Taxonomical Study of Pallisentis (Acanthocephala: Quadrigyridae) of Fresh Water Fishes from Lucknow, India

June 12, 2018 | Author: Rahul Gupta | Category: Documents



NATIONAL SEMINAR on CHANGING ENVIRONMENT AND BIODIVERSITY March, 24, 2013 Navyug Kanya Mahavidyalaya, . Rajendra Nagar, Lucknow (U. P.)


Mrs. Neerja Gupta Principal Convenor


Mrs. Reena Singh

Dr. Richa Shukla Co-Convenor .

Dr. Rekha Rani Organizing Secretary

Dr. Madhu Bala Banerjee Treasurer

Mrs. Anita Rani

Sri K. Lal


Study of Pallisentis (Acanthocephala:

Quadrigyridae) of Fresh Water Fishes from Lucknow, India A.M. Saxena 1, Rahul Gupta, Samta Johri2, K.G Bajpai3, Ramakant Department of Zoology, University of Lucknow, Lucknow-226 007, UP, India 1Corresponding Author; E-mail: 'Department of Zoology, Mahi/a PG College, Luck now. 3Department of Zoology, Shia P.G College, Lucknow

Abstract Acanthocephalans are found throughout the world, including in fresh water fishes. Adults are intestinal parasites of fishes, amphibians, birds, reptiles, and manunals. Acanthocephalans are injurious group of parasites found in the fishes. Fishes serve as major source of animal protein in India. Most of the food fishes carry heavy infection of acanthocephalan parasites which cause damage to fish production and quality of the food value and economic loss. Due to lack of symptoms in early stage of acanthocephalan infection in fishes, no diagnostic tool is available except postmortem investigationsand identificationby a parasitologist. Little is known about the status of acanthocephalansparasites. In the present paper, an account of a new acanthocephalan parasite recovered from the intestine of a fresh water fish Wallago attu (Bloch . & Schneider, 1801)from Lucknow U .P. has been given. Keywords: Acanthocephala,Taxonomy, Fresh water fishes, Pallisentis.

Introduction: Fishes serve as major source of animal protein in India. Many food fishes carry heavy infection ofacanthocephalan parasites which cause damage to fish and deterioration in the production and quality of the food value and economic loss. Due to Jack of symptoms in early· stage of acanthocephalan infection in fishes, no diagnostic tool is available except postmortem investigations and identification by a parasitologist. In this paper we have presented a new Acanthocephalan parasite of fresh water fishes from Lucknow.

Materials and Methods: Fishes were collected from river Gomti and local fish market at Lucknow. Fishes were dissectedand examinationof alimentarycanal was made. Three male and nine Female Specimens of acanthocephalanparasites were recovered from the intestine.After proper washing the Parasite were kept in refrigerator before fixing for complete eversion of the proboscis. Parasites were flattened under slight pressure of cover glass and fixed in A.F.A. fixative.(50% alcohol,formaline,acetic acid in ratio of 100:6:2.5). The parasite were stained in Acetoalurn 5

c 111



Carmine. differentiated in xvlol

and mounted

in acid alcohol. in Canada



through ascending series ol'alcohol.


The diagrams were made with the aid of camera

l.ucida. A.II measurements were made in millimeter.

Results: Genus Pallisentis Van Cleave, 1928 Pallisentis attuai sp. nov. (Fig. 1) T\, elvc Specimens were col leered from in test inc or fresh ,, atcr fish 11 a! logo 011" ( Bloch & Schneider. 1801) from River Gomti, Daliganj Railway Line (Near Mohan Mckin), Lucknow. Description is based on Male specimens.

Description: Body is longer in proportion. Trunk" it h a cul Im llf spi Ill's arranged in 1-1 clllscl y sl"l rings \\ iih 1-1-16 hooks in each near anterior extremity. Posterior to this c. illnr Pl\pi11L'S is au un-pincd /\inc\\ hich is followed by 20 widely spaced rings ofspinL·s "ith I-+ hooks i11 c.ich. rL·111aini11g part dL·, (lid olspincs. Proboscis short. sub globular. witl: -I circles pf I (J hooks 1.:.1cl1. P1\,h(1scis receptacle s:IL· I ikc. \\ ith single layered muscular "alls reaching l\ 1 unspincd rq,;iu11,, hen 1m 1\... 1scis is e, crtcd: l .L·11111isci , cry long. tubular and equal in size. kstL·s cylindrical. C( 11Hi~Lll iu-; Cc111L·11t gland long.cylindrical. syncytial. containing 2 8 nuc lei. Para:--itcs of fresh "alL'r I ish II ;i11u:.:.o att u,

