Tantrik Sadhana for Wealth

May 1, 2018 | Author: manchiraju raj kumar | Category: Mantra, Nondualism, Hindu Behaviour And Experience, Indian Religions, Spirituality



Tantrik Sadhana For wealthHere i have given some of the Tantrik Sadhana for obtaining Wealth and Happiness 1.On Diwali or on any Wednesday of a rising moon period sit facing the north direction. Light a holy fire in front of you. Mix 108 beads of Kamalgattas/Kamalgatta beads (Dried Lotus Beads) with ghee (clarified butter), Honey and sugar. Offer the beads one by one in the holy fire by chanting the mantra: By doing this Sadhana one definitely obtains the blessings of Mother Laxmi and obtains prosperity in the process. OM AYEIM SHREEM SARVAKARYA SIDHAYAK NAMAH 2. Parad Lakhmi Sadhana If you are facing monetary problems then do this sadhana .All monetary problems will vanish. Obtain a statue of Parad Laxmi (This statue is made of mercury and solidified after a series of complex chemical procedures) that has been consecrated with proper mantras. Take a rosary of sea shells and chant the following mantra regularly: OM AYIM SARVA KARYA VARAD PARADESHWARI MAHALAKSHMYE NAMAH 3. Vasudha Lakhmi Sadhana Vasudha Laxmi is one of the divine form of Mahalaxmi that gives success in all land related dealings. This Sadhana is for individuals who want to buy their own land but are not being successful for one reason or the another. This Sadhana is also for individuals who are facing land related litigations. This is the best Sadhana for people who want to construct their own house. On a Monday of a rising moon period sit facing north. Keep a picture of Mahalaxmi in front of you along with the picture of your Guru (spiritual guide). If you do not have a Guru then keep a picture of Lord Shiva and worship him as your Guru. Do the necessary daily pooja and chant one rosary of the guru mantra. Thereafter take a red cloth and make a triangle on it with unbroken rice. In the center of the triangle make a mound of Kumkum. and establish the VASUDHA LAXMI YANTRA on it. Light a lamp of clarified butter and incense in front of the yantra. Take some water in your right hand and express your land/house related desire and let the water flow onto the ground after you have expressed your desire. Then chant the following mantra for one hour: OM GLOUM SHREEM VASUDHA DAAPAY SHREEM GLOUM OM NAMAH After the mantra chanting is over lift the kumkum that is under the Yantra carefully an wrap it in wet mud. the next day when this wet mud ball is dry then wrap it along with the red cloth and the Yantra and drop these items in a river or a lake where their is flowing water. All your land related problems will be solved 4. Sadhana with Sphatik ( rock Crystal) the festival of lights is the most important time to do wealth related Sadhanas because Mother Laxmi says whenever I am prayed to on Diwali. Wealth is the most important thing in a man's life because unless and until a man is materialistically well off he will never know what spiritualism is and will never be able to embark on the journey of self realization. Wash it with Ganges water. whenever you are free. Diwali. This is a great practice specially for people involved in marketing and advertising. The beeja mantra of Mahalaxmi is: SHREEM *********************************************************************** For Removing Blockages in trade and Gaining assests .On a full moon night wear a silver band in the ring finger of left hand. Kamala Tantra is very detailed. 