Teachers Evaluation Checklist

March 26, 2018 | Author: Jun Jun Albino | Category: Lesson Plan, Teachers, Psychology & Cognitive Science, Cognition, Learning



Department of Education Region V Division of Camarines Sur MAGARAO-BOMBON DISTRICT TEACHER EVALUATION / APPRAISAL CHECKLIST for 1st2nd Semester Teacher: ________________________________________ Grade & Position: _________________________________ INDICATORS 0 A. Classroom Preparation / Management 1. Classroom Structuring a. Display Boards/ Data Bank 1. Data updated, complete ,relevant 2. Systematically organized 3. Cost effectiveness 4. Significance and relevance 5. Good presentation ( painted, labeled, board design ) b. Norms of Behavior 1. Posted 2. Readable 3. Cost effectiveness 4. Presentable 5. Significance and relevance c. Responsibility Chart 1. Updated data 2. Presentable 3. Readable 4. Posted 5. Significance and relevance d. Class MIS 1. Presence of 8 modules ( 8 folders ) 2. Updated data and complete 3. Systematically organized 4. Presence of the content of 8 modules 5. Presentable 2. Instructional Materials / Visual Aids by learning area a. Systematically organized by subject area b. Significance and relevance c. Durability of IM s d. Usability of IM s e. Well presented/labeled 3. Chalkboards a. With curtain b. With correct writing spaces c. With frame d. Properly lined e. With correct height 4. Water facilities ( washing and drinking ) a. With functional drinking and washing corner b. With water jag/faucet c. With drinking glasses d. With basin, soap, towel e. Usability of pupils and teacher 5. Comfort room a. With functional CR b. With label 2 School: _______________________________________ District: _______________________________________ RATING 4 6 REMARKS 8 10 4 points Presence of 3 indicators . Form 138-E c. every grading period ( Pre and Post test ) h.c. Form 1 & 2 b. Updated and complete b.6 points Presence of 4 indicators . dipper. Teachers target/ Action Plan a. With soap. Records / Forms a.4 points Absence of all indicators . Implementation and management of target/action plan c. MPS by learning area. manuals. Data on Non-numerates ( I-VI ) start of school year and End of 2nd grading and end of school year RUBRICS: 1.10 point Presence of 3 indicators 8 points Presence of 2 indicators .0 point 2. Usability of pupils and teacher Presence of 5 Presence of 4 Presence of 3 Presence of 2 Presence of 1 None 10 points 8 points 6 points 4 points 2 points 0 Total Average Sub-total points for A/8 B. Significance and relevance Presence of all . The essential parts of lesson plan and its content are indicated. Acknowledged / duly signed by the school head e. Skills.6 points Presence of 1 indicator . Instructional Records 1. Form 137-E d. Lesson Plan a. 137-E. Complete and accurate data 3.0 point 3. Presentation ( neat and clean ) Presence of all .1 point Absence of all indicators .10 points Presence of 6 indicators . Contain page(s) of the references. Form 18-E ( tentative ) g. Progress . Class Program e.8 points Presence of 5 indicators . books and clippings ( for both teachers made lesson plan and prototype lesson plan ) c. Least learned skills by learning area (every grading period ) i. Duly signed by the School head b. Evidences d. Entries in Forms 138-E. Grading sheet f. Integration ( values of skills across the curriculum ) other subjects g.2 points Presence of only 1 . competencies and objectives are indicated in the budget of work f. d. pail w/ water/faucet d. Data updated/organized 2. Record and Grading sheet are tally 4. pre-post hard copy ) b.Properly hanged at the door/displayed on the table/ attached in the lesson plan Presence of all .6 points Presence of 1 indicator .6 points Presence of 1 indicator .0 point 4. Class Program for current year . Properly compiled in a folder/ ringbinded 5. Neatness 5. Inventory of Properties as of Dec.10 point Presence of 3 indicators 8 points Presence of 2 indicators . 31.4 points Absence of all indicators . Properly labeled ( by learning area ) 3. Compiled by grading periods 4. Records/forms legibly and neatly presented 5.6 points Presence of 1 indicator .Approved ( school head & PSDS ) .Neatness ( Typewritten/computerized) . Properly presented Presence of all . Compiled systematically 4. Physical Fitness Test Results ( Pre & Post ) d.6 points Presence of 1 indicator .Framed / laminated . Updated (as of Dec.0 point c.10 point Presence of 3 indicators 8 points Presence of 2 indicators . 