Body l\lcasurcmcnts: Body 5.60 mm long. 0.36 mm wide. Proboscis short. subglobular. 0.-+3mm

long. ll.1-+mm wide. armed with-l circles or IO tine. recurved hooks. similar in shape hut different in size. Hooks of first ci re le stouter and largest 0. 110 mm long and of bas:rl n l\\ smallest O .U(1111m I( lllg. Lach hook consists ofa recurved blade. a horizontally directed root. handle sunk in 1m1b1.1scis wull and posteriorly directed guard also crnbcded in probosci-, wull. :\..:ck small. 0.1 ~111111 I, ,11~. Proboscis receptacle sac like. single layered. OA3mm long and O. l-lnun wide. I .cmni-c: tubular, equal. longer than proboscis receptacle. Both I .cmniscu-. arc I .68m111 IPnr and 0.0(11111 1 wide. 1

Body spination consists ofcol lar and trunk spines. ( 'ol lar spinL'S arranged in 1-l tran« cr-«: circles each witl: 1-1 to 16 spines. Collar spines arc O.O.~m111 in si1L· Distance between nonspiny area situated between collar spine and a trunk spine is 0.08111111. Trunk spine-: start alicr ~1 short non-spiny area having 20 circlets each with I-+ spines. Trunk spines arc 0.05mrn in sizl·.

Anterior testis 0.4 7111111 long. O. I Jmm wide. Posterior testi-. 0.:::7mm long. 0.14mm ,, i.ic. Seminal vesicle 0.32111111 long and 0.07mm wide. Cement gland single, syncytial, cylindrical mass with 28 nuclei lyingjust behind testes, 0.86mm long, O. I -lmrn wide. Cement reservoir 0.65111111 long. 0.09mrn wide. From each testis a vas deferens runs down in close a-sociution 6

with cement gland and cement reservoir and Joins bursa. Saefftigen's pouch elongated sac, O .44mm long, 0. 09mm wide, opening by a narrow tubular duct which runs down and open in to bursa where duct of cement reservoir open into it. Host

WalIago attu (Bloch & Sclrneider, 1801)




Daliganj Railway Line (Near Mohan Mekin),Luck now


12 Specimens from 03 hosts out of 50 examined

Discussion: Van Cleave ( 1928) created the genus Pallisentis with P umbellatus as its type species from a fresh water fish from China. He suggested the inclusion of P gaboes which was originally I

described as Echinorhynchus gaboes by Mac Callum, 1918. Baylis (1933) objected to the status ofthe species, which was taken for granted as a nomen nudum Sarkar, 1953. Yamaguti ( 1954) agreed with the suggestion of Van Cleave, 1928 regarding the inclusion of E. gaboes under the genus Pallisentis. Thapar (1930) established another genus Farzandia with F · ophiocephali as its type species from Ophiocephalus striatus from Nagpur. Mayer ( 1932) revised the classification of Acanthocephala and placed the genera F'arzandia and Pallisentis under two different families Acanthogyridae and Quadrigyridae

respetively, Baylis ( 1953)

synonymised the genera Farzandia and Neosentis with Pallisentis. Galvan (1959) divided the genus Pallisentis Van Cleave, 1928 in to three sub-generic categories namely Pallisentis (Pallisentis), Pallisentis (Neosentis) and Pallisentis (Farzandia) on the basis of number of hooks in each circle of the proboscis. Yamaguti ( 1961) did not accept the classification proposed by Galvan ( 1959) without giving any reasons. He listed the following species as valid viz.,

P gaboes (Mac Callum, 1918)

Van Cleave, 1928; P umbellatus Van Cleave, 1928; P ophiocephali (Thapar, 1930); P nagpurensis (Bhalerao, 1931) Baylis, 1933; P cleatus (Van Cleave, 1928) Harda, 1935; P

nandai Sarkar, 1953; P colisai Sarkar, 1956; P basiri Farooqi, 1958 and P allahabadii Agarwal, 1958 in his book "Systema Helminthum". Tadross (1966) considered the classification proposed by Golv~, 1959 unsatisfactory an untenable. Gupta and Verma (1980) reviewed the genus Pallisentis

