TAMM20 Materials Management Extended
TAMM20 Materials Management - ExtendedTAMM20 Materials Management Extended © SAP AG 1999 System R/3 TAMM20 Materials Management - Extended Release 4.6B July, 2001 Material Number: 50032303 Copyright Copyright 2001 SAP AG. All rights reserved. Neither this training manual nor any part thereof may be copied or reproduced in any form or by any means, or translated into another language, without the prior consent of SAP AG. The information contained in this document is subject to change and supplement without prior notice. All rights reserved. © SAP AG 1999 Trademarks: Microsoft ®, Windows ®, NT ®, PowerPoint ®, WinWord ®, Excel ®, Project ®, SQL-Server ®, Multimedia Viewer ®, Video for Windows ®, Internet Explorer ®, NetShow ®, and HTML Help ® are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Lotus ScreenCam ® is a registered trademark of Lotus Development Corporation. Vivo ® and VivoActive ® are registered trademarks of RealNetworks, Inc. 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Target Group Audience: Consultants from SAP Partners Project team members from SAP Customers Duration: 5 days © SAP AG 1999 Course Prerequisites Participants Member of the R/3 implementation team Junior consultants (less than one year‘s SAP experience) Knowledge Detailed knowledge of business processes in selected application areas Basic knowledge of graphical user interfaces (GUI) such as Microsoft Windows Foundation Knowledge in MM (TAMM10 or alternative standard courses) © SAP AG 1999 Course Overview Contents: Course Goals Section Overview Course Content © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 1-1 Course Goals This course will prepare you to: Gain the basic knowledge and understanding of the R/3 system in order to effectively implement one of the following application areas: Accounting Controlling Sales and Distribution Materials Management Production and Production Planning Human Resources Work as a project member under the guidance of a senior consultant © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 1-2 Section Overview Extended Preface Section Section Section Section Course Overview More Procurement Details Inventory Mngt. & Logistics Execution Vendor Evaluation Appendices Section Section Procurement of External Services Logistics Information System (LIS) © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 1-3 Content: More Procurement Details Preface Unit Unit Business Processes Special Topics © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 1-4 Content: Inventory Mngt. & Logistics Execution Preface Unit Unit Overview of Logistics Execution Organizational Units and Master Data Unit Unit Good Receipts Good Issues © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 1-5 Content: Vendor Evaluation Preface Unit Vendor Evaluation © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 1-6 Content: Procurement of External Services Preface Unit Unit Unit Unit Overview External Services Master Data Service Specifications Optimized Procurement Unit Unit Unit Value Limits for Unplanned Services Entry and Acceptance of Performed Services Invoice Verification © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 1-7 Content: Logistics Information System (LIS) Preface Unit Unit Unit Data Warehouse Concepts Standard Analysis in LIS Early Warning System Unit Unit Flexible Analysis in LIS LIS Environment © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 1-8 . Content: Appendices Preface Unit Unit Unit Overview Standard Courses Menu Paths Others © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 1-9 . Section: More Procurement Details © SAP AG 2000 © SAP AG TAMM20 2-1 . Content: More Procurement Details Preface Unit Unit Business Processes Special Topics © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 2-2 . Procurement Processes Contents: Materials Planning Purchasing Goods Receipt Invoice Verification Master Data Conditions / Sources of Supply Optimized Purchasing Inventory Management / Reservations © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 3-1 . © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 3-2 . Acquire extended knowledge.Procurement Processes: Unit Objectives At the conclusion of this unit. you will be able to: Estimate some of your Foundation Knowledge about the processes in procurement. use these documents and the R/3 Online Help Library. Or ask your trainer. © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 3-3 .Procurement Processes: Hints to the Exercise This exercise is intended to test and consolidate your knowledge. You should be able to practice this exercise by yourself. In this unit you find some of the documents from the course TAMM10 for self-study. If necessary. © SAP AG TAMM20 3-4 . A functional business process is provided so that you can check whether you have completed the exercise successfully. It is therefore essential that you read the scenarios thoroughly and use them in the correct business processes. use your course documents. if necessary. Please make a note of the data and documents you create on this exercise sheet. The instructor will answer any questions. you will be able to: • Estimate how much you have understood of the previous subjects You have various roles in the following business scenario. 1-2 General information In this exercise (unlike the other ones) you are provided only with the most important information you need to do the exercises. Work through the exercises yourself and. Map the required processes in the SAP System to meet your material management requirements. You will find that it is up to you to provide much of the information and data. No solutions are provided for these exercises.Exercises Procurement Processes At the conclusion of this exercise. 1 Foreword 1-1 Aim of exercise This exercise is intended to test and consolidate your knowledge. and T-K12C## for your processes. Unless you are told otherwise.1-3 Basic data You are provided with information on all the required data and settings. Account: Payment methods: Order currency: Terms of payment: Incoterms: Automatic Purch. If the vendor master T-K12B-## does not exist. T-K12B##. work with: Company code: 1000 (IDES) Purchasing organization: Plant: Purchasing group: MRP controller: 1000 (IDES) 1000 (Hamburg) LO020-## (T##) 0## Use only vendors T-K12A##. please create this vendor via the central maintenance transaction as a copy of vendor master record TK12A-## using the following data (incl. Accounting view): Company code: Purchasing organization: Account group: Address data: Recon. Order: 1000 (IDES) 1000 (IDES) LIEF (Your choice) 160000 Check and Bank Transfer UNI 0002 FOB Mannheim yes Good Luck! © SAP AG TAMM20 3-5 . in future. you need a new component that has never been used before in your company. To manufacture this product. This component is to be managed under the number Teil-## in your company. 2-2 In the Engineering/Design view. will be available as a spare part for internal customers. Teil-## goes into full production and.2 Engineering/Design department 2-1 You have just finished manufacturing a new product. enter the data required. Which material type do you choose? ___________________________ The description of the component is: ____________________ Which view(s) do you create? ___________________________ Which data do you enter? ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ © SAP AG TAMM20 3-6 . do not enter the accounting data until you know the prices of possible suppliers. In your company. the buyer usually maintains the data relevant to accounting. You are asked to find possible vendors for the component in the next few days.3 Purchasing 3-1 The Engineering/Design department has informed you that a new material Teil-## has been created in the system. Teil-## is relatively low in value and is not subject to short-term price fluctuations. There are no particular requirements. Which view(s) do you create? ____________________________ Make a note of the most important data: ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ 4-2 © SAP AG TAMM20 3-7 . You want to valuate it at a fixed price. As you do not yet know what the material costs. 3-3 Which view(s) do you create? ____________________________ Make a note of the most important data: ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ 3-2 4 Warehouse 4-1 Make sure that Teil-## can be placed into storage. The delivery time is 1 week. The amount in the RFQ is 10. As QI wants to check the parts before the vendor is released. T-K12B## can deliver Teil-## for 10 UNI / pc. © SAP AG TAMM20 3-8 . inform your potential vendors in your RFQ that you will order 100 parts on the condition that they are given the order. The delivery time is 5 days. T-K12B##. and T-K12C##). with no freight charge for quantities over 100 pieces and a 2% freight surcharge for quantities under 100 pieces. How do you do this (transaction)? Is there price data? ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ 5-2 You send RFQs to three vendors (T-K12A##. There is also a flat-rate freight charge of 150 UNI per delivery. The delivery time is 10 days.5 Purchasing 5-1 You check in the system if price data for Teil-## has already been entered in another department. RFQ numbers / vendor: ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ 5-3 You have received the quotations. T-K12A## offers Teil-## for 12 UNI / pc for quantities above 100 pcs with delivery free of charge. T-K12C## charges 14 UNI / pc.000 in accordance with your expected annual requirements. but requires a flat-rate lowquantity surcharge of 250 UNI for quantities below 200 pcs. You therefore change the purchase order and add the monitor as a third item. Also order an inspection gauge for your cost center 4100 from the same vendor (material without a master record). PO number:____________________________________________ 5-8 Shortly after you have issued the purchase order. you notice that you require another piece of material M-01. Most reasonable vendor:_____________ Effective price / pc ________ 5-5 5-6 Create an info record based on the most reasonable quotation. You send the changed purchase order to the vendor. you expect deliveries of 500 pieces a time. you will order the material about 20 times per year. Analyze the quotations and reject those you do not want to include. you send him or her a message to this effect. M-01. The price is 1000 UNI. Which view(s) do you maintain? ____________________________ Make a note of the most important data: ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ 5-7 Order 100 pieces of the material with reference to the most reasonable quotation. Issue the purchase order as a message. The vendor informed you by telephone that the price is 200 UNI. To let the vendor know. that is.5-4 According to the information from Production. 5-9 © SAP AG TAMM20 3-9 . The vendor calls you because he or she does not know anything about item 3. You discover that you have ordered the item from the wrong vendor and cancel it. Extend the material master record of Teil-## with the data that is required for the purchase order and account management. The QM department makes a positive usage decision. © SAP AG TAMM20 3-10 . The prototype production department requires 25 pieces to prepare the material for repetitive manufacturing. manufacturing. You issue the required quantity to the appropriate cost center (4110). purchasing. and invoice verification should be as simple and cheap as possible. Teil-## is inspected first. movement type: Consumption for cost center from warehouse 7 Engineering/design.6 Warehouse 6-1 6-2 6-3 The vendor sends you 50 pieces of the ordered material plus the inspection gauge. Goods issue. It is also decided that the procurement process with regard to materials planning. You therefore transfer Teil-##. materials planning and purchasing It is decided that the material does not have any defects and should be procured regularly from this vendor. the vendor requires a delivery time of 5 days. you decide that it is not advisable to keep more than 800 pieces of the material Teil-## in stock (=maximum stock level). ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ © SAP AG TAMM20 3-11 . you work out an appropriate planning strategy. In this case.8 Materials planning 8-1 As the MRP controller responsible. To cover possible risks and fluctuations. After consulting the warehouse and production. According to the Purchasing Department. As you also want to take future requirements into account in materials planning. the stock level should be completely replenished. you decide on an approporiate MRP procedure (choose MRP type V1). 8-2 Which views and indicators do you maintain? Make a note of the appropriate parameters. you plan to hold a safety stock of 50 pieces. As soon as the stock drops below 300 pieces. the replenishment of the material is automatically initiated. Can the Financial Accounting Department pay the invoice? Give a reason for your answer. Which entries are essential? ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ © SAP AG TAMM20 3-12 . vendor master. ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ 10 Purchasing 10-1 As you do not want to process every purchase requisition for the vendor and Teil-## manually. Hint: Material master. 10-2 Maintain all the data that is required to do this. you configure the system so that the purchase requisitions are automatically assigned with sources of supply. info record. These purchase requisitions are to be converted to purchase orders automatically via a report.9 Invoice verification 9-1 The vendor charges you for the complete quantity of the sample purchase order (100 pc). and source list. You enter and post the invoice. It is the remaining 50 pieces from the sample purchase order and the ordered quantity from the reservation. you are currently checking the stock/requirements list for Teil-##. if so.. PO number:____________________________________________ 11-4 A delivery from vendor T-K12B-## arrives in goods receipt. you are processing all purchase requisitions which have already been assigned sources of supply. Assign a source of supply for Teil## and display the purchase order that is created. © SAP AG TAMM20 3-13 .. You therefore create a reservation to ensure that this component is available for the required date.→ Inventory Management → Reservation → Create Base date: Movement type: Cost center: Teil-##: Current date +2 weeks 201 4100 200 pieces Accept any messages and save 11-2 As the MRP controller. are these covered? ______________________________________________________ You carry out a planning run for Teil-## and save it. Are there any requirements and.11 Start of production 11-1 As the person responsible in Production. What is the result? ______________________________________________________ 11-3 In Purchasing. you require 200 pieces of Teil-## in 2 weeks. . Invoiced amount: ____________________________ Exercise complete! Did you complete the process? No? Go through the exercises again step by step or speak to the instructor Congratulations! Yes? © SAP AG TAMM20 3-14 .11-5 The accounts payable clerk settles all the vendor’s invoices for Teil-##. Procurement Cycle Purch. req. 8 Invoice Payment processing 1 Determination of reqmts Purch. ord. ? 7 10 20 30 Invoice verification 2 Procurement Source determination 6 Goods receipt Purchase order 10 20 30 3 Vendor selection 5 © SAP AG 1999 PO monitoring 4 PO processing Determination of requirements: The user department responsible can manually pass a requirement for materials to the Purchasing department via a purchase requisition. If you have set a MRP procedure for a material in the material master, the R/3 System automatically generates a purchase requisition. Determination of the source of supply: The R/3 System helps the buyer determine possible sources of supply. You can use determination of the source of supply to create requests for quotation (RFQs) and then enter the quotations. You can also access existing purchase orders and conditions in the system. Vendor selection: The system simplifies the selection of vendors by making price comparisons between the various quotations. It automatically sends rejection letters. Purchase order processing: The system facilitates data entry by providing entry aids when you are entering purchase orders. Purchase order monitoring: The buyer can monitor the processing status of the purchase order online at any time and can determine whether goods or an invoice have been received for the relevant purchase order item. The system also supports reminder procedures. Goods receipt: The system compares the goods receipt quantity with the purchase order quantity. Invoice verification: Vendor invoices are checked for accuracy of prices and contents. Payment processing: Financial Accounting normally deals with vendor payments. © SAP AG TAMM20 3-15 Overview of Materials Requirements Planning Planning file entry Transaction relevant to MRP MRP Tuesday, Dec. 18 Tuesday, Dec. 18 Planned order Materials Planning Purchasing Delivery schedule Purchase requisition © SAP AG 1999 If requirements for a material are planned automatically and MRP is active in the plant, the system automatically carries out planning file entries upon transactions relevant to materials planning (goods issues, reservations, change in a material's planning data, execution of a forecast for material ...). You can also enter planning file entries manually. You can carry out materials requirements planning online or in the background. Planned orders are proposals used for requirements coverage. They can be converted to purchase requisitions in a single step. You can also create purchase requisitions directly instead of planned orders. © SAP AG TAMM20 3-16 Materials Planning Procedures Matls Planning Procedures Consumptionbased MRP Reorder point procedure Forecast-based materials planning Time-phased materials planning Manual reorder point Automatic reorder point © SAP AG 1999 You use the MRP type in the Materials Planning view to define the procedure you want to use to plan requirements of a material. You can define different materials planning procedures for the same material in different plants. The main procedures are: Reorder point planning Material requirements planning Forecast-based planning Master production scheduling Time-phased materials planning © SAP AG TAMM20 3-17 Static Lot-Sizing Procedures Fixed lot size Replenish up to maximum stock level Exact lot size Qty Receipts Issues Time © SAP AG 1999 In static lot-sizing procedures, the system does not take future shortages into account; that is, if it determines shortages, the system creates an order proposal for the quantity of the static lot size. If you have specified that the exact lot size (lot-for-lot order quantity) is to be used, the system uses the exact shortage quantity as the order quantity in the case of a material shortfall. If there are several goods issues leading to a material shortfall in one day, the system groups the shortage quantity from this day in one order proposal, rather than creating an order proposal for each shortage. If you have specified that the fixed order quantity is to be used, the system uses the fixed lot size quantity as the order quantity in the case of a material shortfall. If this order quantity is not sufficient to cover the shortage, the system generates several order proposals for the same date until the shortage has been covered. If you have specified that the order quantity “replenishment up to maximum stock level” is to be used, the system creates an order proposal for the quantity that is required to reach the maximum stock level defined in the material master record. © SAP AG TAMM20 3-18 Purchase Requisitions Purchasing RFQ Manual MRP Purchase requisition Outline agreement Purchase order Master data © SAP AG 1999 Purchase requistions are internal documents you use to request your Purchasing department to procure a particular quantity of a material or a service for a particular date. Purchase requisitions are either created manually by the department responsible or automatically by MRP. When you create a purchase requisition for materials that have a material master record, the R/3 System supports you when you enter data by transferring data in the material master record into the purchase requisition. Purchasing converts the purchase requisition into a request for quotation (RFQ), purchase order, or outline agreement. © SAP AG TAMM20 3-19 RFQ / Quotation Purchasing Purchase order Vendor A Purchase requisition RFQ Quotation Source of supply Vendor B Vendor C Rejection letter Master data © SAP AG 1999 After establishing that a material or service is required, the Purchasing department needs to convert the purchase requisition into a purchase order. The R/3 System can support the Purchasing department using the requests for quotation in the source determination. First, you enter a request for quotation for the relevant material or the required service. You can enter the request for quotation manually or with reference to a purchase requisition. The second option has the advantage that the information already in the purchase requisition is copied directly to the request for quotation. Then you allocate the required vendors to the request for quotation. The system determines the address from the data in the respective vendor master record. You send the RFQs to the chosen vendors, who then send their quotations or rejection letters. You enter the quotations along with the conditions and delivery dates they contain with reference to the corresponding RFQ. You can determine the most favorable items or quotation by means of a quotation comparison. You also have the option of saving as purchasing info records the conditions of quotations in which you are interested. © SAP AG TAMM20 3-20 Purchase Order Format Header data Purchase order Document number Payment conditions Purchase order date Vendor Currency ... 10 ..................... 20 ..................... 30 ..................... Item: 10 Item: 20 Item: 30 Material number Short text Order quantity Delivery date PO price ... © SAP AG 1999 Like other purchasing documents in the R/3 System, the purchase order consists of a document header and one or more items. The document header contains information that refers to the entire purchase order. Examples of this include the document currency, the document date, and the terms of payment. The item part of the document contains data describing the materials or services ordered. You can maintain additional information for each item (for example, delivery schedules or item-based text). In a purchase order, you can procure materials or services for all plants attached to your purchasing organization. © SAP AG TAMM20 3-21 Goods Receipt Ext. vendor or other plant Purchase order GR area GR area Material document Accounting document(s) © SAP AG 1999 Posting a goods receipt to stock with reference to a purchase order has a number of advantages for you, including: The goods receiving point can check whether the delivery is the same as the purchase order data, that is, whether the goods that were ordered have been delivered. The system suggests data from the purchase order when you enter the goods receipt (for example, items and quantities). This makes it easier to enter the goods receipt and check overdeliveries and underdeliveries when goods arrive. Among other things, the purchase order history is automatically updated as a result of the deliveries. The Purchasing Department can send a reminder about late deliveries. When you post a goods receipt to the warehouse, the system creates a material document containing information such as the material delivered and the quantity delivered. The system also records the storage location in which you place the material into stock in the plant concerned. In transactions relevant for material valuation, the system creates at least one accounting document, which records the effects of the goods movement on the value of the stock. © SAP AG TAMM20 3-22 Account Postings for Planned Delivery Costs Purch. order Material (MAP) 100 pcs = 130 UNI Invoice Goods receipt 100 pieces 100 pcs UNI 130.00 Freight UNI 10.00 6.00 Cust. UNI UNI 146.00 Stock account GR: 130 IR: 16 GR/IR clearing account IR: 130 GR 130 Vendor IR: 146 © SAP AG 1999 The system clears the GR/IR clearing account with the purchase order price and updates the vendor account with the invoice price. Material with moving average price control: The system posts the difference between the purchase order price and the invoice price to the stock account and recalculates the stock value based on the invoice price. The system redetermines the moving average price based on the new stock value. If the stock quantity is less than the invoice quantity, the system posts part of the difference to the “Expenditure/income from price differences” account instead of the stock account. Material with standard price control: The system posts the difference between the purchase order price and the invoice price to an expenditure/income from price differences account. © SAP AG TAMM20 3-23 Invoice Processing Master data Invoice verification Invoice Invoice document Payment program Purchase order Mat. doc. for goods receipt © SAP AG 1999 In Materials Management, the procurement process is concluded by the invoice verification process, during which invoices and credit memos are entered and the contents and prices are checked for accuracy. However, payment and evaluation of invoices is not part of Invoice Verification; the appropriate information for these tasks is passed on to other departments. Invoice Verification therefore creates a link between Materials Management and external or internal accounting. When you enter an invoice with reference to a purchase order, the system suggests data from the purchase order and the goods receipts for the purchase order (for example, vendor, material, quantity still to be invoiced, terms of payment, and so on). If there are discrepancies between the purchase order or goods receipt and the invoice, the system warns the user, and depending on how the system is configured, blocks the invoice for payment. The posting of the invoice completes the invoice verification process. The system updates the purchase order history and Financial Accounting initiates payment for the open invoice items. Invoice Verification creates a link between Materials Management and external or internal accounting. © SAP AG TAMM20 3-24 Procurement for stock or consumption Payment (FI) Bestellung Purch.order Requisition Requirement determination Vendor invoice ? 10 20 30 Invoice Verification Acct assgt cat. Source determination Storage Goods Issue Goods receipt Procurement for stock or consumption? Vendor selection Purch.order 10 1020 2030 Purchase order monitoring 30 Order processing Consumption © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 3-25 but is possible Account assignment category mandatory Posting to consumption accounts Value is not updated. quantity and consumption can be updated © SAP AG TAMM20 3-26 . value. and consumption updated in material master record Moving average price is adjusted © SAP AG 1999 Entry of material number not required.Stock Material <=> Consumable Material Entry of material number required No account assignment category Posting to stock accounts Quantity. Output Printer EDI E-mail Fax Telex Teletex Printout Delivery schedule Expeditor/ Reminder Rejection letter Order acknmt expeditor © SAP AG 1999 You can issue purchase orders. The header text is printed at the top of the purchase order and contains general information. Print Functions and Information Transmission. and order acknowledgements as messages via printer. You can configure which header texts and item-based texts the system issues. EDI or e-mail. fax.Issuing Messages Purchasing doc. You can also include and issue standard texts. © SAP AG TAMM20 3-27 . Note: You will find more detailed information about outputting purchasing documents in the Materials Management documentation on Purchasing: Entering Texts. Item texts describe a purchase order item in more detail. changes to purchase orders. When you create purchasing documents.Master Data in the Procurement Process Purchase order Header Items 10 __________ 20 __________ 30 __________ Material master recd Purchasing info record Vendor master recd © SAP AG 1999 Master data contains data records that are stored in the database for a long period of time. You can store data for a particular material (for example. The data in the vendor master record includes addresses and payment data. These are stored centrally and used and processed on a cross-application basis. delivery time and purchase price) on a vendor basis in info records. © SAP AG TAMM20 3-28 . It also copies data such as units of measure and material short texts from the material master record. This prevents the multiple storage (redundancy) of data. the R/3 System facilitates data entry by copying the data from existing master records as default values into the purchasing documents. The material master record and vendor master record are the most important master data in the procurement process. Optimized purchasing © SAP AG 1999 Vendor master records contain information on the vendors (external suppliers) of an enterprise.. Such data includes the Automatic PO allowed indicator.. Data that applies to a purchasing organization can be maintained differently for a specific plant. a vendor master record has the organizational levels “client” and “purchasing organization”. Control parameters for purchasing operations are defined at the purchasing organization level. $ $ Vendor Automatic PO . Pc. Accounting data in the vendor master record is defined at the company code level. order % % Conditions Conditions .Purchasing Data in the Vendor Master Record Purchasing data PO currency Terms of payment Incoterms Purchasing organization Info rec. Pur. © SAP AG TAMM20 3-29 .. Pc. From the Purchasing view.. It is used by all components of the SAP Logistics System. a material master record has the organizational levels “client” and “plant”.. Purchasing group PO text .. The Source list requirement. All the information necessary for the administration of a material is stored in its master record. To the enterprise. you can specify the purchase order unit. Each department thus has its own view of a material master record and is responsible for the correctness of the data within its block.Purchasing Data in the Material Master Record Purchasing data Order unit Tolerances Reminder levels . Quota arrangement usage and Automatic PO allowed indicators are set at plant level. and each one needs to store different information relating to it. Pur. From the Purchasing view. the material master record represents the central source of information on a specific material.. the material master record contains separate data blocks for each department. Plant Automatic PO Source list requirement Quota arrangement usage Info rec. Since different user departments of an enterprise work with a material.. manufactures or stores. under. Pc. order Material % % Conditions Conditions $ $ Optimized purchasing © SAP AG 1999 Material master records contain descriptions of all the articles and parts that an enterprise procures. Pc. At client level.and over-delivery tolerances and reminder levels. © SAP AG TAMM20 3-30 . Last purchase order: If an info record does not contain any conditions. You can define that the conditions from the last purchase order: Are always copied Are not copied when the price is entered manually Are never copied © SAP AG TAMM20 3-31 .Info Records and Prices Piece % Yes Conditions No UNI Info record Conditions: Price/UoM 50 UNI / pc Freight 2% Info record available? Yes No Last purchase order: 4500006398 Create purchase order Item 10 Material T-RA120 ? Manual Price entry Short text Chromolux 2000 Price ? © SAP AG 1999 Purchasing info records determine the prices suggested in purchasing documents in two ways: Conditions: Conditions are included if they have been maintained for an info record manually or from a quotation. the system reads the number of the last purchasing document in the info record and then suggests the price from this document. In the default values for buyers (Customizing). you can define how the system handles conditions from the last purchase order. for example. Header conditions apply to all the items in the document. and extended conditions are time-dependent conditions. and so on.01. You can enter conditions in the document header or in the item details.Conditions Conditions Prices Outline agreement Discounts/surcharges General conditions Piece Piece % % Conditions Conditions UNI UNI Info record Vendor Condition group Material type Incoterms Invoicing party FF UNI $ Price 1 01. 07. you can enter the pricing data in the form of a price/quantity scale. Conditions in info records. a vendor's prices vary according to quantity. info records. outline agreements. Conditions in purchase orders are time-independent conditions.01 Price 2 12. © SAP AG TAMM20 3-32 . Time-dependent conditions can be restricted to a certain period of validity. contracts. If. The effective net price in purchase orders is determined on the basis of these conditions. Item conditions apply to one item only. Extended conditions provide you with the option of specifying time-dependent conditions independently of outline agreements and info records. Time-dependent conditions are also available for quotations and scheduling agreements if you set the time-dependent conditions indicator for the document type in Customizing. and purchase orders.31 Surcharge 5% from 100 pcs from 500 pcs 3% 1% © SAP AG 1999 Conditions are stipulations agreed with vendors concerning prices. You can maintain conditions when you create quotations. discounts and surcharges. This information is provided separately in release orders or rolling delivery schedules (comprising a number of individual schedule lines). Validity period Material Delivery schedule Quantity FRC Deliv. © SAP AG TAMM20 3-33 . an “outline agreement” is a longer-term purchase arrangement with a vendor concerning the supply of materials or the performance of services according to predetermined conditions. The items of a contract can relate to a single plant or all the plants covered by a purchasing organization (centrally agreed contract). date sched. Distributed contracts are centrally agreed contracts that are made available to other R/3 Systems for the purpose of issuing release orders against them. An outline agreement can be a contract or a scheduling agreement. with release docu. contract Distributed contract Validity period Material Total quantity/ total value Conditions Contract release order Quantity Delivery date Sch. Scheduling agmt. There are two types of contracts: Quantity contract – this type of contract is regarded as fulfilled when the agreed total quantity has been supplied on the basis of individual release orders issued against the contract. depending on the type of agreement. agmt. Specific dates or quantities for individual deliveries are not set out in the outline agreement. Value contract – this type of contract is regarded as fulfilled when the agreed total value has been supplied on the basis of individual release orders issued against the contract. © SAP AG 1999 Total quantity Conditions JIT sched. These are valid for a certain period of time and cover a predefined total purchase quantity or value.Outline Purchase Agreements: Overview Contract Quantity contract Value contract Centr. Scheduling agmt.-agr. In the R/3 System. 00 UNI Info recd Info recd © SAP AG 1999 Conditions are used in purchase orders to determine price. Conditions Key PB00 FRA1 RA00 ZOB1 Outline agreement Description Gross price Freight Discount from net Abs. you can use extended conditions to define vendor discounts or include discounts for a material type.00 UNI 5.Conditions in a purchasing info record apply to all purchase order items that contain the material and vendor contained in the purchasing info record. For example. The following types of conditions are used in Purchasing: . Extended conditions are more flexible than conditions in info records or contracts in that you can define which criteria must be met if the conditions are to apply to purchase orders.Conditions in a contract apply to all contract release orders created with reference to this contract. . .Conditions Quotation Purch.0% 3. customs duty Amount 10. © SAP AG TAMM20 3-34 .ord.0% 8.Extended conditions are only included in the purchase order if they meet certain criteria. It contains data on a certain material and the vendor (supplier) of that material.Sources of Supply: Overview Vendor Info record Vendor Material Purch. An info record (short for “purchasing information record”) provides information for Purchasing. agmt. Validity period Item10 : Material Quantity Price Item20 : . © SAP AG TAMM20 3-35 . the term “source of supply” (or “source”) can mean a vendor (external supplier) or an outline purchase agreement. For example.... Validity period Item10 : Material Quantity Price Item20 : . % % Conditions Conditions $ $ Source . (Plant) Price Pc.. Vendor Purch. org. Outline agreement item Contract Vendor Purch.. the vendor’s current price for the material is stored in an info record. © SAP AG 1999 Sched. org. In MM Purchasing. Pc. The latter apply for a prearranged period and a predefined total purchase quantity or value.. org. An outline purchase agreement is a longer-term arrangement with a vendor regarding the supply of materials or performance of services according to predefined terms and conditions. Optimized Purchasing Materials planning User dept. order Price Automatic source determination Source list Quota arrangement © SAP AG 2000 Source of supply Info Contract record item Scheduling agmt. order Vendor Material Quantity Delivery date Transmission to vendor Pur. date (Source) Conversion Pur. PReq. item © SAP AG TAMM20 3-36 . Material Quantity Deliv. Purchase requisition Outline agreement item Pc. the system attempts to determine a suitable source on the basis of the source list. . Info record % % Purchase requisition Conditions Conditions Fixed vendor $ $ © SAP AG 1999 Possible sources are determined and suggested by the system according to the following priorities: . the system calculates from which vendor the material is to be procured on the basis of the quotas stipulated for the vendors. If outline agreements exist for the material.Priorities in Source Determination 1 60% Quota arrangement ? Vendor Source List 40% 2 Source list Purchase requisition Outline agreement item Fixed vendor 3 Outline agmt.The system first checks whether a quota arrangement whose validity period covers the delivery date in the purchase requisition exists for the material.If the source list contains neither a vendor nor an outline agreement item. the system attempts to find a contract or a scheduling agreement for the material. The system also searches for suitable info records and suggests these for the material.If no quota arrangement exists. If so. these will be suggested as possible sources. Pc. . © SAP AG TAMM20 3-37 . In the MM module. Source of s. with Source o.Functions in Purchasing (Overview) Create PO . creating purchase orders and assigning of sources of supply. W/o. Assign Preq. Each lorry symbolizes a source of supply. su.) Create PO Vendor known Assign + Process Item with: • Source of supply • Flag for RFQ RFQ Anfrage © SAP AG 1999 The slide is showing an overview of some functions in purchasing: Creating and converting purchase requisitions.Vendor unknown W/o. su. / Source of supply / Source of supply / Generate PO Save as requisition Save as requisition Create P. additional options to create and convert purchasing documents are available. requisition Without Source of Supply Find or assign Source of Supply P. Source o.req. order Automatic (via PReqs. © SAP AG TAMM20 3-38 . Process (via Assignment list) Purch. Planning goods movements Planning of a receipt © SAP AG 1999 Planning of an issue Planning of a transfer posting Reservations are requests to the warehouse to have materials ready for issue at a later date and for a particular purpose.Reservations Controller Warehouse manager Reservation ^ = Plant. A reservation can also be used to plan an inward movement in advance. stor. © SAP AG TAMM20 3-39 . A reservation ensures that a material is available when it is needed. loc. the R/3 System reduces the relevant stock. The data to be entered depends on the type of goods issue. © SAP AG TAMM20 3-40 . The SAP sampling procedure assures you that the sample for testing is taken from the existing stock. You enter a G/L account only if you want to post the goods movement to another account. If a material is no longer of use. sampling is the same as scrapping. When you post a material for scrapping. The R/3 System prepares various account assignment fields. You can scrap material from unrestricted-use stock. If a material is destroyed. depending on the movement type and system configuration.Goods Issues From w/house From consgmt Goods issue From pipeline Consumption Issue Cost center Asset Sales Order © SAP AG 1999 Sampling Scrapping Goods issues can be planned or unplanned. it is posted for scrapping. and blocked stock. The sampled goods are treated as destroyed – in other words. Sample withdrawal is a goods issue generally linked to a quality inspection. this information must also be entered in the R/3 System. and debits the cost center entered. In this way. transfers the value of the scrapped material from the stock account to a scrap account. stock in quality inspection. the system assumes that the material can no longer be used after the quality inspection. It uses automatic account determination to determine the G/L account to which the movement is posted. with the exception that the value of the sampled material is posted from the material stock account to the quality inspection expense account. © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 3-41 .Procurement Processes: Unit Summary You are now able to: Estimate some of your Foundation Knowledge about the processes in procurement. Acquire extended knowledge. Special Topics Contents: MPN Materials Mass Maintenance © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 4-1 . you will be able to: Describe the function of the manufacturer part number in the procurement process Create MPN material and use them in purchasing Explain the function of the MPN profile Describe the mass maintenance function © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 4-2 .Special Topics: Unit Objectives At the conclusion of this unit. You need to make changes to many vendor master records at the same time.Special Topics: Business Scenario Your organization uses materials that can be procured from different sources. you decide to work with the MPN functionality. © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 4-3 . Since each vendor requires you to quote his special part number in purchase orders. Manufacturer Part Number (MPN) Material master record for internal part number Material Material master record for manufacturer part number Material master record for manufacturer part number ... Vendor master record for manufacturer Vendor master record for manufacturer Vendor master record for manufacturer © SAP AG 1999 As of Release 4.0A, you can use the material or part number used by the manufacturer for procurement purposes in addition to the company’s own material number. You can use the manufacturer part number in requisitions and purchase orders and determine it using the source determination process. You create a separate material master record (= MPN material) for each manufacturer part number. This has a separate material type (HERS), contains the manufacturer and points to the master record for the company’s own material. Manufacturers that are not vendors can be represented by special vendor master records using the vendor account group MNFR. © SAP AG TAMM20 4-4 Material Master Records Firm‘s own, inventorymanaged material MPN material Material master record Material type: e.g. ROH Material master record Material type: HERS Views: Purchasing PO text Classification Manuf. part profile (Manufacturer part no.) (Manuf.) Materials planning Inventory mgmt. Inv.-managed material Manufacturer part no. Manuf. Vendor master record for manufacturer © SAP AG 1999 You assign a manufacturer part control profile to the company’s own material in the latter’s master record. The control profile for manufacturer parts is defined in Customizing and determines the usability of MPN materials. Materials planning and inventory management are carried out with respect to the company’s own material. If a material is procured from a single manufacturer, you can enter the manufacturer and the manufacturer part number in the master record for the company's own, inventory-managed material. If a material is procured from several manufacturers, you create a separate material master record (= MPN material). This has a separate material type (HERS), contains the manufacturer and the manufacturer part number and points to the company's own, inventory-managed material. © SAP AG TAMM20 4-5 MPN Profiles MPN requirement Info records for MPN material PO text for MPN material MPN Profile AMPL management QM processing for MPN Updating of LIS © SAP AG 1999 Change MPN/ price determination Control profiles for manufacturer parts are defined in Customizing and are assigned in the master record for the company's own, inventory-managed material. The manufacturer part control profile determines the usability of the MPN material. Among other things, you can stipulate whether: The PO text of the MPN material or the company's own, inventory-managed material is to be adopted in the purchase order The MPN material has to be entered in the purchase order The MPN material may be changed during the procurement process (for example, when a requisition is converted into a purchase order) including changing the MPN at the time of goods receipt. A new price determination process is to be carried out after a change in the MPN material Info records can be created for the MPN material or for the company's own, inventory-managed material. The list of approved manufacturer parts is to be checked. © SAP AG TAMM20 4-6 Source Determination for MPN Materials Source list Inv.-managed material Plant Validity period MPN material Manufacturer Quota arr. 60% ? Vendor 40% Purchase requisition 10 pcs. inventorymanaged material Source: manufacturer MPN material . © SAP AG 1999 Among other things, you use the control profile for manufacturer parts to determine whether info records can be created for the MPN material or for the company's own material. If you have maintained info records for MPN materials, you can utilize the source determination process using the source list or quota arrangement for MPN materials. Source list/quota arrangement records relate to the company's own, inventory-managed material. In the source list and the quota arrangement, you can define combinations of manufacturers and manufacturer part numbers as preferred or excluded for procurement purposes with respect to specific time periods and plants. The MPN material and Manufacturer fields are offered to you in the source list or quota arrangement for maintenance if a manufacturer part profile is entered in the master record for the company's own, inventory-managed material. In the list of approved manufacturer parts, you can specify which MPN materials may be procured during which period, whether they must be taken from a certain revision level or whether they are blocked. You can use the enhancement AMPL0001 to define your own criteria regarding the admissibility of manufacturer parts. © SAP AG TAMM20 4-7 Mass Maintenance Tool Material master (retail) Rental units Material master (industry) Mass Maintenance Customer master Purchasing info records Vendor master Appropriation requests © SAP AG 1999 As of Release 4.5A, you can change data for several objects at the same time using the mass maintenance tool (such as vendor masters, material masters or purchasing information records). You can run the tool online or in the background. It is recommended that the tool be run in the background if many objects are to be changed at the same time. This reduces the system load. Since this tool can change many objects at the same time, only experienced users should operate it. You access the tool through the Central functions menu under Logistics. As of Release 4.6A, you can change data in a large number of purchase orders quickly and easily in a single step. For example, you can change the plant, the terms of payment, or the purchasing group, in selected purchase orders. © SAP AG TAMM20 4-8 Special Topics: Unit Summary You are now able to: Describe the function of the manufacturer part number in the procurement process Create MPN materials and use them in purchasing Explain the function of the MPN profile Describe the mass maintenance function © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 4-9 Exercises Unit: Special Topics Topic: MPN Materials At the conclusion of this exercise, you will be able to: • Describe the function of the manufacturer part number in the procurement process • Create MPN materials and use them in purchasing • Explain the function of the MPN profile Your organization uses materials that you can procure from different sources. Since each vendor requires you to quote his special part number in purchase orders, you wish to work with MPN materials. 1-1 Display the material master purchasing view of your material T-REE## for plant 1000. 1-1-1 Has a manufacturer part profile been assigned to the material? If so, which? ______________________________________________________ 1-1-2 If not already done, assign manufacturer part profile 2000 to the material. 1-1-3 Has a manufacturer part number been assigned to the material? ______________________________________________________ 1-1-4 Has a manufacturer been assigned to the material? ______________________________________________________ 1-2 Display the Customizing settings for manufacturer part profile 2000. 1-2-1 Which MPN material functions have been activated? ______________________________________________________ © SAP AG TAMM20 4-10 1-3 Material T-REE## is procured from two manufacturers who each require you to quote their special part number in purchase orders. Create the first master record for an MPN material using the following data: Material number: Industry sector: Material type: View: Short text: Internal material no.: Manufacturer part no.: Manufacturer: Material group: T-REE##-A Mechanical Engineering (M) Manufacturer parts (HERS) Purchasing Axle T-REE## A-123456 T-L20A## 001 Save the material master record. 1-4 Create another master record for an MPN material with the following data: Material number: Industry sector: Material type: View: Short text: Internal material no.: Manufacturer part no.: Manufacturer: Material group: T-REE##-B Mechanical Engineering (M) Manufacturer parts (HERS) Purchasing Axle T-REE## B-987654 T-L20B## 001 Save the material master record. 1-5 You need 40 pc. of material T-REE## supplied by the manufacturer T-L20A## for your plant 1000 in four weeks. Do this by entering the MPN material for this manufacturer. 1-5-1 Create a purchase requisition for material T-REE##-A (the MPN material). 1-5-2 Which material number is adopted on the item overview screen – the number of the internal material or the number of the MPN material? ______________________________________________________ Save your purchase requisition. Requisition number: _____________________________________ © SAP AG TAMM20 4-11 1-6 You need an additional 10 pc. of material T-REE##, this time supplied by the manufacturer T-L20B## for plant 1000 in six weeks. 1-6-1 Create another purchase requisition. Specify the material number used by the manufacturer T-L20B## (material number T-REE##-B). 1-6-2 How does the system respond after you have finished entering your item data and confirmed with Enter? ______________________________________________________ 1-6-3 Go to the item detail screen. Does the number of your MPN material appear? _______________ Save your purchase requisition. Requisition number: ___________ 1-7 Create an info record with the following data for material T-REE##: Vendor: Purchasing organization: Plant: Planned delivery time: Purchasing group: Standard quantity: Price: Save your info record. 1-7-1 Can you create an info record for the MPN material T-REE##-B? Why/why not?__________________________________________ T-L20B## 1000 1000 10 Z## 100 100 1-8 Convert your second requisition into a purchase order. Order the requested material from vendor T-L20B##. The material will be delivered to storage location 0001. 1-8-1 Which material number appears in the purchase order item overview after the requisition data has been adopted – the number of the internal material or the number of the MPN material? ______________________________________________________ Save your purchase order. Purchase order: _________________________________________ © SAP AG TAMM20 4-12 1-9 Display your purchase order in message form (that is, the document as it will appear when printed/transmitted) on the screen. Is the manufacturer part number shown? ___________________________ 1-10 Your vendor has shipped MPN material T-REE##-A instead of T-REE##-B. Even though this differs from your purchase order, you’ve decided to accept it. 1-10-1 Enter a goods receipt for your purchase order. Change the MPN material to T-REE##-A and save your receipt. Material document: _____________________________________ © SAP AG TAMM20 4-13 Exercises Unit: Special Topics Topic: Mass Maintenance At the conclusion of this exercise, you will be able to: • Describe the mass maintenance function • Illustrate the mass maintenance function by making a change to vendor masters Several of your vendors have implemented a new financial system that will allow them to process payments faster. As a result, they can offer you different terms of payment. You need a quick way to change the terms of payment. 2-1 You’d like to change the terms of payment for your vendors T-L20A##, T-L20B## and T-L20C##. Use the mass maintenance function to carry out the changes outlined below. 2-1-1 First, display the vendor master record for vendor T-L20A##, purchasing organization 1000 and note the following: • • The technical name for the field Terms of payment. Field name (Table – Field): ____________________________ Terms of payment: ___________________________________ 2-1-2 Now, make the change using the mass maintenance function. The terms of payment key for the three vendors should be ZB01. Refer to the solutions for detailed step by step instructions. Please read and then Enter to acknowledge all warning messages received during this process. 2-2 Display vendor master record T-L20A## once again and note that the Terms of payment have changed. © SAP AG TAMM20 4-14 1-1-4 A manufacturer has not been assigned to the material.Solutions Unit: Special Topics Topic: MPN Materials Favorites → Material Master → Material → Display → Display current Select the purchasing view. 1-1 © SAP AG TAMM20 4-15 . However. 1-1-3 A manufacturer part number has not been assigned to the material. 1-1-1 Manufacturer part profile 2000 been assigned to the material. you can see the MPN material in the far right column. 1-2 SAP standard menu → Tools → AcceleratedSAP → Customizing → Edit project → SAP Reference IMG → Materials Management → Purchasing → Material Master → Define Manufacturer Part Profile 1-2-1 MPN Mandatory and Change in MPN. 1-7 Favorites → Master Data → Info Record → Create 1-7-1 You cannot create an info record for the MPN material T-REE##-B because the MPN profile does not permit it. 1-3 1-4 1-5 Favorites → Material Master → Material → Create (general) → Immediately Favorites → Material Master → Material → Create (general) → Immediately Favorites → Requisition → Create 1-5-1 Material T-REE## (the internal part number). 1-6 Favorites → Requisition → Create 1-6-1 The R/3 System changes the MPN material to the internal part number (T-REE##) 1-6-2 The number of the MPN material appears at the bottom left. change the entry in MPN material to T-REE##-A. select your document and choose Display message. then Enter. Select OK. select it. 1-8-1 Material T-REE##-B (the MPN material number) 1-9 User menu → Purchase Order → Messages → Print/Transmit. When your line item appears.1-8 Favorites → Purchasing → Purchase order → Create →Vendor/supplying plant known Enter Vendor T-L20B## In the item overview screen area. Below. On the next screen. You may have to scroll to the right to see this field. then save. 1-10 SAP standard menu → Logistics → Materials Management → Inventory Management → Goods movement → Goods receipt → For Purchase order → PO number known Enter your purchase order number. © SAP AG TAMM20 4-16 . enter your second purchase requisition number along with its line item number. Enter your purchase order number and Execute. 1-9-1 The manufacturer part number is shown. enter the new terms of payment.Solutions Unit: Special Topics Topic: Mass Maintenance 2-1 2-1-1 User menu → Vendor → Purchasing → Display (current) Select Purchasing data Select the Terms of payment field and choose Help (F1). then Execute. Choose Technical info Table . Select the item Payt terms LFM1-ZTERM Execute Use multiple selection and enter the three vendor master numbers in the Single values tab. Save 2-2 User menu → Vendor → Purchasing → Display (current) Select Purchasing data © SAP AG TAMM20 4-17 . Copy Enter purchasing organization 1000. When the three vendors appear.Field: LFM1-ZTERM 2-1-2 SAP standard menu: → Logistics → Central Functions → Mass maintenance → Mass maintenance → Dialog processing Enter Object type LFA1 Execute Select the tab labeled Fields. & Logistics Execution © SAP AG 2000 © SAP AG TAMM20 5-1 .Section: Inventory Mngt. Content: Inventory Mngt. & Logistics Execution Preface Unit Unit Overview of Logistics Execution Organizational Units and Master Data Unit Unit Good Receipts Good Issues © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 5-2 . Overview of Logistics Execution Contents: Inbound process in the SAP System .without Warehouse Management Internal warehouse processes Where Logistics Execution fits into the supply chain © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 6-1 . you will be able to: Work through a simple inbound process (order. internal warehouse processes. goods issue. goods issue. outbound delivery. billing) Explain the idea behind the Warehouse Management System (physical stock movements in a complex warehouse structure) Explain how Logistics Execution fits into the supply chain as the link between goods receipt. and transportation © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 6-2 . goods receipt. invoice verification) Work through a simple outbound process (sales order.Overview of Logistics Execution: Unit Objectives At the conclusion of this unit. Since you are a member of the project team. © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 6-3 . you want to have a clear idea of the functionality available in the Logistics Execution System.Overview: Business Scenario The IDES model company has decided how its logistics processes should be structured. Integration Process Sales Order Processing (SD) Presales activities Requirements Order processing Delivery Billing Payment Logistics Execution (LE) Goods issue Determination of requirements Requirements Inventory Management Stock G/L account Customer Vendor Source determination Process order Goods receipt Invoice Verification Payment Ordering (MM) © SAP AG 1999 The logistics process can be subdivided into the following main processes: Sales order processing for goods issues Ordering (purchase order processing) for goods receipts Physically moving goods in the supply chain Sales order processing is handled mainly by the SD component (Sales and Distribution). whereas ordering is processed in the MM component (Materials Management). SAP Logistics Execution (LE) represents the link between the two processes. © SAP AG TAMM20 6-4 . The different areas are closely connected. posting changes. The logistics process can be subdivided into a material flow and a value flow. The Inventory Management component (IM) maps transactions that result in changes involving stock: goods receipts. In Invoice Verification. for example. and processed by Purchasing of Production (PP). purchase order and goods issue are summarized. © SAP AG TAMM20 6-5 . the value flow is updated. The logistical process flows in Logistics Execution (LE) are then processed further in the Shipping component. reservations. and maps complex warehouse structures and stock movements.Overview: Logistics Sales order Presales activities MRP External procurement Purchasing Invoice Verification Internal procurement Production Inventory Management Posting change Goods receipt Goods issue Invoice receipt Shipping Billing Internal and external accounting © SAP AG 1999 The various steps in the logistics process chain are processed in different components of the SAP System. The Billing component is integrated with internal and external accounting components (FI and CO). The Warehouse Management component (WM) is integrated into the material flow. The requirements are passed on to internal or external procurement. and linked together by means of a document flow. and the various details passed on from the goods receipt. The process is completed in the Billing component. Material requirements planning is processed in the Materials Management component (MM). Information on requirements is passed on to this component from sales orders. and stock transfers. goods issues. the R/3 System can generate the purchase requisition automatically. Ordering: The system boasts a range of features that make it easier to create purchase orders. Letters of rejection can be generated and sent automatically. Purchase order monitoring: The purchaser can monitor the progress of the purchase order in the system. Goods receipt: The system checks the goods receipt quantity against the purchase order quantity. It is also possible to draw on purchase orders and conditions that already exist in the system. Handling of payments: Normally. payments to vendors are processed in Financial Accounting. For example.Goods Receipt: Procurement Determination of requirements Purchase req. One way of determining sources of supply is to create requests for quotation. and then to enter the corresponding quotations. Determination of source of supply Selection of vendor Handling of payments Ordering Purchase order Invoice verification Invoice Goods receipt Purchase order monitoring Purchase order ? © SAP AG 1999 Determination of requirements: The department in question can report that materials are required by submitting a purchase requisition to Purchasing. Invoice verification: The vendor invoices are checked to make sure that they are correct. he or she can find out if a goods receipt or invoice receipt has been posted for an order item. Selection of vendor: A comparison of the prices contained in the various quotations makes it much easier to select vendors. Determination of source of supply: The R/3 System helps the purchaser (buyer) to determine possible sources of supply. If you have defined an appropriate MRP procedure in the material master record of a material. The system also supports various dunning (urging) procedures. © SAP AG TAMM20 6-6 . Materials Management. sales. Shipping is a follow-on activity to sales. Financial Accounting. Various business transactions in sales. Sales and distribution processing interfaces with several other areas (for example. Each document is assigned an overall processing status that shows the processing stage that the document has reached. Special search features (called "matchcodes") are available to help you find a document easily. © SAP AG TAMM20 6-7 . transportation. and billing. shipping. shipping. and Controlling). All of these activities are based on a delivery document (outbound delivery). packing. In the Shipping component. You can analyze and evaluate sales and distribution transactions in the Sales Information System. printing out shipping documents. These show what stage the individual steps that make up the sales activity have reached.Goods Issue: Sales Order Processing Presales activities Order processing Procurement Payment Billing Shipping / Goods issue Rechnung Invoice © SAP AG 1999 In R/3. Each document is identified by means of a unique document number. transportation. The overall processing status is determined from the individual statuses in the document. and billing can be mapped by means of specially tailored document types. and so on). you can perform a range of shipping activities (picking. sales and distribution processing is subdivided into the following areas: sales support. Every sales activity made in one of these areas is documented by means of a sales document. © SAP AG TAMM20 6-8 . shipto party. bill-to party. transfer orders. A billing document is a document in the Billing component. scheduling agreements.GI for Sales Order: Document Overview Sales and Distribution Sold-to party Sales order Outbound delivery Transfer order (pick order) Ship-to party Goods issue Bill-to party Billing document Payer © SAP AG 1999 Accounting document(s) Material document A range of documents are used in the SAP System to map the individual steps in the goods issue process. These documents contain relevant information on the business transactions. Possible business partner roles (functions) include: sold-to party. In other words. contracts. the various documents each represent business transactions. quotations. Business partners can be legal persons or natural persons who are involved directly in conducting a business transaction with you. Requests for quotation. and forms the basis for the corresponding accounting documents. A goods receipt document contains changes involving stock. Outbound deliveries. and forms the basis for the corresponding accounting documents. Sales documents are documents that are created during presales and order processing. and shipments are documents that are used in the outbound process. and payer. and standard orders are all examples of sales document types. ........ ...... . . ....g. ............The Shipping Process 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 13 14 11 12 10 9 8 2 0 21 9 7 18 1 1 5 16 1 28 27 26 24 25 22 23 31 29 3 0 Sales order Shipping point • Monitoring of shipping due dates • Create delivery Functions affecting shipping: • Determination of shipping point • Determination of route • Scheduling Warehouse ......... .............. ......... ........... .................. . . ..... ......... ........................... ....... © SAP AG TAMM20 6-9 . ................. sales orders and purchase orders) Creating and editing outbound deliveries Monitoring availability Picking (with a connection to Warehouse Management) Packing the outbound delivery Printing out and passing on shipping documents Processing the goods issue The outbound deliveries posted in the 'Goods Issue' shipping department can be used to create a worklist for billing (billing due list).... . . . ..... . ................................................ .. • Goods issue © SAP AG 1999 • Shipping documents • Packing • Picking SAP LE functions available for shipping processing include: Monitoring of shipping due dates in reference documents (e. ...... ........................ ....................... . goods issues.right down to the storage bin level. bulk storage. fixed bin storage. stock transfers using stock placement and stock removal strategies) is controlled in WM. Stock movements and other warehouse activities such as physical inventories are supported by direct radio frequency connection. you manage complex warehouse structures with various types of storage areas (high rack random storage. Non-SAP warehouse control systems can be linked up to the Warehouse Management System via the WM-LSR interface. © SAP AG TAMM20 6-10 . The processing of all stock movements (such as goods receipts. and so on) within one or more plants .Warehouse Management Storage bin management Planning and monitoring Stock movements Radio Frequency Connection Warehouse control © SAP AG 1999 In the Warehouse Management system (WMS). and takes the characteristics of the individual materials into account. and delivered to the customer.the goods are removed from storage. Internal warehouse processes such as posting changes.Logistics Execution Vendor Customer Warehouse Production warehouse Border Distribution center Production site © SAP AG 1999 The Logistics Execution component (LE) maps a company's logistics processes.from the vendor. stock transfers. inventory. LE processes include: Inbound process . Transportation process . and distribution center right through to the customer. and so on.inbound and outbound shipments. The component covers the entire process chain . Outbound process . internal warehouse.the goods are collected from the vendor and placed in storage in a company warehouse. production site. as well as the calculation and settlement of shipment costs © SAP AG TAMM20 6-11 . billing) Explain the idea behind the Warehouse Management System (physical stock movements in a complex warehouse structure) Explain how Logistics Execution fits into the supply chain as the link between goods receipt. goods receipt. outbound delivery. goods issue.Overview: Unit Summary You are now able to: Work through a simple inbound process (order. internal warehouse processes. invoice verification) Work through a simple outbound process (sales order. goods issue. and transportation © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 6-12 . .. 0160 140.... 141.. When the characters ## appear.. ..0###. Please also note that some of the exercises are follow-on exercises to others... separate data has been created for every group. 160 X0## T-S11A## T-S11B## 1000 1000 Corporate Purchasing (000) 1000 12 00 1058 Plant Storage location Warehouse number Shipping point Customers Vendor Purchasing organization Purchasing group Sales organization Distribution channel Division Forwarding agent Notes on Exercises In the training system.. ###.. replace these with your course group number.. 0141. .Data Used in Exercises Key to Icons in Exercises and Solutions Exercises Solutions Objectives Business Scenario Hints and Tips Warning or Caution Data Used in Exercises Type of Data Materials (goods) Data in Training System LES01-## LES02-## LES03-## LES04-## LES05-## 1200 0140. © SAP AG TAMM20 6-13 .. To illustrate the processes that come after the LES processes. When you receive the invoice for these from the vendor. and then post a goods receipt for these goods. you create a purchase order for trading goods. you create a sales order. you familiarize yourself with the logistical processes in the SAP System. To illustrate the processes preceding the LES processes. goods receipt. pick and then bill. However. goods issue. goods issue.Exercises Unit: Overview of Logistics Execution At the conclusion of these exercises. you should only look at the other processes briefly by working through a few simple examples. and complete the process. you pass it on for invoice verification. invoice verification) Work through a simple outbound process (sales order. To do this. you will be able to: • • • • Work through a simple inbound process (order. © SAP AG TAMM20 6-14 . which you deliver. These are the processes that come before and after the LES processes. and transportation You want to find out about the processes in the Logistics Execution System. billing) Explain the idea behind the Warehouse Management System (physical stock movements in a complex warehouse structure) Explain how Logistics Execution fits into the supply chain as the link between goods receipt. internal warehouse processes. outbound delivery. since you want to concentrate on the processes in Logistics Execution itself. 1-1-1 Name the supply chain elements that are found in order processing in Materials Management (MM). 1-1-2 Which processes are found in sales order processing (SD)? 1-1-3 Which processes are found in both these process chains and are also part of the Logistics Execution System? © SAP AG TAMM20 6-15 .1-1 How do the processes fit into the supply chain? Describe the logistics processes in the SAP System. 2-1 Creating a purchase order Order 48 pieces of material LES01-## from vendor 1000 C.B. Other Transactions→ Enter Goods Receipt for Purchase Order). Berlin and specify that they should be delivered immediately. and make a note of the purchase order number. Now enter the goods receipt for this material with a reference to the purchase order you created above. These goods are placed in storage in warehouse 0001 (no Warehouse Management).E. Standard purchase order Organizational data: © SAP AG TAMM20 6-16 . The goods received are placed into unrestricteduse stock for plant 1200 (Dresden). Order. and all were undamaged.(000) Company code IDES AG (1000) Line item data: Delivery date – today’s date Plant 1200 (Dresden) Storage location 0001 Confirm the warnings issued about the delivery date. H. and accept the purchase order price proposed by the system. and check over the data you have entered for it. Use the order type called Standard purchase order. Posting a goods receipt You have received delivery of all 48 pieces of material LES01-##. Save your purchase order. Use the Create Purchase Order transaction (menu path: Logistics → Materials Management → Purchasing → Purchase Order → Create → Vendor/Supplying Plant Known). Purchase order number: ___________________________________________________________ 2-2 3-1 Display the purchase order. Enter the following data: Order type: Vendor: 1000 Purchasing organization IDES Germany (1000) Purchasing group Chef. Use the transaction called Enter Goods Receipt for Purchase Order (menu path: Logistics → Logistics Execution → Inbound Process → Goods Receipt for Purchase Order. Material document number:_________________________________________ 3-2 3-3 Display the material document that was created by the goods receipt posting. Using today’s date. and then post it. How has the purchase order history been updated? 4-1 Entering a vendor invoice You have received an invoice for the 48 pieces of material LES01-## from vendor 1000 (C. enter an invoice in Logistics Invoice Verification.B. enter the purchase number you made a note of. plus input tax at 10%.To post the goods receipt. You can also use the matchcode function (F4) to search for your purchase order number.E. Now display your purchase order again. Berlin). Use the transaction called Enter Invoice in Logistics Invoice Verification (menu path: Logistics → Materials Management → Invoice Verification → Logistics Invoice Verification→ Document Entry → Enter Invoice). Invoice number:_________________________________________________ © SAP AG TAMM20 6-17 . The invoice is for 19200 UNI. Use the order type Standard Order (OR). Sales order: ____________________________________________ 5-1-2 Now display the order you have just created. choose Display document flow. and make a note of the document number. 5-1-1 Save your order.5-1 Creating a sales order Customer T-S11B## orders 12 pieces of material LES01-## from you. and familiarize yourself with the way information is presented on the screen. © SAP AG TAMM20 6-18 . From which plant is item 10 to be delivered? ________________________________________________________ 5-1-3 What is the overall processing status of the order? ___________________________________________________________ To display the overall processing status of the order. Create a sales order for this. Use the Create Sales Order transaction (menu path Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Order → Create). Use the following transaction: Logistics → Logistics Execution → Outbound Process → Goods Issue for Outbound Delivery → Outbound Delivery → Create → Single Document → With Reference to Sales Order. What are the overall processing statuses of the order and the outbound delivery? Order: _________________________________________ ___________________________________ Outbound delivery: © SAP AG TAMM20 6-19 .6-1 Creating an outbound delivery 6-1-1 Create an outbound delivery for your sales order. and enter shipping point X0##. and make a note of the document number. set the selection date to 1 week ahead. and display the delivery quantity and the picked quantity. ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ 6-1-3 Save your outbound delivery. 6-1-2 Now go to the Picking tab page. Since you want to be able to create the outbound delivery earlier. _____________________________________________ 6-1-4 Display the document flow. _______________________________________________________ 7-1-3 Once picking has been completed. storage location 0001? ______________________________________________________ 7-1-2 To actually pick the material. choose Logistics → Logistics Execution → Internal Warehouse Processes → Bins and Stock → Display → Total Stock per Material (Inventory Management). and the number of your outbound delivery. Open up a new session. and storage location 0001. and confirm your entries. Enter material LES01-##. Use the following transaction: Logistics → Logistics Execution → Outbound Process → Goods Issue for Outbound Delivery → Picking → Create Transfer Order → Single Document. display the stocks of material LES01-## in plant 1200. Make a note of the pick quantities before you post the goods issue. Select the Background option. plant 1200. This transfer order is used to print out the items you want to pick. Make a note of the number of the transfer order. and display the inventory management view of the stock overview.7-1 Picking the outbound delivery 7-1-1 Before you pick the outbound delivery. How much unrestricted-use stock of material LES01-## is available in plant 1200. _______________________________________________________ © SAP AG TAMM20 6-20 . change your outbound delivery. To do this. create a transfer order for the warehouse. Enter warehouse number 012. To do this. you can post the goods issue for the materials you want to deliver. storage location 0001. and make a note of the document number. What is the overall processing status of the outbound delivery? _________________________________________________________ © SAP AG TAMM20 6-21 . Use the following transaction: Logistics → Sales and distribution → Billing → Billing Document → Create. choose Post goods issue.7-1-4 Now post the goods issue for the delivery. 8-1-2 Display the document flow for the billing document. How many pieces are still available as unrestricted-use stock? What is the status of the outbound delivery? ____________________________________________________________ 8-1 Billing 8-1-1 Create a billing document for the outbound delivery you created in the previous exercise. 7-1-5 Now display the stock overview for material LES01-## in plant 1200 again. In the transaction Change Outbound Delivery. Save your billing document. 9-1-3 In which storage bins is material LES03-## stored? You can go directly from the stock overview of a material to the bin stocks.9-1 Stock overviews in Warehouse Management 9-1-1 Get an overview of the storage bins in your warehouse (warehouse number ###). 9-1-2 How many pieces of material LES02-## are stored in the shelf storage section of warehouse number ###? _______________________________________________________ Use the Total Stock per Material transaction (menu path Logistics → Logistics Execution → Internal Warehouse Processes → Bins and Stock → Total Stock per Material (Warehouse Management)). Double-click the storage type whose stock you wish to display. Which storage type represents bulk (bulk) storage. and how many bulk storage bins are there? _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Use the Bin Status Report transaction (menu path Logistics → Logistics Execution → Internal Warehouse Processes → Bins and Stock → Display → Bin Status Report). _____________________________________________________ © SAP AG TAMM20 6-22 . ______________________________________________________ You can go from the overview of bin stocks to the detail screen of a storage bin simply by clicking once on the bin in question. © SAP AG TAMM20 6-23 . you can see the stock that is stored in this storage location.9-1-4 What is stored in storage bin FIX-03 in storage type 005? Display this storage bin. On the Stock tab page. 2-1 Creating a purchase order Logistics → Materials Management → Purchasing → Purchase Order → Create → Vendor/Supplying Plant Known Field Name/Type of Data Order type Vendor Purchasing organization Purchasing group Company code Material PO quantity Order unit Delivery date Plant Storage location Save your purchase order. goods issue. inbound and outbound transportation. goods issue. shipping. ordering. billing. (000) IDES AG (1000) LES01-## 48 PC Today’s date 1200 0001 2-2 Logistics → Materials Management → Purchasing → Purchase Order → Display TAMM20 6-24 © SAP AG . order processing. procurement. and handling of payments. H. invoice verification. determination of source of supply. goods receipt. Values Standard purchase order 1000 IDES Germany(1000) Chef. 1-1-2 The individual steps in the sales order processing process are: presales activities. purchase order monitoring. and payment.Solutions Unit: Overview of Logistics Execution 1-1 How do the processes fit into the supply chain? 1-1-1 The individual steps in the ordering process are: determination of requirements. placing in storage. 1-1-3 The Logistics Execution System covers the following processes: shipping. selection of vendor. and choose Enter.3-1 Posting a goods receipt Logistics → Logistics Execution → Inbound Process → Goods receipt for Purchase Order. Order. Other Transactions → Enter Goods Receipt for Purchase Order Field Name/Type of Data Document number Item OK Quantity in UnE Storage location Post the goods receipt. Values Number of your purchase order Select this option 48 Materials store 3-2 Logistics → Logistics Execution → Inbound Process → Goods receipt for Purchase Order. and then choose the Purchase order history tab page. 4-1 Entering a vendor invoice Logistics → Materials Management → Invoice Verification → Logistics Invoice Verification→ Document Entry → Enter Invoice Field Name/Type of Data Document date Purchase order Amount Tax amount Save your invoice. Values Today’s date Number of your purchase order 21120 (net) 1920 © SAP AG TAMM20 6-25 . 3-3 Logistics → Materials Management → Purchasing → Purchase Order → Display Click Item details. Other Transactions → Display Material Document Enter the number of your material document. Order. 5-1-2 Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Order → Display The line item is to be delivered from plant 1200. the status is Open. 5-1-3 Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Order → Display To display the document flow. and press Enter. You can view the delivering plant on the Shipping tab page. and then click the Display item details icon. Values T-S11B## LO140-##1 Today’s date LES01-## 12 PC © SAP AG TAMM20 6-26 . choose Environment → Display document flow. Select item 10.5-1 Creating a sales order 5-1-1 Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Order → Create Enter the order type Standard order (OR). Field Name/Type of Data Sold-to party Purchase order number PO date Material Order quantity Unit Save the order. As you can see. quantity: 6-1-3 6-1-4 Logistics → Logistics Execution → Outbound Process → Goods Issue for Outbound Delivery → Outbound Delivery → Display → Environment → Document flow Standard order: Completed Open Outbound delivery: 7-1 Picking the outbound delivery 7-1-1 Logistics → Logistics Execution → Internal Warehouse Processes → Bins and Stock → Display → Total Stock per Material (Inventory Management) Field Name/Type of Data Material Plant Storage location Values LES01-## 1200 0001 48 pieces of material LES01-## are in unrestricted-use stock.6-1 Creating an outbound delivery 6-1-1 Logistics → Logistics Execution → Outbound Process → Goods Issue for Outbound Delivery → Outbound Delivery → Create → Single Document → With Reference to Sales Order Field Name/Type of Data Shipping point Selection date Order Values 1200 1 week from today The number of your standard order 12 pcs 0 pcs 6-1-2 Delivery quantity: Pick. © SAP AG TAMM20 6-27 . 7-1-5 Logistics → Logistics Execution → Internal Warehouse Processes → Bins and Stock → Display → Total Stock per Material (Inventory Management) Field Name/Type of Data Material Plant Storage location Values LES01-## 1200 0001 36 pieces of this material are in unrestricted-use stock. © SAP AG TAMM20 6-28 . Logistics → Logistics Execution → Outbound Process → Goods Issue for Outbound Delivery → Outbound Delivery → Display The status of the outbound delivery is Being processed. Delivery quantity: 12 pieces Pick quantity: 12 pieces 7-1-4 Logistics → Logistics Execution → Outbound Process → Goods Issue for Outbound Delivery → Outbound Delivery → Change → Single Document Click the Post goods issue icon.7-1-2 Logistics → Logistics Execution → Outbound Process → Goods Issue for Outbound Delivery → Picking → Create Transfer Order → Single Document Field Name/Type of Data Warehouse number Delivery Foreground/background Values 012 The number of your outbound delivery Background 7-1-3 Logistics → Logistics Execution → Outbound Process → Goods Issue for Outbound Delivery → Outbound Delivery → Display Choose the Picking tab page. 240 pieces of this material are in shelf storage. Storage type 004 has 10 storage bins. and use the F4 Help function to select storage type 004 (bulk storage). Material LES05-## is stored in this storage bin. The stock overview shows you in which storage types the material is found. 8-1-2 Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Billing → Billing Document → Display → Environment → Display document flow The status of the billing document is Completed. An overview of the bins in which the material is stored appears. Values The number of your outbound delivery Invoice 9-1 Stock overviews in Warehouse Management 9-1-1 Logistics → Logistics Execution → Internal Warehouse Processes → Bins and Stock → Display → Bin Status Report Enter your warehouse number (###). © SAP AG TAMM20 6-29 . and your warehouse number (###).8-1 Billing 8-1-1 Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Billing → Billing Document → Create Field Name/Type of Data Document Billing type Save your invoice. 9-1-4 Logistics → Logistics Execution → Internal Warehouse Processes → Bins and Stock → Display → Single Displays → Storage Bin Enter your warehouse number (###). 9-1-2 Logistics → Logistics Execution → Internal Warehouse Processes → Bins and Stock → Display → Total Stock per Material (Warehouse Management) Enter your warehouse number (###) and material LES02-##. 9-1-3 Logistics → Logistics Execution → Internal Warehouse Processes → Bins and Stock → Display → Bin Stock per Material Enter material LES03-##. storage type 005 and storage bin FIX03. Organizational Units and Master Data Contents: Organizational Units in Logistics Execution Master Data in Logistics Execution © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 7-1 . shipping point. warehouse number. you will be able to: Name the organizational units and master data used in Logistics Execution Explain the relationships between the following organizational units: plant. storage location.Unit Objectives At the conclusion of this unit. and transportation planning point © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 7-2 . Business Scenario Master data and organizational units are required for mapping the IDES model company in the SAP System. you assign the necessary organizational units. and edit the appropriate master data. Since you are the project team member responsible for this. © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 7-3 . The Organizational Unit "Company Code" Company Code Legally independent unit with a self-contained set of accounts The following are created at the company code level: Financial statements Profit and loss statements © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 7-4 . and materials planning. procurement. you can use the Copy Plant function. © SAP AG TAMM20 7-5 . the entry in the plant table and all dependent Customizing tables and system tables where the plant appears as a key are processed. © SAP AG 1999 A plant can be used to map various functions in a company. plant maintenance. for example: Central delivery plant Regional sales office Production site Company headquarters Plant maintenance site When you create a new plant. and allows you to look at a company from the point of view of production. A plant is a branch or division within a company.The Organizational Unit "Plant" A plant is an organizational unit in Logistics. If you use this function. © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 7-6 .The Organizational Unit "Storage Location" An organizational unit that enables you to distinguish between the various material stocks in a plant. Quantity-based inventory management data pertaining to the plant is summarized at the storage location level. You define individual storage types within a warehouse number. A warehouse number corresponds to a warehouse complex containing different storage types that are organized differently. and is defined uniquely in the client. shelf storage. © SAP AG TAMM20 7-7 . A warehouse number maps the physical conditions in a warehouse complex. It is used to represent an entire warehouse complex. These storage types represent the different kinds of storage available in the warehouse number.The Organizational Unit "Warehouse Number" An organizational unit that maps the company from a warehouse management perspective. and fixed bin storage. Examples of storage types include bulk storage. The physical conditions of the warehouse are mapped in the warehouse number. © SAP AG 1999 The warehouse number is the highest organization unit in Warehouse Management. and logical storage types. or even if the bins have a geographical link.Organizational Units in a Warehouse Number Shipping area Door 1 Goods receiving area Fixed bin storage Picking area 1 Door 2 Picking area 2 Staging area 1 Door 3 Storage type 902 Storage type 005 Staging area 2 Door 4 Bulk storage Pallet storage Storage section 001 Storage section 002 Storage type 916 Door 5 Storage type 004 Storage type 007 Warehouse Number 140 © SAP AG 1999 A warehouse number comprises various storage types. but this is optional.). However.e. section 002 for slow-moving items). pallet storage. There are two kinds of storage types: physical storage types (i. © SAP AG TAMM20 7-8 .. section 001 for fast-moving items. Goods receipt areas and goods issue areas are also considered to be storage types. Further structuring options include doors and staging areas. A process structure is regarded as similar. for example. storage types that actually exist).. since stocks are only stored here for short amounts of time. they are referred to as interim storage types. . if the same putaway strategy is used (bulk storage. It is also possible to create picking areas for the purposes of picking. A storage type is a collection of storage bins with a similar process structure. Storage bins are grouped together into storage areas to facilitate putaway (for example. and settlement of shipments 1010 Hamburg Internat.The Organizational Unit "Transportation Planning Point" Transportation planning points Planning. Ocean Freight 1011 Hamburg Rail Transportation 1200 Dresden Truck Transportation © SAP AG 1999 A transportation planning point is the central point in a company where shipments are organized and monitored. or by mode of transport. handling. for example. Every shipment is created and processed by a transportation planning point. A transportation planning point can be a physical location or a group of people responsible for processing shipments. You can define transportation shipping points to meet your company's requirements .by location. © SAP AG TAMM20 7-9 . © SAP AG 1999 Shipping points are important organizational units used for shipping. © SAP AG TAMM20 7-10 . and the means of transportation required. They can be broken down further into loading points.The Organizational Unit "Shipping Point" Plant 1000 Plant 1012 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 13 14 9 10 11 12 8 21 18 19 20 28 15 16 17 25 26 27 22 23 24 29 30 31 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 13 14 12 9 10 11 21 8 18 19 20 28 15 16 17 25 26 27 22 23 24 29 30 31 Shipping point for trucks Shipping point for rail A shipping point is an organizational unit that allows you to look at a company from the point of view of shipping. the shipping materials required. Shipping points are assigned to one or more plants. Every delivery is processed by one shipping point. They represent the physical location or group of persons responsible for processing shipping activities. but a transportation planning point cannot be assigned to more than one company code. Several shipping points can be assigned to a plant. Transportation planning points are assigned to a company code. You can assign several plants and several storage locations of a plant to the same warehouse number. Warehouse numbers are assigned to a plant via a storage location. Several transportation planning points can be assigned to the same company code. You can set up these assignments in Customizing. However.Organizational Structure: Logistics and LES Company code Transportation planning Transportation points planning points 5 4 3 2 12 11 10 9 8 19 18 17 16 15 26 25 24 23 22 31 30 29 6 7 13 14 21 20 28 27 1 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 24 31 4 11 18 25 5 12 19 26 6 7 13 14 21 20 28 27 Plant Plant Shipping points Shipping points C B B B A C B BB A Storage location © SAP AG 1999 Storage location Warehouse number The organizational units in LES are linked to the organizational structure of Logistics in the SAP System. and the same shipping point can be assigned to several plants. © SAP AG TAMM20 7-11 . Shipping points are assigned to one or more plants. you can only assign a storage location to one warehouse. Storage Bins and Quants Bin Type Small Bin Type Large Storage Bins © SAP AG 1999 In Warehouse Management. bin type P2 for lower bins The existence of a material (with specific characteristic values) in a bin is referred to as a quant. © SAP AG TAMM20 7-12 . A storage bin is the smallest geographical or organizational unit that can be addressed by the system. stack 04. level 09) Storage bins can be identified by means of a bin type. Example: 02-04-09 (aisle 02. Example: Bin type P1 for upper bins. the individual storage bins are defined within each storage type. They can be mapped as coordinates. batches. If a new quant is put away in this storage bin. this is referred to as an addition to existing stock. only one quant may be stored in a storage bin. In bins designated for mixed storage. The two quants become one. These quants might be different materials.Storage Bins and Quants One quant Two quants: mixed storage One quant Quants are defined by: Material (Batch) Stock category © SAP AG 1999 Special stock Plant / storage location (Storage unit number) In the case of non-mixed bins (bins designated for storing only one material). © SAP AG TAMM20 7-13 . different quants may be stored in the same storage bin. or stock categories. and it is compatible with the quant already in the bin. special stocks. © SAP AG TAMM20 7-14 . At the quant level. that this quant can be put away. Information on the available stock and any open putaways and picks are also stored in the quant. "available stock" means that the stock in question is available for a physical movement in Warehouse Management (in other words. or transferred). Goods receipt data is stored at the quant level. picked.Information Contained in a Quant Material Stock category Plant/storage location Special stock Batch Storage unit Available stock Putaway/pick? Weight GR date GR number Last movement Blocking indicator © SAP AG 1999 Information used to identify the quant is stored in the quant itself. . costing. © SAP AG TAMM20 7-15 . Accounting Data © SAP AG 1999 The material master contains full information on all the materials that a company designs. and so on. and applies to the various organizational units used in these areas. In a company. and sells. purchasing data. produces. and applies to the delivery plant. The material master is used by all of the components in SAP Logistics. the material master is the central source where material-specific data can be accessed.Material Master General Data Plant-Specific Data Warehouse Management Data Purchasing Data Sales and Distribution Data . and applies to the sales organization and distribution channel. purchases. Basic data is relevant to all areas. It applies to all of the organizational units within a client. accounting. Data is also defined for a range of other areas. sales and distribution data. warehouse management. stores. Sales plant data is also relevant to SD. Sales and distribution data is relevant to SD.. additional data for engineering/construction. The material master is subdivided by area: basic data. and applies to the company code in question. a customer is considered to be a company partner with a customer account. General data is relevant to SD and to Accounting. The customer master contains all the data required for processing orders. outbound deliveries. It is stored centrally (client-specific) to prevent data redundancy. distribution channel. sales area data. and payments. For this reason. customer master records are maintained both by Accounting and by Sales and Distribution. © SAP AG TAMM20 7-16 . It applies to all of the organizational units within a client. and applies to the sales area (combination of sales organization.Customer Master General Data Relevant to SD and Accounting Valid for all organizational units Company Code Data Relevant to Accounting Valid for: Company code Sales Area Data © SAP AG 1999 Relevant to SD Valid for: Sales organization Distribution channel Division In Accounting. Sales area data is relevant to SD. Company code data is relevant to Accounting. and company code data. and division). The customer master is subdivided into general data. invoices. They are kept for all organizational units within the client. It will be maintained by accounting and purchasing. © SAP AG TAMM20 7-17 . General data is relevant for purchasing and accounting.Vendor Master General Data Relevant to Purchasing and Accounting Valid for all organizational units Company Code Data Relevant to Accounting Valid for: Company code Purchasing Organization Relevant to Purchasing Data Valid for: Purchasing organization © SAP AG 1999 The vendor master contains all relevant information about the vendor. The company code data is relevant for accounting and kept for the company code. They are stored centrally to avoid redundancies. company code data and purchasing organization data. The purchasing organization data is relevant for purchasing and is kept for the purchasing organization. The vendor master is divided into general data. and transportation planning point © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 7-18 . shipping point.Unit Summary You are now able to: Name the organizational units and master data used in Logistics Execution Explain the relationships between the following organizational units: plant. storage location. warehouse number. vendor • Master data and organizational units are required for mapping the IDES model company in the SAP System. you will be able to: • • Name the organizational units and master data used in Logistics Execution Explain the relationships between the following organizational units: plant. and edit the appropriate master data. customer. and create a material.from which perspective does it allow you to view a company? Which company functions can be mapped by a plant? ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 1-1-2 How detailed is the stock information at the storage location level? At the storage location level. You also display vendor and customer master data. can you find out how much of a material is stored in a specific storage bin? ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ © SAP AG TAMM20 7-19 . 1-1-1 A plant is an organization unit . change. storage location. you assign the necessary organizational units. Since you are the project team member responsible for this. shipping point.Exercises Unit: Organizational Units and Master Data Topic: Organizational Units At the conclusion of these exercises. warehouse number. and display the following master data: storage bin. material. 1-1 Describe the organizational units that are used for Logistics Execution. and transportation planning point Create. How is this achieved? ____________________________________________________________ © SAP AG TAMM20 7-20 .1-1-3 The organizational unit ‘Warehouse number’ belongs to which application component? ____________________________________________________________ 1-1-4 Where are shipments planned and controlled? Are deliveries also controlled here? ____________________________________________________________ 1-2 Describe the relationships between the various organizational units. a warehouse number must be assigned to a plant. which organizational unit is assigned to a plant? ____________________________________________________________ 1-2-2 Which organizational unit is assigned to a company code? ____________________________________________________________ 1-2-3 How is a physical warehouse structure mapped in LES? ____________________________________________________________ 1-2-4 If you want to use WM. 1-2-1 In LES. Display an overview of all the empty bins in shelf storage in your warehouse. Assign the only storage section that has been predefined for this storage type. enforce a putaway block on the bin until you have finished cleaning up. 2-1-3 Display the storage bin. Check that the block indicator has been set. 2-1-1 In your warehouse (###). For this reason. One possible way of blocking a storage bin is to change the storage bin in the system. You can also use the Block Storage Bins transaction to block and unblock storage bins. Use the possible entries function (F4) to select a suitable reason for the block. and is located in firecontainment section A of the warehouse. What is the storage section called? _________________________________________________________ The bin has a maximum weight capacity of 2000 kg.Unit: Organizational Units and Master Data Topic: Master Data 2-1 Create a new storage bin in your warehouse number. you have some cleaning up to do around the bin. create a storage bin called “Box-##” in the “fixed bin” storage type. 2-1-4 You also want to get an overview of the other storage bins in your warehouse. 2-1-2 Before you can store materials in this new bin. 2-1-5 Display all the storage bins in storage type 004 in your warehouse. What does the value in the column entitled “Duration” (TiL) mean? ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ © SAP AG TAMM20 7-21 . 2-1-6 You want to see what kind of capacity you have available in your warehouse. What report would you run to find out the capacity utilization load of each storage type? 2-1-7 You have now finished cleaning up your new storage bin. Unblock the bin. 3-1 If you want to put away a material into a warehouse, you must enter the appropriate material data in the SAP System. This data is stored in the material master. The first thing you do is create new views and new organizational levels for the material. 3-1-1 Specify that the Warehouse Management views should be used for the material LES04-##. Sector M and material type HAWA have already been defined and are defaulted accordingly. Organization levels are plant 1200 and your warehouse number (###). Generally speaking, 24 pieces of the material are delivered at a time on pallets. The material is usually put away into shelf storage, and picked from shelf storage. The search sequence for the storage types is controlled by means of the putaway and removal storage type indicator. This indicator provides information on storage types in Customizing. The search is then run for these storage types. 3-1-2 Assign material LES02-## to your new storage bin (BOX-##). The industry sector M and material type HALB have already been defaulted. You should create the material in plant 1200 in your warehouse (###). Since the material is put away and picked in fixed storage, you should ensure that the appropriate search strategy is used. Change the material accordingly. 3-1-3 In future, you will only process material master records for plant 1200 and your warehouse number (###). Define user defaults for the material master so that the system sets these values automatically. © SAP AG TAMM20 7-22 Solutions Unit: Organizational Units and Master Data Topic: Organizational Units 1-1 Organizational Units 1-1-1 A plant is a unit that allows you to look at a company from the point of view of production, procurement, plant maintenance, and materials planning. A plant can be a central delivery plant, a regional sales office, a production site, the company’s headquarters, or even a central warehouse. 1-1-2 Stocks are summarized, and managed at the storage location level. It is not possible to determine the stock stored in a specific storage bin at the storage location level. 1-1-3 The warehouse number belongs to Warehouse Management. 1-1-4 Shipments are planned and controlled at the transportation planning point, whereas deliveries are planned and controlled at the shipping point. 1-2 Relationships Between Organizational Units 1-2-1 Shipping points are assigned at the plant level. 1-2-2 Transportation planning points are assigned to a company code. 1-2-3 In LES, a physical warehouse structure is mapped using a warehouse number, and individual storage types, storage sections, and storage bins. 1-2-4 If you want to use WM, the warehouse number must be assigned to a plant (via a storage location). © SAP AG TAMM20 7-23 Unit: Organizational Units and Master Data Topic: Master Data 2-1 Creating a Storage Bin Logistics → Logistics Execution → Master Data → Warehouse → Storage Bin → Create → Manually 2-1-1 Enter your warehouse number (###), storage type 005, and Box-## as the name of your new storage bin. Field Name/Type of Data Storage section Maximum weight Putaway block Block reason Values 001 2000 X 3 (New storage bin) 2-1-3 Logistics → Logistics Execution → Master Data → Warehouse → Storage Bin → Display 2-1-4 Logistics → Logistics Execution → Internal Warehouse Processes → Bins and Stock → Display → Empty Storage Bins Enter your warehouse number (###), and storage type 002 (Shelf Storage). 2-1-5 Logistics → Logistics Execution → Internal Warehouse Processes → Bins and Stock → Display → Bin Status Report Enter your warehouse number (###), and storage type 004. Place your cursor on the column entitled Duration (TiL), and press F1. This column tells you how many days the quant has already been in this storage bin. 2-1-6 Logistics → Logistics Execution → Internal Warehouse Processes → Bins and Stock → Display → Capacity Load Utilization Enter your warehouse number (###). 2-1-7 Logistics → Logistics Execution → Internal Warehouse Processes → Bins and Stock → Block → Storage Bin Selection Enter your warehouse number (###), and storage type 005. Select storage bin BOX-##, and click the Unblock icon. Select the Putaway block option, and press Enter. Finally, click the Save icon in the standard toolbar. © SAP AG TAMM20 7-24 3-1 Material Data 3-1-1 Logistics → Logistics Execution → Master Data → Material → Material → Create → Immediately Enter material number LES04-##, and press Enter. In the Select View(s) dialog box, select the views Warehouse Management 1 and Warehouse Management 2, and then press Enter. In the Organizational Levels dialog box, enter plant 1200, and warehouse number ###, and then press Enter. On the Create Material screen, go to the Warehouse Management 1 tab page, and enter REG in the Stock removal and Stock placement fields. On the Warehouse Management 2 tab page, enter an LE quantity of 24 PC (storage unit type E1). 3-1-2 Logistics → Logistics Execution → Master Data → Material → Material → Create → Immediately Enter material number LES02-##, and press Enter. In the Select View(s) dialog box, select the views Warehouse Management 1 and Warehouse Management 2, and then press Enter. In the Organizational Levels dialog box, enter plant 1200, warehouse number ###, storage type 005, and then press Enter. On the Create Material screen, go to the Warehouse Management 1 tab page, and enter FIX in the Stock removal and Stock placement fields. On the Warehouse Management 2 tab page, enter BOX-## in the Storage bin field. Save your changes. 3-1-3 Logistics → Logistics Execution → Master Data → Material → Material → Change → Immediately → Defaults → Organizational levels Field Name/Type of Data Plant Warehouse number Press Enter. Values 1200 ### © SAP AG TAMM20 7-25 Goods Receipts Contents: Inbound process in Warehouse Management (using transfer orders) Transfer order for putaway Inbound process involving inbound deliveries © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 8-1 Goods Receipts: Unit Objectives At the conclusion of this unit, you will be able to: Name the various options available for working through the inbound process in Logistics Execution Explain how transfer orders for putaway are structured, and how they are used Work through the inbound process (goods receipt, putaway) in a warehouse managed in WM © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 8-2 Goods Receipts: Business Scenario In the IDES model company, when goods are received, they are put away in a warehouse managed in WM. As a member of the project team, you familiarize yourself with the various options that can be used for goods receipts in the Logistics Execution System. In the model company, when materials are received from vendors, this is recorded in the form of goods receipts that reference the corresponding purchase orders. © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 8-3 The Inbound Process Inventory Management Warehouse Management Purchase order Goods receipt Quant in GR area Transfer reqmt Source bin Quantity Material Transfer order Destination bin Palletization Strategies Clear difference Difference ? Confirm transfer order Quant in bin © SAP AG 1999 The inbound process for posting a goods receipt with reference to a purchase order and for putting away the goods in WM begins in Inventory Management (IM). The goods receipt is entered in Inventory Management: A material document is created in IM An accounting document is created in IM A quant is created in the GR area in WM A transfer requirement is created in WM © SAP AG TAMM20 8-4 Goods Receipt for Purchase Order: Document Overview Purchase order External vendor or other plant Delivery of materials ordered Purchasing / Inventory Management WM System Material document Transfer requirement Accounting document(s) GR posting © SAP AG 1999 When the goods receipt is posted with reference to a purchase order, a material document in generated in Inventory Management, and an accounting document is generated in External Accounting. A transfer requirement is created in Warehouse Management. © SAP AG TAMM20 8-5 Goods Receipt: Process Flow GR Area © SAP AG 1999 Goods Receipts: Real-Life Physical Process When goods are received, they are usually transferred first to the goods receipt (GR) area. The goods are not put away in the warehouse until a suitable storage bin has been determined for them. Goods Receipts: Process in the System Inventory Management (IM) - A material document is created to represent the movement of goods into the warehouse. You can enter palletization data at this point in the process. - An accounting document is created to represent the change in value of the goods in the warehouse. Warehouse Management (WM) - A quant is created in the Goods Receipt Area to represent the existence of goods now in the warehouse. - A transfer requirement is created since the goods will later have to be transferred by means of a transfer order to a storage type within the warehouse. © SAP AG TAMM20 8-6 Information in Transfer Requirement GR Area Tranfer requirement What How much Palletization When Where from Triggered by GI Area ? Storage type © SAP AG 1999 A transfer requirement (TR) contains the following information: What is to be moved (material number, batch, stock category)? How much is to be moved (quantity)? How is it palletized (material document)? What was the trigger/cause (movement type / reference)? How much has already been moved (if partial quantity)? © SAP AG TAMM20 8-7 Planning a Movement GR Area Transfer requirement Transfer order High-Shelf Storage © SAP AG 1999 A transfer requirement (TR) is created in order to plan a stock movement. The TR provides information about anticipated stock movements. The TR is later converted into one or more transfer orders (TO). © SAP AG TAMM20 8-8 . The TR is a request that a specific quantity (quant) of a material should be brought into the warehouse (putaway) or removed from the warehouse (stock removal. or picking). a transfer order is created with a reference to the transfer requirement. The transfer quantity remains unavailable in the warehouse until the putaway is confirmed in the system. Depending on the system set-up. The transfer order documents are used to physically put away the goods. transfer orders can also be created automatically in the background. When the transfer order is created. © SAP AG TAMM20 8-9 .Putaway Steps Goods receipt posting (TO generated from TR) Transfer order Pallet slip Confirm transfer order Stock available © SAP AG 1999 When goods are delivered. In order to put away the goods. a transfer requirement and a quant in the GR area are created. On the basis of the goods receipt posting. As soon as the physical putaway has taken place. the system determines the destination storage bin. the goods receipt is entered in Inventory Management. you confirm the transfer order and also enter any differences that might arise. Goods Receipt: Process Flow Inventory Management Purchase order Goods receipt Warehouse Management Quant in GR area TR Source bin Quantity Material TO Destination bin Palletization Strategies Clear difference Difference ? Confirm TO Quant in bin © SAP AG 1999 A transfer order with a reference to the transfer requirement is created in WM. These differences are posted to an interim record fore differences. this informs WM that the movement has been completed. © SAP AG TAMM20 8-10 . When you confirm the transfer order. Any differences noted during putaway are also entered at this time. There are a range of options for automating this process at various points. This document forms the basis for carrying out the actual physical transfer in the warehouse. where the differences are cleared. Once the transfer order has been confirmed. Information on differences has to be passed on to IM. the goods are regarded as available. destination and return storage bin The information that the transfer order needs comes from several sources: Material master record Warehouse management movement type Strategies for determining the source or destination storage bin User input Source documents such as transfer requirements and deliveries © SAP AG TAMM20 8-11 . Transfer orders contain the following information: Material (quant ID) Quantity to be moved Source.Information in Transfer Order GR Area High-Shelf Storage GI Area © SAP AG 1999 A transfer order is an instruction to move materials from a source storage bin to a destination storage bin within a warehouse number. the transfer requirement has to be converted into a transfer order.Transfer Order for Transfer Requirement Transfer order Header GR Area Transfer requirement Item 1 Item 2 Item 1 From To Item 2 From To Item 3 © SAP AG 1999 Before the goods can be actually put away. © SAP AG TAMM20 8-12 . several transfer order items will be created for this transfer requirement item. If the quantity of a transfer requirement item is distributed among several storage bins (for example. one storage bin per pallet). and sometimes also a return item. process it and create the transfer order in the background. It is possible to select one or several items in the list and process them either in the foreground or in the background. On the preparation screen.Creating Transfer Orders: Levels TR Transfer Requirements List TR Item Overview of TR Items Preparation Screen Detail Screen of TO Item © SAP AG 1999 The transfer requirement list contains all transfer requirements that match the selection criteria specified. In this list. © SAP AG TAMM20 8-13 . The detail screen of a transfer order item contains a source item. the quantity of a specific transfer requirement item is distributed to different storage bins (where appropriate. a destination item. you can select a transfer requirement. palletization instructions are proposed by the system). The overview of transfer requirement items contains all the items in the selected transfer requirement. type 001 001 005 06/25 14:36 h Active work Item Material 10 20 30 T .04 . you are in effect verifying that the required quantity of material has actually been transferred from one location to another and that the processing of the transfer order or item has been completed.MS Confirm.BW T .BW T .05 .05 13 . © SAP AG TAMM20 8-14 . TO 1895 Inactive Dest.bin 11 .enter any differences that have arisen (1 screen per item) Input listA single screen for confirming quantities and entering any differences TO confirmation can be carried out directly in the warehouse using a PDC device. You can make settings in Customizing to specify whether or not transfer orders should be confirmed automatically.confirm that actual quantities are equal to target quantities 2nd screen .Confirming a Transfer Order GR Area Confirm Transfer Order Warehouse no.17 Difference © SAP AG 1999 When you confirm a transfer order or a transfer order item.06 01 . The TO Confirmation function provides three different confirmation options: Standard 1st screen . Dest. Handling Differences GR posting GR Area 50 pc TO Item FROM GR Target 50 pc TO Shelf Confirmation Target 50 pc Actual 40 pc Difference 10 pc Difference 10 pc Difference posting Inventory Management 40 pc © SAP AG 1999 If a difference is detected during a stock transfer, you can enter this into the system when you confirm the transfer order. The quantity that makes up the difference is automatically posted to an interim record for differences. In a second step, the differences are cleared in Inventory Management either manually or using batch input. When differences are processed in the system, the quantity of stock in the Inventory Management and Warehouse Management systems remains the same. © SAP AG TAMM20 8-15 Goods Receipt with Inbound Deliveries: Process Flow Inventory Management Purchase order Warehouse Management Negative quant in GR area TO Dest. bin Palletization Strategies Inbound delivery Clear difference Adjustment? Difference ? Confirm TO Quant in bin Goods receipt © SAP AG 1999 If you wish, you can put away goods in Warehouse Management before you actually post the goods receipt. To do this, you create an inbound delivery for a purchase order. The WM system uses this inbound delivery as a kind of 'to-do' list for putaway. A transfer order is created for the inbound delivery. This transfer order controls the actual physical putaway. The quantity to be put away is stored as a negative quant in the goods receipt area. In effect, this quantity is not yet regarded as available stock. Once the putaway has been confirmed, the goods receipt is posted. Any differences that occur can be entered in the system at this point. The quantity is now regarded as available stock. © SAP AG TAMM20 8-16 Inbound Delivery Outbound delivery Inbound delivery Inbound delivery Outbound delivery Inbound delivery Inbound delivery Outbound delivery Outbound delivery Outbound delivery Outbound delivery Inbound shipment Warehouse Outbound shipment © SAP AG 1999 In the system, an inbound delivery represents the materials that are delivered and received at a goods receiving point. An inbound delivery is a document that is structured in the same way as an outbound delivery for a goods issue. An inbound delivery is a request that goods should be put away in a warehouse. A transfer order for putaway can be generated from an inbound delivery. © SAP AG TAMM20 8-17 Different Ways of Creating an Inbound Delivery Collective processing Purchase order EDI Inbound delivery Manually © SAP AG 1999 In the LE System, there are different ways in which you can create an inbound delivery: Using EDI communication - where a shipping notification is transmitted from the vendor. In this case, the system generates an inbound delivery automatically. The inbound delivery is created manually with reference to a purchase order. The inbound deliveries are created with the help of a worklist (if they are not created via EDI or manually). If you wish to generate inbound deliveries with a worklist, the purchase order confirmation must be set up in Purchasing in such a way that inbound deliveries can be created automatically. Inbound deliveries should be created as early as possible in order to generate a worklist. Like transfer requirements, they do not block either storage bins or materials. © SAP AG TAMM20 8-18 Information in Inbound Delivery Inbound delivery #180005614 Inbound delivery What How much When Where from Vendor Status Vendor ? Items Putaway Transport Status overview 10 Material1 Plant Storage location ... 20 Material2 Plant Storage location ... © SAP AG 1999 The inbound delivery contains information derived from the purchase order. This information is the same as the information contained in the trasnfer requirement: What is to be moved (quant information)? How much is to be moved (quantity)? What was the trigger/cause (movement type / reference)? How much has already been moved (if partial quantity)? The following statuses are kept up to date in an inbound delivery: Putaway status Storage status Goods movement status © SAP AG TAMM20 8-19 Goods Receipts: Unit Summary You are now able to: Name the various options available for working through the inbound process in Logistics Execution Explain how transfer orders for putaway are structured, and how they are used Work through the inbound process (goods receipt, putaway) in a warehouse managed in WM © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 8-20 Exercises Unit: Goods Receipts Topic: Goods Receipts and Transfer Requirements At the conclusion of these exercises, you will be able to: • Describe the inbound process in WM (including transfer requirements) • Post a goods receipt to a warehouse managed in WM, and describe the information contained in a transfer requirement In the IDES model company, goods receipts for purchase orders are posted, and then the goods are put away (placed in storage). Since you are the project team member responsible for Logistics Execution, you post the goods receipt for the purchase orders, and put away the goods in a warehouse managed using WM. 1-1 You have ordered accessories for your flat-screen monitors from vendor 1000. The materials you ordered have now been delivered to the goods receiving point. Before you actually post a goods receipt for the pallets you have received, and put them into storage, check to see what the current stock situation is for material LES04-##. 1-1-1 Display the stock in the Inventory Management view and in the Warehouse Management view. Do the stocks already exist in the goods receipt area? ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ 1-2 Post a goods receipt for the purchase order for 72 pieces of material LES04-##. 1-2-1 Use the matchcode function to find the document number of the purchasing document for material LES04-##. Use the material number as search criteria. What is the purchase order number? ____________________________________________________________ © SAP AG TAMM20 8-21 1-2-2 Specify a quantity of 72 pieces. How many pieces were ordered? ____________________________________________________________ 1-2-3 For which storage location do you enter the goods receipt? ____________________________________________________________ 1-2-4 Which movement type is used for goods receipts that reference purchase orders? ____________________________________________________________ 1-2-5 Post the goods receipt for the 72 pieces of material LES04-##. What is the number of the material document that is created? ____________________________________________________________ 1-3 Once again, display the stock overviews in the Inventory Management view and in the Warehouse Management view. 1-3-1 How many pieces of the material are available in total? ____________________________________________________________ 1-3-2 In which storage type and in which storage bin is the material stored? Storage type: ___________________________________________________ Storage bin: ____________________________________________ Display the storage bin and the quant. What is the goods receipt date of the quant? ____________________________________________________________ © SAP AG TAMM20 8-22 1-4 In addition to the quant, the goods receipt posting also generated a transfer requirement. Display the information contained in the transfer requirement. 1-4-1 Look at this information to find out the following: Transfer requirement. number: _________________________________________________________ Requirement type: _____________________________________________ Requirement tracking number: _________________________________________________________ Source storage type: _________________________________________________________ Source storage bin: _________________________________________________________ Movement type: _____________________________________________ Open quantity: _____________________________________________ 1-4-2 What is the transfer order quantity? ____________________________________________________________ Display the processing status of the transfer requirement. © SAP AG TAMM20 8-23 Unit: Goods Receipts Topic: Transfer Order for Putaway At the conclusion of these exercises, you will be able to: • Use transfer orders to put away materials in a warehouse managed in WM • Describe the information contained in the transfer order • Confirm transfer orders • Clear differences that arise during transfer 2-1 Material LES04-## was delivered on 3 pallets. Each of these pallets holds 24 pieces of the material. Put away these pallets, and find out which storage bins the material is put away to. 2-1-1 Create a transfer order that references the transfer requirement for the purchase order that you looked at in exercise 1-4. Choose TO foreground from the list of transfer requirements. 2-1-2 Which storage unit type is proposed for the 3 pallets? Where does this information come from? ____________________________________________________________ © SAP AG TAMM20 8-24 2-1-3 To put away the pallets individually, choose Put away foreground. Make a note of the destination storage bins. Save your transfer order, and make a note of the transfer order number. Storage type ___________ ___________ ___________ Transfer order Storage bin _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ 2-1-4 Display the transfer order. What is the confirmation status of item 1? ____________________________________________________________ 2-1-5 Display the WM Stock Overview of material LES04-##. Is the material available in the bins? ____________________________________________________________ 2-2 You have now put away the material. Unfortunately, 2 pieces of material LES04-## fell off one of the pallets. This means that only 70 pieces were actually put away. 2-2-1 Confirm the transfer order in a single step. Also specify that there was a difference of 2 pieces. Enter this difference for the pallet of the third item in the transfer order. Confirm the difference in the dialog box. It is also possible to confirm the picking of a material from its bin and the transfer of the quants separately. In our example, though, both these activities are confirmed in a single step. © SAP AG TAMM20 8-25 choose Logistics Execution → Internal Warehouse Processes → Physical Inventory→ In Warehouse Management → Clear Differences → Inventory Management 2-2-4 Once you have finished doing this. display the stock overview of material LES04-##. post the difference in WM.2-2-2 Once again. What is the number of the material document that is generated? ____________________________________________________________ To clear differences. Storage type ___________ ___________ ___________ Storage bin Quantity ___________ _________ ___________ _________ ___________ _________ Stock in Inventory Management ____________________________________________________________ © SAP AG TAMM20 8-26 . To do this. display the stocks in WM and Inventory Management again. In which storage bins is the material to be found? What is the total stock of the material in Inventory Management? Storage type ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ Storage bin Quantity ___________ _________ ___________ _________ ___________ _________ ___________ _________ ___________ _________ Stock in Inventory Management ____________________________________________________________ 2-2-3 You now have to reconcile the stocks in Inventory Management. To display the WM stock overview. choose Total Stock per Material (Inventory Management). This is movement type 101. you will see the quantity that was ordered – you can change the quantity to 72 pieces. and select matchcode M: Purchasing documents for material. choose Total Stock per Material (Warehouse Management). The goods receipt is posted for storage location 0###. On the Quantity tab page. and choose Post. Stock in Inventory Management overview: 0 pieces Stock in Warehouse Management overview: 0 pieces The stocks of the material do not yet exist in the goods receipt area. 1-2-4 You will also find the movement type that was used to post the goods receipt on the Where tab page. Press Enter. Order. Material document number: varies (number assigned internally) © SAP AG TAMM20 8-27 . 1-2-5 Select OK for the purchase order item. 1-2-3 Choose the Where tab page. The system display details of the line item in question. Purchase order number: varies 1-2-2 Select the line containing the purchase order item for material LES04-##. Other Transactions → Enter Goods Receipt for Purchase Order 1-2-1 Press F4 for help. Enter plant 1200 and material LES04-## as search criteria. 1-2 Posting of goods receipt Logistics → Logistics Execution → Inbound Process → Goods Receipt for Purchase Order.Solutions Unit: Goods Receipts Topic: Goods Receipts and Transfer Requirements 1-1 Displaying stock information in WM and Inventory Management Logistics → Logistics Execution → Internal Warehouse Processes → Bins and Stock → Display 1-1-1 To display the Inventory Management stock overview. Order. On the screen entitled List of Transfer Requirements for Material. and choose Bin stock. you can see all open transfer requirements for material LES04-##. Other Transactions → Putaway → Create Transfer Order → By Material 1-4-1 Enter material number LES04-##. Storage type: 902 To display the storage bin. choose Processing status. and press Enter. Transfer order quantity: 0 pieces © SAP AG TAMM20 8-28 . Inventory Management: _____________________________________________ 1-3-2 Stock in Warehouse Management overview: Choose Total Stock per Material (Warehouse Management). click the transfer requirement number in question. place your cursor on the line containing Plant 1200. Goods receipt date: today 1-4 Displaying a transfer requirement Logistics → Logistics Execution → Inbound Process → Goods Receipt for Purchase Order.1-3 Displaying stock information in WM and Inventory Management Logistics → Logistics Execution → Internal Warehouse Processes → Bins and Stock → Display 1-3-1 To display the Inventory Management stock overview. choose Total Stock per Material (Inventory Management). Transfer requirement number: varies Requirement type: B – Purchase order Requirement tracking number: Number of your purchase order Source storage type: Source storage bin: 902 – GR Area External Receipts Number of your purchase order Movement type: 101 – Goods Receipt for Purchase Order Open quantity: 72 pieces 1-4-2 To display the transfer order quantity. To display a transfer requirement. click on the available quantity – this displays the quant. Storage bin: Number of your purchase order To view the goods receipt date. 2-1-5 Logistics → Logistics Execution → Internal Warehouse Processes → Bins and Stock → Display → Total Stock per Material (Warehouse Management) 72 pieces are to be put away into shelf storage. each with 24 pieces). Other Transactions → Putaway →Display Transfer Order → Single Document Enter the number of your transfer order. © SAP AG TAMM20 8-29 . choose TO in foreground to create a transfer order. 2-1-4 Logistics → Logistics Execution → Inbound Process → Goods Receipt for Purchase Order. choose Putaway foreground. This information is derived from the material master record in the Warehouse Management 2 view. Order. and then choose Post. Click Bin stock. Order. 2-1-3 To put away the items individually. Other Transactions → Putaway → Create Transfer Order → By Material 2-1-1 In the list of transfer requirements.Unit: Goods Receipts Topic: Transfer Order for Putaway 2-1 Putaway Logistics → Logistics Execution → Inbound Process → Goods Receipt for Purchase Order. and press Enter. You have not yet confirmed the putaway. The stock is not yet available. 2-1-2 The system proposes palletization (3 pallets. Stock in Inventory Management: 72 pieces 2-2-3 Logistics Execution → Internal Warehouse Processes → Physical Inventory→ In Warehouse Management → Clear Differences → Inventory Management Enter your warehouse number (###). On the screen entitled Clear Difference in Inventory Management. Choose Execute. and press Enter. and confirm the difference in the dialog box. 2-2-4 Logistics → Logistics Execution → Internal Warehouse Processes → Bins and Stock → Display → Total Stock per Material (Warehouse Management) Enter material number LES04-##. Stock in Inventory Management: 70 pieces © SAP AG TAMM20 8-30 . click MM stock. Storage type Quantity 70 pieces 002 – Shelf Storage To display the stock in Inventory Management. and press Enter. and storage type 999. and press Enter.2-2 Confirmation/differences Logistics → Logistics Execution → Inbound Process → Goods Receipt for Purchase Order. choose Clear. Order. click MM stock. 2-2-2 Logistics → Logistics Execution → Internal Warehouse Processes → Bins and Stock → Display → Total Stock per Material (Warehouse Management) Enter material number LES04-##. Other Transactions → Putaway → Confirm Transfer Order 2-2-1 Single Document → In One Step Enter the number of your transfer order. Decrease the quantity of the third item to 22 pieces. Save the confirmation. Storage type Quantity 70 pieces 2 pieces 002 – Shelf Storage 999 .Differences To display the stock in Inventory Management. Goods issue Contents: Outbound Deliveries Transfer Order for Outbound Delivery Picking Packing Goods Issues © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 9-1 . Goods Issues: Unit Objectives At the conclusion of this unit. you will be able to: Get an overview and describe the outbound process for outbound deliveries © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 9-2 . When you plan and perform picking.Goods Issues: Business Scenario In the IDES model company. The goods are picked in a warehouse managed in WM. you explore the various options available for optimizing the outbound process. you want to find out how the process flows can be mapped in Logistics Execution. As a member of the project team. © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 9-3 . goods are issued to customers using outbound deliveries. .............. . • Goods issue • Shipping documents • Packing • Picking © SAP AG 1999 SAP LE functions available for shipping processing include: Monitoring of shipping due dates in reference documents (e............. sales orders and purchase orders) Creating and editing outbound deliveries Monitoring availability Monitoring capacity in the warehouse Picking (with a connection to Warehouse Management) Packing the outbound delivery Printing out and passing on shipping documents Processing the goods issue Controlling using overviews of . .........The activities still to be carried out ... . . .....The Shipping Process 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 13 14 11 12 10 9 8 20 21 9 7 18 1 28 1 5 16 1 27 26 24 25 22 23 31 29 3 0 Sales order Shipping point • Monitoring of shipping due dates • Create delivery Functions affecting shipping: • Determination of shipping point • Determination of route • Scheduling Warehouse .. ... ...................... ..... ...................................... ...... .. ................ ............ .... ....... ..The outbound deliveries currently being processed .. ............. ...... ....................g. © SAP AG TAMM20 9-4 . ........... .. ................. . .......Potential bottlenecks The outbound deliveries for which goods issues are posted in the shipping department can be used to create a worklist for billing (billing due list)................... .. ....... ....... for example. package tracking. © SAP AG TAMM20 9-5 .g. output. Header details include data sorted into the following groups: processing. shipping point. The information in the delivery document is displayed on a range of different screens: The overview screen contains header and item information. partners. etc. shipping point.Structure of an Outbound Delivery Header: Change Outbound Delivery 80004893: Overview Outbnd delivery: Ship-to party: 80004893 2145 e. foreign trade/customs. The header contains data that applies to the entire document. material. route Header details: Item overview All items Picking Loading Transportation Status overview 10 1400-100 Headlights 5 PC TAN Items: e. loading. This means. that the shipto party. This means that important data can be viewed on a single screen. conditions. quantity Item details: © SAP AG 1999 A delivery document comprises a header and any number of items. transportation. grouped thematically on several tab pages. texts. ship-to party. A further screen is available for displaying further header and item details. The individual items contain above all information on the material to be delivered. and route are unique for each outbound delivery.g. The item detail screen also contains similar tab pages with item-specific information. This data is also grouped together thematically onto tab pages. picking. This means that an order cannot be split up into several outbound deliveries. where they can be changed as required: The sold-to party wants the order to be delivered in its entirety (complete delivery). Partial deliveries can be handled in different ways. exclude a merging of orders (if this is permitted). you can define special agreements.Relationship Between Orders and Outbound Deliveries Order Order Outbound Outbound delivery delivery Complete delivery Outbound Outbound delivery delivery Order Order Outbound Outbound delivery delivery Outbound Outbound delivery delivery Partial delivery Order Order Merging Order Order Outbound Outbound delivery delivery © SAP AG 1999 Orders can be delivered in different ways. © SAP AG TAMM20 9-6 . This agreement with regard to complete delivery does not. The way a partial delivery is handled is determined by the partial delivery agreement at the item level in the order. however. Using indicators in the customer master record of the soldto party or in the customer-material info record. The sold-to party has agreed to partial delivery. These are then proposed in the order. The sold-to party has agreed that several orders can be merged together to form a single outbound delivery. for one or for all items in the document in question. Note: The overall processing status of the outbound delivery is "Being processed" until the billing document has been generated. goods issue document. Document flow Document . it is possible to find the order that gave rise to a particular outbound delivery (or to find subsequent documents such as the WM transfer order. You can display the document flow at the header level. Order 5373 Delivery 80003752 . and the goods issue has already been posted.Document Flow Order Outbound delivery Transfer order . WL Outbound delivery 49007029 © SAP AG 1999 Date 06/05 06/09 06/09 06/10 Overall processing status Completed Being processed Completed Completed Since documents are interlinked in SD sales and distribution processing. The document flow and the statuses displayed here allow you to monitor the progress made in processing an activity. It is possible to display these documents from the document flow. © SAP AG TAMM20 9-7 ... WM transfer order 2651 . and billing document). This applies even if picking has been completed. and so on.Ways of Creating an Outbound Delivery Order Delivery Collective processing of orders and order items due for shipping using different selection options Create outbound delivery manually © SAP AG 1999 Delivery scenarios are a way of mapping the various business processes involved in a delivery. Additional criteria are available for selecting documents for delivery. shipping condition. These include the material. partner. document type. You can also create the outbound delivery manually. © SAP AG TAMM20 9-8 . Every user can configure a delivery scenario that is tailored to his/her personal requirements. Here it is possible to enter differences straight away. You can work through this step when you are confirming the TO. the user confirms the transfer order. a transfer order is created with a reference to this outbound delivery. you can specify that the system should create transfer orders automatically in the background. The goods are physically removed from the warehouse with the help of the transfer order documents. © SAP AG TAMM20 9-9 . an outbound delivery is created. Once the transfer order has been confirmed. To pick the goods. When the transfer order is created. As soon as the physical stock removal is completed. the system determines the source storage bin.Steps in the Outbound Process Create TO for outbound delivery Transfer order Confirm transfer order © SAP AG 1999 Post goods issue In order to pick a material. the goods issue is posted. Depending on your system setup. Transfer Order for Outbound Delivery: Topic Objectives At the conclusion of this topic. and use these documents for picking © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 9-10 . you will be able to: Describe the structure and content of a transfer order for an outbound delivery Describe the various options available for creating transfer orders for outbound deliveries Create transfer orders for outbound deliveries. shortages and batches. © SAP AG TAMM20 9-11 . The characteristics of a transfer order created for Lean WM are basically the same as for any transfer order: You can specify whether or not the transfer orders created for Lean WM are subject to confirmation. confirmation of actual times. or determination of target times) for this type of transfer order. You can enter performance data (such as assignment to a picker. You can print out the transfer orders using WM functionality. Transfer orders that are created for deliveries in Lean WM are used to pick stock from available fixed bins in the warehouse that are managed entirely at the storage location level.Lean WM . You can transmit Lean WM transfer order data to external systems.Using a TO as a Pick Order Delivery Transfer order Warehouse number 010 (Lean WM) Fixed bin 01 Fixed bin 02 Fixed bin 03 Fixed bin 04 Output options Individual TOs: • Individual printout • Multiple printout Groups: • Individual printout • Multiple printout • Pick list © SAP AG 1999 Send IDocs to subsystems Lean WM functionality makes it possible to create transfer orders for deliveries even if storage bins are not managed in the WM component. You can confirm overdeliveries. the source bin is determined on the basis of the fixed bin of the material (and not on the basis of a strategy). the storage bins from which the materials are to be picked are determined.Connection Between Shipping and WM Create outbound delivery Lean WM Picking storage loc. The picking process ends with confirmation (and the option of entering differences). The process is completed by posting the goods issue. the outbound deliveries are also picked in WM. © SAP AG TAMM20 9-12 . Picking is carried out on the basis of the information in the TO. If the picking location is managed in WM.? WM TO printout IDoc Create TO Create TO TO printout TO printout IDoc Pick from fixed bin Pick Confirm TO No Yes No Differences ? Post GI © SAP AG 1999 Copy TO data to delivery? Yes WM and Shipping are linked to each other via the picking location. If the picking location is managed using Lean WM. When the transfer order is processed. © SAP AG TAMM20 9-13 . Multiple processing for several deliveries. In the Outbound Delivery Monitor. by selecting all outbound deliveries due for picking.Ways of Creating TOs for Deliveries Delivery Transfer order Create transfer order manually Create transfer order from Delivery Monitor Create transfer order automatically/directly Collective processing for a group of deliveries Create transfer order as a subsequent function for the delivery © SAP AG 1999 There are different ways of creating TOs for an outbound delivery: Manually using the "Transfer Order for Outbound Delivery" transaction. TO as a subsequent function of the outbound delivery. and creating TOs for these. Create TO directly/automatically upon creation of the outbound delivery. 02 4 pc Step 2: Allocation Pick TO for one group Item 1 Mat. The destination storage type is an interim storage type. This step is a multiple processing step. The quantities required are grouped together.02 5 pc From 001 To 200 FROM: TO: 200 Mat.02 1 pc Item 2 Mat.01 4 pc 916 Mat.01 3 pc Mat.01 3 pc Mat.02 4 pc TO #251 DEL 4814 Mat. totaled up.Two-Step Picking Material-based picking Delivery-based allocation Step 1: Picking Group DEL 4813 Mat.02 5 pc FROM: 200 TO: 916 TO #252 Mat.01 10 pc TO #250 Mat. © SAP AG TAMM20 9-14 . the material in question determines whether 2-step picking is used. the removal of the material is optimized with regard to quantity.01 3 pc Mat.02 1 pc DEL 4815 Mat.01 3 pc Mat. In a second step. and picked as an "overall quantity" (pick step). and can also include materials picked using 1-step picking (direct picking). the quantities are allocated to the individual requirements (allocation).02 10 pc From 001 To 200 FROM: TO: 200 916 © SAP AG 1999 In 2-step picking.01 4 pc Mat. The group can consist of deliveries or transfer requirements. In the standard system. or for the individual batch split items. results in new shipping elements. The resulting shipping elements can then be packed into further shipping materials. in turn. This.Packing: Functions Crate1 Delivery Pallet 3011 Trailer 7821 Crate2 Pallet 5211 Crate3 Crate4 Packing list Shipping label © SAP AG Packing is in effect the assignment of delivery items to shipping materials. For items involving a batch split. © SAP AG TAMM20 9-15 . you will be able to identify the shipping element in which a specific batch is to be found. If you pack the batch split items individually. There is no limit to the number of levels of shipping elements you create (multi-level packing). as well as empty and delete shipping elements. You can unpack from shipping elements. you can specify in the delivery item category whether packing should be carried out for the main item (using the total quantity derived from the batch split items). You can use the Outbound Delivery Monitor for this. You can post the goods issue by changing an individual outbound delivery. batch or serial number information is missing for unpicked or partially picked items). these are logged (if. When you change an individual outbound delivery. Alternatively. the goods issue is not posted. you can specify the actual goods issue date (without changing the planned date) before posting the goods issue. These might be compulsory confirmation. If any errors occur. you can use the multiple processing function to first of all select all outbound deliveries for which a goods issue is to be posted.Posting a Goods Issue: Overview 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 13 14 9 10 11 12 8 20 21 18 19 28 15 16 17 25 26 27 22 23 24 29 30 31 All shipping activities completed? Delivery 80003714 Shipping point Goods issue • Manually (change outbound delivery) • Multiple processing • During TO confirmation • Using Outbound Delivery Monitor © SAP AG 1999 Shipping activities are completed when a goods issue is posted for the outbound delivery. or compulsory picking status. If errors occur. and then to actually post goods issues for these. All compulsory shipping activities must be completed before you can post the goods issue. © SAP AG TAMM20 9-16 . for example. You can also post the goods issue when you confirm the transfer order. The goods issue applies to the entire outbound delivery. certain restrictions are imposed as to the data you can change in the delivery . and clears the interim storage bins. Writes status information in the outbound delivery. Posts the value change to the balance sheet accounts of inventory accounting. The goods issue Reduces the stock in Inventory Management. © SAP AG TAMM20 9-17 . Clears the delivery requirements.Effects of a Goods Issue Posting Outbound delivery Goods issue Material 1 Interim storage area 100 PC Material stock Order Delivery Billing due list © SAP AG 1999 Account 1 X Stock X Once you have posted the goods issue for the outbound delivery. Creates the billing due list. This is because the outbound delivery must be a precise reflection of the real-life situation. Is recorded in the document flow. you cannot change any quantities.for example. Goods Issues: Unit Summary You are now able to: Get an overview and describe the outbound process for outbound deliveries © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 9-18 . 1-1-1 Create the new sales order with the following data: Order type: Sold-to party: Material: Item 10 Item 20 Save the order. OR T-S11B## LES02-## LES04-## 5 pcs 5 pcs Purchase order number: ##-01 © SAP AG TAMM20 9-19 . The goods are stored in the Dresden warehouse of the IDES model company. and how they are used • Create a sales order. and specify where this information comes from • Use the delivery monitor for creating deliveries as part of the outbound process In the IDES model company. and check over the information that is relevant to shipping. 1-1 Customer T-S11B## orders 5 pieces of material LES02-## and 5 pieces of material LES04-## from you. The goods are also picked and sent from here. Create a sales order for this. and name and work through the various options available for creating deliveries • Describe the information contained in outbound deliveries. You process this order and work through the subsequent shipping activities (from creating the delivery and picking the goods through to posting the goods issue) in the Logistics Execution System. A customer orders monitors and accessories.Goods Issues Exercises Unit: Goods Issues Topic: Outbound Deliveries At the conclusion of these exercises. you will be able to: • Describe how outbound delivery documents are structured. goods are issued to customers using outbound deliveries. This warehouse is managed in WM. go to the schedule line for the item in question.1-1-2 Now display the order you have just created. Delivery date: ____________________________________ Goods issue date: ____________________________________ Loading date: ____________________________________ Material availability date: _______________________________ Transportation planning date: _________________________ You can display a detailed list of shipping deadlines for the confirmed schedule line for a sales document item. © SAP AG TAMM20 9-20 . 1-1-4 What is the function of the shipping point? ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 1-2 Now determine the dates on which the individual shipping and transportation activities have to start so that the goods ordered are delivered on time to the customer. and then go to the details of the schedule line with the confirmed quantity. Then go to the Shipping tab page. you can check over and edit the delivering plant and shipping point on the Shipping detail screen of the item in question. To do this. Which delivering plants have been determined for both items? Item 10: Item 20: ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ 1-1-3 Which shipping points have been determined for both items? Item 10: Item 20: ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ In the sales document. 1-2-1 Determine the various shipping dates for item 10. Can you deliver the order item? What is the reason for this? ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Save the outbound delivery. only this time use the material availability date as the selection date. and familiarize yourself with its structure and contents. Use today’s date as the selection date. Can you deliver the order? What is the reason for this? ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 2-1-2 Enter the same selection data again. 2-1-1 Select the shipping point that is to be responsible for this.2-1 Create an outbound delivery for the order you created above. 3-1 Display the outbound delivery again. 3-1-1 Derive the following information from the outbound delivery: Overall status of picking: _______________________________________ Overall status of WM activities:__________________________________ Warehouse no.:____________________________________________ Storage type: ________________________________________________ Bin (WM): __________________________________________________ Goods issue status of item 10: ___________________________________ 3-1-2 Which pieces of information are used to determine the warehouse number? ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 3-1-3 What is the delivery quantity and what is the picked quantity? Delivery quantity: ____________________________________________ Picked quantity: _____________________________________________ 3-1-4 Can you now post the goods issue for the outbound delivery? What is the reason for this? ____________________________________________________________ © SAP AG TAMM20 9-21 . and use these documents for picking 4-1 Before you start picking.) Picking: _____________________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ WM activities: Goods issue: 4-2 Create a transfer order (for picking) for your outbound delivery. you will be able to: • Describe the structure and content of a transfer order for an outbound delivery • Describe the various options available for creating transfer orders for outbound deliveries • Create transfer orders for outbound deliveries. Storage type ___________ ___________ ___________ Storage bin Quantity ___________ _________ ___________ _________ ___________ _________ Stock in Inventory Management ____________________________________________________________ 4-1-2 What are the statuses of the following for item 10 of your outbound delivery? (Create a new session to do this. 4-1-1 Display the WM and IM stock overviews of material LES02-##.Unit: Goods Issues Topic: Transfer Order for Outbound Delivery At the conclusion of these exercises. 4-2-1 What are the various options available for creating a transfer order for the outbound delivery? ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ © SAP AG TAMM20 9-22 . check the stocks of the materials. and find out what the various statuses are. choose Stock and enter the quantity you wish to pick. Display the preparation screen for putting away the first item. To determine the stock of a material in a specific bin. What is the number of the transfer order generated? ____________________________________________________________ © SAP AG TAMM20 9-23 . Select 5 pieces from a partial pallet. On the screen of the items to be processed. select the first item. 4-2-7 When you pick the next material. 4-2-8 Generate the transfer order by saving it. and choose Storage type search sequence.4-2-2 Now create a transfer order for the outbound delivery manually in the foreground. Use the following transaction: Logistics → Logistics Execution → Outbound Process → Goods Issue for Outbound Delivery → Picking → Create Transfer Order → Single Document. Which storage bin does the system propose for picking? Can you change this storage bin manually? Storage type ___________ Storage bin _______________________________________ 4-2-6 Create the TO item for material LES02-## by choosing the Generate and next material function. you specify that you wish to pick the required quantity from a partial pallet (in other words. 4-2-3 Which movement type is used for the outbound delivery? ____________________________________________________________ 4-2-4 Which destination storage type and destination storage bin are defaulted? Storage type ___________ Storage bin _______________________________________ 4-2-5 Now pick the required quantity in the foreground. you specify this manually and thus get around the default picking strategy). 4-3 Check the stocks of the materials again. you confirm the removal from stock separately from the actual transfer. Confirm the removal from stock. and find out what the various statuses are now. 4-4-1 Confirm your transfer order. Since you want to reuse the bin that has become free as a result of picking as quickly as possible. Is there any stock to be put away? Storage type ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ Storage bin Quantity Quantity to put away _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ ___________ _________ ___________ _________ ___________ _________ ___________ _________ Stock in Inventory Management ____________________________________________________________ 4-3-2 Also find out the following statuses of item 10 in your outbound delivery. 4-3-1 Display the WM and IM stock overviews of material LES02-##. and display your transfer order. Picking: WM activities: Goods issue: ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ Picked quantity: ____________________________________ 4-4 You have now completed picking of the goods in question. What is the confirmation status of the items? ____________________________________________________________ © SAP AG TAMM20 9-24 . Stock in Warehouse Management Storage type ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ Storage bin Quantity Quantity to put away _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ ___________ _________ ___________ _________ ___________ _________ ___________ _________ Stock in Inventory Management ____________________________________________________________ 4-4-3 Also find out the following statuses of item 10 in your outbound delivery. Picking: WM activities: Goods issue: _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ Picked quantity: _____________________________________ © SAP AG TAMM20 9-25 . and check the various stocks of the material.4-4-2 Now also confirm the transfer of the material to its destination storage bin. Unit: Goods Issues Topic: Goods Issue for Outbound Delivery At the conclusion of these exercises. Use the delivery monitor to do this. 5-1-2 Display the WM and IM stock overviews. you will be able to: • Describe the various options available for posting a goods issue in the Logistics Execution System • Complete the outbound process by posting a goods issue 5-1 Since the goods have now left the warehouse. Material document: ___________________________________________ You can view the material document in the document flow for the outbound delivery. 5-1-1 Post the goods issue for the outbound delivery. Stock in Warehouse Management Storage type ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ Storage bin Quantity Quantity to put away _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ ___________ _________ ___________ _________ ___________ _________ ___________ _________ Stock in Inventory Management ____________________________________________________________ 5-1-3 Also find out the following status of item 10 in your outbound delivery. Picking: WM activities: Goods issue: © SAP AG ____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________ TAMM20 9-26 Picked quantity: ____________________________________ . and find the material document that was generated. you now have to post a goods issue for the outbound delivery so that stocks are reduced accordingly. The order number is assigned internally (i. and choose the Shipping tab page. Every delivery is processed by one shipping point. © SAP AG TAMM20 9-27 . 1-1-2 Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Order → Display Enter the number of your order.e. You will see the following information for both items: Item 10: Item 20: 1-1-3 Item 10: Item 20: Plant 1200 (Dresden) Plant 1200 (Dresden) Shipping point X0## (Dresden) Shipping point X0## (Dresden) 1-1-4 A shipping point is the physical location or group of persons responsible for processing shipping activities.Goods Issues Solutions Unit: Goods Issues Topic: Outbound Deliveries 1-1 Creating a sales order 1-1-1 Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Order → Create Field Name/Type of Data Order type Sold-to party Purchase order number Material Quantity Material Quantity Values OR T-S11B## ##-01 LES02-## 5 LES04-## 5 Choose Save. automatically by the SAP R/3 System). select item 10. To display detailed information on item 10. Overall status of picking: A – Not yet picked Overall status of WM activities: A – WM-TO required Warehouse no. and the picked quantity is 0 pieces.1-2 Scheduling Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Order → Display 1-2-1 Enter your order number. choose Header details.: ### Storage type: 916 Bin (WM): The number of your outbound delivery Goods issue status of item 10: A – Not yet started 3-1-2 The warehouse number is determined by the picking storage location on the basis of the combination of plant. Make a note of the dates displayed. 3-1-3 The delivery quantity is 5 pieces. Select item 10. choose Item overview. choose Schedule line for item. The scheduling data in the order shows that you do not have to start processing shipping today (you can start in a few days’ time). and then choose the Processing tab page. 3-1-4 Logistics → Logistics Execution → Outbound Process → Goods Issue for Outbound Delivery → Outbound Delivery → Change → Single Document The goods issue cannot be posted for the outbound delivery because the outbound delivery has not yet been fully picked. 2-1 Creating an outbound delivery Logistics → Logistics Execution → Outbound Process → Goods Issue for Outbound Delivery → Outbound Delivery → Create → Single Document → With Reference to Sales Order 2-1-1 No. Processing of shipping must have commenced on the material availability date so that the goods are delivered to the customer on the confirmed delivery date. 3-1 Displaying an outbound delivery Logistics → Logistics Execution → Outbound Process → Goods Issue for Outbound Delivery → Outbound Delivery → Display 3-1-1 To view the overall status. 2-1-2 Yes. shipping point and storage condition defined for the material. © SAP AG TAMM20 9-28 . and then click the Shipping icon. and then choose Item details. Storage type ___________ ___________ ___________ Storage bin Quantity ___________ _________ ___________ _________ ___________ _________ Stock in Inventory Management ____________________________________________________________ 4-1-2 Logistics → Logistics Execution → Outbound Process → Goods Issue for Outbound Delivery → Outbound Delivery → Display Enter your outbound delivery. select item 10. choose Item overview. by creating transfer orders directly or automatically once you have created an outbound delivery. and then choose Item details. © SAP AG TAMM20 9-29 . using the collective processing function for several deliveries. or by specifying the creating a transfer order is a subsequent function of the outbound delivery.Unit: Goods Issues Topic: Transfer Order for Outbound Delivery 4-1 Stocks and statuses 4-1-1 Logistics → Logistics Execution → Internal Warehouse Processes → Bins and Stock → Display → Total Stock per Material (Warehouse Management) Enter material LES02-##. To display detailed information on item 10. by selecting the outbound deliveries due for picking from the outbound delivery monitor and creating the transfer orders. Picking: A – Not yet picked A – WM-TO required A – Not yet started WM activities: Goods issue: 4-2 Creating a transfer order 4-2-1 You can create transfer orders for outbound deliveries in the following ways: Manually using the “Transfer Order for Outbound Delivery” transaction. Select the pallet that only has 22 pieces (this is the one from the goods receipt exercise). and take 5 pieces from it. and your warehouse number (###). To display detailed information on item 10. choose Stock. and then choose Item details. On the screen of the items to be processed. choose Item overview. open TO items A – Not yet started Picked quantity: 5 pieces © SAP AG TAMM20 9-30 . 4-2-8 Save your transfer order. Picking: WM activities: Goods issue: C – Fully picked B – Ex. storage bin = Number of your outbound delivery. 4-3 Stocks and statuses 4-3-1 Logistics → Logistics Execution → Internal Warehouse Processes → Bins and Stock → Display → Total Stock per Material (Warehouse Management) Enter material LES02-##. and confirm the warning that tells you to check the storage bin. choose Generate and next material. Storage type ___________ ___________ ___________ Storage bin Quantity ___________ _________ ___________ _________ ___________ _________ Stock in Inventory Management ____________________________________________________________ Logistics → Logistics Execution → Outbound Process → Goods Issue for Outbound Delivery → Outbound Delivery → Display 4-3-2 Enter your outbound delivery. and make a note of the transfer order number. 4-2-7 To view the stock of the material in specific bins.4-2-2 Logistics → Logistics Execution → Outbound Process → Goods Issue for Outbound Delivery → Picking → Create Transfer Order → Single Document Enter the number of your outbound delivery. You can change the storage bin from which the goods are to be picked. 4-2-3 Movement type 601 – GR delivery note 4-2-4 Storage type = 916. 4-2-5 Choose Stock removal foreground. 4-2-6 To go to the next material. select the first item. select item 10. and choose Storage type search sequence. Picking: WM activities: Goods issue: C – Fully picked C – WM TO confirmed A – Not yet started Picked quantity: 5 pieces © SAP AG TAMM20 9-31 . 4-4-2 Logistics → Logistics Execution → Outbound Process → Goods Issue for Outbound Delivery → Picking → Confirm Transfer Order → Transfer Step Enter the number of your transfer order. and choose Input list. choose Item overview. Confirm the transfer order by saving it. and choose Entry list. To display detailed information on item 10.4-4 Confirming the transfer order 4-4-1 Logistics → Logistics Execution → Outbound Process → Goods Issue for Outbound Delivery → Picking → Confirm Transfer Order → Pick Step Enter the number of your transfer order. Logistics → Logistics Execution → Internal Warehouse Processes → Bins and Stock → Display → Total Stock per Material (Warehouse Management) Enter material LES02-##. Storage type ___________ ___________ ___________ Storage bin Quantity ___________ _________ ___________ _________ ___________ _________ Stock in Inventory Management ____________________________________________________________ Logistics → Logistics Execution → Outbound Process → Goods Issue for Outbound Delivery → Outbound Delivery → Display 4-3-2 Enter your outbound delivery. Confirm the transfer order by saving it. Logistics → Logistics Execution → Outbound Process → Goods Issue for Outbound Delivery → Picking → Display Transfer Order The confirmation status of the source data is Withdrawal confirmed. select item 10. and then choose Item details. Select your outbound delivery.Unit: Goods Issues Topic: Goods Issue for Outbound Delivery 5-1 Posting the goods receipt Logistics → Logistics Execution → Outbound Process → Goods Issue for Outbound Delivery → Outbound Delivery → Lists and Logs → Outbound Delivery Monitor 5-1-1 Choose For goods issue. Display the outbound delivery by double-clicking it. choose Item overview. and then choose Item details. Picking: WM activities: Goods issue: C – Fully picked C – WM TO confirmed C – Completed Picked quantity: 5 pieces © SAP AG TAMM20 9-32 . To find out the number of the material document. and enter your shipping point (X0##). Storage type ___________ ___________ ___________ Storage bin Quantity ___________ _________ ___________ _________ ___________ _________ Stock in Inventory Management __________________________________________________________ Logistics → Logistics Execution → Outbound Process → Goods Issue for Outbound Delivery → Outbound Delivery → Display 5-1-3 Enter your outbound delivery. and choose Goods issue. select item 10. To display detailed information on item 10. choose Environment → Document flow. 5-1-2 Logistics → Logistics Execution → Internal Warehouse Processes → Bins and Stock → Display → Total Stock per Material (Warehouse Management) Enter material LES02-##. Section: Vendor Evaluation © SAP AG 2000 © SAP AG TAMM20 10-1 . Content: Vendor Evaluation Preface Unit Vendor Evaluation © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 10-2 . Vendor Evaluation Contents: Vendor Evaluation © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 11-1 . you will be able to: Discuss the differences between evaluation levels and various types of evaluation criteria Illustrate the application of the various functions for vendor evaluation Describe the processes of evaluation by using three automatic subcriteria as examples Verify the link between vendor evaluation and source determination Demonstrate the uses of various analyses in vendor evaluation © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 11-2 .Vendor Evaluation: Unit Objectives At the conclusion of this unit. order Vendor Material Quantity Delivery date Transmission to vendor Pur. Material Quantity Deliv. item © SAP AG TAMM20 11-3 .Optimized Purchasing (Vendor evaluation) Approval of requisition Materials planning User dept. Approval of purchase order PReq. order Price Automatic source determination Source list Quota arrangement © SAP AG 1999 Source of supply Vendor evaluation Info Contract record item Scheduling agmt. date (Source) Conversion Pur. Vendor Evaluation: Business Scenario Your organization wishes to score your vendors based on various performance criteria. This can be useful during negotiations with your vendors. you must define the criteria according to which evaluation is to take place and which areas of your vendors’ performance are to be rated. To do so. © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 11-4 . This means. Deliv. that data from purchase orders is used. Inventory Management data (such as goods receipts). for example. Overall Price Qual. the Vendor Evaluation component is fully integrated into the MM Purchasing module within Materials Management. Deliv. Vendor Evaluation uses data from the Quality Management module (such as the results of incoming inspections or quality audits). © SAP AG TAMM20 11-5 . Service Vendor B Vendor A Vendor C 90 84 81 92 75 90 90 92 76 93 88 74 85 81 84 Evaluation for material 1 Qual.Function of Vendor Evaluation Vendor evaluation: general Qual. You can quickly spot any difficulties that may arise during the procurement of materials and services. In the R/3 System. Overall Price Qual. Service 88 90 80 81 94 85 93 92 82 92 88 79 86 86 74 © SAP AG 1999 The vendor evaluation functionality supports you in optimizing the procurement process. prices and quantities. It facilitates the process of source selection and the ongoing surveillance of existing supply relationships. Deliv. Vendor Evaluation accesses basic Materials Management data. Deliv. such as delivery dates. and data from the Logistics Information System. General Service/Support. The overall score gives you a general idea of the performance of your vendors. The overall score is arrived at from the scores a vendor was awarded for all main criteria. you need to define a scoring range. Quality. The vendor evaluation system offers you a three-level scoring system from 1 to 100 points. © SAP AG TAMM20 11-6 . Each purchasing organization evaluates the vendors assigned to it. The latter are the smallest units within vendor evaluation for which scores are calculated. You can divide each main criterion into several subcriteria. The weighting factor takes account of this. The scores achieved by a vendor for the individual criteria may be of varying significance to you. and External Service Provision (for the evaluation of external service providers). The organizational level at which vendors are evaluated is the level of the purchasing organization. The scores for main criteria reflect a vendor’s performance more accurately than the overall score. you can also define other criteria.Scoring Levels in Vendor Evaluation Overall score Weighted Scores for main criteria Weighted Scores for subcriteria Individual scores © SAP AG 1999 To be able to assess a certain vendor‘s performance in comparison with other vendors. allowing you to compare them at a glance. Delivery. The main criteria are Price. allowing you to carry out a comparative appraisal of your vendors. If required. Pc. you enter a blanket score for the subcriterion in evaluation of a vendor. The average value of these scores is included as the score for the subcriterion in the score for the higherlevel main criterion. The automatic subcriteria that are predefined in the standard R/3 System suffice for the evaluation of a vendor from which you procure materials (that is. through the process of automatic updating). semi-automatic and automatic. This data enters the vendor evaluation system from statistical files (for example.Types of Subcriterion Overall score Scores for main criteria Manual subcriterion Semi-automatic subcriterion Pc. Automatic subcriterion Scores for subcriteria % % Conditions Conditions $ $ Individual scores © SAP AG 1999 Subcriteria are differentiated according to the methods by which the scores for them are determined – manual. Instead of awarding a vendor a blanket score for all its materials. with the semi-automatic subcriteria you maintain a number of scores at info record level for all materials of importance to you. the rating can be determined from data that arises through normal online activities in the R/3 System. The R/3 System takes account of this score in calculating the higher-level main criterion. you need not necessarily maintain scores for manual or semi-automatic subcriteria to carry out evaluations). In the case of manual subcriteria. In the case of automatic subcriteria. © SAP AG TAMM20 11-7 . You use the subcriterion GR inspection (incoming inspection) to evaluate the quality of the materials supplied by a vendor. You use the subcriterion compliance with shipping instructions to evaluate how a vendor complies with the instructions you issued regarding the shipping or packing of a material. during the production process. You use the subcriterion price history to evaluate changes in a vendor’s price over time in comparison with the market price. The quality inspection takes place at the time of goods receipt. on the shopfloor). You use the subcriterion rejection/complaints to evaluate how frequently the materials supplied by a vendor are found to be faulty after having successfully passed through incoming inspection (for example. preparation of rejection reports. You use the subcriterion quantity reliability to evaluate the extent to which a vendor delivers the exact quantities ordered. resulting in additional expense and loss of time due to reworking.Automatic Subcriteria: Overview Main criteria Price Quality Subcriteria Price level Price history GR inspection Rejection/complaints Audit On-time delivery Quantity reliability Shipping instructions Confirmations Delivery Service © SAP AG 1999 You use the subcriterion price level to evaluate the relationship of a vendor’s price to the market price. fault rectification. © SAP AG TAMM20 11-8 . You use the subcriterion audit to evaluate the effectiveness of the quality assurance system an enterprise employs in the manufacture of its products. You use the subcriterion on-time delivery performance to evaluate how well a vendor adheres to prescribed delivery dates. return/ replacement of parts and so on. You use the subcriterion confirmation to evaluate the degree to which a vendor adheres to the delivery dates set out in confirmations (such as shipping notifications) that the vendor previously sent to you. organization 1000 Weighting keys Vendor evaluation record Automatic criteria Semiautomatic criteria Manual criteria Calculation log © SAP AG 1999 You can use the Maintain Vendor Evaluation function to maintain all subcriteria (including the manual subcriteria). The evaluation sheet header shows the name of the person who created the sheet. You must first assign weighting keys to any vendors that have never been evaluated.Vendor Evaluation: Maintenance Vendor A Purch. The weighting key is a code under which the weighting shares for a group of main criteria are combined and stored. the date it was created and the name of the vendor. Below this are the overall evaluation and the scores for the individual main criteria. The scores for the subcriteria belonging to each main criterion are listed under the heading “Detailed evaluation”. The R/3 System can calculate the overall score on the basis of the weighting key and the scores for the main criteria. The name of the person responsible and the date of evaluation are recorded in the vendor evaluation. The calculation of the scores for the automatic subcriteria is recorded in a log. © SAP AG TAMM20 11-9 . You can record the evaluation the R/3 System has calculated for a vendor in an evaluation sheet and print it out. Changes are listed in the change documentation. ... The graphical display has the advantage of enabling you to see at a glance how scores are developing over time. You can display the evaluation using the SAP Hierarchy or Presentation Graphics function to obtain a better overview. . If you want. .. you can replace the old scores with the new ones. you must first specify a weighting key. organization 1000 Weighting keys Automatic criteria Semiautomatic criteria Save Vendor evaluation record © SAP AG 1999 The Automatic New Evaluation function enables you to update the scores for the automatic and semiautomatic subcriteria for a vendor. If a vendor has never been evaluated. The calculation is recorded in a log. You are provided with a comparison of the old and newly computed points scores for all automatic and semi-automatic subcriteria.... © SAP AG TAMM20 11-10 .Automatic New Evaluation Old New values values Vendor A . The manually maintained scores of the last evaluation remain unchanged. Calculation log Purch. so that the results are comparable. .. You must manually reprocess evaluation records without weighting keys after their creation. © SAP AG TAMM20 11-11 . You can either update existing evaluation records. or have new records created for vendors not yet evaluated. for example.Evaluation in the Background Vendor A Vendor B Vendor C Vendor NEW Weighting key Weighting key Weighting key Vendor evaluation record Automatic criteria Calculation log © SAP AG 1999 You can have your vendors regularly evaluated in the background using the Evaluation in the Background function. you can either assign all new records the same weighting key or have these records created without weighting keys. When creating new evaluation records. You can find relevant records by running the Vendors without weighting keys analysis. you need a variant that defines the number interval of vendors to be evaluated. From the analysis. you can branch direct to vendor evaluation maintenance. To initiate a background processing request for vendor evaluation. compl. sched. The smoothing factor is defined in Customizing. Sch. X Calculate % variance No quantity reliability update ! Customizing settings for purchasing organization Points score Smoothing Vendor evaluation © SAP AG 1999 You use the subcriterion Quantity reliability to evaluate the extent to which the quantities a vendor has sent you match the quantities specified in your purchase orders. receipt Goods 100 pc. order GR 90 pc. line 1 100 pc. “Del. There is no evaluation of quantity reliability with respect to scheduling agreements. the PO item in question must be closed. GR 100 pc. Over. Before a vendor’s quantity reliability can be determined. © SAP AG TAMM20 11-12 .Quantity Reliability Pur.and under-delivery tolerances are not taken into account in the vendor evaluation. Reversals of goods receipts are not taken into account in vendor evaluation. The points score determined is updated in a statistical record after application of a smoothing factor and is then included in the vendor evaluation. Goods receipt Del. The R/3 System determines the difference between the GR and PO quantities and converts this difference into a percentage variance.” ind. If you specify a higher standardizing value. Goods receipt 100 pcs. receipts of fractions of the PO quantity are also taken into account in the computation of the score for on-time delivery performance. this calculation is carried out for each schedule line.On-Time Delivery Performance Pur. If a goods receipt covers several lines of a delivery schedule. order GR 10 pcs. the R/3 System does not determine an on-time delivery performance score for the goods receipt in question. a large percentage variance results for relatively small date variances in days.19 End Minimum quantity check Points score Smoothing Calculate % variance Customizing settings for purchasing organization Vendor evaluation © SAP AG 1999 You use the subcriterion On-time delivery performance to evaluate a vendor’s adherence to delivery dates. Goods receipt Pur. If the delivery date was not adhered to.20 12.20 12. the R/3 System checks any system settings you have maintained for the Customizing parameter Minimum delivery percentage. If you have not maintained a minimum delivery percentage. Statistics-rel. © SAP AG TAMM20 11-13 . If you have maintained a minimum delivery percentage and the minimum quantity was not reached. the R/3 System can convert the absolute delivery date variance into a percentage variance using the Customizing parameter Standardizing value for delivery time variance and evaluate the latter. At the time of goods receipt against a purchase order. The points value thus determined is updated in a statistical record after application of a smoothing formula and included in the vendor evaluation. the R/3 System checks whether the specified delivery date (statistics-relevant delivery date) has been adhered to or whether delivery was made early or late. If you assign a low standardizing value.20 12. If the delivery date was adhered to. the percentage variance will be relatively low. delivery date 100 pcs. order GR 100 pcs. Statistics-rel. delivery date 12. the R/3 System compares the vendor’s valid effective price with the market price for each material or the average price derived from all info records for the material and determines the percentage variance. All materials for which the vendor’s conditions have been maintained (for example. To determine a vendor’s price level. the single or sole vendor situation is not taken into account (that is. in info records) are examined. Comparison price <>= ? % % Conditions Conditions Market price Average price Single/sole sourcing Calculate % variance Points score Customizing settings for purchasing organization $ $ Vendor evaluation © SAP AG 1999 You use the subcriterion price level to evaluate how a vendor’s price for a material compares with the prices of other vendors or with an average price. There is a variance of zero percent and the vendor is awarded a good score. the Customizing parameter Single/sole vendor determines whether this exceptional situation is taken into consideration in the vendor evaluation. Pc. the R/3 System assumes that the effective price of the vendor to be evaluated is the market price when calculating the score for the price level – that is. The R/3 System calculates the average score from the sum of the individual scores determined.Price Level Info record Vendor A Material 1 Effective price Pc. the R/3 System does not determine a score for the price level in respect of this material). This average represents the score for the subcriterion. © SAP AG TAMM20 11-14 . the market price and the effective price are identical. If a material is procured from one vendor only. If you do not set the indicator. If you have set this indicator. This analysis differs from the others because you can use it to take a closer look at a vendor without comparing this vendor with others. Deliv. Service Deliv. Evaluation for material 1 Evaluation for material 1 Overall Overall Price Price Qual. the overall evaluation. Deliv. Qual. is shown in relation to the evaluation the vendor would obtain if this evaluation were based on one specific material only. Service Deliv. Qual. Service Deliv. The Evaluation comparison is an analysis of the general evaluation of a vendor with the latter’s evaluation in respect of a certain material. The R/3 System also calculates the average values for the individual scores. Vendor B Vendor A Vendor C 90 84 81 92 75 90 90 92 76 93 88 74 85 81 84 EVALUATION PER MATERIAL/MATERIAL GROUP General vendor evaluation General vendor evaluation Overall Overall Price Price Qual. This analysis enables you to determine which vendors of a particularly important material have performed well. which is composed of the scores relating to deliveries of all materials. Service Deliv. only for materials without a master record (2). Deliv. The scores for the individual main criteria are displayed in addition to the overall score. enabling you to see by how many points a vendor deviates above or below the average value. Service Deliv. Service Deliv. Qual. The list of “Evaluations per material or material group” provides you with a ranking list based on a certain material or material group. This gives you an overview of those vendors that rank among the best. Qual.Analyses in Vendor Evaluation RANKING LIST General vendor evaluation General vendor evaluation Overall Overall Price Price Qual. Deliv. those that perform moderately well and those that are below average. Service Deliv. Vendor A 84 75 92 88 81 88 81 93 92 86 © SAP AG 1999 The “Ranking list” sorts your vendors in descending order according to their overall scores. If you have entered a material group. moderately well or poorly. Qual. or for both (no entry) within this group. Instead. Qual. Qual. you can specify whether the R/3 System is to search only for materials with a master record (1). © SAP AG TAMM20 11-15 . Vendor A Vendor C 84 81 75 90 92 76 88 74 81 84 EVALUATION COMPARISON General vendor evaluation General vendor evaluation Overall Price Qual. Deliv. Deliv. Service Service Vendor B Vendor A Vendor C 90 84 81 92 75 90 90 92 76 93 88 74 85 81 84 © SAP AG 1999 As of Release 4. The R/3 System can generate a ranking list for the vendors that are displayed as possible sources. Qual. © SAP AG TAMM20 11-16 . This provides you with additional information for decision making when selecting vendors. Assigning and processing purchase requisitions. the R/3 System generates a ranking list of all vendors that can supply the requested material. Qual. Deliv. The vendor evaluation functionality is available when: Assigning sources to an individual purchase requisition item. Executing a price comparison list.Vendor Evaluation in Source Determination Purchase Requisition Assign source Possible Sources: Vendor A Vendor B Vendor C Vendor Evaluation RANKING LIST Overall Overall Price Price Qual. If you select a requisition from the list. vendor evaluation reporting functionality is integrated with source determination and the quotation price comparison list.5A. org. Del.Configuration Options X X X X X X Pur. Price Qual. Serv Main criteria Vendor B Vendor A Vendor C Weighting of subcriteria Subcriteria General control parameters © SAP AG 1999 List parameter You make general settings for the following: Weighting keys Main criteria and subcriteria List parameters and list structure The following settings relate to an individual purchasing organization in each case: Control parameters Evaluation criteria and their weighting Points scores for automatic subcriteria The control parameters you can maintain for each individual purchasing organization include the following: Best score Applicability period © SAP AG TAMM20 11-17 .specific X General X Points scores for automatic criteria Weighting key Weighting of main criteria Over. Qual. You also define which evaluation criteria are to be relevant for each purchasing organization and how they are to be weighted. The Applicability period determines how far into the past data is used for the evaluation of a vendor. each purchasing organization defines its own scoring range for the evaluation of the automatic subcriteria. time variance Min. The Layout set (form) determines the layout of the printed vendor evaluation sheet. For example: With the parameter Best score you specify the maximum number of points attainable by a vendor in your scoring range. © SAP AG TAMM20 11-18 . percentage Average of all lots Quantity reliability Rejection/complaints As percentage of purchase volume Smoothing factor Shipping instructions Smoothing factor Single/sole vendor © SAP AG 1999 Certain Customizing parameters for vendor evaluation are set specifically on a purchasingorganization basis. deliv. del. Furthermore.Control Parameters: Purchasing Organization General parameters Best score Applicability period Layout set Audit Price level Parameters for subcriteria On-time delivery Smoothing factor Std. Vendor Evaluation: Unit Summary You are now able to: Discuss the differences between evaluation levels and various types of evaluation criteria Illustrate the application of the various functions for vendor evaluation Describe the process of evaluation by using three automatic subcriteria as examples Verify the link between vendor evaluation and source determination Demonstrate the use of various analyses in vendor evaluation © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 11-19 . Exercises Unit: Vendor Evaluation At the conclusion of this exercise. Accounting 1 Plant: 1000 Base unit of measure: PC Purchasing group: Z## Material group: LO520 Purchasing value key: 5 MRP type: ND Planned delivery time: 10 Valuation class: 3000 Price control: V Moving average price: 12 © SAP AG TAMM20 11-20 . If necessary. and which areas of your vendors’ performance are to be rated. correct the material master with the following data. MRP 2. Otherwise. This can be useful during negotitations with your vendors. you must define the criteria according to which evaluation is to take place. You must also evaluate your vendors on a regular basis in order to be kept up to date. To do so. 1-1 Check if the material master T-REZ## exists. MRP 1. you will be able to: • Discuss the differences between evaluation levels and various types of evaluation criterion • Illustrate the application of the various functions for vendor evaluation • Describe the process of evaluation by using three automatic subcriteria as examples • Verify the link between vendor evaluation and source determination • Demonstrate the use of various analyses in vendor evaluation Your organization wishes to score your vendors based on various performance criteria. please create a new material master with the following data: Material number: T-REZ## Industry sector: Mechanical Engineering Material type: Raw material Views: Purchasing. For the first purchase order item. Material document: ____________________________________________ © SAP AG TAMM20 11-21 . Purchase order: _______________________________________________ 1-3 Post a goods receipt against this purchase order into storage location 0001.1-2 Order the following materials from vendor T-L20F## for your plant 1000. storage location 0001: 1st item: Material: Quantity: Price: Delivery date: 2nd item: Material: Quantity: Price: Delivery date: T-REA## 50 pc 20 Today T-REB## 20 pc 10 Yesterday 3rd item: Material: Quantity: Price: Delivery date: T-REZ## 50 pc 12 Today Ignore any warning messages. you again receive only part of the ordered quantity – this time 5 pcs. you receive a partial delivery of 40 pcs. The second item is delivered in full. For the third item. What score does the system arrive at? Subcriterion On-time delivery performance: __________________ Subcriterion Quantity reliability: ___________________________ Main criterion Delivery: __________________________________ Overall score: __________________________________________ © SAP AG TAMM20 11-22 .1-4 Maintain the vendor evaluation for your vendor T-L20F##. Assign the weighting key 01. manually)? Subcriterion Weighting Method 1-4-3 Have an automatic new evaluation carried out for the main criterion Delivery. 1-4-1 What does this weighting key stand for? _____________________ 1-4-2 Go to the detail screen for the main criterion Delivery. semi-automatically. how are they weighted. Which subcriteria have been assigned to this main criterion. and by which method are their scores determined (automatically. purchasing organization 1000. Which individual scores has the system arrived at for the subcriteria Quantity reliability and On-time delivery performance? On-time delivery performance Material T-REA## Material T-REB## Material T-REZ## Quantity reliability 1-4-5 Why was no score calculated for material T-REA## for the subcriterion Quantity reliability? ______________________________________________________ 1-4-6 Why were no scores calculated for material T-REZ## for the subcriteria Quantity reliability and On-time delivery performance? ______________________________________________________ Save the vendor evaluation. © SAP AG TAMM20 11-23 .1-4-4 Display the calculation log. by choosing Goto → All logs. by performing the Automatic new evaluation function. Old overall score: _______________________________________ New overall score: ______________________________________ Save the evaluation. Standardizing value for material T-REZ##: ________________________ 1-5-1 Add this task to your Favorites. Make a note of the following settings for purchasing organization 1000: 1-5-1 Weighting of the subcriterion On-time delivery performance:___________________________________________ 1-5-2 Weighting of the subcriterion Quantity reliability:_____________________________________________ 1-5-3 Points score for On-time delivery performance in the case of a percentage variance of +10%: ______________________________________________________ 1-5-4 Standardizing value for delivery time variance: ______________________________________________________ 1-5-5 Minimum delivery percentage: ______________________________________________________ 1-5-6 Smoothing factor for Timeliness/Service (On-time delivery performance) ______________________________________________________ 1-5-7 Smoothing factor for Quantity reliability:_____________________________________________ 1-5-8 Which standardizing value for the delivery time variance is taken as the basis for determining the score for On-time delivery performance – the general one or the material-specific one? _____________________________________________________ 1-6 Display the material master record for your material T-REZ## and determine the material-specific standardizing value for material T-REZ##. © SAP AG TAMM20 11-24 .1-5 Take a look at the Customizing settings for vendor evaluation. purchasing organization 1000. 1-7 Update the vendor evaluation for vendor T-L20F##. 1-7-1 Determine the old and new overall scores by comparing the old and new evaluations. and T-K12B## by performing the Automatic new evaluation function. T-L20B##.1-8 Maintain the vendor evaluation for your vendors T-L20A##.) 1-9-2 Create a purchase requisition for 10 pc of material T-REA## for plant 1000. Occasionally during the source determination process. 1-9-1 Ensure. 1-9-3 Ask the system to assign a source. This will enable the buyer to make a wellinformed decision. The material is needed in 2 weeks. 1-9-4 Assign the vendor with the best price score. a buyer would like to see the current scores of the possible sources. change the valid to field to yesterday’s date. *1-9 1-10 Generate a vendor evaluation ranking list for vendors T-K12* and T-L20*. especially when multiple sources are available for a material. When the list of possible sources appears. TL20E##. choose Vendor evaluation. 1-10-1 Which vendor has the best overall score? ______________________________________________________ 1-10-2 Which vendor has the worst overall score? ______________________________________________________ 1-11 Which evaluated vendors offer material T-REZ##? Vendors: ____________________________________________________ © SAP AG TAMM20 11-25 . that you have at least two valid sources for the material T-REZ## (vendors from task 1-8) and that the system will not determine a source automatically. Assign the weighting key 01 to all vendors and save the evaluations. (If a quota arrangement for T-REZ## exists. Logistics → Materials Management → Inventory Management → Goods movement → Goods receipt → For Purchase order → PO number known Enter your purchase order number... then select Enter. → Material Master → Material → Change → Immediately . 1-4-1 Equal weighting.. Select OK for each item.Solutions Unit: Vendor Evaluation 1-1 . then select Enter.. 1-2 1-3 1-4 User menu → Vendor Evaluation → Maintain Enter the vendor and purchasing organization. → Material Master → Material → Create (general) → Immediately or . and then Save. 1-4-2 Select Delivery and choose Details. Adjust the quantities for the first and third items. Weighting 30 40 10 20 Method 3 2 6 B © SAP AG TAMM20 11-26 . Subcriterion On-time delivery Quantity reliability Shipping instructions Notification reliab... → Purchasing → Purchase Order → Create → Vendor/supplying plant known SAP standard menu →. Standardizing value for delivery time variance: 10 days. Enter criterion 03 (on-time delivery performance is a subcriterion of Delivery). © SAP AG TAMM20 11-27 . only a partial delivery of this material was received. 1-4-4 Scores may vary by participant based on completion of prior exercises. 1-5 SAP standard menu → Tools → AcceleratedSAP → Customizing → Edit project → SAP Reference IMG → Materials Management → Purchasing → Vendor Evaluation → Define Purchasing Organization Data for Vendor Evaluation 1-5-1 Select purchasing organization 1000. Weighting of the subcriterion On-time delivery performance: 1-5-2 Weighting of the subcriterion Quantity reliability: 40 30 1-5-3 Select purchasing organization 1000 and choose Points Scores for the Automatic Criteria Points score for On-time delivery performance in the case of a percentage variance of +10%: 80 points 1-5-4 Select purchasing organization 1000 and choose Details. Since you received less than the minimum delivery percentage. 1-4-5 Only a partial delivery of this material was received.1-4-3 Choose Auto. 1-4-6 Again. no score was calculated for On-time delivery performance. New eval/MCrit. 1-5-5 Minimum delivery percentage: 30%. The system will only calculate a score for quantity reliability if the purchase order item is closed for quantity. since MinDelQty/StdDlTmVar from material is selected. 1-5-6 Smoothing factor for Timeliness/Service (On-time delivery performance): 20 1-5-7 Smoothing factor for Quantity reliability: 20 1-5-8 The material-specific one. then Subcriteria. The system will only calculate a score for quantity reliability if the purchase order item is closed for quantity. . new evaluation Enter the vendor and purchasing organization. per mat/gp Enter T-REZ## in Material.. then choose Execute. Do this for each vendor. 1-11 User menu → Vendor Evaluation → List Displays → Evalns. To be sure. → Purchasing → Requisition → Create 1-9-3 Edit → Assign supply source 1-10 User menu → Vendor Evaluation → List Displays → Ranking lists Enter T-K12* in Vendor(s). then Execute. © SAP AG TAMM20 11-28 . Select the purchasing view.1-6 SAP standard menu: → Logistics → Materials Management → Material Master → Material → Display → Display current. 1-9-2 . Press Copy.. Deactivate the quota arrangement: . check that a source list and a quota arrangement do not exist or that both sources are valid. 1-8 User menu → Vendor Evaluation → Autom.. Standardizing value for material T-REZ##: 1-6-1 Favorites → Add 20 days 1-7 User menu → Vendor Evaluation → Autom. *1-9 1-9-1 During the exercises of TAMM10 you created sources of supply and maintained a source list and a quota arrangement for the material T-REZ##. then Execute. new evaluation Enter the vendor and purchasing organization. For maintaining T-L20* please use the multiple selection. if at least 2 sources of supply do not exist. please maintain 2 info records (vendors T-L20A## and T-L20B). → Purchasing → Master Data → Quota Arrangement → Maintain Alternative: However. then choose Execute. Section: Procurement of External Services © SAP AG 2000 © SAP AG TAMM20 12-1 . Content: Procurement of External Services Preface Unit Unit Unit Unit Overview External Services Master Data Service Specifications Optimized Procurement Unit Unit Unit Value Limits for Unplanned Services Entry and Acceptance of Performed Services Invoice Verification © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 12-2 . External Services Contents: Procurement process for external services © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 13-1 . you will be able to: Describe the process of procuring externally performed services List the relevant purchasing documents Explain the differences between the procurement of materials and the procurement of services © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 13-2 .External Services: Learning Objectives At the end of this unit. © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 13-3 .External Services: Enterprise Scenario Your enterprise buys in services and supplies from external sources. You have to familiarize yourself with the functionality in the R/3 System that enables you to describe and keep track of externally procured services. 500 Payment PO Invoice ? = Invoice verif. Service acceptance Vendor selection Service entry Bid invitation (RFQ) PO monitoring Purch. order © SAP AG 1999 Maintain and compare quotations © SAP AG TAMM20 13-4 .PM Plant Maintenance .PS Project System RFQ Service specifications are created Source determin. Transfer 9.Procurement of External Services Cycle Determination of requirements PaulConnelly Date .User department . © SAP AG TAMM20 13-5 .Service Master Record Service no. hour. This data can be obtained from various SAP applications.Units of measure Service conditions 200 Service master record PM Plant Maintenance Plant maintenance order PS Project System Network MM Procurement Purchase order 1 PReq.Texts . 1540 . Specs 2 Applications © SAP AG 1999 A service master record contains a service description and a unit of measure. You can assign a price to each service master record via the conditions. for example. 31 • Description of service • Qty • Conditions Service specifications Service lines Specs © SAP AG 1999 Materials are procured at item level. The item type D activates the service functions and controls or allows you to create service specifications. Services are procured below item level. The service specifications are an exact description of the service. © SAP AG TAMM20 13-6 . which is a general description of what you intend to procure. An item contains a short text.Purchasing Document Layout Purchasing document Header • • • • General data Statistics Messages Conditions Item • General description: Software implementation • Date: Oct. You can assign any number of service lines to each outline level. ord. Service specifications 01 Outline level Service line Selection of software components 01 Define requirements Consultant K4 10 days at 2100 UNI 02 Adapt components 01 Component Consultant A K3 5 days at 1900 UNI 02 Test configuration Consultant K3 4 days at 1900 UNI ? © SAP AG 1999 Unplanned services to a max. © SAP AG TAMM20 13-7 . Purch.Service Specifications in the Purchasing Document Purch. of 60000 UNI Value limit You can format complex service specifications clearly using outline levels. Work that is not contained in the outline or service lines cannot be covered with value limits for unplanned services. ord. You can copy planned services directly from the purchase order into the service entry sheet. You can set up release procedures for service entry sheets. you reference the purchase order.Service Entry and Acceptance Entry Accept. Service entry sheets can be entered and signed off in one transaction or in two steps. . © SAP AG TAMM20 13-8 . You do not give an exact description of unplanned services or their quantity and price details until you enter them. . The relevant postings are made in Financial Accounting and Cost Accounting when the service entry sheets are signed off. When entering services. The system checks whether the unplanned services adhere to the limit defined in the purchase order. Service entry sheet FI and CO update © SAP AG 1999 The system stores services that have been performed in service entry sheets. Service entry sheet Total value 22000 UNI Services . you can enter and post the invoice. it blocks the invoice for payment.k. PO itm Sheet 1 Sheet 3 0346722 01 20000 UNI 6000 UNI 26000 UNI Value 20000 UNI Service entry sheet Invoice document © SAP AG 1999 The invoice verification procedure is carried out with reference to the purchase order. The system compares the prices on the invoice with the prices from the service entry sheets. Vendor invoice Vendor: ABC Software GmbH PO no.Invoice Verification for Entry Sheet Invoice ABC Software GmbH o. If there are no discrepancies. This means that all service entry sheets signed off for this purchase order are suggested for invoice verification. © SAP AG TAMM20 13-9 . If the system finds any discrepancies. ? 