2. Apply a tilak of KumKum and light a lamp of clarified butter and incense in front of it.Procure a sphatika rosary (Rosary of Rock Crystal). The best Sadhana that one should do on Diwali is the Shri Yantra Sadhana. ********************************************************** Here are some tips from Tantra Shastra for success in Business 1. Make this a habit. I manifest at such a place.For businessmen who feel that their business in not progressing at the right pace should light a holy fire every Wednesday and do Homa with the following mantra: OM HREEM KLEEM NAMO BHAGWATI MAAHESHWARI ANNAPOORNE SWAHA *********************************************************************** *********** For Gaining Wealth and assets Continuously Mentally chant the beej mantra of Maha Laxmi as much as possible. Here are revealed small experiments which if done carefully will bring about wealth and prosperity. Then chant the following mantra on this rosary: AYIM HREEM SHREEM KLEEM This is a simple Sadhana and it ensures that Mahalaxmi stays in your home. If it is a Monday on the full moon night then all the more beneficial. If you are unsuccessful in most of your business activities and there are a lot of unforeseen obstacles that suddenly crop up then this experiment is for you. Then he lit four lamps representing Riddhi . The rosary should be of Kamalgatta (dried lotus beads). Keep this article in a place where it is not moved again and again. I wish to accomplish this Sadhana so that I could have the blessings of the Goddess Lakshmi.One that destroys poverty: OM AYIM HREEM SHREEM KLEEM DARIDYA VINASHAKE JAGATPRASOOTYE NAMAH One should do 1. 5. Take a cotton thread and tie seven knots on it. With each knot chant the following Ganpati mantra: OM HREEM SHREEM KLEEM GLOUM GAM SHREE MANMAHA GANADHIPATYE NAMAH After that place this thread in a silver amulet and keep this amulet in the front pocket of your shirt/coat. Do this mantra is front of a picture of Mother Laxmi after lighting a lamp of clarified butter and incense stick. There is no other Sadhana more great than this. ***************************************************************** Some of the Great Mantras of Wealth used by our Rushis and Saints Rishi Vashishtth Rishi Vashishtth once said to his disciple Aarambik . Rishi Vashishtth placed a Lakshmi Yantra before himself and made it consecrated with Shreerodaya Mantra. ****************************************************************** For The one Who is cursed by Poverty This is for people who have been engulfed by poverty and nothing has given them benefit. There is no other Mantra more powerful than it. This Mantra is called as DARIDYA NASHAK LAXMI MANTRA . This should be done around 10:00 in the morning. 3.I am sitting down in Lakshmi Sadhana with the aim of having the glimpse of the Goddess. *********************************************************************** For People Who start New Business or Expanding Existing Business If you have an already existing business and starting a new business in addition to the old business then get any iron article from your old business place on a Saturday evening and place this in the premises from where the new business is operating. On a Friday. 7 rosaries of this mantra everyday. Shubh (luck) and Laabh (gains). On it place an Eishwarya Lakshmi Yantra. Place them on the four corners of the plate. Similarly there are other Mantras and Sadhanas devised by the sage which are very powerful and unfailing. This proved that the Mantra devised by the sage was really divine and efficacious. Then with a silver straw draw a picture of Goddess Lakshmi on it. The Mantra used by the Rishi was - Om Hreem Hreem Hreem Kamal Vaasinyei Aagachch Aagachch Hreem Hreem Hreem Namah. Goddess Lakshmi appeared and said . He revealed a very secret Sadhana to Shankar that is amazingly powerful. Then with a Sfatik rosary he started to chant the following Mantra. Yantra and Sadhana devised by sage Vashishtth. Many texts contain reference to this Sadhana. poverty or sorrow in your life again. His Guru told him that till he did not accomplish the Sadhana and worship of Goddess Lakshmi he would not be able to attain to totality in life. And as he completed 21 rounds of the Mantra. *********************************************************************** *Maharishi Pulatsya Rishi Pulatsya accomplished a very special Lakshmi Sadhana in order to gain wealth and prosperity. This proved the power and efficacy of the Mantra. He sat on a yellow mat facing North. The Mantra given by Vashishtth is - Om Hreem Kamal Vaasinyei Pratyaksham Hreem Phat. Then with a White Hakeek rosary he completed 11 rounds of a Mantra which compelled Lakshmi to appear. Then with a Coral rosary chant 31 rounds of the following Mantra. . For this Sadhana he had a bath at night and sat on a yellow mat facing East. After this many Sadhaks tested the power of this Sadhana and each time it proved miraculously effective. ******************************************************************** Shankaracharya Shankaracharya was the greatest scholar and Sanyasi of his times.Siddhi (spiritual powers).