Taweezta'wiz, tawiz (Urdu: تعویز,[1] Bengali:ততাববিজ), muska (Turkish) or taʿwīdh(Arabic: )تعویذis an amulet or locket usually containing verses from the Quran or other Islamic prayers and symbols. The Tawiz is worn by some Muslims, amongst them many Sufis, to remove the wearer of any evil or affliction put on them through black magic, keep them safe and also bring good luck.[2] As such it is intended to be an amulet. The word ta'wiz is also used to refer to other types of amulets. It may be a pendant, carvings on metal or even framed duas. Most ta'wiz are made up of a small paper with Quranic verses or prayers written on it, typically in ink or with saffron paste. This paper is repeatedly folded and sewn inside a tiny cloth or leather pouch, usually black in colour. A black thread is used to wear it as a locket. Other ta'wiz consist of metallic sheets or pieces with prayers or Quranic verses on them. The practice of wearing a tawiz is common in Sufi healing Reference: Taweez is a part of the supernatural world. Many people believe in it but there are a lot of people who do not believe in this concept. A taweez can have positive effects but its effects cannot be seen by the eyes. Yet, it can do wonders. Only those people are entitled to write a taweez who know and understand this subject well enough. Such people have plenty of knowledge about amalyaat (Spiritual Practicces), stars and planetary positions, huruf or Arabic alphabets etc. In many cases people who lack a proper training in this field start writing taweez to make some maney and fool naïve people. However, since such crooks do not know about the exact way of writing the taweez so their taweez does not have any benefit on the one who wears it. For instance, is you read a manual about electrical connections and then set the wiring in your house in the right way so there will be light in your house. However, if you do not understand the manual and do the wiring in an incorrect way so your house will plunge into darkness. Similarly, those who are adept in writing taweez can do it the right way and prove to be beneficial but those who are just quacks may write the taweez in the wrong way and it will not be beneficial to you. Remember me in your prayers, Reference: Taweez - Amulets in Light of Quran & Sunnah Need of Explanation: This article is created in response to a video where salafi maulana (so called) with his limited words taught to him and out of ignorance said the following. 1. 2. 3. Tawid/ruqya containing words of Quran from sunnah is act of Shirk He claims that whosoever uses tawid/ruqya is a mushrik. He logically relates retention of taweed in state of impurity/unclean place to practically taking a piece of paper from Quran or sacred book Allah azzawajal to toilet. The first two statements deals with issue of faith/shirk and the third issue is related to respect towards contents of Tawid. The clarification becomes necessary as the first two statements of his will even include Prophet, blessed companions and tabaein who use to seek cure from Ruqya ash Sharia and tawid e Quran, also the permissibility and conditions of retaining taweez in state of ritual impurity & washroom in unavoidable circumstances is clarified. Definition & types of Amulet/Incantation: The definition of an Amulet in general is something which is written/recited on paper/material and hanged around the neck or sometimes taken with water to ward off evil effects. Whereas and incantation (ruqya) is reading something and blowing off to obtain cure from worldly & spiritual disease and/or to regain health. Types of amulets (Tawid) & incantations (damm): 1. 2. Based on Quran & Sunnah, the amulets/incantations are of two types The first kind which may contains elements of Kufr and Shirk. For example use of magic spells, love charms, strings, horse shoes, blue eyes (evil eye), sea shell, charming stones/beads (tilsimi moti), charm pendants/knotted objects, charm/magical rings, writing/reciting something to get help from idols/shaytan or hanging old shoe, lemons or tyre covers on cars/trucks etc which they believe can bring good, benefit, luck or ward off evil and harm – this is indeed an act of shirk and these kind of amulets are prohibited in Ahadith & Islam. These fall under category of ruqya ash shirkia The second kind are those which are based on Quran and Sunnah, and are free from any elements of shirk and kufr. These kind of amulets/incantations either be it in the form of blowing off (damm), drinking with water, or wearing around the neck, all are permissible as evident from practice of prophet and his companions and Ummah is encouraged to seek cure through names of Allah, Quran & permissible duas which even might not contain verses of Quran. These fall under category of ruqya ash sharia. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) used to recite du’a’ and then blow onto the sick person. The Companions of the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) also did this and they also wrote the du’a’ on a piece of paper and placed it around the neck of a person if they could not read it. Of course, the du’a’s from the Qur’an and ahadith have the power to heal the sick. Allah azzawajal says, “Say: For those who have faith, it (Quran) is a guidance and HEALING; but as for those who are faithless, there is a deafness in their ears and it is lost to their sight”. (41:44) Allah Most High says in the Qur’an: “…We send down in Qur’an that which is a healing and a mercy to the believers…” [Sura Banu Isra'il, verse 82] Narrated by Abdullah Ibn Masud (ra) that the Prophet (Peace be upon him) said: Make use of the two cures i.e. the honey and Quran [Sunnan Ibn Majah Volume No.2, Hadith No. 3531] Qadi Shawkani writes, “If the Qur’an’s du’a’s are recited and blown on the sick, they will be cured. When the non-believers recite the Qur’an, their blasphemic disease will be cured” [Tafsir Fath al-Qadir, under Sura Bani Isra'il, verse 82] Permissibility of Amulets/Incantations based on Quran & Sunnah: Examples of seeking cure through incantation (Damm) reciting/chanting something from Quran blowing on parts of body to obtain cure are as follows. 1. Sayyiduna Aisha siddiqua (ra) narrates that prophet use to perform incantations and used to below on his blessed body, 'A'isha reported that when Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) fell ill, he recited over his body Mu'awwidhatan and blew over him (Incantation by verse of Quran) and when his sickness was aggravated I used to recite over him and rub him with his band with the hope that it was more blessed. [Sahih Muslim, Book of salutations and greetings26, Hadith 5440, similar narration is also mentioned in chapter of Tibb] 2. Prophet (peace be upon him) even permitted few sahaba, to perform ruqya from pre-islamic practice if the recitation was free from any words of kufr/shirk Jabir reported Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) prohibited incantation. Then the people of Amr b. Hazm came to Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) and said: We know an incantation which we use for curing the sting of the scorpion but you have prohibited it. They recited (the words of incantation) before him, whereupon he said: I do not see any harm (in it), so he who amongst you is competent to do good to his brother should do that. (Sahi Muslim, Kitab-asSalam (Book of Salutaions and Greetings-26), Hadith 5456) 3. Narrated 'Aisha: The Prophet ordered me or somebody else to do ruqya (if there was danger) from an evil eye. (Bukhari, Book of medicine 71, Hadith 634) 4. Narrated Um Salama: that the Prophet saw in her house a girl whose face had a black spot. He said. "She is under the effect of an evil eye; so treat her with a ruqya." (Bukhari, Book of medicine 71, Hadith 635) 5. Narrated 'Aisha: Allah's Apostle used to read in his ruqya, "In the Name of Allah" The earth of our land and the saliva of some of us cure our patient with the permission of our Lord." with a slight shower of saliva) while treating with a ruqya. (Bukhari, Book of medicine 71, Hadith 642) (Sahih Bukhari. from his grandfather that Allah’s Messenger (SAW) said. Abu Dawood [rah]. Then they will not harm him. he wrote it down on something and hung it on the neck of those who had not attained puberty. Chapter of Tibb] 8. Sunan