable. 2) Plant can fit into almost any shape.00 m3/d 280. there are some disadvantages which are considered minor like a higher level of sophistication is required (compared to conventional systems) and a higher level of preservation (compared to conventional systems) associated with more sophisticated controls.00 mg/l 5.00 mg/l 1. 4) Fewer channels and pipe work. sometimes there is potential requirement for equalization after the SBR. 51| P a g e .00 mg/l 4.01 m3/d 13.00 mg/l 240. depending on the downstream processes.000 mg/l 6 mg/l = = = = = 1.00 mg/l 25. and automated valves.00 m3/d 2.00 mg/l = = = = = = 1. However. automated switches. SBR systems have been systematically used for leachate treatment and they offer various benefits such as minimal space requirements.000. 3) Flow through plants requires regular shaped sites.000 mg/l 22. The output of SBR2 is collected to a well and form there it is sent for disinfection. The enriched leachate will overflow towards the SBR1 where the biological reactions and transformations will take place. 4. In this point. The output of SBR1 is driven to SBR2 for further treatment. More specifically. the necessary quantity of nutrients is added in order to facilitate the biological process.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL Figure 4-1: Leachate treatment flowchart The leachate collected at the equalization tank will be pumped to the entrance of the SBR well. Quantity B.2. Similar phenomena take place in SBR2 (biodegradation. With this treatment the required effluent characteristics will be achieved. with the support of aeration and stirring. At the same time. sedimentation of suspended solids will also take place creating a sludge layer at the bottom of the SBR1. Quality unit Value M3/d 65 52| P a g e .6. From both SBRs the biological sludge created is moved to another well where sludge pumps will transfer it to the sludge thickener.1 Design parameters The main design characteristics are presented in Table below: Table 4-16: Quantity& Quality of effluent leachate A. biodegradation phenomena (nitrification / denitrification of organic fraction) will take place inside the SBR1 unit. sedimentation). 6. an anoxic condition is present. Because the mixers and aerators remain off. This ensures that an anoxic condition will occur during the idle phase 53| P a g e . which promotes denitrification. Because there is no aeration. No adjustments to the aerated-fill cycle are needed to reduce organics and achieve nitrification. react. The contents of the basin are aerated to convert the anoxic or anaerobic zone over to an aerobic zone.2 unit Value °C 12-20 1 Temperature 2 pH 3 BOD5 mg/l 13. it is necessary to switch the oxygen off to promote anoxic conditions for denitrification. decant. These steps can be altered for different operational applications and they are presented at Figure 4-2.2. oxic and anoxic conditions are created. Mixed Fill – Under a mixed-fill scenario. mechanical mixers are active. at plants that do not need to nitrify or denitrify. and idle. creating an environment for biochemical reactions to take place. The mixing action produces a uniform blend of influent wastewater and biomass. and during low. Static fill is used during the initial start-up phase of a facility. Fill During the fill phase. This release is reabsorbed by the biomass once aerobic conditions are reestablished. Mixing and aeration can be varied during the fill phase to create the following three different scenarios: Static Fill – Under a static-fill scenario. settle. but the aerators remain off.000 7 ΤP mg/l 6 6.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL 4. which consists of five steps—fill. there is no mixing or aeration while the influent wastewater is entering the tank. The influent brings food to the microbes in the activated sludge.5 SBR Process description The operation of an SBR is based on a fill-and-draw principle.000 5 SS mg/l 1. This phosphorous release will not happen with anoxic conditions. Aerated Fill – Under an aerated-fill scenario. Under anaerobic conditions the biomass undergoes a release of phosphorous. both the aerators and the mechanical. to achieve denitrification. By switching the oxygen on and off during this phase with the blowers. allowing for nitrification and denitrification.flow periods to save power.2 mg/L.5-8. Dissolved oxygen (DO) should be monitored during this phase so it does not go over 0. However. the basin receives influent wastewater.mixing unit are activated.000 4 COD mg/l 22.200 6 ΤΚΝ mg/l 2. Anaerobic conditions can also be achieved during the mixed-fill phase. this scenario has an energy-savings component. Once the settle phase is complete. no wastewater enters the basin and the mechanical mixing and aeration units are on. The phosphorus released during mixed fill. a decanter is used to remove the clear supernatant effluent. a signal is sent to the decanter to initiate the opening of an effluentdischarge valve. Settle During this phase. During this phase. some sludge can be drawn off during the subsequent decant phase and thereby degrade effluent quality. forming a distinctive interface with the clear supernatant. There are floating and fixed-arm decanters. Most of the carbonaceous BOD removal occurs in the react phase. Decant During this phase. is taken up during the react phase. This phase is a critical part of the cycle. plus some additional phosphorus. Floating decanters offer the operator flexibility to vary fill 54| P a g e . the rate of organic removal increases dramatically. Further nitrification occurs by allowing the mixing and aeration to continue—the majority of denitrification takes place in the mixed-fill phase. The activated sludge tends to settle as a flocculent mass. Floating decanters maintain the inlet orifice slightly below the water surface to minimize the removal of solids in the effluent removed during the decant phase. because if the solids do not settle rapidly. activated sludge is allowed to settle under quiescent conditions—no flow enters the basin and no aeration and mixing takes place. The sludge mass is called the sludge blanket. Because there are no additional volume and organic loadings.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL Figure 4-2: SBR cycles React This phase allows for further reduction or "polishing" of wastewater parameters. 2. It shows the total time required by the liquid to degrade. Idle This step occurs between the decant and the fill
 Volatile solid= Volatile suspended solid concentration in the reactor (kg-VSS/L) F/M= kg-COD/kg-VSS. The HRT plays an important role while anaerobic digestion of which the liquid has to stay within the digester until degradation. the efficiency can be improved by decreasing the loading. a small amount of activated sludge at the bottom of the SBR basin is pumped out—a process called wasting. During this phase. based on the influent flow rate and the operating strategy.3 Major Calculations The following major calculations are necessary for the design of an SBR system The F/M Ratio The F/M ratio would simply be the digester loading divided by the concentration of volatile suspended solid (biomass) in the digester (kg-COD/kg-VSS. It is optimal that the decanted volume is the same as the volume that enters the basin during the fill phase.   Organic loading rate= COD of the influent stream (kg-COD/L. 4. The F/M can be calculated as follows: F/M = Organic Loading rate / Volatile Solid where. The vertical distance from the decanter to the bottom of the tank should be maximized to avoid disturbing the settled biomass. The HRT can be calculated as follows: HRT = CODin / OLR Where    HRT= Hydraulic retention time (days) OLR= Organic loading rate (kg-COD/ The hydraulic retention time (HRT) The hydraulic retention time calculation before proceeding experiments is also an important process control parameters. Also for given biomass concentration within the digester. For any given loading. efficiency can be improved by lowering the F/M ratio and increasing the concentration of biomass in the digester.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL and draw volumes. Fixed-arm decanters are less expensive and can be designed to allow the operator to lower or raise the level of the decanter. It is also important that no surface foam or scum is The time CODin= Influent COD (kg-COD/L) The flow rate 55| P a g e . Normally. Inside the well. It is reported as mg/l of oxygen consumed to degrade the wastewater in 5 days.2.6. to facilitate the biological process. flow rate is controlled by means of a peristaltic pump with corresponding tube hosing of different diameter.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL The HRT and flow rate examine the exact influent stream from feed inlet to the outlet. the enriched leachate shall overflow towards the biological reaction tank SBR 1. leachate is introduced (manual weir) into the first sequential batch reactor where under aeration and stirring. Pumps shall be capable to feed the daily leachate flow to the SBR 1 within 1h. equalized and homogenized leachate shall be pumped from the equalization tank to the entrance well of SBR 1. Organic loading rate is calculated as follows: OLR = BOD x Design flow / Area 4.2. From the entrance well. the appropriate quantity of nutrients is added. such as kg of BOD5 per day per square meter. Two pumps shall be installed (one as spare).
    Q= Flow rate of influence stream (L/day) Vw= Working volume of the reactor (L) HRT= Hydraulic retention time (days) The organic loading rate Organic loading rate is presented as the weight of organic matter per day applied over a surface area. it is necessary to introduce C to the system (methanol) and P (H3PO4).6. The BOD5 is a measure of the oxygen needed to degrade organic matter dissolved in the wastewater over 5 days. Pump station feeding SBR unit Through a pumping station. The flow rate is designed according to the working volume of the reactor. 4.5 The reactors Description Provided the dosing of nutrients at the upstream well. The flow rate can be calculated as follows: Q = Vw/HRT Where.4 SBR Unit Pre-treatment To calibrate the C:N:P ratio since we have high N concentration. capacity of each pump shall be 65 m3/h. BOD5 is one way to measure the amount of easily degradable organic matter in sewage. biodegradation 56| P a g e . SBR is aiming on the reduction of the pollutant load (BOD5.40 kg BOD5/m3/d and for a solid loading of 0. made of reinforced concrete and equipped with surface aerators (for the nitrification process) and agitators (for the denitrification process). SBR2 shall be of effective dimensions 4x4x3. Sedimentation of suspended solids will also take place inside the SBR unit. Treated leachate from SBR 2 shall be collected at a well. More detailed sizing is provided in a later paragraph. upstream to the disinfection facility. Biological sludge from SBR 1 and 2 shall be collected at a second well prior its introduction to the sludge thickener. of capacity 50 kg O2 / h. installed on a concrete bridge. installed on a concrete bridge.5m. Sludge shall be collected through the bottom to the excess sludge pump sludge station. Consecutively with SBR 1.15 kg BOD5/ kg MLVSS/d. Treated leachate from SBR 1 shall overflow to SBR 2 undertaking further treatment. the second biological reactor shall be located. COD. for a volumetric loading of 0. SBR2 tank shall be served by one surface aerator.05 – 0. Both tanks (SBR 1 and 2) shall be designed for a residence time of 18 days. SBR1 shall communicate with SBR2 through a submerged opening. ΤΚΝ). Both tanks shall be rectangular.16 – 0. Based on the design calculations SBR 1 shall have an effective volume of about 1.500 m3 while SBR 2 approximately 300 m3. To achieve effluent requirements. One agitator shall be installed at each tank for the denitrification phase. Figure 4-3 presents an indicative arrangement SBR 2 SBR 1 Effluent tank sludge pump station Figure 4-3:SBR unit SBR1 tank shall be served by two surface aerators.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL (nitrification/ denitrification) of organic load takes place. SS. 57| P a g e . of capacity 15 kg O2 / h. 6.2. Step 1: Filling Filling period allows leachate to enter the SBR tank and rise its level from 75% to 100% of its capacity. Basic characteristics of the filling phase are: Volume of operation: 75% to 100% Additional characteristics: on / off air supply Undergoing processes: Food supply Incoming leachate is treated under specific processes and at the end of a full cycle of operation 90% of its flow is supplied as treated effluent. 4.6 The process The steps of operation are presented below. Step 2: Aeration phase During this step the introduction of oxygen into the mixed liquid is performed. Basic characteristics of this phase are: Volume of operation: 100% Additional characteristics: Air supply Undergoing processes: substrate growth Step 3: Settlement During settlement period the separation of solids through their sedimentation from the supernatant cleaned effluent takes place. Basic characteristics of this phase are: Volume of operation: 100% Additional characteristics: no air supply 58| P a g e . while the rest 10% is the collected waste sludge. The aeration process refers to the biological degradation of the organic load and the nitrification of the NH4+. since this period no interference or turbulence is effected and are under complete still condition.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL The total area required for the SBR tanks shall be approximately 620m2. Settlement under SBR process is considered to be more effective in comparison to continuous flow systems. Settlement period is approximately 1-2 h. 2.7 Dimensioning SBR 1 – Dimensions (effective) Length 28 m 59| P a g e . Typical decant time is about 45 minutes to 1 hour. adjustable overflows etc. If this period exceeds 3 hours then anaerobic organisms start to grow resulting to the production of N2. and reversing the settling process (N2 bubbles carry solids towards the surface and the escape of solids to the effluent). Several mechanisms of mild removal of the supernatant liquid has been developed and applied. like grated weirs. The step-by-step detention of the overflows achieves low velocities and complete stillness within the tank. The most popular method is the adjustable overflows.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL Undergoing processes: settlement This period has a variable time schedule since it depends on how easily or not the sludge settles. Basic characteristics of this phase are: Volume of operation: 85% to 75% Additional characteristics: no air supply Undergoing processes: removal of excess sludge 4.6. Step 4: Decant – Sludge removal The purpose of this step is the removal of clean effluent (supernatant liquid) from the batch reactor as well as the removal of waste sludge for controlling sludge retention time and concentration within the reactor. Basic characteristics of this phase are: Volume of operation: 100% to 85% Additional characteristics: no air supply Undergoing processes: removal of clean effluent Step 5: Idle An idle period is used in a multi-tank system to provide time for one reactor to complete its fill phase before switching to another unit. The removal of the clean effluent is performed under mild flow conditions in order to avoid sludge turbulence and minimizing solids concentration within the effluent. 0 h SBR 2 – Dimensions (effective) Length 7.0 m2 Volume 171 m3 SBR 2 – Operation schedule Filling – Discharge 1.370 m3 SBR 1 – Operation schedule Filling – Discharge 1.0 h Nitrification 4.0 h Sedimentation 2.5 h Total 24.0 m Width 7.5 h Denitrification 15.0 m Effective height 3.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL Width 14 m Effective height 3.0 h Denitrification 5.5 h Sedimentation 2.0 h 60| P a g e .5 m Surface 49.0 h Nitrification 14.5 m Surface 392 m2 Volume 1.0 h Sludge removal 1.0 h Sludge removal 1.5 h Total 24. Daily sludge production is expected to be around 25. meaning a minimum effective volume of 30-60 m3.6.0 m Vertical height 2. A sludge thickening tank shall be required.6.0 m3/d with 12. Biological sludge from SBR 1 and SBR 2 shall be collected to this tank and been subject of mechanical thickening with minimum retention time of 1-2 d.9 Sludge tank (thickener) Next to the influent equalization tank the sludge thickener is situated. Figure 4-4 : Sludge Thickener layout Thickened sludge produced: 9 m3/d.0 m3/d. The area required is 30m2. approximately 3% solids.0 m Width 4.5 kg SS /m3. 4.5 m 61| P a g e .2.2.8 Effluent collection tank Effluent from the SBR2 tank overflows to the effluent collection tank. Through there the treated effluent shall be send for recirculation. Thickener – Dimensions (effective) Length 4. The tank is dimensioned to be sufficient to collect effluent for at least 3 days. of capacity approximately 40 m 3.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL 4. Figure 4-4 shows the sludge thickener. Liquor return to equalization tank: 16. if percolation of water into the landfill is greater than evaporation of collected leachate.3.6.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL Inclined height 1.0 m2 Volume 40.6.  Simultaneous recirculation of nutrients and microorganisms. Apart from an easy-to-do and of lower cost methodology for leachate management.  Equalization of fluctuations in the chemical and biological concentrations of the leachate.0 m3 Disposal of final effluent The treated leachates will be collected in the effluent collection tank. Leachate recirculation may evoke increased landfill gas production.0 m Surface 16. 62| P a g e . Thus. It is crucial to mention that recirculation results in a steadily increasing reservoir of leachate. recirculation has been proved to enhance biological decomposition. 4.  