TDW Pipeline Pigging Catalog
&Pipeline Services Pigging Products Pipeline Integrity Services: Pigs and Pigging Products: On- and off-line cleaning Batching & Displacement Pigs Commissioning/Decommissioning Foam Pigs Consulting Services Pipeline Cleaning Pigs Engineering Services Specialty Pipeline Pigs, including PitBoss™ Pig, V-Jet® Pig, X-Pig® Tool Turnkey Project Management High-resolution Magnetic Flux Leakage (MFL) Technology Multiple Dataset technology, including SpirALL™ MFL Active Speed Control Technology XYZ Mapping D-2000 Closures PIG-SIG® Pig Passage Indicator, intrusive and non-intrusive TracMaster™ Pig Tracking System SmartTrap® Pig Launchers and Receivers, including the SmartTrap® Automated Combo Launcher and Receiver Deformation Technology Non-Destructive Examination & Repair Pull-Through Inspection Service Hydrostatic Testing and Drying ® Registered Trademarks of T.D. Williamson, Inc. in the U.S. and foreign countries Pipeline Serv ices & Pigging Pro ducts As the industry’s most trusted provider of integrated piping maintenance, modification and repair capabilities for a full range of pressurized piping system applications, TDW delivers customized pipeline service and pigging solutions specifically designed to optimize performance, reduce costs and make downtime a thing of the past. OptionAll Cleaning Pigs ™ Sizes: 4- through 14-inch Bulletin No: 3030.003.04 Date: January 2007 Cross Indexing No: n/a Supersedes: 3030.003.03 (2/06) Options T.D.Williamson, Inc., is committed to providing you with the exact product to assist you in meeting the needs of your individual applications. The OptionAll Cleaning Pig is designed to fit many needs, using standard TDW components. Special configurations can be made to meet virtually any customer specification. Some of the possible special configurations are listed below: Pigs can be made shorter or longer. OptionAll™ Cleaning Pigs Pig bodies can be provided with cavities to house transmitters for tracking or locating purposes. Description TDW's OptionAll™ Cleaning Pigs can be assembled into several configurations. TDW has assembled four standard configurations to meet most applications. Due to the unique design of the OptionAll Pig, customization is quickly accomplished with simple hand tools to achieve the best option for your pigging application. With the OptionAll Pig, you truly have an option. Features The OptionAll Cleaning Pig features TDW's Formula SI polyurethane which is designed to provide superior abrasion resistance. This new polyurethane means more miles and more runs at less cost. Recessed steel bolt and locknut construction is designed to prevent breakup of the pig in the pipeline. P.O. Box 1121 Pigs cups and/or discs can be provided with bypass holes for maximum cleaning effectiveness. Cups and/or discs can be modified for very heavy wall pipe. Low-cost, long-wearing design provides users with the option to dispose of or rebuild the pig. Aluminum, slotted aluminum or steel gauging flanges can be provided. Large-diameter conical cups are designed to seal in the thinnest of pipe walls. Pig cups and/or discs can be provided in Neoprene, Buna-N or Viton. Lightweight design can be handled by one person and reduces shipping costs. Brushes with stainless steel bristles. All OptionAll Pigs are supplied with large eye rings, which are designed to allow the pig to be easily hooked and removed from the receiving trap. USA: 1-800-571-7447 England: (44) 193-603600 Non-wearing components are constructed of Ultra High Molecular Weight (UHMW) polyethylene to protect internal pipe and valve surfaces. TDW Pigging Products Pigs can have more or fewer cups and/ or discs in any arrangement. Tulsa, Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 Fax: 918-664-7091 Data subject to change without notice. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified. / ® Registered trademark of T.D. Williamson, Inc. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T.D. Williamson, Inc. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2007. All rights reserved T.D. Williamson, Inc. / Printed in USA Configurations OptionAll Cleaning Pigs ™ 3030.003 - p2 2C-1BR Configuration A B C Size Inch (mm) Weight Lbs (kg) Part Number A Inch (mm) B Inch (mm) 4 (100) 6 (150) 8 (200) 10 (250) 12 (300) 14 (350) 3.0 (1.3) 7.5 (3.4) 13.5 (6.1) 26.0 (11.8) 32.0 (14.5) 36.50 (16.5) 02-2589-0004 02-2589-0006 02-2589-0008 02-2589-0010 02-2589-0012 02-2589-0014 7.75 (197) 12.12 (308) 15.38 (390) 20.69 (525) 22.12 (562) 22.81 (579) 5.0 (127) 8.31 (211) 10.78 (274) 15.78 (401) 15.98 (406) 16.12 (409) C Inch (mm) 4.50 6.62 8.62 10.6 12.6 14.0 (114) (168) (219) (270) (321) (356) 2C-1BR Configurations are designed to traverse 1.5 DR bends. 4C-2BR Configuration A B C Size Inch (mm) Weight Lbs (kg) 4 (100) 6 (150) 8 (200) 10 (250) 12 (300) 14 (350) 2.75 (1.2) 10.39 (4.7) 19.73 (9.0) 36.72 (16.7) 49.50 (22.5) 56.63 (25.7) Part Number A Inch (mm) B Inch (mm) 02-2641-0004 02-2641-0006 02-2641-0008 02-2641-0010 02-2641-0012 02-2641-0014 10.75 14.31 20.68 23.00 28.44 29.12 8.00 (203) 4.50 (114) 10.5 (267) 6.62 (168) 16.09 (409) 8.62 (219) 18.09 (459) 10.62 (270) 22.28 (566) 12.62 (321) 22.43 (570) 14.00 (356) (273) (363) (525) (584) (722) (740) C Inch (mm) 4C-2BR Configurations are designed to traverse 3.0 DR bends. TDW Pigging Products P.O. Box 1121 Tulsa, Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 Fax: 918-664-7091 Data subject to change without notice. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified. / ® Registered trademark of T.D. Williamson, Inc. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T.D. Williamson, Inc. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2007. All rights reserved T.D. Williamson, Inc. / Printed in USA 38 (260) (381) (498) (543) (644) (644) B Inch (mm) C Inch (mm) 6.75 (21.75 (1. 4D-2BR Configuration A B C Size Inch (mm) Weight Lbs (kg) Part Number 4 (100) 6 (150) 8 (200) 10 (250) 12 (300) 14 (350) 2.7) 02-2592-0004 02-2592-0006 02-2592-0008 02-2592-0010 02-2592-0012 02-2592-0014 8.56 (497) 21.75 (273) 6. Williamson.62 (219) 17.25 (692) B Inch (mm) C Inch (mm) 6.72 (16.68 (246) 6.83 (8.0 DR bends.44 (367) 19.00 19.75 (1. TDW Pigging Products P. / ® Registered trademark of T.80 (18.31 (490) 13. Williamson.38 25.39 (4. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified.50 (318) 19. All rights reserved T.2) 10.00 (152) 4.75 (4.31 (109) 9.38 (543) 26.003 .4) 17. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2007.56 (675) 27.7) 02-2591-0004 02-2591-0006 02-2591-0008 02-2591-0010 02-2591-0012 02-2591-0014 A Inch (mm) 10.38 (213) 15.5) 40.O.63 (25.62 21.56 (395) 10.50 (114) 10.D.62 (321) 22. Inc.3) 9.0) 36.7) 49.00 (356) DCDC-2BR Configurations are designed to traverse 3.0 DR bends.31 (490) 10.Configurations OptionAll Cleaning Pigs ™ 3030. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T.5) 56.50 (22.D.38 25.62 (397) 8.21 (15.50 (267) 19. Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 Fax: 918-664-7091 www.1) 34. Inc.75 (349) 4D-2BR Configurations are designed to traverse 3.94 (583) 14.25 (565) 12.73 (9.D.50 (165) 4.50 (216) 14.5) Data subject to change without notice.31 (490) 12. / Printed in USA .tdwilliamson.7) 19.25 15.62 (168) 15.25 (159) 14.62 (270) 22. Box 1121 Tulsa.06 (357) 8. Williamson. Inc.p3 DCDC-2BR Configuration A B C Size Inch (mm) Weight Lbs (kg) Part Number A Inch (mm) 4 (100) 6 (150) 8 (200) 10 (250) 12 (300) 14 (350) 2. 7 6. Inc.0 (0.0 (0. TDW Pigging Products P.1) (0.50" .D. Discs and Brushes Size Inch (mm) Cup Weight Lbs (kg) 4 (100) 6 (150) 8 (200) 10 (250) 12 (300) 14 (350) 0.O. Williamson.7) (2.4 4. Williamson. / ® Registered trademark of T.5) 3.4 1.75" .8 1.37" .p4 Replacement Cups.003 .7) 02-2605-0004-00 00-7078-0006-00 00-7078-0008-00 00-7078-0010-00 00-7078-0012-00 00-7078-0014-00 Bypass Hole Recommendations* Bypass Holes Size No.1) (1.0 (1.25) 1. Inc.5 (0.5 3.75 (1.Ordering Information OptionAll Cleaning Pigs ™ 3030.2) (0.6) Cup Part Number Disc Weight Lbs (kg) 00-4120-0004-03 00-4120-0006-03 00-4120-0008-03 00-4120-0010-03 00-4120-0012-03 00-4120-0014-03 0. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2007.tdwilliamson.D.0 (1.25) 0.63" .1) (1. / Printed in USA .7) (1.5) 2.0) 3.2 0.D.5 (0.4) (0.7) (3.2 2. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T.5) (1.75" 10 13 13 16 19 19 * for approximately 3% bypass Cups and discs with bypass holes are available from the factory. Inc.8) Disc Part Number Brush Weight Lbs (kg) Brush Part Number 00-1702-0014-00 00-1702-0001-00 00-1702-0002-00 00-1702-0003-00 00-1702-0004-00 00-1702-0010-00 0. of Eql Sp Holes Inch mm 4" 6" 8" 10" 12" 14" 100 150 200 250 300 350 Diameter of Holes 4 6 8 8 8 8 Inch mm .4 Data subject to change without notice.0 8. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified. Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 Fax: 918-664-7091 www.5) (1.0 (0. All rights reserved T.50" . Wood boring bits are recommended for drilling holes in urethane. Box 1121 Tulsa.5 2. Williamson. USA: 1-800-571-7447 England: (44) 1-793-603600 Tulsa. DCDC-BR VANTAGE V Cleaning Pig with brushes and urethane nose bumper shown. scraper discs to clean both hard and soft internal deposits. Inc. ® The conical cup features a large wear surface. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified. urethane blades for removing soft. ® The VANTAGE V pigs are equipped with nonmetallic bumpers to protect the bolts and prevent metal-to-metal contact during pigging operations.D. / Printed in USA . The VANTAGE V is offered in eight different cleaning configurations. The disc/cup configuration allows for additional cleaning.O. Williamson. ® Features All 16. which allows you to create a jetting action to improve cleaning effectiveness. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2005. Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 Fax: 918-664-7091 www.VANTAGE V Cleaning Pig ® Sizes: 10-inch and larger Bulletin No: 3000. DCDC-BR VANTAGE V Cleaning Pig with brushes (12-inch size shown) ® Description VANTAGE V Cleaning Pigs are multi-use pigs equipped with either scraper discs/cups. Available in sizes 10-inch and larger May be equipped with a magnet kit to remove ferrous debris. Inc.05 Date: February 2009 Cross Indexing No: n/a Supersedes: 3000. The VANTAGE V Cleaning Pig is offered in eight configurations.004. This pig is rugged and easy to maintain.D. Box 1121 May be equipped with an adapter plate on which to mount a pig tracking transmitter. All rights reserved T.004. Williamson. Close up of optional RealSeal ® Multi-Lip Cup RealSeal Multi-Lip Cup: Patented in the United States and in foreign countries. Bypass ports can be provided on 10to 14-inch sizes if requested. crust-like deposits. May be converted to a batching/ displacement pig by removing the cleaning elements. Williamson.D. increasing TDW Pigging Products May be equipped with gauge plates at a specified diameter and configuration. / ® Registered trademark of T. brushes or blade cleaning elements. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T. All cups and discs are replaceable and can be interchanged or reconfigured. All blades.tdwilliamson.04 (2/05) Options T. Cleaning elements include brushes to remove hard.through 42-inch VANTAGE V Pigs are equipped with a bypass hole option. Williamson. RealSeal multi-lip cups are available for increased seal effectiveness and wear life. May be equipped with removable bypass plugs (standard on 16-inch and larger) to obtain jet cleaning. Cups and discs have excellent sealing capabilities and flexibility. Inc. brushes and scraper discs provide 100 percent circumferential Data subject to change without notice. (20inch size shown) ® the cup life. The disc adds additional support to the pig.D. P. The pig is designed to traverse 15 to 20 percent reductions due to anomalies in the pipe without damaging the pipe or pig. a conical shape with a small bolt circle. cups. gummy deposits. and magnet kits to remove ferrous material. Two-cup and several disc/cup configurations can be provided. Inc. is committed to providing you with the exact product to assist you with your individual needs. 02-3068-0010 28 13 02-3068-0012 33 15 02-3068-0014 36 16 02-2290-0000 72 33 02-2291-0000 110 50 02-2292-0000 118 54 02-2293-0000 195 88 02-2294-0000 207 94 02-2295-0000 250 113 02-2296-0000 265 120 02-2297-0000 360 163 02-2298-0000 385 175 02-2299-0000 538 244 02-2300-0000 562 255 02-2301-0000 820 372 02-2302-0000 858 389 L 2CC Blade Configuration L 2CC-BR Brush Cleaning Pig Weight Part Number Lbs. Box 1121 Tulsa. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T.5 DR . ® A A Size Inch 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 40 42 mm 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 1000 1050 2CC-BL Blade Cleaning Pig Weight Part Number Lbs. Kg. / ® Registered trademark of T. All rights reserved T.D.tdwilliamson.p2 2CC Configurations The 2CC VANTAGE V Cleaning Pigs are recommended for light to medium cleaning and lines with 1. Inc. / Printed in USA .004. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright Data subject to change without notice. Williamson.Dimensions and Part Numbers VANTAGE V Cleaning Pigs ® 3000. Inc. Inc. Williamson.90° bends. Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 Fax: 918-664-7091 www. TDW Pigging Products P.D. Williamson. Kg 02-3067-0010 33 15 02-3067-0012 38 17 02-3067-0014 41 19 02-2304-0000 74 34 02-2305-0000 130 59 02-2306-0000 147 67 02-2307-0000 214 97 02-2308-0000 234 106 02-2309-0000 281 127 02-2310-0000 308 140 02-2311-0000 387 176 02-2312-0000 423 192 02-2313-0000 576 262 02-2314-0000 627 284 02-2315-0000 857 388 02-2316-0000 913 414 2CC Brush Configuration 2CC (Blade or Brush) Dimensions A L Inch mm Inch 14-9/16 370 19-11/16 16-11/16 424 20-9/16 16-3/4 425 21-1/4 20-1/2 521 23-9/16 24-1/4 616 27-3/8 24-1/2 622 28-5/8 29-1/4 743 32-5/8 29-1/2 749 33-7/8 34 864 38-7/16 34-1/4 870 39-11/16 39-3/4 1010 44-1/2 40 1016 45-3/4 46-1/4 1175 51-1/2 46-1/2 1181 52-7/8 52-3/4 1340 58-7/8 53 1346 60-1/8 mm 500 522 540 598 695 727 829 860 976 1008 1130 1162 1308 1343 1495 1527 Consult the factory for larger sizes.D. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified. 8 Brush Holder Kg. All rights reserved T. Part Number .4 Part Number 00-1716-0018 00-1716-0018 00-1716-0018 00-1716-0010 00-1716-0011 00-1716-0013 Lbs.8 00-4127-0003 Lbs.11 00-0349-0001 .25 0.D.O.4 0. Part Number . in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T. Box 1121 Tulsa.34 .5 2 4 4 Brush Kg. Williamson.68 00-0359-0001 .75 .Replacement Parts VANTAGE V Cleaning Pigs ® 3000. Inc.tdwilliamson.04 00-4143-0002 Consult the factory for parts or accessories not listed. .11 00-0349-0001 0.25 . TDW Pigging Products P. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified.5 1.25 .5 1.11 00-0349-0001 .com Data subject to change without notice.34 .6 2 2. / ® Registered trademark of T. Williamson. Williamson. . / Printed in USA .68 00-0359-0001 .04 00-4143-0002 0. .34 0.8 00-4127-0003 1. 1.p7 Replacement Cups/Discs Size Inch 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 40 42 mm 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 1000 1050 Standard VANTAGE Conical Cups 00-4120-0010-03 00-4120-0012-03 00-4120-0014-03 00-4120-0016 00-4120-0018 00-4120-0020 00-4120-0022 00-4120-0024 00-4120-0026 00-4120-0028 00-4120-0030 00-4120-0032 00-4120-0034 00-4120-0036 00-4120-0040 00-4120-0042 ® RealSeal Conical Cups 00-7457-0010 00-7457-0012 00-7457-0014 00-7457-0016 00-7457-0018 00-7457-0020 00-7457-0022 00-7457-0024 00-7457-0026 00-7457-0028 00-7457-0030 00-7457-0032 00-7457-0034 00-7457-0036 00-7457-0040 00-7457-0042 ® Disc for DCDC Pigs 00-1702-0003 00-1702-0004 00-1702-0010 00-6414-0016 00-6414-0018 00-6414-0020 00-6414-0022 00-6414-0024 00-6414-0026 00-6414-0028 00-6414-0030 00-6414-0032 00-6414-0034 00-6414-0036 00-6414-0040 00-6414-0042 Scraper Seal Disc 00-7698-0010 00-7698-0012 00-7698-0014 00-7698-0016 00-7698-0018 00-7698-0020 00-7698-0022 00-7698-0024 00-7698-0026 00-7698-0028 00-7698-0030 00-7698-0032 00-7698-0034 00-7698-0036 00-7698-0040 00-7698-0042 Guide/Support Disc 00-7699-0010 00-7699-0012 00-7699-0014 00-7699-0016 00-7699-0018 00-7699-0020 00-7699-0022 00-7699-0024 00-7699-0026 00-7699-0028 00-7699-0030 00-7699-0032 00-7699-0034 00-7699-0036 00-7699-0040 00-7699-0042 Replacement Blades and Brushes Size Inch 10 12 14 16 18-24 26-42 mm 250 300 350 400 450-600 650-1050 Lbs.75 1-1/4 4-1/2 5-1/4 Blade Kg.68 00-0359-0001 0.004 .75 . in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2005.D. Inc. Inc.D.8 0.02 00-4142-0001 0. Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 Fax: 918-664-7091 www.9 00-4127-0001 1. Williamson. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T.90° bends and 16-inches and larger will traverse 3. Kg. Box 1121 14-inch pigs will traverse 1.D. / ® Registered trademark of T. Inc.0 DR .com Data subject to change without notice. This pig will traverse most long bowl check valves and fullopening wedge gate valves.O. Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 Fax: 918-664-7091 www. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified. 02-2955-0010 37 17 02-2955-0012 49 22 02-2955-0014 55 25 02-2955-0016 99 45 02-2955-0018 148 67 02-2955-0020 167 76 02-2955-0022 255 116 02-2955-0024 296 134 02-2955-0026 339 154 02-2955-0028 413 187 02-2955-0030 517 234 02-2955-0032 578 262 02-2955-0034 728 330 02-2955-0036 833 378 02-2955-0040 1147 520 02-2955-0042 1277 579 L A 5D2CC Blade Configuration L A 5D2CC Brush Configuration 5D2CC-BR Brush Cleaning Pig Weight Part Number Lbs Kg.D. Williamson. Williamson. All rights reserved T.5 DR . The 10.p4 5D2CC Configuration The 5D2CC VANTAGE V Cleaning Pigs are recommended for medium to heavy cleaning.90° bends.tdwilliamson.D. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2005. ® B B Size Inch 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 40 42 mm 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 1000 1050 5D2CC-BL Blade Cleaning Pig Weight Part Number Lbs. Inc.Dimensions and Part Numbers VANTAGE V Cleaning Pigs ® 3000. TDW Pigging Products P.004 . 02-2956-0010 42 19 02-2956-0012 54 24 02-2956-0014 60 27 02-2956-0016 101 46 02-2956-0018 168 76 02-2956-0020 196 89 02-2956-0022 274 124 02-2956-0024 323 147 02-2956-0026 370 168 02-2956-0028 456 207 02-2956-0030 544 247 02-2956-0032 616 279 02-2956-0034 766 347 02-2956-0036 898 407 02-2956-0040 1184 537 02-2956-0042 1332 604 A Inch 19-13/16 23-11/16 24-3/8 28-11/16 33-1/4 35-1/8 39-5/16 41-5/16 45-13/16 48-5/16 53-3/8 55-1/4 62 64-1/8 71-1/4 73-1/4 5D2CC (Blade or Brush) Dimensions B L mm Inch mm Inch 503 5-1/2 140 23-3/16 602 6-7/8 175 27-1/16 619 7-9/16 192 27-3/4 729 7-15/16 202 29-11/16 845 8-3/4 222 34-1/4 892 10-3/8 264 36-1/8 999 10-1/16 256 40-9/16 1049 11-13/16 300 42-9/16 1164 12-1/16 306 47-1/16 1227 14-1/16 357 49-9/16 1356 13-7/8 352 54-5/8 1403 15-1/2 394 56-1/2 1575 16 406 63-1/4 1629 17-7/8 454 65-3/8 1818 18-3/4 476 72-1/2 1861 20-1/2 513 74-1/2 mm 589 687 705 754 870 918 1030 1081 1195 1259 1387 1435 1607 1661 1842 1892 Consult the factory for larger sizes. Inc. / Printed in USA . 02-2865-0010 31 14 02-2865-0012 37 17 02-2865-0014 42 19 02-2865-0016 86 39 02-2865-0018 128 58 02-2865-0020 138 63 02-2865-0022 227 103 02-2865-0024 247 112 02-2865-0026 300 136 02-2865-0028 329 149 02-2865-0030 430 195 02-2865-0032 469 213 02-2865-0034 644 292 02-2865-0036 686 311 02-2865-0040 982 445 02-2865-0042 1054 478 L A A DCDC Blade Configuration L DCDC Brush Configuration DCDC-BR Brush Cleaning Pig Weight Part Number Lbs Kg.90° bends.D. All rights reserved T.90° bends and 16-inches and larger will traverse 3. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2005.5 DR . / Dimensions not for construction unless certified.004 . Inc. Williamson. ® B B Size Inch 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 40 42 mm 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 1000 1050 DCDC-BL Blade Cleaning Pig Weight Part Number Lbs. The 10.Dimensions and Part Numbers VANTAGE V Cleaning Pigs ® 3000.0 DR .O. / ® Registered trademark of T. Inc. Box 1121 Tulsa. Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 Fax: 918-664-7091 14-inch pigs will traverse 1.p5 DCDC Configurations The DCDC VANTAGE V Cleaning Pigs are recommended for medium to heavy cleaning. Data subject to change without notice. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T. Kg.D. TDW Pigging Products P. Inc.tdwilliamson. This pig will traverse most long bowl check valves and fullopening wedge gate valves. / Printed in USA . Williamson. 02-2864-0010 36 16 02-2864-0012 42 19 02-2864-0014 47 21 02-2864-0016 88 40 02-2864-0018 148 67 02-2864-0020 167 76 02-2864-0022 246 112 02-2864-0024 274 124 02-2864-0026 331 150 02-2864-0028 372 169 02-2864-0030 457 207 02-2864-0032 507 230 02-2864-0034 682 309 02-2864-0036 751 341 02-2864-0040 1021 463 02-2864-0042 1109 503 DCD C (Blade or Brush) Dimensions A B L Inch mm Inch mm Inch 17-11/16 392 3-3/4 95 21-7/16 20-13/16 529 4-5/8 117 24-9/16 21-1/2 546 5-5/16 135 25-1/4 23-15/16 608 4-7/16 113 24-11/16 27-3/4 705 4-3/4 121 28-1/2 29 737 5-7/8 149 29-3/4 33-5/8 854 6 152 34-1/2 34-7/8 886 7-1/8 181 35-3/4 39-3/8 1000 7-3/8 187 40-1/4 40-5/8 1032 8-3/8 213 41-1/2 45-3/4 1162 8-5/8 219 46-3/4 47 1194 9-5/8 244 48 9-3/4 248 54-5/8 53-3/8 1356 54-3/4 1391 11-1/8 283 56 61-1/4 1556 11-1/2 292 62-3/4 62-1/2 1588 12-3/4 324 64 mm 544 624 641 627 724 756 876 908 1022 1054 1187 1219 1387 1422 1594 1626 Consult the factory for larger sizes.D. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2005. / ® Registered trademark of T.O. Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 Fax: 918-664-7091 www. All rights reserved T. Williamson. Box 1121 Tulsa. Inc.D. Size Inch 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 40 42 mm 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 1000 1050 Consult the factory for parts or accessories not listed. Data subject to change without notice. Williamson.p6 VANTAGE Pigs Will Traverse ® Maximum Gate Valve Seat Ring Spacing DCDC 3D2CC mm Inch mm Inch mm 70 3-3/4 95 4-1/8 105 92 4-5/8 117 5-7/8 149 110 5-5/16 135 6-1/16 154 90 4-11/16 119 5-13/16 148 98 5 127 6-3/8 162 130 6-1/4 159 7-7/8 200 127 6-3/16 157 7-1/2 190 156 7-7/16 189 9-1/8 232 165 7-3/4 197 9-7/16 240 197 9 229 11-13/16 284 187 9 229 10-7/8 276 219 10-1/4 260 12-3/8 314 219 10-1/2 267 12-5/8 321 254 11-7/8 302 14-3/8 365 260 12-1/2 318 14-7/8 378 292 13-3/4 349 16-1/2 419 5D2CC Inch mm 5 127 6-3/8 162 7-1/16 179 7-7/16 189 8-1/4 209 9-7/8 251 9-1/2 241 11-1/4 286 11-9/16 294 13-9/16 344 13-3/8 340 15 381 15-1/2 394 17-3/8 441 18-1/4 464 20 508 Maximum Check Valve Bowl Length 2CC DCDC 3D2CC Inch mm Inch mm Inch mm 13-1/16 332 16-1/8 410 18-1/16 459 13-1/16 332 19-3/8 492 20-1/4 514 13-1/16 332 20-1/16 510 20-15/16 532 19-1/2 495 22-11/16 576 23-7/16 595 23-1/4 591 26-1/4 667 27-1/4 692 23-1/2 597 27-1/4 692 28-5/8 727 28-1/4 718 31-3/4 806 32-1/2 826 28-1/2 724 32-3/4 832 34 864 33 838 37 940 38-5/16 973 33-1/4 845 38 965 40-1/16 1018 38-3/4 984 43 1092 44-5/8 1133 39 991 44 1118 46 1168 45-1/4 1149 50-3/8 1280 52 1321 45-1/2 1156 51-1/2 1308 53-5/8 1362 51-3/4 1314 57-3/4 1467 59-1/2 1511 52 1321 58-3/4 1492 61 1549 5D2CC Inch mm 18-1/4 464 22-1/4 565 22-15/16 583 26-11/16 678 31 787 32-5/8 829 36-1/2 927 38-1/4 972 42-9/16 1081 44-13/16 1138 49-5/8 1260 51-1/4 1302 57-3/4 1467 59-5/8 1514 66-1/4 1683 68 1727 Size Inch 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 40 42 2CC mm 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 1000 1050 Inch 2-3/4 3-5/8 4-5/16 3-9/16 3-7/8 5-1/8 5 6-1/8 6-1/2 7-3/4 7-3/8 8-5/8 8-5/8 10 10-1/4 11-1/2 Consult the factory for parts or accessories not listed. Williamson.Specifications VANTAGE V Cleaning Pigs ® 3000.tdwilliamson. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified. TDW Pigging Products P. Inc. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T. / Printed in USA .D.004 .D. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2005. Inc. Williamson.90º bends and the 16-inches and larger will traverse 3. / Printed in USA . Box 1121 Tulsa. All rights reserved T.Dimensions and Part Numbers VANTAGE V Cleaning Pigs ® 3000. 02-2953-0010 33 15 02-2953-0012 43 20 02-2953-0014 48 22 02-2953-0016 86 39 02-2953-0018 131 59 02-2953-0020 144 65 02-2953-0022 226 103 02-2953-0024 258 117 02-2953-0026 296 134 02-2953-0028 354 161 02-2953-0030 453 205 02-2953-0032 499 226 02-2953-0034 638 289 02-2953-0036 724 328 02-2953-0040 1008 457 02-2953-0042 1113 505 L A 3D2CC Blade Configuration L A 3D2CC-BR Brush Cleaning Pig Weight Part Number Lbs Kg. Williamson.5 DR . Inc. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T.D.tdwilliamson. TDW Pigging Products P. ® B B Size Inch 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 40 42 mm 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 1000 1050 3D2CC-BL Blade Cleaning Pig Weight Part Number Lbs. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified.D. 02-2954-0010 38 17 02-2954-0012 48 22 02-2954-0014 53 24 02-2954-0016 88 40 02-2954-0018 151 68 02-2954-0020 173 78 02-2954-0022 245 111 02-2954-0024 285 129 02-2954-0026 327 148 02-2954-0028 397 180 02-2954-0030 480 218 02-2954-0032 537 244 02-2954-0034 676 307 02-2954-0036 789 358 02-2954-0040 1045 474 02-2954-0042 1168 530 3D2CC Brush Configuration A Inch 18-1/16 21-11/16 22-3/8 25-7/16 29-1/2 31-1/8 35-5/16 37-1/16 41-9/16 43-9/16 48-3/8 50 56-1/4 58-1/8 64-1/2 66-1/4 3D2CC (Blade or Brush) Dimensions B L mm Inch mm Inch 459 4-5/8 117 21-7/16 551 5-7/8 149 25-1/16 568 6-9/16 167 25-3/4 646 6-5/16 160 26-7/16 749 6-7/8 175 30-1/2 791 8-3/8 213 32-1/8 897 8-1/16 205 36-9/16 941 9-11/16 246 38-5/16 1056 9-15/16 252 42-13/16 1106 11-11/16 297 44-13/16 1229 11-3/8 289 49-5/8 1270 12-7/8 327 51-1/4 1429 13-1/8 333 57-1/2 1476 14-7/8 378 59-3/8 1638 15-3/8 391 65-3/4 1683 17 432 67-1/2 mm 544 637 654 672 775 816 929 972 1087 1138 1260 1302 1461 1508 1670 1715 Consult the factory for larger sizes.90º bends. The 14-inch pigs will traverse 1. Kg. This pig will traverse most long bowl check valves and full opening wedge gate Data subject to change without notice.004 .O. Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 Fax: 918-664-7091 www.p3 3D2CC Configurations The 3D2CC VANTAGE V Cleaning Pigs are recommended for medium to heavy cleaning. Williamson. / ® Registered trademark of T. Inc.0 DR . Williamson. Inc.D.01 (2/99) Options T.D. 24-inch PitBoss™ Cleaning Pigs USA: 1-800-571-7447 England: (44) 1-793-603600 TDW Pigging Products P. Williamson. Williamson. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified. Inc. Otherwise the deposits can shield the active corrosion. valves. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2007. thus reducing the risk of leaks due to internal corrosion. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T.02 Date: January 2007 Cross Indexing No: n/a Supersedes: 3000. / Printed in USA .003. is commited to providing you with the exact product to assist you in planning.PitBoss Cleaning Pig Sizes: 6-inch and larger ™ Bulletin No: 3000. and meeting the specifications for your individual application needs. Inc. Brushes are designed to conform to the inside diameter of pipe.tdwilliamson. It is essential to remove deposits from pits in order to allow corrosion inhibitors and biocides to work. Williamson. etc. Inc. check to see if the selection is capable of traversing your particular pipeline components (bends. Each wire scraper acts independantly as both a spring (forcing itself out into the pit) and a scraper Pit cleaning wire brushes are designed to improve the effectiveness of corrosion Data subject to change without notice.) PitBoss Cleaning Pigs are available in sizes 6-inch (150 mm) and larger.O. To help you obtain the proper pig for your application. budgeting. All rights reserved T. regardless of wall thickness.D.. 10-inch PitBoss™ Cleaning Pigs Description Features TDW's PitBoss™ Cleaning Pig is designed to remove soft to medium-hard deposits from internal pits while also serving as an excellent general purpose cleaning pig. Box 1121 Tulsa. to effectively clean the pipe wall. there by allowing the cell to continue its corrosive action. Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 Fax: 918-664-7091 www. PitBoss Cleaning Pigs are available in dual diameter configurations.003. / ® Registered trademark of T. tees.D. /Kg.19 23.54 32. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2007. Part Number A B C 6 150 15 6.21 TDW Pigging Products P.p2 C C A A B B Sizes 6. Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 Fax: 918-664-7091 www.94 26 650 322 146.59 02-2646-0022 26.44 36.30 10 250 40 18.D.58 22 550 235 106.through 14-inch Sizes 16-inch & larger Sizes 6-inch and larger Inches mm Wt.77 02-2646-0018 23./Lbs.08 31. Williamson.74 7.04 24 600 270 122.79 6.00 19.50 3.D.86 14 350 57 25.86 16 400 120 54.14 02-2646-0010 19. All rights reserved T.Dimensions and Part Numbers PitBoss Cleaning Pigs ™ 3000. / ® Registered trademark of T.50 18 450 145 65.33 27. Inc. Wt. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T.68 02-2646-0012 20.tdwilliamson.24 6.O.67 28.19 23.47 02-2646-0024 30.80 02-2646-0006 15.50 12 300 50 Data subject to change without notice.63 19. Box 1121 Tulsa. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified.06 02-2646-0026 39.52 46.003. Inc.56 18.44 5. / Printed in USA .85 7. Inc.44 5.44 4. Williamson.07 02-2646-0008 16.36 8 200 20 9.63 20 500 215 97.D.52 02-2646-0020 26.56 3. Williamson.44 4.85 02-2646-0014 20.56 2.43 02-2646-0016 24. and are designed to remove hard deposits. Both FJR and JRN Cleaning Pigs are built with TDW's urethane scraper cup. Box 1121 Tulsa.01 Date: January 2007 Cross Indexing No: n/a Supersedes: 3000. The 6" size is also available with type HD urethane scraper cups. TDW steel wire brushes come standard. neoprene or Viton.FJR/JRN Cleaning Pigs Sizes: 2. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified. tees.. Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 Fax: 918-664-7091 www. made from high-carbon.D. Williamson. FJR and JRN Cleaning Pigs are used to improve and maintain all types of pipelines by removing contaminants and deposits in the pipe. FJR Cleaning Pig 6" (150 mm) Description Features Contamination buildup increases resistance to flow. and meeting the specifications for your individual application Data subject to change without notice. budgeting.through 6-inch Bulletin No: 3000.tdwilliamson. check to see if the selection is capable of traversing your particular pipeline components (bends. Urethane cups operate in temperatures ranging from -20°F to 200°F (-29°C to 93°C).001. Williamson. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2007. FJR and JRN Pigs are available in sizes 2" (50 mm) through 6" (150 mm). Inc. is committed to providing you with the exact product to assist you in planning. etc.O. which decreases pipeline efficiency. JRN Pigs and the flexible FJR Pigs come equipped with wire brushes and urethane cups. reduced blistering.D. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T. They combine the ability to traverse sharp bends with maximum cleaning capabilities and long service. Williamson. Inc. Inc. Williamson. Cups are available in urethane. D. which is made of liquid-cast urethane. tempered steel. JRN Cleaning Pig 6" (150 mm) USA: 1-800-571-7447 England: (44) 1-793-603600 TDW Pigging Products P.00 (1/99) Options* T. / ® Registered trademark of T.001.). exceptional resistance to hydrocarbons. To help you obtain the proper pig for your application. / Printed in USA .D. tough elastomer. valves. Advantages of urethane cups include minimum swelling. light-weight. Inc. Buna-N. a high-strength. and increased abrasion resistance. All rights reserved T. Dimensions and Part Numbers FJR and JRN Cleaning Pigs 3000.001./Lbs. 4" 1 4 3 -9 3 1 1 -1 JRN Pigs 6" 1 4 3 1 9 3 2 1 2 1 Item 1 3 4 5 9 10 14 15 28 55 Description Body Spacer Brush Flange Nut. Inc./kg Part Number Wt. Williamson. Inc.D.D. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T. Inc.O./kg Part Number 0. FJR Pigs Wt. 2 3 4 6 50 80 100 150 1-3/4 4-1/2 5 15 0. Williamson.0 02-0898-0000 02-0900-0000 02-0901-0000 02-1949-0000 1 2-3/4 3-1/4 10 Dimensions FJR Pigs B A Inches 2 3 4 6 mm 50 80 100 150 Inches mm 4-5/16 7-9/16 7-5/8 10-7/16 110 192 194 265 Parts and Descriptions Item 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 12 55 Inches 2-1/4 3-15/16 4 5-1/2 JRN Pigs Wt. Esna Nose and Rear Bumper Urethane Cup Bypass Plug Cotter Pin Name Plate 2" 1 1 4 2 1 -2 1 -1 3".p2 Sizes 2" through 6" Inches mm Wt.5 Data subject to change without notice. TDW Pigging Products P. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified.0 7.0 2. Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 Fax: 918-664-7091 www.8 2. / Printed in USA . 4" 1 1 6 2 1 -2 1 -1 6" 1 1 6 2 2 2 2 1 2 -- FJR and JRN Pigs Will Traverse: minimum bend radius Size Inches 2 3 4 6 mm 50 80 100 150 Inches 3 4-1/2 6 9 mm 76 114 152 228 maximum gate valve seat ring spacing FJR Pigs JRN Pigs Inches mm Inches mm 2-1/2 64 1 25 4-1/2 114 1-5/8 41 4-1/2 114 1-5/8 41 5 27 2 51 maximum check valve length of bowl FJR Pigs JRN Pigs Inches mm Inches mm 4 102 1-3/8 35 7 178 2-1/2 64 7 178 2-9/16 65 10 254 3-1/2 89 FJR Pigs will traverse full size branch openings. All rights reserved T.0 5. / ® Registered trademark of T. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2007.0 2.0 02-0002-0000 02-0006-0000 02-0008-0000 02-1793-0000 JRN Pigs L A L mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm 57 100 102 140 6-9/16 10-3/4 10-3/4 15-11/16 167 273 273 398 1-5/8 2-7/8 2-15/16 4 41 73 75 102 4 6-1/2 6-1/2 9-3/8 102 165 165 238 FJR Pigs Description Body Spacer Flange Washer Brush Urethane Cup Cotter Pin Jam Nut Nose and Rear Bumper Name Plate 2" 1 4 6 -6 3 1 1 -1 3". Box 1121 Tulsa. Williamson.tdwilliamson./Lbs. Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 A Fax: 918-664-7091 www.D. All rights reserved T. Inc. / Printed in USA . 4" (100 mm) 4 5 14 3 1 15 B A A L 28 9 JRN Cleaning Pig 6" (150 mm) 55 9 14 3 4 5 10 1 15 L TDW Pigging Products P. Williamson. Data subject to change without notice.p3 7 6 FJR Cleaning Pig 2" (50 mm) 2 3 6 7 2 3 9 4 7 6 2 9 8 B 1 55 9 3 55 8 B A L FJR Cleaning Pig 6" (150 mm) 55 A L FJR Cleaning Pig 3" (80 mm) and 4" (100 mm) 1 1 6 8 12 L JRN Cleaning Pig 2" (50 mm). / Dimensions not for construction unless certified. 3" (80 mm). / ® Registered trademark of T. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2007.001.D. Williamson.tdwilliamson.O.Dimensions and Part Numbers Cleaning Pig Configurations 3000. Box 1121 Tulsa. Williamson. Inc.D. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T. crust.D. displacement or cleaning pig.through 14-inch Bulletin No: 3030. Recommended operating temperature is -20°F to 200°F. The basic unit serves as a batching. Inc. 3D2CC-BR PIG 10" through 14" To help you obtain the proper pig for your application.VANTAGE + Pigs ® Sizes: 2. moldeddesign body is economical. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2007. due to buckles. paraffin. a high-strength.tdwilliamson.04 Date: January 2007 Cross Indexing No: n/a Supersedes: 3030. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified. and increased abrasion resistance. Blade Cleaning Pig 2CC-BL. Data subject to change without notice. tempered steel.03 (2/01) Options VANTAGE+ 3CC Pigs are available in sizes 2" (50 mm) through 14" (350 mm). internal pipe deposits such as mill scale. The VANTAGE+ Pig is lightweight.O. soft. Two basic body combinations are designed to meet most pigging applications. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T. tough elastomer. 