(wealth). He placed a Shree Lakshmi Yantrain a copper plate and lit a ghee lamp. Prepare four lamps of dough and fill them with sesame or mustard oil.I am very much pleased with you. I shall forever bless your hermitage with wealth and prosperity. You shall never have to face any paucity. Then wear white robes and sit facing North. On any Sunday night take a plate of copper or bronze and smear black lamp over it. This is really a wonderful Sadhana. This shall be a sign of advent of Goddess Lakshmi in your house. You can use mustard. Goddess Lakshmi appears in a beautiful form and blesses the individual with wealth and prosperity. This amazing Sadhana is contained in his handwritten autobiography. ********************************************************************** Yogi Shivanand Yogi Shivanand is famous throughout India and there were hundreds of powerful Lakshmi Sadhanas in his knowledge. In the morning you might hear the tinkling sound of anklets. groundnut or sesame oil. Before them place a Lakshmi Siddh Yantra which should be energised with Vishnnu Mantra. . On completion of the chanting sleep at that very spot. It was very famous and well known. Then with a Siddhi rosary chant the following Mantra. There shall then never be any paucity in your house. In a straight line light eleven lamps filled with oil. being really efficacious. In the night of any Wednesday have a bath and wear yellow clothes. Om Shreem Hreem Shreem Shreem Hreem Shreem Phat. Before leaving the mortal frame he revealed the following powerful Sadhana to his disciple Kripacharya. Then with a Rakta Chandan or Coral rosary chant the following Mantra. It is really wonderful that ought to be treasured because it is very popular among the Yogis and Sanyasis. He had procured a very ancient text from Nepal in which a very special Sadhana of Goddess Lakshmi was given which the Yogiraj had successfully accomplished. Any person who has ever tried this Sadhana has experienced that as soon as the Mantra chanting is over. Chant 31 rounds of the Mantra in the same night. Sit on a worship mat facing North. *********************************************************************** Swami Sachidanand The hermitage of Swami Sachidanand was in Tihri Garhwal. You might hear tinkle of jewellery or have a glimpse of the Goddess but do not leave the chanting in the middle. I have seen many Yogis of the Himalayas use this very Sadhana and they have experienced that it is a very wonderful Mantra ritual. Many Yogis have gained amazingly much through this Sadhana. In the night light six ghee lamps and place them in a plate. Outside the plate place a Vijay Lakshmi Yantra which must be consecrated and Mantra energised with Vijay Mantra. Om Hreem Hreem Shreem Shreem Hreem Hreem Phat. After completion of the chanting place the lamp on the floor. In the night of a Sunday place a Shwetaark Ganpati in a plate and smear it with vermilion. It is without doubt one of the best Sadhanas. At least 21 rounds have to be chanted. It is said that Goddess Lakshmi ever remained present in his hermitage. It is the best Sadhana of the Hatha Yoga and if tried with full faith and devotion it can never fail. It is as follows. Many Yogis even claimed to have her glimpse there. ********************************************************************** Pagla Baba Pagla Baba is famous in the whole of India and he has donated lakhs of ruppees in his life time. It is said that the sun might well fail to rise from the East but these rituals cannot fail. It is said that this ritual has never failed. Om Hreem Eishwarya Shreem Dhan Dhaanyaadhipatayei Ayeim Poornnatva Lakshmi Siddhhayei Namah. Several Yogis of the Himalayas have