Increase of humidity in the waste body.1 Introduction A common practice for treated leachate is to be recirculated within the waste body.2 Process – Operational Principles About Recirculation Leachate recirculation was traditionally considered as a methodology to increase leachate evapotranspiration and thus reduce the generated leachate volume.3 Recirculation 4. in locations with low or insufficient rates of evaporation. due to the raise of moisture level within the landfill body.3. Leachate recirculation could also be considered as a method to equalize leachate flow. This practice incorporates significant advantages:  Acceleration of waste biodegradation and increased production of biogas.6. the building up of leachate as a consequence of recirculation will be the norm and will require the eventual removal and treatment of excess leachate. using the landfill body as a leachate storage facility. From the effluent collection tank a part of the treated leachates will be recirculated to the landfill body and the rest will be discharged to an applicable receiver according to the quality of the effluent 4. Adopting recirculation as a strategy to manage leachate should be handled really carefully. Materials finer than sand should be avoided.3. Furthermore. A major pollutant in municipal solid waste (MSW) leachate is nitrogen. In addition. which may also eventually leak through the sides of the landfill.3 Limitations In Use In order to make recirculation work. so another use of recirculation is denitrification. either from the bottom or the sides of the landfill. Acidogenic and methanogenic MSW have a good denitrifying effect. it is necessary to remove substances from leachate that could cause clogging. metals and other undesirable compounds in the leachate. in case of intermediate coverage of the landfill area. 4. Firstly. intentional introduction of moisture into the landfill may lead to pollution of the surroundings by leachate migration. Leachate should also be free from excessive concentrations of iron (Fe) and manganese (Mn). it is usually the degradable organic pollutants of the leachate that are targeted. Methanogenic waste can have a good treatment effect on easily degradable organic materials. The following table summarizes the main advantages and disadvantages of the method. metals and other undesirable compounds in leachate 63| P a g e . which may rapidly form poorly permeable incrustations on the landfill cover.6.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL When applying leachate recirculation as a leachate treatment method. Another necessity for a successful recirculation lies in the use of permeable daily cover materials. Table 4-17: Advantages and disadvantages of recirculation Advantages Low cost Simple installation Leachate volume losses due to evaporation Raises biogas production rate if it has dropped due to humidity absence in landfill body Disadvantages Not enough in humid areas to solve the problem of leachate production Steadily increasing reservoir of leachate if Rainfall > Evaporation Leachate migration through the sides of landfill may happen Continuous recirculation leads to build-up of salts. continuous recirculation will lead to the build-up of significant concentrations of salts. the recirculation of leachate may lead to the formation of perched or ponded (accumulated) water within the landfill. The principal gases produced are CO2 – and – to a lesser extent – hydrogen (H2) iii.  The hydrolysis of higher-molecular mass compounds into compounds suitable for use by microorganisms as source of energy and cell carbon. Aerobic phase: in the 1st phase organic biodegradable components undergo microbial decomposition as they are placed in the landfill and soon after under aerobic conditions until entrapped O2 is consumed. Maturation phase: the maturation phase occurs after the readily available biodegradable organic material has been converted to CH4 and CO2 in phase IV. The rate of landfill gas generation diminishes significantly since most of the available nutrients have been removed with leachate. but mainly methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2) at a ratio of 50:50. 64| P a g e . Recovered landfill gas can be used to produce energy or to be flared under controlled conditions to eliminate the discharge of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere.7. v. This three steps phase includes: iv. The rest gases represent no more than 3-5% of the total landfill gas volume. ii. Acid phase: The microbial activity initiated during phase II accelerates with the production of significant amounts of organic acids and lesser amounts of hydrogen gas. During the anaerobic phases. Transition phase: The second phase begins as conditions shift from aerobic to anaerobic as a result of oxygen depletion. into lower molecular mass intermediate compounds (CH3COOH).7 BIOGAS MANAGEMENT 4. This may last for a few weeks up to several months. production of sulfur and carbon compounds in trace concentrations (sulfides and volatile organic acids) is observed.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL 4. Microorganisms responsible for this conversion are strictly anaerobic and are called methanogenic.  The last step involves the conversion of the intermediate compounds produced in phase b into carbon dioxide and lesser amounts of hydrogen gas. The principal gases are produced from the decomposition of the organic fraction of MSW. Methane fermentation phase: another group of microorganisms convert the acetic acid and hydrogen gas into CH4 and CO2. Landfill gases occur in five or less sequential phases: i. Landfill gas is composed of a number of gases. Landfill control systems are employed to prevent unwanted movement of landfill gas into the atmosphere or the surrounding soil.  The microbial conversion of the compounds resulting from step a.1 Introduction A sanitary landfill can be defined as the biochemical reactor of the anaerobic fermentation of organic and other biodegradable fractions included within disposed municipal solid waste (MSW). The predominant gases synthesized during this stage are carbon dioxide (CO2) and water vapour (H2O). . RS . recording of methane production of an existing landfill in order to determine the equation parameters). Lo is estimated equal to 74.e. The most widely used is the 1st order equation. thus the time necessary to reduce the initial concentration of the organic matter by 50%  Lo = potential methane generation capacity (m3/Mg)  Mi = mass of waste accepted in the ith year (Mg)  tij = age of the jth section of waste mass Mi accepted in the ith year (decimal years. several approaches have been published with regards to the chemical equation (kinetics) that best represents landfill gas formation within a landfill. 3. but yet strong approach to predict landfill gas emissions.1   k tij  Whereas:  QCH4  i = 1-year time increment  n = (year of the calculation) . March 2011.. e. According to this methodology.2 Estimation of landfillgasproduction In literature. literature is used since there is no field data to create specific values for the landfill in study.1-year time increment  k = methane generation rate (year-1) = annual methane generation in the year of the calculation (m3/year) k=– ln(0. which is adopted by US EPA and many researchers.7.5)/t1/2  t 1/2 = “half life” time. The US EPA has produced a mathematical model that is called LANDGEM. 473 – 483” and by adopting the waste composition as presented in Figure 3-1: Composition of the household waste in Prishtina. Cossu R. 2(6). in “Modellomatematico di produzione del biogas in unoscaricocontrollato. In particular.g. Lo is estimated by using the methodology suggested by Andreottola G. LANDGEM is based on a first-order decomposition equation for quantifying emissions from the biodegradation of landfilled waste in municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills: n QCH 4   1 M   k  Lo   10i   e i 1 j 0.Rifiuti solidi. which provides a relatively simple.2 years) In order to estimate parameters Lo and k.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL 4. 65| P a g e .. especially when field data are limited (i. 1988.41 m3 CH4/ton of waste input.(initial year of waste acceptance)  j = 0. 72 96.185 0.F) of 1.91 12.07 0.081 y-1. These k values are for Eastern European countries with wet temperate.07 77.96 24. As presented below.62 143.13 136.082.87 53.43 110.81 2026 1.98 2029 946. the parameter k.02 137.98 2022 964.47 36.34 m3/h.24 35.01 88.06 Based on this table and on the composition of waste.77 70.674. This value will be used as the nominal capacity of the flare unit and as the design parameter for the dimensioning of the pipingnetwork.82 46.1 0.17 67.11 51.32 100.54 156.79 108.06 0.71 2018 448.193.206.Considering 30% landfill gas losses and having a safety factor (S.77 57.99 122.1–0.00 0.91 133.54 18. included in the IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories 2006.5) (m3/year) (m3/hr) (m3/hr) (m3/hr) 2015 0.5.95 99.682.01 75.66 127.02–0.30 96.45 1 Values for k constant can be found at theIPCC Waste Model Spreadsheet. Chapter 3 of the IPCC Guidelines.840. the k value is estimated equal to 0.61 69.66 66. is estimated with the use of the following table Table 4-18: k values used in the estimations 1 Methane generation rate constant (k) (years-1) Foodwaste Garden Paper Wood and straw Textiles Range Default 0.61 2027 1.01 34. Table 4-19: Production and recovery of biogas from cell A in m3/h Year ProductionRate RecoveryRate Design capacity (Recovery Rate multiplied by S. where the area of Kosovo is presented as an area with cold and moist climate 66| P a g e .154.30 149.573.196.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL Lastly.13 81.71 2024 1.872.44 2025 1.07 0.24 85.00 0.462.239.025.84 81.73 104.06–0.05–0. The “wet temperate” choice is based on Figure 3A.41 144.00 2016 156.026. Forestry and Other Land Use.01 117.252.58 2023 1.1 as included in Volume 4: Agriculture.00 0.79 96. 157 m3/hr.47 129.2 0.308.348.05–0. the maximum biogas quantity from cell A is observed in year 2025and reaches 149.61 113.331.95 17.244.93 123.112.36 2028 1.472.61 95.34 104.F=1.80 2019 585.19 91.16 2020 716.80 2017 306.591.41 2030 872.1 0.86 2021 842.59 2031 804.05 115.03 0.86 64.53 86.04 0. the maximum recoverable amount of landfill gas shall be app.5. 43 29.986.70 2051 159.13 17.841.15 9.69 31.86 28.73 19.52 21.22 2064 55.83 2059 83.901.44 25.22 7.22 10.02 46.09 5.55 20.23 2054 124.64 2035 581.26 19.36 40.89 78.F=1.68 82.23 24.71 2039 420.67 8.57 2043 304.704.50 39.33 2038 456.246.44 46.46 10.39 2048 203.76 11.94 48.31 7.81 7.43 33.089.31 31.428.75 24.71 13.757. 34.51 6.945.44 6.04 50.33 2037 494.60 42.98 15.05 22.80 20.66 8.74 7.891.81 2056 106.34 4.25 19.855.45 2040 388.38 56.65 2045 258.969.50 52.02 23.66 9.334.171.09 12.05 11.84 84.27 42.33 36.74 17.99 10.60 2053 135.174.90 9.82 16.68 6.55 59.559.95 2033 684.26 27.49 2044 280.34 2049 187.03 2046 238.51 69.14 9.59 26.03 2034 631.09 2052 146.77 6.26 9.21 2061 70.30 88.17 32.36 61.98 14.97 2055 115.96 22.213.89 64.76 2036 536.46 5.10 36.88 4.74 2058 90.83 11.62 2047 220.53 2041 357.43 75.09 37.98 2060 76.431.59 66.25 16.64 50.18 7.08 28.38 39.12 54.49 12.20 13.18 16.05 33.91 2042 330.49 2062 65.681.83 2063 60.44 2050 172.18 12.072.921.73 2057 97.47 54.117.818.435.39 13.76 14.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL Year ProductionRate RecoveryRate Design capacity (Recovery Rate multiplied by S.10 6.66 The landfill gas management system shall consist out of the following:  Vertical collection wells (boreholes) 67| P a g e .949.56 18.32 72.327.745.329.5) (m3/year) (m3/hr) (m3/hr) (m3/hr) 2032 742.71 59.68 26.250.38 14.56 44.180.65 8.12 8. At the branch of the well . (special fitting). The screen pipe will lie on a bed of gravel or crashed stone placed at the bottom of the borehole.The walls of the screen pipes will be perforated and the diameter of the holes (according to the granulation of the gravel or crashed stone filters) will be smaller than 0. all pipes from the vertical wells shall end up to a well head. These wells (boreholes) should have a depth that will reach 2m above the bottom drainage layer. with a supra pressure of about 40 hPa. with a thickness no less than 30cm. 68| P a g e . which means 8-12 mm.5 xd. The boreholes will have a diameter of 1000mm and will be filled with a material with permeability of at least 1x10-3 m/s and d = 16-32 mm (gravel or crashed stone). Pipes with circular perforations are preferred because of their higher strain and shear resistances.7. temperature and sampling access points. To cover enough volume of the deposit body and to be able to drive the collected gas toward the desired direction. meaning that the pipe will have no holes for at least 1m before reaching the top layer of the landfill. In order to protect the well head a prefabricated concrete pipe (approximately 1m high and 2m diameter) shall be positioned on top of each well with a metal cap for protection and easy access. The well. The well –head will be connected to the horizontal transfer pipe with the use of a side branch. the drainage pipe (screen pipe) with an internal diameter of 300 mm will be immersed. This ensures a uniform extraction of the gas generated inside the deposit’s body. which is an erosion resistant material.For the construction of the wells a drilling machine will be utilised. At their final height.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL     Horizontal piping network Biogas Collection Stations Condensate traps system Blower and flare unit 4. The upper part of the pipe shall be sealed. when waste has reached final height. It is proposed that screen pipes are made of HDPE.head shall be made of HDPE and shall be equipped with a press relief valve as well as flow.3 Biogas management system – Technical specifications The landfill gas management system shall consist out of the following: Collection wells (boreholes) For the collection of biogas vertical collection wells (boreholes) will be constructed at the end of the operation time of the Cell A.head a butterfly valve shall be positioned assisting the landfill gas control from the specific well. In this filter. made of flexible HDPE. and their higher stability against the loads resulted in compaction of the waste body procedure. it is necessary to generate an effective sub pressure of 30 hPa at the top of the gas well. with a pressure resistance no less than 6 atm. Gas collection pipes shall be installed with a slope of at least 5% accountable to the gas collection station. 30 m around each well. assisting the landfill gas control from the specific pipe and allowing to stop the gas flow. Within the gas collection station. Biogas collection stations Within the gas collection stations. The pipe length has to be 10 x ND ahead the measuring nozzle and respectively 5 x ND beyond. These pipes shall be provided with flexible devices that allow the connection to the gas collection stations in a way that damage from tamping. each collecting pipe is fitted with a specific portion provided with a sampling device. The number of the gas collection stations is determined accounting the landfill dimensions. to evacuate the water condensed inside the pipe. The pipes and the flexible connections shall be of HDPE with a pressure resistance ≥ PN 6. the individual collection pipes are connected to the main discharge pipe. The gas collection pipes will bear butterfly valves at their connection to the collection station. Figure 4-5: Landfill gas well positioning Biogas transfer piping network Each gas collection well will be connected to the gas collection station(s) through a gas collection pipe. The pipes shall be placed in a trenchto protect them against damage and freezing at the surface with a layer of soil or waste of at least 30 cm thick. Based on the proposed design one (1) collection station is necessary for cell A. optimum gas flow is about 6-8 m/s. The collection pipe diameter will be ≥ 300 mm. Between the measuring area and the collecting cylinder (where the collection pipes end). number of gas collection wells and their distribution within the deposit. considering an effective radius of approx.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL A total of 13 wells shall be constructed for the biogas collection of cell A. The distance between two biogas wells shall be 50 m the most. The relative positioning of the wells is represented in the following figure. transversal forces and torsion forces is minimized. This device is made of a pipe fragment with a diameter of 50mm to ensure a constant gas flow > 2 m/s. pressure forces. a butterfly valve for closing and adjusting 69| P a g e . Its slope shall be at least 0.. Warning signs on the potential risks related to biogas presence shall be located within the gas collection stations area. Condensate traps system Since the maximum biogas collected quantity is approx. Based on the biogas production calculation presented above. the maximum quantity of condensate is expected to be 15lt/h or approximately 0. Biogas discharge main pipe shall allow access and adjustment from the water collection tanks containing the condensate separators. Flare unit In order to actively pump the landfill gas out of the deposit a flare shall be installed. The landfill gas flare will be of compact design and will mainly consist of the blower unit and the controlled combustion unit.5%.15 m3/d. Such devices are placed at the lower points of the pipe collection network. the flare unit shall have a total capacity of more than 150 m3/h. Condense is discharged into through a siphon type device back to the waste body. Biogas discharge main pipe (perimetric biogas pipe) The biogas collection stations are connected through a main pipe (perimetric biogas pipe) that leads biogas to the blower. connecting the wells with the collection station. as well. A butterfly valve is placed between the collection cylinder and the main discharge pipe. in order to evacuate particles contained within condensate. The infrastructures containing the gas collection stations shall be completely sealed and provided with ventilation systems (at least two ventilation grated windows of 50 x 50 cm) and non-authorized personnel access will be strictly forbidden. if damaged. The nominal diameter of the pipe has to be at least 400 mm. no smoking and no fire signs included. and by no means below the storm water collection equipments (ditches) and below the access roads. 150 m3/h and 100ml of condensate are produced per cubic meter of biogas thus. The collection station is equipped with a reservoir from which condense is transferred to the leachate treatment plant. 70| P a g e . Such pipes will be installed in a trench in a depth not less than 30 cm and will be located outside the sealing surface area.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL is placed. The stations shall be placed outside the sealed base area and deposit surface respectively. and should be accessible directly from the perimetric road. CO2 analyzer  Ability to operate at 1/5 of nominal capacity. ensuring compliance with the emission regulations. The flare unit shall be equipped with:  Blower unit with EEx-proof motor  Ignition burner  Combustion chamber  Pressure. The flare unit will be installed at the end of the operation of cell A. allowing high efficiency with combustion taking place at temperatures above 850°C. The compact plant shall also be equipped with all necessary safety features for the safe handling and combustion of the landfill gas (guideline EN60079-ff for explosion protection). O2. The combustion plant shall be installed on a concrete base.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL The flare will be closed-type flare. temperature control and monitoring  Electrical control weather proof cabinet  Portable CH4. 