
May 22, 2018 | Author: Luiza Oliveira | Category: Film Noir, Michelangelo, Paintings, Arts (General)



Spring / Summer 2014Annie’s Big Book: Leibovitz weighs in with her SUMO See page 16 Frontlist & Backlist TRADE Front cover: Whoopi Goldberg, Berkeley, California, 1984 Above: Lady Gaga, New York City, 2011 Front cover inner flap and page 1: The Sopranos, New York City, 1999 All photos © Annie Leibovitz Los Angeles, January 2014 Hieronymus Bosch. Complete Works FORMAT XL Dear Bookworms, 2013 sent TASCHEN on spectacular expeditions around the globe with Sebastião Salgado’s GENESIS and 125 Years of National Geographic, which will be published this year in numerous languages. The new year is set to go off with a bang and a standing ovation for one of the boldest artists that we have ever published. But first let us rewind. The year is 1984 and the company – still trading as TASCHEN COMics – makes its first foray into the art book market: with a monograph on … Annie Leibovitz! Yes, even as a young hipster I was a diehard fan and admirer of Annie’s work and here was the proof. Fast-forward to the year 2000: Helmut Newton’s monumental SUMO has been out for a year, making media headlines around the world and opening exciting new doors for the company. In the meantime, Helmut had also become a close friend and 1984: Annie Leibovitz was one of the first books we ever published mentor, so one day I asked him, “In a perfect world and just in (still under the name TASCHEN COMICS) case we were ever to consider publishing another SUMO-size book on a photographer, who would you say would qualify?” And Helmut responded with the names of two photographers he admired and held in high esteem, both of whom happened to be on my own wish list (a two name list, actually): Sebastião Salgado and Annie Leibovitz. Shortly afterwards, I contacted both of them. In 2001, I travelled to Paris to visit Lélia and Sebastião and I started wooing Annie Leibovitz with numerous letters and emails to her studio in New York. The Salgados, instead of a retrospective, suggested a new project; an adventure which would unravel in Sebastião’s mind and take almost 10 years to carry out, GENESIS. Wow! What a feeling when the Süddeutsche Zeitung called it “the most ambitious project in the history of photography”! Then, in 2009, after many attempts, we finally got the green light from Annie, who said quite simply “yes, let’s do it, I’m ready for the SUMO.” And now here it is. Peace, FronTLisT FebrUarY Alchemy & Mysticism New EdiTion Hc., 5.5 x 7.6 in., 576 pp. ORIG. $ 29.99 / CAD 39.95 ISBN 978-3-8365-4936-3 NEW $ 19.99 / CAD 21.99 Rembrandt New EdiTion Hc., 11.4 x 15.5 in., 300 pp. ISBN 978-3-8365-2629-6 Botticelli New EdiTion El Greco $ 150 / CAD 160 New EdiTion Hc., 9.4 x 11.8 in., 96 pp. ISBN 978-3-8365-5142-7 Encyclopaedia Anatomica $ 14.99 / CAD 15.99 New EdiTion Hc., 9.4 x 11.8 in., 96 pp. ISBN 978-3-8365-5146-5 Bunker Spreckels $ 14.99 / CAD 15.99 bacK in PrinT Hc., 9.4 x 11.8 in., 96 pp. ISBN 978-3-8365-4984-4 20th Century Classic Cars $ 14.99 / CAD 15.99 New EdiTion Benedikt Taschen Hc., 5.5 x 7.6 in., 576 pp. ORIG. $ 29.99 / CAD 39.95 ISBN 978-3-8365-4931-8 NEW $ 19.99 / CAD 21.99 Hc., 8.5 x 11.3 in., 216 pp. ISBN 978-3-8228-5338-2 $ 39.99 / CAD 42.99 Hc., 5.9 x 7.6 in., 592 pp. ISBN 978-3-8365-4615-7 $ 19.99 / CAD 21.99 1000 Tattoos New EdiTion Kate Moss by Mario Testino New EdiTion Karl Blossfeldt. Complete Published Work New EdiTion Small Architecture Now! New EdiTion The Curse of Lono Ralph Steadman, Hunter S. Thompson APriL Hc., 5.5 x 7.6 in., 544 pp. ORIG. $ 29.99 / CAD 39.95 ISBN 978-3-8365-4992-9 NEW $ 19.99 / CAD 21.99 100 Getaways around the World ORIG. $ 700 / CAD 750 Sc., 9.8 x 13.5 in., 232 pp. ISBN 978-3-8365-5069-7 NEW $ 39.99 / CAD 42.99 TASCHEN 365 Day-by-Day. Surfing Hc., 5.5 x 7.6 in., 544 pp. ORIG. $ 39.99 / CAD 49.95 ISBN 978-3-8365-5072-7 NEW $ 19.99 / CAD 21.99 Monet New EdiTion Hc., 8.4 x 10.7 in., 416 pp. ISBN 978-3-8365-4669-0 Ai Weiwei $ 59.99 / CAD 65 ORIG. $ 300 / CAD 350 Hc., 8.1 x 10.7 in., 208 pp. ISBN 978-3-8365-4896-0 NEW $ 39.99 / CAD 42.99 Robert Crumb. Sketchbooks 1964–1981 FORMAT XL March Hc., 2 vols., 9.4 x 12.4 in., 720 pp. $ 59.99 / CAD 65 ISBN 978-3-8365-4397-2 Film Noir 100 All-Time Favorites Hc., 6.7 x 8.5 in., 736 pp. ISBN 978-3-8365-4618-8 Annie Leibovitz $ 29.99 / CAD 32.99 Hc., 5.8 x 7.6 in., 488 pp. ISBN 978-3-8365-5101-4 Restaurant & Bar Design $ 19.99 / CAD 21.99 Hc., 12.9 x 17.3 in., 722 pp. ISBN 978-3-8365-4659-1 1000 Record Covers $ 1,500 / CAD 1,500 New EdiTion Hc., 6 vols., 8.0 x 10.6 in., 1,344 pp. $ 1,000 / CAD 1,100 ISBN 978-3-8365-2443-8 An American Odyssey SUMO SIZE FORMAT XL COVER NOT APPROVED Hc., 8.4 x 10.7 in., 688 pp. ISBN 978-3-8365-4356-9 My Buddy. World War II Laid Bare $ 49.99 / CAD 55 Hc., 9.4 x 10.0 in., 440 pp. ISBN 978-3-8365-4668-3 Darren Almond. Fullmoon $ 59.99 / CAD 65 Hc., 5.5 x 7.6 in., 576 pp. ORIG. $ 29.99 / CAD 39.95 ISBN 978-3-8365-5058-1 NEW $ 19.99 / CAD 21.99 Araki by Araki New EdiTion Hc., 11.4 x 15.5 in., 612 pp. ISBN 978-3-8365-4210-4 Tom of Finland. The Complete Kake Comics $ 200 / CAD 220 New EdiTion COVER NOT APPROVED Hc., 10.6 x 9.4 in., 320 pp. ISBN 978-3-8365-4796-3 $ 69.99 / CAD 75 Hc., book stand, fold-outs, 19.6 x 27.1 in., 476 pp. ISBN 978-3-8365-5239-4 Subscription price: $ 2,500 / CAD 2,750 Hc., 11.8 x 11.8 in., 360 pp. ISBN 978-3-8365-4661-4 $ 69.99 / CAD 75 Hc., 9.2 x 13.3 in., 568 pp. ORIG. $ 1,750 / CAD 2,800 NEW $ 69.99 / CAD 75 ISBN 978-3-8365-5112-0 Hc., 5.3 x 7.6 in., 704 pp. ISBN 978-3-8365-5051-2 $ 19.99 / CAD 21.99 99 / CAD 42.2 x 17. The Complete Little Nemo FORMAT XL XL FORMAT maY TASCHEN’s faVoriTe TV shows CoVer Under consTrUcTion The comPLeTe LiTTLe Nemo CoVer Under consTrUcTion Hc. ISBN 978-3-8365-4998-1 PreFab Houses New EdiTion Friedensreich Hundertwasser 1928–2000 $ 499 / CAD 525 New EdiTion Hc.8 x 12.3 in. ISBN 978-3-8365-4275-3 The Big Butt Book 3D New EdiTion Hc.0 x 13. 12.99 ISBN 978-3-8365-5163-2 The Rolling Stones Hc....99 Hc.. ISBN 978-3-8365-4968-4 Hc.. ISBN 978-3-8365-3570-0 $ 200 / CAD 220 Hc. 12. $ 69.8 x 9. ISBN 978-3-8365-3629-5 $ 69. 8.. $ 700 / CAD 800 NEW $ 69. 728 pp. 11 x 8. ISBN 978-3-8365-4282-1 ORIG. 11.5 x 17. $ 125 / CAD 185 NEW $ 49.7 in.6 in.. $ 39.. ISBN 978-3-8365-4511-2 Renzo Piano.. ISBN 978-3-8365-5102-1 ORIG. ISBN 978-3-8365-5202-8 $ 150 / CAD 160 Kishin Shinoyama. ISBN 978-3-8365-5128-1 $ 39. $ 200 / CAD 250 NEW $ 69.. 9.2 x 10. 672 pp... ISBN 978-3-8365-4769-7 Hc.. Complete Works SUMO SIZE The Rolling Stones. 11.99 / CAD 75 NEW EdiTion Hc. John Lennon and Yoko Ono..99 / CAD 42.. 220 pp.4 in.. A Space Odyssey’ Hc.99 / CAD 55 FORMAT Michelangelo. 8. 528 pp.5 in.468 pp. 556 pp..99 / CAD 75 Hc.99 / CAD 32.3 x 7.9 x 11. 704 pp.3 x 14. 11 x 15. 388 pp..3 in.0 in.6 in.. 9.5 in.. Around the World in 125 Years All-American Ads of the 40s New EdiTion TASCHEN’s Favorite TV Shows Winsor McCay.. Complete Works 1966–2014 $ 200 / CAD 220 UPdaTed EdiTion JUne COVER NOT APPROVED Hc. Cut-Outs ORIG.99 / CAD 75 New EdiTion The Art of Pin-Up Hc.99 / CAD 42.5 in. ISBN 978-3-8365-5131-1 Arts & Architecture 1945–49 New EdiTion $ 39.. 3 vols..7 in. 11 x 11 in.. 600 pp. 220 pp. Trade Edition XL FORMAT XL OUT D L O S COVER NOT APPROVED COVER NOT APPROVED The RoLLing STones.4 x 15..... 4 vols.6 x 14...99 / CAD 75 . 632 pp.7 in. 13. 876 pp.. 400 pp... The definiTVe aUThoriZed ILLUsTraTed BiograPhY ORIG. 17.5 in.99 The Making of Stanley Kubrick’s ’2001. 8 x 9. 720 pp.99 Hc. ISBN 978-3-8365-3935-7 Henri Matisse. 