26000 UNI Sheet 1 31 Mar. Goods Receipt 12345. Setting limits allows you to exercise an element of cost control despite such uncertainties. The time required for the repairs is often unknown.Order quantity . as intangible goods. Services.Precise description of service . Item 10 Repair printing press . In the procurement of services. : Steel . In the procurement of materials. © SAP AG TAMM20 13-10 . If a printing press is broken.01 : 250 pc Purchase order # 12345 27 Jan. for example. stock materials are kept in stock and are subject to inventory management. much information is already available – such as the exact purchase order quantity.Account assignment Specs. LV ? ? ? Cost control through imposition of limits ! Service entry sheet Item 10 3 Feb.Stock Material versus External Services Purchase order # 12345 27 Jan. Oil filter replaced M Cost center 123 3 Feb. in many cases neither the exact service description nor the purchase order quantity is known. Item 10 Material Order qty. the requisitioner may not know whether it needs a few readjustments or whether certain parts must be replaced. are procured for immediate consumption. item 10 © SAP AG 1999 Limit adhered to Release procedure ? Acceptance As their name implies. the account assignment. Greater flexibility in procurement planning is a result of not having to specify the precise service description.Consumable Material versus External Services Purchase order Item 10 Item category Standard item Purchase order Item 10 Item category D Service item Software for electron beam welding equipment Account: Install software Asset 123 No further description possible Account: Asset 123 or U Service specification possible Outline function Long text per outline level and service line Specs. There is no inventory management. © SAP AG 1999 There are similarities between the procurement of consumable materials (materials for direct consumption) in a standard item of a purchasing document and the procurement of services. They are assigned to an accounting object. Procuring services with MM-SRV has advantages: You can compile complex sets of service specifications (statements of work) using the outline function. or the exact quantity at the time you create the purchase order. © SAP AG TAMM20 13-11 . Flexible long texts per outline level and service line are possible. Course Overview: Unit Summary You are now able to: Outline the steps in the external services procurement cycle List the purchasing documents in the process Describe the differences between procurement for materials and services © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 13-12 . a. ___ Text that precisely defines a service to be procured. Service master d. Use the glossary if necessary. ___ Listing and description of services for procurement purposes. For example. the service specifications for the construction of a road may contain the outline levels “surfacing” and “excavation works”. Service specification c. Below these outline levels are the individual items defining each specific service (individual task). 2. ___ Services unknown at purchase order time. so they are specified on the service entry sheet. * 1-1 Services use several terms that are not used for material purchases. 4.Exercises Unit: Course Overview At the conclusion of this exercise. © SAP AG TAMM20 13-13 . you will be able to: • Outline the steps in the procurement cycle • List the purchasing documents that can be used • Recognize the terms used for external services Your company needs to review and decide on the documents required for its external services. Outline 1. ___ Levels of text lines that subdivide voluminous sets of service specifications on a hierarchical basis. Service description f. Select the correct term for each definition. Unplanned services b. 3. Service specifications can contain service items with detailed descriptions or items with value limits for unplanned services. Service e. set by the system when you create service specifications (used. They cannot be stored or transported. for example. Services are regarded as being consumed at the time of their performance. 6. © SAP AG TAMM20 13-14 . for invitations to bid sent to potential subcontractors during the competitive bidding process). It serves as a source of default data.5. ___ Intangible good that is the subject of business activity and that can be performed internally or procured externally (outsourced). ___ Master data record with descriptions of all services or work that a company has to procure frequently. d 6. b 3. e 2. f 4.Solutions Unit: Course Overview 1-1 Terms used with services 1. a 5. c © SAP AG TAMM20 13-15 . Master Data Contents: Service Master Record Conditions for Services Standard Service Catalog Model Service Specifications Formulas for Services Vendor Master Record © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 14-1 . Master Data: Unit Objectives At the conclusion of this unit. you will be able to: Create service master records Create master conditions List the benefits of using the standard service catalog Define a model service specification Describe the organization of the vendor master records © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 14-2 . © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 14-3 . project team members must create and maintain the service masters and conditions.Master Data: Business Scenario Your company must use master data for service entry. To test the upcoming scenarios. Examples: Purchasing Plant Maintenance Project System Service Management Sales and Distribution (Industry and Business Unit) © SAP AG TAMM20 14-4 . LV Anwendungen Applications © SAP AG 1999 A service master record contains information on the service (work) description such as: Descriptive texts Units of measure Material group Valuation class for account determination Prices can be assigned to each service master record using the conditions.Service Master Record Service no.Texte Texts . Service master data can be used at many points in the R/3 System.1540 . 1540 Leistung Nr. order 1 Requisn Specs.Units of measure Mengeneinheiten Service master record Leistungsstammsatz PM InstandPlant Maintenance haltung InstandMaintenhaltungsance order auftrag PS ProjektProject System Network Netzplan MM Beschaffung Purchasing Pur. You can store prices for different validity periods.Conditions for Service Master Records Leistung Nr.220 UNI Staffeln Price/ quantity205. The prices can be scaled according to quantity.210 UNI 220. 1580 Menge 1 Quantity 1 Mengeneinheit m Unit of measure m 205.205 UNI 210. 1580 Service no.100m scale 200m 200.300m 205 200m 200 300m 198 2001 2003 1998 2000 1999 2001 2000 2002 Gültigkeitszeitraum Validity period © SAP AG 1999 The price of a service can be defined using the conditions that apply to a service master record.100m 198. © SAP AG TAMM20 14-5 . You can also maintain supplementary conditions. prices are then used automatically as default values in the purchasing document’s service specifications. At the level of the service (market price/own estimate) At the level of the service and the vendor At the level of the service. 1 day 1540 2100 UNI Adoption in documents © SAP AG 1999 Prices for services that are valid over a long period can be stored in the R/3 System in the form of service conditions.Determining the Price Using Master Conditions I Level of conditions 1580 1560 1540 . © SAP AG TAMM20 14-6 .Senior consultant 1 day 2100 UNI Service Purchase requisition Vendor . the vendor.Service no. and the plant In the form of contracts (See the unit Long-Term Documents) At the service level. Service no.ABC Software Ltd. © SAP AG TAMM20 14-7 . 1540 Plant 1 (New York) 1950 UNI © SAP AG 1999 Adoption in documents Service conditions can be used in purchase orders.Plant 1 (New York) 1950 UNI Service Vendor Plant Purchase order ABC Software Ltd.Senior consultant 1 day .ABC Software Ltd. 2000 UNI Service Vendor . At the level of the service and the vendor At the level of the service. . . and the plant The stipulated prices are then used automatically as default values in service specifications.Determining the Price Using Master Conditions II Level of conditions 1580 1560 1540 1580 1560 1540 . 1540 Plant 2 (Denver) 2000 UNI .Service no.Senior consultant 1 day . the vendor. T1 T1 T1 T1 Unit 001 01 02 01 02 © SAP AG 1999 Text modules Masonry work Sand-lime bricks Sand-lime bricks A 240 x 115 x 52 240 x 175 x 52 Wall thickness 12 cm Wall thickness 24 cm 01 02 m2 m2 The Standard Service Catalog (SSC) is available in addition to the service master file. The following functions are possible: Maintenance of standard service catalogs using the SSC editor Transfer of external standard service catalogs to the SAP R/3 System from data carriers Use of standard service catalog numbers in purchasing documents Linking of service master records to standard service catalog numbers © SAP AG TAMM20 14-8 . the service type and the numbers of the individual text modules. The SSC contains standardized descriptions of services in the form of individual text modules.Standard Service Catalog Standard service catalog Service type 1 Building work Edition '95 Service type 2 Electrical work Edition '97 Service type 3 Plumbing work Edition '94 Service type 4 Tiling work Edition '96 Text module no. The unique service number is made up of the edition year. Advantages of Standard Service Catalogs (SSCs) Standardized service descriptions No redundant information Problem-free communication between Purchasing and the service provider since descriptions are not ambiguous and services are identified Specifications are easy to create using the SSC editor © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 14-9 . 037/198 00. © SAP AG TAMM20 14-10 .02. SSC editor SSC no. the user can select text modules to construct standardized descriptions.02.03 Hang coarse-grain wood-chip wallpaper on sloping walls T1 T2 T3 T4 00 01 02 03 01 02 03 MM-SRV SSC Value limit 5000 for SSC 037/198 01 02 03 Service type 037 Edition 1/98 System administrator imports SSC Purchasing: Straightforward creation of service specs Wall covering © SAP AG 1999 Once imported or created.A Purchasing Document Using a SSC Purchasing document Specs. Defaults: . © SAP AG TAMM20 14-11 ..Purchasing org. Values can be defined for later use as default values when the model service specification is referenced. Purchasing organization Fixed vendor Contract document number The user parameter MSP defines the suggested model specification per user. 1000 Specs.Multiple re-use of data . optionally. A set of model service specifications contains individual service lines and. • Cleaning • Interior construction • Pipe-laying • Gardening/mowing System administrator: Single creation of set of service specifications Value limit 5000 UNI on model spec A23 Purchasing: .Contract .Model Service Specifications User parameter MSP determines default Model specs.Straightforward document creation © SAP AG 1999 Model Service Specifications can store sets of service specifications that you want to use frequently.Fixed vendor . Purch.12 Purch. an outline representing a hierarchical structure. org. Contract 46. doc.They can be referenced in various purchasing documents.. Service selection Model spec Model specification A23 ABC Ltd. Specs. e) Unit of measure m3 Quantity ? The user – chooses formula VOL01 – enters length 2. and depth 5 of trench System calculates value 20m3 © SAP AG 1999 Formulas are used for calculating quantities in the procurement of externally performed services in many purchasing documents. They can include common mathematical functions such as sin. Formulas have these attributes: They are freely definable in customizing. e.Formulas to Simplify the Calculation of Quantities Purchasing document Customizing Service entry sheet Service: 123 Dig trench • Define formulas with variables E. -.LxWxH .g. pi. They can contain up to five variables. sin. cos) and constants (e. © SAP AG TAMM20 14-12 . x. /.usual mathematical functions (+. VOL01 = calculation of volume .g.maximum 5 variables . cos and constants such as pi. width 2. g. An example of general data is the vendor’s address. © SAP AG TAMM20 14-13 .Organizational Levels of the Vendor Master Record General data (client) For example@ • Address • Communication Purchasing organization data For example: • Order currency • Control data: Automatic PO. The general data is valid for the entire corporate group (client). and automatic purchase order processing. ERS © SAP AG 1999 Accounting data E. Separate purchasing data is maintained per purchasing organization. Examples are bank information and type of payment. Examples are terms of payment.: • Account management • Bank data The vendor master record is structured according to organizational aspects. The accounting data is stored per company code. evaluated receipt settlement (ERS) processing. Master Data: Unit Summary You are now able to: Create service master records and their conditions List benefits of using the standard service catalog Define a model service specification Describe the organization of the vendor master records © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 14-14 . Exercises Unit: Master Data At the conclusion of this exercise. (The text is case sensitive. 1-1-2 Create a service master. Use service examples that apply to your company. Save it and record the short description for the service.) First service: ___________________________________________ © SAP AG TAMM20 14-15 . for example: Office cleaning services Equipment maintenance and repairs Landscape maintenance Consultant services Temporary employee services Building contracting … 1-1-1 Find the menu to create a service master and add it to your Favorites. you must create and maintain service masters and conditions. you will be able to: • Create service master records • Create master conditions • Define a model service specification • Describe the organization of the vendor master Your company will use master data to make service entry easier. To test the upcoming scenarios. Your company may order. 1-1 You will need service master records to use in requisitions and purchase orders for services that are repeated often. for example 007 Services Long text is optional. Description: Service category: Base unit of measure: Material group: Valuation class: Your short description Service: Purchasing AU for activity unit or H for hour. ADD to the data sheet: First service price _______________________________________ Second service price _____________________________________ Often. Save it and record the short description for the service. Define a Model Service Specification to reproduce the combination easily.1-1-3 Create another service with a different description. ADD to the data sheet: Service line item __________ Quantity _______ Rate _____ UOM _____ Service line item __________ Quantity _______ Rate _____ UOM _____ Service line item __________ Quantity _______ Rate _____ UOM _____ © SAP AG TAMM20 14-16 . ADD these to the data sheet: First service number: __________________________________________ Second service number: ________________________________________ Your new service masters need default pricing condition records. Second service: _________________________________________ 1-2 Display the service masters that you created. include your two service master records and a third line with only a short description. you plan to order your new services as a group. Choose a rate (price) and unit (currency) UNI. ADD to the data sheet: First service price _______________________________________ Second service price _____________________________________ 1-3-2 Maintain a price at the service and vendor level. 1-3-1 Maintain a price at the service level without specifying a plant or vendor. Enter a rate (price) and unit (currency) UNI for vendor T-K40A##. Select an appropriate quantity. Model service specification: MODEL## Service category: Currency: Material group: Purchasing organization: SERV UNI 007 1000 1-3 1-4 In the list of services. These conditions can be used for requisitions. The data is otherwise the same. rate (price) and unit of measure for each service line. These conditions can be used for purchase orders. Record the service master number assigned to each. *1-5 Verify the data for vendor T-K40A## with service master conditions. 1-5-1 What is the vendor’s order currency? ______________________ 1-5-2 What are the default purchasing terms of payment? ____________ 1-5-3 Has the indicator been set for automatic PO? _________________ 1-5-4 Has the indicator been set for ERS? (AutoEvalGrSetmtDel) _____________________________________________________ © SAP AG TAMM20 14-17 . Enter the short description. select Add to Favorites to include the menu path. 1-1-2 Select Favorites and Service Master. Second Service short description ___________________________ 1-2 Logistics → Materials management → Service master → Service → Service list Enter your Logon User ID in the Created by field and select Execute. and unit of measure. Select the transaction and then choose System → User profiles → Expand favorites to add just the screen title to Favorites. ADD to data sheet: First service number: __________________________________________ Second service number: ________________________________________ 1-3 1-3-1 Logistics → Materials management → Service master → Service → Service conditions → For service → Add ADD to data sheet: Service number Rate Unit of measure © SAP AG TAMM20 14-18 . service category. Select Create new service. and unit of measure. In Basic Data enter the material group and valuation class. Select Create new service. In Basic Data enter the material group and valuation class. Enter the short description.Solutions Unit: Master Data 1-1 1-1-1 Logistics → Materials management → Service master → Service → Service master • • Before selecting the transaction. service category. First Service short description _____________________________ 1-1-3 Select Favorites and Service Master. the service category. an optional search term. Select Services. ADD to data sheet: Service number or description Quantity Rate (price) Unit of measure *1-5 1-5-1 Order currency: 1-5-2 Terms of payment: 1-5-3 Automatic PO: UNI ZB00 YES 1-5-4 ERS (AutoEvalGrSetmtDel) NO © SAP AG TAMM20 14-19 .1-3-2 Logistics → Materials management → Service master → Service → Service conditions → For vendor w/o plant → Add Add to data sheet: Vendor T-K40A## Service number Rate Unit of measure 1-4 Logistics → Materials management → Service master → Model service specification → Create Enter MODEL##. a short description. and so on. Service Specifications in Requirements Contents: Service Specifications Requisitions Bid Invitations Purchase Orders © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 15-1 . you will be able to: Define requisitions with a set of service specifications that include an outline and service lines Describe the use of the approval process for documents List the steps in the Request for Quotation process Create purchase orders by referencing a quotation © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 15-2 .Service Specifications: Unit Objectives At the conclusion of this unit. An outline can be used in 25% of your documents. Service lines will be used in 80%. Bids are required for services without any prior order history if the value is over 5000 UNI. © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 15-3 .Service Specifications: Business Scenario Your company needs to describe the services you purchase in great detail. you will be able to: Compile detailed descriptions for your services and supplies in requisitions and other purchasing documents © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 15-4 .Service Specifications: Topic Objectives At the conclusion of this topic. This ensures that you can create a set of service specifications or statements of work.: U Unknown K Cost center P . cat. giving you access to the service line. © SAP AG TAMM20 15-5 . assgt. . This is not possible for material line items.Requirements for External Services Usage Purchase order Item 10 Item category D Activates external services functionality Acct. Service specifications not possible w/o item cat. you must use item category D. D © SAP AG 1999 When creating purchasing documents for services. . Project Specs. . . . . . . 4 daysTage àper day DM K3 4 1800 1900. order Service specifications Leistungsverzeichnis 01 Outline level Service line Auswahl dersoftware components Selection of Software-Komponenten 01 Define requirements Anforderungen definieren Senior Consultant 10 days à2000 perDM Berater/In K4 Tage 2100.day Adjustment of software components Anpassung der Komponenten 01 Revise Component A Komponente A Consultant Berater/In 5 daysTage àper day DM K3 5 1800 1900.- 02 02 Test adjusted configuration der Einstellung Consultant Berater/In .. © SAP AG 1999 Service Specifications May include an outline with up to four levels in the hierarchy May include service lines without an outline May include service lines for any level of an outline © SAP AG TAMM20 15-6 .Example of Service Specifications in a PO Purch.. . . Compiling Service Specifications and Selection Requisition New document Purchase requisition # 12345 Specs. You can choose an entire outline. The R/3 System supports the search for documents using selections options such as vendor intervals or document date. order # 245678 Specs. or an individual outline level. and maintenance orders (Plant Maintenance). You can reference model service specifications. Classification Class 12: Software Services PM order # 7778 Specs. Service Selection Pur. you can easily compile a new set of service specifications from existing purchasing documents and classes of services. # 22345 Specs. © SAP AG TAMM20 15-7 . S1 S2 S3 © SAP AG 1999 Using the Service Selection function. network operations (Project System). Existing outlines (hierarchical structures for service specifications) can be referenced when creating new outlines. Existing data Quotation Model Spec # B23 Item 10 Software implementation Specs. External service number Line type Standard line Contingency line Alternatives Basic line Alternative line to line 30 Bidder‘s line Quantity fields . © SAP AG TAMM20 15-8 .Short/long text . . Overfulfillment tolerances are similar to overdelivery tolerances. Bidder’s lines were inserted in a quotation by the vendor.Material group .Value 1 2 3 .Net value User fields .Quantity . e.Service number . Price and value fields .g.SSC number . Line type: May be used for a contingency line that is not required or a blanket line whose quantity is always one.Quantity recorded (work done) .alpha .Price per unit . Formulas that had been defined in customizing can be referenced in a service line with the values for its variables.Overfulfillment tolerances Formula .for user-specific information. two numeric and two alphanumeric. you can maintain detailed information. Alternatives: May be used for a service that could be substituted for the designated basic line.numeric . External service number is the supplier’s service number. service provider’s social insurance number © SAP AG 1999 For each service line in a set of service specifications. . There are four user-defined fields.Service Details Service description . Service master record contains the valuation class Valuation class: 3200 External services Cost center 1512 Cost center entered manually © SAP AG 1999 The valuation class in a service master record enables the R/3 System to identify the default consumption account of the service. © SAP AG TAMM20 15-9 . cat. K Service line 10 Service 10316: Check water pressure General ledger Valuation class 3200 The R/3 System determines: .the cost element. assgt.the default general ledger account on the basis of the valuation class. and . The account assignment category in a purchasing document determines the type of cost object you must enter for the service.Service Line Account Assignment Purchasing Document Item 10 Conduct pressure tests Acct. Value 007 001 4750 1000 200. © SAP AG TAMM20 15-10 .000 = relevant X X . Using Item Category as a characteristic. . . The release procedure with classification can be used for purchase requisitions and for other purchasing documents including service entry sheets. . The release codes with which a user releases or approves documents are specified in a user’s authorization profile Release procedures are defined in customizing and are included in LO520 Purchasing Details and Optimization. . ? Release strategy S4 Release codes Alternative 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 Purchasing document 5 SAP Workflow Released! E-mail © SAP AG 1999 The release procedure with a link to classification enables you to specify more release conditions other than value. account assignment and plant. . material group.Release Procedure with MM Classification Purchasing document Item data MM Classification Communication structure Characteristic Material group Purchasing group . X X X . you could build release strategies for services that use item category D. . Vendor Plant item value . . . The purchase order is issued to the vendor who submitted the most favorable bid.Course of the Bid Invitation Process Purchase requisition Purchase order Best offer RFQs Vendor B Angebot Vendor B Angebot Vendor A Quotation Price comparison list © SAP AG 1999 Requests for Quotations (RFQs) can be created by referencing purchase requisitions. © SAP AG TAMM20 15-11 . Bid or quotation data is entered into the quotation/RFQ document. The price comparison list facilitates the determination of the best bid. Purchasing buyers wait for quotations from each bidder. The additions or deductions can apply to either each group of services or to the complete service specification. the prices received from the buyers. Global percentage bidding RFQ Doc. © SAP AG TAMM20 15-12 . Specs.Quantities Prices for each service line entered by buyer . type AN Specs. Not possible to enter prices . A different document type is used for global percentage bidding – AB in the standard system. The service provider applies a percentage deduction from.Standard versus Global Percentage Bidding Standard bidding process RFQ Doc. type AB Specs. © SAP AG 1999 Global Percentage Bidding functionality requires buyers to provide descriptions of services and suggested prices. The prices are transmitted to prospective bidders in the RFQs. or an addition to. Two condition types can be applied: header discount KR01 or header surcharge KZ01.Specifications .Quantities Quotation Prices for each service line supplied by service provider Quotation Percentage additions/ deductions per outline level supplied by service provider Specs.Specifications . you must be able to compare prices at different levels of service.Comparing Bids Using the Price Comparison List Quotation Service 1 Service 2 Service 3 Vendor A 150 UNI 300 UNI 200 UNI Vendor C Service 1 Service 2 Service 3 Total 100 UNI 300 UNI 200 UNI 600 UNI Vendor A 150 UNI 300 UNI 200 UNI 650 UNI Mean value 125 UNI 300 UNI 200 UNI 625 UNI Comparison levels Outline level Service line Price comparison list Purchase order Vendor C Service 1 Service 2 Service 3 © SAP AG 1999 100 UNI 300 UNI 200 UNI The price comparison list is used to determine the most favorable bid or quotation. © SAP AG TAMM20 15-13 . Possible levels for services only: Price comparison per outline level Price comparison per service line Selected quotations can be referenced in purchase orders and contracts. In the case of voluminous service specifications. Service Specifications: Unit Summary You are now able to: Define requisitions with a set of service specifications that include an outline and service lines Describe the use of the approval process for documents List the steps in the Request for Quotation process Create purchase orders by referencing a quotation © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 15-14 . Outlines can be used in 25% of your documents. You will organize an outline to describe the services requested. 1-1 In your role as a buyer for services. Document type: Item category: Delivery date: Plant: 1000 LO540-## 007 Purchasing group: Material group: NB. 1-1-2 Read the description of this activity group by selecting Documentation. Service lines are used in 80% of your documents.Exercises Unit: Service Specifications in Requirements Topic: Service Specifications At the conclusion of this exercise. find and activate the menu for the activity group SAP_MM_BUYER. Often. lists of services are copied from another document or from a model service specification. 1-2 Create a standard requisition with this data. you will be able to: • Compile detailed descriptions for services and supplies in requisitions or other purchasing documents Your company needs to describe the services it purchases in great detail. D U One month from today Account assignment category: 1-2-1 Select Enter. 1-1-1 Assign it to your user ID. you will regularly perform certain tasks. © SAP AG TAMM20 15-15 . Enter a short description for the overall line item. To focus on these tasks. You must create a requisition if the value is over 1000 UNI. enter a short text for a service without a service master record. Repeat three times using your own descriptions. In the Services screen area on the right-hand side. In the Services screen area on the right-hand side. Add a level to your outline under your initial description. Order 100. Other choices are MSPEC-1 or M-SPEC-2 for sets of model services. What was the source of the price? _______________________________ 1-2-4 Select level 02. Select level 01. and enter a price. Overall short description (Example: Install Pipe) 01 Short text (Example: Set up jobsite) 02 Short text (Example: Lay main pipe) 03 Short text (Example: Connect subsidiary pipes) 04 Short text (Example: Labor and materials) 1-2-3 Try different methods to enter services under each outline level. you enter requisitions frequently. ADD to the data sheet: Requisition number: _____________________________________ *1-3 Change the requisition and record the values for each outline level. Find the formula for volume and enter values of 10. 15 and 12 for L. What is the calculated maximum volume? _____________________________ 1-2-7 In your role as buyer. Enter a short text. Choose Service selection.1-2-2 Use the outline function to structure your set of service specifications. The unit of measure is M3 and the gross price is 2 UNI. 1-2-5 Select level 03. select a unit of measure. enter your first service master number with a quantity of 100. Refer to your model service specification MODEL## and adapt all of its services. You could enter a detailed description using Goto → Long text for line. B and H. 1-2-6 For level 04 choose Entry variant → Formulas so that your screen fields allow you to enter a formula more easily. Save this requisition screen as a Favorite using System → User Profile → Expand favorites 1-2-8 Save the requisition. Overall ____________________________________________________ Level 01 ____________________________________________________ Level 02 ____________________________________________________ Level 03 ____________________________________________________ Level 04 ____________________________________________________ © SAP AG TAMM20 15-16 . Was the outline reproduced in the RFQ? _____________________ 2-1-3 Enter T-K40A## for the first vendor and save the RFQ. Enter a Collective number of LO540## to help track the quotations. RFQ: _________________________________________________ 2-2 Your service providers promptly returned their quotations. Purchase orders are created from either requisitions or quotations. The quotations are due in two weeks. A price for the first service per level is sufficient for comparison. you will be able to: • Create multiple bid invitations for services using the standard bidding process • Compare multiple bids • Create purchase orders by referencing quotations Your company asks for bids when a source cannot be found in the system and the value is over 5000 UNI. Be sure that there is a difference! Outline level Total value 01 02 03 04 T-K40A## T-K40B## _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ © SAP AG TAMM20 15-17 . 2-1-1 The document type is AN. Maintain the data in the R/3 System. Create requests for quotations (RFQ) by copying the requisition. 2-1 Your new requisition should be sent to at least two service providers for quotations. RFQ: _________________________________________________ 2-1-4 Enter T-K40B## for the second vendor and save.Service Specifications in Requirements Exercises Unit: Service Specifications in Requirements Topic: Bid Invitations At the conclusion of this exercise. Do not exit the screen. you know the accounting information and change the U unknown account assignment category to K cost center. select the indicator for service-based IV (and deselect ERS. Use the collective number to select both at once or enter the two RFQ numbers. compare prices for the two quotations you received. The account is 417000 and the cost center is 4110. If you select Auto Repeat AA the same accounting information is applied to subsequent services in the outline. 2-4 Select the SAP standard menu to find the path to create a purchase order. Purchase order number: ________________________________________ 2-5 © SAP AG TAMM20 15-18 . Save it. 2-3 Before you award a purchase order or contract. Use your Favorite. Display the Mean value quotation to see the average price. Adopt the services from the quotation so that all of the details are included.The quotation data is entered into the request for quotation (RFQ) and shares the same document number. 2-3-1 Which quotation ranked first overall? _______________________ 2-3-2 Select the Services Details to display the individual services per level. the lowest-cost service provider is awarded the purchase order. Add it to your Favorites. Vendor/Supplying Plant Known. As the buyer. ADD it to the data sheet. After evaluating the quotations. *2-3-4 Mark the second-ranked quotation for a rejection letter. 2-3-3 Select Hierarchy Level 4 to display costs per outline level. On the invoice tab. plant. 1-2-1 Enter a description of your choice for the line item. and material group on the initial screen. On the right-hand side of the screen. 1-2-7 System → User Profile → Expand favorites 1-2-8 ADD to the data sheet: Requisition number: _____________________________________ © SAP AG TAMM20 15-19 . Enter your Logon user ID and select Add Users. Select User Menu to call this menu at any time. your choice of unit of measure and your price. 1-2-4 For level 02 of the outline. enter a short text. 1-2-5 For level 03. Enter formula values 10. Enter MODEL##. 1-2-3 Select outline level 01. Place your cursor on the first line again and repeat for levels 02. 1-2-6 Entry variant → Formulas. Select Yes to Generate profile and compare user masters. Select formula VOL01. With your cursor on the first line of the outline. Select all services and adapt all services. 1-2-2 Select Outline On/Off. The volume is 1800. select Service Selection. select New Subgroup. delivery date.Solutions Unit: Service Specifications in Requirements Topic: Service Specifications 1-1 Select Other Menu. 1-1-2 Select Documentation. and 04. Select Activity group SAP_MM_BUYER. and gross price 2 UNI. account assignment category. 1-1-1 Select Assign users. purchasing group. enter your first service master number and quantity100. 15 and 12. Enter outline level 01 and your description. 03. The price for the service came from the service condition without a vendor. unit of measure M3. quantity 100. 1-2 Requisition → Create Enter the item category. *1-3 Requisiton→ Change Outline level Outline total Level 01 Level 02 Level 03 Level 04 Values © SAP AG TAMM20 15-20 . choose RFQ/Quotation → Request for quotation → Create Enter the quotation deadline. 2-1-2 Return to the Item overview screen. select the line item and Services. Record the values for the quotations as you enter them. Save the RFQ. RFQ number ____________________ 2-1-3 Enter vendor T-K40B## and save. Number. Choose a level in the outline to display its list of services. select the first item and Services.Service Specifications in Requirements Solutions Unit: Service Specifications in Requirements Topic: Bid Invitations From your user menu. 2-1 Outline level Total value Level 01 Level 02 Level 03 Level 04 T-K40A## T-K40B## © SAP AG TAMM20 15-21 . enter the Coll. RFQ number ______________________________________________________ 2-2 RFQ/Quotation → Quotation → Maintain Enter the first RFQ number. In the Header detail screen. In the Create RFQ: Selection List. Repeat the process for the second quotation. Enter your requisition number. The outline was reproduced in the RFQ. 2-1-1 From the Item overview screen. or in the Outline screen area select Total values. From the Item overview screen. Select Create referencing requisition. Select Vendor Address. choose the item and Adopt. Choose an outline level and enter a value in the Service screen area on the right-hand side. Enter TK40A##. deselect Assigned and choose Enter. cost center 4110. or choose Edit → Fast change. Set the Service-based IV indicator on the Invoice tab. Choose Select Services. select System → User profile → Expand favorites Purchase order is now a Favorite. From the Services tab. Enter account 417000. 2-4 Logistics → Materials Management → Purchasing → Purchase order → Create → Vendor/supplying plant known From within the transaction. 2-3-1 Record the quotation ranked first. 2-3-3 Select Hierarchy Level 4. Change the account assignment category to K. 2-5 Choose Favorite Purchase Order Copy from your RFQ/Quotation number.2-3 RFQ/Quotation → Quotation → Price comparison Enter Collective RFQ LO540##. Select adapt. select Mean value quotation and choose Execute. Either set the rejection indicator in column R on the right-hand side of the line item. and select Auto Repeat AA. Reference your RFQ number. Choose Maintain quotation. *2-3-4 Select the second-ranked quotation.:Services icon. and select Complete. select the Full Scr. ADD to the data sheet: Purchase order number: ________________________________________ © SAP AG TAMM20 15-22 . Save it. set the rejection indicator and choose Continue and Save. _______________________ 2-3-2 Select Services detail. Optimized Procurement Contents: Sources to Assign to a Requisition Converting Requisitions into Purchase Orders and Release Orders © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 16-1 . you will be able to: Describe how the the R/3 System determines sources of supply Convert a requisition into a purchase order or release © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 16-2 .Optimized Procurement: Unit Objectives At the conclusion of this unit. To process requisitions more efficiently. © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 16-3 .Optimized Procurement: Business Scenario Several of your services are scheduled frequently. you will test the assignment of a service provider from contract or condition records. Origin of Purchase Requisitions Created manually in user department Generated automatically or Project system (PS) Plant maint. Purchase requisition © SAP AG 1999 Purchase requisitions are created within departments for internal use or generated automatically within other processes such as Plant Maintenance. (PM) . Procurement converts purchase requisitions into purchase orders. Project System. Service Management. © SAP AG TAMM20 16-4 .. and so on.. k. © SAP AG TAMM20 16-5 . Vendor ? © SAP AG 1999 From a list of open requisitions. order 1 Requisn. requisition Determine source Release (optional) Process requisition/ If no source determined: RFQ or assign vendor Pur. If no source is found. you could set the requisition for RFQ processing. Requisition release/approval processing is optional. order RFQ o. you can automate the conversion process into purchase orders. Manual or automatic Contract Requisn 2 Contract rel.Requisition Processing Create purch. Material group Software consulting . Group Pur. order yes x Software consulting Contract Rel. If several sources are suggested.Contracts for material group . order x x . you can determine the most favorable one by carrying out a price simulation.Suggested Sources Purchase requisition .250 UNI Contract . order 1 2 Possible sources Exist? no .Service conditions .Service 1580 .Service 1580 Senior consultant Conditions Vendor: Miller Corp.260 UNI If conditions and contracts with service specifications exist for certain material groups. © SAP AG TAMM20 16-6 . .Service 1580 .Contracts for service © SAP AG 1999 Price simulation Vendor Rel. they are suggested as potential sources.Mat. For a service line it displays the individual price and total value For outline levels it displays: Outline level first line – Total value of all subordinate outline levels Outline level second line – Total value of all services belonging to the outline level © SAP AG TAMM20 X 16-7 . Price comparison is possible for one or all of the sources listed. Price available. but only an own estimate (service condition). Results at individual service or outline level. but originates from conditions for vendor and service. Price available.Price Simulation for Source Comparison Selection of suitable source from those suggested Possible for one or all of the sources found. you can compare prices if several sources are suggested. originates from listed source. not from listed source. Price available. No price available. Color signals indicate origin of prices. © SAP AG 1999 To help you select a source. 1580 180 UNI 1590 130 UNI 1600 200 UNI 1635 95 UNI .1590 .6720 other services . group 05 Softw. .Mat.1580 . one service Contract .All services 1600 200 UNI All services Service conditions Vendor Smith Co.6800 © SAP AG 1999 Using the Customizing facility Source determination and default values at the client or purchasing organization level.1635 Contract . you can define whether: All contracts and master conditions that contain at least one of the services requested in a purchase requisition are to be suggested as possible sources or Only those contracts or master conditions containing all the services requested in the requisition are to be offered for selection or A search for the material group is possible at item level Automatic purchase order processing for services is also set in customizing.1600 .1600 .1580 .1590 .Customizing Source Determination Purchase requisition .5030 Same material group/ .1635 . At least . Customizing Service conditions Vendor Miller Corp. consulting . © SAP AG TAMM20 16-8 .At least one service .6700 . Contract Mat. . consulting . group 05 Softw.1600 . The other prerequisite is that the Automatic PO indicator must be set for each vendor master. Optimized Procurement: Unit Summary You are now able to: Describe how the R/3 System determines sources of supply Convert a requisition into a purchase order or release © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 16-9 . Exercises Unit: Optimized Procurement After completing this exercise. 1-1 You have negotiated favorable conditions for your first services. Enter your first service and enter a favorable price. you will be able to: • Convert a requisition into a standard purchase order or contract release order • Explain how the SAP System finds sources of supply You test the source determination facility for the External Services area using data from contracts and conditions.000 UNI Enter a short text describing the planned service (e. Contract number: ___________________________________________________ 1-2 You are the buyer who assigns purchase requisitions to vendors and then converts the requisitions into purchase orders. Define a value contract.000. “pipelaying work”) in the item overview. Update your datasheet.g. © SAP AG TAMM20 16-10 . Do not create an outline (hierarchical structure). Vendor: Agreement type: Purchasing organization Purchasing group: Item category: Account assignment category: Plant: Material/service group: Validity end: Target value: T-K40A## WK 1000 Z## D U 1000 007 End of next year 1. 1-2-4 Save the assignment.1-2-1 Check in Customizing whether all contracts containing at least one of the services requested in the requisition are suggested by the system in the source determination process. You can use your previously created purchase requisition as copy reference. 1-3 It is possible to have the system automatically convert requisitions with an assigned source into POs. Choose requisitions for your purchasing group and material/service group 007. Choose the requisitions for your purchasing group and the above-mentioned vendor. 1-3-3 Create a purchase order automatically. Click Assign automatically on the screen. Click the Execute icon. If not. Which price was drawn: the contract price or the price from the purchase requisition? _________________________________________________ Purchase order no. using the Assign function.: ___________________________________________ © SAP AG TAMM20 16-11 . 1-2-2 Create a new purchase requisition. 1-3-1 Check vendor T-K40A## to see whether the Automatic purchase order indicator has been set. 1-2-3 Assign a source to your requisition automatically. A prerequisite is that the relevant indicator has previously been set for your vendor and in Customizing for External Services. Select New PO per requisition. set it. 1-3-2 Take a look at the setting for automatic POs in Customizing. Click Assign automatically on the screen. Contract number: _____________________________________________ 1-2 Source determination 1-2-1 Main SAP Menu → Logistics → Materials Management → Service Entry Sheet → Environment → Customizing or customizing: Materials Management → External Services Management Source Determination and Default Values → For Client 1-2-3 Purchase Requisition → Follow-on Functions → Assign Choose purchase requisitions for your purchasing group and material/service group 007. 1-2-4 Update your datasheet.Solutions Unit: Optimized Procurement 1-1 Outline agreement → Contract → Create Maintain the data on the initial screen. Contract number: _____________________________________________ 1-3 Vendor master record 1-3-1 Vendor → Purchasing → Change (Current) Choose the purchasing data. 1-3-2 Main SAP Menu → Logistics → Materials Management → Service Entry Sheet → Environment → Customizing or customizing: Materials Management → External Services Management Source Determination and Default Values → For Client. Enter your first service. 1-3-3 Purchasing → Purchase Requisition → Follow-on Functions → Create Purchase Order→ Automatically via Purchase Requisitions. Update your datasheet. © SAP AG TAMM20 16-12 . Set the Automatic purchase order indicator. Update your datasheet. Value Limits for Unplanned Services Contents: Unplanned services Use of value limits Combination of planned and unplanned services © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 17-1 . Value Limits: Unit Objectives At the conclusion of this unit. you will be able to: Apply value limits to control costs in the procurement of services and supplies Create a service specification with unplanned value limits for unplanned services © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 17-2 . Limits are also used for not to exceed contract limits.Value Limits: Business Scenario Often the services you order are unknown when you work with consulting or maintenance contracts. © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 17-3 . You can apply limits to control those costs. © SAP AG TAMM20 17-4 .Account assignment Specs. ? ? ? Cost control through imposition of limits ! 3rd Feb. Item 10 Repair printing press .Value Limit for Unplanned Services Purch.Precise description of work . Service entry sheet Item 10 1 Oil filter replaced 1 hour 75 UNI Cost center 123 Limit adhered to Release procedure © SAP AG 1999 ? Acceptance Value limits are a tool of cost control with regard to those services whose exact nature or scope are not known or which you do not want to specify in detail at order entry time.Order quantity . order # 12345 27th Jan. In the process. the R/3 System checks that the limits have been adhered to as set out in the purchase order.Value Limit When Planning/recording Services Service specifications in the purchase order 01 Selection of software components 01 Define requirements Senior Consultant 10 days 2000 per day 02 Adjustment of software components 01 Revise Component A Consultant 5 days 1800 per day Service entry sheets 7th April 01 Selection of software components 02 Test adjusted configuration Consultant 4 days 1800 per day 01 Define requirements Senior Consult. and price are not entered until the time that the services are recorded. The service description. 3 days 2000 / day 02 Adjustment of software components 01 02 Revise Component A Consultant 5 days 1800 per day Test adjusted configuration Consultant 3 days 1800 per day ? Unplanned services up to maximum 60000 Value limit Modification to Component Q Consultant 10 days 2100 per day © SAP AG 1999 Planned Services: The service descriptions. quantities. Unplanned Services: The service descriptions. and prices have not yet been finalized at the time you ordered. quantity. planned services from the relevant purchase order are adopted directly in the service entry sheet by referencing the purchase order. quantities and prices have already been finalized at the time you ordered. When services are performed and entered into the R/3 System. © SAP AG TAMM20 17-5 . If the document may be subject to a release procedure. It need not equal the overall limit. this value represents the value limits portion of the line item. The expected value is added to the total value of the planned services to equal the net value of the document line item.Value Limit: Expected Value From the business point of view: The value to which unplanned services are likely to be performed and recorded Technically: Used for account assignment and commitment value Serves as the basis for the release procedure (if one is applied) Depending on your aims with regard to cost control: Expected value is lower than overall limit Expected value is higher than overall limit © SAP AG 1999 The Expected Value is the total likely to be performed and charged by the service provider. © SAP AG TAMM20 17-6 . This is appropriate if the services are known at the purchase order time.Service 1580 . Service entry sheet .Service 1540 No value limits Planned services only © SAP AG 1999 If unplanned services are not defined in the purchase order.Service 1540 .Planned Procurement of Services First possibility: Purchase order Specs. you can enter services actually performed only if they are included in the service specification of the order.Service 1580 . © SAP AG TAMM20 17-7 . you can only enter services if they are covered by these contracts.Partially Planned Procurement of Services Second possibility: Purchase order No service specifications Limit Contract 1 20000 UNI Contract 2 10000 UNI Contract limits but no planned services Service entry sheet .Service 10 from contract 1 . The R/3 System automatically adapts the contract prices. but know the area they represent and which contracts set their prices or values. This is appropriate if you do not know the scope or the exact nature of the services.Service 24 from contract 2 .Service 57 from contract 2 © SAP AG 1999 If limits are set against certain contracts. © SAP AG TAMM20 17-8 . Service 1 . . © SAP AG TAMM20 17-9 . late in the procurement cycle. but do not have any further information on the quantity or type of service. This is appropriate if you only know the service provider at purchase order time. The service specifications are not created until the services are actually performed and recorded in the R/3 System.Service 2 Value Limits X Unlimited Unplanned services only . . Specifications Not created until services actually performed are entered © SAP AG 1999 If no limit is placed on the value of the services in the purchase order (value unlimited) any services performed can be entered with any quantity and price.Unplanned Procurement of Services Third possibility: Purchase order No service specifications Service entry sheet . you can enter services within the sub-limit amounts. but should also allow for various contingencies. 50000 UNI for B320.. © SAP AG TAMM20 17-10 . . The overall limit must not be exceeded. Planned Unplanned via limit 10 Software implementation . Sub-limits. Limit 100000 UNI Limit definition Model spec A200 Model spec B320 ABC Software GmbH 10 Software Consulting . The service specifications are not created until the services are actually performed and recorded in the R/3 System. and any other services up to 10000 UNI. B320 50000 UNI Service entry sheet < 60000 UNI _ model spec A200 . . Within the limits defined above. services up to 60000 UNI can be entered against model service specification A200.Junior consultant . These limits are appropriate if you have a firm idea of the services involved. If you try to exceed 100000 UNI you have reached the maximum overall limit. A200 60000 UNI No.Head consultant Overall limit 100000 UNI Limits on model specs No.Senior consultant . Limit (unspecified) 10000 UNI Unplanned service 2000 UNI © SAP AG 1999 If an overall limit exists and sub-limits are defined.. Limit w/o Reference Fourth possibility: Purchase order ABC Software Ltd.Overall Limit. Value Limits: Unit Summary You are now able to: Apply value limits to control costs in the procurement of services and supplies Create a service specification wirh unplanned value limits © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 17-11 . Order type: Vendor: Purchasing organization: Purchasing group: Account assignment category: Item category: Material/service group: Plant: NB (Standard purchase order) T-K40A## 1000 Z## K D 007 1000 Enter a short description covering the complete item. needed) until all the work has actually been done. 1-1-1 Enter the number of your first service master record and the quantity 100 for the first service. Create the following purchase order. Where does the price come from? ______________________________________________________ © SAP AG TAMM20 17-12 . it is not initially clear precisely which services will be required (what work needs to be done). you can keep a tight rein on the costs of unplanned services.Value Limits Exercises Unit: Value Limits After completing these exercises. parts. etc. 1-1 You order various services. In many cases. the service provider cannot say exactly what the final cost will be (based on the precise number of man-hours. By using value limits. you will be able to: • Make use of value limits for the purposes of cost control in the procurement of materials and services. However. What is the net price? Which two values were added together to obtain this figure? ______________________________________________________ 1-1-3 Save the purchase order. Purchase order no. Update your datasheet. Enter 5000 UNI under Other limit. This value is used if a release (approval) procedure is applied. This is the maximum value of the unplanned services. The overall limit is 10000 UNI. The expected value is 9000 UNI.: ______________________________________ © SAP AG TAMM20 17-13 . Before saving the data.1-1-2 Set limits for the unplanned services (under Limits). take a look at the item overview. 1-1-2 The value of the first service (planned service) and the limit for the expected value (unplanned services) were added together. 1-1-3 Update your data sheet.Value Limits Solutions Unit: Value Limits 1-1 Favorites: Purchase Order 1-1-1 The gross price comes from the master conditions for the services/vendor. Purchase order no.: ____________________________________________ © SAP AG TAMM20 17-14 . Entry and Acceptance of Performed Services Contents: Entering Services Performed Acceptance/Approval of Actual Services Reporting and Purchase Order History © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 18-1 . Entry and Acceptance of Services: Unit Objectives At the conclusion of this unit. you will be able to: Enter planned and unplanned services performed Approve or accept the services Display the purchase order history Execute reports on services © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 18-2 . Under 2000 an acceptance is sufficient. There is no inventory processing required. you will need two approvals. you enter service entry sheets which track the actual consulting. For service entry sheets over 2000. © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 18-3 . maintenance or repairs completed.Entry and Acceptance: Business Scenario Instead of a goods receipt. Creation of an Entry Sheet for Performed Services Service specifications in the purchase order 01 Selection of software components 01 Define requirements Senior Consultant 10 days 2000 per day 02 Adjustment of software components 01 Revise Component A Consultant 5 days 1800 per day Service entry sheets 7th April 01 Selection of software components 02 Test adjusted configuration Consultant 4 days 1800 per day 01 Define requirements Senior Consult. and price data are not provided until the services actually performed are entered into the system. Unplanned services In this case. © SAP AG TAMM20 18-4 . Planned services These can be adopted directly in the service entry sheet. the quantity. The system checks whether the unplanned services conform to the limits set in the purchase order: Planned services are allowed up to the quantities in the purchase order. 3 days 2000 / day 02 Adjustment of software components 01 02 Revise Component A Consultant 5 days 1800 per day Test adjusted configuration Consultant 3 days 1800 per day ? Unplanned services up to maximum 60000 Value limit Modification to Component Q Consultant 10 days 2100 per day © SAP AG 1999 You maintain services performed from the purchase order reference. Unplanned services are allowed only if limits were defined. a precise description. a valuated acceptance is carried out. © SAP AG TAMM20 18-5 . The account assignments are debited at the same time in the accounting document. which then controls the updating. 125 + 100 = 225 125 + 225 = 350 In the case of external services.single Account assgt . 575 UNI 225 UNI 350 UNI Account B Account A Financial doc.multiple 250 UNI Account A 50% Account B 50% 225 UNI 100 UNI Account A 575 UNI Summation at time of service acceptance Account B PO history Service entry GR item 1 GR item 2 © SAP AG 1999 Material doc. a logistics document (material document) is generated. A goods receipt line item is inserted for each account assignment item. At the time the entry sheet is accepted.Service Entry and Account Assignment Service entry sheet Senior consultant 1h Junior consultant 1h Computer hours Total: 1h . Message determination is defined in customizing.Message Output for Entry Sheet Printer Fax Service entry sheet Linked to message determination © SAP AG 1999 You can initiate the transmission of service entry sheets in message form manually. as it is for purchase orders and other documents. Using the message determination facility. © SAP AG TAMM20 18-6 . new service entry sheets can be selected automatically and printed or transmitted at certain time intervals. The release strategy can have up to eight levels of approval and uses classification to select the characteristics for approval requirements.Release Procedure for Service Entry Sheets Strategy 5 Release points: 1 Service entry sheet 2 4 3 = Technical release Service entry sheet 5 = Commercial release and acceptance © SAP AG 1999 You can subject service entry sheets to a release procedure. An example: Entry sheet value greater than 5000 UNI Entry sheet charged to a cost center First approval by a logistics manager Second-level approval by an accounting manager First level must approve before the second level can approve © SAP AG TAMM20 18-7 . . Service entry sheet Financial postings © SAP AG 1999 If a service entry sheet is not subject to a release procedure.service acceptance Two steps . A precondition for this is that you have the authorization to accept services performed.service entry . it can be directly accepted at the time of service entry.service entry .service entry + service acceptance (one user) Two steps .One-Step Service Acceptance Entry Acceptance Service entry sheet Total value 22000 UNI Services . You have the following options: One step .service acceptance (user A) (user A) (user A) (user B) © SAP AG TAMM20 18-8 . . Release procedure 1 2 3 Via collective release Service entry sheet Differentiated worklists Service entry sheet Financial postings © SAP AG 1999 If a service entry sheet is subject to a release strategy.Multi-Step Service Approval Entry Acceptance Service entry sheet Total value 22000 UNI Services . collective release is the usual approach adopted. Although service entry sheets can be released individually. . as a rule it must be released (approved) by several individuals (multi-step acceptance/approval). This means that you create worklists of all service entry sheets you are required to release within a certain period. © SAP AG TAMM20 18-9 . . and so on. © SAP AG TAMM20 18-10 .General analyses . Service entry sheets List analysis – Select by service master or purchase order. MM External Services Management is linked to the Logistics Information System (LIS). frequency analysis.Monitoring Purchase Orders Purchase order history List of follow-on activities relating to a purchase order Comparison of planned/actual values From within the service specifications display function Purchasing analyses . or which purchasing organization is responsible for the largest share of the total order values. Order Value Analysis – Select by material group and list by net order value.Business Information Warehouse © SAP AG 1999 The purchasing functionality provides a number of ways to obtain information on the activities that follow from a purchase order for services: PO history Comparison of planned/actual values Purchasing analyses: List displays – Among the search methods for external services are the service master number or the short text description. General Analysis – Determines the order value for a certain material group over the last quarter. Logistics Information System – Standard analysis by service allows you to select by a service master number or material group.Analysis of purchase order values .Logistics Information System . ABC analysis. order 1234 Specs. It lists all services that have been accepted that produce a goods receipt.All services performed to date .Purchase Order History List of follow-on activities Service entry sheet 21000 UNI Pur.All services performed to date . 21000 UNI All invoices © SAP AG 1999 The Purchase Order history is actually a list of all follow-on transactions and events relating to a certain purchase order item. It records the relevant invoices received from the service provider.Entered and accepted Invoice 5678 Vendor A Software = RE-L implem.Entered but not accepted Service entry sheet 21000 UNI = GR . © SAP AG TAMM20 18-11 . It tracks all services actually performed and recorded. = SEnt . Comparison of Planned/Actual Values Service Specs. © SAP AG TAMM20 18-12 . The Total Values selection also shows the value and percentage that has been performed/entered at the current date. Outline Total Values Actual in % 01 Selection of software components 50% PO 1234 Specs. Total value 50000 Actual value 25000 © SAP AG 1999 From the outline view of a set of service specifications you can display the total values of all ordered services per outline level. Entry and Acceptance of Services: Unit Summary You are now able to: Enter planned and unplanned services performed Approve or accept the services Display the purchase order history Execute reports on services © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 18-13 . Use the code 01 to effect release. Service entry sheet no. 1-2-1 You are responsible for releasing the entry sheets from the technical standpoint. you will be able to: • Enter planned and unplanned services • Release/accept service entry sheets • Look at the PO history • Create service reports Instead of recording a goods receipt.Exercises Unit: Entry and Acceptance of Services Performed After completing these exercises. Use the release code 02. Service entry sheets with a value exceeding 2. Enter a description for a service. Record the following services: First line: Second line: Number of service master record. 1-2-2 Now release the entry sheets in the capacity of head of Accounts Payable.: ______________________________________________ © SAP AG TAMM20 18-14 . Choose a suitable quantity and price combination that causes neither the Other limit nor the overall limit to be exceeded.: ______________________________________________ 1-2 Release all entry sheets (if they are subject to a release procedure). There are no inventory management activities. 1-1 Create a service entry sheet for the purchase order from the unit “Value Limits”. Note the color of the traffic light before and after acceptance. Approve the entry sheet if possible. Save the entry sheet. Narrow down the range of entry sheets found by selecting those for your purchasing group. Make a note of the entry sheet number and update your datasheet. you create service entry sheets listing the consulting services rendered and/or the maintenance and repair work that has been done. Service entry sheet no. Enter a short text describing the services that have been performed. Update your datasheet. 100 or less for the quantity.000 UNI are subject to a release (approval) procedure. Save the entry sheet. 1-3 Accept the service entry sheet if it is not subject to a release procedure. enter a short text.Solutions Unit: Entry and Acceptance of Services Performed 1-1 User menu: Service Entry Sheet Choose your purchase order from the document list or enter the relevant number. On the second line. Environment → PO History. Select the services and click Adopt. 