tirmidhi Chapter 99. Abu Bakr said. Amulet by Umme Aisha Siddiqa (ra): Yahya related to me from Malik from Yahya ibn Said from Amra bint Abd ar-Rahman that Abu Bakr as-Siddiq visited A'isha while she had a complaint and a jewish woman was writing a talisman (taweez) for her.e ancestor (used to seek protection with these words for Ismail and Ishaq: I seek rufuge in Allah's perfect words from every devil and every venomous animal and from every evil eye. Abdullah ibn Amr used to teach this supplication to his grown up children.” So. hadith 3539. Narrated Ibn Abbas the prophet used to seek protection (yu'awwidhu) for al Hasan and al Hussain and say: "your father [i.6. "When the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) was ill for the last time. Seeking protection from supplications/words from era of Prophet Ismail: Prophet (peace be upon him) used to seek protection for Hasnain not only from Quran but also from the supplications/words from era of Prophet Ismail. on even asked his share in it with a smile. [Sunnan Abu Dawud. And. Angel Jibril (peace be upon him) came and recited du'a' and blew on to the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace)" [Muslim. hadith 590] Use of Written Amulets & Permissibility of Wearing 10. Prophet not only permitted Ruqya through Quran for treating a disbeliver but also allowed companions to take flock of sheep in return. hadith 3884] this is also quoted in ." [Malik’s Al-Muwatta. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “There is no harm in incantations as long as they do not include Shirk. we beg a clarification how abu bakr siddique & umme Aisha ra could permit a amulet which is shirk?? 11. book of Medicine. let him say: I seek refuge in the perfect words of Allah against His wrath and His punishment and the’ mischief of His slaves and from the temptations of the devils and that which they bring. "Write it for her from the Book of Allah. 2200) 7. book of hiring 36 hadith 476) 9. Nasai [rah] and Al Hakim [rah] said the Isnad is SAHIH 12. book-50 ‘the evil eye’ Hadith – hadith 011] From above narrations use of written tawid is practiced even by Hazrath e Aisha siddiqa and Abu bakr (ra). “If any of you gets a nightmare. (Sahih Muslim." [Sahi Bukhari. Sunan Abu Dawood & Tirmidi on wearing tawid around Neck: Amr ibn Shu’ayb reported from his father. no. Musnad Ahmad ibn Hanbal "Amr ibn Shu'aib (may Allah be pleased with him) said that 'Rasulu'llah(may Allah bless him and grant him peace) taught my father and grandfather a du'a . book of prophets-55. Musannaf ibn Abi Shayba The permissibility of hanging Tawizes is reported from many of the Companions and early Muslims (Salaf). we would write it and then put it around their necks" [Tafsir Ibn Kathir. ' Ali (meaning ibn al-Hassan.We told our elder children to recite this du'a before going to sleep as well.2. then there is no harm in it. verse 97) 18. Dar al fikr. Ibn Sirin.But for those children who were not yet literate. 6/142. Salafi scholar Sheikh ibn taymiyya then transmitted this narration of ibn Abbas through another route. to protect us from fear and anguish. Umme Salama & Sahaba (May allah be pleased with them) believed that blessings and cure is obtained even from water containing the Sacred Hair of Prophet (peace be upon him): Narrated IsraiI: Uthman bin 'Abdullah bin Mauhab said. and he said at the end of it. Hafiz Ibn Kathir says. including: Sa’id ibn al-Musayyab.which we would read before going to sleep. But for those children who were not yet literate. Imam Bayhaqi in explanation of hadith of Abdullah bin Akim for not using talisman. "According to Imam Malik 'It is permitted to put around the neck the ta'wiz written with the name of Allah.439]. Allama Alusi al-Hanafi says. states it is prohibited to hang these things because during the time of ignorance (pre-islamic days) people used to consider these things as the cause of removing hardship and a source of security and if these things are hanged for the purpose of getting barakah [blessings] by the dhikr of Allah with the belief that except Allah no one else can remove the difficulty. chapter 15. then there is no prohibition against them.' Imam Baqir also stated that it is permitted to put such a ta'wiz around the neck of a child" [Ruh al-Mani. verse 97] 16. 5. the nephew of the narrator of this narration) said: "one writes [the tawidh] on paper and ties it around the upper arm of a woman. Ubaydullah ibn Abd Allah ibn Umar. [Majmua. for these are used to gain blessings and protection by the divine names and dhikr of Allah [Fath al Bari.Abu Dawud. we would write it and then put it around their necks" [Musnad Ahmad ibn Hanbal vol. [sunan al kubra. Beirut] 14. in 'Chapter of Medicine'] 13. under Sura alMu'minun. When she delivered. maktabah dar al baz. to protect us from fear and anguish. by subsequently shredding it or burning it. Drinking washed water of Amulets: 19. We told our elder children to recite this du'a before going to sleep as well." Isra'il approximated three fingers ('indicating the small size of the . Imam Ibn Hajar Askhalani Says. 19/37]. and others (Allah be well pleased with them all). Abd Allah ibn Amr. Makkah al mukarrama] 17. Al Fatawa. [Al-Musannaf ibn Abi Shayba. As for those Tamaim (amulets) which contain formulas of dhikr. Ata'. 9/350. under Sura al-Mu'minun. Mujahid. "My people sent me with a bowl of water to Umme salama. "Amr ibn Shu'aib (may Allah be pleased with him) said that 'Rasulu'llah(may Allah bless him and grant him peace) taught my father and grandfather a du'a which we would read before going to sleep. it was quickly disposed of. 15." Ali said:indeed we tried this and did not see anything more remarkable than it. container in which there was some hair of the Prophet. he would send a vessel (containing water) to Um salama. Book of Libas(dress) 72.Ibn Abbas (Allah be pleased with him) is reported to have mentioned a certain Dua that should be written and placed close to the woman who is experiencing hard labour at the time of giving birth. Glory to Allah lord of the . then it is washed and given to the ill to drink." [Sahi Bukhari. then it is not permissible" [Ibn Taymiyya. Hadith 784] Evidence from Hadith: 1) Permissibility of gaining blessings through relics of Prophet (peace be upon him) 2) Permissibility of distributing and drinking water during ziyara on Milad un Nabi as practiced around the globe by Ahle Sunnah. “I saw Abu Qilabah write some Verses from the Qur’an wash it with water and then give the water to a person who was suffering from some type of illness to drink it [Tibb an Nabawi by Ibn Qayyim. Page No. "If any person suffered from evil eye or some other disease. AtTawassul. 5) Drinking washed water either from Quran or sacred hair of prophet (peace be upon him) is not shirk or biddah (drinking water of sacred hair is permissible then how washed water of tawid becomes shirk) 20. that certain verses from the Qur’an are written with pure ink. Also Ayub said. Chapter on Blowing onto the Sick] 23. I looked into the container (that held the hair of the Prophet) and saw a few red hairs in it. Ibn Qayyim al Jawziyyah(Student of Ibne Taymiyya) says: Some of our rightly guided ancestors stated that there is no harm if some ayat (Verse) from the Qur’an were written in ink and then washed with water and that the sick person drinks that water. "It is permissible to [to recite du'a's and then] blow upon the sick in Islam. If the words are not. 3) Reality of evil eye and its valid effect. 'Uthman added. From book of Ibn Taymiyyah: “It is permissible for an ill or troubled person. Shaykh Ibn Taymiyya on drinking water of washed amulets and tying on women's arm for labor relief: Shakh Ibn Taymiyya writes. It is permissible to write for the one afflicted [with the evil eye] and others of the sick something from the book of Allah and his dhikr with permissible ink. Mujahid issues a statement to that effect and so did Abu Qilabah. the Clement and Honourable. there is no god but Allah. and wash [the ink off the paper] and give it to drink. (Fatawa Ibn Taymiyya) 21. 154. 