Tech Specs for ETP

March 22, 2018 | Author: Narayanan Menon | Category: Specification (Technical Standard), Pump, Quality Assurance, Power Supply, Iso 9000



VISAKH MARKETING INSTALLATION RESITEMENT PROJECT – LPG TERMINAL Doc No: 256324-500-RQ-MEC-013 Rev: B Page 1 of 26TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR EFFLUENT TREATMENT PLANT (ETP) Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd Viskaha Dispatch Station VR-ATP Area, Naval Base Post Visakhapatnam - 530 014 Andhra Pradesh Mott MacDonald Consultants (India) Pvt. Ltd. Kothari House, CTS No. 185 Off Andheri - Kurla Road Andheri (East) Mumbai 400 059 P:\Andheri\IndiaProject\256324 HPCL- LPG\10 Procurement\TENDER\17 ETP\Final\Editable\Technical Attachments\2.1Tech Specs for ETP.doc VISAKH MARKETING INSTALLATION RESITEMENT PROJECT – LPG TERMINAL Doc No: 256324-500-RQ-MEC-013 Rev: B Page 2 of 26 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR EFFLUENT TREATMENT PLANT (ETP) Client MMCI Project No. HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. 256324 Issue and Revision Record: Rev A B C Date 30.07.09 15.02.10 Originator SPW ASA Checked SVJ SM Approved PJC PJC Description Issued for Comments Issued for Tender Group Disclaimer "This document has been prepared for the titled project or named part thereof and should not be relied upon or used for any other project without an independent check being carried out as to its suitability and prior written authority of Mott MacDonald being obtained. Mott MacDonald accepts no responsibility or liability for the consequences of this document being used for a purpose other than the purposes for which it was commissioned. Any person using or relying on the document for such other purpose agrees, and will by such use or reliance be taken to confirm his agreement, to indemnify Mott MacDonald for all loss or damage resulting there from. Mott MacDonald accepts no responsibility or liability for this document to any party other than the person by whom it was commissioned.” P:\Andheri\IndiaProject\256324 HPCL- LPG\10 Procurement\TENDER\17 ETP\Final\Editable\Technical Attachments\2.1Tech Specs for ETP.doc 3 3.2 4.2 Spares Special Tools P:\Andheri\IndiaProject\256324 HPCL.2 7.4 Factory Inspection & Testing Vendor Requirements Performance Guarantee Works Inspection and Notification 8 Vendor Documentation 8.1 4.1Tech Specs for ETP.2 5.1 10. Specifications and Standards 4.LPG\10 Procurement\TENDER\17 ETP\Final\Editable\Technical Attachments\2.1 7.4 General Codes and Standards Other Specifications and Standards Conflicting Requirements 5 Design Requirements 5.1 3.3 4.1 8.VISAKH MARKETING INSTALLATION RESITEMENT PROJECT – LPG TERMINAL Doc No: 256324-500-RQ-MEC-013 Rev: B Page 3 of 26 List of Content 1 2 3 Introduction Location and Environmental Conditions Scope of Supply 3.4 Mechanical Requirements Civil Requirements Instrumentation Requirements Electrical Requirements 6 7 Quality Assurance Inspection and Testing 7.1 5.3 5.2 3.2 Documents/ Information to be supplied with offer Document/ Information to be supplied After Award of Contract 9 10 Manufacturing Schedule Spares and Special Tools 10.doc .3 7.4 4 Process Description Equipment and Materials Engineering Services Exclusions Page No 5 6 6 6 7 9 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 17 18 18 18 19 19 20 20 20 20 21 21 21 21 Applicable Codes. VISAKH MARKETING INSTALLATION RESITEMENT PROJECT – LPG TERMINAL Doc No: 256324-500-RQ-MEC-013 Rev: B Page 4 of 26 11 12 Packing and Shipping Installation and Commissioning 21 21 22 23 24 25 Appendix A: Attachments Appendix B: Water Quality Appendix C: Requisition of Engineering Documents (Red Form) Appendix D: Table of Compliance P:\Andheri\IndiaProject\256324 HPCL.LPG\10 Procurement\TENDER\17 ETP\Final\Editable\Technical Attachments\2.doc .1Tech Specs for ETP. Deviations to the specification will not be allowed after award of order.5 P:\Andheri\IndiaProject\256324 HPCL. 1. The Vendor shall ensure that the design complies with the requirements of this requisition and its referenced specifications and standards. fabrication. 1. construction.VISAKH MARKETING INSTALLATION RESITEMENT PROJECT – LPG TERMINAL Doc No: 256324-500-RQ-MEC-013 Rev: B Page 5 of 26 1 1. testing. delivery and proper performance of the ETP.1Tech Specs for ETP. Unless referred to in the Table of Compliance (Appendix D). inspection. shall be completed by the Vendor. The Vendor shall highlight any noncompliance at the offer stage in the Table of Compliance. delivery and integrity of the equipment. supply.3 Quantity ONE Description Effluent Treatment Plant – 10 m3/d (8 hours) The Vendor shall be responsible for the design. engineering. : Supplier of Effluent Treatment Package (ETP). material procurement. The Table of Compliance and filled in data sheets shall form a part of the offer. Appendix D. assembly. : This is to be understood as a mandatory in relation to the requirements of this document.1 Introduction This specification covers the minimum requirements for the design. The data sheets.doc .” Definitions: Company/End User/ Owner Purchaser Engineer / Consultant Vendor Shall Should : Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd (HPCL) : Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Ltd (HPCL) : Mott MacDonald Consultants (India) Pvt. erection and commissioning of Effluent Treatment Package (ETP) for “Re-sitement of Integrated Marketing Facility at Vishakhapatnam – LPG Terminal. it will be assumed that all specifications are adhered to and that they do not have implications with respect to cost. : This is to be understood as a strong recommendation to comply with the requirements of this document The ETP is as follows: Sr. which form part of this specification. Company will reject any materials found at any stage to be out of the approved VENDOR or sub Vendor list. fabrication. Inspection. Failure to clearly identify specific deviations shall be assumed by the Purchaser to be total compliance with the requisition.LPG\10 Procurement\TENDER\17 ETP\Final\Editable\Technical Attachments\2. No. civil construction. unless the particular type of material is not covered by the list. Note that “lead times” will not be considered by the COMPANY as a justifiable reason for using alternate VENDOR.4 The Vendor shall procure third party material from vendors listed in the approved