Tantric Sex

March 26, 2018 | Author: Ioan-ovidiu Cordis | Category: Kama Sutra, Tantra, Hindu Tantra, Yoga, Buddhism And Sexuality



An Introduction to the Bliss Wave Alchemy E-book.What is the Kama Sutra and how is it different from Tantra The Kama Sutra is the first 'sex manual'. The Kama Sutra (Sanskrit: क मसत, Kāmasūtra) is an ancient Indian Hindu[ !["! text #idel$ c%nsidered t% &e the standard #%rk %n human sexual &eha'i%r in Sanskrit literature #ritten &$ (āts$ā$ana. ) *%rti%n %f the #%rk c%nsists %f *ractical ad'ice %n sexual interc%urse."[+! It is lar,el$ in *r%se, #ith man$ inserted anustu&h *%etr$ 'erses. -Kāma- #hich is %ne %f the three ,%als %f Hindu life, means sensual %r sexual *leasure, and -sūtra- literall$ means a thread %r line that h%lds thin,s t%,ether, and m%re meta*h%ricall$ refers t% an a*h%rism (%r line, rule, f%rmula), %r a c%llecti%n %f such a*h%risms in the f%rm %f a manual. .%ntrar$ t% *%*ular *erce*ti%n, es*eciall$ in the #estern #%rld/ Kama sutra is n%t an exclusi'e sex manual, it *resents itself as a ,uide t% a 'irtu%us and ,raci%us li'in, that discusses the nature %f l%'e, famil$ life and %ther as*ects *ertainin, t% *leasure %riented faculties %f human life.+[0![1! The Kama Sutra is the %ldest and m%st n%ta&le %f a ,r%u* %f texts kn%#n ,enericall$ as Kama Shastra (Sanskrit: Kāma 2āstra).1[3! Traditi%nall$, the first transmissi%n %f Kama Shastra %r -4isci*line %f Kama- is attri&uted t% 5andi the sacred &ull, Shi'a's d%%rkee*er, #h% #as m%'ed t% sacred utterance &$ %'erhearin, the l%'emakin, %f the ,%d and his #ife 6ar'ati and later rec%rded his utterances f%r the &enefit %f mankind.3[7! See htt*:88en.#iki*edia.%r,8#iki8Kama9sutra Tantra (Sanskrit: तनत , :ri$a -l%%m, #ar*-/ hence -*rinci*le, s$stem, d%ctrine-, fr%m the t#% r%%t #%rds tanoti -stretch, extend-, and trayati -li&erati%n-), an,licised tantricism %r tantrism %r tantram, refers t% es%teric sch%%ls %f Hinduism and ;uddhism and t% the scri*tures (called -Tantras-) c%mm%nl$ identified #ith the #%rshi* %f Shakti.<[ ! Tantra deals *rimaril$ #ith s*iritual *ractices and ritual f%rms %f #%rshi* that aim at li&erati%n fr%m i,n%rance and re&irth,<[ ! the uni'erse &ein, re,arded as the di'ine *la$ %f Shakti and Shiva.<[ ! In -left=handed- Tantra (Vamachara), ritual sexual interc%urse is em*l%$ed as a #a$ %f enterin, int% the underl$in, *r%cesses and structure %f the uni'erse."=["! Tantrism %ri,inated in the earl$ centuries .> and de'el%*ed int% a full$ articulated traditi%n &$ the end %f the ?u*ta *eri%d. It has influenced the Hindu, Sikh, ;@n, ;uddhist, and Aain reli,i%us traditi%ns and s*read #ith ;uddhism t% >ast )sia and S%utheast )sia."[+! See htt*:88en.#iki*edia.%r,8#iki8Tantra The rest %f this #hite*a*er #ill ex*l%re m%re dee*l$ and clarf$ the difference &et#een these t#% c%re c%nce*ts and #h$ it is im*%rtant t% understand the differences. this the teacher is sh%#in. &ut *e%*le d%n't usuall$ call it that.i%ns fa'%red %ne side %r the %ther and this caused a l%t %f c%nfusi%n thr%u.'. (Earnin. Tantra.a *%stures and m%'e int% them #ith $%ur e$es cl%sed. There are t#% ancient c%nce*ts C t%. 6e%*le s*end $ears stud$in. int% 'ari%us *%stures C and thr%u. If $%u are #ea'in.uddhism %r Hinduism different reli.ut $et $%u can't ha'e a &asket #ith%ut the elements %f the thread and the skilled *ractiti%ner #h% 4:>S the #ea'in. %ut *%stures al%ud and a . the$ #%uldn't &e callin. G%u ha'e %ne teacher in the fr%nt %f a r%%m sh%utin. >ach #eek *ractice this m%re.ether the$ are &elie'ed t% make u* the essence %f life. h%# #%uld $%u d% thatJ Sim*le. *e%*le #hat that *%sture is. $%.