4) Getting cure for evil eye/disease by drinking with wahsed water of sacred hair of prophet (peace be upon him). but the words must be from the Qur'an or ahadith. Abdullah ibn Ahmad said: I read unto my father: Ya'la ibn Ubayd narrated to us: sufyan narrated to us: from Muhammad ibn Abi Layla: from al-Hakkam: from said ibn jubayr from ibn Abbas (Allah be pleased with him): he said: when labor becomes difficult for a women one should write: ' In Allahs name. It was also reported that Ibn ‘Abbas once commanded that two verses from the Qur’an to be written for a woman who had hard pregnancies and that the verses were then washed with water and she was to drink the water. English version] 22. as Ahmad and others have explicated. \Abdullah said: I saw my father writing [a tawidh] for woman on a cup or something clean. (and said): The dust or our ground with saliva of any one of us would serve as a means whereby our illness would be cured with the sanction of Allah [Sahi Muslim. he book of Medicine-28 (Tibb). c. The amulet can be written with any halal and clean thing. on the day when they behold what they were promised. even the dust and saliva associated with prophet and few pious personalities has effect of medicine and can provide cure with the sanction of Allah. b. 24. shall any be destroyed save evil-living folk? (Al Ahqaf 46:35) My father said: ' Aswad ibn 'Amir narrated to us with his chain [of narration] the same thing and he said: one writes [the tawidh] in a clean vessel and gives it to drink. The apostle of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) entered upon Thabit ibn Qays. it will be as if they had but tarried for an hour of a day. becomes haram and shirk? 25. and put it in a bowel. saffron etc. and poured it on him [Sunan Abu Dawud. He (the prophet) said: remove the harm. Beirut] 26.' [Majmua Al Fatawa. Hadith 3876] From this hadith we see that it is permissible to blow in water after reciting verses from the Quran and the sprinkling that water on the patient or to give him to drink. Al Maktaba al Islami. 12/166. Aisha reported that when any person fell ill with a disease or he had any ailment or he had any injury. the Apostle of Allah (peace be upon him) placed his forefinger upon the ground and then lifted it by reciting the name of Allah. O Lord of men.worlds. Clarification to objections: Question 1: What is meaning of hadith “Verily. The version of Ahmad (ibn Salih) has: when he was ill. A clear message. 19/36. Dar al wafa. Narrated Thabit ibn Qays ibn shamma.” [Abu Dawood. amulets and Tiwalah are Shirk. He then took some dust of Bathan. on the day when they behold it. Bitab As salam (Book-26) hadith 5444]. no. it will be as if they had but tarried for an evening or the morning thereof (Al-Nai'at 79:46). Egypt] Even according to Ibn Taymiyaa we observe the following a.' My father said: 'and Waki' added in his narration: she is given to drink [from it] and it is sprinkled below her navel. The amulet can be washed and its water can be given to the patient to drink as well as it can be sprinkled on the patient. Then how a tawid written from verses of Quran and use of pure and halal substance like water. There is no harm in writing amulets in a clean cup or bowl. Imam al-Baghawi writes: Sayyida aisha (ra) did not see anything wrong in reciting the wordings of tawidh over water and then using that water for the treatment of the patient [sharh al sunnah. from Thabit ibn Qays ibn Shammas. and then mixed it with water and blew in it. incantations (chanting something and blow off to get cure). 3883] Answer: There are two types of hadith concering this . Type 1: 'Imran b. 16951) Type 2: On the other hand Imam Bukhari in the chapter on Tibb [Medicine] has written du'as that our Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) recited when doing damm [reciting a du'a and then blowing onto a person]. (Muslim. Hadith 423) It was narrated that ‘Uqbah ibn ‘Aamir said: I heard the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) say: “Whoever wears an amulet. voodoo and magic. pebbles and stones which arabs in the pre-islamic times used to put in their children's neck to prevent evil eye. plural of tamimah are seashells. Imam al-Qurtubi says "The ta'wiz that are forbidden are those ta'wiz from the Time of Ignorance -]those which are satanic and contain an element of shirk [mantar. but those [tawidh] which contains the names of Allah or His words they are not included in this prohibition infact it is recommeded to use them and it is hoped that it brings blessings. charms and help was . Chapter of Tibb] The Ahadith mentioned in type 1 are self explanatory and it is evident that the prohibition is made on incantations is related to those practices where magical spells. at-Tadhkirat. The basis of this is in the sunnah [Mirqat al mafatih. The ta'wiz. (refer to previous section for collection of Ahadith) The above types of ahadith apparently seem to contradict each other but in reality there is no contradiction as the one which contain quran are allowed and the those which contain elements of shirk or polytheistic things written in it is shirk.” (Narrated by Ahmad. Messenger of Allah? He (the Holy Prophet) said: They would be those who neither practice charm. etc.]. Al tamaim.something that has pictures. nor do they cauterize. Book of faith 01. which are permitted are those written with du'as evidently from Qur'an and ahadith only" [al-Qurtubi. Husain reported: Verily the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: Seventy thousand men of my Ummah would enter Paradise without rendering account. and whoever wears a sea-shell. but they repose their trust in their Lord. not take omens.e. 8/255] Allama Sa'idi in Sharh Sahih Muslim comparing the ahadith of ruqya as shirkiya and with ruqya ash shariya says: "The former type of hadith refers to the prohibition of having read something that is not from the Qur'an and Sunna [i. diagrams or words not from the Qur'an or Sunna] and then blow upon someone. 1/193] Imam Ali al-Qari states: the hadith which talks about the prohibition of Amulets/tamimah [seashells and stone] are the tamaim of pre islamic days. Ali al Qari. The latter types of ahadith which permit damm refer to those kalimat [words or verses] which have been taught by the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace)" [Allama Sa'idi. Sharh Sahih Muslim. chapter on 'Ta'wiz'] Ibn al Athir al Jazari states: in the hadith narratd b abudllah [ibn masud] it is stated that Amulets/tamaim and ruqya is shirk. may Allaah not fulfil his need. may Allaah not give him peace. They (the companions of the Holy Prophet) said: Who would be those. Islami abolished it [al nihaya. 2/88.this is lawful. Given below is ruling of Ulema e Haq along with quote from books of revered imams of ahle hadith Imam al Baghawi writes. [Radd al Muhtar. verse 116] Question 2: How is to wear taweez which contains dua or verses of Quran in unclean places. will never prosper [Surah Al Nahl. He replied that it is permissible if the tawidh is contained in leather wrap or some metallic box. These fall under category of ruqya ash shirkia and impermissible. said bin Al Musayyib was asked concerning putting of tawidh containing verses of Quran around the neck of women and young children. This type of ignorance of comparing Quran with medication without knowing sharia ruling is sheer ignorance. Quran in its book form cannot be kept in any unclean places neither it should be touched or recited in state of impurity (apart from special condition to avoid Qada of prayer). However it will better to remove it in such conditions but there is no harm if retained if he was been advised to retain it all the time depending on necessity of sickness/cure. al maktabah al Islami Beirut] Imam Malik said: “there is no harm if something written from Quran is hanged onto menstruating women or children provided it is covered with iron or leather” [Imam Nawawi. in form of specific means for cure can be retained in state of ritual impurity and unclean places provided it is enveloped in leather/plastic cover and no part of it is visible or exposed to external space. Dar al Kutub al ilmiyah. and this is forbidden. General ruling by simply saying shirk or kufr can not be applied . . Even in normal cases Ahle Sunnah recommends that sacred book of Allah be placed in cover and cared with high respect while handling and recitation. Dar al Firk. 9. the tawid containing verses of Quran and names of Allah. This permissibility of tawid cannot be taken granted to carry the Sacred book of Allah or any part of its musannaf in its original form neither permission for dua/durood gives anyone general permissibility to handle or recite Quran in the same way. Quran is book of very high reverence and undoubtedly Ahle sunnah gives it more respect than anyone else include sahaba and tabe tabaeen. [Sharh al Sunnah. Ibn Aabidin. Quran states "But say not for any false thng that your tongues may put forth. al Majmu sharh al muhadhdhab. Beirut] ." so as to ascribe false things to Allah for those who ascribe false things to Allah. The things which are done based on Quran and Sunnah is no way related to these prohibitions.sorted from jinns and idols similar to the practice of pre-islamic era. Beirut] Imam sayyid ibn aabidin shami writes: It is allowed for a menstruating women [and people in the State of uncleanliness] to hang or tie tawidhat to their sides [arms] provided it is placed in suitable cover. The amulets and ruqya complying with teaching of Quran and sunnah cannot be compared with tamaim or those of pre-islamic practice. 