TCS Offer Letter Salary ITA

April 2, 2018 | Author: Chandra Sekhar | Category: Identity Document, Insurance, Taxes, Background Check, Employment



Offer : COMPUTER CONSULTANCYRef : TCSL/311751/BAN/Telecom - NMS-Inventory and Configuration Management products/Cramer/MetaSolv /Clarity/ITA Date : 23-APR-2013 23-OCT-08 23 Mr. SATYAM SINHA, #319, Prestige Palms, ECC Road, Near ITPL whitefield Bangaloare - 560066 Tel. No. :9986070788 Ms. Satyam Akshata Johri Dear Mr. Sinha Sub: Letter Of Offer and Terms Of Employment Thank you for exploring career opportunities with TATA Consultancy Services Limited (TCSL). You have successfully completed our initial selection process and we are pleased to make you an offer of employment. This offer is based on your profile, relevant work experience and performance in the selection process. You have been selected for the position of I.T. Analyst in Grade C2 at TCS - Bangalore. Your gross salary including all benefits will be Rs.8,46,869/- per annum. Annexure 1 provides a break-up of the compensation package. Kindly confirm your acceptance of this offer by proposing your date of joining and signing Annexure 3. If not accepted within 7 days of receipt, this offer is liable to lapse at the discretion of TCSL. You may hand over your acceptance letter to the HR Officer/ Induction Officer at any of our offices (as per Annexure 2). On joining and successful completion of joining formalities, you will be issued a Letter of Appointment by TCSL. TCSL Confidential TCSL/311751 : 2/- per annum.additional is available in case of tertiary ailment for the family. 5. This is not a grade-linked benefit and does not accrue automatically. Tata Sons & Consultancy Services Employees' Welfare Trust( TWT) You will be become a member of the TWT. Spouse and upto 2 children.000/. Performance Allowance: On confirmation. Special Allowance: You will be eligible for a special allowance of Rs. you will be eligible for a monthly Performance Allowance.e. The Trust provides financial assistance by way of grants/loans in accordance with the Rules framed by the Trust from time to time for medical and educational purposes and in case of death of members while in service.500/.000/.000/.000/.per annumm plus service taxes.200. The features of the policy are: Hospitalization Coverage Upto Rs. as per the company loan policy.per beneficiary Domiciliary / Dental Expenses Upto Rs. Loans You will be eligible for loans on confirmation.500. on completion of continuous service of one year from the date of joining TCSL and a nominal annual membership fee of Rs. On confirmation your VA will be discontinued and will be replaced by Performance Allowance.BENEFITS The details of your compensation and benefits are given below: Basic Salary: You will be eligible for a basic salary of Rs. 45.per month.per month. Umbrella Coverage of Rs.will be recovered from you. you will be eligible for a VA of Rs. per beneficiary covered under Domiciliary / Dental Expenses Coverage for Dependent Parents On payment of a premium. based on your performance and TCSL's Economic Value Added (EVA) policy for the financial year.per family on payment of Rs. 14.per month.3200/.760/. 12. Variable Allowance (VA): During the probation period. Dependent parents are covered under the Health Insurance Scheme Higher Hospitalization Coverage You are covered under Higher Hospitalization of Rs. i.250/. Health Insurance: You and your dependents. TCSL Confidential TCSL/311751 : 3/- .000/. 21. will be eligible for Basic Cover under TCSL's Health Insurance Policy. Sundry Medical Reimbursement. it is mandatory that at least 5% of monthly basic pay be allocated towards HRA.rated basis. However you may want to split the BoB amount between the components as per your tax plan. BOUQUET OF BENEFITS(BoB) Bouquet of Benefits offers you the flexibility to design this part of your compensation within the defined framework. Food Coupons and Personal Allowance.per month. the internal portal of TCS. Taxation will be governed by the Income Tax rules. you may access the link to BoB in the "Employee Self Service" link on "Ultimatix". Leave Travel Allowance. periodicals or journals that are relevant to TCSL's business and help competency development. Conveyance Allowance You will be eligible to a conveyance allowance of Rs.250/. The components under Bouquet of Benefits are as follows: House Rent Allowance. Gratuity: You will be eligible to gratuity as per the provisions of the Gratuity Act 1972. LTA would be paid on a pro. The amounts given here for each of the components below are as per pre-defined structure. House Rent Allowance Your HRA will be Rs. The Company will be deducting tax at source as per income tax guidelines. you need to apply for a minimum of three days of leave and submit supporting travel documents. While restructuring your BoB amount to various components. RETIRALS Provident Fund: You will be a member of the Provident Fund as per the provisions of "The Employees Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act. TCSL Confidential TCSL/311751 : 4/- . To design your Bouquet of Benefits. b) Purchase of books. 