13. 1. 3D glasses. Double Fantasy FORMAT XL FORMAT XL Hc. ISBN 978-3-8365-5129-8 NEW $ 29. 334 pp.National Geographic.3 in. . over 110 cm (43 in.) long. fantasy. Naples — 10 — . Museo Palazzo Grimani. In his pictorial translation of proverbs.February 2014 Bosch as never seen before Deciphering allegories in the complex. for example. He continues to be seen as a visionary. c. devils. Bosch—whose real name was Jheronimus van Aken—was widely copied and imitated: the number of surviving works by Bosch’s followers exceeds the master’s own production by more than tenfold. 1505–1515. Today only 20 paintings and eight drawings are confidently attributed to Bosch’s oeuvre. © SSPSAE-VE e polo museale veneziano. 978-3-8365-2629-6 $ 150 / CAD 160 Opposite: Heavenly Paradise (detail) Interior of the outer left wing of Paradise and Hell. Bosch was very much an innovator. and mythological creatures such as unicorns. evoking the popular expression that the world was “skating on ice”—meaning it had gone astray. and to transfer them from the marginalia of illuminated manuscripts into large-format panel paintings. FORMAT XL Hieronymus Bosch. published in view of the upcoming 500th anniversary of Bosch’s death. in particular. Alongside traditional hybrids of man and beast. Venedig / Photo © Luciano Romano.4 x 15.5 in. fantastical works of Hieronymus Bosch In the midst of the realist-leaning artistic climate of the Late Gothic and Early Renaissance. and griffins. a portrayer of dreams and nightmares. 11. which use the monstrous and the grotesque to illustrate sin and evil. Art historian and acknowledged Bosch expert Stefan Fischer examines just what it was about Bosch and his painting that proved so immensely influential. and the painter par excellence of hell and its demons. 1450–1516) was more than an anomaly. of The Garden of Earthly Delights. this exhaustive book. 300 pp. The Complete Works Stefan Fischer Hardcover with fold-outs. we also encounter countless mixed creatures freely invented by the artist. Bosch’s paintings are populated with grotesque scenes of fantastical creatures succumbing to all manner of human desire. Many subsidiary scenes illustrate proverbs and figures of speech in common use in Bosch’s day. Venice. such as centaurs. Netherlandish painter Hieronymus Bosch (c. dragons. One of his greatest inventions was to take the figural and scenic representations known as drolleries. Discover Bosch’s pictorial inventions in splendid reproductions with copious details and a huge fold-out spread. the artist shows a messenger devil wearing ice skates. and angst..  Featuring brand new photographs of recently restored paintings. covers the artist’s complete works. In his Temptation of St Anthony triptych. . ) Hardcover. in slipcase. plus the all important X-factor: the feature that makes staying there a truly unique experience • The full scope of contemporary travel in two neat volumes. or Shanghai. Abu Dhabi Rooms with a view A collection of 100 heavenly hideaways When traveling for business.4 in. lights. or a few days of blissful solitude with some great books.February 2014 Opposite: Qasr Al Sarab Desert Resort. location. from Mediterranean pensiones with nostalgic flair and moderate rates to the pricey-yet-worthy desert glamour of Amangiri resort in Utah’s canyon country. a weekend with a new lover. current prices. Mayer (Ed. type of cuisine. While fans of interior design might use it as an inspiring global selection of splendid sofas.. 720 pp. the two volumes make it a breeze to choose where to relax next. A different set of rules applies when we search for a place to celebrate a special family holiday. Suddenly a balcony with postcard-worthy views counts more than the number of TV channels. beds. Paris. The gamut runs from dream castles like Villa Feltrinelli on Lake Garda to the glass-fronted hipster chic of Juvet Hotel in Norway. That’s where this new TASCHEN collection comes in.4 x 12. A compilation of 100 hotels. coffee table-sized and with countless glossy photographs 100 Getaways around the World Margit J. amenities. and bathroom features. 978-3-8365-4397-2 $ 59. service. 2 vols. we often prefer hotel rooms of the same type in London. and cost-performance ratio • Each hotel comes with a reader-friendly chart listing the number of rooms. a sumptuous bed with a heavenly mattress and hand-ironed linens more than Wi-Fi connection in every nook and cranny of the hotel building. in countries from Abu Dhabi to Vietnam. Even dedicated web scouts will be tempted by this book to cuddle up on their sofa for a round of paper traveling.99 / CAD 65 — 14 — . 9.   • 100 very special hotels and guesthouses all over the world • From bed & breakfast basic to six-star luxurious • Selected by TASCHEN’s style and travel department according to criteria like stylistic harmony. It’s just more convenient. Subscription price: $ 2. but her work is somehow immediately recognizable. Georgia. Leibovitz drew from over forty years of work.1 in. Cumberland Island. The project took several years to develop and proved to be revelatory. Leibovitz is often imitated. journalists. Both editions will be presented with a book stand designed by Marc Newson.000 signed and numbered copies. writers. Limited to a total of 10. Graydon Carter. 1-1. she was intrigued and challenged. 6 fold-outs.000) and also as an Art Edition (No. Keith Haring (opposite) ISBN 978-3-8365-5238-7 Whoopi Goldberg (see page 18) ISBN 978-3-8365-5240-0 David Byrne (see page 19) ISBN 978-3-8365-5237-0 Patti Smith (see back cover) ISBN 978-3-8365-5239-4 SUMO SIZE for more deTaiLs PLease checK www. and Hans Ulrich Obrist. comedians. performance artists. Famed photographer Annie Leibovitz weighs in with her own SUMO When Benedikt Taschen asked the most important portrait photographer working today to collect her pictures in a SUMO-sized book. starting with the viscerally intimate reportage she created for Rolling Stone magazine in the 1970s and extending through the more stylized portraiture of her work for Vanity Fair and Vogue. 1991 (left). Celebrated images such as John and Yoko entwined in a last embrace are printed alongside portraits that have rarely. this book is available as a Collector’s Edition (No.001–10. Annie Leibovitz With an introduction by Steve Martin and a book stand designed by Marc Newson Supplementary book with essays by Annie Leibovitz. for more details please check www. In between are portraits that make up a family album of our time: actors. Paul Roth. Performance and power are recurring themes. 1.com ). New York City. Paul Roth. musicians. artists.500 / CAD 2. 19.750 The Collector’s Edition is available in four different dustjackets for choice. Graydon Carter. Mikhail Baryshnikov and Rob Besserer. business people.com — 16 — . Leibovitz was able to present some of her famous group portraits in a format that proves that she is the master of the genre. wide-ranging stylistically and also uniquely hers. The bookends of the Leibovitz collection are the black-and-white photograph of Richard Nixon’s helicopter lifting off from the White House lawn after he resigned as President in 1974 and the formal color portrait of Queen Elizabeth II taken in a drawing room of Buckingham Palace in 2007. 1990 (right). athletes.6 x 27. and sometimes never before. been seen.taschen. A supplementary book contains essays by Leibovitz. particularly by younger photographers. dancers. and short texts describing the subjects of each of the over 250 photographs.000. Her pictures are at once intimate and iconic.. 