Tdsc Tpus420 En

March 22, 2018 | Author: Daniel Costianu | Category: Computer Network, Relay, Power Supply, Electrical Substation, Graphical User Interfaces



MV Feeder Protection and Control Terminal Unit1st Edition 50/51 50/51N 67/67N 27 59/59N 81 46 49 79 62/62BF 68 43 PROTECTION High Set Overcurrent Protection with HighSpeed Tripping (50, 50N) Low Set Overcurrent Protection with Definite or Inverse Time (51, 51N) Overcurrent Protection with extensive Setting nd nd Range (2 51 and 2 51N) Optional Dynamic Reset Directional Phase Fault Overcurrent (67) Directional Earth Fault Overcurrent (67N) Resistive Earth Fault (51N) Undervoltage (27) Overvoltage (59) Zero Sequence Overvoltage (59N) Underfrequency and Overfrequency (81) Phase Balance (46) Overload (49) 4 Groups of Settings APPLICATION The TPU S420 has been designed as a protection and terminal unit for supervision and control of aerial and underground lines in radial electric networks with isolated, compensated, solid or limiting impedance neutral connection. The TPU S420 performs a wide range of protection and automation functions. It has an extensive range of user programming options, offering high accuracy regulation in currents, voltages, temporisations and optional characteristics. All protection and automation functions settings are independent among themselves, having 4 groups of settings for each function. There are 3 different versions of the TPU S420 which offer the user the flexibility to choose the suitable relay for each application. The possibility to program logical interlockings complementary to the existent control functions provides additional protection configuration that can be used to adapt the unit to the user’s needs. The local interface of the TPU S420 integrates a graphic display where is presented a mimic with the state of all equipment of the bay, as well as its respective measurements. In the front panel there are also several functional keys that allow an easy operation of the protection in the most frequent operation situations. As a terminal unit, the TPU S420 is capable of accurate measurements of all the values of a line and several fault monitoring functions, including Oscillograpy and Event Chronological Recorder. These functions allow its integration as a Remote Unit in EFACEC’s Supervision Command and Control Systems, offering at the same time a connection to a PC. Together with the TPU S420 is supplied an integrated software package for PC interface with the protection – WinProt – either locally or through the local communication network. This application allows, besides other functionalities, the access and modification of relay settings and configurations and also the gathering and detailed analysis of the produced records. CONTROL AND MONITORING Automatic Reclosing (79) Undervoltage Load Shedding Underfrequency Load Shedding Logical Trip Lock (68) Circuit Breaker Failure Protection (62BF) Trip Circuit Supervision (62) Protection Trip Transfer (43) Circuit Breaker and Disconnector Supervision Distributed Automation Programmable Logic Configurable Analogue Comparators High Precision Measurements Load Diagram Event Chronological Recorder Oscillography Fault Locator High Number of Binary Inputs and Outputs Self-Tests and Watchdog INTERFACES Graphical Display with Mimic Functional Keys to Operate Equipments 8 Programmable Alarms 3 Serial Ports for PC connection Lontalk Interface Network 100 Mbps Ethernet Redundant Interface DNP 3.0 Serial Protocol IEC 60870-5-104 Protocol IEC 61850 Protocol PROTECTION FUNCTIONS High Set Overcurrent with highspeed tripping The high set overcurrent protection is usually targeted for very fast protection where selective coordination is obtained through the setting of the RMS current (cut-off). In the TPU S420, high sets are independent for protection of phase to phase faults and of phase to earth faults. A selective timing can also be set. Optional Dynamic Reset The TPU S420 allows the dynamic reset option in the time-inverse operation of the low set overcurrent stage. Even for the IEC inverse time functions, the TPU S420 offers the option of dynamic reset, thus allowing the partial replication of the cooling down of conductors subjected to short circuits. The reset time expression: follows the following As a second high set protection stage, coordinated in time and current with other high set elements of protections downstream in the network; As the main low set overcurrent protection with definite time, then the inverse time protection element becomes available to make a thermal replica of the conductors, particularly in the option extremely inverse with dynamic reset. Low Set Overcurrent definite/inverse time with The low set overcurrent protection offers sensitivity and step timings for selective coordination (time-lag overcurrent). The TPU S420 provides both the independent and the inverse time options. These options comply with International Standards, which is a guarantee for compatibility with other devices. The functions of TPU S420 meet the IEC 60255-3 and IEEE 37.112 standards. The settings of the low set overcurrent function are also independent for phase to phase and for phase to earth faults. For the IEC complying option, the timecurrent functions follow the general expression: t reset [s ] = A ( I / I >) 2 − 1 The TPU S420 is original in the extension of the dynamic reset as defined by the IEEE 37.112 to the time-current functions defined by the IEC 60255-3. So, the user has the option to account for the usually slow cooling down of the protected conductors after fault elimination. It is worth mentioning that the accuracy of both the IEEE and IEC time-current characteristics is guaranteed for the full range of settings. The implementation of both standards also follows the definition of the IEEE 37.112 standard, providing a defined behaviour for time-evolving faults. This behaviour also supports dynamic coordination between relays and fuses or reclosers located downstream the feeder. Example of the Universal Protection limiting the operating times top [s ] = NI VI EI LI aT ( Icc / I >)b − 1 b=0,02 b=1 b=2 b=1 A=16,86 A=29,7 A=80 A=264 a=0,14 a=13,5 a=80 a=120 Definite Time Universal Overcurrent with wide setting range In parallel and independently from the previous functions, the TPU S420 performs a second overcurrent protection function with constant time. The wide setting range of this protection function allows several applications: To limit the operation time of the low set overcurrent protection in situations of low short circuit power where the operating times of this function can have important delays; For the IEEE complying option, the timecurrent functions follow the general expression: ⎛ ⎞ c top [s ] = ⎜ + e ⎟TIEEE ⎜ ( Icc / I >) d − 1 ⎟ ⎝ ⎠ NI VI EI c=0,103 c=39,22 c=56,4 d=0,02 d=2 d=2 d=1 e=0,228 e=0,982 e=0,243 A=9,7 A=43,2 A=58,2 LI c=56,143 e=21,8592 A=133,1 Example of the Universal Protection as a second high set stage TPU S420 1 ST EDITION – REV. 1.8, JANEIRO 2009 2/23 The directional protection works independently from the overcurrent protection. To perform this function. The direction of the fault current is obtained even when the voltage collapses (very close fault). JANEIRO 2009 3/23 . 7º The locking by the directional function can be independently attributed to each one of the phase fault overcurrent stages. 