12/158. However as in case of dua & durood (sometimes being part of Quran) which can be recited even during ritual impurity. 9/523. recommends that water from written verse of Quran to be sprinkled below naval. Note: Irrespective of whether hardcopy or soft copy. in a clean vessel and gives her to drink and sprinkle below her navel for ease of birth [gist of Majmua Al Fatawa. arabic or english or saved in binary code. alHasan and Ibn Sireen. not playing recitation there is no objection however if possible such things should not be carried out in unclean places. is it not disrespect of Quran or does it give permissibility to place Quran on arm or below naval in its original form of book? The answer is simply no. Al Fatawa. Dar al wafa. Ibn Taymiyyah says no one possessing more understanding of the religion entered Shaam apart from Al-Awzaa'ee and ibn Qudaamah] Shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen a highly revered Salafi Scholar: was asked: what is the ruling on entering the washroom with papers on which there is the name of Allaah? He replied: It is permissible to enter the washroom with papers on which is the name of Allaah. by subsequently shredding it or burning it. p. [Al-Mughni." When she delivered. Ahmad said: If a ring has the name of Allaah on it and he turns it towards the inside of his palm. 19/37]. Ibn Taymiyya says to tie tawid on upper arm for difficult labor.Ibn Qudaamah said: If a person wants to enter the toilet and he has with him something in which Allaah is mentioned. 19/36. ‘Ikrimah said: He should turn it like this towards the inside of his palm. the ruling is. and the same concession was granted by Ibn al-Musayyib. as explained by scholars from era of tabaeen these fall under category of treatment/dua/medicine and in no way compared with Quran or any part of it in original form. [Gist of Majmua. as long as the mobile/piece of paper is covered and not visible. 1/109] [ibn kathir says in respect of Ibn Qudam as shaykh ul Islam. when labor becomes difficult for a women one should write: ' verse of Quran Surah al Naziat 79:46. or he turns the stone of the ring towards the inside of his palm. every letter/code stored is part of Quran. so same ruling is applicable to both hard and soft copy. and fold his fist over it. there is nothing wrong with that. [Fataawa alTahaarah. and enters the toilet (that is permissible). so long as they are in a pocket and are not out in the open. it was quickly disposed of. . rather they are hidden and covered. neither permissibility for casue of treatment grant permissibility to place Quran in such case and states of impurity. Egypt] in other place the shaikh says "one writes [the tawidh] on paper and ties it around the upper arm of a woman. 109] Ibn Taymiyyah writes. he could have asked ruling in interest of respect towards Holy Quran. If the questioner had knowledge instead of denying tawid proven from practice of sahaba leading to path of disbelieve. it is mustahabb to put it aside… if he keeps the thing in which Allaah is mentioned with him and is careful not to let it fall. When asked about carrying mobile phones in pocket with islamic wall paper or name of Allah or verses of Quran are saved in mobile or piece of paper containing durood. On the other hand if one wantedly takes it to disrespect they becomes a sinner & depending upon contents may go beyond fold of Islam. Ahmad said concerning a man who enters the toilet carrying coins: I hope that there is nothing wrong with it. This was also the view of Ishaaq. .blogspot. I assume the above article clarifies the question and also helped to clarify misunderstanding in regards to Amulets Reference: http://islamicbeliefsandteachings. . . and Qadi Shawkani. Of course.. under Sura al-Mu'minun. we would write it and then put it around their necks" [Musnad Ahmad ibn Hanbal vol. Fath al-Qadir. under Sura Bani Isra'il. Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) used to recite du'a' and then blow onto the sick person.Taweez in islam . We. It is written on a piece of paper and is worn around the neck. Some people say that if you wear the ta'wiz you are commiting shirk. and is for the one who cannot read or has not memorized that particular du'a. "If the Qur'an's du'a's are recited and blown on the sick. under the same verse] It is Permissible to Read Du'a and Blow Upon the Sick Imam al-Bukhari and Imam Muslim write: . their blasphemic disease will be cured" [Tafsir Fath al-Qadir.Taweez ( AMULETS) Taweez ( AMULETS) The defenition of a ta'wiz is simply a written du'a from the Qur'an or ahadith. verse 97.. The Qur'an Has the Power of Healing Allah Most High says in the Qur'an: ". but we shall prove. Tafsir Ibn Kathir. that it is permissible to wear a ta'wiz.But for those children who were not yet literate. they will be cured. When the non-believers recite the Qur'an. with the help of Allah.2. the Ahl as-Sunna. Abu Dawud. to protect us from fear and anguish.. believe that to wear a ta'wiz around the neck is permissible if the du'a' contained in it is written from the Qur'an or ahadith. the du'a's from the Qur'an and ahadith have the power to heal the sick. The Companions of the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) also did this and they wrote the du'a' on a piece of paper and placed it around the neck of a person if they could not read it." [Sura Banu Isra'il. verse 82] Qadi Shawkani writes.We told our elder children to recite this du'a before going to sleep as well. verse 82] Proof of Wearing the ta'wiz Hafiz Ibn Kathir and Qadi Shawkani write: "Amr ibn Shu'aib (may Allah be pleased with him) said that 'Rasulu'llah(may Allah bless him and grant him peace) taught my father and grandfather a du'a which we would read before going to sleep. in 'Chapter of Medicine'.We send down in Qur'an that which is a healing and a mercy to the believers. then it is not permissible" [Ibn Taymiyya. he has also included the opinion of all the other great scholars. At-Tawassul. If the words are not. and we will present this here. Muslim. the more healing power he has because he is blessed more than the less pious. she recited Sura al-Falaq and Sura anNas and then blew on to the Prophet's (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) hands. [reciting a du'a and then blowing onto a person]. One of the types is transmitted . Chapter of Tibb] Imam Muslim writes: " 'A'isha (may Allah be pleased with her) relates that when the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) was ill for the last time. 