476 pp.Taschen.March 2014 Annie’s Big Book Above: Michael Jordan. Plus information about each subject portrayed. an interview by Hans Ulrich Obrist with Annie Leibovitz about her work. The Collector’s Edition is available in four different dustjackets for choice. . TASCHEN’s 100 all-time favorite film noirs and neo-noirs: from The Cabinet of Dr.7 in. London — 20 — . 8. and analyses of the films. and the recent cult favorite Drive. and femmes fatales. and Vertigo. you’ll covet this book—the first film-by-film photography book on film noir and neo-noir. Entries include posters. the book also pays homage to its iconic faces. Populated by the genre’s most revered directors.” — Shortlist. Hayworth. psychopaths. Film director. Wilder. tons of rare stills.99 / CAD 55 “A fascinating read that will have you scurrying to your nearest bookseller and. and so many more. and Scorsese. Bergman. 100 All-Time Favorites Paul Duncan Hardcover. Bogart. cast/crew details. Mann. Film Noir. where deception. Memento.4 x 10. film noir scholar. and betrayal run rampant… If your heart rate just increased a bit. Grant. Nicholson.. Beginning with German and French silent films that were early influences on the genre. like Hitchcock. a fedora shop. Welles. 688 pp. through to seminal works such as Double Indemnity. Heat. lust. Caligari to The Maltese Falcon to Drive Enter a world populated by private eyes. quotes from the films and from critics. Pulp Fiction. Pacino. Bacall. and Taxi Driver screenwriter Paul Schrader provides the introduction to this feast of noir worship. Polanski. gangsters. 978-3-8365-4356-9 $ 49.March 2014 Into the shadows Opposite: Tough homicide cop Mike Conovan (Van Johnson) must track down a cop killer in Scene of the Crime (1949). you’ll make your way to the present day via Chinatown. The Postman Always Rings Twice. such as those of Mitchum. Crawford. perhaps unwisely. Los Angeles photographer Michael Stokes has spent years searching out these photos and building an archive of over 500 images. To help bolster troops against the horrors of combat. When they weren’t fighting side by side. at their physical peak. 978-3-8365-4796-3 $ 69. Photo © Ivan Dmitri/Michael Ochs Archives/Getty Images. known as ‘The Big Stick’. My Buddy. anonymous photos mostly kept hidden away until their deaths. Italy. World War II Laid Bare Dian Hanson Hardcover. France. and in great happy groups just about everywhere. Photo © Michael Stokes Collection. formed intimate friendships.. The full extent of nude horseplay among men during World War II can’t be known. circa 1942. England. an 89-year-old ex-Marine and author of Full Service. 1943.99 / CAD 75 — 22 — . cavorting on the sand in the South Pacific. shivering in the snow of Eastern Europe. Poland. responding to the reality of battle by living each day to the fullest—a side of the war never before made public.4 in. Russia. and how the war forever altered his attitudes about gay and straight. These images show men barely out of boyhood. together every moment and depending on each other to survive.March 2014 Opposite: Sailors pose outside a gun turret on the deck of the American battleship USS Iowa. they relaxed together. The introduction is by Scotty Bowers. Many war buddies. Page 25: Australian buddies take a naked stroll through camp. 320 pp.. and the USA. the best-selling memoir of his sexual exploits in Hollywood.6 x 9. commanders encouraged them to form tight “buddy” relationships for emotional support. discharging tension in boisterous—sometimes naked—play. No Queens in the Marines Male bonding in the buff Every harrowing day for a serviceman during World War II was potentially his last. posing solo in the barracks. His collection includes soldiers and sailors from Australia. but some men did document this unprecedented male bonding in small. just as these photos may alter our attitudes about World War II and war buddies. as cameras were rare and film hard to process. 10. . From world-famous names to the freshest new talent. Chile. talented architects have occasionally indulged themselves with the challenge of designing small but perfectly formed buildings. come discover architectural invention on a whole new. “A fantastic book for anyone interested in present day architecture!” — Happy Famous Artists.4 x 10. Alvaro Siza and Kazuyo Sejima (SANAA) reveal their eye for tiny detail alongside artists Doug Aitken and Olafur Eliasson. London Small Architecture Now! Philip Jodidio Hardcover. small scale.7 in. Whether in Japanese cities. and housing for victims of natural disasters are all part of the new rush to develop the great small architecture of the moment. Tokyo Metropolitan Museum. but so are emergent architects from Portugal.. 978-3-8365-4669-0 $ 59. vacation cabins.99 / CAD 65 — 26 — — 27 — . small buildings present many advantages.April 2014 Opposite: Suzuko Yamada. and New Zealand. 416 pp. England. A (doll)house for Calvin Klein in New York. many architects have turned in a more focused way to creating works that may be diminutive in their dimensions. or at the frontier between art and architecture. a playhouse for children in Trondheim. but are definitely big when it comes to trendsetting ideas. 8. Photo © Iwan Baan Saving space Big ideas for small buildings Over the years. pop-up stores for fashion stars. The 2013 Pritzker Prize winner Toyo Ito is here. with reduced budgets. and push their designers to do more with less. Today. Pillar House. where large sites are hard to come by. Limited edition of 1. Also available as a limited Art Edition Nos. Carlos Rojas and William A. he learned the current strategies of conceptual and appropriation art. Ai’s own voice likewise carries this book in statements drawn from interviews conducted for the occasion. one needs to know the whole story behind his work. To understand his position. Buergel. He is known worldwide as a champion for the right to free expression who battles the repressive forces in his native China—which earned him an 81-day detention by the Chinese police in 2011.. to pictures from his home studio inhabited by cats. The artist himself has opened his archives to find many previously unseen images. During a lengthy stay in New York in the 1980s. starting from his role in the first blossoming of a Chinese avant-garde in the late 1970s.000 copies. who curated the 2007 documenta and hosted the artist’s Fairytale piece. Roger M.3 in.April 2014 Opposite: Ai Weiwei. This book was made in close collaboration with Ai to trace the tale of his life and art. from photos made during his time in New York to production shots of large installations in the workshop. which comes from a deep respect for cultural traditions as much as from iconoclastic tendencies of Western modernism. 1–100. and experts on Chinese culture and politics. and he has contributed to the design with traditional paper cuts and by wrapping the edition in silk cloth.500 — 28 — .9 x 17. 722 pp. Photo © Gao Yuan The artist activist The story of Ai Weiwei’s life and work Today Ai Weiwei enjoys a reputation far beyond the art world. Callahan. through his art as well as on the Internet. So here is the complete package—both the art and the activism on 700 copiously illustrated pages. but it was after his return to China in the 1990s that he found his artistic voice: working with his own cultural heritage and increasingly addressing immediate events in Chinese society. which took 1001 Chinese citizens to Kassel in Germany.500 / CAD 1. 