5 < Icc < 200 A ⎪ Icc ⎩ op where Icc is the fault current in the line. In systems with limiting impedance is advisable a 0º angle or superior. the TPU S420 stores the pre-fault voltage for 2. with the high sensitivity to high resistive faults given by the toroidal transformer.2. which maximises the protection’s sensitivity.0T . The selective operation in case of fault is assured by a current dependent delay. The sensitivity can even be increased by choosing a low nominal value for the fourth current input (0.2 or 0. To determine the current direction in each phase it is used the composed voltage of the other two phases. However.5 < Icc < 5 A ⎪top [s ] = ⎪ Icc 0.2 A. The maximum sensitivity angle of operation is selectable between -90º and 90º. This is used in the directional function and it is also applicable in neutral systems with limiting impedance.5 A in the line is obtained. It is also possible to choose the direction in which the protection is intended to operate and its operation in case of polarising voltage absence. For each of the three earth fault protection elements. The correct use of resistive earth fault protection is achieved in the TPU S420 by observing the zero sequence current through a toroidal transformer. which considers that the zero sequence current in the faulty line is greater than the zero sequence current in each of the nonfaulty lines. the TPU S420 also performs internally the calculation of the zero sequence current in the line. With these particular choices a sensitivity of 0. the direction in which the protection is intended to operate. and the operational times are given by: α U0 I0 Directional Earth Fault Overcurrent Protection In distribution networks with isolated or compensated neutral connection. the phase to earth fault currents can have very low values. 5º UR IR α UST UT US Relay non-operation zone (direction: front) Resistive Earth Fault This function is an earth fault overcurrent protection for aerial lines that allows a selective operation in the case of very resistive faults undetected by traditional overcurrent protections. this equation follows the ‘EPATR’ curve defined by EDF. or from a toroidal current transformer in the line. 1. with a transformation ratio of 20. directly from the virtual sum of the three phase currents. using the wide operation range of phase CT. TPU S420 1 ST EDITION – REV. according to the resistive component of the impedance.Option between virtual image of the zero sequence current and direct observation of the 4th current input The TPU S420 is prepared to observe the th zero sequence current of the line in its 4 current input.8. It is also possible to choose. being advisable a value of 0º for resonant neutral systems and 90º for isolated neutral systems. The maximum power angles are selectable in a range between 30º and 60º. connected to the th 4 current input. After that time it is possible to select the directional function behaviour.04 A). The main application of this function is in networks with limiting impedance in the neutral connection.5 seconds. as long as that impedance has a minimum resistive component. the TPU S420 allows the selection of the source of the zero sequence current. obtained either from the connection of the neutral point of the phase currents inputs. The measure of these power values is equivalent to the ratio between the phase fault current and the zero sequence voltage. which runs independently from the directional earth fault overcurrent protection. With a time multiplier equal to 0. Relay non-operation zone (direction: front) Directional Phase Fault Overcurrent Protection The TPU S420 also features a directional phase fault overcurrent protection.655 ⎨ ⎪t [s ] = 800. This fact allows combining the observation of high phase to earth fault currents.14T ⎧ . which should have a nominal value of 0. Its role is to lock tripping when the fault is not in the line. similar to the unbalance currents circulating in the neutral connection. The locking by the directional function can be independently attributed to each one of the earth fault overcurrent stages. It is possible to distinguish fault currents from unbalance currents by measuring the zero sequence active power in resonant systems and the reactive power in isolated systems. as for directional earth protection. 0. 459. a fault involving the earth causes a large unbalance in the non-faulty phase voltages which causes the appearance of a significant value of zero sequence overvoltage. If the VT is protected by a circuit breaker. supporting the same standards as the other overcurrent protections. the protection works as a simple overcurrent stage. one of these two stages implements a virtual relay of negative frequency variation rate.8. which are not affected by the disturbances of the existing neutral system. The detection of broken conductors with or without earth contact. Having operation times in the order of 70 ms and very accurate measurement. considering the combination of the three phase voltages. As the undervoltage protection. as an additional protection against phase to earth faults in the mentioned neutral systems. For line reclosing after fault elimination it is possible to define a current set greater than the protection starting current. In that case. The combination of under and overfrequency protections provides efficient protection against situations of isolated network supplied by small power producers. Overvoltage The TPU S420 also integrates the overvoltage protection function. TPU S420 1 ST EDITION – REV. which allows the implementation of a load shedding scheme of the substation feeders. The second stage is targeted at a more sensitive time protection. This protection is configurable in two independent time stages. Underfrequency The TPU S420 performs the underfrequency protection. Zero Sequence Overvoltage In networks where there is not a solid neutral to earth connection. the TPU S420 allows an automatic calibration that compensates the errors in the zero sequence current measurements for the different values of load current. The TPU S420 has three independent stages of phase balance protection. has two Overfrequency The TPU S420 also integrates overfrequency protection function. The pick-up voltage is set to three times the nominal value of the phase to earth voltage. one of them operating on positive frequency variation rate. The operation is always independent for each of the phase to phase voltages.Optionally. as well as the detection of phase absence are the goals of this protection due to the resulting negative sequence significant component. or as an user’s option. Two underfrequency stages are available in the TPU S420. having in these cases a high sensitivity resulting from the difference of the negative sequence component in normal load and unbalance situations. The timer can be of definite or inverse time. the TPU S420 performs additional security supervision when voltage collapses: the absence of current. The overvoltage protection has also two independent configurable time stages. it uses the phase to phase voltages. so that the sensitivity of the function is assured in the full range of operation. the zero sequence current may be observed in the fourth input if a Holmgreen connection of the phase currents is used. independently configured. The main application of this function is as unbalance protection that can be used in several situations. Thus. If the negative sequence value corresponding to this ratio is inferior to 10% of the nominal value. in particular in isolated or resonant neutral systems. This protection can operate with any phase to phase voltage. That value can reach the phase to earth voltage value in case of very close faults. This option aims to make the protection immune to false voltage faults resulting from the operation of the voltage transformer (VT) fuses. coordinated with the zero sequence overcurrent protection. This function uses the phase to phase voltages. this function allows very fast frequency load sheddings. 