tried this ritual and they experienced that it is really a very powerful Mantra. Gorakhnath In the field of Tantra Guru Gorakhnath is remembered with great respect. Then with a silver straw write on the idol - . for they are very powerful and quick in producing results. He accomplished a very powerful Sadhana of Goddess Lakshmi and made his hermitage so prosperous that no matter how much was spent. Still there seems to be no end to his wealth. After Sadhana tie the Yantra in a yellow cloth and place it where you keep your cash. They have been guarded secretly for ages. the wealth never ran out. Light it. Then with a Kamalgatta rosarychant 21 rounds of the following Mantra. Fill a clay lamp with ghee and place it on your left. Before the lamp the Poornnatva Lakshmi Yantra has to be placed. ********************************************************************** Experiences of some Tantriks Here I am revealing some high level rituals of some of the greatest masters of the world of Tantra. In his youth he had accomplished a Lakshmi Sadhana which is very secret. Om Shreem Hreem Shreem Ayeim Hreem Shreem Phat. This is a very powerful and unfailing ritual that everyone must try on Deepawali. Then with a Hakeek rosarychant 31 rounds of the following Mantra. Place a Dhaneshwari Yantra and seven Gomti Chakras before yourself. It is said that when it comes to the highest level of Sadhanas Guru Matsyendranath was even more accomplished than Guru Gorakhnath. Place a Heera Shankh before yourself. He is a divine and powerful Master of Tantra. This is a divine and amazing Mantra. Then with a Siddhi rosary chant 11 rounds of the following Mantra. ********************************************************************** Matsyendranath Guru Matsyendranath is as famous as Gorakhnath in the field of Tantra. Shreem Hreem Shreem In the night wear a Dhoti/Saree and stand facing East. If you feel tired you can stand against a wall. Then with a Sfatik rosary chant 11 rounds of the following Mantra. This is an unfailing ritual and is very success oriented. It is really very effective and each Sadhak should try to make the best use of it. Light seven oil lamps placed in a plate together. ******************************************************************** Trijata Aghori Anyone who has any interest in the field of Tantra or a knowledge in this field is aware of Trijata Aghori. He had accomplished a very secret Sadhana related to Goddess Lakshmi which I found in a Tibetan text. There is no need of any lamp or incense in this Sadhana. He possesses divine powers. Hreem Hreem Lakshmi Aagachch Aagachch Hreem Hreem Phat. Have a bath and wear a clean Dhoti. This is a powerful Mantra made of Beej Mantras. Don't wear any other cloth. And presented here is an amazing Lakshmi Sadhana got from him. Hoom Hoom Hoom Shreem Shreem Shreem Bram Bram Bram Phat. ********************************************************************** . Sit on the floor without any mat facing the North. Ayeim Yam Ram Shreem Yam Froum Kreem Phat. Do not sit down or sleep or drink water till 11 rounds are over. If you wish you can light an oil or ghee lamp. Make a similar mark on your forehead. This is really an amazing Mantra ritual which appears very simple but is really very powerful. In the night place a Siyaar Singhi before yourself. Make a mark on it with vermilion. Accomplishing it means gaining the grace of the Goddess. He once revealed a very important Lakshmi Sadhana to me. With the eyes concentrated on the flame chant the following Mantra with aRed Coral rosary. Aghor Lakshmi Mam Grihe Aagachch Sthaapay Tushtay Poornnatvam Dehi Dehi Phat. Swami Bheiravanand A very important ritual related to Lakshmi is famous in Himachal Pradesh. Hundreds of Sadhaks have tried this Sadhana. You shall be left amazed by the effect of this Sadhana in a few days. Wear red clothes for the Sadhana. Om Shram Siddheshwaraay Lam Mahaalakshmi Vam Vashyamaanay Phat. Chant 11 rounds of the Mantra. . As soon as the Mantra chanting is concluded the grace of the Goddess in obtained and the person never has to face any paucity in the