12. Among the contributors bringing a special relationship with their subject to the book are Ai’s long-time friend and former Swiss ambassador to China Uli Sigg. 2012. 978-3-8365-4659-1 $ 1. FORMAT XL Ai Weiwei Hans Werner Holzwarth Hardcover. . 6 vols. and 50 redrawn images distinctly different from the original works.100 Gurls!. Sketchbooks 1964-1981 Dian Hanson Hardcover. 8. early period. our edition has been personally edited by the notoriously fastidious artist to include only what he considers his best work.344 pages = Classic Crumb This six-book boxed set is based on the original hard-bound.344 pages of prime Crumb from the artist’s most prolific. this limited edition with signed print is sure to increase in value and be sought both as an investment by collectors and as a stunning addition to any Crumb fan’s library. which included every doodle ever made by the preeminent underground artist.575 at Dallas-based Heritage Auction Galleries in 2007). Each book in the set contains 224 pages. for a total of 1.344 pp.” — The Huffington Post. slip-cased. Natural #1 sold for $ 101. This slip-cased set is made with loving attention to detail in a size and format selected by the artist. The set includes a handwritten introduction. 1. authenticated color art print of a collectible Crumb original. With Robert Crumb’s original art setting records at auction (the cover art for Mr. seven-volume series released by the German publisher Zweitausendeins between 1981 and 1997. “The underground comic and gifted dirty old man handpicks his finest unsavory doodles. many pages of original color works.6 in.000 / CAD 1. New York Robert Crumb. in slipcase with print in portfolio. 1.. reproduced directly from the original sketchbooks. Unlike the previous edition.000-copy limited edition also includes a signed. 1975 © Robert Crumb — 32 — .0 x 10. Each set in this 1. 978-3-8365-2443-8 $ 1.April 2014 Underground Treasures 18 years. . offices. including hotels. 978-3-8365-4668-3 $ 59. architect/designer. aesthetics and function must come together to create ambiance and conviviality in a way that not only makes a statement but also has clients coming back again and again. Marco Rebora. industry. education. cost of project. 440 pp. the challenge. and the solution • Information about the architect and designer • Specialties and interesting facts COVER NOT APPROVED Restaurant & Bar Design Julius Wiedemann Hardcover. sports and leisure. singling out the world’s most exceptional settings for eating and drinking. Entries include: • Numerous photographs • A fact sheet including location. and Middle East—the book features 100 highlights from the establishments put forward to the panel. government. A panel of top design. cruise. healthcare. and size of build • A text describing the briefing. Photo © Philip Vile Feast your eyes The art of hospitality design Restaurants and bars offer architects and interior designers the opportunity to design for both style and entertainment. Asia. Australia.4 x 10 in. fine dining. London. entries are submitted from all sectors. aviation. transport. Each year. and hospitality professionals judges the entries.April 2014 Opposite: Bangalore Express. The Restaurant & Bar Design Awards—the world’s only awards dedicated to hospitality design—recognize the importance of this particular field. lifestyle. and retail. Divided into five chapters—Americas.99 / CAD 65 — 34 — . Texts include chapter introductions by experts and judges such as Tony Chambers (editorin-chief of Wallpaper*) and designer Karim Rashid. 9. and a preface by the author and founder of the awards. Europe. New York City. from Native Americans and African Americans to immigrants and the last cow boys or gold rushers. sweltering deserts. they offer an extraordinary voyage through the America of our past. New York City. as well as its peoples. Pages 38-39: South Street and Brooklyn Bridge. Sabine Arqué Hardcover. tumbling waterfalls. 978-3-8365-4210-4 $ 200 / CAD 220 FORMAT XL Opposite: Flatiron Building. 11. It shows North America’s vast and varied landscape in all its splendour. the Rockies to the Tropic of Cancer.. windswept plains.the list of the continent’s natural features inspires both wonder and awe.April 2014 A glimpse into an epic beyond Majestic color photochromes of American life and landscapes around the turn of the 20th century From the Atlantic to the Pacific. Legendary locales such as Far West saloons. Imbued with a sense of discovery and adventure. — 36 — . Using a photolithographic process that predated the autochrome by nearly 20 years. these images offered people their first glimpses of color photographs. Lakes as great as seas. photochrom. An American Odyssey Marc Walter. the North American landscape is as diverse as it is immense. New York and San Francisco’s Chinatowns.. photochrom.5 in. Coney Island and Atlantic City complete the panorama of a century ago. This collection of photochromes and Phostint postcards from the private collection of Marc Walter was produced—in color—by the Detroit Photographic Company between 1888 and 1924.4 x 15.. rushing rivers. a legendary canyon. forests towering to the sky. 612 pp. marshy swamps. . as a contemporary notion of the sublime. This book covers all parts of the series from the turn of the century up until today. in its contemplation of both timeless qualities in the landscape and photography as a medium to record time’s passage. 360 pp. picturesque rocks by the seashore in Japan. COVER NOT APPROVED Darren Almond. and. star-lines cross the sky. the conceptual meets the poetic: British artist Darren Almond catches natural archetypes and silent landscapes in night photographs made under a full moon. 11. 978-3-8365-4661-4 $ 69. Germany 2010 — 40 — — 41 — . The book collects roughly 250 images which Almond captured following the full moon around the globe. Also available in three Art Editions.8 in. whose painterly subjects are closest to home. casting the landscapes in an unease that is wholly of our time. and an essay by curator Hamza Walker on photography and landscape in Darren Almond’s Fullmoon. and water blankets the earth like a misty froth. respectively.April 2014 Poetic nightscapes Darren Almond’s nocturnal nature series In Fullmoon. most intimately viewed. but the atmosphere is different. The work is about time. Fullmoon Hans Werner Holzwarth Hardcover. austere Arctic ice fields. The long exposure time illuminates the landscape almost like daybreak. and the whole series circles around the possibility of Romantic themes today: majestic American mountains. the nature of Britain.2. with the shutter kept open for over a quarter of an hour.. all numbered and signed by the artist. Natural monuments like Yosemite National Park and the German Isle of Rügen draw links to Romantic paintings by Albert Bierstadt and Caspar David Friedrich. with an introduction by Sheena Wagstaff.99 / CAD 75 Fullmoon@Eifel. There is a mild glow emanating even from the shadows.8 x 11. head of the Modern and Contemporary Art Department of the Metropolitan Museum in New York. The enhanced moonlight infuses the pictures with a haunted quality. Brazil 2011 — 43 — .Shan Shui Fullmoon. China 2008 — 42 — Fullmoon@Iguazu River. . Araki seeks to come closer to them through photography. Obsessed with women. Araki is an artist who reacts strongly to his emotions and uses photography to experience them more fully.99 / CAD 75 — 44 — . 