Vendor List only. Ltd. 1 500ETP-001 1. co-ordination. by the Purchaser prior to award of the order will be incorporated into the purchase order. assembly. Only those deviations that are specifically agreed to. engineering. and a special dispensation to deviate from the list has been granted in writing by the Purchaser. shipment. painting. Tag No.2 1. Not providing completed compliance table and data sheets can cause rejection of the offer. The overflow from the underground tank is taken to main ETP by surface drain.5 to 8. All measurements and units shall be in SI units.5 is sensed by the pH meter. Hydrotesting.The quantity of effluent generated by this stream is 2000 litres/day.6 1. The following steps shall form the process of treatment: a) The untreated effluent from various locations like Cylinder washing. The underground water is replenished by a continuous supply of service water at the rate of 250 litres/ hour. The Transfer pumps shall also be used for mixing acid in the caustic by recirculation. workmanship and performance of the equipment and services supplied. removal. 6 m3/day. Where necessary for a specific application. etc of the LPG terminal shall reach the ETP through surface drains by HDPE pipes. which is approximately 2 m3/day. 3 3. apparatus. b) The caustic soda stream from the paint booth in the cylinder testing shed is neutralized with 10% Sulphuric acid in the Neutralization tank. procurement and reinstallation and construction as may be necessary) the components that are defective at their own cost during the guarantee period at a suitable time to the COMPANY. soap water trays.doc . 256324-500-SP-GEN-001.e. the water requirement per batch is approximately 300 liters.LPG\10 Procurement\TENDER\17 ETP\Final\Editable\Technical Attachments\2. This water is pumped from the underground tank (5 m3 capacity) to the empty cylinder degassing via filter. The effluent generated by these streams shall be approx. At a time not more than 6 cylinders are degassed at a time i. all free floating matters in the effluent stream including the oil and grease shall be collected in the oil and grease trap. 2 Location and Environmental Conditions For local conditions refer Document no. P:\Andheri\IndiaProject\256324 HPCL. after passing through vapour seals. This collected oil and grease is removed manually by hand-rack from time to time. The VENDOR shall replace or repair (the carrying out of all work including uncovering. d) The main ETP shall be designed to treat 10 m3 of effluent generated in 8 hours shift from all sources listed from (a) to (c) above. c) The water requirement for the cylinder degassing is 50m3/day (1000 cylinders degassed per day). After degassing the water is recycled back to the underground tank and reused. alternative units may be indicated in brackets behind the SI units. the recirculation will be stopped and effluent is pumped to main ETP through Pressure Sand Filter (PSF). 1.1Tech Specs for ETP. Water test bath. All correspondence and documentation shall be in English.VISAKH MARKETING INSTALLATION RESITEMENT PROJECT – LPG TERMINAL Doc No: 256324-500-RQ-MEC-013 1. Guarantee period shall be as per the Contract and to be covered in commercial documentation. Provision for backwash with service water shall be provided to the pressure sand filter.8 The VENDOR shall guarantee the equipment and all component parts against defective workmanship and improper materials for the agreed period following the date of delivery of the equipment or from commencement of operation as agreed.1 Scope of Supply Process Description The waste water effluent shall be subjected to physio-chemical treatment so that the treated effluent shall meet the stipulations laid down by the Central Pollution Control Board. Once the pH in the range of 7. (i) After passing through the bar screen.7 Rev: B Page 6 of 26 This requisition shall in no way relieve the Vendor from final guarantee as to materials. which entraps the colloidal things thus results in the removal of dissolved matter. e) Effluent from cylinder washing and cylinder degassing shall be collected in main ETP located as shown in attached part drawing (256324-500-PIP-A0-3000-1/2) and schematics (256324500-SKT-MEC-002).LPG\10 Procurement\TENDER\17 ETP\Final\Editable\Technical Attachments\2. (v) (vi) (vii) From the buffer tank.VISAKH MARKETING INSTALLATION RESITEMENT PROJECT – LPG TERMINAL Doc No: 256324-500-RQ-MEC-013 (ii) Rev: B Page 7 of 26 The effluent. the effluent overflows to the settling tank. These filled bags are to be stored in the covered hazardous waste pit. Homogeneous effluent from the equalization tank is pumped to the reaction tank. From reaction tank. pulsation dampner. A. though a serial link (soft signals) to the central control panel.1Tech Specs for ETP. as per IS: 5572 (1994). The conversion of micro flocs into macro flocs is facilitated by the addition of poly-electrolyte dosing in the reaction tank. All the signals required to monitor the operation of the plant shall be repeated and made available to be connected by others. h) Vendor shall carry out the Hazardous Area Classification for the proposed ETP and shall ensure the instruments and electrical components suitable for the Area Classification. Piping and Valves for dosing 10% H2SO4 3. (iv) In the reaction tank. the dried sludge cake is removed manually from the sludge drying beds. The treated water shall be sent for horticulture purpose to the nearby green belt.2 P:\Andheri\IndiaProject\256324 HPCL. The equipments shall be designed such that the entire effluent generated per day shall be treated in 8 hours shift. Preferable Material of construction is CS tank with lead lining or PTFE lining. Here the macro flocs settle down as the chemical sludge.doc . The Backwash water of the Pressure Sand Filter (Cylinder wash Area) and Dual Media Filter is also collected in the settling tank for further treatment. f) The sequence of the above treatment process is indicated in the Treatment Scheme (256324500-SKT-MEC-002 (2 sheets)) is attached with this requisition. The effluent from the settling tank overflows to the buffer tank. The chemical dosing results in the precipitation. (iii) The effluent is made homogeneous in the equalization tank. Equipment and Materials Scope of supply of Effluent Treatment Plant shall include but not necessarily be limited to