71| P a g e . DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL 72| P a g e . These ditches are trapezoid and stretch around the perimeter of the area where the facilities of the sanitary landfill are situated in order to protect them from the stormwater. All the wells are covered with grate for the prevention of accident occurrence and debris entering the culverts.  A concrete well will be situated among these ditches (ditches A and B) and a circular concrete pipe (D1200mm diameter) will originate. discharge the watertowards the final receptor. as well as. This pipe will lead to a secondconcrete well and to another concrete pipe (D1200mm diameter). as well as lead the storm water safely away from them. for the crossing of road.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL 4. The flood protection works of the site consist of the following:  Circumferential ditches (ditches A and B) which are lined with armed concrete (15-20 cm thick). the natural soil will be covered with stepped slope gutter and with riprap (consisting of gravel with weight 5-20kg) in order to protect the soil near the embankments from erosion. 73| P a g e .  Concrete wells where there is confluence of ditches or there is a connection between a ditch and a pipe.8 FLOOD PROTECTION The main aims of the construction of flood protection works are the following:  To avoid the inflow of storm water in the landfill and in this way reduce the leachate production  To avoid the inflow of storm water in the site and in this way protect its structural stability  To protect the buildings and the roads of the site from storm water erosion.  Circular culverts.  In some places where the circular pipes and the ditches discharge the water towards the final receptor. of diameter D400 and D500. which collect the runoff from the parts outside the landfill (mostly roads) before they reach the slopes of the embankments or the buldings. F and G). E. These ditches are perpendicular and stretch around the landfill to prevent storm water from entering in it. to collect the stormwater from the surface of the final cap. D.  Triangular gutters. finally. which.This flood protection system of the existing road network outside the perimeter of the landfill lead the storm water safely to nearby natural receptors. This text is accompanied by the overall design of the general layout of the flood protection works.  Circumferential earthen ditches (ditches C. IDF curve (ombrian curve) – Critical rainfall intensity The rainfall data derived from the daily maximum samples constituted from observed data in the Drini River. 4. in Kosovo2.50m along the surface). some statistic data exist in Master Plan. For durations shorter than 24 hours. The lining will be implemented as it is shown in the relevant detail plan (0. the foot of each embankment will be lined with shotcrete in the places where stormwater may gather. International Office for Water. the rainfall can be estimated from the 24-hour rainfall by the following relationship: 2 Technical Report on the Hydrology o fthe Drini River Basin. It should be noted here that crucial element of the flood protection system is the slope free surfaces of the ground inside the site: all the surfaces must be sloped towards the nearest culvert in order to prevent the retention of water in hollows of the ground. For a given duration t (in this study.8. An EU funded project managed by the European Commission Liaison Office (ECLO). The calculation of the runoff was made using the rational method: Q= 0. 74| P a g e . BRL.5% with the directions shown in the general layouts of flood protection works.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL  For the protection of the embankments from erosion.278 x c x i x Α (lt/sec) where: c: runoff coefficient i: rainfall intensity in the time of concentration (mm/hr) Α: area of catchment basin (1000m2) The hydrologic calculations are presented in the calculations appendix.1 Hydrology Runoff estimation method The hydrological calculations were made for a return period of 50 years. The slope of the free surfaces must be at least 0. the flood protection works should be completed by a perpendicular culvert which passes underneath the road Raska -Mitrovica about 250m away of the landfill site. Institutional support to the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (MESP) and River Basin Authorities.  Finally. t=10min). A safety factor was also adopted for the maximum discharge that the ditches can convey. GFA. 90 All the coefficients are based on the international literature on the particular subject. In this case. For the calculation of the concentration time the Giandotti equation is used: (Giandotti) tc  4  A  1. the runoff coefficient is equal to 0.21 where: P24: maximum 24-hour annual rainfalls (mm). we accept the concentration time equal to 10 minutes.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL  t  Pt  P24     24  0. For the runoff estimation of external basin. because of the small size of the basins.50. Runoff coefficient For the runoff estimation of the final cover of the landfill a runoff coefficient of 0.90 was used. for return period T=50 years t: duration (h) In this study. 75| P a g e .5  L 0. where Hm the mean altitude of the basin and H0 the altitude in the exit of the basin. For the runoff estimation of the roads.8  Δz where: tc = time of concentration (min) A = area of basin (km2) L = longest watercourse length (km) Δz = Hm – H0. the runoff coefficient is equal to 0. and P24=88mmfor Prishtina Concentration time The rainfall duration used for the calculation of critical intensity corresponds to the concentration time of the catchment basin. t=10min. The hydraulic calculations and the dimensions of the ditches and the culverts are shown in the hydraulic calculations appendix.70. 76| P a g e . The dimensioning of the ditches was made in order the height y of the flow during the design storm divided by the total height of the ditch h to be below 0. i. y/h < 0.70 for a design storm of 50years return period. The Manning coefficient is n=0. for pipes and open channels.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL Ditch and culvert design – Hydraulic calculations For the dimensioning of the ditches and the culverts the Manning formula was used assuming that the continuity assumption is valid: Q = A x V (m3/s) V = (1/n) x R2/3 x S1/2 where: Q = discharge (m3/s) A = “wet” area (m2) V = velocity (m/s) (n) = manning coefficient R = hydraulic radius (m) S = slope More specifically the calculations were made with the use of FLOWMASTER software of HAESTAD METHODS. The mathematical model of this program is based on the continuity equation and on Manning formula.016 for concrete surfacesand n=0. The velocity in the ditches and the pipes is everywhere below 6 m/s.e.025 for earthen surfaces. 96 598.668 0.90 77| P a g e .80 580.815 1.151 0.518 4.17 50 88.50 0.00 30.00 30.50 0.62 244.90 0.999 14.90 0.00 30.17 50 88.82 60.50 0.000 0.276 0.17 50 88.90 0.960 8.000 0.90 0.90 0.85 Area of external basin (1000m2) Total area of external basin (1000m2) Area of landfill basin (1000 m2) Total area of landfill basin (1000m2) Area of roads (1000m2) Total area of roads (1000 m2 ) Runoff coeffici ent c1 (extern al basin) Runoff coefficie nt c2 (internal basin) Runoff coefficient c3 (roads) Conc entra tion time t (h) Return period Τ (yr) Rainfall max 24h (mm) Critical rainfall i (mm/h) Discharge Q (m3/sec) 1.90 0.197 4.50 R4 34.055 0.276 3.50 0.55 247.181 0.000 107.679 0.258 2.00 30.20 585.150 0.90 0.00 30.90 0.000 0.50 0.90 0.10 34.528 0.000 0.07 130.001 0.000 0.41 109.90 0.000 0.000 0.915 13.90 585.80 107.573 0.50 0.016 4.99 0.382 0.197 3.99 0.5 Χ discharge 50years Q (m3/sec) A2 55.037 0.17 50 88.40 344. CULVERTS Crosssection of ditch Length (m) A1 Distance from start (m) Elevati on (m) 0.211 B4 100.90 0.197 1.90 0.10 0.735 0.000 0.490 0.90 0.90 0.258 0.80 R3 109.345 4.50 0.808 1.952 0.00 30.99 0.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL ΗΥDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS OF DITCHES.17 50 88.000 0.000 0.17 50 88.80 R1 60.85 0.10 579.197 5.860 B5 86.82 595.00 580.50 0. GUTTERS.75 568.564 0.608 0.000 107.50 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.64 598.00 580.003 0.99 0.792 A5 97.90 0.17 50 88.08 55.90 41.17 50 88.000 0.044 13.446 0.90 0.000 107.310 0.223 B3 101.197 107.90 0.90 0.90 0.446 0.90 0.50 0.310 1.000 0.000 B1 B2 41.00 30.50 0.17 50 88.000 0.000 0.000 163.236 0.00 35.73 143.09 577.72 330.88 157.08 585.99 0.99 0.000 0.90 0.91 607.50 45.00 30.99 0.850 A4 89.50 0.000 0.181 0.607 163.80 82.50 0.41 584.518 0.679 0.011 0.17 50 88.99 0.000 0.00 R2 130.90 0.573 0.852 3.852 82.946 0.000 0.000 0.000 2.60 0.866 A3 102.000 0.000 0.51 605.99 0.567 0.668 3.90 0.896 8.26 606.00 30.000 0.493 118.005 590.00 30.07 594.000 0.338 14.90 0.952 4.99 0.00 30.00 30.000 0.90 0.99 0.17 50 88.002 1.000 0.98 607.17 50 88.99 0.577 0. 99 0.014 0.096 2.17 50 88.899 0.42 572.220 0.096 29.107 9.90 0.69 5.50 0.90 0.00 30.769 0.85 580.000 0.99 1.149 29.00 C 20.90 0.993 1.50 9.096 29.89 105.000 0.876 27.90 0.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL Crosssection of ditch R5 Length (m) Distance from start (m) 190.000 0.046 0.000 0.00 30.009 0.70 Pipe 3 4.35 561.17 50 88.50 0.85 580.000 0.000 0.17 50 88.90 0.50 0.90 0.527 0.667 29.000 0.17 50 88.00 30.20 568.90 0.50 0.527 3.78 577.17 50 88.008 27.99 0.56 79.90 0.17 50 88.40 R7 9.00 580.089 275.705 0.50 0.00 30.000 0.000 0.90 0.00 30.007 0.90 0.66 G 67.000 0.000 0.000 0.799 0.50 0.56 568.003 0.20 E 68.90 0.000 0.010 0.310 0.220 0.90 0.90 0.899 0.353 0.88 R6 51.149 271.90 0.90 0.50 568.144 568.069 3.004 0.993 0.78 68.000 1.99 0.00 30.219 0.705 0.876 0.543 0.219 1.90 0.50 568.90 0.80 Pipe 2 5.393 2.310 1.000 0.084 0.50 0.17 50 88.005 0.99 0.52 Elevati on (m) Area of external basin (1000m2) Total area of external basin (1000m2) Area of landfill basin (1000 m2) Total area of landfill basin (1000m2) Area of roads (1000m2) Total area of roads (1000 m2 ) Runoff coeffici ent c1 (extern al basin) Runoff coefficie nt c2 (internal basin) Runoff coefficient c3 (roads) Conc entra tion time t (h) Return period Τ (yr) Rainfall max 24h (mm) Critical rainfall i (mm/h) Discharge Q (m3/sec) 1.000 0.42 51.353 0.90 0.000 0.006 9.99 0.80 562.667 275.99 0.90 0.00 30.17 50 88.17 50 88.000 0.19 20.85 4.99 0.025 1.399 0.543 0.000 0.50 0.258 2.00 30.000 0.000 0.000 0.00 R8 79.17 50 88.00 30.17 50 88.000 1.69 580.125 0.258 0.000 0.90 0.40 585.88 F 90.14 584.99 0.000 0.77 90.17 50 88.000 0.99 0.14 572.017 0.50 0.90 0.107 0.220 0.77 569.078 1.000 0.000 0.00 584.006 0.89 585.99 1.50 0.80 18.80 67.50 0.005 0.00 30.799 0.769 18.220 0.203 1.399 0.000 0.37 12.09 Pipe 1 12.021 271.88 562.135 0.50 0.90 0.00 30.90 0.52 190.90 0.19 585.096 0.429 2.99 0.000 0.078 0.09 D 105.37 585.00 30.80 78| P a g e .5 Χ discharge 50years Q (m3/sec) 580. 5 Χ discharge 50years Q (m3/sec) 27.90 0.993 0.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL Crosssection of ditch Length (m) Distance from start (m) Elevati on (m) Area of external basin (1000m2) Total area of external basin (1000m2) Area of landfill basin (1000 m2) Total area of landfill basin (1000m2) Area of roads (1000m2) Total area of roads (1000 m2 ) Runoff coeffici ent c1 (extern al basin) Runoff coefficie nt c2 (internal basin) Runoff coefficient c3 (roads) Conc entra tion time t (h) Return period Τ (yr) Rainfall max 24h (mm) Critical rainfall i (mm/h) Discharge Q (m3/sec) 1.00 30.50 0.99 0.000 1.203 568.130 0.90 0.000 0.195 27.876 0.99 0.02 4.252 1.01 568.17 50 88.01 5.02 568.88 Pipe 4 4.90 0.90 0.00 30.40 79| P a g e .135 0.50 0.876 27.17 50 88.000 0.993 1.38 Pipe 5 5.252 0.876 0.000 1.90 568.876 27. 50m h=0.28 5.0772 0.90 585.0226 0.10 0.90 41.50m h=0.490 0.666 1.59 5.88 157.72 0.60m B1 0.528 0.1205 0.50m Flow depth y (m) Velocity (m/sec) y/h Maximum capacity (m3/sec) Safety factor (max capacity/1.50m h=0.50m h=0.1302 0.5*Q) 0.433 1.85 B2 41.792 A5 97.36 0.21 0.89 0.21 5.350 2.55 247.10 0.735 perpendicular b=0.00 580.08 55.577 0.60m perpendicular b=0.40 344.180 1.26 4.887 1.50m h=0.50 0.50m h=0.00 0.08 585.617 0.639 1.5 Χ discharge 50years Q (m3/sec) Distance of ditches (m*m) perpendicular b=0.0793 0.815 1.91 607.38 80| P a g e .850 A4 89.24 4.50 0.211 perpendicular b=0.400 1.60m perpendicular b=0.33 0.223 B3 101.1302 0.866 A3 102.0793 0.567 0.64 0.51 605.60m perpendicular b=0.60 0.1205 0.1239 0.000 0.90 0.661 2.00 580.80 0.37 2.1239 0.41 0.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL HYDRAULIC CALCULATIONS OF DITCHES.560 1.60m A2 55. CULVERTS Crosssection of ditch Length (m) A1 Distance from start (m) Elevation (m) 0. GUTTERS.34 0.50m h=0.73 143.643 1.96 598.50m perpendicular b=0.808 1.50m h=0.67 1.64 598.50 0.0772 0.50m perpendicular b=0.0226 0.129 2.85 Slope of ground Design slope Discharge Q (m3/sec) 1. h=0.75 0.50m 595. h=0.00 R4 Velocity (m/sec) 585.180 34.00 0.0745 0.50 0.07 60.0723 0.084 568.41 190.460 0. Η:V=1:1.50 34.292 1.09 0.50m 0.002 triangular Η:V=1:3. h=0.34 0.40m 0.0753 0.0208 0.573 0.30m 0.0745 0.72 330.00 0.98 607.07 34. h=0.520 1.80 0. h=0.62 244.5 Χ discharge 50years Q (m3/sec) B4 100.80 0.0624 0.08 0.037 577.133 0. Η:V=1:1.32 2.640 0.41 130.52 0.23 2.26 606.055 triangular Η:V=1:3.200 0.192 11.52 580.42 0. Η:V=1:1.57 0.88 81| P a g e .00 R5 y/h 580.50m perpendicular b=0.125 triangular Η:V=1:3.55 0.10 0.80 0.26 4.0660 0.860 B5 86.43 0.10 109. Η:V=1:1.19 0.0723 0.00 Maximum capacity (m3/sec) Safety factor (max capacity/1.82 130.67 0.382 0.50m h=0.0301 0.475 0.80 0.00 R1 60.00 R2 Distance of ditches (m*m) 579.50m h=0.00 R3 Flow depth y (m) 590.0753 0.5*Q) 0.005 triangular Η:V=1:3.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL Crosssection of ditch Length (m) Distance from start (m) Elevation (m) Slope of ground Design slope Discharge Q (m3/sec) 1.80 0.0624 0.011 584.261 4.003 568.04 0.74 0.82 109.333 0.573 0.0660 0.85 0.19 1.001 594.66 0.20 0.682 1.188 89. Η:V=1:1.10 1.0301 0.30m 0.90 190.682 5.06 1.016 triangular Η:V=1:3.72 0.30m 0.0208 0.45 perpendicular b=0. 006 572.55 0.00 0.78 0.30m 568.00 0.14 0.300 0. h=0.50m 0.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL Crosssection of ditch R6 Length (m) 51.04 0.03 0.005 trapezoid Η:V=1:1.30m.20 Slope of ground 568. b=0.007 585.71 0.30m 568.88 82| P a g e .267 0.614 3.0804 0.89 0.178 21.03 0.02 0.209 22.56 105.00 E Discharge Q (m3/sec) 585.30m 0.175 37.50 79. h=0.0070 0.00 R8 Elevation (m) 585.50 0.0505 0. b=0.003 584.203 triangular Η:V=1:3.89 20.133 0.08 1.53 0. h=0.5 Χ discharge 50years Q (m3/sec) Distance of ditches (m*m) Flow depth y (m) Velocity (m/sec) y/h Maximum capacity (m3/sec) Safety factor (max capacity/1.42 0.30m 0.0771 0.00 C 572.00 1.008 triangular Η:V=1:3. h=0.19 68.0804 0.30m.0771 0.71 0.0100 0.28 2.0070 0.198 19.135 0.0505 0.006 trapezoid Η:V=1:1.20 68.30m 0.88 0.5*Q) 0.44 0.09 1. Η:V=1:1.005 0. Η:V=1:1.42 0.0100 0.40 0.78 577.009 trapezoid Η:V=1:1. h=0.09 105.00 D Design slope 562.56 9.0646 0.14 0.0646 0.22 0.30m. h=0.73 0.00 R7 9.560 0.581 92.100 0.010 triangular Η:V=1:3.067 0. Η:V=1:1.42 Distance from start (m) 51.30 0.02 0.50 20. b=0.004 568.09 0.40 0.19 79. 30m.5 Χ discharge 50years Q (m3/sec) Distance of ditches (m*m) Flow depth y (m) Velocity (m/sec) y/h Maximum capacity (m3/sec) Safety factor (max capacity/1.72 0.00 0.195 D500 0.0738 0.0050 0.09 12.15 0.80 5.0050 0.135 0.5 Χ discharge 50years Q (m3/sec) Pipe diameter Flow depth y (m) Percent full Velocity (m/sec) Velocity 10% (m/sec) 0.59 0.219 3.84 0.130 0.0050 0.30m.40 83| P a g e .64 2.28 0.429 2. h=0.72 0.0050 0.47 2.144 D1200 0.0052 0.00 568.203 D500 0.38 5.69 0.00 Pipe 5 580.46 0.017 0.01 580.88 4.29 0.0050 0.00 Elevation (m) 569.47 0.30m 0.02 4.80 568.0093 1.0093 0.09 0.01 568.57 1.02 0.16 0.70 0.089 D1200 0.37 0.014 0.025 trapezoid Η:V=1:1.320 0. h=0.0200 1.57 0.77 Distance from start (m) 90.39 3.85 5.300 0.80 67.85 4.52 2.0200 0.77 0.0738 0.0050 0.90 568.66 G 67.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL Crosssection of ditch F Length (m) 90.16 0.00 Pipe 1 12.069 trapezoid Η:V=1:1. b=0.5*Q) 0.35 Slope of ground Design slope Discharge Q (m3/sec) 1.50m 561.05 0.69 580.00 Pipe 2 5.80 562.85 580.148 Crosssection of ditch Length (m) Distance from start (m) Elevation (m) Slope of ground Design slope Discharge Q (m3/sec) 1.76 0.021 D400 0.00 Pipe 4 585.64 1.393 2.12 1.39 0.046 0.62 0.56 1.00 Pipe 3 4.16 5. b=0.37 584.0052 0. 1 Introduction Environmental monitoring refers to periodic inspections and testing performed to assess the impacts of the landfill on its surrounding environment. Part of the overall monitoring system is also a series of parameters.9. 4.2 Leachate monitoring system Since the landfill is equipped with a leachate treatment plant. leachate sampling and testing is considered to be of vital importance. Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) or heavy metals concentration. The operator of the treatment plant should also be able to have an estimation of the produced quantities of leachate. These parameters are the following:  Meteorological data  Volume and composition of the incoming waste  Volume and composition of the incoming soil material  Monitoring of all the supportive works and registering of all their problems that affect the proper operation of the total plant. which have a significant role in organizing and monitoring the various processes and operations of the landfill. The overall monitoring system of the landfill will consist of the following parts:  Leachate monitoring system  Groundwater monitoring system  Surface water monitoring system  Biogas monitoring system  Settlements monitoring system.9 LANDFILL MONITORING 4. All the data collected from the monitoring systems should be kept on-site in appropriately organized records. Slight changes in Total Dissolved Solids (TDS). while he must be able to check the effectiveness of the leachate treatment plant.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL 4. The parameters measured as well as the frequency of sampling are shown in the following table: 84| P a g e . can affect the efficiency of the treatment system used.9. with its known capacity. If you multiply the operational hours of the pump.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL Table 4-20: Parameters and Frequency for Leachate Monitoring PARAMETERS Leachate volume Leachate composition Treated leachate composition FREQUENCY Operational Aftercare Period period Monthly Every 6 months Every 3 Every 6 Months months Monthly Monthly The volume of the produced leachate can be estimated from the operational hours of the pump installed in the landfill feeding the equalization tank. then you can get a close estimation of the produced quantities of leachate. Leachate samples will be taken from the discharge pipe of the leachate pump and from the equalization tank of the leachate treatment plant. The parameters to be measured are: • pH • Conductivity • Odours • Temperature • BOD5 • COD • TOC • SO-4 • Ammonium (NH4-N) • Organic N • Cl • Zn • As 85| P a g e . which can be registered from the automation system of the plant. while treated leachate samples will be taken from the effluent tank of the leachate treatment plant. 