3CC or 3D2CC configurations. reduced blistering. Advantages of urethane include minimum swelling. Inc. and mud. Inc. Box 1121 VANTAGE+ Pigs are made of liquid-cast urethane. internal deposits such as wax. The one-piece. sludge. durable and provides long service. 10" through 14" Brush Cleaning Pig 3D2CC-BR. ® TDW recommends brush cleaning pigs for removing hard. This size range may be equipped with steel wire brush or urethane blade cleaning elements.).001. designed to remove hard deposits. check to see if the selection is capable of traversing your particular pipeline components (bends. TDW Pigging Products P. Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 Fax: 918-664-7091 www. wear-compensating cleaning elements. TDW steel wire brushes.D. exceptional resistance to hydrocarbons. The 2CC and 3D2CC may be converted to Brush or Blade cleaning pigs in sizes 10” and larger. Blade cleaning pigs are recommended for thick. Williamson. tees. The VANTAGE+ is offered in the 2CC. Williamson.D. are made from high-carbon. dents. 10” through 14” Patented in the United States and in foreign countries.001. The cup and disc configuration is flexible enough to traverse 20 percent reductions in the pipe. 10" through 14" 3CC-B Pig 2" through 14" Description Features VANTAGE + Pigs are multi-use pigs. / ® Registered trademark of T. light weight. and calcium deposits. easy to assemble and maintain. USA: 1-800-571-7447 England: (44) 1-793-603600 Tulsa. The 3D2CC Pigs are offered in sizes 4” (100 mm) through 14” (350 mm). valves. Williamson. or flattening. All rights reserved T. Brush Cleaning Pig 2CC-BR. / Printed in USA . The 10" (250 mm) through 14" (350 mm) VANTAGE+ Cleaning Pigs offer spring-loaded. 0 5./Lbs. Williamson.0 38.3 0.5 10.9 13.0 42.6 14.3 15.8 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 02-2937-0000 02-2938-0000 02-2939-0000 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 19. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified.1 2.0 6. Inc.2 19.9 2.0 30. Inc.p2 Sizes 2" through 14" Brush Cleaning Pigs 2CC-BR Brush Cleaning Pigs 3D2CC-BR Inches mm Wt.9 17.0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 02-2940-0000 02-2941-0000 02-2942-0000 0.6 14.4 2.0 24.0 30./kg Part Number Wt.0 0.Dimensions and Part Numbers VANTAGE + Pigs ® 3030. / ® Registered trademark of T. Wt. Box 1121 --5 7-1/2 10-1/8 13-3/8 15-7/8 17-1/8 --127 191 257 340 403 435 Batching Pigs 3CC-B L-Batching Inches mm 4 6 8 12 16 20-3/8 23-15/32 25-3/4 102 152 203 305 406 518 596 654 Tulsa.2 23.001./Lbs.8 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 02-2325-0000 02-2326-0000 02-2327-0000 Inches mm Wt.6 13./kg Part Number Wt. Wt.5 16.O.0 37.6 15./Lbs. Williamson.0 37.0 35.0 43.6 12. Inc.0 Data subject to change without notice./Lbs.9 N/A N/A 01-1667-0004 01-1667-0006 01-1667-0008 01-1667-0010 01-1667-0012 01-1667-0014 Blade Cleaning Pigs 3D2CC-BL Size Inches mm 2 3 4 6 8 10 12 14 50 75 100 150 200 250 300 350 Blade Cleaning Pigs 2CC-BL A Inches mm 3-1/2 5-1/8 6-3/4 10-1/4 13-1/2 16-9/16 19-5/8 21-1/4 89 130 171 260 343 421 498 540 TDW Pigging Products Dimensions All Types B C Inches mm Inches mm 3-1/2 5-1/8 6-15/16 9-15/16 12-15/16 ---- 89 130 176 252 329 ---- P.6 01-1276-0002 01-1276-0003 01-1276-0004 01-1276-0006 01-1276-0008 01-1276-0010 01-1276-0012 01-1276-0014 N/A N/A 2.0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 15.0 32. Wt./Lbs.6 1.4 16. Williamson./Lbs.3 1. Wt.7 19./kg Part Number Wt./kg Part Number Wt. Wt.0 48.9 7.tdwilliamson.3 2.0 43.5 02-2267-0000 02-2268-0000 02-2269-0000 02-2270-0000 02-2271-0000 02-2322-0000 02-2323-0000 02-2324-0000 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 39.0 10.8 19.D./kg Part Number 2 3 4 6 8 10 12 14 50 75 100 150 200 250 300 350 0.0 0. Wt.0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 8.3 10./kg Part Number 2 3 4 6 8 10 12 14 50 75 100 150 200 250 300 350 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 35.D.0 2.0 N/A N/A .0 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 17.4 6. Oklahoma 74101-1121 L-Cleaning Inces mm 4-1/4 5-1/2 7-9/16 11-15/16 14-15/16 17-3/16 19-23/32 21-5/8 108 140 192 303 379 437 501 549 918-447-5400 Batching Pigs 3D2CC-B Allowable ID Variations L-(3D2CC) minimum Inches mm Inches mm maximum Inches mm --10-1/4 13-3/8 17-5/8 23-9/16 27-7/16 29-9/16 2-1/8 3-3/16 4-3/16 6-1/4 8-3/16 10-1/4 12-1/4 13-1/2 -.7 1.1 0.5 13.D. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T.5 21.4 1.3 4. / Printed in USA .1-15/16 49 -2-7/8 73 260 3-7/8 98 340 5-3/4 146 448 7-5/8 194 598 9-3/4 248 697 11-3/4 299 751 13 330 Fax: 918-664-7091 54 81 106 159 208 260 311 343 www.5 5. All rights reserved T. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2007.8 5. Williamson. / ® Registered trademark of T.tdwilliamson. All rights reserved Data subject to change without notice. Williamson.D.O.001. Inc. / Printed in USA .D. Oklahoma 74101-1121 C L Cleaning Pig + Blades 10" and 14" Type 3D2CC-BL 918-447-5400 Fax: 918-664-7091 www.D.p3 A L Batching Displacement 2" through 14" One-Piece Urethane Type 3CC-B 6 2 C L Batching Displacement 4" through 14" Type 3D2CC-B 1 6 2 1 9 B L Cleaning Pig 2" and 4" Type 2CC-BR B L Cleaning Pig 6" and 8" Type 2CC-BR 7 4 6 & 10 8 5 3 1 L C L Cleaning Pig + Brushes 10" and 14" Type 2CC-BR 4 5 7 11 C Cleaning Pig + Brushes 10" and 14" Type 3D2CC-BR 8 3 1 C L Cleaning Pig + Blades 10" and 14" Type 2CC-BL TDW Pigging Products P. Inc. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2007. Inc.Dimensions and Parts VANTAGE + Pigs ® 3030. Box 1121 Tulsa. Williamson. Bend Radius Inches mm 6 150 9 229 12 300 15 381 18 457 21 533 Batching 3CC-B Max. Williamson. ® TDW Pigging Products P. BR Max. Check Valve Length of Bowl Length of Bowl Inches mm Inches mm 2-1/8 55 3 75 3-3/16 82 4-1/2 114 4-3/8 112 6 150 6-3/8 164 9 229 8-3/4 225 12 300 11-13/16 304 15 381 14-1/4 366 18 457 15-3/8 395 19-1/2 501 3D2CC-B. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2007. BR Seat Ring Spacing Inches mm N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 30 762 36 914 42 1067 2CC-BR.tdwilliamson.D.D. Guide bars are necessary across opening when branch is 75% or more of pipe ID. BR Max. Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 Fax: 918-664-7091 Data subject to change without notice.p4 VANTAGE + Pigs Will Traverse: ® Nominal Size Inches mm 2 50 3 75 4 100 6 150 8 200 10 250 12 300 14 350 2CC-BR 2CC-BL 3CC-B Min. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T. Inc. branch openings. BL. Gate Valve Seat Ring Spacing Inches mm 1-1/8 29 1-5/8 41 2-1/4 57 3 76 3-1/2 89 8-5/8 219 9-9/16 243 10-3/16 259 3D2CC-B Min. Check Valve Inches 7-7/8 10-1/4 13-1/2 18-15/16 22 23-7/16 mm 200 260 343 481 559 595 All VANTAGE + Pigs will traverse full-size. Inc.001. Bend Radius Inches mm 3 75 4-1/2 114 6 150 9 229 12 300 15 381 18 457 21 533 Nominal Size Inches mm 4 100 6 150 8 200 10 250 12 300 14 350 Cleaning 2CC-BL & 2CC-BR Max. BL. All rights reserved T. Inc. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified. Gate Valve Length of Bowl Inches mm 2-5/8 67 4-3/8 112 5-1/2 140 7-15/16 198 8-1/2 216 9-1/16 230 3D2CC-B. Williamson.O. Gate Valve Seat Ring Spacing Inches mm 1-1/8 29 1-5/8 41 2-1/8 54 3-3/8 86 4-1/4 108 4-1/4 108 4-7/8 124 5-3/8 137 3D2CC-BL. Box 1121 Tulsa. Williamson. / Printed in USA . / ® Registered trademark of T. 2CC-BL & 3CC-B Cleaning Batching Max. Check Valve Max.Specifications VANTAGE + Pigs ® 3030. D. In addition to the REDSKIN and WHITESKIN. Inc. air removal prior to hydrostatic testing. The Foam Pig Line is used for light cleaning. Foam spheres are available. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2007. TDW Pigging Products Sizes range from 2” through 42” for WHITESKIN Pigs..tdwilliamson. Consult the factory for other WHITESKIN Pig applications. Williamson. This increases the throughput.02 Date: January 2007 Cross Indexing No: n/a Supersedes: 3020. All rights reserved Data subject to change without notice. reduces pumping costs. The following options are available. Williamson.01 (2/00) Options T. Their resilience enables them to negotiate short radius elbows. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified. abrasion-resistant polyurethane foam with honeycomb surface texture. The TDW Foam Pigs are packaged in plastic bags and shipped in cardboard boxes which extends shelf life in high-temperature. Inc. crisscross. The oversized diameter ensures a tight fit and effective seal regardless of pipe wall thickness. TDW can provide coated.D. P. The TDW Foam Pig Line is offered in five different configurations: REDSKIN™ Swab Pig (RS-7) REDSKIN Bristle Pig (RBR-7) REDSKIN RoughRider® Pig (RRR-7) REDSKIN Bidirectional Pig (RSBD-7) WHITESKIN™ Pig (WS-2) The WHITESKIN Pig is available in sizes 2” through 42” and is recommended for shorter runs for air or water service. and helps prevent corrosion. One version is bidirectional. Inc. bare swabs and bristlecoated foam pigs in sizes 2”-48” and in varying densities. Williamson. which effectively scrapes and wipes the pipeline wall. which allows the pig to run in either direction.001. / Printed in USA .D. The urethane cleaning wrap with bypass groove is effective for removing soft deposits such as paraffin. Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 Fax: 918-664-7091 www. budgeting and meeting the specifications for your individual application needs.through 24-inch Bulletin No: 3020. Inc.001.O. Transmitters may be mounted. highhumidity regions.Foam Pigs Sizes: 2. Box 1121 Each REDSKIN pig is made from TDW’s tough. The REDSKIN Pig is especially effective for line filling and dewatering associated with hydrostatic testing. USA: 1-800-571-7447 England: (44) 1-793-603600 Tulsa. / ® Registered trademark of T. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T. and major diameter reductions. water evacuation and drying. is committed to providing you with the exact product to assist you in planning. Special handling ropes may be added.D. Wire brushes with bypass grooves provide full pipe coverage for effective cleaning and removal of hard deposits. Urethane cleaning wrap with bypass groove is effective for removing soft deposits such as paraffin. Wire brushes with bypass grooves provide full pipe coverage for effective cleaning and removal of hard deposits. Williamson. REDSKIN™ Foam Pigs Description Features The TDW Foam Pig Line is an economical and effective pig for several applications. miter bends. Sizes range from 2” through 24” for REDSKIN Pigs. 250 58 3. Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 Fax: 918-664-7091 www.500 165 10.625 320 21.250 185 5.2 15 6. TDW Pigging Products P. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2007.D.0 201-1472-1062-07 02-2492-1062-07 02-2558-1062-07 01-1505-1062-07 01-1507-1062 12 300 14 6.625 270 17.500 140 4.4 12 5.500 265 9.9 0.1 0.5 3.000 762 Size Swab Weight Bidirectional Weight Swab Bristle Part Numbers RoughRider® Inches mm Lbs.O.05 0.2 0.2 01-1472-0437-07 02-2492-0437-07 02-2558-0437-07 01-1505-0437-07 01-1507-0437 6 150 1.9 7.5 0.8 01-1472-1400-07 02-2492-1400-07 02-2558-1400-07 01-1505-1400-07 01-1507-1400 16 400 17 7.3 0.9 1. Williamson.1 0.000 914 30.290 541 18.000 450 27. Inc.1 3.8 01-1472-0650-07 02-2492-0650-07 02-2558-0650-07 01-1505-0650-07 01-1507-0650 8 200 4.7 16 7. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified.000 305 10 250 10.0 3.D.7 0.7 Data subject to change without notice.3 01-1472-1600-07 02-2492-1600-07 02-2558-1600-07 01-1505-1600-07 01-1507-1600 18 450 25 11 23 10 01-1472-1800-07 02-2492-1800-07 02-2558-1800-07 01-1505-1800-07 01-1507-1800 20 500 34 15 31 14 01-1472-2000-07 02-2492-2000-07 02-2558-2000-07 01-1505-2000-07 01-1507-2000 22 550 47 21 43 20 01-1472-2200-07 02-2492-2200-07 02-2558-2200-07 01-1505-2200-07 01-1507-2200 24 600 90 41 81 37 01-1472-2400-07 02-2492-2400-07 02-2558-2400-07 01-1505-2400-07 01-1507-2400 Consult the factory for larger sizes.500 572 20 500 20. All rights reserved T.000 762 25. / ® Registered trademark of T.000 508 18 450 18.000 635 22 550 22.001.562 215 14. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T.tdwilliamson. Lbs.500 114 4 100 4.p2 Configurations B A D Size D A B Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm 2 50 2.125 359 12.1 01-1472-0325-07 02-2492-0325-07 02-2558-0325-07 01-1505-0325-07 01-1507-0325 4 100 0.000 500 30.1 0.000 350 21.4 2.250 83 5.000 229 8 200 8. Williamson. (RS-7) (RBR-7) (RRR-7) (RSBD-7) (WS-2) Bidirectional WHITESKIN™ 2 50 0.000 381 12 300 12.000 550 33.000 610 20.750 95 3.4 01-1472-1262-07 02-2492-1262-07 02-2558-1262-07 01-1505-1262-07 01-1507-1262 14 350 18 8. / Printed in USA .05 01-1472-0225-07 02-2492-0225-07 02-2558-0225-07 01-1505-0225-07 01-1507-0225 3 80 0.6 0. Kg.Dimensions and Part Numbers Foam Pigs 3020.000 457 16 400 16.7 01-1472-0856-07 02-2492-0856-07 02-2558-0856-07 01-1505-0856-07 01-1507-0856 10 250 8. Box 1121 Tulsa.000 400 24.000 76 3 80 3.500 698 24 600 24. Kg.2 0. Williamson.875 149 6 150 6. Inc.900 556 18.000 686 22.000 838 27.375 110 7.D.000 600 36.000 457 14 350 14.750 451 15. Inc. 002. WCK Pigs come equipped with tempered steel wire brushes and urethane cups. lightweight.through 14-inch Bulletin No: 3000. WCK Cleaning Pigs are used to improve and maintain all types of pipelines by removing contaminants and deposits in the pipe.). etc. Inc. / Printed in USA .03 Date: May 2010 Cross Indexing No: n/a Supersedes: 3000. WCK-12DD and WCK-3DD Pigs are available in sizes 6" x 8" (150 mm x 200 mm) through 14" x 16" (350 mm x 400 mm). All rights reserved T. Williamson. tough elastomer. Williamson. a high-strength. extra bypass holes can be drilled through the cups. Neoprene and Viton. For severe deposits. Both types of pigs are built with TDW steel wire brushes. Inc.D. reduced blistering. Box 1121 WCK Cleaning Pigs are built with TDW's urethane scraper cups or discs. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified. USA: 1-800-571-7447 England: (44) 1-793-603600 Data subject to change without notice. An outlet port at the front end of the WCK Pigs provides fluid bypass to prevent piling of loosened material.002. TDW Pigging Products P.D. made from high-carbon. Both types have tempered steel springs that force the brushes against the pipe and flex inward to avoid obstructions.02 (1/07) Options WCK-12 and WCK-3 Pigs are available in sizes 6" (150 mm) through 14" (350 mm). / ® Registered trademark of T. exceptional resistance to hydrocarbons. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2010. Inc. check to see if the selection is capable of traversing your particular pipeline components (bends.O. and increased abrasion resistance. valves. tempered steel. Cups and discs are available in Buna-N. Advantages of urethane cups and discs include minimum swelling. Williamson. which are made of liquid-cast urethane. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T.tdwilliamson. WCK Pigs are available with heavy duty type urethane scraper cups. which decreases pipeline efficiency.D. Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 WCK12 WCK3-Blades Fax: 918-664-7091 www. Dual-diameter (DD) WCK Pigs clean multiple sizes of pipe in one run. To help you obtain the proper pig for your application. WCK3 Cleaning Pig WCK3DD Description Features Contamination buildup increases resistance to flow. Cups and discs operate in temperatures ranging from -20°F to 200°F (-29°C to 93°C). tees. Urethane plow blades are available in place of wire brushes. WCK-DD Pigs are built with a collapsible urethane disk.WCK Cleaning Pigs Sizes: 6. The dual diameter WCK Pigs for cleaning multiple sizes of pipe are equipped with steel wire brushes and discs. Slotted Urethane Cup Bypass Plug Coupler Pin Coupler Block Cotter Pin Disc. Part Number 15 20 34 49 54 02-1798-0000 02-1799-0000 02-1900-0000 02-1901-0000 02-1902-0000 WCK-3DD Pigs 20 02-1925-0000 29 02-1926-0000 32 02-1927-0000 50 02-1928-0000 55 02-1929-0000 59 02-1930-0000 63 02-1931-0000 Components Item 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 22 27 28 29 31 TDW Pigging Products Description Body Flange Brush Holder Spacer Spring Assembly Screw Body Nut Nose and Rear Bumper Spring Liner Coupler Spring Disc. Solid Guide Pin Cotter Pin ESNA Nut Washer P./Lbs./Lbs. Inc. Part Number 11 15 24 34 39 37 43 46 75 78 86-1/2 88 Wt.p2 Sizes 6" through 14" Inches mm Wt. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified.D. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2010./Kg. Oklahoma 74101-1121 WCK-12DD 1 1 16* 8 2 2 32 2 2 8 -4 -1 ---2 8 2 32 2 918-447-5400 WCK-3DD 2 4 16* 8 2 2 32 2 2 8 1 8 -1 2 1 4 4 8 2 32 2 Fax: 918-664-7091 www. Inc.03. / Printed in USA . Inc.O.Dimensions and Part Numbers WCK Cleaning Pigs 3000. Box 1121 WCK-12 1 1 8 8 2 2 16 2 2 8 --2 1 ----8 2 16 2 WCK-3 2 4 8 8 2 2 16 2 2 8 1 -4 1 2 1 4 -8 6 16 2 Tulsa. All rights reserved T./Kg. 6 8 10 12 14 150 200 250 300 350 25 34 53 76 86 6x8 8 x 10 8 x 12 10 x 12 10 x 14 12 x 16 14 x 16 150 200 200 250 250 300 350 x x x x x x x 200 250 300 300 350 400 400 WCK-12 Pigs Wt. Williamson. 02-1903-0000 02-1904-0000 02-1905-0000 02-1906-0000 02-1907-0000 33 44 74 109 120 WCK-12DD Pigs 17 02-1908-0000 20 02-1909-0000 21 02-1910-0000 34 02-1911-0000 35 02-1912-0000 39 02-1913-0000 49 02-1914-0000 44 65 70 110 121 129 139 WCK-3 Pigs Wt.D. Williamson. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T.tdwilliamson.D.002. / ® Registered trademark of Data subject to change without notice. Williamson. Dimensions and Part Numbers WCK Cleaning Pigs 3000.002.03- p3 Dimensions WCK-12 A L WCK-3 B A L Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm 6 8 10 12 14 150 200 250 300 350 17-15/16 20 18-3/8 19-9/16 19-9/16 456 508 467 497 497 22-1/8 24-5/8 24-1/8 25-1/4 25-1/4 562 625 613 641 641 23-15/16 27-1/16 27-11/16 28-13/16 28-1/4 608 687 703 732 718 9-7/16 10-7/8 10-1/8 10-11/16 10-13/16 240 276 257 271 275 28-1/8 31-11/16 33-7/16 34-5/8 33-15/16 714 805 849 879 862 WCK-12DD A Inches 6x8 8 x 10 8 x 12 10 x 12 10 x 14 12 x 16 14 x 16 mm 150 x 200 200 x 250 200 x 300 250 x 300 250 x 350 300 x 400 350 x 400 L Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm 514 645 645 664 664 702 702 23-1/4 30-3/4 30-3/4 32-3/4 32-3/4 34-1/4 34-1/4 591 781 781 832 832 870 870 28-1/4 35-1/4 35-1/4 37-1/4 37-1/4 40-1/4 39-1/4 718 895 895 946 946 1022 997 32-1/4 38-3/4 38-3/4 42-1/4 42-1/4 45-1/4 45-1/4 819 984 984 1073 1073 1149 1149 mm 150 Inches 6x8 WCK-12, WCK-3, WCK-12DD, and WCK-3DD Pigs Spring Liner mm Part Number Wt./Lbs. 150 x 200 00-0054-0001 1/8 8 200 10 250 12 14 300 350 8 x 10 8 x 12 10 x 12 10 x 14 12 x 16 14 x 16 200 200 250 250 300 350 Replacement Parts Inches 6 8 10 12 14 6x8 8 x 10 8 x 12 10 x 12 10 x 14 12 x 16 14 x 16 mm 150 200 250 300 350 150 200 200 250 250 300 350 TDW Pigging Products x x x x x x x 200 250 300 300 350 400 400 P.O. Box 1121 L 20-1/4 25-3/8 25-3/8 26-1/8 26-1/8 27-5/8 27-5/8 Replacement Parts Inches 6 WCK-3DD A Wt./Lbs. 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/4 1/4 1/4 3/4 3/4 1 1 1 1 x 250 x 300 x 300 x 350 x 400 x 400 WCK-12 Pigs Wt./Kg. 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.11 0.11 WCK-12DD Pigs 0.11 0.34 0.34 0.45 0.45 0.45 0.45 00-0054-0001 00-0054-0001 00-0054-0002 00-0054-0002 00-0054-0002 00-0054-0002 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 Brush Holder Part Number 00-0061-0000 00-0061-0001 00-0061-0002 00-0061-0003 00-0061-0003 Wt./Lbs. 1-1/2 1-1/2 2-1/4 2-1/4 2-1/4 00-0061-0001 00-0161-0000 00-0161-0000 00-0165-0000 00-0165-0000 00-0174-0000 00-0174-0000 1-1/2 1-1/2 1-1/2 2-1/4 2-1/4 2-1/4 2-1/4 Tulsa, Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 Wt./Kg. 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 WCK-3 Pigs Wt./Kg. 0.68 0.68 1.02 1.02 1.02 WCK-3DD Pigs 0.68 0.68 0.68 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 Fax: 918-664-7091 Guide Fins Part Number 00-0053-0001 00-0053-0001 00-0053-0001 00-0053-0001 00-0053-0001 00-0053-0001 00-0053-0001 Spring Assembly Part Number 00-0066-0000 00-0068-0000 00-0070-0000 00-0072-0000 00-0072-0000 00-0067-0000 00-0068-0000 00-0068-0000 00-0070-0000 00-0070-0000 00-0072-0000 00-0072-0000 Data subject to change without notice. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified. / ® Registered trademark of T.D. Williamson, Inc. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T.D. Williamson, Inc. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2010. All rights reserved T.D. Williamson, Inc. / Printed in USA Specifications WCK Cleaning Pigs 3000.002.03- p4 WCK-3 Pigs Will Traverse: WCK-12 Pigs Will Traverse: Pipe bends with 6' (1829 mm) radius. 1-1/2 D radius welding ells. Miter bends up to 7-1/2° and 1/2" (13 mm) maximum wall thickness. Minimum straight length between miter bends must equal pig length. Miter bends up to 30° and line pipe with 1/2" (13 mm) maximum wall thickness. Six-inch (150 mm) size limited to 45°, 1-1/2 D radius bends; will not pass 90° bends. All round, full-opening gate and plug valves. For check valves, consult the factory. Tees with full-diameter branch at 90° or 45° to pipeline. All standard round opening gate and plug valves with a seat ring spacing of 5' 1/4" (133 mm) or less. Guide bars are recommended across opening when branch is 75% of pipe ID. Full-diameter side openings at 90° and 45° to pipeline. WCK-12DD & WCK-3DD Pigs Will Traverse: Inches 6x8 8 x 10 8 x 12 10 x 12 10 x 14 12 x 16 14 x 16 6x8 8 x 10 8 x 12 10 x 12 10 x 14 12 x 16 14 x 16 mm 150 x 200 200 x 250 200 x 300 250 x 300 250 x 350 300 x 400 350 x 400 150 200 200 250 250 300 350 x x x x x x x 200 250 300 300 350 400 400 Pig Size Inches mm 6x8 150 x 200 8 x 10 200 x 250 8 x 12 200 x 300 10 x 12 250 x 300 10 x 14 250 x 350 12 x 16 300 x 400 14 x 16 350 x 400 TDW Pigging Products feet/inches 6' in 6" line 8' in 8" line 8' in 8" line 8' in 10" line 8' in 10" line 10' in 12" pipe 8' in 14" pipe WCK-12DD minimum bend radius mm feet/inches 1829 in 150 line 3' in 8" line 2438 in 200 line 5' in 10" line 2438 in 200 line 3' in 12" line 2438 in 250 line 5' in 14" line 2438 in 250 line 4' in 14" line 3048 in 300 pipe 5' in 16" line 2438 in 350 pipe 5' in 16" line 24" in 6" line 24" in 8" line 24" in 8" line 30" in 10" line 30" in 10" line 24" in 12" line 21" in 14" pipe WCK-3DD minimum bend radius 610 in 150 line 12" in 8" line 610 in 200 line 15" in 10" line 610 in 200 line 18" in 12" line 762 in 250 line 18" in 12" line 762 in 250 line 21" in 14" line 610 in 300 line 24" in 16" line 533 in 350 line 24" in 16" line maximum gate valve seat ring spacing WCK-12 WCK-3 Inches mm Inches mm 7-1/2 191 7-1/2 191 10" 254 8-3/8 213 10" 254 8-3/8 213 10-1/2" 267 9 229 10-1/2" 267 8-3/4 222 10-1/2" 267 9-3/4 248 10-1/2" 267 9-3/4 248 P.O. Box 1121 Tulsa, Oklahoma 74101-1121 mm 914 in 200 line 1524 in 250 line 914 in 300 line 1524 in 300 line 1219 in 350 line 1524 in 400 line 1524 in 400 line 305 381 457 457 533 610 610 in in in in in in in 200 250 300 300 350 400 400 line line line line line line line maximum check valve length of bowl WCK-12DD WCK-3DD Inches mm Inches mm 17 432 8 203 22 559 9 229 22 559 9 229 24 610 9 229 24 610 9 229 25 635 9 229 25 635 9 229 918-447-5400 Fax: 918-664-7091 Data subject to change without notice. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified. / ® Registered trademark of T.D. Williamson, Inc. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T.D. Williamson, Inc. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2010. All rights reserved T.D. Williamson, Inc. / Printed in USA Configurations WCK Cleaning Pigs 3000.002.03- p5 3 7 27 8 4 5 6 1 7 29 11 14 10 28 WCK-12 Cleaning Pig 9 15 A L 10 WCK-3 Cleaning Pig 9 4 5 6 28 16 17 12 14 29 3 27 8 1 28 7 31 15 L 3 WCK-12DD Cleaning Pig 7 27 4 B A 8 5 6 1 4 29 13 10 22 31 28 9 15 L WCK-3DD Cleaning Pig 9 15 22 13 7 27 4 8 5 3 12 16 17 1 6 11 30 31 28 L TDW Pigging Products P.O. Box 1121 A Tulsa, Oklahoma 74101-1121 10 A 918-447-5400 Fax: 918-664-7091 Data subject to change without notice. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified. / ® Registered trademark of T.D. Williamson, Inc. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T.D. Williamson, Inc. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2010. All rights reserved T.D. Williamson, Inc. / Printed in USA Pigs can have more brushes in any arrangement.Pencil Brush Cleaning Pig Sizes: 4. Williamson. Pencil Brushes can be provided with a higher density pattern. Inc.D. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T. spring steel wire brushes and polyurethane bumpers and discs. increasing the life of the discs. Pigs may be equipped with an adapter plate on which to mount a "Trip Magnet" for detecting pig passage on a Non-Intrusive Pig Passage Indicator. This pig is rugged and easy to maintain. Pigs may be equipped with a gauge plate. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2012. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified. is committed to providing you with the exact product to assist you with your individual needs. All rights reserved T. thus ensuring effective cleaning of the pipe wall. Inc. The brushes and discs provide excellent support to the pig. The discs can be provided with bypass holes in order to achieve increased bypass.2012 Cross Indexing No: n/a Supersedes: 3000. Pigs may be equipped with an adapter plate on which to mount a pig tracking transmitter. The Pencil Brush Cleaning Pig is offered in three standard configurations and is available in sizes 4-inch and larger. Features Pencil Brush Cleaning Pigs are heavy duty.tdwilliamson. / ® Registered trademark of T. Pigs can be made shorter or longer. aggressive cleaning pigs equipped with a steel body.D. There are three standard configurations as shown above.00 (11. Discs and brushes can be modified for very heavy wall pipe. / Printed in USA . Inc. Williamson. Inc.01 Version: 02. Williamson. The 5D-1BR will traverse a 1. USA: 1-800-571-7447 England: (44) 1-793-603600 TDW Pigging Products P.O.through 42-inch Bulletin No: 3000.010.D. Pigs can have more or fewer discs in any arrangement. Brushes are designed to conform to the inside diameter of pipe.5 DR bend while the 4D-2BR and 4D-2BR PitBoss™ will traverse 3 DR or larger bends. All brushes and scraper discs provide 100 percent circumferential cleaning.D. Some of the special configurations are listed below. Williamson. Special configurations are available to meet virtually any customer specification.2010) Options 4D-2BR PitBoss™ Pencil Brush Pig T. Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 Fax: 918-664-7091 www.010. 5D-1BR Pencil Brush Pig 4D-2BR Pencil Brush Pig Description Pigs may be equipped with a Magnetic Cleaning assembly to remove ferrous debris. All Pencil Brush Pigs are equipped with removable bypass Data subject to change without notice. Box 1121 Tulsa. which provide a jetting action to improve cleaning effectiveness. Both the Pencil and PitBoss brushes (in the case of the 4D-2BR PitBoss Pencil Brush Pig) are very effective at removal of black powder and cleaning deposits from internal pits. The pigs are equipped with nonmetallic bumpers to protect the bolts and prevent metal-to-metal contact during pigging operations. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified.0 32.7 42.0 Data subject to change without notice. Inc.2 18.Dimensions and Part Numbers Pencil Brush Cleaning Pig 3000.50 11. Williamson.6 8.7 14.0 22. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T.0 20.0 16.6 23.D.9 35.0 26.0 42.0 28.0 16.0 38.O.5 44. Box 1121 Tulsa. / ® Registered trademark of T.2 25. Williamson.0 34.4 20.5 37. Williamson. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2012.0 40.9 240 300 355 410 465 525 590 650 715 780 840 895 925 960 990 1035 1080 1125 1170 1215 TDW Pigging Products P.5 6.0 18. All rights reserved T.0 115 165 215 270 320 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 1050 9.010.7 38. Wt.p2 5D-1BR Pencil Brush Pig A B A B Inches mm Wt.7 12.2 36. Inc./Kg Part Number Inches MM Inches MM 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 1050 20 25 34 44 60 94 141 188 235 275 315 355 409 463 517 564 610 656 702 748 9 11 15 20 27 42 63 84 106 124 142 160 184 208 233 254 275 295 316 337 02-3657-0425-32 02-3657-0638-42 02-3657-0838-48 02-3657-1050-56 02-3657-1250-72 02-3657-1375-82 02-3657-1575-144 02-3657-1775-168 02-3657-1975-189 02-3657-2175-204 02-3657-2375-216 02-3657-2575-240 02-3657-2775-261 02-3657-2975-279 02-3657-3175-300 02-3657-3375-324 02-3657-3575-345 02-3657-3775-488 02-3657-3975-520 02-3657-4175-552 4.6 10.0 24./Lbs. / Printed in USA .D.9 40.1 47.3 46.7 28.6 32.tdwilliamson.2 30.80 14.0 30. Inc. Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 Fax: 918-664-7091 www. 0 24.2 38. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified. Inc.0 28.0 28.7 15.7 51.0 42.8 53.1 20.tdwilliamson. All rights reserved T. Inc.8 23. Box 1121 Tulsa.8 40.0 38.0 12.0 40.4 18. Wt.4 44.p3 4D-2BR Pencil Brush Pig A B A B Inches mm Wt. Williamson. / Printed in USA .0 115 165 215 270 320 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 1050 10.5 6. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2012.0 32.9 250 325 390 460 530 595 660 725 785 855 920 985 1025 1065 1100 1155 1210 1260 1315 1370 TDW Pigging Products Data subject to change without notice.D.Dimensions and Part Numbers Pencil Brush Cleaning Pig 3000.5 26.6 8.0 34.0 18. Williamson.0 36. Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 Fax: 918-664-7091 www.0 22. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T.7 12.010./Kg Part Number Inches MM Inches MM 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 1050 22 34 43 55 70 85 150 215 280 320 360 400 463 525 587 637 690 741 792 843 10 15 19 25 32 38 68 97 126 144 162 180 208 236 264 287 311 333 356 379 02-3658-0425-32 02-3658-0638-42 02-3658-0838-48 02-3658-1050-56 02-3658-1250-72 02-3658-1375-82 02-3658-1575-144 02-3658-1775-168 02-3658-1975-189 02-3658-2175-204 02-3658-2375-216 02-3658-2575-240 02-3658-2775-261 02-3658-2975-279 02-3658-3175-300 02-3658-3375-324 02-3658-3575-345 02-3658-3775-488 02-3658-3975-520 02-3658-4175-552 4.6 36.0 20.6 10.0 26.7 14./Lbs.D. Inc.6 49.0 16.0 30.4 41.O.5 47.D.5 31.0 33. Williamson.9 43. / ® Registered trademark of T. 3 25. Williamson.7 44.1 23.7 43. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T.1 21.1 26.9 17.010.0 38.p4 4D-2BR PitBoss™ Pencil Brush Pig A B A B Inches mm Wt.D.9 16.5 285 355 420 485 550 610 670 730 790 850 910 975 1015 1060 1100 1155 1210 1255 1310 1360 TDW Pigging Products P.0 41.Dimensions and Part Numbers Pencil Brush Cleaning Pig 3000.9 35.1 33. Williamson. Inc.8 32.6 190 265 315 380 440 500 530 560 590 640 685 730 780 835 890 940 990 1035 1085 1135 11.6 Data subject to change without notice. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2012.tdwilliamson. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified.8 31.5 53.9 38.5 19. Inc.5 35.5 28.5 47.7 30.5 51.5 10. Box 1121 Tulsa. Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 Fax: 918-664-7091 www.9 28.3 40.O.D.D.4 45. / ® Registered trademark of T.3 19. All rights reserved T.7 20.0 12.0 37.1 26.5 49.9 22.9 40. / Printed in USA .4 14. Wt./Lbs. Williamson.3 13.8 42./Kg Part Number Inches MM Inches MM 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 1050 25 34 41 50 65 80 119 157 195 245 295 345 424 503 582 646 710 774 838 902 11 15 18 23 29 36 53 71 88 110 133 155 191 226 262 291 320 348 377 406 02-3659-0425-32 02-3659-0638-42 02-3659-0838-48 02-3659-1050-56 02-3659-1250-72 02-3659-1375-82 02-3659-1575-144 02-3659-1775-168 02-3659-1975-189 02-3659-2175-204 02-3659-2375-216 02-3659-2575-240 02-3659-2775-261 02-3659-2975-279 02-3659-3175-300 02-3659-3375-324 02-3659-3575-345 02-3659-3775-488 02-3659-3975-520 02-3659-4175-552 7. Inc. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified.Dimensions and Part Numbers Pencil Brush Cleaning Pig 3000. Box 1121 Standard Pencil Brush 00-9501-0425-32 00-9501-0638-42 00-9501-0838-48 00-9501-1044-56 00-9501-1250-72 00-9501-1375-82 00-9501-1575-144 00-9501-1775-168 00-9501-1975-189 00-9501-2175-204 00-9501-2375-216 00-9501-2575-240 00-9501-2775-261 00-9501-2975-279 00-9501-3175-300 00-9501-3375-324 00-9501-3575-345 00-9501-3775-488 00-9501-3975-520 00-9501-4175-552 Tulsa.D. Inc. Inc.D. Inc. / Printed in USA . Data subject to change without notice.A. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2012. Williamson.O. Williamson. Oklahoma 74101-1121 High Density Pencil Brush 00-9501-0425-48 00-9501-0638-63 00-9501-0838-72 00-9501-1044-84 00-9501-1250-108 00-9501-1375-123 00-9501-1575-216 00-9501-1775-252 00-9501-1975-284 00-9501-2175-308 00-9501-2375-324 00-9501-2575-360 00-9501-2775-392 00-9501-2975-420 00-9501-3175-452 00-9501-3375-488 00-9501-3575-520 00-9501-3775-730 00-9501-3975-780 00-9501-4175-825 918-447-5400 PitBoss ™ Brush N. 00-9502-0006-00 00-9502-0008-00 00-9502-0010-00 00-9502-1214-00 00-9502-1214-00 00-9502-0016-00 00-9502-0018-00 00-9502-0020-00 00-9502-0022-00 00-9502-0024-00 00-9502-0026-00 00-9502-0028-00 00-9502-0030-00 00-9502-0032-00 00-9502-0034-00 00-9502-0036-00 00-9502-0038-00 00-9502-0040-00 00-9502-0042-00 Fax: 918-664-7091 www. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T. All rights reserved T.tdwilliamson. / ® Registered trademark of T.010.p5 Replacement Parts Size 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 Guide Disc 00-9507-0004-00 00-9507-0006-00 00-9507-0008-00 00-9507-0010-00 00-9507-0012-00 00-9507-0014-00 00-7699-0016-00 00-7699-0018-00 00-9507-0020-00 00-7699-0022-00 00-9507-0024-00 00-9507-0026-00 00-9507-0028-00 00-9507-0030-00 00-9507-0032-00 00-9507-0034-00 00-9507-0036-00 00-9507-0038-00 00-9507-0040-00 00-9507-0042-00 TDW Pigging Products Seal Disc 00-9508-0004-00 00-9508-0006-00 00-9508-0008-00 00-9508-0010-00 00-9508-0012-00 00-9508-0014-00 00-7698-0016-00 00-7698-0018-00 00-9508-0020-00 00-7698-0022-00 00-9508-0024-00 00-9508-0026-00 00-9508-0028-00 00-9508-0030-00 00-9508-0032-00 00-9508-0034-00 00-9508-0036-00 00-9508-0038-00 00-9508-0040-00 00-9508-0042-00 P.D. Buna-N or Viton.O. Non-wearing components are constructed of Ultra High Molecular Weight (UHMW) polyethylene to protect internal pipe and valve surfaces. / ® Registered trademark of T. using standard TDW components. Description TDW's OptionAll™ Batching Pigs can be assembled into several configurations. Aluminum.004. / Printed in USA . slotted aluminum or steel gauging flanges can be provided. Due to the unique design of the OptionAll Pig. Special configurations can be made to meet virtually any customer specification.OptionAll Batching Pigs ™ Sizes: 4. long-wearing design provides users with the option to dispose of or to rebuild the pig.D. Inc. Inc.D. Sample of Batching Pigs Pig bodies can be provided with cavities to house transmitters for tracking or locating purposes.tdwilliamson. which are designed to allow the pig to be easily hooked and removed from the receiving Data subject to change without notice. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified. Features The OptionAll Batching Pig features TDW's Formula SI polyurethane which is designed to provide superior abrasion resistance. TDW has assembled seven standard configurations to meet most applications. Williamson. Large-diameter conical cups are designed to seal in the thinnest of pipe walls.03 (2/06) Options T.D. The OptionAll Pig is designed to traverse 1. The replaceable cups and discs make special configurations easy and its low cost gives users the option to dispose of or rebuild the pig after hard use. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2007.D.004. This new polyurethane means more miles and more runs at less cost. The OptionAll Batching Pig is designed to fit many needs. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T.5 DR bends (unless otherwise noted). Some of the possible special configurations are listed below: Pigs can be made shorter or longer. check valves and full-size tees designed for pig passage. Williamson. All rights reserved T. The OptionAll Batching Pig is designed for light cleaning. customization is quickly accomplished with simple hand tools to achieve the best option for your pigging application. Box 1121 Recessed steel bolt and locknut construction is designed to prevent breakup of the pig in the pipeline. Pig cups and/or discs can be provided with bypass holes for maximum cleaning effectiveness. Williamson. P. Pig cups and/or discs can be provided in Neoprene. Tulsa.04 Date: January 2007 Cross Indexing No: n/a Supersedes: 3030. Inc. Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 USA: 1-800-571-7447 England: (44) 1-793-603600 Fax: 918-664-7091 www. Inc.Williamson. is committed to providing you with the exact product to assist you in meeting the needs of your individual applications. TDW Pigging Products Pigs can have more or fewer cups and/ or discs in any arrangement. Low-cost. line filling and dewatering. batch separation and liquid removal. Lightweight design can be handled by one person and reduces shipping costs.through 14-inch Bulletin No: 3030. All OptionAll Pigs are supplied with large eye rings. Cups and/or discs can be modified for extra heavy wall pipe. 6 16.4) 19 (8.4 14.9 24.6) 26 (12) 30 (14) 01-1700-0004 01-1700-0006 01-1700-0008 01-1700-0010 01-1700-0012 01-1700-0014 8.9 19.5 (2.0 (114) (168) (219) (270) (321) (356) 3C Configuration A B C 3C configurations are recommended for light cleaning.0 20.7 24.62 10. All rights reserved T.0 (0. They are normally used in pipelines up to 50 miles (80 km) in length.9) 5.O. For operating pipelines.62 8. Williamson. / Printed in USA .2) 6. a 3C or 4C configuration would be recommended.94 13. For operating pipelines. Inc. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified.00 12.6 14.0 (114) (168) (219) (270) (321) (356) www.6) 12 (5.1 17. Williamson.D.8 ( Data subject to change without notice. Inc.6 (203) (319) (430) (489) (608) (625) C Inch (mm) (159) (252) (350) (401) (494) (498) 4.38 13.50 6. Williamson. Inc. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2007. batch separation and liquid removal.004 .62 10.8 19.5 25. batch separation and liquid removal.9) 14 (6.25 9.2 23. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T.D.6 12. line filling and dewatering.6 12. Box 1121 Size Inch (mm) Weight Lbs (Kg) Part Number A Inch (mm) B Inch (mm) 4 (100) 6 (150) 8 (200) 10 (250) 12 (300) 14 (350) 4.50 6. (For longer runs.D.4 19. a 4C configuration would be recommended.62 10.4) 22 (10) 32 (15) 38 (17) 01-1701-0004 01-1701-0006 01-1701-0008 01-1701-0010 01-1701-0012 01-1701-0014 8. Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 (213) (332) (441) (500) (622) (640) C Inch (mm) (168) (265) (361) (412) (509) (513) Fax: 918-664-7091 4.) Size Inch (mm) Weight Lbs (Kg) Part Number A Inch (mm) B Inch (mm) 4 (100) 6 (150) 8 (200) 10 (250) 12 (300) 14 (350) 2.) TDW Pigging Products P. line filling and dewatering. (For longer runs. a 4C or DCDC configuration is recommended.5 19. / ® Registered trademark of T.2 6.6 6.62 8.Configurations OptionAll Batching Pigs ™ 3030.2 16.2 20. a 4C or DCDC is recommended.6 14.8 (2.2 Tulsa.tdwilliamson. They are normally used in pipelines up to 100 miles (161 km) in length.p2 2C Configuration A B C 2C configurations are recommended for light cleaning.8 15. 1 25. line filling and dewatering.6 20.1 25.1) 13 (5.0 (114) (168) (219) (270) (321) (356) www.Configurations OptionAll Batching Pigs ™ 3030.6 12.7 20. Inc. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T.9 14. Discs are effective in removing loose solids and soft paraffin buildups from pipe walls.6 17.75 13.7 16.2) 8. Box 1121 Size Inch (mm) Weight Lbs (Kg) Part Number A Inch (mm) B Inch (mm) 4 (100) 6 (150) 8 (200) 10 (250) 12 (300) 14 (350) 2.9 7.7 (1.6 12.) TDW Pigging Products P.75 13.D. / ® Registered trademark of T.7 14. (A bypass option is recommended if a significant amount of solids is expected.25 11. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified.2 23.50 6.8 20. Inc. Size Inch (mm) Weight Lbs (Kg) Part Number A Inch (mm) B Inch (mm) 4 (100) 6 (150) 8 (200) 10 (250) 12 (300) 14 (350) 2. batch separation and liquid removal in pipelines of all lengths.2 (1.6 14.p3 4C Configuration A B C 4C configurations are recommended for light cleaning.9 (3. Williamson.5 23.00 10.4 21.D.9) 22 (10) 31 (14) 36 (16) 01-1703-0004 01-1703-0006 01-1703-0008 01-1703-0010 01-1703-0012 01-1703-0014 8.8 7. natural gas and refined products pipelines of all lengths.tdwilliamson.50 Data subject to change without notice.62 10.0) 6.D.6 14. / Printed in USA .7 16.8 Tulsa.62 8. Williamson.62 10.O.3) 27 (12) 38 (17) 46 (21) 01-1702-0004 01-1702-0006 01-1702-0008 01-1702-0010 01-1702-0012 01-1702-0014 8. Inc. Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 (222) (348) (424) (470) (589) (607) Fax: 918-664-7091 (184) (297) (373) (416) (535) (552) C Inch (mm) 4.7 16.004 . All rights reserved T.62 8. Williamson.8 (222) (344) (452) (511) (637) (654) (178) (278) (372) (423) (523) (527) C Inch (mm) 4.7 18.6) 16 (7.0 21. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2007.0 (114) (168) (219) (270) (321) (356) DCDC Configuration A B C DCDC configurations are recommended for medium-duty cleaning in crude oil.0 (3. 25 8. Williamson.Configurations OptionAll Batching Pigs ™ 3030.9 20.5 13.8 918-447-5400 (235) (381) (444) (540) (629) (629) B Inch (mm) 6.1 17. They are normally used for line filling-testing-dewatering applications in lines up to 60 miles (97 km) in length.9 (165) (289) (352) (441) (530) (530) Fax: 918-664-7091 C Inch (mm) 4.50 14.9 (3.5 6.D.2 24. All rights reserved T. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T.D.0) 12 (5.D. Box 1121 Tulsa. Williamson.38 10.8 (110) (159) (213) (267) (318) (349) 6D Configuration A B C 6D configurations are recommended for bi-directional applications in which the pig has to be run in two directions before being removed from the line.) Part Number 4 (100) 6 (150) 8 (200) 10 (250) 12 (300) 14 (350) 2.8 21.4) 22 (10) 31 (14) 32 (15) 01-1705-0004 01-1705-0006 01-1705-0008 01-1705-0010 01-1705-0012 01-1705-0014 9.9 18.0) 7.4 13. / ® Registered trademark of T.31 6.0 17.tdwilliamson.5 12.O.25 15.5 13.7 (3.6) 15 (6. Size Inch (mm) Weight Lbs (Kg) Part Number A Inch (mm) B Inch (mm) 4 (100) 6 (150) 8 (200) 10 (250) 12 (300) 14 (350) 2. Oklahoma 74101-1121 A Inch (mm) 9.5 24. Inc.31 6.0 (0.5 21.50 11. Inc. Williamson. They are normally used for line filling-testing-dewatering applications in lines up to 40 miles (65 km) in length.9 Data subject to change without notice.2 15. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2007. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified.0 24.004 .8 24.8 (110) (159) (213) (267) (318) (349) www.1 20.9) 6. Inc.5 12. TDW Pigging Products Size Inch (mm) Weight Lbs (Kg.6 20.p4 4D Configuration A B C 4D configurations are recommended for bi-directional applications in which the pig has to be run in two directions before being removed from the line.38 10. / Printed in USA .6 (241) (378) (476) (533) (622) (622) (171) (286) (384) (435) (524) (524) C Inch (mm) 4.4 20.8) 25 (11) 36 (16) 39 (18) 01-1706-0004 01-1706-0006 01-1706-0008 01-1706-0010 01-1706-0012 01-1706-0014 P.25 8.75 11.1 (1. Inc.62 (505) 10.) Part Number A Inch (mm) B Inch (mm) C Inch (mm) D Inch (mm) 6x8 (150x200) 10 (4. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2007.5) 01-1708-0608 16.14" 3.0 .5 .88 (607) 20.50 (267) 1.12" Dual diameter configurations are recommended for applications in which the pig has to run in multiple sizes of pipe in one run.0 .00 (406) 12.O.5 .50 12x14 (300x350) 26.14" 3.0 . Inc.6" (260) 8.62 (505) 12.0 .004 .2) 01-1708-1012 22.25 10x12 (250x300) 22.0 (10. Williamson.3 (6. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified. Box 1121 Tulsa.38 (213) 1.5 . TDW Pigging Products P.88 (607) 20.25 8x12 (150x300) 14.5 (10.D.8" (311) 8.00 (559) 18.10" (343) 12.7) 01-1708-1216 22.5 .tdwilliamson.62 (473) 13.50 (318) 1. Data subject to change without notice.Configurations OptionAll Batching Pigs ™ 3030.25 (159) 8x10 (150x250) 13.D.38 (213) 1.0 .12" 3.62 (473) 13.12" 3.3 (12.88 (327) 8. / ® Registered trademark of T.0 (6.25 (210) 6.25 10x14 (250x350) 24. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T.8" 3.8" (311) 10.50 Min Bend Radius 1. Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 Fax: 918-664-7091 www. All rights reserved T.0) 01-1708-0810 23. / Printed in USA . Inc.p5 DD Configuration A B C D Size Inch (mm) Weight Lbs (Kg.62 (473) 12.10" 3.10" (343) 10. Williamson.5 .00 (559) 18.0 .50 (267) 1.3) 01-1708-0812 23.5 .D.00 (559) 18.8) 01-1708-1014 22. D.4 3. / Printed in USA . Williamson. Box 1121 Tulsa. Inc.8 1.7) (1. Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 Fax: 918-664-7091 www.7 6. Data subject to change without notice. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T. of Eql Sp Holes 4" (100 mm) 6" (150 mm) 8" (200 mm) 10" (250 mm) 12" (300 mm) 14" (350 mm) 4 6 8 8 8 8 Diameter of Holes .5) (1. Inc. All rights reserved T. / ® Registered trademark of T.75" (10mm) (13mm) (13mm) (16mm) (19mm) (19mm) * for approximately 3% bypass Cups and discs with bypass holes are available from the factory. Wood boring bits are recommended for drilling holes in urethane.D.) 0.7) (2.5 2.5) (1.37" .2 0. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified.D.2) (0.1) (1.p6 Replacement Cups and Discs Size Inch (mm) 4 (100) 6 (150) 8 (200) 10 (250) 12 (300) 14 (350) Cup Weight Lbs (Kg.1) (0.tdwilliamson.O.50" .50" .8) Disc Part Number 00-1702-0014-00 00-1702-0001-00 00-1702-0002-00 00-1702-0003-00 00-1702-0004-00 00-1702-0010-00 Bypass Hole Recommendations* Bypass Holes Size No.6) Cup Part Number 00-4120-0004-03 00-4120-0006-03 00-4120-0008-03 00-4120-0010-03 00-4120-0012-03 00-4120-0014-03 Disc Weight Lbs (Kg.0 (0.0 8.75" . in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2007.0 (0.) 0.5 3.2 2.1) (1.004 .4 4.Ordering Information OptionAll Batching Pigs ™ 3030. Inc.63" . Williamson.4 1.4) (0. TDW Pigging Products P.7) (3. Two. ® Features VANTAGE V Batching Pigs are multi-use pigs designed for batching. displacing and light cleaning of pipelines 10-inch and larger. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified. / ® Registered trademark of T. All cups and discs are replaceable and can be interchanged or reconfigured.and four-cup configurations can be provided. a cone shape and a small bolt circle.The VANTAGE V Batching Pig is offered in several configurations.006.006. The VANTAGE V Pigs are equipped with nonmetallic bumpers to protect the bolts and prevent metal to metal contact during pigging operations. ® The basic two-cup configuration will satisfy most new construction batching/displacing applications. Williamson.D. The pig is designed to traverse 20 percent reductions due to anomalies in the pipe without damaging the pipe or pig.O. increasing the cup life. The conical cup features a large wear Data subject to change without notice. All rights reserved T.04 Date: January 2007 Cross Indexing No: n/a Supersedes: 3000. Box 1121 Tulsa. as well as a disc/ cup configuration. It is available in sizes 10-inch and larger.D. Cups and discs provide excellent sealing capabilities and flexibility.D. Williamson. Williamson. The VANTAGE V Batching Pig is rugged and easy to maintain. / Printed in USA . It may be equipped with an adapter plate on which to mount a pig tracking transmitter. It features a consistent design throughout the size range and is available in several different standard configurations to meet most pigging applications. A four-cup or disc/cup design is recommended for: Batching products with critical interface contamination points Displacing liquids on excessively long runs The disc/cup configuration allows for additional batching and light cleaning. 3D2CC VANTAGE V Batching Pig ® with RealSeal Cups (10-inch size shown) ® 5D2CC VANTAGE V Batching Pig (12-inch size shown) ® It may be equipped with a magnet kit to remove ferrous debris. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T. ® USA: 1-800-571-7447 England: (44) 1-793-603600 TDW Pigging Products P. is committed to providing you with the exact product to assist you in meeting your individual needs..03 (4/04) Options T. It may be equipped with dual diameter cups. Description RealSeal Multi-Lip cups are available for increased seal effectiveness and wear life. Inc. Williamson. Inc.or four-cup and disc-cup configurations can be provided.VANTAGE V Batching Pig ® Sizes: 10-inch and larger Bulletin No: 3000. Traversing long-bowl checks and wedge gate valves. The disc also adds support to the pig. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2007. Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 Fax: 918-664-7091 www. Two. Inc. Inc.tdwilliamson. RealSeal Multi-Lip Cup: Patented in the United States and in foreign countries.D. Williamson. TDW Pigging Products P. Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 Fax: 918-664-7091 www. A ® Size Inch mm 10 250 12 300 14 350 16 400 18 450 20 500 22 550 24 600 26 650 28 700 30 750 32 800 34 850 36 900 40 1000 42 1050 Part Number 01-1970-0010 01-1970-0012 01-1970-0014 01-1299-0000 01-1300-0000 01-1301-0000 01-1302-0000 01-1303-0000 01-1304-0000 01-1305-0000 01-1306-0000 01-1307-0000 01-1308-0000 01-1309-0000 01-1310-0000 01-1311-0000 Weight Lbs. / ® Registered trademark of T. Kg.D.5 DR . in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of Data subject to change without notice. Williamson.p2 2CC Configuration L The 2CC VANTAGE V Batching Pigs are recommended for light to medium batching and in lines with 1. / Printed in USA . Inc. Williamson. Inc. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified.O. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2007.90° bends. Inc.Dimensions and Part Numbers VANTAGE V Batching Pigs ® 3000.D.006 . 18 8 23 10 24 11 42 19 68 31 75 34 129 58 139 63 165 74 177 80 260 117 280 126 375 169 399 180 638 287 664 299 Allowable Pipe ID Variations Minimum Maximum Inch mm Inch mm 9-3/4 246 10-1/2 266 11-3/4 300 12-1/2 317 13 330 13-3/4 349 14-3/4 375 15-5/8 397 16-3/4 425 17-5/8 448 18-3/4 476 19-5/8 498 20-1/2 521 21-3/4 552 22-1/2 572 23-3/4 603 24-1/2 622 25-3/4 654 26-1/2 673 27-3/4 705 28-1/4 718 29-3/4 756 30-1/4 768 31-3/4 806 32-1/4 819 33-3/4 857 34-1/4 870 35-3/4 908 38 965 39-3/4 1010 40 1016 41-3/4 1060 A Inch 14-9/16 14-7/16 14-1/2 20-1/2 24-1/4 24-1/2 29-1/4 29-1/2 34 34-1/4 39-3/4 40 46-1/4 46-1/2 52-3/4 53 L mm 370 367 368 521 616 622 743 749 864 870 1010 1016 1175 1181 1340 1346 Inch 19-11/16 20-9/16 21-1/4 23-9/16 27-3/8 28-5/8 32-5/8 33-7/8 38-7/16 39-11/16 44-1/2 45-3/4 51-1/2 52-7/8 58-7/8 60-1/8 mm 500 522 540 598 695 727 829 860 976 1008 1130 1162 1308 1343 1495 1527 Consult the factory for larger sizes.D. Box 1121 Tulsa.tdwilliamson. All rights reserved T. Inc. Inc. TDW Pigging Products P. Inc. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2007.D. Williamson.5 DR . in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T. This pig will traverse most long-bowl check valves and full-opening wedge gate valves. / Printed in USA . Box 1121 Tulsa. Williamson. All rights reserved T.tdwilliamson.p3 4CC Configuration L The 4CC VANTAGE V Batching Pigs are recommended for medium to heavy batching and lines with 1. 24 11 34 15 36 16 74 34 126 57 127 58 223 101 243 110 287 130 311 141 426 193 446 202 613 278 661 300 1026 465 1078 489 Allowable Pipe Minimum Inch mm 9-3/4 246 11-3/4 300 13 330 14-3/4 375 16-3/4 425 18-3/4 476 20-1/2 521 22-1/2 572 24-1/2 622 26-1/2 673 28-1/4 718 30-1/4 768 32-1/4 819 34-1/4 870 38 965 40 1016 ID Variations Maximum Inch mm 10-1/2 266 12-1/2 317 13-3/4 349 15-5/8 397 17-5/8 448 19-5/8 498 21-3/4 552 23-3/4 603 25-3/4 654 27-3/4 705 29-3/4 756 31-3/4 806 33-3/4 857 35-3/4 908 39-3/4 1010 41-3/4 1060 A Inch 16-11/16 20-9/16 20-5/8 27 31-3/4 32 38-1/2 38 44-1/4 44-1/2 51-1/4 51-1/2 59-1/4 59-1/2 67-3/4 68 mm 424 522 524 686 806 813 978 984 1124 1130 1302 1308 1505 1511 1721 1727 B Inch mm 4-1/16 103 4-7/16 113 4-1/2 114 5-1/4 133 6 152 6-1/4 159 7-3/8 187 7-5/8 194 8-3/8 213 8-5/8 219 9-1/2 241 9-3/4 248 10-3/4 273 11 279 12-1/2 318 12-3/4 324 L Inch 21-1/16 26-11/16 27-3/8 29-1/16 33-7/8 35-1/8 41-3/16 42-7/16 47-15/16 49-3/16 55-3/8 56-5/8 64-1/8 65-1/2 73-1/2 74-3/4 mm 535 678 695 738 860 892 1046 1078 1218 1249 1406 1438 1629 1664 1867 1899 Consult the factory for larger sizes. Data subject to change without notice. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified.006 .O. / ® Registered trademark of T. Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 Fax: 918-664-7091 www.D.D.90° bends. ® Size Inch mm 10 250 12 300 14 350 16 400 18 450 20 500 22 550 24 600 26 650 28 700 30 750 32 800 34 850 36 900 40 1000 42 1050 Part Number 01-1972-0010 01-1972-0012 01-1972-0014 01-1379-0000 01-1380-0000 01-1381-0000 01-1382-0000 01-1383-0000 01-1384-0000 01-1385-0000 01-1386-0000 01-1387-0000 01-1388-0000 01-1389-0000 01-1390-0000 01-1391-0000 A B Weight Lbs.Dimensions and Part Numbers VANTAGE V Batching Pigs ® 3000. Williamson. D.D. / Printed in USA .O. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2007. All rights reserved T. 19 9 27 12 30 14 62 28 92 42 105 48 170 77 190 86 230 104 250 113 345 156 380 172 505 229 555 252 845 383 905 411 Allowable Pipe Minimum Inch mm 9-3/4 246 11-3/4 300 13 330 14-3/4 375 16-3/4 425 18-3/4 476 20-1/2 521 22-1/2 572 24-1/2 622 26-1/2 673 28-1/4 718 30-1/4 768 32-1/4 819 34-1/4 870 38 965 40 1016 L ID Variations Maximum Inch mm 10-1/2 266 12-1/2 317 13-3/4 349 15-5/8 397 17-5/8 448 19-5/8 498 21-3/4 552 23-3/4 603 25-3/4 654 27-3/4 705 29-3/4 756 31-3/4 806 33-3/4 857 35-3/4 908 39-3/4 1010 41-3/4 1060 A Inch 14-11/16 18-9/16 19-1/4 23-15/16 27-3/4 29 33-5/8 34-7/8 39-3/8 40-5/8 45-3/4 47 53-3/8 54-3/4 61-1/4 62-1/2 B mm 373 471 489 608 705 737 854 886 1000 1032 1162 1194 1356 1391 1556 1588 L Inch mm 3-3/4 95 4-5/8 117 5-5/16 135 4-7/16 113 4-3/4 121 5-7/8 149 6 152 7-1/8 181 7-3/8 187 8-3/8 213 8-5/8 219 9-5/8 244 9-3/4 248 11-1/8 283 11-1/2 292 12-3/4 324 Inch 18-7/16 22-5/16 23 24-11/16 28-1/2 29-3/4 34-1/2 35-3/4 40-1/4 41-1/2 46-3/4 48 54-5/8 56 62-3/4 64 mm 468 567 584 627 724 756 876 908 1022 1054 1187 1219 1387 1422 1594 1626 Consult the factory for larger sizes. Williamson. ® Size Inch mm 10 250 12 300 14 350 16 400 18 450 20 500 22 550 24 600 26 650 28 700 30 750 32 800 34 850 36 900 40 1000 42 1050 Part Number 01-1633-0010 01-1633-0012 01-1633-0014 01-1633-0016 01-1633-0018 01-1633-0020 01-1633-0022 01-1633-0024 01-1633-0026 01-1633-0028 01-1633-0030 01-1633-0032 01-1633-0034 01-1633-0036 01-1633-0040 01-1633-0042 A B Weight Lbs. Inc. Kg. This pig will traverse most long bowl check valves and full-opening wedge gate valves.tdwilliamson. The pigs will traverse 1. Box 1121 Tulsa. Williamson. Williamson. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T.D. Inc. / ® Registered trademark of T.Dimensions and Part Numbers VANTAGE V Batching Pigs ® 3000.006 . TDW Pigging Products P.90° bends. Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 Fax: 918-664-7091 www. Data subject to change without notice. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified.5 DR .p4 DCDC Configuration The DCDC VANTAGE V Batching Pigs are recommended for medium to heavy batching. / ® Registered trademark of T. Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 Fax: 918-664-7091 www. All rights reserved T. Box 1121 Tulsa. 20 9 32 15 35 16 52 25 89 40 101 46 160 73 190 89 211 96 266 121 353 160 394 179 475 215 561 254 826 375 919 417 Allowable Pipe ID Variations Minimum Maximum Inch mm Inch mm 9-3/4 246 10-1/2 266 11-3/4 300 12-1/2 317 13 330 13-3/4 349 14-3/4 375 15-5/8 397 16-3/4 425 17-5/8 448 18-3/4 476 19-5/8 498 20-1/2 521 21-3/4 552 22-1/2 572 23-3/4 603 24-1/2 622 25-3/4 654 26-1/2 673 27-3/4 705 28-1/4 718 29-3/4 756 30-1/4 768 31-3/4 806 32-1/4 819 33-3/4 857 34-1/4 870 35-3/4 908 38 965 39-3/4 1010 40 1016 41-3/4 1060 A Inch 15-1/16 19-7/16 20-1/8 25-7/16 29-1/2 31-1/8 35-5/16 37-1/16 41-9/16 43-9/16 48-3/8 50 56-1/4 58-1/8 64-1/2 66-1/4 B mm 382 494 511 646 749 791 897 941 1056 1106 1229 1270 1429 1476 1638 1683 Inch 4-5/8 5-7/8 6-9/16 6-5/16 6-7/8 8-3/8 8-1/16 9-11/16 9-15/16 11-11/16 11-3/8 12-7/8 13-1/8 14-7/8 15-3/8 17 L mm 117 149 167 160 175 213 205 246 252 297 289 327 333 378 391 432 Inch 18-7/16 22-13/16 23-1/2 26-7/16 30-1/2 32-1/8 36-9/16 38-5/16 42-13/16 44-13/16 49-5/8 51-1/4 57-1/2 59-3/8 65-3/4 67-1/2 mm 468 579 597 672 775 816 929 972 1087 1138 1260 1302 1461 1508 1670 1715 Consult the factory for larger sizes. TDW Pigging Products Data subject to change without notice.O.Dimensions and Part Numbers VANTAGE V Batching Pigs ® 3000. Williamson. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T.p5 3D2CC Configuration The 3D2CC VANTAGE V Batching Pigs are recommended for medium to heavy batching and lines with 1.5 DR . / Printed in USA . Williamson. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2007. Williamson. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified. Kg. Inc.tdwilliamson.D.D.D. Inc. Inc.90° bends. B A L ® Size Inch mm 10 250 12 300 14 350 16 400 18 450 20 500 22 550 24 600 26 650 28 700 30 750 32 800 34 850 36 900 40 1000 42 1050 Part Number 01-1772-0010 01-1772-0012 01-1772-0014 01-1772-0016 01-1772-0018 01-1772-0020 01-1772-0022 01-1772-0024 01-1772-0026 01-1772-0028 01-1772-0030 01-1772-0032 01-1772-0034 01-1772-0036 01-1772-0040 01-1772-0042 Weight Lbs. This pig will traverse most long-bowl check valves and full-opening wedge gate valves.006 . Dimensions and Part Numbers VANTAGE V Batching Pigs ® 3000. Kg. TDW Pigging Products P. ® Size Inch mm 10 250 12 300 14 350 16 400 18 450 20 500 22 550 24 600 26 650 28 700 30 750 32 800 34 850 36 900 40 1000 42 1050 Part Number 01-1773-0010 01-1773-0012 01-1773-0014 01-1773-0016 01-1773-0018 01-1773-0020 01-1773-0022 01-1773-0024 01-1773-0026 01-1773-0028 01-1773-0030 01-1773-0032 01-1773-0034 01-1773-0036 01-1773-0040 01-1773-0042 Weight Data subject to change without notice. Inc.5 DR . This pig will traverse most long-bowl check valves and fullopening wedge gate valves. Inc. Box 1121 Tulsa.D. Williamson. Inc. All rights reserved T.006 . in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T. / ® Registered trademark of T. 24 11 38 15 42 19 69 31 106 48 124 56 189 86 228 103 254 115 325 147 417 189 473 215 565 256 670 304 965 438 1083 491 B Allowable Pipe ID Variations Minimum Maximum Inch mm Inch mm 9-3/4 246 10-1/2 266 11-3/4 300 12-1/2 317 13 330 13-3/4 349 14-3/4 375 15-5/8 397 16-3/4 425 17-5/8 448 18-3/4 476 19-5/8 498 20-1/2 521 21-3/4 552 22-1/2 572 23-3/4 603 24-1/2 622 25-3/4 654 26-1/2 673 27-3/4 705 28-1/4 718 29-3/4 756 30-1/4 768 31-3/4 806 32-1/4 819 33-3/4 857 34-1/4 870 35-3/4 908 38 965 39-3/4 1010 40 1016 41-3/4 1060 A L A Inch 16-13/16 21-7/16 22-1/8 28-11/16 33-1/4 35-1/8 39-5/16 41-5/16 45-13/16 48-5/16 53-3/8 55-1/4 62 64-1/8 71-1/4 73-1/4 B mm 427 544 562 729 845 892 999 1049 1164 1227 1356 1403 1575 1629 1818 1861 Inch 5-1/2 6-7/8 7-9/16 7-15/16 8-3/4 10-3/8 10-1/16 11-13/16 12-1/16 14-1/16 13-7/8 15-1/2 16 17-7/8 18-3/4 20-1/2 L mm Inch mm 140 20-3/16 513 175 24-13/16 630 192 25-1/2 648 202 29-11/16 754 222 34-1/4 870 264 36-1/8 918 256 40-9/16 1030 300 42-9/16 1081 306 47-1/16 1195 357 49-9/16 1259 352 54-5/8 1387 394 56-1/2 1435 406 63-1/4 1607 454 65-3/8 1661 476 72-1/2 1842 513 74-1/2 1892 Consult the factory for larger sizes. Williamson. / Printed in USA .D.D.tdwilliamson.O. Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 Fax: 918-664-7091 www.90° bends.p6 5D2CC Configuration The 5D2CC VANTAGE V Batching Pigs are recommended for medium to heavy batching of lines with 1. Williamson. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2007. D. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2007.Specifications VANTAGE V Batching Pigs ® 3000. Williamson. Inc. TDW Pigging Products P.p7 VANTAGE Pigs Will Traverse ® Size Inch 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 40 42 mm 70 92 110 90 98 130 127 156 165 197 187 219 219 254 260 292 Maximum Gate Valve Seat Ring Spacing 4CC DCDC Inch mm Inch mm 5-3/16 132 3-3/4 95 6-11/16 170 4-5/8 117 7-3/8 187 5-5/16 135 6-13/16 173 4-11/16 119 7-5/8 194 5 127 8-5/8 225 6-1/4 159 9-1/2 241 6-3/16 157 10-3/4 273 7-7/16 189 11-9/16 294 7-3/4 197 12-13/16 325 9 229 13-1/8 333 9 229 14-3/8 365 10-1/4 260 15-1/8 384 10-1/2 267 16-1/2 419 11-7/8 302 17-3/4 451 12-1/2 318 19 483 13-3/4 349 mm 332 332 332 495 591 597 718 724 838 845 984 991 1149 1156 1314 1321 Maximum Check Valve Bowl Length 4CC DCDC Inch mm Inch mm 15-1/8 384 16-1/8 410 19-1/8 486 19-3/8 492 19-1/8 486 20-1/16 510 21-3/4 552 22-11/16 576 25-3/4 654 26-1/4 667 25-3/4 654 27-1/4 692 31-1/8 791 31-3/4 806 31-1/8 791 32-3/4 832 35-7/8 911 37 940 35-7/8 911 38 965 41-3/4 1060 43 1092 41-3/4 1060 44 1118 48-1/2 1232 50-3/8 1280 48-1/2 1232 51-1/2 1308 55-1/4 1403 57-3/4 1467 55-1/4 1403 58-3/4 1492 2CC mm 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 1000 1050 Inch 2-3/4 3-5/8 4-5/16 3-9/16 3-7/8 5-1/8 5 6-1/8 6-1/2 7-3/4 7-3/8 8-5/8 8-5/8 10 10-1/4 11-1/2 3D2CC Inch 4-1/8 5-7/8 6-1/16 5-13/16 6-3/8 7-7/8 7-1/2 9-1/8 9-7/16 11-13/16 10-7/8 12-3/8 12-5/8 14-3/8 14-7/8 16-1/2 5D2CC mm 105 149 154 148 162 200 190 232 240 284 276 314 321 365 378 419 Inch 5 6-3/8 7-1/16 7-7/16 8-1/4 9-7/8 9-1/2 11-1/4 11-9/16 13-9/16 13-3/8 15 15-1/2 17-3/8 18-1/4 20 mm 127 162 179 189 209 251 241 286 294 344 340 381 394 441 464 508 Consult the factory for parts or accessories not listed. Box 1121 Tulsa. Inc. / ® Registered trademark of T. Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 Fax: 918-664-7091 www. All rights reserved T. Inc.tdwilliamson. / Printed in USA . Williamson. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified. Size Inch 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 40 42 2CC mm 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 1000 1050 Inch 13-1/16 13-1/16 13-1/16 19-1/2 23-1/4 23-1/2 28-1/4 28-1/2 33 33-1/4 38-3/4 39 45-1/4 45-1/2 51-3/4 52 3D2CC Inch mm 13-1/2 343 18 457 18-11/16 475 23-7/16 595 27-1/4 692 28-5/8 727 32-1/2 826 34 864 38-5/16 973 40-1/16 1018 44-5/8 1133 46 1168 52 1321 53-5/8 1362 59-1/2 1511 61 1549 5D2CC Inch mm 15-1/4 387 20 508 20-11/16 525 26-11/16 678 31 787 32-5/8 829 36-1/2 927 38-1/4 972 42-9/16 1081 44-13/16 1138 49-5/8 1260 51-1/4 1302 57-3/4 1467 59-5/8 1514 66-1/4 1683 68 1727 Consult the factory for parts or accessories not listed. Data subject to change without notice.D. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T.006 .O.D. Williamson. Data subject to change without notice. Box 1121 RealSeal® Conical Cups 00-7457-0010 00-7457-0012 00-7457-0014 00-7457-0016 00-7457-0018 00-7457-0020 00-7457-0022 00-7457-0024 00-7457-0026 00-7457-0028 00-7457-0030 00-7457-0032 00-7457-0034 00-7457-0036 00-7457-0040 00-7457-0042 Discs for DCDC pigs 00-1702-0003 00-1702-0004 00-1702-0010 00-6414-0016 00-6414-0018 00-6414-0020 00-6414-0022 00-6414-0024 00-6414-0026 00-6414-0028 00-6414-0030 00-6414-0032 00-6414-0034 00-6414-0036 00-6414-0040 00-6414-0042 Tulsa. / ® Registered trademark of T.Replacement Parts VANTAGE V Batching Pigs ® 3000. Inc. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified. / Printed in USA . All rights reserved T.tdwilliamson.D. Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 Scraper Seal Disc 00-7698-0010 00-7698-0012 00-7698-0014 00-7698-0016 00-7698-0018 00-7698-0020 00-7698-0022 00-7698-0024 00-7698-0026 00-7698-0028 00-7698-0030 00-7698-0032 00-7698-0034 00-7698-0036 00-7698-0040 00-7698-0042 Fax: 918-664-7091 Guide/Support Disc 00-7699-0010 00-7699-0012 00-7699-0014 00-7699-0016 00-7699-0018 00-7699-0020 00-7699-0022 00-7699-0024 00-7699-0026 00-7699-0028 00-7699-0030 00-7699-0032 00-7699-0034 00-7699-0036 00-7699-0040 00-7699-0042 www. Inc.006 . in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2007.O.p8 Replacement Cups/Discs Size Inch 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 40 42 mm 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 1000 1050 Standard VANTAGE® Conical Cups 00-4120-0010-03 00-4120-0012-03 00-4120-0014-03 00-4120-0016 00-4120-0018 00-4120-0020 00-4120-0022 00-4120-0024 00-4120-0026 00-4120-0028 00-4120-0030 00-4120-0032 00-4120-0034 00-4120-0036 00-4120-0040 00-4120-0042 TDW Pigging Products P. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T.D. Williamson. Williamson. All rights reserved T. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T. budgeting and meeting the specifications for your individual application needs. Each pig is equipped with six discs.D. the BiDirectionAll Pig may be equipped with non-metallic bumpers.BiDirectionAll Pig Sizes: 4. slotted aluminum or steel and can be made to the diameter specified by you. Since the outside diameter of the guide disc is smaller. 918-447-5400 The BiDirectionAll Pig can be equipped to mount tracking transmitters. BiDirectionAll Pigs are available in sizes 4" (100 mm) and larger. BiDirectionAll Pig Gauging plates are available in aluminum. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified. Box 1121 Tulsa. It is designed to allow the user to fill the line with hydro test water and then displace the water without having to remove the pig. Oklahoma 74101-1121 Circular brush cleaning assemblies may be added to the front and/or rear sections of the pig. BiDirectionAll Pig with optional brush wraps Description Magnetic cleaning assemblies may be added to retrieve any ferrous material. / Printed in USA .02 Date: January 2007 Cross Indexing No: n/a Supersedes: 3000.005. In sizes 24" and larger. D. In sizes 16" and larger. Features TDW's BiDirectionAll Pig is designed to be used in pipeline construction during the hydrostatic test phase for air or water displacement applications. which minimize leaking around the disc-mounting bolts. Certain limitations may apply in smaller sizes due to mounting space.O. / ® Registered trademark of T.D. the BiDirectionAll Series II Pig will traverse diameter reductions up to 10% in the form of dents or buckles. To help you obtain the proper pig for your application. Williamson.. Each pig is equipped with four scraper/seal discs. etc. check to see if the selection is capable of traversing your particular pipeline components (bends. The BiDirectionAll Pig may be run in either direction if the application requires. The lead and trailing discs are the guide/support discs. valves. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2007. which allows the pig to run in either direction. Williamson. is committed to providing you with the exact product to assist you in planning. The guide/support discs are slightly harder than the scraper/seal discs to enhance the pig's performance. tees. Inc. it eases the loading of the pig by providing a guide. This pig is bidirectional.through 60-inch Bulletin No: 3000. The BiDirectionAll Series III Pig will traverse diameter reductions up to 20%. USA: 1-800-571-7447 England: (44) 1-793-603600 Fax: 918-664-7091 www. Inc. TDW Pigging Products P.). which provide support to the pig. the BiDirectionAll Pig may be equipped with bolt seals. Williamson. The seal/ scraper disc will easily reverse its seal position when the flow direction is changed. Data subject to change without notice. The discs have also proven to provide excellent scraping action for cleaning purposes. Inc. Williamson. In sizes 16" and larger. It can be used as a bidirectional cleaning pig by adding optional brushes. All discs are made from TDW's special polyurethane material designed to provide an excellent seal and long wear.01 (2/99) Options T. which provide an excellent seal during a new construction displacement application.D.tdwilliamson. Wt.5 (215) 11. Inc.9 (50) 2.D.O.D. Series I BiDirectionAll Pigs traverse 1.p2 Series I Sizes 4" through 14" Series I BiDirectionAll Pigs are designed to be used in pipeline construction during the hydrostatic test phase for air or water displacement applications.1 (80) 3.7 (400) 19. Inc. B A Inches mm Wt.7 (145) 8.6 (500) 1.4 (645 5.0 (100) 4.9 (200) 12./Lbs.6 (575) 25. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified.5 (320) 15.0 (100) TDW Pigging Products P.8 (500) 22. Box 1121 Tulsa.8 (70) 3./Kg Part Number A B C 4 6 8 10 12 14 100 150 200 250 300 350 5 13 25 45 50 55 3 6 11 19 23 25 01-0670-0004-00 01-0670-0006-00 01-0670-0008-00 01-0670-0010-00 01-0670-0012-00 01-0670-0014-00 7. Non-metallic bumpers are optional on the 4" pig. Guide/Support Disc Spacer Scraper/Seal Disc C Polyurethane Bumper Polyurethane bumpers are standard on 6"-14" pigs. Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 Fax: 918-664-7091 Data subject to change without notice. Williamson. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2007.0 (355) 16.2 (285) 14. Williamson.1 (80) 4. / Printed in USA .5 DR bends when configured as shown.tdwilliamson. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T. Williamson.Dimensions and Part Numbers Series I BiDirectionAll Pig 3000.D.8 (425) 19. Inc. / ® Registered trademark of T. All rights reserved T.005. tdwilliamson.8 (1415) 63. C B A Inches mm Wt.0 7.0 (1395) 55.6 (1235) 51.6 (1385) 62.5 DR bends when configured as shown. Williamson./Lbs. Inc. / ® Registered trademark of T. Data subject to change without notice. / Printed in USA .8 (1165) 48. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T.1 6.2 (995) 40.7 8.8 (1140) 47.O.6 (880) 37.1 5./Kg Part Number A B 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 40 42 48 56 60 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 1000 1050 1200 1400 1500 174 200 230 285 312 387 433 515 704 937 1360 1522 79 91 105 130 142 176 197 234 320 426 618 692 01-0671-0024-00 01-0671-0026-00 01-0671-0028-00 01-0671-0030-00 01-0671-0032-00 01-0671-0034-00 01-0671-0036-00 01-0671-0040-00 01-0671-0042-00 01-0671-0048-00 01-0671-0056-00 01-0671-0060-00 34.D. Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 Fax: 918-664-7091 C 5.6 (855) 36. Wt. Scraper/Seal Disc Guide/Support Disc Series II BiDirectionAll Pigs traverse 1.4 6.4 (1305) 55.8 (1850) 75.p3 Series II Sizes 24" through 60" Body Spacer Replacement discs are less costly for the Series II BiDirectionAll Pigs. Inc. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified.4 7.0 (1040) 45.2 (1020) 41. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2007.0 (1065) 44.4 (1585) 72.2 (1935) 33.D.Dimensions and Part Numbers Series II BiDirectionAll Pig 3000.005.0 7. Series III Pigs should be used when pipe diameter reductions exceed 10%. The internal diameter of the Series II Pig body is larger and therefore the discs contain less urethane to achieve the same outside diameter as the Series III Pigs.0 (1880) 76.D. Williamson. Inc.1 5. All rights reserved T.2 8. However.0 (1905) TDW Pigging Products P.4 (950) 40.6 (1210) 50.7 (130) (130) (130) (160) (160) (180) (180) (180) (180) (180) (220) (220) www. Box 1121 Tulsa.0 7.4 (925) 39.0 7.4 (1280) 54 (1370) 54.6 (1615) 74. Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 Fax: 918-664-7091 www.3 (1885) 76.2 (160) 6.2 (740) 31.D.8 (780) 33. Inc.2 (665) 29. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified.5 DR bends when configured as shown.5 (240) 9./Kg Part Number A B C 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 40 42 48 56 60 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 1000 1050 1200 1400 1500 73 97 125 163 196 235 288 328 378 436 506 651 843 1126 1888 2222 33 44 57 74 89 107 131 149 172 198 230 296 383 512 858 1010 01-0670-0016-00 01-0670-0018-00 01-0670-0020-00 01-0670-0022-00 01-0670-0024-00 01-0670-0026-00 01-0670-0028-00 01-0670-0030-00 01-0670-0032-00 01-0670-0034-00 01-0670-0036-00 01-0670-0040-00 01-0670-0042-00 01-0670-0048-00 01-0670-0056-00 01-0670-0060-00 23.2 (210) 9.0 (1370) 54.5 (395) 16. Williamson. Williamson.O.0 (1090) 45.2 (285) 15.8 (1850) 75.0 (1905) 5. Scraper/Seal Disc Body Spacer Guide/Support Disc C B A Inches mm Wt.8 (170) 7. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2007.2 (640) 28.6 (1385) 62. Box 1121 Tulsa.2 (160) 6.8 (1140) 47.4 (595) 26.6 (1235) 51. Wt.0 (710) 30. All rights reserved T.005. / Printed in USA .6 (1210) 50. Inc.p4 Series III Sizes 16" through 60" Series III BiDirectionAll Pigs will traverse diameter reductions up to 20% and 1.8 (810) 34.6 (880) 37.1 (130) 5.4 (1305) 55.Dimensions and Part Numbers Series III BiDirectionAll Pig 3000.5 (1945) 22.6 (855) 36.5 (190) 8.2 (410) TDW Pigging Products P.9 (1625) 74.4 (950) 40.5 (260) 10 (255) 11.4 (570) 25.2 (1020) 43.4 (925) 39.8 (1165) 48.4 (1585) 72.2 (995) 42.tdwilliamson. / ® Registered trademark of T.2 (210) Data subject to change without notice.1 (1425) 63.4 (1280) 54.9 (150) 6. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T.D. Williamson.0 (1395) 56./Lbs.0 (230) 9.D.0 (1065) 44.9 (200) 8. Inc. 6 4.5 11.6 10.0 39.0 26.5 22. Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 Fax: 918-664-7091 www.5 0.6 2.8 10.3 16.2 14.0 5.2 28. Inc.2 4.3 9.5 18.4 2.9 9.2 81.3 26.7 66.Ordering Information BiDirectionAll Pig 3000.5 5.2 5.2 5.3 0.6 3.2 0.O.3 2.0 1./Lbs.tdwilliamson.4 23.5 27.3 52.7 3./Lbs.0 00-7699-0004-00 00-7699-0006-00 00-7699-0008-00 00-7699-0010-00 00-7699-0012-00 00-7699-0014-00 0.8 103.7 27.9 2. Inc.2 38.5 115.5 8.5 0.2 0.9 37.3 00-7696-0024-00 00-7696-0026-00 00-7696-0028-00 00-7696-0030-00 00-7696-0032-00 00-7696-0034-00 00-7696-0036-00 00-7696-0038-00 00-7696-0040-00 00-7696-0042-00 00-7696-0048-00 00-7696-0060-00 7.7 7.0 23.1 24.D. Part Number Wt.2 9.8 50.2 9.9 6.2 65.3 0.3 12.9 8.3 6.8 13. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T.8 13.4 80.1 14.8 31.2 29./Kg.6 28.2 10.3 47.0 2.4 61.8 13.5 4.4 11.2 00-7698-0016-00 00-7698-0018-00 00-7698-0020-00 00-7698-0022-00 00-7698-0024-00 00-7698-0026-00 00-7698-0028-00 00-7698-0030-00 00-7698-0032-00 00-7698-0034-00 00-7698-0036-00 00-7698-0040-00 00-7698-0042-00 00-7698-0048-00 00-7698-0056-00 00-7698-0060-00 Series II 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 48 60 Series III 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 40 42 48 56 60 TDW Pigging Products P.0 00-7699-0016-00 00-7699-0018-00 00-7699-0020-00 00-7699-0022-00 00-7699-0024-00 00-7699-0026-00 00-7699-0028-00 00-7699-0030-00 00-7699-0032-00 00-7699-0034-00 00-7699-0036-00 00-7699-0040-00 00-7699-0042-00 00-7699-0048-00 00-7699-0056-00 00-7699-0060-00 4.0 5.2 4.9 1.4 12.4 0.3 4.7 12.6 3. All rights reserved T. Williamson.0 42.3 11.5 14.8 11.6 1./Kg.0 40.3 21.0 Data subject to change without notice.4 26.9 169.9 72.8 35.8 93.9 25.4 33.0 227.2 0.005. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2007.7 1.1 7.0 17.6 85.4 12.6 1.4 16.7 76.1 0.0 00-7695-0024-00 00-7695-0026-00 00-7695-0028-00 00-7695-0030-00 00-7695-0032-00 00-7695-0034-00 00-7695-0036-00 00-7695-0038-00 00-7695-0040-00 00-7695-0042-00 00-7695-0048-00 00-7695-0060-00 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 1000 1050 1200 1400 1500 5.2 16. Box 1121 Tulsa.8 11.D.1 0.7 4. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified.D. / ® Registered trademark of T.1 15.5 89.1 18.0 30.6 52.3 3.2 0.1 59.3 8.0 1.3 36.8 144.2 1.8 27. Williamson.9 12.4 21.9 36.7 6. Wt. / Printed in USA . Wt.0 196.5 00-7698-0004-00 00-7698-0006-00 00-7698-0008-00 00-7698-0010-00 00-7698-0012-00 00-7698-0014-00 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 1050 1200 1500 8. Williamson.7 19.8 23. Inc.7 30. Part Number 100 150 200 250 300 350 0.1 4.p5 Replacement Parts Size Support/ Guide DiscScraper/Seal Disc Inches Series I 4 6 8 10 12 14 mm Wt.1 5. Inc. The lead and trailing discs are the guide/support discs. Inc. though other configurations are possible. See page 4. The seal/scraper discs will easily reverse their seal position when the flow direction changes. Box 1121 T. Inc.D. The guide/support discs are slightly harder than the scraper/seal discs to enhance the pig’s performance. budgeting and meeting the specifications for your application. the BiDirectionAll Pig may be run in either direction if the application requires. All rights reserved Swindon. Other options include multi-diameter pigs. See page 6. Inc. which support the pig.K) Limited Faraday Road. As with all TDW pigs. TDW Pigging Products P. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T. Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 Fax: 918-664-7091 www. Contact TDW for more information. such as check valves and wye fittings.00 Date: November 2008 Cross Indexing No: n/a Supersedes: n/a Options T.tdwilliamson. gauging. In addition.D. USA: 1-800-571-7447 UK: +44 (0) 1793 603600 Tulsa. Williamson. Wiltshire SN3 5HF England Phone: +44 (0) 1793 603600 Fax: +44 (0) 1793 603609 www. The four scraper/seal discs provide an excellent seal during new construction and displacement applications. As its name implies.009. Williamson. each Series IV BiDirectionAll Pig is tailored to meet very specific dimensional requirements. / Printed in USA . cleaning. TDW’s Series IV BiDirectionAll Pig is available in all design variations—including dewatering. optimizing performance.Series IV BiDirectionAll Pig Sizes: 4.D. providing excellent wear resistance and optimal performance. is committed to providing you with the precise pig to assist you in planning. See page 2. Custom configurations and special materials are easily accommodated. and the steel body of each pig has the capability to be fitted with most tracking transmitters.O. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified. pigs designed to negotiate special fittings. Gauging pigs with four seals.through 60-inch Bulletin No: 3000. Series IV BiDirectionAll Pigs are available in the following standard configurations: Dewatering pigs with four seals and two guide discs. Cleaning pigs of 16 inches and above complete with four seals. two guide discs and a magnetic bracelet. Williamson.tdwilliamson. Magnetic cleaning pigs with four seals. See page 3. two guide discs and a spring-mounted brush assembly. high seal pigs with 6 seal discs and 2 guide discs. / ® Registered trademark of T. BiDirectionAll Pigs are available in sizes 4 inch (100 mm) and larger. it eases the loading of the pig by providing a guide. Series IV BiDirectionAll Pigs Description Specifically designed for pipeline commissioning applications. Williamson. Cleaning pigs with four seals and two circular brushes (on sizes up to 20 inches). two guide discs and an aluminum gauge plate precision machined to suit your requirements. each pig features a steel nameplate. See page 5. and long run pigs with 4 guide discs and 4 seal Data subject to change without notice. Custom-built using high quality materials.D. Dorcan Way Features Each pig is equipped with six discs as its standard configuration. and magnetic configurations—needed to pre-commission and commission pipelines. Since the outside diameter of the guide disc is smaller. Williamson (U. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2008. Each pig also features pluggable bypass ports allowing flow through the pig to be adjusted. each Series IV BiDirectionAll Pig is fitted with Formula SI® polyurethane discs. 21 45 125.26 99 229. Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 Fax: 918-664-7091 www.009.32 26 63.57 929 25. / ® Registered trademark of T.93 29 99.28 261 20. All sizes 12-inch and above have a mounting flange suitable for a TDW transmitter.31 1.5 11.76 705 41.65 499 30.tdwilliamson. / Dimensions not for construction unless Swindon.95 249 577.67 779 19.D. Williamson. and these pigs can be used as light utility cleaning Data subject to change without notice. Inc.D. Williamson.00 303 793. Up to full bore openings can be traversed by rearranging the disc packages. / Printed in USA .34 1050 27.32 313 7.87 327 19.65 499 36.26 1175 32.01 178 14. Dorcan Way Tulsa.01 132 308.63 524 12. Williamson.57 929 25.73 679 17.O.58 218 4. Wiltshire SN3 5HF England Phone: +44 (0) 1793 603600 Fax: +44 (0) 1793 603609 www. Williamson (U.55 649 41. TDW Pigging Products P.D.61 262 637.5D bends.26 63 218. Box 1121 T. The discs alone provide an excellent scraping action.66 360 Note: These sealing lengths are based on the above configuration.88 378 8. The bodies are supplied with pluggable bypass holes. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T.28 820 51.39 213 18.65 140 548. These pigs can all traverse 1. Inc.53 115 12.84 9 33.07 15 57.14 289 668.09 434 26.17 614 14.09 434 30.34 1050 27.02 1296 34.76 705 46. All rights reserved T.57 370 26.26 1175 32.Dimensions and Part Numbers Series IV BiDirectionAll Dewatering Pig 3000.K) Limited Faraday Road.55 649 36.66 57 218.87 327 24. line filling and dewatering. making them suitable for applications such as light to medium batching.p2 These pigs feature four seals and two guide discs.D.02 5 19.49 876 Available as special order Approximate Weight Lbs Kg 3.67 779 19.28 104 291.73 679 17. Series IV BiDirectionAll Dewatering Pig Size (Inches) 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 42 48 Part Number 01-0677-0004-00 01-0677-0006-00 01-0677-0008-00 01-0677-0010-00 01-0677-0012-00 01-0677-0014-00 01-0677-0016-00 01-0677-0018-00 01-0677-0020-00 01-0677-0022-00 01-0677-0024-00 01-0677-0026-00 01-0677-0028-00 01-0677-0030-00 01-0677-0032-00 01-0677-0034-00 01-0677-0036-00 01-0677-0042-00 01-0677-0048-00 Dimension A Dimension B Inches mm Inches mm 8. Inc.28 820 46.03 458 10. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2008. Each disc package can be rearranged to suit your requirements.tdwilliamson.25 489 12. Dorcan Way Tulsa.57 929 26. Williamson. though direction can be reversed if needed.02 5 19.67 779 23.25 616 17.48 825 41. Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 Fax: 918-664-7091 www.63 524 15.34 31 105.03 137 416.10 108 302. Up to full bore openings can be traversed by rearranging the disc packages.57 929 29.16 258 18.71 145 12.12 384 24.04 509 Swindon. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified.26 1175 37.K) Limited Faraday Road.19 589 36.D.5 11. *For best results. Wiltshire SN3 5HF England Phone: +44 (0) 1793 603600 Fax: +44 (0) 1793 603609 www.48 61 147. Each disc package can be rearranged to suit your requirements. All sizes 12-inch and above have a mounting flange suitable for a TDW transmitter.Dimensions and Part Numbers Series IV BiDirectionAll Gauging Pig 3000. Inc.64 321 20.82 48 134.67 779 23.73 679 41.D.63 524 15.O.00 259 604.03 458 12.40 950 51.tdwilliamson.48 825 46.24 387 20. / ® Registered trademark of T. typically 95 percent to 97 percent of the pipe’s inside diameter.21 304 701.58 218 5.76 380 Note: These sealing lengths are based on the above configuration.88 378 10.73 28 68.08 103 238.5D bends.02 1296 41. Inc.73 679 20.009.56 446 26. All rights reserved T. TDW Pigging Products Data subject to change without notice.67 189 571.D.19 589 30. Williamson. The bodies are supplied with pluggable bypass holes.31 1. Williamson (U.26 1175 37.tdwilliamson. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2008.p3 Direction of Travel* These pigs feature four seals.D.07 318 837. run in direction noted. These pigs can all traverse 1.71 67 227.09 739 36.40 950 46.32 313 8. Each gauge plate is precision machined to a precise diameter.07 274 670. Box 1121 T. Williamson. two guide discs and an aluminum slotted gauge plate.78 223 14. Series IV BiDirectionAll Gauging Pig Size (Inches) 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 42 48 Part Number 03-1521-0004-00 03-1521-0006-00 03-1521-0008-00 03-1521-0010-00 03-1521-0012-00 03-1521-0014-00 03-1521-0016-00 03-1521-0018-00 03-1521-0020-00 03-1521-0022-00 03-1521-0024-00 03-1521-0026-00 03-1521-0028-00 03-1521-0030-00 03-1521-0032-00 03-1521-0034-00 03-1521-0036-00 03-1521-0042-00 03-1521-0048-00 Dimension A Dimension B Inches mm Inches mm 8.34 1050 32. / Printed in USA .27 16 61.34 1050 32. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T. Inc.73 679 20.04 509 30.54 776 Available as special order Gauge Plate Approximate Weight Lbs Kg 3.84 9 35. 63 524 20.20 183 7.tdwilliamson.73 679 26. All rights reserved T.00 9.00 27.00 30.88 378 18. Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 Fax: 918-664-7091 www.83 148 7.O. Series IV BiDirectionAll Circular Brush Cleaning Pig Size (Inches) 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 42 48 Part Number 02-2681-0004-00 02-2681-0006-00 02-2681-0008-00 02-2681-0010-00 02-2681-0012-00 02-2681-0014-00 02-2681-0016-00 02-2681-0018-00 02-2681-0020-00 02-2681-0022-00 02-2681-0024-00 02-2681-0026-00 02-2681-0028-00 02-2681-0030-00 02-2681-0032-00 02-2681-0034-00 02-2681-0036-00 02-2681-0042-00 02-2681-0048-00 Dimension A Inches mm Available as 12. Inc.p4 These pigs feature four seals and two 360-degree circular brushes (on sizes up to 20-inch). Inc.009.D. TDW Pigging Products P. Up to full bore openings can be traversed by rearranging the disc packages. The modular brushes are easily replaced.73 679 Available as Available as Available as Available as Available as Available as Available as Available as Available as Available as special special special special special special special special special special special Dimension B Inches mm order 5. Data subject to change without notice.00 58. providing full coverage of the pipeline wall. Williamson. Williamson (U. Each disc package can be rearranged to suit your requirements. Dorcan Way Tulsa.D.03 458 20. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T.00 16. / ® Registered trademark of T.K) Limited Faraday Road.04 382 order order order order order order order order order order Approximate Weight Lbs Kg 5.48 317 15. Wiltshire SN3 5HF England Phone: +44 (0) 1793 603600 Fax: +44 (0) 1793 603609 www.04 382 15. Box 1121 T.00 64.43 265 10. These pigs can all traverse 1.83 199 10.43 265 12. Williamson.D.63 524 24.Dimensions and Part Numbers Series IV BiDirectionAll Circular Brush Cleaning Pig 3000. All sizes 12-inch and above have a mounting flange suitable for a TDW Swindon.5D bends.32 313 14. Inc.00 40. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2008. / Printed in USA .00 5 9 16 27 30 40 58 64 Note: These sealing lengths are based on the above configuration. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified. The bodies are supplied with pluggable bypass holes.D.17 614 26. 61 780 Note: These sealing lengths are based on the above configuration.72 755 29.01 559 24.59 904 35.D. Inc.D. TDW Pigging Products P.54 979 38.65 804 31.65 804 35.D.31 1100 43. Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 Fax: 918-664-7091 www. in sizes of 16-inch and above.p5 These pigs.009.21 89 293. / ® Registered trademark of T. Inc. Williamson. Each disc package can be rearranged to suit your requirements.O.21 133 304.26 1175 Data subject to change without notice. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of Swindon. Williamson.20 172 641.72 755 32. The bodies are supplied with pluggable bypass holes.11 1476 Available as special order Dimension B Inches mm 22.68 830 32. Up to full bore openings can be traversed by rearranging the disc packages. Series IV BiDirectionAll Sprung Brush Cleaning Pig Size (Inches) 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 42 48 Part Number 02-2682-0016-00 02-2682-0018-00 02-2682-0020-00 02-2682-0022-00 02-2682-0024-00 02-2682-0026-00 02-2682-0028-00 02-2682-0030-00 02-2682-0032-00 02-2682-0034-00 02-2682-0036-00 02-2682-0042-00 02-2682-0048-00 Dimension A Inches mm 31. Williamson (U.01 559 22.59 904 38. Dorcan Way Tulsa.62 350 1719. All sizes 16-inch and above have a mounting flange suitable for a TDW transmitter. Williamson.57 624 24. Box 1121 T.K) Limited Faraday Road. two guide discs and a springmounted brush assembly. feature four seals.tdwilliamson.D.24 138 359. Wiltshire SN3 5HF England Phone: +44 (0) 1793 603600 Fax: +44 (0) 1793 603609 www. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified.73 72 182. / Printed in USA .tdwilliamson.68 830 32. these pigs offer 360-degree brush coverage.Dimensions and Part Numbers Series IV BiDirectionAll Sprung Brush Cleaning Pig 3000. The brushes are pinned and clamped onto brush holders.54 979 43.01 559 22.26 1175 58. These pigs can all traverse 3D bends.55 291 670.68 830 Approximate Weight Lbs Kg 158. With each brush individually supported on its own spring.52 699 27.65 804 31.98 83 196. All rights reserved T. Inc.52 699 29.35 163 379. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2008.57 624 27.75 336 771.21 304 740.31 1100 46. Up to full bore openings can be traversed by rearranging the disc packages. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2008. two guide discs and a magnetic bracelet of very high strength neodymium magnets protected by polyurethane covers.62 317.D.17 614 14. All rights reserved T.09 434 26.34 1050 27. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T.K) Limited Faraday Road. Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 Fax: 918-664-7091 www.26 1175 32.28 261 20.65 499 36.88 378 8.49 876 Available as special order Approximate Weight Lbs Kg 24.26 1175 32.34 1050 27.D.76 705 46. Dorcan Way Tulsa. Each disc package can be rearranged to suit your requirements.73 679 17. Williamson. These pigs can all traverse 1.28 820 51.67 779 19.D.09 434 30. The bodies are supplied with pluggable bypass holes.17 11 17 30 33 51 66 72 110 135 144 181 268 281 314 388 685 Note: These sealing lengths are based on the above configuration.87 327 19. Size (Inches) 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 42 48 Part Number 02-2680-0004-00 02-2680-0006-00 02-2680-0008-00 02-2680-0010-00 02-2680-0012-00 02-2680-0014-00 02-2680-0016-00 02-2680-0018-00 02-2680-0020-00 02-2680-0022-00 02-2680-0024-00 02-2680-0026-00 02-2680-0028-00 02-2680-0030-00 02-2680-0032-00 02-2680-0034-00 02-2680-0036-00 02-2680-0042-00 02-2680-0048-00 Dimension A Dimension B Inches mm Inches mm Available as special order Available as special order 14.57 370 26.04 590.p6 These pigs feature four seals.14 72.67 779 19.39 213 18.55 649 36. Inc.009. Box 1121 T.84 619.44 145.O. Inc.25 37.73 679 Data subject to change without Swindon.57 929 25.51 297.28 820 46.48 66. Inc.03 458 10. TDW Pigging Products P.25 855.87 327 24. Wiltshire SN3 5HF England Phone: +44 (0) 1793 603600 Fax: +44 (0) 1793 603609 www. All sizes 12-inch and above have a mounting flange suitable for a TDW transmitter.25 489 12. Williamson (U.Dimensions and Part Numbers Series IV BiDirectionAll Magnetic Pig 3000.39 1510. Williamson.55 649 41.50 692. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified.57 929 25.02 1296 34.63 524 12.73 242.51 158. Williamson. / Printed in USA .76 705 41.47 399.tdwilliamson. / ® Registered trademark of T.tdwilliamson.D.75 112.5D bends.65 499 30. liquid may be poured into the sphere.. is committed to providing you with the exact product to assist you in planning. D. / ® Registered trademark of T.D. UNISPHERE Pigs are undersized and can be sized to match most any pipe ID. liquid-cast polyurethane spheres. Inc. Williamson.D. If inflation beyond the natural sphere OD is required. Recommended operating temperature is -20°F to 200°F. and hydrocarbons with minimum swelling and no blisters. crude oil (sweet or sour). The inflating valve(s) on the UNISPHERE Pig may be used for inflating or deflating purposes. Williamson. Box 1121 Tulsa. The spheres are easily inflated with a TDW inflation pump. Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 Fax: 918-664-7091 Data subject to change without notice.001. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2007. UNISPHERE ™ Pigs are inflated easily. Inc. It also gives maximum flexibility and tear strength. / Printed in USA . the inflating valve must be reinstalled. Care should be taken when handling or transporting at temperatures below freezing. UNISPHERE Pigs are to be filled completely with liquid (usually a 50/50 mix of water/glycol and light weight oil). Williamson. All rights reserved T. and refined hydrocarbon products. The polyurethane used to make UNISPHERE Pigs is TDW’s own formula. TDW heavy-duty UNISPHERE Pigs can be used in natural gas (wet or dry). Inc. Once the sphere is completely filled. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified.tdwilliamson. They are designed for heavy-duty service in the removal of liquid hydrocarbons and water from pipelines and piping systems.14". Inflatable UNISPHERE™ Pig Features Description UNISPHERE™ Pigs are seamless.D.01 (2/05) Options T.Inflatable UNISPHERE Pig Sizes: 4-inch and larger ™ Bulletin No: 3010. Consult the factory for applications in special chemicals.001. an inflation pump is required. budgeting and meeting the specifications for your individual application needs. Williamson. USA: 1-800-571-7447 England: (44) 1-793-603600 TDW Pigging Products P. Inc. Different urethane formulations are available for unique applications. TDW offers a UNISPHERE Pig for thin wall pipe in sizes 4" .02 Date: January 2007 Cross Indexing No: n/a Supersedes: 3010. By removing the inflating valve. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T. It provides excellent resistance to abrasion. low temperature. UNISPHERE Pigs must be filled with liquid prior to placing into service.O. 3 12.0 70.5 26.p2 ™ Size inches mm 4" 100 *4" TW 100 6" 150 *6" TW 150 8" 200 *8" TW 200 10" 250 *10" TW 250 12" 300 *12" TW 300 14" 350 *14" TW 350 16" 400 18" 450 20" 500 22” 550 24" 600 26" 650 28" 700 30" 750 32" 800 34" 850 36" 900 38" 950 40" 1000 42" 1050 48" 1200 56" 1400 Part Number 01-1324-0000 01-1585-0000 01-1325-0000 01-1586-0000 01-1326-0000 01-1587-0000 01-1327-0000 01-1588-0000 01-1328-0000 01-1589-0000 01-1329-0000 01-1590-0000 01-0941-0000 01-0942-0000 01-0943-0000 01-0944-0000 01-0924-0000 01-0945-0000 01-0946-0000 01-0947-0000 01-0948-0000 01-0949-0000 01-0950-0000 01-0951-0000 01-0930-0000 01-0952-0000 01-0955-0000 01-1065-0000 Sphere OD (Empty) inches mm 3.0 42.4 11.74 323.24 158. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2007.94 303.51 825.0 11.75 425.50 342.0 Max. Wt.3 3.8 39.0 102 263.6 5.88 1242.4 1.0 91 41 114.1 9.8 19.00 1041.86 199.6 13.001. Kg.7 36.0 228 570.2 13. stock number pressure hose and instant-on coupling 01-0506-0000 Required Items: Hex long arm wrench.5 23.97 100.7 36 16. TDW Pigging Products P.6 21.25 209.64 1083.4 10.60 675.7 8.12 104.4 6.54 775.3 12. Allowable ID Variations inches mm 3.2 13. Inc.50 1384.9 34.4 33.30 1176.0 177.8 8.89 98.8 29.7 3.0 155.0 48.39 1026.68 449.68 1440.77 349. / Printed in USA .25 311.00 939.Dimensions and Part Numbers UNISPHERE Pigs 3010.0 10. ** Maximum inflation diameter.5 28.1 32.56 1030.78 Data subject to change without notice.4 6. 3/8" 00-1288-0011 Filling adapter 00-1831-0003 Optional: Valve core extractor 00-1833-0001 REPLACEMENT PARTS: Inflating valve 00-3001-0001 Valve core 00-1829-0001 O-ring 00-0116-0007 Pipe plug 00-6311-0001 Consult the factory for sizes not shown and for minimum pipe ID smaller than listed in above chart.0 6.4 20. Do not inflate beyond pipe ID.5 2.5 14. (Empty) Lbs.04 102. Allowable ** ID Variations inches mm 4.8 7.00 736. *For use in Thin Wall (TW) Pipe.48 977.0 54.4 7.0 53.00 990.69 525 22.2 9.3 39. Inc.0 196 439.6 2. Williamson.0 50.4 28.9 24. Inc.3 224.1 5.00 533.0 23.9 15.5 11.7 36.00 152.9 10.56 217.71 195. (Full of Water) Lbs.4 10.7 38.7 40.5 6.0 16.9 46 21 52. Kg 1.24 818.49 164.00 482.5 120 315.63 625.3 18.84 555 23. Box 1121 Tulsa.6 34.6 30.7 12.8 8.7 6.6 38.36 263.01 .6 4.0 1.0 46.7 8. Wt.8 4.00 431.32 871. .23 336.00 1194. Williamson.0 80.5 4.0 23.92 607.0 67.4 40.8 4. / ® Registered trademark of T.12 155. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T.8 12.4 13.76 501.2 17.2 .40 924.9 1.68 1364.70 297.45 925.5 5.3 16.25 260.O.0 56.6 31.72 475.8 4.04 255.6 26.00 304.00 787.6 41.86 . / Dimensions not for construction unless certified.0 52.5 143 433.16 766.57 725.0 37.25 158.41 315.8 12.48 875.6 9.00 330. over-inflation results in excessive wear.2 30.96 253.0 Accessories and Replacement Parts Pump comes complete with base.00 381.D.00 838.4 .9 21.7 21 9.2 25.0 70 32 102 46 142 64 184 83 251 114 323 147 406 184 502 228 613 278 739 335 882 400 1041 472 1217 552 1411 640 2115 959 3279 1487 Min.66 575.tdwilliamson.00 660.0 14.08 205. 5/32" 00-1288-0006 Hex long arm wrench.4 47.8 15.00 889.8 8. All rights reserved T.42 975.52 343.00 584.5 10.0 14.D.0 10.4 17.3 2.8 6. Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 Fax: 918-664-7091 www.57 319.08 713.28 108.6 32.3 13.2 35.64 1.60 396.0 30.7 9 23.4 199 502.0 27.9 12.7 .D.0 17.88 149.1 31.3 366 1168 530 Approx.0 258 807.13 104.1 12.00 685.00 635.6 1.18 207.76 247.4 24.50 266.0 10.1 19.0 24.0 Approx.4 19.1 35. Williamson.77 4. 007.14”) and LBN4A Pigs (sizes 16” and larger) are designed for batching and displacement applications. Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 Fax: 918-664-7091 www. LBN-4A Batching/Displacement Pig USA: 1-800-571-7447 England: (44) 1-793-603600 TDW Pigging Products P.350 mm) Gauge plates may be installed Description Features The SBN-4A Pigs (sizes 2” . The pig body components are manufactured from steel for rugged field usage. All cups are field replaceable thereby reducing the overall operating pigging cost. Inc. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified. All TDW SBN-4A and LBN-4A Pigs are made from the highest quality materials and manufactured to rigid standards. Inc. The LBN-4A pigs are equipped with rigid steel sling links to ease the handling process.through 48-inch Bulletin No: Data subject to change without notice. These pigs are equipped with urethane cups but may be furnished with an alternate material such as nitrile or neoprene. D.O. All SBN-4A Pigs are equipped with urethane bumpers to prevent metal contact and to ease handling. All pigs are equipped with four cups for extended life while providing an excellent seal. Williamson. / Printed in USA . which provides superior abrasion resistance and is compatible with hydrocarbons. Williamson. Williamson. / ® Registered trademark of T. Box 1121 Tulsa.tdwilliamson.00 (2/99) Options T.. TDW can provide: Neoprene or nitrile cup material for special applications SBN-4A Pigs may be supplied with heavyduty cups to increase their effectiveness Special body materials such as stainless steel may be provided for unique applications Pig tracking transmitters may be installed or attached for tracking purposes SBN-4A Batching/Displacement Pig 8” through 14” (200 mm .007. The cups are economical to replace and provide an excellent seal. is committed to providing you with the exact product to assist you in meeting your individual needs. All rights reserved T. D. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2005. Inc. Williamson. The new polyurethane means more miles and more runs at less cost. D. The urethane cups provided are formulated from our own urethane formula. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T. All pigs are equipped with four cups and are easily rebuildable in the field.SBN-4A and LBN-4A Pigs Sizes: 2.D. Inc.01 Date: February 2005 Cross Indexing No: n/a Supersedes: 3000. O. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified.01 . Oklahoma 74101-1121 Maximum Check Valve Length of Bowl Inches mm 2-1/2 64 5 127 5-1/8 130 6-3/4 171 9-1/4 235 12 305 16 406 16-3/8 416 918-447-5400 Fax: 918-664-7091 Maximum Diameter Branch Opening Inches mm 2 51 3 76 4 102 6 152 8 203 8 203 10 254 12 305 www. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2005. Williamson.007. Box 1121 Maximum Gate Valve Seat Ring Spacing Inches mm 1-1/2 38 2 51 2 51 2-1/4 57 2-3/8 60 3-1/4 83 4-1/4 108 4-3/4 121 Tulsa.5 3 1 4 2 13 6 23 10 43 20 73 33 80 36 A Inches 3 5-5/16 5-3/8 7-5/16 9-7/8 12-3/4 17-3/16 17-1/16 B mm 76 135 137 186 251 324 437 433 Inches ----2-7/8 3-3/4 4-15/16 5-1/16 L mm ----73 95 125 129 Inches 4-5/8 7-1/2 7-1/2 11-1/2 14-1/2 18-1/2 23 22-3/4 mm 117 191 191 292 368 470 584 578 Part Number 01-0236-0000 01-0238-0000 01-0239-0000 01-1053-0000 01-1054-0000 01-1055-0000 01-1056-0000 01-1057-0000 SBN-4A Pigs Will Traverse Size Inches 2 3 4 6 8 10 12 14 mm 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 TDW Pigging Products Minimum Bend Radius Inches mm 3 76 4-1/2 114 6 152 9 229 12 305 15 381 18 457 21 533 P. Inc. / ® Registered trademark of T. / Printed in USA . All rights reserved T. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T. D.p2 Dimensions Size Inches 2 3 4 6 8 10 12 14 mm 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 Weight Lbs Data subject to change without notice. 1-1/4 . Williamson. D.Dimensions and Part Numbers SBN-4A Batching Pigs 3000. Inc. D.tdwilliamson. Inc. Williamson. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T. Inc. Box 1121 Tulsa.01 .p3 SBN-4A Batching Pig 2” through 4” (50 mm . / Printed in USA . in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2005.007. Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 Fax: 918-664-7091 www. Williamson.Dimensions and Part Numbers SBN-4A Batching Pigs 3000. D.O. Data subject to change without notice. Inc. / ® Registered trademark of T. D. D. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified.100 mm) A L SBN-4A Batching Pig 6” (150 mm) A L SBN-4A Batching Pig 8” through 14” (200 mm . Inc.350 mm) B A L TDW Pigging Products P. All rights reserved T. Williamson. 98 45 110 50 158 72 156 71 195 88 248 112 311 141 569 258 603 274 631 286 757 343 1105 501 A Inches 21-1/4 23 24-3/4 26-3/4 28-3/4 39 42-1/2 43-5/8 44-1/2 49-1/8 51-3/8 65-1/4 B mm 540 584 629 679 730 991 1080 1108 1130 1248 1305 1657 Inches 4 4-1/4 4-7/8 5-1/8 5-3/4 6 7-1/4 8-1/4 8-5/8 9-7/8 11-1/2 13 L mm 102 108 124 130 146 152 184 210 219 251 292 330 Inches 25-7/8 28-3/8 30-1/8 32 35-1/8 45-1/2 49 51-3/4 53-3/4 59-3/8 62-1/8 76 mm 657 721 765 813 892 1156 1245 1314 1365 1508 1578 1930 Part Number 01-0112-0000 01-0113-0000 01-0114-0000 01-0115-0000 01-0116-0000 01-0117-0000 01-0118-0000 01-0119-0000 01-0120-0000 01-0974-0000 01-0513-0000 01-0906-0000 LBN-4A Pigs Will Traverse Maximum Bend Radius Inches mm 24 610 27 686 30 762 33 838 36 914 39 990 45 1143 51 1295 54 1372 60 1324 63 1600 72 1829 Size Inches 16 18 20 22 24 26 30 34 36 40 42 48 mm 400 450 500 550 600 650 750 850 900 1000 1050 1200 Maximum Gate Valve Seat Ring Spacing Inches mm 4 102 4-1/4 108 4-7/8 124 5-1/8 130 5-5/8 143 6 152 7-3/16 183 8-1/4 210 8-5/8 220 9-1/2 241 11 279 12-1/2 318 Maximum Check Valve Length of Bowl Inches mm 17-1/4 438 22-1/8 562 23-3/4 603 25-1/2 648 27-1/2 698 37-11/16 958 40-13/16 1036 42 1067 42-3/4 1086 44-5/8 1133 46-5/8 1184 59-7/8 1521 LBN-4A Pigs will traverse full-size branch openings. Inc. / Printed in USA . Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 Fax: 918-664-7091 www. Inc.01 . Box 1121 Tulsa. Williamson. D.tdwilliamson. / ® Registered trademark of T.O. Williamson. TDW Pigging Products P.p4 LBN-4A Batching Pig 16” through 48” (400 mm .007. Inc. D.Dimensions and Part Numbers LBN-4A Batching Pigs 3000.1200 mm) B A L Dimensions Size Inches 16 18 20 22 24 26 30 34 36 40 42 48 mm 400 450 500 550 600 650 750 850 900 1000 1050 1200 Weight Lbs Kg. Williamson. All rights reserved T. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2005. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T. D. / Dimensions not for construction unless Data subject to change without notice. Williamson.O. / ® Registered trademark of T. This instrument can locate and evaluate reductions without damage to the pipe. Urethane cups operate in temperatures ranging from -20°F to 200°F (-29°C to 93°C). tough elastomer. Gauge plate outside diameter may be specified by the customer. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T. To help you obtain the proper pig for your application. The following options are available: SG-2 SG-2 Gauging Pigs are available in sizes 4" (100 mm) through 14" (350 mm) Data subject to change without notice. TDW offers an alternate method to effectively inspect the pipe interior. Inc. Features SG-2 and LG-2 Pigs are designed to indicate obstructions in new pipelines. Inc. budgeting. Inc. Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 Fax: 918-664-7091 www. / Printed in USA . D. is committed to providing you with the exact product to assist you in planning.D.00 Date: September 1998 Cross Indexing No: n/a Supersedes: 205 (1/80) Options T. Guide bars are recommended across opening when branch is 75% of pipe ID. Description Aluminum and slotted aluminum gauging flanges are available in place of steel. a high-strength.D. Williamson. check to see if the selection is capable of traversing your particular pipeline components. SG-2 and LG-2 Pigs utilize TDW's new urethane scraper cups. and meeting the specifications for your individual application needs. For more information on KALIPER Surveys.002.. SG-2 and LG-2 Pigs will traverse 90° ells (1-1/2 D radius bend) and full opening. full bore valves.SG-2 & LG-2 Gauging Pigs Sizes: 4.through 36-inch Bulletin No: 3030. Williamson. They are not recommended for use in lines that contain check valves. LG-2 SG-2 Pigs are available with heavy duty type urethane scraper cups. They are equipped with durable urethane cups and steel or aluminum gauging flanges. USA: 1-800-571-7447 England: (44) 1-793-603600 Tulsa. Cups are also available in Buna-N. an Electronic KALIPER® surveyor. Neoprene and Viton. TDW Pigging Products P. Inc.tdwilliamson. LG-2 Pigs are available in sizes 16" (400 mm) through 36" (900 mm). 3-cup and 4-cup pigs are available. All rights reserved T. Williamson. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified. Box 1121 Gauge plates may be installed on either the front or rear of the pig or at both locations. contact TDW Pipeline Surveys. which are made of liquid-cast urethane. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2006. Dimensions and Part Numbers SG-2 & LG-2 Gauging Pigs Sizes 4" through 36" 3030.002- p2 SG 2 LG-2 Sizing Plate OD Inches mm Inches mm 4 6 8 10 12 14 100 150 200 250 300 350 3-11/16 5-5/8 7-3/8 9-1/4 11-1/8 12-1/4 94 143 187 235 283 311 Sizing Plate OD Wt/Lbs Wt/kg 4 11 23 39 55 62 2 5 10 18 25 28 Part Number Inches mm Inches mm 03-0004-0000 03-0723-0000 03-0724-0000 03-0725-0000 03-0726-0000 03-0727-0000 16 18 20 22 24 26 30 34 36 400 450 500 550 600 650 750 850 900 14-1/4 16-1/8 18 19-3/4 21-3/4 23-1/2 27-1/4 31-1/2 33-1/2 368 410 457 502 552 597 692 800 851 03-0052-000 03-0053-0000 03-0054-0000 03-0055-0000 03-0056-0000 03-0057-0000 03-0058-0000 03-0059-0000 03-0110-0000 A L SG-2 Size 30 36 51 53 65 74 106 138 157 16" through 36" (400-900 mm) A Dimensions 67 80 112 117 143 162 233 305 345 Part Number LG-2 Pig SG-2 Pig 4" through 14" (100-350 mm) L Wt/Lbs Wt/kg LG-2 A L Size A L Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches mm Inches 4 6 8 10 12 14 100 150 200 250 300 350 4-1/2 8-1/4 9-1/4 12-7/8 17-1/16 17-3/16 114 210 235 327 433 437 7-5/8 11-3/8 12-7/8 18-7/8 22-7/8 22-7/8 194 289 327 479 581 581 16 18 20 22 24 26 30 34 36 400 450 500 550 600 650 750 850 900 17-7/8 19-3/4 23 22-13/16 26-11/16 26-3/4 30-3/16 33-5/8 36-1/2 454 502 584 579 678 679 767 854 927 21-5/8 549 23-9/16 598 27 686 26-7/8 683 30-7/8 784 31 787 35-1/8 892 38-5/8 981 41-9/16 1056 TDW Pigging Products P.O. Box 1121 Tulsa, Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 Fax: 918-664-7091 mm Data subject to change without notice. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified. / ® Registered trademark of T.D. Williamson, Inc. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T.D. Williamson, Inc. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2006. All rights reserved T.D. Williamson, Inc. / Printed in USA ULTRA Pig-All Urethane ™ Sizes: 16- through 36-inch Bulletin No: 3030.005.04 Date: January 2007 Cross Indexing No: n/a Supersedes: 3030.005.03 (12/06) Options T. D. Williamson, Inc., is committed to providing you with the exact product to assist you in meeting your individual needs. The ULTRA Pig, offered in a number of configurations, is available with the following options: Additional cups or discs Gauge plates at your specified diameter and configuration Mounting plates for pig tracking transmitters Bypass holes for jet cleaning RealSeal™ Multi-lip cups for increased sealing effectiveness and wear life DCDC Configuration Description Features The ULTRA™ Pig, available in sizes 16” through 36”, is an excellent batching/displacement pig and will even perform light cleaning jobs. It can be furnished in a number of cup, disc and cup/disc configurations. The ULTRA Pig is offered in four basic configurations in sizes 16” through 36”. The pig bodies will allow the installation of two different size cups and/or discs starting with the 18” and 20” size. Its all-urethane construction, except bolts, nuts and washers, makes this a very lightweight pig. The pig body and spacers are manufactured from our structural grade urethane, designed to withstand the loads applied within a pipeline. This lightens the pig making it easier to handle in the field and also making the pig last longer. Configuration 1111 is used for bidirectional applications. Types 2220 and 2222 are used for long batching and displacement applications. Type 1212 is used when light cleaning, batching and displacement are required on a single run. TDW Pigging Products P.O. Box 1121 All cups and discs are replaceable and can be interchanged or reconfigured when conditions warrant or when necessary. They feature TDW's polyurethane formula which is designed to provide superior abrasion resistance. This new polyurethane means more miles and more runs at less cost. Tulsa, Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 Patented in the United States and in foreign countries. USA: 1-800-571-7447 England: (44) 1-793-603600 Fax: 918-664-7091 Data subject to change without notice. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified. / ® Registered trademark of T.D. Williamson, Inc. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T.D. Williamson, Inc. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2007. All rights reserved T.D. Williamson, Inc. / Printed in USA Dimensions and Part Numbers ULTRA Pig ™ 3030.005 - p2 Configuration 1111 Configuration 1212 D D A A B B C C Configuration 1111, Sizes 16" through 36" Inches 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 mm 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 Part Number 01-1513-1111-16 01-1513-1111-18 01-1513-1111-20 01-1513-1111-22 01-1513-1111-24 01-1513-1111-26 01-1513-1111-28 01-1513-1111-30 01-1513-1111-32 01-1513-1111-34 01-1513-1111-36 Lbs. 65 85 90 160 180 230 245 335 360 490 525 Kg. 29 39 41 73 82 104 111 152 163 222 238 A 3.625 4.062 4.062 5.000 5.000 5.875 5.875 6.750 6.750 7.750 7.750 Dimensions/Inches B C 21.250 27.781 23.875 31.281 23.875 31.281 29.250 38.469 29.250 38.469 34.500 44.656 34.500 44.656 39.750 51.031 39.750 51.031 45.125 57.531 45.125 57.531 D 15.875 17.875 19.875 22.000 24.000 26.000 28.000 30.000 32.000 34.000 36.000 A 92 103 103 127 127 149 149 171 171 197 197 Dimensions/mm B C 540 706 606 795 606 795 743 977 743 977 876 1134 876 1134 1010 1296 1010 1296 1146 1461 1146 1461 D 403 454 505 559 610 660 711 762 813 864 914 Kg. 29 43 45 77 84 107 116 161 177 240 259 A 7.062 7.812 9.062 9.594 10.844 12.000 13.250 13.750 15.000 15.875 17.250 Dimensions/Inches B C 24.688 30.094 27.625 33.906 28.875 35.156 33.844 41.750 35.094 43.000 40.625 49.469 41.875 50.719 46.750 56.531 48.000 57.781 53.250 63.781 54.625 65.156 D 15.875 17.875 19.875 22.000 24.000 26.000 28.000 30.000 32.000 34.000 36.000 A 179 198 230 244 275 305 337 349 381 403 438 Dimensions/mm B C 627 764 702 861 733 893 860 1060 891 1092 1032 1257 1064 1288 1187 1436 1219 1468 1353 1620 1387 1655 D 403 454 505 559 610 660 711 762 813 864 914 Configuration 1212, Sizes 16" through 36" Inches 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 mm 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 Part Number 01-1513-1212-16 01-1513-1212-18 01-1513-1212-20 01-1513-1212-22 01-1513-1212-24 01-1513-1212-26 01-1513-1212-28 01-1513-1212-30 01-1513-1212-32 01-1513-1212-34 01-1513-1212-36 TDW Pigging Products Lbs. 65 95 100 170 185 235 255 355 390 530 570 P.O. Box 1121 Tulsa, Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 Fax: 918-664-7091 Data subject to change without notice. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified. / ® Registered trademark of T.D. Williamson, Inc. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T.D. Williamson, Inc. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2007. All rights reserved T.D. Williamson, Inc. / Printed in USA 750 12.781 37. Box 1121 Lbs. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified.625 6.000 28.094 26.375 63.875 17.875 22. Williamson.562 7. Sizes 16" through 36" Inches 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 mm 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 Part Number 01-1513-2222-16 01-1513-2222-18 01-1513-2222-20 01-1513-2222-22 01-1513-2222-24 01-1513-2222-26 01-1513-2222-28 01-1513-2222-30 01-1513-2222-32 01-1513-2222-34 01-1513-2222-36 TDW Pigging Products P.062 29.000 A 143 160 167 197 203 232 238 267 273 305 311 Dimensions/mm B C 498 672 560 758 567 790 686 933 692 965 810 1107 816 1139 933 1264 940 1296 1057 1423 1064 1458 D 403 454 505 559 610 660 711 762 813 864 914 Kg.125 44.000 A 143 160 167 197 203 232 238 267 273 305 311 Dimensions/mm B C 591 764 664 861 670 893 813 1060 819 1092 959 1257 965 1288 1105 1436 1111 1468 1254 1620 1260 1655 D 403 454 505 559 610 660 711 762 813 864 914 Configuration 2222.625 56.844 22.250 Dimensions/Inches B C 19.000 26.875 17.000 51.000 24.000 30.875 19.000 31.D. Williamson. 25 36 39 61 68 84 91 132 145 200 215 A 5.781 49.312 6. Inc. All rights reserved T.156 D 15. Data subject to change without notice. 65 100 110 175 195 240 260 375 415 565 615 Tulsa.000 32. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2007.125 33.000 36.719 43.500 10.000 12.906 26. Williamson.375 10.562 7.D.750 57.469 38.750 49.531 43.000 37.594 32. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T.Dimensions and Part Numbers 3030.312 31.406 D 15.875 43. Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 Fax: 918-664-7091 www.469 22.094 27.000 9.844 36.750 27.000 36.625 65.875 22.875 57.250 43.625 26.375 35.750 49.781 49.031 41.005 . 55 80 85 135 150 185 200 290 320 440 475 Kg.750 12. Inc.875 19.250 30.tdwilliamson.000 34.750 8.000 28.750 8.125 9.500 56.000 26.312 6.125 9.000 9.250 Dimensions/Inches B C 23.000 12.500 10.625 6. 29 45 50 79 88 109 118 170 188 256 279 A 5. Sizes 16" through 36" Inches 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 mm 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 Part Number 01-1513-2220-16 01-1513-2220-18 01-1513-2220-20 01-1513-2220-22 01-1513-2220-24 01-1513-2220-26 01-1513-2220-28 01-1513-2220-30 01-1513-2220-32 01-1513-2220-34 01-1513-2220-36 Lbs.D.031 41.000 32.375 10. / ® Registered trademark of T.000 36.750 32.000 30.O.p3 ULTRA Pig ™ Configuration 2220 Configuration 2222 D D A A B B C C Configuration 2220.156 32. / Printed in USA .000 50.250 38.000 34.000 24.000 41. O.p4 Sizes 16” through 36” 16" 18" 20" 22" 24" 26" 28" 30" 32" 34" 36" Body 00-6407-0016 00-6407-1820 00-6407-1820 00-6407-2224 00-6407-2224 00-6407-2628 00-6407-2628 00-8115-0001 00-8115-0001 00-8064-0001 00-8064-0001 Spacer 00-6408-0016 00-6408-1820 00-6408-1820 00-6408-2224 00-6408-2224 00-6408-2628 00-6408-2628 00-8115-0003 00-8115-0003 00-8064-0003 00-8064-0003 Flange 00-6409-0016 00-6409-1820 00-6409-1820 00-6409-2224 00-6409-2224 00-6409-2628 00-6409-2628 00-6409-3032 00-6409-3032 00-6409-3436 00-6409-3436 Nose 00-6410-0016 00-6410-1820 00-6410-1820 00-6410-2224 00-6410-2224 00-6410-2628 00-6410-2628 00-6410-3032 00-6410-3032 00-6410-3436 00-6410-3436 Disc 00-6414-0016 00-6414-0018 00-6414-0020 00-6414-0022 00-6414-0024 00-6414-0026 00-6414-0028 00-6414-0030 00-6414-0032 00-6414-0034 00-6414-0036 Cup 00-4120-0016 00-4120-0018 00-4120-0020 00-4120-0022 00-4120-0024 00-4120-0026 00-4120-0028 00-4120-0030 00-4120-0032 00-4120-0034 00-4120-0036 Typical of all ULTRA™ Pigs: Will traverse 1. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2007.5 DR bends. Inc. / ® Registered trademark of T. Williamson.1" TDW Pigging Products P. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T.tdwilliamson. Box 1121 Data subject to change without notice. / Printed in USA . Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 Fax: 918-664-7091 www.D. Inc. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified. Maximum Gate Valve Seat-Ring Spacing is equal to Dimension A .D.D. Inc. All rights reserved T.1" Maximum Check Valve Bowl Length is equal to Dimension B . Williamson.Ordering Information ULTRA Pig ™ 3030.005 . Williamson. D.XPig Multi-purpose Utility Tool ® Sizes: 2. It is available in three basic configurations: The TDW Pig Washer facilitates easy cleanup when re-using the XPig tool or any other pigs.O.tdwilliamson.D. (Applicable to rear cup only. All rights reserved T. Inc.01 Date: October 2008 Cross Indexing No: n/a Supersedes: January 2007 XPig Multi-purpose Utility Tool ® 5D Configuration Options T.. USA: 1-800-571-7447 England: (44) 1-793-603600 Fax: 918-664-7091 www.) Discs and cups can be machined to conform to heavy wall ID offshore pipe Select from three available hardness levels (durometer 85*. Williamson. Available options include: Poly. batching. Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 Patented in the United States and in foreign countries. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified. displacement.D. Shore A) Description Bolt-on gauging plate option Features Can be molded with solid core body Available in 4. Williamson. Whether your needs are cleaning. It is a one piece pig molded from TDW's Formla SI™ Urethane with add on options available.and 16-inch Bulletin No: 3030. Inc. line commissioning/decommissioning. is committed to providing the best products available to assist you in meeting your specific pipeline needs. D. Superior durability allows the XPig tool to finish as strong as it starts.through 16-inch only) TDW Pigging Products P.006. A smaller front cup/disc facilitates launch and its flexible body is designed to handle 1. Williamson. Inc.through 12. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T. *85 is the standard hardness unless otherwise specified • One cup and five discs • Two cups and four discs • Five discs. the XPig tool is up to the task. carbon steel or stainless steel brushes for cleaning Bypass holes for enhanced cleaning capability with jetting action ® XPig Multi-purpose Utility Tool ® 1C5D Configuration XPig Multi-purpose Utility Tool ® 2C4D Configuration TDW RealSeal option offers excellent sealing performance for de-watering and product segmentation from start to finish. / Printed in USA . the ® TDW XPig multi-purpose utility tool is exceptionally versatile.75. Box 1121 Tulsa. Inc. The hollow core can house a transmitter or trip magnet to activate non-intrusive pig passage indicators (4.80 .and 16-inch sizes. affordable and disposable.5 D radius bends better than rigid-body pigs.through 12. or even gauging. Data subject to change without notice. / ® Registered trademark of T. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2008. EF SZ A B Nominal Size Inches 02* Style 1 = 1C5D Durometer 0 = 85A C 04 2 = 2C4D 1 = 80A 06 3 = 5D 2 = 75A D Transmitter Retainer Trip Magnet Retainer 0 = None 0 = None 1 = Yes E F Bypass Holes 0 = None RealSeal (Rear Cup Only) 0 = None 1 = 1% 1 = Yes 1 = Yes ® 3 = 3% (Standard) 08 10 12 16 Example: 01-3312-1010-01 would be a Data subject to change without notice. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2008.D.19 4.2 1.53 9. with RealSeal Rear Cup ® *2-inch is available in 1C4D and 4D configurations only.000 Fax: 918-664-7091 Weight mm 56 111 165 216 268 319 406 Lbs.14 18.60 21.50 10.6 36.38 29. 1 cup 5 disc. Inc. Box 1121 Tulsa.p2 01-33SZ .O. / ® Registered trademark of T.tdwilliamson. Oklahoma 74101-1121 A Inches 3. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified. Transmiter Retainer (Transmitter sold Separately).7 62. 0.36 15.375 6.562 12.0 Kg. The only options on the 2-inch are changes in the hardness. NOTE: Consult factory for Thickwall (Offshore) Applications 1C5D Configuration 2C4D Configuration Rear Cup removed for 5D Configuration 1C5D Configuration B B A A Dimensions Size (Nominal) Inches mm 2 50 4 100 6 150 8 200 10 250 12 300 16 400 RealSeal Option (Rear Cup Only) ® TDW Pigging Products P.D. Williamson.562 16. / Printed in USA .2 21.Dimensions and Part Numbers XPig™ Multi-purpose Utility Tool 3030. 85A Durometer.50 8.12 www.42 918-447-5400 B mm 98 238 384 472 552 619 747 Inches 2. 0. Williamson.8 12.75 24.ABCD . Williamson. Inc.87 9.80 16. Inc.006 .65 28.7 5. All rights reserved T.77 2.09 0.D.63 5. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T. All rights reserved T. Box 1121 Tulsa. Inc.O. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified.tdwilliamson.D. 2 cup 4 disc.006 .ABCD . 80A Durometer. Williamson. RealSeal Rear Cup.Dimensions and Part Numbers XPig™ Multi-purpose Utility Tool .Accessories 3030. 3% By-Pass.EFGH SZ A B Nominal C D E F Transmitter Trip Magnet Bypass RealSeal ® G H Brush Number Size (Inches) Style Durometer Retainer Retainer Holes (Rear Cup Only) Material of Brushes 04 1 = 1C5D 0 = 85A 0 = None 0 = None 0 = None 0 = None 0 = Carbon 1=1 06 2 = 2C4D 1 = 80A 1 = Yes 1 = Yes 1 = 1% 1 = Yes 1 = Stainless Steel 2=2 08 3 = 5D 2 = 75A 2 = Polyurethane 3=3 3 = 3% (Standard) 10 4=4 12 16 Example: 02-3312-2100-1112 would be a 12-inch.D. Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 Fax: 918-664-7091 www. Williamson. / Printed in USA . Inc. Williamson. Inc. / ® Registered trademark of T. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2008. Stainless Steel Brushes One on Front and One on Rear ® NOTE: Consult factory for Thickwall (Offshore) Applications TDW Pigging Products Data subject to change without notice.p3 XPig™ Multi-purpose Utility Tool 2C4D with Brush Assembly Attached Part Number for Brush Pig 02-33SZ . / Printed in USA .70 5.Accessories 3030.ABCD .006 .25 14.D. Inc.p4 XPig™ Multi-purpose Utility Tool 2C4D with Guaging Plate Assembly Attached Part Number for Guage Pig 03-34SZ . RealSeal Rear Cup.20 11. 85A Durometer.O. All rights reserved Data subject to change without notice. Inc.D. with Standard size Gauge Plate for detecting Pipe Deformation ® NOTE: Consult factory for Thickwall (Offshore) Applications Standard Gauge Plate Sizes Pig Size (Nominal) Inches mm 4 100 6 150 8 200 10 250 12 300 16 400 TDW Pigging Products Outside Diameter MFL Inches 3.50 8. / ® Registered trademark of T.56 12. Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 Fax: 918-664-7091 www. Williamson. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified. Box 1121 Inches 3. 1 cup 5 disc.64 7. Williamson. Inc.00 6.Dimensions and Part Numbers XPig™ Multi-purpose Utility Tool .38 9.D.10 9.00 mm 94 127 165 206 243 305 Tulsa. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2008.EFGH SZ A B C D E F G ® H Transmitter Trip Magnet Bypass RealSeal MFL Gauge DEF Gauge Size (Inches) Style Durometer Retainer Retainer Holes (Rear Cup Only) Plate (Std Size) Plate (Std Size) 02 1 = 1C5D 0 = 85A 0 = None 0 = None 0 = None 0 = None 0 = No 1 = No 04 2 = 2C4D 1 = 80A 1 = Yes 1 = Yes 1 = 1% 1 = Yes 1 = Yes 2 = Yes 06 3 = 5D 2 = 75A Nominal 3 = 3% (Standard) 08 10 12 16 Example: 03-3412-1000-0101 would be a 12-inch.tdwilliamson. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T.25 DEF mm 94 143 187 234 286 362 P.70 5. Williamson. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T. TDW Pigging Products P. TDW offers alternative methods to effectively locate and size obstructions using smart pigs. Inc. They are not recommended for lines containing check valves unless the valves can be locked in the open position. In the case of severe obstructions the pig may get stuck in the line. Box 1121 Tulsa. Inc.O. Features TDW Gauging Pigs are designed to indicate obstructions in a pipeline.D. The pigs will traverse 1. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2010. Standard gauging plate diameters are from 92% to 94% of standard weight pipe inside diameter. The gauge plates are made from aluminum and are slotted in order to deform locally when an unacceptable obstruction is encountered while still allowing the pig to travel on through the pipeline.tdwilliamson. Multiple gauge plates can be provided on one pig.through 14-inch configuration) Alternative material for cups and discs is available in cases where polyurethane is not acceptable. Williamson.Gauging Pigs Sizes: 4. For more information contact your local TDW representative. Inc. The slotted aluminum gauge plates will deform and stay deformed if they encounter an obstruction in the line. The Polly-G Gauging Pig is offered in medium and high density bare foam and with a "criss-cross" pattern. LV-G Pig DCDC with Gauge Plate Polly-G Pig with Gauge Plate (Typical 16-inch and larger configuration) Description Pigs can be modified if necessary to hold a transmitter for tracking the pig during its run through the line. Williamson. O OptionAll™ construction. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified. / ® Registered trademark of T. G gauging). or to locate the pig should it get stuck in the line. USA: 1-800-571-7447 England: (44) 1-793-603600 Polly-G for foam pigs with gauge plate. V VANTAGE® construction. LV-G in 16” and larger sizes (L large.D. / Printed in USA .com Data subject to change without notice. Pig configuration can be modified to meet customer request. These pigs will be referred to as: SO-G in 4”-14” sizes (S small. Williamson. TDW SO-G and LV-G pigs utilize polyurethane cups and discs.5DR bends unless otherwise noted.D. G gauging). All rights reserved T. These cups and discs can operate in temperatures ranging from -18° C (0° F) to 93° C (200° F). Since they are made of aluminum they will not damage the internal surface of the pipe.through 36-inch Bulletin No: 3030. Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 Fax: 918-664-7091 www. The diameter and thickness of the gauge plate may be specified by the customer.007.00 Date: June 2010 Cross Indexing No: n/a Supersedes: n/a Options The following options are available on most TDW Gauging Pigs: SO-G Pig 1C3D with Gauge Plate SO-G Pig 2C1D with Gauge Plate (Typical 4-inch configuration) (Typical 6. 70 112 Approx Pig Wt lbs kg 2 1 A Inches 6. Williamson. Inc.0 20.25 248 11.tdwilliamson.D.p2 SO-G Pig with Gauge Plate 4-inch L Nom Pipe Size Inches mm 4 100 A Standard Gauge Plate Diameter* Inches mm 3.2 25. TDW Pigging Products P.4 L mm 163 Inches 8.1 19. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2010.2 15.75-inch diameter gauge plate.7 16. SO-G Pig with Gauge Plate 6. For example: a 4-inch pig with a part number of 03-2595-0403-7003 would have a 3.38 194 9.4 26. Box 1121 Tulsa.00. / ® Registered trademark of T. / Printed in USA .1 Data subject to change without notice. Williamson. All rights reserved T.4 L mm 282 335 384 490 493 Inches 13.1 *The "CC-DD" in the part number is used to specify the diameter of the gauge plate with the "CC" being inches and the "DD" being hundreths of an inch.25 318 Approx Pig Wt lbs kg 6 3 12 5 25 11 30 14 35 16 A Inches 11. Inc. For example: a 10-inch pig with a part number of 03-2595-1009-7503 would have a 9.D. Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 Fax: 918-664-7091 www.70-inch diameter gauge plate. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T.007.64 143 7.O.through 14-inch L Nom Pipe Size Inches mm 6 150 8 200 10 250 12 300 14 350 A Standard Gauge Plate Diameter* Inches mm 5. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified.D.Dimensions and Part Numbers SO-G Gauging Pigs Sizes 4.through 14-inch 3030.3 19. The 03 at the end of the part number denotes a standard 3/16-inch gauge plate thickness. The 03 at the end of the part number denotes a standard 3/16-inch gauge plate thickness.4 mm 213 Pig Part Number* 03-2595-04CC-DD03 mm 348 406 513 645 663 Pig Part Number* 03-2595-06CC-DD03 03-2595-08CC-DD03 03-2595-10CC-DD03 03-2595-12CC-DD03 03-2595-14CC-DD03 *The "CC-DD" in the part number is used to specify the diameter of the gauge plate with the "CC" being inches and the "DD" being hundreths of an inch. Inc.16 286 12. Williamson. 9 52.5 39.4 59.8 Data subject to change without notice. Polly-G Pig with Gauge Plate Consult factory for available Foam Pigs with Gauge Plate options TDW Pigging Products P.00 838 Approx Pig Wt lbs kg 60 27 95 43 110 50 165 75 180 82 215 97 250 113 345 156 360 163 495 224 530 240 A Inches 27.007. / ® Registered trademark of T. Williamson.5 61.9 32.25 362 16.0 44.D.00 406 18.25-inch diameter gauge plate.5 34. Inc.3 60.2 31.2 40.D.7 61.8 45.00. Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 Fax: 918-664-7091 www. The 03 at the end of the part number denotes a standard 3/16-inch gauge plate thickness.0 38.D. Box 1121 Tulsa.50 648 27.O.00 508 21.00 457 20.9 mm 709 826 864 970 1016 1133 1176 1316 1354 1537 1572 Pig Part Number* 03-2597-16CC-DD03 03-2597-18CC-DD03 03-2597-20CC-DD03 03-2597-22CC-DD03 03-2597-24CC-DD03 03-2597-26CC-DD03 03-2597-28CC-DD03 03-2597-30CC-DD03 03-2597-32CC-DD03 03-2597-34CC-DD03 03-2597-36CC-DD03 *The "CC-DD" in the part number is used to specify the diameter of the gauge plate with the "CC" being inches and the "DD" being hundreths of an inch. Williamson.3 51.00 686 29. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2010. / Printed in USA .5 50.tdwilliamson. All rights reserved T. For example: a 16-inch pig with a part number of 03-2595-1614-2503 would have a 14.6 46. Williamson.3 37. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified.50 597 25.2 43. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T.00 787 33.00 737 31.85 555 23.1 L mm 691 808 846 953 996 1113 1156 1293 1331 1516 1552 Inches 27.Dimensions and Part Numbers LV-G Gauging Pigs Sizes 16-inch and Larger 3030.p3 LV-G Pig with Gauge Plate 16-inch and Larger A L Nom Pipe Size Inches mm 16 400 18 450 20 500 22 550 24 600 26 650 28 700 30 750 32 800 34 850 36 900 Standard Gauge Plate Diameter* Inches mm 14. Inc.8 53. Inc. This inhibitor slug serves as a reservoir to supply the V-Jet Pig’s spray nozzles and facilitates creation of a dense inhibitor fog between the pigs as they move through the pipe.through 28-inch Bulletin No: 3000.through 8-inch Description Injection or batching of corrosion inhibitor fluid can help reduce pipeline deterioration. For sizes 4.through 8-inch. with no moving parts or pressure vessels to fill and charge. fluid viscosity and specific gravity.O. Inc. The V-Jet Pig can be used as a stand-alone dewatering pig.D. The V-Jet Pig works based on the dynamics of bypass flow and differential pressure. Inc. / ® Registered trademark of T. Custom designs are also possible for larger pigs. This pressure drop creates a vacuum at the V-Jet Pig’s front inlet ports.00 Date: March 2008 Cross Indexing No: n/a Supersedes: n/a) Featuring sealing cups molded of tough Formula SI™ urethane. All rights reserved T. Larger diameter V-Jet Pigs are available in a variety of nozzle arrangements.008. Features A counterweight in the V-Jet Pig helps it maintain proper nozzle orientation during each run (10-inch and larger). USA: 1-800-571-7447 England: (44) 1-793-603600 Fax: 918-664-7091 www. It can also be used in batching mode with a slug of inhibitor separating a batching pig up front and the V-Jet Pig behind. Instead.D. V-Jet Corrosion Inhibitor Pig ® 10. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T. Tulsa. For liquids with physical properties similar to water. leaving the top of the pipe unsaturated and most vulnerable to Data subject to change without notice. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified. V-Jet® VXP Corrosion Inhibitor Pig Patent Pending in the United States and in foreign countries. Inhibitor delivery rates will vary depending on differential pressure. The V-Jet Pig works well for the final stages of a cleaning program as a means of removing scale from the pipe’s top inner wall. TDW Pigging Products P. The atomized spray also creates an increasingly dense vapor cloud that is pushed ahead of the V-Jet Pig during the entirety of the run. Options The V-Jet Pig is available in multiple sizes and nozzle configurations. The TDW ® V-Jet Corrosion Inhibitor Pig is designed to defy gravity by spraying corrosion inhibitor onto the inside top portion of multi-phase gas gathering or gas transmission pipelines. helping to coat all areas of the pipe wall with inhibitor. The V-Jet Pig has also been successful in chemical cleaning applications. each nozzle typically delivers approximately three quarts per minute at 15 psi. / Printed in USA . in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2008. but gravity naturally forces inhibitor to settle along the bottom of a pipe. Inc. Williamson. the V-Jet VXP Pigs have a single central nozzle. Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 V-Jet® Corrosion Inhibitor Pig Patented in the United States and in foreign countries. or in tandem with a slug of corrosion inhibitor behind. the V-Jet Pig is designed to be sturdy and reliable during long runs. Bypass flow acts as the accelerant to transfer and vaporize fluid while creating a low pressure area in the spray nozzle as it passes through.tdwilliamson. the V-Jet Pig’s patented design allows the higher pressure to flow through its body and spray head. Box 1121 The reclaimed corrosion inhibitor is then redeployed by the nozzles as an atomized spray at about a 45-degree angle (10-inch and larger) onto the top half of the pipe’s inner wall.through 28-inch V-Jet VXP Corrosion Inhibitor Pig ® 4.V-Jet Corrosion Inhibitor Pigs ® Sizes: 4. from 10-inch pigs with two nozzles all the way up to 28-inch pigs with nine nozzles.D. Williamson. Williamson. and this vacuum draws up residual corrosion inhibitor that has settled on the bottom of the pipe. 68 26.55 22.20 46. Inc.50 53.16 18.tdwilliamson.62 13. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T.00 28.00 28.00.50 8.Sizes 4.88 34.63 45.06 38. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2008.00 27.12 40.28 21.50 Tulsa.00 32.Dimensions and Part Numbers V-Jet Corrosion Inhibitor Pig ® 3000. Williamson.50 38.00 Approximate Weight (Lbs. Williamson.88 C Inches 18. Inc.88 17.10 28.50 40.008.07 918-447-5400 D Inches Data subject to change without notice.3 6 12 www.25 33.44 B Inches 21.) 60 75 105 130 182 210 273 315 497 566 V-Jet® VXP Corrosion Inhibitor Pig Part Number System: 01-2119-XX24-0400 Durometer Size Type / Configuration (2 Cup x 4 Disc) V-Jet VXP Corrosion Inhibitor Pig . / ® Registered trademark of T.through 8-inch ® Size (Inches) 4 6 8 TDW Pigging Products Part Number 01-2119-XX24-0400 01-2119-XX24-0600 01-2119-XX24-0800 P.88 22.O.62 12.88 19.68 28.D.through 28-inch ® Size (Inches) 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 Part Number 01-1961-0010-00S 01-1961-0012-00S 01-1961-0114-00 01-1961-0116-00 01-1961-0018-00 01-1961-0020-00 01-1961-0022-00 01-1961-0024-00 01-1961-0026-00 01-1961-0028-00 A Inches 25.76 14.75 45.50 Fax: 918-664-7091 Approximate Weight (Lbs. Oklahoma 74101-1121 B Inches 6.p2 A B C D V-Jet Corrosion Inhibitor Pig .75 14.00 38.25 15.00 26.D.75 D Inches 10. / Printed in USA . / Dimensions not for construction unless certified. Williamson. All rights reserved T.D.Sizes 10.36 18.18 32. Inc.) 2.00 45. Box 1121 A Inches 8.98 11.38 6.50 34.35 24.00 24.15 17.81 55.00 39. D. Cups may be furnished with bypass holes to increase the cleaning effectiveness. Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 RealSeal™ Cups are patented in the United States and in foreign countries. Most TDW cups are equipped with bolt hole metal inserts to allow for proper torque tightening of mounting bolts. / Printed in USA . Williamson.002.tdwilliamson. TDW offers conical cups for use on VANTAGE type pigs and heavy-duty type scraper cups for use on standard scraper type pigs. USA: 1-800-571-7447 England: (44) 1-793-603600 Fax: 918-664-7091 www.O. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified. Williamson. ® VANTAGE Batching Cups may be furnished at special diameters to give the best performance in your pipeline.002.D. Our cups feature TDW’s polyurethane formula which is designed to provide superior abrasion and wear-resistance qualities. Features TDW is committed to providing you with the exact product to assist you in meeting the needs of your individual applications. The TDW cups are direct replacements of the original cups and may be installed on most pigs supplied by others. Inc. Tulsa. TDW Pigging Products The conical cups and HD type cups may be supplied in the RealSeal™ configuration. Inc. ® VANTAGE Cleaning Cups may be furnished in conical or standard configuration. Cups may be furnished from rubber compounds for unique chemical applications. All rights reserved T. Box 1121 Options Cups may be furnished at different hardnesses or different formulations to meet your specific application.03 (1/08) TDW Urethane Cups and Discs Close-up RealSeal ™ Description TDW offers a complete line of urethane replacement cups for all TDW pigs. TDW cups are manufactured in strict accordance to our quality standards and laboratory tested to assure they meet the established physical and chemical properties.D. / ® Registered trademark of T. Inc. ® P. TDW cups are exact duplicates of the original cups to assure sure fit of replacement cups and proper installation.Urethane Cups Sizes: 2-inch and Larger Bulletin No: Data subject to change without notice.04 Date: October 2008 Cross Indexing No: n/a Supersedes: 3040. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T. Williamson. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2008. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T.0 330 13.05 0.188 81 3.312 160 6.Dimensions and Part Numbers TDW Urethane Cups 3040. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified. 0.219 82 3.2 0.562 217 10.60 4.00 5.375 264 10.562 344 13.438 113 --6.188 310 13. .219 158 7.2 0.812 249 10.438 87 4.875 200 8.00 1.8 0.938 49 2.00 1.1 0.219 209 9. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2008.7 2. Inc.4 0.tdwilliamson.562 167 8.D. / ® Registered trademark of T.062 52 2.59 Data subject to change without notice. Williamson.625 321 13.05 .250 57 3.1 0.002 .O.30 2.p2 Type A — 2” through 14” (50 mm .250 210 8.D. All rights reserved T.05 .30 2.80 1.30 2.00 Kg. Inc.188 106 4.80 2.D.9 . Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 Fax: 918-664-7091 www.00 5.188 335 Maximum ID Inches mm 2. Williamson.844 301 12.875 352 Weight Lbs.1 0.30 * For thin wall applications Type A Scraper Cup TDW Pigging Products P.05 .062 52 2. Inc.350 mm) Size Inches 2 2* 3 3* 4 4* 5 6 6* 8 8* 10 10* 12 12* 14 14* mm 50 50 80 80 100 100 125 150 150 200 200 250 250 300 300 350 350 Part Number 00-1551-0002 00-1604-0002 00-1551-0003 00-1604-0003 00-1551-0004 00-1604-0004 00-1551-0005 00-1551-0006 00-1604-0006 00-1551-0008 00-1604-0008 00-1551-0010 00-1604-0010 00-1551-0012 00-1604-0012 00-1551-0014 00-1604-0014 Minimum ID Inches mm 1. / Printed in USA .00 4.219 107 --5.625 270 12.938 151 6.1 0.4 0.1 0. Williamson.938 75 3.20 1.250 260 11.375 314 12.1 0. Box 1121 Tulsa.3 0.938 100 4.2 0. 875 530 22.0 4.0 1.3 7.0 0.375 1178 Maximum ID Inches 6.tdwilliamson.9 5.3 48 21.00 152 7.O.5 2.625 930 38. 1.D.8 5.625 37.375 1026 46.625 35.750 781 32.625 33.8 63 28. All rights reserved T. Kg.938 202 10.8 36 16.3 6.000 254 11.625 41.625 19.188 335 14. Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 Fax: 918-664-7091 www. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2008.Dimensions and Part Numbers TDW Urethane Cups 3040.625 23. Inc.D.750 15.500 47. Inc.0 6.375 8.500 mm 162 213 267 318 349 397 448 498 549 600 651 702 752 803 854 905 956 1006 1054 1207 Weight Lbs.625 31. / Printed in USA .625 Data subject to change without notice.6 60 27.938 303 13.375 975 40. / ® Registered trademark of T.8 59 26.3 26 11.p3 Type HD — 6” and Larger Size Inches 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 48 mm 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 1050 1200 Standard Part Number 00-3315-0006 00-3315-0008 00-3315-0010 00-3315-0012 00-3315-0014 00-3315-0016 00-3315-0018 00-3315-0020 00-3315-0022 00-3315-0024 00-3315-0026 00-3315-0028 00-3315-0030 00-3315-0032 00-3315-0034 00-3315-0036 00-3315-0038 00-3315-0040 00-3315-0042 00-3315-0048 RealSeal™ Part Number 00-7471-0006-00 00-7471-0008-00 00-7471-0010-00 00-7471-0012-00 00-7471-0014-00 00-7471-0016-00 00-7471-0018-00 00-7471-0020-00 00-7471-0022-00 00-7471-0024-00 00-7471-0026-00 00-7471-0028-00 00-7471-0030-00 00-7471-0032-00 00-7471-0034-00 00-7471-0036-00 00-7471-0038-00 00-7471-0040-00 00-7471-0042-00 00-7471-0048-00 Minimum ID Inches mm 6.0 3.2 10.875 429 18.750 578 24.625 17.6 25 11.625 829 34.500 13.5 2.625 27. Box 1121 Tulsa.500 12.5 15.2 69 31.0 8.002 .625 39.5 48.3 107.875 479 20.0 0. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T. Inc.625 879 36. Williamson.0 2.875 378 16.0 2.D. Williamson.625 25.4 Type HD Scraper Cup Type HD RealSeal™ Scraper Cup TDW Pigging Products P.8 19.750 629 26. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified.9 4.375 10. Williamson.750 730 30.750 679 28.625 29.3 36 16. 750 246 11.375 111 6.750 1213 Lbs.500 572 24.750 603 25.0 12 17 33 24 35 48 53 65 72 105 110 128 153 210 Weight Kg.750 654 27.500 266 12.0 6. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T. All rights reserved T. 0.4 95. Box 1121 Tulsa.750 375 16.2 4.000 1016 46.8 2.500 521 22.5 0.750 300 13.250 768 32.9 21.0 9.750 552 23.8 2. and OptionAll™ RealSeal™ Pig Cups TDW Pigging Products P.3 VANTAGE® IV.0 29.p4 VANTAGE IV.000 330 14.750 705 19.250 819 34.8 24. and OptionAll™ Pig Cups VANTAGE® IV. VANTAGE® V.750 1060 47.620 193 9. Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 Fax: 918-664-7091 www.0 4.7 15.625 397 17.250 870 36.002 .750 1010 41.tdwilliamson. Inc.750 756 31. Williamson.250 718 30. Inc.1 5.5 32.750 806 33.000 965 40. and OptionAll Pig Cups — 4” and Larger ® Size Inches mm 4 100 6 150 8 200 10 250 12 300 14 350 16 400 18 450 20 500 22 550 24 600 26 650 28 700 30 750 32 800 34 850 36 900 38 950 40 1000 42 1050 48 1200 ® ™ Standard Part Number 00-4120-0004 00-4120-0006 00-4120-0008-03 00-4120-0010-03 00-4120-0012-03 00-4120-0014-03 00-4120-0016 00-4120-0018 00-4120-0020 00-4120-0022 00-4120-0024 00-4120-0026 00-4120-0018 00-4120-0030 00-4120-0032 00-4120-0034 00-4120-0036 00-4120-0038 00-4120-0040 00-4120-0042 00-4120-0048 RealSeal™ Part Number 00-7457-0004-00 00-7457-0006-00 00-7457-0008-00 00-7457-0010-00 00-7457-0012-00 00-7457-0014-00 00-7457-0016-00 00-7457-0018-00 00-7457-0020-00 00-7457-0022-00 00-7457-0024-00 00-7457-0026-00 00-7457-0028-00 00-7457-0030-00 00-7457-0032-00 00-7457-0034-00 00-7457-0036-00 00-7457-0038-00 00-7457-0040-00 00-7457-0042-00 00-7457-0048-00 Minimum ID Inches mm 3.760 425 18.625 498 21.7 3.750 349 15.D.0 7.750 908 37. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified.750 857 35.1 69. / ® Registered trademark of T. Inc.9 15. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2008.O. VANTAGE V.812 147 7. 