1. the TPU S420 offers one zero sequence overvoltage element. with independent settings. JANEIRO 2009 4/23 . Phase Balance The phase balance protection aims at the detection of high values of the negative sequence current component of the threephase system. as it is usual. As an option. If there is current in the feeder. The first one is of definite time with fast operation but less sensitive. the This function also has two time stages. the TPU S420 considers invalid the voltage collapse information from the VT. The undervoltage protection independent time stages. The phase balance protection can also be used to eliminate two-phase faults. allowing the anticipation of trips when this rate indicates serious disturbances. Resistive Earth Fault Protection Characteristic Undervoltage The TPU S420 integrates the undervoltage protection function. The third stage operates according to the ratio between negative and positive sequence magnitudes. This function is based on the calculation of the thermal model through the observation of the phase currents circulating in the equipment. This function is offered both in the phase to phase protection and in the earth fault protection. This additional input can be used in several cases. The start signals of the functions of phase and of earth fault directional overcurrent protection are only used to define the fault loop or loops and the fault locator function operates independently of those functions. This fourth stage can be directional. TPU S420 1 ST EDITION – REV. The reset level is also configurable by the user. and this additional fourth stage. in addition to the three overcurrent stages mentioned before. The directionality settings are. each with a high set and a low set: the first is composed by the high set and low set protections. Overload Protection Characteristic with variation of time constant Additionally. JANEIRO 2009 5/23 . being identical to those. the fault locator gives very accurate information on the distance to the eliminated short circuits. km (or miles) and percentage of the line protected – are presented for the last ten detected faults. The trip time associated with a current I and with a pre-overload current Ip is given by: As an alternative. This stage complies with the same standards as the first low set stage. By setting opposite operation directions. This alarm can be used to generate a signal before the function operation. Fourth Voltage Input The TPU S420 provides a fourth voltage input beyond the three phase voltages. As input in analogue comparators to perform undervoltage comparators. which can operate with definite or inverse time options. an alarm level configured to a lower value of conductors’ temperature is available in the TPU S420. dependent on the settings of the respective universal stage.8. the first set protects against the faults occurring downstream while the second protects against upstream faults. Overload Protection Characteristic with variation of pre-overload current Second Low Set Overcurrent with definite/inverse time The S version of the TPU S420 offers. The operating characteristics take into account the equipment cooling time constant and the losses produced by Joule effect. however. The algorithm used compensates the load current in lines fed by two or more terminals. The implementation of the function follows the IEC 60255-8 standard.Overload The purpose of overload protection is to protect the equipment against thermal efforts of electric origin. 1. top [min ] = τ ⋅ ln 2 I2 − Ip 2 I 2 − I tr Fault locator Complementing the protection functions. Check of voltage presence in an auxiliary busbar. As input ratio in analogue comparators to perform overvoltage comparators. The effect of the pre-overload currents is also considered in the calculations. the maximum or average value of the calculated thermal image can be used for each one of the phases. The fault loop and the distance – in Ω. namely: Logical interlockings derived from this voltage value. the second composed by the universal stage. This way it is possible to have two independent sets of overcurrent protection. a fourth low set stage. regulated as high set protection. after the dead time defined for the current cycle. the opening command has different sources. the load shedding and restoration after voltage trip. when the feeder outputs don’t have voltage measurements accessible or when a more centralised management of such function is preferred. TPU T = 10 s TPU T = 15 s TPU T = 20 s TPU T = 25 s Distributed Restoration Centralised Restoration Load Restoration after Frequency Trip In a similar way to the load restoration after voltage trip. According to the type of cycle configured. This function allows the definition of a logical condition to start the restoration cycle. common in aerial networks.CONTROL AND AUTOMATION Automatic Reclosing The TPU S420 executes the automatic reclosing automatism. located in the busbar. TPU S420 1 ST EDITION – REV. the TPU S420 can perform. 1. The TPU S420 simply executes the load shedding and restoration orders received from the management unit. To execute a sequential load restoration it is necessary to configure the time delay with stable voltage conditions on each protection present in the restoration cycle. a definitive trip signal is generated. it is possible to obtain a high speed tripping if the downstream protections do not detect any fault. Load Restoration after Voltage Trip Associated to the undervoltage protection. This function is performed in each of the substation feeder protections and consists in the disconnection by the undervoltage protection and posterior service restoration after a configurable time with stable voltage conditions. A small time delay is enough to ensure selective operation. followed by the reclosing command. Logical Trip Lock The TPU S420 executes the logical trip lock control function. After the closing command. If the fault is still present after the reclosing attempts. Its operation is based on the information produced by the overcurrent protection functions. and in tight interaction with all feeder protections. allowing the execution of up to five reclosing cycles. the opening is done directly by the automatic reclosing automatism. Circuit Breaker Failure Protection The main purpose of this function is to verify the correct operation of a circuit breaker in case of fault. Centralised Load Restoration after Voltage Trip Optionally.8. The logic conditions for automatic reclosing operation are configurable through the programmable logic of the TPU S420. fast cycles allow a time delay in the tripping command in order to avoid reclosing caused by very fast disturbances which do not cause the tripping but only the start of the protection functions. the automatism waits a configurable time to confirm fault absence. The interaction can be done completely through the local area