02 Z## 01 Z## 1-3 User menu: Service Entry Sheet The color signal is green.: ______________________________________________ 1-2 User menu: Collective Release 1-2-1 Release code: Purchasing group Click the Execute icon. 1-2-2 Release code: Purchasing group Click the Execute icon. Service entry sheet no. and the price for an unplanned service. the quantity. Update your datasheet. the unit of measure. At least two documents were generated: • • A service entry sheet One or more acceptance documents © SAP AG TAMM20 18-15 . Click Create entry sheet. Invoice Verification Contents: Vendor invoices referencing a purchase order or a service entry sheet © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 19-1 . Invoice Verification: Unit Objectives At the conclusion of this unit. you will be able to: Create an invoice from the service entry sheet data © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 19-2 . you will enter an invoice into the R/3 System and review the evaluated receipt settlement (ERS) options.Invoice Verification: Business Scenario To complete the procurement process. © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 19-3 . Invoice Verification: Reference to an Entry Sheet Invoice ABC Software Ltd. © SAP AG TAMM20 19-4 . In the event of variances. PO PO item Sheet 1 Sheet 3 0346722 01 20000 UNI 6000UNI 26000UNI Value 20000 UNI Service entry sheet Invoice verification © SAP AG 1999 You enter an invoice with reference to a purchase order. If there are no variances. all accepted service entry sheets for this PO are offered for selection. O. the invoice can be entered but is blocked for payment. ? Sheet 1 Mar. the invoice can be entered and subsequently paid. 31 20000 UNI Invoice from vendor Vendor ABC Software Ltd.k. Using the PO number. The R/3 System compares the price shown in the invoice with that of the service entry sheet. the R/3 System provides you with most of the data in the form of default values. entering invoices for services with reference to the service entry sheet) allows each service entry sheet relating to a purchase order to be invoiced separately. Only services with approved service entry sheets may be invoiced with GR-based invoice verification. © SAP AG TAMM20 19-5 .GR-Based Invoice Verification Material M Service entry sheet External service M = Service entry Goods receipt GR-based invoice verification allows each service entry sheet relating to a PO to be invoiced separately. each invoice item can be assigned to precisely one service entry sheet. In the PO history. GR-based invoice verification (that is. © SAP AG 1999 When you enter an invoice with reference to a purchase order. You need only to enter a small amount of information directly. . © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 19-6 . Invoice Verification uses data from Purchasing and the service and vendor master records. order 1 2 Financial accounting Service entry Assets Vendor invoice Invoice verification Service master record Cost centers Projects Vendor master record Conditions . .Invoice Verification: Data Updates Pur. Purchasing and accounting data is updated when an invoice is posted. Invoice Verification: Unit Summary You are now able to: Create an invoice from the service entry sheet data © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 19-7 . Exercises Unit: Invoice Verification After completing these exercises. enter 0i at the relevant point in the service lines. © SAP AG TAMM20 19-8 . Tax calculation indicator:Calculate tax If no tax code has been set. which you recorded in a service entry sheet in the unit Entry and Acceptance of Services Performed. The invoice is compared with the purchase order and the acceptance or goods receipt document is created once the service entry sheet has been approved.: Basic data: Today’s date PO number or number of service entry sheet Amount: Enter the Balance amount (shown at the top of the screen on the right). enter an invoice for your service provider. Document date: Document no. 1-1 Your service provider T-K40A## has sent you an invoice for the services performed. Invoice number: __________________________________________________________________ If service-based invoice verification has been defined in the vendor master record or a PO item. you will be able to: • Generate an invoice from the service entry sheet data To complete the procurement process. Use the Simulate function to generate posting lines on a trial basis. Enter the invoice data in Logistics Invoice Verification. each service item is shown in invoice verification and in the PO history of the goods receipt. If the amounts yield a zero balance after the data has been entered.Solutions Unit: Invoice Verification 1-1 Main SAP menu: Logistics → Materials Management → Invoice Verification→ Logistics Invoice Verification → Document Entry → Enter Invoice Look for the PO or entry sheet number on your datasheet. Invoice number: ____________________________________________________ © SAP AG TAMM20 19-9 . you can save the invoice. Section: Logistics Information System (LIS) © SAP AG 2000 © SAP AG TAMM20 20-1 . Content: Logistics Information System (LIS) Preface Unit Unit Unit Data Warehouse Concepts Standard Analysis in LIS Early Warning System Unit Unit Flexible Analysis in LIS LIS Environment © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 20-2 . LIS: Goals This section will enable you to: Gain conceptual information and hands-on experience of reporting in the LIS system Use online documentation to resolve implementation and usage issues © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 20-3 . Data Warehouse Concepts Contents: Basic concepts and terminology © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 21-1 . Data Warehouse Concepts: Unit Objectives At the conclusion of this unit. you will be able to: Explain how modern data warehouse products ensure availability of information Define SAP terminology and data warehouse concepts Identify the difference between documentindependent information and document-specific application data © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 21-2 . Data Warehouse Concepts: Overview Advanced analysis functions • Selection versions • Authorizations • Hierarchies Standard analysis EWS Early Warning System External data MM SD FI PP Flexible analysis © SAP AG 1999 This unit explains the data warehouse concept in LIS. © SAP AG TAMM20 21-3 . The individual levels of this concept are explained in detail .the different information systems of the Logistics Data Warehouse are introduced and the role of this concept in the SAP Open Information Warehouse will be defined. management has requested that the same set of data warehouse reporting tools be used for all logistics analyses. To ensure consistent reporting across the enterprise.Data Warehouse Concept: Business Scenario Your organization is implementing all R/3 Logistics modules. © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 21-4 . This is achieved by compressing the application data to obtain more compact. operative applications in OLTP systems form the basis for obtaining information. These tools offer a wide range of methods that allow statistical data to be analyzed and presented in an efficient and impressive way. informative key figures and then managing it separately in the database tables of a data warehouse. The three tiers subdivide the flow of data. They are filled with large quantities of master and process data. They can therefore make a huge contribution towards reducing the time needed to make decisions in modern management. The information systems present this information in a compact and structured form.Data Warehouse Concepts OLAP Analysis tools Online Analytical Processing DATA WAREHOUSE Aggregated information OLTP External Data Materials Production Management Planning Sales and Finance Distribution Online Transaction Processing Integrated application modules © SAP AG 1999 State-of-the-art data warehouse concepts use a three-tier model as the starting point for implementing efficient. Integrated. integrated information systems. from data acquisition in the operative systems right through to the presentation of information at the top level. © SAP AG TAMM20 21-5 . The statistical data obtained in this way can then be analyzed using a variety of analysis tools which are available in the third tier. The primary objective here is to transform the detailed data in the operational systems into key figures with a high predictive value. which are maintained in parallel to the operational systems. Plant Maintenance..The Logistics Data Warehouse in the SAP System OLAP Business Intelligence Quantity Online Analytical Processing Time DATA WAREHOUSE OLTP Info Structures S001 S012 S. Purchasing. LIS Updating Online Transaction Processing S039 SAP R/3 SAP R/2 © SAP AG 1999 The Logistics Information System is a component of the SAP Open Information Warehouse and provides information from the areas of Sales and Distribution.. important information is stored in individual databases. Warehouse Management. Controlling. and Quality Management. © SAP AG TAMM20 21-6 . In LIS. Further information systems are available for the Financial Accounting. Production. and Human Resources modules. for updating to take place asynchronously. for example. which reduces the system load in the application systems. LIS updating. The huge volumes of data contained in these modules make a detailed overview of business processes difficult to achieve.Online Transaction Processing Quantity Time OLTP LIS Updating LIS updating for process data processing Extraction Aggregation Calculation of statistics OLTP systems SAP R/3 SD FI RV RV RMRMMAT MAT SAP R/2 RF RF RMRMPPS PPS Non-SAP systems Mapping of business processes Management of master and process data MM PP © SAP AG 1999 Modules from both the SAP R/2 and the SAP R/3 Systems. as well as from non-SAP systems. This allows. Update programs reduce the process data down to its statistically-relevant components. This guarantees that LIS information is consistent with operational data. which means that LIS can become an R/3 OLAP application for an R/2 OLTP System. © SAP AG TAMM20 21-7 . that is. It is equally possible. constitutes one of the chief principles of the overall LIS concept. The R/3 Logistics Information Systems are anchored in the R/3 OLTP applications via special updating modules. can be classed as integrated application modules at OLTP level. however. and then use formulas and conditions to calculate informative key figures. together with data aggregation. LIS update programs of an R/3 System to be supplied with process data from an SAP R/2 application. they cumulate relevant data in LIS at regular intervals in terms of objects. You can also link R/3 LIS components to external OLTP systems. Statistical data can be updated in LIS at the same time as the process data is being processed in the application modules. or storage area can also function as characteristics in information structures. Easy-to-use tools also allow you to group characteristics and key figures together to suit your needs.Logistics Data Warehouse Info structures Quantity Time Logistics Data Warehouse Info structure: Purchasing Characteristics Period unit Key figure Plant Material Vendor . of deliveries Last purchase order . © SAP AG 1999 Production/Sales The individual physical tables in the SAP Information Warehouse are called information structures. have the same structure. Organizational elements such as purchasing group. Order quantity Order value No. Standard Info Structures Purchasing S&D Production Transparent Aggregation criteria Characteristics Period unit Performance measures Quantitative key figures Qualitative key figures Diverse info structures available in standard system Easy-to-use tools for creating self-defined info structures Self-Defined Info Structures Factory Mgmt. © SAP AG TAMM20 21-8 . Logistics key figures are updated for each combination of characteristics in accordance with the predefined period unit. you can choose a daily. For each information structure. The data is not only accumulated for each characteristic but also per period. or monthly data aggregation. Key figures can be obtained for each characteristic through the cumulation of data. Key figures are quantitative figures. or info structures for short.. The time base is another aggregation option. The objects to analyze from the real business world are represented by characteristics in info structures. which convey a concise but meaningful amount of information.. which can then be supplied with data via separate update programs.. valuation area. material group. Statistical information is updated and aggregated around characteristics such as vendor. which are used as a basis for categorizing data. resulting in self-defined info structures. Month Week Day ... plant. such as purchase order quantity or production order quantity. All information structures.. The SAP R/3 System contains a wide range of standard information structures for different application areas. or material. customer. they can also take the form of simple counters. such as 'number of deliveries'. however. weekly. . Flexible analyses can be generated via reporting tools and tailored to suit corporate requirements. The Logistics Data Warehouse is open and of course allows you to perform analyses using non-SAP products such as Excel or native SQL. with the aid of SAP ABAP products. They support a large number of statistical functions. Standard analyses enable you to analyze data from a variety of perspectives. and enable statistical data to be enhanced with background data from the operative systems at OLTP level.SAP Business Intelligence Standard analyses Quantity Time SAP Business Intelligence Large number of statistical functions Unrestricted navigation Flexible analyses Variable list layout Self-defined formulas Self-defined evaluations Standard analyses PROGRAM . Logical databases ABAP Logistics Information Library Key figure classification Retrieval functions Flexible analyses Self-defined evaluation Quantity Planning Distribution functions Interactive graphics Forecasting support Time Non-SAP products Excel.. and are graphically supported in the same way as the standard analyses. Native SQL Excel LIL © SAP AG 1999 Planning The Business Intelligence level provides a wide range of methods for online analysis of warehouse data. planned data can also be managed in the Logistics Information System in different versions. interactive graphical techniques... You can compare planned data with actual data as part of the standard analyses. The creation of planning data is supported by special tools such as distribution functions. They provide a variety of possible layouts. SELECT . In addition to the actual data from the operative applications.. since data in the Logistics Data Warehouse is stored transparently.. allow you to define your own formulas.. WRITE . and proven forecasting methods. Furthermore. allow unlimited navigation. © SAP AG TAMM20 21-9 .. you can perform your own analyses and process any warehouse information without any problems. 000 = new purchase order value 30. M-01 @ 1. (Example: Vendor 1000.000 Vendor: 1000 Month: 05/98 Material Order value 11.100 UNI 11.000 30.the key figures of the info structures for the corresponding characteristics combinations are updated.000 10 pc. old purchase order value 20. The different analyses can generate lists for all kinds of characteristics combinations using data stored in the info structures. the key figures in the data row are increased or decreased accordingly.000 + purchase order value document 10.as shown here in the example of a purchase order .000 © SAP AG 1999 When a document is posted . If the characteristics combination already exists in the info structure.From Document to Analysis PO Vendor: 1000 PO date: 05/15/98 10 pc.000 13.000 UNI 10. purchase order value 11.000 Material: M-01 Month: 05/98 Vendor 1000 1100 Order value 11. material M-02. If no data record exists in the information structure for the characteristics combination of the document. month 05/98.000).000 M-01 M-02 Info structure in Purchasing Vendor 1000 1000 1100 Material M-01 M-02 M-01 Month 05/98 05/98 05/98 Order v.000).000 13. month 05/98. 11. M-02 @ 1. © SAP AG TAMM20 21-10 . a new record is generated and the characteristics and key figures are entered (Example: Vendor 1000. material M-01.000 30. © SAP AG TAMM20 21-11 . Here. Here. for example. frequencies) for the main characteristics of an application level are listed in standard analyses. purchasing values) are listed for the main characteristics © SAP AG 1999 The R/3 System offers various possibilities for accessing the Logistics Information System: .All key figures are managed in the Info Library and can be found using different kinds of search routines.g.It is also possible to call up the different application areas of the Logistics Information System via Logistics Controlling.g.Accessing the Logistics Information System Info System Link to the application level info systems in Logistics Info Library Search for key figures according to various subroutines Search via text Search via characteristics Search via info set Logistics Controlling Link to the application level info systems in Logistics Application Level ->Info System A direct link to the corresponding Logistics Information System is possible from the different application levels (e. It is.g. possible to call up the Purchasing Information System directly from Purchasing or to call up the Sales Information System from Sales. vendor analysis). purchasing values.g.A fourth possibility of calling up the corresponding Logistics Information Systems is provided in the application levels. a standard analysis can be executed for a key figure. groups of key figures (e. characteristics and key figures are grouped by topic in standard analyses (e. . If a search was successful. . material analysis.Logistics application levels can be accessed using the menu option Information Systems.g. . Purchasing) Characteristics and key figures are grouped by topic in analyses (e. material analysis) Groups of key figures (e. Data Warehouse Concepts: Summary You are now able to: Explain how modern data warehouse products ensure availability of information Define SAP terminology and data warehouse concepts Identify the difference between documentindependent data and document-specific application information © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 21-12 . TAMM20 21-13 © SAP AG . Do not attempt both. The first set is applicable to the Purchasing Information System.Exercise Data Symbols Used in the Exercises and Solutions Exercises Solutions Unit Objectives Business Scenario Tips & Tricks Warning or Caution Data in the Exercises Type of Data Vendors Purchasing organization Purchasing group Plant Storage location Sold-to party Ship-to party Sales organization Distribution channel Division Shipping point Customer statistics group Materials Material statistics group Data in Training System 1000 to 1045 (increments of 5) 1000 0## (00-20) 1000 0001 6300-## (00-20) 6300-## (00-20) 1000 10 00 for ordering. The second set is applicable to the Sales Information System. unless you are familiar with purchasing and sales. 07 for reporting 1200 1 M-## (00 to 20) DPC1002 to DPC1021 1 There are 2 sets of exercises for some units. * Exercises marked with a * (asterisk) are additional optional exercises based on the contents of the course. Choose the exercises that most closely relate to your business function. There are 2 sets of exercises for this unit.sales. and goods receipts. The first set applies to the Purchasing Information System. if any. 1-1-1 Record the value. © SAP AG TAMM20 21-14 . Your organization is implementing all R/3 Logistics modules. Your organization has many resale products. Use the standard analysis for materials. Choose the exercises that most closely relate to your business function. orders. unless you are familiar with purchasing and sales. In order to have consistent reporting across the enterprise. check the total value of purchase orders for material M-## in plant 1000. management has requested that the same set of data warehouse reporting tools be used for all logistics analyses.Exercises Unit: Data Warehouse Concepts Topic: Basic Concepts and Terminology • Identify the difference between document-independent data and document-specific application information. 1-1 Using the standard analysis tool within the Purchasing Information System (PURCHIS). Do not attempt both. the second to the Sales Information System. in other words products that you purchase from vendors and resell to your customers. Management would like to track all activities for these products . purchased in the last two months. 1-2 In order to satisfy future demands. IDES AG Lyoner Stern 231. purchasing organization IDES Germany. 1-2-1 Use the order type standard purchase order. 1-3-1 What are the key figures that are automatically displayed? 1-3-2 Read the online documentation for these key figures. you need to place a purchase order with your vendor. a purchasing group of your choice. Net 30 Requested delivery date: One week from today Item Material Short text Qty Delivery date 10 M-## 10 1-2-2 Save the purchase order and record the purchase order number below: 1-3 Using the standard analysis tool within the Purchasing Information System (PURCHIS). check whether material M-## in plant 1000 has been purchased in the last two months. Frankfurt 60441 06227-1234-0 FAX 06227-1234-999 Purchase Order Order number: Purchasing organization: Purchasing group: 45XXXXXX IDES Germany any Net price Plant 1000 Vendor: 1000 Terms: 14 Days 3%. 1-3-3 How can you display all key figures for this material? 1-3-4 What is the technical name of this info structure? © SAP AG TAMM20 21-15 . material M-## and plant 1000. Create a purchase order with the following data: Vendor 1000. Choose the exercises that most closely relate to your business function. Management would like to track all activities for these products . This second set applies to the Sales Information System.Unit: Data Warehouse Concepts Topic: Basic Concepts and Terminology • Identify the difference between document-independent data and document-specific application information. © SAP AG TAMM20 21-16 . 2-1 Using the standard analysis tool within the Sales Information System (SIS). in other words products that you purchase from vendors and resell to your customers. Your organization is implementing all R/3 Logistics modules. 2-1-1 Record the incoming orders value. There are 2 sets of exercises for this unit. and goods receipts. Your organization has many resale products. if any. check the total value of incoming orders for customer 6300-## over the last two months. Do not attempt both. unless you are familiar with purchasing and sales. management has requested that the same set of data warehouse reporting tools be used for all logistics analyses.sales. orders. Use the standard analysis for customers. In order to have consistent reporting across the enterprise. customer number/soldto party 6300-##. and material number M-01. Use order type OR. Net 30 One week Short text Sunny Sunny 01 Qty Net price 10 Net value 2-2-2 Save the sales order and record the sales order number below: 2-3 Using the standard analysis tool within the Sales Information System (SIS). division 00. DE 06227-1234-0 FAX 06227-1234-999 Purchase Order Order number: 1234-## Requested delivery date: Item Material 10 M-01 Terms: 14 Days 3%.2-2 The following is a purchase order you have RECEIVED from your customer: 2-2-1 Enter this information as a SALES ORDER. High Tech Industries AG Walldorf. order number 1234-##. Use the standard analysis for customers. You will need to change the defaulted division to 07. distribution channel 10. check the sales for customer 6300-##. 2-3-3 How can you display all key figures for this customer? 2-3-4 What is the technical name of this info structure? © SAP AG TAMM20 21-17 . sales organization 1000. 2-3-1 What are the key figures that are automatically displayed? 2-3-2 Read the online documentation for these key figures. Exercise Data Symbols Used in the Exercises and Solutions Exercises Solutions Unit Objectives Business Scenario Tips & Tricks Warning or Caution Data in the Exercises Type of Data Vendors Purchasing organization Purchasing group Plant Storage location Sold-to party Ship-to party Sales organization Distribution channel Division Shipping point Customer statistics group Materials Material statistics group Data in Training System 1000 to 1045 (increments of 5) 1000 0## (00-20) 1000 0001 6300-## (00-20) 6300-## (00-20) 1000 10 00 for ordering. 07 for reporting 1200 1 M-## (00 to 20) DPC1002 to DPC1021 1 © SAP AG TAMM20 21-18 . The first set is applicable to the Purchasing Information System. unless you are familiar with purchasing and sales. Do not attempt both.There are 2 sets of exercises for some units. * Exercises marked with a * (asterisk) are additional optional exercises based on the contents of the course. © SAP AG TAMM20 21-19 . The second set is applicable to the Sales Information System. Choose the exercises that most closely relate to your business function. and goods receipts.Solutions Unit: Data Warehouse Concepts Topic: Basic Concepts and Terminology • Identify the difference between document-independent data and document-specific application information. purchased in the last two months.sales. In order to have consistent reporting across the enterprise. Use the standard analysis for materials. Do not attempt both. Your organization has many resale products. Your organization is implementing all R/3 Logistics modules. check the total value of purchase orders for material M-## in plant 1000. The first set applies to the Purchasing Information System. The period to analyze should be set to two months by default. © SAP AG TAMM20 21-20 . 1-2 Using the standard analysis tool within the Purchasing Information System (PURCHIS). orders. choose: Logistics → Logistics Controlling → Purchasing Information System Standard analyses → Material (double-click) Enter the material M-##. Choose the exercises that most closely relate to your business function. From the first R/3 menu. There are 2 sets of exercises for this unit. unless you are familiar with purchasing and sales. and plant 1000. the second to the Sales Information System. in other words products that you purchase from vendors and resell to your customers. management has requested that the same set of data warehouse reporting tools be used for all logistics analyses. Management would like to track all activities for these products . purchasing organization IDES Germany. Create a purchase order with the following data: Vendor 1000. material M-## and plant 1000. Record the key figure ‘Order value’. You now need to enter the following data in the PO: Vendor number 1000 Header (you may have to choose the Org. IDES Germany. a purchasing group of your choice. data tab in the header of the purchase order document): 1. the message ‘No data exists for chosen selection’ will appear if no purchase orders have been created for this material. if any. Net 30 Purchasing organization: IDES Germany Purchasing group: any Requested delivery date: One week from today Item Material Short text Qty Delivery date 10 M-## 10 Logistics → Materials Management → Purchasing Purchase Order → Create → Vendor/Supplying Plant Known Choose the purchase order type Standard PO. 1-2 In order to satisfy future demands. Any purchasing group Net price Plant 1000 © SAP AG TAMM20 21-21 . However. 2.Execute. IDES AG Lyoner Stern 231. 1-1-1 Record the value. Frankfurt 60441 06227-1234-0 FAX 06227-1234-999 Purchase Order Order number: 45XXXXXX Vendor: 1000 Terms: 14 Days 3%. Purchasing org. 1-2-2 Use the order type standard purchase order. you need to place a purchase order with your vendor. Click F1.Item overview: 1. Enter a price. check whether material M-## in plant 1000 has been purchased in the past two months. The period to analyze should be set to two months by default. 1-3 Using the standard analysis tool within the Purchasing Information System (PURCHIS). Save the purchase order. Requested delivery date: one week from today 4. choose: Logistics → Logistics Controlling → Purchasing Information System Standard analyses → Material (double-click) Enter the material M-##. 5. 1-3-3 Read the online documentation for these key figures. Plant 1000. 1-3-4 What is the technical name of this info structure? Select any field within the standard analysis. 1-2-2 Save the purchase order and record the purchase order number below: The order number will be generated automatically by the system when you save the purchase order. A quantity of 10 for the material 3. Choose Technical info Extras S012. Place the cursor on the key figure description and click F1. if there is none defaulted. order quantity. Material M-##. 1-3-3 How can you display all key figures for this material? Double-clicking on any key figure will display all the key figures available in this information structure. and goods receipt quantity. 1-3-1 What are the key figures that are automatically displayed? Order value. From the first R/3 menu. Execute. The full description and usage is detailed in the online documentation. 6. Selection log or © SAP AG TAMM20 21-22 . 2. sales. Use the standard analysis for customers. unless you are familiar with purchasing and sales. Do not attempt both. and goods receipts. In order to have consistent reporting across the enterprise. management has requested that the same set of data warehouse reporting tools be used for all logistics analyses.Unit: Data Warehouse Concepts Topic: Basic Concepts and Terminology • Identify the difference between document-independent data and document-specific application information. Your organization has many resale products. check the total value of incoming orders for customer 6300-## over the last two months. © SAP AG TAMM20 21-23 . Execute. Your organization is implementing all R/3 Logistics modules. Management would like to track all activities for these products . Choose the exercises that most closely relate to your business function. The period to analyze should be set to two months by default. There are 2 sets of exercises for this unit. choose: Logistics → Logistics Controlling → Sales Information System Standard analyses → Material (double-click) Enter the customer 6300-##. From the first R/3 menu. orders. This second set applies to the Sales Information System. in other words products that you purchase from vendors and resell to your customers. 2-2 Using the standard analysis tool within the Sales Information System (SIS). DE 06227-1234-0 FAX 06227-1234-999 Purchase Order Order number: 1234-## Requested delivery date: One week Item Material Short text 10 M-01 Sunny Sunny 01 Terms: 14 Days 3%. High Tech Industries AG Walldorf. 2-2 The following is a purchase order you have RECEIVED from your customer: 2-2-1 Enter this information as a SALES ORDER. All other data will default automatically from the customer master. the message ‘No data exists for chosen selection’ will appear if no sales orders have been created for this customer. © SAP AG TAMM20 21-24 1000 10 00 (6300-##) 1234-## (use your group number) M-01. Record the key figure ‘Incoming orders’. The only data you need to enter from this PO is the following: Sales organization Distribution channel Division [Enter] Sold-to party Order number All items: Material The quantity for the material. order number 1234-##. Use order type OR. sales organization 1000. Net 30 Qty Net price 10 Net value Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Sales → Order → Create Enter a standard order (OR). Save the order. the material master.2-1-2 Record the incoming orders value. . distribution channel 10. However. and the pricing condition tables. 2-2-2 Save the sales order and record the sales order number below: The sales order number will be generated automatically by the system when you save the sales order. and material number M-01. customer number/soldto party 6300-##. division 00. if any. 2-3-2 Read the online documentation for these key figures. Use the standard analysis for customers. depending on the screen resolution. choose: Logistics → Logistics Controlling → Sales Information System Standard analyses → Customer (double-click). check the sales for customer 6300-##. 2-3-3 How can you display all key figures for this customer? Double-clicking on any key figure will display all the key figures available in this information structure. 2-3-4 What is the technical name of this info structure? Select any field within the standard analysis. 2-3-1 What are the key figures that are automatically displayed? Incoming orders. From the first R/3 menu. Selection log or © SAP AG TAMM20 21-25 . The full description and usage is detailed in the online documentation. Choose Technical info Extras S001. You will need to change the defaulted division to 07. Sales. Execute. Click F1. Place the cursor on the key figure description and click F1. This may vary.2-3 Using the standard analysis tool within the Sales Information System (SIS). Credit memos. Change the defaulted division to 07. Standard Analyses in LIS Contents: Functionality of standard analyses Selection options Navigation in standard analysis lists Statistical functions User settings Customizing settings for standard analyses © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 22-1 . you will be able to: Access. execute.Standard Analyses in LIS: Unit Objectives At the conclusion of this unit. and navigate standard analysis lists Use variants when selecting Define default settings and statistical functions © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 22-2 . © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 22-3 . specifically vendors and customers.Standard Analyses in LIS: Business Scenario Your company has decided to analyze the relationships with other firms. Data Selection Value selection Single value selection and ranges Complex selection Multiple selection Selection using self-defined hierarchies Selection options Variants © SAP AG 1999 The selection screen of the standard analyses offers several options for selecting the characteristic values that are used in the analysis. you can also define complex default values with the exception of single values or ranges of values. Apart from single-value selection and selection using value ranges. © SAP AG TAMM20 22-4 . Moreover. you can determine several characteristic values for the analysis using the matchcode search or self-defined hierarchies Variants allow you to save a wide range of entries in the selection screen and can be called again whenever required. The choice of matchcodes depends on the chosen characteristic in the selection screen. 1000 1000 1000 1000 2000 2000 All possibilities of the matchcode search are available for multiple selection. organization Material Plant Per. depending on the selected characteristic. M-01 M-02 M-03 M-04 M-05 M-06 001 001 001 001 001 001 SalesOrg. © SAP AG TAMM20 22-5 . For multiple selection. The characteristic values to be excluded can also be defined using single values or ranges. The complex selection of characteristic values allows you to exclude certain characteristic values from this range after entering a range of values. Using the 'multiple selection' function. various matchcodes are available for selecting characteristic values with specific attributes.. you can also carry out a multiple selection or a complex selection. Multiple selection © SAP AG 1999 You can enter a single value or a range of values in every selection screen of the standard analyses. Associated characteristic values can be selected and copied. (Example: All materials with material type raw material).Value Selection Material Analysis: Selection Chars Pur.. Gr. You can select the result of the matchcode search in a list and copy it into the selection screen. Material Mat. to analyze Month to to to Multiple Selection Single vals Ranges Single vals Ranges to Data transfer to selection screen Multiple selection . Advantages of variants: Simplification of data entry when carrying out repeated analyses. Get to Chars Material analysis: selection Characteristics 1000 Pur. Note that variants are always stored with reference to the analysis. You can considerably reduce the effort required to enter data when carrying out repeated analyses.. You can enter values in the selection criteria using table variables and function modules. it is possible to copy user-specific characteristic values into the selection screens.. you can fix default values which will be made available for many users. This is particularly important when a great amount of data has been entered into the selection screen (see multiple selection) and will be required again later on. to Display Delete 10/1999 Save as variant © SAP AG 1999 You can save the values entered into the selection screen by using variants. which are defined with variants. By using variants.Variants Material Analysis: Selection Material Analysis: Selection Material Analysis: Selection Goto to Variants to M-20 . © SAP AG TAMM20 22-6 . Support for scheduling standard analyses using selection versions. the analysis is restricted by selection criteria. organization Characteristics Material Plant M-10 1000 Plant Plant controller 001 MRP 1200 MRP controller Material A* Material M-01 Per..1998 .. all analyses thus refer to the same selection contents for all users. When standard analyses are scheduled using selection versions. You can predefine fixed default values for the selection of characteristics. Depending on the variant. You can also enter values into the selection criteria by using table variables or function modules. As a result. Variants also enable you to schedule standard analyses in the background. to to analyze Period analyze Period to analyze Month 11/1998 Month Month 06. Navigation in Standard Analysis Lists You have three options for navigating in the standard analysis list: Standard drilldown Drill down by Switch drilldown © SAP AG 1999 After executing a standard analysis. Switch drilldown: The whole drilldown can by displayed for another characteristic. Drilldown by: You can drill down each characteristic according to a different characteristic. the system offers three possibilities for navigation. © SAP AG TAMM20 22-7 . an initial list is displayed on the screen. Starting from this initial standard analysis list. Standard drilldown: By double-clicking on a characteristic you will access the next level of a predefined standard drilldown. 000 Double-click Vendor: Brown Material Order val. This standard drilldown can have global and user-specific settings.000 25.000 195.000 • © SAP AG 1999 Invoiced amount 20. 02/1998 20.000 40. © SAP AG TAMM20 22-8 . In order to define this drilldown.000 90. you can use all characteristics and the period unit of the relevant info structure.Standard Drilldown Material analysis Material Order val. Brown Bauer 60.000 200.000 Invoiced amount 50. Invoiced amount Double-click Standard drilldown Material Vendor Month M-01 M-02 • 100.000 40.000 • Material: M-01 Vendor Order val. you can drill down this characteristic to the next characteristic. By double-clicking on a characteristic. the top level of the standard drilldown will always be displayed. The result will be displayed in a new list.000 03/1998 25.000 • Each standard analysis has a specific standard drilldown. When you call up a standard analysis. Therefore. you analyze the key figure values of this characteristic value further according to a different characteristic.000 200.000 40. you can drill down any characteristic value in this list according to a different characteristic.000 • Material: M-01 Plant Order val.000 © SAP AG 1999 Starting from any list in a standard analysis. Invoiced amount M-01 M-02 • 100.000 40. © SAP AG TAMM20 22-9 .000 Invoiced amount 50.000 90. organization Vendor Material Material group Plant Month Material analysis Material Order val. 1000 2000 60.Drill Down By Drill down by Pur.000 195. 000 50.000 100. Invoiced amount 800.Switch Drilldown Switch drilldown.000 450.000 50.000 200.000 © SAP AG 1999 From any list in a standard analysis. the total values of all key figures can be drilled down by any possible characteristic of the standard analysis. Invoiced amount Total M-01 M-02 M-03 • 800.000 195. © SAP AG TAMM20 22-10 . Switch drilldown Pur..000 500.000 100. organization Vendor Material Material group Plant Month Material analysis Material Order val.000 300..000 750.000 300.000 • Plant Total 1000 2000 Material analysis Order val. You can do this by changing the current drilldown using the function 'Switch drilldown'.000 750. order value A B C Vendor A Segment List Vendor Order value 4711 4712 25.ABC Analysis Strategy Total order value No.000 • • Vendors Order value © SAP AG 1999 In the ABC analysis. The results are displayed in a cumulative frequency curve with an additional classification into three segments.000 20. The characteristics and key figures assigned to the individual segment levels can either be displayed as an absolute value for each segment.g. or in graphic form.000 Overview Vendors Order value A Segment B Segment C Segment 10 30 120 125.000 30. cumulated for all segments in lists. order value) are compared in order to make a classification in three segments.g.000 40. © SAP AG TAMM20 22-11 . Various strategies can be used to set the class limits as characteristic or key figure-specific and as percentage or absolute values respectively. You can choose between a list or a graphic for illustrating the ABC analysis. vendors) and a particular key figure (e. of vendors % Order value % Vendor % Cum. the values of a characteristic (e. The sizes of the segments correspond to the setting made when the strategy was selected. amt.000 + .Comparisons Material analysis Vendor Vendor 1 Vendor 2 Planned/actual comparison: Order value Vendor Vendor 1 Vendor 2 Planned 40.. © SAP AG TAMM20 22-12 .000 Two key figures 40.. .20.000 Difference .. Vendor Vendor 1 Vendor 2 Order value 30. amount Planned/actual . Comparison key figure: Order value. yr..50...000 50.000 Actual 30. Current Difference % Vendor 1 50.000 20. .000 % .25 % + 40 % Edit Edit . Comparison with previous year: Order value Vendor Prev.33 % 0% .000 . . The data compared is always listed in separate windows.. © SAP AG 1999 At each drilldown level. 40 % . . You can analyze the listed characteristics even more precisely by drilling further down by other characteristics.000 Inv.000 70. .000 20. 20. Comparisons Order value Invoiced .000 70.40 % Vendor 2 70.10. . 30.000 70.000 50.. .000 70.000 30.000 0..000 .Invoiced amount .000 % . The values of any two key figures can be compared to each other. ..000 Previous/current ..10. The values of the previous year can be compared to the current data. there are three possibilities to carry out comparisons: The current data of a key figure can be compared to the data of a plan version.000 .. . ..000 Difference . Example 1: You have created a list for your vendor in a purchasing group analysis in purchasing. function allows you to go to the material analysis in inventory controlling where you will be provided with information on stocks and movements for the material.April 2000 becomes January 1.000 • Advantages: Good response time Automatic transfer of selection parameters Unrestricted navigation in LIS General INVCO Analysis Plant GR Valuated quantity quantity 1000 2000 • 100 50 50 25 • © SAP AG 1999 It is possible to call up one standard analysis from another standard analysis. Since the materials analysis in INVCO does not contain any data relating to sales organizations and customers.. function allows you to call up the material analysis in purchasing and analyze the materials for this vendor. 2000 . For example: January 2000 . This function transfers the selection parameters from the analysis you are already viewing to the analysis you are calling up. the selected periods are converted... 2000. it is ignored in the material analysis Example 2: You have performed a drilldown by customer for the sales organization 1000 in Sales and Distribution and drilled down the customer Becker AG by materials. 100. for example) to a detailed information structure with a smaller period unit. The Goto -> Other info struct.. quantity orders M-01 M-02 • 10 13 ... You are interested in materials for this vendor... You are interested in the stocks for a material. © SAP AG TAMM20 22-13 . this characteristic value is transferred to the analysis you have called up... Info structure Material Order Incoming .. both characteristic values are ignored.April 30. The Goto -> Other info struct.Goto Other Info Structure Goto Other info structure Goto From general to specific From Sales to INVCO From month to day Customer analysis Becker AG .000 200. If you have already performed a drilldown by characteristic value or positioned your cursor on a characteristic value of the calling analysis. Note: Since the purchasing group is not available as a characteristic in this analysis. Example 3: If you switch from a highly-aggregated information structure (one that is updated monthly.. 000 50... You can call up certain resident documents depending on the data basis in the relevant info structure. Master data Material Order value Invoiced Doc. (For example: Material analysis in purchasing -> Order documents) The relevant master data depends on the characteristics that can be selected in the analysis (For example: Material analysis in purchasing -> Material and vendor master)... you can call up the relevant master data and documents from the various standard analyses in the Logistics Information System.. Material and vendor master data M-01 M-02 60... The selection parameters of the calling analysis are transferred to the relevant reports. Extras Material analysis .information amount .000 40.Master Data and Documents .. © SAP AG TAMM20 22-14 ...000 1 2 PO PO 1 PO 2 1 2 © SAP AG 1999 Using list displays.000 40. © SAP AG TAMM20 22-15 . these default settings can be covered by user-specific settings. Afterwards. You can make default settings for the standard drilldown.Default Settings User-specific settings per analysis: 1 2 Standard drilldown Preselection of key figures 3 Default selection period 4 List parameters Initial graphic yes / no Drilldown log in page header Width of char./key figure column Display characteristic as text/number © SAP AG 1999 In every standard analysis. In addition. you can make default settings which are valid for every user. you can still change the selection of key figures and the design of the list layout in the standard analysis. the default value of the selection period. and various list parameters in order to design the list layout. a preselection of key figures. and navigate standard analysis lists Use variants when selecting Define default settings and statistical functions © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 22-16 . execute.Standard Analyses in LIS: Summary You are now able to: Access. © SAP AG TAMM20 22-17 . 1-1 Using the vendor standard analysis in the Purchasing Information System. For these exercises. depending on the menu path you choose. • Use variants when selecting • Define default settings and statistical functions Your company has decided to analyze the relationships with other firms. and navigate standard analysis lists. specifically vendors and customers. Choose the exercises that most closely relate to your business function. Note the default key figures may vary. use a menu path from the Logistics menu. create a list of vendors with whom you have done business for the past six months. The first set applies to the Purchasing Information System. Do not attempt both. execute. including this month. unless you are familiar with purchasing and sales.Exercises Standard Analyses in LIS Unit: Standard Analyses in LIS Topic: Navigating in Standard Analysis • Access. There are 2 sets of exercises for this unit. the second to the Sales Information System. The purchasing department would like to analyze the purchasing data in order to determine the vendors with which your company does the most business. not from the Information Systems menu. sort the list in descending order based on the key figure Order value. © SAP AG TAMM20 22-18 .1-1-1 To see which vendors you are ordering from the most. 1-1-9 In order to see how consistent you have been with your top vendor during the past six months. 1-1-3 You are interested in seeing which materials were ordered from your top vendor. © SAP AG TAMM20 22-19 . Change the value display to "percent". What do you notice about the display? 1-1-6 You want to perform a new analysis. 1-1-7 Now you are interested in seeing only the top 10 vendors based on the key figure invoiced amount. Cancel the sort order at the vendor level. To do this. drill down to month for the first vendor on the list. Display only these 10 vendors. Using the standard drilldown path. 1-1-5 Return to the vendor level of the analysis. 1-1-8 You want to see what percentage of your business is conducted with these vendors. do not use the standard drilldown path.1-1-2 Change the characteristic display to include the key and the description. 1-1-4 Change the analysis currency to USD. but go directly to the month. You may want to change the column width for the characteristic to see more information. Use exchange rate type M and the current conversion date. drill down to the materials for the first vendor in the list. 1-2 To continue your analysis of your top vendors. Display all the key figures for that material. Display the overview of this analysis (overview of segments). You can choose the currency. displaying how many vendors make up the top 70% of what you buy. © SAP AG TAMM20 22-20 . 2. Also. Change the standard analysis list to display a single analysis currency. 1-1-12 You have decided you want to see the number of purchase order items for all the materials displayed. Therefore. 1. The graphic displays the number of vendors associated with that proportion of order value. This will affect the text on the graphic. 1-1-13 Return to the vendor level of the analysis. go directly to the "material" instead of using the standard drilldown path. 3. you want to add this key figure to your list. What are the two ways to return to this level? Note: You will lose the key figure you added to your list. Look for the key figure PO items. Use the "Total order value (%)" strategy. 1-1-11 You want to see the number of purchase order items for the material you have ordered most. change the characteristic display back to description only.1-1-10 You now are interested in which materials you ordered from this vendor in the highest order month. Drill down to the materials for the month with the highest percent of total order value. To make the graphics more informative. the next 20%. Use the "Order value" key figure for this analysis. also change the value display back from "percent" to "absolute". 1-2-1 You want to perform an ABC analysis. To do this. Look at the list of the vendors that comprise the top 70% of your purchases (the A segment). See how many vendors make up each segment of your order value. you will use some of the graphics tools within standard analysis. and the last 10%. Upper limits of order items: choose new defaults. 3 classes 2. © SAP AG TAMM20 22-21 . however. you must select Pie chart from the 2D options list. Your list should include the key figure PO items for this analysis. Once you have applied the pie chart option. Upper limits of order value: choose new defaults. you can go to the 2D view option from the Goto menu. go to the group view. When you are finished. the system defaults to a graphic for the first key figure you selected. 2. 1-3-2 SAP Business Graphics display a 3D bar chart by default.1-2-2 You want to see if there is a relationship between the value of the purchase orders you place with your vendors and the number of items. From the graphic. maximize the display. you want to see the relationship between the quantity of orders and the quantity of invoices from your top vendor. To see both key figures. Choose Order quantity and Invoiced quantity for your key figures comparison and graphic. Change the class limits to the following: 1. To see the graphics a little easier. drill down to the material level. You are. Before you display the pie chart. display the overview of the segments. 1. 1-3-3 With the 2D view. The initial display uses certain default values for the class limits. a Top 10 analysis of your list of vendors. interested in seeing the data in a pie chart format. 3. 1-3-4 To see both the 3D bar chart and the 2D pie charts. You will use dual classification for this analysis. 1-3 Continuing your vendor analysis. use the green or yellow arrow to return to standard analysis. Starting from your first vendor. 1-3-1 Execute again. you can display an overview of your graphics. Return to the vendor level of your analysis. Execute the analysis again. User settings only apply to this analysis. 1-4-1 Using the top vendor. All key figures should be displayed without decimal places. you also require the key figure PO items. need a characteristic column width of 30. describe how to go directly to the vendor’s address. 1-4-2 Using the top vendor. they must be defined for that individual analysis. describe how to display the documents for a vendor. 1-6-1 You would like a drilldown in the order Vendor. including the current month. If all users require these settings. Material Group. 1-5 Execute a standard analysis for the Material. The characteristic key and description should be displayed. You. 1-6-3 Normally you view six months of data in a specific currency (of your choice). using the variant. © SAP AG TAMM20 22-22 . create a list of materials for the materials used in this class: M-01 through M-20. Also include materials P-100 and P-105. and Month. Material. you want to see the documents that contain this information.1-4 Now that you have analyzed the summarized information for your top vendor. Analyze the activities of the past three months. If these settings are required for a different analysis. 1-5-2 Return to the main PURCHIS menu. save these settings as a variant. therefore. you can define these in Customizing. 1-6 You would now like to define your own default settings for the Vendor analysis. 1-5-1 Since you regularly use these selections. directly from standard analysis. 1-6-2 In addition to the default key figures. create a list of customers with whom you have done business for the past six months. Note the default key figures may vary. For these exercises. This second set applies to the Sales Information System. There are groups of exercises for this unit. and navigate standard analysis lists. execute. Do not attempt both. depending on the menu path you choose. including this month. The sales department would like to analyze the sales data in order to determine the customers with which your company does the most business. sort the list in descending order based on the key figure Incoming orders. specifically vendors and customers. not from the Information Systems menu. 2-1-1 To see which customers you are ordering from the most. Choose the exercises that most closely relate to your business function. use a menu path from the Logistics menu. unless you are familiar with purchasing and sales. 2-1 Using the customer standard analysis in the Sales Information System. © SAP AG TAMM20 22-23 . • Use variants when selecting • Define default settings and statistical functions Your company has decided to analyze the relationships with other firms.Unit: Standard Analyses in LIS Topic: Navigating in Standard Analysis • Access. Use exchange rate type M and the current conversion date. 2-1-9 In order to see how consistent you have been with your top customer during the past six months. Change the value display to "percent". © SAP AG TAMM20 22-24 . What do you notice about the display? 2-1-6 You want to perform a new analysis. 2-1-8 You want to see what percentage of your business is conducted with these customers. 2-1-3 You want to know which materials were ordered by your top customer. Using the standard drilldown path. Display only these 10 customers. do not use the standard drilldown path. 2-1-5 Return to the customer level of the analysis. 2-1-7 Now you are interested in seeing only the top 10 customers based on the key figure Incoming orders. You may want to change the column width for the characteristic to see more information. but go directly to the month.2-1-2 Change the characteristic display to include the key and the description. drill down to month for the first customer on the list. drill down to the materials for the first customer in the list. To do this. Cancel the sort order at the customer level. 2-1-4 Change the analysis currency to USD. 2-1-12 You have decided you want to see the invoiced quantity for all the materials displayed. 2-1-11 You want to see the invoiced quantity for the material ordered most by the customer. go directly to the "material" instead of using the standard drilldown path. What are the two ways to return to this level? Note: You will lose the key figure you added to your list. You may need to deselect existing key figures. Drill down to the materials for the month with the highest percent of total incoming orders. since the screen width may be insufficient to display all required key figures. © SAP AG TAMM20 22-25 . Display all the key figures for that material. Look for the key figure Invoiced quantity. To do this.2-1-10 You are now interested in which materials this customer ordered in the month with the highest order value. Therefore. 2-1-13 Return to the sold-to-party level of the analysis. you want to add this key figure to your list. Look at the list of the customers that comprise the top 70% of your sales (the A segment). the next 20% and the last 10%. Use the Incoming orders key figure for this analysis. You will use dual classification for this analysis. 3. Display the overview of this analysis (overview of segments). The initial display uses certain default values for the class limits. Change the standard analysis list to display a single analysis currency. you will use some of the graphics tools within standard analysis. change the characteristic display back to key only. 3. You can choose the currency. also change the value display back from "percent" to "absolute". Upper limits of incoming orders: choose new defaults. Your list should include the key figure Order items for this analysis. Change the class limits to the following: 1. 2-2-2 You want to see if there is a relationship between the incoming orders value and the number of order items from your customers. displaying how many customers make up the top 70% of what you sell. From the graphic. 2-2-1 You want to perform an ABC analysis. Upper limits of order items: choose new defaults. 1. Use the "Total incoming orders" (%) strategy. 2. display the overview of the segments. See how many customers make up each segment of your sales. Also. 3 classes 2. © SAP AG TAMM20 22-26 .2-2 To continue your analysis of top customers. The graphic displays the number of customers that are associated with that proportion of incoming orders. To make the graphics more informative. 2-3-3 With the 2D view. When you are finished. 2. the system defaults to a graphic for the first key figure you selected. Return to the customer level of your analysis. 1. From your first customer. you want to see the relationship between the value of orders and the value of invoices from your top customers. you must select bar chart from the 2D options list. Once you have applied the "Horizontal bars" option.2-3 Continuing your customer analysis. go to the group view. however. you can display an overview of your graphics. interested in seeing the data in a 2D bar chart format. maximize the display. drill down to material level. 2-3-4 To see both the 3D vertical bar chart and 2D horizontal bar chart. You are. To see both key figures. © SAP AG TAMM20 22-27 . For your graphic. 2-3-2 SAP Business Graphics display a 3D bar chart by default. use the green or yellow arrow to return to standard analysis. select Incoming orders and Sales. 2-3-1 Execute again a Top 10 analysis of your list of customers. To see the graphics a little easier. you can go to the 2D view option from the Goto menu. Before you display the bar chart. 2-4 Now that you have analyzed the summarized information for your top customer. 2-6-2 In addition to the default key figures. describe how to go directly to the customer’s address. including the current month. Execute the analysis again. 2-6-3 Normally you view six months of data in a specific currency (of your choice). If all users require these settings. 2-5-2 Return to the main SIS menu. you can define these in Customizing. Also include materials P-100 and P105. The characteristic key and description should be displayed. Sold-to party. 2-5 Execute a standard analysis for the material. you want to see the documents that contain this information. 2-5-1 Since you regularly use these selections. describe how to display the transactions for a customer. create a list of materials for those materials used in this class: M-01 to M-20. Sales organization. save these settings as a variant. 2-6-1 You would like a drilldown in the order Sales representative. Material and Month. All key figures should be displayed without decimal places. directly from standard analysis. 2-4-2 Using the top customer. need a characteristic column width of 30. You. © SAP AG TAMM20 22-28 . they must be defined for that individual analysis. 2-6 You would now like to define your own default settings for the sales employee analysis. 2-4-1 Using the top customer. you also require the key figure Order items. User settings only apply to this analysis. Analyze the activities of the past three months. therefore. using the variant. If these settings are required for a different analysis. TAMM20 22-29 © SAP AG . create a list of vendors with whom you have done business for the past six months. This will ensure you select all values. There are various ways of calling up the standard analyses. execute. specifically vendors and customers. Execute. unless you are familiar with purchasing and sales. Choose the exercises that most closely relate to your business function. 1-1 Using the vendor standard analysis in the Purchasing Information System. the second to the Sales Information System.Solutions Unit: Standard Analyses in LIS Topic: Navigating in Standard Analysis • Access. The purchasing department would like to analyze the purchasing data in order to determine the vendors with which your company does the most business. Logistics → Logistics Controlling → Purchasing Information System → Standard analyses → Vendor (double-click) Logistics → Materials Management → Purchasing → Purchase Order → Reporting → Purchasing Information System → Standard analyses → Vendor (double-click) Information Systems → Logistics → Purchasing → Vendor → Purchasing values Leave the selection criteria for the characteristics blank. Do not attempt both. including this month. There are 2 sets of exercises for this unit. The first set applies to the Purchasing Information System. and navigate standard analysis lists • Use variants when selecting • Define default settings and statistical functions Your company has decided to analyze the relationships with other firms. Enter a period range to include the past six months. to have consistent settings in your analysis. Click once on the key figure "Order value". 1-1-4 Change the analysis currency to USD. Settings → Currency → Analysis currency 1-1-5 Return to the vendor level of the analysis. Double-click the first vendor. Cancel the sort order at the vendor level. The analysis currency is the original currency. make the settings at the highest level before drilling down. depending on the menu path you choose. View → Cancel sort © SAP AG TAMM20 22-30 . It does not change for the higher levels. For these exercises. 1-1-1 To see which vendors you are ordering from the most. Settings → Characteristic display → Key and description Settings → Column width → Characteristic Alternative possibility: Double-click the column heading. What do you notice about the display? 1. 1-1-3 You are interested in seeing which materials were ordered from your top vendor. 1-1-6 You want to perform a new analysis. The sort by order value is still active when returning to the upper level. Using the standard drilldown path. 2. Changing the settings only affects the level you are working on and below. View → Sort in descending order 1-1-2 Change the characteristic display to include the key and the description. sort the list in descending order based on the key figure Order value. Therefore. Use exchange rate type M and the current conversion date. You may want to change the column width for the characteristic to see more information.Note the default key figures may vary. Enter a column width of 30. use a menu path from the Logistics menu. drill down to the materials for the first vendor in the list. not from the Information Systems menu. Use the menu path View → Basic list. To do this.1-1-7 Now you are interested in seeing only the top 10 vendors based on the key figure invoiced amount. Display only these 10 vendors. View → Drill down by → Material 1-1-11 You want to see the number of purchase order items for the material you have ordered most. Drill down to the materials for the month with the highest percent of total order value. Select the first vendor. go directly to the "material" instead of using the standard drilldown path. What are the two ways to return to this level? Note: You will lose the key figure you added to your list. scroll down until you find PO items. drill down to month for the first vendor on the list. Click once on the key figure "Invoiced amount". Look for the key figure PO items. Change the value display to "percent". View → Drill down by → Month 1-1-10 You now are interested in which materials you ordered from this vendor in the highest order month. Choose [Continue/Enter]. Edit → Choose key figures On the right side of the display. Display all the key figures for that material. you want to add this key figure to your list. Therefore. 1-1-12 You have decided you want to see the number of purchase order items for all the materials displayed. Use the green arrow to go back two levels. 1-1-8 You want to see what percentage of your business is conducted with these vendors. 1-1-13 Return to the vendor level of the analysis. 1. 2. Select this field by clicking once on that line. Press the left arrow/choose button. The field will move from the right to the left of the display. View → Top N Enter the number 10. © SAP AG TAMM20 22-31 . but go directly to the month. To do this. Settings → Value display → Percent 1-1-9 In order to see how consistent you have been with your top vendor during the past six months. do not use the standard drilldown path. Double-click the value of the PO key figure for the material with the highest order value. the next 20%. Edit → ABC analysis Select the strategy Total Order value (%). change the characteristic display back to description only. and C). The graphic displays the number of vendors associated with that proportion of order value. B. 3.1-2 To continue your analysis of your top vendors. you will use some of the graphics tools within standard analysis. select 70%. 20%. © SAP AG TAMM20 22-32 . Click on "Overview of segments" on the right side of the graphic. This will affect the text on the graphic. To exit the ABC analysis and return to your vendor list. Return to the graphic with Initial graphic(s). 1-2-1 You want to perform an ABC analysis. and the last 10%. Change the standard analysis list to display a single analysis currency. then press "List: A segment" on the right side of the graphic. As segment sizes. Select the "Order value" key figure by clicking once at the top of the column. and the total order value in each segment. 2. displaying how many vendors make up the top 70% of what you buy. Or 2. This will display each segment (A. Look at the list of the vendors that comprise the top 70% of your purchases (the A segment). 1. See how many vendors make up each segment of your order value. Display the overview of this analysis (overview of segments). Then press Details. To make the graphics more informative. Use the "Order value" key figure for this analysis. Also. the number of vendors that comprise each segment. press the yellow arrow. You can choose the currency. Use the "Total order value (%)" strategy. and 10% (these should be the default values). Select the A segment. You can either: 1. also change the value display back from "percent" to "absolute". Change the class limits to the following: 1. 3. Click Class limits on the right of the graphic. Upper limits of order items: choose new defaults.1-2-2 You want to see if there is a relationship between the value of the purchase orders you place with your vendors and the number of items. Exit the dual classification analysis by pressing the yellow arrow. You can return to the graphic by pressing "Initial graphic(s)". scroll down until you find "PO items". Click "Overview of segments" on the right of the graphic. From the graphic. Select this field by clicking once on that line. You will use dual classification for this analysis. display the overview of the segments. with the number of items also within a certain range. 3 classes 2. To add the key figure: Edit → Choose key figures On the right side of the display. Press the left arrow/choose button. Choose [Continue/Enter]. Upper limits of order value: choose new defaults. The initial display uses certain default values for the class limits. The field will move from the right to the left of the display. Your list should include the key figure PO items for this analysis. This graphic shows the number of vendors with whom you have placed orders in a certain value range. © SAP AG TAMM20 22-33 . To use dual classification: Edit → Dual class Select "Order value" and "PO items". Click once on the order quantity. To see the graphics a little easier. 