0.500 165 8. VANTAGE® V.4 7. Williamson.7 Data subject to change without notice.2 0.500 622 26.6 49. Williamson.000 914 38.500 215 10.500 317 13.500 673 28.D.750 476 20.750 959 39.0 10.Dimensions and Part Numbers TDW Urethane Cups 3040.812 96 5.625 448 19.D.4 0.9 58.000 1168 Maximum ID Inches mm 4. / Printed in USA .9 1. .O.D. center hole diameters. TDW discs are exact duplicates of the original disc to assure fit-up and proper installation. TDW offers discs in varying hardnesses. Williamson. Inc. and bolt circle diameters to meet your application requirements. Inc. center holes. Williamson. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T. Williamson. / Printed in USA . is committed to providing you with the exact product to assist you in meeting the needs of your individual applications. Williamson. Our urethane disc features TDW’s polyurethane formula which is designed to provide superior abrasion and wear resistance qualities. Inc.02 (2/05) Options T. TDW discs are manufactured in strict accordance to our quality standards and laboratory tested to assure they meet the established physical and chemical properties. Patented in the United States and in foreign countries. Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 Fax: 918-664-7091 www. D. thicknesses. thicknesses. The TDW discs are direct replacements of the original disc and may be installed on most pigs supplied by others. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2007. Dual diameter slotted discs are provided for dual diameter applications.Scraper Discs Sizes: 4-inch and Larger Bulletin No: 3040.D. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified. Discs may be used in conjunction with cups or used by themselves in either unidirectional or bidirectional applications. and bolt circles to meet your specific requirements. Features TDW offers a complete line of urethane and rubber replacement discs for TDW pigs. Discs may be furnished from urethane or rubber compounds. Inc. All rights reserved T.003. Box 1121 Data subject to change without notice. Urethane Scraper Disc Description Scraper discs may be furnished with bypass holes to increase the cleaning effectiveness.tdwilliamson. diameters. Most TDW discs are supplied with metal bolt hole inserts to allow for proper torque tightening of mounting bolts. / ® Registered trademark of T.03 Date: January 2007 Cross Indexing No: n/a Supersedes: 3040. TDW discs may be equipped with bypass holes to promote cleaning effectiveness. Discs are furnished to varying hardnesses. USA: 1-800-571-7447 England: (44) 1-793-603600 TDW Pigging Products P.D.003. 9 0.0 Kg.0 *Has 3/4” (19 mm) center Data subject to change without notice.7 1.D. Inc.5 1. TDW Pigging Products P. 3/4 1-1/2 2-1/4 4-1/4 4-1/2 Kg.5 2. 1-1/4 2-1/4 2-1/4 3-3/4 3-3/4 5 Kg. Inc.0 2. or part number of pig.3 .4 Solid Neoprene Discs for Dual-Diameter Pigs Size Inches 6 8 8 10 10 12 mm 150 200 200 250 250 300 For Pig Size Inches mm 6x8 150 x 200 8 x 10 200 x 250 8 x 12 200 x 300 10 x 12 250 x 300 10 x 14 250 x 350 12 x 16 300 x 400 Weight Part Number 00-0005-0008 00-0005-0009 00-0005-0009 00-0005-0010 00-0005-0010 00-0005-0011 Lbs.0 1. 0. Box 1121 Tulsa.5 2.9 1. / Printed in USA . please specify center hole diameter.0 2.1 1.0 Kg.p2 Solid Urethane Discs for Dual-Diameter Pigs When ordering discs in sizes 4” through 14” (100 mm through 350 mm).5 1. type of pig. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2007. Williamson. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified.1 1.D.D. 0.0 1.3 Slotted Urethane Discs for Dual-Diameter Pigs Size Inches 8 10 12 12 14 16 mm 200 250 300 300 350 400 For Pig Size Inches mm 6x8 150 x 200 8 x 10 200 x 250 8 x 12 200 x 300 10 x 12 250 x 300 10 x 14 250 x 350 12 x 16 300 x 400 Weight Part Number 00-1701-0001 00-1701-0002 00-1701-0003 00-1701-0004 00-1701-0005 00-1701-0006 Lbs. Williamson.5 1.Dimensions and Part Numbers Dual-Diameter Scraper Discs 3040.7 0. / ® Registered trademark of T. .3 0. 0.0 4.4 0. All rights reserved T. ^Has 1-1/4” (31 mm) center hole.7 1.5 3. Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 Fax: 918-664-7091 www.0 2.O. Inc. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T. Williamson.6 1.6 1.6 2. Size Inches 6 8 8 10 10 12 mm 150 200 200 250 250 300 For Pig Size Inches mm 6x8 150 x 200 8 x 10 200 x 250 8 x 12 200 x 300 10 x 12 250 x 300 10 x 14 250 x 350 12 x 16 300 x 400 Weight Part Number 00-1702-0001 00-1702-0002 00-1702-0002 00-1702-0003 00-1702-0003 00-1702-0004 Lbs. .8 1.3 4.tdwilliamson.8 Slotted Neoprene Discs for Dual-Diameter Pigs Size Inches 8 10 12 12 16 mm 200 250 300 300 400 For Pig Size Inches mm 6x8 150 x 200 8 x 10 200 x 250 8 x 12* 200 x 300 250 x 300 10 x 12^ 12 x 16 300 x 400 Weight Part Number 00-0055-0001 00-0055-0002 00-0055-0003 00-0055-0004 00-0055-0006 Lbs.003 .8 2. 0.0 2. 0 17.4 26.4 12.9 36.7 27.6 10.7 7.1 7.9 25.3 47.9 2.8 27.1 0.0 14.4 21.8 144.2 4.7 19.2 16.3 00-7696-0024-00 00-7696-0026-00 00-7696-0028-00 00-7696-0030-00 00-7696-0032-00 00-7696-0034-00 00-7696-0036-00 00-7696-0038-00 00-7696-0070-00 00-7696-0042-00 00-7696-0048-00 00-7696-0060-00 7.6 3. Kg.Dimensions and Part Numbers Bidirectional Scraper Discs 3040.5 14.0 30.6 4.9 9.D.8 23.5 Data subject to change without notice. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T.4 2.2 0. Inc.3 8.8 31.2 28.2 29.D.3 52.4 0.3 2.3 11. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified.6 1.3 36. Kg. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2007.0 5.5 22.5 4.1 15.4 33.0 26.9 6. / ® Registered trademark of T.7 76. Williamson. Support/ Guide Disc Part Number Weight Lbs.5 89.9 1.2 4.3 3.2 5.3 16.1 24.6 52.2 10. Scraper/Seal Disc Part Number 0.8 35.1 4.8 93.2 9.0 5.5 18. Williamson.1 5.3 21.4 11.6 2.7 4.7 12.2 00-7698-0016-00 00-7698-0018-00 00-7698-0020-00 00-7698-0022-00 00-7698-0024-00 00-7698-0026-00 00-7698-0028-00 00-7698-0030-00 00-7698-0032-00 00-7698-0034-00 00-7698-0036-00 00-7698-0040-00 00-7698-0042-00 00-7698-0048-00 00-7698-0056-00 00-7698-0060-00 Tulsa.3 0. Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 Fax: 918-664-7091 www.3 9.6 28. Inc.1 18.0 42.2 14.0 1.8 11. Box 1121 Weight Lbs.0 1.6 3.2 0.4 23.2 0.1 59.0 227.8 11.D.2 0.0 2.7 30.3 4.3 0.5 5.2 65.6 85.0 00-7699-0004-00 00-7699-0006-00 00-7699-0008-00 00-7699-0010-00 00-7699-0012-00 00-7699-0014-00 0.8 13.1 0.8 10.5 00-7698-0004-00 00-7698-0006-00 00-7698-0008-00 00-7698-0010-00 00-7698-0012-00 00-7698-0014-00 8.9 169.5 11.0 00-7695-0024-00 00-7695-0026-00 00-7695-0028-00 00-7695-0030-00 00-7695-0032-00 00-7695-0034-00 00-7695-0036-00 00-7695-0038-00 00-7695-0040-00 00-7695-0042-00 00-7695-0048-00 00-7695-0060-00 5.1 14.7 6.9 72. All rights reserved T.4 12.7 3.0 00-7699-0016-00 00-7699-0018-00 00-7699-0020-00 00-7699-0022-00 00-7699-0024-00 00-7699-0026-00 00-7699-0028-00 00-7699-0030-00 00-7699-0032-00 00-7699-0034-00 00-7699-0036-00 00-7699-0040-00 00-7699-0042-00 00-7699-0048-00 00-7699-0056-00 00-7699-0060-00 4.7 66.7 1.9 12.8 50.0 196.8 13.2 81.8 103.0 23.3 26.0 40.2 1.8 13.4 80.O. Williamson. Inc.9 37.2 38. / Printed in USA .9 8.003 .2 5.0 39.4 16.p3 BiDirectional Disc Size Inches mm Series I 4 100 6 150 8 200 10 250 12 300 14 350 Series II 24 600 26 650 28 700 30 750 32 800 34 850 36 900 38 950 40 1000 42 1050 48 1200 60 1500 Series III 16 400 18 450 20 500 22 550 24 600 26 650 28 700 30 750 32 800 34 850 36 900 40 1000 42 1050 48 1200 56 1400 60 1500 TDW Pigging Products P.5 0.4 61.5 27.5 115.3 12.5 0.2 9.6 1.tdwilliamson.3 6. / Printed in USA .2 20 9 25 11.9 53 23.000 32.750 43 1.000 30.125 31 1.5 2 . Williamson. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified.625 10.003 .500 37 1.500 37 1. Kg. Inc. / ® Registered trademark of T.625 16 .9 3 1.D. Inc.031 8.000 26.8 5 2.250 56 2. Box 1121 OD mm 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 Inches 4.3 4 1.750 43 2.4 5 2 6-1/2 3 6-3/4 3 13 6 17 8 20-1/2 9 26-1/2 12 44 20 56 25 66 30 Part Number 00-6414-0004 00-6414-0006 00-6414-0008 00-6414-0010 00-6414-0012 00-6414-0014 00-6414-0016 00-6414-0018 00-6414-0020 00-6414-0022 00-6414-0024 00-6414-0026 00-6414-0028 00-6414-0030 00-6414-0032 00-6414-0034 00-6414-0036 Weight Lbs.9 Bidirectional Urethane Discs for the ULTRA Pig ™ Size Inches 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 TDW Pigging Products P.000 28.2 6 2.938 Data subject to change without notice.D. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2007.O.500 37 1.875 22 1.000 mm 107 150 215 265 317 350 395 447 497 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 Tulsa.000 34.625 12.9 3 1.000 36.D.125 31 1.250 56 2.45 2 .8 62 27.000 24.875 17.000 15. Kg.Dimensions and Part Numbers Other Bidirectional Scraper Discs 3040.938 22.500 62 918-447-5400 Fax: 918-664-7091 www. Williamson.375 6.tdwilliamson. Inc.750 43 1.875 22 . in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T. Oklahoma 74101-1121 Thickness Inches mm . 1 .7 7 3.7 42 18.250 56 2.500 62 2. 1 .5 16 7.p4 Molded Neoprene Discs for Bidirectional Pigs Size Inches 6 8 10 12 14 16 20 22 24 26 30 34 36 mm 150 200 250 300 350 400 500 550 600 650 750 850 900 OD Inches 6-3/8 8-3/8 10-7/16 12-7/16 13-11/16 15-11/16 19-5/8 21-5/8 23-5/8 25-5/8 29-5/8 33-5/8 35-5/8 Thickness Inches mm 3/4 19 3/4 19 3/4 19 7/8 22 7/8 22 1 25 1-1/4 32 1-1/4 32 1-1/2 38 1-1/2 38 1-7/8 48 2 51 2-1/4 57 mm 162 213 265 316 348 398 498 549 600 651 752 854 905 Part Number 00-1998-0006 00-1998-0008 00-1998-0010 00-1998-0012 00-1998-0014 00-1998-0016 00-1998-0020 00-1998-0022 00-1998-0024 00-1998-0026 00-1998-0030 00-1998-0034 00-1998-0036 Weight Lbs. All rights reserved T.250 31 1. Williamson.4 35 15.3 32 14.750 14.2 9 4 10 4. Inc.D. Wheel brush for FJR. is committed to providing you with the exact product to assist you in meeting your individual needs.01 (1/07) Steel Wire Brushes Description Features TDW offers a wide variety of replacement cleaning brushes for the various types of TDW cleaning pigs. Williamson. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2008. / Printed in USA . All rights reserved T.004.O. Data subject to change without notice. Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 Fax: 918-664-7091 www. Inc. Williamson. / ® Registered trademark of T.. All replacement brushes are exact duplicates of the brushes originally supplied and are completely interchangeable for field installation. Williamson.Steel Wire Brushes Sizes: 2-inch and Larger Bulletin No: 3040. Inc. JRN.8” pigs ® T-Brush for T-Pigs and Vantage + 10” .004. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T. and Vantage + 4” . Inc.D.14” pigs ® Wrap brush for OptionAll pigs ™ Options All TDW Cleaning Brushes are made from the highest quality materials and manufactured to standards to assure the maximum cleaning effectiveness for internal pipe cleaning. Square brush for WCK pigs T. TDW can provide: Non-metallic brushes Brush wrap assemblies for converting our BiDirectionAll cleaning pigs Complete brush conversion kits for converting the Vantage V Batching Pigs to cleaning pigs ® Parallelogram brush for Vantage V Pigs ® Circular PitBoss Brush for PitBoss™ Pigs USA: 1-800-571-7447 England: (44) 1-793-603600 TDW Pigging Products P.D. Box 1121 Tulsa.02 Date: October 2008 Cross Indexing No: n/a Supersedes: 3040. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified. 1/4 .91 *Standard on 6” x 6-1/2” (150 mm x 165mm).91 Fine Wire Part Number *00-0075-0001 00-0075-0002 00-0075-0003 00-0075-0004 00-0075-0005 Weight Lbs Kg.D.34 3/4 .68 1-1/2 .56 1-1/4 .68 2 .45 1-1/4 . Williamson.23 1/2 .45 *Standard on 6” (150 mm) only. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2008.45 1-1/4 .68 2 .23 1 . Williamson. Inc.23 3/4 .23 1/2 .D.45 1 .004. All rights reserved T. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified. 1/2 . / Printed in USA .com Data subject to change without notice. Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 Fax: 918-664-7091 www.34 1 .D. 1/2 .34 3/4 . / ® Registered trademark of T. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T.56 1-1/2 . Box 1121 Tulsa.23 1 . TDW Pigging Products P. 1/4 .56 1-1/2 .34 3/4 .34 3/4 .11 1/2 .O. Inc.Dimensions and Part Numbers Steel Wire Brushes 3040.56 1-1/4 .34 3/4 . Inc. Steel Wire Brushes for WCK-3DD and WCK-12DD Pigs Size Inches 6 x 6-1/2 6x8 8 x 8-1/2 8 x 10 9-1/2 x 10-1/4 10 x 12 10 x 14 12 x 14 12 x 16 14 x 16 mm 150x165 150x200 200x215 200x250 241x260 250x300 250x350 300x350 300x400 350x400 Flat Wire Part Number 00-0073-0001 00-0073-0001 00-0074-0002 00-0074-0002 00-0074-0003 00-0074-0003 00-0074-0003 00-0074-0004 00-0074-0004 00-0074-0005 Weight Lbs Kg.23 3/4 .34 1 .11 1/4 .45 Fine Wire Part Number *00-0075-0001 00-0075-0001 00-0075-0002 00-0075-0002 00-0075-0003 00-0075-0003 00-0075-0003 00-0075-0004 00-0075-0004 00-0075-0005 Weight Lbs Kg. Williamson.p2 Steel Wire Brushes for WCK-3 and WCK-12 Pigs Size Inches 6 8 10 12 14 Flat Wire Part Number 00-0073-0001 00-0074-0002 00-0074-0003 00-0074-0004 00-0074-0005 mm 150 200 250 300 350 Weight Lbs Kg.11 1/2 .tdwilliamson. 06 .20 1. 1-1/4 .75 0.88 1.62 mm 107.65 314.14 NOTE: Stock numbers for wheel type brushes listed above are for standard weight pipe.34 1.45 345.45 1. Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 Fax: 918-664-7091 www. Box 1121 Tulsa.56 6 2. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2008.00 .38 8.00 0.53 1. . Size 4 6 8 10 12 14 Inches 4.00 2.00 2.06 .tdwilliamson.20 1.85 263. Brushes for other than standard weight pipe are available.O.40 1. Williamson.688 42. Wire Brushes for OptionAll ™ Pigs O.438 36.95 162. Inc.30 . 1-1/4 .25 5. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T.30 Part Number 00-8112-0004-00 00-8112-0006-00 00-8112-0008-00 00-8112-0010-00 00-8112-0012-00 00-8112-0016-00 mm 250-350 400 450 and up Wheel Type Brushes for FJR. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified.06 .75 .75 0.88 Assy Part Number n/a 02-2597-0006 02-2597-0008 02-2597-0010 02-2597-0012 02-2597-0014 Weight Assy Assy Lbs Kg.11 .27 6. 1.188 30. Williamson.D.00 3.38 13.38 10. Purchase orders should specify pipe ID.91 3.81 *Two (2) Brushes required per location.00 0.p3 Wire Brushes for VANTAGE Pigs Steel Wire Brushes for T-1 Pigs ® Size Inches 12 14 16 18 and up mm 300 350 400 450 and up Weight Lbs Kg.25 2.56 1-1/2 .38 12.68 1-1/4 .06 . .59 2.95 Weight Inches mm 1* 25.91 3.83 7.11 .18 1. TDW Pigging Products P.22 .91 6-1/2 2.45 4.95 Part Number 00-0359-0001 00-4127-0001 00-4127-0003 ® Weight Lbs Kg.75 1.7 Part Number 00-0359-0001 00-0359-0002 00-0359-0001 00-0358-0001 Wire Brushes for X-Pig Multi-Purpose Utility Tools Size mm 100 150 200 250 300 400 Weight Lbs Kg.50 . / Printed in USA . / ® Registered trademark of T.05 212.81 5. All rights reserved T. JRN and VANTAGE + Pigs ® Inches 4 6 8 10 12 16 Size Inches 10-14 16 18-42 Size Inches 2 2-1/2 3 4 5 6 8 Weight mm 50 65 80 100 125 150 200 Part Number 00-0025-0035 00-0025-0015 00-0025-0019 00-0025-0004 00-0025-0005 00-0025-0006 00-0025-0053 Lbs 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/8 1/4 1/4 1/3 Kg.56 2 . Inc.Dimensions and Part Numbers Steel Wire Brushes 3040.688 42.D.30 0.00 1.004.500” per brush.18 Replacement Part Number 02-2605-0004 00-7078-0006 00-7078-0008 00-7078-0010 00-7078-0012 00-7078-0014 Weight Brush Brush Lbs Kg.25 6. Williamson.79 2.438 36.59 2.53 Data subject to change without notice. Inc.D. N/A N/A 0. W = 0.D.34 1. Inc. Williamson. Plow Urethane Blade Description Features TDW urethane blades provide the tough scraping action necessary to remove soft internal deposits.001. / Printed in USA .O. which is designed to provide superior abrasion resistance and maximum scraping action.tdwilliamson. Vantage IV and Vantage V.. 3-Rib Urethane Blades Different urethane formulations are available for unique applications. USA: 1-800-571-7447 England: (44) 1-793-603600 TDW Pigging Products P. Inc. The following options are available. ® ® ® TDW Urethane Blades are formulated from our polyurethane formula. is committed to providing you with the exact product to assist you in planning. All rights reserved T. Inc. D. All urethane blades are exact duplicates of the original blades purchased and are completely interchangeable for field installation. The various types of blades available replace blades on Vantage +. Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 Fax: 918-664-7091 www. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified.Urethane Blades Sizes: 6.02 (3/06) Options T.001. Williamson. / ® Registered trademark of T. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright Data subject to change without notice. WCK and T-1 Pigs. Williamson. Williamson. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T. Inc.03 Date: January 2007 Cross Indexing No: n/a Supersedes: 3040.through 48-inch Bulletin No: 3040. budgeting and meeting the specifications for your individual application needs.D.D. Box 1121 Tulsa. D.0 1.0 0. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2007.8 0.3 00-1797-0008 00-1839-0002 00-0062-0500-10 00-0002-0002 00-0435-0003 10 250 0.4 2.5 00-1707-0014 00-1839-0005 00-0062-0500-10 00-0002-0002 00-0435-0003 Blades Guides Bolts Nuts 3-Rib Urethane Blades for T-1 Pigs Size Weight Washers inches mm Lbs.4 00-1797-0010 00-1839-0003 00-0062-0500-10 00-0002-0002 00-0435-0003 12 300 1.8 0. Kg. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T. All rights reserved T.6 0. Williamson. Williamson.4 00-1716-0013 00-0203-0600-20 00-0003-0003 00-0001-0004 TDW Pigging Products P. Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 Fax: 918-664-7091 www.Dimensions and Part Numbers Urethane Blades 3040. Inc.4 00-1716-0018 00-0203-0500-09 00-0003-0002 00-0001-0003 16 350 1. Part Number Part Number Part Number Part Number Part Number 12 300 1.1 00-1797-0006 00-1839-0001 00-0062-0500-08 00-0002-0002 00-0435-0003 8 200 0.6 00-1716-0010 00-0203-0500-10 00-0003-0002 00-0001-0003 18-20 450-500 4.8 00-1716-0011 00-0203-0600-18 00-0003-0003 00-0001-0004 26-32 650-800 5.tdwilliamson.5 00-1716-0003 00-1863-0003 00-0062-0500-12 00-0002-0002 00-0435-0003 14 350 1.0 0.0 1. Williamson. Inc.5 00-1797-0012 00-1839-0004 00-0062-0500-10 00-0002-0002 00-0435-0003 14 350 1.p2 Urethane Plow Blades for WCK Pigs Size Weight Blades Guides Bolts Nuts Washers Part Number Part Number inches mm Lbs. Inc.2 0.3 0. Kg.8 00-1716-0011 00-0203-0600-16 00-0003-0003 00-0001-0004 22-24 550-600 4.1 0.0 1.D. Box 1121 Tulsa. / Printed in USA .4 2.001.4 00-1716-0013 00-0203-0600-18 00-0003-0003 00-0001-0004 34-48 850-1200 5.D. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified. Kg.4 0. Part Number Part Number Part Number Part Number 10-14 250-350 0.5 00-1716-0003 00-1863-0003 00-0062-0500-12 00-0002-0002 00-0435-0003 4. / ® Registered trademark of T.5 00-1716-0004 00-1863-0003 00-0062-0500-12 00-0002-0002 00-0435-0003 16 400 Data subject to change without notice.O.8 00-1716-0011 00-1863-0001 00-0203-0800-18 00-0003-0005 00-0435-0006 18-36 450-900 3-Rib Urethane Blades for VANTAGE Pigs ® Size Weight Blades Bolts Nuts Washers inches mm Lbs. Part Number Part Number Part Number 6 150 0.0 0. Models are available for environmentally harsh conditions. Inc. The flag indicator offers high visibility from the air or the ground. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified. All indicators are compatible with all standard plug assemblies now in the field and are interchangeable. The most common indicators have a trigger extending into the pipeline through a welded fitting that has been tapped. Inc.001. Williamson. Flag/Electrical Indicator combined. All rights reserved T. D. This makes it possible to use these units as conversion kits as well as complete PIG-SIG Indicators. Flag Electrical Indicator The following options are available: Flag Indicator with Manual Reset. Williamson. Features TDW’s PIG-SIG® IV Scraper Passage Indicator is a device installed on a pipeline to detect the passage of a pig or sphere. D. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2008. The carbon steel nipple is manufactured from easily weldable material. Inc. When a pig passes. “Build your own” PIG-SIG IV Assembly from the following charts. Electrical Indicator with Auto Reset. Description Rotary Cap Indicator with Manual Reset.O. activating the signaling mechanism. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T. Inc. Stainless steel or brass trigger assemblies are available. D.tdwilliamson. Nipple can be furnished with flanged or threaded mounting. electrical indicator or flag/electrical indicator. Special materials and O-Ring seals are available.001. Signaling systems available include a flag indicator. The PIG-SIG IV Scraper Passage Indicator is available in a number of different materials. The PIG-SIG IV is weatherproof and corrosionresistant. is committed to providing you with the exact product to assist you in planning. Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 Fax: 918-664-7091 www. / Printed in USA . USA: 1-800-571-7447 England: (44) 1-793-603600 TDW Pigging Products P. / ® Registered trademark of T. Box 1121 Tulsa. Unidirectional or bidirectional models are available.PIG-SIG IV ® Scraper Passage Indicator Bulletin No: 5110. It features housings manufactured from space age plastic for durability and weather resistance. budgeting and meeting the specifications for your individual application needs. Extended models are available in all configurations.03 Date: June 2008 Cross Indexing No: n/a Supersedes: 5110. CSA and European approvals.02 (1/06) Flag Indicator Electrical Indicator Options T. The electrical indicator switch has UL. Williamson. depending on product carried in the pipeline. D. Williamson. the trigger is Data subject to change without notice. The PIG-SIG Indicator can be installed on or removed from a pressured pipeline using a TDW T-101 Tapping Machine and accessories. 875” Extended Shaft 3.875” 13.312” Unidirectional 4. D. Williamson. Brass 04-3051-000X 1 = Electrical with Auto Reset 04-3151-0000 1 = 12” Extension 04-3168-0012 5 = Bidirectional.875” Bidirectional Flag/Electrical 7. Inc.03 . D. / ® Registered trademark of T. Box 1121 Tulsa. All rights reserved T. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified.875” TDW Pigging Products P. Inc. 5 = 60” Extension 04-3168-0060 6 = 72” Extension 04-3168-0072 7 = 84” Extension 04-3168-0084 8 = 96” Extension 04-3168-0096 9 = 108” Extension 04-3168-0108 Indicator Option Flag 7.562” 3. Brass 04-3753-000X 2 = Flag/Electrical combined 04-3152-0000 2 = 24” Extension 04-3168-0024 2 = Unidirectional.875” 7. Data subject to change without notice. / Printed in USA . 316 SST 04-3754-000X 4 = 48” Extension 04-3168-0048 Note: The last digit of the plug assembly corresponds to O-ring material option. Williamson. Inc.750” Standard Length Electrical Extension 12.p2 04-7778 - Indicator Assembly Shaft Assembly Plug Assembly Part Number Shaft Option Part Number Plug Assembly Option Part Number 0 = Flag with Manual Reset 04-3150-0000 0 = Nonextended 04-3149-0000 0 = Unidirectional. Williamson.250” 4. Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 Fax: 918-664-7091 www. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2008.O.Order Information PIG-SIG IV Scrapper Passage Indicators ® 5110.750” Standard Length 4. 316 SST 04-3052-000X 3 = 36” Extension 04-3168-0036 7 = Bidirectional. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T.tdwilliamson. Order Information PIG-SIG IV Scrapper Passage Indicators ® 5110.500 -53 5=EPDM 00-6381-0000-05 6” & Up 1. All rights reserved T.750 -56 A=Viton AED 00-6381-0000-0A 6” & Up . Oklahoma 74101-1121 is a PIG-SIG with a flag indicator.501 to . Inc. Inc. Box 1121 Tulsa. 918-447-5400 Fax: 918-664-7091 www.250” to .750 3.001.O. D.500 4.750 2.375 4.000 3. 5” & Smaller Pipe Final Assembly With Flag/ Electrical Indicator 6” & Larger Pipe Length Length 12.250 to .125 to .250 3.250 -54 6=Kalrez 00-6381-0000-06 6” & Up 1.251 to Data subject to change without notice.750 3.189 to .250 -13 5” .189 to .Suffix * O-Ring Material Material Option “SUFFIX” Pipe Size Part Number Pipe Pipe Wall 0=Buna- 00-6381-0000-00 Size Thickness Length Suffix 1=Buna-N (Low Temp) 00-6381-0000-01 6” & Up .03 . / Printed in USA .125 to . / ® Registered trademark of T.000 -55 8=Viton GF 00-6381-0000-08 6” & Up 1. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2008.000” Less Nipple -99 * Please indicate if protection for environmentally harsh conditions is required. D. Williamson.751 to 1. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T. Williamson. unidirectional 316 SST Plug. Williamson.750 -52 3=Viton 00-6381-0000-03 6” & Up .000 -51 2=Neoprene 00-6381-0000-02 6” & Up .125 to .250 -03 5” .750 -20 Final Assembly With Flag Indicator 12.000” TDW Pigging Products P. 12” extended shaft.p3 XXXX .500 3. D.501 to 1.249 4.000” THREAD-O-RING™ Nipple part number: 00-1023-0333-SUFFIX Example: 04-7778-0123-51 Final Assembly With Electrical Indicator 12.125 -01 4” .375 4.188 4.250 -64 4” .tdwilliamson.500” wall.125 -12 5” . and Viton O-rings for 6” and larger pipe with .001 to 1. Inc.188 4. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified.563 to . Williamson.001.60.40 3743 3120 2600 2080 3159 3620 3017 2514 2011 350 3159 3493 2911 2425 1940 400 3159 3369 2808 2340 1872 450 3072 3246 2246 1872 1497 500 2985 TDW Pigging Products P. Phosphorus 0.29-1. Sulfur 0. / Printed in USA . D. Box 1121 B31. Williamson. Inc.Carbon 0.p4 THREAD-O-RING™ Nipple Material Size & Grade: 2 NPS XXS ASTM A 333 Grade 6 seamless steel pipe Tensile Requirements: 35. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T. F=. Silicon 0. D.60 F=.50 F=. Manganese 0. °F B31. Inc. % . All rights reserved T. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2008.tdwilliamson.30 max. Temperatures are in Fahrenheit.025 max.000 psi SMYS .Specifications PIG-SIG IV Scrapper Passage Indicators ® 5110.3 -50 3159 -20 to 250 3159 300 Pressures are in pounds per square inch.72 B31.4 F=. gage (psig).06.8 F=. Williamson.000 psi SMTS Impact Requirements: 13 ft-lbf min Avg 3 Specimens 10 ft-lbf min One Specimen Only Impact Temperature -50° F Chemical Requirements: Data subject to change without notice.03 .72 3743 Tulsa. D. / ® Registered trademark of T.10 min Test Report: Certified Test Reports furnished per ASTM A 530 Pressure Temperature Ratings Piping Code Temp. Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 Fax: 918-664-7091 www.025 max. Inc. Specifications PIG-SIG IV Scrapper Passage Indicators ® Pressure Temperature Ratings Piping Code Temp.72 F=. Inc. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2008.4 F=.p5 Pressures are in bar. D. Williamson.40 258 258 215 179 143 -46 218 -29 to 116 218 149 218 250 208 173 139 177 218 241 201 167 134 204 218 232 194 161 129 262 212 224 155 129 103 260 206 Pressures do not include allowance for corrosion. Unidirectional 1 1 00-0612-0001-00 Trigger Pin 1 1 00-1598-0003-00 Gear. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T. Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 Fax: 918-664-7091 www.001. Inc. Bidirectional 1 1 04-3633-0000-00 Trigger.8 F=.50 F=. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified. Temperatures are in Celsius. D. °C 5110. Williamson. Recommended Spare Parts List Component Quantity/Assembly Quantity/Spares* Part Number Trigger. Bi-Directional 1 1 00-1050-0004-00 Pin 1 1 00-0615-0005-00 Drive Sleeve 1 1 00-3394-0001-00 Back-up Ring 1 4 00-1586-0002-00 Reset Spring 2 2 00-1486-0008-00 Needle Thrust Bearing 1 1 00-3005-0013-00 Seal Kit 1 4 See O-Ring option * for start-up & 2 years service TDW Pigging Products Under severe start-up and/or severe operating conditions additional maintenance is required. B31.3 B31.O. Inc. / ® Registered trademark of Data subject to change without notice.72 F=. Uni-Directional 1 1 00-1050-0003-00 Gear. Box 1121 Tulsa. D.03 .60 B31. O-Ring material selection must be suitable for service fluids and temperature requirements. P. / Printed in USA . Williamson. All rights reserved T. The extended indicator includes the same items as the electrical indicator model plus an extension shaft and extension housing assembly. Flag Indicator with Manual Reset . mm Basic Extended: 36 900 48 1200 60 1500 72 1800 Weight Lbs.p6 Flag Indicator with Manual Reset The basic indicator includes 2" (50 mm) THREAD-O-RING™ nipple.5 35. All rights reserved T. 11 5 21.0 04-7778-0500 04-7778-0550 1800 34 15.0 Part Number Unidirectional Bidirectional 04-7778-2000 04-7778-2050 04-7778-2300 04-7778-2400 04-7778-2500 04-7778-2600 04-7778-2350 04-7778-2450 04-7778-2550 04-7778-2650 Consult the factory for larger sizes. Electrical Indicator with Auto Reset The basic indicator includes: 2” (50 mm) THREAD-O-RING nipple.5 04-7778-0600 04-7778-0650 72 Consult the factory for larger sizes. double throw). combined. The extended indicator includes the same items as the flag/ electrical indicator model. double pole. The basic indicator includes: 2” (50 mm) THREAD-O-RING nipple. Kg. cam spring. mm Basic Extended: The extended indicator includes the same items as the flag indicator model plus an extension shaft and extension housing assembly.O. cam. 12 5. D. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T. TDW Pigging Products Length In.0 30. plus an extension shaft and extension housing Data subject to change without notice.5 17. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified. Box 1121 Tulsa. Inc. and cover. Inc.5 23 28 32 37 10. pipe cap and flag indicator. Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 Fax: 918-664-7091 www.Electrical Indicator with Auto Reset Combined Length In. / Printed in USA .5 26. P.5 13. trigger (shaft and plug assembly with O-ring). trigger (shaft and plug assembly with O-ring) pipe cap and flag/electrical indicator. D.03 . mm Basic Extended: 36 900 48 1200 60 1500 72 1800 Weight Lbs.0 14. D. The electrical indicator consists of an explosion-proof microswitch (BX.0 10 12 14 16 Part Number Unidirectional Bidirectional 04-7778-1000 04-7778-1050 04-7778-1300 04-7778-1400 04-7778-1500 04-7778-1600 04-7778-1350 04-7778-1450 04-7778-1550 04-7778-1650 Consult the factory for larger sizes.Dimensions and Part Numbers PIG-SIG IV Scrapper Passage Indicators ® 5110. double throw). Kg. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2008.tdwilliamson. 9 4 Part Number Unidirectional Bidirectional 04-7778-0000 04-7778-0050 36 900 20 9. double pole.0 04-7778-0300 04-7778-0350 48 1200 25 11. Length In. bracket.001. trigger (shaft and plug assembly with O-ring). Weight Lbs. spring. Kg. Williamson. and cover. Inc. Williamson. pipe cap and electrical indicator. The electrical indicator consists of an explosion-proof microswitch (BX. bracket. Williamson. / ® Registered trademark of T.5 04-7778-0400 04-7778-0450 60 1500 29 13. / Printed in USA . Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 Fax: 918-664-7091 www. D.. Inc. Inc.75 6 0. LR57327). 720VA Circuitry Double-Pole Double-Throw VAC 120 240 480 600 Amps at 0. Williamson. The switch operating temperature range is -40ºF (-40ºC) to 158ºF (70ºC). 6.5 0. 7. dust and oil as defined in NEMA 1. SIRA 00ATEX 1037X. The switch meets the North American Hazardous Locations Designation: Class I.O.Pilot Duty: 600 VAC. The switch complies with the European Directive on Equipment and Protective Systems Intended for Use in Potentially Explosive Atmospheres (94/9/EC) commonly referred to as the ATEX Directive.8 0. D. 9 and 13 and IP67 as defined in IEC 529.35 Power Factor Make Break 30 3 15 1. 3/4 in. 4. The switch enclosure is sealed for protection against corrosion. AC Volts . The switch housing is epoxy coated Aluminum and Zinc with Fluorosilicone seals. / ® Registered trademark of T. D. Circuits on any one pole must be the same polarity.60 VDC 24 120 240 Make and Break Amps Inductive Resistive 10 10 0.Pilot Duty: 240 VDC. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2008. C and D.O.4 DC Volts . Inc. E61730) and CSA (File No.tdwilliamson. Compliance with the Essential Health and Safety Requirements has been assured by compliance with EN50014 1997 and EN50018 1994. Box 1121 Tulsa.Specifications PIG-SIG IV Scrapper Passage Indicators ® 5110. conduit 3 4 8 7 2 1 5 6 Electrical Indicator Switch Specifications MICRO SWITCH weather-sealed explosion-proof switch BXP4L is designed specifically for use in hazardous location applications.C. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified.p7 MICRO SWITCH Electrical Diagram Electrical specifications: MOMENTARY Double-Pole 2 N. 30 watts Circuitry Double-Pole Double-Throw 1 MICRO SWITCH is a Honeywell Division TDW Pigging Products P.5 7.3. Williamson. All rights reserved T. F.03 . Williamson. water.25 0. Groups E. The switch enclosure meets the European Hazardous Locations Designation: EExd IIC T6 category II 2 GD.15 0. 1 Electrical Ratings 10 amps continous carry. Class II. 2 N. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T. 4X. and Data subject to change without notice. The switch complies with UL (File No. Groups B. Williamson.07 (02.). it does not require adjustments after it is set. Buna-N ® and Kalrez ® are tradesmarks of E.. T. Electrical Indicator Flag/Electrical Indicator T. Because the triggering toggle that extends into a pipe is omnidirectional. as well as flanged fittings.D. Patented in the U. Teflon ® .2014) ECN: E003643 Options Available options: Flag Indicator with Manual Reset Electrical Indicator with Auto Reset Flag/Electrical Indicator combined Extended models. an electrical indicator or a flag/electrical indicator. The PIG-SIG V device can also be provided in a flange-mounted configuration per the required pipeline pressure class (up to 2500 lbs. Viton ® . Components exposed to the atmosphere are all 316 stainless steel — except on electrical models. compatible with all standard THREAD-O-RING™ nipples. where the MICRO SWITCH™ is aluminum with a protective powder coating (unless stainless steel is specially requested). are available in all configurations Special materials and O-ring seals Isolation Ball Valve (upon request) Unit can be thread-mounted to THREAD-O-RING nipple or flange-mounted PIG-SIG V Scraper Passage Indicator mounted with THREAD-O-RING TM nipple or with flange-mount ® “Build your own” PIG-SIG V assembly from the charts on the pages of this product bulletin Description Features TDW’s PIG-SIG® V Scraper Passage Indicator is a device installed at prescribed intervals on pipelines to detect the passage of a scraper or sphere. www. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified. Williamson is committed to providing you with the right product to assist you in planning. Ltd.2015 Supersedes: 5110. The TDW PIG-SIG V Scraper Passage Indicator is easy to install.D. or as a new installation kit complete with nipple. in the United States and other countries. .003. North & South America: +1 918 447 5000 Data subject to change without notice. MICRO SWITCHTM is a trademarks of Honeywell International. Inc. and all but eliminates trigger breakage. Each PIG-SIG V device is weatherproof and corrosion-resistant. This means the flag can be oriented to face any desired direction. The carbon steel nipple is manufactured from easily weldable material.S.I DuPont de Nemours Company. Inc. / Standard PIG-SIG V Passage Indicators are built to withstand the most severe offshore/ onshore environments. (7861665) and other countries.PIG-SIG V ® Scraper Passage Indicator Bulletin No: 5110. Signaling systems available with the PIG-SIG V device include a flag indicator.003. All PIG-SIG indicators can be installed on or removed from a pressurized pipeline by using a TDW T-101 Tapping Machine and accessories. AFLAS ® is a trademark of Asahi Glass Co.D. for installation on buried pipelines. Europe / Africa / Middle East: +32 67 28 3611 ® Registered trademark of T. The MICRO SWITCH flag indicator offers high / © Copyright 2015 All rights reserved. / Asia Pacific: +65 6364 8520 TM Trademark of T. Williamson.tdwilliamson. Williamson. budgeting and meeting the specifications for your individual application needs. Inc. This makes it possible to order the PIG-SIG V unit as an upgrade conversion kit without nipple. It is compatible with all standard THREAD-O-RING nipples previously sold by TDW and are interchangeable.08 Version: 03. in the United States and other countries. This unique product functions by extending an omnidirectional trigger into the pipeline through a welded fitting: the trigger is tripped by the passage of a scraper/sphere.D. All components exposed to pipeline products are completely sealed to prevent leakage and are NACE compatible. Inc. / Europe / Africa / Middle East: +32 67 28 3611 ® Registered trademark of T. Williamson. / Asia Pacific: +65 6364 8520 TM Trademark of T.D.8 mm 4400 150 # RF Flange-Mounted 2 24” 609.2 Certification 4 A 694 F52 w/EN-10204 3. Williamson.D. North & South America: +1 918 447 5000 Data subject to change without / © Copyright 2015 All rights reserved.100 mm) TOR** Nipple-Mounted 0 None None 3800 5-inch (125 mm) and Larger TOR** Nipple-Mounted 1 12” 304.p2 04-XXXX . Williamson.0 mm Indicator Assembly 9 Extended Indicator Indicator Option 0 Flag with Manual Reset 1 Electrical with Auto Reset 2 Flag/Electrical Combined 3 Electrical with Auto Reset (Stainless Steel Switch Housing) 4 Flag/Electrical Combined (Stainless Steel Switch Housing) Flag Indicator Assembly Flange -Mounted THREAD-O-RINGTM Material 0 A105 & A350 LF2 CL1 Dual Certification 1 A105 & A350 LF2 CL1 Dual Certification 2 A182 F316 w/EN-10204 3.08 .1 Certification Electrical Indicator Assembly Flag/Electrical Indicator Assembly Example: 04-3800-0100-51 This example is a PIG-SIG® V indicator with a THREAD-O-RING™ nipple and a nipplemounted flag indicator. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified.003.D. Inc. Inc.4 mm * All Ratings are ANSI Class 1 2 3 4 OPTIONAL 96” 0 5 6 7 8 9 108” 2743.Order Information PIG-SIG V Scraper Passage Indicator ® 5110. www.0 mm 4440 900 / 1500 # RF Flange-Mounted 6 72” 1828.2 mm 4430 600 # RTJ Flange-Mounted 5 60” 1524. 12” extended shaft for 6” and larger pipe with .XXXX- Class* Plug Assembly Shaft Assembly Class Options Pipe Sizes Mounting Extension Length THREAD-O-RING™ Nipple-Mounted 0 = 316 Stainless Steel Omnidirectional 1 = Naval Brass 3923 2 .6 mm 4410 300 # RF Flange-Mounted 3 36” 914. in the United States and other countries.4 mm 4420 600 # RF Flange-Mounted 4 48” 1219. .4-inch (50 . in the United States and other countries. T.tdwilliamson.250” to .500” wall.8 mm 4450 900 / 1500 # RTJ Flange-Mounted 7 84” 2133.2 mm **TOR = THREAD-O-RING T M A 120” 3048. Inc.1 Certification 3 A 182 F316 w/EN-10204 3.6 mm 4460 2500 # RF Flange-Mounted 8 2438. 8 04 Viton ® (Low Temp) 3.4.125 . Pipe Size Wall Thickness in Suffix in mm Explosive Decompression & Extrusion Resistant Viton ® 2 50 0.0.175 . 4.189 .750 14.250 108.D.188 3.562 9.250 108.0. 5” & Smaller Pipe THREAD-O-RING™ Nipple part number: 00-1023-0333-SUFFIX North & South America: +1 918 447 5000 Data subject to change without notice.Order Information 5110.0 03 4 100 4.19. Williamson.913 99.1.563 .550 .D.188 3.5 90 .375 4.251 .575 .801 .125 104.075 .350 .0.1 24 3 80 0.12.910 3.775 111.425 .000 19.189 .500 88.8 06 3 80 0.400 3.125 .175 .0. .000 / © Copyright 2015 All rights reserved.175 .376 .3 20 6 & up 150 & up 0.5 90 0.08 .188 3.700 4.3.562 9.tdwilliamson.750 95.19.275 3.750 95.250 108.801 .938 100.376 .563 .p3 S uf f i x * OPTION THREAD-O-RING™ Nipple-Mounted Options O-Ring Material Nom.125 .125 3.0 09 3 80 0.189 .300 . desired extension length and flange type to determine the appropriate 4-digit suffix.550 .8 01 Option 4 100 0.525 4.0 10 2.189 .175 .9.0.189 .6 51 6 & up 150 & up 0.8 05 3 80 3.0 18 EPDM Kalrez ® Buna Viton ® GF Teflon ® mm Flange-Mounted Assembly Options Neoprene in Nipple Length mm Suffix 3.9. wall thickness.250 .0 64 Contact your TDW representative with pipe size. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified.4.062 .175 .189 .4. Inc. www.D.175 .300 .250 14.160 -14.188 3.375 4.050 3.125 104.725 .0.775 4. Williamson.1 4 100 0. in the United States and other countries.250 108.775 4.1.8 12 5 125 0.9 56 6 & up 150 & up 0.0750 12.125 .2 55 6 & up 150 & up 1.14. / Asia Pacific: +65 6364 8520 TM Trademark of T.4.14.375 4.0.0 17 w/EN-10204 3.125 . in the United States and other countries.587 10.750 38.750 95.525 4.775 4.4.050 3.250 108.175 .4 22 w/EN-10204 3.450 2.375 4.375 4. / 6” & Larger Pipe Length Length Europe / Africa / Middle East: +32 67 28 3611 ® Registered trademark of T.125 3. T.750 3.400 . Less Nipple 99 * Please indicate if protection for environmentally harsh conditions is required..0.125 .525 4.801 .501 .0.0 11 Buna-N (Low Temp) 2 50 0.125 .1.125 104.3 52 6 & up 150 & up 0.525 4.500 6.300 .775 .9 53 6 & up 150 & up 1.0.750 14.8 07 2.563 .9.0 13 5 125 0.4.175 4.5 90 0.801 .2 4 100 21 5 125 0.775 4.751 .5 65 0.000 101.125 1.5 65 0.275 3.6 54 6 & up 150 & up 1.250 25.001 .775 4.250 82.801 . Williamson.500 31.750 95.125 104.750 69.38.375 4. Inc.801 .050 3.188 3.0.250 108.938 100.0.0 08 Explosive Decompression Resistant AFLAS ® 3.249 3.0.375 4.125 . Inc.120 104.3 19 4 100 0. 3 B31. B31.025 max. Inc.D.003. . °C B31.26% max.60.50 -50 3159 3159 -20 to 250 3743 3120 300 3159 3620 3017 2514 2011 350 3159 3493 2911 2425 1940 400 3159 3369 2808 2340 1872 450 3072 3246 2246 1872 1497 500 3743 F =. Si 1% max Test Report: EN 10204 3.06 Chemical Requirements: Phosphorus 0. Manganese 0.60 F =. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified.08 .com / © Copyright 2015 All rights reserved.72 B31.72 F =.D.60 F =. T. 27 J avg three specimen.3 Temp.35 % max. Mn 1. in the United States and other countries.50 -46 218 218 -29 to 116 2080 258 F =. % .000 psi SMTS Impact Requirements: 13 ft-lbf min avg three specimens 10 ft-lbf min one specimen only Impact Temperature -50° F Composition. www.40 2600 2985 Pressure Temperature Ratings Pressures are in bar.tdwilliamson.10 min Certified Test Reports furnished per ASTM A 530 Test Report: THREAD-O-RING™ Flange Material Grade: A105 / A694 F52 / A350 LF2 triple certified Tensile Requirements: Yield 360 N/mm2.p4 THREAD-O-RING™ Nipple Material Size & Grade: 2 NPS XXS ASTM A 333 Grade 6 seamless steel pipe Tensile Requirements: 35. Due to magnet degradation. Temperatures are in Celsius. S 0.025% max.4 F =. Inc.72 F =. the temperature for the plug assembly is limited to 200º F (93º C) North & South America: +1 918 447 5000 Data subject to change without notice.8 F =. Inc.30 max. Temperatures are in Fahrenheit.025% max. gage (psig).Carbon 0.29-1. Silicon 0. Sulfur 0.Specifications PIG-SIG V Scraper Passage Indicator ® 5110.025 max. O-Ring material selection must be suitable for service fluids and temperature requirements. Williamson. / Europe / Africa / Middle East: +32 67 28 3611 ® Registered trademark of T.D.1 Pressure Temperature Ratings Piping Code Temp.8 F =. Williamson. Piping Code B31.72 B31. Tensile 485 N/mm2 Impact Requirements: -46° C. 20 J minimum one specimen Chemical Requirements: C 0. in the United States and other countries. P 0. Williamson.000 psi SMYS .4 F =.40 258 215 179 143 149 218 250 208 173 139 177 218 241 201 167 134 204 218 232 194 161 129 232 212 224 155 129 103 260 206 Pressures do not include allowance for corrosion. °F Pressures are in pounds per square inch. / Asia Pacific: +65 6364 8520 TM Trademark of T. Electrical Indicator with Auto Reset Combined C A B Basic: Extended: The basic indicator includes: 2” (50 mm) THREAD-O-RING™ nipple. www. doublepole.p5 Flag Indicator with Manual Reset C A B Basic: Extended: The basic indicator includes: 2" (50 mm) THREAD-O-RING™ nipple. in the United States and other / © Copyright 2015 All rights reserved. The extended indicator includes the same items. plug assembly and indicator assembly. as well as an extended length indicator assembly.5 04-3800-0400 60 1500 29 13.00 101 9 4 Part Number 04-3800-0000 36 900 20 9.25 260 4. Williamson.D.09 78 4.26 311 10. in the United States and other countries. Inc.08 .0 04-3800-2800 Consult the factory for larger sizes.0 04-3800-0500 72 1800 34 15.0 04-3800-0700 96 2500 44 20. .0 04-3800-2700 96 2500 50 23. explosion-proof. / Asia Pacific: +65 6364 8520 TM Trademark of T. Flag Indicator with Manual Reset . / Dimensions not for construction unless certified. Inc.Specifications PIG-SIG V Scraper Passage Indicator ® 5110. The electrical indicator consists of a weatherproof.0 04-3800-0300 48 1200 25 11. / A B C Weight Inch mm Inch mm Inch mm Lbs. The extended indicator includes the same items.tdwilliamson.26 311 3. Williamson.0 04-3800-2600 84 2000 45 20. 11.0 04-3800-2400 60 1500 35 16. North & South America: +1 918 447 5000 Data subject to change without notice. Williamson. as well as an extended length indicator assembly.0 04-3800-2300 48 1200 30 14.D. ATEX Certified MICRO SWITCH™ (LSX.5 04-3800-0800 Consult the factory for larger sizes.003.125 105 14 6 Part Number 04-3800-2000 36 900 25 11. plug assembly and flag/electrical indicator assembly.0 04-3800-2500 72 1800 40 18.D. A B C Weight Inch mm Inch mm Inch mm Lbs. Kg. double-throw). T.5 04-3800-0600 84 2000 39 18. Inc. Europe / Africa / Middle East: +32 67 28 3611 ® Registered trademark of T. Kg. 11. p6 Electrical Indicator with Auto Reset C A B Basic Extended: The basic indicator includes: 2” (50 mm) THREAD-O-RING™ nipple.0 04-3800-1800 North & South America: +1 918 447 5000 Data subject to change without notice.003. Europe / Africa / Middle East: +32 67 28 3611 ® Registered trademark of T. double-throw). T. Kg.D.D. / Asia Pacific: +65 6364 8520 TM Trademark of T. Williamson. Williamson. as well as an extended length indicator assembly. .0 04-3800-1600 84 2000 45 20. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified. explosion-proof.D. The electrical indicator consists of a weatherproof.08 . Inc. plug assembly and electrical indicator assembly. in the United States and other countries.Dimensions and Part Numbers PIG-SIG V Scraper Passage Indicator ® 5110.0 04-3800-1500 72 1800 40 18. Williamson. A B C Weight Inch mm Inch mm Inch mm Lbs.0 04-3800-1300 48 1200 30 14. / © Copyright 2015 All rights reserved. in the United States and other countries. www. / Part Number 04-3800-1000 36 900 25 11.0 04-3800-1700 96 2500 50 23.0 04-3800-1400 60 1500 35 16. The extended indicator includes the same items. Inc.125 105 14 6 Consult the factory for larger sizes. doublepole. Inc. ATEX Certified MICRO SWITCH™ (LSX.25 260 4.59 218 10. 08 .tdwilliamson.5 7. Groups B. 1.75 6 0. conduit Note: When a Flag Indicator is used in combination with the electrical switch. Williamson. and D (Listings covered in Div.O. 720VA Amps at 0.4 North & South America: +1 918 447 5000 Data subject to change without notice. 3.Pilot Duty: 600 VAC. 7.. Double-Throw 120 240 480 600 30 3 15 1. 3/4 in. www.60 DC Volts .25 0. LR57327): Class I. E61730) and CSA certified (File No. the switch will open or close when the flag is reset.35 Power Factor Make Break Circuitry VAC Double-Pole.D. in the United States and other countries. . 30 watts Make and Break Amps Circuitry VDC Inductive Resistive Double-Pole. C. in the United States and other countries. 4X. Williamson. Circuits on any one pole must be the same polarity EExd II T6 cateory II 2 GD. Div. F and G (IEC standards: EExd IICT6. 1 are also covered in the same groups in Div. Williamson. / Asia Pacific: +65 6364 8520 TM Trademark of T. 6. Inc.p7 Electrical Indicator Switch Specifications MICRO SWITCH Electrical Diagram TM MOMENTARY Electrical specifications: Double-Pole 4 8 3 7 2 6 1 5 2 N.Specifications PIG-SIG V Scraper Passage Indicator ® 5110. Inc.15 0. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified. Switch Specifications MICRO SWITCH™ Temperature Range: Weatherproof.Pilot Duty: 240 VDC. T. Groups / © Copyright 2015 All rights reserved. 9 and 13 UL listed (File No. Div. Inc. 1. SIRA 00ATEX 1037X AC Volts .5 0.D.003.C. explosion-proof switch BX4CL for use either indoors or outdoors in hazardous atmospheres -40º F (-40º C) to 185º F (85º C) Housing Materials: Seals: Aluminum and Zinc (Optional: Stainless Steel) Fluorosilicone NEMA Standards: 1. Double-Throw 24 10 10 120 0. 4 . IP67) Electrical Ratings: ATEX Certification: 10 amps continuous carry.8 240 0.D. 2 N. / Europe / Africa / Middle East: +32 67 28 3611 ® Registered trademark of T. 2) Class II. ** If PIG-SIG V is to be installed with no pipeline pressure. T. / Europe / Africa / Middle East: +32 67 28 3611 ® Registered trademark of T. Inc. .com / © Copyright 2015 All rights reserved. Cap 1 00-8144-0001-00 Set Screw 3 00-8176-0001-00 1-inch Hex Plug Holder* 1 00-8138-0000-00 1-inch Hex Bit** 1 00-8235-0001-00 Brush Magnet Adapter* 1 04-3998-0000-00 THREAD-O-RING™ Thread Chaser 1 05-0347-0000-00 * If PIG-SIG® V is to be installed or removed under pressure with removal tool. these component(s) will be required.D. Williamson.D. www. Plug 1 00-8440-0003-00 Backup Ring 1 00-1586-0066-00 O-ring. Williamson. North & South America: +1 918 447 5000 Data subject to change without notice.D.003. in the United States and other countries. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified. Inc.08 .tdwilliamson. Inc. these component(s) will be required. Williamson.Specifications PIG-SIG V Scraper Passage Indicator ® 5110.p8 Recommended Spare Parts List Component Quantity in Assembly Part Number O-ring. in the United States and other countries. / Asia Pacific: +65 6364 8520 TM Trademark of T. even from helicopters or light / © Copyright 2014 All rights reserved.2014) ECN: na ATEX. where it immediately begins scanning both for transmitter and permanent magnet-equipped pigs.2014 Supersedes: 5110.D.2ºF (-20ºC to 54ºC). tracking transmitters. / The PIG-SIG NI standard enclosure is a fully certified aluminum. Williamson.05 (08. Williamson. IECEx Certified PIG-SIG® NI Non-intrusive pig passage indicator Options The PIG-SIG NI makes the following options available to help customers meet individual application needs: ■■ ■■ Description Features The PIG-SIG® NI produces simple and reliable. The unit is attached to the pipeline with stainless steel bands and buckles. in the United States and other countries. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified.5 inches (38.0039/00 • Ex d mb IIB T5 Gb IP66 • UL/CSA Standard C22. double-throw isolated contact closure that closes after pig passage and opens again in 15 seconds. System Certification: • SIRA 13 ATEX1381 • III2G Ex d mb IIB T5 Gb IP66 • IECEx CSA 13. Tamb -50°C to +80°C Patented in the United States and in other countries. The PIG-SIG NI also offers options that include enhanced long-distance viewing.) When pigs pass the PIG-SIG NI. The visual indicator is an LCD flash for one hour. The unit is easily banded onto the line.30 rated for Class 1 Division 1 explosion-proof environments groups C and D. www.D. saving the operator time and money normally spent on the installation of conventional signal devices. along with a flashing “Recent Passage” message.2 No. which operates only on battery power. Inc. T. Inc. The unit can operate for a full year on just two standard 1. non-intrusive detection of pig passages anywhere within a pipeline system. Asia Pacific: +65 6364 8520 TM Trademark of T. can removed from one location to another. easily viewed LCD screen. / Long-distance viewing that permits operators to see confirmation of pig passage up to 100 meters away or from a helicopter or light aircraft (24-volt DC units only).5-volt DC D-cell alkaline batteries. Europe / Africa / Middle East: +32 67 28 3611 ® Registered trademark of T. Detection speeds range from 0. Williamson.through 72-inch (75 mm .PIG-SIG NI ® Non-Intrusive Pig Passage Indicator Bulletin No: 5110. and TDW Trip Magnets.D. UL/CSA.1800 mm) line sizes and works on pipe wall thicknesses up to 1. The Non-Intrusive Pig Passage Indicator is designed to detect TracMaster™ CD42-Tx pig location. A heater module option powered by 24 VDC input is required for units operating below -4ºF (-20ºC). The PIG-SIG NI fits 3. North & South America: +1 918 447 5000 Data subject to change without notice.1 meters per second to 20 meters per second. It is bi-directional with auto reset on every passage. Upon request.06 Version: 08. LineStat can remotely send emails or text message through a satellite-based global service to one or more people when pig passages occur. (See five easy steps to install on page 4 of this bulletin.002. Models for environmentally harsh conditions. The PIG-SIG NI electrical circuitry utilizes a double-pole. explosion-proof housing with a tempered glass window. Operating temperatures range from -58ºF to 176ºF (-50ºC to 80ºC) with standard alkaline battery-powered units capable of operating from -4ºF to 129. If multiple pig passages have occurred. then auto reset. constant for 11 hours. in the United States and other countries. A portable version. dates and times of the last 10 passages may be retrieved by simply scrolling back through the PIG-SIG NI memory. Its maximum operating current is 2 amps at 30 volts DC.tdwilliamson. the time and date are clearly displayed on a high-contrast. Inc. .002.1 mm). a satellite link communication system called LineStat can be provided with the PIG-SIG NI. Also available: ■■ ■■ 24-volt DC units for temperatures to -22ºF (-30ºC). It can also be reset manually. No tapping is required. Consult factory for options. / Asia Pacific: +65 6364 8520 TM Trademark of T. North & South America: +1 918 447 5000 Data subject to change without notice.tdwilliamson.D.0 87.Standard* 3V D-Cell .7 BB = 08 108.0 111.Portable ATEX-Certified – 3V D-Cell or 24VDC Extension Length .2 54.2 78.D.D Model .7 BB = 04 60.2 42.0 BB = 02 36. Inc.0 75.7 BB = 10 132.2 102. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified. in the United States and other countries.7 70.7 58.0 27. High-contrast LCD screen Post (height built to customer specifications) Representation of the last 10 pig passages recorded in memory Indicator for various internal functions such as relay engagement.7 34. BB = 00 Option 0 1 Type Rigid or No Extension Flexible Extension NOTE: Rigid extension length available only up to 20 feet Feature No Options Internal Heater Option Remote Indicator System Internal Heater and Remote Indicator Example 04-3575-0135-11 is a PIG-SIG® NI which includes the following: • • • • A 3V D-Cell or 24VDC . Williamson.6 19.7 BB = 06 84.7 BB = 07 96.C D Optional Features .2 BB .2 30.0 63. Inc.2 The high-contrast LCD screen gives the operator a clear view of the time and date of pig passage.002.AA Option 01 02 21 Option 0 1 2 3 Model Type 3V D-Cell or 24VDC .0 51.2 90.C Extension Length in Feet Extension Length (in feet) No extension.7 118.7 BB = 03 48.7 106.BB Extension Type . real time clock and user interface button Stainless steel buckles and bands Passage time / current time Passage date / current date Either flashing or steady light indicator for recent pig passage 04-3575.7 94. / © Copyright 2014 All rights reserved. .2 66.2 114.Sizes and Part Numbers PIG-SIG NI ® 5110.7 82.Standard An Extension length of 35 feet A Flexible Extension An Internal Heater Option Standard Unit (with Rigid Extension) Length Dimensions Extension Length (in feet) ‘A Dim (inches) B Dim (inches) C Dim (inches) D Dim (inches) BB = 01 24.0 99.7 22. T. Williamson.7 *Standard product is UL/SCA rated.1 10. Inc. Williamson.7 46.7 BB = 05 72.0 15.D.7 BB = 09 120. in the United States and other countries. / Europe / Africa / Middle East: +32 67 28 3611 ® Registered trademark of T.06 .0 39.5 4. 4 2. / Minimum Opening Sizes Required Diameter Length Inches mm Inches mm Pipe Size Inches mm Dimensions not for construction unless certified.30 32 & above up to 350 400 . Inc. the TDW PIG-SIG NI trip magnet should be mounted at or near the longitudinal axis of the pig. refer to the chart below. TDW PIG-SIG NI trip magnets will work effectively on virtually any brand or type of mechanical pig except / © Copyright 2014 All rights reserved.thru 48-inches.375 1. the magnet can be placed within the body. Dimensions and Part Numbers Trip Magnet M1 M2 M3 up to 14 16 . in the United States and other countries. the magnet can be placed inside the cavity. For internal mounting dimensions.750 800 & above North & South America: +1 918 447 5000 Data subject to change without notice. On small. TDW PIG-SIG® trip magnets are supplied in three sizes: M1 for pigs up to 14-inches.5 1. Inc. On certain types of non-metallic pigs. Williamson. permanent magnets which have been potted into a PVC or anodized aluminum outer shell. / Weight Lbs. NOTE: When using the Heat Insulator. If the user cannot determine a suitable mounting.tdwilliamson. On foam pigs with built-in transmitter cavities.375 1. such as TDW’s VANTAGE® Pig. mandrel-body type pigs. The exact mounting component will vary from pig to pig. Each one has an integral 1/2-inch UNC stainless steel mounting stud. a Heat Insulator Kit must be installed between the bracket/antenna and the pipe. the magnet can be placed inside a hole that the user cuts into the rear of the pig. Other types of trip magnets can be provided to suit customer needs. / 1.625 35 35 41 3. For pipes above 48-inch in such as TDW’s OptionAll™ pigs. M2 for pigs 16. in the United States and other countries. Williamson.D. such as TDW’s WCK Pig.14” pipe includes 2 each 5-foot bands and 2 buckles Banding kit for 16” .Accessories & Replacement Parts PIG-SIG NI ® 5110. Inc.D. On foam pigs without transmitter cavities.3 Part Number 04-3575-0004-01 04-3575-0004-02 04-3575-0004-03 Asia Pacific: +65 6364 8520 TM Trademark of T.72” pipe includes 2 each 20-foot bands and 2 buckles Heat Insulator Kit* Non-Conductive Isolator for Cathodic Protection Part Number 04-3575-0005-00 04-3575-0010-00 04-3575-0018-00 04-3575-0009-01 04-3575-0009-02 04-3575-0009-03 04-3575-0009-04 04-3575-0022-00 04-3575-0026-00 *When the surface temperature of the pipe exceeds the maximum temperature rating of the unit. Generally. The long axis of the magnet should be along the central axis of the pig.D. custom trip magnets can be designed. On large-bodied pigs. www. . TDW Trip Magnets TDW PIG-SIG® NI trip magnets are high-strength. contact TDW and it will supply the necessary mounting parts for any brand or type of pig.125 86 197 333 Europe / Africa / Middle East: +32 67 28 3611 ® Registered trademark of T. a simple mounting plate can be added to the rear of the pig.. where it is not surrounded by metal. Kg.thru 30-inches. 1 3 5 0. it will be necessary to modify the rear of the pig to add a special mounting bracket to accept the magnet.002.D. the next larger pipe size banding kit will be required.370 7.52” pipe includes 2 each 15-foot bands and 2 buckles Banding kit for 54” . RTV Silicone may be used to seal the opening. T.750 13.06 .3 Parts & Accessories Option Banding tool Standard carrying case Carrying case for Portable Unit Banding kit for 3” . Standard trip magnets are rated up to 150º C / 300º F. and M3 for pigs 32. The TDW PIG-SIG NI trip magnet requires a 0. rare-earth. Williamson.562-inch diameter mounting hole for attachment to a bracket or plate and should be secured with a 1/2-inch UNC lock-nut.34” pipe includes 2 each 10-foot bands and 2 buckles Banding kit for 36” . 4 5 Easy Steps to Install 1. North & South America: +1 918 447 5000 Data subject to change without notice. Inc. Trim off excess banding. / Europe / Africa / Middle East: +32 67 28 3611 ® Registered trademark of T. Band attaching base to pipeline. Inc. Tighten tension on bands. 3.tdwilliamson. Williamson. T. Williamson. / © Copyright 2014 All rights reserved. Williamson. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified. in the United States and other countries. Secure the buckles.Easy Installation PIG-SIG NI ® Buckle and band preassembly. Inc. 2. / Asia Pacific: +65 6364 8520 TM Trademark of T. in the United States and other countries.D.D.D. 5.06 . www. . The TDW D-500 Threaded Closure. is committed to providing you with the exact product to assist you in planning.004. Williamson. Williamson. Inc. / Barrel Collar A reliable seal.2012 Cross Indexing No: n/a Supersedes: 5100. The large. Div. P. All threaded closures are equipped with a pressure warning lock. blowdowns.through 14-inch. available in sizes 2. heat exchangers. Primary O-ring Seal Quick delivery.2010) Options* T. strainers. cross-sectional diameter O-ring located on the barrel collar maintains a positive seal.through 8-inch are special order. All closures are furnished with material test certificates upon request. Oklahoma 74101-1121 Dimensions not for construction unless certified.O. refined products. 1. in the United States and foreign countries Fax: 918-664-7091 / www. / Viton® is a registered trademark of DuPont Performance Elastomers USA: 1-800-571-7447 England: (44) 1-793-603600 918-447-5400 ® Registered trademark of T. offers important advantages: TDW D-500 Closures are available in sizes 2through 14-inch. The simple design of the TDW D-500 Threaded Closure means economical production. and spheres. budgeting and meeting the specifications for your individual application needs.D. Competitive price. receivers. TDW also designs. to alert the operator to the existence of internal pressure prior to opening the closure. launch pins. 6.004. Sizes 2.through 14-inch with horizontal hinges are standard stock. In addition. handling equipment. TDW Pigging Products Pressure Warning Lock Door Tulsa. the primary door seal is released before the threads are completely disengaged. VIII.tdwilliamson.00 (11. in the United States and foreign countries .D. Williamson. scrubbers. TDW manufactures threaded closures in large quantities and keeps a wellstocked inventory to fill your orders promptly.D. pigs. water and crude oil.01 Version: 06. Safety features. skids. Description Features TDW D-500 Threaded Closures are easy-toopen closures suitable for use on pig traps. filters. Inc. closures. in accordance with UG-35 of ASME Sect. engineers and fabricates complete pigging systems that consist of launchers. TDW provides these systems in standard designs or built to the customer’s specifications.and 8-inch D-500 Threaded Closure with Horizontal Hinge D-500 Threaded Closure with Vertical Hinge * Consult factory for additional options.through 8-inch without hinges are standard TM Trademark of T. Inc. The following options are available: D-500 Threaded Closure without Hinge Special Materials Material Certification Pressure Testing Special O-ring Material (standard O-ring material is Viton®) Taper-Bored to Match Pipe-Wall Thickness Special Design for Vertical Installation Horizontal hinges are standard on closures 10-inch and larger and are optional in sizes 4-. which alerts the operator of internal pressure. pig passage indicators. valves and piping. They operate in fluids such as natural gas. Sizes 10. and many other types of vessels. Box 1121 Data subject to change without notice. Vertical hinged closures in sizes 4.through 14-inch Bulletin No: 5100.D-500 Threaded Closures Sizes: 2. in the United States and foreign countries .75 245 19-5012-0163 14 11.76 11. Box 1121 Data subject to change without notice.p2 G D Hub OD A E F Threaded Closure with Horizontal Hinge Sizes 4.93 8. Oklahoma 74101-1121 Dimensions not for construction unless certified.13 4.14 7.Dimensions and Part Numbers D-500 Threaded Closures 5100.D. Williamson.01.06 17.13 17.43 22.42 5.88 11.82 12.38 17.D.00 8.02 6.31 15.66 6.25 25.83 10.11 4.01 14.07 7.O.79 9.75 180 19-5010-0163 12 10. lbs Part Number 4 3. Inc.63 49 19-5006-0163 8 7.50 25 19-5004-0163 6 5. in the United States and foreign countries Fax: 918-664-7091 / www.44 14. Inc.00 325 19-5014-0163 TDW Pigging Products P.51 TM Trademark of T.63 125 19-5008-0163 10 8.29 9.87 10.17 11. Williamson. / 918-447-5400 ® Registered trademark of T.tdwilliamson. / Tulsa.through 14-inch Size A D E F G Hub OD Inches WT.85 3.00 12.36 10.004.38 20. Inc.) Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches Lbs.47 5.62 14.90 3. in the United States and foreign countries .p3 D Hub OD A Threaded Closure without Hinge B Sizes 2.98 6.tdwilliamson.94 2. Part Number 2 2. in the United States and foreign countries Fax: 918-664-7091 / www.83 4.50 25 19-5004-1163 6 5.50 18 19-5004-0063 6 5.63 125 19-5008-1163 Tulsa. Box 1121 Data subject to change without notice.38 10 19-5002-0063 3 3.76 13.36 2.14 9.50 14 19-5003-0063 4 3.98 13.93 17.63 43 19-5006-0063 8 7. Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches TM Trademark of T.55 14.06 1.00. / ® Registered trademark of T.44 8.Dimensions and Part Numbers D-500 Threaded Closures 5100.85 6.63 52 19-5006-1163 8 7.83 10.31 5.42 7.37 7.D. Williamson. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified. Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 TDW Pigging Products P.32 3.004.D.76 6. Inc. Williamson.44 16.O.87 8.through 8-inch Size A B D Hub OD WT.33 12.01 4.55 5.63 100 19-5008-0063 K J D Threaded Closure with Vertical Hinge I Hub OD Sizes 4. Part Number 4 3.63 10. (Approx.through 8-inch Size D I J K Hub OD WT. O.500) 1570 1575 1970 2365 2835 1660 3550 STD(.D.500) 1425 1500 1875 2250 2700 1505 3375 STD(.300) 2500 1815 2270 2725 3270 2020 4100 STD(.tdwilliamson.432) 2100 1525 1910 2290 2750 1695 3450 STD(. in the United States and foreign countries Fax: 918-664-7091 / www. in the United States and foreign countries .60 DF . Box 1121 Data subject to change without notice.280) 1665 1525 1910 2290 2750 1695 3450 XS (.8 ASME VIII Max .4 / B31.322) 1465 1535 1920 2305 2765 1550 3475 XS (.com TM Trademark of T.216) 2415 1815 2270 2725 3270 2020 4100 XS (. Williamson.72 DF DIV 1 Test Pressure XS (.237) 2060 1705 2130 2555 3070 1895 3840 XS (.p4 Pressure Ratings Stocked for Maximum Allowable Working Pressure in psi Nominal Pipe Weld on to Size (Inches) (Wall Thickness) 2 3 4 6 8 10 12 14 B31.00.218) 2940 2135 2670 3205 3845 2375 4825 STD(.365) 1335 1425 1780 2135 2565 1415 3225 XS (.375) 1050 1125 1405 1685 2025 1115 2550 Temperature Ratings -20°F (-29°C) to 100°F (38°C) Temperatures greater than 100°F (38°C) and less than or equal to 500°F (242°C) at reduced MAWP with suitable O-Ring material. / ® 918-447-5400 ® Registered trademark of T.500) 1875 1520 1900 2280 2740 1690 3425 STD(.154) 2470 2135 2670 3205 3845 2375 4825 XS (. Oklahoma 74101-1121 Dimensions not for construction unless certified.004.D. Inc. Inc.500) 2110 1535 1920 2305 2765 1705 3475 STD (.3 B31.Pressure & Temperature Ratings D-500 Threaded Closures 5100.50 DF . Replacement O-Rings Nominal Pipe Primary Seal O-Ring Pressure Warning Lock Size (Inches) Viton (Standard) Buna-N Screw Bushing Viton O-Ring (Std) Buna-N O-Ring 2 00-1247-0022 00-0117-0036 00-4576-0046 00-5213-0027 00-1245-0001 00-0115-0004 3 00-1247-0019 00-0117-0023 00-4576-0046 00-5213-0027 00-1245-0001 00-0115-0004 4 00-1247-0013 00-0117-0027 00-4576-0046 00-5213-0027 00-1245-0001 00-0115-0004 6 00-1248-0030 00-0118-0043 00-4576-0046 00-5213-0027 00-1245-0001 00-0115-0004 8 00-1248-0031 00-0118-0061 00-4576-0046 00-5213-0027 00-1245-0001 00-0115-0004 10 00-1248-0032 00-0118-0054 00-4576-0047 00-5213-0001 00-1245-0008 00-0115-0025 12 00-1249-0016 00-0119-0017 00-4576-0047 00-5213-0001 00-1245-0008 00-0115-0025 14 00-1249-0017 00-0119-0008 00-4576-0047 00-5213-0001 00-1245-0008 00-0115-0025 ® TDW Pigging Products P. / Tulsa.337) 2345 1705 2130 2555 3070 1895 3840 STD(.375) 1155 1235 1540 1850 2220 1225 2800 XS (.40DF . Williamson. in the United States and foreign countries Fax: 918-664-7091 / www. Barrel Collar Weld Bevel Large O-Ring Clamp Ring Closures feature a lever-type actuator on sizes 4. to alert the operator to the existence of internal pressure prior to opening the closure. Div. 1. easily operated by one person.02 (08.03 Version: 01. a counterbalance can be provided to facilitate opening. / Door ISO 9001 Certified USA: 1-800-571-7447 England: (44) 1-793-603600 918-447-5400 ® Registered trademark of T. this closure is less time-consuming than other closures on the market.D. Closures smaller than 32-inches at higher pressure also may feature a door assist mechanism. Williamson. meaning the door swings open on the horizontal axis.’s Clamp Ring Closures are quick-opening closures. Box 1121 Data subject to change without notice. The following options are available: – Special materials – Material certification – Pressure testing – Special O-ring material (standard O-ring material is Buna-N) – Taper-bored to match pipe wall thickness D2000 Clamp Ring Closures various sizes – Special design for vertical installation – Larger sizes – Pressure classes up to 2500# Description T. available in sizes 4inches and larger. offer important advantages: A reliable seal – The large. is committed to providing you with the exact product to assist you in planning.O. Williamson. cross-sectional diameter O-ring located on the periphery of the closure’s barrel collar provides positive sealing as well as protection from damage by tools. Williamson.D. budgeting and meeting the specifications for your individual application needs.through 30-inches. Clamp Ring Fast.D2000 Quick Opening Closures Sizes: 4-inch and larger Bulletin No: 5100.D. pigs or debris. safe operation – One person can easily and quickly open or close the Clamp Ring TM Trademark of T. the Clamp Ring Closures is safer to open than other closures that require an operator to stand in front of the door. In the latter case.2007) Options T.tdwilliamson. Inc. However. easy.003.2012 Cross Indexing No: n/a Supercedes: 5100. in the United States and foreign countries .003. Inc. Oklahoma 74101-1121 Dimensions not for construction unless certified. Because it operates so easily. Williamson. Features The Clamp Ring Closures. Because an operator must stand to the side when opening the pressure warning lock. the closure can be installed on a vertical installation. Div I Pressure warning device – The Clamp Ring Closures are equipped with a pressure warning lock. Tulsa. in accordance with UG-35 of ASME Sect. Inc. VIII. TDW Pigging Products P. Sizes 32-inches and larger have a door assist (ratchet binder). Inc. The closure is designed primarily for horizontal installation. clamp ring and door. Consult factory for optional items. / – ASME Sect VIII.D. Dimensions and Weights Size Wt (Lbs) HxWxL Part Number 60 8 x 12 x 16 19-6704-0600 75 8 x 14 x 18 19-6706-0600 120 8 x 16 x 20 19-6708-0600 160 8 x 19 x 23 19-6710-0600 12 200 10 x 21 x 26 19-6712-0600 14 260 10 x 22 x 27 19-6714-0600 8-inch D2000 Clamp Ring Closure *Closures are available at 1480psi MAWP with . TDW Pigging Products P.188 1455 1215 1010 1825 14 19-6714-0600-51 . consult factory.337 1775 1480 1230 2220 4 19-6704-0600-52 .250 1775 1480 1230 2220 4 19-6704-0600-53 .438 1775 1480 1230 2220 8 19-6708-0600-53 .438 1775 1480 1230 2220 12 19-6712-0600-53 .p2 4.8 F=.188 1725 1440 1200 2160 12 19-6712-0600-51 . in the United States and foreign countries Fax: 918-664-7091 / www.500 1775 1480 1230 2220 12 19-6712-0600-52 .com TM Trademark of T. See additional O-ring part number table on page 7 for common O-ring options (must be ordered separately).313 1775 1480 1230 2220 6 19-6706-0600-54 .500 1775 1480 1230 2220 10 19-6710-0600-52 .188 1775 1480 1230 2220 8 19-6708-0600-51 . Inc.500 1775 1480 1230 2220 14 19-6714-0600-52 . Inc. / Tulsa.tdwilliamson.188 1325 1105 920 1660 B31. Williamson.250 1775 1480 1230 2220 6 19-6706-0600-55 .313 1775 1480 1230 2220 10 19-6710-0600-55 .313 1775 1480 1230 2220 14 19-6714-0600-55 .003 .313 1775 1480 1230 2220 6 8 19-6708-0600-55 .250 1775 1480 1230 2220 10 19-6710-0600-56 . Other O-ring materials are also available on a specialorder basis.72 (psi) 4 19-6704-0600-51 . Box 1121 Data subject to change without notice.50 design factor.D. Williamson.375 1775 1480 1230 2220 4 8 19-6708-0600-54 .375 1775 1480 1230 2220 10 19-6710-0600-54 .250 1775 1480 1230 2220 8 8 19-6708-0600-56 .375 1775 1480 1230 2220 6 19-6706-0600-53 . / 918-447-5400 ® Registered trademark of T.375 1775 1480 1230 2220 14 19-6714-0600-54 .188 1775 1480 1230 2220 10 10 19-6710-0600-51 .D.O.60 (psi) F=.50 (psi)* TP Max NOTICE: New 19-67sz series part number is same as old 19-37sz series except that it now does NOT include the door O-ring.4 F=. in the United States and foreign countries . Oklahoma 74101-1121 Dimensions not for construction unless certified.188 1775 1480 1230 2220 6 19-6706-0600-51 .500 1775 1480 1230 2220 8 19-6708-0600-52 .438 1775 1480 1230 2220 14 19-6714-0600-53 .313 1775 1480 1230 2220 12 19-6712-0600-55 .438 1775 1480 1230 2220 10 19-6710-0600-53 .432 1775 1480 1230 2220 6 19-6706-0600-52 .through 14-inch D2000 Clamp Ring Closures MAWP Size (Inches) Part Number Weld Bevel Thickness B31.375 1775 1480 1230 2220 12 19-6712-0600-54 .Dimensions and Part Numbers 5100.250 1770 1475 1225 2215 14 19-6714-0600-56 .250 1775 1480 1230 2220 12 19-6712-0600-56 . 