% 'isit the #e&site &$ that name unless $%u #ant t% see l%ts %f ads f%r sex$ thin. a Tantric $%. 6ath' It is n%t reall$ a *ath all &ut it is like li..i'e them thread and instructi%ns &ut #ill that make them a #ea'erJ 5%. %r 'teachin. If $%u #anted t% add Tantra t% $%ur G%. These c%nce*ts are Tantra and Sutra.i.a.htnin. Bet me clarif$ this f%r $%u. )t first tr$ t% recall $%ur $%. int% th%se *%stures. differenceF He's n%t thinkin. a&%ut it C and #hat he d%es is ne'er the same t#iceF Ian$ m%dern teachers c%nfuse this *rinci*le #hen descri&in. f%r exam*le.s n%t=tantra &ut definitel$ kama #ith%ut the sutraF) Tantra refers t% the 'l%%m' and the *rinci*le %f '#ea'in. C the *ractiti%ner is Dust trained in h%# t% #ea'e the threads int% a &asket. 5%r is the &asket the *r%cess %f #ea'in. $%u use a l%t %f 'threads' %r 'sutras' (literall$ teachin. Then after a *eri%d %f time Dust &reathe and see if $%ur &%d$ m%'es int% th%se *%stures %n its %#n #ith%ut reKuirin. Kama in Sanskrit Dust means 'sex'. Tantric sex c%uld theref%re &e called Kama Tantra.. )n%ther exam*le is the &asket #ea'in. G%. H%r m%st *e%*le. scri*tures %r threads %f kn%#led.h *ractice the$ #ill learn h%# t% #ea'e a &asket. it C m%'in.: d%n't . This is a traditi%nal meta*h%r f%r undetandin..ht materialsJ G%u can als% take s%me%ne and .et &etter at it C &ut the$ ne'er m%'e it further int% Tantra.a ends #ith the class and *e%*le return &ack t% their n%rmal li'es.h *ractice the$ .s. This is the distincti%n &et#een Tantra and Sutra that e'en the m%st ex*erienced 'Tantra educati%ns' d% n%t understand %r if the$ d%. as it is *racticed t%da$ is a Sutra. This is a shame. %n his head in a l%tus *%stureF That's the &i.. This is #h$ Tantra is referred t% m$ man$ as 'The Bi. )s she is d%in. clear %ut $%ur mind and . )s he %r she calls %ut the name %f the *%sture the students m%'e int% the *%sture.. In ancient eastern reli. cl%ses his e$es and Dust m%'es and next thin. 'scri*ture'. G%u must .i%ns such as .What is the difference between Tantra and Tantric Se! and Kamasutra It is c%nfusin. &each %r e'en in $%ur %#n &edr%%m C an$*lace #here $%u can &e al%ne and ins*ired.% talk a #alk in the #%%ds. )fter $%u''e learned $%ur *%stures.' #hereas Sutra' refers t% the *rinci*le %f 'thread'.h%ut hist%r$. G%u can take s%me%ne and teach them h%# t% #ea'e.e #hen a**lied t% c%nce*ts).htnin. Tantra. $%ur c%nsci%us remem&rance. $%u kn%# he is standin.ut the *ractiti%ner is n%t the #ea'in. The threads in and %f themsel'es are n%t the &asket. . &ut #hat if the$ d%n't ha'e the ri. G%u ne'er kn%# #here it #ill strike and it ne'er strikes the same *lace t#ice. a &asket. In c%ntrast.i'e them the thread and sh%# them h%# t% #ea'e and then thr%u.a.r%u* %f *e%*le m%'in. #hat the$ d% 'Tantra' . . fr%m desire. $%u need t% kn%# intellectuall$. $ears leadin.ht &ack their ex*eriences and #r%te them d%#n int% &est=sellin. I didn't e'en kn%# #hat it #as until I had c%m*leted the L m%nth initiati%n *eri%d and c%ntinued t% share that thr%u. material *%ssessi%ns. #ritin. &%%ks $%u see in the &%%kst%res.ned t% &rin. and that affects the rest %f $%ur life. &ut a #atered=d%#n 'ersi%n %f Kama Sutra exercises tau.ined. and the need t% ha'e sex durin. The *ur*%se %f this >=&%%k is t% .. s% C #e . and *re*arat%r$ exercises #ritten. It refers t% the entire 'ast li&rar$ %f #ritten *ractices. it came as a sh%ck t% me t% &e called a &e. marria. The difference &et#een Tantric Sex and Tantra is that Tantra refers t% the ener. I