1. Before you display the pie chart. 1-3-1 Execute again. Once you have applied the pie chart option. the system defaults to a graphic for the first key figure you selected. Goto → Groups view 1-3-4 To see both the 3D bar chart and the 2D pie charts. You are. Choose [Graphics]. Choose Order quantity and Invoiced amount for your key figures comparison and graphic. Return to the vendor level of your analysis. you must select Pie chart from the 2D options list. you want to see the relationship between the quantity of orders and the quantity of invoices from your top vendor. however. go to the group view. drill down to the material level. 1-3-2 SAP Business Graphics display a 3D bar chart by default. maximize the display. To see both key figures. Edit → Comparisons → Two key figures Select "Invoiced quantity". you can go to the 2D view option from the Goto menu. interested in seeing the data in a pie chart format. a Top 10 analysis of your list of vendors.1-3 Continuing your vendor analysis. © SAP AG TAMM20 22-34 . you can display an overview of your graphics. use the green or yellow arrow to return to standard analysis. Choose [Enter]. Options → 2D options 2. Options → 2D options 1-3-3 With the 2D view. The key figure comparison list is displayed. Starting from your first vendor. Goto → Overview When you are finished. describe how to display the documents for a vendor. Use the menu path Extras → Master data → Vendor master Specify purchasing organization 1000. use the green or yellow arrow to return to the standard analysis. Press Display document (F2). © SAP AG TAMM20 22-35 . or use the menu path Environment → Display document. select the document by double-clicking the relevant line. 1-4-1 Using the top vendor. Alternatively. Once you have displayed the vendor master data. you want to see the documents that contain this information. use the green or yellow arrow to return to the standard analysis. Select the vendor by clicking it once. describe how to go directly to the vendor’s address. double-click the relevant line. Once you have displayed this information.1-4 Now that you have analyzed the summarized information for your top vendor. Use the menu path Extras → Document information → By vendor Enter "Purchasing organization" 1000 and "Scope of list" BEST (purchase orders). directly from standard analysis. 1-4-2 Using the top vendor. When the list appears. Select the vendor by clicking it once. Choose [Execute]. You can select additional criteria if you would like. using the variant. and description. save these settings as a variant. including the current month. Goto → Variants → Get Select your variant name. The settings defined in the variant will now be displayed. select the [Multiple selection] arrow for the Material. Analyze the activities of the past three months. On the initial selection screen. enter M-01 to M-20. © SAP AG TAMM20 22-36 . 1-5-2 Return to the main PURCHIS menu. Also include materials P-100 and P-105. 1-5-1 Since you regularly use these selections. Copy your entries to the selection options in the initial screen. Goto → Variants → Save as variant Enter your group name. enter P-100 and P-105. Save these settings. Logistics → Materials Management → Purchasing → Purchase Order → Reporting → Purchasing Information System → Standard analyses → Material (double-click) On the selection screen. create a list of materials for the materials used in this class: M-01 through M-20. LO930-##.1-5 Execute a standard analysis for the Material. Execute the analysis again. The remainder of the information applies to background processing and need not be completed for this exercise. In the single value selections. the [Multiple selection] arrow is highlighted. In the ranges selection. The field will move from the right side of the display to the left side of the display. Enter your group name. Choose the field you want to move "Material group" above. 1-6-2 In addition to the default key figures. Logistics → Materials Management → Purchasing → Purchase Order → Reporting → Purchasing Information System → Standard analyses → Vendor (double-click) 1-6-1 You would like a drilldown in the order Vendor. © SAP AG TAMM20 22-37 . need a characteristic column width of 30. Material. Choose [Key figures]. and Month. Select "Key and description". You. you can define these in Customizing. If all users require these settings.1-6 You would now like to define your own default settings for the Vendor analysis. you also require the key figure PO items. Select "Material group". they must be defined for that individual analysis. Define a characteristic column width of 30. All key figures should be displayed without decimal places. therefore. Click [Choose characteristics] On the right side of the display. select "PO items". User settings only apply to this analysis. The field will move from the right side of the display to the left side of the display. 1-6-3 Normally you view six months of data in a specific currency (of your choice). choose [User Settings]. LO930-##. On the initial screen. Select no decimal places for all key figures. If these settings are required for a different analysis. The characteristic key and description should be displayed. Material Group. Choose [Move] then [Continue]. Choose [Parameters]. select "Material group". Press the left arrow/choose button. Save these settings. Select [With current period] Enter your required currency in "Analysis currency". Press the left arrow/choose button. Click [Choose key figures] On the right side of the display. Enter 6 as the number of previous periods. unless you are familiar with purchasing and sales. Do not attempt both. specifically vendors and customers. Logistics → Logistics Controlling → Sales Information System → Standard analyses → Customer (double-click) Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Sales Information System → Standard analyses → Customer (double-click) Information Systems → Logistics → Sales and distribution → Customer → Incoming orders Leave the selection criteria for the characteristics blank. This second set applies to the Sales Information System. There are various ways of calling up the standard analyses. 2-1 Using the customer standard analysis in the Sales Information System. Choose the exercises that most closely relate to your business function. © SAP AG TAMM20 22-38 . including this month. The sales department would like to analyze the sales data in order to determine the customers with which your company does the most business. This will ensure you select all values. execute. and navigate standard analysis lists • Use variants when selecting • Define default settings and statistical functions Your company has decided to analyze the relationships with other firms. There are 2 sets of exercises for this unit. create a list of customers with whom you have done business for the past six months.Unit: Standard Analyses in LIS Topic: Navigating in Standard Analysis • Access. 2. drill down to the materials for the first customer in the list. Click once on the key figure "Incoming orders". It does not change for the higher levels. sort the list in descending order based on the key figure Incoming orders. depending on the menu path you choose. Cancel the sort order at the customer level. Execute. 2-1-4 Change the analysis currency to USD. to have consistent settings in your analysis. Use exchange rate type M and the current conversion date. not from the Information Systems menu. Settings → Characteristic display → Key and description Settings → Column width → Characteristic Alternative possibility: Double-click the column heading. View → Cancel sort © SAP AG TAMM20 22-39 . Therefore. use a menu path from the Logistics menu. Changing the settings only affects the level you are working on and below. The sort by incoming orders is still active when returning to the upper level. Enter a column width of 30. The analysis currency is the original currency. Double-click the first customer.Enter a period range to include the past six months. 2-1-3 You want to know which materials were ordered by your top customer. View → Sort in descending order 2-1-2 Change the characteristic display to include the key and the description. What do you notice about the display? 1. You may want to change the column width for the characteristic to see more information. Note the default key figures may vary. make the settings at the highest level before drilling down. Using the standard drilldown path. For these exercises. 2-1-1 To see which customers you are ordering from the most. Settings → Currency → Analysis currency 2-1-5 Return to the customer level of the analysis. Drill down until you reach the material. 2-1-6 You want to perform a new analysis. Double-click the key figure. Change the value display to "percent". To do this. drill down to month for the first customer on the list. Select the "Incoming orders" key figure by clicking once at the top of the column. © SAP AG TAMM20 22-40 . Settings → Value display → Percent 2-1-9 In order to see how consistent you have been with your top customer during the past six months. Select the characteristic with the highest incoming orders. View → Drill down by → Material 2-1-11 You want to see the invoiced quantity for the material which the customer has ordered from you most. View → Drill down by → Month 2-1-10 You are now interested in which materials this customer ordered in the highest order month. do not use the standard drilldown path. To do this. but go directly to the "material". Display only these 10 customers. 2-1-8 You want to see what percentage of your business is conducted with these customers. Look for the key figure Invoiced quantity. Display all the key figures for that material. View → Top N Enter the number 10. do not use the standard drilldown path.2-1-7 Now you are interested in seeing only the top 10 customers based on the key figure Incoming orders. Drill down to the materials for the month with the highest percent of total incoming orders. but go directly to the month. Select the first customer. Select this field by clicking once on that line. You may need to deselect existing key figures. scroll down until you find "Invoiced quantity". Therefore. © SAP AG TAMM20 22-41 . If insufficient space. The field will move from the right to the left of the display. The field will move from the left side of the display to the right side of the display. since the screen width may be insufficient to display all required key figures. you want to add this key figure to your list. Edit → Choose key figures On the right side of the display. 2. Click the green arrow to go back two steps and cancel the selection of your TOP N customers. for example "Open orders". deselect one or more key figures. Choose [Continue/Enter]. What are the two ways to return to this level? Note: You will lose the key figure you added to your list. 1. Select this field by clicking once on that line. Use the menu path View → Basic list. or "Open orders quantity". 2-1-13 Return to the sold-to-party level of the analysis. View → Cancel ranking list. Press the right arrow/do not choose button. Press the left arrow/choose button.2-1-12 You have decided you want to see the invoiced quantity for all the materials displayed. press the yellow arrow. Then press Details. B. the number of customers that comprise each segment. As segment sizes. See how many customers make up each segment of your sales. 1. you will use some of the graphics tools within standard analysis. 20%. Click on "Overview of segments" on the right side of the graphic. You can choose the currency. 3. also change the value display back from "percent" to "absolute". select 70%. 2. and the total incoming orders in each segment. then press "List: A segment" on the right side of the graphic. the next 20% and the last 10%. This will display each segment (A. 2-2-1 You want to perform an ABC analysis. Display the overview of this analysis (overview of segments).2-2 To continue your analysis of top customers. Select the "Incoming orders" key figure by clicking once at the top of the column. Edit → ABC analysis Select the strategy Total Incoming orders (%). and C). To make the graphics more informative. Select the A segment. The graphic displays the number of customers that are associated with that proportion of incoming orders. Look at the list of the customers that comprise the top 70% of your sales (the A segment). Use the Incoming orders key figure for this analysis. Also. Return to the graphic with Initial graphic(s). You can either: 1. Use the "Total incoming orders" (%) strategy. change the characteristic display back to key only. displaying how many customers make up the top 70% of what you sell. and 10% (these should be the default values). © SAP AG TAMM20 22-42 . Change the standard analysis list to display a single analysis currency. Or 2. To exit the ABC analysis and return to your customer list. You can return to the graphic by pressing "Initial graphic(s)". Click "Class limits" on the right of the graphic. 3. © SAP AG TAMM20 22-43 . Your list should include the key figure Order items for this analysis. Change the class limits to the following: 1. The field will move from the right to the left of the display. This graphic shows the number of customers from whom you have received orders in a certain value range. The initial display uses certain default values for the class limits. From the graphic.2-2-2 You want to see if there is a relationship between the incoming orders value and the number of order items from your customers. To use dual classification: Edit → Dual class Select "Incoming orders" and "Order items". Click "Overview of segments" on the right of the graphic. scroll down until you find "Order items". with the number of order items also within a certain range. You will use dual classification for this analysis. Press the left arrow/choose button. 3 classes 2. To add the key figure: Edit → Choose key figures On the right side of the display. Select this field by clicking once on that line. Upper limits of order items: choose new defaults. display the overview of the segments. Exit the dual classification analysis by pressing the yellow arrow. Upper limits of incoming orders: choose new defaults. Choose [Continue/Enter]. maximize the display. Edit → Comparisons → Two key figures Select "Sales". Choose [Graphics]. you can go to the 2D view from the Goto menu. 2-3-2 SAP Business Graphics display a 3D bar chart by default. select Incoming orders and Sales. To see both key figures. go to the group view. you want to see the relationship between the value of orders and the value of invoices from your top customers. For your graphic. Once you have applied the bar chart option by clicking [Continue]. Click once on Incoming orders. Goto → Overview When you are finished. Goto → 2D view To see the graphics a little easier. you must select bar chart from the 2D options list. Goto → Groups view 2-3-4 To see both the 3D vertical bar chart and 2D horizontal bar chart. you can display an overview of your graphics. use the green or yellow arrow to return to standard analysis. Choose [Enter]. interested in seeing the data in a 2D bar chart format. Return to the customer level of your analysis.2-3 Continuing your customer analysis. From your first customer. Before you display the bar chart. You are. 2-3-1 Execute again a Top 10 analysis of your list of customers. maximize the display. the system defaults to a graphic for the first key figure you selected. © SAP AG TAMM20 22-44 . The key figure comparison list is displayed. 2-3-3 With the 2D view. however. Options → 2D options 2. To see the graphics a little easier. drill down to material level. 1. 2-4-1 Using the top customer. describe how to display the transactions for a customer. Use the menu path Extras → Master data → Customer master When you are finished looking at the customer master data. directly from standard analysis. you want to see the documents that contain this information. describe how to go directly to the customer’s address.2-4 Now that you have analyzed the summarized information for your top customer. When the list appears. Select the customer by clicking once on the customer. use the green or yellow arrow to return to the standard analysis. Use the menu path Extras → Document information → Orders → Orders list Change the date to reflect the selection in the analysis. Choose [Enter]. use the green or yellow arrow to return to the standard analysis. select the document by double. Specify sales organization 1000. 2-4-2 Using the top customer. Once you have displayed this information. Select the customer by clicking once on the customer. Select [Organizational data].clicking on the relevant line. © SAP AG TAMM20 22-45 . enter M-01 to M-20. save these settings as a variant. Save these settings. the [Multiple selection] arrow is highlighted. The remainder of the information applies to background processing and need not be completed for this exercise. enter P-100 and P-105. In the ranges selection. 2-5-1 Since you regularly use these selections. LO930-##. Goto → Variants → Get Select your variant name. create a list of materials for those materials used in this class: M-01 through M-20. © SAP AG TAMM20 22-46 . The settings defined in the variant will now be displayed. select the [Multiple selection] arrow for the Material. including the current month. Goto → Variants → Save as variant Enter your group name. Also include materials P-100 and P-105. and description. Analyze the activities of the past three months. Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Sales Information System → Standard analyses → Material (double-click) On the selection screen. On the initial selection screen.2-5 Execute a standard analysis for Material. using the variant. In the single value selections. 2-5-2 Return to the main SIS menu. Copy your entries to the selection options in the initial screen. Execute the analysis again. Click on [Choose characteristics] On the left side of the display. 2-6-2 In addition to the default key figures. select "Order Items". Select "Month". Material and Month. Choose [Key figures]. Press the left arrow/choose button. 2. Select [Move] then [Continue]. choose [User Settings]. Sales organization. © SAP AG TAMM20 22-47 . Click on [Choose key figures] On the right side of the display. Sold-to party. The field "Month" will now be second from last. Select the text of Month. On the initial screen. Enter your group name. The field will move from the left side of the display to the right side of the display. you also require the key figure Order items. LO930-##. Select Material (the last field). Moving "Month" to the correct position involves two steps: 1. All key figures should be displayed without decimal places.2-6 You would now like to define your own default settings for the sales employee analysis. Press the right arrow/do not choose button. Select the text of Material (the last field). The field will move from the right side of the display to the left side of the display. Logistics → Sales and Distribution → Sales Information System → Standard analyses → Sales employee 2-6-1 You would like a drilldown in the order Sales representative. Choose [Move] then [Continue]. select "Distribution channel" and "Division". Select no decimal places for all key figures. The characteristic key and description should be displayed. © SAP AG TAMM20 22-48 . If all users require these settings. they must be defined for that individual analysis. therefore. User settings only apply to this analysis. You. Save these settings. Enter 6 as the number of previous periods.2-6-3 Normally you view six months of data in a specific currency (of your choice). If these settings are required for a different analysis. Select "Key and description". Choose [Parameters]. you can define these in Customizing. Define a characteristic column width of 30. Select [With current period] Enter your required currency in "Analysis currency". need a characteristic column width of 30. Early Warning System Contents: Exception reporting in standard analyses Filter options in exception analyses Periodic analyses in Early Warning System Grouping exceptions Event-driven periodic analyses © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 23-1 . you will be able to: Execute standard analyses with an exception condition as an additional selection option Use exception analyses as online filters Create an automatic weak-point analysis © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 23-2 .Early Warning System: Unit Objectives At the conclusion of this unit. Exceptional situations will be detected by this system and can be transferred to the persons responsible via follow-on processing.Early Warning System: Overview Advanced analysis functions • Selection versions • Authorizations • Hierarchies Standard analysis EWS Early Warning System External data MM SD FI PP Flexible analysis © SAP AG 1999 The Early Warning System enables the decision-oriented selection and checking of weak points within the logistics area. © SAP AG TAMM20 23-3 . to enable them to check for weak areas in Logistics.Early Warning System: Business Scenario Management wants to detect and eliminate potential problems at an early stage. for exceptional situations. on a periodic basis. © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 23-4 . They require analyses that will search. 000 3000 350. the exceptional situations are highlighted using color codes or filtered in the exception analysis. In the periodic analysis.g.800 © SAP AG 1999 You can either use the Early Warning System interactively in the standard analyses or run it at regular intervals as a background job.g. quantity 1000 100. This allows you to detect exceptional situations at an early stage. on a weekly basis) Fax LIS data Ex ce pt io n Event-driven Check of changed data (e.000 1.000 1.000 2000 230.000 2. If you use it interactively in the standard analyses. mail.Early Warning System: Functionality Interactive Complete list of highlighted exceptional situations Customer analysis Sold-to Sales Order party order val.000 3000 350. daily) Mail Workflow Filter: Only the exceptional situations are output Customer analysis Order Sold-to Sales party order val. © SAP AG TAMM20 23-5 .000 2.000 1. or workflow. a list of the exceptional data is automatically sent to the designated recipient by fax.800 • Periodic Analyses System-driven Data check (e. quantity 2000 230. 633 M-03 313.268 • • Open orders Miller Month 01/1998 02/1998 03/1998 • © SAP AG 1999 M-01 548. you create an exception in the initial screen of the standard analysis.127 153.783 787.324 253. > 200. > 100.644 Schmitt 1. If you drill down further by double-clicking a sold-to party.178 653. The characteristics which satisfy the exception are highlighted in color. then the entries on a higher level are also highlighted in color.750 578. Exceptional situations are always checked on the lowest level of aggregation.654 216. If an exception occurs at this level.000 Open orders.268 • If you want to use the EWS in the standard analyses.000 red yellow Miller Material Incoming orders Customer analysis Sold-to Incoming Open party orders orders Busch 543.657 53.783 450.958 113.750 M-02 1.323.548.767 250. the exception is checked at the level of sold-to party/material/month. Here the sold-to parties are highlighted for which materials exist which satisfy the requirements of the exception for at least one month.Early Warning System in Standard Analyses Exception Characteristics Sold-to party Material Month Requirements Open orders.750 Miller 2. Carry out the standard analysis as normal. In the example above. © SAP AG TAMM20 23-6 .268 • M-02 • Material: Incoming Open orders orders 249. the materials that satisfy the exception for at least one month are highlighted. 767 250.Early Warning System as an Online Filter Exception Characteristics Sold-to party Material Month Requirements Open orders. the exception requirement is checked at the sold-to party/material/month level. an exception analysis only displays data to which the exceptional situation applies.000 Open orders. all materials are listed that satisfy the exception for at least one month.268 Exception analysis Sold-to Incoming Open party orders orders Miller 2. If you drill down further by double-clicking a sold-to party. > 200. > 100. In the example above. © SAP AG TAMM20 23-7 . Data that the exception does not apply to is not displayed.633 © SAP AG 1999 Exceptions can be performed not only in standard analyses but also as independent exception analyses.654 216. Only those sold-to parties are displayed for whom materials satisfy the exception requirements for at least one month.000 red yellow Miller Material Incoming orders M-02 Miller Month 02/1998 03/1998 Material: M-02 Incoming Open orders orders 578. all the months are listed in which the exception is satisfied for this material. If you double-click a material. The exception acts as a data filter.783 787.958 113.258. Unlike the standard analysis with exception.644 Open orders 1.239.783 450. In all other cases. If an exceptional situation occurs. The following constraints need to be considered when conducting periodic analyses: For each exception only one periodic analysis can be created. Although you can create several exceptions for one info structure. weekly. © SAP AG TAMM20 23-8 .Analysis of entire data . you can create only one event-driven analysis for each info structure. Use: Month-end closing report. for example Information can be sent by Workflow Mail Fax to the user © SAP AG 1999 You can schedule a periodic analysis to run as a background job in order to check the dataset for exceptional situations.Periodic Analysis SD EWS MM Info structures PP Periodic analysis EWS System-driven . or workflow and you can trigger follow-up processing. Therefore.Weekly. provides an overview of exceptional data Event-driven: only data that has changed since the last check is read and checked. you will be informed via mail.Analysis of data changed since the last check . The existing dataset is systematically checked for exceptional situations at an appropriate interval (hourly. you need to decide between systemdriven and event-driven analyses. a weekly check using the system-driven periodic analysis may be performed. monthly). for example Event-driven . Use: Monitoring of ongoing transactions and operations at short intervals It is advisable to monitor particularly important key figures or characteristics using the event-driven periodic analysis. daily. fax. There are two types of periodic analyses: System-driven: the entire dataset specified for selection is checked for exceptional situations.Daily. for example. A forecast then takes place for the next few periods (2 in this case) which is based on the number of periods you have selected (7 in this case).000 b a c Current period Separate periods a + b + c ≥ 200. © SAP AG TAMM20 23-9 . Future periods Value Analysis Threshold Incoming orders No. exceeds 200.g.000. The number of periods defines the number of periods to be analyzed.000 ? Exception: Requirements Period to analyze Previous periods 7 ≥ 2 Incl. forecasting per. If the option "Separate periods" is selected. Any other currencies are converted into the specified analysis currency. each individual period is checked instead of the key figure value total of these three periods.000). 200.Threshold Value Analysis Exception: Requirements Period to analyze Previous periods 3 ≥ Incl. You can also carry out a threshold value test to analyze future developments.000 a Current period b Actual Forecast a + b ≥ 200. A threshold value analysis is then carried out for the forecasted values. act. Future Threshold Value Analysis periods Incoming orders No. incoming orders value > 200. forecasting per. You need to choose the number of forecast periods that you want to test. act. before the check for exceptions takes place.000 ? © SAP AG 1999 To analyze the threshold value. including the current month. Separate periods 200. you enter a threshold value for a key figure and an operator for the threshold value (e. The threshold value in the example above is defined so that the exception is satisfied when the total of the incoming orders values of the last three months. a regression line is drawn upon which the trend is based. even if the dataset contains outliers. If a positive trend exists and no statistical test has been performed. test Current period Current period Exception: Requirements Period to analyze Previous periods 6 Incl. Based on the dataset and the number of periods to analyze (6 in this case). If a positive trend exists and a statistical test has been performed. a reliable statistical test for a trend can be performed. © SAP AG TAMM20 23-10 . you can also carry out a statistical trend test for each individual requirement by means of statistical resources. an exception will occur when the system detects a trend with a probability of 95 %. an exceptional situation will occur if each value exceeds the value in the previous period. If the period to analyze extends over 3 or more periods. test © SAP AG 1999 Current period Current period The trend analysis determines whether there is a positive or negative trend in the dataset with regard to the selected key figure. If there are 3 or 4 past periods available to carry out a statistical test for a trend. Future periods Trend Analysis Incoming orders Trend Positive trend Negative trend Statist. act. Incoming orders Trend Positive trend Negative trend Statist. If you select only two past periods. If there are 5 or more past periods. act.Trend Analysis Exception: Requirements Period to analyze 6 Previous periods Trend Analysis Future periods Incl. the system checks whether or not a trend exists. the system only determines whether the second period value is greater or less than the first value. It is not possible to determine a trend if only one period to analyze is selected. This is recommended if you want to know whether a general trend exists. act. 100 < 90 % ? Exception: Requirements Period to analyze Previous periods 6 Incl. Separate periods 90 % Current period Planned 001 Actual (Actual/planned) .Planned/Actual Comparison Exception: Requirements Period to analyze Previous periods 2 Incl. based on the values of the last six periods. Note: The exception is based on the total number of specified periods because the flag "Separate periods" is not set. forecasting per. In the second example. act. Separate periods © SAP AG 1999 Planned 001 Actual Forecast a b Current period 90 % 2 (Forecast/planned) . © SAP AG TAMM20 23-11 . Planned/Actual Comparison Future periods Planning version 001 Plan realization < No. the system creates a forecast for the next two periods. To do this. You can check the realization of the plan and determine the weak points with respect to planned/actual values. 100 < 90 % ? The planned/actual comparison compares planned data of a specific planning version with actual data. the planned values for a key figure are compared with the actual data. forecasting per.e. This kind of analysis enables you to detect potential problems which lie in the distant future. Future periods Planned/Actual Comparison Planning version 001 Plan realization < No. The total of both forecasted values is compared with the total planned values assigned to these periods. i. you enter the plan realization percentage and an operator. In the first example. when the actual data falls short of the planned values by more than 10 %. An exceptional situation occurs when the realization of the plan is less than 90 %. 000 130. orders Open orders E2: Incom.000 15.000 Group Exception: G1 Miller Month 02/1998 03/1998 04/1998 05/1998 06/1998 07/1998 Link And Exception: E2 Exceptions E1: Incom.000 170.000 25.000 230.000 Characteristics Sold-to party Material Month Link Or < 200.000 9. several requirements can be defined in one exception.000 > 10.000 6. use a group exception since a link can also be set in the group exception.Multiple Linking Using And and Or Exception: E1 Characteristics Sold-to party Material Month Requirements Incom.000 > 10. orders Open orders Link And © SAP AG 1999 As mentioned before. orders Open orders > 200. © SAP AG TAMM20 23-12 .000 5.000 > 20. orders Open orders > 200.000 Material: M-02 Incoming Open orders orders 201.000 95. If you want to link several requirements using "And" and "Or".000 12.000 Requirements Incom.000 > 20. These requirements need to be linked with each other using "And" or "Or". Only one link of requirements can be defined for each exception.000 < 200.000 185. Early Warning System: Unit Summary You are now able to: Execute standard analyses with an exception condition as an additional selection option Use exception analyses as online filters Create an automatic weak-point analysis © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 23-13 . Use the following information: • Use the name EWS-01-##. and materials. as well as the current period. Choose the exercises that most closely relate to your business function. Management has noticed that the number of vendors being used has recently risen considerably.000. 1-1 Use the Early Warning System and standard analyses to determine which vendors supply materials with low order values.Exercises Unit: Early Warning System Topic: Exception Reporting in Standard Analyses • Execute standard analyses with an exception condition as an additional selection option. Vendor. Include your group number in the description. • For follow-up processing: Ensure that the exception is active for standard analyses. but the threshold is based on order value. An analysis is required to determine vendors supplying material with an order value of less than 10000 DEM in a given month. • Use exception analyses as online filters. unless you are familiar with purchasing and sales. • Include 3 months of data in your analysis. the second to the Sales Information System. • Use the "Order value" and "Order quantity" key figures. 1-1-1 Create an exception that analyzes month. TAMM20 23-14 © SAP AG . There are 2 sets of exercises for this unit. The analysis should include order value and order quantity. The first set applies to the Purchasing Information System. (The threshold value is 10. • Check each period separately. and Material characteristics. • Set your analysis currency to DEM. Display the exception rows in green. • Choose the Purchasing info structure (S012). Do not attempt both. during the past three months. • Select the Month. vendors. • Base your threshold (requirement) on the order value. ) 1-1-4 Why do all lines appear in green? 1-1-5 Drill down through your characteristics until you see some lines that are NOT green. you should see the message "Settings are copied from the exception".1-1-2 Run standard analysis by vendor for the last three months. or only the data that meets the threshold in your exception? © SAP AG TAMM20 23-15 . Why are these lines not green? 1-1-6 Do you see all data in this analysis. 1-1-3 When you run this analysis with your exception. press [?]. using your new exception. What settings is this referring to? (To see more information. 1-2 Run an exception analysis so that you see ONLY those Vendors and Materials that fall below the threshold value. 1-2-1 What is different about these results? 1-2-2 Drill down through your characteristics. Are there any rows that are NOT green? © SAP AG TAMM20 23-16 . but the threshold is based on order value. management wants the analysis to be carried out periodically. vendors. Include 3 months of data in your analysis. Use the following information: • • • • • • • • • • Use the name EWS-02-##. and Material characteristics. Send a mail to your user name (LO930-##) for periodic processing. 1-3 Use the Early Warning System and standard analyses to determine which vendors supply materials in excess of this order value. and materials. Base your threshold (requirement) on the order value. Order quantities will also be included in the analysis. Management wants to see which vendors are supplying materials in excess of 100. Include your group number in the description. Display the exception rows in red. Set your analysis currency to DEM. Ensure that the exception is active for periodic analyses (for the next exercise). The threshold value is 100. Use the "Order value" and "Order quantity" key figures. Vendor. For follow-up processing: Ensure that the exception is active for standard analyses. The results will then be sent to you via e-mail. 1-3-1 Create an exception that analyzes month. Check each period separately.Unit: Early Warning System Topic: Periodic Analyses • Create an automatic weak point analysis. © SAP AG TAMM20 23-17 . as well as the current period.000. Choose the Purchasing info structure (S012). Select the Month. Once the exception has been created.000 DEM. 1-4 Schedule a system-driven periodic analysis to run the above exception and send an e-mail to yourself with the results. leave the standard analysis selection criteria blank. In your variant. 1-4-2 Schedule your analysis to run immediately. how can you go to the exception analysis? © SAP AG TAMM20 23-18 . 1-4-3 View the results of your background job. 1-4-1 Create a variant (area to analyze) EWS-## in order to run this analysis in the background. 1-4-4 What do you see in your e-mail? 1-4-5 From your e-mail message. or those that have exceeded the excess order value. since you want to see both situations. as well as the current period. EWS-01-## and EWS-02-##. Choose the Purchasing info structure (S012). 1-5 Use the Early Warning System and standard analyses to see the vendors supplying material of a low order value. Include your group number in the description. Include 3 months of data in your analysis. © SAP AG TAMM20 23-19 . activate the exception for a periodic analysis.Unit: Early Warning System Topic: Group Exceptions • Create a group exception. If there is sufficient time. For follow-up processing: Ensure that the exception is active for standard analyses. Set your analysis currency to DEM. You can only assign individual exceptions to the group exception that refer to the same information structure. 1-5-1 Create a group exception that combines the two exceptions created previously. Use the following information: • • • • • • • Use the name EWS-03-##. The link should be OR. Management wants both analyses combined in one exception. Assign the exceptions created previously. 1-5-3 Read the online documentation relating to Early Warning System: Overview Allocating Exceptions. © SAP AG TAMM20 23-20 .1-5-2 Execute a standard analysis by vendors using your new group exception. Repeat the steps described in the previous exercise. Detail the rules that apply to allocating exceptions. Substitute the values as explained above. unless you are familiar with purchasing and sales. "Division". They want to see incoming orders and incoming order quantities in the analysis. Choose the exercises that most closely relate to your business function. • The threshold value is 50. 2-1 Use the Early Warning System and standard analyses to see the sales organizations and their divisions that have not met their bookings quota. Include your group number in the description. • Use exception analyses as online filters. This second set applies to the Sales Information System. Display the exception rows in red. • Check each period separately.Unit: Early Warning System Topic: Exception Reporting in Standard Analyses • Execute standard analyses with an exception condition as an additional selection option. sales organization. Do not attempt both. • Use the Incoming orders and Incoming orders quantity key figures. • Include 3 months of data in your analysis. and division. • Set your analysis currency to DEM. Management wants to see which divisions within which sales organizations have not met their quota for the past three months. © SAP AG TAMM20 23-21 . • For follow-up processing: Ensure that the exception is active for standard analyses.000. and "Month" characteristics. • Choose the info structure for the Sales organization (S003). as well as the current period. There are 2 sets of exercises for this unit. • Base your threshold (requirement) on incoming orders. but the threshold is based on incoming orders (currency value). 2-1-1 Create an exception that analyzes month. Use the following information: • Use the name EWS-01-##. Each of your divisions within each sales organization has a monthly bookings quota (orders taken) of 50000 DEM. • Select the "Sales organization". you should see the message "Settings are copied from the exception". Why are these lines not red? 2-1-6 Do you see all data in this analysis. 2-1-3 When you run this analysis with your exception. What settings is this referring to? (To see more information. or only the data that meets the threshold in your exception? © SAP AG TAMM20 23-22 .) 2-1-4 Why do all lines appear in red? 2-1-5 Drill down through your characteristics until you see some lines that are NOT red.2-1-2 Run a standard analysis by sales organization for the last three months using your new exception. press [?]. 2-2 Run an exception analysis so you see ONLY those sales organizations and divisions that are not meeting their quota. 2-2-1 What is different about these results? 2-2-2 Drill down through your characteristics. Are there any rows that are NOT red? © SAP AG TAMM20 23-23 . as well as the current period. The threshold value is 1. Use the following information: • • • • • • • • • • Use the name EWS-02-##. Include your group number in the description. 2-3-1 Create an exception that analyzes month. 2-3 Use the Early Warning System and standard analyses to see the sales organizations and their divisions that have considerably exceeded their bookings quota.000. and division. Display the exception rows in green. Send a mail to your user name (LO930-##) for periodic processing. Incoming order quantities will also be included in the analysis. Management wants to see which divisions within which sales organizations have considerably exceeded their quota during the past three months. Check each period separately. The results will then be sent to you via e-mail. Choose the info structure for the Sales organization (S003). Set your analysis currency to DEM. © SAP AG TAMM20 23-24 . Include 3 months of data in your analysis. management wants the analysis to be carried out periodically. but the threshold is based on incoming orders (currency value). They want to see incoming orders in excess of 1000000 DEM. and "Month" characteristics. Select the "Sales organization". Ensure that the exception is active for periodic analyses (for the next exercise). Base your threshold (requirement) on incoming orders. Once the exception has been created. Use key figures Incoming orders and Incoming orders quantity.Unit: Early Warning System Topic: Periodic Analyses • Create an automatic weak point analysis. For follow-up processing: Ensure that the exception is active for standard analyses.000. sales organization. "Division". In your variant. leave the standard analysis selection criteria blank.2-4 Schedule a system-driven periodic analysis to run the above exception and send an e-mail to yourself with the results. 2-4-4 What do you see in your e-mail? 2-4-5 From your e-mail message. how can you go to the exception analysis? © SAP AG TAMM20 23-25 . 2-4-3 View the results of your background job. 2-4-1 Create a variant (area to analyze) EWS-## in order to run this analysis in the background. 2-4-2 Schedule your analysis to run immediately. as well as the current period. Use the following information: • • • • • • • Use the name EWS-03-##. Include your group number in the description. 2-5 Use the Early Warning System and standard analyses to see the sales organizations and their divisions that have not achieved their bookings quota and those that have considerably exceeded their bookings quota. Assign the exceptions created previously. You can only assign individual exceptions to the group exception that refer to the same information structure. The link should be OR. Choose the info structure for the Sales organization (S003). EWS-01-## and EWS-02-##. since you want to see both situations. Set your analysis currency to DEM. Management wants both analyses combined in one exception. activate the exception for a periodic analysis. © SAP AG TAMM20 23-26 . Include 3 months of data in your analysis. If there is sufficient time. For follow-up processing: Ensure that the exception is active for standard analyses. 2-5-1 Create a group exception that combines the two exceptions created previously.Unit: Early Warning System Topic: Group Exceptions • Create a group exception. Substitute the values as explained above. 2-5-3 Read the online documentation relating to Early Warning System: Overview Allocating Exceptions.2-5-2 Execute a standard analysis by sales organization using your new group exception. Detail the rules that apply to allocating exceptions. © SAP AG TAMM20 23-27 . Repeat the steps described in the previous exercise. There are 2 sets of exercises for this unit. during the past three months. and materials. as well as the current period. vendors. Management has noticed that the number of vendors being used has recently risen considerably. • Use exception analyses as online filters. but the threshold is based on order value. Display the exception rows in green. the second to the Sales Information System. • Include 3 months of data in your analysis. Do not attempt both. Use the following information: • Use the name EWS-01-##. Choose the exercises that most closely relate to your business function. • Choose the Purchasing info structure (S012). • Use the "Order value" and "Order quantity" key figures. unless you are familiar with purchasing and sales. • Base your threshold (requirement) on the order value. • Set your analysis currency to DEM. • Select the Month. • For follow-up processing: Ensure that the exception is active for standard analyses. The analysis should include order value and order quantity. An analysis is required to determine vendors supplying material with an order value of less than 10000 DEM in a given month. Include your group number in the description. • Check each period separately. Vendor. The threshold value is 10.Solutions Unit: Early Warning System Topic: Exception Reporting in Standard Analyses • Execute standard analyses with an exception condition as an additional selection option. 1-1-1 Create an exception that analyzes month. The first set applies to the Purchasing Information System. TAMM20 23-28 © SAP AG . 1-1 Use the Early Warning System and standard analyses to determine which vendors supply materials with low order values. and Material characteristics.000. On the Requirements screen. and Material characteristics. Select "Order value" and "Order quantity". 3. 7. 4. Choose [Requirements]. 12. 13. Choose [Define requirement]. Select the "less than" symbol (<) and type 10000 for your threshold value. To choose the exception color. since this will become the default drilldown path for standard analyses when this exception is used. 15. choose: Early Warning System → Exception → Create 1.From the Purchasing Information System (PURCHIS) menu. choose color 1. [Save] your exception. 8. Select "Threshold value analysis" and [Continue]. using your group name. Choose [Enter]. Click [Choose key figures]. Enter DEM as the analysis currency and exchange rate type M (default). so leave forecast periods blank. Select the characteristics in this order. 5. select the order value by clicking it once. Specify info structure S012. Using the pull-down arrow for "Color in list" (F4). Enter the name of your exception EWS-01-## and the description of your exception. 16. 14. Select the Month. 9. click [Choose characteristics]. green. 2. 6. [Continue]. select [Follow-up processing]. © SAP AG TAMM20 23-29 . Include the actual period (default). We are not comparing against forecast. 11. You now need to establish the threshold value for your order value key figure. 10. Choose [Enter]. Enter 3 for number of periods to analyze. Vendor. To select characteristics. Choose to check each period separately by selecting the "Separate periods" field. or only the data that meets the threshold in your exception? All data rows are displayed. only the rows whose order value is less than 10000 are displayed. 1-1-3 When you run this analysis with your exception. using your new exception.) The settings for the standard drilldown and the key figures are copied according to the exception. 1-1-6 Do you see all data in this analysis. Choose [Execute]. 1-1-4 Why do all lines appear in green? At the lowest level within the drilldown path. © SAP AG TAMM20 23-30 . The analysis currency is also copied from the exception.1-1-2 Run standard analysis by vendor for the last three months. 1. there are entries that do not meet the threshold. Enter your exception. 1-2-2 Drill down through your characteristics. 3. Do not save your analysis. Note you are now in the same standard analysis characteristic selection screen. Change the Period to analyze to 3 months. Why are these lines not green? These lines are not exceptions. Standard analyses Exception analysis 4. even though some of the detail may not be. the total lines are green. 1-1-5 Drill down through your characteristics until you see some lines that are NOT green. press [?]. They reflect ONLY the data that meets the threshold criteria. Standard Analyses Vendor Leave all characteristic selection criteria blank. Are there any rows that are NOT green? No. Exit from the original report using the yellow arrow. What settings is this referring to? (To see more information. [Execute]. you should see the message "Settings are copied from the exception". Return to the Purchasing Information System menu by clicking the green arrow. 1-2 Run an exception analysis so that you see ONLY those Vendors and Materials that fall below the threshold value. 1-2-1 What is different about these results? The numbers are different. Your exception is already entered. Choose [Execute]. Enter your exception into the field Exception. In other words. Therefore. 5. 2. Display the exception rows in red. and materials. © SAP AG TAMM20 23-31 . management wants the analysis to be carried out periodically. Choose the Purchasing info structure (S012). but the threshold is based on order value. Order quantities will also be included in the analysis. as well as the current period. Include 3 months of data in your analysis. vendors. Once the exception has been created. Set your analysis currency to DEM. The results will then be sent to you via e-mail. For follow-up processing: Ensure that the exception is active for standard analyses. The threshold value is 100. Use the following information: • • • • • • • • • • Use the name EWS-02-##. Send a mail to your user name (LO930-##) for periodic processing. 1-3 Use the Early Warning System and standard analyses to determine which vendors supply materials in excess of this order value. Use the "Order value" and "Order quantity" key figures. Base your threshold (requirement) on the order value.000 DEM. Select the Month. Check each period separately.000.Unit: Early Warning System Topic: Periodic Analyses • Create an automatic weak point analysis. Management wants to see which vendors are supplying materials in excess of 100. Include your group number in the description. and Material characteristics. 1-3-1 Create an exception that analyzes month. Vendor. Ensure that the exception is active for periodic analyses (for the next exercise). 14. To choose the exception color and send an e-mail to yourself. Enter a description of your variant. Select "Active for periodic analysis". Choose [Create].Repeat the steps 1-13 detailed in the previous exercise. 17. For this exercise. 6. choose color 3. Replace the values as described above. 1-4-1 Create a variant (area to analyze) EWS-## in order to run this analysis in the background. 3. [Save]. leave the standard analysis selection criteria blank. 16. select [Follow-up processing]. In your variant. 4. 5. Enter a name for your variant: EWS-##. Using the pull-down arrow for Color in list (F4). © SAP AG TAMM20 23-32 . Enter your user name. Select "System-driven". 1-4 Schedule a system-driven periodic analysis to run the above exception and send an e-mail to yourself with the results. 7. Choose [Create]. choose: Early Warning System 2. Return to the Purchasing Information System menu using the green arrow. In a productive situation. Remember you are creating a variant for a background job. you could enter selection criteria to run this analysis. Select "Send mail to". Periodic analysis → Area to analyze → Create 1. leave the selection criteria blank and choose [Attributes]. red. 15. Note that this feature is used only with periodic processing. 18. Enter your exception. even though you are processing the same screens. You are not running the analysis online. [Save] your exception. From the Purchasing Information System menu. [Continue]. Choose [Schedule]. 2. Select [Unviewed documents] or [Documents]. Choose Office Workplace in the SAP menu or choose [Inbox] in the SAPoffice express info window directly. © SAP AG TAMM20 23-33 . contents" tab. 1-4-4 What do you see in your e-mail? Only those characteristic combinations that meet the requirement in the exception. You may already see the SAPoffice express info window. 3. [Save]. From the Purchasing Information System menu. 1-4-3 View the results of your background job. 3. choose: Early Warning System 1.1-4-2 Schedule your analysis to run immediately. how can you view the exception analysis? Choose: Document Execute Periodic analysis Schedule Your exception should appear." 4. You will see the message "Background job for exception EWS02-## successfully planned. Choose [Immediate]. 1-4-5 From your e-mail message. 1. You may have to click the "Doc. press [Enter]. 5. Return to the Purchasing Information System menu using the green arrow. Double-click your message. 2. Choose [Inbox]. 4. If not. Include 3 months of data in your analysis. 1-5 Use the Early Warning System and standard analyses to see the vendors supplying material of a low order value. as well as the current period. Use the following information: • • • • • • • Use the name EWS-03-##. Assign the exceptions created previously. © SAP AG TAMM20 23-34 . For follow-up processing: Ensure that the exception is active for standard analyses. or those that have exceeded the excess order value. The link should be OR. since you want to see both situations. activate the exception for a periodic analysis. Management wants both analyses combined in one exception. Set your analysis currency to DEM. Include your group number in the description.Unit: Early Warning System Topic: Group Exceptions • Create a group exception. You can only assign individual exceptions to the group exception that refer to the same information structure. Choose the Purchasing info structure (S012). 1-5-1 Create a group exception that combines the two exceptions created previously. If there is sufficient time. EWS-01-## and EWS-02-##. Allocate the exceptions EWS-01-## and EWS-02-##. You can only assign those exceptions with key figures for which you have an authorization © SAP AG TAMM20 23-35 . Enter DEM for the analysis currency and exchange rate type M (default). Detail the rules that apply to allocating exceptions. The online documentation provides the solution: 1. Include the actual period (default). 2. 2. 8. using your group name.From the Purchasing Information System (PURCHIS) menu. 1-5-3 Read the online documentation relating to Early Warning System: Overview Allocating Exceptions. The first assigned exception with a characteristic reference determines the characteristics and their sequence for all of the exceptions. All exceptions in the exception group must refer to the same information structure. no other exception group can be assigned to an exception group. [Save] your group exception. Check that follow-up processing is defined. 1-5-2 Execute a standard analysis by vendors using your new group exception. you can only assign those exceptions which have the same underlying information structure. 6. 4. 5. 3. Specify info structure S012. which can be assigned to the exception group. Enter the name of your exception EWS-03-## and the description of your exception. 7. Enter 3 for number of periods to analyze. 4. Substitute the values as explained above. Select the link "OR". Repeat the steps described in the previous exercise. choose: Early Warning System → Grouping → Create 1. Only individual exceptions can be assigned to an exception group. 3. All exceptions must have the same characteristics and the same sequence of characteristics so that the standard analyses and exception analysis are displayed in the same way. Choose [Enter]. that is. that is. Each of your divisions within each sales organization has a monthly bookings quota (orders taken) of 50000 DEM. • Base your threshold (requirement) on incoming orders.000. and division. Choose the exercises that most closely relate to your business function. • Set your analysis currency to DEM. Management wants to see which divisions within which sales organizations have not met their quota for the past three months. They want to see incoming orders and incoming order quantities in the analysis. • For follow-up processing: Ensure that the exception is active for standard analyses. • Include 3 months of data in your analysis. • Choose the info structure for the Sales organization (S003). 2-1 Use the Early Warning System and standard analyses to see the sales organizations and their divisions that have not met their bookings quota. TAMM20 23-36 © SAP AG . • Check each period separately. • Use exception analyses as online filters. and "Month" characteristics. but the threshold is based on incoming orders (currency value). unless you are familiar with purchasing and sales. as well as the current period. • The threshold value is 50. sales organization. 2-1-1 Create an exception that analyzes month. "Division". There are 2 sets of exercises for this unit. Use the following information: • Use the name EWS-01-##. This second set applies to the Sales Information System. Include your group number in the description. • Select the "Sales organization". • Use the Incoming orders and Incoming orders quantity key figures.Unit: Early Warning System Topic: Exception Reporting in Standard Analyses • Execute standard analyses with an exception condition as an additional selection option. Do not attempt both. Choose [Execute]. using your group name. red. 15. 6. 9. 14. Select the "Incoming orders" and "Incoming orders qty" key figures. Choose to check each period separately by selecting the "Separate periods" field. click [Choose characteristics]. Standard analyses → Sales organization Leave all characteristic selection criteria blank. Enter DEM as the analysis currency and exchange rate type M (default). choose: Early Warning System → Exception → Create 1. To select characteristics. Choose [Define requirement]. Enter the name of your exception EWS-01-## and the description of your exception. Enter your exception into the field Exception. [Save] your exception. Choose [Requirements]. Choose [Enter]. 11. Specify info structure S003. 2-1-2 Run a standard analysis by sales organization for the last three months using your new exception. so leave forecast periods blank. 3. 7. © SAP AG TAMM20 23-37 . You now need to establish the threshold value for your incoming orders key figure. We are not comparing against forecast. 16. On the Requirements screen. since this will become the default drilldown path for standard analyses when this exception is used. 8. select [Follow-up processing]. 12. To choose the exception color. 13. Include the actual period (default). Select the characteristics Month. select incoming orders by clicking it once. 10. 2. Select the characteristics in this order.Display the exception rows in red. Enter 3 for number of periods to analyze. From the Sales Information System (SIS) menu. [Continue]. Click [Choose key figures]. Using the pull-down arrow for Color in list (F4). Select the "less than" symbol (<) and type 50000 for your threshold value. Sales organization. Select "Threshold value analysis" and [Continue]. Choose [Enter]. and Division. 5. 4. choose color 3. Why are these lines not red? These lines are not exceptions. The analysis currency is also copied from the exception. © SAP AG TAMM20 23-38 . What settings is this referring to? (To see more information. there are entries that do not meet the threshold. 2-1-5 Drill down through your characteristics until you see some lines that are NOT red. Therefore.) The settings for the standard drilldown and the key figures are copied according to the exception. press [?]. you should see the message "Settings are copied from the exception". 2-1-4 Why do all lines appear in red? At the lowest level within the drilldown path.2-1-3 When you run this analysis with your exception. or only the data that meets the threshold in your exception? All data rows are displayed. the total lines are red. even though some of the detail may not be. 2-1-6 Do you see all data in this analysis. Do not save your analysis. 2. Choose [Execute].2-2 Run an exception analysis so you see ONLY those sales organizations and divisions that are not meeting their quota. Exit from the original report using the yellow arrow. 2-2-2 Drill down through your characteristics. Choose [Execute]. 5. 3. They reflect ONLY the data that meets the threshold criteria. Standard analyses → Exception analysis 4. Are there any rows that are NOT red? No. Enter your exception. Return to the Sales Information System menu using the green arrow. © SAP AG TAMM20 23-39 . In other words. only the rows whose incoming orders are less than 50000 are displayed. Note you are now in the same standard analysis characteristic selection screen. 6. 1. 2-2-1 What is different about these results? The numbers are different. Your exception is already entered. Incoming order quantities will also be included in the analysis.000. Ensure that the exception is active for periodic analyses (for the next exercise). They want to see incoming orders in excess of 1000000 DEM.000. but the threshold is based on incoming orders (currency value). Choose the info structure for the Sales organization (S003). "Division". Once the exception has been created. Display the exception rows in green. Set your analysis currency to DEM. 2-3-1 Create an exception that analyzes month. For follow-up processing: Ensure that the exception is active for standard analyses. Base your threshold (requirement) on incoming orders. management wants the analysis to be carried out periodically. sales organization. Use the following information: • • • • • • • • • • Use the name EWS-02-##. Include your group number in the description. Check each period separately. as well as the current period. © SAP AG TAMM20 23-40 . Management wants to see which divisions within which sales organizations have considerably exceeded their quota during the past three months. The results will then be sent to you via e-mail. and "Month" characteristics.Unit: Early Warning System Topic: Periodic Analyses • Create an automatic weak point analysis. and division. Select the "Sales organization". Use key figures Incoming orders and Incoming orders quantity. The threshold value is 1. 2-3 Use the Early Warning System and standard analyses to see the sales organizations and their divisions that have considerably exceeded their bookings quota. Include 3 months of data in your analysis. 2-4-2 Schedule your analysis to run immediately. [Save]. Choose [Create]. Note that this feature is used only with periodic processing. [Save]. 5. In your variant. 14. Repeat the steps 1-13 detailed in the previous exercise." 4. 3. From the Sales Information System menu. Choose [Immediate]. 7. [Save] your exception. 16. 1. even though you are processing the same screens. choose color 1. Return to the Sales Information System menu using the green arrow. 2. Select "Active for periodic analysis". You are not running the analysis online. 17. green. From the Sales Information System menu. 15. Select "System-driven". Using the pull-down arrow for "Color in list" (F4). Remember you are creating a variant for a background job. Choose [Schedule]. Select "Send mail to". © SAP AG TAMM20 23-41 . 4. 6. In a productive situation. choose: Early Warning System → Periodic analysis → Area to analyze → Create 1. Enter a name for your variant: EWS-##. leave the selection criteria blank and choose [Attributes]. choose: Early Warning System → Periodic analysis → Schedule Your exception should appear. 2-4-1 Create a variant (area to analyze) EWS-## in order to run this analysis in the background. you could enter selection criteria to run this analysis. select [Follow-up processing]. 2-4 Schedule a system-driven periodic analysis to run the above exception and send an e-mail to yourself with the results. Enter a description of your variant.Send a mail to your user name (LO930-##) for periodic processing. Enter your exception. Replace the values as described above. 18. You will see the message "Background job for exception EWS02-## successfully planned. Enter your user name. Choose [Create]. Return to the Sales Information System menu using the green arrow. To choose the exception color and send an e-mail to yourself. [Continue]. leave the standard analysis selection criteria blank. 2. 3. For this exercise. Double-click your message. 3. 5. 1. Select [Unviewed documents]. © SAP AG TAMM20 23-42 . 2-4-5 From your e-mail message.2-4-3 View the results of your background job. If not. 2. contents" tab. 4. how can you view the exception analysis? Choose: Document → Execute. Choose [Inbox]. press [Enter]. You may already see the SAPoffice express info window. You may have to click the "Doc. Choose: Choose Office → Workplace in the SAP menu or choose [Inbox] the SAPoffice express info window directly. 2-4-4 What do you see in your e-mail? Only those characteristic combinations that meet the requirement in the exception. Set your analysis currency to DEM. 2-5 Use the Early Warning System and standard analyses to see the sales organizations and their divisions that have not achieved their bookings quota and those that have considerably exceeded their bookings quota. Management wants both analyses combined in one exception. since you want to see both situations. For follow-up processing: Ensure that the exception is active for standard analyses. Choose the info structure for the Sales organization (S003).Unit: Early Warning System Topic: Group Exceptions • Create a group exception. activate the exception for a periodic analysis. Assign the exceptions created previously. The link should be OR. If there is sufficient time. Include 3 months of data in your analysis. Include your group number in the description. Use the following information: • • • • • • • Use the name EWS-03-##. EWS-01-## and EWS-02-##. 2-5-1 Create a group exception that combines the two exceptions created previously. as well as the current period. You can only assign individual exceptions to the group exception that refer to the same information structure. © SAP AG TAMM20 23-43 . no other exception group can be assigned to an exception group. All exceptions must have the same characteristics and the same sequence of characteristics so that the standard analyses and exception analysis are displayed in the same way. Choose [Enter]. that is. 2. 6. Allocate the exceptions EWS-01-## and EWS-02-##. 5. Enter 3 for number of periods to analyze. 8. The first assigned exception with a characteristic reference determines the characteristics and their sequence for all of the exceptions. you can only assign those exceptions which have the same underlying information structure. The online documentation provides the solution 1. Only individual exceptions can be assigned to an exception group. 3. All exceptions in the exception group must refer to the same information structure. Include the actual period (default). Enter DEM for the analysis currency and exchange rate type M (default). 2-5-3 Read the online documentation relating to Early Warning System: Overview Allocating Exceptions. [Save] your group exception. Check that follow-up processing is defined. Enter the name of your exception EWS-03-## and the description of your exception. Repeat the steps described in the previous exercise. 2. that is. Specify info structure S003. Detail the rules that apply to allocating exceptions. 2-5-3 Execute a standard analysis by sales organization using your new group exception. which can be assigned to the exception group.From the Sales Information System (SIS) menu. Select the link "OR". 