800/. All the components will be disbursed on a monthly basis. In case you have joined in the middle of the financial year. and TCSL will contribute 12% of your basic salary every month as per the provisions of the said Act.Professional Memberships: You will be eligible for reimbursement of expenses towards professional membership as per the prescribed limits and as applicable to your specific grade for any of the following: a) Membership/renewal/subscription fees for professional. technical or management associations. twice in a financial year. once you join the company.per month. 1952". 7. To avail income tax benefits. Leave Travel Allowance You will be eligible for annual Leave Travel Allowance which is equivalent to one month's basic salary. This will be disbursed on a monthly basis along with the monthly salary. Conveyance Allowance. 5 Increments and Promotions: Your performance and contribution to the company will be an important consideration for salary increments and promotions. 6 Alternative Employment: As a whole-time associate of TCSL. Of your total experience. At the end of the financial year.This will be disbursed on a monthly basis along with monthly salary. or outside India. If your performance is found unsatisfactory.25 years are considered to be relevant to TCSL's business. 4 Mobility: TCSL reserves the right to transfer/utilise your services at any of its offices. TCSL may extend the probation period upto a maximum of 3 months or terminate your employment with immediate effect. TERMS OF EMPLOYMENT 1 Relevant Experience: 4.per annum or a pro rata amount in case you join during the financial year. Salary increments and promotions will be based on TCSL's Compensation and Promotion policy. as permitted by law. will be taxable. on the terms and conditions as applicable to you at the time of transfer.000/.2. subject to a maximum of Rs.per month.25 2 Probation Period: Your first year of service will be considered as probationary and you will be appraised for satisfactory performance for which TCSL would normally confirm you. During the extension of probation period. honorary or remunerative. To avail tax benefit you may submit medical bills for the same at the end of each calendar quarter. 7 Employment in India: In case. you are not a citizen of India. work sites.Sundry Medical Reimbursement You will be eligible for reimbursement of sundry medical expenses incurred by you for you and your family. or associated or affiliated companies in India. TCSL shall be entitled to terminate your services forthwith without any notice whatsoever. if your performance is still found unsatisfactory. This confirmation will be communicated to you in writing. 15. the unavailed amount. this offer is subject to your obtaining a work permit and or any other permissions and / or documentation as prescribed by the Government of India for permanent employment with TCS.250/. Food Coupons You will be eligible for food coupons of Rs. Personal Allowance Your personal allowance will be Rs. TCSL Confidential TCSL/311751 : 5/- .7. 3 Working Hours: You may be required to work in shifts and/or in extended working hours. without the written permission of TCSL. 3. assume any public office.000/. you are not permitted to undertake any other business.per month. TCSL reserves the right. If you are a campus recruit. to ask you to complete your notice period. Please carry the original copies for verification. applicable for the entire tenure of employment with TCSL. If the background check reveals unfavourable results. on completion of every overseas deputation that exceeds 30 days. . either you or TCSL can terminate the appointment by giving 30 calendar days written notice or 1 month`s basic salary in lieu of the notice. 13 Medical Tests: You are required to undergo a pre-employment medical check-up and obtain a fitness certificate from the company`s doctor. at the time of submitting your written acceptance of this offer. 