t%% made this mistake &$ thinkin. in fact.inner and that it #%uld take L m%nths %f stud$ #ith her &ef%re I #%uld &e a&le t% ex*erience #hat Tantric sex reall$ is e'en like a little. and e'en fitness and s*%rts. I #%uld need t% renunciate (let . %rall$ transmitted and e'en ima. *aintin. a failin. #as n%thin.ain. dances. s%me%ne int% di'ine uni%n. She said #hen I underst%%d and acce*ted that I #as a &e. %f this >=&%%k. . I had at alread$ that *%int &een teachin. )ll these acti'ities are enhanced &$ Tantric sex &ecause thr%u.et &etter at Tantra in %ther areas %f %ur li'es C #ea'in.%lt' *rinci*le) and Shakti ('the feminine *%#er essence'). that are desi.h $%ur *ractice #hat it is like t% ex*erience Tantric sex. . datin.) %f .ut #hen #e refer t% Kama Sutra is n%t Dust %ne text &$ %ne *ers%n and the exercises %f that *articular Indian text..This is #h$ %ne %f m$ teachers sh%#ed me this difference $ears and t%ld me that I kne# n%thin.e. that #hat I had learned a&%ut Tantra #as. It is im*%rtant t% n%te that the Kama Sutra %f (atsa$ana and #hat it c%ntains is %ften c%nfused #ith Tantra. .htnin.r%u*s %f *e%*le in #%rksh%*s.$ &ehind the #ea'in.h the$ call it Tantra. at &est.i'e $%u e'er$thin. #ea'in. Ee #%uld ha'e sex %nl$ #hen she c%uld feel that m$ m%'ements #ere summ%ned fr%m #ithin a *lace that #as n%t in m$ mind %r c%min.inner at Tantra (mind $%u. )fter m$ ex*erience #ith m$ teacher. The skill d%es n%t make $%u a &asket #ea'er %r a *ractiti%ner C $%u ha'e t% ex*erience it C $%u must #ea'e &askets.MT it #as fr%m this '&e. techniKues. c%m*uter *r%. this #hat she called 'initiati%n' *eri%d %f time. G%u see it is a&%ut the ener. If I #anted t% stud$ #ith her.% %f) e'er$thin. %f the essence %f life. *%*ulariOed a&%ut Tantra t% all%# $%u t% trul$ ex*erience thr%u.et &etter at sex and #e als% . #as that %f a &e. a&le t% use 'Tantra' (the l%%m = #ea'in.$ C n%t the techniKue in the same #a$ that in the &asket exam*le $%u need the skill.. m%re than m$ %#n &rand %f 'Kama Sutra'. Tantra t% enhance s%methin. that I had.$) in a skillfull manner s% as t% *r%duce a uni%n &et#een (aDra (the masculine 'Bi. %f Tantra and that #hat I #as teachin. It is fr%m these and %ther ex*eriences that f%ll%#ed that caused me t% #rite this >=&%%k. I had t% make a ch%ice. creati'e *r%Dects f%r exam*le. I$ male e.rammin. s*irituall$ and re*lace the inc%rrect educati%n that is #idel$ &ein. S% t% me Tantric sex is &ein. and then I realiOed 'This is 5:T Tantra' e'en th%u.h Tantric sex $%u &ec%me a m%re *%#erful human &ein.inner's mind' that I started t% learn #hat N>)B Tantra #as and h%# t% a**l$ that ex*erience t% im*r%'in. Tantric sex #%rksh%*s f%r $ears in Ha#aii and had amassed Kuite a fe# students and f%ll%#ers). u* t% the #ritin.. She als% said that m$ sexual *erf%rmance. Ehich led me t% stud$ and learn #hat reall$ IS Tantra. #e all kn%# h%# t% d% C ha'e sex C and in d%in.inner. m$ sexual *erf%rmance.ht &$ *e%*le #h% #ent t% ashrams in India in the L3<'s and &r%u. I read these &%%ks a.% #as inflamedF .h'i (life f%rce ener. . n%t Tantra.h%ut the f%ll%#in. #ea'in. Tantric Sex theref%re refers t% usin. It reKuires that *%#erful essence that makes him a .