978-3-8365-5112-0 Original edition $ 1.”  —Nobuyoshi Araki Japanese photographer Araki’s powerful œuvre. Known best for his intimate. Tokyo Enfant terrible The ultimate Araki collection “This book reveals everything about me.2 x 13. using ropes like an embrace and the click of the shutter like a kiss.800 New edition only $ 69. sensual flowers. decades’ worth of images. 9. has been distilled down to 568 pages of photographs that tell the story of Araki and compose the ultimate retrospective collection of his work.750 / CAD 2. 568 pp. First published as a limited edition – now available in an updated standard TASCHEN edition! New EdiTion Araki by Araki Hardcover. the Japanese art of bondage) and of colorful. nor of showing them to the world. snapshot-style images of women tied up with ropes (kinbaku. His work is at once shocking and mysteriously tender—a deeply personal artist. It’s been a 60-year contract. Araki is not afraid of his emotions.April 2014 Opposite: © Nobuyoshi Araki. Photography is love and death—that’ll be my epitaph.4 in. .” — Thesartorialist. easily one of the most inspiring books I’ve bought in years and it reminds me of the power of a simple. New York .Photo © National Geographic Creative “. straightforward image..com. 3 vols. and dozens of National Geographic staffers who covered the world from Timbuktu to Tuvalu • Introductory essays by Douglas Brinkley • Photographer biographies FORMAT XL National Geographic. and conservation. wildlife. social issues. we then cross the Atlantic to Europe and Africa (Volume 2).3 in. and finally sail the Indian Ocean to Asia and Oceania (Volume 3). while pushing the technical boundaries of the medium. George Rodger. 11 x 15. culture. shared. Now. James Nachtwey. Around the World in 125 Years Reuel Golden Hardcover. National Geographic magazine has dazzled and educated people with its incredible photographs.468 pages of photos in three volumes • Includes photos by Steve McCurry. From early black-and-white pictures to autochromes. National Geographic invented the aesthetic of the photo essay. and environmental threats. history. This world class set is a cultural investment to be cherished. Our trans-continental trip starts in the Americas and Antarctica (Volume 1).468 pp. and passed down to future generations. illustrations. in celebration of its 125th anniversary. and gripping stories from the four corners of the earth.000 copies worldwide! For five generations. the National Geographic Society’s trailblazing magazine has inspired millions of readers to explore and take an interest in the planet we inhabit. science. deep. from the golden age of Kodachromes to digital. 1. Readers will discover how the magazine evolved from presenting a romantic view of the world—subjects posed and smiling—to edgier stories reflecting political turmoil.Already published From slipcase … Each slipcase converts into its own book stand because these treasures deserve to be put on display! Exploring the globe since 1888 A journey through time with the world’s favorite magazine Limited edition of 125. Frans Lanting. Features: • 1. in slipcase. and colorful as the world itself.. 978-3-8365-4998-1 $ 499 / CAD 525 — 48 — … to book stand . National Geographic has given TASCHEN complete access to its archives to distill the journey of a lifetime into three prodigious volumes featuring photographs—many unpublished—almost as rich. Combining travel. and colorful as the world itself. . National Geographic has given TASCHEN complete access to its archives to distill the journey of a lifetime .” — Evening Standard. London . . London “It’s a gift that will be treasured for years to come. . . .” — The Daily Telegraph. into three prodigious volumes featuring photographs — many unpublished — almost as rich.In celebration of its 125 th anniversary. deep. “It’s the photography book of the year and a towering achievement in every way. “A&A was instrumental in putting American architecture on the map.” — Julius Shulman . Case Study House No. Travers Hardcover. August 1945. The very best of the first five years of the groundbreaking architecture magazine New EdiTion Arts & Architecture 1945-49 Benedikt Taschen. among many luminaries of Modernism. September 1946. Eames.. The era’s greatest architects were featured in A&A. 9. Ellwood. 4 by Ralph Rapson Opposite: Arts & Architecture. and cover designers Herbert Matter and Alvin Lustig. This selection—directed and produced by Benedikt Taschen—brings together all the covers and the highlights from the first five years of the legendary magazine and is a comprehensive record of mid-century American architecture. David F. Arts & Architecture.99 / CAD 75 Pages 52-53: Arts & Architecture. exciting things were happening in American architecture: emerging talents were focusing on innovative projects that integrated low-cost materials and modern design. Lautner.8 x 12. writers Esther McCoy and Peter Yates.6 in. who ran the magazine for over two decades until David Travers became publisher in 1962. cover. Frank Gehry and Richard Meier. and Koenig. A&A was instrumental in putting American architecture—and in particular California Modernism—on the map.May 2014 Welcome to Modernism From the end of World War II until the mid-1960s. and social issues. design by Herbert Matter — 54 — . This trend was most notably embodied in the famous Case Study House Program. art. Schindler. politics. music. 978-3-8365-5102-1 Original edition $ 700 / CAD 800 New edition only $ 69. largely thanks to the inspiration of John Entenza. Focusing not only on architecture but also design. which was championed by the era’s leading American journal. and two of today’s most wildly successful architects. had their debuts in its pages. Other key contributors to the magazine include photographers Julius Shulman and Ezra Stoller. 632 pp. The complete facsimile of Arts & Architecture was published by TASCHEN in 2008 as a limited Collector’s Edition. including Neutra. Saarinen. A&A was an ambitious and groundbreaking publication. .” said Friedensreich Hundertwasser. 978-3-8365-5128-1 $ 39. Vienna / NAMIDA AG. Glarus Dreaming outside the lines The life and work of the Austrian artist and architect “A world full of color. and philosopher. He became a symbolic figure. 1966 © Die Hundertwasser Gemeinnützige Privatstiftung. with detailed texts by Hundertwasser’s longtime friend Wieland Schmied. and offers a comprehensive presentation of Hundertwasser’s work and life. 400 pp.99 — 56 — — 57 — .99 / CAD 42. New EdiTion COVER NOT APPROVED “The straight line is godless. 92 x 60 cm.” With his demonstrations and actions. for more human-oriented architecture. 8 x 9. and for the improvement of the quality of life and living conditions. “is synonymous with paradise. Winter Painting – Mister Snow Mixed media. in particular for all those who are searching for a life tuned to the natural and the human. Friedensreich Hundertwasser was one of the most fascinating artists of the 20th century. his manifestos for nature.5 in. This standard edition consists of the first volume of TASCHEN’s limited edition Friedensreich Hundertwasser 1928–2000. not only as a painter but also as an architect.May 2014 Opposite: 625. ecologist.” —Friedensreich Hundertwasser Friedensreich Hundertwasser 1928-2000 Wieland Schmied Hardcover. Venice. of Michelangelo’s more personal traits and circumstances. Per gentile concessione dei Musei Vaticani. This sumptuous book also takes account. Christof Thoenes. detail from the Sistine Ceiling. His achievements as a sculptor. multi-faceted. TASCHEN brings you this comprehensive tome that explores Michelangelo’s life and work in more depth and detail than ever before. to a previously unseen extent. Rome A glorious exploration of Michelangelo’s works Before reaching the tender age of 30. the main body of the book presents his work in four parts. buildings. Gorgeous. providing a complete analytical inventory of Michelangelo’s paintings. 