9 Overseas Agreement: You are required to sign the Master International Deputation Agreement (MIDA). photocopy of the following documents should be submitted. 10 TATA Code of Conduct: You are required to sign the TATA Code of Conduct and follow the same in your day to day conduct as an employee of TCSL. including probation/ training. you are required to sign a confidentiality agreement. PAN card. such checks are completed within one month of joining. 15 Submission of Documents: At the time of your joining. if it is in the interest of the business and current assignment. Driving License etc.Standard X and XII Mark sheets equivalent .To verify your identification. which aims to protect the intellectual property rights and business information of TCSL and its clients. you will be required to sign an agreement to serve TCSL for a minimum period of 3 months on completion of the training. either you or TCSL can terminate the appointment by giving 90 calendar days written notice as set out in the Notice Period policy of TCSL. This transfer of knowledge and information is essential for TCSL to continue to serve its clients and customers better. This is a pre-condition for employment.Degree certificate and mark sheets for all semesters TCSL Confidential TCSL/311751 : 6/- . which requires you to serve TCSL for a minimum of 3 months. 11 Notice Period: During your employment with TCSL. However if you are covered under MIDA. you will be liable to disciplinary action including termination of service without notice. Normally. This is to ensure that the knowledge and information gained by you during your deputation is shared and available to TCSL and its associates in India. Election Card. If you are deputed overseas for training. MIDA is a one-time agreement. you may produce current educational institute`s photo identification card in the absence of government photo identification document. we request you to carry a photograph and a photo identification document issued by government like passport. 12 Retirement: You will retire from the services of the Company on reaching your 60th birthday as per the proof of age submitted by you at the time of joining. A specially appointed agency will conduct internal and external background checks. 14 Background Check: Your employment will be subject to a background check in line with TCSL's background check policy.8 Confidentiality Agreement: As part of the joining formalities. Please collect the medical check-up authorization letter from the TCSL HR executive. passport size .A photocopy of your Permanent Account Number (PAN) Card . 17 Terms and Conditions: The above terms and conditions of employment are specific to your employment in India and there can be changes to the said terms and conditions in case of deputation on international assignments during the course of your employment. TCSL Confidential TCSL/311751 : 7/- .. practices. Period of employment ii. regulations.Passport .Work permit and/or any other documentation required to take up permanent employment with TCS . Technology areas you worked on iii.Release letter from your current employer indicating the date of release .An affidavit / notarised undertaking that there is no criminal offence registered/pending against you Your original documents will be returned to you after verification 16 Letter of Appointment: You will be issued a letter of appointment at the time of your joining and completing joining formalities as per TCSL's policy. rules. processes and procedures of TCSL as applicable to you and the changes therein from time to time. 18 Rules and Regulations of the Company: Your appointment will be governed by the policies.Birth Certificate / Proof of Age .6 photographs .Experience certificate from your previous employer(s) indicating the following : i.Postgraduate degree certificate and mark sheets for all semesters (if you are a Post-graduate) . Certificates for any training provided by your previous employers in various technologies . Bangalore & North Kerala Encl: Annexure 1: Benefits Gross Salary Sheet Annexure 2: List Of TCSL Offices Annexure 3: Acceptance TCSL Confidential TCSL/311751 : 8/- .We look forward to having you in our global team as we move towards achieving our vision of Global Top 10 by 2010. Yours Sincerely. For TATA Consultancy Services Limited Ballur Bhandary Shetty HR Head . 