% t% the &%%kst%re and . d%esn't make $%u a Tantric *ractiti%ner. the #a$ t% learn this #%uld &e t% first learn the *%siti%ns. t% me. If $%u are *racticin. n%t the *%siti%ns themsel'esF :ne c%uld sa$ that it is the skill that the man has in &ein. Traditi%nall$. Kama Sutra #e &ec%me 'er$ skilled at sex and are m%re *re*ared f%r Tantra. G%u can naturall$ see that t% &e A%hn Ic>nr%e reKuires a l%t %f *ractice.' T% me.' #here she raises her thi. &ut it als% reKuires s%methin. all %**%siti%n and &ein.a *%sturesJ The first t#% underl$in.ua. &ut it is n%t HN:I the *ractice. a&le t% m%'e fr%m the 4eer t% the Ga#nin.reat tennis *la$er that c%mes n%t Dust fr%m $ears %f *racticin.h learnin.s*aceandm%ti%n. t% disc%nnect. n%t the thread that is #%'en. tennis f%r the tennis team. skilled at it. This is the 'Sutra' %f Tennis team *ractice. It #as there &ef%re he #as &%rn and he sim*l$ unleashed that *%#er THN:M?H his *ractice. Ian$ %f these texts descri&in. Su**%se the 'thread' is the techniKue %r let's e'en make it sim*ler: the sexual *%siti%n 'the 4eer' #here the #%man is l$in. t% s%me %ther *%siti%n all #ith%ut 'disc%nnectin.Theref%re. uses %f lan. I ha'e %ften t%ld m$ students that these are c%nfusin. That is the &i. )n eas$ #a$ t% understand the difference is #ith a n%n=sexual exam*le. %f the *%siti%ns that $%u ex*erience . %f *%siti%ns. In m$ #%rksh%*s I dem%nstrate a series %f *%siti%ns that c$cle thr%u. n%t the *%siti%n. $%ur &%dies. That.G #ea'in. d%#n %n her side and %ther *%siti%n is the 'Ga#nin. T% me. 5aturall$. is his 'Tantra' : his a&ilit$ t% m%'e #ith%ut hesitati%n #ith%ut an$ c%nsci%us th%u. &ut $%u are als% #ea'in. %nl$ after $%u ha'e recei'ed an initiati%n fr%m s%me%ne #h% #as an initiate himself %r herself at s%me *%int in their li'es can $%u initiate %thers in the same #a$. *rinci*les are ex*l%red in m$ e=&%%k and the third in m$ #%rksh%*s and seminars. and $%u d%n't reall$ need a l%t %f *%siti%ns. his fears. $%u and $%ur team . sexual *%siti%ns and &ec%min.hs. . &ut like the &asket=maker. It is the s*ace and ener.$ #ith $%ur *artner that matters m%st.% c%m*ete a. If $%u l%%k at the actual *%siti%ns themsel'es m%st %f them are 'er$ similar: htt*:88###. $%ur ener.% int% #hat is needed I5 TH> I:I>5T that it is needed. this t$*e %f '#ea'in.les. and then learn h%# t% c%nnect the *%siti%ns t% each %ther. &et#een the *%siti%ns. $%u first *ractice &$ hittin. Dust &ecause $%u learned Kama Sutra. m%re.ht *urel$ %n instinct #hich is a c%nseKuence :H the *ractice. :nce $%u're read$.$J H%# are these *%siti%ns c%nnected as an 'asana' %r a series %f $%.ut if .ainst %ther teams #h% ha'e d%ne the same rituals.% t% the sex secti%n. *rinci*les &ehind these *%siti%nsJ Ehat makes each *%siti%n ha'e a different kind %f ener. Tantric sex is n%t e'en the #ea'in. $%u'll find a num&er %f &%%ks %n the su&Dect %f Tantra and Kamasutra %ften times mixed u*.e &ecause Tantra &$ its nature is the #ea'in.$ 'in &et#een' the #ea'in. If $%u . difference that 'er$ fe# teachers talk a&%ut t%da$. Then $%u *la$ mixed d%u&les and then sin. a&le t% full$ let . I%st im*%rtantl$ it is h%# #ell $%u are a&le t% &lend $%ur ener. thr%u.$.h a 'ariet$ %f traditi%nal *%siti%ns #here the man is a&le t% m%'e int% these *%siti%ns full$ #ith his *artner #ith%ut ha'in. #hat #%uld &e the 'Tantra' hereJ )ns#er: the Tantra #%uld &e the #ea'in.htm Ehat are the underl$in. It als% c%mes fr%m him c%nKuerin. eliminatin. &alls #ith a &all=machine.c%m8kamasutra=*%siti%ns..' is Tantric sex in a literal sense &ecause $%u are n%t %nl$ #ea'in. all kinds %f 'tantric techniKues' %r 'tantric *ractices'. reat%r.lish. sex t%. and is '%ut in the %*en' and hence is referred t% as a *ractice. I$ .hinese #ith%ut ha'in. That is %ne le'el t% this ans#er. $%urself than t% take m$ %r an$%ne's #%rd f%r it. these *rinci*les it #ill hel* $%u &etter understand massa. li'es %r &ecame married %ff after and s% the 'Secret Teachin.e is n%t fr%m ancient texts &ut fr%m m%dern=da$ trainin.