9. In addition. his immense wealth. London $ 69. This is the definitive work about Michelangelo for generations to come. draftsman. 978-3-8365-3935-7 Original edition $ 200 / CAD 250 New edition only “If a visit to the Sistine Chapel is not on the cards.. Such was his renown that Michelangelo was the subject of two biographies during his lifetime. an area in which decisions continue to be steered by the interests of the art market and the major collections. 736 pp. and his skill as a property investor. this magnificent book is the next best thing…” — The Sunday Express Magazine. such as his solitary nature. 1511. Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475–1564) had already sculpted David and the Pietà. This is demonstrated not only by the frescoes of the Sistine Chapel but also by Michelangelo’s monumental sculptures and his unconventional architectural designs. painter.6 x 14. and architect are unique—no artist before or after him has ever produced such a vast. sculptures.May 2014 Il divino Opposite: Prophet Jeremiah. whose forms went far beyond the accepted vocabulary of his day. and wide-ranging oeuvre.6 in. and drawings. two of the most famous sculptures in the entire history of art. © Archivio fotografico Musei Vaticani. The first part concentrates on the life of Michelangelo via an extensive and copiously illustrated biographical essay. his thirst for money and commissions. New EdiTion Michelangelo.99 / CAD 75 — 58 — . full-page reproductions and enlarged details bring readers up close to the works. Thomas Pöpper Hardcover in slipcase. the book tackles the controversial issue of the attribution of Michelangelo drawings. his miserliness. Complete Works Frank Zöllner. this publication marks the first time that a truly exhaustive book has been devoted to it. Clarke. The Making of Stanley Kubrick’s ’2001.001) and also in two Art Editions of 250 copies each (No. and adopting a cool. concept artworks.May 2014 The ultimate trip Opposite: An unsuccessful makeup test for a primordial human.3 x 7. 876 pp. 1–250 and No. and superb behind-the-scenes photographs from the Kubrick Archives—most of which have never been published before—as well as exclusive material from co-screenwriter Arthur C.Taschen. conceived by the very same designers of TASCHEN’s instant collectible Stanley Kubrick’s Napoleon. exploring in great depth every aspect of the film and its making: the groundbreaking technical effects. the extraordinary set designs. this four-volume set revisits the subject. 251-500). A Space Odyssey’ is a landmark book for film fans and a celebration of technical special-effects innovation before the digital age. all signed by Christiane Kubrick and with a print each signed by illustrator Brian Sanders. 501–2. organized technological culture. 4 vols. 17. in slipcase. do we lose as much as we gain? Science fiction’s greatest masterpiece explored in depth In March 1964.” Fifty years after the film’s conception. 978-3-8365-4769-7 for more deTaiLs PLease checK www. Kubrick’s 2001 is a story of evolution from a “primitive” to an “advanced” species. The Greatest Movie Never Made. A Space Odyssey’ Piers Bizoni.7 in.001 copies. In shedding our fearful and uncertain animal origins. Stanley Kubrick decided that his next project would be to make “the proverbial good science-fiction movie.com — 60 — . and the fascinating collaboration between Kubrick and Arthur C.. this copiously illustrated work features hundreds of unique 2001-related documents. M/M Paris Hardcover. FORMAT XL The Making of Stanley Kubrick’s ’2001. this book is available as a Collector’s Edition (No. TASCHEN looks back at the process of making the most important science-fiction film of all time. Limited to a total of 2. Clarke’s archives.   Made in exclusive collaboration with the Kubrick estate and Warner Brothers. Though 2001 has arguably spawned more critical texts and scholar­ly analyses than any other film. TASCHEN readers enjoyed a sampling of previously unseen 2001 material in The Stanley Kubrick Archives. and key special-effects experts) Volume 3: Facsimile of original screenplay Volume 4: Facsimile of original 1965 production notes Certain scenes in 2001 were produced with a complex front projection machine. senior production designers. Illustration Oliver Rennert © TASCHEN . This projected a transparency of an appropriate backdrop onto a glassy surface at the back of the set.The making of magic How Stanley Kubrick revolutionized science fiction and the art of cinema Four volumes contained in a monolith-shaped case: Volume 1: Film stills Volume 2: Behind the scenes (including new interviews with lead actors. . Pages 68-69: John and Yoko walking from the Dakota through Central Park to the photo session for the cover of Double Fantasy. his subjects often revealing.Taschen. 1980. Double Fantasy. This candidness is perhaps most poignantly expressed in his beautiful series of photographs of Yoko Ono and John Lennon. a time of intense creative catharsis and personal rebirth. 12. private moments with very public personalities.. Opposite: John Lennon and Yoko Ono recording “Woman” at The Hit Factory in New York. personal moments captured without staging or self-consciousness. over 30 years later. through his lens. Double Fantasy Hardcover. lends his images the air of a family snapshot. often depicting nude men and women. making him one of Japan’s most controversial and acclaimed artists. FORMAT XL Kishin Shinoyama.com — 66 — . Shinoyama successfully captured the iconic couple at a pivotal moment in their longstanding relationship.730 copies.May 2014 The power of love Intimate portraits of John and Yoko Lyrical and sensual.  Limited Collector’s Edition of 1. September 15. even when shooting the well known and oftphotographed. signed by Yoko Ono and photographer Kishin Shinoyama. His capacity for intimacy. shot at Ono’s request for the cover and promotion of the couple’s celebrated 1981 album. Shinoyama displays a remarkable ease with his subjects. Though much of his photography features pop stars and celebrities. an unexpected openness and vulnerability. 220 pp. His work captures rare.2 x 17. these images—many of them never seen before—still resonate with a remarkable freshness and honesty. John Lennon and Yoko Ono. Kishin Shinoyama’s provocative images have been hailed by critics and have come under fire for indecency. 978-3-8365-4968-4 for more deTaiLs PLease checK www. Now.3 in. . haven’t changed at all over the years.3 x 10. 704 pp. It’s hard to believe that the company who made your ultra-compact mobile phone was once advertising portable radios with “Motorola: More radio pleasure for less money. it sure is quiet!” You’ll also find some familiar products that. such as juicy Dole pineapples and wholesome Campbell’s soup. R. the portly black maid. 978-3-8365-5131-1 $ 39. 8. to promote their new silent refrigerators: “Lor-dy.99 / CAD 42. are as eloquent about mid-century Americans as any eyewitness report. 