communication network. The operation of this function is similar to the centralised load restoring after voltage trip. through the interaction with the downstream protections. This function is based on the lock of instantaneous trips of the high set overcurrent protection after receiving a logical signal from the downstream protections. Reclosing sequence starts with the disconnection of the faulty line. optionally. Thus. Its main purpose is to obtain a fast protection tripping. This feature is fundamental when the restoration is integrated in a global load restoration plan that depends usually from information coming from the Supervision Command and Control System. giving load shedding and restoration commands to all feeder units. The main purpose of this function is the service restoration of a line after the elimination of temporary or intermittent faults. JANEIRO 2009 6/23 . This signal results from fault detection by those protections and is transmitted through cabling or through the local communication network. This automatism allows an integrated solution to the load shedding and restoration. a centralised load shedding and restoration after frequency trip. the TPU S420 can execute the load restoration automatism after voltage trip. Centralised Load Restoration after Frequency Trip As for the load restoration after voltage trip. In the fast cycle. according to a centralised philosophy. completely configurable. Additionally. The busbar protection is responsible for the complete control. Its operation is based on the execution of load shedding and restoration in a specific unit (TPU B420). while in the slow cycle the circuit breaker is opened by the protection functions. the TPU S420 can execute simultaneously the load restoration after frequency trip with a programmable time delay with stable frequency conditions. the TPU S420 performs. JANEIRO 2009 7/23 . either locally or remotely. which affect the operation of the control and protection functions. it is also possible to execute the same operation. the initial gate state. If there is some discontinuity when the circuit breaker is closed. The TPU S420 has internally a set of modules formed by a variable number of logical gates. If the protection function does not reset after a configurable time (for example. They are usually associated with the bay operation mode. The monitoring is based on the state variation observation of the binary inputs associated to each device. The Local/Remote operation mode defines the relay behaviour concerning the received information from the Supervision Command and Control System. etc. Distributed Automation The complete integration of the TPU S420 in Supervision Command and Control Systems allows the definition of control functions that take advantage of their connection to the local area network (LAN). TPU S420 1 ST EDITION – REV. due to circuit breaker damage). the breaker failure function starts. Associated to each mode there are two logical inputs available for protection trip in case of external phase to earth faults. Programmable Logic One of the main features of the TPU S420 is a completely programmable logical scheme which allows the implementation of timers. programmable delays or other logical combinations beyond the traditional logical functions (OR and AND). This information may be transmitted by dedicated cabling or through the local communication network. Current status of each mode is signalised by LEDs and may be directly changed through the associated functional keys. This mode is fundamental to perform maintenance tasks. The user may change all internal connections within the module and/or interconnect the several modules. Each command received. However. when existent.Thus. besides the vertical communication with the control centre. in order to operate the bus-coupler circuit breaker. specifically with the control and supervision functions performed by the relay. Trip Circuit Supervision The TPU S420 can permanently monitor the trip circuit of the circuit breaker through binary inputs configured for that purpose. This feature gives the possibility to implement advanced automatisms. immediately after the execution of a circuit breaker trip command by any protection function. the TPU S420 also includes a menu to access other operation modes that may be required. and tripping commands of the protection functions are executed on the bus-coupler circuit breaker. some automatisms. is monitored and the success of the operation is signalled. while in B mode they are locked. such actions are conditioned to the interlockings related with the communication. When the panel is transferred. fast communication mechanisms among the several control and protection units are available. When in Manual Mode all control functions are locked. 1. the trip circuit supervision input resets and an alarm is generated after a configurable time. Operation Modes The TPU S420 allows the specification of several operation modes. it is possible to select any device and to command it. interlockings or other logical functions based on the interaction through the local communication network. Circuit Breaker and Disconnector Supervision The TPU S420 allows two distinct mechanisms to execute commands. In the front panel there are two operation modes. The user may also change the descriptions associated to each logical gate. This flexibility may be used to configure additional interlocking to the control functions or any other complex logical conditions. When in Local Mode all remote operations are inhibited. Besides theses modes. The operation supervision is available for circuit breakers and for disconnectors. Its operation consists in the monitoring of the bypass disconnector state. the timers.8. In A mode the phase to earth overcurrent protection functions have instantaneous operation. When in Emergency mode all logical interlockings of circuit breaker commands are inhibited. the gate type. with the system in service. This means that. configurable by the user. The Manual/Automatic mode concerns the control functions executed by the TPU S420. a command is generated to other equipment (for example the upstream circuit breaker). Through the local interface. such as the automatic reclosing are locked. The Special Operation A and B modes are characterised by the instantaneous operation of the phase overcurrent protection and by the lock of the resistive earth protection and the closing commands generated by control functions. This function is available in versions integrating the following communication protocols: Lontalk Protocol IEC 60870-5-104 Protocol IEC 61850 Protocol Supervision scheme of the circuit breaker trip Protection Trip Transfer The TPU S420 executes the protection transfer function. Remotely. The Normal/Emergency mode refers to the system’s special operation. relay name. By default. The TPU S420 receives periodically a time synchronisation signal through the local area network. the TPU S420 calculates and registers. Load Diagram The TPU S420 permanently calculates and registers the daily load diagram. in almost stationary state. The storage of a new record is done periodically or whenever there is a maximum number of 256 new events. All daily diagrams can be stored for a full month. in the event recorder. The maximum length is 1 second. with precise time tagging (1ms resolution). through WinProt. Frequency. as well as all defined internal logical