'How is it allowed to blow dua's onto the sick when some ahadith say this is forbidden?' A) Allama Sa'idi has written the answer to this question in great detail. it proves that to blow after reciting du'a's onto the sick is Sunna and the more pious the person is."When a person who was sick or in some distress they would go to the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) who would then place his hand on the area of pain and recite a du'a' and then blow onto him" [Bukhari. Hafiz Ibn Taymiyya writes: "It is permissible to [to recite du'a's and then] blow upon the sick in Islam. Allama Sa'idi writes: "Imam an-Nawawi in Sharh Muslim states: 'There are two types of ahadith concerning blowing. Chapter on Blowing onto the Sick] Questions Q) Some people ask. Chapter of Tibb] Imam Muslim writes: "When the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) was ill for the last time. but the words must be from the Qur'an or ahadith. Chapter of Tibb] From the above narrations. Angel Jibril (peace be upon him) came and recited du'a' and blew on to the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace)" [Muslim. The Prophet then blew this onto his own face and body because his hands had more blessing then 'A'isha's (may Allah be pleased with her)" [Muslim. Imam al-Qurtubi wrote in detail about both types of ahadith concerning ta'wiz: "The ta'wiz that are forbidden are those ta'wiz from the Time of Ignorance . But if a person cannot read or is too young to recite then it is permitted for that person to put it around the neck" . the Angel Jibril came to him and performed the blowing.]. It would be better if a person recites the du'as taught by the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace). Imam Bukhari in the chapter on Tibb [Medicine] has written du'as that our Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) recited when doing damm [reciting a du'a and then blowing onto a person]. The ta'wiz. Imam Muslim states in 'The Chapter on Virtues of the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace)' that: "When our Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace) was ill. The latter types of ahadith which permit damm refer to those kalimat [words or verses] which have been taught by the Prophet (may Allah bless him and grant him peace)" [Allama Sa' Bukhari: 'There will be people who will enter Paradise without any questioning.' Imam Baqir also stated that it is permitted to put such a ta'wiz around the neck of a child" [Ruh al-Mani. chapter 15. in his Tafsir of the Qur'an. writes: "According to Imam Malik 'It is permitted to put around the neck the ta'wiz written with the name of Allah. Sharh Sahih Muslim. at-Tadhkirat. There are many narrations that forbid the use of ta'wiz and also many permitting their use.e.something that has pictures. chapter on 'Ta'wiz'] Here are the narrations which show the permission for one to wear a ta'wiz around one's neck: Allama Alusi al-Hanafi. Chapter of Tibb] In the same way as above there are two types of ahadith concerning ta'wiz. verse 97] Allama Shami al-Hanafi writes: "It is permitted to write a ta'wiz and put it around the neck." The above types of ahadith apparently seem to contradict each other but in reality there is no contradiction.those which are satanic and contain an element of shirk [mantar.. which are permitted are those written with du'as evidently from Qur'an and ahadith only" [al-Qurtubi. "The former type of hadith refers to the prohibition of having read something that is not from the Qur'an and Sunna [i. who have never been blown upon. diagrams or words not from the Qur'an or Sunna] and then blow upon someone. voodoo and magic.. under Sura al-Mu'minun. etc.' Imam Muslim has also recorded a hadith in support of those who do not ask to be blown upon. Mujahid. the whispered insinuations of devils.But as for the du'as and verses from the Qur'an and Sunna it is permitted to be written and put around the neck of a small child. most of the scholars have declared the using of amulets (ta’wiz) permissible as long as the above conditions are met. and others (Allah be well pleased with them all). Sa'idi. and that they come to me” Abd Allah ibn Amr used to teach these words to those of his sons who had reached the age of reason. In the name of Allah.439]. the evil of his servants. the permissibility of hanging Ta’wizes is reported from many of the Companions and early Muslims (Salaf). Due to the above. Chapter on Tibb] To conclude. Imam Ibn Taymiyya writes in his Fatawa: (ta'wizes). Most Compassionate. just as it is not . and Tirmidhi classed it as an authentic narration). or the Sunna are forbidden to read and also forbidden to put around the neck. Hanging or wearing of amulets (ta’wiz) is normally permissible for protection or healing provided certain conditions are met: 1) That they consist of the names of Allah Almighty or his attributes. it can be said that those verses that oppose the Qur'an. it is not permissible to regard the Ta’wiz to be effective in it self.[Rad al-Mukhtar. Most Merciful. [See: al-Musannaf. from his grandfather (Abdullah ibn Amr ibn al-Aas (Allah be pleased with them all). chapter on 'Qira'at'. It is similar to using medication which is permissible and not against the concept of reliance in Allah (tawakkul) or monotheism Tawhid. illiterate or a sick person. including: Sa’id ibn al-Musayyab. that the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) used to teach them (the Sahabas) for fearful situations the following words: “I seek refuge in Allah’s perfect words from His wrath. Ubaydullah ibn Abd Allah ibn Umar. Shari'a. In the Musannaf of Imam Abu Bakr ibn Abi Shayba. Ibn Sirin. Sharh Sahih Muslim. However. but are empowered to do so by Allah Most High. and used to write them and hang them upon those who had not reached the age of reason (narrated by Abu Dawud & Tirmidhi. from his father. Ata'. 4) The user does not believe the words have any affect in themselves. 5. 2) That they are in Arabic. 3) That they do not consist of anything that is disbelief (kufr). It is narrated from Amr ibn Shu’ayb. Abd Allah ibn Amr. if Ta’wizes are used sometimes. Once. rather to direct them to the straight path. then it is permissible. this is understood to mean those Ta’wizes that resemble the one’s used in the days of ignorance (jahiliyya). I said: “Do you perform your Salat (Prayers)?” Again. 19/65).permissible to regard medicines to be effective in them selves. it is necessary that the above mentioned conditions are met. that hanging Ta’wizes is shirk. “no” was the reply. and not for us to decide for him. think Ta’wizes to be everything. This will be the decision of the person who is giving the Ta’wiz. I said: “From tomorrow. not Allah. For such people. I asked: “Do you cover your self when you emerge out of your home?” no. Both these types of understandings are incorrect. Imam Ibn Taymiyya (Allah have mercy on him) writes in his Fatawa: “It is permissible for an ill or troubled person. Others. and she also mentioned that her Duas were not being answered. or if used thinking that it is the ta’wiz itself that cures or protects. Imam Ibn Taymiyya’s student Imam Ibn al-Qayyim also narrates the permissibility of using Ta’wizes from a number of salafs including the great Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal (Allah have mercy on him). including Ibn Mas’ud (Allah be pleased with him). Ibn Abbas (Allah be pleased with him) is reported to have mentioned a certain Dua that should be written and placed close to the woman who is experiencing hard labour at the time of giving birth. There are many people who never make Dua and are neglectful of the Shariah injunctions. In view of the foregoing. We have experienced that there is nothing more amazing than this” (Fatawa Ibn Taymiyya. you make this special Dua after the Fajr Salat. a sister asked me to mention to her a Dua or write something for her in order to get married to someone she desired. 