31. Systematic recording Presence of all .0 point b. SReA ( Grade one only. Submitted on due date 3. Organized and updated 2.10 point Presence of 3 indicators 8 points Presence of 2 indicators . PHIL-IRI Test Results ( Pre and Post with intervention ) c.Updated . PELC / Budget of Work 1. Nutritional Status Report ( Pre and Post ) RUBRICS 1. Neatness Presence of all .10 point Presence of 3 indicators 8 points Presence of 2 indicators .2010 ) . Complete ( all learning areas ) 2.4 points Absence of all indicators .4 points Absence of all indicators .4 points Absence of all indicators . Reports Compilation a.0 point OTHERS a. 2010 1. Guidance Records a. All data updated 2. All cases / incidents recorded 3. Completeness c. Presentation ( organize.6 points Presence of 1 indicator . Properly labeled ( by learning area and by grading period ) 4. Professional and Interpersonal Skills 1. Complete ( all pupils have autobiography ) 4.0 point . artistic and neatness ) Presence of all . 5.4 points Absence of all indicators . 3. Properly labeled b. Properly arrange e.4 points Absence of all indicators . 1.2.10 point Presence of 3 indicators 8 points Presence of 2 indicators . Legibly written 5. Compilation of test papers / Item Bank and Table of Specification for Summative / unit test.0 point d. Neatness Presence of all . 4.0 point Total Average Sub-total points for B C. Sociogram / sociomatrix c. Compiled in a folder 5. Artistically presented ( neat and clean ) Presence of all .10 point Presence of 3 indicators 8 points Presence of 2 indicators .0 point e.10 point Presence of 3 indicators 8 points Presence of 2 indicators .6 points Presence of 1 indicator . With table of specifications 3. Properly labeled ( according to property ) Systematically organized Compiled in a folder Neatness Presence of all . Legible d.6 points Presence of 1 indicator . Anecdotal Records b. Pupils Autobiography / Pupils Profile 1.4 points Absence of all indicators .10 point Presence of 3 indicators 8 points Presence of 2 indicators .4 points Absence of all indicators .6 points Presence of 1 indicator . Copy of code of conduct a. Complete ( by learning area ) 2. 10 4 sets .0 7. School. Observes periodic / regular meetings j. . Updated conference notebook 4.GSIS and Pag-Ibig ID ( photocopy ) . pictures. Dress code/ school uniforms 5 sets ( certification from school head ) 5 sets . activities/ working committees g. Division. Compilation of Memoranda h. Public Relations 1.4 1 set . Record of HRPTA projects l. copies of program ( updated ) Total Average Sub-total points for D .Personal data Sheet( updated with picture ) . Homeroom PTA Meetings a. Status/ accomplishment report c. Financial report m. Programs/ Pictures of school celebration ( updated) 2.2.2 None . Region.Teachers clearance ( 2009-2010 ) Presence of all 10 points 8-9 8 points 6-7 6 points 4-5 4 points 2-3 2 points None o point 3. Updated 201 file a. Record of attendance to trainings/seminars/conferences / earn units in MA e. Copies of designation 6./ NOSA and NOSI. Forms properly labeled and compiled in folder .Appointment/s and service record .Transcript of Records . Minutes of meetings / agenda i. Copies of programs. DepEd ( previous and current ) Total Average Sub-total points for C D. Organized and maintained 3. certificate of attendance/ participation/ transcript of records 5.Copies of official leaves/ division S. Record of attendance during meetings b.Assets and Liabilities . etc. Homeroom PTA Officers a.O.DepEd ID / PRC ID ( photocopy ) .Lupon ng mga guro.6 2 sets .8 3 sets .Latest Community Tax Certificate . Coordinatorship/ chairmanship in activities: f. district. Panunumpa ( Xerox ) . Homeroom PTA projects k. Compilation of programs. Records of attendance to community celebrations. 59 Very Satisfactory 4.Rated by: Key to Descriptive Rating: 8.59 Unsatisfactory Below 2.59 Satisfactory 2.60 8.60 6.59 Poor __________________________ ( Signature Over Printed Name ) Position: ___________________ Date: ______________________ Conforme: Ratee: _________________________ ( Signature over printed name ) Date: __________________________ .60 4.60 10 Outstanding 6. Has updated school records and updated filing system n. Keeps a profile of all teachers as bases for allocating training opportunities gg. Prioritizing fund allocation oo. Projects based from priority needs of the school. 