Td Win32asm 222.Asm



td_win32asm_222.asm ;============================================================================== ; Test Department's WINDOWS 32 BIT x86 ASSEMBLY EXAMPLES'S 222 ;============================================================================== ;============================================================================== ; ==> Part 222 : Another multimedia player using other technique's ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------; Thanks flys to Ron ( for the idea. ; This program plays near everything your system supports. ; It is prepared for VCR and VIDEODISC device at a beta level. ; If you own one of thus including the required hardware / software, ; please (!) give me a note and we enhance the program. ; ; Ommm, if you wish to access the Program Menu left click the Jolly Roger. ; ; The WinXP codec's must be installed to view videos. ; This program may not work proper under WinXP. ; ; Test Department [email protected] ;============================================================================== ; Assembler directives ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------.386 ; specifies the processor our program want run on .Model Flat ,StdCall ; Flat for Win95 (32 Bit), calling convention option casemap:none ; case sensitive ! ;============================================================================== ; Include all files where API functins resist you want use, set correct path ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------include D:\Masm32\include\ includelib kernel32.lib includelib user32.lib includelib gdi32.lib includelib winmm.lib includelib vfw32.lib ;============================================================================== ; Declaration of used API functions,take a look into WIN32.HLP and *.inc files ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------GetModuleHandleA PROTO :DWORD LoadIconA PROTO :DWORD,:DWORD LoadLibraryA PROTO :DWORD GetProcAddress PROTO :DWORD,:DWORD LoadBitmapA PROTO :DWORD,:DWORD SetMenuItemBitmaps PROTO :DWORD,:DWORD,:DWORD,:DWORD,:DWORD DeleteObject PROTO :DWORD SendMessageA PROTO :DWORD,:DWORD,:DWORD,:DWORD SetWindowLongA PROTO :DWORD,:DWORD,:DWORD GetOpenFileNamePreviewA PROTO :DWORD lstrcmp PROTO :DWORD,:DWORD lstrcpy PROTO :DWORD,:DWORD GetSystemMenu PROTO :DWORD,:DWORD Page 1 AppendMenuA MessageBoxA GetMessageA TranslateMessage DispatchMessageA PostQuitMessage ShowWindow MoveWindow CallWindowProcA FreeLibrary ExitProcess PROTO PROTO PROTO PROTO PROTO PROTO PROTO PROTO PROTO PROTO PROTO td_win32asm_222.asm :DWORD,:DWORD,:DWORD,:DWORD :DWORD,:DWORD,:DWORD,:DWORD :DWORD,:DWORD,:DWORD,:DWORD :DWORD :DWORD :DWORD :DWORD,:DWORD :DWORD,:DWORD,:DWORD,:DWORD,:DWORD,:DWORD :DWORD,:DWORD,:DWORD,:DWORD,:DWORD :DWORD :DWORD ;============================================================================== ; .const = the constants area starts here, constants are defined and fixed ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------.const ; - Parameter MAIN WINDOW CallBack Procedure ( API=RegisterClassExA ) WP1_CallBack equ [ebp+4] ;return address WP1_hWnd equ [ebp+8] ;handle of window who receives message WP1_uMsg equ [ebp+12] ;the message number WP1_wParam equ [ebp+16] ;extra info about the message WP1_lParam equ [ebp+20] ;extra info about the message ;============================================================================== ; .Data = the data area starts here, datas are defined but not fixed ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------.Data IconName db "TDIcon",0 ;icon name in rc file Library_Name db "msvfw32.dll",0 ;filename of the library f_MCIWndCreate db "MCIWndCreate",0 ;function name inside library MediaFileName db "dummy.wav",0 ; MenuItemString0 db "File",0 ; MenuItemString1 db "Audio CD",0 ; MenuItemString2 db "Video Laser Disc",0 ; MenuItemString3 db "Video Cassette Recorder",0; MenuItemString16 db "Play Full Screen Video",0; MenuItemString17 db "About",0 ; LoadFileFilte db "Media Files (*.*)",0,"*.