000 2.758 2.437 30.600 Leave Travel Assistance 1.649 70.369 2.000 Personal Allowance 7.53.018 8.Defined Structure as given in Table 2 will be applicable.37.25 4.250 87. Analyst Grade C2 Annexure 1 Relevant Experience (In Years) 3.880 697 8.000 Food Coupons 2.25 Table 1: Compensation Details: (All Components are in INR) Component Category Monthly Annual 1) MONTHLY COMPONENTS Basic Salary 14.000 24.740 20.T.000 Conveyance Allowance 800 9.456 8.100 GROSS BOUQUET OF BENEFITS TCSL Confidential TCSL/311751 : 9/- .758 2.220 2) ANNUAL COMPONENTS/RETIRALS Health Insurance NA Provident Fund 1.000 19.52.120 Bouquet Of Benefits # 19.500 Sundry Medical Reimbursement wish not to opt for the BoB.000 Variable Allowance 21. Table 2:TCS Defined Structure for BoB (All Components in INR) Component Category Monthly Annual House Rent Allowance 7.37.250 87.400 # Refer to Table 2 for TCS defined Structure In case.760 1.250 15.100 Gross Salary 68.GROSS SALARY SHEET Name Designation Satyam Sinha Akshata Johri I.16.500 1.869 Gratuity Total of Annual Components & Retirals TOTAL GROSS 1.208 14.000 Special Allowance 12.74.46. 400 Provident Fund 1.600 Leave Travel Assistance 1. Table 2:TCS Defined Structure for BoB (All Components in INR) Component Category Monthly Annual House Rent Allowance 7.37.25 Table 1: Compensation Details: (All Components are in INR) Component Category Monthly Annual 1) MONTHLY COMPONENTS Basic Salary 14.500 Sundry Medical Reimbursement 1.000 19.869 Gratuity Total of Annual Components & Retirals TOTAL GROSS # Refer to Table 2 for TCS defined Structure In case.649 70.52. This is to confirm that I have received the Letter of Offer on ________________ .456 8.000 Food Coupons 2.760 1.53.100 GROSS BOUQUET OF BENEFITS Please complete and return this Sheet to the TCSL HR executive.880 697 8.000 Special Allowance 12.758 2.25 4.208 14.37.250 wish not to opt for the BoB.369 2.100 Gross Salary 68. Analyst Grade C2 Name Annexure 3 Relevant Experience (In Years) 3.220 2) ANNUAL COMPONENTS/RETIRALS Health Insurance NA 1.758 2.16. I hereby accept this Offer and intend to join service on __________________.000 Personal Allowance 7.740 20.500 1. within 7 days of receiving this offer.Defined Structure as given in Table 2 will be applicable.250 87.018 8.000 24.000 Variable Allowance 21.GROSS SALARY SHEET Designation Satyam Sinha Akshata Johri I.T.250 15.74.437 30.000 Conveyance Allowance 800 9.46. Name : Address : Signature : Date : TCSL Confidential TCSL/311751 : 10 / - .120 Bouquet Of Benefits # 19.000 2. No.per annum. You may hand over your acceptance letter to the HR Officer/ Induction Officer at any of our offices (as per Annexure 2).Bangalore.560066 Tel. You have successfully completed our initial selection process and we are pleased to make you an offer of employment. #319. SATYAM SINHA.T.NMS-Inventory and Configuration Management products/Cramer/MetaSolv /Clarity/ITA Date : 23-OCT-08 23-APR-2013 Mr.869/. If not accepted within 7 days of receipt. TCSL Confidential TCSL/311751 : 2/- . Analyst in Grade C2 at TCS . Mr. On joining and successful completion of joining formalities.Akshta Satyam Sinha Johri Sub: Letter Of Offer and Terms Of Employment Thank you for exploring career opportunities with TATA Consultancy Services Limited (TCSL). ECC Road. Prestige Palms. Your gross salary including all benefits will be Rs.46. you will be issued a Letter of Appointment by TCSL. This offer is based on your profile.8. Annexure 1 provides a break-up of the compensation package. Kindly confirm your acceptance of this offer by proposing your date of joining and signing Annexure 3. You have been selected for the position of I.Offer : COMPUTER CONSULTANCY Ref : TCSL/311751/BAN/Telecom . this offer is liable to lapse at the discretion of TCSL. relevant work experience and performance in the selection process. Near ITPL whitefield Bangaloare . :9986070788 Dear Ms. per month. Spouse and upto 2 children. 5. you will be eligible for a VA of Rs. Dependent parents are covered under the Health Insurance Scheme Higher Hospitalization Coverage You are covered under Higher Hospitalization of Rs.500.000/.per month. as per the company loan policy. Variable Allowance (VA): During the probation period.BENEFITS The details of your compensation and benefits are given below: Basic Salary: You will be eligible for a basic salary of Rs.200.760/. you will be eligible for a monthly Performance Allowance. per beneficiary covered under Domiciliary / Dental Expenses Coverage for Dependent Parents On payment of a premium. Tata Sons & Consultancy Services Employees' Welfare Trust( TWT) You will be become a member of the TWT.per month. TCSL Confidential TCSL/311751 : 3/- .000/. Loans You will be eligible for loans on confirmation. based on your performance and TCSL's Economic Value Added (EVA) policy for the financial year. The features of the policy are: Hospitalization Coverage Upto Rs.per family on payment of Rs. Health Insurance: You and your dependents. Umbrella Coverage of Rs. on completion of continuous service of one year from the date of joining TCSL and a nominal annual membership fee of Rs.additional is available in case of tertiary ailment for the family.e. Performance Allowance: On confirmation.500/.will be recovered from you.250/. 