variables. Oscillography The TPU S420 registers and stores in flash memory a large number of oscillographies of currents and voltages (about 60 seconds).1 second after the reset of all virtual relays of the several functions. using WinProt. Sum of the square current cut by the circuit breaker in each pole.1 second before the protection start and ends 0. JANEIRO 2009 8/23 . with information gathered locally or remotely. the recording starts 0. In terms of hardware it is possible to access the status of several electronic components.8.MONITORING Measurements The TPU S420 accurately measures. For this. The TPU S420 stores several records in flash memory. which are permanently monitored. with date of occurrence. serial number. well as the associated description and the records visualisation order. In the absence of this signal. Event time-tagging The event time-tagging done by the TPU S420 is always made in the local time zone of the country where it is installed. They must be visualised in a PC. In particular. the TPU S420 can be synchronised through an IRIG-B signal. Based on the measurements made. Each diagram may be accessed locally or through the software interface – WinProt. oscillographies can not be visualised through the relay’s local interface. as Analogue Comparators Additionally to all protection and measure functions. All calculated measurements are available in the local interface or remotely through the connection to the local area network and to the Supervision Command and Control System. Active and reactive power and power factor. The sampling frequency of the analogue values is 1000 Hz. Unlike the load diagrams. and it is possible to define other logical conditions to start this event. Temperatures. Event Recorder The TPU S420 monitors the relay’s inputs and outputs. the prefault and post-fault times are variable and configurable by the user. System Information The TPU S420 has available in real time a large set of system information. The length of each oscillography. RMS value of the inverse current. This information reflects the protection’s internal status. Data gathering is done through a serial port or through the LAN. according to the RFC 2030 standard (in versions with Ethernet communications board). It may also be reported in real time to the Supervision Command and Control System through the communication network. at both hardware and software level. the following values: RMS value of the three phase currents th and the zero sequence current (4 current input and virtual sum of the three phase currents). Like the other records. using WinProt. it is necessary to set the deviation of the timezone relative to the reference given by the GMT time. as well as the day and hour of start and end of the daylight saving period. having a specific interface for that purpose. This information is based on the calculation of the 15 minute average of each of the power measurements. namely relay type. etc. the event record data can be accessed in the protection’s interface or visualised in a PC. or trough a SNTP server. network address. Active power peak (15 minute average). relay version. Optionally. The configuration of high and low levels. acquired and calculated in the protection. The high precision obtained in the measurements generally avoids the use of additional transducers. All this information can be accessed locally or visualised in a PC. as well as the associated alarms provides the TPU S420 1 ST EDITION – REV. or not. Any state change or event is registered. implementation of comparison mechanisms which are useful for the operation of the energy system. RMS value of phase to earth and phase to phase voltages and zero sequence voltage. according to the desired level of detail. the following information: Current peak (1 second average). obtained by virtual sum of the th three phase voltages and the 4 voltage input. Active and reactive energy counting (values stored in flash memory) supplied and received. The close of the circuit breaker also triggers the recording of an oscillography. Each event may be configured to be presented. TPU S420 has a set of configurable comparators for analogue values. The information associated to the software contains all the data regarding the relay identification. according to the legal regulations. an internal real time clock allows the updating of the protection date and time when the protection is disconnected. 1. Number of circuit breaker manoeuvres. there are binary inputs which may be used for this purpose. supporting the IEC 60870-5-104 and IEC 61850 protocols. These outputs aim to provide a solution for logical interlockings that require normally closed contacts. two in the back panel and one in the front panel. using the LONTALK communication protocol. to select a specific device and command it. The configuration is similar to the binary input configuration previously described. The logical variable and the configuration time are configured for each input. As an option. Alarms Next to the graphic display the TPU S420 has 8 configurable alarms. avoiding the use of auxiliary relays. For each alarm it is possible to define an associated logical variable. However. at the user’s choice. JANEIRO 2009 9/23 .INTERFACES Binary Inputs and Outputs The TPU S420’s main board has 9 binary inputs isolated among themselves and completely configurable. Security Any user can access all information in the local interface. analogue measurements and static information. without the correct password the settings can not be accessed. Graphic Display The TPU S420 has a graphic display where a variety of information can be presented. digital filtering is applied to eliminate the bouncing effects of the power equipment. On each binary input. for security reasons. 5 of which are configurable. with a communication speed of 1. Inputs 9 9 16 - Outputs 5+1 6 15 Plastic optical fibre Interface SCADA Integration The integration of the TPU S420 in SCADA systems can be done through serial communication protocols or through dedicated communication boards. Lonworks Board. namely: mimic. The sixth one is a changeover output which is activated by the internal watchdog in case of relay failure. the back panel port COM1 can be used to support serial communication protocols. In the type 1 expansion board there are two changeover outputs and in the type 3 expansion board there are six changeover outputs. 