*",0,0; LoadFileTitle db "Select a File",0 ; play db "PLAY",0 ; playfull db "PLAY FULLSCREEN NOTIFY",0; stop db "STOP",0 ; close db "CLOSE",0 ; cdaudioExt db "cda",0 ; cdaudioDev db "cdaudio",0 ; vcrExt db "UNKNOWN",0 ; vcrDev db "vcr",0 ; videodiscExt db "UNKNOWN",0 ; videodiscDev db "videodisc",0 ; MB1_Title db "Test Department -",0 MB1_Text db "Supported Formats : everything your system supports.",0 flag_fullscreen dd 0h ;disable fullscreen, default value Page 2 td_win32asm_222.asm ;============================================================================== ; .Data? = the data? area starts here, not defined and not fixed ; LoadFileBuffer db 104h dup (?) ;buffer for load filename hInstance dd ? ; handleFile dd ? ; hIcon dd ? ; hLibrary dd ? ; p_MCIWndCreate dd ? ;pointer function inside DLL mcihWnd dd ? ;handle of mci window handleMenu dd ? ; handleBMP0 dd ? ; handleBMP1 dd ? ; handleBMP2 dd ? ; handleBMP3 dd ? ; handleBMP16 dd ? ; handleBMP17 dd ? ; prevWindow dd ? ;previous window procedure align 4 ; - Msg Structure ( API=GetMessageA ) - member POINT = POINT structure hWnd dd ? ;handle of window who receives message message dd ? ;the message number wParam dd ? ;extra info about the message lParam dd ? ;extra info about the message time dd ? ;time the message was posted xpt dd ? ;cursor x-position, POINT struc ypt dd ? ;cursor x-position, POINT struc align 4 ; - OPENFILENAME Structure lStructSize dd hWndOwner dd hInstance1 dd lpstrFilter dd lpstrCustomFilter dd nMaxCustFilter dd nFilterIndex dd lpstrFile dd nMaxFile dd lpstrFileTitle dd nMaxFileTitle dd lpstrInitialDir dd lpstrTitle dd Flags dd nFileOffset dw nFileExtension dw lpstrDefExt dd lCustData dd lpfnHook dd lpTemplateName dd ( API=GetOpenFileNamePreviewA ) ? ;the length in bytes of structure ? ;handle of the window that owns dialog box ? ;handle, our program handle ? ;pointer to string + filter ? ;pointer to user defined filter ? ;size bytes/characters of above ? ;filter index of lpstrFilter ? ;pointer initialize filename, 0=no ? ;size bytes/characters of above ? ;pointer title of the selected file ? ;size of the lpstrFileTitle buffer ? ;pointer init file dir,0=default ? ;pointer title of the box ? ;the dialog box creation flags ? ;offset filename in string lpstrFile ? ;offset extension in string lpstrFile ? ;pointer to default extension of file ? ;? ? ;used if flag is OFN_ENABLETEMPLATE ? ;used if flag is OFN_ENABLETEMPLATE Page 3 td_win32asm_222.asm ;============================================================================== ; .CODE = our code area starts here Main = label of our program code ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------.Code Main: ;============================================================================== ; Always get your program ID first (API=GetModuleHandleA) ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------push 0h ;lpModuleHandle, 0=get program handle call GetModuleHandleA ;- API Function mov hInstance,eax ;return value in eax=handle of program ;============================================================================== ; API LoadLibraryA maps the specified exe or dll module into the address space ; of the calling process. ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------push OFFSET Library_Name ;lpLibFileName, pointer filename module call LoadLibraryA ;- API Function cmp eax,0h ;check if return value 0h=ERROR ! je ExitPrg mov hLibrary,eax ;store handle of library in variable ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------; API "GetProcAddress" gets the address of the specified function ! ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------push OFFSET f_MCIWndCreate ;pProcName, name of function push hLibrary ;hModule, handle to DLL module call GetProcAddress ;- API Function cmp eax,0h ;check if return value 0h=ERROR ! je FreeLib mov p_MCIWndCreate,eax ;store given pointer to the function ;============================================================================== ; API "MCIWndCreate" registers the MCI window class and creates an MCI window. ; It can also open an MCI device or file and associate it with the MCI window. ; For this API we push 4 doublewords to the stack, we MUST clear the stack ! ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------push OFFSET MediaFileName ;szFile, name MCI device or data file push 140FC772h ;dwStyle, defines the window style ;10000000h = WS_VISIBLE ; 4000000h = WS_CLIBSIBLINGS ; 80000h = WS_SYSMENU ; 40000h = WS_SIZEBOX ; 20000h = WS_MINIMIZEBOX ; 10000h = WS_MAXIMIZEBOX ; 8000h = MCIWNDF_NOOPEN ! ; 4000h = MCIWNDF_NOERRORDLG ! ; 400h = MCIWNDF_NOTIFYSIZE ; 200h = MCIWNDF_NOTIFYPOS ; 100h = MCIWNDF_NOTIFYMODE ; 80h = MCIWNDF_NOTIFYANSI ; 40h = MCIWNDF_SHOWMODE ; 20h = MCIWNDF_SHOWPOS Page 4 push push call mov pop pop pop pop hInstance 0h p_MCIWndCreate mcihWnd,eax eax eax eax eax td_win32asm_222.asm ; 10h = MCIWNDF_SHOWNAME ; 2h = MCIWNDF_NOPLAYBAR ;hInstance, handle of module instance ;hwndParent, handle parent window 0=no ;- API Function ;handle of MCI window ;clear stack ! ;============================================================================== ; API "LoadIconA" loads an icon defined in the resource file ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------push OFFSET IconName ;icon-string or icon resource id push hInstance ;our program handle call LoadIconA ;- API Function mov hIcon,eax ;handle of newly loaded icon ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------; API "SendMessageA" sends a message to the MCI Window. ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------push hIcon ;lParam, handle of icon push 0h ;wParam, first message ( small icon ) push 80h ;uMsg, message to send ( WM_SETICON ) push mcihWnd ;hWnd, handle of destination window call SendMessageA ;- API Function ;============================================================================== ; API "GetSystemMenu" allows the application to access the System menu. ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------push 0h ;bRevert, reset flag push mcihWnd ;hWnd, handle of window to own System menu call GetSystemMenu ;- API Function mov handleMenu,eax ; ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------; API "AppendMenuA" appends a new item to the end of the specified menu. ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------push 0h ;lpNewItem, here ignored push 0h ;uIDNewItem, here ignored push 800h ;uFlags, menu item flags MF_SEPARATOR=800h push handleMenu ;hMenu, handle menu call AppendMenuA ;- API Function push OFFSET MenuItemString0 ;lpNewItem, menu item content push 1000h ;uIDNewItem, menu item id push 0h ;uFlags, menu item flags, MF_STRING = 0h push handleMenu ;hMenu, handle menu call AppendMenuA ;- API Function push OFFSET MenuItemString1 push 1001h push 0h push handleMenu call AppendMenuA push OFFSET MenuItemString2 Page 5 td_win32asm_222.asm push 1002h push 0h push handleMenu call AppendMenuA push OFFSET MenuItemString3 push 1003h push 0h push handleMenu call AppendMenuA push 0h push 0h push 800h push handleMenu call AppendMenuA push OFFSET MenuItemString16 push 1100h push 0h push handleMenu call AppendMenuA push OFFSET MenuItemString17 push 1101h push 0h push handleMenu call AppendMenuA ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------; API "LoadBitmapA" loads a bitmap from the resource ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------push 80h ;lpBitmapName, bitmap resource ID push hInstance ;hInstance, handle of modul instance call LoadBitmapA ;- API Function mov handleBMP0,eax ;hObject, handle of graphic object push 81h push hInstance call LoadBitmapA mov handleBMP1,eax push 82h push hInstance call LoadBitmapA mov handleBMP2,eax push 83h push hInstance call LoadBitmapA mov handleBMP3,eax push 90h push hInstance call LoadBitmapA mov handleBMP16,eax push 91h push hInstance call LoadBitmapA mov handleBMP17,eax ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------; API "SetMenuItemBitmaps" associates the specified bitmap with a menu item. Page 6 td_win32asm_222.asm ; Whether the menu item is checked or unchecked, Windows displays the ; appropriate bitmap next to the menu item. ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------push handleBMP0 ;hbmChecked, handle of checked bitmap push handleBMP0 ;hbmUnchecked, handle of unchecked bitmap push 0h ;fuFlags, menuitem flags, MF_BYCOMMAND = 0h push 1000h ;uItem, menu item to receive new BMP push handleMenu ;hmenu, handle of menu call SetMenuItemBitmaps ;- API Function push handleBMP1 push handleBMP1 push 0h push 1001h push handleMenu call SetMenuItemBitmaps push handleBMP2 push handleBMP2 push 0h push 1002h push handleMenu call SetMenuItemBitmaps push handleBMP3 push handleBMP3 push 0h push 1003h push handleMenu call SetMenuItemBitmaps push handleBMP16 push handleBMP16 push 0h push 1100h push handleMenu call SetMenuItemBitmaps push handleBMP17 push handleBMP17 push 0h push 1101h push handleMenu call SetMenuItemBitmaps ;============================================================================== ; API "SetWindowLongA" changes an attribute of the specified window !!! ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------push 100h ;lNewLong, new value, WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE push -20 ;nIndex, offset value to set, GWL_EXSTYLE push mcihWnd ;hwnd, handle of window call SetWindowLongA ;- API Function push OFFSET WP1 ;lNewLong, new value push -4 ;nIndex, offset value to set, GWL_WNDPROC push mcihWnd ;hwnd, handle of window call SetWindowLongA ;- API Function mov prevWindow,eax ;return value = previous window procedure Page 7 td_win32asm_222.asm LoopGetMessage: ;============================================================================== ; API "GetMessageA" retrieves a message + places it in the specified structure. ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------push 0h ;wMsgFilterMax, highest message value push 0h ;wMsgFilterMin, lowest message value push 0h ;hWnd, handle of window who gets msg. push OFFSET hWnd ;lpMsg, pointer to MSG structure call GetMessageA ;- API Function cmp eax,0h ;check if return value=0 (exit) je FreeLib ;if return value is 0 goto LABEL ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------; API "TranslateMessage" translates virtual-key messages in character messages ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------push OFFSET hWnd ;lpMSG, pointer to msg structure call TranslateMessage ;- API Function - keyboard code ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------; API "DispatchMessageA" function dispatches a message to a window procedure. ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------push OFFSET hWnd ;lpMSG, pointer to msg structure call DispatchMessageA ;- API Function jmp LoopGetMessage ;check for message again, goto LABEL FreeLib: ;============================================================================== ; API "FreeLibrary" unmaps the modul from address space of the calling process. ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------push hLibrary ;hLibModule, handle loaded lib. module call FreeLibrary ;- API Function ExitPrg: ;============================================================================== ; Next we terminate our program (API=ExitProcess) ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------push hInstance ;push our programm handle to exit call ExitProcess ;- API Function ;############################################################################## ; This is the Window Procedure for this registered window. ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------WP1: push ebp ;create stack frame mov ebp,esp ; mov eax,WP1_uMsg ;move the message number to eax ;============================================================================== ; WM_DESTROY (value=02h) message received ? ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------WP1_uMsg_02h: cmp eax,2h ;check if value=2h (WM_DESTROY) jne WP1_uMsg_112h ;if not 2h go to LABEL call My_CleanSystem ;- SubRoutine ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Page 8 td_win32asm_222.asm ; API "PostQuitMessage" indicates to Windows a request to terminate ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------push 0h ;nExitCode, exit code=wParam call PostQuitMessage ;- API Function xor eax,eax ;set eax to 0 to exit our program mov esp,ebp ;delete stack frame pop ebp ; ret 10h ;return and clear stack ;============================================================================== ; WM_SYSCOMMAND (value=112h) message recieved ? ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------WP1_uMsg_112h: cmp eax,112h ;check if WM_SYSCOMMAND message recieved jne WP1_uMsg_03B9h ;if not goto label mov eax,WP1_wParam ;extra info about the message in ax cmp eax,0F060h ;SC_CLOSE=0F060h received ? jne CheckSysMenu ; call My_CleanSystem ;- SubRoutine jmp WP1_return CheckSysMenu: cmp ax,1000h ;menu item ID, File jne WP1_uMsg_112h_wParam_1001h ; ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------; API "GetOpenFileNamePreviewA" selects a file by using the Open dialog box. ; The dialog box also allows the user to preview the currently specified file. ; Look for parameter names into WIN32.HLP + parameter values into ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------mov lStructSize,4Ch ;length in bytes of structure mov eax,WP1_hWnd mov hWndOwner,eax ;id window that owns dialog box mov eax,hInstance mov hInstance1,eax ;handle, our program id mov lpstrFilter,OFFSET LoadFileFilte;pointer to string + filter, 0= no mov lpstrCustomFilter,0h ;pointer to user defined filter mov nMaxCustFilter,0h ;size bytes/characters of above mov nFilterIndex,0h ;filter index of lpstrFilter mov lpstrFile,OFFSET LoadFileBuffer ;pointer to