following. if possible. Diaphragm dosing Pumps (1W+1S) with FLP motors. the effluent is pumped and discharged through a dual media filter. as an option to the basic scheme. Any additional equipment required to achieve treated water quality shall be included by the Vendor in their scope of supply and shall mention the details of the same in the bid document. after passing through the Oil and grease trap. is collected in the underground equalization tank after passing through the coarse and fine screens to arrest the larger and smaller particles respectively. The Vendor shall make every effort to optimise the scheme. agitator shall be provided for mixing the dosing chemicals with the effluent. i) Vendor to note that the control panel shall be located in a safe area near the ETP. After drying. • Dilution tank suitable for diluting H2SO4 to 10% from 98%. g) Vendor can propose an alternate scheme to minimise total hardware required. (viii) The sludge collected at the bottom of the settling tank is taken to the sludge drying beds for drying. Equipments and Materials for ETP section of Cylinder washing area. Necessary interface to connect the above cables shall be provided by the control panel vendor. suction and discharge piping and valves. Media. Ladders.LPG\10 Procurement\TENDER\17 ETP\Final\Editable\Technical Attachments\2. Control Cabling. Suction of these pumps shall be taken from Buffer tank. All Civil work (excluding Piling). Interconnecting Piping and Internals. Filter (Basket type or Cartridge) to remove suspended particles from the water being filled in empty cylinders for degassing. I. within this ETP area and interconnection with main ETP. All Civil work (excluding Piling). • • • P:\Andheri\IndiaProject\256324 HPCL. Water transfer pumps of capacity 10 m3/hr with FLP Motors (1W+1S) mounted on common base plate complete with flexible spacer type couplings. • • • C. I. Interconnecting Piping and Internals. Effluent transfer pumps with FLP motors (1W+1S) mounted on common base plate complete with flexible spacer type couplings. etc. non-sparking coupling guards. With suitable overflow arrangement for transfer of water to main ETP. Filter design shall be as per ASME Section VIII Div. latest edition. Filter Feed Pumps with FLP Motors (1W+1S) mounted on common base plate complete with flexible spacer type couplings. Sludge drying beds and Hazardous waste pit. Design and Construction of Oil & Grease Trap. • • Bar Screen at the inlet Oil and Grease trap. Dual Media filter complete with frontal Piping. These pumps are for transfer of equalised effluent from equalisation tank to reaction tank. Crossovers. Power cabling. The head of this pump shall be sufficient to transfer water from pit up to empty cylinder filling via filter. Treated water tank. non-sparking coupling guards. A Rotameter that will ensure continuous flow of 0.VISAKH MARKETING INSTALLATION RESITEMENT PROJECT – LPG TERMINAL Doc No: 256324-500-RQ-MEC-013 Rev: B Page 8 of 26 in the neutralizing tank. Pressure Sand filter complete with frontal Piping. Reaction tank. The head of this pump shall be sufficient to transfer neutralised and filtered water to Main ETP. Filter feed/ Transfer Pumps with FLP Motors (1W+1S) mounted on common base plate complete with flexible spacer type couplings. suction and discharge piping with valves. Ladders. Instrumentation. • • • Neutralizing tank of 3 m3 capacity for collection of effluent with caustic soda. etc. Equipments and Materials for Main ETP. Earthing. Dosing Tanks. Valves. suction and discharge piping and valves. Equalisation tank. Equipments and Materials for ETP Section of Degassing shed. non-sparking coupling guards. Buffer tank. within this ETP area and interconnection with main ETP. Settling tank. Power cabling. Valves. • B. Interconnecting Piping & Pipe supports. The tank and Dosing Pumps shall be skid mounted with to facilitate quick erection & interconnection at site.doc . Instrumentation.25 m3/hr to the underground storage sump. latest edition. Crossovers. Filter design shall be as per ASME Section VIII Div. • • Underground storage sump for water storage of 5 m3 capacity. suction and discharge piping and valves. non-sparking coupling guards. Control Cabling. Interconnecting Piping & Pipe supports.1Tech Specs for ETP. Earthing. The Effluent flows by gravity from reaction tank to Settling tank to Buffer tank. Media. Suction of backwash pump shall be taken from Treated water tank. suction and discharge piping and valves. Inspection and testing as specified. Interfacing with the ETP of cylinder washing area & ETP of degassing shed including required piping. shims. • • • • • • • • • • 3. Supply of cables within the battery limit and termination in the control panel/ MCC located in safe area near the ETP Purchaser shall provide one point power supply in the MCC Incomer. Spares for two years trouble free operation. which shall include. Instrumentation as required complete with control panel for control and monitoring the quality of treated water. Complete Civil design and Construction of Sumps. All necessary interconnecting piping/tubing and valves within the battery limit of the package. etc. as required. Engineering Services The Vendor shall provide engineering services. Installation & Commissioning. Motor Control Centre (MCC). jack screw bolts. P:\Andheri\IndiaProject\256324 HPCL. Equipment foundations and Control room.1Tech Specs for ETP. non-sparking coupling guards. suction and discharge piping and valves. Piling for Pits & foundations.VISAKH MARKETING INSTALLATION RESITEMENT PROJECT – LPG TERMINAL Doc No: 256324-500-RQ-MEC-013 • Rev: B Page 9 of 26 Filter Backwash Pumps with FLP Motors (1W+1S) mounted on common base plate complete with flexible spacer type couplings. fixing bolts. • • • • • • • D. Treated Water Pumps for Gardening with FLP Motors (1W+1S) mounted on common base plate complete with flexible spacer type couplings. Vendor to provide the estimated Instrument Air Supply requirement. by others. Painting.LPG\10 Procurement\TENDER\17 ETP\Final\Editable\Technical Attachments\2. preparation for shipment and delivery at site. Purchaser will provide one point Instrument air supply within battery limit. Equipments and Materials Common for all ETP areas and Main ETP. non-sparking coupling guards. Local Control Panel. but not necessarily be limited to. Resolving