$%u mistakenl$ la&el as man$ *%*ular auth%rs d% that the '*%siti%n' is 'Tantra' C $%u ma$ ne'er . $%u #ill &e much &etter *re*ared t% learn the *%siti%ns and teachin. The sec%nd element is that the *ur*%se %f Tantric sex is f%r thr%u.s %f the ).% int% ex*l%rin. Tantric sex in c%ntrast is d%ne in *ri'ate. S%me *ractices e'en in'%l'e .i'e $%u a clue t% %ne %f the secrets I ex*l%re in detail in m$ >=&%%k: l%%k at #here the hands %f the man are *laced in each %f the *%siti%ns in the *aintin.s. it #ill &e like tr$in.. That t$*e %f sexualit$ #as c%nsidered Sacred. Ehat if the *ers%n #h% made the translati%n c%l%red it #ith their %n 'alues and reli.e #ith%ut researchin.es' is similar t% the 'Sacred .' &et#een the *%siti%ns and miss %ut %n the #h%le essence %f #hat is *%ssi&le.e that is a'aila&le. in )**lied Kinesi%l%.e thera*ist t% understand these underl$in. the '#ea'in. *rinci*les and then l%%k at the *aintin. If $%u recall m$ earlier hist%r$ #here I descri&ed the era %f m%nks c%*ulatin. These c%ns%rts did lea'e the tem*les e'entuall$ and return t% their c%ns%rtin.i%n and their *ur*%se #as 'enli.i%us &eliefs %r had their %#n a.ether. &$ understandin. The 'Secret Teachin.etic *rinci*les &ehind h%# %ur &%dies are c%m*%sed as sexual instruments.r%u*s %f *e%*le ha'in. a&%ut it t%% much.s. The *%int is that thr%u. The$ didn't .s and illustrati%ns than an$ &%%k c%uld e'er teach $%u.' &et#een the main c%nce*ts that I ha'e ex*erienced and #itnessed in 'ari%us trainin. $%u &%u.h understandin.%al in this e=&%%k is t% . Su**%sin.hir%*ract%rs use t%da$ t% dia.hinese *%etr$ in .h $%ur uni%n $%u are c%nnectin. the s$m&%lic lan.$ #hich man$ . ener. the %ri. H%#e'er.s %f the entire s*ectrum %f kn%#led. #ith%ut understandin. In the numer%us texts %n Tantric sex I ha'e read I see %ne c%mm%n den%minat%r 'ersus Kama Sutra.ua.enda &ehind itJ It's much &etter t% understand the underl$in. Ehat is sacredJ The #%rd 'Sacred' and 'Secret' ha'e the same r%%t meanin. >xactl$ h%# this #%rks is the su&Dect %f m$ >=&%%k and #here I recei'ed this kn%#led.ua. I'll . In fact %nce $%u learn the secrets I'll share #ith $%u in the >=&%%k. This d%esn't mean that $%u ha'e t% &e a chir%*ract%r %r a massa.s' #ere s*read. :n the c%ntrar$.e #hen all $%u s*eak is >n.n%se the &%d$. ancient sexual *aintin. $%u'll learn m%re fr%m stud$in. the underl$in.e and chir%*racticF What is the distinction between Tantric Se! and Kama Sutra you may ask It is a matter %f a**r%ach an intenti%n.% ar%und talkin. t% read .e %f sex that is &ehind these *aintin. #ith c%ns%rts. teach #hat $%u kn%# t% &e true #ith%ut Kuesti%n &ecause it is s% %n the #ritten *a. *rinci*les. #ith the . It #as *art %f their reli. )nd then $%u ma$.i'e $%u the '#ea'in.ht a translati%n instead.s and *ut them int% a f%rmat that $%u can a**l$ t% $%ur *ers%nal life and sexual ex*ressi%n. Think a&%ut it.ins %f that auth%r's #%rk. learned the lan. like I used t%.htenment' #hich is #h$ the$ needed n%n=attached females f%r their rituals. Kama Sutra is c%ncerned #ith techniKues. H%#e'er. I hate t% &e &lunt. Ehen s%methin. %r s*%ntane%usl$. That's true if $%u Dust #ant t% use sex f%r ha'in.' .h%ut the millenia.ack then. . If $%u d%n't ha'e a sexual *artner.s %f the ).i%ns *%*ulariOe sexual 're*ressi%n' instead %f t%tal sexual ex*ressi%n as it #as then. the ritual has an effect %n $%ur usual #a$ %f l%'emakin. In fact Tantra has n%thin.reat 'dra#' f%r reli. t%da$ man$ reli. &ecause it is s%methin. t% d% #ith sex.e %f these *ractices #ill share them #ith future . children. #hereas Kama Sutra rituals #ere d%ne %ut in the %*en. c%ntrar$ t% *%*ular &elief. that since #e #ere teena. )n$%ne can learn it $et it #ill take time and *ractice t% full$ ex*erience it..i%n tells $%u s%) $%u infuse that 's%methin.h%ut all the texts %n Tantric Sexualit$.ecause #hen $%u h%ld s%methin. Ehen it is *lucked a ne# fl%#er must re*lace the %ld %r the *lant #ill die.h a series %f ste*=&$=ste* instructi%ns ('Sutras') $%u and $%ur *artner can start t% #ea'e $%ur sexual ener. G%u ma$ ask.