1. alarms description. Redundant 100 Mbps Ethernet Board. without loosing the right time-tagging of the start of each state transition. The mimic presents logical information with the equipment state. namely: Isolated RS 232 Interface Isolated RS 485 Interface Glass optical fibre Interface Functional Keys Through functional keys it is possible to change the operation mode of the protection. There is the option to use two expansion boards which can be of three types: Board Type Main Board Type 1 Expansion Type 2 Expansion Type 3 Expansion For each back panel serial port are available four different types of interface. This board also provides the TCP/IP communication protocol for direct connection with WinProt. with communication speeds up to 19200 baud. such as DNP 3. parameterization menus and records menus.0 protocol. The two back panel serial ports can be used to communicate with WinProt. not requiring any extra communication board. The front panel serial port is only used to communicate with the WinProt application. choose the alarm type and the text presented in the display. Serial Communication The TPU S420 has available 3 serial ports for communication.25 Mbps. The base version of the TPU S420 has 6 binary outputs. namely: Serial Interface supporting the DNP 3.8. TPU S420 1 ST EDITION – REV. or to acknowledge an alarm.0 protocol. validate the changes made in the logical network.REMOTE INTERFACE – WINPROT 4 WinProt is a high-level software application designed to interface with EFACEC’s Protection and Control Units. etc. Remote Access WinProt allows local access by serial port through a modem and remote access through the local communication network (LAN) or even through an Ethernet network directly connected to the units. such as graphics with time-current characteristics. Besides the configuration of the connections between logical variables. any operation of maintenance.8. It also can be done through intranet. Thus. It is possible to configure the settings associated to each type of communication and each specific unit. print configurations. including variable timers. Its architecture is based on the division of functionalities on specialised modules. configuration or simply the system monitoring can be remotely done from the Supervision Command and Control System. to compare settings from the database to those existing in the relay or simply to compare settings among different relays. monitor in real time the full network status and make the logical simulation before downloading the configuration to the protection. The structured storage of all the information in a protected database is another fundamental feature of WinProt. It may communicate with different relays and with different versions of the same relay. default settings. The use of a LAN has an advantage regarding the serial communication by allowing the access to any of the protections in the network without having to change physical configurations. TPU S420 1 ST EDITION – REV. to copy data from one relay to another. The user has a set of tools that help him do the parameterisation task. JANEIRO 2009 10/23 . Through the different modules it is possible to execute several operations described below. Parameterisation Module The parameterisation of each protection is done through a specific module – WinSettings – where is possible to configure function by function. whose access depends on the type of relay and the type of user. 1. Logic Configuration Module WinLogic is a friendly tool to configure the relay’s programmable logic. if available. Logical configuration complies with the IEC 61131-3 standard. This tool allows the implementation of any type of logical interlocking. comparisons list. the user can also define the text associated to each logical variable. This module allows the simulation of analogue values injection. JANEIRO 2009 11/23 . 1. This tool can only be used with units with a graphic display. the textual part and even the measurements and states to be presented in the protection mimic. etc. It allows defining the symbolic part.8. in the oscillography the user can zoom.Records Analysis Module WinProt has a specific module for visualisation. The load diagram and the event recorder can also be analysed. Firmware Configuration Module WinCode was designed as a WinProt module dedicated to the relay firmware download. see instantaneous values. Together with this module it is available a library of graphical elements with which the user can build the unit’s mimic. It is also possible to monitor in real time every measurement and event produced by the relay. For example. Mimic Configuration Module WinProt has a module for the mimic graphical parameterisation: WinMimic. analysis and gathering of the records produced by the protection: WinReports. This operation can be performed at any time but only by specialised technicians. without the need for external injection equipment such as test sets. The analysis of each record is simplified by the use of specifically designed graphical tools. TPU S420 1 ST EDITION – REV. is to execute automatic tests in the unit. the generation of binary inputs state changes and the monitoring of outputs operation. displace the axis. WinTest. Unit Test Module The objective of the unit test module. see the phasors representation. targeted to provide. Besides.). the application. 1. WebProt access is performed through an Ethernet local area network. the version and the serial number. General Information The main page presents all unit’s general data. a map of the accessible pages in the server and a page with useful links (technical support. such as oscillographies. by means of a standard HTML browser.). Records WebProt allows the collection and analysis of the different records existing in the unit (oscillographies. There is also available an access counter. for changing purposes. From this page. It is also possible to print and export the complete data. it is possible to reach pages with more specialized data (parameters. Schematic Diagrams Remote monitoring of the unit’s schematic diagram and alarm data is another feature. Concerning more complex records. Parameters Through the WebProt. load diagrams. analysis tools are downloaded directly from the server.8. this is subject to a previous password insertion. as performed locally. TPU S420 1 ST EDITION – REV. etc. This server was conceived according to the most recent technologies. available in order to allow an easy and efficient access to the equipment state. EFACEC Web site. registers. visualize and change all the information stored in the unit. namely.).INTERFACE WEB – WEBPROT All 420 family units offer an embedded web server. providing all data in XML format and providing JAVA tools (it implies the installation of a JAVA Virtual Machine). the order code. avoiding the need for high level specific applications. the user can visualize and change several functional parameters defined in the unit. etc. etc. event recording. JANEIRO 2009 12/23 . e-mail. measures. .. ........ .5.. 1... 2 3 Auxiliary Power Supply O14 O15 2 1 I RIG-B Galvanic Isolation Time Synchronisation Module IRIG-B Piggy-back COM1 Communication Cards Lonworks Ethernet RS232 Gate for WINPROT Piggy-back COM2 Galvanic Isolation 1 2 3..6 Galvanic Isolation COM4 TP1 TP2 FO1 FO2 Galvanic Isolation COM1 Galvanic Isolation COM2 Galvanic Isolation COM3 Frontal G ate FO1 P1 TPU S420 1 ST EDITION – REV.. 17 18 17 18 3 1 2 6 4 5 9 7 8 12 10 11 15 13 14 18 16 17 IO3 IO5 ..8.CONNECTION DIAGRAM T2 GND 10 GND 9 8 7 S420 UD Binary Inputs UA UB UC Expansion Card Type I 9 Inputs 6 Outputs Binary Outputs Current s O5 O1 O2 O3 O4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 15 13 14 18 16 17 IN1 1 2 IO3 IO5 .. . JANEIRO 2009 13/23 . .. 6 5 4 3 2 1 Voltages IN9 17 18 T1 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 IN IA IB IC IO4 IO6 O6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 IN1 IN2 IN3 IN4 IN5 IN6 IN7 IN8 IN9 Main Card O1 O2 O3 O4 O5 Expansion Card Type III 15 Outputs Binary Outputs Binary Outputs O10 O1 1 2 IN1 1 2 IO3 IO5 . IO2 10 11 12 15 13 14 18 16 17 O11 WD O12 I O4 I O6 O13 4 I O2 1.... 15 16 IO1 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 5 6 7 8 9 3 4 IO4 IO6 IN16 O9 . . .. . B IN8 Binary Inputs Expansion Card Type II 16 Inputs Binary Inputs IN9 ....4. 1.CONNECTION DIAGRAM – BACK PANEL DIMENSIONS TPU S420 1 ST EDITION – REV. JANEIRO 2009 14/23 .8. 