engineering queries related to the equipment and components within the scope of supply. Vessels and Pump sets. Submission of documents as specified in this document. cables. Vendor to furnish the list for the same. Special tools if required (Bidder to provide list in the bid). preservation. First fill of lubricants to be supplied separately along with the pump sets. Commissioning & Start-up Spares. The discharge pressure of the pump shall be 5 kg/cm2g. Anchor bolts.doc .3 Lifting & Earthing lugs for packaged unit. Construction. Pits. civil works etc. the following: • • • Providing/Coordinating detailed design of all equipment and components within the scope of supply. Preparing Civil foundation design and drawings for construction at site. Cable between Vendor’s Control panel and Purchaser’s Control room. Specifications and Standards General The design.doc . coordination meetings.5 (2003) ISO 9000 (2005) ISO 10474 (1991) ISO 5199: 2002 Rules for Construction of Unfired Pressure vessels Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings.VISAKH MARKETING INSTALLATION RESITEMENT PROJECT – LPG TERMINAL Page 10 of Doc No: 256324-500-RQ-MEC-013 Rev: B 26 • • • • • • • • Performing and coordinating all aspects of design. HAZOP. etc. Resolve/incorporate all action points from Design reviews. Piling required for Pits & Equipment foundations. Only those comments / exceptions that are accepted by Purchaser will be incorporated into the requisition at the time of the order. Providing progress reports etc. fabrication. Interconnecting power cabling and cable trays to vendor supplied MCC of ETP and Purchaser’s PMCC. 4 4.4 Exclusions The following are excluded from the Vendor's scope and will be provided by others: • • • • • • Piping/ trenches up to collection tank and beyond the outlet nozzle of last equipment in the treatment scheme. packing and shipment of equipment shall be in accordance with the latest edition of the codes. inspection. Any technical document if required by Purchaser for statutory approval shall be furnished by vendor. Providing expediting services for all sub-vendors. Design reviews meetings in the Consultant’s/Purchaser’s office. Attendance of kick-off meetings.1Tech Specs for ETP.2 Codes and Standards ASME Section VIII Div. Quality Management and Quality Assurance Standards.1 Applicable Codes. Erection & Commissioning to be quoted separately. 3. painting. testing. specifications and standards (including standards / specifications mentioned therein) listed in this requisition. Providing quality assurance including all sub-vendors with respect to ISO 9000 or equivalent. The Vendor shall provide an itemized list of any comments or exceptions to the specification and its attachments. 4. Inspection Documents Technical Specification for Centrifugal Pumps Class II P:\Andheri\IndiaProject\256324 HPCL. assembly. I ASME B 16. Instrument air connection piping up to battery limit. Service water will be provided for Backwash of Pressure Sand Filters in the Cylinder Washing Area at one point.LPG\10 Procurement\TENDER\17 ETP\Final\Editable\Technical Attachments\2. 3 5.2 5. Material of construction for vessels shall be suitable for the effluent characteristics specified. 4.1 P:\Andheri\IndiaProject\256324 HPCL. Skid mounted Duel Filter Vessels with internals.1. Reaction tank and settling tank unit shall be FRP for corrosion protection.doc . piping and valves.4 5.1 5.1. All foundations & Underground tanks shall rest on Pile foundation. if required shall be pneumatically operated type only.5 5.1.2 5.3 5. The reinforcement shall be of Grade 500.2 5. piping and valves. the Vendor shall immediately inform the Purchaser for technical resolution of the conflict. The internals of the Oil & Grease Trap. the following priority of documents shall apply: First priority Second priority Third priority Fourth priority Fifth Priority : : : : : Purchase order and variations thereto Data sheets and drawings This requisition Other Specifications Referred Codes & Standards Note: Should any conflict arise either before or after order placement of order.1.3. No. 5 5. Auto valves. Instrumentation Requirements The Instruments shall be supplied as mentioned in the scope of supply for effective control and monitoring of the system. Slag cement shall be used for construction. media.VISAKH MARKETING INSTALLATION RESITEMENT PROJECT – LPG TERMINAL Page 11 of Doc No: 256324-500-RQ-MEC-013 Rev: B 26 4.LPG\10 Procurement\TENDER\17 ETP\Final\Editable\Technical Attachments\2.2.1 Design Requirements Mechanical Requirements Pumps shall be supplied as per the requirements of Specification for Non-API Centrifugal Pumps (Doc. 5. External surfaces shall be painted as per the specification for painting.4 Conflicting Requirements In case of conflict between documents relating to the enquiry or purchase order.4 5.1Tech Specs for ETP.2.1 5. Skid mounted Filter Vessels with internals. 256324-500-SP-MEC-004) Pump set (Pump and Motor) shall be mounted on common base plate.1. Civil Requirements All RCC shall be of Grade M30.2.3 Other Specifications and Standards Refer Appendix-A for other specifications & standards.3 5. Material of construction for vessels shall be Carbon steel with suitable coating on the inside to avoid corrosion.2. Materials of construction for instrument equipment shall be compatible to the corrosion resistance.11 5.3. weather protection. Instruments shall meet the minimum requirements of IP 65 for ingress protection in accordance with IEC 60529. Pressure gauge & Temperature gauge range shall be within middle third of the instrument range in normal operating condition. Local panel shall be provided with sunshade. Dial size of Pressure shall be 150 mm & Temperature Gauge shall be 100mm.21 P:\Andheri\IndiaProject\256324 HPCL.4 5. The identifying tag number shall be neatly & clearly marked on each instrument. The scale plates shall be aluminium or laminated plastic with white face & black figures. Panel shall be rated for IP-55.doc .20 5. Controls shall be PLC based and all soft signals covering for dynamic graphic information of ETP shall be made available for connection (By Others) to Owner’s control room. All instruments to be visible from grade level otherwise platform shall be provided.3.3 5.9 5. if Electrical panel not combined with Automation with suitable partition.13 5. Bidder shall take the approval from MMCI for instruments not found in the approved list. Clean & dirty earthing shall be made available inside LCP and separated accordingly Vendor shall inform the total consumption of Instrument air.3. 