4. 3. 4. Substitute the values as explained above. choose: Early Warning System → Grouping → Create 1. 7. using your group name. You can only assign those exceptions with key figures for which you have an authorization © SAP AG TAMM20 23-44 . Flexible Analyses in LIS Contents: Flexible analyses reporting in LIS List layout in the Report Writer Maintaining sets and set hierarchies for selection LIS evaluations in Report Writer © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 24-1 . Flexible Analyses in LIS: Unit Objectives At the conclusion of this unit. you will be able to: Use flexible analyses as an additional option for obtaining information in LIS Maintain additional selection options in the flexible analyses. using sets and set hierarchies Find and enhance LIS evaluations in Report Writer © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 24-2 . © SAP AG TAMM20 24-3 . The flexible analyses in LIS allow you to use part of the functionality available in the Report Writer. Please note that only part of the Report Writer functionality is available to you when you use flexible analyses. the flexible analysis technique allows you to display the contents of the information structures in a different way again. To be able to use the full Report Writer functionality.Flexible Analyses in LIS: Overview Advanced analysis functions • Selection versions • Authorizations • Hierarchies Standard analysis EWS Early Warning System External data MM SD FI PP Flexible analysis © SAP AG 1999 In addition to the standard analyses. a tool for creating reports that is located in other SAP applications such as G/L Accounting and Cost Center Accounting. you have to edit the reports using the Report Writer transactions. This includes comparison of figures for different periods.Flexible Analyses in LIS: Business Scenario Management often requires report layouts tailored to suit individual needs. © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 24-4 . 000 114. Laser printer PC 200.000 110. You can choose characteristics and key figures using a pick-up technique. You can use your own formulas to calculate new key figures for existing ones.000 66 24 18 8 42 2 40 April 1993 No. Printer 6512 Computer H217 Morgan Inc. The "Evaluation" concept contains a program object that controls the collection and formatting of data for evaluation purposes.000 75 26 16 10 49 4 45 © SAP AG 1999 The flexible analyses in LIS are used in the same way as a report generator: you use a menu to describe the content and format of the list you require and.000 40.000 40.000 60.000 60.000 65. You can choose between a variety of layouts.000 100. You can use the "Evaluation" function to describe the reporting function in LIS.Self-Defined Evaluations Change Evaluation Characteristics Vendor Material Month Change Evaluation 398 398 157 005 157 005 Pick-up technique Key figures Order value No. of PO items March 1993 No.000 50.000 75. The resulting list displays a large number in one view. © SAP AG TAMM20 24-5 . In comparison to standard analyses. yet the flexible analyses offer you a broad spectrum of options for interactively editing the list online. flexible analyses have the following advantages: This technique enables you to combine characteristics and key figures from different information structures or DDIC tables in one list.000 90. of PO Order value items Total Smith Inc. of PO Order value items 240. the respective program is generated in the background. It is also possible to define the list layout by simply selecting the data you require.000 50. at the touch of a button. The characteristics and key figures in an evaluation structure can form the rows and columns of your evaluation list. These data sources can be information structures or normal DDIC tables. Evaluations are created with reference to evaluation structures. When you run an evaluation. The name of an evaluation structure must begin with "ZF" (example: ZFMARA). They can also include libraries for evaluation structures and reports for evaluations. © SAP AG TAMM20 24-6 . An evaluation structure chiefly consists of a list of characteristics and key figures. the evaluation structures control the way in which the evaluations collect data. which you can change and interpret using a variety of functions.From Data Basis to Data Presentation Data presentation List Reports Evaluation Evaluation Data collection LIS table description Evaluation Evaluation Evaluationstructure structure structure Logical data view Database tables Physical data basis DDIC tables © SAP AG 1999 Info structures In LIS. They describe the possible data sources of your evaluations. When evaluation structures and evaluations are generated. Report Writer objects are created in the background. An evaluation structure can also contain characteristics and key figures from different physical database tables. a list of data is displayed at the data presentation level. This evaluation structure contains all the key figures and characteristics of the corresponding information structure. the data does not originate from different data sources.Simple Example Data presentation List Evaluation XYZ1 Key figures Chars K1 M1 K2 M2 Formulas Layout S012 Chars M1 M2 Key figures K1 K2 Data collection Evaluation structure Logical data view Information structure © SAP AG 1999 S012 Physical data basis Each information structure in LIS automatically has an evaluation structure with the same name. © SAP AG TAMM20 24-7 . In this example. The above illustration shows the process from the physical data basis (in this case an information structure) to the data presentation for a simple example. and the evaluation structure was generated by creating the information structure. This makes it easy for you to create evaluations for both standard information structures as well as for self-defined information structures. you can change the position of the values in the list using the key figures function. The layout of the subsequent lists can be displayed schematically for control purposes.Order qty Charact. © SAP AG TAMM20 24-8 . you can also change them in the generated list. Material Vendor 05/98 06/98 K1 K2 K1 K2 Charact.Ord. are only possible for one characteristic. Column comparison key fig. However. Material Vendor Month Order qty GR qty GR . For example. You can define various layout parameters such as line texts. The evaluation type enables you to change the position of characteristics in a list. for char. however. or of key figures for each characteristic. or a characteristic only for selection purposes. you can define column comparisons of characteristics for each key figure.Evaluations: Options Choose key figures from evaluation structure Create formulas from key figures Charact. numeric and date formats when you create an evaluation. qty Layout control Change Evaluation Chars Key figures Material Vendor Month Choose chars from evaluation structure Type Formula Charact. Material Vendor K1 K2 05/98 06/98 05/98 06/98 Type selection for month Normal display Column comparison char. Material Vendor K1 K2 © SAP AG 1999 In addition to making your own characteristic and key figure selection. Material Vendor Month K1 K2 Order quantity Goods receipt qty GR qty . Characteristic for selection only 2 Column repetitions Charact. You can define an evaluation type for several characteristics. Formulas allow you to calculate the values for your own additional key figures from the values of existing key figures. per key fig. line totals. there are further options for creating your own evaluation. After the formula has been created. Column comparisons. 000 05/1998 180. A number of special functions are available when displaying these reports.Smith Characteristics Order value ** Material 1.000 Export Sort by columns Graphics with selection technique Evaluation: Result Store texts Title page Header Footer Last page Comments Layout parameters Line texts Line totals Numeric and date formats Column width . 200. as shown in the above slide.000 06/1998 220. column 1 Order value Define threshold values as data filters Created by H.000 04/1998 100..000 * M-02 400.000 * M-01 500. Local drilldown by collapsing and expanding © SAP AG 1999 Save snapshots in extracts The lists generated when you execute an evaluation are Report Writer reports. © SAP AG TAMM20 24-9 .000 Ref..100..Executing an Analysis: Functionality Currency translation Office integration Maintain Threshold Value Condition Condition > Threshold val. Flexible Analyses in LIS: Summary You are now able to: Use flexible analyses as an additional option for obtaining information in LIS Maintain additional selection options in the flexible analyses. using sets and set hierarchies Find and enhance LIS evaluations in Report Writer © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 24-10 . The first set applies to the Purchasing Information System.Exercises Unit: Flexible Analyses in LIS Topic: Flexible Analysis Reporting in LIS • Use flexible analyses as an additional means of acquiring information in LIS Management often requires report layouts tailored to suit individual needs. Choose the exercises that most closely relate to your business function. the second to the Sales Information System. including a comparison of key figures for different periods. Do not attempt both. There are 2 sets of exercises for this unit. These requirements also include calculating new key figures by applying mathematical formulas to existing key figures. unless you are familiar with purchasing and sales. © SAP AG TAMM20 24-11 . * Asterisks indicate the summation level. The summation levels are as follows: **** Total Purchasing Organization *** Purchasing Organization ** Vendor * Material Order Quantity **** Purchasing organization *** IDES Germany ** KBB Black Pump * Slug for fly wheel 05/1997 06/1997 07/1997 08/1997 09/1997 10/1997 11/1997 12/1997 01/1998 04/1998 05/1998 * Support base 05/1997 06/1997 07/1997 08/1997 09/1997 10/1997 11/1997 12/1997 01/1998 04/1998 05/1998 ** SMP GmbH * Deluxe Gas Tank 05/1997 © SAP AG TAMM20 24-12 .1-1 Management requires the following report layout: Order Average Value 4321415 4321415 2070 200790 97 688 66736 97 87 8439 97 40 3880 97 44 4268 97 76 7372 97 40 3880 97 60 5820 97 57 5529 97 63 6111 97 40 3880 97 141 13677 97 40 3880 97 1382 134054 97 148 14356 97 142 13774 97 84 8148 97 The lowest level of detail for this report is Month. • Select the key figures you listed above. list the characteristics and key figures for this evaluation. 1-1-3 Is the key figure "Average" in the evaluation structure? 1-1-4 Using the evaluation structure S012. © SAP AG TAMM20 24-13 . Accept the default set names. You must regenerate the report group. Characteristics Key figures 1-1-2 Using the standard analysis. which was generated automatically with the information structure. we will use the evaluation structure with the same name. Ensure that they are in the order specified by the summation levels. Note that you can select only two of the three key figures in the report from the evaluation structure. Note: For the next exercises. The report will be generated when executing the report for the first time. create the evaluation EV##.1-1-1 Using the report. • Create a new key figure called "Average". Evaluation 1 for group ##. determine which SAP information structure provides this information. • Do not include the evaluation in a transport request. • Select the characteristics you listed above. There is a future exercise using sets. The formula should be calculated as follows: Order value / Order quantity • Save your evaluation. 1-1-5 Execute your evaluation. 1-2-5 Display all rows again. Display your new text. Do not save the settings. Include the date and time the report was output. and vendor. Make sure you save the text. 1-2-6 Sort the report in ascending order by "Order value".1-2 Experiment with the layout of your report. deactivate the threshold value condition. Change the summation levels back. Level 4 is the total for this report. Afterwards. © SAP AG TAMM20 24-14 . 1-2-7 Enter text on the title page. On what page does the data start? 1-2-2 Display the key and description of the characteristics on each row. 1-2-8 Exit the report. 1-2-3 Change the summation levels to show totals for total organizations. Do not save the report as an extract. 1-2-4 Display only those lines whose order values are over 10000. Also change the column width to 45 to accommodate both fields. Highlight those rows whose incoming orders are over 10000 by displaying them in red. 1-2-1 Scroll throughout your report using the page up and page down buttons. The level number corresponds to the number of asterisks in the summation level row. purchasing organization. 1-3 Management has another report with the same information as above. evaluation 2 for group ##. Use the evaluation already created above as a model. Create a new evaluation: EW##. 1-4-1 Send the report to yourself from within the report via express office mail. Save your evaluation. 1-3-3 What is different about the selection screen for this report? 1-3-4 What is different about the display of this report? *1-4 Mail a copy of this report to yourself. 1-3-2 Execute your evaluation for the current month and the previous month. Choose 2 columns. This report layout is as follows: Order Quantity Current *** Purchasing organization ** IDES Germany * KBB Black Pump Slug for fly wheel Support base Previous Order Value Current 4321415 4321415 200790 66736 134054 Previous 4321415 4321415 200790 66736 134054 Average Current Previous 2070 688 1382 2070 688 1382 194 97 97 194 97 97 1-3-1 Using the same evaluation structure as above (S012). 1-4-2 Read the e-mail you just received. • Change the characteristic type from "Month" to "type 1" ." press [Enter]. Use "Layout control" to get an idea of what the report will look like. for the above information. Do not include it in a transport request. create a new evaluation that will compare the relevant periods. You may need to press [Enter] a second time.Comparison of characteristic per key figure. You must select to regenerate the report group. © SAP AG TAMM20 24-15 . In order to receive the "express mail. This report is a comparison between the current period and the previous period. They would like to see some hierarchical reports based on the reporting nodes you set up for standard analysis. these hierarchies are not available in flexible analysis. this time using flexible analysis. Unfortunately. using sets and set hierarchies The result and layout of the flexible analyses are of paramount importance for management. you want to perform an analysis based on vendors by region. This means that you will have to set up another reporting structure using sets to reflect the same reporting hierarchy. You want to replace the vendors in your report with the vendor regions defined below. Your reporting structure is as follows: Europe Germany Great Britain North South 1000 1001 1004 1012 1002 1008 1014 1003 1015 1005 1006 1010 1011 1020 © SAP AG TAMM20 24-16 . 1-5 Once again.Unit: Flexible Analyses in LIS Topic: Maintaining Sets and Set Hierarchies for Selection • Maintain additional selection options in the flexible analyses. using the following entries. since this will override the vendor’s text. No. since this will override the vendor’s text.1-5-1 Since there is no distinct range of vendors. Create the set using vendors. Do NOT enter the short text of the line. 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 From value 1001 1002 1003 1005 1006 1010 1011 1020 To value Short text of set line SI - 1-5-2 Create a basic set comprising of the vendors in Northern Germany. Save the set. Do NOT enter the short text of the line. Enter Southern Germany-## as a description. 001 002 003 004 From value 1000 1012 1014 1015 To value Short text of set line SI © SAP AG TAMM20 24-17 . No additional data is needed in the header. you first need to create a basic set of all vendors in Southern Germany that corresponds to the above reporting structure. No. - Enter Northern Germany-## as a description. Enter the vendors. - Create a basic set SGermany-## that only includes the vendors in Southern Germany. Do not select the suppress indicator. Enter the vendors. field name LIFNR. Save the set. Name the set NGermany-##. using the following entries. Table S012. Enter the following data: Choose Goto → Subordinate sets to call up the appropriate maintenance screen. Set ID Germany-## GB-## Set short text Germany-## Great Britain-## SI No. 1-6-1 Create a single set containing the vendors from Northern and Southern Germany. • • • Enter Germany-## as a description. • • • Enter Europe-## as a description.1-5-3 Create a basic set comprising of the vendors in Great Britain. using the following entries. No. Enter the vendors. 001 002 1-6-3 Execute your flexible analysis EV-## using your new single set Europe-##. you need to create a further two single sets. Set ID NGermany-## SGermany-## Set short text Northern Germany## Southern Germany## SI No. 1-6-4 What difference(s) do you notice in this report? © SAP AG TAMM20 24-18 . - Enter Great Britain-## as a description. Enter the following data: Choose Goto → Subordinate sets to call up the appropriate maintenance screen. Name the set Germany-##. since this will override the vendor’s text. Name the set GB-##. Do NOT enter the short text of the line. 001 002 From value 1004 1008 To value Short text of set line SI 1-6 To include the new sets in the predefined hierarchical structure. 001 002 1-6-2 Create a single set containing the vendors from Germany and Great Britain. Save the set. Name the set Europe-##. 1-7-1 Execute the evaluation EW##. Your task is to determine how the Report Writer is used in LIS and whether its entire functionality can be leveraged. Your company is also using the SAP Report Writer in LIS.Unit: Flexible Analyses in LIS Topic: LIS Evaluations in Report Writer • Find and enhance LIS evaluations in Report Writer • Change column widths to varying lengths. and previous month and current year. 1-7 Identify the links between LIS and the Report Writer. 1-7-2 Complete the following information for your analysis: Table Library Report Report group © SAP AG TAMM20 24-19 . the comparison analysis created previously. Specify the current month and year. 1-7-4 Can variable column widths be assigned in flexible analysis? 1-7-5 Identify the current format groups assigned in your report. © SAP AG TAMM20 24-20 . not the column number.1-7-3 What column widths have been defined for the available format groups? Column width Format group 1 Format group 2 Format group 3 Format group 4 Format group 5 The column width figure refers to format group. 2. To change the set. and 4 to the following column widths: Column width Format group 2 Format group 3 Format group 4 20 8 12 © SAP AG TAMM20 24-21 . Press [Yes] when asked "Regenerate report group?" 1-7-7 Check that the format groups have been assigned. The report has to be executed since the report definition has changed. press Enter. select the column block and then choose Edit → Change set. Follow these steps: 1. Select the Set ID for the key figures by double-clicking to display the key figures. To edit the column block. 1-7-8 Change the format groups 2. Execute the report (Report → Execute). 3.1-7-6 Change the format group definition of the report in Report Writer. 7. Save your entries. 5. choose Goto → Columns. 4. 8. This can be executed directly from Report Writer. or alternatively from the flexible analysis. Assign the following format group to the key figures: (Field FGr) Order value Order quantity Average Format group 2 Format group 3 Format group 4 6. Extras → Change definition. 3. Access Report Writer by changing the definition of your report. If message "Do you want to create them?" appears. Use the green arrow to return to Change Report: Columns screen. unless instructed in the exercise. display the following information: Do not CHANGE any settings. 1-8-3 Display the columns of the report and display the set of the column block. These settings are used in other reports within the system.*1-8 Using Report Writer. 1-8-4 Display the text of your report. 1-8-1 Display your report in Report Writer. © SAP AG TAMM20 24-22 . 1-8-2 Display the rows of the report and display the set of the row block. 1-8-5 Display the header of the report. The extensive functionality of Report Writer is covered in CA710Advanced Functions of the Report Writer. a 3 day course. Do not attempt both. © SAP AG TAMM20 24-23 . These requirements also include calculating new key figures by applying mathematical formulas to existing key figures.Unit: Flexible Analyses in LIS Topic: Flexible Analysis Reporting in LIS • Use flexible analyses as an additional means of acquiring information in LIS Management often requires report layouts tailored to suit individual needs. unless you are familiar with purchasing and sales. including a comparison of key figures for different periods. There are 2 sets of exercises for this unit. This second set applies to the Sales Information System. Choose the exercises that most closely relate to your business function. The summation levels are as follows: ***** Sales Organization **** Distribution Channel *** Division ** Sales District * Sold-to Party *** ** * © SAP AG TAMM20 24-24 .2-1 Management requires the following report layout: Incoming Orders Incoming Order Quantity 100 100 80 35 35 25 5 20 20 10 5 5 45 Average Sales Price 5400 5400 5250 3000 3000 2600 5000 2450 50 3100 2200 4000 7000 ******Total Organization ***** Sales Organization Germany **** Direct Sales *** Pumps ** Northern Germany * Becker Berlin Pump cast steel Pump standard PVC – custom * Minerva Energy Pump cast steel Pump chrome *** Motorcycles ** * Northern Germany Becker Berlin HD Brake system HD Helmet Southern Germany Crystal Clear SAPSOTA Fun Driver Service Pumps Northern Germany Becker Berlin 1 Year Service Spare Parts Contract Motorcycles Southern Germany Crystal Clear 1 Year Service 540000 540000 420000 105000 105000 65000 25000 49000 1000 31000 11000 20000 315000 ** * **** *** ** * 40000 40 525 40000 40 525 30000 20 150 10000 20 500 The lowest level of detail for this report is Material. * Asterisks indicate the summation level. create the evaluation EV##.2-1-1 Using the report. Ensure that they are in the order specified by the summation levels. There is an exercise using sets later on. list the characteristics and key figures for this evaluation. we will use the evaluation structure with the same name. • Create a new key figure called ASP. 2-1-3 Is the key figure Average Selling Price in the evaluation structure? 2-1-4 Using the evaluation structure S003. 2-1-5 Execute your evaluation. © SAP AG TAMM20 24-25 . which was generated automatically with the information structure. You must regenerate the report group. Accept the default set names. Characteristics Key figures 2-1-2 Using the standard analysis. Evaluation 1 for group ##. The report will be generated when executing the report for the first time. • Do not include the evaluation in a transport request. Note: For the next exercises. determine which SAP information structure provides this information. The formula should be calculated as follows: Incoming Orders / Incoming Orders Quantity • Save your evaluation. • Select the key figures you listed above. • Select the characteristics you listed above. Note that you can select only two of the three key figures in the report from the evaluation structure. Include the date and time the report was output. Change the summation levels back. Do not save the settings. Make sure you save the text. Afterwards. 2-2-3 Change the summation levels to show totals for sales organization. Display your new text. Do not save the report as an extract. 2-2-8 Exit the report. 2-2-5 Display all rows again. © SAP AG TAMM20 24-26 . distribution channel. and division. 2-2-4 Display only those lines whose incoming orders are over 5000. On what page does the data start? 2-2-2 Display the key and description of the characteristics on each row. Highlight those rows whose incoming orders are over 10000 by displaying them in red. The level number corresponds to the number of asterisks in the summation level row. 2-2-1 Scroll throughout your report using the page up and page down buttons. deactivate the threshold value condition.2-2 Experiment with the layout of your report. 2-2-6 Sort the report in ascending order by incoming orders. Also change the column width to 45 to accommodate both fields. Level 6 is the total for this report. 2-2-7 Enter text on the title page. 2-3 Management has another report with the same information as above. © SAP AG TAMM20 24-27 . The summation level structures are the same as the previous report. for the above information. This report layout is as follows: Incoming Orders Current 540000 540000 420000 105000 105000 65000 25000 49000 1000 31000 11000 20000 315000 40000 40000 30000 10000 275000 275000 275000 120000 20000 20000 20000 10000 10000 100000 100000 100000 100000 Previous 540000 540000 420000 105000 105000 65000 25000 49000 1000 31000 11000 20000 315000 40000 40000 30000 10000 275000 275000 275000 120000 20000 20000 20000 10000 10000 100000 100000 100000 100000 Incoming Orders Quantity Current Previous 100 100 100 100 80 35 35 25 5 20 20 10 5 5 45 40 40 20 20 5 5 5 20 10 10 10 5 5 10 10 10 10 80 35 35 25 5 20 20 10 5 5 45 40 40 20 20 5 5 5 20 10 10 10 5 5 10 10 10 10 Average Sales Price Current 5400 5400 5250 3000 3000 2600 5000 2450 50 3100 2200 4000 7000 525 525 150 500 55000 55000 55000 6000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 10000 10000 10000 10000 Previous 5400 5400 5250 3000 3000 2600 5000 2450 50 3100 2200 4000 7000 525 525 150 500 55000 55000 55000 6000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 10000 10000 10000 10000 ******Total Organization ***** Sales Organization Germany **** Direct Sales *** Pumps ** Northern Germany * Becker Berlin Pump cast steel Pump standard PVC – custom * Minerva Energy Pump cast steel Pump chrome *** Motorcycles ** Northern Germany * Becker Berlin HD Brake system HD Helmet ** Southern Germany * Crystal Clear SAPSOTA Fun **** Service *** Pumps ** Northern Germany * Becker Berlin 1 Year Service Spare Parts *** Motorcycles ** Northern Germany * Crystal Clear 1 Year Service The lowest level of detail for this report is Material. This report is a comparison between last period and the prior period. evaluation 2 for group ##. You may need to press [Enter] a second time. 2-3-3 What is different about the selection screen for this report? 2-3-4 What is different about the display of this report? *2-4 Mail a copy of this report to yourself." press [Enter]. 2-3-2 Execute your evaluation for the current month and the previous month.2-3-1 Using the same evaluation structure as above. You can attach it to the end of the list. 2-4-2 Read the e-mail you just received. You must add the characteristic Month to facilitate this. create a new evaluation that will perform this period comparison. You must select to regenerate the report group. • • • Create a new evaluation: EW##. Add Month to your list of characteristics. Do not include it in a transport request.Comparison of characteristic per key figure. Use "Layout control" to get an idea of what the report will look like. © SAP AG TAMM20 24-28 . Choose 2 columns. Save your evaluation. Change the characteristic type from "Month" to "type 1" . 2-4-1 Send the report to yourself from within the report via express office mail. S003. Use the evaluation already created above as a model. In order to receive the "express mail. Unit: Flexible Analyses in LIS Topic: Maintaining Sets and Set Hierarchies for Selection • Maintain additional selection options in the flexible analyses. so you must set up another reporting structure using sets to reflect the same reporting hierarchy. Unfortunately. 2-5 You again want to perform an analysis based on groups of sales districts. You want to replace the individual sales district lines in your report with the groups as defined below. these hierarchies are not available in flexible analysis. Your reporting structure: Germany France USA Mexico Northern Germany DE0010 Northern France FR0010 USA Northern region US0010 Region 1 MX0010 Southern Germany DE0015 Southern France FR0015 USA Midwest region US0015 Region 2 MX0015 Western Germany DE0020 Western France FR0020 USA Western region US0020 Region 3 MX0020 Eastern Germany DE0025 Eastern France FR0025 USA Eastern region US0025 Region 4 MX0025 © SAP AG TAMM20 24-29 . In order to do this. this time using flexible analysis. They would like to see some hierarchical reports based on the reporting nodes you set up for standard analysis. you must first set up sets of sales districts. using sets and set hierarchies The result and layout of the flexible analyses is a top priority for management. - Create a basic set District-## for table S003. which comprises the ranges above. Enter the four areas for the values listed above. Create the set using a sales district. No. 001 002 003 004 From value DE0000 FR0000 US0000 MX0000 To value DE9999 FR9999 US9999 MX9999 Short text of set line Germany France USA Mexico SI X X X X - 2-5-2 Execute your flexible analysis for your original report using your Set ID District-##. Save the set. field name BZIRK. Enter the following data: Select the suppress indicator so only the set totals are displayed. Enter Districts for group ## as a description.2-5-1 Create a basic set corresponding to the above reporting structure. 2-5-3 What do you notice about your new report? © SAP AG TAMM20 24-30 . you want to see the subtotals for each group of sales districts AND the total for each district.*2-6 You now want the report to show the complete hierarchy of your sales districts. 2-6-3 Execute the flexible analysis using your new single set All-Districts-##. containing the four basic sets you created above. Your value lines should be as follows: No. 001 002 003 004 Set ID Germany-## France-## USA-## Mexico-## Short text Germany France USA Mexico SI Do NOT select the suppress indicators in this set. Do NOT select the suppress indicator. In other words. This will allow you to see the details of each sales district. Name the sets Germany-##. 2-6-2 Create a single set All-Districts-##. 2-6-1 Create a basic set for each group of districts. France-##. 2-6-4 What difference(s) do you notice in this report? © SAP AG TAMM20 24-31 . USA-## and Mexico-##. Your task is to identify how the Report Writer is used in LIS and whether you can make use of all Report Writer functionality. 2-7-1 Execute the evaluation EW##. Your company is also using SAP’s reporting tool.Unit: Flexible Analyses in LIS Topic: LIS Evaluations in Report Writer • Find and enhance LIS evaluations in Report Writer • Change column widths to varying lengths. Specify last month and year. Report Writer. and prior month and year. the comparison analysis created previously. 2-7 Identify the links between LIS and Report Writer. 2-7-2 Complete the following information: Table Library Report Report group © SAP AG TAMM20 24-32 . not the column number. © SAP AG TAMM20 24-33 .2-7-3 What column widths have been defined for the available format groups? Column width Format group 1 Format group 2 Format group 3 Format group 4 Format group 5 The column width figure refers to format group. 2-7-4 Can variable column widths be assigned in flexible analysis? 2-7-5 Identify the current format groups assigned in your report. Select the Set ID for the key figures by double-clicking to display the key figures. 2. 1. and 4 to the following column widths: Column width Print class 2 Print class 3 Print class 4 20 8 12 © SAP AG TAMM20 24-34 . The report has to be executed since the report definition has changed. Access Report Writer by changing the definition of your report. or alternatively from the flexible analysis. Incoming orders Order quantity ASP Format group 2 Format group 3 Format group 4 6. This can be executed directly from Report Writer. select the column block and then choose Edit → Change set. 7.2-7-6 Change the format group definition of the report in the Report Writer. 2-7-8 Change the format groups 2. To change the set. Press [Yes] when asked "Regenerate report group?" 2-7-7 Check that the format groups have been assigned. Extras → Change definition. To edit the column block. 4. Assign the following format groups to the key figures: (Field FGr). 3. press Enter. Use the green arrow to return to Change Report: Columns screen. 3. choose Goto → Columns. 8. Save your entries. 5. Execute the report (Report → Execute). Follow these steps. If message "Do you want to create them?" appears. 2-8-1 Display your report in Report Writer. These settings are used in other reports within the system. 2-8-2 Display the rows of the report and display the set of the row block.2-8* Using Report Writer. The extensive functionality of Report Writer is covered in CA710Advanced Functions of the Report Writer. a 3 day course. 2-8-4 Display the texts of the report. display the following information: Do not CHANGE any settings. 2-8-3 Display the columns of the report and display the set of the column block. 2-8-5 Display the header of the report. © SAP AG TAMM20 24-35 . unless instructed in the exercise. These requirements also include calculating new key figures by applying mathematical formulas to existing key figures. Choose the exercises that most closely relate to your business function. There are 2 sets of exercises for this unit. The first set applies to the Purchasing Information System. Do not attempt both. © SAP AG TAMM20 24-36 . including a comparison of key figures for different periods.Solutions Unit: Flexible Analyses in LIS Topic: Flexible Analysis Reporting in LIS • Use flexible analyses as an additional means of acquiring information in LIS Management often requires report layouts tailored to suit individual needs. unless you are familiar with purchasing and sales. the second to the Sales Information System. 1-1 Management requires the following report layout: Order Average Value 4321415 4321415 2070 200790 688 66736 87 8439 40 3880 44 4268 76 7372 40 3880 60 5820 57 5529 63 6111 40 3880 141 13677 40 3880 1382 134054 148 14356 142 13774 84 8148 The lowest level of detail for this report is Month. The summation levels are as follows: **** Total Purchasing Organization *** Purchasing Organization ** Vendor * Material © SAP AG TAMM20 24-37 . Order Quantity **** Purchasing organization *** IDES Germany ** KBB Black Pump * Slug for fly wheel 05/1997 06/1997 07/1997 08/1997 09/1997 10/1997 11/1997 12/1997 01/1998 04/1998 05/1998 * Support base 05/1997 06/1997 07/1997 08/1997 09/1997 10/1997 11/1997 12/1997 01/1998 04/1998 05/1998 ** SMP GmbH * Deluxe Gas Tank 05/1997 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 * Asterisks indicate the summation level. Note: For the next exercises we will use the evaluation structure with the same name. 1-1-4 Using the evaluation structure S012. list the characteristics and key figures for this evaluation. 1-1-3 Is the key figure "Average" in the evaluation structure? From the Purchasing Information System (PURCHIS) menu. © SAP AG TAMM20 24-38 Key figures Order quantity Order value Average . which was generated automatically when the information structure was created. Evaluation 1 for group ##. they are in alphabetical order. From the Purchasing Information System (PURCHIS) menu. Ensure that they are in the order specified by the summation levels. 1. not in the order you want to see them on the report. create the evaluation EV##. This must be calculated using a formula. determine which SAP defined information structure provides this information. [Characteristics] 2. You can call up this information using S012-Purchasing. Characteristics Purchasing organization Vendor Material Month 1-1-2 Using the standard analysis. • Select the characteristics you listed above.1-1-1 Using the report. Select the following characteristics from the list: Purchasing organization Vendor Material Month Note that as you select the characteristics. choose: Flexible analyses → Evaluation → Create Evaluation structure: S012 [Enter] No. choose: Flexible analyses → Evaluation → Create Evaluation structure: S012 Evaluation: EV## Description: Evaluation 1 for group ## [Enter] Do not copy from an existing evaluation. • 7. The formula should be calculated as follows: Order value / Order quantity 1. Double-click "Vendor". Move "Order value" above "Average". [Copy] Create a new key figure called "Average". Then select "Material" and click [Move] at the bottom of the window. Tab to the first blank line. turning it blue. Double-click "Order quantity". 4. [Copy + close] • 4. In the window that appears. Enter the name of your key figure "Average". If necessary. move "Purchasing organization" to the top of the list by double-clicking the heading "Characteristics" or double-click it if it is already at the top of the list. Enter your formula. 6. Click "Average" once. Click [Move]. Select the following key figures from the list: Order quantity Order value 3. Double-click "Order value". Click "Order quantity" once. • 6. Click [Key figures]. • © SAP AG TAMM20 24-39 . Note that you can select only two of the three key figures in the report from the evaluation structure. Choose [Insert formula] or Edit → Insert Formula 3. [Copy] Select the key figures you listed above. [Copy + close] 4.3. double-click "Sales organization". [Copy]. Move "Vendor" above "Material" in the same way. Your formula should be: 'S012-NETWR'/'S012-MENGE' 5. Click [Move]. Double-click "Order quantity". You must now change the order of your key figures so "Average" appears in the last column of your report. 2. [Copy] Save your evaluation. Click "Material" once. The report will be generated when executing the report for the first time. Enter ‘/’ to divide. [Key figures] 2. 1. 5. [Save] Do not include the evaluation in a transport request. which will then turn blue. This will place "Purchasing organization" ABOVE "Material". On what page does the data start? On page 2. Flexible analyses → Evaluation → Execute The evaluation structure S012 and your evaluation EV## should appear. Accept the default set names. You must regenerate the report group. choose purchasing organization 1000 and a material range of M-01 to M-20. Change the summation levels back. Level 4 is the number for this report.1-1-5 Execute your evaluation. You will see a series of generating… and compiling… messages. These only provide information. 1-2-1 Scroll throughout your report using the page up and page down buttons. Delete the set names specified for this selection. Also change the column width to 45 to accommodate both fields. In the selection screen. and vendor. Exit from the create transaction using the yellow arrow. [Execute] Your report will now be generated. 1-2-2 Display the key and description of the characteristics on each row. To change back to the original display: Summation interval: From level 0 To level 99 © SAP AG TAMM20 24-40 . Settings → Report layout → Tab: Lead column [Define report layout] Contents: Key and description Lead column: Width = 45 [Continue] 1-2-3 Change the summation levels to show totals for total organizations. There is a future exercise using sets. Settings → Report layout → Tab: Rows Summation interval: From level 2 To level 4 [Continue] The level number corresponds to the number of asterisks in the summation level row. [Execute] 1-2 Experiment with the layout of your report. purchasing organization. Accept all other default set names. Click [Execute]. Your text is displayed here. by "Order value". For the format. meaning first the purchasing organizations will be sorted. the vendors will be sorted. Edit → Threshold value Threshold value 10000 [Display extras] Select "Highlight selected rows (red)" [Continue] To deactivate. down to the month within each material. 1-2-7 Enter text on the title page. select the first line and choose [Insert line] or Edit → Insert line. enter a sufficient width to display the text variables. Select "Order value" by clicking the column once. Scroll to the start of the report. Within each purchasing organization. Settings → Texts → Title page Enter a text. Afterwards.1-2-4 Display only those lines whose order values are over 10000. the materials will be sorted. Edit → Threshold value Threshold value condition: Active Condition > Threshold value 10000 Reference column [Continue] 1-2-5 Display all rows again. Include the date and time the report was output. deactivate the threshold value condition. Highlight those rows whose incoming orders are over 10000 by displaying them in red. or change back to the original display: Edit → Threshold value Click [Active] [Continue] 1-2-6 Sort the report in ascending order. Edit → Sorting → Ascending The report will be hierarchically sorted. Within each vendor. [Save] the text when you are finished. Select as variable type: [General text variable] and the required variable name. Make sure you save the text. If you want to generate further lines. 1 Order value © SAP AG TAMM20 24-41 . and so on. Display your new text. then [Type]. Do not save the settings. Enter 2 columns.1-2-8 Exit from the report. Flexible analyses → Evaluation → Execute [Execute] Your report will now be generated. evaluation 2 for group ##. Do not include it in a transport request. Use "Layout control" to get an idea of what the report will look like. Select "Comparison of char. S012. Create a new evaluation: EW##. Do not save the report as an extract. This report is a comparison between the current period and the prior period. • Change the characteristic type of "Month" to "type 1" . Or double-click "Month". [Copy] 5. From the Purchasing Information System (PURCHIS) menu. [Continue] 7. create a new evaluation that will perform this period comparison. Save your evaluation.Comparison of characteristic per key figure. Click [Execute]. © SAP AG TAMM20 24-42 ." 3. Click "Month" once. You must select to regenerate the report group. per key figure. [Save] 1-3-2 Execute your evaluation for the current month and the prior month. Use the evaluation already created above as a model. [Layout control] or Edit → Layout → Layout control 6. choose: Flexible analyses → Evaluation → Create Evaluation structure: S012 Evaluation: EW## Description: Comparison for group ## Copy the data from reference evaluation: EV##. Exit from the create transaction using the yellow arrow. Choose 2 columns. This report layout is as follows: Order quantity Current *** Purchasing organization ** IDES Germany * KBB Black Pump Slug for fly wheel Support base Previous Order value Current 4321415 4321415 200790 66736 134054 Previous 4321415 4321415 200790 66736 134054 Average Current Previous 2070 688 1382 2070 688 1382 194 97 97 194 97 97 1-3-1 Using the same evaluation structure as above. 2. Management has another report with the same information as above. 1. for the above information. 4. When the "express mail" message appears. Press [Send] or Document → Send. Select [Unviewed documents] or [Documents]. Press [ENTER]. Choose: Document → Execute. You may have to select the tab [Document contents]. if you would like. 1-4-1 Send the report to yourself from within the report via express office mail. Note that to see the results of your report. Press [Yes] when asked "Do you want to save the selected data?" Enter a description. *1-4 Mail a copy of this report to yourself. Press the green arrow until you return to your original report. if you would like. You may need to press [Enter] a second time. and previous month and year.1-3-3 What is different about the selection screen for this report? The selection screen now asks for two months. if you would like." press [Enter]. by clicking [Enter]. For this exercise. Enter a note. This will take you into your mailbox. Enter your user name LO930-## as the recipient. do not specify a password. In order to receive the "express mail. Press [Send report] or Report → Send. 1-4-2 Read the e-mail you just received. you must re-execute it by clicking [Execute]. Double-click your message. © SAP AG TAMM20 24-43 . click [Inbox]. Accept your note. 1-3-4 What is different about the display of this report? There are two lines in the column headings to allow for the comparison of characteristics (month) per key figure. Select [Express mail] (lightening icon). [Execute]. Enter the following data: current month and year. Accept the default set names. They would like to see some hierarchical reports based on the reporting nodes you set up for standard analysis. you want to perform an analysis based on vendors by region. Unfortunately. Your reporting structure: Europe Germany Great Britain North South 1000 1001 1004 1012 1002 1008 1014 1003 1015 1005 1006 1010 1011 1020 © SAP AG TAMM20 24-44 . so you must set up another reporting structure using sets to reflect the same reporting hierarchy. these hierarchies are not available in flexible analysis. 1-5 Once again.Unit: Flexible Analyses in LIS Topic: Maintaining Sets and Set Hierarchies for Selection • Maintain additional selection options in the flexible analyses. You want to replace the vendors in your report with the vendor regions as defined below. this time using flexible analysis. using sets and set hierarchies The result and layout of the flexible analyses is a top priority for management. Enter the values. - - Enter Southern Germany-## as a description. [Save] © SAP AG TAMM20 24-45 . If you need to search for the table. From the Purchasing Information System (PURCHIS) menu. - Enter the vendors. Save the set. Set type: Basic [Enter] Specify the field name LIFNR (Vendor). Do not select the suppress indicator. choose: Flexible analyses → Evaluation → Execute Tools → Sets → Create Set ID: SGermany-## Table: S012.1-5-1 Since there is no distinct range of vendors. using the following entries. No additional data is needed in the header. No. you first need to create a basic set of all vendors in Southern Germany that corresponds to the above reporting structure. Create the set using vendors. Do NOT enter the short text of the line. You can also enter the description in the header data. - Create a basic set SGermany-## that only includes the vendors in Southern Germany. 001 002 003 004 005 006 007 008 From value 1001 1002 1003 1005 1006 1010 1011 1020 To value Short text of set line SI Choose [Values] or Goto → Values to call up the appropriate maintenance screen. Table S012. [Enter]. field name LIFNR. be sure to select "Reporting" in the search range. since this will override the vendor’s text. 001 002 003 004 From value 1000 1012 1014 1015 To value Short text of set line SI 1-5-3 Create a basic set comprising of the vendors in Great Britain. since this will override the vendor’s text.1-5-2 Create a basic set comprising of the vendors in Northern Germany. No. Name the set GB-##. 001 002 Set ID NGermany-## SGermany-## Set short text Northern Germany-## Southern Germany-## SI [Save] © SAP AG TAMM20 24-46 . Save the set. Name the set Germany-##. [Enter] - Enter Germany-## as a description. No. Do NOT enter the short text of the line. Name the set NGermany-##. Enter the following data: Choose Goto → Subordinate sets to call up the appropriate maintenance screen. 001 002 From value 1004 1008 To value Short text of set line SI 1-6 To include the created sets in the predefined hierarchical structure. Enter the vendors. - Enter Northern Germany-## as a description. Enter the vendors. using the following entries. - Enter Great Britain-## as a description. Do NOT enter the short text of the line. 1-6-1 Create a single set containing the vendors from Northern and Southern Germany. you need to create a further two single sets. No. Save the set. since this will override the vendor’s text. using the following entries. View → Line hierarchy → Expand all 1-6-4 What difference(s) do you notice in this report? 1. Name the set Europe-##. From the Purchasing Information System (PURCHIS) menu. Subtotals are displayed for the individual regions. The report now shows six summation levels instead of the four levels in the previous reports. 001 002 [Save] Set ID Germany-## GB-## Set short text Germany-## Great Britain-## SI 1-6-3 Execute your flexible analysis EV-## using your new single set Europe-##. © SAP AG TAMM20 24-47 . [Enter] - Enter Europe-## as a description.1-6-2 Create a single set containing the vendors from Germany and Great Britain. [Execute] If you expand the report fully. 2. the number of summation levels will be displayed. Enter the following data: Choose Goto → Subordinate sets to call up the appropriate maintenance screen. choose Flexible analyses → Evaluation → Execute Evaluation structure: S012 Evaluation: EV## [Execute] Replace the default set name for Vendors with your new single set Europe-##. No. Report Writer. Your company is also using SAP’s reporting tool.Unit: Flexible Analyses in LIS Topic: LIS Evaluations in Report Writer • Find and enhance LIS evaluations in Report Writer • Change column widths to varying lengths. and prior month and current year. and prior month and current year. Specify the current month and year. 1-7-2 Complete the following information for your analysis: Extras → Technical information Table Library Report Report group S012 3AJ 23AJEW## Depending on system assignment © SAP AG TAMM20 24-48 . the comparison analysis created previously. 1-7 Identify the links between LIS and Report Writer. Your task is to identify the relationship between Report Writer and LIS and whether you can make use of all Report Writer functionality. Flexible analyses → Evaluation → Execute Specify the current month and year. 1-7-1 Execute the evaluation EW##. then choose Settings → Column attributes The title bar now displays the active format group for the selected key figure column. not the column number. Select the appropriate key figure column with the cursor. 1-7-4 Can variable column widths be assigned in flexible analysis? The width in the format group can be changed.1-7-3 What column widths have been defined for the available format groups? For information on the column widths assigned to the format groups. choose: Settings → Report layout → Tab: Columns → [Other format groups] Column width Format group 1 Format group 2 Format group 3 Format group 4 Format group 5 15 15 10 8 0 The column width figure refers to format group. Format group 0 corresponds to a column width of 15. © SAP AG TAMM20 24-49 . 1-7-5 Identify the current format groups assigned in your report. however the format group assigned to the columns is defined in the Report Writer. Use the green arrow to return to Change Report: Columns screen. or alternatively from the flexible analysis. To change the set. select the column block and then choose Edit → Change set. Select the appropriate key figure column with the cursor. press Enter. 4. Assign the following format groups to the key figures: (Field FGr). Extras → Definition → Change 2. To edit the column block. 8. 1-7-8 Change the format groups 2. 5. choose Goto → Columns. Select the Set ID for the key figures by double-clicking to display the key figures. Execute the report (Report → Execute). 3. If message "Do you want to activate them?" appears.1-7-6 Change the format group definition of the report in Report Writer. This can be executed directly from Report Writer. Order quantity Order value Average Format group 2 Format group 3 Format group 4 6. then choose Settings → Column attributes The title bar now displays the active format group for the selected key figure column. 3. Press [Yes] when asked "Regenerate report group?" 1-7-7 Check that the format groups have been assigned. Save your entries. Follow these steps: 1. Access Report Writer by changing the definition of your report. The report has to be executed since the report definition has changed. and 4 to the following column widths: Settings → Column attributes Format group 2 Format group 3 Format group 4 For all key figure columns: Settings → Report layout → Tab: Columns → [Other format groups] 20 8 12 (Changed for each key figure column) Column width © SAP AG TAMM20 24-50 . 7. display the following information: Do not CHANGE any settings. unless instructed in the exercise. Extras → Definition → Display. Choose Goto → Row overview. and then choose [Display set]. 1-8-2 Display the rows of the report and display the set of the row block. and then choose [Display set].1-8* Using Report Writer. or Edit → Display set. The key figures of your report are detailed. These settings are used in other reports within the system. a 3 day course. or Edit → Display set. Click Row block once. © SAP AG TAMM20 24-51 . The characteristics of your report are detailed. 1-8-4 Display the texts of the report. 1-8-1 Display your report in Report Writer. 1-8-5 Display the header of the report. 1-8-3 Display the columns of the report and display the set of the column block. Goto → Header The extensive functionality of Report Writer is covered in CA710Advanced Functions of the Report Writer. Access Report Writer by displaying the definition of your report. Goto → Columns Click Column block once. Goto → Texts The texts specified in your report are displayed. There are 2 sets of exercises for this unit. © SAP AG TAMM20 24-52 .Unit: Flexible Analyses in LIS Topic: Flexible Analysis Reporting in LIS • Use flexible analyses as an additional means of acquiring information in LIS Management often requires report layouts tailored to suit individual needs. including a comparison of key figures for different periods. Do not attempt both. This second set applies to the Sales Information System. Choose the exercises that most closely relate to your business function. These requirements also include calculating new key figures by applying mathematical formulas to existing key figures. unless you are familiar with purchasing and sales. 2-1 Management requires the following report layout: Incoming Average Order Sales Quantity Price 540000 100 5400 540000 100 5400 420000 80 5250 105000 35 3000 105000 35 3000 65000 25 2600 25000 5 5000 49000 20 2450 1000 20 50 31000 10 3100 11000 5 2200 20000 5 4000 315000 45 7000 40000 40 525 40000 40 525 30000 20 150 10000 20 500 The lowest level of detail for this report is Material. The summation levels are as follows: ***** Sales Organization **** Distribution Channel *** Division ** Sales District * Sold-to Party Incoming Orders ******Total Organization ***** Sales Organization Germany **** Direct Sales *** Pumps ** Northern Germany * Becker Berlin Pump cast steel Pump standard PVC – custom * Minerva Energy Pump cast steel Pump chrome *** Motorcycles ** Northern Germany * Becker Berlin HD Brake system HD Helmet ** Southern Germany * Crystal Clear SAPSOTA Fun Driver **** Service *** Pumps ** Northern Germany * Becker Berlin 1 Year Service Spare Parts Contract *** Motorcycles ** Southern Germany * Crystal Clear 1 Year Service © SAP AG TAMM20 24-53 . * Asterisks indicate the summation level. Key figures Incoming orders Incoming order quantity Average Selling Price (ASP) © SAP AG TAMM20 24-54 . 2-1-3 Is the key figure Average Selling Price in the evaluation structure? From the Sales Information System (SIS) menu. which was generated automatically when the information structure was created. Note: For the next exercises we will use the evaluation structure with the same name. Characteristics Sales organization Distribution channel Division Sales district Sold-to party Material 2-1-2 Using the standard analysis. You can call up this information using S003 Sales Organization.2-1-1 Using the report. determine which SAP defined information structure provides this information. This must be calculated using a formula. choose: Flexible analyses → Evaluation → Create Evaluation structure: S003 [Enter] No. list the characteristics and key figures for this evaluation. 1. they are in alphabetical order. This will place "Sales organization" ABOVE "Sold-to party". From the Sales Information System (SIS) menu. 5. [Copy] • Select the key figures you listed above. [Key figures] 2. 6. Select the following key figures from the list: Incoming orders Incoming orders quantity 3. 1. Move "Sales organization" to the top of the list by double-clicking the heading. Select the following characteristics from the list: Sales organization Distribution channel Division Sales district Sold-to party Material Note that as you select the characteristics. In the window that appears. double-click "Sales organization". create the evaluation EV##. Note that you can select only two of the three key figures in the report from the evaluation structure. • Select the characteristics you listed above. choose: Flexible analyses → Evaluation → Create Evaluation structure: S003 Evaluation: EV## Description: Evaluation 1 for group ## [Enter] Do not copy from an existing evaluation. [Copy + close] 4. "Characteristics". which will then turn blue. Evaluation 1 for group ##. Ensure that they are in the order specified by the summation levels. not in the order you want to see them on the report. Then click "Sold-to party" once. [Characteristics] 2. Move all other characteristics in the same way until they are in the order outlined above. [Copy] © SAP AG TAMM20 24-55 . Click [Move] at the bottom of the window. 3. [Copy + close] 4.2-1-4 Using the evaluation structure S003. You must regenerate the report group. Flexible analyses → Evaluation → Execute The evaluation structure S003 and your evaluation EV## should now appear. 2. Click [Execute]. [Copy] Save your evaluation. Enter your formula. The report will be generated when executing the report for the first time. 4. Accept the default set names. Exit from the create transaction using the yellow arrow. There is an exercise using sets later on. Click [Key figures]. Click "Orders quantity" once. These only provide information. Enter ‘/’ to divide. Click "ASP" once. Choose [Insert formula] or Edit → Insert Formula 3. You must now change the order of your key figures so ASP appears in the last column of your report. Your formula should be: 'S003-AENETWR'/'S003-AEMENGE' 5. [Execute] © SAP AG TAMM20 24-56 . Enter the name of your key figure "ASP". [Execute] Your report will now be generated. You will see a series of generating… and compiling… messages. Click [Move]. The formula should be calculated as follows: Incoming Orders / Incoming Orders Quantity 1. Accept all other default set names. • 7. Choose sales organization 1000 in the selection screen. [Save] Do not include the evaluation in a transport request. turning it blue. Delete the set names specified for this selection. [Copy]. 6.• Create a new key figure called ASP. Double-click "Incoming orders quantity". • 2-1-5 Execute your evaluation. Double-click "Incoming orders". Double-click "Incoming orders quantity". Tab to the first blank line. Move "Incoming orders quantity" above "ASP". column 1 Incoming orders [Continue] © SAP AG TAMM20 24-57 .2-2 Experiment with the layout of your report. Change the summation levels back. Also change the column width to 45 to accommodate both fields. To change back to the original display: Summation interval: From level 0 To level 99 2-2-4 Display only those lines whose incoming orders are over 5000. distribution channel. and division. Settings → Report layout → Tab: Lead column [Define report layout] Contents: Key and description Lead column: Width = 45 [Continue] 2-2-3 Change the summation levels to show totals for sales organization. 2-2-2 Display the key and description of the characteristics on each row. 2-2-1 Scroll throughout your report using the page up and page down buttons. On what page does the data start? On page 2. Settings → Report layout → Tab: [Rows] Summation interval: From level 3 To level 5 [Continue] The level number corresponds to the number of asterisks in the summation level row. Edit → Threshold value Threshold value condition: Active Condition > Threshold value 5000 Ref. Level 6 is the number for this report. Select incoming orders by clicking the column once. Within each distribution channel. Highlight those rows whose incoming orders are over 10000 by displaying them in red. Scroll to the start of the report. Within each sales organization. Edit → Threshold value [Display extras] Select "Highlight selected rows (red)" [Continue] To deactivate. by incoming orders. Include the date and time the report was output. [Save] the text when you are finished. Select as variable type: [General text variable] and the required variable name. To create additional lines. 2-2-8 Exit from the report. [Continue] 2-2-6 Sort the report in ascending order. Afterwards. Edit → Sorting → Ascending The report will be hierarchically sorted. © SAP AG TAMM20 24-58 . Your text is displayed here. enter a sufficient width to display the text variables. Do not save the settings. or change back to the original display: Edit → Threshold value Click [Active]. Do not save the report as an extract.2-2-5 Display all rows again. Make sure you save the text. and so on. Display your new text. deactivate the threshold value condition. select the first line and use [Insert lines] or Edit → Insert line. 2-2-7 Enter text on the title page. down to the material within each soldto party. the distribution channels will be sorted. which means that first the sales organizations will be sorted. Settings → Texts → Title page Enter a text. the divisions will be sorted. For the format. for the above information. The summation level structures are the same as the previous report. © SAP AG TAMM20 24-59 . This report layout is as follows: Incoming Orders Current 540000 540000 420000 105000 105000 65000 25000 49000 1000 31000 11000 20000 315000 40000 40000 30000 10000 275000 275000 275000 120000 20000 20000 20000 10000 10000 100000 100000 100000 100000 Previous 540000 540000 420000 105000 105000 65000 25000 49000 1000 31000 11000 20000 315000 40000 40000 30000 10000 275000 275000 275000 120000 20000 20000 20000 10000 10000 100000 100000 100000 100000 Incoming Order Quantity Current Previous 100 100 100 100 80 35 35 25 5 20 20 10 5 5 45 40 40 20 20 5 5 5 20 10 10 10 5 5 10 10 10 10 80 35 35 25 5 20 20 10 5 5 45 40 40 20 20 5 5 5 20 10 10 10 5 5 10 10 10 10 Average Sales Price Current 5400 5400 5250 3000 3000 2600 5000 2450 50 3100 2200 4000 7000 525 525 150 500 55000 55000 55000 6000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 10000 10000 10000 10000 Previous 5400 5400 5250 3000 3000 2600 5000 2450 50 3100 2200 4000 7000 525 525 150 500 55000 55000 55000 6000 2000 2000 2000 2000 2000 10000 10000 10000 10000 ******Total Organization ***** Sales Organization Germany **** Direct Sales *** Pumps ** Northern Germany * Becker Berlin Pump cast steel Pump standard PVC – custom * Minerva Energy Pump cast steel Pump chrome *** Motorcycles ** Northern Germany * Becker Berlin HD Brake system HD Helmet ** Southern Germany * Crystal Clear SAPSOTA Fun **** Service *** Pumps ** Northern Germany * Becker Berlin 1 Year Service Spare Parts *** Motorcycles ** Northern Germany * Crystal Clear 1 Year Service The lowest level of detail for this report is Material.2-3 Management has another report with the same information as above. This report is a comparison between the current period and the prior period. Use the evaluation already created above as a model. • Create a new evaluation: EW##. [Copy] 5. [Save] © SAP AG TAMM20 24-60 . Save your evaluation. then [Type]. Click [Characteristics]. [Copy + close] 4. choose: Flexible analyses → Evaluation → Create Evaluation structure: S003 Evaluation: EW## Description: Comparison for group ## Copy the data from reference evaluation: EV## • Add Month to your list of characteristics. evaluation 2 for group ##. per key figure. create a new evaluation that will perform this period comparison. 2. [Layout control] or Edit → Layout → Layout control 6. 4. From the Sales Information System (SIS) menu. 1. then [Selection list]. 1. S003. Or double-click "Month". You can attach it to the end of the list. Choose 2 columns. Select Month 3. Click "Month" once. [Continue] 7. Enter 2 columns.Comparison of characteristic per key figure. Use "Layout control" to get an idea of what the report will look like. Select "Comparison of char." 3.2-3-1 Using the same evaluation structure as above. [Copy] • Change the characteristic type of "Month" to "type 1" . You must add the characteristic Month to facilitate this. Do not include it in a transport request. 2. You must select to regenerate the report group. Accept the default set names. © SAP AG TAMM20 24-61 . Click [Execute]. [Execute]. and previous month and current year. Exit from the create transaction using the yellow arrow. 2-3-3 What is different about the selection screen for this report? The selection screen now asks for two months. 2-3-4 What is different about the display of this report? There are two lines in the column headings to allow for the comparison of characteristics (month) per key figure. Enter the following data: current month and year.2-3-2 Execute your evaluation for the current month and the prior month. Flexible analyses → Evaluation → Execute [Execute] Your report will now be generated. 2-4-2 Read the e-mail you just received. You may have to select the tab [Document contents]. Note that to see the results of your report. 2-4-1 Send the report to yourself from within the report via express office mail. Accept your note. if you would like. In order to receive the "express mail. Press the green arrow until you return to your original report. Enter a note. You may need to press [Enter] a second time. Select [Unviewed documents] or [Documents]. by double-clicking it or by clicking [Enter]. you must re-execute it by clicking [Execute]. Press [Yes] when asked "Do you want to save the selected data?" Enter a description. Choose: Document → Execute. do not specify a password. Press [Send report] or Report → Send." press [Enter]. This will take you into your mailbox. Press [ENTER]. © SAP AG TAMM20 24-62 . Enter your user name LO930-## as the recipient. click [Inbox]. if you would like.*2-4 Mail a copy of this report to yourself. For this exercise. When the "express mail" message appears. Press [Send] or Document → Send. Select [Express mail] (lightening icon). 2-5 You again want to perform an analysis based on groups of sales districts. these hierarchies are not available in flexible analysis. They would like to see some hierarchical reports based on the reporting nodes you set up for standard analysis.Unit: Flexible Analyses in LIS Topic: Maintaining Sets and Set Hierarchies for Selection • Maintain additional selection options in the flexible analyses. Unfortunately. You want to replace the individual sales district lines in your report with the groups as defined below. this time using flexible analysis. you must first set up sets of sales districts. In order to do this. so you must set up another reporting structure using sets to reflect the same reporting hierarchy. Your reporting structure: Germany France USA Mexico Northern Germany DE0010 Northern France FR0010 USA Northern region US0010 Region 1 MX0010 Southern Germany DE0015 Southern France FR0015 USA Midwest region US0015 Region 2 MX0015 Western Germany DE0020 Western France FR0020 USA Western region US0020 Region 3 MX0020 Eastern Germany DE0025 Eastern France FR0025 USA Eastern region US0025 Region 4 MX0025 © SAP AG TAMM20 24-63 . using sets and set hierarchies The result and layout of the flexible analyses is a top priority for management. Save the set. which comprises the ranges above. [Enter]. Create the set using a sales district. Set type: Basic [Enter] Specify the field name BZIRK (Sales district). field name BZIRK. If you need to search for the table.2-5-1 Create a basic set corresponding to the above reporting structure. - Enter the four areas for the values listed above. No. No additional data is needed in the header. [Save] © SAP AG TAMM20 24-64 . You can also enter the description in the header data. - Create a basic set District-## for table S003. choose: Flexible analyses → Evaluation → Execute Tools → Sets → Create Set ID: District-## Table: S003. Enter the following data: Select the suppress indicator so only the set totals are displayed. - - Enter Districts for group ## as a description. 001 002 003 004 From value DE0000 FR0000 US0000 MX0000 To value DE9999 FR9999 US9999 MX9999 Short text of set line Germany France USA Mexico SI X X X X Choose [Values] or Goto → Values to call up the appropriate maintenance screen. be sure to select "Reporting" in the search range. From the Sales Information System (SIS) menu. Enter the four ranges. [Execute] 2-5-3 What do you notice about your new report? The sales district has been replaced with the short text of the set line. © SAP AG TAMM20 24-65 . From the Sales Information System (SIS) menu.2-5-2 Execute your flexible analysis for your original report using your Set ID District-##. choose Flexible analyses → Evaluation → Execute Evaluation structure: S003 Evaluation: EV## [Execute] Replace the default set name for "Sales district" with your new basic set District-##. This will allow you to see the details of each sales district. be sure to select Reporting in the search range. France-##. 