3111 Β. 86| P a g e . 5220 B. 2150 B. 4500 – P D. T. 2540 E. C. 5210 D.C SO-4 Ammonium (NH4-N) Organic N Cl Zn As Cd Cu Ni Phenols Phosphate Total Solids (TS) Volatile Solids (VS) Suspended solids (SS) Dissolved Solids (DS) Standard Method 4500 – H B.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL • Cd • Cu • Ni • Phenoles • Phosphate • Total Solids (TS) • Volatile Solids (VS) • Suspended solids (SS) • Disolved Solids (DS) The sampling must be done according to the ISO 5667-11 while the chemical analysis should be according to the “Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater” by AWWA. 3111 Β. 3111 Β. 4500 – SO4 – E. WEF. 4500 – NH3 C. APHA.D. 5310 C. 2540 D. 4500 – Norg.O. 2540 B. 3111 Β. 4500 – Cl B. 5530 D. 3111 Β. 2540 C. 2520 B.D.O. as shown in the following table: Table 4-21: Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 PARAMETER pH Conductivity Odours B.O. B. D. 5210 D.O. 87| P a g e . This will provide information on seasonal or long-term trends in the groundwater. WEF. as shown in the following table: Table 4-23:Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater No 1 2 3 4 5 PARAMETER pH Conductivity Odours B. 5220 B. There will be two types of groundwater monitoring wells:  down-gradient wells  up-gradient wells Up-gradient wells will show the pre-existing condition of the groundwater prior to any effect of the landfill. magnitude and extent of contamination of the groundwater resource. 2520 B. C. however by monitoring both the upgradient and down-gradient wells. 2150 B. Down-gradient wells will be located downstream in order to detect any sign of leachate leaking out of the landfill. any landfill related change can be identified. APHA.3 Groundwater monitoring system The groundwater monitoring system serves two purposes:  to demonstrate that the landfill is not causing significant degradation of groundwater  if groundwater composition has been degraded. Standard Method 4500 – H B.D. The sampling must be done according to the ISO 5667-11 while the chemical analysis should be according to the “Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater” by AWWA.9. The up-gradient wells will be sampled along with the downgradient wells. The parameters measured as well as the frequency of sampling are shown in the following table: Table 4-22: Parameters and frequency of measurements for groundwater monitoring PARAMETERS Level of groundwater Groundwater composition FREQUENCY Operational Period Every 3 Months Every 3 Months Aftercare period Every 6 months Every 6 months A system of monitoring boreholes will be installed (one (1) up-gradient and two (2) downgradient) as shown in the relevant drawing.O. to evaluate the character.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL 4. Even though the condition of the groundwater may change over time as a result of natural or other (not related to the landfill) affects. Technical specifications for the Groundwater monitoring wells Groundwater monitoring wells will be constructed via drilling.C SO-4 Ammonium (NH4-N) Organic N Cl Zn As Cd Cu Ni Phenols Phosphate Total Solids (TS) Volatile Solids (VS) Suspended solids (SS) Dissolved Solids (DS) Standard Method 5310 C. 4500 – NH3 C.0 m from the ground.O. In order to make piezometers visible. 4500 – P D. 3111 Β. a filter.5 inches. so as not be damaged at the ground planning and the deposits compaction processes. the piezometric constructions stick out at least 1. 3111 Β. This pipe will bear holes from the borehole bottom up until 2m before the surface. 3111 Β. 88| P a g e . 4500 – Cl B. 2540 D. a concrete block is founded around them. The piezometric pipe shall consist of a sedimentation pipe. 3111 Β. 4500 – SO4 – E. The part of the construction above the filter to the ground surface is a full pipe closed on the top with a standard metal cap and secured with a protective cover. 3111 Β. plugged from underside and located at the bottom of the piezometric construction. and are painted in vivid colours. 4500 – Norg. with holes of at least 10 mm of diameter. B. Inside the galvanized steel pipe. In order to protect piezometric constructions from damages. The interspaces between the drilling walls and the galvanized steel pipe are filled with gravel. 2540 E. 5530 D. 2540 C. It is a full pipe. The last 2m will have no holes. After drilling the borehole will be broadened and be equipped with a pipe of hot dip galvanized steel. a stainless steel pipe (piezometric pipe) will be placed.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL No 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 PARAMETER T. over filter full pipe with protective cap and a protective concrete block. The sedimentation pipe is part of the piezometric pipe that is placed to collect all tiny fractions coming into the construction. 2540 B. The filter is the perforated part of the piezometric construction. The drilling diameter will be no less than 8. in the zone of the sedimentation pipe.. The second goal regarding landfill gas migration requires specific procedures to be established for its assessment.4 Surface water monitoring system Frequent visual inspections will be made in the site and in the river. measuring the parameters.9. visible leachate pools or streams. This device shall be equipped with gas probes and a data logger (for data storage and uploading to a PC). This way it will be easy to monitor possible leachate leakages. nitrate. dusty and clay material. Evidence of degradation may include obvious signs. while the other part towards the ground surface is buffered with fragmented. surface water should be checked quarterly in the operating phase and every six months in the aftercare phase. non methane organics. unnatural water clarity or colour and unusual odours.9. etc. Measurements will take place at landfill gas wells and will at least include: pressure. For further analysis of compounds such as hydrocarbons. The purpose of gas migration monitoring is to ensure that the biogas does 89| P a g e . sampling and use of air chromatography is required.5 Biogas monitoring system Monitoring of biogas is a twofold procedure that involves:  Knowledge of the produced biogas volume and composition  Monitoring of possible biogas migration The first goal of biogas monitoring will be achieved via a portable landfill gas measurement device (landfill gas analyser). Other constituents of biogas may also be monitored by adding probes to the analyser such as hydrogen sulphide (indicative also of odors). The need for gas migration monitoring comes from its flammability and explosive potential. such as dead or unhealthy flora and fauna. methane content. Besides the visual inspections. the filter and the pipe above the filter. The suggested sampling points are two for the ditch of the drainage collection system of the cell The first sampling point will be in the higher point of the ditch while the second one will be at its discharge point. The amount of produced biogas can be recorded via the flare. are filled with quartz granular material. 4. In order to do this the operator has to identify the existing parameters within the river. etc. hydrogen. Morover in accordance with the monitoring programme of the Ibar river it is suggested to monitor the river below the landfill. carbon dioxide content and oxygen content.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL The interspaces between the galvanized steel pipe and the piezometric pipe. 4. During those sampling rounds. field measurements at representative surface water locations should be taken. The distance between boreholes is about 150m. in case critical values of the methane and/or oxygen content are reached. warning systems regarding gas presence have to be placed. The LEL for methane is 5% (methane/air). gas control units for inspecting explosive methane concentrations will be installed in buildings where personnel work. boreholes of small depth (not exceeding 6 m) are drilled around the landfill basin. There will be constructed 10 biogas-monitoring wells around cell. Each borehole will have a diameter of 6’’ and will be piped with a hot dip galvanised steel perforated pipe of 2’’ diameter. The concentration of methane gas should not exceed 25% of the Lower Explosive Limit (LEL) in the landfill structures and 100% of the LEL at the property boundary. oxygen and carbon dioxide have to be measured. which will shut off the exhaustion. the concentration of methane. 90| P a g e . All closed spaces have to be equipped with natural ventilation devices and the enforced legislation regarding the operation procedures in this type of working spaces has to be strictly respected. in concentrations that could be hazard for humans or property. when the methane concentration exceeds the LEL. Such a unit is equipped with detectors transmitters connected to a system of alarm signaling that is activated. The warning system will command the shutdown of the gas feeding system. Gas critical value Shut down value Methane (%) < 30 < 25 Oxygen (%) >3 >6 Maximum gas concentration at work place Before and during the operation of the degasification system. A drawing shows the detailed construction and installation of the biogas monitoring wells. Flare unit To protect the operative personnel and the equipment related to the gas flare unit. Precaution measures for personnel The concentration of methane gas should not exceed 25% of the Lower Explosive Limit (LEL) in the landfill structures and 100% of the LEL at the property boundary. Samples will also be taken with the use of the gas analyser from these monitoring wells to assure that landfill gas does not migrate from the sides of the landfill basin. collection stations). as presented below.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL not migrate and accumulates in on-site structures or to off-site locations. The LEL for methane is 5% (methane/air) For inspection of possible migration. in closed spaces (manholes. For that reason. 9. In order to measure settlements. 14. especially if light constructions are to be placed on the site after rehabilitation. secured in its position by a layer of concrete (thickness 20 cm). the amount of settlements (waste “pile” height reduction. The parameters to be recorded during the operation lifetime of the SL are:  Volume of Precipitation: daily  Temperature (min.00 h CET): daily  Direction and force of prevailing wind: daily  Evaporation daily  Atmospheric Humidity (14. the so-called “settlement plates” are installed on the waste surface (in the areas where final waste height has been reached). according to the following:  Volume of Precipitation: daily (added to monthly values)  Temperature (min. the frequency of the above mentioned recordings could be reduced for all the parameters. These plates include a steel plate (4 mm thickness) where a steel pipe (2’’ diameter) is welded. 4. every 3 months the next year and every 6 months till the expiration of the aftercare period of the landfill. The base of the settlement plates is installed 0.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL 4. due to decomposition) is an important parameter and record keeping regarding this phenomenon is essential.00 h CET) daily At the aftercare stage. The measurements should be done every month at the beginning of the rehabilitation works and till their completion. Therefore.00 h CET): monthly average  Direction and force of prevailing wind: not required  Evaporation: daily (added to monthly values) 91| P a g e .6 Settlements monitoring system The behaviour of the waste body is a critical parameter for the restoration/rehabilitation of the landfill areas that have reached their final height. will be based on the data from the nearest meteorological station. The iron pipe is used to measure height reduction. max.5 m underneath the final surface of the cell.9. The elevation of the pipes is measured and compared with the elevation of stable points of the plant (reperes). max.7 Monitoring of water conditions – Recording of data The meteorological parameters. 14. two sampling inspections of incoming waste must be executed every day. the volume the composition and the source of the incoming soil material will be registered as well. In order to avoid the reception in the landfill of non-acceptable waste and for statistical reasons as well. This information is:  Title and address of the owner of the vehicle. during the entrance of the transportation vehicles.8 Volume and composition of incoming waste and soil material The operator of the plant must keep records for a series of information collected during the weighing of the collection vehicles in the entrance of the landfill. In every inspection the following information will be registered:  Date and time of inspection  Source of incoming waste  Vehicle and driver’s necessary data.  Observations of the inspector The above-mentioned inspections will give information for the composition of the incoming waste and its variation through the year and according their source.00 h CET): monthly average 4. 92| P a g e .9.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL  Atmospheric Humidity (14. full name and telephone number of the responsible. full name and telephone number of the responsible.  Title and address of the producer of the waste. Finally.  Source of waste  Type of waste  Weight of waste That means that statistical records will be kept for the volume and the type of the incoming waste according to their source for the whole period of operation of the landfill. the fence will be dug in approximately 20 cm in the ground in order to restrict animals from trespassing. phone. type of facility. At the gate a sign with the main information of the site will be placed (operator. namely: • Main entrance .10. working hours. The entrance gate will be of the same height as the fence.fencing The fence will cover the whole perimeter of the facility. The entrance gate will be consisting of two doors. etc. All the necessary infrastructure for the appropriate operation of the SL have been included.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL 4. It will be made of steel net (the length of the net rings > 40x40 mm) or similar.fencing • Weighbridge building • Weighbridge • Sampling area • Administration building • Maintenance building • Open parking for personnel and visitors • Tire washing system • Internal Roads • Fire Protection zone in the perimeter of the landfill • Fire fighting system • Electrical system • Green area 4. The height of the fence will be at least of 2.5 m above the ground. As long as the conditions of soil allow.UTILITIES 4. The fence will be supplemented with a green zone of at least the same height. equipped with closing system. 93| P a g e .).10.2 Main entrance . the length of the door will be 7 m.10 GENERAL INFRASTRUCTURES .1 Introduction The proper operation of the SL depends on the right installation of utilities and structures. The floor of the area will be made of asphalt. The supply must also include all necessary signal and power supply cables between the weighbridge and the operator's office. The building indicatively will consist of the following areas:      Control Room Utilities area-Generator Reservoir area Warehouse WC 94| P a g e .10. Also the concrete slab should have the thickness not less than 20 cm. Its surface is approximately 80 m2.4 Weighbridge It will be installed at the entrance gate. installed and calibrated.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL 4. Quality of rebar should be S 400/500.The sampling area will be fenced and covered by shed. The building will have office premises and WC. 4.10.5 Sampling area It is located after the weighbridge and is used for taking waste samples in order to identify whether they should enter the central waste management facility.3 Weighbridge building The weighing building is located next to the weighbridge of the facility. Concrete elements should be made with concrete class C30/37 or as per structural analysis which will be made. The structure is one fabricated container which is fixed above the ground where as main support are metal columns.94 m2. Weighbridge Building has dimensions 5x2.10.45 m and a surface of 11. The indicative capacity will be 60 tn and its size approximately 55 m2. 4. 4.6 Administration building Administrative building has a surface of 51.62 m2. It will be equipped with external weighing terminal for registration of all necessary data and information.10. Doors and windows are made with PVC materials The building shall be equipped with a desk where the necessary equipment (for weighing of the incoming vehicles and recording of data) is to be installed. The supply must include a fully operational weigh bridge with equipment and registration system. Doors and windows are made with aluminium material. free height is 6. The water reservoir has two chambers:   Fire Water Tank with capacity of 51.45 m3 and Water irrigation chamber with volume 31. garage. 4. Also the roof is covered with the same materials. Qwualitry of rebar should be S 400/500. The building will include facilities such as workspace. Outer walls should be plastered and painted. The maintenance building covers surface of approximately 105 m2916.55 m3. Inner walls are constructed using gypsum plates with thermo insulation.3 mm. At one side of building a space with dimensions 2. The main colums are SHS 250 x 6. cart washing plateau. Foundations are made with reinforced concrete slab with thickness more that 15cm with concrete class of C25/30. etc.5m. Inner walls will be constructed using high quality concrete and high waterproof component.8 Water tank Water tank has dimensions 8.15x6. Outer walls are made with metal sheet sandwiches so called polyurethane side panels. Outer walls are made with reinforced concrete strips with concrete class C25/30 with dimensions 110x50cm.01 m2.52 m). Quality of rebar should be S 400/500.52x6.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL The structure is one floor building where the structure is build using concrete columns as main structure supporter. The structure is one floor building from concrete walls.010x6.7 Maintenance building The facility is planned for regular functioning of the landfill it is located close to the administrative building. The structure will also have a ramp for easy access. Bottom slab is 30cm thick. 