future. Om Lakshmi Aabadh Aabadh Siddhaya Siddhaya Phat. This is really a very powerful and divine Mantra. In the night of a Tuesday wear red clothes and stand on a red mat. Sit on a red mat facing the North. In any night take a Kaam Roopinni in your hand. After the Mantra chanting place the Kamroopini in a safe place at home. Take a clay lamp filled with oil in the same palm and light it. Chant 5 rounds with a Sfatik rosary. Take Vashikarann Lakshmi Yantra in your left hand and with Siddh rosary in the right chant 21 rounds of the following Mantra. *********************************************************************** Avdhoot Krityanand In the Avdhoot class of Sadhanas Swami Krityanand is world famous. Every Sadhak should surely try this Sadhana. Light seven ghee lamps or an oil lamp. Next chant the following Bhaagyoday Lakshmi Mantra. All his Sadhanas related to Lakshmi are considered very divine. Make a mark with vermilion on your forehead. ********************************************************************** Tantrik Halahalnand In the field of Tantra Halahalnand is a very respectable name. Also creates a strong base for other Mahalaxmi Sadhanas. immortality.moksh and all round success. Om Hreem Shreem Shriyei Phat. . knowledge. Bhuvaneshwari: Hreem For realization for Goddess Bhuvaneshwari. Kali: Kreem For realization for Goddess Kali. wealth. elimination of ailments & worries. Mahalaxmi: Shreem For realization for Goddess Mahalaxmi. material gains. With a Hakeek rosary chant five rounds of the following Mantra. Offer vermilion on each Kelan. success in business or profession. Place ten Kelans before yourself and light a large oil lamp.protection. The best and the most powerful. In the night of a Tuesday sit in a secluded spot and wear red clothes. happy married life and all round success. Pick a Beej Mantra of your liking or based on the situation. protection. getting a beautiful wife. Shakti Sadhanas and Mahavidya Sadhanas. Also creates a strongbase for Kali Mahavidya Sadhana. elimination of enemies & grave problems. Shiv: Hroom For realization for Lord Shiv. health. protection. and recite it as much as you can till the problem is solved. He is a Sanyasi with very few needs but once when challenged he accomplished this Sadhana which is unfailing.********************************************************************* Swami Kevalyaanand Swami Kevalyaanand is very famous in the region of Uttar Kashi. elimination of enemies. This also the mantra for Bhuvaneshwari Mahavidya Sadhana. protection from deadlydiseases. strength. Also creates a strong base for other Durga Sadhanas. solution of grave problems and all round success. health. wisdom. Also creates a strong base for Mahamrutyunjay Sadhana Durga: Doom (D as in Durga) : For realization for Goddess Durga. happy married life and all round success. getting everything including but not limited to Kundalini Jagran. strength.victory. power. wealth. Alsocreates a strong base for all sadhanas. health. elimination of enemies. elimination of bad spirits & ghosts. elimination of all obstacles and all round success.power. protection. nullifying maran proyogs of enemies and all round success. health. happiness. Bhairav: Bhram For realization of Lord Bhairav. success in exams. strength. fortune. Also creates a strong base for other Saraswati sadhanas. success in court cases. fierce power. victory. Vishnu: Dam For realization of Lord Vishnu. fortune. wisdom. Ganapati: Gum For realization of Lord Ganapati. Hanuman: Fraum For realization of Lord Hanuman.pleasure and all round success. success in Mahavidya or Shakti sadhanas. wealth. elimination of tantra badha. Alsocreatesa strong base for Dhoomavati Mahavidya sadhana. happy married life. protection. quickelimination of all enemies. Dhoomavati: Dhoom For realization of Goddess Dhoomavati. knowledge.happiness. Also createsa strong base for Bagalamukhi Mahavidya sadhana. quick elimination of all adversaries. Tara: Treem . victory and all round success. Bagalamukhi: Hleem For realization of Goddess Bagalamukhi. health. victory over enemies and allround