5.6mm for non load bearing members an 3mm for gland plates. cables.5 to 7. Dial size of Receiver Gauge shall be 50mm. Pressure Gauge exposed to vacuum shall be capable of withstanding full vacuum. Purchaser will provide one point Instrument air supply within the battery limit of the bidder. control panels etc. in-place testing and maintenance of the instrument without shutting down the equipment/package unit. All on-skid cabling shall be terminated in skid mounted Local panels by the vendor.3.3.14 5. shall be supplied and hooked up in the skid.3.10 5. The Control Panel shall be fabricated from cold rolled MS sheets of minimum 2mm thickness for load bearing members. pressure and temperature conditions of the process fluids handled. Vendor shall include in their offer. all instrument wetted parts. in contact with the process fluid shall be SS316 (minimum). Spare cable entries shall be suitably plugged with stopping plugs.8 5.3.2 5. or of a material equal to or better than that of the related vessel or line. All Instruments/PLC supplied in the package shall be from approved vendor list. The pressure range is 4.3. ETP shall be provided with its own PLC (if necessary) to control. sequencing logic and safe guarding of the complete ETP shall be bidder’s responsibility. 1.VISAKH MARKETING INSTALLATION RESITEMENT PROJECT – LPG TERMINAL Page 12 of Doc No: 256324-500-RQ-MEC-013 Rev: B 26 5.3. All instruments shall be individually valved by block and bleed valve at the tap off to allow depressurization. Control Panel.3. Vendor shall furnish the control and safeguarding logic of the package for review and approval.3.12 5. All Instruments. Cable entry to all instruments shall be ½ inch NPT. is available.3.17 5. Junction boxes.3.3. Instrument air supply if required. spares for Critical solenoids.3.0 kg/cm2. Generally. shall be supplied by vendor.3. Controls.3.5 All the Instruments shall be suitable for Zone 1. Gas Group IIA/IIB. Instrument data sheets shall be completed by the vendor for all instruments supplied in the format provided to the bidder.6 5.7 5.16 5.1Tech Specs for ETP.LPG\10 Procurement\TENDER\17 ETP\Final\Editable\Technical Attachments\2.19 5.15 5. The PLC’s shall be mounted in a local control panel (LCP) provided with necessary indications.3. monitor and safeguard the system. 3. 3. DPT.doc . 4. NAME OF VENDOR CHEMTROLS EMERSON KROHNE 5. PNEUMATIC VALVE ACTUATORS NAME OF VENDOR SR. 1.1Tech Specs for ETP. ADAMS BETIS P:\Andheri\IndiaProject\256324 HPCL. PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLER NAME OF VENDOR SR. 3. 1.NO.NO. TT) NAME OF VENDOR SR. 2.22 List of approved vendors 1. 1. LT.LPG\10 Procurement\TENDER\17 ETP\Final\Editable\Technical Attachments\2. ELECTRONIC TRANSMITTERS (PT.VISAKH MARKETING INSTALLATION RESITEMENT PROJECT – LPG TERMINAL Page 13 of Doc No: 256324-500-RQ-MEC-013 Rev: B 26 5. pH INSTRUMENT SR. 2. ALLEN BRADLEY (Rockwell Automation India Pvt Ltd) GE FANUC SYSTEMS PVT LTD SCHNEIDER MODICON SIEMENS HONEYWELL 2. 5.NO.NO.3. 4. ROTAMETER SR.NO. 1. NAME OF VENDOR ZWELLEGER FORBES POLYMETRON PVT LTD ABB EMERSON 4. 1. 3. EMERSON PROCESS MANAGMENT ENDRESS & HAUSER YOKAGAWA HONEYWELL 3. 4. 2. 2. 2. 1Tech Specs for ETP. 7. METSO AUTOMATION PRESSURE SAFETY/RELIEF. CONTROL VALVE NAME OF VENDOR SR. JERGUSON K-TEK P:\Andheri\IndiaProject\256324 HPCL. 2. 7. 1. TEMPERATURE GAUGE.NO. GAUGE NAME OF VENDOR SR. D. 1.NO. WIKA INSTRUMENTS ASHCROFT GENERAL INSTRUMENTS CONSORTIUM LEVEL GAUGE NAME OF VENDOR SR. 9. 2.P. 4. ANDERSON & GREENWOOD L&T TYCO INSTRUMENTATION LTD. 2.LPG\10 Procurement\TENDER\17 ETP\Final\Editable\Technical Attachments\2. FISHER XOMOX MASONEILAN TYCO FLOWSERVE INDIA SAMSON CONTROLS INSTRUMENTATION LTD. 6. PRESSURE. 3. 1. 6. 3. FAINGER LASER 8.NO. THERMAL SAFETY/RELIEF VALVE NAME OF VENDOR SR.doc . 5. 5.NO. 3. 4.VISAKH MARKETING INSTALLATION RESITEMENT PROJECT – LPG TERMINAL Page 14 of Doc No: 256324-500-RQ-MEC-013 Rev: B 26 3. 4. 7. 2. 1. 5. VIRGO VELAN ORTON TYCO –BIFI ELOMATIC 6. 2. TEKNIC L&T SIEMENS MERLIN GERIN-TELEMECHANIQUE SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC CONTROL & SWITCHGEAR-CANDS P:\Andheri\IndiaProject\256324 HPCL. 2. ASCO HERION NORGREN 13. 1.doc .NO. OMRON AUTOMATION PVT LTD TELEMECHANIQUE P&F PHEONIX HONEYWELL SIEMENS SOLENOID VALVE NAME OF VENDOR SR. 2. GENERAL INSTRUMENTS CONSORTIUM WAAREE INSTRUMENTS LTD.1Tech Specs for ETP. 3. 3. 12.NO.NO. 11.LPG\10 Procurement\TENDER\17 ETP\Final\Editable\Technical Attachments\2. 3. 4. 3. 10. ALTOP INDUSTRIES PYRO ELECTRIC & ALLIED INSTRUMENTS PVT. RTD NAME OF VENDOR MAGNETROL SR. RELAY & RELAY BOARDS NAME OF VENDOR SR. 6. PUSHBUTTONS NAME OF VENDOR SR. 1. 4. 1. LTD. 1. 5. 5. 4. 2.VISAKH MARKETING INSTALLATION RESITEMENT PROJECT – LPG TERMINAL Page 15 of Doc No: 256324-500-RQ-MEC-013 Rev: B 26 3.NO. 2.VISAKH MARKETING INSTALLATION RESITEMENT PROJECT – LPG TERMINAL Page 16 of Doc No: 256324-500-RQ-MEC-013 Rev: B 26 14.NO.1Tech Specs for ETP. 4. 2. 5. ASSOCIATED CABLES PVT. 1. 2. 1. MDS MERLIN GERIN-SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC SIEMENS L&T 15. UNIVERSAL CABLES ICON CABLES (KERPEN) LAPP CORDS CABLES KEI INDUSTRIES LIMITED 16. 4. 2. 3.NO. POWER CABLES NAME OF VENDOR SR. 4. 1. 3. 1. CCI ASSOCIATED CABLES PVT. 3. LTD. LTD. 4. LTD.doc . UNIVERSAL CABLES FINOLEX LAPP P:\Andheri\IndiaProject\256324 HPCL. 5. 5. 3. MCB NAME OF VENDOR SR.NO. LAPP DELTON UNIVERSAL CABLES UNIFLEX CABLES Ltd ASSOCIATED CABLES PVT. RTD CABLES NAME OF VENDOR SR. 6.NO. 17.LPG\10 Procurement\TENDER\17 ETP\Final\Editable\Technical Attachments\2. CABLES NAME OF VENDOR SR. Panel shall be suitable for outdoor installation with IP-55 ingress protection.4. Suitable power feeders shall be provided for control panel.4 5. power supply to ETP MCC and it shall be located near ETP in safe area. The Electrical Panel shall be fabricated from cold rolled MS sheets of minimum 2mm thickness for load bearing members. Vendor shall decide exact location of ETP MCC panel suitably in safe area. single/multi core. Electrical Panel Purchaser shall provide 415V.9 Local Control Station for each drive shall be provided near the drive.2 5. steel armoured.4. by the Vendor. 