4. Above the foundation strips and compacted gravel layer an reinforced concrete slab will be fixed with thickness 20cm of C25/30. side walls of 25cm and top slab of 20cm thick.10. Also top slab need to be waterproofed with all the necessary layers. Doors and windows are mad with metal materials.10. The columns are with dimensions 150 x 10mm and concrete class C30/37 or as per structural analysis which will take place. The structure is one floor building where the structure is build using steel structure. Internal walls will be painted after rendering with two layers of colour.75 cm designed for installations of the equipment.75 m and a surface of 55. 95| P a g e .5mm and the beams are square steel profiles with dimensions RHS 250 x 150 x6. warehouse. 11 Fire Protection zone: It will be located in the perimeter of the landfill having a width of 8 meters. It is located in a widening of the internal road. 96| P a g e .10.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL 4.10.9 Parking for personnel and visitors The vehicles of the visitors and works of the landfill area (including the administration building and the maintenance building) will be parked in an open parking next to the administration building. which create water pressure jets with appropriate pressure for the washing of the tires. In this zone no vegetation or infrastructure is allowed in order to avoid the expansion of a possible fire inside the landfill.10 Tire washing system The purpose of the tire washing system is to wash out the tires of the waste collection vehicles from the mud of the landfill. and consists of two subsystems:  washing subsystem equipped with: o movement monitoring system which starts the operation of the system o washing water nozzles o heavy duty grating for the collection of wastewater o feeding pump for the washing water o filter o piping with necessary valves  water recycling and sludge removal subsystem equipped with: o separation of solids – clean water tank. 4. just before the entrance area in the exit direction. Concrete thickness for slabs and walls is 20 cm.10. The wastewater generated from the tire washing will collected in a tank (which is part of the equipment) and it will be regularly transferred to the wastewater collection tank in order to be treated in the leachate treatment plant. The capacity of the parking should be at least 10 vehicles. o weir of clean water overflowing into the clean water tank o excess sludge removal piping with isolation valve and hydraulic equipment The tire washing system is equipped with water nozzles. The separation is accelerated through a PVC pipe. which leads the wastewater to the bottom of the separation tank. 4. The structure itself is concrete made with concrete clas C30/37 and rebar S400/500. An appropriate irrigation system will be developed. which if allowed will utilize the treated water exiting from the wastewater treatment plant. 97| P a g e .13 Fire fighting system A fire fighting network will be developed.10. The corridor is made of concrete armoured with wire grid with no coating. which shall cover the whole area of the facility. The paths are constructed according to the ground slopes and the rainwater is drained. The general formulation include also footpath connecting the buildings and the infrastructure. Steps are also constructed according to the height differences. Moreover the run off of the rainwater from inclined green areas from the buildings is foreseen.10. which will be monitored in order to always be full of water 4.10.14 General formulation of the area For the communication among the infrastructure and their protection from corrosion of the soil from the rainfall the area will be formulated and a corridor of at least 1 m wide will be constructed perimetrically to the buildings. of sufficient volume.12 Green areas Inside the fencing and perimetric to the facility tree plantation is foreseen for the visual isolation of the site (average width of the plantation 3 m). 4. The system will be connected with appropriate water tank..DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL 4. 11.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL 4. 1. The roads can be established using gravel and/or stone. 4. crushed mineral debris from construction and demolition waste or moveable plates of concrete or steel.11 ROAD WORKS 4. The landfill staff shall establish and maintain access ramps and temporary roads over the dikes and the drainage layer with a min. thickness of 0. The internal roadways circulation is used mostly from heavy vehicles so the roadway must be built in a way that can ensure the easy movement.5 m ensuring a min. Leachate Drainage layer Polymer Liner Geological Barrier (Clay liner) The landfill staff shall establish and maintain access ramps and temporary roads over the already deposited waste inside the landfill cells.2 Temporary roads No traffic is allowed directly on top of drainage layer in the landfill cells or on the intermediate dikes.5 m 98| P a g e .1 Introduction Road design is important for the vehicles access to the cells and all the landfill site’s facilities. securing the safe access of waste delivery trucks for unloading in the cells. distance from wheelbase to the polymer liner of min. The thickness of compacted waste below the temporary roads shall be at between 22.0 m Temporary access ramp over lined areas.11. one lane in each direction. is 40.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL 4. 4.2 Road layers Pavement of roads and other areas of heavy traffic are proposed to be constructed by laying and compacting of the following layers:  ballast foundation (30 cm)  crush stone foundation (15 cm)  asphalt concrete BA16 – wear layer (4cm)  asphalt mixture AB2 – base layer (6cm) 99| P a g e .0 meters and the minimum radius is 30.11.5% and for curved sections 5. The road will be constructed with 6m. used on the internal road. and is built at first to reach the landfill’s cells and at the same time to provide access to the main facilities areas.3 Internal road Internal road is the road beginning from the entrance of the central waste management facility.0%. 4.0 meters which are acceptable due to low travelling speeds.3. The maximum vertical slope that is proposed is 8% and both sag and crest vertical curves have a proposed radius of 800m.3.11.1 Horizontal and Vertical Alignment – Typical Cross-Section The proposed cross slope at straight sections of roads is 2. The design speed of the road is 30km/h. The road can be extended to provide access to the waste treatment facilities that will be developed on site .11. The maximum radius of horizontal curves. graded soil binder) classification. On both sides of the road shoulders are 1 m wide for safety reasons. either with or without a well graded soil binder) or A-1-b (materials consisting predominantly of coarse sand either with or without a of well. 4. according to AASHTO. The road dimensions are designed as this due to budget limitation and cost construction due to stone area.3.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL 4.3. 200 m we have designed a wider road which will allow the tract to move alternatively.4 Access Road The road connecting the main road and new designed Landfill passes through open hill terrain which limits us the possibility to have the shortest path.5 m and the road will be used only in one direction alternatively.4 Embankments construction The material to be used for the construction of the road embankments should meet the requirements for excellent to good soil material. In order to achieve the shear strength parameters of c = 5KPa and φ = 35o.00 m.11. At every app. The material should be well graded with maximum size fragment of 15cm.3 Internal Road Layers The road construction includes the following works according to standards:  Sub-base construction: Technical Specification Ο150  Base construction: Technical Specification Ο155  Shoulders construction: Technical Specification Ο155  Asphalt greasing: Technical Specification A-201  Asphalt base layer: Technical Specification Α-260  High-density asphalt layer: Technical Specification Α265 4. Steel barriers are foreseen on most dangerous part which will protect trucks during winter season.11.11. Due to this the length of the road is increased in order to maintain the minimum slope possible. The length of the road is 2+180. the granular material should follow in the A-1-a (materials consisting predominantly of stone fragments or gravel. 100| P a g e . The width of the road is 3. 5+1+widening 101| P a g e .0-8 % 10 m 15 m 200 m Road cross section is 1+3.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL Technical elements taken into consideration during design:          Moving Speed Width of the road Longitudinal minimum road slope Longitudinal maximum road slope Cross section slope Cross section slope crossing curves Minimal passing curve Minimal radius Maximum radius V=10-35 km/h B=1x1.50 m 7.22 % 2.75=3.5 % 2.48 % 0. When compaction module is achieved than the first layer with crushed stones with grain fraction 0-64 mm thickness should be fixed. Compaction has to be done with 12tones compacter to reach the compaction of the layer up to 120 Mpa. Compaction module should be 80MN/m2 After cut and fill is finished the terrain should be compacted.02mm in the mixture max 0. this material can be crushed and used for construction.5 mm. Humidity of material should be regulated in that way to reach the maximum compaction.50 m from the edge of the shoulder must have at least 102% proctor density.e. i. soil or sufficient quantity of slime. depending on the air temperature. If particles smaller than 0. up to 0. The compulsory values must be attained within one or two days of drying. Crushed stone can consist max 7% of the grains which are produced from soft stones. Material to be used for the road layers cannot consist organic subjects. Weather conditions are to be taken into consideration when testing the load bearing capacity of the gravelled surface. The thickness of this layer after compaction should be not less than 200 mm. Quantity of particles smaller than 0. The thickness of this layer after compaction should be not less than 150 mm.Compaction has to be done with 12tones compacter to reach the compaction of the layer up to 100 Mpa. All parts of the base. The road construction will be made as per layer bellow: Filling of sub-base with selected material from excavation with thickness as per design and compaction of layers at each 30 cm. underground water.8%. humidity change of climate. Above first layer with crushed stones with grain fraction 0-64 mm thickness than a new layer of crushed stone should be fixed with dimensions 0-31. 102| P a g e . The surface of the base is to be specially compacted.02mm are up to the mentioned percentage they can be tolerated because it does not influent on caring capacity of the road base which is going to be influenced by frost. Compaction of sub-base with compactor until module of compaction achieves the 80 MN/m2.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL Since the terrain is mostly rock material. Size of the grains should not be reduced with the compaction. 5 and thickness 20 cm. In cases when we have fill the slope remains the same. The required concrete class should be C-25/30. At terrain cutting the slope ratio should be 1:1 if not other slope ratio will be required by supervisor during construction. All specifics of construction should be done according to Technical Specifications. Compaction of this layer should be Mn=40 Mpa.5 in all cases. 103| P a g e .DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL Road side slopes towards the open ditches should be 1:1. At station where are shown in design the concrete tube should be fixed with diameter d=500 mm. The pipes should be laid over compacted terrain which is laid with gravel 0-31. Final layer of asphalt should be minimum 4 cm after compaction. Thickness of base course should be 8 cm. Bitumengravel layer should be laid above bituminous layer as per technical specification. Outlet and inlet should be done with reinforced concrete. according to the specifications of the Kosovar legislation.  Landfill operator. The development of alternative disposal facilities can require a long-term effort. This requires close cooperation between the landfill owner and the region. the owner should post a sign that indicates the site is closed and list alternative disposal facilities.2. Moreover the section addresses also the issues of future land use. At closure.1 INTRODUCTION The closure of a solid waste landfill has a significant impact on the county's solid waste management plan. 5. Alternative disposal facilities must be in place and operational when a landfill is closed. and the ministry will issue the writing decision to close this landfill. and requires that closure of existing facilities be foreseen and planned several years in advance. However. ofthis instruction 5. supervising and controlling the landfill according to the determinate period on article 21.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL 5 LANDFILL CLOSURE AND AFTERCARE 5. capping and aftercare of the new landfill in Savina Stena. According to Administrative Instruction no. 104| P a g e . even after the closing procedure. he is responsible for maintain. Then the closure date can be estimated accurately enough to allow the owner to estimate the date of closure several months in advance.10/2007 (Article 18):  Landfill will be considered as closed. location and periods of operation will be submitted to the local land use/zoning authority and be made available for inspection.2 LANDFILL CLOSURE The date of closure is based on an estimate of the waste stream volume and remaining available capacity in the landfill. the uncertain nature of the waste stream and remaining capacity make closure date estimates very approximate until the landfill approaches the end of its active life.1 Landfill capping Objectives of capping The main objectives in designing a capping system are to:  Minimize infiltration of water into the waste.  Promote surface drainage and maximize run off. This section includes the description of the closure. when the Ministry think that accomplished all obligations and requests of this instruction by the landfill operator. Records and plans specifying solid waste quantities. after closing andre-cultivationof landfill. which is using for covering.10/2007 (Article 19): Last cover of landfill involve the following levels: 1. will consist of the following layers (from bottom to top): • Support layer (Levelling layer) • Gas drainage layer (Collecting the landfill gas) • Mineral lining layer 105| P a g e . 2) Re-cultivation should be in harmonization with spatial landscape where is located the landfill. Third level is content from two sub levels of compacted clay. At the same Article it is mentioned that “Landfill operator during the closing process must demount all equipment and objects which will not be in function of landfill” In Article 20 it is mentioned that: 1) Re-cultivation process starts after the last soil level over the landfill wastes. 4. 2.mustcarryout until it is considering that the negative impact on environment will be the less 2) The period of monitoring must carry out in duration from 30 years after the landfill close. 3) On the closed landfill its not allowed the constructions of the inhabitation objects Finally in Article 21 it is mentioned that: 1) The period of monitoring. minimal layer thickness 2. and its adaptation in order of using it for recreation. According to Administrative Instruction no. Fourth level and the last one content adequate soil (it is preferred humus soil) for recultivation which can have the minimal layer thickness 40 cm. The capping system normally includes a number of components which are selected to meet the above objectives. mean soil level with minimal layer thicknessl0 cm. and  Provide a physical separation between waste and plant and animal life.membrane. flatting and landfill form. 3. The principal function of the capping system is to minimize infiltration into the waste and consequently reduce the amount of leachate being generated. foresting and agriculture. minimal layer thickness from 25 cm (both levels 50 cm) and.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL  Control gas migration. Second level is content from geo. Components of the capping The surface sealing of the Savina Stena SL.5 mm. First level. The support layer must not contain organic components (wood).2. plastic materials and concrete with tar content. a gas drainage layer with thickness of 0. The support layer thickness will be 0.1 Support layer A support layer shall be constructed in top of the final waste terrain. but on the side of safety. The draining material shall be granular with permeability coefficient (hydraulic conductivity) of 1x10-4m/s. iron/steel and metals.1. Attention should be paid at the content of calcium carbonate which must not exceed 10% of the mass as well as at the mass of the maximum length particles. At the top of the layer the surface must be flat and levelled.30m shall be applied. The percentage of superior and inferior granules must not exceed 5%. Table 5-1:Technical Specifications of support layer CHARACTERICS Type of material Thickness Elasticity Module Permeability coefficient REQUIREMENT Soil 0. The above-mentioned layers are described in the following paragraphs. The temporary cover of the landfill will be used as the lower part of the support layer. The length of the granules must not be more than 32 mm.2  Calcium Carbonate <10 % of mass particles with maximum length <10% (mass) Gas drainage layer (collecting the landfill Gas) Above the support layer.3 m 40 MN/m2 1x10-4 m/s  Restrictions 5. The soil allows the gas to move and takes over the static and dynamic charges that appear with the lining system. which must not exceed 10%.3m.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL • Protection Geotextile • Rainwater Drainage layer (The lining layer for the drainage water) • Separation Geotextiles as protective layers • Top soil cover (vegetal and subsoil) The proposed specifications regarding the capping layers have been modified slightly. 106| P a g e . the optimal domain of the diameter of the granules is between 8 and 32 mm. in order to flatten the top layer of the landfill and prepare the terrain for the installation of the following surface sealing layers. The support layer must be homogenous and have endurance at constant efforts.2. The content of calcium carbonate must be lower than 10% (mass).1. 