success. victory. wisdom. Also creates a strong base for other Ganapatisadhanas. success in Shmashan sadhanas and all round success.strength. happiness. protection. unlimited strength. knowledge. protection. fame. wisdom. Also creates a strong base for other Vishnu sadhanas.happiness. protection. wealth and all round success. Also creates a strong base for other Bhairav sadhanas. Also creates a strong base for other Hanuman sadhanas.Saraswati: Ayim For realization of Goddess Saraswati.health. wealth. wealth. fame. you may achieve success with just 10% of these. Chandralalita Prayog Mantra: OM CHANDRALALITAYE AMUK VASHYAMAANAYA SWAHA Sadhana Materials : Chandra Shodash Kala Yantra. Raktambh Rosary Mantra Count : 21 Malas X 3 days = 63 malas 2. then you may use yellow coloured rice (mixed with turmeric powder (haldi)) . each rice grain with each Mantra chanting. Also creates a strong base for other Narsimha sadhanas. elimination of enemies. and offer. Chandra Lalita Rosary Mantra Count : 11 Malas X 5 days = 55 malas 4. However. massive monetary gain. unlimited wealth. Also creates a strong base for other Kuber sadhanas. victory and all round success. Priyakarshan Prayog Mantra: OM KLEEM VAJRESHWARI MAM PRIYA AAKARSHYA AAKARSHYA PHAT Sadhana Materials : Priyakarshan Yantra. happiness. Mohini Prayog Mantra: OM KLEEM MOHINI SARV JAN MOHAYE MOHAYE HOOM Sadhana Materials : Mohini Vashikaran Yantra. Narsimha: Kshraum For realization of Lord Narsimha. fame. One needs to chant a total of 666 Rosaries for all these prayogs.wealth. Priyanku Rosary Mantra Count : 7 Malas X 5 days = 35 malas 3. fortune and all round success. You may do equivalent of 5 malas of each Prayog during Eclipse time to achieve success. Anang Prayog Mantra: OM HROUM ANANG DEVAYE TRELOKAYE SAMMOHAYE HROUM NAMAH . unending monetary gain. quick victory over enemies.For realization of Goddess Tara. fortune. fortune and all round success. Priyakarshan Gutika. Also creates a strongbase for Tara Mahavidya sadhana.one mala = 108 chantings 1. If you do not have Sadhana materials. Kuber: Dham For realization of Lord Kuber. Indu Prayog Mantra: OM HREEM MOHAYE SAMMOHAYE OM Sadhana Materials : Indu Sammohaye Yantra. Shukra Phal. Hakeek Rosary Mantra Count : 11 Malas X 5 days = 55 malas 10. Vidyut Mohini Rosary Mantra Count : 7 Malas X 5 days = 35 malas 8. Padma Rosary Mantra Count : 8 Malas X 1 days = 8 malas .Sadhana Materials : Divya Anang MahaYantra. Agni Madan Prayog Mantra: OM AGNISCHEITANAAYE NAMAH Sadhana Materials : Agni Madan Yantra. Agnisaffuling Rosary Mantra Count : 11 Malas X 4 days = 44 malas 7. Vashikaran Rosary Mantra Count : 11 Malas X 3 days = 33 malas 9. Anangaast. Pranaye Rosary Mantra Count : 11 Malas X 6 days = 66 malas 5. Pushpdant Prayog Mantra: OM KLEEM KAAM RUPINAYE NAMAH Sadhana Materials : Pushpdant Yantra. Soundarya Rosary Mantra Count : 6 Malas X 7 days = 42 malas 6. Rati Vashya Prayog Mantra: OM AAKARSHAN SAMMOHAYE HREEM KLEEM OM Sadhana Materials : Rati Vashya Yantra. Koti Kandarp Laavanaye Prayog Mantra: OM HREEM HREEM KANDARP ANANGAAYE HREEM HREEM OM Sadhana Materials : Kandarp Laavanaye Yantra. Shukra Tejas Prayog Mantra: OM SHAM SHUKRAYE KAAMDEV RATYE PHAT Sadhana Materials : Shukra Tejas Yantra. Kaamdhenu Prayog Mantra: OM KREEM SHREEM HREEM HREEM OM Sadhana Materials : Kamdhenu Yantra. Narayan Rosary Mantra Count : 5 Malas X 3 days = 15 malas 12. Vidyut Rosary Mantra Count : 11 Malas X 5 days = 55 malas . Red Hakeek Rosary Mantra Count : 8 Malas X 5 days = 40 malas 14. Narayani Prayog Mantra: OM NARTAV HREEM NARANYANTAV SHREEM OM Sadhana Materials : Narayani Yantra. Vidyut Prabha Prayog Mantra: OM KROUM KROUM KAYAKALP SHROUM SHROUM OM Sadhana Materials : Vidyut Prabha Yantra. Vajra Vaarahi Prayog Mantra: OM KLEEM VAJRA VEIROCHANIYE PHAT Sadhana Materials : Vjara Varahi Maha Yantra. Manohar Prayog Mantra: OM OM MANOHAARINAYE SUR DEVYE OM OM Sadhana Materials : Manohara Siddhi Yantra.11. Kayakalp Rosary Mantra Count : 15 Malas X 4 days = 60 malas 13. Manohara Rosary Mantra Count : 15 Malas X 4 days = 60 malas 15.
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