3/180). Thereafter Ibn al-Qayyim himself quotes various Ta’wizes (Zad al-Ma’ad. on the other hand. but with moderation. and along with that resort to medical treatment. it becomes clear that generally using of Ta’wizes is not something that is impermissible or Shirk. that certain verses from the Qur’an are written with pure ink. If there is a fear that a person will begin to think the Ta’wiz to be effective in it self. Today we have people who are victims of immoderation. Normally it is better to recite the Duas which are prescribed for every problem and illness. was the reply. There are some people who declare all types of Ta’wizes to be Shirk and Kufr. Using of Ta’wizes is permissible. then he should not be given the Ta’wiz. but always depend on Ta’wizes. However. and you carry on . it is better not to give them Ta’wizes. As for that which is reported from some. then it is washed and given to the ill to drink. Sayyiduna Ali (Allah be pleased with him) says: This Dua should be written and tied to the arm of the woman. However. or if it contains impermissible invocations or one’s whose meaning is not known. However. Sharh Sahih ul Bukhari (11/321)] Ibn Qayyim al Jawziyyah says: Some of our rightly guided ancestors stated that there is no harm if some ayat (Verse) from the Qur’an were written in ink and then washed with water and that the sick person drinks that water. Also a very Important Ta’wiz is that you recite a certain Dua and blow on your scarf and wear that scarf when emerging out of your home”! In conclusion. It was also reported that Ibn ‘Abbas once commanded that two verses from the Qur’an to be written for a woman who had hard pregnancies and that the verses were then washed with water and she was to drink the water. Mujahid issues a statement to that effect and so did Abu Qilabah. “I saw Abu Qilabah write some Verses from the Qur’an wash it with water and then give the water to a person who was suffering from some type of illness to drink it [Tibb an Nabawi by Ibn Qayyim. according to the salafi definitions of course) I would like to add these proofs لارلوعوسنل وولارل ق ررنآنن: »وعولريقكرم نبءالششوفءاوءرينن:ل وقءاول ورقسلوقل لا لن: وقءاول، ل وعرن وعربند لا لن Translation: Narrated by Abdullah Ibn Masud (ra) that the Prophet (Peace be upon him) said: Make use of the two cures i. if there is something that is impermissible. the permissibility of hanging a ta`wiz is reported from many of the Companions and early Muslims (Salaf). and Insha Allah your Dua will be accepted. 154.2. Hadith No. generally it is permissible to use amulets (ta’wizes) in compliance with the conditions mentioned above. English version] In the Musannaf of Abu Bakr ibn Abi Shayba. 3531] Imam Ibn Hajr al-Asqalani (rah) said about this hadith: ورجءاله رجءال لالصحيح، وأخرجه لابن أبي شيبة ولالحءاكم ملوقلوفاءا،أخرجه لابن مءاجه ولالحءاكم مرفلوعاءا Translation: It is narrated by Ibn Majah and Hakim in the Marfu form. then it will not be allowed the proofs from Sheikh ul Islam of Salafis and Ibn Qayyim who would indeed turn out to be Mushrikeen on many matters (i.performing this for 6 months. Also Ayub said. It is also narrated by Ibn Abi Shaybah and Hakim in the Mawquf form. the honey and Quran [Sunnan Ibn Majah Volume No.e. .e. The men of these ahadith are those of Sahih [Fath ul Bari. including: ل بأس إذلا: سألت سعيد بن لالمسيب عن لالتعلويذ فقءال:حددثنءا أبلو بكر قءال حدثنءا عقبة بن خءالد عن شعبة عن أبي عصمة قءال كءان في أديم. Page No. And. ل بأس أن يعلق لالقرءلان: حددثنءا أبلو بكر قءال حدثنءا يحيى بن نآدم قءال حدثنءا حسن عن ليث عن عطءاء قءال Translation: It is narrated that Sa’eed bin Musayb (one of the top ranking Tabi’i) was asked about wearing Amulets. and others (Allah be well pleased with them all) also narrated it [Musannaf. Page No. `Abayd Allah ibn Abd Allah ibn `Umar. “If any of you gets a nightmare.” So. Ibn Sirin. let him say: I seek refuge in the perfect words of Allah against His wrath and His punishment and the’ mischief of His slaves and from the temptations of the devils and that which they bring. 5. Abd Allah ibn `Amr. Nasai [rah] and Al Hakim [rah] said the Isnad is SAHIH And قءال أبلو عيسى هذلا حديث حسن غريب Imam Tirmidhi after quoting it said: Abu Esa [rah] said the Hadith is Hasan Gharib remember me in your prayer . he wrote it down on something and hung it on the neck of those who had not attained puberty. hadith 3539] أوقبلو ودلاقوود وولاللنوسءانئيي وولارلوحءانكقم وووقءاول وصنحيقح لا ر نلرسونءاند Abu Dawood [rah]. [Abu Dawud 3893 . he said: There is "No harm in doing so" Imam al Ata (rah) the Tabi’i and Faqih of Makkah said: There is no harm in hanging (ayahs of) Quran (around the neck) [Musannaf Ibn Abi Shaybah. Volume No.439] Another Authentic hadith ل وصللى لا لق ل لاللتءالمءانت نمرن وغوضنبنه وونعوقءانبنه وووششر نعوبءاندنه ل وعولرينه وووسلوم وقءاول نإوذلا وفنزوع أووحقدقكرم نفي لاللنرلونم وفرلوي ق رل أوقعلوقذ نبوكنلومءانت لا لن أولن ورقسلوول لا لن ل و و ل ربقن قعومور قيولشققنوهءا ومرن وبولوغ نمرن ووولندنه ووومرن ولرم ويربقلرغ نمرنقهرم وكوتوبوهءا وونمرن وهوموزلانت لاللشويءانطينن ووأرن ويرحقضقرونن فنإلنوهءا ولرن وتقضلرقه وووكءاون وعربقد لا ن ق و ل ك ق نفي وصك ثلم وع قوهءا نفي قعننقنه . Abdullah ibn Amr used to teach this supplication to his grown up children.sunan tirmidhi Chapter 99. Then they will not harm him. from his grandfather that Allah’s Messenger (SAW) said. 5. Amr ibn Shu’ayb reported from his father. 439] Mujahid. . . Deciding What to Write . or colored pencils. If you want to use a verse from the Quran. or Quran verse written or drawn on a small piece of paper. You can make your own taweez in no time. gather the necessary materials and check out these easy-to-follow instructions. as well. What you write on the taweez depends on your intentions. you need some paper. you can get a great start by learning how to make a taweez. including decorative scrapbooking paper or cardstock. Authentic taweez incorporate ink or saffron paste. you may also wish to have your Quranon hand so you can copy the verse verbatim when the time comes. You can use a simple ballpoint pen. so consider these two options for a more authentic looking result. The tool you use to write your taweez is up to you. and your imagination. Gathering Supplies For the taweez itself. blessing. Simply put.How to Make a Taweez Whether you want to explore the tenets of Islam or you just want some additional spiritual support. something to write with. You can create a taweez on any type of paper you want. If the idea of creating your own taweez appeals to you. calligraphy markers. a taweez is a prayer. fold it up or roll it tightly. a prayer or devotional that you like.html . Reference: http://www. You could opt for a leather pouch. or pictures. and then slide it inside the amulet. To insert the taweez. Making the Taweez When you have the necessary supplies and know what you want to write. If you plan to divide your paper up into multiple squares. You can carry your taweez in a number of ways. Decide How to Carry the Taweez The final step in making your own taweez is to decide how you want to carry your taweez with you. You can select a meaningful verse from the Quran. Take your time during the crafting stage. if they include prayers or verses meant for these locations.Another task you must accomplish before you begin making your taweez is to determine what your taweez should say. one in each square. if you make a mistake or want to start over. verses. do this before you begin writing or drawing. or ribbon so you can wear your amulet around your on your wrist. cord. or a prayer you have written yourself.ebay. Have several pieces of your taweez paper on hand so that. or you could construct your pouch from felt. Although you may want to keep certain taweez in your home. if you are creating a taweez for good health. your prayers or verses should reflect this. and make sure your taweez is perfect. though you can find them in other materials as well. One way is to make or purchase a small taweez pouch. For example. Some people divide the paper into multiple squares. If you prefer a pictorial taweez rather than a written one. you can. fabric. These are often made of copper. car. most people wear their taweez on their bodies to keep their prayers or Quran verses with them at all times. you can draw pictures that depict the meaning of your prayer or represent the Quran verse. locket or pendant. Each amulet or pendant has one or two loops through which you can thread a chain. you can begin making your taweez. Which prayers or verses you include in your taweez depends on the purpose of your taweez. Another option for carrying your taweez is to purchase a taweez amulet. which should last quite some time. or at work. A taweez for good fortune should have different prayers or verses. or other materials you already have on hand. or somewhere else. and include multiple prayers. You should make a draft of your taweez before you write or draw on the taweez paper. Sifli (Other religion’s e. Some of them will be explained here. I will try to show 2 major kinds of Amaliyats (Practices (spiritual)).g Hinduism and occults) Noorani Amaliyat : These are those practices which one can perform without any hesitation but ‘IJAZAT’ Permission is necessary for these from those who give us these methods.Index 1 – Amaylaat HADHIRAAT’S FIRST LESSON Haderaat’s ( unseen beings in parallel dimensions) can be seen byspiritual practices in many ways. Another thing . Noorani (The safest and Islamic ways) 2. 