5.The safety at diffusion towards the support layer must be assured. DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL Table 5-2:Technical Specifications of gas drainage layer CHARACTERICS Type of material Thickness Permeability coefficient Diameter of granules Restrictions 5.5 mm. The HDPE membrane has a permeability coefficient <5x10-9 m/s.1.2.4 <5x10-9 m/s Protection geotextile The HDPE geomembranes will be protected against mechanic penetration of the neighboorhooding layers using geotextile.1.3 REQUIREMENT Granular material (e. the mineral lining layer will be applied.2.3 m 1x10-4 m/s Less than 32 mm ( optimal domain between 8 and 32 mm)  Calcium Carbonate <10 % of mass  Percentage of superior and inferior granules <5% Mineral lining layer Above the gas drainage layer. which has high chemical resistance and physical properties that can generally withstand most pressures related to landfill. Geotextiles will be confectioned from HPDE with mass unit on surface ≥ 1.g.000 gr/m2. Table 5-3:Technical Specifications of HDPE CHARACTERICS REQUIREMENT Type of material HDPE membrane Permeability 5. The layer consists of a HDPE polymer membrane. The thickness of the polymer membrane will be 2. 107| P a g e . gravel) 0. The geotextile shall be delivered at the site with a datasheet from the producer certifying the characteristics of the material according to the above specifications. Further the delivery shall be accompanied by a protocol with the results of the producers quality check for the specific batch delivered to the site. The permeability coefficient (hydraulic conductivity) shall be 1x10 -3m/s and the proportion of calcium carbonate must not exceed 10% (mass). The length of the granules of the draining material must be between 4mm and 32mm. The draining material must be applied evenly on the entire surface of the landfill. The maximum slope will depend on the after use but it is recommended that the slope be no greater than 1 in 3.2. The topsoil should be uniform and have a minimum slope of 1 to 30 to prevent surface water ponding and to promote surface water runoff.1. The topsoil should be thick enough to: • Accommodate root systems.5 Rainwater Drainage Layer The rainwater drainage layer will be realized with thickness of 0.30m and it will consist ofgranular material. 108| P a g e . with mass unit on surface equal to 400gr/m 2. Geotextiles must allow the water to enter and to follow the quality requests according to the provisions of the standards into force.1. The geotextiles shall consist of high density polyethylene (HDPE).1.7 Top soil cover The primary function of the topsoil is to enable the planned after use to be achieved. to prevent the components from the recultivation layer to enter the drainage layer. 5. Table 5-4:Technical Specifications of rainwater drainage layer 5. 5.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL The geotextile shall be protected against physical damages and soiling during transport to the site and during storage at the site.2.6 CHARACTERICS REQUIREMENT Type of material Granular Thickness 0. • Provide water holding capacity to attenuate moisture from rainfall and to sustain vegetation through dry periods.30 m Permeability coefficient 1x10-3 m/s Diameter of granules Between 4mm and 32 mm Restrictions Calcium Carbonate must not exceed 10% (mass) Separation Geotextile On the top of the rain water drainage layer a separating layer should be applied.2. If the factor of safety is less than one. waste. These include Fellenius method and Bishops method. Computer programs (e.g. slope) are usually used to analyse the data.2. It can be planted only bush species with short roots. Additionally. The combined thickness of the topsoil and the subsoil shall be realised with thickness of 0. Slope stability should be analysed using conventional limit state analysis. from which the upper 0. and • Prevent desiccation and freezing of the barrier layer. the presence of water acts as a destabilising agent in reducing the strength and increasing the destabilising force. and geosynthetic components used in the cap system.2. Settlement values of between 10 and 25% can be 109| P a g e . Stability is usually expressed in terms of ‘factor of safety’ which can be defined as the shear strength required to maintain a condition of limiting equilibrium compared with the available shear strength of the material in question. Interface between a geomembrane and a wet compacted clay).15m should be enriched topsoil (vegetal). Table 5-5:Technical Specifications of top soil CHARACTERICS Thickness Restrictions REQUIREMENT 0. Planting of bushes is allowed only after 2 years from the planting of the grass. 5. the system is obviously unstable. Stability will depend on the shear strength properties of the soils.3 Settlement Settlement of the completed waste mass will occur as a result of the decomposition of biodegradable waste within the landfill. To improve slope stability geogrids or geotextile reinforcement layers may be incorporated into the cap. and  Components that may have a low friction interface (e.15m should be enriched topsoil  Planting of bushes only after 2 years from the planting of grass  Minimum slope 1:30  Maximum slope 1:3.5 m: from which the upper 0.2 Cap stability It may be necessary to carry out an analysis of the cap stability. The material for the sub soil (retaining water layer) is made of lightly cohesive sand and gravel. A number of methods are available for analyzing slope stability. 5. This may be especially the case for:  Steep restoration slopes (steeper than 1:6).DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL • Allow for long term erosion losses.g.5m. In such cases. If geomembranes are used they should be able to withstand high tensile strains induced by differential settlement.4 Land Use Options A final end use for a landfill operates under a conditional use permit and is subject to local zoning ordinances in effect for that area. post closure maintenance may still require regrading of the final capping due to total and differential settlement. 5. However. especially in urban areas. There are a wide variety of development options. Total settlement should be estimated in order to predict surcharge contours. Experience has shown. Most would involve the construction of some kind of permanent structure. however. explosive and malodorous gases 110| P a g e . it may be necessary to wait a number of years. The majority of settlement occurs over the first five years. LLDPE (linear low density polyethylene) is particularly suitable. Major land use categories include:  Active recreation areas (athletic fields and golf courses)  Passive recreation areas or open space (parks and green belts) A closed landfill often represents valuable property.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL expected for municipal waste landfills. Settlement continues. A temporary cap may have to be installed between completion of filling and installation of the final cap. To compensate for differential settlement the capping system may be designed with greater thickness and/or slope. Even if precautions are taken. gradually reducing with time. this kind of construction presents the greatest problems. Estimates of settlement can be obtained through conventional consolidation methods. that such development is subject to serious problems from differential settlement and the explosive hazard associated with methane collecting in enclosed spaces. Other important considerations include the viability of certain types of development on landfills because of the unique problems the landfill environment presents. The degree and rate of waste settlement are difficult to estimate.5m thick. until the waste is stabilised. particularly if large scale and uneven settlement is expected.2. To avoid damage to the final cap system. it is better to develop the property more intensively than recreational open space. The nature of a solid waste landfill limits certain development options. The temporary cap should be at least 0. The following aspects of a closed landfill influence final end use plans:  low bearing capacity of the fill cover  Differential settlement  Production of methane that can collect in confined spaces to explosive concentrations  Production of combustible. parks and golf courses. Because of the nature of the waste. this method is not viable since it will rupture the liner. Also. Among the more important of the constraints are those that arise from the effects of settlement of the waste. Recreational land uses that require irrigation. Ideally. and avoid many of the potential problems associated with using covered landfills. If the landfill is equipped with a liner and leachate collection system. However. The most reliable method is to drive pilings through the waste into solid geologic material beneath the waste. any excavation through the surface of the landfill will disrupt the final cover system. If the degradation is severe enough. Such land uses include recreational open space. Excavation also releases confined. The odour problem must be carefully evaluated if the landfill has businesses or residences nearby. Such obstructions can stop the penetration and force the contractor to abandon the foundation and move to try to avoid the obstruction. Differential settlement can cause other problems besides foundation difficulties. excavation in a landfill produces large. These uses are relatively unaffected by differential settlement and methane cannot be contained in buildings. Special design methods can be employed to reduce the effects of settlement of the waste. 111| P a g e . Underground utility services can be affected when differential settlement causes large stresses in pipelines or structures which can lead to their malfunction or failure. odorous gases. the support capabilities of the pilings may be reduced. Pile driving can become difficult if large obstructions are encountered. the final land use should minimize the potential for leachate generation. irregularly shaped holes. Although Landfill gas may not present a hazard to public health. piling materials like steel and concrete are subject to degradation from chemicals in the refuse. Actual construction in a landfill environment can also be very difficult and require special precautions to ensure the health and safety of the construction crew. some of which can be toxic and can make workers in the immediate vicinity ill. it can stress vegetation growing over the landfill. Plants resistant to Landfill gas should be considered if these types of uses are planned. This may lead to a much greater excavation size than would normally be required for foundation piers and similar structures. such as golf courses. and should be given careful consideration where leachate management is a problem.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL  Public opinion/acceptance End uses that do not require the construction of buildings are simpler. have the potential for increasing leachate generation. the trucks via the access road are directed to the waste disposal area. prior to their exit of the landfill. 6. All incoming and outgoing trucks carrying waste shall pass over the weighbridge and be weighed and registered. The total surface of the waste disposal area will be built in separately cells.1 ESTIMATION OF THE QUANTITY OF PRODUCED WASTE According to the waste quantity that will be disposed in the landfill. From the waste quantities deposited it is obvious that the landfill’s maximum capacity for the first 10 years must be at least 290. The following assumptions have been used:  Average compaction rate in the landfill: 0. For the design. year 2015 has been selected as the starting year and year 2024 as the final year of the cells’ A operation. Each weighing procedure shall as a minimum comprise:  Truck registration number  Owner of the truck  Waste origin/producer  Waste type  Weight of the waste. trucks are weighted at the weight bridge.Cell no . Cell A will be divided in two subcells A1 & A2. Persons specifically trained in its use shall operate the systems.000 m3. the landfill capacity is sufficient for more than 10 years. where the truck’s weight and plate number are recorded. A special instruction manual for operating the data recording system will be prepared for the staff by the supplier of the weighing system. where the waste category is determined.of disposal of each load The trucks after the discharge of solid waste will be guided to the space for cleansing of vehicles.  Acceptance/non-acceptance of the waste at the landfill  The place .6 tn/m3  Percentage of the cover material in the waste volume: 15%  Assuming that the annual waste deposition was 13.2 FILL SEQUENCE PLAN Subsequent to their entry in the landfill. Data from the weighing procedure (including data for rejected waste and waste transported from the landfill) shall be recorded in the data system. 112| P a g e . Following there is a space for sampling. Subsequently.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL 6 LANDFILL OPERATION 6.140 tn for the year 2016. A narrow cell will help reduce litter and cover soil use. The dimensions the cell may differ from day to day. The main objective is to construct a cell which can handle the day’s volume of solid waste and which will require the minimum amount of daily cover soil.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL The surface of cell A will be about 3 ha and it will have a total capacity of around 290. 6. The shape of the cell is usually slanted cube.000m3 without the volumes of sealing and final cap layers. should be covered with a layer of 50 cm of compacted soil. Subcell A1 will be about 1. Lift is the ground where the movement of the trucks takes place. 6.2 Direction and schedule of fulfilling the landfill The schedule of fulfilling of landfill space aims at:  Maximizing the value for money of the construction 113| P a g e .e. each Subcell will have 5 years lifetime. The dimensions of the cell may differ from day to day. water can enter. Lift: a set of cells with the same altitude consist a lift. The first step of the cell design is to determine the cell width. This intermediate cover should be thick enough to prevent erosion of the cover by wind. and traffic.3 DESCRIPTION OF THE SANITARY LANDFILLING PROCESS The basic parameters of the sanitary landfilling are: Daily cell: it consist the basic structural unit of the landfill. that is not to be covered by another cell. If wastes become exposed. the cell must be wide enough to allow the day’s maximum number of trucks to unload as well as to allow the compactor to operate efficiently. the cell will have the minimum amount of surface area.2ha. and odours and gases may escape from the cells. Therefore.3. The main objective is to construct a cell which can handle the day’s volume of garbage and which will require the minimum amount of daily cover soil i. Cell: is a specific area where the lifts are built according to the fill sequence plan of the landfill. 6. The top and side surfaces of a completed cell.3. water. The solid waste discharge must be as close as possible at the working face. the width of a cell must be kept in a minimum size. In general. At the same time.1 Cell geometrical Characteristics The shape of the cells in a landfill is usually slanted cube. Next to the access road in the basin there must be an emergency working face. the cell A will receive waste for approximately 10 years of operation.8ha and Subcell A2 1. and taking into account that the daily soil cover depth is 0. whilst it effectively reduces the risks for windblown litter. proper compaction is essential to minimize the amount of daily cover soil required. 114| P a g e . The above will result in the temporarily close of waste slopes as long as possible.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL  Maximizing the life time of the landfill  Reduction of the amount of the produced leachate by closing temporarily every cell after the end of its operation. According to the fulfilling schedule. For the calculation of daily soil cover. Intermediate Cover: Intermediate cover is used when filled surfaces are likely to be left for a period of weeks or months before additional lifts of waste are to be added. When using tarps for daily cover of the current waste slope ensure all waste is covered and the tarps have been overlapped. This requirement may be fulfilled by the use of tarps and/or soil.8 m 3.3. Intermediate cover materials shall be materials as used for daily cover. followed by subcell A2. the operation of landfill has been designed in a way that the waste anaglyph will be developed rapidly so it will reach the final altitude as soon as possible. a function which in some cases is difficult because of lack of soil. 15-20 cm of compacted soil must cover the slopes and the top deck by the close of business each day. According to the above. subcell A1 will be fulfilled first. while the other subcell will be developed consecutively at the north part of the subcell A2. The direction of fulfilling is from south-east to north-west. Then.3 Daily Cover – Intermediate Cover Daily cover: All waste must be covered at the end of the dayto protect against vectors. and consequently in the acceleration of the biodegradation of waste 6. The rest of the area will be used in order to install all the necessary utilities and infrastructures for the proper operation of the landfill. of the bottom surface and of the side surface. When using soil as daily cover.2 m. the minimum daily soil cover is approximately 13. prior to fulfilling of subcell A2. so the rain fall cannot enter the waste body The total surface of the subcell A1 will be app. The cover significantly reduces rainfall infiltration. subcell A1 will be closed temporarily. 3 ha. For this reason. are required. The filling of subcell A1 will start from the lower place of the bottom. namely about 15%. the subcell A1 is located at the south part of the basin. According to the preliminary study. south-north. After the disposal of the first layer of waste. a flat area that will cover the bottom of the subcell will be formed. the areas of the top surface. According to the fulfilling schedule. orders and debris leaving the landfill. Operation of subcell A1 will continue until the complete development of the waste relief. In this area the waste lifts will be placed. DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL The thickness of the intermediate cover shall be 30-50 cm. The area covered by an intermediate cover shall be inspected regularly and as minimum after any heavy rainstorms in order to detect and repair any defects in the cover caused by e.g. erosion. When resuming operations in the area subject to intermediate cover, the daily cover is, to the extent possible, scraped off for subsequent reuse 6.3.4 Compaction of the Waste The first layer is very crucial for the landfill operation. During the placement of the first layer, the following problems may occur:  Damage to the lining system of the landfill  Disruption of the leachate collection system of the landfill Neither the compactor nor any other vehicles are under any circumstances allowed to drive directly on the drainage layer at the bottom or inner slopes of the landfill cells, as this may cause damage to the drainage pipes or the polymer liner. Therefore an initial layer of mainly fine grained waste without large objects (longer than 2 m), hard or sharp objects, which could perforate the plastic membrane shall be placed before any compaction of the waste takes place. Nor may the initial layer contain sludge or liquid waste. The initial layer is installed using a bulldozer or the compactor to position the waste by "over-rolling" - not pushing -in to a single layer of approx. 