45. will be eligible for Basic Cover under TCSL's Health Insurance Policy.000/. The Trust provides financial assistance by way of grants/loans in accordance with the Rules framed by the Trust from time to time for medical and educational purposes and in case of death of members while in service. i.per beneficiary Domiciliary / Dental Expenses Upto Rs. 12.000/.per annumm plus service taxes.per annum. Special Allowance: You will be eligible for a special allowance of Rs. 14. This is not a grade-linked benefit and does not accrue automatically.3200/. 21. On confirmation your VA will be discontinued and will be replaced by Performance Allowance.000/. Sundry Medical Reimbursement. BOUQUET OF BENEFITS(BoB) Bouquet of Benefits offers you the flexibility to design this part of your compensation within the defined framework. The Company will be deducting tax at source as per income tax guidelines. 800/. In case you have joined in the middle of the financial year. Leave Travel Allowance.Professional Memberships: You will be eligible for reimbursement of expenses towards professional membership as per the prescribed limits and as applicable to your specific grade for any of the following: a) Membership/renewal/subscription fees for professional. However you may want to split the BoB amount between the components as per your tax plan. once you join the company. LTA would be paid on a pro. periodicals or journals that are relevant to TCSL's business and help competency development. 7. you may access the link to BoB in the "Employee Self Service" link on "Ultimatix". All the components will be disbursed on a monthly basis. To avail income tax benefits. To design your Bouquet of Benefits. b) Purchase of books. Gratuity: You will be eligible to gratuity as per the provisions of the Gratuity Act 1972. the internal portal of TCS. This will be disbursed on a monthly basis along with the monthly salary. The components under Bouquet of Benefits are as follows: House Rent Allowance.per month. The amounts given here for each of the components below are as per pre-defined structure. While restructuring your BoB amount to various components. twice in a financial year. House Rent Allowance Your HRA will be Rs. Conveyance Allowance.per month. it is mandatory that at least 5% of monthly basic pay be allocated towards HRA. 1952".rated basis. Conveyance Allowance You will be eligible to a conveyance allowance of Rs.250/. and TCSL will contribute 12% of your basic salary every month as per the provisions of the said Act. technical or management associations. RETIRALS Provident Fund: You will be a member of the Provident Fund as per the provisions of "The Employees Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act. TCSL Confidential TCSL/311751 : 4/- . Taxation will be governed by the Income Tax rules. Food Coupons and Personal Allowance. you need to apply for a minimum of three days of leave and submit supporting travel documents. Leave Travel Allowance You will be eligible for annual Leave Travel Allowance which is equivalent to one month's basic salary. To avail tax benefit you may submit medical bills for the same at the end of each calendar quarter. If your performance is found unsatisfactory.2. TERMS OF EMPLOYMENT 1 Relevant Experience: Of your total experience. if your performance is still found unsatisfactory. Salary increments and promotions will be based on TCSL's Compensation and Promotion policy. This confirmation will be communicated to you in writing. 4. or outside India. Food Coupons You will be eligible for food coupons of Rs. without the written permission of TCSL. 15.Sundry Medical Reimbursement You will be eligible for reimbursement of sundry medical expenses incurred by you for you and your family. work sites.000/. 4 Mobility: TCSL reserves the right to transfer/utilise your services at any of its offices. the unavailed amount.000/.25 years are considered to be relevant to TCSL's business. 