filename buffer mov nMaxFile,104h ;max size bytes/characters of above mov lpstrFileTitle,0h ;pointer title of the selected file mov nMaxFileTitle,0h ;size of the lpstrFileTitle buffer mov lpstrInitialDir,0h ;pointer init file dir,0=default mov lpstrTitle,OFFSET LoadFileTitle ;pointer title of the box mov Flags,00281804h ;the dialog box creation flags mov nFileOffset,0h ;offset filename in string lpstrFile mov nFileExtension,0h ;offset extension in string lpstrFile mov lCustData,0h ;? mov lpfnHook,0h ;? used if flag is OFN_ENABLETEMPLATE mov lpTemplateName,0h ;? used if flag is OFN_ENABLETEMPLATE mov lpstrDefExt,0h ;pointer default extension file, 0=no push OFFSET lStructSize ;lpofn, pointer OPENFILENAME structure call GetOpenFileNamePreviewA ;- API Function cmp eax,0h ;check if an error occurs Page 9 td_win32asm_222.asm je WP1_return ;exit on error mov handleFile,eax ;handle of new file ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------; API "lstrcmp" compares two character strings. Check if audio cd (cda). ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------mov ax,nFileExtension ;given from OPENFILENAME structure cwde ;convert word AX into doubleword EAX add eax,lpstrFile ;calculate OFFSET filename extender push eax ;lpString2, address of second string push OFFSET cdaudioExt ;lpString1, address of first string call lstrcmp ;- API Function cmp eax,0h ;result = 0 if strings equal jne Filename_OK ; ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------; API "lstrcpy" copies a string to a buffer. ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------push OFFSET cdaudioDev ;lpString2, address of string to copy push OFFSET LoadFileBuffer ;lpString1, address of buffer call lstrcpy ;- API Function Filename_OK: call My_Prepare_Play ;- SubRoutine jmp WP1_return WP1_uMsg_112h_wParam_1001h: cmp ax,1001h ;menu item ID, Audio CD jne WP1_uMsg_112h_wParam_1002h ; ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------; API "lstrcpy" copies a string to a buffer. ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------push OFFSET cdaudioDev ;lpString2, address of string to copy push OFFSET LoadFileBuffer ;lpString1, address of buffer call lstrcpy ;- API Function call My_Prepare_Play ;- Subroutine jmp WP1_return WP1_uMsg_112h_wParam_1002h: cmp ax,1002h ;menu item ID, Video Laser Disc jne WP1_uMsg_112h_wParam_1003h ; ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------; API "lstrcpy" copies a string to a buffer. ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------push OFFSET videodiscDev ;lpString2, address of string to copy push OFFSET LoadFileBuffer ;lpString1, address of buffer call lstrcpy ;- API Function call My_Prepare_Play ;- Subroutine jmp WP1_return WP1_uMsg_112h_wParam_1003h: cmp ax,1003h ;menu item ID, Video Cassette Recorder jne WP1_uMsg_112h_wParam_1100h ; ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------; API "lstrcpy" copies a string to a buffer. ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Page 10 push push call call jmp OFFSET vcrDev OFFSET LoadFileBuffer lstrcpy My_Prepare_Play WP1_return td_win32asm_222.asm ;lpString2, address of string to copy ;lpString1, address of buffer ;- API Function ;- Subroutine - WP1_uMsg_112h_wParam_1100h: cmp ax,1100h ;menu item ID, Play Full Screen Video jne WP1_uMsg_112h_wParam_1101h ; cmp flag_fullscreen,1h ;check flag jne WP1_return ;full screen disabled ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------; API "ShowWindow" function sets the specified window's show state. ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------push 1h ;nCmdShow, show state, SW_SHOWNORMAL push WP1_hWnd ;hwnd, handle of window call ShowWindow ;- API Function ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------; API "SendMessageA" sends a message. ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------push OFFSET playfull ;lParam, send ( PLAY FULLSCREEN NOTIFY ) push 0h ;wParam, push 1125 ;uMsg, message to send (MCIWNDM_SENDSTRING) push WP1_hWnd ;hWnd, handle of destination window call SendMessageA ;- API Function cmp eax,0h ; jne WP1_return ; ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------; API "SendMessageA" sends a message. ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------push 8h ;lParam, new value, disable menu push 8h ;wParam, mask, MCIWNDF_NOMENU push 1159 ;uMsg, msg. to send (MCIWNDM_CHANGESTYLES) push WP1_hWnd ;hWnd, handle of destination window call SendMessageA ;- API Function jmp WP1_return WP1_uMsg_112h_wParam_1101h: cmp ax,1101h ;menu item ID, About jne WP1_return ; ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------; API "MessageBoxA" creates a message box, displaying the supported formats ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------push 0h ;uType, style, 0=MB_OK Button push OFFSET MB1_Title ;lpCaption,pointer to title text push OFFSET MB1_Text ;lpText,pointer to text message box push WP1_hWnd ;handle of owner window call MessageBoxA ;- API Function jmp WP1_return ;============================================================================== ; MM_MCINOTIFY (value=3B9h) message recieved ? ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Page 11 td_win32asm_222.asm WP1_uMsg_03B9h: cmp eax,03B9h ;MM_MCINOTIFY jne WP1_return ; ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------; API "ShowWindow" function sets the specified window's show state ! ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------push 6h ;nCmdShow, show state, SW_MINIMIZE push WP1_hWnd ;hwnd, handle of window call ShowWindow ;- API Function ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------; API "ShowWindow" function sets the specified window's show state. ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------push 1h ;nCmdShow, show state, SW_SHOWNORMAL push WP1_hWnd ;hwnd, handle of window call ShowWindow ;- API Function ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------; API "SendMessageA" sends a message. ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------push 0h ;lParam, new value, enable menu push 8h ;wParam, mask, MCIWNDF_NOMENU push 1159 ;uMsg, msg. to send (MCIWNDM_CHANGESTYLES) push WP1_hWnd ;hWnd, handle of destination window call SendMessageA ;- API Function ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------; API "SendMessageA" sends a message. ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------push OFFSET stop ;lParam, string to send ( STOP ) push 0h ;wParam, push 1125 ;uMsg, message to send (MCIWNDM_SENDSTRING) push WP1_hWnd ;hWnd, handle of destination window call SendMessageA ;- API Function jmp WP1_return WP1_return: ;============================================================================== ; API "CallWindowProcA" passes msg. information to the specified window. ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------push WP1_lParam ;extra info about the message push WP1_wParam ;extra info about the message push WP1_uMsg ;the message number push WP1_hWnd ;handle of window who receives message push prevWindow ;previous window callback proc address call CallWindowProcA ;- API Function mov esp,ebp ;delete stack frame pop ebp ; ret 10h ;return and clear stack ;############################################################################## ;****************************************************************************** ; My own subroutine(s) for a compacter code resist here ... ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------My_CleanSystem: ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Page 12 td_win32asm_222.asm ; API "SendMessageA" sends a message to the MCI window. ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------push OFFSET stop ;lParam, pointer to string to send ( STOP ) push 0h ;wParam, push 1125 ;uMsg, message to send (MCIWNDM_SENDSTRING) push mcihWnd ;hWnd, handle of destination window ! call SendMessageA ;- API Function ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------; API "SendMessageA" sends a message to the MCI window. ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------push OFFSET close ;lParam, pointer to string to send (CLOSE) push 0h ;wParam, push 1125 ;uMsg, message to send (MCIWNDM_SENDSTRING) push mcihWnd ;hWnd, handle of destination window ! call SendMessageA ;- API Function ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------; API "DeleteObject" deletes a logical pen, brush, font, bitmap, region, or ; palette, freeing all system resources associated with the object. ; After the object is deleted, the specified handle is no longer valid. ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------push handleBMP0 ;hObject, handle of graphic object call DeleteObject ;- API Function push handleBMP1 call DeleteObject push handleBMP2 call DeleteObject push handleBMP3 call DeleteObject push handleBMP16 call DeleteObject push handleBMP17 call DeleteObject ret My_Prepare_Play: ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------; API "SendMessageA" sends a message. ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------push OFFSET stop ;lParam, pointer to string to send ( STOP ) push 0h ;wParam, push 1125 ;uMsg, message to send (MCIWNDM_SENDSTRING) push WP1_hWnd ;hWnd, handle of destination window call SendMessageA ;- API Function ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------; API "MoveWindow" changes the position and dimensions of the specified window. ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------push 01h ;bRepaint, repaint flag push 18h ;nHeight, height push 120h ;nWidth, width push 0h ;Y, vertical position push 0h ;X, horizontal position push WP1_hWnd ;hWnd, handle of window call MoveWindow ;- API Function Page 13 td_win32asm_222.asm ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------; API "SendMessageA" sends a message. ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------push OFFSET LoadFileBuffer ;lParam, pointer to filename push 0h ;wParam, first message, flag push 1177 ;uMsg, message to send ( MCIWNDM_OPEN ) push WP1_hWnd ;hWnd, handle of destination window call SendMessageA ;- API Function cmp eax,0h ;error check jne NoMediaDevice ;error ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------; API "SendMessageA" sends a message. ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------push OFFSET play ;lParam, pointer to string to send ( PLAY ) push 0h ;wParam, push 1125 ;uMsg, message to send (MCIWNDM_SENDSTRING) push WP1_hWnd ;hWnd, handle of destination window call SendMessageA ;- API Function cmp eax,0h ;error check jne NoMediaDevice ;error ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------; API "ShowWindow" function sets the specified window's show state. ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------push 1h ;nCmdShow, show state 1=SW_SHOWNORMAL push WP1_hWnd ;hwnd, handle of window call ShowWindow ;- API Function ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------; API "SendMessageA" sends a message. ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------push 0h ;lParam, new value, enable playbar push 2h ;wParam, mask, MCIWNDF_NOPLAYBAR push 1159 ;uMsg, msg. to send (MCIWNDM_CHANGESTYLES) push WP1_hWnd ;hWnd, handle of destination window call SendMessageA ;- API Function ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------; API "SendMessageA" sends a message. ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------push 100 ;lParam, zoom factor, 100 % push 0h ;wParam, push 1132 ;uMsg, message to send ( MCIWNDM_SETZOOM ) push WP1_hWnd ;hWnd, handle of destination window call SendMessageA ;- API Function mov flag_fullscreen,1h ;enable fullscreen ret NoMediaDevice: mov flag_fullscreen,0h ;disable fullscreen ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------; API "SendMessageA" sends a message. ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------push OFFSET close ;lParam, pointer to string to send (CLOSE) push 0h ;wParam, push 1125 ;uMsg, message to send (MCIWNDM_SENDSTRING) push WP1_hWnd ;hWnd, handle of destination window Page 14 td_win32asm_222.asm call SendMessageA ;- API Function ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------; API "SendMessageA" sends a message. ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------push 2h ;lParam, new value, disable playbar push 2h ;wParam, mask, MCIWNDF_NOPLAYBAR push 1159 ;uMsg, msg. to send (MCIWNDM_CHANGESTYLES) push WP1_hWnd ;hWnd, handle of destination window call SendMessageA ;- API Function ret ;****************************************************************************** ;============================================================================== ; end Main = end of our program code ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------end Main ;end of our program code, entry point ;============================================================================== ; To create the exe file use this commands with your Microsoft Assembler/Linker ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------; ml.exe /c /coff td_win32asm_222.asm ;asm command ; rc.exe /v rsrc.rc ;rc command ; cvtres.exe /machine:ix86 rsrc.res ; link.exe /subsystem:windows td_win32asm_222.obj rsrc.obj ;link command ;============================================================================== Page 15
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