1,5-2.0 m height before compaction. The initial layer shall be covered using a daily or intermediate coversee the description below. 115| P a g e DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL Face tipping: The waste is tipped out and compacted into a bench. The bench continues level across the cell for a period of days or weeks until the cell is filled in its full width. The height of the bench is 23 m, and the compactor is working down the face of the bench as well as along the surface of the bench. Onion Skin Tipping: The gradient of the face slope is considerably shallower than for the Face Tipping method, and the compactor operates solely on the face. This method generally results in higher compaction degree of the waste and reduces the risks for litter being blown of the face by the wind 6.3.5 Truck movement and unloading The calculation of the truck traffic is crucial for the proper operation of the landfill. The maximum number of trucks, namely the maximum solid waste quantity is fundamental for the determination of the working face. The average annual solid waste is 15.064 tones / year. 116| P a g e DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL The landfill site will be open six days per week (Monday to Saturday). So, the average daily solid waste disposed will be 42,28 tones / day or 80,5m3/day. For safety reason the above quantity is increased by a factor 1.3 in order to cover the peak of the incoming solid waste load (i.e. Mondays, holidays). So the daily volume of disposed solid waste is about 54,96tones or 91,6m3. Drivers should wait for instructions before discharging their waste at the sorting plant and there must be safety distance between their trucks. After depositing, municipal trucks leave the site while the sorting plant separates and processes the wastes. After the process, a loader fills with residues the landfill’s trucks, which lead the waste for final disposal. The trucks should stop at least 2-3 m away from the working face. The driver has to secure his truck and unload the waste. Drivers should be encouraged to spend as little time as possible at the working face. 6.3.6 Disposal of difficult waste Certain wastes may not fall within the criteria of a hazardous waste. However, they may fall into the category of being a “difficult waste” for the reason that their properties require special arrangements for disposal to landfill. Usually, this means that they cannot be placed with other materials on the working face and compacted alongside other refuse. Wastes consisting wholly or mainly of animal or fish waste, condemned food, sewage sludge and other obnoxious materials all fall within this category. Other examples of difficult waste include light materials such as polystyrene and dusty wastes. Liquid wastes may arise which can be disposed of to landfill, provided that the quantities deposited are small and that they are of a low hazard. Examples of low hazard liquids include cement bearing liquids from concrete production facilities and out of specification foodstuffs such as fruit juice Whether a site should take difficult wastes is mainly a matter for the operator, but will need to take in account the suitability of both the waste and the site and also be in compliance with any conditions of the waste licence. Difficult wastes should not normally be deposited directly with other wastes in the working area. Instead they should be placed in front of the working face and immediately covered with other waste. Any obnoxious material should not be located within one metre of the surface or two metres from the flanks or face. Alternatively, disposal in an area of already filled material may need to be considered. In the case of the disposal of smelly, pumpable liquid wastes, a trench excavated in old refuse can be backfilled with coarse rubble and covered Dusty waste may need to be delivered in sealed bags. Alternatively, this waste should be sprayed with water 117| P a g e DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL 6.3.7 Keep area Well-Drained A crucial condition for the proper landfill operation is the slope of free surfaces so as prevent the retention of water in hollows. Water can impede working face activity by slowing truck movement in muddy conditions and can cause traction problems for landfill equipment. It can promote mud-tracking problems and will attract vectors. A general rule is to avoid flat areas on a landfill, promoting drainage away from the working face at all times. 6.4 CONTROL MEASURES 6.4.1 Incoming Waste Control The control for incoming waste can be at different levels. It is of great importance to be able to control the waste through setting up one controlled entrance and stopping every other possible access. All waste delivered to the facility shall be controlled by the responsible person. The control comprises:  Registration of the waste transportation truck and the waste producer.  Weighing and registration of the waste.  Control of delivery documents (i.e. declaration and registration card).  Direct visual control of the waste for type and composition for compliance of waste type with documentation.  Waste delivered in open trucks shall be inspected visually at the reception area in connection with the weighing procedure and after unloading at the unloading platform. Waste delivered in closed trucks shall be visually inspected at the landfill cell after unloading and before the waste is compacted and covered. All information is recorded in the data system, stored and secured 6.4.2 Odours Control Odours in a sanitary landfill occur due to the biodegradation of wastes and may be present in leachate and landfill gas (LFG). The sources of odours are chemical compounds, present in trace levels (less than 1 percent). Leachate odours may result from uncontrolled leachate seeps from the waste mass, or from leachate holding ponds or lagoons present on site. LFG is primarily comprised of methane and carbon dioxide, odourless gases. However, the trace constituents present in LFG are offensive to the human nose and become noticeable when excess LFG escapes from the surface of the landfill, or flows from passive vents or leaks from piping of active LFG collection systems. Control of odours from a sanitary landfill is important for community relations and worker comfort. Through several operational and design elements, landfill odours can be controlled effectively. 118| P a g e e. Water must also be sprayed at the fill face. 6. In most cases dust must be controlled especially if the landfill is located close to homes. usually from the site’s access road. Attention should be given to the direction of prevailing winds in the design and location of vents in order to minimize odour nuisance to property neighbouring the landfill. 6. and subsequently flare. or through gas clean-up applications. The type of treatment for the leachate should be determined on a site-specific basis. proper control of landfill gas emissions can effectively control odours. excavation areas and fill areas. Sometimes this type of loads results from an ongoing commercial process. Decomposition odours can effectively be prevented by maintaining the integrity of cover soil material over everything but the currently active face. In general. with comprehensive coverage of the waste mass. Typically. businesses or major highways.6 Odours from Landfill Gas Because the trace constituents of landfill gas are the odour causing agents. taking into account the characteristics of the leachate. The most effective method to control odours from landfill gas is to design and install an active LFG collection system. the chemical and/or biological treatment of the leachate is the best way to control the odours.4.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL 6. dumping pad and lunch wagon pad whenever dust occurs. 6.4. In this situation. Attention should be paid to the water use in the areas where potential exists for creating leachate i. If those types of odours become a problem it may be necessary to place these loads into a portion of the cell where they can be covered immediately.4 Odours from In-Place Waste Odours from in-place waste usually result from the biodegradation of older waste disposals. such systems include vertical wells or horizontal trenches with connective piping with an applied vacuum from industrial blowers. all the unpaved roads of a landfill must be sprayed. Collected LFG is treated either through combustion in flares. engines or kilns (for utilization purposes). 6. with water.4.4.5 Odours from a Leachate evaporation pond In this case. Passive LFG systems simply vent LFG to the atmosphere. fill face.4. 119| P a g e . These treatment options all reduce or destroy the LFG odours. communication with the waste producers is needed in order to eliminate the odours from part of incoming waste that includes dead animals.3 Odours from Incoming Waste The problem of odours from incoming waste is probably the hardest to prevent. food processing by-products restaurant waste etc. The most effective way for insite control of dust is by use of water truck. periodically throughout the day in order to prevent the dust generation.7 Dust Control In most of the landfills important amount of dust is generated. Litter fences exist in many shapes and sizes and some of them are removable. 6. The presence of uncontrolled litter can cause major problems with aesthetics as well as the public’s perception of whether or not the landfill is safe.4. The litter fences are placed downwind and as close as possible to the working face. which can carry disease. Every landfill should work towards minimising litter.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL Recycled water is the primary water source for this activity. Vectors are generally not present at a properly operated and maintained sanitary landfill.4. a vector is an insect. a landfill site is open six days per week (Monday to Saturday) from 7:00 am – 14:00 pm.4. which is blown away from the active face of the landfill. Usually. The main concern for the control of vectors in a landfill is that if they are allowed to enter the site. 6. operational or maintenance requirements may occasionally preclude the use of this water source. 6.8 Vector Control By definition. A very common tool for minimising litter is the use of specific fences. There are many ways to minimise litter at landfills. diseases could pose a threat to human health and/or environment. rats. or until 21:00 pm for two shifts operation per day. However. The approval must be directed to the Senior Engineer who will allocate the necessary staff according the specific needs of the landfill. 120| P a g e . or animal. In these cases the use of potable water to maintain low levels of dust is authorized.9 Litter Control The term litter describes any waste. The majority of litter consists of paper and plastic. Well-compacted wastes and cover material effectively prevent vectors from emerging or burrowing into waste materials. Any deviation from regular site operating hours must be notified and approved by the Director of the landfill management authority. The provision of daily cover is the primary safeguard against vector problems. The opening hours of a landfill will be formulated according to the timetable of the municipalities’ waste collection and transfer station services. mice and birds. A list of disease vectors commonly includes flies. Litter is common to most landfills. for operation in one shift per day.10 Working Hours Working hours at the landfill will be related to the hours that the site is open to the public. Some litter control methods are simple and economically viable such as requiring all incoming loads of waste to be covered. implement and enforce Division safety regulations. maintenance. Plan and coordinate the most efficient use of landfill areas to conserve landfill space and mitigate traffic control problems. Schedule routine work as required. and construction work at the Landfill and is in charge of the overall operation of the disposal site. regulations and all appropriate policies.g. e.5. Mayor. Department and Division. problems exist or may be anticipated. e. o Stakeholder Issues including. Ensure that the need for any special operating conditions have been planned for in advance. if any. viii. vi.g. Help develop.. emergencies. Accurately prepare and oversee the design of in-house engineering projects. Community and other interested parties. oversee and administer the engineering section and functions to ensure the City maintains its active landfill sites in accordance with current permits. o Equipment issues.1 Senior Engineer The Senior Engineer. Meet. Handle user complaints or problems that the Disposal Site Supervisors cannot handle and maintain a record of all such complaints. landfill surface repairs and litter control. Employees also have certain assignments that must be understood as part of their position description. v. Perform other duties that may be required as determined by the Director 121| P a g e . vii. including plans specifications and construction estimates. wet weather areas should be prepared in advance of the rainy season. o Regulatory Requirements. is responsible for landfill design improvements. drainage channel cleaning. special waste. o Special employee requests.. Organize. inclement weather. etc. xi. under the general supervision of the Director. with the Director to brief the status of routine operations and any special issues. e.g. Meet routinely with the Disposal Site Supervisors to maintain proper control of the site and to determine what. 6. xii. Coordinate and oversee engineering inspection during construction work performed by city crews or private contractors at the landfill. the Senior Engineer shall: i. City Council. iii. Professionally and positively represent the City.5 EMPLOYEE ASSIGNMENTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES Each employee at the landfill has certain responsibilities and obligations associated with their job. iv. ii. as required.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL 6. o Special operating instructions. Consider the following: o Operational issues.. The following indicative list of assignments and responsibilities of the various employees who work at a disposal site are described below but are not necessarily inclusive of all duties that may require to safely and successfully operate a solid waste landfill. x. ix. Specifically. which can be used if a full crew is not available to work at the landfill.  Equipment Problems. Investigate and immediately report all equipment malfunctions and breakdowns. equipment operations. Meet with employees periodically to maintain proper control of the site and to determine what. emergencies. to all appropriate persons so that equipment is repaired and made available with minimum interruptions to landfill operations. l.  Special operating instructions.  Recall additional personnel on overtime. inclement weather. Ensure that the landfill is properly staffed at the beginning of each day. e. xi. Plan and coordinate the most efficient use of the landfill disposal areas to reduce traffic flow issues and conserve landfill space. shift a person stockpiling soil cover to a dozer for spreading and compacting refuse.. xii. Meet with engineering personnel. Periodically check with the Equipment Service Writer to ensure overhaul and maintenance schedules are being followed. if any..  Regulatory Requirements.2 Disposal Site Supervisor The Disposal Site Supervisor. the Disposal Site Supervisors shall: i. Communicate and train staff on routine work requirements as required. litter control.g. as required. etc. x. proper compactions. There are several contingency plans. v. ix.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL 6. special waste. Consider the following:  Operational Constraints. e.  Special Employee Requests. ii. vii. daily monitoring of employee’s reports and completion of supervisor’s periodic reports.. Periodically review landfill plan as an aid in scheduling employees and equipment needs and making assignments. to review planned operations or special requirements. Implement and enforce Department safety regulations. h. regulations and policies. Ensure that employees perform routine maintenance obligations through periodic inspection of equipment. For example:  Reassign duties of available personnel as required. Specifically. iv.g. landfill surface repairs.5. presenting facts in a clear manner. under the general supervision of the Senior Engineer and is responsible for supervising refuse disposal and associated activities at the Landfill in accordance with appropriate rules. e.g. dirt operations. Check grades and contours to ensure that refuse placement and compaction conforms to engineered specifications and designs. viii. vi. etc. iii. Regularly brief the Senior Engineer on the status of routine operations and any special problems.  A Disposal Site Supervisor may fill-in for an equipment operator if the situation warrants. 122| P a g e . problems exist or may be anticipated. safety issues. refuse handling. personnel. Excavate landfill cells according to engineering plans while keeping the excavated area in good working order. Respond to complaints and inquiries promptly and tactfully as indicated by being even tempered and calm. under the general supervision of a Disposal Site Supervisor. immediately report all equipment defects to the supervisor. and monthly as required by Operating and Environmental Permits. Utility Worker shall: a) b) c) d) e) Work in conjunction with the Disposal Site Supervisor on maintenance issues. d. maintenance tools. contracted crew coordination and keeping the disposal site conditions in compliance with regulatory requirements. as well as the proper handling and compaction of solid waste. xvii. Operate assigned equipment in a safe. telling the person what action will be taken and offering information necessary to resolve the situation. xv. Specifically. permits and procedures. Perform daily equipment checks. f) Instruct all contracted crews on areas of concern and monitor progress. construction materials. 6. maintain and finish grades as indicated on grade stakes or as directed by Disposal Site Supervisor or engineering staff. Ensure stockroom and tool room are adequately supplied.) to avoid operational impacts. Specifically. under the general supervision of a Disposal Site Supervisor.5. is directly responsible for the safe and proper operation of complex motorized construction and repair equipment. not the person. 