7 Employment in India: In case.per month.per annum or a pro rata amount in case you join during the financial year. honorary or remunerative. subject to a maximum of Rs.This will be disbursed on a monthly basis along with monthly salary. 3 Working Hours: You may be required to work in shifts and/or in extended working hours. TCSL Confidential TCSL/311751 : 5/- . TCSL shall be entitled to terminate your services forthwith without any notice whatsoever.7. 6 Alternative Employment: As a whole-time associate of TCSL. you are not permitted to undertake any other business. you are not a citizen of India. 2 Probation Period: Your first year of service will be considered as probationary and you will be appraised for satisfactory performance for which TCSL would normally confirm you. TCSL may extend the probation period upto a maximum of 3 months or terminate your employment with immediate effect. Personal Allowance Your personal allowance will be Rs. 5 Increments and Promotions: Your performance and contribution to the company will be an important consideration for salary increments and promotions.25 3. During the extension of probation period. on the terms and conditions as applicable to you at the time of transfer. as permitted by law. this offer is subject to your obtaining a work permit and or any other permissions and / or documentation as prescribed by the Government of India for permanent employment with TCS. At the end of the financial year.250/.per month. or associated or affiliated companies in India. assume any public office. will be taxable. including probation/ training. which requires you to serve TCSL for a minimum of 3 months. applicable for the entire tenure of employment with TCSL.8 Confidentiality Agreement: As part of the joining formalities. A specially appointed agency will conduct internal and external background checks. Election Card.Degree certificate and mark sheets for all semesters TCSL Confidential TCSL/311751 : 6/- . Driving License etc.Standard X and XII Mark sheets equivalent . This is a pre-condition for employment. 14 Background Check: Your employment will be subject to a background check in line with TCSL's background check policy. Please collect the medical check-up authorization letter from the TCSL HR executive. PAN card. either you or TCSL can terminate the appointment by giving 30 calendar days written notice or 1 month`s basic salary in lieu of the notice. on completion of every overseas deputation that exceeds 30 days. However if you are covered under MIDA. TCSL reserves the right. at the time of submitting your written acceptance of this offer. 15 Submission of Documents: At the time of your joining. 12 Retirement: You will retire from the services of the Company on reaching your 60th birthday as per the proof of age submitted by you at the time of joining. 10 TATA Code of Conduct: You are required to sign the TATA Code of Conduct and follow the same in your day to day conduct as an employee of TCSL. Normally.To verify your identification. to ask you to complete your notice period. we request you to carry a photograph and a photo identification document issued by government like passport. 13 Medical Tests: You are required to undergo a pre-employment medical check-up and obtain a fitness certificate from the company`s doctor. if it is in the interest of the business and current assignment. If you are a campus recruit. 9 Overseas Agreement: You are required to sign the Master International Deputation Agreement (MIDA). you may produce current educational institute`s photo identification card in the absence of government photo identification document. This transfer of knowledge and information is essential for TCSL to continue to serve its clients and customers better. If you are deputed overseas for training. which aims to protect the intellectual property rights and business information of TCSL and its clients. This is to ensure that the knowledge and information gained by you during your deputation is shared and available to TCSL and its associates in India. MIDA is a one-time agreement. you are required to sign a confidentiality agreement. photocopy of the following documents should be submitted. either you or TCSL can terminate the appointment by giving 90 calendar days written notice as set out in the Notice Period policy of TCSL. Please carry the original copies for verification. such checks are completed within one month of joining. you will be liable to disciplinary action including termination of service without notice. 