Van Cleave,

1928 and

were in agreement with Yamaguti ( 1961) and Tadross ( 1966) for not accepting the-classification proposed by Galvan, 1959 as the number of proboscis hooks, in each circle, is a variable character in each species. The author is in agreement with this view and follows then. Accordingly at present the genus Pallisentis consists of the following species viz., Pallisentis allahabadii, Agarwal, 1958; Pallisentis basiri Farooqi, 1958; Pallisentis buckleyi Tadros, 1966; Pallisentis clupei Gupta and Gupta, 1979; Pallisentis colisai Sarkar, 1956; Pallisentis guntei Sahay et al., 1967; -Pallisentis guptai Gupta & Fatma, 1985; Pallisentis mehrai Gupta & Fatma,


1985; Pallisentis, ophiocephali (Thapar, 1930) Baylis, 1933; Pallisentis nagpurensis Bhalerao, 1931; Pallisentis nandai Sarkar, 1953; Pallisentispandei Rai, 1967; Pallisentisfotedari Gupta & Sinha, 1991; Pallisentis jagani Koul et al, 1991; Pallisentis garuai (Sahay et al. 1971) Jain & Gupta, 1979; Pa!lisentis gomtii Gupta & Verma, 1980; Pallisentis croftoni Mithal & Lal, 1981; Pallisentis indica Mithal & Lal, 1 981; Pallisentis fasciati Gupta & Verma, 1980: Pallisentis cavasii Gupta & Verma, 1980; Pallisentis vancleavei Saxena & Johri, 2007 are known so far.

The present form differs from all the above mentioned forms except Pallisentis allahabadii, Agarwal, 1958; Pallisentis buckleyi Tadros, 1966; Pallisentis colisai Sarkar, 1956; Pallisentis guntei Sahay et al., 1967; Pallisentis mehrai Gupta & Fatma, 1985; Pallisentis nagpurensis Bhalerao, 1931; Pallisentis pandei Rai, 1967; Pallisentis fotedari Gupta & Sinha, 1991; in having proboscis armed with 4 circle of hooks each with 10 hooks.


Pallisentis attuai sp. nov. ( entire view of Male)

It further differs from all known species except Pallisentis guptai Gupta & Fatma, I 985; Pallisentis nagpurensis Bhalerao, I 931; Pallisentis pandei Rai, 1967; Pallisentis garuai (Sahay et al. 1971) Jain & Gupta, 1979 Pallisentis vancleavei Saxena & Johri, 2007; in having collar spines arranged in 14 closely set rings with 14-16 hooks. It differs from all known species except Pallisentis allahabadii, Agarwal, 1958; Pallisentis guptai Gupta & Fatma, 1985; Pallisentis mehrai Gupta & Fatma, 1985; Pallisentis pandeiRai, 1967; in having trunk spines arranged in 20 circlets each with 14 spines. It further differs from all known species of genus Pallisentis in having Cement gland synctial with 28 nuclei. Accordingly it is regarded as new specimen with the specific name Pallisentis auuai.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The presented work is part ofUGC Major Research Project. We are grateful to University Grants Commission, New Delhi for ~tying financial support to this work.


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••• Importance of Water & Strategies in Monitoring for I mp roved Quality of Life Prof. V.P.Slrnrma :..,·,: l'rincipal Scientist. ( S/R-/11dio11 Institute cf Toxicology Research /CSIR-lllRJ L11ck1101r. India vps ir re l@redij/

Abstract \\.ater is till' elixir oflife and a natural resource as a gift of the nature for the all living creatures on this planet. Access to safe drinking water is essential to health. a basic human right and a com pt incnt ofeffective policy for health protection. Growth of the human population and urbanization are 111.:1jor factors affecting the environment as then there are more people than resources to meet their needs. I Iumans have historically overexploited plant and animal species in order to maximize short-term pro lit. at the expense of sustainability of the species or population and thus depicting the resources. Water pollution is primarily due to toxic discharges. bacterial contamination and nutrient buildup. Faecal colilorms that come from human waste arc found in municipal cflluent discharges. Safe potable water is in acute shortage and is an issue of concern ,,1111,J,,, idc, The good solubility of several chemical entities in water leads to dissolve them in significant concentrations. Few focts on water arc: I. I hill ion people lack sale water supply 10

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