2-6-1 Create a basic set for each group of districts. 001 [Save] Set ID: France-## Table: S003 Set type: Basic [Enter] Specify the field name BZIRK (Sales district). Set type: Basic [Enter] Specify the field name BZIRK (Sales district). [Enter]. [Enter]. USA-## and Mexico-##. Description: France Choose [Values] or Goto → Values to call up the appropriate maintenance screen. In other words. Description: Germany Choose [Values] or Goto → Values to call up the appropriate maintenance screen. choose: Information Systems → Ad Hoc Reports → Report Painter → Report Writer → Set → Create Set ID: Germany-## Table: S003 To search table names. Do NOT select the suppress indicator. Name the sets Germany-##. you want to see the subtotals for each group of sales districts AND the total for each district. 001 [Save] Perform the same steps for USA and Mexico. The basic entries screen for this set should be as follows: No. From the main R/3 menu. The basic entries screen should be as follows: No.*2-6 You now want the report to show the complete hierarchy of your sales districts. From value FR0000 To value FR9999 Short text of set line France SI From value DE0000 To value DE9999 Short text of set line Germany SI © SAP AG TAMM20 24-66 . Subtotals are displayed for both the sales district groups and the individual sales districts. Your value lines should be as follows: No. 001 002 003 004 Set ID Germany-## France-## USA-## Mexico-## Short text Germany France USA Mexico SI Do NOT select the suppress indicators in this set.2-6-2 Create a single set All-Districts-##. © SAP AG TAMM20 24-67 . From the Sales Information System (SIS) menu. Set ID: All-Districts-## Table: S003 Set type: Single set [Enter] Specify the field name BZIRK (Sales district). Description: All districts Enter the four basic sets. [Save]. containing the four basic sets you created above. [Enter]. choose Flexible analyses → Evaluation → Execute Evaluation structure: S003 Evaluation: EV## [Execute] Replace the default set name for sales district with your new single set AllDistricts-##. Choose Goto → Subordinate sets to call up the appropriate maintenance screen. 2-6-3 Execute the flexible analysis using your new single set All-Districts-##. 2. The report now shows seven summation levels instead of the six levels in the previous reports. [Execute] 2-6-4 What difference(s) do you notice in this report? 1. the comparison analysis created previously. Your company is also using SAP’s reporting tool. Your task is to identify how the Report Writer is used in LIS and whether you can make use of all Report Writer functionality. Specify the current month and year. Flexible analyses → Evaluation → Execute Specify the current month and year. 2-7-1 Execute the evaluation EW##. Report Writer. 2-7-2 Complete the following information: Extras → Technical information Table Library Report Report group S003 3AE 23AEEW## Depending on system assignment © SAP AG TAMM20 24-68 . and prior month and year. and prior month and year.Unit: Flexible Analyses in LIS Topic: LIS Evaluations in Report Writer • Find and enhance LIS evaluations in Report Writer • Change column widths to varying lengths. 2-7 Identify the links between LIS and Report Writer. Format group 0 corresponds to a column width of 15. 2-7-5 Identify the current format groups assigned in your report. choose: Settings → Report layout → Tab: Columns → [Other format groups] Column width Format group 1 Format group 2 Format group 3 Format group 4 Format group 5 15 15 10 8 0 The column width figure refers to format group. 2-7-4 Can variable column widths be assigned in flexible analysis? The width in the format group can be changed. however the format group assigned to the columns is defined in Report Writer. then choose Settings → Column attributes The title bar now displays the active format group for the selected key figure column. Select the appropriate key figure column with the cursor. © SAP AG TAMM20 24-69 . not the column number.2-7-3 What column widths have been defined for the available format groups? For information on the column widths assigned to the format groups. 5. 2-7-8 Change the format groups 2. Assign the following format groups to the key figures: (Field FGr). Access Report Writer by changing the definition of your report. choose Goto → Columns. If message "Do you want to create them?" appears. Select the Set ID for the key figures by double-clicking to display the key figures. and 4 to the following column widths: Settings → Column attributes Format group 2 Format group 3 Format group 4 For all key figure columns: Settings → Report layout → Tab: [Columns] → [Other format groups] 20 8 12 (Changed for each key figure column) Column width © SAP AG TAMM20 24-70 . The title bar now displays the active format group for the selected key figure column. 8. 3. 7. Incoming orders Order quantity ASP Format group 2 Format group 3 Format group 4 6. To change the set. 3. The report has to be executed since the report definition has changed. Press [Yes] when asked "Regenerate report group?" 2-7-7 Check that the format groups have been assigned. 4. Save your entries. then choose Settings → Column attributes. press Enter. Use the green arrow to return to Change Report: Columns screen. This can be executed directly from Report Writer.2-7-6 Change the format group definition of the report in Report Writer. or alternatively from the flexible analysis. Extras → Definition → Change 2. Follow these steps: 1. Execute the report (Report → Execute). Select the appropriate key figure column with the cursor. select the column block and then choose Edit → Change set. To edit the column block. display the following information: Do not CHANGE any settings. Choose Goto → Row overview. and then choose [Display set]. 2-8-1 Display your report in Report Writer. Extras → Display definition. 2-8-3 Display the columns of the report and display the set of the column block.2-8* Using Report Writer. 2-8-5 Display the header of the report. The key figures of your report are detailed. Goto → Header The extensive functionality of Report Writer is covered in CA710Advanced Functions of the Report Writer. © SAP AG TAMM20 24-71 . unless instructed in the exercise. 2-8-2 Display the rows of the report and display the set of the row block. Access Report Writer by displaying the definition of your report. 2-8-4 Display the texts of the report. Goto → Columns Click Column block once. Click Row block once. The characteristics of your report are detailed. or Edit → Display set. or Edit → Display set. a 3 day course. and then choose [Display set]. These settings are used in other reports within the system. Goto → Texts The texts specified in your report are displayed. LIS Environment Contents: Standard analysis data in Excel Reporting data in Excel © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 25-1 . you will be able to: Display and process LIS data in Excel format © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 25-2 .LIS Environment: Unit Objectives At the conclusion of this unit. providing an additional reporting option within the Logistics Information System.LIS Environment: Overview Advanced analysis functions • Selection versions • Authorizations • Hierarchies Standard analysis EWS Early Warning System External data MM SD FI PP Flexible analysis © SAP AG 1999 This unit describes how LIS data can be transferred to Excel. © SAP AG TAMM20 25-3 . as this is their usual business practice.LIS Environment: Business Scenario Management would like to view statistical overviews in Excel format. © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 25-4 . © SAP AG TAMM20 25-5 . early warning systems and flexible analyses provide easy-to-use tools for transferring data. This unit focuses on data transfer from standard analyses to Excel.Transfer of LIS Data to Excel Flexible analysis EWS Early Warning System Excel Material Order value M-01 10.000 M-03 25. selection versions.000 750 Standard analysis © SAP AG 1999 You can transfer data to Excel using all the reporting functions already discussed within the Logistics Information System. Standard analyses.000 Order quantity 900 1.000 M-02 20. 000 Send M-02 Save to PC file 200. M-03 150.. Excel Pivot table: You can display and edit the list using Excel. Data is transferred to the XXL interface in the form of a list object. © SAP AG TAMM20 25-6 .000 1. you can use XXL to transfer data to the following media: SAPoffice: You can save the list object to the SAPoffice inbox. From there you can send the list object or save it in a folder. You can then open this file in Excel. Excel SAP macros: You can display and edit the list using SAP Macros (SAP-XXL List Viewer). Material Order Order Print value quantity Export M-01 Transfer to XXL 900 100.000 25.000 2.000 ..000 750 You can transfer data from standard analyses (including selection versions and Early Warning System) to Excel in two different ways..Transfer from Standard Analyses to Excel Material Analysis PURCHIS Material analysis ..657 • Choose characteristics POrg Vendor Material Mat group Plant Month Export list object Save list in file Unconverted Spreadsheet Rich text format HTML format Excel Material Order value M-01 10. Depending on the software installed on your computer. PC file: You can save the list object to the local file system for subsequent editing using another display media at your disposal. You first have to define the characteristics to be transferred. One method is to save the current content of a list locally as an ASCII file using the 'Save to PC file' function with the spreadsheet option. The other option is implemented via the function 'Transfer to XXL'.000 2.500 M-04 300.000 M-02 20. The figures transferred are the key figures in the current standard analysis list. Excel display: Table display with all characteristics combinations.000 M-03 © SAP AG 1999 Store in SAPoffice Store as PC file Excel SAP Macros Excel display Excel pivot table Order quantity 900 1. XXL (Extended Excel) comprises the tools for displaying and manipulating list objects from R/3 applications. 000 0 M-02 20.order val.000 Statistic functions Sum Average Variance Minimum Maximum .000 26.000 +1..1000¶ Excel Material Order value M-01 10.000 M-03 25. After you have loaded this file to an Excel worksheet.xls Material. a semicolon is used as a field delimiter and a new line is created as a record delimiter. It is not possible to transfer several characteristics from one list.¶ M-01.Editing a PC File in Excel Graphics File xyz. the complete Excel graphics and statistics functionality is available to you..000 26..20000. © SAP AG TAMM20 25-7 .000 © SAP AG 1999 When a file has been created using the standard analysis and the 'Save to PC file' function with the 'Spreadsheet' option.000 M-02 20. Calculated key figures Material Order Invoiced Difference value amount M-01 10.000 19.000 -1.000 10.900¶ M-02.000 M-03 25.000 Invoiced amount 10. The file content consists exclusively of the list contents of the saved standard analysis.000 19.10000. © SAP AG 1999 When an XXL list object is transferred using the function 'Excel Display'.000 26. © SAP AG TAMM20 25-8 .. You can edit the contents of this Excel worksheet using the complete Excel graphics and statistics functionality.000 Statistic functions Sum Average Variance Minimum Maximum . However. where you can change the characteristics sequence... You cannot change it subsequently in Excel.000 M-02 1000 25..000 M-01 1100 20.. However.=...000 Invcd amount 10. one characteristic or a combination of several characteristics are transferred to an Excel worksheet with the associated key figures of the current list.. Advantages All characteristics combinations in one list Complete Excel functionality Pivot table can be created from display Disadvantage Characteristics combination cannot be changed Calculated key figures New1 = Invoiced amount . you can convert a list created using the 'Excel Display' function into a Pivot table.Excel Display Graphics XXL Excel display Material Plant Order value M-01 1000 10. the sequence of the characteristics is fixed according to their sequence in the transfer dialog window.order value)/order value) * 100 .XXL .order value New2 = ((Invoiced amount .000 19.. XXL .. Some of the standard Excel functionality is not supported in this environment..=.000 All characteristics combinations in one list Sequence of characteristics can be changed Separate columns for calculated key figures Graphics Statistic functions Sum Average Variance Minimum Maximum . the Excel macro technique is used to generate a separate worksheet with its own menu and functions.order value)/order value) * 100 .000 Invcd amount 10.000 M-02 1000 25.. © SAP AG TAMM20 25-9 . © SAP AG 1999 Another option to transfer data from the standard analysis list to Excel is to use macros.. In the SAPXXL List Viewer..000 26.order value New2 = ((Invoiced amount ..000 19.Excel SAP Macros XXL Excel SAP Macros Advantages Material Plant Order value M-01 1000 10....000 1100 20. Disadvantage Characteristics cannot be removed from the list Calculated key figures New1 = Invoiced amount . Excel Pivot Table XXL Excel Pivot Table Advantages Material Plant Order value M-01 1000 10.000 1100 20.... © SAP AG 1999 As compared to other transfer options. transfer of an XXL list object to Excel as a Pivot table provides an optimal range of functions. The main advantages of this option are the free selection of characteristics and their sequence and a large number of easy-to-use options for layout design.000 M-02 1000 25. © SAP AG TAMM20 25-10 ..=.XXL ..000 26..order value)/order value) * 100 ..order value New2 = ((Invoiced amount ..000 19.000 Invcd amount 10.000 Optional layout design Optional combination and sequence of characteristics Calculated key figures Filter functions Statistics functions Graphics Statistic functions Sum Average Variance Minimum Maximum . The most important functions for Pivot tables are shown in the next slides.. Complete Excel graphics functionality Deriving several Pivot tables from the original Pivot table Calculated key figures New1 = Invoiced amount . 000 . .000 15. © SAP AG TAMM20 25-11 ...000 .000 19. Comparison of all key figures for the values of a characteristic. © SAP AG 1999 You can design the layout in Pivot tables according to your requirements by simply clicking on a column and moving it. ..000 19.000 1998/06 25. You can use the mouse to change the arrangement of key figures.000 20.000 20..000 Invcd amount 15.000 26. . Comparison of the characteristic values for the individual key figures.Pivot: Optional Layout Design XXL Excel Pivot Table Material Month M-01 M-02 Order value 1998/06 15.000 XXL Excel Pivot Table 1998/06 Material Order Invcd amount value M-01 15. .000 25.000 1998/07 20. 26.000 15.000 M-02 25.000 15.000 1998/07 Invcd Order amount value 20. For example.000 .000 19.000 M-02 25. the following layout options are available: List of key figures in individual columns.000 XXL Excel Pivot Table Order value Invoiced amount Material 1998/06 1998/07 1998/06 1998/07 M-01 15. All key figures in one column with the key figures for one characteristics combination.000 19.000 26. .000 26. Move columns using the mouse XXL Excel Pivot Table Material Month Data M-01 1998/06 Order value Invcd amn 1998/07 Order value Invcd amn M-02 1998/06 Order value Invcd amn Result 15. 000 1998/07 M-01 20. or you can adjust the layout in a dialog box.Pivot: Characteristics Combination and Sequence Pivot Table Wizard (before) XXL Excel Pivot Table Material Month M-01 M-02 Order value 1998/06 15.000 1998/07 20.000 Material Month Column Order value Material Month Order value Row Data Invcd amn before after XXL Excel Pivot Table Month Material Order value 1998/06 M-01 15.000 19. Here you can move characteristics and key figures from a pool to the appropriate position in a planning board or move them from the planning board back to the pool.000 © SAP AG 1999 Finish Pivot Table Wizard (after) Column Month Invcd amount 15.000 Material Order value Invcd amn Material Month Order value Invcd amn Row Data Finish You can interactively change the arrangement of characteristics and key figures using the mouse. © SAP AG TAMM20 25-12 .000 M-02 25.000 26.000 1998/06 25. ..000 19....000 1.000 1998/06 25.000 . M-02 Insert calculated field Name Diff1 Formula = Invoiced amount .. Calculated field ...000 Diff1 Invcd amount 0 15...000 XXL Excel Pivot Table Material Month M-01 Order value 1998/06 15.. .000 Invcd amount 15.000 26.000 19.Pivot: Calculated Key Figures XXL Excel Pivot Table Material Month M-01 M-02 Order value 1998/06 15.000 1998/06 25.. © SAP AG TAMM20 25-13 .000 -1.000 1998/07 20.000 Right mouse button 26.000 1998/07 20. Formula Field .... Enter a formula name and use the existing data fields and the operators available to create a formula.order value Material Month Order value Invcd amount © SAP AG 1999 Create Delete Add field OK By clicking on the right mouse button.. you can go to a dialog window where you can create calculated fields. Pivot: Filter and Sort Functions All characteristic values Hide characteristic values Choose individual characteristic values Filter and sort functions Filter by highest or lowest nvalues of key figures Sort characteristics by values Sort key figures by values Filter key figures by units © SAP AG 1999 Pivot tables provide various sort and filter functions: You can show or hide characteristics values or define them to display only one of the characteristics values at a time. You can always sort characteristics by their values. only the 10 highest values of a key figure are shown for all the characteristic combinations selected. For example. You can sort key figures by their values. For example. sorting by key figures is only possible for the characteristic values of the lowest characteristic in the characteristics sequence. You can filter key figures by the highest or lowest n values. This also applies to characteristics in a lower hierarchy level in the table. However. You can also filter key figures by units. © SAP AG TAMM20 25-14 . it is possible to build up a list of materials that are managed only as pieces. 750 M-02 1998/06 25. number. OK XXL Excel Pivot Table Material Month Sum order value M-01 1998/06 15.000 © SAP AG 1999 In addition to calculating formulas.500 10.000 1998/06 25. Pivot tables provide other statistical functions in lists.000 Average 12. standard deviations and other statistical calculations. © SAP AG TAMM20 25-15 .000 Column Material Sum of order value Material Month Order value Finish Row Month Data Average/ Order value Doubleclick Pivot Table Field Material Automatic Custom None Sum Number Average Maximum Minimum .500 25.000 Average 8. it is possible to calculate the average of all data rows for a key figure.000 Sum 25.000 1998/07 20..Pivot: Statistics Functions Pivot Table Wizard XXL Excel Pivot Table Material Month M-01 M-02 Order value 1998/06 15.. Result lines of characteristics may contain sums. averages. minimum.750 12. You can define the contents of result lines for a characteristic in a dialog window by double-clicking on the associated field.000 Average order value 7. For example.500 20. For key figures you can list the totals of all the data relating to a characteristic combination and use the statistics functions already mentioned. maximum.000 1998/07 20.000 8.000 Sum 35.500 Total 60..000 12.000 35. Pivot: Graphics Graphics types Column Bar XXL Excel Pivot Table Month 1998/07 1998/08 1998/09 Order value 15.000 25. System prompts will then help you to create the graphic.000 Invoiced amount 15.000 24.000 21.000 30000 20000 10000 0 1998/07 1998/08 1998/09 Line Pie XY (Scatter) Area Doughnut Radar Surface Bubble Stock 33% 25% 1998/07 1998/08 1999/09 42% © SAP AG 1999 To create graphics for the contents of Pivot tables. © SAP AG TAMM20 25-16 . you can use the standard Excel graphics tools. a dialog window appears. When you select an area within a Pivot table and click on the graphics icon.000 20. Pivot Table Wizard XXL Excel Pivot Table 2 Month Month Order value 1998/06 40.000 Invcd amount 41.Pivot: Creating Pivot Tables from a Pivot Table XXL Excel Pivot Table Pivot Table Wizard Data Material Month M-01 M-02 Order .000 1998/07 20.000 26..000 data 19.000 19. but still want to keep your current table.000 1998/07 20. Invcd value Pivot Tab.. amount 1998/06 15..000 1998/06 25. This enables you to view the same set of data from two or more perspectives...... you can generate other Pivot tables on the basis of the original one. © SAP AG TAMM20 25-17 .000 Excel database or list External data source Consolidation areas Other Pivot table Finish .000 Column Order value Invcd amn Material Month Order value Invcd amn Row Data Finish © SAP AG 1999 If you want to see the data in a Pivot table in another layout and sequence of characteristics and key figures.000 External 15. 100.000 Spreadsheet Excel File name Program Open file Parameters for application Export only Configure export to MS Excel Excel test.000 04/1998 100. After the data has been transferred to Excel.000 M-01 500.rpw The complete Excel functionality is available You can also transfer data from flexible analyses to Excel.000 06/1998 220. However.Transfer to Excel from Flexible Analysis Export to presentation server Evaluation: Result Local file Created by H.000 04/1998 100.000 * M-02 400.000 05/1998 180.Smith Chars Order value ** Material 1. © SAP AG TAMM20 25-18 .rpw Order value Material 1.000 05/1998 180. The data is transferred in Report Writer format (RPW file).000 M-02 400. you can hide or show characteristics at all hierarchy levels. You cannot change the sequence of characteristics after the transfer.000 * M-01 500.100.000 06/1998 220. The full standard functionality is available to you in Excel.000 © SAP AG 1999 Application server Word processing HTML format DBASE format WK1 format c:\partest. it is possible to change the sequence of key figure columns. LIS Environment: Unit Summary You are now able to: Display and process LIS data in Excel format © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 25-19 . Invoiced amount and Order quantity. Move the columns and rows within your EXCEL spreadsheet. as Group##. 1-3-1 Change the position of the Data key figures from columns to rows. Afterwards. 1-2 1-3 © SAP AG TAMM20 25-20 . Use the key figures Order value. 1-3-2 Change the position of the characteristics Month from row to columns. Save data in EXCEL. Afterwards. as this is their usual business practice. 1-1 Execute a standard analysis for Vendors 1000 to 1045 in Purchasing organization 1000 for the past year. This is similar to Comparison of Key Figures per Characteristic in flexible analysis. This is similar to Column Comparison of Characteristic per Key Figure in flexible analysis. Management would like to view statistical overviews in Excel format. so that the key figures are shown against each month in columns.Exercises Unit: LIS Environment Topic: Standard Analysis Data in Excel Topic: Reporting Data in Excel • Display and process LIS data in Excel format. so that the key figures are shown against each month in rows. move the characteristic Month back to the row. Select all characteristics except for Country. 1-3-3 Change the position of the Data key figures so that the each key figure is displayed per month. move the key figures back into columns. Transfer the data to EXCEL as PIVOT Table. The diagram consists of: The first column is the Page. The second column is the Row. 1-5-1 Create a new field calculated on the basis of Invoiced Amount . The wizard displays step 3 of 4. 1-4-1 Using the Pivot Table Wizard. © SAP AG TAMM20 25-21 . Remove Purchasing organization and Material group. Sum of Order Value. The first key figure should be Sum of PO quantity. You can now work in this Pivot Table Wizard window. Select Pivot Table. or use the Wizard icon. To return to the standard spreadsheet layout. Vendor. use menu path View → Toolbars.Order Value.1-4 An alternative method to moving columns and rows is to use the Pivot Table Wizard. Exit the Pivot Table Wizard. If the toolbar is not visible. 1-4-3 Change the sequence in the Data. This is the original key figure Order quantity. remove all key figures EXCEPT. 1-5-2 Using the Pivot Table Wizard. select Finish. move Plant onto the Page. Select the toolbar Pivot Table. The third column is the Data. Sum of Invoiced Amount and Sum of Outstanding Invoice Value. and Month. Then use Pivot Table → Wizard. The right-hand side of the diagram is the unused area Characteristics and Key Figures. 1-5 You now require a new calculated key figure Outstanding Invoice Value. 1-4-2 Change the sequence in the Row to Material. Afterwards. To have a clearer picture. This will remove them to the unused area of the Pivot Table Wizard. increase the column width of the Material. remove the characteristics Plant and Material. Additionally. This will remove it to the unused area of the Pivot Table Wizard. cancel the sort. Afterwards. 1-6-2 You want to see the data for Plants Hamburg and Berlin.1-6 You need to filter and sort the data. Return to the standard spreadsheet layout. or require the top number of materials. 1-6-1 You want to see the data only for Plant Hamburg. 1-6-3 Display only these plants in rows. Base this on the key figure Purchase Order Quantity 2 1-6-5 You are interested in the 5 highest order values of materials for each vendor. for example. Exit the Pivot Table Wizard. before Material. Include this plant in the key figure selection. if you want to see only the data for a particular characteristic. 1-6-4 Select materials based on unit of measure PC. Just click and drag Month outside the range of the spreadsheet. To have a clearer picture. cancel the filter. © SAP AG TAMM20 25-22 . Just click and drag Plant and Material outside the range of the spreadsheet. 1-6-6 Sort the vendors by order value. remove the characteristic Month. 1-7-4 Change the text for the graphic.31 1158577. Use the Pivot Table Wizard to easily manipulate your layout. 1-7-3 The previous graphic showed the totals for all materials.69 112797021.77 2476832. Select one material and display this graphically. Show the legend and the data table. 1-7-2 Display a 3-D Column graphical representation of this report.26 2512750 1468513. © SAP AG TAMM20 25-23 .29 1577862.12 2853055.1-7 You would now like to see a report with the following layout: Material (All) Total order value Month 1997/04 1997/05 1997/06 1997/07 1997/08 1997/09 1997/10 1997/11 1997/12 1998/01 1998/02 1998/03 1998/04 Grand total Total 1245722.98 1110773.2 19763403. to read the specific material text.65 2521296.2 1-7-1 Construct the layout.7 0.91 2924277.38 152410087. Country. Vendor analysis → Export → Transfer to XXL. Select all characteristics except for Country. 1-3 Execute a standard analysis for Vendors 1000 to 1045 in Purchasing organization 1000 for the past year. Choose [Enter]. Vendors 1000 to 1045 and the period to analyze should be one year.Solutions Unit: LIS Environment Topic: Standard Analysis Data in Excel Topic: Reporting Data in Excel • Display and process LIS data in Excel format. as Group##. and Order quantity should default automatically. The key figures Order value. [Execute]. Invoiced amount and Order quantity. Select processing mode "Excel pivot table". Choose File → Save as GROUP##. as this is their usual business practice. Deselect Cty . © SAP AG TAMM20 25-24 . 1-4 Transfer the data to EXCEL as PIVOT Table. Save data in EXCEL. Management would like to view statistical overviews in Excel format. choose: Logistics → Logistics Controlling → Purchasing Information System Standard analyses → Vendor Enter the Purchasing organization 1000. Use the key figures Order value. From the first R/3 menu. Invoiced amount. Click and drag [Data] and move it to in front of [Month]. move [Data] above [Total]. move the characteristic Month back to the row. To return to the original position. © SAP AG TAMM20 25-25 . To return. move [Month] under [Material group]. so that the key figures are shown against each month in rows. 1-3-1 Change the position of the Data key figures from columns to rows. This is similar to Comparison of Key Figures per Characteristic in flexible analysis.1-3 Move the columns and rows within your EXCEL spreadsheet. 1-3-3 Change the position of the Data key figures so that the each key figure is displayed per month. 1-3-2 Change the position of the characteristics Month from row to columns. Afterwards. so that the key figures are shown against each month in columns. move the key figures back into columns. Click and drag [Month] to in front of [Data]. This is similar to Column Comparison of Characteristic per Key Figure in flexible analysis. Click and drag [Data] to under [Month]. Afterwards. 1-4-2 Change the sequence in the Row to Material. Click and drag [Purchasing organization] to the unused area. and Month. Remove Purchasing organization and Material group.1-4 An alternative method to moving columns and rows is to use the Pivot Table Wizard. Press [Finish] to see the result. The right-hand side of the diagram is the unused area Characteristics and Key Figures. Select Pivot Table. The wizard displays step 3 of 4. The second column is the Row. You can now work in this Pivot Table Wizard window. 1-4-3 Change the sequence in the Data. Vendor. If the toolbar is not visible. use menu path View → Toolbars. © SAP AG TAMM20 25-26 . This is the original key figure Order quantity. Click and drag [Sum of PO qty] into the first position. The first key figure should be Sum of PO quantity. or use the Wizard icon. 1-4-1 Using the Pivot Table Wizard. Click and drag [Plant] to Page. move Plant onto the Page. The diagram consists of: The first column is the Page. Then use Pivot Table → Wizard. Click and drag [Material Group] to the unused area. The third column is the Data. Select the toolbar Pivot Table. Click and drag the other characteristics into the correct order. Double-click to select Order value." Select [Add] and then [OK]. remove all key figures EXCEPT. Scroll down the list of fields. specify the name of the new key figure name . Select the Insert option. Repeat this for the other key figure. Click the right-hand mouse button. Press [Finish] to see the result. Double-click to select Invoiced amount. Select an existing key figure. Sum of Order Value. you must remove the defaulted ‘0’.1-5 You now require a new calculated key figure Outstanding Invoiced Amount. © SAP AG TAMM20 25-27 . Ensure the formula reads = ''Invcd amnt. Enter a minus sign in the formula field.Order val. Place the cursor in the formula field. Drop into the unused area."Outstanding Invoiced Amount". Exit the Pivot Table Wizard. 1-5-1 Create a new field calculated on the basis of Invoiced Amount .Order Value. select Finish. Click and drag the key figures not required. Click and drag the other key figures into the correct sequence. 1-5-2 Using the Pivot Table Wizard. In the "Insert Calculated Field" window. The system automatically formats the field correctly. To return to the standard spreadsheet layout. However. Sum of Invoiced Amount and Sum of Outstanding Invoiced Amount. for example. Choose Finish to display the results. Select the downward arrow in this column to view all possible units of measure. Include this plant in the key figure selection. you will see (All). In the "Pivot Table Field" window. Exit from the Pivot Table Wizard.1-6 You need to filter and sort the data. Deselect Hamburg 1-6-2 You want to see the data for Plants Hamburg and Berlin. you will see (All). Return to the standard spreadsheet layout. before Material. Click and drag [Plant] to before Material 1-6-4 Select materials based on unit of measure PC. In the field adjacent to Plant. Select the downward arrow in this column to view all possible plants. Select PC. if you want to see only the data for a particular characteristic. 1-6-1 You want to see the data only for Plant Hamburg. © SAP AG TAMM20 25-28 . Base this on the key figure Purchase Order Quantity 2 Use the Pivot Table Wizard to drag the [PO qty2] field to the [Page] column. Press [OK]. Double-click the characteristic Plant. Select Hamburg. click the Plant(s) not required to hide them. or require the top number of materials. Note that this results display will make no reference to the hidden characteristic values! 1-6-3 Display only these plants in rows. In the field adjacent to [PO qty2]. double-click the characteristic [Material].1-6-5 You are interested in the 5 highest order values of materials for each vendor. To remove the filter. Afterwards. to return to the spreadsheet. Select [Advanced]. increase the column width of the Material. cancel the filter. cancel the sort. In the "AutoSort" options. In the "AutoSort" options. A dialog box will appear. Double-click the characteristic Material. Select [Advanced]. The characteristic [Material] is now shown in blue to indicate sort. remove the characteristic Month. In the AutoShow options. Afterwards. Double-click the characteristic [Vendor]. Select [Advanced]. To remove the sort. Select [Advanced]. Press [OK] twice. Press [OK] twice. In the AutoShow options. Change ‘Using field’ to ‘Sum of Order val’. double-click the characteristic [Vendor]. Additionally. select [Automatic] and show Top 5. remove the characteristics Plant and Material. select [Manual]. To have a clearer picture. to return to the spreadsheet. select [Manual]. © SAP AG TAMM20 25-29 . This will remove them to the unused area of the Pivot Table Wizard. 1-6-6 Sort the vendors by order value. to return to the spreadsheet. select [Ascending]. Press [OK] twice. to return to the spreadsheet. Just click and drag Month outside the range of the spreadsheet. This will remove it to the unused area of the Pivot Table Wizard. Just click and drag Plant and Material outside the range of the spreadsheet. To have a clearer picture. A dialog box will appear. Press [OK] twice. 26 2512750 1468513. or click Chart Wizard.29 1577862. Move [Material] to [Page]. Press [Finish] to see the result. © SAP AG TAMM20 25-30 .98 1110773.77 2476832. Choose Insert → Chart. Use the Pivot Table Wizard to easily manipulate your layout. 1-7-2 Display a 3-D Column graphical representation of this report. For ease. Select the characteristics of all months and the data for the key figure [Sum of Order Value]. move all characteristics and key figures to the unused area. Press [Finish] to see the result.20 19763403.31 1158577.2 1-7-1 Construct the layout. Move [Order value] to [Data].12 2853055. Select a 3-D Column.69 112797021.1-7 You would now like to see a report with the following layout: Material (All) Total order value Month 1997/04 1997/05 1997/06 1997/07 1997/08 1997/09 1997/10 1997/11 1997/12 1998/01 1998/02 1998/03 1998/04 Grand total Total 1245722.38 152410087. Move [Month] to [Row].91 2924277.7 0.65 2521296. select [Source Data]. enter the following values. In the field adjacent to [Material]. Select Show [Data Table]. Select a material. to read the specific material text. Select the [Series] tab. Click the edge of the graph outline. Select one material and display this graphically.1-7-3 The previous graphic showed the totals for all materials. select Chart Options. The name of the material should now appear in the title of the legend. Using the right-hand mouse button. the graphic and the legend title will change. 1-7-4 Change the text for the graphic. Select the downward arrow in this column to view all possible materials. Using the right-hand mouse button. Equal sign Name of sheet Exclamation mark Cell number which contains the material text. © SAP AG TAMM20 25-31 . In the "Name" field. in a continuous string. If you select another material. For example: =Sheet1!B4 Press [OK]. Select the [Data Table]. you will see (All). Press [OK]. Click the edge of the graph outline. Show the legend and the data table. Appendices © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 26-1 . Content: Appendices Preface Unit Unit Unit Overview Standard Courses Menu Paths Others © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 26-2 . Overview Standard Courses Contents: Standard Courses in MM Standard Courses in other areas © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 27-1 . Cycle Counting and Inventory Sampling (TAMM10) nearly all subjects (TAMM30) all subjects (TAMM10. If you are interested in subjects contained in these courses. TAMM20 & TAMM30: LO020: LO510: LO511: LO515: LO520: LO521: LO525: LO540: LO550: LO955: all subjects (TAMM10) all subjects (TAMM10. some specials in TAMM20 & TAMM30) overview & important details (TAMM30) ca. Furthermore you are able to get an idea of how many topics are covered in standard courses in the TeamSAP Academy courses TAMM10. 60 % (TAMM10. © SAP AG TAMM20 27-2 . LO925.Materials Management Level 2 LO510 3 days Inventory Management LO515 3 days Invoice Verification LO520 3 days Purchasing Details and Optimization LO525 2 days Consumption-Based Planning and Forecasting LO540 2 days Procurement of External Services 2 days LO925 Cross-Application Business Processes in SD and MM LO640 3 days Foreign Trade 2 days LO715 QM in Procurement © SAP AG 1999 Level 3 5 days LO550 Cross-Functional Customizing in MM 2 days LO521 Pricing in Purchasing LO020 Processes in Procurement 5 days LO955 3 days Batch Management LO235 KANBAN 2 days With the help of this slide you may inform yourself about the standard courses in the MM module. special unit in TAMM30) Physical Inventory: Overview. LO715. 60 % (TAMM20) all subjects (TAMM30) overview & important details (TAMM30) Not covered in the academy are the following courses: LO235. there is no forecast in the academy) ca. LO640. please visit the relevant courses or the related “Advanced Academy” courses. Financial Accounting Level 2 AC200 5 days General Ledger/ Accounts Payable/ Accounts Receivable Configuration Level 3 AC205 2 days Financial Closing AC260 2 days Additional Financial Functionality AC660 5 days EC-CS: Consolidation Functions *AC240 5 days FI-LC: Consolidation Functions **AC900 R/3 For Auditors CA550 3 days 4 days Consolidation AC010 5 days Financial Accounting and Reporting AC290 Real Estate Management AC305 5 days 4 days Asset Accounting AC220 5 days Special Purpose Ledger AC700 5 days Funds Management: Processes. Organization and Configuration HR050 5 days AC270 3 days Travel Management Travel Expenses Human Resources © SAP AG 1999 Inflation Accounting AC275 1 day Travel Management Travel Planning ** from July 2000 on © SAP AG TAMM20 27-3 . Setting up the System AC625 1 day Executive Information System (EIS) 3 Business Planning 2 days Cost Management and Controlling Profitability Analysis AC610 Profit Center Accounting 2 days © SAP AG 1999 AC615 2 days Executive Information System (EIS) 1 Reporting © SAP AG TAMM20 27-4 .Controlling Level 2 Level 3 AC412 2 days Cost Center Accounting: Extended Functionality AC410 Cost Center Accounting 3 days AC415 2 days Overhead Orders AC420 AC040 5 days 2 days Activity Based Costing AC510 3 days Cost Object Controlling for Products AC505 3 days Product Cost Planning AC605 5 days AC515 3 days Cost Object Controlling for Sales Orders AC530 2 days Actual Costing / Material Ledger AC650 Transfer Prices AC620 2 days Executive Information System (EIS) . 6 (1) Level 2 HR505 3 days Organizational Management HR305 3 days Configuration of Master Data HR315 Recruitment HR050 5 days AC270 3 days Travel Management Travel Expenses HR540 3 days Compensation Management HR325 3 days Benefits Administration HR580 Reporting in HR HR250 © SAP AG 1999 Level 3 HR510 Personnel Development 3 days 3 days HR306 3 days HR515 3 days Training and Event Management HR310/311 5 days Time Evaluation HR307 2 days Configuration of Time Recording see HR2 Human Resources Configuration of HR System Controls HR350 5 days Programming in HR HR530 3 days Technical Topics in Human Resources CA500 2 days CATS The Cross Application Time Sheet 3 days 3 days Employee Self Service © SAP AG TAMM20 27-5 .Human Resources 4. 6 (2) Level 2 HR305 3 days Configuration of Master Data Level 3 HR390 Introduction to Payroll HR400 2 days 5 days Payroll Configuration HR050 5 days HR4xx 3 days Country-Specific Payroll HR7xx 2 days Payroll Reporting (Country-Specific) Human Resources © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 27-6 .Human Resources 4. Logistics Execution Level 2 Level 3 LO530 3 days Warehouse Management LO140 3 days Processes in Logistics Execution LO610 Shipping 2 days LO531 3 days Additional Topics in Warehouse Management LO650 3 days Cross-Functional Customizing in SD LO611 Transportation 3 days © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 27-7 . Sales and Distribution Level 2 LO604 Sales Support LO605 Sales LO610 Shipping LO611 Transportation LO615 Billing LO620 Pricing in SD LO640 Foreign Trade 1 day 4 days 2 days 2 days 2 days 3 days 3 days LO650 Cross-Functional Customizing in SD 3 days Level 3 LO606 Sales Workshop 1 day LO150 5 days Processes in Sales and Distribution LO645 2 days Credit and Receivables Risk Management 2 days LO925 Cross-Application Business Processes in SD and MM © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 27-8 . Production Planning Level 2 LO980 3 days Engineering Change Management LO235 KANBAN LO050 5 days Manufacturing Planning & Execution for Discrete & Repetitive LO205 3 days Basic Data for Discrete Manufacturing LO985 3 days LO206 3 days Basic Data Part 2 2 days Level 3 LO210 5 days Production Planning LO215 5 days Production Orders LO225 3 days Repetitive Manufacturing LO930 2 days Logistics Information System (LIS) Reporting 5 days LO990 Variant Configuration Part 1 LO991 3 days Variant Configuration Part 2 LO230 5 days Capacity Planning 2 days LO720 CAP Calculation of Standard Values 2 days LO275 Special Features of LIS in Production 2 days LO935 Logistics Info Planning Classification LO955 3 days Batch Management © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 27-9 . B P: Business Planning AC625 1 day Executive Information System (EIS) 3 Business Planning E C .C S: Consolidation AC660 5 days Consolidation of Investments EC-CS: Consolidation Functions AC205 2 days Financial Closing AC220 5 days Special Purpose Ledger Controlling Enterprise Controlling Financial Accounting AC010 5 days AC665 3 days EC-CS: Integration Financial Accounting and Reporting © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 27-10 .P C A: Profit Center Accounting AC040 5 days AC610 Profit Center Accounting 2 days Cost Management and Controlling E C .E I S: Executive Information System AC615 2 days Executive Information System (EIS) 1 Reporting AC620 2 days Executive Information System (EIS) 2 Setting up the System E C .Enterprise Controlling Level 2 Level 3 E C . Menu Paths Contents: Menu Paths © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 28-1 . 6 Processes in Procurement Activity Master Data: Material master: Create material Material master: Create material (alternative) Material master: Display material Material master: Change material Material master: Extend material view Material master: Enter storage locations collectively: Material master: Materials list Material master: Change documents Info record: Create / Change / Display Vendor (all data) Create / Change / Display Vendor (purchasing data) Create / Change / Display Conditions by vendor Logistics → Materials Management → Material Master → Material → Create (Special) Logistics → Materials Management → Material Master → Material → Create (General) → Immediately Logistics → Materials Management → Material Master → Material → Display → Display Current Logistics → Materials Management → Material Master → Material → Change → Immediately Logistics → Materials Management → Material Master → Other → Extend Material View(s) Logistics → Materials Management → Material Master → Other → Enter Storage Locations Logistics → Materials Management → Material Master → Other → Materials List Logistics → Materials Management → Material Master → Material → Display Changes → Active Changes Logistics → Materials Management → Purchasing → Master Data → Info Record → … Logistics → Materials Management → Purchasing → Master Data → Vendor→ Central→ … Logistics → Materials Management → Purchasing → Master Data → Vendor→ Purchasing → … Logistics → Materials Management → Purchasing Master Data → Conditions → Discounts/Surcharges → By Vendor Logistics → Materials Management → Service Master → Service → Service Master Logistics → Materials Management → Service Master → Service → Service Conditions → For Service → Display Logistics → Materials Management → Service Master → Service → Service Conditions → For Vendor Without Plant → Display TAMM20 28-2 Menu Path Service master Service conditions for service Service conditions for vendor without plant © SAP AG .Frequently-used Menu Paths LO020 4. Logistics → Materials Management → Purchasing → Purchase Order → Inbound Delivery → ... Logistics → Materials Management → Inventory Management → Goods Movement → Goods Receipt → For Purchase Order Logistics → Materials Management → Inventory Management → Goods Movement → Transfer Posting Logistics → Materials Management → Service TAMM20 28-3 Documents: Purchase requisition: Create / Change / Display RFQ: Create Quotation: Maintain Price comparison RFQ / Rejection: Issue message Purchase order: Create / Change / Display Purchase requisition / Purchase order: Assign and process Create purchase order automatically Purchase order: Issue message Contract: Create / Change / Display Shipping notification: Create / Change / Display Enter goods receipt Enter transfer posting Enter service © SAP AG ..Activity Service conditions for vendor with plant Menu Path Logistics → Materials Management → Service Master → Service → Service Conditions → For Vendor with Plant → Display Logistics → Materials Management → Purchasing → Purchase Requisition → … Logistics → Materials Management → Purchasing → RFQ/Quotation → Request for Quotation → Create Logistics → Materials Management → Purchasing → RFQ/Quotation → Quotation → Maintain Logistics → Materials Management → Purchasing → RFQ/Quotation → Quotation → Price Comparison Logistics → Materials Management → Purchasing RFQ/Quotation → Request for Quotation → Messages → Print/Transmit Logistics → Materials Management → Purchasing → Purchase Order → Create → Vendor/Supplying Plant Known Logistics → Materials Management → Purchasing → Purchase Requisition → FollowOn Functions → Assign and Process Logistics → Materials Management → Purchasing → Purchase Requistion → FollowOn Functions → Create Purchase Order → Automatically via Purchase Requisitions Logistics → Materials Management → Purchasing → Purchase Order → Messages → Print/Transmit Logistics → Materials Management → Purchasing → Outline Agreement → Contract → .. Reporting and Information List display: Purchase Logistics → Materials Management → requisitions Purchasing → Purchase Requisition → List Displays List display: Purchase orders List display: RFQ / Quotation List display: Info records Logistics → Materials Management → Purchasing → Purchase Order → List Displays Logistics → Materials Management → Purchasing → RFQ/Quotation → Request for Quotation → List Displays Logistics → Materials Management → Purchasing→ Master Data → Info Record → List Displays → … Logistics → Materials Management → Inventory Management → Environment → List Displays → Material Documents Logistics → Materials Management → Inventory Management → Environment → Stock → Stock Overview Logistics → Materials Management → Inventory Management → Environment → Stock → Stock/Requirements List Logistics → Materials Management → Purchasing → Purchase Order → Reporting → Purchasing Information System → Standard analyses → Purchasing group Logistics → Materials Management → Inventory Management → Environment → Inventory Controlling → Standard analyses → Storage location List display: Goods receipts Stock overview Stock/requirements list Purchasing group analysis Analysis of storage location © SAP AG TAMM20 28-4 . Single-Level Evaluated receipt settlement (ERS) Single planning run List Displays.Activity Enter invoice Menu Path Entry Sheet → Maintain Logistics → Materials Management → Invoice Verification → Logistics Invoice Verification → Document Entry → Enter Invoice Logistics → Materials Management → Invoice Verification → Logistics Invoice Verification → Further Processing → Execute ERS Logistics → Materials Management → Materials Requirements Planning (MRP) → MRP → Planning → Single-Item. new evaluation Vendor Master Record Source List Quota Arrangement Classification Mass Maintenance Vendor Evaluation Maintain Vendor Evaluation Automatic New Evaluation Documents: Purchase Order Logistics→Materials Management→Purchasing→Purchase order→Create→Vendor/supplying plant known Logistics→Materials Management→Purchasing→Outline agreement→Contract→Create Logistics→Materials Management→Purchasing→Outline agreement→Scheduling agreement→Create→Vendor known Logistics→Materials Management→Purchasing→Outline agreement→Scheduling agreement→Delivery schedule→Maintain TAMM20 28-5 Contracts Scheduling Agreement Scheduling Agreement Delivery Schedule © SAP AG .Frequently-used Menu Paths Activity Master Data: Material Master Record Purchasing Info Record Menu Path Logistics→Materials Management→Material Master→Material→Create/Change/Display Logistics→Materials Management→Purchasing→Master data→Info record→Create/Change/Display Logistics→Materials Management→Purchasing→Master data→Vendor→Purchasing/Central→Create/Ch ange/ Display Logistics→Materials Management→Purchasing→Master data→Source list→Maintain Logistics→Materials Management→Purchasing→Master data→Quota arrangement→Maintain Logistics→Central Functions→Classification→Master data Logistics→Central Functions→Mass Maintenance→Mass maintenance→Dialog processing Logistics→Materials Management→Purchasing→Master data→Vendor evaluation→Maintain Logistics→Materials Management→Purchasing→Master data→Vendor evaluation→Autom. list Logistics→Materials Management→Purchasing→ Requisition→Follow on functions→Assign and process Logistics→Materials Management→Invoice Verification→Logistics Invoice Verification→Further processing→Invoicing plan Logistics→Materials Management→Purchasing→ Requisition→Release→Individual release/Collective release Logistics→Materials Management→ Purchasing→ Requisition→Follow on functions→Create purchase order→Automat. TAMM20 28-6 Purchase Requisition Lists Info Records Vendor Evaluation Ranking List Vendor Evaluation: Evaluation per Material/Material Group © SAP AG ./gp. assgt. via PReqs Invoicing Plan: Automatic Settlement Release of Purchase Requisitions Automatic Generation of Purchase Orders Reports/Analyses Purchase Order Lists Logistics→Materials Management→Purchasing→Purchase order→List displays→By vendor/By materials Logistics→Materials Management→Purchasing→ Requisition→List displays→General Logistics→Materials Management→Purchasing→Master data→Info record→List displays→By vendor/By material Logistics→Materials Management→Purchasing→Master data→Vendor evaluation→List displays→Ranking lists Logistics→Materials Management→Purchasing→Master data→Vendor evaluation→List displays→Evalns. per mat.Purchase Requisition Purchase Order with Source Determination Process Assigned Purchase Requisitions Assign and Process Purchase Requisitions Logistics→Materials Management→ Purchasing→Requisition→Create Logistics→Materials Management→Purchasing→Purchase order→Create→Vendor unknown Logistics→Materials Management→Purchasing→Purchase order→Create→Via req. Customizing: All menu paths begin with: Tools→AcceleratedSAP→Customizing→Edit Project→SAP Reference IMG→Materials Management→Purchasing Release Creation Profile for Scheduling Agreements Regular Vendor User Parameter EVO User Parameter EFB Scheduling Agreement→Maint. Rel. Agmt w. creation profile for Sched. Docu. Rel. Source Determination→Define Regular Vendor Environment Data→Define Default Values for Buyers→Settings for Default Values Authorization Management→Define Function Authorizations for Buyers→Function Authorizations: Purchase Order Purchase Order→Invoicing Plan Purchase Requisition→Release Procedure Purchase Order→Define Release Procedure Vendor Evaluation Material Master→Define Manufacturer Part Profile Invoicing Plan Release Procedures for Requisitions Release Procedures for Purchase Orders Vendor Evaluation Manufacturer Parts Profile © SAP AG TAMM20 28-7 . Menu paths for LO510 Goods movement Goods receipt / Goods issue / Stock transfer / Transfer posting Documents Reservation / Purchase order / Invoice / Material document Pipeline Goods issue from pipeline / Pipeline liabilities Consignment Transfer posting consignment to own / Goods issue from consignment stores / Consignment liabilities / Display vendor consignment stock / Display vendor consignment liabilities Subcontracting Transfer posting to stock with subcontractor / SC stocks per vendor / Subsequent adjustment Master data Info record / Material master record / Bill of material Reports Stock overview / Material documents for material / Current stock/requirements list / Material document for posting date / Consumption statistics / Warehouse material / Reservations for material / Reason for movement © SAP AG TAMM20 28-8 . stck entry (ext) To unrestricted (movement type 561) (transaction MB1C) © SAP AG TAMM20 28-9 . choose „S“ in the field marked T (stock type).Goods movement Goods receipt Logistics Materials management Goods movement Goods receipt For Purchase order Inventory management Purchase order PO number known (movement type 101) (transaction MB01) For purchase order PO number unknown (movement type 101) (transaction MB0A) GR blocked stock For Purchase Order (movement type 103) PO number known Blocked stock For Purchase order PO number known (movement type 101). bals Choose Others. choose movement type Receipt Init. From the menu. To post the material to blocked stock. choose movement type To unrestricted (movement Receipt Init. From the menu. For Purchase order PO number known (Movement type 101). To post the material to quality inspection stock. choose „X“ in the field marked T (stock type).stck entry (own) type 561) (transaction MB1C) Choose Others. stock Init. Quality insp. entry of st. in storage (movement type 301) Two-step proc. TAMM20 Transfer posting Stor. fm/pl. loc. From blocked Stock transfer Logistics Materials management Inventory management Goods movement Transfer posting (transaction MB1B) Plant to plant One-step procedure Movement type Transfer posting Plant to plant Rem.Goods issue Logistics Materials management Inventory management Goods movement Goods issue (transaction MB1A) Goods issue to a cost center Movement type Consumption To cost center From warehouse (movement type 201) Issue to sampling Movement type Issue To sampling unrestricted (movement type 333) Movement type Issue To sampling inspection (movement type 331) Movement type Issue To sampling blocked (movement type 335) From From qual. 28-10 . © SAP AG Rem. loc to stor. fm stor. (step 2) Stor. to stor. loc. (step 1) Two-step proc. in stor. From Issue to scrap Movement type Issue To scrap unrestricted (movement type 551) Movement type Issue To scrap inspection (movement type 553) Issue Movement type (movement type 555) To scrap From From qual. in plant (movement type 305) Movement type loc. to plant (movement type 303) Pl. to unrestr. (movement type 311) Two-step proc. (step 2) Rem. (step 1) Two-step proc. (movement type 343) Movement type Transfer posting Stock to stock QI to unrestricted (movement type 321) Documents Reservation Logistics Materials management Reservation Reservation Reservation Reservation Reservation Reservation Inventory management Create Change Display Manage For material Create (transaction MB21) Change (transaction MB22) Display (transaction MB23) Manage (transaction MBVR) For material (transaction MB24) © SAP AG TAMM20 28-11 .One-step procedure Unrestr. in storage SLoc (movement type 315) Transfer posting Material to material Stock to stock Movement type Transfer posting material (movement type 309) Material to Movement type Transfer posting Stock to stock Blocked to unrestr. fm. storage SLoc (movement type 313) Pl. Purchase order Create Change Display PO statistics Logistics Materials management Create Purchasing Purchase order Purchase order Purchase order Purchase order Stock transfer (transaction ME27) Change (transaction ME22) Display (transaction ME23) Purchasing Purchase Statistics General Logistics Materials management order Display. Then choose Item Materials management Logistics verification Document entry Further processing Purchasing Purchase Statistics PO history Invoice Invoice Invoice verification Create Display Enter invoice (transaction MRHR) Display (transaction MR03) Mat. doc. Then choose Item PO history Logistics Materials management order Display. Logistics Materials management Material document Material document Material document Material document Inventory management Display Change Cancel Display (transaction MR03) Change (transaction MR02) Cancel/reverse (transaction MBST) © SAP AG TAMM20 28-12 . Pipeline Goods issue from pipeline Movement type Consumption To cost center From pipeline (movement type 201) (transaction MB1A ) Pipeline liabilities Logistics Materials management Invoice verification Invoice verification Further processing Settle cons./pipe. liabs (transaction MRKO) © SAP AG TAMM20 28-13 . liabilities (transaction MRKO) Display vendor consignment stock Environment Inventory Management Consignment Consgnmt from vendor (transaction MB54) Stock Display consignment liabilities Inventory management Environment Consignment Consgnmt from vendor Liability (transaction MRKO) © SAP AG TAMM20 28-14 ./pipe. From the menu. choose movement type Consumption To cost center From consgt.Consignment Transfer of consignment stock Logistics Materials management Inventory management Goods movement Transfer posting. choose movement type Transfer posting Vendor consignment QI to unrestricted (movement type 321) (transaction MB1B) Logistics Materials management Inventory management Goods movement Transfer posting. From the menu. choose movement type Vendor consignment Transfer posting Consignment to own (movement type 403) (transaction MB1B) Goods issue from consignment stock Logistics Materials management Inventory management Goods movement Goods issue. From the menu. stores (movement type 201) (transaction MB1A) Settle consignment liabilities Logistics Materials management Invoice verification Invoice verification Further processing Settle cons. From unrestricted (movement type 541) (transaction MB1B) SC stocks per vendor Logistics Materials management Purchasing Purchase order Reporting SC stocks per vendor (transaction ME20) Subsequent adjustment Logistics Materials management Inventory management Goods movement Subsequent adjustment Subcontracting (transaction MB04) Master data Info records Logistics Materials management Info record Info record Info record Info record Logistics Purchasing Master data Create Display Change Material master Create Change Display © SAP AG Create (transaction ME11) Create (transaction ME12) Change (transaction ME13) Materials management Material master Material Create (general) Change Display Immediately (transaction MMR1) Immediately (transaction MM02) Display current (transaction MM03) TAMM20 28-15 .Subcontracting Transfer posting to subcontractor Logistics Materials management Inventory management Goods movement Transfer posting Movement type Transfer posting Stck w. subcontract. doc. f. date (transaction Material documents for posting date List displays MD59) Warehouse stock Environment MD52) Stock Warehouse stock (transaction © SAP AG TAMM20 28-16 . for material (transaction Reason for movement List displays MBGR) Stock Reason for movement (transaction Stock/requirements list Stock/rqmts. list (transaction MD04) Mat. postg. doc.Bill of material Logistics material Production Master data Bills of material Material BOM Display (transaction CS03) Bill of Reports Logistics Materials management Environment Inventory management Stock overview Stock Stock overview (transaction MMBE) Material documents for material List displays MB51) Mat. Choose DD in the „scope of list“ box. (then click on the right arrow to scroll along to the Consumption option) Consumption (transaction MMBE) Consumption statistics from plant stock availability: Call up the plant stock availability for a material and a plant.Consumption statistics from stock overview: Create a stock overview and place the cursor on the plant line. Place the cursor on the plant line and choose the „ consumption values“ pushbutton (transaction CO09). © SAP AG TAMM20 28-17 . Then choose Extras Display material Choose the Extras pushbutton. Automatic Logistics → Materials management → Purchasing → Requisition → Create Logistics → Materials management → Purchasing → Requisition → Follow-on functions → Create purchase order → Automat. via PReqs Logistics → Materials management → Purchasing → Requisition → Follow on functions → Assign and process Logistics → Materials management → Purchasing → RFQ/Quotation → RFQ → Create Logistics → Materials management → Purchasing → RFQ/Quotation → Quotation → Maintain Logistics → Materials management → Purchasing → RFQ/Quotation → Quotation → Price comparison TAMM20 28-18 Purchase Requisition. Assign and Process Request for Quotation (RFQ) Quotation Quotation. Price Comparison © SAP AG .Menupath Procurement of External Services Activity Master Data: Service Master Record Service Master Conditions without Vendor Service Master Conditions with Vendor Service Master Conditions with Vendor and Plant Model Service Specification Standard Service Catalog Vendor. Change Logistics → Materials management → Service master → Service → Service master Logistics → Materials management → Service master → Service → Service conditions → For service → Add Logistics → Materials management → Service master → Service → Service conditions → For vendor without plant → Add Logistics → Materials management → Service master → Service → Service conditions → For vendor with plant → Add Logistics → Materials management → Service master → Model service specification → Create Logistics → Materials management → Service master → Standard service catalog → Create Logistics → Materials management → Purchasing → Master data → Vendor → Purchasing → Change (current) Menu Path Documents: Purchase Requisition Purchase Requisition. Purchase Order Logistics → Materials Management → Purchasing → Purchase order → Create → Vendor/supplying plant known Logistics → Materials Management → Purchasing → Outline agreement → Contract → Create Logistics → Materials Management → Service entry sheet → Maintain Logistics → Materials management → Invoice Verification → Logistics invoice verification → Document entry → Enter invoice Logistics → Plant maintenance → Planned maintenance → Maintenance planning → Maintenance plans → Create → Single cycle plan Logistics → Plant Maintenance → Maintenance processing → Order → Create (General) Logistics → Project System → Basic Data → Project → Special Maintenance functions → Network → Change Logistics → Customer service → Service processing → Order → Service order → Change Human Resources → Time Management → Time sheet → Time data → Enter times Contract Service Entry Sheet Invoice Verification PM Maintenance Plan PM Maintenance Order PS Network SM Orders Time Sheets Reports and Lists: Service Master Lists Standard Service Catalog List Logistics → Materials management → Service master → Service → Service list Logistics → Materials management → Service Master → Standard Service Catalog → List Display Logistics → Materials management → Invoice verification → Logistics invoice verification → Further processing → Invoicing plan Logistics → Materials management → Invoice Verification → Logistics invoice verification → Further processing → Execute ERS Logistics → Materials Management → Service Entry Sheet → Collective Release Logistics → Materials Management → Service TAMM20 28-19 Invoicing Plans Report. Create Invoices ERS Report. Collective Release Service Entry Sheets. Data © SAP AG . Create Invoices Service Entry Sheets. . Actual Service Entry Sheets Lists Entry Sheet → Data Transfer . Logistics → Materials Management → Purchasing → Purchase order → List displays → External service → by service Logistics → Materials Management → Purchasing → Purchase order → List displays → External service → Planned/actual comp. Planned vs. field display Screen Layout for Services in Documents Sources for Assignment. Logistics → Materials Management → Service entry sheet → List Analyses → Entry sheets for purchase order Customizing: All menu paths begin with: Tools → AcceleratedSAP → Customizing → Edit Project → SAP reference IMG → Materials management Service Master: Service Categories. Service → Define Screen Layout Service → Source Determination & Default Value → For Client. Service → Formulas for quantity determination → Specify names for Formulas Purchasing → Account Assignment → Define combination… Service → Define Release Procedure for External Services. Automatic PO Define Condition Schemas … Formulas. Variables Account Assignment Categories and Item Categories Service Entry Sheet Release Procedure © SAP AG TAMM20 28-20 . .Transfer Purchase Order Lists by External Service Purchase Order External Services. Formulas. number ranges. Define Service → Service Master . . . Service → Maintain Conditions for Services Service → Formulas for quantity determination → Define Formulas. Others Contents: Material Master Tables The Full-Cycle SAP B2B Procurement Solution SAP B2B Procurement Architecture © SAP AG 1999 © SAP AG TAMM20 29-1 . Table Structure MARA MAKT MARM MVKE MLAN MEAN MBEW MARC MLGN MLGT MARD MVER MAPR © SAP AG 1999 The individual tables contain the following data: MARA General data MAKT MARM MVKE MLAN MEAN MBEW MARC MLGN MLGT MARD MVER MAPR Descriptions/short texts Conversion factors Sales data per sales organization Sales data per country EAN (European Article Number) data Valuation data Material data per plant Material data per WM warehouse Material data per WM storage type Material data per storage location Consumption data Forecast data (pointer) © SAP AG TAMM20 29-2 .Material Master . Supplier based . and reduces cycle-time.ERS Procurement Card interface Reporting GUI as part of EnjoySAP Initiative. cuts costs. Unlike current best-ofbreed solutions that only handle certain isolated tasks. © SAP AG TAMM20 29-3 . repair and operations (MRO) of both goods and services. and reservations Desktop receiving and service entry support Invoicing Reporting © SAP AG 1999 SAP BBP handles all the processes associated with the procurement of maintenance. allows process transparency. purchase orders. purchase orders.The Full-Cycle SAP B2B Procurement Solution Steps of the SAP B2B Procurement Solution • • • • • • Creation and editing of requisitions. purchase orders and reservations Desktop receiving and service entry support Invoicing . the SAP BBP solution manages all the steps within the requisition-to-payment process: Creation and maintenance of requisitions. It effectively organizes and automates MRO purchasing by moving the buying process to the corporate employee’s desktop. and reservations Approval and rejection of requisitions and purchase orders Status and tracking of requisitions. This improves order accuracy. purchase orders and reservations Approval and rejection of requisitions and purchase orders Status and tracking of requisitions. by FROG Design. R/3 Rel. 4.SAP B2B Procurement Architecture Built upon R/3 core Purchasing functionality SAP B2B Proc.5A 4. R/3 Rel.1H R/3 Release 4.0B 4. 3.0B R/3 Release 4. Based on R/3 core purchasing functionality and SAP Business Workflow. © SAP AG TAMM20 29-4 . R/3 Rel.5A R/3 Rel. 4. Based on open scalable SAP Business Framework architecture for component design and interfaces BAPIs for realtime cross enterprise supplier integration based on XML technology.5A Based on R/3 Release 4.1H 3.1H Incorporates SAP Business Workflow Communicates with one of the following R/3 R/3 Release 3.0B Non Non R/3 R/3 R/3 Rel. First Customer Shipment (FCS) in Q4/1998.5 nucleus Built using the SAP ITS technology © SAP AG 1999 Solution delivered as part of SAP SCM initiative. R/3 Rel.
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