2. b. Presence of project proposal duly approved by higher authority. ASDS. Involvement of stakeholders were provided v. Use of school resources was maximized. Presence of IPPD results of teachers hh. Records of procurement c. Provided leadership in the development of SIP/AIP t. Has organized computerized data aa. Maintenance committee was organized z. Must be a computer literate ee. Plans are duly approved by PSDS. RESOURCE GENERATION MANAGEMENT a. Updates ones knowledge and skills on ICT cc. Prioritizes procurement of essential materials qq. Proper monitoring and evaluation. Training opportunities were equitably allocated jj. Updated computerized records was evident bb. Implementing report is provided pp. Must have a computer in the office dd. ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGEMENT 1.Department of Education Region V Division of Camarines Sur MAGARAO-BOMBON DISTRICT SCHOOL HEAD APPRAISAL CHECKLIST for 1st 2nd Semester School Head: _______________________________________ School: _______________________________________ Designation: ________________________________________ District: _______________________________________ INDICATORS 0 A. Training services were identified ii. Utilized data b. Information Management a. Evaluates progress in implementing SIP based on the M & E Plan c. Certificate of completion is evident ff. Established profile from data gathered q. Procures materials and other equipments 2 RATING 4 6 8 10 . Qualified trainers were recommended kk. Updated data p. Has resource generating projects ll. nn. Presence of computer in the school y. d. Organized data o. Utilizes data/information for policy formulation/decision making s. Disseminated data r. Effective utilization of computerized data. SDS w. Objectives and activities are attainable u. Demonstrates computer skills e. mm. Maintains a computer based MIS x. Observes equity in allocation of resources and maximizes utilization of materials and resources ss. Prepares and maintained inventory of school and community resources. eee. Presence of books of accounts ccc. f. Plan was developed with teachers and stakeholders jjj. Provided transparency of reports ggg. Prioritized needs for funds allocation uu. Target attained ooo. Acquired/ Purchased needed facilities aaa. Identified/ prioritized needs of the school zz. Has functional Gulayan sa Paaralan with variety of plants. Has functional school canteen aaaa. Prepares 3-5 year School Improvement Plan ( SIP ) hhh. Maintained records of financial transaction ww. Keeps on up-to-date inventory of school and community resources xx. 2 to 3 dropouts ttt. Addresses key areas on SIP y Critical learning areas/ increased school MPS by 2% over the previous year lll. xxx. Liquidation reports g. Updated book of records vv. 3. Maintains zero dropout rate rrr. Keeps audited records of funds. Plan was attainable kkk. Prepared periodic reports of financial transactions e. Complete and updated book of accounts. 4 to 5 dropouts uuu.Provided opportunities for professional/personal enhancement y Resource Generation zzz. Plan was need based iii. 1 dropout sss. Has prepared school based training designs.Plan was implemented b. Liquidation report d. Keeps audited records of funds allocation open to teachers and community ddd.strictly according to accounting and auditing rules rr.Has records of the assessment of training needs of teachers. Liquidation report submitted on time fff. Decreased target by more than 2% y Pupil access and school building power qqq. SCHOOL PLANNING and MANAGEMENT a. Decreased target by 2% or less ppp. yy. Has records of conducted in-service designs yyy. Uses all financial collection purposes for which they are collected bbb. . Exceeded target by more than 2% mmm. Exceeded target by 2% or less nnn. 6 or more dropouts y Capability Building/Staff Development vvv. www. Prepared procurement plan tt. Keeps audited records of funds. Evaluation Plan and Progress Tracking Chart were provided oooo. Plans are approved by the higher authority iiii. Schedule kkkk. Appropriate action was taken ooooo. Implemented SIP on schedule pppp. Submitted terminal report wwww. Issues/problems/concern were acted on time mmmmm. Has school donations from stakeholders cccc. c. Provided leadership in the development of SIP/AIP ffff. Uses research as tool for planning improvement rrrr. Grant chart on School Programs and Projects for SY llll. Command respects of the community ccccc. gggg. Recognizes each person as an individual with . All AIP activities implemented jjjj. Evaluates progress in implementing SIP mmmm. Regular meetings conducted zzzz. Prepares Annual Improvement Plan ( AIP ) as reflected in the SIP eeee.bbbb. Duly signed by the authority in the division tttt. b. Designed intervention program based from the results