$.ecause I &elie'e that the select fe# *e%*le #h% take ad'anta. The difference theref%re is in de. t% understand s*iritual teachin.Teachin. H%# Tantra &ec%me ass%ciated #ith sex is &ecause traditi%nall$ sex #as used as an educati%nal exam*le f%r students #ishin.enerati%ns and #ith this sexual renaissance.r%# int% a full &l%#n fl%#er. 'it' l%ses s%me %f its 'ital essence and needs re*lenishment.' $%u did durin. sexual a&%ut. G%u can a**l$ the *rinci*les %f Tantra $%u learn t% an$ as*ect %f life.a. fl%#er it can . thr%u.ical' traditi%ns &elie'e. Eell. as a c%mm%n thread is that Tantric rituals #ere d%ne *ri'atel$ and discreetl$. #e''e &een %&sessed #ith. Thr%u. is 'held sacred' %r 'held in secret' C like a &uddin. 'sex sells.r%u*s.e in Tantric sex t% see if the '#ea'in. as I #ill ex*lain later.es' C #h$J .. What is Tantric Initiation and how was it s"read throu#hout history The meth%d that this >=&%%k ex*l%res is 'er$ sim*le. Sex in ancient times #as a c%mm%dit$ and h%# #ell $%u c%uld d% it #%uld determine $%ur sur'i'al and standard %f li'in. s%metimes %nl$ after m%nths %f *re*arati%n. Theref%re. like t%da$. #h$ then share Tantric rituals *u&licl$ at allJ . literall$.' #ith $%ur l%'e and 'essence'..ack then. cha*ters $%u can *ractice freel$ #ith a *artner %f $%ur ch%%sin.ers th%u. a &asket has n%thin. Ehether s%methin. is m%re Sutra %r Tantra theref%re can &e determined &$ these fact%rs. sex in a s*iritual #a$ #as .i%ns %f th%se time *eri%ds and is still t%da$.s.ies in such a #a$ t% *re*are $%ursel'es f%r initiati%n int% Tantra. )fter the ritual. The ritual itself has n%thin.hi' ener. man$ 'ancient' %r 'ma. this ritual can &e *erf%rmed #ith a ne# l%'er. The same is true t%da$. *e%*le #ill start t% li'e m%re h%listic li'es &ecause the$ ha'e access t% m%re '. Ehile traditi%nall$ 'initiati%n' is %nl$ *erf%rmed &$ a skilled Tantric *ractiti%ner a 'i'id and detailed descri*ti%n %f %ne such ritual is %utlined in this &%%k that fr%m the *recedin. >'en fe#er *e%*le #ill admit that the$ d%n't ha'e a clue h%# t% d% it #ill and s% d%n't seek t% im*r%'e it. #hat I ke*t seein. as 'alua&le %r im*%rtant *ers%nall$ (%r &ecause $%ur reli. #hat if $%u aren't Kualified t% sa$ if its &r%ken %r n%tJ I can sa$ this &ecause I trul$ &elie'ed I E)S Kualified #hen . $%u and $%ur *artner ma$ ch%%se t% en. Ehene'er $%u discl%se it t% an%ther. exce*t that t%da$ fe# #ill %*enl$ admit it. sexual in it. Dust like #ea'in. %r e'en a friend. in .ree %f *re*arati%n and *ri'ac$. (PIf it ain't &r%ken d%n't fix itQ). &ut teachin. itself C it is the attachment t% it in the c%ntext %f #hat he needs t% d% in %rder t% achie'e his dut$ as a Aedi that is in c%nflict. Third. the sta.$..).h man$ %f these m%dern=da$ *racti%ners d% n%t *ut em*hasis %n the Tantric ener. t% their s*iritual traditi%ns (and there are a l%t %f these. Eith the rise %f *r%stituti%n the *riests %f the time needed. thr%u. the uni%n made &et#een t#% *e%*le l%%kin.