3phase.4 Electrical Requirements Motors shall be supplied as per attached Motor specification no. Motors rated upto 15KW shall be started direct on line (DOL starter) and 15KW and above shall have Star-Delta starter. • • • • Motor ON/OFF push buttons Process interlocking provisions Auto / Manual selection position Motor ON/OFF indication 5.1 5. LTD 5. Vendor shall submit the Motor Datasheet with all the data filled by the Motor Manufacturer.1Tech Specs for ETP. TUBE AND TUBE FITTINGS NAME OF VENDOR SR.LPG\10 Procurement\TENDER\17 ETP\Final\Editable\Technical Attachments\2. multi standard conductor.VISAKH MARKETING INSTALLATION RESITEMENT PROJECT – LPG TERMINAL Page 17 of Doc No: 256324-500-RQ-MEC-013 Rev: B 26 18.NO. rectifiers. Stop Push buttons and Indication provision for all drives. 03. The auxiliary power requirements at various voltage levels (AC and/or DC) and to the control panel shall be derived within the panel by providing necessary transformers. Normal 240 volts single phase (non UPS) power supply shall be derived from ETP MCC to Local control panel. Supply for Motor space heater shall be derived from this panel.6mm for non load bearing members an 3mm for gland plates.5 LV Cables All Power and Control cables shall be 1. Local control panel shall have all necessary standard features viz. 1.4. 50Hz. etc.doc . The Electrical panel shall also house the starter and breaker units for the drive motors and these feeders shall be fixed type. 256324-500-SP-ELE-010. fuses. extruded PVC inner shealthed and extruded FRLS PVC P:\Andheri\IndiaProject\256324 HPCL.1kv grade. Purchaser shall provide one point power supply within the battery limit of the package vendor.4. Motor starter feeder shall be chosen to provide Type-2 coordination. SWAGELOK PARKAR HANNIFEN INDIA PVT LTD ASTEC INSTRUMENTS PVT.4. Electrical Panel shall have Start. XLPE insulated. 1.3 5.8 5. 5. 2.7 Local control panel shall be suitable for Safe location near ETP.4. Further distribution & control shall be in the scope of packaged vendor.6 5. of all materials. Vendor shall organize a prefabrication / inspection meeting with the Company / Consultant. QAP/ ITPs produced by the Vendor duly approved by Purchaser/ Consultant. parts lies with the Vendor. This shall not relieve the Vendor of his responsibility for the quality of the finished work.LPG\10 Procurement\TENDER\17 ETP\Final\Editable\Technical Attachments\2. The Vendor shall assign sufficient full time personnel to the project to ensure the Quality Assurance / Quality Control System. documented in a Quality Assurance / Control Manual. Vendor shall submit QA plan/Inspection test plan for Purchaser’s/Consultant’s review and approval within 2 weeks from the date of Purchase Order/LOI/FOI. witnessing etc. Cable of Size 10 sq. Purchaser’s/ Consultant’s Inspectors have the right to request additional inspections or tests to ensure that the equipment complies with this specification and all relevant codes and standards. All equipment shall be presented for inspection in an unpainted state except for the final inspection. 7 and above shall be aluminium conductor confirming to IS 7098 (Part-1). Cable of size 6 sq.1Tech Specs for ETP. Inspection and testing requirements shall be in accordance with the applicable standards as listed in this requisition and the data sheets and Vendor’s Quality Assurance Plan/ Inspection test plan approved by Purchaser/ Consultant. The Vendor’s Quality Assurance / Control System shall become an integral part of any purchase order. data sheets and correspondence thereafter. All instruments and other equipment necessary for testing shall be supplied by the Vendor and the same shall be checked and certified by the Company / Consultant’s inspector. review. All equipment shall be inspected for compliance with: • • • Requirements of the Company/Consultant’s specifications. P:\Andheri\IndiaProject\256324 HPCL. certification. which shall also include sub-referenced standards therein.1 Inspection and Testing Factory Inspection & Testing The responsibility for inspection. etc. if and below shall be of copper conductor. The Vendor shall specify all of the inspection and testing requirements in the Quality Assurance plan (QAP)/ Inspection Test plan (ITP) which shall identify the activities requiring the Company / Consultant's approval.doc . is maintained and kept up-to-date throughout the duration of any purchase order.VISAKH MARKETING INSTALLATION RESITEMENT PROJECT – LPG TERMINAL Page 18 of Doc No: 256324-500-RQ-MEC-013 Rev: B 26 outer shealthed. 6 Quality Assurance The Vendor shall maintain and use a Quality System which is based on ISO 9000 to control the work. The Company / Consultant reserve the right to audit the Vendor’s Quality System. Applicable Codes. standards and specifications. The Vendor shall give his sub-contractors or suppliers assistance in attaining the required standard. If the Vendor elects to sub-contract part of the work he shall ensure that only those sub-contractors or suppliers are used who can demonstrate that they operate Quality Systems based on ISO 9001 or ISO 9002 as applicable. 1B and that for non-pressure retaining components like structural components. 7.3 Performance Guarantee Unless otherwise agreed.2. Chemicals and Electrical power.1Tech Specs for ETP. Mill and shop inspection shall not relieve the Vendor from his contractual responsibility for replacing any defective material and for repairing any defective workmanship that may be discovered in the field. The equipment shall not leave the Vendor’s factory before all discovered defects have been rectified and without the written permission of the Company/Consultant. 