750 1775 1480 1230 2220 20 19-6720-0600-52 . / Tulsa. in the United States and foreign countries Fax: 918-664-7091 / www.50 (psi)* Size Weight (Lbs) TP Max 20-inch D2000 Clamp Ring Closure *Closures are available at 1480psi MAWP with .O. TDW Pigging Products P.625 1775 1480 1230 2220 24 19-6724-0600-54 .4 F=. in the United States and foreign countries . Williamson. Oklahoma 74101-1121 Dimensions not for construction unless certified.375 1775 1480 1230 2220 18 19-6718-0600-54 .250 1240 1035 860 1555 22 19-6722-0600-51 .D.D.625 1775 1480 1230 2220 22 825 13 x 35 x 38 19-6722-0600 18 19-6718-0600-52 .Dimensions and Part Numbers TM Trademark of T. / 918-447-5400 ® Registered trademark of T. Inc.500 1775 1480 1230 2220 24 19-6724-0600-55 . consult factory.875 1775 1480 1230 2220 24 19-6724-0600-52 .500 1775 1480 1230 2220 20 19-6720-0600-54 .375 1775 1480 1230 2220 18 550 12 x 31 x 35 19-6718-0600 16 19-6716-0600-53 .625 1775 1480 1230 2220 22 19-6722-0600-53 .8 F=.p3 16.375 1545 1290 1075 1935 19-6724-0600-56 .250 1125 940 780 1410 24 19-6724-0600-51 . Box 1121 Data subject to change without notice.003 .50 design factor.250 1545 1290 1075 1935 20 700 12 x 33 x 37 19-6720-0600 18 19-6718-0600-51 .500 1775 1480 1230 2220 22 19-6722-0600-54 .through 30-inch-inches D2000 Clamp Ring Closures MAWP Dimensions and Weights Size (Inches) Part Number Weld Bevel Thickness B31.625 1775 1480 1230 2220 20 19-6720-0600-53 . Williamson.750 1775 1480 1230 2220 24 19-6724-0600-53 .tdwilliamson.375 1690 1410 1175 2115 22 19-6722-0600-55 .500 1775 1480 1230 2220 24 955 13 x 38 x 43 19-6724-0600 18 19-6718-0600-53 .750 1775 1480 1230 2220 22 19-6722-0600-52 . Inc.500 1775 1480 1230 2220 16 420 11 x 29 x 34 19-6716-0600 16 19-6716-0600-52 .72 (psi) HxWxL Part Number 16 19-6716-0600-51 .375 1775 1480 1230 2220 20 19-6720-0600-55 .60 (psi) F=.250 1030 860 715 1290 24 B31.250 1380 1150 955 1725 20 19-6720-0600-51 . 000 1775 1480 1230 2220 30 19-6730-0600-52 . / Tulsa. Inc.625 1775 1480 1230 2220 28 19-6728-0600-54 .003 .500 1775 1480 1230 2220 26 19-6726-0600-55 .com TM Trademark of T.750 1775 1480 1230 2220 30 19-6730-0600-54 . in the United States and foreign countries .60 (psi) F=.through 30-inch D2000 Clamp Ring Closures MAWP Dimensions and Weights Size (Inches) Part Number Weld Bevel Thickness B31.375 1240 1035 860 1555 B31.Dimensions and Part Numbers 5100. Box 1121 Data subject to change without notice.50 (psi) Size Weight (Lbs) TP Max 20-inch D2000 Clamp Ring Closure *Closures are available at 1480psi MAWP with .tdwilliamson.875 1775 1480 1230 2220 26 1400 15 x 44 x 45 19-6726-0600 26 19-6726-0600-52 .625 1775 1480 1230 2220 30 19-6730-0600-55 .500 1655 1380 1150 2070 30 19-6730-0600-56 .875 1775 1480 1230 2220 30 19-6730-0600-53 .8 F=. Williamson.D. Oklahoma 74101-1121 Dimensions not for construction unless certified. Williamson.625 1775 1480 1230 2220 30 1850 16 x 48 x 49 19-6730-0600 26 19-6726-0600-54 .750 1775 1480 1230 2220 28 19-6728-0600-53 . in the United States and foreign countries Fax: 918-664-7091 / www.250 950 795 660 1195 28 19-6728-0600-51 .375 1425 1190 990 1785 26 19-6726-0600-56 . consult factory.500 1770 1475 1225 2215 28 19-6728-0600-55 .72 (psi) HxWxL Part Number 26 19-6726-0600-51 .p4 26.875 1175 1480 1230 2220 28 19-6728-0600-52 .4 F=.375 1325 1105 920 1660 30 19-6730-0600-51 1.D.750 1775 1480 1230 2220 28 1580 15 x 46 x 47 19-6728-0600 26 19-6726-0600-53 . / 918-447-5400 ® Registered trademark of T.50 design factor.O. TDW Pigging Products P. Inc. 625 1775 1480 1230 32 19-6732-0600-55 .375 1160 970 805 32 19-6734-0600-51 1.125 1775 1480 1230 40 19-6740-0600-53 1. in the United States and foreign countries .Dimensions and Part Numbers 5100.p5 32. Inc.875 1775 1480 1230 34 19-6734-0600-52 .625 1545 1290 1075 40 19-6740-0600-57 .500 1380 1150 955 36 19-6736-0600-57 .375 1090 910 755 34 19-6736-0600-51 1.60 (psi) F=.625 1775 1480 1230 34 19-6734-0600-54 .000 1775 1480 1230 36 19-6736-0600-53 . Williamson.50 (psi)* (Inches) Part Number 19-6732-0600-51 1.003 .875 1775 1480 1230 36 19-6736-0600-54 .500 1545 1290 1075 32 19-6732-0600-56 .D.250 1775 1480 1230 40 19-6740-0600-52 1.000 1775 1480 1230 42 19-6742-0600-54 .O.000 1775 1480 1230 34 19-6734-0600-52 .750 1775 1480 1230 32 19-6732-0600-54 .625 42 19-6742-0600-58 . Oklahoma 74101-1121 Dimensions not for construction unless certified.875 1775 1480 1230 32 19-6732-0600-53 . consult factory.125 1775 1480 1230 42 19-6742-0600-53 1. / Tulsa.000 1775 1480 1230 32 19-6732-0600-52 .tdwilliamson.500 1180 985 820 42 *Closures are available at 1480psi MAWP with .750 1775 1480 1230 36 19-6736-0600-55 . in the United States and foreign countries HxWxL 16 x 51 x 54 16 x 54 x 57 17 x 56 x 60 19 x 62 x 64 19 x 64 x 67 Fax: 918-664-7091 / www.750 1775 1480 1230 34 19-6734-0600-53 .750 1775 1480 1230 40 19-6740-0600-56 .72 (psi) F=.8 Size Weld Bevel Thickness F=. Williamson.250 1775 1480 1230 42 19-6742-0600-52 1.D.500 1455 1215 1010 34 19-6734-0600-55 .375 1030 860 715 36 19-6740-0600-51 1.750 1770 1475 1225 42 1230 1025 1475 19-6742-0600-56 .com TM Trademark of T.500 1240 1035 860 40 19-6740-0600-58 . Inc. / Dimensions and Weights Size Weight (Lbs) 32 2500 34 2850 36 3250 40 4500 42 4775 TP Max 2220 2220 2220 2220 1935 1455 2220 2220 2220 2220 1825 1365 2220 2220 2220 2220 2155 1725 1290 2220 2220 2220 2220 2220 1935 1555 1165 2220 2220 2220 2220 2215 1845 1480 Part Number 19-6732-0600 19-6734-0600 19-6736-0600 19-6740-0600 19-6742-0600 36-inch D2000 Clamp Ring Closure 918-447-5400 ® Registered trademark of T.000 1775 1480 1230 40 19-6740-0600-54 .through 42-inch D2000 Clamp Ring Closures MAWP B31.625 1720 1435 1195 36 19-6736-0600-56 .50 design factor.375 930 775 645 40 19-6742-0600-51 1. TDW Pigging Products P.875 1775 1480 1230 42 19-6742-0600-55 . Box 1121 Data subject to change without notice.4 B31.875 1775 1480 1230 40 19-6740-0600-55 .125 1775 1480 1230 36 19-6736-0600-52 1. TDW Pigging Products P.Dimensions and Part Numbers 5100.375 1025 855 710 44 19-6746-0600-51 1. Inc. in the United States and foreign countries Part Number 19-6744-0600 19-6746-0600 19-6748-0600 Fax: 918-664-7091 / www.750 1775 1480 1230 46 19-6746-0600-55 .000 1775 1480 1230 44 19-6744-0600-52 . Box 1121 Data subject to change without notice.375 940 785 650 48 *Closures are available at 1480psi MAWP with .50 (psi)* (Inches) Part Number 19-6744-0600-51 1. in the United States and foreign countries .500 1370 1145 950 44 19-6744-0600-56 .625 1715 1430 1190 44 19-6744-0600-55 . Williamson. / Dimensions and Weights Size Weight (Lbs) H x W x L 44 4850 19 x 65 x 69 46 5400 19 x 67 x 72 48 6000 19 x 70 x 73 TP Max 2220 2220 2220 2145 1720 1285 2220 2220 2220 2220 1965 1575 1180 2220 2220 2220 2220 1965 1575 1180 36-inch D2000 Clamp Ring Closure 918-447-5400 ® Registered trademark of T.125 1775 1480 1230 48 19-6748-0600-52 1. Williamson.60 (psi) F=.4 B31.875 1775 1480 1230 48 19-6748-0600-54 .500 1260 1050 875 46 19-6746-0600-57 .003 .875 1775 1480 1230 46 19-6746-0600-54 .750 1775 1480 1230 44 19-6744-0600-54 .000 1775 1480 1230 46 19-6746-0600-53 .375 940 785 650 46 19-6748-0600-51 1.50 design factor.625 1570 1310 1090 48 19-6748-0600-56 .500 1260 1050 875 48 19-6748-0600-57 .000 1775 1480 1230 48 19-6748-0600-53 .tdwilliamson.625 1570 1090 870 46 19-6746-0600-56 .8 Size Weld Bevel Thickness F=.875 1775 1480 1230 44 19-6744-0600-53 .72 (psi) F=.D.O. / Tulsa. Inc.p6 44-inch and larger D2000 Clamp Ring Closures MAWP B31. Oklahoma 74101-1121 Dimensions not for construction unless TM Trademark of T.750 1775 1480 1230 48 19-6748-0600-55 . consult factory.125 1775 1480 1230 46 19-6746-0600-52 1. tdwilliamson. in the United States and foreign countries . Inc.D. / Tulsa. Oklahoma 74101-1121 Dimensions not for construction unless certified.003 . TM Trademark of T.O. Box 1121 Data subject to change without notice.D. Inc.Dimensions and Part Numbers 5100.p7 Replacement Main Seal O-Rings for Standard D2000 Clamp Ring Closures Closure Buna-N (Standard) Viton 19-6704-0600 19-3704-0615 19-3700-0468-23 19-6706-0600 19-3706-0615 19-3700-0680-23 19-6708-0600 19-3708-0615 19-3700-0876-23 19-6710-0600 19-3710-0615 19-3700-1071-23 19-6712-0600 19-3712-0615 19-3700-1256-23 19-6714-0600 19-3714-0615 19-3700-1371-23 19-6716-0600 19-3716-0615 19-3700-1556-53 19-6718-0600 19-3718-0615 19-3700-1740-53 19-6720-0600 19-3720-0615 19-3700-1923-53 19-6722-0600 19-3722-0615 19-3700-2106-53 19-6724-0600 19-3724-0615 19-3700-2290-53 19-6726-0600 19-3726-0615 19-3700-2542-53 19-6728-0600 19-3728-0615 19-3700-2725-53 19-6730-0600 19-3730-0615 19-3700-2908-53 19-6732-0600 19-3732-0615 19-3700-3092-53 19-6734-0600 19-3734-0615 19-3700-3275-53 19-6736-0600 19-3736-0615 19-3700-3458-53 19-6740-0600 19-3740-0615 19-3700-3894-53 19-6742-0600 19-3742-0615 19-3700-4077-53 19-6744-0600 19-3744-0615 19-3700-4327-53 19-6746-0600 19-3746-0615 19-3700-4513-53 19-6748-0600 19-3748-0615 19-3700-4699-53 Pressure Warning Lock Components for Standard D-2000 Closures Closure Size PWL Screw PWL Bushing PWL O-Ring Buna-N (standard) PWL O-Ring Viton 4¨-14¨ 00-4576-0018 00-5213-0001 00-0115-0025 00-1245-0008 16¨-30¨ 00-4576-0037 00-5213-0012 00-0115-0002 00-1245-0007 32¨-48¨ 00-4576-0038 00-5213-0013 00-0115-0035 00-1245-0012 TDW Pigging Products P. / 918-447-5400 ® Registered trademark of T. Williamson. in the United States and foreign countries Fax: 918-664-7091 / www. 8 and B31. in the United States and other countries.D.001. / Asia Pacific: +65 6364 8520 TM Trademark of T. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified.4 codes Primer Coated ready for your topcoat SmartTrap® Launching & Receiving Barrels Description Rugged and dependable TDW SmartTrap® Launchers and Receivers are designed and built with the consistent high quality workmanship required to meet the demands of pipeline operators the world over.for mainline launcher connection (standard ASME class 600 flange) Hydrotested and Inspected designed for appropriate pipeline B31. . Pressure Gauge Connection – ready for Standardized features included on TDW SmartTrap Launchers and Receivers make the pigging process a smooth and efficient procedure for piping system operators.D.through 36-inch Bulletin No: 5000. You can find them on offshore platforms.01 (02.2007) Load Nozzle – to allow safe and easy loading of inspection tools Eccentric Reducer – to assure safe and easy loading & launching Line Size Mounting Flange . With extra emphasis North & South America: +1 918 447 5000 Data subject to change without notice. in the United States and other countries. Inc. TD Williamson's easy-opening D2000 Clamp Ring Closures on all units and PIG-SIG® IV Passage Indicators are included on all recievers. Inc. Williamson. T. / © Copyright 2015 All rights reserved. Inc.2015 Cross Indexing No: n/a Supersedes: 5000. Williamson in-line inspection tools: Oversized Barrel – to ease loading and handling of pigs Flanged Kicker Nozzle –Adequately sized to ensure efficient launching TDW's D2000 Clamp Ring Closure (safe.SmartTrap Launchers & Receivers ® For Pipelines 6. quick opening closure) Flanged Equalization Nozzles (to enhance Inline Inspection pig launch process) Pipeline Cleaning Multiple Vent Nozzles – for safe purge of Batching the entire unit Displacement. www. on safety.D. immersed in steamy tropical environments. Williamson.tdwilliamson. TDW produces launchers and receivers designed by experts to handle the toughest field accomodate all T. deep in the heart of remote mountain ranges. With decades of accumulated "hands-on" experience. TDW SmartTrap Launchers and Receivers are designed to meet all your pigging needs: Features Appropriate Barrel Lengths .02 Version: 02.001. / gage installation Side Nozzles – to further assist ease of loading Europe / Africa / Middle East: +32 67 28 3611 ® Registered trademark of T. in the hottest deserts and handling bitterly cold extremes above the Arctic Circle. all others shown in inches.12 46.00 13.31 47.12 42.00 4 20.85 10.00 4 2 1 24 26 23.00 4 2 1 26 28 23.D. Inc.27 20.75 2 12.47 16. in the United States and other countries.75 2 1 1 8 10 20.25 18.46 24.00 3 16. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified.75 11.37 17. Consult factory for alternative custom designs.Dimensions and Part Numbers SmartTrap Launchers ® 5000.75 33.00 4 2 1 28 30 24.56 67.85 30.48 20. Inc.00 8 30.62 30.D.25 22.00 4 2 1 18 20 18.92 34.25 10. in the United States and other countries.00 8.00 3 1 1 14 16 17.p2 ASME Class 600 Lb. Line Size Nominal AL B C D E F G M 6 18.75 2 1 1 6 8 21. . AL and AR are shown in feet. features and izes not shown North & South America: +1 918 447 5000 Data subject to change without notice. / Europe / Africa / Middle East: +32 67 28 3611 ® Registered trademark of T.00 4 16. T. / Closures H I 7. J K 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 www.75 20.33 40.75 2 10.tdwilliamson.00 8 30. Williamson.35 12.00 2 2 1 10 12 19.75 / © Copyright 2015 All rights reserved.87 24. Williamson.21 16.00 6 4 1 36 Note: Deminsions are approximate.00 6 20.00 6 24.81 21.00 9.00 Asia Pacific: +65 6364 8520 TM Trademark of T.00 3 2 1 12 14 20.00 10 36.00 44.001.00 10 34.D.53 24.50 19.68 34.81 36.81 25.02.56 26. Williamson.68 21.00 6 24. pressure classes.00 4 2 1 16 18 18.00 12 40.00 36.00 4 2 1 20 24 23. codes.00 6 2 1 30 36 26.75 15. Inc. 59 12.12 42. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified.00 6 4 1 36 25.00 29.00 4 2 1 18 14.00 4 2 1 28 21.24 20.81 10 34.62 30.56 67.96 24. .75 4 20. Inc.33 40.00 37.00 36.00 Closures C D E F G M H I 2 10.25 8 30.75 6 24. / Europe / Africa / Middle East: +32 67 28 3611 ® Registered trademark of T.56 26. Inc.02.00 34. / Asia Pacific: +65 6364 8520 TM Trademark of / © Copyright 2015 All rights reserved.75 2 1 1 6 7. Williamson.75 33. Inc.00 24. in the United States and other countries. pressure classes.31 47.00 2 12.00 44.00 Note: Deminsions are approximate.00 3 1 1 14 11.00 4 2 1 24 18.75 2 1 1 8 8. Consult factory for alternative custom designs.00 28.00 3 16.85 30. Williamson.00 4 2 1 20 15.00 2 2 1 10 9.75 6 24.D.D.00 24.87 24.001.12 46.68 21.p3 ASME Class 600 Lb.00 4 2 1 16 13.75 32.81 36. www. AL and AR are shown in feet.00 24.68 34.00 6 2 1 30 22.00 6 20.50 19.75 30.92 34.00 34. codes.43 16.tdwilliamson.02 20. in the United States and other countries.Dimensions and Part Numbers SmartTrap Receivers ® 5000.D.00 35. Williamson.85 10.37 17.25 4 16.81 12 40.75 8 30. features and izes not shown North & South America: +1 918 447 5000 Data subject to change without notice.00 3 2 1 12 10.25 10 36.88 24.00 34.00 4 2 1 26 20. T. Line Size Nominal 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 24 26 28 30 36 AR B 27.14 16. all others shown in inches. Units are furnished with the TDW PIG-SIG®. Valves. tested. B31. Bypass Piping.tdwilliamson.002.00 Date: February 1999 Cross Indexing No: n/a Supersedes: n/a Options T. Williamson. Units are furnished with TDW Closures. Williamson. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified. TDW can provide: Systems designed to handle corrosion inspection pigs. Oklahoma 74101-1121 Patented in the United States and in foreign countries. Box 1121 Tulsa. or sloped units..D. Inc. and ready for field installation. These system packages include the Launcher/ Receiver. B31. Our standard Launching and Receiving Systems are complete packages.D.Complete Pig Systems Launching & Receiving Bulletin No: 5000. All system packages are designed to the pipeline codes you require. tested. Inc. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T. Handling Equipment if required. / Printed in USA .D. All units are sandblasted and prime coated. / ® Registered trademark of T. Williamson. Bypass piping is fabricated and connected for sure fit-up. vertical. and Skid Mounted to ease field installation. PIG-SIG® Indicators. ASME Section VIII Codes. Special materials. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2006. is committed to providing you with the exact product to assist you in planning. and meeting your individual application needs. installed. Horizontal.8. All rights reserved T. Williamson. and inspected to meet your code requirements.4. ASME B31. All components are assembled. Closure.O. Automated packages to simplify operation. Complete Pig System Description Features TDW offers complete Pig Launching and Receiving Systems to meet your total pigging needs.D. Inc.3. Data subject to change without notice. All nozzles are properly sized and located. Special surface preparation and finish. budgeting. Units designed. 100% weld inspection. ISO 9001 Certified USA: 1-800-571-7447 England: (44) 1-793-603600 918-447-5400 Fax: 918-664-7091 www. Handling equipment is offered for handling larger pigs. TDW Pigging Products P. 002.D. All rights reserved T. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2006.D.tdwilliamson. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified. / ® Registered trademark of T. Inc. Weight/Lbs. 12950 14000 18200 27500 35550 52500 76300 107660 L W Mainline Bypass Valve Scraper Barred Tee Mainline Trap Valve Vent Guage Trap Kicker Valve H PIG-SIG® Closure Pressure Gauge C Drain Valve Tray Jib Crane & Hoist Receiver Pig Receiving Size 12” x 16” 14” x 18” 16” x 20” 20” x 24” 24” x 28” 30” x 34” 36” x 40” 40” x 44” Pig C 3’8” 3’10” 4’0” 5’0” 5’11” 6’11” 7’8” 8’0” H 3’0” 3’2” 3’2” 5’2” 5’6” 5’10” 6’5” 7’7” TDW Pigging Products L 26’11” 27’4” 27’6” 31’3” 36’0” 45’10” 55’7” 61’6” P. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T. Williamson. Oklahoma 74101-1121 W 918-447-5400 Fax: 918-664-7091 Drip Pan www. Weight/Lbs. Williamson.Dimensions and Part Numbers Complete Pig Launching & Receiving Systems 5000.p2 Mainline Bypass Valve C PIG-SIG® Mainline Trap Valve Pressure Gauge Vent Valve H Trap Kicker Valve Scraper Barred Tee Closure Launcher Pig Jib Crane & Hoist Tray Drain Valve Skid Pig Launching Size 12” x 16” 14” x 18” 16” x 20” 20” x 24” 24” x 28” 30” x 34” 36” x 40” 40” x 44” C 3’ 8” 3’10” 4’0” 5’0” 5’11” 6’11” 7’8” 8’0” H 3’ 0” 3’2” 3’2” 5’2” 5’6” 5’10” 6’5” 7’7” L 21’10” 22’4” 23’8” 26’7” 31’0” 38’4” 45’8” 50’1” W 6’0” 6’4” 6’8” 8’4” 9’6” 11’4” 12’4” 13’0” Approx. 13230 15450 20100 26700 37700 56340 82200 115350 Skid L Tulsa. / Printed in USA . Data subject to change without notice.O. Box 1121 W 6’0” 6’4” 6’8” 8’5” 9’6” 11’4” 12’4” 13’0” Approx. Inc.D. Williamson. Dimensions and Part Numbers Complete Pig Launching & Receiving Systems PIG-SIG® Sphere Barred Tee 5000.002- p3 Mainline Valve Pressure Gauge Launch Pins C1 Vent Valve Lifting Tongs Launcher H2 C2 H1 Pressure Equalization Valve Sphere Tray Closure Size 12” x 14” 16” x 18” 20” x 22” 24” x 26” 30” x 32” 36” x 40” C1 3’6” 3’9” 4’0” 4’4” 4’8” 5’3” Skid L Sphere Launching C2 3’8” 4’2” 3’8” 4’2” 4’7” 5’11” H1 2’0” 2’6” 2’10” 3’6” 4’0” 4’9” H2 2’2” 2’8” 2’11” 3’8” 4’2” 5’0” L 22’10” 27’8” 31’4” 36’0” 42’9” 51’3” Approx. W Weight/Lbs. 5’6” 8000 5’9” 11500 6’6” 17000 6’10” 24500 8’6” 37000 9’8” 65500 Jib Crane & Hoist Drip Pan W PIG-SIG® Sphere Barred Tee Mainline Valve C1 PIG-SIG® Vent Valve C2 Receiver Pressure Gauge H1 Lifting Tongs H2 Sphere Tray Sphere Receiving Size 12” x 14” 16” x 18” 20” x 22” 24” x 26” 30” x 32” 36” x 40” C1 3’0” 3’7” 4’4” 5’0” 5’11” 7’0” C2 3’8” 4’2” 3’8” 4’2” 4’7” 5’11” TDW Pigging Products H1 4’1” 5’11” 6’3” 7’4” 8’10” 10’6” H2 1’8” 1’11” 2’4” 2’9” 3’0” 3’7” L 22’10” 27’8” 31’4” 36’0” 42’9” 51’3” P.O. Box 1121 Approx. W Weight/Lbs. 5’1” 8000 5’8” 11500 6’10” 17500 7’7” 25000 9’9” 38000 11’5” 67000 Tulsa, Oklahoma 74101-1121 Pressure Equalization Valve L Skid Closure Jib Crane & Hoist W 918-447-5400 Fax: 918-664-7091 Drip Pan Data subject to change without notice. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified. / ® Registered trademark of T.D. Williamson, Inc. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T.D. Williamson, Inc. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2006. All rights reserved T.D. Williamson, Inc. / Printed in USA TracMaster ™ Magnetic Pig Tracking & Locating System Bulletin No: 5000.003.01 Date: June 2005 Cross Indexing No: n/a Supersedes: 5000.003.00 (9/00) A built-in help menu provides assistance with many functions. The receiver’s graphic screen is backlit for readability in dim light; the screen blanks to save energy and automatically reactivates when passing pigs are detected. Built-in speakers indicate pig passages, transmitter pulses, button presses, etc. All information can be printed out on standard dot matrix printers. TracMaster Pig Tracker and Locator ™ Description Designed exclusively for the pigging industry, the TDW TracMaster™ Pig Tracker and Locator provides a visual display as well as an audible signal of stopped or moving pigs in a pipeline. The need to “walk and stop” is eliminated with TracMaster because extraneous signals and noise are filtered out as it accurately detects, reports and stores pig passages, locations, times and dates. Pigging activites are reported via a simple, graphic menu system and display that reveal the distinctive pulsing pattern of a passing pig plus quick, precise locations of stationary pigs. This information is provided for on-site viewing and printed reports, and is transferrable to desktop PCs. Features T. D. Williamson, Inc., is committed to providing you with the exact product to assist you in meeting the needs of your individual applications. Simple, graphic menu system and a display reveal the distinctive pulsing pattern of a passing pig as well as stationary pigs. As pig passages are detected, their count, location, time and date are stored in the TracMaster’s memory. Pig activity can be recalled for on-site viewing and report printing, and can be transferred to a desktop PC. The pig passage recording list on the display can be used to obtain the average pig speed, as well as elapsed time and distance, between any two recordings. A list of pig passages shows the time, date, and image, and optionally, the mile or foot marker of each recording location on the pipeline. Purchase: TDW Pigging Products 10727 E. 55th Pl. Rental: TDW Pipeline Surveys 6747 So. 65th W. Ave Tulsa, Oklahoma 74146 Tulsa, Oklahoma 74134 918-447-5400 918-447-5500 Transmitters fit inside or can be towed behind all types of foam, unicast and metal pigs. Receiving antennas reject false signals created during movement, allowing operators to walk continuously without interference and eliminating the timeconsuming “walk and stop” method of other tracking systems. The receiver’s stainless steel chassis is designed to endure rough pipeline conditions, is water resistant, and has both serial and printer ports. Battery life is rated at 40 hours with all options on, including the backlight. System software can be upgraded to new versions as they become available. Options The TracMaster Pig Tracking and Locating System is available for purchase or rental. USA: 1-800-571-7447 England: (44) 1-793-603600 Fax: 918-664-7091 Fax: 918-447-5550 Data subject to change without notice. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified. / ® Registered trademark of T. D. Williamson, Inc. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T. D. Williamson, Inc. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2005. All rights reserved T. D. Williamson, Inc. / Printed in USA Dimensions and Part Numbers TracMaster Pig Tracker & Locator ™ The TracMaster™ Pig Tracking & Locating System is available in six different packaged models. 5000.003.01 - p2 Pig Tracking & Locating System for 6” - 28” Pipelines (Model TDW/CD42-K1) Weight Description Tracking & Locating System System includes: Receiver General Purpose Antenna Transmitter (T-1) Antenna Cable Shoulder Strap for Receiver Shoulder Strap for Antenna Carrying/Shipment Case D-Cell Replacement Batteries AA-Cell Replacement Batteries Quantity 1 Part Number 00-7496-0023 Lbs. 50 Kgs. 35 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 6 00-7496-0007 00-7496-0008 00-7496-0006 00-7496-0011 00-7496-0014 00-7496-0015 00-7496-0016 00-7496-0017 10 10 6.0 1.0 4.5 4.5 2.7 0.5 30 14 Pig Tracking & Locating System for 6” - 28” Pipelines with Dual-Receiver Equipment (Model TDW/CD42-K2) Weight Description Tracking & Locating System System includes: Receivers General Purpose Antennas Transmitter (T-1) Antenna Cables Shoulder Straps for Receivers Shoulder Straps for Antennas Carrying/Shipment Cases D-Cell Replacement Batteries AA-Cell Replacement Batteries Quantity 1 Part Number 00-7496-0038 Lbs. 67 Kgs. 30 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 10 6 00-7496-0007 00-7496-0008 00-7496-0006 00-7496-0011 00-7496-0014 00-7496-0015 00-7496-0016 00-7496-0017 00-7496-0022 10 10 6.0 1.0 4.5 4.5 2.7 0.5 30 14 Pig Tracking & Locating System for 30” - 60” Pipelines (Model TDW/CD42-K3) Weight Description Tracking & Locating System System includes: Receiver General Purpose Antenna Transmitter (T-2) Antenna Cable Shoulder Strap for Receiver Shoulder Strap for Antenna Carrying/Shipment Case D-Cell Replacement Batteries C-Cell Replacement Batteries Purchase: TDW Pigging Products 10727 E. 55th Pl. Rental: TDW Pipeline Surveys 6747 So. 65th W. Ave Quantity 1 Part Number 00-7496-0003 Lbs. 63 Kgs. 29 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 6 00-7496-0007 00-7496-0008 00-7496-0005 00-7496-0011 00-7496-0014 00-7496-0015 00-7496-0016 00-7496-0017 00-7496-0018 10 10 17 1.0 4.5 4.5 7.7 0.5 30 14 Tulsa, Oklahoma 74146 Tulsa, Oklahoma 74134 918-447-5400 918-447-5500 Fax: 918-664-7091 Fax: 918-447-5550 Data subject to change without notice. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified. / ® Registered trademark of T. D. Williamson, Inc. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T. D. Williamson, Inc. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2005. All rights reserved T. D. Williamson, Inc. / Printed in USA 003.4 0.p3 Pig Tracking & Locating System for 30” .5 1. Williamson.8” Pipelines with Dual-Receiver Equipment (Model TDW/CD42-K8) Weight Description Tracking & Locating System System includes: Receivers General Purpose Antennas Transmitter (T-0) Antenna Cables Shoulder Straps for Receivers Shoulder Straps for Antennas Carrying/Shipment Cases D-Cell Replacement Batteries N-Cell Replacement Batteries Purchase: TDW Pigging Products 10727 E. 62 Kgs. Inc. Ave Quantity 1 Part Number 00-7496-0034 Lbs. 65th W.60” Pipelines with Dual-Receiver Equipment (Model TDW/CD42-K4) Weight Description Tracking & Locating System System includes: Receivers General Purpose Antennas Transmitter (T-2) Antenna Cables Shoulder Straps for Receivers Shoulder Straps for Antennas Carrying/Shipment Cases D-Cell Replacement Batteries C-Cell Replacement Batteries Quantity 1 Part Number 00-7496-0004 Lbs. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T.5 7. 45 Kgs. 55th Pl. Williamson.5 1. 5000. Oklahoma 74134 918-447-5400 918-447-5500 Fax: 918-664-7091 Fax: 918-447-5550 www.5 30 14 Pig Tracking & Locating System for 4” .com www. Williamson.5 4.0 1.tdwilliamson. 78 Kgs. 20 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 6 00-7496-0007 00-7496-0008 00-7496-0019 00-7496-0011 00-7496-0014 00-7496-0015 00-7496-0016 00-7496-0017 00-7496-0042 10 10 Data subject to change without notice. Inc. / ® Registered trademark of T.tdwilliamson.5 4. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified. All rights reserved T.0 4. Oklahoma 74146 Tulsa. Inc.0 1. 28 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 10 6 00-7496-0007 00-7496-0008 00-7496-0019 00-7496-0011 00-7496-0014 00-7496-0015 00-7496-0016 00-7496-0017 00-7496-0042 10 10 3.0 4. Rental: TDW Pipeline Surveys 6747 So.5 4.5 30 14 Tulsa.7 0. D.Dimensions and Part Numbers TracMaster Pig Tracker & Locator ™ The TracMaster™ Pig Tracking & Locating System is available in six different packaged models. D.4 0. / Printed in USA . D.01 . 35 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 10 6 00-7496-0007 00-7496-0008 00-7496-0005 00-7496-0011 00-7496-0014 00-7496-0015 00-7496-0016 00-7496-0017 00-7496-0018 10 10 17 1.8” Pipelines (Model TDW/CD42-K7) Weight Description Tracking & Locating System System includes: Receiver General Purpose Antenna Transmitter (T-0) Antenna Cable Shoulder Strap for Receiver Shoulder Strap for Antenna Carrying/Shipment Case D-Cell Replacement Batteries N-Cell Replacement Batteries Quantity 1 Part Number 00-7496-0033 Lbs.5 30 14 Pig Tracking & Locating System for 4” .0 4. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2005. 003. Inc.0 2. 4. 17 T-2 Transmitter Receiver Description CD42-R Receiver Quantity 1 Part Number 00-7496-0007 Weight Lbs. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T. Williamson. Ave Tulsa. 3. 55th Pl. D.01 .5 Description CD42-GP Antenna Quantity 1 Part Number 00-7496-0008 Lbs. Rental: TDW Pipeline Surveys 6747 So. All rights reserved T. 6.p4 T-0 Transmitter Description CD42-T-0 Transmitter Quantity 1 Part Number 00-7496-0019 Lbs. Inc.5 www. 65th W. Inc. / ® Registered trademark of www. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2005. 10 Antenna Purchase: TDW Pigging Products 10727 E. Kgs.4 Description CD42-T-1 Transmitter Quantity 1 Part Number 00-7496-0006 Weight Lbs. D. Data subject to change without notice.tdwilliamson. Williamson. Oklahoma 74134 Weight Kgs. / Printed in USA . 10 4.7 Description CD42-T-2 Transmitter Quantity 1 Part Number 00-7496-0005 Lbs.0 T-1 Transmitter Weight Kgs.tdwilliamson. Kgs. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified. D.7 918-447-5400 918-447-5500 Fax: 918-664-7091 Fax: 918-447-5550 Weight Kgs. Oklahoma 74146 Tulsa. 7.Dimensions and Part Numbers TracMaster Components ™ 5000. 1. / ® Registered trademark of T.00 (10/03) Low water shut off system Control voltage is 120 V. Box 1121 Tulsa.D. industrial washing system. It also can be used to clean a variety of items found on jobs sites other than pigs. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of Magpie Systems. Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 USA: 1-800-571-7447 England: (44) 1-793-603600 Fax: 918-664-7091 www. Williamson. oil sludge and more with a heated water detergent solution. With a convenient front-load feature.D. Meets NFPA wiring standards for numbering. Automated Pig Washer allows you to clean pigs easily with this high-powered. Many options are available.01 Date: January 2007 Cross Indexing No: n/a Supersedes: 5000. Inc. enclosed control panel features IEC components with rotary illuminated cam switches.tdwilliamson. budgeting and meeting your individual Data subject to change without notice. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright 2007.005. / Printed in USA . Williamson. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified. Inc.005. The TDW Solvent-Free.TDW Pig Washer Solvent-Free and Automated Bulletin No: 5000. 60 cycle All primary power circuits are protected by fuses and breakers Sloped floor for easy cleanout Gear drive turntable is breaker protected and eliminates slippage Mechanical door seal (no rubber seals) Stainless steel bushed V pattern nozzles TDW Solvent-Free.D. color coding and overload protection Positioning/holding fixtures for small and/or multiple pigs being washed at one time Rotary type lockable fused service disconnect Detergent with corrosion inhibitor Vertical seal-less pump means there are no seals to leak or replace Debris screen keeps tank free of large fragments and waste Seven day timer for programmable reheat of solution tank Sixty minute mechanical wash timer Industrial dial type thermostat Submersible incolloy resistance heating element(s) provides up to 180° F water TDW Pigging Products P. including: Insulation package Stainless steel pressure nozzles for precise 360° cleaning coverage Steam exhaust system NEMA-rated. Automated Pig Washers feature: TDW is committed to providing you with the exact product to assist in planning. Inc. TDW Solvent-Free. Automated Pig Washer removes paraffin.O. provides you with unique products to assist with maintaining your pipelines in the most efficient manner. I phase. Automated Pig Washer Options Features Description T. Williamson. Inc. TDW’s Solvent-Free. All rights reserved T. sizing. the TDW Pig Washer is easy-to-use while saving you time and money. 000 230 V or 460 V/3PH Dimensions Model Number Turntable Diameter Inches mm Inside Height Inches mm Width Inches mm Depth Inches mm Height Inches mm Weight Lbs. Inc. Inc. / Dimensions not for construction unless certified. All rights reserved T.500 230 V or 460 V/3PH TDW-FL4272 10 36 275 1. / ® Registered trademark of T.500 230 V or 460 V/3PH TDW-FL6090 15 36 400 2. Williamson. Box 1121 Tulsa.005.000 230 V or 460 V/3PH TDW-FL3660 10 36 250 1. Inc.000 2722 TDW Pigging Products P. Oklahoma 74101-1121 918-447-5400 Fax: 918-664-7091 www. in the United States and foreign countries / © Copyright Data subject to change without notice.100 953 TDW-FL4272 42 1067 72 1829 63 1600 73 1854 107 2718 2. TDW-FL2532 25 635 32 813 43 1092 52 1321 60 1524 1.500 1134 TDW-FL6090 60 1524 90 2286 79 2007 91 2311 108 2743 6.D.450 658 TDW-FL3660 36 914 60 1524 54 1372 67 1702 94 2388 2.D. / Printed in USA . Williamson.5 24 240 1. in the United States and foreign countries / TM Trademark of T. Kgs.tdwilliamson.Dimensions and Part Numbers TDW Pig Washer 5000.100 499 TDW-FL3148 31 787 48 1219 47 1194 55 1397 76 1930 1.p2 Machine Capacities Model Number Pump (HP) Heaters (KW) Tank (Gallons) Weight Capacity Power Source TDW-FL 2532 5 24 140 1.D.O. Williamson.000 230 V or 460 V/3PH TDW-FL3148 7. X-Pig® Tool Turnkey Project Management High-resolution Magnetic Flux Leakage (MFL) Technology Multiple Dataset technology.indd 1 1/17/13 10:30 AM . intrusive and non-intrusive TracMaster™ Pig Tracking System SmartTrap® Pig Launchers and Receivers. modification and repair capabilities for a full range of pressurized piping system applications. V-Jet® Pig.and off-line cleaning Batching & Displacement Pigs Commissioning/Decommissioning Foam Pigs Consulting Services Pipeline Cleaning Pigs Engineering Services Specialty Pipeline Pigs. including SpirALL™ MFL Active Speed Control Technology XYZ Mapping Pipeline Serv ices & Pigging Pro du cts As the industry’s most trusted provider of integrated piping maintenance. including the SmartTrap® Automated Combo Launcher and Receiver Deformation Technology Non-Destructive Examination & Repair Pull-Through Inspection Service Hydrostatic Testing and Drying Pigging Products Inside Cover.& Pipeline Services Pigging Products Pipeline Integrity Services: Pigs and Pigging Products: On. reduce costs and make downtime a thing of the past. D-2000 Closures PIG-SIG® Pig Passage Indicator. TDW delivers customized pipeline service and pigging solutions specifically designed to optimize performance. including PitBoss™ Pig.
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