1942 Colorful capitalism From rationing to prosperity: American advertising in a time of war and reconstruction World War II brought unprecedented pride and prosperity to the American people.” — The Wall Street Journal. From Western Electric communication tools (for “the modern battle”) to Matson sea liners (“Discover a new life”) to Seagram’s whiskey (for “Men Who Plan Beyond Tomorrow”) to the Hoover vacuum (“For every woman who is proud of her home”). Wilkerson III Hardcover..8 in. New York All-American Ads of the 40s Jim Heimann.99 — 70 — . Yum! New EdiTion “The ads themselves. besides being graphically stunning. amazingly.. W.” or that Electrolux didn’t have any qualms about using Mandy.May 2014 Opposite: Asbestos Limited Inc. and nothing mirrors the new wave of consumerism and progress better than the ads of the time. the flood of products and services for every occasion or whim was practically endless. and they are the heroes of a new age of entertainment. AMC. we can plunge into the offices of a 1960s advertising agency.. Who were the trendsetters of this TV revolution? Who were its forerunners? What inspired the creators? What sparked the boom that has already produced dozens of top-rated series and shows no sign of slowing down? The book offers readers fascinating insights into the worlds of their favorite series and inspires them to discover new ones. solitary hero of Breaking Bad.May 2014 Binge watching Above: Dirty work: cancer-stricken chemistry teacher Walter White (Bryan Cranston). All of the facts are here about authors and actors. goes off the rails. Like many heroes of recent series. In the last decade. 12.8 x 9. shows like Breaking Bad. The Sopranos. and the Internet have ushered in new ways to watch “television” and spawned global fan communities who. influences and backgrounds. 978-3-8365-4275-3 for more deTaiLs PLease checK www. Opposite: Man in focus: Don Draper (Jon Hamm). sequels and spin-offs—from David Lynch’s groundbreaking masterpiece Twin Peaks and milestones such as Oz. he has a dark secret. and Don Draper. and probe the multiple levels of meaning of their favorite series.Taschen. 700 pp. follow the day-to-day dealings of a Mafia clan in New Jersey. TASCHEN’s faVoriTe TV shows CoVer Under consTrUcTion TASCHEN’s Favorite TV Shows. Thanks to these expertly-produced shows. DVDs. Tony Soprano. From “Twin Peaks” to “House of Cards”: television as an art form Their names are Walter White. this book presents an overview of the most important and successful series of recent years.com — 72 — . Cable TV networks. From Twin Peaks to House of Cards Jürgen Müller Hardcover. independently of programs and broadcasting schedules. Lost. networks such as HBO.6 in. devour episode after episode. or shadow elite soldiers suspected of being terrorists. and ABC have launched a new era of cinematic narrative. and Breaking Bad to current highlights like Game of Thrones and House of Cards. Proclaiming their ambition to tear down the barriers set up around commercial television for too many decades. embodies the stylistic elegance of Mad Men. and Mad Men have toppled cinema from its leading position in the universe of popular culture. creative director of ad agency Sterling Cooper. season after season. Alongside a wealth of TV stills. The Complete Little Nemo With a 132-page introduction by Alexander Braun Hardcover. color. Pages 76-77: Winsor McCay: Little Nemo in Slumberland. 1907 (detail). As a comic artist. his work has lost none of its appeal.. FORMAT XL The comPLeTe LiTTLe Nemo CoVer Under consTrUcTion Winsor McCay. in full.3 in. and narrative levels influenced generations of artists after him. panel layout. The Complete Little Nemo collects. 13. His virtuoso play with perspective. The New York Herald. Though McCay was a master of illusion. in which he combined reality and illustrated fiction for vaudeville audiences in an astonishing way. In his extensive accompanying text. 1906. Additionally. his influence was inestimable: He set standards in narrative technique. 672 pp. and graphic refinement that still apply today. over the years.S. This publication is a tremendous monument to one of the most innovative pioneers of comics that no comics fan will want to miss. 978-3-8365-4511-2 $ 200 / CAD 220 — 74 — . and. he never shied away from revealing the hidden “mechanics” behind the magic to his audience.5 x 17. he toured the United States with his own stage show. Opposite: Winsor McCay: Little Nemo in Slumberland. May 6. glorious color in which they first appeared in the comic supplements of the major American Sunday newspapers. McCay was also one of the most important trailblazers in animated film: Beginning in 1911—one and a half decades before Walt Disney—he defined standards for animated films that would remain relevant for decades to come. for the very first time.  TASCHEN’s sumptuous Winsor McCay. October 27. The New York Herald. illustrated by historical photographs and documents. comics expert Alexander Braun describes Winsor McCay’s life and places his work within the cultural history of the U. all 550 episodes of Little Nemo in Slumberland—the iconic comic strip in which a little boy’s fantastic and surreal dreams come to life. media and entertainment industry shortly after the turn of the 20th century.May 2014 Adventures in pajamas The complete Little Nemo compilation Winsor McCay (1869–1934) was one of the key figures in the American entertainment industry at the beginning of the 20th century. . 334 pp. In this late phase of his life—he was almost 80 years of age—he developed the technique of creating brightly colored paper cut-outs.7 in. an elderly. Vienna Henri Matisse. 11. Xavier-Gilles Néret Hardcover with fold-outs. yet their simplicity was dismissed by many critics as the folly of a senile old man. 978-3-8365-3629-5 $ 69. Cut-Outs Gilles Néret. “All things considered. and lithographer. sickly Matisse was unable to stand and use a paintbrush for a longer period of time. Later critics realized that Matisse had found a brilliant solution to the age-old conflict between line and color—one that would profoundly influence generations of artists to come.” — Der Standard.99 / CAD 75 — 78 — . These gouaches decoupées (gouache cut-outs) represented a revolution in modern art. New EdiTion “A rare and outstanding symbiosis of book art and art book.. Photo © Hélène Adant Drawing with scissors A compendium of his revolutionary late-period work The reputation of Henri Matisse (1869–1954) as the most important artist of the modern era is rivaled only by Picasso—who himself said.” Towards the end of his monumental career as a painter. Nice 1952.May 2014 Opposite: Henri Matisse working on the monumental cut-outs. sculptor.3 x 14. there is only Matisse. you can have it in state-of-the-art 3-D! Sound like a crazy dream? Well. “One of the great beauties of architecture is that each time.3 in. unless you’ve got buns. London $ 49. He is truly an architect whose sensibilities represent the widest range of this and earlier centuries. As with The Big Book of Breasts 3-D and The Big Penis Book 3-D. virtuoso The wide-ranging career of the master architect “The array of buildings by Renzo Piano is staggering in scope and comprehensive in the diversity of scale.” — Playboy.99 Renzo Piano. or a murder mystery. sketches. material. Whereas some architects have a signature style. Texas. and the Kimbell Art Museum Expansion in Fort Worth. his 66-story London Bridge Tower. The female butt. but really pop when you put on the red and blue anaglyph glasses included with this volume. and The New York Times Building in New York (2000–07). a new world confronts an architect with each project. many not seen in the original Big Butt Book. Japan (1990–94). Jon and his team apply their technique so subtly that images are minimally affected on the page. “My anaconda don’t want none. The book contains 110 of these masterpieces. 