6. litter control. Department and Division. accurate and detailed records of landfill operations.3 Utility worker Utility Worker. etc. Professionally and positively represent the City. Ensure that services are performed on equipment. Landfill Equipment Operators shall: a.5. keeping records daily. Maintain equipment usage records that are accurate and understandable. verbally and in writing on vehicle check-out sheets. xvi. weekly. is responsible for general site maintenance improvement projects. complete pre-check and post-check of equipment. 123| P a g e . xiv. first aid.4 Landfill Equipment Operator The Landfill Equipment Operator. Ensure there is sufficient inventory of office and field supplies (sanitary supplies. b. Perform daily equipment tool checks. c. Cut. regulations. listening to and clarifying the problem. Perform other duties that may be required as determined by the Senior Engineer. Maintain thorough. Be sensitive to issues and people and give only the information that is within his authority and can be officially released. discussing the issue.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL xiii. equipment usage and other related matters. Order materials and supplies in a timely fashion to avoid impacts to operations. proper and efficient manner following manufacturer rules. i. Equipment Mechanics shall: a.6 Labourer The labourer. resurface roads. Fuel landfill equipment and other mechanical equipment by mobile fuel truck or fuel stations as needed. Spread and compact refuse according to appropriate procedures. is directly responsible for maintenance. The Equipment Mechanic works in conjunction with the Equipment Service Writer. spread and compact daily cover according to appropriate procedures. 124| P a g e . taking the dozer past the hinge point. c. f.g. traffic control at the tip of the face. then halftracking when backing down the lift. prepare reports and summary sheets as required. Respond to complaints and inquiries from the public and other agencies promptly and tactfully. Obtain. parts requisitions and related matters. d. Courteously answer questions regarding information. tools.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL e. Leave surface area smooth with no refuse exposed. under the general supervision of the Disposal Site Supervisor. e. Perform daily equipment checks. b. and general maintenance of the disposal site. Know how to respond appropriately to all emergencies utilizing proper emergency procedures.5 Equipment Mechanic The Equipment Mechanic. Enforce all site user regulations of the safety plan of the site d. and essential products. inspection of waste. j. rules and regulations for use of the site. drive water trucks. Complete daily report forms for all equipment used. Assist in site maintenance work as required. b. Process invoices for suppliers and vendors who provide equipment. Push and compact refuse efficiently. construct refuse lifts. and other duties as assigned. 6. Specifically. g. repair and overhaul schedules of all equipment assigned to the disposal site. Maintain thorough and accurate detailed records/logs on fuel usage. h. include mileage and service requests. grade roads.5. supplies and services for landfill operations. f. repairs and modifications on vehicles. Know how to respond appropriately to all emergencies utilizing proper emergency procedures. Direct site users to proper disposal areas according to waste type. Perform preventive maintenance.5. under the general supervision of the Disposal Site Supervisor. Specifically. c. Provide mechanical support to other landfill operations as needed. ordering parts. have area covered walked in tight and surface smooth. Cover refuse efficiently. labourers shall: a. g. equipment and machinery. equipment usage. e. has responsibility for enforcement of user regulations. 6. and material and equipment usage level. staffing requirements. and litter control. and administrative studies and assignments. answering questions and volunteering necessary information. Senior Management Analysts shall: a. Set up and remove proper traffic patterns to allow maximum traffic flow and safe working conditions. 125| P a g e . fiscal. Perform various maintenance operations at landfill and on buildings. Ensure the overall operational efficiency of the fee booth staff. g. Relocate portable litter fences as necessitated by operational requirements and wind conditions. is responsible for the overall performance of the fee booth operation and its personnel. i. i. under the general supervision of the Director. painting. erect and repair warning signs. In addition the Senior Management Analyst is responsible for completing budgetary. Schedule fee booth personnel to provide adequate staffing and coverage for all shifts. which result in operational efficiency. regulations. f. g.7 Senior Management Analyst/Fee Booth Supervisor The Senior Management Analyst. f. road repairs. Make recommendations for policy. Conduct complex budgetary and administrative studies and assignments and prepares detailed reports of conducted studies. Effectively direct and control traffic to ensure smooth operations including. correct and efficient manner following relevant rules. Administer Franchise Agreements and serve as point of contact with private haulers. Operate assigned equipment in a safe. k. e. Assist in litter control activities as required. output measures. Take care of the maintenance of the computerized system. assist in implementing new programs. charge tickets and receipts are given when appropriate. Direct trucks with inoperative unloading mechanisms to a separate area so they do not interfere with operations. procedural. organizational. e.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL e. Perform cost effectiveness and productivity studies. help all customers to understand and use City disposal site services by determining their entire need.g. Know how to respond appropriately to all emergencies utilizing proper emergency procedures. Ensure appropriate fees are collected in accordance with the fee schedule. d. 1. 2. policies and procedures. Work closely with equipment operators to ensure minimal interference with waste delivery vehicles. l. b. h. Maintain landscaped areas of site including proper watering. j. and fee changes. Evaluate and determine work unit time standards. k. cultivation. suggest changes as needed. 6. etc. c. correct change is given. Courteously explain disposal site policies and fee schedules to the public. j. fence repairs.5. Perform special assignments/ projects relating to legislative policy. Specifically. h. bank deposit slips 126| P a g e . b. receipts are accounted for. determining and collecting the appropriate disposal fees in accordance with an established fee schedule. n. charge tickets and receipts are given to all customers. working cooperatively with other personnel and customers as needed. answering questions and volunteering necessary information. Maintain a clean and safe fee booth area and ensure traffic entrance lanes are clean and properly delineated. Supervise. errors. checks. f. Operate and maintain a computerized scale and register system.8 Fee Booth Operator Fee Booth Operators. 6. Courteously explain disposal site policies and fee schedules to the public. d. coupons.5. Monitor loads to ensure that no improper. or unusual charges in accordance with Division procedures. Ensure the change fund contains appropriate cash. recap sheet is completely and accurately filled out. ensuring that change fund contains appropriate cash. hazardous or illegal materials enter the landfill. h. bank deposit slips are complete and accurate. Division procedures are accurately followed and fees and weights are entered correctly in register. recap sheet is filled out completely. Collect appropriate fees in accordance with the fee schedule. as well as smooth and efficient traffic movement. g. and currency at the end of each day. are completely reported on recap sheet.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL division procedures are accurately followed and fees/weights are entered correctly into the system l. hazardous or illegal materials are disposed at landfill and direct vehicles with unacceptable loads to proper disposal facility or agency. under the general supervision of the Fee Booth Supervisor Operators are responsible for processing vehicles entering the landfill by inspecting loads. all voids. Fee Booth Operators shall: a. Monitor loads to ensure that no improper. Redirect vehicles with unacceptable loads to proper disposal sites. Follow procedures for disposal of special handling items and work cooperatively with customers to ensure appropriate disposal. o. to ensure safety to customers. all monies. help all customers to understand and use disposal site services by determining their entire need. m. errors. all money. correct change is given. Specifically. Process and report voids. c. e. etc. Count and balance receipts. as well as to ensure smooth and efficient traffic movement. i. receipt and money total on recap sheet balances against the register record. Monitor and direct traffic flow. coupons and receipts are accurately accounted for. and recording vehicle weights. ensure change fund currency is sufficient to make change. monitor and direct traffic flow to ensure customer safety. Follow established procedures for disposal of special handling items. receipt and money totals on recap sheet balances against register tape and all voids. The personnel will be present at the landfill throughout the day (24 hours / 7 days) in three shifts per day. etc. errors. 127| P a g e .9 Security Personnel The security personnel are responsible for landfill guard.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL are complete and accurate..5. are completely reported on recap sheet. 6. be 4 or 6-cylinder.500 mm The height of cabin should not be more than 3. C.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL 7 MOBILE EQUIPMENT The tender procedures includes also the provision of the necessary mobile equipment for the operation of the landfill. Weight and dimensions     The loaders operating weight should be at least 10. Engine    Should have a turbine. The whole braking system should be in compliance with the specifications under ISO 10265:1998.1 Front end loader Α.500 mm The dimensions of the loader should be provided B. Fuel tank should have capacity for at least 250 lt of diesel. For safety reasons the brakes should be automatically activated in cases of hydraulic oil pressure drop in the transmission system.1 MAIN TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS OF MOBILE EQUIPMENT 7.1. namely:   Front end loader Compactor 7. four-stroke with the higher possible cubism Net horsepower of not less than 140 HP under ΕΕC 80/1269.500 – 6. Rolling system     Should be oscillating for the best stability Should be equipped with 2 independent motors Each track should have the freedom to move independently from the other The chain should be self lubricated and the track shoe width should be approx.000 kg The overall length of the loader should be 5. Transmission system    The gearbox handling should be made by joystick that sets the direction Selection between operating speed and trip speed Max speed at least 10 km/h D. 500 mm. 128| P a g e . Braking systems     The operating brakes should be hydrostatic The operating brakes should be oil cooled disc break of multiple discs and they should be activated by spring and deactivated hydraulically. F. 3 m G. Frame Should be of solid construction I.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL  The overall machine width without the buckets should be less than 2. Steering system   Steering system should be hydrostatic and operating via two pedals or via Joystick Steering controls and driver’s seat mounted centrally in Front end loader.5 m. central axle System of restricting the waste entrance in the engine. Doors Drivers cabin to be fitted with at least one main access door plus another emergency exit door or window on another face of the driver’s cabin N. Cabin   Should be ROPS / FOPS. H. fuel level indicator. heated and air conditioned The following instruments should be included: engine temperature.400 – 2. Bucket     Should be for general purpose and its capacity should be at least 1. Additional equipment            Guard of insulation seal: free wheels. operating hours meter. heavy type refrigerator grid Heavy type guards at the bottom of the machine Heavy type guards of hydraulic oil tank Operating lights with heavy type guards Bucket grid Free wheel guards Guards of hydraulic lines of the cylinders of the bucket lift 129| P a g e .600 mm J. Lift arms Minimum lift height of bucket hinge pin 3. the transmission system and the cabin Waste diversion in the guards Prefilter of entrance air of cyclonic type Rotary. K. temperature of loading transmission system oil temperature and electronic system of warning and prevention of failure M. temperature of gear box pump oil.85 m³ Should be of solid construction from steel and resistant to wear Multi-purpose (3 in 1) with hydraulic jaws and bolt-on teeth/wearing segments Width: 2. tachometer. 500 – 8. It will be constantly under slight superpressure in order to restrict the entrance of polluted air inside the cabin.800 mm (including blade length) The maximum height should be 4.5 m.000 kg The length will be between 7. Fitted with at least one main access door and another door on the opposite side of the compactor The machine will be equipped with working lights for night shift and mirrors for reverse motion Dozer blade: the blade will operate with one or two hydraulic cylinders and two arms. Compaction cylinders: the compactor should have two or four unitary compaction cylinders one or two in front and one or two in back with waste compaction ability of uniform width in one pass and width of at least 1. The system should be simple with as few parts as possible and with the minimum requirements for maintenance and repair. propulsion and spreading of waste B. of solid construction.100 mm. the hydraulic parts. with indicators for the control of the engine.500 mm The engine should be DIESEL.900 mm. liquid cooled of max horse power of at least 250 ΗΡ (equipped with dry type air filter and pre-filter). The driver’s sheet should be adjustable.2 Landfill compactor A. There will be a system for self cleaning of the teeth. The Minimum height including trash guard should be 1. well design control panel. The internal turning radius should be up to 4. The operating weight should be at least 23. General The compactor should be suitable for activities of compaction.400 – 3. The transmission system and its parts should be fully described Steering system: should be hydraulic with adjusting steering wheel or joystick for better movement in the landfill. The blade width will be between 3. Brakes: hydraulic brakes completely water tight type and hand brake Cabin: the cabin will possess insulation for the noise and the odours as well as air condition. It will be built with safety provisions for turn over and object fall.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL 7. and all other basic operations and equipped with system for the damage diagnosis and alarms for informing the handlers for malfunction or damages. The cylinders will have conical teeth or blades for better waste shredding and compaction. constructed of powerful metal of heavy type. It will be equipped with full.1. The fuel tank should have a capacity of at least 375 lt Transmission system: the motion should be made via hydrostatic system with gears for moving forward and reverse.500mm 130| P a g e . Specifics            The frame (chassis) should be hinged (2 united frames). with big rigidity between the 2 frames for the achievement of the maximum possible power for the compaction of the waste. Other characteristics:      The compactors will be equipped with special construction to protect the mechanical – operational parts from the bulky material but it will also ensure the quick and easy maintenance inspection It will possess special guards for the mechanical parts that may be damaged from earth or waste It will possess hitch for the hauling of other vehicles It will possess beeper during reverse motion It will be in full compliance with EC protection and safety directives and will bear CE label.DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL C. 131| P a g e . restoration of eroded areas and regarding of areas experiencing settlement  Surface water monitoring program  Groundwater monitoring program  Landfill gas monitoring program  Cost estimates for post – closure procedures  Deed clause changes and land use and zoning restrictions The length of the post – closure care period is 30 years after closing and may be: 132| P a g e .DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL 8 AFTERCARE PROCEDURES After closing a landfill the operator is still responsible to maintain the site in terms of drainage. access. access and monitoring of gas and groundwater.1 POST CLOSURE-MAINTENANCE PLAN When the site is closed. seeding. The site will be closed in numerous small phases according to the fill sequence plan.  By working in small phases. vectors. The post – closure plan addresses:  Maintenance of surface drainage systems  Maintenance of leachate control systems  Maintenance of gas control / recovery facilities  Maintenance of final cover including revegetation. The drainage systems and cap should be able to get most of the surface runoff away from the landfill quickly and without erosion. erosion. it is much more protected from moisture infiltration. developmental costs of the site will be lower which will allow the landfill to provide reasonable rates while still offering secure solid waste containment. it is fairly well protected from infiltration. a post – closure plan has to be prepared. thereby minimizing the potential problems of litter. Once a phase is filled to final grade and capped with final cover. This technique has many benefits:  It gets the individual phases up to final grade as soon as possible to allow placement of final cover. 8. Once an area of the landfill is closed and receives final cover.  Smaller phases help to contain the entire waste disposal operation in a small area. etc. if the lengthened period is necessary to protect human health and the environment. if the owner or the operator demonstrates that the reduced period is sufficient to protect human health and the environment.  Increased. 133| P a g e .DESIGN OF SAVINA STENA SANITARY LANDFILL  Decreased.
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