11 Notice Period: During your employment with TCSL. . If the background check reveals unfavourable results. you will be required to sign an agreement to serve TCSL for a minimum period of 3 months on completion of the training. processes and procedures of TCSL as applicable to you and the changes therein from time to time..Passport . Certificates for any training provided by your previous employers in various technologies . 17 Terms and Conditions: The above terms and conditions of employment are specific to your employment in India and there can be changes to the said terms and conditions in case of deputation on international assignments during the course of your employment. 18 Rules and Regulations of the Company: Your appointment will be governed by the policies. regulations.6 photographs .A photocopy of your Permanent Account Number (PAN) Card .Release letter from your current employer indicating the date of release . practices.Experience certificate from your previous employer(s) indicating the following : i. rules. Period of employment ii.An affidavit / notarised undertaking that there is no criminal offence registered/pending against you Your original documents will be returned to you after verification 16 Letter of Appointment: You will be issued a letter of appointment at the time of your joining and completing joining formalities as per TCSL's policy.passport size .Postgraduate degree certificate and mark sheets for all semesters (if you are a Post-graduate) . Technology areas you worked on iii.Work permit and/or any other documentation required to take up permanent employment with TCS .Birth Certificate / Proof of Age . TCSL Confidential TCSL/311751 : 7/- . Yours Sincerely.Bangalore & North Kerala Encl: Annexure 1: Benefits Gross Salary Sheet Annexure 2: List Of TCSL Offices Annexure 3: Acceptance TCSL Confidential TCSL/311751 : 8/- . For TATA Consultancy Services Limited Ballur Bhandary Shetty HR Head .We look forward to having you in our global team as we move towards achieving our vision of Global Top 10 by 2010. 220 2) ANNUAL COMPONENTS/RETIRALS Health Insurance NA Provident Fund 1.369 2.46.018 8. Analyst Grade C2 Annexure 1 Relevant Experience (In Years) wish not to opt for the BoB.437 30.000 2.74.100 Gross Salary 68.25 4.000 Food Coupons 2.500 Sundry Medical Reimbursement 1.500 1.37.250 87.250 15.000 24.880 697 8.000 Special Allowance 12.250 87.000 Conveyance Allowance 800 9.000 Personal Allowance 7.GROSS SALARY SHEET Name Designation Satyam Akshata Sinha Johri I.100 GROSS BOUQUET OF BENEFITS TCSL Confidential TCSL/311751 : 9/- .37.869 Gratuity Total of Annual Components & Retirals TOTAL GROSS 1.000 Variable Allowance 21.208 14.52.25 Table 1: Compensation Details: (All Components are in INR) Component Category Monthly Annual 1) MONTHLY COMPONENTS Basic Salary 14.Defined Structure as given in Table 2 will be applicable.758 2.120 Bouquet Of Benefits # 19.600 Leave Travel Assistance 1.456 8.T.758 2.53.400 # Refer to Table 2 for TCS defined Structure In case.000 19.740 20.649 70.16. Table 2:TCS Defined Structure for BoB (All Components in INR) Component Category Monthly Annual House Rent Allowance 7.760 1. 369 2.74.758 19.500 1. Analyst Grade C2 Name Annexure 3 Relevant Experience (In Years) 3.456 8.500 Sundry Medical Reimbursement 1.25 4.T.000 Special Allowance 12.100 GROSS BOUQUET OF BENEFITS Please complete and return this Sheet to the TCSL HR executive.018 8.100 Gross Salary 68.250 87.760 1.000 Food Coupons 2.250 15. Name : Address : Signature : Date : TCSL Confidential TCSL/311751 : 10 / - .52. Table 2:TCS Defined Structure for BoB (All Components in INR) Component Category Monthly Annual House Rent Allowance 7.600 Leave Travel Assistance 1.208 14.000 Conveyance Allowance 800 9.Defined Structure as given in Table 2 will be applicable.437 30.220 2) ANNUAL COMPONENTS/RETIRALS Health Insurance NA 1. within 7 days of receiving this wish not to opt for the BoB.GROSS SALARY SHEET Designation Satyam AkshataSinha Johri I. This is to confirm that I have received the Letter of Offer on ________________ .758 2.25 Table 1: Compensation Details: (All Components are in INR) Component Category Monthly Annual 1) MONTHLY COMPONENTS Basic Salary 14.869 Gratuity Total of Annual Components & Retirals TOTAL GROSS # Refer to Table 2 for TCS defined Structure In case.649 70.400 Provident Fund 1.000 Variable Allowance 21.120 Bouquet Of Benefits # 19.740 20.250 87.000 Personal Allowance 7.880 697 8. I hereby accept this Offer and intend to join service on __________________.000 2.16.
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