220 pp. Contemporary Italians touch it for luck before placing a bet. 11 x 11 in. covers Piano’s career to date. 978-3-8365-5163-2 $ 39. hun. A great addition to bookshelves.9 x 11.99 / CAD 55 — 80 — — 81 — . which includes the construction of a new parliament building. or derrière has always inspired awe. 528 pp. fully dimensional derrières The Kama Sutra gives detailed instructions on how to spank it. TASCHEN is where dreams come true.” Piano says. and slavish devotion. culo. a cheeky tome that gets the thumbs-up from us. and form. The updated publication includes new photographs of the now completed Modern Wing of the Art Institute of Chicago. original black and white photos have been converted to anaglyph 3-D by Jon Schnitzer and The Brain Factory. 8. UPdaTed ediTion COVER NOT APPROVED “The Big Butt Book. 28 x 28 cm.” — Interior Design Magazin. Complete Works 1966–2014 Philip Jodidio Hardcover. This stunning monograph. Malta. “Like a movie director doing a love story. See cover model Alexis Texas as nature intended! Thrill to Coco in the round! When they see The Big Butt Book 3-D even breast men will agree with Sir Mix-a-Lot. Americans are having it cosmetically enhanced at rates approaching those for breast enlargement surgery. bulging off the page and waggling seductively as you move from left to right. tush. 220 pages. it is like life starting all over again. illustrated by photographs. fantasy. 978-3-8365-4282-1 Original edition $ 125 / CAD 185 Updated 2014 edition only “Beautifully shot and presented. so get ready for The Big Butt Book 3-D. Take a look – delicious from page one..June 2014 June 2014 Sweet cheeks in 3-D A cornucopia of delectably rounded.” This explains why it takes more than a superficial glance to recognize Piano’s fingerprints on such varied projects as the Pompidou Center in Paris (1971–77). Valletta City Gate in Valletta. Formerly flat butts now leap into three dimensional fullness. and plans.. with a stunning full lenticular cover. the Kansai airport in Osaka.” Such was the description of Renzo Piano given by the Pritzker Prize jury as they bestowed the prestigious award on him in 1998. as well as a sneak peek at his current project. and now.99 / CAD 42.” Piano. Chicago The Big Butt Book 3D Dian Hanson Hardcover with 3D glasses. a western. what sets Piano apart is that he seeks simply to apply a coherent set of ideas to new projects in extraordinarily different ways. pastels.. and Gil Elvgren that sold for $ 2. The reproduction quality of the paintings. the book concludes with an “Encyclopedia of Pin-up. 11. All this adds up to a hard-to-beat book on this popular subject. Today it’s huge. and preparatory sketches—largely sourced from the original art— invites the viewer to trace the brush strokes in these full-page delights. oil on board. for a 1957 Joseph C. Opposite: The Shake-Down. George Petty.June 2014 One big slice of cheesecake Pin-up travels the long road from barracks wall to high art In the 15 years since TASCHEN released The Great American Pin-up. Much of these ephemera were photographed on-site at the historic Brown & Bigelow Company.5 in. and ripe for an equally huge and truly comprehensive collector’s edition. Sarahjane Blum.4 x 15. the most complete compendium of pin-up artists ever compiled. and much of it was discarded by publishers and calendar companies after printing. Hoover & Sons pin-up calendar FORMAT XL COVER NOT APPROVED The Art of Pin-up Dian Hanson. vintage prints. was produced between 1920 and 1970. Paintings by leading artists such as Alberto Vargas.” featuring thumbnail bios and representative art of 72 additional artists. and original model photos. The Art of Pin-up is an impressive book that will be coveted by casual fans as well as hardcore pin-up collectors.000 in 1996 are going for $ 200. 978-3-8365-3570-0 $ 200 / CAD 220 — 82 — . Pin-up. Louis Meisel Hardcover. Formidably sized. by Art Frahm. home to the world’s largest archive of vintage pin-up calendars. 720 pp. Each chapter contains exquisite period calendars. defined as drawings or paintings of pretty girls that stop short of frank nudity. international interest in this distinctly American art form has increased exponentially.000 and more today. Following the chapters on the 15 featured artists. 1955. documenting the artists’ creative process. the Rolling Stones! Trade EdiTion aVaiLabLe SUmmer 2014 for more deTaiLs PLease checK www.com SUMO © Gered Mankowitz/Bowstir Ltd The definitive authorized illustrated history of the Stones— T U O D L O S and signed by Mick.Taschen. Numbered Keith.Ladies and gentlemen. and Ronnie! SIZE ... Charlie. 99 cO WOOd ARcHiTEcTURE NOW! VOL.99 Mi 100 CONTEMpORaRY ARcHiTEcTS.99 / CAD 15.99 / CAD 32.Photo © Sebastião Salgado ALL TItLES INdEX OF FORMaTS ad p Architecture & Design cE p Collector’s Editions cO p Compact FO p Photography Fp p For the poor GR p Big Art Series JU p Jumbo Ka p Basic Art Series Kc p Basic Architecture Series KF p Basic Film Series KG p Basic Genres Series KO p Klotz KR p Basic Art Series Mi p Midi MS p Midi size pi p Piccolo Rc p Reversible cover SU p Sumo Va p Varia XL p Extra large VA ARCHITECTURE NOW! VOL. 2 VOLS.99 / CAD 65 Mi LaNdScapE ARcHiTEcTURE NOW! 978-3-8228-5002-2 $ 14. 2 978-3-8365-2330-1 $ 59.99 / CAD 42.99 / CAD 42. VOL. Munich 978-3-8365-2813-9 $ 49.99 / CAD 15.99 / CAD 42. 8 978-3-8365-4669-0 $ 59.99 CO ARCHITECTURE NOW! HOUSES.99 cO SMaLL ARcHiTEcTURE NOW! 978-3-8365-4948-6 $ 29.99 Kc ANdO 978-3-8365-3440-6 $ 39.99 / CAD 42.99 JU ANDO. VOL.99 / CAD 15.99 JU 100 CONTEMPORARY GREEN BUILDINgS. 978-3-8365-4348-4 $ 14.99 / CAD 75 VA ARTS & ARCHITECTURE 1945–54.99 / CAD 42.99 / CAD 65 JU 100 CONTEMpORaRY HOUSES.99 / CAD 42.99 8th 978-3-8365-3198-6 $ 29. 5 978-3-8365-1738-6 $ 39.99 MI GREEN ARCHITECTURE NOW! VOL.99 / CAD 10. 2 VOLS. COMPLETE WORKS 1975–2012.99 / CAD 65 MI ARCHITECTURE NOW! EaT SHOP DRInK 978-3-8365-3593-9 $ 59.99 978-3-8365-3676-9 $ 39.99 / CAD 15.99 / CAD 10. 978-3-8365-3616-5 NEW $ 14. 1 978-3-8228-3006-2 $ 14. 1 978-3-8228-2678-2 $ 700 / CAD 800 Kc BaN 978-3-8365-4487-0 $ 39. Va ARcHiTEcTURE NOW! VOL.99 cO ARcHiTEcTURE iN THE 20TH CENTURY 978-3-8365-3591-5 $ 59.99 / CAD 42.99 / CAD 79.99 / CAD 15.99 / CAD 55 cO THE ARcHiTEcT’S HOME 978-3-8365-3589-2 $ 39. 978-3-8365-2681-4 $ 39.99 / CAD 15. 2 VOLS.99 — 87 — 978-3-8228-3649-1 $ 9.99 / CAD 42.99 AD BAUHAUS printing $ 69.99 MI ARCHITECTURaL THEORY.99 Va ARcHiTEcTURE NOW! HOUSES.99 MI ARCHITECTURE NOW! VOL. 9 978-3-8365-2328-8 $ 39.99 / CAD 15. UPDaTED VERSION 978-3-8365-4346-0 NEW EdiTiON $ 14.99 / CAD 10.99 cO ARcHiTEcTURE NOW! VOL.99 Va ARTS & ARcHiTEcTURE 1945–49 978-3-8228-4895-1 $ 9. 2 VOLS.” —Süddeutsche Zeitung.99 Kc BaUHaUS 978-3-8365-4118-3 $ 39. 2 978-3-8365-5102-1 $ 69.99 / CAD 32. 4 MI SHOPPING ARCHITECTURE NOW! ARcHiTEcTURE 978-3-8365-2345-5 $ 14.99 / CAD 65 KR AaLTO 978-3-8365-3899-2 $ 59.99 .99 Va GREEN ARcHiTEcTURE NOW! VOL.99 / CAD 65 MI TEMPORARY ARCHItECtURE NOW! 978-3-8365-4191-6 $ 59. 3 978-3-8365-3076-7 $ 9.99 / CAD 65 AD ART NOUVEAU 978-3-8365-1294-7 $ 14. 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