7. workmanship and performance of the equipment in accordance with this Requisition. Chloride contents of water used for hydro test shall not exceed 20 ppm for stainless steel and chloride content may be permitted up to 250 ppm for carbon steel.doc . Consumption of utilities like Water. The Vendor shall guarantee following as a minimum at site conditions: • • Sustained operation at the conditions outlined in this specification and relevant documents. Where this is not possible or practical. The Vendor (and all sub-Vendors) shall give the Company and its’ representatives.VISAKH MARKETING INSTALLATION RESITEMENT PROJECT – LPG TERMINAL Page 19 of Doc No: 256324-500-RQ-MEC-013 Rev: B 26 Any defects found by the Company / Consultant’s appointed Inspector shall be rectified in his presence. all reasonable facilities and access for the purpose of inspecting the equipment to ensure that it is manufactured in accordance with the Specification. shall be certified in accordance with ISO 10474 2. The Vendor shall be responsible for co-coordinating the inspection and testing of sub-vendor supplied equipment. check lists shall be prepared and signed by the Inspector stating all “pending items”. and adequate warning of inspection and tests. platforms. Final hydro test pressure shall be held for a minimum period of 30 minutes. all equipment shall be guaranteed as follows: All equipment shall perform satisfactorily under the operating conditions and provide treated water quality as per Appendix B of this requisition and shall be fit for the purpose intended.3.2 Vendor Requirements Any acceptance or release of equipment following an inspection or test activity shall in no way relieve the Vendor of his responsibility to provide guarantees as to the suitability of the materials.LPG\10 Procurement\TENDER\17 ETP\Final\Editable\Technical Attachments\2. Materials for all pressure retaining components & wetted components shall be certified in accordance with ISO 10474 . ladders. Copies of these lists shall be sent to the Company/Purchaser to enable their subsequent checking. without charge. P:\Andheri\IndiaProject\256324 HPCL. and for ensuring that the Company / Consultant’s representatives are given the necessary access for inspection. All spare parts shall be subjected to the same inspection standards and full material certification as the main order. However. but not be limited to the following: a. j. 7. dimensions. b. P:\Andheri\IndiaProject\256324 HPCL. etc. f.4 Works Inspection and Notification The supplier shall send inspection notification at least 2 weeks in advance and shall send a minimum of fifteen (15) working days notice prior to carrying out the Factory Acceptance Test (FAT). The completed Table of Compliance (Appendix D).doc .2 Document/ Information to be supplied After Award of Contract Vendor shall provide Purchaser/Consultant with documents and drawings as described in the 'General Conditions of Contract'. Instrument Datasheets giving details of Manufacturer. document requirements as specified in the 'Requisition for Engineering Documents (RED)' attached with Appendix C shall be followed as a minimum requirement. 2-Years operation spare part list. All utility consumptions such as power requirement.1 Vendor Documentation Documents/ Information to be supplied with offer The Vendor shall provide the Consultant with the following information as a minimum along with the offer. d. 8 8. utility water requirement and Chemical consumption. Complete list of special tools required. Commissioning Spare parts list. g. k. A detailed scope of supply that fully describes the equipments offered & treatment scheme. c. contact name. workmanship and the materials of construction used. Termination details and Load data for foundation design.1Tech Specs for ETP. General arrangement drawings with complete layout. 8. Type of Instrument. MMCI Project number. Equipment Data sheets for Vessels and Pumps under scope of supply. Piping and Instrumentation Diagram with description of Interlocks.LPG\10 Procurement\TENDER\17 ETP\Final\Editable\Technical Attachments\2. Model number. These documents shall include. Pump performance curves. Manufacturer’s full address. telex / telefax / telephone numbers. if any. e. h. i. Purchase Order reference Date of inspection Details of equipment to be tested / inspected and the status of the equipment (whether it is complete).VISAKH MARKETING INSTALLATION RESITEMENT PROJECT – LPG TERMINAL Page 20 of Doc No: 256324-500-RQ-MEC-013 Rev: B 26 • The mechanical and structural integrity. The notification shall contain as a minimum the following information: • • • • • Project Title. 10.LPG\10 Procurement\TENDER\17 ETP\Final\Editable\Technical Attachments\2. the same shall be supplied by Vendor free of cost. The Vendor shall complete and submit SPIR forms 8 weeks after Vendor’s acceptance of the Purchase Order. commissioning. 12 Installation and Commissioning Vendor shall provide qualified personnel for the civil construction. A list of special tools shall be supplied along with the offer. Spare parts for the normal operation shall be selected by the End User from the electronic version of Spare Parts Lists and Interchange ability Record (SPIR). Issue for comments/approval b. a.2 Special Tools The Vendor shall supply a set of any special tools. In case of any additional spares if required during commissioning stage.doc .1 Spares and Special Tools Spares As a minimum spares following shall be included: • • The supply of spares for start-up and commissioning Vendor to recommend two years operation spares and furnish separate price in the offer. as minimum: i) Issue of vendor drawings. operation and maintenance of the equipment being supplied.1Tech Specs for ETP. Issue of O&M Manuals ii) iii) Equipment available for Testing. precommissioning and commissioning of the Effluent treatment plant. which are required for the installation. 'Agreed Conditions of Contract' shall be referred. installation.VISAKH MARKETING INSTALLATION RESITEMENT PROJECT – LPG TERMINAL Page 21 of Doc No: 256324-500-RQ-MEC-013 Rev: B 26 9 Manufacturing Schedule Within 2 weeks of the receipt of the Purchase Order/ LOI the manufacturer shall submit detail bar chart schedule showing the dates for the following milestone activities. P:\Andheri\IndiaProject\256324 HPCL. 11 Packing and Shipping For Packaging. Completion of packing and readiness for dispatch. Issue of final drawings c. The Vendor shall also provide all consumables during erection up to commissioning and reliability testing. Shipping and delivery of equipment at site and unloading requirements. testing. 10 10. 