265 Vac) 12 to 30 W / 20 to 60 VA < 12% 24 V 48 V 110/125 V 220/250 V 24 V 48 V 110/125 V 220/250 V 1 .72 Vdc) 110 / 125 Vac/dc (88 .04 A 15 A / 5 A / 1.. 1..265 Vac) 220 / 240 Vac/dc (88 . Distance Fibre Type Wavelength Connector Max.. Distance Fibre Type Wavelength Max.TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS Analogue Current Inputs Frequency Rated Current Thermal Withstand 4th Input Rated Current Thermal Withstand Burden 50 Hz (60 Hz optional) 1A/5A 5 A / 15 A Continuous 50 A / 200 A for 1 s 5 A / 1 A / 0. Distance Fibre Type Wavelength Connector Max.300 Vdc/80 . L/R < 40 ms ac : 1250 VA (250 V / 5 A).2 s @ 30 A dc : 1/0.5 mA @ 125 V dc) < 0.05 W (1.5 A / 0.5 mA @ 24 V dc) < 0.8. cosϕ > 0.5 Un Continuous. 0..1 W (1.2 A @ 48/110/220 V.4 W (1.7 km Plastic optical fibre (POF) 1 mm 650 nm 45 m Communication Interfaces Lonworks Ethernet Glass optical fibre Piggy-back Plastic optical fibre Piggy-back TPU S420 1 ST EDITION – REV.25 VA @ Un 24 Vdc (19 ...5 mA @ 250 V dc) Analogue Voltage Inputs Frequency Rated Voltage (Phase-to-Phase) Overvoltage Burden Voltage Range Power Supply Power Consumption Ripple at DC Auxiliary Power Supply Binary Inputs Rated Voltage / Working Range Power Consumption Debounce Time Chatter Filter Validation Time of double inputs Binary Outputs Rated Voltage Rated Current Making Capacity Breaking Capacity Voltage between open contacts Operating Mode Pulse Duration 250 V ac / dc 5A 1 s @ 10 A. 255 1 .5/125 µm 1300 nm ST (SC optional) 2 km Multimode glass optical fibre 50/125 µm or 62. 5 s Fibre Type Wavelength Connector Max.5/125 µm 820 nm ST 1. JANEIRO 2009 15/23 ..5/125 µm 880 nm or 1320 nm ST 30 km Multimode glass optical fibre 50/125 µm or 62. Distance Multimode glass optical fibre 50/125 µm or 62. 60 s (19 .02 . 128 ms 1 .2 A / 0.5 Un for 10 s < 0..2 W (1.5 A Continuous 200 A / 50 A / 10 A / 4 A for 1 s < 0. 220) V dc (150…300) V dc < 0. 138) V dc (30 .4 1 kV rms 1 min Pulsed / Latched 0..300 Vdc/80 . 2..5 mA @ 48 V dc) < 0.72 Vdc) 48 Vdc (19 .4/0.25 VA @ In 50 Hz (60 Hz optional) 100 / 110 / 115 / 120 V 1. 120) V dc (80 . rear side Environmental Tests Weight Environmental Conditions Relative humidity Temperature Curves Operational Current Time Delay TM regulation Timer Accuracy Current Accuracy Start Value of Inverse Time Protection Reset Ratio Max.10ºC to + 60ºC . 20.2 .2 Iop 0. 80% AM 900 ± 5 MHz..Emission Low Voltage Directive 30 – 1000 MHz class A 0.5 ± 10 ms (definite time) 3% or ± 10 ms (inverse time) 3% (minimum 3% In) 1. JANEIRO 2009 8 Kg 10 to 90% .10ºC. 150 kHz–80 MHz @ 1 kHz 80% am 30 A/m cont. EI of IEC standard NI. 40ºC damp NI. 50%. frontal side.8. 10V/m. 15 kV air 80 MHz–1000 MHz. 10. 10 V/m.5 kV ac 1 min 50 Hz 3 kV dc 1 min (power supply) 5 kV 1. 200Hz 4 kV 5/50 ns 4/2 kV (power supply) 2/1 kV (I/O) 10 V rms.05 .15 – 30 MHz class A CE Marking EN 61000-6-2 : 2001 EN 50263 : 1999 EN 61000-6-4 : 2001 EN 50263 : 1999 EN 60950-1 : 2001 IEC 60255-5 : 2000 IEC 60255-21-1 Class II IEC 60255-21-2 Class II IEC 60255-21-3 Class II . IEC 60068-2-11 Damp Heat Test. EI of IEEE standard 0. IEC 60068-2-78 Storage Temperature Test. flush mounted Degree of Protection according to EN 60529. 100 ms @ 40% 1 s @ 40%.25ºC + 70ºC IP54 IP20 Mechanical Tests Vibration Tests (sinusoidal) Shock and Bump Tests Seismic Tests Operating Temperature Range Storage Temperature Range Cold Test.5 J > 100 MΩ @ 500 V dc 2. 1. 96h . 100 and 200 ms EMC – Immunity Tests 1 MHz Burst Disturbance Test Electrostatic Discharge Electromagnetic field Fast Transient Disturbance Surge Immunity Test Conducted RF Disturbance Test Power Frequency Magnetic Field Immunity Test Voltage Variations Immunity Tests Interruptions in Auxiliary Supply EMC – Emission Tests Radiated Emission Conducted Emission EMC – Immunity EMC .5 kV common mode 1 kV differential mode 8 kV contact.96 30 ms 16/23 Definite/Inverse Time Low Set Overcurrent Protection for Phase to Phase Faults . 50. 300 A/m 3 s 10 ms @ 70%. 72h + 60ºC.25ºC to + 70ºC . 1. 0. 5 s @ 0% 5. 20 pu 0. VI. IEC 60068-2-48 Degree of Protection according to EN 60529. EN55022 2..2/50 µs.10 ºC to 60 ºC. 93% RH. IEC 60068-2-2 Salt Mist Test.04 .. IEC 60068-2-1 Dry Heat Test. VI. Static Reset Time TPU S420 1 ST EDITION – REV. EN 55022 EN 55011. 300 s 0. 72h 96h + 40ºC.Insulation Tests High Voltage Test Impulse Voltage Test Insulation Resistance IEC 60255-5 IEC 60255-5 IEC 60255-5 IEC 60255-22-1 Class III EN 61000-4-12 EN 61000-4-2 EN 60255-22-2 Class IV EN 61000-4-3 EN 61000-4-4 IEC 60255-22-4 Class IV EN 61000-4-5 EN 61000-4-6 EN 61000-4-8 EN 61000-4-11 IEC 60255-11 EN 61000-4-11 IEC 60255-11 EN 55011. Reset Time Curves Operational Current Time Delay TM regulation Timer Accuracy Current Accuracy Start Value of Inverse Time Protection Reset Ratio Max.2 ..1 ..High Set Overcurrent Protection for Phase to Phase Faults Operational Current Time Delay Min. 90º (forward/reverse) 0. 40 pu 0 ..95 30 ms 0. VI. Static Reset Time 0.04 ...1 .125 ..5 s -90º . 1. 60 s 30 ms (with I ≥ 2 Iop) ± 10 ms 5% (minimum 3% In) 0.96 30 ms 0. 300 s 0. VI.95 30 ms NI.1 .... Reset time Operational Current Time Delay Timer Accuracy Current Accuracy Reset Ratio Max.1 . Reset Time Available Phase Relations Memory duration after voltage drop Available Phase Relations Min..96 30 ms 0. Reset Time Operational Current Time Delay Min. Operating Time Timer Accuracy Current Accuracy Reset Ratio Max.5 .. 1.2 Iop 0.. 0. Operating Time Timer Accuracy Current Accuracy Reset Ratio Max. 300 s ± 10 ms 3% (minimum 3% In) 0.04 . Reset Time Directional Phase Fault Protection Directional Earth Fault Protection Resistive Earth Fault Protection High Set Phase Balance Protection TPU S420 1 ST EDITION – REV.96 30 ms 30º ...5 0. 5 pu 3% or ± 10 ms 3% (minimum 3% In) 0.95 30 ms Definite Time Universal Overcurrent Protection for Phase to Phase Faults High Set Overcurrent Protection for Phase to Earth Faults Definite/Inverse Time Low Set Overcurrent Protection for Phase to Earth Faults Definite Time Universal Overcurrent Protection for Phase to Earth Faults Operational Current Time Delay Timer Accuracy Current Accuracy Reset Ratio Max. 5 pu 0. Zero sequence Voltage Operational Current TM Regulation Start set for recloser Timer Accuracy Current Accuracy Reset Ratio Max.. Operating Time Timer Accuracy Current Accuracy Reset Ratio Max.. EI of IEEE standard 0. 300 s ± 10 ms 3% (minimum 3% In) 0.8. 10 pu 0 . JANEIRO 2009 17/23 . EI of IEC standard NI. 40 pu 0. 15 ± 10 ms (definite time) 3% or ± 10 ms (inverse time) 3% (minimum 3% In) 1.05 . 40 pu 0 . 60º (forward/reverse) 2. Reset Time Operational Current Time Delay Min. 40 pu 0..005.125 .2 .04 . 60 s 30 ms (with I ≥ 2 Iop) ± 10 ms 5% (minimum 3% In) 0. 60 s 30 ms (with I ≥ 2 Iop) ± 10 ms 5% (minimum 3% In) 0.. 20 pu 0.96 30 ms 0.8 pu 0.. Reset Time Operational Frequency Changing Rate Time Delay Minimum Voltage of Operation Timer Accuracy Frequency Accuracy Max. Static Reset Time NI.8 pu (VREF = VZERO SEQUENCE) 0. 4 pu 50 . EI of IEEE standard 0.05 . 300 s ± 10 ms 2% < 3% In 0..96 30 ms 20 .. Reset Time Curves Base Current Trip Threshold Alarm Level Reset Level Time Constant Timer Accuracy Undervoltage Protection Overvoltage Protection Zero Sequence Overvoltage Protection Underfrequency Protection Overfrequency Protection Overload Protection TPU S420 1 ST EDITION – REV. 1 pu (VREF = VPHASE-TO-PHASE) ± 10 ms 0. JANEIRO 2009 18/23 .04 . 