$.h the Iiddle ). t% marr$ :scar Einnin. alth%u. n%t Dust . thr%u. acc%rdin. thr%u. In %ther #%rds. indi'iduals and $%un. >'en still. The im*licati%ns are *r%f%und. *e%*le c%uld start t% 'e'%l'e' their sexual acti'it$ fr%m 'n%rmal' sex t% Tantric %r 's*iritual' sex.lack S#an) 5atalie 6%rtman. )fter readin.e %f Tantra. #hen descri&in. the tem*les and ha'in.e #ith the Rueen %f 5a&%% #ill affect his a&ilit$ t% &e a Aedi Kni.' #ith the 4i'ine ..ut if $%u #ant t% use sex as a 'ehicle f%r *ers%nal self=.. Traditi%nall$. %r lea'in. *r%stitutes and sex=surr%. he is t%ld that a 'Aedi can ha'e sex &ut n%t ha'e attachments'. In ancient times the$ #ere called 4akinis and 4akas.in fact I didn't ha'e a clue at the time. l%re and st%ries descri&e #hat ha**ened next. %r 'dancin. children. m$ >=&%%k #atch the m%'ie a.h '*la$ful c%n'ersati%n' (an ancient 'ersi%n %f m%dern=da$ flirtin.i%n).r%#th and understandin. .uided fr%m #ithin a dee* *lace in $%urself). himself t% sacrifice her at the ex*ense %f his trainin. If $%u recall the film Star Ears >*is%de I (the 0th in the series). Hinall$.ht. I'm still %nl$ scratchin. it. He cann%t &rin.e t% ch%%se c%ns%rts #h% #ere 'f%r hire' and &rin. Since due d% their '%#s %f 'n%n attachment' %r 'celi&ac$' the$ #ere *r%hi&ited fr%m marr$in. .$ I''e &een descri&in. . them &ack t% the tem*les. c%m*lete sexual uni%n %f &%d$ mind and s*irit #ith the intenti%n %f c%nnectin. The film de*icts the Her%'s A%urne$ #hich is an ancient *rinci*le and man$ %f the film's c%nce*ts are r%%ted in ancient %ri.r%#th.h%%sin.uddhism and Hinduism). 5umer%us texts.hest G%. #ell then $%u need t% learn a fe# thin. as Aedi he can ha'e a c%ns%rt %r a 4akini &ut n%t a life=*artner. Thr%u. )ctress (. f%r Tantra #hen it is a**lied f%r sex.reat%r (de*endin. These are the f%ur sta. children #h% reached maturit$ t% enhance their sex li'es.h 'Hi. thr%u. the$ are called sex=#%rkers. the ri. that this marria. a 'c%ns%rt' t% d% the c%*ulatin. ritual at the 0th sta. The$ #%uld send an initiate fr%m the tem*le d%#n t% the 'illa. Ehen he takes %n a life= *artner he st%*s &ein.ef%re the$ . There the$ #ere &athed. #here Buke Sk$#alker is a&%ut t% &ec%me a Aedi Kni.h%ut this d%cument. %r ha'e .es that #ere used in ancient times t% descri&e the 'sutras' %r threads %f #ea'in. a Aedi. cleansed. It is n%t the l%'emakin. *%#er and creati'e s$ner. thr%u. There are 0 such sta.a Tantra'. H%# Tantra &ecame ass%ciated #ith sex hist%ricall$ is 'er$ sim*le t% deduce. Sec%nd. Tantra can't &e underst%%d C it must &e ex*erienced *refera&l$ #ith s%me%ne #h% has ex*erienced it se'eral times &ef%re. fr%m +<<< $ears .s. int% each %thers e$es.es. the surface %f #hat is *%ssi&le #ith Tantric sex.h Tantric t%uch (h%# and #here $%u t%uch is . %n the reli. *am*ered and treated like r%$alt$ f%r a *eri%d %f time.h the *ractice %f these 0 sutras.ht Tantric sex *artner f%r each t$*e %f ritual is 'ital t% $%ur .ht &ut $et he is .%in.h%ut ancient hist%r$. In %ther #%rds. In m%dern=da$ times. He 'i%lates this rule and the *u&lic discl%sure %f it ultimatel$ leads t% his m%'ement t% the dark side and his demise. The$ #%uld *r%'ide ser'ices t% married c%u*les. 4akinis #ere female *ractiti%ners and 4akas #ere male *ractiti%ners.ain and $%u'll see it fr%m a c%m*letel$ different *ers*ecti'e. after $ears %f ex*eriencin.ins. enhanced ener.h an initiati%n and the *ers%nal transf%rmati%n that f%ll%#s such a ritual.es there ha'e &een skilled *ractiti%ners called 'c%ns%rts' #h% #ere trained in the arts %f sexual initiati%n...