of the research xxxx. Updated records of cases d. Display of accomplishments/ announcements in bulletin boards/streamers hhhhh. Adopted in the school g. Has records of fund raising projects. School complaints/grievance committee was organized lllll. Has certificates of commendation/merits/ appreciation displayed jjjjj. Updated records of M & E Plan nnnn. Deals with problems objectively and fairly kkkkk. List of responsibilities of staff e. c. Regular records of progress report to the teachers and stakeholders f. Involvement of stakeholders was provided hhhh. Issued school publication/organs iiiii. Facts were gathered and verified nnnnn. dddd. Records of attendance of community and school activities eeeee. Has records of livelihood projects. Minutes of meeting on evaluation feedback aaaaa. Evaluates progress in implementing SIP d. Objectives and activities were attained. No record of community conflict. Show pride in school s accomplishments ggggg. Realigns plans based on evaluation feedback yyyy. Compilation of form 3 records ddddd. Need s based ssss. Has copies of Recognition Rites/ Programs. Has documentation of school activities with community participation fffff. Feedback based on M & E Plan bbbbb. Implemented AIP as reflected in the SIP qqqq. Records of technical assistance plan 4. Conducted data analysis vvvv. PROFESSIONAL AND INTERPERSONAL SKILLS AND PUBLIC RELATIONS a. Followed the prescribed form uuuu. Records of school conferences hhhhhh. Records of findings and technical assistance given qqqqqq. jjjjjj. Transcript of records of masteral/doctoral degree wwwww. Supervisory Plan and Strategies a. Checklist of submitted work plans pppppp. Compilation of individual teachers portfolio iiiiii. Records of regular evaluation oooooo. School level h. Perimeter fence accomplished B. Compilation of observation tools used c. Division level bbbbbb. Ensures that teachers are highly motivated learners xxxxx. Implemented the instructional supervisory plan as shown in the records gggggg. Observes classes to ensure that all teachers have knowledge and mastery of basic learning competencies. Has records of teachers with school-level awards received rrrrr. District level cccccc. nnnnnn. Has school memoranda stating coordinatorship/ chairmanship of teachers in school activities sssss. Continuously upgrades ones knowledge and skills ttttt. Evaluates regularly teachers lesson plans and other work plans. f. Has records of teacher placement/ utilization qqqqq. Prepared monthly supervisory plan kkkkkk.Prepared school year instructional supervisory plan ffffff. Performance rating of teachers g. Has recognition programs awarding school teachers e.Compilation of Intermediate class programs and teachers assignment b. Collection of books/magazines uuuuu. Membership to professional organizations vvvvv. Establishes an award and incentive system for teachers and pupils and other school personnel yyyyy. Regional level aaaaaa. Records of teachers attended trainings in all level. Prepared monthly observation reports based on targets llllll. Provides safe and secure school environment dddddd.Records of technical assistance/recommendation mmmmmm. Has operational supervisory plan with varied and innovative supervisory strategies to suit different needs/abilities of teachers eeeeee. Records of periodic reports . National level zzzzz. INSTRUCTIONAL LEADERSHIP 1.unique needs and expertise ppppp. Implements innovative strategies. wwwwww. Monitoring and evaluation records. Project Proposal approved by the higher authorities tttttt. regional tests. xxxxxx. Compilation of yearly school training design yyyyyy. Assists teachers in preparing local instructional materials rrrrrr. . Record of closed monitoring and evaluation. 2. Records of implementation of the programs/projects vvvvvv. Accomplishment reports submitted uuuuuu. Project proposal signed by the higher authorities zzzzzz.d. result of pupil performance in school. Provides leadership in the development of the following: y Self learning materials y Modules y Workbooks y Prototype lesson plans y Teaching devices y Test item banks y Audio visual aids y Brochures y Circulars. Conducts school-based training needs of teachers. TNA records of the different learning areas. programs and projects to respond to current and future needs of the teachers ssssss. class observations. Accomplishment Report submitted signed by the authorities aaaaaaa. In-service Trainings a. bulletins y Outlines and guides e. division.
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