1.We can divide Amaliyats in two major categories. There are many things I will try to shortly explain their basics. when we return back the door was open and our neighbors tells us that someone rob our home at night. And I suggest you to perform the reciting or chanting of these 2 Names in certain manner that you must have to be in ablution. Which easily means the attached unseen beings i-e Rijaal-al Ghaib or Moakils or Attached powers of those words. many amals need complete silence or even some high ranked rituals needs you to chant those in grave-yards. Personally I have experienced that in my childhood and I can never forget those things which I had seen and I think this is the reason that I am so much involved and learned in these thing rather than other day life experiences. So this performing 4000 times before the actual chanting whether in one sitting or in continuous sittings which may ordered by amal in different time frames or at night whatever the amal and its necessities are. Child could see those entities on his finger nails or the shown cup of water or something else (depends on the condition and category of amal). many amals need certain standards of purification. I also personally know few people whom I saw in my childhood who were performing these amals and helping people to solve their problems e. Also many amals could may have necessity of ‘Bakhoor’ (Perfumes of different kinds + herbal medicines and Ayurvedic{whole body healing system]). many needs special places where one could perform those.g I stated you that whenever you want to pay a zakat of this amal (practice) you will have to be in ablution as well as you will have to recite these two words or names for 4000 times as a zakat of that amal.g once in our home someone commit a robbery while we were at our village for some family gathering. One of my aunt who knows a lady which was very old lady and was very popular for the gift of sighting of that things which ordinary people . Now these two attributes or names of Almighty Allah is having a Moakil or Muwakilaat. E.g there is an amal of Ya. first to fulfill and then the person could get start with that ritual.g in ordinary ‘Hadirat’ there are conditions that the amal should be performed on child of minor age (This is because minor children are considered pure and in Islamic amals they are not needed to be abused like wise in satanic rituals where children are molested). Normally the word zakat used in Islamic terms refer to charity but this kind of zakat in amaliyat is a given order which is must to do before starting that certain amal ( procedure).Fataah’o Yaa-Lateef’o . many needs age limits e.g many amals need pure hearts and pious nature plus minds to do that .which is must in Islamic ways regarding wadaifs or amaliyat is that there are some needs . E. After completing this “Zakat” of “AMAL” now you are ready for that practice. Now for example you want to perform a practice of these two words (which are often recited by Muslims all around the globe for the sake of income and good wealth). Each and every Amal has got some specific ‘Zakat’. or e. I heard Lady’s voice that what are you seeing? Where is he going watch carefully and then again my mind was in air like condition and I personally by my own eyes saw that person going to bazar which was near our house and selling that to a shop keeper (who was later found guilty for selling and buying theft things). Then she again asked me to reciteShahada in front of her (Shahada is to pronouncing the oneness of Almighty Allah and the acceptance of the Prophet hood of Muhammad (Peace and mercy upon him). She was a very religious pious personality . so in short my aunt went to her house for assistance because police was as usual not able to find out who did this. so I went there. my luck I was at that time outside the door and playing with dolls. and I remember I was saying that he is standing in front of a Shopkeeper whose name is ______ . So I did that and after few minutes of concentration my mind was in air I was feeling asleep and then suddenly I saw my house picture like a film on my nail where I saw that someone was trying to break into the house and he succeeded then he wrap all worthy things into a big cover of bed sheet and run away. My aunt ask me to come into the house. The words were coming out of my mouth like an automatic machine.cannot see. So I did that. then she ordered me to perform ablution. . I will Insha-Allah show here both kinds of Amals. So I perform ablution and then she recites something and chant some words on me with the blow of breath and ask me to concentrate on first nail of my fingers . Those Haadiraats were effecting on my nail and myself and was making me able to see what I never saw before. Sifli Amaliyat : Amaliyat or spiritual practices in other religions came in this category. My age was 9 or 8 years at that time or may be 1 or 2 years more. So my aunt send my uncle and father to that area and they got that shopkeeper who after having some kicks accepts that he used to buy and sell things from thieves and he also mention that thief who was caught by police later on our report. Lady first questioned me Little girl! Do you believe in One and Almighty ALLAH? I replied “Yes Ma’am” . She ask my aunt to bring someone minor . Those all things will be mentioned in this category. So in short these all things are related to Noorani Amaliyats and Amils who perform them are bound to obey commands and commandments of Almighty Allah with full sincerity and respectful manners. So I wrote this lengthy personal experience to explain what are Haadirat’s and what kind of help you can get from them with the permission of Almighty Allah. For example if someone is performing a pagan ritual orsatanic ritual or even he/she is a muslim and still performing such ritual which is horrible for community and which is not accepted by Islam. Mirror will be needed for that . Privacy is very important. and your eye must be watching left cornea in the mirror continuously without shutting and opening eyelashes (as less as possible)(for the reason of concentration).FIRST : NOORANI AMAL (Note: I am just showing amal here. This ritual should be carryout at least for 41 days without stopping this amal and without changing the place. After few days you will have to see different horrible and un identified beings but nothing to worry about. This can be started on the Urooj (Ascent)(Startings) of That Thursday which came after 9 moons passed. before starting and after finishing 11. 11 times Darood e IBRAHIMI (which is recited by every Muslim in prayers). Conditions and Requirements: This is only for Muslims of pious and good character morally and ethically . (This was a starting example of Noorani Amaliyaat now here is the more powerfull example of a little high ranked Amaaals). Ablution is must. Well if someone is interested they can send me email I will try to help them ) NOORANI AMAL Specifications: This amal is for the ‘Hadiraat’ of the Asma ul Husna “YA. Haadiraat for ALLAHu-Sammad How To: Take a mirror (Square) in shape made a black circle in the middle . (Remember This is Self Reciting Ritual and if you succeeded then you will not need minor used to be intersection or medium with unseens). its permission and other things are not subject to me and neither I am taking any sort of responsibilities. Keep your eyes on that black circle in front of you.Lateef’o’. After completion of this at 21th day one will witness the King or Major of that Makhlooq (Beings) . This AMAL is for 21 regular days. then you are open to ask him questions related . OR can be started ascent days of ‘Monday’ (Still that Monday which came after 9 moons). Recite 1000 times ALLAHo’SAMMAD daily. Tark e Jamali (which I explained in my earlier article) is must for this specific Amal. when reciting these 2 Asma ul Hasana ie (Ya badooh and Ya Lateef) the mirror must be in front of your eyes. (In some other article I will show you how to make Talismanic kind of ink which can attract unseen entities also I will try to get recipe of making that ink and perfume) These things can helps you out in many matters. Insha-Allah (MOAKIL)(UNSEEN SPIRIT) of these two words will be captured.Badooh’o “ and for the Ism-e-Azam (Attributes of ALLAH) ‘YAA. Exactly at 12 o’clock at night start this practice. . Remember I am explaining here these only for educational purposes. Make the black area on paper of written naqsh a little perfume (itar non alcoholic) and ask any child to see into that black area and then YOU (The AMIL) recite 20 times this Ya baduuho (till end) and blow words on the child and ask questions when he is ready. (Note: I am not showing here all full details. 