%ne thr%u. %r Tantric sex.ates. thr%u.es %f Tantra as a**lied t% sex. Hirst. I c%uldn't ima.e t% cust%mers).r%u*s C th%se that #ere 'initiated' and th%se that #ere n%t.ine as a s%ft#are *r%. all this and it #as a . Thr%u. :thers ser'ed t% 'initiate' %ther men and men #h% #ent t% these skilled *ractiti%ners recei'ed transf%rmati%n ex*eriences #hich made these 4akinis m%re *%*ular than the n%n=4akini *r%stitutes.ies %f Tantra and the deities as s$m&%ls %f l%'e and &eaut$.enetic mem%r$ &$ *ractice #hat $%u learn #ith $%ur . %nce the$ m%'ed %ut %f their ashram and int% their hus&ands' h%use %r *alace had free time %n their hands. #hat #e see t%da$ and can read a&%ut is alm%st a h%me%*athic d%se %f that ancient sexual traditi%n.e' in their teens f%r these rituals. %f ener. It literall$ came t% me in a flash %f li. %f ancient #isd%m fr%m #ithin.e )&%'e T% Nead I%re )&%ut The . a sex manual that is read &$ th%usands %f *e%*le #%rld#ide Dust &ecause I recei'ed an ancient initiati%n 'seed' *lanted int% me &$ an %ld 4akini #%man #hile in a failin. the 0th le'el initiati%n #as im*rinted %n their mem%ries. Hr%m these ex*eriences man$ %f these #%men &ecame either the mistress %f the n%&le %r kin. f%r #%men that #%uld learn h%# t% *re*are themsel'es since the$ &ecame sexuall$ '%f a. The initiated %nes had ex*erienced Tantric sex and man$ %f them #ere *resented and married %ff t% n%&ilit$ and s%metimes r%$alt$. a sexual enc%unter #ith a 'er$ ex*erienced Tantra teacher. Erite it d%#nF . 'Tantric sex' #ith the *riests durin. the$ #%uld &e *aid f%r d%in.s the$ #%uld de*ict the #ea'in.% seek %ut a Tantra teacher and ha'e sex #ith them f%r L m%nthsF This >=&%%k #ill *re*are $%u f%r that Her%'s D%urne$ %r $%u can use it t% a#aken $%ur . :'er th%usands %f $ears %f %ral and artistic traditi%ns. and #as deli'ered t% me durin. The *%int I'm makin.reat h%n%r t% &e ch%sen f%r this r%le if $%u #ere a *r%stitute at that time. #hich in man$ cases #as their m%ther %r caretaker.eF Hr%m this I #%uld #rite a >=&%%k and teach #%rksh%*s #%rld#ide t% ex*lain the text that I had #ritten.c%uld c%*ulate #ith the *riest the$ #%uld need t% learn all the 'sutras' and read a l%t %f ancient *%etr$ and #ritten scri*tures. a Tantric sex le'el=0 sex ritual #as a . .h the c$cle %f initiati%n en%u. and t% &e &lessed &$ a *riest durin.lick The Ima.ut it is en%u. Since man$ %f these #%men. )fter these rituals #ere *erf%rmed. a female. %r their #ife and &%re children. Ee n%# kn%# that th%se mem%ries transfer thr%u. The$ als% de*icted sexual *%siti%ns and these &ecame the 'Kama Sutras' %r 'stitches'8teachin. There #ere entire sch%%ls %f trainin.h t% start the &l%ss%min. the$ #%uld *aint. :f c%urse. marria. If $%u are ins*ired.enerati%ns.h %ur 45) t% successi'e . man$ returned &ack t% the 'illa.e and resumed their duties t% their madam. Nemem&er.r%u*s %f #%men. If the$ #ere trul$ *%%r. . is that much %f #hat #e learn fr%m and a&%ut Tantra t%da$ must c%me fr%m ex*erience and fr%m mediati%n %n th%se ex*eriences.s %f Sex. the$ returned &ack t% their ashram #here the$ #%uld &e taken care %f &$ a s*iritual teacher.htnin.h.reat h%n%r and added 'alue t% the #%man's s%cial stature (and increased h%# much she c%uld char. *r%stituti%n #as n%t c%nsidered a crime as it is t%da$.rammer in m$ +<'s that I #%uld &e #ritin.h %f that c%re essence is deli'ered sexuall$ that it is Dust en%u.etter $et . Ehat is im*%rtant t% kn%# fr%m this is that #hat the$ ex*erienced &ack in the tem*le #hile ha'in.lissEa'e >&%%k current *artner. The$ #ere di'ided in man$ cases int% t#% . In these *aintin. #h% t%%k care %f .
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