300 s ± 10 ms 2% 0.1 % (0. Reset Time Operational Frequency Changing Rate Time Delay Minimum Voltage of Operation Timer Accuracy Frequency Accuracy Max. Direct Sequence Overcurrent Protection Ratio Negative sequence / direct sequence ratio Time Delay Minimum value of the negative sequence Timer Accuracy Current Accuracy Reset Ratio Max.05 .. 120 s 0....96 30 ms 0.2 .05 . 1..005 . 100 % 0. 5 pu 0..07 . 500 min 5% Negative Vs.0.. 300 s 0.. EI of IEC standard NI.04 ..8 .96 30 ms 0.5 pu (VREF = VPHASE-TO-PHASE) 0. 250 % (I base) 50 ...04 ... 1 pu (VREF = VPHASE-TO-PHASE) 0. 300 s ± 10 ms 2% 0. Reset Time Operational Voltage Time Delay Timer Accuracy Voltage Accuracy Voltage Absence Validation Current Reset Ratio Max. 100 % (Trip Temperature) 1 .8.Definite/Inverse Time Low Set Phase Balance Protection Curves Operational Current Time Delay TM Regulation Timer Accuracy Current Accuracy Start Value of Inverse Time Protection Reset Ratio Max..1 . 15 ± 10 ms (definite time) 3% or ± 10 ms (inverse time) 3% (minimum 3% In) 1.. VI. 100 % (Trip Temperature) 10 . 1...2 Iop 0. 0. VI.05 Hz) 30 ms IEC 60255-8 0.1 ..5 .1 % (0.04 ..5 . 1 pu ..05 Hz) 30 ms 1 .. Reset Time Operational Voltage Time Delay Timer Accuracy Voltage Accuracy Reset Ratio Max. 10 Hz/s 0. -10 Hz/s 0. 1.04 .. 300 s 10 % In ± 10 ms 5% (minimum 3% In) 0.2 pu + 0. Reset Time Operational Voltage Time Delay Timer Accuracy Voltage Accuracy Reset Ratio Max.1 . 1 pu (VREF = VPHASE-TO-PHASE) ± 10 ms 0.07 . 120 s 0.96 30 ms 0.92 30 ms 0. Static Reset Time Automatic Reclosing Type of Cycle Reclose Time of the Fast Cycles Isolation Time Blocking Time Circuit Breaker Manoeuvre Time Maximum Number of Cycles Program Confirmation Time of Stable Voltage Time Delay Program Confirmation Time of Stable Frequency Time Delay Time Delay Confirmation Time of Trip Circuit Failure Open Confirmation Time Close Confirmation Time Voltage Restoration Frequency Restoration Circuit Breaker Failure Protection Circuit Breaker and Disconnector Supervision Measurement Accuracy Currents Voltages Power Frequency Accuracy Max. 20 pu 0.5 % Vn 1 % Sn 0.. VI. High Level Value Low Level Value 1s Fault Locator Event Chronological Recorder Oscillography Analogue Comparators TPU S420 1 ST EDITION – REV.. EI of IEC standard NI..5 ± 10 ms (definite time) 3% or ± 10 ms (inverse time) 3% (minimum 3% In) 1. EI of IEC standard NI. 1.8.2 Iop 0.2 Definite/Inverse Time Low Set Overcurrent Protection for Phase to Phase Faults nd Curves Operational Current Time Delay TM Regulation Timer Accuracy Current Accuracy Start value of inverse time protection Reset Ratio Max. Number of Fault Records Resolution Maximum Number of Events per Register Number of Recorded Events Sampling Frequency Total Time Recorded Configurable Settings Timer Accuracy 0...05 . 3600 s 1 ..04 . 1 s 0. 300 s 0.. 60 s 5 Shedding/Shedding+Restoration 1 ... 1..05 .96 30 ms NI.. 1.05 . 60 s 2 Definite/Inverse Time Low Set Overcurrent Protection for Phase to Earth Faults nd Curves Operational Current Time Delay TM regulation Timer Accuracy Current Accuracy Start value of inverse time protection Reset Ratio Max. 300 s 1 . EI of IEEE standard 0.05 . 300 s Shedding/Shedding+Restoration 1 .2 Iop 0. 300 s 0.05 % fn 2 % (Line Length).04 .05 . 300 s 0. VI... Static Reset Time NI. VI.5 % In 0. minimum 0. 60 s 0.1 .96 30 ms Fast/Delayed 0 .5 ± 10 ms (definite time) 3% or ± 10 ms (inverse time) 3% (minimum 3% In) 1..2 .. 10 s 0.. 10 s 0..1 . 60 s 1 .05 .. 20 pu 0.05 . JANEIRO 2009 19/23 . 60 s 0. VI. EI of IEEE standard 0.1Ω (sec) 10 (in non-volatile memory) 1 ms 256 > 28000 1000 Hz@ 50Hz 60 sec. ..Load Diagram Measurements Total Time Recorded SNTP servers number Server requested time Maximum variation Packages minimum number Server timeout Functioning mode P. Q 1 month 2 1 . JANEIRO 2009 20/23 . 1000 ms 1 . 1440 min 1 . 3600 s Multicast/Unicast SNTP Synchronization TPU S420 1 ST EDITION – REV.8.. 25 1 .. 1. avoiding the need for voltage and frequency functions in the protection. JANEIRO 2009 21/23 .8. TPU S420 1 ST EDITION – REV. the undervoltage and underfrequency load shedding and restoration automatisms are based on the interaction with a busbar unit (TPU B420).VERSIONS VERSION AVAILABLE FUNCTIONS Phase Overcurrent Protection (50/51) Earth Fault Overcurrent Protection (50/51N) Directional Phase Fault Overcurrent (67) Directional Earth Fault Overcurrent (67N) Resistive Earth Fault (51N) Phase Overvoltage Protection (59) Zero Sequence Overvoltage Protection (59N) Undervoltage Protection (27) Underfrequency and Overfrequency Protection (81) Phase Balance Protection (46) Overload Protection (49) 2nd Time Low Set Phase Faults Overcurrent Protection (51/51N) Automatic Reclosing (79) Load Shedding and Restoration after Voltage Trip Load Shedding and Restoration after Frequency Trip Load Shedding and Restoration after Voltage Trip (centralised version) Load Shedding and Restoration after Frequency Trip (centralised version) Circuit Breaker Failure (62BF) Trip Circuit Supervision (62) Logical Trip Lock (68) Protection Trip Transfer (43) Circuit Breaker and Disconnector Supervision Programmable Logic Distributed Automation Oscillography Event Chronological Recorder Fault Locator Analogue Comparators Load Diagram ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ S420 – I ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ S420 – C ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ S420 – S ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ In the centralised version. 1. 9 Inputs + 6 Outputs Type 2 .2A 1A 5A 100V 110V 115V 120V 100V 110V 115V 120V 50Hz 60Hz A B C D 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 0 DNP LON1 LON2 LON3 LON4 ETH1 ETH2 850T 850F 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 PT UK FR ES 22/23 .16 Inputs Type 3 . with Auto Power Supply Lonworks with twisted-pair interface. 1.15 Outputs Communication Protocols Absent Serial DNP 3.04A 0.0 Lonworks with optical interface.15 Outputs Expansion Board I/O 2 Absent Type 1 .ORDERING FORM TPU S420 – Ed1 Version TPU S420 – I TPU S420 – C TPU S420 – S Rated current on phase current transformers 1A 5A Rated current on 4th input current 0.8. without Auto Power Supply Lonworks with optical interface. without Auto Power Supply Lonworks with twisted-pair interface.04 A 0.9 Inputs + 6 Outputs Type 2 .16 Inputs Type 3 . with Auto Power Supply IEC 60870-5-104 over Ethernet 100BaseTx redundant IEC 60870-5-104 over Ethernet 100BaseFx redundant IEC 61850 over Ethernet 100BaseTx redundant IEC 61850 over Ethernet 100BaseFx redundant Serial Interface Port 1 RS 232 (by default) RS 485 Plastic Optical Fibre Glass Optical Fibre Serial Interface Port 2 RS 232 (by default) RS 485 Plastic Optical Fibre Glass Optical Fibre Language Portuguese English French Spanish TPU S420 1 ST EDITION – REV.2 A 1A 5A Rated voltage on input voltage (VPHASE-TO-PHASE) 100 V 110 V 115 V 120 V Rated voltage on 4th input voltage (VPHASE-TO-PHASE) 100 V 110 V 115 V 120 V Frequency 50 Hz 60 Hz Power Supply Nominal Value 24 Vdc 48 Vdc 110/125 Vdc/Vac 220/240 Vdc/Vac Expansion Board I/O 1 Absent Type 1 . JANEIRO 2009 - - - - - - - - - - - - I C S 1A 5A 0. pt | Web: www. 4471-907 Moreira Due to continuous development. JANEIRO 2009 23/23 . Rua Eng.A. S.efacec. TPU S420 1 ST EDITION – REV. Portugal | Tel.8. Frederico Ulrich. +351 22 940 20 00 | Fax +351 22 940 30 09 | E-mail: ase.eng@efacec. Not valid as a contractual document. data may be changed without notice. 1.NOTES Main Address EFACEC Engenharia.
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