256324-500-SP-ELE.doc . A Description Specification for Electric Motors (Electric Motor Datasheet) Specification for Non-API Centrifugal pumps for general services.LPG\10 Procurement\TENDER\17 ETP\Final\Editable\Technical Attachments\2.1Tech Specs for ETP.High High / Low Low(Displacer Type) • Data Sheet For Pressure Safety Valve (PSV) • Data Sheet For Temperature Gauge • Data Sheet For Pressure Gauge 256324-500-SP-MEC-004 256324-500-SKT-MEC-002 256324-500-PIP-A0-3000 (Sheet 1/2) 256324-500-SP-GEN-001 B B 0 B P:\Andheri\IndiaProject\256324 HPCL.VISAKH MARKETING INSTALLATION RESITEMENT PROJECT – LPG TERMINAL Page 22 of Doc No: 256324-500-RQ-MEC-013 Rev: B 26 Appendix A: Attachments Document No. ETP Treatment Schematics Part Drawing of Overall Plot Plan Local Conditions Blank Instrument Datasheets • Data sheet for Differential Pressure Transmitter • Data Sheet for Level Switch .010 Rev. 0 to 8. 27° C) COD Suspended Solids : : : : : 6.5 <5 mg/litre <15 mg/litre <125 mg/litre <20 mg/litre P:\Andheri\IndiaProject\256324 HPCL. Treated Effluent Characteristics: The treated effluent characteristics shall be as per Ministry of Environment and Forest notification dated 18th March.LPG\10 Procurement\TENDER\17 ETP\Final\Editable\Technical Attachments\2.01 mg/l Note: Oil shall be free oil. pH Oil & Grease BOD (3 days.doc . 2008.VISAKH MARKETING INSTALLATION RESITEMENT PROJECT – LPG TERMINAL Page 23 of Doc No: 256324-500-RQ-MEC-013 Rev: B 26 Appendix B: Water Quality Effluent Inlet Characteristics: Temperature Colour pH Oil & Grease TSS TDS BOD COD Detergent : : : : : : : : : 20.40 oC Muddy 5 to 8 2 to 5 mg/l 150-200 mg/l 1000 – 1200 mg/l 50-100 mg/l (3 days @ 27 oC) 150-250 mg/l 0.1Tech Specs for ETP. no emulsified oil to be considered. 3. Kothari House. A1. technical drawings. Each document shall bear the item / tag and order reference number and be A3. The documents shall be in English. Schedule 4 1 3 General arrangement 4 1 3 Piping & Instrumentation Diagram 4 1 3 Piping Layout with Termination details 4 1 3 Civil design. Ltd nd st Krishna Shree. loop diagram. MTO. etc. Invoice must certify that the drawings and engineering documents specified Units / dimensions to be used on Engineering documents shall be SI. Civil drawings. Referenced standards / codes shall be the latest issue unless otherwise stated. unless otherwise with accepted national or international standards for the preparation of stated on the "Approval Drawing Specification". NDT 4 1 3 Procedures Quality plan satisfying ISO 9000 requirements 4 1 3 Manufacturing. unless other instructions are stated on the RED. Instrument hook-up diagram. Shop fabrication shall not be started before the required approval drawings Drawings and documents shall be suitable for microfilming and comply have been released for construction by the party concerned.for approval 2 weeks after order date Approval drawings / Final drawings to be submitted Prints Disk Prints .LPG\10 Procurement\TENDER\17 ETP\Final\Editable\Technical Attachments\2.GA drawing & Terminal Box 4 1 3 Drawing GA and Control Schematic drawings for Local Control 4 1 3 Panel. Installation instructions 1 3 Operating instructions 1 3 Combine into one manual Maintenance instructions 1 3 ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS: 1.doc . Performance Test Procedure including FAT. MCC in vendor’s scope. Only the following standard sizes should be used: A4. Heat treatment graphs Calibration certificates of Instruments 1 3 OPERATING DOCUMENTS Purchasing Office via courier service not later than time of dispatch of equipment. Tel 09122 3083 5000 DRAWINGS Required number for TIMING FOR SUBMITTAL Approval Final issue . layout. 185 Off Andheri – Kurla Road. Production Schedule 4 Progress Report 4 Monthly Once. Termination details. Motor data sheets 4 1 3 Performance curves for Pumps and motors 4 1 3 Motor Datasheet.VISAKH MARKETING INSTALLATION RESITEMENT PROJECT – LPG TERMINAL Page 24 of Doc No: 256324-500-RQ-MEC-013 Rev: B 26 Appendix C: Requisition of Engineering Documents (Red Form) Owner/Purchaser’s Office Consultant’s Office HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. dispatched by air mail. Andheri (East) Chennai – 600 020 Mumbai 400 059. 2 Floor.1B 1 3 Electrical certificates to Cenelec / Baseefa/ATEX Compliance/CMRI 1 3 Static / dynamic balancing certificates 1 3 Purchasing Office via courier service within 4 weeks Performance test Report & Performance Curves 1 3 of relevant test / inspection. Foundation loading and 4 1 3 bolt location plan Cross section drawing with BOM and MOC 4 1 3 Completed Pump. Mott MacDonald Consultants (India) Pvt.1Tech Specs for ETP. India . also given. issue 2 weeks after approval date under cover of an ADS form / FDS form respectively Transpa Documents shall be submitted to: rencies Vendor Doc. 1 Main Road-Adyar. CTS No. P:\Andheri\IndiaProject\256324 HPCL. above have been dispatched to all parties concerned. Gandhi Nagar. Inspection & testing sequence plan/ 4 QAP SPARE PARTS DOCUMENTS 1 3 ESPIR forms including 1 transparency 1 3 Lubrication schedules 1 3 TEST AND INSPECTION DOCUMENTS Prints Documents to be submitted under transmittal Documents shall be submitted to: Manufacturing report 1 3 Material certificates to: ISO 10474 . Description on drawings and similar Any deviation from the timing for submittal of documents shall be notified to documents may be in other languages provided English translations are the Approval / Distribution Offices by fax or E mail. 3 4.6 1.2 7.0 1.1 3.VISAKH MARKETING INSTALLATION RESITEMENT PROJECT – LPG TERMINAL Page 25 of Doc No: 256324-500-RQ-MEC-013 Rev: B 26 Appendix D: Table of Compliance The Vendor shall confirm below their acceptance of all the clauses contained in the specification or otherwise make clarifications or exceptions that shall be noted below:CLIENT: HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD.0 3.0 5.0 3.1Tech Specs for ETP.2 1.1 1.0 7.4 8.7 1.5 1.2 5. NO.0 P:\Andheri\IndiaProject\256324 HPCL.: 256324-500-RQ-MEC-013 Rev.0 7. NO.3 7.3 1.4 6.doc VENDOR REF.3 5.1 5.LPG\10 Procurement\TENDER\17 ETP\Final\Editable\Technical Attachments\2.8 2.1 4.2 4. B CLAUSE CONFORMS ALTERNATIVE NO. Y/N Y/N 1. REF.2 3.4 4. CLARIFICATION .4 1.4 5.0 4.1 7.3 3. Y/N Y/N 8. B CLAUSE CONFORMS ALTERNATIVE NO.doc .VISAKH MARKETING INSTALLATION RESITEMENT PROJECT – LPG TERMINAL Page 26 of Doc No: 256324-500-RQ-MEC-013 Rev: B 26 CLIENT: HINDUSTAN PETROLEUM CORPORATION LTD. CLARIFICATION P:\Andheri\IndiaProject\256324 HPCL. REF. NO.0 10.0 12.1 8.LPG\10 Procurement\TENDER\17 ETP\Final\Editable\Technical Attachments\2.1Tech Specs for ETP. NO.: 256324-500-RQ-MEC-013 Rev.0 10.0 Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C Appendix D VENDOR REF.2 11.2 9.1 10.
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