3 16 1 BLACK FULLY IN COLOR 15 2 5 4 14 NOTE: here in upper table you are watching the ‘Naqsh’ . sorry these digits are mean to be written in Arabic form while in my word office its not available so sorry for that. And 20 nights recite the giving Azmiyat (Kind of dua for reciting) on each ‘written Naqsh’ Daily (night). round) 20 in quantity and wrapped into this given naqsh throw into the your matter. This amal also need a Naqsh (Symbol) to be seen all the time and here I am giving that Naqsh for your interest. bad reaction etc. Filled with black ink. As a monotheist and as a Muslim one cannot perform these. In 20 days you will be AMIL of this Ammal. this is only for giving you starting information. And surely he will gave you righteous answers because this is not satanic or neither sifli Amal. Zakat for this amal is : Write 20 ‘Naqsh’ Daily. ويءا قبدقؤح وتبدوحت من لالوبقدوح ن نفی لالبدوح ن وبقدنح و ک ويءا وبدقوح ۔ ‘Ya Budd’ooho Tab-doo-Hatt Min-albudd-dohe –fil budd-oohe ba-duuhika yaa buddoooh’. In morning 25% and 1 Kg of flour (made tablets like medicine. this may leads you towards ‘RIJAT’ (Madness. I am hiding details because if you cannot fulfill the requirements . In middle there is the black field. And then whenever you wish to get answers. so do not try this without having details I am giving you here is just simply a kind of tips). So these amaliyats also can gave human their some answers and wishes or wealth but it will not gave you soul satisfying and may cause many harms to not only physical body but also spirit. If any Muslim perform any kind of sifli amaliyat he/she would be casted out from Religion and will be not considered as Muslim. SIFLEE AMALIYAT: Sifli amals are purely those amals which are satanic in nature or which are used by non Muslims merely and specially used in Hindu scriptures and vedas. And the Moakil of these words ASMA AL HASANA are pious and great. Try to reach that water to every part of the body. But here it is time now to open every thing for those who take interest in that. These things are hidden and keep hidden in deep hearts for thousands of years. The Azmiyat (Words are) as follows “OM namoo kandolti Sundar-watti suva-haa” (1008) times So: These were the Amals of different kinds and their respective attached things which can bring oneself into the world of unseens and can take part in that. When you will sleep the ‘Mamkani goddess) will came into your dreams. Noorani Amaliyat on the other hand are the best safe and not easy but very tough way. While the satanic are not so much tough and surely satanic will helps you out in your matters but that help will also take your soul and you will be the piece of hell fire afterwards. Otherwise the Amal will be lost in vain. Remember these kind of all amaliyats can be used by anyone but those who have believe in these. Another needed thing is a cup or bowl of mud having sea water in it and having only 2 marigold flowers or red roses in it. So if you succeeded then whenever you pour some water into that Kooza ( bowl ) or bowl made of mud and perform those words will bring devi (that spirit) to you and will gave true news. 7 kinds of different sweets in front of you and you would have to put 1 drop of blood into that water and start this mantra and read it for 1008 times. Pickup the rose and eat it. Thanks for reading stay in touch I will try my best to show some more truly amazing things which at least I didn’t saw on net. Your eyes must have to be on the lamp’s fire. As soon as the count reached to 1008 times pour that water on your head so that your head and other parts of the body gets wet suddenly. These kind of Hadiraat (mamkani devi) are ‘Aaabi’ (Nature of water liquid). Belief is the utmost major fundamental of spiritualism. Your face must have to be in the east direction. So the tough but right way will be always followed by the right people. And the lamp must have mustard oil in it. The sweets (mithai) can be given to 7 virgins(minor girls) for eating only. . Then come to that place where the lamp is fired and sleep there but the lamp must have to be lighted. you may also need ‘Gogal’ (sorry at a moment I am not having proper word for gogal ask any indian may be they can help you). 12 o’clock at night with kerosene lamp (like aladins type or made up of mud usually found in villages of indo-pak).Mantra : This mantra is named after Sita Devi (goddesses sita of Indians) On the ascent of Tuesday (9 moon-ic) . Gogal should be showered each and every time into the fire. When you body gets wet then stood up and go for change of dress but do not dry yourself with towel. UPDATED : 9/23/2013: I Found these ahadith which is clearly showing that each and every verse has its own powers.wordpress. (Brackets are mine words). References: کنز لالعمءال للمتقی۵۵۰ /۱ ،۲۴۶۱ ، Also narrated by Abdullah b. Masud (rd) by slight variation: ،لالمعجم لالکبير للطبرلانی ۱۳۶ /۹ ،٭ لالمسند ل بی يعلی ================================================== Again: ================================================== عن عبد لاللہ بن مسعلود رضی لاللہ تعءالیی عنہ قءال :قءال رسلول لاللہ صلی لاللہ تعءالیی عليہ وسلم :لانزل لالقرنآن علی سبعۃ لاحرف ،لکل نآيۃ منہءا ظہر و بطن۔ حضرت عبد لاللہ بن مسعلود رضی لاللہ تعءالیی عنہ سے رولايت ہے کہ رسلول لاللہ صلی لاللہ تعءا لی عليہ وسلم نے لارشءاد فرمءايءا :قرنآن عظيم سءات طريقلوں ميں نءازل ہلولا ۔ ہر نآيت کءا لايک معنی ظءاہرہے لاور دوسرلا بءاطن و پلوشيدہ :Ref ۱۱۴ /۵٭ مجمع لالزولائد للہيثمی۷/۱۵۰ ، لالمسند ل حمد بن حنبل، لالدر لالمنثلور للسيلوطی۲/۷ ، ٭ ۲۶۶ /۷ لالتءاريخ لالکبير للبخءاری، ۲/۹ ۱۸۵ /۳٭ لالتفسير ل بن کثير ، لالمعجم لالکبير للطبرلانی ، مشکل لالثءار للطحءاوی۴/۱۷۲ ، ۱۷۷۹٭ لالصحيح ل بن حبءان )2 ہر نآيت کءا لايک ظءاہر ہے لاور لايک بءاطن .soiritually) and one * Zaahir (disclosed٭ Each verse had oneopen) . Hadith is: عن لالحسن لالبصری رضی لاللہ تعءالیی عنہ مرسل قءال :قءال رسلول لاللہ صلی لاللہ تعءالیی عليہ وسلم :لکل نآيۃ ظہر و بطن ،و لکل حرف حدہ و لکلحد مطلع ۔حضرت حسن بصری رضی لاللہ تعءالیی عنہ سے مرسل رولايت ہے کہ رسلول لاللہ صلی لاللہ تعءالیی عليہ وسلم نے لارشءاد فرمءايءا :ہرنآيت کءا لايک ظءاہر لاور دوسرلا بءاطن ہے لاور ہر حرف کے لئے لايکنہءايت ہے لاور ہر نہءايت کلو حءاصل کر نے کءا لايک ذريعہ ہلوتءا ہے ۔ Narrated by Hassan Basari (rd) (mursilan rivaya) that Rasool Allah alehisalam said “: B’aatin (internal-hidden. and for every word there is one “nihayat” (i dont know what is proper word or )meaning for nihayat but in urdu its meaning is exceed or can be used in the term of power and for taking each “Nehayat” there is a for hadirat you will find information there.. here i am just presenting these hadith(s) with full reference: Regarding Moakilat in hadirats: I found this Hadith very interesting If you dont know about “Hadirat” or “Moakils” go and searchmakashfa. Index 2 .Free Aamils School English http://freeaamilschoolenglish.عن لالحسن لالبصری رضی لاللہ تعءالیی عنہ مرسل قءال :قءال رسلول لاللہ صلی لاللہ تعءالیی عليہ وسلم :لکل نآيۃ ظہر و بطن ،و لکل حرف حدہ و لکل حد مطلع ۔ حضرت حسن بصری رضی لاللہ تعءالیی عنہ سے مرسل رولايت ہے کہ رسلول لاللہ صلی لاللہ تعءالیی عليہ وسلم نے لارشءاد فرمءايءا :ہرنآيت کءا لايک ظءاہر لاور دوسرلا بءاطن ہے لاور ہر حرف کے لئے لايک نہءايت ہے لاور ہر نہءايت کلو حءاصل کر نے کءا لايک ذريعہ ہلوتءا ہے ۔ عن لالحسن لالبصری مرسل قءال :قءال رسلول لاللہ صلی لاللہ تعءالیی عليہ وسلم :خبر لالقرنآن تحت لالعرش لہ ظہر و بطن يحتءاج لالعبءاد ۔ حضرت حسن بصری رضی لاللہ تعءالیی عنہ سے مرسل رولايت ہے کہ رسلول لاللہ صلی لاللہ تعءالیی عليہ وسلم نے لارشءاد فرمءايءا :قرنآن عظيم عرش لاعظم سے نءازل ہلولا ۔ لاس کے لايک معنی ظءاہر لاور لايک بءاطن ہيں جس کے بندے محتءاج ہيں ۔ ۱۲م عن عبد لاللہ بن مسعلود رضی لاللہ تعءالیی عنہ قءال :لان ہذ لالقرنآن ليس لہ حر ف لال لہ حد و مطلع ۔ حضرت عبد لاللہ بن مسعلود رضی لاللہ تعءالیی عنہ سے رولايت ہے کہ لاس قرنآن کے ہر حرف کی لايک نہءايت لاور ہر نہءايت کے حصلول کءا يک ذريعہ ہے . 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